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MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
MARCH 24-30, 2010
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MARCH 24-30, 2010
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
revenue (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Karaoke King of D9,â&#x20AC;? The Fly, March 17). Kathleen, SanJoseInside.com
Starve the Beast
In spite of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;starve the beastâ&#x20AC;? strategy of the right of cutting taxes for everything except war, then blaming the public infrastructure for not working well enough, public education has persevered and remains one of the few bedrock bastions of commitment to the public good and to equality of opportunity (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Enforce Educational Equity,â&#x20AC;? SanJoseInside, March 17). The protests against privatization of public education on March 4 were impressive and were a sign that there is a movement to preserve this vital public resource and bring costs down for students and their families for higher education. The values of the civil rights movement are alive in this country, and the slogans of some students for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Education, Not Incarcerationâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Schools, Not Jailsâ&#x20AC;? show the connection between cuts to education and the increase in incarceration among all groups, but especially black and Latino men and women. The failure of the movement for educational equity to preserve public education and restore funding would result in the continuing growth of the prison population and prison construction. Those students are stating loud and clear that they will
not allow themselves to be treated as â&#x20AC;&#x153;surplus populationâ&#x20AC;? that the job market cannot absorb and which must then be ďŹ&#x201A;ushed down the toilet of prison. May this movement be as irrepressible as the Civil Rights movement. Downtownster, SanJoseInside.com
Support Needed I write to say that America has only one real ally in the Middle East and Israel has never asked anyone to ďŹ ght for them. They can handle their wars. However, the Israelis need the political support more than ever now as the Arab propaganda is trying to make a mockery of Israelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needs to build and secure sights in their country. Israel has fought back in every Arab attack for every piece of property that is there, and many lives have been lost on both sides. When has anyone heard of the enemy starting a war, the other side wins and then they have to give back the territory. This is insane! Since the 1967 war, Israel has been putting synagogues and neighborhoods back together that the Arabs destroyed when they had the chance before Israel won the area back. Israel is for life and they make all sites in Jerusalem and elsewhere in Israel open to allâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;not just the Jews. We must support this tiny little country! Sandra Harte, Menlo Park
Nfusp!xfmdpnft!mfuufst/!Mjlf!boz!hsfbu!xpsl!pg!bsu-!uifz!tipvme!cf!psjhjobmtĂ&#x2019;opu!dpqjft!pg!nbufsjbm!tfou! fmtfxifsf/!Qmfbtf!jodmvef!zpvs!obnf-!djuz!pg!sftjefodf!boe!ebzujnf!ufmfqipof!ovncfs/!)Qipof!ovncfs!xjmm! opu!cf!qvcmjtife/*!Mfuufst!nbz!cf!fejufe!gps!mfohui!boe!dmbsjuz!ps!up!dpssfdu!gbduvbm!jobddvsbdjft!lopxo!up!vt/!
Gas Wars The time has come for more than verbal pleas if we wish to halt Iranâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going nuclear. Our presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s outstretched arm has been refused, and sanctions that would prohibit the importation of gasoline remain a nonmilitary option, since Iran must import 40 percent of its gasoline. One other move would supplement this with the sanctioning of oil tanker insurance, needed for the transport of Iranâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s oil, its source of international
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currency. Tankers donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t move without insurance. I urge that you consider this situation yourself and urge your readers and representatives to take quick action
fully owned by the taxpayers and can be reused. The loyal city employees do not deserve a unilateral pay cut tantamount to ending their civil service. By this method, essential city services, jobs and good will could be preserved.
Bernard Rubin, Palo Alto
William J. Garbett, Phoenix, Ariz.
Saving Services If the city of San Jose needs to cut expenses, they should end the leasehold on the present City Hall. The old City Hall is a sunk cost and is
Warbler Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hope he can sing, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Do you know the way to San Joseâ&#x20AC;? well enough to bring in jobs and
J!Tbx zpv
For years, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve seen you and your kind. I loathe your ilk. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re the attractive woman who pretends she doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know her male friends â&#x20AC;&#x153;have feelingsâ&#x20AC;? for her as she strings them along with little pearls of hope, taking advantage of their friendships for emotional support, company, entertainment and favors when she has no intention of â&#x20AC;&#x153;getting any closerâ&#x20AC;? to these hapless fellows. Shame on you, you heartless hussies. A prostitute has more class. SEND US your anonymous rants and raves about your co-workers or any badly behaving citizenâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;or about citizens you admire. I SAW YOU, Metro, 550 S. First St., San Jose, 95113, or via email to Isawyou@metronews.com.
MARCH 24-30, 2010
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Courses Beginning mid-April
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Invest In Yourself Today The best investment you can make is in yourself. And the return is excellent when you get advanced professional education at UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley. Here’s a sampling of the 200-plus courses in 41 fields offered this Spring at our new Santa Clara facility, conveniently located in Santa Clara on Highway 101 at the Great America Parkway/Bowers Avenue exit. Q
Business and Management Role of the Project Manager, 0306-157 Human Resource Management, Introduction, 5580-117 Mathematics for Financial Planning, 2730-062 Marketing, Introduction, 1661-046 Introduction to Accounting I: Financial Accounting, 3658-113 Business and Professional Writing, 5916-039 Global Entrepreneurship Management, 20797-008
Engineering and Technology Web Design, Introduction, 22609-002 Cloud Computing, Introduction, 22413-002 Wireless Communications, Introduction, 5455-016 Relational Database Essentials, 6195-043 User Centered Design for the Web, 0087–009 Data Warehouse and Business Information, 3502-027
Biosciences Drug Development Process, 6559-034 Global Conduct of Clinical Trials, 20787-006 Regulatory Compliance for Medical Devices, 19029-009
Education TESL/TEFL: Culture and Cultural Diversity, 0776-071
FREE PROGRAM EVENTS Discover how professional education can help boost or retool your career. Attend any of our FREE Program Overviews through April 22. Register to reserve your seat. See our Web site ucsc-extension.edu/events for additional free overviews. Q Tuesday, March 30 Bioscience Program Information, 22402-003 Q Monday, April 5 Web and Graphic Design, 22405-003 Q Tuesday, April 6 Embedded Systems and VLSI Engineering, 22403-002 Q Thursday, April 8 Software Development, 22404-003
See ucsc-extension.edu/tm for directions, course details and to enroll. Copyright © 2010 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
Silicon Valley
The Other Hill
UT IN THE BADLANDS of east San Jo, at the colossal concrete intersection of Senter and Capitol Expressway, sits Andrew Hill High School, named after one of the all-time legends of local lore, Andrew Putnam Hill. Mr. Hill was the guy who saved the California Redwoods in what is now Big Basin National Park. To make a long story short, circa 1900, loggers were hell-bent on destroying the trees, and Hill led a statewide effort to preserve them. It’s safe to say there would be no redwoods in Big Basin today if not for Andrew Hill. The loggers would have cut them all down. However, he was not the only Andrew Hill. Another chap with that same name, the legendary jazz pianist, composer and ensemble leader Andrew Hill, died just a few years ago. So when Michael Winsatt, the International Baccalaureate (IB) Advisor at Andrew Hill High School, decided to build his own black-box theater on campus, he dissed Mr. Putnam Hill and named the venue after Andrew Hill the pianist instead. It’s called Smokestack Theater, after Hill’s classic 1963 album of the same name. To experience this masterpiece of opposition-defiant-disorder-as-creativity firsthand, I showed up at lunchtime on a Thursday afternoon. Located in portable building C-1, way out on the far side of the campus, the venue is painted entirely black on the inside. A dark curtain opens into the main room, which seats about 75 for stage shows and about 30–40 for Winsatt’s two drama classes. A makeshift sound room, built by a Girl Scout, contains a desk, a few bookshelves and an ETC Express 24/48 lighting console. Winsatt himself has glasses and blond hair hanging just past his collar. He comes across as, well, a musician and theater guy who’s also a high school teacher. Fancy that. He tells me that before he created this room there was no equivalent on campus. “We didn’t have a school theater,” he says. “We had a cafetorium. When we got this building, it was a classroom. It had white boards and everything. We wanted black empty negative space.” Winsatt was already a fan of Andrew Hill the pianist, so he decided to further immortalize the jazz legend by naming the theater after one of Hill’s albums. It was fitting. “When he died, I was already contemplating how we were going to do this,” he explains, sitting down with an acoustic guitar while kids meandered in during the lunch break. “He was an educator, he was a teacher, he was a free-form jazz composer. Not as out there as Ornette [Coleman], but he had his moments. We wanted to claim him as our own. Smokestack was not his most famous Winsatt comes across work. But the name fit the amount of as, well, a musician labor and work involved with putting on a theater show.” and theater guy who’s During lunchtime, Winsatt hosts also a high school open-mic sessions for anyone who teacher. Fancy that. wants to show up. “Kids at 17 are coming in here and doing standup,” he tells me. “Where else can you do that? There really isn’t any place you can do that. Especially not in this town.” Thursday is open-mic night, and the next day is free-form Friday, where students can jump onstage and play whatever they want. “We’ve had thrash metal,” Winsatt says. “We’ve had a lot of people with LINE 6 amps and their $100 Washburn guitars. Ultimately, we just want to create a performance space. I bought the tables at a restaurant pick-and-pull place off Almaden. We wanted to not just teach drama, but also have something that’s part of the community.” And a community it is. Next month, the Smokestack Theater will perform Shakespeare’s The Two Gentlemen of Verona, but with the characters doing routines from the Three Stooges. Info can be found on the group’s Facebook page. “The purpose of this thing is that we’re not doing Bye Bye Birdie,” Winsatt said. “Or Grease. Or any other classic high school play.” Send me an email to SiliconAlleys@metronews.com
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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 24-30, 2010 MASHUP
best of the local web
A roundup of news, commentary and opinion from around the valley. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect Metro’s editorial views.
What Type of Nerd Are You?
Chaucer Tweets Sxsw #SXSW hath begunne. Felawshipe is wrot amongst many fyne hypster pilgrimes. The pathwayes overflowe with dangley baddges.
I]ZhZ YVnh \ZZ`Ydb ^h aVg\Z VcY Y^kZghZ Zcdj\] [dg ZkZgndcZ# L]ZgZ Yd ndj Ò i ^c4 I]ZgZ VgZ XZgiV^c i]^c\h i]Vi Vaa \ZZ`h ]VkZ ^c Xdbbdc/ Vc ^ciZchZ ^ciZgZhi ^c V kZgn heZX^Va^oZY Ò ZaY! [ZgkZci Zci]jh^Vhb [dg V hZi d[ ]dWW^Zh! V \gdje d[ di]Zg eZdeaZ l]d h]VgZ i]Z^g dWhZhh^dch VcY egdWVWan V a^iiaZ Bmm!uif!ofset!bsf!jo!pof!qmbdf!mbtu!xffl!bu! TYTX-!cvu-!mfuÖt!gbdf!ju-!xf!bmm!ibwf!b!mjuumf!cju! W^i d[ hdX^Va Vl`lVgYcZhh# HjgZ! i]ZgZ VgZ pg!ofse!jo!vt/! eZdeaZ l]d Ò i i]ZhZ hiZgZdineZh ZmVXian! Wji i]ZgZ VgZ Zcdj\] eZgbjiVi^dch VcY hjWhigViV d[ ZVX] d[ i]ZhZ XViZ\dg^Zh i]Vi i]ZgZ ]Vh id WZ hdbZ aZZlVn# 6cY hdbZ eZdeaZ XdbW^cZ igV^ih VcY ^ciZgZhih [gdb V cjbWZg d[ i]ZhZ ldgaYh ^cid dcZ W^\ WVaa d[ WZgcZgY# 7ji YZZe Ydlc ^ch^YZ! ndj `cdl l]^X] lVn ndjg Y^a^i]^jb XgnhiVa XgjbWaZh# :bWgVXZ ^i :c_dn ^i CZgYh ]VkZ VagZVYn iV`Zc dkZg =daanlddY# DcZ YVn i]ZnÉaa XdcfjZg i]Z \adWZ Å7G>6C BDNA6C! K6AA:NL6<#<6L@:G#8DB
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As the evenning aproacheth, hypsters hath desended upon our towne, drinnking our wyne as unikornes feast upon rayes of the sonne. O that marche daye wan the sonne shone so bryte, vishones of glorye from hypsters’ mirrored sonneglasses stabbeth at myne fase. Crulle lokkes shoote fromme the eyes of thyne bartender. Typ welle, mashine minion. Else you shall earn a boote in youre arse. The prys paide by a lustye bacheler is this: hypster femayles groupe like flockes of paynted chikennes. Cocques are foresaken. #sadcocques Hoarse-carte dryvers watcheth mappyng devises, forsayking welffayre of inosents. Dangere hydes betwixt all lyte polles.
> i]^c` i]Vi i]Z dcan XViZ\dgn i]Vi > gZVaan Ò i ^cid ^h hX^"Ò \ZZ`! ^[ ndj gZeaVXZ i]Z ldgYh hX^"Ò l^i] XdhijbZ YgVbV VcY <Zdg\Z AjXVh l^i] ?VcZ 6jhiZc# Å=Vnh^;VciVnoZZ
A nobil armye of gentil knyghts appeare to vommit in thyne alley. Alas, they forsayke cleen chin stubbel to partee forthwith. #boot&ralleye
L]Vi VWdji Ede 8jaijgZ \ZZ`h4 >Éb Wdi] Ò aaZY l^i] hZa["adVi]^c\ VcY Vc dYY hZchZ d[ hjeZg^dg^in i]Vi > `cdl l]d I^[[Vcn 7g^hhZiiZ ^h# ÅWgVeecnX
Wat ho, goatee’d man? Thy skinnee jenes hath byrn’d my corneyas.
Ndj [dg\di i]Z eZdeaZ l]d a^`Z id haZZe l^i] i]ZhZ eZdeaZ# I]Vi ldjaY WZ i]Z dcan \ZZ` XViZ\dgn > fjVa^[n [dg# Åndjg[g^ZcYVcYcZ^\]Wdg
Fye the dregs who weareth blootooth sets upon theyr heds. Do you speeketh to me or to demones wither sleepe tween your eares? —KARI ANNE ROY, MCSWEENEYS.NET
The iPad Land Rush Is On 6cY hd ^i WZ\^ch# I]^h HVijgYVn! BVgX] ',! ^h i]Z YZVYa^cZ id \Zi ndjg ^EVY Veea^XVi^dc hjWb^iiZY id i]Z 6ee HidgZ ^[ ndj ]deZ id ]VkZ ^i VeegdkZY ^c i^bZ [dg i]Z ^EVY aVjcX] dc 6eg^a (# AVhi lZZ`! 6eeaZ WZ\Vc VXXZei^c\ hjWb^hh^dch [dg i]Z cZl VgZV d[ i]Z hidgZ! VcY ^i hZZbh a^`Zan VcY cdi hjgeg^h^c\ i]Vi i]ZgZÉh V W^i d[ V gjh] \d^c\ dc# 6 [Zl YZkZadeZgh lZÉkZ iVa`ZY id ]VkZ cdiZY i]Vi VeegdkVa i^bZh [dg i]Z^g Veeh ]VkZ hiVgiZY id YgV\ dji V W^i# Hd [Vg! cdcZ d[ i]Z
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MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
“Although it is difficult to comprehend an area as affluent, influential and pervasive as Santa Clara County without a metropolitan newsweekly, the simple fact is that none currently exists. . . . The often-heard remark about Santa Clara County’s cultural life is ‘What cultural life?’ The cultural ‘problem’ in Santa Clara County isn’t the lack of events, but rather the absence of a print vehicle to recognize and promote its emerging cultural scene.”
An early issue rolls off the presses
—Metro’s 1984 Business Plan
The Undocumented Life Thoughts on the digital eclipse By Dan Pulcrano
E’VE ENJOYED a front-row seat at the Digital Media Revolution thanks, paradoxically, to a printed free weekly that began in 1985, the year the Internet was named and The Well online service began.
If technology continues at this clip, Metro will deliver its 50th Anniversary Edition via brainchip, aided by an algorithm that reads thoughts in real time— subject of course to a very stringent privacy policy ;) Absent the benefit of neural implants, this retrospective was prepared the oldfashioned way, by combing through digital and film-based archives and boxes of yellowed newspapers. Metro’s quarter-century of reporting on the valley documents its transition from a suburban former fruit-farming area with a semiconductor manufacturing industry into a global producer of consumer goods and online media products— with wealth, political influence, culture and philanthropy. 12
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Metro’s staff, then and now: in 2010 (left), 2002 (top) and 1986.
The Too Much Information Age Reviewing this body of work affirms the value of publishing and distributing a printed product, as quaint as that seems in 2010. Unlike a Tweet, a Facebook post or a Wikipedia entry, a printed document is a stake in the ground, a body of information that preserves a moment in time. Unpackaged, we find ourselves swimming in a sea of bits. At 8:15 Tuesday morning, Google News listed 15,847 news articles on a single topic: passage of the Obama health plan. Are we better informed than we once were, now that we’re trying to sip from the Information Firehose? Without ink, each time we ask the question, the story changes. Search results may vary. History in the information age becomes an endless series of versions, revisions and remixes. Searchengine optimization and digitalidentity management influence our views of the world.
All genres and eras of film, music and visual design now coexist simultaneously. Retro is the new now. Indie culture is mass-produced. Mass production is individualized. Design your own shoe, and it will be manufactured in China, with a swoosh on it.
Institutional Accountability While it’s one thing to put an extra red stripe on a shoe, the mutability of digital culture creates challenges for civic culture. Governments hire webmasters to post their own PR and later remove items from public view. We pay high taxes and permit fees and wonder why library hours are shortened, parks are unmaintained and schools are broke. It wasn’t always this way. Twentieth-century journalism developed tools and methodology to probe, investigate, uncover and analyze. It developed a business model to hire people who cultivated sources and developed expertise in subjects. They got out
and witnessed history first-hand. A blogger sitting at home in his or her pajamas doesn’t catch politicians lying about their résumés, their past employment, their investments, their free golf games from lobbyists or their romantic involvements with people they employ with public dollars—all stories that Metro has broken over the years. Metro was the first to call for a San Jose sunshine ordinance—and participated in its development. San Jose now has some semblance of open government rules, despite a coordinated effort to dilute it by foes of government transparency. As an early adopter of technology—we started one of the weekly newspaper industry’s first online efforts, Livewire, in 1993—we embrace the new digital world. We’ve built a top 500 Internet company, specializing in local media. And even with the huge choice in information sources, we’re pleased to see that people pick up and read Metro each week around the valley. The free newspaper model has shown
resilience, yet there are reasons to be concerned. San Jose lost its city magazine. Dailies around the Bay Area and community weeklies in the valley have for the most part been consolidated under a single ownership group of mysterious composition. Most of large alternative weeklies in the country have also fallen under a common ownership umbrella. That group, Village Voice Media, was declared in default two weeks ago by the Bank of Montreal after the Bay Guardian secured a $21 million judgment against it because of alleged predatory pricing by the SF Weekly.
Independent and Community-focused Metro remains one of the few remaining independently owned and operated publications in the valley and in its industry. Our mission will be to remain vital in a world where everyone carries small pocket two-way communication devices that can record and distribute video
to the world, tell time, perform calculations, navigate streets, play and identify songs, serve as flashlights or track and graph sleep patterns. An independent, communitysupported press, we believe, is important to the quality of life in our area, and we hope it will continue to be supported as new media continue to encroach. For 25 years, we have partnered with local businesses and groups to bring to life jazz and outdoor music festivals, film festivals, downtown districts and, most recently, Silicon Valley Restaurant Week. We exist in the marketplace, which makes us accountable to the community. New models, such as digital hat-passing to pay for stories or foundation-funded nonprofit publishing, will, we believe, make journalism more susceptible to agendas and interest groups. After publishing 1,300 issues here, we’re proud to have been a part of Silicon Valley’s evolution and will do our best to continue to keep our coverage scrappy, honest and community focused.
MARCH 24-30, 2010
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MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
MARCH 24-30, 2010
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Performance artist Barbara Liu was a ďŹ xture in the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s visual landscape as San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s alternative cultural scene sprouted wings in the late â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;80s and early â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;90s.
The domes came off St. Josephâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cathedral for a stunning restoration completed in 1990. Metro reported on emerging problems in the clergy long before it became a mainstream media topic. Although some church supporters initially attempted to organize an advertising boycott of Metro, the San Jose Diocese is now seen as an early mover in confronting sexual abuse problems.
Ballet San Jose dancers enjoyed an â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;80s hot tub moment (far right) at one of the bashes thrown for them at the manse of Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak (right, top).
One of Metroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ďŹ rst interviewees was groundbreaking electronics industry journalist Don HoeďŹ&#x201A;er, who ďŹ rst published the term â&#x20AC;&#x153;Silicon Valley.â&#x20AC;? It was HoeďŹ&#x201A;erâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s last interview; he died a few weeks after its publication.
The Arpanet is renamed the Internet National
Semiconductor and other companies announce layoffs. John Sculley ousts Steve Jobs from Apple One Step Beyond nightclub opens in Santa Clara Rodin Sculpture Garden opens on Stanford University campus
The Mission We live in fast and furious times, in an area charged with excitement. Across the country and in distant parts of the world, people follow with amazement
the latest news about Silicon Valley, a name that carries with it magic. Virtually every other major metropolitan area in America has a weekly newspaper . . . yet the San Jose area had none. Now Metro is here. It will seek to ďŹ ll the information needs of a young, active readership hungry to live life to the fullest and learn more about whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s around them. Its goal is to become a newspaper as dynamic and interesting as the people who live here. Metro is a true homegrown product of the Santa Clara Valley. It is a startup, locally owned and independent. Metro intends to be fresh, lively and informative, to publish thoughtful, in-depth coverage on subjects of local interest along with honest, intelligent, commentary on the arts. Dan Pulcrano, March 7, 1985
Shoreline Mountain View Mayor Maryce
Freelen thinks her city is Bill Grahamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kind of town. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think our citizens will be very pleased in a few years time,â&#x20AC;? she says, referring to plans to construct a 15,000-seat, $15 million amphitheater on city-owned land north of the Bayshore Freeway. Bill Graham Productions has provided Mountain View with a list of the performers they expect to bring to the venue., including Frank Sinatra, John Denver, Julio Iglesias and the Osmonds. Hal Plotkin, April 4, 1985
The Layoffs
Enough Is Enough
I keep reading in your letters column what a jerk Richard von Busack is. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t usually write to newspapers, but enough is enough. It seems people cannot handle an intelligent writer with a sarcastic wit. Letters, June 13, 1985
For 30 years or more, the valley has been a magnet drawing people to work in the electronics industry. For engineers and software wizards it is still a pot of gold at the end of high techâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rainbow. But production line workers, office staff and even managers have seen the dream turn mean as the semiconductor industry staggers under the repeated blows of its most serious recession ever. Doug Millison, June 13, 1985
Burning Man begins on San
Franciscoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Baker Beach Chief Justice Rose Bird voted off the California
Supreme Court Shoreline Amphitheatre opens, methane leak discovered Oasis club opens in downtown San Jose
Skyway to Tomorrowland A futuristic metropolis linked by subways, trolleys and monorails is the Santa Clara County of the 1990s envisioned in a $3 billion mass-transit plan proposed by Supervisor Rod Diridon. Bringing BART downtown is just one element of Diridonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ambitious plan. Doug Millison, Feb. 6, 1986
Toxic Shock Late last week, officials announced that chemical contaminants had reached an underground water aquifer 500 feet deep in Mountain View, one
from which public drinking water is drawn. Preliminary readings indicate up to 55 parts per billion of trichloroethylene are in the aquifer. Right now in Santa Clara County, officials know of at least 500 sites where industrial solvents, fuels and other contaminants have leaked into the soil. Cleanup has not been completed on anyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even begun on more than two-thirds of the sites. New cases are reported each month. Eric Jansen, May 8, 1986
Ground Zero One brave group of South Bay musicians refuses to subscribe to the theory that you must play the pop music game by a certain set of rules to achieve success. The group calls itself First Strike Musicianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Collective and is comprised of about 85 individuals who have dedicated themselves to advancing the state of music in an ostensibly barren metropolitan
area. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The intention is to turn San Jose into the same kind of respected musical community Boston and Austin have become,â&#x20AC;? explains Scot Long, lead singer and guitarist with the local band Frontier Wives. Gary Marker, May 15, 1986
Splashless in San Jose Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an inconvenient factoid to consider when tooling around in a global warming-inducing Escalade while the mercury is cracking the 100 degree mark: San Jose has fewer public pools per capita than any of Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 20 largest cities. City Hall canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t keep two-thirds of its public swimming pools operating, even though it has a ridiculously small number to begin with. According to the website of the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services Department, the city only has two operating: the Camden Pool and
the Fair Swim Center. The Mayfair, Ryland, Alviso and Biebrach swimming facilities are all closed. Silicon Valley industry analysts gnashing their teeth about the loss of jobs and knowledge workers to Austin, Texas, for quality-of-life reasons need only surf a handful of websites and plug the data into a spreadsheet to come up with a simple conclusion: itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the pools. The city of Austin has 48 public swimming facilities. Maybe next time Santa Clara County voters will pass a Measure A-type halfcent sales tax increase if it includes a few dozen neighborhood swim centers. Dan Pulcrano, Aug. 2, 1986
Refugee Stress Boun Nock Nhoutitham, under the auspices of Asian Americans for Community Involvement, counsels some of the thousands of local Indochinese refugees who suffer from the same
post-traumatic stress syndrome diagnosed in Vietnam veterans. For reasons that include governmental shortsightedness and a shortage of qualiďŹ ed mental health personnel, experts say that the afflicted refugees suffer the syndromeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ravages more harshly than do Vietnam combat veterans, yet donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get the assistance they need and arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t likely to get it in the near future. Craig Carter, Sept. 25, 1986
U.S. Senate rejects Robert
Borkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nomination to Supreme Court Fairmont Hotel opens in downtown San Jose Packard Foundation buys and
restores Stanford Theatre Light rail line opens
Let Us Spray San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s walls of fame were once cement canvases for area teenagers aping early â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s New York graffiti artists, giant easels in the endless competition to spray the best creations. Those were the good old days. Psychedelic writer Tom Robbins theorizes that Shangri-Las attract thugs, and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pretty much what has happened here. The taggers have largely squeezed out the artists. Craig Carter, May 12, 1987
Secondhand Sounds These are hard times for music lovers. With stores now charging up to $10.99 for a new domestic 18
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
The Doobie Brothers drew one of the biggest crowds to San Jose in a free concert promoted by the city, the Downtown Association and Metro.
