STEPH MI by Adam Kluger
ow did you get into Golf?
There were several factors that led me to venture into the world of golf. Firstly, my mother, residing in Korea, has an immense passion for the sport and often expressed her enthusiasm during our conversations. Recognizing that there was a disconnect that stemmed from my lack of interest and knowledge of golf, I was motivated to explore the world of golf. Additionally, I noticed a rising surge of interest in golf within the social media community, particularly with a lack of female YLWYLZLU[H[PVU 0 PKLU[PÄLK HU VWWVY[\UP[` [V ÄSS this void and contribute to the golf social media ZWOLYL 0 [OLU [VVR T` WSH[MVYT [V JYLH[L .VSM with Mi. I contacted OFTV and managed to pitch an idea for a show that was about real JVU]LYZH[PVUZ ^OPSL NVSÄUN 0 OVZ[ WYVK\JL and edit my show. I have creative control and it's extremely empowering. What’s the secret to improving your golf game? Dedicated practice, consistent recording, professional lessons, and engaging in rounds with other golfers are essential components. $V D PRGHO DFWUHVV DQG LQñXHQFHU KRZ LPSRUWDQW LV \RXU GLHW H[HUFLVH URXWLQH" (Z H TVKLS HJ[YLZZ HUK PUÅ\LUJLY THPU[HPUPUN a balanced diet and regular exercise routine holds immense importance in my life. 7YPVYP[PaPUN T` V]LYHSS OLHS[O HUK ^LSS ILPUN serves as a fundamental pillar, enabling me to navigate the demands of my profession and achieve optimal performance. By prioritizing ZLSM JHYL HUK MVJ\ZPUN VU H OLHS[O` SPMLZ[`SL 0 92
Metropolitan Magazine |
believe in cultivating the strength and resilience necessary to overcome any challenges that may arise. Any workout tips for women who would like to have an amazing body?
audience preferences are crucial elements. By consistently striving to innovate and provide diverse content that resonates with followers, PUÅ\LUJLYZ JHU J\S[P]H[L LUNHNLTLU[ authenticity, and sustained interest among their audience.
I appreciate the compliment, but I believe that every woman should strive to feel JVUÄKLU[ PU OLY V^U IVK` LTIYHJPUN OLY unique beauty. In terms of workout tips, I would suggest prioritizing consistency in your L_LYJPZL YV\[PUL ÄUKPUN H Z\WWVY[P]L ^VYRV\[ partner for motivation and accountability, and \S[PTH[LS` PU[LNYH[PUN Ä[ULZZ PU[V `V\Y SPMLZ[`SL HZ H SVUN [LYT JVTTP[TLU[ [V `V\Y OLHS[O HUK ^LSS ILPUN
Are there any new projects or passions you care to share with our readers?
We’ve featured international health LQñXHQFHU -HQ 6HOWHU RQ D SUHYLRXV PDJD]LQH FRYHU DQG WKH LQWHUHVW ZDV Rσ the charts… why do you think Jen has EHFRPH VXFK D KXJH VWDU LQ WKH ðWQHVV industry?
>OPSL 0 ILSPL]L [OH[ [OLYL PZ UV VUL ZPaL Ä[Z HSS MVYT\SH MVY ILPUN HU LќLJ[P]L PUÅ\LUJLY 0 OH]L found that continuous creativity, meaningful collaborations, and a keen understanding of
I am excited to announce that I have been granted the incredible opportunity to open for San Diego Swim Week, which is a project I am truly looking forward to. This upcoming L]LU[ OVSKZ NYLH[ ZPNUPÄJHUJL MVY TL HUK 0 HT eagerly anticipating the memorable moments that will unfold.