TMO Composer Development Program 2017 Information Brochure & Application Form

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2017 Composer Development Program

A Workshop Like No Other The Metropolitan Orchestra’s Composer


Program gives eight NSW composers not yet established, the rare opportunity to collaborate with professional musicians and conductor in three unique stages spanning four and a half months, culminating in a recorded orchestral workshop. The program will allow participants to firstly review

and prepare their scores with conductor prior to a workshop with small ensemble comprising principal players of TMO. After receiving verbal and written feedback, as well receiving their parts marked with corrections and observations to assist with further edits, four composers will be selected to further workshop their piece

with full symphony orchestra, receiving a recording of their composition. This is a unique opportunity for composers to extensively workshop and develop their composition and overall craft within a professional context. In addition to the invaluable nature of the workshop itself, one or more pieces will be selected for inclusion in The Metropolitan

Orchestra’s flagship MET CONCERT series in 2018 and one composer may receive a COMMISSION from TMO to write a new work for the 2019 season. Furthermore, following the program, TMO will create and distribute a package consisting the recording and score of each finalists’ work to other Australian orchestras, introducing these new works for potential programing.

Eligibility Composers must be NSW residents not yet be established within the orchestral scene who have either completed or are undertaking composi;onal studies at a ter;ary or senior high school level. • A total of eight composers will be selected for inclusion in the program. • Two posi;ons awarded will be preferenced to high school students. • High school students are to submit a LeCer of Recommenda;on from their school music teacher with applica;on.

Criteria TMO is calling for scores for works 6-15 minutes in length. Instrumenta;on can include all or part the following: WIND:

2 Flutes (1 may double Piccolo), 2 Oboes (1 may double Cor Anglais), 2 Clarinets (1 may double Bass Clarinet), 2 Bassoons (1 may double Contrabassoon) BRASS: 4 Horns, 3 Trumpets, 3 Trombones, 1 Tuba PERCUSSION: Timpani + 1 Percussion (Total of 2 players. Timpani may double percussion) STRINGS + HARP

Percussion instruments include (but may not be limited to): Timpani, Snare, Bass Drum, Xylophone, Glock, Cymbals, Tam-Tam, Triangle.

Score Submissions & Fee Submissions Due: Friday 10 March 2017 • • • • • •

2 hard copies of the scores must be submiCed in printed format (doubled-sided and bound) and accompanied by an audio recording (eg midi realisa;on). Instrumental parts are not required to be submiCed at this stage. Scores submiCed are to be unperformed works. SubmiCed materials will not be returned. Please note that NO late entries will be accepted. A non-refundable submission fee of $30 is required with each applica;on.

Score Selection Successful Applicants Announced: Friday 12 May 2017 A total of eight composers will be selected for inclusion in Stage One and Stage Two workshops.* At the conclusion of Stage Two, four composers will be selected for further workshop in Stage Three. * Two posiFons in the program will be preferenced to school-age composers.

Composer Development Program Schedule SCORE SUBMISSIONS

Due: Friday 17 March 2017


Successful Applicants Announced: Friday 12 May 2017

STAGE ONE WORKSHOP - WITH CONDUCTOR Friday 16 June 9am - 6pm FINE MUSIC 102.5 STUDIOS, 72-76 Chandos Street St Leonards Eight composers will have the opportunity to workshop their scores with TMO Artistic Director & Chief Conductor Sarah-Grace Williams. This stage is an invaluable opportunity, giving the composers the chance to ascertain areas within their scores that may need reviewing prior to being presented to an ensemble for rehearsals. Areas of discussion will include instrumentation decisions, orchestration considerations, score layout, formatting complications and understanding the rehearsal process. The idea of this round is to get scores into a ‘better shape’. STAGE TWO WORKSHOP - SMALL ENSEMBLE Friday 11 August 10am - 5pm BALMAIN TOWN HALL, 370 Darling St Balmain Stage Two is with The Metropolitan Orchestra Ensemble consisting of 13 TMO principal players, with a player on each instrumental part. This stage will give the composers the opportunity to workshop their pieces with an instrument specific focus. TMO musicians will be able to highlight any concerns within their parts such as difficulties due to the technical limitations of the instrument. Composers will have the oppportunity to ask musicians for guidance and hear suggested changes during this rehearsal. Furthermore, composers will receive both verbal and written feedback from each of the musicians after their workshop session and their parts will be returned marked-up with observations and corrections. They will be able to use this to assist the further editing of their scores. STAGE THREE - FULL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Friday 6 October 10am - 5pm EUGENE GOOSSENS HALL, ABC CENTRE, 700 Harris St Ultimo Four composers will have the rare opportunity to workshop their piece with full orchestra. The workshop will be recorded at the ABC Studios and composers will receive a copy of their recorded piece. From this stage, one piece will be selected for inclusion in TMO’s 2018 Concert Season. Additionally, one composer may be selected to receive a commission to write a piece for TMO’s 2019 season. NB: The composers selected for Stages One and Two but not included in Stage Three will be invited to attend the orchestral workshop as observers. Additionally, 300 school-aged composers will also be invited to attend. They will receive a copy of the scores and will be addressed by Sarah-Grace and the four composers being workshopped, giving insight to the process and offering some general guidance for their own compositions.

