WIN: Entry to Metro’s 25th Anniversary Bash with
DJs Preston, Whoo, Roque + Ledgendary Stardust Cowboy
A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 01 0 | V O L . 2 6 , N O . 6 | S I L I C O N VA L L E Y, C A | F R E E
Valley Voice
CfZXc Xlk_fi G\k\i EXk_Xe`\c DXcX\ gifY\j k_\ _ldXe`kp Y\_`e[ k_\ j`c`Zfe `e X Yfc[ e\n efm\c g(/ METRO 2010 REDESIGN DEBUT
Solitary Solis
Check This
Scratch This Video
Playwright tired of being Latino pioneer
City turns to donors to fund parks, cops, libraries
The turntablistic cinema of J Rocc
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Metro’s Makeover
METRO SILICON VALLEY A locally owned company.
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y Metroo welcomess letters. Like any gr Metr great eat work should of art, they shou uld be originals—not copies elsewhere. of material sent elsewher e. Please include your name, city of rresidence esidence and daytime number. telephone numb ber. (Phone number will published.) not be published d.) Letters may be edited correct ffor or length and cclarity larity or to cor rect ffactual actual inaccuracies known inaccur acies kno own to us. SanJoseInside = SanJoseIn nside
= via email
Soulless? Soulles ss? If C If Cindy indy (“Carr (“Car arr Talk Taallk With With Cindy Cindy Chavez, C havez,” The The Fly, Fly, April April 14) 14) is is pushing pushing aR epublican n candidate candidate for for a major major Republican ccountywide ountywide seat, seat, she she has has no no soul. soul. C arr h as and and will will continue continue to to help help Carr has tthe he ccause ause of of the the Republican Republican Party Party in in o ur ccounty. ounty. WTF? WTF? our LL.B. .B. JOHNSON JOHNSON
FFallon aallon Idol Idol ““According According to o Chavez, Chaavez, the LiccardoLiccardo P andori-McEnery trinity trinity would run Pandori-McEnery the D A’s office officce behind behind the scenes, scenes, DA’s with R o osen as a their frontman.” frontman.” Rosen If I b elieved d that were were the case, case, believed II’ d almost certainly cerrtainly vote vote for fo or Rosen. Ro osen osen. I’d T om McEner o ry was was the best best damn Tom McEnery ma ayor San Jose Jose o has had in the last mayor 40 years years (the best best since since Thomas Fallon, perhaps?), perhaaps?), and I quite enthusiastic allly voted voted for fo or David Daavvid enthusiastically P andori in 2006. 20 006. But alas, alas, a Sam Pandori Lic cardo endorsement endo orsement of Mr. Mr. Rosen Ro osen Liccardo do esn’t seem very very likely likely to entail entail the doesn’t happ om me described described above. above. I’m happyy outc outcome sticking with Carr. Carr. KEVIN K EVIN O’KEEFFE O’KEEFFE
Taxing T axing a Lessons Lessons Looks llike Looks ike some some good good is is coming coming out out off tthis o his ffracas. racas. (“The (“The Spin Spin of of Spend, Spend,” M etroNews, April April 14). 14). On On the the one one MetroNews, h an nd, fi refighters are are grossly grossly overpaid overpaid hand, firefighters iin nm an ny respects—overtime, respects— overtime, many p ensions, payment payment for for unused unused sick sick pensions, lleave, eave, eetc. tc. On On the the other other hand, han nd, San San JJose ose b lows a wad wad every every year yearr on on blows rridiculous idiculous things, things, even even in in the the face face of of b eing iin n dire dire financial financial straits. straits. With With being tthis his o ngoing dispute, dispute, the the citizenry citizenry is is ongoing llearning earrning quite quite a lot lot about about how how our our ttaxes axes aare re spent spent and and misspent. misspent. GGREG REG HOWE HOWE
LLiberal Liber al H Headlines eadlines What do yyou W ou eexpect xpect fr from om a pa aper with a lib eral bias lik paper liberal likee the M Mer c? (“What’s (“What’s a Megasaurus?” Merc? Sa anJoseInside, April 14) SanJoseInside, HUGH H UGH JJARDONN ARDONN
Noo Mor N Moree Games Ifi find nd iitt aamazing mazzing tthat hat pe people ople fi find nd p aying taxes taxes sso o abhorrent abhorrent ffor or ccivil ivil paying sservices ervvices aand nd social sociall p rogram ms b ut ar re programs but are vvery ery w illing tto o llet et tthe he ggovernment overnment willing d onate ttaxpayer axpayer m onies tto ob illionaires, donate monies billionaires, sso o tthat hat tthey hey could could build build stadiums stad diums an aand nd ssoccer o cer fi oc elds ffor or ttheir heir m illion-dollar fields million-dollar h obbies. W eed m an nufacturing jjobs, obs, hobbies. Wee n need manufacturing jjobs obs tthat hat p ay—not ggames. ames. pay—not TOM BRENT TO MB RENT | SSAN AN JJOSE OSE
I SAW YOU isawyou@ Send us your anonymous rants and raves about your co-workers or any badly behaving citizen— or about citizens you admire. I SAW YOU, Metro, 550 S. First St., San Jose, 95113, or via email.
Which Way Did He Go? @ jXn pfl JAG; f]ÓZ\i# `e pfli :ifne M`Z# \o\dgc`]p`e^ Xcc k_Xk `j nife^ n`k_ JAG; gfc`Zp% K_\i\ `j X cfk f] JXe Afj\ k_Xk ZXe EFK Y\\e j\\e ]ifd k_\ [i`m\iÊj j\Xk f] k_\ gXkifc m\_`Zc\% Dfjk c`b\cp i\jgfe[`e^ kf X [fd\jk`Z [`jkliYXeZ\# efk FE< f] k_\ k_i\\ i\jgfe[`e^ JAG; f]ÓZ\ij ^fk flk f] k_\`i ZXij kf Xjb Xepfe\ fe k_\ jki\\k XYflk Xepk_`e^# Xck_fl^_ \m\ipfe\ fe k_\ YcfZb _\Xi[ Xe[ _\Xij k_\ jZi\Xd`e^# `ejk\X[ ilj_`e^ f]] `e X Ôliip f] jg\\[# _fg`e^ kf ZXkZ_ k_\ g\ijfej# fi g\ijfe `emfcm\[# n_f [ifm\ YXZb kf k_\ _flj\ pfl jkfgg\[ `e ]ifek f] efk Óm\ d`elk\j cXk\i%
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Political Party The patio of San Jose’s Mezcal restaurant was chock-full of local public officials and other political celebs last Friday evening for SAM LICCARDO’s 40th birthday bash/campaign kick-off party. US Rep. ZOE LOFGREN, recently named as a possible candidate to replace Supreme Court Justice JOHN PAUL STEVENS, made a surprise appearance—no word as to whether she ate any of the restaurant’s famous fried grasshoppers. The shindig attracted many candidates: supes candidate TERESA ALVARADO, a Liccardo ally, was in attendance, as was Sam’s controversial new pal, DA contender JEFF ROSEN. Of note was Liccardo’s cake, which featured an image of the downtown councilman dressed up as a bright-pink whoopee cushion—a costume he wore for the 2009 Silicon Valley Turkey Trot. He won that race. Of course, he was younger then.
Flamed on Facebook
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A Facebook group has been launched to attack TIM HENNESSEY, FLY@ the former doorman METRONEWS. COM and security guard challenging for Liccardo’s council seat. The group’s creators appear to come from Hennessey’s primary voter base, the downtown nightclub scene—they occasionally “quote” Hennessey from conversations and quips overheard at local bars. The group features a photo of the wheelchair-riding South Park character who shares Hennessey’s first name, and is no-so-subtly titled: “I Bet This Group Gets More Members Than Tim Hennessey Gets Votes.” For his part, Hennessey’s personal Facebook profile continues to list him as a fan of SARAH PALIN and “Anything About Guns.” And his campaign website? That’s still under construction, as it has been since last summer.
The Big Give =LKLI< =LE;<I AXd\j I\Y\i jXpj k_\ e\n JXe Afj\ GXibj =fle[Xk`fe dXp kXb\ fm\i dX`ek\eXeZ\# Xck_fl^_ k_Xk `j c`b\cp kf jgXib X YXkkc\ n`k_ k_\ Z`kpÊj le`fej%
N`k_ ^fm\ied\ekj ^f`e^ Yifb\# ]fle[Xk`fej Xi\ jk\gg`e^ lg kf _\cg ÉglYc`ZÊ \ek`k`\j 9p JESSICA LUSSENHOP
8D<J I<9<I dXb\j g_`cXek_ifgp jfle[ c`b\ \m\ip[Xp Ycl\$ ZfccXi nfib% Ç@ ]\\c c`b\ @Êd nfib`e^ fe Xe fc[ ZXi#È _\ jXpj% Ç@ ^fk k_\ ZXi (/ dfek_j X^f2 @ nXj XYc\ kf ZiXeb k_\ \e^`e\ X Zflgc\ f] k`d\j `e J\gk\dY\i# FZkfY\i2 @ ^fk dp ^Xj dfe\p cXjk n\\b%È The “old car” is in fact the shiny new San Jose Parks Foundation, which became officially operational on April 1. And whether the endeavor is in truth more black-tie than bluecollar, he at least makes it look easy. The founding director of San Jose Rep, Reber has raised $25 million in his nonprofit career. Following that success, he has reason to expect big things from the nascent nonprofit, which has an initial budget of $350,000. “I expect within three years to be over $1 million,” he says. “I’m designing this like all my other nonprofits, so
that it outlives me by a long shot.” The Parks Foundation is joining the ranks of a handful of Silicon Valley 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundations— along with a steadily lengthening list throughout the country—that support public services with private donor dollars. As tax bases continue to shrink, private foundations are stepping up to fill the void. “It’s something that’s starting to gain hold within police departments as a way to bridge the gap,” says Lt. Ruben Chavez, the SJPD liaison for the San Jose Police Foundation. “It comes up a lot—if we’re going to get a safety item, why doesn’t the city pay for it? There’s just not enough funding for it.” Since its inception in 2006, the Police Foundation has picked up the tab on a number of useful items including Segways, canine bulletproof vests and something called the Eye Ball R1, a softball-size camera that can be thrown, for example, through a window to see where a suspect may be hiding. On the low-tech side, all 350 u 10 squad cars now have a pair of
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
bolt cutters thanks to the foundation. “Normally, we had to call the fire department,” Chavez says. The San Jose Public Library Foundation, which was established in 1987, has been raising money to stock the library branches paid for by a 2000 bond measure. “Our primary focus these days is raising money for everything inside the branch that’s not nailed down,” says executive director Mary McLane. The means books, DVDs, technology, furnishings—everything except staff. Similarly, the San Jose Parks Foundation hopes to fund programs, community centers and capital improvements—and may even tackle park maintenance.
Dire Necessity With a $116 million hole yawning open in the upcoming budget, Reber sees his foundation coming online not a moment too soon. “I will provide support so we do not backslide in terms of the quality of the parks,” he says. The foundations use a variety of fundraising tools. The Police Foundation’s signature event, Bowling for Badges, last year raised about $70,000. The Library Foundation runs capital campaigns for individual branches, and receives grants—most recently $200,000 from AT&T and $246,000 from the Knight Foundation. Parks plans on a combination of grassroots fundraising, grants, corporate sponsorship and fancy fundraisers. The multimillion-dollar
Silicon Valley Education Foundation has big-name corporate sponsors like Cisco and Google. As more and more of these foundations shoulder the increasing burden of keeping up city services, some eyebrows have been raised about foundations crossing the line that separates the public and private spheres. Metro’s Dan Pulcrano, who serves as founding president of the Parks Foundation and board member to the police foundation, says keeping the private entities transparent will be a key. “There’s a risk that rich neighborhoods will get better parks and the donor shopping centers, developers and businesses will get extra police attention. Broad public participation in these bodies reduces the opportunity for elite clubs to get favored access to tax-funded services.” Dr. Lucy Bernholz, a visiting scholar at Stanford University, says there is academic literature on education foundations that shows some inequities in the spending of foundation funds. It depends on how they’re set up, Bernholz says. If money is raised on a school-by-school basis, then, yes, “they exacerbate revenue discrepancy”— that is, wealthier neighborhoods can help their own schools, while schools in less-wealthy areas go begging. Police Foundation founder and nowretired Lt. Scott Cornfield says items are usually chosen before fundraising starts and before anyone could be swayed by who the donors are. Jane Light, library director for the city of San Jose and an
ex-officio member of the foundation board, says that while some branches bring in more donations than others, the money goes into the same pot. “If one branch raises more, they don’t get gold-plated furniture,” she says. Reber says he plans to direct funds based on the answers his donors give on questionnaires asking for their top park priorities, but that he’s “not interested in setting up a competition between parks to see who can raise the most money.” Professor Rob Reich of the Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society at Stanford, raises philosophical questions on the foundation model. “It’s a noble and understandable enterprise,” he says. “[But] there’s a dynamic that people overlook here. You want to apply relevant pressure to either Sacramento or the city or wherever the relevant jurisdiction is to make sure something you regard as a vital public service is funded.” With foundations, he says, “If people aren’t satisfied with the level of services, there’s no one to un-elect, no democratic accountability.” Transparency is particularly newsworthy as of late, after California State University’s Stanislaus Foundation refused to disclose how much it paid Sarah Palin for a speaking engagement, saying it’s exempt from the California Public Records Act. “They should step up and let the people see what they’re doing,” says McLane. “I don’t know what my minimum requirement is [for transparency] because I’ve always done the maximum.”
Interview with Japantown hero and legendary SJSU judo coach Yoshihiro Uchida
Chef Alessandro Cartumini’s favorite chicken recipe
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sv 411 Photo by Stuck in Customs via Flickr.
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Life Inside the Googleplex What happens when Google swallows your life? A new hire at the Internet company is blogging the experience, from waking in his Google apartment to taking a Google car to Google dinner and then Googling home via Google. A Sun veteran, software developer Tim Bray was no stranger to big-company life. But he knew Google enveloped employees on a whole other level, so after his recent hiring he vowed to blog his Google experience “while my eyes remain fresh.” Bray’s write-up was friendly enough, but commenters couldn’t resist comparing the Googleplex to the totalitarian systems depicted in the movie “THX 1138,” the book “Brave New World” and, most fashionably, the TV show “Lost,” which features a crypto-military research project that calls itself “the Dharma Initiative.” And no wonder: Google swaddled Bray from dusk till dawn: • Bray wakes up in his nondescript Google apartment in Mountain View, where he rooms with “a taciturn Czech” who is comically unwilling to discuss his “data security” work. The lodgings are, presumably, temporary quarters.
• Bray rides the Google Bus, enjoying Google WiFi on his way to work, at Google. • Breakfast is at a Google cafe: “I lean to the Google bacon, fresh fruit, a little wee scoop of hash browns, and Google coffee, which is perfectly OK.” • A buddy shows Bray an “out of the way” sushi joint . . . at Google. Sigh. At least it’s “across a couple of Google parking lots which I’ll never find again. It was good. They’re all good.” • 6:30 rolls around, so it’s time for dinner, taken with some office-mates on a picnic table outside a Google cafe. Bray breathes life into his surrounding by carefully taking note of the “slanting California sun” and “knifing California breezes.” Ya, that’ll get old. — RYAN TATE, VALLEYWAG.GAWKER .COM
GlasgowRose: A “little wee scoop of hash browns” is Mountain View–speak for the illicit drugs which keep Googlers down on the farm and coding. onebadclam: I hear the Google bidet is like an angel’s kiss. oh no I di’n’t: This sounds fine. I have a feeling 2 hours inside Wal-Mart HQ would have me scared shitless. breathless: Sure, it all looks happy and colourful now, but it won’t in the dystopian future. Think about your
MyNameIsChris: The worst part is being awoke at 6AM by the Google bugle call.
This Is Apple’s Next iPhone
South Park Character a Hit On Facebook Remember Kip Drordy—the sad, sad little boy from last week’s episode of “South Park,” “You Have 0 Friends”? Well, screw friends—a Facebook Fan page set up to look like Drordy’s profile has attracted more than 100,000 fans.
You are looking at Apple’s next iPhone. It was found lost in a bar in Redwood City, camouflaged to look like an iPhone 3GS. We got it. We disassembled it. It’s the real thing. While Apple may tinker with the final packaging and design of the final phone, it’s clear that the features in this lost-andfound next-generation iPhone are drastically new and drastically different from what came before. What’s new: Front-facing video chat camera,; Improved regular backcamera (the lens is quite noticeably larger than the iPhone 3GS); Camera flash; Improved display.
“You Have 0 Friends” got scads of media attention last week, as the “South Park” kids took Facebook to task over social media obsession and the troubles that it can breed. Drordy served as the episode’s sad catalyst: a boring, friendless boy whose status updates are basically akin to the most mundane of ruminations: “There was a bee in my room.” The page is replete with fan photos and comments, all showing support and devotion to the previously bereft fictional boy. This little cartoon dude is basically the new Norwegian Olympic Curling Team’s Pants. Enjoy it while it lasts, bro. One is indeed living the sweet life when a status update reading, “Drank a glass of water” yields more than 4,000 “likes.” — BRENNA EHRLICH, MASHABLE.COM
What’s changed: The back is entirely flat, made of either glass (more likely) or ceramic or shiny plastic in order for the cell signal to poke through; an aluminum border going completely around the outside; everything is more squared off. Why we think it’s definitely real: We’re as skeptical—if not more— than all of you. We get false tips all the time. But after playing with it for about a week—the overall quality feels exactly like a finished final Apple phone—and disassembling this unit, there is so much evidence that there’s very little possibility that it’s a fake. Imagine someone having to use Apple components to design a functioning phone, from scratch. Pretty much impossible. — JASON CHEN, GIZMODO.COM
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children people! Wait. I don’t intend to have any. /emails his résumé to Google.
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14 An inside look at San Jose politics
Retiredd Judge Retired g La LaDoris aDoris Namedd IPA CCordell ordelll N IP PA 9p 9 p J JESSICA ESS IC A LLUSSENHOP U SS E N H O P
=K<I k_\ fl =K<I k_\ fljk`e^ f] 9XiYXiX 8kkXi[ knf p\Xij X^f# X ]Xcj\$ ljk`e^ f] 9XiYXiX 8kkXi[ kn nf p\Xij X^f f# X ]Xcj\$ jkXik n`k_ :`kp 8l[`kfi :_i`j :fejkXek`e Xe[ X gifcfe^\[ jkXik n`k_ :`kp : 8l[`kfi :_i`j :fejkXe ek`e Xe[ X gifcfe^\[ Ç`ek\i`dÈ g\i`f[ n`k_ J_`mXle Elii\# k_\ Z`kp f] JXe Afj\ Ç`ek\i`d È g\ \i`f[ n`k_ J_`mXle Elii\ \# k_\ Z`kp f] JXe Afj\ ÓeXccp _Xj X e\n `e[\g\e[\ek gfc`Z\ Xl[`kfiÆCX;fi`j :fi[\cc# ÓeXccp _Xj X e\n `e[\g\e[\ek gfc`Z\ Xl[`kfiÆCX;fi`j :fi[\cc# X i\k`i\[ JXekX :cXiX :flekp jlg\i`fi Zflik al[^\ Xe[ ]fid\i X i\k`i\[ JXekX :ccXiX :flekp jlg\i`fi Zfliik al[^\ Xe[ ]fid\i GXcf 8ckf Z`kp ZfleZ`cd\dY\i% G Xcf 8ckf Z`kp Zfl leZ`cd\dY\i% Cordell C ordell sspent pent 19 19 yyears ears o on n tthe he bench aass the bench the fi first rst b black lack woman woman n judge judge iin nN Northern orthern C California allifornia and and was wass tthe he Assistant A ssistant D Dean ean ffor or S Student tudent Affairs Aff ffaairs att S Stanford tan nford L Law. aw. S She he w was ass the the focus focus off a P o PBS BS d documentary ocumentarry ccalled alled Color Color ooff J Justice ustice about about her her detainment detainment in in South S outh A Africa frica aafter fter tthat hatt ccounty’s ounty’s fi first rst human h uman rights rights conference conference iin n 11988. 988. San San Jose Jose P Police olice Offi Officers’ cers’ Association Association president p resident G George eorge B Beattie eattie w wrote rote in in ab blog log post post on on ProtectSan tthat hat ““the the S SJPOA JPOA w was as b barely arrely iincluded ncluded iin n tthe he m most ost rrecent ecent sselection election p process, rocess, eeven ven tthough hough w wee aare re o one ne o off tthe he m main ain sstakeholders tak keholders o on n tthis his iissue. ssue.” IIn n an an email emaiil to to San San Jose Jose Inside, Inside, hee ssaid: h aid: “I “I have have sserious erious cconcerns oncerns aabout bout Ms. Ms. Cordell’s Cordell’s ability ab bility to to b bee iindependent ndependent an and nd o objective. bjective. While While sshe he h has ass a right right tto ob bee aassociated ssociated with w ith community community groups groups that that
have have h historically istorically b been een ccritical ritical and and antagonistic antagonistic tto oo our ur officers, officers, this this should should rraise aise q questions uestions aabout bout h her er ability ability tto o be be objective, objective, just just aass C Chris hris Constantin Constantin w was as cconsidered onsidered b biased iassed because becau use o off his his rrelationships. elationships.” Raj Raj JJayadev, ayadev, tthe he ccoordinator oordinator of of De-Bug, De-Bug, a ggrassroots rasssroots ccommunity ommunity organization organizattion tthat hat iiss o often ften ccritical ritical of of police police conduct, conduct, ssays ays he he does does not not know know m much uch about about C Cordell ordell but but is is feeling feeling aambivalent mbivalent aabout bout h her er appointment appointment d despite espite her her credentials. credentials. “We “We ccould ould have have O Obama bama aass tthe he n next ext IPA, IPA, but but tthat hat d doesn’t oesn’t m mean ean aanything nything if if tthey’re hey’re sstill till cut cut at at the the knees, knees,” h hee says. says. ““The The rreal eal q question uestion ffor or m mee is is whether whether tthe he C City ity Council Council will will allow alllow LaDoris LaDoris tto o do do the the jjob ob she’s she’s supposed supposed to to d do, o, tto o bring bring ssome ome trust trust and an nd dignity dignity back back to to the the complaint complaint p process. rocess.”
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Pierluigi O Pierluigi Oliverio liverio o on n scapegoating scapegoating the the SJPD. SJPD. JJoe oe DiSalvo DiSalvo o on n “progressive” “progressive” education. education.
15 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Felipe Buitrago Buitrago
SILICON ALLEYS GcXpni`^_k FZkXm`f Jfc`j jXpj _\Êj k`i\[ f] Y\`e^ kfc[ _\Êj k_\ ÉÓijkÊ CXk`ef gcXpni`^_k g\i]fid\[Ê Xk Xep ^`m\e `ejk`klk`fe
Seeking Solis 9p GARY SINGH
9FFB F= =@IJK 9 FFB F= =@IJK GcXpni`^_k FZkXm`f Jfc`j [\c`m\i\[ k_\ b\pefk\ jg\\Z_ GcXpni`^_k FZkXm`f Jfc`j [\c`m\i\[ k_\ b\pefk\ jg\\ZZ_ Xk Xk k_\ CXk`ef 8ikj Xe[ :lckli\ Zfe]\i\eZ\ `e JXe Afj\ cXjk n\\b% k_\ CXk`ef f 8ikj Xe[ :lckli\ Zfe]\i\eZ\ `e JXe Afj\ cXjk n\\b%
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Panel P anel sessions sessions took took p place lacce in in tthe he Marriott, Marrriott, while while rreceptions eceptions aand nd p erforman nces went went d own att performances down vvenues enues throughout throughout S an n Jo Jo aand nd at at San tthe he Mexican Mexican nH eritage P laza. F ive Heritage Plaza. Five h eroic o rganizations comprised comprised the the heroic organizations h ost ccommittee: ommittee: MACLA, MACLA, Teatro Teatro host V isión, the the H ispan nic Foundation Foundation of of Visión, Hispanic S ilicon Valley, Val alley, the the Castellano Castellano Family Family Silicon F oundation and and 1stACT. 1stACT. Foundation T hursday’s ceremonies ceremonies k icked Thursday’s kicked tthings hings off off w ith a bang. bang. Vendors Vendors with h awked T -shirts, jewelry, jewelry, F rida Kahlo Kahlo hawked T-shirts, Frida cclutch lutch wallets wallets and and more. more. Playwright Playwright O ctavio S olis delivered delivered tthe he k eynote Octavio Solis keynote sspeech, peech, ttalking alking aabout bout his his work, work, his his ffailures, ailures, h ai is ccreative reative p rocess aand nd his process h ow h e’s ssick ick aand nd ttired ired o eing ttold old how he’s off b being h e’s tthe he ““first first L atino playwright playwright he’s Latino
performed” p erformed” aatt an any ny given given iinstitution. nstitution. T hat sstatement tatement received received a round round o That off aapplause. pplause. A nother h ighlight w ass Malissa Malissa Another highlight was F eruzzi S hriver, cchair hair o he C allifornia Feruzzi Shriver, off tthe California A rts C ouncil, whose whose animated animated Arts Council, sspeech peech rrallied allied tthe he ttroops roops o n a ffew ew on ffronts: ronts: ggetting etting the the arts arts back back into into all all C alifornia K–12 K–12 public public school school systems, systems, California aand nd campaigning cam mpaigning for for the the Arts Arts License License P late P roject. T he A rts L icense P late Plate Project. The Arts License Plate iiss the the C alifornia plate plate that that says says A RT California ART L VR in in front front o now-famous Wayne Wayne LVR off a now-famous T hiebaud picture picture o alm trees al trees o n the the Thiebaud off p palm on lleft eft an nd a sun sun on on the the right. right. Amazingly, Amazingly, and 6 0p ercent o he ccouncil’s ouncil’s ccurrent urrent 60 percent off tthe b udget comes comes from from the the ssales alles and and budget rrenewals enewals of of tthese hese p lates. Currently, Currently, plates. S hriver iiss sspearheading pearheading a campaign cam mpaign Shriver
to get get 1 million million more more folks folks to to sspring pring to for plates plates aatt $ 40 a p op. A fter h er ttalk, alk, for $40 pop. After her Shriver h ad tto o ssplit plit ffor or B everly H ills Shriver had Beverly Hills where sshe he h ad a 33pm pm m eeting w ith where had meeting with Barack O bama’s C ouncil o n tthe he A rts Barack Obama’s Council on Arts and H umanities. and Humanities. At the the cconference, onference, a vvariety ariety o At off panel ssessions essions w ere sscheduled. cheduled. O ne panel were One exam mple: a d iscussion ttitled itled ““Beyond Beyond example: discussion the T ipping P oint: L attinos, P opular the Tipping Point: Latinos, Popular Culture an nd S ocial M edia”” w ass sset et tto o Culture and Social Media” was explore how how the the n ext ggeneration eneration o explore next off Latino aar rtists iiss p roducing w ork tthat hat Latino artists producing work is rreshaping eshap ping tthe he U .S. ccultural ultural m ilieu is U.S. milieu and h ow p op -culture iiss iinterpreting nterpreting and how pop-culture that w ork. O n tthe he d innertime ffront, ront, that work. On dinnertime one eevening vening rreception eception fi lled aan n one filled upstaiirs llevel evel o he T ech M useum. upstairs off tthe Tech Museum. The P lazza G ariballdi rrestaurant estauran nt o n The Plaza Garibaldi on Santa C lara S treet p rovided tthe he ffood, ood, Santa Clara Street provided including an an eexplosively xplosively sspicy picy cceviche. eviche. including The aauthor uthor w ent b acck ffor or m ore. The went back more. Other highlights—and h this is Other importantt—included included performances perfo ormances important—included by T eeatro V isión, i L os L upeños de San by Teatro Visión, Los Lupeños Jose and lo ocal mariachi ensembles Jose local ensembles.. tend Delegates also got a chanc chancee to at attend receptionss at neighb orhood joints receptions neighborhood like Me zcal a Oaxac an rrestaurant estaurant like Mezcal Oaxacan o’s Bar & Bistr o on San and Diablo Diablo’s Bistro Fernando Str eet. Ther as a lo cal Fernando Street. Theree w was local hip -hop gi ig b urboMex at MA CLA, hip-hop gig byy T TurboMex MACLA, public-arrt tour of downtown San a public-art Jose, plus a visit to “Xic ana: Spiritual Jose, “Xicana: Reflection e s/R Refle e xíones Espiritúales ,” Reflections/Reflexíones Espiritúales,” group sh how of Ba ay Ar ea Chic ana a group show Bay Area Chicana artists at th he Triton Museum. In artists the ommitttee t made that sense sense,, the host ccommittee sure to k eeep things in the ’ho od, sure keep ’hood, showc asing San Jose Jose at tractions showcasing attractions n ccattle-car attle- car eeveryone veryone rather than to San Fra ancisco, Sant Francisco, Santaa Cruz or Monterey, as other cconferences onffeerences most Monterey, often do o ou got the ffeeling eeling e the do.. Y You organizerss actually w anted to show organizers wanted ose rather off the ar artt and soul of San JJose gging their shoulders and than shrug shrugging pointing eeveryone veryone to Sant ana R o ow pointing Santana Row e Mall. eat or the Gr Great ““There’s There’s a llot ot o off key key d decision ecision makers makers here, here,” said said MACLA’s MACLA’s Anjee Anjee Helstrup-Alvarez, Helstrup-Alvarez, “which “which means means a lot. lot. It It shows shows off off San San Jose Jose as as an an arts arts and and culture culture destination. destination. We We connected connected the the conference conference to to things things here here in in San San Jose Jose for for them them to to see. see.”
j`c`ZfeXcc\pj 7d\kife\nj%Zfd K\cc d\ XYflk Xe le[`jZfm\i\[ Zfie\i f] k_\ mXcc\p%
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Felipe Buitrago
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 010 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Va This G\k\i EXk_Xe`\c DXcX\ I\X[`e^1 8gi`c )(# .gd DXik`e Clk_\i B`e^ Ai% C`YiXip# Iffd )),Å))0# [fnekfne JXe Afj\ Gi\j\ek\[ Yp1 :\ek\i ]fi C`k\iXip 8ikj Xe[ I\\[ DX^Xq`e\ 9ffb1 ÉN_Xk N\ 8i\Ê2 */* gX^\j2 >ifm\ Gi\jj
@e n_`Z_ fli Xek`$_\if [lZbj `ekf 9c`ebpÊj :XeÊk JXp Cfle^\# ifccj [fne k_\ jki\\kj f] :lg\ik`ef cffb`e^ ]fi b`dZ_` Xe[ nfe[\ij n_Xk `k d\Xej kf Y\ _Xc]$JXdfXe `e J`c`Zfe MXcc\p 9p PETER NATHANIEL MALAE
KIP KF =@>LI< FLK dp 8d\i`ZXe c`]\ fe X c`^_kc\jj Zfie\i f] X ]fli$jkfg$j`^e `ek\ij\Zk`fe `e X iX`ejkfid# *1+) 8%D%# =i`[Xp% @ Zflc[ ^f ]finXi[# YXZbnXi[# i`^_k# c\]k2 `k [f\jeÊk dXkk\i% @ _Xm\ efn_\i\ kf ^f# i\Xccp# Ylk Xifle[ k_\ Z`kp# Xe[ _Xm\ nXe[\i\[ Xcfe^ fe ]ffk Xcc e`^_k% I dropped into a dive bar called Blinky’s Can’t Say Lounge for a drink and a Johnny Cash tune on the juke, ducked past the flashing neon signs of the Blue Noodle Cabaret Club to watch the beautiful Maxine do acrobatic flips on the pole, smiled my way to a table surrounded by fake bamboo and ceramic dragons and ate kimchi and kalbi and poke sashimi and drank Hite beer and Japanese sake in a Korean-owned sushi bar called Ga Bo Ja, hustled down the aisles of a twenty-four-hour Longs Drugs and bought candy and condoms and a discount umbrella with Pokémon dancing on the latex, and am now peering up beyond the BBs of rain to the mad gray mass of clouds above, not in wonderment or gratitude
or even some momentary bout of depression, not in any poor man’s version of self-condemnation, neither contentment nor elation nor anything within that emotional range, but in a strange kind of nothingness that sat somewhere between my head and my heart and had bothered me for much of the day, like a facial tick you’re conscious of but that won’t go away. I sit down on the curb and try to chill a bit; no melodrama in this empty hollow of the city. The rain morphs into silver glitter. It looks like the mist of a late-night horror flic on the tube, the haze of a northernmost California lumberjack town. The sheen on the street is oily smooth, black like the shine of leather, slick like a duck’s wet back on the pond. I can see the streetlights flickering past Lawrence Expressway and through the little borough of Cupertino and shrinking into dots at De Anza College. I’m big and brown enough not to have problems on the streets that I don’t create myself. I could be Mexican or Brazilian or Creole or Persian or mulatto or Afghan, or of darker Mediterranean blood, like Sicilian, Moroccan, Greek, or maybe Serb, and I’m tough to peg with this black and logoless beanie on my head pulled down to the brow, the stalker’s kneelength jacket, blue jeans, and slippers. People can’t figure me out on sight and I’m not sure I could either in a first-ever mirror shot. What I am, by blood anyway, is half Samoan—I’m certain of that—and half American white, which means
20 ‘What We Are’ © 2010 by Peter Nathaniel Malae, reprinted with the permission of the publisher, Grove Atantic, Inc.
