Release New Single “ZupaLove” about Unity, Acceptance & Spreading More Love on the iHeartRadio Media base in the US., “Pop Pop” hit #41 and ¸A\WH/V[¹ YLHJOLK ZupaNova also collaborated with International Billboard artist IAKOPO to release the single “Don’t Think” that hit #5 as the most streamed and downloaded songs on North American College Radio. They also opened up for Fall Out Boy and BTS at this past New Year’s performance on FilAm ;= ¸>L .SVIHS 5L^ @LHY»Z ,]L¹ celebration.
upaNova’s iconic duo Rawcel Cooks (Songwriter for The Black Eyed Peas) and Davy )YV^U 4\S[P .LUYL 7YVK\JLY 9LJVYKPUN (Y[PZ[ 4\S[P Instrumentalist) just released their timely single “ZupaLove” that aims to promote love triumphing over hate in a global celebration of unity, kindness, diversity, authenticity, and positive impact.
¸>L ^YV[L ºA\WH3V]L» HZ H YLTPUKLY [OH[ ^L HSS OH]L [OL WV^LY [V THRL H WVZP[P]L PTWHJ[ VU [OL SP]LZ VM V[OLYZ >L OVWL [OH[ [OPZ ZVUN PUZWPYLZ WLVWSL to be kind to one another, help make the ^VYSK H IL[[LY WSHJL HUK [V ZWYLHK SV]L ^OLYL]LY [OL` NV ¹ – Cooks Dive into the details on their new single release, VѝJPHS T\ZPJ ]PKLV HUK OV^ [OPZ ZV\NO[ after duo is taking music to the next level for a ZupaCelebration of fashion, culture, music, lifestyle, one love, and impacting communities around the world through mentorship and giving back.
Most recognize ZupaNova – an international [^V [PTL ;VW ,+4 HUK /PW 7VW 4\ZPJ .YV\W ¶MVY [OLPY NSVIHS Z\JJLZZ V]LY [OL WHZ[ couple of years in reaching the Top 40 Charts
In fact, this powerhouse duo recently released and performed “ZupaLove” at Mayfest 2023 in Southern California and excited fans with special performances alongside Billboard artist Iakopo and Arii Brazil on the main stage for a medley of their top hits, “Pop Pop,” “Don't Think,” “Celebrate,” and new single “ZupaLove.”
Spreading Love, Kindness and Unity
“ZupaLove” is more than a catchy Summer song, it’s a movement that is fueling support by celebrities, organizations, and musicians ^VYSK^PKL PU HU LќVY[ [V WYVWLS SV]L RPUKULZZ unity, diversity, authenticity, and generosity to those in need. The ZupaStarz play an integral role in helping JVTT\UP[PLZ PU ULLK HZ MLH[\YLK PU [OLPY VѝJPHS music video. The song is simply a celebration of humanity from all walks of life, unconditional kindness, togetherness, giving back, and positivity. Most recently, ZupaNova took part in feeding the homeless in Los Angeles’ skid row district, which is also captured in the video.
¸4\ZPJ OHZ [OL WV^LY [V IYPUN WLVWSL [VNL[OLY HUK [V JYLH[L WVZP[P]L JOHUNL We wanted to use our platform to ZWYLHK H TLZZHNL VM SV]L HUK OVWL and we hope that our fans will join us PU [OPZ TPZZPVU ¹ – Brown
Fashion and Philanthropy
With a vision to create a wave of positive impact around the world, ZupaNova continues to serve as role models, mentors, and create music to unite all cultures, fashion, lifestyles, HUK JYLH[L HU LJOVPUN LќLJ[ VM ¸A\WH3V]L¹ around the world. A\WH5V]H HUK 5HUJ` .HSL -V\UKLY VM AMBITION, have teamed up with a mission to ignite a deep and meaningful conversation that unites brave and powerful voices to inspire. ZupaNova is committed in their role HZ H SVUN Z[HUKPUN HTIHZZHKVY VM (4)0;065 VYN H UVUWYVÄ[ LU[YLWYLUL\YPHS WYVNYHT MVY disadvantaged youth that fosters innovation, ZVS\[PVU KYP]LU [OPURPUN JVUÄKLUJL HUK positive work ethic through business, music, fashion, and special guest collaboration. “AMBITION is aspirations with no limitations.” Together, ZupaNova and AMBITION, raised awareness and funding for disadvantaged `V\[O I` JV OVZ[PUN HUK WLYMVYTPUN PU H ]PY[\HS ILULÄ[ JVUJLY[ [OH[ NHPULK [OL H[[LU[PVU VM celebrity Paris Hilton and business power JV\WSL ;VT 3PZH )PS`L )V[O QVPULK PU ^P[O many local Los Angeles students to help support the program by creating a fun social TLKPH ^H]L VM ZLSÄL Z[`SL WYVTV ]PKLVZ A\WH5V]H PZ HTVUN V[OLY ^LSS RUV^U TLU[VYZ for the Foundation that include: Richard )YHUZVU 7HYPZ /PS[VU *HY[LY 9L\T )YHK 7P[[ 1LZZPJH (SIH (ZO[VU 2\[JOLY ;VT 3PZH Bilyeu, the daytime talk show “The Real,” Lou Williams of the LA Clippers, etc.) ZupaNova is also the creator of the AMBITION theme song! They created two songs, the ÄYZ[ VUL ¸,]LY`KH` PZ H /VSPKH`¹ HUK ZLJVUK new song “You Don’t Know About Me” with H TV]LTLU[ RUV^U HZ ¸;/, +0(36.<,¹ [V engage in conversation with youth about race and racism. When it comes to fashion, ZupaNova can also be spotted on the catwalk performing for runway fashion show “Fashion 4 A Cause” in Los Angeles, California, that brings [VNL[OLY JOHYP[PLZ M\UKYHPZPUN HUK UVUWYVÄ[ organizations through fashion. ^^^ a\WHUV]HVɉJPHS JVT
July 2023