A worker cleans up the aisles at Dai Thanh Supermarket after the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake rocked the Bay Area.
release and $14.99 for the same recording on CD, never before has the prospect of search for buried treasures in a used record store been more appealing. And whether the search is for a battered Beatles LP or a cassette of Broadway show tunes, at least one store in the South Bay is likely to stock the coveted item. Even when one is simply browsing, there are a number of things to remember when shopping for used records. First consider the condition of the record . . . Second, is the disc rare or unusual? . . . Finally, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the question of where to shop. Nancy Vaughan-Winters, July 7, 1987
Cactus Club opens in SoFA Intel introduces ďŹ rst
commercial ďŹ&#x201A;ash memory chip San Jose Giants minor-league team starts play First Interop at San Jose Convention Center features vendors of TCP/IP products
The Gun Fight A handgun-happy NRA took a blast at San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top cop, who returned ďŹ re with the ultimate weapon: The McNamara Headline Machine. The new ally in the ďŹ ght against handguns is none other than one of the NRAs former strongest allies: law enforcement. And the media star of the somewhat comical ďŹ ght is none other than San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own police chief, Joe McNamara. Public Eye, June 30, 1988
Clean Street Its marquee reads â&#x20AC;&#x153;Closed for
Remodeling,â&#x20AC;? but thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only part of the story. The news is that the Pussycat Theater is being sold to a progressive-minded buyer whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s committed to cleaning up South First Street. The last remnant of the once-thriving porn theater and arcade district, the Pussycatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s demise will allow downtown to make a better impression when the conventioneers begin arriving with their name tags in April. Public Eye, Dec. 22, 1988
Berlin Wall falls Loma
Prieta Earthquake First text message sent San Jose Convention Center opens Nirvana plays Marsugiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Preservation Row Haunting the edge of downtown, the De Anza Hotel looks like it belongs more in bombed out Beirut than in San Jose. The building is a shell of its former self, its blackened interior visible through broken windows and rough-edged holes in its concrete walls. But despite its appearance the De Anza is also a symbol of San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s continuing downtown revival. With a ďŹ nancial boost from the city, the hotelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s owner plans to begin work this June on a major renovationâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;one that is supposed to restore the De Anza to its 1930s art deco splendor. Tracie L. Thompson, Feb. 23, 1989
Behind the Front In the early 1980s, Vietnamese exiles began to put their faith in Hoang Co Minh and his National United Front for the Liberation of Vietnam. By late
1982, donations from San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Vietnamese community exceeded $3,000 a month. Pham Van Lieu, an ex-Saigon police chief, broke with the group in 1984 and accused Hoang Co Minh of using the refugee donations to purchase a chain of Vietnamese noodle soup restaurants. When asked if there is any substance to rumors about the international chain of Pho Hoa restaurants, now ďŹ&#x201A;ourishing at 12 locations in the United States, Le Van Nam labels the claim ďŹ ctitious: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Those restaurants are just normal Vietnamese restaurants.â&#x20AC;? However, according to records ďŹ led with the city of San Jose, the business tax for the two Pho Hoa restaurants in San Jose was paid by AureďŹ&#x201A;am Corporation, also located in San Jose. The telephone number of AureďŹ&#x201A;am is identical to that of the National United Front, except for the last digit, and a call to AureďŹ&#x201A;am is answered by 21
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The late poet Allen Ginsberg dined with Al and Helen Hinkle of San Jose, the true-life Ed and Galatea Dunkel of Kerouacâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;On the Road,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; at this dinner arranged by Metro at Emileâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s restaurant in 1992.
Hard-partying singer Country Dick Montana stopped by Metroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ofďŹ ce drinking from four open long necks wedged between his knuckles. He was a frequent performer at San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clubs until his untimely death at age 40 in 1995.
Author Ken Kesey drove his bus, Furthur, to our front door in 1993 and invited the staff for an unforgettable ride around downtown.
a woman who has information regarding the whereabouts of National United Front executive committee member Le Van Nam. He has just left for Australia, she says. John Whalen, April 27, 1989
The Vinyl Goodbye Local all-CD stores such as Compact Disc Warehouse, Circular Motions and Blue Angel have carved out a market segment of buyers whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve kicked the vinyl habit. Major record chains, responding to consumer buying trends, have begun to dispense with the 12-inch disc altogether in some of their stores. Will the chains soon abandon the LP altogether? Leonard Niles, Aug. 17, 1989
Trends In San Jose, the Bay Areaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most populous community, one of every four renters can afford
to pay no more than $500 a month, based on 1987 ďŹ gures, even though 85 percent of the stock rented for more than $500, according to a report by the Mayerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Task Force on Housing. If trends follow the past decade, rents will nearly double by the turn of the century. Jonathan Vankin, Dec. 7, 1989
1990 Nelson Mandela is released from prison U.S. expels
Iraq from Kuwait in Gulf War Metro buys Los Gatos Weekly and Los Gatos TimesObserver and merges them Restored De Anza Hotel reopens F/X nightclub opens in downtown San Jose
Nightlife Rising San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s newest nightclub, F/X, started out as the Gay Theater, a movie house on South First Streetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Theater Row. As the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s surged, redevelopment became the word of the day, and the sexually oriented businesses were quietly given the bumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rush. The Pussycat chain eventually abandoned downtown, and the theater stood vacant, waiting for the right tenant. That turned out to be a trio of guys as different as anyone could imagine. Carlos deVillalvilla, Feb. 8, 1990
The More Things Change . . . Oil prices soar skyward, ďŹ nancial institutions head south, budget deďŹ cits bulge at the buttons and there is a foreboding sense that economic tough times are on the way. Yet this November, voters
in seven Santa Clara County communities will be asked to raise their own taxes in order to build a baseball stadium. The immediate and principal beneďŹ ciary of the tax will be a private business: The San Francisco Giants baseball club. Somehow, priorities seem skewed. Jonathan Vankin, Aug. 16, 1990
Hello, Ron Ron Gonzales understands power. He didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ask permission to play by the rules. He made his own. And heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s moved so quickly that by the time his opponents muster the forces to check his rapid political rise, he could be in Sacramento. But even if that doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t come to pass or his Giants stadium proposal loses, the hard-working, ambitious county supervisor has placed so many bets that at least one of his horses is bound to pay off. Jonathan Vankin, Sept. 20, 1990
1991 World Wide Web invented Linus Torvalds introduces the Linux operating system
Susan Hammer replaces Tom McEnery as San Jose mayor One Step Beyond reborn; Phantom nightclub opens San Jose Museum of Art opens new wing
Nights of the Turntable A few years ago, if the valleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dance crowd was into anything more than cover bands, a trip to San Francisco was the only 22
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M25 Marcelino Castilloâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lease was broken by the Redevelopment Agency, which wanted to replace him with a chain restaurant. After two chains failed, the location sits vacant. Meanwhile, franchises like Popeyeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Carlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Jr. and Ross Dress for Less continue to sign leases downtown.
option. Today, the DJ scene has exploded, spawning a generation of urban dance clubs, an elite of mainstream beatmasters and a sprinkling of underground experimentalists. The opening of One Step Beyond brought the ďŹ rst genuine taste of bigcity dance club style. Shortly thereafter, D.B. Cooperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s opened. Club Oasis on North First Street in 1987 accelerated the growth of downtown nightlife. These days, San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s frenetic quest for urban identity has yielded no shortage of clubs. Carlos deVillalvilla, Jan. 10, 1991
Camera Obscura For more than nine months, San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Redevelopment Agency has negotiated with American MultiCinema Inc. to build a multiplescreen, 3,000-seat movie house next to downtownâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pavilion Shops, using $10.5 million in public funds. For some reason, no
one outside of Redevelopment seems to know how the talks are proceeding. The notoriously closemouthed agency refuses to discuss the deal, and it remains shrouded in mystery. Not even the people who will be most affected by AMCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s move downtownâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Camera Cinemas co-owners Jim Zuur and Jack NyBlomâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;know whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going on. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re really in the dark,â&#x20AC;? Zuur says. It seems Redevelopment canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ďŹ gure out how to bring AMC downtown without destroying a small, locally owned chain. Bob Hansen, Sept. 12, 1991
1992 Bill Clinton elected president Apple introduces QuickTime Dimensions nightclub opens San Jose
streets explode after Rodney King verdict Leonid Grin named music director for San Jose Symphony
The Megaclub More like a Universal Studios tour with mixed drinks than a neighborhood disco, Dimensions ďŹ lls the shell of the old Goldeenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s building on South First Street, across from Eulipia and the Ajax Lounge and within club-hopping distance of F/X, Marsugiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and the Cactus Club. Some myopic tourists may mistake the threestory club for the Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Discovery Museum, thanks to its purple exterior, but the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s painted-desert marquee is unique with a vengeance. Carlos deVillalvilla, Feb. 13, 1992
Running on Empty An exhaustive Metro investigation
reveals that San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Redevelopment Agency lacks public accountability and has dug itself into a deep ďŹ nancial hole that jeopardizes its high-proďŹ le program. After a decade of dramatic and loosely supervised expansion that saw the reshaping of San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s skyline and the creation of a powerful bureaucracy, the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s massive redevelopment building program is now in trouble. In addition to skating on thin ďŹ nancial ice, the agency suffers from internal management problems characteristic of entrepreneurial organizations that grow too fast while failing to distribute decisionmaking responsibility beyond the corner office. March 19, 1992
Just Plain Dom Assemblyman Dom Cortese stands in the middle of the legislative chamber delivering the preamble to his water policy
bill: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mister Speaker, members . . .â&#x20AC;? His face is serious, his presentation steady. Patiently, Cortese responds to a question from Assemblywoman Barbara Friedman: â&#x20AC;&#x153;My bill also states that . . .â&#x20AC;? The picture of a legislator in actionâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;but for one thing: the place is deserted. The Legislature is not in session; Barbara Friedman is nowhere in sight. Cortese is presenting his bill to a quorum of vacant chairs. Cortese is anxious I should see every aspect of what he does in Sacramento. Now he is simulating a scene in which he needs one or two more votes to pass a favorite bill, running to different desks, trying to win converts one on one: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d say, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Barbara, whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s your problem? You got a problem?â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? Short and stout, with baggy jowls and Buddha-like belly and earlobesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;who would have thought San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s six-term assemblyman would look like 25
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PARK YOURSELF HERE. Shop or dine at businesses displaying this sign and receive up to 2 hours of validated parking at participating parking lots and garages. sjdowntownparking.com
The World Cup came to America in 1994; Brazil beat the United States 1-0 on July 4 at Stanford Stadium and went on to win the Cup against Italy 3-2 in a penalty shootout.
The San Francisco 49ers capped a super decade by winning their fourth Super Bowl on Jan. 28, 1990; quarterback and icon of cool Joe Montana took a break at the teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Santa Clara practice facilities.
your jolly Italian uncle: a cross between Al from the TV sitcom Happy Days and Friar Tuck? Louis Theroux, April 23, 1992 [Former Metro intern and staffer Louis Theroux has since become a sensation in British television, and is writing a book.]
Dubious Electronic Advances A recent New York Times article speculating on the possible uses for Apple Computer Inc.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Newton (or â&#x20AC;&#x153;personal digital assistantâ&#x20AC;?) gushes about a brave new era that could include â&#x20AC;&#x153;smart refrigerator magnets.â&#x20AC;? How smart does a refrigerator magnet need to be? If itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s moldy, throw it out. Michael S. Gant, July 16, 1992
How to Save the Giants OK, sports fans, step up to the plate and put your money where your mouth is. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time for Silicon Valleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s heavy hitters to exercise
their entrepreneurial prowess and keep the Giants in the Bay Areaâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; to have them play right here in the South Bay by building a stadium and purchasing the team. Dan Pulcrano and Jonathan Vankin, Aug. 13, 1992
SoFA Time Downtown San Jose has hosted several celebrations of late . . . but none so accurately captures the ďŹ&#x201A;avor of the real downtown as the First SoFA Street Fair promises to do. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s because SoFA was conceived by people who spend nearly all their time downtown, as opposed to the 9-to5 weekday warriors who planned the better known and larger festival. Carlos deVillalvilla, Sept. 24, 1992
A Leader and His Flock In late summer of this year, there was a rumor buzzing through the Roman Catholic Diocese of San
Jose that Bishop Pierre DuMaine was on his way out as the leader of Santa Clara Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 400,000strong Catholic congregation. The rumor was widespread. It was uttered by a church secretary in Palo Alto, political activists in Cupertino, an administrator at San Jose State University and priest in Sunnyvale. Local church officials, however, doubted that such a move was imminent. They speculated that if DuMaine were on his way out, he would have been included in a series of relocations that recently rocked some Northern California dioceses. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If they were going to get rid of Pierre, they would have done it then,â&#x20AC;? said one. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For better or for worse, I think weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re stuck with him.â&#x20AC;? Geoffrey Dunn, part of a six-month investigation of the local Catholic Church, Nov. 19, 1992
Liquid Assets I like jacking off as much as the next man, but this is one session Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not looking forward to. That itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 8:30am, and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m suffering
from a hangover is the least of my worries. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s making me apprehensive is that Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m on my way to California Cryobank Inc., a sperm bank in Palo Alto, where Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m going to have to masturbate into a little plastic cup in a strange room and then, I imagine, solemnly emerge, bearing my emission like a saintâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s relic to have it analyzed. Whether it will pass muster for inclusion in the bankâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s donor program is another source of trepidation. Still, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m going to give this thing my best shot. Louis Theroux, Nov. 26, 1992
1993 Stanford professor Jim Clark hires Mark Andreesen
President Clinton and Vice President Gore announce tech policy at Silicon Graphics in Mountain View Metro
launches Livewire online service Adobe Systems introduces Acrobat and PDF ďŹ le format San Jose Arena opens; Sharks begin playing in San Jose Ken Kesey reads at SJSU
Hammer Handed Just what is going on in the mayorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office? Many sources (both objective and unobjective) tell us that certain councilmembers, senior-level bureaucrats and other backseat drivers have bluntly informed Mayor Susan Hammer that her office is not being â&#x20AC;&#x153;run right.â&#x20AC;? We hear that one official even had the temerity to advise Hammer to ďŹ re her entire staff. Public Eye, Jan. 21, 1993
Virtual Bill While Bill Clinton and Al Gore stabbed their forks into grilled 26
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An arts district took hold in San Jose with the SoFA Festival.
Atlantic salmon and chicken breast with goat cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, artichoke sauce and eggplant-pepper timbale (Gore had the goat cheese chicken), Secret Service agents carefully magged the crowd on the grounds of Los Gatosâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Old Town center. Their hand-held magnetomers squealed at house keys and brass buttons as they screened each person who entered the topiary gardens, each animal-shaped shrub having been carefully swept for explosives by trained dogs. Dan Pulcrano, Feb. 25, 1993
Plumed Serpent Controversy Rises Again A highly touted new public review process on the controversial Plumed Serpent sculpture may not have been so exhaustive after all, contrary to what the San Jose City Council has claimed. While a 1992 report by Redevelopment Agency chief Frank Taylor claims that advisory panels approved the artwork, official summaries of four of the ďŹ ve advisory panel meetings show nothing of the
sort. The Plumed Serpent, also known as Quetzalcoatl, originally attracted a small army of zealous opponents who criticized City Hall for spending $500,000 on the meso-American icon. The council defended the sculpture by pointing to an exhaustive review period. Greg Bardsley, Oct. 21, 1993
1994 Jerry Yang launches the
Yahoo!, the ďŹ rst commercial search engine Netscape goes public and kicks off the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;dotcomâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; craze â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Schindlerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Listâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; wins seven Oscars Federal judge stops application of Prop. 187 The band Smash Mouth forms in San Jose Indoor soccer team San Jose Grizzlies begin play Milpitas couple Robert and Carleen Thomas indicted
for violating community standards in Tennessee rom their California BBS system Highway 85 opens
Daze of Their Lives The 401 Club was long a rotting tooth in the jaw of downtown San Jose. Abandoned for years, the crumbling structure at the corner of South First and San Salvador streets served little purpose other than to remind passers-by what the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s core was like before downtownâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s upgrade. Few people missed the notorious old barroom when it went up in ďŹ&#x201A;ames in May. Among those who did mourn its loss was a rag-tag group of squatters. The 401 Club was their home. ... Unlike typical transients, this group was distinguished by one thing. The majority of them were minors, some of whom are barely into their teens. These teenage tramps represent a new demographic among downtowns street people. The homeless person sleeping on a bench in the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s core these days is almost as likely to be a teenager as an adults hard-luck case. Most
of them say they enjoy their life on the street. Bob Hansen, July 14, 1994
And It Was Such a Cute Puppy, Too Apparently that Metro cover photo several weeks ago of a forlorn puppy awaiting adoption at the Humane society of Santa Clara county tugged at a lot of heart strings over in Milpitas. As a result of the article that accompanied the photo, the Milpitas City Council unanimously passed a resolution last week rebuking the Humane society for a policy that limits public access to its stray animal shelters and urging the society to change its policy. Public Eye, Lorraine Gengo, Dec. 15, 1994
1995 Ebay founded â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Toy Story,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
the ďŹ rst feature-length
computer-animated ďŹ lm, is released O.J . Simpson acquitted MP3 standard is introduced Craig Newmark posts a page on the Well and starts a mailing list called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Craigslist.â&#x20AC;? F/X nightclub closes; Agenda opens Pearl Jam plays Spartan Stadium Amazon. com launched Mae West hub opens in downtown San Jose and becomes Internetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second busiest intersection in cyberspace
Media Matters Against the sleekness and sheer speed of computers, books have no defense. And the victim may not just be books themselves, but all of American culture. In The Gutenberg Elegies, essayist Sven Birkerts argues that the change in the form of words from print to screen will inevitably change their content, and our relationship to them, for the worse. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When 29
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A baby boomer entered the White House and a new generation learned to play grownup games.
our technologies are all in placeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;when all databases have been reďŹ ned and integratedâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;that will be the day when we stop living in the old hard world and take up residence in some bright new hyperworld, a kind of Disneyland of information.â&#x20AC;? Doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Birkerts seem a bit stodgy and anachronistic? These words were generated on a computer, transmitted over the Internet to my editorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office, and are now being read in printed form on a page of newspaper. The evolution of this very essay itself seems to prove Birkertsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; contentions wrong. J. Douglas Allen Taylor, Nov. 9, 1995
1996 Sabeer Bhatia launches free
email service called Hotmail,
Adobe relocates to downtown San Jose Stanford Gates Computer Science Building opens with Bill Gates donating $6 million Congress enacts the Communications Decency Act
Line of Fire Since she was hired as San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ďŹ rst independent police auditor in September 1993, Teresa GuerreroDaley has been caught in a crossďŹ re of criticism. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Useless,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;a political sop,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;an order-taker,â&#x20AC;? is how some residents described the auditor in a recent survey. San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rank-and-ďŹ le police officers sometimes hiss at the 44-year-old criminal defense attorney when she walks into a brieďŹ ng room, resentful that an outsider has been given authority to look over their shoulders. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not surprising the police would mistrust Guerrero-
Daley. Her charge is to instill public conďŹ dence in the police by helping to rein in wayward officers. Each year residents lodge hundreds of complaints against officers ranging from rude behavior to unwarranted use of force. Groups such as the Human Rights Commission, the Santa Clara County Bar Association and the American Civil Liberties Union charge that the auditor doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have the power or independence to improve police practices. The most effective approach, they argue, would be to appoint a group of residents to monitor the policeâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;an independent citizen review board Laura Stuchinsky, Jan. 25, 1996
Booms Away Buckle up for sanity. This is not a fruit orchardâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;to-Ferraris â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s-style boom, rather a gourmet â&#x20AC;&#x153;hold the foamâ&#x20AC;? caffeination. And, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like that with skim, please, with a
couple of zeros at the end. Days when Nolan Bushnell could become a Silicon Valley legend after selling Atari for $28 million are over. Netscapeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Jim Clark is worth 25 times more than that on a bad stock day, and most people havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even heard of him. Dan Pulcrano, Dec. 26, 1996
1997 Reed Hastings starts NetďŹ&#x201A;ix Apple buys NeXT and
Steve Jobs returns as interim CEO Silicon Graphics builds the complex that becomes the Googleplex U.S. Supreme Court strikes down most of Computer Decency act
Gravy Train Jumbo shrimp, lemon linguini, swordďŹ sh, mahi mahi, lamb chops, New York steak. Red wine, scotch or Jack Daniels are ordered to help wash it down. The dessert menu turns up and before long, bellies are bulging. The bill ďŹ nally arrives: $234. Bill it to the boss! While this might sound like the exploits of a spoiled corporate executive, the preceding tale is woven from a travel expense report submitted by a San Jose city council member who drove down to Long Beach in late 1995 for a school board convention and partied with some old colleagues. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The bossâ&#x20AC;? picking up the check was the taxpaying public. And that wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the only meal the public paid for on that high-rolling trip, taken by Councilman George Shirakawa, Jr.. There was another $257 feast, too. An examination of city ďŹ nance 30
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Once bypassed, San Jose is now a stop on the national touring circuit for the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest entertainment acts, for better or for worse.
records for elected and appointed officials shows that each year San Jose taxpayers are paying for hundreds of meals, costing thousands of dollars, both on the road and at home. When theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re at home, the politicians and city bosses are given special treatment, operating under a different set of rules than their employees. Will Harper, April 10, 1997
Giving It All Away Like other now legendary programmersâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Woz, Andreesen, Jerry Yangâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Linus Torvaldsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; work has touched millions. Unlike them, he did not become a decamillionaire in his 20s. Someday, that could change. But for now, Torvalds remains an uncorrupted cult hero living amid ground-zero Silicon Valley expressways, Lexus dealerships and bedroom linen superstores. One day, the Linux way of doing
businessâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;free, Internet-based software distributionâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;could recast the greedy landscape of the still young information age. For now, Linus has fallen down the rabbit hole and is unpacking his things. Michael Learmonth, May 8, 1997 [Former Metro staffer Michael Learmonth covers media and technology for Advertising Age and AdAge.com, and Tweets prodigiously: @learmonth.]
Bye, Gary The Merc and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dark Allianceâ&#x20AC;? reporter Gary Webb have ďŹ nally agreed to part ways, sources tell Eye. The Merc settled a grievance that Webb ďŹ led with the San Jose Newspaper Guild, the terms of which union officials say are conďŹ dential. The fallout began soon after Webb was named â&#x20AC;&#x153;Journalist of the Yearâ&#x20AC;? by the Society of Professional Journalists in 1996. First-tier national
newspapers, scrambling to catch up to the story, questioned the assertion that the CIA could have started the crack epidemic or that top spooks even knew about the crack-for-arms deals. In May, Merc editor Jerry Ceppos wrote an editorial explaining the seriesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;shortcomings,â&#x20AC;? which ironically took another SPJ award. After the editorial, Webb told Eye he was sitting on a stack of follow-up stories the Merc refused to publish. Ceppos removed Webb from the national desk in Sacramento and banished him to a bureau in Cupertino. Will Harper, Dec. 4, 1997 [In 2004, Gary Webb was found dead from an apparent suicide.]
E-Market Daniel Sroka sits at his desk in the yellow-and-purple-striped, balloon-and-poster-strewn gymnasium that is the nerve center of the biggest success
story on the Internetâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and now one of the valleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s legendary companies.More than 32 million people logged onto one of Yahoo!â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s websites during the month of December, according to the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s calculations, and while many simply used it as a search engine, many others followed Yahoo! links to buy airline tickets, purchase stock from Wall Street ďŹ rms and make hotel reservations. Sroka clicks through a series of Yahoo! pages, including the ďŹ nancial page. Today, the Dow Jones Average has climbed back over 8,000. Less than a decade ago, nobody thought the Dow would ever break four thousand. Sroka clicks twice more, and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking at a graph tracking the Dow since 1990â&#x20AC;&#x201D;showing the steady climb of more than 2,000 points in the past three yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;since Yahoo! began to make the Internet accessible to everyday users. Eric Johnson, Jan. 15, 1997
1998 Google founded Paypal founded Knight Ridder relocates to San Jose A.P.
Stumpâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s opens in San Jose Spago takes over from
Jeremiah Towerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Stars in Palo Alto Palo Alto girl band â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Electrocutesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; release â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Steal Yer Lunch Moneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC; before changing their name to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Donnas.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; First nationwide HDTV broadcast Tech Museum opens in new 132,000square-foot building 33
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Mount Pleasant DISCUSSION / BOOK SIGNING Thursday, April 1st, 7PM 2200 Eastridge Loop San Jose (408) 270-9470 The entrepreneur and Republican candidate for governor of California recalls his most impressive achievementâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;teaching 12th grade at San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mt. Pleasant High Schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and explains how his business experiences aided him in the classroom in this engrossing memoir.
