Data Highlight: Oklahoma ranks 43 (of 51) in access to amenities. The state with the most access is Washington DC with 100 percent reporting access to at least one amenity, and Mississippi having the fewest amenities with 30.4 percent of children without access to a single public amenity.7
The percent of children ages 0-17 with access to at least one amenity: park, playground, recreation center, c o m m u n i t y c e n t e r, b o y s’ a n d girls’ club, library, bookmobile, sidewalks or walking paths in 2019.7
Lookbook Vol. 2
OKLAHOMA 23.2 percent
Why We Care: Recreational amenities are a critical feature of cohesive communities that women are a part of. Places to commune such as libraries, playgrounds and community centers, and paved sidewalks facilitate socialization that makes living within a given community enjoyable.7,118,119 While the evidence is still forming, there are compelling arguments to be made that urban planning and design can contribute to the overall health and welfare of individuals. Apart from forming a sense of community and pride for one’s environment, having amenities nearby, especially parks, pools, or recreational facilities promote physical activity, which is well-documented to contribute to positive health outcomes.7,119
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What We Can Do: - Support and request the maintenance of existing parks and recreational areas, including sidewalks and ramps that make these areas accessible to women of all abilities