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Mark Seidenfeld
Artist 25AMark Seidenfeld
Mark had an established international law practice when he met Elisa Breton in Paris in 1992. They attended exhibitions of surrealist art, which Mark was collecting. Ms. Breton, in her late 80’s and the widow of Andre Breton, who founded the Surrealist Movement, challenged Mark to paint. She dared him to direct his passion for artistic voices into attempting to find his own. Mark accepted and, in his own words, ‘unlocked an inner volcano that has never stopped erupting.’ who stages, directs, shoots, and prints dark fantasy, cinematic photo images.
His work has been shown in galleries in New York and around the world, including Japan, Korea, Belgium, Haiti, and the United Kingdom. He is working on an upcoming solo exhibition, for a gallery in Rome, Italy.
Mark seeks depth and an expression of inner truths in his painting. Like every artist whose goal is to develop the uniqueness of their own voice, his work changes and mutates, constantly breaking prior boundaries. With 29 years of experience, Mark’s work brims with the emotional vision and intelligence that come from experience and understanding.
Facebook: Mark Seidenfeld Instagram: @markseidenfeld Website: www.markseidenfeld.com For Commissions: mob 917 843-3211 baronvonmarko@gmail.com