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MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Rat Here, Rat Now The Logans had been married two years when they ďŹ rst heard the scratching sounds in the attic at night. They lived in what they now call â&#x20AC;&#x153;typical suburbia,â&#x20AC;? in a middle-class neighborhood on Vincent Court off Santa Teresa in South San Jose. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One night, we hear this sound in the kitchen,â&#x20AC;? LezLi Logan says, tapping her manicured ďŹ ngernails on the coffee table to simulate the sound of little feet. George remembers the scene well. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m in my underwear, and I open the cupboard,â&#x20AC;? he says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;and thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s three of them in there, eating potatoes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I grabbed my golf club, opened the cupboard and took a crack at them,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One of them lunged out at me and landed on the kitchen ďŹ&#x201A;oor.â&#x20AC;? George scrambled around the kitchen after the rat, madly wielding his golf club everywhere it ran. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I put a few holes in the linoleum ďŹ&#x201A;oor and some dents in the stove,â&#x20AC;? he recalls. Cecily Barnes, Feb. 18, 1998
Do You Know With Whom You Are #$%*!!? District Attorney George Kennedy is known for both his profanity and his respect for the Queenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s English. This year Kennedy outdid himself, using naughty language and a near-extinct bigass word in the same sentence (when asked about allegations that his office stymied a grand jury investigation): â&#x20AC;&#x153;Are you asking was there an inappropriate, crooked fucking ďŹ x by the district attorneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office to spirit some individual out of the area . . . ?â&#x20AC;? Hats off to you, George, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a real fucking Renaissance Man. Will Harper, Dec. 31, 1998
1999 Ron Gonzales sworn in as
63rd mayor of San Jose after narrowly defeating Pat Dando AMD debuts 34
For the 1998 Best of Silicon Valley issue, we ďŹ&#x201A;ew cartoonist Takeshi Tadatsu from his home in Tokyo to record his observations on such institutions as the Saddle Rack, Aqui and the AboveNet N.O.C.
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
High-powered open-wheel race cars zoomed through downtown streets at speeds commuters could only dream of for the ďŹ rst San Jose Grand Prix in 2005.
Sure the jobs were great during the dotcom boom, but tech guys had trouble ďŹ nding a date, leading to a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;man glut.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
In 1999, Palo Altoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s answer to the Runaways, the Donnas, were poised to release their third album.
Athlon chip Governments prepare for the Y2K bug
Dust in the Wind Richard Weiskal swings a rock hammer as he strides up a bright green hillside in south San Jose. His dog, Woody, trots, nose to the ground, picking up scents from the nearby cow herd. Following the contour of a low ridge, Weiskal stops at a footstool-sized rock and swings his small hammer. Bits of rock dust leap into the air, careening off his glasses. A small chunk of the dark green stone rolls into his palm. â&#x20AC;&#x153;See that?â&#x20AC;? he says, rubbing his thumb over the white ďŹ bers running in a band across the rock. The ďŹ bers peel off the rock and take ďŹ&#x201A;ight, like dandelion seeds blown into the breeze. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s asbestos,â&#x20AC;? he says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s everywhere.â&#x20AC;? Jim Rendon, March 11, 1999
Man Jose
Donnas Party
Marvin Raab, 35, is the kind of guy Silicon Valley loves. Employers ďŹ nd new Marvins just out of college; they poach them from other companies or lure them from around the globe. Once the guys get here, they are paid handsomely, they have gourmet cooks prepare their meals, and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re allowed to dress like schleps. But something happens when all these engineers go out and try to ďŹ nd a date at ground zero of the Guy Glut. Population numbers for Santa Clara County show a slight disparity overall, 51 percent male to 49 percent female. Where it becomes dramatic is in the prime dating years. In 1997 there were an estimated 40,641 more men than women in the county between the ages of 20 and 44. Never-married men outnumber never-married women in every ZIP code in Silicon Valley. Michael Learmonth, April 8, 1999
The Donnas are not the types to demolish hotel rooms. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easier, in fact, to imagine them giggling over room service. Some Donnas fans would be disappointed if they knew how nice the members of the hedonistic, hard-edged nymphet quartet from Palo Alto really are. Although the Donnas are hurtling toward stardomâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;they have scored photo and story spreads in Spin and Rolling Stone, will soon embark on their second European tour and are about to release their third album, Get Skintightâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;offstage they can only be described as sweet and self-effacing. The Donnas, one 19-year-old and three 20-year-olds, are strenuously down-to-earth. Although theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re forever being compared to Joan Jett and Lita Ford, these four are more about fun than fury. If anything, their music resembles the goofy deďŹ ance of the Beastie Boys singing â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fight for Your Right to Partyâ&#x20AC;? more than Courtney Love bellowing â&#x20AC;&#x153;Teenage
Whore.â&#x20AC;? Michelle Goldberg, June 24, 1999 [Former Metro staffer Michelle Goldberg has written two books, the New York Times bestseller â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalismâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; (2007) and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Means of Reproductionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; (2008).
Smash and Learn Of the 23 rock bands who are going to yell â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hello, San Jose!â&#x20AC;? today, none can ostensibly do it with the same kind of fervor as Smash Mouthâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;hometown boys made good. Smash Mouthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s members are like a spiffed-up, grown-up, mirror image of the audience, four well-coifed guys in perfectly pressed thrift store T-shirts and baggy shorts who look like they stepped right off the streetâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;as, in a way, they did. And just as Smash Mouthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s look somehow captures the aesthetic of today, so does the sound they are pumping out, a breezy, slow-tempoed hybrid of punk, ska and â&#x20AC;&#x2122;60s garage rock
that seems to embody something about the here and now. The bandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hit â&#x20AC;&#x153;Walking on the Sunâ&#x20AC;? evokes the rich Californiate world of the late â&#x20AC;&#x2122;90s. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a world where instant success is not so much a dream as a promise, a world where music is a commodity rather than an emotional experience. Smash Mouth has made its way to the top in this world, the ďŹ rst and foremost band from this area to encapsulate, in sound, exactly what it feels like in the here and now. Gina Arnold, Aug. 12, 1999
New Human Scientists know this much: the kind of work people do in the modern world is unlike any work humans have done before. It involves huge amounts of information and demands that people wrap their minds around different subjects on cue, bouncing between instant email messages and urgent phone calls, 37
MARCH 24-30, 2010
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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Councilman Terry Gregory (bottom left), pictured here with chef Martin Yan (bottom right) and Rep. Mike Honda (above right), lost his job following a DUI and revelations about unreported loans and too many free dinners.
Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins was the second young ďŹ rebrand to serve as executive director of the South Bay Labor Council, after the departure of Amy Dean. Under Ellis-Lamkins, SBLC was able to capture a majority on the city council, but failed in its efforts to put Cindy Chavez in the mayorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ofďŹ ce.
pagers and websites. Multitasking used to be making sure the rolls didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t burn while also talking on the phone and chopping vegetables. Now it means pingponging not just between ideas but between the way theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re presented. People strive to work as quickly as their computers will let them, an unfair competition that always leaves the humans coming up short. Silicon Valley prides itself on its hectic pace of life, so much so that the image of exhausted startup employees slumped face-down in cold pizza has become an icon. Traci Hukill, Jan. 6, 2000 [Traci Hukill now edits the Santa Cruz Weekly.]
2000 Andrew Burnett throws
Leo, a Bichon Frise, into
traffic NASDAQ stock market crashes Metro publishes ďŹ rst report that Mayor Gonzales is dating a staff member Recording industry sues Napster Microsoft is ruled a monopoly San Jose residents report the highest median income of any big U.S. city Montgomery Hotel moved to make way for Fairmont Hotel expansion
Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the Matter With Mathers? Eminemâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Marshall Mathersâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; who appears as part of the Up in Smoke concert June 19 at the San Jose Arena, is the latest and not so greatest in a century-long parade of artists whose chosen purpose is to shock the bourgeoisie.
Manet, Picasso, Duchamp, Presley, Dylan, Johnny Rottenâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;all have purposefully challenged the perceptions of society in order to protest the stultifying and often stupid norms imposed by our ridiculous class society. Gina Arnold, June 15, 2000
Public Eye: The Ronathon Call Ron Gonzales San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Comeback Kid. Two months ago, a sex scandal threatened to submarine the ambitious Ron Juanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s career aspirations . . . Election night, however, belonged to Hizronner: All three city council candidates he endorsed cruised to victory. Editors, Oct. 11, 2000
The Untold Stories of 2000!! Some of NASDAQâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s former
enthusiasts have begun to question who is responsible for their recent trauma. One fallen day trader admits that he has contacted famed ambulance chasers Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach to explore the possibilities of ďŹ ling a class-action suit against someoneâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;anyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; on behalf of all the morons who believed that they could make easy money really, really fast. Dec. 28, 2000
2001 De Anza College student
Al DeGuzman arrested for planning a Columbine-style attack Hewlett-Packard acquires Compaq Terrorists attack World Trade
Center American troops enter Afghanistan Sex. com domain theft trial begins in San Jose Napster forced to close
Whacked! The shock, the rage, the enormity of it all became apparent as the obvious questions sprang to mind. How could a country fail so miserably to protect its citizens, maintain safe skies, even protect the nerve center of the earthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most powerful military machine? Now thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s W in Louisiana, looking like a scared deer, assuring the world that Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s still in business. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have taken all appropriate security precautions to protect the American people.â&#x20AC;? And heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll punish those responsible, as soon he can ďŹ gure out who did what. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ask the intelligence 38
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
A crackdown on clubs under SJPD Chief Bill Landsdowne (far left) was escalated under his successor, Rob Davis (left), resulting in a rash of club closures downtown.
agency his dad once ran. . . . The Federal Reserveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s still open, a White House spokeswoman assures. A country with no coherent strategy to protect its citizens can still print greenbacks. Meanwhile, sellers began hiking prices on eBay for World Trade Center souvenirs until it took action and halted the practice . . . and our president is passing out $300 refund checks. Dan Pulcrano, Sept. 13, 2001
was just a phase,â&#x20AC;? said Maria, an escort-slash-tech-investor (not her real name), â&#x20AC;&#x153;and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s passed . . . mark my words. The sooner the girls who came here on the hype realize that, the sooner theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll move on, and the sooner this place will get back to normal.
Limp Business
The Microsoft antitrust case will now be settled partly out of court, and already U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly has stated that the settlement will not involve breaking up or restructuring the monopolistic corporation. Since much of the ďŹ re behind Linux supporters was fueled by the idea that Microsoft could be beaten, this is a great psychological (and economic) blow. Annalee Newitz, Nov. 11, 2001
She remembers when she had no fewer than eight clients a day. At $500 a pop, she was doing very well. But this year has been a difficult one, and now sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lucky if she sees more than one customer a day. She sighs a lot as we talk. The pay cut is only part of the problem. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My stock investments are all messed up,â&#x20AC;? she adds. . . . â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Silicon Valley that most of these girls knew
Alex Ionides, Sept. 27, 2001
Work: Linus Apocalypse?
Yes! Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m Out Of Work! Almost all have heard the stories of the two-month waiting list for U-Hauls, or of dotcom workers living in homeless shelters. Some have friends who left high-tech for ďŹ reďŹ ghting or law school when not just their jobs but entire companies disappeared. Vacancy rates in office buildings in San Francisco climbed to 10.3 percent as of June this year, close to the same numbers as 1996, in the pretech boom days of the city. Lauren Barack, Nov. 19, 2001
2002 iPod debuts eBay buys Paypal San Jose
Symphony shuts down Friendster founded in Mountain View Following a massive ďŹ re during its construction, Santana Row opens for business in October
New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Therapy: Death of My Dotcom Exodus, Metricom, At Home swallowed bitter bankruptcy medicine. Formerly unshakeable companies Intel, Cisco, Applied Materials and Hewlett-Packard mouthed the new L-word [layoffs, that is]. As the tech ripple started taking other industries down with it, support suits slipped off the edge as well. Fat Palo Alto tech law ďŹ rm Cooley Godward blew out 85 members of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s favorite profession, and San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ernst & Young office farted out
10 percent of its bean counters. Magazines like Industry Standard set new velocity standards for freefall, and newspapers, from big chain-owned dailies to independent weeklies like this one took paper cutters to their page sizes and employee rosters. Leonard Niles, Jan. 3. 2002
Best Laid Plans Al DeGuzmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hair is cut almost down to a clean shave, and his face is pale and puffy. . . . Craig Wormley, DeGuzmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s other attorney, said that the young manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degenerating spirit might have more to do with a tape that was played on Thursday, the second day of his trial. The 20-minute recording was made by DeGuzman the night before his arrest. On it, he speaks of the destruction he intended to cause at De Anza College, and how, before ending his own life with 41
MARCH 24-30, 2010
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
M25 a bullet, he would use guns and homemade bombs to kill â&#x20AC;&#x153;at least 20 humans.â&#x20AC;? Alex Ionides, April 18, 2002 [DeGuzman made good on his threat to take his life Aug. 8 while serving a sentence for the De Anza plot.]
about access, ethics and inďŹ&#x201A;uence. Afterward, they can enjoy roasted John Dory over baby eggplants with roasted red bell pepper sauce prepared by chef Vincent Russo, or a fat, moist stogie in the cigar room. Dan Pulcrano, June 16, 2004
Broad Embrace
The Next Four Years
Actually, the early reviews are good for the landslide winner of Californiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s historic recall election. No less an authority than Jerry Brown, who was the last California governor of any particular interest to the public and who created Gray Davis by making him his chief of staff, says of the advent of Arnold: â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is a refreshing note to all of this.â&#x20AC;? Schwarzenegger, the maverick Democratic mayor of Oakland notes, â&#x20AC;&#x153;ran against special interests, said heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll do right by the people and has shown unprecedented goodwill with bipartisan appointments to his transition team.â&#x20AC;? Bill Bradley, Oct. 30, 2002
Well, the ďŹ rst thing to do is get drunkâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;sloppy, swearing drunk. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll have company, because Bay Area bars are swollen with grief-stricken men and women. Getting drunk isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t going to hurt anything. You may be an irresponsible drunk today, but maybe youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be president tomorrow. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happened before. Before passing out, ďŹ x one image in your mind: the great Wheel of Fortune, ďŹ rst described by the ďŹ fth-century philosopher Boethius in The Consolations of Philosophy: What comes up must come down. RvB, Nov. 10, 2004
Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans George W. Bush elected to a second term
U.S. invades Iraq and topples Saddam Hussein iTunes
music store launched
Patron at a San Jose Wendyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s restaurant plants a human ďŹ nger in a bowl of chili Former PayPal employees found YouTube
Martin Eberhard and
Marc Tarpenning found Tesla Motors
2002 Film Round-Up On the bright side, My Big Fat Greek Wedding gave our hardworking porn-movie titlers a much-needed break.â&#x20AC;? Richard von Busack, Jan. 1, 2003
2004 Google goes public at more than $100 a share Ex-NFL
player Pat Tillman killed in action in Afghanistan
Kinch ConďŹ dential
Astute investigative work by the SJPD tracked down the source of a severed ďŹ nger that had been placed in a bowl of chili at Wendyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s.
Facebook opens in Palo Alto Ousted HP chairperson Patricia Dunn goes on trial in San Jose for spying on reporters Investment banker Frank Quattrone convicted for obstructing justice Googleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s founders announce plans to scan and archive books Restored California Theatre opens Palo Altan Robert Klein
spearheads Prop. 71 for stem cell research
Golfzales When Ron Gonzales became mayor of San Jose, he sat in nosebleed seats at 49ers games and putted at the San Jose Municipal Golf Course. Now heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rubbing shoulders with billionaires at â&#x20AC;&#x153;the next Pebble Beachâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;an exclusive championship course [Corde Valle
Golf Club] in San Martin where memberships cost a quartermillion dollarsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;thanks to his generous lobbyist friends. While community members, local business people and members of the media can only hope for a return call from His Mayorness (he was way too busy with more important matters to talk to us for this article), his silver-tongued buddies get hours of quality face time in a gorgeous, relaxed setting far from the earshot of the pesky media or others concerned
Is Manresaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s David Kinch the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s next celebrity chef ? Kinch is not yet a household name outside circles of chefs and food lovers, but he continues to quietly, passionately and happily distinguish himself with his singular cooking style. And his cooking is unlike anything else in Silicon Valley. While his food has strong French, Catalan and Japanese inďŹ&#x201A;uences, his style is more personal than geographical. From his hulking, handmade French â&#x20AC;&#x153;suiteâ&#x20AC;? of ovens and ďŹ&#x201A;ameless cooking surfaces, Kinch 43
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
creates a conďŹ dent, sometimes playful, cerebral brand of cooking that pierces the heart of ďŹ&#x201A;avor of each ingredient. Stett Holbrook, March 30
Massing Media Hear that giant sucking noise? Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the sound of Knight-Ridder devouring independent media from the Silicon Valley. The nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second-largest newspaper company, which also owns the Merc, added another newspaper trophy wife last week with its acquisition of the Silicon Valley Community Newspapers, a group of eight weeklies in Los Gatos, Saratoga, Cupertino, Sunnyvale, Campbell and San Jose. In February, Knight-Ridder also acquired the Daily News Group. The Fly, Oct. 19
2006 Twitter co-founder Jack
Dorsey sends ďŹ rst Tweet on March 21 Garbage deal probed; Mayor Ron Gonzales indicted McClatchy buys Knight-Ridder, whose execs receive $57 million in bonuses Google acquires YouTube Tesla Motors introduces battery powered car, the Tesla Roadster
The Mayorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Race Heats Up OK, suddenly the Dow breaks 11,000 and digital music has its richest week in history. But whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the true barometer of a genuine economic recovery? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s got to be the San Jose mayorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s race. We did an early poll of mayoral fundraising booty, and came up with some ka-ching. Chuck Reed had been pegged as the campaigncontribution front-runner, and he says even heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s surprised by the $104,000 heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be declaring to the city clerk, considering the season only opened officially on Dec. 8. The Fly, Jan. 17, 2006
Driving in Place In Californians, his 1982 book about the state of the Golden State, novelist James D. Houston revisits San Jose, where he spent his formative years, graduating from Lincoln High School in the early 1950s and attending San Jose State. Driving around â&#x20AC;&#x153;a town I thought I knew quite well,â&#x20AC;? Houston writes that he â&#x20AC;&#x153;got lost in a district that had once been orchard landâ&#x20AC;? before â&#x20AC;&#x153;the land was scrapedâ&#x20AC;? for a housing tract. This spring, Houston is back in the place he once knew on automatic pilot, teaching writing and postwar California literature. Michael S. Gant, April 12 [Houston, who contributed several articles to Metro, passed away in 2009.]
Art on the Edge Donated art hangs from the walls while mechanics wrench on vintage autos. A dog lounges in the parking lot, basking in the hot sun. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m over at the Ministry of Transport, a foreign car repair shop with an art studio attached next door. Located on a sleepy side street, the yard is ďŹ lled with beat-up cars, metal sculpture and all sorts of oddball projects in various states of progress. Artists Katie Salen and Marina Zurkow are busy working on an ice cream truck that will eventually house a full-blown karaoke system. Gary Singh, Aug. 2, 2006
2007 Barry Bonds wins all-time
home run crown, with an asterisk Hollywood writers go on strike, creating a huge boom in Reality TV Apple drops word Computer from its name and becomes Apple Inc.; launches iPhone
Sen. Warbucks The newly appointed chairperson of the Senate Rules Committee, Dianne Feinstein, is now duly in charge of regulating the ethical
behavior of her colleagues. But for many years, Feinstein has been beset by her own ethical conďŹ&#x201A;ict of interest, say congressional ethics experts. As chairperson and ranking member of the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee (MILCON) from 2001 through the end of 2005, Feinstein supervised the appropriation of billions of dollars a year for speciďŹ c military construction projects. Two defense contractors whose interests were largely controlled by her husband, ďŹ nancier Richard C. Blum, beneďŹ ted from the decisions made by Feinstein as leader of this powerful subcommittee. Peter Byrne, Jan. 24, 2007
Seoul Patch From a distance, Korean food might look like a cross between Chinese and Japanese food. Given China and Japanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proximity to the Korean peninsula, as well as Japanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brutal colonial occupation of the country, there are inďŹ&#x201A;uences. But Korean food is unique. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a hearty rougharound-the edges cuisine that lacks the reďŹ nement and elegance of Japanese cooking yet is a lot lighter and less oil than Chinese cuisine can be. Like may of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best culinary traditions, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a humble cuisine based on peasant priced ingredients that are transformed into deliciousness through labor intensive preparation and slow cooking. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Asian soul food. Stett Holbrook, March 13, 2007
Pat Tillman The football-star turned-solider became the Pentagonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s poster boy, and when he was shot dead by U.S. Army Rangers, the military said he was killed by enemy ďŹ re. The deception , it turns out, was not an isolated incident, but part of a pattern of keeping the truth from the families of war casualtiesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and the fallout has rocked the South Bay harder than anywhere else in the country Michael Shapiro, May 23, 2007
Green Gold Rush â&#x20AC;&#x153;We predict that within three to ďŹ ve years, the green area is
going to be bigger than the IT area,â&#x20AC;? Tony Perkins says. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a bold prediction. But then this is the guy who made who made his ďŹ rst multimillion before he was 25 as the tech guy at Silicon Valley Bank, then founded Red Herring Magazine, grew it until it was the size of a phonebook, and sold it just before the market tanked. Perkins now he sees big money in solar energy, electric cars, smart grids and thousands of similar sustainable technologies. Eric Johnson, Sept. 24, 2007
2008 Microsoft makes $44 billion bid for Yahoo 11 millionth
player subscribes to World of Warcraft Laid-off worker Jing Wu shoots two of his former bosses at SiPort in Santa Clara Former Brocade CEO Greg Reyes jailed and ďŹ ned for options backdating San Jose businessman William â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Bootsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; DelBaggio indicted for fraud Former Fryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s executive Ummar Siddiqui indicted for a kickback scheme Downtownâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 22-story highrise Axis residential tower opens American Musical Theatre of San Jose closes
Rebuild This Civic on Rock & Roll A couple of years ago, Live Nation, one of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest concert promoters, came knocking on the door of the San Jose Civic Auditorium in hopes of adding the venue to its roster. Team San Jose, the organization contracted by the city to run its venues, turned them away. When Lee Smith, chairman of Live Nation San Francisco and Denver, talks about it now, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clear from his tone that negotiations over the civic left a bitter taste in his mouth. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a pleasurable experience,â&#x20AC;? he says. Mike Connor, March 12, 2008
The Best Defense Accused City Hall hacker Eric Hernandez showed up for his arraignment on Friday, represented by one of the valleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most expensive criminal attorneys. Attorney Benjamin Williams appeared and dropped the bombshell that Hernandez had retained his boss, superstar lawyer Steve Manchester, to handle the case. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the best guy to hire if I was accused of ďŹ rst degree murder,â&#x20AC;? one of our legal experts opined. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He handles the biggest guys who are in the deepest shit.â&#x20AC;? Another member of the bar offered similar praise for Manchesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s acumen. â&#x20AC;&#x153;His shitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s better than Alanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s these daysâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;a reference to Alan Ruby, the lawyer who handles Barry Bonds and got Ron Gonzalesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; bribery charges waxed. (We doubt either of these testimonials will wind up on Manchesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website.) No clues about how the teenage intern from one of San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s poorest neighborhoods got Manchesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s business card or is paying the defense costs. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just say our calls to South Bay Labor Council executive Phaedra EllisLamkins went unreturned. The Fly, March 5, 2008
Little Saigon: The First Dining Guide Both sides of the Little Saigon controversy agree that that the areaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s culinary appeal could help it grow into a tourist attraction. Who knows, once a name for the area is decided, Madison Nguyen and her critics can debate who makes the best bun bo hue and leave the political battles behind. For newcomers to Vietnamese food, the trick is knowing where to eat and what to order. Most people are familiar with pho, and you can deďŹ nitely get a bowl of beef noodle soup here, but I sought out some of the other dishes the area has to offer. Stett Holbrook, July 2, 2008
Solar Powerplay Mayor Chuck Reedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stated plan to make San Jose into Californiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s green-tech capital has largely involved a bunch of inspirational speeches and 44
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Local skate pro and longtime punkrock hero Steve Caballero celebrated the opening of San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lake Cunningham skate park by demonstrating that heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s still got a wicked invert.
