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ontentt is ffor o or listings of eevents. vents. The ccontent shrinking, aree gr growing. sh hrinking, and the ads ar owin ng. The written word Th he writ ten wor d is not dead. I know kn now content content is eexpensive, xpensive, but please Off ccourse, pl lease bring it back. O ourse, if I get too stressed about this,, I’l I’ll ge et to o str essed out ab out this ll have “medical” marijuana ha ave plenty plenty of “medic al” marijuan na ads browse through. Maybe ad ds to br owse thr ough. Ma ayybe if I find supplier,, I’ll fforget fin nd a regular regular supplier orget just o how Metro ho ow great great Met ro used to be. be. JJEFF EFF K ELLY KELLY

= via email

Not a Fan Faan So far I’m no not ot a fan of yyour our rredesign. edesign. Moree ccolor ad ontent. Mor olor adds dds with less ccontent. I’vee rread I’v ead Metro Metro for fo or years years for fo or content content like like the Straight Straigght Dope, Dope, Advice Advice Goddess, Goddess, RvB’s RvvB B’s movie movie reviews reviews and

C Cutting EEdge dge Our O ur C City ity C Council ouncil and an nd mayor mayor should should only do sserve erve ffor or o nly a sstipend, tipend, llike ike tthey hey d o other here aatt eevery very o ther ccity ity h ere iin n tthe he ccounty. ounty. The City Council members all T he C ity C ouncil m embers al ll have have other o ther ffull-time ull-time jjobs, obs, aand nd being being on on City Council only part-time tthe he C ity C ouncil iiss o nly a p art-time job Why make job for for tthem. hem. W hy sshould hould tthey hey m ake

$90,000 $ 90,000 a year year plus plus full full benefits? benefits? Santa S anta Clara Clarra City City Council Council members members monthly gget et only only a m onthly sstipend, tipend, and an nd their their better ccity ity iiss rrun un iinfinitely nfinitely b etter aand nd iiss financially fi nancially sound. sound. I’m I’m sure sure Pierluigi Pierluigi Oliverio would agree his O liverio w ould ag gree tto o ccutting utting h is ssalary, alarry, since since he he is is always always pointing pointing out out off ccity workers. tthe he ggreed reed o ity w orkers. J.C. J. C.

Where W here Is It?? The new new Met Metro ro needs a ttable able of ccontents. ontents. BILL BILL

CContents ontents Is King K I sought it. I didn didn’t ’t fin find nd it. FRUSTRATED FFORMER ORMER R EADER FRUSTRATED READER

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Last Fly heard, longtime San Jose bar owner JOHNNY VAN WYK was painting houses to pay off the debt left over from closing the bar because of problems with his lease and over-policing issues. Van Wyk says he even threw away all his bar equipment when he closed shop back in May 2009. But Johnny V’s has reopened its doors in downtown San Jose, in its old location. Now that the Santa Clara Street building’s new landlord gave him the go-ahead to reopen the bar, Van Wyk says he’s been hitting up Savers and other local thrift stores for used bar stools and the like. He had a soft opening on April 15, and an official grand reopening celebration is being planned for June, complete with an extensive lineup of local bands. Fly stopped into Johnny V’s last Thursday evening to find the trademark martiniglass sign gone—but the cheap drinks still served with a heavy hand and the “eclectic” crowd thankfully the same— among them, downtown nightlife fixture TIM HENNESSEY. The San Jose District 3 Don’t city council candidate, forget a former Johnny V’s to tip! doorman, was looking very much the politician FLY@ METRONEWS. in a spiffy suit and COM tie—one thing Fly hadn’t seen at the old Johnny V’s.

POA VP Blasts Davis SJPD’s ROB DAVIS didn’t get the job he applied for as chief of police in Dallas, but Fly wouldn’t bet that means he’ll settle back down comfortably here in San Jose. When the announcement of Davis’ rejection came in, JIM UNLAND, vice president of the Police Officers Association, released a statement of his own, saying, “Chief Davis has lost the confidence of the troops and this has made him ineffective.” Unland went on to say the union feels that Davis has not done enough to protect police officers’ salaries and jobs during


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Dive Bar Survivor

Little Saigon Surprise 9LJ@E<JJ >IFLGÊJ 9FD9J?<CC I\glYc`ZXe ZfleZ`c ZXe[`[Xk\ D`e_ ;lfe^ jXpj _\ nXj j_fZb\[ kf c\Xie _\Ê[ Y\\e \e[fij\[ fm\i `eZldY\ek DX[`jfe E^lp\e Yp k_\ JXe Afj\&J`c`Zfe MXcc\p :_XdY\i f] :fdd\iZ\%

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Duong says that winning the ChamberPAC’s support was a huge shock, even to him. Before this election season, the ChamberPAC

consistently supported Nguyen, even backing her in her 2009 recall campaign. “Honestly, before I entered their interviews and debates and whatnot, I thought to myself, ‘Regardless of how well I perform, I may not get it, simply because of the dynamics of the incumbent versus challenger,” Duong says. “But I think that being the candidate that I am, I really resonate with the direction of the Chamber. I am very blessed and honored.” This is the second time Duong has run for San Jose City Council. In 2008 he lost a try at Dave Cortese’s old District 8 seat against Rose Herrera. Now he’s setting his sights on District 7, which he says is his real home. Duong moved to San Jose from

southern Vietnam at age 11. Growing up in a single-parent household, he says, he was taught strict discipline and “family values.” He attended William C. Overfelt High School, where he was elected president of five different clubs and eventually graduated as valedictorian. He then got a scholarship to UCBerkeley, where he was elected to the student body senate and earned a degree in economics. After forays into dotcom startups and real estate, Duong founded his own business, MHD Home Furniture and Décor. He later expanded the store to two locations that his wife now runs. Having achieved the “American Dream,” Duong says that the knowledge and ethics he’s gained from running small businesses prepared him for the budget issues the City Council faces. “I understand what it takes to start a business, and more importantly, what it takes to turn a profit


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sv 411.com your criteria, exactly?” —B. Madoff. Sent from my iPrison.

manchops Wow. Palm and Hewlett Packard. It’s like my widowed grandma hooked up with your widowed granddad. It’s so sweet! I hope it lasts.

Google Invests in Clean Power Project GOOGLE has made its first direct investment in a wind power project, the search engine giant unveiled on Monday in a blog post. Google says it’s invested $38.8 million into 169.5 MW worth of wind projects developed by NextEra Energy Resources in North Dakota.

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Google’s philanthropic arm Google.org has previously invested in clean power startups, including solar thermal companies eSolar and BrightSource, geothermal company AltaRock and high-altitude wind company Makani. Google also has a side project to develop solar thermal receivers. But this investment comes directly out of the Google Inc. treasury. Google spokesman Jamie Yood told us, “You can think of it as a way to diversify our cash holdings while investing in an area that we think is important to support. This investment will help further deployment of wind power, one of the lowest cost sources of renewable energy.” When I asked Yood if Google planned to use the clean power for its data centers, he said, “This is more of a financial investment; not aimed at powering our data centers.” Google has been making some unusual and aggressive moves into the energy world as of late. In February the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved Google’s application to buy and sell electricity on federally regulated wholesale markets. Google also has its energy management software tool PowerMeter. —KATIE FEHRENBACHER, EARTH2TECH.COM

Bono Breaks Even On Palm Sale Palm’s newly announced $1.2 billion sale to Hewlett Packard is great news for Bono: It means the U2 frontman’s Elevation Partners roughly broke even on its 2007 investment in Palm. No loss! Who’s the “Worst Investor in America” now, mate? Palm, you’ll recall, is the Apple-aping maker of smartphones, whose lastditch bid for relevance, the Pre, died because it was too difficult and unrewarding to develop apps for the thing. The company’s stock has been cut in half over the past year, and there was a real chance that, without a white-knight buyer like HP, the company could have died, taking Elevation and Bono’s highestprofile investment down with it. Now Bono, dubbed America’s worst investor by the investing website 24/7 Wall Street, just needs to find people who can similarly rescue Forbes and Yelp, two of his other disastrous investments. —RYAN TATE, VALLEWAG.GAWKER.COM

raincoaster Uh, no. Apple is the Palm-aping maker of smartphones. Lord Buckley The Newton . . . Palm ripped off the Newton. Handspring was the Palm-aper, who was the Apple-aper. Senor Flandangles Who’s the Worst Investor in America? So what is

= <; LG :Xifc 9Xikq n\ek fe i\Zfi[ cXjk n\\b [`jj`e^ Yfk_ >ff^c\ Xe[ =XZ\Yffb%

Yahoo CEO TrashTalks Web Rivals Say what you will about the status of her effort to turn the company around, but Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz certainly has gumption by the truckload. Which perhaps is not always such a good thing. Yesterday, for example, in an interview with BBC News, the loquacious exec—who often uses a dramatic rolling of the eyes to make a point—slapped at Internet juggernauts Google and Facebook. Google, posited Bartz, will be in trouble if it was not successful outside of search. “Google is going t o have a problem because Google is only known for search,” said Bartz to the BBC. “It is only half our business; it’s 99.9 percent of their business. They’ve got to find other things to do.”



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sv 411.com As to Facebook, which is hurtling past Yahoo in pretty much every metric these days, Bartz is here to tell us that it is just not all that. “They certainly are taking people’s attention and time,” she said. “But what is kind of wrong about the conversation is that social just means Facebook.”

Facebook’s privacy policies and data-sharing practices occurred after he left. Kelly goes on to say that if he is elected attorney general of California, he will be looking at whether the social network’s policies “meet the requirements of consumer protection law,” and that “any company that breaks the law, including Facebook, will face the full extent of the state’s prosecutorial powers.” —MATHEW INGRAM, GIGAOM.COM

Actually, social does mean just Facebook if you’re comparing the social networking giant to Yahoo. —KARA SWISHER, KARA.ALL THINGSD.COM

gbp A vast majority of the netizens are ignorant. Most of them are too lazy to go through the Facebook profile options and change settings to safeguard their privacy.

AG Candidate Slams Facebook Features

Hacker: Do We Press Charges?

Chris Kelly, the former chief privacy officer for Facebook and now a candidate for attorney general of California, has publicly criticized the social network over its new features, saying he believes that the company should not automatically “opt in” users to information-sharing services. Kelly—who was chief privacy officer at Facebook when it launched the ill-fated Beacon project in 2007—also says that if he is elected he will ensure that the social network meets privacy laws as far as giving users “meaningful control” over the sharing of their personal information and will prosecute the company if it does not do so. In a blog post on his official campaign site, the former Facebook executive says: “I strongly encourage Facebook to structure all its programs to allow Facebook users to give permission before their information is shared with third parties.” He also says that he is “proud of the work I did at Facebook to make the Internet safer and more secure,” noting that the recent changes to

Remember that hacking incident we had back in January? TechCrunch.com was defaced twice over a two-day period and was redirecting for part of that time to a third-party site. We got through the event and mostly put it behind us. But recently the Garda (Ireland’s national police force) and the U.S. Secret Service have been in touch with us because they think they found our man. He’s a suspect in another case and evidence strongly suggesting he was the TechCrunch hacker as well came to their attention. He redirects hacked sites to a website he owns and generates affiliate revenue. These law enforcement agencies now want to know if we want to press charges so that they can bring a criminal action against the suspect in the United States. They sent us some of the evidence, including IRC logs where the suspect was boasting about the TechCrunch hacks even as they were occurring. Some of this is pretty entertaining. We’re going to let you decide—do we press charges or just let this go? The poll is at TechCrunch. Whatever you decide, we’ll do. —MICHAEL ARRINGTON, TECHCRUNCH.COM

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12 Yes, other than collecting that Fort Knox of search earnings!


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SanJoseInside.com An inside look at San Jose politics

Police and Firefighter Unions Split SILICON VALLEY NEWSROOM


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Cooperation between them might strengthen their position, but that’s not likely to happen soon. The bone of contention is Proposition K, which would expand gambling within San Jose. The firefighters are supporting the

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Š 2009 Imaginarium Films, Inc. and Parnassus Productions Inc. All Rights Reserved. Š 2010 Layout and Design Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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Felipe Buitr B Buitrago ago



Civic Lesson

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equivallents. Some equivalents. Some w walls alls appear appearr taped tap aped o ff ffor or p ainting. Construction Construction noise noise off painting. ab bounds, and and the the aroma aroma of of sawdust sawdust abounds, b reak ks tthrough hrough tthe he at tmosphere. breaks atmosphere. F or a ccover over ffeature eeature last JJune, une, For M Met ro rrevealed evealed the first phase of Metro rrenovations. e vations. A eno w au udio Att that time time,, ne new audio an nd video ssystems ystems wer a and weree arriving at th he San JJose ose Civic nt the Civic,, and the ancien ancient h house ssystem ystem fr om the ’70s w as from was b eing ssystematically ystematically torn down. The T being fl flo or w as rredone, edone, and the inside ggot floor was a ne w paint job. job. A new Ass of right now now,, the se econd phase of rrenovations enovations is go oing second going fu ull steam ahead. Major structura al full structural rrepairs e epairs and seismic retrofitting retrofitting ar re are o fficially under w ay. officially way. T han nks to to an an inside inside source—I’ll source—I’ll call call Thanks h er N atasha—we’re ssporting porting yellow yellow her Natasha—we’re h ard h ats aand nd touring touring the the entire entire hard hats

facility. faaccility. As As we we enter enter the the women’s women’s bathrooms bathrooms on on the the Market Market Street Street side, side, she are she gleefully gleefully points points out out that that there there ar re now now two two rows rows of of new new stalls, stallls, unlike unlike the the archaic arrchaic arrangement arrangement before. before. We We then then have have a look-see look-see at at the the men’s men’s room, room, likewise likewise completely completely expanded expanded and and redone. redone. Considering Considering that that I probably probably puked puked in in this this very very same same bathroom bathroom during during a 1985 1985 Iron Iron Maiden Maiden show, show, I am am impressed. impressed. Sauntering out the back door, door, Natasha Natasha reveals reveals that the t original loading dock open dock is now officially o open for fo or business again. You You o see, see, in a quintessential San Jose Josse screw-up, screw-up, when Parkside Parkside Hall—the Hall— —the original convention convention center—was center—w was built next next door door in 1977, 19777, it included includ ded a new new rectangular rectangular l structure structure off meeting i rooms rooms that blocked blocked off o the Civic’s Civic’s original loading dock. dock. When Netherlander over Netherlander Concerts Concerts took took o ver the booking booking last year, year, they they insisted this structure structure be be demolished. dem molished. Now Now it is gone forever. fo orever. Trucks Trucks can can back right up to the side off the stage stage and

stagehands stagehand ds will no longer have haave to share share the Tech Tech e Museum’s Museum’s loading dock. dock. As back into the As we migrate m building, building, Jim Jim Salata Salata of Garden Garden City City Construction Constructtion emerges emerges from from around around the corner, cornerr, also wearing a hard hard hat. Salata San Jose’s Salata is downtown d Jose’s guru of seismic retrofitting historical retrofitting and historic al preservation. preservatiion. He knows every every crack, every every bolt, boltt,, every every pillar and every every granule off grout grout in practically practically eevery very building from Street from JJulian ulian Str eet to 280. 280. Thankfully, Thankfu ullyy, he is directly directly involved involved with the renovations, renovations, which means they they will be be done right. We We will not see botched installations botcheed inst allations or bushleague work-arounds. wo ork k-ar - ounds. He’s He’s also a musician, so he’s he’s been been complaining, complaining, er, er, observing, observiing, along with the rest rest of us for fo or 20 years years that precisely precisely what downtown n has always alwayys lacked lacked is a midsize venue like Warfield venue e like the War field or the Fillmore. Fillmo ore. With Wiith this next next round round of renovations, renovation ns, it will finally happen. happen. Salata Salata and a I then go into a quick rant about abou ut the embarrassing hickhick ktown spatt a few few years years back between between the city and city an nd the county county over over the location location of o a potential potential new new concert concert hall—including that hall—including a lawsuit laawsuit w resulted resulted in n the city city losing millions— while the Civic A Auditorium uditorium was was already already here heere and could could have haave been been properly properly restored restored for for o less than half of what w was as spent spent on the damn lawsuit. laawsuit. w But I digress. diigress. Natasha Natasha and I then head upstairs upstairs to check out some former meeting aree former o me eeting rooms rooms that ar now gutted gutteed and converted converted into much-needed much-neeeded upper-level upper-level concession concession stands. stands. Until Until n now, now w, if you you sat upstairs upstairs at the Civ Civic, ic, you you had to trudge downstairs downstairrs to get food food or drinks. drinks. It was was a joke. joke. Natasha Natashaa also points points out how several several of the original windows on the buildi building ng had long since since been been closed off and covered covered up. up. Now Now they they are are open, open, and the sun shines right in. In the end, end d,, I will take take the glass half full on thi this is one. one. It is about about freaking freaking time we had h a real real midsize venue venue in downtown n San Jose. Jose. Let Let us hope hope the Civic returns returns to glory. glory.

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Felipe Bui


E K?< 8=K<IEFFE f] Ale\ )+# )''0# ;\glkp ;`jki`Zk 8kkfie\p A\]] Ifj\e _le^ lg k_\ g_fe\ Xe[ k`ck\[ YXZb `e _`j Z_X`i% 8j _\ k\ccj `k# _\ jg\ek j\m\iXc d`elk\j jkXi`e^ Xk k_\ Z\`c`e^ f] _`j .' N% ?\[[`e^ Jk% f]Ó Z\% K_\ `e]fidXk`fe _\ _X[ aljk i\Z\`m\[ nflc[ glk k_\ i\$\c\Zk`fe f] X j`kk`e^ [`jki`Zk Xkkfie\p `e JXekX :cXiX :flekp Xk i`jb ]fi k_\ Ó ijk k`d\ `e dfi\ k_Xe ,' p\Xij% From the 1950s to the early 1980s, Louis Bergna ran unopposed six times before stepping down and passing the torch to Leo Himmelsbach, who coasted to a second term in 1986. George Kennedy won a messy first race in 1990, but his next three races were cakewalks. That won’t be the case with current District Attorney Dolores Carr. The succession ritual fell apart in 2006, when Kennedy’s selected successor cooperated in an investigative newspaper series critical of the office and Kennedy withdrew

his endorsement, clearing the way for outsider Carr to beat three deputy DAs who sought the job. Within three months of Rosen’s wake-up call, the San Jose Mercury News published charges of ethical misconduct against Carr. Rosen had himself removed from the prosecution of an important murder case. Then Rosen announced his candidacy for DA. Even before he got up and walked into the office of Kathy Storton, the DA’s ethics adviser, Rosen had just one thought: “This is a big problem.”

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uments “This was the straw that broke the camel’s back,” he says now. “This is what put it over the top for me.” What’s resulted has locked an unlikely pair of opponents—Carr, a former Superior Court judge with an army of powerful allies, vs. a relatively unknown deputy DA with 15 years of quiet experience—into a heated political battle. The race is so vitriolic that the candidates will not make eye contact with one another, much less speak directly. The election pits a subordinate against the sitting Santa Clara County DA for the first time in decades. It has fragmented the district attorney’s office into factions and revived old alliances from the 2006 race in which Carr won her first term. And while voters must wonder about the young prosecutor who suddenly is making a play for one of the county’s most powerful seats, this race is less about him than it is about Dolores Carr.



Felipe Buitrago

What happened to Vahid Hosseini happened a long way from county politics. A well-liked, 47-year-old Iranian immigrant, Hosseini and his wife, LeeAnn, built their grocery, Willow Market, into a profitable little business over a span of 25 years. He was also a man of habit, who strolled down to Bank of the West, past an auto repair shop and the taqueria, each Friday to take out a large cash deposit for his checkcashing customers.

On May 23, 2008, three men—either boldly or stupidly— approached him at four in the afternoon in the bank’s parking lot just off of a busy four-lane street, shot him once in the head and made off with more than $50,000 in cash. Hosseini died 11 days later. It took a year for the police to close in on five suspects, in part with the help of a wiretap that revealed that one suspect’s uncle was hiding him. While the prosecution worked with law enforcement to build its case, LeeAnn Hosseini pursued a civil lawsuit of her own against Bank of the West. But most important to the family was that the DA’s office pursue the harshest sentence possible— death—against those responsible. Rosen was on the case. Then his telephone rang. “I get a call from one of the two investigative officers on the Hosseini case,” Rosen recalls angrily. “He says, ‘You know, the victim’s widow, LeeAnn Hosseini, just realized that John Carr, the John Carr that was working on the civil lawsuit, is the DA’s husband.’ I was stunned.” It turned out that the attorney in the Hosseinis’ civil suit had tapped DA Carr’s husband, a retired San Jose police lieutenant, for $14,000 in consulting services. Although Carr says her husband was hired before the police had made an arrest, she now acknowledges that his work did create the appearance of a conflict of interest. John Carr ultimately

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By that time, Rosen had already asked Buller to remove him from the case, as the uproar had crystallized his decision to run for office. “No one around her was standing up to [Carr] and pointing this out. She tends to take disagreement as disloyalty,” he says. “It was like, you know what? We need a change in the district attorney’s office, focusing on justice, and not getting money on the side.”

PROSECUTORIAL ZEAL Carr used the word “change” four years ago in her own campaign to replace four-term, retiring DA George Kennedy, promising to reform what she calls the “win at all costs” culture that had led to a allegations of 100 appellate court cases in a five-year span in which the DA’s prosecutors engaged in questionable conduct, documented in a series in the Mercury News series



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branded “Tainted Trials, Stolen Justice.” Carr prevailed, beating Karyn Sinunu-Towery, once Kennedy’s hand-picked heir apparent. She immediately set to work delivering on her promise, replacing managers in key positions. It didn’t take long for detractors to say the changer already needed to be changed out—the Hosseini case was not the first sign of trouble. Although Carr recalls her entrance into office as notable for her call for an independent management audit and trimming $3.5 million in debt left over from the previous administration, others remember an embarrassing rookie move when she tried to appoint a sitting judge as her chief assistant, which is against the law. Still others grumbled about her reshuffling of responsibilities, which, while not overt punishment for those who failed to support her ’06 campaign, was at least a boost for those who did. Even her stricter dress code got under some people’s skin. Former Deputy District Attorney Ed Fernandez , a friend of SinunuTowery’s who left his job soon after being arrested for marijuana possession, is blunt in his assessment of Carr’s performance. “I’m far from objective and unbiased,” he says, “but she’s been a disaster. Everyone I’ve spoken to says people are miserable, morale is down.” Carr acknowledges that she is not universally beloved—a fact she chalks up to politics. “There is still a segment of the office that was supportive of my opponent last time, including Mr. Rosen, that would like to be in charge of the office,” she says. Rosen’s campaign contribution forms include the names of 30 attorneys working within the DA’s office, including Sinunu-Towery. For her part, Carr also lists several of her attorneys as campaign contributors, including another past opponent, chief assistant Marc Buller. But the burden of proving to the public that this is more than interoffice politics has fallen on Rosen, a task he has taken up robustly. “His central platform is criticizing me because he has nothing to offer

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returned the money, but in the ensuing uproar, the DA’s office had to drop back from the case. Carr put all decision-making authority on the case in the hands of her chief assistant, Marc Buller, who released a statement in September 2009 turning the case over to the state attorney general.

DA RACE 23 Felipe Buitrago

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in terms of experience or ideas on how to improve our office,” Carr says. Unfortunately, with the amount of controversy seen in the last four years—and thanks in part to a daily newspaper that’s been calling for her head for years—Rosen has plenty of fodder for his campaign attacks. In campaign appearances and interviews, Rosen brings up Carr’s unpopular decision not to bring charges in a 2007 rape case that came to the DA’s office just after Carr took over. It included forced-sex allegations involving an intoxicated 17-year-old girl and a number of De Anza College baseball players, reported by three female soccer players who intervened in what they contend was a gang rape. Carr did not file charges, citing inconsistent statements from the witnesses, a tainted crime scene and the victim’s inability to recall the incident. “The assigned laws are very clear,” she says. “We didn’t have enough evidence to charge this case.” At the time, critics accused the newly minted DA of being unsympathetic to the victim and too tight-lipped about her decision. “I’m at peace with my decision,” she told the Mercury News at the time. “We don’t make decisions based on public outcry.” The newspaper flayed her in its opinion pages, going so far

as to publish a fictional, emotional statement about the decision that its editors said Carr “should” have delivered. Then–Attorney General Jerry Brown investigated the case and returned the same conclusions as Carr—a decision that Carr’s detractors took little note of. Neither does Rosen. “I’ve prosecuted gang rape cases,” he says. “They’re awful. It’s like Sodom and Gomorrah. My first public statement wouldn’t have been, ‘I’m at peace with my decision.’” Most recently, Carr has come under fire from Rosen and the Merc for her decision to use the rarely invoked “blanket statutory refusal” mechanism to prevent Judge Andrea Bryan from hearing the DA’s cases on the law and motion calendar. As it stands, Judge Bryan is being automatically challenged on most of the cases that come across her desk and cannot hear any of them. Even The New York Times perked up to take note of this story and pointed out that a blanket challenge by a DA is unprecedented. Some see the so-called “papering” of Judge Bryan as the epitome of hubris and power politicking. Others believe


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ONE ANGRY MAN Onstage during a debate at Santa Clara University Law School, Jeff Rosen clearly cuts the kind of figure students find attractive. He’s the younger of the candidates, he’s the Democrat and his rallying cry has an idealistic hum to it, as he jabs at the podium with an index finger for emphasis: “Justice! Justice!”

É?`j Z\ekiXc gcXk]fid `j Zi`k`Z`q`e^ d\ Y\ZXlj\ _\ _Xj efk_`e^ kf f]]\i `e k\idj f] \og\i`\eZ\ fi `[\Xj#Ê :Xii jXpj The students laugh enthusiastically at his jokes. And a student blogs afterward: “Note to self: When taking on my boss in a public debate, get some tips from Jeff Rosen.” Carr is an entirely different kind of creature. Next to Rosen, she’s not stiff but she’s not warm. And while she possesses an undeniable charisma, Dolores Carr does not crack wise. Rosen’s policy ideas also appeal to the young crowd. He talks about reinstating the DA’s Cold Case Unit, which re-examines murder cases that were never solved. And when he vows to create a “Conviction Integrity Unit” that would work in the tradition of the Innocence Project, you can almost hear the audience mentally casting their votes.

“We have over 300 unsolved murders, and the Cold Case Unit solved 22 cases before it was disbanded by the current DA,” he says. “She says we didn’t have enough money. At the same time she also hired two press information officers.” Even though he has likely hashed out the case against his boss for audiences, constituents and supporters dozens of times, Rosen still becomes visibly agitated when he starts ticking down the list of reasons he’s running—bouncing acrobatically from point to point (Carr’s face remains as placid as the surface of a still lake). Rosen’s attacks against his opponent often are deeply personal and challenge not only her decisions but her fundamental ethics. In a candidates’ forum hosted by the Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits, he went so far as to call her blanket challenge of Judge Andrea Bryan “unAmerican.” And he repeatedly points to Jim McManis, a defense attorney who donated several times to Carr’s campaign, as a direct beneficiary of what he hints is a case of justice for sale in Santa Clara County. As evidence to back up his claim that Carr is actually dirty, Rosen talks about a case in which McManis was representing Ali Yahya Valdovinos, an 18-year-old Stanford exchange student. Valdovinos sold a laptop that was mistakenly FedEx’d to him, and was charged with felony grand theft. The prosecutor in charge of the case reduced the charge after he received a call from Carr, and after she had heard from McManis. Valdovinos was spared deportation under the lesser charge. At the Santa Clara Law school debate, Carr flatly denied that her relationship with McManis played any role in her decision. “If you think you’re going to call me up and say lower the offer on a case, I’m going to say, ‘Wrong number,’” Rosen told the audience. Carr has said repeatedly that she responded to McManis’ complaint the same way she would have with any lawyer. “I told the attorney to talk to the supervisor in the Palo Alto office. I never spoke to the lawyer again,” she told the San Jose


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Carr’s decision was exactly the kind of gutsy representation Santa Clara County needs.

