1 minute read
10.OK, so what’s the first step?
Statistically, what’s the most popular day for starting your retirement plan? Easy, it’s ‘tomorrow’.
Funnily enough it’s the most popular day to start a diet too. The good news is you’ve already taken the first step.
By downloading and reading this guide you’ve moved “Thinking about retirement” from the list of things to get around to to the list of things in progress.
We can help you from here and it’s not as foreboding as you might think. Sure there’ll be questions, a bit of soul searching maybe, but we’ll be right with you throughout the whole thing.
We’ll start by getting to know you – who you are, what you want from life and what really matters to you. Then we’ll work together to understand your ambitions and how you’ll go about achieving them.
We’ll put together your Metis LifePlan, bringing structure, reassurance and objective expertise to the table. Thinking about the future will always involve emotions; we can’t take them away, but we can help you to keep them in check, so they don’t get in the way of reaching your goals.
Even if you feel like you’re coming to this late in the day, it’s important to know that working with Metis Ireland means expertise in your corner, for as long as you need it. We’ll make sure you understand your plan and we’ll take you through your options, explaining each route and how it could work for you.
When you’re happy to go ahead, we’ll take care of the paperwork and administration and we’ll meet with you each year to review your Metis LifePlan. Lives evolve and circumstances change, so we’ll keep checking in to make sure you’re still on course.