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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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6 Send us your anonymous rants and raves about your co-workers or any badly behaving citizen— or about citizens you admire. I SAW YOU, Metro, 550 S. First St., San Jose, 95113, or via email.

Big Brother @ jXn pfl% P\j# pfl# n\cc$`ek\ek`fe\[ pfle^ gif]\jj`feXc# i\X[`e^ k_`j i`^_k efn% @ jXn pfl n_\e pfl j\ek k_Xk \dX`c% F_# [feÊk nfiip# `k nXjeÊk aljk k_Xk \dX`c2 @ i\X[ Ê\d Xcc% @ Xcjf _\Xi[ pfl fe pfli Z\cc pfl lj\[ k_\ i`^_k b\pnfi[ % @ jXn pfli =XZ\Yffb jkXklj# 9lqq gfjk# N`b`g\[`X i\X[j# ÓeXeZ`Xc kiXej]\ij# kiXm\c gcXej# 8KD n`k_[iXnXcj% 8e[# _X_X# `k kliej flk @ nXj k_\ fe\ n_f _\c[ pfl lg Xk k_\ X`igfik Xck_fl^_ jfiip ]fi k_\ [\cXp % ;feÊk ^\k XcXid\[ k_fl^_# @ nfib ]fi k_\ ^fm\ied\ek%

COMMENTS Metro welcomess letters. Like any gr Metro great eat work should of art, they shou uld be originals—not copies elsewhere. of material sent elsewher e. Please include your name, city of rresidence esidence and daytime number. telephone numb ber. (Phone number will published.) not be published d.) Letters may be edited correct ffor or length and cclarity larity or to cor rect ffactual actual inaccuracies known inaccur acies kno own to us. SanJoseInside = SanJoseIn nside

= via email

Three-Way Thr ee-Way Sam L Sam Liccardo, iccardo, David David Pandori Pandori and and Tom McEnery T om M cEnery remind remind me me of of another another wonderful w onderful trio. trio. (“Carr (“Carr Talk Talk With With Cindy Cindy Chavez, C havez,” The The Fly, Fly, April April 14.) 14.) The Bee T he B ee Gees Gees were were originally originally a

singing ttrio singing rio o off b brothers—Barry, rothers—Barry, R Robin obin aand nd M Maurice aurice G Gibb. ibb. T The he ttrio rio w were ere ssuccessful uccessful ffor or m most ost o off ttheir heir 4 40 0 yyears ears off rrecording o ecording m music, usic, b but ut tthey hey h had ad ttwo wo distinct d istinct p periods eriods o off eexceptional xceptional ssuccess: uccess: aass a h harmonic armonic ““soft soft rrock” ock” aact ct iin n tthe he llate ate 11960s 960s aand nd eearly arly 11970s, 970s, aand nd aass tthe he fforemost oremost sstars tars o off tthe he d disco isco m music usic eera ra iin n tthe he llate ate 11970s. 970s. T The he ggroup roup ssang ang tthreehreepart p art ttight ight h harmonies armonies tthat hat w were ere iinstantly nstantly rrecognizable; ecognizable; b brother rother R Robin’s obin’s cclear lear vvibrato ibrato llead ead w was as a h hallmark allmark o off ttheir heir eearlier arlier h hits, its, w while hile B Barry’s arry’s R R&B &B ffalsetto alsetto became b ecame a ssignature ignature ssound ound d during uring tthe he disco d isco yyears. ears. Cindy C indy C Chavez havez iiss llike ike JJoan oan B Baez. aez. GGEORGE EORGE B BERLIN ERLIN | SSANJOSEINSIDE A N J OS E I N S I D E

Data D ata P Points oints Mr. M r. M Martinez artinez h has as llooked ooked aatt n neither either

tthe he ccity ity o anta C lara’s o wn p aid off S Santa Clara’s own paid rresearch esearch ((the the ““lying” lying” d ata tthat hat S an nta data Santa C lara P lays F air u ses) n or tthe he n egative Clara Plays Fair uses) nor negative eexperiences xperiences o virtually aall ll p ublic-private off virtually public-private sstadium tadium p rojects. IIff h ad, h ould projects. hee h had, hee w would ssee ee tthat hat tthe he ““truth” truth” sshows hows tthat hat this this iiss ab ad d eal aand nd tthat hat tthe he m illion--dollar bad deal million-dollar aadvertisement dvertisement eeffort ffo ff ort iiss w here tthe he llies ies where aare re b eing ttold old iin no rder tto op rovide being order provide w elfare ffor or b illionaires. welfare billionaires. JJOHN OHN H HOGLE OGLE | SSANTA A N TA CCLARA LARA

Cutter’s Cutt er’’s W er Way ay Didn’t D idn’t tthe he aairport irport aart rt ((the the h hands ands o on n the garage) the garage) ccost ost $800,000 $800,000 or or ssomething omething llike ike tthat? hat? ((“The “The S pin o pend,” Spin off S Spend, M etroNews, A pril 114.) 4.) C an’t yyou ou ccut ut MetroNews, April Can’t o ut aairport irport aart, rt, sstatues tatues iin n tthe he p ark aart rt out park ((parma parma p ark) aand nd m any o ther eexpensive xpensive park) many other aart rt w orks? works?

What W hat aabout bout al all ll tthe he city city workers workers ssitting itting o n ttheir heir b ehinds sshuffling huffling on behinds p apers? papers? BRENDA B RENDA | SSANJOSEINSIDE A N J OS E I N S I D E

Microchip Micr o ochip Mile Mileyy Why W hy d don’t on’t tthey hey jjust ust p put ut a m microchip icrochip iin no ur b rains that that m ake u ote our brains make uss vvote R epublican? M ost people people are are aalready lready Republican? Most sso o brainwashed brainwashed tthat hat iiff tthe he sslobber lobber ffrom rom P avlov’s d og h it tthem hem iin n tthe he face face tthey hey Pavlov’s dog hit w ouldn’t even even know know it. it. Times Times aare re so so wouldn’t b ad I h ad tto o ttrade rade iin nm ummer for for a bad had myy H Hummer L incoln N avigator. But But hey! hey! Don’t Don’t rride ide Lincoln Navigator. m utt, O K? It’s It’s a hybrid. hybrid. It’s It’s too too bad bad myy b butt, OK? aabout bout M iley C yrus, yy’know, ’know, tthat hat sshe he h ad Miley Cyrus, had tto o ggrow row up. up. I was was worried, worried, but but the the kids kids h aven’t eeven ven n oticed. They They ccan’t an’t stay stay haven’t noticed. ffocused ocused long long enough enough to to twitter. twitter. DAVIDMADGALENE, MADGALENE,WINDSOR WINDSOR DAVID


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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

Political Party The patio of San Jose’s Mezcal restaurant was chock-full of local public officials and other political celebs a week ago Friday for SAM LICCARDO’s 40th birthday bash/campaign kick-off party. U.S. Rep. ZOE LOFGREN, recently named as a possible candidate to replace Supreme Court Justice JOHN PAUL STEVENS, made a surprise appearance—no word as to whether she ate any of the restaurant’s famous fried grasshoppers. The shindig attracted many candidates: supes candidate TERESA ALVARADO, a Liccardo ally, was in attendance, as was Sam’s controversial new pal, DA contender JEFF ROSEN. Of note was Liccardo’s cake, which featured an image of the downtown councilman dressed up as a bright-pink whoopee cushion—a costume he wore for the 2009 Silicon Valley Turkey Trot. He won that race. Of course, he was younger then.

Flamed on Facebook

Voluntary Taxes FG<E 9FFBJ DXip DZCXe\ Xe[ D`Z_\cc\ GXiZ\c f] k_\ JXe Afj\ GlYc`Z C`YiXip =fle[Xk`fe% DZCXe\ jXpj kiXejgXi\eZp `j e\Z\jjXip kf \ejli\ k_Xk ]fle[Xk`fejÊ jg\e[`e^ `j \hl`kXYc\%

Don’t forget to tip!

A Facebook group has been launched to FLY@ attack TIM HENNESSEY, METRONEWS. COM the former doorman and security guard challenging Liccardo’s council seat. The group’s creators appear to come from Hennessey’s primary voter base, the downtown nightclub scene— they occasionally “quote” Hennessey from conversations and quips overheard at local bars. The group features a photo of the wheelchair-riding South Park character who shares Hennessey’s first name, and is no-so-subtly titled: “I Bet This Group Gets More Members Than Tim Hennessey Gets Votes.” For his part, Hennessey’s personal Facebook profile continues to list him as a fan of SARAH PALIN and “Anything About Guns.” And his campaign website? That’s still under construction, as it has been since last summer.



N`k_ ^fm\ied\ekj ^f`e^ Yifb\# ]fle[Xk`fej Xi\ jk\gg`e^ lg kf _\cg ÉglYc`ZÊ \ek`k`\j 9p JESSICA LUSSENHOP


8D<J I<9<I dXb\j g_`cXek_ifgp jfle[ c`b\ \m\ip[Xp Ycl\$ ZfccXi nfib% Ç@ ]\\c c`b\ @Êd nfib`e^ fe Xe fc[ ZXi#È _\ jXpj% Ç@ ^fk k_\ ZXi (/ dfek_j X^f2 @ nXj XYc\ kf ZiXeb k_\ \e^`e\ X Zflgc\ f] k`d\j `e J\gk\dY\i# FZkfY\i2 @ ^fk dp ^Xj dfe\p cXjk n\\b%È The “old car” is in fact the shiny new San Jose Parks Foundation, which became officially operational on April 1. And whether the

endeavor is in truth more black-tie than blue-collar, he at least makes it look easy. The founding director of San Jose Rep, Reber has raised $25 million in his nonprofit career. Following that success, he has reason to expect big things from the nascent nonprofit, which has an initial budget of $350,000. “I expect within three years to be over $1 million,” he says. “I’m designing this like all my other nonprofits, so that it outlives me by a long shot.” The Parks Foundation is joining the ranks of a handful of Silicon Valley 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundations—along with a steadily lengthening list throughout the

country—that support public services with private donor dollars. As tax bases continue to shrink, private foundations are stepping up to fill the void. “It’s something that’s starting to gain hold within police departments as a way to bridge the gap,” says Lt. Ruben Chavez, the SJPD liaison for the San Jose Police Foundation. “It comes up a lot—if we’re going to get a safety item, why doesn’t the city pay for it? There’s just not enough funding for it.” Since its inception in 2006, the Police Foundation has picked up the tab on a number of useful items including Segways, trauma kits, canine bulletproof vests and something called the Eye Ball R1, a softball-size camera that can be thrown, for example, through a window to see where a suspect may be hiding. On the low-tech side, all 350 squad cars now have a pair of bolt cutters thanks to the


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foundation. “Normally, we had to call the fire department,” Chavez says. The San Jose Public Library Foundation, which was established in 1987, has been raising money to stock the library branches paid for by a 2000 bond measure. “Our primary focus these days is raising money for everything inside the branch that’s not nailed down,” says executive director Mary McLane. The means books, DVDs, technology, furnishings—everything except staff. Similarly, the San Jose Parks Foundation hopes to fund programs, community centers and capital improvements—and may even tackle park maintenance.

Dire Necessity

With a $116 million hole yawning open in the upcoming budget, Reber sees his foundation coming online not a moment too soon. “I will provide support so we do not backslide in terms of the quality of the parks,” he says. The foundations use a variety of fundraising tools. The Police Foundation’s signature event, Bowling for Badges, last year raised about $70,000. The Library Foundation runs capital campaigns for individual branches, and receives grants—most recently $200,000 from AT&T and $246,000 from the Knight Foundation. Parks plans on a combination of grassroots fundraising, grants, corporate sponsorship and fancy fundraisers, plus bench- and treenaming. The multimillion-dollar Silicon Valley Education Foundation has big-name corporate sponsors like Cisco and Google. As more and more of these foundations shoulder the increasing burden of keeping up city services, some eyebrows have been raised about foundations crossing the line that separates the public and private spheres. Both the police and parks foundations were started by the city itself—Chief Rob Davis tapped now-retired Lt. Scott Cornfield to kick-start the foundation after he heard about the concept at a chief ’s association meeting. Parks

director Albert Balagso started his foundation with encouragement from the city manager, then hired Reber to run it. “The city has a vested interest. It’s a very self-interested thing,” says Reber. “People don’t want to donate money to a city, they feel like they’re paying taxes. So they said, ‘Let’s start a private foundation.’” Police foundation board member and political consultant Vic Ajlouny expresses some misgivings about how foundation money is spent since the decisions are left mainly up to Chief Davis. “I think that I’d like to see a process that involved more people,” he says. “I think it’s improved from when I started on the board. There’s greater input from the rank-and-file officers.” And then there’s just the practical matter of whether Chief Davis is more apt to take a call from one of the 20 influential guests—such as AlliedBarton Security Services manager Rebecca Clevenger and The Core Companies development vice president Chris Neale—at the foundation’s intimate annual breakfast at the Fairmont than from a normal person. Metro’s Dan Pulcrano, who serves as founding president of the Parks Foundation and board member to the police foundation, says keeping the private entities transparent will be key. “There’s a risk that rich neighborhoods will get better parks and the donor shopping centers, developers and businesses will get extra police attention. Broad public participation in these bodies reduces the opportunity for elite clubs to get favored access to tax-funded services.” Dr. Lucy Bernholz, a visiting scholar at Stanford University, says there is academic literature on education foundations that shows some inequities in the spending of foundation funds. It depends on how they’re set up, Bernholz says. If money is raised on a school-by-school basis, then, yes, “they exacerbate revenue discrepancy”—that is, wealthier neighborhoods can help their own schools, while schools in lesswealthy areas go begging. Cornfield says items are usually

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enterprise,” he says. “[But] there’s a dynamic that people overlook here. You want to apply relevant pressure to either Sacramento or the city or wherever the relevant jurisdiction is to make sure something you regard as a vital public service is funded.” Naglee Park Campus Community Association president Dennis Cunningham was seemingly in agreement when he wrote in the CCA newsletter, “We are being asked to fund an endowment for city parks, to volunteer to maintain city property, and to make donations to keep city pools open. At the same time a majority of city council has failed to work to reduce the cost of services delivered by the city to residents and neighborhoods. It appears by default and out of necessity many of our services are being outsourced to private parties.” Reich also adds, “If people aren’t satisfied with the level of services, there’s no one to un-elect, no democratic accountability.” Transparency is particularly newsworthy as of late, after California State University’s Stanislaus Foundation refused to disclose how much it paid Sarah Palin for a speaking engagement, saying it’s exempt from the California Public Records Act. “They should step up and let the people see what they’re doing,” says McLane. “I don’t know what my minimum requirement is [for transparency] because I’ve always done the maximum.”



Protest or Parade? Last week local labor and immigration reform advocates announced a march to City Hall on May 1. At presstime, they aren’t sure yet if it’s a protest or a parade. CESAR JUAREZ, director of the Services, Immigrant Rights & Education Network in San Jose, points out that, yes, the march falls on International Workers’ Day. But more importantly, he says, it’s the day that New York Sen. CHARLES SCHUMER planned to introduce a comprehensive immigration reform bill to the Senate. “It’s been stuck in the House,” Juarez says. “The message for May first will either be a celebration that the legislation was introduced, or an escalation. Immigration reform has not been introduced, that’s why we’re in the street, marching.” The bill provides a path to citizenship for working illegal immigrants and students—that is, if it can get some support from the Republicans who’ve seemingly taken their toys home and won’t play anymore. At any rate, May 1 marchers may want to write their placards in erasable ink as Democrats try to push this thing through before the end of the year.


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chosen before fundraising starts and before anyone could be swayed by who the donors are. As to whether the participation of Santana Row general manager Tom Martin or the heads of security companies on the police foundation board will lead to favoritism, Denelle Fedor, another police foundation board member and chief of staff for San Jose City Councilmember Pierluigi Oliverio, says it will have no effect on police work. Jane Light, library director for the city of San Jose and an ex-officio member of the foundation board, says that while some branches bring in more donations than others, the money goes into the same pot. “If one branch raises more, they don’t get gold-plated furniture,” she says. Reber says he plans to direct funds based on the answers his donors give on questionnaires asking for their top park priorities but that he’s “not interested in setting up a competition between parks to see who can raise the most money.” And though his work right out of the gate will target tony areas like the Rose Garden and Willow Glen, he says that is not an indication that the foundation will favor the deeppocketed donors’ parks. “It’s merely the first place to go for donations,” he says. Professor Rob Reich of the Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society at Stanford raises philosophical questions on the foundation model. “It’s a noble and understandable


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sv A Call for Transparency In App Store THE iTunes App Store is nearly 2 years old, and Apple still has not published a clear set of guidelines about what type of content is and isn’t J<< EF <M@C N`k_ ef jkXk\[ gfc`Zp# _fn n`cc 8ggc\ Zljkfd\ij befn n_\k_\i k_\ jkl]] k_\pÊi\ allowed inside ^\kk`e^ ]fi k_\`i `GX[ _Xj Y\\e Z\ejfi\[6 apps. That’s a problem, especially for publishers eying the iPad as a potential platform for the future of publishing, and it’s an even bigger problem for readers.

you have to consider the logistics of embracing a new publishing medium such as the iPad. Media operations must integrate digital tablet production into their infrastructure, and it’s neither easy nor inexpensive to obtain the software developers, designers and content creators to make such a transition. And if advertisers invest more money in the iPad version of a publication, that pressures publishers to give priority to resources allocated to the iPad. —BRIAN X. CHEN, WIRED.COM/GADGETLAB satch99 This new Apple-asDisney censorship crap has gone too far. He’s getting so Big Brother it is scary. I would die before switching to Windblows, but if we are not to be treated as adults, then whatever Apple was is lost.

We in the press don’t know to what extent we can retain our editorial freedom in the App Store. Working with Apple’s current opaque policy, we’re left to trust that Apple will do the right thing. And time and time again, Apple’s App Store reviewers have been proven fallible, as recently shown by the rejection of Mark Fiore’s Pulitzer-winning cartoon.

oakland1929 When was the last time any of you complained when your local Walmart decided not to carry a certain flavor of cake mix. You are probably saying it isn’t the same thing. But it is. Music, books, videos, applications, cake mix, ice cream. They are all merchandise

Apple rejected the toon because it “ridicules public figures,” and after coming under fire in the press, the company approved the app. But in reversing its decision, Apple still did not make its content policy clear.

samagon This device is Apple’s, and the store is Apple’s, but the information presented through the store and through the device is NOT Apple’s, and they legally should have no control over the information I see or access on the device I purchase.

The fact there are so many questions points to a paramount concern: Readers don’t know what they could be missing when they’re reading the iPad edition of a publication, as opposed to its print or web version. The issue is poised to grow as more iPads sell. To understand,

singlemalt1964 The App store policy is intentionally opaque (much like the laws of China, where all of Apple’s products are now manufactured). This ensures that anything that King Steve doesn’t like will get turfed.


Product secrecy is good for Apple and should be strictly enforced, but maybe 10 percent of niceness and 90 percent of strictness is OK too. —STEVE WOZNIAK, GIZMODO.COM

nutbastard so—what IS a “big deal” to Jobs?

Gordonium Despite how dirty I feel for saying it, an NDA is an NDA. If I were his boss and I had to answer to Jobs, I’d fire his ass, too. GI8EBJK<I =FI =I<<;FD Nfq i\XZ_\[ flk kf >`qdf[f X]k\i _`j ]fid\i gXike\i Ó i\[ X ^lp n_f j_fn\[ _`d k_\ e\n *> `GX[%

Woz on Apple Security and Gray Powell I don’t know anything for real about this iPhone issue, from Apple’s perspective. Was the engineer not allowed to have this iPhone out of the secure areas? I don’t know. Was he/she not allowed to use this iPhone outside and be seen with it? I don’t know. But I can tell you that the test engineer who showed me an iPad after midnight, for 2 minutes, during the iPad launch was indeed fired. I opted to spend 2 minutes with Numbers on this iPad, trying some stunts I’d seen on Apple’s website demo video. I was not told that it was a 3G model and I had no way to know that. I was told that this engineer had to wait until midnight to show it outside of Apple’s secure area. And I’m an Apple employee who he was showing it to. My guess is that he was allowed to take the iPad outside of the secure area but still not supposed to show it. I did describe this to Steve Jobs the

Faizan Momin Never mind the article, Jesus, where can I buy that Tshirt?

Police Raid Gizmodo Editor’s House Wow. Last week, Gizmodo published a massive scoop when they got their hands on what is mostly likely the next iPhone. At the time there was plenty of talk about the legality of Gizmodo’s actions (as they admitted to paying $5,000 for the device). Now Gizmodo has just published a post saying that editor Jason Chen had four of his computers and two servers confiscated last night by California’s Rapid Enforcement Allied Computer Team, who entered the house with a search warrant. The document detailing what police intended to seize refers to Apple’s “prototype 4G iPhone” and is also referred to as “stolen” (Gizmodo has contended that the device was found in a bar, not stolen). —JASON KINCAID, TECHCRUNCH.COM

Erin Actually, this is the California Penal Code at work, not Apple. The District Attorney is the one that decides whether or not to press charges.

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night of the iPad introduction and he said, “So it’s no big deal.” We talked about family things after that for a short while. But that engineer did get fired.

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16 An inside look at San Jose politics



GFCC `e k_\ D\iZ Xjbj i\X[\ij kf mfk\ fe n_`Z_ gifgfj\[ Yl[^\k Zlkj k_\p nflc[ c\Xjk c`b\ kf j\\% K_\ fgk`fej `eZcl[\ Zlkk`e^ YXZb fe k_\ gfc`Z\ Xe[ Ó i\ [\gXikd\ekj# Zcfj`e^ Zfddle`kp Z\ek\ij Xe[ gffcj# fi Zlkk`e^ ]le[`e^ ]fi :_i`jkdXj `e k_\ GXib% @k Xcjf `eZcl[\j i\[lZ`e^ k_\ [Xpj k_Xk cfZXc c`YiXi`\j fg\iXk\ kf aljk k_i\\ g\i n\\b% The latter would be tragic. How many people realize that the San Jose Public Library system ranks No. 1 among the 10 biggest cities in the United States—even higher than such famous systems as the New York Public Library? According to the stats, there are 14.55 usages per resident, almost 50 percent higher than the No. 2 contender Phoenix, with just 10.25 usages per resident. Now the library is counting down to the 100 million mark— 100 million books and magazines passing through the checkout counter since Aug. 1, 2003. A counter showing progress toward

I<8; 8 9FFB 8 Zflek\i Xk k_\ DCB GlYc`Z C`YiXip `j kiXZb`e^ Z_\Zbflkj Xj JXe Afj\Êj c`YiXi`\j i\XZ_ X cXe[dXib f] ('' d`cc`fe Yffbj cfXe\[% the 100 million mark can be seen at the MLK Library, though it will be turned off as the mark approaches, probably to stop prospective winners from jostling each other on the way to the checkout counter. After all, libraries are quiet places. The person who checks out the 100 millionth book will receive the “Ultimate Reader’s Prize Pack,” described as a tote bag crammed full of things that every reader would enjoy. We can only hope that the 100 millionth book isn’t borrowed on the same day that the City Council announces it is cutting back library operating hours. That would be too much irony.

Hugh Jardonn HVc ?dhZ ]Vh ^ih dlc a^WgVgn hnhiZb# Hd Yd EVad 6aid! HjccnkVaZ! HVciV 8aVgV VcY BdjciV^c K^Zl# >i hZZbh id bZ i]Vi ndj XdjaY gZYjXZ h^\c^Ò XVci dkZg]ZVY Wn Xdchda^YVi^c\ Vaa a^WgVg^Zh l^i]^c HVciV 8aVgV 8djcin ^cid dcZ a^WgVgn hnhiZb# 6[iZg Vaa! ZVX] X^in YdZh cdi deZgViZ ^ih dlc Wjh hnhiZbÅKI6 egdk^YZh Vaa d[ i]Z igVch^i ^c i]Z Xdjcin# Greg Perry Ndj bZVc i]Vi! ^[ lZ Vaa ldg` id\Zi]Zg! djg a^WgVg^Zh XdjaY WZ Vh Z[Ò X^Zci VcY lZaa gjc Vh KI64 KI6 ^h dcZ d[ i]Z ldghi gjc igVch^i V\ZcX^Zh ^c i]Z cVi^dc# L]n ldjaY lZ lVci bdgZ d[ i]Vi4 >Éaa iV`Z bn adXVa a^WgVgn! i]Vc`h# Big Is Better AZiÉh _jhi bV`Z HVciV 8aVgV 8djcin dcZ W^\ X^in# ?jhi a^`Z HVc ;gVcX^hXd 8djcin#

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Cuts Threaten Best Public Library System


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Felipe Buitrago



Day to Recall E<M<I =FI><KK@E> Jle[Xp# cfZXcj Z\c\YiXk\ k_\ dXep ]fcbj ]ifd k_\ le[\i^ifle[ jZ\e\ n_fÊm\ [\gXik\[ k_`j c`]\ fm\i k_\ cXjk (' p\Xij# c`b\ E`Z_fc\ ;Xm`j c\]k # g`Zkli\[ XYfm\ n`k_ _\i gXc A\ee`]\i :_XdY\ij%

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But what follows is an example of one that did work. The timing is perfect, since this Sunday afternoon marks the 2010 “Never Forget” rock show at the VooDoo Lounge, celebrating the many folks from the San Jose underground music scene who’ve departed this life over the last 10 years. In the scene, whenever someone dies of any cause, “Never Forget” shirts and stickers are made with the person’s name. A memorial show takes place roughly each year around this time. Exactly three years ago, yet another friend passed away, this time of a drug overdose. She is one of many being memorialized at

the Never Forget 2010 show this weekend. The day after, upon getting the call that she had died, I left the office around 1pm and headed to a nearby dive bar—one of her/our haunts—where several friends were congregating in various states of intoxication. There were tears, hugs, screams, fits, people freaking out. Some had obviously experienced the death of a friend before, while others had been virgins up until then. It was not a pleasant situation, to say the least. I showed up and drank two double shots of Jägermeister and two draft beers in 30 minutes, all of which essentially just took the edge off. I wanted to stay and get obliterated, along with everyone else. The problem was we had a job to do. Metro photographer Felipe Buitrago had to drive us to Menlo Park so I could interview author Barry Eisler for the following week’s

cover story, but now, given the circumstances, I really didn’t want to go. Felipe was at the bar also, as the deceased was his pal as well. Since I don’t have a cell, Felipe phoned the editor at Metro, and I tried to get out of writing the story, but there was no chance. So we left the bar, called up Eisler to inform him we were going to be late and then rocketed up 280 to Cafe Barone in Menlo Park—the agreed site for the rendezvous. During the interview, I could barely concentrate; I wasn’t prepared, and I asked Eisler, completely off the cuff, to say something about death. I didn’t even know what I was asking, but he responded with one of the greatest quotes I’ve ever had the pleasure of repeating: “It’s strange that we think of sexual experience as involving a loss of innocence. I don’t see it that way at all. . . . It’s when you first experience death—and it’s the end and it’s real and it’s final— that’s when you really lose your innocence.” Somehow, we finished the cover story, and for my column the following week, I recalled just a few of our local rock & roll scenesters who’d passed away over the years. I ended the column, in their honor, with the above quote. That, my dear reader, is a perfect example of where story ideas come from, and without further adieu— forgive me if I forget someone—here is a list of some of those characters in the San Jose alt-music scene who’ve departed this life: Abby Anderson, Metal Marc Ashton, Tim Brauch, Eagle Buckett, Rockin’ Rob Dapello, Nichole Choley Davis, Pat Dooley, Mike Kilduff, Big Tom Laughlin, Lisa Lewis, Jason Lynch, Luis Ramos, Tom Trevino, Terra Nova Trudeau, Ching Vang and Robert Waite. I hope there will not be any others added to this list. May they all rest in peace.

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SILICON VALLEY STYLE 22 “It wasn’t really about ‘We’re so smart; we don’t need to be dressed up,’” Rosenfeld says. “It was really that the people who created a lot of what we know today to be the Silicon Valley, they were a little bit older and had left other parts of the business world behind. So they thought, ‘Hey, we’re going to be here, we’re going to relax our look a little bit, and it’s our right to be relaxed and be successful.’”

university art’s The Annex prese nts a presents fibre art’s design n studio studi trunk show event even nt may 1st saturday, d 1s st

trunk show

University Art’s The Annex 267 Hamilton, Downtown Palo Alto 650-328-3500 28-3500 Ramona & Hamilton Univ 650-32

Jk\m\ AfYj [\Ó e\j k_`j ZXjlXc k\Z_$e\i[ X\jk_\k`Z% Ef dXkk\i _fn dXep Y`cc`fej AfYj dXb\j# _`j flkÓ k i\dX`ej k_\ jXd\% Rosenfeld, who claims to be the only certified male image professional in the United States, has been a fashion mentor for more than two decades. He says his clients are ardent about dressing down for work. “Everyone that I work with in high tech tells me the same thing: ‘Oh, I don’t have to be dressed up at work, so try not to change me so much,” Rosenfeld says. “There’s an emphasis for them to really want to fit into the business counterculture style that technology companies have created that’s so pervasive. No matter what any of the rest of us do who aren’t in high tech, we’re all kind of enveloped in what that counterculture has done.” In the early 2000s, khakis at the office were the norm, Rosenfeld says. Now, it’s all about the jeans. “It’s like, I see those Rock & Republics, and you’ve got your 7s [For All Mankind] all over the place, and I have my William Rasts on today,” he says. “A lot of office dress-

code policies are unwritten or are unenforced, so now, a lot of people’s offices are just in jeans, jeans, jeans all the time.” Steve Jobs defines this casual tech-nerd aesthetic. No matter how many billions Jobs makes, his outfit remains the same: black long-sleeve mock turtleneck, relaxed fit jeans and tennis shoes. “People always ask me about Steve Jobs and his signature look,” Rosenfeld says. “It’s like his uniform. I think what is crucial is, he can do it, but other people really shouldn’t because they haven’t reached his level,” Rosenfeld explains. “He doesn’t really have anything else to prove. A lot of other people are still looking to prove themselves to their bosses, to their co-workers, to their colleagues. I think this need to be viewed as a success gets lost in what we all call ‘business casual.’” Rosenfeld says he thinks valley habitués seriously need to work on their style. “I don’t even like the word ‘casual,’” he says. “I’m not trying to be a party pooper, it’s just we’re either not planning our looks, or we’re overthinking them in different settings.” “I don’t understand why a businessperson, who really cares about their job, would think about their appearance in such a haphazard or a careless way. And even when it comes to making an impression on someone on a date, the same thing is true. If you’re going to the symphony at the California Theatre, you’d think you could sport it up more than putting on some jeans and a T-shirt. If you can spend a couple hundred bucks on a pair of premium jeans, you’d think you could do a little bit better.”

