1 minute read
from February/March 2022
• rescuing people WITH RESCUED ANIMALS sja
AT SCATTER JOY ACRES, our goal is to provide a place of healing for all. Animals connect with humans at a level that other people cannot reach. This companionship and connection makes them an integral part of the healing process. They do not judge us the way other humans do, enabling them to connect with us.
Our animal-assisted therapy program makes a difference in the lives of our patients who come from all walks of life. Veterans, at-risk youth, developmentally disabled individuals, returning citizens, and many others are able to find a place of healing here.
We are also open as a petting zoo to allow others to connect with animals they may otherwise never meet in an up-close and personal manner.
Spending time at Scatter Joy Acres allows you to meet a wide variety of domestic and exotic animals. From cows to kangaroos and from goats to reindeer, it is a one-of-a-kind experience in Omaha.
When you donate to Scatter Joy Acres you make an incredible impact on the community. You help heal the broken and provide joy for many others.
We recently broke ground for our new barn that will allow us to provide an indoor opportunity for therapy in inclement weather. Many sponsorship opportunities are available for you to create a lasting legacy with your generous gifts.
We thank you for your support.
scatter joy acres
phone: (402) 709-9401 email: info@scatterjoyacres.org web: www.scatterjoyacres.org address: 4966 Newport Avenue Omaha, NE 68152