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APRIL 2009

Learn something NEW this summer! Find over 112 opportunities to try new skills in our

Summer Camps & Activities Guide 10 reasons you should attend

Oklahoma’s Summer Adventure EXPO on April 19 (Reason #6: Meet OKC Thunder mascot Rumble)

T h e E s s e nt i a l Res o u rce fo r Cent ra l O k l a h o m a F a m i l i es

w w w. M et roFa m i l yM aga z i n e.comw w w. M et roFa m i l yM aga z i n e.comw w w

OKLAHOMA CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Have Fun, Be Creative and Learn All Summer Long

Community Outreach and Education

Recreation and Fitness For information and to enroll: 405-682-7860

College for Kids and Teens For information and to enroll: 405-682-7859

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7777 South May Avenue

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April 2009

April 2009

The Summer Camp Issue 52 Calendar Events and activities

44 Character First How contentment & resourcefulness combat materialism


Dear MetroFamily Editor’s Note


Exploring Oklahoma Let’s all go to the Drive In: Oklahoma’s outdoor screens

40 Family Finances Why you should consider a return to college

10 Family Shorts Rumble, mascot of the Oklahoma City Thunder, encourages kids to try something new this summer—and our Summer Camps and Activities Guide includes over 110 camps to do just that! See page 14.


42 Iron Moms Take it to the streets—where to run outdoors in the Metro

26 Let’s Eat: Recies Get out of the kitchen and enjoy grilling in the great outdoors

Plugged-in kids? Why it’s important for them to unplug and attend a low-tech camp. Here are 10 important tips that will help you and your child be better prepared for a fun day camp experience. On our cover (and above): Rumble the Bison, mascot of the OKC Thunder NBA team.

50 In Touch with Relationships How to prepare your child for a lifetime of separations

Looking for fun close to home this summer? Find all the answers at our FREE event, Oklahoma’s Summer Adventure EXPO April 19th.

38 48

News you can use

30 Oklahoma Reads Book reviews

36 Q & A with the Beasleys


Even the White House has a garden these days! How to get your kids growing in the garden for delicious fun.

Photograph by Mark DeGraffenreid

Children young and old? Find fun summer ideas for both.

24 Your Healthy Family Demystifying cholesterol— part two

31 ABUNCH.com

April 2009



Dear MetroFamily, As I sit here writing my note for April, cold weather and snowstorms loom on the horizon. It can be hard to focus on summer fun when the weather is not in agreement, but that’s what we are doing. Our annual guide to Summer Camps and Activities is bigger and better than ever. And just wait, Oklahoma’s Summer Adventure EXPO is just around the corner on April 19! I hope to see you there, checking out options for summer and enjoying some free fun with your family. Also looming large is the Redbud Classic event. I’ve committed to running the 5K race, and with various fits, starts and snags, I plan to do just that. By the time you read this, the snow storms will have passed and I will be ready to run. If you’re one of our Iron Moms I look forward to seeing you (and maybe even running with you) at the 5K, and promise to include a picture from race day in next month’s issue. This month, I’m featuring a picture of our family’s newest addition—Ike. He’s named for the hurricane that displaced him last year and he came our way through a series of events after he found his way to Arkansas. We are very thankful to have our little rescue dog. Cheers,

Info And Questions: 405-340-1404 To submit events to our calendar Calendar@MetroFamilyMagazine.com Publisher Sarah L. Taylor Sarah@MetroFamilyMagazine.com Editor Mari M. Farthing Editor@MetroFamilyMagazine.com Art Director Mitzi Massie Mitzi@MetroFamilyMagazine.com Advertising Director Donna Stewart Donna@MetroFamilyMagazine.com Advertising Sales Rebecca Phansalkar Karl McKinney Office and Distribution Manager Kathy Alberty Kathy@MetroFamilyMagazine.com Marketing Specialist Whitney Fleming Calendar Editor & Special Projects Assistant Terri Fields Calendar@MetroFamilyMagazine.com Editorial Assistants Elizabeth Harvey Sherrie Horton

• Bring the entire family to enjoy our FREE event, Oklahoma’s Summer Adventure EXPO on Sunday, April 19, noon to 5pm. Learn about summer camps and Oklahoma destinations and enjoy hands-on fun, entertainment, inflatables, and more. Held at the Sheraton Hotel Downtown, just north of Cox Convention Center. See page 47 for all the details or check out MetroFamilyMagazine.com/oklahoma-summer-adventure-expo. • Next month: You’ll be doubly blessed next month by MFM. Our regular issue focuses on weather safety, including a pull-out guide, as well as several “treats” for moms in honor of Mother’s Day. In addition, our first-ever annual travel guide to Oklahoma, Exploring Oklahoma with Children, will be delivered alongside the May issue. Use this handy guide to plan your family’s best summer ever. And the Kids Pass coupons in the guide are good for months. Don’t miss it! Ad deadline for May issue is April 15. Call today! 405-340-1404. • Our Twitter followers and Facebook fans have benefited recently with great info and prizes. We’re even planning our first networking event. Join us on the MetroFamily digital network! You’ll be glad you did. • If you like our Summer Camp and Activity Guide in print, you’ll fine hotlinks and more information online at MetroFamilyMagazine.com on the home page.

Graphics Assistant Kathryne Taylor Kathryne@MetroFamilyMagazine.com Contributing Writers Drs Lori & Stewart Beasley Karen Mitchell Nita Beshear Gayleen Rabakkuk Marc Dunham Sue Lynn Sasser Mari Farthing Terri Schlichenmeyer Shannon Fields Denise Yearian Elizabeth Harvey Claire Yezbak Fadden Lisa Lynn Marotta Circulation 35,000 – OKC, Edmond, Nichols Hills, Norman, Moore, Midwest City, Yukon Also available as a digital edition at MetroFamilyMagazine.com. Articles and advertisements in MetroFamily do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the magazine or Inprint Publishing, Inc. We do not assume responsibility for statements made by advertisers or editorial contributors. The acceptance of advertising by MetroFamily does not constitute an endorsement of the products, services, or information. We do not knowingly present any product or service which is fraudulent or misleading in nature.

MetroFamily Magazine is published monthly By Inprint Publishing, Inc. 306 S. Bryant, Suite C152 • Edmond, OK 73034 Fax: 405-340-1490 E-mail: Info@MetroFamilyMagazine.com ©Inprint Publishing, Inc. 2009, All Rights Reserved. Volume 12, Number 04



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Exploring Oklahoma Family Fun at the Drive-In Movies


as they began to see fewer families at the theatres. By the 1980s, many drive-in theatres closed. However, not all drive-ins met this fate. While some never closed, others have been restored and reopened after sitting vacant for periods of time. Many Americans are rediscovering this great family attraction.

Our family loves going to the drive-in instead of the indoor theatre whenever possible. Besides the lower cost, the atmosphere is so relaxing. We arrive early to get settled. This entails grabbing a good spot, unfolding our chairs, laying out our blankets, grabbing concessions and visiting before the movie begins. The kids like to play football or Frisbee with other kids who gather in the grassy “play” area. If we go with friends, we park together and make the evening a social event. Friends with trucks park backwards and sit in the truck bed for a higher vantage point. Then, we tune our car radio on the appropriate station, attach our window-mounted speakers provided and relax. Young children who can’t make it through the entire feature can fall asleep in the car making a peaceful movie experience for all.

Local Drive-Ins

inding that you need a small loan to take your family to the movies these days? Concession prices alone can cost more than the tickets. During these current economic challenges, who wants to pay such high prices? For a fun alternative, take your kids (or date) on a nostalgic trip to the drive-in theater.

History According to historical information found on DriveInTheater.com, the first drive-in theatre opened in Camden, New Jersey on June 6, 1933. Over 500 motorists attended and paid 25¢ per person or one dollar per car load. By the 1940s, drive-ins were popping up all over the country. The height of drive-in popularity occurred post World War II as new families were looking for inexpensive, fun family entertainment. From 1948-1958, drive-ins grew from about 1,000 to almost 5,000 nationwide. During this time, drive-in owners added playgrounds and other attractions for the full entertainment of baby-boomer families. Unfortunately, times changed. Industry experts cite the development of cable and satellite television, VCRs, DVDs and home pay-per-view movies for the decline in drive-in popularity. By the 1970s, a majority of drive-in owners pulled their playground equipment 8


Oklahoma once boasted nearly 100 drive-in theatres during the heyday of the 1950s. Today, the state has six operational drive-ins; fortunately, two of these theatres are located in the Oklahoma City Metro area. The Winchester 6930 S Western, OKC The Winchester has been in the Shanbour family since Farris Shanbour built the theatre in 1968. While four brothers originally ran the theatre (the family also once owned a number of Metro-area indoor movie cinemas), brothers Kamal and Lindy run the theater today. “We’re gonna be here as long as we can,” Lindy assures his patrons via his website. The cost to enter the drive-in is only $5 for adults and $3 for children 3-10, under 3 free. Most concessions cost less than $3. Many nights, the Winchester shows a double or even triple feature so you get the savings of seeing several movies for the price of one. The Winchester is open April-October (weekends only during spring and fall, but nightly during the summer months). For information on movies and show times, call 405-631-8851, or visit WinchesterDrive-In.com. The Beacon Drive In 2404 S Division, Guthrie The Beacon’s ownership and history go back to the early 1920s. Marsh Powell, the current owner, has run the theatre with his wife Nancy since the mid-80s. The Marsh family history with movie theaters runs deep. Marsh’s grandfather, Al Powell, opened the currently named Pollard Theatre in downtown Guthrie as a silent movie and vaudeville house

April 2009

in the early 1920s. In 1950, the elder Powell opened and ran the Beacon until 1953 when he handed the reins to his son, Bob Powell. Bob ran the drive-in until the mid 1980s when he passed the business over to his son, Marsh. The Powell’s young adult children now help run the Beacon which means it could stay in the family for generations to come. Marsh says that business has been steady over the years and wants to make sure people remember the drive-in when considering movie entertainment. Attending the drive-in is just “good, clean, family fun” Marsh acknowledges. The Beacon is open weekends in the spring and fall, and nightly from JuneAugust. Cost is $5 adults, $2 children 311, under three free. A concession stand is available for low-priced movie fare. During the season, find movie and show time information at 405-282-4512 or BeaconDrive-In.com.

Other Oklahoma Drive-In Theatres Admiral Twin Drive-In Location: 7355 E Eastern St, Tulsa Opened: 1951 Opens for Season: March 27 For show times: 918-838-3114 or SelectCinemas.com Tower Drive-In Location: Hwy. 271, North Poteau (eastern Oklahoma) Opened: 1950 Opens for Season: April For show times: 918-647-3606 or TowerDriveIn.com Chief Drive-In Location: 4400 S 4th St, Chickasha Opened: 1949 Opens for Season: Year-round (weekends only in winter, spring and fall) For show times: 405-224-1515 or ChiefDriveInTheatre.com Corral Drive-In Location: 926 SW Highway 54, Guymon (panhandle) Opened: Restored and re-opening March 2009 Opens for Season: March 13 (soft

opening), March 27 (grand opening) For show times: 580-338-3748 or website: CorralDriveIn.com

Karen Mitchell, a life-long resident of the Oklahoma City metro area, has been married to Mark since 1983 and is the mother of two teenagers. With a degree in Journalism and a career in sales, Karen is enjoying her return to writing.

summer classes for students going into 5th - 10th grades Take classes like: Animated Art, Digital Design, Jewelry Making 101, CSI at FT, CO2 Dragsters, Car Care Basics, Babysitter Boot Camp, Power Catapults, Jr. Web Designer, Super Coaster - plus, many, many more!


June 1 - 5, June 8 - 12 (9th and 10th grades) June 15 - 19, June 22 - 26 (7th and 8th grades) July 6 - 10, July 13 - 17 (5th and 6th grades)

$5 off

discount for each additional class

April 2009



A Day of Pampering for Single Moms

Rolling Thunder Library Promotes Literacy for Kids The Rolling Thunder Book Bus is a converted school bus stocked with an inventory of books for children preschool through fifth grade. “We are thrilled to introduce Rolling Thunder as a part of our Read to Achieve program that focuses on education, reading and literacy throughout the state of Oklahoma, “ said Dan Mahoney, Thunder Vice President of Corporate Communications and Community Relations. “This is a new, fun way to get books into the hands of young readers.” The bus will travel to schools, community centers, museums and parks to promote reading. Local organizations and schools can request a Rolling Thunder visit by logging onto Thunder.NBA.com and click on “community” or by calling 405-208-4780.

MFM Question of the Month When is the MetroFamily Magazine Summer Adventure Expo? (Hint: see page 47) Visit MetroFamilyMagazine.com/FS-Giveaway and complete the entry form to be eligible to win a prize package valued over $500 Deadline is Thursday, April 23.

The winning entry will receive a prize package including some of the items pictured above, other items reviewed in this issue and many more items that would not fit in the picture. Full description of items listed at MetroFamilyMagazine.com/FS-Giveaway. * Winner agrees to pick up items from NW OKC area. 10


April 2009

Motherhood is hard, and a single parent will certainly agree with that statement. A recent study by the Oklahoma Council for Children and Youth showed that over 50% of the homes in our community are headed by single women. Destiny Christian Center seeks to treat single mothers and grandmothers with a free day of pampering and refreshment at their The Queen for a Day event. On Saturday, May 2, 9:30am-4pm, the Center will provide music, seminars, a catered lunch, salon services (manicures, pedicures, massages, haircuts, facials), a fashion show and on-site shopping spree. Guest speakers will offer seminars and classes on parenting, finances and living a happy and fulfilled life. Children are welcome, and activities and lunch will be provided for them. One lucky participant will be crowned the overall “Queen for the Day” and will win $1,000 of gifts and prizes. For more information or to register, call the Destiny Christian Center (3801 SE 29th, Del City) at 405-677-1451 or visit Captivating.EventBrite.com. Registration is free but must be completed by 5pm, April 27.

Find Family Fun in Yukon Help Teens Quit Smoking The 13th Annual Festival of the Child in Yukon will take place Saturday, May 2 at Yukon City Park. Each year the festival provides a day filled with family-friendly activities including games, a petting zoo, arts and crafts projects and concessions. “Festival of the Child is a day of fun that celebrates the special time of childhood,” explains Jan Scott, director, Yukon Parks & Recreation Department. “It’s is a fun-filled, safe and wellcoordinated atmosphere.” City Park is located at 2200 S Holly in Yukon. Festival hours are 10am-4pm. Tickets, $5 per child and free for adults, are available now at all Yukon Parks & Recreation facilities. For more information, contact Jan Scott at 350-8937 or visit the city of Yukon online, CityOfYukonOK.gov.

N-O-T is the American Lung Association’s voluntary program designed to help teens: • Stop smoking • Reduce the number of cigarettes smoked • Increase healthy lifestyle behaviors • Improve life management skills N-O-T helps kids understand why they smoke and helps them develop the skills, confidence and support they need to quit. Kids learn the techniques they need to tackle tough problems like nicotine withdrawal, getting through urges and cravings and responding to peer pressure. N-O-T also deals with issues that are important to teens, such as how to manage their weight after quitting, how to deal with stress in healthy ways and how to communicate effectively. Visit NOTonTobacco.com to learn more about the N-O-T Program for teens. To learn more about other programs, including other smoking cessation ideas and community event,s contact the Oklahoma chapter of the American Lung Association at 405-748-4674 or BreatheHealthy.org and search Oklahoma City.

The Lion King: Behind the Curtain with “Zazu” By Elizabeth Harvey

From April 21-May 24, Disney’s The Lion King musical will be presented at the Civic Center Music Hall in Oklahoma City, on its North American National Tour. We recently caught up with cast member Tony Freeman, who performs as Zazu, a comedic red-billed hornbill, and he gave us the scoop on what it’s like to be behind the curtain. Freeman recently did Kander and Ebb’s new musical All About Us and has performed in The Lion King on Broadway for over 1600 performances as Zazu, and sometimes Scar. Freeman says that even after more than 1600 performances of The Lion King, he still finds each performance as exciting as the first. “It’s the exchange with the audience, especially the children, that keeps it fresh every time,” said Freeman. “It’s like when your child sees snow for the very first time. Their excitement is so contagious… it’s fresh and fun for you all over again and you begin to feel like you are seeing snow for the first time, too.” Freeman’s wife and 10-year-old daughter are often able to travel with him and he says he delights in being able to show his daughter the many beautiful parts of our country. April will be his first time in Oklahoma City and he is excited to explore the city.

out of it,” says Freeman. “You can take your 5-year-old or you can go with your grandmother and both are going to enjoy it.” Freeman says he also loves the pageantry, the puppetry, the costumes, the beauty, and the music of The Lion King. He says the play is more “authentically African” than the movie. “We actually have six people from Africa in our cast and the music is just incredible—it ranges from Elton John pop to authentic African music.” Freeman says that he never tires of hearing it. “When the famous opening number begins, I look into the audience and see the excitement on the children’s faces and I see adults literally wiping away tears—that’s what keeps it so exciting for me. I feel so blessed to be a part of that.” For tickets to The Lion King, please contact the Civic Center Music Hall at 405-297-2264 or visit CelebrityAttractions.com.

