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Fit Punishment Punishment Reading R eeading about abou ut or listening to the Goldman Sachs Sacchs executives executives before beffo ore commit o tee, I remember remember the Senate committee, real division in this country country that the real isn ’t conservatives conservaatives and liberals, liberals, or isn’t
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arre n are not ot b being eing severely severely punished punished ffor or their their crimes crimes against aggainst the the middle middle cclass. lass. A logical logical punishment punishment in in my my vview iew would would be be that that they they are are forever forever banned b anned from from working working in in the the banking ban nking iindustry ndustry and an nd they they are are forced forced to to get get rreal eall jjobs obs tto o support support themselves themselves and an nd ttheir heir families. faam milies. The The fairest fairest punishment punishment I ccan an n imagine imagine is is these these white white collar collar tthieves hieves working working at at 7-Eleven 7-Eleven or or driving driving a ttruck ruck or or being being greeters greeters at at Wal-Mart. Wal-Marrt. K EVIN RUSSELL, RUSSELL, SSEBASTOPOL EBASTOPOL KEVIN
FFat aat CCity ity Wh Why hy not sell the nam naming ming rights to the city city of San JJose? ose? We We sell naming rights to eeverything verything eelse. lse. How ab about out Larry L arry Ellison Cit Cityy or Oracle O City? Cit y? Wee could W could ha have ave the Am America’s merica’s Cup Racee in Alviso, Rac Alviso, and L Larry a y ccould arr ould buy
the Warrio Warriors ors and mo move ve them her here. e. How many many billions could could the cit cityy get ffor o or nam naming ming rights? If Ellison is not inte erested, ther ayys interested, theree is alw always Googleville, Go oglevillle, Y Yahoo aahoo T Town, own, Ciudad o A dobe, Apple pple Valley Vaalley and others. others. Adobe, Ap Billions and billions billions.. When the naming rig ghts eexpire, xpire, we ccould ould ccall all rights ourselv es “Fat “ Cit y.” ourselves City.” ALL SSCHLARMANN, A CHLARMANN, SSAN AN JJOSE OSE
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I cconcur oncur w with ith M Mr. r. JJeff eff K Kelly elly ((“Not “No N t aF Fan,” an,” Letters, Letters, M May ay 55). ). If If yo you u stick stick tthe he medical medical m marijuana arijuana aads ds iin n the the final fi nal 110 0p pages ages o off M Metro, etro, I ppromise romise to to keep k eep reading. reading. O Otherwise, therwise, I may may h have avve tto ob boycott oycott M Metro etro from frrom fear fear of of the the ““contact contact h high.” igh.” KATHLEEN A. A. HANES, HANES, SAN SAN JOSE JOSE KATHLEEN
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
n a handful of key races, the June 2010 election represents an opportunity to reform the political culture in San Jose and Santa Clara County in important ways. The ballots mailed out to voters on Monday allow voters to make some crucial decisions.
As local governments struggle with bust-cycle budgets, local politics has become polarized between Chamber of Commerce–backed candidates and the South Bay Labor Council machine. Each present us now with their own well-funded candidates and their self-interested platforms. But that’s not the whole story. A number of independent candidates have stepped up in this election cycle to offer voters a choice beyond that breaks out of the conventional boxes, which offers an alternative for anyone whose interests, as a resident or tax-payer, don’t align exactly with those of the business community or the unionized labor force. Metro’s editorial team has worked for many weeks to study issues and interview candidates. We will be making endorsements in these pages and online between now and when polls open on June 8. Below are our recommendations for several key races.
Jeffrey Rosen
nlike the San Jose Mercury News, which championed Dolores Carr’s opponent four years ago and has been unrelenting in its criticism of her ever since, Metro endorsed Carr in the 2006 general election. We believed an outsider would be healthy for an office with a
succession process as ingrown and medieval as the Vatican’s papal conclave. Sadly, her troubled tenure has been plagued by rookie mistakes, judgment
lapses and a tin ear for the appearance of conflicts of interest. And despite the edge she now holds in managing a county department, we’ve concluded that the less experienced Jeff Rosen will grow into the job faster than it will take Carr to repair the county’s damaged prosecutorial apparatus and restore its reputation. Carr tripped early on by appointing a judge as her chief assistant, which is constitutionally prohibited. She showed no interest in pursuing two high-profile political corruption cases (one of which involved her campaign treasurer’s brother-in-law) left behind by her predecessor, George Kennedy. Then, when a political operative aligned with Cindy Chavez hacked into City Hall email systems to smear the South Bay Labor Council’s political opponents, Carr chose not to follow the trail upstream. She similarly took a pass when she had the opportunity to protect the safety of a deputy DA when SBLCfunded bloggers published a map to the gang prosecutor’s family home. In each case, legal arguments supported her decision, though they conveniently favored one political faction, with whom Carr had cozied herself. Carr also sent deputy DA JoAnne McCracken to San Jose City Hall to argue against an open government ordinance at Sunshine Reform Task Force meetings. She intervened in cases on behalf of defendants represented by attorneys who funded her campaign. And when her husband’s paid consulting work conflicted out her office in a murder case, she seemed slow to understand what the fuss was about. Her opponent, Jeff Rosen, is a smart, tough and thoughtful homicide prosecutor whose Obama-esque rise from obscurity demonstrates, at minimum, the energy, persuasion and multitasking
competence that leadership requires. He wants to put the bad guys in jail while expressing a desire to exercise discretion on the victimless activities that force too many people into the justice system these days. Former district attorney Kennedy and House Judicial Committee member Zoe Lofgren, who was mentioned as a Supreme Court Justice candidate, have both endorsed Rosen. Their confidence in his capabilities, in addition to the support of the many deputies who work alongside him, should reassure voters that Jeff Rosen deserves a chance to be the county’s next district attorney.
Teresa Alvarado
WO EVENTS prompted Teresa Alvarado to run for a seat on the Santa Clara County Board of 10
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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
ENDORSEMENTS Supervisors. One was the retirement of her mother, Blanca Alvarado, the first Latina elected to serve as a San Jose City Council member and later as a county supervisor. The other was Barack Obama’s candidacy. Looking back, Alvarado says she saw a new, more pragmatic political model emerging. “I felt like it was time for our generation to step up,” she says. We are supporting Alvarado because she is independent of special interests—her opponents are backed by either organized labor or the Chamber of Commerce while Alvarado is not—and she is the least likely to support environmentally unsound development strategies in South County. Though she has never held an elected office, Alvarado has been around community politics most of her life. Her academic background is in environmental technology, with a BA from San Jose State and a master’s from Tufts. She studied at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. She has worked for years in the private sector—first at NASA/Ames Research Center and more recently with PG&E’s “Solar Schools” program, then served as director of the Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley and as an outside member of the San Jose Mercury News’ editorial board. As promised, her campaign focuses on practical issues, with an innovative twist. In addition to bringing a hard-headed approach to basic county safety-net services, Alvarado proposes tapping federal stimulus funds to pay for a greenretrofitting of county properties. As a three-year member of the San Jose General Plan Task Force, she vows that the long-held developers’ dream of developing turning Coyote Valley into a minicity is finally dead. Alvarado’s leading Democratic opponent, Forrest Williams, now agrees with her about Coyote Valley. But that is a new position for the former San Jose City Council member. When he served on the
8 council, Williams was an enthusiastic supporter of the plan to blanket the pristine valley with homes. Trading the region’s environmental quality for short-term union jobs is unsound public policy. The third leading candidate, former Los Gatos Mayor Mike Wasserman, built his campaign around the issue of fiscal discipline. As a moderate Republican and a professional financial planner, that is not surprising. Nor is it surprising that given the historical moment we’re in, his message resonates. Wasserman declines to say exactly where he plans to make cuts to balance the county’s budget—few candidates for any office would take such a risk. But we found it telling that, when pressed, the only specifics he offered as an example were three women’s shelters, which he suggested might be consolidated. Wasserman’s a heckuva nice guy, but we found that suggestion a rather cruel place to start the cuts. Two South County long-shot candidates fill out the ballot: Gilroy winemaker Tom Kruse (who could have won on name recognition but for the spelling problem) and Dr. Peter Arellano, a family care physician at Kaiser Permanente and a Gilroy City Council member. We were especially impressed with Arellano. He makes a compelling case that, since half the $4 billion county budget is gobbled up by Valley Medical Center, a practicing physician who cut his teeth administrating free clinics in L.A. is a good choice for the job. But despite his sincere, homegrown-boy’s desire to help struggling Gilroy youth, a vote for the dark horse in a close race like this is a vote for Forrest Williams. The eventual winner would do well to keep Arellano’s number close by, however, as the county tries to trim VMC’s fat. We hope that winner is Teresa Alvarado, and we recommend her strongly.
Laurie Smith
and Abel Maldonado as well as Democrats Elaine Alquist and Bill Monning. Every member of the Board of Supervisors has endorsed her. The Deputy Sheriffs Association—the people who work for her—support her too. Her opponents, Richard Calderon and Martin Monica, are both former San Jose Police officers, and neither has the experience needed to run a department of this size and complexity. Calderon, who served the SJPD for 20 years and achieved the rank of captain, worked for a year as chief of police in the tiny Central Valley town of Gustine, and Monica worked for about that long in the even smaller jurisdiction of Parlier. Smith, meanwhile has been a model manager, bringing her department in under budget every year, and setting up effective management strategies— such as an early warning system for officer misconduct. Re-electing her is a no-brainer.
heriff Laurie Smith took over a department 12 years ago that had been plagued by mismanagement, scandal and budget overruns. Her supervisor-appointed predecessor, Chuck Gillingham, provided stability and transitional improvement, but it was Smith’s entrepreneurial energy that modernized the department from the good old boy’s club it once was into one that is a model throughout the state.
The county sheriff oversees a staff of 849 and a budget of $129 million that has been trimmed, in stages, by $16 million since 2004. Under Smith’s steady hand, the department comes in under budget each year and has taken on additional functions, such as managing the county coroner’s office and three college district police forces. The county is considering restoring the sheriff ’s oversight of the county jails, a move that could save taxpayers up to $5.5 million annually. Smith has been endorsed by fellow Republicans Arnold Schwarzenegger
Donald Rocha
longtime political aide who staffed for city council and state assembly members before taking a job in the city’s
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WEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;RE OPEN TUE-SAT 9 to 6
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
ENDORSEMENTS Redevelopment Agency, Donald Rocha knows the issues and how the game is played. And he seems to possess the temperament to help navigate the city through these difficult times. Voters in Distrct 1 have been treated to a number of candidate forums this year, and admittedly, Rocha was less fiery on the stump than his two leading rivals for the position—Jim Cogan and Larry Pegram. One-on-one, however, he comes across as the most thoughtful and knowledgeable of the group. More importantly, in our estimation, Rocha seems to be less beholden to special interests than either Cogan or Pegram—both of whom, by the way, are capable candidates, though Pegram’s ultraconservative views on social matters are out-of-step with a socially tolerant city like San Jose. City hall wunderkind Jim Cogan, the Democratic chief-of-staff to Republican Pete Constant, is an engaging speaker with confidence to match his ambition. He has won more endorsements than either of his opponents. In this election cycle, that’s a bit of a problem. Having secured the support of the police and firefighters unions, for example, will he be able to play hardball with them at the negotiating table? Larry Pegram, who served on the City Council in the 1970s and now heads the Family Values Council has spent years battling against gay marriage and for porn filters in public libraries. After abandoning a Central Valley congressional run, Pegram entered the council race. We fear it’s for the wrong reasons—to advance a social agenda—rather than to solve the city’s pressing problems. In contrast, Rocha’s commitment is plain as day. He tells a story about the event that inspired his interest in politics—his mother’s MinnesotaAvenue dance studio was rezoned by the city and forced to close. Truth be told, it isn’t a particularly riveting tale. But it’s clearly meaningful to him, and it’s refreshing to face a candidate who, beneath a shy exterior, isn’t afraid to
10 say what he’s thinking. To hear most candidates say “I am running for office because I want to help people” would inspire widespread eye-rolling. When Rocha says it, it sounds sincere and is a good reason to seek public office.
Sam Liccardo
am Liccardo’s kickoff party for this race came kind of late in the game, though he had a meet-andgreet in Japantown this week. Why? Because this election will be a slam dunk for him, without a doubt.
Though Republican Tim Hennessey is supposedly still in the game, he never filed any campaign contribution papers in March (or ever, for that matter), so his low-key campaign, while raising some valid concerns, appears to be mostly symbolic. In fact, it’s not really clear why Liccardo is bothering to hold campaign events, other than to keep his political consultants employed. Downtown revitalization has been at the top of Liccardo’s priority list since he arrived at City Hall. This includes his “Peralta Plan” for the
redevelopment of the northwest quadrant of downtown, and the eventual approval of the San Pedro Urban Market, which will open this summer. He also has been a big supporter of the potential baseball park project, and has spearheaded several policies to defer fees and ease restrictions on downtown retailers. On the environmental side, as chairman of the City Council’s Transportation and Environment Committee, he led an initiative to ban single-use plastic and paper bags. As chairman of the Valley Transportation Authority’s board of directors, he strongly advocated for Measure B to bring BART to Silicon Valley. Perhaps his biggest accomplishment was in 2007, when he helped create the Neighborhood Advisory Group, a public forum for local neighborhood leaders. With their help, Liccardo stopped the saturation of bail bond businesses and liquor stores in downtown neighborhoods. Finally, he worked with the county and got the former San Jose Medical Center under their control, and authored the plan for development of a much-needed downtown medical site. This race may have enabled Liccardo to have a voice in other races, too. Don Rocha’s and Magdalena Carrasco’s consultant Natalie LeBlanc seems to be working closely with Jay Rosenthal, who is running Sam’s campaign. Could it be that Liccardo is working to build a centrist, independent alliance on the dais? A common-sense consensus in San Jose’s leadership might not be a bad thing at all.
Magdalena Carrasco
oters in San Jose’s District 5 have a rare opportunity this year
to send a message to City Hall and reject politics as usual. A hard-fought battle is under way between council sibling Xavier Campos, who is backed by the South Bay Labor Council, and a political newcomer named Magdalena Carrasco. Carrasco began to attract notice after her first few appearances at candidates’ forums last Spring. Speaking in either English or Spanish, she articulated a dissatisfaction that she said many of her neighbors shared—a feeling that their representatives were not paying attention to their needs. Carrasco is deeply rooted in the East Side community. The daughter of workers at the Del Monte plant, she grew up there, attended Independence High School and, as she tells it, “had all of the big family experiences” at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. After high school, she left to attend UC–Santa Barbara, where she became involved in social work, teaching Spanish literacy to migrant workers and working with ex-gang members. That’s where she met and married Kevin DeLeon, who later ran for and won a state Assembly seat. Since divorced and remarried, she and DeLeon remain close friends. Carrasco returned to San Jose 19 years ago and went to work for the county’s social services agency, and later First 5, a nonprofit serving young children and their families. She has four children.
13 has talked about having constituent meetings in his home garage, as well as starting up more after-school soccer camps to keep kids out of gangs, something that he personally volunteers for weekly. J. Manuel Hererra is a longtime public servant in San Jose who is best known from his time as an East Side Union High School District Board member, an elected position he’s held since 1990. He’s also served as director of planning for United Way of the Bay Area, ombudsman for the city of San Jose and a legislative aide on Capitol Hill and in the California state Legislature. He’s been a Democratic Party official in Silicon Valley and has served on the executive board of the state Democratic Party. This race is his second attempt to win a San Jose City council seat. His biggest handicap, however, is the fact that he’s spent years and years on a board that has a history of controversy and financial mismanagement. There is a darker cloud hovering above Xavier Campos, who worked for 20 years at the Mexican American Community Services Agency (MACSA), ultimately becoming chief operations officer. MACSA is now under criminal investigation following findings that it was skimming from its employees’ pension funds. Even more troubling is Campos’ loyalty to the SBLC, which represents labor interests that may or may not be aligned with the residents of the district. At a time when compromise on labor negotiations could save some district money, Campos, like his sister, is likely to continue to resist concessions. With its large population of immigrants, the East Side will be the district where people will be the most deeply affected by budget cuts. District 5 is perhaps the most important seat up for this election season, in terms of how politics can affect voters and their families. We’re confident that Carrasco would do a credible job of representing them.
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Despite this impressive catalog of genuine community involvement, supporters of her opponent, Xavier Campos, have attempted to cast Carrasco as some kind of outsider. That’s not really surprising. It is likely that Campos, whose sister Nora now represents District 5, sees many of his neighbors as outsiders, simply because they are not political insiders. This race had been pretty much a sure thing for Campos before Carrasco jumped in, and the SBLC has made it very clear that they don’t believe Carrasco has any right to step up as she has. In fact, SBLC sent a threatening letter to members of the state Assembly who have come out in support of Carrasco. (Most of them, like DeLeon, have impeccable labor-friendly voting records; that is not good enough for the SBLC, whose strong-arm tactics have recently gone beyond mere political hardball.) Though Campos has more money and more endorsements from bigname politicians, Carrasco has a shot at this seat because she seems better able to connect with East Side voters. The fact that she is fluent in both English and Spanish is a big plus with many of them (Campos does not speak Spanish). Carrasco argues that district residents haven’t felt a connection to City Hall under Xavier’s sister, Nora Campos, for years. They feel that District 5 has been used as a chess piece while the real issues— dwindling community services, problems with public transportation, and above all else, gang violence and public safety—have been ignored. That probably explains why there are so many good candidates running in District 5 this year. We were also impressed by Aaron Resendez, a longtime East Side community activist and grassroots leader. By day, Resendez works as a box-printing press operator, but on evenings and weekends he’s frequently out in the community. He has lived on the East Side for more than 17 years. He is promising the people of East Side direct accessibility to City Hall. At candidate forums, he
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Smoking Cars, Paid Sex and Craigslist Craigslist is back in the news, and the news is not good. Failed bomber Faisal Shahzad apparently used the site to purchase the car he used to try and bomb Times Square last Saturday night. In fact, it was because he used his real name when responding to the ad that the authorities were able to track him down and nab him before he boarded NFIB@E> >@ICJ K_\ :fee\Zk`Zlk a flight to Dubai. It was good 8> ZcX`dj k_Xk :iX`^jc`jk ]leZk`fej dlZ_ c`b\ Xe fec`e\ Yifk_\c% news for the feds and the NYPD, with the case solved in less time than it takes to film an episode of Law and Order. The news was less good for the woman who sold him the car, who had half the U.S. government pounding on her door on Sunday. To quote her Facebook page, “OMG! I HAD A CRAZY DAY . . . IT’S OFFICIAL. I HAVE BAD LUCK. SMH I HOPE THEY FIND THAT BASTARD.” When someone resorts to all-caps, you know they’ve had a bad day. On the other hand, you really can’t blame Craigslist for that. What you can blame them for is the proliferation of sex ads on their site, or at least Dick Blumenthal thinks so. The Connecticut attorney general is demanding that the site turn over to him all documents pertaining to its efforts to keep the sex trade off the site. In a report by MSNBC, Blumenthal said that the site is “an online red light district as obvious and plain to you as Times Square was in the ’70s or ’80s,” i.e., when the biggest annoyance to visitors to Times Square was the many sex shops on 42nd Street, and not the possibility of
the best of the local web
a car exploding in your face. According to Business Insider, Craigslist has “the highest revenue per employee of any blue chip company in the tech industry. According to some estimates, one-third of that revenue comes from the sex trade, making it one of the most profitable sex sites online. CEO Jeff Buckmaster is not amused by all this attention. He points out that Blumenthal hasn’t actually served them with a subpoena, and called the attention “a good photo op” for the AG. Perhaps he has a point. After all, Blumenthal is running in Connecticut to replace Sen. Chris Dodd. — DANNY WOOL, SV411.COM
Hey Twitter, Can We Have Our 1.4 Million Followers Back? Twitter is all sorts of wacky today. Earlier Mike Butcher at TC Europe reported on a bug which can be used to force any Twitter user to follow you. Now, everyone’s follower count has been wiped out, at least temporarily. If you look right now at the TechCrunch Twitter account, for instance, it lists 0 followers and 0 following. That is down from 1.4 million or so earlier this morning. This is true for every account. It
appears to be temporary and part of Twitter’s attempt to deal with the first bug mentioned above. Tweets still seem to be going out, so everyone can breathe easy. I wonder how many followers we will have when the numbers get restored. — ERICK SCHONFELD, TECHCRUNCH
Sean Percival How dare they, at least 1,000 of those were non-bots! RavoxX “Hysteria, panic, we godda all die, OMG, the Illuminati!” Angie That is how my twitter account looks all the time. ;( Google Fanboy Great time to try out Buzz again.
The Real Story Behind Twitter’s Ridiculous Follow Bug For a while [Monday], a Twitter bug let anyone force anyone to follow their accounts. It was a hilariously simple trick, and equally bizarre. Even better? This bug was discovered by accident, by a Turkish Twitter user. Here’s what happened.
Our initial tip came to us through another Turkish Twitter user, named Güntekin. His first message to us, which frankly sounded ridiculous: “A Turkish guy named Bora Kırca figared out accidently that if you tweet ‘accept username,’ for
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SINGLE IN THE BAY AREA? Activate your social life!
