The Wellington Agency Luxury Staffing By Adam Kluger
he Wellington Agency, is America’s SLHKPUN ,Z[H[L /V\ZLOVSK :[HѝUN Agency serving most major cities across the county. April J. Berube OHZ ILLU PU [OL ,Z[H[L :[HѝUN 0UK\Z[Y` ZPUJL (WYPS Z[HY[LK OLY ÄYZ[ agency in Boston, Massachusetts placing OPNOS` X\HSPÄLK Z[Hќ PU OV\ZLOVSKZ UH[PVU^PKL (WYPS PZ RUV^U MVY ^VYRPUN ^P[O OPNO WYVÄSL UHNW individuals, celebrities, pro athletes, and politicians all over the USA. April and her amazing team are the best in the industry at WSHJPUN ,Z[H[L 4HUHNLYZ )\[SLYZ *OH\ќL\YZ Private Chefs, Executive Housekeepers, Laundresses, Domestic Assistants, Domestic
Couples, Personal Assistants, Executive (ZZPZ[HU[Z `HJO[ :[Hќ )HYU :[HISLZ 4HUHNLYZ and even Monkey Butlers! The Wellington (NLUJ` PZ H SPJLUZLK M\SS ZLY]PJL OV\ZLOVSK Z[HѝUN HNLUJ` ^P[O P[Z THPU VѝJLZ PU 7HST )LHJO >LSSPUN[VU -S ZLY]PUN HSS THQVY < : cities. The agency is owned and operated by SVUN [PTL OV\ZLOVSK Z[HѝUN HNLUJ` V^ULY April Berube. It is the goal of The Wellington (NLUJ`»Z V^ULY HUK Z[Hќ [V WYV]PKL JSPLU[Z ^P[O [OL OPNOLZ[ X\HSP[` HZZPZ[HUJL PU ÄUKPUN [OL YPNO[ Z[Hќ MVY [OLPY OV\ZLOVSK VY LZ[H[L The Wellington Agency guides you through the interview process, carefully considers your requests, and takes all your needs into
JVUZPKLYH[PVU ^OPSL [OL` OLSW `V\ ÄUK [OL ILZ[ TVZ[ X\HSPÄLK Z[Hќ MYVT V\Y L_[LUZP]L database of vetted and experienced household Z[HѝUN WLYZVUULS ;OL >LSSPUN[VU (NLUJ` VќLYZ [OL TVZ[ JVTWYLOLUZP]L IHJRNYV\UK checks on the candidate’s work history and experience. The Wellington Agency’s owner, April J. Berube, is a mother of three and has made major strides in the industry since the LHYS` » Z (WYPS \UKLYZ[HUKZ [OL KPѝJ\S[ [HZR VM ÄUKPUN [OL YPNO[ WLYZVU MVY [OL QVI HUK THRPUN P[ PU[V H Z\JJLZZM\S SVUN [LYT WSHJLTLU[ HUK she genuinely cares about each of her clients and wants to make the process as seamless and enjoyable for the client as possible. July 2023