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 010 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
alley Life
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
(if it means anything) that my mother is of your typically mixed brew of Euro descent: English, Irish, Pennsylvania Dutch, Italian, and a smattering of French. My father used to take my sister and me to the Samoan churches up at Hunter’s Point, a fifty-minute drive from our house in San Jo. This was just before he left for the islands, when my folks were staking cultural claims on their children, like Soviets and Americans planting flags on the moon. I remember one funeral, a big gala affair. Five days long with hordes of big silent men in black polyester ie lavalavas standing stoic and strong, their mitts crossed just under their bellies. I remember the acreage of carnations and roses in the aisles, right out of a Godfather movie. Whenever someone with your own last name would die, you had the responsibility to prepare your cousin or uncle or sister-in-law for the outer realm with the Good Lord. I remember wondering who would send me or my sister off sixty years in the future, if the event would die out first. If Samoans would even be around. I always felt alone in those churches. I knew that the kids my age and the parents who paid me any attention thought I was diluted, watered down by my mother, too much white blood, an afakasi, a half one. Certain things you can’t reverse, and genetic inheritance is one of them. I couldn’t do much anyway, except be a follower, which I wasn’t
about to do, even then. I only knew rudimentary greetings like Talofa, fa’a fe mai oi? and bad words like ufa kefe, and any time I’d hear some elocutory wisdom kicked off in formal Samoan by a visiting high-talking chief matai, his deep, husky, oracular Polynesian voice somehow gentle in its tone, the pews full of three-hundredpound ladies cooling themselves with woven palm fans, bone-thick youngsters leaning against the walls in red sweaters with red hoods and red picks and red bandannas stuck to their wild black wiry ’fros, my mind would go to my mother, the one person who was more outside this scene than me. The pure foreigner, slight 140-pound white woman from the Northern California suburb of Campbell, California, lost in the unknowable zone of natives. But she was already long gone by then, had bugged out. My sister, a year older, looked Samoan as a girl, still does now as a woman. She even got a Samoan name, Tali. I remember her making fun of me: “Paul! Paul! What a white name!” She used to blend right into those occasions. I remember thinking the obvious back then: They like her because she looks like them. Deep down, and maybe not that deep, we’re all phrenologists who fear the albino chimp. How much of Tali’s simple and predictable personality developed in response to their acceptance? Because she had a group to claim in her formative years, and vice versa? At twelve she was wearing T-shirts that read PROUD TO BE SAMOAN, and I always felt embarrassed at her obviousness. How she could wear something like that around our mother, who had entered those churches with the restless yet timid face of a dog seeing the doors of the vet. Being a half-breed must be part of my problem. When I applied to college out of high school, I didn’t know what to fill in under the category of race. Long distance from American Samoa, my father said over the phone, “Mark Polynesian,” but I couldn’t. Neither could I mark white. I just left the damned thing blank. And that’s exactly how I felt about
21 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Hair Highlights! Tattoos!
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
É@Êd Y`^ Xe[ Yifne \efl^_ efk kf _Xm\ gifYc\dj fe k_\ jki\\kj k_Xk @ [feÊk Zi\Xk\ dpj\c]Ê I quit the daydreaming. I see him spot me from a bus stop across the street, posted up like a light pole. His hightops are out of the 1980s, Velcro straps around the ankle, big Nike swoosh on the tongue. He’s got a hood pulled up over his head, and I can’t find his eyes until he pulls it back and shakes his pointy head in the sprinkling rain. The red and green hair stands out on the ends like a dandelion. From the shoulders up, he looks like a miniature Christmas tree. He looks off and then back at me. He’s on his way over and I don’t move. The distance doesn’t matter; I know what I see way before he reaches me: another suburban zombie on crystal meth. He’s violently itching one hand and then violently switching to the other. He’s gonna rip through his own damned hand, insane. Sort of sad. Not even within five yards he says, “Wassup, brother? Wassup, brother? Wassup?” I say, still not moving, “Wassup, man.” He looks around again. I shake my head. I’ve never used the shit, but I’ve known more than my share of cranksters. Suburb, city, high hills, country, plains, it’s just standard American protocol to see, know, love
but never trust your average tweeker. These cats’ll steal from their own mothers, and even if you know one who won’t, he’s still looking over his shoulder like he already did. Always peeking out blinds, hiding behind dumpsters, hanging up the phone in the middle of a conversation. Hooked on an injection of paranoia. He can’t even lie down in the familiarity of his own bed, close himself off from the world, and trust the blackness behind his eyelids. I say, “You want something, dog?” He hunches his shoulders, plays the mendicant. “Can you help me with some cash? I’m dying over here, brother, I’m dying.” He’s husky-necked, sufficiently fat in the cheeks. Early into his journey to the pit. He smiles humbly and has all his teeth. Cauliflower ears, former high school wrestler. A car drives by and he whips around and then back again. In the glare of a struggling moon, his eyes are spinning like a top, but he’s focusing the best he can to press the sincerity of the issue. “Come on, bro,” I say. “You ain’t dying.” “I’m dying, brother.” “Yeah, dying for a fuckin’ fix.” “No no no no.” He grabs his balls, as if he’s forgotten they were there. He thinks I said fixed. “No, no, brother. It’s okay. I’m all there, man. Right there, that’s right, all there. Everything’s cool, brother.” “Then you don’t need me.” “Trust me, brother, I’m dying. I hear the tinny chimes. Help me! I see the reaper, brother.” “It’s in your head, dog.” “No, no, no, brother. I’m dying!” I sniff in some air, indicating a step back from the conversation. Somehow he reads the insinuation and does just that: one step back, though he doesn’t leave. He’s balancing on the curb, heel to toe, and I’m waiting for him to spill over, then jump up and go sprinting down the street. This is the point where anyone else would leave. Not him. Me. “What the hell,” I say. “I’ll get you some food, man. Come on.” He thinks it over, as if he has a better offer. Then he says, “Okay, brother. Okay. Where do you live?” I laugh out loud, it feels good. The rain comes again, in one big
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
it: blank. Still do, actually, don’t care either way. By now I know that every culture in the world is equally beautiful, equally ugly. The few years of college I could stand convinced me of that. The few years of prison, too. In either place I was an English major with lots of reading time, lots of watching time.
25 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
G\k\i EXk_Xe`\c DXcX\ `ccld`eXk\j k_\ Z_XiXZk\i f] k_\ gcXZ\ Xe[ X^\ n\ c`m\ `e
Fashion Recycled
8 Zfem\ijXk`fe n`k_
<K<I E8K?8E@<C D8C8< `j ni`k`e^ k_\ c`k\iXkli\ f] k_\ J`c`Zfe MXcc\p# Xe[ i`^_k efn _\ `j fe\ f] fecp X ]\n \m\i kf [f jf% @e k_\ mXcc\p# DXcX\ j\\j 8d\i`ZXÊj ]lkli\1 dlck`$ \k_e`Z# _pg\i`e]fid\[# Zfe]lj\[# Zfe]lj`e^ Xe[ jkil^^c`e^ ]fi Xe `[\ek`kp% @e _`j [\Ylk efm\c# N_Xk N\ 8i\ >ifm\ Gi\jj # DXcX\ j\kj GXlc Klj`]Xc\# _`j `ek\cc\ZklXccp Xe[ g_pj`ZXccp ZfdYXk`m\ _\if# fe X Zfcc`j`fe Zflij\ n`k_ Xcdfjk \m\ipk_`e^ XmX`cXYc\ kf Zfcc`[\ n`k_ `e k_\ Jflk_ 9Xp%
Paul is half-Samoan, a former highschool debate champion, an ex-convict and a poet, but in all of these labels he can’t find an identity. His ethnicity is complicated by his light skin, his white mother and his United Nations of stepfathers and father figures. He’s too much of a brawler to fit in as an intellectual, and he’s too much of an intellectual to be mistaken for a thug. Over the course of the novel, he struggles to find his place in the kaleidoscope of cultures, beliefs and wants that is the Silicon Valley. In his search, he winds up in a fight during an immigrants-rights rally in Guadalupe Park, in a foot chase through the Pruneyard, at business meetings in the Fairmont, at lunch in Santana Row
with his estranged sister. He tries to be a man of principles, he tries to stay out of jail, he tries to make a success of himself (first in art, then in real estate), but too often he is unable to manage his disappointment with the world and he cannot hold back his criticism and his venom. Malae grew up in Santa Clara, went to Bellarmine, played football at Santa Clara University and studied literature at San Jose State University. What would appear to be a smooth academic tragedy was punctuated by demons and struggles that have found their way into his fictional characters. In 2007 he published a well-received book of short stories called Teach the Free Man.
SAN JOSE: 1959 w. san carlos 408.292.6100 SAN JOSE: blossom hill rd. 408.269.1000 SANTA CRUZ: 811 pacific av. 831.458.0555
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27 M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -27, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Cultural Collide
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
ÉK_`j k_`e^ nXj g\i]\Zkcp Zlk ]fi k_`j b`e[ f] efm\c# RX kXc\ f] 8d\i`ZXe [\ZXp# X jpdYfc k_ifne dp nXp n`k_flk _Xm`e^ kf Zi\Xk\ `k% @ aljk _X[ kf ni`k\ `k%Ê culturally, as being on the fore of the new American folklore, d.o.a.” N_Xk dXb\j J`c`Zfe mXcc\p jf [`]]\i\ek6 The valley ain’t like New York City, where the 19th/early-20th-century immigrants showed up at [Ellis] and went and built their own communities to keep the integrity of the place they’d just fled . . . hostile to the death toward other cultures. [P]eople came to this valley . . . to get a buck, and what that meant was that because the buck rules, you
will, in fact, sit in the same cubicle 40 hours a week with the very enemy your ma and pa hated and feared. . . . [Y]ou worked a crew with him, you went to Sharks games with him. This is intriguing as a concept because you’re open to the stories of others. It’s empathy. No one in the valley is allowed to not have empathy. But it also has its problems: principally, when your empathy meter is high, your identity meter is low. [Paul’s] crisis, based on the preceding formula, is that by living here in the bay, where it’s a Serengeti of stories, he doesn’t know who the fuck he is. That’s the new American, spinning on his heels, saddled by stories . . . But the idea of place was more than that, too, man, and it goes back to the thematic crisis of the book. He had to be endowed with so much information that for the first time in lit history, you had a protag whose fundamental problem is, “I know too much.” Although the Silicon Valley doesn’t have a monopoly on data anymore, this is the place where data started. I needed a place which dually fed the idea of the big American novel (2006, we’re on our way down: the United States leading the world for the last time, Cali leading the United States for the last time, Silicon Valley leading Cali for the last time) and a haven for the techie stuff that opened up the Brave New World, technologically and economically, that we’re in now. And there was one last thing, and it’s very personal. There is one independent bookstore in San Jo, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale. Excluding Books Inc. in Mountain View and Paly, Kepler’s in Menlo Park, you don’t have bookstores down here which are down for the lit writer, particularly the lit novelist. These people don’t just [not] read because they’re busy playing video games; they also don’t read because there hasn’t been a major novelist writing about it since Stegner’s Angle of Repose. . . . So I wrote the book a little bit to show that you’ve got some legit stories out here that no one else out there can capture, probably some permanent ones, who knows?
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
I asked him how the valley became such a large subject in the book, and he told me that he had read an article asking, “‘Who will be the next Great American Novelist?’” He went on to explain that America is now so diverse that the task is not just to capture the spirit of one culture but the mixing of hundreds. “So I knew I had to get a guy who held a gang of the world’s stories in his system, contradictory stories that seemingly rubbed each other out, which in turn sorta rubbed him out, and that he had to come from the South Bay, which I viewed,
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
PETER MALAE 29 @k j\\dj c`b\ X Y`^ gXik f] n_Xk dXb\j `jjl\j f] `e]fidXk`fe Xe[ `[\ek`kp jf [`]Ó Zlck ]fi GXlc `j _`j Zi`k`ZXc`kp% =fi _`d# Xcc `e]fidXk`fe _Xj kf Y\ le[\ijkff[# Xe[ aljk Xj `dgfikXekcp# al[^\[% ?\Êj jfik f] k_`j `[\Xc`jk n_f `jeÊk i\Xccp jli\ n_Xk _`j `[\Xcj Xi\# Ylk _\Êj gX`e]lccp XnXi\ f] _fn ]\n k_`e^j c`m\ lg kf k_\d% That’s completely right. . . . He’s got a major problem: he can deconstruct the ideal/movement/belief/alliance before he’s even set foot in it, before he’s even looked around the room. That’s the curse, as he views it, of being a highly charged, critical American of this century. . . . You just smash every structure out there: religion, vocation, culture, romance, family, education, etc., until you’re left there standing with nothing to show for except destruction at your heel. That’s a genuine literary crisis—and worth a book. It’s also relatively new. It’s new because this is exactly where we are intellectually now. Intelligence is most often demonstrated in nonbelief, in pointing out the sham (this is also, by the way, a sham because no sufficient replacement is offered). The identity that people choose to have comes by whichever shams they decide to finger. . . . Even though [Paul’s] big-minded, or so he thinks, he’s short on solutions, the shit’s too big to take on and too far in motion, and all these other beings who think they’ve conquered it have just signed on to a kind of self-delusion, really, the kind that makes for easy novels. What I realized writing this novel is that it would be false, and thus unacceptable, to make Paul “likable” or have him concede, as other characters in plenty of other novels do, to some easy sentiment. Although he comes off crass, he’s carrying a lot, man. There’s gotta be a lot of friction in having the kind of head and heart he’s got. He’s good at talking, but he’s bad at doing, really bad, because he’s charged with the manic, immediate, crossed-up energy of the age. Fe\ f] dp ]Xmfi`k\ gXikj f] k_\ Yffb nXj n_\e GXlc \e[j lg Xk C\cXe[ ?`^_ JZ_ffc [li`e^ k_\ Z\i\dfep n_\i\ k_\pÊi\ i\eXd`e^ k_\ ]ffkYXcc Ó \c[ X]k\i GXk K`ccdXe%
GXlc fYm`fljcp _Xj X cfk f] i\jg\Zk ]fi K`ccdXe% K`ccdXe nXj X k_fl^_k]lc ^lp n_f dXeX^\[ kf Ó e[ jfd\k_`e^ _\ nXj n`cc`e^ kf kXb\ k_\ dfjk j\i`flj b`e[ f] jkXe[ fe% 8e[ GXlc _\i\ ilej `ekf Xcc k_\j\ g\fgc\ ]ifd [`]]\i\ek j`[\j kip`e^ kf ZcX`d Xe[ i\[lZ\ K`ccdXe# kip`e^ kf dXb\ _`d `ekf jfd\k_`e^ Yfk_ Y`^^\i Xe[ c\jj k_Xe X g\ijfe% The thing about the Tillman deal is that he provides yet another example—a modern, Silicon Valley version—of someone whose story you can’t believe in. Before his death, after his death, the story is fraudulent because all of these people are sucking off his guts. But that’s not the entirety of the problem with Tillman. Paul addresses something that few people will speak to because of the reverence you’re supposed to have about the fallen: Tillman himself didn’t really know what he was doing. Once he got over there, thrust into the most forward point of a political position, he had big-time doubts about what he’d signed onto. His letter to his brother about enlistment is nothing short of a caveat. In other words, although Paul respects him for taking a stance, he doesn’t quite die, heroically, for the stance, which only reaffirms Paul’s original stance, which is there’s no stance worth dying for anymore. Maybe there never was, but the illusion was reality, and now the curtain’s been pulled. The medal screw-up by the Pentagon only validates this. He died of friendly fire. This discounts heroism. Yet he got a Silver Star for valor. And then his family undercuts the story by calling for an investigation, while still keeping the medal which was not, as their dispute insinuates, awarded judiciously. They’re furious about losing their son, but they won’t give back the medal, see? At no point is there a point to latch onto the story. It’s being deconstructed as it goes along, everyone feeding off the guy to hold onto how they view the world. I\X[ dfi\ f] k_\ DXcX\ `ek\im`\n fec`e\ Xk D\kifXZk`m\%Zfd
31 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Felipe Buitr B ago Buitrago
Meal on The Square ?FK JKL== ? FK JKL== JXe JXe G\[if JhlXi\ 9`jkif Xe[ N`e\ 9XiĂ&#x160;j gXe$ifXjk\[ dljj\cj G\[if JhlXi\ 9`jkif Xe[ N`e\ 9XiĂ&#x160;j gXe$ifXjk\[ dljj\cj
@e X j\kk`e^ k_XkĂ&#x160;j aljk i`^_k# @e e X X j\kk`e^ jj\kk`e^ k_Xk k_XkĂ&#x160;j al ljk i`^_k# ljk i`^_k JXe G\[if JhlXi\ 9`jkif JX Xe G\[if JhlXii\ 9`jkif Xe[ N`e\ 9Xi j\im\j ]ff[ k_XkĂ&#x160;j Xe[ e[ N``e\ 9Xi j\iim\j ]ff[ k_XkĂ&#x160;j Ă&#x201C;e\ Ylk leX[m\ekliflj Ă&#x201C;e\ Ylk leX X[m\ekliflj 9p 9 pS STETT T ET T HOLBROOK H O L B RO O K
8E G<;IF JhlXi\ 8E G<;IF JhlXi\ 9`jkif Xe[ N`e\ 9Xi 9`jk kif Xe[ N`e\ 9Xi \o\dgc`Ă&#x201C;\j k_\ \ \o \d dgc`Ă&#x201C;\j k_\ gifd`j\ Xe[ gifYc\d gi ifd d`j\ Xe[ gifYc\d n`k_ JXe Afj\ [`e`e^% n`k_ J Afj\ [`e`e^% JXe First, F irst, tthe he p promise. romise. T The he rrestaurant estaurant makes spacee on a m ak kes go ggood od use u of a ccool us ool spac street side str eet just jusst off Santa ju Santa Clara Street. Street. Inside id the h small sm m ll mall l dining di i room, room, the h handsome ome interior i terior int ter with its dozen or so ttables ables feels able feels eels casual casual yet yet reďŹ ned. reďŹ ned. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ther ereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2122; an n outdoor outdo ou tdoor patio. patio. The offers menu off men ffeerrs a quick ff qu tour of upscale upscale American Americ Am an and d French Frrench comfort comffo ort classicsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;steamed classicsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; sâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;steamed mussels, mussels, grilled salmon, mon braised braised lamb shank, steak
an and nd fritesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;with a ffew ew A Asian sian dishe dishes es tossed measure. Service to ossed in for fo or good good measur e. Ser vicce is fast, accommodating. fa ast, friendly and ac commodatingg. San This is how urban dining in Sa an be: attractive spaces, JJose o should b ose e: at tractive spac es, indoor-outdoor seating,, no at attitude titu in ndoor- outdoor seating ude and Pedro Squaree an nd good good ffood. ood. San P edro Squar Bistro spadesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;except Bi istro has it all in spadesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; exceptt ffor or o that part. thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s th hat last par t. The ffood. ood. And that tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the th he problem. problem. The most interesting interestin ng ffood ood in downtown San JJose ose is ffound ou o und in n so-called so - called ethnic rrestaurants. estaurants. But B Bu ut when h it i ccomes omes to the h upscaleupscale lestyle American Mediterranean st tyle Americ an and Mediterranea an rrestaurants e aurants downtown, San JJose est ose falls f ďŹ&#x201A;at. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ďŹ&#x201A;a at. It â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s as if the cit yâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rrestaurants estaurants aspire moree than as spire to nothing mor pleasing gastronomically pl leasing gastr onomically timid, trips. M Midwestern men on business trip ps. saying Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not sa ayying that downtown n
needs a bunch of French Fren nch Laundryâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; Laundryâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; type looking type restaurants. restaurants. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m just j looking for fo or a few few chef-owned cheff- owned restaurants resttaurants that serve serve distinctive distinctive food food and that ttake ake full advantage advantage of the wealth w of local local farms, farms, ranches, ranches, creameries, creameries, breweries breweries and wineries. wineries. The food food at San Pedro Ped dro Square Square Bistro had a good Bistro is not bad. I had good crab-cake crab - cake sandwich. Too Too often, restaurants restaurants skimp on the crab and go heavy heaavvy on the bread bread d crumbs. crumbs. San Pedro Pedro Square Square Bistroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bistroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crab-cake crab - cake burger burger ($11) was was crisp outside with lots of crab inside. inside. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s served served on a soft burger burger bun with tangy tangy lemon aioli, watercress, watercress, tomato tomaato and some really really great great garlic fries. friess. The sizzling sizzling Cornish Cornish h game hen ($9) is one of the restaurantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s restaurant a â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s signature signature items. items. Few Few restaurants restaurants serve serve the midget chickens chick kens anymore, anymore, but b San Pedro Pedr d o Squareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Squareâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s version version i was was decent decent with its crispy, crrispy, honeyhoneygarlic-butter-infused garlic-butter-infused skin. skin. The house and Caesar Caesar salads salaads (both (both $8) were were sparingly dressed dressed d with househouseprepared weree the prepared dressings. dressings. Those Th hose wer most interesting interesting things thinggs I had. The wild mushroom mushroom m crostini crostini ($6)
contained contained no wild mushrooms, mushrooms, just sauteed sau eed button, bu utton, u o , shiitake shiitaake and a d crimini c mushrooms mushroom ms on toasted bread bread ($6) with a cube cub be of less than melted Brie on top. top. The Th he roasted roasted mussels ($12) with clo cloves ves e of slow-cooked slow- cooked garlic ďŹ&#x201A;oating in n the buttery buttery broth broth were were decent. seared decent. The Th he sear ed scallop scallop appetizer appetizer ($12) was was a clumsy clumsy but decent decent dish: fat sea sc scallops alllops pan-fried a dark brown brown and d served served atop a layer laayer of mashed p potatoes o atoes and a pool ot pool of lemon beurre beu urre blanc sauce. sauce. The pan pan-seared n-seared cubes cubes of ďŹ let mignon ($14) ($ $14) appeared appeared to be be the restaurantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s restauranttâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s take take on shaking beef, beeff, a dish madee famous by by San Franciscoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Franciscoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Slanted Door Do oor restaurant. restaurant. Here, Here, it was was a mound mou und of tender cubes cubes of meat piled d between between a tangle tangle of watercress watercresss and garlic jasmine rice. rice. The braised braised lamb shank stew stew ($21) arrived arriv ed in a nearly boiling boiling vat of red red wine sauce sauce thickened thickened with barley, barley, mushy mush hy pearl peaarl onions and ďŹ&#x201A;avorless ďŹ&#x201A;aavorless baby baby carrots. carrots o . The lamb itself was was tender, tender, but bu ut the sauce sauce drowned drowned out any meatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s any of the meat â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s subtleties. subtleties. As As a wine win ne bar, bar, the restaurant restaurant has a lengthy length t y list of wines by by the bottle, bottle, butt for for o me a wine bar is a place place to discover diiscover new new wines via the list of wines wines by by the glass, glass, but the restaurantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s restauranttâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s selection doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stray straay very very far off ff the familiar path. path The desserts dessserts (all $6.75) are are predictable predictable (tiramisu, chocolate chocolate torte, crème torte, cheesecake, cheeesecake, cr ème brĂťlĂŠe, brĂťlĂŠe, etc.), etc.), but they they are a e made in-house and ar pretty good. pretty go od. The food food at San Pedro Pedro Square Square Bistro Bistro is ďŹ ne. ďŹ n ne. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s OK. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s solidly not bad. It Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nicee plac placee to hang out. â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a nic But San Jose Jose o has enough run-of-therun- off-the - mill restaurants. restau urants. I want want something better. better.
JXe G\[if JhlXi\ 9`jkif Xe[ N`e\ 9Xi jgjY`jkifn`e\YXi%Zfd )' E% 8cdX[\e 8m\%# JXe Afj\ ((XdĂ&#x2026;*gd Xe[ ,Ă&#x2026;0gd DfeĂ&#x2026;=i` Xe[ ,gdĂ&#x2026;Zcfj\ JXk =i\eZ_ Xe[ 8d\i`ZXe ()Ă&#x2026; ).
33 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E TR OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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Fli j\c\Zk`m\ c`jk f] Xi\X Fli j\c\Zk`m\ c`jk f] Xi\X i\jkXliXekj `eZcl[\j X i\jkXliXekj `eZcl[\j k_fj\ k_Xk _Xm\ Y\\e e ]XmfiXYcp i\m`\n\[ `e k_fj\ k_Xk _Xm\ Y\\e ]XmfiXYcp i\m`\n\[ `e gi`ek Yp D\kif ]ff[ Zi`k`Zj Z Xe[ fk_\ij k_Xk _Xm\ gi`ek Yp D\kif ]ff[ Zi`k`Zj Xe[ fk_\ij k_Xk _Xm\ Y\\e jXdgc\[ Ylk ef fk i\m`\n\[ `e gi`ek% 8cc Y\\e jXdgc\[ Ylk efk i\m`\n\[ `e gi`ek% 8cc m`j`kj Yp fli ni`k\ij Xi\ dX[\ Xefepdfljcp p# # m`j`kj Yp fli ni`k\ij Xi\ dX[\ Xefepdfljcp# Xe[ Xcc \og\ej\j Xi\ \ gX`[ Yp D\kif% Lg[Xk\j Xe[ Xcc \og\ej\j Xi\ gX`[ Yp D\kif% Lg[Xk\j ]ifd m`^`cXek i\X[\iij Xe[ c`jk\[ i\jkXliXk\lij ]ifd m`^`cXek i\X[\ij Xe[ c`jk\[ i\jkXliXk\lij Xi\ _\Xik`cp \eZfliX X^\[2 gc\Xj\ jlYd`k m`X Xi\ _\Xik`cp \eZfliX^\[2 gc\Xj\ jlYd`k m`X \dX`c kf j_fcYiffb7 7d\kife\nj%Zfd% \dX`c kf j_fcYiffb7d\kife\nj%Zfd%
San Jose Jose ¿book oonline ¿book nline aatt
AMATO’S AM ATO’S SSandwich andwich sshop. hop. $. $. The The sandwiches sandwiches make make for for greasy, greasy, sloppy, sloppy, ferociously ferociously delicious delicious eating. eating. There There are are 34 34 varieties, varieties, categorized categorized in in three three groups: groups: hhot, ot, ccold, old, sspecialty. pecialty. Mon-Fri Mon-Fri 10am-11pm, 10am-11pm, Sat Sat 10am10am9pm, 9pm, Sun Sun 10am-7pm. 10am-7pm. 1162 1162 Saratoga Saratoga Ave. Ave. 408.246.4007. 408.246.4007. AMBER IND INDIA IA N Northern orthern Indian, Indian, tandoori. tandoori. $$. $$. The The sister sister to to the the popular popular Mountain Mountain View View restaurant, restaurant, Amber Amber India’s Row India’s SSantana antana R ow llocation ocation continues continues to to offer offer elegantly elegantly prepared prepared Indian Indian cuisine cuisine in in a stylish stylish setting. setting. 11:30am-2:30pm, 11:30am-2:30pm, 5-10pm, 5-10pm, Mon-Thu. Mon-Thu. noon-3pm, noon-3pm, 5-10:30pm 5-10:30pm Fri-Sat, Fri-Sat, noon-3pm, noon-3pm, 5-10pm 5-10pm Sunday. Sunday. 377 377 Santana Santana Row. Row. 408.248.5400. 408.248.5400. B.B.’S B .B.’S SM SMALL ALL W WORLD ORLD CCAFÉ AFÉ F Filipino Filipino and and Italian. Italian. $$. $$. This This is is the the kind kind of of food food you you could could imagine imagine your your grandmother grandmother serving serving if if she she happened happened to to be be Filipino Filipino and and had had an an affection affection for for Italian Italian food. food. B.B.’s B.B.’s is is open open for for lunch lunch and and dinner, dinner, but but lunch lunch seems seems to to be be the the bigger bigger draw. draw. Prices Prices are are low, low, and and the the many many steam steam table table items items mean mean the the food food is is ready ready right right away. away. 11am11am3pm 3pm and and 5-8pm 5-8pm Mon-Fri; Mon-Fri; 11am-4pm 11am-4pm Sat. Sat. 2561 2561 N. N. First First St. St. 408.383.9135. 408.383.9135.
BANGKOK B ANGKOK T TASTE ASTE TThai. hai. $ $$. $. Humble mall with H umble sstrip trip m all ggem em w ith a Beef Pi-Roj lloyal oyal ffollowing. ollowing. B eef P i-Roj iiss a hhouse ouse ffavorite. avorite. Veggies Veggies llove ove tthe he Rama Mon-Fri, R ama tofu. tofu. 11am-3pm 11am-3pm M on-Fri, 55-9:30pm -9:30pm daily. daily. 11769 769 Blossom Blossom Hill Rd. H ill R d. 4408.358.2525. 08.358.2525.
BILL’S BI LL’S CCAFÉ AFÉ D Diner. iner. $. $. SServing erving only only breakfast breakfast and and lunch, lunch, Bill’s Bill’s knows knows its its way way around around typical typical diner diner standbys—eggs standbys—eggs (scrambles (scrambles and and hollandaisehollandaiselaced laced “benedictions”), “benedictions”), pancakes pancakes and and expertly expertly grilled grilled sandwiches sandwiches
and and burgers. burgers. 6:30am-3pm 6:30am-3pm daily. daily. 302 302 N. N. Bascom Bascom Ave Ave (at (at Naglee). Naglee). 408.287.2455. 408.287.2455.
