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February 24-March 3, 2010 Vol. 1, No. 43

Extremists The Banff Mountain Film Fest tracks wild men and women to the ends of the earth p13

Mavs Stud Speaks p7 | A Year of Working Dangerously p21 | Real Colima Wows Waters p37

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february 24-march 3, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; february 24-march 3, 2010 1=<B3<BA

Contents. P OSTS













p26 p28








ON THE COVER Climber Chris Sharma on Mount Clark. From the film ‘First Ascent: Impossible Climb.’

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>=ABA ffebruary e b r u a r y 24-march 2 4 - m a r c h 3, 3 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; " j >=ABA

Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

327B=@7/: 327B = =@7/: EDITOR E D I TO R B@/ 17 6C97:: 6 B@/17 6C97::

(traci@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (traci@santacruzweekly.com) STAFF WRITERS WRITERS STAFF @716/@2 D=< 0C CA/19 @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 (richarrd@santtaacruzweeekly.com m)) (richard@santacruzweekly.com) 1C@B7A 1/@ / B73@ 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ (curtis@santacruzweekly.com) (curtis@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=> 83AA71/ :CAA3 3<6=> (jessica@santacruzweekly.com) (jessica@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) CONTRIBUTING CONTRIBUTING EDITOR E D I TO R 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A CALENDAR EDITOR E D I TO R CALENDAR >/C: E/5<3@ >/C: E/5<3@ (calendar@santacruzweekly.com) (calendar@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) POETRY EDITOR E D I TO R POETRY @=03@B AE/@2 @=03@B AE/@2 EDITORIAL INTERN INTERN EDITORIAL ;/@7/ 5@CA/CA9 C /A ;/@7/ 5@CA/CA9/A 1/B 8=6<A=< 1/B 8=6<A=< CO N T R I B U TO R S CONTRIBUTORS @=0 0@3HA<G @=0 0@3HA<G ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 7@3:/<2 /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 7@3:/<2 AB3>63< 93AA:3@ A1=BB AB3>63< 93AA:3@ A1=BB ;/11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 ;/11:3::/<2 <CBH:3

13;3B3@G¸A <= 13;3B3@G¸A <= > /@97<5 :=B >/@97<5 :=B GILBERT S GILBERT STEIN TE EIN Nm may ay sspeak peak ffor or R Rabbi abbi C Cooper ooper ((“Pique “Pique O ver a P arking L ot,â€? P osts, Fe eb. 117). 7). Over Parking Lot, Posts, Feb. B ut ssurely, urely, d espite h is aauthoritative uthoritative tone tone and and But despite his w hitewash of of history, history, S tein d oes n ot sspeak peak ffor or whitewash Stein does not tthe he ffamilies amilies o hose b uried u nder tthe he “parking “parking off tthose buried under llot. ot.â€? And And surely surely S tein d oes n ot sspeak peak ffor or 6 0o he Stein does not 60 off tthe o ldest aand nd most most prominent prominent Palestinian Palestinian families families oldest ffrom rom Je erusalem tthat hat rrecently ecently p etitioned tthe he U .N. Jerusalem petitioned U.N. tto oh alt tthe he m useum o n a ccemetery emetery p roject. halt museum on project. The cemetery cemetery Stein Stein describes describes as as a parking parking lot lot The iiss o ver 8 00 yyears ears o ld. He He neglects neglects tto om ention over 800 old. mention iitt was was iin n continuous continuous u se u ntil 11948 948 w hen tthat hat use until when p art o erusalem w as ccaptured aptured iin n Israel’s Israel’s ““War War part off Je Jerusalem was o ndependence.â€? Palestinians Palestinians llost ost 778 8p ercent o off In Independence. percent off ttheir heir lland and w est o he Jo ordan River River and and 7750,000 50,000 west off tthe Jordan rrefugees efugees fled f led o ere fforced orced o ut o heir h omes orr w were out off ttheir homes aand nd n ot aallowed llowed tto o rreturn. eturn. It’s Itt’s no no w onder tthe he not wonder P alestinians call call the the 1948 1948 war war “the “the catastrophe. catastrophe.â€? Palestinians Is srael’s p aving a m ajor h istoric ccemetery emetery ffor or Israel’s paving major historic ap arking llot ot ssurely urely w ould q ualify aass o ne o parking would qualify one off m any ccontinuing ontinuing aaspects spects o hat disaster. disaster. many off tthat

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Send let letters teerrs ttoo Santa Santa Cruz Weekly, Weekly e y, let letters@santacruz.com teerrs@san s nttaacruz.com or ttoo A Attn: ttn: LLetters, ettteeerrs, 115 Co ett et C Cooper ooper e St., Sant San Santaa Cruz, uz 95060. 060. Inclu Include udee cit city ittyy and phone clarity inaccuracies known us. phone number number or email address. address. Submissions Subm missions mayy be be edited editteed for for or length, length cl le leng laritt y or or factual factual ac a inac a curacies racies know nown ttoo us s.


When W hen Is Israel’s srael’s H High igh C Court ourt rruled uled iin n ffavor avor off tthe museum project 2008, Israeli o he m useum p roject iin n2 008, tthe he Is sraeli Antiquities Authority withheld Chief A ntiquities A uthority w ithheld iits ts C hief Excavator’s not bee E xcavator’s cconclusion onclusion tthat hat tthe he ssite ite sshould hould n ot b on aapproved pproved ffor or cconstruction onstruction o n unexcavated unexcavated layers layers off M Muslim dating back o uslim ggraves raves d ating b ack tto o tthe he 111th 1th ccentury. entury. One only uproar Stein would O ne ccan an o nly iimagine magine tthe he u proar S tein w ould orr tthe rraise aise iiff Iran Iran o Ir he Palestinian Palestinian Authority Authority built built a museum off ““tolerance� on off a m major m useum o tolerance� o n ttop op o ajor JJewish ewish Yet, Stein, who ccemetery. emetery. Y et, aaccording ccording tto oS tein, tthose hose w ho object o bject tto o tthis his outrage outrage are are the the real real perpetrators perpetrators of of off aanti-Semitism. iintolerance—and ntolerance—and o nti-Semitism. These because off Th hese iissues ssues aaren’t ren’t ggoing oing aaway way b ecause o Stein’s distorted And Rabbi Cooper S tein’s d istorted llogic. ogic. A nd R abbi C ooper doesn’t pass when building d oesn’t gget et a ffree ree p ass w hen iitt ccomes omes tto ob uilding off ttolerance� on Muslim a ““museum museum o olerance� o naM uslim ccemetery. emetery. Dick Vittitow, Vittttittow ow, Santa Santta Cruz

@/1G @C007A6 @ /1G @C007A6 I aam m rresponding esponding tto o yyour our V Valentine’s alentine’s D Day ay aarticle rticle “The “The Cheetah’s Cheetah’s Spot� Spot� (Cover (Cover Story, Story, Feb. F eb. 10). 10). Why Why is is it it that, that, in in the the photographs photographs on on ttwo wo separate separate pages, pages, the the man man is is fully fully dressed dressed

and tthe and he w women omen barely barely have have anything anything on? on? To To me, kinds off ssexist m e, tthese hese aare re eexactly xactly tthe he k inds o exist iimages mages wee n need publishing tthat hat w eed tto o sstop top p ublishing iin n tthoughtful, houghtful, ccommunity-minded ommunity-minded jjournals. ournals. ““Infidelity� Inf idelity� is is aalso lso jjust ust a cconcept, oncept, ssince ince iitt iiss ssimply imply a ccultural ultural aand nd rreligious eligious vvalue. alue. There Th here are are many many cultures cultures where having aand nd rreligions eligions aacross cross tthe he gglobe lobe w here h aving more one partner m ore tthan han o ne ssexual exual p artner iiss sseen een aass ffine ine natural, both male aand nd n atural, ffor or b oth m ale aand nd ffemale. emale. But with But I am am much much lless ess cconcerned oncerned w ith yyour our off tthat with aadoption doption o hat ccultural ultural vvalue alue tthan han w ith tthe he photos published power off vvery p hotos yyou ou p ublished aand nd tthe he p ower o ery prejudiced have. Ass p rejudiced ccommunication ommunication tthat hat tthey hey h ave. A photo worth words, iiss ssaid, aid, ““aa p hoto iiss w orth a tthousand housand w ords,� photos aand nd tthese hese p hotos aare re ttrash! rash! I hope hope the the whole whole community community ccan an eexpect xpect much better off yyou m uch b etter o ou iin n tthe he ffuture, uture, eespecially specially off u uss w who walk bodies tthose hose o ho w alk iin n ffemale emale b odies aand nd would with honor w ould llike ike tto o ssee ee tthem hem ttreated reated w ith h onor aand nd ones rrespect, espect, eespecially specially ffor or tthe he yyoung oung o nes ggrowing rowing womanhood. iinto nto ttheir heir w omanhood. Sherrry C Sherry Conable, onable o e, Santa Sa anta Cruz

# j #

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ffebruary e b r u a r y 24-march 2 4 - m a r c h 3, 3 , 2010 2 0 1 0 >=ABA >=ABA

THE BULLHORN EEE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; E EE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; A A/<B/1@CHE339:G /<B B/1@CHE339: :G

CCut ut IIsrael srael a B Break reak 0G 57: AB37< 0 G 57: AB37<

;==<G AC7B ;==<G AC7B ; /2<3AA ;/2<3AA REGARDING R EGARDING ““Goo Goo F Fightersâ€? ightersâ€? ((Currents, Currents, F eb. 110), 0), S anta Cruz Cruz needs needs to to face face the the return return Feb. Santa o alifornia D epartment o Food aand nd off C California Department off Food A griculture (CDFA) (CDFA) p lans tto op oison tthe he Agriculture plans poison ccommunity ommunity iin n a mistaken mistaken eeffort ffort tto o eeradicate radicate a m oth that that doesn’t doesn’t n eed eradication. eradication. moth need In 2007, 2007, CDFA CDFA sprayed sprayed chemicals chemicals from from the the In aair. ir. N ow the the plan plan is is tto o have have people people o n tthe he Now on gground round iin nm oony ssuits uits sspray pray p esticides o n moony pesticides on yyour our house, house, yard, yard, p ets, anything anything o utdoors. pets, outdoors. A nd, yes, yes, tthey hey plan plan to to sshoot hoot p esticideAnd, pesticidelladen aden ggoo oo o nto ttrees rees aand nd p ower p oles iin n onto power poles yyour our neighborhood. neighborhood. W hen tthey hey ssprayed prayed When b irplane, they they m issed ttheir heir ttargets argets aatt byy aairplane, missed ttimes. imes. W ill tthey hey miss miss with with tthe he ggoo? oo? Will You have have a right right not not to to be be sprayed sprayed or or You ““gooed. gooed.â€? T he California California cconstitution onstitution ssays ays aass The m uch, but but how how do do you you sstop top this this aassault ssault b much, byy b ureaucrats who who ignore ignore sscientific cientif ic ttruth? ruth? bureaucrats The Santa Santa Cruz Cruz City City Council Council can can do do iitt The ffor or S anta Cruzans Cruzans by by passing passing tthe he ““Chemical Chemical Santa Tr respassâ€? o rdinance prepared prepared b eople Trespassâ€? ordinance byy P People A gainst C hemical T respass ((PACT). PACT). W rite yyour our Against Chemical Trespass Write ccity ity council council tto o tell tell m embers tthey hey n eed tto op ass members need pass tthis his o rdinance to to p rotect yyou. ou. Preferably, Preferably, ssend end ordinance protect lletters etters tto o ccouncil ouncil m embers aatt 8 09 C enter S t., members 809 Center St., R oom 110, 0, S anta Cruz, Cruz, CA CA 9 5060, o mail tthe he Room Santa 95060, orr eemail m ayor, m ike Rotkin Rotkin at: at: m rotkin@ci.santamayor, mike mrotkin@ci.santaccruz.ca.us. ruz.ca.us. Dick AndrĂŠ, AndrĂŠ, Apt os Aptos

>3=>:3 2/;/53 > 3=>:3 2/;/53 YES, Y ES, pesticide pesticide ““treatments� treatments� w were ere o only nly p ostponed ((“Goo “Goo F ighters�). California California postponed Fighters�). D epartment o ood aand nd A griculture’s Department off F Food Agriculture’s ((CDFA) CDFA) d raft E nvironmental Impact Impact R eport draft Environmental Report ((EIR) EIR) llists ists gground round sspraying praying ffor or u rban aareas reas urban aand nd aaerial erial sspraying praying ffor or rrural ural aareas. reas. G round Ground sspraying praying iiss n ot very very different different ffrom rom aaerial erial not sspraying. praying. T he sspray pray iiss sshot hot 550 0 ffeet eet iin n tthe he aair, ir, The w ith fforced orced entry entry iinto nto our our b ackyards. Y ou can can with backyards. You ssee ee a vvideo ideo o his h appening llast ast yyear ear iin nO jai off tthis happening Ojai aatt w ww.PeopleAgainstChemicalTrespass.org. www.PeopleAgainstChemicalTrespass.org. D o not not d oubt tthat hat tthese hese ccontain ontain d angerous Do doubt dangerous ttoxins ox ns n ever aapproved pproved for or aapplication pp cat on o n never on p eop e All A this th s iss for or an an insect nsect tthat, hat aaccording ccord ng people. tto o CDFA’s CDFA s o wn rreport, eport d oes n od rop d amage! own does no drop damage! But how how about about “people “peop e damage�? damage�? CDFA CDFA But orc ng p o sons into nto our our lungs ungs aand nd o ur forcing poisons our cchildren’s h dren s d e es logic, og c basic bas c m ora ty aand nd defies morality undamenta h uman rrights. ghts S anta C ruz fundamental human Santa Cruz

residents have have ccrafted rafted tthe he Local Local Control, Control, residents Pesticide and and Chemical Chemical Trespass Trespass O rdinance Pesticide Ordinance which prohibits prohibits forced forced widespread widespread pesticide pesticide which applications. Farmers Farmers and and individuals individuals applications. could still still apply apply pesticides pesticides on on their their private private could property. In In 123 123 other other towns towns that that passed passed property. similar ordinances, ordinances, all all application application of of toxins toxins similar stopped, some some going going on on 10 10 years. years. stopped, It is is absolutely absolutely not not acceptable acceptable that that the the state state It apply poisons poisons on on us! us! Decisions Decisions affecting affecting our our apply very safety safety must must be be made made locally locally by by the the people people very affected. The The ordinance ordinance will will soon soon be be discussed discussed affected. by tthe he City City C ouncil. Write Write lletters etters tto o tthe he City City by Council. Council: mrotkin@ci.santa-cruz.ca.us. mrotkin@ci.santa-cruz.ca.us. To To Council: learn more more go go to to the the website website above. above. learn Ruth R uth V Valdez, alde a ezz, Apttos o Aptos

0/19 =44 0G 87<5= 0 /19 =44 0G 87<5= HOT H OT MASHED MASHED ffiddlesticks iddlesticks aand nd thwapping thwapping m ashed p otatoes! I am am tired tired of of tthe he mashed potatoes! ffearmongering earmongering b he feds, feds, h ow aabout bout byy tthe how yyou? ou? Y et tthat hat iiss eexactly xactly w hat is is going going o n in in Yet what on C ongress rright ight n ow, aass tthe he debate debate tto o renew renew Congress now, aand nd w orsen tthe he F BI--empowering P atriot A ct worsen FBI-empowering Patriot Act iiss h appening, aaccording ccording tto o tthe he ACLU. ACLU. T he happening, The A ct aallows llows FBI FBI and and police police tto o sseize eize p roperty Act property aand nd arrest arrest w ithout w arrant or or p robable without warrant probable ccause. ause. T he C enter ffor or Constitutional Constitutional Rights, Rights, The Center A CLU, M arjorie Cohn Cohn as as president president of of tthe he ACLU, Marjorie N ational L awyers G uild, tthe he A merican R if le National Lawyers Guild, American Rifle A ssociation, B ruce F ein fformer ormer U .S. A ttorney Association, Bruce Fein U.S. Attorney G eneral, aand nd more more all all agree agree that that its its “over“overGeneral, b road� tterrorist errorist d ef inition iincludes ncludes aactivists ctivists broad� definition aand nd is is designed designed to to cclamp lamp d own on on ffree ree speech. speech. down U CB erkeley sstudents tudents aagainst gainst tthe he Iraq Iraq w ar, UC Berkeley war, F ood N ot B ombs, tthe he Q uaker American American Food Not Bombs, Quaker F riends S ervice Committee, Committee, G reenpeace, Friends Service Greenpeace, P eople ffor or tthe he E thical Treatment Treatment of o Animals, An ma s People Ethical aand nd m ore aare re b eing iinvestigated nvestigated b he FBI FBI more being byy tthe aass tterrorists errorists ((www.aclu.org/cpredirect/18706). www.aclu.org/cpred rect 18706) T he ggag ag o rder-containing National Nationa S ecur ty The order-containing Security L etters p ortion o he Act Act has has been been aabused bused Letters portion off tthe ssince ince the the w arrant requirement requirement was was lifted: ted warrant 1183,000 83,000 NSLs NSLs were were issued issued b etween 2 003 between 2003 aand nd 2005 2005 alone, alone, and and 5533 percent percent of o those those ““terrorists� terrorists� ssubpoenaed ubpoenaed u nder ggag ag o rder by by under order tthe he F BI w ere Americans, Americans, according accord ng to to tthe he FBI were A CLU P lease ccall all C ongress aand nd Ju JJust ust S ay N O! ACLU. Please Congress Say NO! tto o rrenewing enew ng tthe he P atr ot Act Act and and making mak ng tthe he Patriot aabuses buses eeven ven w orse Typically Typ ca y tthe he FBI FBI and and feds eds worse. h ave b een o ver nvok ng ““endangerment endangerment tto o have been over-invoking n at ona security� secur ty� as as an an excuse excuse for or ssecrecy. ecrecy national E nough aalready, ready n ot o no ur d me! T hank yyou! ou! Enough not on our dime! Thank Drina Dr na Brooke, Brrooke Nova o Novato


