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may 6-13, 2009 VOL . 1 , NO. 1



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Contents. P OSTS



p9 p14




S TA G E , A R T & E V E N T S p45 MUSIC












ON THE COVER Illustration by Futzie Nutzle

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" j may 6-13, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

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Posts. Messages &

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Send letters to Santa Cruz Weekly, or to Attn: Letters, 115 Cooper St., Santa Cruz, 95060. Include city and phone number or email address. Submissions may be edited for length, clarity or factual inaccuracies known to us.


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THE BULLHORN 4/130==9( EEE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; BE7BB3@( A/<B/1@CHE339:G

CBB3@ >/:3<3AA HONESTLY, did you not notice that practically every photo (“Faces of Santa Cruz,� Cover Story, April 29) was that of a white person? I was saddened that page after page highlighted one white person after another. For those who read this and may either be (1) annoyed by this observation or (2) running back to re-look at the pages to confirm this fact, please understand that the media influences so much of our reality. If one were to use this publication as a reflection of our society then it would look like people of color played little or no role in the make-up and leadership of this county (after all, isn’t Metro Santa Cruz a countywide publication or only a city publication?). The point is simple. For all you you white people who have put “Yes we Can� Obama stickers on your cars, please remember, we notice when you neglect us. Honestly, the only good thing that came out of this issue was an example of neglect that I was able to use as a teaching took to my 10-year-old daughter about how media makes us, people of non-white descent, invisible. Yep, you did it again. B/87< @/;=A Watsonville

BG>71/: ;/:3<3AA THE PHOTOS of well-known Santa Cruz people are a nice feature, but as usual there are 37 men and only 21 women. Couldn’t you have featured at least as many fabulous Santa Cruz women? It is discouraging that here in our usually very liberated community, our local media still fall into the old ways of unconsciously (we hope) reflecting a man’s world.

and are agents of profound change. We humans behave just like all life forms. We are consuming all the available energy and matter on this planet in order to have the ability to reproduce ourselves and to fulfill our biological needs and human desires. We have an economic system that follows this biological imperative. It’s called consumerism. We are urged by the financial industry and the Holy Economy to be consumers. Presently we are trapped into “restoring a healthy economy and making the economy grow� by enabling people to go into debt and buy more stuff. This trap forces us to continue to plunder the planet that is running out of oil, water and other resources. This worldwide consumerist economy (a.k.a. capitalism) did give a lot of people very affluent life styles for a while, but it has never assured to every child on this planet the opportunity to have the resources and social care needed in order to achieve a healthy adulthood. Nor does the worldwide economy prevent millions of people lacking enough food, shelter, health care and education to lead a decent life. Millions of poor people. Who knows, perhaps a billion of the more than six billion humans living on this planet today are living very difficult if not miserable lives. Can we change and create a sustainable and steady state economy that puts humanity in balance with the limited resources on our planetary home? We are within nature, part of nature, not apart from nature. We have obeyed the biological imperative to be fruitful and multiply, but another part of our biological human nature is the cultural ability to think about what we are doing and to choose to try and do them differently. >/B@717/ @/G<3 Aptos

97; BG:3@ Santa Cruz

AC0831BA <=B :=@2A RICHARD VON BUSACK’S commentary on nature documentaries (“Animal Planet,� Film, April 22) is excellent. My husband and I are old people in our eighties who get through our morning stiffness and grogginess by watching Jack Hanna’s program, even though we’ve seen the programs at least twice. We enjoy Vida Salvaje on the Gala channel, even though we can’t understand Spanish. The photography is amazing. I wonder if the multitude of nature programs and movies is helping people to realize that humans are the dominant animal on this planet

RUNNING METER BVS`S ]\QS eOa O aWbS QOZZSR >]]` 1ZO`S¸a C\RSdSZ]^SR Pg /^b]a T]`PSO`a BVS abObS aOga ¡6]caS ^]]` T]ZYa¸

Battling Belief Systems 0G 4@32 933:3G


HAT IS the May 19 Special Election really all about? Power. While television ads would lead a person to believe that the election is about ratifying a $40 billion solution to California’s budget problems, it is not that simple. The actual battle is between two irreconcilable belief systems concerning the roles and functions of state government: Republican and Democratic. The Democratic belief system holds that state government exists to have robust programs of public education, health and human services and corrections so that virtually everyone, regardless of where they start in life, will have a chance (or even a second or third chance) to succeed. The Republican belief system tells us that state government is mostly an assemblage of social experiments that, on the whole, diverts funds from the private sector, which is much better at providing real, marketresponsive opportunities for motivated people. Republicans believe, for example, that the “government schools� are the hostages of teachers unions, and that throwing more money at the problem is wasteful. In the venue of the California Legislature, these two belief systems battle day and night, and never more so than during the deliberations and maneuvering that lead to the adoption of the state’s annual budget. The core reason that Republicans are in an uproar over the fragile budget deal reached in February is that they were on the verge of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to dramatically change the architecture of California government. If the budget battles had gone on for a mere two or three more weeks, the State of California would have run out of cash, and the only solution, according to Republican legislators, would have been to re-engineer California government. That reengineering would have included at least major restructuring of public education—think school vouchers, which leave public schools with the responsibility to educate special needs students and few funds with which to do it—and corrections/prisons (think here of the Corrections Corporation of America). These are but two examples of how Republican legislators see a better future, one where private-sector principles of management and competition are applied to public sector functions. This is, essentially, a dismantling of California government as we have come to know it. The May 19 Special Election will result in the failure of all measures except for the last measure on the ballot, which prohibits legislators from receiving a salary increase in years where the budget is in deficit. When those measures fail, Republican legislators will once again have the chance to re-engineer California’s state government. Democrats will either have to offer real reform of the governance process or face the real possibility that a minority within a minority party will prevail. The group California Forward is working on nonpartisan budget reforms to assist in solving this dilemma. The reforms would include two-year budgeting, a “lock box� for revenue surpluses and a change in the vote threshold for approving the budget. We must on May 20 be prepared to advance a comprehensive package of governance reforms that will provide modern tools for governance in the 21st century. FRED KEELEY is the elected treasurer of Santa Cruz County; an appointee of the state Senate to the Governor’s Commission on the 21st Century Economy; a member of the board of directors of California Forward; and a former state assemblymember representing the Monterey Bay area.

0cb Wb [WUVb Q]ab bVS Ac^Sa d]bSa A] bVS ^]]` PSab YSS^ aOgW\U bVSW` ^`OgS`a

) read a longer version of this piece at (

& j may 6-13, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 6-13, 2009 1C@@3<B

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3@=27<5 1=<4723<13 The ecology of Elkhorn Slough has changed dramatically in the last half-century, partly due to the Army Corps’ removal of a sandbar at the mouth of the Moss Landing harbor.

wave action; the mud that layered the slough and provided habitat for vast beds of shellfish was drawn out to sea, and the average slough depth increased from roughly 10 feet to as much as 25 feet today. As water volume within the slough grew, the tidal currents became increasingly powerful, which quickened erosion, which further greatened the water capacity. A positive feedback system has developed that some say threatens to clear out the slough entirely. Aaron Carlisle, a researcher with Hopkins Marine Station, worries that Elkhorn Slough could lose much of its biodiversity if preventative and restorative action is not taken. “If erosion isn’t controlled, the slough is going to become just a coastal bay environment with nothing estuarine about it,� Carlisle says. Carlisle conducted a tag-and-track study of Elkhorn Slough leopard sharks between 2003 and 2005, when he was a graduate student at Moss Landing Marine Lab. He found that the 3-to-5-foot sharks strongly favor the lower intertidal mud

flats over any other part of the nearby marine environment. “But eventually, all that habitat will disappear at the rate things are going,� he warns. The solution that he, Largay and others have discussed could be to block the erosive energy of the ocean with a subsurface rock pile—at the mouth of either Elkhorn Slough or Parsons Slough, an important subregion within the main bay. Additionally, the researchers have discussed rebuilding the mud bottom by dumping in fine-grained slurry from local dredging operations or quarries. But another shark researcher thinks those measures are unnecessary. Sean Van Sommeran of the Pelagic Shark Research Foundation believes that leopard shark and bat ray numbers have increased in Elkhorn Slough partly due to the availability of new habitat in Parsons Slough, where previously the mud flats lay high and dry most of the time but subsided during the mid-1900s to below sea level. Van Sommeran has also observed an increase in marine mammals 3


Muddy Waters

Researchers debate how—or if—to restore Elkhorn Slough’s eroded bed 0G /:/AB/7@ 0:/<2


HE WETLAND system of Elkhorn Slough has undergone dramatic change for decades, but now a group of local scientists and conservationists is revving up a restoration project aimed at reversing many of these alterations and letting one of California’s largest marshlands revert back to the ecosystem it once was. However, no one quite knows what Elkhorn Slough’s truly “natural� state ever really was, and activists are at

odds over precisely what treatments the slough really needs, if any at all. In 1947, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dredged out a large sandy berm to improve access to Moss Landing Harbor. The berm—basically a large sandbar—occupied what is today the slough’s mouth, explains hydrologist Bryan Largay, director of the Elkhorn Slough Tidal Wetland Project. Once it became exposed to the forces of the ocean, the slough was cleaned out by

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j 1C@@3<B may 6-13, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Boulder Creek, 20th Anniversary

Art, Wine & Music Festival

Current. ELKHORN 1 ' within Elkhorn Slough. “To me, increased numbers of sharks and rays is good news,� he says. “Increased numbers of sea otters and seals is good news.� Yet there is no question that the shallow muddy bottom of Elkhorn Slough that once supported abundant beds of clams

and other shellfish is long gone—or that bringing back this ecosystem would require restoring the mud bottom to the slough and protecting it from the surging energy of the open ocean. Largay says that restorative measures in Parsons Slough could serve as a pilot project and might be applied later to the entire estuary if it indeed

proves successful and beneficial to habitat and wildlife. The restoration project is a public process, and the first meeting was held in December. The next public outreach event, a guided group hike to Parsons Slough followed by a lecture, takes place June 17. Updates and information can be found at

TLF Check Mates Count Money 0G 1C@B7A 1/@B73@

Memorial Day Weekend May 23–25

Noon–6 pm Photo Courtesy of Elaine Jackson

FREE ADMISSION Over 200 Booths Local Mountain Wineries Great Live Music Face Painters ‡ Henna Tatoos Rock Climbing Wall ‡ Kid’s Stage on Sunday A portion of the proceeds to benefit Valley Churches United Missions “Bucks for Hunger� and The San Lorenzo Valley Museum

VENDOR SPACE STILL AVAILABLE 408-505-1725 ‡ ‡ VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Cans, bottles and coolers are not allowed at the Festival. For the safety and enjoyment of all concerned, dogs may not attend. Think green, be clean, take the bus.


HEY SAY money talks. If so, the five $100 checks that have bounced around Santa Cruz County over the last month as part of a community commerce experiment by Think Local First should have a lot to say. The goal was to turn $500 into $15,000 in local commerce in 30 days. The method was for five local banks to donate $100 apiece to five lucky raffle ticket winners, then for the recipient of each check to spend it at one of TLF’s 150 member businesses, each of which would, in turn, repeat the process. In theory, by keeping the money within the community, each $100 check would be spent dozens of times, thus producing thousands of dollars in revenue for goods and services along the way. Patty Zoccoli of Zoccoli’s Delicatessen on Pacific Avenue ended up with a TLF check on the final day of the campaign. Originally donated by Monterey Credit Union and signed 12 times before it came her way, the check will accompany Zoccoli to a “wrap-up celebration� at

Lighthouse Bank on May 6, where it will finally be exchanged for a crisp Benjamin. Though the final tally for commerce produced by the five checks looks to be about half of the $15,000 mark, Zoccoli says the experiment has proven the importance of local residents supporting local businesses. “It’s really interesting to see how much commerce is generated when people keep their money local,� says Zoccoli. “I think Santa Cruz is a tight-knit community and people are very conscious about where they’re spending their money.�

Lighthouse Bank president Rick Hofstetter and another Lighthouse employee originally dreamed up the idea for the campaign. Hofstetter says the process has demonstrated the value of reinvesting in the community. He also says, however, that Santa Cruz preaches local commerce much more than it practices it. “I think if you ask 100 people on the street if they understand the importance of supporting local business, 90 of them will say ‘yes,’� he says, “but that doesn’t necessarily translate into their purchasing habits. 3 !

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 6-13, 2009

j may 6-13, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Winsor & Newton

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Thank You Santa Cruz!




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Economical 8½â€?x11â€? sketch books that are ideal for sketching, drawing, writing and other dry media. Hard bound or spiral.

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Current. 1 A lot of them are still doing their shopping online or over the hill, and when they do that the money leaves and never comes back. We’re trying to get the message across that you need to be careful who you give your money to.�

PHIL ANTHR OPIST % # Number of meals delivered to Santa Cruz County homes by Meals on Wheels between July 2007 and June 2008. The organization expects to deliver about 6,200 fewer meals in the ďŹ scal year ending this June—but it will serve some 2,000 more meals at its four senior dining centers than it did last year.

A map of the TLF checks’ journeys is on view at www contents/view/local-money-map.

The Watsonville 10 0G 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=>


T LAST week’s Watsonville City Council meeting, normally soft-spoken City Manager Carlos Palacios experienced what seemed to be a momentary break in his customary cool when Councilmember Manuel Bersamin blurted out that Palacios had just taken a pay cut. “I have accepted a 10 percent pay reduction,� explained Palacios, his voice tightening. “The city is in a very, very serious financial situation. In the last 20 years I’ve worked on budgets, I’ve never been in a situation like this.� Had Palacios left things there, his statement would have stood as a strenuous enough declaration of trouble. But he wasn’t finished. “This is a terrible, terrible situation. I don’t think people will understand the magnitude of the layoffs,� he went on urgently. “I’ve tried to impress this on the city employees, and I don’t think they understand.� If the remarks seemed to indicate things are getting tense behind

closed doors at Civic Plaza, that’s because they are, according to City Administrative Services Chief Marc Pimentel. “The stress that Carlos has, we’re all sharing,� he says. “It’s getting very, very, very tight. We acknowledge that we’re going to have some magnitude of layoffs. It’s getting into a really tight time frame. There’s a whole lot of stress going on.� Layoffs, once called a possibility, are now a certainty. And they will come on top of a 10 percent cut like the one Palacios took for every city employee. And though Pimentel says talks with the city’s eight bargaining units over how exactly that 10 percent will be configured—through salary cuts, furloughs or benefits reductions—are by no means at a standstill, the May 19 deadline to hand off the budget to the council is on the horizon. “Things are progressing OK. We wish they were faster,� he says. Though the city enacted a two-week employee furlough in late 2008 to try

to salvage some extra cash, Pimentel says Watsonville’s projected $3.7 million deficit has leapt to $4.5 million as both property and sales taxes have lagged. The difficulty of getting the budget in on schedule, coupled with the stress of imagining a city with significantly pareddown services, has also led to a feeling of nervous tension floating through the halls. “We’ve always been a very cash-strapped city, so to live in an environment where we’re already going to have reduced support. It’s hard to imagine,� says Pimentel. “That’s the scariest part.� He says until the deadline hits, city staff will be working seven days a week to try to ensure no bargaining unit is blindsided when the final layoffs and cuts are made public May 26. “I have two kids, two beautiful girls, they are leaving messages on my phone at 6:30 saying, ‘Dad, we’re getting hungry, where are you?’� he says. “It’s tough. It’s real tough.�

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PUBLIC EYE >6=B= 0G 1C@B7A 1/@B73@

EVOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[S-

Hang out with my grands: Sonia, Joey, Henry and Amelia. EVOb P`]cUVb g]c b] AO\bO 1`ch-

Originally, UCSC, and recently, MAH. EVOb¸a g]c` TOd]`WbS ab`SSb-

West Cliff Drive. <O[S a][SbVW\U g]c¸`S SfQWbSR OP]cb

Obama, of course. And seeing Garrison Keillor at the Civic. <O[S O ^Sb ^SSdS

ACA/< 67::6=CA3 EVOb R] g]c R] T]` O ZWdW\U-

Curator of Exhibitions and Collections for the Museum of Art & History at the McPherson Center. EVOb e]cZR g]c PS R]W\U WT g]c eS`S\¸b R]W\U bVOb-

Oh my, I cannot imagine; maybe hanging out in bars?

People who get peeved easily and often. EVOb O`S g]c `SORW\U-

GOYA by Robert Hughes and Pathways to the Past: Santa Cruz County History. EVOb¸a bVS []ab W[^]`bO\b bVW\U g]c¸dS ZSO`\SR W\ bVS ZOab bV`SS gSO`a-

That love is like quantum physics, except when it’s not. EVOb¸a g]c` aWU\-

Virgo and something something rising and something something else in retrograde.

E/:9 B63 :7<3 There’s only one thing to do with a rainy weekend day.

) submit your public eye photo to (


Hard Play at Pinto Lake


OLE FOUR at Pinto Lake is an insidious little three-par. It’s only 210 feet, but the basket is tucked in a thicket, down a trail and slightly up a little hill. The only way to get there is to throw a big hook, way up and out about 180 feet, and drop in from the right. Too short and you’re in the thicket. Too long and you’re in the woods. A good throw and it’s an easy birdie. It was my first visit to the new disc golf course, which was designed by Tom Schot, who built the legendary DeLaveaga. There was a mist falling but I was sweating. I felt tense—almost scared. Golf can be a weirdly aggravating sport, whether one plays it with a tiny ball or a modified Frisbee. “A good walk ruined,� as Mark Twain said. I was one over par. Holes One and Two were huge

(469 feet and 543 feet) but straightforward four-pars, and I’d played them adequately. Three was shorter, a needle-threader of a three-par, and I’d botched a long uphill putt after a weak approach. For some reason I don’t get, it felt important that I par this course. That would require a birdie. I made a good throw. I knew it when it left my hand. The red Shark threw off a fine spray as it flew, then hooked around the big oak, dropped, and landed 10 feet from the basket. Feeling cocky, I ran from the tee box to the disc, scooped it up and in one easy motion blew the putt. In that moment I felt all my ambition and selfconfidence draining out through my soggy feet into the mud. But I pushed on. Five follows a wide uphill trail that skirts a little arm of

the lake. I played it carefully, joylessly, barely hearing the squawking shorebirds. Par. Fine. Farther up the trail, standing at the Hole Six tee box, I found myself looking out at a big meadow. The basket stood out at the tip of a small peninsula. From this spot, Pinto Lake is quite lovely. I suddenly felt good and decided to really play. I hucked a perfectly good drive and followed it out into the meadow. Standing above the lake, stretching my arms into the sky, I saw a heron f loating above. I heard mariachi music in the distance, a tuba pulsing on the breeze. I turned, squared off, dropped the 70-foot putt, and let out a shout. I hadn’t made that sound in a while. It’s a weird game. It’s a tough course. But fun. —Eric Johnson

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C;0@3::/ =@5/<7H/B7=< The character formerly known as the Umbrella Man may be homeless but he now has a cell phone, an email address and a family with whom he’s in contact.

