November 2016
IN THIS ISSUE... Page 12
ariations for V The Ultimate Workout
Page 26
Nutrition Testimonial Cryogenic Therapy one of the health services at... Page 14
Limitless Performance Training THIS ISSUE’S COVER FEATURE
Friends don't let friends eat high fructose corn syrup!
Page 24
Depression: Is Exercise the Cure? Backed by scientific study!
• Prepared with fresh Ingredients • No added preservatives • Proper ratios of protein, complex carbohydrates & fats • Labeled with nutritional facts
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Pick up now available for Slidell, Mandeville, Covington, Hammond, Kenner, Metairie, and Lakeview
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IN THIS ISSUE... Page 12
Variations for The Ultimate Workout
editor editor lanaWALGAMOTTE lanaWALGAMOTTE
Page 26
Nutrition Testimonial
lanaWALGAMOTTE marketing
Cryogenic Therapy one of the health services at...
Page 14
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larryMcEWEN larryMcEWEN larryMcEWEN garyDRAGON garyDRAGON garyDRAGON Metro Fitness is published kristieANDRES kristieANDRES monthly by Metro Fitness kristieANDRES travisMANNY P.O. Box 752 travisMANNY travisMANNY Slidell, LA 70459 kristenSMITH kristenSMITH 985778-6171 kristenSMITH
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November 2016
Distribution in: New Orleans, Orleans, Metairie, Metairie, Kenner, Kenner, Westbank, Distribution in: New Hammond, & Southwest Mississippi Westbank, Slidell, Slidell, Mandeville, Mandeville, Covington, Covington, Hammond, Hammond, & Southwest Mississippi & Southwest Mississippi Distribution in: New Orleans, Metairie, Kenner, Westbank, Slidell, Mandeville, Covington, Distribution in: New Orleans, Metairie, Kenner, Westbank, Slidell, Mandeville, Covington, Hammond, & Southwest Mississippi
page 76 page 6 page spiritual page 6FITNESS Tid BITS page 8 Tid BITS kids CORNER page 8 page page page988 supplementREVIEW supplementREVIEW dragon’s CORNER
page 9
page 10 10 page healthy page 10EATS runnersCORNER
runnersCORNER runnersCORNER page 10 supplement REVIEW page 12 page 12 page 13 12 spiritualFITNESS spiritualFITNESS area RACES
page 12 Chiro Talk page 12 Chiro Talk by Dr. kristinSMITH by Dr. kristinSMITH page 12 Burpees: The Ultimate Workout by TravisMANNY page 17 Eggs What’s the Difference page 17 Eggs What’s the Difference page 13 Highby krisGUNNARS School Atheletes and Carbs by krisGUNNARS by MarisLEE page 18 9 Fitness Myths Exposed # page1818 Superfoods 9 Fitness Myths Exposed 5: Kale page for Diabetes by travisMANNY
page 20 page 20 page 20
Limitless Performance Training THIS ISSUE’S COVER FEATURE
Friends don't let friends eat high fructose corn syrup!
Page 24
Depression: Is Exercise the Cure? Backed by scientific study!
Whole Body Cryogenic Therapy at Limitless Cover: Trainer’s Choice Cover: Trainer’s Choice Performance Training read Cover: Trainer’s Choice by Liz Maddox by Liz Maddox more on page 14. by Liz Maddox Page 14 Article by Liz Maddox. Page 14
Misconceptions Pets & Your Training Medicine Cabinet of Strength Pets & Your Medicine Cabinet by TravisMANNY by Dr. lizaLEDET, DVM by Dr. lizaLEDET, DVM
page 22 The Dangers of Stress by TazzANDERSON page 22 Running Fundamentals page 22 Running Fundamentals by aaronPOTTS by aaronPOTTS page 24 Depression:
Is Exercise a Cure? page Truth Bitter by AaronPOTTS page28 28 The The Bitter TruthAbout AboutFructose Fructose by krisGUNNARS by krisGUNNARS page 26 Friends Don't Let Friends Eat High Fructose Corn Syrup page 15 page 13 page 15 page 13 by AngieJONES healthyEATS area RACES areaRACES healthyEATS
by travisMANNY by travisMANNY
NOTES INSPIRATIONAL Inspirational NOTES NOTES INSPIRATIONAL ripening corn and swirls it from field Growing Inspiration is is aa profound profound feeling feeling that that precedes precedes change. It’s like aa window window through Inspiration change. like through to field. If my It’s neighbors grow inferior Inspiration is a profound feeling that precedes change. It’s like a window through corn, cross-pollination will steadily de-to Good Corn which we may be able to see the life we could have. It can give us the ability to which we may be able to see the life we could have. It can give us the ability which we may be able to see the life we could have. It can give us the ability to
kellyWALGAMOTTE kellyWALGAMOTTE kellyWALGAMOTTE publisher publisher publisher (985) 778-6171 Like Metro Metro Fitness Fitness Like Like Metro Fitness
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Magazine on: Like Metro Fitness Magazine on
grade the quality of we mythink, corn. since If I amour recognize that that changing changing our our life life begins begins with with changing changing the the way way we recognize think, since to grow good corn, I must help my our There once was a farmer who grew recognize that changing our life begins with changing the way we think, since our thoughts create our actions, and our actions create the life we could have. neighbors grow good corn." He is award-winning corn. Each year he thoughts create our actions, and our actions create the life we could have.very thoughts create our actions, and our actions create the life we could have. much aware of the connectedness of entered hisinspiration corn in thecomes statefrom fair experiencing rivers, and and forests. forests. Immersing Immersing ourselves ourselves within within our our environenvironFor some, some, inspiration comes from experiencing connection to nature—the nature—the oceans, oceans, For aa connection to rivers, life. His acorn cannot improve unless oceans,corn, where it woninspiration a blue ribbon. For some, comesOne from experiencing connection to nature—the rivers, forests. Immersing ourselves within our environweand must help our neighbors grow good corn. ment can be a powerful and joyful feeling we long to sustain. For others, it may come from the belief that if we can succeed at changing our mentacan be a powerful andinterjoyful feeling long to sustain. others, it hiswe neighbor's corn alsoForimproves. Somay come from the belief that if we can succeed at changing our year newspaper reporter ment can be a powerful and joyful feeling we long to sustain. For others, it may come from the belief that if we can succeed at changing our habits, him we can can achieve our dreams—whether theyour arelives. about feeling better, having more more energy energy to do do things things with with our our loved loved ones, ones, or or even even just just it is with Those whobetter, choosehaving viewed andachieve learnedour something Proverbs 11:24-26 habits, we dreams—whether they are about feeling to habits, weabout can achieve dreams—whether are about better, having more energy to do things with our loved ones, or even just to livethey in peace must feeling help their interesting how heour grew it. or at school. 24-25 It is possible to give away and become richer! It performing better in sports, work performing better in sports, work or at school. to live in peace. Those who The reporter better discovered that the performing in sports, work or at neighbors school. is also possible to hold on too tightly and lose everyOnce you you are inspired inspired tocorn change, the keychoose to success success is well in taking taking small steps each day. day. And And when when you you find find yourself yourself reaching reaching your your first first goal, goal, you you Once are change, to is in to live mustsmall help steps otherseach farmer shared his seedto with the his key thing. Yes, the you liberal shallreaching be rich!your By first watering Once you are inspired to change, the key to success is in taking small steps each day. And when findman yourself goal, you to live well, for the value of a life is neighbors. "How can you afford to may want to slow down for a moment to enjoy what you have accomplished. That is because one of life's greatest pleasures is in achieving he waters himself. 26 People curse man aa may want to slow down for a moment to enjoy what you have accomplished. That others, is because one of life's greatest pleasures is inthe achieving may want to slow down for a moment to enjoy what youlives haveitaccomplished. Thatwho is because onegrain of life's greatest pleasures isthey in achieving a measured by the touches. And share your best seed corn with your holds his for higher prices, but bless the goal. By By taking taking the the time time to to simply simply experience experience joy, joy, you you may may discover discover the the source source of of inspiration inspiration for for your your next next challenge! challenge! -- Author Author Unknown Unknown goal. those who choose to be happy must neighbors when they are entering man who for sellsyour it tonext them in their- time need. goal. By taking the time to simply experience joy, you may discover the source of inspiration challenge! AuthorofUnknown help others to find happiness, for the corn competition with yours each GodinBless, Bless, God welfare of each, is bound up with year?" reporter asked. "Why sir," God the Bless, Kelly Walgamotte Readat: us online at: Kelly the welfare of all. The lesson for each Read us online said theWalgamotte farmer, "didn't you know? Kelly Walgamotte Read us online at: of us is this: if we are to grow good The wind picks up pollen from the (985) 778-6171 • (985) 778-6171 • (985) 778-6171 •
∙ November 2016
October 2015 5 October 2015 5
BENEFITS OF POTATOES The typical American diet is low in fruits and vegetables and, therefore, most of us consume only half the daily potassium recommendation (4,700 mg/day). Potassium is a mineral that plays a role in nerve function, muscle contraction and fluid and electrolyte balance. When combined with an effor t to curb your sodium intake, high potassium consumption is associated with the prevention and reversal of high blood pressure. Bananas are a famous source of potassium,
yet they contain only 50% of the whopping 844 mg of potassium that a baked Russet potato has to offer. Put down the peeler! One of the healthiest par ts of a potato is the skin, which is packed with fiber and antioxidants. The skin of a medium sized Russet potato packs 4 grams of fiber (20-35 gm/day is recommended). Fiber is an impor tant par t of your diet that can help lower cholesterol, maintain bowel regularity, slow the absorption of carbs into your bloodstream and may decrease the risk of colon and rectal cancer.
Simply, free radicals are oxygen molecules floating around in your system that contain an unpaired electric charge. This Antioxidants are compounds single “electron” looks for a that offset damage to the body’s buddy to gain stability and so cells. Antioxidants, including it destructively steals a second cer tain vitamins, minerals, and electron from substances like phytochemicals, defend against cell membranes and DNA. Free injuries caused by free radiradicals form naturally during cals. But what’s a free radical? the metabolism of food but are
also caused by cigarette smoke, air pollution, and UV sun rays. While there are some benefits to free radicals, these highly reactive, unstable molecules are implicated in aging, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer. For tunately, antioxidants can destroy free radicals, limit their formation and stimulate repair activity at the site of damage.
