BEST OF THE REST Beachampton – The Beach Concierge App
Chef Meze – The Caterer
New this Summer, the delightful culinary experience owned by Cagri Kanver with *OLM @ÛSTHa . UL` JVTLZ [V [OL YLZJ\L to help elevate your garden parties. Chef 4LaL VќLYZ H ZLSLJ[PVU VM TLU\Z MVY HU` [`WL VM L]LU[ HUK ^OP[L NSV]L ZLY]PJL www.chefmeze.com
Mariebelle Chocolates – The Perfect Hosting Gift
>VTHU V^ULK 4HYPL)LSSL 5L^ @VYR PZ H ^VYSK YLUV^ULK S\_\Y` JOVJVSH[L JVTWHU` ;OL ÄUL HY[ LKPISLZ HYL OHUK THKL H[ [OLPY MHJ[VY` PU Brooklyn NY with retail locations throughout New York City and Japan. The ÅHNZOPW Z[VYL PU 5L^ @VYR»Z MHTV\Z :VOV +PZ[YPJ[ VќLYZ JOVJVSH[L SV]LYZ a sumptuous shopping experience. Whether it is the Signature artisanal NHUHJOL SH]PZO [Y\ўLZ HUK IHYZ VY [OL PUJVTWHYHISL (a[LJ /V[ *OVJVSH[L (featured on Oprah’s Favorite Things) – the name MarieBelle is synonymous ^P[O L]LY`[OPUN [OH[ PZ YLÄULK ILH\[PM\SS` KLZPNULK HUK KLJHKLU[ www.mariebelle.com
Metropolitan Magazine | metmagny.com
BEACHAMPTON is a new cellphone app from Binh Douglas and Dylan .HJOLZ ^OPJO VќLYZ \UPX\L ILHJO packages that include, umbrellas, chairs, towels, beach blankets, a Bluetooth speaker and café table. 7HJRHNL (KK 6UZ PUJS\KL S\UJO options, Yeti’s of ice, beverages, Jenga, Connect 4, Spikeball, Cornhole, Surfboards, Paddleboards HUK L]LU `V\Y V^U WLYZVUHS SPMLN\HYK @V\Y OV\Y experience begins with free parking at Main Prospect, located at 15 Prospect Street in Southampton. From there you’ll be shuttled to one of 5 Southampton Beaches. You can even arrange car detailing while catching some rays…
The Charisma Factor – Summer Reading
Between all the hot happenings it will be nice to relax with some beach reading in the Hamptons. This Summer, embrace your individuality, discover your authenticity, and empower yourself like never before with The Charisma Factor: Unlock the Secrets of Magnetic *OHYT HUK 7LYZVUHS 0UÅ\LUJL in Your Life, the latest book from actress, philanthropist and author Leesa Rowland. ;OL *OHYPZTH -HJ[VY PZ H MVSSV^ \W [V 3LLZH»Z ILZ[ ZLSSPUN ZLSM OLSW TV[P]H[PVUHS IVVR +PZJV]LYPUN [OL 0[ -HJ[VY within You: Developing Your Charismatic Personality. The Charisma Factor is available now in stores nationwide and from www.amazon.com