The Mild West Joe Trdinich experienced style shock when he first moved to the West Coast. Back in 2004, he was a green engineer recruited right out of college by Microsoft. Having held internships at high-level tech companies in Manhattan and his hometown of Pittsburgh, Pa., Trdinich was stunned to see how causal work dress codes


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were more than 3,000 miles away. “I still haven’t adjusted all the way, and I probably never will,” says Trdinich, now a 27-year-old software developer at Yahoo. He remembers sticking out like a sore thumb among the tech recruits when he went into his first Microsoft interview wearing a tie and slacks.







Fashion Recycled SAN JOSE: 1959 w. san carlos 408.292.6100 SAN JOSE: blossom hill rd. 408.269.1000 SANTA CRUZ: 811 pacific av. 831.458.0555

K_\ 9cXeb :clY j\im\j Xj [\ ]XZkf _\X[hlXik\ij ]fi JXe Afj\Êj i\kif$ ifZbXY`ccp jZ\e\# n_`Z_ Yc\\[j fm\i kf gcXZ\j c`b\ k_\ :XiXmXe Xe[ :`e\YXi “I come from the East Coast, where shorts and sandals at work are just completely unheard of,” he says. “Here, it’s totally accepted and, I think, practically encouraged by the culture to dress overly casual.” Like Rosenfeld, Trdinich does not approve. When he moved to downtown San Jose three years ago to work at Yahoo, the office-dress environment got even more relaxed, he says. Many tech companies encourage the blending of work and play, and include campus perks like basketball courts, gyms and lounges. Trdinich says most of his fellow tech employees are far more concerned with comfort than appearance. Instead of the suits he wore every day in New York, he says his typical workday attire now consists of an ironed button-down shirt (no tie), designer jeans and nice leather shoes. He says that among his peer group at Yahoo, he has by far the most formal fashion sense. Nobody (except him, perhaps) would bat an eye if one of

his fellow programmers rolled into the office in a tank top, flip-flops and cargo shorts. Though the company policy of being unconcerned about looks helps keep the focus on the work at Yahoo, Trdinich does think something is lost by such a laissez-faire approach to office style. “People feel they are judged very fairly based on the work they do. It doesn’t necessarily matter what you look like. It’s very much ‘What have you done?’” says Trdinich. “But, I guess I do think that leads to a general apathy about how you look, because people in the tech environment don’t think it really matters.” Nevertheless, he is hopeful that tech-industry style will evolve. “I think that 15 years ago it was certainly the nerdiest of the nerds were into this,” Trdinich says. “There certainly is that element still, but the software engineer is such a more widespread profession now than it was. You’ve got a much wider range of people that are going into jobs like software development.”

Hyperlocal Style Silicon Valley fashion runs to the cliquey. Whether it’s upmarket spots like downtown Mountain View and Los Gatos, or more eclectic scenes like downtown San Jose, each neighborhood (or even bar for that matter) has its own look. Hit up Campbell or the coffeehouses around SJSU, and crowds tend to traffic in the “hipster” style of skinny pants, Vans, American Apparel hoodies and ironic glasses. The Blank Club serves as de facto headquarters for San Jose’s retrorockabilly scene, which bleeds over to places like the Caravan, Cinebar and other dive bars. Taking its aesthetic cues equally from punk-rockers and ’50s greasers, half-sleeve tats, chest pieces and pink hair are the norm. The pin-up Suicide Girl look is popular with the females, with many rocker chicks donning oversize flowers in their pompadoured, 1940s-styled hair. The overall look is retro, with a sexy twist achieved with of eyeliner, lipstick and oftentimes facial piercings.


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SILICON VALLEY STYLE 26 move, and it looks like everything is going to explode!” “Showing it all off and letting it all out there for everyone on the street to see is not really that sexy,” he adds. “It’s really disturbing. I never want to insult anybody, but I always want to go and start handing out cards like ‘I can help you, I can help you.’” Rosenfeld says that dropping hemlines slightly and wearing properly supportive foundation undergarments can make a world of difference in transforming a woman’s nightlife look from trashy to sexy.

N_\e _\ jg\e[j k`d\ Xk The Row JXekXeX Ifn# Ki[`e`Z_ _Xj efk`Z\[ `kÊj dfi\ Zfddfe ]fi g\fgc\ kf glk k_fl^_k `ekf k_\`i flkÓ kj Love it or hate it, downtown San Jose really does have an after-dark uniform: skin-tight black tube dresses and sky-high heels for the girls; spiked hair, embroidered or silk-screened button-up shirts; dark wash jeans and sneakers for the guys. This look flourishes at dance clubs like Sabor, Wet, Pearl, Motif and Fahrenheit. To many outsiders, it’s as though San Jose transforms on Friday night into the set of Jersey Shore. “I’ve had people make the comment, ‘Oh, let’s not go to downtown San Jose, it’s so ghetto,” Trdinich says, pointing out that many of his tech buddies prefer the posher scenes in downtown Mountain View or Santana Row. Rosenfeld says he cringes sometimes when walking down the street at night near his condo at the Axis. “Being a downtowner, I see it all the time,” he says. “Women pour themselves into clothing that is so tightly fitted that you can see bulges of flesh and how the bra straps are so tightly bound through the back of their clothing. It’s like, ‘OK, honey, you’ve got it all on. But one false

If there is one place in Silicon Valley where people go primarily to see and be seen, it’s Santana Row. According to Rosenfeld, it’s where people really get dressed up and come to show off their style—or at least their pocketbook. “If anyone doesn’t believe me,” he says, “all you have to do is see the fancy cars that you don’t see anywhere else in town, parked right outside the valet at the Hotel Valencia. If people are doing that there with their cars, they’re doing it with their style too.” When he spends time at Santana Row, Trdinich has noticed it’s more common for people to put thought into their outfits. Even so, he says that the causal workplace look does spill over into a casual nightlife scene. “Santana Row is just people trying a little bit harder,” Trdinich says.

Flare Rosenfeld says that the No. 1 thing people in the valley need to work on is their own sense of “flare.” “We are like white bread compared to someone else’s pumpernickel or whole wheat,” he says of San Jose’s style. “I think that’s because if you walk down the street during the daytime, it’s just hard to find people who really have a great sense of flare. When you’re in any part of San Francisco, you can find people who have flare.” Trdinich says he didn’t have a lot of money growing up. So, when he started pulling down a Yahoo paycheck and could afford stylish


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The skater look remains popular with young male clubbers, all the better for moshing to the Shit Kickers or Whiskey Avengers. Guys in studded belts and pork-pie hats can be seen slamming back Pabst Blue Ribbon tall boys and Jameson’s. Still, this self-defined rockabillystyle subculture overlaps the broader nightlife look.

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designer clothes, he had no idea where to start. Since hiring Rosenfeld as his image mentor, Trdinich says that he has become much more aware of how his sense of style affects both his office and dating life. With Rosenfeld’s help, he says he’s chucked all his obnoxiously brightcolored T-shirts. He’s also become quality-conscious and learned that shoes really do matter to women. Rosenfeld says that good style isn’t about brands but about people being willing to take a hard look at

themselves in the mirror. Only then can they truly appreciate what’s special about themselves, which they can then show off through “flare.” “It’s not about socioeconomics,” Rosenfeld says of people with good style. “It’s that they’ve really put some degree of thought and care into themselves. They understand their own self-worth. They say, ‘I can put this on and rock it.’ I love that. Confidence is what you really end up seeing about someone, and that’s really attractive.”

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Felipe Buitrago

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Italian Masterpieces 8KK<EK@FE KF ;<K8@C 8 K K<E K@FE KF ;<K8 @C :_\] :_\] 8c\jjXe[if :Xikld`e` _Xj dX[\ HlXkkif k_\ mXcc\pÊj Y\jk @kXc`Xe i\jkXliXek% 8c\jjXe[if f :Xikld`e` _Xj dX[\ HlXkkif k_\ mXcc\pÊj Y\jk @kXc`Xe i\jkXliXek%

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but al but also lso one one of of the the best best of of any an ny ccategory. ategory. Executive Executive cchef hef Alessandro Alessan ndro C artumini and and chef chef de de cuisine cuisine Edward Edwarrd Cartumini H iggins ar re ccreating reating some some of of the the most most Higgins are eexciting xciting and an nd inspired inspired food food anywhere anywhere iin nS ilicon V alley. Silicon Valley. Quat tro, lo cated in East P alo Quattro, located Palo A Alto ’s glass and steel F our Season Alto’s Four Seasonss H Hotel, , bills itself as a mo dern It alian modern Italian rrestaurant, e aurant,, but the menu ranges est fa ar and wide to inc orporate fla avorrs far incorporate flavors an nd ingr edients fr om C aliffo ornia and a and ingredients from California b eyond. C all it upsc ale ccontemporary ontemporar o y beyond. Call upscale C aliffo ornia-Italian ffood. ood. Or just ccall alll it California-Italian vvery e y go er od. good. eally well Seaf food dishes far Seafood faree rreally att Quat tro. T una ttartare artare ($11) isn ’t Quattro. Tuna isn’t a gr oundbreaking dish, but her groundbreaking heree it takes takes on ne w lif fe b ecause of thee new life because im mpeccable choic edients. impeccable choicee of ingr ingredients. G Glistening cub es of dic re ed ahi shar cubes diced share th he plate with a thatch of lightly the dr ressed w atercress salad with brioche oche brio dressed watercress

cr outons, a p erfeect ffoil o oill ffor o or the silk en croutons, perfect silken and rich dic ed tuna. diced T he d iver sscallop callop ap ppe p tizer (($12) $12) The diver appetizer iiss ssuperb. uperb. T he ttwin win sscallops calllops aare re The beautifully browned and be autifully b rowned an nd sstartlingly tartlingly and They’re ffresh resh an nd ssweet weet ttasting. assting. T hey’re byy n nutty, ssurrounded urrounded b utty, ssmoky-tasting moky-tasting off h hulled wheat), ggreen reen ffarro arro ((aa ttype ype o ulled w heat), and pickled rradicchio ad dicchio an nd tthinly hinly ssliced liced p ickled onions. Att llunch, pan-fried o nions. A unch, tthe he p an-fried ssea an ea bass was outstanding. The b asss (($19) $19) w as o utstanding. T he perfectly fish—crisp on pe rffectly ccooked ooked fi sh—crisp o n tthe he outside, white and moist on o utside, ssnowy nowy w hite an nd m oist o n tthe he paired with iinside—is nside—is p aired w ith ggrilled rilled llemon emon and off w watercress, sslices lices an nd a ggreat reat ssalad allad do atercress, and olives. ffrisée risée an nd tthinly hinly ssliced liced ggreen reen o lives. IIt’s t’s a dish, but ssimple imple d ish, b ut tthe he cchoice hoice iingredients ngredients make m ak ke iitt sshine. hine. Also on menu, puréed A lso o n tthe he llunch unch m enu, p uréed with zzucchini ucchini ssoup oup (($5) $5) w ith a ffried ried ssquash quash blossom floating middle b lossom fl oating iin n tthe he m iddle iiss a wonder off ssilken, The w onder o ilken, vvegetal egetall rrichness. ichness. T he off as asparagus ccream ream mo sparagus ssoup oup (($11) $11) ffrom rom tthe he dinner menu The d inner m enu iiss a sshowstopper. howstopper. T he bowl with pine nut b owl aarrives rrives w ith a rround ound p ine n ut flan with poached fl an n ttopped opped w ith a p oacched eegg gg lladled ad dled with orange The w ith o range ssaffron aff ffrron aaioli. ioli. T he sserver erver pours p ours tthe he jjade-green ad de-green ssoup oup aaround round tthe he flan-egg The fl an n- egg iisland. sland. T he ssoup oup ccools ools rrather ather quickly, would have preferred q uickly, aand nd I w ould h ave p referred

but a rrunnier unnier eegg, gg, b ut ttaken ak ken ttogether ogether iit’s t’s quite bowl off ssoup. q uite a b owl o oup. Cartumini has Lamborghini off C arrtumini h as a L am mborghini o pasta machine him ap asta m achine tthat hatt aallows llows h im tto o make won’t find outside m ake sshapes hapes yyou ou w on’t fi nd o utside off IItaly. Paired with o taly. P aired w ith sseafood, eafood, tthe he pasta better. Case point: p assta iiss eeven ven b etter. C ase iin np oint: tthe he Hawaiian blue prawn H awaiian nb lue p rawn ccannelloni annelloni (($16). $16). The filled with T he ccannelloni annelloni iiss fi lled w ith a ccreamy, ream my, blend off ttomatoes and ttangy an ngy b lend o omatoes an nd rricotta icotta ccheese heese and and topped topped with with three three saltysaltyhead-on beautiful ssweet weet h ead d-on sshrimp. hrimp. IIt’s t’s b eautiful delicious. aand nd d elicious. When W hen tthe he rrestaurant estau uran nt ggoes oes ffor or sstraight-up traight-up IItalian tallian n ttastes, astes, tthe he rresults esults outstanding. Spaghettoni with aare re o utstanding. S pagghettoni w ith Bolognese B olognese ssauce auce (($16) $16) ccombines ombines ccoarse, oarrse, house-made pasta with outstanding h ouse-made p asta w ith an no utstanding meat The noodles cclassic lasssic m eat ssauce. auce. T he tthick hick n oodles wonderfully up aare re w onderfully cchewy hewy aand nd sstand tand u p well hearty w ell tto o tthe he h earrty ssauce. auce. The only dish didn’t off T he o nly d ish tthat hat d idn’t ccome ome o ff quite was Liberty Farms duck q uite rright ight w as tthe he L iberty F arrms d uck breast paired (($29), $29), a rroasted oasted b reast aand nd lleg eg p aiired with parsnips w ith sspinach, pinacch, p arsnips aand nd ggala alla aapples. pples. dish IIt’s t’s a ccloying, loying, ssweetish weetish d ish tthat hat sseemed eemed out off p place on off sspring. o ut o lacce o n tthe he ccusp usp o pring. Quattro has Q uattro aalso lso h ass rreal eall ttalent allent with pastry Danielle Riesz. w ith p astry cchef hef D an nielle R iesz. Reinterpreting desserts R einterpreting cclassic lassic d esserts ffrom rom has become dee rrigueur, but cchildhood hildhood h as b ecome d igueur, b ut Riesz’s on R iesz’s ttake ake o n tthe he ccreamsicle ream msicle (($9) $9) playful delicious. The dessert iiss p layful aand nd d elicious. T he d essert panna ccombines ombines ccreamy reamy vvanilla anilla p anna ccotta otta with off b blood-orange w ith a ccylinder ylinder o lood- orange ssorbet orbet on Citrus offers o n ttop. op. C itrus cconfit onfit (($9) $9) o ffeers a ff off b bitter ggreat reat iinterplay nterplay o itter aand nd ssweet. weet. Candied kumquat) C andied ccitrus itrus ((orange oran nge aand nd k umquat) paired with brown-butter aare re p aired w ith cchewy hewy b rown-butter off cchocolate. ggelato elato aand nd ccrumbs rumbs o hocolate. bad Quattro hidden IIt’s t’s ttoo oo b ad Q uattro iiss h idden iin n tthe he Four Seasons Hotel. beautiful F our S easons H otel. IIt’s t’s a b eautiful housed rrestaurant estaurant h oused iin n a llight-filled, ight-filled, building mirrors gglass-walled lass-wallled b uilding tthat hat m irrors tthe he progressive bent off tthe kitchen. You p rogressive b ent o he k itchen. Y ou have know and h ave tto ok now iit’s t’s tthere, here, an nd yyou ou aare re not walk byy iit. But n ot llikely ikely tto ow allk b t. B ut iit’s t’s a rreal eall destination d estination ffor or ffood ood llovers. overs.

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NEGEEN NE GEEN PPersian. ersian. $$. Mira Mira ghasemi, grilled and puréed puréed eggplant in a tomato sauce with scrambled scrambled eggs, and kashk-e-bademjan, puréed puréed eggplant topped with mint and a creamy creamy yogurt sauce, are are great, great, as are are the kebabs. Don’t Don’t miss the excellent Persian Persian ice cream. cream. eam 11:30am10pm Mon-Thu, Mon--TThu, 11:30ammidnight Fri-Sat and 11:30am-9pm 11:30am-9pm Sun. 801 W. W. Hamilton Hamilton Ave. Ave. 408.866.6400. 408.866.6400 0. TIGELLERIA. Italian. $$. Tigelleria’s Tigelleria’s menu centers on fine cheeses and Italian salumi paired paired with tigelle, free-flowing, free-flowing, piping hot flat-breads flat-breads the size of mini pitas. The bread bread forms forms the addictive heart of the meal. meal Lunch Lunch 11:30am-2pm 11:30am-2pm and dinner 5-10pm 5-10pm daily. daily. 76 76 E. Campbell Campbell Ave. Ave. 408.884.3808. 408.884.3808 8.

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CUPERTINO CUPER TINO BAKERY BAKER RY Indiann and bakery. bakery. $. Don’t Don’t be ffooled ooleed by the name. Cupertino Cupertino Bakery is really really a great great South Indian restaurant. restaurant. Unlike many South Indian restaurants, Bakery restaurants, Cupertino Cupertino Baker ry isn’t isn’t vegetarian. Good lunch buffet buffet for for $7.99. $7.99. Don’t Don’t miss the dosa and utthappam. 11:30am-9:30pm 11:30am-9:30pm daily, dailyy, but weekdays kitchen closes

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DYNASTY SEAFOOD DYNASTY SEAFOOD R ESTAURANT H Hong ong KKongongRESTAURANT $$$. Dynasty sstyle tyle CChinese. hinese. $ $$. D ynasty Hong sspecializes pecializes iin nH ong KKong-style ong-style sseafood. eafood. TThe he sseafood eafood iiss vvery ery ffresh, resh, eespecially specially tthe he ccreatures reatures minutes sswimming wimming m inutes bbefore efore tthey hey aarrive rrive oon n yyour our pplate. late. Good G ood ddim im ssum, um, ttoo. oo. FFull ull bbar. ar. 111am-2:30pm 1am-2:30pm aand nd 55-9:30pm -9:30pm Mon-Thu M on-Thu aand nd 110am-3pm 0am-3pm aand nd 55-9:30pm -9:30pm FFri-Sat. ri-Sat. 110123 0123 N.. W Wolfe Rdd ((in N olfe R in CCupertino upertino SSquare). quare). 4408.996.1680. 08.996.1680.

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SSUMIKA UMIKA. Japanese. Japanese. $ $$. $. Sumika Sumika iiss a JJapanese apanese ppub, ub, but but that that doesn’t doesn’t ddoo iitt jjustice. ustice. It’s It’s elegant, elegant, yet yet still still a great great place place ttoo drink drink beer beer aand nd sake. sake. The The sspecialty pecialty is is kushiyaki, kushiyaki, small small bites bites of of grilled grilled cchicken, hicken, beef beef and and vegetables vegetables cooked cooked on on bamboo bamboo sskewers kewers oover ver charcoal. charcoal. 111:30am-2pm, 1:30am-2pm, 6610pm 10pm Tue-Fri, Tue-Fri, 111:30am-2pm, 1:30am-2pm, 5:30-11pm 5:30-11pm Sat Sat and and 5-9pm 5-9pm Sun. Sun. 236 236 Central Central Plaza. Plaza. 650.917.1822. 650.917.1822.

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$$. Nigiri maki $ $. N igiri aand nd m aki ttreasures reasures aare re ggracefully racefully ppresented resented aatt tthis his aattractive ttractive rrestaurant. estaurant. 111:30am-2pm 1:30am-2pm TTue-Fri, ue-Fri, 55-9pm -9pm Beer, wine. TTue-Sat. ue-Sat. B eer, w ine. 2250 50 TThird hird 650.941.8150. SSt. t. 6 50.941.8150.

EESTRELLITA STRELLITA RESTAURANT RESTAURANT Mexican. Mexican. $$. $$. Estrellita’s Estrellita’s reverence reverence for for regional regional Mexican Mexican cooking cooking distinguishes distinguishes it it from from the the enchilada-andenchilada-andtaco taco masses. masses. The The menu menu is is full full of of Mexican-American Mexican-American standards, standards, but but the the changing changing selection selection of of specials specials make make this this restaurant restaurant a star. star. Full Full bar. bar. 11am-2pm, 11am-2pm, 5-9pm 5-9pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 11am-2pm, 11am-2pm, 5-9:30pm 5-9:30pm Fri-Sat Fri-Sat and and 5-9pm 5-9pm Sun. Sun. 971 971 N. N. San San Antonio Antonio Rd. Rd. 650.948.9865. 650.948.9865.

RESTAURANT R ESTAURANT ZITUNE ZITUNE Moroccan. Moroccan. $$$. $$$. Morocco Morocco was was colonized colonized by by the the French French and and has has strong strong Mediterranean Mediterranean influences, influences, so so Moroccan Moroccan food food is is familiar, familiar, but but ingredients ingredients like like preserved preserved lemon, lemon, harissa harissa and and argan argan oil oil cast cast an an exotic exotic glow. glow. Zitune Zitune takes takes the the cuisine cuisine to to new new heights. heights. Lunch Lunch 11:30am-2pm 11:30am-2pm Mon-Fri; Mon-Fri; 5:305:3010pm 10pm Tue-Sun. Tue-Sun. 325 325 Main Main St. St. 650.947.0247. 650.947.0247.

ALDO’S A LDO’S IItalian. talian. $$$. $$$. A w warm arm and and engaging engaging atmosphere atmosphere sets sets the the scene scene for for fullfullbodied flavors bodied fl avors aand nd hhealthy ealthy ingredients. ingredients. 11:30am-2:30pm 11:30am-2:30pm Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, 5-9pm 5-9pm Thu, Thu, 5-10pm 5-10pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 14109 14109 Winchester Winchester Blvd. Blvd. 408.374.1808. 408.374.1808. CCIN-CIN IN-CIN EEclectic clectic w wine ine bar. bar. $ $$$. $$. The menu The heart heart of of Cin Cin Cin’s Cin’s m enu iiss an an eclectic eclectic mix mix ooff small small plates, plates, tapas-size tapas-size dishes dishes that that partner partner well with well w ith a ggreat reat wine wine list. list. 4-10pm 4-10pm Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. 368 368 Village Village Way. Way. 408.354.8006. 408.354.8006. DIO D IO DEKA DEKA Greek. Greek. $$$. $$$. Dio Dio Deka Deka is is doing doing its its part part to to elevate elevate Greek Greek food food in in Silicon Silicon Valley. much Valley. There’s There’s m uch to to recommend recommend at at this this handsome handsome restaurant. restaurant. Most Most starters starters are are large large so so they’re they’re best best shared. shared. 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 5-10pm 5-10pm Fri-Sat, Fri-Sat, 5-9pm 5-9pm Sun. Sun. 210 210 E. E. Main Main St. St. 408.354.7700. 408.354.7700. GGREEN REEN P PAPAYA APAYA VVietnamese. ietnamese. $$. $$. California California cuisine cuisine meets meets Southeast way Southeast Asia Asia bbyy w ay ooff Paris, Paris, with with inventive inventive updates updates

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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

Tasting Notes



8IB PFLI :8I Xe[ jg\e[ k_\ X]k\ieffe jXdgc`e^ k_\ nXi\j f] dfi\ k_Xe )' JXekX :ilq DflekX`e n`e\i`\j Xk mXi`flj j_fg Xe[ cfZXk`fej Xk Cfj >XkfjĂŠ Çn`e\ nXcbĂˆ fe DXp (% K_\i\ n`cc Xcjf Y\ ]ff[ ]ifd X ^i\Xk c`e\lg f] cfZXc i\jkXliXekj% N`e\i`\j `eZcl[\ 9lii\cc JZ_ffc# ?XccZi\jk# =c\d`e^ A\eb`ej# Dlej M`e\pXi[# J`cm\i DflekX`e Xe[ Jkfiij% I\jkXliXekj `eZcl[\ :`eZ`e# I\jkXliXek AXd\j IXe[Xcc# :Xc`]fie`X :X]\ Xe[ Cfj >Xkfj >flid\k% K_\ \m\ek ilej *Ă…-gd2 k`Zb\kj Xi\ *,% =fi dfi\ `e]fidXk`fe# ^f kf cfj^XkfjZ_XdY\i%Zfd&n`e\Xe[]Xj_`fen\\b% Down in San Martin, CLOS LACHANCE WINERY will celebrate its new wines at a spring release weekend April 30–May 2. The winery will be pouring spring white wines including the 2009 Estate Viognier and 2009 Central Coast Sauvignon Blanc. Bill the Oyster Man will be at the winery May 1 selling his fresh-shucked oysters, a perfect match for a racy sauvignon blanc. The spring release weekend event runs 11am–5pm at 1 Hummingbird Lare, San Martin. The BONNY DOON CELLAR DOOR CAFE is already Santa Cruz’s top food and wine venue. Now they’ve added live music with a dinner concert series, “Eine Kleine Kellermusik.â€? On May 5, the Ives String Quartet performs for a special dinner show. The event includes a reception and concert, followed by a three-course, family-style prix ďŹ xe dinner in the adjoining cafe. The reception with passed appetizers begins at 6pm. The music starts at 6:30pm and dinner is at 7:30pm. Dinner includes a ďŹ rst course of local greens, lemon, almonds and saba; a second course of grilled lamb sirloin, fork smashed peas with young roots and mint; and third course of strawberry shortcake with tarragon. Tickets for the reception and concert are $25 and include wine and appetizers. The price for the reception, concert and dinner is $55 for club members and $65 for everyone else. The price does not include wine pairings. Call 831.425.6771 for more information. On May 15, downtown GILROY hosts a food and wine event that includes wine tastings, local restaurants, entertainment and art. Only 500 tickets will be sold. The event runs 3–6pm; tickets are $20. Contact the Gilroy Visitor Bureau at 408.842.6436 for more information. ÆJk\kk ?fcYiffb

39 of cclay of lay ppot ot aand nd ďŹ ďŹ ve-spice ve-spice aauthentica. uthentica. 111am1am- 33pm, pm, Beer, 55-9:30pm -9:30pm Tue-Sun.. Tue-Sun.. B eer, wine. N.. SSanta Ave. w ine. 1137 37 N anta CCruz ruz A ve. 4408.395.9115. 08.395.9115.

KAMAKURA SSUSHI KAMAKURA USHI A AND ND SSAKE AKE H OUSE SSushi ushi bbar ar HOUSE $$. cclassics. lassics. $ $. IIn n a ssmart mart ssetting, etting, KKamakura amakura sshowcases howcases a pprocession rocession ooff iimpeccable mpeccable ssushi ushi aand nd ssashimi ashimi pplatters. latters. 110:30am0:30amN.. 22pm, pm, 55:30-10pm :30-10pm ddaily. aily. 1135 35 N Ave. SSanta anta CCruz ruz A ve. 4408.395.6650. 08.395.6650.

NICK’S N ICK’S ON ON MAIN MAIN AAmerican. merican. $$$. Nick’s Main $ $$. N ick’s oon nM ain iiss a rrelaxed elaxed bbut ut eelegant legant bbistro istro ffull ull ooff nneighborly eighborly ccharm harm aand nd iiss a Nick Difu’s sshowcase howcase ffor or oowner wner N ick D ifu’s ddecadent ecadent aand nd ddeeply eeply ssatisfying atisfying sstyle tyle ooff ccooking. ooking. 111:30am-3pm 1:30am-3pm aand nd 55-9:30pm -9:30pm TTue-Sat. ue-Sat. 3355 EE.. Main M ain SSt.t. 4408.399.6457. 08.399.6457.

WINE W INE CELLAR CELLAR N New ew CCalifornia alifornia $$. Borders $ $. TTucked ucked uunder nder B orders Books, B ooks, tthis his ccozy ozy ddining ining sspot pot ooffers ffers aan n eeducation ducation iin n Old World New O ld W orld ccharm harm aand nd N ew World W orld ccuisine, uisine, ffrom rom ssmoked moked

salmon pizza salmon pizza ttoo ggrilled rilled ahi ahi ttuna una ttoo desserts desserts as as fresh fresh aass sspring pring bbreak. reak. 111:30am-9pm 1:30am-9pm Mon-Thu, M on-Thu, 11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm FriFriSSat, at, 10:30am-9pm 10:30am-9pm Sun. Sun. 550 0 University U niversity Ave. Ave. 408.354.4808. 408.354.4808.