GRAPEFRUIT-MEDICATION INTERACTIONS Unlike other citrus fruits, grapefruit interferes with the metabolism of a few dozen drugs (see par tial list below). A chemical component within the fruit prohibits a cer tain digestive enzyme in the body from breaking down these medications. By continuing to consume grapefruit or grapefruit juice, you decrease the efficacy of the medication you’re on, and the drug itself can build up to dangerously high levels int he blood. Grapefruit should be fully avoided, as its effects wear off very slowly and are still evident 24 hours after consumption.
Avoid grapefruit and grapefruit products when taking the following: • High blood pressure/angina drugs Plendil and Procardia/Adalat • Cholesterol-lowering agents Zocor, Lipitor and Mevacor • Immunosuppressant medications Sandimmune and Rapamune • Anti-anxiety/anti-insomnia drugs Valium, Halcion and Versed • Neurological medications BuSpar, Zoloft and Tegretol
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CANOLA OIL Has the least amount of saturated fat (only 7%)! Great for sautéing, stir-frying, baking and salad dressings. Canola oil does not give off a strong flavor and can be used over high-heat.
VEGETABLE OIL This oil is usually made from soybeans. It is an all-purpose oil that can be used for baking, sautéing and pan frying. Since vegetable oil has a relatively high saturated fat content, canola oil is a healthier choice.
OLIVE OIL Contains a large amount of good, monounsaturated fat. Use it for dressings, marinades, roasting, grilling and low-heat cooking. Olive oil will star t to break down at very high temperatures.
CORN OIL With about 13% saturated fat, corn oil is not the best option. It can be used for deep frying, stir-frying, sautéing and baking, because of a very high tolerance to heat.
∙ November 2016
Brain Foods
HERE'S A SHORT LIST OF HEALTHY ITEMS THAT ARE TRULY “FOOD FOR THOUGHT” 1. WILD SALMON “wild salmon can help do everything from improve your brain matter, your mood, your synaptic connections, your ar teries, reduce your risk of stroke and Dementia and Alzheimer’s and much more.” 2. CACAO BEANS Think DARK CHOCOLATE! (Look for chocolate with higher that 75% cacao and enjoy!) 3. MATCHA Think green tea but 10x better for you! Look for “stone-ground Gyokuru green tea powder” and reap the health benefits! 4. ACAI BERRIES OR BLUEBERRIES tiny superfoods that make a giant impact on your health! 5. COFFEE BEANS Coffee is rich with antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. INCORPORATE THESE 5 ITEMS INTO YOUR DAY AND BOOST YOUR BRAINPOWER!!!
by: Dr. Larry T. McEwen Senior Pastor,
e thing physical, mental, emo-
tness all have in common: the
getaway, a break, a change in
by: Larry Dr. Larry T. McEwen by: Dr. T. McEwen Senior Pastor are so important to all areas Think by: of Dr.well-being! Larry T. McEwen about it, if you have a good reason for doing what you Senior Pastor,
motivate what we do; and reasons and motivations Senior Pastor,
do, it stands to reason
Is it ever a bad thing to work out? The answer may surprise It seems counteryou you. will do what you do “Come to me,ofall you physical who are wearyatand intuitive to think a good workout the gym being a bad thing, but as with much greater pase motivate what we do; and reasons and motivations There's at leastgive one thing mental, emoburdened, and I will rest. Take myout! yoke it turns out, sometimes it’syou best notphysical, to work And when might that be? A new sion. And people who e so having important to all areas of well-being! Think tional, and spiritual fitness have the are upon and learn me,all for I be amatin gentle study you has revealed thatfrom a person could a common: three times greater risk of a live their life with pasg and humble in heart, you willdo find rest for heart attack within theand hour if physical, they whilemotivate angry orit, emotionwhat do;a good and reasons and motivations if youwe have reason for doing what you about Tneed here's ata least one thing mental, emofor well-timed getaway, a strenuous break, a exercise change sioninare the ones who s ally distraught. It my seems theismental and my emotional your souls. For yoke easy and burdenattitudes a person brings to the are highly so important to all areasdo, of itwell-being! Think stands to reason and spiritual fitness scenery, a vacation! As I all have in common: the are more motittional, isworkout light.” affect the outcomes of the workout. There are also studies which suggest you will do what youyou do ifgreat youattihave a good reason for doing what about it, show vated to achieve ondifficulty beach listenkneedsit for athe well-timed getaway, break, a NIV) change in other the level of a workout isaimpacted by attitude and studies (Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and things, and they usually escenery, withit much pastudes ing to the roarwhether of I theor not a person will even make the decision to work out. do, standsgreater to reason a determine vacation! As burdened, and Ifitness? will you rest. Take my yoke do!give So where did these s Now what does all of this have to do with spiritual Well, for starters, it’s sion. And people waves and feeling you will do what youwho do sit on the beach listen- the upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle lofty workout. ideas come from? Did I mention that I'm sitting never bad time for ausspiritual Especially when you are angry or emotionus toa rest. It helps . It helps “Come to me, all you who are weary and live their life with passea breeze with much greater pasing us to roar the exercising ally distraught! Inblowing fact, your humble prayer muscles by talking God about yourrest for by the and ocean watching the waves roll to in? Andwill spirituelps tothe focus or to of re-focus. heart, you find burdened, and Iin will giveand you rest. Take my yoke sion are ones who who against my face, it is caninbelife extremely helpful as we souls. know will listen and leteasy us getbenethings sion. And the people andthings feeling the describe to you how speaking, wordsGod can't ewaves clearlysituation the that ally your For my yoke is and my burden upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle off our chest. if you exercise your privilege of studying Word, are their morelife highly clear toFurthermore, me justficial this getaway has been for me. It's God’s as if the s sea us tovery reflect on why we do live withmotipasbreeze blowing is light.” the Bible, you will find some really good advice for dealing with your circumstancand humble in heart, and you will find rest for today. vated to achieve great t's ourhow fitnessmuch goals, or our break life words of Christ have come true for me(Matthew this sion are the ones who 11:28-30 NIV) against my here’s face,a wonderful it is es. And truth about spiritual workouts: they is have the power to burden your souls. For my yoke easy and my al to examine the reasons that things, andhighly they usually was needed! Why? Time I can’t count the number of times I started a spiritual workout are more motivery transform clear to attitudes! me just is light.” do! So where did these with good”does attitude and ended up with a whole new outlook on life. I tell off ora “not timesoaway vated to achieve great how much this break (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV) what,helpful just givethings. it a try. Read the following words of Jesus then meditate on from? ideas come Did I mention that I'm sitting us to rest. It helps usandlofty soyou many It helps things, and they usually was needed! Why?and Time their meaning their application for you personally. Enjoy your workout! to get perspective. It helps us to focus or to re-focus. by the ocean watching the waves roll in? And spiritu-
do! So where did these off orMatthew time 11:28-30 away does ally speaking, words can't describe to you how beneIt“Come helpsto us to see more clearly the things and in life that me, all you who are weary and burdened, I will give you rest. Hso many helpful things. It helps us to rest. It helps us lofty ideas come from? Did I mention that I'm sitting Take my yoke upon you andus learn me, foronI am gentle in heart, ficial this and getaway has been for me. It's as if the really matter. It helps to from reflect why weand dohumble byisthe ocean watching the waves roll in? And spirituto getyou perspective. It your helps us For to focus oristo re-focus. will find rest for souls. my yoke easy and my burden light.” what we do. Whether it's our fitness goals, or our life words of Christ have come true for me today. It helps us to see more clearly the things in life that ally speaking, words can't describe to you how benegoals, it is so beneficial to examine the reasons that really matter. It helps us to reflect on why we do ficial this getaway has been for me. It's as if the
Finding Your Why
what we do. Whether it's our fitness goals, or our life words of Christ have come true for me today. As often as I think about this topic, I am goals, it is so beneficial to examine the reasons that reminded of the many reasons it’s so important. I am sure you have heard before that you must find your why in order to find your how. Many people have gone before us giving us living examples of REFINE YOUR “WHY” AND TAKE ACTION how this works! N You could actually refine this “Why” toFinding your why is almost the same day and take action towards it. Nothing as finding your purpose. We wander or no one is stopping you. Life has NO through life moving forward; some slow, rules that say you can’t live out your why some fast but often forgetting the why or purpose. This is what life is for… behind what we do. This leads us to a each of us living out the purpose God very mundane way of living. Finding has for us. Life’s greatest gifts and your purpose in life is absolutely essential. happiness are here! We want to inspire you to do this and inspire others to do GATHER + CREATE THE STORIES OF YOUR LIFE so as well! If you looked hard enough, you could write an amazing story about the life you Passion is not enough. It is great but it really want to live. It would be filled with must be directed toward the “why” in many ups and downs but the end would your life. It is not ideal to be passionate be one where victory would be yours, about something that is not connected you would be inspired and happy and to your why. you would watch it over and over again! If humankind had been held back by fear and assumption, we would never FIND YOUR “WHY” THROUGH THE STORIES have broken the sound barrier, put a Through these stories, you could begin man on the moon or seen the end of to see the “why” behind certain decislavery. We must learn to get out of our sions, why you avoided certain ones and own way and, inspired by a higher purmaybe were afraid to play the part in some. You could definitely see your why, pose, learn to run toward our dreams. After all, inspiration, like gravity, is on the inspiration behind it and the force it created in you! We are all capable of this! our side – if we allow it.
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Have Y supple
Have Y
runnersCORNER How to Training For a 5K kidsCORNER by: By LisaGEVIONA Whether your goal is personal fitness, a sense of community or a pure sense of accomplishment, you can find yourself
6 Kid Focused Healthy Holiday Tips
at the finish line on race day. A 3.1-mile race is the perfect length to aim for as a beginner. Begin by setting attainable goals to keep you motivated and give yourself ample time to move to the next level. If you train correctly and follow a good eightto-10 week training program, running can lead to a lifetime of fitness.
