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Teen Sexual Activity
The percent of female high school students who reported to be sexually active when surveyed in 2019. 28
29.7 percent
28.4 percent
Data Highlight:
The percent of teens postponing sexual activity is increasing NATIONAL AVERAGE across the country, and researchers have yet to pinpoint exactly what is causing this change. Many are studying how cultural changes caused by the internet might have caused this and other behavioral shifts.29
Why We Care:
Nationwide, the percentage of teens engaging in sexual activity is declining.28 While experts are still unsure why this is, they are certain abstinence-based programming and fear-promoting tactics do little to dissuade sexual activity.29 It is thought the internet may deserve some credit for a reduction in several high-risk behaviors among teens, simply because they are far more engaged in virtual life than former generations.29 Most teens have at least one social media account, with 71 percent reporting use of at least two regularly, and this social shift is linked to postponing sexual activity.29 The flip side of this benefit is that teens are also influenced by unrealistic representations of sex found on the internet, often distorting their understanding of what real human sexual relationships entail.29 While delayed sexual activity is associated with positive health outcomes in general, misinformation found online about sex could be harmful to teens if not countered by comprehensive sex education.29
What We Can Do:
- Ensure individuals have adequate information and access to all forms of birth control in order to choose the best method for their lifestyle - Support inclusive, scientific, evidence-based prevention programming addressing subsequent teen births - Advocate for comprehensive, inclusive, scientific, and evidence-based health education in all Oklahoma schools.
Lookbook Vol. 2
p. 21