Menlo M enlo Park Park Âżbook online Âżbook online aatt p

FFLEA LEA SSTREET TREET CAFE CAFE N New ew American. $$$$. A merican. $ $$$. CCarefully arefully


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That’s a lot of money and jobs, but it’s deeply disturbing that the industry causes so much death and destruction. That’s the takeaway message I got from a recently released draft report produced by the state’s CENTRAL COAST REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD. In strikingly blunt language, the report damns the agricultural industry for the effects that fertilizer- and pesticide-tainted wastewater discharged from farms and nurseries is having on water quality. The regulatory agency calls out two main issues. First, according to the report, “Thousands of people are drinking water contaminated with unsafe levels of nitrate or drinking replacement water to avoid drinking contaminated water.â€? Second, the report claims that “aquatic organisms in large stretches of rivers in the entire region’s major watersheds have been severely impaired or completely destroyed by severe toxicity from pesticides. These impacts are well documented, severe and widespread.â€? (Emphasis is mine). The report says that some creeks are devoid of organisms essential to ecological systems. In a statewide survey, the water agency found that the Central Coast had the highest percentage of sites with pyrethroid pesticides detected and the highest percentage of sites exceeding toxicity limits. The report also says that several water bodies routinely exceed the nitrate water-quality standard by ďŹ vefold or more. High levels of nitrate in drinking water are linked to Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, cancer of the organs, endocrine disruption and “blue baby syndromeâ€? infants. A baby with mild to moderate blue-baby syndrome may have diarrhea, vomiting or lethargy. In more serious cases, the skin, lips or nail beds may develop a slate-gray or bluish color and the infant could have trouble breathing. In severe cases, babies die. If true, this is criminal and unforgiveable. The draft report includes proposed regulations to reign in the agriculture industry’s alleged surface and groundwater contamination. The water board claims the regulations lack accountability and veriďŹ cation. Jennifer Williams, executive director of the Santa Clara County Farm Bureau, questions some of the data cited by the water agency and says some of the pesticides showing up in Central Coast wells and rivers are from a long time ago and not the fault of farmers today. That could be true, but it’s hard to refute the fact that today farms are pumping nitrates and pesticides into our water. The Santa Clara County Farm Bureau has joined all six Central Coast farm bureaus in opposing the water quality control board’s proposed regulations. In a joint letter, the farm bureaus offer an alternative plan that rests on a longer timeline than proposed by the water agency as well as voluntary and conďŹ dential water testing by farmers. Given the severity of the problem described by the state water board, a voluntary plan won’t cut it. For the sake of the wildlife and humans that depend on clean water, I’ve got a better idea: stop using chemical fertilizers and pesticides. ÆJk\kk ?fcYiffb

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Water World

Moree din Mor dining ning cover coverage age

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SVDINING 411 4 crafted, iimpeccably crafted, mpeccably cchosen hosen ffood ood ffeaturing eaturing seasonal seasonal llocal ocal Ranch pproduce roduce aand nd Niman Niman R anch meats. Atmosphere m eats. A tmosphere iiss ccasual asual aand nd eclectic. eclectic. FFull ull bbar. ar. 55:30:309:30pm 9 :30pm ddaily. aily. 33607 607 Alameda Alameda Pulgas. 650.854.1226. ddee llas as P ulgas. 6 50.854.1226.

JZCOOL EEATERY JZCOOL ATER RY & WINE WINE B AR AAmerican. merican. $ $$. $. FFresh, resh, BAR llocal, ocal, ssustainable, ustainable, oorganic rganic iiss mantra tthe he m antra ooff jjZcool. Zcool. LLook ook flavorful ffor or sstraightforward, traightforward, fl avorful ddishes ishes llike ike ppasture-raised asture-raised with cchicken hicken bbreast reast sstuffed tuffed w ith ccreamy reamy ggoat oat ccheese, heese, ttangy angy ppreserved reserved llemons emons aand nd ssalty alty oolives. lives. LLunch unch 111am-2:30pm 1am-2:30pm TTue-Thu; ue-Thu; ddinner inner 55-9pm -9pm TTueue827 TThu, hu, 55-10pm -10pm FFri-Sat. ri-Sat. 8 27 Ave. 650.325.3665. SSanta anta CCruz ruz A ve. 6 50.325.3665.

KAYGETSU K AYGETSU JJapanese. apanese. $ $$$. $$. KKaiseki aiseki iiss a rrarefied arefied JJapanese apanese ccuisine uisine bborn orn iin n KKyoto yoto with w ith iimpeccably mpeccably sseasonal easonal iingredients ngredients aand nd ppoetic oetic ppresentations. resentations. KKaygetsu aygetsu bbills ills iitself tself aass ““classic classic JJapanese apanese ccuisine” uisine” bbut ut iits ts kkaiseki aiseki menu m enu iiss llike ike ddiscovering iscovering a nnew ew ggalaxy alaxy ooff ffood. ood. CClosed losed Mon. Park Drive. M on. 3325 25 SSharon haron P ark D rive. 650.234.1084. 6 50.234.1084.

All You Can Eat SPARE RIBS Wed.—Fri. 4pm–9pm




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SSULTANA ULTANA TTurkish. urkish. $ $$$. $$. If If you’ve you’ve eaten eaten Greek, Greek, Iranian Iranian or or Middle Middle Eastern Eastern food, food, you’ll you’ll find much find m uch tthat’s hat’s familiar familiar here. here. SSultana ultana makes makes your your introduction introduction to to Turkish Turkish food food easy easy with with its its warm warm service, service, well-executed well-executed dishes dishes and and soothing soothing ambience ambience 11am11am2:30pm, 2:30pm, 5-10pm 5-10pm Mon-Fri; Mon-Fri; 11am-10pm 11am-10pm Sat-Sun. Sat-Sun. 1149 1149 El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 650.322.4343. 650.322.4343.

Mountain M ountain View V iew ¿ book online ¿book online aatt m

AMBER A MBER IINDIA NDIA N Northern orthern Indian, Indian, tandoori. tandoori. $$. $$. Meals Meals unfold unfold llike ike a bbolt olt of of rare rare silk, silk, served served with with care care and and efficiency efficiency in in a rich, rich, luminous luminous interior. interior. Dishes Dishes are are complex complex and and varied. varied. 11:30am-2:30pm 11:30am-2:30pm Mon-Sun, Mon-Sun, 5-9:45pm 5-9:45pm MonMonSun. Sun. 2290 2290 El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 650.968.7511. 650.968.7511. BODRUM B ODRUM CCAFE AFE TTurkish. urkish. $ $$. $. menu Bodrum TThe he m enu aatt B odrum CCafe afe iiss eextensive xtensive aand nd ccovers overs a llot ot ooff gground, round, bbut ut iit’s t’s the the lamb lamb ddishes ishes tthat hat sstand tand oout. ut. A ggood ood

Moree dining Mor diining coverage coverage

place ttoo sstart place tart iiss w with ith tthe he llahmacun ahmacun ((Turkey’s Turkey’s ttake ake oon n ppizza) izza) aand nd tthe he kkebabs. ebabs. 10am10am110pm 0pm ddaily. aily. 3383 83 Castro Castro SSt. t. 650.396.7010. 6 50.396.7010.

CCASCAL ASCAL SSpanish panish TTapas. apas. $ $$$. $$. The The tapas tapas menu menu yields yields big big tastes tastes in in small small portions portions at at this this pan-Latin pan-Latin charmer. charmer. Calamari, Calamari, roasted roasted quail quail and and minted minted lamb lamb meatballs meatballs are are among among the the delicacies. delicacies. Full Full bar. bar. 11:30am11:30am10pm 10pm Mon-Sun. Mon-Sun. 400 400 Castro Castro St. St. 650.940.9500. 650.940.9500. NAMI N AMI N NAMI AMI JJapanese. apanese. $ $$$. $$. Nami Nami Nami Nami specializes specializes in in kappo-style kappo-style Japanese Japanese food, food, food food prepared prepared in in the the artful, artful, labor-intensive, labor-intensive, seasonally seasonally driven driven style style associated associated with with the the city city of of Kyoto. Kyoto. For For diners diners willing willing to to open open their their minds minds and and mouths, mouths, it it offers offers one one of of the the most most exciting exciting restaurant restaurant experiences experiences in in the the Bay Bay Area. Area. 11:30am-2pm 11:30am-2pm Tue-Sun, Tue-Sun, 7-10pm 7-10pm Tue-Thu Tue-Thu and and 6-11pm 6-11pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 240 240 Castro Castro St. St. 650.964.6990. 650.964.6990. XANH X ANH R RESTAURANT ESTAURANT Modern Modern Vietnamese. Vietnamese. $$. $$. Xanh Xanh (pronounced (pronounced “zahn”) “zahn”) epitomizes epitomizes the the new new breed breed of of upscale, upscale, contemporary contemporary Vietnamese Vietnamese restaurant. restaurant. The The appealing appealing menu menu ranges ranges from from the the traditional traditional to to the the unconventional unconventional and and includes includes rolls, rolls, salads, salads, noodles, noodles, small small plates plates and and full-size full-size entrees. entrees. 11:30am-2pm 11:30am-2pm and and dinner dinner 4:30pm-close 4:30pm-close Mon-Fri. Mon-Fri. 110 110 Castro Castro St. St. 650.964.1888 650.964.1888

Downtown Downtown SSan an Jose Jose ¿ book oonline ¿book nline aatt

AGENDA A GENDA N New ew California. California. $$. Agenda $ $. A genda ffeatures eatures a hhip ip nnightclub ightclub uupstairs, pstairs, a ffullyullyaappointed ppointed rrestaurant estaurant aatt DJ-ing sstreet treet llevel evel aand nd D J-ing iin n tthe he bbasement. asement. FFull ull bbar. ar. 3399 99 SS.. FFirst irst Wed-Sat. SSt. t. 55:30pm-close :30pm-close W ed-Sat. 4408.287.3991. 08.287.3991.

BELLA B ELLA M MIA IA IItalian-American. talian-American. $$$. $$$. One One of of downtown downtown San most San Jose’s Jose’s m ost aattractive ttractive eateries, eateries, Bella Bella Mia Mia serves serves regional regional dishes dishes with with flair. flair. Full Full bar. bar. 11:30am-9pm 11:30am-9pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm Fri, Fri, 4:30-10pm 4:30-10pm Sat, Sat, 4:30-8pm 4:30-8pm Sun. Sun. 58 58 S. S. First First St. St. 408.280.1993. 408.280.1993.


EEULIPIA ULIPIA N New ew A American. merican. $$$. menu $ $$. TThe he rrevamped evamped m enu eemphasizes mphasizes robust robust flavors flavors aand nd bbeautiful eautiful ppresentations. resentations. SSeveral everal sstandouts tandouts hhave ave bbeen een rretained etained ffrom rom tthe he pprevious revious menu, m enu, aass have have tthe he ssexy exy EEulipia ulipia ccocktails. ocktails. FFull ull bar. bar. 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm TTue-Sat, ue-Sat, 44:30-9:30pm :30-9:30pm SSat. at. 3374 74 SS.. First First St. St. 408.280.6161. 408.280.6161.

HAWGS H AWGS SSeafood. eafood. $$$. $$$. Next Next door door to to the the San San Jose Jose Rep Rep Theatre, Theatre, Hawgs Hawgs offers offers simple simple seafood seafood and and convenience convenience for for theatergoers. theatergoers. Mostly Mostly shellfish shellfish and and pasta pasta combinations combinations are are offered; offered; the the linguini linguini clams clams and and sautéed sautéed scallops scallops are are full full of of garlic garlic and and rich rich flavors. flavors. Tue-Sat Tue-Sat 11:30am-9pm, 11:30am-9pm, 4410pm 10pm Sun. Sun. 150 150 S. S. Second Second St. St. 408.287.9955. 408.287.9955.

SSanta anta CClara lara ¿ book oonline ¿book nline at at

ANDY’S A NDY’S B BAR-B-QUE AR-B-QUE Barbecue. $$. Andy’s Bar-BB arbecue. $ $. A ndy’s B ar-BQue Q ue iiss tthe he rreincarnation eincarnation ooff Bay’s oone ne ooff tthe he SSouth outh B ay’s bbest est Originally bbarbecue arbecue jjoints. oints. O riginally Andy’s llocated ocated iin n CCampbell, ampbell, A ndy’s iiss sstill till sserving erving ggreat reat ooakakmeats ssmoked moked m eats ttoo a ddedicated edicated Mon-Fri ffollowing. ollowing. 111am-3pm 1am-3pm M on-Fri Mon-Thu, aand nd 3-9pm 3-9pm M on-Thu, Fri-Sat Fri-Sat 33-10pm -10pm aand nd 3-9pm 3-9pm SSun. un. 2367 2367 Real. EEll CCamino amino R eal. 4408.249.8158. 08.249.8158.

ATHENA A THENA GGRILL RILL GGreek. reek. $$. $$. TThe he SSanta anta CClara lara rrestaurant estaurant sserves erves the the standards standards you’d you’d menu eexpect, xpect, but but the the m enu goes goes ddeeper eeper aand nd offers offers aauthentic uthentic Greek G reek dishes dishes you’re you’re not not likely likely find ttoo fi nd eelsewhere lsewhere at at bargain bargain pprices. rices. 10:30am-9pm 10:30am-9pm MonMonFFri. ri. 1505 1505 Space Space Park Park Drive. Drive. 4408.567.9144. 08.567.9144.

BEQUE B EQUE KKorean. orean. $$. $$. Beque Beque stands stands out out on on El El Camino Camino Real’s Real’s Korean Korean restaurant restaurant row row for for its its high high style style and and modern modern ddesign, esign, bbut ut iit’s t’s the the Korean Korean barbecue, barbecue, soups soups and and noodles noodles dishes dishes that that are are the the main main attraction. attraction. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm daily. daily. 3060 3060 El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.260.2727. 408.260.2727. BIRK’S B IRK’S AAmerican merican ggrill. rill. $ $$$. $$. What Birk’s What makes makes B irk’s sstand tand oout ut from from the the rrest est iiss a ccommitment ommitment to to quality, quality, ffreshness reshness aand nd hygiene. hygiene. Concentrate Concentrate oon n tthe he specials, specials, or or eenjoy njoy ccreative reative selections selections from from tthe he aappetizer ppetizer

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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


SVDINING menu. Full menu. Full bbar. ar. 111:15am1:15am22:30pm, :30pm, 5-9:30pm 5-9:30pm Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, 55-9pm 9 pm SSat-Sun. at-Sun. 33955 955 FFreedom reedom CCircle. ircle. 4408.980.6400. 08.980.6400.

BY-TH-BUCKET B Y-TH-BUCKET American. American. $$. Allll w walks $$. A alks ooff hhumanity umanity rub rub shoulders shoulders hhere, ere, eenjoying njoying just just about about eeverything verything that that can can be be baked, baked, ffried, ried, bbroiled roiled or or steamed. steamed. FFull ull bbar. ar. 4565 4565 Stevens Blvd. Stevens Creek Creek B lvd. 111:30am1:30am9pm 9pm Sun-Thu, Sun-Thu, 110pm 0pm FFri-Sat. ri-Sat. 408.248.6244. 408.248.6244. CCHALATECO HALATECO M Mexican exican and and $.. CChalateco, SSalvadoran. alvadoran. $ halateco, a SSan an JJose-based ose-based ssix-restaurant ix-restaurant Mexico cchain, hain, serves serves M exico CCityityMexican sstyle tyle M exican ffood ood aand nd a ffew ew makes SSalvadoran alvadoran ddishes. ishes. TThat hat m akes Mexican tthe he food food unlike unlike tthe he M exican ffood ood ttypically ypically sserved erved iin n SSilicon ilicon Valley, V alley, bbut ut iit’s t’s definitely definitely Mexican ttypical ypical M exican ffood. ood. 110am0amAlameda. 111pm 1pm ddaily. aily. 22323 323 TThe he A lameda. 4408.243.1357. 08.243.1357.

DONG D ONG T TOFU OFU CABIN CABIN KKorean. orean. $ $.. TThis his iiss tthe he rreal eal ddeal, eal, ppriced riced ttoo kkeep eep ppatrons atrons ccoming oming bback ack ffor or bbowls owls ooff sspicy picy bbeef, eef, sseafood, eafood, ppickled ickled vvegetables, egetables, cchili hili ssoup oup many aand, nd, yes, yes, bean bean curd curd iin n iits ts m any Halford ppermutations. ermutations. 11484 484 H alford Ave. A ve. 4408.246.1484. 08.246.1484.

HATCHO H ATCHO JJapanese. apanese. $$. $$. Santa Santa Clara’s Hatcho Clara’s H atcho rrestaurant estaurant offers offers a little little bit bit of of everything. everything. Restaurants Restaurants that that strive strive to to be be jacks-of-all-trades jacks-of-all-trades often often end end up up being being masters masters of of none, none, but but Hatcho Hatcho displays displays a wide wide range range of of talent. talent. 11:30am-2pm 11:30am-2pm and and 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm Mon-Fri Mon-Fri and and 559:30pm 9:30pm Sat-Sun. Sat-Sun. 1271 1271 Franklin Franklin Mall. Mall. 408.248.8500. 408.248.8500. KABAB K ABAB A AND ND CCURRY’S URRY’S Indian-Pakistani. Indian-Pakistani. $, $, Because Because it’s it’s tucked tucked into into a quiet, quiet, semiresidential semiresidential side side street, street, Kabab Kabab and and Curry’s Curry’s feels feels like like a neighborhood neighborhood secret. secret. The The Indian Indian and and Pakistani Pakistani restaurant restaurant serves serves a good good lunch lunch buffet, buffet, and and at at dinner dinner try try the the butter butter chicken, chicken, choley choley and and tandoori tandoori chicken. chicken. 10:30am10:30am2:30pm 2:30pm and and 5:30-10:30pm 5:30-10:30pm Tue-Sun. Tue-Sun. 1498 1498 Isabella Isabella St. St. 408.247.0745. 408.247.0745.

KABAB K ABAB H HOUSE OUSE H HALAL ALAL Middle Middle Eastern. Eastern. $. $. Santa Santa Clara’s House Halal, Clara’s KKabab abab H ouse H alal, a spare, spare, eight-table eight-table restaurant, restaurant, serves serves a pan-Middle pan-Middle Eastern Eastern menu menu that that leans leans toward toward Iran. Iran. As As tthe he nname ame iimplies, mplies, Kabab Kabab House House iiss bbasically asically

a kebab kebab house. house. 11am-9pm 11am-9pm Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. 2521 2521 Newhall Newhall St. St. 408.984.2204. 408.984.2204.

99 9 9 CHICKEN CHICKEN KKorean-style orean-style fried fried chicken. chicken. $. $. The The simple simple restaurant restaurant specializes specializes in in Korean-style Korean-style fried fried chicken. chicken. Korean Korean chicken chicken is is rendered rendered of of its its fat fat and and produces produces smooth smooth pieces pieces of of meat meat with with a taut, taut, shatteringly shatteringly crisp crisp epidermis. epidermis. Noon-midnight Noon-midnight daily. daily. 2781 2781 El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.244.5599. 408.244.5599. PARCEL P ARCEL 104 104 N New ew A American. merican. $$$$. $$$$. Parcel Parcel 104 104 casts casts a spell spell with with its its stridently stridently seasonal, seasonal, ingredient-driven ingredient-driven menu menu of of new new American American food. food. The The restaurant restaurant is is one one of of the the South South Bay’s Bay’s must-eats. must-eats. Breakfast Breakfast 6:30-11am 6:30-11am Mon-Fri Mon-Fri and and 7710am 10am Sat-Sun, Sat-Sun, lunch lunch 11:30am11:30am2pm 2pm Mon-Fri Mon-Fri and and dinner dinner 5:305:309pm 9pm Mon-Fri. Mon-Fri. 2700 2700 Mission Mission College College Blvd. Blvd. 408.970.6104. 408.970.6104. PHO P HO #1 #1 Noodle Noodle House House Asian Asian $.. A ggood nnoodle oodle hhouse. ouse. $ ood and and when ffriendly riendly ddestination estination w hen oone’s ne’s sstomach tomach sscreams creams ffor or a tthree-course hree-course meal meal bbut ut wallet $10, Pho oone’s ne’s w allet hhas as bbut ut $ 10, P ho bboasts oasts an an aambitious mbitious menu menu ooff Vietnamese nnearly early 1100 00 V ietnamese aand nd CChinese hinese iitems. tems. 110am-9pm 0am-9pm ddaily. aily. 55025 025 SStevens tevens CCreek reek Blvd. Blvd. 4408.249.1111. 08.249.1111.

PHO P HO THANH THANH LONG LONG Vietnamese Vietnamese noodle noodle house. house. $. $. This This diner’s diner ’s pho pho rates rates among among the the Top Top 3 in in the the South South Bay. Bay. Casual. Casual. Beer. Beer. 9am-9pm 9am-9pm daily. daily. 2450 2450 El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.983.0888. 408.983.0888.

SSABOR ABOR SALVADOREÑO SALVADOREÑO $.. O One SSalvadoran. alvadoran. $ ne ooff tthe he ffew ew ooutposts utposts ffor or SSalvadoran alvadoran Bay, ffood ood iin n tthe he SSouth outh B ay, SSabor abor SSalvadoreño alvadoreño sserves erves eexcellent xcellent ppupusas, upusas, ssoups, oups, ttamales amales aand nd oother ther sstandards tandards ffrom rom tthe he American ttiny iny CCentral entral A merican nnation. ation. 9am-9pm White 9 am-9pm ddaily. aily. 22045 045 W hite Oak O ak LLane. ane. 4408.985.6464. 08.985.6464.

SSHAN HAN Pakistani Pakistani and and Indian. Indian. $. $. Shan Shan serves serves a mix mix of of northern northern Indian Indian and and Pakistani Pakistani food. food. Unlike Unlike India, India, most most of of which which is Pakistan is Hindu, Hindu, P akistan is is Muslim, Muslim, and and tthat hat means means that that meat— meat— chicken, chicken, beef, beef, llamb, amb, aand nd goat—plays goat—plays a starring starring role. role. Kebabs. Kebabs. tadoori tadoori and and curries curries all all shine shine hhere. ere. 11:30am-3pm 11:30am-3pm and and 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm daily. daily. 5251 5251 Stevens Stevens Creek Creek Blvd. Blvd. 408.260.9200. 408.260.9200. TOFU T OFU H HOUSE OUSE Korean. Korean. $ $.. SSoup oup sstars tars aatt tthis his ccasual, asual,



popular sstop. popular top. TToo tofu tofu soups, soups, mushrooms, aadd dd m ushrooms, bbeef, eef, pork pork oorr seafood—plus seafood—plus sscores cores ooff condiments condiments llike ike daikon, daikon, Hot ccucumber, ucumber, rradish. adish. H ot stuff! stuff! 111am-9pm 1am-9pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 11am11am110pm 0pm Fri, Fri, 11am-9pm 11am-9pm SSat. at. CClosed losed Sun. Sun. 3450 3450 EE.. El El Camino Camino Real #105. R eal # 105. 408.261.3030. 408.261.3030.

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M


Moree din Mor dining ning cover coverage age

YAN Y AN CCAN AN FRESH FRESH A ASIAN SIAN CCOOKING OOKING Chinese Chinese and and panpanAsian. $$. Att YYan Asian. $ $. A an CCan an yyou ou ccan an have have chicken chicken satay, satay, wonton wonton soup, soup, chicken chicken teriyaki teriyaki and and Korean Korean barbecue barbecue beef beef all all in in one one sitting. sitting. This This outpost outpost of of celebrity celebrity TV TV chef chef Martin Martin Yan’s Yan’s ggrowing rowing eempire mpire does does a reasonably reasonably good good job job with with all all those those cuisines. cuisines. 11am-9pm 11am-9pm daily. Plaza. daily. 3927 3927 Rivermark Rivermark P laza. 408.748.3355. 408.748.3355.

YOYO SSUSHI YOYO USHI B BAR AR & GGRILLE RILLE JJapanese apanese ffusion. usion. $$. $ $. TThe he ffusion-friendly usion-friendly menu m enu ffeatures eatures ssuch uch eexpertly xpertly rrealized ealized ccreations reations aass tthe he Roll ddeep-fried eep-fried CCalifornia alifornia R oll Roll, aand nd tthe he FFisherman isherman R oll, wrapped ccrab rab aand nd aavocado vocado w rapped with iin n rrice, ice, ttopped opped w ith ssalmon almon masago aand nd rrich ich m asago ssauce auce Weekday aand nd tthen hen bbaked. aked. W eekday hhappy appy hhour. our. 111am-10pm 1am-10pm Rivermark Plaza. ddaily. aily. 33958 958 R ivermark P laza. 4408.213.9696. 08.213.9696.

YUKI Y UKI SSUSHI USHI JJapanese apanese $ $$. $. A ffamily-friendly amily-friendly aambience mbience pprevails revails hhere, ere, ffull ull ooff ccommunity ommunity hhubbub, ubbub, ggood ood ffood, ood, ggenerous enerous pportions ortions aand nd ssuper uper cchefs. hefs. YYuki uki kkeeps eeps iitt ssimple, imple, bbut ut aalways lways iinteresting nteresting with well w ith ddishes ishes tthat hat aare re w ell tthought hought oout ut aand nd ppresented. resented. 111:30am-2pm, 1:30am-2pm, 55-9:30 -9:30 TTue-Fri, ue-Fri, 55-9:30 -9:30 SSat, at, 55-9pm -9pm SSun. un. CClosed losed Mon. Pruneridge Ave. M on. 11827 827 P runeridge A ve. 4408.248.9144. 08.248.9144.

ZZAFRAN AFRAN N Northern orthern IIndian ndian and and Pakistani. $.. ZZafran P akistani. $ afran sserves erves Pakistani nnorthern orthern IIndian ndian aand nd P akistani muscular, ffood, ood, a m uscular, hhearty earty ccuisine uisine tthat hat rrevolves evolves aaround round meat: m eat: cchicken hicken aand nd bbeef eef bbut ut aalso lso llamb amb aand nd ggoat, oat, llamb amb meats. bbrains rains aand nd oother ther oorgan rgan m eats. 111am-11pm 1am-11pm ddaily. aily. 11855 855 EEll Real. CCamino amino R eal. 4408.247.9998. 08.247.9998.

SSaratoga aratoga ¿ book oonline ¿book nline at at

THE T HE B BASIN ASIN New New American. American. $$$. Basin $ $$. TThe he B asin hhas as ssome ome rrefreshingly efreshingly hhigh igh sstandards. tandards.


Indian Video Rentals!


48 48


Moree dining Mor diining coverage coverage


477 4 Produce iiss oorganic, Produce rganic, sseafoods eafoods menu aare re ffresh resh aand nd tthe he m enu aaccentuates ccentuates American American ideas, ideas, eenhanced nhanced bbyy SSpanish panish aand nd IItalian talian sspin. pin. 55pm-close pm-close sseven even week. Big Basin ddays ays a w eek. 114572 4572 B ig B asin Way. W ay. 408.867.1906. 408.867.1906.

LLA AM MERE ERE M MICHELLE ICHELLE $$$. After FFrench-European. rench-European. $ $$. A fter Mere tthree hree ddecades, ecades, LLaa M ere iiss a Old World ttradition. radition. O ld W orld sstandards tandards ssuch uch aass ppâté, âté, eescargots, scargots, wiener w iener sschnitzel chnitzel and and veal veal find sscaloppini caloppini fi nd a ddistinguished istinguished ssetting etting iin n tthe he ccrystal-dotted rystal-dotted ddining ining rroom. oom. 111:30am-2pm 1:30am-2pm Wed-Sun, W ed-Sun, 55:30-9pm :30-9pm TTue-Sun. ue-Sun. Mon. Big Basin CClosed losed M on. 114467 4467 B ig B asin Way. W ay. 4408.867.5272. 08.867.5272.

PLUMED P LUMED H HORSE ORSE $$$$. CContemporary ontemporary FFrench. rench. $ $$$. After $9 million A fter uundergoing ndergoing a $ 9m illion rremodel emodel aand nd eexpansion xpansion ooff wine iits ts w ine llist, ist, tthe he SSaratoga aratoga rrestaurant estaurant hhas as bbeen een rreborn eborn Valley’s aass SSilicon ilicon V alley’s ppremier remier How lluxury uxury rrestaurant. estaurant. H ow ddoes oes $9 million tthe he ffood ood ttaste aste aatt a $ 9m illion Mostly, rrestaurant? estaurant? M ostly, llike ike a million m illion bbucks. ucks. 55:30-10pm :30-10pm nnightly. ightly. 14555 14555 Big Big Basin Basin Way. Way. 4408.867.4711. 08.867.4711.

RISTORANTE R ISTORANTE DA DA MARIO MARIO Italian. $$. Ristorante Daa Italian. $ $. R istorante D Mario Mario sserves erves tthe he ggreatest reatest hits hits ooff IItalian-American talian-American food with food bbut ut pprepares repares tthem hem w ith a freshness freshness aand nd iintegrity ntegrity that that eelevates levates tthem hem aabove bove your your ttypical ypical rred-and-white ed-and-white checkered checkered tablecloth tablecloth ItalianItalianAmerican American rrestaurant. estaurant. LLunch unch 11:30am-2:30pm 11:30am-2:30pm Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, dinner dinner 55-9:30pm -9:30pm ddaily. aily. 114441 4441 Big Big Basin Basin Way. Way. 408.741.1518. 408.741.1518.

SSENT ENT SSOVI OVI New New A American. merican. $$$$. $ $$$. A ppretty retty ddining ining rroom oom hhosts osts aan n iinspired, nspired, aalways lways ffresh resh aand nd sseasonally easonally ddriven riven menu m enu ooff ccontemporary ontemporary American A merican aand nd FFrench rench ffood, ood, with ccomplete omplete w ith sseductive eductive Big Basin ddesserts. esserts. 114583 4583 B ig B asin Way. W ay. 4408.867.3110. 08.867.3110.

SSunnyvale unnyvale ¿book ¿ book oonline nline aatt

BAY B AY LLEAF EAF IIndonesian ndonesian aand nd $$. Bay menu TThai. hai. $ $. B ay LLeaf’s eaf ’s m enu iiss ddivided ivided iinto nto TThai hai aand nd IIndonesian ndonesian ffood ood aand nd iit’s t’s tthe he While llatter atter tthat hat sstands tands oout. ut. W hile TThai hai ffood ood iiss ccharacterized haracterized bbyy bbright, right, hhigh igh notes, notes, Indonesian Indonesian

food food strikes strikes a lower lower bass bass note. note. 11am-3pm 11am-3pm and and 5-9:30pm 5-9:30pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 11am-10pm 11am-10pm Fri-Sat Fri-Sat and and 11am-9pm 11am-9pm Sun. Sun. 122 122 S. S. Sunnyvale Sunnyvale Ave. Ave. 408.481.9983. 408.481.9983.

