AT BEVERLY HILLS By Norah Bradford
he legendary Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills is one of the most iconic properties in California.
3VJH[LK TPU\[LZ MYVT ^VYSK YLUV^ULK 9VKLV +YP]L HUK Robertson Boulevard shops, providing the California al fresco lifestyle at its best with views of the Hollywood Hills or Downtown LA from every guest room balcony. The property boasts spacious suites, lush NHYKLUZ ÅVYHSZ I` 1Lќ 3LH[OHT H ÅVVY KLKPJH[LK [V ^LSSULZZ ^P[O H 7YP]H[L -P[ULZZ Z\P[L >,33 VѝJL :WH HUK ZWHJPV\Z WVVS KLJR ^P[O [OL outdoor Cabana restaurant. The property also features meeting rooms ideal for press junkets and a range of other events and celebrations, as well as the Italian Culina Ristorante and The Lounge. -LH[\YPUN N\LZ[ YVVTZ HUK Z\P[LZ [OL Z[VY` I\PSKPUN PZ a stunning example of luxury hospitality. For decades the landmark property has held the storied halls that have housed royalty to Hollywood celebrities for work stays and vacations. In 2022, Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills was proudly named the number one hotel in Los Angeles by the 2022 Condé Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Awards. With an impressive score of 97.76, the property took the honors which elevated their already phenomenal status in the travel community. “We are honored to be recognized by Condé Nast Traveler magazine as [OL [VW YH[LK OV[LS PU 3VZ (UNLSLZ HU HJJVTWSPZOTLU[ [OH[ ^V\SK UV[ be possible without the support of our loyal guests and the dedication VM V\Y V\[Z[HUKPUN [LHT TLTILYZ 3VZ (UNLSLZ VќLYZ LUKSLZZ VW[PVUZ 58
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for discerning travelers, and we are proud to continue our legacy as H SLHKPUN OV[LS ¹ ZH`Z +H]PK >PSRPL .LULYHS 4HUHNLY VM -V\Y :LHZVUZ Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills. The legendary Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills features ZWHJPV\Z Z\P[LZ S\ZO NHYKLUZ ÅVYHSZ I` 1Lќ 3LH[OHT H ÅVVY KLKPJH[LK [V ^LSSULZZ ^P[O H 7YP]H[L -P[ULZZ Z\P[L >,33 VѝJL :WH HUK ZWHJPV\Z pool deck with the outdoor Cabana restaurant. The property also features meeting rooms ideal for press junkets and a range of other events and celebrations, as well as the Italian Culina Ristorante and The Lounge. One of the highlights on display is the outdoor pool set on a tropically SHUKZJHWLK [LYYHJL VU [OL MV\Y[O ÅVVY VќLYPUN LSL]H[LK JP[` ]PL^Z" poolside cabanas are available for spa treatments or a sheltered respite, ^P[O YLMYLZOTLU[Z VќLYLK MYVT [OL HKQVPUPUN *HIHUH 9LZ[H\YHU[ (SZV IL Z\YL [V L_WLYPLUJL [OL UL^ .,4*3050*(3 MHJPHS [YLH[TLU[Z I` KNESKO available at the spa. Addressing visible signs of ageing such HZ ÄUL SPULZ ^YPURSLZ KY`ULZZ W\ѝULZZ HUK \UL]LU ZRPU [VUL ^P[O [OL HKKLK ILULÄ[ VM YL IHSHUJPUN JOHRYH LULYNPLZ [OYV\NOV\[ [OL IVK` each session elevates the individual to a level of bliss. Utilizing products charged with healing reiki energy to invite positive intentions and WYVTV[L ZLSM SV]L [OL UL^ [YLH[TLU[Z JYLH[L H Z[H[L VM [V[HS YLSH_H[PVU HUK ^LSS ILPUN ^OPSL ZOV^JHZPUN H \UPX\L OVSPZ[PJ HWWYVHJO [V ZRPUJHYL HUK ZLSM JHYL For more information please visit online.