Nancy Davis
Founder, Race To Erase MS
e are so thrilled to be returning to the Rose Bowl Stadium for a fun night of dancing under the stars with Earth, Wind & Fire for a great cause,” said Davis ahead of the June 4th annual event. “We were overwhelmed by the support and enthusiasm from our guests last year (2020), despite these challenging times, and look forward to another memorable event as we come together to learn more about this devastating disease and raise money to find a cure for MS.” The 2020 Drive-In To Erase MS event raised over $1.4 Million to benefit the cause and its Center Without Walls program, a collaboration of top MS research centers working together as a team on ground-breaking research with the goal of treating and, ultimately, finding a cure for MS. Race to Erase MS was founded in 1993 by Nancy Davis and is dedicated to the treatment and ultimate cure of multiple sclerosis. Funding research is the core focus of the foundation, and significant strides have 112
been made to find the cause and cure of this debilitating disease. At the event’s inception 27 years ago, the absence of medications and therapies encouraged its involvement; the Race has been instrumental in funding pilot studies that have contributed to drugs now on the market and other very important therapies that are improving the lives of people suffering from MS. All funds raised support the Center Without Walls program created by Davis, a unique collaboration of the world’s leading MS research scientists, - a ‘dream team’ as she calls it - currently representing Harvard, Yale, Cedars Sinai, USC, Oregon Health Science University, UC San Francisco, Johns Hopkins, and UCLA. This nationwide collaboration of physicians, scientists and clinicians are on the cutting-edge of innovative research and therapeutic approaches to treat MS. As a result of this research and other advancements, over 20 drugs have come to market since the foundation began. The work of Davis has greatly contributed to this incredible progress. “My main goal was to find the cause and cure for multiple sclerosis and have a team
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of doctors working together to constantly communicate and never duplicate so that we could find a cure a lot faster. We are in a race, and we want to get to the finish line and win, and take away the suffering so many people face with this disease. When we started there were no drugs on the market, no hope and no cure, and today, it is so exciting that there are 22 FDA approved drugs available to help this disease and its progression. Our fundraising and research has contributed to these results.” It is the hope of the Race to Erase MS that in addition, to combating MS through research in a clinical environment, awareness will be created by educating the public about this mysterious disease. Since its founding, Race to Erase MS has raised over $50 Million. For the latest news and information on Race to Erase MS, be sure to follow on social, and join the conversation using #RaceToEraseMS and #EraseMS. Facebook: Twitter: @RaceToEraseMS Instagram: @RaceToEraseMS