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DA RACE 29 Rotary during a campaign forum last week. “The supervisor and I spoke about the case, so that we could come to a just resolution.” The idea of “resolving” such issues has popped up repeatedly when it comes to government integrity issues, such as the DA office’s decision not to pursue charges on several labor-related scandals. In January 2008, 19-year-old Eric Hernandez was charged with hacking into email accounts of several City Hall staffers, including Mayor Chuck Reed’s chief of staff. Information from the hacked accounts later showed up on San Jose Revealed, a now-defunct anonymous attack blog. Hernandez, who had ties to Cindy Chavez, the former City Council member and head of the South Bay Labor Council, was charged with a felony. Weeks later, the DA’s office reduced the charges to a misdemeanor. The move did not surprise Carr’s critics, who had already been disappointed that she had not vigorously pursued previous political corruption charges against former Mayor Ron Gonzales, or against two of his former aides, Tony Arreola and Sean Kali-Rai. Most recent was an oddly timed decision to delay bringing charges against the Mexican American Community Service Agency, which was accused of skimming money from its employees’ pension funds, until after the June election. An audit found that MACSA misappropriated $400,000 worth of pension plan funds back in January, but Carr announced that no charges would be filed until June. She has denied that the timing is political or has anything to do with going easy on District 5 City Council candidate Xavier Campos, MACSA’s former chief operations officer. The Campos family is, of course, deeply involved with local labor, and an impassioned but confusing plea to the council by SBLC President Cindy Chavez to endorse Carr (who is a Republican after all) has raised a few eyebrows. SBLC ultimately voted for an “open endorsement” of neither candidate. Regardless of any dot-connecting, Carr is adamant that her office

is tough in the realm of political accountability. “I would say we’re very responsible in terms of looking at behavior that comes to our attention,” she says of the MACSA case. “There were thousands of hours that were spent looking at this. Our objective is to make a legal assessment as to whether or not elements of the crime were proven. “We’re not afraid to go forward once we’ve made sure we have a case we can really prosecute. Charging people with crimes is very serious. We have a lot of power to ruin people’s lives.”

KING GEORGE Former District Attorney George Kennedy says that he has mellowed out in retirement. Sitting beachside in Santa Cruz where he now lives, a strong breeze tossing his newly longish hair, he looks very much the part of the retiree, not so much the fearsome four-term district attorney. Kennedy was the first person outside of his family that Rosen consulted with over his decision to run, and though Kennedy has traded his wing-tips for flip-flops, he agreed to jump into the fray on Rosen’s behalf. “I know about the two of them from supervising both of them,” he says. “Jeff is very intelligent. I know that Jeff is the one more likely to run the office in selfless public interest. If you ask him a question, you’re going to get a straight answer.” Nevertheless, he does not speak ill of his successor. Kennedy claims that as his hair grew out, so did his old firebrand nature. “I think it’s in really bad taste to go negative on her,” he says. It’s tough getting insiders to discuss the race. “It’s too difficult for me. I have to be mindful of discussing anything negative about my boss,” says Sinunu-Towery, before adding hurriedly, “I’m not saying I would say something negative. It’s very difficult.” Richard Alexander, a personalinjury lawyer, longtime Carr supporter and 1984 president of the Santa Clara Bar Association, thinks


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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


DA RACE 30 he knows a thing or two about being American. He lines the walls of his polished office off St. James Park with prints of John Trumbull’s Declaration of Independence and carries a walletful of fake $2 bills with the same image, which he says he likes to give out to people. “I have challenged judges,” he points out, “and Rosen says that’s un-American?” He then goes quiet, leaning forward in his chair, glowering. “I want Mr. Rosen to know that is a tawdry, slime-quality lie for which he owes Carr and every lawyer in this country a sincere apology.” He leans back again. “To throw mud because he has the Mercury on its propaganda campaign. I don’t think Carr’s been given a fair shake at all.” Like Alexander, Carr supporters bristle uniformly at the treatment she’s gotten in the daily newspaper, saying its editors simply want the DA’s office in the hands of the Sinunu-Towery faction of the office, because she closely collaborated with reporter Frederic Tulsky for the “Tainted Trials” series. William Larsen, a retired special assistant district attorney, was particularly angry with a Scott Herhold opinion column that detailed the cost of Carr’s county vehicle, a $37,000 Acura he described as too extravagant to be paid for with taxpayer money. “That was about as low as it gets,” says Larsen. “Oh, Dolores, she’s got to have this polished wood gear-shift knob. I wanted to send an email that said, ‘Why don’t you take the gear shift knob and shove it up your ass?’” Larsen goes on to say that issues like the “papering” of Judge Bryan and the Hosseini trial have been blown out of proportion and are not indications of an unethical DA’s office. “The implication in the disqualification of the judge flap is that somebody has not played by the rules, and that’s absolutely incorrect. It’s a discretionary decision,” he says. “Their campaign to unseat Dolores has harped on half a dozen out of thousands of decisions that she’s made.” The disadvantage that Carr has is that even if all the allegations leveled at her are not worth taking seriously, the talking points she marshals are just not as sexy as Rosen’s charges of

scandal and misconduct. She says she’s a good manager. She says she’s better equipped to make the $4 million worth of budget cuts her office faces. She says she already knows she can do this without any layoffs. Her supporters say that’s what people should concentrate on. “The budget thing is almost a full-time job,” says retired Assistant District Attorney Al Weger. “I think Dolores is more capable of doing that.” Alexander also doesn’t give much credence to the fact that the Santa Clara County Bar Association gave Rosen its endorsement after a plebiscite vote. Sitting in his office he taps away at a calculator that spits out the results on a roll of white receipt tape. “The membership is around 3,000. It is outrageous for the SCCBA to claim a winner in a bar plebiscite that amounts to a fraud on the public—a total of 287 people voted, less than 10 percent,” he says. “These are tough times as it relates to financial resources in government, and Dolores has managed to maintain the level of service that keeps us safe,” says James Campagna, vice president of the Sheriff ’s Advisory Board and owner of Plaza Loans. “Jeff Rosen’s support runs as thin as disgruntled employees. He’s a low-level employee in the office. He’s never managed anybody.” Larsen also dismisses Rosen’s highprofile convictions as no indication he will make a good DA. “Murder cases are very, very straightforward cases,” he says. Rosen has had to repeatedly defend his ability to manage, given that he’s never held a supervisory position in the DA’s office. Kennedy says he’s unconcerned. “When I first became a DA, I got tremendous help,” says Kennedy. “I know he will too.” As for Rosen, he continues to plug away with the words of his own father still ringing in his ears when he told his parents his plans to run. “He said, ‘Well, it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all,’” says Rosen. “I said, ‘Dad, I could win.’ He said, ‘Oh, no, of course you could win, of course.’” He certainly has a lot riding on it. If the office is a chilly environment now, one can only wonder what a future as an unsuccessful challenger could be like.

33 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Dave CCabebe a abebe



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apparently sset apparently et o off ff aan n eexplosion xplosion tthat hat ccaught aught Le e’s sseat eat aand nd ve st o n Lee’s vest on ďŹ r , ccausing re ausing ďŹ rst aand nd second second burns burns ďŹ re, ďŹ rst o n his his aarms. rms. Mind Mind you yyou aall ll this this was was on h app ening w hile h as att tthe he happening while hee w was w heel. H ulled o ver ssafely affely aand nd wheel. Hee p pulled over p ut o ut tthe he ďŹ re. Lat ter, h earned put out ďŹ re. Later, hee llearned tthat hat tthe he S anta C lara ccompany ompany from frro om Santa Clara w hich h ad lleased eased h is ttruck ruck n o which hee h had his no llonger onger existed, existed, aand nd the the m an who who man cclaimed laimed tto oo wn tthe he ttruck ruck w as n ot own was not tthe he registered registered o wner. Le elieveed owner. Leee b believed tthat hat h as a vvictim ictim of of ffraud. raud. hee w was B ut tthat’s hatt’s iin n tthe he p ast now. now. Lee Lee But past re ecovered ffrom rrom h is iinjuries njuries aand nd recovered his re ented a n ew truck truck ffrom rrom a more more rented new re eputable ccompany. ompany. He He h op es tthis his reputable hopes o ne w on’t blow blow up. up. What What is is blowing blowing one won’t u p is is h is ggreat reat fo o d. up his food. Le nd ccrew rew sset et u p sshop hop att three three Leee aand up llocations o cattions iin nS ilicon V alley fo unch Silicon Valley forr llunch aand nd d inner, aand nd they they u pdatte ttheir heir dinner, update

Eel burritos. They’re rright. ight. E el b urritos. T hey’re ggreat. reat. Two orr tthree tacos make T wo o hreee ta acos m ake a ggreat reeaatt meal, but forr ssomething will m eal, b ut fo omething tthat hatt w ill hold well dinner hour, h old w ell iinto nto tthe he d inner h our, no bibimbap llook o ok n o ffurther urther tthan han tthe he b ibimbap burrito Bibimbap Korea b urrito (($7). $7). B ibimbap iiss tto oK orea what hamburger United w hatt tthe he h amburger iiss tto o tthe he U nited States: quick portable meal S tates: a ccheap, heap, q uick p ortable m eal available av vaiilable jjust ust aabout b out eeverywhere. ver ywhere. IIt’s t’s bowl off rrice with eessentially ssentially a b owl o ice ttopped opp ed w ith vegetables, meat paste. ve getables, m eat aand nd cchile hile p aste. Throwing our T hrowing iitt aall ll iin na our ttortilla ortilla iiss off ggenius. aan n aact ct o enius.

sstatus tattus vvia ia T witter ((twitter.com/bbq twitter.com / bb q Twitter ka lbi). II’ve ’ve b een tto o ttheir heir S unnyvale kalbi). been Sunnyvale llocation o cattion n ear Y ahoo’s h eadquarters. near Yahoo’s headquarters. Hungry IIt’s t’s a ggreat reatt sscene. cene. H ungr y ttechies echies with badges a-dangling w ith IID Db adges a- dangling aand nd a number off o off-site ggrowing rowing n umb er o ff site visitors ffvisitors on officelloll oll aabout b out o n tthe he ssuburban uburban o fficepark warm p ark llawn aw wn eeating atting iin n tthe he w arm kind off sspring pring ssunshine unshine tto o ccreate reate a k ind o picnic. mobile iimpromptu mpromptu p icnic. ((Hint Hint tto om obile vendors: Make one off iice ce ccream ream ve ndors: M ake tthis his o ne o your yo ur sstops.) tops.) For quality price, BBQ F or tthe he q uality aand nd p rice, B BQ Kalbi’s $2 tacos have bee o one K albi’s $ 2 ta cos h ave v ggot ot tto ob ne off tthe best deals They o he b est d eals aaround. round. T hey with off ďŹ ďŹ llings ccome ome w ith a cchoice hoice o llings ((kalbi, kalbi, pork, sspicy picy p ork, tteriyaki eriyaki cchicken, hicken, sspicy picy unagi The kalbi cchicken, hicken, u nagi aand nd ttofu). ofu). T he ka lbi boneless ((marinated, marinatted, b oneless sshort hort rribs) ibs) pork The kalbi aand nd p ork aare re ssuperb. up erb. T he ka lbi iiss delicious—big off sslow-cooked d elicious—big cchunks hunks o low- cooked beef b eef ccloaked loaked iin n a savory-sweet savvor y-sweet glaze. glaze. The pork myy ffavorite. only T he p ork iiss m avvorite. IIt’s t’s o nly mildly but nutlike m ildly sspicy, picy, b ut I llove ovee tthe he n utlike which You ssauce auce iin nw hich iit’s t’s ccooked. o oked. Y ou ccan an doctor up with d o ctor iitt u pw ith the the self-serve self-serve saucy saucy kimchi orr sspicy on k imchi o picy ssauce auce aavailable vailable o n off tthe tthe he sside ide o he ttruck. ruck. Burritos $5.50 forr tthe B urritos aare re $ 5.50 eexcept xcept fo he unagi which forr $ $6. That’s u nagi ((eel), eel), w hich ggoes oes fo 6. T hat’s

Leee p patterned his after Le atterned h is cconcept oncept aft fter L.A.’s Kogi Korean-Mexican taco L .A.’s K o gi K orean-Mexican ta co but bibimbap burritos ttrucks rucks b ut ssays ays tthe he b ibimbap b urritos his you nicely, Leee aare re h is iidea. dea. IIff yo u aask sk n icely, Le with off ssugar-dusted, w ith ggive ive yo yyou u a sside ide o ugar- dusted, ffried ried sseaweed eaweed tto o ssprinkle prinkle iinside. nside. Paired with vegetables, kalbi P aired w ith aall ll tthose hose ve getables, ka lbi healthy off k kimchi, aand nd a h ealthy aapplication pplicattion o imchi, iit’s t’s ssuperb. uperb. The T he ssliders liders (($5) $5) aare re aanother nother ggreat reat deal: buns ďŹ lled with d eal: tthree hree llittle ittle b uns ďŹ lled w ith meat off yo your m eat o ur cchoice hoice aand nd cchopped hopp ed romaine The buns Leee u uses ro maine llettuce. ettuce. T he b uns Le ses Hawaiian buns, aare re H awaiian ssweet weet b uns, ssoft oft aand nd but cchewy hewy b ut ssubstantial ubstantial eenough nough tto o up meat. sstand tand u p tto o tthe he ssaucy aucy m eatt. The only underwhelming was T he o nly u nderwhelming iitem tem w as kimchi quesadilla tthe he k imchi q uesadilla (($5). $5). IIt’s t’s jjust ust kimchi, but ccheese heese aand nd k imchi, b ut ssomehow omehow iitt doesn’t make d oesn’t ccombine ombine tto om ake ssomething omething More kimchi would help. But ggreat. reatt. M oree k imchi w ould h elp. B ut kimchi on tthen hen I llike ike k imchi o n eeverything. ver ything.

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35 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



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AMBER A MBER INDIA INDIA Northern Northern $$. IIndian, ndian, ttandoori. andoori. $ $. TThe he ssister ister Mountain View ttoo tthe he ppopular opular M ountain V iew rrestaurant, estaurant, Amber Amber India’s India’s Row SSantana antana R ow llocation ocation ccontinues ontinues ttoo ooffer ffer eelegantly legantly pprepared repared IIndian ndian ccuisine uisine iin n a sstylish tylish ssetting. etting. Mon111:30am-2:30pm, 1:30am-2:30pm, 55-10pm, -10pm, M onTThu. hu. nnoon-3pm, oon-3pm, 55-10:30pm -10:30pm FFririSSat, at, nnoon-3pm, oon-3pm, 55-10pm -10pm SSunday. unday. Row. 3377 77 SSantana antana R ow. 4408.248.5400. 08.248.5400.

BILL’S BI LL’S CCAFÉ AFÉ D Diner. iner. $ $.. Serving Serving only only breakfast breakfast and and lunch, lunch, Bill’s Bill’s knows knows its its way way around around typical typical diner diner standbys—eggs standbys—eggs (scrambles (scrambles and and hollandaisehollandaiselaced laced “benedictions”), “benedictions”), pancakes pancakes and and expertly expertly grilled grilled sandwiches sandwiches and and burgers. burgers. 6:30am-3pm 6:30am-3pm daily. daily. 302 302 N. N. Bascom Bascom Ave Ave (at (at Naglee). Naglee). 408.287.2455. 408.287.2455. CCASABLANCA’S ASABLANCA’S CCAFÉ AFÉ M Middle iddle Eastern. Eastern. $$. $$. Casablanca’s Casablanca’s Cafe Cafe is is not not going going to to win win any any awards awards for for atmosphere atmosphere or or restaurant restaurant design. design. But But it it should should win win awards awards for for its its falafel. falafel. In In addition addition to to wonderfully wonderfully creamy creamy hummus, hummus, tangy tangy tahini tahini sauce sauce and and pickled pickled red red cabbage, cabbage, the the falafel falafel deluxe deluxe is is gilded gilded with with strips strips of of baked baked eggplant, eggplant, fried fried cauliflower cauliflower and and fried fried potatoes. potatoes. IfIf you you like like it it spicy, spicy, the the ribbon ribbon of of shatta shatta (hot (hot sauce) sauce) delivers delivers a blast blast of of chile chile pepper pepper heat. heat. 10am-9:30pm 10am-9:30pm daily. daily. 1185 1185 Lincoln Lincoln Ave. Ave. 408.993.8636. 408.993.8636. CCITRUS ITRUS N New ew A American. merican. $$$. $$$. In In Santana Santana Row’s Row’s chic chic Hotel Hotel Valencia, Valencia, Citrus Citrus peels peels back back the the hotel hotel dining dining myth. myth. Here, Here, diners diners match match their their own own main main dishes dishes with with their their choice choice of of rub, rub, sauce sauce and and side side dish. dish. Fun Fun continues continues in in skilled skilled desserts. desserts. 5:30-9:30pm 5:30-9:30pm Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. 355 355 Santana Santana Row. Row. 408.423.5400. 408.423.5400. CCOCOLA OCOLA FFrench rench bbakery. akery. $. $. fine while CCocola ocola iiss a fi ne pplace lace ttoo w hile

away away an an afternoon afternoon sipping sipping tea tea and and sampling sampling a pear pear tart tart with with vanilla vanilla custard custard and and slivered slivered almonds. almonds. For For heartier heartier fare, fare, try try the the gourmet gourmet sandwiches. sandwiches. 8am8am11pm 11pm Sun-Tue, Sun-Tue, 8am-noon 8am-noon WedWedSat. Sat. 333 333 Santana Santana Row Row #1045. #1045. 408.551.0018. 408.551.0018.

CCONSUELO ONSUELO M Mexican. exican. $ $$. $. Good Good regional regional Mexican Mexican food food made made with with lesser-known lesser-known ingredients ingredients in in an an attractive, attractive, upscale upscale atmosphere. atmosphere. The The food food is is served served tapas tapas style style and and meant meant to to be be shared. shared. Fantastic Fantastic tequila tequila list. list. 11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, 11am-11pm 11am-11pm Sat, Sat, Sun Sun 11am11am11pm. 11pm. 377 377 Santana Santana Row Row #1125. #1125. 408.260.7082. 408.260.7082. THE T HE CCOUNTER OUNTER H Hamburgers. amburgers. $.. TThe $ he CCounter ounter ttakes akes tthe he American qquintessential uintessential A merican bburger urger Americanness aand nd tturns urns uupp tthe he A mericanness bbyy lletting etting ddiners iners cchoose hoose ffrom rom ddozens ozens ooff ooptions ptions ttoo bbuild uild a ccustom ustom bburger. urger. 111am-10pm 1am-10pm Mon-Thu, M on-Thu, 111am-11pm 1am-11pm FFri-Sat ri-Sat Olin aand nd nnoon-9pm oon-9pm SSun. un. 33055 055 O lin Ave #1035 Row), A ve # 1035 ((Santana Santana R ow), And SSan an JJose, ose, 4408.423.9200. 08.423.9200. A nd Ave, Palo Alto, 3369 69 CCalifornia alifornia A ve, P alo A lto, 650.321.3900. 6 50.321.3900.

CCRAWDADDY RAWDADDY CCajun. ajun. $$. $$. CCrawdaddy rawdaddy sspecializes pecializes iin n bboiled oiled flown llive ive ccrawfish rawfish fl own iin n ffrom rom mud LLouisiana. ouisiana. TThe he m ud bbugs ugs aare re sserved erved ssteaming teaming iin n a pplastic lastic bbag ag sswimming wimming iin n a bbuttery, uttery, ggarlic-laced arlic-laced ssauce auce tthat hat rranges anges mild ffrom rom m ild ttoo rridiculously idiculously hhot. ot. Mon-Fri 33-10pm -10pm M on-Fri aand nd noonnoonRd. 110pm 0pm SSat-Sun. at-Sun. 7779 79 SStory tory R d. 4408.286.2729. 08.286.2729.

DEEZI’S D EEZI’S CCAFÉ AFÉ PPersia. ersia. P Persian. ersian. $$. $$. Deezi Deezi is is a hearty hearty lamb lamb shank shank sstew tew aand nd iit’s t’s quite quite good good here. here. But But the the soul soul of of menu menu is is the the kebabs, kebabs, and and the the koobideh koobideh kebabs kebabs are are outstanding. outstanding. Made Made from from ground ground beef beef blended blended with with puréed puréed onions, onions, garlic garlic and and various various spices, spices, the the skewered skewered and and grilled grilled meat meat stick stick is is beautifully beautifully grilled grilled and and so so tender tender and and juice-filled juice-filled it it squirts squirts when when

¿= book online $ = $10 $$ = $11-$15 $$$ = $16-$20 $$$$ = $21 and up Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

you you bite bite down down on on it. it. The The joojeh joojeh (chicken) (chicken) kebab kebab scores scores as as well. well. Try Try the the fresh fresh made made dogh dogh (a (a yogurt yogurt drink). drink). 11:30am-9:30pm 11:30am-9:30pm Mon-Thu Mon-Thu and and 11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm Sat-Sun. Sat-Sun. 1312 1312 Saratoga Saratoga Ave. Ave. 408.244.0300. 408.244.0300.

DIA D IA D DEE P PESCA ESCA M Mexican. exican. $ $.. Ass yyou might A ou m ight gguess uess ffrom rom tthe he Pesca means nname ame ((Dia Dia ddee P esca m eans fishing” ““gone gone fi shing” iin n SSpanish), panish), tthe he rrestaurant estaurant sspecializes pecializes iin n sseafood—fish eafood—fish ttacos, acos, cceviche, eviche, sshrimp hrimp ccocktails ocktails aand nd ssoups. oups. IIt’s t’s all all good. good. 10:30am-8:30pm 10:30am-8:30pm N.. B Bascom Ave. ddaily. aily. 5555 N ascom A ve. 4408.287.3722. 08.287.3722.

DII D D DA A VVietnamese ietnamese vvegetarian. egetarian. $. $. Quick, Quick, friendly friendly service service and and a comprehensive comprehensive menu, menu, with with food food tthat’s hat’s simple, simple, low-key low-key and and homey. homey. The The jackfruit jackfruit salad salad is is surprisingly surprisingly fresh, fresh, sided sided with with a chile-tamarind chile-tamarind sauce. sauce. 9am-9pm 9am-9pm daily. daily. 2597 2597 Senter Senter Rd. Rd. 408.998.8826. 408.998.8826. DII LLAC D AC VVegetarian egetarian Asian. Asian. $ $$. $. A bite bite of of veggie veggie heaven. heaven. The The spacious spacious Di Di Lac Lac serves serves up up an an appetizing appetizing array array of of foods foods all all of of which which are are made made fresh fresh daily, daily, including including the the soy soy milk milk and and tofu. tofu. 9am-9pm 9am-9pm daily. daily. 1644 1644 E. E. Capitol Capitol Expwy. Expwy. 408.238.8686. 408.238.8686. EEDNA DNA R RAY AY CChinese. hinese. $ $$. $. N Now ow in in a new new location, location, Edna Edna Ray Ray continues continues to to serves serves classics classics of of Chinese-American Chinese-American food food with with the the same same quantity, quantity, familiarity familiarity and and reasonable reasonable prices. prices. You’ll You’ll find find all all three three here, here, and and then then some. some. 11:30am-9:30pm 11:30am-9:30pm daily. daily. 1181 1181 Lincoln Lincoln Ave. Ave. 408.280.7738. 408.280.7738. EELL H HABANERO ABANERO CCuban uban and and Mexican. Mexican. $$. $$. The The Cuban Cuban food food is is the the star star here. here. The The food food is is made made from from family family recipes recipes and and has has a hearty, hearty, homespun homespun appeal. appeal.

45 4 5

37 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



Ask the Sommelier


8C<I@< <M8EJ# X Z\ik`Ó\[ jfdd\c`\i# fnej k_\ >iXg\m`e\# X n`e\ Xe[ Z_\\j\ j_fg `e N`ccfn >c\e% J_\ Óijk nfib\[ Xk k_\ jkfi\ Xj Xe `ek\ie fe\ e`^_k X n\\b% K_\ `ek\iej_`g \m\eklXccp c\[ kf Xe XZZflek \o\Zlk`m\ gfj`k`fe n`k_ X cfZXc n`e\ [`jki`Ylkfi%

MXc\i`\ <mXej# k_\ >iXg\m`e\

To feed her growing interest in wine, she completed the Professional Culinary Institute’s sommelier course in Campbell, but she did not stop there. With the knowledge and skills she received from master sommelier David Glancy, she sat for the Court of Masters Sommelier Certification exam. She offers that knowledge to her customers at the Grapevine. N_p [`[ pfl [\Z`[\ kf glijl\ X ZXi\\i `e n`e\6 I have a mortgage background. With the economy slowing down, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I wanted something to help me when the mortgage company picked up. What’s good for networking is wine, so I looked at wine programs. I looked at New York, I looked at Greystone [in the Napa Valley] and I looked here in Campbell, and it was just amazing to have something so close. With all my studies, Campbell was the only one that would do the teaching on-site.