For more information: Sarah-Grace Williams (Artistic Director & Chief Conductor) 02 8004 3472

APPLICATION FORM 2017 TMO COMPOSER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Please submit with score Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________ Mobile: ___________________________ DOB: ______________________ Have you completed ter;ary composi;on studies?: YES/NO (circle) Name of Insitu;on:_________________________________ Degree obtained: _______ ________________ Are you a current undergraduate / postgraduate ter;ary composi;on student?: YES/NO (circle) Name of Insitu;on:_________________________________ Year (eg 1/2/3 or Masters): ________________ Are you a high school composi;on student?: YES/NO (circle) Name of School:_________________________________ Year: __________________________________ Relevant (past & current) composi;on study/musical experience: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Composi;on ;tle: ____________________________________________ Dura;on: __________________________ Orchestra;on: _________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Percussion requirements: ________________________________________________________________________ Checklist - Please tick:

q q q q q q q q q q

By submidng this applica;on I am accep;ng the Terms & Condi;ons of the program I am submidng 2 printed copies of my score I am submidng a 150 word biography and headshot I am submidng an audio/midi realisa;on of my score I acknowledge my materials will not be returned to me My submission is my own composi;on and has not been previously performed I will be able to provide printed instrumental parts should I be selected for inclusion in the program I have aCached LeCer of Support from music teacher (High school students only) I have aCached my submission fee (cheque) I have paid my submission fee by direct bank transfer The Metropolitan Orchestra Bendigo Bank Rozelle BSB: 633000 Acct: 144095288

SUBMISSIONS TO BE SENT TO: The Metropolitan Orchestra PO BOX 625 Balmain NSW 2041 Signed: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Parent’s name: ____________________________________ (Parent to sign if composer under 18)

Terms & Conditions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.


10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 20. 21. 22.

23. 24. 25.

Entries close Friday 10 March 2017. All entrants must be NSW residents. Entrants must be available for all dates itemised in the schedule. Any composi;on/score submiCed must be a new, original composi;on never before performed or published Two hard copy copies of the score are to be included with each applica;on. Emailed copies will not be accepted without the corresponding hard copies. Please do not send original scores as they will not be returned. Submissions must be accompanied by a midi realisa;on of the score. Any composi;on accepted for workshop may not be submiCed to another orchestra or compe;;on whilst involved in TMO’s Composer Development Program If a composer is offered a perforamnce of their work in the 2018 season, TMO reserves the right to the World Premiere performance. If the composi;on is programed elsewhere prior to the scheduled performance with TMO, TMO reserves the right to cancel the performance. Composers selected for Stage Two and Three must provide both PDFs of the parts and hard copies of the score no later than three weeks prior each of these stages. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from the program. If you are under 18, your parent/guardian must sign their permission for your involvement in the program. If you are a high school student, a LeCer of Support must be provided by your music teacher. TMO will only ever use your personal details for the purposes of administering the program and will not publish them or provide them to anyone without your permission. The deadline for receiving entries for the program is final. Entries received amer the specified dates will not be considered. TMO's decisions and selec;on of program par;cipants is final and no correspondence will be entered into. All entrants will be contacted to advise of the status of their submission. TMO does not accept any responsibility for late or lost entries due to the Internet or postal service. Proof of sending is not proof of receipt. Entrants in the compe;;on may enter more than one score. An entry fee will be required for each score. Incomplete entries will not be accepted. This includes entries received without payment, without the correct number of score copies or without correct documenta;on supplied. No responsibility is accepted for ineligible entries or entries made fraudulently. TMO reserves the right to cancel this program at any stage, if deemed necessary in its opinion, and if circumstances arise outside of its control. TMO reserves the right in its sole discre;on to disqualify any individual from the program who TMO has reason to believe has breached any of these condi;ons, or engaged in any unlawful or other improper misconduct calculated to jeopardise the fair and proper conduct of the program. TMO’s legal rights to recover damages or other compensa;on from such an offender are reserved. In submidng applican;on, composers give TMO persmission to use Images and biographies submiCed for publicity and marke;ng purposes as it relates to this par;cular program. Workshop sessions may be recorded and/or filmed and used for publicity and marke;ng purposes as it relates to this program. Entrants will be deemed to have accepted these rules and to agree to be bound by them when applying for this program.

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