“Summer's here and the time is right for dancing in the street.” 4HY[OH [OL =HUKLSSHZ Summer Parties. Summer Beaches. Summer Beauty, Health and Fashion. -YVT 4HUOH[[HU YVVM[VWZ [V /HTW[VU»Z IVUÄYLZ HUK 7HST )LHJO THUZPVUZ Z\TTLY M\U OHZ [Y\S` ILN\U In Palm Beach, the Palm Beach Advanced Aesthetics MedSpa is all folks are talking about with its cutting edge regenerative medicine and stem cell therapies to heal injuries and turn back the clock. Excited to provide an inside look at all of the new MedSpa’s top shelf services on our own streaming channel on 2H[O` 0YLSHUK»Z UL^ @V\Y/VTL;= WSH[MVYT HSVUN ^P[O V[OLY ILOPUK [OL ZJLUL JLSLIYP[` HUK S\_\Y` MLH[\YL Z[VYPLZ in Metropolitan Lifestyles with Xen Sams, coming in the Fall to 100M+ households worldwide and available on Roku! >HZ - :JV[[ -P[aNLYHSK JVYYLJ[ ^OLU OL ^YV[L ¸3L[ TL [LSS `V\ HIV\[ [OL ]LY` YPJO ;OL` HYL KPќLYLU[ MYVT `V\ HUK TL ¹ >LSSPUN[VU (NLUJ` *,6 HUK MV\UKLY (WYPS )LY\IL RUV^Z HSS HIV\[ [OL ]LY` ^LHS[O` ÄYZ[ OHUK MYVT Z[HѝUN [OLPY WHSH[PHS LZ[H[LZ `HJO[Z HUK WYP]H[L WSHULZ :OL SL[Z \Z PU VU TVURL` I\[SLYZ JVVRPL I\[SLYZ HUK what it really takes to work for most UNWIs. A quick shout out to our Editor in Chief, Adam Kluger for his stellar work and recent 5 year anniversary with the magazines and our growing platform, and to our talented Art Director Lonee Telemaque for helping to deliver our ]PZPVU MVY ZVTL VM [OL SLHKPUN S\_\Y` HY[Z THNHaPULZ PU [OL ^VYSK .YH[LM\S [V V\Y OHYK ^VYRPUN [LHT Cheers!
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