The Grapevine 1389 Lincoln Ave, San Jose grapevine willowglen.com

N_Xk dXb\j pfli n`e\ j\c\Zk`fe jg\Z`Xc6 I try to do small production, small producers. I try to look for 1,000 cases or less. I like obscure varietals—things that people have never heard of. Our menu rotates weekly, because if we have these obscure wines on the shelves, customers are not going to know what they buy unless they talk to us. What better way than feature it on our menu so everyone can try everything on the shelves at one point in time. That helps my staff, and that helps our customers who are starting to trust our palates. Now they come in and they’re asking, “What’s new? What’s exciting?” N_Xk n`e\j Xi\ pfl gXjj`feXk\ XYflk i`^_k efn6 One of my favorites, it’s called Terre Degli Svevi, 2008. It’s a blend of Gewürztraminer and Muller-Thurgau from Basilicata, Italy, by Re Manfredi. You know how Italy is shaped like a boot? This is grown kind of where the arch is. It’s a dry wine, but it does have some honey notes in it. It’s great with brunches; it’s easy drinking. I love Italian wines, and this is just one that I really enjoy right now. N_Xk `j pfli ^f$kf n`e\ ]fi \m\ip[Xp# ZXjlXc [i`eb`e^6 The one that everybody recognizes that we enjoy is Kathryn Kennedy Lateral. It’s everyday drinking; most of the people enjoy it. It’s bordeaux style, so there’s a blend of merlot, cabernet, cabernet franc and petit bordeaux. ÆBi`jk`e\ 9Xlk`jkX

39 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y




LIVE FEED Twitter.com/SVDining


?8M< ni`kk\e XYflk k_\ \Zfcf^`ZXc `ccj f] d\Xk Zfejldgk`fe Y\]fi\% Ç<em`ifed\ekXccp jg\Xb`e^#È @ nifk\ `e X Zfclde ]ifd DXp f] cXjk p\Xi# Çk_\ nfic[ nflc[ Y\ X Y\kk\i gcXZ\ `] \m\ipfe\ Xk\ c\jj d\Xk%È @ jk`cc jkXe[ Yp k_Xk fg`e`fe# Ylk X]k\i jg\e[`e^ jfd\ k`d\ n`k_ JXe AlXe 9Xlk`jkX ^iXjj$]\[ ZXkkc\ iXeZ_\i Af\ Dfii`j# @ efn n`j_ kf glk X Óe\i gf`ek fe dp jkXk\d\ek% Industrial, mass-marketed meat is an environmental disaster, especially beef. In 2006, according to the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization estimate, meat production accounted for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in the form of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. The WorldWatch Institute upped the figure to 51 percent in a 2009 report that took things like animal dung, gas and breathing into account. Beef production is also environmentally costly when water usage is factored in. Numbers vary, but it is estimated that it takes 2,500 to 6,000 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of beef. Then there are all the pesticides and chemical fertilizers needed to grow the corn and soy used to feed cattle on land that might otherwise be used to grow food for humans. Like I said, it’s a disaster. But grass-fed beef, at least the kind produced by Joe Morris, is different. It can actually heal the earth. I wrote about Morris’ sustainable ranching practices in my story on meat-buying clubs earlier this year, but I gained a deeper appreciation of what he’s doing on a recent visit to one of the ranches where he runs cattle. Morris doesn’t so much raise beef cattle as steward watersheds and ecosystems. The cows eat grass. The cows poop on the grass, which feeds the grass and enriches the soil. Enriched soil holds more water and organic matter and grows more grass, which feeds the cattle, which poop on the grass, and so and so on. The health of each is linked to the whole. It’s an elegantly simple, closed-loop system. Cattle are meant to eat grass, not corn or other grains (yes, corn is technically a grass but it’s been bred for its seeds). The grass that Morris’ cattle eat doesn’t require water. (Remember, industrial beef requires 2,500 to 6,000 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of meat). The grass grows wild without water. Even more exciting is the fact that wellFor more managed pastures serve as carbon sinks: i.e., carbon information, go to in the atmosphere that would otherwise speed us to morrisgrassfed .com our doom is sequestered in the earth. True, the cattle are still emitting gasses into the environment in the form of methane, uh, emissions, but the carbon that’s sequestered in the soil accounts for a net decrease in carbon in the atmosphere. That’s a very good thing, especially if more ranchers went the grass-fed route. If you’re a vegetarian because you think it’s wrong to kill animals, you’re not going to embrace grass-fed beef. But if you don’t eat meat because of environmental reasons, supporting ranchers like Morris and offering an alternative to industrial meat does the earth a favor. Great-tasting burgers are just a side benefit. ÆJk\kk ?fcYiffb

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Beefing Up

Moree din Mor dining ning cover coverage age

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


# Cowboy#


# Starting

May 8th#

Sat 7am-11:30am • Sun 7am-1pm


All You Can Eat $ SPARE RIBS


Includes: 2 Side Dishes • Garlic Bread Bottomless Soda

Wed.—Fri. 4pm–9pm

15466 Los Gatos Blvd. (Next to Trader Joe’s)

(408) 356-5768 M-F 11am-9pm • Sat. Noon-9pm • Sun. 3pm-8pm

SVDINING Ropa vvieja Ropa ieja iiss a cclassic lassic of of Cuban Cuban ccooking ooking aand nd tthe he sstewed tewed beef beef ddish ish iiss a ssolid olid cchoice hoice hhere ere as as is is tthe he ooily ily but but ddelicious elicious vaca vaca frita frita winner. Appetizers iiss aanother nother w inner. A ppetizers aare re sstrong, trong, ttoo, oo, bbut ut sskip kip the the ddisappointing isappointing CCuban uban ssandwich. andwich. 111am-9pm 1am-9pm daily. daily. Closed Closed Monday. Monday. 33132 132 Williams Williams Rd. Rd. 408.557.8914. 408.557.8914.

EELL T TULE ULE Mexican. Mexican. $$. $$. Most Most of of the the menu menu is is devoted devoted to to Mexican-American Mexican-American standards, standards, but but the the separate separate menu menu of of Oaxacan Oaxacan sspecialties pecialties is is where where El El Tule Tule really really shines. shines. The The black black mole mole is is uncommonly uncommonly delicious delicious while while lesser-known lesser-known dishes dishes like like tlayudas tlayudas and and molotes molotes are are also also good. good. 10am-9pm 10am-9pm daily. daily. 5440 5440 Thornwood Thornwood Dr. Dr. 408.227.1752. 408.227.1752.

FFLOWER LOWER FFLOUR LOUR FFrench rench bakery. flower bakery. $. $. Mimi Mimi Brown’s Brown’s fl ower shop/bakery shop/bakery charms charms visitors visitors with with freshly freshly made made to-droolto-droolfor for pastries, pastries, ready-to-go ready-to-go sandwiches sandwiches and and service service with with a smile. smile. 8am-6pm 8am-6pm Mon-Sat, Mon-Sat, 8am-4pm 8am-4pm Sun. Sun. 896 896 Willow Willow St. St. 408.279.0843. 408.279.0843. FUEL R FUEL RESTAURANT ESTAURANT AND AND LLOUNGE OUNGE CContemporary ontemporary Vietnamese. Vietnamese. $$. $$. Fuel’s Fuel’s menu menu is is more more traditional traditional than than other other modern modern Vietnamese Vietnamese restaurants restaurants but but still still mixes mixes things things up up with with nonregulation nonregulation ingredients. ingredients. Lunch Lunch 11am-2:30pm 11am-2:30pm Mon-Fri Mon-Fri and and Sat-Sun. Sat-Sun. Dinner Dinner 5-10pm 5-10pm Mon-Wed, Mon-Wed, 5-11pm 5-11pm Thu-Sat Thu-Sat and and 5-9pm 5-9pm Sun. Sun. 385 385 S. S. Winchester Winchester Blvd. Blvd. 408.248.0018. 408.248.0018.

GGIORGIO’S IORGIO’S FFamily-style amily-style Italian. Italian. $.. SSimple $ imple IItalian talian ccooking—the ooking—the with rrugged ugged kkind ind w ith SSouthern outhern IItalian talian lleanings, eanings, ffull ull ooff rrobust obust flavors fl avors aand nd ttangy angy ttomato omato Monssauces. auces. 111:30am-9:30pm 1:30am-9:30pm M onTThu, hu, 111:30am-10:30pm 1:30am-10:30pm FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 111:30am-10pm 1:30am-10pm SSun. un. 11445 445 Ave. FFoxworthy oxworthy A ve. 4408.264.5781. 08.264.5781.

GGREAT REAT W WALL ALL CChinese. hinese. $$. $$. mall TThis his sstrip trip m all hhideaway ideaway sserves erves sskillfully killfully pprepared repared CChinese hinese where ddishes ishes iin n aan n aatmosphere tmosphere w here ssandals andals aand nd TT-shirts -shirts aare re tthe he Beef pperfect erfect ffashion. ashion. B eef aand nd bblack lack mushrooms, m ushrooms, ssalt alt and and pepper pepper sspareribs pareribs aand nd ccashew ashew cchicken hicken marks. eearn arn hhigh igh m arks. 111am-2:30pm, 1am-2:30pm, Mon-Fri, 44:30-9pm :30-9pm M on-Fri, nnoon-9pm oon-9pm Bird Ave. SSat. at. 11409 409 B ird A ve. TTake ake oout ut aavailable. vailable. 4408.287.1688 oorr 2287.1689. 87.1689.

HABANA H ABANA CCUBA UBA CCuban uban and and Brazilian. Brazilian. $$. $$. A culinary culinary oasis oasis

full of of good good flavors, flavors, Habana Habana full Cuba Cuba eexudes xudes ccultural ultural delights. delights. Sensuous Sensuous foods foods of of the the Caribbean Caribbean and and Cuba, Cuba, long long on on tomato tomato and and peppers, peppers, slowslowroasted roasted meats meats and and earthy earthy black black beans. beans. Beer Beer and and wine. wine. 11am-2pm, 11am-2pm, 5pm-9pm 5pm-9pm Tue-Thu, Tue-Thu, 4-10pm 4-10pm Fro-Sat, Fro-Sat, 4-9pm 4-9pm Sun. Sun. 238 238 Race Race St. St. 408.998.2822. 408.998.2822.

HOSHI H OSHI JJapanese. apanese. $$. $$. Hoshi Hoshi is is Valley’s oone ne Silicon Silicon V alley’s sstandouts tandouts ffor or sushi sushi and and small small plates. plates. Great G reat sake sake selection, selection, too. too. Lunch Lunch 111:30am-2pm 1:30am-2pm Mon-Fri Mon-Fri and and ddinner inner 55-9pm -9pm Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. 246 246 SSaratoga aratoga Ave. Ave. 4408.554.7100. 08.554.7100.

HUNAN H UNAN T TASTE ASTE. $$$. $. CChinese. hinese. The The restaurant restaurant continues continues to to pack pack them them in in because because the the food food is is so so good. good. As As tthe he nname ame iimplies, mplies, the the restaurant restaurant specializes specializes in in the the fiery, fiery, hearty hearty food food of of China’s China’s Hunan Hunan province, province, making making it it one one of of the the few few restaurants restaurants in in the the Bay Bay Area Area to to do do so. so. 11am-2:30pm, 11am-2:30pm, 4:30-8:30pm 4:30-8:30pm Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. 998 998 N. N. Fourth Fourth St. St. 408.295.1186. 408.295.1186.

KAHOO K AHOO JJapanese. apanese. $ The The people people queuing queuing up up are are ramen ramen aficionados aficionados who who know know a good good bowl bowl of of ramen ramen when when they they find find one. one. And And they’ve they’ve definitely definitely found found one one here. here. 11:30am-2pm 11:30am-2pm and and 5-10pm 5-10pm Tue-Thu; Tue-Thu; 11:30am-3pm 11:30am-3pm and and 4:30-9:30pm 4:30-9:30pm Sat-Sun. Sat-Sun. 4330 4330 Moorpark Moorpark Ave. Ave. 408.255.8244. 408.255.8244. KUBOTA K UBOTA Japanese. Japanese. $ $$. $. A bbeautiful eautiful ddining ining rroom oom tthat hat sserves erves eexquisite xquisite rrice, ice, lluscious uscious rribs ibs aand nd ddecent ecent ssushi. ushi. FFull ull Mon-Sat, bbar. ar. 55:30-10pm :30-10pm M on-Sat, 55-9:30pm N.. FFifth 9 :30pm SSun. un. 5593 93 N ifth SSt.t. 4408.279.8440. 08.279.8440.

KUMAKO K UMAKO RRamen. amen. $ $.. Japantown Japantown now now has has its its missing missing ingredient—good ingredient—good ramen. menu ramen. Kumako’s Kumako’s m enu iiss simple, simple, ramen, ramen, curry curry rice rice and and a few few appetizers. appetizers. 11:30am11:30am2:30pm 2:30pm and and 5:30-9:30pm 5:30-9:30pm Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. 211 211 E. E. Jackson Jackson St. St. 408.286.2111. 408.286.2111. MENARA M ENARA M Moroccan. oroccan. $$$. $$$. SSince ince 1977, 1977, Menara’s Menara’s bbeen een tthrowing hrowing bback ack tthe he ppillows illows aand nd mint bbellying ellying uupp ttoo m int ttea ea rrituals, ituals, bb’stilla ’stilla ((pigeon pigeon ppie) ie) aand nd rrabbit abbit menus ttagine. agine. FFull ull ddinners inners m enus iinclude nclude vvegetarian egetarian ooption; ption; wine 6-10pm ssolid olid w ine llist. ist. 6 -10pm ddaily. aily. 4411 Gish Rd. EE.. G ish R d. 4408.453.1983. 08.453.1983.

MT. M T. H HAMILTON AMILTON GGRANDVIEW RANDVIEW Cowboy CContinental. Cowboy ontinental. $ $$$. $$. TThe he Grandview G randview is is an an old-school old-school rroadhouse oadhouse with with a warm warm aatmosphere. tmosphere. Add Add ddishes ishes like like


surf surf and and turf, turf, rack rack of of lamb lamb chasseur chasseur and and chicken chicken Cordon Cordon Bleu Bleu and and you’ve you’ve got got yourself yourself a destination. destination. 5-10:30pm 5-10:30pm Wed-Sun. Mt. Hamilton Wed-Sun. 9944 M t. H amilton Rd. Rd. 408.251.8909. 408.251.8909.

OMOGARI O MOGARI KKorean. orean. $ $.. O Omogari mogari makes m akes ggetting etting ttoo kknow now KKorean orean menu ffood ood eeasy. asy. TThe he m enu iincludes ncludes many ppictures ictures ooff m any ddishes, ishes, tthe he sservice ervice iiss ffriendly riendly aand nd tthe he ffood ood iiss cconsistently onsistently ggood. ood. TTry ry tthe he ddae ae ggee ee bbul ul ggoo ggi,i, marinated Open sspicy picy m arinated ppork. ork. O pen Mon-Sat. 111:30am-9:30pm 1:30am-9:30pm M on-Sat. 1154 54 EE.. JJackson ackson SSt.t. 4408.280.6588. 08.280.6588.

ORLO’S O RLO’S N New ew A American. merican. $ $$$. $$. On On the the lush lush grounds grounds of of the the historic historic Hayes Hayes Mansion, Mansion, this this is is one one beautiful, beautiful, luxurious luxurious dining dining room, room, with with menu menu and and excellent excellent service service to to match. match. 5:30-9:30pm 5:30-9:30pm Tue-Sat. Tue-Sat. Hayes Hayes Conference Conference Center, Center, 200 200 Edenvale Edenvale Ave. Ave. 408.226.3200. 408.226.3200. RAMEN R AMEN H HALU ALU Japanese Japanese noodles. noodles. $$. $$. Surfer-themed, Surfer-themed, casual-but-comfy, casual-but-comfy, chef chef Kumao Kumao Arai’s Arai’s nnoodle oodle house house imports imports traditional traditional ttechniques echniques to to produce produce hearty, hearty, aromatic aromatic bbowls owls stocked with stocked w ith ppork-, ork-, ssea-saltea-saltor or soy-sauce-flavored soy-sauce-flavored bbroth. roth. Cash Cash oonly. nly. Call Call aahead; head; hhours ours aare re irregular. irregular. 375-M 375-M S. S. Saratoga Saratoga Ave. Ave. 408.246.3933. 408.246.3933. RANGOLI R ANGOLI Indian. Indian. $ $.. R Rangoli angoli sspices pices uupp tthe he CCambrian ambrian aarea rea with w ith eexcellent xcellent IIndian ndian ffood. ood. TThe he rrestaurant estaurant iiss bbeautiful eautiful aand nd iits ts ffood ood aand nd sservice ervice llargely argely match m atch iits ts ddécor. écor. LLunch unch bbuffet uffet Mon-Fri, 111:30am-2:30pm 1:30am-2:30pm M on-Fri, ddinner inner 55-9:30pm -9:30pm SSun-Thu, un-Thu, 55-10pm -10pm FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, bbrunch runch nnoonoonUnion Ave. 33pm pm SSun. un. 33695 695 U nion A ve. 4408.377.2222. 08.377.2222.

RASA R ASA M MALAYSIAN ALAYSIAN Malaysian. $$. Rasa Malaysian M alaysian. $ $. R asa M alaysian iiss a hhomey omey rrestaurant estaurant tthat hat ooffers ffers a nnumber umber ooff ssolid olid Malaysian eexamples xamples ooff M alaysian ffood ood iincluding ncluding ssatay atay cchicken, hicken, cchar har ttway way kkeow eow aand nd ssambal ambal kkangkung. angkung. 111am-3pm 1am-3pm aand nd Mon-Fri 55-9pm -9pm M on-Fri aand nd 111am1am9pm Ave. 9 pm SSat. at. 11290 290 CColeman oleman A ve. 4408.980.0668. 08.980.0668.

SSELAM ELAM. $$.. EEthiopian thiopian aand nd Often EEritrean. ritrean. O ften iit’s t’s the the places places work find yyou ou hhave ave ttoo w ork ttoo fi nd tthat hat tturn urn oout ut ttoo bbee tthe he ggood ood oones. nes. SSelam elam iiss ttucked ucked aaway way iin na mall Winchester Boulevard, m all ooff ff W inchester B oulevard, bbut ut tthe he ffood ood iiss a rreal eal sstandout. tandout. 110am-10pm 0am-10pm ddaily. aily. 33120 120 Williams W illiams SSt. t. 4408.984.9600. 08.984.9600.

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377 3

Moree din Mor dining ning cover coverage age


CHOICES BY: 9\Xl ;fnc`e^ D`Z_X\c J% >Xek Jk\m\ GXcfgfc` I`Z_Xi[ mfe 9ljXZb

John Gerbetz

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y




M`j`feXip 8E;P >FLM<@8 j_fnj `e G_Xekfd >Xcc\i`\j ]fi Jflk_ =`ijk =i`[Xp%

*wed *thu

BALLET SAN JOSE Center for the Performing Arts, San Jose



Thu-Sat, 8pm, Sun, 1:30pm; $16-$47

Blank Club, San Jose 9pm; free

VooDoo Lounge, San Jose Thu – 9:45pm; $5

I Am Empire plays radio-friendly rock with more hooks than a fisherman’s cap. Add in the fact they’re Christian, and it’s a potential gold mine. Well suited for girls with purity rings and guys with hair like a Highland pony, they do get points for booking their own shows and claim to have made it somewhat big without label support. Also appearing are Park Lane, Electric Valentine, Fighting the Villain and Blood on the Dance Floor. (BD)

Fans of Caddyshack will remember the infamous pool scene and wonder what these boys were thinking when they came up with their moniker. However, Floater’s going on its 17th year, and it seems the name has not been a deal breaker. The trio still boasts its original members and is touring its eighth release, Wake. Known for a rabid fan base and intense live performance, Floater has modernized its trademark alt-rock sound and continues to evolve by adding samples. (BD)

Ballet San Jose breaks out a trio of classics. Antony Tudor’s 1936 Jardin aux Lilas tells the tale of a forced marriage that leaves the bride and groom sadly parting from their respective lovers. The Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo first performed Léonide Massine’s Gaîté Parisienne in 1938; set to music by Offenbach, it uses can-can steps to high effect. The winner is George Balanchine’s 1957 Agon, a marvelous resetting of 17th-century court dances with music by Stravinsky. There is a special children’s matinee Saturday at 1:30pm. (MSG)

jXe[iX D\`a\ É8>FEÊ ]fi 9Xc i Xe[ ?Xf 9f [XeZ\ c\ k JXe Afj\%


SOUTH FIRST FRIDAY South First Street, San Jose Fri - 8pm until late; free The month begins with a night of openings and receptions in the SoFA District. Barron Storey shows his Bob Dylan-influenced works at Anno Domini, with performances by Troy Curtis and DeatHat. Andy Gouveia exhibits his spray-can pieces at 388 S. First St. Latin rock and live art are highlighted at South First Billiards. SLG Art Boutiki sets Karl Krumpholz’s portraits of weirdos to live music. Caffé Trieste displays Matthew Seigel’s scroll paintings. (MSG)

DANIEL DOYLE Texas Toast House, 15560 Woodard Rd, San Jose Fri – 5pm; free Austinite Daniel Francis Doyle can’t fire anyone in his band unless he fires himself. The endomorphic one-man bandster with tape loops recalls the tense quiet of minimalists Young Marble Giants: dropping the guitar and taking up the drums to break forth to seek bigger and scarier sounds. Recommended is “Your Cursive,” recalling that stomach-drop when a special letter from that someone arrives and even the very handwriting is enough to cause fear and trembling. (RvB)


LLAURIE AURIE A ANDERSON NDERSON May 5 att Memorial Auditorium, SStanford tanford

DAUGHTRY D AUGHTRY May 6 at HP Pavilion Pavilion



ELL CCAMINO AMINO Y YOUTH OUTH SSYMPHONY, YMPHONY, IICE CE CCREAM REAM SSOCIAL OCIAL CCONCERT ONCERT May Ma ay 8 at Schul Schultz tz Cultural Cultu ural Arts Hall, P Palo Alto al Al alo t to




May 9 aatt Montalvo al Arts rts Center C


# Ylk pfl ZXeÊk jkfg k_\ I@M Pfl ZXe Yi\Xb k_\`i Yfe\j

*ssat at THE T HE R RIVALS I VA LS Studio 13 at The Music Tree, Studio Tree, e Mor gan Hill Morgan Sat – 7pm; $10 SSan an Jose Jose ppunk unk bband and the the Rivals Rivals were were rrolling olling aalong long last last year, year, working working up up first ssongs ongs for for ttheir heir fi rst full-length, full-length, when w hen ddrummer rummer JJim im Azevedo Azevedo had had hhis is Spinal Spinal Tap Tap moment. moment. He He didn’t didn’t go go ssoo ffar ar aass ttoo sspontaneously pontaneously ccombust, ombust, wrist bbut ut he he did did bbust ust hhis is w rist up up pretty pretty ggood. ood. The The bband’s and’s llive ive show show has has while bbeen een oon n iice ce w hile hhee recovered, recovered, bbut ut they they rreturn eturn this this week week with with first Morgan ttheir heir fi rst sshow how in in M organ Hill. Hill. TThey hey weren’t weren’t iidle dle iin n tthat hat ttime, ime, finished writing tthough—they hough—they fi nished w riting

which tthe he ssongs ongs ffor or ttheir heir aalbum, lbum, w hich tthey’ll hey’ll rrecord ecord tthis his ssummer, ummer, aand nd tthey’re hey’re aalready lready pplanning lanning tthis his yyear’s ear ’s Halloween Manak H alloween bbash. ash. JJonny onny M anak aand nd Depressives tthe he D epressives oopen. pen. ((SP) SP)

JJUDGMENT UDGMENT D DAY AY Homestead Lanes, Cupertino Cup pertino Sat – 8pm; $8 Heavy-metal violins? Now, Now o , I know what you’re you’re thinking: Didn’t Didn’t Metallica try that? YYes, es, they did interesting. and it was . . . inter estin ng. The three-piece Judgement thr ee-piece band Judge ement Day, Day, on the other hand, doess it better. better. down When the devil went do own to Georgia, play? Exactly.. Geor gia, what did he pla ay? Exactly violinists Even ffans ans of virtuoso vio olinists like Jean-Luc Ponty appreciate Jean-L uc P onty will app preciate musicianship not only their musicians ship but also their ability to pull it off live. aree Batt Battlehooch, Also on the bill ar tlehooch, Dark Heavens, Case Case in Theory T and Northern N orthern Flickers. (BD)

*ssun un *m mon on WALLY W A LLY 4TET SSCHNALLE CHNALLE 4 TET Theatre on San P Theatre Pedro ed dro Square, Square, San Jose Sun – 4pm; $15 Schnalle—”it LLocal ocal talent Wally Wally Sc chnalle—”it rhymes”—has rhymes ”—has beenn playing for for walking 40 years, after walki ng away from fr om the 9-to-5 world worrld in ‘84 to teach percussion percussion and and edit Drum! magazine. Schnalle’s collaborators Schnalle’ss collabor ators are guitar,, Dann are Jeff Massanari oon n guitar Zinn on sax and Jaso Jason on Muscat on bass, previewing previewing some som me material that the quartet will be releasing releasing as a CD later this year. yeaar. (RvB)


Theatre on San P Theatre Pedro edro Squar Square, e, San Jose Mon – 7:30pm; $15 $ A nnew ew cconclave onclave of of classical classical with ccomposers omposers aappears ppears w ith tthe he SSan an JJose ose Chamber Chamber Orchestra Orchestra to to pperform erform nnew ew pieces pieces for for string string quartet. quartet. As As ppart art of of SJ SJ Chamber Chamber Orchestra’s Orchestra’s CComposition omposition CConnection onnection iinitiative, nitiative, iitt iiss aalso lso ddesigned esigned ttoo ffoster oster music ccontemporary ontemporary classical classical m usic ((see see ssouthbaycomposers.com). outhbaycomposers.com). ((MSG) MSG)


SSOUTH OUTH V VALLEY ALLEY SSYMPHONY YMPHONY May 9 at 5pm, 5 Mission is San Sa Juan Bautista au a


RICHIE R ICHIE H HAVENS AVENS M 13 att Montalvo May M talv ta t l Arts At Ar

WILD W ILD JJAM AM 20 2 2010 10 May 13 at HP Pavilion Pavilion avi


SSYMPHONY YMPHONY SSILICON ILICON V VALLEY, ALLEY Y, CCELLOS ELLOS A AND ND TC TCHAIKOVSKY HAIKOVSKY May 13, 13 May M 15 1515-16 16 at California Califfornia Theatre, Theatr re, e San Jose

BROOKE B ROOKE W WHITE HITE A AND ND MICHAEL M ICHAEL JJOHNS OHNS May 14 at Montalvo M Arts, Sar Saratoga aratoga a ga

CCHAYANNE HAYANNE May 15 at HP H Pavilion Pavilion avilio

M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M



Moree listings: Mor

ARTS RT S metroactive metr oactivve A


David Allen

Cantor Arts Center


Collection Highlight Opens May 5, Cantor Arts Center, Stanford From the ancients to Europe of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, the Cantor Arts Center displays some showcase pieces from its permanent collection of Greek, Roman and European art, including Mortimer’s sinister 1770 oil on panel Two Banditti.

TheatreWorks Gala 40 Sun, May 8, 8:30pm, Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts; $125 for concert In a celebration of 40 years of innovative playmaking and premieres, TheatreWorks celebrates with cocktails (5pm) and dinner (6pm) at the Microsoft Campus in Mountain View. An evening of entertainment follows with Vienna Teng, David Henry Hwang, and Brendan Milburn and Valerie Viogda (pictured) of Groove Lily.

Chris Ayers

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


Little Shop of Horrors May 7–16, Montgomery Theater, San Jose; $16–$23 Audrey II demands some “plant food” now in Children’s Musical Theater San Jose’s new production of the popular music about a flower that thinks way outside the pot.


sstage tage Dance D ance BALLET B ALLET SSAN AN JJOSE OSE The Spring The Spring Repertory Repertory 2 pprogram rogram features features works work s bbyy Massine, Massine, Tudor Tudor and and B alanchine. TThu-Fri, hu-Fri, 8 pm, Balanchine. 8pm, SSat, at, 1:30pm 1:30pm (children’s (children’s m atinee version) version) and and 8 pm, matinee 8pm, SSun, un, 11:30pm. :30pm. $30-$85. $30-$85. CCenter enter for for the the Performing Performing A rts, SSan an JJose. ose. Arts,

FFESTIVAL ESTIVAL OF OF THE THE ROAD SSILK ILK R OAD An evening An evening of of dance, dance, poetry poetry aand nd music music from from Central Central Asia Asia w ith B allet Afsaneh, Afsaneh, YYore ore with Ballet TTurkish urkish FFolk olk ddance ance EEnsemble, nsemble, W an-Chao Dance, Dance, SShahrzad hahr zad Wan-Chao D ance Company Company and and m ore. Dance more. SSat, at, 6 :30pm bazaar, bazaar, 8pm, 8pm, 6:30pm pperformance. erformance. $ 12/$18. $12/$18.