CCASABLANCA’S ASABLANCA’S CAFÉ CAFÉ M Middle iddle Eastern. Eastern. $$. $$. Casablanca’s Casablanca’s Cafe Cafe is is not not going going to to win win any any awards awards for for atmosphere atmosphere or or restaurant restaurant design. design. But But it it should should win win awards awards for for its its falafel. falafel. In In addition addition to to wonderfully wonderfully creamy creamy hummus, hummus, tangy tangy tahini tahini sauce sauce and and pickled pickled red red cabbage, cabbage, the the falafel falafel deluxe deluxe is is gilded gilded with with strips strips of of baked baked eggplant, eggplant, fried fried cauliflower cauliflower and and fried fried potatoes. potatoes. IfIf you you like like it it spicy, spicy, the the ribbon ribbon of of shatta shatta (hot (hot sauce) sauce) delivers delivers a blast blast of of chile chile pepper pepper heat. heat. 10am-9:30pm 10am-9:30pm daily. daily. 1185 1185 Lincoln Lincoln Ave. Ave. 408.993.8636. 408.993.8636. CCITRUS ITRUS N New ew American. American. $$$. $$$. In In Santana Santana Row’s Row’s chic chic Hotel Hotel Valencia, Valencia, Citrus Citrus peels peels back back the the hotel hotel dining dining myth. myth. Here, Here, diners diners match match their their own own main main dishes dishes with with their their choice choice of of rub, rub, sauce sauce and and side side dish. dish. Fun Fun continues continues in in skilled skilled desserts. desserts. 5:30-9:30pm 5:30-9:30pm Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. 355 355 Santana Santana Row. Row. 408.423.5400. 408.423.5400. CCOCOLA OCOLA French French bakery. bakery. $ $.. Cocola Cocola is is a fine fine place place to to while while away away an an afternoon afternoon sipping sipping tea tea and and sampling sampling a pear pear tart tart with with vanilla vanilla custard custard and and slivered slivered almonds. almonds. For For heartier heartier fare, fare, try try the the gourmet gourmet sandwiches. sandwiches. 8am8am11pm 11pm Sun-Tue, Sun-Tue, 8am-noon 8am-noon WedWedSat. Sat. 333 333 Santana Santana Row Row #1045. #1045. 408.551.0018. 408.551.0018. CCONSUELO ONSUELO Mexican. Mexican. $$. $$. Good Good regional regional Mexican Mexican food food made made with with lesser-known lesser-known ingredients ingredients in in an an attractive, attractive, upscale upscale atmosphere. atmosphere. The The food food is is served served tapas tapas style style and and meant meant to to be be shared. shared. Fantastic Fantastic tequila tequila list. list. 11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, 11am-11pm 11am-11pm Sat, Sat, Sun Sun 11am11am11pm. 11pm. 377 377 Santana Santana Row Row #1125. #1125. 408.260.7082. 408.260.7082. THE T HE CCOUNTER OUNTER Hambur Hamburgers. gers. $. The Counter takes the quintessential American burger burger and turns up the
¿= book online $ = $10 $$ = $11-$15 $$$ = $16-$20 $$$$ = $21 and up Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages
Americanness by letting diners choose from from dozens of options to build a custom burger. burger. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm MonThu, 11am-11pm 11am-11pm Fri-Sat and noon-9pm noon-9pm p Sun. 3055 Olin Ave Ave #1035 (Santana Row), San Jose, 408.423.9200. And 369 California Ave, Palo Alto, California A ve, P alo Al to, 650.321.3900.
CRAWDADDY CR AWDADDY CCajun. ajun. $$. $$. CCrawdaddy rawdaddy sspecializes pecializes iin n bboiled oiled flown llive ive ccrawfish rawfish fl own iin n ffrom rom mud LLouisiana. ouisiana. TThe he m ud bbugs ugs aare re sserved erved ssteaming teaming iin n a pplastic lastic bbag ag sswimming wimming iin n a bbuttery, uttery, ggarlic-laced arlic-laced ssauce auce tthat hat rranges anges mild ffrom rom m ild ttoo rridiculously idiculously hhot. ot. Mon-Fri 33-10pm -10pm M on-Fri aand nd noonnoonRd. 110pm 0pm SSat-Sun. at-Sun. 7779 79 SStory tory R d. 4408.286.2729. 08.286.2729.
DEEZI’S D EEZI’S CAFÉ CAFÉ PPersia. ersia. P Persian. ersian. $$. $ $. Deezi Deezi is is a hearty hearty lamb lamb sshank hank sstew tew aand nd iit’s t’s quite quite good good hhere. ere. But But the the soul soul ooff menu menu is is tthe he kebabs, kebabs, and and tthe he koobideh koobideh kkebabs ebabs are are outstanding. outstanding. Made Made from from ground ground bbeef eef blended blended with w ith puréed puréed onions, onions, garlic garlic and and vvarious arious sspices, pices, the the skewered skewered aand nd grilled grilled meat meat stick stick is is bbeautifully eautifully ggrilled rilled and and ssoo tender tender aand nd juice-filled juice-filled it it squirts squirts when when yyou ou bite bite down down on on it. it. The The joojeh joojeh ((chicken) chicken) kebab kebab scores scores as as well. well. Try Try the the fresh fresh made made ddogh ogh (a (a yyogurt ogurt drink). drink). 111:30am-9:30pm 1:30am-9:30pm Mon-Thu M on-Thu aand nd 111:30am-10pm 1:30am-10pm Ave. SSat-Sun. at-Sun. 1312 1312 Saratoga Saratoga A ve. 4408.244.0300. 08.244.0300.
DI DA DA VVietnamese ietnamese vvegetarian. egetarian. $. $. Quick, Quick, friendly friendly service service and and a comprehensive comprehensive menu, menu, with with food food tthat’s hat’s simple, simple, low-key low-key and and homey. homey. The The jackfruit jackfruit salad salad is is surprisingly surprisingly fresh, fresh, sided sided with with a chile-tamarind chile-tamarind sauce. sauce. 9am-9pm 9am-9pm daily. daily. 2597 2597 Senter Senter Rd. Rd. 408.998.8826. 408.998.8826.
377 3
K_\ e\n GXjf IfYc\j N`e\ :flekip >iXe[ KXjk`e^ Kfli Z\c\YiXk\j k_\ jkXk\Ă&#x160;j ]Xjk\jk$^ifn`e^ n`e\ i\^`fe
@E< CFM<IJ dXp i\d\dY\i k_\ XeelXc \m\ek k_Xk Yifl^_k n`e\j ]ifd GXjf IfYc\j lg `ekf fli e\`^_Yfi_ff[% =`ijk ZXcc\[ GXjj`fe ]fi GXjf# k_\e 8 KXjk\ f] GXjf N`e\j# `k nXj gif[lZ\[ Yp BXi\e Xe[ Kf[[ 9i`XĂ&#x2020;n_fj\ g\ijfeXc Zfee\Zk`fe kf Yfk_ Xi\Xj `ejg`i\[ k_\`i J`c`Zfe MXcc\p&GXjf jldd`kjĂ&#x2020;]ifd )''+ kf )''/# Ylk `j fe `e[\Ă&#x201C; e`k\ _`Xklj efn k_Xk k_\`i :\ekiXc :fXjk 9flk`hl\ N`e\j _Xj Y\\e Yfl^_k Yp X Y`^^\i [`jki`Ylkfi% And yet, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not over between north San Luis Obispo County and the South Bay. Stepping in to ďŹ ll the void is the PASO ROBLES WINE COUNTRY ALLIANCE, which had been an early sponsor of Passion for Paso. In fact, Alliance communication manager CHRIS TARANTO was up at the ďŹ rst Paso event at Mountain Winery, and now heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s returning with the PASO ROBLES WINE COUNTRY 2010 GRAND TASTING TOUR, which lands at the Quadrus Conference Center in Menlo Park on Thursday, April 22. The PRWCA has actually been doing this tour since 2005, but this is the ďŹ rst time itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s passed through Silicon Valley. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We normally take it out of state,â&#x20AC;? says Taranto. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This year, our wineries told us, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Stay in state, letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s concentrate on where we have a strong foothold.â&#x20AC;? The tour already had a successful date in San Diego and will have hit Sacramento before coming to Menlo. Taranto says the format is much like the Briasâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; event, with a trade tasting in the afternoon and a consumer tasting in the evening, featuring more than 30 Paso Robles wineries and 150 wines. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also a seminar at 1pm that will discuss â&#x20AC;&#x153;Paso: The High/Low Split,â&#x20AC;? using three wineriesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;ANCIENT PEAKS, CLAYHOUSE and J. LOHRâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;to examine how the current thirst for â&#x20AC;&#x153;midshelf â&#x20AC;? wine has made Paso Robles the fastest-growing wine region in California. Basically, what it means is that more consumers are discovering that $30 will get you an entry-level wine in Napa but an upper-tier wine in Paso, where most wines run in the $20â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$30 range. A Paso wine at $30 may be as good as a Napa wine at $60, and that ďŹ gures into a lot of wine consumersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; thinking these days. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our quality to value ratio is very high,â&#x20AC;? says Taranto. Ă&#x2020;Jk\m\ GXcfgfc`
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M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -27, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Paso Pit
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Moree dining Mor dining coverage coverage
Spring Steps
?< J@>EJ f] jgi`e^ `e J`c`Zfe MXcc\p \ok\e[ Y\pfe[ Ycfjjfdj Xe[ nXid\i n\Xk_\i% K_\ Jflk_ 9XpÊj i\jkXliXek jZ\e\ Xgg\Xij kf Y\ kf nXid`e^ lg X]k\i X cfe^# Zfc[ i\Z\jj`feXip Z_`cc% @e dp m`j`kj kf J`c`Zfe MXcc\p i\jkXliXekj# @Êd jkXik`e^ kf j\\ jfd\k_`e^ @ _Xm\eÊk j\\e `e X cfe^ k`d\1 Zifn[j% @e jfd\ i\jkXliXekj @ XZklXccp _Xm\ kf dXb\ X i\j\imXk`fe% ?Xj \Zfefd`Z i\Zfm\ip ÓeXccp Zfd\ kf J`c`Zfe MXcc\pÊj i\jkXliXek jZ\e\6
CIN-CIN co-owner and wine director LISA RHORER thinks so. She says business at her Los Gatos restaurant and wine bar is up about 20 percent over last year. The key to success in these challenging times has been innovation and creativity—a restaurant that’s simply waiting for things to get better and not making adjustments to what it does is going to have trouble, she says. “Our strategy is looking at this as a challenging time, but in a fun way,” she says. “We think: ‘How can we think outside the box?’ We do a lot of wine-tasting events, focusing on different varietals. We also have a retail license so we can sell wine. . . . We’re constantly looking at menu changes. We’re constantly thinking of the next fun thing that will bring our customers here.” But she is noticing that customers expect more from restaurants when they do go out. “That means that your food, wine and cocktail offerings have got to be innovative, and your staff has to be well trained—and also your product offering—because people are more critical about where their money is being spent. Anyone who is in customer service is seeing that there is a different customer out there, a wise customer who doesn’t want to part with their money. So you have to show them your value and what differentiates you from the rest.” REPOSADO general manager JOHN OYARZUN is happy to point to a 30 percent boost in business over last year. He says part of the reason for their growth is improvements in service and management. At Mountain View’s CASCAL, general manager Brad Daly feels fortunate to be doing as well as they are. Business is up from this time last year, especially corporate parties, but dinner too. Downtown San Jose seems to have been particularly hard hit by the recession but things are looking up at MORTON’S STEAKHOUSE. General manager MARGARET ELKINS says business is up 12–15 percent from this time last year and the restaurant is in the last stage of construction on a new 100-seat dining section. “If we weren’t confident the economy would pick back up, we wouldn’t have pursued the expansion of the restaurant,” she says. Not everything is rosy. Last year, when I spoke to 71 ST. PETER co-owner and chef LUIS RODRIGUEZ, things looked grim. When I spoke to his sister and business partner, LAURA RODRIGUEZ, last week she said things were definitely looking up until April came around; the first two weeks were the worst in the history of the restaurant. But she’s optimistic things are going to turn around, especially if the Sharks do well. Home games at the nearby HP Pavilion are always good for business, she says. “Hopefully, next week we’ll start getting back into the swing of things,” she says. ÆJk\kk ?fcYiffb
EL HABANERO Cuban and Mexican. $$. The Cuban food is the star here. The food is made from family recipes and has a hearty, homespun appeal. Ropa vieja is a classic of Cuban cooking and the stewed beef dish is a solid choice here as is the oily but delicious vaca frita is another winner. Appetizers are strong, too, but skip the disappointing Cuban sandwich. 11am-9pm daily. Closed Monday. 3132 Williams Rd. 408.557.8914.
EL TULE Mexican. $$. Most of the menu is devoted to Mexican-American standards, but the separate menu of Oaxacan specialties is where El Tule really shines. The black mole is uncommonly delicious while lesser-known dishes like tlayudas and molotes are also good. 10am9pm daily. 5440 Thornwood Dr. 408.227.1752.
FISH MARKET Seafood. $$$. This latest terrific-looking member of the dynasty attracts lines of customers to its bars— wine, sushi, oyster—with an extensive menu of fresh seafood. Luscious desserts too. Full bar. 11am-9:30pm M-Thu, 11am-10pm Fri-Sat, noon9:30pm Sun. 1007 Blossom Hill Rd. 408.269.3474.
FLOWER FLOUR French bakery. $. Mimi Brown’s flower shop/bakery charms visitors with freshly made to-droolfor pastries, ready-to-go sandwiches and service with a smile. 8am-6pm Mon-Sat, 8am-4pm Sun. 896 Willow St. 408.279.0843. FOOD TOPIA Chinese and Taiwanese. $. Food Topia serves a great, low priced menu of Taiwanese and Chinese food in atmosphere welcoming to nonChinese. Go for the beef noodle soup, pickle and fish fillet soup and the fried chicken roll. No alcohol served. 1600 S. De Anza Blvd. 408.873.7628.
FRANKIE, JOHNNIE, & LUIGI TOO! Family Style Italian. $$. Traditional Italian-American favorites—spaghetti and
pizza—served with plenty of elbow room. Big portions and wholesome family-style service. 11am-9:30pm SunThu, 11am-9:30pm Fri-Sat. 5245 Prospect Rd, San Jose. Full Bar. 408.446.9644.
FRATELLO Italian. $$. Bursting with simple flavors, Fratello boasts native Italian dining without affectation. 5-9:30pm Tue-Sun, Fri-Sat 5-10pm, 59pm Sun. 1712 Meridian Ave. 408.269.3801.
FUEL RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE Contemporary Vietnamese. $$. Fuel’s menu is more traditional than other modern Vietnamese restaurants but still mixes things up with nonregulation ingredients. Lunch 11am2:30pm Mon-Fri and Sat-Sun. Dinner 5-10pm Mon-Wed, 5-11pm Thu-Sat and 5-9pm Sun. 385 S. Winchester Blvd. 408.248.0018.
GIORGIO’S Family-style Italian. $. Simple Italian cooking—the rugged kind with Southern Italian leanings, full of robust flavors and tangy tomato sauces. 11:30am-9:30pm MonThu, 11:30am-10:30pm Fri-Sat, 11:30am-10pm Sun. 1445 Foxworthy Ave. 408.264.5781.
GOVEA’S Mexican. $. A community hub that serves up wonderfully fresh, oldfashioned Mexican food with no trendy gimmicks. Both the restaurant and the food are wholesome and filling. 10am9pm Mon-Thu, 10am-10pm Sat-Fri, 9am-9pm Sun. 1996 Tully Rd. 408.270.0973.
GREAT WALL Chinese. $$. This strip mall hideaway serves skillfully prepared Chinese dishes in an atmosphere where sandals and T-shirts are the perfect fashion. Beef and black mushrooms, salt and pepper spareribs and cashew chicken earn high marks. 11am-2:30pm, 4:30-9pm Mon-Fri, noon-9pm Sat. 1409 Bird Ave. Take out available. 408.287.1688 or 287.1689.
HABANA CUBA Cuban and Brazilian. $$. A culinary oasis full of good flavors, Habana Cuba exudes cultural delights. Sensuous foods of the Caribbean and Cuba, long on tomato and peppers, slowroasted meats and earthy black beans. Beer and wine. 11am-2pm, 5pm-9pm Tue-Thu,
4-10pm Fro-Sat, 4-9pm Sun. 238 Race St. 408.998.2822.
THE HAPPY BAMBOO Vegetarian. $. The menu at the Happy Bamboo is almost all vegan and most of it Vietnamese or Asian-inspired. There’s also a vegetarian tuna salad and, out of nowhere, Hungarian goulash and spaghetti. 11:30-9pm Tue-Sun. Closed Monday. 1711 Branham Lane. 408.694.0740.
HOSHI Japanese. $$. Hoshi is one Silicon Valley’s standouts for sushi and small plates. Great sake selection, too. Lunch 11:30am-2pm Mon-Fri and dinner 5-9pm Mon-Sat. 246 Saratoga Ave. 408.554.7100. HUKILAU Hawaiian. $$. Simple, slightly salty, stomachfilling foods with an Asian Pacific attitude. All daily specials come with a scoop of macaroni salad and steamed rice. Skip the quesadilla and nachos and head straight for the ahi poke. With tropical drinks to match. 11am-1:45pm Tue-Fri, 5-9:30pm Tue-Wed, 510:30pm Thu-Sat, 11am-2:30pm Sat-Sun, 5-9pm. 230 Jackson St. 408.279.4888.
HUNAN TASTE. $$. Chinese. The restaurant continues to pack them in because the food is so good. As the name implies, the restaurant specializes in the fiery, hearty food of China’s Hunan province, making it one of the few restaurants in the Bay Area to do so. 11am2:30pm, 4:30-8:30pm Mon-Sat. 998 N. Fourth St. 408.295.1186.
ISABELLA’S Peruvian. $$. One of the South Bay’s few outposts of Peruvian food, Isabella’s has much to recommend. Tacu-tacu, a starchy, beany blob enlivened with onions, garlic, oregano and other spices served with a thin steak, is great. Seafood dishes like the ceviche and cau-cau mariscos are also good. Don’t miss the delicious chicha morada, a Peruvian punch made with purple corn, pineapple and apple juice that’s boldly seasoned with cinnamon. 11am-10pm Mon-Thu, 11am11pm Fri-Sat and 2-8pm Sun. 700 S. Winchester Blvd. 408.248.PERU. KRUNGTHAI. Thai. $$. Perennial Metro “Best Of” winner, Krungthai has been
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
EDNA RAY Chinese. $$. Now in a new location, Edna Ray continues to serves classics of Chinese-American food with the same quantity, familiarity and reasonable prices. You’ll find all three here, and then some. 11:30am-9:30pm daily. 1181 Lincoln Ave. 408.280.7738.
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Limos! Wedding Planner!
KUBOTA Japanese. $$. A beautiful dining room that serves exquisite rice, luscious ribs and decent sushi. Full bar. 5:30-10pm Mon-Sat, 59:30pm Sun. 593 N. Fifth St. 408.279.8440. KUMAKO Ramen. $. Japantown now has its missing ingredient—good ramen. Kumako’s menu is simple, ramen, curry rice and a few appetizers. 11:30am-2:30pm and 5:30-9:30pm Mon-Sat. 211 E. Jackson St. 408.286.2111. LAYANG LAYANG Malaysian. $$. Layang Layang shines with clean, fresh flavors and ingredients and offers a great entry into Malaysian food. Service is fast and friendly, a feat given how harried the waitstaff can be. Wine and beer. Closed Mon. 1480 S. De Anza Blvd. 408.777.8897. LE PAPILLON Contemporary French. $$$$. From start to finish, a meal at Le Papillon casts a spell on everyone who enters. The feeling is only broken when you walk out the door and abruptly step back into the real world outside. Full bar. Lunch Thu and Fri, dinner nightly. 410 Saratoga Ave. 408.296.3730.
MAGGIANO’S LITTLE Italy Italian. $$. Like a warm Italian embrace, this Santana Row superstar proves a welcome haven for company lunches and congenial dinner parties. The food is a cut above standard, with roast chicken and veal marsala standing out. 11am10pm Mon-Thu, 11am-11pm FriSat, noon-10pm Sun. 3055 Olin Ave. #1000. 408.423.8973.
MENARA Moroccan. $$$. Since 1977, Menara’s been throwing back the pillows and bellying up to mint tea rituals, b’stilla (pigeon pie) and rabbit tagine. Full dinners menus include vegetarian option; solid wine list. 6-10pm daily. 41 E. Gish Rd. 408.453.1983. MT. HAMILTON GRANDVIEW Cowboy Continental. $$$. The Grandview is an old-school
roadhouse with a warm atmosphere. Add dishes like surf and turf, rack of lamb chasseur and chicken Cordon Bleu and you’ve got yourself a destination. 5-10:30pm Wed-Sun. 94 Mt. Hamilton Rd. 408.251.8909.
MY KHE QUAN HUE $. Vietnamese. Food from central Vietnam is underrepresented in San Jose and that’s part of what makes this small restaurant such a find. The things to get here are the excellent noodle soups. 9am-9pm every day except Wed. Cash only. 960 Story Rd. 408.920.9603.
THE MYNT Indian. $. The Mynt’s lunch buffet is a Silicon Valley standout, while the sit-down dinner menu has plenty to offer as well. Lunch 11:30am-2:30pm Mon-Sun, dinner 5:30-9:30pm Mon-Thu and 5:30-10pm Fri-Sat. 5210 Prospect Rd. 408.973.9673.
OMOGARI Korean. $. Omogari makes getting to know Korean food easy. The menu includes pictures of many dishes, the service is friendly and the food is consistently good. Try the dae gee bul go gi, spicy marinated pork. Open 11:30am-9:30pm Mon-Sat. 154 E. Jackson St. 408.280.6588.
PRESIDENT RESTAURANT Mongolian barbecue. $. This mom-and-pop eatery gears itself toward the common man with the uncommonly large appetite. Thrown into the bargain is a Chinese steam-table buffet. 11am3pm, 4:30-9pm daily. 1190 Hillsdale Ave. 408.978.7188.
RAMEN HALU Japanese noodles. $$. Surfer-themed, casual-but-comfy, chef Kumao Arai’s noodle house imports traditional techniques to produce hearty, aromatic bowls stocked with pork-, seasalt- or soy-sauce-flavored broth. Cash only. Call ahead; hours are irregular. 375-M S. Saratoga Ave. 408.246.3933. RANGOLI Indian. $. Rangoli spices up the Cambrian area with excellent Indian food. The restaurant is beautiful and its food and service largely match its décor. Lunch buffet 11:30am-2:30pm Mon-Fri, dinner 5-9:30pm Sun-Thu, 5-10pm Fri-Sat, brunch noon-
3pm Sun. 3695 Union Ave. 408.377.2222.
SINO RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE Modern Chinese. $$$. Sino is owned by Christopher Yeo, the restaurateur behind Straits. The restaurant offers both traditional Chinese cooking and a few modern riffs. Good dim sum, too. 11am10pm Sun-Tue, 11am-midnight Wed-Sat. 377 Santana Row. 408.247.8880.
STRAITS RESTAURANT Asian Fusion. $$$. By night it’s a jam-packed hipster clubhouse; by day it’s Singaporean chef Chris Yeo’s latest chic fusion venue. Small plates share the menu with entrees such as the lobster and shrimp pad thai. Outdoor seating is available. 11am-10pm Sun-Wed, 11am-midnight ThuSat. 333 Santana Row #1100. 408.246.6320.
SUSHI FACTORY Sushi bar/ Japanese. $$. It’s all here: sushi, bento box meals and teriyaki and at great prices. 11:30am9:15pm daily. 4632 Meridian Ave. 408.723.2598.
TAIWAN RESTAURANT Chinese. $. For nearly 25 years this Willow Glen landmark has served a nonstop stream of Szechuan, Cantonese and Taiwanese specialties. Casual. Beer, wine. 1306 Lincoln Ave. 11am-3pm, 5-9pm Mon-Sun. 408.289.8800.
VIN SANTO Italian $$. A beautifully simple and low-lit dining room sets the stage for offerings of earthy aromas, bold sauces and well-seasoned market-fresh meats and produce. Extensive wine list plays host nearly as well as the informative servers. 5-10pm Tue-Sat, 5-8pm Sun. 1346 Lincoln Ave. 408.920.2508. YAS Persian. $$. In keeping with this ancient cuisine’s traditions, entrees are dressed up with the clean, fresh tastes of lemon and saffron, and desserts wear a distinctive hint of rose water. Beer, wine. 11am9pm daily. 1138 Saratoga Ave. 408.241.5115.
39 M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -27, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
37 around since 1988, but still tastes fresh and new. 11am3pm and 5-10pm Mon-Fri and noon-10pm Sat-Sun. 640 S. Winchester Blvd. 408.260.8224.
More dining coverage
CHOICES BY: Af[p 8dXYc\ 9\Xl ;fnc`e^ D`Z_X\c J% >Xek Jk\m\ GXcfgfc` I`Z_Xi[ mfe 9ljXZb >Xii\kk N_\\c\i
Pat Kirk
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
LA RONDINE I<9<::8 ;8M K?< G?<EFD<E8LKJ ^`m\ ^i\Xk _\cd\k% K_\p gcXp n`k_
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Montalvo Arts Center, Saratoga Fri – 8pm; $30 The Harlem Quartet are Ilmar Gavilan and Melissa White (violinists), Juan-Miguel Hernandez (viola) and Desmond Naysmith (cello). All are laureates of the SPHINX COMPETITION. If the Sphinx Competition sounds mysterious, its mission is laudable: it’s a nonprofit group trying to reach out to fill the gap left behind by the closing of school music programs in disadvantaged neighborhoods. These Naxos
recording artists have performed at the White House and Carnegie Hall, and now arrive at Montalvo to select from an eclectic repertoire. The show include everything from Brahms, Haydn and Schumann to Billy Stayhorn and Duke Ellington’s “Take the A Train.” Cuba’s Guido Gavilan, father of Ilmar, composed “Mi Menor Conga”: as assayed by the Harlem Quartet, it’s a real surprise to classical fans who don’t expect to be urged into a conga line by a string quartet drumming polyrhythms on their instruments. (RvB)
FOR THE WIN Nickel City, San Jose Fri – 7pm; $10
There was a time when punk music was more than overpriced concerts and cute guys with jumps that are timed just right. For the Win hearkens back to that time—
they’re loud, brash and pissed. The band’s sound pays homage to the east Coast bands of the late ‘80s, and mixes in mid-’90s SoCal punk. Think Sick of It All meets Bad Religion, hardcore and melodic at the same time. At this release party for their new CD, they play with CLASSICS OF LOVE, the ATOM AGE and GNARBOOTS. (BD)
MAURICIO DIAZ Caffe Trieste, San Jose Fri – 8pm; free
Mauricio Diaz is a Mexican singer/songwriter acclaimed for fusing together styles as varied as rock, Cuban son (which blends Spanish and African styles), the Son Jarocho (a Mexican version of same that came out of Veracruz), rap, bossa, blues, Brazilian and classical guitar. Right, so what does it actually sound like? Duh,
it sounds like folk music. Diaz’s poetic, free-flowing brand of it has inspired a following around the world, and in fact a group of his fans here in the Bay Area are responsible for flying him up here just for this show. (SP)
JJ’s Blues, San Jose Sat – 9pm; $10 Out of all the awards JC Smith has won, there’s one I think he should be most proud of: At the 2003 BAY AREA BLUES HALL OF FAME induction, he was named the Best Dressed Male Artist. And rightfully so. Smith’s father was
a blues guitarist who switched to gospel after stories about how blues was the devil’s music filled his head. But Smith has brought it back around with his ability to play virtually every type of blues imaginable. When not onstage, you can hear him on KKUP as Johnnie Cozmik. (BD)
OPERA SAN JOSÉ California Theatre, San Jose Apr 24-May 7; $51-$91
Puccini’s LA RONDINE tells the story of a Parisian coutesan who escapes her stifling affair with a banker to run off with a handsome young man; then the reality of their past catches up with them. The opera delivers romantic regret and sorrow but without the mortal consequences of tragic dramas. Opera San José winds up its season with this rarely performed
Apr 23, 9am-5pm, West Valley College, Saratoga
PETE ESCOVEDO AND SHEILA E. Apr 24 at Avalon, Santa Clara
BROOKS AND DUNN Apr 24 at Shoreline
MISSION CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Apr 24 Le Petit Trianon, San Jose
CYPRESS STRING QUARTET Apr 25 at 3pm at Montalvo Arts Center
LOWRIDER CAR SHOW BENEFIT Apr 25, 10am-4pm, at San Jose City College
THE EAGLES Apr 30-May 1 at HP Pavilion
GIN BLOSSOMS May 1 at Heritage Theatre, Campbell
K<K% _# `kÊj k_\ ?8IC<D HL8I fe\# knf# k_i\\ % % % ]fli% P\X
C\kÊj j\\Æ gem, with REBECCA DAVIS and JASMINA HALIMIC alternating in the title role of “the Swallow.” (MSG)
Oh man. Angeles? That L.A. rock band from the ’80s? I didn’t even know . . . wait a minute. This isn’t them! This is one guy, San Jose’s JONATHAN SONTAG, playing acoustic guitar. His style is folk/indie with introspective lyrics, and what impresses me is the fact he writes and posts a new song every Sunday. His music is somber, slow and perfect for proving to a girl you’re sensitive. At 5pm is the like-minded Record Winter. (BD)
The Refuge, Cupertino Sat – 6pm; $10 It ain’t Dean Martin, half drunk and crooning about whatever will be, will be. No, it’s rock music with a sense of the dramatic, like every song could be their last. K Sera have been pegged by the next-big-thingers to blow up, and they deserve to, with intense, fine musicianship and a kiss-ass piano player. They’re comparable to Panic! at the Disco or You, Me, and Everyone We Know, but better. Keep it up, K Sera. The future’s not ours to see. (BD)
Streetlight Records, San Jose Sat – 4pm; free
THE SLACKERS Blank Club, San Jose Sat – 9pm; $12/$14 This Brooklyn array of skanksters have been hanging together since the 1990s, touring the West as
they pump for their latest album, titled The Great Rocksteady Swindle. “Ever felt cheated” goes one lyric, celebrating John Lydon’s last proclamation from the stage at the end of the Sex Pistols first—and we were promised, last—rock & roll swindling tour. Despite the laziness implied in the name, the Slackers are hard-working world-beaters pushing their world-beat in tours all around the world. A great introduction spot: their hit “Married Girl,” with its solemn keyboards beginning a slow orbit around doo-wop. THE PHENOMENAUTS open. (RvB)
*mon CIVIL TWILIGHT VooDoo Lounge, San Jose Mon – 7:30pm; $1.05 This three-piece started out in Cape Town, South Africa, and somehow wound up in Nashville. Brothers Steven and Andrew McKellar hooked up with Richard Wouters while the trio was in high school, emulating their heroes in U2 and Radiohead. Now they rock the power-pop and sensitive ballads underneath Steven’s emotive voice, and it’s not just that they seem poised for a big break—it’s more like they were custom-engineered by scientists to blow up in 2010. (SP)
CONAN O’BRIEN May 5 at SJSU Events Center
DAUGHTRY May 6 at HP Pavilion
RICHIE HAVENS May 13 at Montalvo Arts
WILD JAM 2010 May 13 at HP Pavilion
CHAYANNE May 15 at HP Pavilion
BIG SANDY AND HIS FLY-RITE BOYS May 28 at Landmark Ballroom, San Jose
ROBERTO CARLOS May 28 at HP Pavilion
THE GOO GOO DOLLS Jun 1 at the Mountain Winery, Saratoga
M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
CEDAR LAKE BALLET Apr 21 show at Stanford is canceled.