AZI P AZI PROPAGANDA ROPAGANDA ffilms ilms were were m made ade tto o convince convince tthe he world world tthat hat G ermany was was a peace-loving peace-loving nation nation that that was was forced forced to to Germany aattack ttack P oland. W ith the the ccreation reation o he web web and and tthe he access access Poland. With off tthe the 24-hour 24-hour “news, “news,� it it is is so so much much easier easier to to spread spread lies lies and and half-truths. half-truths. the The Arab Arab propaganda propaganda machine machine has has done done a terrific terrif ic job job of of creating creating The f ictional reality reality that that portrays portrays terrorists terrorists as as victims victims and and their their victims victims a fictional as evil. evil. l The The small small country country created created by by refugees refu fuge gees and and surrounded surrounded as by hostile hostile neighbors neighbors is is the the international international bully, bully, while while terrorists terrorists by supported by by despots despots are are the the world’s world’s heroes. heroes. Muslim Muslim leaders leaders deny deny supported the historical historical Jewish Jeewish ties ties to to Jerusalem Jerusalem even even though though Jews Jeews have have lived lived the in tthe he ccity ity ccontinuously ontinuously ssince ince b efore tthe he b irth o slam. They They h ave in before birth off IIslam. have created the the m yth tthat hat Israel Israel came came about about because because of of the the European European created myth Holocaust. Modern Modern Zionism Zionism had had its its roots roots in in the the 19th 19th century century and and early early Holocaust. 20th ((Tel Tel A viv ccelebrated elebrated iits ts ccentennial entennial llast ast yyear). ear). The The H olocaust m ay 20th Aviv Holocaust may have made made international international support support of of a Jewish Jeewish state state more more politically politically have acceptable, but but the the groundwork groundwork for for a Jewish Jeewish homeland homeland was was started started acceptable, well before before W orld W ar II. II. They Th hey make make claims claims tthat hat Israel Israel is is the the rreason eason well World War the P alestinian Arabs Arabs have have no no sstate. tate. Israel Israel supported supported the the U.N. U..N. Partition Partition the Palestinian Plan, which which created created a JJewish ewish sstate tate aand nd a P alestinian sstate. tate. E very Plan, Palestinian Every Arab ccountry ountry vvoted oted aagainst gainst tthe he rresolution esolution aand nd sseven even Arab Arab aarmies rmies Arab attacked tthe he n ew ccountry ountry o 50,000 JJews. ews. The The Palestinian Palestinian Authority Authority attacked new off 6 650,000 today still still will will not not accept accept a Jewish Jeewish state state in in the the Middle Middle East. East. today Everyday lies lies abound abound in in the the press, press, which which are are then then spread spread via via the the web web Everyday and aare re b aseless b ut ““newsworthy. newsworthy.� Following Following the the eearthquake arthquake iin n Haiti, Haiti, and baseless but Israel sent sent doctors doctors and and erected erected the the first f irst mobile mobile surgical surgical hospital hospital on on Israel the island. island. Not Not only only is is the the anti-Israel anti-Israel propaganda propaganda machine machine unwilling unwilling the to acknowledge acknowledge Israel’s Israel’s humanitarian humanitarian contributions, contributions, they they are are n ow to now charging Israel Israel w ith sstealing tealing Haitian Haitian organs. organs. charging with Loccal activists activists have have contributed contributed to to this this climate climate of of hate hate and and false false Local accusations. They They ccompare ompare tthe he p light o Gaza to to that that of of the the victims victims o accusations. plight off Gaza off the Holocaust, Holocaust, embellishing embellishing the the situation situation there there and and minimizing minimizing the the the death of of 4 0 pe rcent o orld Je ewryy. Gaza Gaza is is no no paradise, paradise, but but iitt iiss rruled uled death 40 percent off w world Jewry. by H amas, n ot IIsrael, srael, aand nd H amas h as vvowed owed tto od estroy IIsrael. srael. by Hamas, not Hamas has destroy That doesn’t doesn’t stop stop the the lies. lies. Israel Israel is is accused accused of of genocide genocide (the (the That deliberate destruction destruction o eople) when when in in fact fact under under Israeli Israeli deliberate off a p people) administration of of tthe he tterritories, erritories, tthe he Arab Arab population population increased, increased, administration as did did their their standard standard of of living. living. Now Now Israel Israel is is accused accused of of war war crimes crimes as because she she attacked attacked military military targets targets in in civilian civilian areas. areas. The The fact fact because that terrorists terrorists and and rockets rockets were were located located in in those those areas areas seems seems to to be be that inconsequential. College College campuses campuses feature feature “Israel “Israel Apartheid Apartheid Week� Week� inconsequential. even though though Israel Israel has has rescued rescued thousands thousands of of E thiopian JJews ews aand nd even Ethiopian brought them them tto o tthe he p rom sed land. and A rabs in n IIsrael srae eenjoy n oy eequal qua rrights ghts brought promised Arabs o JJews, ews eexcept xcept for or ccompulsory ompu sory m tary sservice. erv ce Today Today Africans A r cans from rom of military Dar ur aand nd eelsewhere sewhere aare re d esperate y ttrying ry ng tto o ssneak neak into nto Israel. Israe Arab Arab Darfur desperately homosexua s seek seek aasylum sy um in n Israel Israe as as they they aare re p ersecuted in nM us m homosexuals persecuted Muslim countr es facts acts ignored gnored by by most most human human rights r ghts organizations. organ zat ons countries, Israe iss not not perfect, per ect nor nor should shou d we we expect expect itt to to be. be She She has has made made Israel m stakes This Th s can can be be said sa d of o every every country. country When When we we criticize cr t c ze a mistakes. country as as criminal cr m na when when she she defends de ends herself, herse racist rac st when when she she accepts accepts country re ugees from rom the the poorest poorest of o countries, countr es of o harvesting harvest ng organs organs when when she she refugees sends hospital hosp ta tteams eams tto o Haiti Ha t and and intolerant nto erant when when she she iss a haven haven tto o sends gays and and other other persecuted persecuted minorities, m nor t es we we only on y strengthen strengthen those those who who gays support terrorism terror sm and and bigotry. b gotry support G Stein S e n iss the he Santa San a Cruz Cruz representative represen a ve for or Stand S and With W h Us, Us an an international n erna ona Gil advocacy and and educational educa ona organization organ za on headquartered headquar ered in n Los Los Angeles. Ange es advocacy




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february 24-march 3, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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10 QUESTIONS A6/<3 23A;=<2 A 6/<3 23A;=<2 EVOb R] g]c R] T]` O ZWdW\U- E VOb R] g]c R] T]` O ZWdW\U-

What d What don’t on’t I d do? o? I work work for for W Whole hole F oods M arket S anta C ruz, h ave b een Foods Market Santa Cruz, have been ab artender aatt E alomar R estaurant bartender Ell P Palomar Restaurant ffor or tthe he p ast 1177 yyears, ears, ttend end bar bar aatt C ypress past Cypress L ounge and and ssurf urf b ig w aves ffor or ffun. un. Lounge big waves EVOb e]cZR g]c PS R]W\U WT g]c EVOb e]cZR g]c PS R]W\U WT g]c e S`S\¸b R]W\U bVOb- eS`S\¸b R]W\U bVOb-

Iw would ould b bee sspending pending m more ore ttime ime w with ith m myy ttwo wo aamazing mazing cchildren, hildren, E lla aand nd E mmet, Ella Emmet, aand nd m ncredible w ife, M imi. A nd o myy iincredible wife, Mimi. And off ccourse, ourse, cchasing hasing ggigantic igantic sswells wells aall ll o ver tthe he over w orld. world. EVOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[S- E VOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[S-

I ssurf urf aanything nything tthat hat m moves, oves, d do o ccross ross ffit it w ith T yler F ox aatt w ww.santawaves.com, with Tyler Fox www.santawaves.com, sswim, wim, yyoga oga aand nd h ang w ith ffamily amily aand nd hang with ffriends. riends. EVOb P`]cUVb g]c b] AO\bO 1`ch- E VOb P`]cUVb g]c b] AO\bO 1`ch-

My m My mother. other. I was was 5 w when hen w wee m moved oved ffrom rom C ork, IIreland, reland, where where I was was b orn. Cork, born. EVOb¸a g]c` TOd]`WbS ab`SSb- E VOb¸a g]c` TOd]`WbS ab`SSb-

Rathburn R athburn Way—I Way—I ggrew rew u up po on n tthat hat sstreet treet iin nm idtown. midtown.

<O[S a][SbVW\U g]c¸`S SfQWbSR OP]cb < O[S a][SbVW\U g]c¸`S SfQWbSR OP]cb

I am am excited excited aand nd h honored onored tto oh have ave ssurfed urfed iin n tthe he rrecent ecent M avericks ccontest ontest aand nd Mavericks p lacing ssecond. econd. I aam m aalso lso eexcited xcited tthat hat I placing h ave ccreated reated a ffuture uture ssurfer urfer iin nm on, have myy sson, w ho w on’t ttake ake o ff m ontest jjersey. ersey. who won’t off myy ccontest <O[S O ^Sb ^SSdS < O[S O ^Sb ^SSdS

I can’t can’t sstand tand tto o ssee ee ttrash rash o on n tthe he b beach. each. P ack Y our T rash! Pack Your Trash! EVOb O`S g]c `SORW\U- E VOb O`S g]c `SORW\U-

Bedtime sstories Bedtime tories tto om myy k kids, ids, Llama, Llama, Llama Llama R ed P ajama. Red Pajama. EVOb¸a bVS []ab W[^]`bO\b bVW\U EVOb¸a bVS []ab W[^]`bO\b bVW\U g ]c¸dS ZSO`\SR W\ bVS ZOab bV`SS gSO`a- g]c¸dS ZSO`\SR W\ bVS ZOab bV`SS gSO`a-

Balance—balancing ffamily, Balance—balancing amily, ssurfing urf ing aand nd w ork. Itt iiss cchallenging hallenging b ut ccan an b one. work. but bee d done. @SQS\b ^S`a]\OZ T]]R b`S\R- @ SQS\b ^S`a]\OZ T]]R b`S\R-

I have have two two tthings hings tthat hat I am am ttaking aking d daily aily w hich h elp m erformance ssurfing urf ing aand nd which help myy p performance m ealth. Nordic Nordic N aturals U ltimate myy h health. Naturals Ultimate O mega-D3 ssupports upports a h ealthy h eart, Omega-D3 healthy heart, iimmune mmune system, system, m ood, joints joints aand nd mood, m etabolism. A lso, E ure E nergy D rinks metabolism. Also, Exx P Pure Energy Drinks k eep m pumped throughout throughout m day. keep mee pumped myy day. P owerful n atural iingredients ngredients aare re tthe he Powerful natural aanswer nswer tto om emanding d aily sschedule. chedule. myy d demanding daily


TThe he CCreature reature FFrom rom tthe he B Backyard ackyard Lagoon Lagoon


N THE TH HE LAWN LAWN in in front front of of the the mother-in-law mother-in-law u nit w here I llive, ive, tthe he tumultuous tumultuous winter winter rains rains o of unit where JJanuary anuary had had filled f illed up up a depression depression where where a tree tree stump had had been been removed. removed. I’d I’d really really enjoyed enjoyed the the way way stump things sprang sprang to to life life all all around around after after the the rains, rains, the the way way things overnight a long long dormant dormant bush bush had had suddenly suddenly come come overnight alive with with a hundred hundred thin thin woody woody fingers f ingers reaching reaching out out alive over my my sidewalk, sidewalk, or or the the abrupt abrupt appearance appearance of of sturdy sturdy over mushroom caps caps popping popping up up through thro ou ugh gh the the wood wood chips. chips. mushroom I’d particularly particularly enjoyed enjoyed lying lying in in bed bed listening listening to to the the I’d happy guttural guttural expositions expositions of of toads, toads, imagining imagining them them happy gleefully loping loping beneath beneath my my windows windows in in the the dark. dark. gleefully Now in in February, February, the the tree tree stump stump hole hole has has become become Now tiny little little pond pond with with green green things things growing growing from from a tiny its center. center. About About two two weeks weeks ago ago I lay lay down down on on my my its stomach in in the the grass grass to to peer peer down down into into it. it. Little Little stomach water-skimming insects insects glided glided along along the the still still surface; surface; water-skimming

black spider spider skittered skittered around around the the edge, edge, watching watching a black them hungrily. hungrily. Then Th hen something something else else caught caught my my them eye—tiny tadpoles tadpoles wriggling wriggling in in the the murky murky water. water. eye—tiny They darted darted away away when when I moved, moved, but but as as I lay lay there, there, They perfectly still, still, they they reappeared, reappeared, flitting f litting nearer nearer to to the the perfectly surface to to breathe. breathe. I was was transfixed, transf ixed, overjoyed overjoyed that that surface my late-night late-night serenaders serenaders had had chosen chosen my my backyard backyard as as my place to to lay lay their their eggs. eggs. I wondered wondered if if I should should scoop scoop a place some of of them them up up in in a glass glass jar jar to to keep keep as as pets pets in in my my some house, but but decided decided against against it it in in favor favor of of watching watching house, the miracle miracle of of their their maturation maturation au au naturale. naturale. After After the years of of living living in in big big cities, cities, this this was was the the first f irst time time since since years my childhood childhood in in Minnesota Minnesota that that these these tiny tiny natural natural my wonders were were within within reach, reach, and and I was was never never happier happier wonders to be be in in Santa Santa Cruz. Cruz. to Like a proud proud mother, mother, I brought brought my my boyfriend boyfriend to to the the Like pond to to show show him him the the little little wonders. wonders. He He looked looked down down pond

into the the brown brown water, water, then then back back at at me. me. “Babe, “Babe,� he he said. said. into “Those are are not not tadpoles. tadpoles.� “Those Soon enough enough I was was reminded reminded of of a particularly particularly Soon iconic Minnesota Minnesota experience: experience: the the high-pitched high-pitched whine whine iconic of a dive-bombing dive-bombing mosquito, mosquito, as as my my tiny tiny apartment apartment of is now now full full of of them. them. Those Those tadpoles? tadpoles? Those Th hose are are called called is “wrigglers,� and and they’re they’re the the most most primitive primitive stage stage “wrigglers, in mosquito mosquito larval larval development. development. Within Within a couple couple in of days, days, instead instead of of a batch batch of of melodious melodious froggy froggy of friends, the the pond pond birthed birthed a hundred hundred spindly-legged spindly-legged friends, mosquitoes who who wait wait lackadaisically lackadaisically on on the the surface surface mosquitoes for the the sound sound of of my my approaching approaching footsteps footsteps as as I dart dart for from the the gate gate through through the the yard yard and and into into my my front front from door. The Th he outdoors, outdoors, I remember, remember, is is not not all all it’s it’s cracked cracked door. up to to be, be, as as I peer peer outside outside at at what what is, is, in in fact, fact, a festering festering up mosquito orgy orgy that that keeps keeps me me trapped trapped inside. inside. mosquito —Jessica — Jessica e LLussenhop ussenhhop

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february 24-march 3, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

6th Annual National

JEFF HALPER: “Israel and Palestine Hurtling towards Apartheid”” Thursday March 4, 12:00 Noon (Brown bag lunch) Mill Gallery, 131 Front Street, Santa Cruz Halper, an American born Jew, emigrated to Israel in the 1970’s. He is founder and coordinator of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and author of “An Israeli in Palestine” and “Obstacles to Peace.” www.icahd.org

MOHAMMED KHATIB & LUBNA MASARWA: “Community Based Nonviolence to Resist Apartheid” Sunday March 7 at 7:30 p.m. Resource Center for Nonviolence, 515 Broadway, Santa Cruz

$5-$ 2 sugge 0 slidingscale sted f o r each donation For even t 83 more

1 i ww -423-1 nfo: w.rc 626 nv.o rg

Community activists organizing weekly nonviolent demonstrations against the “separation barrier” or “Apartheid Wall” in Bil'in, West Bank. Khatib is head of the Popular Committee Against the Wall in Bil’in. Masarwa is a Palestinian citizen of Israel active with the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee. She heads a “Leadership for Girls” program and is organizing against home demolitions and evictions in East Jerusalem. Includes a video presentation. http://www.bilin-village.org/english/discover-bilin/

MARK BRAVERMAN: author of “Fatal Embrace: Christians, Jews and the Search for Peace in the Holy Land” Tuesday March 9, 7:30 p.m. Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, 2402 Cabrillo College Dr., Soquel The play “Seven Jewish Children” will also be performed. Braverman, a psychologist and author, is a Jewish American with deep roots in Israel, Judaism and political Zionism. Returning to the Holy Land in 2006, he was transformed by witnessing the occupation of Palestine and by encounters with peace activists and civil society leaders from the Muslim, Christian and Jewish communities. Since then, Braverman has devoted himself full-time to the Israel/Palestine conflict. He is the executive director of the Holy Land Peace Project. Respondents: Marouen Ben Jebara, Richard Moss. www.markbraverman.org

GEORGE HOUSER: “Israel & South African Apartheid” Thursday March 11, 7:30 p.m. Israeli Apartheid Week is co-sponsored by the Resource Center for Nonviolence and the Palestine-Israel Action Committee (PIAC) Send tax-deductible donations to support this work to: RCNV/IAW, 515 Broadway, SC 95060 or www.rcnv.org

Resource Center for Nonviolence, 515 Broadway, Santa Cruz George Houser was imprisoned as a pacifist in WWII, and was co-founder of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and the American Committee on Africa. He has been a leading nonviolent advocate of African anti-colonial and liberation struggles for decades, and was a delegate to Israel & Palestine, 2009.

Listening to Palestinians & Israelis Tuesday March 16, 7:00 p.m., Felton To RSVP: 831-423-1626 x107 or kenncruz@pacbell.net Five Santa Cruz County delegates to the Fall, 2009 Olive Harvest Delegation of Interfaith Peace Builders will talk about their experiences in Israel and Palestine: Dorah Rosen, Peter KlotzChamberlin, Carol Fuller, Tim Zorach, and delegation co-leader Scott Kennedy. Pictures, first hand impressions; what did they hear? What are their reflections now?

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Currents. C urren ents.

A6=@B B7;3@ A 6=@B B7;3@ SSanta a n ta C Cruz ruz C City it y M Manager anager D Dick ick W Wilson ilson lleaves eaves hhis is jjob ob tthis his J July. ulyy.