In 2009, Metro proďŹ led some of the star dancers of Ballet San Jose, including Preston Dugger and Alexsandra Meijer.
feel good proclamations. Now, the idea may be growing some teethâ&#x20AC;Ś.If there is anything that makes developers cringe, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the prospect of government mandates. These new mandates are perhaps more unwelcome because of their timingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;San Jose is already pushing new policies that will force residential developers to build more affordable housing citywide. Erin Sherbert, April 16, 2008
2009 Capt . â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Sullyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Sullenberger
lands 747 in the Hudson Michael Jackson dies Vandal cuts ďŹ beroptic
cable; thousands in South County lose phone service Facebook logs 350 millionth Friend
Rock and Roll How far can word of mouth go? In the case of Amber Lamason it can go pretty far. So far in fact that what was once a little rolling party has now become the San Jose Bike Party, with more than 2,500 participants. Bike Party is all about community and fun. Forget the protest politics that deďŹ ne Critical Mass, the big confrontational bike ride up north. No one cares what youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re riding, but monthly themes promote ways to dress up for the ride or to dress up your steel steed (whether itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;light up your bikeâ&#x20AC;? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;no pantsâ&#x20AC;?). Felipe Buitrago, Sept. 16, 2008
Little Big Man Robert Guerreroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s punches echo off his opponentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s protective headgear. The boxer moves with conďŹ dence, putting together combinations, sliding and pivoting around the ring, driving his sparring partner back against the ropes. Guerrero is the pride of
Gilroy, the town where his family has lived for three generations. Jessica Fromm, June 3, 2009
Follow the Money Last week, Metro named South Bay Labor Council insider Phil Bump as the character assassin orchestrating San Jose Revealed, a blog that has spent more than two years anonymously smearing SBLCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s critics. The ambiguous ďŹ nancial relationship among entities related to San Jose Revealed may violate federal law. The Labor Council is joined at the hip with Working Partnerships USA. Much wealthier than SBLC, Working Partnerships is a funding source for some of the union groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s activities. So the question remains: Did funds from charities fund WPUSA, which paid the Labor Council and Bump, indirectly fund San Jose Revealedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s attacks on Chavezâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s enemies list after she lost the 2006 mayoral race? If thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the case, then taxpayers contributed as well, since a tax-exempt
nonproďŹ t is , in effect, publicly subsidized. Aug. 5, 2009
2010 Mercury News parent
company ďŹ les bankruptcy and yields ownership to ďŹ nanciers New San Jose airport terminal opens
Career Restart â&#x20AC;&#x153;I wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think the economy is getting better until I have a 60hour work week again,â&#x20AC;? says T.J. Sims. Sims, an R&D hardware engineer, has been looking for a new gig since January 2009. She had been with Accuray in Sunnyvale since its startup days. After 10 years, she was pulled out of a meeting and told she would have to leave that day. Sims has signed up with ProMatch, a career
resource center for Silicon Valley professionals. She spends six hours a day job hunting. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think what I miss most about Accuray is working. I really enjoy working.â&#x20AC;? Diane Soloman, March 10, 2010
Asian Visions Local director Quentin Leeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The People Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve Slept Withâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;produced by 408 Films, a consortium of investors based in Silicon Valleyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;has a spicy title to conceal a pitiless bait-and-switch trick. Angela has a problem, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not that sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gotta have it, but rather that sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gestating. And sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been so eager in the beaver that she canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t remember who impregnated her. The twin morals: ďŹ rst, babies are the greatest, planned or unplanned, they really ďŹ rm up your life. Second, people with epicanthic folds like to have crazy sex too. As for the ďŹ rst, we get it rather a lot. As for the latter: Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m sorry, Annabel Chong, you labored in vain. Richard von Busack, March 17, 2010
;Za^eZ 7j^igV\d
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 24-30, 2010 SPORTS
hbnft!bu!IQ!Qbwjmjpo/!Nbsrvfuuf!mptu!b!uisjmmfs!Uivstebz!up!Xbtijohupo!cz!uxp!qpjout/! Xbtijohupo!uifo!xfou!po!up!cfbu!Ofx!Nfyjdp!93.75!po!Tbuvsebz/! @VnV`^c\ Ig^eh 8^in @VnV` d[[Zgh V kVg^Zin d[ `VnV`^c\ ig^eh VgdjcY HVc ;gVcX^hXd i]gdj\]dji i]Z nZVg# K^h^i lll#X^in`VnV` #Xdb dg XVaa [dg bdgZ ^c[dgbVi^dc# )&*#(*,#&%&%#
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BZgg^ii! AV`Zh^YZ VcY &,i] Hi! DV`aVcY! *&%#.-+#-+%%#
BdcYVn C^\]i Gjc 6 lZZ`an bZZi^c\ d[ i]Z EVad 6aid Gjc 8ajW [dg V hdX^Va gjc d[ ÒkZ id h^m b^aZh# Bdc! +eb# ;gZZ# HiVc[dgY IgVX` =djhZ! 8Vbejh 9g^kZ :Vhi VcY <VakZo! HiVc[dgY Jc^kZgh^in#
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HVc ?dhZ H]Vg`h Kh# 9VaaVh dc BVg '*! ,/(%eb#
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KVg^djh GVXZh I]Z KZadYgdbZ ^h deZc LZYcZhYVn VcY I]jghYVn c^\]ih [dg kVg^djh ineZh d[ ]^\]"heZZY W^XnXaZ gVXZh# LZY"I]j! ,eb# =ZaanZg EVg` KZadYgdbZ! ..* =ZaanZg 6kZ! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#''+#.,&+#
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 24-30, 2010 EVENTS
7>< 9:6AH 6fjVg^jb Hedia^\]i 9Vn 6 X]VcXZ id hZZ hZV a^[Z je XadhZ# HVi! BVg ',! '")/(%eb# ;gZZ# BVg^cZ HX^ZcXZ >chi^ijiZ! *%% 9^hXdkZgn E`ln! GZYlddY 8^in! +*%#(+)#',+%#
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Cynthia G. Starkey
6c ^ciZgVXi^kZ X]^aYgZcĂ&#x2030;h hidgn i^bZ [ZVijg^c\ bjh^X! YVcXZ VcY gZVY^c\# HVi! &%/(%Vb# ;gZZ# ?dnXZ :aa^c\idc 7gVcX] A^WgVgn! ).& :# :be^gZ Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#-%-#(%)(#
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MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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Focus Learn How To Meditate - And Why!
Massage By Michael
Classes & Instruction
Enjoy life! Calm the mind. Improve relationships. Make better decisions. Meditation and Buddhist View with Reed Sherman. Everyone is welcome. No previous experience necessary. $10 per class. Every Wednesday evening, 7:30-9, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos, 15980 Blossom Hill Rd. Los Gatos, 95032. Call Kelsang Gamo 408/226-0595 for information or visit us at www.MeditationInSanJose.org
Massage & Relaxation
Great massage by Asian man. In $50. Outcall $70. By CMT. For days 408-551-0767 or after 7pm 408-893-1966.
Mind, Body, & Spirit. To advertise here, call
Michael at 408.200.1308
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 24-30, 2010 STYLE
FULL METAL JACKET!!Njmjubsz!dijd!hpft!ijhi!gbtijpo!xjui!uijt!!
Style Salute
T LOOKS as if military style is staying put. Stores were overrun with military chic near the end of last year, and unlike most trends that come and go, the spring 2010 runways are still relying on brass buttons, brocade and broad shoulders. This style has been building for a while—first, long dog-tag-style necklaces were in, followed by a huge return of boots last fall. The wildly popular military jacket took off in winter 2009, and it hasn’t looked back since. Although the trend looks as if it should be highly regimented and cookie-cutter, it’s in fact extremely adaptable. Its influence can be seen in everything from tassels and epaulets to simple nautical stripes. Military style has been spotted on the avenues of New York and the boulevards of Paris, as well as the on the backs of numerous Hollywood starlets. Celebrities like Mischa Barton, Sienna Miller and, in a head-turning crystal-studded version, Beyoncé, have been seen on the red carpet and around town in the ever-present military jacket. Watch out, though, because this look can get costumey pretty quickly. We advise pairing dressed-up pieces with simple separates to avoid a camo-overload. Leaner frames should try a jacket with skinny jeans and heels, while those with curves might find belted shirt dresses with leggings, or a basic tank with high-waisted shorts, flattering. Some in the fashion industry speculate that this return has to do with the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, citing the fact that military fashion seems to spike in times of conflict (civilians donning army jackets became a form of protest during the Vietnam War). Others say it has to do with movies and television—camo and cargo pockets coincided with Saving Private Ryan’s release in the late ’90s, and M*A*S*H may have triggered a run on heavy-metal details from the mid-’70s to the early ’80s. Perhaps we are seeing what could be called The Hurt Locker effect in action. Department-store brands tend to produce more authentic-looking pieces in khaki and army green. However, stores and designers geared toward a younger audience have taken a more whimsical direction, like ;DG:K:G '&’s extensive range of Sgt. Pepper–style drum-major jackets and vests. Italian design house B6M B6G6 recently wowed Milan with what’s being called a “cold war chic” line—gray woolen coats, high leather boots and fur details. The look has been burning up the Euro runways for a few years now. The highest-of-the-high-end designers, 8=G>HIDE=: 9:86GB>C, initially paved the way for military chic with the finely detailed jackets he debuted all the way back in 2008. But, as of now, this trend has trickled down to the mall. Jody Amable
Fashion Recycled SAN JOSE: 1959 w. san carlos 408.292.6100 SAN JOSE: blossom hill rd. 408.269.1000 SANTA CRUZ: 811 pacific av. 831.458.0555 www.crossroadstrading.com
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 24-30, 2010 MENU
tjmjdpo!wbmmfzĂ&#x2013;t!hvjef!up!Ă&#x;of!ejojoh Mjwf!Gffe Saving Seafood_54
Chinese Diversity 9VkZ 8VWZWZ
San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chinjin serves an unusual array of Islamic Chinese dishes By Stett Holbrook
A NEW TWIST Dijokjo!sjoht!dibohft! po!bo!Bnfsjdbo! gbwpsjuf!xjui!jut!! Dijoftf!ibncvshfs/
Chinjin Eastern House 6YYgZhh/ &*(% H# 9Z 6coV 7akY#! HVc ?dhZ# E]dcZ/ )%-#-+*#%(%'# =djgh/ &&/(%VbĂ&#x201E;'/(%eb VcY *Ă&#x201E;.eb BdcĂ&#x201E;;g^ VcY &&VbĂ&#x201E;(eb VcY *Ă&#x201E;./(%eb HViĂ&#x201E;Hjc! 8j^h^cZ/ >haVb^X 8]^cZhZ# Eg^XZ GVc\Z/ Bdhi Y^h]Zh +#*%Ă&#x201E; &'#.*#
N CASE you hadnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t noticed, China is really big. It has a population of 1.3 billion spread across more than 9.5 million square miles. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lot of Chinese food. But since China is so big, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not possible to speak of Chinese cuisine as a uniďŹ ed whole. Instead there are Chinese cuisines. We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get much of a sense of that variety here in America. Most of the Chinese food here is reduced to a core of familiar, Americanized dishes that bear little or no resemblance to Chinese food in China. These dishes have been proven to be ďŹ nancially successful, so why add a bunch of unfamiliar dishes that many customers wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t recognize? But with its large and vibrant Chinese community, Silicon Valley offers a peak into the delicious diversity of Chinese food at restaurants that cater to Chinese immigrants. Those are the places I seek out, and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what led me to San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chinjin Eastern House, a spare, unpretty restaurant with food that can be pretty great. Chinjin is an Islamic Chinese restaurant, which means that all the meat is halal (butchered in accordance with Islamic law), and there is no pork. Are there enough Muslims in China to warrant a
subgenre of Chinese food? My Bay Area edition of Carl Chuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chinese Food Finder tells me that Muslim Chinese called the Hui make up only 1 percent of Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s population, but their food is quite popular among the population at large. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a hearty, ďŹ lling cuisine thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s essentially northern Chinese Shandong-style food from the cold, wheat-growing plains. The menu at Chinjin ranges all over China, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the northernstyle dishes that stand out. You know youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not in a typical American Chinese restaurant when you have to ask for rice. Wheat, not rice, is the staple of Islamic Chinese food. There is rice if you want it, but do like the Hui do and order a big wheel of sesame bread ($6.95), hot and crisp outside and moist and chewy inside. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sliced like a pizza and is even put into a pizza box if you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t eat it all. The panfried green-onion pancake ($1.75), another staple of Islamic Chinese food, is thinner, crisper, smaller and a bit oilier but still quite good. One of my favorite items on the menu is the Chinese hamburger ($1.85), a thin wontonlike wrapper stretched over deliciously seasoned beef to form a rough patty shape. The disc is pan-fried on both sides to a crispy brown. Knife into it and out
spill oniony, garlicky juices. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really good. If the restaurant wanted to open a taco truck selling just these, I bet they would make a killing. Lamb is a hallmark of Islamic Chinese food, and Chinjin offers plenty of options. You would expect to ďŹ nd a lamb kebab at a Persian or Pakistani restaurant, not a Chinese one, but the roots of Islamic Chinese food can be traced to the Arab and Persian traders who ďŹ rst entered southern Chinese ports in 750 B.C.E. and brought with them the meat-on-a-stick concept. Chinjin earns points for not being afraid to go minimal with its lamb kebab ($4.25), but the pan-fried ďŹ&#x201A;at piece of meat, dusted with cumin and chile powder, is too plain Jane for me. Speaking of cumin, the earthy spice is another tip-off for Islamic Chinese food. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s absent in other variations of Chinese food and like the kebabs comes from the Persian and Arab worlds. Cumin plays a starring role in the special lamb ($9.25), strips of tender lamb and onions fried up with a heavy sprinkling of cumin. It is emblematic of Islamic Chinese foodâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;hearty, a little rough around the edges, but quite satisfying though a little too salty. With all those cold nights, Islamic
Chinese food is big on soups, and Chinjin serves lots of them. The two I tried were very good. Sliced lamb with sour cabbage ($7.25) arrives in a huge bowl. Cabbage is the deďŹ ning vegetable of northern China, and the humble veggie comes to life in this soup with its tangy, sauerkrautlike tang coupled with tender bits of lamb in a milky, garlic-infused broth. If this isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a cold-weather dish I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what is. Better still was the outstanding spicy beef-stew noodle soup ($6.50), another big bowl, this time ďŹ lled with slow-cooked chunks of beef in a thick, moderately spicy, chileďŹ&#x201A;ecked broth that goes heavy on the garlic. The soup featured hand-pulled noodlesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;wheat-ďŹ&#x201A;our noodles stretched and pulled into thick, chewy and ragged strands. The coarseness of this kind of noodle made it perfect for absorbing the delicious broth. Just to make sure that it is covering all the bases, Chinjin does offer Chinese-American standards like General Tsoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chicken and broccoli beef. But you can ďŹ nd those anywhere. Order something else. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the nontraditional but traditionally Chinese dishes that you want here.
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
EjofsĂ&#x2013; t hvjef
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dpmvno xjof Pinot Plan
HE SIXTH ANNUAL showcase of Santa Cruz Mountains pinot noir, E>CDI E6G69>H:, uncorks two days of wine and food this weekend. There will be barrel tastings and self-guided tours on Saturday, March 27, but the big event is the “grand cru” tasting on Sunday, March 28. The event will feature more than 30 local wineries pouring their pinot accompanied by small bites to eat from a dozen or so local restaurants. Pinot noir is arguably the Santa Cruz Mountains’ premier wine, and this is the region’s premier event. Participating restaurants include Aquarius at the 9G:6B >CC, the 86A>;DGC>6 86;:! 8>C 8>C L>C: 76G! K>CD AD86A:! G:HI6JG6CI ?6B:H G6C96AA and H6C967H. In addition to the food and wine tasting, there will be a silent auction and raffle featuring local wines, artisan foods, arts and crafts, winery tours and vacations. The live auction at the conclusion features bidding on double magnums from each winery, plus a one-of-kind “paradise cuveé,” a 5-liter blend of all the best pinots being poured at the event. The grand cru tasting takes place Sunday, March 28, 2–5pm, at Villa Ragusa, 35 S. Second St., Campbell. Tickets are $55 in advance and $65 at the door. For more information, go to scmwa.com.
Class Acts Los Gatos’ ;G:C8= 8:AA6G will host its third in a series of 20 wine-appreciation classes on March 31 at 7pm. The class will delve into the wines of Bordeaux and explore eight winemakers from both sides of the Gironde River, Bordeaux’s defining body of water. The wines will include both reds and whites and classic varietals such as cabernet sauvignon, merlot, sauvignon blanc and semilion. The class comes with a light buffet of French cheese, pâté and fruit. The cost is $90 per person. Seating is limited to 16 people. Call 408.354.0993 for more information. The French Cellar is at 32 E. Main St., Los Gatos. Check out Australian wines at Morgan Hill’s 9ÉK>C: ?6OO 6C9 L>C: on Thursday, March 25. For $1, the wine shop will offer a tasting of select wines from Australia. The event runs 6–8pm. The adjacent wine bar will offer small plates of food and live music from Mark Richard 7–10pm. 775 Cochrane Road, Morgan Hill; 408.779.7755. A little further afield in Carmel Valley, 8=6I:6J ?JA>:C winemaker 7>AA 6C9:GHDC and owners 7D7 and E6IIN 7GDL:G will host a day of wine tasting at their annual “vintage affair,” 11am–4pm, April 18. Participants will get to taste wines from more than a decade of vintages, with vertical tastings of merlot and syrah dating back to 1988. Close-out vintage sales and case specials will be offered. Reservations are required. The cost is $15 per person; $10 club members. Chateau Julien Wine Estate is located at 8940 Carmel Valley Road. Call 831.624.2600 or go to chateaujulien.com for more information.
Stett Holbrook (Twitter.com/SVDining)
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Saving Seafood Enjoy the magic.
HE BDCI:G:N 76N 6FJ6G>JB hosts its ninth annual 8DD@>C< ;DG HDAJI>DCH event May 21â&#x20AC;&#x201C;22; it is aimed at raising awareness about sustainable ďŹ shing and the plight of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ďŹ sheries. This is probably the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s premier sustainableďŹ shing event, and it has become something of a celebrity to-do with lots of big-name TV chefs invited. This year, G>8@ 76NA:HH, chef/owner of Topolobampo and Frontera Grill and host of PBSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Mexicoâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;One Plate at a Time, is scheduled to appear, along with <JN ;>:G>, the Jersey-meets-Vegas host of several Food Network shows, including Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. On the one hand, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a good sign that high-proďŹ le chefs are joining the campaign for ecologically sound ďŹ shing practices. For better or worse, TV personalities make the world go around, and people listen to what they have to say. On the other hand, I just hope that they truly practice what they preach. The aquarium reportedly selected the chefs for their leadership in â&#x20AC;&#x153;promoting food practices that protect the health of the ocean and the soil.â&#x20AC;? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve seen a few episodes of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives, and unless I missed something, the popular show doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seem to promote protection of the oceans and the soil. Maybe Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll have to watch Guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Big Bite or Guy Off the Hook for his ecological message. Snarkiness aside, Cooking for Solutions is a worthwhile event. The chefs will offer cooking demonstrations that feature sustainable seafood and organic ingredients. All proceeds will support the aquariumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s H:6;DD9 L6I8= program, which has become the to go-to source for recommendations about what ďŹ sh are best to eat in order to preserve ocean health. In addition to its popular pocket guides, Seafood Watch has even created an iPhone application that has been downloaded by 175,000 people. HJO6CC: <D>C, founder of Lucques restaurant in L.A. and two other acclaimed restaurants, will be recognized as â&#x20AC;&#x153;chef of the yearâ&#x20AC;? for her contributions to sustainable ďŹ shing. Bayless will be honored as â&#x20AC;&#x153;educator of the year.â&#x20AC;? Seventeen other noted chefs from across the United States and Canada will also receive honors as celebrity chef ambassadors. The new honorees include: ;G6C8D>H 7A6>H (Panache Restaurant, Quebec City, Quebec), ?D6CC: 8=6C< (Myers + Chang/Flour Bakery + Cafe, Boston), ?D=C 8G>I8=A:N (Area 31, Miami), B6G@ 9DBB:C (One Market Restaurant, San Francisco), 6CI=DCN ;JH8D (formerly of Harbour, New York City), @:K>C <>AA:HE>: (WoodďŹ re Grill, Atlanta), 7G6C9DC =>AA (Bamboo Sushi, Portland), <:G6A9 =>G<DN:C (Piperade/Bocadillo, San Francisco), 7G6C9DC B8<A6B:GN (Luma on Park, Winter Park, Fla.) I>B B8@:: (Sea Change/Solera/La Bell Vie, Minneapolis), 7GJ8: H=:GB6C (North Pond, Chicago) and ?6HDC L>AHDC (Crush, Seattle). The Friday (May 21) gala is the big night of the two-day event, and it offers appetizers and desserts created by the celebrity chefs. In addition, 60 premium vintners from California and the western United States will pour organic and sustainable wines. Saturday night features the ďŹ fth â&#x20AC;&#x153;sustainable seafood challenge,â&#x20AC;? an Iron Chefâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;like event in which four Cooking for Solutions chefs prepare seafood dishes from the same sustainable ingredients in a tournament-style kitchen setup. Fieri and H6B 8=DN will provide live commentary. As long as the celebrity spectacle helps saves dwindling ocean species, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m all for it. For tickets, call 866.963.9645 or go to www.cookingforsolutions.org. Stett Holbrook (Twitter.com/SVDining) THE NINTH ANNUAL COOKING FOR SOLUTIONS happens May 21â&#x20AC;&#x201C;22 at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, 886 Cannery Row, Monterey. For tickets, call 866.963.9645 or go to www.cookingfor solutions.org.
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MARCH 24-30, 2010
MARCH M A R C H 24-30, 2 4 - 3 0 , 2010 2 0 1 0 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA VA L L E Y
Bmm!u m!uiijjtt!ttv vddddfftttt--!-!bbo oee!!zzffuu!!Kb Kbz.[! [!ddbbo oo oppuu!bbggggppssee!!b!sfbm !qqi qippo off//!
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5 Nbsdi!!33
5 Nbsdi!!33
W.A.S.P. W .A.S.P.
HP P Pavilion avilion
Avalon A valon N Nightclub ightclub
525 W. W. Santa Santa Clara Clara St, St, San San a Jose Jose
777 Lawrence Expwy, Santa Clara 7 77 L awrence E xp pwy, S anta C lara
408.287.9200 408.28 7..9200
408.241.0777 408.2 41.07 7 7
Wed 445.50-$129.50 W ed – 7pm; 445 .50-$129 9.50
Wed $20 W ed – 8pm; $2 0
9dZh ?Vn"O gZVaan ]VkZ .. eggdWaZbh4 I]Z 9dZh ?Vn"O gZVaan ]VkZ .. egdWaZbh4 I]Z \\jn ]Vh ]VY bdgZ Cd# & h^c\aZh i]Vc Vcn jn ]Vh ]VY bdgZ Cd# & h^c\aZh i]Vc Vcn bVaZ hdad Vgi^hi ^c ]^hidgn! VcY ]ZÉh bVgg^ZY bVaZ hdad Vgi^hi ^c ]^hidgn! VcY V ]ZÉh bVgg^ZY iid 7ZndcX # > WZi ]Z ]Vh! a^`Z! h^m egdWaZbh# d 7ZndcX # > WZi ]Z ]Vh! a^`Z! h^m egdWaZbh# I]ViÉh VWdji i]Z cjbWZg d[ [ZjYh ]Z I]ViÉ h VWdji i]Z cjbWZg d[ [ZjYh ]Z hhZZbh id `ZZe \d^c\ Vi Vcn \^kZc i^bZ# Bn ZZbh id `ZZe \d^c\ Vi Vcn \^kZc i^bZ# Bn [[Vkdg^iZ lVh l]Zc CdZa <VaaV\]Zg l]^cZY Vkdg^iZ lVh l]Zc CdZa <VaaaV\]Zg l]^cZY VWdji ?Vn"O ]ZVYa^c^c\ i]Z <aVhidcWjgn VW dji ?Vn"O ]ZVYa^c^c\ i]Z <aVhi < dcWjgn ;;Zhi^kVa V XdjeaZ d[ nZVgh V\d! hVn^c\ Zhi^kVa V XdjeaZ d[ nZVgh V\d! hVn^c\ ]^e"]de Y^YcÉi YZhZgkZ V hedi i]ZgZ# ]^e"]de Y^YcÉi YZhZgkZ V hedi i]ZgZ# Hd ?Vn"O deZcZY ]^h hZi l^i] V XdkZg d[ Hd ?Vn"O deZcZY ]^h hZi l^i]] V XdkZg d[ ÆLdcYZglVaa#Ç Cdl! hZZ! i]ViÉh VlZhdbZ# ÆL dcYZglVaa#Ç Cdl! hZZ! i]]ViÉh VlZhdbZ# L]Zc ndj \Zi bVY! YdcÉi hiVW V \jn NZh! > L]Zc L]Zc ndj \Zi bVY! bVY YdcÉii hiVVW V V \jn NZh! h> ggZVa^oZ ?Vn"O eaZY \j^ain id Yd^c\ i]Vi! idd# ZVa^oZ ?Vn"O eaZY \j^ain id Yd^c Y \ i]Vi! idd# 6h V X]ZZhn É-%h WVcY dcXZ eji ^i! ^[ ndj 6h V X]ZZhn É-%h WVcY dcXZ eji ^i! ^[ ndj lVci id YZ[ZVi ndjg ZcZbn! h^c\ ]^h hdc\# l Vci id YZ[ZVi ndjg ZcZbn! h^c\ ]^h hdc\# 6eeVgZcian! ZkZgni]^c\Éh hi^aa \ddY l^i] ]^h 6eeVg Zcian! ZkZgni]^c\Éh hi^aa \ddY l^i] ]^h adc\i^bZ XdaaVWdgVidg Ndjc\ ?ZZon! l]d adc \i^bZ XdaaVWdgVidg Ndjc\ ?ZZon! l]d __d^ch ]^b Vadc\ l^i] IgZn Hdc\o# HE d^ch ]^b Vadc\ l^i] IgZn Hddc\o# HE
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!36 Nbsdi!3
Our S Our Skyline kyline Sisters S isters Streetlight Str eetligh ht Records Records Ave, San 980 S. S. Bascom Bas a com A ve, S an Jose Jose 408.292.1404 408 292.1 408.29 2 1404 1 Thu – 4pm; 4pm m; free free
>iÉh a^`Z B^aaZg hV^Y ^c >iÉh a^`Z B^aaaZg hV^Y ^c G GZed BVc Zed BVc/ / ÆNdj `cdl ÆNdj `cdl i]Z lVn i]Vi ZkZgnWdYnÉh ^cid lZ^gYcZhh i]Z lVn i]Vi ZkZgnWdYnÉh ^cid lZ^gYcZhh g^\]i cdl44 >iÉh Vaa eVgi d[ V Xdhb^X g^\]i cdl4 >iÉh Vaa eVgi d[ V Xdhb^X jcXdchX^djhcZhh#Ç Ndj hZZ! ]Z `cZl l]Vi jcXdchX^djjhcZhh#Ç Ndj hZZ! ]Z `cZl l]Vi lVh \d^c\ dc [gdb i]Z WZ\^cc^c\# I]Z lVh \d^c\ dc [gdb i]Z WZ\^cc^c\# I]Z Va^Zch# I]Z lZ^gYcZhh# Djg H`na^cZ H^hiZgh Va^Zch# I]ZZ lZ^gYcZhh# Djg H`na^cZ H^hiZgh VgZ ^c dc i]Vi Xdhb^X jcXdchX^djhcZhh! idd# VgZ ^c dc i]]Vi Xdhb^X jcXdchX^djhcZhh! idd# I]ZnÉgZ lVn dji ^c aZ[i ÒZaY! V XVXde]dcn d[ I]ZnÉgZ lVn dji ^c aZ[i ÒZaY! V XVXde]dcn d[ hZZb^c\an jcgZaViZY hdjcYh i]Vi hdbZ]dl hZZb^c\an jcgZaViZY hdjcYh i]Vi hdbZ]dl Òi id\Zi]ZgÅ^cY^Z gdX` eji i]gdj\] V bZVi Òi id\Zi]ZgÅ^cY^Z gdX` eji i]gdj\] V bZVi \g^cYZg# BddY hl^c\h hZcY i]Zb d[[ ^c Vaa \g^cYZgg# Bdd d Y Y hl^c\h h hZcY ZcY i]Zb i]Zb d[[ ^c ^c Vaa Vaa `^cYh d[ W^oVggZ Y^gZXi^dch# 9dZh ^i bV`Z `^cYh d[ W^oVggZ Y^gZXi^dch# 9dZh ^i bV`Z hZchZ4 NZh! ^[ ndjÉgZ a^k^c\ i]Z a^[Z d[ V gZed hZchZ4 NZh! h ^[ ndjÉgZ a^k^c\ i]Z a^[Z d[ V gZed bVc# HigVc\Z! ]Vjci^c\ VcY VbW^Zci# Cdi bVc# HigVcc\Z! ]Vjci^c\ VcY VbW^Zci# Cdi [dg i]Z [V^ci d[ ]ZVgi# 79 [dg i]Z [V^cci d[ ]ZVgi# 79
7 Nbsdi!33
8 Nbsdi!!33
Marti M arti Brom Brom
Chop C hop T Tops ops
Blank Bl ank Club Club
British B Bankers ankers C Club lub
44 4 S. S. Almaden Almaden Ave, Ave, San San Jose Jose
Ell C Camino Real, Park 11090 090 E amino R eal, Menlo P ark
408.29.BLANK 40 08.29.BLANK
650.327.8769 6 50.327 7..8769
Fri $10 F rii – 9pm; $1 0
Sat S at – 8:30pm; $10 $10
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8 Nbsdi!3
8 Nbsdi!3
9 Nbsdi!3
9 Nbsdi!3
My Monster
Patrick Ball
Hank III
Ballet Folklórico
Homestead Lanes
Sunnyvale Theater
VooDoo Lounge
Center for the Performing Arts
20990 Homestead Rd, Cupertino
550 E. Remington Dr, Sunnyvale
14 S. Second St, San Jose
255 Almaden Blvd, San Jose
Sat – 9pm; $5
Sat – 8pm; $20/$25
Sun – 9pm; $25/$30
Sun – 3 and 7pm; $32.50-$59.50
;gVc`ZchiZ^cÉh bdchiZg \di V WVY gVe# Eddg \jn lVh i]gdlc ^cid V ldgaY l]ZgZ ]Z lVh b^hjcYZghiddY VcY b^higZViZY# A^`Zl^hZ! Bn BdchiZg ^h V WVcY i]Vi ]Vh i]gdlc ^ihZa[ ^cid V bjh^X hXZcZ i]ViÉh ÒX`aZ VcY egdWVWan ldcÉi Æ\ZiÇ l]Vi ^i YdZh# Bn BdchiZg h]j[ÓZh \ZcgZh VcY `ZZeh eZdeaZ \jZhh^c\ l]Vi ^i l^aa Yd cZmi# 6ai gdX`4 >iÉh ]ZgZ# <gjc\Z4 Cd egdWaZb# :kZgn di]Zg \ZcgZ ndj XVc i]^c` d[4 H]ddi# Bn BdchiZg ]Vh ndj XdkZgZY# >i gdX`h! ejgZ VcY h^beaZ# Bn BdchiZg ^h _jhi a^`Z daY ;gVc`/ BVcn Y^[[ZgZci e^ZXZh VcY eVgih i]Vi XdbZ id\Zi]Zg ]Vgbdc^djhan# 9dcÉi WZ V[gV^Y d[ i]^h bdchiZg# :bWgVXZ ^i# 79
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MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 24-30, 2010 ARTS
Gjmn A wife tempts her husband with ‘Chloe’ in Atom Egoyan’s latest_65
Nosing About @^i L^aYZg
City Lights concentrates on love and loss in Frank Langella’s stripped-down take on ‘Cyrano’ By Jessica Fromm
PROGNOSIS PROBOSCIS Kfgg!Lsbnfs!qmbzt! Dzsbop!gps!Djuz!MjhiutÖ! ofx!bebqubujpo!pg!! uif!dmbttjd!qmbz/
ITY LIGHTS Theater Company’s latest production, Frank Langella’s Cyrano, may be light on the costuming, but it’s heavy on the drama. Last season, City Light’s version of The Three Musketeers was surprisingly popular, and it’s obvious that the company wanted to repeat that success with another swashbuckler. Edmond Rostand’s classic Cyrano de Bergerac is the sort of theater that tends to get lumped in with other historical French adventures like Musketeers; thematically, though, they are completely different beasts. While the Alexandre Dumas classic is principally a coming-of-age story centering on d’Artagnan, the unusually large-nosed Cyrano is a much more tragic figure in a story of unrequited love and loss. In an unusual turn, this adaptation by actor Frank Langella is staged as if it were a dress rehearsal. Director Kit Wilder chose to strip down the sumptuous sets, elaborate period garb and crowded cast list of the traditional play. Though they wield rapiers, these boastful
swordsmen are clad in jeans, street clothes and sweatpants accented with cheesy pirate hats, floppy boots and crushed velvet capes that look like they were bought at the Halloween store. This is all intentional, according to Wilder’s production notes, because they are supposed to be actors trying out their parts in Cyrano de Bergerac for the first time. Excusing the fact that this is exactly the sort of self-referential trick that probably only really appeals to theater folk—and helps avoid the high cost of a real period piece—once it found its stride, the nontraditional concept actually functioned pretty well. Set on a sparse stage adorned in theater-house brick, curtains and rope, Cyrano (played by San Jose’s ComedySportz founder Jeff Kramer) bursts onto the scene flaunting his colossal olfactory organ and biting wit. This warrior poet with a schnozz inferiority complex is a challenging character to portray for any actor, if only because he speaks almost entirely in long, drawn-out soliloquies.
