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Talent Definition G


Discovering Talent



Welcome To

Ing Talent Definition



Discovering Talent at ING.





As a line manager, you have a lead role in assessing your direct reports in order to support the development of talents, other employees and accelerate the progress of ING as a whole. This document provides an overview of how to assess individuals based on the enhanced ING Talent Definition, which consists the following aspects: 1. Performance : The ING Leadership Profile,including enhanced definitions of the Leadership Competencies. 2. Potential

: The identified Growth Indicators.

3. Ambition

: The advancement motivation of the individual.

Together, an individual’s current performance, future potential and overall ambition will provide a good estimate of an individual’s likelihood to advance in the organisation and grow to senior positions.



What Do We Mean By ‘talent’ at ING?


What Do We Mean By ‘talent’ at ING?


A ‘talent’ at ING is someone who demonstrates: (1) Job Performance (2) Potential (3) Ambition

Talent definition To be rated an ‘ING Talent’, an individual needs: 1. An overall excellent performance [at least over the past 2 years; ratings of individuals in a new position may be excluded]: • Strong business results, i.e. a minimum yearly performance rating of at least one 2 rating in the past two years. • Outstanding behaviour, i.e. an overall ‘Capable & Effective’ or ‘Role Model’ leadership score. 2. In addition, they should have a clear potential to grow, i.e. green potential factors should be dominating. 3. And finally, the conclusions on an individual’s career ambitions will support the above by including a personal view by the individual of his/her way forward.



Segmentation. Guide to levels.


Segmentation. Guide to levels.


A talent at ING can be segmented into three categories: Senior Talent (A) • They usually are Senior Managers in the Organisation (DGMs/ GMs/VPs). In addition to superior job performance , they demonstrate the potential and ambition to take on the role of: a. A CEO of a medium – large business unit. b. A key functional/business head of a large business unit. c. A key regional functional head. • They can range from “ready now” to in “1 – 3 years’ time”.

Mid Career Talent (B) • They usually are middle-level managers (Managers/ Senior Managers). In addition to superior job performance, they demonstrate the potential and ambition to take on the role of: a. functional/business head of a medium – large business unit b. regional functional manager • They can range from “ready now” to in “1 – 3 years’ time”.

Early Career Talent (C) • They are usually young talents (Asst. Managers, Deputy Managers), who are less than 30 years of age and with less than 5 years of work experience. Besides superior job performance, they demonstrate the potential and ambition to secure two promotions in 3 years time. They can range from “ready now” to in “1 – 3 years’ time”.



Discovering Performance.


Discovering Performance.


Guidelines - Performance The performance of an individual consists of ‘what’ has been done, and ‘how’ this has been done.

ING’s Leadership Profile

Yearly performance appraisal

Leadership score

Leadership Score: • Based on Leadership Profile. • Three ratings: I. Role Model II. Capable & Effective III. Needs Development • Assess each of the five competency categories and conclude by giving one overall Leadership score (i.e. the overall dominating score based on the five ratings). • Use a group of peers (same operating level, same type of position, etc.) to calibrate and compare against each other.



Discovering. Leadership Behaviour.


Role Model Capable and Effective Needs Development


Descriptor: High Performer

Descriptor: High Performance Talent

Descriptor: Group Key Potentials or Top Talents

Exceeds or Far Exceeds Performance Expectations Growth Potential not present

Exceeds or Far Exceeds Performance Expectations Growth Potential limited or unclear

Exceeds or Far Exceeds Performance Growth Potential present




Descriptor: Emerging Specialist

Descriptor: Solid Contributor

Descriptor: Key Talents(Rising Star)

Meets Performance Expectations Growth Potential not present

Meets Performance Expectations Growth Potential limited or unclear

Meets Performance Expectations Growth Potential present




Descriptor: Underperformer

Descriptor: At Risk

Descriptor: New to Role

Below Performance Expectations Growth Potential not present

Below Performance Expectations Growth Potential limited or unclear

Too early to assess performance Growth Potential present




Growth Potential not present

Growth Potential limited or unclear



Growth Potential present

Performance Potential Matrix Leadership Behaviour Rating Descriptors:

Role Model: ■

Demonstrates mastery of leadership beyond the capable and effective level. He/she has earned a reputation of being proactive, influential, and sought after. They consistently reach beyond the obvious to innovate and inspire others from a broad perspective.