Filling Wilson’s Filling Wilson’s Wingtips W ingtips Who W ho w will ill rreplace eplace llongtime ongtime C ity Manager Manager Dick Dick Wilson? Wilson? City 0G 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 0G 1 C @ B 7 A 1 / @ B 7 3 @


NAC CITY ITY w where here cconstant onstant cchange hange iiss tthe he o nly gguarantee, uarantee, S anta only Santa C ruzans h ave b een aable ble tto o ccount ount Cruzans have been o no ne tthing hing ffor or tthe he llast ast 2 8 yyears: ears: on one 28 that City City Manager Manager D ick W ilson w ould that Dick Wilson would show up up to to w ork eevery very d ay, a ssteady teady show work day, hand at at the the ttiller. iller. D uring h is ttenure, enure, tthe he hand During his tall, soft-spoken soft-spoken Wilson Wilson answered answered to to tall, more than than a d ozen ccity ity ccouncils, ouncils, ssteering teering more dozen city staff staff through through aan n eearthquake, arthquake, aan n city

expanding u expanding university niversity aand nd m more ore b budget udget ccrises rises tthan han jjust ust tthe he m ost rrecent ecent one. one. most W hen W ilson rretires etires in in JJuly, uly, he’ll he’ll b When Wilson bee lleaving eaving tthe he S anta C ruz C ity C ouncil w ith Santa Cruz City Council with w hat Mayor Mayor Mike Mike R otkin calls calls “the “the most most what Rotkin iimportant mportant d ecision tthe he council council w ill m ake decision will make iin n its its tenure. tenure.� That decision: decision: hire hire a replacement replacement for for That a man man most most consider consider irreplaceable. irreplaceable. The The m ost common common assessment assessment of of Wilson Wilson is is most

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ffebruary e b r u a r y 24-march 2 4 - m a r c h 3, 3 , 2010 2 0 1 0 1C@@3<BA 1C@@3< <BA

tthat hat h e’s a p enny-pinching b udget h awk, preference for for hiring hiring from from within within the the he’s penny-pinching budget hawk, preference am an w ho, d espite a p ublic eeager ager ffor or man who, despite public ranks of of city city employees—only employees—only partially, partially, ranks sservices ervices aand nd eelected lected o ff icials llooking ooking tto o officials Rotkin says, says, because because they they could could likely likely Rotkin p lease tthe he vvoters, oters, h as ffound ound ccreative reative w ays please has ways pay such such a person person less less than than someone someone pay tto od eliver w hat w as aasked sked w hile k eeping deliver what was while keeping from outside outside the the city—the city—the sselection election m ay from may tthe he ccity’s ity’s b ottom lline ine iin n tthe he b lack. bottom black. indeed come come from from far far beyond beyond Santa Santa indeed City leaders leaders h ave b een lloathe oathe tto o City have been Cruz’s bubble. bubble. To To this this end, end, Rotkin Rotkin says, says, Cruz’s u tter n ames aass tto ow ho m ight b n tthe he utter names who might bee iin the city city has has hired hired a consultant consultant to to help help the rrunning unning ffor or W ilson’s jjob, ob, b ut a ffew, ew, Wilson’s but form a detailed detailed hiring hiring strategy strategy that that can can form n onetheless, h ave b egun tto o ssurface. urface. nonetheless, have begun both sift sift through through local local applicants applicants and and both T he o bvious cchoice hoice ffor or m ost, tthough hough The obvious most, woo qualified qualif ied folks folks from from other other cities. cities. woo n ot a sshoe-in hoe-in b ny m eans, iiss W ilson’s not byy aany means, Wilson’s “No one one imagines imagines that that we we can can find f ind “No u nderstudy, A ssistant C ity M anager understudy, Assistant City Manager another Dick Dick Wilson, Wilson,â€? the the mayor mayor says. says. another M artin B ernal. B ernal’s rĂŠsumĂŠ rĂŠsumĂŠ boasts boasts a Martin Bernal. Bernal’s “The first f irst question question we we have have to to ask ask is: is: “The S tanford eeducation ducation aand nd 21 21 years years of of city city Stanford ‘Are we we looking looking for for someone someone to to run run the the ‘Are p lanning aand nd m anagerial experience, experience, planning managerial city as as it’s it’s been been run run or or someone someone to to come come city iincluding ncluding 1133 yyears ears in in Santa Santa Cruz Cruz at at his his in and and make make radical radical changes?’ changes?’ Whoever Whoever in ccurrent urrent jjob. ob. O ne city city official, off icial, who who asked asked One i t i s , i t h a s t o b e s o m e o n e w h o can run run a it is, it has to be someone who can h is n ame n ot be be used, used, went went so so far far as as to to his name not 5 0 0 p l u s p e r s o n o r g a n i z a t i o n a n d m ake 500-plus person organization and make p redict B ernal w ould get get the the nod. nod. predict Bernal would i t r u n w e l l . it run well. â€? “I’m obviously obviously interested interested in in the the “I’m As for for Wilson Wilson himself, himself, he he says says he’ll he’ll As p osition,â€? ssays ays B ernal, choosing choosing his his words words position, Bernal, p l a y n o p a r t i n h e l p i n g c h o o s e h is play no part in helping choose his ccarefully, arefully, aass h very often often does. does. “The “The City City hee very replacement and and is is quick quick to to point point out out replacement C ouncil iiss ggoing oing to to look look a lot lot of of places, places, Council that he he still still has has about about five f ive months months left left that tthough. hough.â€? on the the job job and and plenty plenty of of loose loose ends ends to to tie tie on Another name name being being bandied bandied about about Another up. Once Once he’s he’s done, done, however, however, he he says says he’s he’s up. iiss tthat hat o ormer S anta C ruz P lanning off fformer Santa Cruz Planning D irector aand nd ccurrent urrent L os G atos T own got “a “a stack stack of of books books to to write, write,â€? the the first f irst Director Los Gatos Town got M anager G reg L arson. L arson, w ho ssays ays Manager Greg Larson. Larson, who of which which will will be be about about local local governance. governance. of h e’s h appily eemployed mployed iin nL os G atos, ttook ook he’s happily Los Gatos, One thing thing he he will will say: say: whoever whoever sits sits in in the the One tthe he ttime ime tto o llay ay o ut ssome ome o he q ualities out off tthe qualities high-backed chair chair of of the the Santa Santa Cruz Cruz city city high-backed h hinks w ill b ought iin n ccandidates. andidates. hee tthinks will bee ssought manager will will have have plenty plenty of of variety. variety. manager “I think think the the City City Council Council will will look look “I ““The The one one thing thing I’ve I’ve never never felt felt is is that that ffor or ssomeone omeone w ho ccan an k eep aan n eeye ye o n who keep on I’ve been been in in the the same same job job this this whole whole I’ve tthe he b ottom lline, ine,â€? ssays ays L arson. ““In In tthis his bottom Larson. time,â€? Wilson Wilson says. says. “Every “Every day day there there are are time, eeconomy conomy tthat’s hat’s tthe he b iggest cchallenge hallenge biggest new challenges, challenges, and and whoever whoever takes takes over over new ffacing acing eevery very ccity. ity. D ick ttaught aught m hat Dick mee tthat will get get their their chance chance at at dealing dealing with with will o ne o he b iggest ccore ore rresponsibilities esponsibilities one off tthe biggest them.â€? 0 them. aatt aany ny ttime ime iiss tto o ffocus ocus o n ffiscal iscal on rresponsibility. esponsibility.â€? A C T I VAT E Others on on the the Others u noff icial sshort hort unofficial llist ist aare re S anta C ruz Santa Cruz E6/B E6 /B 7B 7B 7A( AO\bO AO\bO 1`ch 1`ch >O`Ya >O`Ya O\R @SQ`SObW]\ @SQ`SObW]\ W ater D epartment Water Department 1 ][[WaaW]\ [SSbW\U 1][[WaaW]\ [SSbW\U D irector B ill K ocher Director Bill Kocher aand nd S oquel C reek Soquel Creek E63 < 7B 6/>>3<A( ;]\RO ] g ;O`QV Ob "^[ E63< 7B 6/>>3<A( ;]\ROg ;O`QV Ob "^[ W ater D istrict Water District E63 @3 B = 5=( 5=( :]cRS\ :]cR RS\ < SZa]\ 1 ][[c\Wbg 1 S\bS`` E63@3 B= <SZa]\ 1][[c\Wbg 1S\bS` G eneral M anager General Manager @ [ ! 1 S\b S` A b AO O\bO 1`ch @[ ! 1S\bS` Ab AO\bO 1`ch L aura B rown. Laura Brown. N either K ocher n or Neither Kocher nor E 6G 0 =B63@( B VS A O\bO 1 `ch B SS\ 1 S\bS` P O`SZg E6G 0=B63@( BVS AO\bO 1`ch BSS\ 1S\bS` PO`SZg B rown rreturned eturned Brown aac`dWdSR ZOab gSO`¸a aeSS^W\U QWbg Tc\RW\U Qcba Pg []dW\U c`dWdSR ZOab gSO` ¸a aeSS^W\U QWbg Tc\RW\U Qcba Pg []dW\U m essages sseeking eeking messages bb] ] Wba Wba \Se \Se Z]QObW]\ Z]QObW]\ O b bbVS VS : ]cRS\ < SZa]\ 1 ][[c\Wbg Ob :]cRS\ <SZa]\ 1][[c\Wbg 1 S\bS` ]\ 1S\bS` Ab`SSb 0cb eWbV bVS R`cU T`SS VO\U]cb 1S\bS` ]\ 1S\bS` Ab`SSb 0cb eWbV bVS R`cU T`SS VO\U]cb ccomment omment aass tto o aabWZZ ab`cUUZW\U b] [OYS S\Ra [SSb bVS AO\bO 1`ch >O`Ya bWZZ ab`cUUZW\U b] [OYS S\Ra [SSb bVS AO\bO 1`ch >O`Ya ttheir heir iinterest nterest iin n tthe he O \R @SQ`SObW]\ 1][[WaaW]\ eWZZ [SSb bVS`S T]` O b]c` ]T O\R @SQ`SObW]\ 1][[WaaW]\ eWZZ [SSb bVS`S T]` O b]c` ]T p osition. A nd w hile position. And while bbVS \Se RWUa O\R O RWaQcaaW]\ ]T Wba Tcbc`S VS \Se RWUa O\R O RWaQcaaW]\ ]T Wba Tcbc`S ccouncilmembers ouncilmembers eexpress xpress ssome ome

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february 24-march 3, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM


A/<B/1@CH 1=; february 24-march 3, 2010 1C@@3<BA


Laird Dangles While Assembly Wrangles Former Assemblymember ?d]c AV^gY was all set to swoop in and wrest Sen. 6WZa BVaYdcVYd’s Santa Maria–based seat from Republican clutches in a June election, but that was before state legislators monkeyed it all up. “I’m in wait-and-observe mode,� he says now. Maldonado was supposed to become our new lieutenant governor two weeks ago, freeing up his 15th District Senate seat, but after the Senate overwhelmingly confirmed him, the Assembly got its partisan panties in a twist and Maldo came up four votes short of the 41 needed. After some gubernatorial chest-beating, including threats to override the Assembly on state constitutional grounds and even take them to court, <dk# HX]lVgoZcZ\\Zg backed down and resubmitted Maldonado’s name last week, resetting the 90-day clock on the confirmation process. While there’s still a chance the seat will open up, pushing back the timeline has thrown Laird’s plans off. Should Maldonado achieve a confirmation in the first two months of the 90 days, the election would take place in August. If it happens in the final 30 days, the election would get kicked to November—two very different scenarios, and neither resembling a tidy June vote. “I was fairly committed to running under that original schedule,� Laird says. “I’m not thrilled about running in an August election.� The former head of the Assembly budget committee notes that he would benefit from a high turnout vote. “And June and November are high turnouts. August is an election when everybody is on vacation, nobody is paying attention.� One wonders what the strong Republican base at the southern end of the district would make of an openly gay Santa Cruz liberal to begin with. However, not only does the majority of Laird’s former Assembly district lie within the Senate district—meaning, he says, that about 300,000 people from Los Gatos to Carmel have his back—but he’s also done some homework. In a poll he conducted in which interviewees were asked who they were likely to vote for, Laird or likely Republican opponent and Assembly minority leader HVb 7aV`ZhaZZ (R-San Luis Obispo), Laird said he just clinched it. “I came up 2 percent ahead, which is within the margin of error,� he says. “This would be an incredibly close race for either side. There’s no sure thing.� There’s more on the line than just political pride. If he decides to run, Laird will have to move to reside within the borders of the artfully drawn 15th district map—just a few miles, he says, from his current Westside abode. —Jessica Lussenhop

La Bahia Hits Snag It was all smiles from 9dc LZWWZg of the Build a Better La Bahia Coalition this week after Friday’s ruling by Santa Cruz County Superior Court ?jY\Z EVja 7jgY^X`. Burdick said 7Vggn HlZchdc 7j^aYZg and the X^in d[ HVciV 8gjo didn’t consider enough alternatives when planning to demolish the historic LV 7V]^V 6eVgibZcih on Beach Street and build a four-star hotel in its place, validating the coalition’s legal claim that they should have tried harder to incorporate parts of the historic, albeit decaying, building. “This is a victory for people who still believe in the [Environmental Impact Report] process,� said Webber, whose house sits directly behind the La Bahia Apartments. “I hope that the city sees this as an opportunity to look at other ideas and to build a better project. I’d like to see something that is more compatible with the neighborhood.� The decision, which is tentative and will be finalized on March 19, muddies the picture for the future of the oceanfront property. Most city leaders had hoped that after voting to approve the 125-room design last April, the eight-year fight over the crumbling property would soon be over. The judge’s ruling will have no procedural impact when the all-important California Coastal Commission meets to consider the project. That meeting, which had been scheduled for March 10–12 in Santa Cruz, now looks unlikely to discuss La Bahia, as the hearing will be dominated by proposed plans to build a $4 million bicycle trail through the 68-acre Arana Gulch. If the ruling stands, Barry Swenson will have to draft new plans and the city will have to hold a fresh round of public hearings. Both entities could also simply walk away from the project—an outcome that’s perhaps that much more plausible after Friday’s ruling. —Curtis Cartier

Fog Falling Off Love it (on a still Saturday morning) or hate it (while racing up Highway 17 late for work), fog is a crucial part of life in Central California. Now a new study on coastal fog by researchers at UC-Berkeley has shown a significant decrease in the iconic Northern California weather phenomenon. That’s potentially very bad news for redwoods, which get an estimated 30 to 40 percent of their moisture from fog. 9g# ?VbZh 6# ?d]chidcZ, one of the principal authors, says that in studying the climate of Northern California and its impact on redwood forests, researchers found that local cloud ceiling height reports from airports in Monterey and Arcata painted an interesting picture of their own.

“Turns out there’s an amazing record of fog every hour over the last 60 years,� he says. “It looks like fog is a third more common before 1925 than in the recent decade.� That means places like Santa Cruz emerge from fog an average of three hours earlier in the day than they did 100 years ago. It’s not clear at this point whether the decline in foggy weather is simply a regional circulation change or if it is yet another ominous symptom of human impact on the environment. Regardless, the redwoods rely on a raised humidity level in the forest canopy in order to stay hydrated. “Fog helps them to conserve water throughout the dry summer season,� says Johnstone. “I would say it’s a subject for some concern, but not for alarm or panic at this point.� —Jessica Lussenhop

Through the Cellar Door Say the words “cellar door.â€? Do your lips pulse with pleasure? Does your tongue swell with pride? Are you choking on your swollen lips and tongue? If you’re to believe a large bloc of linguists and writers, then you should be, according to an article in The New York Times Magazine. The piece by Grant Barrett traces the history of the phrase “cellar doorâ€? and how it became known as the most beautifully harmonious pairing of words in the English language. The first reference to the dynamic duo is reported to be from the 1903 novel Gee-Boy by Cyrus Lauron, a passage of which reads: “He even grew to like sounds unassociated with their meaning, and once made a list of the words he loved most, as doubloon, squadron, thatch, fanfare. . . . He was laughed at by a friend, but logic was his as well as sentiment; an Italian savant maintained that the most beautiful combination of English sounds was cellar-door.â€? Later, in the 1950s, Lord of the Rings author and respected linguist J.R.R. Tolkien remarked on the words’ intrinsic loveliness in a speech. From then on, Barrett writes, the phrase has popped up in literature with great frequency. For all the swooning by semanticists, it was pure coincidence that led GVcYVaa <gV]b of Bonny Doon Vineyard to name his sleek new Westside restaurant the Cellar Door CafĂŠ. In fact, though he thinks the words have a “wonderful cadence,â€? Grahm says, it wasn’t until he read the Times piece that he realized the phrase was so celebrated. “The name, I guess, turned out to be an accident,â€? he says. “Not until I saw the article did it even register. What I was going for is creating an intimate portal to a private place. Sometimes I think the name is too generic, but it does have a wonderful sound to it.â€? —Curtis Cartier

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Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes A cyclist’s feat of derring-do becomes a lesson in human kindness

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N JUNE 2006, 25-year-old Dominic Gill set out from northern Alaska on a tandem bike dubbed Achilles and headed south. Way south. His goal: to reach the southern tip of South America in 18 months, picking up random strangers along the way. Armed with bear spray, a video camera and a questionable sense of sanity, Gill rolled out of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, and into the bleak tundra with a small British f lag f luttering encouragingly behind him. He had just one rule: “I never asked anyone to get off !� Along the 18,000-mile long journey, he was chased out of town by a man with a machete, pedaled through snow storms and deserts, encountered landslides and scorpion-strewn beaches and picked up 270 “stokers� who mounted Achilles’ open back seat to help him push. Generous volunteers, since Achilles and its trailer of provisions tipped the scales at 220 pounds. Their contribution made a deep impression on Gill. “I knew this challenge would be tough. I knew I would see incredible places. I knew I would experience fear, sadness, loneliness and sometimes delirious happiness,� says Gill. “What I didn’t expect was to have my faith in humanity so massively

reinforced over two years of trusting in people.â€? The record of his journey is his documentary, Take A Seat, which won the Special Jury Award at the BANFF Mountain Festival 2009. The film will show in Santa Cruz this weekend when the BANFF Mountain Film Festival rolls into town. Born and raised in England, the self-proclaimed adventurer, climber and videographer dreamed up this human power journey after realizing his responsible nine-to-five desk job as an environmental consultant was sucking the life out of him. Tired of working with large corporations that weren’t interested in environmental improvement if it didn’t save them money, and in possession of degrees in biology and environmental studies that weren’t being put to use, Gill left the world of business in search of something more meaningful. Drawn by the sprawling expanse of the American continents, he combined the three things he loved—adventure, video and physical challenges—into the adventure of a lifetime: a filmed journey down the entire western latitude of the Americas. “This idea was conceived always with filming in mind. I’d be a fool to pass up an opportunity to document not only the places but the people I encountered while I rolled south,â€? he says. ¨ "

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Ed Stobart of Ginger Productions, a documentary film producer, liked Gill’s idea but asked him to add a twist to make it “crazy enough� to entertain viewers: do it on a tandem bike. Gill accepted. As expected, the spare seat on Achilles added a dimension of unpredictable possibility—one that would alter his itinerary completely. “After an initial plan of 18 months, I soon realized that rushing south was a waste of an opportunity to get to know people and places,� says Gill. He scrapped any sort of strict cycling regimen and slowed his pace to savor the scenery and the rich company of new friends. “In a world where there is so much fear and you are encouraged not to even get involved with your neighbors, it was life-affirming,� he says. From its initial timetable of 18 months, the trip swelled to 26 months and became a completely different kind of journey.