In the Pink Robert Steffen on why he shed his familiar pastel get-up—and why he feels better than he has in years 0G 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=>


LL HE’S got left are the shoes. Light gray running shoes with bright pink plastic flowers stuck on them—unmistakably the Umbrella Man’s, and now the only thing that sets Robert Steffen apart from the shoppers on the Pacific Garden mall. These days the man wearing them is dressed mostly in beige and walks at a normal pace. Something else is different about him: Steffen is talking. “I don’t feel as frivolous as I prefer to be,� he says. “I have to worry about where

I’m going to sleep at night and where my clothes are.� Most days, Steffen is still on the mall, though he’s no longer on parade. He’s sometimes seated quietly on the benches, his bucket hat pulled low, his eyes pale and distant behind his glasses. Though he says he feels more stable than he has in years, his voice is at times uncertain and small. “I’m fine at the moment at the shelter. It just weighs more on me. Some of the clients have a problem with the way I dress, and I don’t need more abuse,�

he says. “That’s another reason not to dress up.� For the last two months, ever since being evicted from his apartment in the El Palomar Inn, Steffen has been sleeping at the River Street homeless shelter. It’s the latest stop on a journey that began in 1996, when Steffen cut off ties to his family and slowly dropped further and further away from his very typical life as a computer engineer. The first time he stepped out of the El Palomar in his pink outfit—in items culled mostly from eBay—he was already well into what would turn out to be an unofficial 13year vow of silence. “I was unhappy,� he says. “I’ve been fighting depression for a number of years.� Through the ’90s, Steffen said he bounced from city to city, slowly descending the career food chain, from engineer to movie theater manager to waiter and finally nothing. When cops picked him up in 1999 for living illegally in an RV in the hills, he found himself homeless in downtown Santa Cruz after a stay at the Ocean Street jail. After a year and a half, Steffen was

finally ready when the county’s Homeless Persons Health Project offered to help him get off the streets. He got his apartment at El Palomar in 2001. A year or two later, he began his four-year-long daily promenade in pink (“it seemed like a good color,â€? he explains). As for the walk itself, “It was a form of artistic expression. Walking on the mall was useful.â€? Not everyone welcomed the Umbrella Man. Rumors swirled that he was really a convicted pedophile, though police spokesman Zach Friend says he has no records indicating that. The Megan’s Law website does list a Robert Steffen, a heavily tattooed, Hulk Hogan– mustachioed man living in Placer County. And then, about a year ago, Umbrella Man disappeared. “I’m not sure why I stopped. There had been, on the mall, quite a few people being mean, and that gets wearing after a while,â€? Steffen says. His reappearance this spring was a direct result of his eviction from El Palomar. “Unfortunately, we had to evict him. He was not paying rent,â€? says assistant manager Fred Erd. “We tried to be very, very tolerant.â€? Steffen says he reappeared as the Umbrella Man outside the Palomar originally as a form of protest, but that it had unexpected results. “When I showed back up I got a lot of positive feedback from people. They were happy to see me,â€? he says, his face flushing red and his speech faltering again. When asked if he knows why he’s crying, he shakes his head. “I don’t know the reason. I can’t say.â€? In the past few weeks, Steffen finally decided to reconnect with his elderly mother and siblings. They came to visit him last week. The week before that he got a cell phone and an email account. He went to the dentist for the first time in years. “I’m beginning to feel more optimistic,â€? he says. “My general feeling toward society in general is working, is doing a reasonable job. I have a little bit of faith.â€? For now, he has stopped protesting outside the Palomar, though he is struggling to find a new apartment. He hopes eventually to find a job, something where he’ll get to meet some nice people. As for Umbrella Man, Steffen shrugs shyly. “I dunno. I wouldn’t mind doing it. I enjoy it. I doubt that I would do it so persistently, maybe every once in a while just for fun,â€? he says. “I’m just feeling more stable.â€? Ă

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Baby Drama

UCSC alum Mo Perkins bellies up to the Santa Cruz Film Fest with a tale about love and birth in the American marriage / 47<3 @=;/<13

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’M STILL not quite sure if it’s a comedy or a drama, but one of the highlights of this year’s Santa Cruz Film Fest is former Santa Cruzan Mo Perkins’ A Quiet Little Marriage. The Grand Jury Award winner at this year’s Slamdance concerns an appropriately

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thorny topic: the question of whether or not a couple ought to bring another baby into the world, with all the things he or she will need for the nonnegotiable American way of life. It’s as deft as it is endearingly small-scale, made on the Echo Park, Los Angeles, street where the director lives, with the front and

the back of her apartment playing two different buildings. A Quiet Little Marriage intelligently tells its fablelike yet fierce story in a handful of settings and with a cafestyle soundtrack mostly of guitar and accordion, as well as the old blues tune “Careless Love.â€? ¨

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At a dinner party, Monique (Melanie Lynskey) is getting a rare night away from her baby, but the topic turns around to the sacrifices of motherhood. Bad enough to turn up at a fancy dinner leaking breast milk on your blouse. Worse not to have a drink for the first nine months. Worst of all not to have a drink for an entire year of breastfeeding. That night, hosts Dax (Cy Carter), a red-bearded elementary schoolteacher, and Olive (Mary Elizabeth Ellis), the manager of a failing boutique, have a bedtime discussion. The question is whether or not they’re going to start

a family. Dax thought the matter was settled—in the sense that absolutely no way in the world was it going to happen. Olive still thought the possibility was open. Perkins unfolds the backstories of Dax and Olive. Olive has a father who is losing more and more of himself every day to Alzheimer’s. Dax’s messed-up little brother Jackson (Jimmi Simpson) has an unwise scheme to marry his latest girlfriend. We begin to get the picture of Dax’s childhood; during one conversation about their upbringing, ¨



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Jackson refers to their mother as “a whore.� And Dax doesn’t even bother contradicting his brother. One boozy night after a party, Olive decides to take matters into her own hands by puncturing her diaphragm with a sterilized safety pin. The sex between the couple becomes more frequent and more ardent. But when Dax discovers Olive’s secret plan to get pregnant, he takes retaliation on his own.

‘There wasn’t a whole lot of things happening on campus for film. It was just starting to happen. You could keep the camera over the weekend and make something.’ When I called Mo Perkins, the first thing I wanted to ask is if she ever knew anyone who actually sabotaged a diaphragm. “If I did, could I tell you?� she answered. “We were poking holes in diaphragms because we had to show different stages of leakage on the camera, but when we got ready to shoot those scenes, we couldn’t get them to leak! I imagine it wouldn’t be effective for contraception afterward, but the holes kept closing after we punctured them. Eventually we went to a hole punch.� Perkins most likely won’t be on her way to Santa Cruz for the fest, as she’s due for the birth of her first child in June. “I look like a Care Bear now,� she says. “I’m waddling when I walk. I stood up for the Q and A the other day at the Newport Beach Film Festival and people went, ‘Ohhh.’ My pregnancy really has nothing to do with the film, though—I was in my first trimester when A Quiet Little Marriage went to Slamdance and

Austin, and I was throwing up right in between the Q and As.�

Santa Cruz Roots When Perkins was going to Santa Cruz as a woman’s studies/film major about a decade ago, the college’s film department had just formed. She caught foreign and independent films at the Nick (“I hope it still smells like gingerbread in there,â€? she says). “There wasn’t a whole lot of things happening on campus for film. It was just starting to happen. We had a lot of access to the equipment. Kind of a guerrilla education. You could keep the camera over the weekend and make something.â€? After graduating, Perkins moved to San Francisco and worked with the Bay Area Video Coalition, a nonprofit outlet with production and post-production facilities. From there she went to UCLA grad school, where she reconnected with her old friend Tamara May Malone, a former Slug who’d also gone on to film school in L.A. “The bonds you make with people are fuel for your art later on,â€? Perkins says. “At UCSC, I was literally hanging out with Tamara before we were legally old enough to drink.â€? As her grad thesis at UCLA, Perkins made a 2004 short film titled Piss Hat. “It’s not a porno,â€? Perkins explains. “It’s the story of a woman who has low self-esteem and a reputation as an easy get in a small town.â€? The stars were Carter and Ellis, later reunited as actors and co-writers in Perkins’ feature debut. “We would rehearse the scenes and then rewrote after the rehearsal,â€? she recalls. “It was a really rich experience for all three of us. We all had a script we were proud of after a year; we enlisted everyone we knew, and we gathered a strong cast. Then we shot the thing in this guy’s apartment during the course of 14 days.â€? Lynskey and Simpson were something of a package deal for Perkins, since they’re married. Among even the commandolike team of farceurs on TV’s Two and a Half Men—oh, Conchata Ferrell, surely the illegitimate granddaughter of W. C. Fields; hurray Holland Taylor, heiress to the grand dames of screwball—Lynskey’s demurely insane stalker Rose holds her own with ease. From New Zealand originally, Lynskey is never to be forgotten as one of the two self-hypnotized teens in Peter Jackson’s Heavenly Creatures, recently parodied on The Simpsons. “She is so strong,â€? Perkins says. ¨


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“Melanie’s got a vehicle coming up that’s going to blow people’s heads off. “

Fertile Ground Working with Carter and Ellis, Perkins decided “that we three would make something that’s small enough so that it’ll work . . . even if no one makes a quarter out of it. We’d all just been newly married. We were all fans of John Cassavetes and Mike Leigh. And we all had a common subject, an interest in marriage. Movies usually end with marriage or start with a baby; we wanted to make a different story when we started out to write.� There are hundreds of movies about the decision to have a baby, with Knocked Up and Baby Mama newest among them. However, there is only one High Hopes. In Mike Leigh’s 1988 picture, Cyril (Philip Davis), a motorcycle messenger, and his spunky, sweet live-in Shirley (Ruth Sheen) are eking out a living in north London. And she’s starting to think about the next generation. “Would you rather have a boy or a girl?� Shirley asks. “I’d rather have a rusty spike up me arse,� Cyril says. They both tend to Cyril’s mother—a doddering old lady who is being ground up by gentrification—just as Dax and Olive see to Olive’s father, the ever more troublesomely senile Bruce (Michael O’Neill). Like Leigh, Perkins gives full weight to the man’s fear about having children rather than presenting that reluctance as immaturity or a weakness. Daringly, she even allows that perhaps Olive’s motives for wanting to get pregnant aren’t as clear as the lady thinks. Perkins says, “Those kinds of relationship are rich for drama; . . . there are all those places where solution can’t be found in communication, and all those intimate spots where you just disagree . . . whether it’s over a kid or what to do with a dad.� As in Leigh’s films, Perkins has achieved a great deal of onscreen intimacy in directing the couple. “A lot of that was just kind of my own relationships, of thinking over on the day-to-day level what it’s like to lay in bed with someone else—maybe there’s nudity in a way that’s not necessarily erotic. When you’re with someone it’s like a ballet, not a conversation. You’re moving in sync.� After finishing A Quiet Little Marriage, Perkins took the gamble and sent it off to the Austin film festival. “I sent it there because I’d always wanted to go to Austin—I was totally motivated

by that—and I had to rush and get the film done. Everyone told me that once you premiere at a big festival, none of the others will have you, but I gambled and sent $50 to Slamdance and I got in there, too. It’s been a real whirlwind.�

Full Circle A Quiet Little Marriage’s producer, Tamara (accent on the middle a) May Malone, describes the film as “a really personal journey for a couple. It’s about the evolution they take as a couple in thinking of each other, instead of themselves. They start to understand each other and communicate, but it’s not all about compromises.� Having taken her first film class with UCSC’s Chip Lord, Malone is going back up to Santa Cruz to talk to his class. “I’m coming full circle,� she says. I asked Malone how one learns the craft of producer. “My job was getting the awareness out there about Mo’s talent. The best way to become a producer is to learn how to tell stories. That way you can help keep the director from falling by the wayside, by identifying a scene that needs to be cut, or to problem-solve a scene that needs work.� While Malone won’t discuss how much the film cost—“It would qualify for the John Cassavetes Spirit award, I can tell you that�—A Quiet Little Marriage is on its way to a distributor. Working on indie film is still a labor of love for Malone, who is currently tracking down work in reality television in Los Angeles. “I’m torn between the world of making a living and doing these little films that are just passions,� she said. “I was at a film festival recently, and the audience members were asking me, ‘Is this your job?’ At this level we’re trying to make it our job by working on these passion projects, in the wee hours of the night.�

/ ?C73B :7BB:3 ;/@@7/53 (85 min.), directed by Mo Perkins and starring Mary Elizabeth Ellis, Cy Carter, Melanie Lynskey and Jimmi Simpson, screens as part of the Santa Cruz Film Festival on Thursday, May 14, at 6:30pm at the Riverfront Twin, 155 S. River St., Santa Cruz. Tickets are $9 general/$7 seniors and students, available at venue or in advance at Graphfix Gallery and Framing, 1229 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. For the complete Santa Cruz Film Festival schedule, visit ¨


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The Good News Small-town race relations get a do-over in the SCFF’s opening night gem ‘Gospel Hill’ 0G B@/17 6C97::

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AD IT been released just a year or two earlier, Gospel Hill would have seemed like a very naive film about race. Its message of courage and redemption in the American South, leavened with just enough moral ambiguity to satisfy 21stcentury worldliness, might have read like so much wishful thinking. But one of the dividends of electing Barack Obama to the presidency is a reformed national self-image. Whatever our past, it says, we’re capable of doing the right thing from now on. Contemplating better race relations now falls into the category of planning, not fantasizing. Actor Giancarlo Esposito’s directorial debut is set in a small South Carolina

town where the trucks are old, the cicadas are loud and everyone knows everyone else’s business. On the surface, black and white get along peaceably enough—hip-hop and country tunes alternate at the local watering hole, and denizens of the youngest generation cross the racial divide for the noble purpose of tormenting a mixed-race student. But the town of Julia has a past. Forty years ago, a charismatic preacher and civil rights activist named Paul Malcolm (Samuel Jackson) was shot dead in broad daylight in the presence of witnesses. The ambitious Sheriff Jack Herrod (Tom Bower) claimed to be unable to solve the mystery. A generation later, the ¨


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survivors still suffer from the fallout. Malcolm’s son John (Danny Glover), once an activist, is now resigned to the way things are. He’s cynical when his spirited wife, Sarah (Angela Bassett), takes on a corporation intent on turning the town’s historic but ramshackle black neighborhood, Gospel Hill, into a golf course. An ember from the old fire glows for a moment when John visits physician Ron Palmer (Esposito) at the town’s black clinic to suss out the good doctor, who’s in cahoots with the white executives, but John seems unable to act. Meanwhile, Herrod’s lawyer son Carl (Adam Baldwin) drives to the other side of town to spend steamy afternoons with Dr. Palmer’s wife (Nia Long) but otherwise has little purpose. The sheriff ’s sensitive younger son Joel (Taylor Kitsch) struggles with his new landscaping business and courts the pretty new liberal-minded schoolteacher Rosie (Julia Stiles). Some stilted dialogue early on delays things, but Gospel Hill does hit its stride, aided in part by some refreshingly complex characters. Apart from the martyr Paul and his daughter-in-law Sarah, no one is wholly saint or sinner. John Malcolm is cowardly, Jack Herrod has a decent streak, the idealistic young

teacher is sanctimonious, the dissolute lawyer finds his moral compass. The angry young black man who spends lonely evenings fondling his firearms has a reason for being so out of sorts: he’s just back from a tour of duty in Iraq and is missing half a leg. If there’s a message to Gospel Hill, it’s that life writes no one a free ticket. Any of us could find ourselves in any character’s position—and when, at the film’s quiet climax, the old racist sheriff gets over himself and shows kindness where he would normally show contempt—we realize that is good news. 5=A>3: 67:: (90 min.), directed by Giancarlo Esposito and starring Angela Bassett, Danny Glover, Samuel Jackson, Julia Stiles and Adam Baldwin, screens on opening night of the Santa Cruz Film Festival, Thursday, May 7, at 7:30pm at the Del Mar Theatre, 1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. Tickets are $20 general/$18 students and seniors (includes admission to Opening Night Gala). Festival passes are $175 general/ $150 senior/$100 students. =>3<7<5 <756B 5/:/ is 9:30pm– midnight at the Museum of Art and History, 705 Front St., Santa Cruz. Free with ticket stub or festival pass.

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Lenny Lenny Williams, Williams, Ms. Ms. Taylor Taylor PP Collins Collins and and The The Taylor Taylor PP Collins Collins Band, Band, Johnny Johnny Rawls, Rawls, Lil Lil Jimmy Jimmy Reed, Reed, Barbara Barbara Morrison, Morrison, Elvin Elvin Bishop, Bishop, Dani Dani Paige Paige Band, Band, Kenny Kenny Neal, Neal, Teeny Teeny Tucker, Tucker, Bay Bay Area Area Blues Blues Society Society Caravan Caravan of of Allstars, Allstars, John John Broadway Broadway Tucker, Terry Hanck, Hanck, Janiva Janiva Magness, Magness, Amy Amy Treadwell Treadwell Band, Band, Chas Chas Brown Brown Tribute Tribute Tucker, Terry -- M. Headman, Kaye Kaye Bohler, Bohler, Gregg Gregg Wright, Wright, T.Y.T., T.Y.T., Dale Dale Ockerman Ockerman and and the the M. Headman, Musicscool Allstars, Leah Leah Tysse Tysse & & the the OGs, OGs, Steve Steve Lucky, Lucky, J.C. J.C. Smith Smith Band, Band, Sai Sai Musicscool Allstars, Whatt, Freesound, Whatt, John John Nash Nash Jr. Jr. -- Monterey Monterey Peninsula Peninsula Gospel Gospel Community Community Choir, Choir, Freesound, Rene Rene Solis Solis & & Lucky Lucky 13, 13, Blues Blues In In the the Schools Schools Honor Honor Band Band w/ w/ Dennis Dennis Murphy, Murphy, A.C. A.C. Myles, Myles, Bobby Bobby Young Young Project, Project, Sheryl Sheryl Rouse Rouse & & The The Songbird Songbird Blues Blues Band Band


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 6-13, 2009

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" j may 6-13, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;








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A&E. A &E. E

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A / < B/ 1 @ C H 1 = ; m may a y 6-13, 6 - 1 3 , 22009 0 0 9 / 3 / 3

Bright B rig ht Lights, Li g ht s, Big Bi g City City Cowpunk iicons Cowpunk cons the Avett Avett Brothers Brothers the h it tthe he b ig ttime ime hit big w ith a m ajor llabel abel with major d eal aand nd a hand hand deal ffrom rom a p op d eity pop deity 0G ABC/@B B6=@<B=< 0 G A B C/ @ B B 6 = @ < B= <


INCE forming INCE forming in in 2000, 2000, the the N orth Carolina–based Carolina–based trio trio North tthe he Avett Avett Brothers Brothers has has been b een w inning over over audiences audiences with with winning rroughshod oughshod live live shows shows that that dole dole out out ssongs ongs m arked b ferocious sstrumming, trumming, marked byy ferocious sstring-breaking tring-breaking and and grunge-inspired grunge-inspired yyelling elling alongside alongside placid placid ballads ballads and and h eart- on-the-sleeve lyrics. lyrics. Now, Now, with with heart-on-the-sleeve tthe he band’s band’s upcoming upcoming major major label label debut debut I aand nd LLove ove aand nd Y ou p roduced by by the the You produced llegendary egendary Rick Rick Rubin—the Rubin—the man man behind b ehind eeverything verything from from the the Red Red Hot Hot Chili Chili P epp ers’ b reakthrough Blood Blood Sugar Sugar Sex Sex Peppers’ breakthrough M agik tto o JJohnny ohnny Cash’s Cash’s career-reviving career-reviving Magik llate ate albums—the albums—the Avett Avett Brothers’ Brothers’ fans fans aare re wondering wondering if if the the boys’ boys’ latest latest step step ttowards owards the the mainstream mainstream will will find f ind them them llosing osing ttheir heir eedge. dge. Bassist Bob Bob Crawford Crawford admits admits he’s he’s Bassist n ot sure sure whether whether all all of of the the group’s group’s not aaudience udience will will wholeheartedly wholeheartedly embrace embrace tthe he new new effort, effort, yet yet he he sees sees the the album album aass less less a seismic seismic shift shift in in sound sound than than the the ssame ame leap leap forward forward that that has has occurred occurred b etween past past efforts. efforts. “I “I believe believe if if you you between ttake ake [the [the last last album] album] EEmotionalism motionalism and and tthis, his, they they are are not not any any further further apart apar t tthan han [[2004’s] 2004’s] Mignonette Mignonette and and [2006’s] [2006’s] F our Thieves Thieves Gone,� Gone,� h ays. Four hee ssays. I aand nd LLove ove aand nd Y ou w ill definitely def initely You will rref ef llect ect the the Avett Avett Brothers’ Brothers’ progression progression aass a b and, tthough, hough, C rawford ssays. ays. band, Crawford ““The The b etter you you get get at at something, something, the the better ccleaner leaner iit’s t’s ggoing oing tto ob e.� be.� A he M alibu sstudio tudio w here I and and Att tthe Malibu where

5/;3B7;3 5 /;3B7;3 The The A Avett vett B Brothers rothers pplay lay tthe he R Rio io oon nM May ay 114. 4.

LLove ove aand nd Y You ou w was as rrecorded ecorded o over ver a tthreehreew eek period, period, Rubin, Rubin, who who won won a 2008 20 0 8 week G rammy Award Award for for Producer Producer of of the the Grammy Y ear, basically basically just just suggested suggested that that the the Year, b and try try out out tweaks tweaks in in the the structure structure band o some of of their their songs. songs. On On some some off some ttracks, racks, he he asked asked the the trio trio to to try try adding adding m ore of of a chorus chorus or or to to repeat repeat certain certain more iinstrumental nstrumental passages. passages. “He “He has has a very very m ellow presence, presence, but but he’s he’s always always taking taking mellow n otes,� Crawford Crawford says says of of Rubin. Rubin. notes,� Apparently the the famed famed producer producer was was Apparently iimpressed mpressed that that the the Avett Avett Brothers Brothers had had a batch batch of of songs songs before before heading heading into into tthe he studio studio with with him. him. “I “I think think he he was was vvery ery intrigued intrigued with with our our work work ethic,� ethic,� C rawford says. says. “We “We like like to to know know what what Crawford w are gonna gonna do do before before we we punch punch the the wee are cclock.� lock.� Since recording recording the the CD, CD, the the band band Since h as kept kept a tight tight lid lid on on most most of of the the new new has m aterial, which which is is due due out out in in August. August. material, IIn n the the past, past, fans fans were were already already familiar familiar w ith the the group’s group’s songs songs before before the the with

release of release of new new albums albums because because they’d they’d h eard them them at at live live shows. shows. This This time time heard aaround, round, only only a handful handful o tracks h ave off tracks have b een debuted debuted live. live. “We’ve “We’ve done done a better better been jjob ob of of holding holding songs songs back,� back,� Crawford Crawford ssays. ays. One that that has has been been performed performed by by the the One b and is is “Kick “Kick Drum Drum Heart,� Heart,� a pianopiano band b ased pop pop bullet bullet with with a stuttering stuttering based d rumbeat on on the the chorus. chorus. Another Another is is drumbeat ““Tin Tin Man,� Man,� an an acoustic acoustic number number with with tthe he band’s band’s trademark trademark outbursts outbursts of of p unk energy. energy. The The band band played played the the punk u pcoming CD’s CD’s title title at at this this year’s year’s South South upcoming b Southwest Festival Festival and and a 2008 2008 New New byy Southwest Y ear’s Eve Eve show show in in Charlotte, Charlotte, North North Year’s C arolina’s Belk Belk Theater. Theater. It’s It’s a ballad ballad Carolina’s w ith tthe he refrain, refrain, “Brooklyn, “Brooklyn, B rooklyn, with Brooklyn, ttake ake me me in/ in / Are Are you you aware aware of of the the shape shap e II’m ’m in?� in?� The The new new songs songs are are notable notable ffor or their their presence presence o piano aand nd d rums, off piano drums, w here most most of of the the Avett Avett Brothers’ Brothers’ where p revious n umbers involved involved jjust ust vocals, vocals, previous numbers aacoustic coustic guitar, guitar, banjo banjo and and sstandup tandup b ass. bass.