Capable & Effective: ■

Consistently demonstrates ING’s high standards of leadership. He/she recognises the impact their actions have on others and on the bottom-line. They are valued, dependable, resourceful and they get things done.

Needs Development: ■ ■

Fails to meet ING’s high standards of leadership. He/she responds or reacts to situations and people in the workplace. But he/she is often unaware of the impact of his/her actions on people and results.




Leadership Profile Within the Winning Performance Culture



Leadership Profile Within the Winning Performance Culture


Drives for Results – with Integrity and Compliant Behaviour

Builds, Engages and Focuses on the Customer

Empowers High Performing Teams

Creates and Decides on Vision and Strategy

Sells the Strategic Direction

Change Leadership


Creates Energy for Results

Achieves Results through Execution

Customer Orientation

Global awareness of the market


People Leadership


Understands the strategic Context

Shares understanding of the vision


Challenges paradigms

Shows desire to perform with excellence

Executes tasks

Responds to Customer requests

Develops understanding of the global market

Helps colleagues

Assigns tasks


Organises and analyses strategically relevant information

Translates ING’s vision

Communicate why change has to happen

Identifies market drivers

Drives improvement and sets stretching goals

Organises work

Actively gets to know and understand the customer

Maintains awareness of the global market

Actively supports colleagues

Explains what to do and why


Evaluates strategies

Influences movement

Actively encourages change

Energetically pursues profitable business ventures

Monitors business results and people’s performance with clear measurements

Mobilises resources

Demonstrates a detailed nderstanding of customer needs

Demonstrates an understanding of the global market

Engages and learns from colleagues

Invites input from the team


Defines strategy

Compels others to action

Aligns change initiatives

Drives innovative business performance

Designs team processes and efficient management information

Executes a plan

Anticipates customers’ business needs

Recognises global impact

Actively demonstrates collaboration

Engages people & teams


Builds the strategic direction

Energises around a longterm strategic direction

Drives change

Energises innovative business impact

Inspires others to perform with excellence

Executes a strategy

Leads the customer relationship

Develops globally competitive customer solutions

Drives collaboration for business results

Empowers people & teams



Senior Career (M6-M8)

Embraces & Drives for Change and is an Entrepreneur

Human Capital

Mid Career (M3-M5)

Creates Shared Vision & Strategy

Performance Execution

Early Career (M1-M2)

Shared Direction

Level 15 • • • •

Increasing Context Complexity From more Reactive to more Pro-active Behaviour From more Personal Action to Inspiring Others to Take Ownership Increasing Style Flexibility 27


Guidelines – Performance Leaderaship Competencies


1. Creates Shared Vision & Strategy General Definition Leaders demonstrating this competency think beyond their own area and take strategic decisions based on how they create value in the long term. They are able to stand back from their daily work in order to see the bigger picture and they are able to understand their role in the broader context. This competency requires the ability to think through complex problems, using both analytical and conceptual skills.

1. Creates Shared Vision & Strategy General Definition Leaders demonstrating this competency translate ING’s vision and strategy into a shared direction for their Business Unit or Business Line and energise others to perform towards that common goal. They communicate and share information and knowledge across ING.

2. Embraces & Drives for Change and is an Entrepreneur General Definition Leaders demonstrating this competency drive change through continuous improvement and energise and align people and processes to help make the change happen.


Embraces & Drives for Change and is an Entrepreneur

General Definition Leaders demonstrating this competency build and share their understanding of key market drivers, seize business and customer focus opportunities, and look for new markets, products, or services to drive business performance.