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
metroactive ARTS
Mishaps On the Move NI@K@E> =<M<I NI N I@K@E> =<M<I Gifc`ÓZ K`d :X_`cc c\Xej fe X jkXZb f] _`j Y\jk nfib% Gifc`ÓZ K``d :X_`cc c\Xej fe X jkXZb f] _`j Y\jk nfib%
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Garry G arry S Sowerby owerby aand nd m motors otors ffrom rom the the America Prudhoe Bay, ttip ip of of South South A merica tto oP rudhoe B ay, Alaska, 24 A laska, iin n lless ess than than n2 4 days. days. When magazine W hen iitt comes comes tto om aggazzine work, work, Cahill was C ah hill w ass one one of of tthe he ffounding ounding editors editors off Outside, o Outside, originally originally a spin-off spin-off from from Rolling Now 66, R olling SStone tone iin n tthe he ’’70s. 70s. N ow 6 6, Cahill C ah hill iiss safely safely ssetting etting up up shop shop in in San San Naglee JJose’s ose’s N aglee Park Park neighborhood neighborhood while hee sspends w hile h pends tthe he ssemester emester tteaching eaching aatt San San n Jose Jose State State University University aass tthe he Lurie Distinguished L urie D istinguished Visiting Visiting Writer. Writer. Cahill predominantly Although C ahill is pr edominan ntly known adventure travel books, kn nown ffor o or adv enture tra avel b ookss, he first book fir rst had to write a serial-killer b ook o in n order order to crack the big publishing publishin ng houses. 1986, Dreams: ho ouses. Back in 19 86, Buried Dr ream e ms: Inside was In nside the Mind of a Serial Killer w as
Cahill’s Cahill’s debut, a ghoulish ghoullish 370-page journey journey through through the psyche p yche of the ps Mr. Gacyy himself. himselff. Killer Clown, Mr. “I spent spent three three years yearrs in in the the mind mind of of “I John Wayne Wayne Gacy, Gacy,” Cahill Cahill tells tells me. me. John “And when when I came cam me swimming swimming out out “And of it, it, I said, said, ‘I ‘I never never want wan nt to to do do that that of aggain.’ It It was wass much much more more healthy healthy and and again. wholesome psychologically psychologically to to do do the the wholesome work I’m I’m doing doing now. now. . . . That That first first work book was was a national national bestseller, beestseller, which which book alllowed me me to to write write travel travel books. books. Once Once allowed you have have a national nationall bestseller, bestseller, they they you pretty much much let let you you write write whatever whatever pretty you want want to to write. write. It’s It’s interesting interesting that that you the serial-killer serial-killer book book is is the the only only one one of of the mine that’s that’s out out of of print. print.” mine SJSU U, Cahill Cahill says saayys In his classes at SJSU, trying to teach teaach students that he is trying above all else, else, thee writing is that, above matters. The “travel” “traavel” part part is what matters. secondary: “What I do o is just say, saay, secondary: you have haave to do to write ‘This is what you story that moves moves thee reader, reader, either a story tears, hopefully ho opefully both, both, to laughter or tears,
in the the same same piece. piece.’ What What I’m I’m trying trying to to in teacch them them is is what what works works and an nd what what teach doesn’t work work in in nonfiction. nonfiction. T he travel travel doesn’t The part isn’t isn’t necessary; necessarry; the the writing writing part parrt is is part the necessary necessary part. part.” the The b est travel travel writing writing emerges emerges The best from people people who who are are writers writers to to begin begin from with b ut who who just just happen hap ppen to to travel travel att with but length and and who who d esire the the unknown. unknown. length desire It doesn’t doesn’t come come from from bloggers bloggers who who It decide to to go go on on a ttrip rip and an nd then then post post decide about all all the the things things they they saw. saw. In In ffact, act, about legends like like Paul Pau ul Theroux, Theroux, Bill Bill Bryson, Bryson, legends and JJan an n Morris Morris tend tend to to bristle bristle when when and cattegorized solely solely as as ttravel ravel writers. writers. categorized Instead d, tthey hey are arre “writers “writers who who travel. travel.” Instead, Cahill says says the the best best stories stories must must Cahill include the the mishaps. mishaps. “In “In good good ttravel ravel include writing,” h tells me, me, “something “something o n writing, hee tells on the trip trip always always has has to to go go wrong. wrong. T hat’s the That’s the one one rrule ule I usually usually ggo o by. by. That’s That’s the what makes makes a good good story. story. Something Something what has to to ggo o wrong. wrong.” has Since what whatt passes passses for for ttravel ravel Since writing these these days days has has degenerated degenerated writing so rapidly rapidly in in just just the the last last few few years, yearrs, so no one one knows knows what what w ill happen. happen. no will Currently, anyone anyone who who goes goes on on a ttrip rip Currently, and p roduces fluffy fluffy passages passagges simply simply and produces rehashing their their iitinerary tinerarry now now ccalls allls it it rehashing “travel writing. writing.” “travel Anyone who who w rites a sservice ervice blurb blurb Anyone writes about 400-thread-count 400-thread d-count French French about sateen linens linens at at whichever whichever RitzRitzsateen Carrlton recently recently comped comped them them a stay stay Carlton now rrefers efers to to h erself as as “press” “press” or or now herself “media” or or “travel “travel journalist. journalist.” When When “media” the going going gets gets m ediocre, the the mediocre mediocre the mediocre, turn pro. pro. turn “We’re learning learning that that there’s there’s going going “We’re to be be a whole whole n ew paradigm parrad digm for for what what to new travel writing writing is is all alll about, about,” Cahill Cahill says. says. travel “The k ind of of literary literarry travel travel writing writing “The kind that I favor favor is is not not the the sort sort of of thing thing that that we we necessarily necessarily get get on on travel travel that blogs—I’m not not saying saying all all of of them, them, but but blogs—I’m most of of them. them. The The whole whole profession profession most is in in a state state of of flux flux right right now. now. T here’s a is There’s kind of of hunger hunger o ut there there for for literate, literate, kind out well-written travel travel stories, stories, but but iit’s t’s well-written not being being fulfilled fulfilled consistently consistently in in any an ny not place tthat hat I see see right right now. now.” place
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Moree lis Mor listings: tings:
ARTS A RT S metroactive metr o oactive
Dancing Downtown Sunday S d att noon n outside t id Fairmont F i t Hotel, H t l San Jose Held in honor of National Dance Week, Week, Dancin’ Dancin’ groups Downtown ffeatures eaatures more more than 35 local dance gr oups and and artists performing peerforming vintage, hip-hop, tribal belly an nd character/folk char acter/folk styles.
Chitra Banerjee Chitra Divakaruni Div akkaruni Sunday at 7pm 7 at Barnes & Nobel Stevens Stevens Creek, Cr eek, San Jose; J and Monday at noon at College Foothill Coll lege IInn hher er new new novel, novel, O One ne Amazing Amazing TThing hing ((Voice/Hyperion), Voice/Hyperion), Divakaruni Divakaruni examines examines the the responses responses to to crises crises of of nine nine characters characters thrown thrown together together by by an an earthquake. earthquake. Now Now a teacher teacher of of writing writing in in Texas, Texas, Indian-American Indian-American Divakaruni Divakaruni spent spent many many years years in in Silicon Silicon Valley, Valley, including including a stint stint at at Foothill Foothill College; College; her her other other works works include include the the novels novels TThe he Mistress M istress ooff SSpices pices aand nd TThe he P Palace alace ooff IIllusions llusions, aass w well ell aass collections collections of of short short stories stories and and poetry. poetry.
Rent R ent Apr 23–Ma 23–Mayy 9 at LLucie ucie S Stern tern Theatr Theatre, e, P Palo alo Al Alto to Updating La Bohème B to New YYork’s oork’s East Village and addingg rock rock songs soongs g made for for a Broadway Broadwayy hit that continues to resonate. Palo Alto Players presents its take on the timeless tale, opening Friday.
tage *sstage Dancee Danc
DANCIN’ DO DANCIN’ DOWNTOWN WN NTOWN FE ST TIV VAL A FESTIVAL Held H eld in in hhonor onor ooff N National ational D Dance ance Week, Week, the the event event features features more more than 35 35 dance dance groups groups and and than artists from from across across the the Bay Bay artists Area. Sun, Sun, Apr Apr 25, 25, noon-5pm. noon-5pm. Area. FFree. ree. Circle Circle ooff P alms, bbetween etween Palms, tthe he FFairmont airmont aand nd tthe he SSan an JJose ose M useum of of Art, Art, San San Jose. Jose. Museum
Opera O pera OPERA O PERA SSAN AN JOS JOSÉ SÉ Puccini’s rrarely arely seen s “La Rondine.’ Apr 224-29 4-29 and May 1, 4 and 77,, 8pm. Apr A 25 and May 2 and 9, 3pm m. $51-$91. 3pm. California Theatre, Theatrre, San Jose. California
Theater T heater THE A THE ALTOS, LTOS, LLIKE IKE TH THE HE SOPRANOS, ONLY SOPRANOS, O NLLY LLOWER OWER A ccomedy omedy mystery mystery aabout bout m obsters. TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8 pm, SSun un mobsters. 8pm, ((Apr Apr 225), 5), 77pm, pm, pplus lus W ed ((Apr Apr Wed 2211 aand nd 228), 8), 77:30pm. :30pm. TThru hru M ay 11.. May $24-$32. Bus Bus Barn Barn TTheatre. heatre. $24-$32.
AND A ND B BABY ABY M MAKES AKES SSEVEN EVEN Northside N orthside Theatre Theatre Co. Co. presents presents a llove ove ttriangle riangle w ith sseven even ssides. ides. with TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8 pm, SSun, un, 33pm. pm. TThru hru 8pm, M ay 99.. $ 15/$20. N orthside, May $15/$20. Northside, SSan an JJose. ose.
DIRTY DIR TY BL BLONDE ONDE A SSan an JJose ose SStage tage Co. Co. ccomedy omedy about about the the famed famed ribald ribald movie movie star Mae Mae West. West. Wed-Thu, Wed-Thu, star 7:30pm, Fri-Sat, Fri-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, Sun, Sun, 2pm. 2pm. 7:30pm, Thru May May 2. 2. $20-$45. $20-$45. The The Stage, Stage, Thru San Jose. Jose. San
LLA A EESQUINITA SQUINIT TA U U.S.A. .S.A. A TTeatro eatro CCampesino ampesino pproduction roduction
of a play play by by Ruben Ruben C. C. Gonzalez Gonzalez of Thu-Sat, Thu-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, Sun, Sun, 2pm. 2pm. Thru Thru Apr Apr 30. 30. $5-$12. $5-$12. El El Teatro Teatro CCampesino, ampesino, SSan an JJuan uan Bautista. Bautista.
MARK TWAIN TWAIN T TONIGHT ONIGHT T A oone-man ne-man sshow how ooff llongongrunning running fame fame by by Hal Hal Holbrook. Holbrook. Tue, Tue, Apr Apr 27, 27, 8pm. 8pm. $10-$60. $10-$60. Memorial Memorial Auditorium, Auditorium, Stanford. Stanford.
PERLA P ERLA A TTeatro eatro V Visión isión ppremiere remiere ooff Madrid’s LLeonard eonard M adrid’s pplay lay aabout bout a yyoung oung woman’s woman’s ddreamscapes. reamscapes. 8pm, TThu-Sat; hu-Sat; 8 pm, SSun, un, 22pm. pm. TThru hru May $10-$24. Mexican M ay 22.. $ 10-$24. M exican Heritage H eritage TTheater, heater, SSan an JJose. ose.
RENT R ENT A rreimagining eimagining ooff P Puccini’s uccini’s ““La La Boheme.” Palo Alto B oheme.” P alo A lto Players. Players. Opens Apr Regular O pens A pr 224. 4. R egular sshows hows 8pm, TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8 pm, SSun, un, 22:30pm. :30pm. May 9.. $ $30, $26 TThru hru M ay 9 30, $ 26 sstudent/ tudent/ senior senior Thu Thu and and Sat. Sat. Lucie Lucie Stern Stern Palo Alto. TTheater, heater, P alo A lto.
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
44 M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
ARTS RT S metroactive metr oactive A 43 4 3 ROSENCRANTZ R OSENCRANTZ AN AND D GUILDENSTERN GUILDENSTERN ARE ARE DEAD DEAD TTom om Stoppardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Stoppardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s riff riff oonn two two characters characters from from â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hamlet,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hamlet,â&#x20AC;? by by Shady Shady Shakespeare Shakespeare Theatre Theatre Apr 8pm CCompany. ompany. FFri, ri, A pr 223, 3, 8 pm aand nd Sat, Sat, Apr Apr 24, 24, 2 and and 8pm. 8pm. Theatre Theatre on on San San Pedro Pedro Square, Square, San San Jose. Jose.
SSHOUT! HOUT! A â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;mod mod musicalâ&#x20AC;? musicalâ&#x20AC;? about about tthe he â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;60s 60s with with nnostalgia ostalgia pop pop numbers numbers and and psychedelic psychedelic fashions. fashions. FriFriSat, Sat, 8pm, 8pm, Sun, Sun, 2pm. 2pm. No No shows shows Apr Apr PG A pr 23-24. 23-24. A pr 2255 sshow how iiss P G rated. rated. Thru Thru May May 2. 2. $24-$36. $24-$36. The The Retro Retro Dome, Dome, San San Jose. Jose.
SSINGINâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; INGINâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; IN THE R RAIN AIN Sponsored by Sponsored by San San Jose Jose Flea Flea Market, Market, Marquee Marquee Productions Productions brings brings the the popular popular classic classic to to beneďŹ t Musical beneďŹ t Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s M usical with TTheater heater SSan an JJose ose w ith llots ots of of ttap ap ddancing. ancing. Performers Performers New with iinclude nclude N ew YYork ork aactors ctors w ith Valley. Apr rroots oots iin n SSilicon ilicon V alley. TThu, hu, A pr Apr 8pm, 222, 2, 77:30pm, :30pm, FFri, ri, A pr 223, 3, 8 pm, Apr 8pm SSat, at, A pr 224, 4, 2 aand nd 8 pm aand nd SSun, un, Apr $30. Montgomery A pr 225, 5, 11pm. pm. $ 30. M ontgomery TTheater, heater, SSan an JJose. ose.
SSPARK PARK A O OFF BEING 1011 PACIFIC PACIFIC A AVE. AVE. V SANTTA CRUZ CR RUZ SANTA 831-423-13336 831-423-1336 -YPKH` (WYPS -YPKH` (WYPS AGES 21+ :H[\YKH` (WYPS : :H[\Y KH` (WYPS AGES 16+ $ Adv $16 Adv./ ./ $19 Doors D Drs Drs. s. 8 p.m., Sho Sh Show w 9 p.m.
:H[\YKH` 4H` Â&#x2039; A :H[\Y KH` 4H` Â&#x2039; AGES 16+ 16 6+
Eek a Eek Mouse Mouse plus p lus W Wooster ooster $14 Adv./ Adv./ $19 Dr. Dr. Drs. 8 p.m., Sho Show w 9 p.m.
AApr prr 23 Chickenfoot Screening Atrium (Ages 21+) AApr prr 24 The B Foundation Atrium (Ages 16+) Mayy 2 Devin the Dude (Ages 16+) Mayy 4 Thrice/Manchester Orch. (Ages 16+) Mayy 13 Dredg (Ages 16+) Mayy 15 Groundation/ Orgone (Ages 16+) Mayy 21 YYour oour Music Olympicks Finals (Ages 16+) Mayy 22 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ss a Beachâ&#x20AC;? DJ Sal (Ages 18+) Mayy 25 TTalib alib a Kweli & Hi-tek (Ages 16+) Mayy 28 Zion I (Ages 16+) Mayy 29 TTech ech e N9ne (Ages 16+) Junn 5 Sage Francis/ Free Moral Agents (Ages 16+) Junn 6 Bone Thugs-N-Harmony (Ages 16+) Junn 9 The Glitch Mob (Ages 16+) Jul 29 W Wolf olf Parade (Ages 16+) Augg 11 Rev. Revv. Horton Heat (Ages 21+) Augg 13 Smash Mouth (Ages 16+) Sepp 20 Willie Nelson & Family (Ages 21+) Unless Unle ess otherwise noted, noted all shows shows are dance shows shows with limited seating. seaating. g TTickets icketts subject to city tax & ser service vice ccharge harge by by phone 866-384-3060 & on online nline w
A rrethinking ethinking of of FFrankenstein rankenstein multimedia iin nm ultimedia collaboration collaboration Dave bbetween etween ccomposer omposer D ave Douglas ďŹ lmmaker Bill D ouglas aand nd ďŹ lmmaker B ill Morrison. Apr 8pm. M orrison. SSat, at, A pr 224, 4, 8 pm. $10-$56. Memorial $ 10-$56. M emorial Auditorium, Auditorium, Stanford. Stanford.
TO T OK KILL ILL A MOCKING MOCKINGBIRD BIRD A yyoung oung ttomboy omboy llearns earns the the hard hard truths truths of of prejudice prejudice and and privilege privilege in in Depression-era Depression-era Alabama Alabama in in a TheatreWorks TheatreWorks production. production. Tue-Wed, Tue-Wed, 7:30pm, 7:30pm, Thu-Fri, Thu-Fri, 8pm, 8pm, Sat Sat 2 and/or and/or 8pm, 8pm, Sun Sun 2 and/or and/or 7pm. 7pm. Thru Thru May May 9. 9. $24-$62. $24-$62. Center Center for for the the Performing Performing Arts, Arts, Mountain Mountain View. View.
ccomedians omedians Nicole Nicole P Parker arker and and Peele. Apr 8pm. JJordan ordan P eele. TThu, hu, A pr 222, 2, 8 pm. $10. $ 10. CComedian/singerJohn omedian/singerJohn Apr LLajole ajole pperforms. erforms. FFri, ri, A pr 223, 3, Apr 8 aand nd 110pm, 0pm, SSat, at, A pr 224, 4, 7 9pm aand nd 9 pm aand nd Sun, Sun, Apr Apr 25, 25, $20. Beans, Rice 77pm. pm. $ 20. TThe he B eans, R ice Watermelon with aand nd W atermelon ttour our w ith ccomedians omedians Ricky Ricky ddel el Rosario, Rosario, David David Lew Lew and and Kabeezy. Kabeezy. Tue, Tue, Apr Apr 27, 27, 8pm. 8pm. $12. $12. Improv Improv Comedy Comedy Club Club and and Restaurant, Restaurant, San San Jose. Jose.
ROOSTER R OOSSTER T T.. FEA FEATHERS AT THERS The New The New Talent Talent Comedy Comedy Competion. Competion. Comedians Comedians include include Jake Brenner, Jake B renner, Candy Candy Churilla, Churilla, Dan Hinz. D an EEdwards dwards aand nd TTyler yler H inz. Wed, Wed, Apr Apr 21, 21, 8pm. 8pm. $12. $12. Will Will Durst, with Andy Woodhull D urst, w ith A ndy W oodhull aand nd Robbie Pickard. Apr R obbie P ickard. TThu, hu, A pr 222, 2, 8pm, 8pm, Fri, Fri, Apr Apr 23, 23, 9pm, 9pm, Sat, Sat, Apr Apr Apr 224, 4, 8 aand nd 110:30pm 0:30pm aand nd SSun, un, A pr 8pm. $12 Rooster 225, 5, 8 pm. $ 12 aand nd uup. p. R ooster TT.. FFeathers, eathers, SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Museums Mus eums
CCANTOR ANTOR A ARTS RTS CENTER CENTER â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;The The EEye ye ooff the the Beholder.â&#x20AC;? Beholder.â&#x20AC;? Featuring Featuring 45 45 works works gathered gathered from from gifts gifts by by Ruth Ruth and and Robert Robert Halperin. Halperin. Thru Thru May May 30. 30. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tracing â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tracing the the Past, Past, Drawing Drawing the the Future: Future: Master Master Ink Ink Painters Painters in in 20th20thCentury Century China.â&#x20AC;? China.â&#x20AC;?Thru Thru Jul Jul 4. 4. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Longing â&#x20AC;&#x153;Longing for for Sea Sea Change.â&#x20AC;? Change.â&#x20AC;? Video Video pieces pieces by by artists artists working working in in Africa. Africa. Wed-Sun, Wed-Sun, 11am-5pm, 11am-5pm, Thu, Thu, 11am-8pm. 11am-8pm. Stanford. Stanford.
CHILDRENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S DISCOVERY CHILDRENâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S DISCOVER RY MUSEUM MUSEU M â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Living Living iinn SSpace,â&#x20AC;? pace,â&#x20AC;? aallows llows kkids ids ttoo llearn earn aabout bout the the International International May 9.. SSpace pace SStation. tation. TThru hru M ay 9 Mon-Sat, M on-Sat, 10am-5pm 10am-5pm and and Sun, Sun, noon-5pm. noon-5pm. San San Jose. Jose.
CComedy omedy
Artifacts and Artifacts and displays displays related related to to the the history history of of computers. computers. Ongoing. Ongoing. Wed-Fri, Wed-Fri, noon-4pm, noon-4pm, Sat, Sat, 11am-5pm 11am-5pm and and Sun, Sun, noonnoon4pm. 4pm. Mountain Mountain View. View.
An interactive An interactive iimprovised mprovised comedy comedy show show that that pits pits comedy comedy teams teams against against one one another. another. All All ages ages welcome welcome to to early early Friday Friday show show and and both both Saturday Saturday shows. shows. 18+ 18+ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Midnight â&#x20AC;&#x153;Midnight Showâ&#x20AC;? Showâ&#x20AC;? 11pm 11pm show show Friday. Friday. Fri, Fri, 9 and and 11pm 11pm and and Sat, Sat, 7 and and 9pm. 9pm. $12-$15. $12-$15. CComedySportz, omedySportz, San San Jose. Jose.
IMPROV IM PROV Alex R Alex Retodo etodo ppresents resents comedy comedy with Moyd. Apr with SStroy troy M oyd. Wed, Wed, A pr 21, 21, 8pm. $12. with 8 pm. $ 12. SStandup tandup w ith â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;MADtvâ&#x20AC;? MADtvâ&#x20AC;?
DE SAISSET SAISSET MUSEU MUSEUM M â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;What What M Makes akes a Picture Picture a Portrait?â&#x20AC;? P ortrait?â&#x20AC;? A show show about about where w here â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;ďŹ gure ďŹ gure sstudy tudy eends nds aand nd representation representation begins.â&#x20AC;? begins.â&#x20AC;? Uses Uses ssome ome 550 0 works works ffrom rom tthe he museumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s m useumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ccollection. ollection. TThru hru JJun un 44.. TTue-Sun, ue-Sun, 111am-4pm. 1am-4pm. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Moree listings: Mor
METROACTIVE.COM M ETROACTIVE.COM HISTORY H ISTOR RY P PARK ARK A SSAN AN JOSE Homes and Homes and bbusinesses usinesses Valley. ffrom rom eearly arly SSanta anta CClara lara V alley. Now McKay Gallery: IIncluding ncluding N ow at at M cKay G allery: Paintings â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everyday Everyday SSan an JJose: ose: P aintings Wayne May. bbyy W ayne JJiang.â&#x20AC;? iang.â&#x20AC;?TThru hru M ay. TTueueSSun, un, nnoon-5pm. oon-5pm. SSan an JJose. ose.
IIRA R FF.. BRILLIANT CENTER RA CENTER Beeethoven manuscripts, a Beethoven lock composerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lo ock of the composer p â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hair and more. Mon-Tue an nd mor e. Ongoing. Mon-Tuue and Wed, an nd Thu, 11am-6pm, W ed, 11am-8pm, 11 am-8pm, Fri, 11am-5pm and ďŹ&#x201A;oor,, an nd Sat, 1-5pm. Fifth ďŹ&#x201A;oor King Ki ing Library, Libraryy, San Jose.
LLOS O GATOS OS GATOS MUSEU MUSEUM M Open Juried Show. Open Show. Thru Apr 23. 23 3. Wed-Sun, Wed-Sun, noon-4pm. Free. Free. LLos o Gatos. os
MOAH M OAH MUSEUM MUSEUM O OFF AMERICAN AM MERICAN HERITAGE HERIT TAGE The museum The museum features features exhibits exhibits celebrating celebrating the the history history of of technology, technology, including including a vintage vintage kitchen, kitchen, a print print shop shop and and a radio-repair radio-repair shop. shop. Ongoing. Ongoing. FriFriSun, Palo Alto. Sun, 111am-4pm. 1am-4pm. P alo A lto.
ROSICRUCIAN R OSICRUCIAN MUSEU MUSEUM M Egyptian historical Egyptian historical artifacts artifacts Ongoing. Mon-Fri, aand nd ddisplays. isplays. O ngoing. M on-Fri, 110am-5pm 0am-5pm aand nd SSat-Sun, at-Sun, 111am1am6pm. 6 pm. SSan an JJose. ose.
SSAN A JOSE MUSEU AN MUSEUM MO OFF ART ART â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;New New SStories tories From From the the Edge Edge of Plastic works of Asia: Asia: P lastic LLife.â&#x20AC;? ife.â&#x20AC;? w orks by by PaciďŹ c PaciďŹ c Rim Rim artists. artists. Thru Thru Sep Sep 19. 19. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wayne Wayne Thiebaud: Thiebaud: Seventy Seventy Years Years of of Paint.â&#x20AC;? Paint.â&#x20AC;?Thru Thru Jul Jul 4. 4. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Real â&#x20AC;&#x153;Real & Hyperreal.â&#x20AC;? Hyperreal.â&#x20AC;? A look look at at illusionism illusionism and and hhyperrealism yperrealism in in a group group show. show. Thru Thru Aug Aug 1. 1. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Juicy â&#x20AC;&#x153;Juicy Paint.â&#x20AC;? Paint.â&#x20AC;? TThe he ssensuous ensuous sside ide ooff ppigments. igments. 6.. TTue-Sun, TThru hru JJun un 6 ue-Sun, 111am-5pm, 1am-5pm, closed Mon. closed M on. San San Jose. Jose.
SSAN A JOSE MUSEU AN MUSEUM MO OFF QUILTS AND QUILLTS AN D TEXTILES TEXTILES â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Poetic Poetic License: License: The The Art Art of of Joan Joan Schulze.â&#x20AC;?. Schulze.â&#x20AC;?. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Navajo Navajo Weaving Weaving in in the the Present Present Tense: Tense: The The Art Art of of Lucy Lucy and and Ellen Ellen Begay.â&#x20AC;? Begay.â&#x20AC;? Both Both shows shows rrun un thru thru May May 4. 4. Daily, Daily, 110am-5pm. 0am-5pm. San San Jose. Jose.
TECH T ECH MUSEU MUSEUM M â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;?Technology Technology B BeneďŹ ting eneďŹ ting Humanity.â&#x20AC;? Ongoing. Mon-Wed, H umanity.â&#x20AC;? O ngoing. M on-Wed, 9am-5pm 9am9 am-5pm aand nd TThu-Sun, hu-Sun, 9 am8pm. 8 pm. SSan an JJose. ose.
TRITON T R ON MUSEUM RIT MUSEUM OF OF ART ART â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;In In the the Raw: Raw: N New ew W Work ork bbyy R Robert obert 6.. TTue-Wed CChiarito.â&#x20AC;? hiarito.â&#x20AC;?TThru hru JJun un 6 ue-Wed and and FFri-Sun, ri-Sun, 111am-5pm. 1am-5pm. TThu, hu, Mon. 111am-9pm. 1am-9pm. Closed Closed M on. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Comedy Adds Up DURING economic downturns, arts budgets tend to be the first thing slashed in schools and communities. People need to spend their money on food, not theater. However, Northside Theatre Company’s production of AND BABY MAKES SEVEN is an excellent example of how pertinent live theater—artistic expression, imagination and play—is to our lives. Thu–Sat 8pm and Sun 3pm The best thing a struggling theater company can do for through May 9 itself is to pick good plays to perform. And Baby Makes Seven is a hilariously bizarre story by Pulitzer Prize– Olinder Theatre, winning playwright Paula Vogel. It focuses on an intimate San Jose cast of three: Anna, a pregnant lesbian, her lover, Ruth, and their gay friend and roommate (who impregnated Anna), Tickets Peter. If that trio isn’t enough of a story already, cue in $15–$20 Henri, a little French boy who bounces around in immature glee, Orphan, a feral infant raised by dogs, and an austere and brilliant 9-year-old British boy named Cecil. These three boys, however, come from the lively imaginations and actual actions of the aforementioned adult trio. Peter becomes “Uncle Pee-tah” to Ana’s Cecil and Ruth’s Henri and Orphan. The play’s conflict becomes evident when the three decide they need to rid their lives of their imagined children in order to create a stable living environment for their soon-to-be real baby. The story explores the meaning of family and the boundaries between reality and illusion. Vogel arms the actors with a brilliantly clever and giggle-inducing script. She alludes to children’s classics like The Red Balloon and Peter Pan while throwing in lines from Othello, Macbeth and Julius Caesar. Northside’s cast of three worked fantastically with Vogel’s treasure and created some real magic in the humble black-box space. Highlights include Rebecca Wallace’s (Ruth) one-woman, schizophrenic, Jim Carrey/ Gollumesque fight over a PB&J sandwich, and Lorie Goulart’s (Anna) hormonally charged second-act meltdown worthy of a Helen Bonham Carter performance. Amid the laughter, the play and actors bring incredible heart to the story. As Cecil tells Peter, “Don’t be afraid to play with your child.” And Northside Theater Company leaves you with the message “Don’t be afraid to play with us at the theater.” ÆA\jj`ZX JXcXej
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
K?I<<JFD< I\Y\ZZX NXccXZ\# Cfi`\ >flcXik Xe[ D`Z_X\c G\Xj\ jkXi `e É8e[ 9XYp DXb\j J\m\e%Ê
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
ARTS RT S metroactive metr oactive A 44
GGalleries alleries OPENING O PENING SSTANFORD TANFORD A ART RT SPACES SPACES Paintings aand Paintings nd ssculpture culpture bbyy Prakash P rakash Chandrea, Chandrea, ppaintings aintings Mark bbyy LLea ea FFeinstein einstein aand nd M ark LLightfoot. ightfoot. Apr Apr 23-Jun 23-Jun 224. 4. Reception Apr 6pm. R eception A pr 223, 3, 6 pm. FFree. ree. Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5pm. M on-Fri, 8 :30am-5pm. SStanford. tanford.
CCONTINUING ONTINUING ANITA ANIT TA SEIPP GALLERY GALLER RY New w New works orks bbyy KKaren aren H Haaz. aaz. Thru Thru May M ay 7. 7. Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, 10am-3pm. 10am-3pm. Palo Alto. P alo A lto.
ANNO A NNO DO DOMINI MINI ““Cloud Cloud Empire,” Empire,” a ssolo olo sshow how bbyy Dimitri Dimitri Drjuchin Drjuchin of of New New York. York. Thru Thru May May 22. 22. San San Jose. Jose.
ART A RT OB OBJECT JECT GGALLERY ALLER RY Paintings by Paintings by Sara Sara Cole Cole and and Rachel R achel Lazo Lazo aand nd ccollage ollage bbyy LLuis uis Gutierrez. Gutierrez. Thru Thru May May 15. 15. San San Jose. Jose.
AXIS A XIS A ART RT GGALLERY ALLER RY ““On On tthe he EEdge,” dge,” new new ppieces ieces bbyy Richard Richard Gullion, Gullion, Chris Chris Elliman Elliman Nozero. Wed-Sat, aand nd TTony ony N ozero. W ed-Sat, nnoon-6pm. oon-6pm. SSan an JJose. ose.
BLACK BLACK B BEAN EAN CCERAMIC ERAMIC “Figuratively Speaking.” A “Figuratively group show.. San Jose. gr oup show
CCAFFÉ AFFÉ T TRIESTE RIESTE ““Venice Venice SSquare, quare, a P Photographic hotographic Venice, CComparison omparison ooff V enice, IItaly taly aand nd Venice, V enice, CCalifornia,” alifornia,” bbyy JJohn ohn EEric ric Paulson. Paulson. Thru Thru Apr. Apr. San San Jose. Jose.
CCITY ITY W WINDOWS INDOWS GGALLERY ALLER RY A rround-the-clock ound-the-clock eexhibit xhibit ooff works w orks bbyy cclay lay ssculptors culptors ffrom rom this this region. region. Fourth Fourth and and Santa Santa Clara, Clara, San San Jose. Jose.
DOWNTOWN DO WNTOWN Y YOGA OGA SSHALA HALA Sculpture aand Sculpture nd ppottery ottery bbyy P Paul aul Rubio. Rubio. Thru Thru Apr Apr 30. 30. San San Jose. Jose.
GGOOD OOD K KARMA ARMA CCAFE AFE ““Biomechanical Biomechanical W Works,” orks,” ppaintings, aintings, ssculptures culptures aand nd pprints rints Ron bbyy R on EEarhart arhart ((Analog Analog TTattoo). attoo). Apr TThru hru A pr 330. 0. SSan an JJose. ose.
KALEID K ALEID GGALLERY ALLERY Works by Works by Kurtis Kurtis Rykovich Rykovich aand nd Apr KKate ate SSaturday. aturday. TThru hru A pr 330. 0. SSan an JJose. ose.
KING K ING JR. LLIBRARY IBRAR RY ““Jazz Jazz P Photo hoto EExhibition.” xhibition.” Presented Presented by by San San Jose Jose Jazz. Jazz. Thru Thru Apr Apr 30. 30. llll for for info. info. Second Second floor, floor, San San Jose. Jose.