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MASHUP the best of the local web
“[Bora] likes a group named ‘Accept’ and to show his love, he tweets “accept pwnz.” But instead of seeing this post, he sees twitter user ‘pwnz’ follows him.” He told his girlfriend, and together they started doing exactly what anyone else would have: They made famous people follow them. Then he posted about it on his blog.Then, through Güntekin and people like him, word trickled west: “Twitter is being hacked by some Turkish guy. Haha, I have 0 followers.” (Ashton Kutcher) Right, so that’s evidently how the bug was found, but why was it there in the first place? It was so naked and simple—just type “accept username” and you’ve got a new follower—that its existence strained belief. Why would typing a command like that do anything, much less rip a hole in Twitter’s delicate infrastructure?— JOHN HERRMAN, GIZMODO.COM
mecha2142 I certainly hope they didn’t break into this Turkish guy’s home and take possession of his computers. im2fools Wait, no one discovered that if you tweet “I am a complete twit” 42 times in a row, you unlock the super secret bonus room, did they? Oh, good.
njdevil Accept Inky. Accept Blinky. Accept Pinky. Accept Clyde WhatIf_GitEmSteve? I hate when people say this is “hacking.” But what do I honestly expect from Ashton Kutcher?
‘Beat the Internet’ Is AOL’s New Mantra The official theme of AOL, the fast-fading internet giant, is to “beat the internet,” CEO Tim Armstrong confirms in an KFL>? >LP K`d internal memo. 8idjkife^# 8FCÊj And by “beat” :<F# _Xj X[fgk\[ X glqqc`e^# he apparently XggXi\ekcp j\c]$ means [\]\Xk`e^ jcf^Xe% “pummel into a bloody whimpering mess.” AOL’s “beat the internet” slogan has been rumored and alluded to before, but today’s memo is the clearest confirmation yet that the company is committed to this odd bit of branding. What’s more, Armstrong explains the slogan by way of a quote from a famous boxer: “Changing ourselves is much better than being changed by the industry, and all the announcements today are meant to make AOL faster, better and stronger. I will leave you with a favorite quote of mine, and one that speaks to “Beat the Internet”: ‘Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them—a desire, a dream, and a vision. They have to have the skill, and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.’ —Muhammad Ali” AOL: It’s Coming for Your Lunch Money, Just As Soon As It’s Done Punching Twitter in Its God Damned Face. —RYAN TATE, VALLEYWAG. GAWKER.COM
im2fools Thank goodness no one’s discovered the slapsilly command.
JennaW The phrase “good luck with that” springs to mind.
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14 example billgates, then bill gates will follow you. it’s so stupid; but true.” Stupid, but yeah, true. It worked. We posted about it. Twitter went nuts, everyone’s follow numbers shot to zero, and Bora’s Twitter account was suspended. But how did he find this thing in the first place? Accidentally? Really? Güntekin explains:
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Felipe Buitr B Buitrago ago
Wild Idea? NFIB @E GIF>I<JJ N FI B @E GIF>I <JJ N_Xk N_Xk nXj feZ\ KXjk\ LckiX Cfle^\ nXj feZ\ KXjjk\ LckiX Cfle^\ n`cc Y\ gXik f] k_\ e\n JXe G\[if JhlXi\ GlYc`Z DXib\k% n`cc Y\ gXik f] k_\ e\n JXe G\[if JhlXi\ GlYc`Z DXib\k%
:Xe X ]fid\i JXe Afj\ dXpfi :Xe X ]fid\i X ]fid\i JXe Afj\ j\ dXpfi klie X jhlXe[\i\[ Zfie\i `ekf kl lie X jhlXe[\ii\[ Zfie\i `ekf f X dXib\k YfeXeqX6 X dXib\k Yf feXeqX6 9p 9 pG GARY A RY SINGH SINGH
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of S of St. t. JJohn ohn b between etween S San an nP Pedro edro aand nd A lmaden A venue ass tthe he m ain ccentral entral Almaden Avenue main h angout ffor or jjust ust aabout bout eeveryone, veryone, hangout llocals ocals aand nd ttravelers ravelers aalike. like. O nly Only iindependent ndependent aand/or nd/or eeclectic clectic food food vvendors, endors, rrestaurants, estaurants, rretailers, etailers, k iosks kiosks aand nd o ther iideas deas w ill b onsidered. other will bee cconsidered. T he w ebsite ssays: ays: ““Wanted: Wanted: The website C ompelling iideas. deas. W ild C haracters.” Compelling Wild Characters. S cheduled to to o pen in in llate ate ssummer, ummer, Scheduled open tthe he 550,000-square-foot 0,000-squarre-foot p roject w ill project will ccomprise omprise tthe he o utdoor p laza ar rea outdoor plaza area ssurrounding urrounding tthe he P eralta A dobe, Peralta Adobe, p lus tthree hree b uildings: ((1) 1) T he o ld plus buildings: The old E orado b uilding o nS an P edro Ell D Dorado building on San Pedro ((formerly formerly tthe he L aundryworks), Laundryworks), ccurrently urrently b eing rretrofitted; etrofitted; ((2) 2) being T he n ow-gutted b uilding att tthe he The now-gutted building ssoutheast outheasst ccorner orner o t. JJohn ohn S treet off S St. Street aand nd A lmaden A venue, fformerly ormerly tthe he Almaden Avenue, S an JJose ose E arrthquak kes o ffice; an nd ((3) 3) San Earthquakes office; and an ew b uilding tto ob rected aatt tthe he new building bee eerected ssouthwest outhwest ccorner orner o t. JJohn ohn an nd off S St. and
San P edro, fformerly ormerly tthe he llocation ocation o San Pedro, off several nightclubs. nightclubs. several As o ight n ow, p lan ans aare re tto o eeven ven As off rright now, plans have a sstage tage o utside tthe he P erallta have outside Peralta Adobe ffor or d aily eentertainment ntertaiinment Adobe daily when weather weather permits. permits. An An artist’s artist’s when rendering is is on on the the website: website: http:// http:// rendering Steve B orkenhagen o ulipia ffame ame Steve Borkenhagen off E Eulipia is tthe he p oint d ude ffor or tthose hose w anting is point dude wanting to llease ease a sspace, pacce, sso oh ecently ttook ook to hee rrecently the aauthor uthor o naw alk-through o he the on walk-through off tthe entire llocality. ocality. M any m ajor ccities ities entire Many major have u rban p ublic m arkets, b ut tthis his have urban public markets, but one, ssays ays B orkenhagen, w ill d raw one, Borkenhagen, will draw heavy inspiration inspirattion ffrom rom tthe he G ran nville heavy Granville Island P ublic M arket iin nV ancouver, Island Public Market Vancouver, British C olumbia. British Columbia. Now w, the author ha as b een to Now, has been Vanc a ouver six times in i the last Vancouver ears, and he will vvouch ouch ffor o or six yyears, Granville Island’ ure. The Granville Island’ss allu allure. market is cho ck k--full of o a splendid market chock-full hodgepodge of lo cal vvendors— endors— hodgepodge local meats, fish, vvegetables, egetabless, br eads, meats, breads, teas, cho colate, desser rts, curries teas, chocolate, desserts, curries,, noodles, wines eers, crafts noodles, wines,, b beers, crafts,, fabrics fabrics,, jewelry and other delights—all dellights—all in a jewelry relaxed open-air open-air atmosphere atmo osphere where where relaxed everyone is welcome. welcome. everyone Seemingly every every day day there’s there’s Seemingly
something going going on, on, whether whether it’s it’s something cooking lessons, lessons, tastings tastings or or filmings filmings cooking of some some sort. sort. You You don’t don’t even even have have of to be be looking looking for for anything anything in in to particularr—you ccan an just just show show up up and and particular—you wander around around amid amid all alll the the goods. goods. In In wander fact, many many people people do do just just that. that. fact, “We thought thought it it had had d more more of of a “We funky casual casual aapproachability pproacchab bility that that funky some of of the the other other markets marrkets don’t, don’t,” some Borkenhagen said. said. “The “The Ferry Ferry Market Marrket Borkenhagen [in San San Francisco] Francisco] is is more more upscale, upscale, [in whereass Granville Gran nville is is eeverything— verything— whereas you’ve got got the the suits suits there, there, you’ve you’ve you’ve got casual casuall people people off off the the street. street. . . . got We’re not not trying trying to to be be Valley Valley Fair Fair or or We’re San ntana Row. Row. We’re We’re trying trying for for more more Santana of the the opposite. opposite.” Hallelujah. Halllelujah h. of So tthere here w ere—the aauthor uthor So wee w were—the and B orkenhagen—sashaying o ur and Borkenhagen—sashaying our way tthrough hrough tthe he rrubble ubble iinside nside tthe he way old L aundryworks b uilding, rright ight old Laundryworks building, next door door to to the the Old Old Wagon Wagon Saloon. Saloon. next Retrofitting p rocedures w ere iin n ffull ull Retrofitting procedures were force. O utside o n tthe he ccorner orner p arcel force. Outside on parcel formerly occupied occupied by by ultralounges, ultralounges, formerly concrete w as being being poured. poured. concrete was With a ssweeping weeping ggesture esture o is With off h his han nd, B orkenhagen eexplained xplained h ow hand, Borkenhagen how much o hat p articular ccorner orner much off tthat particular of S t. JJohn ohn aand nd S an P edro, ccome ome of St. San Pedro, late ssummer, ummer, w ill b nother late will bee aanother building, w ith aadditional dditional p ublic building, with public space o n tthe he aactual ctual ccorner. orner. T he space on The sidewalk w ill b xtended o ut iinto nto sidewalk will bee eextended out St. JJohn, ohn, ffacilitating aaccilitating eeven ven m ore St. more room ffor or o utdoor ttables ables aand nd p ublic room outdoor public interaction. interaction. Over iin n tthe he p atio o utside tthe he Over patio outside much-underused Peralta Peralta Adobe, Adobe, much-underused he ttold old m e, tthere here w ill b till m ore he me, will bee sstill more public ggathering athering sspace, pacce, p ossibly ffor or public possibly dinner ccocktails, ocktaiils, a b reakfaasst ccoffee off ffeee o dinner breakfast orr essentially an nything. A bout a d ozen essentially anything. About dozen tenants h ave aalready lready ssigned igned lleases eases tenants have with sseveral everal m ore lletters etters o ntent with more off iintent in tthe he w orks. A gain, tthis his iiss n ot ggoing oing in works. Again, not to be be a place place for for yet yet one one more more stripstrip to mall JJamba amba JJuice uice ffranchise ranchise o et mall orr yyet another S ubway ssandwich andwich d ump. IItt another Subway dump. is a p roject d esigned tto ob niquely is project designed bee u uniquely San JJose. ose. A ith llast ast w eek, I w ill San Ass w with week, will tak ke the the glass glass half-full half-full on on this this one. one. take
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19 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
32nd 3 2 n d AAnnual nnual
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9@B< 9FPQ JXddp If[i`^l\q c\]k Xe[ DXkk_\n If[i`^l\q ]lj\ Xik Xe[ Y`ZpZc\ \e^`e\\i`e^ Xk k_\`i <Xjk J`[\ jkl[`f nfibj_fg%
FRA Eugenia Chien
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J_fikp =Xkq Xe[ JXe Afj\Êj _`jkfip f] Y`ZpZc\ `eefmXk`fe 9p DIANE SOLOMON
K J?FIKP =8KQÊ Y`b\ j_fg# J\i`\j / Y`ZpZc\j jkXe[ e\Xi X iXZb f] e\n K$j_`ikj Xe[ cfni`[\i _Xe[c\YXij _Xe^ fe kXcc n_`k\ nXccj [i`qqc\[ n`k_ YcXZb B\`k_ ?Xi`e^Åc`b\ jhl`^^c\j% 9\_`e[ k_\ j_fg `j k_\ nfibjgXZ\ n_\i\ DXkk_\n If[i`^l\q ]XYi`ZXk\j Y`b\ ]iXd\j Xe[ jZlcgkli\j% @e YXZb `j JXddp If[i`^l\qÊj ^iXg_`Z [\j`^e jkl[`f%
A golden statue of a Tibetan Buddha sits on top of a bookcase, smiling down on a large wooden work table that holds neat stacks of Sammy’s hand-painted design renderings. It’s a spare space, bright with light from rows of small windows that sit below the high ceilings of this reincarnated warehouse, which was once part of
the Tri Valley Cannery, on Ninth and Taylor streets in San Jose. The Rodriguezes aren’t brothers; they’re friends and business partners. In 2007 they started building a brand of custom bikes in their East Side San Jose garage. That same year they won their first public art grant, which resulted in the creation and installation of a lowrider bike table on the third floor of the Martin Luther King Jr. Library. It was part of Mel Chin’s Recolecciónes project, an internationally known program of public artworks that involves community participation. The Rodriguezes have won two more public art projects, one in San Jose and one in Los Angeles, which they’re working to complete this year. Sammy and Matthew both grew up on the East Side, and Sammy says his family has been in San Jose since it was part of Mexico. His great-grandmother worked in the canneries, his grandmother worked in Santa Clara Valley fields and his mother worked at electronics
companies—before the assembly and pack-out operations moved offshore. Sammy’s squared glasses, shaved head and khakis give him a studious look. He just turned 29 and lives in south San Jose with his fiance, Huong Nguyen, and their 4-yearold daughter, along with Nguyen’s extended family. He says he started drawing when he was 5 and became a graffiti artist at 12, when he started going to the Hank Lopez Community Center’s “Aerosol Armageddon” events, which featured breakdancing, DJs and live painting. “When I first saw somebody doing graffiti it looked like magic,” Sammy says. “The person just moves their arm, and the cans seem to float and all of a sudden there’s a mark on the wall. It was just kind of hypnotizing to see how they did that, and I fell in love with it.” Sammy credits Silicon Valley DeBug for giving him the space to explore art as a career. DeBug is known for its civil rights activism but for Rodriguez it was also a
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
ÉN_\e @ Ó ijk jXn jfd\Yf[p [f`e^ ^iX]Ó k` `k cffb\[ c`b\ dX^`Z% K_\ ZXej j\\d kf Ô fXk Xe[ Xcc f] X jl[[\e k_\i\Êj X dXib% @k nXj aljk b`e[ f] _pgefk`q`e^%Ê After graduation, Sammy says, he was headed for a career in illustration and design for magazines and newspapers. But with the troubles facing print media, he worried there wouldn’t be enough opportunities for him. When he began working with Matthew, a sculptor and lowrider bicycle builder, he saw the industrial design possibilities of bikes, and soon after they started Shorty Fatz LLC and got the Recolecciónes gig. Sammy credits a show at the Anno Domini gallery as their breakthrough. “Before that show we modified existing frames. That’s the lowrider tradition. Whether it’s a car or a bike, you modify it and tweak it out so that it becomes a lowrider,” Sammy says. “For this show we decided to do something completely unique from scratch, so Matthew created three frames. After the show we decided to take one of those frames and do
a small production of it and that became our first cruiser bike.
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
support group, with a zine and website where he could experiment. He moved from spray cans to fine art as he learned more about it at Oak Grove High School, De Anza College and California College of the Arts, where he earned a BFA in illustration, influenced by Baron Storey, Barry McGee, Yuko Shimizu and Jasper Wong.
Old School, New School Phil Wood & Co. have been manufacturing bicycle components in San Jose since 1971. They’re located in an old brick building that’s across the parking lot from Shorty Fatz. They’re known for their precision-engineered hubs, cogs and eccentric bottom brackets, use U.S. made materials and sell to about 5,000 shops worldwide. Peter Enright is their president. He’s worked there 20 years. In 1978 he was one of five G.E. engineers who enjoyed cycling on Monterey Highway so much they formed the Almaden Cycle Touring Club, which now has 1,000 members. A mutual friend introduced Enright to the Rodriguezes. “Not knowing anything about them,” Enright says, “they showed me some of their stuff, and I’m thinking, ‘This is really nice. I want to help these guys.’ So we did. Everyone else here said don’t waste your time. I said, ‘I see something. Let’s give them a chance.’” “They were bending their tubes over a 1953 Chrysler rim. So I think the biggest help was to introduce them to Dale Saso who taught them how to make a frame using braising.” Saso has been making custom bicycle frames in San Jose since the 1970s, using an old school welding technique called filet braising. “He taught them for a little bit,” says Enright, “and he found out that they were very good at it, and it took off from there.” The Rodriguezes design and manufacture single-speed bicycles that appeal to cruisers and fixed-gear aficionados. They sell about 12 bikes a month. Frames cost from $775 to $875 and complete bikes range from $1,375 to $1,775. Last year they shared a booth with Phil Wood & Co. at Interbike in Las Vegas, one of the largest bicycle trade shows in the world. Their bikes got a lot of attention and since then customers from Japan, Thailand and
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Felipe Buitrago
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Indonesia have ordered as many as six bike frames at a time. Sammy Rodriguez isn’t worried about Asian copycats. “If they copy us it will give us more exposure because people know what makes a Shorty Fatz. It’s not just the unique design; there’s also unique function features like our bottom bracket that houses a Phil Wood Eccentric. And we filet-braise and powder coat our frames. You can’t duplicate all of the time and all of the soul that goes into these bikes, and if you do people are going to see right through it because they’re so unique that it’s going to be obvious. “If they copy us, it will be better for us because more people are going to want the real thing.”
Cool Bike Capital Terry Shaw says Shorty Fatz is part of a long line of San Jose bicycle innovation. Shaw opened up his first bike shop in 1976 near San Jose State University. Today his shop is in Santa
Clara. He’s a member of the Garden City Cyclists, a professional racing club that was called the Garden City Wheelmen when it was formed in the late 1800s. “In the late 1880s, there were 4,000 people in San Jose, 27 bike clubs and nearly that many bike shops. Everybody was bike crazy because San Jose had perfect weather and lots of smooth city and country roads to ride on.” He says professional bicycle racing was the most popular spectator sport in America at the turn of the 20th century, until baseball and football took over in the 1920s. “Major national races were held here,” says Shaw, “and bicycle racing at tracks was a central part of the social fabric of the Santa Clara Valley.” He says San Jose’s early adoption of bicycle racing and the technology that went with it was the beginning of Silicon Valley’s legacy of innovation. As the need arose, local tinkerers transferred technology from their mechanical farm equipment to early bicycles
25 platforms at the Jefferson/USC Station. Eight feet wide and 3 feet tall, the panels are populated with characters and scenarios visually divided by the silhouette of bike frames, resembling the layout of a comic book. Zipporah Lax Yamamoto is a Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Public Arts Officer. “Sam’s work is sophisticated and there’s an elegance about it,” says Yamamoto. “He breaks up the art panel in a way that’s really fresh and interesting and will allow visitors to experience it on multiple levels over time.” Yamamoto thinks this commission is a huge leap for Rodriguez’s career. Because of its proximity to USC’s Galen Center sports complex and Expo Park, the destination for museums and the California Science Center, tens of thousands of people will pass through this outdoor station every day, which Yamamoto says is more than would ever see Rodriguez’s work at an art gallery. Prior public art experience wasn’t a requirement for this project because LACMTA wanted to give young artists the opportunity to participate and to develop the skills needed to execute their projects from proposal to fabrication and installation. “Sam getting a major project like this under his belt,” says Yamamoto, ”means he’ll be a more eligible candidate for future public art projects.” Rodriguez is now working with the fabricator that’s translating his designs into ceramic mosaics and he’ll oversee their installation. This station is slated for completion in 2011. Rodriguez’s alma mater is one of the top art schools in the country. California College of the Arts’ alumni are known for getting media and movements recognized as fine art. Peter Voulkos and Robert Arneson did it for ceramics. Marvin Lipofsky did it for the studio glass movement. Rodriguez may do it for the fine art chops he mixes with graffiti, anime, hip-hop and lowrider culture that Barbara Goldstein calls urban art. Goldstein is the city of San Jose’s public art director. She says the
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
and automobiles and vice versa. “While the electronics industry innovations were going on like mad here in the 1970s and 1980s, this area was a hotbed for innovations in cycling by some of these same bright young minds,” says Shaw. “Phil Wood was one of the great innovators. He started out as a mechanical engineer, and then you have the modern bicycle helmet invented by an SJSU industrial design student, Jim Gentes [who formed Giro Sport Design to market it]. He worked for Jim Blackburn who produced the first state-of-the-art touring racks in San Jose.” Blackburn cycling products are now part of Bell Sports Inc. Mike Sinyard starting Specialized in San Jose after he graduated from SJSU in 1974. Specialized, one of the largest U.S. bike manufacturers, is now headquartered in Morgan Hill. Jennifer Easton works for the city of San Jose’s Office of Economic Development. “What’s fantastic about Shorty Fatz is they bootstrapped from a garage, do a lot of work with kids in the community and they’re reinforcing San Jose’s established brand of innovation,” says Easton. “This is a multicultural community where everybody has access to building businesses and following their ideals and dreams.” With the fixed-gear bike craze revving up, Easton says Shorty Fatz is getting new groups to get greener. “It’s the fixie crowd, but it’s also the hip-hop crowd that Shorty Fatz bikes are getting out of their cars,” says Easton. “The thing about the fixies is, and you’ll see this if you go on Craigslist where people sell them, they actually say they’re curated, like ‘I curated my fixie.’ It’s all about how you trick out and part out your fixie, how you style it. It’s a very styleconscious culture and Shorty Fatz bikes fit right in there.” Sammy Rodriguez was one of eight California artists chosen to create artwork for the train stations on the Los Angeles Metro’s new Expo Line, which will go from downtown LA to Santa Monica. He said he’s proud that Los Angeles came to a San Jose artist for one of their highest profile public arts projects. He has designed 20 panels that will be installed on two 270-foot
SHORTY FATZ 25 Felipe Buitrago
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
@E;LJKI@8C 8IKJ JXddp If[i`^l\q ^fk _`j jkXik Xk k_\ J`c`Zfe MXcc\p ;\9l^ q`e\# Xe[ `j efn n`ee`e^ Zfdd`jj`fej%
community chose the Rodriguezes from a pool of preapproved urban artists to create a permanent installation inside the new Seven Trees Community Center and Branch Library. Goldstein says both Rodriguezes spent a lot of time visiting people in this neighborhood so they could figure out the themes and qualities that were important to this community. People will walk from the Library’s entrance to the children’s area through a passageway that is a series of nine tubular steel frames that resemble model-bike kits. They look as though you could snap the parts out of them and assemble a real bicycle. “Each frame,” says Goldstein, “will have images of faces painted on them that are reflective of the community.” She says the art will be installed this summer but this branch may not open until 2011 because of budget shortfalls. “I know a lot of people from here who moved to San Francisco because they think they’re going to discover
something or find an opportunity for their art, but I think you can find it here,” says Rodriguez. “There are a lot of good artists here but it’s still fresh and new because there isn’t a fixed art establishment. It is what it is and people are themselves. If you’ve been working on this thing and you’re in the right place, people will give you the opportunity.” He sits at his wooden work table, surrounded by cool white walls and the soft roaring sounds of Matthew welding a tubular frame for the Seven Trees Library project. He picks up a piece of paper with Shorty Fatz’s new head badge design on it. This will be the thin metal name plate attached to the front of the bicycles just below their handle bars. It’s a winged character holding the words “Shorty Fatz San Jose.” “We were going to put ‘USA’ on there for ‘Made in the USA’ but we decided to put ‘San Jose’ there instead, because let’s just let people know where we’re from. Let’s represent San Jose.”