You can maintain Set attainable goals
your kids’ health grains, & beans; and, don’t forget during the holiday season without the herbs and spices for immune The length of a 5k is a relatively easy goal to reach as a novice runner, but it may also challenge the expert runner sacrificing the sweet traditions. boosting benefits. Here are 5 usdepending on intensity and speed. Start out with a simple program that allows you to succeed and move forward only when able tips to help you succeed: Almost every parent experiences you feel comfortable with your current stage. To avoid burnout or injury, do not push your limits. Remember that your main how much their kids slow down or goal is to reach the finish line. For your first race you should plan on enjoying the1. run and feeling goodVISIBLE for having completMAKE FRUIT become hyperactive after eating Keep fresh fruit out where ed your goal. holiday foods loaded with sugar, your family can see it. Pears, refined flour and the wrong types apples, bananas and citrus Improve yourgo heart and head are in season. Try mandarin of fat. So ahead and promote oranges or Clementines, love,training proAccomplishing your goal improves your self-esteem and keeps your cardiovascular systemwhich in A regular healthier habits this holiday season because they’re easy to peel. Crab apples are giveexercising your family a head start gram to includes for at least 30 minutes threebeto five times per week, which falls within basic cardiovascular fitness also a hit because they’re so tiny and cute. foreRunning the New Year! Encourage guidelines. can lead to a feeling of freedomyour and independence, andcenterpiece it is also one of theabest ways to alleviate An edible like Christmas tree stress kids to eat fruits, vegetables, whole made out of berries, kiwis and melon is a SMH IP Ad 10x6.194 050216 Metro Fitness.pdf
10:04 AM
l l e d i l S n i e t o r ent Ideal P ight managem we
healthyEATS Paleo robHOWELL
2. FOCUS ON COLOR Encourage kids to include 4 colors of healthy foods in their diet each day. Kids can snack on Clementines, sugar snap peas, antioxidant-rich red peppers or any other colorful fruit or vegetable in lieu of a holiday cookie or chocolate truffle. There is more to a food’s color than meets the eye. Every color offers a unique health benefit for your child. 3. FRUIT FOR DESSERT Take advantage of the delicious variety of available citrus in season. Serve peeled and segmented pink grapefruit with dinner, loose pomegranate seeds (available in some grocery stores or food clubs), or heated frozen fruit. Frozen cherries or fresh apples are delicious warmed on the stovetop or in the microwave served with cinnamon. Strawberries drizzled with dark chocolate is a sweet dish packed with antioxidants. Get more dessert ideas.
ficial this getaway has
what we do. Whether it's our fitness goals, or our life
words of Christ have com
goals, it is so beneficial to examine the reasons that
dragon’sCORNER Scapula Dyskinesis???
creative way to make fruit festive, too. Make fruit attractive and kids will eat twice as much.
really matter. It helps us to reflect on why we do
by: Dr. Larry T. M Senior Pastor, N
The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body. It is a ball and socket joint and looks like a golf ball sitting on a tee. As a spor ts medicine physical therapist, I routinely see young athletes with complaints of unexplained shoulder or elbow pain. But after a thorough There's at least one thing physical, mental, emo- motivate evaluation, the cause of the problem is not the arm, it Dr. Kristin tional, and spiritual fitness all have in common: the are so im is a result of SCAPULA DYSKINESIS. Smith Scapula Dyskinesis andfor a well-timed getaway, a break, a change in about it, i need LifeCare Family Wellnessis& the abnormal movement positioning of the scapula. The scapula floats on top of Chiropractic the and is held in place by many differentscenery, muscle a vacation! As I (985)ribs 774-9303 groups. The role of the scapula is to provide asit stable on the beach listenbase for the moving shoulder. If the muscles that stabi“Come to me, all you who ar to the roar of the lize the scapula during active arm movementsing become burdened, and I will give you rest. fatigued or weaken, the scapula will move abnormally waves and feeling the upon you and learn from me, fo resulting in an increase in stress and strain to the shoulder and elbow. Over time, this will lead sea to morebreeze blowing and humble in heart, and you will Fitness Connection serious injuries such as rotator cuff tears in the shoul- my face, it is against your souls. For my yoke is easy a 4426 Trenton St, Metairie, LA 70006 der and ulnar collateral ligament tears in the elbow. very clear to me just (504) 885-7855 Having a painful shoulder and/or elbow due to is light.” scapula dyskinesis is not a season ending injury if much this break how (Matthew caught early enough. It can be treated conservatively was needed! Why? Time with physical therapy. If you are an athlete or work ing and stabilization program targeting your scapula overhead and are suffering from unexplained off shoulder problems. or time away Don’t doeslet on-going arm pain keep you from or elbow pain, give us a call at Action Physical Therapy performing your best. so many helpful things. It helps us to rest. It helps us lofty idea and Spor ts Medicine. After a thorough evaluation Contact us at ACTION PHYSICAL THERAPY of your shoulder, we can star t you on a strengthenso we can get your shoulder BACK or INTO to get perspective. It helps us to focus to ACTION re-focus. by the oc
Maris Lee
Have Y
It helps us to see more clearly the things in life that
ally speak
really matter. It helps us to reflect on why we do
ficial this
what we do. Whether it's our fitness goals, or our life
words of
This is a simple way to make Salmon cake with out the goals, itfatisand so filler beneficial to Iexamine reasons ingredients. like to use the whole skin on that fillets and make sure that its wild caught. I make this dish Paleo so that it can be enjoyed by people eating that life style. This dish can be easily modified to your individual taste, by just changing a few ingredients. I like to pair this dish with a Caribbean slaw. It really brightens the flavor of the cakes. This meal can also be enjoyed if you are on a no gluten diet. I use coconut flour as the binder that is gluten free flour and gives it a nice flavor!
healthyEATS Grilled Paleo dragon’sCORNER Salmon Cakes
robHOWELL 4. PASTA IMPOSTER Offer your family a tasty alternative to pasta this winter and serve baked spaghetti squash with tomato Ingredients:garyDRAGON To Make: sauce, sautéed veggies and turkey 2 l bs of salmon (seasoned with Heat a large pan with a little bit of coconut oil in it about 1-2 tsp. Mix in meatballs. Your kids will love to help scrape Creole seasoning and dill, cook a bowl the chilled salmon and the other ingredients. Then form the salmon out the ‘noodles’ from the squash skin. Talk and then chilled) mixture into a patty. Since it is already cooked, you will just be browning about an easy way to include another delicious 4 eggs the cakes and bringing them up to temperature. Place the patty in the hot veggie serving in for the day. If your kids don’t ½ red bell pepper fine dice pan and cook until golden brown and the center is warm. Then enjoy! like tomato sauce, serve the spaghetti squash 3 sprigs of green onions sliced thin with olive oil, Parmesan, and herbs and with ½ tsp garlic powder your favorite spices. Bake for a little less time to ½ tsp dill enjoy the crunchier texture of the noodles.
5. USE DESSERT AS A DISGUISE Dessert is a great way to incorporate black beans into a meal. Replace black beans for a portion of the flour to make black bean brownies and boost the fiber, antioxidants, and probiotics. Your kids will never believe you hoodwinked them, even after you tell them the secret ingredient in these delicious treats!
1 tsp coconut oil 1 tsp Creole seasoning 4-5 tbsp coconut flour (start with 4 and then more if they don’t stick together)
supple Have Y
supplementREVIEW by: mikeMILLS “Sweet Dreams are Made of These” Have Your Cake, and Eat it too! The holidays have arrived and with them all
the sugar filled deserts and treats that are loaded
dangerous. Aspartame is used in thousands of
used artificial sweeteners in the world today. It
aging states that a single serving contains zero
Zinc Aspartate and Magnesium Aspartate One of the main components of health and products as a enhance substitutemuscle to sugar, though conwith empty caloriesrest andand leaves the feeling of being when combined strength, wellness is proper recovery. After andactually recovery Taken intense physical activity, ansugar adequate recovery sumers would bloated. This year satisfy cravings without endurance, befrom betterexercise. off eating smaller before bedtime Magnesium and Zinc Asparperiod is required in order to increase lean the excess of calories by using all natural, sugar amounts of regular sugar. Aspartame has been muscle fiber resulting in a reduction of over- tate, also known as ZMA, promotes deeper, when Studies preparing holiday more linked to possible causes for cancer, short term restful sleep. This is when maximum allfree bodysweeteners fat percentage. havetasty indicatandloss, muscle growth take place. To enedsnacks! that the majority of sugar the population With so many substitutes does available healing memory gastric problems, and neurological sure proper absorption, ZMA is recommendnot receive the recommended 7-9 hours of these days, it can be difficult to choose the right disorders. Sucralose is a artificial sweetener sold sleep per night that is vital for optimal recov- ed to be taken 30-60 minutes before bedtime one. Many so called the brand namesValerian Splenda extract . Though market“natural” sweeteners an empty stomach. may ery. Contributing factors to this include long can onunder beneficial health by reducing physiologwork hours, as a “No to calorie sweetener,” Splenda products actually do increased the body responsibilities, more harm than and good and beed ical reactivity during stressful situations and high levels of stress. Luckily, there are prodgive diabetics a false sense of security when that also include bulking agents contain 12.4% the can be helpful in reducing anxiety. Passionucts available that contain a blend of natural calories of the sameAshwagandha, volume of sugar. choosing minerals, a desert orand beverage Although the tryptophan, theanine, vitamins, herbs during which the helpholidays. flower, and kava arelabel additional herbs and promote restful (NutraSweet) sleep and stress reduction. Aspartame is one of the most 5-HTP “nutritional facts” on Splenda’s retail pack-
Stevia is a unique plant native to the areas near the rain forests of northeastern Paraguay. Stevia contains glycosides which are compounds within the leaves that give them their sweet taste. Glycosides are neither absorbed nor assimilated therefore there is no insulin response rendering stevia a zero on the glycemic index. In contrast, Splenda has a glycemic index of 80, sugar has a glycemic index of 70, meaning Splenda spikes insulin levels more than sugar does! Stevia is safe for both diabetics and hypoglycemics and is a remarkable sweetener for any beverage. Stevia is also excellent for both cooking and baking. When preparing holiday dishes limit the amount of sugar being used and substitute with Xylitol and Stevia instead. Xylitol and Stevia can both be found in local health food and vitamin stores. Make sure to read nutrition labels carefully to avoid ingesting
nutrients that help calm nerves which can promote restful sleep. Gamma-aminobutyric acid is the most common brain neurotransmitter that allows us to relax. Gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA is an amino acid produced in the brain. It is a natural tranquilizer that increases the level of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which is vital for all human beings. Free from unusual side effects, GABA prevents aftereffects like drowsiness and lethargy. Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain. It helps regulate other hormones and maintains the body's circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is an internal 24-hour “clock” that plays a critical role in when we fall asleep and when we wake up. When it is dark, your body produces more melatonin; when it is light, the production of melatonin drops. Being exposed to bright lights in the evening or too little light
during the day can disrupt the body’s normal melatonin cycles. Studies suggest that melatonin supplements may help people with disrupted circadian rhythms (such as people with jet lag or those who work the night shift) and those with low melatonin levels to sleep better. A review of clinical studies suggest that melatonin supplements may help prevent jet lag, particularly in people who cross five or more time zones. Either taken alone or combined, these key nutrients are safe, natural alternatives to prescription sleep aids which can cause harmful side effects. Not receiving enough rest increases fatigue levels and raises the odds of skipping workouts. A good night’s sleep could be the difference between reaching your fitness goals and falling short, so make sure to get plenty of rest, practice proper nutrition, and exercise often.
harmful chemicals like Sucralose and Apsartame, and remember portion control is vital during the holidays. With careful planning and preparation, one can truly have their cake and eat it too!