MACLA M ACLA Latino Art Latino Art Auction. Auction. Works Works show show thru thru May May 15. 15. Wed-Thu, Wed-Thu, noonnoon7pm 7pm and and Fri-Sat, Fri-Sat, noon-5pm. noon-5pm. San San Jose. Jose.
METRO METRO LOBBY LOBBY ““oooohhh oooohhh Dios Dios mio.” mio.” A First First St. St. PhotoCollective PhotoCollective exhibit. exhibit. Thru Thru Apr Apr 30. 30. San San Jose. Jose.
MEXICAN H HERITAGE ERIT TAGE P PLAZA LAZA GALLERIA GALLERIA ““Bittersweet Bittersweet Harvest: Harvest: TThe he Bracero Bracero Program, Program, 1942-1964.” 1942-1964.” An An exhibit exhibit about about the the guest guest workers workers in in the the valley, valley, with with photos photos and and documents. documents. Thru Thru May May 2. 2. San San Jose. Jose.
MONTALVO MONT ALVO A ARTS RTS ““Seeing Seeing LLight.” ight.” Paintings Paintings bbyy Nicole Nicole Schmoelzer Schmoelzer based based with oon n hher er iinteractions nteractions w ith tthe he Montalvo Montalvo grounds. grounds. Thru Thru Jun Jun 6. 6. Thu-Sun, Thu-Sun, 11am-3pm. 11am-3pm. Saratoga. Saratoga.
MOHR GGALLERY ALLER RY ““Urban Urban Animals,” Animals,” ppaintings aintings bbyy Elizabeth Elizabeth Gomez. Gomez. Thru Thru May May 30. 30. 6-8pm. 6-8pm. CSMA, CSMA, Mountain Mountain View. View.
OLIVE O LIVE HYDE HYDE A ART RT Annual textile Annual textile show. show. Thru Thru May May 15. 15. Fremont. Fremont.
PACIFIC P ACIFIC A ART RT LLEAGUE EAGUE ““In In the the G Garden,” arden,” juried juried Apr ccompetition. ompetition. TThru hru A pr 229. 9. ““Off Off CCenter,” enter,” ppaintings aintings bbyy SSteve teve Norton Gallery. CCurtiss urtiss iin n tthe he N orton G allery. Apr Palo Alto. TThru hru A pr 228. 8. P alo A lto.
SAN JOSE IINSTITUTE SAN NSTITUTE O OFF ART CCONTEMPORARY ONTEMPORAR RY A RT ““Work Work Out.” Out.” A life-size life-size ppaper aper replica replica of of a gym; gym; an an installation installation by by Libby Libby Black. Black. Thru Thru Jun Jun 19. 19. ““Modesto Modesto Covarrubias: Covarrubias: Liminal,” Liminal,” aan n iinstallation nstallation bbyy SSan an JJose ose nnative ative CCovarrubias. ovarrubias. TThru hru JJul ul 33.. ““By By a Thread,” Thread,” contemporary contemporary aart rt May uusing sing tthreat. hreat. TThru hru M ay 115. 5. ““Cat Cat Mazza: Mill Night M azza: TThe he M ill SSeries.” eries.” A N ight Moves M oves iinstallation nstallation iin n ffront ront window. w indow. SSan an JJose. ose.
SLGG A SL ART RT BOUTIKI Artwork ffrom Artwork rom graphic graphic novel novel “Doris “Doris Danger” Danger” by by Chris Chris Wisnia. Wisnia. Apr TThru hru A pr 330. 0. SSan an JJose. ose.
SSOUTH OUTH FIR FIRST ST BILLIAR BILLIARDS DS ““Bringing Bringing Back Back the the Color!” Color!” with with works Mike w orks bbyy JJohn ohn CCloud, loud, M ike Nicolas KKjolhaug, jolhaug, N icolas CCaesar aesar aand nd Ruelas. May LLina ina R uelas. TThru hru M ay 331. 1. SSan an JJose. ose.
SSUNNYVALE UNNYV VA ALE A ART RT GGALLERY ALLER RY ““Spring Spring Awakenings” Awakenings” by by Los Los Altos A ltos Art Art Club. Club. Thru Thru Apr Apr 30. 30. Daily D aily 110am-8pm. 0am-8pm. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Moree listings: Mor
METROACTIVE.COM M ETROACTIVE.COM VIEWPOINTS V IEWPOINTS GGALLERY ALLER RY ““Alternate Alternate Views.” Views.” Watercolors Watercolors by by Nancy Nancy Calhoun Calhoun and and Jane Jane Ferguson. Ferguson. Thru Thru May May 1. 1. Mon-Sat, Mon-Sat, 8pm, 111am-5pm, 1am-5pm, FFri, ri, ttill ill 8 pm, SSun, un, Altos. 111am-3pm. 1am-3pm. LLos os A ltos.
Art A rt EEvents vents DANIEL D ANIEL P POLIKOFF OLIKOFF Polikoff discusses Polikoff discusses tthe he iinfluence nfluence ooff Rodin’s Rodin’s ssculpture culpture on on Rilke’s Rilke’s Presented Art Object ppoetry. oetry. P resented bbyy A rt O bject Poetry aand nd tthe he P oetry CCenter enter ooff SSan an Apr $55 JJose. ose. SSat, at, A pr 224, 4, 77pm. pm. $ Art Object Gallery, ddonation. onation. A rt O bject G allery, SSan an JJose. ose.
DR. D R. SKETCHY SKETCHY The ““anti-art The anti-art school” school” event event with model rreturns eturns w ith llive ive m odel ““The The Woman Woman Who Who Fell Fell From From Space.” Space.” Bring B ring ssketchbooks ketchbooks aand nd ccharcoal. harcoal. Apr Apr 22, 22, 7pm. 7pm. $10. $10. Anno Anno Domini, Domini, San San Jose. Jose.
SSJJ MUSEU MUSEUM M OF OF ART ART BENEFIT SSPRING PRING BENE FIT Am major ajor ffundraiser undraiser for for the the museum with m useum w ith a ssilent ilent aauction. uction. Sat, Sat, Apr Apr 24, 24, 11am-5pm. 11am-5pm. Free. Free. San San Jose. Jose.
vents *eevents B D Big Deals eals
BOCCE B BOC CE T TOURNAMENT OURNAMENT The eevent The vent includes includes a tournament, tournament, lessons, lessons, wine wine tasting, tasting, dinner dinner and and entertainment. entertainment. Proceeds Proceeds go go to to Ronald Ronald McDonald McDonald House. House. Sat, Sat, Apr Apr 24, 24, 2:30pm. 2:30pm. Campo Campo di di Bocce, Bocce, Los Los Gatos. Gatos.
B BOOK SSALE ALE With W ith bargains. bargains. Sat, Sat, Apr Apr 24, 24, 10am-5pm 10am-5pm and and Sun, Sun, Apr Apr 25, 25, 1155pm. pm. KKing ing LLibrary, ibrary, SSan an JJose. ose.
CARDINAL CCLASSIC CARDINAL LASSIC DANCESPORT D ANCESPORT The SStanford The tanford Ballroom Ballroom Dance Dance TTeam eam presents presents its its annual annual dance dance competition. competition. A fivefivedance dance showcase showcase by by two-time two-time World World Professional Professional Tea Tea Dance Dance CChampions hampions & America’s America’s Ballroom B allroom CChallenge hallenge SStars tars Gherman IIveta veta LLukosiute ukosiute aand nd G herman Mustuc. Apr M ustuc. FFri, ri, A pr 223, 3, 77-10pm. -10pm. Auditorium, FFree. ree. KKissick issick A uditorium, SStanford. tanford.
DOOMSDAY D DOO MSDAY 2 2012 012 Astronomer D Astronomer David avid M Morrison orrison will w ill ddiscuss iscuss tthe he cclaims laims tthat hat the the world will w orld w ill eend nd in in 2012. 2012. Wed, Wed,
9VkZ AZedg^
counties. Sat, counties. Sat, Apr Apr 224, 4, 110am 0am aand nd Sun, Sun, Apr Apr 25, 25, 10am. 10am. Free. Free. Mission Mission CCollege, ollege, SSanta anta CClara. lara.
LLiterary iterary
Includes a tour Includes tour of of 6 pprivate rivate Palo Alto P alo A lto gardens, gardens, plant plant sale, sale, ssilent ilent aauction, uction, rraffle, affle, bboutique, outique, Apr lluncheon uncheon and and more. more. FFri, ri, A pr 23, 23, 10am-4pm 10am-4pm and and Sat, Sat, Apr Apr 24, 24, $30-$40 Palo Alto. 110am-4pm. 0am-4pm. $ 30-$40 P alo A lto.
HARLEM H ARLEM GGLOBETROTTERS LOBETR E OTTERS Basketball eentertainment. Basketball ntertainment. Apr $22-$157. HP SSat, at, A pr 224, 4, 11pm. pm. $ 22-$157. H P Pavilion, P avilion, SSan an JJose. ose.
LLOWRIDER OWRIDER SSHOW HO OW M.E.Ch.A. hhosts M.E.Ch.A. osts sshow how aand nd With sscholarship cholarship ffundraiser. undraiser. W ith music more. ffood, ood, llive ive m usic aand nd m ore. SSun, un, Apr A pr 225, 5, 110am-4pm. 0am-4pm. SSan an JJose ose CCity ity CCollege. ollege.
MUSIC IINDUSTRY NDUSTR RY EEXPO XPO The Commercial The Commercial M Music usic P Program rogram at at the the college college sponsors sponsors an an expo expo with with professions professions from from the the industry, industry, including including Randy Randy Spendlove, Spendlove, president president of of Motion Motion Picture Picture Music Music at at Paramount. Paramount. Fri, Fri, Apr Apr 23, 23, 9am-5pm. 9am-5pm. $10/$15. $10/$15. West West Valley Valley College College Music Music Department, Department, Saratoga. Saratoga.
PACIFIC CCOAST PACIFIC OAST DREAM DREAM MACHINES MA CHINES Pacific CCoast Pacific oast Dream Dream M Machines; achines; cclassic lassic aand nd vvintage intage vvehicles ehicles tthroughout hroughout tthe he 220th 0th aand nd 221st 1st Apr ccenturies. enturies. SSun, un, A pr 225, 5, 110am0am$10-$20. Half Moon Bay 44pm. pm. $ 10-$20. H alf M oon B ay Airport. A irport.
PENINSULA P ENINSULA FR FRENCH ENCH FFAIR AIR French cculture, French ulture, music music and and Apr ttraditions. raditions. SSat, at, A pr 224, 4, 110am0am6pm. 6pm. Free. Free. Joan Joan Pisani Pisani Community Community Center, Center, Saratoga. Saratoga.
SPRING H SPRING HANDCRAFTED ANDCRA C FTED GGIFT IFT BOUTIQUEE Featuring aann assortment Featuring assortment of of wedding hhandcrafted andcrafted jjewelry, ewelry, w edding aand nd bbridal ridal iitems, tems, cclothing, lothing, ppurses urses aand nd oother ther ggift ift iitems. tems. SSat, at, Apr 6-8pm Apr A pr 224, 4, 6 -8pm aand nd SSun, un, A pr Work 225, 5, nnoon-4pm. oon-4pm. FFree. ree. A W ork ooff Heart H eart SStudio, tudio, SSan an JJose. ose.
SSTYLE TYLE 2 2010: 010: W WEARABLE EARABLE ART AND ART SHOW SHOW AN D SALE SALE Artisanal clothing Artisanal clothing aand nd jjewelry ewelry on on display display and and for for sale sale by by local local artists. artists. A fundraiser fundraiser for for the the Palo Palo Alto A lto Art Art Center Center Foundation. Foundation. Sat, Sat, Apr $10. Palo A pr 24, 24, 110am-5pm. 0am-5pm. $ 10. P alo Alto A lto Art Art Center. Center.
WILDFLOWER W ILDFLOWER SSHOW HOW Expo sshowcasing Expo howcasing the the pplant lant bbiodiversity iodiversity iin n ssurrounding urrounding
SSUSAN USAN AB ABULHAWA ULHA AWA Author ooff ““Mornings Author Mornings in in Jenin,” Jenin,” about about a Palestinian Palestinian family, family, speaks. speaks. Presented Presented by by Arab Arab American A merican CCultural ultural Center Center and and CCulture ulture and and Conflict Conflict Forum. Forum. Apr ((Also Also SSat, at, A pr 224, 4, 77:30pm, :30pm, aatt Arab American A rab A merican CCultural ultural Center, Center, San San Jose.) Jose.) Thu, Thu, Apr Apr 22, 22, 7pm. 7pm. SJSU SJSU Engineering Engineering Auditorium, Auditorium, San San Jose. Jose.
ANDRE A NDRE A ACIMAN CIMAN Aciman A ciman reads reads from from his his novel novel “Eight “Eight White White Nights.” Nights.” Mon, Mon, Apr Apr 26, 26, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. Free. Free. Kepler’s Kepler’s Books, Books, Menlo Menlo Park. Park.
PAUL P AUL D DAVIES AV VIES A discussion discussion by by Davies Davies about about “The “The Eerie Eerie Silence: Silence: Renewing Renewing Our Alien O ur SSearch earch ffor or A lien Apr IIntelligence.” ntelligence.”TThu, hu, A pr 222, 2, Books, 77:30pm. :30pm. FFree. ree. KKepler’s epler’s B ooks, Menlo Park. M enlo P ark.
CCHITRA HITRA DIVAKARUNI DIV VAKAR A UNI An aauthor An uthor aappearance ppearance by by Divakaruni D ivakaruni ffor or hher er nnew ew bbook, ook, Amazing Apr ““One One A mazing TThing.” hing.” SSun, un, A pr Barnes Noble 225, 5, 77pm. pm. FFree. ree. B arnes & N oble SStevens tevens CCreek, reek, SSan an JJose. ose. ((Also Also Mon, Apr M on, A pr 226, 6, nnoon, oon, FFoothill oothill CCollege.) ollege.)
MARK K KURLANSKY URLANSKY The aauthor The uthor ttalks alks aabout bout hhis is baseball baseball book book “Eastern “Eastern Stars.” Stars.” Sat, Sat, Apr Apr 24, 24, 5pm. 5pm. Free. Free. Books Books Inc., Inc., Mountain Mountain View. View.
ANNE A NNE LLAMOTT AMOTT ““Imprefect Imprefect B Birds” irds” ffollows ollows tthe he heartrending heartrending story story of of a mother mother aand nd ddaughter aughter eexploring xploring tthe he human human quest quest for for connection connection Wed, Apr aand nd ssalvation. alvation. W ed, A pr 221, 1, Books, 77:30pm. :30pm. FFree. ree. KKepler’s epler’s B ooks, Menlo Park. M enlo P ark.
GGARY AR RY P PAULSON AULSON Paulson P aulson visits visits SSan an JJose ose iin n ssupport upport ooff hhis is nnew ew nnovel ovel ffor or yyoung oung aadults, dults, “Woods “Woods Runner.” Runner.” Presented P resented by by Hicklebee’s. Hicklebee’s. TThu, hu, Apr Apr 22, 22, 7pm. 7pm. Willow Willow Glen Glen Middle Middle School School Little Little Theatre, Theatre, San San Jose. Jose.
POETRY P OETR RY READING READING Join Bay Join Bay Area Area poets poets Robin Robin and and National Poetry KKeith eith EEkiss kiss ffor or N ational P oetry Month. Apr M onth. SSat, at, A pr 224, 4, 22pm. pm. FFree. ree. SSaratoga aratoga LLibrary. ibrary.
ROXANA R OX XANA SSABERI ABERI TThe he jjournalist ournalist ttalks alks aabout bout hher er
experience bbeing experience eing iimprisoned mprisoned Wed, Apr iin n IIran. ran. W ed, A pr 221, 1, 77pm. pm. $12/$18. $ 12/$18. CCubberley ubberley CCommunity ommunity Palo Alto. CCenter enter TTheater, heater, P alo A lto.
LLISA ISA SSHANNON HANNON ““A A TThousand housand Sisters: Sisters: My My Journey Journey Into Into the the Worst Worst Place Place on on Earth Earth to memoir to Be Be a Woman” Woman” iiss a m emoir by by a woman woman who who began began Run Run for for Congo Congo Women. Women. Tue, Tue, Apr Apr 27, 27, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. Free. Free. Kepler’s Kepler’s Books, Books, Menlo Menlo Park. Park.
RICHIE R ICHIE U UNTERBERGER NTERBERGER The aauthor The uthor ooff ““White White Heat: Velvet LLight/White ight/White H eat: TThe he V elvet Underground Day Day” U nderground D ay bbyy D ay” ttalks alks aabout bout tthe he sseminal eminal rrock ock ggroup. roup. Apr TThu, hu, A pr 222, 2, 66:30pm. :30pm. FFree. ree. SSaratoga aratoga LLibrary. ibrary.
JEFFREY JE FFREY ZZASLOW ASLOW The aauthor The uthor ooff ““The The G Girls irls FFrom rom Ames” Ames” talks. talks. Wed, Wed, Apr Apr 21, 21, $15/$20. 77-9:30pm. -9:30pm. $ 15/$20. SSchultz chultz CCultural ultural Hall, Hall, Koret Koret Campus Campus for for Palo Alto. JJewish ewish LLife, ife, P alo A lto.
FFor or K Kids ids CCHILDREN HILDREN O OFF THE DRAGON DRAGON G Vietnamese cculture Vietnamese ulture ffor or family family and and kids, kids, including including performances performances of of Vietnamese Vietnamese music music and and dance. dance. Sat-Sun Sat-Sun (Apr (Apr 24-25), 24-25), noon-5pm. noon-5pm. $9/$10. $9/$10. Children’s Discovery Museum, Children’s D iscovery M useum, San San Jose. Jose.
FLUTE FL UTE SSWEET WEET AND AND TICKLETOON TICKLETOON Presenting P resenting ssongs ongs for for young young (2-8) (2-8) kids. kids. Sat, Sat, Apr Apr 24, 24, 11am. 11am. Vineland Branch FFree. ree. V ineland B ranch Library, Library, Also Apr SSan an JJose. ose. A lso TTue, ue, A pr 227, 7, 111am. 1am. Public CCupertino upertino P ublic LLibrary. ibrary.
PRINCESS P RINCESS AN AND D THE PEA PEA A A ffamily amily sshow how bbased ased oonn tthe he fairy fairy tale tale from from California California Apr TTheatre heatre CCenter. enter. SSat, at, A pr 224, 4, 11am-5pm. 11am-5pm. $11/$12. $11/$12. Sunnyvale Sunnyvale CCommunity ommunity CCenter enter TTheatre. heatre.
MEGAN ME GAN W WHALEN HALEN TURNER TURN NER A bbook ook discussion discussion w with ith tthe he award-winning award-winning author author of of the the yyoung-adult oung-adult novel novel “A “A Conspiracy Conspiracy of of Kings.” Kings.”Tue, Tue, Apr Apr 27, 27, 5:30pm. 5:30pm. Free. Free. Kepler’s Kepler’s Books, Books, Menlo Menlo Park. Park.
THE T HE VELVETEEN VELVETEEN RABBIT RABBIT I AP Peninsula eninsula Youth Youth Theatre Theatre Stories Stories on on Stage Stage presentation presentation ppff the the popular popular children’s children’s sstory. tory. Apr 9:30 FFri, ri, A pr 223, 3, 9 :30 aand nd 111am 1am Apr aand nd SSat, at, A pr 224, 4, 111:30am 1:30am aand nd $6/$10. Mountain 11:30pm. :30pm. $ 6/$10. M ountain View Performing V iew CCenter enter ffor or tthe he P erforming Arts. A rts.
I<LE@FE Pfle^ G\icX 8e\\j >l`cc\e Óe[j _\i cfe^$cfjk ]Xk_\i# Fif DXli`Z`f D\e[fqX `e ÉG\icX%Ê
Bonding Agents FAMILY BONDS are put to the test in PERLA, a surreal, magical two-act play by Leonard Madrid, presented by Teatro Visión. Set in a small town in New Mexico, the play gives us a glimpse into the life of a “Hispano” family and a culture that seems to thrive only in that state. Most of the dialogue is in English; luckily, for gringos like myself, there are projected subtitles for Spanish parts. The basic question raised is how far would you go and how much would you do for a family member? Tia Cruz is the queen bee of her family. She has cared for her two nieces, Mariposa and Perla, since they were little girls. The eldest, Mariposa, is a young woman with both feet planted firmly on the ground. Perla is engaged to Calletano. All is fine and well until Perla starts having strange dreams about her missing father, Oro. Oro was a famous singer and notorious womanizer. He was always on the road, and the girls grew up never really knowing their father.
Thu–Sat 8pm and Sun 2pm through May 2 Mexican Heritage Plaza Theater, San Jose
Tickets In these dreams, Perla encounters Estrella, a young girl who $10–$24 acts like a guide to help find Oro. Estrella shows Perla her father as a broken-down drunk. In these dreams, Perla also encounters her sister. In the waking world, Perla announces she must find her father. Mariposa is livid, and Tia Cruz just wants Oro to stay away. Perla puts off her engagement and eventually encounters her father, a mere shell of a man who seems to be in some sort of coma. She brings him home, but for two years, nothing changes. Mariposa can’t stand Oro, but Tia Cruz at least tolerates his presence. Finally, in Perla’s dream, Oro comes to life. She is then faced with a harrowing decision. The believability of the culture presented is one of the strong points of this play. Rosa Maria Escalante is captivating as Tia Cruz. Mauricio Mendoza is perfectly cast as the self-centered Oro. The chemistry between Jay Vera’s Calletano and Anees Guillen’s Perla is so strong it seems to transcend acting. Sara Luna as Mariposa refines the role of the big sister. The young and talented Aviana Reyes plays the mysterious Estrella with ease. This play had me questioning what to make out of life and how to make that a reality. Because sometimes it seems the line between fantasy and reality becomes blurred, and it becomes like that old saying: You can’t see the forest for the trees. Æ9\Xl ;fnc`e^
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Apr A pr 21, 21, 77pm. pm. FFree. ree. SSmithwick mithwick TTheatre, heatre, FFoothill oothill CCollege, ollege, LLos os Altos A ltos Hills. Hills.
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
María M aría A Antolini, ntolini, CCourtesy ourtesy ooff Sony Sony Pictures Pictures Classics Classics
metroactive FILM
Argentine Bones J<8I:?<IJ J J<8 I:?<I I: <I I Jfc\[X[ IJ Jfc\[X[ M`ccXd`c Xe[ I`ZXi[f ;Xi e ^f cffb`e^ ]fi k_\ Zlcgi`kj M``ccXd`c Xe[ I`ZXi[ [f ;Xi e ^f cffb`e^ ]fi k_\ Zlccgi`kj `e ``e e X X ), ),$p\Xi$f , p\Xi fc[ fc[ ZXj\ `e ÉK_\ f K_\ J\Zi\k `e K_\`ii i <p\j%Ê `e X ),$p\Xi$fc[ ZXj\ `e ÉK_\ J\Zi\k `e K_\`i <p\j%Ê
@e 8i^\ek`eX dpjk\ip ÉK_\ J\Zi\k @@e e 8i^ 8i \ek`eX \ dpjk\ip p ÉK_\ J\Zi\k `e K_\`i <p\j#Ê X dXe ki`\j kf `e ` K_\`i <p\jj##ÊÊ X dXe ki`\j kf f jfcm\ k_\ ZXj\ k_Xk ^fk XnXp jfcm f m\ \ k_\ ZXj\ k_X Xk ^fk XnXp 9p 9 pR RICHARD RI I C HA RD VVON O N BUSACK B U S AC K
J@;< =IFD k_\ nXp `k J @;< =IFD k_\ nXp `k dlZb\[ lg \m\ipfe\Êj d lZb\[ lg \m\ipfe\Êj FjZXi gffc# AlXe Afj F jZXi gffc# AlXe Afj :XdgXe\ccXÊj K_\ J\Zi\k : XdgXe\ccXÊj K_\ J\Zi\k `e K_\`i <p\j f]]\ij X ]\n ``e e K_\`i <p\j f]]\ij X ]\n d\dfiXYc\ Xjg\Zkj% K_\ dfjk d \dfiXYc\ Xjg\Zkj% K_\ dfjk d\dfiXYc\ `j k_\ Ç=fi^\k `k# d \dfiXYc\ `j k_\ Ç=fi^\k `k# AXZfYf# `kÊj 8i^\ek`eXkfneÈ AXZfYf# `kÊj 8i^\ek`eXkfneÈ m`\n1 k_\ j\XiZ_ ]fi aljk`Z\ m `\n1 k_\ j\XiZ_ ]fi aljk`Z\ \mXgfiXk`e^ `e (0.+ 9l\efj \ mXgfiXk`e^ `e (0.+ 9l\efj 8`i\j# n_`Z_ `j XYflk kf jg`iXc 8 `i\j# n_`Z_ `j XYflk kf jg`iXc ``ekf k_\ ;`ikp NXi% ekf k_\ ;`ikp NXi% The T he n next ext memorable memorable aspect aspect is is tthe h fi he fine ne Mulder Mulder and and Scully Scully antianti-
ro romance omance b between etween a ccriminal riminal iinvestigator nvestigattor fo he ggovernment, overnment, forr tthe IIrene r ne ((Soledad re Soledad V illamil), aand nd h er Villamil), her ccrumbling, rumbling, M astroiannish m ale Mastroiannish male aassistant, ssistant, B enjamin ((Ricardo Ricardo D arín). Benjamin Darín). H as a ccrush rush o nh er aand nd fe els h Hee h has on her feels hee ccan’t an’t llet et tthe he ssecret ecret o ut. V illamil, out. Villamil, w ho re calls b oth F anny A rdant who recalls both Fanny Ardant aand nd B arbara F eldon, d isplays a Barbara Feldon, displays w onder ful cclassic-Hollywood lassic-Hollywo od wonderful m ix o ignity aand nd iimpudence. mpudence. mix off d dignity T here’s macha macha seriousness, seriousness, but but There’s sshe’s he’s no no p rude. IIn n tthe he m ost eelectric lectric prude. most sscene, cene, IIrene rene ssexually exually ta unts a rrape ap e taunts ssuspect usp ect d uring a ggood-cop/bado od- cop/ badduring ccop op iinterrogation. nterrogattion. H er llines ines aare re aall ll Her p ar t o he fi lm’s fi ne sselection election o part off tthe film’s fine off re eally ffragrant ragrant h ardboiled d ialogue, really hardboiled dialogue, ccaptured aptured iin n tthe he ssubtitles. ubtitles.
T he Secret Secret iin n Their Their EEyes yes iiss a b eforeThe beforeaand-after nd-after m urder m yster y iin n tthe he murder mystery JJames ames E llroy ve in, sset et iin n2 00 9 aand nd Ellroy vein, 2009 11974. 974. IIt’s t’s aabout b out tthe he ccase ase tthat hat ggot ot aw way: tthe he u nsolved iinvestigation nvestigation o away: unsolved off a fe male vvictim, ictim, fo und n ude iin nh er female found nude her aapartment—beautiful par tment—beautiful in in d eatth, like like death, La ura P almer o reminger’s La ura. Laura Palmer orr P Preminger’s Laura. IIn n tthe he 2 009 ssequences, equences, B enjamin iiss 2009 Benjamin n o llonger onger aan n iinvestigator; nvestigator; h e’s n ow no he’s now aan n aaspiring spiring novelist novelist ttrying rying tto o cchange hange tthe he ccase ase iinto nto a n arrattive. narrative. B enjamin decides decides tto o llook o ok u p Benjamin up IIrene, rene, w ho iiss n ow a jjudge, udge, tto o aask sk who now h er fo elp re calling tthe he ccase. ase. IIn n her forr h help recalling fl ashbacks, w ee w hatt h app ened. flashbacks, wee ssee what happened. T he ccase ase sseemed eemed cclosed losed aft fter tthe he The after p olice p ounded a cconfession onfession o ut o police pounded out off ap aiir o unks. T he jjudge udge w ho ttook o ok pair off p punks. The who ccharge harge o he ccase ase ffrom rrom IIrene rene aand nd off tthe B enjamin was was an an infamous infamous political political Benjamin h ack. As B enjamin ggets ets tto ok now tthe he hack. Benjamin know ggrieving rieving h usband of of tthe he m urdered husband murdered w oman, h ecides tto op ress tthe he ccase ase woman, hee d decides press ffurther ur ther d espite w arnings ffrom rrom tthe he despite warnings ttop. op. C ampanella is is a regular regular director director Campanella
o House M.D.; M.D.; the the look lo ok of of the the film film off House iiss tthat hat o he smarter smarter TV TV shows, shows, and and off tthe tthere’s here’s an an outstanding outstanding moment moment of of ssuspense: uspense: an an elevator elevator ride ride w ith an an with aarmed rmed m adman as as he he toys toys w ith his his madman with ggun un aand nd d ecides w hat to to d o about ab out decides what do h is p ursuers. But But Campanella’s Campanella’s TV TV his pursuers. eexperience xperience has has its its limits. limits. The The actors actors re act tto o each each other other as as if if they’ve they’ve react b een pals pals fo fforever rever and and will will aalways lways been b friends. The The comedy comedy relief relief o bee friends. off S andoval’s d runkenness is is like like tthe he Sandoval’s drunkenness ccontinuing ontinuing sstory tor y of of a sidekick: sidekick: it it d oesn’t grow, gro ow, he he always always sstays taays the the doesn’t ssame ame as as w hen w rst see see him. him. when wee fi first S trange that that tthe he last last A rgentine Strange Argentine fi lm to to w in the the B est F oreign film win Best Foreign La nguage O scar was was also also aabout b out the the Language Oscar D ir ty War. War. L ike The The Secret Secret in in Their Their Dirty Like EEyes, yes, T he O fficial SStory tory iisn’t sn’t a d rama The Official drama aabout bout tthe he vvictims ictims o he rright-wing ight-wing off tthe ccoup oup b ut aabout bout tthe he p eople jjust ust but people o utside ttheir heir ccircle ircle o ictimho o d. outside off vvictimhood. B oth fi lms re present a sslightly lightly Both films represent u nsattisfying, ggloves-on loves- on w ay o unsatisfying, way off h andling a sstill till h ot ttopic. opic. handling hot T he fi lm iiss eengrossing, ngrossing, tthough. hough. The film D arín’s d ebonair ffallibility allibility iiss Darín’s debonair aappealing—with pp ealing—with h is sshyness hyness his aand nd sslight light u nderbite, h o oks underbite, hee llooks llike ike a d ashing ro dent. O ne iiss lless ess dashing rodent. One iimpressed mpressed b he p ostmo dern byy tthe postmodern sspangles pangles o ver a sstraightforward traightforward over m ystery—the ssense ense tthat hat eeveryone veryone mystery—the iin nh ere iiss re rrewriting writing ttheir heir p ast, here past, p olishing iitt fo etter eeffect. ffect. T he polishing forr b better The sslick, lick, ve ngeance-is-mine p unch lline ine vengeance-is-mine punch iisn’t sn’t ve ry iimpressive mpressive eeither, ither, tthough hough very iit’s t’s p robably w hy tthe he Ac ademy probably why Academy p referred tthis his tto o tthe he ffar ar b etter W hite preferred better White R ibb on, w here tthe he ffascist ascist cculprits ulprits ggot ot Ribbon, where aaway. way. S aying tthat, hat, tthough, hough, w ould b Saying would bee aassuming ssuming tthe he vo ters d idn’t h avve eeyes yes voters didn’t have fo illamil, aan n aassured ssured 4 0ish b eauty forr V Villamil, 40ish beauty w hose p erformance iiss tthe he ssecret ecret iin n whose performance tthis his m ovie’s ssuccess; uccess; h er ccovert overt ssmile mile movie’s her iiss tthe he fi lm’s ssignature ignature p iece. film’s piece.
K_\ J\Zi\k @e K_\`i <p\j I2 (). d`e% # [`i\Zk\[ Yp AlXe Afj :XdgXe\ccX# ni`kk\e Yp :XdgXe\ccX Xe[ <[lXi[f JXZ_\i`# g_fkf^iXg_\[ Yp = c`o Dfek` Xe[ jkXii`e^ Jfc\[X[ M`ccXd`c Xe[ I`ZXi[f ;Xi e# fg\ej 8gi`c )*%
THE BACK-UP PLAN (PG-13; 106 min.) See review on page 50.