Even E ven though though the the band band has has clearly clearly aachieved chieved another another level level of of notoriety— notoriety— w hen I talked talked with with Crawford Crawford they they when w ere opening opening for for the the Dave Dave Matthews Matthews were B and o n a leg leg of of its its current current tour—the tour—the Band on b assist compares compares the the group group to to the the eye eye bassist o urricane: a calm calm center center where where lots lots off a h hurricane: o hings aare re cchanging hanging aaround round tthem. hem. off tthings ““II d on’t ffeel eel llike ike w e’ve cchanged hanged aatt aall,� ll,� don’t we’ve h ays. ““II k now tthings hings h ave cchanged. hanged. hee ssays. know have W e’ve m ade a lleap eap ffrom rom a van van to to a bus.� bus.� We’ve made A few few seconds seconds later, later, though, though, C rawford adds adds one one way way in in which which the the Crawford A vett Brothers Brothers are are different different than than they they Avett w ere before before signing signing to to Columbia Columbia and and were rrecording ecording I aand nd LLove ove aand nd Y ou. “I “I think think You. tthe he o nly w ay w e’ve cchanged,� hanged,� h ays, only way we’ve hee ssays, ““is is w e’ve ggotten otten b etter aatt iit.� t.� we’ve better

T HE A VET T B ROTHEER RS pplay lay T hursday, THE AVETT BROTHERS Thursday, M ay 114, 4, at at 8pm 8pm at at Rio Rio Theatre, Theatre, 1205 1205 Soquel So quel May A ve., Santa Santa Cruz. Cruz. Tickets Tickets are are $20, $20, available available Ave., aatt SStreetlight treetlight Records Records and and at at www.ticket www.tickeet w 831.423.8209. 831.423.8209.

" j may 6-13, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A / < B/ 1 @ C H 1 = ; m may a y 6-13, 6 - 1 3 , 22009 0 0 9 / 3 / 3 3

CCreation re at i o n TTale ale >6=B= 0G 27</ A1=>>3BB=<3 > 6=B= 0G 27</ A1=>>3BB=<3

Th The he Santa Cruzz Count ty County Symphon ny shines Symphony in one off Haydn’s Haaydn’s greatest greates e t works works 0G A1=BB ; 0 G A 1 =B B ; / /1 11 1:3::/<2 :3::/<2


ARRY G ARRY GRANGER RANGER and and the the Santa Cruz County S anta C ruz C ounty Symphony Symphony honored h onored tthe he Austro-Hungarian Austro-Hungarian ccomposer omposer JJoseph oseph Haydn Haydn in in the the grandest grandest possible possible way way last last weekend. weekend. In In celebration celebration of of the the 200th 200th anniversary anniversary of of Haydn’s Haydn’s death, death, they they served served up up a splendid splendid production production of of The The Creation, Creation, one one of of the the composer’s composer’s greatest greatest hits hits during during his his lifetime lifetime and and ever ever since. since. At At its its conclusion, conclusion, many many attending attending the the Sunday Sunday performance performance at at Watsonville’s Watsonville’s Mello Mello Center Center were were moved moved to to exclaim exclaim and and cheer. cheer. Yet Yet in in all all of of its its exquisite exquisite entertainment, entertainment, this this is is no no mere mere divertimento divertimento or or even even symphony. symphony. Rather, Rather, it it is is an an oratorio oratorio inspired inspired by by the the great great examples examples of of George George Frideric Frideric Handel, Handel, the the German German expat expat who who 90 90 years years earlier earlier had had invaded invaded and and conquered conquered British British music. music. Haydn, Haydn, as as it it turned turned out, out, would would do do the the same, same, on on the the strength strength of of that that string string of of new new symphonies symphonies that that remain remain the the bedrock bedrock of of his his popularity popularity today. today. At At the the end end of of his his second second season season in in London, London, J.P J.P. Salomon, Salomon, fellow fellow expat expat and and music music producer, producer, sent sent Haydn Haydn back back to to Vienna Vienna with with a handwritten handwritten libretto libretto titled titled “The “The Creation. Creation.� Salomon Salomon knew knew that that Haydn Haydn had had been been “astonished “astonished and and deeply deeply moved� moved� upon upon hearing hearing the the Handel Handel oratorios, oratorios, notably notably IIsrael srael in in Egypt. Egypt. IInspired nspired tto o rrevive evive tthe he fform, orm, iin n updated practice, Haydn passed u pdated sstyle tyle aand nd p ractice, H aydn p assed on Gottfried Swieten, tthe he llibretto ibretto o n tto oG ottfried vvan an S wieten, Prefect off tthe Austrian Library. P refect o he A ustrian IImperial mperial L ibrary. With Swieten’s W ith vvan an S wieten’s rrevised evised llibretto, ibretto, tthe he

>:/G =< The > :/G =< The SSanta a n ta C Cruz ruz C County ount y SSymphony, ymphonyy, co conducted nducted bbyy LLarry arr y G Granger, ranger, iin naM May ay 2 co concert ncert aatt tthe he C Civic ivic Au Auditorium. d i to r i u m .

resultant o resultant oratorio ratorio w was as ssuch uch a ssuccess uccess aatt iits ts premiere premiere in in V Vienna ienna tthat hat tthe he aaudience udience sstopped topped tthe he proceedings proceedings tto od emand tthat hat demand ccertain ertain ssections ections b epeated o n tthe he sspot. pot. bee rrepeated on Granger, his his artistic arrtistic powers powers at at full full Granger, sstrength, trengt g h, eenergized nergized tthe he ttwo-hour wo-hour work work w ithout eever ver lletting etting iitt fflag. lag. H is o rchestra without His orchestra gglowed lowed w ith the the po lish tto ow hich his his llong ong with polish which ttenure enure at at S anta C ruz aand nd ttheir heir d iscipline Santa Cruz discipline h ave b rought tthem. hem. Iff tthe he ccritical ritical aaxiom xiom have brought rrequires equires eevaluation valuation o esults iin n tterms erms o off rresults off aavailable vailable resources, resources, they they n ow, aand nd o ver now, over tthe he last last several several yyears, ears, have have consistently consistently ssurpassed urpassed tthem. hem. M oreover, tthe he ssymphony ymphony Moreover, aand nd C heryl Anderson’s Anderson’s C abrillo Cheryl Cabrillo S ymphonic Chorus Chorus o fffer tthe he ccommunity ommunity Symphonic offer a collaboration collaboration that that continues continues tto o ssurvey urv rvey ssome ome o he ggreat reat cchoral horal lliterature iterature w ith off tthe with o ften thrilling thrilling results. results. often Granger’s hand hand was was further further Granger’s eempowered mpo owered b is ttrio rio o ocal soloists. soloists. byy h his off vvocal A nja Strauss, Strauss, a gglittering littering ccoloratura oloratura Anja ssoprano oprano from from the the B ay Area, Area, n ailed h er Bay nailed her

roles aass tthe roles he aarchangel rchangel G Gabriel abriel aand, nd, llater, ater, Eve. E ve. Her Her Part Part 1 aaria, ria, ““With With vverdure erdure cclad lad tthe he ffields, ields,â€? sshowed howed o ff h er ttalents alents tto o off her pe rffection, n ot o nly for for ssuperb uperb technique technique perfection, not only tthat hat eeasily asily ffloated loated aabove bove tthe he o rchestra orchestra b ut ffor or exceptional exceptional vvocal ocal allure allure aass w ell. but well. S o did did her her Part Part 2 sscene, cene, “On “On m ighty pe ns So mighty pens u plifted soars soars the the eeagle agle aaloft, loft,â€? w ith L aurie uplifted with Laurie C amphouse’s w arbling flute f lute obbligato obbligato Camphouse’s warbling d uring tthe he n ightingale d epiction. during nightingale depiction. Now with with a national national reputation, reputation, Now C hristopher B engochea, as as tthe he aarchangel rchangel Christopher Bengochea, U riel, gave gave operatic operatic ping ping and and eexpressive xpressive Uriel, u rgency tto oh is rrecitatives ecitatives aand nd aarias, rias, urgency his ffurther urther b urnishing h is rrecent ecent aand nd h ighly burnishing his highly ssuccessful uccessful tenure tenure aass a rresident esident w ith with O pera San San JJosĂŠ. osĂŠ. E ngaged o nly ttwo wo w eeks Opera Engaged only weeks b efore tthese hese w eekend p erformances, b ass before weekend performances, bass b aritone Ki ittinant C hinsamran d id ffine ine baritone Kittinant Chinsamran did w ork iin nh is ffirst-ever irst- ever o uting iin n tthe he roles roles work his outing o the archangel archangel Rafael Rafael aand, nd, in in P art 33,, off the Part A dam. Born Born and and trained trained iin nT hailand, Adam. Thailand, h ow ccompleting ompleting a p ostgraduate hee iiss n now postgraduate

diploma in diploma in vocal vocal p performance erformance aatt tthe he San S an Francisco Francisco Conservatory Conservatory and and enjoys enjoys aan n iinternational nternational reputation. reputation. H is ttender ender His A dam/Eve d uet with with S trauss—with Adam/Eve duet Strauss—with iits ts rrepeating epeating ““so so ggreat, reat, so so w onderfulâ€? wonderfulâ€? aappraisal ppraisal of of God’s God’s w ork—was the the work—was eemotional motional h ighlight of of the the afternoon. afternoon. highlight The Creation Creation is is a virtually virtually flawless f lawless The w ork, ffrom rom iits ts o pening “Representation “Representation work, opening o haosâ€? tto o its its h eart-stopping ““And And off C Chaosâ€? heart-stopping tthere here w as llightâ€? ightâ€? and and its its ssensational ensational was cchorus, horus, ““The The h eavens aare re ttelling elling tthe he heavens G lory o od.â€? Itt b urns brightly brightly with with Glory off G God. burns ffreshness reshness aand nd sstartling tartling originality, originality, tthough hough some some thanks thanks must must go go tto o Handel. Handel. Ironically, this this Creation Creation also also signaled signaled Ironically, tthe he ccreation reation o new post post ffor or executive executive off a new d irector M ark H uber—in m arketing director Mark Huber—in marketing aand nd d evelopment w ith the the Astronomical Astronomical development with S ociety o he P acif ic. F ortunately ffor or Society off tthe Pacific. Fortunately tthe he ssymphony, ymphony, former former executive executive and and b oard p resident JJan an D erecho will will sserve erve board president Derecho aass iinterim. nterim. Ă

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 6-13, 2009 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

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/@B /<2 16=1=:/B3 B=C@ This Mother’s Day weekend brings an opportunity to feast on a delectable assortment of both artwork and chocolate treats as 12 local artists open up their studios for the second Annual Art and Chocolate Tour. Maps are available at Palace Arts, Lenz, Bookshop Santa Cruz and Pajaro Valley Gallery or at Saturday–Sunday, May 9–10, 11am– 5pm in Live Oak/Pleasure Point, Santa Cruz. Free. 831.462.9337. 6gi :m]^W^i# I]Z EV_Vgd KVaaZn 6gih 8djcX^a XZaZWgViZh ^ih h^akZg Vcc^kZghVgn l^i] V XdaaZXi^kZ bZbWZgh]^e h]dl VbVhh^c\ V aVg\Z cjbWZg d[ ldg`h [gdb ^ih bZbWZgh# I]gj BVn ')# ;gZZ0 YdcVi^dch lZaXdbZY# (, HjYYZc Hi! LVihdck^aaZ# -(&#)'(#(+,(# AO\bO 1`ch /`b :SOUcS LZZ`ZcY 6gi Ldg`h]deh# I]Z 6gi AZV\jZ d[[Zgh i]gZZ cZl lZZ`ZcY ^ciZch^kZh ^c BVn/ EdgigV^ijgZ VcY BdgZ! BVn (%"(&0 XVaa [dg i^bZh! [ZZh! ^chigjXidgh# *)i] 6ccjVa =^\] HX]dda 6gi H]dl# DkZg ,%% e^ZXZh d[ Vgi dc Y^heaVn ^cXajY^c\ e]did\gVe]n! XZgVb^Xh! _ZlZagn! eV^ci^c\! \gVe]^Xh! eg^cibV`^c\! hXjaeijgZ! YgVl^c\ VcY ("9 VhhZbWaV\Z! Vaa [gdb adXVa ejWa^X! eg^kViZ! VaiZgcVi^kZ! ]dbZ VcY Vi"g^h` ]^\] hX]ddah# ;gZZ# LZY"HVi! cddc"*eb0 Hjc cddc")eb# *'+ 7gdVYlVn! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'+#*,-,# AO\bO 1`ch ;]c\bOW\a /`b 1S\bS` Ndji] 6gi H]dl/ Heg^c\ >cid 6gi# Ndjc\ Vgi^hih je id i]Z V\Z d[ '& Y^heaVn i]Z^g Vgildg` ^c Vaa bZY^jbh# I]gj BVn .# LZY" Hjc! cddc"+eb# I]gj BVn .# ;gZZ# .()& B^aa Hi! 7Zc AdbdcY! -(&#((+#)',(# AO\bO 1`ch Ab]dSa O\R 4W`S^ZOQSa HXjaeijgZh Wn 6Vgdc KVc YZ

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# j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA may 6-13, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=; 1 "'

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5/@@7A=< 937::=@ The “shock jock of wholesomeness� and Minnesota Public Radio’s chief correspondent in Lake Wobegon comes to Santa Cruz with opinions, wry commentary and real-life tales from the exotic Midwestern United States. Wednesday, May 13, at 7:30pm at the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium, 307 Church St., Santa Cruz. Tickets are $32–$40 at

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3 #!

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# j may 6-13, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 6-13, 2009 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

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A/<B/ 1@CH 0/@=?C3 43AB7D/: The Santa Cruz Baroque Festival wraps up its 2009 season with a program dedicated to the music of color and light. “Fiat Luxâ€? includes performances of Bach’s Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue and Couperin’s Les Dominos with soprano Sheila Willey, harpsichordists Matthew Auerbach and Linda Burman-Hall and Amy Brodo on cello and viola. Saturday, May 9, at 7:30pm at UCSC Music Center Recital Hall. Tickets are $22 general/$16 senior/$5 student available at or 831.459.2159. hiVgi^c\ BVn )! EV^ci^c\ Ldg`h]de hiVgi^c\ BVn +! 6gi ?djgcVa^c\ hiVgi^c\ BVn +! EVhiZa HijY^d hiVgi^c\ BVn - VcY Cdc"Idm^X Eg^cibV`^c\ hiVgi^c\ BVn &(0 XVaa [dg ^c[d# I]gj BVn &(# HVciV 8gjo 6gi AZV\jZ! *'+ 7gdVYlVn! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'+#*,-,# BVS A^SOYS`¸a 5g[ CdZa Bjge]n egZhZcih X]VcXZ id ^begdkZ ejWa^X heZV`^c\ egZhZciVi^dch ^c V \gdje YZY^XViZY id gZheZXi[ja Xg^i^fjZ0 XVaa id gZ\^hiZg# LZY! ,"-/(%Vb# 6XidghÉ I]ZVigZ! &%%& 8ZciZg Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#'(-#&'()# AeW\U 2O\QS 1ZOaaSa O\R >O`bg 6 ,/(%eb ^ciZgbZY^ViZ hl^c\ aZhhdc0 -/&*eb WZ\^cc^c\ hl^c\ aZhhdc0 ."&%/(%eb! hl^c\ YVcXZ eVgin# LZY# ( [dg eVgin0 &% [dg XaVhhZh VcY eVgin# EVadbVg 7Vaagddb! &()) EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'+#&''&# BOW 1VW( 7\b`] IjZ! ,/(%"-/(%eb# &* dcZ XaVhh$ )* [djg"lZZ` XaVhh hZg^Zh# KZih =Vaa! -)+ ;gdci Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#'.*#('*%# BOW 1VW 0SUW\\W\U 1ZOaa LZY! +", VcY ,"-eb VcY Bdc! +" ,eb# &* [dg ig^Va XaVhh# H^be`^ch ;Vb^an Hl^b 8ZciZg! .,. &,i] 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)',#&)+,# BOW 1VW 0SUW\\W\U 1ZOaaSa 2]e\b]e\ NVc\ HinaZ h]dgi"[dgb0 ZVga^Zg XaVhh! ejh]"]VcYh0 aViZg! WZ\^cc^c\ [dgb# HVi! -/)*"&%/&*

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Call 251-1269 now n to enroll or schedule a FREE class!


antis s artial ar tia al Arts Arts SantaCr uzK

03/ /BA1/>3 m may a y 6-13, 6 - 1 3 , 22009 0 0 9 A A/<B/1@CH 1=; / < B/ 1 @ C H 1 = ; #$ # $ j 03/BA1/>3

Jazz Presenters since 1975

THURS. MAY 7 • 7 PM Tango’s shimmering star!


$18/Adv $21/Door Sponsored by Gayle’s Bakery & Rosticceria MON. MAY 11 • 7 PM

JANE BUNNETT & SPIRITS OF HAVANA $22/Adv $25/Door Sponsored by Plazita Medical Clinic THURS. MAY 14 • 7 PM

SCOTT KINSEY GROUP $20/Adv $23/Door Sponsored by Tom Moelllering MON. MAY 18 • 7 & 9 PM

DIANNE REEVES STRINGS ATTACHED FEATURING RUSSELL MALONE & ROMERO LUBAMBO $32/Adv $35/Door No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by Carolyn Hyatt & Joe Hyatt THURS. MAY 21 • 7 PM


Directed by Rob Klevan & Stan Poplin Concert: $8/Adv $11/Door Jazz & Dinner: $19.40/Adv

B= 03 =@ <=B B= 03

Epic fusion specialists Was (Not Was) play Saturday at Moe’s Alley.

MON. JUNE 1 • 7 PM Rising Star Guitarist!



Brian Blade and the Fellowship Band Christian McBride & Inside Straight Benny Green & Bucky Pizzarelli Duo Esperanza Spalding Poncho Sanchez Latin Jazz Band


JUNE 15-25 @ CABRILLO COLLEGE GRADES 8-12 REGISTER NOW AT: KUUMBWAJAZZ.ORG Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, serving premium wines & microbrewed beers. Snacks & desserts available all other nights. All age venue.

Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admission Tax.