Amgen 2010 9p ALASTAIR BLAND
E DXp (0# ]fli [Xpj `ekf k_\`i Ó ]k_ iXZ\ k_ifl^_ k_\ jkXk\# k_\ nfic[$ZcXjj ZpZc`jkj f] k_\ 8d^\e Kfli f] :Xc`]fie`X n`cc Yi\Xb cffj\ Xcfe^ GXib 8m\el\ ]fi X jgi`ek kf Df[\jkf% 8e[# f] Zflij\# k_\pÊi\ kXb`e^ k_\ _Xi[ nXp% K_\ iflk\# JkX^\ + f] k_\ \`^_k$[Xp iXZ\ ]ifd E\mX[X :`kp kf K_fljXe[ FXbj# n`cc [iXn jlZ_ eXd\j Xj CXeZ\ 8idjkife^# ?\`ei`Z_ ?Xljjc\i# >\fi^\ ?`eZXg`\ Xe[ C\m` C\`g_\`d\i# n`ee\i f] k_\ cXjk k_i\\ kflij# lg k_\ ]\Xijfd\ J`\iiX IfX[ Zc`dY# X (#0*'$]ffk m\ik`ZXc XjZ\ek# aljk Ó m\ d`c\j `ekf k_\ dfie`e^% JlYj\hl\ek Z_Xi^\j `e JkX^\ + lg k_\ _fk jcfg\j f] k_\ jflk_\ie <Xjk 9Xp _`ccj n`cc [`i\Zk k_\ (). Zfdg\k`kfij e\Xi\i Xe[ e\Xi\i kf Df[\jkf# n_\i\ k_\p n`cc Ó eXccp niXg lg k_\ ()(%,$d`c\ ileÆ(- d`c\j cfe^\i k_Xe cXjk p\XiÊj JXe Afj\ÅDf[\jkf jkX^\# n_`Z_ Xcjf `eZcl[\[ c\jj Zc`dY`e^% The race begins May 16 in Nevada City, a first-time location in the relatively young Tour of California. It runs 810 miles— 70 longer than last year’s, which began in Sacramento and finished in Escondido. As always, the athletes—from 16 teams and 23 nations—will gravitate toward some of the most coveted and feared climbs among local road riding warriors. Stage 3, for one— a 113-mile ride from San Francisco to Santa Cruz—will include the long hauls up La Honda Road, from Woodside to Skyline Boulevard, and Tunitas Creek Road, which climbs from Highway 1 to Skyline. And Stage 6, from Palmdale to Big Bear Lake,
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Felipe Buitrago
JLG<I9@B<IJ K_\ 8d^\e Kfli f] :Xc`]fie`X Y\^`ej fe DXp (-% JkX^\ + f] k_\ iXZ\ [\gXikj JXe Afj\ fe N\[e\j[Xp# DXp (0%
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
AMGEN 2010 27
will feature some of the toughest climbs of the race as well as the Tour’s first-ever mountain-top finish—a dramatic phenomenon in cycling that pits the world’s strongest climbers against each other doing what they do best in a race to the summit. Par for the course in cycling today is concern about use of performance-enhancing drugs, and the Tour of California will not proceed without its own precautionary measures against such activity. This year, in fact, the athletes will be subjected to heightened levels of testing for the use of hormones, steroids, masking agents and manipulated blood. (Common among cyclists is the trick of drawing one’s own blood days before the race and intravenously rechanneling it back into the body just before competition as a “natural” boost to stamina and strength.) Moreover, blood and urine samples will be stored for up to eight years in case suspicions arise about an athlete’s past performance. The storage time will also allow for later testing should new methods be innovated. Medals may be retracted retroactively. While unfair advantages are one thing, disadvantages are another—and perhaps to the good fortune of his competitors, Lance Armstrong has been struck down a notch or two by a battle with a stomach bug acquired in April during the Tour of Flanders. He reportedly is striving to work back into Tour de France shape by July (yep: the Tour of California is just a warmup). Just how he has shaped up for the opener of our Tour will soon be seen, but the world knows that illness hardly hampers Armstrong’s abilities. Anyway, the biggest threat to Armstrong this year will probably be Levi Leipheimer himself, who out-pedaled the seven-time Tour de France winner last year. Race promoters have boasted that 2 million spectators came to watch 2009’s Tour. But outside of a roundabout velodrome, how does one watch a cycling race? After all, the athletes will be pedaling on 15-pound bikes at 40 miles per hour on level ground, and while Stage 4 may begin in San Jose, the riders won’t be here for long. Truth is, wherever you wait—at the starting line at Park Avenue and Almaden (where the teams will break loose at 11am), at the top of Sierra Road or at the finish line in downtown Modesto—all you’re likely to get is a glance of Lance and the rest. Arrive early, as there are sure to be crowds—and don’t blink. (
In the Cycling Spirit Internationally acclaimed bike races aside, the cycling spirit will be in the air from May 15 to 20, when the SAN JOSE CYCLING CLASSIC will host such events and activities as a recreational ride, a timed ride for those in the semicompetitive spirit, cycling instruction and a free cycling film night on Thursday, May 20. Visit for more information. Ever wonder about a world without cars? Experience it for a day on Saturday, May 15, when the Mattson Technology ViaVelo will reserve San Fernando Street between Highway 87 and Third Street for all to enjoy in the rare absence of traffic. And on Thursday, May 13, everyone is encourage to leave the car at home and pedal to the office for the 16th annual Bike to Work Day.
Maker Faire
Enter to win tickets to this years Maker Faire at the San Mateo County Event Center on either May 22 or 23.
Bocce Ball Party Enter to win a Bocce Party for up to 8 people at Campo di Bocce in Los Gatos.
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Free Stuff
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Dave CCabebe a abebe
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a rrich ich sstreet-food treet-food culture, culture, with with quick quick b reads, ccurries, urries, kebabs kebabs and and chaat— chaaat— breads, IIndia’s ndia’s version version of of tapas. tap pass. S unnyvalle’s Yasmin Yaassmin Tyebjee Tyebjee ggrew rew Sunnyvale’s u p iin nC alcutta an nd loved loved the the BritishBritishup Calcutta and iinfluenced nfluenced ssavory avory meat meat aand nd vegetable vegetable p astries o as er yyouth outh ccalled allled ““patties. patties.” pastries off h her S ow hen sshe he set set out out to to open open a food food So when b usiness a few few years years aago, go, she she thought thought a business b igger vversion ersion of of the the meat meat pies pies would would bigger b ust the the thing thing to to appeal appeal to to America’s America’s bee jjust ttaste aste ffor as or q uick, portable portable ffoods. oods. T hus Top Top quick, Thus N osh w as b orn. Nosh was born. T yebjee, w ho b egan h er cculinary ulinary Tyebjee, who began her ccareer areer sseven even yyears earrs aago, go, starting starrting selling selling h er p ies aatt llocal ocal ffarmers aarrmers m arkets. her pies markets. S tuff ffeed w ith aan n eclectic eclectic array arrray o fillings Stuffed with off fillings llike ike spicy spicy b eef, rratatouille, atatouille, chicken, chicken, beef, ap pple aand nd ccheddar heddarr cheese, cheese, chicken chicken tikka tikka apple m asala aand nd w ild m ushrooms, tthe he h andmasala wild mushrooms, handh eld p ies w ere n ot o nly quick quick and an nd easy easy held pies were not only
The T he ccurry-scented urry-scented cchicken, hicken, aalmond lmond and winner, an nd yyogurt ogurt ccombination ombination iiss a w inner, The up flaky ttoo. oo. T he ccrust rust ccooks ooks u pfl aky aand nd llight. ight. Tyebjee uses premium T yebjee u ses p remium iingredients ngredients her pies ffor or h er p ies iincluding ncluding ccage-free agge-free eeggs, ggs, unbleached flours, halal beef u nbleached fl ours, h alal b eef aand nd ffreereerrange ange cchicken. hicken. The meat pies are baked T he m eat p ies ar re b ak ked off-site off ff--site in in Santa Clara, and S anta C larra, ffrozen rozen an nd tthen hen rreheated eheated also handful off iin n tthe he ccafe. afe. I al lso ttook ook a h an ndful o pies home up ffrozen rozen p ies h ome aand nd tthey hey ccooked ooked u p beautifully. b eautifully.
tto o eeat, at, tthey hey w ere aalso lso ffar ar ar b etter ffor or yyou ou were better tthan han na 77-Eleven -Eleven h ot d og. hot dog. S oon llocal ocall ggrocery rocery sstores tores ssuch uch ass Soon C osentino’s, Z anotto’s an nd D raeger’s Cosentino’s, Zanotto’s and Draeger’s sstarted tarrted ccarrying arrying tthe he p pies. ies. L Last asst m month, onth, Tyebjee debuted Top Nosh Cafe T yebjee d ebuted T op N osh C afe iin n Willow Glen, W illow G len, aand nd tthe he time-starved time-starved and and plain hungry masses are better jjust ust p lain h ungry m asses ar re b etter ffor or iit. t. For order-at-the-counter place, Top F or aan no rder-at-the-counter p lace, T op Nosh quite The N osh iiss q uite a ssharp-looking harp-looking ccafe. afe. T he minimalist, modern rrestaurant estau urant ssports ports a m inimallist, m odern décor and display d écor an nd ggleaming leaming gglass lass d isplay ccases asses flowers on aand nd ffresh-cut resh-cut fl owers o n tthe he ttables. ab bles. Tyebjee works behind T yebjee w orks b ehind tthe he ccounter ounter aand nd with kindness ttreats reats ccustomers ustomers w ith k indness aand nd aattention ttention tthat’s hat’s sseldom eldom sseen een iin n ffast, ast, ccasual asuall rrestaurants. estau uran nts. The makes different T he rrestaurant estauran nt m akes 110 0d iff ffeerent kinds off p pies. off tthem k inds o ies. I ttried ried eeight ight o hem They $5.75 aand nd lloved oved tthem hem aall. ll. T hey ssell ell ffor or $ 5.75 $5. aapiece—or piece—or ffrozen rozen tto o ggo o ffor or $ 5. The beef mee o off a T he sspicy picy b eef rreminds eminds m with hints off ccilantro and ssamosa am mosa w ith iits ts h ints o ilan ntro an nd Wild mushroom with Gruyère ccumin. umin. W ild m ushroom w ith G ruyère might bee m myy ffavorite. The ccheese heese m ight b avorite. T he molten-cheese and mushrooms m olten-cheese an nd ssautéed autéed m ushrooms white) ((porcini, porcini, sshiitake, hiitak ke, w hite) ggo o ggreat reat ttogether. ogether.
Top Nosh only pies, IIff T op N osh ssold old o nly iits ts ssavory avory p ies, iitt would bee w worth but w ould b orth a vvisit, isit, b ut tthe he ccafe afe aalso lso arugula, sserves erves eexcellent xcellent ssalads alads ((try try tthe he ar rugula, $7.90), ccucumber, ucumber, rradish adish aand nd ffeta eta ssalad, allad, $ 7.90), house-made $3.70 orr a h ouse-mad de ssoups oups ((aa ccup up ffor or $ 3.70 o bowl $4.90) and outstanding b owl ffor or $ 4.90) an nd ssome ome o utstanding pastries. ffresh-baked resh-bak ked p astries. The meat pies are baked T he m eat p ies ar re b ak ked off-site off ff--site in in Santa Clara, but pastries are S anta C larra, b ut tthe he p astries aand nd ccake ake ar re made The daily, m ade iin-house. n-house. T he llineup ineup cchanges han nges d aily, but bee ssure out pecan b ut b ure tto o sseek eek o ut tthe he p ecan n ttart arrt (($3.50), $3.50), cchocolate-hazelnut hocolate-hazelnut ttart arrt (($3.50) $3.50) and palmiers an nd ccrispy rispy p almiers (($.95). $.95). But wait, more. Top Nosh B ut w ait, tthere’s here’s m ore. T op N osh iiss also haven al lso a h aven ffor or ccoffee off ffeee aand nd ttea ea llovers. overs. The offers brew-to-order T he rrestaurant estau uran ant o ffeers b ff rew-to-order ccups ups off p premium Eccolo and o remium E ccolo an nd IIntelligentsia ntelligentsia Teance one off ccoffee off ffeee aand nd lloose-leaf oose-leaf T eance ttea, ea,, o ne o Bay Area’s premier fine tthe he B ay A rea’s p remier ssources ources ffor or fi ne ttea. ea. only all bee tthis IIff o nly al ll ffast aasst ffood ood ccould ould b his ggood. ood.
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31 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Moree dining Mor dining coverage coverage
Fli j\c\Zk`m\ c`jk f] Xi\X Fli j\c\Zk`m\ c`jk f] Xi\X i\jkXliXekj `eZcl[\j X i\jkXliXekj `eZcl[\j k_fj\ k_Xk _Xm\ Y\\e e ]XmfiXYcp i\m`\n\[ `e k_fj\ k_Xk _Xm\ Y\\e ]XmfiXYcp i\m`\n\[ `e gi`ek Yp D\kif ]ff[ Zi`k`Zj Z Xe[ fk_\ij k_Xk _Xm\ gi`ek Yp D\kif ]ff[ Zi`k`Zj Xe[ fk_\ij k_Xk _Xm\ Y\\e jXdgc\[ Ylk ef fk i\m`\n\[ `e gi`ek% 8cc m`j`kj Y\\e jXdgc\[ Ylk efk i\m`\n\[ `e gi`ek% 8cc m`j`kj Yp fli ni`k\ij Xi\ dX X[\ Xefepdfljcp p# Xe[ Yp fli ni`k\ij Xi\ dX[\ Xefepdfljcp# Xe[ Xcc \og\ej\j Xi\ gX`[ [ Yp D\kif% Lg[Xk\j ]ifd Xcc \og\ej\j Xi\ gX`[ Yp D\kif% Lg[Xk\j ]ifd m`^`cXek i\X[\ij Xe[ c`jk\[ i\jkXliXk\lij Xi\ m`^`cXek i\X[\ij Xe[ c`jk\[ i\jkXliXk\lij Xi\ _\Xik`cp \eZfliX^\[22 gc\Xj\ jlYd`k m`X \dX`c kf _\Xik`cp \eZfliX^\[2 gc\Xj\ jlYd`k m`X \dX`c kf \nj%Zfd% j_fcYiffb7d\kife\ j_fcYiffb7d\kife\nj%Zfd%
Downtown Downtown SSan an Jose Jose ¿book oonline ¿book nline aatt
portions, portions, nibbles nibbles and and finger finger foods foods that that pair pair well well with with the the prodigious prodigious drink drink list. list. 11:30am11:30am10pm 10pm Mon-Wed, Mon-Wed, 11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm Thu, Thu, 11:30am-11pm 11:30am-11pm Fri, Fri, 5-11pm 5-11pm Sat, Sat, Bar Bar open open til til midnight. midnight. 99 99 S. S. First First St, St, San San Jose. Jose. 408.292.4300. 408.292.4300.
AGENDA A GENDA N New ew CCalifornia. alifornia. $ $$. $.
DALAT D ALAT VVietnamese. ietnamese. $ $$. $.
Agenda A genda ffeatures eatures a hhip ip nnightclub ightclub uupstairs, pstairs, a fully-appointed fully-appointed rrestaurant estaurant at at street street level level aand nd DJ-ing D J-ing iin n tthe he bbasement. asement. FFull ull bbar. ar. 3399 99 S. S. First First St. St. 55:30pm-close :30pm-close Wed-Sat. W ed-Sat. 4408.287.3991. 08.287.3991.
AMICI’S EAST AMICI’S EAST COAST COAST P IZZERIA PPizza. izza. $ $.. A Amici’s mici’s PIZZERIA specializes specializes in in thin-crust, thin-crust, New New York-style York-style pizza. pizza. With With its its upscale upscale atmosphere atmosphere and and friendly friendly service service you’ve you’ve got got one one of of downtown downtown San San Jose’s Jose’s bbest est pizza pizza shops. shops. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm MonMonThu, Thu, 11am-11pm 11am-11pm Fri, Fri, 11:30am11:30am11pm 11pm Sat Sat and and 11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm Sun. Sun. 225 225 W. W. Santa Santa Clara Clara St. St. 408.289.9000. 408.289.9000.
ARCADIA A RCADIA SSteakhouse. teakhouse. $ $$$. $$. Michael Mina CCelebrity elebrity cchef hef M ichael M ina menu Arcadia rreworked eworked tthe he m enu aatt A rcadia iin n tthe he ssummer ummer ooff 22006 006 ttoo modern ccreate reate a m odern ssteakhouse, teakhouse, made a cchange hange tthat hat hhas as m ade iitt tthe he ddestination estination rrestaurant estaurant iitt was w as ooriginally riginally ssupposed upposed ttoo bbe. e. Mon-Fri LLunch unch 111:30am-2pm 1:30am-2pm M on-Fri aand nd ddinner inner 55:30-10pm :30-10pm SSununTThu, hu, 55:30-11pm :30-11pm FFri-Sat. ri-Sat. 3301 01 SS.. Market M arket SSt.t. 4408.278.4555. 08.278.4555.
BELLA B ELLA M MIA IA Italian-American. Italian-American. $$$. $$$. One One of of downtown downtown San San Jose’s most Jose’s m ost aattractive ttractive eeateries, ateries, Bella Bella Mia Mia serves serves regional regional dishes dishes with with flair. flair. Full Full bar. bar. 11:30am-9pm 11:30am-9pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm Fri, Fri, 4:30-10pm 4:30-10pm Sat, Sat, 4:30-8pm 4:30-8pm Sun. Sun. 58 58 S. S. First First St. St. 408.280.1993. 408.280.1993.
BILLY B ILLY BERK’S BERK’S EEclectic. clectic. $ $$. $. Billy Billy Berk’s Berk’s restaurant restaurant looks looks and and taste taste likes likes the the offspring offspring of of the the Hard Hard Rock Rock Cafe Cafe and and Chili’s. Chili’s. The The downtown downtown San San Jose Jose restaurant restaurant offers offers a populist populist mix mix of of American, American, Mexican Mexican and and Asian Asian food. food. Most Most dishes dishes are are designed designed for for sharing—appetizer-size sharing—appetizer-size
SSan an Jose’s Jose’s ssecond-oldest econd-oldest Vietnamese V ietnamese rrestaurant estaurant ccontinues ontinues ttoo ddraw raw tthose hose iin n ssearch earch ooff ddelicious elicious ttraditional raditional ffare. are. SSurroundings urroundings aare re cclean lean Open aand nd ffriendly. riendly. O pen ddaily aily ffor or William llunch unch aand nd ddinner. inner. 4408 08 EE.. W illiam SSt.t. 4408.294.6989. 08.294.6989.
E & O TRADING TRADING COMPANY COMPANY $$$. SSoutheast outheast Asian. Asian. $ $$. EEntrees ntrees ccome ome oon n pplayful layful sserving erving ddishes ishes with aand nd aare re bbeautifully eautifully sspiced piced w ith multiculti m ulticulti flavors, flavors, from from Bali Bali ttoo CCeylon eylon aand nd bback ack tthrough hrough Malaysia. Open M alaysia. FFull ull bbar. ar. O pen 111:30am 1:30am midnight ttoo 110:30pm, 0:30pm, uuntil ntil m idnight weekends. oon nw eekends. 111:30am-10pm 1:30am-10pm Mon-Thu, M on-Thu, 111:30am-10:30pm 1:30am-10:30pm FFri, ri, 55-10:30pm -10:30pm SSat, at, 55-9pm -9pm SSun96 un96 SS.. FFirst irst SSt.t. 4408.938.4100. 08.938.4100.
EEMILE’S MILE’S CONTEMPORARY CONTEMPORARY $$$. White-tablecloth FFrench. rench. $ $$. W hite-tablecloth without aamenities menities w ithout tthe he An sstuffiness. tuffiness. A n oold ld ffavorite avorite with ccomes omes bback ack sstrong trong w ith a nnew ew bbistro. istro. FFull ull bbar. ar. CClosed losed SSun-Mon. un-Mon. Reservations R eservations ssuggested. uggested. 111am1am22pm pm TThu-Fri, hu-Fri, 55-10pm -10pm TTue-Sat. ue-Sat. 5545 45 SS.. SSecond econd SSt.t. 4408.289.1960. 08.289.1960.
