“Wake now, discover that you are the song that the morning brings But the heart has its seasons, its evenings and songs of its own.” ;OL .YH[LM\S +LHK :\TTLY PZ OLYL ^P[O Z\UZOPUL Z[YLHRLK WYVTPZLZ VM IYPNO[LY KH`Z HUK T\ZPJ PU [OL HPY The beaches are full of the latest swimsuits and spa fashion. The hottest summer read is James Sturz’s magical and beautifully written new novel, Underjungle. Summer Music Concerts are in full swing from Taylor Swift to Dead *V (Z MHUZ HYL KHUJPUN PU [OL Z[YLL[Z .YHJPUN V\Y Z\TTLY Ä[ULZZ ILH\[` JV]LY *OHYSV[[L -SHPY PZ VUL VM [OL TVZ[ YLJVNUPaHISL Z[HYZ VM [OL ) >>, universe. The daughter of legendary wrestler Ric Flair (Woooo!), Charlotte is one of the most powerful, gorgeous, HUK Z\JJLZZM\S ^VTLU PU HSS VM ZWVY[Z LU[LY[HPUTLU[ >>, YLHJOLZ HWWYV_PTH[LS` TPSSPVU OVTLZ ^VYSK^PKL HUK OHZ ILLU ^H[JOLK I` V]LY TPSSPVU ]PL^LYZ PU JV\U[YPLZ ;OL >>, Z ZVJPHS TLKPH HJJV\U[Z HSVUL OH]L a combined following of more than 1.5 billion users. So honored to have an audience with the Queen of WWE. .VSM LU[O\ZPHZ[Z ^PSS LUQV` ZVTL PU]HS\HISL NVSM [PWZ HUK HULJKV[LZ MYVT SLNLUKHY` NVSM PUZ[Y\J[VY .HY` >PYLU HUK L]LU [VW Ä[ULZZ TVKLS :[LWO 4P ÄUKZ [PTL [V W\[[ HYV\UK IL[^LLU ^VYRV\[Z On the art scene, everybody is buzzing about Takuma Tanaka, Japan’s version of Jean Michel Basquiat, as we also explore the fascinating work of Hans Neleman, Hannah Polskin, Lori Horowitz, and other art stars as we eagerly anticipate the imminent launch of art world mover and shaker Rachel D. Vancelette's new streaming show, 0U [OL 7\YZ\P[ VM (Y[ ? -HZOPVU ? ;LJOUVSVN` ,_JP[PUN Z[\ќ Enjoy!
Adam Kluger Editor in Chief Metropolitan/25A Metropolitan Palm Beach Metropolitan Lifestyles
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