I’M NOT LIKE THAT NO MORE (R; 90 min.) A comedy about a wastrel grown son still living at home who decides to change his act when he meets a girl he knew in high school. Stars Felipe Esparza, Paul Rodriguez and Deborah Baker Jr. (Opens Apr 23 at Camera 12 in San Jose.)
Hawaiian shirts. As for the central love story, time cannot stale it. The tall, dark leading man is a 9-foot-tall cephalopod with molecular-acid blood and titanium teeth. The creature’s partner is Sigourney Weaver, whose structural perfection is matched only by her hostility. But she’s not the emotionless action-man-in-drag heroine.
Weaver is essential to the success of the sequel Aliens, the biggest and most enjoyable of Reagan-era military fantasias. The morals of the story—both useful—are “Don’t trust corporations” and “Don’t let the cat out!” (Plays Apr 23 in San Jose at the Retro-Dome.) (RvB)
THE LOSERS (PG-13; 98 min.) An action comedy about a team of supersecret agents who suddenly are targeted by the government they used to serve. The trailers make it look like a Guy Ritchie movie, which should be warning enough. Stars Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Idris Elba, Zoe Saldana and Chris Evans. (Opens Apr 23.)
NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT PERSIAN CATS (Unrated; 101 min.) See review on page 51.
OCEANS (G; 84 min.) A documentary about the perilous state of the underwater world. (Opens Apr 22)
THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES (R; 127 min.) See review on page 48. (Opens Apr 23 at Camera 7 in Campbell and the Aquarius in Palo Alto.)
THE SQUARE (R; 105 min.) See review at far right. (Opens Apr 23 at Camera 12 in San Jose, CinéArts Santana Row and the Palo Alto Square.)
Revivals ALIEN/ALIENS (1979/1986) The muchimitated “haunted house in space” movie shows its age in places, yet Ridley Scott’s film is justly remembered for its art direction, an amalgam of H.R. Giger, Ron Cobb and Moebius, as well as for the then-innovative way the ship is warmed by the hominess of cigarettes and beer, wind chimes and
KIFL9C< :cX`i\ mXe [\i 9ffd `e ÉK_\ JhlXi\Ê
‘The Square’ A TRIBUTE to the days when Australia was making unusually tough movies, The Square, by the pair of director Nash Edgerton and his brother screenwriter Joel, has the ingenuity and simplicity of classic film noir. The backwater scene and the ambience of corrupt real estate development remind one a little of John D. MacDonald’s Florida. But the opening (a pair of dogs leering at an adulterous couple getting it on in a midsized sedan) could be nowhere but Oz. Construction supervisor Ray Yale (David Roberts, excellent at portraying moral corrosion) is putting up a small honeymoon resort. He is distracted by an illicit romance with a married lady Carla (Claire van der Boom), whose husband is a surly mullethead (Anthony Hayes). Carla discovers that her mullethead is concealing a duffle bag full of illicit loot. Carla gets a James M. Cain–worthy idea: this money, if stolen, would finance a new life for her and Ray. The robbery spirals out into blackmail and murder.
K_\ JhlXi\ (R; 105 min.), directed by Nash Edgerton, opens Apr 23 at Camera 12, San Jose, Palo Alto Square and Santana Row
The Square matches gritty 1970s visuals with some new cinematic styles: a computerized dream-sequence plummet from the stratosphere, a David Lynch–like scene of a motorcyclist, foaming with rage, as he chases a pickup truck, his words smothered into unintelligiblity by his helmet. There’s dimension enough in this dark tale: in some respects, it’s a trad Australian lament for the spoiling of the land. The cries of cockatoos and the juicy warble of currawongs are backdrop for murderous behavior. Opening is Nash Edgerton’s short film “Spider,” set in a car on Sydney’s Parramatta Road. A young male idiot tries to sweeten up his sulky foreign girl: first with dainties purchased from a gas station, later with a practical joke, in a land where spiders are no joking matter. —Richard von Busack
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Daniel Guerra
metroactive FILM
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
>@>C@ )1 K?< >I8M@; A$Cf ^\kj gi\^eXek%
‘The Back-up Plan’ A CRAFTY editor could take The Back-up Plan and turn it into a horror story: too-trusting J-Lo is lured to a rural goat farm and forced to foal the anti-Christ by cultists. A natural childbirth scene has a tattooed weirdette ululating like Yma Sumac, so there would be room for the appropriately hellish wails on the soundtrack. Until that’s done, you must watch what’s onscreen—or listlessly text messages to friends as the Cosmos K_\ 9XZb$lg slowly wear off. The Back-up Plan is GcXe padded with dog-reaction shots; Nutsy the Crippled Boston Terrier gets more arf (PG-13; 106 min.), than larf. He has the final bark: “So long, directed by suckers!” is what it sounded like to me. Alan Poul, opens Apr 23. Lopez plays Zoe, a Manhattan boutique pet-store owner who has given up hope for Mr. Right and has decided to go for a turkey-baster babe. Shortly after impregnation, she fights over a cab with Stan (Alex O’Loughlin, combining the least-interesting elements of Dermot Mulroney and Keanu Reeves). This is what passes for a meet-cute. She falls in love, but has trouble telling him that she’s got a stranger’s seed in her womb. Your typical romcom hunk has been greenwashed here; Stan runs a goat-cheese stall at the Tribeca farmers market, and he has a herd of goats upstate. He apparently milks them through osmosis, because the farm goes on the backburner. Making Stan a cheesemonger gives critics a free one. But artisan cheese makers work hard for a living, and this movie isn’t even as earthy as Kraft. Ultralong snits follow every fake-ass argument. Speaking of ass, Lopez memorializes her salient feature: “I miss my old butt.” Let’s say that Lopez’s appeal was due to face matching ass, a pertness and insouciance at both ends. Whatever she had, has fled. One has to agree with what Stan says to Zoe after one of their pointless fights: “When you do the autopsy on this, you’ll find there’s no one to blame but yourself.” —Richard von Busack
49 THE BACHELOR AND THE BOBBY SOXER/EVERY GIRL SHOULD BE MARRIED (1947/1948) A “bobby soxer” was a 1940s teenager who wore short white socks with her shoes instead of stockings. Shirley Temple, all grown up, plays a 17-year-old enamored of an older man. The man in question (Cary Grant) has been sentenced by a judge (Myrna Loy)—People’s Court-wise—to escort the teenager around. A hit, though it certainly sounds deadly, what with Grant forced to act like a rah-rah teen by court order. Another contraindication is the scriptwriter, who won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay that year: Sidney Sheldon, later known for such bonbons as The Other Side of Midnight, Rage of Angels, Bloodlines, etc. BILLED WITH Every Girl Should Be Married. Grant plays a pediatrician under siege by a persistent salesgirl (Betsy Drake) who is out husband-hunting. (In real life, Drake married Grant.) (Plays Apr 21-23 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)
CINE+MAS Bay Area Latino Arts presents a series of screenings of classic Mexican movies. This week: Flor Silvestre. (Apr 26 at 6pm at La Biblioteca Latinoamericana, San Jose.) This 1943 drama by the great team of director Emilio Fernádez and cinematographer Gabriel Figueroa stars Pedro Armendáriz and Dolores Del Rio in a tale about a rich scion who throws in his lot
FLYING DOWN TO RIO/LADY FOR A DAY (Both 1933) Playboy song-anddance man Gene Raymond loves big-eyed Dolores Del Rio, who is unhappily affianced to a Brazilian tycoon. It all gets sorted out during the flight to Brazil, which took longer in the 1930s than it does today; fortunately, Raymond’s plane is equipped with a grand piano so he can work on some songs (including “Orchids in the Moonlight”). As his accordion-playing “assistant loafer,” Fred Astaire learns of a dance trend called “The Carioca,” which he’s taught by his partner Ginger Rogers. It was their first dance together onscreen. The famous finale—a dance review carried out on the wings of low-flying planes—suits Del Rio’s wish for “crazy beautiful happiness.” BILLED WITH Lady for a Day. An early Frank Capra hit about an elderly apple seller (May Robson) who puts on a charade to convince her daughter she’s actually a millionairess; a typical crowd of Damon Runyon gangsters (including Warren Williams) lend their talents to help. (Plays Apr 29-30 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)
IT’S A GIFT/SHE DONE HIM WRONG (1934/1933) Mr. Muckle, the blind man, goes shopping, as a fellow consumer howls for kumquats and a lost passer-by searches for Carl La Fong, capital L, small a, capital F, small O. Mr. Harold Bissonette, the shopkeeper, later tries to take a nap, but finds his slumber disturbed when the merits of two different kinds of emetics are debated at length by a pair of female pinheads. Inheriting his Uncle Bean’s property,
Bissonette and family immigrate to California where—as all us lifelong Californians know—you can just stretch your arm out the window and pick an orange. The old vaudevillian W.C. Fields based this series of sketches on his own act, as well as some material written by a since-forgotten humor writer named J.P. McEvoy. Endorsing as he does the merits of the quiet, contemplative life over the botheration of noisy, demanding fools, Mr. Fields has
since been hailed as a saint in all world religions. BILLED WITH She Done Him Wrong. “This 1933 ‘Don’t Care’ gal has personality-swinging hips, bedroom eyes and the throaty growl of an amorous cat— she just doesn’t give a damn!”— the well-upholstered Mae West, as summed up in an advertisement. This is her first important role. She plays a saloon owner with a thing for the Salvation Army minister
JKI8P :8KJ @kÊj efk \Xjp kip`e^ kf ifZb `e K\_iXe%
‘No One Knows About Persian Cats’ THIS MUSICAL docu-drama follows the trail of a pair of indie rockers who want to get a band together so they can play Europe. The duo of Ashkan Koshanejad and Negar Shaghaghi from the real-life act Take It Easy Hospital play “Ashkan” and Ef Fe\ Befnj 8Yflk G\ij`Xe “Negar,” a couple trying to pick up :Xkj a band to awake some interest in Europe. The duo encounters a likable (Unrated; 101 min.), but slippery promoter named Nader directed by and meet other musicians, whose music Bahman Ghobadi, plays against a standard MTV montage opens Apr 23 of cityscapes. We see the range of illegal at Camera 3, San Jose. and semilegal rock music going on, despite the morality police. post long version You learn a lot about the Iranian music scene and how it exists in cracks. A Metallica-like outfit practices in a cowshed in the country, where they get infections from the cows. Rock bands have to worry about sound leakage and tattletales calling the police. We get only one view of a solo female vocalist: an unidentified singer with a throb in her voice singing a love song with lyrics rich with Sufi-style symbolism. This music haunted me more than anything else in the film, but I doubt if we’ll ever find out who she is: the camera keeps her face, as well as the in-legal-peril audience, in a halo of out-of-focus haze. Recent news had it that Ashkan and Negar have applied for legal asylum in England after a member of their band was swallowed up by the police. Director Bahman Ghobadi has made a sometimes awkward film, full of stops and starts. That’s immaterial. Making this film, let alone appearing in it, is an act of bravery against a repressive regime. —Richard von Busack
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with the revolutionaries and marries a beautiful working girl. Also 1945’s Bugambilia (Apr 27 at 4:30pm at Stanford Center for Latin American Studies1945), another tragic love story by Fernández, with with del Rio and Armendáriz. (See www. for details.)
52 M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
next door (Cary Grant) while avoiding a mysterious police detective known only as “The Hawk.” (Plays Apr 24-27 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)
‘The Italian Straw Hat’ AT THE END of the silent era, in 1927, French director René Clair adapted a familiar stage farce into The Italian Straw Hat. Swamped by the arrival of sound, it foundered at the box office and was never seen in the United States in its proper form. Clair went on to establish himself as a masterful creator of talking comedies (most notably À nous la liberté). Now, thanks to the silent-era flame-keepers K_\ @kXc`Xe at Flicker Alley, The Italian Straw Hat has JkiXn ?Xk been properly restored and remastered. by René Clair We are so far now from the late ’20s Flicker Alley that Clair’s sophisticated bit of homage $29.95 to the earliest days of French filmmaking is hard to discern. Clair shot the story— about a man whose wedding day goes very wrong when his horse munches on a lady’s hat—in the costumes and style of the turn of the century, when Méliès and Lumière were inventing cinema. The acting is just broad enough but not histrionic, with Albert Préjean as the haggard groom and Vital Geymond as the hotblooded lieutenant who demands the return of his married mistresses’s half-digested chapeau. One of the background characters sports a cowlick that rivals Martin Short’s Ed Grimley. At 115 minutes, the story flags a bit, but Clair’s touch is assured—and a bit of his celebrated surrealism (Entr’acte) pops up in a stop-action montage of furniture moving itself out of an apartment onto the street. The DVD comes Clair’s 1928 short The Eiffel Tower, which salutes the famed landmark in a series of vertiginous traveling shots along the graceful struts and girders ending in a sweeping view of the city. Another short, by Ferdinand Zecca, from 1907, gives an idea of the early films that Clair was mining for The Italian Straw Hat. —Michael S. Gant
April 23: UC-Berkeley’s Dr. Russell Merritt commemorates the first public screening of the Vitascope in New York City, April 23, 1896, with perhaps the oldest animated film ever made: 1892’s 500-frame “Pauvre Pierrot” by CharlesEmile Reynaud, a hand-painted-on-glass harlequinade that anticipates the real strength of animation: the wordless kind, the kind that expresses what it has to say through movement. “How a Mosquito Operates” (1912) and “The Sinking of the Lusitania” (1918) are two of Winsor McCay’s gifts to animation: first the antics of a greedy top-hatted bloodsucker, then a very well-drawn re-enactment of the naval tragedy. The early Laugh-O-Gram by Disney, Alice’s Wonderland (1923), combines live-action and animation: two by Mickey Mouse’s sometimes smarter rival the alwayspsychedelic Felix the Cat in “Sure-Locked Homes” and the “Felix Woos Whoopee” (both 1928). And: one of the earliest and best disaster movies Koko’s Earth Control (1928) in which the clown and the cartoon dog finish off the planet once and for all. Frederick Hodges at the piano. Apr 28: Corked! (2009) Ross Cleneden and Paul Hawley’s independent mockumentary satire of the world of Sonoma Valley wines and winetasting. (Plays Apr 23 and April 28 in Fremont at the Edison Theatre.) (RvB)
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mind body & spirit
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T YL metroactive met roactive SSTYLE
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inďŹ&#x201A;uences h inďŹ&#x201A;uences him im m most ost iiss h hanger an nger appeal. appeall. H is vision vision ass a designer designer is is easily eassily His ttranslated ranslated to to the the sseamless eamless patchwork patchwork o is vvests, ests, sstylized tylized tto o llook ook llike ike â&#x20AC;&#x153;a â&#x20AC;&#x153;a off h his modern-day m odern-day kimono, kimono,â&#x20AC;? he he says. says. The Eastern motifs of his designs include but button-ups ton-ups wi with ith raggededged br east p ockets. He mak es breast pockets. makes these b byy salvaging thee linings of b eautiful old ccoats oats to fform orm the o beautiful p ockets themselv es, which w he pockets themselves, then lac es with intric a ately stitched laces intricately thr eading. R usso u sa ayys that his threading. Russo says ccollection, ollection, titled Bor oV eests and the Boro Vests Shap Pocket, is an a eexpression xpression Shapee of a Pocket, of his own deep erso onal inter est in deep,, p personal interest Z en Buddhism. Zen P resenting ffor or tthe he ssecond econd ttime ime Presenting aatt tthe he wearable wearrab ble arts arrts show show is is jjewelry ewelry ar rtist EMIKO EMIKO OYE OYE of of San San n Francisco. Francisco. She She artist ttakes akes tthe he cconcept oncept of of â&#x20AC;&#x153;thinking â&#x20AC;&#x153;thinking outside outside tthe he boxâ&#x20AC;? boxâ&#x20AC;? quite quite literally, literally, removing removing L EGOs straight straight ffrom rom ttheir heir p acckaging LEGOs packaging tto o ccraft raft w istful w earab ble jjewelry. ewelryy. wistful wearable S ince 2 004, w hen O ye b egan Since 2004, when Oye began h er â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;rewareâ&#x20AC;? rewarreâ&#x20AC;? L EGO ccollection, ollection, her LEGO tthe he d esigner h ass b een iinspired nspired by by designer has been
20th-century jjewelry 20th-century ewelry tturned urned iinto nto ccontemporary ontemporarry fashion. fashion. Her Her collection collection iiss h highly ighly distinctive, distinctive, w with ith eelaborate laborate b racelets tthat hatt sspan pan n a llarge arrge sswathe wathe o bracelets off wrist. She also made tthe he w rist. S he al lso sells sells eearrings arrings m ad de ffrom rom toy toy truck truck wheels wheels and and necklaces necklaces with pieces. She w ith interchangeable interchangeable p ieces. S he out materialsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;such sseeks eeks o ut rreusable eusable m aterialsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;such ass LEGOs, L EGOs, rrecycled ecycled ccircuit ircuit boards boards and and plasticâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;to p lasticâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;to show show people people that that fashion fashion about iisnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t snâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ssimply imply ab bout ffollowing ollowing trends trends putting outďŹ ts modeled aand nd p utting ttogether ogether o utďŹ ts m odeled off department o ff d epartment store store mannequins. man nnequins. She her S he ssays ays h er ccreations reations aare re aall ll aabout bout and eexpression xpression an nd iidentityâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and dentityâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and tto o her how rremind emind h er ccustomers ustomers jjust ust h ow fun fun plastic blocks p lastic building building b locks can can be. be. Anyone who has worked A nyone w ho h ass w orked with w ith bamboo bamboo b can can aattest ttest tto o iits ts durability, Alto designer d urab bility, and an nd Palo Palo A lto d esigner deďŹ nitely add her EEDITH DITH SSCHNEIDER CHNEIDER ccan an d eďŹ nitely ad dd h er name n ame tto o tthis his llist. ist. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unique unique about ab bout pieces will tthe he p ieces sshe he w ill be presenting presenting at at next weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unabashed n ext w eekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sshow how iiss ttheir heir u nabasshed off ffabrics, one off w which ccelebration elebration o abrics, o ne o hich happens h ap ppens to to be bamboo. bam mboo. As As a textile, textile, tthe he llargest argest member member of of tthe he grass grass family faam mily She iiss iincredibly ncredibly dense. dense. S he ssays ays tthat, hat, when worn, will w hen w orn, iitt w ill be ccool ool iin n tthe he moisture, ssummer ummer by by absorbing absorbing m oisture, and and warm winter preventing w arrm iin n tthe he w inter by by p reventing ccold old aair ir ffrom rom sseeping eeping between between seams. seams. has IItâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ttransitional, ran nsitional, which which she she ssays ays h as her designer. ccome ome tto o bee h er ssignature ignature ass a d esigner. Much off w what Schneider on M uch o hat S chneider iiss ffocused ocused o o n iiss cclothing lothing tthat hat carries carries depth, depth, such such as as worn blouse a ttunic unic tthat hat can can n be w orn ass a b louse llayered ayered aatop top lleggings, eggings, or or ass a ssimple imple paired ssummer ummer dress dress p aired with with sandals. sandals. Schneider bee showing Schneid der will also b her most rrecent ecent ccollection ollection at the show, show w, a series serries of silk and linen tops, tops, byy tunics and d dresses dresses accentuated accentuated b prints polka vivid print ts of butterďŹ&#x201A;ies, butterďŹ&#x201A;ies, p olka dots, dots, rroses oses and stripes. s strip es. She says saayys she made point ap oint of not using buttons buttons and zippers, which zipp ers, wh hich ccan an sometimes add clutter washes an element elemen nt of clut ter that w ashes overall out her o verall vision ffor o or a design. Style 2010 breeding St yle 20 010 aims to be be a br eeding ground gr ound for fo orr new new fashion and fresh fresh ideas,, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ideas itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about about time the mundane world of fashion gets turned on n its head. Can Can anyone an nyone say saay fashion revolution? revolution?
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55 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
metroactive MUSIC
Visual Scratch
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rememb remembers e ers him, of ccourse, ourse, ffor o or go ooffy hip-pop hip -pop lik arents JJust ust goofy likee â&#x20AC;&#x153;P â&#x20AC;&#x153;Parents D Don â&#x20AC;&#x2122;t U nderstand,â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;? but JJazzy azzy JJeff eff Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Understand,â&#x20AC;? fr om the beginning beginning w as one of th he from was the m most fo orward-thinking ar tists in DJ D forward-thinking artists cu ulture. He was was the ďŹ rst to get thee culture. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;transformer t transf fo ormer scratch record, he h scratchâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;? on record, in nvented the â&#x20AC;&#x153;chirp scratch h invented scratchâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;? and he de esigned the Gemini PMX-220 0, designed PMX-2200, w which was known as the â&#x20AC;&#x153;J azzy was â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jazzy JJeff e Signature eff Signature Series ,â&#x20AC;? and b ecamee Series,â&#x20AC;? became th he most p opular DJ mixer eever ver the popular pr roduced. On this par ticular nigh ht, produced. particular night, w man with Baay Areaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Areaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mostt manyy of the Bay in nďŹ&#x201A;uential DJ tendance, he w as inďŹ&#x201A;uential DJss in at attendance, was ab bout to blow minds again. â&#x20AC;&#x153;J azzy about â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jazzy JJeff e is pr eff obably m avorite DJ of probably myy fa favorite al ll time, time, so we in vited him out,â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;? all invited rremembers e ememb ers A guilar. Aguilar.
gaave those in at ttendanc t e their He gave attendance taste of the Serato Serato Scratch Live Live ďŹ rst taste software. At At the time, time, running a software. through a laptop lapto op was was still DJ set through considered tabooâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;it taboo â&#x20AC;&#x201D;it was was still considered â&#x20AC;&#x153;cheating,â&#x20AC;? eeven ven in thee techsaavvvy â&#x20AC;&#x153;cheating,â&#x20AC;? tech-savvy Baay. The difference diff ffeerenc e e with South Bay. digital songs Serato is that the digital from the computer computer actually acctually travel traavel from through a needle and are are scratched through vinyl grooves grooves like lik ke traditional onto vinyl records before beffo ore playing plaayyingg through through the records system. The software soft ftware didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sound system. 2 04, but Jazzy 20 Jazzy officially debut until 2004, Jeff was was given given early access acccess to it and Jeff became its ďŹ rst big-name big-naame champion. became â&#x20AC;&#x153;He spun his wholee set with Serato, still doing what whaat he do es best best Serato, does DJ,â&#x20AC;? says saayys Aguilar. Aguilar. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That â&#x20AC;&#x153; really as a DJ,â&#x20AC;? really opened d a lot l off peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s peoplleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eyes eyes in i the h opened Baay Area. Area. They They were were sold s Serato. Bay on Serato. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s revolutionized revolutionized DJ culture.â&#x20AC;? culture.â&#x20AC;? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Now Aguilar, Aguilar, a DJ himself h Now who promotes events events through throu ugh his promotes company Ungrammar, Ungrammarr, is embracing company next level level of DJ technology teechnology with the next event on April 21 at a Camera Camera 3 an event
lso united two two other South that has al also Baay ar ts players pllaayers alw p ayys looking lookingg for for o Bay arts always next big b thing, thing, L eft Coast Coast Live Live the next Left Cineq quest. and Cinequest. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Timeleess: Composer/Arranger Composer/Arranger â&#x20AC;&#x153;Timeless: conceptually heady but Seriesâ&#x20AC;? is conceptually technologiically remarkable remarkable event event technologically level is a that at its most basic level screening of thr ee do cumentaries screening three documentaries ame out of the Timeless Timeless that ccame Concert Se eries in Los Los Angeles. Angeles. Concert Series However, expecting expecting even even the hippest hippest However, audience to t sit through through three three backback kaudience to -back concert conc o ert docs docs seemed like like a to-back ideea, Aguilar Aguilar said. Instead, terrible idea, screen ning is a multimedia eevent vent the screening Rocc (founder (ffo ounder of the Beat in which J Rocc Junkies) will w use the latest Serato Junkies) technology to actually mix piec es technology pieces m together together live, live, into one of the ďŹ lm perfo orman nceâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;much like like video DJs DJs performanceâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;much clubs. do at clubs. three e ďŹ lms that will be be The three p into one movie movie mashed up experience were were rrecorded ecorded at separate experience concerts in n L.A. by by the production production concerts Mochilla. The ďŹ rst, Mulatu house Mochilla. Astatke, was was a ďŹ lmed at a performance performanc o e Astatke, by Ethiopi ian ar tist Astatke, Astatke, the by Ethiopian artist inventor of o Ethio-azz. Ethio -azz. The second second A inventor Suite ffor oor Ma M Dukes, Dukes, was was a concert concert in Suite rapper which the music of the late rapper inďŹ&#x201A;ueential producer producer J Dilla and inďŹ&#x201A;uential was set to a 60-piece 60-piece orchestra. orchestra. The was ďŹ lm Arthur V eerocai, features featur e es ďŹ nal ďŹ lm, Verocai, o the Brazilian composer composer the work of 1972 solo album has been been whose 1972 by Ludacris Ludacris and MF Doom Doom sampled by otherss, making him the cult and others, hero of a spectrum s ectrum of artists sp artists from from hero Radio. And Madlib to TV on the Radio. yes, J Roccâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Roccâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; c s mix of the movies movies will yes, traavel through through the needle and still travel grooves e before beffo ore it hits the screen. screen. the grooves Aguilar doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do oesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need to understand understand Aguilar wo orks. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just glad it how it works. does. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s amazing, amazing, it is,â&#x20AC;? is,â&#x20AC;? he says. saayys. does. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s led to an explosion explosion of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s everybodyy being being a DJ. DJ. And it allows everybody you to still still be be a real real DJ. DJ. You Yo ou canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you fake it.â&#x20AC;? it.â&#x20AC;? fake
K`d\c\jj1 :fdgfj\i& 8iiXe^\i J\i`\j N\[ 8gi`c )( 7 .gd :Xd\iX *# JXe Afj\ (' ]fi k_\ jZi\\e`e^# (' ]fi k_\ X]k\i$gXikp# fi (, ]fi Yfk_
57 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
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MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactive M
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SJCC Fundraiser Sundayy, 10am–4pm, Sunday, 10am–44pm, at San City $5 S an Jose Jose C ity College; College; $ 5 It used to be that te teenagers eenagers had to choose between grades their more, their gr ades and the eir cars. But no mor e, since San Jose City College began beegan hosting a car-show fundraiser. fundraiser. longtime services Conceived byy longti g me SSJCC JCC dean of student ser vices Garcia, 2007, it’s lifee of Zeke Gar cia, who rretired e ed in 2007 etir 7, it ’s taken on a lif year’s from its own. This year ’s show ffeatures eatures music fr om San Jose Manuscript. rrockers ockers Blank Manu uscript.
Mammoth EExploration Mammoth xploration SSociety ociety Wednesday W ednesday at the th he Blank Club, Club, S San an Jose; free free San Jose’s Jose’s Mammo Mammoth th Explor Exploration ation takes the dark, rraw aw Manchester glitter of Mancheste er bands like Joy Division and pulls riffed it out into a thickly riff ed psychedelic swirl that would brothers have the Jesus and Mary Chain’s Chain’s Reid br others begging to be in the band if they didn’t didn’t have something better to do. Oh wait, they don’t. don’t. LLock ock your doors, Mammoth Exploration Society!! Explor ation Society
The Record Recor o d Winter Winter Saturday at 4pm Saturday m at S Streetlight treetlight Records, Records, San S an Jose; free free Dominic Miranda Miranda br brings rings his moody moody, y, lyrically and project Recordd Winter musically evocative rrock ock pr oject the Recor BFF to Streetlight Streetlight g Records, Records,, teamingg upp with stylistic y Angeles. Record A ngeles l Newest N tR Re ecord Winter Wi t addition dditi Josh J h Sh Shute t has just turned the quartet into a quintet, providing a second guitar and keyboards.
Rock/Pop R ock/Pop
Sat, 9 Sat, 9pm: pm: TTaller, aller, CCalifornia alifornia IIss Burning B urning aand nd My My Monster. Monster. CCupertino. upertino.
Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm: pm: H Hayride ayride to to H Hell, ell, Jonny Jonny M anak aand nd tthe he D epressives and and Manak Depressives M otel Drive. Drive. $ 10. SSat, at, 9 pm: The The Motel $10. 9pm: SSlackers, lackers, Phenomenauts Phenomenauts and and LLos os H ot Boxers. Boxers. $ 12/$14. 44. 44. Hot $12/$14. SSan an JJose. ose.
BLINKY’S B LINKY’S CCAN’T AN’T SAY SAY Thu & SSat: Thu at: 9pm: 9pm: Live Live music. music. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
BOSWELL’S B OSWELL’S Wed: JJack Wed: ack R Ripoff. ipoff. TThu: hu: Chill Chill SSauce. auce. FFri: ri: Honey Honey Circuit. Circuit. Sat: Sat: SSuga uga D addy. M on: EElement. lement. Daddy. Mon: CCampbell. ampbell.
BRITANNIA B RITANNIA A ARMS RMS A ALMADEN LMADEN Fri: SSpazmatics. Fri: pazmatics. SSat: at: Bitchen Bitchen CCamaros. amaros. SSan an JJose. ose.
CCAPERS APERS FFri, ri, 9 9pm: pm: LLive ive m music. usic. CCampbell. ampbell.
FFIREHOUSE IREHOUSE GGRILL RILL FFri: ri: The The Mo-Fo’s. Mo-Fo’s. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
NETO’S N ETO’S M MARKET ARKET & GRILL GRILL Sat: TThe Sat: he M Megatones. egatones. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
NUMBER N UMBER O ONE NE B BROADWAY ROADWAY Wed: JC Wed: JC Smith Smith Band. Band. Thu, Thu, Mixer. 77:30pm: :30pm: CCougar ougar M ixer. With With live live music Generation m usic bbyy G eneration Wrecks Wrecks $10. 9:30pm: aand nd ggames. ames. $ 10. FFri, ri, 9 :30pm: $10. 9:30pm: TTouch ouch ooff CClass. lass. $ 10. SSat, at, 9 :30pm: $10. Gatos. JJam am FFunkshuls. unkshuls. $ 10. LLos os G atos.
RED R ED R ROCK OCK CCOFFEE OFFEE CCO. O. FFri, ri, 8 8pm: pm: CCoby oby JJoseph. oseph. W With ith
Mike V Mike Vitale. itale. SSat, at, 8 8pm: pm: TThe he SSea ea People. Mon, Open mic. P eople. M on, 77pm: pm: O pen m ic. With W ith CCavin avin aand nd KKing. ing. Mountain Mountain View. V iew.
THE T HE R REFUGE EFUGE SSat, at, 6 6pm: pm: K SSera. era. $ $10. 10. CCupertino. upertino.
VOODOO V OODOO LOUNGE LOUNGE Mon, 7:30pm: Mon, 7:30pm: B Buck-O-Five uck-O-Five With SShow. how. W ith CCivil ivil TTwilight wilight aand nd Northern N orthern Son. Son. $1.05. $1.05. TTue, ue, 9pm: 9 pm: Two-Tone Two-Tone TTuesdays. uesdays. with Richie SSka ka nnight ight w ith R ichie FFlame, lame, Meissner SStefan tefan M eissner aand nd Memphis Memphis Henessey. H enessey. San San JJose. ose.