Mike Mills is an ACSM Certified Mike Personal Trainer,Mills has a B.S. in
Health and Exercise Science is ACSM Certified fromanthe University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), and 10+ Personal Trainer, years experience in the Vitamin and Supplement Industry. has a B.S. in Health and Exercise Science from the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), and 15+ years experience in the Vitamin and Supplement Industry.
12 ∙
∙ November 2016
“You should alw ays consult w ith your v eterinarian before giv ing your pet any m edications w hat w ere not prescribed for that specific pet. If you find your p et ill after hours, there are 24 hour em ergency clinics in all m etro areas and only a phone call aw ay no m atter w here you liv e.”
Area Races Schedule
Saturday November 5th Saturday November 19th Saturday December 10th them. Crescent City Fall Classic Tiger Run Celebration in the Oaks symptoms, it is best to bring your pet to your Over-the-counter medications to NEVER give 5K Walk/Run 5K Walk/Run 2 Mile Walk/Run veterinarian. to catsAspirin, Acetaminophen (Tylenol), City Park Audubon Park City Park good. If your pet has been ill with persistent Sometimes they are sicker than how they
appear and immediate treatment may save your
Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), Pepto Bismol, and Kaopectate.
Saturday November 12th This article is not meant to diagnose or treat Thursday November YMCA Corporate Cup Pounds matter...almost all veterinary 24th med- any animal or medical condition. Always consult 5K & Kids Half Mile ications are dosed based uponTurkey the patients your veterinarian before administering any medDay Race City Park weight. We must be very cautious especially ication to your pet. If your pet is having any per5 Mile and 1inMile our tiniest pets. Cats are even more to Stadium sistent symptoms, you should bring your pet to Tadsensitive Gormley pet discomfort and save money. certain drugs, especially medications like Tylenol
and Ibuprofen and even one pill can be lethal because their bodies cannot process and handle
your veterinarian's office.
High School Loading Athletes and for Peak by marisLEE Carbs
Last time out we established carbohydrate gram parameters in correlation to the basic needs the by marisLEE high school athlete will require to sustain performance and recovery abilities. This time we will go even further to expand these parameters PART II to accommodate the needs of the high school athlete involved in tournament play. Tournament play can such Sorry for the suspense byinvolve makingsports my last article at as volleyball, basketball, baseball, cheerleading, least more than one part. The logistics of time and wrestling, tournaments space and etc. TMIMany madetimes, it more reasonabletake to break up place over a 2-3 day period, challenging the or segment such a very important andathinvolved lete’s abilities and nutritional needs. process! Remember our goal is to perform better. As stated in the issue, athletes on a rigorous Now back to the last text! training schedule need at least 300 to 400 grams of carbohydrate every baseline 100 grams of protein Last time I left off for by setting parameters for carbohyconsumed. definitely at least this load drate loading Igoals. Duringrecommend the Wednesday and Thursday parameter the schedule. It phase, aim forduring 10 grams pertournament pound of body weight. Example: 150pound x 10 = 1500 grams during the first two wouldathlete be very beneficial to carbohydrate load 2 days of loading. Again,the this start is only baseline. Trust me,Dense I have seen this days before ofathe tournament. parameter double. I personally supervised and witnessed carbohydrate, such as pasta, whole grain pan- a 150pound load 3,000 of carbs time frame. cakes,athlete and muffins andgrams a variety of during fruits this totaling That’s roughly 12,000 calories of carbs. 400-600 grams would be good to WOW!!! shoot for. leads. With this fact in mind, I say justday go where The beforethe themetabolism start of the tournament, whatever an athlete can comfortably tolerate in carb consumpyou should evaluate how your body responded tion on Wednesday, say 1000 grams total, for the to the first carb load day. If you feel bloated,first youload day. On Thursday, wethe should for 50-75% of to the400 previous load day, should lower carbaimintake to 250 grams, total. Since we had 1000 grams on Wednesday our total for concentrating on lighter carbs such as rice and Thursday should be 500-750 grams total. We should load carbs rice based products, grits and fruits like apples at 2-4-hour intervals of 6-8 total intakes per day. and raisins that tend to have low bloating factors. This brings us to Friday and Saturday. Friday is a day for digesIf you are feeling a little empty after the first carb tion, assimilation, and absorption. Slow down the carbs and reinload day, then I would repeat the process. troduce protein into the diet. Oh, by the way, as for protein Once the tournament begins, starting each intake on Wednesday and Thursday--you don’t need it—except morning with a carbohydrate intake of 60-100 for pre-bedtime aminos (whole different article). We don’t want grams from grits or oatmeal with raisins, apples, carbs competing with protein for absorption during the load or a banana would be a great first meal. Making phase. your first meal about 90 minutes before any acProteins such as egg whites, amino acids, chicken or lean meat tivity willwith givefruits enough for digestion, assimicombined such time as apple, cantaloupe, and raisins are lation, and absorption to occur. excellent choices of foods for Friday. The simple carbs through During thefor tournament, should fruit will allow quick energy you and allow thedetermine body to keep the your carbohydrate intake depending on the stored glycogen from being used. degree of thing, emptiness youTRAIN feel inON your stomach. THURSOne more DO NOT WEDNESDAY, 40-80 grams of carbs through quick acting DAY, AND FRIDAY. Next time, I promise to focus infruits on Saturday and performance andloose gelsends! should fuel Don’t quote me on (competition day) anddrinks tie up any your activities without bloating your stomach that. and hindering our performance. Wrestlers, trying to stay within a weight class for 2-3 days, need to be very careful to limit their carbs to 20-40 grams per intake of low density carbs like rice, fruits and carbohydrate gels and drinks. Also, wrestlers trying to cut weight Maris Leeor keep their weight at a maintenance Fitness Connectionlevel
What? Why? and How?
Maris Lee
Fitness 4426Connection Trenton St, 4426 Trenton Metairie, St, LAMetairie, 70006LA 70006 (504) 885-7855
(504) 885-7855
14 ∙
∙ November 2016
Heath, Safety, Performance, Recovery article by Liz Maddox Kenny Reeves and Kevin Peters are Limitless Performance Training, and Limitless Performance Training is the future. Even non-athletes know that the most common way to treat an injury is to “put ice on it.” Cryotherapy takes this concept to an entirely new level. Imagine being able to ice your entire body in a way that could be immensely beneficial, entirely safe, with little to no discomfort? Welcome to the future of sports performance. Kenny, a St Paul’s graduate, and Kevin, a Rummel graduate, first became friends when they played football together at Millsaps College in Jackson, MS. After college, the two friends took different paths, but eventually found themselves in a partnership that has huge potential on the North Shore and the entire Greater New Orleans area. Kenny Reeves began training other athletes when he was still a student at Millsaps. He was good at it, and his teammates frequently sought him out. His only break from training other athletes was when he himself start-
ed training for the NFL. And then, a life-changing injury happened during a football game his senior year of college. Kenny injured his 23rd and 24th facet joint in his lumbar spine and for 14 agonizing minutes, Kenny was paralyzed. He had treatments in a cryogenics chamber and was playing football the next week! That’s all it took for Kenny to know that Whole Body Cryogenic Therapy was the future of fitness and performance! Kevin Peters was coaching football at Delta State University. Having degrees in Biology and Human Performance while previously wanting to become a physical therapist, he was intrigued when Kenny approached him about the idea of cryogenics. Shortly thereafter the two traveled out to Los Angeles to test the chamber. It only took one treatment before Kevin was sold on the idea and science behind cryogenics to bring this technology back home. It wasn’t until Kenny started to train for the NFL that he began to realize that there was so much more out there
than was available locally. “Of course we have some of the best coaches and terrific weight rooms, but the pros do a lot more than just work hard and sweat!” They have competitive advantages. In the Dallas Mavericks 2011 championship run, Jason Kidd told ESPN that they had a secret weapon. After beating the Miami Heat in the NBA Finals, the announcers kept saying it looked like Kidd had found the fountain of youth. He had!! It was a vertical chamber that spit out nitrogen vapor below negative 200 degrees engulfing whomever was inside for less than three minutes. Now every NBA team has a chamber, and most NFL teams do as well!