Stoked Who were the lucky (or unlucky) 270 who took a seat? “Curious city dwellers who invited

me to stay, tourists wanting to go anywhere, anyhow with a cowboy hat and a few bags of herb, or a Peruvian villager welcoming an alternative to the overcrowded and unreliable rural bus service,� he recalls. “In South America, kids would jump on whenever the hell they wanted.� A number of people found him online before they found him on the roadside, like Jules Kresko, a flight attendant from Colorado who overheard some people chatting about Gill in a bike shop. She rode with him for six weeks. Yet two people on a tandem can be a hard lesson in patience. “As soon as they get a sore ass they start moving around and it makes for really hard pedaling,� he says. There were only a few stokers he didn’t get along with, and in such cases he found ways to trick his own system—not directly asking them to get off but using “hen-pecking comments� to inspire their fold. The female-to-male ratio of guest riders was 60-to-40. “I guess something about tandems is particularly attractive to women,� Gill muses. Add a pair of tight bike shorts and a charming British accent

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to the machine and the mystery dissolves. But it wasn’t all fun and companionship. Gill pedaled about 50 percent of the miles alone, enduring long stretches of loneliness. Like the day of his 26th birthday, when he crashed Achilles in the middle of nowhere and later realized his wallet was missing. Or the freezing nights he spent in his tent waiting out the snowstorms in southern Chile, or the endless expanses of highaltitude desert in Peru. “It was like a scene out of a Dali painting,� he says of the landscape 15,000 feet above sea level, where night temperatures plunged to minus 13 degrees. Some of these moments are documented with raw honesty in Take A Seat, but his journal offered the real asylum. “Writing kept me sane,� he says. “It was constant.�

Border Bound Gill rolled down the Northern California coast in October 2006, recording this in his blog: “Through valleys of vineyards to the Californian coast, where the sea had been shrouded with a billowing blanket of cloud. Through giant Redwoods, along darkened forest corridors in which the air is guarded by trees and remains silent and still. Above the roaring waves of the Pacific, on hillsides void of anything but dry grass and turkey vultures circling on thermals in the cloudless sky. Through small communities with wooden shingled walls and weather beaten fences. And then on, over the Goldengate [sic] Bridge, glowing in the last of the sunlight that the dusk had offered up.� He picked up his first bona fide surfer in Santa Cruz, a young man named Jared whom he found skipping class. Jared appears in Take A Seat. The empty saddle created a kind of social experiment. Although he found a healthy supply of friends in California, Gill apologetically admits to registering a sort of phoniness, what he called “too much money and not enough brain, and a lot of attitude,� which intensified the further south he got. He was also getting nervous as he pedaled through Southern California. Five thousand miles of warnings about banditos, pickpockets and murderers waiting for him in Mexico left Gill cycling toward the border with his fight or flight instinct fully engaged. He crossed over into Tijuana with vivid scenarios of being robbed flashing in his brain. What he found was a far cry from the worst he had expected: some new friends and a place to sleep.

“Marco Kelly sold tacos from his stand and his ‘loncheria’ round the corner. He spoke English, French and Spanish perfectly and provided me with more than a soft landing in Mexico,� says Gill. What started with tacos and friendly conversation turned to shelter and company for Gill’s first night south of the border. As the blog says, “He instructed his incredibly able cook Esmaralda to feed me with delicious tacos, and there, in fading light, on a busy street, sitting on a stool next to a filthy but functional mechanics shop, a love affair started. Not with Esmaralda, but with tacos. I love them more than life itself. Simplicity. Satisfaction. Perfection in a moist tortilla.�

Southern Hospitality As Gill speaks of these first days discovering Latin America—the new smells, the colors, the people—he has a glazed look in his eyes. Latin America surprised him on many levels. Although he was received “incredibly wellâ€? in the States, the social landscape of South America positively overflowed with warmth, hospitality and cariĂąo, or caring affection, he says. The contrast between North and South America made an impression. “There was a direct correlation between how wealthy people were and how hospitable they were—a negative correlation,â€? he says. “[Wealthier people] have a harder time trusting people, and more to lose by inviting a stranger into their house.â€? In Latin America he was invited to family celebrations, offered homes and yards and even a schoolhouse to sleep in. One of the most destitute areas he passed through was Pisco, Peru, months after it was shaken by a devastating earthquake. “There were areas that smelt of death, bodies still under the rubble and people living in tents,â€? says Gill. But it was there he remembers a local soft drink truck stopping on the road to hand him a Coke. “I fell in love with so many places. It wasn’t so much because of how a place looked. I could go through a country that was completely average. I spent three days in Honduras, and on the second day a family took me in and treated me like one of their own.â€? Such generous hospitality also meant eating what the locals ate. With a family in Ecuador, Gill helped to slaughter guinea pigs, a delicacy reserved for celebrations. “After which the lady of the house painstakingly cleaned the ¨ ' 4SabWdOZ :W\Sc^ ¨ $

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HE OLYMPIC sport of curling involves two teams of players carefully sliding large stones down an icy lane while “sweepers� use brooms to polish the rocks’ gradual paths toward a target. There will be no curling shown at the Banff Mountain Film Festival. Any activity—Olympic or otherwise—that graces the screen at this sports and culture movie fest will have to clock in pretty high on the adrenaline meter. Now in its 34th year, the touring festival will hit 285 cities and towns worldwide. In Santa Cruz, Banff will feature 12 films shown over two nights at the Rio Theatre. After Kranked—Revolve opens the show Friday night with 11 minutes of

mountain bike gyrations, Japanese director Masaki Sekiguchi presents his three-minute film Deep/Shinsetsu, like snowfall itself: pure, clean and wordless. With no voiceovers, sound effects or interviews, only a somber acoustic ballad playing softly in the background, skiers take on a wraithlike quality as they plunge through a seemingly endless ocean of deep, soft white. Next, it’s a childhood adventure worth bragging about in Finding Farley. Filmmakers Karsten Heuer and Leanne Allison chart a course across the Great White North using locales that Canadian author Farley Mowat brought to life in famous nature tales like Never Cry Wolf. With their 2-year-old son Zev and spunky dog Willow, the family set out on a quest to meet Mowat

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himself in Nova Scotia. The travelogue captures the beauty and scope of Canada as well as the personal drama that accompanies a nomadic household. The quirky MedeoZ brings back the high-octane action. In this film, a photographer tries to take a single photo of six different mountain sports: skiing, snowboarding, mountaineering, paragliding, speed riding and BASEjumping. Pulling off the feat won’t be easy, however, and director/protagonist Guillaume Broust has to marshal not only timing but egos as the six extreme disciplines come together behind one lens. The cultural side of the festival flexes its muscles in the next film as director Will Parrinello presents Mustang—Journey of Transformation. The movie is set in the kingdom of Mustang, a 780-square-mile hunk of Himalayan pastureland located in northern Nepal. A secret kingdom that has long shunned Westerners, it fosters what many consider a “pure� form of Tibetan culture. Now, under steadily rising poverty, the ornate 15th century monasteries for which the kingdom is known are crumbling from neglect. Parrinello travels to the isolated land and documents the struggle to save the architectural and spiritual heritage with awe-inspiring shots of grand vistas and intimate moments, including an extended interview with the Dalai Lama. Closing Friday night, First Ascent: Alone on the Wall tells the story of a young, possibly psychotic, man named Alex Honnold. Honnold lives in a van. Traveling from rock climb to rock climb, the fearless 24-year-old sacrifices home cooking and hygiene for his stony relationship with sheer mountain walls. His holy grail: to climb Yosemite National Park’s legendary face, Half Dome, with no ropes and nothing to save him should he lose his grip. Honnold says he climbs his best without ropes. He’ll have to—one slip and all that will be left of our hero is a smudge at the bottom of the mountain and a scary story climbers tell their children. On Saturday, Revolution One introduces viewers to the exciting world of off-road unicycling, then ramps up the drama as four friends survive rock falls, freezing limbs and each other during 20 days on a rock wall in Azazel. The film documents the quartet as they attempt to chart a new route up the

Trango Pulpit Tower, a nearly 20,000foot cliff in Pakistan that holds mythic status among the locals. The action jumps continents next, to the Americas for Take A Seat (see page 13) and back across the Atlantic when Rush Sturges’ Africa Revolutions Tour shows what kind of trouble a group of kayakers can get into in Uganda and Madagascar. In many cases the crew of river rats represent the first lunatics to ride the crocodile- and wasp-infested rivers in kayaks. The white-knuckle action is undercut by group companion Rita Riewerts and the Sun Catchers Project, which gives simple, solarpowered ovens to rural villagers to use for cooking and sanitizing water. Santa Cruz native Chris Sharma got his start climbing the plywood wall at Pacific Edge Climbing Gym on Bronson Street. These days he’s on to bigger and badder walls, but none perhaps is more taxing than California’s Mount Clark and its 500-foot overhanging monster, dubbed “unclimbableâ€? by everyone who has tried to scale it. In First Ascent: Impossible Climb, Sharma is out to prove otherwise and spends days in the desert in “monastic devotionâ€? as he battles the stone until only one remains. Finally, ending this year’s Banff offerings on a bit of a ridiculous note, The Ultimate Skiing Showdown looks to calm audiences’ frayed nerves with a little comedy. Set to the Neil Cicierega song “The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny,â€? which discusses a fight between Batman and Godzilla, David McMahon’s four-minute goof pays both homage and insult to the sport of cross-county—ahem, Nordic— skiing. While the silly song plays, a group of trick-happy skiers bother, surprise and generally act the fool in front of a group of less talented, but seemingly reasonable, group of skiers. The winter Olympics may have introduced Americans to some odd sports. But until there are gold medals given out for the best judged BASEjump or the fastest climbing route up Half Dome, the Banff Mountain Film Festival will be there to fill in the blanks. THE BANFF MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL screens Friday–Saturday, Feb. 26–27, at 7pm at the Rio Theatre, 1205 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz, 831.423.8209. Tickets are $15/$12 for students and seniors and are available at the Rio box office or at www.ucscrecreation.com. ¨ '


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1=D3@ AB=@G j 16/<53A intestines with a knitting needle,� he remembers. Whether it was crickets or cow stomach in Mexico, sheep’s-head soup in Peru or days of nothing but stale bread and sardines in the Bolivian dessert, Gill survived on whatever opportunity offered him. When he could, though, he would stock up on mayonnaise and pasta, the concoction he says tasted “like coming home to my favorite meal.� The most challenging element of his trip began to take on a new form. Saying goodbye to that kind of friendship and hospitality produced an emotional exhaustion that brought him close to quitting the expedition on more than one occasion. It was a feeling he didn’t want to get used to.

A Story to Tell In August 2008, Dominic rolled into the icy city of Ushuaia in Patagonia’s Tierra del Fuego (Land of Fire), named for the cooking fires seen burning on the beaches by Magellan and his crew five centuries ago. It was the end of an incredible journey, but the joy he had anticipated was absent. Instead, an emptiness filled him where every day there had been new people and places to meet. “Here (South America), I am different. I’m almost blonde and I’ve got a story to tell. But when I go home, I’m just going to be me. Walking down the street . . . without a bicycle,� Gill had told the camera in a moment of reflection. A year and a half later, more than 200 hours of film footage, an extensive journal and scores of new friends have enabled him to bring part of that story with him. Two years after the adventure ended, Dominic Gill is pinching pennies, but he hasn’t yet succumbed to the nineto-five grind. He has, however, returned to the world of business. “I’ve turned what I loved into my work . . . which was the goal, for good or for bad,� he says. His book, a compilation of the image-rich prose of his journal and blogs, will be published in May of this year. And Achilles? Presently, sitting in his aunt’s house, reconditioned and ready for a book tour around England.

TAKE A SEAT screens Saturday, Feb. 27, at 7pm as part of the Banff Mountain Film Festival. Festival runs Friday–Saturday, Feb. 26–27 at the Rio Theatre, 1205 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz. Tickets are $15 general, night/$12 student, night at www.ucscrecreation.com or at Bugaboo, Pacific Edge or Sprockets.

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A/:/2 2/GA In hhis A/:/2 2/GA In is ttime ime sspent p ent aass a seasonal seasonal lettuce lettuce picker picker iin n the the Imperial Imp erial Valley, Valle yy, author author Gabriel machine. G abriel Thompson Thompson never never ggot ot good go o d enough enough at at it it to to keep keep up up with with tthe he ppacking acking m achine.

they go they go through, through,� he he ssays. ays. “People “People are are ggenerally enerally ignorant ignorant about about what what the the daydaytto-day o -day life life experience experience o mmigrants iis, s, off iimmigrants aand nd how how this this w ork iiss b enef iting eeven ven tthe he work benefiting most m ost anti-immigration anti-immigration aactivists. ctivists.� In a world world increasingly increasingly interested interested in in In Thompson llocal, ocal, organic organic aand nd sslow low ffood, ood, T hompson not only iimagined magined cconsumers onsumers n ot o nly aasking sking but ““Is Is it it organic?� organic?� b ut aalso lso ““Are Are tthe he ffarm arm workers wage?’� So w orkers ggetting etting a lliving iving w age?’� S o iin n 2008 himself highlight 2 008 he he cchallenged hallenged h imself tto oh ighlight byy ggetting tthat hat need need b etting tthese hese iinvisible nvisible jjobs obs aand nd keeping keeping tthem. hem. Itt wasn’t wasn’t as as easy easy as as it it sounds. sounds. Working Working Thompson iin n the the lettuce lettuce ffields ields left left T hompson physically drained, hee n never did p hysically d rained, aand nd h ever d id keep gget et ggood ood enough enough tto o cconsistently onsistently k eep up maquina, u p with with llaa m aquina, the the machine machine that that putters driving pace p utters along along tthe he rrows ows d riving tthe he p ace off the Surviving off o the ccrews. rews. S urviving tthe he ggauntlet auntlet o byy b bike was rreckless eckless ttown own ccars ars b ike w as aanother nother obstacle, was mind-numbing o bstacle, aass w as tthe he m ind-numbing off rripping breast rrepetition epetition o ipping cchicken hicken b reast aafter fter chicken breast in two. But toughest of chicken breast in two. But toughest of aall ll

w as ccoping oping w ith tthe he p sychologgical tterror error was with psychological o rowbeating fflower lower sshop hop b oss. off a b browbeating boss. “They treated treated their their workers workers as as if if “They tthey hey m erited n o rrespect. espect. F rom tthe he vvery ery merited no From b eginning, tthey’d hey’d b houting aatt you, you,� beginning, bee sshouting h ays. “It’s “It’s not not just just low low w ages, llow ow hee ssays. wages, b enef its, b ut tthat hat tthey’d hey’d h ave tto od eal benefits, but have deal w ith vvery ery aabusive busive b osses.� with bosses. The The point point of of the the long long hours, hours, bad bad wages wages aand nd p hysical degradation, degradation, h ays, w as tto o physical hee ssays, was bring b ring readers readers closer closer to to the the surprisingly surprisingly difficult work d ifficult w ork that that anti-immigration anti-immigration pundits p undits cclaim laim is is being being stolen stolen ffrom rom Americans. Thompson’s was A mericans. T hompson’s llettuce ettuce ccrew rew w as months, unlike aastounded stounded he he lasted lasted two two m onths, u nlike other day, tthe he o ther gringos gringos who who quit quit aafter fter one one d ay, hee didn’t months aand nd h didn’t even even survive survive two two m onths aatt other tthe he o ther jobs; jobs; he he was was fired fired ffirst. irst. ““How How I myy U.S. did eearned arned m U.S. citizenship—I citizenship—I d id nothing. nothing. Myy cco-workers M o-workers fled f led ccivil ivil war, war, picked picked ttomatoes omatoes aand nd are are ssurviving urviving iin n iindustries ndustries doing. tthat hat very very few few people people can can keep keep d oing. It’s It’s hard myy h ard tto o ssay ay in in any any way way I’ve I’ve eearned arned m hee ssays. ccitizenship itizenship in in any any way way they they haven’t, haven’t,� h ays.