3. Drives for Results with Integrity & Compliant Behaviour General Definition Leaders demonstrating this competency focus on energising people and improving and simplifying common work process to enhance results and to reduce bureaucracy whilst remaining compliant. They achieve this by acting with integrity, taking clear and firm decisions, and by ensuring that people are accountable for meeting the demanding standards of performance expected in a Winning Performance Culture.


Creates and decides on vision and strategy Sells the strategic direction

Creates and decides on vision and strategy Sells the strategic direction

Change Leadership Entrepreneurship

Change Leadership Entrepreneurship

Creates energy for results Achieves results through execution


Guidelines – Performance Leaderaship Competencies

3. Drives for Results with Integrity & Compliant Behaviour General Definition Leaders demonstrating this competency drive for improvement in business results through focus on execution. They translate plans into operational reality. Acting with integrity and compliance, they break down strategies or business initiatives into key tasks and identifying accountabilities. They align communication, people, culture, processes, resources and systems to ensure effective implementation and delivery of required results.

4. Focuses on the Customer General Definition Leaders demonstrating this competency know the customers they serve, the competitors, suppliers, and how to address individual needs. They build long-term strategic relationships with customers based on integrity and trust, mindful of relevant laws and regulations. These leaders have a passion to serve the customer (internal & external) and strengthen the ING Brand.

4. Focuses on the Customer General Definition Leaders demonstrating this competency have a clear understanding of the competitive global business environment / markets as well as an awareness of economic, social, and political trends that impact ING’s global strategy.

5. Builds, Engages & Empowers High Performing Teams General Definition Leaders demonstrating this competency drive collaboration in a global and diverse environment in order to positively impact on business performance. They energise colleagues including other Business Lines to collaborate. They understand the broader context of ING Group and easily work across the business beyond their own area.

5. Builds, Engages & Empowers High Performing Teams General Definition Leaders demonstrating this competency have a passion for people, they energise them and are able to align and build effective teams comprised of diverse individuals. They focus on people from a customised leadership approach to fit the specific needs of the individual and situation. They develop the capabilities of others and stimulate learning of themselves and others. These individuals facilitate team performance and create a learning environment. They recognise performance and behavior through distinction in rewarding. This competency includes leadership roles in cross-functional, cross organisational, or project teams as well as, business management positions.


Creates energy for results Achieves results through execution

Customer orientation Global awareness of the market

Customer orientation Global awareness of the market

Collaboration People leadership

Collaboration People leadership



Discovering Potential.


Discovering Potential.


Guidelines - Potential Assessing potential using generic ‘growth indicators’ or ‘potential factors’. The potential factors assess an individual’s capacity to take increasingly business critical, complex or challenging roles, and in essence help to differentiate between good performers and high potentials.

Growth Indication rating: Based on the 10 growth indicators, each indicator must be rated: • Red (not present), amber (limited presence or unclear) or green (present) through the use of probing Questions. • Conclude with one overall Growth Indication which is rated. • based on the dominant colour of the 10 individual ratings. • Always compare with peers (i.e. people working at a similar level). lts


P fo assio rr es n ult s

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Growth Indicators

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Desire to lea d



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Potential/Growth Indicators Identifying someone’s growth potential is different to rating current job performance. High current job performance is a prerequisite to leadership potential, however, in addition there are several growth indicators that can be used to assess (future) growth potential.


Desire to lea d

Growth Indicators

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Potential/Growth Indicators


1. Factor: Willingness/ Desire to lead •

Demonstrates leadership motivation.

Displays upward ambition to influence others within the organisation.

Pursues formal and informal leadership opportunities.

In assigning a rating consider how effectively the candidate: a. Displays motivation to advance within the organisation? b. Actively pursues leadership opportunities? c. Seeks roles involving influence over others? d. Takes on informal leadership roles within/outside of current group?

2. Factor: Brings out the best in people •

Cultivates and optimises talent and capability.