Kevin Peters and Kenny Reeves of Limitless Performance Training
Their facility is designed to accommodate all aspects of fitness, weight-loss and performance training to help each individual reach their health, wellness and athletic goals
Now because of Limitless Performance Training on N. Collins Blvd. in Covington, almost anyone can have the competitive advantages that the pros have. The process begins with a health screening. Blood pressure is checked, and some other health issues are screened. The staff does an excellent job of explaining the procedure and getting people prepared for what’s to come. In less than three minutes, the freezing nitrogen gas will envelop your entire body causing the blood to rush away from the limbs and toward your core in an attempt to protect the vital organs. This in turn, fills your blood with oxygen; oxygenated blood redevelops injured cells and helps the body heal faster. Kenny’s philosophy at Limitless Performance Training is Health, Safety, Performance and Recovery; that is the key to Performing Past the Limit! Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) does more than just help the body heal or recover, it enhances collagen production which is a huge anti-aging strategy, it stimulates weight loss and eliminates cellulite, it improves and tightens skin, and it decreases fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and migraines. And all these benefits are just the beginning. Cami Debenedetto, a dancer and first time WBC user, had tight hamstrings and sore knees. She said she was a little 16 ∙
∙ November 2016
nervous getting into the chamber, but mostly excited! The temperature went down to -239 degrees, but when she got out, she felt tingly, but good. Only a couple minutes later, she was feeling great; her knees felt so much better, and Cami was already looking forward to her next treatment! Josh Gast, a football coach at St. Paul’s and also a first time WBC user, wanted to try this out for himself and his players. He said, “As a former college player, I’ve had many cold tub treatments, and this was so much more comfortable and effective. It was great!” Cryogenics isn’t just the whole body chamber at Limitless, there is also the hydro-therapeutic cold tub. Essentially it is a salt pool that operates at 42 degrees. The WBC uses cold vapor, but the cold tub uses cold water. Many high school athletes on the North Shore visit Limitless especially for the cold tub which is able to get past the superficial ache or pain. Basic ice packs simply do not match the effectiveness of the cold tub. With the ability to help reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), relieve pain, reduce inflammation and speed up recovery, the cold tub goes above and beyond the capability of your basic ice pack. While Cryogenics may be the one aspect of Limitless Performance Training
that sets it apart from any other facility, it’s not the only thing this place has to offer. The Elite Performance program trains high school, collegiate, and professional athletes looking to take their game to the next level. It is centered on strength, conditioning, agility, flexibility, balance, and power. The Personal Training program is individually designed by the trainers to help each client achieve his or her individual health and wellness goals. The Group Training is a popular way to achieve your goals in a more comfortable setting. These classes consist of functional movement, cardio, and resistance exercises. And finally, Developmental Training for youngsters between the ages of 7 and 13. This twice-a-week class can improve balance and hand-eye coordination along with giving kids an athletic foundation to safeguard against future injuries.
842 North Collins Blvd. Covington, LA 70433 (985) 900-2121 Extremely reasonable pricing and packages for any of the training, the cold tub, or the cryosauna are available.
The last of our Superfood series is Kale: Out of all the super healthy greens, kale is the king. It is considered one of the healthiest and most nutritious plant foods in existence. Kale is known to contain all sorts of beneficial compounds. This dark green vegetable looks something like lettuce with its ruffled leaves, but, just like a brussel sprout, it’s a member of the cabbage family. Fresh kale is noted for its coarse dark leaves. Kale can last three to five days in the re-
frigerator. Some supermarkets often have it cut and prepackaged ready to go.
So what’s so SUPER about Kale? Kale is packed with vitamin C. (Two cups have twice as much vitamin C as a medium orange.) It’s also a good source of vitamin A (beta carotene), calcium, and potassium, which has been shown to lower high blood pressure. Kale contains very little fat, but a large portion of the fat in it is the omega-3 fatty acid called alpha linolenic acid. Kale is also a great source for vitamin K, which has clotting properties, be careful if you are on anticoagulant drugs as this may counteract your medications. Kale is High in Lutein and Zeaxanthin, powerful nutrients that protect the eyes.
HOW TO COOK You can eat kale raw, in place of lettuce in a salad, but the classic cooking method is braising. Place chopped Kale into a pan of turkey bacon sautéed in olive oil with onion, celery, and carrots. Kale can tend to have a bitter flavor, add lemon juice or cider vinegar to the mix, then steam the kale in the broth. Kale is great in salads; it can be roasted as chips or simply sautéed as seen here to the right.
18 ∙
∙ November 2016
Kale salad with sauteed butternut squash and onion, dried cranberries, and balsamic dressing.
Remember: The more variety in your diet, the more chance you’re going to consume all the nutrients your body needs.
by travisMANNEY
Statistics show that any person who begins an effective strength training regimen can see solid results in as little as 90 days. The biggest problem is that many people tend to give up before giving themselves time to see the transformation take place. One of the most reasons why we to give up trainStatistics show thatcommon any person who begins an tend effective strength on ing ourregimen strength training before seeing real The results can see solid results in as little asany 90 days. biggest include: problem is that many people tend to give up before giving themselves
time to see the transformation takes place. Here are theto mostcopy common reasons we tend to give up on our Trying the why hardcore strength training before seeing any real results. Avoid these common gym members! mistakes and you will be on your road to success!
strength train·ing (strengkth trān'ing)
fat and transform your body Does To theburn thought of strength training intimidate you? For many, it conjures up images of chiseled ridicuDoes thebody thoughtbuilders of strengthbench-pressing training intimidate you? For many,
it conjures up images of chiseled bodybuilders bench-pressing lous amounts of weight, while loudly grunting ridiculous amounts of weight, while loudly grunting and groan-
anding. groaning. picture bulging biceps We pictureWe bulging biceps busting out of waybusting too small
and say things like "real men don't friends lift light". outT-shirts of way-too-small t-shirts that sayletthings like
The truth is that strength training as one of the best, if not THE best way for the average person to lose weight and turn The is that training is one of the their truth body into a fat strength burning machine. It isn't just for body building super-athletes whoaverage earn a living by workbest, if nottypes THEare best way for the person ing out three hours a day.
“Real Men Don’t Let Friends Lift Light.”
to lose weight and turn their body into a fat
burning machine. It isn’t just for body building 20 ∙ or super-athletes ∙ November 2016 types who earn a living by working out three hours a day.
This is a huge mistake. It probably took years for that big brute to be Trying copy the gym able#1) to do one-armedto push-ups… or for hardcore that chiseled blonde to members effortlessly do 50 fully inclined sit-ups. This is a huge mistake. It probably took years for that big brute to be Relax and take things at your own pace. Start your routine with able that to doareone-armed for anybody that chiseled weights challengingpush-ups… to you. Don’torgive else ablonde second to effortthought. The50 best way to know that you are using the correct weight lessly do incline sit-ups. resistance on any exercise is if the last 2 or 3 reps on your 3rd set of 10 Relax and take things at your own pace. Start your routine with the are a struggle. If they are too easy, up your resistance by 5 or 10 lbs. If that are challenging to you. Don't anybody elseyou a second you weights can’t even dream of getting through three setsgive of 10 reps, then need to reduce the weight resistance until it is more comfortable for you. thought. The best way to know that you are using the correct weight Find your resistance “sweet spot” through experimentation. No need resistance is ififthe 2 orisn’t 3 reps your third to rush yourselfon or any get exercise embarrassed thelast weight whaton you think it set of “should be”.a The truth is, “should be” easy, exactly is right forby you. 10 are struggle. If itthey are too upwhere your itresistance five or 10 Another common mistake people make in sustaining their strength pounds. If you can't even dream of getting through three sets of 10 training routines include:
reps, then you need to reduce the weight resistance in till it is more comfortable for you. Trying to do it EVERYDAY! Find your resistance "sweet spot" through need to rush yourself or get embarrassed if the wait isn't what you think it This is simply not sustainable. Your strength trainingwhere regimen "should be". The truth is, it "should be" exactly it isshould right for you.
consist of targeted, driven work-outs, 3 – 4 days a week. Fight the “all or nothing, I’m doing it every day” urge that traditionally causes a quick burnout. On in-between days, find an activity you enjoy that will keep your body in motion. Tennis, basketball, jogging, or volleyball are all great options. Give your muscles time to rest and repair themselves between strength training workouts. I cannot stress this enough!
#2) Trying to do it EVERYDAY!
This is simply not sustainable. Your strength training regimen should consist of targeted, driven workouts, 3-4 days a week. Fight the "all or nothing, I'm doing it every day" urge that traditionally causes a quick burn out. On in-between days, find an activity you enjoy that will keep your body in motion. Tennis, basketball, jogging, or volleyball are all great options. Give your muscles time to rest and repair themselves between strength training workouts. I cannot stress this enough! #3) U sing the same workout routine EVERYTIME!
This is a twofold mistake. First you are going to get bored. What happens when you get bored with anything? You give up. Simply stated, monotony is not a recipe for success. Secondly, you aren't going to see the results you want. In order to get real results, you need to constantly challenge your body. The best way to do this is by regularly changing up your routine. I would suggest doing this every month. Find new exercises that test you again. It may take a little experimentation or guidance, but the results will be more than worth it. You get overly frustrated when you have a bad session – it is typical do you have days where you just aren't "feeling it". On those days, do what you can and don't beat yourself up or get frustrated. Even the most motivated athlete has off days. You're allowed to have them too. Don't let it get you down and drive you away from your goals! #4) Not following ineffective routine that properly builds muscle and BURNS FAT!
If you simply aren't seeing the results you want, the inclination is to throw in the towel and say strength training doesn't work for you. The truth is you may need some guidance on how to properly isolate each muscle group in your body. There are several keys for turning your body into a fat burning machine through strength training. You can find effective strength training routines in many areas on the web, along with instructional videos on YouTube. But for hands on details and up-to-date information, try hiring a personal trainer. They have the experience and certification that will get you where are you want to be. Remember, it takes time to get out of shape. It's also going to take some time to readjust and get back into shape! Don't expect results to happen overnight. Find an effective routine and stick with it. If you do, the results will speak for themselves.