Furthermore, F urthermore, aalthough lthough h hee had had to to ccover over u ph is jjournalistic ournalistic iintentions ntentions ffrom rom up his tthe he w orkers w ho b ecame h is ffriends, riends, workers who became his h ound ttheir heir d esire tto ob nderstood hee ffound desire bee u understood ccame ame o ut o rganically. ““Many Many ttimes imes out organically. p eople w ould ttell ell m e, ‘‘When When yyou ou ffinish inish people would me, d oing tthis his jjob, ob, yyou ou sshould hould rreally eally ggo o ttell ell doing yyour our ffriends, riends, yyour our ffellow ellow w hite ffriends, riends, white w hat iit’s t’s llike ike tto o ccut ut llettuce. ettuce.’ T hey h ad a what They had ssense ense tthat hat A mericans d idn’t h ave aany ny Americans didn’t have k nowledge aabout bout w hat iitt w as llike ike tto od o knowledge what was do tthe he w ork, n ot o nly h ow h ard iitt w as b ut work, not only how hard was but h ow sskilled killed iitt w as,� h ays. ““They They ssaid, aid, how was, hee ssays. ‘‘You You rreally eally h ave aan no pportunity tto o ttell ell have opportunity p eople aabout bout tthe he w ork w oh ere.’� people work wee d do here. GABRIEL GABRIEL THOMPSON, THOMPSON, author author of of ‘Working ‘Working in in the the Shadows: Shadows: A Year Year of of Doing Doing the the Jobs Jobs (Most) (Most) Americans Americans Won’t Won’t Do,’ Do,’ appears appears Thursday, Thursday, Feb. Feb. 25 25 at at 7:30pm 7:30pm at at Capitola Capitola Book Book Cafe, Cafe, 1475 1475 41st 41st Ave., Ave., Capitola. Capitola. Free. Free. 831.462.4415. 831.462.4415.

j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA february 24-march 3, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; :7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

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¡/7@ A7;>:3 574BA¸ Inspired by and named after a musical composition performed at Obama’s inauguration, this exhibit by Live Oak painter Maggie Renner Hellmann features the painter’s trademark vibrant palette. Through March 7. At Lulu’s at the Octagon, 118 Cooper St., Santa Cruz. 831.429.5858. Hjc! cddc"+eb# .()& B^aa Hi! 7Zc AdbdcY! -(&#((+#)',(#

Events 075 23/:A /dOWZOPZS( =[SUO <c AQV]ZO`aVW^a A^kZY adXVaan [dg [^kZ nZVgh dg bdgZ4 <di V (#% \gVYZ VkZgV\Z dg VWdkZ4 <gVYjVi^c\ [gdb 6eidh! =VgWdg! H8! HdfjZa! HAK! HK! EVX^[^X! 8negZhh dg 9ZaiV ]^\] hX]ddah4 <d^c\ id V hiViZ XdaaZ\Z dg jc^kZgh^in4 I]Zc Veean [dg ]Zae Vee YZVYa^cZ BVg (& [gdb ZhiZZbZY dg\ i]ViÉh egdk^YZY hZgk^XZ id i]Z Xdbbjc^in h^cXZ &.%(! Wn XVaa^c\ -(&#)(-#&&+-# 1VW\SaS 1OZZWU`O^Vg 3fVWPWba I]gZZ Zm]^W^ih d[ 8]^cZhZ XVaa^\gVe]n VcY Vgi# 6i i]Z AdjYZc CZahdc 8ZciZg/ (- I^\Zgh! Wgjh] XVaa^\gVe]n XZaZWgVi^c\ NZVg d[ i]Z <daY I^\Zg! i]gj ;ZW '-# 6i Xdjcin Wj^aY^c\ dc DXZVc Hi! WVX` lVaa!8]^cZhZ 8Vaa^\gVe]n VcY 7ZndcY! ldg` [gdb cjbZgdjh eVhi 8VWg^aad Vgi XaVhhZh# 6i 8VWg^aad 8daaZ\Z A^WgVgn! 8]^cZhZ 8Vaa^\gVe]n VcY i]Z IVd IZ 8]^c\! [ZVijg^c\ XVaa^\gVe]n dc gdX`h jh^c\ X]VgVXiZgh [gdb i]Z [^ghi [djg hZciZcXZh d[ i]Vi ^bbdgiVa ldg`! hiVgi^c\ ;ZW -# ;gZZ#

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Santa Cruz County Bank Presents

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January 19 - April 2, 2010 Santa Cruz County Bank Arts Collaborative celebrates its 25th show! Man’s Best Friend encompasses thirteen area artists’ portrayals of the playful nature of dogs. This show is an artistic sequel to “Unleashed,� a tribute to the Year of the Dog in 2007.

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James Aschbacher, Wendy Ballen, Penny Brozda, Constance Chandlee, Michael Eckerman, Janet Fine, Jane Gregorius, Qiu-ming Hay, Robley Levy, Roberta Loach, Marvin Plummer, Stephanie Schriver, and Elizabeth Williams

C9C:3:3 </B7=< IN WHAT is being described as the most unlikely comeback in music history, the ukulele has returned. Long considered a kitschy instrument from a bygone era, the wee instrument of the Islands is now inspiring players the world over to strum the chords of a “ukulele revolution.� In Mighty Uke, filmmakers Tony Coleman and Margaret Meagher set out to discover why so many people from so many different cultures are picking up the uke, and they emerge with an entertaining glimpse into this oft-misunderstood “instrument of the people� that features musicians and historians from around the world, including plenty of Santa Cruz “uke-erati.� The night’s festivities also include musical sets by Ukulele Dick and “ukulele superstar� James Hill, plus a meeting of the Ukulele Club of Santa Cruz. (Cat Johnson)

On display at all Santa Cruz County Bank offices. For locations visit sccountybank.com

457.5000 sccountybank.com

MIGHTY UKE screens Thursday, Feb. 25, at 6:30pm at the Rio Theatre, 1205 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz. Tickets are $8 at the door and on Ticketweb. 831.423.8209.

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; february 24-march 3, 2010 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

Brought to you by UCSC Recreation The World’s Best Mountain Films www.banffmountainfestivals.ca

Ignite your passion for adventure! The Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour will exhilarate you with amazing big-screen stories when it comes to the Rio Theatre Journey to exotic locations, paddle the wildest waters and climb the highest peaks.

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festival world tour

4@72/G AC<2/G $ Âł &

¡B63 & ;7:3 E/::¸ The Resource Center for Nonviolence presents a screening of John Carlos Frey’s latest documentary, The 800 Mile Wall. The film sheds light on the new barrier along the U.S.Mexico border and the danger immigrants face when crossing into the United States. Friday, Feb. 26, at 7pm at the First Congregational Church, 900 High St., Santa Cruz; Saturday, Feb. 27, at 70pm at Lutheran Community Church, 95 Alta Vista, Watsonville; and Sunday, Feb. 28, at 2pm at the Peace Resource Center, 1364 Fremont Blvd., Seaside. E]]TS`a EOZYS`a 3dS\ba 9d\"adkZg \gdje L L ]daYh i]gZZ dc\d^c\ ZkZcih# &/ 9d\\^Z 9g^kZ"^c [gZZ bdk^Z l^i] ndjg Yd\ ! [^ghi Hjc BVn"DXi! 8gZeZ EaVXZ# '/ 8V[Z 8Vc^cZ [gZZ a^kZ bjh^X l^i] ndjg Yd\ ! i]^gY lZZ` BVn" HZe! 8gZeZ EaVXZ# (/ LZZ`an 9d\ LVa` NVeen =djg! ZVX] Hjc &%/(% Vb! Y^[[ZgZci adXVi^dc ZVX] lZZ`# 8Vaa [dg YZiV^ah# Dc\d^c\! &%/(%Vb# ;gZZ# -(&#)',#%(*%#

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Photo: Dave Garrow, Mt. Logan, Yukon Š Cory Richards

(MJJIVIRX ½PQW IEGL RMKLX &IRI½XW XLI UCSC Wilderness Orientation Scholarship Fund

Sponsored by:

FRIDAY NIGHT: Kranked: Revolve Deep/Shinsetsu Finding Farley MedeoZ Mustang: A Journey of Transformation First Ascent: Alone on the Wall 4VSNIGX 1IKE[SSWL SATURDAY NIGHT: Revolution One Azazel Take a Seat Africa Revolutions Tour Mont Blanc Speed Flying First Ascent:The Impossible Climb The Ultimate Skiing Showdown

With support from:

Presented by:

February 26 & 27, 7 PM @ Rio Theatre Tickets: $12 Student & Senior/$15 general (purchased in advance) TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: ˆ &YKEFSS ˆ 4EGM½G )HKI ˆ 7SPEV 8IGLRSPSKMIW ˆ 7TVSGOIXW ˆ 9'7' 6IGVIEXMSR


03/ /BA1/>3 ffebruary e b r u a r y 24-march 2 4 - m a r c h 3, 3 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; $ $ j 03/BA1/>3

Jazz Presenters since 1975


HOLD TIGHT FEATURING NICOLE WILSON Concert only: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel


MARK LEVINE & THE LATIN TINGE PLAY THE MUSIC OF MOACIR SANTOS Concert only: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel

FRI. MARCH 5 • 7 & 9 PM New Orleans’ Musical Treasure!


$27/Adv $30/Door, No Jazztix or Comps Sponsored by High Notes


KIDD JORDAN QUARTET FEATURING EDDIE GALE, WILLIAM PARKER, WARREN SMITH $22/Adv $25/Door 1/2 Price Night for Students @ the door with valid ID



Sponsored by Silent Gong Fund

MON. MARCH 15 • 7 & 9 PM


GILBERTO GIL: THE STRING CONCERT THURS. MARCH 18 • 8 PM AT THE RIO THEATRE $50/Gold Circle $35/General, No Jazztix/Comps

4=:93<1@s<3< 4 =:93<1@ @s<3< Edward Edwarrd Sharpe Sharpe

Sponsored by Redtree Properties

Magnetic Zeros and the Magn netic Z er e os play the Rio Monday.. on Monday

MON. MARCH 22 • 7 PM


MON. APRIL 26 • 8 PM AT SANTA CRUZ CIVIC AUDITORIUM Tix: 420-5260 & santacruztickets.com Sponsored by Barry Swenson Builder


the orchestrion tour

Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, serving premium wines & microbrewed beers. Snacks & desserts available all other nights. All age venue.

Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at kuumbwajazz.org. Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admissions Tax.

Independently Produced Events SATURDAY, MARCH 6 • 8 PM

PLANET CRUZ COMEDY HOUR WITH RICHARD STOCKTON $20/Adv $25/Door Tickets at Streetlight Records & Gateways Books & PlanetCruz.org



4 27 - 2 2 27

E32<3A2/G j E 32<3A2/G j "

E32<3A2/G j E 32<3A2/G j "

B6C@A2/G j B 6 C @ A 2/G j #

B/@@CA @7:3G B /@@CA @7:3G

A1=CB <70:3BB A 1= C B < 7 0 : 3 B B

A ttraditionalist raditionalist u unafraid nafraid tto od drape rape h his is tthrowback hrowback rreggae eggae iin nm odern ggarb, arb, modern T arrus R iley eembodies mbodies tthe he d iversity Tarrus Riley diversity o is b irthplace o he B ronx. A off h his birthplace off tthe Bronx. d evout R astafarian w ho iiss ccomfortable omfortable devout Rastafarian who p erforming ssecular ecular ttracks racks ssuch uch aass JJohn ohn performing L egend’s ““Stay Stay W ith Y ou,� R iley iiss aable ble Legend’s With You, Riley tto oh old a n umber o ontradictions hold number off ccontradictions w ithin h imself aand nd h is w ork w ithout within himself his work without iitt rringing inging ffalse. alse. R iley iiss o n a rrootsootsRiley on rreggae eggae rrevival evival ttrip, rip, w ith jjust ust eenough nough with p ost-Millennial ggloss loss tthrown hrown o n tto o post-Millennial on sstay tay rrelevant. elevant. IIt’s t’s w orth n oting tthat hat worth noting R iley iiss tthe he sson on o immy R iley o he Riley off JJimmy Riley off tthe U niques aand nd tthe he T echniques, b ut Uniques Techniques, but T arrus iiss u ndoubtedly h is o wn m an, a Tarrus undoubtedly his own man, cconfident onf ident p erformer w ith a ssingular ingular performer with vvoice. oice. C atalyst; $ 20 aadv/$24 dv/$24 d oor; 8 pm. Catalyst; $20 door; 8pm. ((Paul Paul M. M. Davis) Davis)

Scout N Scout Niblett iblett iiss tthe he p pseudonym seudonym of of B ritish ssinger/songwriter inger/songwriter E mma British Emma L ouise N iblett, a moniker moniker inspired inspired b Louise Niblett, byy tthe he ccharacter haracter o ean Louise Louise ““Scout� Scout� off JJean F inch in in To To Kill Kill a Mockingbird. Moockingbird. Niblett Niblett Finch specializes in in stripped-down stripped- down guitarguitarspecializes only and and drum-only drum-only arrangements. arrangements. only As a result, result, there’s there’s a bracing bracing starkness starkness As to her her music: music: it’s it’s blunt, blunt, confessional confessional to and unsentimental. unsentimental. Her Her latest, latest, The The and Calcination of of Scout Scout Niblett, Niblett, takes takes the the Calcination minimalism to to new new extremes, extremes, with with minimalism spare production production reminiscent reminiscent of of spare another Steve Steve Albini Albini recording, recording, P.J. .J. another Harvey’s Rid Rid of of Me. Me. But But unlike unlike Harvey’s Harvey’s Harvey’s work, Niblett Niblett avoids avoids release release in in her her work, music, opting opting instead instead for for an an unresolved unresolved music, tension that that is is challenging challenging yet yet tension undeniably compelling. compelling. Crepe Crepe Place; Place; undeniably $10; 9pm. 9pm. (PMD) (PMD) $10;

@/G EG:73 @ /G EG : 7 3 6C00/@2 6 C00/@2 Ray R ay W Wylie ylie H Hubbard ubbard h has as llong ong b been een tthe he cchoice hoice o iscerning ccountry ountry ffans ans off d discerning w ho p refer ttheir heir o utlaws ssomewhat omewhat who prefer outlaws ccracked.It’s racked.It’s p erhaps n ot tthe he m ost perhaps not most llucrative ucrative ccareer areer p ath—Hubbard’s b estpath—Hubbard’s bestk nown ssong ong iiss tthe he cclassic lassic ccontrarian ontrarian known ccountry ountry aanthem, nthem, ““Up Up A gainst tthe he Against W all, R edneck M other,� w hich w as Wall, Redneck Mother, which was p opularized b erry Je eff W alker. S till, popularized byy Je Jerry Jeff Walker. Still, tthere’s here’s m uch tto ob aid ffor or a cconfirmed onf irmed much bee ssaid o utlaw k eeping iitt rreal eal iin nam usic ggenre enre outlaw keeping music d esperate tto o iiron ron o ut tthe he rrough ough eedges dges desperate out aand nd ggo op op. W hat H ubbard llacks acks iin n pop. What Hubbard n ame rrecognition ecoggnition h e’s m ore tthan han m ade name he’s more made u p ffor or iin n ccredibility, redibility, rrecording ecording aalbums lbums up iin n rrecent ecent yyears ears ssuch uch aass 2 003’s G rowl 2003’s Growl tthat hat h old u p aass w ell aass aanything nything h hold up well hee h as eever ver rrecorded. ecorded. D on Q uixote’s; $ 15; has Don Quixote’s; $15; 77:30pm. :30pm. ((PMD) PMD)

j %

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ffebruary e b r u a r y 24-march 2 4 - m a r c h 3, 3 , 2010 2 0 1 0 03/BA1/>3 03/ /BA1/>3

1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A 67::AB=;> 67::AB=;> MAR CH 4 AT AT CREPE PLACE PLLA LACE CE MARCH A /;0/2Ž /; /;0/2Ž A/;0/2Ž M MAR CH 5 AT AT MOE’S M E’S MOE ’S ALLEY A EY MARCH

4@72/G j 4 @ 7 2/G j $

07:: 9@3CBH;/<< 07:: 9@3CBH;/<< B@7= B @7= When W hen yyour our m music usic tteacher eacher ttells ells yyou ou tthat hat yyou ou ccan’t an’ ntk eep a b eat, yyou ou h ave keep beat, have ttwo wo cchoices: hoices: yyou ou ccan an ggive ive u pp laying up playing m usic fforever orever o ou ccan an ffind ind a b etter music orr yyou better tteacher. eacher. F or B ill K reutzmann, h is ssixthixthFor Bill Kreutzmann, his ggrade rade d rum tteacher’s eacher’s cclaim laim iignited gnited a drum d etermination that that led led to to a 30-year 30-year determination ccareer areer aass tthe he h eartbeat o he llegendary egendary heartbeat off tthe G rateful D ead. S haring d rum d uties Grateful Dead. Sharing drum duties w ith M ickey H art, K reutzmann with Mickey Hart, Kreutzmann b ecame p art o uo ffamous amous ffor or became part off a d duo tthe he w ild ffrenzy renzy ttheir heir eextended xtended d rum wild drum d uets w ould ccreate, reate, a ffrenzy renzy tthat hat h as duets would has ccontinued ontinued with with several several post-Jerry post-Je Jerry iincarnations ncarnations o the b and. Kreutzmann’s Kreutzmann’s off the band. llatest atest p roject, BK3, BK3, ffeatures eatures a d ozen project, dozen n ew songs songs cco-written o-written w ith G rateful new with Grateful D ead lyricist lyricist R obert H unter, so so put put on on Dead Robert Hunter, yyour our d ancing shoes shoes because because the the sshow how is is dancing ccoming oming tto o ttown. own. M oe’s Alley; Alley; $30 $30 adv/ adv/ Moe’s $ 35 d oor; 9pm. 9pm. ((Cat Cat Jo ohnson) $35 door; Johnson)

A/BC@2/G j A /B C @ 2/G j %

/ < B AG ; 11 : / 7 < /<BAG ;11:/7< B@/7:3@ >/@9 B @ / 7 : 3 @ >/ @ 9 B @=C0/2=C@A B@=C0/2=C@A Th The he m musical usical universe universe of of Antsy Antsy McClain McClain iiss one one in in w hich cowboy cowbo oy jazz, jazz, Tex-Mex, Tex-Mex, which rrock ock aand nd country country ccollide ollide to to paint paint aan n u pbeat aand nd vivid vivid p icture of of llife ife among among upbeat picture tthe he trailers. trailers. A sself-proclaimed elf-procclaimed humorist humorist be aring tales tales of of tragicomic tragicomic heroes heroes and and bearing

o utspokeen n ssilver-haired ilver-haired lladies, adies, M cClain outspoken McClain h as rrecently ecentllyy be en rrevealing evealing h is sserious erious has been his sside ide w ith aan n eexpanded xpanded rrepertoire epeertoire tthat hat with iincludes ncludes h earttfelt b allads, ssongs ongs o ost heartfelt ballads, off llost llove ove aand nd rruminations uminations o n tthe he p ainful on painful sside ide o ife. H is sserious erious ttone, one, h owever, off llife. His however, h as n ot sskewed kewed h is po sitive aapproach. pproach. has not his positive ““Our Our sshows hows gget et yyou ou iinterested nterested iin n lliving, iving,� h ays. ““Life Life iiss ttoo oo sshort hort tto o hee ssays. d well o n tthe he n egative.� M cClain w ill be dwell on negative. McClain will aaccompanied ccompanied b is b and, a ““revolving revolving byy h his band, ccadre adre o op-notch p ickers� k nown off ttop-notch pickers� known aass tthe he Tr railer P ark T roubadours. Trailer Park Troubadours. K uumbwa; $ 24.50; 8 pm. ((Cat Cat Jo ohnson) Kuumbwa; $24.50; 8pm. Johnson)

AC<2/G j A C < 2/G j &

E=@:2 4CA7=< E = @ : 2 4 C A 7 = < ; 7 < 7 4 3 AB ;7<743AB There’s Th here’s no no ttelling elling what what w will ill go go d down own w hen four four b ands, sschlepping chlepping roughly roughly when bands, 330 0u npronounceable instruments, instruments, pack pac ack unpronounceable tthe he stage stage aatt Don Don Q uixote’s and and u nleash Quixote’s unleash w orld music music mayhem. mayhem. Th he ffar ar corners corners world The o the gglobe lobe llook ook to to be be well well represented represented off the aatt the the sshow how with with Celtic, Celtic, In ndian, South South Indian, A merican, Asian Asian and and African African sstyles tyles American, aall ll w aving their their rrespective espective fflags. lags. San San waving Fr rancisco’s Four Fo our S hillings Short Short ccovers overs Francisco’s Shillings tthe he neo-Celtic neo o-C Celtic bases bases with with aatmospheric tmospheric aand nd energetic energetic b allads. Matthew Matthew M ontf tfort ballads. Montfort iiss a celebrated celebrated gguitar uitar virtuoso virtuoso with with a p enchant ffor or jjazzy azzy interpretations interpretations o penchant off E astern jams. jams. And And sstring tring w hiz W alter Eastern whiz Walter S trauss jjoins oins Mamadou Mamadou Sidibe Sidibe on on the the Strauss m bira ffor or p erhaps the the m ost iinteresting nteresting mbira perhaps most ccombo ombo o the n ight. Don Don Q uixote’s; $ 10; off the night. Quixote’s; $10; 2 pm. ((Curtis Curtis C artier) 2pm. Cartier)

AB/@ >=E3@ A B/ /@ >=E3@ Galact Galactic tic lights up Mo Moe’s e’s Alle Alley ey on T Tuesday. uesdayy. u

B63 >/19 B63 >/19 M MAR A CH C 6 AT AT CATALYST CATA TA ALLY YSST MARCH 9 722 8=@2 8 /< ?C /< ? /@B3B 3B 9722 8=@2/< ?C/@B3B MAR RCH H 8 AT AT KUUMBWA KUUMBW M WA MARCH 8=3 3 0=</; 0=< ;/ /AA/ 8=3 0=</;/AA/ M MAR ARCH H 10 1 AT AT RIO THEA T HEA ATRE MARCH THEATRE ;716/3: 3: ;/@BG< ;716/3: ;/@BG< 5==2 ;32717<3 ;3 5==2 ;32717<3 MAR CH 133 AT AT DON QUIXOTE’S QUI TE’S QUIXO MARCH 6/< 9 777 6/<9 777 MAR CH 27 AT AT CATALYST CAT CA ATAL A YST Y T MARCH > /B BBG 5@74 447< < >/BBG 5@7447< 0C22 G ;7::3@ @ 0C22G ;7::3@ A APRIL AT RIO RIIO O THEATRE TH THEA H TREE 9 AT

;=<2/G j ! ; = < 2/G j !