Mexican Heritage Mexican Heritage Plaza Plaza TTheater, heater, San San JJose. ose.

Opera O pera OPERA O PERA SSAN AN JJOSÉ OSÉ Puccini’s rarely Puccini’s rarely seen seen “La “La Rondine.” R ondine.” TThis his week: week: FFri, ri, 8pm, 8 pm, SSun, un, 3pm. 3pm. TThru hru May May 9. 9. $51-$91. $ 51-$91. CCalifornia alifornia Theatre, Theatre, SSan an JJose. ose.

Theater T heater AAPI A API ((RE)PRESENT RE)PRESENT An eevening An vening of of art, art, pperformance, erformance, music, music, dance dance aand nd more more by by members members of of American tthe he Asian Asian A merican & Pacific Pacific IIslander slander arts arts community. community. A SSouth outh Bay Bay First First Thursdays Thursdays ppresentation. resentation. Thu, Thu, 8pm. 8pm. FFree. ree. Theatre Theatre on on San San Pedro Pedro SSquare, quare, San San Jose. Jose.

AND A ND B BABY ABY M MAKES AKES SSEVEN EVEN A love love triangle triangle with with seven seven

sides from from Northside Northside Theatre Theatre sides Co. Co. Thu-Sat, Thu-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, Sun, Sun, 3pm. 3pm. Thru Thru May May 9. 9. $15/$20. $15/$20. Olinder Olinder Theatre, Theatre, San San Jose. Jose.

ANTON A NTON IN IN SHOW SHOW B BUSINESS USINESS Dragon D ragon Productions Productions offers offers a behind-the-scenes behind-the-scenes play play aabout bout staging staging Chekhov’s Chekhov ’s ““Three Three Sisters.” Sisters.” TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8pm, May 8 pm, SSun, un, 22pm. pm. TThru hru M ay 223. 3. $16-$25. Dragon $ 16-$25. D ragon TTheatre, heatre, Palo Alto. P alo A l to.

BEFORE B EFORE IIT TH HITS ITS H HOME OME A staged staged reading reading by by National N ational Coalition Coalition of of 100 100 Black B lack Women Women and and Tabia Tabia African A frican American American Theatre Theatre West’s EEnsemble nsemble ooff CCheryl heryl W est ’s pplay lay about about AIDS AIDS and and its its eeffect ffect on on a family, family, with with an an AIDS A IDS presentation presentation by by Harold Harold Atkins A tkins oon n SSat. at. Shows: Shows: FFri, ri, 77:30pm, :30pm, Sat, Sat, 11am. 11am. $5-$10 $5-$10 ddonation. onation. Theatre Theatre on on San San Pedro P edro Square, Square, San San Jose. Jose.


49 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


ARTS RT S metroactive metr oactivve A 48 FFLAMING LAMING IIDIOTS DIOTS A ccomedy omedy about about a mobster mobster aand nd a hhealth-food ealth-food store, store, by by SSanta anta Clara Clara Players. Players. This This week: 8pm, w eek: FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 8 pm, SSun, un, $16. May 22:30pm. :30pm. $ 16. TThru hru M ay 22. 22. Museum TTriton riton M useum Hall Hall Pavilion, Pavilion, University U niversity of of SSanta anta Clara. Clara. Music by Stephen Flaherty Lyrics by Lynn Ahrens Book by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty and Eric Idle Based on the works of Dr. Seuss

Join your favorite Dr. Seuss characters in a hilarious musical the whole family will enjoy!

May 15 - 23 Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts 650.903.6000

photo: Lyn Healy


GGYPSY YPSY The musical The musical story story of of stripper stripper Gypsy G ypsy Lee Lee Rose, Rose, her her sister sister JJune une aand nd her her domineering domineering Mama, M ama, with with music music by by Jule Jule Styne St yne aand nd lyrics lyrics bbyy Stephen Stephen Hillbarn SSondheim. ondheim. A H illbarn Theatre Theatre pproduction. roduction. Preview Preview TThu, hu, 8pm, Regular 8 pm, opens opens Fri, Fri, 8pm. 8pm. R egular sshows hows Thu-Sat, Thu-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, Sun, Sun, 22pm. pm. Thru Thru May May 30. 30. $17-$34. $17-$34. Hillbarn H illbarn ttheatre, heatre, FFoster oster CCity. ity.

LLITTLE ITTLE SHOP SHOP O OFF HORRORS HORRORS R Children’s M Children’s Musical usical TTheatre heatre Mainstage SSan an Jose’s J o s e’ s M ainstage rock musical. vversion ersion ooff tthe he ro ck m usical. TThis his week: week: FFri, ri, 77pm, pm, SSat, at, 2 aand nd 7pm, 7pm, Sun, Sun, 1 and and 6pm. 6pm. TThru hru May May 16. 16. $16-$23. $16-$23. Montgomery M ontgomery Theatre, Theatre, San San JJose. ose.


UPCOMING EVENTS AT MONTALVO Asia America Youth Orchestra David Benoit, Music Director & Conductor May 9, 3 pm $35/25; Members $31/22; Students w/ID $10 Celebrate Mother’s Day with one of southern California’s most talented youth orchestras performing the northern California premiere of Benoit’s “Native Californian”.

Richie Havens May 13, 7:30 pm $35/30; Members $31/27 Gifted with one of the most recognizable voices in popular music, “This acoustic soul giant truly seems to be getting more inspiring and graceful with age.” Billboard Magazine **Limited number of tickets available

Brooke White and Michael Johns May 14, 8 pm $35/30; Members $31/27 American Idol Season 7 finalists on tour together in support of their CDs. Brooke’s 2009 album High Hopes & Heartbreak was #7 on Billboard’s Independent Albums Chart and Michael’s 2009 album Hold Back My Heart received great acclaim.

All events at the Carriage House Theatre

Tickets: Montalvo Box Office 408.961.5858 M-F, 10am-4pm or ticketmaster.com montalvoarts.org

15400 Montalvo Road, Saratoga, CA 95070

The Tony The Tony Award Award winning, winning, reimagining Puccini’s re imagining ooff P uccini’s ““La La Boheme” following B oheme” fo llowing tthe he llives ives ooff eeight ight yyoung oung bohemians bohemians in in New N ew YYork’s ork’s EEast ast Village. Village. ThuThu8pm, SSat, at, 8 pm, Sun, Sun, 2:30pm. 2:30pm. Thru Thru May M ay 9. 9. $30, $30, $26 $26 sstudent/ tudent/ ssenior enior TThu hu and and Sat. Sat. Lucie Lucie Stern Palo Alto. St ern TTheater, heater, P alo A l to.

SSONIA ONIA FFLEW LEW Melinda Lopez’s Melinda Lopez’s pplay lay about about woman aw oman who who left left Cuba Cuba when w hen sshe he was was young young and and with iiss confronted confronted w ith ffamily amily ssecrets ecrets yyears ears llater ater aafter fter 9/11; 9 /11; ppresented resented bbyy San San JJose ose Rep. week: R ep. Previews Previews tthis his w eek: SSat, at, 8pm, 8 pm, Sun, Sun, 2 and and 7pm, 7pm, Tue, Tue, Opens 77:30pm. :30pm. O pens May May 14, 14, runs runs tthru hru JJun un 6. 6. $35-$74. $35-$74. The The Rep, R ep, San San Jose. Jose.

TO KILL KILL A M MOCKINGBIRD OCKINGBIRD A yyoung oung tomboy tomboy learns learns the the hhard ard ttruths ruths of of prejudice prejudice aand nd Depression-era pprivilege rivilege iin nD epression-era Alabama A labama in in this this tale tale of of hheartache eartache and and joy, joy, family, family, jjustice ustice aand nd common common ground. ground. TTue-Wed, ue-Wed, 7:30pm, 7:30pm, Thu-Fri, Thu-Fri, 8pm, 8 pm, Sat Sat 2 and/or and/or 8pm, 8pm, Sun Sun 2 aand/or nd/or 7pm. 7pm. Thru Thru May May 9.. $ $24-$62. forr tthe 9 24-$62. CCenter enter fo he Performing Arts, P erforming A rts, Mountain M ountain View. View.

Moree listings: Mor


CComedy omedy

May. May. Tue-Sun, Tue-Sun, noon-5pm. noon-5pm. Kelley Kelley Park, Park, San San Jose. Jose.


CContinuing ontinuing

An interactive An interactive improvised improvised ccomedy omedy show. show. All All ages ages welcome w elcome to to early early Friday Friday sshow how and and both both Saturday Saturday sshows. hows. 118+ 8+ ““Midnight Midnight SShow” how ” 111pm 1pm show show Friday. Friday. Fri, Fri, 9 and and 9pm. 111pm 1pm aand nd SSat, at, 7 aand nd 9 pm. $12-$15. $ 12-$15. CComedySportz, omedySportz, San San JJose. ose.


CCONAN ONAN O O’BRIEN ’BRIEN Coco brings Coco brings his his traveling traveling talk talk aand nd variety variety show show to to town town while w hile prepping prepping for for his his new new ccable able gig. gig. Wed, Wed, 8pm. 8pm. $39.50 $39.50 aand nd uup. p. SSJSU JSU Events Events Center, Center, SSan an JJose. ose.

IIMPROV MPROV Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: Chicano Chicano Kings Kings of of CComedy. omedy. $12. $12. Sinbad. Sinbad. $25 $25 8pm, TThu, hu, 8 pm, FFri, ri, 8 aand nd 10pm, 10pm, SSat, at, 7 aand nd 9pm, 9pm, SSun, un, 77pm: pm: $25. SSinbad. inbad. $ 25. SSan an JJose. ose.

ROOSTER R OOSTER T T.. FFEATHERS EATHERS Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: New New Talent Talent CComedy omedy CCompetition ompetition FFinals. inals. $15. 8pm, $ 15. TThu, hu, 8 pm, FFri, ri, 9pm, 9pm, SSat, at, 8pm: 8 aand nd 110:30pm, 0:30pm, SSun, un, 8 pm: David. $18. Also, 6pm: JJim im D avid. $ 18. A lso, FFri, ri, 6 pm: Half-a-Ween H alf-a-Ween Costume Costume Party Party aand nd Comedy Comedy Show, Show, Sunnyvale Sunnyvale $30. CCommunity ommunity SServices. er vices. $ 30. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.


aart rt Museums M useums Opening O pening CCANTOR ANTOR A ARTS RTS CCENTER ENTER “Collection Highlights “Collection Highlights From From EEurope urope 1500-1800, 1500-1800, Ancient Ancient Greece G reece and and Rome. Rome. A new new llook ook at at the the museum’s museum’s ppermanent ermanent holdings. holdings. Ongoing May O ngoing sshow how oopens pens M ay 55.. Wed-Sun, W ed-Sun, 111am-5pm, 1am-5pm, TThu, hu, 111am-8pm. 1am-8pm. SStanford. tanford.

EEUPHRAT UPHRAT M MUSEUM USEUM OF OF ART ART De Anza De Anza College College Student Student Art May A rt SShow. how. M ay 55-Jun -Jun 115. 5. Reception 8,, 55:30R eception JJun un 8 :30Mon-Thu, 77:30pm. :30pm. M on-Thu, 110am0am44pm. pm. De De Anza Anza College College CCupertino. upertino.

HISTORY H ISTORY P PARK ARK SSAN AN JJOSE OSE “Explore SSan “Explore an JJose ose P Parks— ark s— Open O pen to to the the Public Public Since Since 11850.” 850.” At At Pacific Pacific Hotel Hotel Gallery. G allery. Opens Opens May May 6. 6. Thru Thru

Original Beethoven Original Beethoven manuscripts, m anuscripts, first first eeditions, ditions, a lock lock of of the the composer’s composer ’s hhair, air, art art and and demonstrations demonstrations ooff hhistorical istorical kkeyboards. eyboards. Ongoing. Mon-Tue O ngoing. M on-Tue and and Thu, Thu, Wed, 111am-6pm, 1am-6pm, W ed, 111am-8pm, 1am-8pm, Fri, Fri, 11am-5pm 11am-5pm aand nd Sat, Sat, 1155pm. pm. SJSU SJSU King King Library, Library, San San JJose. ose.

CCANTOR ANTOR ARTS ARTS CENTER CENTER “The Eye “The Eye ooff tthe he B Beholder.” eholder.” Works W orks gathered gathered from from gifts gifts ttoo the the museum museum from from Ruth Ruth aand nd Robert Robert Halperin. Halperin. Thru Thru May Past, M ay 330. 0. ““Tracing Tracing tthe he P ast, Drawing D rawing the the Future: Future: Master Master IInk nk Painters Painters in in 20th-Century 20th-Century CChina.” hina.” Thru Thru Jul Jul 4. 4. “Longing “Longing ffor or Sea Sea Change.” Change.” A series series ooff video video pieces pieces by by artists artists working w orking in in Africa. Africa. Wed-Sun, Wed-Sun, 111am-5pm, 1am-5pm, TThu, hu, 11am-8pm. 11am-8pm. SStanford. tanford.

CHILDREN’S DISCOVERY CHILDREN’S DISCOVERY MUSEUM M USEUM “Living in “Living in Space,” Space,” allows allows kids kids ttoo learn learn about about the the Space Space SStation. tation. Thru Thru May May 9. 9. Also Also a vvariety ariety of of ongoing, ongoing, hands-on hands-on eexhibits xhibits ffor or kids. kids. Mon-Sat, Mon-Sat, 110am-5pm 0am-5pm aand nd SSun, un, nnoonoon55pm. pm. SSan an JJose. ose.

DEE SSAISSET D AISSET M MUSEUM USEUM “What Makes “What Makes a Picture Picture a Portrait?” P ortrait?” A show show about about where w here “figure “figure study study ends ends aand nd rrepresentation epresentation begins.” begins.” Uses U ses some some 50 50 works works from from tthe he museums museums collection, collection, with w ith pieces pieces by by Imogen Imogen CCunningham unningham and and others. others. Thru Thru JJun un 4. 4. Tue-Sun, Tue-Sun, 11am-4pm. 11am-4pm. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.

HISTORY H ISTORY PARK PARK SSAN AN JJOSE OSE Homes and Homes and businesses businesses ffrom rom early early Santa Santa Clara Clara Valley. V alley. Including Including a hotel hotel with w ith rotating rotating exhibits, exhibits, art art ffrom rom McKay McKay Collection Collection of of CCalifornia alifornia and and the the Paulson Paulson House. H ouse. Now Now at at McKay McKay Gallery: G allery: “Everyday “Everyday San San Jose: Jose: Paintings Wayne P aintings by by W ayne Jiang.” Jiang.” TThru hru May. May. Tue-Sun, Tue-Sun, noonnoon55pm. pm. SSan an JJose. ose.

ROSICRUCIAN EGYPTIAN ROSICRUCIAN EGYPTIAN MUSEUM M USEUM EEgyptian gyptian historical historical artifacts artifacts



M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


ARTS RT S metroactive metr oactivve A 50 and ddisplays. and isplays. O Ongoing. ngoing. M MononFFri, ri, 110am-5pm 0am-5pm and and Sat-Sun, Sat-Sun, 111am-6pm. 1am-6pm. San San Jose. Jose.

SSAN AN JOSE JOSE MUSEUM MUSEUM OF OF ART ART “New Stories “New Stories From From the the Edge Edge Plastic ooff Asia: Asia: P lastic Life.” Life.” Thru Thru SSep ep 19. 19. “Wayne “Wayne Thiebaud: Thiebaud: SSeventy eventy Years Years of of Paint.” Paint.” Thru Thru Hyperreal.” JJul ul 44.. ““Real Real & H yperreal.” TThru hru Aug Aug 1. 1. “Juicy “Juicy Paint.” Paint.” The The ssensuous ensuous sside ide ooff ppigments. igments. FFeatures eatures pieces pieces by by Bischoff Bischoff Brown. 6.. TTueaand nd B rown. TThru hru JJun un 6 ueSSun, un, 111am-5pm, 1am-5pm, closed closed Mon. Mon. SSan an JJose. ose.

SAN JOSE SAN JOSE MUSEUM MUSEUM OF OF QUILTS Q UILTS AND AND TEXTILES TEXTILES “Poetic License: “Poetic License: The The Art Art of of JJoan oan Schulze,” Schulze,” retrospective retrospective Bay ffor or B ay Area Area Fiber Fiber artist. artist. ““Navajo Navajo Weaving Weaving in in the the Present P resent Tense: Tense: The The Art Art of of LLucy ucy and and Ellen Ellen Begay.” Begay.” Both Both May Daily, sshows hows rrun un tthru hru M ay 44.. D aily, 110am-5pm. 0am-5pm. San San Jose. Jose.

TECH T ECH M MUSEUM USEUM ”Technology Benefiting ”Technology Benefiting Humanity.” Ongoing. MonH umanity.” O ngoing. M onWed, 9am-5pm, W ed, 9 am-5pm, and and ThuThu9am-8pm. SSun, un, 9 am-8pm. San San Jose. Jose.

TRITON T RITON M MUSEUM USEUM O OFF ART ART “In the “In the Raw: Raw: New New Work Work by by Robert 6.. R obert Chiarito.” Chiarito.” Thru Thru Jun Jun 6 TTue-Wed ue-Wed and and Fri-Sun, Fri-Sun, 111am1am55pm. pm. Thu, Thu, 11am-9pm. 11am-9pm. Closed Closed Mon. M on. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.

GGalleries alleries OPENING O PENING ADDISON-PENZAK A DDISON-PENZAK CCENTER ENTER “Kindred Spirits: “Kindred Spirits: Echoes Echoes ooff Our Our Past.” Past.” A reception reception ttoo meet meet Carrie Carrie Zeidman Zeidman aand nd LLeah eah JJachimowicz, achimowicz, tthe he artists artists of of exhibit exhibit about about tthe he Holocaust Holocaust and and Israel Israel Day. IIndependence ndependence D ay. SSun, un, 11-3pm. -3pm. Jewish Jewish Community Community CCenter, enter, LLos os Gatos. Gatos.

ANNO A NNO D DOMINI OMINI “Re: Bob,” “Re: Bob,” new new paintings paintings by by Barron B arron Storey. Storey. Reception Reception Fri Fri eevening vening with with performances performances bbyy Troy Troy Curtis, Curtis, DeatHat, DeatHat, Lisa Lisa Dewey D ewey and and Ben Ben Henderson Henderson ffor or South South First First Friday. Friday. Thru Thru JJun un 119. 9. SSan an JJose. ose.

ART A ART AND ND W WELLNESS ELLNESS SSTUDIO TUDIO “Floating Thresholds.” “Floating Thresholds.” New New work w ork by by Kristine Kristine Idarius. Idarius. May Reception M ay 77-Jun -Jun 225. 5. R eception Fri, Fri,

5-8pm. Open Fri, 6-8pm, or by appt. Grace Grace Community Center, Center, San Jose.

ART CCLASS ART LASS CEN CENTER TER OFF SSAN JOSE O AN JO SE For South First Friday, Fridayy, an evening glass flowers show demonstration. and demonstr ation. San Jose.

CAFFÉ CA FFÉ T TRIESTE RIESTE “Whatt Is “Wh I Happening?” H i ?” Scroll S ollll Scr paintings by Matthew Seigel. Reception in the evening Fri performances includes perf ormances by Operaa San Jose singers. Thru Oper May 28. San Jose.

DOWNTOWN DO WNTOWN Y YOGA OGA SSHALA HALA “Re-Arrangements,” joint “Re-Arrangements,” show for for Jonathan and Joella KKermit. ermit. Thru May 28. San Jose.

GOOD GOO DK KARMA ARMA V VEGAN EGAN CA CAFE FE “Iconic Urbanity—Symbols Urbanity—Symbols Concrete of a Concr ete CCulture,” ulture,” paintings by Blaise Rosenthal. Thru May 28. San Jose.

LOS GATOS LOS GA ATOS COUNCIL COUNCIL CCHAMBERS HAMBERS “imPRESSions,” monotypes Valerie by V alerie Magee, Maryln Mori and Mercy Mercy Smuell. May 6-Jul 6Jul 8. Reception May 13, 6-8pm. Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. LLos os Gatos. Gatos

KALEID K ALEID GA GALLERY LLERY “Efflorescence,” lumen “Efflorescence,” prints by Shannon Amidon. “Preconscious,” “Pr econscious,” photographs photographs Schumacher.. by Centa Schumacher Reception Fri, 7-9pm. 7-9pm. Thru May 28. San Jose.

Moree listings: Mor

METROACTIVE.COM M ETROACTIVE.COM of works works by local students. May 99-30. “Cultural 30. “C ultural Kaleidoscope,” Kaleidoscope,” collaborative collaborative art by local students. May 930. Reception for for show May 12, 4pm. Tue-Sat Tuue-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun, 1-5pm, Tue-Thu, Tuue--TThu, 7-10pm. 7-10pm. Palo Alto. Palo Al to.

P PHANTOM HANTOM GALLERIES GALLERIES “Conversations” by “Conversations” by San San JJose ose artist artist Miguel Miguel Muchuca Muchuca ddisplayed isplayed in in windows windows on on SSouth outh First First Street. Street. Thru Thru May May 228. 8. SSan an Jose. Jose.

SILICON VALLEY SILICON VALLEY OPEN O PEN SSTUDIOS TUDIOS An aannual An nnual m multi-weekend ul ti-weekend eevent vent allows allows visitors visitors to to check check oout ut the the studios studios of of local local aartists rtists throughout throughout the the valley. valley. SSee ee www.svos.org www.svos.org for for details details oon n pparticipating articipating aartists. rtists.

SSLG LG A ART RT B BOUTIKI OUTIKI “Weirdos, Porn “Weirdos, Porn Stars Stars and and Other O ther Eccentrics,” Eccentrics,” works works by by KKarl arl Christian Christian Krumpholz. Krumpholz. Reception R eception with with live live music music for for SSouth outh First First Friday. Friday. Thru Thru May May 228. 8. SSan an Jose. Jose.

SSOUTH OUTH FFIRST IRST B BILLIARDS ILLIARDS “Fault-Lines,” an “Fault-Lines,” an installation installation bbyy Andy Andy Gouveia. Gouveia. Thru Thru May May 228. 8. SSan an Jose. Jose.

WORKS/SAN W ORKS/SAN JJOSE OSE Preview reception Preview reception for for members’ m embers’ benefit benefit auction auction on on FFriday riday as as part part of of South South First First FFriday riday event. event. Auction Auction takes takes May pplace lace M ay 222. 2. SSan an JJose. ose.




For South First Friday art walk, the gallery presents presents Through “Live Thr ough g This,” a tribute to Exene and Courtney LLove ove by TTurboMex. uurboMex. The Blank Manuscript opens. San Jose.

Anthony Montanino. Anthony Montanino. Oil Oil pportraits ortraits of of the the courtyards courtyards aand nd fountains fountains featured featured at at the the Guild. Park. G uild. Ongoing. Ongoing. Menlo Menlo P ark.

MARTIN LLUTHER MARTIN UTHER K KING ING JR. JR. LIBRARY LI BRARY “The Art of Protest.” Protest.” The show features features original silkscreen scr een posters about social protest pr otest movements of the ’60s and ’70s. Thru Aug 22. Special Collections, Fifth Floor,, San Jose. Floor

METRO ME TRO LLOBBY OBBY “Hunger Happens,” photos by South First Photo Collective. May 77-30. -30. Reception ffor or Friday.. San Jose. South First Friday

PALO P ALO AL ALTO LTO ART AR RT CENTER CENTER “Youth “Y Youth o Art,” annual exhibit

ANNO A NNO D DOMINI OMINI “Cloud Empire,” “Cloud Empire,” a solo solo show show bbyy Dimitri Dimitri Drjuchin Drjuchin of of New New YYork. ork. TThru hru May May 22. 22. San San Jose. Jose.

ART A RT O OBJECT BJECT GGALLERY ALLERY Paintings by Paintings by Sara Sara Cole Cole and and Rachel R achel Lazo Lazo and and collage collage by by Gutierrez. LLuis uis G utierrez. Thru Thru May May 15. 15. SSan an JJose. ose.

AXIS A XIS A ART RT GGALLERY ALLERY “On the “On the Edge,” Edge,” new new pieces pieces by by Richard R ichard Gullion, Gullion, Chris Chris Elliman Elliman Wed-Sat, aand nd Tony Tony Nozero. Nozero. W ed-Sat, nnoon-6pm. oon-6pm. SSan an JJose. ose.

FFILOLI ILOLI GARDENS GARDENS “Plein Air “Plein Air in in the the Garden Garden aand nd Beyond,” Beyond,” paintings paintings and and


MACLA M ACLA Annual Latino Annual Latino Art Art Auction Auction and and EExhibition. xhibition. Works Works show show thru thru May M ay 15. 15. Wed-Thu, Wed-Thu, noon-7pm noon-7pm aand nd Fri-Sat, Fri-Sat, noon-5pm. noon-5pm. San San JJose. ose.

MAIN M AIN GGALLERY ALLERY “Seasons,” works “Seasons,” works by by Arup Arup Biswas, Brandy Brune, B iswas, B randy B rune, Noerdlinger, EElizabeth lizabeth N oerdlinger, Metzger EErna rna M etzger and and Robert Robert May TTerrebonne. errebonne. TThru hru M ay 330. 0. Reception May WedR eception 55-7pm -7pm M ay 55.. W edRedwood SSun, un, 110am-3pm. 0am-3pm. R edwood CCity. ity.

MONTALVO M ONTALVO P PROJECT ROJECT SPACE SPACE “Seeing Light.” “Seeing Light.” Paintings Paintings by by Nicole N icole Schmoelzer Schmoelzer based based oonn her her interactions interactions with with the the Montalvo 6.. M ontalvo ggrounds. rounds. TThru hru JJun un 6 TThu-Sun, hu-Sun, 111am-3pm. 1am-3pm. SSaratoga. aratoga.

MOHR M OHR GGALLERY ALLERY “Urban Animals,” “Urban Animals,” paintings paintings by by Gomez. May EElizabeth lizabeth G omez. TThru hru M ay 330. 0. 6-8pm. 6 -8pm. Community Community School School of of Music Art, Mountain View. M usic aand nd A rt, M ountain V iew.

OLIVE O LIVE H HYDE YDE A ART RT GGALLERY ALLERY Annual textile Annual textile show. show. Thru Thru May May 115. 5. FFremont. remont.

SAN JOSE SAN JOSE INSTITUTE INSTITUTE OF OF ART CCONTEMPORARY ONTEMPORARY A RT “Work Out.” “Work Out.” A life-size life-size ppaper aper replica replica of of a gym; gym; an an Black. iinstallation nstallation bbyy LLibby ibby B lack. TThru hru Jun Jun 19. 19. “Modesto “Modesto CCovarrubias: ovarrubias: Liminal,” Liminal,” iinstallation nstallation piece piece by by San San JJose ose native. native. Thru Thru Jul Jul 3. 3. “By “By a TThread.” hread.” Thru Thru May May 15. 15. “Cat “Cat Mazza: M azza: The The Mill Mill Series.” Series.” A Night Night Moves Moves installation installation with w ith video video pixels pixels turned turned into into sstitchery. titchery. TTue-Fri, ue-Fri, 110am-5pm, 0am-5pm, SSat, at, nnoon-5pm. oon-5pm. SSan an JJose. ose.