EEULIPIA ULIPIA N New ew A American. merican. $$$. $$$. The The revamped revamped menu menu emphasizes emphasizes robust robust flavors flavors and and beautiful beautiful presentations. presentations. Several Several standouts standouts have have been been retained retained from from the the previous previous menu, menu, as as have have the the sexy sexy Eulipia Eulipia cocktails. cocktails. Full Full bar. bar. 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm Sat. Sat. 374 374 S. S. First First St. St. 408.280.6161. 408.280.6161. FFLAMES LAMES EEATERY ATERY AND AND B BAR AR American. $$. Valley, A merican. $ $. IIn n SSilicon ilicon V alley, tthe he hhome-grown ome-grown FFlames lames rrestaurant estaurant chain chain is is the the area’s area’s And ddefinitive efinitive ccoffee offee sshop. hop. A nd nnow ow tthey’ve hey’ve oopened pened iin n ddowntown owntown SSan an JJose ose ttoo ggreat reat aacclaim. cclaim. 77amammidnight 88 m idnight ddaily. aily. 8 8 SS.. FFourth ourth SSt.t. 4408.971.1960. 08.971.1960.
¿= book online $ = $10 $$ = $11-$15 $$$ = $16-$20 $$$$ = $21 and up Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages
GGUMBO UMBO JJUMBO UMBO CCajun ajun fusion. fusion. $$. $$. Gumbo Gumbo Jumbo Jumbo charts charts new new territory territory with with dishes dishes such such as as Cajun Cajun lemon-grass lemon-grass chicken, chicken, garlic garlic shrimp shrimp noodles noodles and and crawfish crawfish egg egg rolls. rolls. And And don’t don’t miss miss the the boiled boiled crawfish. crawfish. 11:30am-2:30pm 11:30am-2:30pm and and 5:305:3010pm 10pm Mon-Wed, Mon-Wed, 11:30am11:30am2:30pm 2:30pm and and 5:30pm-midnight 5:30pm-midnight Thu-Fri, Thu-Fri, 3pm-midnight 3pm-midnight Sat Sat and and 3-10pm 80 N.. Market 3-10pm SSun. un. 8 0N Market St. St. 408.294.8626. 408.294.8626. HAWGS H AWGS SSeafood. eafood. $$$. $$$. N Next ext door door to to the the San San Jose Jose Rep Rep Theatre, Theatre, Hawgs Hawgs offers offers simple simple seafood seafood and and convenience convenience for for theatergoers. theatergoers. Mostly Mostly shellfish shellfish and and pasta pasta combinations combinations aare re offered; offered; tthe he linguini linguini clams clams and and sautéed sautéed sscallops callops are are full full of of garlic garlic and and rrich ich flavors. flavors. Tue-Sat Tue-Sat 11:30am-9pm, 11:30am-9pm, 4-10pm 4-10pm Sun. Sun. 1150 50 S. S. Second Second St. St. 408.287.9955. 408.287.9955. HOUSE H OUSE O OFF SSIAM IAM TThai. hai. $ $.. TThis his ppopular opular eestablishment stablishment rruns uns tthe he ggamut amut ooff TThai hai ttreasures. reasures. CCasual. asual. Beer, wine. MonB eer, w ine. 111:30am-2:30 1:30am-2:30 M onFFri, ri, 55-10pm -10pm ddaily. aily. 1151 51 SS.. SSecond econd SSt.t. 4408.295.3397. 08.295.3397.
IILL FFORNAIO ORNAIO RRegional egional Italian. Italian. $$. $$. Embraced Embraced by by the the graceful graceful Sainte Sainte Claire Claire Hotel, Hotel, this this location location (there (there are are several several up up and and down down the the coast) coast) transports transports the the diner. diner. The The menu menu showcases showcases a different different region region of of Italy Italy monthly. monthly. 7am-10pm, 7am-10pm, 10:30am-11:30pm 10:30am-11:30pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 8am-11pm 8am-11pm Fri-Sat, Fri-Sat, 8am-10pm 8am-10pm Sun. Sun. Full Full bar. bar. 302 302 S. S. Market Market St. St. 408.271.3366. 408.271.3366. KOJI K OJI SSAKE AKE LLOUNGE OUNGE. $$. $$. Japanese. Japanese. In In spite spite of of Koji’s Koji’s well-tuned well-tuned aatmosphere, tmosphere, iit’s t’s the the sakes sakes that that really really set set the the tone. tone. Koji’s Koji’s sake sake list list includes includes tasting tasting notes notes that that help help you you find find one one that that suits suits you. you. Happy Happy hour hour 669pm 9pm Wed-Fri Wed-Fri with with $3 $3 beers beers and and
33 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Dine Downtown
Moree dining Mor dining coverage coverage
K ?8J 9<<E X kfl^_ Zflgc\ f] p\Xij ]fi [fnekfne JXe Afj\ i\jkXliXekj% K_\ fe\j jk`cc jkXe[`e^ Xi\ kil\ jlim`mfij% Efn k_\i\ `j X Z_XeZ\ kf jlggfik [fnekfneĂ&#x160;j [`e`e^ jZ\e\ Xe[ k_\j\ jkXcnXik \Xk\i`\j1 k_\ j\Zfe[$XeelXc DINE DOWNTOWN# Ale\ )Ă&#x2026;()%
The event showcases downtown San Jose restaurants and includes specially priced dinners at nearly two dozen downtown eateries, including MOROCCOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S, MEZCAL, LA PASTAIA, BILLY BERKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S, 19 MARKET and ARCADIA. The 10-day event will feature special three-course menus priced from $20 to $40. Dine Downtown kicks off with City Bites on June 2, a cool event where visitors can sample small plates of food from scores of restaurants in the downtown San Jose area. Participating restaurants will serve food right from their front doors. For restaurant info and prix ďŹ xe menus, go to dinedowntown.
Hospitality Zone
e [`jZljj`fe f] 9Xp 8i\X Zlc`eXip Xe[ i\jkXliXek dXeX^\d\ek jZ_ffcj# MISSION COLLEGEĂ&#x160;j _fjg`kXc`kp gif^iXd f]k\e Ă&#x201D;`\j le[\i k_\ iX[Xi% Jf [f\j `kj \oZ\cc\ek# jkl[\ek$jkX]]\[ OWL CAFE% 9lk k_\ gif^iXd f]]\ij jkl[\ekj ^i\Xk# i\Xc$nfic[ \og\i`\eZ\ `e dXeX^`e^ Xe[ ilee`e^ X i\jkXliXek Xe[ Zfek`el\j kf klie flk kXc\ek\[ ^iX[lXk\j% K_\ gif^iXd n`cc jffe ^\k X _`^_\i gifĂ&#x201C;c\ k_Xebj kf Xe / d`cc`fe i\efmXk`fe f] k_\ gif^iXdĂ&#x160;j b`kZ_\ej Xe[ ZX]\% K_\ gifa\Zk `j ]le[\[ Yp D\Xjli\ ? Yfe[ gXjj\[ `e )''+% K_\ i\efmXk`fe \ogXe[j k_\ [`e`e^ iffdĂ&#x160;j ZXgXZ`kp ]ifd (,' kf )'' Xe[ i\$\hl`gj knf b`kZ_\ej n`k_ e\n \hl`gd\ek Xe[ ]\Xkli\j% @k n`cc Xcjf Xccfn k_\ gif^iXd kf \ogXe[ `kj YXb`e^ gif^iXd n`k_ X e\n YXb`e^ b`kZ_\e% K_\ gifa\Zk `j \og\Zk\[ kf Y\ [fe\ e\ok jgi`e^%
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be pretty modern and upscale when we complete the project,â&#x20AC;? says HAZE DENNIS, hospitality department chair. The expansion will increase the capacity of the program and may mean bringing more instructors on. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also talk of adding a culinary certiďŹ cate degree to the program. Currently, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just a hospitality management degree. The hospitality program will host a groundbreaking celebration of the new building, 11:30amâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;1pm, on May 18. The event will include demonstration cooking, a barbecue, lobster kebabs, desserts and other good things to eat. The cost is $15 and reservations are appreciated. Call 408.855.5252 for more information and to RSVP. Ă&#x2020;Jk\kk ?fcYiffb
35 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
32 3 2 $5 ssmall $5 mall pplates. lates. 6 6pm-late pm-late W WededFFri, ri, 8pm-late 8pm-late SSat. at. 448 8 SS.. FFirst irst SSt.t. 4408.287.7199. 08.287.7199.
86 SSat at aand nd Sun Sun 5-9pm. 5-9pm. 8 6 N. N. Market M arket St. St. 408.998.1509. 408.998.1509.
LLA AP PASTAIA ASTAIA IItalian. talian. $$. $$. La La
SSteakhouse. teakhouse. $$$$. $$$$. Morton’s, Morton’s, a CChicago-based hicago-based cchain hain ooff with more rrestaurants estaurants w ith m ore tthan han 80 United 8 0 llocations ocations aacross cross tthe he U nited SStates tates aand nd aabroad, broad, ooffers ffers ddelicious, elicious, ppremium-priced remium-priced menu ssteaks. teaks. TThe he rrest est ooff tthe he m enu iiss mixed Monam ixed bbag. ag. 55:30-11pm :30-11pm M onPark Ave. SSat, at, 55-10pm -10pm SSun. un. 1177 77 P ark A ve. 4408.947.7000. 08.947.7000.
Pastaia Pastaia remains remains a stalwart stalwart of of downtown downtown San San Jose’s Jose’s ddining ining scene. scene. Set Set inside inside the the Hotel Hotel De De Anza, Anza, the the rustic rustic Italian Italian restaurant restaurant has has big big city city style style to to spare. spare. Lunch Lunch 11am-3pm 11am-3pm Mon-Fri Mon-Fri and and noon-2pm noon-2pm SatSatSun; Sun; dinner dinner 5-9pm 5-9pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 5-10pm 5-10pm Fri-Sat Fri-Sat and and 5-9pm 5-9pm Sun. Sun. 233 233 W. W. Santa Santa Clara Clara St. St. 408.286.8686. 408.286.8686.
Mexican. $.. LLaa V Vic’s Mexican. $ ic’s ffamously amously addictive addictive orange orange hot hot sauce sauce merely merely ttops ops ooff ff iits ts ttasty asty taqueria taqueria fare: fare: big big burritos burritos of of the the bbreakfast reakfast and and lunchtime lunchtime varieties, varieties, ooverflowing verflowing nnachos, achos, delectable delectable cchili hili rrellenos. ellenos. 77amam3am 3am daily. daily. 140 140 EE.. SSan an Carlos Carlos St. St. 408.298.5335. 408.298.5335.
New N ew American. American. $$. $$. Lots Lots of of rrestaurants estaurants would would like like to to think think ooff tthemselves hemselves aass friendly friendly nneighborhood eighborhood joints joints but but few few ddeliver. eliver. TThe he Garage Garage does. does. Small Small menu bbut ut satisfying satisfying m enu of of well well eexecuted xecuted ccomfort omfort food food classics. classics. 55-9:30pm -9:30pm Tue-Thu, Tue-Thu, 5-10pm 5-10pm Fri, Fri, 9am-1pm, 9 am-1pm, 55-10pm -10pm Sat, Sat, 9am9am11pm pm Sun. Sun. 505 505 E. E. San San Carlos Carlos St. St. 4408.286.1100. 08.286.1100.
LLOS OS CCUBANOS UBANOS CCuban. uban. $$. $$.
CCuban uban ffood ood eexudes xudes aan n eearthy, arthy, sslow-cooked low-cooked sseduction eduction aand nd LLos os CCubanos ubanos hhas as iitt iin n sspades. pades. LLunch unch 111am-2:30pm; 1am-2:30pm; ddinner inner 55-9pm -9pm TTue-Thu, ue-Thu, 5-10pm 5-10pm Fri, Fri, 3-10pm 3-10pm N.. SSat at and and 3-8:30pm 3-8:30pm SSun. un. 2222 N Almaden Ave. A lmaden A ve. 4408.279.0134. 08.279.0134.
American. $$. five A merican. $ $. FFor or fi ve ddecades ecades OJ’s O J’s hhas as bbeen een sserving erving cclassics lassics ooff American A merican aand nd IItalian-American talian-American with ffood ood w ith hheaping eaping pportions ortions ooff bbig ig ccity ity aattitude ttitude aand nd gglamour. lamour. TThe he rrestaurant estaurant uunderwent nderwent aan n eextensive xtensive rremodel, emodel, bbut ut tthe he menu m enu iiss tthe he ssame ame aass iitt eever ver was. w as. 111am-1am 1am-1am ddaily. aily. 3301 01 SS.. FFirst irst SSt.t. 4408.292.7030. 08.292.7030.
MCCORMICK M CCORMICK AND AND SCHMICK’S SCHMICK’S $$$. Harks SSeafood. eafood. $ $$. H arks bback ack ttoo fish with bbig-city ig-city fi sh hhouses ouses w ith sstately, tately, masculine Menu m asculine iinteriors. nteriors. M enu ffollows ollows tthe he ffreshest reshest ffruits ruits ooff tthe he ssea, ea, ggrilled, rilled, ppan-seared, an-seared, Desserts will ssteamed. teamed. D esserts w ill hhook ook yyou. ou. 111:30am-10pm 1:30am-10pm ddaily, aily, 111pm 1pm hhappy appy hhour our FFri-Sat. ri-Sat. 1170 70 SS.. Market M arket SSt.t. 4408.283.7200. 08.283.7200.
MEZCAL M EZCAL RRegional egional M Mexican. exican. $$. $$. Mezcal Mezcal specializes specializes in in delicious delicious regional regional cuisine cuisine from from the the southern southern Mexican Mexican state state of of Oaxaca. Oaxaca. People People who who need need nachos nachos and and sour-creamsour-creamtopped topped burritos burritos on on the the menu menu will will probably probably be be miffed, miffed, but but for for those those willing willing to to venture venture beyond beyond the the same same old old MexicanMexicanAmerican American standards, standards, Mezcal Mezcal offers offers an an excellent excellent point point of of departure. departure. 11:30am-11pm 11:30am-11pm SunSunFri Fri and and 5-11pm 5-11pm Sat. Sat. 25 25 W. W. San San Fernando Fernando St. St. 408.283.9595. 408.283.9595. MOROCCO’S M OROCCO’S M Moroccan. oroccan. $ $$. $. Morocco’s M orocco’s iiss tthe he kkind ind ooff rrestaurant estaurant ddowntown owntown SSan an more JJose ose nneeds eeds m ore oof:f: ddistinctive istinctive ffood ood ccooked ooked aand nd sserved erved with bbyy ppeople eople w ith a ppersonal ersonal iinvestment nvestment iin n ccustomer ustomer hhappiness. appiness. Morocco’s Morocco’s ppersonal ersonal ttouch ouch iiss aallll oover ver tthe he rrestaurant. estaurant. LLunch unch 111am-3pm 1am-3pm Mon-Fri, MonM on-Fri, ddinner inner 55-11pm -11pm M on-
PAGODA P AGODA R RESTAURANT ESTAURANT $$$. CChinese. hinese. $ $$. TThe he ccuisines uisines ooff with CChina hina sshare hare ttop op bbilling illing w ith tthe he Pagoda oopulence pulence ooff tthe he ddécor. écor. P agoda ooffers ffers tthe he ggamut amut ooff rregional egional aallllDressy. 6-10pm sstars. tars. D ressy. FFull ull bbar. ar. 6 -10pm Hotel, TTue-Sat. ue-Sat. FFairmont airmont H otel, 1170 70 SS.. Market M arket SSt.t. 4408.998.3937. 08.998.3937.
PAOLO’S P AOLO’S N New ew Italian. Italian. $$$$. $$$$. Filled Filled with with artistic artistic spins spins on on California-meets-Italy, California-meets-Italy, the the kitchen kitchen turns turns out out elegant elegant entrees entrees spearheaded spearheaded by by seasonal seasonal vegetables. vegetables. The The impeccable impeccable service service compensates compensates for for the the modest modest portions. portions. Full Full bar. bar. 11:30-2:30 11:30-2:30 Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm MonMonSat. Sat. 323 323 W. W. San San Carlos Carlos St. St. 408.294.2558. 408.294.2558. P.F. P ..FF. CHA CHANG’S NG’S CH CHINA INA BI BISTRO STRO Chinese. $ Chinese. $$. $. W With ith atmosphere atmosphere ttoo spare, spare, Chang’s Chang’s doesn’t doesn’t Vibrant nneglect eglect taste. taste. V ibrant SSzechuan zechuan flavors mix fl avors m ix surprisingly surprisingly well well with w ith rrich ich Western-style Western-style ddesserts. esserts. TTake-out. ake-out. Patio Patio dining. dining. FFull ull bbar. ar. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm SunSunTThu, hu, 11am-11pm 11am-11pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 98 98 S. S. SSecond econd St. St. 408.961.5250. 408.961.5250.
POOR P OOR HOUSE HOUSE BISTRO BISTRO N New ew Orleans. $$. House O rleans. $ $. The The Poor Poor H ouse
Bistro Bistro offers offers a low-priced low-priced menu menu of of Crescent Crescent City City classics classics like like po’ po’ bboys, oys, bbarbecued arbecued sshrimp, hrimp, gumbo gumbo and and muffaletta. muffaletta. Live Live music music on on Fridays Fridays and and Saturdays. Saturdays. Open Open 11am-9pm 11am-9pm Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. Open Open Sundays Sundays for for major major HP HP Pavilion Pavilion events. events. 91 91 S. S. Autumn Autumn St. St. 408.292.5837. 408.292.5837.
SSCOTT’S COTT’S SSEAFOOD EAFOOD SSeafood. eafood. $$$. $$$. CCulture ulture lovers lovers and and power power brokers brokers alike alike find find impeccable impeccable sourdough, sourdough, a sea sea of of marine marine treats treats and and other other entrees entrees and and a panoramic panoramic view view (there’s (there’s a sister Palo Alto). sister eeatery atery iin nP alo A lto). For For maximum maximum pleasure, pleasure, get get there there at at sunset. sunset. Full Full bar. bar. 11:30am11:30am5pm 5pm Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, 5pm-close 5pm-close Sat, Sat, 4:30pm-close 4:30pm-close Sun. Sun. 185 185 Park Park Ave. Ave. 408.971.1700. 408.971.1700. 7711 SSAINT AINT P PETER ETER N New ew American. A merican. $$$. $$$. This This romantic romantic eeatery atery ooffers ffers upscale upscale Mediterranean M editerranean food food in in an an Beer, wine. iintimate ntimate ssetting etting B eer, w ine. CClosed losed SSun. un. 71 71 N. N. San San Pedro Pedro St. St. 111:30am-1pm, 1:30am-1pm, 5-9pm 5-9pm Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. 4408.971.8523. 08.971.8523.
SSONOMA ONOMA CCHICKEN HICKEN COOP COOP Mixed. mind M ixed. $. $. IfIf you you don’t don’t m ind ccarrying arrying yyour our oown wn ttray ray aand nd fighting fi ghting ffor or a ttable able yyou’ll ou’ll bbee with rrewarded ewarded w ith hhearty earty sspitpitrroasted oasted cchicken hicken tthat hat rrequires equires aatt N.. M Market lleast east ssix ix nnapkins. apkins. 3311 N arket Pedro SSt.t. aatt SSan an P edro SSquare. quare. 111am1am9pm 9 pm SSun-Thu, un-Thu, 110pm 0pm FFri-Sat ri-Sat 4408.287.4098. 08.287.4098.
VEGETARIAN V EGETARIAN HOUSE HOUSE Vegetarian. $.. TThis meat-free V egetarian. $ his m eat-free sstalwart talwart ooffers ffers vvegetarian egetarian world ddishes ishes ffrom rom aaround round tthe he w orld with w ith a sside ide sserving erving ooff rreligious eligious material rreading eading m aterial ffrom rom sspiritual piritual Hai. lleader eader CChing hing H ai. 111am-2pm, 1am-2pm, Mon-Fri, 55-9pm -9pm M on-Fri, 111am-9pm 1am-9pm SSat-Sun. at-Sun. 5520 20 EE.. SSanta anta CClara lara SSt.t. 4408.292.3798. 08.292.3798.
VUNG V UNG TAU TAU VIETNAMESE VIETNAMESE $$. might $ $. TTraditionalists raditionalists m ight ggripe ripe tthat hat tthey hey ccan an gget et aauthentic uthentic Vietnamese V ietnamese ffood ood ffor or lless ess eelsewhere, lsewhere, bbut ut iit’s t’s hard hard to to top top Vung V ung TTau au ffor or iits ts ffresh, resh, qquality uality iingredients ngredients aand nd ssleek leek yyet et ccomfortable omfortable ddécor. écor. EEncyclopedic ncyclopedic menu. Open m enu. O pen ddaily aily 110am-3pm 0am-3pm aand nd 55-9pm. -9pm. 5535 35 EE.. SSanta anta CClara lara SSt.t. 4408.288.9055. 08.288.9055.