Inspires performance and morale. Believes in the strengths of others.

Unites others toward common goals.

In assigning a rating consider how effectively the candidate: a. Maximises the performance potential of direct reports? b. Makes a wide variety of people feel valued and appreciated? c. Inspires others to provide their maximum effort? d. - Provides honest and straightforward feedback? e. - Identifies and addresses substandard performance among subordinates?

3. Factor: Personal authenticity •

Provides genuine and true opinions and statements. Acts with integrity.

Promotes trust among others. Expresses self-disclosure when appropriate.

Displays confidence while avoiding arrogance

In assigning a rating consider how effectively the candidate: a. Serves as a model of integrity and reliability for others? b. Builds high levels of trust in relationships with others? c. Demonstrates complete willingness to take responsibility for their own actions? d. Avoids hidden motives when working with others? e. Demonstrates personal confidence without being seen as arrogant?





Growth Indicators

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Potential/Growth Indicators


1. Factor: Receptivity to feedback •

Seeks and uses feedback.

Welcomes and accepts constructive criticism. Displays humility.

Demonstrates high expectations for themselves.

In assigning a rating consider how effectively the candidate: a. Reacts positively to constructive criticism? b. Recognises and accepts personal development needs? c. Demonstrates willingness to admit personal mistakes? d. Actively and sincerely seeks feedback for improvement? e. Demonstrates self-insight into personal strengths and development needs?

2. Factor: Agility in learning •

Learns from experiences and mistakes. Quickly assimilates new Information.

Displays intellectual curiosity.

Has a wide range of interests.

In assigning a rating consider how effectively the candidate: a. Quickly leverages newly gained knowledge to improve performance? b. Avoids making similar mistakes repeatedly? c. Applies knowledge learned in one setting to new settings? d. everages new thinking and ideas from diverse sources? e. Readily applies information from professional learning opportunities (e.g., books, articles, conferences)?

3. Factor: Ability tothink conceptually •

Thinks in broad/conceptual terms.

Sees issues from new perspectives. Understands how components come together.

Demonstrates expansive thinking to resolve problems.

In assigning a rating consider how effectively the candidate: a. Thinks beyond their own area to broader organisational issues? b. Uses multiple strategic perspectives to view issues and decisions? c. Envisions future conditions and needs, not just present circumstances? d. Understands the various elements that need to be integrated to solve bigger organisational problems? e. Avoids focusing on only the first or easiest answer to a problem?

3. Factor: Ability tothink conceptually •

Can see in “shades of grey”.

Simplifies the complex.

Responds effectively to unclear situations.

Maintains confidence despite ambiguity.

In assigning a rating consider how effectively the candidate: a. Guides others to respond to ambiguity or uncertainty successfully? b. Demonstrates confidence in making timely decisions despite incomplete information? c. Responds effectively to ambiguous or poorly defined work challenges? d. Quickly identifies the key issues within complex situations or circumstances? e. Evaluates alternative decisions by incorporating vague supporting information? 43

P fo assio rr es n ult s

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Growth Indicators


Potential/Growth Indicators


1. Factor: Adaptability •

Demonstrates a “can do” attitude.

Embraces change.

Adjusts readily to new situations/people.

Balances multiple and competing demands.

In assigning a rating consider how effectively the candidate: a. Maintains high performance even after experiencing major changes? b. Adjusts readily to new situations and challenges? c. Focuses on the positive or beneficial aspects of change? d. Effectively adjusts to multiple or changing demands? e. Avoids negativity and frustration with changing priorities and environments?

2. Factor: Agility in learning •

Gets things done.

Overcomes obstacles.

Strives for excellence.

Demonstrates perseverance and “iron will” in the face of challenge.

In assigning a rating consider how effectively the candidate: a. Shows a passion for getting things done? b. Demonstrates perseverance when met with obstacles? c. Focuses on tangible results, not just processes? d. Displays personal commitment toward group or organisational goals? e. Maintains high levels of drive because of a desire to win?