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I Wade, didn’t Alth pr am a mother. am I couldn’t a mother. fathom am I couldn’t athe mothe grie am f losing a child losing that I anurtured child losing that forI 40 anurtu chi los ye parents, we all parents, hope that we our all parents, hope children that we pa us and, when us they and, don’t, whenwe us they and, aredon’t left wh us hole that cannot holebe that filled. cannot hole I believe be that fille ho th c see and the giv children mirror children what they mirror children what mi ch what they are what given.they Wade arewas what given. a they testam Wad wh a what a phenomenal what amother phenomenal what Pam is amoth phe and wh her son. her son. her son. he Lt. Wade Sharp Lt.was Wade born Sharp March Lt.was Wa 4 His giving and His loving giving spirit and His emerged loving giving spi Hi ea before the exam before the from exam two took tothe before eight from exam days two the took to longer exam eight from took to days two heal from to longer than eight twoto days toheal eight longer than days tolonger heal than to heal than u probablyYou think probably you're You doing think probably you're everything You probably doing thinkyou you're everything can thinkdoing toyou're stay you everything doing can toeverything stay you can you totook stay can tobefore stay childhood and childhood he never lost and that childhood he never gift. ch I lo a l the wounds. the summer For wounds. the summer subjects, the For some summer wounds. theit subjects, exam wounds. For wounds some the For subjects, exam took some wounds subjects, theinfections. exam took the wounds exam took wounds took y: you get healthy: lotsprobably of you sleep, get healthy: lots exercise of you healthy: sleep, get regularly lots you exercise of get and sleep, lots regularly try of to exercise sleep, avoid and exercise regularly try avoid regularly and affects try to and avoid try to some avoid You think you're doing everything Ifto summer stress immune responses, then responses against When the body to the stories to told the bystories familyto told members the bystori fam too nearly twice as nearly long twice to get as nearly better. long to nearly Ouch. get as better. twice long to as Ouch. get long better. to getOuch. better.cytokines Ouch. oods. fried But foods. But be you forgetting foods. fried mayBut foods. beone you forgetting But important mayyou may forgetting thing. important be forgetting onething. important important thing. thing. youyou canmay to fried stay healthy: you get lots ofbeone sleep, should alsoone affect how well the twice body heals produces these over long be, period a prankster heaacould prankster but hea could always prankster be, wi a Stress Relax! has a Stress bigger Relax! has impact a Stress bigger on Relax! your has impact Stress health a bigger on has than your aimpact bigger you health might on impact than youryou health on might your than health youthan might you might exercise regularly and try to avoid fried foods. itself. In one particularly cringe-worthy study, of time–for instance, as a One result chronic in mind. in byof mind. one, the Onecommunity in by mind. one, the On inc How Stress How HurtsStress How HurtsStress HowHurts Stress Hurts according realize, to according research realize, presented to according research realize,yesterday according presented to research atto yesterday the research presented annualat presented yesterday the annual yesterday at the annual at the annual to their fallen to hero. thei pay their respects pay their respects pay their pa re But, you may beAmerican forgetting one important Keicolt-Glaser and her colleagues afflicted a stress–all sorts of bad things can happen. ence ofconference the American ofconference the Psychological conference of the Psychological Association American of the American Psychological inAssociation Boston. Psychological inAssociation Boston.Association in Boston. in Boston. Wade Sharp truly Wadewas Sharp a hero. truly WadeTh w Stress aJanice bigger impact on Kiecolt-Glaser groupItKiecolt-Glaser of caregivers with small wounds Notcounterintuitive, only does hamper our believes bodies ability to aLieute Kiecolt-Glaser Janice and Janice and Janice might Kiecolt-Glaser seem It and might counterintuitive, seem and It arm might counterintuitive, but Itseem might Kiecolt-Glaser counterintuitive, seem but Kiecolt-Glaser believes but it Kiecolt-Glaser believes but Lieutenant Kiecolt-Glaser believes hio Statething. University OhioRelax! State psychologist University Ohio has State Ohio psychologist University State University psychologist psychologist time timeWade Lieutenant Sharp, timeWade Cov tim your health than you might according using a tool dermatologist usestress to that perform skin infection and heal wounds, butLouisiana chronic inflamrtner, Ronald her partner, Glaser, Ronald her anpartner, OSU Glaser, her virologist partner, Ronald an realize, OSU and Glaser, Ronald virologist immunologist, an Glaser, OSU andvirologist an immunologist, OSU thatvirologist and stress immunologist, makes that and immunologist, stress our immune makes that systems our immune makes stress less systems effective our makes immune less our because systems immune effective it systems less because effective less it effective because because it police it officer, Louisiana police officer, saved Louisiana someon Lo p was in 1997, was when inhe 1997, rushed was when into inhe 1997 awa rub pent 20-odd have spent years20-odd have researching spent years have how spent researching stress years 20-odd affects how researching years stress the researching affects how actually stress the how elicits affects stress actually an immune the affects elicits actually response an theimmune elicits actually itself. response an Stress, elicits immune itself. an she response immune says, Stress, causresponse itself. she says, Stress, itself. causshe Stress, says,of she caussays, causto research presented at20-odd the annual conference biopsies. The caregivers' wounds took 24% mation also increases our risk heart disease, apartment to save apartment a man includto and save apartment his adog man fro apt e system, immune system, immune have and made they system, immune some have and system, startling made they some and have discoveries. they startling made have discoveries. made es startling the some body startling discoveries. to esthan release the discoveries. body pro-inflammatory to es release the espro-inflammatory the to cytokines, release body topro-inflammatory release immune cytokines, pro-inflammatory fac- immune cytokines, faccytokines, immune facimmune facofand thethey American Psychological Association in some longer to heal wounds theybody had afflicted osteoporosis, and autoimmune diseases tain death. He tain did death. this heoric He tain did act death. this mor tah y example An easy comes example from An easy their comes An example work from easy with their example comes caregivers, work from comes with their people caregivers, from work their with tors work people caregivers, thatwith initiate tors caregivers, people that responses initiate people torsagainst that responses tors initiate infections. that against responses initiate When infections. responses against the body infections. against the infections. body When the When bodythe body Boston. to non-caregivers. ing type 2When diabetes. once as he entered once as a he burning entered once home as a he bu on a ok after who chronically look after ailing who chronically look spouses who after ailing look or chronically parents after spouses chronically (no ailing orone parents spouses would ailing (no or spouses one produces parents would or(no parents these one produces would (no cytokines one these would produces over cytokines produces long theseperiods over cytokines these long ofcytokines time—for periods over long of overtime—for periods long periods of time—for of time—for Ohio State University psychologist Janice OK, but what if caregiving isn't an accurate What's more, because stress causes cued anregular unconscious cued anresident unconscious cued ten an years resid unc cu KiecoltKiecoltKiecoltKiecoltsorts bad things sorts of can bad things sorts of can bad sorts things of bad can things can that this argue role that is quite this argue stressful). role that is argue quite this In one stressful). that roleexperiment, is this quite role In one stressful). is quite experiment, stressful). In one instance, experiment, In one asexperiment, ainstance, result of as chronic ainstance, result stress—all ofinstance, as chronic a result stress—all asof aofresult chronic ofstress—all chronic stress—all Tuesday morning, Tuesday whilemorning, on aTuesda camp wh Kleicolt-Glaser and her partner, Glaser for stress? To other stressful adoes chronic immune system, it can also increase and her Glaser colleagues and her administered Glaser colleagues and Glaser her administered flu colleagues and vaccines her Ronald colleagues to administered flucaregivers vaccines administered to fluproxy caregivers happen. vaccines fluNot vaccines to only caregivers happen. does to explore caregivers Not it hamper only happen. does our Not happen. it body's hamper only Not does ability our only itbody's to hamper fight ability itinfecour hamper body's to fight ourability body's infec-toability fight infecto fight infecin Mississippi with in Mississippi his eight-year-old with in Mississipp his eig da in andcontrol OSU virologist and immunologist, havecompared situations, Kleicolt-Glaser andand colleagues achronic persons risk for allergies, which occur when ntrol subjects and and subjects compared and control and and the subjects compared control numbers subjects and the of compared antibodies— numbers and the of antibodies— numbers tionthe andnumbers of heal antibodies— tion wounds, of and antibodies— heal but chronic tion wounds, inflammation heal tion but chronic and wounds, healinflammation also wounds, but increases butinflammation also chronic our increases inflammation also ourincreases also increases our our Wade Wade Wade Wa ns involved proteins in immune involved proteins reactions—that in immune proteins involved reactions—that involved inthe immune twoingroups reactions—that immune theafprotwo reactions—that groups riskthe ofprotwo heart groups the risk disease, two ofprogroups heart osteoporosis, risk disease, pro-of in heart risk osteoporosis, and of disease, heart autoimmune disease, osteoporosis, and autoimmune diseases osteoporosis, and aautoimmune diseases andperformed autoimmune diseases diseases spent 20-odd years researching how stress performed another experiment which they the body elicits chronic immune hisresponse performed last and final hisperform last act a o in response. duced Only in response. 38 duced percent Only in duced response. of 38 the in percent response. caregivers Only of 38 the Only percent produced caregivers 38 of percent the including produced caregivers of the type caregivers including produced 2 diabetes. produced type including 2 diabetes. including type 2 diabetes. type 2 diabetes. ism. The father ism. and The daughter father ism. and were The daug trap ism fa fects the immune system, and they have made produced tiny lesions in the mouth of–quite against something that is not really dangerous, s considered what isanconsidered adequate whatdiscoveries. isan antibody considered what adequate is response considered antibody adequate compared an response adequate antibody to compared antibody response What's toresponse compared more, What's compared because to students more, to regular What's because stress more, What's regular causes because more, stress abecause regular chronic causes stress regular chronic causes stress acauses chronic a chronic the deadly storms, thestudy, deadly that killed storms, themany deadly thatacr th k some startling Anan easy example appropriately–11 dental at two dif(like pollen). Inaher most recent KleiSouth, with nothing South, but with their nothing South, tent but with and So t rcent of 66their percent relaxed of 66their counterparts, percent relaxed 66 percent of their counterparts, suggesting of relaxed their counterparts, that relaxed suggesting thecounterparts, immune that suggesting the response, suggesting immune thatitthe can response, that also immune the increase it can response, immune also a person's increase response, it can risk also a for person's it increase can allergies, also risk increase a for person's allergies, a person's risk for allergies, risk for allergies, comes from their work with caregivers, peoferent points in time. Once was during their colt-Glaser found body that to when people are under shield body them. to When shield