THOMPSON T HOMPSON GALLERY GALLERY “Nathan O “Nathan Oliveira: liveira: SSit it Specific/ Specific/ CContent ontent and and Context.” Context.” Thru Thru May Art Depart, M ay 114. 4. A rt D epart, SSJSU. JSU.

VIEWPOINTS V IEWPOINTS GALLERY GALLERY “Urban Landscapes.” “Urban Landscapes.” Acrylic Acrylic ccityscapes ityscapes bbyy CCheryl heryl KKampe. ampe. Mon-Sat, TThru hru JJun un 55.. M on-Sat, 111am1am55pm, pm, Sun, Sun, 11am-3pm. 11am-3pm. Los Los Altos. A l tos.

Art A rt Etc. Etc. DISCOVERY AND DISCOVERY AND REMEMBRANCE R EMEMBRANCE The first The first in in a series series of of pprograms rograms called called “Where “Where Art Art

Originates: Artists Originates: Artists and and the the CCreative reative Process” Process” features features ppoet oet Mariko Mariko Nagai, Nagai, visual visual aartist rtist Jutta Jutta Strohmaier Strohmaier and and ccomposer omposer EEduardo duardo TTrevino. revino. Palo Alto TThu, hu, 77pm. pm. FFree. ree. P alo A lto Art Art CCenter enter Auditorium. Auditorium.

Patricia Machmiller Patricia Machmiller and and Tei Tei Matsushita M atsushita Scott Scott reading reading ffrom rom “Autumn “Autumn Loneliness: Loneliness: The The LLetters etters of of Kiyoshi Kiyoshi and and Kiyoko Kiyoko TTokutomi okutomi Mon, Mon, 7pm. 7pm. Willow Willow Glen G len LLibrary, ibrary, SSan an JJose. ose.


eevents vents Big Deals B ig D eals

A benefit benefit sale sale of of fabric fabric and and more museum. m ore ttoo bbenefit enefit tthe he m useum. 8-11pm. FFri, ri, 110am-5pm, 0am-5pm, 8 -11pm. SSat, at, 110am-7pm, 0am-7pm, SSat, at, 110am-3pm. 0am-3pm. Museum Quilts M useum ooff Q uilts & Textiles, Textiles, San San Jose. Jose.

Books B ooks DAVE D AVE BARRY BARRY The humorist The humorist is is on on tour tour for for “I’ll “I’ll Mature Mon, M ature When When I’m I’m Dead.” Dead.” M on, Menlo 77:30pm. :30pm. KKepler’s epler ’s M enlo Park. Park.

WALTER W ALTER BORTZ BORTZ A book book event event with with doctor doctor aand nd author author of of “The “The Roadmap Roadmap Wed, ttoo 1100.” 00.” W ed, 77:30pm. :30pm. FFree. ree. Menlo Park. KKepler’s epler ’s Books, Book s, M enlo P ark.

SSHEILA HEILA H HIMMEL IMMEL Edenvale Book Edenvale Book Club Club presents presents a ttalk alk bbyy tthe he aauthor uthor ooff ““Hungry: Hungry: A Mother Mother and and Daughter Daughter Fight Fight Anorexia.” Wed, A norexia.” W ed, 6pm. 6pm. FFree. ree. EEdenvale denvale Branch Branch Library, Library, San San JJose. ose.

GGUY UY GAVRIEL GAVRIEL KAY KAY A ssigning igning date date for for novelist novelist KKay, ay, aauthor uthor of of “Under “Under Haven,” Haven,” an an aadventure dventure set set iinn China. China. Sun, Sun, Menlo 22pm. pm. KKepler’s, epler ’s, M enlo Park. Park.

CCHRISTINA HRISTINA KIM KIM The LPGA The LPGA golfer golfer signs signs copies copies ooff her her book book “Swinging “Swinging From From Myy Heels.” M Heels.” TThu, hu, 77pm. pm. FFree. ree. Barnes B arnes & Noble, Noble, Eastridge Eastridge Mall, M all, SSan an JJose. ose.

LLAURIE AURIE R. R. KING KING A booksigning booksigning session session with with mystery m ystery writer; writer; her her latest latest is is God Hive.” ““The The G od ooff tthe he H ive.” TTue, ue, 77:30pm. :30pm. Free. Free. Kepler’s, Kepler ’s, Menlo Menlo Park. P ark.

LLOUISE OUISE NAYER NAYER The author The author of of “Burned: “Burned: A Memoir” M emoir ” talks talks about about her her nnarrow arrow survival survival of of a terrible terrible fire. fi re. TThu, hu, 77:30pm. :30pm. FFree. ree. KKepler’s. epler ’s.

SSANJAY ANJAY P PATEL ATEL A meet meet the the author author evening evening with Pixar w ith P ixar aanimator. nimator. TThu, hu, 77:30pm. :30pm. FFree. ree. Books Books IInc., nc., Mountain View. M ountain V iew.

WILLOW W ILLOW GLEN GLEN POETRY POETRY TThe he series series continues continues with with


ADVANCES IN ADVANCES IN WATER WATER RECYCLING R ECYCLING A talk talk by by Hossein Hossein Ashktorab Ashktorab of of tthe he Santa Santa Clara Clara Valley Valley Water Water District D istrict about about a new new waterwaterttreatment reatment facility facility for for San San JJose. ose. Tue, Tue, 11:45am, 11:45am, Lunch Lunch $12 $12 650.969.7215 ((call call 6 50.969.7215 ttoo rreserve). eser ve). Hangen Restaurant, H angen SSzechuan zechuan R estaurant, Mountain View. M ountain V iew.

DOWNTOWN SAN DOWNTOWN SAN JOSE JOSE MARKET FFARMERS’ ARMERS’ M ARKET Opening dday Opening ay ffor or tthe he ppopular opular market. pproduce roduce m arket. FFri, ri, 110am-2pm. 0am-2pm. Pedro SSan an P edro SSquare, quare, SSan an JJose. ose.

FFILOLI ILOLI GGOES OES T TO OT THE HE M MOVIES OVIES Annual flower Annual flower show show celebrates celebrates films fi lms through through bblossoms. lossoms. IIncludes ncludes floral floral arrangements arrangements aand nd a look look at at the the historic historic ggreenhouses, reenhouses, plus plus Sunday Sunday Mother’s M other ’s Day Day brunches. brunches. Reception R eception Thu, Thu, 55:30pm. :30pm. FriFriSSun, un, 9am-4pm. 9am-4pm. $10-$20. $10-$20. Filoli Filoli Gardens, Woodside. G ardens, W oodside.

JJUDY UDY CCHIRCO HIRCO A celebration celebration in in honor honor of of CChirco hirco 11th 11th State State Senate Senate District D istrict Woman Woman of of the the Year. Year. TThu, hu, 4:30-6pm. 4:30-6pm. Free. Free. Camden Camden CCommunity ommunity Center, Center, San San Jose. Jose.

MAMMA M AMMA M MIA IA A sing-along sing-along event event for for Mother’s M other ’s Day Day weekend weekend with w ith ccontest. ontest. Fri-Sun, Fri-Sun, 77pm. pm. $10/$15. $ 10/$15. The The Retro Retro Dome, Dome, SSan an JJose. ose.

NUCLEAR N UCLEAR R RISKS ISKS Siegfried Hecker, Siegfried Hecker, professor professor ooff engineering, engineering, about about “The “The Greatest Nuclear G reatest N uclear Risks.” Risks.” Tue, Tue, 77pm, pm, Free, Free, Rm Rm 201, 201, Hewlett Hewlett TTeaching eaching CCenter, enter, SStanford. tanford.

RUSSIAN-AMERICAN RU SSIAN-AMERICAN FFAIR AIR Food and Food and arts; arts; performances performances Dance bbyy FFirebird irebird D ance Theater, Theater, Bayer’s B ayer ’s Ballet Ballet Academy Academy and and Dance. FFantasy antasy D ance. SSun, un, 111am1amOshman 55pm. pm. O shman FFamily amily JCC, JCC, KKoret oret CCampus ampus ffor or Jewish Jewish Life, Life, Palo Alto. P alo A l to.


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Mother’s Day TAKING ITS CUE from a can’t-miss movie, the RETRO DOME in San Jose invites families to celebrate Mother’s Day with a Mamma Mia! sing-along. Everyone will receive a “fun pack,” costumes are definitely welcome and there will be prizes for the best amateur vocalist. Tickets are $10/$15. May 7–9, 7pm. The Mother’s Day Champagne Brunch ($40–$85) with live music and flowers at FILOLI GARDENS in Woodside takes place Saturday and Sunday. Also in a floral mode, GAMBLE GARDEN in Palo Alto serves a champagne brunch on Sunday at 11am or 12:30pm, for $50 and $65. MONTALVO ARTS CENTER opens its estate grounds for a buffet lunch with champagne on Sunday, with 11:30am, noon and 1pm seatings; $25 kids, $50 adults. A number of Mother’s Day concerts are scheduled for Sunday. Acoustic guitarist NANCY CASSIDY performs at 3pm at HIDDEN VILLA, Los Altos Hills; $10 adv/$15 door. GAIL DOBSON and her Jazz Trio play noon–4pm at POOR HOUSE BISTRO in San Jose. Live jazz is part of Community Day at SAN JOSE MUSEUM OF ART; free. The SOUTH VALLEY SYMPHONY welcomes flutist Pavitra Rengarajan and harpist Jennifer Cass for a Mother’s Day classical concert at 4pm at Mission San Juan Bautista; $15-$25.

Eating Out SANTANA ROW features a variety of options for the holiday, starting with gift packages that include a pair of free tickets to the upcoming Tim McGraw concert at Shoreline. LISA’S TEA TREASURES recalls genteel days past with an afternoon tea and a candlelight evening tea. AMBER INDIA serves Indian specials on Sunday for lunch (11:30am–4pm) and dinner (5:30–10pm dinner). VILLAGE CALIFORNIA BISTRO & WINE BAR lays out an extensive brunch spread, and ROUX LOUISIANA KITCHEN serves complimentary mimosas. THEA MEDITERRANEAN will be giving flowers to visiting mothers. SAKOON in Mountain View provide a mimosa brunch. In Cupertino, ARYA GLOBAL CUISINE boasts champagne brunch (10:30am-3pm) and music by Pasquale Esposito. FAZ in Sunnyvale serves its champagne buffet 10am–3pm. The brunch at TAIWAN RESTAURANT in Willow Glen also comes with champagne. Brunch starts at 10:30am at San Jose’s KOREAN PALACE. Also in San Jose, HENRY’S HI-LIFE welcomes moms for a special day out. QUATTRO, the valley’s best Italian restaurant (inside the Four Seasons

Hotel in East Palo Alto), weighs in with a four-course meal and dessert buffet. EMILE’S in San Jose offers Mother’s Day Magnifique, including brunch with mimosas, 11am-2pm, and dinner with champagne, 5:30-10pm. CASCAL in Mountain View also starts serving a special brunch at 10:30am. CAPER’S in Campbell welcomes early-rising

moms starting at 9am.ÆD`Z_X\c J% >Xek

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

drawings aatt tthe drawings he hhistoric istoric ssite. ite. 6.. TTue-Sat, TThru hru JJun un 6 ue-Sat, 110am0am33:30pm, :30pm, SSun, un, 111am-#:30pm. 1am-#:30pm. Woodside. W oodside.



South Bay Guitar Society present

Showcase Concert featuring

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Conan O’Brien I REMEMBER seeing Conan’s first late-night show ever, and I can tell you, the guy was a mess. Here’s a guy who already had to overcome being born a ginger, and now he was in over his head and scared as hell—and pretty much bombing. Back then, no one could have suspected there would ever be a Team Coco, a $40 million settlement with NBC or this victory comedy tour leading up to his new show on TBS that will supposedly change the late-night landscape forever. And once again, Jay Leno is the Official National Asshole. I love it! Still, do you think Conan would give it all up to have the rights to Triumph the Insult Comic Dog back? (I know, he lost the Masturbating Bear, too, but screw that guy. It was a great bit—for me to poop on.) Anyway, now every day is a popculture What’s Conan Doing Fest, which is a new level of inconceivable. He’s on 60 Minutes! He’s thinking about changing his band! It’s a long wait until fall, but in the meantime, why not enjoy his live show, in between repeat viewings of those three Simpsons episodes he wrote? —Jk\m\ GXcfgfc`

John Vidovic

Sofia Gleeson Brian Moran

Neil Hogan

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


Saturday May 15 8 PM Theatre On San Pedro Square 29 N. San Pedro Street, San Jose tix: $20/15 on-line: www.sbgs.org or call 408 292-0704

Discover the Arts www.svArts.org

53 SAN JOSE SAN JOSE MUSEUM MUSEUM OF OF ART ART DAY CCOMMUNITY OMMUNITY D AY With jazz, With jazz, art, art, games games and and pperformances. erformances. Sun, Sun, aallll dday. ay. Museum FFree. ree. SSan an JJose ose M useum of of Art. Art.

TEEN T EEN D DANCE ANCE High school High school students students are are iinvited nvited to to celebrate celebrate Israel Israel Day. IIndependence ndependence D ay. SSat, at, 77-110pm. 0pm. Addison-Penzak Addison-Penzak Jewish Jewish CCommunity ommunity CCenter, enter, LLos os Gatos. Gatos.

Driving Schools!

THEATREWORKS T HEATREWORKS GGALA ALA 4 40 0 The ccompany The ompany ccelebrates elebrates 40 40 with yyears ears w ith ttributes ributes ttoo aartistic rtistic

director director Robert Robert Kelley Kelley and and Frank Frank Quattrone. Quattrone. Performers Performers include include Vienna Vienna Teng, Teng, Brendan Brendan Milburn, Milburn, Valerie Valerie Vigoda Vigoda and and David David Henry Henry Hwang. Hwang. Sat, Sat, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. $125 $125 (call (call 650.463.1960 650.463.1960 for for details.) details.) Center Center for for the the Performing Performing Arts, Arts, Mountain Mountain View. View.

FFor or K Kids ids



For both For both casual casual joggers joggers and and ddistance istance runners runners through through Willow W illow Glen. Glen. Register Register at at www.willowglen5k.org. w ww.willowglen5k.org. SSat, at, 9am. 9 am. $20/$30. $20/$30. Will Will Glen Glen EElementary lementary School, School, SSan an Jose. Jose.

LLIES: IES: A GGONE ONE N NOVEL OVEL Author Michael Author Michael Grant Grant talks talk s aabout bout his his “Gone” “Gone” books books for for yyoung oung tteens. eens. Fri, Fri, 6:30pm. 6:30pm. FFree. ree. Park. KKepler’s, epler ’s, Menlo Menlo P ark.

Storytelling aand Storytelling nd book book swap swap forr ppre-K with members fo re-K ttoo 5 w ith m embers Art’s ooff TTeen een A rt’s Council Council reading. reading. Palo Alto SSat, at, 22pm. pm. FFree. ree. P alo A l to CChildren’s hildren’s TTheatre. heatre.

True Bromance ;8;;P ;@I<JK <[ ?Xii`jÊ ]Xk_\i Ó ^li\ `j ef ifc\ df[\c `e ÉKflZ_`e^ ?fd\%Ê

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The two redheaded brothers, minor-league baseball players who took up filmmaking, certainly had their game faces on for the cover photo. In the book, the Millers describe turning their autobiographical experiences into an indie project with all of the trimmings, including Skywalker Sound audio and ILM visual effects.

The Millers succeeded in raising a multimillion-dollar budget despite being nobodies. They write, “To those who no longer believe in the American dream, read this and say otherwise.” After a couple of years on the film-festival circuit—and garnering the Audience Choice Award at the Omaha Film Festival— the Millers’ film, Touching Home, is getting general release. Wearing every hat they could grab, the Millers direct, act and produce. Touching Home looks professionally done; visually, it celebrates one of the most beautiful areas in the world, Marin and Sonoma counties. But the level of honesty and acting capability wanes throughout the film. Touching Home is about hardball

players, but it’s a relentless game of softball. Twins Clint (Noah Miller) and Lane (Logan Miller) are back in town after having bottomed out in Phoenix as baseball hopefuls. They have returned to the Fairfax area where they were raised; they move in with their inert, alcoholic grandmother (former Catwoman Lee Meriwether) and their zany, uncle (Brad Dourif ). The two lads hustle little jobs, trying to save enough money to get back into tryouts next season. But the biggest obstacle in their life is their charming but hard-drinking dad, Charlie (Ed Harris), a transient who lives in the back of his truck. Clint—an unlettered, quicktempered young man—can’t sympathize with the father, even as he’s starting to follow in the old man’s footsteps: he’s loafing and drinking too much Lagunitas Ale. Meanwhile, Lane starts a romance with the local schoolmarm (Ishiah Benben)—and this affair causes

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55 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

metroactive FILM

more strife between the brothers. The film’s energy is strictly about the twins; “Bro is me, and I am Bro” is the way the Millers put it in their book. That kind of attachment doesn’t leave much room for anyone else in the picture, certainly not for Benben. This rivalry between identical brothers obsesses the Millers, and they think that obsession will affect the viewer, too. It doesn’t—it just gets uncanny. I understand why a colleague said she wanted to see Cronenberg’s Dead Ringers immediately after she saw this. The Millers might be right in the parts of bizarre twin hit men; they would really be able to let their intensity loose. Naturally, Harris’ consistent underplaying steals the camera from the Millers, especially when Clint is raging (again). Harris is particularly deft in what looks like a spot of muttering improv during a late-night scene in which he is being taken back to his truck. The chance to play another almost-ran loser must have appealed to Harris, even in this familiar melodrama drunkard’s part. In interviews, the Millers say that the film is their duty to their late father; he was a more interesting kind of drinker, according to the book. But it’s one thing to build a memorial, and it’s another to make that memorial a polished commercial proposition and charge admission. The film’s contrivance of image (there must be 30 perfect sunsets in this film) matches contrivance of plot (“SF Giants to Hold Open Tryout at Local Field,” reads a newspaper headline). The Steinbeck-lite ideas and Dourif ’s Smithfield-quality hamming; the exercise montages: they all lead to something that’s less like the future of indie film and something more like yesterday’s Chevy truck commercial.

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


metroactive FILM


science students. (Opens May 7 at Camera 3 in San Jose.)



(PG) A documentary about infants in all forms. (Opens May 7)

IRON MAN 2 (PG-13; 124 min.) Robert Downey Jr. returns to do battle with an over-the-top Mickey Rourke as Ivan Vanko. (Opens May 7.)

MID-AUGUST LUNCH (Unrated; 75 min.) A drama about a middle-aged Roman man who finds a way out of his dismal situation in a surprise turn of events. (Opens May 7 at Camera 3 in San Jose.)

PLEASE GIVE (R; 90 min.) See review on page 57. (Opens May 7 at Los Gatos Cinema, CinéArts SantanaRow and Cinérts Palo Alto.)

TOUCHING HOME (PG-13; 108 min.) See review on page 56. (Opens May 7 at Camers 3 in San Jose.)

WHIZ KIDS (Unrated; 80 min.) An inspirational documentary about three young

BUGAMBILIA (1945) Dolores del Rio stars as the daughter of a rich widower who falls in love with a handsome but inappropriate young man she can’t have, Pedro Armendariz. This Emilio Fernandez drama traffics in all the high emotions of vintage Hollywood costumers, most notably Wuthering Heights. (Shows May 10 at 2pm at La Biblioteca Latinoamericana, San Jose.)

GENEVIEVE/GREEN FOR DANGER (1953/1946) Genevieve is a charmer about the rivalry between a pair of Londoners, which must be settled in a race on the Brighton road: the weapons being a pair of antique steampowered cars built in 1904. Kenneth More plays the more abrasive competitor whose new squeeze (Kay Kendall) has one of the most illustrious drunk scenes in British cinema. BILLED WITH Green for Danger. During the Blitz, a murder

takes place at a hospital; Inspector Cockrill (Alastair Sim) investigates. Trevor Howard is the main suspect; Sally Gray, born Baroness Oranmore and Browne, co-stars as an appealing nurse. (Plays May 12-14 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)

MAMMA MIA! (PG-13; 108 min.) Lovely but dim Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) invites three men who might have been her father to her wedding, as a surprise to her mother Donna (Meryl Streep). Two members of Donna’s former band (Julie Walters, Christine Baranski) have arrived for the wedding, coincidentally with the three father contenders: Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgard and the dashing architect or something Sam (Pierce Brosnan). Brosnan is the most unlikely singer ever to emerge from Ireland, yet his rapport with Streep is the only drama that works here. Standing on a cliff, Streep gives “The Winner Takes It All” Streisand-level force. Here and there are times when this twee musical isn’t as bad as it sounds. This special Mother’s Day weekend presentation is designed to be totally interactive, so come prepared to belt along with the stars. There will be prizes for the best audience warblers. (Fri-Sun at 7pm at the Retro Dome in San Jose.) (RvB)

NILES FILM MUSEUM May 8: Don Q, Son of Zorro (1926).

Circa 1850: Visiting Californian Don Cesar de Vega (Douglas Fairbanks Sr.) is the toast of Madrid after he holds off a wild bull escaped from the toreadors. The queen invites de Vega to her court. There, Cesar attracts the attention of Dolores, a general’s daughter (a young and ravishing Mary Astor). Unfortunately, Cesar is wrongfully implicated in a murder and calls for help from his father, Don Diego de Vega: Zorro. Zorro appears in only the last 15 minutes of this lesser Fairbanks film, notable for some novel uses of a bullwhip and the usual bracing stunts by the star. BILLED WITH Modeling (1926), the Duck Amuck of the 1920s, with the affable Koko the Clown rebelling against his cruel boss Dave Fleischer in an ingenious live action/animation cross. Also: Mama Behave (1926): a Leo McCarey–directed Charlie Chase comedy, in which Chase impersonates his twin brother to find out if his own wife is chaste. (Plays May 8 at 7:30 in Fremont at the Edison Theatre.) (RvB)

ONLY ANGELS HAVE WINGS/ GUNGA DIN (Both 1939) A group of Hemingwayesque pilots haul mail over the Andes in planes that don’t always make it home. The film brings out the eloquence in many a critic, but despite the fine cast, I don’t buy it. Jean Arthur’s brave, classy heroine facing off against Cary Grant’s supposedly disinterested pilot is some people’s ideal vision of grace under pressure. Despite the atmospheric sets, it’s often preposterous. Compare it to the similar The Wages of Fear, which is smart enough to ask the right questions about what the cargo was, why these lives are so cheap and who sent the men to die in the first place. BILLED WITH Gunga Din. The grandfather of the Indiana Jones movies. The film is based on Kipling’s very serious barracks ballad, but one doubts he would recognize it. Director George Stevens and screenwriter Ben Hecht (among others) transformed and mocked what was then a common kind of movie about rollicking fraternal soldiers, complete with the usual canny sergeant (Victor McLaglen). In this tall tale, soldiers of the Royal Sappers stationed on the North-West Frontier hold the line against an uprising by the stranglercult of Kali. Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and Grant—at the peak of his athleticism—play the ripping-yarn Victorian adventure for all it’s worth. It was shot very expensively in the California high-desert country, which

looks quite a bit like the Hindu Kush; the photography is by Joseph H. August, but at times you would swear it was the work of Ansel Adams. Sam Jaffe stars as the title carrier, a bhisti (water carrier) who becomes a saint. (Plays May 8-11 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)

RUGGLES OF RED GAP/ TWENTIETH CENTURY (1935/1934) Charles Laughton plays an English butler lost in a frontier poker game; he brings a little civilization to his new employer, a rancher (Charles Ruggles), while he also learns a little about the American tradition (as expounded in the Gettysburg Address, read to the teeth by Laughton). BILLED WITH Twentieth Century, with John Barrymore as exasperating producer Oscar Jaffe forcibly rekindling his relationship with his protégé Lily Garland nee Mildred Plotka (Carole Lombard, in a star-making part). One of the monuments of screwball comedy. (Plays May 5-7 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)

Reviews EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP (Unrated, 87 min.) A highlight of film in 2010. The documentary’s actual subject isn’t street art per se, or even the career of the director, the elusive graffitist Banksy. Instead, director Banksy narrates a truelife parable about the career of a boutique owner named Thierry Guetta. Guetta is a friendly, muttonchopped (and slightly muttonheaded) L.A. boutique owner whose video documentation of a covert scene led to his becoming a celebrity artist named “Mr. Brainwash.” Banksy’s art has soul as well as easily accessible political content. He takes on well-guarded subjects of oppression, from the British pound note to the Israeli security wall. Exit Through the Gift Shop is about anonymous craftsmanship eclipsed by the sun-gun of self-publicity, of illegal attacks on consensus reality, elbowed aside by fraudulence and hucksterism on a Dali-level scale. Inevitably, hype, pandering and foolishness replaced the artist’s sacred tools of silence, exile and cunning. (RvB)

FURRY VENGEANCE (Pg; 92 min.) The animals fight back when a developer starts to build in the forest. At last, a movie in which the raccoon (the smartest and most engaging of creatures) is the hero. Also stars Brendan Fraser and Brooke Shields.

