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Swank Farms Benefit
Swank Farms kicked off their season with a SOLD OUT benefit for MoviesMakingADifference on November 13. The Harvest Hoedown had the whole party up and dancing to the sensational sounds of Philippe Harari & His All-Star Country Band along with Mark Paulino, everyone's favorite line dance instructor.

But this wasn't any old BarBQue. 6 courses were elegantly prepared farm to table by some of the top chefs in Palm Beach County.
Guests got to meet Ruby Jessop from Netflix' "Keep Sweet...". Ruby and her family were adopted by MoviesMakingADifference when they escaped the FLDS 12 years ago. Ruby told the audience that she "wouldn't be here had it not been for my MMAD Family".
It was such a success that it's already on the calendar for next fall!