body he them. heard to Whe shi bo th systems weren't systems doing weren't their systems jobs doing very systems weren't their well— jobs doing weren't very their well— doing jobstheir very jobs well— very well— abody chronic immune abody chronic response immune a elicits chronic response a immune chronic immune responseresponse vers' immune caregivers' immune caregivers' caregivers' immune immune which occur which when the occur body which when elicits the occur which when occur elicits the when the elicits body ple whoofthe look after chronically ailing spouses summer vacation, when they were relaxed, and lots of In stress–for instance, they are cracking ofwhen a cracking large ofInbreaking aher cracking large tree and cr of at theand stress that caregiving and stress thatand ofthe ultimately caregiving that stress the put ofstress ultimately caregiving them ofatcaregiving put an ultimately them against ultimately atput an something them against putatthat's them an something not at against an really that's something against dangerous not really something that's (like dangerous pollen). not that's really (like not dangerous herpollen). really dangerous In (like herpollen). (like In pollen). hertree towards them, towards Sharp covered them, towards Sharp his daught cove the to orinfection. parents, (no oneincreased would that this role once during the fall, several days before forced towhen deliver afound speech or do difficult ed riskincreased of riskincreased of infection. risk of argue infection. risk of infection. most was recent most study, recent Kiecolt-Glaser most study,recent Kiecolt-Glaser most found study, recent that Kiecolt-Glaser when study, found people that Kiecolt-Glaser are found people that when arethat people when are peoplemath are 125-fo his own body to hisprotect own body herto his asprotect a own bod his h stress affects If stress immune affects responses, If stress immune affects Ifthen stress responses, it immune should affects then also responses, immune itaffect should responses, then also itaffect should lots then ofit also under stress—for should affect lots also ofinstance, affect under stress—for lots when under ofinstance, stress—for they lots of are when stress—for forced instance, they toare delivinstance, when forced they when to are delivthey forced are toforced deliv-worsen to delivis quite stressful). In one experiment, Kleiaunder difficult exam. The lesions done before the problems on the spot–their allergies crashed down crashed onto thedown tent.crashed onto Wade, thealw dow cr te ell the how body well heals theitself. how body In heals one how the itself. particularly well bodythe In heals one body cringe-worthy itself. particularly heals In itself. one particularly In erone a speech particularly cringe-worthy orerdo a speech difficult cringe-worthy or math erdo a speech difficult problems erlonger aor math speech do onto difficult the problems orspot—their domath difficult on the problems allermath spot—their problems onofthe allerspot—their on theday. spot—their allerallercolt-Glaser andwell her colleagues administered flucringe-worthy exam took from two to eight days over course the next heroes, gave his heroes, own life gavetohis heroes, save own hislife gav litt he Kiecolt-Glaser study, Kiecolt-Glaser and her study, colleagues Kiecolt-Glaser and study, her afflicted Kiecolt-Glaser colleagues and a group her afflicted colleagues and of careher a group colleagues afflicted gies of worsen careafflicted a group over gies of a group the worsen carecourse of over gies careof the worsen the course gies next over worsen day. of the the over course next the day. of course the next of the day. next day. Thisnot is toexactly all of This our isfallen tothe all heros of This ouris onf vaccines to caregivers and control subjects and heal than the summer ones. For some subjects, I admit, this article may have with small givers arm with wounds small givers using arm with givers wounds a small toolwith dermatologists using armsmall wounds a tool armdermatologists using wounds use atotool using dermatologists ause I tool admit, todermatologists this use post I admit, to mayuse this notto post exactly I admit, mayhave this Inot admit, post the exactly this intended mayhave post not the may exactly effect— intended nothave exactly the effect— have intended the intended effect— effect— duty Thank you duty Thank you duty Than du compared the numbers of antibodies–proteins the exam wounds took nearly twice as long to intended effect–worrying about the danger Theperform biopsies. caregivers' Thewounds biopsies. caregivers' biopsies. Thewounds 24 caregivers' percent Thetook caregivers' wounds 24 percent took wounds about 24 took percent the 24 danger about percent ofthe stress danger about is definitely ofthe stress about danger stressful—but the is definitely of danger stressof stressful—but is stress definitely is definitely stressful—but stressful—but m skin perform perform skin skin took worrying worrying worrying worrying involved inlonger immune reactions–that thethat twotheythat better. Ouch. of isrelaxation definitely stressful–but take atechdeep to heallonger than to wounds heal than that to wounds they longer heal had than that toafflicted heal wounds they than had to wounds non-careafflicted had toget take non-carethey afflicted ahad deep afflicted to breath. take non-careato deep If you non-carebreath. take ask me, a deep If learning take youbreath. ask a deep ame, few Ifbreath. learning you relaxation askIfstress ame, you few techlearning ask me, alearning few techrelaxation a few relaxation techgroups produced response. Only 38% of breath. If appealing you ask me, learning a few relax-LeBourgeo givers. givers. ingivers. niques sounds niques like asounds moreniques appealing like asounds more niques illness-prevention appealing like sounds a more like illness-prevention appealing a strategy more illness-prevention strategy illness-prevention strategy strategy Sarada LeBourgeois Sarada Sarad caregivers produced what isifconsidered an stress hurts ation techniques sounds likeaway a more appealing kay, but the what Okay, if but caregiving what Okay,ifisn't but caregiving Okay, an what accurate but isn't caregiving whatan proxy ifaccurate caregiving for isn't How an than proxy isn't accurate many for an other accurate than proxyalternatives. many forproxy other than foralternatives. (Go many than ahead other many and alternatives. (Go other throw ahead alternatives. away and (Go that throw ahead (Go away and ahead that throw and throw that away that Staff Writer Staff Writ ? To explore stress? other To explore stressful stress?other To stress? situations, explore stressful Tocompared other explore Kiecolt-Glaser situations, stressful other Kiecolt-Glaser stressful and situations, situations, liver Kiecolt-Glaser and oil.)cod Kiecolt-Glaser Indeed, liver andthe oil.)cod next Indeed, and liver time cod the oil.) you next liver Indeed, feeloil.) time guilty the Indeed, you about next feelthe time enjoyguilty next you about time feel you enjoyguilty feel about guilty about enjoyProfessional Women Professional of al-Women Profes adequate antibody response to 66% Itcod might seem counterintuitive, but Kleiillness–prevention strategy andenjoymany other ues performed colleagues another performed colleagues experiment colleagues another performed in experiment which performed another they in produced experiment another which they experiment ing in produced which a lazy they in Sunday, which ing produced a they lazy or taking produced Sunday, ing a a day lazy or ing taking off Sunday, a from lazy a day work or Sunday, taking off for from the or a taking day work heck off for of a from day the off work heck from for of work the heck for the of heck of St. Tammany St. Tamma of their relaxed counterparts, suggesting that colt-Glaser believes that stress makes our imternatives, (go ahead and throw away that cod Woman “Professional Wom “Pro will thank will for thank it. body you will for thank it. will you thank for it. you for“Professional sions in tinythe lesions mouths in tinythe of—quite lesions mouths tiny in appropriately—11 lesions the of—quite mouths in the appropriately—11 of—quite mouths dentalof—quite appropriately—11 it, think dental appropriately—11 again. it,Your think dental body again. dental it,Your think body again. it,you think Your again. Your body The caregivers immune system's were not do- mune system's less effective because it actually liver oil). Indeed, the nextit.time you feel of guilty of the Year” 2010 the Year” 20 o Once was during Oncein their was during Once their wasOnce during wastheir during their ts at two students different at two students points different instudents at time. two points different at in two time. different points points time. in time.
The Dangers of
ing when their jobs very well-and that the stress ofonce elicits an immune response it's self. Stress, she er vacation, summer vacation, they summer were when summer vacation, relaxed, they were vacation, and when once relaxed, they when was were and during they relaxed, were was and relaxed, during once and wasonce during was during caregiving ultimately put them atbefore andays increased says, causes theThe body to release l, several the days fall, several before the days afall, difficult the several before fall, exam. days aseveral difficult The lesions exam. a before difficult done The alesions exam. difficult done The exam. lesions done lesions done pro-inflamrisk of infection.
matory cytokines, immune factors that initiate
6 Northshore Fitness 26 Northshore 26 Fitness Northshore Fitness Fitness June 2011June 2011 June 2011 June 2011 2226 ∙ Northshore ∙ November 2016
about enjoying a lazy Sunday, or taking a day off from work for the heck of it, think again. Your body will thank you for it.
by aaronPOTTS
ou'd be surprised how many people around you are impressive statistics in favour of exercise. lly depressed. During my career, I've trained many The Bad News e who suffered from depression. My hunch is you bly know someone right now who is struggling with You'd be surprised how many people around here are clinission. Unfortunately, the most often prescribed long-term cally During my career, trained many people Thedepressed. Good News treatment I've for clinical depression is drug therapy. There is noMy question that inissome drug therapy is crucial who suffered from depression. hunch youcases probably know uke University conducted a study on the effects of and absolutely required. However, I also know in many someone right nowwith who is struggling with problem. cases, it is not. In mythis opinion, exercise is one massive and exercise as treatment for people major ssion. They took a group of people with major step in eliminating depression. In my experience, I’ve also found that we do need ssion and split them into three control groups. One was given medication only. The second group some additional steps. medication and performed thirty minutes of brisk Four Drug Free Steps that can Reduce or Eliminate se three times a week. The third group did exerDepression: nly. he results showed that exercising three times per 1. Remove yourself from stressful environment(s). for thirty minutes was just as effective in relieving 2. Start exercising regularly. toms as taking medication. Next, the study found 3. Look inward and determine what is causing you to be fter six months the "exercise only" group was less out of balance. to relapse. Only eight percent of patients in the 4. Have the courage to make the life changes required . se group had their depression return, while 38 perThe body wants to be healthy, and when given a of the drug-only group and 31 percent of the exer- chance, it will perform miracles. The first thing you need lus-drug group relapsed. Whoa, now those are to do is remove yourself from stressors (ie: away from
Duke university conducted a study on the effects of drugs and exercise as treatment for people with major depression. They took a group of people with major depression and split them into three control groups. One group was given medication only. The second group took medication and performed 30 minutes of brisk exercise three times a week. The third group did exercise only. The results showed that exercising three times per week for 30 min. was just as effective in relieving symptoms as taking medication. The study found that July after2011 six months the "exercise only" group less likely 16 Northshore Fitness to relapse. Only 8% of exercising patients had their depression return, while 38% of the drug-only group and 31% of the exercise-plus-drug group relapsed. Those are impressive statistics on favor of exercise.