32E/@2 A6/@>3 32E/@2 A6/@>3 B63 ;/5<3B71 B63 ;/5<3B71 H 3@=A H3@=A Th The he ssparks parks tthat hat fly f ly when when A Alex lex Ebert Ebert aand nd Jade Jaade Castrinos Castrinos take take tthe he sstage tage could could sstart tart a wildfire. wildfire. The Th he dual dual vocalists, vocalists, b ona bona ffide ide ccommune ommune h ippies aand nd real real life life hippies llovers, overs, m ake up up o nly o ne-fifth o Edward make only one-fifth off Edward S harpe & tthe he M agnetic Z eros, but but when when Sharpe Magnetic Zeros, tthe he lights lights come come o n, their their ““aw, aw, sshucks� hucks� on, ffolksy olksy flirt f lirt rroutine outine iiss the the ccenter enter of of aattention. ttention. E ven w ithout tthe he ccutesy utesy sstage tage Even without sshow, how, however, however, the the band’s band’s craft craft is is ssound, ound, aand, nd, aided aided b Ebert’s ssoulful oulful ccreak reak of of a byy Ebert’s vvoice, oice, tthe he group group achieves achieves a b rassy and and brassy cclap-happy lap-happy style style tthat’s hat’s both both alarmingly alarmingly ccatchy atchy and and rich rich aand nd complex—a complex—a rarity rarity iin n the the ccrowded rowded ggenre enre o ndie folk. folk. Rio Rio off iindie Th heatre; $18 $18 aadv/$22; dv/$22; d oor; 8 pm. (CC) (CC) Theatre; door; 8pm.

BC3A2/G j ! B C 3 A 2/G j !

5/:/1B71 5 / : /1 B 7 1 With W ith Katrina Katrina m mostly ostly a b bad ad memory, memory, a cclimactic limactic Mardi Mardi Gras Gras jjust ust b eing w ashed being washed ffrom rom the the streets streets and and a S uper B owl Super Bowl cchampion hampion football football team team h oisting tthe he hoisting V ince Lombardi Lombardi Trophy, Trophy, it’s it’s a ggood ood Vince ttime ime tto o call call N ew O rleans h ome. F unk, New Orleans home. Funk, ssoul oul aand nd jazz jazz crew crew Galactic Galactic h ave h ung have hung ttheir heir hats hats in in C rescent C ity for for n early Crescent City nearly 2 0 years. years. Constantly Constantly eevolving, volving, the the 20 ggroup roup incorporates incorporates iinfluences nf luences ffrom rom eelectronica lectronica tto oh ip -hop to to world world m usic hip-hop music aand nd has has a rotating rotating d oor ffor or b ig-name door big-name sspecial pecial guest guest collaborators. collaborators. IIn nS anta Santa C ruz, legendary legendary p ercussionist C yril Cruz, percussionist Cyril N eville of of tthe he city’s city’s royal royal house house o oul Neville off ssoul jjoins oins the the ggroup roup ffor or a p roper B ig E asy proper Big Easy ttribute. ribute. M oe’s A lley; $ 27 adv/$30 adv/$30 d oor; Moe’s Alley; $27 door; 8 :30pm. (CC) (CC) 8:30pm.

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Gilberto Gil The String Concert featuring Jaques Morelenbaum and Bem Gil

THURS. MARCH 18, 8 PM RIO THEATRE Tickets at Logos Books & Records, downtown Santa Cruz and online at kuumbwajazz.org • Info: 831.427.2227 Sponsored by Redtree Properties Presented by Kuumbwa Jazz • Celebrating 35 Years in 2010

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1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 :HGQHVGD\ )HEUXDU\ $*(6 ‡ Real SC presents

Tarrus Riley SOXV Sherieta



6DWXUGD\ )HEUXDU\ ‡ $*(6

Santa Cruz TME presents

“JerseyDJShore� Sal ZLWK


EPIC Entertainment’s



$GY 'U 'UV S P 6KRZ S P )HE Future Dog Atrium (Ages 21+) 0DU The Pack/ DEV (Ages 16+) 0DU Andre Nickatina (Ages 16+) 0DU Trombone Shorty New Mastersounds (Ages 21+) 0DU New Found Glory/Saves The Day (Ages 16+) 0DU Iration (Ages 16+) 0DU Hank III/Assjack (Ages 21+) $SU Yonder Mountain String Band (Ages 21+) $SU Collie Buddz (Ages 16+) $SU Phoenix (Ages 16+) $SU The Devil Makes Three (Ages 21+) $SU The Devil Makes Three (Ages 16+) 0D\ Thrice/Manchester Orch. (Ages 16+) 8QOHVV RWKHUZLVH QRWHG DOO VKRZV DUH GDQFH VKRZV ZLWK OLPLWHG VHDWLQJ Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ffebruary e b r u a r y 24-march 2 4 - m a r c h 3, 3 , 2010 2 0 1 0 47:; 47:; ;

SShort hort and and Sweet Sweet Oscar-nominated O scar-nominated sshort hort films films outstrip most most fullfulloutstrip llength ength ffeatures eatures 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0 G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


SA AN N OSCAR OSCAR mudslide mudslide for for A vatar iiss iimminent, mminent, tthe he lless ess Avatar publicized p ublicized races races are are all all the the more more iinteresting nteresting and and far far more more fun fun to to h andicap. T here’s a ffurious urious eenergy nergy iin n ttoday’s oday’s handicap. There’s distribution sshort-film hort-film ffilmmaking, ilmmaking, ssince ince d istribution p ossibilities aare re eeverywhere. verywhere. S tarting Fr riday, possibilities Starting Friday, tthe he N ickelodeon iiss sscreening creening tthe he ffinalists inalists Nickelodeon iin nB est S hort F ilm aand nd B est A nimated Best Short Film Best Animated S horts ccategories. ategories. Th he llatter atter aare re b etter: tthe he Shorts The better: ffive ive aanimated nimated sshorts horts aadd dd u p tto o tthe he ffinest inest up sselection election II’ve ’ve sseen een iin n aatt lleast east a d ecade. T hree decade. Three o hese ccartoons artoons d epend u pon tthe he ccomedic omedic off tthese depend upon u se o he ccrone. rone. G ranny O ’Grimm’s SSleeping leeping use off tthe Granny O’Grimm’s B eauty, aacted cted b he IIrish rish sstandup tandup ccomic omic Beauty, byy tthe K athleen O ’Rourke, cconcerns oncerns a b itter o ld Kathleen O’Rourke, bitter old p iss p ot w orking o ut h er p ersonal ttraumas raumas piss pot working out her personal on using bedtime o n a tterrified errified cchild hild u sing a b edtime sstory tory weapon. 2-D aass a w eapon. IIllustrated llustrated iin n ggilded ilded 2 -D aand nd knockout. More sscary cary 33-D, -D, iit’s t’s aan n eeasy asy k nockout. M ore quietly droll q uietly d roll iiss French French Roast, Roast, a Tatiesque Tatiesque offering byy F Fabrice O.. JJoubert, which o ffering b abrice O oubert, iin nw hich with a ggentleman entleman iiss sstranded tranded aatt a ccafe afe w ith a Quasimodo-like barista, pesky Q uasimodo-like b arista, a p esky ttransient ransient who walking brush w ho llooks ooks llike ike a w alking cchimney himney b rush old nun. aand nd a ssweet-faced weet-faced o ld n un. The byy Ja Javier The LLady ady aand nd tthe he Reaper Reaper b avier Recio Gracia R ecio G racia sstars tars yyet et aanother nother ggranny, ranny, a pious, white-braided widow. Vera-Lynn’s p ious, w hite-braided w idow. V era-Lynn’s ssayonara ayonara ssong ong ““We’ll We’ll M eet A gain� ssets ets tthe he Meet Again� off o our pal sstage tage ffor or tthe he aarrival rrival o ur eeventual ventual p al Mr. Happy Death. Here’s off M r. H appy D eath. H ere’s a rreminder eminder o w hy iit’s t’s sso o iimperative mperative tto o ssign ign tthose hose ““No No why Heroic Measures� when muscleH eroic M easures� fforms orms w hen a m usclebo und ccardiologist ardiologist aand nd a cchorus horus lline ine o bound off ccurvy urvvy n urses d isturb tthe he n atural p rocess. nurses disturb natural process. Then there’s there’s the the return return of of Wallace Wallace and and Then G romit. N ick P ark’s A Matter Matter of of Loaf Loaf and and Gromit. Nick Park’s D eath h as W allace—that sstalwart talwart o reDeath has Wallace—that off p preY ankif ied E ngland—toiling iin n tthe he aartisan rtisan Yankified England—toiling

B63 2=C56 /:A= @7A3A Wallace aand B63 2=C56 /:A= @7A3A Wallace nd G Gromit romit eembark mb ark Matter Loaf Death.’ oon n a new new sset et ooff aadventures dventures iin n ‘‘A AM atter ooff Lo af and and D eath.’

bread ttrade. bread rade. His His pe pedigreed digreed boffin-hound bofff in-hound Gromit brains off tthe operation. G romit iiss tthe he b rains o he o peration. The Th he unprepared unprepared Wallace Wallace meets meets danger danger off a beautiful woman iin n the the form form o beautiful w oman ((voiced voiced byy Sally Lindsay)—she b Sally L indsay)—she was was once once the the balloon-riding mascot Bake-O-Lite b alloo on-riding m ascot of of tthe he B ake-O-Lite bread Wallace’s b read ccompany ompany aand nd W allace’s llongtime ongtime dream British murder mystery d ream girl. girl. The Th he B ritish m urder m ystery iiss ggorgeously orgeously lampooned lampooned iin n this this ccompact ompact brief, wellaand nd delightful delightful aadventure: dventure: tthe he b rief, w ellmovie quotes one Ghost cchosen hosen m ovie q uotes ((the the o ne ffrom rom G host was best) w as tthe he be st) are are eespecially specially aamusing. musing. One One admires admires Park’s Park’s entry entry from from all all aangles. ngles. IIss Gromit Gromit ggetting etting tto o be be a better better much aactor, ctor, or or iiss iitt jjust ust tthat hat we’ve we’ve spent spent so so m uch him ttime ime with with h im that that we’re we’re more more attuned attuned tto o his has petite h is slighter slighter rreactions? eactions? He He h as a p etite aamie mie here: h ere: a French Frrench poodle poodle whose whose downcast downcast desperation eeyes yes aand nd aair ir of of muted muted d esperation match match his h is own. own. The The ttwo wo dogs dogs ought ought to to sstar tar in in aan n East Tables. E ast End End revival revival of of SSeparate eparate T ables. The Wallace Gromit Th he W allace aand nd G romit sshow how iiss beguiling work, but iimpressive, mpressive, be guiling w ork, b ut tthe he best off tthe proves why be st o he ffive, ive, LLogorama, ogorama, p roves w hy off tthe tthe he ggreat reat iiss tthe he eenemy nemy o he ggood. ood o . It It iiss work off a F French doing tthe he w ork o rench ccollective ollective d oing business b usiness aass ““H5. H5.� LLogorama ogorama iiss a ccomputeromputer-

animated S animated Sim im C City ity o off S Southern outhern California California which iin nw hich eeverything, veryything, ffrom rom tthe he humans humans to to tthe he zzoo oo aanimals nimals tto o tthe he iinsects, nsects, iiss a living living Klein’s worst llogo—Naomi ogo—Naomi Kl lein’s w orst nightmare. nightmare. LLogorama ogorama is is as as revolutionary revolutionary as as a year’s year’s worth off T The w orth o he SSimpsons. impsons. Itt is is dense, dense, eyeeyepopping And po pping aand nd sseriously eriously ssubversive. ubversive. A nd worst tthe he w orst tthing hing iiss tthat hat iitt ttingles ingles tthose hose weird w eird cchildish hildish ffeelings eelings of of comfort comfort when when one o ne ssees ees a llogo: ogo: tthat hat ssatisfaction atisfaction when when Best Western ssighting ighting a B est W estern sign sign glowing glowing aatt off a llost dark highway. tthe he eend nd o ost d ark h ighway. With With the the exception exception of of the the cute cute but but iinconsequential nconsequential Swedish Swedish ccomedy omedy Instead Instead Abracadabra, ooff A bracadabra, each each of of the the five five finalists finalists iin n tthe he llive ive aaction ction package package ((shown shown ffor or a separate separate admission) admission) tries tries tto o ttackle ackle a Wilson’s ssocial ocial issue. issue. JJuanita uanita W ilson’s funereal funereal The T he Door, Door, based based on on an an oral oral history history by by Nikolai was on N ikolai Kalugin, Kalugin, w as ffilmed ilmed o n location location iin n Chernobyl off P Pripyat. C hernobyl aand nd tthe he gghost host ttown own o ripyat. More M ore than than anything, anything, The The Door Door is is a quick quick wee n need aanswer nswer tto o those those iinsisting nsisting w eed to to rramp amp up nuclear power without delay. u pn uclear p ower w ithout d elay. Kavi Kavi by by Gregg Gregg Helvey Helvey addresses addresses the the global global problem problem of of slave slave labor labor at at an an Indian Indian brickyard In brickyard in in terms Twist, terms of of Oliver Oliver T wist, and and makes makes SSlumdog lumdog

Millionaire M illionaire llook ook llike ike S Satyajit atyajit R Ray. ay. ((It’s Itt’s a hoping ccalling-card alling-card ffilm, ilm, h oping tto o rreach each iinvestors nvestors tto o ffinance inance a ffull-length ull-length vversion.) ersion.) The The New New Tenants, with T enants, w ith iits ts eending nding ccelebrating elebrating ggay ay partnership, has witty p artnership, h as a w itty sscript, cript, a jjaundiced aundiced performances eeye ye aand nd ffierce, ierce, eentertaining ntertaining p erformances byy Kevin Corrigan Vincent D’Onofrio. b Kevin C orrigan and and V incent D ’Onofrio. Nothing, N othing, however, however, was was as as fflabbergasting labbergasting Luke Doolan’s Miracle Fish. aass L uke D oolan’s ffilm ilm M iracle F ish. I don’t don’t particular ccare are tto o reveal reveal its its p articular ssocial ocial iissue ssue because off tthe way Australian director b ecause o he w ay tthe he A ustralian d irector up on On his 8th birthday, ssneaks neaks u po n it. it. O nh is 8 th b irthday, a picked-upon boy Beattie) p icked-upon little little b oy ((Karl Karl B eattie) ggets ets present mother: ap resent from from his his m other: a ccelluloid elluloid Hee rreceives more ffortune-telling ortune-telling ffish. ish. H eceives a m ore present, however, iimportant mportant birthday birthday p resent, h owever, hee ggets keep Doolan’s iin n tthat hat h ets tto ok eep lliving. iving. D oolan’s off aabandonment, vvisions isions o bandonment, eempty mpty iinteriors nteriors out aand nd an an insignificant insignificant ttoy oy tthat hat tturns urns o ut bee a llifesaver tto ob ifesaver aare, re, aass tthe he ttitle itle ssuggests, uggests, miraculous. miraculous. OSCAR-NOMINATED O SCAR-NOMINATED SHORTS SHORTS ((ANIMATED ANIMATED AND AND LIVE LIVE ACTION) ACTION) Friday Nickelodeon. oopen p en F riday aatt tthe he N ickeelodeon.

!" j 47:; february 24-march 3, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Film Capsules


Animated Films at (2:15), 6:45 plus Sat, Sun (11:50am) Live Action Films at (4:20), 8:50 2 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS


“Helen Mirren is a lusty, roaring wonder‌simply astounding!â€? –Rolling Stone

Helen Mirren Christopher Plummer Paul Giamatti James McAvoy (R)

Daily: (2:00), (4:30), 7:00, 9:20 plus Sat, Sun (11:40am)


Jeff Bridges Maggie Gyllenhaal Robert Duval Colin Farrell (R) Daily:

(2:30), (4:50), 7:15, 9:30 plus Sat, Sun (12:10) Midnights @ The Del Mar Fun! Prizes! Depp!

Benny & Joon (PG)

Fri 2/26 & Sat 2/27 @ Midnight Next Week: The Matrix


<3E 1/>A

(Plays Fri-Sat at the Del Mar.) (SP)

03<<G /<2 8==< (1993) Mary Stuart Masterson used to be in movies! That’s nearly all I remember from this pivotal Johnny Depp flick, which along with What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (from the same year) proved to everyone that he could be more than the 21 Jump Street guy or a freaky scissorsnapping Robert Smith fetish doll. My favorite part is when he says, “It’s a shame about raisins,� since he was in the Lemonheads’ video for “It’s a Shame About Ray� around the same time. How come they didn’t get Evan Dando to do something funny and cool like in Reality Bites?

