33 minute read
Authored by:

Narendra Shah M a n a g i n g Ed i tor Metro Rai l N ews
Resuming Metros across the Nation
The things have not much changed as faras Corona spread is concerned. The conditions have much deteriorated, and it continues. However, it has now become clear that the pandemic will not be over soon, and people now need to make adjustments in their lives according to the needs ofthe time. The economy has been affected much and will take a long time for a revival.
The pandemic which is being taken as a Made in China initiative, it has hampered the world economy with causing least impacts on China. In India, the pandemic has created huge loss both oflives and wealth.
As the lockdown restrictions are being eased up, most parts ofthe Indian economy are now open. However, the most crucial component of the economy, which helps easy transportation of goods and People has been affected much. The Public transport systems whether it be Railways, Metros, Local trains or Sub Urban Services, everything has not resumed yet.
As the workplaces have been opened up and people need to reach to their factories or offices on time, the lack ofavailability of effective public transport services is creating Havoc. Once the government planned to open up office spaces and companies, it was needed to restart metro services to ease the travel. Many people have been complaining that it is taking much of their salaries to travel through cabs or auto rickshaws. The need ofthe time is to address the genuine concerns of the people to help further the economy to gain faster recovery.which are working to resume metro services while waiting forthe Government nod.
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation ( DMRC )
The DMRC is the nodal agencyforrunning metro in the Capital City of India. The DMRC network is the biggest of that of South Asia, and it is believed to be the mother organization of all the othermetro establishments ofthe nation.
Recently, the DMRC made a collaboration with Autope to bring more effective and contactless ticketing system. “The Autope Smart Card with Auto recharge option comes handy at these times wherein, commuters are going to follow a new travel protocol (whenever Metro services resume) which calls for social distancing and contactless services due to the ongoing Covid pandemic. However, irrespective of the new card/feature, the existing Smart Cards owned by the commuters will continue to remain valid in the same manner as they used to be so far”, the DMRC said in a statement.
Kochi Metro
Running in one ofthe Southernmost parts ofthe country, the Kochi Metro has geared up for the resumption ofits services. In a move to serve the passengers, the Kochi Metro has decided to run trains every 20 minutes. Operations will resume at 7 am and end around 8:30.
“We have plans to increase the number oftrains based on the passenger footfall. Kochi Metro has taken all steps to provide asafe and secure travel forall Kochiites.” said Alkesh Kumar
Lucknow Metro
The UPMRC, nodal agencyforrunning Lucknow metro has come up with many new plans. Regular sanitization, along with the implementation of new technologies are a few major things which the corporation is doing. “Keeping in mind, the health and safety of its commuters, UPMRC will ensure that all station premises, equipment and other points of contact are being sanitized at regular intervals of 4-5 hours. This including the ticket counters (TOMs), TVM (Ticket Vending Machines), Customer Care centres, Entry-Exit gates, handrails inside trains, handrails at the escalator and seats of trains, platforms etc.”, UPMRC said to Metro Rail News.
The Managing Director of Maha Metro, Dr Brajesh Dixit recentlyvisited Rahate Colonyand Ajani Metro stations ofOrange line of Nagpur Metro. He reviewed the preparations on the stations and furthergave instructions to officials available there.
According to sources, the Nagpur Metro too is in working mode and may resume services once the centre gives a green signal.
Bangaluru Metro
As it is expecting to resume after Home Ministry nod, the preparations are final. It has experienced a huge loss both offare and non-fare revenues.
The metro authorities are also experiencing huge revenue losses, and they are requesting the Central Government to let them run with limited passengers.
The ball is nowin the court ofMHAwhich is expected to take a final call on the mattertoday.