HARRY BROWN (R; 102 min.) Probably indefensible but far better than the average customary raging-geezer vigilante movie; we’ve seen this movie before but rarely done this crazy,

almost halfway to Gaspar Noé in its fatefulness, grim urban surfaces and misanthropy. Michael Caine as Harry Brown—a cautious, ill old Londoner with little left to lose—gives us everything Caine ever had in his prime: here is both the decency and the steel beneath it. It’s a happy experience watching Brown slowly decide to do what this movie assures

him he needs to do. But Harry Brown isn’t dead from the neck up. Director Daniel Barber disguises the manipulation in the film as best he can. He finds pity in the story. (RvB)

HOT TUB TIME MACHINE (R; 100 min.) Sublime, but not dainty. Due to a wormhole, observed by a hot tub repairman or a Time


Piotr Redlinski © 2008, Property of Sony Pictures Classics

(PG-13, 128 min.) Roman Polanski’s freezer-burned comedy/thriller concerns former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, excuse me, Adam Lang (Pierce Brosnan), who has settled in a ghoulish modernist bunker of a seaside house to finish up his memoirs. The witty script has it that the PM got a $10 million advance for an absolutely unpublishable book. Enter a hired writer named the Ghost (Ewan McGregor). Meanwhile, the PM’s sexy shrew of a wife, Ruth (Olivia Williams), noses out her husband’s affair with his assistant (Kim Cattrall). One admires how much Polanski got out of two TV hobgoblins like Cattrall and Jim Belushi, as a swinish publisher who conducts himself like Lex Luthor. The surprise in this plot is revealed through some expertly played Boston Brahmin threat by Tom Wilkinson. Yet The Ghost Writer is a typical old director’s movie: slow, morbid, never quite sexy enough and full of self-reference. Trapping us in the house is a classic maneuver of Polanski; leaving us there is something like an act of forgetfulness. (RvB)

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‘Please Give’ IN A WAY, Nicole Holofcener discovered Catherine Keener. After her 1996 indie film Walking and Talking, it was clear that Keener wouldn’t be used merely for a capacity for tragedy. Holofcener discerned the sardonic qualities behind what’s essentially a sad, drawn face. The partnership continues in the occasionally funny Please Give. Here, Keener has an againsttype role as a bleeding heart in Manhattan. Kate (Keener) owns a boutique, making money reselling furniture she buys cheap at estate sales. She tangles with her adolescent Gc\Xj\ >`m\ daughter, Abby (Sara Steele), and suffers R; 90 min. through her guilt at, essentially, making money from other people’s deaths. She Directed by Nicole Holofcener and also has a tenant, Andra (Ann Morgan starring Guilbert), an exasperating old lady whose Catherine Keener apartment Kate is planning to annex as Opens May 7 soon as the crone dies. Holofcener hasn’t developed much as a visual filmmaker in the past 15 years—she still favors the walking and talking shot. Visual humor is a little beyond her, though she tries: in a gag of a lover’s face in midsex panting next to a statue of Buddha or in the vintage slapstick of a man dropping a valuable vase. She leaves you with the words, and the words are runners-up in The New Yorker cartoon-caption contest: one line, for instance, about a spuriously valuable piece being from “the antique era.” Please Give spirals out to include Andra’s toxically grandparented offspring: one named Rebecca (Rebecca Hall), a dog-walking pal to the angry Abby; and Rebecca’s sister, Mary (Amanda Peet), who supplies a romantic interest to Kate’s distracted husband. The doughy husband (Oliver Platt) is drawn by Mary’s refreshing curtness. So are we. Since there isn’t a traditional Catherine Keener character in this comedy, we’re more taken with her surrogate, in the form of Peet’s ruthless energy. In a movie, as in a sporting competition, we’re drawn to the player who wants it more.ÆI`Z_Xi[ mfe 9ljXZb

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metroactive FILM Lord or something (Chevy Chase), three idiots (Craig Robinson, Rob Corddry and the ever soulful John Cusack) are transported back to their happier past at a ski resort in 1986. Accidentally transported with them is 24-year-old Jacob (the hilarious Clark Duke), a depressed middle-aged-man-in-training whose life may depend on the events of the night to come. Certainly the funniest and grimiest ďŹ lm since The Hangover, but Hot Tub Time Machine’s editing is ruthless, almost to the point of resembling a comingattractions reel. Rather than looking like a frenzied mess, however, it is more like there was some brilliant four-hour version that was cut down to a ragged but right shape. Cusack and Corddry do things here that you will still be laughing about 10 years from now: examples being Corddry’s violent unplugging of himself from a hospital bed or Cusack’s monologue about the day life went wrong for him, a tale as funny as the story in Gremlins about the Santa who ruined Christmas. (RvB)

KICK-ASS (R; 113 min.) Dave, a home-brewed costumed vigilante (Aaron Johnson), meets up with real professionals in the ďŹ eld: a Batman and Robin– esque father-and-daughter team (Nicolas Cage, and the excellent Chloe Moretz, who was the wise little girl in (500) Days of Summer). Entertaining in parts, but director


Matthew Vaughn has no feeling for the romance and mystery and vigilante lore: the movie has a nasty fanboy quality, a hermetic focus that doesn’t see anything beyond the purpose of beating bad guys bloody. Cage carries the movie’s ambiguity deftly—he’s enough of a serious comic book reader that he knows it’s a dreadful thing when a father bends his child to revenge. Bloody-minded little girls (thank heaven for them) may like Moritz. It’s nuts to call Kick-Ass the next Watchmen. The slamming violence and the dullard noms de guerre these superheroes pick for themselves show a comicbook tradition at the end of a line. (RvB)

LA MISSION (R; 1 hr., 53 min.) Che (Benjamin Bratt) is an SF Muni conductor, a hobby mechanic and an ex-con, single-parenting his son, Jesse (Jeremy Ray Valdez). What he doesn’t know is that Jesse has a secret life—and a boyfriend who lives in St. Francis Wood. Che’s outright rage at his son’s sexuality is tempered by the attentions of his lovely new neighbor Lena (Erika Alexander). Any positive representation of Aztlan has to be applauded; the scenes of highly polished lowriders gliding through the Mission make their own statement of beauty and pride. Bratt is the deďŹ nition of movie-star gravity: a man doing nothing but thinking about stuff and making

it look interesting. The ďŹ lm, then, is a celebration of San Francisco. Problem is, San Francisco may be San Francisco, but it is still a city. So some hard-to-credit idealization mixes uneasily with real, streetlevel violence. La Mission is a kind of overexempliďŹ ed view of San Francisco as a city of healing and refuge: a vision of a place where everyone is wounded, and almost everyone heals each other. (RvB)

THE LOSERS (PG-13; 98 min.) Five framed exsoldiers stuck in Bolivia head back to the United States to deal with the commanding ofďŹ cer who betrayed them. Zoe Saldana and Jeffrey Dean Morgan are slightly better than this comic-book adaptation deserves; there’s a new level of moral idiocy and emotional numbness in the freeze-framed death sequences and aming teddy bears. The color is so digitally pumped, it’s fuzzy; when I cleaned my eyeglasses on my shirttail for a second, the ďŹ lm looked exactly the same out of focus as it did in focus. Chris Evans, supposedly our next Captain America, plays the buff, chin-cabbaged computer expert in one after another wacky T-shirt, which we’re supposed to stop and admire every time the gag repeats. That’s emblematic of the way this ďŹ lm works: supposed quick stateof-the-art editing just gives us ďŹ ve angles of everything we’ve already seen. One character asking for an exposition in laymen’s terms, “Say it

For showtimes, advance tix and more, go to


Best Theaters -- SJ Merc, Metro & Wave Readers Always Plenty of Free Validated Parking All Sites Seniors & Kids $6.75 / Students $7.50 • * = No Passes $7 b4 6pm M-F / 4pm S-S, Holidays • = Final Week = Presented in Sony 4K Digital (C7 only) • Pruneyard/Campbell • 559-6900 • Pruneyard/Campbell • 559-6900 *IRON MAN 2 (PG-13) *BABIES (PG) *HARRY BROWN (R) OCEANS (G) THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES (R) HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON in 3D (PG) THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO (NR)

• 41 N. Santa Cruz • 395-0203 *IRON MAN 2 (PG-13)






again, only a lot slower and dumber,� sums up how Sylvain White directs. (RvB)

A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET (R) Samuel Bayer revisits the Freddy Krueger franchise with Jackie Earle Haley.

OCEANS (G; 84 min.) Since it is so episodic, real dramatic tension in the new Disneynature ďŹ lm Oceans lies in the question of how much bad news the children are going to be allowed to hear regarding the state of the oceans. The answer is “not muchâ€?—about three minutes, if that, during which the ravages of the purse seine and the plastic gyre are touched upon. The soundtrack music is better than the blockable metaphors: the ancient wisdom of a sheepshead wrasse, the smoochiness of a walrus and, most dunderheaded of all, the smiling face of our friend the great white shark. The ďŹ lm’s cuteness is, you know, for the kids. The tactic provides moments to clutch like a blanket when seeing the bottomless appetite under water, for instance, a horror-sequence of a school of sardines under Scud attack by plummeting cormorants, with sharks taking up the anks. (RvB)

THE PERFECT GAME (PG; 118 min.) The story of the Monterrey (Mexico) Industrial Little League team who made it to the world series in Williamsport in 1957. The reason to watch a movie about Little League is the same reason the league exists in the ďŹ rst place: talent spotting. None of the kids here are huge standouts, but director William Dear has a ďŹ ne adult cast: the very interesting Clifton Collins Jr. as the reluctant adult who turns the kids into a team; Cheech Marin, serious and warm, as the local priest; Bruce McGill as a well-fed rep of the major leagues; and Louis Gossett Jr. as a janitor with a remarkable past. Emilie de Raven (the murdered girl

in Brick) is a standout as a salty reporter. (RvB)

THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES (R; 127 min.) Elegant but staid murder mystery nibbles around the edges of the Dirty War. It’s the “Forget it, Jacobo, it’s Argentinatownâ€? view: the search for justice evaporating in 1974 Buenos Aires, with present-day sequences to frame a reopened investigation. It’s leavened by a ďŹ ne Mulder and Scully anti-romance between an attractive female criminal investigator, Irene (Soledad Villamil), and her attractively crumbling, Mastroiannish male assistant, Benjamin (Ricardo DarĂ­n). The ďŹ lm is as restless and jokey as a cop procedural show; every scene is on the mark, but there aren’t enough counterpoints to the assured ow of the story. The slick, vengeance-is-mine punch line isn’t very impressive either. (RvB)

THE SQUARE (R; 105 min.) The Edgerton brothers’ deadfall story has the ingenuity and simplicity of classic ďŹ lm noir. The local-backwater scene and the ambience of corrupt real estate development reminds one a little of John D. Macdonald’s Florida. But the opening (a pair of dogs leering, with tongues out, at an adulterous couple getting it on in a midsized sedan) could be nowhere but Oz. Construction supervisor Ray Yale (David Roberts, excellent at portraying moral corrosion) is putting up a small honeymoon resort. Yale is distracted by an illicit romance with a slim, brown-eyed married lady Carla (Claire Van Der Boom), whose husband is a surly mullethead (Anthony Hayes) who drives a tow truck. Carla discovers that her mullethead is concealing a dufe bag full of loot. The Square matches gritty 1970s visuals with some reections of new cinematic styles. In some respects, it’s a trad Australian cinematic lament for the spoiling of the land. (RvB)

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metroactive STYLE

Thread Level 8 JK@K:? @E K@D< K_i\X[`e^ `j Xe XeZ`\ek k\Z_e`hl\ ]fi Zi\Xk`e^ Zi`jg \p\Yifn c`e\j%

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?8M< 8CN8PJ [i\X[\[ ^\kk`e^ dp \p\Yifnj nXo\[% @kÊj `dgfjj`Yc\ efk kf ]\\c mlce\iXYc\ n_\e X nfdXe `j [i`gg`e^ _fk nXo fe pfli ]XZ\# gi\jj`e^ X Zcfk_ kf pfli Yifn `ej\ik jfle[ \]]\Zk _\i\ # k_\e pXeb`e^ `k f]] n`k_flk d\iZp% @ ZXe k_`eb f] m\ip ]\n Y\Xlkp XZk`m`k`\j k_Xk Zfeali\ lg jf dXep jkXikc`e^ j\ejXk`fej Xk feZ\% Last week, I learned that there is a better way. It’s cheap and clean, and

best of all, there are no chemicals involved. The method is called threading, and places to try it have been popping up all over Silicon Valley, with locations ranging everywhere from small independent salons to Valley Fair mall. Threading originated in India, although it is also practiced in the Middle East. Bollywood stars are known for the crisp brow lines that threading allows, as hairs are removed cleanly and in rows. Here’s how it’s done: a cotton thread is twisted and rolled along the surface of the skin, entwining the eyebrow hairs, which are then pulled quickly from the follicle. Because of this precision, threading is often

heralded as a better, longer-lasting hair-removal technique. Last week, I ventured over to HOLLYWOOD EYEBROW at the Oakridge Mall to try it for myself. At first glance, Hollywood Eyebrow resembled a chic hair salon: bright lights, hardwood floors and pictures of idealized beauties decorating the walls. Comfortable salon chairs made it clear that this was a get-up-and-go procedure. The whole process was as casual as letting someone do your makeup. When I sat down, the supplies were on a table right next to the chair: a single spool of thread and some moisturizer. That’s it. SWATHI SOMASHEKARA, my threader for the day, graciously demonstrated in the air how the thread trapped the hairs and twisted them out. Somashekara told me that she learned the threading craft in India and has been threading professionally in San Jose for five years. She wasted no time. Taking a single strand of cotton thread, she wound it methodically around her wrists and held a piece in her mouth. In a fluid bobbing motion, she began extracting the hairs quickly as I sat with cloaked wonder. I can’t lie: there is some pain involved, but it borders more on discomfort rather than injury. The experience felt like eyebrow tweezing gone wild—a very rapid plucking. And although my brow line was a little red afterward, it went away within minutes. The result was a very polished, clean eyebrow shape, minus the sticky irritation and inflamed face of waxing. What I liked the most about the threading procedure was how simple it was. The whole process felt very natural and void of embarrassing wax warfare. Plus threading has a rich cultural tradition that I appreciated. There’s a certain level of poignancy that comes with the idea that you’re experiencing ancient Indian artistry in your neighborhood mall.

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metroactive MUSIC

Fountain Heads

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th the he legends? F For or thr three ee dec decades, ades, th the he b est Ba ay Ar ea blues musicians m best Bay Area musicians,, man manyy off whom ha ave practic ally b ecomee have practically become le egends themselv es ar ound these legends themselves around pa arts, ha ave b een the ccornerstone ornerstone of parts, have been th he festival. feestival. The y’ve back ed up th he the They’ve backed the bi ig names age or with h an big names,, either onst onstage op pening set, or b oth. opening both. F or the ffestival’s eestival’s 30th anniv ersary For anniversary (S Saturdaay all da ay; see stor ge (Saturday day; storyy on pag page 6 9 or 9), ganizer T ed e Gehrk anted d to 69), organizer Ted Gehrkee w wanted do o something to acknowledge th at that w without class blue these workingworking-class bluess h eroes, ther eestivaal. heroes, theree would b bee no ffestival. o he ccame ame up with the idea of the th he So M Metr oF ountain Blues All Stars. Stars. “My “ Metro Fountain th hing was was to pa ay these p eople bac ck,â€?â€? thing pay people back,â€? sa ays y Gehrk e. “The says Gehrke. “Theyy all lik likee each ot ther, and the gether.â€? other, theyy all ďŹ t to together.â€?

W ell, ssort ort ooff ďŹ t, ďŹ t, if if you you can can ďŹ gure ďŹ gure Well, out a way way to to make mak ke four four guitarists, guitarists, out four h arrmonica players players and an nd a rrhythm hythm four harmonica section work work onstage onstage together. together. But But section Gehrke iiss more more o big-idea gguy. uy. T o Gehrke off a big-idea To make the the Metro Metro Fountain Fountaiin Blues Blues A ll make All Starrs really really come come together, together, he he tturned urned Stars the organization organization over over to to San San JJose ose the blues guitarist guitarist JC JC Smith. Smith. blues dumped it in m “He dumped myy lap and id ‘R Run u with i h iit,â€?â€? clar l riďŹ es iďŹ Smith, S ih said, ‘Run clariďŹ es longtiime pal Gehrk who admits his longtime Gehrkee persu uasive. “That is nothing if not persuasive. ould ha ave sold me m a ccar, ar, and I guy ccould have wouldn’t ha ave eeven ven rrealized e ealized it. wouldn’t have it.â€?â€? egan draftin ng musicians Smith b began drafting who’ve b een asso ciateed with the who’ve been associated feestival—all of whom he kne w and festival—all knew ely pla ayed d with, but had most lik likely played had dn’t eeven ven seen some of whom he hadn’t ears. in 20 yyears. Ther was fformer o ormer T ower of Power o Power Theree was Tower drummer Ron Ron o E. Beck k,, San Francisc o Beck, Francisco vocalist Ka aye Bohler gguitar ar wizar d vocalist Kaye Bohler,, guit wizard Cabello JJr., r., “Go odfather of San Maxx Cabello “Godfather Jose blues harmonic aâ€?â€? Gar Jose harmonicaâ€? Garyy Smith, J.J.’s favorite faavorite L ara Pric e, sought -after J.J.’s Lara Price, sought-after harmonica master An ndy Just, Just,, San harmonica Andy Jose harpist (and accomplished accomplished o Jose

photo grap pher) Mark Fenichel, Fenichel, photographer) South Ba ay blues pr p odiggy Little Little Bay prodigy JJohn ohn Chris sley, C ampbell multiChrisley, Campbell instrumen ntalist Endre Endre Tarczy Tar a czy and, of instrumentalist ccourse, ourse, Smith Sm mith himself. himselff. Sudden lyy, Smith had to ďŹ gure ďŹ gure out Suddenly, how to gett them all onstage, onstage, playing plaayying in various conďŹ gurations, conďŹ gurations, and make make sur a had a song—and ha ave it suree the theyy all have all ďŹ t into a 60-minute 60-minute set. was as much a The ďŹ rstt meeting was rreunion eunion ass a strategy strategy meeting, meeting, but Smith ccan an n saf feely say saay they’ve theyy’vve got ten safely gotten the basics down. “It ain’t ain’t going to be be lik surďŹ n ng, when you you gotta gottta ďŹ ght ffor o or likee surďŹ ng, aw ave. N o ody’s going to get hurt,â€? ob hurt,â€?â€? wave. Nobody’s omisses. he pr promises. If he see ems like like he ’s not sweating sweating seems he’s the det ailss, it’s it’s because because he knows details, who he ’s got g around around him. He’s He’s he’s just enjo yiing the ride y’re all enjoying ride.. “The “They’re pr os,â€? he sa ays y . “We’re “W We’re all rreally eally good good pros,â€? says. friends bu ut the only good good time we friends,, but get to geth her is ffor or stuff lik o together likee this this.. The rrest est is ffor, or o , like, like, funerals.â€? funerals.â€? Indeed, just as the idea for for o the Metr o Blu ues Fountain Fountain All St ars Metro Blues Stars w as coming comin ng together, together, their friend was and fellow feellow w bluesmen Rene Rene e Solis passed aaway way last month at age 55, after ccomplications omp plications fr om a liver liver from transplant t. He was was the longtime longtime transplant. leader of Metr M oF ountain Blues Metro Fountain ffestival eestival favorite faavorite NiteCry. NiteCry. Smith sees this up com ming performance, performanc o e, in part, part, t upcoming as a chanc celebrate his memory. memory. chancee to celebrate A lready tthe he iidea dea o he A ll S tars h as Already off tthe All Stars has lled ed tto o ttwo wo ssubsequent ubsequent cclub lub b ookings bookings aafter fter tthe he ffestival—although estival—although tthat hat sseems eems a llong ong w ay o ff w ith tthe he b ig d ay way off with big day rrapidly ap pidly aapproaching. pproacching. “We’re “We’re u nder under tthe he ggun, un,â€? ssays ays S mith. ““It’s It’s ggoing oing tto ob Smith. bee eexciting xciting just just tto op ull iitt o ff.â€? ff pull off. He sa ayys the All St ars is also a way way says Stars ffor o or the musicians mu usicians to thank Gehrk Gehrkee ffor o or giving them a great great ffestival eestival to pla ay over over the t yyears. ears. “He ffeels eeels he play owes us so omething,â€? says saayys Smith. “He something,â€? do esn’t ow we us anything.â€? anything.â€? doesn’t owe A dmits Gehrke: Gehrke: “They’re “They’re ttaking aking Admits this a lot mor m moree seriously than I thought th hey would. they would.â€?â€?

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63 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactive M

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Carole King & James Taylor Tuesday, 8pm, HP Pavilion; $39.50–$350 The king and queen of sensitive balladry are back together for the “Troubadour Reunion Tour,” very, very gently rockin’ arenas around the country. They first played together 40 years ago at L.A.’s Troubadour, thus making their tour name about as close as either of these two would get to a doubleentendre. (Steve Palopoli)

Daughtry Thursday, 7:30pm, HP Pavilion; $32-50– $42.50 See what happens if you don’t win on American Idol? You turn to . . . Satan! OK, Season Five fourth-place finisher Chris Daughtry has absolutely nothing to do with Satan, but he does try to look badass all the time, like he’s in some kind of evil metal band. It’s barely hard rock, really—the guy writes songs with Richard Marx. But c’mon, moms of America, you know he’s bad. He wears so many . . . necklaces! (SP)

Taste & Toast Wednesday (May 5), 6pm, the Pruneyard in Campbell; $30. The Pruneyard in Campbell hosts “Taste & Toast,” a benefit for programs supporting adults with developmental disabilities. Headlining is Santa Cruz jam band Our Satori; also featured are Combustible Jones, Rich Kubee and Lauren Lavin. (SP)

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Rock/Pop R ock/Pop

BRITANNIA A BRITANNIA ARMS RMS CCUPERTINO U P E RT I N O Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm: pm: R Rough ough P Puppy. uppy. SSat, at, 9pm: Wilburn. 9 pm: W ilburn. Cupertino. Cupertino.

One One New New Message. Message. $8. $8. San San Jose. Jose.


Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm: pm: Live Live music. music. Sat, Sat, 8:30pm: 8 :30pm: LLocal ocal Traffic. Traffic. Campbell. Campbell.

Wed: W ed: JC JC Smith Smith Band. Band. TThu, hu, 9:30pm: 9 :30pm: Mike Mike Leatherman Leatherman Band. B and. FFri, ri, 9:30pm: 9:30pm: Groove Groove KKings, ings, $10. $ 10. Sat, Sat, 9:30pm: 9:30pm: Touch Touch of of Class, Class, $10. Gatos. $ 10. Los Los G atos.

FFri, ri, 9pm: 9pm: Rock Rock SSolid. olid. SSaratoga. aratoga.




Fri: LLive Fri: ive m music. usic. Sun, Sun, aafternoon: fternoon: Greg G reg CCross ross Band. Band. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.

Fri, 8 Fri, 8pm: pm: LLee Verita. Verita. Sat, Sat, 8pm: 8pm: JJhameel. hameel. Mountain Mountain View. View.




FFri-Sat: ri-Sat: Live Live m music. usic. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.

Wed: W ed: JJack ack Ripoff. Ripoff. Thu: Thu: Chill Chill SSauce. auce. CCampbell. ampbell.


Sat, 8pm: Sat, 8pm: Case Case in in Theory, Theory, JJudgment udgment Day Day and and Dark Dark Heavens. H eavens. $8. $8. Cupertino. Cupertino.



Fri: Tequila Fri: Tequila Mockingbird. Mockingbird. Sat: Sat: Whiskey Avengers. W hiskey A vengers. SSan an Jose. Jose.

Sat, 6 Sat, 6pm: pm: SSensory ensory FFigure, igure, Otonamous, O tonamous, Five Five O Clock Clock Noon, Noon,

AVALON A VA ALON Fri: Ekolu Fri: Ekolu and and Vintage Vintage M Music usic CCollective. ollective. SSanta anta CClara. lara.


Wed, W ed, 9 9pm: pm: I Am Am EEmpire, mpire, B Beta eta SState tate aand nd gguests. uests. Free. Free. San San Jose. Jose.


FFri: ri: D Dos os Guys. Guys. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

VOODOO V OODOO LLOUNGE OUNGE Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: Floater Floater w/DJ w/DJ Treesus Treesus Pornostar. CChrist hrist P ornostar. Tue, Tue, 9pm: 9pm: TwoTwoTTone one TTuesdays. uesdays. San San Jose. Jose.

MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M

ALBERTO’S A LBERTO’S Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: Hot Hot SSalsa alsa w/ w/ Pantea. Pantea. 8pm: FFri, ri, 8 pm: SSalsa alsa Fridays Fridays w/ w/ Pantea. Mountain View. P antea. M ountain V iew.

ARYA A RYA GGLOBAL LOBAL CCUISINE UISINE Fri-Sat: LLive Fri-Sat: ive m music, usic, bbelly elly Pasquale ddancing. ancing. Sun: Sun: P asquale EEsposito. sposito. CCupertino. upertino.

PARRANDA P A R R A N DA N NIGHTCLUB I G H TC LU B Thu: Banda Thu: Banda 3300. 00. Fri, Fri, 8 8pm: pm: Norteño. N orteño. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.

SSENZALA ENZALA Fri, 8 Fri, 8pm: pm: CCaminos aminos Flamencos. Flamencos. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

JJazz/Blues azz/Blues CCAFFE AFFE T TRIESTE R I E ST E FFri, ri, 8 8pm: pm: O Opera pera N Night. ight. SSan an JJose. ose.

CCASCAL ASCAL Sat, 8 Sat, 8:30-11:30pm: :30-11:30pm: JJames ames Robinson, R obinson, Flamenco Flamenco jjazz azz Mountain View. gguitarist. uitarist. M ountain V iew.

GGRAND RAND D DELL ELL SSALOON A LO O N Thu: Blues Thu: Blues Jam Jam w/ w/ AKI. AKI. Fri, Fri, 8pm: 8pm: 8pm: LLen en Cat. Cat. SSat, at, 8 pm: Ami Ami Lou Lou Blues. B lues. CCampbell. ampbell.

HEDLEY H EDLEY CLUB CLUB Thu, 8pm: Thu, 8pm: R Russo usso Alberts Alberts Trio. Trio. Hotel Anza, FFri-Sat: ri-Sat: LLive ive jjazz. azz. H otel de de A nza, SSan an JJose. ose.

JJ.J.’S .J.’S BLUES BLUES CAFE CAFE Wed, W ed, 9 9pm: pm: One One N Night ight Stand. Stand. House. TThu, hu, 9pm: 9pm: Rough Rough H ouse. FFri, ri, 9pm: Blues Hammer. $10. 9 pm: B lues H ammer. $ 10. Afterparty SSat: at: A fterparty ffor or FFountain ountain Blues 9pm: Gene B lues Festival. Festival. SSun, un, 9 pm: G ene Washington. W ashington. Mon, Mon, 9pm: 9pm: Wayne’s Wayne’s Way Bands. 9pm: Dennis W ay B ands. TTue, ue, 9 pm: D ennis aand nd Stuart. Stuart. SSan an JJose. ose.

MARQS M ARQS IIN NM MENLO E N LO Wed, W ed, 8 8pm: pm: Joey Joey FFabian abian FFour. our. Open mic w/ TThu, hu, 8pm: 8pm: O pen m ic w / KKelly elly Park Necak. 8pm: P ark aand nd Buca Buca N ecak. FFri, ri, 8 pm: Marq’s After Darq Orqestra. M arq’s A fter D arq O rqestra. SSat, at, 8pm: Marty Williams 8 pm: M arty W illiams Group. Group. TTue, ue, 8pm: Williams. Menlo Park. 8 pm: KKeith eith W illiams. M enlo P ark.



Wed, 6-9pm: Wed, 6-9pm: Ron Ron TThomson homson aand nd Price. FFriends. riends. TThu, hu, 6-9pm: 6-9pm: LLara ara P rice. BeauFunk. 6-FFri, ri, 6-10pm: 6-10pm: B eauFunk. Sat, Sat, 6 Gino 110pm: 0pm: G ino Matteo. Matteo. SSun, un, nnoonoonDay 44pm: pm: Mother’s Mother’s D ay bbrunch runch with with Gail G ail Dobson Dobson JJazz azz TTrio. rio. SSan an JJose. ose.

FFri, ri, 9 9pm: pm: D Danielle. anielle. SSanta anta CClara. lara.


BLUE B LUE P PHEASANT HEASANT TTue, ue, 7pm: 7pm: SSteve teve TTiger. iger. CCupertino. upertino.

Sun, 44:30pm: Sun, :30pm: South South Bay Bay Live Live Wally ppresents resents W ally Schalle Schalle Group. Group. SSan an Jose. Jose.




Sun, TTue, Sun, ue, 77:30pm: :30pm: Modesto Modesto Briseno B riseno SSeptet. eptet. Willow Willow Glen. Glen.

TTue: ue: D DJJ D Davey avey KK.. CCampbell. ampbell.


Sun, 110pm, Sun, 0pm, aand nd W Wed, ed, 10pm: 10pm: DJJ Hank. KKaraoke. araoke. D Hank. Tue, Tue, 7:30pm: 7:30pm: Pub P ub SStumpers. tumpers. San San JJose. ose.

Thu, 77-9pm: Thu, -9pm: R Randy andy W Whiting hiting and and @Jazz. @ Jazz. FFree. ree. Sat, Sat, 7-9:30pm: 7-9:30pm: Jazz Jazz Night. N ight. San San Jose. Jose.