1=> =CB (R; 110 min.) Kevin Smith doing a movie about cops somehow seems every bit as wrong as Ice T playing a cop on TV, and that’s pretty wrong. This is the first movie Smith didn’t write himself, although I don’t know whether that’s better or worse. In any case, it has Bruce Willis as a New York cop trying to retrieve a baseball card with partner Tracy Morgan. (Opens Fri at 41st Ave, Riverside Twin, Scotts Valley AND Green Valley.) (SP) B63 1@/H73A (R; 101 min.) Made for $275,00 in 1973, George Romero’s The Crazies

had no right to be anywhere near as good as it was. But it hit the perfect paranoia pitch for the era, featuring government troops in shocking white hazmat suits invading a small town to “clean up� the mess that it made when it let an army virus infect a small town. The basic idea of “undead by infection� was the second big idea Romero would contribute to the zombie movie; it took longer to catch on but now is one of the most popular genre staples. Think the people behind this remake can do better with $12 million? Not bloody likely. (Opens Fri at Riverfront Twin and Green Valley Cinema.) (SP)


STARTS FRIDAY 2/26! “####! Brilliant black comedy� –Chicago Tribune

=A1/@ <=;7</B32 A6=@B 47:;A >@=5@/;

(Animated) See review, page 33. (Opens Fri at Del Mar.) =A1/@ <=;7</B32 A6=@B 47:;A >@=5@/; (Live

action) See review, page 33. (Opens Fri at Del Mar.) >=:713 /2831B7D3 (Unrated; 121 min.) A small-town cop begins to have misgivings about the ethics of his job in this Best Foreign Language Film Oscarentry from Romania. Apparently there’s corruption among the authorities in Eastern Europe. As if their vampire and werewolf problems weren’t

Movie reviews by Steve Palopoli and Richard von Busack

enough! (Opens Fri at the Nickelodeon.) (SP) D3@B75= (1958) Sometimes you just wake up to how freaky something is, like when you’re in the supermarket one day and the Police’s “Every Breath You Take� comes on, and you suddenly get a chill down your spine. Hitchcock fans sometimes get that with Vertigo, and for pretty much the same reason. Both Sting’s “love song� and Hitchcock’s “art film� are tributes to sick obsession and stalker behavior. In fact, after enough viewings, Vertigo starts to seem even creepier than Psycho, though it’s not nearly as morbid and

in-your-face about it. At least Anthony Perkins’ Norman Bates is a tragic figure whose pathology is tackled head on. Jimmy Stewart’s Scottie Ferguson gets a happy ending, and we’re glad! Written by Alec Coppel and Samuel Taylor, but crafted by Hitchcock to represent perhaps the purest and most personal artistic vision of his career, Vertigo is the rare mystery whose allure and mystique have only grown over the course of half a century and millions of collective viewings. (Plays Thu at the Santa Cruz 9.) (SP)

@3D73EA B63 0:7<2 A723 (PG-

13; 126 min.) The film

Showtimes are for Wednesday, Feb. 24, through Wednesday, March 3, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

(NR) Daily: (4:40), 7:00, 9:20 plus Sat, Sun (11:30am)

9 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS (R) Daily (1:10), 8:40 3 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS 6:40plus Sat (11:50am)






Daily: (4:10), 6:30

plus Sat, Sun (11:20am) 6 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS

=aQO` <][W\ObSR AV]`ba :WdS /QbW]\ – (Opens Fri) 4:20; 8:50. BVS :Oab AbObW]\ – 2; 4:30; 7; 9:20; plus Sat-Sun 11:40. 1`Ohg 6SO`b – Wed-Thu 1:30; 2:30; 3:50; 4:50; 6:10; 7:15; 8:30; 9:30. Fri-Wed



2:30; 4:50; 7:15; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 12:10. 0S\\g O\R 8]]\ – Fri-Sat midnight.

Free Film Discussion

Oscar Special!

The Critics Discuss Their Favorites Sun 2/28 @ 11:00am


( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm




Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees

>]ZWQS /RXSQbWdS – (Opens Fri) 4:40; 7; 9:20; plus Sat-Sun 11:30am. 4WaV BO\Y – Wed-Thu 1:50; 4:20; 6:50; 9:20. Fri-Wed 3:40; 6:10. BVS EVWbS @WPP]\ – Wed-Thu 1; 3:50; 6:40; 9:30. Fri-Wed 1:50. >`SQW]ca – Wed-Thu 3; Fri-Wed 1:40; 8:30. / AW\UZS ;O\ – Wed-Thu 12:50; 5:15; 7:20; 9:30. Fri-Wed 4:10; 6:30; plus Sat-Sun /\ 3RcQObW]\ – Fri-Wed 4:30; 6:40; plus Sat 11:50am. BVS 6c`b :]QYS` – Fri-Wed 1:10; 8:40. BVS 7[OUW\O`Wc[ ]T 2]Qb]` >O`\Oaaca – Fri-Wed 2; 8:50.

Daily: (1:30), (4:00), 6:30, 8:45

Once Nightly: 8:40

Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com




23: ;/@

=aQO` <][W\ObSR AV]`ba /\W[ObSR – (Opens Fri) 2:15; 6:45; plus Sat-Sun



1]^ =cb – (Opens Fri) 11:55; 2:30; 5; 7:30; 10:10. AVcbbS` 7aZO\R – Daily 12:30; 3:45; 7; 10. DOZS\bW\S¸a 2Og – Wed-Thu 1:40; 4:30; 7:20; 10. Fri-Wed 11:30; 2:10; 4:45; 7:20; 9:155. BVS E]ZT[O\ – Wed-Thu 2:30; 5; 7:40; 10:10.

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com


Daily: (3:40),

AVcbbS` 7aZO\R – 1; 3:20; 4:05; 6:30; 7:15; 9:40; 10:20; plus Fri-Sun 12:15. >S`Qg 8OQYa]\ O\R bVS =Zg[^WO\a( BVS :WUVb\W\U BVWST – Daily 1:25; 4:15;

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.culvertheatres.com


Daily: (1:40),

>S`Qg 8OQYa]\ O\R bVS =Zg[^WO\a( BVS :WUVb\W\U BVWST – Daily 1:30; 4; 6:30; 9. BVS 0ZW\R AWRS – Daily 3:40; 6:10. AVS`Z]QY 6]Z[Sa – (Starts Fri) 8:40 C^ W\ bVS /W` – Daily 1:20; plus Wed-Thu 8:40.

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/A



Once Daily: (1:50)

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.culvertheatres.com

(PG-13) Daily: (4:30),

/>B=A 17<3;/A


@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com 1]^ =cb – (Opens Fri) 4; 7; 9:40; plus Fri-Sun 1. BVS 1`OhWSa – (Opens Fri) 4:15; 7:15; 9:50; plus Fri-Sun 1:15. EVS\ W\ @][S – Wed-Thu 4:15; 6:45; 9. 2SO` 8]V\ – Wed-Thu 4; 7; 9:30.

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com

7:05; 9:50. DOZS\bW\S¸a 2Og –Daily 12:45; 1:40; 3:40; 4:30; 6:40; 7:25; 9:30; 10:10. BVS E]ZT[O\ –Wed-Thu 1:15; 2:30; 3:50; 5:05; 6:45; 7:40; 9:15; 10:05. Fri-Wed

2:30; 5:05; 7:35; 10; plus Fri-Sun 12pm. (No 7:40 show Thu) /dObO` – Daily 12:50; 4:35; 8. C^ W\ bVS /W` – Daily 1:40; 4:20; 6:55; 9:25. (No 9:25 show Thu) 2SO` 8]V\ – Daily 1:15; 4; 6:45; 9:15. DS`bWU] – Thu 8pm.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 17<3;/A

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3261 www.culvertheatres.com 1]^ =cb – (Opens Fri) 2:20; 5; 7:30; 10; plus Fri-Sun 11:45. AVcbbS` 7aZO\R – Wed-Thu 3:45; 6:45; 9:45. Fri-Wed 3:30; 6:45; 9:45;

plus Fri-Sun 12:30. 1`Ohg 6SO`b – Wed-Thu 2:10; 4:45; 7:30; 10. Fri-Wed 2:10; 4:40; 7:10; 9:40; plus Fri-Sun 11:40am. 2SO` 8]V\ – Wed-Thu call for showtimes. Fri-Wed 2; 4:45; 7:15; 9:40; plus Fri-Sun 11:30. >S`Qg 8OQYa]\ O\R bVS =Zg[^WO\a( BVS :WUVb\W\U BVWST – Daily 1:30; 4:15; 7; 9:30; plus Fri-Sun 11am. DOZS\bW\S¸a 2Og – Daily 1:45; 4:30; 7:20; 9:55. BVS E]ZT[O\ – Wed-Thu 2:20; 5; 7:20; 9:40.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com 1]^ =cb – (Opens Fri) 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:25; plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. BVS 1`OhWSa – (Opens Fri) 1:30; 4:30; 7:10; 9:25; plus Sat-Sun 11am. AVcbbS` 7aZO\R – Daily 1; 4; 6:45; 9:30. >S`Qg 8OQYa]\ O\R bVS =Zg[^WO\a( BVS :WUVb\W\U BVWST – Daily 1:30; 4:30;

7; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11am. DOZS\bW\S¸a 2Og –Daily 1:35; 4:20; 7; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11am. BVS E]ZT[O\ – Daily 4:45; 7:15; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11am; plus Wed-Thu 1:15. 1`Ohg 6SO`b –Daily 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:25; plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. 2SO` 8]V\ – Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:20. 4`][ >O`Wa EWbV :]dS – Wed-Thu 7:20; 9:30. B]]bV 4OW`g – Wed-Thu 1:15; 3:30; 5:15; Fri-Wed 1:15; plus Sat-Sun 11:05.. /dObO` ! 2 - Daily 1; 4:15; 7:30.

j !#

A/<B/1@CH 1=; february 24-march 3, 2010 47:;

1@/HG 63/@B (R; 119 min.) Crazy Heart gives Jeff Bridges a belly-baring role, with his slit-eyed country singer Bad Blake as a kind of Bad Lebowski, a morose sweet-talking satyr drinking his way to the grave. On tour in his ancient 1978 Chevy Suburban, he meets a former Oklahoma newspaper reporter, Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal). What truly concerns Jean is the influence this charismatic wreck of a man will be on her young son. Robert Duvall, who co-produced, plays a clean and sober bar owner in Houston who is also Bad’s mentor. Ultimately, it may be that Bridges is more fun to watch as a drunkard— his Bad has a hostile, coolly funny mean streak that goes away when he gets dry and sensitive. (RvB) 23/@ 8=6< (PG-13;

108 min.) Dear John is based on Nicholas Sparks’ epistle romance between a big, shy lug of a Green Beret named John Tyree (Channing Tatum) and Savannah Curtis (Amanda Seyfried), a well-off college girl who lives by the beach in South Carolina. She is a good girl who doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke and doesn’t sleep around. Despite the good breeding, upon the first kiss with Tatum, she wraps her legs around him like he’s a brass stripper pole. Tyree begs Savannah to wait for her while his tour of duty ends. Then Sept. 11 strikes: a choice between his country and Amanda Seyfried. The Forever War is cornstarch to hold this batter together—the movie shuns female curves and goes full

porno on the fuselages of cargo planes instead. Director Lasse HallstrÜm does a few things neat— a matching shot between a fountain of brass shell casings and tumbling of coins at the mint. (RvB) /< 32C1/B7=<

(PG-13; 95 min.) Lone Scherfig’s British comingof-age film ends with a marathon session of tea brewing, but it has its good points. The look is cool—1960ish England may be more interesting than the full-blown and overexposed later ’60s. Twickenham-raised Jenny (Carey Mulligan) is studying for Oxford when she gets picked up by David (Peter Sarsgaard), a slightly older rotter; his slightly cruel eyes and flat smile forecast trouble to come. Until then, Jenny gets to see London high life and nightclubs, and voyages to Paris. Smelling class, and wanting to make their hard-working daughter happy, Jenny’s parents (Cara Seymour, Alfred Molina) relax the leash. And that’s when the young girl learns how David makes his money without working days. Mulligan is charming, the meet-cute is deft and Olivia Williams bears all the movie’s spine as a deliberately drabbed-down English teacher. Nick Hornby’s screenplay, from Lynn Barber’s memoir, might have meant he had input on the film’s excellent pre–Swinging London soundtrack. Singer Beth Rowley steals the show as the breathy canary at one nightspot. (RvB) 47A6 B/<9 (123 min.) A stunning, small-camera exploration of a romance between an adult (Michael Fassbender) and a 15-year-old girl (Katie Jarvis) staged in a no-hope housing project in Essex, England. Director Andrea Arnold is a fiendishly persuasive director, and she makes you see things from Mia’s view. The film is the furthest thing from a slumming expedition; we can see past Essex’s rubbish heaps, junkyards and tired-looking houses into something wild— particularly at the plot’s climax at the Thames estuary, where the land

ends as abruptly as if it had been chewed away by a steam shovel. The finale is where this little film gets big: it’s like the end of a Romantic novel when the elements are brought in to witness the emotional states of the characters on a windy fen or the banks of churning water. Arnold observes the raw hedonism and willfulness that makes a poor life bearable. It’s rare when a director who is so sensitive, who has such a sure eye and ear, can understand the bliss of a hard party. (RvB) B63 6C@B :=193@

(R; 138 min.) The soldiers of Bravo Company are stationed in Baghdad for the 2004 fighting. Central to the film is the mystery of Staff Sgt. James (Jeremy Renner) who comes in to replace a slaughtered demolition expert. James’ risk-taking amazes and angers his subordinate, Sgt. Sanborn (Anthony Mackie). The suspenseful, grimly funny script is by co-producer Mark Boal. Renner is outstanding as the inhumanly brave demolition expert. Director Kathryn Bigelow does what Howard Hawks would do; she finds the cooperation between men of great competence in a killing trade, rather than pumping up rivalry. Bigelow breaks through the sense of anonymity that characterizes most Iraq war movies, where helmeted men move alike and talk the same terse slang. (RvB)

/00=B 53<A3@

focuses on Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron), who overcame homelessness as a teenager to received a football scholarship to the University of Mississippi and later played in the NFL. Oher succeeded with the help of a wealthy Christian couple, Ole Miss grads Leigh Anne (Sandra Bullock) and Sean Tuohy (Tim McGraw), who took Oher in and made him a part of their family. (MV)

He and his crew set up their stand in the streets of modern-day London, trying to lure patrons in to a world beyond the doctor’s mirror. On board is his daughter, who doesn’t know that she has been promised to the devil on her 16th birthday; Mr. Nick (Tom Waits) is sniffing around already. During their travels, the group rescues a hanged man named Tony (an irresolute Heath Ledger). Certainly, Gilliam’s love for antique theater is true—although the greasepaint and cardboard make one wonder why he didn’t stage this story instead of filming it. (RvB) B63 :/AB AB/B7=<

(R; 112 min.) Well cast, visually pleasant yet strangely toneless film about Tolstoy’s last days. Around 1910 in Moscow, Valentin (James McAvoy) is recruited by Chertkov (Paul Giamatti), who is dedicated to carrying out the author’s reformist ideas regarding celibacy and manual labor. Valentin will live on Tolstoy’s commune and record the great man’s thoughts. Tolstoy (Christopher Plummer) is enjoying a sort of Indian summer, watching his minifarm bloom and receiving the adulation of the world. But the count’s countess—Sofya, his wife of nearly 50 years, played by Helen Mirren—has tired of her husband’s utopian politics. Meanwhile, Valentin’s desire to stay B63 7;/57</@7C; =4 pure and virginal is 2=1B=@ >/@</AACA sorely tested by Masha (Kerry Condon). Mirren (R; 117 min.) For Terry does the great lady thing Gilliam, Don Quixote is with ease. Director still the ur-text. Despite Michael Hoffman the various stops gives us Tolstoy as a and starts he has had cracked, principled old adapting the Cervantes classic, Gilliam repeatedly grandfather, manipulated by outsiders. (RvB) makes films about fantasy as an escape >@317=CA 0/A32 from a cruel world. The =< B63 <=D3: >CA6 Imaginarium of Doctor 0G A/>>67@3 (R; 110 Parnassus, a very personal min.) Much lauded, but and not-so-coherent it’s a bulldozer. It’s 1987, fantasy, has Christopher during some of Harlem’s Plummer in the Man of most suffering years. A la Mancha role this time, girl of immense girth, with Verne Troyer as 16-year-old Claireece Percy, a dwarf Sancho (Gabourey “Gabby� Panza. Plummer plays Sidibe) makes her way Doctor Parnassus, an through life. She has immortal sage reduced intelligence, but she to busking in a horsecan’t focus, and we learn drawn Gypsy wagon. why in flashback; she

4/A17</B7=<!!Zft-!xf!xpvme!qbz!%:/61!up!xbudi!Usbdz!Npshbo!! fbu!dsbdlfst!gps!b!tdsjqu!cz!Lfwjo!Tnjui/ was serially raped by her mother’s boyfriend. Her scathing, angry mother, Mary (Mo’Nique), blames Precious for this and her resulting pregnancy), urging her to stop this foolishness about school and go on welfare. Mo’Nique is great, but Precious has a judgmental streak that won’t quit. And that’s been essential to a success worthy of its sensationalism. (RvB) A63@:=19 6=:;3A

(PG-13; 128 min.) There are moments during Sherlock Holmes when you wish you could hit director Guy Ritchie with his own storyboard; there are bone-crushing fights that you feel like applauding for just to celebrate the fact that they’re over at last. Yet all in all, Sherlock Holmes is ripping fun. Robert Downey Jr.’s expert acting reflects Aldous Huxley’s thought that if you could open the doors of perception, you would see the world as it is: infinite. This insight sums up the mind of the world’s greatest detective—it also sums up the mind of a schizophrenic. Downey’s Holmes is a dandy in high Victorian regalia, smoked glasses, ascots and the kind of

slanted hats worn in Oscar Wilde’s circle. But we also see another side of Holmes—a hermit crab in a dank flat, huddled under a silk dressing gown so raveled it looks shaggy as a bear skin. The movie keeps coming back to a serene partnership—when Holmes says “The game’s afoot,� Jude Law’s formidable Watson picks up the rest of the Henry V quote. (RvB) / A7<5:3 ;/< (R; 109 min.) Based on Christopher Isherwood’s early-1960s novel, canonical in gay literature but slightly dusty today. A British professor (Colin Firth) teaching in L.A. loses his longtime companion in a car accident and has decided he can no longer stand the pain. He finds some consolation with a harddrinking old friend (and ex-lover) called Charley (Julianne Moore); on his route, he encounters young men who are both interesting and interested. Noteworthy as a great comeback performance by Firth, who has had much substandard work to deal with lately. Firth plays George with sensitivity and grace, and a sense of the era that most of the performers here lack. Director Tom