Tony Freeman as “Zazu” in THE LION KING National Tour. ©Disney. Photo by: Joan Marcus

As for one of his favorite things about being a part of The Lion King cast, Freeman says he loves the diverse range of people he has the opportunity of performing with. “Our cast ranges in age from 11-60 years old and we have people from Africa, Hawaii, France… so many places around the world.” He also says he feels incredibly blessed to be a part of The Lion King because of its overall appeal. “It’s a rare show in that anyone of any age will get something April 2009



Festival of the Arts The 2009 Festival of the Arts comes to downtown Oklahoma City April 21-26. Since 1967, this festival has brought the best in visual, culinary and performing arts to Oklahoma City.

Green Growing Green Kids

Along with fine art works for sale, the Festival features large-scale and kinetic art installations, local food vendors partnered with local arts-related non-profit agencies, and nonstop performances on four stages. The popular Youth Plaza features activities for just $2 plus other kid-friendly options such as a talent show and face painting. The Festival of the Arts is produced by the Arts Council of OKC. Festival hours are Tuesday-Saturday 11am-9pm, Sunday 11am-6pm. Free admission; call 405270-4848 or visit ArtsCouncilOKC.com for more information.

Summer is Great for Reading! Summer is coming! Kids are looking forward to free time, playing and a break from school but parents might be more concerned about the break causing their kids to lose some of that knowlege gained at school. One way to help your kids retain the gains they’ve made this school year is to keep them reading through the summer. The Scholastic Summer Challenge urges children to read four or more books this summer to maintain their academic skills. Kids can join the program beginning April 30 online at Scholastic.com/Summer where they can log time spent reading, earn points and play games. Parents can download age-appropriate reading lists and advice from educational experts. Younger children can get in on the fun, too— kids seven and under will earn seeds for their virtual garden with each book they read. Scholastic offers these tips to get you started on a successful summer reading program: • Get carded. Your local library is a great, costeffective resource for books of all kinds. An added bonus? It provides a cool escape from hot Oklahoma summer days. Many local libraries also offer summer reading programs with contests and prizes as incentives. • Start a series. Get your child reading a book series and they will be motivated to keep reading. Your child’s teacher or the children’s librarian at your local branch can offer ideas for series based on your child’s age and interest. • Books to go. Try audio books for a change, a great option to entertain on car trips and cut down on the “are we there yet?” factor. Happy reading! 12

Easy to be


April 2009

Earth Day is April 22, and it’s a time set aside for us all to think about the ways we can work together to protect our planet. The website EarthDay. gov is filled with ways you and your family can make a difference. How do you get your children interested in their environment? With plenty of information and some fun activities here. Let’s Go Chipper! Into the Great Outdoors activity set ($24.95; LetsGoChipper.com) includes a book, DVD and CD that engage kids in their environment, encouraging them to explore, and even better, learn. Read Ten Things I can do to Help my World ($15.99; Candlewick.com) with your children for a graphic representation of how saving energy, conserving water and recycling make a positive impact felt beyond the walls of your home. Sim Animals ($49.95; SimAnimals. com) for the Nintendo Wii combines playing with learning about animals and habitat. An active game for all ages. The Bill Nye Paper Recycling Factory ($29.99; Elmers.com) teaches children about paper recycling firsthand. This kit comes with everything but the paper. The Green Toys Tea Set ($24.99; GreenToys.com) is made from recycled milk jugs in the USA, and is free of BPAs and phthalates. I’m Turning Green ($7.95; TheLittleEnvironmentalists.com) is a book that shows the big impact that even the littlest of people can have on their world.

Don’t forget—when you are done with this issue, pass it on to a friend or drop it in your recycle bin!

Problem-Solving “Deadly Medicine” Holocaust Products Exhibit at Science Museum OK Problem: You want a shirt that makes a statement

Solution: Shout Out T-shirts ($29.95) come with letters, words and symbols that allow you to personalize your shirt to fit your mood. (ShoutOutClothing. com)

Problem: Bugs! Enough said.

Solution: Bug Band products (99¢ and up) include bands, sprays and towelettes that are DEET-free, using natural geranium oils to fight insects, making this a perfect option for kids. (BugBand.com)

Problem: Your straps are slipping.

Solution: The Bralief ($9.95) loops through your straps at the back to snap your straps into place and provide extra support. (Bralief.com)

Problem: You want an eco-friendly battery.

Solution: Fuji Enviromax batteries ($3.99-$5.99) are mercury-free, cadmium-free, PVC-free and available locally. (GreenFuji.com)

Problem: You want to carry your lunch in style.

Solution: The Kids Konserve waste-free lunch kit ($42) includes a recycled sack, cloth napkin and stainless steel food containers that are not just for kids. Set a good example by using them for your own lunch. (KidsKonserve.com)

Oklahoma City was chosen as one of three sites in the world to host “Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race,” part of the United States Holocaust Museum’s traveling exhibit. The exhibit examines how the Nazi leadership collaborated with medical professionals to legitimize the use of medicine for persecution, murder and genocide. “The exhibition reminds us that only 64 years ago 11 million people were killed and debased in one of history’s most horrific acts of hatred,” said Edie Roodman, Executive Director of the Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City. “That’s approximately the entire population of Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado combined. This gripping exhibition underscores the warning signs of the abuse of scientific knowledge and the dangers of remaining silent in the face of evil.” Deadly Medicine will be on exhibit at Science Museum Oklahoma, April 5 through July 5. Tickets are $9.95 adults, $8.75 for seniors and children 3-12 (parents should know that the exhibit is recommended for ages 13 and up). To learn more about the exhibition or the Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City, call 405-848-3132 or visit JFedOKC.org.

Meet the 2009 OKC Teacher of the Year Jennifer Robinson, National Board Certified French teacher at Classen School of Advanced Studies, was recently honored by being named Oklahoma City Public Schools Teacher of the Year. While in high school, Robinson chose to learn French due to a crush on a boy. The crush faded but the love of French endured, and she continued to study through college before ultimately studying abroad. Living in France gave Robinson fluency in the language, but she was still unsure of her career options. Long, reflective walks helped her to realize that there was a teacher within her.

2008 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year Heather Sparks with 2009 winner Jennifer Robinson.

“I literally grew up in the school environment, helping my mom—a third grade teacher at West Nichols Hills—color and cut to make folder games and learning centers for her classroom. I played school with my brother and the neighbors,” explained Robinson. A teaching career seemed a logical path. “I believe that teaching a world language should include teaching the students how to use that language in real-world situations. For that reason, many classroom tasks are centered around situations the students would encounter if they were in a French speaking country. They need to know how to interact in linguistically and culturally appropriate ways with locals when buying food and shopping, adjusting their language and behavior according to the situation,” said Robinson. As District Teacher of the Year, Robinson will represent the Oklahoma City Public Schools District in the Oklahoma State Teacher of the Year competition. Since 2000, three Oklahoma City Public Schools teachers have been named the Oklahoma State Teacher of the Year: Heather Sparks, Taft Middle School (2009); Robyn Hilger, Belle Isle Enterprise Middle School (2006); and Talita DeNegri, Northeast Academy (2001). April 2009



ArtzPlace Oklahoma

1730 Center Drive, Midwest City 405-732-4ART, ArtzPlaceOK.com Day camp, scholarships available, no before/after care, limited space. All camps for ages 6-12 unless otherwise noted. Creative Day Camps May 25-August 7, full day and half day (am or pm) camps Art camps focus on clay, jewelry, theatre, photography, cooking and writing.

Day camp, scholarships available, no before/after care Oklahoma River Adventure Camp, $150 Ages 8 and up May 25-29, June 22-26, or July 20-24; daily 9am-noon Adventure camps include kayaking, dragon boating and games. Rowing Camps, $150 Ages 13-19 Dates vary; sessions begin June. Contact Boathouse for details. Basic instruction in rowing.

Ballet Oklahoma School of Ballet

Chess Camp

7241 N Classen, OKC 405-843-9898, OKCBallet.com Day camp, no scholarships, no before/after care Summer Ballet Sessions, registration deadline June 14 Ages 3 and up Sessions held June 15-July 24 Instruction in pre-ballet, regular ballet (various levels) and jazz. Call for full class details and costs.

Body By Decker’s AerobiTots

6433 Avondale Dr, OKC 405-848-0754, BodyByDeckerOKC.com Day camp, no scholarships, no before/after care AerobiTots, $75 registration + $149 per session Ages 2-4 June 1-26, July 6-31, Monday and Wednesday, 9:30-11:30am Learning in music, art, fine and gross motor skills, cooking and nutrition, and self concepts and social skills.

Held at Heritage Hall School 1800 NW 122nd, OKC 888-652-4377, ChessCamp.com Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care, enrollment until full Chess Camp Ages 5-16 June 1-5 Chess instruction for beginners to experienced players. Morning, afternoon and all-day sessions available. Fees vary.

City Arts Center

3000 General Pershing Blvd, OKC 405-951-0000, CityArtsCenter.org Day Camp, scholarships available, before/after care available, enrollment begins April 13 until full. Adventure in American Folk Tales Ages 5-7, 81-12, 12 and up May 26-August 14, week-long sessions

Camp DaKaNi

City of Edmond Parks and Recreation

3309 E Hefner Rd, OKC 405-478-9454, CampfireUSA-OK.org Day Camp, scholarships available, before/after care available, enrollment until full Camps are $135 per week Grades entering Kindergarten-6 June 1-July 10, 9am-3:30pm weekly Day camp activities include sports and games, boating, fishing, nature study, hiking, outdoor cooking and arts and crafts.

2733 Marilyn Williams Dr, Edmond 405-359-4630, EdmondOK.com Day Camps, scholarships available, no before/after care available, enroll by July 13 for T-shirt Summer Blast Camp, $150 first child, $115 each additional Ages 5 ½-12 Session I: July 20-24, Session II: July 27-31, 7:30am-5:30pm Activities include arts and crafts, dodgeball, pottery science, games, and field trip to Pelican Bay Aquatics.

Camp McFadden

City of Yukon Parks & Recreation

9137 E Hartford, Ponca City 580-762-9955, CampMcFadden.com Overnight camp, scholarships available, registration deadline June 1 Overnight camps for various ages. $280 ($240 early registration) Ages 9-12: June 14-19 or June 28-July 2 Ages 12-15: June 21-26 or July 5-9 Ages 15-18: July 12-16 Includes outdoor activities such as ropes course, fishing and water sports. Camp has air-conditioned cabins with beds (campers bring bedding) and trained, CPR/First Aid certified counselors. Located on the western shore of Kaw Lake in northern Oklahoma.

Chesapeake Boathouse

725 S Lincoln Blvd, OKC 405-552-4040, ChesapeakeBoathouse.org 14


April 2009

2200 S Holly Ave, Yukon 405-354-8442, CityOfYukonOK.gov Day Camp, no scholarships, before/after care available, enrollment opens May 4 Kids Camp 2009, $70 residents/$80 non residents Grades entering Kindergarten-5 June 1-July 31, Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm Activities include field trips, swimming, special guests, arts and crafts, and games.

Earlywine Tennis Center

3101 SW 119th, OKC 405-691-5430, OKC.gov/Parks Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care, enrollment includes T-shirt and pizza party Tennis Summer Youth Camp & Clinic

Paid Advertisement Ages 5-8 ($60 per week), 9-17 ($75 per week) Weekly sessions held June 1-August 7 Summer tennis camps and clinics focus on game basics, ball handling, strokework and gamesmanship. Class times vary based on age and ability.

Edmond Christian Sports Association

405-519-5539, UpwardCheerOKC@hotmail.com Day camp, no scholarships, no before/after care Cheer and Pom Camp, $65 first session; $15 additional sessions Grades Preschool-6 Four sessions: June 23, 24, 25, 9am-noon or 1-4pm; July 21, 22, 23, 9am-noon or 1-4pm Three days of cheer/dance instruction, devotionals, team-building activities and crafts. Snacks and T-shirt provided. Held at Henderson Hills Baptist Church, I-35 and 15th, Edmond.

Fine Arts Institute of Edmond

27 E Edwards, Edmond 405-340-4481, EdmondFineArts.com Day Camp, tuition due at enrollment, scholarships available, no before/after care, enrollment includes T-shirt Little Artist Camp, $80 Ages 3-6 (potty trained) June 9-11, July 7-9 or August 4-6; Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday; 9-11am or 1-3pm Create Escape Camp, $155 Ages 7-13 (bring lunch) June 15-19 daily; 9:30am-2pm

Theatre Escape Camp $155 Grades 3-8 July 20-24 daily; 12:30-5:30pm Art Escape Camp, $175 Ages 7-13 July 27-31 daily; 12:30-5:30pm

Francis Tuttle Technology Center

12777 N Rockwell, OKC 405-717-4900, FrancisTuttle.com/Summer Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care, enrollment until full Summer Quest ‘09, $69 per week ($5 discount for multiple sessions) Grades entering 5-10 June 1-5 and 8-12, grades 9-10 June 15-19 and 22-26, grades 7-8 July 6-10 and 13-17, grades 5-6 Interactive classes with themes such as car care, jewelry making, Power Catapults, and Jr. Web Designer.

Game Builders Camp

Held at Heritage Hall School 1800 NW 122nd, OKC 888-652-4377, GameBuilderCamp.com Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care, enrollment until full Ages 8-16 June 1-5; morning, afternoon and all-day sessions available. Fees vary.

Introducing a NEW Oklahoma overnight camp providing outdoor, challenging experiences for youth and teens!

Four-day camp sessions include: t t 3PQFT $PVSTF t 'JTIJOH t 8BUFS 4QPSUT t )JLJOH BOE QMFOUZ PG PVUEPPS GVO




For information about the Kaw Lake area or a Kaw Lake Travel Guide call 877-671-6985 or go to KawLake.com.



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May be used for the purchase of up to 4 adult fares. Not applicable with other discounts or special fares.

April 2009



Paid Advertisement Introduction to video game production and creation and computer animation allows participants to create their own video game.

Gaylord-Pickens Oklahoma Heritage Museum 1400 Classen Dr, OKC 405-235-4458, OklahomaHeritage.com Day Camp, scholarships available, no before/ after care, registration deadline May 1, $100 for all camps ($75 for members) Sessions held June 1-5, 9-12 or 15-19; 8:30am-12:30pm includes lunch Puzzle Me Oklahoma Ages 5-8 Learn about the characteristics all Oklahomans share. I’m a Hall of Famer Ages 9-11 Explore Oklahomans and create a “living� Oklahoma Hall of Fame wax museum. Junior Ambassadors Ages 12-15 Assist instructors and learn volunteering skills.

Ginger’s Kindermusik of OKC 6008 NW 120th Ct, OKC

e hav

fun fri make end s stay


405-722-2379, GingersKindermusik.com Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care, early enrollment before June 1. Great New Big Ideas Ages birth-7 June 22-26, morning and afternoon camps Camps are designed to explore music through unique ways and nurture your child’s natural curiosity. Piano Keyboard Camp Ages 8-9 June 22-26, afternoon camp Children will learn basic piano/keyboard skills through interacitve games. Keyboard required.

Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma Inc.

121 NE 50, OKC 405-528-3535, GSWestOK.org Day and Overnight Camp, scholarships available, before and after care available, registration due two weeks prior to start date Cookieland: Day Camp, $110/week (+$10 if not a Girl Scout) Ages 5-8 June 15-July 31; Monday-Friday, 7:30am-5:30pm Activities daily relate to science, the outdoors, crafts and technology. Camp E-Ko-Wah Overnight Camp, ranges from $195-350, depending on camp session chosen (+$10 if not a Girl Scout) Ages 5-17 June 15-July 17 A variety of sessions offered with themes such as horseback riding, CSI/Forensics, and building robots. Each session includes swimming, camp fires, songs and games.

Goddard School

6001 E Covell Rd, Edmond, 405-330-1313 17440 N Western Ave, OKC, 405-348-4442 GoddardSchool.com Day camp, no scholarships, before/after care available, enrollment until full Summer Session Ages 6 weeks-10 years May 26-August 14, 7am-6pm Playground games, letters to penpals and special guests.

Guitar for Kids Summer Day Jazzerkamp 'JSTU 8FFL PG +VOF t ,JET BHFT Fitness is fun with Junior Jazzercise! Activities, Games, and Dance to cool music - an exercise program designed especially for children. Kids do fun and fit activities while learning about nutrition, the body and the importance of physical fitness! +B[[FSDJTF $FOUFS PG &ENPOE 2nd and Bryant in Bryant Square 359-8088 • www.edmondjazz.com 16


Held at Fine Arts Institute of Edmond 27 E Edwards, Edmond 405-340-8294, GuitarForCoolKids.com Day Camp, no scholarships, no before and after care, registration deadline May 31 School of Rock, $210 June 1-August 1 Learn to read tab, scale and chord charts in 40 minute sessions, maximum five participants per class. April 2009

Gymboree Play & Music

Northpark Mall (122 N May Ave), OKC 405-755-3445, GymboreeClasses.com Day Camp, scholarships available, no before and after care, registration deadline June 1 Gymboree Play & Music Summer Camp Ages 3-5 June 15-19 or August 10-14; 1:30-3:30pm Drop-off camp includes snack, storytime, creative play, art projects and parachute play.