While Kramer’s acting seemed stilted at first, it grew more fluid as the play progressed. He may have a standup comedy background, but in this performance Kramer seemed his strongest when portraying the more serious, lovelorn side of Cyrano. This aspect of Cyrano is opposed to the wisecracking jovial incarnation that helps the handsome, ripped but painfully ineloquent Christian (Joshua Marx, who bears a striking resemblance to David Tennant of Dr. Who fame) woo the lovely Roxane with words. As the love object of the play’s men, Roxane (a fiery Sarah Griner) is pretty much a one-dimensional character. Griner played up her more irritating, narcissistic elements, making it glaringly obvious that, besides her looks, the self-centered Roxane really isn’t deserving of the lifetime of admiration she receives from Cyrano, Christian and the scheming Count De Guiche (played by Charles McKeithan). Other parts include Shareen Merriam as Roxane’s fuddyduddy matron Marguerite, Steve
Lambert as the drunken pastry chef Ragueneau, Lucinda Dobinson as the mute servant girl Lise and Ron Talbot as Cyrano’s buddy Le Bret. Though the play’s choreographed swordplay and action went off without a hitch on the night I attended, the lighting design by Brendan Bartholomew was a different story. Perhaps it was part of the “play within a play” concept, but the stage seemed noticeably dim during several pivotal scenes, with the lights inexplicably diminishing then coming back more than once for no apparent theatrical reason. Costume design was by Jane Lambert, but, again, it was “themed” very casual. Even if it was part of the concept, the actors kept pulling on their capes to keep them from slipping down their shoulders, which became distracting after a while. FRANK LANGELLA’S CYRANO, a City Lights Theater Company production, plays Thursday–Saturday at 8pm and Sunday at 2 (April 11 and 18) or 7pm (March 28), through April 18 at 529 S. Second St., San Jose. Tickets are $25–$40. (408.295.4200)
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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Stellar bassist McBride and ensemble in a fresh take on the works of pianist, composer, and jazz living legend Herbie Hancock.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fierce, athletic, and compulsively sensual.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Village Voice
This performance made possible in part by the
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San Jose Wind Symphony
Hank III
6DWXUGD\ 0DUFK Â&#x2021; $ 6DWX UGD\ 0DUFK Â&#x2021; $*(6
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Galen Lemmon, Percussion soloist
America the
Beautiful Ives: Old Home Days Gould: American Salute Milburn: American Hymnsong Suite MacDowell: Woodland Sketches
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Discover the Arts www.svArts.org
$GY 'U Â&#x2021; 'UV S P 6KRZ S P $ 'U Â&#x2021; 'UV S P 6KRZ S P $GY
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YYonder onder Mountain Mountain String String Band Band
$GY 'U Â&#x2021; 'UV S P 6KRZ S P $ 'U Â&#x2021; 'UV S P 6KRZ S P $GY
0DU 0DU W Wooster ooster Atrium (Ages 21+) o 0DU 0DU The China Cats Atrium (Ages 21+ 21+) +) $SU Epic Entertainmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; $SU Entertainmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Copacabana Nightclubâ&#x20AC;? Atrium (Age (Ages es 21+) $SU $SU Vital SC presents â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spring Forwardâ&#x20AC;? Forwardâ&#x20AC;? (Ages 16+) $SU $SU Collie Buddz (Ages 16+) $SU $SU Phoenix (Ages 16+) $SU $SU The Expendables (Ages 16 16+) 6+) $SU $SU The Devil Makes Thre Three ee (Ages 21+) 21+) $SU $SU The Devil Makes Thre Three ee (Ages 16+) 16 6+) 0D\ Eek A Mouse (Ages 16+) 0D\ 0D\ Thrice/Manchester Or 0D\ Orch. ch. (Ages 16+) 0D\ 0D\ Gr Groundation/ roundation/ o Orgone (Ages 16+) 1 -XQ Sage Francis/ Fr Free ee Moral Agents (Agess 16+) -XQ The Glitch Mob (Ages 16+) -XQ $XJ $XJ Rev Rev. v. Horton Heat (Ages 21+) 6HS 6HS Willie Nelson & Family (Ages 21+) 8QOHVV RWKHUZLVH QRWHG DOO VKRZV DUH GDQFH VKRZV ZLWK OLPLWHG VHDWLQJ 8QOHVV R WKHUZLVH QRWHG DOO VKRZV DUH GDQFH VKRZV ZLWK OLPLWHG VHDWLQJ V Tickets su Tickets subject bject to city tax & service service charge charge by by phone 866-384-3060 & online
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Beeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Knees
The music of Fats Waller strides across the stage at SJ Rep
EY THERE, hep cats! Ready for a show thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the beeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s knees? Put on your glad rags, take a jorum of skee and get a wiggle on down to the Rep to watch Ainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Misbehavinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, a rollicking two-act music revue set to the music of the jazz pianist Thomas â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fatsâ&#x20AC;? Waller. I walked out of the theater with a real sense that I had seen a slice of history, when the Depression wreaked havoc on the country and jazz was king in Harlem. Waller was a consummate pianist and master of the stride technique. He was so good that he was once kidnapped, in 1926, in Chicago after leaving a performance. The men took him at gunpoint to a party at the Hawthorne Hotel, then owned by Al Capone. With a gun in his back, he was shoved in front of a piano and ordered to play. Waller then realized he was the surprise guest musician for Caponeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s birthday party. According to legend, he emerged three days later, terribly tired and extremely drunk, but with thousands of dollars in his pocket that the partygoers and Capone himself had given him as tips. With more than 30 songs, the joint starts jumpinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; as soon as the ďŹ rst chords of the title song are heard. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a combination of zoot suits, ďŹ&#x201A;appers, singing, dancing and jazz. The production is ďŹ&#x201A;awless, and musical director Kent Gash leads the small band while tickling the ivories himself. The cast of ďŹ ve sing and dance as if they were dames and daddies from that time period. One of the standouts is Christopher L. Morgan, whose performance of â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Viperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dragâ&#x20AC;? with crowd interaction is hilarious. Listening to Rebecca F. Convington, Angela Grovey and Aurelia Williams harmonize in â&#x20AC;&#x153;When the Nylons Bloom Againâ&#x20AC;? is heavenly. Ken Robinson shines in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Your Feetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Too Bigâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter.â&#x20AC;? The revue also touches on a serious note with â&#x20AC;&#x153;Black and Blue,â&#x20AC;? exploring the racial tension during that time. All in all, it was a good time. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve never heard of Waller, go see this play and maybe youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll become a fan. After all, one never knows, do one? Beau Dowling
AINâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T MISBEHAVINâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, a San Jose Repertory Theatre production, plays Tuesday at 7:30pm, Wednesday at 11am and/or 8pm, Thursdayâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Friday at 8pm, Saturday at 3 and 8pm and Sunday to 2 and/or 7pm through April 18 at the Rep, 101 Paseo de San Antonio, San Jose. Tickets are $21â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$74. (408.367.7255)
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MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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AIL Brig. Gen. Harry Paget Flashman (1822–1915), scarred in battle, starred and gartered by his queen: a public hero and a handsome figure, too, filling out some of the 19th century’s most skin-tight uniforms. It was at the peak of the Age of Revision, 1969, when this bright, shining liar was exposed. And he did it himself—a strange act of bravery, compared to a real life of surrender, backstabbing and sucker-punching. Revealed in 12 volumes was the true story of the Michelangelo of the art of cutting and running. Flashman, Flash for Freedom! and Flashman in the Great Game reprints, in one sturdy and handsome Everyman’s Library edition, three of the best novels by George MacDonald Fraser, who died in 2008. The collection represents one-quarter of the cache of posthumous papers purportedly written by Flashman, clearly the most damning Victorian document since Anonymous’ My Secret Life. Although Flashman numbers among his achievements a trail of “drowsy, satisfied women,” he’s not a banal cocksman. He had to be discreet, since he was married for some 60 years in what was, by his account, a “don’t ask, don’t tell” open marriage. But it’s not just Flashman’s sex life and cowardice that dismay. His language is rough; he uses the n word more than Chris Rock. Fraser shows us the authentic racism of a white man of the 1800s, mitigated by a guiding faith in the credulousness and viciousness of the human race. Flashman was a sworn enemy of what he calls “the old and nonsensical lie that one Englishman is worth 20 foreigners.” When this officer is running for his wretched life in battlefields from Madagascar to Montana, a few steps ahead of legions of homicidal natives, one can easily enjoy both halves of the chase. One sympathizes for anyone fleeing peril; one equally sympathizes for someone fighting for his land. The dozen Flashman novels can be read as antiwar books without being pacifist or (God knows) idealistic. They honor the bravery of real soldiers, while echoing Flashman’s longing to get as far away from them as possible. The saga’s nostalgia for the legends of the British Empire is tempered with a harsher understanding of adventurers and missionaries—all those soldiers, as a British prime minister put it 170 years ago, who died trying to teach Adam Smith to the Afghans. The “sexist, racist swine,” as Fraser once described his antihero, mellowed like an old cheese in later books. He became a fond granddad and certainly a loving (if still straying) husband. Taken as a whole, Flashman is like Falstaff: a citizen of an older, freer, bawdier England—Thackeray’s England, in this case—appalled by the wave of the future, of cold religion and colder politicians. Flashman’s life is rounded by two noncanonical appearances. First is his appearance in Thomas Hughes’ novel Tom Brown’s Schooldays, where Fraser found and appropriated Flashman. As Michael Dirda notes in the introduction to the new volume, Flashman is last seen in a few paragraphs in the Fraser novel Mr. American. There, Flashman resides in London, observing the festivities around the start of World War I: the only man in the crowd with the vision to know how terrible the war was going to be. Flashman didn’t live to see an American Century and that was his blessing; he didn’t live to describe the likes of John McCain, and that was our loss. The three misadventures reprinted in this volume include hair-raising tales of the 1842 Afghan war retreat, the slave-driver-ridden American South and the India of the Great Rebellion of 1857. The craven Flashy encounters great names: Wellington, Gladstone and Lincoln. Here are a 1,000 and more pages of beguiling and hilarious prose that ranks with and (patriotism be damned) sometimes surpasses even Mark Twain.
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Ndji] EdZign 8aVhh 6 lZZ`an edZign ldg`h]de YZh^\cZY id h]VgeZc eZg[dgbVcXZ VcY lg^i^c\ h`^aah# ;g^! )"+eb# ;gZZ# B68A6! *&% H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#..-#',-(#
Richard von Busack FLASHMAN, FLASH FOR FREEDOM! AND FLASHMAN IN THE GREAT GAME by George MacDonald Fraser; Everyman’s Library; $30 hardback
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 24-30, 2010 FILM
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Telling Evidence Atom Egoyan’s ‘Chloe’ explores seduction and surveillance in the love life of an unsettled couple By Richard von Busack
HEN A GREAT filmmaker, whose work has never really pleased the masses, tries to do something more popular, the director gets more credit if he does something with blood in it than if he makes erotica. Specifically, if Atom Egoyan (The Sweet Hereafter, The Adjuster) had made up for the poor box-office performance of his recent work with a serial-killer movie instead of Chloe, he would probably get more respect. Chloe is apparently work for hire, a remake of 2003’s Nathalie . . . by Anne Fontaine (Coco Before Chanel, The Girl From Monaco). In the original, Fanny Ardant and Gérard Depardieu played the older married couple—Julianne Moore and Liam Neeson fit those two silhouettes nicely for Agoyan. The plot is completely absurd, but the actors convince you that it can be played seriously. A straight-laced Toronto gynecologist, Catherine (Moore), suspects that her husband is unfaithful. The husband, David (Neeson), is a music professor, significantly introduced to us as he lectures on Mozart’s Don Giovanni. An early moment of awkwardness intrudes here: a student asks David from the middle of the lecture hall if he wants to go out for a drink. Clearly, the scenes should have been split into two setups. Who asks a professor a question like that in the middle of a lecture? Cost-effectiveness aside,
the point is made. David is perhaps too available to his little students. Catherine meets a very expensive-looking prostitute, Chloe (Amanda Seyfried), in the bathroom of a fancy hotel. The physician decides to hire the sex worker to seduce her husband to see if he can be had. In her opening monologue, Chloe explains herself as a person who is good with words. She later says something believable about how she functions—she finds something to love in the most unlovable. Egoyan bypasses the tiresome reasons why Chloe chose the life; in this economy, everyone feels like a prostitute, anyway. Chloe takes the case. Reporting to Catherine at cafes like a secret agent, the young girl comes back with stories of everything that she and David did together. The stories affect Catherine on a level she hadn’t expected. This lewd Scheherazade hooks her audience; Catherine continues to hire her, and that’s when the paid-for companion gets out of control. Egoyan celebrates Seyfried’s rare beauty—the slantendicular emerald eyes, the exotically oval shape of her head. We get both the golden side and the brassy side of Seyfried, the glow and the calculation. Here is Florentine beauty and a bit of Warner Bros. 1933. Egoyan lets Seyfried go large in the last scenes, and the young actress is up to it. Despite the commerciality, Chloe is clearly an Egoyan film— mysterious, fearless and darkly
funny about the marriage. The director is obsessed with the inability to record truth, knowing that no matter what the technology, stories are reflections of reflections. It’s a motif he highlights by showing us Chloe in cheval glasses and bathroom mirrors. His unease about the intrusiveness of electronic surveillance makes Chloe count as satire. (Chloe has the best joke about Skype I’ve seen in a movie.) The bit-by-bit way David succumbs (or seems to)—with reluctance, erectile dysfunction and fear of going back to work with soiled clothes—suggests that enough time has passed to turn the Bill Clinton scandal into art. Egoyan’s staging matches instances of strong explicitness with implicitness. One Chloe/David rendezvous takes place at Allen Gardens, a Victorian tropical plant conservatory. The meet is shot through window panes: it’s a way of parsing the lovers, showing David’s orgasm by the twitch of his arm. On a more popular level, Chloe rehabilitates the Skinemax erotic thriller. It also gives Moore something to sink her fine teeth into: she has the best ability to contain choked down emotions of any actress outside of Japan. Louis Malle likened Moore to Jeanne Moreau as a ravaged screen goddess. She’s too civilized in a rosered gown in a party scene; later, she gets more feral, emitting a halfgasp, half sob as she hears the bad
news about her husband. I’m expecting a little starchy condemnation of Chloe as a male fantasy—though perhaps there are some women who could handle all the trysting. First, Chloe is based on a film made by a woman. Second, neither of the two female directors Seyfried has worked for, Diablo Cody and Phyllida Lloyd, gave the actress so much of a chance to express her feminine force. Besides, we should all get some slack in light of Kathryn Bigelow’s celebrated victory in the realm of making a more traditional kind of male fantasy: the war picture. There will be women who understand Chloe’s argument that you can wring more eroticism out of aggression—out of a breached territorial imperative—than you can out of white wine, candles and an unlimited charge card. Having said that, Chloe looks rich and classy: Egoyan frames the action with the glum chic of Toronto’s hip restaurants (mausoleums against the cold), a tiny Edwardian midtown hotel just made for a quick one and the polished wooden box of mirrors Catherine and David live in. Chloe’s eroticism and implicit satire of the sweet life rival the unfaithful wife’s monologue in Godard’s classic Weekend. CHLOE (R; 96 min.), directed by Atom Egoyan, written by Erin Cressida Wilson, photographed by Paul Sarossy and starring Julianne Moore, Liam Neeson and Amanda Seyfried, opens March 26.
FRIENDS OR FOES? Kvmjboof!Nppsf! )sjhiu*!ijsft!Bnboeb! Tfzgsjfe!up!tfevdf!ifs! ivtcboe!jo!ÕDimpf/Ö
FILM MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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Reviews by Michael S. Gant, Mel Valentin and Richard von Busack.
New Chloe (R; 96 min.) See review on page 65. The Girl on the Train (Unrated; 105 min.) See review on page 68. (Opens Mar 26 at Camera 32 in San Jose.) Greenberg (R; 107 min.) See review on page 70. (Opens Mar 26 at Camera 7 in Campbell, Century 16 in Mountain View and CinĂŠArts Santana Row.) Hot Tub Time Machine (R) A comedy about four guys traveling back to the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s. Stars John Cusack, Craig Robinson and Rob Corddry. (Opens Mar 26.) How to Train Your Dragon (PG; 98 min.) A 3-D animated feature about a Viking boy who befriends a young dragon. (Opens Mar 26.) Reclaiming Our Heritage A ďŹ lm festival presented by Jaliya Inc. and
the African American Faculty and Staff Association of SJSU. This week, Race: The Power of an Illusionâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Part 3. (Plays Mar 25 at 6pm at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library, CHC, Room 525.)
