Y .HY` >PYLU PZ H 7.( 4HZ[LY Professional who was the Director of Education, Learning, HUK 9LZLHYJO MVY [OL 7.( VM (TLYPJH IL[^LLU HUK During that time he produced the entitled "Laws, Principles, and Preferences" of the golf swing. He is the founder of four golf schools and is now the senior director of PUZ[Y\J[PVU MVY ;Y\TW .VSM 7YVWLY[PLZ >PYLU PZ H TLTILY VM IV[O [OL 7.( /HSS VM -HTL HUK [OL >VYSK .VSM ;LHJOLYZ /HSS VM -HTL (Z an author, he has written fourteen golf books PUJS\KPUN ;OL 7.( ;LHJOPUN 4HU\HS H[ pages, which is the most comprehensive text on golf instruction in history. It is estimated that over his career he has taught more than H X\HY[LY TPSSPVU Z[\KLU[Z PU JV\U[YPLZ As one of the world's leading golf experts, Wiren has written more than 300 articles for magazines and other periodicals. Learning about his teaching and writing skills, he was asked the following questions. What’s the Biggest Challenge in Teaching Golf? The biggest challenge is to get a clear understanding as to why the pupil plays or wants to play golf, and then work out a program that will direct them toward success. ;OH[ ^PSS PUJS\KL [OL HTV\U[ VM [PTL HUK LќVY[ they are willing to contribute toward their goal.
Metropolitan Magazine | metmagny.com
Who are some of your favorite professional golfers?
Why do you think so many U.S. Presidents love golf? First of all, with the presidency being such an extremely stressful job the chance to get out on peaceful lawns to engage in an activity that is not too mentally taxing can be therapeutic. It can help one temporarily forget all the demands that come with the position. And since it is an activity that is easy for the Secret Service to handle, they like it too. Have you played golf with former President Trump? Yes, most of it was a few years ago. In my LZ[PTH[PVU OL PZ [OL ILZ[ NVSÄUN WYLZPKLU[ ^L OH]L L]LY OHK 0 KLÄUP[LS` TLHU [OH[ /L SV]LZ to compete and returns scores that would be WSLHZPUN [V H SV^ ZPUNSL OHUKPJHW NVSMLY¯Z\JO HZ H [^V VY [OYLL OHUKPJHWWLY ([ OPZ HNL OL is still playing quite well while using a rotary swing which produces some long drives. Of course, he has some bad days as we all do but his name is up on several championship plaques that line the hallway at the beautiful I\[ [V\NO ;Y\TW 0U[LYUH[PVUHS .VSM *S\I /L PZ a very good putter and loves the game.
As a golf historian, I could go far back and note some great champion golfers, who were also great people Throughout history they seem to have occurred in groups of three, known as a triumvirate. For example, Vardon, Braid, and Taylor; Jones, Sarazen, and Hagen; Snead, Hogan, and Nelson; and the last with ^OPJO `V\ HYL TVYL MHTPSPHY 7HSTLY 7SH`LY and Nicklaus. Thinking about your readers I feel they would like to hear more about champions who are familiar to them. “Arnie” brought life back to the game of golf with not only his game but his manner. He may have signed more golf items than anyone in history and always with clear penmanship, not a scribble, so you were darned sure who signed P[ .HY` 7SH`LY NH]L OVWL [V [OL ZTHSSLY NVSMLY by producing “Tour level” length that was a YLZ\S[ VM OPZ NYLH[ JVTTP[TLU[ [V KHPS` Ä[ULZZ training. But when you say “Jack” when discussing golf there is only one Jack who won more majors than anyone in history— LPNO[LLU HUK [OH[ VM JV\YZL PZ 1HJR 5PJRSH\Z /L HSZV OHK HU HTHaPUN Y\UULY \W ÄUPZOLZ in the majors. Just imagine that! In addition to his golf prowess Jack and his wife Barbara TH` OH]L JVU[YPI\[LK TVYL [V JOHYP[` M\UK YHPZPUN LќVY[Z MVY JOPSKYLU PU ULLK VM OVZWP[HS care than any athlete in history. These three men have made it a privilege for me to be involved in the game of golf.