Lucknow Metro prepares for New Normal as services resume
Authored by:

Priyanka Sahu Di rector, Bu si n ess Devel opm ent Symbroj Med i a Pvt Ltd
As the track untur city readies itself post lockdown, ned to keep its to bring back normalcy and Lucknow Metro has left no promise of providing the life on stone safest transport experience when the lockdown ends. With an entirely new set ofarrangements that have been done to check the spread ofCoronavirus, Lucknow Metro emerges to be the safest mode ofpublic transport with the following features: EnjoyAbsolutelyContactless travel with GoSmart Card
A passenger using a GoSmart Card enjoys absolute contactless travel as the GoSmart card isn’t required to be tapped on the entry orexit gate. Aspecial sensorreads the card when brought nearthe machine without tapping on it. This way throughout the journey the passenger comes only in contact with sanitized train seat and sanitized handles. GoSmart Cards will be available for sale at all metro stations post commencement of metro train services. Metro staff will always be present near the TVM to assist the passengers in obtaining tokens themselves.
OtherBenefits ofGoSmart Card:
‘Go Smart’ card saves both time and money as the users have to no longer stand in queues for buying tickets/tokens, moreover they get a 10% discount on the fare (of journey) each time they travel. Besides these benefits, ‘Go Smart’ card users can also enjoy free Wi-Fi facility at the Metro Stations forwhich they just have to tap their card at the card reader. Tokens can also be purchased through Token Vending Machine (TVM) using ‘Go Smart’ Card, so a user’s relatives and friends can purchase tickets using the same card. All Metro stations and Trains are sanitized regularly
Keeping in mind, the health and safety ofits commuters, UPMRC will ensure that all station premises, equipment and other points ofcontact are being sanitized at regularintervals of4-5 hours. This including the ticket counters (TOMs), TVM (Ticket Vending Machines), Customer Care centres, Entry-Exit gates, handrails inside trains, handrails at the escalator and seats of trains, platforms etc. Lucknow Metro team ensures that all common points of contact like lifts, lift buttons, escalators, handrails ofescalators, Staircase, Baggage Scanning Machines, Metal DetectorMachines and door frames, seats, handles oftrains and all entry/exit points are deep sanitized regularly. Station Controllers (Scs), Customer Relation Assistants (CRAs) and security personnel will be wearing masks and gloves while contacting/dealing with commuters. Ample availability of tissue papers and sanitizers for passengers at all the washrooms of Metro stations. Sanitizers have also been kept at all ticket counters for the passengers and at exit points ofpaid area. This will ensure that every passenger uses sanitizer twice at the time of entering and exiting the station. Thermal Scanning ofeverypassengerat metro stations
Amid the novel coronavirus outbreak that has gripped a large number ofpeople, Uttar Pradesh Metro has ramped up safety measures and precautions to contain the deadly disease. In this connection, UPMRC started a strict
screening at its metro stations to avoid the further spread of the disease.
All entry Gates of all metro stations will have Thermal scanning facility. It will be mandatory for everyone to go through thermal Scanning before entering metro premises. Anyone, whose body temperature will be found to be above the set standards, will not be allowed to travel by Metro for their and other passengers’ safety. Lucknow Metro appeals for cooperation in thermal Scanning from all. Thermal screening is a process ofdetecting radiation. The amount of radiation emitted by an object increases with temperature; therefore, thermograph allows one to see variations in temperature. Ifsomeone has a fever, thermal screening will allow detecting them and theycan furtherbe tested forcorona virus. Cleaning and sanitization ofAC Filters