CCHELOKEBABI HELOKEBABI. Persian. Persian. $$. $$. Goo sstraight G traight ffor or tthe he bbaghali aghali gghatogh, hatogh, a ffantastic antastic aappetizer ppetizer made m ade ffrom rom ddelicate elicate bbut ut rrich ich bbaby aby llima ima bbeans, eans, sscrambled crambled eeggs ggs aand nd llots ots ooff ggarlic. arlic. JJust ust aass ggood ood iiss gghaymeh, haymeh, a ddaily aily made sspecial pecial m ade ffrom rom ttender ender cchunks hunks ooff bbeef, eef, ssplit plit ppeas, eas, eeggplant ggplant aand nd ttomato omato ssauce. auce. Wolfe 111am-10pm 1am-10pm ddaily. aily. 11236 236 W olfe Rd. R d. 4408.737.1222. 08.737.1222.


P.F. P .F. CCHANG’S HANG’S CCHINA HINA B ISTRO Chinese. $$. With BISTRO atmosphere atmosphere to spare, spare, Chang’s doesn’t doesn’t neglect taste. Vibrant Vibrant Szechuan flavors mix surprisingly well with rich Western-style Western-style desserts. Full bar. bar. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm Mon-Sun, 11-11pm W.. El 11-11pm Fri-Sat. 390 W Camino 408.991.9078. Camino Real. Real 408.991.907 408 991 9078. 8

SSAIZO AIZO JJapanese. apanese. $ $$. $. P Part art bar, bar, part part eatery, eatery, Saizo Saizo served ser ved small small plates plates of of grilled grilled and and fried fried dishes dishes made made to to go go with with sake sake aand nd bbeer. eer. IIt’s t’s all all good. good. Open Open daily daily for for lunch lunch and and dinner dinner Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. 592 592 E. E. El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.733.7423. 408.733.7423.

celebrates $$. Dishdash celebr ates the culinary glories of the Middle East beyond ffalafels alafels and h hummus. Th menu is The i made d from traditional fr om tr aditional rrecipes ecipes and ingredients presented ingr edients but pr esented contemporary with a contempor ary flourish. There’s Ther e’s also a small but wellchosen wine list to match. 11am-2:30pm, 5-9:30pm 11am2:30pm, 59:30pm Sat-Sun.190 Mon-Fri. 10pm Sat-Sun. 190 S. Ave. 408.774.1889. Murphy A ve. 408.77 74.1889.

SSENZALA ENZALA BBrazilian. razilian. $$. $$. Senzala Senzala restaurant restaurant is is like like a Brazilian Brazilian ccultural ultural center center that that also also sserves erves food. food. Brazilian Brazilian art art and and pphotographs hotographs ccover over the walls. the w alls. Go Go for for the the feijoada, feijoada, a hearty, hearty, smoky smoky black black bbean ean stew with stew made made w ith chunks chunks of of beef beef and and pork. pork. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. 250 250 E. E. Java Java Drive. Drive. 408.734.1656. 408.734.1656.


FFolksy olksy ccountry ountry ddeli eli tthat hat ooffers ffers hhot ot aand nd ccold, old, ttakeout, akeout, made eeat-in at-in aand nd m ade ttoo oorder rder ffood fo od iin n a vvibrant ibrant aarray rray ooff ffamiliar amiliar aand nd nnot-so-familiar ot-so-familiar JJapanese apanese ddishes ishes aatt pprices rices tthat hat bbeat eat jjust ust aabout bout aany ny restaurant’s.Closed re staurant’s.Closed Sun. Sun. 155 155 Maude Ave. EE.. M aude A ve. 4408.735.7777. 08.735.7777.

American. $$$. A merican. $ $$. IIts ts pprevious revious iincarnation ncarnation aass a ppost ost ooffice ffice llends ends tthis his sspace pace eeccentric ccentric ccharm, harm, aand nd tthe he ffood ood ddelivers elivers ffull-bodied ull-bodied ttaste aste iin n ggenerous enerous Veal marsala, pportions. ortions. V eal m arsala, New tthin-crust hin-crust ppizza izza aand nd N ew YYork ork ssteak teak aare re ffeatured. eatured. 111am-1:30pm, 1am-1:30pm, 44-9:30pm -9:30pm TTueueW.. W Washington SSun. un. 1127 27 W ashington SSt. t. 4408.733.9600. 08.733.9600.

LLUCKY UCKY D DHABA HABA IIndian. ndian. $. $. A dhaba dhaba is is a roadside roadside fast fast food food joint joint in in northern northern India. India. We’ve We’ve got got our our own own version version here here at at Sunnyvale’s Sunnyvale’s LLucky ucky Dhaba. Dhaba. Located Located off off busy busy El El Camino Camino Real, Real, Lucky Lucky Dhaba Dhaba offers offers a wide wide variety variety of of good good Indian Indian food. food. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm Sun-Thu Sun-Thu and and 11am-10:30pm 11am-10:30pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 1036 1036 El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.617.0660. 408.617.0660. PEZELLAS P EZELLAS FFamily amily IItalian. talian. $$. $$. Serves Serves popular popular Italian Italian dinners dinners with with rich rich sauces sauces and and generous generous portions. portions. East East Coast Coast seafood seafood dishes dishes like like linguini linguini and and clams clams and and calamari calamari sautéed sautéed in in tomato, tomato, garlic, garlic, and and basil basil stand stand out. out. Pizza Pizza and and pasta pasta abound. abound. Full Full Bar. Bar. 11am11am2:30pm 2:30pm Tue-Fri, Tue-Fri, 5-10:30pm 5-10:30pm Tue-Sat. Tue-Sat. Closed Closed Sun-Mon. Sun-Mon. 1025 1025 W. W. El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.738.2400. 408.738.2400.

SSETO ETO DELI DELI Japanese. Japanese. $. $.

SSHALIMAR HALIMAR IndianIndianPakistani. Pakistani. $. $. Walk Walk up up to to the the counter, counter, grab grab a menu menu and and place place your your order. order. One One of of the the best best dishes dishes is is the the plainplainlooking looking haleem, haleem, a lentil lentil and and barley barley stew stew available available with with chicken chicken or or beef. beef. Nihari, Nihari, a rich rich beef beef shank shank stew, stew, is is also also great. great. 11:30am-2:30pm 11:30am-2:30pm and and 5:30-10:30pm 5:30-10:30pm Sun-Thu Sun-Thu and and noon-3:30pm noon-3:30pm and and 5:30-11pm 5:30-11pm Sat-Fri. Sat-Fri. 1146 1146 W. W. El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.530.0300. 408.530.0300. SSUGAR UGAR B BUTTER UTTER FFLOUR LOUR Bakery. $.. SSugar Butter B akery. $ ugar B utter FFlour’s lour ’s ddesserts esserts aand nd well ppastries astries ggoo w ell bbeyond eyond tthe he found hhumdrum umdrum ssweets weets fo und most restaurants aatt m ost re staurants aand nd bbakeries. akeries. TThe he bbakery’s akery’s cchocolate hocolate sskills kills aare re pparticularly articularly sstrong. trong. 77amamMon-Thu, 77:30pm :30pm M on-Thu, 77amam8:30pm 8am-5pm 8 :30pm SSat, at, 8 am-5pm 669 Bernardo Ave. SSun. un. 6 69 SS.. B ernardo A ve. 4408.732.8597. 08.732.8597.


M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

Trisha Leeper


CHOICES BY: 9\Xl ;fnc`e^ Jk\m\ GXcfgfc` Af\p GXe^`c`eXe I`Z_Xi[ mfe 9ljXZb

Pat Kirk

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



TRAVIS MEEKS AL9@C8EK CFN ^f hl`\kcp `ekf k_Xk m\^\kXi`Xe e`^_k n`k_ X g\i]fidXeZ\ Xk >ff[ BXidX%


Avalon, Santa Clara Wed – 9pm; $12 Alt-rockers Days of the New claim Luhville status, but sure enough, lead singer Travis Meeks is actually from le rive nord of the Ohio. “Music was never a choice,” says Meeks. But whether releasing three color-coded albums, recording as sort of the Lizard Viceroy with the remaining Doors or “dealing with demons,” he’s made good choices. Great tune: “Touch Peel Stand,” kind of a Led Zep III outtake performed by a low bellower. Boy-girl-boy outfit

Cherry Nova opens. Area troopers Red Sunday firm up the bill. (RvB)



Mountain Charley’s, Los Gatos Thu – 7:30pm; $5 Keyboardist Thom Tucker has been in the Bay Area music scene for a while now. First, he garnered attention by tickling the ivories with the band Impact. Then, he joined Unjust, where his unique playing made the rock outfit stand out. Tucker eventually became disillusioned with the band and decided to

strike out on his own by creating Nosebleed Academy. This new direction delves into electronic music mixed with rock, and Tucker seems to be right at home. (BD)

JUBILANT LOW Good Karma, San Jose Thu – 8pm; free It’s harder to go quiet than it is to go noisy, so the gauntlet is right there for Side With Us recording artists Jubilant Low to pick up. The duo is Rosalie Rivera and Leslie Hampton, turning up for a hushed acoustic thang that should make them sound more like 4ammusic than ever. Ask them if the band name has anything to do with the Zagreb streetcars—Google, you crack me up. The putatively wolf-raised Rivera seeks to get back to that lupine principle, but the online “Unfinished Crap” tape

:fd\ n`k_ KI 8M@J D<<BJ ]ifd ;Xpj f] `] pfl nXek k k_\ E\n f c`m\%

is more like raised by puppies: tentative, open-chord, ever so slightly out-of-tune guitar recalling the last scenes in Gus Van Sant movies. Opening: Dead French Singers, featuring Alex from Dirty Pillows. (RvB)


CUDDLEFEST 2010 Nickel City, San Jose Fri – 8pm; $8 or $5 with a can of food Do you need a hug? Cuddlefest 2010 could be the place for you. Headliner Shinobu is a San Jose band known for these so-called cuddle shows, and I assume it’s an incestuous kind of cuddling, since a lot of these

bands (Shinobu, Hard Girls, Runaway Five) share members and an angular, powerful guitar sound descended from Mission of Burma. They’re part of the Phat ’n’ Phunky Phamily, along with Gnarboots and Pteradon, who are also on this bill. Shinobu used to be on Asian Man Records, and founder Mike Park is playing this show. Albert Square and the High Sea also perform. (SP)



The Blank Club, San Jose Sat – 9pm; $7 When the scotch hits my belly,



May 1 at Japanese Art & Cultural Center, San Jose


CONAN O’BRIEN May 5 at SJSU Events Center


BALLET SAN JOSE, SPRING REPERTORY 2 May 6-9 at SJ Center for the Performing Arts

LAURIE ANDERSON May 5 at Memorial Auditorium, Stanford

DAUGHTRY May 6 at HP Pavilion



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Ron Burgandy–style, I just wanna dance. Moon Cadillac provides the perfect accompaniment to whisking the night away in a drunken stupor. Clad in a manner that would make the Knack proud (RIP Doug Fieger), these guys take electronic boogie to a whole new level. Songs like “Robot Disco Sex” hit you like a train. The ’80s are back and resistance is futile. (BD)

WE SHOT THE MOON The Refuge, Cupertino Sat – 6pm; $12 There’s something going on with the moon. This is the third band I’ve heard today that has the word in its name. Of course, the moon has always been the direct source of lunacy and greatness. In this case, it’s been fired upon by a great band. We Shot the Moon

bleeds talent not often seen in four mild-mannered guys playing rock & roll. (BD)

ELECTRO TAKEOVER Agenda Lounge, San Jose Sat – 9pm - $5 If you’re like me, still lamenting how fast Coachella flew by and looking for some good thumping, sweeping beats to dance to, the Electro Takeover at Agenda features a lineup of exclusively South Bay DJs, including Bobby Acosta, Rigo Acosta, RogCon & DJ Fields. (JP)

GIN BLOSSOMS Heritage Theatre, Campbell Sat – 8pm; $54 Are the Gin Blossoms the

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unluckiest band in modern rock? The alt-pop outfit was both blessed and cursed to have Doug Hopkins as its primary songwriter. The man was a genius at capturing the manic-depressive mood of the ’90s. But he really was manic depressive and eventually shot himself. Though they would have a big subsequent hit with “Follow You Down,” the Gin Blossoms never really seemed to recover from having their two best songs, “Hey Jealousy” and “Found Out About You,” written by a dead man. The only place their career hasn’t been a mess is live, where singer Robin Wilson is still one of the most charismatic frontmen to come out of the Alternative Nation. (SP)


VooDoo Lounge, San Jose Sun – 9pm It was more than 10 years ago, on a night just like this, that two members of Satyricon forged out on their own to form one of the most brutal and underrated death metal bands of our time. Blood Red Throne comes from Norway and is on tour right now to school your American pansy ass when it comes to real metal. Gout of your closed shell of music and experience what it is from other countries. Heads will bang, and ears will bleed, but with influences ranging from Johnny Cash to Slayer to Frank Zappa, the musicianship of this band is what sets it apart. (BD)

GEORGE WINSTON May 9 at Campbell Heritage Theatre


RICHIE HAVENS May 13 at Montalvo Arts

WILD JAM 2010 May 13 at HP Pavilion

BROOKE WHITE AND MICHAEL JOHNS May 14 at Montalvo Arts, Saratoga

CHAYANNE May 15 at HP Pavilion

BIG SANDY AND HIS FLY-RITE BOYS May 28 at Landmark Ballroom, San Jose


ROBERTO CARLOS May 28 at HP Pavilion

THE GOO GOO DOLLS Jun 1 at the Mountain Winery, Saratoga

M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

THE EAGLES Apr 30-May 1 at HP Pavilion


M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


metroactive ARTS

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The range The range of of po possibilities ssibilities ffor or tthe he words-and-pictures w ords-an nd-pictures ggenre enre iiss sshown hown iin n historical off ccomics only ttwo wo h istorical sstudies tudies o omics I o nly had rrecently ecently h ad d a cchance hance to to see, see, years years aafter fter tthey hey were were published. published. One, One, by by Mark Arnold, off M Metro, keeps M arrk A rnold, fformerly ormerly o etro, k eeps memory off Harvey alive. tthe he m emory o Harrvvey ccomics omics al live. The final off The T he llatter atter iiss tthe he fi nal iissue ssue o The Imp Imp by by Daniel Dan niel Raeburn—who Rae aeburn—who has has since since gone gone on on to to The The New New Yorker. Yorker. Arnold, Arnold, the the editor editor of of the the collection collection The The Best Best of of the the Harveyville Harveyville Fun Fun Times! Times! (P (P.O. .O. Box Box 2616, 2616, Saratoga, Saratoga, 95070), 95070), shows shows a fan’s fan’s devotion devotion to to an an important importan nt yet yet little-studied little-studied line line of of comics. comics. Bill Bill Clinton’s Clinton’s comment comment that that he he saw saw himself himself as as a child child as as “Baby “Bab by Huey”—an Huey”—an immense, immense, unloved unloved

diapered ggosling—indicates diapered osling—indicates that that even even a president president started starrted o ff as as another another off H arrvey ffan. an. H arvey w as tthe he m ost k idHarvey Harvey was most kidffriendly riendly of of ccomic-book omic-book llines, ines, ass ssafe afe aass rounded rounded sscissors. cissors. Their Their p ages w ere pages were a playground playground for for gentle gentle characters— charraccters— n one w ith an ny sserious erious malice, malice, eexcept xcept none with any ffor or tthe he u ltraviolent H erman n and an nd ultraviolent Herman C atnip, the the direct direct models models for for Itchy Itchy Catnip, aand nd S cratchy. Wendy, Wendy, Casper, Cassper, Richie Richie Scratchy. R ich an nd the the rrest est o he ccast asst gget et ttheir heir Rich and off tthe sstudy tudy in in the the ffanzine anzine that thatt Arnold Arnold eedits, dits, which which b egan in in 1990. 1990. began T his ccollection ollection rreveals eveal als ffacts acts tthat hat ar re This are h arrd tto o llive ive w ithout: that that Casper Casper tthe he hard without: F riendly G host llasted asted long long eenough nough Friendly Ghost tto o sstar tar iin n aan n an nimated knockoff knockoff o animated off C harlie’s A ngels and and to to give give his his name nam me Charlie’s Angels tto o tthe he ccommand ommand module module of of the the A pollo 116 6 mission mission and and that that the the New New Apollo K ids o n tthe he B lock b ecame H arrvey Kids on Block became Harvey ccharacters haracters ffor or a sshort hort ttime. ime. T he ssame ame llevel evel o evoted ffandom, andom, The off d devoted o nly ffor or a ffar ar lless ess ffamily-friendly amily-friendly only ssubject, ubject, iiss tthe he b assis for for R aaeeburn’s basis Raeburn’s

IImp mp #4. #4. It It was was published published in in 2002, 2002, afi scal fl op that that ended ended R aaeeburn’s fiscal flop Raeburn’s iinnovatively nnovattively p ublished aaccounts ccounts o published off ssuch uch ccartoonists arrtoonists ass D an C lowes an nd Dan Clowes and C hris Ware. Ware. IIn n Imp Imp #4, #4, Historietas Historietas Chris P erv versas!, R aaeeburn eexplores xplores tthe he Perversas!, Raeburn llow ow eend nd o p cculture ulture iin nM exico: off po pop Mexico: sscandalous candalous aadult dult ccomics. omics. T his This eexploration xploration rrequired equired Spanish Span nish lessons lessons aand nd ttrips rips tto o ““El El M onstruo,” be tter Monstruo, better k nown ass M exico C ity. R aaeeburn w asn’t known Mexico City. Raeburn wasn’t jjust ust a p rivileged gringo gringo gawking gawking at at privileged tthat hat n ation’s sshame, hame, b ut even even iiff he he nation’s but w ass, ass h rites, ““Comic Comic boo ks aare re was, hee w writes, books tthe he lleast easst o exico’s w orries.” off M Mexico’s worries. P iloting a n arrrow ccourse ourse b etween Piloting narrow between ffanboy an anboy rrapture apture aand nd aacademic cad demic sscorn, corn, R aeburn u nearthed sscenes cenes ffrom rom h is Raeburn unearthed his ffavorite avorite ccomics omics line, line, Almas Almas Perversas: Perversas: ab oiling sstewpot tewpot of of what what he he calls calls boiling ““hysterical hysterical rrealism”: ealism”: R -rated ssex ex aand nd R-rated vviolence, iolence, w ith ssensationally ensationallly ffulsome ulsome with ffemales emales aand nd rrevenge evenge p lots tthat hat w ould plots would m ak ke a JJacobean accobean h url. make hurl. A nyone w ho sstudies tudies M exico Ass aanyone who Mexico m ust, R ae aeburn ssaw aw tthe he ggrim rim realities realities must, Raeburn be hind tthe he color: color: tthe he ttreadmill read dmill pace pacce behind tthese hese ttalented alented cartoonists carrtoonists go go tthrough, hrough, tthe he m onopo p ly ccapitalism ap pitallism be hind the the monopoly behind ccomics omics d istribution an nd tthe he ccontempt ontempt distribution and tthat hat ssophisticated ophisticated M exican ns ffeel eel when when Mexicans tthey hey ssee ee tthem hem o n sale. sale. A nd yyet et tthese hese on And ppeso-dreadfuls eso-dread dfuls aare re a llanguage an nguage lab lab b ffor or ffantastic antasstic sslang. lan ang. The The creative creative ferment ferment iiss cclearly learrly vvisible, isible, bottled bottled u p by by tthe he up rrequirements equirements of of hackwork. hacckwork. Such ar omics: a medium aree ccomics: suited ffor o or all ages and tastes; tastes; always alwayys slightly dis sreputable, alw ayys seeking disreputable, always p otential and a sometimes finding it. potential C all it an ar aartt or a craft, ccomics omics merit Call impassion ed study y, and sometimes impassioned study, get it —un nffo ortunatelyy, pro pro bono bono it—unfortunately, most of th he time the time..

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53 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


San Jose Symphonic Choir, Saratoga Symphony & Vivace Youth Chorus present

Dr. Jason Kline, Conductor Euigun Lee, baritone Rachel Xu, cello also... Franck: Le Chasseur maudit Boellmann: Symphonic Variations

Sunday, May 2, 3 PM St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 13601 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga This concert is FREE...Goodwill donations will be received at the door

Discover the Arts

Dry Cleaner!


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ARTS RT S metroactive metr oactivve A


M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M


Silicon Valley Open Studios

May 1-2 through the valley; The annual three-weekend glimpse at working artists and their studios gets started this Saturday and Sunday with a chance to drop in on artists in the San Jose area. Pictured is a piece by participating artist Gary Coleman, whose studio is in Willow Glen.

Anton in Show Business

April 30-May 23 at Dragon Productions, Palo Alto Dragon’s latest offering is a backstage comedy about a Texas production of Chekhov’s Three Sisters that is cursed with mishaps. Stephen Maddox directs, with Lonnique Genelle, Vera Sloan and Mary Horne in the leads.

Dirty Blonde

Wed-Sun at The Stage, San Jose, thru May 2 Mae West put the lie to all those Art Deco greyhounds of the ’30s movies. The tale of this larger-than-life actress is the occasion for San Jose Stage Company’s entertaining new bio-play Dirty Blonde. (Read a review at

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Rondine.�TThis Rondine.� his w week: eek: TThu, hu, 8pm, 8pm, FFri, ri, 8pm, 8pm, SSun, un, 3pm. 3pm. TThru hru May May 9.. $ $51-$91. 9 51-$91. California California Theatre, Theatre, SSan an Jose. Jose.


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Theater Theat er

San JJose San ose SStage tage CCompany ompany ppresents resents a ccomedy omedy aabout bout tthe he movie Mae ffamed amed rribald ibald m ovie sstar tar M ae West. Wed-Thu, W est. W ed-Thu, 77:30pm, :30pm, FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 8pm, May $208 pm, SSun, un, 22pm. pm. TThru hru M ay 22.. $ 20$45. $ 45. TThe he SStage, tage, SSan an JJose. ose.




A dance dance concert concert ttoo rraise aise money money Nourish ffor or N ourish tthe he CChildren. hildren. Mon, Mon, Pedro 77pm. pm. Theatre Theatre oonn SSan an P edro SSquare. quare.

A ccomedy omedy mystery mystery with with music music aabout bout mobsters. mobsters. Wed, Wed, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. May $24TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8pm. 8pm. TThru hru M ay 1. 1. $ 24$32. Bus Barn Altos. $ 32. B us B arn TTheatre, heatre, LLos os A ltos.

Presented bbyy H Presented Heart eart A Academy, cademy, a vversion ersion ooff ““Unadoptable.� Unadoptable.� 6pm, TThu, hu, 6 pm, FFri, ri, 77pm, pm, SSat, at, nnoon oon Pedro aand nd 44pm. pm. TTheatre heatre oon n SSan an P edro SSquare. quare.

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“She didn’t so much emerge on the scene as create it.� —The New York Times

From tthe From he A Actors’ ctors’ TTheatre heatre ooff LLouisville, ouisville, presented presented bbyy CCampbell ampbell TTheatre heatre CCo. o. FFri, ri, 8 8pm, pm, SSat, at, 3 aand nd 8pm, 8 pm, SSun, un, 1 aand nd 55pm. pm. CCampbell ampbell CCommunity ommunity CCenter. enter.

West Coast premiere from one of America’s most renowned— and daring—creative pioneers. Art meets technology in Delusion, Anderson’s new evening-length solo work, previewed at the recent Vancouver Cultural Olympiad.

The Ohlone The Ohlone CCollege ollege D Depart. epart. of of TTheatre heatre and and Dance Dance presents presents iits ts aannual nnual Spring Spring Dance Dance Production, Production, ffeaturing eaturing aallll ddance ance sstyles tyles from from hhip-hop ip-hop to to bballet. allet. TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8pm. 8pm. $ 10-$15. Ohlone Ohlone CCollege ollege TTheater, heater, $10-$15. FFremont. remont.

Operaa Oper OPERA O PERA SSAN AN JOSÉ JOSÉ Puccini’s P uccini’s rrarely arely sseen een ““La La

A llove ove triangle triangle with with sseven even sides sides ffrom rom Northside Northside Theatre Theatre Co. Co. TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, Sun, Sun, 3pm. 3pm. TThru hru May M ay 9. 9. $15/$20. $15/$20. Olinder Olinder TTheatre, heatre, SSan an Jose. Jose.

ANTON A NTON IIN N SSHOW HOW B BUSINESS USINESS Dragon Productions Dragon Productions offers offers a bbehind-the-scenes ehind-the-scenes play play aabout bout sstaging taging Chekhov’s Chekhov’s “Three “Three Week: SSisters.� isters.�This This W eek: FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, May SSun, un, 22pm. pm. TThru hru M ay 223. 3. $16-$25. $16-$25. Dragon Palo Alto. D ragon TTheatre, heatre, P alo A lto.

FFLAMING LAMING IIDIOTS D I O TS A ccomedy omedy aabout bout a m mobster obster aand nd a hhealth-food ealth-food store, store, by by Santa Santa Players. week: CClara lara P layers. This This w eek: FFri, ri,


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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

55 8pm, SSat, 8pm, at, 2:30pm. 2:30pm. $16. $16. Thru Thru May May Museum 222. 2. TTriton riton M useum Hall Hall Pavilion, Pavilion, University U niversity of of Santa Santa Clara. Clara.

FFINAL INAL FFRIDAYS: RIDAYS: VIOLET VIOLET JUNO JUNO The M The Montalvo ontalvo artist artist in in resident resident multimedia ppresents resents a m ultimedia piece piece iinvolving nvolving ssound, ound, props props and and dance. dance. 6pm. FFri, ri, 6 pm. FFree. ree. Carriage Carriage House House Montalvo TTheatre, heatre, M ontalvo Arts Arts Center, Center, SSaratoga. aratoga.

LLA A EESQUINITA SQUINITA U.S.A. U. S . A . A TTeatro eatro CCampesino ampesino production production of of written a pplay lay w ritten and and performed performed by by Ruben Gonzalez R uben CC.. G onzalez Thu-Sat, Thu-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, SSun, un, 22pm. pm. TThru hru Apr Apr 30. 30. $5-$12. $5-$12. EEll TTeatro eatro CCampesino, ampesino, San San Juan Juan Bautista. B autista.


$12. TThu, $12. hu, 8 8pm: pm: SSteve teve Travino Travino aand nd Richard $16. R ichard Villa. Villa. $ 16. FFri, ri, 8 and and 110pm, 0pm, 9pm, Darrell SSat, at, 7 aand nd 9 pm, SSun, un, 77pm: pm: D arrell Hammond. $27. H ammond. $ 27.

ROOSTER R O O ST E R T T.. FFEATHERS EATHERS Wed, 8 Wed, 8pm: pm: N New ew TTalent alent CComedy omedy $12. 8pm, CCompetition. ompetition. $ 12. TThu, hu, 8 pm, FFri, ri, 9pm, 9 pm, Sat, Sat, 8 and and 110:30pm, 0:30pm, SSun, un, 8pm: Dore. 8 pm: JJimmy immy D ore. $12. $12. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.



A TTeatro eatro V Visión isión premiere premiere of of Madrid’s LLeonard eonard M adrid’s play play about about a young young woman’s woman’s ddream ream eencounters ncounters with with her her long-long long-long ffather. ather. TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, Sun, Sun, 2pm. 2pm. May TThru hru M ay 22.. $10-$24. $10-$24. Mexican Mexican Heritage H eritage TTheater, heater, San San Jose. Jose.

Original B Original Beethoven eethoven m manuscripts, anuscripts, first fi rst editions, editions, a llock ock of of the the ccomposer’s omposer’s hair, hair, art art and and ddemonstrations emonstrations ooff historical historical Mon-Tue kkeyboards. eyboards. Ongoing. Ongoing. M on-Tue aand nd TThu, hu, 111am-6pm, 1am-6pm, Wed, Wed, 111am-8pm, 1am-8pm, FFri, ri, 111am-5pm 1am-5pm and and Sat, Sat, 1-5pm. 1-5pm. SSJSU JSU KKing ing LLibrary, ibrary, SSan an JJose. ose.



The TTony The ony A Award ward winning, winning, rreimagining eimagining of of Puccini’s Puccini’s “La “La Boheme” B oheme” ffollowing ollowing tthe he llives ives ooff eeight ight yyoung oung bohemians bohemians in in New New YYork’s ork’s EEast ast Village. Village. Thu-Sat, Thu-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, SSun, un, 22:30pm. :30pm. Thru Thru May May 9. 9. $30, $30, $26 $26 sstudent/senior tudent/senior Thu Thu and and Sat. Sat. Lucie Lucie Palo Alto. SStern tern TTheater, heater, P alo A lto.

SSHOUT! HO H OUT! A ““mod mod m musical” uussical” about about the the ’60s ’60s with w ith nnostalgia ostallggia pop pop numbers numbers and and ppsychedelic sychedelic fashions. fashions. Fri-Sat, Fri-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, SSun, un, 22pm. pm m.. TThru hru May May 2. 2. $24-$36. $24-$36. Retro TThe he R etro Dome, Dome, San San Jose. Jose.

TO T OK KILL ILL A MOCKINGBIRD MOCKINGBIRD A yyoung oouung ttomboy omboy learns learns the the hard hard ttruths ruths ooff pprejudice rejudice and and privilege privilege Depression-era iinn D epression-era Alabama Alabama in in this this ttale ale ooff hheartache eartache and and joy, joy, family, family, jjustice ustice and and common common ground. ground. TueTueWed, W ed, 77:30pm, :30pm, Thu-Fri, Thu-Fri, 8pm, 8pm, Sat Sat 2 8pm, aand/or nd/o / r8 pm, Sun Sun 2 and/or and/or 7pm. 7pm. May 9.. $24-$62. TThru hru M ay 9 $24-$62. Center Center for for Performing tthe h P he erforming Arts, Arts, Mountain Mountain View. V iew.

CComedy om dy omedy CCOMEDYSPORTZ OMEDYSPORTZ An interactive An interactive improvised improvised comedy comedy Allll aages sshow. how. A ges welcome welcome to to early early FFriday riday sshow how and and both both Saturday Saturday sshows. hows. 118+ 8+ “Midnight “Midnight Show” Show” 111pm 1pm sshow how Friday. Friday. Fri, Fri, 9 and and 11pm 11pm aand nd SSat, at, 7 and and 9pm. 9pm. $12-$15. $12-$15. CComedySportz, omedySportz, San San Jose. Jose.