4 27 - 2 2 27

B6C@A2/G B 6 C @ A 2/G 5 5/7 / /7

4@72/G 4 @ 7 2/G 5/8 5//8

4@72/G 4 @ 7 2/G 5 5/8 / /8

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; 7 9 3 ;793 2=C56BG 2 =C56BG

=/9 /<2 = / 9 / < 2 5=@A97 5 =@A97

Even though Even though ttango ango superstar superstar M Maria aria V olonte p erforms m ostly iin n Spanish, Spanish, Volonte performs mostly h er booming booming vvocals ocals and and sseductive, eductive, her p ersonal sstage tage presence presence are are eenough nough to to personal ccapture apture C alifornia audiences audiences aand nd sell sell California o ut N ew Y ork clubs. clubs. T he A rgentine out New York The Argentine p owerhouse ccompares ompares h er singing singing to to powerhouse her cchildbirth, hildbirth, ttwo wo eexperiences xperiences that that sshe he ffinds inds b oth painful painful aand nd life-altering. life-altering. both P roof that that she she d id n ot earn earn her her Proof did not iinduction nduction into into the the T ango H all of of F ame Tango Hall Fame iin n 2007 2007 with with only only a pretty pretty fface ace is is iin n the the p udding of of ssix ix albums albums ssince ince 1996 1996 and and pudding h er snagging snagging o he 2004 2004 G ardel Prize, Prize, her off tthe Gardel A rgentina’s G rammy award. award. V olonte Argentina’s Grammy Volonte jjazzes azzes u p tthe he genre’s genre’s traditional traditional up rroots oots with with pianist pianist Murray Murray L ow and and Low p ercussionist M ichaelle G oerlitz. percussionist Michaelle Goerlitz. K uumbwa; $ 18 aadvance/$21 dvance/$21 d oor; 7pm. 7pm. Kuumbwa; $18 door; ((Jaime Jaime Nabrynski) Nabrynski)

Th There here w was as perhaps perhaps a ttime ime iin n the the eearly arly 2 000s when when M ike Doughty—strung Doughty—strung 2000s Mike o ut o nh eroin aand nd b arely sselling elling out on heroin barely eenough nough h omemade CD-R CD-R ssolo olo d iscs homemade discs tto op ut gas gas in in h is rrented ented ttouring ouring put his ssedan—thought edan—thought about about tthrowing hrowing iin n tthe he ttowel. owel. A frontman ffor or ’’90s 90s ccult ult Ass frontman rrock ock b and Soul Soul C oughing, D oughty band Coughing, Doughty h ad ccommanded ommanded a ssizable izable fan fan b ase aand nd had base w as b eloved o the ccritics ritics ffor or h is cclever, lever, was beloved off the his p oetic llyrics. yrics. B ut when when d rugs aand nd poetic But drugs d isputes lled ed h im tto ob reak up up tthe he b and, disputes him break band, W arner B rothers d ropped h im ffrom rom Warner Brothers dropped him tthe he llabel abel and and h as on on his his own. own. B ut hee w was But ttoday, oday, a ssober ober aand nd successful successful D oughty Doughty h as three three full-length full-length solo solo rrecords ecords aand nd has iiss o nce aagain gain a central central ffigure igure in in tthe he once iindie ndie rrock ock m ovement. C repe P lace; movement. Crepe Place; $ 16 aadvance/$19 dvance/$19 d oor; 9 pm. $16 door; 9pm. ((Curtis Curtis C artier) Cartier)

Formerly F ormerly k known nown aass tthe he Ke Ken en O Oak ak B and, O ak aand nd G orski iiss tthe he m usical Band, Oak Gorski musical ccollaboration ollab oration o anta M onica n ative off S Santa Monica native K Ke en O ak aand nd llocal o cal E dG orski. T he Ken Oak Ed Gorski. The m ost n otable d iffe f rence b etween most notable difference between O ak aand nd G orski aand nd iits ts p revious Oak Gorski previous iincarnation ncarnation iiss iin n tthe he aarrangements: rrangements: w hile tthe he Ke en O ak b and cconfined onf ined while Ken Oak band iitself tself tto o tw o -piece n umb ers, O ak two-piece numbers, Oak aand nd G orski rraises aises tthe he sstakes takes b Gorski byy iintroducing ntroducing aan n eentire ntire ssupporting upp or ting b and tto o f llesh esh o ut tthe he ssound. ound. T he band out The rresult esult iiss aatmospheric, tmospheric, m elo dic iindie ndie melodic p op tthat hat cconjures onjures ggravitas ravitas tthrough hro ough pop O ak aand nd G orksi’s sstirring tirring ccello ello Oak Gorksi’s sstring tring aarrangements. rrangements. C ayuga V ault; Cayuga Vault; $ 12 aadvance/$14 dvance/$14 d o or; 8 pm. $12 door; 8pm. ((Paul Paul M avis) M.. D Davis)

j #% #%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A / < B/ 1 @ C H 1 = ; m may a y 6-13, 6 - 1 3 , 22009 0 0 9 03/BA1/>3 03/ /BA1/>3 3

B7193B B 719 93 3B E7<2=E E 7 < 2 =E B63 23 B63 23D7: ;/93A B6@33 B6 3D7: ;/93A B6@33 @33 M 13–14 May 4 at Catalyst Cat atalyst a B =;; ; G 1/AB@= B=;;G 1/AB@= M 15 at Moe’s May M e’s Alley Mo Alleey Alle

4@72/G 4 @72 2/G /G 5/ 5/8 5 /8 /8

0 4=C<2/B7=< 0 4 = C < 2/ 2 B7=< Patrick, Jason, Patrick, Jaason, T Tyler yler aand nd Ian Iaan p put ut ttogether ogether band a rrock ock b and iin n 2001 2001 tto o guarantee guarantee a ffew ew off their ssolid olid years years of of ““the the best best time time o their Though llives. ives.� T hough their their rreggae-influenced eggae-inf luenced have rrhythms hythms h ave been been llabeled abeled everything everything ffrom rom surf surf rock rock to to hip-hop, hip p--hop, the the boys boys of of B-Foundation purely B -Fo oundation self-categorize self--ccategorize p urely aass ““kick-ass. kick-ass.� Accomplished Accomplished enough enough tto o ttour our with not w ith Slightly Slightly Stoopid, Stoopid, and and n ot too too cool cool tto o sshare hare a stage stage with with pop pop act act Jason Jason Mraz, Mraz, tthe he boys b oys aare re excited excited to to bring bring their their ccircus ircus act act tto o the the Cat, Cat, a ffavorite avorite West West Coast Coast venue. venue. hard not IIt’s t’s h ard n ot to to appreciate appreciate four four rollicking rollicking dudes d udes from from Arcadia Arcadia who who aren’t aren’t afraid afraid tto o pen p en especially especially ingenious ingenious songs songs about about tthe he off meeting aagonizing gonizing excitement excitement o meeting a girl girl orr tthose mushy when aatt a bar, bar, o hose m ushy llove ove songs songs w hen Cupid’s C upid’s aarrow rrow ffinally inally strikes. strikes. Catalyst; Catalyst; $8 $8 door; aadvance/$10 dvance/$10 d oor; 9pm. 9pm. (JN) (JN)

A/BC@2/G A /B C @ 2/G 5 5/9 / /9

E/A <=B E/A E / A < =B E/ A Moe’s M oe’s A Alley lley cco-owner o-owner B Bill ill W Welch elch up his rrecently ecently ssummed ummed u ph is expectations expectations for for week’s performance Detroit tthis his w eek’s pe rfformance ffrom rom D etroit Was Was) rroots oots rrock ock ssquad quad W as ((Not Not W as) ssaying aying best ssimply, imply, ““This This iiss eeasily asily tthe he be st cconcert oncert we’ve booked Strong words w e’ve boo ked aall ll yyear. ear.� S trong w ords man who’s booked off ffrom rom a m an w ho’s boo oked tthe he llikes ikes o B.B. King, Yellowman Keb’ Mo’ B .B. Ki ing, Y ellowman aand nd K eb’ M o’ ffor or upcoming Yet u pcoming sshows. hows. Y et llistening istening tto o tthis his blues, b lues, rrock ock aand nd ffunk unk eensemble, nsemble, iit’s t’s eeasy asy why would warm tto o ssee ee w hy iitt w ould gget et ssuch uch a w arm welcome Moe’s Alley. w elcome ffrom rom a cclub lub llike ike M oe’s A lley.

With W ith sseasoned easoned musicians, musicians, a fun fun live live set set aand nd an an eear ar for for improvisation, improvis i ation, the the ccrew rew rrepresents epresents eeverything veryything S anta C ruzans Santa Cruzans h ave come come tto o expect expect from from ttheir heir favorite favorite have b lues, rrock ock and and reggae reggae club. cllu ub. Moe’s Moe’ oe s blues, A lley; $ 20; 9 pm. ((CC) CC) Alley; $20; 9pm.

2/ 2/D72 /D 7 2 6/@<3AA 6 /@<3AA Anyone A nyone who’s who’s strolled strolled iinto nto S San an Fr rancisco’s infamous infamous ggay/straight ay/straight melting melting Francisco’s p ot club club tthe he Endup Endup iin n the the llast ast few few years years pot h as h ad a good good chance chance of of hearing hearing David David has had H arness dropping dropping deep deep house house and and soul soul Harness o n tthe he ones ones aand nd twos. twos. The The Monterey Monterey on n ative has has a nearly nearly 20-year 20-year ccareer areer in in the the native cclub lub circuit circuit and and has has sshared hared a sstage tage w ith with ssome ome of of tthe he biggest biggest n ames in in eelectronic lectronic names d ance m usic. Now Now h rings his his party party dance music. hee b brings m achine to to Santa Santa Cruz’s Cruz’s newest newest d ance machine dance cclub, lub, M otiv. W ith b ig b ass and and a llove ove for for Motiv. With big bass R &B, expect expect a llate ate n ight o n the the d ance R&B, night on dance ffloor loor aand nd sore sore ffeet eet iin n tthe he m orning. morning. M otiv; $ 5; 9 :30pm. (CC) (CC) Motiv; $5; 9:30pm.

BC3A2/G B C 3 A 2/G 5 5/12 //112

3FB@/ 5=:23< 3 FB@/ 5=:23< Amid A mid u upheaval pheaval and and rriots iots in in K Kenya enya last last Ja anuary, tthe he members members o xtra G olden January, off Ex Extra Golden h unkered down down and and wrote wrote the the m aterial hunkered material tthat hat would would b ecome the the band’s band’s llatest atest E P, become EP tthe he six-track six-track T Thank hank You You Very Very Quickly Quickly.A .A m usical ccollaboration ollaboration b etween A merican musical between American aand nd K enyan m usicians, tthe he b and b orrows Kenyan musicians, band borrows lliberally iberally ffrom rom b oth A merican iindiendieboth American rrock ock aand nd K enyan b enga. Th he rresults esults aare re Kenyan benga. The eelectrifying: lectrifying: aanthemic, nthemic, p assionate aand nd passionate p olitically aastute stute m usic d riven b he politically music driven byy tthe

5==2 =:2 0=GA 5 ==2 =:2 0=GA The T Pine LLeaf eaf Boys Booys y chew chew the fat faat andd ďŹ re ďŹ re up the ďŹ ddles in F Felton. elt e ton. o

;G: = 83<97 977<A 7 ;G:= 83<97<A Crre reepe Place Place May 16 att Crepe 3 C>6=<7/ 3C>6=<7/ Mayy 17 at Cayuga May Caayu Ca uga Vault Vault aul ullt 2 7/<<3 <<3 @33 3 3A 3D A 27/<<3 @33D3A A B@7<5A @ <5 5A /B /B BB B B/ /1632 1 16 AB@7<5A /BB/1632 Maayy 18 May 18 at Kuumbwa Kuum mbwa 4 7A6B B/<9 / 3<A3 <A3 3;0:3 47A6B/<9 3<A3;0:3 May 19 9 at a Don on Quixote’s Q otte’s Quixot 5 =5=: = 0=@ @23:: 3: = 5=5=: 0=@23::= Mayy 22–23 May 233 at Catalyst Caattalyst a yyst B 63 4:/ /B /B B:/ /<23@A A B63 4:/B:/<23@A Ri Theatre R T Theat re May 28 at Rio 8 3<<G :3E E7A 7 83<<G :3E7A May 27 at Rio Theatre T The Theat re G 3::=E;/< < /<2 <2 B63 G3::=E;/< /<2 B63 A /57BB B/@7C / A 0/<2 /< <2 2 A/57BB/@7CA 0/<2 June 5 at Moe’s Moe’s Alley Alleey

pulse p ulse o off tthe he d dance ance ffloor. loor. M Moe’s oe’s A Alley; lley; $ $10 10 aadvance/$12 dvance/$12 d oor; 9 pm. (PMD) (PMD) door; 9pm.

E32<3A2/G E 3 2 < 3 A 2/G 5 5/13 //113

>7<3 :3/4 >7<3 :3/4 0=GA 0 =GA Th The he P Pine ine L Leaf eaf B Boys oys are are a yyoung oung zzydeco ydeco ffive-piece ive-piece tthat hat iinjects njects yyouthful outhful eexuberance xuberance aand nd p ique iinto nto a classic classic pique A merican fform. orm. From Frrom their their rroost oost iin n American ssoutheast outheast L ouisiana, the the P ine L eaf Louisiana, Pine Leaf B oys turn turn o ut a jjubilant, ubilant, b ilingual Boys out bilingual ggumbo umbo driven driven b aucous gguitar uitar and and byy rraucous rramshackle amshackle piano. piano. Introducing Introducing eelements lements o country, b lues, w altzes aand nd rrockabilly ockabilly off country, blues, waltzes iinto nto ttraditional raditional C ajun fforms, orms, tthese hese ffive ive Cajun sspecialize pecialize iin n a lively lively sstew tew ccomplemented omplemented b youthful eenergy nergy aand nd ccontemporary ontemporary byy youthful fflair. lair. Don Don Quixote’s; Quixote’s; $15; $15; 7:30pm. 7:30pm. (PMD) (PMD)

5=:2 AB/<2/@2 5 =:2 AB/<2/@2 Extra Extra Golden Golden m mixes ixes u upp American American indie indie and and Kenyan Kenyan benga benga this this Tuesday. Tuesday.

#& j may 6-13, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 6-13, 2009

$ j 1:C0 5@72 may 6-13, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;


Check out the music calendar on page 56 for additional listings.

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Wednesday, May 13 • AGES 21+ Thursday, May 14 • AGES 16+

Wednesday, May 6 AGES 16+


The Devil Makes Three Hillstomp plus


$15 Adv./ $18 Dr. Doors 7 p.m. Show 8 p.m.

$26 Adv./ $30 Dr. Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. Thursday, May 7 • AGES 16+

TĂŠch N9nĂŠ plus Special Guest


$30 Adv./ $34 Dr. Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m.

Wednesday, May 13 • AGES 16+ • In the Atrium

Mystic Roots plus Top Shelf also DMI

$8 Adv./ $10 Dr. • Drs. 7:30 p.m., Show 8 p.m. Thursday, May 14 • AGES 16+ • In the Atrium Theta Chi presents KARATE

Thursday, May 7 • AGES 16+ • In the Atrium



Something Clever


also Fentruck

and DJ Lash Benefit for the Fallen Officer Foundation $10 Adv./ $12 Dr. • Drs. 8:30 p.m., Show 9 p.m.

plus Cuesta Ridge also Brandon Caruso $3 Adv./ $5 Dr. • Drs. 8:30 p.m., Show 9 p.m.

May 15 The Cataracs/ The Pack (AGES 16+) May 16 Bassnectar (AGES 16+) Friday, May 8 • AGES 16+ • In the Atrium May 16 Murder Junkies (AGES 16+) May 17 Andre Nickatina (AGES 16+) May 21 Dredg/ Torche (AGES 16+) plus Ballyhoo! also Blaming Johnny $8 Adv./ $10 Dr. • Drs. 8:30 p.m., Show 9 p.m. May 21 Beats by the Pound 3 (AGES 16+) May 22 Gogol Bordello (AGES 16+) Saturday, May 9 May 23 Gogol Bordello (AGES 16+) AGES 21+ May 27 The Aggrolites (AGES 16+) $20 Adv./ $23 Dr. May 28 Tomorrow’s Bad Seeds (AGES 16+) Drs. 8 p.m., Show 9 p.m. May 29 The Dirty Heads (AGES 16+) BOOTYUNION II May 30 The Taxi Project (AGES 16+) Jun 2 The Supervillains (AGES 16+) Jun 4 Still Time/ Matt Masih (AGES 16+) Jun 5 The Mother Hips plus Sun House Hot Buttered Rum (AGES 21+) plus Saturday Night in the Atrium FREE SHOW SERIES No Cover • 9 p.m. • 21+ Jun 6 Del Tha Funky Homosapien (AGES 16+) 19 Easy Star All-Stars (AGES 16+) ISADORA’S SCARF • BLACK DREAM Jun Jul 11 Robin Trower (AGES 21+)



Tuesday, May 12 • AGES 16+ • In the Atrium As seen on HBO's hit series "Entourage"



Dyme Def

also Keelay & Zaire and Sincere & Ghambit

RESCHEDULED May 19th tickets will be honored on this date or may be returned to place of purchase for a refund.

Aug 7 Johnny Winter (AGES 21+) Aug 16 Hatebreed (AGES 16+) Oct 21 UFO (AGES 21+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating.

$10 Adv./ $14 Dr. • Drs. 8:30 p.m., Show 9 p.m. ROCKER’S PIZZA KITCHEN 831-426-PIZZA

Sunday thru Tuesday FREE POOL for Bar Patrons Noon to Closing


Wed. - Mon. $2 CHEESE OR PEPPERONI until 6 p.m.

Advance tickets are available at the Catalyst daily with a minimal service charge. Tickets to all Catalyst shows, subject to city tax and service charge, are also available by phone at 1-866-384-3060, and online at our web site

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OPENING NIGHT THURSDAY MAY 7TH 7:30 PM / DEL MAR THEATRE Gospel Hill by Giancarlo Esposito. Stars Danny Glover, featuring Angela Bassett with Samuel L. Jackson. Followed by Gala at the MAH. FRIDAY MAY 8TH / RIVERFRONT TWIN - Four Chapters / 1:45 PM - Saint Misbehavin’: The Wavy Gravy Movie / 6:45 PM - Pansy Division: Life in a Gay Rock Band / 8:45 PM SATURDAY MAY 9TH / RIVERFRONT TWIN - Salute / 4:45 PM (& May 13th at Noon) - Youssou Ndour: I Bring What I Love / 6:45 PM - Pig Hunt / 8:45 PM SUNDAY MAY 10TH / RIVERFRONT TWIN - Out in India: A Family’s Journey / 4:00 PM - Around June / 6:15 PM


SANTACRUZFILMFESTIVAL.ORG MONDAY MAY 11TH / RIVERFRONT TWIN - Upstream Battle / 6:00 PM - Satellites & Meteorites / 8:45 PM

FRIDAY MAY 15TH / VET’S HALL Closing Night / Awards Ceremony - Automorphosis / 7:30 PM

TUESDAY MAY 12TH / RIVERFRONT TWIN - Life as a Movie / 4:00 PM - Food Fight / 6:30 PM Community TV - H for Hunger / 4:15 PM

Buy Tickets Online: Buy Tickets Locally: GraphďŹ x Gallery & Framing 1229 PaciďŹ c Ave, Santa Cruz

WEDNESDAY MAY 13TH / RIVERFRONT TWIN - Tibet’s Cry for Freedom / 2:00 PM - The Border Wall / 4:15 PM - An Unlikely Weapon / 6:15 PM - Summerhood / 8:45 PM

**Groups of 10 or more can receive $1 off per ticket, email bethg@santacruzďŹ lmfestival. org by midnight night before show to make arrangements, or receive group rate at venue.

THURSDAY MAY 14TH / VET’S HALL - 1 Giant Leap: What About Me? / 7:30 PM Film and Dance Party / A beneďŹ t for The Home of Love: an orphanage in Mumbai India /



*excluding Opening and Closing Night & Special Events

Film. Fi ilm lm.