Ford shows his roots as a fashion designer, focusing on surfaces. The clothes don’t make the men. (RvB) B63 E67B3 @700=<

(R; 144 min.) In the insignificant village of Eichwald (“Oakwood�), just before World War I, we hear a series of stories. These stories concern acts of violence that disturbed the orderly progression of the years. The events are narrated by an old man who was, long ago, the town’s vacant-looking schoolteacher (Christian Friedel). He advises us that everything we will see is based on things half-heard and halfremembered. We can take this ineffectual man’s word for it. Clues pass him by, and he can’t provide a solid resolution for the story. He doesn’t seem to understand that Eichwald is poisoned, root and branch. The schoolteacher comments that what we see will help us understand “the events that came after.� By “the events,� director Michael Haneke may mean Germany’s next 30 years after 1914. Eichwald is a serpent’segg hatchery: the village’s obedient children will be participants in the kaiser’s war and Hitler’s crime wave. (RvB)

B63 E=:4;/< (R;

102 min.) It’s not a perfect film, but The Wolfman is a loving remake, made by people who understood the romance, pathos and torment of the original 1941 film. This new animal has speed on his side, and there’s more viscera flying around. In 1891, after the horrific death of his brother, the noted Shakespearean actor Lawrence Talbot (Benicio del Toro) returns home to his family’s mansion. This means a re-encounter with his estranged father Sir John (Anthony Hopkins). The town gossip has it that Lawrence’s brother was killed by a tame dancing bear owned by a band of Gypsies; when investigating on a moonlit night, Lawrence himself is nearly killed by the real culprit. The fiancÊ of the late brother (Emily Blunt) stays to nurse Lawrence back to health And when the next moon rises, well, you know. Probably you could hire a makeup man just to make Del Toro look less like a wolf. But the Talbot scenes suggest Del Toro was cast for his resemblance to Lon Chaney Jr., with his clouded, thick features and his air of suffering. We see the human under the fur. (RvB)

36 |

february 24-march 3, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ffebruary e b r u a r y 24-march 2 4 - m a r c h 3, 3 , 2010 2 0 1 0 3>71C@3 3>71C@3

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Watsonville’s W aatsson nvville’s Real Rea al Colima offers seductive off feers se eductive Mexican Mexican n cuisine 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


HE F HE FIRST IRST TASTE TASTE of of tthe he w ickedly ccomplex omplex ggreen reen ssalsa alsa wickedly sset et tthe he tone tone ffor or a ffine ine rrainy ainy d ay llunch unch aatt R eal C olima. day Real Colima. We’ve passed passed this this yellow yellow roadhouse roadhouse We’ve umpteen times times on on the the way way to to Gilroy Gilroy umpteen and parts parts south. south. Inside, Inside, the the colorful colorful and interior—geranium windowsills, windowsills, yellow yellow interior—geranium walls and and pale pale green green sideboard—feels sideboard—feels like like walls country bungalow, bungalow, with with salsas salsas and and the the a country f loral oilcloth oilcloth table table coverings coverings repeating repeating floral the pastel pastel hues. hues. Starting Starting with with icy icy the Bohemias, we we worked worked our our way way through through Bohemias, as much much as as we we could could of of the the substantial substantial as Real Colima Colima menu, menu, helped helped along along by by Real friendly service service and and plenty plenty of of mariachi mariachi friendly tunes. tunes. Sopes, flautas, f lautas, tamales, tamales, chile chile rellenos, rellenos, Sopes, burritos, taco taco and and enchiladas—the enchiladas—the lunch lunch burritos, possibilities span span the the popular popular classics. classics. possibilities And that’s that’s without without even even getting getting to to the the And breakfast dishes dishes or or the the long long list list of of dinner dinner breakfast mariscos. Prices Prices were were also also friendly, friendly, with with mariscos. individual items items running running $2.50–$3 $2.50–$3 a la la individual carte. Jack’s Jack’s chile chile relleno relleno platter platter included included carte. two chiles chiles the the size size of of throw throw pillows, pillows, two plus rice rice and and beans, beans, for for $6. $6. To To maximize maximize plus sampling and and still still remain remain ambulatory, ambulatory, sampling went for for Combination Combination Plate Plate No. No. 2—a 2—a I went chicken tamale, tamale, al al pastor pastor barbecued barbecued chicken pork taco taco and and a chicken chicken tostada tostada plus plus pork rice, beans beans and and salad—all salad—all for for $9. $9. When When rice, our forks forks had had done done as as much much damage damage as as our possible to to these these huge huge dishes, dishes, plus plus the the possible beers and and flour f lour and and corn corn tortillas, tortillas, the the beers total came came to to $25. $25. Enough Enough said. said. total As soon soon as as we’d we’d completely completely gorged gorged As ourselves on on chips chips with with the the excellent excellent ourselves red salsa salsa and and even even more more excellent excellent green green red

>:/BB3@A =4 8=G > :/BB3@A =4 8=G T The he cchile hile rrellenos ellenos aand nd bbacon-wrapped acon-wrapped ccamarones amarones aatt R Real eal C Colima olima co could uld m make ake a ggrown ro w n m man an ccry. r yy.

ssalsa, alsa, o our ur w warm arm ttortillas ortillas ccame ame o out. ut. Nestled in in a basket basket lined lined with with a soft soft Nestled rred ed aand nd w white hite cchecked hecked ccotton otton ccloth, loth, m myy ffluffy, lufffyy, h ot, fresh fresh fflour lour ttortillas ortillas p ractically hot, practically brought b rought ttears ears to to m myy eeyes. yes. I slathered slathered b utter iinside nside tthe he ssoft oft folds folds of of these these butter unbelievably u nbelievably llight, ight, eenormous normous ccreations reations aand nd aattempted ttempted to to cconsume onsume the the entire entire basket. b asket. I was was saved saved from from this this potentially potentially off excess byy m myy eembarrassing mbarrassing aact ct o excess b platter. nothing. ccombination ombination p latter. Jack Jaack ssaid aid n othing. Hee ssimply began with bite off H imply b egan w ith tthe he ffirst irst b ite o never ccheesy, heesy, eeggy, ggy, ffiery iery cchile hile aand nd n ever llooked ooked back. off h his back. I ttook ook a bite bite o is sumptuous sumptuous

chile relleno chile relleno aand nd rrolled olled m myy eeyes yes iin n u nison w ith his. his. Itt w as d ef initive. k iller. unison with was definitive. killer. IIn n aaddition ddition tto o tthe he ttomatoey omatoey rranchero anchero ssauce, auce, h is platter platter offered offered ““dirtyâ€? dirtyâ€? rice rice his aauthentically uthentically laced laced w with ith peas peas aand nd b its o diced carrot, carrot, as as well well as as hints hints o bits off diced off pool iinteresting nteresting sspices. pices. A ccrisp risp ssalad alad aand nd p ool off refried beans up dish. o refried b eans ffinished inished u p tthe he d ish. Myy ttostada pastor M ostada was was terrific, terrif ic, tthe he aall p astor well ccontained ontained cinnamon cinnamon aass w ell aass cchiles, hiles, with aand nd only only tthe he rrather ather dry dry ttamale amale w ith iits ts overly masa delight. o verly tthick hick m asa ffailed ailed to to d elight. We We both both kept kept coming coming back back to to the the with eexceptional xceptional ggreen reen ssalsa alsa w ith iits ts iintricate ntricate layers off ccilantro, layers o ilantro, ttomatillo omatillo and and jalapeĂąo. jalapeĂąo.

Wee lloved W oved iitt sso om much uch we we spooned spooned iitt o over ver tthe he rrice, ice, eespecially specially tthe he rrice ice we we packed packed up up tto o go go h ome ffor or dinner dinner that that night. night. home Real Colima Colima serves serves fine f ine Mexican Mexican Real sstandards tandards in in an an appealing appealing and and graceful graceful d ining room. room. T here iiss n othing o rdinary dining There nothing ordinary aabout bout tthis his p lace, from from service service to to ssalsa alsa to to place, w elcome low low p rice. welcome price.

@3/: 1=:7;/ @3AB/C@/<B @ 3/: 1=:7;/ @3AB/C@/<B

11101 101 E. E. Lake Lakee Ave., Ave., Watsonville Watsonville 831.728.2971 8 31.728.2971 Breakfast, B reakfast, lunch lunch and and dinner dinner daily daily

!& j 27<3@¸A 5C723 february 24-march 3, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Sat. & Sun.

7:30am — 11:00am

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com. American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, lunch 11am-2pm, dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves superfresh 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include prime rib and lobster. Daily 7am-2am.

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz


$ Santa Cruz

16/@:73 6=<5 9=<5

$$ Santa Cruz

1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588

1141 Soquel Ave, 831. 426.5664


110 Church St, 831.429.2000

$$ Santa Cruz

B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. California organic meets Southeast Asian street food. Organic noodle & rice bowls, vegan menu, fish & meat options, Vietnamese-style sandwiches, eat-in or to-go. Consistent winner “Best Cheap Eats.� Open daily 11am-11pm American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadorian pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm.

j !'

A/<B/1@CH 1=; february 24-march 3, 2010 27<3@¸A 5C723

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

$$ Santa Cruz

7 :=D3 ACA67

$$ Santa Cruz

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782 $$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz

>/17471 B6/7

Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm. Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily. Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon. 49-B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930

$$ Santa Cruz

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

$$ Santa Cruz

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010

$$ Santa Cruz

’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close.


C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Fri 11:30am, dinner nightly at 5pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am. Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Lunch Wed-Sat noon2pm; dinner Mon-Thu 5-10pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close. Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm. Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

A/< :=@3<H= D/::3G $$ Felton

@32E==2 >7HH3@7/

6205 Hwy 9, 831.335.1500

Organic Pizza. Everything organic: pizza, lasagna, soup, salad, beer and local wine. Always organic, local produce. Party room seats 32. Weeknights 4-9pm (closed Tue), Fri 4-10pm, Sat 1-10pm, Sun 1-9pm. See menu at www.redwoodpizza.com.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. $ 87/ B3::/¸A Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

Wine shop Tasting

Pacific Ave.

Museum of Art and History

Abbot Square

Cooper Street

Annie Glass

Gifts Accessories

Front Street

Downtown Santa Cruz on Abbott Square off Cooper Street (Near Annie Glass).

831-426-VINO (8466) www.vinocruz.com

" j /AB@=:=5G february 24-march 3, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Astrology Free Will

1126 Soquel Ave. Santa Cruz, near the Crepe Place and Rio Theatre At your service everyday from 10-9 since 1978

Free Public Parking at Cayuga & Soquel O (831)429-9600

Be the Hero of Your Own Sacred Quest Wed, Feb. 24 at 7 pm

Mon, March 8 at 7 pm

Heather Mendel

Leigh Wunce, NC Medical Intuitive

Dancing In The Footsteps of Eve

Astro Night — Cosmology 2010: The Zodiac & Pisces

God, Women and the Quantum Age (O-Books). Learn how ancient Jewish teachings can significantly contribute to the new world paradigm.

Thu, Feb. 25 at 7 pm

Linda & Charlie Bloom Secrets of Great Marriages Real Truths from Real Couples About Lasting Love (New World Library). Authors of 101 Things I Wish I Knew When I Got Married. Mon, Mar. 1 at 7 pm

Laura Davis Journey Through Writing March Theme: Friendship. No Pre-Registration. Begins Promptly at 7 pm Bring Pen and Notebook

Wed, Mar. 3 7 pm

Dr. Laurie Moore, LMFT, CHT The Cat's Reincarnation and Unconditional Trust in Love (Alison Frandeen Press)

Thu, Mar. 4 at 7 pm

Ralph Metzner, Ph.D Birth of a Psychedelic Culture (Synergetic Press) and Mind Space and Time Stream (Regent Press)

Wed, March 10 at 7 pm

Antero Alli The Eight-Circuit Brain Navigational Strategies for the Energetic Body (Vertical Pool Publishing)

Tuesday, March 9 at 7 pm


Tales of Transcendence A Planet Cruz Comedy Presentation An evening of stories and songs about surpassing your limit. Hosted by

Richard Stockton.

$5 Suggested Donation. If you're hungry-broke, we'll pay you five dollars to come.

What’s New at Gateways Chants of a Lifetime: Searching for a Heart of Gold by Krishna Das (Hay House) An intimate collection of stories, teachings, and insights from Krishna Das, who has been called “the chant master of American yoga� by the New York Times. Includes CD. $24.95

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of February 24 /@73A (March 21–April 19): “Everything is complicated,� wrote poet Wallace Stevens. “If that were not so, life and poetry and everything else would be a bore.� I hope you will choose his wisdom to serve as your guiding light in the coming weeks. It is high time, in my astrological opinion, for you to shed any resentment you might feel for the fact that life is a crazy tangle of mystifying and interesting stories. Celebrate it, Aries! Revel in it. Fall down on your knees and give holy thanks for it. And by the way, here’s a big secret: To the extent that you do glory in the complications, the complications will enlighten you, amuse you, and enrich you. B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): This is one time when you can be both the river and the bridge. In fact, I strongly suggest that you make every effort to be both the river and the bridge. I’ll leave it up to you to interpret how this metaphor applies to your life, but here’s a clue to get you started. Be a force of nature that f lows vigorously along even as you also provide a refuge for those who want to be close to your energy but are not yet ready to be inside it and f low along with it.

53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): Almost exactly ten years from now, you will be blessed with an eruption of personal power that’s so crafty and so practical that you will be able to visualize a solution to a problem that has stumped you for a long time. It may take you months to actually carry out that solution in its entirety, but all the while you will have the luxury of feeling perfect certainty about what must be done. And you know what the weird thing is, Gemini? Something very similar is in the works for the next few weeks: an eruption of crafty, practical power that will help you materialize the key to solving an old dilemma, hopefully followed by months of carrying out your lucid plan.

1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): Last night I had a dream in which I was addressing a crowd of thousands of Cancerians in a large stadium. I was referring to them as dolphins rather than as crabs. “I say unto you, my fellow dolphins,� I proclaimed (I myself was born June 23), “that you have been given a sacred assignment by the great gods of time themselves. And that assignment is to master the art of Timeology.� When I awoke from the dream, I was awash with feelings of deep relaxation and ease, although I wasn’t sure why. I had never before heard that word “timeology,� so I googled it. Here’s how the Urban Dictionary defined it: “spending time doing what you want to do, not accomplishing anything major but also not wasting time.� It so happens that this prescription is well-suited to our current astrological omens. I suggest that you and I be as playful as dolphins. :3= (July 23–Aug. 22): In an episode of the animated TV sci-fi series Futurama, we get to see inside the headquarters of Romanticorp, where “love research� is being done. One of the experiments involves robots delivering various pickup lines to actual women. The line that works best is “My two favorite things are commitment and changing myself.� I recommend that you make that your own catchphrase, Leo—not just this week but for the foreseeable future. The entire year of 2010 will be an excellent time to deepen your commitments and transform yourself, and the weeks ahead will bring unprecedented opportunities to intensify those efforts.

D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers,� advises a passage in the Bible, “for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.� While that’s always good counsel, it’s especially apt for you in the coming days. I believe you will come into contact with people who can provide you with valuable teaching and healing, even if they’re disguised as baristas or pet shampooers or TV repairmen—and even if this will be the one and only time they will provide you with teaching and healing. :70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): Metaphorically speaking, you have recently begun crossing the water in a dream boat that has a small leak. If you keep going, it’s possible you will reach the far side before sinking. But that’s uncertain. And even if you were able to remain af loat the entire way, the shakiness of the situation would probably fill you with anxiety. My suggestion, then, is to head back to where you started and fix the leak.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): Some Scorpios bring out the worst in people. Other Scorpios draw out the best. Then there are those members of your tribe who sometimes bring out the worst in their fellow humans and other times bring out the best. Where do you fit in this spectrum? Regardless of your position up until now, I’m betting that in the coming months you’ll be moving in the direction of bringing out more of the best. And it all begins now. To get the process underway, think of five people you care about, and visualize the wonderful futures that it might be possible for them to create for themselves. A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): More than a few fairy tales feature the theme of characters who accidentally find a treasure. They’re not searching for treasure, don’t feel worthy of it, and aren’t fully prepared for it. They may initially not even know what they’re looking at, and see it as preposterous or abnormal or disquieting. Who could blame them if they ran away from the treasure? In order to recognize and claim it, they might have to shed a number of their assumptions about the way the world works. And they might have to clear up a discrepancy between their unconscious longings and their conscious intentions. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): Everyone alive has some kind of learning disability. I know brilliant physicists who are dumb about poetry. There are fact-loving journalists whose brains freeze when they’re invited to consider the ambiguous truths of astrology. My friend John suffers from dyslexia, while I myself am incapable of mastering the mysteries of economics. What’s your blind spot, Capricorn? What’s your own personal learning disability? Whatever it is, this would be an excellent time, astrologically speaking, to work with it. For the next few months, you will be able to call on what you need in order to diminish its power to limit you.

/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): “We cannot change anything until we accept it,� said psychologist Carl Jung. “Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.� Make that your hypothesis, Aquarius, and then conduct the following experiment. First, choose some situation you would like to transform. Next, open your heart to it with all the love and compassion you can muster. Go beyond merely tolerating it with a resigned disappointment. Work your way into a frame of mind in which you completely understand and sympathize with why it is the way it is. Imagine a scenario in which you could live your life with equanimity if the situation in question never changed. Finally, awash in this grace, meditate on how you might be able to actually help it evolve into something new. >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): If you were going to launch a career as a rap artist any time soon, I’d suggest that maybe you use the alias “Big Try� as your stage name. If you were planning to convert to an exotic religious path and get a new spiritual name, I’d recommend something like “Bringit Harder� or “Pushit Stronger.� If you were about to join an activist group that fights for a righteous cause, and you wanted a new nickname to mark your transformation, I’d urge you to consider a tag like “Radical� or “Prime� or “Ultra.� And even if you’re not doing any of the above, I hope you’ll carry out some ritual of transition to intensify your commitment to your life’s vital dreams. 6][Se]`Y( EVOb O`S g]c R]W\U b] USb `SORg T]` - @SOR [g acUUSabW]\a Ob Vbb^( PWb Zg \]e bVS\ bSZZ [S g]c` ]e\ Ob B`cbV`]]abS`.U[OWZ Q][

Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

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