Revivals The Idiot/The Lower Depths (1951/1957) Dostoyevsky done Japanese: â&#x20AC;&#x153;He was heavy enough, and now I was under himâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;I knew how those enormous sumo wrestlers feel,â&#x20AC;? said Akira Kurosawa. Mangled by the producers, this rarely revived ďŹ lm has moments of overpowering soulfulness. BILLED WITH The Lower Depths, Kurosawaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s adaptation of Maxim Gorkyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s play set in the complete upheaval of the Edo era, recalled as a time of crime, squalor and public liberty; Toshiro Mifune plays a ground-down but dashing thief in the slums. (Plays Mar 24-26 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB) KFJC Psychotronic Festival Unsavory PBS hobgoblin Rick Skeeves takes you to Hamburg, Amsterdam and Whitechapel. Also: â&#x20AC;&#x153;A White Duck Fell in the Mud: The Dirtiest Joke of Allâ&#x20AC;? a performance piece by the Survivals of Playground Auditory Trauma Healing Theater With Outreach to the Community. Plus a poetry slam in which a poet is slammed over the
head with a board until he shuts up. Also: Professor Wasabi Gyoza and His Educated Gouldian Finches and an excerpt from TVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Judge Dalek. (Yes, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the episode where his honor calls for a ruling of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Exterminate!â&#x20AC;?) (Plays Mar 27 at 7pm in Los Altos Hills at Foothill College Room 5015; $2 for parking, $5 admission; no food or drinks to be brought inside the newly remodeled building.) (RvB) Niles Film Museum Regularly scheduled programs of silent ďŹ lms. Sat: Grandmaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Boy (1922). Harold Lloyd as a coward who is motivated to courage by his grandmother and her tales of Civil War glory. Lloydâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ďŹ rst ďŹ ve-reel comedy, it wasâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Lloyd told Kenneth Brownlowâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;his favorite ďŹ lm. It represented a way out of nonstop slapstick for Lloyd and a move up into the higher realms of silent comedy. In 35mm. Billed with Post No Bills (1923) with James â&#x20AC;&#x153;Paulâ&#x20AC;? Parrott, Charley Chaseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s younger brother, and All Night Long (1924) with Harry Langdon. The Taoist comedian (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m an animated suit of clothesâ&#x20AC;?) is in one of his ďŹ nest two-reelers. Langdon plays a pale boob who always lucks out, in a ďŹ nely structured tale (by Frank Capra) alternating between a World War I battleďŹ eld and a chance meeting in a deserted theater. Langdonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s regular partner, Vernon Dent is here: a hulking brute with a head like a
cannonball. (Dent is well known to Three Stooges fans.) Dent and Langdon were a top-drawer comedy team, closer to Penn and Teller than Laurel and Hardy. Bruce Loeb at the piano. (Plays Mar 27 at 7:30pm in Fremont at the Edison Theater, 37417 Niles Blvd.) (RvB) Ran (1985) In ancient Japan, a warlord uses a handful of arrows to teach his three sons something analogous to the ancient Roman parable of the fasces: that any single man is but a willow stick, easily broken, unless he stands with his fellows. The lesson is not learned, however. Following up Throne of Blood and The Bad Sleep Well, Akira Kurosawa next turned to a Japanese interpretation of King Lear: a bank-breaking epic from a director written off by the ďŹ lm industry as an old-timer. The appeal of such a story to an aging bitter manâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a legend of youthful arrogance and elderly follyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;is clear: that Kurosawa became a widower during the ďŹ lmmaking process added to this night-dark view of humanity, every man for himself and God against all. Everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;from soldiers to kingsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;no more than just the gilded ďŹ&#x201A;ies of which Shakespeareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lear speaks. The brilliant color-coded battles have lately been inďŹ&#x201A;uential in Zhang Yimouâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work; as Picasso said, he did things ďŹ rst, and then those who followed did things pretty. (Plays Mar 27-30 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)
Reviews Ajami (Unrated; 120 min.) Scandar Copti and Yaron Shaniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s convincing yet televisionistic ďŹ lm about the bad side of Tel Aviv. The names are changed, but the problems are the same as our own ghettos: illegal immigrants scraping by, horrible hospital bills, inexpert gunmen leaving their victims paralyzed, romance that isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t allowed to cross ethnic boundaries. Young Nasri (Fouad Habash) sketches the murders taking place around him in a graphic novel. Nasriâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s uncle plugged a Bedouin gangster who was demanding protection money. Retaliation was swift. Nasriâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 19-year-old brother, Omar (Shahir Kabaha), is now the familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s oldest, hiding until he can beg for help from the Christian Arab ďŹ xer Abu Elias (Youssef Sahwani). Old Elias has a sweet daughter, Hadir (Ranin Karim), who is deeply in love with Omar. Engrossing instances, throughout, but this darting style never gives the cast much of a
chance. Like so many of these ghetto movies, Ajami lacks a real core. Of course, such a core would poseâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;or even answerâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the question â&#x20AC;&#x153;What is to be done?â&#x20AC;? (RvB) Alice in Wonderland (PG; 109 min.) The Alice-like Coraline by Henry Selick, with its tiny locked chambers and prowling sardonic cat, still feels like magic. Tim Burtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Alice in Wonderland is more of a fashion show and a forced march. Screenwriter Linda Woolverton (Beauty and the Beast) is sensibly trying to do a Wicked on the famous tale, complete with rivalry between witchy queens: the Red Queen (Helena Bonham Carter) and the ghostly yet sugary White Queen (Anne Hathaway). The now 19-year-old Alice (Mia Wasikowska) is meant to quest for good in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Underland,â&#x20AC;? a place she misremembered as Wonderland. A touch of romance arises between her and the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp). Deppâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s marvelous ďŹ&#x201A;exibility comes through clearly, through the unsettling makeup. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a helpless Burton fan, but the colors here arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t state of the art, and compared to Coralineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s solitude and thoughtfulness the ďŹ nale turns out to be familiar dragon slaying; ultimately, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not just Alice who has been here before. (RvB) Avatar (PG-13; 162 min.) A victory for people who insist that science ďŹ ction has to be dumb. In the future, Earthling mercenaries are shipped to the planet Pandora, where 9-foottall, blue-skinned noble savages called Naâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;vi live in a phosphorescent forest full of saurian beasts. Jake (Sam Worthington) is the paraplegic brother of a dead soldier hooked up to a Naâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;vi shell; the program is under the direction of a chain-smoking biologist (Sigourney Weaver). While it is a maxim of screenwriting that the plot ought to be the longest distance between two points, James Cameronâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s terrible script for this putative end-of-the-decade experience really overworks the principle. The politics play it both ways; letting us swoon over the military hardware and still lament for the plundered forests. After an hour, the drugs wear off, and the appeal of synthespianism starts to drag; motion capture isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t exactly motion release (compare the synthetic Weaver to the real thing), and the cobbled-together story of eco-rebellion isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be eclipsed by the visuals. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to see it anyway, see it in 3-D. (RvB)
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 24-30, 2010 FILM
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FILM MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
ON THE MOVE Â&#x201E;njmjf!Efrvfoof!dibshft!bifbe!jo!Ă&#x2022;Uif!Hjsm!po!uif!Usbjo/Ă&#x2013;
Speed Racer A purported crime becomes a slice of generation gap in â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Girl on the Trainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; T IS not clear what holds the new AndrĂŠ TĂŠchinĂŠ ďŹ lm, The Girl on the Train, together besides craft and velocity. The story is about a pretty, shallow young girl and the national scandal she causes, and is based on a true story along the lines of the Ashley Todd incident. A girl goes to the police after being manhandled on a commuter train by a group of Jew haters. Upon investigation, the incident turns out to be not what it seemed initially. In this ďŹ ctionalized version, based on a play, Jeanne (Ă&#x2030;milie Dequenne of Rosetta) is the careless daughter of a single mother, Louise (Catherine Deneuve). Jeanneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s father, a soldier with the peacekeeping forces, was killed in Afghanistan. Louise is working a day-care facility out of their suburban home. She has made a tense peace with her daughterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s limitations, her lack of ambitions. Jeanne gets involved with a fascinating but untrustworthy student named Franck (Nicolas Duvauchelle), a tattooed wrestler with Olympic hopes. Watching Franck assert himself at a mother/daughter lunchâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;he orders cognac and a cigar to show what a big man he isâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;one asks: Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worse, a person who canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get to the comfortable, joking level or a person who pretends to be able to do it? Franck takes a dodgy job as a watchman at a small electronics ďŹ rm. Jeanne moves in, and then serious legal trouble follows. The trouble calls forth a beautiful mind in a homely body, M. Bleistein (Michel Blanc), a renowned Jewish civil rights lawyer. In his army days, Bleistein had known Louise and had a mad crush on her. This was when, Louise says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;He wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t bald, and he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have glasses.â&#x20AC;? Now Bleistein is a wealthy widower, who watches the power struggle over his wise, precocious grandson conducted by the boyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s estranged parents. The ďŹ lmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s primary motif is the speed of trains. TĂŠchinĂŠ tracks the sensuality of Jeanne as she races through the bike paths or along the Seine on roller blades, red hair ďŹ&#x201A;ying: an embodiment of youth and summer heat. When Jeanne is racingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;listening to a favorite song on her MP3 player, Dylanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lay, Lady, Ladyâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most herself. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s skating when she encounters Franck, passing him on the trail; for a time, she has found a mate who can keep up with her. The speed of the courtship is remarkable. TĂŠchinĂŠ is in his 60s, but he has a velocity that shames directors in their 20s. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not that The Girl on the Train isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t consistently interesting or beautiful to look at. TĂŠchinĂŠâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s evocations of man/woman needs stress physical magnetism but never exploit it. Deneuveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s elegant cold shoulders are national monuments worth revisiting. She knows how to make withholding look like a ďŹ ne art. TĂŠchinĂŠ explores a generation gap: two ways of seeing the way the world works. Like Louis Malle, TĂŠchinĂŠ comes down in favor of the instantaneous, breathless approach to life. The second half, ultimately, loses this urgency, even with provocative cutting: Jeanneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s initiation into a prison cell jumps to a boyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s initiation into the imprisonment of manhood via a bar mitzvah. Whether you accept it or not, that equivalency is arguable; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just that it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t scan at the time of viewing. The Girl on the Train lets its central mystery skate away. Richard von Busack
THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN (Unrated; 105 min.), directed by AndrĂŠ TĂŠchinĂŠ, written by TĂŠchinĂŠ, Odile Barski and Jean-Marie Besset, photographed by Julien Hirsch and starring Ă&#x2030;milie Dequenne and Catherine Deneuve, opens March 26 at Camera 3 in San Jose. (Read more at www.metroactive.com/moviesandtvblog.)
The Bounty Hunter (PG-13; 110 min.) A romcom with Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler. Crazy Heart (R; 111 min.) Jeff Bridges is the draw in Scott Cooperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s typical softball Sundancian exercise. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a belly-baring role for this terriďŹ c actor, playing Bad Blake, a morose satyr of an outlaw musician. He travels via an ancient 1978 Chevy Suburban and slaps together sets with pickup bands. In his few sober moments, Blake lives with the humiliation of having been commercially surpassed by a country superstar named Billy Sweet (Colin Farrell), who was once one of his backup musicians. Touring in Santa Fe, Bad meets a newspaper reporter named Jean (Maggie Gyllenhaal), who lets Bad pick her up. Despite the credited input by T-Bone Burnett, none of the tunes are really memorable, but you sink into them anyway, and the encircling camera gives the scenes some rhythm. What integrity Crazy Heart doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t borrow from Bridges it picks up from the glorious wide-open-spaces cinematography by Barry Markowitz (Sling Blade). (RvB) Diary of a Wimpy Kid (PG; 120 min.) A live-action adaptation of the graphic novel by Jeff Kinney about life in middle school. Stars Zachary Gordon. The Ghost Writer (PG-13, 128 min.) Roman Polanskiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s freezer-burned comedy/thriller concerns former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, excuse me, Adam Lang (Pierce Brosnan), who has settled in a ghoulish modernist bunker of a seaside house to ďŹ nish up his memoirs. The witty script has it that the PM got a $10 million advance for an absolutely unpublishable book. Enter a hired writer named the Ghost (Ewan McGregor). Meanwhile, the PMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sexy shrew of a wife, Ruth (Olivia Williams), noses out her husbandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s affair with his assistant (Kim Cattrall). One admires how much Polanski got out of two TV hobgoblins like Cattrall and Jim Belushi, as a swinish publisher who conducts himself like Lex Luthor. The
surprise in this plot is revealed through some expertly played Boston Brahmin threat by Tom Wilkinson. Yet The Ghost Writer is a typical old directorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s movie: slow, morbid, never quite sexy enough and full of self-reference. Trapping us in the house is a classic maneuver of Polanski; leaving us there is something like an act of forgetfulness. (RvB) The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (Unrated; 152 min.) Stieg Larssonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s book is the hottest thing going in mysteries right now, and thankfully, director Niels Arden Oplev and screenwriters Nikolaj Arcel and Rasmus Heisterberg recognized that more important than any of the hype swirling around the book is the protagonist at its center, Lisbeth Salander. She is the girl with the dragon tattoo, and sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s maybe the best ďŹ ctional character to come around yet this century. Swedish actress Noomi Rapace is absolutely incredible in her ability to bring Lisbeth to life. She is a force of nature, pure and simple. Lisbeth is hired to dig up dirt on Mikael (Michael Nyqvist) but ends up helping him investigate the disappearance many years ago of Harriet, heiress to a creepy, feuding family of millionaires. Though it may use the U.S. title, the movie doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t shy away from the bookâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unrelenting critique of the violence that society allows men to perpetuate against women, and though the scenes with certain unsavory characters may have been cut down in number, they are still surprisingly graphic. Luckily, Lisbeth is womankindâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ultimate revenge fantasy come trueâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; sooner or later, her boots are gonna walk all over absolutely everyone. (SP) Green Zone (R; 115 min.) As U.S. Army Chief Warrant OfďŹ cer Roy Miller, Matt Damon roars around Baghdad in March 2003 looking for WMD sites. His instructions were vetted by a source called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Magellan,â&#x20AC;? whose info is ďŹ ltered through a State Department wonk (Greg Kinnear). Damon locks eyes with a CIA agent (Brendan Gleeson) who is entertaining similar doubts about the mission. In the ďŹ eld, Miller trails a Saddamite general, Al Rawi (Yigal Naor).
Watching Miller watch Al Rawi is a black ops ďŹ gure (Jason Isaacs). Director Paul Greengrass executes Green Zone with the same visual technique as in his two Bourne movies. The problem is that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s almost impossible to reconcile a depressing war with smash-mouth action, at least while the war still rages. (RvB) The Hurt Locker (R; 131 min.) The soldiers of Bravo Company are stationed in Baghdad for the 2004 ďŹ ghting. Central to the ďŹ lm is the mystery of Staff Sgt. James (Jeremy Renner) who comes in to replace a slaughtered demolition expert. Jamesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; risktaking amazes and angers his subordinate, Sgt. Sanborn (Anthony Mackie). The suspenseful, grimly funny script is by coproducer Mark Boal. Renner is outstanding as the inhumanly brave demolition expert. Director Kathryn Bigelow does what Howard Hawks would do: she ďŹ nds the cooperation between men of great competence in a killing trade, rather than pumping up rivalry. Bigelow breaks through the sense of anonymity that characterizes most Iraq war movies, where helmeted men move alike and talk the same terse slang. However, The Hurt Locker takes an essentially knightly view of the war, of men suiting up and closing their visors. Thus this is the ďŹ rst Iraq ďŹ lm an American audience can feel good about. Boalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s script does discover the hollow inside the brave James: the missing part that made him never stop to realize why he did his job. That ďŹ nal revelation is smart ďŹ lmmaking. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just that the hollow inside this movieâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; inside almost all war movies, even the good onesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t as easily seen. If war is a drug, as The Hurt Locker claims, whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pushing it? (RvB) Our Family Wedding (PG-13) A comedy of misunderstandings surrounding a blended marriage ceremony. Stars America Ferrera and Forest Whitaker. Remember Me (PG-13; 128 min.) A romantic drama about the desires of Robert Pattinson and Emilie de Ravin. Repo Men (R; 111 min.) Jude Law and Forest Whitaker star in a futuristic thriller about body parts. Not to be confused with the immortal Repo Man with Harry Dean Stanton.
For showtimes, advance tix and more, go to
Best Theaters -- SJ Merc, Metro & Wave Readers Always Plenty of Free Validated Parking All Sites Seniors & Kids $6.75 / Students $7.50 â&#x20AC;˘ * = No Passes $7 b4 6pm M-F / 4pm S-S, Holidays â&#x20AC;˘ = Final Week = Presented in Sony 4K Digital (C7 only) â&#x20AC;˘ Pruneyard/Campbell â&#x20AC;˘ 559-6900 â&#x20AC;˘ Pruneyard/Campbell â&#x20AC;˘ 559-6900 *HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON in 3D (PG) *GREENBERG (R) *CHLOE (R) *THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO (NR) GREEN ZONE (R) GHOST WRITER (PG-13) ALICE IN WONDERLAND in Disney Dig. 3D (PG)
â&#x20AC;˘ 41 N. Santa Cruz â&#x20AC;˘ 395-0203 *HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON (in 2D) (PG) CRAZY HEART (R) PLUS NORTH FACE (NR)
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 24-30, 2010 FILM
Extremely entertaining. 'Greenberg' scintillates with intelligence and razorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s-edge humor. Ben Stiller commands a kind of awe. Greta Gerwigâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performance is extraordinaryâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;notably nuanced, commandingly tender.â&#x20AC;? 9 >
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FILM MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
OUT OF PLACE Cfo!TujmmfsÖt!ÕHsffocfshÖ!epftoÖu!lopx!ipx!up!ibwf!b!hppe!ujnf/
Stiller Waters Noah Baumbach’s ‘Greenberg’ wants us to root for an intensely unsympathetic man RITER/DIRECTOR Noah Baumbach, best known for 2005’s The Squid and the Whale, a semiautobiographical family drama that won directing and screenwriting awards at the Sundance Film Festival and an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Screenplay, is back after a three-year hiatus (he co-wrote last year’s Fantastic Mr. Fox with Wes Anderson) with another character study, Greenberg. A dysfunctional, emotionally unbalanced fortysomething in full-on midlife crisis, Greenberg (Ben Stiller), to be blunt, is an asshole. He makes the nearly two hours we spend with him an unpleasant, disquieting experience, but Baumbach wouldn’t have it any other way. Roger Greenberg, a musician down on his luck, arrives in Los Angeles from New York City after a six-week stay in a mental institution. He plans to house-sit for his more successful brother, Phillip (Chris Messina), and Phillip’s wife, Carol (Susan Traylor). Not quite enjoying the minimal responsibility that comes with job-free house-sitting, Greenberg contacts his old friend and band mate, Ivan Schrank (Rhys Ifans), who in turn cajoles the anxious, intemperate Greenberg into going with him to a party held by Greenberg’s other band mate, Eric Beller (Mark Duplass). There Greenberg runs into the recently divorced Beth (Jennifer Jason Leigh), the proverbial girlfriend who got away 15 years earlier. While Greenberg tries to reconnect with a distant Beth, he strikes up a halting, hesitant relationship with his brother’s personal assistant, Florence Marr (Greta Gerwig). While Greenberg charts the familiar character growth from self-interest and narcissism to self-awareness of personal flaws with the proverbial promise to become a better person, the film also focuses on Florence and her own personal crisis. In her mid-20s and just out of a long-term relationship, Florence seems lost, directionless, apathetic, enervated and, perhaps, overwhelmed by the life choices in front of her—choices that demand risk and the possibility of disappointment. She’s also a pushover, willing to let Greenberg, a man she instantly recognizes as off-center, into her life. If the pairing of a self-centered, socially awkward character with another complementary character with rock-bottom self-esteem seems familiar, it should. Greenberg unfolds like a variation on As Good as It Gets, with Stiller in Jack Nicholson’s role—but younger and with only minor OCD—and Gerwig in the Helen Hunt role. The mix worked in As Good as It Gets, primarily due to the chemistry between the two leads and the occasional moments where the humanity in Nicholson’s character shone through. It doesn’t work in Greenberg. Unfortunately, Baumbach fails to make Greenberg anything except an unpleasant, unlikeable character. We’re expected to applaud and identify with his penchant for speaking his mind, regardless of the social consequences, but we don’t. Whether Greenberg and Florence end up together becomes, ultimately, inconsequential, and the fault lies entirely with Baumbach. He wrote the script and directed the actors, especially Stiller, to give intense, intensely unsympathetic performances, and ultimately he’s responsible for the dull, unengaging result. Mel Valentin
GREENBERG (R; 107 min.), directed by Noah Baumbach, written by Baumbach and Jennifer Jason Leigh, photographed by Harris Savides and starring Ben Stiller and Greta Gerwig, opens March 26 at Camera 7 in Campbell, Century 16 in Mountain View and CinéArts Santana Row.
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The Runaways (R; 105 min.). The scene that sticks in the memory is Dakota Fanning’s Cherie Currie dancing, sort of, at a high school talent show to David Bowie’s “Lady Grinning Soul”; it has the best music in the film, it scopes the judgment of a row of scornful Valley girls and the mixed emotions of the teachers watching, alarmed but touched by Currie’s raw need. Fanning’s take on Currie as unformed and modest of talent, ripe for the exploitation, is matched against her friendship (with benefits) with Kristen Stewart’s Joan Jett, a focused, daring professional even at a young age. This biopic of a minor all-girl band of the 1970s makes the case for them as pioneers. Jett had that credibility, but the second best song in this film, “Bad Reputation,” not only comes over the credits but is better used in the upcoming Kick-Ass and came out after the Runaways were finished as a band. Unfortunately, producer Kim Fowley (played as a double-dealing psychedelic psycho by Michael Shannon) might not be far off the mark in describing the group as novelties. (RvB) She’s Out of My League (R; 104 min.) An ordinary guy tries to woe a beautiful girl. With Jay Baruchel and Alice Eve. Shutter Island (R; 138 min.) In 1954, two federal marshals, Teddy and Chuck (Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo), are sent to a Skull Island– like promontory in Boston harbor. They match wits with the lord of the place: Dr. Cawley, the bald head psychiatrist (Ben Kingsley), and his assistant, a Mahler-loving Mitteleuropean (Max von Sydow). The two supervise a weird staff; we can’t tell them from the inmates without their uniforms. Bad storm, check; power outage, check; escaped lunatic, check. The traditions are honored: nightmare sequences, statues flickering in lightning and visits to Teddy by the ever-more persistent ghost of his dead wife, Dolores (Michelle Williams). The all-you-can-eat buffet of fruitcakes includes a disfigured Elias Koteas, Patricia Clarkson as a tragic cavewoman, Emily Mortimer as a suburban Medea and Jackie Earle Haley. It’s all laid out with panache, if with stagy chunks of backstory. It’s an entertaining throwback, not a step forward—a stumbling block for a baffled audience trained to believe “it must be important, because it’s Scorsese.” (RvB)
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 24-30, 2010 FILM
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 24-30, 2010 MUSIC
John Mayer_79 Jerry Seinfeld_81 Hightower_82
Requiem for A Big Star 9Vc EjaXgVc%
Remembering Alex Chilton, and not with the Replacements song By Steve Palopoli
E THANK YOU, FRIENDS Bmfy!Dijmupo!boe!! Cjh!Tubs!foefe!ijt!tfu! xjui!b!àpvsjti!! bu!Usbnqt!jo!! Ofx!Zpsl!jo!2::7/
VEN in death, Alex Chilton can’t catch a break. In the wake of his passing last week—far, far too early at age 59—one of the most gifted songwriters in the history of rock music is being remembered not with one of his own songs, but with an Internet pile-up of people quoting the Replacements’ tribute song, “Alex Chilton.” Don’t get me wrong, “Alex Chilton” is one of my top 20 favorite songs. And we all owe Paul Westerberg a debt of gratitude for writing it; undoubtedly, he turned more people on to Chilton’s band Big Star than anyone else on the planet. And of course the lines everyone is opening their obits with are all too ironic: “Children by the millions, waiting for Alex Chilton, when he comes round.” No, Westerberg’s fantasy never came true, despite his own best efforts. (Chilton, by contrast, was about the worst self-promoter that any rock legend could possibly be.) And yes, it’s tragic that the ‘Mats’ vision of musical genius finally rising from its cult circuit into the stratosphere of worldwide stardom didn’t materialize. Still, isn’t Chilton best eulogized by his own lyrics? A few lines that demonstrate his vivid imagery and emotive power? Something that shows what he was capable of, rather than what he never achieved?
Because no matter how much official music history might emphasize his career disappointments, part of Chilton’s magic was the way he could snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Even at age 16, when he was basically a teenage pop star getting famously screwed by the music industry as lead singer for the Box Tops, he managed to turn out some classic performances. “The Letter,” which was a No. 1 hit in 1967, is the best known, but listen to the Box Tops’ string of singles (most not written by Chilton) now, and what endures is the sound of a group of raw and soulful square pegs whose handlers tried unsuccessfully to hammer them into a round hole of whitewashed pop fluff. Their best songs still hold up as great Memphis music. When Chilton formed Big Star in 1971 with Chris Bell (another poorly understood cult figure who died too young), he made probably the two best albums of power-pop ever recorded, #1 Record and Radio City. Considering that the albums’ best songs weren’t recognized for more or less creating slacker-rock until much later, the title of the former began the group’s long relationship with irony (their b-side anthem “In The Street,” to the shock of Big Star’s small but loyal following, popped into the mainstream out of nowhere as the
theme to That 70s Show, 26 years after its release). The albums’ failures were a sucker punch for Chilton, who had no idea songs like “September Gurls” and “Thirteen”—which he wrote when he was actually 13—would one day be considered indie-rock classics, covered by everyone from the gothy sirens of the This Mortal Coil collective to roots-rockers Wilco to ’80s popsters the Bangles. Chilton’s talent for making great art out of disaster hit its apex with his next Big Star album, Third (also marketed, for some idiotic reason, as Sister Lovers). Begun in 1974 but not released until 1978, it was made by an unhappy Chilton whose band had all but disintegrated, and who seemed to be disintegrating himself. The result, deemed not even releasable by his record company at the time, is like no other album ever recorded. The sadness and alienation of “Nighttime” and “Big Black Car” wind through the sparkle of “Kangaroo” and “Take Care,” while “O Dana” and “You Can’t Have Me” are almost inexplicable in their meandering melodies and mix of abstract and personal lyrics. The monster in the middle is “Holocaust,” a song so quiet and understated in its sheer brutality that it laid the blueprint for a whole subgenre of pretty hate songs. That an album so sonically mixed-up and lyrically moody could be cohesive seems
impossible until it’s been given a few listens. What ties the songs together, besides Chilton’s distinctive voice and perspective, is a quality that can only be described as grace. In the ’80s, Chilton stumbled through a sometimes-interesting solo career while groups like R.E.M. and Yo La Tengo began spreading the legend of Big Star on a larger scale, finally giving him his due. Back then, there was basically no way to discover Chilton’s work except through degrees of separation. I first did when I heard Scott Miller, lead singer of my favorite band in high school, NorCal’s Game Theory, sing “O Dana” on the San Luis Obispo college radio station KCPR. I went back to Game Theory’s 1985 album Real Nighttime and figured out that “You Can’t Have Me” was a cover, which sent me straight to the record store to find out what this Big Star thing was all about. That wasn’t too long before the Replacements released “Alex Chilton” on their Pleased to Meet Me EP. It is a timeless tribute, but right now I prefer to remember the man with one of his own songs; the upbeat, celebratory “Thank You Friends”: “Thank you, friends/ Wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you/ I’m so grateful for all the things you helped me do/ All the ladies and gentlemen/ Who made this all so probable.” M
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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MARCH 24-30, 2010
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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Club VIP Lists!
[78] MUSIC
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 24-30, 2010 MUSIC YVcX^c\# 7^\ WVcY! hl^c\! Ă&#x2C6;*%h! Ă&#x2C6;+%h! Ă&#x2C6;,%h VcY Ă&#x2C6;-%h# Cd XdkZg# ''&%% HiZkZch 8gZZ` 7akY! 8jeZgi^cd! )%-#'**#((%%#
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7g^iVcc^V 6gbh 6abVYZc LZY! Hjc/ 9? =Vc`# L^i] `VgVdV`Z Vi &%eb# *%', 6abVYZc :meln! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'++#%**%#
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THE MOUTH THAT ROARED!!Kpio!Nbzfs!dboĂ&#x2013;u!tivu!vq/
John Mayer >C H:8G:I ZmeZg^bZcih i]Vi l^aa cdi WZ YZXaVhh^Ă&#x2019;ZY jci^a i]Z nZVg '*'*! \dkZgcbZci hX^Zci^hih iZhiZY V cZl hjeZg\ajZĂ&#x2026;dcZ i]Vi ^h &%!%%% i^bZh higdc\Zg i]Vc gZ\jaVg hjeZg\ajZĂ&#x2026;Wn ign^c\ id `ZZe ?d]c BVnZgĂ&#x2030;h bdji] h]ji l^i] ^i# I]Z gZhjai lVh hjX] V XViVhigde]^X [V^ajgZ i]Vi hZkZgVa hbVaa \dkZgcbZcih VgdjcY i]Z ldgaY lZgZ ideeaZY VcY ZkZgndcZ ^ckdakZY bnhiZg^djhan Y^hVeeZVgZY# :mXZei [dg BVnZg! d[ XdjghZ! l]d ZhXVeZY jchXVi]ZY l^i] ]^h hZa["egdXaV^bZY l]^iZ" hjegZbVX^hi eZc^h# Hd! ^iĂ&#x2030;h d[Ă&#x2019;X^Va/ VWhdajiZan cdi]^c\ l^aa h]ji i]^h \jn je# D]! ZmXZei [dg eaVn^c\ ]^h hdc\hĂ&#x2026;gZbZbWZg l]Zc i]Vi lVh i]Vi lVh i]Z gZVhdc eZdeaZ a^hiZcZY id ]^b ^c i]Z Ă&#x2019;ghi eaVXZ4 >Ă&#x2030;b iVa`^c\ VWdji i]Z [VXi i]Vi i]Z Wdn XdjaY ValVnh eaVn \j^iVg# BVnZg XVc Wjgc i]gdj\] V hdad i]Vi XdbW^cZh i]Z WZhi d[ WajZh VcY gdX` a^`Z cdWdYn h^cXZ HiZk^Z GVn KVj\]Vc# L]ViZkZg! ]ZĂ&#x2030;h ndjc\ nZi! VcY ]^h XVgZZg l^aa djiaVhi ]^h ?Zhh^XV H^behdc ^ciZgk^ZlĂ&#x2026;VcY ?Zhh^XV H^behdc# Steve Palopoli JOHN MAYER performs Friday (March 26) at 7pm at HP Pavilion, 525 W. Santa Clara St, San Jose. Tickets are $36â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$76; 408.287.9200.