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Lo Loving ving remake remak e e of Roddenberry the Rodd denberryy classic clas ssic has a pointy-eared poin ntty-eared intellectual, int e ellectual, sputtering a sp puttering doctor doct tor and a ttempestuous emp pestuous James T.. Kirk J amees T 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0 G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


HE FIRS HE FIRST RST TIME T I sa saw aw the teaser p osters at the posters Octople epicting Chris Octoplexx d depicting Pine ’s C aptt. Kirk, head tilted Pine’s Capt. down ward with a rak kish, wily lo ok, I downward rakish, look, thought, “Sp eak to me m “Speak me,, muse muse,, of that man of ttwists wists and tur rns, driv en time turns, driven and again of ff- course.� Then ccame ame the off-course.� disapp ointing longer trailers disappointing trailers,, which seemed to b ayying up the obnoxiousbee pla playing punk angle ag “N ot ompletee with the ttag angle,, ccomplete “Not yyour our father’ ar Tr ek.�� This father’ss St Star Trek.� This,, lik likee all uses of the phrase “N ot Y o Father’ our “Not Your Father’ss —— —, egistered trad demark of Y our o —,�� is a rregistered trademark Your Grandfather’ dvertising t A gencyy. Grandfather’ss A Advertising Agency. H appily, JJ.J. .J. A brams’ vversion ersion o he Happily, Abrams’ off tthe 4 0-year-old sstory tory iiss a lloving oving aand nd careful careful 40-year-old rrefurbishing efurbishing o no ld sstructure, tructure, rrather ather off aan old tthan han a d emolishing. T he ccocktailocktaildemolishing. The w aitress sskirts kirts o n tthe he ffemale emale A cademy waitress on Academy ccadets adets m ight h ave b een a b it m uch, might have been bit much, b ut iitt iiss a k ind o radition. Ot her but kind off ttradition. Other ttraditions raditions h onored iinclude nclude tthe he ggreen reen honored b abe ((Rachel Rachel N ichols) aand nd tthe he rrededbabe Nichols) sshirted hirted eensign. nsign. ““Can’t Can’t w ait tto ok ick ssome ome wait kick R omulan aass!�—last ss!�—last w ords tto op ut o n Romulan words put on tthe he ttombstone ombstone o his ttypically ypically p lucky off tthis plucky sspecimen pecimen o hoton- cannon ffodder. odder. off p photon-cannon P ine h imself iiss tthe he h am tthat hat tthis his Pine himself ham

=>>=A7B3A /BB@/1B Kirk = >>=A7B3A /BB@/1B Kirk ((Chris Chris P Pine, ine, rright) ight) aand nd SSpock pock ((Zachary Zachar y Quinto) Quinto) aare re two t wo halves halves of of a great great leader leader in in ‘Star ‘Star Trek.’ Trek.’

sandwich n sandwich needs. eeds. His His James Jaames T. T. Kirk Kirk has has tthe he sensual sensual fface ace and and the the velour-wrapped velour-wrapped qualities q ualities of of the the immemorial immemorial Shat. Shat. As As well, more w ell, the the older older you you get, get, tthe he m ore yyou ou aadmire dmire tthe he sstoical toical ccalm alm of of Spock, Spock, and and tthis his movie movie is is taken taken over over by by the the very very poised p oised and and attractive attractive Zachary Zachary Quinto Quinto as as mulatto off space. tthe he tragic tragic m ulatto o space. Abrams’ Abrams’ tendency tendency to to undervillain undervillain the the picture byy h his p icture iiss rredeemed edeemed b is making making the the vvillain illain ffast, ast, raging raging aand nd large large (a (a tactic tactic he he used with Hoffman u sed w ith Philip Philip Seymour Seymour H offman in in Mission Eric Bana, made M ission Impossible Impo p ssible III). III). E ric B ana, m ade up u p so so that that his his face face looks looks like like a spider’s spider’s aabdomen, bdomen, plays plays Nero, Nero, a Romulan Romulan rrenegade enegade eescaped scaped from from the the future; future; he he pilots p ilots a sship hip that that looks looks like like a mutant, mutant, multilegged Next m ultilegged fflea. lea. N ext to to it, it, a Federation Federation sstarship tarship iiss tthe he ssize ize of of a Christmas Christmas tree tree ornament. o rnament. Nero’s Nero’s orphaning orphaning of of Kirk Kiirk way, lleads, eads, iin n a roundabout roundabout w ay, to to tthe he IIowa owa Starfleet jjuvenile uvenile delinquent delinquent getting getting into into S tarf leet Academy. A cademy. Under Un nder aacademic cademic suspension suspension

ffor or taking taking the the Gordian Gordian k knot not approach approach tto o tthe he K Kobayashi obayashi Maru Maru p problem, roblem, Kirk Kiirk stows stows The aaway way aboard aboard the the Enterprise. Enterprise. T he film’s f ilm’s only o nly conventional conventional love love interest interest involves involves Zoe Saldana’s Z oe S aldana’s Uhuru, Uhuru, drawn drawn tto o Spock, Spock, aass who be. The w ho wouldn’t wouldn’t b e. Th T he film’s f ilm’s rreal eal tension tension Kirk aarises rises in in the the partnership partnership between between K irk Spock—two halves off o one aand nd S pock—two h alves o ne great great lleader, eader, ccalm alm calculation calculation meeting meeting insane insane daring. d aring. The The technical technical side side of of the the effects effects has has off ccourse o ourse iimproved mproved in in the the last last few few prettily, yyears. ears. The Th he transporter transporter is is done done p rettily, with w ith scribbles scribbles of of prismed prismed llight. ight. Even Even happier h appier iiss tthe he time-tested time-tested dialectdialect2009, Anton ccomedy omedy characters. characters. It’s Itt’s 2 009, aand nd A nton Yelchin’s V’s Y elchin’s Chekov Chekov iiss sstill till buggering buggering his his V ’s planet ((he he sets sets a course course for for tthe he p lanet Wulcan); Wulcan); Simon Pegg S imon P egg gets gets tto o be be tthe he ssputtering puttering Scottish S cottish engineer, engineer, describing describing a ttricky ricky piece hit p iece of of transporting transporting aass ““trying trying to to h it a bullet while b ullet with with a smaller smaller bullet bullet w hile riding riding blindfolded. a horse horse b lindfolded.� As As McCoy, McCoy, Karl Kaarl

Urban U rban salutes salutes tthe he gruff gruff spirit spirit o off DeForest DeForest K elley: d amming iit, t, Jim; Jim; p ulling from from Kelley: damming pulling a flask; f lask; and and complaining complaining about about his his d ivorce—“ex-wife got got the the whole whole damn damn divorce—“ex-wife p lanet.� A nd O ld Nimoy Nimoy rreprises eprises a planet. And Old p articularly h eart-rending lline ine from from particularly heart-rending W rath o han. Wrath off Kh Khan. While Nero Nero is is no no Khan Kh han (alas), (alas), he he does does While ggo o out out shrieking shrieking ““Spock! Spock! Spock!� Spock!� aass h is quarry quarry eescapes. scapes. T here’s sstill till life life and and his There’s rromance omance iin n tthese hese m ovies. U nlikely aass it it movies. Unlikely iiss tthat hat h umanity will will m ake it it to to d eep humanity make deep sspace, pace, tthe he ssaga aga is is essentially essentially rright; ight; iiff we we d om ake it, it, w ill be be ssending ending out out our our do make wee w will sstories, tories, o ur h istory aand nd o ur lliterature, iterature, our history our tthe he b est of of us. us. best

STAR T STAR TREK REK ((PG-13; PG-13; 1126 26 m min.), in.), ddirected irected bbyy J .J. Abrams, Abrams, written written by by Roberto Roberto Orci Orci and and Alex Alex J.J. K urtzman, photographed photographed by by Daniel Daniel Mindel Mindel Kurtzman, aand nd sstarring tarring C hris P ine aand nd Z achar y Q uinto, Chris Pine Zachary Quinto, pplays lays ccountywide. ount ywide.

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Old O l d Love L ove Michaael Caine Michael is thee draw draw in ‘Is Anybody Anyb An body There?’, T e? ’, a Ther depressing depressin ng tale of the final fiinaal curtain 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0 G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


N TH THE HE H HANDS ANDS o off ssomeone omeone m more ore ssure ure aand nd lless ess ggentle entle tthan han d irector director Jo ohn Crowley, Crowley, IIss A nybody T here? John Anybody There? ccould ould h ave be en ssomething omething llike ike have been Michael Caine’s Caine’s King Kiing Lear. Lear. A hings sstand, tand, Michael Ass tthings it is is a strangely strangely d istressing ffilm, ilm, a q ueasy it distressing queasy mix of of the the realistic realistic aand nd tthe he iinspirational. nspirational. mix Crowley (Boy (Boy A) A) stages stages this this end-of-the-line end-of-the-line Crowley drama at at a Yorkshire Yorkshire rretirement etirement h ome drama home in early early spring spring 1987. 1987. S ince h is p arents in Since his parents run the the place, place, young young E dward llives ives tthere; here; run Edward he is is played played by by aan n eexcellent xcellent yyoung oung aactor, ctor, he with that that supernatural supernatural cast cast tthe he be st cchild hild with best actors have: have: Bill Bill Milner Milner o Son of of Rambow. Rambow. actors off Son Edward is is fascinated fascinated with with gghosts hosts aand nd Edward secretly tape-records tape-records the the last last ssighs ighs o he secretly off tthe old retirees retirees as as they they eexpire. xpire. old Th hen one one day, day, a really really interesting interesting Then old man man turns turns up: up: Clarence, Clarence, once once “The “The old Amazing Clarence, Clarence,â€? a former former stage stage Amazing magician who who is is beginning beginning to to go go forgetful. forgetful. magician After a half-hearted half-hearted stab stab at at suicide, suicide, After from which which he he is is rescued rescued by by Edward, Edward, he he from befriends the the kid kid and and even even holds holds a sĂŠance sĂŠance befriends for him him and and an an exhibit exhibit of of birthday-party birthday-party for magic. Clarence Clarence then then begins begins to to pour pour out out magic. his own own secrets secrets and and bitterness. bitterness. Meanwhile, Meanwhile, his in sort sort of of a Come Come Back, Back, Little Little Sheba Sheba subplot, subplot, in Edward’s father father falls falls in in love love with with the the Edward’s young cleaning cleaning woman, woman, Tanya Tanya (Linzey (Linzey young Cocker, a burst burst of of youthful youthful prettiness prettiness in in a Cocker, movie that that needs needs it). it). movie When Caine Caine raises raises his his stillstillWhen commanding voice voice to to rally rally Edward’s Edward’s commanding birthday party party to to come come watch watch his his magic magic birthday

;/G B= 2313;03@ Young ; /G B= 2313;03@ Young B Bill ill M Milner ilner bbefriends efriends M Michael ichael C Caine aine iin n ‘‘Is Is A Anybody nyb o dy T There?’ h e re ? ’

or tto or od discourage iscourage tthe he kid, kid, describing describing h him im aass “a “a ccross-eyed ross-eyed little little Herbert, Herbert,� something something sstirs tirs inside inside you. you. You You don’t don’t want want to to watch watch C aine d efy d eath, you you want want to to watch watch him him Caine defy death, ssurvive urvive iit. t. Any Any constant constant filmgoer f ilmgoer might might ffeel eel tthat hat he he has has more more friends friends among among tthe he d ead tthan han the the living, living, or or that that there’s there’s dead m ore life life iin n 24 24 fframes rames of of C ary Grant Grant o more Cary orr P eter Lorre Lorre tthan han there there is is in in the the actual actual Peter lliving iving M atthew McConaughey. McConaughey. Watching Watching Matthew C aine ttotter otter through through the the part part and, and, as as Caine iiff w didn’t get get it, it, reciting reciting the the famous famous wee didn’t lline ine aabout bout d eath “Do “Do not not go go gentle gentle . . .� death m akes yyou ou feel feel that that he’s he’s rehearsing rehearsing his his makes o wn wake. wake. T here’s something something indecently indecently own There’s eearly arly aabout bout tthese hese movies movies of of doom, doom, ssomething omething that that isn’t isn’t the the perfect perfect use use of of C aine; iit’s t’s seeing seeing ssome ome waning waning power power Caine; ssquandered. quandered. Both Both he he and and the the little little boy boy aare re p laying characters characters that that seem seem older older playing tthan han they they are. are. Th he 1987 1987 setting setting is is used used because because of of the the The po litics; Th hatcher’s d ark shadow shadow llies ies over over politics; Thatcher’s dark tthis his o ld folks folks h ome, even even though though I didn’t didn’t old home, rrecall ecall any any sspecific pecif ic m ention of of the the Iron Iron mention B aroness. B ut C rowley doesn’t doesn’t show show any any Baroness. But Crowley p a rt i c u l a r s e n s i t i v i t y t o t h e s e a g e d a c t ors; particular sensitivity to these aged actors; tthey hey play play their their parts part r sb roadly, llike ike extras extras broadly,

iin n TV’s TV’s Waiting Waiting ffor or G God. od. S Still, till, aamong mong tthe he palsied p alsied oldsters oldsters at at tthe he h home ome is is R Rosemary osemary r Harris, Harris Aunt H arris, a sstill-vital till-vital aactress. ctress. H arris iiss A unt May M ay from from tthe he Spider-Man Spider-Man movies, movies, her her most maybe not her best m ost popular popular if if m aybe n ot h er be st work. w ork. I remember remember something something better, better, how h ow well well her her own own precision precision and and staginess staginess worked Player w orked when when she she was was tthe he P layer Queen Queen King aagainst gainst Charlton Charlton Heston’s Heston’s Player Player Ki ing in in Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet. Here plays K enneth B ranagh’s H amlet. H ere sshe he p lays over a dancer dancer with with a plastic plastic lleg, eg, mooning mooning o ver not tthe he sshoes hoes she she once once wore. wore. It’s Itt’s n ot a part part tthat hat ggoes oe o s aanywhere—she’s nywhere—she’s just just there there to to ggrieve—but rieve—but a movie movie this this cclumsily lumsily edited edited power ccan an use use any any star star po wer iitt can can borrow. borrow. The The title title shows shows some some kind kind of of proud proud aanti-entertainment nti-entertainment streak, streak, a tterrible errible business llack ack of of show show b usiness acumen acumen tthat hat iisn’t sn’t justified justif ied by by the the Mike Mike Leigh–style Leigh–style have been brought ttoughness oughness that that could could h ave be en b rought iin. n. As As it it happens, happens, I ssaw aw iitt in in aan n eempty mpty ttheater: heater: a self-fulfilling self-fulf illing prophecy prophecy fulfilled. fulf illed. IISS ANYBODY ANYBODY T THERE? HERE? ((PG-13; PG-13; 9 955 m min.), in.), ddirected irected by by John John Crowley, Crowley, written written by by Peter Peter H arness, photographed photographed by by Rob Rob Hardy Hardy and and Harness, sstarring tarring Michael Michael Caine Caine and and Bill Bill Milner, Milner, opens op ens F riday at at the the Nickelodeon Nickelodeon in in Santa Santa Cruz. Cruz. Friday

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CChrome hrome P Poisoning oisoning ‘‘X-Men X--Men n Origins: Wolverine’: W o verine ol erine’:: clawed The cla awed one ggot ot his start start in n Canada —who knew? — wh ho kne w? 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0 G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


EFINITIION of EFINITION of a rreboot: eboot: ttake ake out eeverything verything iinteresting nteresting o ut of of a ssuccessful uccessful eentertainment ntertainment with aand nd rreplace eplace iitt w ith ssomething omething less less interesting interesting but but slightly slightly newer. newer. The The XXMen has handsome Men sseries eries h as aass iits ts aantihero ntihero a h andsome loner loner of of a mutant mutant who who learns learns to to care care for for his his fellow fellow creatures. creatures. By By contrast, contrast, the the prequel prequel X-Men X-Men Origins: Origins: Wolverine Wolverine is is a movie movie about about a guy guy with with cool cool metal metal claws claws that that pop pop out out of of his his knuckles. knuckles. Hugh Jackman’s Jackman’s hero heero is, is, it turns out, actually more more than 150 1550 years years old and the son of a person person who w owned a large large two-story two -story house in Canada’s Canada’s Northwest North hw west Territories in the 1840s Territories e 1840s (kind of an achievement achie hi vement in itself i lff ); moreover moreover he h has h a psycho psycho half-brother halff-br - otherr called called Victor Viictor (Liev (Liev Schreiber), know Schreiber), later known wn as Sabretooth— Sabretooth— ranked ranked No. No. 193 of thee 200 200 best best Marvel Marvel villains of all time by by Wizard Wiizarrd magazine poll! poll! Apparently, Apparently, Victor Victor and and “Jim “Jim Logan� Loggan� fought fought in in every every U.S. U.S. war war since since the the Civil Civil War, War, side side by by side. side. Victor Victor was was enjoying enjoying it it all all too too much, much, so so Logan Loggan fled f led to to Canada Canada to to become become a lumberjack lumberjack and and live live with with a vaguely vaguely Native Native American American schoolmarm schoolmarm called called Kayla Kaayla Silverfox Silverfox (Lynn (Lynn Collins) Collins) in in a humble humble cottage cottage that that looks looks like like a cardiologist’s cardiologgist’s vacation vacation chalet. chalet. But But “The “Th he Man� Man� won’t won’t let let him him be. be. The Th he man man is is Gen. Gen. Stryker, Stryker, a military military type type with with oak-leaf oak-leaf clusters clusters on on his his oakoak-

</7: 07B3@ Hugh < /7: 07B3@ Hugh Ja Jackman ckman (left) (left) and and Liev Liev Schreiber Schreiber are are red red in in tooth to oth and and claw claw in in ‘X-Men ‘X-Men Origins: Origins: Wolverine.’ Wolverine.’

leaf cclusters. leaf lusters. D Danny anny Huston, Huston, agreeably agreeably sslimy limy in in the the past, past, is is no-help no -help here here and and llooks ooks mostly mostly aass gguilty uilty as as a w hipped whipped d og. A fter tthe he vvengeful engeful V ictor attacks attacks dog. After Victor Ka ayla, our our hero hero agrees agrees to to llet et the the U .S. Kayla, U.S. m ilitary eelectroplate lectroplate h is skeleton skeleton with with military his aadamantium. damantium. Itt’s a painful painful Frankensteinian Frankensteinian It’s eexperiment, xperiment, leaving leaving W olverine o n Wolverine on tthe he run run aand nd a wanted wanted man. man. He He finds f inds rrespite espite for for a moment moment at at Ma Ma and and Pa Pa K ent’s ffarmhouse—excuse armhouse— excuse m e, they’re they’re Kent’s me, ccalled alled tthe he H udsons. F or tthat hat m atter, the the Hudsons. For matter, vvintage intage Australian Australian actor actor Max Max Cullen, Cullen, w ho plays plays the the crusty crusty old old h ayseed, gives gives who hayseed, u p 10 10 first-rate f irst-rate minutes. minutes. But But then then iit’s t’s on on up tthe he road road again, again, leaping leaping on on helicopters helicopters aand nd slashing slashing sstuff. tuff. Gavin Hood’s Hood’s semianonymous semianonymous Gavin d irection lleaves eaves Jackman Jaackman and and Schreiber’s Schreiber’s direction C GI- created avatars avatars either either running running at at CGI-created eeach ach other other llike ike horny horny rhinos rhinos o stuck iin n orr stuck eepisodes pisodes o lo -mo sstuff-strutting tuff-strutting that that off sslo-mo w ould have have looked looked n ovel in in Hong Hong K ong would novel Kong

action movies action movies of of the the 1990s. 1990s. Schreiber Schreiber h has as ccalled alled tthe he rrole ole o ictor “Shakespearean. “Shakespearean.� off V Victor W here’s tthe he S hakespeare iin n tthis his Where’s Shakespeare aadamantium-skulled damantium-skulled script? script? For her her part, part, the the lovely lovely and and JuilliardJuilliardFor ttrained rained Collins, Collins, w ho played played Portia Portia tto o Al Al who P acino’s Shylock, Shylock, recites recites a “story “story of of the the Pacino’s m oon ggoddess� oddess� ttale ale that that sounds sounds like like iitt moon w as rread ead o ff a tourist tourist postcard. postcard. M aybe was off Maybe tthe he m ilitary d id something something to to her her bones, bones, military did ttoo; oo; sshe’s he’s aass stiff stiff as as a board. board. Collins is is not not in in Wolverine Wolverine much, much, Collins aand nd sshe’s he’s about about aass m uch woman woman as as much tthe he m ovie gets. gets. Previous Previous adventures adventures movie d emonstrated that that Jackman’s Jackman’s Wolverine Wolverine demonstrated w as aatt his his most most fetchingly fetchingly Byronic Byronic was w hen tthere here was was a w oman at at his his sside. ide. when woman T his one one jjust ust h as him him wanderin’ wanderin’ from from This has V egas ((where where h has a sub-Popeye sub--P Poppeeye boxing boxing Vegas hee has m atch with with K evin Durand’s Durand’s ffat-suited at-suited match Kevin B lob) tto o New New O rleans ((where where h meets Blob) Orleans hee meets T aylor K itsch’s Gambit, Gambit, the the ccard-trick ard-trick Taylor Kitsch’s m utant who who is is such such a favorite favorite w ith mutant with ttoday’s oday’s undiscerning undiscerning comic-book comic-book ffans). ans).

After A fter tthose hose romantic romantic llocations, ocations, tthe he ffilm ilm decides decides tto o end-game end-game iin n ccentral entral P ennsylvania. Pennsylvania. I’ll grant grant that that the the staging staging of of the the final f inal I’ll d uel vvisually isually rhymes rhymes w ith Stan Stan Lee’s Lee’s duel with o riginal concept concept o he X -Men as as “The “The original off tthe X-Men C hildren of of the the Atom. Atom.� B ut tthe he ffinal inal Children But ffight ight iiss m ore o video ggame ame really really more off a video aand nd iiss sso o heavily heavily ssynthesized ynthesized tthat hat ffew ew m oments have have aany ny p unch tto o tthem. hem. moments punch O ne rremembers emembers tthe he ffirst irst X -Men w ith One X-Men with W olverine d iscussing his his cclaws laws w ith Wolverine discussing with A nna P aquin and and how how iitt h urt ““every every Anna Paquin hurt ttime. ime.� H ere, h randishes the the scimitars, scimitars, Here, hee b brandishes sstriking triking ssparks parks o ff tthem, hem, llike ike a ccounty ounty off ffair air pitchman pitchman demonstrating demonstrating Ginzus. Ginzus.

X-MEN X -MEN ORIGINS: ORIGINS: WOLVERINE WOLVERINE (PG-13; (PG-13; 1107 07 m min.), in.), ddirected irected bbyy G Gavin avin H Hood, o o d, written w ritten bbyy D David avid B Benioff enioff and and SSkip kip W Woods, oods, pphotographed hotographed by by Donald Donald McAlpine McAlpine and and sstarring tarring H Hugh ugh J Jackman ackman aand nd LLiev iev SSchreiber, chreiber, pplays lays ccountywide. ount ywide.