Harn Homestead Museum

1721 N Lincoln Blvd, OKC 405-235-4058, HarnHomestead.com Day Camp, scholarships available, before/after care available, registration deadline May 29. Harn Homestead Camp, $100 per week or $25 per day Grades entering 1-5 June 1-5, 9am-3:30pm Includes crafts, games and other educational activities in on-site historical buildings. Wear closed-toe shoes and comfortable clothes. Bring lunch and drink, snack provided.

Henderson Hills Baptist Church

1200 E I-35 Frontage Rd, Edmond 405-341-4639, HendersonHills.com Day and Overnight Camps, no scholarships, no before/after care Epic Win Middle School Camp Grades 6-8 June 1-5, registration deadline May 24 Held at Camp WOW in Gerty, OK Beach Week High School Camp Grades 9-12 July 20-25, registration deadline July 5 Held in Panama City Beach, FL Truth Trek Kids Camp Grades entering 4-6 August 3-6, registration deadline July 31 Held at Sky Ranch Cave Springs

Hill Irish Dance School

1720 NW 37th, OKC 405-524-7322, HillIrishDance.com Day Camp, scholarships available, before/after care available, early enrollment due July 6. Fees include snacks, supplies, T-shirt, folder and whistle. Celtic Camp 2009, $120 partial day, $180 full day, discount offered for early enrollment Ages 6-15 July 26-30; 9am-1:30pm 3/4 day camp (recommended for younger children) 9am-4pm full day. Held at the First Unitarian Church (NW 13th & Dewey, OKC).

Paid Advertisement Integris Health/Camp Funnybone

1800 NW 122nd St, OKC 405-717-9873, IntegrisOK.com Day Camp, scholarships available, no before/after care, register by June 5. Camp Funnybone, $175 Ages 6-14 June 23-27, 8:30am-3pm Classes in clown makeup, magic, and team building.

May 5 until full Camp Joseph, $400 Ages 7-18 July 6-25 Lessons in acting, musical theatre movement, stage makeup and audition techniques leading to participation in the Children’s Ensemble of Lyric Theatre’s professional production of Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

Jazzercise Center of Edmond

Mad Science

420 S Bryant, Edmond 405-359-8088, EdmondJazz.com Day Camp, scholarships available, no before and after care, enrollment accepted until full Junior Jazzercise Ages 5-12 June 1-5 Learn about nutrition, the body and the importance of fitness through dancing, games and crafts.

344 S Santa Fe Ave, Edmond 405-285-9643, MadScience.org/CentralOklahoma Day Camp, no scholarships available, before and after care available, register one week prior to start date. Sessions held throughout the metro, June 8-mid-August. Secret Agent Lab, $249/week

KinderCare Learning Centers

9105 Apple Dr, Midwest City; 405-733-4127 1812 N Eastern, Moore; 405-799-0344 713 N Mustang Rd, Mustang; 405-376-1330 505 12th Ave SE, Norman; 405-364-2844 1205 W Boyd St, Norman; 405-253-0119 9202 N Rockwell; 405-722-4033 401 S Mustang Rd, Yukon; 405-324-2500 MySummerAdventures.com Day Camp, no scholarships, before/after care available Global Summer Adventures Camp June 1-August 14 Two-week day camp sessions include field trips and activities. Sign up for one session or several. Activities relate to learning about the world.

Keystone Adventure School and Farm

19201 N Western, Edmond 405-216-5400, KeystoneAdventureSchool.com Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care, ongoing registration Summer on the Farm; Cost: $200/week for full day (Mon-Fri); $150/week for half day; $30 per half day; $50 per full day. $50 non-refundable enrollment fee for all participants. Ages 5 to 8th grade June 1-July 31 (closed week of July 4) Activities include reading, creative thinking, running a business, fishing, water play, riding bikes, climbing trees and feeding farm animals.

Did you ever want to explore and experiment with cool science stuff for a whole week? Here’s your chance!

June 22–July 31, 2009 Six 1-week camps, Mon.–Fri., 9am–4pm Students in Grades 1st–3rd & 4th–6th COST: $200/student for members $235/student for non-members


REGISTRATION INCLUDES: Admission to the museum, loads of fun hands-on activities, lunch each day, and a commemorative t-shirt.

er call to regist 760



Kumon Math and Reading

245 S Santa Fe, Edmond; 405-216-9800 775 W Covell Rd, Edmond; 405-715-1111 1320 N Interstate Dr, Norman; 405-364-1600 Day classes, no scholarships, no before/after care, enrollment opens May Summer Start Up Program Ages 3-18 Comprehensive math and reading curriculum teaches strong study and time management skills and goal setting.

Lyric Theatre &Thelma Gaylord Academy

1727 NW 16, OKC 405-524-9310, LyricTheatreOKC.com Day Camp, scholarships available, no before and after care, registration

www.sciencemuseumok.org Present this ad in The Science Shop with proof of registration and receive a 10% discount. Minimum 30 students per camp. Grade levels will be combined if enrollment is low.

April 2009



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Grades 2-6 9am-4pm, bring lunch Moving With Science, $239/week Grades 2-6 9am-4pm, bring lunch The World Around Me, $145/week Grades Preschool-1 9am-noon or 1-4pm

McTeggart Irish Dancers of OK

405-969-6041, McTeggartOKC.org, Irish@ mcteggartokc.org; registration May 1-31. Summer session classes, $55 (approximately) Ages 4 and up Tuesdays, 4pm, beginners 5842 NW 77th Place, OKC Thursdays, 4:30pm, beginners 311 W Oklahoma Ave, Guthrie Mondays, 4:30pm, beginner/advanced beginner 315 W 8th Ave, Stillwater Students learn traditional Irish step dancing taught by certified instructors for noncompetitive purposes. Some McTeggert dancers perform and compete throughout the year in Oklahoma and surrounding states.

Moore Norman Technology Center

4701 12 Ave NW, Norman 405-364-5763 ext 7260, MNTechnology.com Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care Summer Youth Academy, $70 includes all materials ($125 for CSI & MED) Ages 9-11, 12-14, and 15-16 Weekly sessions held June 8-11, 15-18, 22-25 and July 6-9, 9am-noon or 1-4pm (CSI & MED Camps meet 9am-4pm) 110 class options include technical, engineering, health and medical interest areas. All classes held at Franklin Road campus.

Mount St Mary Catholic High School

2801 S Shartel, OKC 405-631-8865, MountStMary.org Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care, early enrollment recommended Athletic and Drama Camps Grades entering 3-9 June 1-30 Details on camps available after April 15.

My Small Wonders, Inc.

733 Village Pkwy, Edmond 405-285-7752, MySmallWonders.com Day Camp, no scholarships, before/after care available, enrollment accepted until full School Age Super Summer Program, $749/month Grades entering Kindergarten-5 May 28-August 26 Weekly themes with field trips including arts April 2009

and crafts, music and movement, cooking, dramatic play, nature study and recreational swimming. Swimming lessons for additional $30. Lunch and snacks provided.

Myriad Botanical Gardens

301 W Reno, OKC 405-297-3995, MyriadGardens.com Day Camp, no scholarships, no before and after care, enrollment accepted until full Junior Master Gardener Summer Day Camp, $35 includes supplies Ages 7-12 June 15-19 Children join the staff of the Myriad Botanical Gardens for botanical-themed education and adventure.

National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum

1700 N3 63rd, OKC 405-478-2250, NationalCowboyMuseum.org Day Camp, scholarships available, no before/ after care, limited enrollment Summer Critter Youth Camp, $85 ($75 members) Ages 9-12 June 22-26, 9am-noon Academy of Western Art Youth Workshop, $190 ($170 members) Grades 9-12 July 27-31, 9am-noon

Oklahoma Center for Arts Education

100 N University Drive, Edmond 405-216-2588, ocae.net Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care Design Camps, $250 includes starter kit Grades 11-12 Interior Design I, Graphic Design I: July 6-17, Monday-Friday, 9am-2pm, registration due June 30 Graphic Design II: July 20-31, MondayFriday 9am-2pm, registration due July 6 Tech Boot Camp, registration deadline May 31, $150 Ages 14-18, June 8-12, daily, 9am-5pm Drama Day Camp, registration deadline May 31, $100 Ages 7-13 June 15-19 or 22-26 daily 9am-5pm Dance Summer Workshop, registration deadline June 1, $150 Ages 8 and up June 15-19 Dance & Down Syndrome Music Theatre Camp, registration deadline June 1, $100 Ages 13 and up June 22-26 daily, 9am-2pm Dance class for those with Down Syndrome Woodwind Chamber Music Camp, registration deadline May 31, $125 Grades 9-12

June 8-11 Guitar Lessons, registration deadline May 31, $80 All ages June 9-11 Strings Camp, registration deadline June 19, auditions for orchestra placement on July 5, $250 Age 9 to high school July 6-10 Audio Recording Concepts, registration deadline June 30, $300 High school and college-age students July 13-17

Oklahoma Children’s Theatre

2501 N Blackwelder, OKC 405-606-7003, OklahomaChildrensTheare.org Day camp, scholarships available, before/after care available Camps for ages 5-7 and 8-12, $150 per week, 9am-4pm. Preschool halfday camps for ages 3-4, $100 per week, 9am-noon.. Abracadabra Summer Camps June 1-August 14 Theatre, circus, dance and magic themed camps.

Oklahoma City Community College

7777 S May Ave, OKC 405-682-1611, OCCC.edu/COE Classes and Day Camps, no scholarships, no before/after care, enrollment open until full (10% discount if enrolling on April 25). College for Kids and Teens, $50 and up Grades 1-6 and 7-8 June 8-July 31 Wide variety of classes available to meet all interests, including dance, foreign language, academics and sewing. Musical Theatre Camp, $110 Grades 1-2, June 8-12, 8:30am-4:30pm Grades 3-5, June 22-26, 8:30am-4:30pm Performance class to learn about drama and musicals, stage performance at week’s end. Musical Theatre Academy, $210 Grades 6-8 Two-week camp held July 13-17 and 20-24, 8:30am-4:30pm Intensive, performance-driven camp; stage performance at camp’s end.

Oklahoma City Museum of Art

415 Couch Drive, OKC 405-236-3100, OKCMOA.com Day camp, scholarships available, before and after care available, enrollment accepted until full, bring lunch, snack included Museum School Camps; $130 ($120 members) per week Ages 5-7; 8-10; 11-13; 14-16 June 2-August 7, weekly four-day sessions (closed Monday), 9am-4pm Age appropriate, themed art education based on the Museum’s collections. Each camp ends with exhibition of student artwork.

Oklahoma City Parks & Recreation

3301 N Grand Blvd, OKC 405-841-2412, OKC.gov/Paks Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care Performing Arts Camps, $150 Ages 6-16 June 17-August 7 Four two-week sessions including singing, dancing, and acting. April 2009



Paid Advertisement OCU Summer Music Program

2501 N Blackwelder, OKC 405-208-5410, OKCU.edu/Music/Academy Day and Overnight Camps, no scholarships, no before and after care, registration until full June 13-August 1, registration due June 1 Overnight camps for junior and high school ages; guitar and Kindermusik for ages 3-9. Details available online.

Oklahoma City Zoo

2101 NE 50, OKC 405-425-0218, ZooFieldTrips.com Day camp, no scholarships available, no before/after care, registration due one week prior to start date, bring sack lunch Themed Zoo camps, $95 ($85 members) Ages 4-5, 6-7, 8-11, and 12-15

Imagine... not just raising grades, but realizing potential.

June 2-August 7, week-long camps meet 8:30am-12:30pm in the Education Building.

Orr Family Farm

14400 S Western, OKC 405-799-3276, OrrFamilyFarm.com Day Camp, no scholarships, no before and after care, enrollment accepted until full Family Farm Summer Camp, $160 per session Ages 6-11 Sessions held June 9-12, 23-26, July 7-10 or 21-24, 9am-2pm Hands-on activities include rope making, cow milking, fishing, and animal care.

Parkhurst Pumpkin Patch

720 Henney Rd, Arcadia 405-396-0909, ParkhurstRanch.com Day Camp, no scholarships, no before and after care Summer Camp on the Farm, $175 per week Ages 6-12; 4-5 with parent June 1-26, Monday-Friday, 8:30am-12:30pm Plant and harvest vegetables, tend chickens, pony rides, nature walks and crafts.

Rocktown Climbing Gym

200 SE 4th St, OKC 405-319-1400, RocktownGym.com Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care, enroll by one week prior to camp start date Rock Climbing Summer Camp, $95 per week includes T-shirt and snack Ages 5-15 June 1-July 31, 10am-noon or 1-3pm Expert instruction on safety, basic climbing skills, and climbing-related games. SM

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April 2009

2401 Chautauqua Ave, Norman 405-325-4712, snomnh.ou.edu Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care Summer Explorers Ages 4-14 June 4-July 31 Week-long am/pm camps and single session or one day per week sessions at the museum grounds, some including field trips.

Santa Fe Family Life Center/Camp 110

6300 N Santa Fe, OKC 405-840-1817, SantaFeFamilyLifeCenter.com Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care Week-long Camps, $175 per week Grades 2-9 June 15-19, July 6-10, July 20-24, 9am-3pm Sports camp activities include tennis, volleyball, basketball and swimming.

Science Museum Oklahoma

2100 NE 52nd Street, OKC 405-602-3760, ScienceMuseumOK.org Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care All week-long camps meet Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm; $235 enrollment ($200 members) includes museum admission, activities, lunch and T-shirt. Did You Ever? Summer Camp, $235 per week ($200 members) Grades 1-3 and 4-6 (ages will be combined if low enrollment)

Paid Advertisement June 22-26, June 29-July 3, July 6-10, July 13-17, July 20-24, July 27-31; enrollment due one week prior to camp start date.

Sellers Recreation Center

8301 S Villa, OKC 405-685-3311, OKC.gov/Parks Day Camp, no scholarships, before/after care available, enrollment until full Art Explorers or Good Sports R Us Camps, $25 per week Ages 6-12 Weekly sessions held May 26-August 14, Monday-Friday 1-4pm

The Sooner Theatre

101 E Main, Norman 405-321-9600, SoonerTheatre.org Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care, enrollment until full Welcome to the Theatre Camp, $125 Grades Kindergarten-1 June 16-25, Tuesday & Thursday 9-11am Welcome Back to the Theatre Camp, $175 Grade 2 June 15-26, Wednesday & Friday 9-11am Gotta Sing! Gotta Dance!, $200 per session June 1-12 (9am-noon, grades 3-5; 1-4pm grades 6-8) June 15-26 (9am-noon grades 3-5; 1-4pm grades 6-8) July 6-17 (9am-noon, grades Kindergarten-2; 1-4pm grades 3-5) July 20-31 (9am-noon, grades 3-5; 1-4pm grades Kindergarten-2) Curtains Up! Acting Camp, $175 per session June 1-12 (9am-noon, grades 6-8; 1-4pm


grades 3-5) June 15-26 (9am-noon, grades 6-8; 1-4pm grades 3-5 July 20-31 (9am-noon, grades Kindergarten-2; 1-4pm grades 3-5) Philosophy of Tap with Robert Reed, cost TBA Ages 13-18 July 6-10, daily, 2-4pm Silver Screen Film & Video Camp, $100 July 13-17, daily, 9am-noon Ages 11-13 Puppet Theatre, $100 July 6-10 Grades 3-5, 10am-noon; Kindergarten-2, 1-3pm Claymation, $100 July 13-17, 2-4pm Ages 10-13

Stella Maris Learning Center

1324 S Fretz Ave, Edmond 405-474-3982, StellaMarisOKC.com Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care Two-week Camps, $180 per session, 9am-noon Brain Builders Camp June 1-12 (grades 1-4), June 29-July 10 (grades 5-8) Summer Celebration Camp June 15-26, July 13-24 (grades 1-8) Fun with math, reading, music and fitness.

Total Fitness Kids Camp

Southern Oaks Recreation Center 6818 S Walker Ave, OKC 405-631-5441, OKC.gov/Parks Day Camp, no scholarships, before/after care available Total Fitness Camp, $65 per week

June 8-July 31 Nutrition and fitness-focused exercises and information.

Unpluggits Playstudio

575 Enterprise Dr, Edmond 405-340-7584 Day Camp, no scholarships, no before and after care, enrollment accepted until full Drop-off workshops Ages 4 and up June 1-August 10 Drop-off workshops throughout the summer include tie-dye, ceramics and painting.

Velocity Dance Center

11122 N Rockwell Ave, OKC 405-721-8807, VelocityDanceCenterOKC.com Day Camp, no scholarships, no before/after care, enrollment accepted until full Ballet, Jazz, Tap and Hip Hop, call for cost Ages 2 ½ and up Session 1: June 1-26 Session 2: June 29-June 24 Princess Camp Ages 4-7: July 6-9, 9am-3pm, $165 Ages 3-5: August 3-7, 9am-noon, $80 Dance Star Camp Ages 5-8: July 13-17, 9am-3pm, $165

Westminster School/Camp Invention

600 NW 44th, OKC 405-524-0631, WestminsterSchool.org Day Camp, no scholarships, before/after care available, enrollment deadline May 31 Camp Create, June 15-19, 9am-3:30pm Camp Discover June 22-26, 9am-3:30pm Grades entering 1-6 Includes daily snack and T-shirt.