WINE W INE A AFFAIRS FFAIRS Wed-Thu, W ed-Thu, SSat: at: LLive ive m music. usic. SSan an Jose. Jose.

C&W/Folk C&W W//FFoolk BOSWELL’S B OSWELL’S Sun: Mike Sun: Mike Leatherman. Leatherman. CCampbell. ampbell.

MISSION M ISSION CCITY ITY R ROASTING OASTING Fri, 8pm: Fri, 8pm: SStevie tevie Coyle. Coyle. Sun, Sun, 7pm: 7pm: Doug D oug YYoung oung and and Friends. Friends. Santa Santa CClara. lara.

THE T HE SSADDLE ADDLE R RACK ACK Wed, 9pm: Wed, 9pm: W Wild ild at at Heart. Heart. ThuThuDiablo Road. FFri, ri, 9pm: 9pm: D iablo R oad. FFremont. remont.

SSAM’S AM’S B BBQ BQ Wed, 6: Wed, 6: Sidesaddle Sidesaddle & Co. Co. Tue, Tue, 6pm: 6 pm: CCarolina arolina Special. Special. San San Jose. Jose.

THREE T HREE FFLAMES LAMES RESTAURANT RESTAURANT TThu: hu: CCowboy owboy Larry. Larry. Willow Willow Glen. Glen.

CC&J’S &J’S SSPORTS PORTS B BAR AR TThu: hu: M Melissa elissa& H Heather. eather. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

CCARDINAL ARDINAL LLOUNGE OUNGE Mon, W Mon, Wed: ed: D DJJ CCurtis. urtis. Tue, Tue, 9pm: 9pm: Western W estern karaoke. karaoke. SSan an Jose. Jose.

DAN D AN B BROWN’S ROWN’S TTue ue & TThu, hu, 9 9pm-1am: pm-1am: B Brian rian Palo Alto. JJames. ames. P alo A lto.

DASILVA’S D ASILVA’S B BRONCOS RONCOS Wed: G Wed: Guitar uitar H Hero ero Tournament Tournament pplus lus kkaraoke. araoke. TThu, hu, 9pm-1am: 9pm-1am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.

FFLAMES LAMES CCOFFEE OFFEE SSHOP HOP Thu-Sat, 9pm: Thu-Sat, 9pm: U Uncle ncle D Dougie ougie Noo ccover. SShow. how. N over. SSan an JJose. ose.

GGALAXY ALAXY TThu, hu, 9pm-2am: 9pm-2am: A August. ugust. M Milpitas. ilpitas.


7B BAMBOO AMBOO Wed-Sat, 9 Wed-Sat, 9pm: pm: KKaraoke. araoke. TTue, ue, 9pm: 9 pm: KKaraoke. araoke. San San JJose. ose.

THE T HE GGOOSETOWN OOSETOWN LLOUNGE OUNGE Fri-Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: Fri-Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: Willow Glen. KKaraoke. araoke. W illow G len.


Mon: M on: Pro Pro Blues Blues JJam. am. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

Mon-Sat, 9 Mon-Sat, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an Jose. Jose.



THE T HE B BEARS EARS FFri, ri, 9pm: 9pm: TThomas. homas. SSan an JJose. ose.

BENNIGAN’S B ENNIGAN’S GGRILL RILL SSat, at, 9 9pm: pm: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

Tied House Brewery!

Mon-Tue, 9 Mon-Tue, 9:30pm: :30pm: KKaraoke. araoke. CCupertino. upertino.

FFri, ri, M Mon on 9 9pm: pm: V Vinnie. innie. TTue, ue, 9 9pm: pm: August. A ugust. CCupertino. upertino.

Sat: W Sat: Willy illy R Roland oland B Blues lues B Band, and, Blues aafterparty fterparty ffor or FFountain ountain B lues 6pm: FFest. est. TTue, ue, 6 pm: Bluesday Bluesday Pro Pro Blues B lues Jam. Jam. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

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Karaoke K araoke

Thu, 6-9:30pm: Thu, 6-9:30pm: Jason Jason Bellenkes. Bellenkes. SSan an JJose. ose.

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Wed, FFri, Wed, ri, Sun, Sun, 8 8pm-2am: pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

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It’s Baseball Season!

Wed, W ed, 8 8pm: pm: D Desmond. esmond. SSan an JJose. ose.

KHARTOUM K HARTOUM TThu: hu: D Davey avey KK.. N Noo ccover. over. CCampbell. ampbell.


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65 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M T

World W orld

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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


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Laurie Anderson AS IF BEING MARRIED to Lou Reed wasn’t enough, Laurie Anderson has chosen a strange and perilous path as an artist. As performance art’s original cyberpunk (or, perhaps, Wednesday, cyberpunk’s original performance artist), she could have May 5, 8pm done just fine milking the robochic of her unlikely pop hit, “O Superman.” But talk to her for a little while and you realize Stanford she is maybe the most genuinely curious person on the Memorial planet. She’s let her endlessly questioning spirit guide her Auditorium, through three decades of fascinating, thought-provoking and Palo Alto (though she rarely gets credit for it) very funny performance pieces. She endures not because she’s some kind of highTickets : and-mighty intellectual, but because underneath the circuitry, $10-$60 her questions are the questions we all have, at some level. Her entertaining, self-deprecating way of asking and attempting to answer them allows us to indulge our natural curiosity, too. Anderson’s newest piece, “Delusion,” is a series of short plays co-commissioned by Stanford Lively Arts that debuted at the Winter Olympics this year and has its West Coast premiere on Wednesday. —Jk\m\ GXcfgfc`




Wed, Fri-Sat, Wed, Fri-Sat, 8:30pm: 8:30pm: D Doug. oug. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

Thu, 9pm-1am: Thu, 9pm-1am: Joseph. Joseph. SSan an JJose. ose.

Sun-Thu, 8 Sun-Thu, 8:30pm-close: :30pm-close: B Bruce ruce Mountain View. ooff KKOR OR KKaraoke. araoke. M ountain V iew.



Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: D DJJ Brian. Brian. Sun, Sun, 9pm: 9pm: DJJ aand DJ, D nd karaoke. karaoke. TTue, ue, 9pm: 9pm: D J, kkaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

Wed, W ed, 110pm: 0pm: D DJJ P Purple. urple. P Palo alo A Alto. lto.


LLILLY ILLY MAC’S MAC’S Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: D DJJ TThomas homas ““Soulman.” Soulman.” SSunnyvale. unnyvale.



TTue, ue, 110pm-close: 0pm-close: Kamikaze Kamikaze KKaraoke. araoke. San San Jose. Jose.

TThu, hu, 8pm: 8pm: CChris. hris. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.

TTue, ue, 8 8:30pm-midnight: :30pm-midnight: Acoustic Acoustic Marshall. kkaraoke araoke w/ w/ Sam Sam M arshall.





Wed: CCinco Wed: inco ddee M Mayo ayo ffun un w with ith mariachi DJ. m ariachi aand nd D J. SSan an Jose. Jose.

NETO’S N ETO’S M MARKET ARKET & GGRILL RILL Fri, 6:30pm: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

Wed, W ed, SSat-Sun: at-Sun: Chris. Chris. SSan an JJose. ose. Wed, 9:30pm: Wed, 9:30pm: W Wildside ildside EEntertainment. ntertainment. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.

QUARTER Q UARTER NOTE NOTE TTue, ue, 9 9pm: pm: SSherrie herrie aand nd Sue. Sue. Noo ccover. N over. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

SSHOOTERS HOOTERS BAR BAR & GRILL GRILL Thu, 9:30pm: Thu, 9:30pm: Karaoke. Karaoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

SOUTH FIRST SOUTH FIRST BILLIARDS SSun: un: KKaraoke. araoke. San San Jose. Jose.



Wed, 9:30pm: Rock Band Karaoke Night. San Jose.

Wed: The Cypher. Open mic with live artists. Fri: DJ Checko. Sat: G Beats. San Jose.

Fri-Sat, 10:30pm-1:30am: Live DJ. San Jose.


Fri, Sat: Tabu w/ Dan Wallace. $10 cover after 10pm. Palo Alto.

VENUEZ Sun, 3-7pm, and Tue, Wed, 8pm-1:30am: Karaoke. Except first Sun of month. Santa Clara.


Wed: Whip It Out. Thu: Huntress. Fri: Inferno. Sat: Sinful. Sun: Chill. Mon: Marathon. Tue: Take it Off. San Jose.

Tue-Thu and Sat, 9:30pm: Vinnie. Santa Clara.


Dance Clubs


AGENDA Wed, 8pm: Salsa Wednesdays. Sat: South Bay Electro Scene: Electro TakeOver, w/ San Jose DJs Team BlueFields Rigo Acosta, RogCon and Chupa Incs DJ Fields. $5. Sun: Planet Reggae. San Jose.

ALBERTO’S Wed, 7:30pm: Latin. Bachata lessons at 7:30pm; social dance at 9:30pm. With Pantea. Tue and Thu: Salsa With Pantea. Lessons at 7:10 and 8:15pm. Dancing at 9:30pm. Sat: Latin Night. Reggaeton, cumbia, merengue and more. Sun-Mon, 5pm: Tango. Mountain View.

Wed, 9pm-1am: DJ Curtis. Plus karaoke. Every other Thu, 9pm1am: DJ Kassius K. Mon, Sun: DJ LV spins favorites. Tue, 9pm1am: KJ AV. San Jose.

CLUB PALMS Thu: Hip-hop. Fri-Sat: Live music and DJs. Milpitas.

DAN BROWN’S Fri: Live DJs. Palo Alto.

DASILVA’S BRONCOS Fri, Sat, 6pm: DJ or live band. No cover. Santa Clara.

DIVE BAR Sat: Rhythm Saturdays. Sun: Mix Tape Sundays. San Jose.


THE BLANK CLUB Sat: New Wave Prom w/ DJs Vitus and Kevin. $5. San Jose.


Sat: Club Ice.

BRANHAM LOUNGE Wed: Humpday Wednesdays. Thu: DJ. Sat: DJ Jazzy and DJ Chaos. Mon: DJ. Tue: $2 Tuesdays. San Jose.

PARRANDA NIGHTCLUB Thu: DJ Akustik. Fri: DJ Mayo. Sat, 8pm: DJ Mayo and DJ Akustik. Sun, 7pm: Latin Beat. Sun, 9pm: Sonidero. Sunnyvale.

PEACOCK LOUNGE Fri, 8pm: DJ. Sat, 9pm: Chill, R&B, Top 40. Sun, 9pm: DJ. Sunnyvale.

PEARL Wed: Audio Mass. Fri: Lips Like Sugar, Wynter Gordon. Sat: Porn star with Asa AKira.San Jose.

PEDROS Wed: Live DJ for Cinco De Mayo. Santa Clara and Los Gatos.

SABOR TAPAS BAR Thu: Major Thursdays. Rotating DJs. Tue: Two Buck Tuesdays. College dance party. San Jose.

SAN JOSE BAR & GRILL Wed: Tango. Thu-Sat: Video Killed the DJ. Sun, 10pm: Sin Sundays. Mon, 10pm: Manic Mondaze. San Jose.



Fri: DJ Cesar. Mountain View.

Sat, 9pm: DJs. Sunnyvale.



Wed, 5pm: Cinco de Mayo with DJ Smooth Grooves, DJ Sig-O and Jayvi Velascom. Thu: Temple Thursdays. Fri, 10:30pm: R&B and Hip-hop. Sat, 8:30pm: Temple All-Star DJs. Sat, 10:30pm: R&B. San Jose.

GOOSE LOONEY’S Fri-Sat: Old School. Milpitas.

THE HUT Wed: College Night. Santa Clara.

KHARTOUM Wed: DJ Davey K. Campbell.

Wed, Sun: DJ Hank, w/ karaoke at 10pm. Thu: DJ Benofficial. San Jose.

Th-Sat: DJs. San Jose.

Fri, Sat: Club FM. Sunnyvale.

Fri, Sat: DJ Vex. San Jose.



Wed, Sat, 10pm: DJ in the Mix. Santa Clara.

Wed, 9pm: The Lounge. Thu, 9pm: Fortune 50/50. Fri and Sat: Rotating Parties. Dance, Top 40 and House. Tue, 9pm-close: College Night. San Jose.



KING OF CLUBS Fri, 9:30pm: Noche Vaquera w/ DJ Jose Kuervo and DJ Stam. $7. Sat: Azukar w/ DJ 3D. $5. Tue, 9pm: Goth. $8. Mountain View.

TOON’S Wed: Cinco de Mayo. Thu: DJ Tito. Fri: DJ Classic. Sat: DJ Tito. Sun: Hip-hop. Mon: Armando. Tue: Ladies Night. San Jose.

VOODOO LOUNGE Fri, 10pm: Finally Friday DJs DLuzion and JQuest. San Jose.

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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 :\UKH` 4H` (.,:

WIZ KHALIFA plus Fashawn and DJ set w/ Nima Fadavi

$12 Adv./ $16 Dr. Drs. 8:30 p.m., Show 9 p.m.

;O\YZKH` 4H` (.,:

$16 Adv. $20 Dr. Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. May 5 Floater Cinco de Mayo Party! Atrium (Ages 21+) May 6 AV8RS/ The Ombrays Atrium (Ages 16+) May 7 The Cheeseballs Atrium (Ages 21+) May 8 Lou DeLuca/ Rough House Atrium (Ages 21+) May 14 Electronic Garden of Eden (Ages 16+) May 15 Groundation/ Orgone (Ages 16+) May 21 Your Music Olympicks Finals (Ages 16+) May 22 “Life’s a Beach” w/DJ Sal (Ages 18+) May 25 Talib Kweli & Hi-tek (Ages 16+) May 26 Nas & Damian Marley (Ages 16+) May 28 Zion I/ Erk Tha Jerk (Ages 16+) May 29 Tech N9ne/ Brotha Lynch Hung (Ages 16+) Jun 5 Sage Francis/ Free Moral Agents (Ages 16+) Jun 6 Bone Thugs-N-Harmony (Ages 16+) Jun 9 The Glitch Mob/ Free the Robots (Ages 16+) Jun 11 Wooster/ Sourgrass (Ages 21+) Jul 29 Wolf Parade/ The Moools (Ages 16+) Aug 11 Reverend Horton Heat (Ages 21+) Aug 13 Smash Mouth (Ages 16+) Aug 14 Eek A Mouse (Ages 16+) Sep 20 Willie Nelson & Family (Ages 21+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online


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JK<<C GLCJ< !!!!Uif!Spcfsu!Sboepmqi!Gbnjmz!CboeÖt!ijhi.fofshz!gvol!!! jt!qpxfsfe!cz!SboepmqiÖt!qfebm!tuffm!hvjubs/!

Metro Fountain Blues Festival SOME PEOPLE can’t wrap their head around the idea that Robert Randolph got his start playing exclusively in church, with no knowledge whatsoever of blues, funk or any other secular music. Gospel singers are one thing, but this is a guy whose pedal steel guitar playing and outrageously high-energy live shows have won him comparisons to Stevie Ray Vaughan and Sly & the Family Stone. The guy has chops. And yet, until Eric Clapton (one of his biggest fans) gave him a supporting slot on tour in 2004, and the Robert Randolph & the Family Band song “Ain’t Nothing Wrong With That” began popping up all over TV and movies in 2007, few people outside of the House Saturday, May 8, 12:30pm of God Church knew his name. How could he have crossed over so easily? San Carlos Plaza For Randolph, it was easy. Church simply crossed over with him. at San Jose State University “The stage is like our church,” says Roberts. “When you go out and see the fans out there, it doesn’t matter if we’re tired or Tickets : $10 we’ve had a bad day or we’re mad at each other. You see the joy, and you can’t help but latch on to that.” Also an actor, Randolph recently played Bo Diddley in the Chess Records biopic Who Do You Love, which came out last month. It’s a nice tie-in to his performance Saturday headlining the 30th annual Metro Fountain Blues Festival, since Diddley himself played at one of the first festivals. Randolph tops a bill that also includes soul singer Bettye LaVette, Santa Cruz blues diva Sista Monica, banjo-reclaiming bluesman Otis Taylor, bad-boy blues harpist Jason Ricci and the Metro Fountain Blues All Stars (see page 62). So, would the church folk Randolph grew up with approve of him playing on the same stage as a black-leather-clad, punk-coiffed blues misfit like Ricci? Probably not—he admits there was a certain element of resistance from oldschool ministers who didn’t like seeing what some African American churches refer to as the “sacred steel” showing up in Stomp the Yard. But he doesn’t hold a grudge against the finger-waggers. “God has a plan for everybody,” he says. “The new generation understands, but the old generation will never really understand.”—Jk\m\ GXcfgfc`

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M



metroactive SVCLUBS

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occassional h occasional home ome ggame am me aatt tthe he O Oakland ak kland Coliseum C oliseum tthe he llast ast ttwo wo yyears. earrs. But B ut o on nF Friday, riday, tthe he tteam eam m ccelebrated elebrated tthe he o pening o he N utrilite Training Training opening off tthe Nutrilite Facility F acility aadjacent djacent to to the the San San Jose Jose A irport. T he tteam eam p reviously p racticed Airport. The previously practiced aatt W West est V Valley alley C College ollege an and nd Santa Santa C Clara larra U niversity. University. General G enerall m manager an nagger an and nd fformer ormer E arrthquake JJohn ohn D oyle ssays ays tthe he ggrass rasss Earthquake Doyle tthey hey u used sed tto op practice racctice o on nw was as d different iff ffeerent ffrom rom tthe he ggrass rass p layed o n iin n ggames. ames. played on ““You’re You’re ttraining raining o on n a rracetrack acetracck an and nd tthen hen p laying o n a sslower lower ccourse, ourse,” playing on D oyle ssays ays o he d iff ffeerence iin n ssurfaces. urffaacces. Doyle off tthe difference H ays tthe he n ew fi eld iiss iidentical dentical tto o Hee ssays new field tthose hose iin n tthe he sstadiums. tadiums. JJoe oe C annon, tthe he Q uakes’ ggoalkeeper, oalkeeper, Cannon, Quakes’ ssays ays it it iiss nice nice to to h ave a p lace tto o ccall all have place ttheir heir o wn. Cannon, Cannon, a ttwo-time wo-time M LS own. MLS G oalkeeper of of the the Y ear, p layed ffor or Goalkeeper Year, played S anta C lara U niversity ffrom rom 11995 995 tto o Santa Clara University

11997 997 aand nd p played layed ffor or tthe he Q Quakes uakes ffrom rom 11999 999 tto o2 2002, 002, b before efore rreturning eturning iin n2 2008. 008. IIn nM March, arch, tthe he S San an JJose ose C City ity C Council ouncil vvoted oted tto o rrezone ezone tthe he fformer ormer F FMC MC p plant lant n ext tto o tthe he ttraining raining ffacility acility tto om ove next move ttoward oward b building uilding tthe he Q Quakes uakes a n new ew sstadium. tadium. ““We’re We’re ggoing oing tto ow work ork tto od do o eeverything verything w wee ccan an tto om make ak ke ssure ure tthe he sstadium tadium b becomes ecomes a rreality, eallity,” M Mayor ayor C Chuck huck R Reed eed ssaid aid tto o ffans ans ggathered athered ffor or opening Thursday. o pening ffestivities estivities T hursday. Cannon hee iiss llooking C annon ssays ays h ooking fforward orward tto o tthe he sstadium, tad dium, b but ut jjoked oked tthat hat h hee w would ould llike ike tto o ssee ee ssome ome o off tthe he d dilapidated ilapidated o old ld F FMC MC b buildings uildings o on n tthe he o other ther sside ide o off tthe he ffacility’s ac acility’s ffence ence rremain. emain. ““II k kind ind o off tthink hink tthey hey sshouldn’t houldn’t k knock nock tthem hem d down, own,” h hee ssaid. aid. ““They They sshould hould m make ake tthis his iinto nto aan n o old, ld, W Wild ild W West est ttown. own.” The has quite T he tteam eam h as eexperienced xperienced q uite a well. After his 2009 ffew ew cchanges hanges aass w ell. A fter h is 2 009 sseason eason w was as ccut ut sshort hort d due ue tto oh hip ip ssurgery, urgery, tthe he ccelebrated elebrated m midfielder idfielder D Darren arren Huckerby The Quakes H uckerby rretired. etired. T he Q uakes aalso lso llost ost m midfielder idfielder S Shea hea S Salinas, alinas, w who ho w was as p picked icked u up pb byy P Philadelphia hiladelphia U Union nion iin n aan nM MLS LS

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71 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

Felipe Buitr B Buitrago ago

metroactive SPORTS

eexpansion xpansion d draft raft d during uring the the off-season. off ff--season. Doyle didn’t want D oyle ssays ays tthe he tteam eam d idn’t w ant tto o llose ose S Salinas, alinas, b but ut ““in in tthis his eera ra o off tthe he M MLS, LS, iitt iiss hard hold on h ard tto oh old o n tto o yyour our yyoung oung gguys. uys.” T The he Q Quakes uakes aalso lso m made ade ssome ome additions. The iimportant mportant ad dditions. T he tteam eam sselected elected IIke ke O Opara, para, who who is is still still a student student at at Wake Wak ke Forest, with overall pick F orest, w ith a tthird hird o verall p ick iin n tthe he d draft, raft, an and nd h hee iiss aalready lread dy ccontributing. ontributing. H Hee has but hee m missed Saturday’s h as ttwo wo ggoals, oals, b ut h issed S aturday’s his final ggame aam me tto o ttake ake h is fi nall eexams. xams. Steven Beitashour, who was born S teven B eitashour, w ho w as as b orn San was Leland iin nS an JJose ose aand nd w as a sstar taarr aatt L eland High School, who has H igh S chool, iiss aanother nother rrookie ookie w ho h as already notched al lread dy n otched a ggoal. oal. Doyle people often overlook D oyle ssays ays pe ople o ften o verlook age off ““veteran” players tthe he ag ge o veteran n” p layers llike ike Arturo Alvarez, Ryan A rturo A lvarez, R yan JJohnson, ohnson, JJason asson Hernandez Brad Ring, who H ernan ndez aand nd B rad R ing, w ho aare re aall ll mid-20s. sstill till iin n ttheir heir m id-20s. ““We We h have ave a ggood, ood, yyoung oung n nucleus, ucleus,” Doyle D oyle ssays. ays. The also added Brazilian T he tteam eam al lso ad dded B razzilian Eduardo Adelino dee S Silva vveteran eteran E duardo A delino d ilva off-season, iin n tthe he o ff--season, who ff who most most recently recently played Switzerland. p layed iin nS witzerlan nd. Chris Wondolowski, Danville native C hris W ondolowski, a D anville n ative who San when w ho lleft eft S an JJose ose w hen tthe he ffranchise ranchise moved Houston was back m oved tto oH ouston aand nd w as ttraded raded b ack San now his tto oS an JJose ose llast ast yyear, ear, iin nn ow h is ssixth ixth MLS. Hee ggot back sseason eason iin n tthe he M LS. H ot b ack iinto nto tthe he New England sstarting tarting llineup ineup aagainst gainst tthe he N ew E ngland Revolution on April has R evolution o nA pril 117, 7, aand nd h as sscored cored a off h his first ggoal oal iin n eeach ach o is fi rst ttwo wo sstarts. tarts. not biggest, ““I’m I’m n ot tthe he b iggest, sstrongest trongest orr ffastest hee ad admits, o astest gguy, uy,” h dmits, ““but but I ffeel eel make llike ike I ccan an m ake ssome ome ssmart marrt rruns, uns,” Wondolowski with W ondolowski ssays. ays. ““I’m I’m ssmart mart w ith ball, know pretty well. tthe he b alll, I k now tthe he ggame ame p retty w ell. And helps have A nd iitt aalways lways h elps tto oh ave ssome ome ggreat reat at Hee tthinks tteammates. eam mmates.” H hinks iiff tthe he tteam eam sstays tays healthy have h ealthy tthey hey h ave a ggood ood cchance han nce aatt making playoff m aking a p layoff rrun. un. Doyle Head Coach Frank D oyle aand nd H ead dC oach F ran nk Y Yallop aalllop ssay ay tthe he tteam eam m might ight ad add dd an another nother p player layer ffor or tthe he sstretch tretch rrun. un. B But ut Ya Y Yallop aalllop ssays ays h hee iiss h happy ap ppy w with ith tthe he d depth epth o off tthe he tteam, eam, aand nd ssays ays h hee tthinks hinks tthe he tteam eam m ccan an p plug lug p players layers iinto nto h holes oles iiff aanyone nyyo one iiss sstruggling truggling o orr ggets ets h hurt. urt. ““With With tthis his ssquad quad n now, ow, w wee aare re ggood ood d eenough nough tto om make ak ke tthe he p playoffs, layoff ffss,” Y Yallop allop ssays. ays. ““Obviously Obviously yyou ou n need eed a llittle ittle b bit it o off lluck, uck, a llittle ittle b bit it o off ggood ood p play, lay, a llittle ittle b bit it o off o other ther tteams eam ms n not ot d doing oing sso ow well ell aatt But ccertain ertain ttimes imes iin n tthe he sseason. eas ason. B ut I ffeel eel about where ggood o ood ab bout w here tthe he tteam’s eam m’s aat. t.”

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is how you avoid playing the game of begging him to call after he loses interest. You know this, but you diss game playing to give yourself a pass to do what you know doesn’t work, but works for you in the moment: throwing yourself at a guy and hoping against hope you’ll stick. (“Hmmm, maybe if I rub my naked body with Super Glue?”) This hoohah about who you supposedly were to him in a past life only helps distract you from how you keep coming back in this one: as a bug under a man’s shoe. Do the work to fill the empty places in yourself so you won’t continue these desperate attempts to plug them with a boyfriend. Only when you’re OK alone are you fit to start looking for company. At that point, “playing the game” will come naturally. You won’t have guys calling at the last minute because you’ll seem like a girl who’d be busy—too busy having self-respect to make like Domino’s and have yourself delivered. Forget whether a guy’s into astrology; it’s whether you have dignity that determines your fate with him—not the fact that you were both born when Capricorn was in 7Eleven.

?fn XYflk dp [Xk\ k_`j gXjk JXkli[Xp6 ?\ _Xj k_\ gfk\ek`Xc kf Y\ i\Xccp Zlk\# Ylk @ XYjfclk\cp [\jg`j\ _`j YcXe[ jkpc\% ?fn [f pfl XggifXZ_ dXb`e^ jfd\fe\ fm\i6 Æ9fk_\i\[ Does that someone need a new shirt or a new head? Once you have a bit of a relationship with a guy, you can flatter him into a better shirt. (“You know, that Cosby sweater would look so much more attractive in the dumpster!”) But, on a first date, if you’re obsessed with tearing a guy’s clothes off, it should be because you want to see him naked, and not just for that brief moment before he gets into something that meets your dress

code. It’s possible you aren’t ready for a relationship, so no guy is right for you—or you’re so desperate for a relationship that you’ll take any guy, then try to turn him into a guy you really want. People say style is a superficial thing—and it is, unless it’s a big deal to you. Ultimately, it isn’t going to work with a guy if your first date fantasy is “You’d be so perfect . . . if only we lived in a world of total darkness” (“Once you go pitch black, you never go back”).