24 ∙
∙ November 2016
work), so the body can begin to settle down and heal. This puts you back in a position of having some control over your daily life. If you've been depressed, you know how little control you felt you had at times. Next, when you begin to exercise, the body immediately releases, from its own perfect pharmacy, "feelgood drugs." So, the more you exercise, the better you feel. Exercise also makes you stronger. Since the body and mind are intimately linked, what happens to one affects the other. In other words, the stronger the body, the stronger the mind, and confidence levels go up. Exercise has also been proven to improve brain function. Those of you who’ve had depression know how scatterbrained and forgetful you can be at times. With increased mental strength and clarity, you can now begin to look inward to determine what is causing your imbalance. Once you’ve done this, you can decide to make the life changes required.
through regular exercise resulting courage to ch majority of those clients g anti-depressant medication Caution: Sometimes p that the source of their de being in a job or relationship of integrity for them. It tak to change in these areas. drugs can only mask th Solving the problem requi look inward, and the c change. In my opinion, a chooses to reclaim their life If you know someone w sion, encourage them to There is light at the end of This article is in no wa be a prescription for treat sion. If you are considering for depression or modifying ications in any way, consult cian.
Unfortunately, the most often prescribed long-term treatment for clinical depression is drug therapy. There is no question that in some cases drug therapy is crucial and absolutely required. However, I also know in many cases, it is not. In my opinion, and exercise is one massive step in illuminating depression. In my experience I've also found that we do need some additional steps.
FOUR DRUG-FREE STEPS THAT CAN REDUCECanOR ELIMINATE DEPRESSION it Really Work that Way? I said earlier that I’ve worked with many clients who had clinical depression. I am very proud to report that
1. Remove yourself from stressful environment(s). 2. Start exercising regularly. 3. Look inward to determine what is causing you to be out of balance. 4. Have the courage to make the life changes required.
The body wants to be healthy, and when given a chance it will perform miracles. The first thing you need to do is remove yourself from stressors (i.e.:away from work), so the body can begin to settle down and heal. This puts you back in a position of having some control over your daily life. If you've been depressed you know how little control you felt you had at times. Next when you begin to exercise, the body immediately releases, from its own perfect pharmacy, "feel good drugs." So, the more you exercise, the better you feel. Exercise also makes you stronger. Since the body and mind are intimately linked, what happens to one affect the other. In other words, the stronger the body, the stronger the mind, and confidence levels go up. Exercise has been proven to improve brain function. Those of you who have had depression know how scatterbrained and forgetful you can be at times. With increased mental strength and clarity, you can now begin to look inward to determine what is causing your imbalance. Once you've done this, you can decide to make the life changes required.
I said earlier that I have worked with many clients who had clinical depression. I am very proud to report that through regular exercise, and the resulting courage to change, the majority of those clients got off their antidepressant medications. Caution: Sometimes people find that the source of their depression is being in a job or relationship that is out of integrity for them. It takes strength to change in these areas. Remember, drugs can only mask the problem. Solving the problem requires a deep look inward, and the courage to change. In my opinion, anyone who chooses to reclaim their life is a hero. If you know someone with depression, encourage them to exercise. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. This article is in no way meant to be a prescription for treating depression. If you are considering treatment for depression or modifying your medications in anyway, consult a physician.
rr u o u Y o Y rrNorthshore u o u Y o rNorthshore Y u o u Y Yo rNorthshore
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Where Where our our Community Community Comes Comes Together... Together... Your Northshore Harbor Center is the premiere gathering Your Northshore Harbor Center is the premiere gathering In Your Northshore Harbor Center generated aa Where our Community Comes Together... In 2015, 2015, Your Northshore Harbor Center generated Where our Community Comes Together... place for meetings, consumer shows, place for corporate corporate meetings, consumer shows,gathering Your Northshore Harbor Center is the premiere Your Northshore Harbor Center is the premiere gathering banquets, recitals and more. There is always something banquets, recitals and more. There is always something place for corporate meetings, consumer shows, place for corporate meetings, consumer shows, going on at the Harbor Center. You won’t want to going on at the Harbor Center. You won’t want to miss miss banquets, recitals and more. There is always something banquets, recitals and more. There is always something these upcoming events! economic output for Slidell and St. Tammany Parish. these upcoming events! economic output for Center. Slidell and Tammany Parish. going on Harbor You won’t want miss going on at at the the Harbor Center. YouSt. won’t want to to miss these upcoming events! these upcoming events!
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Slidell Newcomers Crafts Sell-abration Crafts Show Sell-a- Show bration Arts Arts & & Crafts Show Crafts Show October October 12th 12th -- EST EST Chamber October 12th Chamber Athena Athena Awards Awards Luncheon OctoberLuncheon 12th -- EST EST Chamber Chamber Athena Athena Awards Awards Luncheon Luncheon October 13th Bras for a Cause October 13th - Bras for a Cause October October 13th 13th -- Bras Bras for for a a Cause Cause October 19th Ducks Unlimited October 19th - Ducks Unlimited Banquet Banquet Public Events Calendar Public Events Calendar October October 19th 19th -- Ducks Ducks Unlimited Unlimited Banquet Banquet October 25th SMH Women’s Health October 25th - SMH Women’s HealthShow November 5th Slidell Gun November 5th & & 6th 6th -- Fall Slidell Gun & & Knife Knife Show Alliance Luncheon Seminar October 25th Women’s Health Alliance Seminar October Luncheon 25th -- SMH SMHFall Women’s Health Alliance Fall Seminar November 15th Appreciation Alliance Luncheon Luncheon Fall Seminar November 15th -- Senior Senior Appreciation November 5th & 6th Slidell Gun Luncheon November 5th & 6th Slidell Gun & & Knife Knife Luncheon Show November Show November 5th 5th & & 6th 6th -- Slidell Slidell Gun Gun & & Knife Knife November 18th “Home is Where the Art Is” November 18th “Home is Where the Art Is” Show Show Fundraiser benefi tting Habitat Fundraiser Habitat November 15th -- Senior Appreciation Novemberbenefi 15thtting Senior Appreciation Luncheon November 15th -- Senior Appreciation Luncheon November2nd 15th Senior Appreciation December & -- Jeff Seminar December 2nd & 3rd 3rd Jeff Cavins Cavins Seminar Luncheon Luncheon November 18th -December -- Second Harvest November5th 18th December 5th Second Harvest Food Food Drive Drive “Home is Where the November 18th “Home is Where November 18th --the December 7th -- Marine Corps. Band New Art Is” December Marine “Home is Where the Art Is” Fundraiser Fundraiser “Home is 7th Where the Corps. Band New Orleans Holiday Concert benefi Habitat Orleans Holiday Concert Art Fundraiser benefi tting Habitat Art Is” Is” tting Fundraiser benefi Habitat benefitting tting Habitat December December 14th 14th -- EST EST Chamber Chamber Holiday Holiday Luncheon Luncheon
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Northshore Harbor Center
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by angieJONES
Have you seen the latest commercial actually DEFENDING the consumption of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)? The commercial starts with a friend offering another friend a popsicle or a glass of red fruit punch. The friend hesitates, and with a horrified look on their face sputters something about how they just can't because of the HFCS. When the other person presses further about it, the friend admits they can't come up with a convincing rebuttal and relents to the sugary snack. Let me tell you something: How this can be responsible advertising is beyond me, but it’s no surprise that it’s sponsored by the Corn Refiners Association. Do you think they are feeling the squeeze on the bad press around HFCS lately? In an effort to clean up my diet, I have decided to limit my consumption of HFCS. Not an easy task. HFCS is everywhere. It's in bread, yogurt, cereal, soup, canned fruit with syrup, granola, jams, ketchup, soft drinks, sports drinks and, of course, in cakes and cookies. I decided to do some research regarding HFCS. And I took a good look at the Corn Refiners Association website that is promoting the consumption of HFCS. Here are my findings: HFCS is very easy and very cheap to produce, which means lower costs and higher profits for food producers.
26 ∙
∙ November 2016
20 Northshore Fitness February 2012
HFCS is produced by processing corn starch to yield glucose, and then processing the glucose to produce a high percentage of fructose, the sugar found in fruit. So it sounds like HFCS should be as good for you as fruit, right? Wrong! The fructose found in fruit has natural fiber that feeds the beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract. HFCS does not have this natural fiber that helps to slow down digestion and feed the beneficial bacteria. With HFCS, only the harmful bacteria get fed and gastric distress is the inevitable result in the form of indigestion, acid reflux, and irritable bowel syndrome. "Here, my friend! Have a glass of irritable bowel syndrome! The bathroom is down the hall on the right!" Since the chemical composition is different, the body processes the fructose in HFCS differently than it does regular cane or beet sugar. The hormones that regulate the body's metabolism are altered. Leptin and insulin are two hormones the body produces to signal the brain to decrease appetite and control body weight. Unfortunately, while HFCS forces more fat into the bloodstream via the liver, it does not stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin or the body's fat cells to produce leptin. At the same time, HFCS, like trans fats, does not suppress the production of ghrelin, a hormone that increases hunger and appetite. The end result is that the
body is tricked into still feeling hungry even while it continues to store more fat. And does anyone know what happens when your body has a diminished production of insulin? It's called diabetes. So what is a person to do? Just to be clear, I'm not only picking on HFCS. Sugar is also one of the culprits for the country's rise of obesity as well as numerous other health problems. Therefore, I believe all sugar should be limited in our diet. You are probably thinking that sugar is more prevalent in our diet than even HFCS. Sound impossible to do? The key is balance. Small changes and substitutions can make a big difference. Eating one cookie probably won't cause adverse effects. Eating a whole box will. Instead of reaching for a large piece of apple pie, eat a large apple instead. Much more satisfying and it will curb your hunger longer. And at your next cookout, instead of offering your friends soft drinks, show them the love by stocking a cooler with refreshing bottles of water. Schedule activities like volleyball and frisbee, or play tag with the kids. You will be helping everyone live a more healthy and active life, improving the quantity as well as the quality of their time here on earth. After all, what are friends for?
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