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Paid Advertisement Women’s Yoga Center

9119 N Western Ave, OKC 405-607-6699, WomensYogaCenter.com Day Camp, scholarships available, no before/after care, registration deadline June 24 Yoga Camp for Girls, $110 includes yoga mat to keep Ages 7-12 July 27-31, 10am-noon

YMCA Camp Classen

10840 Main Camp Rd, Davis 580-369-2272, ItsMyCamp.org Overnight Camp, scholarships available, no before/after care Camp Classen Overnight Camp, $560 and up Ages 8-12 and 13-16 One and two week sessions held June 7-July 25 Activities include horseback riding, canoeing, swimming, Chapel, paintball, kayaking, and leadership development.

YMCA of Greater OKC

405-297-7777, YMCAOKC.org Day Camps, scholarships available, before/after care available

Indoor and Outdoor Day Camps Ages 5-12 May 26-August 14 Activities offered at YMCA branches around the Metro. Contact branch for details.

Other Summer Activities Best of Books

1313 NE Danforth Rd, Edmond 405-340-9202 June 15-19, July 13-17, 2-3pm Free stories, crafts, and games for various ages, registration required. Call for information on June and July summer art classes and reading groups.

Bouncin Craze

14901 N Lincoln Blvd, Edmond 405-607-2020, BouncinCraze.com Open play for families Monday-Friday, Tuesday is Family Night.

Harkins Bricktown Theatres

150 E Reno, OKC 1-800-601-4SMF, HarkinsTheatres.com Summer Movie Fun program May 25-July 31 features a different discount

We offer choices in your child’s inflatable fun.

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family movie each week. Season ticket $5.

Jasmine Moran Children’s Museum

1714 W Wrangler Blvd, Seminole 405-382-0950, JasmineMoran.com Hands-on fun and educational exhibits for children of all ages.

Jump! Zone Party & Play Center

Palagio Shops (SW 14th & Western), OKC 405-200-1691, JumpZoneParty.com Extended summer open play for families Monday-Friday 10am-4pm, Tuesday and Thursday 4:30-8pm.

Maui Playcare

5503 NW Expy, OKC 405-722-6155, MauiPlaycare.com Drop-in care, no reservations required Drop-in play, $6 per hour Ages 2-10; Open 8:30am-8:30pm, weekdays May 1-August 31 Daily activities include open play, moon bounce, rock climbing walls, wooden forts and art projects.

Are you a child care provider who would like to earn a CDA?

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April 2009

Paid Advertisement Metropolitan Library System

MetroLibrary.org Summer at the Library Ages up to 17 June 1-July 31 Reading, audiobooks, fun activities, prizes and drawings at locations throughout the Metro. Contact each branch for events.

Oklahoma History Center

2401 N Laird Ave, OKC 405-522-0765, OKHistory.og May 30: Civil War family day. Learn about life during Civil War times. July 11: Hands-on History family day. The museum comes to life with hands-on activities and reenactors.

Oklahoma River Cruises

300 SW 7th St, OKC 405-837-9510, OKRiverCruises.com Cruises available all summer long, weather permitting. Tickets available online now.

Paint ‘N Station 7906 N May, OKC 405-842-7770

Large selection of ceramic ware for all ages and skill levels. $6 fee includes firing. HEADLINE: Camp Listing Add-Ons

Camp Listing Add-Ons Missouri Military Academy

204 Grand Ave, Mexico, MO 573-581-1776, MissouriMilitaryAcademy.com Overnight Camp, for boys ages 8-16 Confidence Camp, ages 8-11, July 12-18; $960 Leadership Camp, ages 12-16, July 12-25, $1750 Camp activities include rappelling, archery, field trips, paintball and more.

University of Oklahoma OUTREACH

OU Campus, Norman 405-325-6897; http://Youth.ou.edu Overnight Camp and Day Camp offered Horizons Unlimited Grades entering 6-8, July 12-17 Intensive overnight camp for academically gifted and talented students. Mini College Grades entering 1-6, August 3-7 Day camp that provides enriching academic experiences to campers.

Oklahoma Aquarium

300 Aquarium Dr, Jenks 918-528-1508, OKAquarium.org Day Camp, before/after care available, register in advance Conservation Crusaders Summer SeaCamps, $200 per week; $50 per day Grades Kindergarten-5 June 22-July 20

Find more camp and summer activities at

MetroFamilyMagazine.com/ summer-camps

Chess Camp 13th Annual USA Chess National Summer Chess Camp Tour USA Chess is the largest and premier summer chess camp organizer for children in the U.S. with more than 100 schools nationwide. Our staff is comprised of the finest children's chess instructors in North America. Beginners through advanced, ages 5-16 are welcome. Campers experience a fun filled week while learning the skills needed to play casual and/or competitive chess. Tuition includes tee-shirt, trophy, chess board and pieces and much more. June 1-5 • Beginners thru Advanced Welcome! Heritage Hall School • OKC • Co-ed, ages 5-16 June 22-26 Metro Christian Academy • Tulsa • Morning, Afternoon & All-day Sessions Register Online: www.chesscamp.com • Group & Sibling No prior chess playing Discounts

888•65•CHESS experience needed.

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April 2009



Your Healthy Family Get a heart-healthy cholesterol level


decreased energy. The biggest concern reduced or eliminated, it’s important to very year, millions of Americans with this class of drugs is reduced liver remember that not all fats are bad. In are diagnosed with high function. Patients have to be closely fact, foods containing omega-3 fatty cholesterol and are issued the monitored and have their liver enzymes acids are actually beneficial, and should standard ultimatum: lower your levels checked periodically. be included in your diet for optimal by changing your diet and lifestyle over heart health. Foods such as olive oil and the next six months, OR ELSE! Okay, Now ask yourself, what are the side fresh fish are excellent sources of omegamaybe it’s not quite that dramatic. Your effects of lifestyle modification? 3, which can also be taken as a dietary healthcare provider is essentially saying Increased energy? Better immune supplement. that you have six months to do the function? Weight loss? Oh, and let’s work yourself, before being prescribed not forget better cholesterol levels! It’s Adding soluble fiber to your diet is a cholesterol-lowering medication. So, important for patients to look at their six- another way to reduce cholesterol where do you start? What should you month ultimatum as an opportunity to naturally, by blocking the absorption of eat? What changes should you make? live a longer and better life. cholesterol in the intestines. Ten grams And what’s the big deal about cholesterolor more of soluble fiber a day decreases lowering drugs? Do you really need to your total and LDL cholesterol. A Get moving make the changes when there’s a drug serving of whole-grain oatmeal provides that can do the work for you? Physical inactivity is a major risk factor about six grams of soluble fiber. Adding for cardiovascular disease. According to fresh fruit increases the fiber content the latest American Heart Association Cholesterol-Lowering even more, while adding antioxidants. guidelines, all healthy adults ages 18-65 Always make sure breads and cereals are Medications should be getting at least 30 minutes made with whole grains for maximum These days, it seems like everyone is of moderate intensity activity five days heart health. In general, less-processed taking a cholesterol-lowering medication. a week. Walking, jogging, swimming foods are the most heart healthy. These drugs, commonly known as and cycling are just a few examples statins, are consistently among the of healthy cardiovascular activity. Heart-Healthy Supplements most-prescribed medications in the U.S. Including such activities in your daily While statins are effective at lowering routine will give you more energy and Several supplements are beneficial for total cholesterol, questions remain as to better overall health! those looking to reduce cholesterol their effects on long-term health. Many levels. Pharmacist Dave Mason healthcare providers are beginning recommends a high-quality niacin Freshen up your Diet to wonder if statins should be used in supplement to his patients. “Niacin patients with only mild to moderate risk. When it comes to a cholesterol-friendly has been used to raise HDL (good) The bottom line is that most medications diet, most people automatically think cholesterol for decades, and it’s of switching to low-fat and fat-free come with side effects, and statins are very effective. Traditionally, niacin foods. While it’s true that all trans no exception. Headache and GI distress supplements can cause flushing, upset fats and many saturated fats should be are commonly reported, along with stomach, and dizziness. Higher quality forms of niacin, such as inositol hexanicotinate, generally don’t have those unpleasant effects,� notes Mason. Niacin is also found in many foods, at Parkhurst Pumpkin Patch including dairy products, lean meats, located near Arcadia poultry, fish, nuts and eggs.

Farm and Ranch Camp June 1-26, four weeks of fun!


8:30am-12:30pm, Monday-Friday Ages 6-12 (Ages 4-5 if accompanied by adult) Plant and Harvest Vegetables

Have fun learning the arts and traditions of Ireland, Scotland and Wales this summer. July 26-30 Celtic Camp Ages 6-15, new expanded program for teens! Early registration discount so call today!

Tend Chickens and Gather Eggs Horsemanship and Pony Rides Nature Walks and Crafts $175 per week per child



Enroll Now! 396-0909 For details, visit ParkhurstPumpkinPatch.com April 2009

He also recommends Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and a plant sterol supplement specifically for cholesterol patients. “Studies have shown that CoQ10’s antioxidant properties help prevent the oxidization of LDL (bad) cholesterol.� While CoQ10 is a naturally occurring coenzyme, as we age, production of CoQ10 decreases. Plant sterols have been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol by up to 10 percent. Some orange juice and yogurt products are actually fortified with plant sterols for heart health. Nutritional supplements containing plant sterols can be highly

effective in improving cholesterol levels. “We’ve seen a number of patients significantly reduce their LDL cholesterol and raise their HDL on these supplements, along with an omega-3,” notes Mason. Lifestyle modification is the ideal way to reduce cholesterol levels and improve heart health. Making these important changes will also help you to lead a healthier life in general, giving more energy and reducing the likelihood of developing chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. Increasing

your activity level, improving your diet, and adding appropriate supplements can help you get out of the cholesterol red zone and live a longer, healthier life! For more information about natural ways to lower cholesterol, talk to your healthcare provider.

Shannon Fields is a freelance writer and a Certified Pharmacy Technician at Innovative Pharmacy Solutions.


summer camps 2009


Design Workshop Series Interior Design I - July 6-17

2-week overview of interior design techniques including hands-on projects and professional site visits. $250 fee includes $75 starter kit. Open to high school juniors and seniors.

Graphic Design I - July 6-17 2-week overview of graphic design techniques including hands-on projects and professional site visits. $250 fee includes $75 starter kit. Open to high school juniors and seniors.

Graphic Design II - July 20-31 2-week continuation for Graphic Design Level I participants to gain in-depth knowledge and skills. $250 fee includes $75 maintenance kit. Open to high school juniors and seniors who have completed Level I Workshop.


Tech Boot Camp June 8-12

Woodwind Chamber Music Camp June 8-11

Daily classes in lighting, sound, costumes, props and sets. Hands-on projects. $150. Ages 14-18.

Classes in performance, master classes, research, listening, musicianship and rehearsal training. $125. Grades 9-12.

Drama Day Camp Week I – June 15-19 ÊÊÊUÊ-V ÕÃiÊ, V Ê ÛitI Week II – June 22-26 ÊÊÊUÊ `` iÀÊ ÊÌ iÊ, vI

Guitar Workshop June 9-11

Daily classes in makeup, scene shop, props, costumes, acting, voice and movement. $100 per week. Ages 7-13. * Is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019 0HONE s &AX www.MTIShows.com


For moderately experienced guitarists of all ages who want to learn basic chord and scale construction and how they fit together to produce various musical styles. $80 fee includes instruction workbook. Open to all ages.

Strings Camp July 5–Auditions for orchestra placement July 6-10 Daily ensemble, small group and individual performance and techniques will be taught. Ages 9-high school: young musicians, intermediate and advanced tracks available. $250.

8th Annual Modern Recording Technology Workshop July 13-17

Dance Summer Workshop June 15–19

An intensive dance workshop with daily classes in ballet, modern dance, jazz and dance composition featuring special guest artists and dance educators Kathie and Patrick Debenham. Three tracks available: ages 8-12, 13-18 and collegiate/adult. $150.

Learn the concepts involved in audio recording and participate in the recording process in the roles of engineer, producer and musician. Open to high school and college students. $300.

Dance & Down Syndrome Music Theatre Camp June 22-26 Jazz and vocal camp for those with Down -Þ `À i°Ê i>ÌÕÀ }ʺ } Ê-V Ê Õà V> Ê »Ê music and songs. $100. Ages 13 and up.

CONTACT Ines Burnham iburnham@uco.edu www.ocae.net

See our listings in the summer camp and activity guide!!!! April 2009



Let’s Eat: Recipes Springtime is Grilling Time


ummer Camp and spring time remind me of my childhood summers and the time I spent outdoors. Get your grill ready for outdoor cooking again with these healthful recipes. They’re fast and easy to prepare, with flavors that your kids are sure to love. Get them involved in the preparation and create your own outdoor summer memories.

Grilled Chicken Breast with Pineapple Salsa Serves two 2 chicken breasts, skin on if possible 1 t canola oil 1 t Spanish paprika 1 t chili powder, good quality 1 lime 1 avocado, small dice ½ C pineapple, fresh, small dice Ÿ C red onion, small dice 1 jalapeno, seeds and veins removed, minced 1 T cilantro, chopped rough

Salt, pepper, pinch cayenne pepper Place chicken in a zip-top bag along with oil, paprika, chili powder, juice of ½ lime, salt and pepper. Marinate for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, for salsa, combine juice of ½ lime, avocado, pineapple, red onion, jalapeno and cilantro in a mixing bowl and combine; add salt and pepper to taste. Grill chicken on medium heat for about 6-8 minutes per side, skin side down first. The chicken needs to read 165° F internal temperature. Serve chicken with salsa on the side.

“Baked� Alaskan Halibut This version of baked halibut allows you

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Two 8 ounce pieces of Alaskan Halibut Good quality extra-virgin olive oil ½ cup wild mushrooms, cut into bite-sized pieces Small bundle spring onions Sea salt White and black pepper Lemon wedges Preheat your grill. Dry filets with paper towel and season liberally with salt and a pinch of white pepper. Place filets on a foil sheet and drizzle with olive oil. Place the mushrooms on top of the fish and season the mushrooms with salt and olive oil Wrap the fish tightly and place on a sheet pan on the grill. “Bakeâ€? about eight minutes with the lid closed.


Girl Scouts-

to step outside and cook on your grill. You will simply wrap the halibut in foil and cook it slowly on your grill while you enjoy the outdoors. It’s served with seasonal onions and mushrooms and garnished with a splash of lemon.

Meanwhile season the spring onions with salt, black pepper and olive oil and place on the hot grill, about two minutes per side. Remove and keep warm. Re-season (if needed) before serving with extra salt and olive oil. Remove the fish and serve over the spring onions with a pinch more of sea salt, a drizzle of oil and a squeeze of lemon.

Preview Open House Sunday, April 26, 3-5 PM Pre-K-5th grade 19201 N. Western Avenue, Edmond 405-216-5400 KeystoneAdventureSchool.com April 2009

Marc Dunham is the Chef de Cuisine for the Ranchers Club at the Atherton Hotel at OSU. Read his blog and find more recipes at MetroFamilyMagazine.com/blog.

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Responsibility. What’s your policy? *Applies to a total loss under collision or comprehensive coverage. Your car must be less than one year old, have fewer than 15,000 miles and have had no previous owner. This program does not apply to leased vehicles or motorcycles, nor is it available in NC and WY. Deductible applies.




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April 2009



“I don’t yike it,” says two-year-old Dorie. Her mother, Sue Stuever Battel of Elkton, Michigan, heard that complaint far too often, until she allowed her children to have their own section of the garden. Battell and other moms like her aren’t alone in their belief that allowng children to grow their own foods encourages healthy eating. Programs in New York, Michigan, and Pennsylvania involve children and the vegetable garden. Combining children and gardening isn’t difficult. After all, children and dirt naturally go together; add some seeds, with a spoon for digging and planting. Voila! Before you know it, your child is growing his own snacks. You don’t need a large plot of land for your child to begin growing food. A container garden will provide the same benefits. Actually, for children, a container is the perfect first garden. To help your child begin her own vegetable garden, all you need are some seedlings, soil, and a container or two. One or two containers are all your child needs for this first foray into gardening. Check your yard and garage before going container shopping. This is a good time to practice recycling; you may already have a container that will work well for this. You need something that will hold at least 28


April 2009

18 inches of soil. An old wheelbarrow makes a great garden spot, as does an abandoned child’s refrigerator, or a broken wagon. Five-gallon buckets also make good containers, as long as they didn’t contain toxic materials. Seedlings ready for transplanting are generally widely available this time of year from nurseries or hardware stores. Premixed soil will work best and also is widely available. When you purchase your soil check the ingredients to see if it contains a water retentive polymer, if not you will need to purchase some. If your soil contains a water retentive polymer, there’s no need to buy any. This isn’t a case where more is better. In fact, two much polymer in a container will actually hurt the plants. Now that you have all the necessary supplies, you can help your child start his own vegetable container. First, begin by helping your child select a place for the garden. It needs to be located where it can receive at least six hours of sun a day, is easily accessible for your child, and not in the way of the adults. It also needs to be where it won’t be disturbed or moved. Once the container is full of dirt, plants and water it’ll be too heavy to move. If you’re using a found container, poke a few holes in the bottom of the container, with an awl, ice pick, or other implement. Now it’s time to plant. Layer the bottom with small rocks, to keep your soil in the container and to allow for drainage. Next add your dirt. If it’s a deep container you can use regular Oklahoma dirt in the bottom, leaving a little over a foot of space for the

good soil. Add the good soil to within a couple of inches of the top, creating a depression for the plant. Before placing your plant in its new home, gently break apart the roots so they will spread out and grow. Otherwise the roots may continue to wrap around each other and the little plant will just sit in the dirt, not growing or producing. Once the roots are broken apart, place the plant in a hole, pack around it with your new soil and add more soil on top, keeping the soil level below the rim of your container. Give it a drink of water and you and your child are through for the day. Your child should give his plant a ‘drink’ every day and on very hot days it may need more than one. Teach your child to add the water around the outer edge of the container to avoid washing the soil away from the plant. If your child is very young a squirt bottle makes a good beginning watering tool. With the squirt bottle there’s little danger of drowning the plant, or washing it out. A squirt bottle will also wash away any bugs on your child’s plant, and can be used later to wash the veggies off after picking and before eating. Plus, it will keep your little one occupied for a few minutes. With a little encouragement and assistance from you, your child may eat more vegetables this summer than they have in their entire life while learning a delicious lesson about their environment. Nita Beshear is writer based in SE Oklahoma. All of her grandchildren enjoy eating foods from the garden.