IIMPROV M P R OV Wed, W ed, 8 8pm: pm: U Unfiltered nfiltered Underground U nderground w/Brian w/Brian Scolaro. Scolaro.

“The EEye “The ye ooff the the B Beholder.” eholder.” Works W orks gathered gathered from from gifts gifts to to museum tthe he m useum ffrom rom Ruth Ruth and and Robert R obert Halperin. Halperin. TThru hru May May 30. 30. Past, Drawing ““Tracing Tracing tthe he P ast, D rawing tthe he Master FFuture: uture: M aster Ink Ink Painters Painters in in 220th-Century 0th-Century CChina.” hina.”TThru hru JJul ul 44.. ““Longing Longing ffor or SSea ea Change.” Change.” A sseries eries ooff video video pieces pieces by by artists artists working working Africa. Wed-Sun, iin nA frica. . W ed-Sun, 111am-5pm, 1am-5pm, TThu, hu, 111am-8pm. 1am-8pm. Stanford. Stanford.

CHILDREN’S D CHILDREN’S DISCOVERY ISCOVERY MUSEUM M USEUM “Living iin “Living n SSpace,” pace,” aallows llows kkids ids ttoo llearn earn aabout bout tthe he Space Space Station. Station. May Also TThru hru M ay 9. 9. A lso a variety variety of of oongoing, ngoing, hhands-on ands-on eexhibits xhibits ffor or Mon-Sat, kkids. ids. M on-Sat, 110am-5pm 0am-5pm and and SSun, un, nnoon-5pm. oon-5pm. SSan an JJose. ose.

DEE SSAISSET D A I SS E T M MUSEUM USEUM “What M “What Makes akes a Picture Picture a Portrait?” P ortrait?” A sshow how about about where w here ““figure figure study study eends nds aand nd rrepresentation epresentation begins.” begins.” Uses U ses ssome ome 50 50 works works from from the the museums with m useums ccollection, ollection, w ith ppieces ieces bbyy IImogen mogen CCunningham unningham aand nd oothers. thers. TThru hru JJun un 44.. TTue-Sun, ue-Sun, 111am1am44pm. pm. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

HISTORY H ISTORY P PARK ARK SSAN AN JJOSE OSE Homes H omes and and bbusinesses usinesses from from eearly arly SSanta anta CClara lara Valley. Valley. IIncluding ncluding a hhotel otel with with rotating rotating eexhibits, xhibits, aart rt from from McKay McKay Collection Collection of of CCalifornia alifornia aand nd the the Paulson Paulson House. House. Now McKay Gallery: N ow aatt M cKay G allery: ““Everyday Everyday Paintings Wayne SSan an JJose: ose: P aintings bbyy W ayne May. JJiang.” iang.”TThru hru M ay. TTue-Sun, ue-Sun, nnoonoon55pm. pm. SSan an JJose. ose.


Joyce Gold Goldschmid dschmid



Egyptian historical artif Egyptian artifacts actts Monand displays. Ongoing. Mo nSat-Sun, Fri, 10am-5pm and Sat-Su un, 11am-6pm. San Jose.

SSAN AN JJOSE OSE M MUSEUM USEUM O OFF ART A RT “New SStories tories Fr From om the EEdge dgge Life.” of Asia: Asia: Plastic Lif e.” Thru Sep S “Wayne Seventy 19. “W ayne y Thiebaud: Seve entyy Paint.” YYears eears of P aint.” Thru Jul 4. Hyperreal.” “Real & Hyper real.” Thru Aug A Paint.” sensuous 1. ““Juicy Juicy J P aint.” The sensuo ous Features side of pigments. Featur ess Brown. pieces by Bischoff and Br o own. 11am-Thru Jun 6. TTue-Sun, uue-Sun, 11am Jose. 5pm, closed Mon. San Jose e.

SAN JJOSE SAN OSE M MUSEUM USEUM O OFF QUILTS AND TEXTILES Q UILTS A ND T E X T I L ES “P “Poetic oetic License: The Art off Joan Schulze,” rretrospective etrospectivve Area ffor or Bayy Ar ea Fiber artist. Weaving “Navajo W eaving in the Present Pr esent TTense: eense: The Art of LLucy ucy Begay.” shows and Ellen Ellen Begay y..” Both sho ows Daily, 10amrun thru May 4. Daily y, 10am m5pm. San Jose.

TECH TE CH MU MUSEUM SEUM ”TTeechnology Benefiting ”Technology Humanity.” Mon-Wed, Humanity .” Ongoing. Mon-Wed, 9am9am-5pm and Thu-Sun, 9a am8pm. San Jose.

TRITON TRI TON MU MUSEUM SEUM OF AR ART T ““In In the th Raw: R N W New Work orkk by b Robert Chiarito.” Thru Jun 6. 11amTTue-Wed uue-Wed and Fri-Sun, 11am m11am-9pm. Closed 5pm. Thu, 11am9pm. Clos ed Clara. Mon. Santa Clar a.

GGalleries alleries OPENING OP ENING S I L I CO N V SILICON VALLEY A L L EY OPEN O PEN SSTUDIOS TUDIOS An annual mul multi-weekend ti-weekend check event allows visitors to ch eck artists out the studios of local art tists throughout valley.. Thiss thr oughout the valley greater week: Fri-Sat, the gr eater San area. Jose ar ea. See www .svos.oorg ffor or details on participatingg artists.

CONTINUING CONT INUING ALLIED A LLIED A ARTS RTS GGUILD UILD Anthony Montanino. Oil portraits courtyards pportr aits of the courtyar y dss and ffountains ountains ffeatured eatured at the Miller. Guild. Ongoing. YYvonne vonne Mi ller. jewelry.. Ongoing. Art and jewelry Park. Menlo P ark.

ANNO A NNO D DOMINI OMINI “Cloud EEmpire,” mpire,” a solo sho show ow by Dimitri Drjuchin of New YYork. oork. Thru May 22. San Jose.

C<8J< FE C@=< K_\ ZXjk f] ÉI\ekÊ [i\jj\j ]fi jlZZ\jj%

‘Rent’ FROM NOW to the end of this summer, just about every community theater company in the greater Bay Area will be littering its stage with trash cans, cyclone fencing and fake punk-rock fliers in order to mount its version of Rent. The local Rent renaissance began back in February, when Stanford’s drama department presented a spirited, if oddly edited, production of the musical, which made its Broadway debut in 1996 and closed Sat @ 8pm, in 2008. City Lights in San Jose is doing its version in July. Palo Sun@2:30pm Alto Players takes its turn through May 9. Getting a jump on the thru May 9 competition has apparently drawn some amazing voices to the cast. In particular, Scott Fish as Mark, David Saber as Roger, Nicole Lucie Stern Frydman as Maureen and Victoria Morgan as Joanne bring down Theatre, the house through the sheer power of their singing. Palo Alto The Palo Alto Players production is strong from beginning to end, but it was the routine act of dimming the house lights that got the legions of “Rentheads” in the audience going. That was their cue to whoop and shout before a single note had been sung. The word, of course, is a play on Deadheads, the term used to describe people who followed the Grateful Dead around in the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s. Like Deadheads, Rentheads are excruciatingly familiar with the object of their affection. Is Mark wearing a striped scarf? Yes. Is he carrying a real Paillard-Bolex 16 mm film camera like Anthony Rapp did in the original? Yes again! Is Angel (Brian Conway) decked out in an over-the-top Christmas-themed drag-queen outfit? Well no, but costume designer, Mary Cravens, had to have some fun. The detail-oriented audience did not seem to mind this minor transgression against tradition, probably because they got so much from the singers: Fish and Morgan, with help from Saber, are terrific together on “Tango Maureen”; Frydman brings loads of humor and knowing performance-art parody to “Over the Moon”; and Saber and Danelle Medeiros, who plays the junkie-stripper Mimi, have a lovely duet, “I Should Tell You,” in the middle of the Act 1 closer, “La Vie Boheme.” But it’s the duet between Frydman and Morgan in Act 2, “Take Me or Leave Me,” that took my breath away. In that number, the whole issue of how accepting we are of people who are different from us comes home. But even though Maureen and Joanne are struggling with their volatile relationship, we just know it must all work out in the end—when Frydman’s and Morgan’s beautiful voices come together as one, what other outcome could there possibly be?—9\e DXibj




Paintings by Sar Paintings Saraa Cole and Rachel Lazo and collage by Gutierrez. LLuis uis Gutier rez. Thru May 15. San Jose.

“On On the he Edge,” Edge nnew ew pieces p eces by by Richard Gullion, R cha d G u on Chris Ch s Elliman E man and and Nozero. Wed-Sat, TTony ony N oze o W ed-Sa nnoon-6pm. oon-6pm SSan an Jose. ose

“Venice Ven ce SSquare, qua e a Photographic Pho og aph c CComparison ompa son oof Venice, Ven ce Italy a y and and Venice, V en ce California,” Ca o n a by by John ohn Eric E c Paulson. Apr. P au son Thru Th u A p San San Jose. ose

“Biomechanical W “Biomechanical Works,” orks,” ppaintings, aintings, sculptures sculptures and and prints prints Ron bbyy R on Earhart Earhart (Analog (Analog Tattoo). Tattoo). TThru hru Apr Apr 30. 30. SSan an JJose. ose.

KALEID K ALEID GALLERY GALLERY Works bbyy KKurtis Works urtis Rykovich Rykovich and and KKate ate SSaturday. aturday. TThru hru Apr Apr 30. 30. SSan an Jose. Jose.

MACLA M ACLA Annual Latino Annual Latino Art Art Auction Auction and and EExhibition. xhibition. Works Works show show thru thru May Wed-Thu, M ay 115. 5. W ed-Thu, noon-7pm noon-7pm aand nd FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, nnoon-5pm. oon-5pm. San San JJose. ose.


10am-5pm, Sat, 10am-5pm, Sat, noon-5pm. noon-5pm. SSan an JJose. ose.

SSLG LG A ART RT BOUTIKI BOUTIKI Artwork from Artwork from graphic graphic novel novel ““Doris Doris Danger” Danger ” by by Chris Chris Wisnia. Wisnia. Apr TThru hru A pr 330. 0. San San Jose. Jose.

SSOUTH OUTH FFIRST IRST BILLIARDS BILLIARDS “Bringing Back “Bringing Back the the Color!” Color!” works w orks bbyy John John Cloud, Cloud, Mike Mike KKjolhaug, jolhaug, Nicolas Nicolas Caesar Caesar and and LLina ina Ruelas. Ruelas. Thru Thru May May 31. 31. San San JJose. ose.


“Seasons,” works “Seasons,” works by by Arup Arup Biswas, B iswas, Brandy Brandy Brune, Brune, EElizabeth lizabeth Noerdlinger, Metzger N oerdlinger, EErna rna M etzger aand nd Robert Robert TTerrebonne. errebonne. TThru hru May Reception M ay 330. 0. R eception 55-7pm -7pm May Wed-Sun, M ay 55.. W ed-Sun, 110am-3pm. 0am-3pm. Redwood R edwood CCity. ity.

A ttalk alk about about child-rearing child-rearing by by tthe he author author of of “NurtureShock.” “NurtureShock.” TThu, hu, 7pm. 7pm. FFree, ree, but but RSVP RSVP aatt 650.868.0590. 650.868.0590. MenloMenloAtherton A therton Performing Performing Art Art Atherton. CCenter, enter, A therton.


The travel The travel writer writer and and Lurie Lurie Distinguished Writer D istinguished Visiting Visiting W riter sspeaks peaks for for the the Center Center for for Arts Wed, LLiterary iterary A rts event. event. W ed, 11pm: pm: Public P ublic Q&A. Q&A. 7pm: 7pm: Reading Reading and and bbooksigning. ooksigning. King King Library, Library, Rm Rm 2225-229, 25-229, San San JJose. ose.

““Jazz Jazz P Photo hoto Exhibition.” Exhibition.” W Works orks bbyy TTom om EEhrlich, hrlich, James James Know, Know, Andy Nozaka Walter A ndy N ozaka aand nd W alter Wagner. Presented W agner. P resented bbyy San San JJose ose Apr JJazz. azz. TThru hru A pr 30. 30. Second Second Floor, Floor, SSan an Jose. Jose.



“Bittersweet H “Bittersweet Harvest: arvest: The The Bracero Program, B racero P rogram, 11942-1964.” 942-1964.” Ann eexhibit A xhibit about about guest guest workers workers iinn tthe he valley. valley. Thru Thru May May 2. 2. SSan an JJose. ose.

A bbooksigning ooksigning appearance appearance by by tthe he author author of of “The “The Scent Scent of of the the Missing: M issing: Love Love and and Partnership Partnership With W ith a Search-and-Rescue Search-and-Rescue Dog.” D og.” Mon, Mon, 7pm. 7pm. Books Books Inc., Inc., TTown own & Country Country Village, Village, Palo Palo Alto. A lto.




“Seeing LLight.” “Seeing ight.” P Paintings aintings by by Nicole N icole Schmoelzer Schmoelzer based based oonn her her iinteractions nteractions with with tthe he Montalvo 6.. M ontalvo grounds. grounds. Thru Thru Jun Jun 6 TThu-Sun, hu-Sun, 11am-3pm. 11am-3pm. Saratoga. Saratoga.

MOHR M OHR GALLERY GALLERY “Urban A “Urban Animals,” nimals,” ppaintings aintings bbyy Gomez. EElizabeth lizabeth G omez. Thru Thru May May 330. 0. 6-8pm. 6 -8pm. Community Community SSchool chool of of Music M usic aand nd Art, Art, Mountain Mountain View. View.

OLIVE O LIVE HYDE HYDE ART ART GALLERY GALLERY Annual textile Annual textile show. show. TThru hru M May ay 115. 5. Fremont. Fremont.

SAN JJOSE SAN OSE INSTITUTE INSTITUTE OF OF ART CCONTEMPORARY ONTEMPORARY A RT “Work O “Work Out.” ut.” A llife-size ife-size paper paper rreplica eplica ooff a ggym; ym; an an installation installation bbyy LLibby ibby Black. Black. TThru hru Jun Jun 19. 19. ““Modesto Modesto CCovarrubias: ovarrubias: Liminal,” Liminal,” iinstallation nstallation piece piece by by San San Jose Jose nnative. ative. TThru hru Jul Jul 3. 3. “By “By a Thread.” Thread.” TThru hru May May 115. 5. “Cat “Cat Mazza: Mazza: TThe he Mill M ill Series.” Series.” A Night Night Moves Moves iinstallation nstallation with with vvideo ideo pixels pixels tturned urned into into sstitchery. titchery. Tue-Fri, Tue-Fri,

The wife The wife of of foreign foreign service service oofficer fficer Clifton Clifton Foster Foster talks talks aabout bout “Encounters: “Encounters: A Lifetime Lifetime SSpent pent CCrossing rossing CCultural ultural FFrontiers.” rontiers.” Thu, Thu, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. KKepler’s, epler ’s, Menlo Menlo Park. Park.

EELIZABETH LIZABETH GGEORGE EO RG E The author The author of of the the Inspector Inspector LLynley ynley series series talks talks about about “This “This Body B ody of of Death.” Death.” Mon, Mon, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. KKepler’s epler ’s Books, Books, Menlo Menlo Park. Park.

ATSURO A TSURO RILEY R I L EY The author The author of of “Romey’s “Romey’s Order” Order ” rreads eads for for a Poetry Poetry Center Center eevent. vent. TTue, ue, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. Free. Free. Art Art Object O bject Gallery, Gallery, San San Jose. Jose.

EEvents vents CALIFORNIA IINDIAN CALIFORNIA NDIAN MARKET M ARKET Native A Native American merican IIndian ndian cculture, ulture, ffestive estive costumes, costumes, art art and and a vvariety ariety ooff goods goods and and services services



are all are all explored explored Sat-Sun, Sat-Sun, sstarting tarting at at 10am. 10am. $1 $1 donation. donation. SSan an Juan Juan Bautista Bautista EElementary lementary SSchool. chool.

EEARTH A RT H D DAY AY CELEBRATION CELEBRATION With llots With ots of of family family activities, activities, workshops. iinclude nclude ccrafts rafts and and w orkshops. SSat, at, nnoon-3pm. oon-3pm. FFree. ree. Tiny Tiny Tots Tots Baby B aby Boutique, Boutique, Campbell. Campbell.

JJAPANESE APANESE ART ART AND AND CCULTURAL ULTURAL CENTER CENTER Opening ccelebration Opening elebration w with ith JJapanese apanese jjazz azz vocalist vocalist Saki Saki Kono. Kono. will TThe he nnew ew center center w ill offer offer classes classes iinn JJapanese apanese arts. arts. JJazz azz event event SSat, at, Open 77:30-9:30pm, :30-9:30pm, $20. $20. O pen house house SSat-Sun. at-Sun. 44334 334 Moorpark Moorpark Ave, Ave, SSan an JJose; ose; ssee ee w

O RG A N D ORGAN DONATION ONATION FFUNDRAISER UNDRAISER and and Therelay. Therelay. ccom om presents presents a ttwo-day wo-day event event which iinn w hich 12-member 12-member teams teams will will rrun un 199 199 miles miles ffrom rom CCalistoga alistoga ttoo SSanta anta CCruz, ruz, evening evening with with a pparty arty Davenport. Donations iinn D avenport. D onations ssought ought ((see see SSat-Sun. at-Sun.

POOLSIDE P OOLSIDE SSOIREE OIREE A llook ook aatt tthe he bbest est new new ssummer ummer ffashions ashions from from Santa Santa Row Row on on two two rrunways, unways, with with cclothes lothes by by Ted Ted Baker, Anne more. B aker, A nne Fontaine Fontaine aand nd m ore. SSat, at, noon noon aand nd 3pm. 3pm. $40. $40. SSantana antana Heights H eights aatt Santana Santana Row. Row.

SARATOGA R SARATOGA ROTARY OTARY ART A RT SSHOW H OW More tthan More han 200 200 participating participating wine aartists, rtists, ffood ood and and w ine ttasting, asting, pplus lus crowning crowning of of the the Saratoga Saratoga winner. West IIdol dol w inner. Sun, Sun, 9am-5pm. 9am-5pm. W est Valley V alley CCollege, ollege, Saratoga. Saratoga.

WINE W INE A AND ND FFASHION AS H I O N A week week ooff ffashion ashion and and food food eevents vents iin n ddowntown owntown Los Los Gatos. Gatos. Plus P lus Wine Wine Walk Walk on on Sat, Sat, 3-6pm, 3-6pm, $35. $ 35. w

FFor or o K Kids ids LLISA ISA HARRISON HARRISON An eevent An vent ffor or yyoung oung readers readers with with tthe he author author ooff ““Alphas2: Alphas2: Movers Movers aand nd FFakers.” akers.” Sat, Sat, 44-6pm. -6pm. KKepler’s epler’s Books, Park. B ooks, Menlo Menlo P ark.

ORIKI O RIKI T THEATER HEATER African music African music aand nd ddance. ance. W Wed, ed, 2 aand nd 44pm. pm. FFree. ree. CCommunity ommunity SSchool chool of of Music Music and and Arts Arts Concert Concert Hall, Mountain H all, M ountain View. View.

RIDLEY R I D L EY P PEARSON E A RS O N An aappearance An ppearance by by aauthor uthor of of Disney ““Kingdom Kingdom Keepers Keepers III: III: D isney in in SShadows.” hadows.”Thu, Thu, 6pm. 6pm. KKepler’s epler’s Books, Park. B ooks, Menlo Menlo P ark.


‘La Rondine’ THE LATER Puccini opera that almost fell through the cracks got its local premiere from Opera San José last weekend. Not unlike the Strauss ballet Schlagobers, La rondine was a victim of bad timing; Puccini’s “summer romance” was composed in the run-up to World War I (and premiered during it at Monte Carlo), while the frothy Strauss, whose title means “whipped cream,” arrived just after the war when German theater was preoccupied with skyrocketing inflation, widespread poverty and atoning for national war guilt. The war weighed heavily on Puccini, who, upon accepting the commission, decided in favor of a fully scored opera instead of the operetta he had been asked for, suggesting either distraction or compromise or both. Unlike others of his operas, the big tune of Act 1—“Chi il bel sogno di Doretta poté indovinar?”—is not matched by another unforgettable melody later on. Nevertheless, Puccini delivers a worthy, entertaining and satisfying arc from the Parisian mistress Magda’s restless April 29, May 1, 4 hunger for true love to her resignation in the face of the and 7 at 8pm naive Ruggero’s rural standards of purity and virtue, in and May 2 and 9 1860s France. at 3pm Opera San José costumer Elizabeth Poindexter and set California Theatre designer Larry Hancock echoed that era. The cast featured on Sunday introduced Bosnian-born Jasmina Halimic, who, in the title role, like a swallow, must ultimately rejoin her Parisian “flock.” Initially, she is the lover of the wealthy, older Rambaldo (veteran Silas Elash) but falls in love with the unsophisticated Ruggero (resident Alexander Boyer). The soprano/tenor lovers have a counterpart in the poet Prunier (J. Raymond Meyers) and household maid Lisette (Jennie Litster). Apparently inspired in part by Strauss’ Der Rosenkavalier, Puccini finds all manner of opportunities to avail waltz tempos. This tilts the opera’s flavor toward dance. In Act 1, Prunier introduces his latest creation—“Doretta’s dream”—but breaks off having not yet finished it. Magda takes it up in the one scene from this opera that appears on recital programs. Halimic delivered a glamorous performance, allowing only slight evidence that this was her first time in the role. Boyer’s shy country boy remained sympathetic throughout. Meyers, in contrast, etched his more complex character with wit, impatience and a touch of deceit. Litster matched him at every turn while both provided an ideal foil for the “doomed” summer lovers.The big moment for the chorus and dancers was Act 2, set in Bullier’s dance hall. Lise la Cour provided vivid choreography. Stage director Jose Maria Condemi had everybody doing something all the time in that act but showed a fine emotional sensitivity in the intimate moments elsewhere. David Rohrbaugh and his orchestra provided a solid and colorful foundation.—JZfkk DXZ:c\ccXe[

METRO SILICON V VA A L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SSA A N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC OACTIVE.COM


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Pat P at Kirk

ARTS RT S metroactive metr oactivve A

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Harry Har ry Br B Brown own P Productions roductions LLtd. td.


metroactive FILM

The Shootist ;FNE K?<J< D<8E JKI<<KJ ; FNE K?<J< D< 8 E JKI <<KJ D`Z_X\c :X`e\ jki`b\j X Ycfn ]fi j\e`fi Xm\e^\ij `e É?Xiip 9ifne%Ê D`Z_X\c :X`e\ jkii`b\j X Ycfn ]fi j\e`fi Xm\e^\ij `e É?Xiip 9ifne%Ê

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children’s T children’s TV Vh host ost C Captain ap ptain Kangaroo. Kan ngarroo. G ran T orino proved proved that that fans fans still still Gran Torino w anted tto o ssee ee E astwood p reserving wanted Eastwood preserving tthe he iintegrity ntegrity o is llawn awn at at an n age agge off h his w hen h ught tto ob aying o ther when hee o ought bee p paying other p eople tto om ow it. it. people mow W e’ve sseen een tthis his m ovie b efore We’ve movie before b ut rarely rarely d one tthis his ccrazy. razzy. W here but done Where A ndrea A rnold’s F ish T ank showed showed Andrea Arnold’s Fish Tank tthe he rred ed fl ow o ife iin nad ump of of a flow off llife dump B ritish h ousing eestate, state, Harry Harry Brown’s Brown’s British housing llocation ocation is is pure pure mahogany-tinged mah hogany-tinged d eath. The The weirdos weirdos he he encounters encounters death. sseem eem like like actors actors in in a prequel prequel to to A C lockwork O range. The The visual visual cues cues Clockwork Orange. rresemble esemble Gaspar Gaspar Noe’s Noe’s Irreversible. Irreversible. A sstage tage ffor or tthe he aaction ction iiss a p edestrian pedestrian u nderpass under under the the street street tthat hat n o underpass no o ne seems seems to to b ab ble to to avoid. avoid. These These one bee able

h orror-story people-coops people-coops in in England Englan nd horror-story ar re ccalled alled ““sink sink eestates”—the states”—the ttunnel unnel are lleading eading out out iiss tthe he o pen p lughole. open plughole. C aine’s H arry B rown iiss a cautious, cautious, Caine’s Harry Brown iill ll o ld L ondoner w ith llittle ittle lleft eft to to old Londoner with llose. ose. H as a m ate, n amed Leonard Leonard Hee h has mate, named ((David David B radley, yyour our ggo-to o-to ac ctor Bradley, actor w hen yyou ou n eed aan nu ndertak ker), when need undertaker), w hom h eets at at the the grim grim local locall whom hee m meets p ub. Both Both ar re harassed harrasssed by by the the tthugs hugs pub. are o n tthe he eestate. state. L eonard iiss aaware ware o on Leonard off H arry’s p ast aass a Royal Royal Marine; Marine; w hen Harry’s past when tthings hings gget et w orse, L en aasks sks H arrry if if he he worse, Len Harry eever ver k illed a m an d uring h is sservice. ervice. killed man during his T he q uiet w ay C aine p hrases tthe he The quiet way Caine phrases rreply, eply, ““You You ccan’t an’t aask sk m hat, L en,” mee tthat, Len, ggives ives u verything C aine eever ver h ad d in in uss eeverything Caine had h is p rime: tthe he d ecency aand nd tthe he steel steel his prime: decency b eneath iit. t. M addened by by the the way way beneath Maddened tthe he iidle dle k ids ggo o aatt h im, Len Len h ides a kids him, hides b ayonet u nder h is ssweater weater before before bayonet under his h ak kes a w alk. And And that’s that’s tthe he last last hee ttakes walk. o im. A ffemale emale cconstable onstable ((Emily Emily off h him. M ortimer) b rings H arrry the the news news Mortimer) brings Harry o en’s m urder. T hat’s w hen H arrry off L Len’s murder. That’s when Harry ggoes oes o ut tto ob uy a p istol. out buy pistol. T he u nderground ggun un m erchant’s The underground merchant’s

sshack hacck llooks ooks as as iiff tthe he Bobby Bobby Sands Sands o Hunger had had redecorated redecorated the the walls waallls off Hunger w ith h is o wn homemade homemade p igments. with his own pigments. T he h ost, Stretch Stretch (Sean (Sean Harris), Harrris), is is The host, a ffreakish reak kish sstripling tripling w ith w avy sscars carrs with wavy aall ll o ver his his ttorso; orso; h ends a parkparkover hee ttends ssize ize m arrijuana p lan ntation cconcealed oncealled marijuana plantation b ehind b lack ttrash rassh b aggs. W hen n ot behind black bags. When not ffreebasing reebassing ffrom rom tthe he barrel barrel o is off h his p istol, he’s he’s ttaping ap ping ssome ome amateur amateur pistol, p orno. It’s It’s going going tto o turn turn into into a snuff snuff porno. fi lm iiff the the star star is is not not untied untied ffrom rom the the film ccouch ouch soon soon and and taken tak ken to to the the hospital. hospital. ((“She “She llikes ikes to to cuddle, cuddle, this this one. one.”) W atching C aine slowly slowly d ecide Watching Caine decide w hat n eeds tto ob one, an nd what needs bee d done, and cconquering onquering tthe he ffear earr an nd tthe he d isgust and disgust b efore he he does does it, it, makes mak kes one one happy— hap ppy— before h ap ppy aass w atching N oomi Repace’s Repace’s happy watching Noomi L isbeth watch watch tthe he L and R over b urn Lisbeth Land Rover burn iin nT he G irl W ith tthe he D ragon T attooo. The Girl With Dragon Tattoo. A uch m oments, a movie movie does does Att ssuch moments, tthe he tthinking hinking ffor or you, you, w hich is is why why which vvigilante igilante ttales ales al lways ssucceed. ucceed. B ut always But tthe he D umpster- eye vview iew ggets ets vviolated iolated Dumpster-eye w hen a b it o orrowed dialogue dialogue when bit off b borrowed ssticks ticks o ut llike ike a sore sore tthumb: humb: Stretch Stretch out d escribes tthe he eeffect ffeect of ff of one one gun gun he’s he’s describes sselling elling aass ““aa b rick through through a plateplatebrick gglass lass w indow,” w hich iiss tthe he eexact xacct window, which p hrase Q u sed w hen h onvinced phrase used when hee cconvinced 0 07 tto ou pgrade h is p istol in in D r. N 007 upgrade his pistol Dr. Noo H arry B rown isn’t isn’t dead dead d from from the the Harry Brown n eck u p. D irector Daniel Daniel Barber Barrber neck up. Director d isguises tthe he m anipulation iin n tthe he disguises manipulation fi lm aass b est h an n. H finds p ity iin n film best hee ccan. Hee finds pity tthe he sstory, tory, with with Mortimer, Mortimer, ass always, allways, aw ell o sympathy. The The ccops ops aare re well off sympathy. o therwise iinept, nept, especially especially Iain Iain otherwise G len ass a ffatuous atuous cchief hief llaunching aunching Glen ssomething omething ccalled alled “Operation “Operation Blue Blue JJay” ay” aand nd iinstead nstead sstarting tarting w hat llooks ooks what llike ike aan nu rban n iinsurrection nsurrection iin n tthe he urban h ousing complex. complex. The The quieter quieter this this housing fi lm ggets, ets, tthe he better better iitt is, is, aass iin n tthe he film sspeech peech when when B rown fi nally d ecides Brown finally decides tto o ttalk allk about about h is war. war ar. C aine’s acting accting his Caine’s sshows hows yyou ou tthe he ccool ool side side of of slow. slow.