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@Vi^Z 7addbĂ&#x2030;h >g^h] EjW GZhiVjgVci I]j"HVi! ./(%eb"&/(%Vb/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# :XaZXi^X b^m d[ i]Z aViZhi XajW igVX`h VcY XaVhh^X gdX` _Vbh# (+. 8VbeWZaa 6kZ Vi 8ZcigVa! 8VbeWZaa! )%-#(,.#.+-,#
@]Vgidjb LZY/ 9? 9VkZn @# (%% DgX]VgY 8^in 9g! 8VbeWZaa! )%-#(,.#+()%#
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y MARCH 24-30, 2010 MUSIC
Nvtjd mjtujoht
@^c\ d[ 8ajWh
â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;THE RUNAWAYSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; BURSTS WITH ENERGY, YOUTH, EXCESS, FEMALE EMPOWERMENT, SEX, DRUGS AND ROCK â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ROLL.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Kirk â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Kirk Honeycutt, Honeycutt, THE THE HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD REPORTER
;g^! ./(%eb/ CdX]Z KVfjZgV# L^i] 9? ?dhZ @jZgkd VcY 9? HiVb# ,# HVi/ 6oj`Vg# L^i] 9? (9# HVahV! gZ\\VZidc! XjbW^V VcY ]^e"]de# *# IjZ! .eb/ 8ajW CdhiVa\^V# <di]! ^cYjhig^Va VcY YVg`lVkZ# - &$' d[[ ^[ ^c XdhijbZ # -.( AZdc\ 9g! BdjciV^c K^Zl! +*%#.+-#+(++#
A^Yd C^\]iXajW
â&#x20AC;&#x201C;A.O. Scott, THE NEW YORK TIMES
Dc\d^c\/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# =^e"]de! ]djhZ VcY igVcXZ# (% H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'.-#)(&-#
â&#x20AC;&#x153;SEE IT!â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x201C;A.O. Scott and Michael Phillips, AT THE MOVIES
Ad[i 7Vg VcY 7^higd I]j"HVi! &%/(%eb"&/(%Vb/ A^kZ 9? VcY YVcX^c\# .% H# HZXdcY Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'.&#%+,,#
BZai JaigV Adjc\Z I]j/ E^c` I]jghYVn# 9?h he^c ]djhZ! Ide )%! bVh]"jeh! YVcXZ! ,%h VcY -%h! XaVhh^X G 7 VcY ]^e"]de# Cd XdkZg# ;g^! HVi/ 9?h 9Vc LVaaVXZ VcY 9Vk^Y 9# &% XdkZg V[iZg &%eb# *)) :bZghdc Hi! EVad 6aid! +*%#('*#+(*-#
B^Vb^ 7ZVX] 8ajW I]j"HVi/ AVY^Zh C^\]i Dji# I]j"HVi/ 9VcX^c\# KVg^djh hinaZh d[ YVcXZ i]gdj\]dji i]Z lZZ`! ^cXajY^c\ igde^XVa! gZ\\VZidc VcY ide )%# I]j! ,".eb/ HVahV 9VcXZ 8aVhhZh# ;gZZ# Hjc/ HVahV HjcYVn# )&, H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#',.#(+,%#
Bdaan BV\ZZĂ&#x2030;h I]j"HVi/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# EaVn^c\ idYVnĂ&#x2030;h ]^i bjh^X# ')& 8Vhigd Hi! BdjciV^c K^Zl! +*%#.+&#%&%-#
Bdi^[ I]j! &%eb"'Vb/ 8gVkZ# I]Z ]diiZhi VcY XddaZhi eaVXZ id WZ# HVi/ CZl WjWWaZ bVX]^cZ! ?Zaad h]di ]VcYdji! EZYgd VcY ]^h ^c[Vbdjh l]^hiaZ# IjZ/ GZXZhh^dc Egdd[ IjZhYVn# (-. H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#',.#&---#
BdjciV^c 8]VgaZnĂ&#x2030;h LZY! ,eb"'Vb/ =djhZ EVgin# I]j! ,eb"'Vb/ I]gdlWVX` I]jghYVnh# &* C# HVciV 8gjo 6kZ! Adh <Vidh! )%-#(.*#---%#
I]Z DV`lddY Adjc\Z Hjc/ 9? ?^bbn# :Vgan ]Z he^ch daY^Zh# AViZg dc ]Z YdZh edejaVg YVcXZ hdc\h# ,)'& BdciZgZn Hi! <^agdn! )%-#-),#)*-%#
I]Z DaY LV\dc HVaddc VcY <g^aa LZY/ AVY^Zh C^\]i# IjZ/ >cYjhign C^\]i# ,* C# HVc EZYgd Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#.,&#.()+#
JERRY RIGGED Uif!tjudpn!ljoh!dpnft!up!Gmjou!Dfoufs!Gsjebz/
Jerry Seinfeld L: 9>9CĂ&#x2030;I \Zi XVWaZ ^chiVaaZY ^c djg ]djhZ jci^a > lVh &' nZVgh daY# HdbZ b^\]i hVn i]^h ^h V \ddY i]^c\! WZXVjhZ ^i a^b^iZY bn iZaZk^h^dc dei^dch! i]jh [dgX^c\ bZ id [dXjh dc hX]dda# I]Vi ldjaY WZ i]Z XVhZ! Wji V[iZg > XVbZ ]dbZ [gdb hX]dda! bn b^hh^dc lVh id Vkd^Y ]dbZldg` jci^a hdbZdcZ XVbZ ]dbZ VcY bVYZ bZ Yd ^i# Hd! ^c i]dhZ nZVgh WZilZZc XVgiddch VcY gZhedch^W^a^in! > gdiiZY bn WgV^c dc i]Z dcan _jc` VkV^aVWaZ id bZĂ&#x2026;V[iZgcddc iVa` h]dlh# > Vahd gdiiZY bn WgV^c dc gZgjch d[ HZ^c[ZaY# > h]jYYZg id i]^c` d[ ]dl > b^\]i ]VkZ ijgcZY dji ]VY > cdi XdjciZgVXiZY i]Z iVa`"h]dl hZlV\Z l^i] hdbZ hZg^djhan hbVgi XdbZYn# =ZĂ&#x2030;h WZZc an^c\ egZiin adl h^cXZ HZ^c[ZaY lgVeeZY! Wji ]^h ^cĂ&#x201C;jZcXZ ^h Vaa dkZg# >i dcan Ă&#x2019;ih i]Vi ]^h cZl gZVa^in h]dl [daadlh I]Z D[Ă&#x2019;XZ VcY (% GdX`! ild h]dlh i]Vi dlZ V ]j\Z YZWi id ]^h hZchZ d[ ]jbdg# 9dcĂ&#x2030;i XVaa ^i V XdbZWVX`# HZ^c[ZaYĂ&#x2030;h WZZc ]ZgZ [dg nZVgh# Jody Amable JERRY SEINFELD performs Friday (March 26) at 7 and 9:30pm at Flint Center, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino. Tickets are $47â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$77. (408.864.8820) B^Yc^\]i# &&(& C# AVlgZcXZ :meln! HjccnkVaZ#
EZVXdX` Adjc\Z ;g^! -eb/ 9? VcY 9VcX^c\# L^i] 9? 9j[jc`# Cd 8dkZg# HVi! .eb/ 9? VcY 9VcX^c\# 8]^aa! G 7! Ide )% &%' :# ;gZbdci 6kZ! HjccnkVaZ! )%-#.+'#++.%#
EZVga I]j/ I]Z EZci]djhZ# L^i] Yg^c` heZX^Vah WZ[dgZ &&eb VcY [gZZ l^i] XdaaZ\Z >9# ;g^"HVi/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# - H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#',.#))))#
Gdh^Z BX8VccĂ&#x2030;h EVggVcYV C^\]iXajW I]j! -eb"'Vb/ 9? 6`jhi^`# Eajh a^kZ bjh^X l^i] 7VcYV (%% VcY V Wjaa"g^Y^c\ XdciZhi# Cd XdkZg# ;g^! -eb"'Vb/ 9? BVnd# He^cc^c\ ide AVi^c hdjcYh! eajh CdgiZÂ&#x160;d VcY WVcYVh a^kZ# HVi! -eb"&Vb/ 9? BVnd VcY 9? 6`jhi^`# =^e"]de VcY WVcYV eajh a^kZ bjh^X VcY V i]dc\ XdciZhi l^i] XVh] eg^oZ# Hjc! ,eb" 'Vb/ AVi^c 7ZVi# L^i] ild 9?h! a^kZ bjh^X! 7VcYV (%% VcY Yg^c` heZX^Vah# Hjc! .eb" 'Vb/ Hdc^YZgd C^\]i# L^i] adXVa 9?h he^cc^c\ hVahV! XjbW^V VcY bdgZ# Eajh >cY^V BVg^V 9gV FjZZc h]dl Vi
IjZhYVnh# 8daaZ\Z YVcXZ eVgin# ,' C# 6abVYZc 6kZ! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'-,#&,(,#
HVc ?dhZ 7Vg <g^aa LZY/ IVc\d# HeZX^Vah dc Yg^c`h# I]j"HVi/ K^YZd @^aaZY i]Z 9?# Hjc! &%eb"XadhZ/ H^c HjcYVnh# Bdc! &%eb"XadhZ/ BVc^X BdcYVoZ# -* H# HZXdcY Hi Vi HVc ;ZgcVcYd! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'-+#'(.,#
Hdji] ;^ghi 7^aa^VgYh 8ajW VcY Adjc\Z HVi/ <jZhi 9?# )'% H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'.)#,-%%#
HiVga^iZ 9VcXZ 8ajW
I]j"Hjc! ."&&eb/ 9VcXZ LZY/ =djhZ bjh^X# I]j"HVi/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# (** HVciVcV EVgin# HVahV! AVi^c VcY ]jhiaZ YVcX^c\# &&+% C# Gdl! &%+%! HVc ?dhZ! ;V^g DV`h 7akY! HjccnkVaZ! )%-#'),#&,%+# )%-#,)*#,-',#
GjWn H`nZ
;g^! HVi/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# )'% BVhdc Hi! HVc ;gVcX^hXd! )&*#+.(#%,,,#
GjYnĂ&#x2030;h EjW ;g^"HVi/ A^kZ 9?# He^cc^c\ ]^e"]de VcY YVcXZ bjh^X# &&, Jc^kZgh^in 6kZ! EVad 6aid! +*%#('.#%.''#
HVWdg IVeVh 7Vg VcY Adjc\Z I]j/ BV_dg I]jghYVnh# GdiVi^c\ 9?h# IjZ/ Ild 7jX`
HiZe]ZcĂ&#x2030;h <gZZc ;g^! &%eb/ 9? 8ZhVg# He^cc^c\ i]Z ]^ih# ''( 8Vhigd Hi! BdjciV^c K^Zl! +*%#.+)#.&*&#
I]Z IZbeaZ 7Vg Adjc\Z I]j/ IZbeaZ I]jghYVnh# ;g^! &%/(%eb/ G 7 VcY =^e"]de# Jci^a XadhZ# HVi! -/(%"&%/(%eb/ IZbeaZ 6aa" HiVg 9?h# HVi! &%/(%eb/ G 7! ]^e"]de VcY ]djhZ# Jci^a XadhZ# *' H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'--#-*&-#
I]Z KZcjZo I]j/ 9?h VcY 9VcX^c\# L^i] 7ajZ 8]^aaV# ;g^! HVi! .eb/ A^kZ bjh^X# (*)+ ;adgV K^hiV 6kZ! HVciV 8aVgV! )%-#'))#+.%.#
I]gZZ ;aVbZh GZhiVjgVci HVi! .eb"&/(%Vb/ 9? <ZcZ =daa^YVn# &*), BZg^Y^Vc 6kZ! L^aadl <aZc! )%-#'+.#(&((#
6 I^c`ZgĂ&#x2030;h 9Vbc C^\]ian! .eb/ 9?h VcY YVcX^c\# :kZgn lZZ`ZcY# )+ C# HVgVid\V 6kZ! HVciV 8aVgV! )%-#')(#)*.*#
IddcĂ&#x2030;h LZY/ 9? I]jbeZg# I]j/ 9Zk^djh 9VkZ eaVnh ]djhZ XaVhh^Xh# ;g^/ H]V`Zh ndjg Xdiidc IV^a l^i] 9? I^id# HVi/ I^id VcY ]^h Edgij\jZhZ [g^ZcYh# Hjc/ =^e"^i"ZZ =de# Bdc/ 9? Ha^X`# IjZ/ 7jccnĂ&#x2030;h c^\]i# *' :# HVciV 8aVgV Hi Vi HZXdcY! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'.'#,)+)#
IgZh <g^c\dh LZY/ 7ZZg Edc\# I]j! .eb/ IjZhYVn C^\]i A^kZ# A^kZ bjh^X# -( H# HZXdcY Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#',-#.---#
Kdd9dd Adjc\Z ;g^! BVg '+! &%eb/ I]Z
AMC CUPERTINO SQUARE 16 10123 N. Wolfe Road, Cupertino (888) AMC-4FUN AMC EASTRIDGE MALL 15 2190 Eastridge Loop, San Jose (888) AMC-4FUN
AMC MERCADO 20 101 Fwy. at Great American Pky, Santa Clara (888) AMC-4FUN CINĂ&#x2030;ARTS@SANTANA ROW 3088 Olsen Drive, San Jose (800) FANDANGO CENTURY CAPITOL 16 Capitol Expressway & Snell Ave, San Jose (800) FANDANGO
CENTURY 20 OAKRIDGE 925 Blossom Hill Road, San Jose (800) FANDANGO CENTURY 20 GREAT MALL 1010 Great Mall Drive, Milpitas (800) FANDANGO CAMERA 12 SAN JOSE 201 South Second Street, San Jose (408) 998-3300
CENTURY 12 DOWNTOWN SAN MATEO 320 East 2nd Ave, San Mateo (800) FANDANGO CENTURY 20 DOWNTOWN REDWOOD CITY 825 Middlefield Rd, Redwood City (800) FANDANGO CINĂ&#x2030;ARTS@PALO ALTO SQUARE 3000 El Camino Real, Palo Alto (800) FANDANGO
[82] MUSIC
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y 1011 PPACIFIC AACIFICC AAVE. VE. V SANTA SANTTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 831-423--1336
Hank III
6DWXUGD\ 0DUFK Â&#x2021; $ 6DWX UGD\ 0DUFK Â&#x2021; $*(6
www.hank3.com www .hank3.com SOXV SOXV Assjack $GY 'U Â&#x2021; 'UV S P 6KRZ S P $GY 'U Â&#x2021; 'UV S P 6KRZ S P P
Nvtjd mjtujoht
H]^oocZi# L^i] 9? >aaigVmm VcY 9? 8dcgVY^XVa# *$ &%# HVi! BVg ',! &%eb/ Hdja <ad# L^i] 9? 9Ajo^dc VcY ?FjZhi# &%# &) H# HZXdcY Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'-+#KD9D#
LZi C^\]iXajW LZY! BVg '+/ IgZn Hdc\o# I]j! BVg '*/ GZXdgY"gZaZVhZ ZkZci# HVi! BVg ',/ :c^\bV l^i] 9? :g^X 9"Ajm# (.+ H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'-'#-.(-#
OZc Adjc\Z $GY 'U Â&#x2021; 'UV S P 6KRZ S P $ 'U Â&#x2021; 'UV S P 6KRZ S P $GY 7KXUVGD\ $S 7KXUVGD\ $SU SU $*(6
YYonder onder Mountain Mountain String String Band Band
$GY 'U Â&#x2021; 'UV S P 6KRZ S P $ 'U Â&#x2021; 'UV S P 6KRZ S P $GY
0DU 0DU W Wooster ooster Atrium (Ages 21+) o 0DU 0DU The China Cats Atrium (Ages 21+ 21+) +) $SU Epic Entertainmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; $SU Entertainmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Copacabana Nightclubâ&#x20AC;? Atrium (Age (Ages es 21+) $SU $SU Vital SC presents â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spring For Forwardâ&#x20AC;? wardâ&#x20AC;? (Ages 16+) $SU $SU Collie Buddz (Ages 16+) $SU $SU Phoenix (Ages 16+) $SU $SU The Expendables (Ages 16 16+) 6+) $SU $SU The Devil Makes Thre Three ee (Ages 2 21+) 1+) $SU $SU The Devil Makes Thre Three ee (Ages 16 16+) 6+) 0D\ Eek A Mouse (Ages 16+) 0D\ 0D\ Thrice/Manchester Or 0D\ Orch. ch. (Ages 16+) 0D\ 0D\ Gr Groundation/ ro oundation/ Orgone (Ages 16+) 1 -XQ Sage Francis/ Fr Free ee Moral Agents (Agess 16+) -XQ The Glitch Mob (Ages 16+) -XQ $XJ $XJ Rev Rev. v. Horton Heat (Ages 21+) 6HS 6HS Willie Nelson & Family (Ages 21+) 8QOHVV RWKHUZLVH QRWHG DOO VKRZV DUH GDQFH VKRZV ZLWK OLPLWHG VHDWLQJ 8QOHVV RWKHUZLVH QRWHG DOO VKRZV DUH GDQFH VKRZV ZLWK OLPLWHG VHDWLQJ V TTickets ickets su subject bject to city tax & service service charge charge bbyy phone 866-384-3060 & online
www.catalystclub.com w ww.catalystclub.com
LZY! .eb/ HdjcYXaVh]# =djhZ bjh^X# Cd XdkZg# I]j/ HZYjXi^dc I]jghYVnh# 9VcXZ! ]^e"]de VcY bVh]" jeh# Cd XdkZg# ;g^/ ;jh^dc ;g^YVn# GdX`! ]^e"]de VcY hbVh]"jeh# * jci^a &&eb0 &% \ZcZgVa# HVi/ >aajh^dc# L^i] KddYdd[Zhi VcY XdhijbZ eVgin# * jci^a &&eb0 &% \ZcZgVa# IjZ! ,eb"'Vb/ ' IjZhYVnh# 9g^c` heZX^Vah# Cd XdkZg# '*& 8Vhigd Hi! BdjciV^c K^Zl! +*%#.+.#)-),#
8A6HH>86A 6bZg^XVc GZXdgYZg DgX]ZhigV d[ i]Z LZhi 6GDL ;ZVijg^c\ ldg`h Wn 7gV]bh! 9ZWjhhn! =dk]VcZhh! BdoVgi VcY bdgZ# Hjc! BVg '-! (eb# Hj\\ZhiZY 9dcVi^dch d[ &% V eZghdc# ;ddi]^aa EgZhWniZg^Vc 8]jgX]! *(%& BX@ZZ GY! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'*-#-&(( m&%*#
7VX] 8ZaZWgVi^dc 8ZaZWgVi^dc d[ 6aW^cdc^! BVgXZaad VcY 7VX] [ZVijg^c\ eVhi! egZhZci VcY [jijgZ bZbWZgh d[ i]Z EVad 6aid 8]VbWZg DgX]ZhigV# Egd\gVb gZeZVih Hjc! BVg '-! )eb! Vi KVaaZn EgZhWniZg^Vc 8]jgX]! .)* EdgidaV GY! EdgidaV KVaaZn# HVi! BVg ',! ,/(%eb# &% hijYZcih! '% gZ\jaVg# BdciVakdĂ&#x2030;h 8Vgg^V\Z =djhZ I]ZVigZ! &*)%% BdciVakd GY! HVgVid\V! )%-#.+&#*-*-#
<#;# =VcYZaĂ&#x2030;h 7gdX`Zh EVhh^dc 7Vg 6gZV 8aVhh^XVa =Vgbdc^Zh egZhZcih i]^h gVgZan eZg[dgbZY ldg` ^c XZaZWgVi^dc d[ EVab HjcYVn# Hjc! BVg '-! )/(%eb# &* hijYZcih! '% ^c VYkVcXZ! ', Vi Yddg! [gZZ [dg X]^aYgZc jcYZg &'# Ig^c^in 8]jgX] HVc ?dhZ! -& C# HZXdcY Hi! HVc ?dhZ! *&%#-+-#%+.*#
=VcYZaĂ&#x2030;h BZhh^V] Heg^c\ H^c\ H^c\ ^i ndjghZa[! [jaa dgX]ZhigV ZkZc^c\ d[ =VcYZa# Hjc! BVg '-! ,eb VcY Bdc! BVg '.! ,/(%eb# ;gZZ# LZhi KVaaZn EgZhWniZg^Vc 8]jgX]! +&.& 7daa^c\Zg GY! 8jeZgi^cd! )%-#'*'#&(+*#
B^hh^dc 8^in DeZgV 6g^Vh eZg[dgbZY Vi i]Z XV[Z# ;g^! BVg '+! -eb# 8V[[Z Ig^ZhiZ! (&* H# ;^ghi Hi! HVc ?dhZ#
8DC8:GIH 6cidc^d HVcX]Zo BZm^XVc _Voo YgjbbZg VeeZVgh [dg HVc ?dhZ ?Voo L^ciZg HZg^Zh XdcXZgi# Hjc! BVg '-! 'eb# 8Vaa [dg i^X`Zi ^c[d# >begdk 8dbZYn 8ajW VcY GZhiVjgVci! +' H# HZXdcY Hi! HVc ?dhZ! )%-#'-%#,),*#
7VbL]doaZ '%&% ;ZVijg^c\ &* WVcYh ^cXajY^c\ I]^h Egdk^YZcXZ! I]Z =^\]Zg VcY bdgZ# HVi! BVg ',! *eb# &*# I]Z GZX! HVgVid\V
STILL TURNING !Uif!Dmbz!Xiffmt!qmbz!Uivstebz!bu!WppEpp/
Hightower 768@ >C bn ndjc\Zg YVnh! > lVciZY id WZ V egd h`ViZg# 7Za^ZkZ ^i dg cdi! i]ZgZ lVh V i^bZ l]Zc > ldjaY h`ViZ [dg Vi aZVhi i]gZZ ]djgh V YVn# Bn [g^ZcYh VcY > ldjaY edda djg bdcZn id\Zi]Zg id Wjn i]Z aViZhi h`ViZ k^YZdh# DcZ d[ i]Z WZhi i]^c\h VWdji i]dhZ k^YZdh lVh i]Z bjh^X0 hdbZi^bZh >Ă&#x2030;Y ]ZVg V WVcY >Ă&#x2030;kZ cZkZg ]ZVgY WZ[dgZ VcY \d dji VcY Wjn ^i# >i lVh jhjVaan hdbZ ejc` dg bZiVa WVcY# =^\]idlZg gZb^cYh bZ d[ dcZ d[ i]dhZ WVcYh > ]ZVgY dc dcZ d[ i]Z k^YZdh# 7ji =^\]idlZg ejih V a^iiaZ bdgZ i]gVh] ^c i]Z^g hdjcY! X^gXV &.-,# I]^c` Hj^X^YVa IZcYZcX^ZhĂ&#x2030; ?d^c i]Z 6gbn b^mZY l^i] egd\# >c i]Z ZcY! > hj[[ZgZY V idgc a^\VbZci ^c bn `cZZ! Wji Vi aZVhi > hi^aa ]VkZ i]Z bjh^X! bVc# I]Zn XVcĂ&#x2030;i iV`Z i]Vi VlVn [gdb bZ# DeZc^c\ l^aa WZ 8aVn L]ZZah VcY ;VXidgn B^cYh! VcY i]Z h]dl l^aa WZ gZXdgYZY [dg V =^\]idlZg$8aVn L]ZZah hea^i# Beau Dowling HIGHTOWER plays Thursday (March 25) at 9pm at the VooDoo Lounge, 14 S. Second St., San Jose. Tickets are $7. (408.286.8636)
GZXgZVi^dc 8ZciZg! &.+** 6aaZcYVaZ 6kZ! HVgVid\V#
I]Z 7ZVi <dZh Dc 6 EVig^di^X ZkZc^c\ [ZVijg^c\ <VaZc AZbbdc! eg^cX^eVa eZgXjhh^dc^hi [dg Hnbe]dcn H^a^Xdc KVaaZn# EgZhZciZY Wn HVc ?dhZ L^cY Hnbe]dcn# Hjc! BVg '-! (eb# * hijYZcih! &* hZc^dgh! '% gZ\jaVg# BX6[ZZ EZg[dgb^c\ 6gih 8ZciZg! HVgVid\V =^\] HX]dda! '%(%% =Zgg^bVc 6kZ! HVgVid\V! )%-#.',#,*.,#
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Bjh^X HZg^Zh# Hjc! BVg '-! (eb# &%" (%# BdciVakdĂ&#x2030;h =^hidg^X K^aaV! &*)%% BdciVakd GY! HVgVid\V! )%-#.+&#*-%%#
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MARCH 24-30, 2010
[84] ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Phone Entertainment
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Over 40 Busty Lady
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Bambi loves cream, fetish & Domination. Incall. 38D-2436 leggy blonde. 408-605-3465
By Pete. Relaxing, discreet full body massage. In/out, open 7 days. 408-515-5778
Nice pretty girl offers in & outcall. 408-571-8681
Tall, curvy, sensuous brunette offers an erotic massage. Outcalls only. Dyanna,CMT. 408-993-1176
Attractive American blonde awaits you. Private location. Mature Gentlemen & Senior’s Specials. 408-726-6061
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I’ve got the Tender Touch. Let me rub your body & your soul. $20 off w/ad. *82-510-739-1417, Patty
Playful 23 yrs. old brunette. Sweet & petite with 36C all natural. 110 lbs. In call Sunnyvale. 650-834-2371, Lana
1-800-GAY-LIVE Call now! Hook up with hot local guys. Talk to Gay, Str8, Curious and Bi men in hundreds of cities across the country. Fast, Discreet, and Easy! Premium FREE trial use promo code: NEWS5 (AAN CAN)
Sexiest Latina Ever! Long dark hair, perfect figure with Almond eyes. Playful with no rush. 408-991-5991, Icesis
Sexy White woman will work till all stress is relieved. Safe & clean. 408-483-4138
Blonde & Busty
Four Handed Massage
By a hot, blonde, Latina Transsexual. Call for appt. 24/7. 408-391-8528
Adult Entertainment Phone Entertainment
Browse and Respond FREE! 408/514-0101 Or 650/2230299 Use code 7561, 18+
Deep tissue in an upscale, discreet location. 4 hands, Habla Espanol. 408-393-0842, Lily
Attractive Lady Nice place, clean, private, body relaxing. Natural with soft hands & smooth skin. 408-824-3003
Massage $60
Male To Male Massage
Browse & Respond FREE! 408/514-1111 Or 650/2230505 Use FREE code 5796, 18+
Body rubs. Muscular, hot nude masseur with reviews Upscale location. In/outcall. Hablo Espanol 408-373-9748
Asian Princess
Hot Asian Lady
Waiting to serve you with an incredible massage in Sunnyvale. 408-509-9796
Enjoy a nice massage by beautiful Asian women. 408-600-7969, Julie
For a nice massage by a nice lady. 408-648-6798 Full service massage. Peaceful environment. In San Jose. By appointment. 408-768-9828
Philippine Girls For nice gentlemen who need a relaxing massage. For appointment call, 9am-9pm. 408-899-0047
Beautiful Girls Free haircut with massage. Open 7 days. 5520 Monterey Rd. S.J., CA. 95138. 408-629-4136
S. Bay Outcall only. Call anytime. Open 24/7
Massage Haircut Facial
Petite, playful & ready for your call. Call for appointment. 650-630-1093
Naughty Blondes Latinas exotica. Las chicas mas Calientes. Nunca 24/7. Hottest girls! *82-408-509-5119
Hot Muscular Model Offers a full body rubdown. Incalls only. www.jasonbenetton.com 408-813-8074, Jason
Awaits you an exciting massage in N. San Jose. 408-545-8189
Sexy White Beauty Awaits With a desire to please you. Your special needs are My fantasy. Sensual, erotic, adult massage. Safe, clean close to freeways. Love Bridgett 408-306-2367
Peony Day Spa Enjoy a nice massage. Private rooms & showers. 982 S. De Anza Blvd., San Jose. 408-777-8088
Silk Day Spa Young beauty, skillful therapist, private room and shower. 7259 Sharon Dr., San Jose. 408-996-9690
Al ways ready to help you feel relaxed 408.722.2234
facials accupuncture
China Is Here! Chinese girl wants to relax all your muscles. Private location. 408-661-7200
Chinese Massage Chinese professional acupressure in San Jose and Cupertino. Call for appt. 408-996-2229
Pretty Girl Friendly, lovely Asian girl offer special massage. Saratoga Ave. 408-249-7228, Helen
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Single Services
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Taiwan #1 Massage Nice, pretty girl offers good massage for nice Gentlemen. 408-469-7650
Asian Sweetheart
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Enjoy a relaxing, sensitive massage by a nice Asian lady. South Bay. 408-661-7912
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Grand opening! Best in relaxation, hot tub, steam shower. 12201 #B SaratogaSunnyvale Road. 408-865-1559, Hiring
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Adult Entertainment
Chocolate Kiss
Enjoy a nice massage at Amy’s Massage Salon in West San Jose. 408-469-5469
Asian Lady
Beautiful Asian Girl
Enjoy a full body massage by Chinese girl. Saratoga & San Tomas Expwy. 408-981-8890, Sophia
Amy’s Massage
23 yrs old offers a good massage to nice gentlemen. Se Habla Espanol. 408-401-3659, Lete
Beautiful Girl
g Diego’s Magic Hands
Cute Latina
Pretty Chinese
Nice Massage
Seeking mature generous Gentlemen for massage & fun. Golden Gypsy clients welcome. 510-316-9203, Sunny
Sexy fun couple offers a full body rubdown. Incalls only. Jason & Michelle 408-482-3044
Busty Asian Tracy massage for $60/1/2 hr. In & outcall. Exotic Shemale Tully Rd. Sexy, long black haired Latina 408-449-2779 offers an erotic massage. S.J. Se hable Espanol. 831-227-9188, Gissele
Ladyboy Massage
Sexy Mature Blonde
Single Services
FREE to listen to ads. FREE to reply to ads.