Five Good Oklahoma Container Plants Try any one of these five foods that grow well in the Oklahoma climate. Not only are they “Oklahoma friendly,” but they do well in containers and can be eaten straight from the plant, after washing.

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• Tomatoes. Plant one tomato in a container and add a stick, pole, or cage to help it grow up and not sprawl down around the container. Children enjoy the small cherry or grape tomatoes. Roma tomatoes are also a good choice and are good in salads • Leaf Lettuce. Unlike the other foods, lettuce is best planted as a seed, since it matures rapidly. • Spinach. Like lettuce, spinach matures early, and is best planted as a seed. Both can be planted in the same container, these seeds can be sprinkled across the soil of a container and very lightly covered with another layer of soil. • Green Beans. There are several types of bush green beans, which unlike pole beans don’t need a wire or trellis. These make small bushes covered with beans. Two or three small plants can be placed in the same container making a nice bush that will look pretty sitting anywhere in your yard. • Cucumbers. Since cucumbers like to climb or sprawl, a trellis of some kind is helpful for them to climb. It also makes harvesting easier. Placing the container near a fence will work quite well.

Applications for Admission Fall 2009 now being accepted. 2801 SOUTH SHARTEL AVE. I OKLAHOMA CITY I TEL: 405.631.8865

April 2009



Oklahoma Reads Book Reviews Picture books for Preschoolers

Fiction for grades 4-6

Good Egg

A Foot in the Mouth

by Barney Saltzberg (Workman Publishing, board book $9.95)

by Paul J. Janeczko (Candlewick Press, hardcover $17.99)

The egg came first in this interactive board book. The simple text and vivid colors will keep your little ones engaged. This is a book that your kids will love to pick up and “read” after you’ve read it to them a few times.

This delightful book of poetry for children includes classics from Shakespeare, anonymous entries, and contemporary entries. Topics run the gamut from the Jabberwocky to pasta. Fun to read aloud with interesting images to accompany each page. A history of poetry prefaces the collection.

Fiction for grades 1-3

Fiction for grades 5 and up

Cheese Please, Chimpanzees

Entrepreneur Extraordinaire: Grandpa Helps Emily Build a Business

by Tracy Traynor (Milet Publishing, softcover, $6.95)

by J. M. Seymour (DynaMinds Publishing, hardcover, $19.95)

Subtitled “Fun with Spelling,” this book is fun for early readers to read aloud, full of rhymes and nonsensical situations. Rhyming syllables are bolded to show early readers how words with different spellings can sound the same.

Your child will want to expand his entrepreneurial spirit after reading this book. Emily and her grandfather embark on a business adventure after Emily sees a need in the market. A wonderful primer on business for children.

Reviews by MetroFamily Magazine editor Mari Farthing.

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Special Summer Programs:

H Social Language Groups H Articulation Camp H Interactive Metronome H Literacy Camp For more information, call 237-3267 www.speechokc.com SW 104th and Penn April 2009

Remember the Sweet Things by Ellen Greene (William Morrow, $21.50) He did it again. Even though he knows it irritates you and makes you want to scream, he persists in doing that which really bugs you. Is he doing it on purpose? You wonder. Once upon a time, his silly habits were cute. His quirky little rituals made you smile. You bragged to your friends about his peccadilloes. You barely remember those days. Now, it’s all fighting and ruffled feelings. What happened between “I do” and “I won’t”? Just so she would never forget, author Ellen Greene wrote down the treasured moments with her husband, Marsh: the wonderfulness of his personality, the specialness of their relationship. In the new book, Remember the Sweet Things, she recalls her yearly list.

Reciting prayers in local Mexican dialect. Holding hands in the hospital. At a time when watching the news can put you in a bad mood, it’s nice to have something in-hand that reminds you to cherish the small stuff. Remember the Sweet Things is perfect for that. Although it would definitely be tempting to depict Marsh as a saint, author Ellen Greene doesn’t do that. She lovingly lists a few of his faults, as well as a pile of her own. She’s willing to disclose their disagreements, but they’re bracketed by those “sweet things” that will make even the most hard-hearted reader melt. Bring a box of tissues with you when you read this book, especially if you need to make a sweet list of your own. Remember the Sweet Things is a book you’re not likely to forget.

Terri Schlichenmeyer has been reading since she was three years old and she never goes anywhere without a book. She lives on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 11,000 books.

Growing up as a shy, relatively sheltered girl in Wisconsin, Ellen Greene longed for something different. Following graduation and despite parental consternation, she moved to Costa Rica, where she met Carlos and married him. Though the union produced two children, it didn’t last. The couple fought often and Greene felt shut out from her cold husband’s life. “Me hizo comer hielo,” Greene says, evoking a Spanish saying. “He made me eat ice.” Following her divorce, she entered into another failed relationship with a man from West Africa whose culture and expectations were vastly different from Greene’s. That relationship, too, failed. Looking for some stability for herself and her children, Greene, who had moved to Massachusetts with the West African, began searching for a new life. She found one working with a tall, older man who faintly resembled Paul Newman. And before long, they fell in love. Marsh was a born-and-raised New Englander, resourceful, gentle, intelligent, and sea-loving. He was in a marriage that was slowly dying, yet Greene loved him enough to let him go. He came back. In the infancy of their relationship, Greene says she began to write down a list of all the sweet things her boyfriend-thenhusband did. For twenty-one years, she wrote down “funny, thoughtful things” she noticed: his patience in teaching her kids to ski. The way he loved them as much as she did. Cooking on Mother’s Day. Rescuing Greene from snakes. Planting a cactus garden at their new home in Mexico. April 2009



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Annual Land Run Re-enactment • April 20th - 24th Sign up your class today to experience this unique hands-on Oklahoma history educational program each day from 10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Sha Buchanan at 405-235-4058 or sbuchanan@harnhomestead.com. 1721 N. Lincoln Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK • www.harnhomestead.com

Have you ever seen a Lyric Theatre

Performances are July 21-25 Tues-Sat 8pm, Sat 2pm* *Camp Participants must be available for all performances Enrollment Begins: Tuesday, May 5- 9:00am Cost- $400 For more information, contact Robert@lyrictheatreokc.com or (405) 524-9310. www.LyricTheatreOKC.com

show at the Civic Center Music Hall? See your own young performer on the Civic Center Stage in Lyric’s 2009 production of: CAMP JOSEPH: July 6-25, Ages 7-18

A three week summer camp for students who want to learn more about musical theatre performance. Students will receive classes in acting, musical theatre movement, stage make-up and audition techniques that will culminate in 6 performances on the Civic Center Stage. All participants will be featured in the Children’s Chorus of the show.

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Q & A with the Beasleys Summer time Fun for Big and Small

Drs. Beasley, I have two daughters, a 3 year-old and a 14 year-old and I am going to be home with them this summer. I anticipate that both of them will be active and I would like to plan activities for both of them that engage both ages. Do you have any suggestions? Lydia

Dr. Lori: Isn’t that great? Two of our children are twelve years apart and we can empathize with your dilemma.

her older sister will go a long way. If her sister will push her on a swing set or play dolls with her for a short time, that generally will satisfy the three year old.

Dr. Stewart: Except that our oldest was a boy and his sister was twelve years and one day younger.

Dr. Stewart: A trip to the zoo can be enjoyable for both and what a great way to get is some summertime family time. Walking or skating in the park or on a trail around one of our lakes is great fun combining exercise and play. Your three year old may not skate yet but even a walk with her will be enjoyable. A picnic lunch can add to the fun—both in preparing it for the outing as well as enjoying it at the park.

Dr. Lori: We hope you have the same enjoyment we did. Even though there was a wide age difference, developmentally, when our daughter was in the “terrible twos”, her brother was in the “terrible fourteens”! Both were full of life, full of energy, and full of themselves. But they adored each other—most of the time. Your three year old is probably taken by her sister and wants to do whatever big sister does. Fortunately, your younger daughter has a brief attention span and a little attention from

Dr. Lori: Maybe big sister can help little sister play “dress up.” Three year olds love to dress up in mom (or sister’s) clothes, jewelry, and high heels. (Makeup sessions may be an option but will probably require more supervision on your part.) Bike rides for the family are fun and what three year old doesn’t enjoy a ride in mom or dad’s bike seat?


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April 2009

Turn on the radio and have a dance contest between the girls. Dancing is also great exercise and you may want to participate, too! Cooking is a great activity to do together and is productive, too! Make dinner together once a week or make a special family recipe. This activity teaches your teenager basic selfhelp/survival skills and your younger daughter will also learn many basic sensory and language skills as she helps measure, stir, or assist in setting the table.

Dr. Lori: This can be a wonderful time for you and your daughters. Lots of bonding opportunities exist and we have just covered a few. It’s important to remember that each of your daughters will need time with you by herself and each will undoubtedly have many suggestions of what they want to do with their “mom time.” Your older daughter can be a mentor to her younger sister and will likely enjoy the role. She may need a gentle reminder now and then that she is the sister, not the mother.

Dr. Stewart: Don’t forget my favorite summertime activity—swimming. Both girls will probably like the water for different reasons. Your three-year-old will like to splash and romp in the water while her sister is more likely to enjoy poolside. But if older sister can swim, she may enjoy trying to teach her little sister how to swim. Families differ, but yours may enjoy going to the lake and participating in the many activities offered there.

Dr. Stewart: We hope you have a great Summer 2009 and enjoy your wonderful girls.

Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine.

Do you have a question about early childhood issues for the Beasleys? E-mail it to SRB@DRStewartBeasley.com.

Lori Beasley, EdD is Asst. Vice President of Academic Affairs and Professor of Family Life Education at the University of Central Oklahoma. Stewart R. Beasley, PhD is a licensed psychologist who practices in Edmond and Oklahoma City and is Clinical

Find more parenting resources at

MetroFamilyMagazine.com/ parenting




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April 2009



Bring the Binoculars Leave the Laptop Five Reasons Why Tech-savvy Kids Need Lo-Tech Summer Camp Kids learn anywhere—inside the home and classroom or outside under a tree. But in the summer, when the crickets are chirping and daylight stretches a little longer, nature’s education is truly showcased. It’s the perfect time to take advantage of the earth’s learning tools—ones that don’t need plugged in, downloaded or powered on. 38


April 2009

It’s not surprising that according to a research by the Kaiser Foundation, kids between 8 and 18 spend an average of 6.5 hours a day absorbed in some type of media. The survey concluded that most of that time was spent in solitary activities.

Nature’s Cure for Stress 3 Unfortunately, kids aren’t exempt from anxieties of daily

life. According to recent study conducted by the University of Essex in England, nature can help people recover from preexisting stresses or problems. The research indicates At summer camp, kids are encouraged to interact with that nature also has an immunizing effect that offers something other than a keyboard, an mp3 player or game protection from future stresses, and helps people to controller. It’s a place where there’s two-way communication concentrate and think more clearly. Additionally, according with real people. And at the end of the day, there’s no to a study by two Cornell University winner, no loser and no points being tallied. environmental psychologists, being close Consider these five reasons why every techto nature can help boost a child’s attention Before You Send savvy child needs to unplug. span.


Them Off

Experience Life Powered by Humans

Sadly, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that an American child is six times more likely to play a video game on any given day than to ride a bike. With an estimated 22 million of the world’s children under the age of five already considered obese, there’s a growing need to increase a child’s physical activity. Summer camp offers actual—not virtual — activities, like fencing, swimming, horseback riding and gymnastics. The really promising news is that, according to research conducted by the American Camp Association (ACA), 63 percent of children who learn new activities at camp tend to continue engaging in these activities after they return home. This can lead to continued physical exercise that lasts a lifetime.

Some camp directors are banning electronic items altogether. The concern is that tech toys involve solitary and sedentary activities that clash with what camp is all about— developing social skills, building community, sharing traditions, appreciating nature and being physically active. Many camps do not allow cell phones/picture phones, mp3 players, computers, video games, boom boxes, electronic fans, hot pots or other electronic devices. Check with your summer camp to find out “What Not to Pack.”

“Oftentimes camp is a child’s first exposure to recreational activities. Instruction and skill development usually come with that and can awaken in campers a lifetime of enjoyment,” says Jill Thompson of Tips on Trips and Camps, a free advisory service. “It’s easier to step outside their comfort zone while at camp because that’s where everyone is trying new things. Being at camp removes the pressure of performance that is often put on students through school and their everyday life,” she says.

Person-to-person Skills 2 At camp, kids are away from the overwhelming bombardment of media. Time is spent outside running, jumping and playing with other kids. Summer camp exists to provide supportive relationships, meaningful opportunities and challenging activities in a physically and emotionally safe environment. “It’s a place designed for and with children, where they can explore and discover an important rite of passage,” says Peg Smith, the ACA’s Chief Executive Officer. “They are able to make new friends, escape labels that are put on them in school and develop self-esteem,” adds Thompson.

Real Life. Real Close. 4 Camp provides a bit of real life you won’t experience from the end of a game controller or by texting a friend across town. “You will get homesick, other campers will be mean to you, the food won’t be great,” says clinical psychologist Wendy Mogel, Ph.D. “You’ll be cold and hot and hungry.” Mogel, author of The Blessing of a Skinned Knee, hopes that some of these things will happen during a camping experience. “Otherwise a child is deprived of living life. Of its thorns and its roses.”


Hi-Tech Benefits for Camper Parents

Just like bringing the teacher an apple, receiving a letter from camp is a timehonored tradition. The practice has gone on for generations, and it’s still encouraged today. However, since this is 2009, camps like to take advantage of hi-tech capabilities. While campers benefit from unplugging, technology is still a good way for parents to stay in the loop. Many camp websites post newsletters, videos and pictures of campers for parents to view.

At many sleep-away camps, parents can fax or send their camper an e-mail. Some camps allow campers to e-mail home once a week. Most still encourage campers to use snail mail as the best way to send a message home.

Technology’s Place at Camp There are many camps that offer programming specifically based on technology. In fact, some 12 percent of ACA-accredited camps offer computer or technology programs, including video editing and computer programming.

“It seems that children are shielded from real-life experiences with screens,” observes Smith. “But it is amazing what can happen when children step out from behind the TV, video game or computer screen into a rich camp environment full of experiences and surprises—new friends, new songs, new achievements, combined with new growth and independence.”

Claire Yezbak Fadden is an award-winning freelance writer and mother of three sons, one who grew up to be a camp counselor.

April 2009



Family Finances Should you consider returning to school? The reasons to think about getting your college degree (or an advanced degree) during this current economic slump.


ith rising unemployment rates and job uncertainty issues in the headlines, many people are re-evaluating their personal goals and their family’s financial goals. Part of the process should include an examination of their educational priorities. Education has a direct relationship with personal income, and higher incomes tend to equal greater family self-sufficiency.

Oftentimes, people who have been laid off or are having trouble finding



jobs will use it as an opportunity to return to college to improve their financial futures. Recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau outlines the substantial value of a college education. For example, workers 18 and over with a bachelor’s degree earn an average of $51,206 annually, compared with those with a high school diploma earning $27,915. The additional income yielded from a bachelor’s degree amounts to about $1 million in earnings over a lifetime, yielding a net return of 12% annually—over and above inflation. The gains are even greater for those with additional education. Workers with an advanced degree, such as masters or PhD, earn an average of $74,602. Those with a professional degree (MD, JD, DDS or DVM) increased to an average of $99,300. At the same time, those without a high school diploma earn only $18,700 annually.

April 2009

People with a college education tend to have significantly lower rates of unemployment than those with only a high school education. And high school dropouts are even less likely than high school graduates to work fulltime and maintain steady employment. College graduates also tend to have greater career options, better promotion opportunities, and greater access to benefit packages such as health care and retirement plans. Obviously, going to college does not guarantee that all workers will find their dream jobs. It also does ensure that the typical Oklahoma college graduate will earn those wages in our state. But it does provide them similar advantages over those without a college education and help prepare them for greater financial stability throughout their lives. Increased college graduation rates also

REAL DEGREE tend to improve economic well-being of communities where individuals work and live. Some of these societal benefits include lower crime rates, greater and more informed civic participation, and improved performance in numerous other socioeconomic measures. These gains help increase property values, decrease the demand for government services and serve as recruiting tools to attract new employers and businesses to the area.