World/ W orld/ Reggae ALBERTO’S A L B E RT O ’ S Thu, 9pm: Hot Salsa. Classes
63 6 3
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=@IDCP GC8EK<; ;FNEKFNE Fe\ f] =X_i\e_\`kÊj Y`^$ eXd\ ^l\jkj# 6cfm\ f] k_\ Iffkj# jgle Xk k_\ ZclY cXjk p\Xi%
Fahrenheit Five-Year Anniversary LASTING one year on the ever-embattled downtown San Jose club scene is hard enough. Surviving five years practically makes you a historic landmark. So Fahrenheit has good reason to celebrate. Not to say we told you so, but back in our 2005 Best of Silicon Valley issue (in which it won Best Ultralounge and Best Happy Hour), we called it Fri and Sat, VIP “4000 square feet of cool” and said it “upped the concept” celebration Sat of ultralounge. 7–9pm Clearly we didn’t need a hot tub time machine to tell us Fahrenheit was going to be around in five years. (Besides, Fahrenheit, that damn thing is always at the shop.) But the folks San Jose behind Fahrenheit are pretty happy about it, So they’re doubling up on celebrating this weekend, with a pre-party on Friday night and a party proper on Saturday. DJ Melvis $5 drink specials provides the musical accompaniment on Friday, with and free hors d’oeuvres $5 drink specials and complimentary hors d’oeuvres. On Saturday, the club’s stable of favorite DJs will tag-team it, with DJ Jeanine Da Feen, DJ Jsanty and DJ Benofficial in the mix, while DJ Wicked will spin at the VIP celebration from 7 to 9pm. ÆJk\m\ GXcfgfc`
61 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
14831 Pierce Road, Saratoga, CA 95070
1 • Goo Goo Dolls with special guest Vedera
7 • Crosby, Stills & Nash 12 • Diana Ross 13 • Chick Corea Freedom Band with Kenny Garrett, Christian McBride, Roy Haynes
Béla Fleck, Zakir Hussain and Edgar Meyer 16 • Merle Haggard and Kris Kristofferson 18 • Imogen Heap 19 • Erykah Badu 22-23 • Steve Martin & the Steep Canyon Rangers 26 • Brandi Carlile 30 • The Black Crowes with special guest Truth and Salvage Company
1 • The Avett Brothers 9 • Court Yard Hounds featuring Martie Maguire and Emily Robison of the Dixie Chicks
10 • An Evening with Gipsy Kings 11 • Yes / Peter Frampton 6:30pm show
20 • Hippiefest 26 • Martina McBride 27 • Pat Benatar / REO Speedwagon with special guest Edwin McCain 6:30pm show
29 • Kenny Loggins 30 • Squeeze / The English Beat 31 • Michael McDonald with special guest Chaka Khan
1 • John Legend 3 • Ringo Starr & His All Starr Band 8pm show
5 • Mary Chapin Carpenter and band / Shawn Colvin performing solo
6 • Los Lonely Boys with special guest The Fabulous Thunderbirds
featuring Jack Bruce of Cream, War, Rare Earth, Mitch Ryder, Badfi nger featuring Joey Molland 6:30pm show
21 • B.B. King / Buddy Guy 22 • Los Lobos / John Hiatt & The Combo 23 • Rufus Wainwright with special guest Martha Wainwright
24 • Crowded House 7pm show
26 • Melissa Etheridge 25 • Garrison Keillor A Prairie Home Companion 27-28 • Chris Isaak 29 • An Intimate Evening with Celtic Woman 31 • Earth, Wind & Fire
7 • Chelsea Handler
10 • Craig Ferguson
8pm show • mature content
8pm show
8 • Styx 9 • Natalie Merchant 10 • Blondie / The B52s 11 • Huey Lewis & The News 14 • Ron White
11 • The Doobie Brothers 14-15 • Sheryl Crow 18 • Harry Connick Jr. & Orchestra
8pm show • mature content
15 • Ziggy Marley 16 • Smokey Robinson 18 • An Evening with The Beach Boys 19 • Barenaked Ladies 20 • Jamie Cullum 22 • Lyle Lovett and His Large Band 23 • Aziz Ansari
15 • Rob Thomas: A Special Intimate Performance benefitting Sidewalk Angels Foundation 16 • Billy Idol 17 • Cyndi Lauper 18 • Lucinda Williams
8pm show • mature content
19 • The Swell Season
with special guest Robert Earl Keen
Your Songs in Concert
22 • Willie Nelson and Family with special guest Ryan Bingham 23 • Foreigner 25 • Margaret Cho 8pm show • mature content
27 • Daryl Hall and John Oates
OCTOBER 2 • Wanda Sykes 8 • Cheap Trick
TICKETS ON SALE MONDAY, APRIL 26 AT 10AM! Follow us on Facebook: Charge by phone (800) 745-3000, and at participating Ticketmaster outlets including select Macy’s and FYE stores. For Parking and dinner reservations, please visit mountain All Acts, Dates, Times, and Prices are subject to change. Additional shows may be added at a later date.
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactive M at 8 and 9pm. With P Pantea. antea. Fri 8pm: Salsa Fridays. View.. Mountain View
AVALON A VALON Sat: P Pete ete Escovedo, Sheila Sheila E., Peter P eter Michael, Juan Escovedo Escovedo Clara. and Blanca. Santa Clar a.
BRITANNIA B RITANNIA A ARMS RMS CCUPERTINO U P E RT I N O Fri, 9pm: Aivar. Aivar. Cupertino. Cupertino.
PARRANDA P A R R A N DA N NIGHTCLUB I G H TC LU B Thu, 9pm-2am: 9pm-2am: Banda 300. Plus DJ Akustik Akustik and a bullb cover. riding contest. No cove er. Fri, 8pm-2am: 8pm-2am: Norteñoo and Sunnyvale. Bandas Live. Sunnyvale e.
Jazz/Blues Jazz/Blue es CCASCAL AS C A L Sat, 8:30-11:30pm: 8:30-11:30pm: Jam James mes Robinson. Flamenco jazz jaazz View. guitarist. Mountain Vie ew.
GGRAND RAND D DELL ELL SSALOON A LO O N Thu: Blues Jam. with AKI AKI 1040 Dell Ave, Ave, Campbell, Campbeell, 408.378.3970. 408.37 8.3970.
JJ.J.’S .J.’S BLUES BLUES CCAFE AFE Wed: Suzie Q. Wed: Q. Thu: Dave Dave Abbot. A bbot Fri, bbot. Fri 9pm: John Garcia G cia Gar Blues. Preceded Preceded at 7pm m by Barefoot Bar efoot Blues. $10. Sun: Suun: Mon: Gene Washington. Washington. Mon n: Oliver Dennis and Friends. TTue: ue: u Denn is and Stuart. Stuart. Tue, Tue, u 7pm: Blue B J. J. Followed at 9pm by Dennis Deennis and Stuart. Stuart. San Jose.
JJZCOOL ZCOOL EEATERY ATERY Thu, 6-9pm: 6-9pm: Eck Eckstein stein Quartet. Q Fri, 6:30-9:30pm: 6:30-9:30pm: Judicious Judiccious 6:30pm: Jazz Quartet. Sat, 6:30 pm: Guest bands. bands Menlo Park. Park. aark
POOR P OOR H HOUSE OUSE B BISTRO I ST R O Wed, 6Wed, 6-9pm: 9pm: Ron Thomson n 6-9pm: and Friends. Thu, 69pm: Laraa Price. With YYesterdays. Lar eesterdayss. 6-10pm: Anthony Paul Fri, 610pm: A nthony P aul 6-10pm: Blues Band. Sat, 610pm: 6-9pm: 9ppm: Kicking the Mule. TTue, uue, 6Acoustic A coustic Jam. San Jose.
Karaoke K araoke 7B BAMBOO AMBOO Wed-Sat, 9pmWed-Sat, 9pm-2am: 2am: KKaraoke. araoke. 9pm-1am: TTue, uue, 9pm1am: KKaraoke. araoke. San Jose.
SSENZALA ENZALA R RESTAURANT ESTAURANT Wed, 7:30pm: Wed, p San Jose Orchestra. Jazz Or chestra. Big band conducted by Gus KKambeitz. ambeittz. TTue, uue, 7:30pm: Jazz Jam. Worley With John W orley and Pangilinan Oscar P angilinan Quintet. Sunnyvale.
ALEX’S A L E X’ S 4 49ER 9ER INN INN Mon-Sat, 9pm9pm-2am: 2am: KKaraoke. araoke. San Jose.
Fourth Thu of every month month, h, 77-Balistreri. jazz 9pm: Don Balistr eri. Solo ja azz guitar.. Fr Free. guitar ee. Sat, 7pm: Jack Conway TTrio. rio. r San Jose.
WINE W INE A AFFAIRS FFAIRS Thu, 7:307:30-10:30pm: 10:30pm: Dawann Allen Muhammad, Spencer A llen n and TTerrell eerrell Otis. San Jose.
Country/ Country/ Western W eestern THE T HE SSADDLE ADDLE R RACK AC K Wed, 9pm: CCalifornia Wed, alifornia Cowboys. Sat, 7:15pm: The Brothers, Bell Br others, with Diablo Fremont. Road at 10:45pm. Fr emontt.
THREE T HREE FFLAMES L A M ES Thu, 9pm-closing: Live country music with Doug Band. Rose and the Bit & Spur Ba and. Willow Glen.
Fri, 9pm9pm-1am: 1am: With Danielle. Clara. Santa Clar a. Mon & W Wed-Thu, ed--Thu, T 8pm: cover.. Sunnyvale. KKaraoke. araoke. aoke No cover Sunnyvale
BLUE B LU E M MAX AX Fri-Sat, 9pm-1:30am: 9pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. Sunnyvale.
BOGART’S B OGART’S LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed, Fri, Wed, Fri, Sun, Sun, 8pm-2am: 8pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
BOSWELL’S B OSWELL’S TTue: ue: W With ith D DJJ D Davey avey KK.. CCampbell. ampbell.
BRITANNIA ARMS BRITANNIA ARMS ALMADEN A LMADEN Sun, 110pm Sun, 0pm and and We Wed, d, 10pm: 10pm: With DJJ H Hank. Mon, KKaraoke. araoke. W ith D ank. M on, 9pm-midnight: Beerpong 9 pm-midnight: B eerpong Night. N ight. TTue, ue, 77:30pm: :30pm: Pub Pub SStumpers. tumpers. San San JJose. ose.
Sun: Mike Leatherman. CCampbell. ampbell.
Thu, 7-11pm: 7-11pm: 6:50 Rock, Rockk, jazz and R&B. San Jose.
Sun-Tue, 9 Sun-Tue, 9:30pm: :30pm: Karaoke. Karaoke. CCupertino. upertino.
MARQS M ARQS IN IN M MENLO E N LO Wed, 8pm: Joey Fabiann Trio. Wed, Trrio. Thu, 8pm: Kelly Kelly Park. Park. Fri, Fri, 8pm: Macy Blackman. LLouisiana ouisiiana blues. Sat, 8pm: Marty Williams. Mon: Menlo Idol. Idol. TTue, uue, 8pm and Tue, Tuue, 8pm: 8pm m: Lavay Smith. Menlo Park. Park.
MURPHY’S M URPHY’S LAW LAW Mon: Pro Pro Blues Jam and annd barbecue with Mike “Pops” “P Pops” Phillips. Sunnyvale.
NETO’S N E TO ’ S M MARKET ARKET & GRILL GRILL TTue, uue, 6pm: Bluesday Pr Proo Blues Clara. Jam. Santa Clar a.
Sat, 8pm: KKavanaugh avanaugh Brothers Celtic Br others Cel tic Experience. Experience. San Jose.
MISSION M ISSION CCITY ITY R ROASTING OA ST I N G Sat, 8pm: Montana Skies. $15/$17. Cello-guitar fusion. $15/$1 177. Clara. Santa Clar a.
SSTEPHEN’S TEPHEN’S GGREEN REEN TTue, uue, 7:30pm: Irish Music. View.. Mountain View
VINELAND V INELAND LLIBRARY IBRARY Fourth TTue uue of every month month,, 77-9pm: -9pm: South Bay Guitar Society Open Mic. Sign up by 6:45pm. San Jose.
CC&J’S &J’S SPORTS SPORTS B BAR AR Thu: KKaraoke. Thu: araoke. W With ith M Melissa elissa Heather. aand nd H eather. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
CCARDINAL ARDINAL LOUNGE LO U N G E Mon, Wed, Mon, Wed, 9pm-1am: 9pm-1am: With DJJ CCurtis. Noo KKaraoke. araoke. W ith D urtis. N 9pm: ccover. over. Tue, Tue, 9 pm: Western Western kkaraoke. araoke. No No cover. cover. San San Jose. Jose.
DIVE D IVE B BAR AR Wed, 8pm-2am: Wed, 8pm-2am: Karaoke. Karaoke. SSan an JJose. ose.
63 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
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MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Hayride to Hell
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THE Scandanavian death metal explosion is what people remember now, what with all the church burning and brain-eating, but back in the ’90s you couldn’t throw a rock in any of those countries without hitting a psychobilly band. Hayride to Hell DFEJK<IJ F= IF:B89@CCP JXe Afj\Êj ?Xpi`[\ kf ?\cc gcXp ]Xjk Xe[ jZXip% was one of the first U.S. bands to embrace that style—unlike the heavy, gritty sound of American bands like the Cramps, it was almost like slap-bass-driven hardcore punk, wild and tinny and so fast it could barely keep up with itself. As they evolved, their Fri at 9pm sound got deeper and truer to old-school rockabilly, But they kept the horror theme in their music and attitude (is there Blank Club, any psychobilly band that doesn’t have a song about a serial San Jose killer?), even as they muscled up their sound, going from a trio to a quartet, then back to a trio, and now back to a quartet with the return of original lead singer Craig. Jonny Manak & the Depressives open. ÆJk\m\ GXcfgfc`
63 6 3 FFLAMES LAMES CO COFFEE FFEE SHOP SHOP Thu-Sat, 9pm: Thu-Sat, 9pm: Uncle Uncle Dougie Dougie Show.. No cover. Show cover. San Jose.
GGOOSE OOSE LOONEY’S LO O N EY ’ S Wed, 9pm: KKaraoke Wed, araoke Night. Milpitas.
QUARTER Q UA RT E R N NOTE OT E TTue, uue, 9pm: Karaoke. Karaoke. With Sherrie Sher rie and Sue. Sunnyvale.
RUDY’S R UDY’S P PUB UB Wed, 10pm-1:30am: Wed, 10pm-1:30am: With DJ Palo Alto. Purple. P alo A lto.
Dance D ance Clubs Clubs
Tickets are $10
by Eric Belladonna. $5-$15. San Jose.
BRANHAM B RANHAM LOUNGE LO U N G E Wed: Humpday Wednesdays. Wed: Wednesdays. Industry night. Thu: DJ and KKaraoke. araoke. Sat: DJ Jazzy and DJ Chaos. Hip-hop and Top Toop 40. Mon: DJ and Karaoke. Karaoke. Tue: Tue: u $2 TTuesdays. uuesdays. San Jose.
THE T HE GGOOSETOWN OOSETOWN LLOUNGE OUNGE Fri-Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: 9:30pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. Willow Glen.
KATIE K ATIE B BLOOM’S LO O M ’ S Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: 9:30pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. Campbell. Campbell.
KHARTOUM K H A RT O U M Thu, 9pm: With Davey K. Noo cover.. Campbell. cover Campbell.
KING K ING OF OF CLUBS C LU BS Sun--TThu, 8:30pm-close: Wi Sun-Thu, With th Bruce of KOR KOR KKaraoke. araoke. No cover.. Mountain View View.. cover
Wed, 8pm: Salsa Wednesdays. Wed, Wednesdays. Fourth Fri of month: DJ Rich spins. Fourth Sat of month: DJs spin ‘80s old school. Sun: Planet Reggae. San Jose.
ALBERTO’S A L B E RT O ’ S Wed, 7:30pm: Latin. Bachata Wed, lessons at 7:30pm; social dance at 9:30pm. Tue Tuue and Pantea. Thu: Salsa With P antea. Sat: D i att 9:30pm. Dancing 9 30 S t Latin L ti Night. Reggaeton, cumbia, merengue mer engue and more. more. SunArgentine Mon, 5pm: Tango. Tango. a Argentine style. Mountain View. View.
BRITANNIA A BRITANNIA ARMS RMS ALMADEN A LMADEN Wed, Sun: DJ Hank. With Wed, karaoake kar aoake at 10pm. Thu: DJ Benofficial. San Jose.
BACK B AC K B BAR AR Thu, 9:30pm: Waterland. Waterland. An An electroo dance party. electr party. Hosted
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
1011 PPACIFIC ACIFIC A AVE. AVE. V SANTTA CRUZ CR RUZ SANTA 831-423-13336 831-423-1336 -YPKH` (WYPS -YPKH` (WYPS AGES 21+ :H[\YKH` (WYPS : :H[\Y KH` (WYPS AGES 16+ $ Adv $16 Adv./ ./ $19 Doors D Drs s. 8 p.m., Sho Sh w 9 p.m. Drs. Show
:H[\YKH` 4H` Â&#x2039; A :H[\Y KH` 4H` Â&#x2039; AGES 16+ 16 6+
Eek E ek a Mouse Mouse plus p lus W Wooster ooster $14 Adv./ Adv./ $19 Dr Dr.. Drs. 8 p.m., Sho Show w 9 p.m.
AApr prr 23 Chickenfoot Screening Atrium (Ages 21+) AApr prr 24 The B Foundation Atrium (Ages 16+) Mayy 2 Devin the Dude (Ages 16+) Mayy 4 Thrice/Manchester Orch. (Ages 16+) Mayy 13 Dredg (Ages 16+) Mayy 15 Groundation/ Orgone (Ages 16+) Mayy 21 YYour oour Music Olympicks Finals (Ages 16+) Mayy 22 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ss a Beachâ&#x20AC;? DJ Sal (Ages 18+) Mayy 25 Talib Taalib Kweli & Hi-tek (Ages 16+) Mayy 28 Zion I (Ages 16+) Mayy 29 Tech Teech N9ne (Ages 16+) Junn 5 Sage Francis/ Free Moral Agents (Ages 16+) Junn 6 Bone Thugs-N-Harmony (Ages 16+) Junn 9 The Glitch Mob (Ages 16+) Jul 29 Wolf Wolf Parade (Ages 16+) Augg 11 Rev. Revv. Horton Heat (Ages 21+) Augg 13 Smash Mouth (Ages 16+) Sepp 20 Willie Nelson & Family (Ages 21+) Unless Unle ess otherwise noted, noted all sho shows ws are dance shows shows with limited sea seating. ating. g TTickets icketts subject to city tax & service service charge charge by by phone 866-384-3060 & online onnline w
MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactive M 64 BRITANNIA ARMS B RITANNIA A RMS SSAN AN JJOSE OSE Wed: The CCypher. Wed: ypher. Openn mic with live artists. Thu: DDX. D DJ Jose Melendez and Clay Claay the Drummer.. Fri: DJ Checko. Drummer Checkko. Sat: G Beats. San Jose.
BRIX B RIX Wed, 9pmWed, 9pm-2am: 2am: Whip It I Out Wednesdays. W ednesdays. Thu: Huntress Huntress VJJ Sue. Fri: Inferno Thursdays. V Inferno VJJ Joel. Sat: Sinful Fridays. V Sinnful Saturdays. VJJ Sue. No cover. Satur days. V c cover . 9pm-2am: Sun, 9pm2am: Chill Sundays. Suundays. VJJ Sue. Mon: Mar Marathon V athonn Mondays. TTue: uue: Take Take a it Off O TTuesdays. uuesdays. San Jose.
CC&J’S &J’S SSPORTS PORTS BAR BA R Wed, Sat, 10pm: DJ in the Wed, t Mix. Clara. Santa Clar a.
DIVE D IVE B BAR AR Sat: Rhythm Satur Saturdays. dayss. Sun: Mix TTape aape Sundays. San Jose.
FFAHRENHEIT AHRENHEIT Wed, 9pm: TTop Wed, oop 40 and hiphop. Thu, 9pm-close: Fortune F dance, 50/50. Mashups, danc ce, Anniversary TTop oop 40. Fri: Fifth A nniversary preparty celebration pr eparty celebr ation with w DJ Anniversary Melvis. Sat: Fifth A nnivversary celebration Jwicked. celebr ation with DJ Jw wicked. Collegee TTue, ue 9pm-close: uue, 9pm close: Colleg cover.. San Jose. Night. No cover Joose.
GGOOSE OOSE LLOONEY’S O O N EY ’ S Fri, Sat: Old School. Mil Milpitas. pitas.
KHARTOUM K H A RT O U M Wed: W ed: DJ Davey K. CCampbell. amppbell.
MOTIF M OT I F Thu, 10pm-2am: 10pm-2am: Get Blasted Blasted Panic. with Richie P anic. Sat: Fetish. San Jose.
Fri: B Fri: Bad ad G Girls irls CClub lub w with ith model Michaels. m odel SSarah arah M ichaels. SSat: at: with Bobby Brackins SSexting exting w ith B obby B rackins pperforming erforming ““143.” 143.” SSan an JJose. ose.
SSABOR ABOR T TAPAS APAS A BA BAR R Thu: M Thu: Major ajor TThursdays. hursdays. Rotating DJs. Buck R otating D Js. TTue: ue: TTwo wo B uck TTuesdays. uesdays. CCollege ollege ddance ance pparty. arty. SSan an JJose. ose.
SSTEPHEN’S TEPHEN’S GGREEN REEN Fri, 110pm: Fri, 0pm: D DJJ CCesar. esar. SSpinning pinning Mountain View. tthe he hhits. its. M ountain V iew.
THE T HE T TEMPLE EMPLE BA BAR R Thu: TTemple Thu: emple TThursdays. hursdays. FFri, ri, R&B Hip-hop. 110:30pm: 0:30pm: R &B aand nd H ip-hop. 8:30-10:30pm: SSat, at, 8 :30-10:30pm: TTemple emple All-Star DJs. A ll-Star D Js. SSat, at, 110:30pm: 0:30pm: R&B, R &B, hhip-hop ip-hop aand nd hhouse. ouse. SSan an JJose. ose.
TOON’S TO ON’S Wed: D Wed: DJJ TThumper. humper. TThu: hu: D DJJ Andre Nikatina. DJJ TTito, ito, A ndre N ikatina. FFri: ri: D DJJ TTito. CClassics. lassics. SSat: at: D ito. SSun: un: Hip-hop. Mon: DJJ A Arm. H ip-hop. M on: D rm. TTue: ue: Star. DJJ LLadies, adies, YYou’re ou’re tthe he St ar. D TTito. ito. SSan an JJose. ose.
VOODOO V OODOO LLOUNGE OUNGE Thu, 110pm: Thu, 0pm: TThursday hursday N Night ight Good SSpecial. pecial. FFri, ri, 110pm: 0pm: G ood 80s Babies. FFriday. riday. FFrom rom 8 0s B abies. SSat, at, Glo. WIth DLuzion 110pm: 0pm: SSoul oul G lo. W Ith D Luzion aand nd JJQuest. Quest. SSan an JJose. ose.
CClassical lassical CYPRESS SSTRING CYPRESS TRING QUARTET Q UARTET As ppart As art ooff V Villa illa CChamber hamber Music M usic SSociety, ociety, tthe he qquartet uartet focuses fo cuses oon n SSchubert’s chubert ’s Quintet, with CCello ello Q uintet, w ith gguest uest Amos aartist rtist A mos YYang. ang. SSun, un, 33pm. pm. $10/$30. $10/$30. Montalvo’s M o n t a l v o’ s Historic Villa, H istoric V illa, SSaratoga. aratoga.
IIVES VES Q QUARTET UARTET PARRANDA P A R R A N DA N NIGHTCLUB I G H TC LU B Thu, 8pm-2am: 8pm-2am: DJ A Akustik. kuustik. Plus live music with Banda Baanda 8pm-2am: 300. No cover. cover. Fri, 8pm m-2am: DJ Mayo. Plus Norteñoo and 8pm-2am: bandas live. Sat, 8pm2am: Akustik. DJ Mayo and DJ A kustik. Sun, 7pm-2am: 7pm2am: Latin Beat. Sun, S 9pm-2am: Sonideroo Ni Night. 9pmp 2am: Sonider ight. g Sunnyvale.
The pprogram The rogram w will ill fe feature ature Beethoven, Dvorak B eethoven, D vorak aand nd Porter. Donation P orter. SSun, un, 33pm. pm. D onation $10. Presbyterian $ 10. FFoothill oothill P resbyterian CChurch, hurch, SSan an JJose. ose.
It’s Baseball Season!
Daniel Glover Daniel Glover aand nd the the Piedmont Hills P iedmont H ills High High School School Strings. St rings. SSat, at, 77:30pm. :30pm. $7-$22. $7-$22. Petit LLee P etit TTrianon, rianon, SSan an Jose. Jose.
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REDWOOD R EDWOOD SYMPHONY SYMPHONY Eric Ku Eric Kujawsky jawsky conducts conducts SShostakovich’s hostakovich’s TTenth enth SSymphony ymphony and and Bartok’s Bartok’s SSecond econd Piano Piano CConcerto oncerto ((Thomas Thomas Hansen, Hansen, piano). piano). SSat at 77pm. pm. $10-$25 $10-$25 Cañada Cañada Main CCollege ollege M ain Theatre, Theatre, Redwood R edwood City. City.
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TALENT T ALENT SSHOWCASE HOWCASE Pianists Jason Pianists Jason Lee Lee Keenan Keenan aand nd Hotaik Hotaik Sung Sung perform perform Gershwin G ershwin and and Rachmaninoff Rachmaninoff Stanford ppieces ieces with with St anford SSymphony. ymphony. Fri, Fri, 8pm. 8pm. $10. $10. Dinkelspiel Auditorium, D inkelspiel A uditorium, Stanford. St anford.
CConcerts Co ncerts BROOKS B ROOKS A AND ND D DUNN UNN Plus JJason Plus ason Aldean. Aldean. Sat, Sat, $28-$74. 77:30pm. :30pm. $ 28-$74. Shoreline, Shoreline, Mountain M ountain View. View.
LLEE EE P PARDINI ARDINI T TRIO RIO Jazz trio Jazz trio led led bbyy keyboardist keyboardist Pardini. $13/$15. P ardini. SSat, at, 8pm. 8pm. $ 13/$15. CCity ity Lights, Lights, San San Jose. Jose.
MAURICIO M AURICIO DIAZ DIAZ Singer/songwriter ooff Singer/songwriter ccontemporary ontemporary Mexican Mexican and and Alejandro LLatin atin music. music. With With A lejandro 8pm. CChavez. havez. Fri, Fri, 8 pm. Caffe Caffe TTrieste, rieste, SSan an Jose. Jose.
SSPARK PARK O OFF BEING BEING Multimedia collaboration Multimedia collaboration Dave bbetween etween composer composer D ave Douglas D ouglas and and filmmaker filmmaker Bill Bill Morrison. M orrison. Sat, Sat, 8pm. 8pm. $10$10$56. Memorial $ 56. M emorial Auditorium, Auditorium, Stanford. St anfo f rdd.
WHATEVER HAPPENED WHATEVER HAPPENED TO MELODY? T OM ELODY? Local ssingers Local ingers perform perform ““Question Question songs,” songs,” like like “What “What Am Wed-Thu, KKind ind of of Fool Fool A m I?” I?” W ed-Thu, 8pm. 8 pm. $15. $15. Theatre Theatre on on San San Pedro P edro SSquare, quare, SSan an JJose. ose.
The oorchestra The rchestra pperforms erforms works Voriscek, Dvorak w orks bbyy V oriscek, D vorak with aand nd SSuk, uk, w ith gguest uest ppianist ianist
K_\ [\X[c`e\ ]fi dlj`Z c`jk`e^j `j e`e\ [Xpj gi`fi kf N\[e\j[XpÊj glYc`ZXk`fe% J\e[ `e]fidXk`fe kf Dlj`Z C`jk`e^j# D\kif# ,,' J% =`ijk Jk%# JXe Afj\# 0,((* fi kf ZXc\e[Xi7d\kife\nj%Zfd% Gc\Xj\ [f efk j\e[ \dX`c XkkXZ_d\ekj%
954 Villa Street Mtn View 650-965-2739
67 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
FFelipe elipe Buitrago Buitrago
metroactive SPORTS
pitching Starting p itching staff. staff ff. S ff tarting pitcher pitcher Eric Eric Surkamp began S urkam mp b egan tthe he season season aass tthe he No. The tteam’s eam’s N o. 1 sstarter. tarrter. T he left-hander left-hander Giants minor lled ed tthe he eentire ntire G ian nts m inor lleague eague 2009 with ssystem ystem iin n2 009 w ith 1169 69 sstrikeouts. trikeouts. H Hee w won on tthe he cchampionship-clinching hampionship-clinching ggame ame for for San San n Jose Jose by by striking striking out out 12 12 iin n eeight ight innings. innings. Craig W Westcott, eestcott, the N No. o. 2 st starter, arter t , is off to a hot start, start, pitching nine n innings of shutout ball in his first ttwo wo starts. starts.
Winning W inniing Coach Coach
SJ Giants Look to Repeat C \]k$_Xe[\[ _X \[ g`kZ_\i 8i` Ife`Zb jkXik\[ k_\ \ ^Xd\ X^X`ejk k_\ 9Xb\ijÓ\c[ [ 9cXq\ C\]k$_Xe[\[ g`kZ_\i 8i` Ife`Zb jkXik\[ k_\ ^Xd\ X^X`ejk k_\ 9Xb\ijÓ\c[ 9cXq\ ccXjk =i`[Xp Xk JXe Afj\ Dle`Z`gXc JkX[`ld% cXjk jk =i`[Xp = p Xk X JXe AAfj\ Dle`Z`gXc g JkX[`ld%%
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with the team up the rroad. oad. Starting Starting pitchers T Tim im Alderson n and Sc Scott ott Barnes left in trades trades.. In n a gruesome twist, Villalona twist, first baseman Angel A V illalona i had his visa rrevoked being evoked after a b eing charged charged with murder murder in his nativ nativee country, country, the Dominican Dominican a R Republic. eepublic. But But BRIAN BRIAN HARPER, HARPER, the the Giants’ Gian nts’ new new manager, m an nagger, ssays ays h hee has has high high hopes hopes tthat hat tthis his ssquad quad ccan an duplicate duplicate tthe he ssuccess uccess off last o last yyear. ear. H Harper arrper ssays ays tthe he tteam eam m has h ass a bunch bunch of of talented tallented players—all players—alll vvery ery yyoung—including oung—including ccenter enter fi elder fielder FFRANCISCO RANCISCO PEGUERO, PEGUERO, sshortstop hortstop EEHIRE HIRE ADRIANZA ADRIANZA an and nd fi first rst b baseman aseman n BRANDON BRANDON BELT. B ELT. “Coming “Coming into into a sseason, easson, you you don’t know how d on’t k now h ow young young players players are are ggoing oing tto o rreact eact tto o the the change, chan nge,” Harper Harrper ssays. ays. ““So So it’s it’s ggoing oing tto o bee real reall ssimilar imilarr where tto o llast ast yyear earr w here certain certain gguys uys sstep tep up u p aand nd rrise ise tto o the the occasion. occasion.” Peguero Peguero and an nd A Adrianza drianza aare re bo both th iin nB Baseball aseballl America’s A merica’s llist ist o off T Top op 10 10 p prospects rospects ffor or tthe he San San Francisco Francisco Giants Gian nts organization. organization. Harper H arper says says the the team team is is shaping shap ping u up p tto ob bee a w well ell rrounded ounded o outfit, utfit, with with power hitting deep ggood ood sspeed, peed, p ower h itting and an nd a d eep
Harper played Harper played in in the the major major leagues leagues ffrom rom 1979 1979 to to 1995, 1995, winning winning the the 1991 1991 World W orld Series Series as as the the Minnesota Minnesota Twins’ Twins’ sstarting tarrting catcher. cattcher. He He caught caught a 1010iinning nning shutout shutout by by JJack ack Morris Morris tto o win win Game Game 7 and an nd tthe he series. series. Prior to the high point, point, Harper Harper had been been let l go by by the Tigers Tigers after spring training 19877. He decided traiining in 1987. that he wasn’t wasn a ’tt finished playing plaayying yet yet so he joined the t independent independent San Jose Jose Bees p ayed eight games before pla beffor oe Bees.. He played winning a spot spot in the majors once once again, signing sign ning with the Oakland A’s. A’s. After retiring rettiring in 1995, 1995, Harper Harper got into managing m 2001. After in 2001. spending five fi e years fiv years with the Angels’ spending R ookie-level team, he managed their Rookie-level Triple -A affiliate affi ffiliate in 2006 2006 and 2007. 20077. Triple-A t position position to spend spend He left the mor familyy, and in moree timee with his family, 20 08 he became became the San Francisco Francisco 2008 Giants’ roving roving v catching minor league catching instructor Harper was was able to watch watch instructor.. Harper most of his hiis son’s son’s junior and senior yyear ear high school s scho ol baseball games, games, while coaching coacching players plaayers lik Pablo likee Pablo Sandoval and a Buster Posey. Posey. Sandoval ““Guys Guys like like Buster Buster make mak ke me me look look rreal eal smart, smarrt,” Harper Harper says. says. Harper Harper ssaid aid that that the the time time ass a roving roving ccatcher atcher instructor instructor helped helped increase increase his h is awareness awarreness of of the the intricacies intricacies of of tteaching eaching catching, catching, but but also also made mad de him him rrealize ealize his his heart hearrt was was in in managing. managging. While W hile he he admits ad dmits he’d he’d willingly willingly aaccept ccept any any promotion promotion in in the the future, future, Harper H arper says says he he is is happy hap ppy iin n San San Jose. Jose.