Once the lockdown is over and Metro services will resume, concerns are being raised about the spread of the Corona virus disease through air-conditioning and ventilation in metro services but UPMRC is committed to ensure safety of its passengers during the tough times by adhering to norms and guidelines issued bythe government as well as expert taskforces. ACOVID-19 taskforce was set up by ISHRAE (The Indian Societyof Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers) which has published guidelines on operation of air conditioning & ventilation to control spread ofCOVID-19. UPMRC will follow the guidelines issued by ISHRAEf or disinfecting and cleaning of filters, grills, diffusers, condensate drain pan, coils, and fans. Maintenance works ofAir-conditioning and Ventilation systems being done in accordance with ISHRAE guidelines. All ducts are being cleaned again before restarting of the metro services by an appropriate method including sanitization.
In order to limit risk ofCOVID-19 infection by air, ISHRAE suggests ventilating indoor environments with outdoor air as much as possible. Accordingly, air-conditioning system at Lucknow Metro stations will be operated a little differently. During these periods, all station airwill be ventilated out from the station and 100% fresh air from outside will be inducted continuously. In normal situations, only 10% fresh air is inducted inside & the rest 90% air from the station was re-circulated to avoid cooling losses. Also, All the tunnels will also be exhausted by fans provided at the station on a dailybasis. Temperature inside the stations will be maintained around 28 degrees Celsius keeping in mind the ISHRAE guidelines in this regard. Precautionarysteps taken byUPMRC against Covid-19
Uttar Pradesh Metro asked its employees and commuters to take precautionary measures in the wake of novel corona virus outbreak. These are the following steps taken byUPMRC:- UPMetro Asked everyone to covertheirfaces with masks at all times– Face mask is mandatory for all the employees and commuters. No one will be allowed in Metro premises and metro stations without covering theirface with masks. Social Distancing Preparedness- All Metro stations are geared up to ensure everyone follows social distancing at metro stations and inside metro trains. Forthis, signages and yellow colour large stickers bearing social distancing messages have been pasted at regularintervals i.e. next to AFC gate, securitychecking gates, near platform areas, near and inside lifts, near escalators, near Ticket Vending machines and ticket counters. The lifts have also been marked to ensure only a maximum oftwo persons use the lift at a time. Trains will also have markings on seats to ensure there is a gap ofat least one seat between two passengers. Aarogya Setu App– Aarogya Setu app will be mandatory for all the metro passengers. Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation will not allowpeople to travel in metro iftheydon’t have Aarogya Setu App in their mobile. UPMRC staff will ask metro commuters to install Aarogya Setu app before going for the travelling in Metro trains.
To prevent the spread of this infection, UP Metro has asked its commuters to do the followings
UPMetro appeals its commuters to wash theirhands regularly with soap and water, or clean them with alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Avoid coughing orsneezing in public places.
Avoid touching face, nose and eyes.
Practice physical distancing by avoiding unnecessary travel and staying awayfrom large groups ofpeople.
Innovative ways of Funding and Financing for Development of Metro Projects