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LLong o n g IIsland s l a nd LLolita olita ‘L ‘Lymelife’ Lyym meliffee’ is a ’70s-era ’70s-era romantic romantic ssatire a e that atir doesn’t doesn’t need to to traffic trafffiic iin n simple nostalgia n nos talgia 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0 G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


HEN H EN A Adventureland dventureland ccame ame out, mentioned o ut, I m entioned tthat hat part off tthe p art o he ffilm’s ilm’s ccharm harm was was obviously w as tthat hat iitt w as o bviously made Holden made by by people people who who rrealized ealized tthat hat H olden Caulfield highly Caulf ield was was a snob. snob. IIn n tthe he h ighly tticklish icklish Lymelife, which Lymelife, there’s there’s a sscene cene iin nw hich tthe he seemingly seemingly all-knowing all-knowing but but troubled troubled ggirl irl Adriana word Adriana Bragg Bragg uses uses the the w ord ““phony. phony.� Her her Her best best pal, pal, Scott Scott ((who who llongs ongs tto o be h er boyfriend), plate: bo oyfriend), steps steps up up tto o tthe he p late: ““Phony?! Phony?! Are book kid Are you you reading reading that that boo b k aabout bout tthe he k id who private who runs runs away away ffrom rom p rivate sschool?� chool?� Set Long Railway Set in in a tick-bitten tick-bitten L ong IIsland sland R ailway suburb Derick suburb during during the the late late ’’70s, 70s, D erick Martini’s Marrtini’s deft deft romantic romantic comedy comedy ffollows ollows Scott’s Scott’s seemingly seemingly hopeless hopeless thing thing for for Adriana. Adriana. She She is is played played by by Emma Emma Roberts, Roberts, Eric Eric Roberts’ Roberts’ daughter daughter and and the the niece niece of of Julia, Julia, in in a true true breakout breakout part. part r. Roberts Roberts seemed seemed pretty pretty enough enough in in Hotel Hotel for for Dogs, Doggs, but but there there wasn’t wasn’t a sense sense of of any any reserves; reserves; here, here, she she zeroes zeroes in in on on the the kind kind of of oddball oddball heartbreaker heartbreaker that that makes makes a movie movie worth worth seeing seeing more more than than once. once. Airily Airily talking talking about about the the older older guys guys she she likes likes to to date, date, this this 15-year-old 15-year- old swans swans around around in in a jumbo-necked jumbo-necked sweater sweater and and oversized oversized beret, beret, undoubtedly undoubtedly the the “bippity-boppity “bippity-boppity hat� hat� David David Bowie Bowie was was singing singing about about in in “Queen “Queen Bitch. Bitch.� During During a Christmas Christmas party, party, Adriana’s Adriana’s dark dark hair hair is is adorned adorned with with a cluster cluster of of artificial artif icial mistletoe. mistletoe. “When “When a girl girl wears wears mistletoe mistletoe

@3/2 /<G A/:7<53@ :/B3:G- Ror y C @3/2 /<G A/:7<53@ :/B3:G- Rory Culkin ulkin bbeats eats aaround round tthe he bbush ush with Roberts w ith EEmma mma R ob erts iin n ‘‘Lymelife.’ Lymelife. f ’

in her in her hair, hair, iitt u usually sually means means one one tthing, hing,� sshe he says, says, ttrying rying tto oh elp S cott o ut. Itt ttakes akes help Scott out. S cott a m inute tto o gget et h er m eaning. Scott minute her meaning. Rory Culkin Culkin plays plays the the discomfited discomf ited Rory S cott, w ho iiss m igrating o ut o tar W ars Scott, who migrating out off SStar Wars ffascination ascination iinto nto m ore iinteresting nteresting rrealms. ealms. more JJust ust b ack ffrom rom A rmy b oot ccamp amp iiss h is back Army boot his o lder b rother, Jimmy Jimmy ((Kieran Kiieran C ulkin, older brother, Culkin, aanother nother m ember o his ssuave, uave, ccreamreammember off tthis ccolored, olored, o ddly d epressed-looking aacting cting oddly depressed-looking d ynasty). Itt sseems eems likely likely JJimmy immy w ill b dynasty). will bee d eployed tto oh elp tthe he B ritish A rmy iin n deployed help British Army iits ts F alklands aadventure: dventure: ““to to b hot b Falklands bee sshot byy S pics� iiss tthe he w ay tthese hese ffatalists atalists ssuggest uggest Spics� way iitt w ill h appen. S cott’s ffather, ather, Mickey, Mickey, will happen. Scott’s iiss p layed b lec B aldwin, aatt h is m ost played byy A Alec Baldwin, his most p ortly aand nd ssnake-eyed. nake-eyed. L ike sso om any portly Like many b eefyy, sself-important elf-important Realtors, Realtors, Mickey Mickey beefy, iiss a p hilanderer, ccheating heating o nh is w ife, philanderer, on his wife, B renda ((Jill Jill H ennessy), w ith A driana’s Brenda Hennessy), with Adriana’s m om, M elissa ((Cynthia Cynthia N ixon). mom, Melissa Nixon). M eanwhile, A driana’s ccuckolded uckolded ffather, ather, Meanwhile, Adriana’s C harlie ((Timothy Timothy H utton), p ale aass Ki K ing Charlie Hutton), pale King H amlet’s gghost, host, ssweats weats his his w ay through through Hamlet’s way a tterrific errif ic b out o yme d isease. ““It’s Itt’s llike ike bout off L Lyme disease. ap erpetual aacid cid ttrip, rip,� h ays. C himerical perpetual hee ssays. Chimerical d eer, llike ike tthe he b ucks w hose tticks icks ggave ave deer, bucks whose C harlie tthe he ssickness, ickness, k eep aappearing ppearing aatt Charlie keep

the w the window indow o off tthe he h house, ouse, undeterred undeterred by by tthe he rrifle if le h e’s ccarrying arrying aaround round tthe he p lace. he’s place. Despite the the tendency tendency for for the the Despite ggrandeelike randeelike B aldwin tto o ttip ip tthe he ffilm ilm iin n Baldwin h is o wn d irection, Lymelife Lymelife seems seems one one his own direction, of the the most most acute acute comedic comedic memoirs memoirs of of of that bad bad era. era. It It only only touches touches on on ’70s ’70s that nostalgia, such such as as Scott Scott practicing practicing his his nostalgia, Trravolta moves moves in in the the mirror, mirror, when when Travolta not poring poring over over Oui Oui magazine, magazine, so so not useful for for the the masturbating-for-dear-life masturbating-for-dear-life useful adolescents of of the the period. period. On On the the scale scale of of adolescents satire, it’s it’s closer closer to to Peter Peter Bagge’s Bagge’s comiccomicsatire, book stories stories of of Jersey Jersey than than The The Ice Ice Storm, Storm, book look at at the the same same era era that that is is more more a look suffused with with moral moral tragedy. tragedy. Oddly, Oddly, suffused Mickey’s eventual eventual redemption redemption seems seems Mickey’s less like like the the wrap-up wrap-up of of a sitcom sitcom than than less mirror for for the the Reagan Reagan era’s era’s return return of of a mirror paternalism: a new new and and different different kind kind of of paternalism: hustle for for a hustler hustler to to play. play. hustle LYMELIFE (R; LYMELIFE (R; 95 95 min.), min.), directed directed by by D erick Martini, Martini, written written by by Derick Derick Derick aand nd Steven Steven Martini, Martini, photographed photographed by by F rank G odwin aand nd sstarring tarring Alec Alec Baldwin, Baldwin, Frank Godwin R ory Culkin Culkin and and Emma Emma Roberts, Roberts, plays plays at at the the Rory D el M ar aand nd tthe he N ickelodeon iin n SSanta anta C ruz. Del Mar Nickelodeon Cruz.

%" j 47:; may 6-13, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;


SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY MAY 8 – THURSDAY MAY 14 “Stunning! A family friendly wildlife film‌ naturally uplifting with brilliant images.â€? –BBC

Disney Nature Presents NARRATED BY JAMES EARL JONES Daily: (2:20), (4:40), 7:00, 9:00


plus Sat, Sun (12:20)

(3:20), (5:20), 7:20, 9:20 plus Sat, Sun (1:20) ENDS SOON! Daily

3<:756B3< C> (R)

“A smart & affecting coming-of-age comedy!� (R)

–New York Magazine Daily (5:00), 7:10

“Startlingly funny with standout performances!� –Variety L Alec Baldwin Rory Culkin NA ! FI EEK Timothy Hutton Cynthia Nixon W

Emma Roberts


Once Daily (3:00)

Paul Rudd

Jason Segel

I LOVE YOU, MAN(R) Once Nightly

<3E 1/>A (Unrated; 90 min.) Director Kate Churchill’s documentary about yoga, in which her belief that it can transform anyone’s life leads her to skeptic Nick Rosen, who agrees to be her guinea pig. Does it work? Will the entire Santa Cruz economy fall apart if it doesn’t? (Opens Fri at the Nickelodeon.) (SP) 7A /<G0=2G B63@3- (PG-13; 103

min.) See review, page

69. (Opens Fri at the Nickelodeon.) :7BB:3 A6=> =4 6=@@=@A (1986)

The original DVD for Little Shop of Horrors, which finally made available over 20 minutes of footage that had made up the original ending, was recalled, catapulting it into legend as the second-most collectible DVD in history (after Criterion’s recalled edition of Pasolini’s Salo). That ending featured the main characters getting eaten and Audrey’s

Movie reviews by Steve Palopoli and Richard von Busack

minions taking over the world to the tune of “Don’t Feed the Plants.� Director Frank Oz switched it for the better-known happy ending after it bombed with preview audiences, but producer David Geffen owns the footage. When he learned Oz had put it on the DVD, he ordered it recalled. It was going on eBay for somewhere around $300. In an unrelated story, the thing that creeps me out about this movie is that I truly believe

Orin Scrivillo, DDS, is probably the closest thing most of us have seen to what Steve Martin is really like under that forced-smile comedic exterior. I think about a lot of odd things. (Plays Fri and Sat midnight at Del Mar.)(SP) <3FB 2/G /7@ (R;

90 min.) Shipping employees find a package of drugs and think they’ve hit the jackpot. Apparently they’ve never seen any movie about anyone who finds a package of drugs and thinks

they’ve hit the jackpot. (Opens Fri at Santa Cruz 9.) (SP) A</B16 (2000)

Just when we were beginning to think Tarantino rip-offs had reached their expiration date, writerdirector Guy Ritchie’s breakthrough Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels came along and proved they could still have juice. What made that film great was not so much the done-todeath quirky-criminal elements, but rather the strong characters and incredibly funny

writing. Ritchie must have realized this, because he finally moved out of Q.T.’s shadow by nailing his own style with the far more inventive Snatch two years later. There is, however, a nice spoof of Reservoir Dogs at the beginning (this time the thieves are discussing the Virgin Mary, get it?) And in another Madonnarelated story, this movie uses “Lucky Star�— Swept Away would soon prove that’s about as much Madonna as an audience should be

9:30 + Sat, Sun (12:50) & Fri, Sat Night 11:30pm Midnights @ The Del Mar Fun! Prizes! Feed Me!

Little Shop of Horrors (PG-13) Fri 5/8 & Sat 5/9 @ Midnight Next Week: Brick


Showtimes are for Wednesday, May 6, through Wednesday, May 13, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

F ;S\ =`WUW\a( E]ZdS`W\S –Daily 2:25; 4:50; 7:15; 9:40; plus Fri-Wed noon. AbObS ]T >ZOg –Wed-Thu 11:20; 1:50; 4:20; 7; 9:40; Fri-Wed 11:20; 1:50; 4:30; 7:20; 9:50 AbO` B`SY –Thu 7; 9:45; Fri-Wed 10:50; 1:30; 4:15; 7; 9:45. % /UOW\ –Wed-Thu 11:50; 2:10; 4:30; 6:45; 9:10.

9:40; 10:10; Thu no 8; Fri-Wed 1:15; 1:45; 2:20; 3:50; 4:20; 6:30; 7:15; 7:45; 9:10; 9:45; 10:15; plus Fri-Sun 10:30am; 11:15am; 11:45am. AbO` B`SY –Thu 7; 7:30; 8; 9:55; 10:30;10:55; Fri-Sat 10:15am; 10:40; 1:05; 1:35; 2:05; 4; 4:30; 5; 7; 7:30; 8; 9:55; 10:30; 10:55; Sun 10:15am; 10:40; 1:05; 1:35; 2:05; 4; 4:30; 5; 7; 7:30; 8; 9:55; 10:25; Mon-Wed 1:30; 2:05; 4; 4:30; 5; 7; 7:30; 8; 9:55; 10:25. 5V]aba ]T 5W`ZT`WS\Ra >Oab –Wed-Thu 2; 4:40; 7:15; 9:50; Fri-Wed 1:55; 4:15; 6:50; 9:20; plus Fri-Sun 11:30am. =PaSaaSR –Wed 2:35; 5:05; 7:45; 10:15; Thu 2:35; 5:05; 10:15; Fri-Wed 2:10; 4:45; 7:20; 10; plus Fri-Sun 11:40am. 4WUVbW\U –Wed 2:05; 4:30; 7:20; 9:55; Thu 2:05; 4:30; 7:20. AbObS ]T >ZOg –Wed-Thu 1; 3:50; 6:45; 9:30; Fri-Wed 4:50. % /UOW\ –Wed 1:50; 4:10; 6:50; 9:20; Thu 1:50; 4:10. 7 :]dS G]c ;O\ –Wed 2:30; 5; 7:50; 10:20; Thu 2:30; 5; Fri-Sun 11:25am; Mon-Wed 1:05. A\ObQV—Thu 8pm.

23: ;/@

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 17<3;/A

/>B=A 17<3;/A

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541

STARTS FRI 5/8! “Caine leads an impeccable cast in a story that is as touching as it is funny!� –Empire

Michael Caine

Bill Milner

IS ANYBODY THERE? (PG-13) Daily (3:20), (5:20), 7:20, 9:20 plus

Sat, Sun (1:10) STARTS FRI 5/8! “A fascinating and inspired documentary about yoga with a welcome sense of humor!� –The New York Times

Sat, Sun (1:00)

STARTS FRI 5/8! “Undeniably noble & beautiful! A wise and lovely film.� –The New York Times



‘HALF NELSON’ Daily (2:20), (4:40), 7:00, 9:25 plus

Sat, Sun (12:00) “A remarkable film showing the incredible hardships people will endure in order to reach El NortÊ‌ riveting from start to finish!â€? –Roger Ebert A FILM BY


Daily (2:50), (5:00), 7:10, 9:10 plus

Sat, Sun (12:40)

( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm

Jamie Foxx

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/A

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500

A SKEPTIC’S JOURNEY INTO THE WORLD OF YOGA Daily (3:00), (4:50), 6:50, 8:40 plus

BVS A]Z]Wab –Daily 1:50; 4:10; 6:40; 8:50; plus Sat-Sun 11:30am. Ac\aVW\S 1ZSO\W\U – Daily 4; 8; plus Sat-Sun noon. ;]\abS`a da /ZWS\a –Daily 2; 6.

Robert Downey Jr.

3O`bV – Wed-Thu 2:20; 4:40; 7; 9:10; Fri-Wed 2:20; 4:40; 7; 9; plus Sat-Sun 12:20pm. /RdS\bc`SZO\R –Wed-Thu 2:30; 4:50; 7:10; 9:30; Fri-Wed 5; 7:10. Ac\aVW\S 1ZSO\W\U –Daily 3:20; 5:20; 7:20; 9:20; plus Sat-Sun 1:20. 7 :]dS G]c ;O\ –Fri-Wed 9:30; plus Fri-Sat 11:30pm; plus Sat-Sun 12:50. :g[SZWTS –Fri-Wed 3. :WbbZS AV]^ ]T 6]``]`a –(Fri and Sat only) midnight.


Sat, Sun (11:30am)

ENDS SOON! Daily (4:00), 8:00 plus

Sat, Sun (12:00)


(PG) Daily (2:00), 6:00 COMING SOON! Gael GarcĂ­a Bernal & Diego Luna in ‘Rudo y Cursi’ 5/15 Jennifer Aniston & Steve Zahn in ‘Management’ 5/15 Cornel West in ‘Examined Life’ 5/15

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees

F ;S\ =`WUW\a( E]ZdS`W\S –Daily 2; 3; 4:30; 5:30; 7; 8; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun

11:30am; 12:30. BVS 5V]aba ]T 5W`ZT`WS\Ra >Oab –Daily 1:50; 4:25; 6:50; 9:10; plus Sat-Sun

11:25am. AbO` B`SY –Thu 7; 8:15; 9:40; Fri-Sun 2:15; 3:30; 5:15; 6:30; 8:15; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun

Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500

11:30; 12:30. 4WUVbW\U –Wed-Thu 2; 4:30; 7:10; 9:30. 3O`bV –Daily 2:10; 4:20; 6:40; 9; Sat-Sun 11:50. % /UOW\ –Wed-Thu 2:20; 4:40; 7; 9:20.

7a /\gP]Rg BVS`S- –(Starts Fri) 3:20; 5:20; 7:20; 9:20; plus Sat-Sun 1:10. AW\ <][P`S –Wed-Thu 2:50; 5; 7:10; 9:20; Fri-Wed 2:50; 5; 7:10; 9:10;

4=F B63/B@3

plus Sat-Sun 12:40. 3\ZWUVbS\ C^ –(Starts Fri) 3; 4:50; 6:50; 8:40; plus Sat-Sun 1. AcUO` –(Starts Fri) 2:20; 4:40; 7; 9:25; plus Sat-Sun 12. :g[SZWTS –Wed-Thu 3:20; 5:20; 7:20; 9:20. >O`Wa !$ –Wed-Thu1:50; 4:15; 6:50; 9:15. BVS 7\T]`[S`a –Wed-Thu 2:20; 9:35. 3dS`ZOabW\U ;][S\ba –Wed-Thu 4:25; 7.

6O\\OV ;]\bO\O( BVS ;]dWS –Fri-Sun 5:15; plus Sat-Sun1:15; 3:15. 4Oab 4c`W]ca –Fri-Sun 5:15; 7:15; 9:15; plus Sat-Sun 1:15; 3:15. ;]\abS`a da /ZWS\a –Fri-Sun 5:15; 7:15; 9:15; plus Sat-Sun 1:15; 3:15. 4WUVbW\U –Fri-Sun 7:15; 9:15; plus Sat-Sun 5:15.



Daily (1:50), (4:10), 6:40, 8:50 plus

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3261

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 BVS A]Z]Wab –Daily 4; 7; 9:45; plus Fri-Sun 1. ;]\abS`a da /ZWS\a –Wed-Thu 4:15. =PaS`dS O\R @S^]`b –Wed-Thu 6:45; 9:30.

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 <Sfb 2Og /W` –(Starts Fri) 1; 3:15; 5:30; 7:50; 10:10; plus Fri-Sun 10:50am. F ;S\ =`WUW\a( E]ZdS`W\S –Wed-Thu 1:45; 2:15; 2:45; 4:20; 4:50; 5:20; 7; 7:30; 8;

Maple and Main streets, Watsonville 831.724.1220

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 AbO` B`SY –Fri-Wed 1:45; 2:45; 4:30; 5:30; 7:05; 8:30; 9:35; plus Sat-Sun 11am; 12. F ;S\ =`WUW\a( E]ZdS`W\S –Daily 1:20; 2:20; 3:45; 4:45; 6:05; 7:05; 8:30; 9:30;

plus 11am; noon. 5V]aba ]T 5W`ZT`WS\Ra >Oab –Daily 1:05; 3:10; 5:15; 7:25; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11am. =PaSaaSR –Daily 1:30; 4:45; 7:15; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. 4WUVbW\U –Wed-Thu 3; 5:10; 7:25; 9:35. BVS A]Z]Wab –Wed-Thu 1:25; 4:30; 7; 9:25; Fri-Wed 1:25; 4:30; plus Sat-Sun 11am. 3O`bV –Daily 1:15; 3:15; 5:15; 7:15; 9:15, plus Sat-Sun 11:15am. % /UOW\ –Wed-Thu 1:05; 3:10; 5:20; 7:30; 9:35; Fri-Wed 7; 9:15. AbObS ]T >ZOg –Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:20. ;]\abS`a da /ZWS\a–Wed-Thu 1.

j %#

A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 6-13, 2009 47:;

AC5/@ (R; 128 min.)

A Dominican baseball star is recruited to play in the minor leagues in Iowa on his way to fulfilling his dreams of a pro career. Sort of like how real baseball works, without the steroids. (Opens Fri at the Nick.) (SP)

@3D73EA /2D3<BC@3:/<2

(R; 106 min.) The intelligence and malaise level in Adventureland are fairly high considering that the film is, deep in its bones, a barf, boner and bong teen comedy. The action is set in the summer of 1987. James (Jesse Eisenberg) is a Holden Caulfieldish privileged student expecting the European tour after graduating high school, but his father’s money has run out, and James will have to land a job somewhere to pay for tuition to Columbia. At the amusement park called Adventureland he meets Em (Kristen Stewart), a sharp but quiet girl heading to NYU, and Joel (Martin Starr), a povertystricken intellectual. Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig play the couple running the amusement park. (RvB) 3/@B6 (G; 90 min.) It’s Disney’s Earth, we just live here. James Earl Jones rumbles on the soundtrack as the sunrise is viewed from outer space. Holding the series of critter encounters together is the plight of a polar bear family—“Dad,� “Mom� and two cubs, an heir and a spare— during the course of a year. The stunning small effects make more of an impression. Remarkable time-lapse photography pans gently across a valley while observing the yearly change of a forest of deciduous trees from bare branches to scarlet leaves. Otherwise, it’s the usual: shark vs. seal, polar bear vs. walrus, lions vs. elephant, and cheetah vs. gazelle.