WING’S W ING’S CChinese. hinese. $. $. The The ffood ood is is complemented complemented by by an an exotic exotic dining dining room room with with sequestered sequestered seating seating equipped equipped with with hanging hanging beads beads and and doorbells, doorbells, and and other other miscellaneous miscellaneous peculiarities peculiarities of of a bygone bygone era. era. Always Always a fun fun place place to to visit. visit. 11:30am-9:30pm 11:30am-9:30pm daily. daily. 131 131 E. E. Jackson Jackson St. St. 408.294.3303 408.294.3303
37 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
metroactive m metr troacctive ttive
CCHOICES H O I C ES B BY: Y: 9\Xl ;fnc`e^ 9\Xl ;fnc`e^ D`Z_X\c J% >Xek D`Z_X\c J% >Xek Jk\m\ GXcfgfc` Jk\m\ GXcfgfc` I`Z_Xi[ mfe 9ljXZb I`Z_Xi[ mfe 9ljXZb
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*w wed ed
SSAD AD A D BASTARDS BASTAR DS BOOK B O OK CLUB C LU B Blank lank Club, ub, San n Jose Wed We W ed – 9pm; free free e
pity.” Alternate ““All Al these All ese songs gs of pity .” Al ternate names na ames for for Sad Bastards B Bastar ds Book Club: Pale th Moaning the Moa g Groaners, Groaners, the P ale A Ailers, the Complaint Compplaint n Department, the Good th hee G Go ood Ol’ Ol Charlie Chaarlie Browns. Browns. The a album, YYou oou Gavee It I Your Yoour Best . . . Unfortunately, Unf foortunatelyy, That TThat’s ’s Not Saying Much M uch, is a celebration celebbr b ation of defeatism defeatism and recorded annd pining, p recoorded in a shack madee out ou of matchwood matchwood and ma alive with rats. include a rats. Outtakes O ta myy ffave “It’s av “It ave t’s Touching Toouuching Moments Like Lik This That Th Remind Remind m Me Why
We Don’t We Don’t TTalk alk a k Much,” an acoustic funereal organ guitar and fu unereal or gan dirge dirge ffor or one of those instances of dad and son sincerityy that make you flinch just to think about. Also on the bill: Summer of Glacier G and LLos os Gatos’ Gatos’ War W ar Dolphin;; both on the “Eno Surfing”” end of the spectrum. goes Surfing (RvB)
*tthu hu
SYMP H ONY SYMPHONY SSILICON I L I CO N V VALLEY A L L EY California Theatre, California Th heatre, San Jose Thu – 7:30pm, 7:30pm, Sat – 8pm, Sun – 2:30pm; 2:30pm; $39-$75 The guest conductor coonductor for for Symphony Symphony Gregory San Jose is Hungarian H Gregory
Vajda. He will be joined by cellist Vajda. Gary Hoffman Hoffman for for Max Bruch’s Bruch’s KKol ol Nidrei Nidreii, based on a Jewish prayer prayer before before Yom Yom Kippur, Kippur, and Tchaikovsky’s Tcchaikovssky’s Rococo Variations. Variations. The latterr was the piece that p Hoffman Hoffman played when he won the Rostropovich Rostropovvich Competition—so he should bee flawless. The program program also features featuures Mendelssohn’s Mendelssohn’s The Melusina Fair Melu usina and TTchaikovsky’s cchaikovsky’s Orchestra Orchestra Suite no. 3. (MSG)
SOUTH B SOUTH BAY AY DUB DUB MASSIVE M ASS I V E Fahrenheeit,, San Jose Fahrenheit, Thu – 10pm; 10p pm; $10 Mary When Ma ry Anne Hobbs came through thr ough the the South Bay last September, hardly Septembe er, har dly anyone seemed to know who w she was. But the U.K.’s “Queen “Quueen of dubstep” dubstep” would be happy to see that this dark,
breakbeat-heavy moodyy but still br eakbeat-heavy strain electronic str ain of electr onic music has finally bubbled up out of the underground here. Now,, popular under g ound her gr e. Now local DJ D and host of the CCypher ypher celebrating Audio Dru is celebr atingg his birthday birthda ay by giving the music a marquee mar qu uee showcase, with a lineup includes that in ncludes L.A.’s 6blocc (a.k.a. R.A.W.), R.A.W .), SF’s Megalodon, and Oakland’s Oaklan nd’s Johnny 5. (SP)
RICHIE R ICHIE H HAVENS AVE NS Montaalvo Arts Center Montalvo Thu – 7:30pm; $35/$30 TThe he ssound ound iiss uunmistakable: nmistakable: a ppercussive ercussive gguitar uitar tthat hat rrevs evs uupp aand nd sstays tays rrevved, evved, a vvoice oice tthat hat Honored pprophesizes rophesizes oover ver tthe he ttop. op. H onored Richie Havens ggriot riot R ichie H avens oopened pened Woodstock His W oodstock 4411 yyears ears aago. go. H is uunshaken nshaken ccommitment ommitment ttoo ppolitical olitical music makes aactivism ctivism tthrough hrough m usic m akes with Pete hhim im oone ne w ith tthe he ttradition radition ooff P ete
Seeger; Seeger; the the charging charging guitar guitar (nicely (nicely heard heard in in 1988’s 1988’s “High “High Flying Flying Bird,” Bird,” a cover cover of of Judy Judy Henske’s Henske’s llittle ittle masterpiece) masterpiece) is is evidence evidence of of an an energy energy that that outlasts outlasts beatnik beatnik roots, roots, outlives outlives hippie hippie popularity popularity and and stays stays strong strong enough enough to to face face up up to to these these damned damned perilous perilous times. times. (RvB) (RvB)
FFLAW LAW Avaalon, Santa Clar Avalon, Claraa Thu u – 8pm Flaw w burst onto the scene in the mid-’90s, mid d-’90s, when the Internet was stilll young, and nu metal was king stil airwaves. of the t air waves. The band achieved moderate mo oderate success, even playing Ozzfest Ozz zfest in 2002, but seemed to fizzle fi out in part because of a rrevolving e evolving door of musicians dropped andd being dr opped by Universal Records. Rec cords. Original guitarist Jason Daunt career Dau unt left to pursue a car eer in law. However,, sometimes you just law w. However
oncerts * cconcerts May a 12 at 7: ay 7:30pm 30pm at Smith Center Center,, Fremont Fr emont
WILD W ILD JAM JAM 2010, 2010, WITH WITH U USHER SHER May 13 at HP Pavilion Pavilion
BROOKE B ROOKE W WHITE HITE A AND ND MICHAEL M ICHAEL JJOHNS OHNS May a 14 at Montalvo ay M Arts, Sar Saratoga atoga
AMERICAN A MERICAN R ROOTS, OOTS, MUSIC M USIC O ON NT THE HE SSQUARE QUARE M 14, 6p May 6pm, m, Courthouse Squar Square, e, Redwood City
VIVACE V IVACE YOUTH YOUTH CHORUS C H O RU S SSPRING PRING SING SING May 14, 144, 7:30pm, Westminster Westminster Presbyterian, Pr esbyterian, San Jose
VIVA VA LLA AM MUSICA! USICA! B BEETHOVEN’S EETHOVEN’S M MASS ASS IIN NC May 15 15,, 7:30pm, May 16, 4pm, CCarrington arrington Hall, Hall Redwood City
ELL CCAMINO AMINO Y YOUTH OUTH SSYMPHONY YMPHONY SSPRING PRING D DANCE ANCE M 15, 7:30pm, May 7:330pm, at Spangenberg Spangenber nge g Theatre, Palo Alto. Theatr e, P alo Al too.
CCHAYANNE HAYANNE May 15 at HP Pavilion Pavilion vilion
TAYLOR T AYLOR EEIGSTI IGSTI A AND ND SS.J. .JJ. CHAMBER CHAMBER O ORCHESTRA RCHESTRA May 15 15-16 -16 at Le Petit Petitt Trianon, Trrianon,, Sann Jose Sa J e
I@: can’t keep a good band do can’t down, wn, and currently Flaw is cur rently on tour across accross country.. They’ve matur matured the country ed since their humble beginnings; they’ve they’ve trademark alt-metal taken their tr ademark al t-m metal heartfelt sound and mixed it with he eartfelt emotion. Opening the show w will be Skinlab, Saint Vernon, Vernon, Syndicon Syndicon y and Downefa Downefa (BD)
*ffri ri
DELGADO D E LG A D O BROTHERS B ROT H E RS JJ’s Blues, San Jose Fri – 9pm; $10 Angeles’’ best-kept secret LLos os Angeles seccret comes back to the Bay Area. Area. e First of all, yes, the three three Delgado Delgaddo
Brothers aree br brothers. Br others actually ar rothers. their They’ve been playing th heir mix of rhythm and blues rrock occk with a moree tha than Latin twist ffor or mor an 30 years. From rieving Fr om rraising aising kids and ggrieving parents marrying rying the loss of ppar ents to mar m y g divorcing, and divor cing, they’ve pour ppoured ed all their experiences into ttheir heir music, casting a light on their happiest sorrowful lows. highs and sor rowful low ws. (BD)
GU ITA R FFEST GUITAR E ST 2010 2 010 Theatre on San P Theatre Pedro edro Squar Square, e, San Jose Fri – 7:30pm; $15 Fifteen measly dollars iiss all it costs guitar to hear some jazz guita ar tonight: Theatree on San Pedro at the cozy Theatr S P edro Square, Squar e, a triple bill of Bulgaria’s Bulgaria’s Vitchev, Hristo Vitchev v, headed ffor or the Monterey Monter ey Jazz Festival this year; Contraa Costa County’s TTerence Contr er e ence
% glk X YleZ_ f] i`e^j fe `k ?@< ?8M<EJ c`b\[ `k# jf _\
Brewer—a Br ewer—a big light on the local Rick Vandiver, jazz scene—and Ric ck V andiver, known to students at a Gryphon’s Gryphon’s Instrumentss and SSJJ SState, SStringed tringed Instrument tate, as well as ffans ans ffor or a sound that influences blends Spanish p influ ences and improvisation. American impr ovisattion. (RvB)
DI STA NCE FFROM DISTANCE RO M SSHELTER HE LTE R Blank Club Fri – 9pm; $7 From Shelter Distance Fr om Shel ter is a surrealsurrealsounding name for for a surrealsurrealsounding band. Not average average rock; rock; moree like mor lik experimental experimen i ntal t l sounds d putt together harmoniously. harmoniously. They are are definitely doing their their own thing, in an as if they’ve been trapped trapped a underground under ground bunkerr and decided to make music with very little world. influence from from the outside o It’s It ’s loud and heavy one o minute, soft and introverted introverted the next. (BD)
The Refuge, Refuge, C Cupertino upertino Sat – 6pm; $12 God, these five Hayward-based Haayward-based dirty-rockers playing around dirty-r ockers play ying ar ound the underage under age circuit circuit have a big sound. The smaller the space, s the better are. they ar e. YYou ou see them in the video they made at Thee Urgency Urgency and the stage g is too big b g and theyy gget lost, but in the house-party-size hoouse-party-size Basically, rroom oom they shred. shred. Basically y, Raelin is to stadium rrock ockk what Municipal SStadium tadium is to the Pavilion: Pavilion: more more compact, better sight s lines, and a better deal all around. a ound. Highly ar “Crash rrecommended: ecommended: their thheir tune “Cr ash ‘‘n’ n’ Burn.” (RvB)
OHLONE O HLONE CCOLLEGE OLLEGE SSYMPHONY YMPHONY O ORCHESTRA RCHESTRA May 16 16, 6, 2pm, at Smith mit Center, Center ente t , Fremont Fr emont ont
OHLONE O HLO L NE CCOLLEGE OLLEGE W WIND IND O ORCHESTRA RCHESTRA May 16 16,, 5pm, at Smith SSm Center, Cen , Center Fremont Fr emont o
BIG B IG SSANDY ANDY & FLY-RITE FLY-RITE B BOYS OYS May 28 8 at a Landmark ndm Ballroom, Ballr oom, San Jose J Jo
ROBERTO R OBERTO CCARLOS ARLOS May 28 at HP Pavilion Pavililion
THE T HE GGOO OO GGOO OO D DOLLS O L LS Jun 1 at the he Mountain Winery, Wineryy, Saratoga Saratooga
LLIVE IVE 1105’S 05’S B BFD FD W WITH ITH SSUBLIME UBLIME Jun 6 at Shoreline Shor horeline e ne
CCROSBY, RO OSBY, SSTILLS TILLS & N NASH ASH Jun 7 at Mountain nta Winery, Winery, Winery Saratoga Saratoga oga
M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
More M ore listings:
ARTS A RT S metroactive metr o oactive
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
METROACTIVE.COM M ETROACTIVE.COM (a.k.a. Saratoga Saratoga Drama Drama Group). Week: Opens Gr oup). TThis his W eek: O pens SSat, a at, Also 8pm. A lso SSun, un, 2:30pm. TThru hruu JJun un 5. $13-50-$27. $13-50-$277. SSaratoga aratogaa CCivic ivic Theatre. Theatre.
8pm. O 8pm. Opens pens FFri, ri, 8pm. 8pm. A Also lso tthis his week: week: Sat, Sat, 3 and and 8pm, 8pm, SSun, un, 22pm, pm, Tue, Tue, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. Thru Thru 6.. $ $35-$74. Rep, JJun un 6 35-$74. The The R ep, SSan an Jose. Jose.
Saturday, 6pm, MACLA, San Jose; $25/$35
Quintin González’s masked wrestler is just one of the many works by scores of artists that will go up for auction at the 12th annual Latino Art Auction. The sale of paintings, prints and sculptures helps MACLA’s many programs in the arts. The auction action starts at 7:30pm.
A twisted ffairy-tale airy-tale musica musicall Valley by SSondheim. ondheim. A SSouth outh V alley CCivic ivic Theatre Theatre presentation. presentation. Fri-Sat, FriSat, 8pm. $14-$18. $14-$18. Morgan M organ Hill CCommunity ommunity Playhouse.
A nnew ew ttake ake oon n tthe he SShakespeare hakespeare pplace lace by by Drama Department, SStanford tanford D rama D epartment, New Public SSiCA iCA and and N ew YYork ork P ublic TTheater, heater, ddirected irected by by Rob Rob Melrose. M elrose. Thu-Sat, Thu-Sat, 8pm. 8pm. $5$5$15. $ 15. Roble Roble Studio Studio Theater, Theater, SStanford. tanford.
Latino Art Auction
Explore San Jose Parks
Tue–Sun, 11am–5pm, through Jan. 23, 2011, History Park San Jose Summer camp in Alum Rock Park, circa 1940, definitely looks like fun. A new show at the Pacific Hotel Gallery displays lots of nostalgic photos of the area’s many public parks, includes Kelley Park, St. James Park, Guadalupe River Park and more.
Sonia Flew
Opens Friday, 8pm, through June 6, the Rep, San Jose; $35–$74 San Jose Repertory Theatre presents Melinda Lopez’s drama Sonia Flew. The play focuses on a woman who came to America from Cuba years ago and suddenly finds herself confronted with troubling secrets after 9/11.
tage *sstage Dance D ance
PACIFIC P ACIFIC BALLET BALLET ACADEMY AC A D E M Y TThe he Spring SSpr pr Showcase pring Show wcase performance. perf formance. orm e. Sat, Sat, a 4pm, Sun, Sun, noon oon and 4pm. $20. oo $ 0 Flint CCenter, ente , Cupertino. enter Cupertin up o.
E N C A N TO S Y ENCANTOS T RADICIONES DEL DEL PERU PERU TRADICIONES FFolkloric dancee and a music from Peru presented fr om mP e pr eru esented by KKanchis anchis chi CCulture ultur tu e Assoc. Assoc. SSat, at, 6pm. pm. $16-$26. CCampbell ampbell Herita Heritage erit TTheater. h heate r.
Theater T heateer ANON(YMOUS) A NON(YMOUS) A contemporary contemporary take take on on tthe he Odyssey Odyssey tale tale by by Naomi Naomi LLizuka. izuka. TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 7pm. 7pm. $5/$10. $5/$10. EEvergreen vergreen Valley Valley College College
Performing Performing Arts Arts Theater, Theater, San San Jose. Jose.
ANTON A NTON IN IN SHOW SHOW BUSINESS BUSINESS Dragon Productions Dragon Productions offers offers a behind-the-scenes behind-the-scenes play play aabout bout staging staging Chekhov’s Chekhov ’s ““Three Three Sisters.” Sisters.” TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8 pm, SSun, un, 22pm. pm. TThru hru M ay 223. 3. 8pm, May $ 16-$25. D ragon TTheatre, heatre, $16-$25. Dragon P alo A l to. Palo Alto.
THE T HE CRUCIBLE C RU C I B L E Broadway West Broadway West Theatre Theaatre CCompany ompany presents presents Arthur Arthur M iller ’s ffamous amous dr am ma. O pens Miller’s drama. Opens egular sho ows: TThuhuFri, 8pm. R Regular shows: SSat, at, 8pm, SSun, un, 1pm. TThru hru JJun un 12 $15-$22. 12. $15-$22 Fr emont. t Fremont.
FFLAMING LAMING IIDIOTS DIOTS A comedy comedy aabout bout a m mobster obster aand nd a hhealth-food ealth-food store, store, by by SSanta anta CClara lara P layers. TThis his Players. w eek: TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8 pm, SSun, un, week: 8pm, 22:30pm. :30pm. $16. $16. Thru Thru M ay 222. 2. May TTriton riton M useum H all P avilion, Museum Hall Pavilion, U niversity ooff SSanta anta CClara. lara. University
THE T HE GGLASS LASS M MENAGERIE ENAGERIE TTennessee eennessee Williams Williams’’ dr drama am ma herr about a rreclusive eclusive girl, he overbearing mother and her caller.” Pear ““gentleman gentleman caller .” A P eaar Avenue show. A venue TTheatre h t e show heatr h . TThuh huSSat, at, 8pm, SSun, un, 2pm. TThru hruu May Pear, M ay 30. $15-$30. TThe he P e , ear Mountain View. M ountain V iew.
GGYPSY YPSY The musical The musical story story of of stripper stripper Gypsy G ypsy Lee Lee Rose, Rose, her her sister sister JJune une and and her her domineering domineering Mama, M ama, with with music music by by Jule Jule SStyne tyne aand nd lyrics lyrics by by Stephen Stephen SSondheim. ondheim. A Hillbarn Hillbarn Theatre Theatre Preview pproduction. roduction. P review TThu, hu, 8pm, 8pm. Regular 8 pm, opens opens Fri, Fri, 8 pm. R egular sshows hows Thu-Sat, Thu-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, Sun, Sun, 22pm. pm. Thru Thru May May 30. 30. $17-$34. $17-$34. Hillbarn H illbarn theatre, theatre, FFoster oster CCity. ity.
HELLO H E L LO D DOLLY! OLLY! The ffamed The amed musical abou about ut a matchmaker,, pr presented matchmaker esented by Musical SSouth outh Bay M usical Theatre Theattre
Master Xing SSuu pr Master presents esents a demonstration demonstr ation of CChinese hinese martial arts. Fri, 7:30pm. $25-$45. CCampbell ampbell Heritagee TTheatre. heatre.
Children’s M Children’s Musical usical TTheatre heatre Mainstage SSan an Jose’s J o s e’ s M ainstage vversion ersion musical. ooff tthe he rock rock m usical. TThis his week: w eek: TThu-Fri, hu-Fri, 77pm, pm, SSat, at, 2 aand nd 7pm, 7pm, Sun, Sun, 1pm. 1pm. Thru Thru May May Montgomery 116. 6. $16-$23. $16-$23. M ontgomery TTheatre, heatre, San San Jose. Jose.
An iinteractive An nteractive iimprovised mprovised ccomedy omedy sshow. how. All All ages ages welcome w elcome ttoo early early Friday Friday sshow how aand nd bboth oth SSaturday aturday sshows. hows. 18+ 18+ ““Midnight Midnight SShow” how ” 111pm 1pm sshow how FFriday. riday. FFri, ri, 9 aand nd 9pm. 111pm 1pm aand nd SSat, at, 7 and and 9 pm. $12-$15. $ 12-$15. CComedySportz, omedySport z, SSan an Jose. Jose.
AN Neil eil SSimon imon comedy interpreted interpr eted by SSanta anta CClara lara drama department. University dr ama departme nt. Wed-Sat, May W ed-Sat, 8pm. TThru hru M ay Parker 15. $18. Fess P arker SStudio tudio TTheatre, heatre, SSanta anta CClara lara University.. University
RAW R AW D DIOS IOS Subtitled ““Behind Subtitled Behind the the Pigpen Morning,” P igpen iinn tthe he M orning,” tthis his pproduction roduction bbyy performance performance ccompany ompany Headrush, Headrush, Tommy Tommy SShepherd hepherd aand nd SLAM SLAM ppoetry oetry cchampion hampion Ramona Ramona Webb Webb llooks ooks aatt the the tempestuous tempestuous llives ives ooff working-class working-class morning-radio m orning-radio listeners. listeners. TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8pm. 8pm. El El Teatro Teatro CCampesino, ampesino, SSan an Juan Juan Bautista. B autista.
SSEUSSICAL E U SS I C A L AP Peninsula eninsula YYouth outh TTheatre heatre ppresentation resentation of of the the Dr. Dr. Seuss Seuss musical. Opens m usical. O pens Sat, Sat, 2 aand nd Also week: 77:30pm. :30pm. A lso tthis his w eek: 6pm. Plus May SSun, un, 1 aand nd 6 pm. P lus M ay 9:30am, May 9:30 220, 0, 9 :30am, M ay 221, 1, 9 :30 May aand nd 77:30pm, :30pm, M ay 222, 2, 2 aand nd May $7-$20. 77:30pm. :30pm. M ay 223, 3, 11pm. pm. $ 7-$20. Mountain View M ountain V iew CCenter enter ffor or tthe he Performing P erforming Arts. Arts.