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metroactive FILM FURRY VENGEANCE (Pg; 92 min.) The animals fight back when a developer starts to build in the forest. At last, a movie in which the raccoon (the smartest and most engaging of creatures) is the hero. Also stars Brendan Fraser and Brooke Shields. (Opens Apr 30.)

unhappily affianced to a Brazilian tycoon. It all gets sorted out during the flight to Brazil, which took longer in the 1930s than it does today; fortunately, Raymond’s plane is equipped with a grand piano so he can work on some songs (including “Orchids in the Moonlight”). As his accordionplaying “assistant loafer,” Fred

Astaire learns of a dance trend called “The Carioca,” which he’s taught by his partner Ginger Rogers. It was their first dance together onscreen. The famous finale—a dance review carried out on the wings of low-flying planes—suits Del Rio’s wish for “crazy beautiful happiness.”


HARRY BROWN (R; 102 min.) See review on page 58.

THE LOSERS (PG-13; 98 min.) Five framed ex-soldiers stuck in Bolivia head back to the United States to deal with the commanding officer who betrayed them. Zoe Saldana and Jeffrey Dean Morgan (The Comedian in The Watchmen) are slightly better than this comic-book adaptation deserves; there’s a new level of moral idiocy and emotional numbness in the freeze-framed death sequences and flaming teddy bears. The color is so digitally pumped, it’s fuzzy; when I cleaned my eyeglasses on my shirttail for a second, the film looked exactly the same out of focus as it did in focus. Chris Evans, supposedly our next Captain America, plays the buff, chin-cabbaged computer expert in one after another wacky T-shirt, which we’re supposed to stop and admire every time the gag repeats. That’s emblematic of the way this film works: supposed quick stateof-the-art editing just gives us five angles of everything we’ve already seen. One character asking for an exposition in laymen’s terms, “Say it again, only a lot slower and dumber,” sums up how Sylvain White directs. Easily the worst film made in Puerto Rico since Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster. (RvB)

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‘21 and a Wakeup’ ‘BASED ON real events—this is the way it was!” The title is military slang for “Three weeks, and I go home.” At Long Binh’s 24th Evac Hospital at the end of the Vietnam War, short-timer nurse Caitlin Murphy (Amy Acker, “Fred” from TV’s Angel) is embittered by the death of a close friend. She starts up an affair with a journalist but finds herself on a mission to fulfill the dead pal’s final wish. Director Chris McIntyre (Gang Warz, Stair of Jaipur) is a Vietnam vet, and the 25th anniversary of the fall of Saigon gives this a spot of relevance. )( Xe[ X Archival footage, radio broadcasts and NXb\lg actual Vietnam locations (some at Hanoi’s Feature Film Studio No. 1) help (R), Directed and retain some shreds of authenticity against written by Chris clumsy exposition, rote and anachronistic McIntyre dialogue (“Nothin’ doing, sweetheart. It’s Opens Apr 30 @ Camera 3, San my way or the highway”) and little-theaterJose level acting, even by name stars: especially Faye Dunaway as the Hot Lips Houlihanish Maj. Rose Thorn.


The soundtrack is painful; another vocalist covering the grounded-for-life “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen. The film reasserts the old melodramatic belief that a nurse’s business is falling in love and partying hard after-hours, as opposed to the more urgent life and death aspects of her day. Some help from Tom Sizemore in a small role as one of the Best and the Brightest.—Richard von Busack

(R) Samuel Bayer revisits the Freddy Krueger franchise with Jackie Earle Haley. (Opens Apr 30.)

OCEANS (G; 84 min.) Read a review online at

21 AND A WAKEUP (R) See review at far right. (Opens Apr 30 at Camera 3.)

Revivals FLYING DOWN TO RIO/ LADY FOR A DAY (Both 1933) Playboy song-anddance man Gene Raymond loves big-eyed Dolores Del Rio, who is

Special midnight shows Thursday, April 29

Everywhere Friday, April 30 Check Directories for Listings

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metroactive FILM


BILLED WITH Lady for a Day. An early Frank Capra hit about an elderly apple seller (May Robson) who puts on a charade to convince her daughter she’s actually a millionairess; a typical crowd of Damon Runyon gangsters (including Warren Williams) lend their talents to help. (Plays Apr 28-30 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)

GUN CRAZY/GILDA (1950/1946) We’ve seen some smooth, pale and impassive actresses, but none is as genuinely skull-faced as Peggy Cummins. In

Gun Crazy, she plays the pocketsize trick-shooting artist Annie Laurie Starr; her eyes have the gleaming calm of a rabid animal deciding whom to bite ďŹ rst. She meets Bart Tare (John Dall)—service vet, reform-school graduate and grade-A neurotic—and he’s slain before she even pulls the trigger. And what follows is the very pinnacle of the doomed-lovers movie. In this essential ďŹ lm noir, Joseph H. Lewis (The Big Combo) combines nonchalant dialogue with het-up visuals, low-rent desert landscapes with the gleam of hot-lit studio photography. Here is the work of

‘Vivre Sa Vie’

DEEP INTO Vivre Sa Vie, Jean-Luc Godard’s 1962 feature, Nana (Anna Karina), a young woman who has turned to prostitution, engages in a long conversation with an elderly man (French philosopher Brice Parain). They soon reach the meat of much of Godard’s ďŹ lmmaking: the impossibility of untangling thought and language. To speak (and in Godard’s case, to speak in conjunction with moving images) is fatal, the philosopher says, but we can’t live without speaking. Vivre Sa Vie is full of speaking. We see Nana and her estranged boyfriend from behind at a cafe counter dissecting their relationship. An unidentiďŹ ed narrator recites facts about prostitution. Always looking for ways to interrupt the normal expectations of narrative, Godard stops the spoken dialogue and substitutes subtitles; sometimes, all music, all talk, all background noises suddenly cease.


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The ďŹ lm, beautifully ďŹ lmed in black-and-white by Raoul Coutard, doesn’t moralize about prostitution, nor does it sensationalize it. Most of all, the ďŹ lm is a record of Godard’s relationship with Karina (his wife at the time). She wears a smooth encasing hairdo with deep dark bangs that set off her exquisitely large eyes. It is (as critic Michael Atkinson writes) the Louise Brooks bob that passed through Karina to Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction. Two famous moments remain indelible: Karina, tears forming, sitting in a cinema watching Dreyer’s The Passion of Joan of Arc; and Karina doing a jivey dance to a pop tune on a jukebox. It looks forward, again, to Tarantino and the Jack Rabbit Slim scene; it also harks back to John Huston’s Asphalt Jungle, when Sam Jaffe can’t resist the sight of a young girl dancing to a jukebox. As the 1962 interview with Karina included with this Criterion DVD says, “She makes up her face and bares her heart.â€? (The disc also includes an interview with scholar Jean Narboni and Godard’s original trailer, a work of montage art unto itself.)ÆD`Z_X\c J% >Xek

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an artisan, staying up late ďŹ guring out ways to make a movie unique while stripping it down. BILLED WITH Gilda. Man-killer Rita Hayworth prowls a South American casino and puts the make on Glenn Ford, who has—as this movie suggests—a previous romantic commitment to George Macready. Hayworth (sublime in her shoulderless gown) is hard to argue with. (Plays May 1-4 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)

TITANIC (1997) A new look will be instructive. Thirteen years of CGI improvement isn’t going to be kind to this epic hit; even at the time, the exterior of the great ship looked plastic and unreal against a tinted ďŹ re-engine-orange sunset. One remembers the story: posh society, in the form of Rose (Kate Winslet), and scrappy workingclass, Jack (Leonard DiCaprio), are united in a romance that ďŹ guratively tears the ship apart. The screenplay is sievelike, with lines like Rose’s put-down (“You unimaginable bastard!â€?) to her vicious ďŹ ance, Cal (Billy Zane); voice-overs that let us know how our heroine is feeling, so she doesn’t have to emote. The images of the water creeping up or lunging through the glass, leaving people as pale-blue frozen angels, have some punch. (Plays Apr 30May 1 at 7pm, May 2 at 1pm in San Jose at the Retro Dome.) (RvB)

NILES FILM MUSEUM Apr 28: Corked! (2009) Ross Cleneden and Paul Hawley’s independent mockumentary satire of the world of Sonoma Valley wines and wine-tasting. (Plays April 28 in Fremont at the Edison Theatre.) (RvB)

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(PG; 109 min.) The Alice-like Coraline by Henry Selick, with its tiny locked chambers and prowling sardonic cat, still feels like magic. Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland is more of a fashion show and a forced march. Screenwriter Linda Woolverton (Beauty and the Beast) is sensibly trying to do a Wicked on the famous tale, complete with rivalry between witchy queens: the Red Queen (Helena Bonham Carter) and the ghostly yet sugary White Queen (Anne Hathaway). The now 19-yearold Alice (Mia Wasikowska) is meant to quest for good in “Underland,� a place she misremembered as Wonderland. A touch of romance arises between her and the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp). Depp’s


THE BACK-UP PLAN (PG-13; 104 min.) A new kind of dreadful. Jennifer Lopez plays Zoe, a Manhattan boutique pet-store owner who has decided to have a turkey-baster babe. Shortly after insemination, she meets Stan (Alex O’Loughlin, combining the least interesting elements of Dermot Mulroney and Keanu Reeves). The typical romcom hunk has been greenwashed here; Stan runs a gourmet cheese stall and has a herd of goats upstate. He apparently milks them through osmosis, because the farm goes on the backburner. The movie is a bizarre mix of the bland, expensive and clinical, yet Zoe goes into labor with perfect makeup on. No relief by Michaela Watkins as Zoe’s best pal, a bitter housewife; her four kids seem to be raising themselves, like Zoe’s pets and Stan’s goats. (RvB)

DEATH AT A FUNERAL (R; 90 min.) Danny Glover, Martin Lawrence and Keith David star in Neil LaBute’s remake of the British comedy about mishaps bedeviling a funeral. Peter Dinklage reprises his cofďŹ n-stufďŹ ng role from the original.

DIARY OF A WIMPY KID (PG; 120 min.) A live-action adaptation of the graphic novel by Jeff Kinney about life in middle school. Stars Zachary Gordon.

elbowed aside by fraudulence and hucksterism on a Dali-level scale. Inevitably, hype, pandering and foolishness replaced the artist’s sacred tools of silence, exile and cunning. (RvB)

THE GHOST WRITER (PG-13, 128 min.) Roman Polanski’s freezer-burned comedy/thriller concerns former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, excuse me, Adam Lang (Pierce Brosnan), who has settled in a ghoulish modernist bunker of a seaside house to ďŹ nish up his memoirs. The witty script has it that the PM got a $10 million advance for an absolutely unpublishable book. Enter a hired writer named the Ghost (Ewan McGregor). Meanwhile, the PM’s sexy shrew of a wife, Ruth (Olivia Williams), noses out her husband’s affair with his assistant (Kim Cattrall). One admires how much Polanski got out of two TV hobgoblins like Cattrall and Jim Belushi, as a swinish publisher who conducts himself like Lex Luthor. The surprise in this plot is revealed through some expertly played Boston Brahmin threat by Tom Wilkinson. Yet The Ghost Writer is a typical old director’s movie: slow, morbid, never quite sexy enough and full of self-reference. Trapping us in the house is a classic maneuver of Polanski; leaving us there is something like an act of forgetfulness. (RvB)

HOT TUB TIME MACHINE (R; 100 min.) Sublime, but not dainty. Due to a wormhole, observed

by a hot tub repairman or a Time Lord or something (Chevy Chase), three idiots (Craig Robinson, Rob Corddry and the ever soulful John Cusack) are transported back to their happier past at a ski resort in 1986. Accidentally transported with them is 24-year-old Jacob (the hilarious Clark Duke), a depressed middle-aged-man-in-training whose life may depend on the events of the night to come. Certainly the funniest and grimiest ďŹ lm since The Hangover, but Hot Tub Time Machine’s editing is ruthless, almost to the point of resembling a comingattractions reel. Rather than looking like a frenzied mess, however, it is more like there was some brilliant four-hour version that was cut down to a ragged but right shape. Cusack and Corddry do things here that you will still be laughing about 10 years from now: examples being Corddry’s violent unplugging of himself from a hospital bed or Cusack’s monologue about the day life went wrong for him, a tale as funny as the story in Gremlins about the Santa who ruined Christmas. (RvB)

KICK-ASS (R; 113 min.) Dave, a home-brewed costumed vigilante (Aaron Johnson), meets up with real professionals in the ďŹ eld: a Batman and Robin– esque father-and-daughter team (Nicolas Cage, and the excellent Chloe Moretz, who was the wise little girl in (500) Days of Summer). Entertaining in parts, but director Matthew Vaughn has no feeling for the romance and mystery and




EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP (Unrated, 87 min.) A highlight of ďŹ lm in 2010. The documentary’s actual subject isn’t street art per se, or even the career of the director, the elusive grafďŹ tist Banksy. Instead, director Banksy narrates a truelife parable about the career of a boutique owner named Thierry Guetta. Guetta is a friendly, muttonchopped (and slightly muttonheaded) L.A. boutique owner whose video documentation of a covert scene led to his becoming a celebrity artist named “Mr. Brainwash.â€? Banksy’s art has soul as well as easily accessible political content. He takes on well-guarded subjects of oppression, from the British pound note to the Israeli security wall. Exit Through the Gift Shop is about anonymous craftsmanship eclipsed by the sun-gun of self-publicity, of illegal attacks on consensus reality,


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STARTS THIS FRIDAY APRIL 30! 288 S. Second St, SJ 998-3300

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marvelous exibility comes through clearly, through the unsettling makeup. I’m a helpless Burton fan, but the colors here aren’t state of the art, and compared to Coraline’s solitude and thoughtfulness the ďŹ nale turns out to be familiar dragon slaying; ultimately, it’s not just Alice who has been here before. (RvB)

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metroactive FILM vigilante lore: the movie has a nasty fanboy quality, a hermetic focus that doesn’t see anything beyond the purpose of beating bad guys bloody. Cage carries the movie’s ambiguity deftly—he’s enough of a serious comic book reader that he knows it’s a dreadful thing when a father bends his child to revenge. Bloody-minded little girls (thank heaven for them) may like Moritz. It’s nuts to call Kick-Ass the next Watchmen. The slamming violence and the dullard noms de guerre these superheroes pick for themselves show a comicbook tradition at the end of a line. (RvB)

LA MISSION (R; 1 hr., 53 min.) Che (Benjamin Bratt) is an SF Muni conductor, a hobby mechanic and an ex-con, single-parenting his son, Jesse (Jeremy Ray Valdez). What he doesn’t know is that Jesse has a secret life—and a boyfriend who lives in St. Francis Wood. Che’s outright rage at his son’s sexuality is tempered by the attentions of his lovely new neighbor Lena (Erika Alexander). Any positive representation of Aztlan has to be applauded; the scenes of highly polished lowriders gliding through the Mission make their own statement of beauty and pride. Bratt is the deďŹ nition of movie-star gravity: a man doing nothing but thinking about stuff and making it look interesting. The ďŹ lm, then,

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is a celebration of San Francisco. Problem is, San Francisco may be San Francisco, but it is still a city. So some hard-to-credit idealization mixes uneasily with real, streetlevel violence. La Mission is a kind of overexempliďŹ ed view of San Francisco as a city of healing and refuge: a vision of a place where everyone is wounded, and almost everyone heals each other. (RvB)

NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT PERSIAN CATS (Unrated; 101 min.) The Iranian musical docudrama follows the Iranian duo of Ashkan Koshanejad and Negar Shaghaghi from the real-life act Take It Easy Hospital; they play “Ashkanâ€? and “Negar,â€? a couple trying to pick up a band to awake some interest in Europe. The two meet and greet with other musicians; we see the range of illegal and semilegal rock music going on, despite the morality police. We do get one view of a solo female vocalist: an unidentiďŹ ed singer with a throb in her voice singing a love song with lyrics rich with SuďŹ style symbolism. Her music is more haunting than anything in the ďŹ lm, but I doubt if we’ll ever ďŹ nd out who she is: the camera keeps her face, as well as the in-legal-peril audience, in a halo of out-of-focus haze. (RvB)

THE PERFECT GAME (PG; 118 min.) The story of the Monterrey (Mexico) Industrial Little

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THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES (R; 127 min.) Elegant but staid murder mystery nibbles around the edges of the Dirty War. It’s the “Forget it, Jacobo, it’s Argentinatownâ€? view: the search for justice evaporating in 1974 Buenos Aires, with present-day sequences to frame a reopened investigation. It’s leavened by a ďŹ ne Mulder and Scully anti-romance between an attractive female criminal investigator, Irene (Soledad Villamil), and her attractively crumbling, Mastroiannish male assistant, Benjamin (Ricardo DarĂ­n). The ďŹ lm is as restless and jokey as a cop procedural show; every scene is on the mark, but there aren’t enough counterpoints to the assured ow of the story. The slick, vengeance-is-mine punch line isn’t very impressive either. (RvB)



League team who made it to the world series in Williamsport in 1957. The reason to watch a movie about Little League is the same reason the league exists in the ďŹ rst place: talent spotting. None of the kids here are huge standouts, but director William Dear has a ďŹ ne adult cast: the very interesting Clifton Collins Jr. as the reluctant adult who turns the kids into a team; Cheech Marin, serious and warm, as the local priest; Bruce McGill as a well-fed rep of the major leagues; and Louis Gossett Jr. as a janitor with a remarkable past. Emilie de Raven (the murdered girl in Brick) is a standout as a salty reporter. (RvB)





(R; 105 min.) The Edgerton brothers’ deadfall story has the ingenuity and simplicity of classic ďŹ lm noir. The local-backwater scene and the ambience of corrupt real estate development reminds one a little of John D. Macdonald’s Florida. But the opening (a pair of dogs leering, with tongues out, at an adulterous couple getting it on in a midsized sedan) could be nowhere but Oz. Construction supervisor Ray Yale (David Roberts, excellent at portraying moral corrosion) is putting up a small honeymoon resort. Yale is distracted by an illicit romance with a slim, brown-eyed married lady Carla (Claire Van Der Boom), whose husband is a surly mullethead (Anthony Hayes) who drives a tow truck. Carla discovers that her mullethead is concealing a dufe bag full of loot. The Square matches gritty 1970s visuals with some reections of new cinematic styles. In some respects, it’s a trad Australian cinematic lament for the spoiling of the land. (RvB)

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Then T hen b bassist asssist E Eric ric B Burchfield urchfield aanswered nswered ttheir heir o nline ad d. R aised online ad. Raised o n cclassic lasssic ccountry, ountryy, h ould later, later, on hee w would tthrough hrough tthe he rrepeated epeated m ak king o making off m ixes, bring bring E rnest T ubbs’ ““Thanks Thanks mixes, Ernest Tubbs’ aL ot” to to the the b and’s sset—it’s et—it’s n ow tthe he Lot” band’s now ccloser loser ffor or eevery very sshow. how. Their Their sound sound be egan n tto o fform orm ar round tthe he ttrio’s rio’s sshared hared began around m usicall h eroes, llike ike JJohnny ohnny C assh. musical heroes, Cash. ““It It jjust ust started started lleaning eaning that that way, way,” ssays ays B urchfield. Burchfield. ““II w rote most most o he ssongs ongs b ased wrote off tthe based aaround round Eric’s Eric’s limitations, limitations,” jokes jokes L aflen. ““Eric Eric iiss p robab bly a descendent descendent Laflen. probably o Johnny Cash’s Cash’s b ass player. player.” off Johnny bass ““You You h ave tto o aadmit, dmit,” Burchfield Burchfield have ssays, ays, ““it it k eeps tthings hings simple. simple.” keeps IIn n al ll seriousness, seriousness, h owever, T hem all however, Them S lack Jawed Jawed S ons o itches ar ren’t Slack Sons off B Bitches aren’t

ass ssimple imple ass tthey hey m might ight llead ead yyou ou tto o believe. The San band’s debut, b elieve. T he S an JJose ose b an nd’s d ebut, Whiskey Waffles, how W hiskey aand nd W affl fflees, sshows hows h ow many handle. There m an ny styles styles tthey hey ccan an nh andle. T here are punked-up Cash beatwalkers ar re p unked-up C ash b eatwallkers llike ike ““Staring Starring B Back ack aatt M Me” e” aand nd h heavy eavy alt-country Mee al lt-country llaments aments llike ike ““Bring Bring M Myy K Knees. Though not tto oM nees.” T hough tthey’re hey’re n ot a rrockabilly ockabilly o orr p psychobilly sychobilly b band and b byy any an ny sstretch tretch o off tthe he iimagination, magination, ““Be Be Alright” Romp” pass A lright” aand nd ““Honky Honky R omp” ccould ould p ass ffor or ggreat reat ssongs ongs tthat hat tthe he R Rev. ev. H Horton orton Heat H eat n never ever w wrote. rote. A b big ig b beat eat o often ften ccollides ollides iinto nto lloud oud aand nd ffast aasst gguitar uitarr rriffs. iff ffss. ““We We aall ll like like punk punk rock, rock, too, too,” ssays ays Okubo. South Bay native, hee m met O kubo. A S outh B ay n ative, h et Tuscon-transplant T uscon-tran nsplant Laflen Laflen in in a rather ratther unusual u nusual and and potentially potentially disastrous disastrous way—he w ay—he w was ass dating dating one one of of Okubo’s Okubo’s eex-girlfriends, x-girlfriends, who who introduced introduced tthem. hem. Okubo O kubo w was as himself himself married married by by that that ttime, ime, minimizing minimizing the the awkwardness. awkwarrdness. ““They They w were ere al all ll ccool ool w with ith iit, t,” ssays ays Burchfield. B urchfield. ““But But I thought thought iitt was was ccreepy reepy aass h hell. ell.” Ass a ttrio, A rio, tthe he b band and quickly quickly began began developing d eveloping iits ts al all-over-the-map ll-over-t -the-map p

K_\d JcXZb AXn\[ Jfej f] 9`kZ_\j

_Xm\ aljk i\c\Xj\[ k_\`i [\Ylk :;# ÉN_`jb\p Xe[ NX]Ô\j%Ê :_\Zb fec`e\ ]fi `e]fidXk`fe fe k_\`i lgZfd`e^ :; i\c\Xj\ j_fn%

63 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

Robert R obert Boucher B

metroactive MUSIC

been ssound. ound. ““I’ve I’ve aalways lways be en an n eeclectic clectic Laflen. ssongwriter, onggwriter,” ssays ays L aflen. ““Sloppy Sloppy Saddle” Up” band’s S ad ddle” aand nd ““Hold Hold U p” [[the the b an nd’s diametrically ttwo wo iinstrumentals] nstrumentals] aare re d iametrically opposed. o pposed.” Then, off ccourse, was T hen, o ourse, tthere here w ass tthe he name. All were n am me. A ll tthree hree w ere tthrowing hrowing iideas deas were other aaround. round. ““We We w ere eemailing mailing eeach ach o ther day, make other eevery very d ay, ttrying ryying tto om ak ke eeach ach o ther Burchfield. Finally, Laflen llaugh, au ugh,” ssays ays B urchfield. F inally, L aflen out Slack Sons off tthrew hrew o ut ““The The S lacck JJawed awed S ons o Bitches” would B itches” ((“Them” “Them” w ould ccome ome llater). ater). Okubo was O kubo lloved oved iit—“I t—“I w aass llike, ike, ‘‘How How ccan an not hee ssays—but hee h had iitt n ot be tthat?’ hat?’ h ays—but h ad d others. a ttough ough ttime ime cconvincing onvincing tthe he o thers. had but ““II h ad d ffriends riends ssaying, aying, ‘‘Anything Anything b ut anything but tthat, hat, an nything b ut tthat!’” hat!’” rremembers emembers Burchfield. Naysayers know B urchfield. N aysayers sshould hould k now Laflen and Okubo originally tthat hatt L aflen an nd O kubo o riginallly flirted with playing Fart Pod fl irted w ith p laying ass ““the the F art P od Five, all F ive,” aand nd aask sk iif, f, al ll tthings hings cconsidered, onsidered, out name tthey hey ccame ame o ut aall ll rright ight iin n tthe he n ame department. d epartment. The was byy T he ggroup roup w as cchampioned ham mpioned b Caravan booker Rachel Warner C arravan nb ooker R achel W arner uss w wee w were ((“Rachel “Raacchel ttold old u ere ggreat reat eeven ven when wee ssucked, Burchfield), w hen w ucked,” ssays ays B urchfield), but aand nd ffound ound ssuccess uccess tthere here b ut Blank aalso lso ggot ot ssupport upport ffrom rom tthe he B lank Club Nahui C lub aand nd ttastemakers asstemakers llike ike N ahui Langoretta. quintessential L angoretta. ““He’s He’s tthe he q uintessential downtown Okubo. ccool ool d owntown gguy, uy,” ssays ays O kubo. up him was ““Getting Getting tthe he tthumbs humbs u p ffrom rom h im w as Still, Laflen iimportant. mportant.” S till, L aflen ffelt elt ssomething omething was missing. Hee w wasn’t w as m issing. H aassn’t yet yet cconfident onfiden ntt his went iin nh is vvocals, ocalls, sso o tthey hey w ent ssearching earching member. But off a ffor or a ffourth ourth m ember. B ut iinstead nstead o up with vvocalist, ocalist, tthey hey eended nded u pw ith a llap ap ssteel teel player, Vaughan, who was much p layer, JJohn ohn V aughan, w ho w as m uch older off tthe band. o lder tthan han tthe he rrest est o he b an nd. 65, but ““He He ssaid, aid, ‘‘I’m I’m 6 5, b ut I rrock, ock,” Okubo don’t O kubo ssays. ays. ““II ssaid, aiid, ‘‘We We d on’t ccare are ar h how ow o old ld yyou ou aare, re, w wee jjust ust ccare are iiff yyou ou Our better with rrock. ock.’ O ur llive ive sshows hows aare re b etter w ith him. Some off o our are pretty h im. S ome o ur ssongs ongs ar re p retty heavy, punk h eavy, tthey’re hey’re ffast ast aand nd p unk rrock, ock, kids him aand nd tthe he k ids aare re llooking ooking at at h im aand nd ssaying, aying, ‘‘This This guy guy is is old old enough enough to to be be myy ggrandpa. And he’s doing m randpa.’ A nd h e’s d oing sstuff tuff Hendrix. tthat’s hatt’s llike ike JJimi imi H endrix.” brings ““He He b rings tthe he rreal eall ccool ool tto o tthe he band, Laflen. b an nd,” ssays ays L aflen.

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


Make Music Your Career Study Audio With SAE Institute

Individual Studio Time Hands-on Training Full Time / Part Time Classes

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MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M


Battle of the Bands Friday, 7pm, SJSU Event Center; $10 April Chase will represent the home team in the Bay Area CAN Battle of the Bands. Finalists from preliminary rounds held at other universities around the Bay Area will also compete. The event is the brainchild of the Event Center’s Jennifer Sheenan, who got Stanford, UC-Berkeley, UC–Santa Cruz, Santa Clara University and others on board for a mostly student-managed organization called the Bay Area Campus Activities Network, for which this is the inaugural event. (Web special: Steve Palopoli profiles April Chase,

Cef Ramon’s Talking Blues Sunday, 2–6pm, SJSU Theater; $5 JC Smith headlines the official pre-party for the 30th annual Metro Fountain Blues Festival (which takes place May 8). The afternoon will also feature talks on the blues and performances from Maxx Cabello Jr., Bob Gonzalez from Syndicate of Sound, Stan Erhart, Amy Lou, Aki Kumar and Mark Fenichel.

Emerald Hill April 28 at 9pm, the Blank Club San Jose; free Emerald Hill is part of a growing legion of eclectic South Bay bands that defy tidy description. Featuring vocals from Rosa Leonardo, backed by Tim Smudski and Kyle Drury and whatever instruments they can get their hands on at the time, they demonstrate that acoustic indie rock can be stranger than Iron & Wine and Bon Iver would lead you to believe.

D\kifÊj dlj`Z ZXc\e[Xi ilej N\[e\j[XpÅKl\j[Xp# 8gi`c )/ÅDXp +%

Rock/Pop R Rock/P k/Pop



Fri: Junkshaker. Fri: Junkshaker. Sat: Sat: 110 0 ttilil 22.. SSan an Jose. Jose.


Wed: W ed: JJCC Smith. Smith. FFri, ri, 9:30pm: 9:30pm: JC JC 9:30pm: SSmith. mith. $10. $10. SSat, at, 9 :30pm: SSage. age. $10. $ 10. Los Los Gatos. Gatos.


Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: Travis Travis M Meeks eeks ooff Days Days Red ooff the the New, New, Nova, Nova, R ed SSunday, unday, Nova. SScott cott Rose Rose aand nd CCherry herry N ova. TThu: hu: Marcus CCorrine orrine M arcus aand nd tthe he Kindred Kindred SSpirits. pirits. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

THE T HE B BLANK LANK CCLUB LU B Wed, 9pm: Wed, 9pm: Emerald Emerald H Hill, ill, Crash Crash Bang Ghosts B ang Boom, Boom, G hosts in in the the Aquaducts. 9pm: A quaducts. FFree. ree. FFri, ri, 9 pm: LLove ove Vigilantes Reptile House. V igilantes aand nd R eptile H ouse. $10. $ 10. SSat, at, 9pm: 9pm: Moon Moon CCadillac, adillac, May $7.7. SSan M ay Monster. Monster. $ an JJose. ose.

BOSWELL’S B OSWELL’S Wed: JJack Wed: ack Ripoff. Ripoff. Thu: Thu: Chill Chill Sauce. Sauce. FFri: ri: Bitchin’ Bitchin’ CCamaros. amaros. CCampbell. ampbell.

Fri, 9pm: Fri, 9pm: Control Control Freak. Freak. Sat, Sat, 9pm: 9pm: Northern Bird N orthern Son, Son, B ird by by Bird Bird and and Musical M usical CCharis. haris. Cupertino. Cupertino.

FFIREHOUSE IREHOUSE GRILL GRILL SSun: un: Jeff Jeff Hinkin Hinkin Band. Band. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.