Take pride in a respected degree from a prestigious university along with the knowledge and skills you need to grow and succeed.


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In addition, college graduates tend to increase productivity and profitability for their employers, which translates into increased tax benefits for the state and local communities. Including the combined individual and societal benefits, the value of a college education has an annual rate of return exceeding 16%. Recent studies indicate that to reach the annual national average, Oklahoma needs about 12,000 more high school graduates, 24,000 more people with associate’s degrees, 26,000 more with bachelor’s degrees, and 24,000 more with advanced degrees. In fact, the state rates near the bottom in college graduate rates per capita. As a result, the economic and financial future of our state and our families may be limited.

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While a person’s academic ability has an impact on his/her educational attainment, studies show that a child’s ability is shaped by a variety of family and environmental factors such as the values and goals of their family. In addition, a child’s educational attainment is strongly influenced by the educational attainment of his/her parents.

through independent study or by attending concentrated weekend or evening classes.

The bottom line is this: investing in your education is an investment in yourself, your family and your child’s future, and the benefits can reach far beyond the immediate gain.

Sue Lynn Sasser, PhD, is an associate professor of economics at the University of Central Oklahoma.

University OUTREACH College of Continuing Education College of Liberal Studies

outreach.ou.edu April 2009



Iron Moms Taking it to the Streets: Move Your Running Outdoors good idea to drive the course in your car prior to running it.

What does it mean to be an “Iron Mom�? To MetroFamily, an Iron Mom is one who recognizes the importance of her health, the health of her children, and the health of the community. An Iron Mom reads the labels, takes the stairs, and makes the best choices possible for her family.

A few standout running and walking trails in our area:

MetroFamily invites you to join our Iron Moms movement. Visit MetroFamilyMagazine/Iron-Moms to learn more!.

Earlywine Park SW 119th & May Avenue, OKC Paved 1.5 mile loop 405-297-2211, OKC.gov/Parks


pring has arrived in Oklahoma, which makes for perfect running conditions outside. Take a break from those “dreadmills� you’ve used all winter and hit the trails! It’s a great time to take your workout outdoors. The OKC Metro is very friendly to outdoor walkers and runners; trails and tracks abound in all pockets, providing

runners and walkers alternatives to indoor treadmills. Many neighborhood parks have dedicated trails, and you can check with your local parks and recreation department to find an outdoor path in your area. If you prefer to stay closer to home, map out a route in your neighborhood using sites like MapMyRun.com. It might also be a

Veteran’s Memorial Park 1900 SE4th Street, Moore Paved .9 mile loop 405-793-5090, CityOfMoore.com/ Community

Martin Park Nature Center 5000 W Memorial Road, OKC Off-road 3 mile trail 405-297-2211, OKC.gov/Parks Lake Hefner Access from Stars & Stripes Park, 3701 S Lake Hefner Paved 9.1 mile loop 405-297-2211, OKC.gov/Parks

Never hear “I’m bored� again! Plan your family’s best summer ever at


Sunday, April 19th t /PPO QN Sheraton Hotel Pavilion Downtown JUST NORTH OF #OX #ONVENTION #ENTER "ROADWAY 3HERIDAN $ETAILS AT MetroFamilyMagazine.com/

oklahoma-summer-adventure-expo 42


April 2009

Oklahoma River Trail Paved six-mile north trail, seven-mile south trail Multiple access points OKC.gov/trails/n_canadian.html Mitch Park Covell Road between Kelly and Santa Fe, Edmond 2.8 mile main trail plus 1.8 miles various trails EdmondOK.com/Parks/Trails

Tips for Running Outdoors • If you are new to running outdoors, pace yourself; it can be easy to try to do too much, too soon. Ease yourself into a new exercise.

remain aware of your surroundings at all times. • Stick to populated areas and run with a friend. If you intend to run alone, always make sure someone is aware of your route and predicted return time. • Vary your route—for both fitness and safety purposes! • Be wary if you run on the street; face oncoming traffic or try to stick to areas with sidewalks. • Carry your cell phone and identification in case of emergencies. • Wear layers and reflective or lightcolored clothing.

• Warm up with a bit of walking before you start to run, and remember to stretch when you are done.

• Remember the sunscreen—sunburn is possible any time of the year.

• If you must use headphones, don’t use the noise-cancelling type. Keep your music at a level where you can

Mari Farthing is the Editor of MetroFamily Magazine and a rookie runner.


April 2009



Character First Contentment & Resourcefulness


om, I’ve just got to have a new pair of shoes.�

“But we just bought the ones you have last week.�

“That’s right. They are so last week. No one is wearing these anymore. They’re lame.� Your child then proceeds to tell you how all his friends have these new shoes. He even mentions that they’ve made fun of him, saying he wears clown shoes. Most parents have had some variation of this conversation with their children. Having the right clothes, accessories or electronic gadget can sometimes mean the world to our children. And dealing with those requests for the newest, latest, most popular can sometimes present a challenge for parents. We hate to think that something we’ve done, even something as innocuous as picking out shoes, could cause our child pain. But, at the same time, we know if we give in to every trendy whim we may be

setting our children on a path that leads to enormous credit card bills and a life ruled by materialism. Demands for new things open the door to talking about a number of character traits, including contentment and resourcefulness. Contentment means realizing that true happiness does not depend on material conditions. Being resourceful means finding practical uses for things others would overlook or discard. Putting these traits into action is not only good for our relationships; it is also good for our planet. The never-ending demand for newer, better, faster has taken a toll on the earth’s resources and the factories that churn out the products also raise pollution levels. In her book, Living Simply with Children, author Marie Sherlock cites research that indicates the creature comforts available to Americans today may actually be contributing to

Devonne Carter, LCSW, has bbeen counseling li adults a and children for over 18 years and knows the heartache and pain that people feel in life. Let Devonne help you work through your emotional problems.

Join the Overcome Overeating four-week seminar and learn to identify the psychological cues that trigger overeating. Starting new classes monthly. Find details online; call to register.

discontentment. In a 2007 study, 30% of participants considered themselves very happy. This is down from 35% in 1957. She goes on to say, “Research shows that those individuals who value helping their communities, being close to people, growing as a person, and making the world a better place experience more well-being and a higher quality of life than those who don’t value these things.â€? Some parents may worry that by curbing materialism, their children may suffer. Sherlock insists that just the opposite is true. “Children need love and time more than anything else. Toys break and get boring‌. Give them yourself. They don’t really need a whole lot more than that.â€? To read more about contentment and resourcefulness, check out Living Simply with Children: A Voluntary Simplicity Guide for Moms, Dads, and Kids Who Want to Reclaim the Bliss of Childhood and the Joy of Parenting by Marie Sherlock. Teen readers will enjoy Flush by Carl Hiaasen, author of Holes. Pollution and the environment take center stage in this mystery adventure set in the Florida Keys. And remember, borrowing these books from the library is a great way to be resourceful.

Gayleen Rabakukk is a freelance writer who spends her time in Edmond keeping up with her teenage and preschool daughters.


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April 2009


Learn more about Spotlight on Character at

MetroFamilyMagazine.com/ character-first

Spotlight on Character Winner Cameron Ackerson demonstrates the traits of compassion and thoughtfulness on a daily basis. Cameron’s grandmother, Vickie Wood, told us he is a “sweet loving boy with a very sensitive nature.” Cameron’s mom and grandmother teach children who have exceptional challenges. This situation puts Cameron in frequent contact with special needs children. “Cam seems to have a natural affinity for making friends with the kids who need it most,” Vickie said. Cameron saw many of the children communicating through sign language, so he decided to learn it too. “We got the Signing Time videos and he taught himself,” Cameron’s mom, Jennifer, said. Cameron is now able to talk with more of the children, giving them kind words of encouragement. “He is very accepting of everyone,” Jennifer added. Cameron is in first grade at Cleveland Elementary in Norman and is the son of Jeff and Jennifer Ackerson.

Catch them doing the

right thing! Whether the student is a Kindergartner or teen, whether the act is simple or time consuming, we want to hear about your outstanding student. Monthly winner receives a $50 savings bond.

Nominate them for MetroFamily Magazine’s Spotlight on Character Award. Visit MetroFamilyMagazine.com/spotlight-on-character-award for contest details and nomination forms.

April 2009



At Oklahoma’s Summer Adventure EXPO:

Sunday, April 19th

t Learn about Summer Camps t Discover Oklahoma Destinations $OWNTOWN /KLAHOMA #ITY s /NE .ORTH "ROADWAY t Meet the Thunder mascot JUST NORTH OF #OX #ONVENTION #ENTER Rumble, the Thunder *Oø BUBCMFT t )BOET 0O "DUJWJUJFT t %FNPOTUSBUJPOT Girls, and others &OUFSUBJONFOU t (JWFBXBZT 1SJ[FT t t Hear about weather safety Affordable Concession Food tips from Mike Morgan of KFOR Newschannel 4 Special children’s project to honor the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum. (at 4pm)

Noon - 5pm Sheraton Hotel Pavilion

Parents & kids love it! “Wonderful EXPO!!! Found such a variety of enormous information for the summer. So glad we attended.� — Kris Ryan Co-sponsored by:

Exhibitors include: Science Museum Oklahoma Keystone Adventure School Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History Bouncin Craze Tiger Safari Camp McFadden/Kaw Lake Trinity School

Rock Town Climbing Gym Camp 110 (sports camps) Mad Science Young Chefs Academy Girl Scouts, Western Oklahoma YMCA Frontier Country & Oklahoma Adventure District

And many more!

Details at MetroFamilyMagazine.com or call 405.340.1404

The Top Ten Reasons to attend

Sunday, April 19th • Noon - 5pm Sheraton Hotel Pavilion Downtown (just north of Cox Convention Center, Broadway & Sheridan)

10 9 8

7 6


Fun for everyone—parents, grandparents, & kids of every age will enjoy seeking ideas for celebrating the best summer ever! Participate in a special project to honor the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum. Learn about a full range of camps and activities (outdoor activities, sports, the arts, academic enrichment and more) for kids ages 3 to 16. Plus map out your family adventures to destinations around the state! Kids can have fun with inflatables, dozens of hands-on activities, face painting, and more. Meet Rumble (the Thunder mascot), the Thunder Girls, the Thunder Drumline, and tour the Thunder Book Bus. Enjoy the delicious kid-friendly concessions by Sheraton Hotel. (Did someone say lunch?) Rumble and the Thunder Girls: Courtesy of Thunder.




Non-stop entertainment on the Liberty Mutual Entertainment Stage, including the Thunder Mike Morgan, Girls (1:30pm), KFOR KFOR Newschannel 4’s chief Newschannel 4 meteorologist Mike Morgan talking about weather safety (4pm), children’s performances, DJ entertainment provided by Brian Smith of Chameleon The KMGL morning team, Entertainment, and more. Magic Man, Shawn and Steve, will join us at the EXPO. Use the EXPO to springboard a full day of fun in downtown OKC, including Myriad Gardens, Oklahoma City Museum of Art, the Water Taxis, and an Oklahoma RedHawks game (4pm). Door Prizes and giveaways! You could win an appearance by Rumble at an event of your choice (value: priceless) or a Wii game console courtesy of Liberty Mutual (value: $349), among other great prizes.

FREE! Plus you could “bag” some great 1 It’s discounts and specials from exhibitors. Think of it as your “summer saver” event. April 2009



10 Tips for a

successful day camp experience 1

Bring one bottle of water that has been cooled in the refrigerator and a second one that has been in the freezer. As the day wears on, the frozen water will melt and provide cool refreshment for your child. Spray bottles are a great idea too. They keep the face and body cool in the hot sun.


Apply sunscreen to your child’s skin before he leaves home and send the tube along for later reapplication. Avoid sending tanning lotion with little or no SPF, or sunscreen that contains glitter as it can reflect light and cause sunburn. Consider sending along a hat for extra protection.


If your child is going to be out in a natural environment, he should wear insect repellent. Look for a lotion form that is safe for children; avoid sprays. When camp is over, follow up with a tick check.


One thing camp directors always see is children coming with the wrong dress. Some kids want to pick out their own clothes, but if they have chosen black jeans and a dark t-shirt, it may not be the best option. Dress your child for comfort, safety and appropriate temperatures. Proper shoes are important too, particularly if he is playing outside. Avoid strappy sandals and flip flops; opt for tennis shoes.


Any item brought to camp should have your child’s name, address and phone number on it in case it gets left behind. It also avoids confusion if identical items are brought by two children.


Do not bring valuable items such as handheld games or cell phones. Day camp programs are designed to provide an enriching experience, and your child should be engaging in these activities rather than playing with electronics. If these items are brought, they may be confiscated and returned at the end of the day in hopes that your child gets the message.


All camps have forms for parents to list medications their child is on. But if you take your child off a medication for the summer, the camp needs to know that, too, as it could cause an extreme change in behavior.


Summer Youth Academy 2009! Enrollment begins at 7:30 a.m., Monday April 6

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April 2009

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Allergies are another issue to make counselors aware of, be it insect or food related. Equally important is to share other concerns with camp staff, such as if your family is going through a divorce or has experienced a recent death, as this might affect how your child interacts throughout the day. Camps look out for the physical and emotional needs of a child, so the more information you provide, the better equipped they will be.


Having an emergency contact person is vital. Even more important is that the designated person knows you have written her name down. Every year camps have situations where they call the emergency contact person and she was not informed she was designated as such. Before listing a person’s name on the form, let her know first.


Read the materials the camp gives you—policies, procedures and planned activities. If you know what to expect and what is expected of you, things will run much smoother. Most camps have a weekly schedule so parents know about upcoming activities. Talk with your child about the activities planned. If she cannot participate because of health reasons, make sure you (not your child!) inform the camp.


Find out if there is an open house where you can meet the staff and see the facility prior to camp. If not, make other arrangements to introduce yourself to those who will be caring for your child. It is important for the camp directors and counselors to know you so they can keep you informed on how things are going for your child at camp.

Finally, encourage your child to enjoy the experience. Mark the first day of camp on the family calendar and do a countdown. Help your child develop a checklist of items needed. And don’t forget to share your own camp stories. Remind your child to do his best, obey the rules, be respectful of others and have a great time! Denise Yearian is the former editor of two parenting magazines and the mother of three children.

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In Touch With Relationships How to ease separations from cribs to camps to college


ll babies go through a normal period of separation anxiety sometime between 8-14 months. Separation can be as simple as mom or dad leaving the room or as complicated as hiring a sitter to watch the baby

Parents with a vision can effectively teach their children to handle the stress of goodbye as an important life tool. The language of letting go is to acknowledge the child’s fears while setting an optimistic tone.

while parents take a much-needed break. The child’s anxious response is one of distress—crying, clinging and calling out. In most cases, the child can be distracted or comforted and is ready to start over from a small separation. But what about the parents? Separation can be difficult for them, too. Screaming, pleading, and a miserable meltdown are the last images the parent has of their precious child until they return. This also makes separation an issue for parents. Research has confirmed that the separation anxiety of the parents can influence the anxiety of the child. Specific strategies like prolonged goodbyes or rushing back to soothe the child, only serve to ramp up the volume on their protest. Parents sometimes worry that leaving isn’t worth it; think again. The reality is, the maturing process is full of separations: day care, Mother’s Day Out programs, preschool,

Kindergarten, middle school, high school. Consider that kids separate to go to bed, camp, and sleepovers. At some point, friends will move, teenage couples break up, beloved relatives and pets die—all separations in various forms. Parents with a vision can effectively teach their child to handle the stress of goodbye as an important life tool. The goal for children is to individuate—in other words, become their own person. Children benefit from positive trusting relationships with non-family members. This requires practice, practice and more practice to build skills and confidence. Parents are wise to seek out safe, appropriate opportunities for children to strut their stuff away from them. A small percentage of all children have separation anxiety disorder, which disrupts the process of individuation and affects the whole family. Fortunately, this problem responds well to early intervention. If a child is long past the


INTEGRIS Health 18th Annual Camp Funnybone June 23 – 27 8:30AM to 3PM For ages 6 - 14 s $175 per child (includes lunch, snacks and all supplies)

Heritage Hall, 1800 N.W. 122 Street,OKC To register call Joycelyn Raper, (405) 717-9873 Camp Funnybone takes performing arts to a new level. This unique camp expands the imagination, and is designed to teach kids to use laughter as a coping tool, and help them realize they can be whatever they set their hearts and minds to be.



April 2009

Children, despite delays or disabilities, can improve their skills allowing them to reach their highest potential.

age of developmentally-appropriate anxiety, it may be hard for parents to choose practice opportunities. In these cases, consultation with a mental health professional would be helpful. For most children, however, parents can effectively sequence activities that promote successful separation. Parent response is important, whether preparing for the first day of kindergarten, camp or college. A positive attitude is key as well as recruiting the child’s participation in getting ready for the journey. Examples would be to drive by and play on the school playground during summer, check out a website to look at the cool stuff they can try at camp, help arrange an overnight visit for college. The language of letting go is to acknowledge the child’s fears while setting an optimistic tone.