SSONIA ONIA FLEW F L EW Melinda Lopez’s Melinda Lopez’s pplay lay about about a woman woman who who left left CCuba uba when w hen sshe he was was young young and and iiss cconfronted onfronted with with ffamily amily ssecrets ecrets yyears ears later later aafter fter 9/11; 9 /11; ppresented resented bbyy San San Jose Jose Rep. Previews: Wed-Thu, R ep. P reviews: W ed-Thu,
Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: Big Big Al’s Al’s Big Big Ass As s $12. 8pm, CComedy omedy SShow. how. $ 12. TThu, hu, 8 pm, FFri, ri, 8 and and 10pm, 10pm, Sat, Sat, 7 and and 9pm, Byrne. 9 pm, SSun, un, 77pm: pm: SSteve teve B yrne. $17. $ 17. SSan an JJose. ose.
ROOSTER R OOSTER T T.. FFEATHERS EATHERS Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: New New Talent Talent $10. 8pm, SShowcase. howcase. $ 10. TThu, hu, 8 pm, FFri, ri, 9pm, 9pm, Sat, Sat, 8 and and 10:30pm, 10:30pm, SSun, un, 8pm: 8pm: Kyle Kyle Dunnigan Dunnigan of of 911!” ““Reno Reno 9 11!” aand nd LLeno eno ffame. ame. $12. $ 12. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Museums M useums Opening O pening SAN JOSE SAN JOSE MUSEUM MUSEUM OF OF QUILTS AND TEXTILES Q UILTS A ND T EXTILES “Hawaii’s A “Hawaii’s Alfred lfred Shaheen: Shaheen: FFabric abric to to Fashion.” Fashion.” Textiles Textiles aand nd aloha aloha wear wear from from an an Oahu O ahu manufacturer. manufacturer. May May 8.. ““Grand 118-Aug 8-Aug 8 Grand Appliqué: Appliqué: Hawaiian H awaiian Quilts.” Quilts.” Works Works by by CCarol arol Kamaile. Kamaile. May May 18-Aug 18-Aug 8.. “Wendeanne 8 “Wendeanne Ke’aka Kee’aka SStitt: titt: CContemporary ontemporary Kapa.” Kapa.” Fiber Fiber aart rt by by SSanta anta Cruz Cruz artist. artist. TueTueSSun, un, 110am-5pm. 0am-5pm. SSan an Jose. Jose.
Greece Greece and and Rome. Rome. A new new look look at at the the museum’s museum’s permanent permanent holdings. holdings. Ongoing. Ongoing. “The “The Eye Eye of of the the Beholder.” Beholder.” Works Works gathered gathered from from gifts gifts to to the the museum museum from from Ruth Ruth and and Robert Robert Halperin. Halperin. Thru Thru May May 30. 30. “Tracing “Tracing the the Past, Past, Drawing Drawing the the Future: Future: Master Master Ink Ink Painters Painters in in 20th-Century 20th-Century China.” China.” Thru Thru Jul Jul 4. 4. Wed-Sun, Wed-Sun, 11am-5pm, 11am-5pm, Thu, Thu, 11am-8pm. 11am-8pm. Stanford. Stanford.
CHILDREN’S DISCOVERY CHILDREN’S DISCOVERY MUSEUM M USEUM “Living in “Living in Space.” Space.” Thru Thru May May 116. 6. Mon-Sat, Mon-Sat, 10am-5pm 10am-5pm and and SSun, un, nnoon-5pm. oon-5pm. SSan an Jose. Jose.
DEE SSAISSET D AISSET M MUSEUM USEUM “What Makes “What Makes a Picture Picture a Portrait?” P ortrait?” A show show about about where w here “figure “figure study study ends ends and and rrepresentation epresentation begins.” begins.” Thru Thru JJun un 4. 4. Tue-Sun, Tue-Sun, 11am-4pm. 11am-4pm. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.
EEUPHRAT UPHRAT MUSEUM MUSEUM OF OF ART ART De Anza De Anza College College Student Student Art Art SShow. how. Thru Thru Jun Jun 15. 15. Reception Reception MonJJun un 8, 8, 55:30-7:30pm. :30-7:30pm. M onTThu, hu, 10am-4pm. 10am-4pm. De De Anza Anza CCollege ollege CCupertino. upertino.
HISTORY H ISTORY P PARK ARK SSAN AN JJOSE OSE “Explore San “Explore San Jose Jose Parks—Open P arks—Open to to the the Public Public SSince ince 1850.” 1850.” At At Pacific Pacific Hotel H otel Gallery. Gallery. Homes Homes and and bbusinesses usinesses from from early early Santa Santa CClara lara Valley. Valley. Including Including a hotel hotel with w ith rotating rotating exhibits, exhibits, art art ffrom rom McKay McKay Collection Collection of of CCalifornia alifornia and and the the Paulson Paulson House. H ouse. Now Now at at McKay McKay Gallery: G allery: ““Everyday Everyday SSan an Jose: Jose: Paintings P aintings by by Wayne Wayne Jiang.” Jiang.” TThru hru May. May. TTue-Sun, ue-Sun, noonnoon55pm. pm. SSan an Jose. Jose.
ROSICRUCIAN R OSICRUCIAN M MUSEUM USEUM Egyptian historical Egyptian historical artifacts artifacts aand nd displays. displays. Ongoing. Ongoing. MonMonFFri, ri, 10am-5pm 10am-5pm aand nd Sat-Sun, Sat-Sun, 111am-6pm. 1am-6pm. SSan an JJose. ose.
CContinuing ontinuing
“New Stories “New Stories From From the the Edge Edge Plastic ooff Asia: As i a : P lastic LLife.” ife.” TThru hru SSep ep 19. 19. “Wayne “Wayne Thiebaud: Thiebaud: Paint.” SSeventy eventy YYears ears of of P aint.” Thru Thru JJul ul 44.. “Real “Real & Hyperreal.” Hyperreal.” Aug Paint.” TThru hru A ug 11.. ““Juicy Juicy P aint.” TThe he ssensuous ensuous sside ide of of ppigments. igments. FFeatures eatures ppieces ieces by by Bischoff Bischoff Brown. 6.. TTueaand nd B rown. Thru Thru JJun un 6 ueMon. SSun, un, 111am-5pm, 1am-5pm, cclosed losed M on. SSan an JJose. ose.
“Collection Highlights “Collection Highlights From From EEurope urope 1500-1800, 1500-1800, Ancient Ancient
”Technology B ”Technology Benefiting enefiting Humanity.” Ongoing. MonH umanity.” O ngoing. M on-
TRITON T RITON M MUSEUM USEUM O OFF A ART RT “In tthe “In he R Raw: aw: N New ew Work Work bbyy Robert 6.. R obert CChiarito.” hiarito.” TThru hru JJun un 6 TTue-Wed ue-Wed aand nd FFri-Sun, ri-Sun, 111am1am55pm. pm. TThu, hu, 111am-9pm. 1am-9pm. CClosed losed Mon. M on. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
CCREMA REMA COFFEE COFFEE “Singular.” A sshow “Singular.” how ooff ttravel ravel R.. pphotos hotos by by Robertino Robertino R Ragazza. 6.. CCrema R agazza. Thru Thru JJun un 6 rema Alameda, CCoffee, offee, The The A lameda, SSan an JJose. ose.
GGalleries alleries
“Re-Arrangements,” jjoint “Re-Arrangements,” oint sshow how for for Jonathan Jonathan aand nd Kermit. May JJoella oella Ke rmit. TThru hru M ay 228. 8. SSan an Jose. Jose.
“Plein A “Plein Air ir in in the the Garden Garden Beyond,” aand nd B eyond,” ppaintings aintings aand nd ddrawings rawings aatt the the hhistoric istoric site. site. 6.. TTue-Sat, TThru hru Jun Jun 6 ue-Sat, 110am0am33:30pm, :30pm, Sun, Sun, 11am-4:30pm. 11am-4:30pm. Woodside. W oodside.
An A n annual mul multi-weekend ti-weekend checkk event allows visitors to chec out the studios of local throughout valley. artists thr oughout the valley y. May 15-16 M ay 1516 covers studios Palo Alto, Altos, in EEast ast P alo A lto, LLos os A ltos, Mountain View, Palo Alto, M ountain V iew w, P alo A lto, SSanta anta t Clara Clar l a andd SSunnyvale. unnyvale. l SSee ee www ffor or detailss on participating artists.
CCONTINUING ONTINUING ADDISON-PENZAK A DDISON-PENZAK CCENTER ENTER “Kindred SSpirits: “Kindred pirits: EEchoes choes Our Past.” reception ooff O ur P ast.” A re ception meet ttoo m eet CCarrie arrie Zeidman Zeidman aand nd LLeah eah JJachimowicz, achimowicz, tthe he aartists rtists ooff eexhibit xhibit aabout bout Holocaust tthe he H olocaust aand nd Israel Israel Independence Independence Day. Day. Sun, Sun, 11-3pm. -3pm. JJewish ewish CCommunity ommunity Gatos. CCenter, enter, LLos os G atos.
ANNO A NNO DOMINI DOMINI “Re: B “Re: Bob,” ob,” nnew ew ppaintings aintings bbyy Barron B arron SStorey. torey. TThru hru JJun un 119. 9. ““Cloud Cloud EEmpire,” mpire,” ssolo olo sshow how bbyy Dimitri Drjuchin. May D imitri D rjuchin. TThru hru M ay 222. 2. SSan an JJose. ose.
ART A ART AND ND W WELLNESS ELLNESS SSTUDIO TUDIO “Floating TThresholds.” “Floating hresholds.” N New ew work w ork bbyy KKristine ristine IIdarius. darius. TThru hru Open 6-8pm, JJun un 225. 5. O pen FFri, ri, 6 -8pm, Grace oorr bbyy aapointment. pointment. G race CCommunity ommunity CCenter, enter, San San JJose. ose.
ART A RT O OBJECT BJECT GGALLERY ALLERY Paintings bbyy SSara Paintings ara Cole Cole aand nd Rachel R achel LLazo azo aand nd ccollage ollage bbyy Gutierrez. LLuis uis G utierrez. TThru hru May May 115. 5. SSan an JJose. ose.
AXIS A XIS A ART RT GGALLERY ALLERY “On tthe “On he EEdge,” dge,” nnew ew pieces pieces Richard Gullion, bbyy R ichardd G ullion, CChris hris Nozero. EElliman lliman aand nd Tony Tony N ozero. Wed-Sat, W ed-Sat, nnoon-6pm. oon-6pm. SSan an JJose. ose.
CCAFFÉ AFFÉ T TRIESTE RIESTE “What IIss H “What Happening?” appening?” SScroll croll Matthew ppaintings aintings bbyy M atthew SSeigel. eigel. May TThru hru M ay 228. 8. SSan an JJose. ose.
GGALLERY ALLERY SARATOGA SARAT TOGA Plein aair Plein ir watercolors watercolors by by Norman N orman Dna Dna CCarter. arter. TThru hru JJun un 6.. Tue-Sun, Big 6 Tue-Sun, 111am-6pm. 1am-6pm. B ig Basin Way, B asin W ay, SSaratoga. aratoga.
GGOOD OOD KARMA KARMA VEGAN VEGAN CAFE CAFE “Iconic U “Iconic Urbanity—Symbols rbanity—Symbols ooff a CConcrete oncrete CCulture,” ulture,” Blaise ppaintings aintings by by B laise Rosenthal. May R osenthal. TThru hru M ay 228. 8. SSan an JJose. ose.
LOS GATOS LOS GAT TOS COUNCIL COUNCIL CCHAMBERS HAMBERS “imPRESSions,” m “imPRESSions,” monotypes onotypes Maryln bbyy Valerie Valerie Magee, Magee, M aryln Mori M ori and and Mercy Mercy Smuell. Smuell. TThru hru 8.. R Reception May JJul ul 8 eception M ay 113, 3, 6-8pm. 6 -8pm. Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. 9am-5pm. Gatos. LLos os G atos.
KALEID K ALEID GALLERY GALLERY “Efflorescence,” llumen “Efflorescence,” umen Amidon. pprints rints by by Shannon Shannon A midon. ““Preconscious,” Preconscious,” pphotographs hotographs bbyy Centa Centa SSchumacher. chumacher. TThru hru May M ay 28. 28. San San Jose. Jose.
MACLA M ACLA Annual LLatino Annual atino A Art rt A Auction uction aand nd EExhibition. xhibition. Works Works sshow how Wed-Thu, tthru hru May May 115. 5. W ed-Thu, nnoonoon77pm pm and and FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, noon-5pm. noon-5pm. SSan an Jose. Jose.
MAIN M AIN GGALLERY ALLERY “Seasons,” w “Seasons,” works orks bbyy A Arup rup Biswas, B iswas, Brandy Brandy Brune, Brune, Noerdlinger, EElizabeth lizabeth N oerdlinger, Metzger EErna rna M etzger and and Robert Robert May TTerrebonne. errebonne. TThru hru M ay 330. 0. Wed-Sun, W ed-Sun, 110am-3pm. 0am-3pm. Redwood R edwood City. City.
MARTIN LU MARTIN LUTHER THER KING KING JJR. R. LLIBRARY IBRARY “The A “The Art rt of of Protest.” Protest.” The The sshow how features features ooriginal riginal silksilksscreen creen pposters osters aabout bout ssocial ocial pprotest rotest movements movements of of tthe he Aug ’’60s 60s and and ’70s. ’70s. Thru Thru A ug 222. 2.
Special Special Collections, Collections, Fifth Fifth Floor, Floor, San San Jose. Jose.
METRO M ETRO LO LOBBY BBY “Hunger Happens,” “Hunger Happens,” photos photos Photo bbyy SSouth outh First First P hoto May CCollective. ollective. TThru hru M ay 30. 30. San San JJose. ose.
MONTALVO PROJECT MONTALVO PROJECT SSPACE PACE “Seeing LLight.” “Seeing ight.” P Paintings aintings bbyy Nicole N icole SSchmoelzer chmoelzer bbased ased oon n hher er iinteractions nteractions with with Montalvo tthe he M ontalvo grounds. grounds. Thru Thru JJun un 6. 6. TThu-Sun, hu-Sun, 11am-3pm. 11am-3pm. SSaratoga. aratoga.
MOHR M OHR GGALLERY ALLERY “Urban A “Urban Animals,” nimals,” paintings paintings Gomez. bbyy EElizabeth lizabeth G omez. Thru Thru May M ay 30. 30. 6-8pm. 6-8pm. Community Community Music SSchool chool ooff M usic aand nd Art, Art, Mountain View. M ountain V iew.
OLIVE O LIVE H HYDE YDE A ART RT GGALLERY ALLERY Annual ttextile Annual extile sshow. how. Thru Thru May M ay 15. 15. Fremont. Fremont.
PALO P ALO A ALTO LT TO A ART RT CCENTER ENTER “Youth Art.”. “Youth Art.”. Thru Thru May May 30. 30. ““Cultural Cultural Kaleidoscope,” Kaleidoscope,” ccollaborative ollaborative aart rt bbyy llocal ocal sstudents. tudents. Thru Thru 30. 30. Reception Reception forr sshow May fo how M ay 12, 12, 4pm. 4pm. TueTueSSat at 110am-5pm, 0am-5pm, Sun, Sun, 1-5pm, 1-5pm, Palo Alto. TTue-Thu, ue-Thu, 77-10pm. -10pm. P alo A l to.
P PHANTOM HANTOM GGALLERIES ALLERIES “Conversations ” by “Conversations” by San San Miguel JJose ose aartist rtist M iguel Muchuca Muchuca ddisplayed isplayed in in windows windows on on Also SSouth outh FFirst irst SStreet. treet. A lso works Andy w orks bbyy A ndy Gouveia. Gouveia. Thru Thru May M ay 28. 28. San San Jose. Jose.
SAN JJOSE SAN OSE IINSTITUTE NSTITUTE O OFF ART CCONTEMPORARY ONTEMPORARY A RT “Work O “Work Out.” ut.” A llife-size ife-size ppaper aper replica replica ooff a ggym; ym; aann iinstallation nstallation by by Libby Libby Black. Black. TThru hru JJun un 19. 19. “Modesto “Modesto CCovarrubias: ovarrubias: LLiminal,” iminal,” iinstallation nstallation piece piece bbyy San San JJose ose nnative. ative. Thru Thru Jul Jul 3. 3. “By “By a Thread.” Thread.” Thru Thru May May 15. 15. “Cat “Cat Mazza: Mill M azza: TThe he M ill SSeries.” eries.” A Night Moves N ight M oves iinstallation nstallation with w ith vvideo ideo ppixels ixels tturned urned iinto nto sstitchery. titchery. TTue-Fri, ue-Fri, 110am-5pm, 0am-5pm, SSat, at, nnoon-5pm. oon-5pm. San San Jose. Jose.
SSLG LG A ART RT B BOUTIKI OUTIKI “Weirdos, P “Weirdos, Porn orn SStars tars aand nd Other works O ther EEccentrics,” ccentrics,” w orks bbyy Karl Ka rl CChristian hristian Krumpholz. Krumpholz. May TThru hru M ay 28. 28. San San Jose. Jose.
THOMPSON T HOMPSON GGALLERY ALLERY “Nathan O “Nathan Oliveira: liveira: SSit it SSpecific/ pecific/ CContent ontent and CContext.” ontext.” TThru hru May Art M ay 14. A rt Depart, SSJSU. JSU.
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Wed, 9 Wed, 9am-5pm, am-5pm, aand nd TThuhu9am-8pm. SSun, un, 9 am-8pm. SSan an JJose. ose.
ARTS RT S metroactive metr oactivve A
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
411 4 VIEWPOINTS V IEWPOINTS GGALLERY ALLERY “Urban Landscapes.” “Urban Landscapes.” Acrylic Acrylic ccityscapes ityscapes by by Cheryl Cheryl Kampe. Kampe. TThru hru Jun Jun 5. 5. Mon-Sat, Mon-Sat, 11am11am55pm, pm, Sun, Sun, 11am-3pm. 11am-3pm. Los Los Altos. A l tos.
WORKS/SAN W ORKS/SAN JOSE JOSE Members ’ bbenefit Members’ enefit sshow how w with ith aauction uction on on May May 22. 22. San San Jose. Jose.
Art A rt Etc. E tc . TALKING T ALKING ART ART A cconversation onversation ooff Libby Libby Black, B lack, creator creator ooff tthe he nnew ew iinstallation nstallation “Work “Work Out. Out. Thu, Thu, 77-9pm. -9pm. SSan an Jose Jose Institute Institute of of CContemporary ontemporary Art. Art.
TINO T INO R RODRIGUEZ ODRIGUEZ Mexican-American M exican-American aartist rtist ttalks alks aabout bout the the use use of of hhis is paintings paintings in in the the new new forr tthe vvideo ideo fo he JJohnsons’ ohnsons ’ ssong ong “Epilepsy “Epilepsy Is Is Dancing,” Dancing,” Wachowski ddirected irected bbyy tthe he W achowski bbrothers. rothers. TThu, hu, 6:30pm. 6:30pm. $5. $5. SSan an Jose Jose Museum Museum of of Art. Art.
UPCOMING EVENTS AT MONTALVO Richie Havens May 13, 7:30 pm $35/30; Members $31/27 Gifted with one of the most recognizable voices in popular music, “This acoustic soul giant truly seems to be getting more inspiring and graceful with age.” Billboard Magazine **Limited number of tickets available
Brooke White and Michael Johns May 14, 8 pm $35/30; Members $31/27 American Idol Season 7 finalists on tour together in support of their CDs. Brooke’s 2009 album High Hopes & Heartbreak was #7 on Billboard’s Independent Albums Chart and Michael’s 2009 album Hold Back My Heart received great acclaim.
Lots ooff bbargains. Lots argains. Sat, Sat, 10am10amBag 33pm. pm. B ag sale, sale, 2-3pm. 2-3pm. West West Valley Branch V alley B ranch Library, Library, San San JJose. ose.
TIMOTHY T IMOTHY FFITZGERALD ITZGERALD Local aauthor Local uthor ttalks alks about about and and ssigns igns copies copies of of his his memoir memoir ooff ’’60s 60s activism, activism, ““The The Wawona W awona Brotherhood: Brotherhood: The The Revolt.” SSan an JJose ose CCampus ampus R evol t.” Barnes SSat, at, 11pm. pm. FFree. ree. B arnes aand nd Noble N oble SStevens tevens CCreek, reek, SSan an JJose. ose.
GGREEN REEN D DREAM REAM T TEAM EAM A ppanel anel ddiscussion iscussion with with Drew Maran D rew M aran aabout bout building building a carbon-neutral carbon-neutral home. home. Tue, Tue, Park. 55pm. pm. Kepler’s, Kepler ’s, Meno Meno P ark.
LLISA ISA H HARRELL ARRELL The author The author of of “Our “Our Forever Forever Home” H ome” ddiscusses iscusses ggreen reen ddesign esign and and remodeling. remodeling. Sat, Sat, Kepler’s, Menlo 111am. 1am. FFree. ree. Ke pler ’s, M enlo Park. P ark.
All events at the Carriage House Theatre
Tickets: Montalvo Box Office 408.961.5858 M-F, 10am-4pm or
The author The author of of the the fantasy fantasy sstory tory “Dragon “Dragon Haven” Haven” ssigns igns Wed, ccopies opies ooff tthe he bbook. ook. W ed, Books 77:30pm. :30pm. FFree. ree. B ooks IInc., nc., Mountain M ountain View. View.