NETO’S N E TO ’ S M MARKET& ARKET& GGRILL RILL Sat: Tinman, Sat: Tinman, 6 6:30-10:30pm. :30-10:30pm. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

NICKEL N ICKEL CITY CITY Fri, 7pm: Fri, 7pm: CuddleFest CuddleFest 2010 2010 w/ w/ Pteradon, SShinobu, hinobu, P teradon, Hard Hard Girls, Girls, Good tthe he Albert Albert Square, Square, G ood Hustle. Hustle. $8. 6pm: $ 8. Sat, Sat, 6 pm: Last Last One One Standing, Standing, Hometown. H ometown. $8. $8. San San Jose. Jose.

RED R ED R ROCK OCK COFFEE COFFEE CCO. O. Fri, 8 Fri, 8pm: pm: Colin Colin Carthen. Carthen. SSat, at, 8pm: 8pm: Not N ot aan n Airplane, Airplane, iindie ndie ccountry. ountry. Mountain View. M ountain V iew.

THE T HE R REFUGE EFUGE Sat, 6 Sat, 6pm: pm: W Wee SShot hot tthe he M Moon, oon, A Four Four Star Star Affair, Affair, Assemble Assemble Dance Heart tthe he Skyline, Skyline, D ance My My H eart Paris Moon. $12. aand nd P aris to to tthe he M oon. $ 12. CCupertino. upertino.

VOODOO V OODOO LOUNGE LO U N G E Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: SStranger tranger B Band, and, Arts Regulator. LLanguage anguage A rts Crew, Crew, R egulator. $5. 9pm: $ 5. Tue, Tue, 9 pm: TTwo-Tone wo-Tone Tuesdays. Tuesdays. SSan an JJose. ose.


M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M T



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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



JKI@E><I D`[fi` g\i]fidj Efm% (+ ]fi k_\ e\n C`m\cp 8ikj j\Xjfe Xk JkXe]fi[%

Lively Arts

JkXe]fi[ C`m\cp 8ikj

THE RUSH of premieres and commissioned works at Stanford Lively Arts continues in the just-released Full schedule schedule for the 2010–11 season, Oct. 7–May 14. Among on metroactive. the one-of-a-kind offerings is The Gurs Zyklus, a brandcom new commission by Seattle artist TRIMPIN, a triple-treat sculptor, musician and inventor. Trimpin’s piece, done as a collaboration with vocalist Rinde Eckert, promises to be a full-blown multimedia extravaganza about the World War II internment camp Gurs; it will be based on a school year spent at Stanford’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, and brings the series to a climax next May. Other first-time performances include a new joint work by Dutch composer LOUIS ANDRIESSEN and filmmaker MARIJKE VAN WARMERDAM called Life and presented by the Bang on a Can All Stars (Nov. 5); Israeli rocker BERRY SAKHAROF’s Red Lips (Jan. 29); and a new show by the Butoh dance troupe SANKAI JUKI (Nov. 9); and JONATHAN BERGER’s new composition for Trio Voce, Memory Slips (March 4). Other highlights of the year include returning favorites KRONOS QUARTET (Oct. 13), the ST. LAWRENCE STRING QUARTET (three shows, starting Oct. 24), and a CHANTICLEER Christmas (Dec. 9). The season begins on Oct. 7 with the annual Daniel Pearl World Music Days Concert. Ticket information is available at 650.725.Arts.ÆD`Z_X\c J% >Xek


World W oorld ALBERTO’S A L B E RT O ’ S Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm: pm: H Hot ot SSalsa. alsa. FFri, ri, 8 8pm: pm: Mountain View. SSalsa alsa FFridays. ridays. M ountain V iew.

PARRANDA P A R R A N DA N NIGHTCLUB I G H TC LU B Thu, 9pm9pm-2am: 2am: Banda 300. cover.. Plus DJ Akustik. No cover

Fri, 8pm-2am: 8pm-2am: Norteño. Sunnyvale.

James James Robinson. Robinson. Mountain Mountain View. View.

JJazz/Blues azz/Blues


CCAFFE AFFE TRIESTE T R I E ST E Fri, 8pm: Fri, 8pm: Toot Toot Sweet. Sweet. Sat, Sat, 8pm: 8pm: EEmperor mperor Norton. Norton. San San Jose. Jose.

CCASCAL AS C A L SSat, at, 8:30-11:30pm: 8:30-11:30pm:

FFri: ri: Dave Dave Rocha Rocha Trio. Trio. Hotel Hotel de de Anza, A nza, SSan an Jose. Jose.

JJ.J.’S .J.’S BLUES BLUES CAFE CAFE Wed: W ed: SSuska. uska. TThu: hu: JJimmy immy


67 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M 66

DIVE D IVEBAR BAR Wed, 8pmWed, 8pm-2am: 2am: Karaoke. Karaoke. San Jose.

Dewrance. Fri: Dewrance. Fri: Nothin Nothin but but TTrouble, rouble, Bohler. KKaye aye B ohler. $$10. 10. San San Jose. Jose.

JJZCOOL ZCOOL EEATERY ATERY Thu, 6 Thu, 6-9pm: -9pm: EEckstein ckstein Q Quartet. uartet. 6:30-9:30pm: FFri, ri, 6 :30-9:30pm: JJudicious udicious JJazz azz Quartet. 6:30pm: Guest Q uartet. SSat, at, 6 :30pm: G uest Menlo Park. bbands. ands. M enlo P ark.

MARQS M ARQS IIN NM MENLO E N LO Wed, W ed, 8 8pm: pm: B Barton arton TTyler. yler. TThu, hu, 8pm: Park. 8pm: Macy 8 pm: KKelly elly P ark. FFri, ri, 8 pm: M acy Blackman. Menlo Park. B lackman. M enlo P ark.

POOR P OOR H HOUSE OUSE B BISTRO I ST R O Wed, W ed, 6 6pm: pm: R Ron on TThomson homson aand nd 6pm: Price FFriends. riends. TThu, hu, 6 pm: LLara ara P rice with 6pm: Bob w ith YYesterdays. esterdays. FFri, ri, 6 pm: B ob Welsh 6pm: W elsh Blues Blues Band. Band. Sat, Sat, 6 pm: Andy A ndy SSantana. antana. SSun, un, nnoon-3pm: oon-3pm: Mayo CCinco inco ddee M ayo LLatin atin JJazz azz Brunch w/ David B runch w /D avid LLadd add aand nd tthe he Downtown Allstars. 6pm: D owntown A llstars. TTue, ue, 6 pm: Open Mic Night. O pen M ic N ight. SSan an JJose. ose.

ALEX’S A LEX’S 49ER 49ER INN INN Mon-Sat, 9pm-2am: Mon-Sat, 9pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an Jose. Jose.


WINE W INE A AFFAIRS FFAIRS Wed: W ed: LLoren oren D Davidson, avidson, ttropical ropical music. Russell Barber Blues m usic. TThu: hu: R ussell B arber B lues Duo. D uo. SSan an JJose. ose.




BLUE B LU E M MAX AX Fri-Sat, 9 Fri-Sat, 9pm-1:30am: pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

BLUE B LU E P PHEASANT H E A SA N T TTue, ue, 7pm: 7pm: SSteve teve Tiger. Tiger. CCupertino. upertino.

KHARTOUM K H A RT O U M BOGART’S B OGART’S LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed, Fri, Wed, Fri, SSun, un, 8pm-2am: 8pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.


Thu, 9pm: DJ Thomas “Soulman.” Sunnyvale.


BRITANNIA ARMS BRITANNIA ARMS ALMADEN A LMADEN Sun, 10pm, Sun, 10pm, and and W Wed, ed, 110pm: 0pm: DJJ H Hank. Mon, 9pmKKaraoke. araoke. D ank. M on, 9 pmmidnight: m idnight: Beerpong. Beerpong. Tue, Tue, 7:30pm: 7:30pm: Pub P ub Stumpers. Stumpers. San San Jose. Jose.


FFolk olk o

Mon, 9 Mon, 9:30pm: :30pm: KKaraoke. araoke. Menlo M enlo Park. Park.


Thu: M Thu: Melissa elissa aand nd Heather. Heather. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

Wed-Sat, W ed-Sat, 9 9pm: pm: KKaraoke. araoke. TTue, ue, 9pm: 9 pm: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.


Fri, 6:30-10:30pm: 6:30-10:30pm: Bands with live karaoke. karaoke. Santa Clara. Clara.

Wed, W ed, 9 9pm: pm: W Wild ild aatt H Heart. eart. TThu-Fri, hu-Fri, 9pm: Diablo Road. 9 pm: D iablo R oad. FFremont. remont.


Thu, 9pm: Davey K. No cover. cover. CCampbell. ampbell.

TTue: ue: D DJJ Davey Davey K. K. CCampbell. ampbell.

Mon-Tue, 9:30pm: Mon-Tue, 9:30pm: KKaraoke. araoke. CCupertino. upertino.

Karaoke Kar aoke

THE T HE GOOSETOWN GOOSETOWN LOUNGE LO U N G E Fri-Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: 9:30pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. Willow Glen.


Fri, 8 Fri, 8-10pm: -10pm: R Rick ick SShea hea aand nd 8-10pm: TTom om CCorbett. orbett. SSat, at, 8 -10pm: JJary ary Maurice. Doug M aurice. SSun, un, 77pm: pm: D oug YYoung oung aand nd FFriends. riends. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

Wed, 9pm: Wed, 9pm: KKaraoke araoke N Night. ight. Milpitas. M ilpitas.

Mon & W Mon Wed-Thu, ed-Thu, 8 8pm: pm: Karaoke. Karaoke. Noo cover. N cover. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.




BLINKY’S B LINKY’S CCAN’T AN’T SAY SAY FFri, ri, 9 9pm: pm: D Danielle. anielle. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

Sat, 8 Sat, 8pm: pm: N Not ot aan nA Airplane, irplane, iindie ndie Mountain View. ccountry. ountry. M ountain V iew.

Sun: M Sun: Mike ike LLeatherman. eatherman. CCampbell. ampbell.

TTue-Sat, ue-Sat, 9pm-2am, 9pm-2am, aand nd llast ast SSun un ooff eevery very month, month, 2-7pm: 2-7pm: B&S B&S KKaraoke. araoke. CCampbell. ampbell. Thu-Sat, 9pm: Thu-Sat, 9pm: U Uncle ncle D Dougie ougie SShow. how. No No cover. cover. San San Jose. Jose.

Sun, TTue, Sun, ue, 77:30pm: :30pm: M Modesto odesto Briseno Willow Glen. B riseno SSeptet. eptet. W illow G len. Thu, 77-9pm: Thu, -9pm: D Don on B Balistreri. alistreri. FFree. ree. SSat, at, 77-9:30pm: -9:30pm: JJazz. azz. SSan an JJose. ose.


Mon, 8 Mon, 8pm-midnight: pm-midnight: Karaoke Karaoke Monday. Hosted M onday. H osted bbyy KKJJ Whirl. Whirl. SSanta anta CClara. lara.



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CCARDINAL ARDINAL LLOUNGE OUNGE Mon, Wed, Mon, Wed, 9pm-1am: 9pm-1am: D DJJ CCurtis. urtis. Noo cover. Western N cover. TTue, ue, 9pm: 9pm: W estern Noo ccover. kkaraoke. araoke. N over. SSan an JJose. ose.

OASIS O AS I S Wed, W ed, Fri, Sat, 9pm-1:30am: 9pm-1:30am: Doug. Sunnyvale.

OFFICE O FFICE B BAR AR Sun, 7pm-midnight, and Fri, Sat, 9pm-2am: 9pm-2am: Karaoke. Karaoke. View.. Mountain View

PEACOCK P EACOCK LLOUNGE OUNGE Thu, 9pm: DJ Brian. Sun, 9pm: DJ and karaoake. karaoake. Tue, Tuue, 9pm: DJ, DJ, dancing, karaoke. karaoke. Sunnyvale.

PIONEER P IONEER SALOON SA L O O N TTue, uue, 8:30pm-midnight: Acoustic A coustic karaoke karaoke w/ Sam Woodside. Marshall. W oodside.



Wed, 9:30pm: Wildside Wed, Entertainment. No cover. cover. Clara. S t Clar Santa Cl a.

TTue ue & TThu, hu, 9 9pm-1am: pm-1am: B Brian rian Palo Alto. JJames. ames. P alo A lto.



TTue, uue, 9pm: Sherrie Sherrie and Sue. No cover.. Sunnyvale. cover

Wed: G Wed: Guitar uitar H Hero ero TTournament ournament pplus lus kkaraoke. araoke. 9pm-1am: Karaoke. TThu, hu, 9 pm-1am: Ka raoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

REDI R EDI R ROOM OOM Thu, 9pm-1am: 9pm-1am: Joseph. San Jose.



M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

C8K@E N?@IC DXcf gcXpj Jle[Xp ]fi k_\ >@ =fildÊj :`eZf ;\ DXpf ]\jk`mXc%

Cinco Festivities EVERY Cinco de Mayo, Silicon Valley residents come together to commemorate and celebrate the region’s Mexican heritage. The celebrating often starts early, with a convenient Sunday doing duty for the actual benchmark of May 5. Thousands of San Jose locals join in a downtown celebration of Cinco de Mayo 2010 this Sunday, May 2, sponsored by the San Jose chapter of the 6B:G>86C <> ;DGJB . Festivities include arts and crafts, traditional costumes, lowrider cars, charro horses, floats, marching bands and food. A parade kicks off the day at 10am on Market Street between Santa Clara and San Carlos; the festival takes place at Discovery Meadows and costs $2/$5. Live performances include Malo with Jorge Santana, Tortilla Soup and Lava. :A ?6G9>C I:FJ>A6 76G at Santana Row honors Cinco de Mayo with a threeday Mexican fair featuring live music, carnival games and a giant piñata. May 5–8, 5–9pm. JC>K>H>DC G69>D hosts a Cinco de Mayo Festival at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds. Sun, 11:30am–6pm.

The H6C ?DH: ;A:6 B6G@:I on Berryessa and 93.3 FM La Raza mark the occasion with a Mariachi stage featuring Indocumentados del Norte, Arroyo Musical and Ballet Folklorico Las Estrellas. May 1, 11am–5pm. EDDG =DJH: 7>HIGD in San Jose salutes the holiday with a Latin Jazz Brunch on Sunday, with the Downtown Allstars. May 2, noon–3pm.

Every Mexican restaurant worth its margarita salt will be offering food and drink specials on May 5. One worthy choice is the celebration at B:M>86A> <G>AA in Santa Clara, which lasts all week. E:9GDÉH in Santa Clara and Los Gatos joins in with drink specials, as does I=: 7AJ: 8=>E in San Jose. I=: <G6E:K>C: in Willow Glen presents a thematic menu based on the traditions of Mexico for $25. —8e^\cf JZif]Xe`




Wed, 110pm-1:30am: Wed, 0pm-1:30am: D DJJ Purple. Purple. Palo Alto. P alo A lto.

Thu, 9 Thu, 9:30pm-1:30am: :30pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

Wed, W ed, 9 9:30pm: :30pm: R Rock ock B Band and Night. KKaraoke araoke N ight. SSan an JJose. ose.




Thu, Fri, Thu, Fri, 8 8:30pm: :30pm: U Uncle ncle D Dougie ougie SShow. how. SSan an JJose. ose.

SSun: un: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.

TTue-Thu ue-Thu aand nd SSat, at, 9 9pm-1:30am: pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

770 0

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M 69 6 9

Dancee Clubs Danc Clubs AGENDA A G E N DA Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: SSalsa alsa Wednesdays. W ednesdays. Flashback Flashback FFridays. ridays. DJ DJ Rich Rich spins. spins. Sat: Sat: Bay SSouth outh B ay Electro Electro SScene: cene: w/ EElectro lectro TTakeOver, akeOver, w / SSan an DJs JJose ose D Js Team Team BlueFields BlueFields Rigo Acosta, RogCon R igo Ac osta, R ogCon and and CChupa hupa Incs Incs DJ DJ Fields. Fields. $5. $5. Sun: Sun: Planet Reggae. P lanet R eggae. San San Jose. Jose.

ALBERTO’S A L B E RT O ’ S Wed, 7:30pm: Wed, 7:30pm: Latin. Latin. Bachata Bachata llessons essons at at 77:30pm; :30pm; ssocial ocial ddance ance at at 99:30pm. :30pm. With With PPantea. antea. TTue ue aand nd TThu: hu: SSalsa alsa W With ith PPantea. antea. Lessons Lessons aatt 7:10 7:10 aand nd 8:15pm. Dancing 8 :15pm. D ancing at at 99:30pm. :30pm. Night. Reggaeton, SSat: at: Latin Latin N ight. R eggaeton, ccumbia, umbia, merengue merengue and and more. m ore. SSun-Mon, un-Mon, 5pm: 5pm: Tango. Tango. Argentine A rgentine style. style. Mountain Mountain VView. iew.

AVALON A VALON Ongoing: DJs Ongoing: DJs and and llive ive m music. usic. 221+. 1+. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.

AZUCAR A ZUCAR TTue: ue: B Beats eats and and Beer Beer Pong Pong w/ w /M Mike ike JJones ones and and $2 $2 tacos. tacos. SSan an JJose. ose.

BA BACK CK BAR BAR Thu, 9:30pm: Thu, 9:30pm: W Waterland. aterland. $5-$15. EElectro lectro ddance ance pparty. arty. $ 5-$15. SSan an JJose. ose.

BRANHAM B RANHAM LO LOUNGE UNGE Wed: H Wed: Humpday. umpday. Thu: Thu: DJ DJ and and Karaoke. Ka raoke. SSat: at: DJ DJ Jazzy Jazzy and and DJ DJ CChaos. haos. Mon: Mon: DJ DJ and and Karaoke. Karaoke. $22 TTuesdays. TTue: ue: $ uesdays. San San Jose. Jose.

Sue. Mon: Sue. Mon: M Marathon arathon M Mons. ons. VJJ sspins. Off V pins. TTue: ue: TTake ake iitt O ff TTuesdays. uesdays. SSan an JJose. ose.

DIVE D IVE BA BAR R Sat: R Sat: Rhythm hythm SSaturdays. aturdays. SSun: un: Mix M ix TTape ape SSundays. undays. SSan an JJose. ose.

FAHRENHEIT U FAHRENHEIT ULTRA LTRA LOUNGE LO UNGE Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm-close: pm-close: TThe he LLounge. ounge. 9pm-close: TThu, hu, 9 pm-close: FFortune ortune Rotating 550/50. 0/50. FFri ri aand nd SSat: at: R otating Parties. 9pm-close: P arties. Tue, Tue, 9 pm-close: CCollege ollege Night. Night. San San Jose. Jose.

GGOOSE OOSE LO LOONEY’S ONEY’S FFri, ri, SSat: at: Old Old School. School. Milpitas. Milpitas.

MOTIF M OTIF Fri: TThe Fri: he CCove ove w w/ /M Melissa elissa Arroyo DJs. Black A rroyo aand nd D Js. SSat: at: B lack Ball B all 33.. San San Jose. Jose.

PARRANDA P ARRANDA N NIGHTCLUB IGHTCLUB Thu, 8 Thu, 8pm: pm: D DJJ A Akustik. kustik. FFri, ri, 8pm DJJ M Mayo. 8pm: DJJ 8 pm D ayo. SSat, at, 8 pm: D Mayo DJJ A Akustik. M ayo aand nd D kustik. SSun, un, Beat. 77pm: pm: LLatin atin B eat. Sun, Sun, 9pm: 9pm: Night.. SSonidero onidero N ight.. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.

PEARL P EARL Fri: G Fri: Gold old D Digger, igger, w/ w/ model model LLoredana oredana JJolle. olle. SSat: at: High High Definition D efinition w/ w/ DJ DJ Slick Slick D aand nd DJJ R Romeo D omeo Reyes. Reyes. San San Jose. Jose.

TOON’S TO ON’S Wed: D Wed: DJJ St Stretch. retch. Thu: Thu: D DJJ TTito. ito. DJJ CClassic. DJJ Tito. FFri: ri: D lassic. SSat: at: D Tito. Hip-hop SSun: un: H ip-hop sshowcase. howcase. Mon: Armando. M on: A rmando. TTue: ue: LLadies adies Night. DJJ TTito. N ight. D ito. SSan an Jose. Jose.


BRITANNIA ARMS BRITANNIA ARMS ALMADEN A LMADEN Wed, Sun: Wed, Sun: DJ DJ Hank, Hank, w/ w/ kkaraoake araoake at at 110pm. 0pm. Thu Thu Thru Thru Apr DJJ B Benofficial. A pr 229: 9: D enofficial. SSan an JJose. ose.


BRIX B RIX Wed: W Wed: Whip hip IItt O Out. ut. Thu: Thu: Huntress VJJ Sue. H untress V Sue. Fri: Fri: IInferno. nferno. VJJ JJoel. V oel. Sat: Sat: Sinful. Sinful. VJ VJ Sue. Sue. Noo ccover. VJJ N over. SSun: un: CChill hill SSuns. uns. V

Finalists iinn Chamber Finalists Chamber M Music usic CCompetition ompetition perform. perform. Sat, Sat, $12/$17. 77pm. pm. $ 12/$17. Mtn Mtn View View forr tthe Performing CCenter enter fo he P erforming Arts. A rts.


Moree listings: Mor

METROACTIVE.COM M ETROACTIVE.COM Symphony and Symphony and V Vivace ivace YYouth outh CChorus, horus, featuring featuring bbaritone aritone EEuigun uigun LLee ee aand nd ccellist ellist Rachel Xu. R achel X u. Sun, Sun, 3pm. 3pm. Free. Free. St.. Andrew’s St Andrew ’s EEpiscopal, piscopal, SSaratoga. aratoga.

GGOD’S OD’S GGRANDEUR RANDEUR A ssong ong re recital cital by by Nancy Nancy Wait-Kromm. $18. W ait-Kromm. Fri, Fri, 8pm. 8pm. $ 18. Music Recital M usic R ecital Hall, Hall, Santa Santa University. CClara lara U niversity.

SSLORKTASTIC LORKTA ASTIC CCHAMBER HAMBER MUSIC M USIC Performed bbyy Stanford Performed Stanford LLaptop aptop Orchestra. Orchestra. Thu, Thu, 8pm. 8pm. FFree. ree. CCCRMA CRMA Stage, Stage, Stanford. Stanford.

CConcerts oncerts ANOUSHKA SSHANKAR ANOUSHKA HANKAR PROJECT P ROJECT Classical IIndian Classical ndian m music usic ffrom rom Rafi R afi Shankar’s Shankar ’s ddaughter. aughter. TThu, hu, 77:30pm. :30pm. $31-$40. $31-$40. Montalvo’s M o n t a l v o’ s Carriage House Ca rriage H ouse TTheatre, heatre, SSaratoga. aratoga.

BAY AREA BAY AREA BATTLE BATTLE OFF T THE BANDS O HE B ANDS Local edition Local edition of of competition. competition. FFri, ri, 77pm. pm. $10. $10. SJSU SJSU Event Event CCenter. enter.

CHEF R CHEF RAMON’S AMON’S T TALKING ALKING BLUES B LU ES The oofficial The fficial ppre-party re-party event event forr the Metro fo the M etro FFountain ountain Blues Blues music FFestival, estival, with with llive ive m usic aand nd ppanels anels aabout bout tthe he blues. blues. FFeatures eatures JC JC SSmith, mith, Maxx Maxx Cabello Bob Gonzalez Ca bello Jr., Jr., B ob G onzalez and and more. $5. m ore. Sun, Sun, 2-6pm. 2-6pm. $ 5. SJSU SJSU University U niversity Theatre, Theatre, San San Jose. Jose.

FFACULTY ACULTY FO FOLLIES LLIES A ssilent ilent auction auction followed followed bbyy pperformances erformances bbyy SSJSU JSU Dance SSchool chool of of Music Music and and D ance ffaulty, aulty, including including Ed Ed Harris, Harris, JJoe oe Frank Frank aand nd LLayna ayna forr CChianakas. hianakas. FFundraiser undraiser fo music sstudent tudent m usic teacher teacher 6-9pm. sscholarships. cholarships. Sat, Sat, 6 -9pm. $45. $ 45. SJSU SJSU Music Music CConcert oncert Hall, H all, San San Jose. Jose.

Woodwind vvirtuosos. Woodwind irtuosos. M Mon, on, Oshman 77:30pm. :30pm. $45. $45. O shman FFamily amily Middlefield CCenter, enter, 4400 00 M iddlefield Rd, Rd, Palo Alto, P alo A lto, 415.392.4400. 415.392.4400.




“The P “The Passion assion Ac According cording ttoo St.. JJohn.” $10-$30. St ohn.” SSat, at, 8pm. 8pm. $ 10-$30. St.. M Mark’s St ark’s Episcopal Episcopal Church, Church, Palo Alto. P alo A l to.

FFAUVÉ AUVÉ R REQUIEM EQUIEM SSJJ SSymphonic ymphonic CChoir, hoir, SSaratoga aratoga

Alernative rock. Alernative rock. Sat, Sat, 8pm. 8pm. $49-$54. Heritage $ 49-$54. Campbell Campbell H eritage TTheatre. heatre. Bluegrass singer/songwriter. Bluegrass singer/songwriter. $18.$20. SSat, at, 8pm. 8pm. $ 18.$20. First First Presbyterian P resbyterian Church, Church, Mountain M ountain View. View.

71 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

Business Listings


1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 :H[\YKH` 4H` (.,:

Eek a Mouse

plus Wooster $14 Adv./ $19 Dr. • Drs. 8 p.m., Show 9 p.m.

:\UKH` 4H` (.,: Ineffable Music Group presents Suite 420 Tour



Coughee Brothaz

and DJ Aspect

$15 Adv./ $20 Dr. • Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 4: Thrice/ Manchester Orchestra Canceled due to family emergency. Return tickets to place of purchase for a refund

May 30 Your Music Olympicks Prelims Atrium (Ages 16+) May 1 The Chop Tops Atrium (Ages 21+) May 9 Wiz Khalifa Atrium (Ages 16+) May 13 Dredg (Ages 16+) May 14 Electronic Garden of Eden (Ages 16+) May 15 Groundation/ Orgone (Ages 16+) May 21 Your Music Olympicks Finals (Ages 16+) May 22 “Life’s a Beach” w/DJ Sal (Ages 18+) May 25 Talib Kweli & Hi-tek (Ages 16+) May 28 Zion I (Ages 16+) May 29 Tech N9ne (Ages 16+) Jun 5 Sage Francis/ Free Moral Agents (Ages 16+) Jun 6 Bone Thugs-N-Harmony (Ages 16+) Jun 9 The Glitch Mob (Ages 16+) Jun 11 Wooster/ Sourgrass (Ages 21+) Jul 29 Wolf Parade (Ages 16+) Aug 11 Rev. Horton Heat (Ages 21+) Aug 13 Smash Mouth (Ages 16+) Sep 20 Willie Nelson & Family (Ages 21+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Felipe Buitrago


metroactive SPORTS

Course Work ;I@M<E KF JL::<<; 9p Xcc XZZflekj# ;Xm`[ :_le^ `j X _\ZblmX e`Z\ ^lp% 9lk _\ Xcjf _Xj X b`cc\i Zfdg\k`k`m\ `ejk`eZk k_Xk j_fnj lg n_\e _\ _`kj k_\ c`ebj%%

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Conrad Ray, the team’s head coach, says a young golfer named David Chung is on track to be comparable to some of the university’s great alumni. “He’s got a lot of time left,” says Ray, who was a teammate of Woods and Casey Martin, and was named the 2007 National Coach of the Year. “I have to remind myself sometimes that he’s just a sophomore.” His coach isn’t the only one in the golf world who has taken note of Chung, who came to Stanford after growing up in North Carolina. Chung is rated as the seventh-best men’s collegiate golfer in the country by Golfweek magazine, and

is a semifinalist for the Hogan Award, which is given to the top collegiate men’s golfer each year. Chung, who played in his first tournament at age 7, says he started playing when he was 2 years old. He says his dad, an avid amateur golfer, has been his instructor throughout his career. While his parents aren’t able to make it out to the West Coast to many of his tournaments, they are in Phoenix, Ariz., this week, where their son is competing in the Pac-10 Men’s Golf Championship. Stanford, ranked No. 4 in the country, is the highest ranked team in the Pac-10—but Ray says his team is facing a battle. The competition in the conference, he says, is stronger than he has seen in his six years as the head coach. “To win the conference championship would be a really big honor and would be a great measuring stick for where we are at with our game going into the regionals and NCAAs,” Ray says. Stanford won its last Pac-10

tournament in 1994, when Ray played for the team. He says the team will need to land a few birdies to win, because the Karsten Golf Course at Arizona State University typically yields some low scores. Chung says the team played the course two weeks ago so they have a good idea of what to expect. He also says the team has good chemistry as a group, which he sees as valuable, even though golf is essentially an individual sport. “When we step on the golf course, yes we’re playing for ourselves individually, and we’re fighting to beat each other— and tear each other’s throats out,” he says. Nevertheless, he says he and his teammates have developed a genuine camaraderie. Ray says Chung is developing into a team leader. “It’s always tough as a young guy,” Ray says. “With older guys ahead of you, you kind of have to pick your battles. But he is letting his actions do the talking.” Chung says he rates his ball striking, specifically his iron play, as the strongest part of his game. But he says his putting has improved greatly this year. Ray says Chung’s transition to a long putter was the difference in his short game—in fact, he won his first tournament after switching. Chung says he is “super excited” to go to Northern Ireland to play with the U.S. team in the Palmer Cup, a Ryder Cup–style event that matches the top collegiate players from the U.S. against their counterparts from Europe. “I remember watching the Palmer Cup when I was 12 or 13 on TV, and my dad would say, ‘One day you need to get there,’” Chung recalls. “So when I got the call that I made it, it was almost like a dream come true.”