To the organization’s credit, Disney bites the bullet: “The planet is warming,� Jones says, leaving no room for backpedaling. Very, very cute, and the ending is somehow happy and comforting, just like the critter shows one drowses through at the end of a beery Sunday. (RvB) 3D3@:/AB7<5 ;=;3<BA (Unrated;

131 min.) Maria Heiskanen plays a working-class Finnish mother living in Sweden in the first 20 years of the last century. She settles down with the brutish Sigfrid, called Siggi (Mikael Persbrandt), but is touched by the attentions of Pedersen (Jesper Christensen), who owns a camera store. Director Jan Troell has a great gift with this period, as he showed in The Emigrants (1971) and The New Land (1972). It took skill not to make this story a temperance melodrama. (RvB) 4756B7<5 (PG-13;

105 min.) In the future, all movies will have generic titles that describe their ingredients. Citizen Kane will be renamed Monopolizing. The Big Lebowski will be renamed Arguing. Last Tango in Paris will be called Fucking. So this action f lick starring Terrence Howard and Channing Tatum about the world of underground street fighting is way ahead of the curve. (SP) 56=ABA =4 57@:4@73<2A >/AB

(PG-13; 100 min.) Matthew McConaughey is a bachelor literally haunted by his past relationships. Sounds scary, I know, but it could be worse. I heard this was originally going to be called The Ghosts of Shitty Movies Past, and have Matthew McConaughey being forced to watch all the crap films like Sahara, Failure to Launch and Two for the Money that he’s inf licted on the rest of us. (SP) 6/<</6 ;=<B/</( B63 ;=D73 (G; 102

min.) This movie is

about a young superstar who has trouble coping with the meteoric fame of her character Hannah Montana. So I was thinking it must be a narcissistic vanity project for Miley Cyrus—you know, “waah, my life as a spoiled child millionaire is so hard.� Turns out I’m completely wrong! The character she plays in the movie is named “Miley Stewart.� Totally different. Wow, do I feel like a Judgy Judy or what? (SP) 7 :=D3 G=C ;/<

(R; 112 min.) Nebbishy L.A. Realtor Peter (Paul Rudd) is going to get married. He doesn’t have a best man for his wedding, since he’s always been a man who preferred woman’s company. After a series of failed “man-dates,� he finds his perfect buddy, an overgrown boy of an investor named Sydney ( Jason Segel, of Forgetting Sarah Marshall), but the friendship becomes obsessive to the point where Peter’s fiancee, Zooey (Rashida Jones), has enough. Rudd’s charmingly out-of-it qualities are at their best in a scene where he tries to play 007 during a tuxedo fitting. Just like jerks in real life, Sydney is refreshing in tiny doses, and Rob Huebel and Jon Favreau are good playing different varieties of bastards, covert and overt, respectively. And yet in some ways, the film gave me the creeps worse than any Frat Packer yet; was it director John Hamburg’s beige, deracinated L.A., with its exotic excursion to Chinatown? Was it the supposedly hilarious repeated bit about Sydney refusing to curb his dog, so that everyone has to step in it? Maybe it’s just the way this and the many, many comedies like it keep doggedly patrolling the supposedly indivisible line between men and women—and making that line the biggest comedic cul-de-sac since they buried Neil Simon. (RvB)

43@</<2= 1/:H/2/

expected to handle in one Guy Ritchie film. (Plays Thu at Santa Cruz 9.) (SP)

B63 7<4=@;3@A (R; 98 min.) Nihilistic rich kids party while their loser parents run the world. Yup, it’s a Bret Easton Ellis movie. (SP) :G;3:743 (R; 103 min.) See review, page 73. ;=<AB3@A DA /:73<A (PG; 94 min.)

Reese Witherspoon, Seth Rogen, Hugh Laurie and Rainn Wilson voice the creatures in this animated tribute to 1950s watch-the-skies tales, which features monsters and aliens being cute. It’s a real technical feat but is hampered by a sense of restraint. (RvB) =0A3@D3 /<2 @3>=@B (R; 106

min.) Not all that laughable. Director Jody Hill seems to be coming to the end of the rope in a scene where he has star Seth Rogen and Aziz Ansari saying “Fuck youâ€? to each other for about a minute and a half. Still, one respects the aggressiveness; if there weren’t some spine to this comedy, some of its outrages wouldn’t stick in so many people’s craws. Barney Fife morphing into Travis Bickle isn’t a plot, it’s a mashup, and Hill (The Foot Fist Way) starts with an ordinary farce before going far darker. Seth Rogen plays the badge-crazed guard at a shopping mall; he has a witless, hopeless crush on Brandi (Anna Faris), a cosmetics salesgirl. When Brandi is upset by a f lasher, Ronnie takes on the case to avenge her. Hill’s catch-as-catch-can direction gives Faris a chance to go all the way with pop-eyed blonde venom. It’s a horrendously knowing caricature of mall girl heading to some fearful Last Call. Only someone that pretty could be so ugly. (RvB) =0A3AA32 (PG-13; 109 min.) A successful guy (Idris Elba) becomes the target of a female stalker (Ali Larter), much to the chagrin of his wife (BeyoncĂŠ). It’s a Fatal Attraction–type thriller by director Steve Shill,

B63 A6=E Algeniz Perez Soto is Miguel Santos, a gifted Dominican pitcher with a shot at the majors, in ‘Sugar,’ opening Friday. who is moving up from a variety of prestigious TV shows (Dexter, Rome, The Sopranos) to the big screen. >/@7A !$ (PG-13; 128 min.) In 1936, the meek, bald Pigoil (GĂŠrard Jugnot) turns himself in to the coppers for murder; once he worked at Paris’ peeling old Chansonia Theater, and in f lashback we see what happened during the turbulent year 1936. This busy, badly edited, graceless musical has a heady background. Director Christophe Barratier’s camera sets some kind of record for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The film’s wrong-footforward approach never fails, right up to the Stella Dallas ending. (RvB) % /5/7< (PG-13; 102 min.) Matthew Perry is a thirtysomething who wishes he could be a teenager again and magically turns into Zac Efron. Coincidentally, this is also Matthew Perry’s real-life backup plan for reviving his career. (SP) A7< <=;0@3 (R; 96 min.) UCSC grad Cary Fukunaga’s startling debut concerns the cross-Mexico run of a doomed gangbanger (Edgar Flores) and the

girl who comes to love him, Sayra (Paulina Gaitan). For a young first-time feature filmmaker, Fukunaga has succeeded at reconciling the tragedy and beauty of this life on the run. The movie contains multitudes: pearlescent dawn shots of smoking volcanoes, barrios seen from the crowded top of a freight train. There are lyrical interludes of refuge at stops along the rail yards where the travelers bathe and are fed. Be warned that this passionately told, moody film includes the horrific side of urban Mexican life. Could Sin Nombre be the first post-hip-hop urban movie? (RvB) B63 A=:=7AB (PG13; 117 min.) On again, off again true-life story of a deranged street musician (Jamie Foxx) who turns out to have spent time at Juilliard; this and more is teased out during his troubled friendship with his Boswell (Robert Downey Jr., very good and very dry), an L.A. Times columnist named Steve Lopez. The highlight is the nigh-apocalyptic view of the city’s boiling homeless encampment, like something out of

Bosch. The backstory of Lopez’s romantic troubles, a fictional subplot borrowed from His Girl Friday is by contrast about as believable as a bum’s tale about why he needs a dollar. Foxx does some artistically athletic turns—he switches gears fast—but his hammy, babbling rain-man gets on the nerves, and his acting in the f lashback scenes is almost risible. The Soloist demonstrates one of the essential marks of simple-minded scriptwriting: the idea of that the disturbed have a special conduit to the divine. (RvB) AB/@ B@39 (PG-13; 136 min.) See review, page 67. AB/B3 =4 >:/G (PG13; 117 min.) Good but underpowered journothriller remake of the British miniseries, with a likable Russell Crowe as Cal McAffrey, a rumpled slob of a “Washington Globe� investigative reporter. McAffrey covers the shooting of a petty thief in Georgetown, as well as the clipping of a witness. Somehow involved in it all is a congressman (Ben Aff leck), Cal’s college roommate. The sign of the times in this movie

is Cal’s partnership with a young blogger (Rachel McAdams) who learns that the whole conspiracy is more than a sex-scandal sideshow. The film is at its most likable when it comes down against the derailment of worthwhile political careers by the morals clause, especially in the face of more genuine menaces to society. (RvB) AC<A67<3 1:3/<7<5

(R; 102 min.) In Albuquerque, two sisters get into the lucrative field of cleaning up after dead bodies. Christine Jeff ’s mostly pleasant comedy of death and bloodshed is lit up like a pink lamp shade by the everlovable Amy Adams and given some dark highlights by Emily Blunt as her grimier sibling. The film seems trampled over by a producer’s cold feet, but what’s left has charm and hard-nosed humor. With Alan Arkin as the feckless father of the sisters—looking fit as usual, Arkin; he’ll probably get a shovel and bury us all some day. (RvB) F ;3< =@757<A( E=:D3@7<3 (PG-13;

108 min.) See review, page 71.

%$ j may 6-13, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 6-13, 2009

& j may 6-13, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Epicure. Ep picure.

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A / < B/ 1 @ C H 1 = ; m may a y 6-13, 6 - 1 3 , 22009 0 0 9 3>71C@3 3>71C@3

FFoxx oxx in in the the Vineyards V i n eya r d s >6=B= 0G 83<< 7@3:/<2 > 6=B= 0G 83<< 7@3:/<2

An af afternoon fternoon with Pru Prudy udyy Foxx, Fox xx, grape grape ggoddess oddess 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0 G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


T’S POSSIBLE T’S POSSIBLE that that somewhere somewhere d eep iin n tthe he S anta C ruz deep Santa Cruz M ountains, a vvintner intner iiss h oarding Mountains, hoarding tthe he aancient ncient fformula ormula ffor or ggrowing rowing p erfect ggrapes. rapes. F or eeveryone veryone eelse, lse, tthere’s here’s perfect For P rudy F oxx. Prudy Foxx. V iticultural cconsultant, onsultant, ttroubleshooter roubleshooter Viticultural aand nd ttomboy omboy cconnoisseur, onnoisseur, F oxx k nows Foxx knows h er w ay aaround round a vvineyard. ineyard. A rmed w ith her way Armed with b iochemical eexpertise, xpertise, F oxx ttakes akes tthe he biochemical Foxx p ulse o ome o he ccostliest ostliest p roduce pulse off ssome off tthe produce rraised aised aanywhere nywhere iin n tthe he w orld. S he w alks world. She walks tthe he vvines ines w ith w inemakers w ho w ant tto o with winemakers who want k now eexactly xactly w hat’s ggoing oing o n iin n ttheir heir know what’s on vvineyards, ineyards, w hen tto op rune, w hen tto ow eed when prune, when weed aand nd w hen tto op ick. ““Most Most w inemakers when pick. winemakers w ant a h ow-to gguidebook uidebook tto o ggrowing rowing want how-to tthe he ggrapes. rapes. But But that’s that’s not not how how it it works, works,� sshe he llaughs. aughs. B orn into into an an Indianapolis Indianapolis ffamily amily Born o awyers, F oxx ggot ot h er h ands d irty off llawyers, Foxx her hands dirty sstudying tudying o rganic ffarming arming iin nW ashington organic Washington S tate. Itt w asn’t a h uge sstretch tretch tto o aafterfterState. wasn’t huge h ours b iodynamic w inemaking. A nd hours biodynamic winemaking. And tthat hat p repared h er ffor or a llife-changing ife- changing prepared her m ove tto o Bonny Bonny D oon. R andall G rahm’s move Doon. Randall Grahm’s ccelebrated elebrated ccellars, ellars, h owever, tturned urned o ut however, out tto ob nly tthe he sstart tart o oxx’s jjourney, ourney, bee o only off F Foxx’s n ot h er ffinal inal d estination. not her destination. ““These These are are incredibly incredibly vigorous, vigorous,� sshe he ssays, ays, p robing tthe he rrobust obust p inot n oir probing pinot noir vvines ines aatt S oquel V ineyards’ ssloping loping aacres. cres. Soquel Vineyards’ C rimson cclover lover ccarpets arpets tthe he rrows ows o Crimson off o rganically ffarmed armed p inot, ttestament estament tto o organically pinot, F oxx’s d edication tto o ssustainable ustainable vvineyard ineyard Foxx’s dedication p ractices llike ike ccover over ccropping ropping aand nd o rganic practices organic m ethods. methods. L ight and and air, air, light light aand nd aair: ir: F oxx Light Foxx iinvokes nvokes h er vvineyard ineyard m antra. ““It’s Itt’s her mantra. eessential ssential ffor or d isease m anagement,� disease management, sshe he d eclares. S he p oints tto od appled declares. She points dappled ssun un aand nd sshade hade iinflecting nf lecting eeach ach aalmost lmost

E=;3< /<2 E7<3 E =;3< /<2 E7<3 Prudy Prudy Foxx Foxx among among pinot pinot noir noir vines vines in in Soquel Soquel Vineyard. V i n e ya rd .

more with needs.’ SShe he ccalls alls ppinot inot ggrapes rap es ‘‘definitely d e f i n i te l y m ore fe ffeminine,’ minine,’ w ith ‘‘very ver y sspecific p ecif ic n eeds.’

supernaturally ggreen supernaturally reen lleaf. eaf. ““What What yyou ou want w ant iiss tthis his sstippled tippled llighting. ighting. This This iiss iideal. deal.� At At least least iitt iiss ffor or pinot pinot noir, noir, a ggrape rape notorious n otorious for for iits ts complex, complex, llabor-intensive abor-intensive needs. ggrowing rowing n eeds. “Cabernet “Cabernet is is a masculine masculine grape grape with with off h hang ttough ough skins. skins. Itt llikes ikes tto o jjust ust kind kind o ang out, o ut,� Foxx Foxx jjokes. okes. ““Pinot Pinot is is definitely def initely more more m ore feminine, feminine, m ore ttender—with ender—with vvery ery needs. sspecific pecif ic n eeds.� Energetic Energetic and and tanned, tanned, Foxx Foxx is is also also a pest mother llicensed icensed p est control control aadviser dviser aand nd m other off two o two tween-age tween-age ssons. ons. Managing Managing over ttop op vineyards vineyards for for o ver a decade, decade, sshe he pre-emptive sspecializes pecializes iin np re-emptive vviticulture. iticulture. Today progress off T oday she’s she’s eexamining xamining tthe he p roggress o pinot ffast-growing ast-growing p inot vvines, ines, sstrategizing trategizing tto o maintain m aintain tthe he plant’s plant’s ccrucial rucial balance. balance. ““An An unbalanced u nbalanced vvine ine iiss tterrible, errible,� sshe he iintones, ntones, off sstripping tripping o ff lleaves eaves to to rreveal eveal ttight, ight, off b buds. cchartreuse hartreuse cclusters lusters o uds. ““Timing Timing iiss The plant sso o critical critical iin n tthe he vvineyard. ineyard. Th he p lant iiss busy aalways lways b usy fforming orming iitself tself iin n aadvance, dvance, sso o we’re w e’re always always tthinking hinking ttwo wo yyears ears aahead. head.� Our Our afternoon afternoon ends ends at at Richard Richard Alfaro’s A lfaro’s ttasting asting rroom. oom. “He “He knows knows tthe he grapes and he does lots of his own grapes and he does lots of his own lab lab

work,� sshe work, he says says approvingly. approvingly. W Wee ttaste aste ttwo wo vvintages intages o inot n oir m ade ffrom rom off p pinot noir made tthe he Lester Lester Family Family Vineyards, Vineyards, which which F oxx d esigned aand nd p lanted 110 0 yyears ears aago. go. Foxx designed planted S he’s ssatisfied atisf ied with with h ow tthe he ggrapes rapes aare re She’s how sshowing howing iin n tthe he b ottle. ““There’s There’s n od irect bottle. no direct lline ine ffrom rom ssugar ugar aand nd acid acid tto ow ine,“ sshe he wine,“ rreminds eminds m with aan n eeasy asy smile. smile. ““It’s Itt’s a mee with jjourney. ourney.� Christina W Christina Waters aters w writes rites aabout bout fo food, o d, w wine, ine, oorganics rganics aand nd local local personalities pers r onalities at at version w A llonger onger v ersion ooff tthis his article article is is available available oon n tthe he site. site.

/ E 7 < 3 B= :=D 3 / E7<3 B= :=D3 The new new 2008 Muscat M from from Ca’ Caa’ del Solo—deftly Solo — defftly t exotic exottic and aromatic, aromaticc, and salt, with notes nottes e of honeysuckle hon neeysuckle y a mineral heart and a a crisp, crisp, minty mintt y ffinish. iinish. At At 12.5 percent per e cent alcohol, alcohol, drinkability. a study in extreme extrem me drinkabilit t y. Try T ry it with seafoods, seaffoods, Camembert, Caamembert, bbarbecued arbecued veggies. veggggiees. $18.

& j 27<3@¸A 5C723

may 6-13, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Brain B raai ra rai ain in Boosters Bo B oo o ossstte o te r s

Nutrition N u t r iiti utr itttii o on ffor or T or The h e Wise he W ise i see Years Year Ye e arr s ea 20

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Wednesday, W ednesda e y, M May ay 13

He a l t h



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Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

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Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadorian pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm. ’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close. 3 &"

Epicure. Ep picure. e

j &! &!