15400 Montalvo Road, Saratoga, CA 95070
Cancer Cancer Society. Society. Thu, Thu, 7pm. $40. Campbell Campbell Heritage Theatre. Theatre.
Author CCandace Author andace B Bushnell ushnell ooff ““Sex Sex aand nd tthe he CCity” ity” ffame ame forr a bbenefit forr aappears ppears fo enefit fo Global forr W Women. G lobal FFund und fo omen. Kepler’s. SSponsored ponsored bbyy Ke pler ’s. Wed, Wed, $30. 77pm. pm. $ 30. Menlo-Atherton Menlo-Atherton forr tthe CCenter enter fo he Performing Arts. P erforming A rts.
POETRY P OETRY R READING EADING With local With local versifiers versifiers Sally Sally Ashton Meads. A shton aand nd KKat at M eads. SSat, at, 22pm. pm. FFree. ree. SSaratoga aratoga Library. Library.
A CCommonwealth ommonwealth Club Club event from with representatives representatives fr om YYahoo! aahoo! Americas, Americas, Wired. Wired. CCom, om, Funny or Die and others futuree of digital discuss the futur media. Thu, Thu, 7pm. p $12/$20. Museum, CComputer omputer History M useum, 1401 N. N. Shoreline Shoreline Blvd, Mountain M ountain View. View.
DAWN D AWN W 2010 2010
Reading ffrom Reading rom hhis is bbook ook ooff ppoetry oetry aand nd sshort hort sstories tories ““Cancer’s Cancer ’s End: End: Two Two Month’s Month’s ttoo LLive. ive. SSat, at, 1pm. 1pm. FFree. ree. BookSmart, Morgan Hill. B ookSmart, M organ H ill.
A celebration celebration of Shavuot Shavuot Bernhard, with Sandra Sandra Bernhar d, Daniel Handler,, Fool’s Gold, Peter Handler Peter CCoyote oyote and other performers. performers. SSat, at, 7:30pm. $20. California California Academy A cademy of SSciences, ciences, San San Francisco. Francisco.
A book book event event with with author author of of ““A A Thousand Thousand Acres” Acres” on on behalf behalf ooff her her new new novel novel “Private “Private Wed, LLife.” ife.” W ed, 77:20pm. :20pm. FFree. ree. Menlo Park. KKepler’s epler ’s M enlo P ark.
Mid P Mid Peninsula eninsula O Old ld TTime ime A Auto uto CClub lub holds this 35th annual car show and barbecue. SSun. un. Redwood CCañada añada CCollege, ollege, R edwood CCity. ity.
events e v e n t s * books BBigig DDeals *books eals BOOK B OOK A AND ND CCOMIC OMIC B BOOK OOK SSALE ALE
More M ore listings:
With artisans artisans’’ booths and ffood ood and wine tents. Plus live Brothers, music with the Bell Br others, ntention, the SShanks, hanks, SSoul oul IIntention, more. KKaweh aweh and mor e. Sat-Sun, Sat-Sun, 1am-6pm. Free. Free. Downtown Mountain M ountain view. view.
ANTIQUES A ANTIQUES APPRAISAL PPRAISAL CLINIC CL INIC Sponsored by SSaratoga Sponsored aratoga appraisals F thill CClub Foothill l b with lub ith appr aisals i l by Bonhams and Butterfields rreps. eps. Fri, 10am-4pm. $8 per item, 10-item limit. Saratoga Saratoga Foothill CClub, lub, 20399 Park Park Pl, SSaratoga. aratoga.
ARTICHOKE AR TICHOKE FFESTIVAL ESTIV VAL A Food, children’s children’s activities, performances, ormances, musical perf parade, a par ade, wine tasting, a ffarmers armers market and cooking demonstrations. demonstr ations. SSat, at, 10am– 6 6pm, andd Sun, Sun, 10am–5pm; 10 5 $5-$10. Castroville. Castroville.
FR FRY’S RY Y’S ELECTRONICS ELECTRONICS 2 25TH 5TH ANNIVERSARY ANNIV ERSARY The stor The storee marks marks the occasion with a Sale-A-Bration Sale-A-Bration with through prize drawings drawings thr ough May May 19 at all locations. (See (See www. www. for F for details.) d t il )
HAKONE MA HAKONE MATSURI ATSURI FFESTIVAL EST TIV VA AL Japanese cul Japanese cultural tural heritage ffestival, estival, including judo, traditional ikebana, live tr aditional music, JJapanese apanese tea ceremony cer emony and ffoods. oods. SSun, un, free. 11am–4pm; fr ee. Hakone Gardens, Gar dens, SSaratoga. aratoga.
HELLLYER P HELLYER PARK ARK VELODROME VEL ODROME Pro men and women Pro compete at annual Burbank Memorial M emorial Omnium. Omnium. Fri, 7:30pm. Hellyer Park, Park, San San JJose. ose.
IMMIGRANTS D IMMIGRANTS DAY AY FFESTIVAL EST TIV VA AL A mul multicultural ticultural family family event performances with perf ormances and kids activities. SSun, un, noon–5pm; free. Mateo fr ee. SSan an M ateo CCounty ounty Museum, Redwood History M useum R useum, edwood CCity. ity.
A fundr fundraising aising event with author Kelly Kelly CCorrigan orrigan to O’Connor help O ’Connor Hospital American Foundation and the A merican
This competition is the This pre-college world’s biggest pr e-college science ffair air and ffeatures eatures from entries fr om 21 SSilicon ilicon Valley Runs V alley students. R uns thru
The Glass Menagerie Thu–Sat, 8pm, Sun, 2pm, through May 30, Pear Avenue Theatre, Palo Alto Tennessee Williams’ intense and intimate drama about an overbearing mother, Amanda Wingfield; her timid, housebound daughter, Laura; and a visit gone wrong from a “gentlemen caller” is narrated by young Tom Wingfield, standing in for the author in this loosely autobiographical story. Pear Avenue’s production stars Diane Tasca (left) as Amanda and Roselyn Hallett as Laura.
Hello, Dolly! Opens Saturday, 8pm, through June 5, Saratoga Civic Theater; $13/$50–$30 The delightfully “meddlesome” Mrs. Dolly Levi comes to South Bay Musical Theatre for three weeks. The popular musical got its start as a Thornton Wilder play in 1938, went to Broadway with lyrics and music by Jerry Herman in 1963 and made a memorable vehicle for Barbra Streisand in 1969. Songs include “Put on Your Sunday Clothes,” “Ribbons Down My Back” and, of course, the title tune.
South Bay Guitar Society Showcase Concert John Vidovic classical & Brazilian Brian Moran Latin jazz guitar Sofia Gleeson classical Neil Hogan steel string guitar style
Saturday May 15 8 PM Theatre On San Pedro Square 29 N. San Pedro Street, San Jose $20/15 408 292-0704
Palo Alto Philharmonic Music & Dance Featuring selected works composed for dance by Bizet, Borodin, Brahms, Prokofiev, Rimsky-Korsakov, Smetena, Stravinsky & Tchaikovsky
Sunday May 16 3 PM Cubberley Theatre, 4000 Middlefield Dr Palo Alto Tix: $10/5
Discover the Arts May 14. Open May Open to public Thu, Thu, 9am-9pm. Free. McEnery 9am9pm. Fr ee. M cEnery CConvention onvention CCenter, enter, SSan an JJose. ose.
car car washes washes and and raffle. raffle. Sun, Sun, 11am–6pm; 11am–6pm; free. free. St. St. Martin Martin of of Tours, Tours, San San Jose. Jose.
With works works for for sale by scores scor es of local artists, plus entertainment, ffood ood and beverages. May bever ages. M ay 15–16; free. free. Park, Altos. LLincoln incoln P ark, LLos os A ltos.
Aw week-long eek-long celebration celebration of of bbike ike rriding, iding, bbeginning eginning Sat Sat with w ith the the Mattson Mattson TTechnology echnology Via Velo. SSan an JJose ose V ia V elo. Other Other eevents vents include include llectures ectures and and hhelmet elmet giveaways giveaways oonn Tue, Tue, Mountain pplus lus a KKing ing of of tthe he M ountain Ride May www. R ide oonn M ay 119. 9. SSee ee w ww. for for May ddetails. etails. M ay 115-20, 5-20, SSan an JJose. ose.
REGALE WINERY REGALE WINERY AND AND VINEYARDS OPENING V INEYARDS O PENING GGALA ALA Featuring jjazz, Featuring azz, aart, rt, ffood ood and and wine with w ine ttastings, astings, w ith CCalifornia alifornia Dio CCafe, afe, CCrunch runch CCatering, atering, D io Deka more. D eka aand nd m ore. SSat, at, nnoonoon$35. Rd, 55pm. pm. $ 35. 224040 4040 Summit Summit R d, LLos os Gatos. Gatos.
RELAY R ELAY FFOR OR LIFE LIFE A rrelay elay rrace ace ffor or 2244 hhours ours money ttoo rraise aise m oney for for ccancer ancer rresearch. esearch. IIncludes ncludes oongoing ngoing llive ive with After Dark eentertainment ntertainment w ith A fter D ark Harmony. aand nd Kings Kings ooff H armony. (See (See Willow ffor or ddetails.) etails.) SSat-Sun, at-Sun, W illow Glen G len High High School. School.
SAN JOSE SAN JOSE FARMERS FARMERS MARKET M ARKET Popular pproduce Popular roduce market. market. FFri, ri, Pedro 110am-2pm. 0am-2pm. SSan an P edro Square, Square, SSan an JJose. ose.
SSPRING PRING FFLING LING 2 2009 009 Fundraiser for Fundraiser for school school with with llive ive llocal ocal aacts, cts, ssilent ilent aauction, uction, ffood ood aand nd eexhibit xhibit bbooths. ooths. SSat, at, 111am–5pm; 1am–5pm; free free (donations (donations aare re tax-deductible). tax-deductible). Don Don CCallejon allejon School, School, SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Richie R ichie Unterberger Unterberger sshows hows film women rrare are fi lm cclips lips ooff w omen soul soul Wed, aand nd rock rock aartists. rtists. W ed, 7pm. 7pm. Branch FFree. ree. Edenvale Edenvale B ranch LLibrary, ibrary, SSan an JJose. ose.
Aw workshop orkshop with with master master musician Hidalgo m usician Patricio Patricio H idalgo Beli B eli and and ddancers ancers from from LLos os LLupeños. upeños. Sun, Sun, 2pm. 2pm. $5. $5. Mexican Heritage M exican H eritage Plaza Plaza TTheatre, heatre, San San JJose. ose.
SST. T. M MARTIN’S ARTIN’S FESTIVAL FESTIVAL Fun ffor Fun or aallll aages, ges, tthe he aannual nnual ffestival estival hhas as ggames, ames, pprizes, rizes,
VINTAGE V INTAGE B BALLROOM A L L RO O M With W ith tthe he V Varsity arsity D Dance ance Club Club
and Paul and Paul Price’s Price’s SSociety ociety Orchestra. O rchestra. Sun, Sun, 44-6:30pm. -6:30pm. $20, $ 20, iincludes ncludes lesson lesson aand nd llight ight rrefreshments. efreshments. Dressy Dressy attire. attire. Palo Alto P alo A lto Masonic Masonic Temple. Temple.
WHY W HY PEACE PEACE IISS P POSSIBLE O SS I B L E A ttalk alk bbyy P Paul aul CChappell. happell. TTue, ue, Hewlett 77pm. pm. H ewlett Teaching Teaching Center, Center, Room R oom 201, 201, Stanford. Stanford.
FFor oor Kids HANDS HA NDS ON THE THE ARTS ARTS A chance for for kids to enjoy art, music, dance and theater projects pr ojects with the help of professional pr ofessional artists. May May 15, 10 10am–4pm; 4 $5 SSunnyvale $5. unnyvale l CCommunity ommunity Center. Center.
MAX MAX & RUBY RUBY A family family show presented presented by TTheatreworks. heatreworks. Thu, Thu, 10am. 800.497.5007). ((Reserve Reserve at 800.497 7.5007). . Flint Center, Center, CCupertino. upertino.
PALO P A ALO ALTO ALTO PHILHARMONIC PHILHARMONIC Family concert with discussion, plus a chance for for kids sit with the musicians. SSun, un 3pm. un, 3pm $5/$10. $5/$10 CCubberley ubberley Palo Alto. TTheatre, heatre, P alo A lto.
SSEUSSICAL EUSSICAL AP Peninsula eninsula YYouth outh Theatre Theatre ppresentation. resentation. Opens Opens Sat, Sat, 2 and and 77:30pm. :30pm. Also Also tthis his week: week: Sun, Sun, 6pm. 1 aand nd 6 pm. TThru hru May May 23. 23. $7$7$20. Mountain View $ 20. M ountain V iew Center Center Performing ffor or the the P erforming Arts. Arts.
Business Listings
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Ray Renati
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
metroactive FILM
Diamonds And Rust K?< 9@> JHL<<Q< K ?< 9@> JHL<<Q< AXd\j AXd\j 9fe[ Xggc`\j gi\jjli\ kf 9fe[ Xggc`\j gii\jjli\ kf _`j e\d\j`j <iejk 9cf]\c[ `e É;`Xdfe[j 8i\ =fi\m\i%Ê _`j e\d\j`j <iejk < 9cf]\c[ `e É;`Xdfe[j 8i\ \ =fi\m\ii%Ê %
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Are F Are Forever orever ((1971)—a 1971)—a b basically asically p paunchy au unchy film, fi lm, tthough hough adorned adorned with with a dazzling dazzzling ssatellite. atellite. ““Never Never u use se the the same same set set twice, twice,” was was wa tthe he rrule ule for for tthe he original original Bond Bond features; features; plots, however, bee rrepeated. tthe he p lots, h owever, ccould ould b epeated. both IIn nb oth movies, movies, Bond Bond sets sets out out on on the the ttrail rail of of smugglers smugglers when when he he divines divines a much more menacing m uch m ore m enacing cconspiracy. onspiracy. One One Diamonds Are vversion ersion of of the the script script of of D iamonds A re Forever F orever even even iintroduced ntroduced the the villain villain as as Goldfinger’s G oldfinger’s identical identicall twin twin brother, brother, a diamond d iamond fancier fancier to to be be played, played, again, aggain, by by Gert Frobe. G ert F robe. Another A nother Bond Bond rule rule was was outlined outlined byy sscriptwriter Richard Maibaum’s b criptwriter R ichard M aibaum’s motto m otto “You “You have have to to pull pull down down the the balloon, b alloon,” meaning mean ning that that no no matter matter how how ffantastical antastical tthese an hese adventures adventures got, got, they they needed matters n eeded tto o be be m atters of of life life and and death. death. Bond’s B ond’s tough tough bit bit of of bravado bravad do “Do “Do mee tto yyou ou eexpect xpect m o ttalk?” allk?” is is rejoined rejoined by by Auric A uric Goldfinger’s Goldfinger’s “No, “No, Mr. Mr. Bond, Bond, I eexpect xpect you you to to die. die.” It’s It’s a joke, joke, but but it it isn’t. isn’t. No matter hero N om atter how how cchummy hummy tthe he h ero
and an nd vvillain illain became, became, there there was was a serious serious with plenty off collateral ggame aam me aafoot foot w ith p lenty o collaterall damage. d amagge. IIn n addition ad ddition to to Connery, Connery, what what really reallly makes Bonds m akes tthe he B onds survive survive is is the the populist populist iidea dea behind behind them them all: all: a civil civil servant servan nt ggoing oing after after a malefactor mallefactor of of great great wealth wealth and an nd ggreed. reed. The T he censors censors wouldn’t wouldn’t pass pass the the Ian Ian n Fleming F leming detail detail that that says says it it all: all: in in the the novel, n ovel, Goldfinger Goldfinger is is a genuine genuine gold gold ffetishist etishist (an (an auriphile?) au uriphile?) who who hired hired women whom hee p painted w omen w hom h ainted ggold. old. Not Not man eevery very m an n ccan an iinvent nvent a new new fetish. fetish. And A nd then then there there was was Connery: Connery: a Mr. Universe fformer ormer M r. U niverse who who rrevealed evealed much ass m uch skin skin ass possible, possible, such such aass the the onesie Goldfinger. The tterrycloth errycloth o nesie iin nG oldfinger. T he wardrobe deliriously w aarrdrobe iiss d eliriously parodied parrodied in in upcoming OSS Rio. tthe he u pcoming O SS 1117: 17: LLost ost iin nR io. Clothes C lothes didn’t didn’t unmake unmake this this man; man; he he was w aass tthe he ccruel, ruel, taciturn tacciturn agent, agent, uneasy uneassy in in dealing d ealling with with superiors. superiors. Deadpan Deadpan n with with bad puns, up wolfish b ad p uns, he he woke woke u p with with a w olfish appetite one orr an another ap ppetite ffor or o ne o nother high-haired high-haired ggirl. irl. Connery’s Connery’s unmatched unmatched magnetism maggnetism keeps films k eeps these these fi lms breathing. breathing. The T he gruff gruff Scotsman Scotsman didn’t didn’t like like just just
anyone, are also anyone, but but these these two two movies movies ar re al lso linked hee enjoyed linked iin n tthe he rapport rapport h enjoyed with with his Goldfinger, mature his cco-stars. o-stars. IIn nG oldfinger, tthe he m ature and fierce and fi erce Honor Honor Blackman Blackman n aass the the gorgeously named Pussy gorgeously n am med pilot pilot P ussy Galore; Galore; in Diamonds, auxiliary Rat Packer St. in D iamonds, au uxiliarry R at P acker Jill Jill S t. John Tiffany Case, John ass T iff ffaan ny C ase, a ggaga aga redhead. redhead d.
Ef dXkk\i E f d f dXkk\i _fn Z_lddp _fn n Z_lddp k_\ _\if k_\ k_\ _ _ _\if Xe[ m`ccX`e Xe[ m`ccX`e Y\ZXd\# k_\i\ Y\ZX Xd\# k_\i\ nXj X j\i`flj nXj X j\i`flj ^Xd\ X]ffk ^Xd d\ X]ffk n`k_ _ gc\ekp g p n`k_ gc\ekp f] Zf fccXk\iXc f] ZfccXk\iXc [Xd dX^\% [XdX^\% Seeing Diamonds Forever Seeing D iamonds Are Are F orever tthe he vvery ery day day it it opened opened taught tau ught me me my my first first lesson lesson that that tthe he movies movies will will ttake ake ssomething omething you you love love and and eventually eventually turn turn iitt into into something something sslightly lightly eembarrassing. mbarrassing. Bond, off his wife Bond, rrevenging evenging the the death death o his w ife in OHMSS in tthe he not-to-be-forgotten not-to-be-forgotten O HMSS (1969) (1969) justifies justifies tossing tossing a Persian Persian cat cat at at supercilious Ernst Stavro supercilious ssupergenius upergenius E rnst S tavro Blofeld Charles Blofeld ((the the eever-plummy ver-plummy C harles Gray). The Gray). T he less less said said aabout bout gaylord gaylord villains Bruce off C Crispin) Glover villains B ruce ((father father o rispin) G lover and Putter Smith, and P utter S mith, ass Mr. Mr. Wint Wint and an nd Mr. Mr. Kidd, Kidd, the the better. better. And Vegas And yet yet the the old old Las Lass V egas never never looked looked better better tthan han is is does does here. here. As As in Goldfinger, Barry Shirley in G oldfinger, John John B arrry and an nd S hirley Bassey with Bassey pump pump the the film film w ith musical musical excitement, brutal excitement, and and there’s there’s a fine fine b rutal car carr chase Glitter Gulch. Time has chasse in in G litter G ulch. T ime h ass sstaled talled Diamonds but Diamonds a little, little, b ut tthere’s here’s ssome ome zeitgeist finale, zeitgeist iin n tthe he fi nalle, which which takes tak kes place place on platform. Pity on aan n oil oil p latform. P ity tthe he vvillains illains aren’t BP aren’t B P executives. executives.
9fe[ FejZi\\e DXp (+Å( >fc[Óe^\i# .gd ;`Xdfe[j 8i\ =fi\m\i# 01(,gd I\kif ;fd\# JXe Afj\
CASINO JACK AND THE UNITED STATES OF MONEY (R; 118 min.) See review on page 46. (Opens May 14 at Camera 3 in San Jose.)
THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE WEIRD (Unrated; 130 min.) See review on page 48. (Opens May 14 at Camera 12 in San Jose.)
IRON MAN 2 (PG-13; 124 min.) See review at right.
JUST WRIGHT (PG) A romantic comedy about a physical therapist (Queen Latifah) and a handsome basketball player (Common). (Opens May 14.)
LETTERS TO JULIET (PG) See review on page 47. (Opens May 14.)
MOTHER AND CHILD (R; 125 min.) Over-determined transgenerational melodrama. Actresses will work for half-salary if they get to play someone really angry, and both Naomi Watts and Annette Bening (photographed to look like an irritated tortoise) wrath it up as a daughter and mother split apart by adoption. Elizabeth (Watts) is an L.A. lawyer who identifies with the male privileges of sportfucking and walking out on lives; she homes in on her fatherly boss (Samuel L. Jackson). Meanwhile, the former teen mom Karen (Bening) who gave Elizabeth up is courted by a strangely patient fellow physical therapist (Jimmy Smits), whom she uses as a strop for her razorlike tongue. There are other meanwhiles: an angry single girl trying to decide if a couple is good enough for her fatherless baby; an African American couple trying to adopt the same, etc. The visuals are less Douglas Sirk than a kind of eerie sequence of blue-beige-gray mirages (thanks to digital Genesis system on 35 mm). There’s also a saintly little blind girl, but she’s just lettuce in the sandwich. The film might look feminist at some angles, but the narrow focus of this annoying effort is on sex and procreation; it makes the cast less ballsy and more like distempered walking wombs, unhappy unless they’re filled. (Opens May 14 at Camera 7 in Campbell and CinéArts Palo Alto Square.) (RvB)
PRINCESS KAIULANI (PG; 130 min.) Drama about the Hawaiian monarch (Q’orianka Kilcher) and her attempt to stave off the annexation of the islands by the
United States. (Opens May 14 at the Aquarius in Palo Alto). (RvB)
ROBIN HOOD (PG-13; 140 min.) Russell Crowe tries to fit into Errol Flynn’s tights. (Opens May 14.)