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Optometrists! Driving Schools!

metroactive SVCLUBS

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75 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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, y a d s e n Wed May 5th!!

rea A y a B 0 2 f o e Visit on ! Chevys Today

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79 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

Optometrists! Business Listings

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@ nXj \oki\d\cp f]]\e[\[ Yp pfli i\jgfej\ kf k_\ nfdXe n_fj\ ]\dXc\ ]i`\e[ _Xj X dljkXZ_\% Pfli fecp jl^^\jk`e^ nXpj kf ^\k _\i kf i\dfm\ `k nXj m\ip Xek`$]\d`e`jk% @ _Xm\ ]\dXc\ ]i`\e[j n`k_ ]XZ`Xc _X`i% @ejk\X[ f] nXo`e^ `k# k_\p jXp# ÇJZi\n 8d\i`ZXe jkXe[Xi[j f] Y\Xlkp% @Êd Y\Xlk`]lc aljk k_\ nXp @ Xd%È Pfli i\jgfej\ Zflc[Êm\ `eZcl[\[ k_Xk fgk`fe% Dp ^`ic]i`\e[j n`k_ ]XZ`Xc _X`i _Xm\ ef gifYc\d ^\kk`e^ [Xk\j n`k_ d\e# Xe[ k_XkÊj Y\ZXlj\ k_\pÊi\ ZfeÓ[Xek Xe[ Y\Xlk`]lc% Aljk gc\Xj\ [feÊk g\ig\klXk\ d`jf^pe`jk`Z ZiXg% Æ8`eÊk Ef GifYc\d N`k_ 8 C`kkc\ ?X`i If I hated women, I’d tell those looking to date men to grow a big hairy hedge above their lip. Then they’d appeal to the .00001 percent of the American male population who think nothing’s sexier than leaning over to the girl they’re dating and whispering, “I think I should tell you—there’s a little piece of food caught in your mustache.” Oh, what a terrible thing, promoting “American standards of beauty.” Footbinding? Clitoridectomy? Naw, plucking tiny hairs above a woman’s lip. Quick! Somebody start an international human rights organization! “Sorry, can’t go to the Darfur rally. We’re marching for a woman’s right to lip fur.” All together now: “HELL NO! WE WON’T MOW!” While I see the occasional strip of fur bumming a ride on a woman’s lip, you claim to know a veritable parade of women from Mustachia. Methinks you’re telling a fibby—for what you think is a good cause: keeping women feministically correct, and never mind that they’ll likely end up miserable and dateless. Fibby number two? That being a chick with a Fu Manchu is no impediment to getting dates. Right. There are men who’ll date a woman with a stache: the visually impaired, the wildly desperate and college-boy feminists. On a positive note, being a woman with a fur-trimmed lip does solve that age-old problem of getting men to

stop addressing conversation to one’s breasts. Take poor Stephanie Mills, the Greenpeace spokeslady who went on TV in Australia. Unfortunately, the loudest thing onscreen was her mustache. Even the host couldn’t help himself: “There is a mustache on a lady!” Miller had much to say about victims of nuclear testing, but she might as well have been farting out “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” Now, I’m all for a woman with a mustache making the same money as a man with a mustache. Unfortunately, Congress can’t amend the laws of attraction. A mustache is a really clear male sex characteristic. Women with facial hair tend to have higher testosterone or be aging out of their child-bearing years, while men are hard-wired to go for young, feminine-featured women. Suggesting women who want boyfriends go proudly unpruned is like telling men with moobs to rub glitter on their mancleavage and strut it in low-cut tops. Rather amazingly, you’re suggesting women empower themselves by looking just like men. The reality is, a woman needs a mustache like a fish on a bicycle needs a man. Sure, a woman’s place is wherever she wants it to be, but if she’d like male company, she’d best avoid looking like Gandhi, Saddam, Charles Manson or one of the Village People, and snarling through her stache: “We haven’t come a long way, and don’t call me baby!”

@Êd X n_`k\ ^lp n`k_ X YcXZb Y\Xi[Æ^ifn`e^ flk f] dp YXZb% @ befn dXep nfd\e Xi\ ^ifjj\[ flk Yp i\Xccp _X`ip ^lpj% 8i\ k_\i\ d\Xjli\j pfl i\Zfdd\e[ ]fi YXZb$ _X`i i\dfmXc6 Æ9i`jkcp match. The look you should aim for is When a woman sees you naked, you somewhere between gay male stripper want her focused on jumping your bones, and Borat: think fur reduction over total not on hiring somebody to jump you fur removal. Laser treatment, which works with a riding lawn mower. There are back best on those with light skin and dark hair, shavers that look like big squeegees (the is probably your ideal bet for long-term Razorba and the Mangroomer). But, if back-hair thinning—lasting months or a you have coarse hair, you could end up year. You’ll still have some growth back with razor-sharp stubble—making being there, but from a woman’s perspective, naked with you like spooning a lemon there’s feeling a little body hair and there’s zester. Back waxing requires constant feeling like Dian Fossey making the first maintenance (in your case, probably peaceful contact with a mountain gorilla. moving into a spa), plus front waxing to

)'('# 8dp 8cbfe# Xcc i`^_kj i\j\im\[% >fk X gifYc\d6 Ni`k\ 8dp 8cbfe# ,,' J% =`ijk Jk%# JXe Afj\# :8 0,((*# fi \dX`c X[m`Z\Xdp7Xfc%Zfd%

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Network Engineer


Cisco Systems, Inc. is accepting resumes for the following position in San Jose/Milpitas/ Santa Clara, CA: Network Engineer (Ref#: SJ57): Responsible for the operational support of internal network systems.

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Mission San Antonio de Padua. Our annual Fiesta (Sunday June 13, 2010) is a fun filled day for all beginning with our special Fiesta Mass at 11:00 am followed by a traditional oak-fired barbeque, $12.00/plate, For more information contact the Mission at 831-385-4478. events

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The Metropolitain Palo Alto Monthly and hourly music rehearsal space. Music instrument (fretted and vintage keys) and amplifier service. 650.279.1793

g Legal Notices

Legal & Public Notices

Kalfen Law Corporation Herman I. Kalfen, JD, REA, NAEP 1 Embarcadero Center, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94111 Call Anytime - 415.315.1710 ACCIDENTS & INJURIES


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Learn Guitar From Pro NAME STATEMENT #536153 All Styles, All Ages. Lessons made to have fun. 408/2271585 office. Ask for Jesse.

The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Shady Blinds, 7081 Via

Barranca, San Jose, CA, 95139, Chad Barlow. This business is conducted by a individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on 4/01/2010. /s/Chad Barlow This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 4/01/2010. (pub Metro 1/28, 5/05, 5/12, 5/19/2010)

SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (Aviso a Acusado)] ALENE STEVENS and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLANTIFF: (A Ud. le esta demandando) STERLING SAVINGS BANK, a Washington Corporation, Successor in Inerest by Merger to SONOMA NATIONAL BANK CASE NO. SVC-246866 You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons is served on you to file a typewritten response at this court. A letter or phone call will not protect you; your typewritten response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case, and your wages, money and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may call an attorney referral service or a legal aid office (listed in the phone book).

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A P R L 2 8 - M AY 4 2 0 0



FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES A RIES ((March March 221–April 1–April 119): 9): ““In In a rrecipe ecipe ffor or ssalsa alsa

published was published rrecently, ecently, oone ne ooff tthe he iingredients ngredients w as misstated, misstated, ddue ue ttoo aan n eerror,” rror,” ssaid aid aan n aapology pology rrun un bbyy a local local nnewspaper. ewspaper. ““The The ccorrect orrect iingredient ngredient iiss ‘‘22 ttsp. sp. of of cilantro’ cilantro’ iinstead nstead ooff ‘‘22 ttsp. sp. ooff ccement.’” ement.’” TThis his iiss aan n example miscue example ooff tthe he kkind ind ooff m iscue yyou ou sshould hould bbee aalert lert ffor or in week, Aries. Ass llong in your your oown wn llife ife dduring uring tthe he ccoming oming w eek, A ries. A ong as as you you pay pay cclose lose aattention ttention aand nd sspot pot tthe he ttiny iny bbooboos ooboos aass they won’t they arise, arise, yyou ou w on’t eend nd uupp ddipping ipping yyour our cchips hips iinto nto a gritty, mess. gritty, ggravely ravely m ess.

TAURUS T AURUS ((April April 220–May 0–May 220): 0): A llittle ittle kknowledge nowledge

can meet who can bbee ddangerous. angerous. I cconstantly onstantly m eet ppeople eople w ho hhave ave boxed misusing boxed tthemselves hemselves iinto nto ttight ight sspots pots bbyy m isusing ttheir heir smattering smattering ooff aastrological strological iinformation. nformation. TThere’s here’s nnoo better better eexample xample ooff tthis his tthan han tthe he ssuperstition uperstition aabout bout Mercury which Mercury rretrograde, etrograde, w hich iiss ssupposedly upposedly a bbad ad ttime ime ttoo begin During begin aanything nything nnew. ew. D uring oone ne ssuch uch pperiod eriod llast ast yyear, ear, an mine an acquaintance acquaintance ooff m ine ddecided ecided ttoo ddelay elay aaccepting ccepting a dream magazine. Byy tthe dream jjob ob ooffer ffer aass eeditor ditor ooff a m agazine. B he ttime ime Mercury magazine Mercury rreturned eturned ttoo nnormal, ormal, tthe he m agazine hhad ad hhired ired another wish another aapplicant. pplicant. I w ish II’d ’d hhave ave kknown, nown, bbecause ecause I would what America’s would hhave ave ttold old hher er w hat II’ll ’ll ttell ell yyou: ou: SSome ome ooff A merica’s biggest, most biggest, m ost eenduring nduring FFortune ortune 5500 00 ccompanies ompanies began when Mercury was Disney, began w hen M ercury w as rretrograde, etrograde, iincluding ncluding D isney, Goodyear, Boeing. moral Off aallll Goodyear, aand nd B oeing. TThe he m oral ooff tthe he sstory: tory: O the the signs signs ooff tthe he zzodiac, odiac, iit’s t’s most most important important that that you you Tauruses worry Tauruses ddon’t on’t w orry aabout bout llaunching aunching nnew ew pprojects rojects during Mercury during tthe he ccurrent urrent M ercury rretrograde. etrograde.

GGEMINI EMINI ((May May 21–June 21–June 20): 20): Would Would you you rreally eally pprefer refer it Doo yyou it iiff yyou ou hhad ad nnoo pproblems? roblems? D ou iimagine magine yyou’d ou’d eenjoy njoy life more was life m ore iiff eeverything verything w as ppure ure ffun un aand nd ssmoothly moothly easy? Here’s People who easy? H ere’s aan n aastrological strological pperspective: erspective: P eople w ho have have aan n oover-abundance ver-abundance ooff ppositive ositive aaspects spects iin n ttheir heir natal natal hhoroscopes oroscopes ooften ften tturn urn oout ut ttoo bbee llucky ucky bbut ut llazy azy bums who much. bums w ho nnever ever aaccomplish ccomplish m uch. SSoo I ssay, ay, bbee tthankful hankful for for tthe he ccomplications omplications tthat hat aare re vvisiting isiting yyou. ou. I bbet et tthey hey will make man woman, will m ake a m an oout ut ooff yyou ou iiff yyou’re ou’re a w oman, oorr a woman man. white, woman oout ut ooff yyou ou iiff yyou’re ou’re a m an. IIff yyou’re ou’re w hite, they’ll they’ll hhelp elp yyou ou gget et bblacker, lacker, aand nd iiff yyou’re ou’re bblack, lack, tthey’ll hey’ll make whiter. myy ddrift? Ass yyou make yyou ou w hiter. CCatch atch m rift? A ou ddoo yyour our bbest est ttoo solve solve tthe he kknotty notty rriddle, iddle, yyou’ll ou’ll bbecome ecome bbetter etter bbalanced alanced and more who and m ore vversatile ersatile tthan han ffolks olks w ho aare re rrarely arely cchallenged. hallenged. CCANCER ANCER ((June June 21–July 21–July 22): 22): H Here’s ere’s tthe he m most ost important important rule rule for for you you in in the the coming coming week: week: Keep Keep your your eyes eyes fixed fixed on on a vision vision of of your your shining shining destiny. destiny. If If you you do, do, you’ll you’ll be be unflappable, unflappable, indefatigable, indefatigable, and and irrepressible. irrepressible. Your Your luck luck will will be be so so crazy crazy good good it’ll it’’ll be be almost almost spooky. spooky. Noble Noble deeds deeds you you did did in in the the past past will will finally finally bring bring the the rewards rewards you you deserve. deserve. Allies Allies will will conspire conspire to to assist assist you, you, sometimes sometimes in in ways ways you you couldn’t couldn’t hhave ave ppredicted. redicted. II’m ’m not not exaggerating, exaggerating, Cancerian. Cancerian. If If you you stay stay focused focused on on the the highest highest prize, prize, you’ll you’ll live live a charmed charmed life. life. LLEO EO ((July July 223–Aug. 3–Aug. 222): 2): IIn n 11990, 990, m myy rrock ock bband and W World orld

War EEntertainment ntertainment W ar pplayed layed aatt a SSan an FFrancisco rancisco nnightclub ightclub Beatnigs, oon n tthe he ssame ame bbill ill aass tthe he B eatnigs, aan n aassemblage ssemblage Michael ffronted ronted bbyy M ichael FFranti. ranti. TTheir heir aavant-garde vant-garde iindustrial ndustrial music members m usic ffeatured eatured bband and m embers rrhythmically hythmically hhitting itting a with ssteel teel bbar ar w ith a ppower ower ssaw aw aand nd sslapping lapping a llong ong cchain hain metal aagainst gainst a ppiece iece ooff ssheet heet m etal hhanging anging ffrom rom tthe he bback ack wall. when w a FFast-forward a o wa d too 22009, 009 w hen FFranti’s an latest a e bband and SSpearhead pea head released e ea ed a catchy a h romantic oman ppop op dditty titled ed “Say Hey which Sa H e (I LLove o e YYou),” ou w h h reached ea hed nnumber umbe 18 8 oon n the Billboard Hot he B boa d H o 100 00 chart. ha I ppredict ed a comparable ompa ab e months, ddevelopment e e opmen for o you ou in n the he nnext e six m on h LLeo: eo moving m o ng from om a state a e oof raw, aw ddark, a oobscure b u e ppower owe too a state a e oof bbright, gh refined, efined aaccessible e b e ppower. owe

VIRGO V RGO (Aug. Aug 223–Sept. 3–Sep 222): 2 M Mangosteens ango een aand nd rambutans ambu an are a e exotic e o fruits u that ha grow g ow inn faraway a awa places. pa e The The mangosteen mango een is creamy eam and and ppurple, u p e with w h a peachy pea h citrus while u taste, a ew h e the he rambutan ambu an is likee a bbigg hhairy a red ed grape. g ape This Th is a perfect pe e moment, momen astrologically a o og a speaking, pea ng too invite n e them hem into n o your ou mouth. mou h Likewise, L ew e the he time me is right gh for o you ou too consider on de welcoming we om ng other o he colorful, oo u striking, ng and and foreign o e gn elements e emen into n o your ou life. e So So maybe ma be consider on de making ma ng friends end with w h a Paraguayan Pa agua an acrobat. a oba Sing S ng Vietnamese V e name e folk o songs. ong Read Read the he memoirs memo of o an an Iranian an an exile. e e Exchange E hange conspiracy on p a theories heo e with w h an an Icelandic e and fairy. a LLIBRA BRA (Sept. Sep 223–Oct. 3–O 222): 2 A reader eade nnamed amed EEmory mo

pproposes opo e that ha w dd a nnew ew m eme too the he cultural u ua wee aadd meme lexicon: e on interpersonal n e pe ona intellectual n e e ua oorgasm ga m. H Here’s e e hhow ow he ddescribes e be it: “It hhappens appen w hen your ou conversation on e a on he when with w h aanother no he pperson e on bbecomes e ome soo intense n en e that ha nnothing o h ng else matters e em a e eexcept ep the he ddialog a og you’re ou e creating ea ng together. oge he The The two wo oof you ou aaree soo in-tune, n une soo intellectually n e e ua bbonded, onded

9p 9 p ROB RO B BREZSNY BREZSNY n\\b f] 8gi`c )/ n\\b f] 8gi`c )/

that making that tthe he ssensation ensation iiss aalmost lmost llike ike m aking llove. ove. FFor or tthat hat time, time, it’s it’s like like that that person person is is in in you you and and you you are are in in that that person; person; yyou ou aare re oone ne bbecause ecause yyou ou uunderstand nderstand eeach ach other other ssoo ccompletely.” ompletely.” I bbring ring tthis his ttoo yyour our aattention, ttention, Libra, Libra, bbecause ecause yyou’re ou’re iin n a pphase hase ooff yyour our aastrological strological cycle when cycle w hen tthe he iinterpersonal nterpersonal iintellectual ntellectual oorgasm rgasm iiss ffar ar more more llikely ikely tthan han uusual sual ttoo ooccur. ccur.

SSCORPIO CORPIO ((Oct. Oct. 223–Nov. 3–Nov. 221): 1): U Unlike nlike ppeople eople w who ho cheat mates, cheat oon n ttheir heir m ates, ppolyamorists olyamorists ccarry arry oon n ttwo wo oorr more more intimate intimate relationships relationships but but don’t don’t llie ie aabout bout iit. t. TTheir heir lovers lovers know know about about each each other other and and have have agreed agreed to to the the arrangement. arrangement. I applaud applaud those those who who have have the the inclination inclination to to pull pull off off this this tricky tricky work, work, even even though though I personally personally couldn’t manage Handling couldn’t m anage iit. t. H andling jjust ust a ssingle ingle iintense ntense bond bond takes takes improbable improbable amounts amounts of of my my ingenuity. ingenuity. If If I were weave myy ffate with more were ttrying rying ttoo w eave m ate ttogether ogether w ith m ore than than one one partner, partner, I wouldn’t wouldn’t hhave ave aany ny eenergy nergy lleft eft oover ver to to write write these these horoscopes horoscopes or or do do anything anything else. else. How How about about you, you, Scorpio? Scorpio? You’re You’re in in a phase phase when when splitting splitting your your attention attention might might be be tempting, tempting, not not just just in in regards regards to Whether to yyour our llove ove llife ife bbut ut iin n oother ther aareas, reas, ttoo. oo. W hether tthat’s hat’s the what the right right thing thing to to do, do, I can’t can’t say. say. Here’s Here’s w hat I ddoo kknow: now: You You can can either either go go deeper deeper or or wider, wider, but but not not both. both. SSAGITTARIUS AGITTARIUS ((Nov. Nov. 222–Dec. 2–Dec. 221): 1): ““Never Never bbear ear

more wrote m ore tthan han oone ne ttrouble rouble aatt a ttime,” ime,” w rote aauthor uthor aand nd Hale. cclergyman lergyman EEdward dward EEverett verett H ale. ““Some Some ppeople eople bbear ear tthree hree kkinds—all inds—all tthey hey hhave ave hhad, ad, aallll tthey hey hhave ave nnow, ow, aand nd aallll tthey hey eexpect xpect ttoo hhave.” ave.” TThat’s hat’s ggood ood aadvice dvice ffor or yyou, ou, Please SSagittarius. agittarius. P lease jjust ust sstick tick ttoo tthe he ttrouble rouble yyou ou hhave, ave, fillll aand nd ddrop rop tthe he oother ther ttwo wo kkinds. inds. TThere’s here’s nnoo nneed eed ttoo fi with Besides, uupp yyour our bbeautiful eautiful hhead ead w ith eextra xtra ttorment. orment. B esides, much more wrestle yyou’re ou’re m uch m ore llikely ikely ttoo w restle tthe he ccurrent urrent ttrouble rouble weighted iinto nto ssubmission ubmission iiff yyou’re ou’re nnot ot w eighted ddown own bbyy uunnecessary nnecessary eextras. xtras.

CCAPRICORN APRICORN ((Dec. Dec. 222–Jan. 2–Jan. 119): 9): W What hat eexcites xcites

you? What makes with you? W hat m akes yyou ou iitch tch w ith a llonging onging ttoo bbee surprised? What fills with surprised? W hat fi lls yyou ou ttoo tthe he bbrim rim w ith ccuriosity uriosity and wonder? may and aan n aagitated gitated ssense ense ooff w onder? YYou ou m ay nnot ot kknow now even what even hhalf alf ooff w hat yyou ou ccould ould ppotentially otentially rrealize ealize aabout bout these matters. Have these m atters. H ave yyou ou eever ver ssat at ddown own aand nd ttaken aken a formal Have formal iinventory? nventory? H ave yyou ou eever ver ddedicated edicated yyourself ourself ttoo figuring would most? figuring oout ut aallll tthe he tthings hings tthat hat w ould iinspire nspire yyou ou m ost? Do Do iitt ssometime ometime ssoon, oon, pplease; lease; aattend ttend ttoo tthis his gglorious lorious task. According myy rreading task. A ccording ttoo m eading ooff tthe he oomens, mens, iit’s t’s pprime rime time time to to do do so. so.

AQUARIUS A QUARIUS ((Jan. Jan. 220–Feb. 0–Feb. 118): 8): IIt’s t’s a ggood ood tthing hing

Margaret Mitchell M argaret M itchell ssuffered uffered a bbroken roken aankle nkle bback ack iin n 11925. 925. SShe he ggot ot ssoo bbored ored aass sshe he llay ay aaround round tthe he writing hhouse ouse rrecuperating ecuperating tthat hat sshe he sstarted tarted w riting a bbook. ook. EEventually ventually iitt bblossomed lossomed iinto nto tthe he 4423,000-word 23,000-word bblockbuster lockbuster G Gone one W With ith tthe he W Wind ind, w which hich ssold old 330 0m million illion copies won Pulitzer copies aand nd w on hher er tthe he P ulitzer Prize. Prize. Judging Judging from from your Aquarius, your ccurrent urrent aastrological strological oomens, mens, A quarius, I ssuspect uspect that may that yyou ou ttoo oo m ay ssoon oon bbee ooffered ffered aan n oopportunity pportunity disguised disguised aass a hho-hum o-hum pproblem. roblem.

PISCES P ISCES ((Feb. Feb. 119–March 9–March 220): 0): I w was as ppleased leased w when hen I

website with ddiscovered iscovered a w ebsite w ith a vvideo ideo ooff qquirky uirky ssongstress ongstress Power David Bowie’s CCat at P ower ssinging inging D avid B owie’s iiconic conic ssong ong ““Space Space Oddity.” Bowie, And O ddity.” I llove ove hher, er, I llove ove B owie, aand nd I llove ove tthe he ttune. une. A nd yet wave mee w when e aw a e oof ddisappointment appo n men bbroke o e oover e m hen I realized, ea ed 330 0 seconds e ond into n o the he pperformance, e o man e that ha it was w a aactually ua a car a commercial. omme a I felt e duped. duped Appalled. Appa ed Outraged. Any O u aged A n ppleasure ea u e I’dd ggotten o en from om the he eexperience pe en e was Don’t me, Pisces. may w a ruined. u ned D on bbee likee m eP e YYou, ou too, oo m a soon oon receive minor e e e a bblessing e ng that ha hhas a some ome m no aannoyance. nno an e Don’t me. D on ooverreact e ea likee m e LLook oo ppast a the he bblemish em h aand nd eenjoy n o the he ggift.

Homewo k Practicing Homework: P ac c ng unconditional uncond ona love ove iss the he toughest, oughes most mos heroic he o c task ask of o all. a Here’s He e s my attempt a emp to o get ge better be e at a it: http:/ h p // /b / y/ W o dK ss Can Can n I see yours? you s? WorldKiss.

Go to REALASTROLOGY.COM to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. Audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700

Classifieds Despues de que le entreguen esta citacion judicial usted tiene un plazo de 30 DIAS CALENDARIOS para presentar una respuesta escrita a maquina en esta corte. Una carta o una llamada telefonica no le ofrecera proteccion; su respuesta escrita a maquina tiene que cumplir con las formalidades legales apropiadas si usted quiere que la corte escuche su caso. Si usted no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el caso, y le pueden tras cosas de su propiedad sin aviso adicional por parte de la corte. Existen otros requistos legales. Puede que usted quiera llamar a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de referencia de abogados o a una oficina de ayuda legal (vea el directorio telefonico). The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y direccion de la corte es) Superior Court of California County of Santa Clara 191 North First Street San Jose, CA 95113 The name, address and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney is: (El nombre, la direccion y el numero de telefono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, es)

Sonoma County Superior Court 600 Administration Drive Santa Rosa, CA, 95403 Date: FEBRUARY 19, 2010 /JOSE O.GUILLEN/County Clerk (Actuario) /KARINA P. ROYER/, Deputy (Delegado) (Pub 4/28, 5/05, 5/12, 5/19/2010)

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #535139 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Electric Movement, 16212 Los Gatos Blvd., Los Gatos, CA, 95032, Ethical Approach Inc. This business is conducted by a Corporation. The state of Corporation: California. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on 3/01/2010. /s/Daniel Reuter President #C2952222 This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 3/09/2010. (pub Metro 4/07, 4/14, 4/21, 4/28/10)


The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: 34 SJ Test Only, 34 San Jose Ave., San Jose, CA, 95125, Trang Le, 804 Farm Drive, Apt #4, San Jose, CA, 95136. This business is conducted by a individual. Registrant has not yet begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on. /s/Trang Le This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 4/12/10. (pub Metro 4/21, 4/28, 5/05, 5/12/10)

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Aljk ]fi cXl^_j n\ [\Z`[\[ kf dXb\ fli fe$_fc[ dlj`Z Xk nfib X Zfdg`cXk`fe f] jkX]] g`Zbj `eZcl[`e^ X (.$d`elk\ m\ij`fe f] Ç@e$8$>X[[X$;X$M`[X%È :f$nfib\i :Xifc ZcX`dj k_\ jfe^ glkj _\i `e Xe Xe^ip# X^^i\jj`m\ dff[ Xe[ jXpj dXpY\ `kÊj efk k_\ Y\jk Z_f`Z\ ]fi fe$_fc[ dlj`Z% @ cffb\[ lg ifZb dlj`ZÊj \]]\Zk fe k_\ YiX`e Xe[ ]fle[ k_`j1 Ç9fY CXijfe# X :_i`jk`Xe d`e`jk\i Xe[ ]fid\i ifZb dlj`Z`Xe# i\d\dY\ij k_Xk `e k_\ .'j k\\ej nflc[ Yi`e^ iXn \^^j kf X ifZb ZfeZ\ik Xe[ glk k_\d fe k_\ ]ifek f] k_\ jkX^\% K_\ \^^j nflc[ Y\ _Xi[ Yf`c\[ Yp k_\ dlj`Z Y\]fi\ k_\ \e[ f] k_\ ZfeZ\ik Xe[ Zflc[ Y\ \Xk\e% ;i% <Xic N% =cfj[fi] Xe[ ;i% C\jc`\ 8% :_XdY\ij j_fn\[ k_Xk gifk\`ej `e X c`hl`[ d\[`ld n\i\ ZfX^lcXk\[ n_\e jlYa\Zk\[ kf g`\iZ`e^ _`^_$g`kZ_\[ jfle[j%È :Xe k_`j Y\ kil\6 8i\ n\ i\Xccp ]ip`e^ g\fgc\Êj YiX`ej n_`c\ k_\p nX`k fe _fc[6 Æ8c`jfe >fp\kk\# N`cd`e^kfe# DXjj%

Alison, I’m not sure I’d ever want to do business with you guys, but you sound like you’d be a blast to party with. As for the notion of rock music boiling eggs: time for the Straight Dope Home Science Department to saddle up and ride again. Background first. Rock’s pernicious effects on the human body, particularly the ears, are well known. Hearing loss and tinnitus are widely reported among rock musicians. Pete Townshend may be the most famous victim, but rockers from Neil Young to Sting have all had their problems. These guys subjected their cochleae to decades of abuse and got rich doing it. Now youthful music lovers can achieve the same results fast and without compensation via roundthe-clock headphone use. Noise causing deafness isn’t too conceptually tough to swallow. But could one really blast enough acoustic energy at an egg to cook it during a three-hour concert? In theory, yes. The proteins in egg white are long chains of amino acids rolled up into tight balls, which allows them to move around and thus causes the egg white to be more or less fluid. Exposure to heat denatures the proteins—they unwind from their tight balls and stick to each other, forming a coagulated mass. In short, the eggs cook. In 1936 Chambers and Flosdorf found you could also do it with sound. They pumped 175 watts of acoustic energy into egg white— roughly 140 dB, about 14 dB more than the Who generated in 1976 to earn the distinction of loudest band in the world according to Guinness. The egg white was denatured in just four minutes. But enough talk. I had my assistant Una round up a 300-watt home stereo, the hardest rock recordings she owned and three bowls of room-temperature eggs—one control group, one bowl mounted on hard plastic and the third bowl set on a cushion. Having placed

the control eggs in an acoustically isolated spot, she arranged the speakers around the other two bowls and cranked the music up to an average measured intensity of 120 decibels, with peaks going off the scale at more than 126 decibels. All afternoon Una blasted everything from Lynyrd Skynyrd to Mötley Crüe to the Crystal Method. Periodically, wearing target-shooting earmuffs for protection, she checked the eggs’ temperature; the target eggs wound up 8 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the control group. During the Crystal Method set the decibel meter was pegged almost continuously to the 126-dB mark, but Una reduced the volume to 120 dB after a burning smell began emanating from one speaker. My point is, she directed some serious sonic force at these pups. After five hours of this, all the eggs were cracked open and examined. There was no perceptible difference between any of the batches. Remarks: 1. We’ll assume, based on the Chambers/Flosdorf experiment, that it’s possible to “cook” an egg with sound. However, this was accomplished with purified albumen in lab vessels directly coupled to the sound source, not a uncracked eggs perched on a stage. 2. Don’t give me any crap about 50,000 watts from concert acoustic towers. I say if Una’s keeping the meter at 126 dB, minimally shy of the threshold of pain, she’s closely approximating the real-world concert experience. 3. In my book, stories of hardrock-boiled eggs are a neurologically challenged teenage crock. Likewise I’m guessing you’re not going to fry anyone’s brain no matter what on-hold music you use. 4. Be that as it may, if you’re making me listen to 17 minutes of “In-A-GaddaDa-Vida,” I’m buying my widgets somewhere else.

85 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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87 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | A P R I L 2 8 - M AY 4 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M




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