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A / < B/ 1 @ C H 1 = ; m may a y 6-13, 6 - 1 3 , 22009 0 0 9 3>71C@3 3>71C@3

Granola G ranola School S h l The crunch crunchy hy treat isn’t justt ffor treat isn’ ’t jjus or o hippies an aanymore nyymore 0G /@7 :3D/CF 0 G / @ 7 : 3 D/C F


HEN I was HEN was 1177 yyears ears o old, ld, I cconducted onducted m ollege myy ccollege ssearch earch w ith the the h elp o with help off ab ook tthat hat ccompared ompared book vvarious arious sschools chools iin n sseveral everal iimportant mportant ccategories, ategories, ssuch uch aass tthe he rratio atio o irls tto o off ggirls b oys, h ow ggood ood tthe he ffood ood w as, aand—oh nd—oh boys, how was, yyeah—academics. eah—academics. One of of the the categories, categories, measured measured on on One a sscale cale o o 55,, w as h ow ““granola� granola� tthe he off 1 tto was how sschool chool w as. T his iindicator ndicator ccrunched runched was. This sseveral everal ccriteria, riteria, ssuch uch aass tthe he aamount mount o off aarmpit rmpit aand nd lleg eg h air w orn b he aaverage verage hair worn byy tthe ffemale emale sstudent, tudent, ttie-dyes ie-dyyees p er ccapita, apita, b are per bare ffeet eet p er cclassroom lassroom aand nd tthe he q uantity, per quantity, iin n ggallons allons p er m inute, o atchouli o il per minute, off p patchouli oil p oured u pon tthe he sstudent tudent b ody. G ranola poured upon body. Granola w as, iin n eessence, ssence, tthe he n ew w ay o aying was, new way off ssaying ““hippie. hippie.� S chools w ith llots ots o ippies Schools with off h hippies w ere k nown aass ““granola granola sschools. chools.� were known Although at at the the time time I wasn’t wasn’t quite quite Although ssure ure iiff ggranola ranola w as a ggood ood tthing hing o ot was orr n not iin n tthis his ccontext, ontext, llooking ooking b ack I ccan an aatt back lleast east ssay ay iitt w as aan n aappropriate ppropriate tterm. erm. was In the the early early 1970s, 1970s, when when I was was kneekneeIn h igh tto o a ffire ire h ydrant, m rother high hydrant, myy b brother C harles llived ived iin n a ccommunity ommunity ccalled alled Charles W hitehorse V illage iin nn orthern U tah’s Whitehorse Village northern Utah’s C ache V alley. “We “We were were an an alternative alternative Cache Valley. b unch iinto nto m aking d own-homey m usic bunch making down-homey music w hile n ot o verly cclothed, lothed,� h ays o he while not overly hee ssays off tthe W hitehorse V illage ccrew. rew. A urns Whitehorse Village Ass iitt tturns o ut, d own-homey m usic w asn’t tthe he o nly out, down-homey music wasn’t only tthing hing m rother w as m aking. myy b brother was making. When Charles Charles wasn’t wasn’t playing playing the the When b ucket-bass iin nW hitehorse V illage, h as bucket-bass Whitehorse Village, hee w was a sshepherd hepherd n ear tthe he C ontinental D ivide. near Continental Divide. Th here, aatt S heep C amp, w hen h asn’t There, Sheep Camp, when hee w wasn’t ffeeding eeding h is h orses, cchasing hasing ccoyotes oyotes o his horses, orr p laying h armonica aatt tthe he sswimming wimming h ole, playing harmonica hole, h as k nown tto om ake rreally eally ggood ood ggranola. ranola. hee w was known make “My friend friend Carolee Carolee embroidered embroidered me me a “My

B63 5=:23< ;3/< B 63 5=:23< ;3/< Wise Wise cooks co oks don’t don’t let let their their granola granola roast roast ““aa shade shade past past golden.� golden.�

shirt w shirt with ith tthe he w words ords ““Charlie Charlie G Granola, ranola,� Charlie walked C harlie rrecalled ecalled rrecently. ecently. ““She She w alked days Sheep mee tthree hree d ays to to S heep Camp Camp to to ggive ive m tthat hat sshirt hirt aand nd tto o eat eat ssome ome ggranola. ranola.� “I “I used used to to make make big big batches batches in in a wood wood burning sstove, tove, b urning ssagebrush agebrush ffor or fuel, fuel,� he he ssaid. aid. Camp was 9,400 ““Sheep Sheep C amp w as aatt 9 ,400 ffeet eet aalong long Utah/Wyoming would tthe he U tah/ Wyoming lline. ine. I w ould ssaddle addle up Snooper dawn morning u pS nooper at at d awn ffor or tthe he m orning herd, make midday h erd, m ake ggranola ranola in in m idday and and play play on metal off m myy ffiddle iddle ttunes unes o n tthe he m etal rroof oof o cchuckwagon huckwagon iin n tthe he aafternoon. fternoon.� He He fiddled f iddled with with his his cappuccino cappuccino maker maker hee ttold mee tthis, aass h old m his, 330-plus 0-plus yyears ears llater, ater, having way off m many h aving ggone one tthe he w ay o any fformer ormer hippies. Wee w were his new kitchen, h ippies. W ere iin nh is n ew k itchen, which w hich has has ggranite ranite ccountertops ountertops aand nd a when knob. sstove tove tthat hat llights ights w hen yyou ou tturn urn a k nob. “I “I phased phased out out making making granola granola when when moved back hee ssaid Im oved b ack tto o ccivilization, ivilization,� h aid wistfully. w istfully. Alas, Alas, time time is is relentless. relentless. The Th he last last wild wild off A Amazon being ttribes ribes o mazon IIndians ndians aare re b eing wee sspeak, drive ccontacted ontacted aass w peak, Eskimos Eskimos d rive Walmart, ssnowmobiles, nowmobiles, ccowboys owboys sshop hop aatt W almart, fformer ormer ggranola ranola cclassmates lassmates are are working working at at dotcom dotcom ccompanies ompanies and and Charlie Charlie

Granola has Granola has ttraded raded in in his his h horse orse ffor or a rriding iding llawnmower. awnmower. But But like like those those ccurled urled photographs Whitehorse yyellowed ellowed p hotoggraphs ffrom rom W hitehorse Village, wee ccan hold onto V illage, tthere here are are ways ways w an h old o nto Unlike old pictures, tthe he past. past. U nlike llooking ooking at at o ld p ictures, Charlie Granola’s ffollowing ollowing C harlie G ranola’s ggranola ranola rrecipe ecipe yields yields posterity posterity you you ccan an eeat. at. IIn n ffact, act, yyou ou pretty pretty much much ccan’t an’t sstop top eeating ating iit. t. Since Since his his granola granola recipe recipe is is adapted adapted ffrom rom wood-fired wood-f ired sstoves toves tto o ccivilized ivilized kitchens, k itchens, these these ttemperatures emperatures and and ccooking ooking ttimes imes aare re aapproximate. pproximate. To To some some extent, extent, so so are are the the ingredients. ingredients. part ““The The trickiest trickiest p art was was convincing convincing the the boss up Charlie b oss tto o bring bring u p tthe he iingredients, ngredients,� C harlie ssaid. aid. “In “In 1973, 1973, tthe he sstore tore iin n Woodruff, Woodruff, Utah, U tah, was was a ggas as station, station, ggrocery rocery store store aand nd post office p ost o ff ice aall ll in in one. one. They They sold sold Velveeta, Velveeta, Oscar Mayer Wonder Bread. O scar M ayer aand nd W onder B read.� So So here here goes: goes: while while the the oven oven preheats preheats degrees, wet tto o 3375 75 d egrees, mix mix the the ffollowing ollowing w et maple iingredients: ngredients: 33/4 /4 ccup up m aple ssyrup, yrup, 1/2 1/2 ccup up oil ssafflower aff lower o il aand nd 1 ttablespoon ablespoon vvanilla anilla eextract. xtract. Then Then mix mix the the following following dry dry oats; orr 2 iingredients: ngredients: 5 ccups ups rrolled olled o ats; 1 o cups of cashews; a cup of pecans cups of cashews; cup of pecans aand/or nd/or

sliced almonds; sliced almonds; 1 ccup up dried, dried, sshredded hredded ccoconut; oconut; 11/3 /3 cup cup sesame sesame seeds; seeds; aand nd 1 11/2 /2 teaspoons teaspoons ground ground cinnamon. cinnamon. Mix together toggether the the wet wet and and dry dry Mix iingredients ngredients aand nd sspread pread eevenly venly o nto onto aan no iled o ven p an or or ccast ast iiron ron skillet. skillet. oiled oven pan T he spread spread granola granola should should be be aabout bout The 11/2-to-3/4-inch /2-to-3/4-inch thick. thick. Place the the pan pan in in the the hot hot oven oven and and Place p repare the the second-stage second-stage ingredients: ingredients: prepare 1 ccup up dried dried cranberries cranberries o cherries and and orr cherries 1 ccup up each each ccalimyrna alimyrna figs f igs aand nd d ates dates ((pitted pitted d ates are are easier easier to to w ork w ith), dates work with), b oth cut cut iinto nto peanut-size peanut-size pieces. pieces. both “Sometimes the the dates dates and and figs f igs are are “Sometimes m oist aand nd ssticky, ticky, and and while while b eing ccut ut moist being iinto nto little little p ieces tthey hey begin begin to to b unch up up pieces bunch iinto nto an an ever-growing ever-growing m ound,� Charlie Charlie mound, G ranola ssays. ays. “I “I n eed that that about about as as Granola need m uch aass a wounded wounded rabbit rabbit needs needs a much h ungry ccoyote. oyote. S o I keep keep the the little little ffellers ellers hungry So sseparated eparated b pooning o n white white fflour lour byy sspooning on aand nd w orking it it in in as as needed. needed.� working Baking time time can can be be 25 25 minutes minutes or or Baking q uite a b it longer, longer, d epending on on h ow quite bit depending how tthick hick your your mixture mixture is is in in the the pans pans and and 3& &# #

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 6-13, 2009 27<3@¸A 5C723

Do it for Mom!

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 6-13, 2009 3>71C@3

Epicure. 1 &!

what kind of oven you’re using. Don’t stir for the first 10 minutes or so, then keep it moving with frequent stirs after that until it approaches golden brown. When it starts to turn, mix in the chopped fruit. Don’t let the brown darken a shade past golden.

We were in Charlie’s new kitchen, which has granite countertops and a stove that lights when you turn a knob. ‘I phased out making granola when I moved back to civilization,’ he said wistfully. By this point, the whole house will smell like a 1970s sheep camp—in a good way. Be prepared for drooling friends, family and perhaps an army of hippies to show up in your kitchen, lured by the smell. If you have any granola left over after the initial assault, store it in jars after it’s cooled. Unlike many hippies, my brother Charlie Granola was the real deal— earthy, simple and soulful—and his granola is proof. Watching the way it gets devoured by everyone, at every time of day, makes me question common assumptions about “hippieâ€? and “granola.â€? Charlie’s granola isn’t just for hippies anymore, and it’s not just for breakfast anymore, either. And while the world may keep turning, and student bodies keep changing, Charlie’s kitchen, wood-burning or newfangled, will remain my favorite granola school. Ă

&$ j may 6-13, 2009 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 6-13, 2009

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 6-13, 2009 /AB@=:=5G

Astrology. Free Will

By Rob

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Santa Cruz, near the Crepe Place and Rio Theatre At your service everyday from 10-9 since 1978

For the week of May 6 /@73A (March 21–April 19): When they pray, Muslims face the Kaaba, a cube-shaped building in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Every mosque around the world typically has a niche that shows the precise direction of that holy place. Recently, however, worshipers have discovered that many of the older mosques in Mecca itself have niches that aren’t pointing the right way. They’re concerned that the prayers they’ve dispatched in the past weren’t aimed correctly. Is it possible that there’s a comparable scenario in your life, Aries? Might you be filled with righteous intentions, but not quite delivering them to the correct location? If so, this is an excellent time to make adjustments.

B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): In recent decades, many British people with unfortunate surnames have changed them. There are now 40 percent fewer Shuff lebottoms, while the numbers of Cockshotts and Smellies have also declined precipitously. Meanwhile, back in the United States, the government has rebranded its notorious Global War on Terror, shifting to the more palatable “Overseas Contingency Operation.� I hold these examples up for your inspiration, Taurus. It’s a good time to alter any name or title you’ve outgrown, as well as any label that no longer fits or any category you’d like to leave behind. 53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): I’m going to quote a few pieces of advice from a piece I found on the Internet, “15 Fun Things To Do During a Big, Important Test.� I trust that this will stimulate your imagination in all the right ways as you get ready for your metaphorical version of a final exam. 1. Bring your own private cheerleaders in uniform. Have them cheer loudly whenever you answer a question. 2. Haul in a large, f lamboyant idol. Set it next to you and pray to it often. 3. Bring a friend to give you a massage the entire time. Insist this person is needed because your thoughts f low properly only when your circulation is enhanced. 4. Every now and then, clap twice rapidly. If the teacher asks why, say, “The light bulb that goes on above my head when I get an idea is hooked up to a Clapper. DUH!�

1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): Buster Posey is an up-and-coming baseball player for the San Francisco Giants. The poetic incongruity of his name is so apt a symbol for your imminent future, I’m making him your patron saint. According to my reading of the omens, you’ll be called on to be like a “Buster�—a macho, pushy, no-nonsense dude who gets things done—but you will also find power in being as delicate and lovely and innocent as the small f lower bouquet known as a posey. Sometimes it’ll make sense to be one or the other. On other occasions, you’ll benefit from being in both modes simultaneously. :3= (July 23–Aug. 22): The Amazing Race is a reality TV show in which two-member teams compete for money and prizes by doing odd feats in exotic locales. One especially stupid and awesome task they performed was carrying 50-pound wheels of cheese down a slippery hill in Switzerland. Everyone started out hauling the wheels on cumbersome wooden backpacks, but hardly anyone was able to make it to the bottom without falling, breaking the backpacks, and having to manually herd the runaway cheese the rest of the way. I foresee a similar fate for you, Leo. You’ll be asked to do things that are both fun and frustrating, all in a cause that in the long run will be worthwhile. D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): One of the most successful managers in baseball history was Casey Stengel. His New York Yankee teams won the world championship seven times. Before the 1953 season, when the Yankees had already won four consecutive World Series, he made the observation that “If we’re going to win the pennant, we’ve got to start thinking we’re not as smart as we think we are.� I hope some version of those words will come out of your mouth soon, Virgo. As savvy and crafty as you are, you’ll have to become even more so in order to pull off the victory that’s almost within your grasp. :70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): This notice appeared on a bulletin board at a local nightclub that features hip hop DJs: “Missing: my great-grandmother’s necklace, which dropped off my neck while I was krump dancing last Saturday. It might have happened when I was doing a head spin. The necklace has three strands of pearls and a pendant engraved with ‘To Florence,

Free Public Parking at Cayuga & Soquel O (831)429-9600 1927.’ Contact Monique.� I call this to your attention, Libra, because I think it’s possible that you’ll have an experience somewhat akin to Monique’s. Playing exuberantly in a very modern style could result in you losing something from the old days. Unlike Monique, though, I bet your loss will be liberating.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): BBC reported on the growing number of “spiritual tourists� who shop around in their search for inner peace. “We are entering a world,� said one expert, “where people aren’t interested in whether something is true or not, or whether they believe it or not, but whether it works.� That would be a good prescription for you in the coming months, Scorpio. I recommend that you reject any idea or theory or practice unless it has the practical value of making you feel more at home in the world and more accepting of yourself.

A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): I encourage you to attempt a difficult feat: For a few days, dissolve every burst of anger that rises up in you. Squash it. Wrestle it into submission. Attack it with love bombs. If you can eradicate the fury at its source, never even letting it ripen, that would be best. But the most important thing is to use all your ingenuity to keep your hostility, irritation, and snark from reaching the surface and spilling out. And why should you try this seemingly impossible experiment? Because according to my analysis of the omens, it would bring unexpected improvements in your physical and mental health. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): Did you hear about the older Korean woman who has failed her driving test 800 times? Or the American man who has filled out job applications at 25 Pizza Huts in 20 cities without being hired? Or the British artist who has completed over 5,000 paintings even though no gallery has ever shown his work? There is something about you that resembles those persistently frustrated people—or at least has resembled them up until now. Soon, I predict, the dogged efforts you’ve made will finally pay off in at least a modest success, and perhaps even more if you’ll make an effort to free your mind of its backlog of sad images.

/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): According to polls, more than half the population believes they are fantastic kissers. How did they get that way? Some people say they have rehearsed extensively by smooching the backs of their own hands or rubbing their lips up against posters of celebrities. Whether you’ve tried these techniques or have developed other strategies, Aquarius, I advise you to bone up on your skills. Not this week, but soon, you will be entering a prime romantic phase of your astrological cycle—a time when you will have the potential to accomplish wonders and marvels with your mouth. >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): How do you deal with those three periods every year when Mercury is retrograde, as it is between May 7 and 30? I’d like you to consider the meditations of artist and activist Gabrielle Senza: “I think of Mercury retrograde as a big obnoxious Rottweiler on a chain that bares its teeth, lunging and barking as I walk by. I can choose to experience it in one of three ways: (1) as a frightening moment that catches me off guard; (2) as a humorous interlude that allows me to make fun of what I’m afraid of because I know it can’t hurt me; (3) as an opportunity to change my route, usually leading to some wonderful surprise that rewards my instinct to willingly depart from my plans and projections.�

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Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

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METRO MAY-HEM @ the Oakland Metro Fri May 15th 2009. Fighting The Villain, Stereo Freakout, Fear The Fiasco, Superfinos VTO, Picture Me Broken, Solcraft. Doors at 6pm, show starts early at 7pm. Tickets are available at

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Check out this home for an extreme value! Nearly 1200 sq. ft home with 2 bedrooms and 1 and a half baths. The kitchen features hickory cabinets and Corian counters with newer appliances included in sale, There are vaulted ceilings with operable skylights for light and ventilation. Both upstairs and down have large sunny decks and there is a hot tub on the lower deck. Call us, we’ll show you why this home is a must see! PRICED AT $299,000. Team Thomas with David Lyng R.E. 831/402-2442

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THE MARKET IS MOVING Your Ad Here! Inventory is still high and interest rates are still at all time lows! These 2 factors make it a perfect time to start your home shopping! Call Team Thomas with David Lyng R,E. 831/402-2442

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Real Estate Sales

Bloom Grade. 5 acres. TPZ. Private road. Serene and quiet. By the golf course. Ridge-top view. Beautiful. Power and water. Pad cleared. $289,000. Shown by appointment only. Contact Deborah J. Donner, Donner Land and Mortgage Co., Inc. 408/3955754 or

Boulder Creek 10 acres. Rough and rugged and a beautiful spot right on top! Long private bumpy road. Private road association. Good owner financing. $215,000. Shown by appointment only. Contact Deborah J. Donner, Donner Land and Mortgage Co., Inc. 408/395-5754 or

Boulder Creek A Beautiful spot! 16 acres. Pre-site development review completed. It used to be a helicopter landing pad. Full sun, tremendous views. Easy access. Good well. E-Z location. Timber Preserve Zoning. $485,000. Shown by appointment only. Contact Deborah J. Donner, Donner Land and Mortgage Co., Inc. 408/395-5754 or

Boulder Creek

40 acres. Timber Preserve Zoning. Creek frontage. Wild and serene. Off grid. Private Boulder Creek - WALK Road. Small ridge top site. Good owner TO WORK This commercial/residential prop- financing offered. $295,000. erty has much to offer. This 3 bed- Shown by appointment only. room 2 bath home has a separate Contact Deborah J. Donner, commercial building with garage. Donner Land and Mortgage Both units have their own private Co., Inc., Broker at fenced yards. This property is in a 408/395-5754 or great location on the main street and has plenty of parking. Priced at $415,000. Team Thomas with David Lyng R.E. 831/ 402-2442 or 408/307-4178

Pacific Sun Properties 734 Chestnut Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.471.2424 831.471.0888 Fax

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C L ASS I F I E DS may 6-13, 2009 S a n t a c r u z .co m

Santa Cruz Weekly’s




S a n t a c r u z .co m may 6-13, 2009 C L ASS I F I E DS

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Medicann - Med. Marijuana Evaluations Get Rid of Stress and Depression Find out how NOW! Call 1-800-293-MIND Lic. MD 866-632-6627 Free I.D. card 24/7 verification. Doctor/patient confidentiality. Discount for MediCal, MediCare and veterans.

Wanna Be In Movies?

Chapter 7 - Bankruptcy $975 + Costs Robert M. Haight, Attorney 831/438-6610

Mother’s Day Portrait Fundraiser

Marketing Executive

Dress up your little one in Mom’s favorite dress & shoes for this Mother’s Day Fundraising Portrait Event being held by Flip’s Photos, Inc. at 38 Mt. Hermon Rd. in Scotts Valley. On May 8th & 9th all children’s portrait session fees will be donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Contact us now for scheduling at 831-722-6043

Work from Home in the Green Economy. No selling. No investment. No risk. Green makes sense for a better tomorrow. Make a difference. Go to and click on Request Info.

Film & TV acting classes starting now! Free DVD & consultation with working actor Ralph Peduto. Call (831) 475-UACT (8228). Be a pro, work with one. Training pros since ‘86.

Amerivespa the American Scooter Rally Vespa Club of America and Vespa Club Los Gatos present Amerivespa 2009 in the Silicon Valley on July 2-5, 2009. Register online now at for admission to all events for $75. The July 4th Day Show will be held at Saratoga Springs with vendors, tech sessions, scooter concourse, Vespa build off, scooter gymkhana (skill course), awards bbq dinner, and Vespa raffle.

Bathroom & Kitchen Tiling & Repairs For all home repairs. Reliable and Reasonable. For Free Estimates. Call Ray 831/477-1998



The Santa Cruz Farmers Market is booking its spring 2009 season of music for the Live Oak and Westside Farmers Markets. Support local farmers, promote your band, bring home the bacon and have fun at the same time! We are looking for lively upbeat music, especially of the bluegrass persuasion. Musicians are encouraged to contact

Inventory is still high and interest rates are still at all time lows! These 2 factors make it a perfect time to start your home shopping! Call Team Thomas with David Lyng R,E. 831/402-2442

The Divorced Fathers Network Advocates of shared parenting, are proud to announce a new chapter in San Jose. DFN is a nonprofit group offering peer support for divorced fathers with the goal of improving the lives of children, fathers and mothers after divorce. DFN holds free meetings the first and third Tuesday nights of each month in San Jose. Please call 831/335-5855.

New Windshields Installed For Under $195 That’s right, we will come to your home or work and put in a new windshield in your vehicle. FOR UNDER $195. Santa Cruz Auto Glass. 831-688-4431.

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Your Ad Here! Advertise in Metro Santa Cruz and your ad will automatically run online! Print plus online. A powerful combination. Call 408/200-1329!

Vendors Wanted - It’s Not Too Late 20th Anniversary Boulder Creek Art, Wine and Music Festival May 23- 25 - Memorial Day weekend. Food, artisan, commercial, imports, business, corporate spaces available. Email or call Michael at 408.504.4162.

Ayurveda - Acheive Vital Health & Personal Power Pregnant? Considering Adoption?

OWE 10K OR MORE to the IRS? Need Tax Relief? Call Effectur NOW for a FREE Consultation. We can help! 800-989-0518

Talk with caring agency specializing in matching birthmothers with families nationwide. Living expenses paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866/413-6293

METRO MAY-HEM @ the Oakland Metro Fri May 15th 2009. Fighting The Villain, Stereo Freakout, Fear The Fiasco, Superfinos VTO, Picture Me Broken, Solcraft. Doors at 6pm, show starts early at 7pm. Tickets are available at

At Gateways Books in Santa Cruz - Free! Wednesday, May 6 2009, 7:00pm - 8:30pm Mount Madonna Institute College of Ayurveda presents “How to Achieve Vital Health and Personal Power Through Ayurveda. Event Location: Store: 831-429-9600

To advertise in Santa Cruz Weekly call 831.440.3860

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