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69 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
metroactive SVCLUBS
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G_fkfj Yp ;Xm\ :XY\Y\# <l^\e`X :_`\e Xe[ G% JkXib
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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71 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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along the lines of “How ’bout I come over for a glass of wine and let you change my blood?” I can just hear him trying to smoothtalk himself into your bed: “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” (Hmmm, that’s not working?) “OK, my son’s also fallen!” This guy doesn’t so much care about you as he cares
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Not surprisingly, in a recent University of Wales study, women found the same man’s face significantly more attractive when he was pictured driving a rich-guy car—a Bentley Continental—than a regular-guy car: the Ford Fiesta hatchback. The interesting thing about this study? When men hot-or-notted the same woman driving the two cars, they found her no more or less attractive in the Bentley than the Fiesta. Men, likewise, aren’t that compelled by a woman’s salary or position, or as author Alain de Botton tweeted, “Yet to be born: the man who slept with a woman principally because she had written a book he liked.” So, what’s with going after the email order girlfriends? That’s for the Rogaine generation: the 48-year-old guy who’s always either working late or working on convincing 28-year-old girls on dating sites that he is 35, really rich, and still has hair (and not just growing out of his nose). You’re in college. Never again will you be in a place so swarming with dateable women—women who’ll want to know stuff like “You goin’ to that kegger?” and “Oh, cool, you’re poli sci, too?” as opposed to “How do you feel about dating a single mother?” Grow a pair and lean over in class and talk to girls. Sure, it’s scary, but nowhere near as scary as spending a month falling for somebody’s “English/ Irish looks” online, then looking across a candlelit dinner table at a woman who’s much more English bulldog.
Get your
K_`j ^`ic @ d\k fe X [Xk`e^ j`k\ Xkk\e[j Xefk_\i Zfcc\^\# k_i\\ _flij XnXp# jf n\Êm\ fecp kXcb\[ fe k_\ g_fe\% @Êm\ \og\i`\eZ\[ k_\ fec`e\&`e$g\ijfe [`m\i^\eZ\ Y\]fi\# jf @Êd nfii`\[% @Êm\ j\\e g_fkfj# Ylk k_\pÊi\ Ycliip ]XZ\ j_fkj fi _Xc]$Yf[p j_fkj% Dp ]i`\e[j Xe[ ]Xd`cp jXp @Êd Y\`e^ j_Xccfn# k_Xk @ j_flc[ ]fZlj fe _fn ^ff[ X g\ijfe j_\ `j% @Êd efk YX[ cffb`e^# Ylk @ Zflc[ cfj\ (' gfle[j# jf @ j\\ k_\`i gf`ek% 9lk @Êd X jdXik ^lp n`k_ X gifd`j`e^ ZXi\\i X_\X[# Xe[ @ i\Xccp [\j`i\ Xe XkkiXZk`m\ nfdXe Xk c\Xjk Y\kk\i k_Xe Xm\iX^\ % Æ=\Xi`e^ 9`^ 9\ik_X Careful what you wish for. If this girl’s true to her pictures, she’ll show up on your date with a blurry face and a body that ends where they cropped the photo. Ignore your friends and family, who won’t be the ones sleeping with your girlfriend (well, presumably). It’s anything but shallow to make sure a woman has the looks you need to be hot for her. In fact, one of the unintentionally crueler things people do is tell themselves they’ll work up an attraction simply because somebody is kind, funny, and tells the cashier when she gives back too much change. These are lovely qualities, but if you aren’t already attracted, the XXX-est you’ll want to get with a woman is xoxoing her—as written in pink cursive in “To Grandma!” Hallmark cards. But, does a guy who could stand to depork a little get to be picky about a woman looking just like her photo (give or take 20 pounds)? Actually, yes. Less so in college, when women aren’t worrying about how they’ll pay the mortgage and tend to go for the cutest boyfriend they can get. But, as I’m always pointing out, countless studies across cultures show that male sexuality is looks-driven, while women evolved to prioritize money and mojo in men. That’s why it’s women asking “Do I look fat in these pants?” while the parallel question from men would be “Do I look unemployed on this couch?” (Answer: Even more so when it’s sitting out on the curb.)
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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 1 -2 7, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
ARIES A RIES ((March March 221–April 1–April 119): 9): ““Although Although oobstacles bstacles aand nd
difficulties wrote difficulties frighten frighten ordinary ordinary people,” people,” w rote FFrench rench painter Géricault, painter TThéodore héodore G éricault, “they “they aare re tthe he nnecessary ecessary food mature, food ooff ggenius. enius. TThey hey ccause ause iitt ttoo m ature, aand nd rraise aise iitt up Allll tthat up . . . A hat oobstructs bstructs tthe he ppath ath ooff ggenius enius iinspires nspires a state state ooff ffeverish everish aagitation, gitation, uupsetting psetting aand nd ooverturning verturning those masterpieces.” those oobstacles, bstacles, aand nd pproducing roducing m asterpieces.” II’d ’d llike ike to to make make this this idea idea one one of of your your guiding guiding principles, principles, Aries. Aries. In In order order for for it it to to serve serve you you well, well, however, however, you’ll you’ll have have to to believe believe that that there there is is a sense sense in in which which you you do do have have some within some ggenius enius w ithin yyou. ou. IIt’s t s not t’ not necessarily necessarily ssomething omething that that will will make make you you rich, rich, famous, famous, popular, popular, or or powerful. powerful. For For example, example, you you may may have have a genius genius at at washing washing dogs dogs or when or giving giving tthoughtful houghtful ggifts ifts oorr ddoing oing yyoga oga w hen yyou’re ou’re sad. Whatever sad. W hatever yyour our uunique nique bbrilliance rilliance cconsists onsists oof,f, tthe he challenges will challenges jjust ust aahead head w ill bbee hhighly ighly uuseful seful iin n hhelping elping it it grow. grow.
TAURUS T AURUS ((April April 220–May 0–May 220): 0): YYes, es, I kknow now tthat hat tthe he bbull ull
is But willing is your your ttotem otem aanimal. nimal. B ut II’m ’m hhoping oping yyou’re ou’re w illing ttoo expand expand yyour our rrepertoire, epertoire, bbecause ecause iit’s t’s a ripe ripe time time for for you you to to take take oon n ssome ome ooff tthe he aattitudes ttitudes ooff tthe he kking ing ooff bbeasts. easts. Consider Virginia Consider tthis. his. TThe he nnaturalist aturalist aand nd sshaman haman V irginia Carper Carper nnotes otes tthat hat llions ions hhave ave sstrong trong ppersonalities ersonalities but well. but cooperate cooperate w ell. TThey’re hey’re ppowerful owerful aass iindividuals ndividuals but many but engage engage iin n cconstructive onstructive ggroup roup ddynamics. ynamics. IIn nm any cultures, cultures, they they have have been been symbols symbols of of nobility, nobility, dignity, dignity, and and spiritual spiritual pprowess. rowess. TToo aadopt dopt tthe he llion ion aass a pprotective rotective guardian guardian sspirit pirit bbuilds uilds oone’s ne’s aability bility ttoo kknow now aand nd hhunt unt down what wants. Would more down eexactly xactly w hat oone ne w ants. W ould yyou ou llike ike m ore courage? Visualize courage? V isualize yyour our llion ion sself. elf.
GGEMINI EMINI ((May May 221–June 1–June 220): 0): IIn n 22011, 011, I m may ay ddoo a ttour our ooff North America, myy sshow Uproar.” N orth A merica, pperforming erforming m how ““Sacred Sacred U proar.” But B ut ffor or tthe he fforeseeable oreseeable ffuture uture I nneed eed ttoo sshut hut uupp aand nd make myself llisten. isten. II’ve ’ve ggot ot ttoo m ake m yself aavailable vailable ttoo llearn earn ffresh resh ttruths ruths I ddon’t on’t eeven ven rrealize ealize I nneed eed ttoo kknow. now. SSo, o, yyeah, eah, nnext ext might yyear ear I m ight bbee rready eady ttoo eexpress xpress tthe he eextroverted xtroverted sside ide myy ppersonality ooff m ersonality iin n a ccelebration elebration ooff sself-expression. elf-expression. But B ut ffor or nnow ow I hhave ave a ssacred acred dduty uty ttoo fforget orget eeverything verything myy I ssupposedly upposedly bbelieve elieve iin n aand nd ggratefully ratefully sshuck huck m Byy tthe way, Gemini, sself-importance. elf-importance. B he w ay, G emini, eeverything verything I would jjust ust ddescribed escribed w ould bbee a ggood ood aapproach pproach ffor or yyou ou ttoo weeks. cconsider onsider ttaking aking iin n tthe he nnext ext tthree hree w eeks.
CCANCER ANCER ((June June 221–July 1–July 222): 2): IIss iitt ttrue rue w what hat tthey hey say—that many say—that yyou ou ccan an nnever ever hhave ave ttoo oo m any ffriends? riends? IIff you you don’t don’t tthink hink sso, o, iit’s tt’s a ggood ood ttime ime ttoo rre-evaluate e-evaluate your And your position. position. A nd iiff yyou ou ddoo aagree, gree, tthen hen yyou ou sshould hould go According myy rreading go out out aand nd gget et bbusy. usy. A ccording ttoo m eading ooff tthe he astrological astrological oomens, mens, yyou’re ou’re llikely ikely ttoo bbee eextra xtra llucky ucky iin n attracting attracting nnew ew cconnections onnections aand nd ddeepening eepening eexisting xisting alliances weeks. alliances iin n tthe he ccoming oming w eeks. TThe he ffriendships riendships yyou ou strike strike uupp aare re llikely ikely ttoo bbee uunusually nusually sstimulating timulating aand nd especially maximum especially pproductive. roductive. TToo ttake ake m aximum aadvantage dvantage ooff the whatever the favorable favorable ccosmic osmic rrhythms, hythms, ddoo w hatever yyou ou ccan an ttoo spruce spruce uupp yyour our iinner nner bbeauty. eauty. LLEO EO ((July July 223–Aug. 3–Aug. 222): 2): I hhave ave ccompiled ompiled a sset et ooff ffour our
will aaffirmations ffirmations tthat hat I tthink hink w ill kkeep eep yyou ou oon n tthe he rright ight ttrack rack weeks. iin n tthe he ccoming oming w eeks. TTry ry ssaying aying tthem hem aatt lleast east ttwice wice a dday. ay. 11.. ““II aam m ccultivating ultivating Relaxed Relaxed Alertness, Alertness, because because will make mee rreceptive tthat hat w ill m ake m eceptive ttoo hhigh-quality igh-quality cclues lues aabout bout hhow ow ttoo pproceed.” roceed.” 22.. ““II aam m eexpressing xpressing CCasual asual Perfectionism, way will P erfectionism bbecause ecause tthat hat w ay I w ill tthoroughly horoughly eenjoy njoy bbeing e ng eexcellent, e en aand nd nnot o stress e aabout bou it.” 33. “I aam m full u Diligent working oof D gen Indifference, nd e en e w o ng hhard a d oout u oof love o e for o the work he w o aand nd nnot o bbeing e ng aattached a hed too the he ooutcome.” u ome 44. “I Debauchery, aam m ppracticing a ng SSerene e ene D ebau he bbecause e au e if I’m m nnot o manically with m an a oobsessed b e ed w h looking oo ng for o oopportunities ppo un e too cut will ppresent u loose, oo e those ho e oopportunities ppo un e w e en themselves hem e e too m mee w with h ggrace a e aand nd frequency.” equen
VIRGO V RGO (Aug. Aug 223–Sept. 3–Sep 222): 2 TThe he G Great ea W Wall a oof CChina h na is
the world, he largest a ge hhuman uman construction on u on in n the he w o d stretching e h ng for miles. But o aalmost mo 33,900 900 m e B u contrary on a too legend, egend it is nnot o visible moon. According most b e from om the he m oon A o d ng too m o aastronauts, onau the Wall he W a isn’t n eeven en visible b e from om low ow EEarth a h oorbit. b KKeep eep this mind h in nm nd aas you ou carry a oout u your ou aassignment gnmen in n the he coming week, Virgo. om ng w ee V go FFirst, imagine mag ne that ha your ou bbiggest gge Great Wall oobstacle b a e is the he sizee oof the he G ea W a oof CChina. h na SSecond, e ond imagine mag ne yourself ou e soaring oa ng soo hhigh gh aabove bo e it, soo thoroughly ho ough bbeyond e ond it, that ha it ddisappears. appea If pperformed e o med regularly, egu a I think will ggivee you h n this h eexercise e ew ou a nnew ew ppower owe too ddeal ea with Great Wall w h your ou oown wn ppersonal e ona G ea W a oof CChina. h na
LLIBRA BRA (Sept. Sep 223–Oct. 3–O 222): 2 In n the he eearly a 1990s, 990 aactors o
Johnny Depp Winona Ryder were ohnn D epp aand nd W nona R de w e e eengaged ngaged too married. Depp bbee m a ed In n hhonor ono oof their he love, oeD epp ggot o a tattoo a oo that After ha read ead “Winona W nona FForever.” oe e A e the he relationship e a on h p fell e aapart, pa though, hough hhee hhad ad it aaltered e ed too “Wino W no Forever.” Fo e e If you’re with ou e faced a ed w h a comparable ompa ab e nneed eed too change hange a tattoo message a oo oor shift h your ou eemphasis mpha oor transform an o m a m e age
9p 9 p ROB RO B BREZSNY BREZSNY n\\b f] Xgi`c )( n\\b f] Xgi`c )(
more aanytime nytime ssoon, oon, LLibra, ibra, I ssuggest uggest pputting utting a m ore ppositive ositive aand nd uupbeat pbeat sspin pin oon n iit—something t—something aakin kin ttoo ““Winner Winner FForever.” orever.”
SSCORPIO CORPIO ((Oct. Oct. 223–Nov. 3–Nov. 221): 1): IIn n tthe he B Bering ering Strait, Russia America miles Strait, R ussia aand nd A merica aare re 22.5 .5 m iles aapart. part. TThe he International Date meaning International D ate LLine ine rruns uns tthrough hrough tthe he ggap, ap, m eaning that Russian that iit’s t’s always always a day day later later on on the the R ussian sside ide than American. than iitt iiss oon n tthe he A merican. I ssuggest uggest yyou ou iidentify dentify a metaphorically metaphorically similar similar place place in in your your own own life, life, Scorpio: Scorpio: a zone zone where where two two wildly wildly different different influences influences almost almost touch. According myy rreading touch. A ccording ttoo m eading ooff tthe he oomens, mens, iit’s t’s aan n excellent more excellent ttime ime ffor or yyou ou ttoo ffoster oster m ore iinteraction nteraction aand nd harmony harmony between between them. them. SSAGITTARIUS AGITTARIUS ((Nov. Nov. 222–Dec. 2–Dec. 221): 1): I hhave ave a ggroup roup who ooff ccolleagues olleagues w ho hhalf-jokingly, alf-jokingly, hhalf-sincerely alf-sincerely rrefer efer Hackers ttoo tthemselves hemselves aass tthe he SShamanic hamanic H ackers ooff KKarmic armic JJustice. ustice. TThe he jjoking oking ppart art ooff iitt iiss tthat hat tthe he ttitle itle iiss ssoo ooververtthe-top he-top oostentatious stentatious tthat hat iitt kkeeps eeps tthem hem ffrom rom taking taking tthemselves hemselves ttoo oo sseriously. eriously. TThe he ssincere incere ppart art iiss tthat hat work tthey hey rreally eally ddoo eengage ngage iin n sshamanic hamanic w ork ddesigned esigned ttoo hhelp elp ffree ree ttheir heir cclients lients ffrom rom ccomplications omplications ggenerated enerated mistakes. bbyy oold ld m istakes. SSince ince yyou’re ou’re eentering ntering tthe he sseason eason ooff aadjustment djustment aand nd aatonement, tonement, I aasked sked tthem hem ttoo ddoo ssome ome ccorrective orrective iintervention ntervention iin n yyour our bbehalf. ehalf. TThey hey aagreed, greed, with work w ith oone ne pprovision: rovision: tthat hat yyou ou aaid id aand nd aabet bet ttheir heir w ork what bbyy ddoing oing w hat yyou ou ccan an ttoo lliberate iberate yyourself ourself ffrom rom tthe he wrong made cconsequences onsequences ooff w rong tturns urns yyou ou m ade iin n tthe he ppast. ast.
CCAPRICORN APRICORN ((Dec. Dec. 222–Jan. 2–Jan. 119): 9): The The W Weekly eekly W World orld News News rreported eported tthat hat a blues blues singer singer sued sued his his psychiatrist psychiatrist ffor or tturning urning him him into into a more more cheerful cheerful person. person. Gloomy Gloomy Gus G us JJohnson ohnson claimed claimed he he was was so so thoroughly thoroughly cured cured of of hhis is depression depression that that he he could could no no longer longer perform perform his his ddismal ismal tales tales with with mournful mournful sincerity. sincerity. His His popularity popularity ddeclined eclined as as he he lost lost fans fans who who had had become become attached attached to to hhis is despondent despondent persona. persona. I suspect suspect you you may may soon soon be be aarriving rriving at at a similar similar crossroads, crossroads, Capricorn. Capricorn. Through Through tthe he iintervention ntervention ooff uuplifting plifting iinfluences nfluences aand nd ooutbreaks utbreaks will find ooff bbenevolence, enevolence, yyou ou w ill fi nd iitt hharder arder ttoo ccultivate ultivate Are a ccynical ynical aattitude. ttitude. A re yyou ou pprepared repared ttoo aaccept ccept tthe he may cconsequences onsequences tthat hat m ay ccome ome ffrom rom bbeing eing ddeprived eprived ooff ssome ome of of your your reasons reasons to to moan moan and and groan? groan? AQUARIUS A QUARIUS ((Jan. Jan. 220–Feb. 0–Feb. 118): 8): EEducational ducational Dr.r. H Howard Gardner sspecialist pecialist D oward G ardner bbelieves elieves II.Q. .Q. ttests ests Hee eevaluate valuate oonly nly a ffraction raction ooff hhuman uman iintelligence. ntelligence. H ddescribes escribes eeight ight ddifferent ifferent kkinds inds ooff aastuteness. stuteness. TThey hey measures—being math iinclude nclude tthe he ttraditional raditional m easures—being ggood ood aatt m ath well aand nd llanguage—as anguage—as w ell aass ssix ix oothers: thers: bbeing eing ssmart mart music, aabout bout m usic, the the bbody, ody, oother ther ppeople, eople, oone’s ne’s oown wn iinner nner sstate, tate, nature, nature, and and spatiality. spatiality. (More (More here: here: Aquarius, I bbring ring tthis his ttoo yyour our aattention, ttention, A quarius, bbecause ecause when yyou’re ou’re eentering ntering a pphase hase w hen yyou ou ccould ould ddramatically ramatically eenhance nhance yyour our iintelligence ntelligence aabout bout yyour our oown wn iinner nner sstate. tate. TTake ake aadvantage dvantage ooff tthis his ffantastic antastic oopportunity pportunity ttoo kknow now much, much yyourself ourself m uch, m uch bbetter. etter. PISCES P ISCESS ((Feb. Feb. 119–March 9–March 220): 0): SSouth outh CCarolina arolina nnow ow with rrequires equires ssubversive ubversive ppeople eople ttoo rregister egister w ith tthe he sstate tate iiff tthey hey hhave ave tthe he sstated tated iintention ntention ooff ooverthrowing verthrowing United tthe he ggovernment overnment ooff tthe he U nited SStates. tates. I hhave ave nnoo ssuch uch ggoal, oal, ssoo I rremain emain ffree ree ttoo ooperate perate uunlicensed nlicensed iin n SSouth outh movement CCarolina. arolina. I aam, m, hhowever, owever, pparticipating articipating iin nam ovement ttoo ooverthrow verthrow rreality—or eality—or rrather, ather tthe he ssour our aand nd ccrippled rippled mass mistakenly m a hhallucination a u na on that ha is m a en called a ed “reality.” ea TThis h crusade u ade requires equ e nnoo gguns un oor ppolitical o a aagitation, g a on waged bbut u is instead n ead w aged bby the he forces o e oof the he liberated be a ed imagination words, music, mag na on uusing ng w od m u aand nd images mage too counteract who oun e a those ho e w ho pparalyze a a e aand nd ddeaden eaden the he imagination. mag na on I invite n e you ou too join o n uus. YYou’re ou e eentering n e ng a when may pphase ha e w hen you ou m a feel ee aan n aalmost mo eecstatic a longing ong ng too free ee yourself ou e from om the he ddelusions e u on that ha constitute on u e the he fake a e “reality.” ea Homew Homework: wo k LListen s en to o a we welcoming com ng message from Beautyy and Truth http:/ / om the he Beau T u h Lab: Lab h p // /b y/ TruthLab. what you wan want more T u hLaab Then tell e us wha mo e h anything h else: T h @ than Go to REALASTROLOGY.COM to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. Audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700
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N_XkÊj k_\ \]]\Zk`m\e\jj f] X gfcp^iXg_6 Gfc`Z\ [\gXikd\ekj jk`cc lj\ k_\d# Xe[ k_\ ]\[j jk`cc jZi\\e Xggc`ZXekj lj`e^ gfcp^iXg_j# Ylk k_\ L%J% Jlgi\d\ :flik _Xj ilc\[ k_\d `emXc`[% Jli\cp k_\p ZXeÊk k\cc `] pflÊi\ cp`e^# Xe[ jli\cp efk Xcc c`\j gif[lZ\ k_\ \oXZk jXd\ g_pj`fcf^`ZXc i\jgfej\ `e \m\ip g\ijfe% ÆIfY Lie-detector tests aren’t completely worthless. How’s that for an endorsement? The polygraph works on the assumption that the body reacts involuntarily to the stress of lying. It measures reactions such as pulse rate, blood pressure and breathing while the subject is asked a series of questions. The questioning process can take several forms. One early version was the “relevant-irrelevant” technique, which mixed queries like “Did you murder [name of victim]?” in with stuff like “Is today Tuesday?” Lies in response to the relevant questions would supposedly make the needles jump. The problem with this approach was that in such a context even an unfounded accusatory question could produce a false positive. The “comparison question” technique tries to get around this problem by making all the queries accusatory. A suspect might be asked embarrassing control questions along with questions pertaining to the case. The idea is that the innocent will show a greater response to the control questions, whereas the guilty will show a greater response to the pertinent questions. The “guilty knowledge” testing method tries to discover whether a subject is privy to inside info—things that only someone involved would know about. Besides investigation of crimes and the like, the other big use is general screening by employers weed out iffy job applicants. Pre-employment screening is common in law enforcement: one study found nearly two-thirds of agencies administered polygraph exams to applicants and rejected about 25 percent based on polygraph results alone. Do the tests work? Depends how you define work. Probably the most comprehensive look at polygraph accuracy is a 2003 National Academy of Sciences report. After examining 57 polygraph studies the NAS concluded: “In populations of examinees such as those represented in the polygraph research literature, untrained in countermeasures,
specific-incident polygraph tests can discriminate lying from truth telling at rates well above chance, though well below perfection.” Their analysis of the 30 most recent polygraph data sets showed an overall accuracy of 85 percent, and an analysis of seven field studies involving specific incidents showed a median accuracy of 89 percent. For screening purposes, though, the NAS found polygraph tests had too high a margin of error to be genuinely informative. What about those countermeasures the NAS mentioned? Because polygraph tests rely on physical reactions, if you can control your reactions at key moments, you may be able to throw off the readings enough to produce an inconclusive result. Countermeasure techniques are simple: they include discreet physical motions like pressing your toes against the floor and mental tasks like silently counting backward from 1,000 by sevens. The goal is to increase your baseline stress level enough to hide any revealing spikes. If polygraphs are so fallible, why use them? In part because testing can intimidate people into confessing, deter bad behavior and create an impression of vigilance. In other words: security theater. Heeding the NAS report, in 2006 the U.S. Department of Energy stopped blanket screening of its existing and prospective employees. Advocates of lie-detector tests foresee the day when technological advances will improve accuracy to where test results could be admitted as evidence. Much attention has been paid to functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI. In its simplest form, fMRI lie detection works by scanning your brain to find out which areas are most active while you’re being grilled; supposedly lying and truth-telling cause different areas to light up. There haven’t been many large-scale studies of fMRI accuracy. But the ones I’ve found show an accuracy rate of 76 to 92 percent—to be generous, about the same as you get with old-fashioned equipment at a fraction of the cost.
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Green at Home
JLE :@KP J LE :@KP K_\ K_\ >`j_ =Xd`cp 8gXikd\ekj# n_`Z_ nfe C<<; >fc[ Z\ik`ÓZXk`fe# _Xm\ X iff]kfg g_fkfmfckX`Z XiiXp# > >`j_ =Xd`cp 8gXikd\ekjj## n_`Z_ _ nfe C<<; >fc[ Z\ik`ÓZXk`fe## _Xm\ X iff]kfg g_fkfmfckX`Z XiiXp X p# Xe[ Xe[ fYkX`e\[ )' g\iZ\ek f] k_\`i Yl`c[`e^ dXk\i`Xcj ]ifd n`k_`e ,'' d`c\j f] JXe Afj\% fYkX`e\[ )' g\iZ\ek f] k_\`i Yl`c[`e^ dXk\ \i`Xcj ]ifd n`k_`e ,'' d`c\j f]] JXe Afj\%
8EK8 :C8I8 :FLEKP `j 8EK8 :C8I8 :FLEKP `j ^f`e^ ^i\\e# n_\k_\i ^ f`e^ ^i\\e# n_\k_\i ``kÊj k_\ jZ_ffcj# k_\ kÊj k_\ jZ_ffcj# k_\ ZZ_liZ_\j# k_\ 9fXi[ _liZ_\j# k_\ 9fXi[ [ f] Jlg\im`jfij fi cfZXc f ] Jlg\im`jfij fi cfZXc Ylj`e\jj\j% @kÊj Z\ikX`ecp kil\ Y lj`e\jj\j% @kÊj Z\ikX`ecp kil\ f] k_\ afY dXib\k# n_\i\ f ] k_\ afY dXib\k# n_\i\ d fi\ Xe[ dfi\ ^i\\e k\Z_ dfi\ Xe[ dfi\ ^i\\e k\Z_ ``j ^\kk`e^ k_\ ^i\\e c`^_k% Jf j ^\kk`e^ k_\ ^i\\e c`^_k% Jf n _XkÊj c\]k ]fi JXekX :cXiX n_XkÊj c\]k ]fi JXekX :cXiX : flekp6 >i\\e _fd\j# ]fi :flekp6 >i\\e _fd\j# ]fi f e\% 8e[ k_\i\Êj dfm\d\ek `e fe\% 8e[ k_\i\Êj dfm\d\ek `e kk_Xk j\Zkfi# kff% _Xk j\Zkfi# kff% People P eople want want to buy green green homes, homes, not only for for o the impact im mpact they they have haave environment on the en vironmeent but also for fo or the impact they they can can a have haave on their wallets. w allets. A green green home ho ome means lower electricity electricity costs, costs o , lower water water ccosts, osts, lower costs costs all a around. around. Green Green rrenovations enovations can can often oft ften get subsidies and ttax ax breaks breaks from from the county, county, state state governments. green and ffederal ederal e govern nments. More More green means i yyour in our home h ans more more green green in i mea wallet, these yyour our w allet, and th hese days daayys especially, especiallyy, that’s that ’s a good good thing. thingg. The National Association Association of Realtors R eealtors recognizes recognizees that. On Tuesday, Tuesdaay, just ttwo wo days daayys before beffo ore Earth Earth Day, Daay, they they announced green announc ed their own o green initiative initiative with the release release off the new new Green Green
MLS Took Took Kit to help prospective prospective buyers buyerss (and sellers) highlight the green green advantages advantages of their homes across across multiple listings. listings. “NAR research research c has consistently consistently shown that there there is i a considerable considerable and growing growing market market e for fo or green green buildings,” buildings,” says saayys the group’s group’s president, president, Vicki Vicki i Cox Cox Golder. Golder. The announcement announcement came came out this week, weeek, but some local local Realtors Reealtors are are already alrready on top of it. One of these is i Altera Real Reeal Estate, Estate, whose three three offices o es serve offic serve communities communities throughout througghout Silicon Silicon Valley. Valle a y. They’ve They’ve been with local been working w local businesses and charities ch harities to help home owners and prospective prrospective home owners make make sure sure that th h t their hat th i properties properties ti meett green green standards standaards and learn how they they can can go green. green. On Saturday, Saturdaay, May Maay 1, they they are are hosting hostin ng an event event where where people people can can drop drop off o household items, items, clothing and whatever wh hatever else they they may maay have haave to their clients, c clients , while learning about about ways ways y to to go even even more more green. green. Homeowners Hom meowners who need to find a contractor contrractor can can find some who are specifically are licensed licensed e specifically for fo or LEED construction. construction. Before Beffo ore choosing choosing a contractor contraactor to replace replace drains, drains, remodel remodel a kitchen kitch hen or redo redo an entire entire house, house, it is possible to find out whether possible o they they have have green ha green contractor contractor licensing licensing and sustainable su ustainable building industry industry certifications. certificcations. Finally, Final ally, a word word on on solar solar power. power. The The
main main reason reasson people people avoid avoid installing installing solar solarr panels pan nels on on their their homes homes is is that that they they think think they they are are too too expensive. expensive. They’d They’d be be right, right, especially especially if if they they are are living living on on a limited limited budget, budget, but but there there are are some some ways ways around around it. it. One One option option is is not not buying buying the the solar solarr installation installation outright, outright, but but renting renting it it instead. instead. Companies Compan nies such such as as the the locally locally based based Solar Solarr City City are are popping popping up up across across the the state, state, providing providing homeowners homeowners with with a chance chance to to go go solar solarr without without any any upupfront front cost, cost, saving saving money money from from the the get-go. get-go. All All you you pay pay is is the the installation installlation cost—your cost—your eelectricity lectricity costs costs remain remain the the same same throughout throughout the the life life of of the the lease. lease. When Earth Earth Day Daay began began 40 years years ago, ago, no one had h d heard h d off hear climate change, change, global warming warrming or greenhouse greenhouse gases, gases, but as a result result of that first effort eff ffo ort the Clean n Air Act Act was was passed into law, laaw, and nd the an Environmental Environmental Protection Protection n Agency Agency was was created. created. Back then, thee problem problem was was pollution. pollution. Almost half a century century later later the problem problem is much more more dire. dire. It’s It’s not just about about Keeping Keeping America Am merica Beautiful; it’s it’s about about Keeping Keepin ng America America Safe Saffe and Keeping Keeping the World Wo orld Habitable Habitable for fo or us and for fo or future fu uture generations. we generations. The kinds of homes h live live in have haave a lot to do with h it. The good good news news is that the solutions soluttions are are so much easier to come come by by today—if todaay— —if only everyone effort. everyone makes makes a little litttl tle eff ffo ort.
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