Authored by:

Manoranjan Kumar Sen i or Ed i tor Metro Rai l N ews
The development of money. The econom and the government a y is ny infrastructural facilities needs is alreadyexperiencing a big crisis, not going to spend much on such projects in the near future. The government has already invited private entities to run trains on 109 busy routes. With this, the phase of privatization begins in the Indian Railways. The government has also been selling its stakes ofPublic Sectorbanks to get rid of Non-Performing Assets, also called NPAs. As the economic slowdown has created a lot of problems for the common masses, the NPAs are expected to rise in the days to come. As the situations are not too well with the economy, the government is planning different ways to tackle the problems. Before we proceed further, let us discuss here the present models offinancing in the metro projects. As ofnow, there are few modes offunding being used forthe development ofmetro projects. Let us discuss these:-
Private-Public Partnership
In this method of financing, the government collaborates with private players for funding and operation ofMetros projects. The Hyderabad Metro is such an example of this kind of financing where Larsen & Toubro operate the Metro network. Hyderabad Metro Rail (HMR) is the world’s largest Public-Private Partnership (PPP) project in the Metro rail sector. Hyderabad Metro Rail (HMR) Project is an integrated urban transport development project with inter-modal connectivity and convenient skywalks that will mark the beginning of an era of seamless commuting across Hyderabad. Centre- State Collaboration
In such a move, the Union Government makes collaboration with the state government for the development of a project. In such projects, the Metro network becomes a Public Sector Utility. The best example ofthis kind is Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
Private Metros
In this mode of financing, The metro systems being fully developed by private players. In such initiatives, the main motive remains to earn, and thus the private firm charges an amount of money as fare, which may help it gain more profit. Many Western Countries have such Metros. There can be many other ways of funding and financing other than these. The common feature of all these methods is working on the money of loan provided by either European Investment Bank (EIB ) or the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Whetherit be the RRTS project orKanpurMetro, all are funded by eitherofthe two. The Central Government mayplan in such a waythat the moneyof citizens sitting idle in their homes is utilized for nation-building. There are a lot ofways to bring the money ofthe common people for investment in big infrastructure projects. There can be a Cooperative model based on which the government may keep a group of rich people on board who will further finance the proposed projects. Further plans may be selling shares of metro corporations to individuals. The move may benefit the government to get money for investment from such people who nevereven invest in mutual funds.
Mutual funds and corporate shares are subject to market risks. An atmosphere can be created where the proposed plans are not governed by market conditions but controlled by the government. Once the government starts such initiatives, it may get thousands of crores through individual investors. The only hurdle on the way is to provide them with a transparent system where bureaucratic problems are negligible. Providing investors with a guarantee from the state will help a lot. The investors and commoners are already in distress due to the problems created by the pandemic. The incidents of few banks like that of Punjab and Maharashtra Cooperative bank have created a kind offearamong people towards banking institutions. This fearneeds to be cleared out oftheirminds. The otherwaycan be going fora private metro as the government is experimenting with the Railways. The coming of the private players in Metro's development will be the dawn for the field, but there will be chances of ambiguity. The extra greed of private entities mayturn the whole dream into a nightmare. Although the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) may help the government, it also has its problems. As the AIIB and EIB have been funding Indian metro and rapid transit projects, it is time to explore newopportunities in this field. The population of Indian billionaires may help as well. The different corporate houses need to co-operate with the government so that the infrastructural development works get rapid pace. As the economic slowdown has created greater joblessness amongst the skilled workforce, the initiatives to develop big infrastructural development projects will help to generate employment opportunities forcrores ofpeople. Unless and until the state doesn't focus on infrastructure development, the nation can't be Atmanirbhar or self-reliant. Setting rhetoric is a good thing but working on the matter for effective and smooth implementation is the real thing which matters. The issues need to be addressed on an ASAPbasis, and the money ofindividuals shall be used for nation-building which will further help those individuals to get a good profit as the government may provide them with a better interest rate or incentives on their money. The wayis open and onlyneeds political will to power. The economic theoryofKeynes needs to be revised as the COVID19 pandemic has damaged the Global order. The globalization is no longer feasible in the same way as it used to be before COVID outbreak.

Railways towards Privatization!
Authored by:

Narendra Shah M a n a g i n g Ed i tor Metro Rai l N ews
As private players have been invited to run trains on 109 busy routes which will be 5% of the total trains, the speculations are being made whether railways get fully privatized in the coming decades ! T he Railways has recently trains on 109 busyroutes ofthe matter, as manyas invited private firms to run private ofthe Rail Network. In the progress 23 private players are taking part in will still be running start operation in decides to go for 95% of total trains once these private trains full swing. However, if the government further privatization ofthe sector then it the process including Railways & Metros Alst the biggest players o om and Bombardier. fthe World Market of maycreate problems forthe commoners.
The documents released bythe Railways said that there shall be no regulatoryauthorityto decide the fare ofthese private trains giving a free hand to the private operators to decide a fare which will probably be higher than the existing fares of Rajdhani and Satabdi trains ofthe Indian Railways as perdifferent sources.
The entry ofthe private companies is going to change the whole game of Railway sector in India. If they are successful in operating on these 109 routes which the government is taking as a trial, we maythen expect more private trains in the future. As these all firms are not coming to the board ofRailways for any charity, it shall be clearthat theyshall be charging well to make profits.
Everything has its pros and cons. This move too has same thing when we analyse the complete scenerio. A lot ofroutes are there on the network of Indian Railways which always run with overcrowded trains. The initiative to run private trains will ease travel on these routes and it will be beneficial for those who may afford a good price. The services too will be better in these proposed trains as well as theywill provide fastertravel than those ofthe existing trains.
As these corporate sectors plan and prepare to execute their ideas for running these trains, there is both Optimism and Pessimism among the two classes of Indian society. The people who need better& safe travel and have enough money to pay for it , are optimistic about the move while those who can’t pay are pessimistic about the matter as theyare taking it as a move to fullyprivatized Railways.
The reality, however, remains with the future and the success of these private players in running these trains. Speculations are however on that the Railways may get fully privatized but as of current scenario, it doesn’t seem feasible at any cost. The future, however, is unknown and anything mayhappen. We shall wait and see at least the full operation of these trains to determine whether the Railways is going to be a joint venture of Private & Public trains orgets fullyprivatized.
The move is being criticised by many political associations as they term it an anti-poor move. There are chances but as of now, these trains are not going to affect the poors as the Railways
Authored by:

Narendra Shah M a n a g i n g Ed i tor Metro Rai l N ews
The Delhi Metro has started its services which were suspended since 22nd March 2020 due to Corona pandemic, from 7th September 2020 onwards from Yellow Line (Samyapur Badli to HUDA City Centre) in a staggered manner. For next five days, i.e., by 12th September, rest ofthe Lines will also be made operational with all safetymeasures in place to check the spread ofCovid-19 in the Metro premises which requires everyone to follow a new normal ofsocial distancing, face mask and hand sanitization. Till 9th September, only the Yellow line (49 KM with 37 stations consisting of20 underground and 17 elevated stations) will remain operational forfourhours each in the morning (7 AM to 11 AM) and evening (4 PM to 8 PM). Trains will be available with a headway varying from 2'44" to 5'28" (at different stretches) with 57 trains performing around 462 trips. The same will be furtherextended in a graded manner from 9th to 12th September along with other Lines.
The DMRC said , "The resumption ofservices with a newnormal to prevent the spread of Covid-19 desires public to understand and co-operate with DMRC/CISF personnel on few aspects for a comfortable and safe commuting experience".
The steps being taken bythe DMRC are :-
1. USE EARMARKED GATES ONLY: To maintain orderliness and regulate flow of passengers with social distancing norms, only one ortwo gates will be kept open for entry /exit ofpassengers at a station. Therefore, passengers are advised to check the earmarked Gate number/location well in advance from DMRC website www.delhimetrorail.com.
Delhi Metro resumes it's services with New Normal guidelines

2. ABIDE BY NEW NORMS: Apart from regular frontline staff at the stations, DMRC has made additional deployment ofaround 1000 officials/staffacross the line(s)/network to assist and guide passengers in the wake ofnew norms ofMetro travel which may take some time to settle in. All staffhave been advised to manage the passengers with a positive and caring attitude in these testing times with an initial focus on sensitizing rather than punitive, on new norms to be followed continuously during the journey for their own and everyone's safety. All passengers are appealed to co-operate with the personnel on duty and keep listening to announcements on guidelines to be followed or updates on journey/services, ifany. 3. TRAIN REGULATION: Though DMRC is making all-out efforts to provide its passengers a continuous and seamless travel experience, however, with the carrying capacity of a train drasticallyreduced to around 20% ofthe pre-lockdown period
due to social distancing norms, it will be a challenge to regulate the passengers who may head to a station with the expectations ofthe pre-lockdown travel experience bythe Metro. Therefore, in this changed scenario, the public is advised to:-