)'('# 8dp 8cbfe# Xcc i`^_kj i\j\im\[% >fk X gifYc\d6 Ni`k\ 8dp 8cbfe# ,,' J% =`ijk Jk%# JXe Afj\# :8 0,((*# fi \dX`c X[m`Z\Xdp7Xfc%Zfd%




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TAURUS T AURUS ((April April 220–May 0–May 220): 0): A Among mong tthe he aancient ncient Anglo-Saxons, month May was Anglo-Saxons, tthe he m onth ooff M ay w as ccalled alled ““Thrimilce.” Thrimilce.” The were The word word rreferred eferred ttoo tthe he ffact act tthat hat ccows ows w ere ssoo productive productive aatt tthis his ttime ime ooff yyear ear tthat hat tthey hey ccould ould bbee milked milked tthree hree ttimes imes a dday. ay. I tthought hought ooff tthat hat aass I sstudied tudied your During your ccurrent urrent aastrological strological ddata, ata, TTaurus. aurus. D uring tthis his year’s year ’s TThrimilce, hrimilce, yyou ou aare re aalmost lmost iimpossibly mpossibly ffertile ertile aand nd abundant Myy aadvice abundant aand nd ccreative. reative. M dvice iiss ttoo ggive ive ggenerously, enerously, but but not not ttoo tthe he ppoint oint ooff eexhaustion: xhaustion: tthe he eequivalent quivalent ooff three three ttimes imes a dday, ay, bbut ut nnot ot ffour. our. GGEMINI EMINI ((May May 221–June 1–June 220): 0): IIn n aaccordance ccordance w with ith tthe he

aastrological strological oomens, mens, I eencourage ncourage yyou ou ttoo sseek eek oout ut a Not cconcentrated oncentrated pperiod eriod ooff ssweet weet ooblivion. blivion. N ot a nnumb, umb, Not mournful nnarcotized arcotized llimbo. imbo. N ot a m ournful uunconsciousness nconsciousness tthat’s hat’s motivated motivated by by a depressive depressive urge urge to to give give up. up. No, No, Gemini: mental G emini: TThe he m ental bblankness lankness tthat hat yyou ou ccultivate ultivate should should bbee ggenerated enerated bbyy a qquest uest ttoo rrejuvenate ejuvenate yyourself, ourself, aand nd iitt must m ust hhave ave qqualities ualities ooff ddeliciousness eliciousness aand nd ddelight. elight. YYou ou nnot ot oonly nly hhave ave a nneed eed ttoo rrest est aand nd rrecharge echarge iin n a llush ush nnowhere—you owhere—you aalso lso hhave ave tthe he rright ight ttoo ddoo sso. o.

CCANCER ANCER ((June June 221–July 1–July 222): 2): A w while hile bback, ack, I ggave ave m myy

readers readers tthis his hhomework: omework: ““Tell Tell a sstory tory aabout bout tthe he ttime ime a divine divine iintervention ntervention rreached eached ddown own aand nd aaltered ltered your your course manic woman course iin n oone ne ttricky, ricky, m anic sswoop.” woop.” A w oman nnamed amed Kelly first was Kelly ttestified estified aass ffollows: ollows: ““At At fi rst I w as ddisturbed isturbed ttoo find find I couldn’t couldn’t iidentify dentify tthe he llast ast ttime ime SSpirit pirit ddescended escended into midst with But finally into my my m idst w ith a fforceful orceful iintervention. ntervention. B ut fi nally I realized why: working make myy w whole realized w hy: I hhave ave bbeen een w orking ttoo m ake m hole life myy H Higher Power, life be be gguided uided bbyy tthe he SSpirit pirit ooff m igher P ower, aass a deep way deep uundercurrent. ndercurrent. TThat hat w ay I ddon’t on’t nneed eed bbolts olts ooff lightening fixx m myy ccourse.” lightening ttoo fi ourse.” TThis his iiss a uuseful seful llesson, esson, Cancerian. Cancerian. IIt’s t’s an an excellent excellent time time for for you you to to follow follow Kelly’s Kelly’s lead. Ask lead. A sk yyourself ourself hhow ow yyou ou ccould ould ccultivate ultivate a ddeep, eep, abiding want abiding uundercurrent ndercurrent ooff tthe he ggood ood iinfluence nfluence yyou ou w ant to making to have have gguide uide yyou, ou, tthereby hereby m aking llightning ightning bbolts olts of of divine divine iintervention ntervention uunnecessary. nnecessary.

LLEO EO ((July July 23–Aug. 23–Aug. 222): 2): TThe he exact exact hheight eight of of Mt. Mt.

EEverest verest hhas as pproved roved cchallenging hallenging ttoo ddetermine. etermine. EEven ven modern methods, uusing sing m odern sscientific cientific m ethods, different different teams teams of of with measurements. ssurveyors urveyors hhave ave ccome ome uupp w ith vvarying arying m easurements. with TThe he pproblem roblem iiss nnot ot ssimply imply w ith tthe he ccalculations alculations world’s tthemselves. hemselves. TThe he w orld’s ttallest allest ppeak eak iiss ddefinitely efinitely work eevolving. volving. SShifts hifts iin n tthe he eearth’s arth’s ttectonic ectonic pplates lates w ork move ttoo rraise aise iitt uupp aand nd m ove iitt nnortheastward. ortheastward. But But there’s there’s melting aalso lso eevidence vidence tthat hat tthe he m elting ooff iits ts gglaciers laciers ddue ue ttoo member cclimate limate cchange hange iiss ccausing ausing iitt ttoo sshrink. hrink. A m ember ooff mountain oone ne m ountain cclimbing limbing eexpedition xpedition ssaid, aid, ““If If EEverest verest iiss wee m must bbobbing obb ng uupp aand nd ddown, own w u hhope ope too catch a h it oon na low ow dday.” a I bbring ng this h too your ou aattention, en on LLeo, eo in n oorder de too ooffer metaphor weeks. e you ou a m e apho for o the he coming om ng w ee YYour ou version Mt. EEverest Get e on oof M e e is shriveling. h e ng G e ready ead too aascend. end

VIRGO V RGO (Aug. Aug 223–Sept. 3–Sep 222): 2 H Have a e you ou bbeen een lusting u ng

Have aafter e spiritual p ua traditions ad on oother he than han your ou oown? wn? H ae you ou bbeen een fantasizing an a ng aabout bou cheating hea ng oon n the he ddeity e you’ve ou e aalways wa bbeen een faithful a h u to, o aand nd seeking ee ng a taboo aboo liaison with a on w h a strange ange aand nd eexciting ng ggod od from om aanother no he Virgo, ppart a oof reality? ea ? If so, oV go that’s ha a good good sign. gn I suspect u pe you ou could ou d uusee a few ew aadjustments d u men too your ou familiar am a relationship with Divine Wow. After e a on h p w h the he D ne W ow A e aall, you ou hhave ae ggone one through h ough a lot o oof changes hange since n e the he last a time me you ou hhammered amme ed oout u your ou ddefinitive efin e theories heo e aabout bou the he meaning What made m ean ng oof life. eW ha m ade ggood ood sense en e for o you ou bback a then more. hen can’t an bbee completely omp e e true ue for o you ou aany n m o e SSoo feel ee free mind wander ee too let e your ou m nd w ande in n the he ddirection e on oof hholy o eexperiments. pe men

LLIBRA BRA (Sept. Sep 223–Oct. 3–O 222): 2 W When hen a ggirl is bborn, o n hher e

will eever oovaries a e aalready ead contain on a n aall the he eeggs gg she he w e What means, hhave. aeW ha this h m ean oof course, ou e is that ha a ppart a oof you ou was womb well w a in n your ou ggrandmother’s andmo he w omb aas w e aas in n your ou mother’s. Now would m o he N ow w ou d bbee aan n eexcellent e en time me too celebrate e eb a e that with mother’s ha pprimal ma fact. a YYour ou connection onne on w h your ou m o he mother m o he is eespecially pe a important mpo an these he e ddays. a I suggest ugge

meditate what yyou ou m editate oon nw hat ggifts ifts aand nd lliabilities iabilities yyou ou rreceived eceived might ffrom rom hher er ((genetic genetic aand nd ootherwise), therwise), aand nd hhow ow yyou ou m ight make bbee aable ble ttoo m ake bbetter etter uuse se ooff tthe he ggifts ifts eeven ven aass yyou ou ttake ake ssteps teps ttoo ooutwit utwit tthe he lliabilities. iabilities.

SSCORPIO CORPIO ((Oct. Oct. 223–Nov. 3–Nov. 221): 1): W Who ho iiss tthe he pperson erson

most world? most uunlike nlike yyou ou iin n tthe he w orld? I ssuggest uggest yyou ou sstudy tudy tthat hat person What person ffor or ttips ips oon n hhow ow ttoo iimprove mprove yyour our llife. ife. W hat aare re the the hhealthy ealthy experiences experiences you you are are least least aattracted ttracted tto? o? You might want meditate why You m ight w ant ttoo m editate oon n eexactly xactly w hy tthey’re hey’re so so uunappealing, nappealing, aand nd uuse se tthat hat iinformation nformation ttoo uupdate pdate your What your iideas deas aabout bout yyourself. ourself. W hat aare re tthe he pplaces laces oon n tthe he earth would earth tthat hat yyou ou llong ong aago go ddecided ecided yyou ou w ould nnever ever vvisit? isit? I invite invite yyou ou ttoo ffantasize antasize bbeing eing iin n tthose hose pplaces laces aand nd enjoying why enjoying yyourself. ourself. CCan an yyou ou gguess uess w hy II’m ’m ccalling alling tthis his Opposite Opposite Week, Week, Scorpio? Scorpio? SSAGITTARIUS AGITTARIUS ((Nov. Nov. 222–Dec. 2–Dec. 221): 1): A Are re yyou ou iin na ttrance rance oorr a rrut ut oorr a jjam? am? IIff sso, o, eexcuse xcuse yyourself. ourself. IIt’s t’s bbreak reak ttime! ime! YYou ou nneed eed spaciousness. spaciousness. You You need need slack. slack. YYou ou nneed eed to to wander wander ooff ff and and do do ssomething omething different different ffrom rom what what yyou ou have have been been ddoing. oing. If If tthere’s here’s aany ny bbehavior ehavior with yyou ou iindulge ndulge in in w ith manic manic intensity, intensity, ddrop rop it it for for a while. while. IIff you’ve you’ve bbeen een caught caught uupp iinn a vortex vortex ooff eexcruciating xcruciating ssincerity incerity or or ttorturous orturous ppoliteness, oliteness, shake shake iitt ooff ff and and bbee more Off aallll tthe m ore aauthentic. uthentic. O he ggood ood rreasons easons yyou ou hhave ave ffor or rrelaxing elaxing yyour our ddeath-grip, eath-grip, hhere’s ere’s oone ne ooff tthe he bbest: est: LLife ife ccan’t an’t bbring ring yyou ou tthe he ssublime ublime ggift ift iitt hhas as ffor or yyou ou uuntil ntil yyou ou iinterrupt nterrupt yyour our pursuit pursuit of of a mediocre mediocre gift. gift.

CCAPRICORN APRICORN ((Dec. Dec. 222–Jan. 2–Jan. 119): 9): TThe he sstate tate ooff TTexas exas

is United is a CCapricorn, apricorn, hhaving aving bbecome ecome ppart art ooff tthe he U nited States Dec. Att tthat was States oon nD ec. 229, 9, 11845. 845. A hat ttime, ime, iitt w as ggranted ranted the five the rright ight ttoo ddivide ivide iitself tself iinto nto fi ve sseparate eparate sstates tates aatt some some future future date. date. So So far far it it hasn’t hasn’t cchosen hosen ttoo ddoo sso, o, aand nd I would would advise advise it it to to continue continue that that policy. policy. I extend extend the the same same counsel counsel to to all all of of my my Capricorn Capricorn readers. readers. From From an an astrological astrological perspective, perspective, this this is is not not a favorable favorable time time for for you you to to break break yourself yourself up up into into subsections. subsections. On On the the contrary: contrary: I suggest suggest you you sow sow unity unity and and solidarity solidarity among among your your various various parts. parts.

AQUARIUS A QUARIUS ((Jan. Jan. 220–Feb. 0–Feb. 118): 8): II’m ’m aallll ffor or rrecycling, ecycling,

Anything ccomposting, omposting, aand nd ccarpooling. arpooling. A nything yyou ou aand nd I ccan an But ddoo ttoo rreduce educe oour ur ccarbon arbon ffootprint ootprint iiss bbrilliant. rilliant. B ut I aalso lso with Hedges, who aagree gree w ith aauthor uthor CChris hris H edges, w ho ssays, ays, ““The The rreason eason wee sstill tthe he eecosystem cosystem iiss ddying ying iiss nnot ot bbecause ecause w till hhave ave a ddryer ryer iin n oour ur bbasement. asement. IItt iiss bbecause ecause ccorporations orporations llook ook aatt eeverything, verything, ffrom rom hhuman uman bbeings eings ttoo tthe he nnatural atural eenvironment, nvironment, aass eexploitable xploitable ccommodities. ommodities. IItt iiss bbecause ecause cconsumption onsumption iiss tthe he eengine ngine ooff ccorporate orporate profits.” profits.” So So bbeyond eyond oour ur eefforts fforts ttoo ssave ave tthe he eearth arth bbyy aadjusting djusting we’ve oour ur oown wn iindividual ndividual hhabits, abits, w e’ve ggot ot ttoo rrevise evise tthe he way work. Now way w ay ccorporations orporations w ork. N ow llet’s et’s aapply pply tthis his w ay ooff tthinking hinking ttoo tthe he sspecific pecific ppersonal ersonal ddilemma ilemma yyou’re ou’re ffacing acing rright ight nnow: ow: IIt’s t’s important important for for yyou ou ttoo cchange hange yyourself, ourself, yyes—and es—and II’m ’m gglad lad yyou’re ou’re ttaking aking rresponsibility esponsibility ffor or yyour our will rrole ole iin n tthe he ccomplications—but omplications—but yyou ou w ill aalso lso hhave ave ttoo ttransform ransform tthe he ssystem ystem yyou’re ou’re ppart art oof.f.

PISCES P ISCES ((Feb. Feb. 119–March 9–March 220): 0): EEvery very yyear ear A Americans mericans

much money ffork ork oover ver ssix ix ttimes imes aass m uch m oney oon n bbuying uying llottery ottery movies, ttickets ickets aass tthey hey ddoo oon n ggoing oing ttoo tthe he m ovies, aaccording ccording film ttoo tthe he ddocumentary ocumentary fi lm Lucky. Lucky. Yet Yet m many any ppeople eople who w ho aactually ctually bbuck uck tthe he iimprobable mprobable oodds dds rregard egard ttheir heir “luck” u aas a curse. u e “Winning W nn ng the he lottery o e is likee throwing h ow ng Miracle-Gro said M a e G o oon n aall your ou character ha a e ddefects,” ee a d oone ne pperson. e on LLet e this h serve e e aas a cautionary au ona tale a e for o you ou in n the months, Pisces. he coming om ng m on h P e TToo gget e ready ead for o the he ggood ood things way, work h ng that ha aaree hheaded eaded your ou w a you ou should hou d w o too ppurify u aany n ddarkness a ne that’s ha lurking u ng inn your ou unconscious. un on ou

Homewo k Why Homework: Wh hy iss this h s a perfect pe ec moment? momen ? Writee to W o Truthrooster@gmail.com. T u h oos e @gma com Here’s He e s my take ake on the hee question: ques on http:/ h p //bit.ly/ /b / y/ Th s saPe ec Momen ThisIsaPerfectMoment.

Go to REALASTROLOGY.COM to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. Audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700

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There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you The following person(s) is may call an attorney referral (are) doing business as: service or a legal aid office Phelan Auto & Body Repair, (listed in the phone book). 295 Phelan Ave., San Jose, Despues de que le entreguen CA, 95112, Loc Trinh, 3909 esta citacion judicial usted Mars Ct., San Jose, CA, tiene un plazo de 30 DIAS 95121. CALENDARIOS para presentar This business is conducted una respuesta escrita a by a individual. maquina en esta corte. Registrant has not yet begun Una carta o una llamada teletransacting business under fonica no le ofrecera protecthe fictitious business name cion; su respuesta escrita a or names listed herein on. maquina tiene que cumplir /s/Loc Trinh con las formalidades legales This statement was filed with apropiadas si usted quiere the County Clerk of Santa que la corte escuche su caso. Clara County on 4/22/2010. Si usted no presenta su (pub Metro 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, respuesta a tiempo, puede 5/26/2010) perder el caso, y le pueden tras cosas de su propiedad sin aviso adicional por parte Kalfen Law de la corte. Corporation Existen otros requistos Herman I. Kalfen, JD, REA, NAEP 1 Embarcadero Center, legales. Puede que usted Suite 500 San Francisco, CA quiera llamar a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no 94111 conoce a un abogado, puede Call Anytime - 415.315.1710 llamar a un servicio de referinfo@kalfenlawcorp.com encia de abogados o a una ACCIDENTS & INJURIES oficina de ayuda legal (vea el telefonico). FICTITIOUS BUSINESS directorio The name and address of the NAME STATEMENT court is: (El nombre y direccion de la corte es) #536153 Superior Court of California The following person(s) is County of Santa Clara (are) doing business as: 191 North First Street Shady Blinds, 7081 Via San Jose, CA 95113 Barranca, San Jose, CA, The name, address and tele95139, Chad Barlow. phone number of plaintiff’s This business is conducted attorney, or plaintiff without by a individual. Registrant began transacting an attorney is: (El nombre, la business under the fictitious direccion y el numero de telebusiness name or names list- fono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante que ed herein on 4/01/2010. no tiene abogado, es) /s/Chad Barlow This statement was filed with Sonoma County Superior Court the County Clerk of Santa 600 Administration Drive Clara County on 4/01/2010. (pub Metro 1/28, 5/05, 5/12, Santa Rosa, CA, 95403 Date: FEBRUARY 19, 2010 5/19/2010) /JOSE O.GUILLEN/County SUMMONS (CITACION Clerk (Actuario) JUDICIAL) /KARINA P. ROYER/, Deputy NOTICE TO (Delegado) (Pub 4/28, 5/05, 5/12, DEFENDANT: 5/19/2010)

(Aviso a Acusado)] ALENE STEVENS and FICTITIOUS BUSINESS DOES 1 through 10, NAME STATEMENT inclusive #536613 YOU ARE BEING SUED The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: 34 BY PLANTIFF: SJ Test Only, 34 San Jose (A Ud. le esta deman- Ave., San Jose, CA, 95125, Trang Le, 804 Farm Drive, Apt dando) #4, San Jose, CA, 95136. STERLING SAVINGS This business is conducted BANK, a Washington by a individual. Registrant has not yet begun Corporation, transacting business under Successor in Inerest the fictitious business name by Merger to SONOor names listed herein on. MA NATIONAL BANK /s/Trang Le statement was filed with CASE NO. SVC-246866 This the County Clerk of Santa You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons is served on you to file a typewritten response at this court. A letter or phone call will not protect you; your typewritten response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case, and your wages, money and property may be taken without further warning from the court.

Clara County on 4/12/10. (pub Metro 4/21, 4/28, 5/05, 5/12/10)

This business is conducted by a general partnership. Registrant has not yet begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on.. /s/Rick Moody This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 4/02/2010. (pub Metro 4/14, 4/21, 4/28, 5/05/2010)

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ARIES A RIES ((March March 221–April 1–April 119): 9): H Hip-hop ip-hop m music usic definitely more definitely nneeds eeds ttoo iinclude nclude m ore ttuba uba pplaying. laying. I tthink hink that’s that’s what’s what’s missing missing from from it. it. Likewise, Likewise, the the ssport port ooff skateboarding would more skateboarding w ould bbenefit enefit ffrom rom hhaving aving m ore ddogs ogs and master and monkeys monkeys tthat hat ccan an m aster iits ts ccomplexities; omplexities; tthe he state state of of journalism journalism ccould ould bbee iimproved mproved bbyy iincluding ncluding more Aries would more babies babies aass rreporters; eporters; aand nd yyou ou A ries ffolks olks w ould significantly significantly uupgrade pgrade yyour our llife ife bbyy llearning earning hhow ow ttoo pplay lay the the game game of of cricket. cricket. ((If If yyou ou bbelieve elieve eeverything verything I jjust ust said, when said, you’ll you’ll bbee eequally qually ggullible ullible w hen a llittle ittle vvoice oice iin n yyour our head head tries tries ttoo cconvince onvince yyou ou ttoo sseek eek oout ut tthings hings yyou ou ddon’t on’t really really need need or or adopt adopt behavior behavior that that doesn’t doesn’t ssuit uit you.) you.)

9p 9 pR ROB OB B BREZSNY REZSNY n\\b f] DXp , n\\b f] DXp ,

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N\ i\Z\ekcp c\Xie\[ X iXg`jk nXj cffj\ `e fli e\`^_Yfi_ff[ n_\e dp iffddXk\ ^fk Xe \dX`c ]ifd _\i jZ_ffc k_Xk `eZcl[\[ X c`eb kf X gfc`Z\ jb\kZ_ f] k_\ jlYa\Zk% K_`j ^fk d\ k_`eb`e^ XYflk k_\ XZZliXZp f] gfc`Z\ jb\kZ_\j% ?fn dlZ_ j_flc[ @ kiljk k_\ i\e[\i`e^ n\ jXn6 ?Xj Xepfe\ [fe\ X jkl[p ZfdgXi`e^ jb\kZ_\j kf k_\ XZklXc jljg\Zkj n_f n\i\ cXk\i Xggi\_\e[\[6 ÆB\e PXg\cc`# 9iffbcpe

There have been lots of studies. The one thing I couldn’t find was a systematic online comparison of suspect sketches and actual photos of the criminals. So I spent the afternoon rummaging around on the web looking for examples involving wellknown wrongdoers. What I came up with can be seen at tinyurl.com/ sketches1. Ultimately the results confounded my expectations: 1. David Berkowitz, a.k.a. Son of Sam. This seemed to confirm my initial biases: in my opinion, the face is too narrow, the cheekbones are too high, and the hair and eyebrows are wrong. 2. Ted Kaczynski, a.k.a. the Unabomber. The sunglasses in this famous drawing conceal so much I initially thought it could be anybody. In Kaczynski’s mug shot he has a beard, but when I compared the prominent jawline with that of a younger, shaven Kaczynski, the similarity was striking enough to make the sketch seem informative. 3. Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber. Not a perfect likeness by any stretch; the forehead in the drawing is too broad. But the eyes, nose and mouth give you the right general idea. 4. Ted Bundy, serial killer. The face is too narrow, but the eyes and eyebrows show a strong resemblance. 5. Bruno Hauptmann, the kidnapper of the Lindbergh baby. OK, the nose is a little off, but the eyes are a dead match. Granted, I may have cherry-picked the best cases; the McVeigh and Hauptmann illustrations came from the FBI’s website as examples of successful IDs. Still, the upshot is that sometimes police sketches work. More often, though, they don’t. Few doubt misses far outnumber the hits. Eyewitnesses are stressed, forgetful and often wrong —one study of 180 convicts freed by DNA evidence found more than 80 percent were mistakenly locked up due in part to erroneous identification. And the skill of the artists varies widely. And often there’s no artist at all. Instead, investigators may use a set of standardized facial features to piece together a composite portrait with the witness’s assistance. Originally these

were kits containing transparencies of different mouths, eyes, ears, etc., that could be mixed and matched; now the job is typically done with computers. The choices are limited, and the cops in many cases have minimal training or experience. For example: • In 2004 Arizona State undergrads viewed photographs of eight British celebrities and made 48 drawings of them using pro-grade composite software. Not one of the drawings was successfully identified by a group of student volunteers in the UK. When other British students were asked to match the original photos with the composites, the accuracy rate was about 6 in 10. • Amateur composite makers in Britain didn’t do much better. When 80 students from the University of Stirling, in Scotland, were shown 10 celebrity composites made by local volunteers—800 views—there were only 22 correct IDs. When the students tried to match the composites with the original photos, the accuracy rate was only 42 percent. Some anecdata: My assistant Una went through the composite-making process when she was robbed at gunpoint. The result didn’t look much like the suspect when he was caught. The latest development is computer software that morphs together drawings or composites produced with the help of different witnesses to generate a consensus that approximates reality more closely. In the lab it seems to work pretty well; see tinyurl.com/sketches2. In the real world? Not too bad, I guess. Go look at Figure 1 in the document at tinyurl.com/sketches3 and judge for yourself. Is the whole business pointless or counterproductive? A wildly inaccurate composite arguably makes it easier for the bad guy to escape. On the other hand, police renderings do help once in a while, and if you’ve got a killer or rapist on the loose, what else are you supposed to do? Tell the public to keep a sharp eye out for somebody of medium height, medium complexion and brown hair?

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 5 -1 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M





Why Sunnyvale? FE< @E LE;<I 8 D@CC@FE K_`j jgiXnc`e^ iXeZ_$jkpc\ _fd\ fe X _l^\ cfk Xk -+0 :XjZX[\ ;i% `e JleepmXc\ `j ^f`e^ ]fi 00/#'''%


?<I< 8I< gc\ekp f] i\Xjfej kf dfm\ kf JleepmXc\# jfd\ f] n_`Z_ Xi\ ]Xd`c`Xi eXd\j1 PX_ff# Ale`g\i# GXcd# CfZb_\\[ DXik`e# ?fe\pn\cc# D`iXgf`ek# Efik_ifg# 8i`YX Xe[ 8D;% =fi X kfne n`k_ X gfglcXk`fe le[\i (,'#'''# `kĂŠj X m\i`kXYc\ afY dX^e\k# \jg\Z`Xccp ]fi _`^_$k\Z_ nfib\ij%

But Sunnyvale offers a lot more than that. Even though the town’s last orchards were removed in 2002, parts of Sunnyvale still have a smalltown, semirural atmosphere. Its one mall, Sunnyvale Town Center, was razed and rebuilt a few years ago, and a vibrant downtown shopping district is growing just down the block. The project is still well under way, and it has only been a few months since the main downtown thoroughfares were opened again to traffic—pedestrian and automobile. It’s a town with a avor all its own—close enough to San Jose and San Francisco to enjoy big city living but far enough away to offer its residents some of the advantages of living in an intimate community. In fact, the FBI lists Sunnyvale as one of the 10 safest cities of its size in the United States. And there are jobs. That’s probably why so many young families are looking to settle in Sunnyvale. It’s a chance to get the kind of home that would otherwise feature in a TV show (ever notice that Buff y the Vampire Slayer is set in Sunnydale?). Take this home, for instance, on 649 Cascade Dr. It may be 1,593 square

feet, but it’s set on a lot that’s six times that size, which means plenty of room for barbecues and football games, for gardening or for just hanging out with the neighbors. Built in 1962, it has the perfect retro look, with a spacious living room and a large bay window overlooking the yard. Even if the home is older than you, don’t be fooled by its age. The kitchen and two bathrooms have been completely remodeled, and all of the appliances are brand new. The living space includes three bedrooms, a living room and a family room, all with original hardwood oors. This is a one-story house, with plenty of light, even in the winter, and a cool breeze wafting through it on the hottest days of summer. There are also plenty of fully grown trees on the property to give much-needed shade on those scorching days. The house borders Cupertino and is easily accessible to all the major highways. Still, for families with kids, Sunnyvale Middle School and Fremont High are some of the top schools in the county. At just under $1 million, this may not be the house for families starting out. But for families getting settled, it could be the place to call home.

Business Listings


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