San Jose
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Amazing Massage
Palo Alto
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Susan’s Massage
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I]^h \jn > bZi dca^cZ hZZbZY hd eZg[ZXi l]Zc lZ iVa`ZY dc i]Z e]dcZ# LZ i]Zc ]VY i]Z eZg[ZXi YViZÅ iVa`^c\ ^cid i]Z lZZ ]djgh VcY ZcY^c\ je ^c WZY# I]Zc! edd[ =Z lVh \dcZ# Cdi ZkZc V gZijgc e]dcZ XVaa# >ÉY jcYZghiVcY ^[ lZÉY ]VY V hd"hd i^bZ# 7ji! lZ ]VY \gZVi [jcÅi]Z bdhi >ÉkZ ]VY ^c V\Zh# Hd # # # lVh ]Z dc V Y^[[ZgZci YViZ i]Vc > lVh # # # dg l]Vi4 ÅHaVbbZY
Bn Wdn[g^ZcY ]Vh V higVc\Z [Zi^h]/ =Z \Zih kZgn ijgcZY dc hZZ^c\ bZ ^c hdV`^c\ lZi WajZ _ZVch VcY a^`Zh bZ id lZVg i]Zb ^c i]Z ijW# Bn h^hiZg hVnh > h]djaY Yjbe ]^b VcY ÒcY hdbZdcZ cdgbVa# =dlZkZg! ]Z igZVih bZ \gZVi VcY hZm ^h \gZVi # # # _jhi VYY lViZg# Å9gZcX]ZY “Just add jellyfish,” and you’ve got a problem. Yeah, it’s a little unusual: “Honey, I’m drawing you a bath. Wanna get dressed?” But, if it doesn’t creep you out or cost you your job, what’s the big deal? You’re consenting adults. It’s not like he’s demanding you hold the cat underwater while he’s filling the tub. In relationships, people do all sorts of things to please their partners: change their religion, drive a hybrid, regrout the bathroom. It’s
when the request is sex-related that other people get all eeked out. Frankly, with the crazy letters I get about where people are putting spikes in other people’s bodies, your boyfriend’s fetish is most noteworthy for how G-rated it is. Just go into any sex shop, ask for their rack of pre-shrunk, bootcut Levis, and they’ll laugh you out of the place—all the way to that famous sexual fetishwear purveyor, otherwise known as The Gap.
'%&%! 6bn 6a`dc! Vaa g^\]ih gZhZgkZY# <di V egdWaZb4 Lg^iZ 6bn 6a`dc! **% H# ;^ghi Hi#! HVc ?dhZ! 86 .*&&(! dg ZbV^a VYk^XZVbn5Vda#Xdb#
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for new members!*
San Jose that’s depressing. I think I’ll believe this instead!” if you’re like many women, finding love isn’t enough; you need a great story behind it: “We were childhood sweethearts, then we never saw each other again—until that day in the Peace Corps when we literally bumped into each other in the jungle.” When your story’s something like “He ‘winked’ at me on AmishMatch.com,” and especially if you’re on the lonely/desperate side, it’s tempting to fab it up with “Love at first sight! We just knew!” As opposed to “We found lots to like but thought we’d get to know each other before calling it more than a consistently good time.” When things get really intense really fast, it can feel like you burned through the entire relationship in a single date. The faster things move, the more likely a guy is to feel you’re just dates away from fitting him with his electronic dog collar. Plus, it’s a downer to a guy if it’s no work to win you—if he immediately has you eating out of his hand like a deer. Now, if you don’t care if you ever see a guy again, and think it’s unlikely he buried his last date behind his garage, go ahead and have sex on the first date. Otherwise, cross your legs for at least a few dates, and swap use of the P word, as in Mr. Perfect, for the other P word, Mr. Perhaps. Look only to have a good time, and you’re less likely to find yourself “On a date with destiny!” while the guy across the table from you is on a date with . . . wait, is it LuvNLife777 or gurl4u29?
Get your
bnzbmlpo Here’s a man you could’ve been with forever—if only you’d taken the liberty of cuffing him to the chair in your front room. But, it seemed like the perfect date! Well, maybe his idea of perfection is romancing the hell out of a woman, getting her into bed, and getting outta Dodge. Or maybe, he decided to never see you again, but figured he’d see you naked first. You want to believe “This is love!” not “This is yet another guy who wants to get some while his girlfriend’s on business in Boston.” But, because of a common human cognitive error called “confirmation bias,” you’re prone to pay attention to stuff that suggests “We’re meant for each other!” and ignore stuff that suggests he’s thinking “For about five-and-a-half hours.” The human brain is a shifty little critter. Some evolutionary psychologists believe early humans would’ve been paralyzed by a clear picture of harsh (sometimes sabertoothed) reality, so we evolved the ability to shut down information-processing accuracy in the face of scary or ugly. So, you take in information—wow, funny guy . . . nice Mercedes! . . . hmmm, 11am and he smells like gin. Your brain arranges the positive stuff in lit glass showcases in the front of your consciousness and dumps what you don’t want to know behind boxes in some dusty storeroom . . . leaving you shocked when you finally hear “those three little words,” and they’re “That’s All, Folks!” Beyond your brain’s tendency to say “Gee,
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Working Supervisor
Food Route Sales
Employment Jobs
more than 5 years experience, Carpet shampoo, strip & wax, etc. Valid social security or work permit. 408/260-8066
Realtors Wanted Cal Estates Realty. Now hiring realtors, 80% commission start. Must have active real estate license. Some experience necessary. Tired of boring office meetings? Be your own boss. Work from home with full Broker support. No hidden fees. Call Rich Rodino Broker/Owner. 408/260-2740; 650/948-3085
Need 8 self motivated ppl ready to make $200-500 cash daily. No Sundays. Call (408) 903-8324
Bartender / Cocktail Servers Full Time or 6 AM Part Time shift available. Alex’s 49er Inn, San Carlos & Bascom. Apply mornings only.
Earn Up To $150 Per Day. Undercover Shoppers Needed to Judge Retail and Dining Establishments. No Experience Req’d. Call 1-877-463-7909 (AAN CAN)
Sr Analog Design Engr-SiTune Corp in San Jose. Formulate different Analog/RF building blocks in CMOS process to use in SiTune ICs; design layout of analog blocks; apply principles of elec theory to research/design/dev SiTune products. BA in Elec Engg or rltd+5 yrs exp; or MA in Elec Engg or rltd. Resume: SiTunecorp@yahoo.com
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Media Makeup Artist Training. Ads, TV, film, fashion. One week class. Stable job in weak economy. Details at www.AwardMadeUpSchool.com 310/364-0665. (AAN CAN)
*BODYGUARDS WANTED** FREE Training & Job Placement Assistance for members. No Experience OK. Excellent potential $$$. Full & Part Time. Traveling expenses paid.. 1-615-228-1701. www.psubodyguards.com (AAN CAN)
Call the Classified Department at 408.298.8000 Monday through Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm.
Fax your ad to the Classified Department at 408.271.3520.
Mail to Metro Classifieds, 550 South First Street, San Jose, CA 95113.
Bartender Trainees No experience necessary. Make up to $40 an hour in wages and tips. Meet new people, work in an exciting atmosphere. Call (877) 568-9534 (AAN CAN)
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Queen size, dark blue cover, folds out into bed. Light maple wood In excellent condition. Only $250.00 for set Call 588-8527 Miscellaneous
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our offices Monday through Friday, 8.30am Visit to 5.30pm at 550 South, First Street, San Jose.
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NEW LIVING EXPO Is Looking for Volunteers To Assist With This Premier Show! April 30, May 01 & 02, 2010 at The Concourse 8th & Brannan Streets, San Francisco, CA. In exchange for your time, professionalism, and energy - you’ll receive a 3-Day general admission pass to attend the Expo. Contact Sylvia 707/275-9094, volunteer@newlivingexpo.com, newlivingexpo.com
Reach over 5 million young, educated readers for only $995 by advertising in 110 weekly newspapers like this one. Call Jason at 202-2898484. This is not a job offer.
Voice Lessons
Expand range, flexibility, confidence. Instruction also available for songwriting and guitar. Reasonable rates. Instructor: award-winning vocalist/songwriter, Deborah Levoy. www.deborahlevoy.com 408/275-0802.
The Metropolitain Palo Alto
Monthly and hourly music rehearsal space. Music instrument (fretted and vintage keys) and amplifier service. 650.279.1793
Musician Exchange
Computer Services We SOLVE Computer Problems!! Mention Metro Ad For $20 “Express Computer Tune-Up”
Seeking Singer Local music vets need a singer. Artistic, original, professional attitude. All original music. Influences: Jane’s, X, Sonic Youth, QOTSA. We have a nice recording studio in San Jose and lots of material. For Auditions call 408-691-5394
Computer Repairs for Desktops, laptops, home networks, virus, slow/dead systems, data recovery. Microsoft Certified. Call for free quote!!! Free pickup and delivery. 408-734-3123.
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Learn Guitar from a Pro All Styles, All Ages. Lessons made to have fun. 408/2271585 office. Ask for Jesse.
FREE 6-Room DISH Network Satellite System! FREE HD-DVR! $19.99/mo, 120+ Digital Channels (for 1 year.) Call Now - $400 Signup BONUS! 1-877-415-8163 (AAN CAN)
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Home Services
Miller’s Roofing Specializing in all types of roofs. New, re-roofing & repairs. Licensed, bonded & insured #885018. Call for your free estimate; 408/356-6211; cell 408/455-2075
MARCH 24-30, 2010 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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planet’s mountain ranges have been mapped: the Gamburtsev Mountains, which are buried under 2.5 miles of ice in Antarctica. Recent efforts to get a read on this craggy landscape, aided by a network of seismic instruments, have revealed some initial details about it, including its role in forming the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. I recommend that you regard the Gamburtsevs as an iconic metaphor in the coming months, Aries. They’ll be an apt symbol for one of your life’s featured themes: the discovery and exploration of a massive unknown territory that has been hidden from view.
IVjgjh (April 20–May 20): It’s my opinion that everyone has a duty to periodically check in with themselves to make sure they still are who they say they are. Over time, there’s a tendency for all of us to fall into the habit of believing our own hype. We get entranced by the persona we project. We’re tempted to keep capitalizing on our past accomplishments in ways that lull us into complacency and give us unconscious permission to stop growing. You, Taurus, are in no worse danger of doing this than any of the rest of us. But the coming weeks will be an excellent time, astrologically speaking, for you to do an intensive check-in. <Zb^c^ (May 21–June 20): The odds are higher than usual that you’ll encounter a future soul brother or soul sister in the coming weeks. Potential allies are gravitating toward you, even if neither they nor you are aware of it yet. You’re also likely to brush up against a tribe or team you could benefit from knowing more about. That’s why I’m counseling you to be extra open to meeting people you don’t know. Talk to strangers. Ask your friends to introduce you to their friends. And consider the possibility of skipping over the customary social formalities so you can reveal some of the core truths about who you are right from the start. 8VcXZg (June 21–July 22): Sci-fi author Neil Gaiman sometimes invites his readers to get involved in his creative process. While working on the story “Metamorpho,” for example, he Twittered, “Trying to decide if broccoli is funnier than kohlrabi in a list of vegetables.” When a number of fans suggested “rutabaga” instead, he took their suggestion. (Thanks to The New Yorker for that report.) I’d like to borrow Gaiman’s approach, as you’re entering a phase of your astrological cycle when you’ll have maximum power to shape your own destiny. So here’s my question: What accomplishment would you like your horoscope to say you will complete by May 15? Email me at Truthrooster@gmail.com. AZd (July 23–Aug. 22): From the 9th to the 15th
century, the Khmer empire thrived in what is now Cambodia. Its rulers were regarded as deities who had privileges that common folk didn’t have—as well as special responsibilities. For example, each god-king was expected, according to custom, to engage in sexual relations with a sacred nine-headed serpent every single night, whether he was in the mood or not. (An actual human being usually served as a proxy for the magic snake.) I suspect you may get an inkling of the god-king’s double-edged situation in the coming week, Leo. On the one hand, you’re likely to be presented with the possibility of experiencing uncommonly interesting pleasure. On the other hand, there may be an obligatory quality to it—a slightly oppressive pressure that is fully blended with the bliss.
K^g\d (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): According to the oracular priestess at the ancient Greek shrine of Delphi, whom I consulted in my dream last night, your code phrases for the week are “luminous shadow” and “hidden light.” That was the gist of her entire message; she didn’t provide any more practical clues. But here are some ways I might interpret her prophecy if I were you: What dark place in your life might soon shine forth with a new radiance? Or: What secret beauty is aching to be found? Or: What odd asset have you been concealing for no good reason? A^WgV (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): In my role as moral
sentinel, I strongly urge you not to watch “Telephone,” the music video by Lady Gaga and Beyoncé. It epitomizes everything that’s crazy-making about our culture: brilliantly executed, gorgeous to behold, and perversely seductive, even though its subject matter is degrading, demoralizing, and
devoid of meaning. In my role as a kick-ass educator, however, I encourage you to watch the video at least once. I think you’d benefit from seeing such an explicit embodiment of the crazy-making pressures you’ll be wise to avoid exposing yourself to in the coming weeks. You can find it at tinyurl.com/ycx6p34 or tinyurl.com/ycvkkdz.
HXdge^d (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): “Most of the time, life
does not talk to you,” writes Robert T. Kiyosaki in his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. “It just sort of pushes you around. Each push is life saying, ‘Wake up. There’s something I want you to learn.’” Different people respond in different ways, Kiyosaki says. “Some just let life push them around. Others get angry and push back. But they push back against their boss, or their job, or their husband or wife. They do not know it’s life that’s pushing.” I’m here to tell you, Scorpio, that what he says is particularly apropos for you right now. And I hope that you will neither allow yourself to get pushed around nor blame the wrong source for the push. Instead, make yourself available to learn the lesson that life’s nudging you to pay attention to.
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Richard Gross believes that the recent 8.8 earthquake in Chile was so strong that it shifted the planet’s axis and shortened the length of the day. The amounts were relatively small—three inches and 1.26 microseconds—but it was enough to make “the Earth ring like a bell.” I predict a somewhat comparable seismic shift for you in the coming weeks. The main difference is that yours will not be generated by a painful jolt but rather by a breakthrough that’s half smart and half lucky.
8Veg^Xdgc (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): In a library in Warsaw,
there is a 1,000-plus-page memoir written by my great-great-great-great-grandfather, Leon Dembowski, a close advisor to the last king of Poland. Someday I’ll make a pilgrimage over there, photocopy that family heirloom, bring it back to America, and have it translated into English. The task I envision for you in the coming weeks, Capricorn, has a certain resemblance to mine. I think you will have the chance to uncover a wealth of material about where you came from, but it’ll take a lot of footwork and reinterpretation.
Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): There’s no need for
you to get a T-shirt that says, “Oh no, not another learning experience.” According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you are not about to have an embarrassing stumble that could in retrospect be euphemistically referred to as a “learning experience.” On the contrary, the educational events you’ll be communing with will be pretty pleasurable, and will more closely resemble a hop, skip, and a jump than a stumble.
Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20): I’m inclined to
prophesy that in the days to come, you may be able to read the minds of people whose actions are critical to your success. I also suspect that you will know exactly what to do in order to banish a minor health problem. I’m even tempted to believe that when you gaze into the mirror you will be more intrigued than you’ve been in a while. Have you ever heard a bird sing a song just for you? Did you ever find a small treasure you assumed was lost forever? Developments like those are in the works. There’s only one catch: To get the most out of this grace period, you will have to summon more faith in yourself than you usually do.
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>ÉkZ gZXZcian gZVY XaV^bh i]Vi ldgaY gZhZgkZh d[ e]dhe]ViZh! V b^cZY gZhdjgXZ ZhhZci^Va ^c i]Z egdYjXi^dc d[ V\g^XjaijgVa [Zgi^a^oZg! VgZ gVe^Yan gjcc^c\ dji# I]Z ediZci^Va ^bea^XVi^dch d[ i]^h [VXi! ^[ ^i ^h V [VXi! bV`Z \adWVa lVgb^c\ hdjcY a^`Z V WVX`"WZcX]Zg ^c i]Z :cY dÉ 8^k^a^oVi^dc idjgcVbZci# 8Vc ndj! ^c ndjg kVhi `cdlaZY\Z! h]ZY Vcn a^\]i dc i]Z hjW_ZXi4 >h eZV` e]dhe]dgjh ldgi] ldggn^c\ VWdji! VcY ^[ ^i ^hcÉi! ^h ^i cdi ldgi] ldggn^c\ VWdji a^`Z V gVcYdb lVhe ^hcÉi ldgi] ldggn^c\ VWdji! dg cdi ldgi] ldggn^c\ VWdji a^`Z i]Z ]djcYh d[ ^cZhXVeVWaZ Yddb haVkZg^c\ dc ndjg cZX` VgZcÉi ldgi] ldggn^c\ VWdji4 Å6gXVY^V Now, Arcadia. Let’s not be dramatic. Yes, we face the dread prospect of peak phosphorus. However, we’re also looking at peak oil, peak uranium, peak coal—hell, even peak gallium, a metal used in electronics and solar cells that may have reached peak production eight years ago. The obvious question is, how much worse can things get? Answer: a lot, maybe. Without oil, uranium, or coal we’ll be short of energy, which is bad enough. But without phosphorus we’ll starve. Phosphorus is found in everything from matches to Coca-Cola, but more than 90 percent of the phosphorus we use goes to make fertilizer, where it’s usually mixed with nitrogen and potassium. Phosphorus is a key component of DNA and cell structures and in plants plays an important role in leaf growth, yield, disease resistance, and overall maturity and health. Modern agriculture is heavily dependent on fertilizer. Between 1919 and 1955, about a quarter of all improvement in U.S. crop yields was due to fertilizer. A UN study estimates every pound of fertilizer is responsible for about 10 pounds of cereal grain. You can fertilize with nitrogen and potassium alone, but at considerable cost to your harvest. Rice yields, for example, can fall off 15 percent if you skip phosphorus, and wheat and corn crops could decline even more. In much of the world people don’t have enough to eat as it is; you can imagine the disaster if key crops drop by a sixth. Now for the bad news: the U.S. produces a bit more than 27 million tons per year of phosphate rock, the primary source of phosphorus, and has reserves of about 1.1 billion tons. That means we’ll run out in 40 years. Worldwide the situation is a little better, with about 160 million tons of annual production and 16 billion tons of reserves, enough for 100 years. While that sounds like a decent margin, the global peak, after which production can no longer keep up with demand, may be less than 30 years away. Another problem is that most of the planet’s readily obtainable phosphorus supply is in Morocco (which sits on more than a third of proven worldwide reserves), Western Sahara, China, Jordan and South Africa. Tradewise we’re already in hock to the Arab countries and China, and phosphorus dependency will only make things worse. Even now China is imposing tariffs
on its phosphorus to discourage exports. Spot phosphorus shortages have caused wild swings in price—during 2009, for example, phosphate rock sold for anywhere from $90 to $450 per ton. Are we looking at phosphorus wars? Let’s just say we may see some strategic initiatives, if history’s any guide. The quest for fertilizer was behind an American land grab beginning 150 years ago, when the Guano Islands Act of 1856 empowered U.S. sailors to seize islands around the world for their deposits of nitrogen-rich bird and bat guano. But let’s get back to your question: how does peak phosphorus rate on the panic meter— buzzing wasps or slavering hounds? I’d say yipping Chihuahuas. There’s plenty of phosphate rock available, maybe ten times the amount we can profitably extract using today’s technology. Rising prices will surely make it worth someone’s while to invent better methods, and once that happens we’ll be set for centuries. For example, there’s an enormous amount of phosphate rock in the continental shelf offshore. To get it, all we need are underwater robot miners and a willingness to tolerate massive environmental damage. Problem solved! We can do a few things in the meantime. For example, no-till farming and crop terracing can reduce soil erosion, meaning we’d need less fertilizer to replace what washes away. We can fertilize with animal byproducts and manure, and human waste too. Sewage sludge contains enough phosphorus to prompt the thrifty Dutch to process it for fertilizer. Some approaches are more radical. One excellent source of phosphorus, it so happens, is urine. To harvest this resource, Sweden has rolled out special urine-diverting toilets, which use a partitioned bowl to send urine to storage tanks for phosphorus recovery. What’s the likelihood of retrofitting 105 million American homes to store urine? At the moment, pretty low. But who knows how desperate we’ll get?
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