3. Factor: Ability tothink conceptually •

A model of professionalism.

Treats others with dignity and respect.

Understands and values the broader context of ING.

Easily works across countries and business lines.

Works to create diversity awareness to get greater performance.

Makes networks work.

Works to bigger agendas.

In assigning a rating consider how effectively the candidate: a. a.Models the ING values (Treats me fairly, Delivers on promises and Easy to deal with) and “Business Principles”? b. Has a network across ING/international? c. Integrates easily with colleagues from other cultures? d. Volunteers for virtual/global project teams? e. Is willing to report any violation regarding legal or regulatory requirements to the appropriate authorities?



Performance Potential Matrix Grid Descriptors Guide


Performance Potential Matrix Grid Descriptors Guide


Box 9: Top Talent, exceeds or far exceeds performance expectations. Potential to make two career steps in next 5 years and to grow into a much broader role. Highly competent in current position.

Box 8: Key Talent meets performance expectations, capacity to make at least one career step and grow into a role with broader responsibility. Consistent results, core of the business. Manage to exceptional performance.

Box 7: High Performance Talent exceeds or far exceeds performance expectations, capable of growing into more complex role at same level. Highly competent and role model. Strengthen competencies

Box 6: New to the role below performance expectation or too early to assess performance. Perceived to be able to take on greater responsibility, probably new to the role. Monitor and improve performance

Box 5: Solid Contributor meets performance expectations. Capable of growing into more complex role at same level. Competent in current role, core of the business. Challenge in current role, improve performance

Box 4: High Performer exceeds or far exceeds performance expectations. Potential to make two career steps in next 5 years and to grow into a much broader role. Highly competent in current position.

Box 3: At Risk Potential meets performance expectations, capacity to make at least one career step and grow into a role with broader responsibility. Consistent results, core of the business. Manage to exceptional performance.

Box 2: Emerging Specialist exceeds or far exceeds performance expectations, capable of growing into more complex role at same level. Highly competent and role model. Strengthen competencies

Box 1: Underperformer below performance expectation or too early to assess performance. Perceived to be able to take on greater responsibility, probably new to the role. Monitor and improve performance



Performance Potential Matrix Related Actions Guide


Performance Potential Matrix Related Actions Guide


Box 9: Top Talent, Promote to higher band within 12-18 months. Determine next likely positions taking into account important development experiences for destination role. Identify ready now successors.

Box 8: Key Talent Coach, reward & encourage. Keep engaged and broaden current role to expand breadth. Consider lateral moves, stretch assignments, crossfunctional projects or a promotion.

Box 7: High Performance Talent Continue to develop in role. Coach, reward and encourage. Deepen understanding of current role in order to increase contribution. Identify career path for future roles and succession plan.

Box 6: New to the role Coach and monitor to reach full results. Assimilate into firm and role. Clearly convey job expectations. Create learning and development plan. Accelerate timeto-performance.

Box 5: Solid Contributor Determine career trajectory. Identify next move as upward or lateral, and associated anticipated timing. Use stretch goals to determine ultimate potential. Encourage increased contribution.

Box 4: High Performer Utilise as a role model and resident expert. Try to extract knowledge (ie knowledge management). Actively retain. Recognize contributions and reward. Assign high impact/ high visibility projects. Continue to develop as a functional expert.

Box 3: At Risk Potential If low performance is due to job fit or lack of motivation, coach or reassign. Coach to full performance. If appropriate, create performance improvement plan and continue to assess. Review role and whether incumbent is set up for success.

Box 2: Emerging Specialist Coach to strengthen contribution. Aim to grow into a highly valued functional expert. Determine if another role (of similar scope) would be appropriate

Box 1: Underperformer below performance expectation or too early to assess performance. Perceived to be able to take on greater responsibility, probably new to the role. Monitor and improve performance



Go ahead,

discover ‘talent’ at ING.




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