Keep your own anxiety at bay; you can tell your best friend about how it will break your heart to let them go, but not your child. Take comfort in knowing that every time you prepare your child for a necessary separation whether as a baby or as they head to their first overnight camp, you are building a foundation that will help them for life.

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Dr. Lisa Marotta is a health service psychologist with the Counseling and Consulting Offices at Stonebridge in Edmond (ccoffices.com). Dr. Marotta and her husband are familiar with the process of letting go: they launched their first born to college and prepared their ninth grader for an orchestra trip away from home this year.

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The UCO Department of Theatre, Dance & Media Arts presents a delightful adaptation of Kenneth Grahame’s, “The Wind in the Willows.” Join Mr. Toad, Ratty, Badger and Mole as they discover the true meaning of friendship!

Base classic d on the nove children’s l, “ in the The Wind Willo ws”

s AM !PRIL SOLD OUT s PM !PRIL s PM !PRIL (FREE hands-on arts activities begin at 12:30 pm) UCO’s Nigh University Center 3rd Floor Ballroom !DULTS #HILDREN s 4O RESERVE TICKETS CALL




Quick Reference City Arts Center Fair Park, 3000 Pershing Blvd, OKC 951-0000, CityArtsCenter.org. Fine Arts Institute of Edmond 27 E. Edwards, Edmond 340-4481, EdmondFineArts.com Fred Jones Jr Museum of Art 555 Elm Ave, Norman 325-3272, ou.edu/fjjma Little River Zoo Hwy 9, Norman 366-7229, LittleRiverZoo.com


FREE Children’s Story Time at Edmond’s Best of Books, Saturdays, 11-11:30am. 340-9202. FREE Make & Take craft activities at Lakeshore Learning (6300 N May, OKC) 11am-3pm every Saturday. Free for kids 3 and up. 858-8778, LakeshoreLearning.com. Family Fun Night at JumpZone (SW 104th & Western) 4:30-8pm every Tuesday and Thursday. 2 adults, 2 children, 1 large pizza, 2 liter pop for $25. For open play hours call 200-1691, JumpZoneParty.com. FREE StoryTime at Gymboree Penn Square, first Friday of every month, 10am. 842-7540.

Myriad Botanical Gardens 301 W Reno, OKC 297-3995, MyriadGardens.com

Silly Sundays at Unpluggits Playstudio (575 Enterprise Dr, Edmond) Every Sunday, 1-6pm. Free face painting with paid admission or craft purchase. 340-7584, Unpluggits.com.

National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum 1700 NE 63rd St, OKC 478-2250, NationalCowboyMuseum.org

Tired GrownUps Night at Unpluggits Playstudio. Every Thursday from 4-8pm. Reduced admission price, free snacks. 340-7584, Unpluggits.com.

Oklahoma Aquarium 300 Aquarium Dr, Jenks 918-296-FISH, OKAquarium.org

The UCO Jazz Lab features performances each Friday and Saturday at 8pm. $7 adults, $5 age 12 and under. 359-7989, UCOJazzLab.com.

OKC Museum of Art 415 Couch Dr, OKC 236-3100, okcmoa.org

FREE Children’s Storytime at Full Circle Bookstore (1900 NW Expressway) every Saturday, 10:15am. 8422900, FullCircleBooks.com

OKC National Memorial 620 N Harvey, OKC 235-3313, OklahomaCityNationalMemorial.org

Drop in Art at the OKC Museum of Art. Held every Saturday 1-4pm. Create art inspired by the Museum’s collection, exhibitions, and special occasions. Free with paid admission.

OKC Zoo 2101 NE 50th St, OKC 424-3344, OKCZoo.com Oklahoma Children’s Theatre 2501 N Blackwelder, OKC 606-7003, OklahomaChildrensTheatre.com Oklahoma Heritage Center 13th & Shartel, OKC 235-4458, OklahomaHeritage.com Oklahoma History Center 2401 N Laird Ave, OKC 522-5248, OklahomaHistoryCenter.org Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History 2401 Chautauqua Ave, Norman 325-4712, snomnh.ou.edu Science Museum Oklahoma 2100 NE 52nd St, OKC 602-OMNI, ScienceMuseumOK.org

Sunday Nature Hikes at Martin Park Nature Center. Guided park tour and nature hike each Sunday 2:30pm. Reservations and a fee of $2 are required. 755-0676.

Email it to Calendar Editor Terri Fields, Calendar@MetroFamilyMagazine.com. 52


Through April 12

Touch the Sky: Prairie Photographs by Jim Brandenburg on exhibit at the Sam Noble OK Museum of Natural History.

April 14-June 30

FREE Competitive Edge: The Sports Tradition in Edmond features artifacts from historical competitive events at the Edmond Historical Society (431 S Boulevard). 340-0078, EdmondHistory.org.

April 17-October 1

Sunset River Cruises at Regatta Park, Fridays and Saturdays. Climate-controlled cruisers glide along the Oklahoma River. Round trip tickets $12 adults; $8 children 6-12. 702-7755, OKRiverCruises.com.

Through April 19

Harlem Renaissance at the OKC Museum of Art. Explore African American art of the 1920s and 1930s and its lasting legacy. Includes more than 100 paintings, sculptures, and photographs.

April 21-May 24

Disney’s The Lion King at the Civic Center Music Hall, 8pm. Tickets $25 and up. 800-869-1451, CelebrityAttractions.com.

Through May 1

FREE Thursday Noon Tunes at the Downtown Library, 11:30-1pm. Free live music each Thursday.

Gardens in Focus photography exhibit at the Myriad Botanical Gardens features works by local artists who placed in the Gardens in Focus photography contest.

FREE Toddler Storytime at the Norman Library. Every Monday 9:30-10am.

Through May 17

Wing Chun women’s self-defense classes, Saturdays at 9am. $60 per month. 314-6727, WingChunOKC.com.


Gymboree of Norman Family Arts Studio is held the third Saturday, 11am-noon. Includes arts & crafts for children 18mos–5 years. $5 per child. Reservations required; 307-8454, GymboreeClasses.com.

April 3-May 3

Beauty and the Beast at Guthrie’s Pollard Theatre, 8pm. Tickets $25. 282-2800, ThePollard.org. Do you have an event for our calendar?

Oklahoma. Examines how the Nazi leadership, in collaboration with individuals in professions traditionally charged with healing and the public good, used science and medicine to help legitimize persecution, murder and, ultimately, genocide. Recommended for ages 13 and up. JFedOKC.org.

April 5-July 5

Deadly Medicine: Creating the Master Race: National Holocaust Exhibition at Science Museum April 2009

Gathering Fragments: Edward S. Curtis in Oklahoma Exhibit at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art. Includes more than 100 images of Oklahoma tribes in a subsequent volume and portfolio published in 1930.

Through June 30

Dinosaurs Unearthed exhibit at the OKC Zoo, 9am5pm. Come face-to-face with the prehistoric rulers of the animal kingdom. Meet such life-like animatronic creatures as the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Free with regular Zoo admission.

Through July 12

Did She Kill ‘em All?! Martha Maxwell, Colorado Huntress Exhibit at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum. Exhibit explores Maxwell’s life and career.


April 3 • Friday

FREE Low Maintenance Landscapes at Will Rogers Gardens, 9:30am-12:30pm. Learn how you can reduce your workload for any landscape style. Space is limited. 943-0827. The Oklahoma City Thunder plays the Portland at the Ford Center, 7pm. Other games this month: 4/5, 7, 10. Tickets at OKFordCenter.com. FREE Melody Hounds Music Class at the Norman Library, 9:30am. For children ages 3-5. Encourages musical literacy and supports children’s physical, cultural, and intellectual development. 701-2630.


FREE El Reno Heritage and Arts Festival at Redlands Community College, 10am-5pm. Multi-cultural diversity with ethnic and festival food, children’s art show, live entertainment and children’s activities. Free. 893-2342, Elreno.org.

The Rock and Worship Roadshow at the Ford Center, 6pm. Concert with MercyMe, Jeremy Camp, Hawk Nelson, Tenth Avenue North and Addison Road. Tickets $10. TheRockandWorshipRoadshow.com. Yard Dawgz at the Cox Convention Center, 7:10pm. Tickets $10 and up. Other games held: 4/11, 25. 228-DAWG, OKCYardDawgz.com.


Season Finale with Yuja Wang at the Civic Center Music Hall, 8pm. Tickets $12 and up. 842-5387, OKCPhilharmonic.org.

5 • Sunday


Belle Isle, 5501 N Villa, 843-9601 Bethany, 3510 N Mueller, 789-8363 Capitol Hill, 334 SW 26th, 634-6308 Choctaw, 2525 Muzzy, 390-8418 Del City, 4509 SE 15th, 672-1377 Downtown, 300 Park Ave, 231-8650 Edmond, 10 S Boulevard, 341-9282 Midwest City, 8143 E Reno, 732-4828 Ralph Ellison, 2000 NE 23rd, 424-1437

The Oklahoma Collegium Musicum performs Baroque style Madrigals in the Gothic Hall of the Catlett Music Center on the OU Campus. 3pm. $8 adults, $5 students and seniors. 325-4101, Music.ou.edu/Calendar.

Southern Oaks, 6900 S Walker, 631-4468

6 • Monday

Harrah, 1930 N Church Ave, 454-2001

The Village, 10307 N Penn, 755-0710 Warr Acres, 5901 NW 63rd, 721-2616

FREE Free Admission to the Sam Noble Museum Oklahoma of Natural History.

Jones, 111 E Main, 399-5471

FREE Mover and Shakers at the Moore Public Library, 10am. Preschoolers with a participating adult will enjoy musical aerobic exercise. 793-4347

Nicoma Park, 2240 Overholser, 769-9452

FREE The Spiritful Voices Community Choir performs at the State Capitol, 1pm. Details, 414-7464 or


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


4 • Saturday

FREE The Children’s Hospital’s Baby & Toddler Expo 2009 at the Cox Convention Center features vendors, contests and resources. 9:30am-5pm. CoxConventionCenter.com.


The 27th Annual RedBud Classic includes 5k & 10k runs, 10-, 33-, and 52-mile bike tours, children’s fitness run, 2-mile fun run/walk, 2-mile baby stroller derby, 5k wheelchair event, and pasta on the pond. Proceeds benefit the Boys Town Ranch. 842-8295, RedBud.org.

FREE Bach at Belle Isle featuring Wayne McEvilly at the Belle Isle Library, 2-3pm. Piano concert featuring the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Ages 6 and up.



Metropolitan Library System


For a complete list of Easter activities on April 4-5, go to


The Tulsa Ballet’s production of Cinderella at the Rose State Performing Arts Center. Saturday 7pm, Sunday 2pm. $15 and up, 808-1470, TulsaBallet.org.

FREE Garland Arts & Crafts Show at the Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center in Shawnee, 10am-5pm. Featuring wood items, quilts, baby items, bags, jewelry and candles. Free. 399-2070.

FREE Medieval Fair at Reeves Park in Norman, 10am7pm. Arts and crafts, food, games, knights jousting, and human chess game. 288-2536, MedievalFair.org.


Luther, 310 NE 3rd, 277-9967 Wright Library, 2101 Exchange, 235-5035

Pioneer Library System pls.lib.ok.us Blanchard, 300 N Main, 485-2275 McLoud, 133 N Main, 964-2960 Moore, 225 S Howard, 793-5100

weekly E-Updates keep you in-the-know Subscribe at MetroFamilyMagazine.com April 2009

Newcastle, 705 NW Tenth, 387-5076 Noble, 204 N 5th, 872-5713 Norman, 225 N Webster, 701-2600 Purcell, 919 N Ninth, 527-5546 Shawnee, 101 N Philadelphia, 275-6353 Tecumseh, 114 N Broadway, 598-5955



Farmer’s Markets Edmond Farmer’s Market Festival Marketplace First St West of Broadway Saturdays and Wednesdays, 9am1pm beginning April 15 Norman Farmer’s Market Cleveland County Fairgrounds 615 E Robinson Wednesdays and Saturdays, 8amnoon beginning April 4 Old Town Farmer’s Market Downtown Moore Thursdays 4-8pm and Saturdays 8am-noon beginning in May OSU-OKC Downtown Farmer’s Market Couch Park Wednesdays, 9:30am-1:30pm beginning May 7 OSU-OKC Farmer’s Market OSU-OKC Horticultural Pavilion 400 N Portland Indoor market open year-round, Saturdays 10am-1pm


7 • Tuesday

SchmoozaPalooza at Oklahoma State Fair Park Cox Pavilion, 4-7pm. Enjoy local artists and entertainers while previewing the latest products and services from Chamber member exhibitors. $10. OKCChamber.com/ Party FREE Art Adventures: Coyote by Gerald McDermott at Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, 10:30am. Young artists are invited to experience art through books and related art projects for children ages 3-5 wih adult.

8 • Wednesday

FREE Wiggle & Giggle baby & you playdate at Babies R Us (1731 Belle Isle Blvd, OKC), 11am. 840-2829. FREE Make an Easter House for ages 7-12 at the Capitol Hill Library, 3-4pm. Supplies provided. FREE Yoga Breathing for Labor Workshop at Babies R Us (1731 Belle Isle Blvd, OKC), 6pm. Learn yoga techniques with Mamaste Yoga owner Karen Prior. 840-2829.

9 • Thursday

FREE Make and Take at the Moore Public Library, 10-11:30am. Come and go activities for ages 3-6. 793-4347. FREE Magic Workshop with Steve Crawford at the Choctaw Library, 6-7pm. Learn magic tricks and take home your own bag of magic props to practice with. For Teens. Space is limited. 390-8418. The Chef’s Feast at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum benefits the Regional Food Bank’s Food 4 Kids backpack program. Open seating tickets $120. 604-7109 or RegionalFoodBank.org/Chefs-Feast.


Plant and Garden Sale at the Myriad Botanical Gardens. Everything you need to make your garden grow, including beautiful annuals and perennials, will be for sale. Plus, garden experts will be available to answer questions. 297-3995, MyriadGardens.com. 9am-5pm.


FREE Oklahoma Centennial Horse Show at the State Fairgrounds, 10am. Multi-breed regional horse show involving American Saddlebred, Morgan, Hackney, and Road horse breeds. 302-2900, OKCentennial.com.

10 • Friday

FREE Art “à la CART” at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, 6-9pm. Explore the new exhibition, Gathering Fragments: Edward S. Curtis in Oklahoma, while enjoying live music, hands-on art activities, and independent film. 54


April 2009

Home Runs for Hearts at the OU Sooners vs Texas Tech baseball game. Free blood pressure screenings, 5-6:30p. General admission tickets $8; 325-2424, SoonerSports.com.


Vocalist Linda Eder at the Civic Center Music Hall, 8pm. $12 and up. 842-5387, OKCPhilharmonic.org.


Zombie Prom at the Civic Center Music Hall, 8pm. Off-Broadway musical is set in the atomic 1950’s at Enrico Fermi High, where the law is laid down by a zany, tyrannical principal. $30. 848-3761, CityRep.com.

11 • Saturday For a complete list of Easter activities on April 11-12, go to

MetroFamilyMagazine.com/Easter-Activities Rainy Day Origami at Martin Park Nature Center, 2pm. $2 per person. 755-0676, OKC.gov. Spring Garden & Produce Farmer’s Market in Downtown Edmond, 9am-12pm. Fresh produce, bedding plants, herbs, yard and garden decorations. Also held 4/18, 25. 359-4630, EdmondOK.com.


Celebrate Easter Servies at Crossings Community Church with Christian artists Sandi Patty and Ben Utecht. Saturday 6pm, Sunday 8, 9:30, 10:45 and 11am. 755-2227, CrossingsOKC.com.

12 • Sunday

Easter Brunch at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, 11am-3pm, hosted by the Museum’s Dining on Persimmon Hill restaurant. Museum admission included. Reservations required.

13 • Monday

FREE Teen Movie Night at the Midwest City Library, 5:30-7:30pm. For ages 10-16.

14 • Tuesday

The Best of Broadway at the Bruce Owen Theatre at Oklahoma City Community College, 7pm. Tickets $17 and up. 682-7579, OCCC.EDU/CAS.

16 • Thursday

Making History Club at the Edmond Historical Society & Museum, 4-5pm. Children will make the wind sing by making creative wind chimes as well as learn safety facts about tornadoes. Children who attend will receive

SUMMER CAMPS a free book and t-shirt. $8 members, $10 non-members. For ages 5-12. 340-0078, EdmondHistory.org.

17 • Friday

Jingle-Jangle Mingle at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum features entertainment and hors d’oeuvres, meet honorees and special guests, enjoy a book and CD autograph session. 5:30-7:30pm


Family Fossil Field Trip at the Sam Noble OK Museum of Natural History, 7-8:30pm. Travel to a dig site in search of marine fossils. For children 8 and up with adult; pre-registration is required. One adult and one child: members $80, non-members $95. Friends of the Yukon Library Book Sale at Museum and Arts Center, 601 Oak St. in Yukon, 9am-7pm. 354-8232.