a. Avoid unnecessary travel as far as possible. Try to stagger travel timings for office/home/other works to the extent possible so that the carrying capacity offered with new norms can be reasonably utilized by creating a travel pattern in which people are not rushing to the station in morning or peak hours only. Rather, they are coming equitably at all hours ofthe operational timings ofthe Metro services to 'break the peak'- a requirement of the present times. Besides 'Break the Peak', DMRC appeals to commuters to 'Talk Less' during travel in the Metro to prevent the possibilityofshort-range aerosol transmission. b. To prevent the overcrowding in trains/stations, situations might arise wherein, DMRC may have to opt for starting certain empty trains from terminal stations or short loop some trains to manage the crowded zones on a particular route/section. This dynamic regulation of train movement will be based on the ground situation at given hours, and one may have to skip a train or two, leading to extra time in completing the travel. Similarly, dwell time is also increased by 10-20 seconds at stations for boardingdeboarding to ensure social distancing. This mayalso increase the total travel time in a journey by a few minutes. Because ofthese factors, passengers are advised to keep the extra time ofabout 15 to 30 minutes for each travel, to be on time for their desired destinations.
c. Use of 'AarogyaSetu' app with regular health status update is advisable forcommuters with smartphones. 4. CASHLESS TRANSACTIONS: Be a smart passenger and carry your smart card with you while heading for the Metro. It is contactless, easily rechargeable through online modes and offers a discount ofup to 20% on everytravel. Tokens will not be available at the stations for the time being as they need a frequent human interface for travel transactions and pose a risk of Coronavirus infection, so a SMART CARD IS A MUST for travel. Transactions involving the Exchange ofcash forrecharge/refund ofsmart cards will not be permitted forthe time being as the physical handling of currencymaylead to transmission ofcoronavirus. The commuters are requested to cooperate with DMRC staff in this aspect to prevent the spread ofthe virus. 5. NO SERVICE IN CONTAINMENT ZONES: Since Delhi Metro operates in Delhi-NCR, it will not be providing services to such stations which fall underthe containment zones foranygiven day in any of the state(s). State governments of Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh notify such zones on a regular basis on their websites. Ifanyofthe station(s) happen to fall in such zone, the
same will also be made public through announcements at stations/trains and through social media updates as and when brought to the notice of DMRC by authorities concerned or observed byDMRC officials who will also keep a check on the daily updated list of containment zones on respective websites. Since most ofthe Metro stations lie on the median ofthe roads, there is a slim chance forstations to fall in the containment zone as a regular practice. 6. CIVIL DEFENCE VOLUNTEERS/ANTIGEN TESTING OF STAFF: For better management of crowd at/outside stations, DMRC is also in touch with the authorities to provide around 1000 civil defence volunteers. Some major stations have also been identified where law enforcement agencies such as local police, etc., will be roped in to monitor law and order situation outside vulnerable areas. Also, a request has been made to the authorities to arrange for the antigen testing ofaround 15000 staffofDMRC who will be handling the public throughout the day now. This will go a long way in ensuring COVID free atmosphere in running the services.

7. TRAVEL LIGHT: Public is advised to travel with minimum luggage and avoid carrying metallic items for a faster frisking at entry points. Keep only pocket-size hand sanitizers, ifany, during the travel. Hand sanitizers will not be permitted beyond 30 ml quantityfrom the safetypoint ofview. Delhi Metro operates 389 KM ofMetro network with 285 stations in Delhi-NCR including Rapid Metro in Gurugram and Aqua Line of Noida-Greater Noida Metro. About 70% ofits passengers used to travel by using Smart Cards. Overall passenger journeys performed in a day before the Covid-19 stuck our country was around 60 lakhs.

Metros may provide a saferTravel amid the pandemic
Authored by:

Priyanka Sahu Di rector, Bu si n ess Devel opm ent Symbroj Med i a Pvt Ltd
The Metros across the nation have resumed theirservices afterthe Centre gave a green signal for restarting the metro services in a graded manner. The metros have already been opened up and are expected to be fully operational by September 7. The Metros which possess onlyone line are fullyoperational in all cities except Nagpur and Mumbai due to the state government's decision to go fora furtherlockdown ofone month. The metros having more than one line have opened theirfirst line. The DMRC has opened up its yellowline on September7 while the rest lines are expected to provide services bySeptember12. According to the guidelines issued bythe MinistryofHousing and Urban Affairs, the set ofthings need to be taken care ofwhile the metro starts providing theirservices again. These guidelines are:-
1. Stations in containment zones will be closed.
2. To ensure physical distancing, suitable markings at stations and inside trains will be done.
3. Wearing a face mask is mandatory for all passengers and staff. Metro rail corporations may make arrangements for supply of masks on payment basis to the persons arriving without masks. 4. Only asymptomatic persons will be allowed to travel after thermal screening at entryinto the stations. 5. Provision ofsanitisers would be made an entryinto the stations for use by passengers. Sanitisation of all areas having human interface needs to be done at regularintervals. 6. Use ofSmart Card and cashless transactions to be encouraged. Tokens and paperslip tickets to be used with propersanitisation. 7. Adequate dwell time at stations to be provided to enable smooth boarding/deboarding, ensuring social distancing. Metro rail corporations may also resort to skipping ofstations to ensure propersocial distancing. 8. Passengers to be advised to travel with minimum luggage and avoid carrying metallic items foreasyand quick scanning.

People are saying that metros will not be safe as they are closed space. Buses have their windows open while the metro trains don't have such an option. However, few pressure groups have been saying that the asymptomatic passengers may spread the virus. As of now, we see that no social distancing is being maintained at the public spaces. Whether you take a bus or an auto-rickshaw, the things remain the same at every level as all such modes oftransport are unorganised ones who can't ensure all protocols being followed. As the metros are now operational, there is a group of people protesting against the move. It is miserable that the move is being criticised by a few people. The reality is that only the establishments like metros in the urban transport system can ensure that the guidelines issued by the government forsocial distancing norms are being followed. The government has already notified that the metros are needed to operate their Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems according to the guidelines issued byCentral Public Works Department (CPWD) and Indian Society Refrigerating & AirConditioning Engineers (ISHRAE). These guidelines are for increasing the fresh air intake which the metro corporations are already working on. Many of the Metro Corporations have said that they have planned in such a manner that the metro coaches get maximum fresh airwhile operating. The metros are indeed not as safer as your private vehicles today due to Coronavirus spread but when as far as Public transportation is concerned, Metros are safest among all. It would help ifyou were calm and relaxed when you board a metro next time. You will feel a contactless service at the metro stations once you ride on a metro. However, People are encouraged not to travel forleisure. The need ofthe time is to travel onlyforessential works like going to office etc. We can hope fora saferand betterjourney in metros as compared to the othermodes oftransportation.
Artificial Intelligence and the future of Metros
Before moving ahead on the matter, know What artificial intelligence is what does it mean and howit works? w all e must about, The technologyhas been in the news and uses on a vast level for the last few years. As the technological advancements in all fields are growing up with time, let us assess the use of artificial intelligence in future operations of Metro systems. As I have written above, before moving ahead on the topic, let me tell you something about Artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is also known as AI is a branch ofcomputer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. With its introduction to the world, the tech industry has used it rigorouslyto growtheirbusinesses worldwide. From social media giants to Google, every firm is dependent on the technologyofArtificial intelligence. As the use oftechnologyis growing rapidly, we need to realise its importance in the recent future. For almost every online tech ranging from a cab app to social media platforms to Scientific innovations and the making of aircraft, artificial intelligence has become a necessity, and it's importance can't be neglected. As we will further proceed towards a more digital world, the need ofthe technologywill become more and more important. In such case, it becomes more important forus to knowhowdoes it work ? We also need to know its history so that we may assess the progress made bypeople in this field. In World WarII, when the allied forces were able to break the code ofHitler's Enigma, which subsequently made the Allied victory a huge success, it was argued whethermachines were able to think. The success ofwhole World WarII is based mainlyupon the codebreaking mechanism ofUSA, Russia and Britain. Indeed, it was the first such warwhich showed that machines could fullyreplace few humans works. Mathematician Turing was later to say, "Can machines think?”
Authored by:

Manoranjan Kumar Sen i or Ed i tor Metro Rai l N ews
and it's subsequent Turing Test, established the fundamental goal and vision of artificial intelligence At its core, AI is the branch of computer science that aims to answer Turing's question in the affirmative. It is the endeavour to replicate or simulate human intelligence in machines. Artificial intelligence works with four major principles which are as follows:-
1. Thinking humanly
2. Thinking rationally
3. Acting humanly
4. Acting rationally
The list of things where artificial intelligence is being used is autonomous vehicles like drones, self-driving cars, medical diagnosis, proving mathematical theorems, playing games, search engines like Google search, online assistants like Siri, image recognition in photographs, spam filtering and much more. The list is so long that one can't be able to calculate all. Things are changing today. Everything has taken a new shape. The Coronavirus spread is playing a critical role in changing the ways which we used to live, and a lot more is expected to change in the nearfuture as we tryto adopt the NewNormal. The wayin which the Urban Transport System works todayis not
free from human contacts. The coronavirus spread is the thing which has set rhetoric to minimise human contacts at public spaces. When it comes to the operation of Metros and Rapid Transit Systems, we need to use as much technology as we can to reduce human contacts, and the best wayto do it is to encourage maximum use of artificial intelligence. From entry into the metro stations to sanitization and screening, artificial intelligence can be used at everyplace. Think ofa system where you entre the metro station, and there is no security guard for screening. A fully developed system with robotics and AI can help to develop a system where the screening process can be done within any human interference. At the same time, it can also be ensured that any chances of getting an infectious disease will be negligible. As the Metro Corporations

have decided to open up their networks, the present system has many loopholes. The first of its kind is whether the security personnel deployed for the screening of people and goods remain safe or not. The next ofits kind is sanitization and cleaning works were the workers. Human life is very precious, and it needs to be saved. To ensure that least human lives are lost in the economic revival ofthe nation, we need to opt for more AI-based machines forworks like cleaning offloors, sanitization ofcoaches etc. This move will result into least casualtyspeciallyin these works where the workers are most vulnerable to exposure to such microbes. As ofthe pre-COVID era where the security personnel used to scan passengers at the entry, the ticket counters sold tickets, and the smart cards could be recharged to through cash. In many Metro Corporations, the percentage of tickets or tokens bought by cash are 80 - 90 % although the institutions like DMRC have lower ratio although the figure is not made public. These things need to be changed in the nearfuture. Coming on the operation of Metros, the AI can be a gamechanger in the next few years. Once the 5G is rolled out, the Metros will be able to operate without drivers. This system maybe adopted bythe Railways as well, which will ensure negligible casualties through accidents or derailments. The need is to install a few AI-based machines and sensors which may inform the system about anysuspicious activities on tracks. The same can be applied to metro tracks which will have several benefits. When we look into the way which rolling stocks today run in the metros, we find that Artificial Intelligence is already dominating a lot ofthings. AI is already helping Railways and Metros along with other public transport systems with safer, cleaner, smarter, and more reliable environment. AI in future can surely help in the reduction of traffic congestion, identify risks, manage transport, analyze travel demands. AI has already been in use in rail applications which subsequently helps to improve train scheduling, manage train speeds, avoid accidents, predict delays and enhance asset management. These AI applications help ensure public safety, deliver customer value, and optimize overall rail management and operations, but a lot more is needed to enhance the whole system ofRailways as well. What AI can do for the Metros is a fully automated system of rolling stocks being run, managed, cleaned and maintained by a m a c h i n e - b a s e d s y s t e m d evel oped on the basi s of Artificial intelligence. There can be som e probl em s a s wel l specially loss of jobs once the Artificial intelligence comes in full fledge, but its qualities can't be neglected. Once in full swing, the AI will help not only to develop an efficient mode of operation of Metros, but it will also help in reducing the workload of the human workforce.
It is the reality that a lot ofthings are there which can be done through the AI, but it solely depends upon the governments and otherconcerned authorities who are responsible formaking such decisions. A lot more opportunities are there for the system in future. We need to wait and watch as it can onlybe done through political will power.

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