FREE The Original Free RV and Boat Show at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds, 11am-8pm. OKStateFairPark.com

18 • Saturday

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Pirate & Pixie Ball at St. John’s Episcopal School, (5401 N Brookline, OKC) 4-7pm. Moon bounces, inflatable obstacle course, games, and door prizes. $5 admission. 525-4141. FREE Learn how to feed a family of four for less than $50 per week at the Healthy Eating on a Budget seminar. Homeland Food Store, 1251 Alameda St, Norman, sponsored by Norman Regional Health System. 440-8802 to register. Tracy Lawrence in concert at the Yukon Fine Arts

Center (850 Yukon Ave), 7pm. Tickets $10. 415-9741.


FREE Indian Territory Australian Shepherd Dog Show at the Oklahoma State Fair Grounds, 9am-8pm. OKStateFairPark.com.

19 • Sunday

FREE MetroFamily Magazine’s Oklahoma’s Summer Adventure Expo is held noon-5pm at the Sheraton Hotel Pavilion in downtown OKC (just north of the Cox Convention Center). Find summer programs and activities for your family and Oklahoma-friendly travel destinations. Also includes inflatables for the kids, hands-on activities, demonstrations, entertainment, giveaways, prizes and affordable concessions. 340-1404 or MetroFamilyMagazine.com/oklahoma-summeradventure-expo. FREE Kids for Kindness Earth Day at the Little River Zoo, 12-6pm. Over 30 booths provide activities to teach children the principles of conservation, recycling and promoting non-violence. 366-7229. FREE The Day of Remembrance at the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum, 9am. Join state and local dignitaries, family members, survivors and rescue workers for a ceremony at the Outdoor Symbolic Memorial. Music and a reading of the 168 names will also be a part of the ceremony.

21 • Tuesday

FREE Art Adventures: The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush by Tomie dePaol at Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, 10:30am. Young artists are invited to experience art through books and related art projects for children ages 3-5 with adult.

It’s time to register for Mad Science 2009 Summer Camps! Choose between three awesome camps, targeted speciďŹ cally to capture the interest of the most discerning camper. t t Secret Agent Lab: 2nd-6th Grades tt Moving with Science: 2nd-6th Grades tt The World Around Me: Pre-K-1st Grade

For locations & dates, or to register, please call us or check out our website!

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Summer Camp: June 1 to July 24 April 2009



“Does my child have autism?� Now there is a short screening available to determine if children ages 24-36 months are “at risk� for autism.

UĂŠ `Â“ÂˆÂ˜ÂˆĂƒĂŒiĂ€i`ĂŠLÞÊ>ĂŠV…ˆÂ?`ĂŠ`iĂ›iÂ?ÂœÂŤÂ“iÂ˜ĂŒ ĂŠiĂ?ÂŤiĂ€ĂŒĂŠÂœvĂŠĂ“äĂŠĂži>Ă€Ăƒ° UĂŠ/Ă€>ˆ˜i`ĂŠvÂœĂ€ĂŠĂŒÂ…iĂŠ-/ /ĂŠĂƒVĂ€ii˜iÀÊ>ĂŒĂŠ 6>˜`iĂ€LˆÂ?ĂŒĂŠ1Â˜ÂˆĂ›iĂ€ĂƒÂˆĂŒĂž° UĂŠĂ“äÂ‡Â“ÂˆÂ˜Ă•ĂŒiĂŠĂƒVĂ€ii˜ˆ˜}ĂŠ>ĂƒĂƒiĂƒĂƒiĂƒĂŠĂƒÂŽÂˆÂ?Â?ĂƒĂŠĂƒĂ•VÂ…ĂŠ >ĂƒĂŠÂˆÂ“ÂˆĂŒ>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜]ĂŠÂŤÂ?>ÞÊ>˜`ĂŠ`ÂˆĂ€iVĂŒÂˆÂ˜}ĂŠ>ĂŒĂŒiÂ˜ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜° UĂŠ ÂœÂ˜ĂƒĂ•Â?ĂŒ>ĂŒÂˆÂœÂ˜ĂŠ>vĂŒiĂ€ĂŠĂŒÂ…iĂŠĂƒVĂ€ii˜ˆ˜}ĂŠÂˆĂƒĂŠ ˆ˜VÂ?Ă•`i`° Call Gay Snyder M.Ed. at 471-9303 to ďŹ nd out more and schedule your child’s screening.

FREE Watts Green? Home Energy Audit at the Warr Acres Library, 6:30-7:30pm. Learn about energy audits. OKGreen.org.


FREE 89er Celebration in Downtown Guthrie, 10am. Festival includes parade, carnival, chuck wagon feed, food and craft vendors. Parade begins noon on Saturday. 282-2589, 89erDays.com.


FREE Festival of the Arts in Downtown OKC, 11am9pm. Features over 144 artists, live performances, specialty art, kid’s area, and international food. 270-4848, ArtsCouncilOKC.com.

22 • Wednesday

It’s Time... To Paint Mother’s Day & FFather’s Day Gifts! s Punky Pottery s Bridal Parties s Teen Parties s Walk-in Anytime s Birthday Parties

Paint your own pottery studio

FREE Free bus & trolley rides from MetroTransit, 5:30am-7:30pm, in honor of Earth Day. 235-7433, GoMetro.org for route information.

23 • Thursday

25 • Saturday

Dinosaur Science class at the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, 9am-noon. Explore the science behind dinosaurs and learn how paleontologists determine facts like speed, bite force and weight of dinosaurs. For students grades 6-8. Members $15, Non-members $20. Touch a Truck fundraiser for the Norman chapter of the MOMS Club raises money for the Children’s Section of the Norman Public Library. Children are invited to explore vehicles such as helicopters, police cruisers and cement mixers. Cleveland County Fairgrounds, 9amnoon. $2 donation per chid suggested. 701-0161. FREE Earth Fest at Martin Nature Park (500 W Memorial) features earth-friendly educational booths and seminars, 10am-5pm. 755-0676.

This American Life - Live! brings the family-friendly weekly radio broadcast to movie screens for one night only, 7pm. Tickets and theatres available at ThisAmericanLife.org.

Muse-a-Palooza at the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, 7-10pm. Guests will bid on a one-ofa-kind live auction items, food and drinks and live music. $75 per person.

24 • Friday

FREE Harold and the Purple Crayon at the Downtown Library, 10-11:15am. Ages 2 - 5 years. RSVP by calling 231-8650, ext 4.

Family Night Out: Telling Time with Trees at the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, 6-8pm. Join botanist Phil Gibson and learn about tree growth and how scientists use trees to find out what the earth was like in the past and enjoy dinner. $10 members, $12 non-members Space is limited, and pre-registration is required.

. -AY /+# s 842-7770

On Exhibit

The Baby Bond 7th Annual Teen Associate Board Charity Auction benefits Infant Crisis Services, Inc. Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club, 6pm. $50 per person. 528-3663, InfantCrisis.org.

26 • Sunday

Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon in Downtown OKC, 6:30am. Marathon includes half marathon, marathon relay, 5k walk and kid’s marathon. Visit onine for times and registration. 525-4242, OKCMarthon.com.

The Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History in Norman recently opened a new gallery featuring hundreds of interactive objects and specimens that will take visitors behind the scenes of the museum. The exhibit seeks to answer some common questions—Why do scientists collect this stuff? How are these objects used? How are they stored and protected? These and other questions related to what the museum does and how they do it will be answered in the Orientation Gallery. Other highlights of the exhibit include a reproduction of the 40-foot neck and head of a Sauroposeidon proteles, the world’s tallest dinosaur, whose neckbones were found in southeast Oklahoma by museum paleontologists in 1994. A display case at the entrance features a selection of objects from all the museum’s collections, including skeletons, brightly-colored Ethiopian birds, jarred specimens, minerals and crystals. The Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of History is located at 2401 Chautauqua Avenue, Norman. Open Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 1-5pm. Admission is $5 adults, $5 seniors, $3 kids 6-17, age 5 and under free. 325-4712, snomnh. ou.edu.



April 2009

Call Free P for revie class w

Ginger’s ingee r’s inger’s ’s FREE The Horse Whisperer Lew Sterrett will speak and train a wild horse during his presentation at Revelation Farms (206th & Rockwell), 6pm. Sponsored by North Pointe Baptist Church. Northpointe.TV. Party for the Planet at the OKC Zoo, 11am-3pm. Family activities, music and giveaways. Free with admission.

off Oklahoma Okl h Cit City

May 2 • Saturday

FREE Festival of the Child at the City Park in Yukon, 10am-4pm. Festivities include games, crafts, storytelling, pony rides, petting zoo, and painting. 350-8937, CI.Yukon.OK.US.

30 • Thursday

FREE Fried Onion Burger Day Festival in El Reno, 10am-5pm. Live entertainment, car show, craft show, and burger eating contest. 262-8888, ElReno.org.

May 1-2

March of Dimes March for Babies at Myriad Gardens, 9am. After the walk, come by and enjoy a fun art project at the MetroFamily booth. Registration 8am. 943-1025, MarchForBabies.org.

FREE The Mouse, the Cat, and Grandmother’s Hat storytime at the Belle Isle Library, 10-11am. Pre-register. The Oklahoma Christian Home Educators Consociation (OCHEC) Convetion is held at the Cox Convention Center. $35 in advance includes exhibits and workshops. Friday 8am-6:30pm, Saturday 8am-5:30pm. Children’s program for ages 4-6 and 7-12 available at Character First Center (520 W Main, OKC), $23 per child for both days, plus lunch. 810-0386, ochec.com.

May 1-3

FREE Downtown Edmond Arts Festival, 10am-8pm. Over 100 artists, music, food and children’s activities. 249-9391, DowntownEdmondOK.com. FREE May Fair Arts Festival at Andrews Park in Norman, 10am-8pm. Live entertainment, children’s activities, and food. 672-2869, MayFairArtsFestival.com. The Remarriage Seminar at Crossings Community Church addresses needs of remarrying couples, including stepfamily dynamics, merging finances and possessions, and the top three factors that lead to divorce. $150 per couple, registration due 4/29. Friday 6:30-9:30pm, Saturday 8:30am-4:30pm, Sunday 8:30am-noon. 302-1293, CrossingsOKC.org.

May 2-3

Healthy Home and Wellness Expo at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds, 10am-9pm. Products and demonstrations focus on home, health, wellness, green living, renewable resources, environmental safety and energy efficiency. $10. HealthyHomeExpo.com.

May 4 • Monday


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There are as many support groups in the Metro as there are needs for them. To include your group in our listing, please email details to Calendar@MetroFamilyMagazine.com.

Childbirth & Babies

DACO (Doula Association of Central OK), 455-1500, DACOinc.org. La Leche League meets at Gymboree Play & Music in Norman the second Saturday of each month, 10amnoon. Family Gym is available at $5 per family for partners and children of meeting attendees. La Leche League breastfeeding information and support. Meetings in Moore and NW OKC. Visit the calendar at MetroFamilyMagazine.com for dates, times, and contact info. lllusa.org.

Counseling & Support

Lunch provided; register 271-8001, ext 48592, or 2718001 ext. 48527.

at Edmond Hospital, 7pm. 285-5208 and 315-0338, EdmondMoms.com.

Amputees’ Next Step support group, second Tuesday 1-3pm. O’Donoghue Rehabilitation Institute (1122 NE 13th, room 252). OUPhysicians.com.

Special Needs

Parents of Children with Cancer support group, second Wednesday at noon (complimentary lunch). Children’s Hospital (930 NE 13th). 943-8888. Parents Helping Parents confidential meetings for parents of children who abuse drugs. First and third Tuesdays. Oklahoma Blood Institute in Edmond, 6428198, ParentsHelpingParents.info. Leukemia & Lymphoma Society-sponsored Family Support Group. First Thursday, 6pm, Integris Baptist Medical Center. 943-8888.

Divorce Recovery Group, Wednesdays at 7pm, Quail Springs Church of Christ (14401 N May), room 308. 755-4790.

Myeloma Support Group. Third Thursday, 6pm, 7th floor Conference room, Presbyterian Tower, OU Medical Center, 271-6557.

Free drug and alcohol addiction classes offered by A Chance to Change Foundation at the Last Frontier Council Scout Service Center (3031 NW 64th), 6:308pm Mondays. 840-9000, AChanceToChange.org.

Parents Fighting Autism third Monday of the month, 7pm. Olive Garden in Norman. Free. Location subject to change, contact ParentsFightingAutism@gmail.com. OKC Area Stuttering Support Group for adults. Third Tuesday, 6:30-7:30pm. First United Methodist Church, 303 E Hurd, Edmond. okcssg@yahoo.com. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren support group for grandparents and other relatives raising children. First and third Tuesday, 6pm, Trinity Church of the Nazarene. 634-4400 ext. 140. CHADD ADD/ADHD support meeting, second Tuesday at 7pm. Deaconess Medical Offices North. 722-1ADD, 419-4176, or CHADD.org. (THIS IS UPDATED) The free Talking Hands sign language class meets Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm, 300 N Air Depot, Midwest City. Talkinghands@rocketmail.com. (THIS IS NEW)

Grief Support Group, Wednesdays at 7pm, Quail Springs Church of Christ (14401 N May), room 110. 755-4790.

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society-sponsored SpanishSpeaking Group. First Tuesday, 6pm at Integris Southwest Medical Center, 636-7560; and first Wednesday, 5pm at the 7th floor Conference room, Presbyterian Tower, OU Medical Center, 271-7930.

H.O.P.E. Gynecologic Cancer Support at the OU Physicians Building, (5th floor) the first Saturday of each month at 10am. 271-8001 ext 48165, 672-1748.

Family Support Group for leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma survivors and caregivers, second Tuesday, 6pm. Mercy Cancer Center, 943-8888.

Mondays Friends Breast Cancer Support Group second Monday, 7pm. Midwest Regional Breast Care Center. 610-8872, jean.pitzer@mrmc.hma-corp.com.

Head and Injury Support Group, third Tuesday at 5100 N Brookline, Suite 100, 6-8pm. BrainInjuryOklahoma. org/okc

Living Longer—Living Stronger Workshop for living with chronic illness. 9am-noon at Oklahoma County OSU Extension (930 N Portland). Continuing sessions held 4/9,16,23,30 and 5/7. $5 registration fee. 713-1125.

Birth Parent support group, first Monday, 6-7:30pm. Deaconess Pregnancy & Adoption Services (5300 N Meridian). 949-4200 ext 13.


9 • Thursday

United Methodist Church of the Servant (14343 N MacArthur), holds Discoveries Program classes for adults. Call Gayle 720-8480 for full listing. Crossings Community Church (14600 N Portland) holds a variety of Care Series classes and support groups. 755-2227 or CrossingsOKC.org. Pancreatic Cancer support group, last Thursday, 6pm. O’Donoghue Research Building (1122 NE 13th Street), 3rd Floor Surgery Research Conference Room. 2712108 or ouhsc.edu/surgery/pancan.

Breast Cancer awareness group for survivors and women who want to learn more. First Monday, 7pm. Eastside Church of Christ (916 S Douglas), 732-0393. Breast Cancer support group at the OU Breast Institute (825 NE10th), Suite 3500, third Thursday, noon-1pm. 58


2 • Thursday

Women’s Yoga Center offers women’s, prenatal, kids and mommy & baby yoga classes. 607-6699, WomensYogaCenter.com.

FREE Disaster Preparedness & Seasonal Weather workshop at Babies R Us (1731 Belle Isle Blvd, OKC), 7pm. 840-2829.

Daily Yoga Classes (adult, teen, prenatal, meditation, and senior) for beginning and advanced students. $12 and up. 203-8927, 3rdStreetYogaStudio.com.

25 • Saturday

Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga. $8-$15 per class. 474-3302 or MamasteYoga.com for locations and times.

First Aid & CPR training at Rainbow Fleet (3024 Paseo, OKC), 9am-5pm. $35 for both, $30 First Aid only. 521-1426, RainbowFleet.org. Also held 5/9.

Parenting Groups

Breast Cancer Survivor support group, second Thursday, 6:30pm. Young Survival Coalition (for women under 40), third Wednesday, noon. Breast Imaging of OK (2601 Kelley Pointe Pkwy, Edmond). 844-2601 ext 1031.

Hope Link meetings for parents of special-needs children or children with undiagnosed disorders. Integris Baptist Medical Center, first Thursday, 6pm. 271-5072, OKCHopeLink.org.

Mom’s Got Connections Christian group for moms with young children (birth-5yrs). Chapel Hill United Methodist Church, OKC, 9:30-11am Tuesdays. Nadinebryant@ sbcglobal.net or 359-9251. MOMS Club (Moms Offering Moms Support) activity groups meet in Edmond, OKC, Moore, Midwest/Del City, and Norman. MOMSClub.org. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) support groups meet in Choctaw, Norman, Edmond, and OKC. Visit our online calendar for dates, times, and contact info. Edmond’s Mothers of Multiples, second Thursday

April 2009

Psycle for Families bike ride in Edmond, 8am. $25 Registration. 341-3554, EdmondFamilyCounseling.org

27 • Monday

FREE Baby Signs Workshop at the Southern Oaks Library, 2:30-3:30pm. Interactive class teaches how to include signs naturally while interacting with your child through daily routines and play. For parents of children 9-22 months. 425-4412 to register.

28 • Tuesday

FREE Buckle Up & Boogie Car Seat Safety Workshop at Babies R Us (1731 Belle Isle Blvd, OKC), 6:30pm. 840-2829.

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April 2009

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