Revivals CABIN IN THE SKY/THE CLOCK (1943/1945) The late and much lamented Lena Horne—glamorous vocalist and African American movie star during Hollywood’s most racestrictured era—stars as Marguerite in Vincente Minnelli’s musical Faust tale. Petunia the good (Ethel Waters) opposes the devil’s main gal Georgia Brown (the satiny Horne): the object is the soul of Little Joe (Eddie “Rochester” Anderson). In delirium, Joe veers between a segregated Heaven and Hell. As always, Hell is more interesting, populated with Louis Armstrong and rumbling baritone Rex Ingram. Also starring the incandescent dancer John W. Sublette, known as “Bubbles,” and Duke Ellington and the Orchestra. BILLED WITH The Clock: a powerful wartime romance about a pair (Robert Walker, Judy Garland) trying to remeet in a crowded New York. (Plays May 19-21 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)
GENEVIEVE/GREEN FOR DANGER (1953/1946) Genevieve is a charmer about the rivalry between a pair of Londoners, which must be settled in a race on the Brighton
road: the weapons being a pair of antique steam-powered cars built in 1904. Kenneth More plays the more abrasive competitor whose new squeeze (Kay Kendall) has one of the most illustrious drunk scenes in British cinema. BILLED WITH Green for Danger. During the Blitz, a murder takes place at a hospital; Inspector Cockrill (Alastair Sim) investigates. Trevor Howard is the main suspect; Sally Gray, born Baroness Oranmore and Browne, co-stars as an appealing nurse. (Plays May 12-14 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)
GOLDFINGER/DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER (1964/1971) See article on page 44. (Plays May 14-16 in San Jose at the RetroDome.) (RvB)
Af_Xejjfe# JXdl\c C% AXZbjfe Xe[ IfY\ik ;fne\p Ai% jlg\ij`q\ k_\`i jlg\i_\if d\Xc `e É@ife DXe )%Ê
I STILL WAKE UP DREAMING Stanford’s Elliot Lavine unveils 28 rarities: film noirs and elusive chimeras mostly from Gower Street’s Poverty Row. Here’s the no-name work of some name directors: Budd Boetticher’s 1948’s Behind Locked Doors (May 27); Phil Karlson’s 99 River Street (May 15); and Jacques Tourneur’s 1958 The Fearmongers (May 23); Alameda’s own discount king Bob Lippert oversaw Treasure of Monte Cristo (May 18), a quaint but somnolent court-room drama with some precious glimpses of San Fran in 1949. May 19 is Delmer Davies’ excellent The Red House (1947) with Edward G. Robinson. (Plays May 14-27 in San Francisco at the Roxie Theater.) (RvB)
‘Iron Man 2’ ELATING, if politically confusing, Iron Man 2 serves up the pleasures of a gorgeous and energetic superhero film. It’s difficult to make a young audience care about a midlife crisis in a 40ish man with a heart condition, but Iron Man 2 might do it. Robert Downey Jr.’s arrogance and wit power the film. There’s verve in the Howard Hawks–like overlapping dialogue between Downey’s Tony Stark and Gwyneth Pal trow’s Pepper, playing impossible boss and harried secretary. Justin Theroux’s clever script brings us @ife DXe ) to a Tony Stark who is some libertarian’s dream of an enlightened munitions PG-13; 124 min. factory owner. Nobody knows that Stark is slowly succumbing to heavy-metal Read more on poisoning from the palladium in his atomic pacemaker. Vengeance is brewing in Russia, where Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke) is preparing his own version of the Iron Man generator. Some have already claimed that Rourke steals the show, but there’s enough wellcoordinated traffic throughout Iron Man 2 that Rourke is but one amusing part of it. Fight scenes—they’ve got them. Rourke (in the person of “Whiplash,” though he’s never addressed as such) carves up automobiles like an electric Benihana chef. The exquisitely edited clobbering match between Stark and Don Cheadle’s Rhodes (in his own silver Iron Man suit) is a treat for the inner kid. Lastly, there’s the battle-royal finale in which Favreau overcomes any stiffness he demonstrated as an action director in the first Iron Man movie. All this plus Jackson straight-facedly describing a power source that “makes nuclear power look like a triple-A battery.” The rest of the summer’s films are going to have to play catch-up, or they’re going to look like triple-A’s. ÆI`Z_Xi[ mfe 9ljXZb
45 M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Industrial Light & Magic/Marvel
metroactive FILM
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
9<K K?< ?FLJ< É:Xj`ef AXZb Xe[ k_\ Le`k\[ JkXk\j f] Dfe\pÊ j_fnj _fn AXZb 8YiXdf]] ^Xd\[ k_\ jpjk\d%
‘Casino Jack’ AUGEAN STABLES that it was, the Bush regime is going to require years of cleansing. An especially fragrant part of that era is the story of Jack Abramoff and the still-at-large Tom DeLay. The sordid tale is told in Alex Gibney’s documentary Casino Jack and the United States of Money. Abramoff’s scams—influence peddling, :Xj`ef AXZb double-crossing and slave-labor Xe[ k_\ Le`k\[ profiteering—haven’t been thoroughly JkXk\j f] Dfe\p explained in documentary form yet. It’s R; 118 min. appropriate that cinema should be used A documentary by to prosecute Abramoff. He was an exAlex Gibney industry executive who turned to politics Opens May 14 at Camera 3, SJ as a way of passing on his right-wing views through more effective means than making movies about them. Abramoff gravitated toward the GOP as a Young Republican organizer. He helped lead Ronald Reagan to the side of the contra “freedom fighters” and the apartheid-financed army of Africa’s Jonas Savimbi. He became a lobbyist, the doorkeeper for former Texas bug-zapper Tom DeLay, later the Republican Congressional majority whip. As such, Abramoff became one of the biggest boodlers since Boss Tweed. The director of Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room interviews some of the horrified witnesses to Abramoff’s career. Subjects include Bay Area Rep. George Miller, who tells a particularly stomach-turning story about the free market at loose in the Marianas Islands. Gibney uses the image of Jimmy Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington as a counterbalance to Abramoff’s greed. One almost needs this kind of oversimplified patriotism after witnessing such nauseating political cynicism. It’s gratifying to see footage of Abramoff right where he belonged, sweating in front of a congressional hearing and taking more fifths than an alcoholic shoplifter. ÆI`Z_Xi[ mfe 9ljXZb
Richard A. Bloom/Corbis
metroactive FILM LOVE ME TONIGHT/TROUBLE IN PARADISE (Both 1932) “Once upon a time, there was a princess and a Prince Charming, who was not a prince, but who was charming.” A 1920s Paris tailor named Maurice (Maurice Chevalier) is fobbed off as a baron in order to bamboozle the duke of the manor (C. Aubrey Smith). While there, Maurice falls for the castle’s princess, an imaginary invalid (Jeanette MacDonald) in dire need of a man. Rouben Mamoulian’s musical, in golden hindsight, can be described as a postmodern classic: it updates and satirizes old fairy tales with technological trickery. Mamoulian’s real accomplishment was liberating the musical from stageboundness. BILLED WITH Trouble in Paradise, a rival enchantment: Herbert Marshall and Miriam Hopkins play society jewel thieves who move in on an heiress; business turns personal when the male member of the team falls in love with the lady. (Plays May 15-18 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)
NILES FILM MUSEUM Sat: Comedy Shorts. Charlie Chaplin stars in The Adventurer (1917). High and Dizzy features Harold Lloyd as a doctor who has a sleepwalking patient loose at the top of a high building. The Balloonatic has Buster Keaton first seen at the carnival trying to pick up a date; later he ends up stuck on top of a hot-air balloon and far later, drifting in a canoe. The dream like quality of a silent comedy scenario is demonstrated here in all of its poetry. Lastly, Their Purple Moment with Laurel and Hardy. (Plays May 15 at 7:30 in Fremont at the Edison Theatre.) (RvB)
Reviews BABIES (PG) A documentary about one year in the life of four babies in different countries.
THE BACK-UP PLAN (PG-13; 104 min.) A new kind of dreadful. Jennifer Lopez plays Zoe, a Manhattan boutique pet-store owner who has decided to have a turkey-baster babe. Shortly after insemination, she meets Stan (Alex O’Loughlin, combining the least interesting elements of Dermot Mulroney and Keanu Reeves). The typical romcom hunk has been greenwashed here; Stan runs a gourmet cheese stall and has a herd of goats upstate. He apparently milks them through osmosis, because the farm goes on the backburner. The movie is a bizarre mix of the bland,
expensive and clinical, yet Zoe goes into labor with perfect makeup on. No relief by Michaela Watkins as Zoe’s best pal, a bitter housewife; her four kids seem to be raising themselves, like Zoe’s pets and Stan’s goats. (RvB)
DEATH AT A FUNERAL (R; 90 min.) Danny Glover, Martin Lawrence and Keith David star in Neil LaBute’s remake of the British comedy about mishaps bedeviling a funeral. Peter Dinklage reprises his coffin-stuffing role from the original.
DIARY OF A WIMPY KID (PG; 120 min.) A live-action adaptation of the graphic novel by Jeff Kinney about life in middle school. Stars Zachary Gordon.
EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP (Unrated, 87 min.) A highlight of film in 2010. The documentary’s actual subject isn’t street art per se, or even the career of the director, the elusive graffitist Banksy. Instead, director Banksy narrates a truelife parable about the career of a boutique owner named Thierry Guetta. Guetta is a friendly, muttonchopped (and slightly muttonheaded) L.A. boutique owner whose video documentation of a covert scene led to his becoming a celebrity artist named “Mr. Brainwash.” Banksy’s art has soul as well as easily accessible political content. He takes on well-guarded subjects of oppression, from the British pound note to the Israeli security wall. Exit Through the Gift Shop is about anonymous craftsmanship eclipsed by the sun-gun of self-publicity, of illegal attacks on consensus reality, elbowed aside by fraudulence and hucksterism on a Dali-level scale. Inevitably, hype, pandering and foolishness replaced the artist’s sacred tools of silence, exile and cunning. (RvB)
FURRY VENGEANCE (Pg; 92 min.) The animals fight back when a developer starts to build in the forest. At last, a movie in which the raccoon (the smartest and most engaging of creatures) is the hero. Also stars Brendan Fraser and Brooke Shields.
HARRY BROWN (R; 102 min.) Probably indefensible but far better than the average customary raging-geezer vigilante movie; we’ve seen this movie before but rarely done this crazy, almost halfway to Gaspar Noé in its fatefulness, grim urban surfaces and misanthropy. Michael Caine as Harry Brown—a cautious, ill old Londoner with little left to lose—gives us
everything Caine ever had in his prime: here is both the decency and the steel beneath it. It’s a happy experience watching Brown slowly decide to do what this movie assures him he needs to do. But Harry Brown isn’t dead from the neck up. Director Daniel Barber disguises the manipulation in the film as best he can. He finds pity in the story. (RvB)
KICK-ASS (R; 113 min.) Dave, a home-brewed costumed vigilante (Aaron Johnson), meets up with real professionals in the field: a Batman and Robin– esque father-and-daughter team (Nicolas Cage, and the excellent Chloe Moretz, who was the wise little girl in (500) Days of Summer). Entertaining in parts, but director Matthew Vaughn has no feeling for the romance and mystery and vigilante lore: the movie has a nasty fanboy quality, a hermetic focus that doesn’t see anything beyond the purpose of beating bad guys bloody. Cage carries the movie’s ambiguity deftly—he’s enough of a serious comic book reader that he knows it’s a dreadful thing when a father bends his child to revenge. Bloody-minded little girls (thank heaven for them) may like Moritz. It’s nuts to call Kick-Ass the next Watchmen. The slamming violence and the dullard noms de guerre these superheroes pick for themselves show a comicbook tradition at the end of a line. (RvB)
LA MISSION (R; 1 hr., 53 min.) Che (Benjamin Bratt) is an SF Muni conductor, a hobby mechanic and an ex-con, single-parenting his son, Jesse (Jeremy Ray Valdez). What he doesn’t know is that Jesse has a secret life—and a boyfriend who lives in St. Francis Wood. Che’s outright rage at his son’s sexuality is tempered by the attentions of his lovely new neighbor Lena (Erika Alexander). Any positive representation of Aztlan has to be applauded; the scenes of highly polished lowriders gliding through the Mission make their own statement of beauty and pride. Bratt is the definition of movie-star gravity: a man doing nothing but thinking about stuff and making it look interesting. The film, then, is a celebration of San Francisco. Problem is, San Francisco may be San Francisco, but it is still a city. So some hard-to-credit idealization mixes uneasily with real, streetlevel violence. La Mission is a kind of overexemplified view of San Francisco as a city of healing and refuge: a vision of a place where
John Johnson
THE LOSERS (PG-13; 98 min.) Five framed exsoldiers stuck in Bolivia head back to the United States to deal with the commanding officer who betrayed them. Zoe Saldana and Jeffrey Dean Morgan are slightly better than this comic-book adaptation deserves; there’s a new level of moral idiocy and emotional numbness in the freeze-framed death sequences and flaming teddy bears. The color is so digitally pumped, it’s fuzzy; when I cleaned my eyeglasses on my shirttail for a second, the film looked exactly the same out of focus as it did in focus. Chris Evans, supposedly our next Captain America, plays the buff, chin-cabbaged computer expert in one after another wacky T-shirt, which we’re supposed to stop and admire every time the gag repeats. That’s emblematic of the way this film works: supposed quick stateof-the-art editing just gives us five angles of everything we’ve already seen. One character asking for an exposition in laymen’s terms, “Say it again, only a lot slower and dumber,” sums up how Sylvain White directs. (RvB)
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET (R) Samuel Bayer revisits the Freddy Krueger franchise with Jackie Earle Haley.
OCEANS (G; 84 min.) Since it is so episodic, real dramatic tension in the new Disneynature film Oceans lies in the question of how much bad news the children are going to be allowed to hear regarding the state of the oceans. The answer is “not much”— about three minutes, if that, during which the ravages of the purse seine and the plastic gyre are touched upon. The soundtrack music is better than the blockable metaphors: the ancient wisdom of a sheepshead wrasse, the smoochiness of a walrus and, most dunderheaded of all, the smiling face of our friend the great white shark. The film’s cuteness is, you know, for the kids. The tactic provides moments to clutch like a blanket when seeing the bottomless appetite under water, for instance, a horror-sequence of a school of sardines under Scud attack by plummeting cormorants, with sharks taking up the flanks. (RvB)
THE PERFECT GAME (PG; 118 min.) The story of the Monterrey (Mexico) Industrial Little League team who made it to the world series in Williamsport in 1957. The reason to watch a movie about
Little League is the same reason the league exists in the first place: talent spotting. None of the kids here are huge standouts, but director William Dear has a fine adult cast: the very interesting Clifton Collins Jr. as the reluctant adult who turns the kids into a team; Cheech Marin, serious and warm, as the local priest; Bruce
McGill as a well-fed rep of the major leagues; and Louis Gossett Jr. as a janitor with a remarkable past. Emilie de Raven (the murdered girl in Brick) is a standout as a salty reporter. (RvB)
B<<G FE K?< >I8JJ :_i`jkfg_\i <^Xe Xe[ 8dXe[X J\p]i`\[ ]Xcc _Xi[ `e ÉC\kk\ij kf Alc`\k%Ê
‘Letters to Juliet’ AS Sideshow Bob might have predicted: The chick flick’s bottomless chum bucket has claimed Vanessa Redgrave. Aspiring New Yorker writer Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) is involved with a way-too-preoccupied NYC chef (Gael García Bernal); the two fl y to Italy for a “pre-marriage honeymoon,” but he’s so involved with finding truffles C\kk\ij kf Alc`\k that he has no time for his fiancee. She tours Casa di Giulieta, which the PG Veronese assert is the actual home of Directed by Gary Juliet Capulet. The lovelorn have been Winick and starring leaving letters to the imaginary girl Amanda Seyfried for years. Sophie finds a 50-year-old Opens May 14 message, a communiqué from an English woman (Redgrave) who had to leave an Italian lover behind. Sophie answers the letter; the lady arrives with her diffident yet cute British grandson (Christopher Egan), whose insults hide a tender bruised heart. A movie about Seyfried in various sundresses, walking through Verona and Siena, should have had male as well as female appeal. But the dialogue is absolutely unforgivable. And while we’re on the subject of Shakespeare, seeing the featherheaded Sophie being a New Yorker writer makes one want to remind that magazine’s marketing department of the Bard’s warning about having a good name stolen. There are loads of locations, but director Gary Winick doesn’t frame them well. Note the security bars on the villas, and the empty sunburn fields look brutal: you can see this landscape and understand why immigrants fled it. The cityscapes have no bass note of funky life. Seyfried, despite divine shape and alertness, can’t make this work. You know the saying “The lights are on, but nobody’s home?” Here there’s someone clearly at home, it’s just that the lights aren’t on.ÆI`Z_Xi[ mfe 9ljXZb
M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
everyone is wounded, and almost everyone heals each other. (RvB)
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
CJ Entertainment Inc.
metroactive FILM PLEASE GIVE (R; 90 min.) Minor NYC comedy about Kate (Catherine Keener), the propertied owner of a boutique making scads of money reselling
furniture she got cheap. She also has a tenant, Andra (Anne Guilbert), an exasperating old lady whose apartment Kate is planning to annex as soon as the crone dies. Director
Nicole Holofcener hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t developed much as a visual ďŹ lmmaker in the past 15 yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;she still favors the walking-and-talking shot. The story spirals to include Andraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s toxically grandparented offspring: Rebecca (Rebecca Hall, constrained by the part) and Mary (Amanda Peet) as a romantic interest to Kateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s distracted husband. The doughy husband (Oliver Platt) is drawn by Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s refreshing curtness. So are we. Since there isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a traditional Keener character in this comedy, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re more taken with her surrogate, in the form of Peet and her ruthless energy. (RvB)
K?< 98; C\\ 9ple^$_le gcXpj X jXmX^\ gjpZ_f `e B`d A\\$nffeĂ&#x160;j J\i^`f C\fe\ gXjk`Z_\%
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Good, the Bad, The Weirdâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; THERE IS LOTS of undifferentiated action in Kim Jeewoon Kimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The Good, the Bad, the Weird, a Sergio Leone pastiche with Mad Max overtones. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s set in the days before World War II, in Japanese-governed Manchuria. Everyone is contending for a treasure map deep in the desert. By â&#x20AC;&#x153;everyoneâ&#x20AC;? we include a pack of postapocalyptic Mongols, maybe the last K_\ >ff[# k_\ descendants of Genghis Khan. 9X[# k_\ N\`i[ A straight-shooting, courtly bounty Unrated; 130 min. hunter in a cowboy hat, played by A ďŹ lm by Jung Woo-sung, is on the lookout for a Kim Jee-woon savage psycho with a peekaboo haircut Opens May 14 @ and black-leather gloves. This bad guy, Camera 12, SJ helpfully named The Bad, is played by Lee Byung-hun. Between this obvious hero and more obvious villain is mortal ďŹ&#x201A;esh: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Weird,â&#x20AC;? a sloppy good-for-nothing of a bandit. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s played by one of the most recognizable and likable Korean movie stars: Song Kang-ho, who was the tormented priest in Thirst. This Eastern adaptation of a sweeping Western changes Leoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s focus in one important respect: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t so thoroughly about the Eli Wallach character. We follow The Weird with more interest than we do watching the other extremes of virtue and villainy. Parody or pastiche, The Good, the Bad, the Weird gets into slapstickâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;The Weird uses the two-ďŹ ngered Moe Howard defense to escape captors. At one point, he slaps on a bullet-repelling deep-sea diving helmet to survive a gunďŹ ght. The stunt work is zippy in spots, but the lack of any serious female action, the overlong running time and the prettiness of the ďŹ&#x201A;ying camera make one miss the golden age of Hong Kong cinema, when efďŹ ciency matched the exuberant violence.Ă&#x2020;I`Z_Xi[ mfe 9ljXZb
(R; 127 min.) Elegant but staid murder mystery nibbles around the edges of the Dirty War. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Forget it, Jacobo, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Argentinatownâ&#x20AC;? view: the search for justice evaporating in 1974 Buenos Aires, with present-day sequences to frame a reopened investigation. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leavened by a ďŹ ne Mulder and Scully anti-romance between an attractive female criminal investigator, Irene (Soledad Villamil), and her attractively crumbling, Mastroiannish male assistant, Benjamin (Ricardo DarĂn). The ďŹ lm is as restless and jokey as a cop procedural show; every scene is on the mark, but there arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t enough counterpoints to the assured ďŹ&#x201A;ow of the story. The slick, vengeance-is-mine punch line isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t very impressive either. (RvB)
For showtimes, advance tix and more, go to
Best Theaters -- SJ Merc, Metro & Wave Readers Always Plenty of Free Validated Parking All Sites Seniors & Kids $6.75 / Students $7.50 â&#x20AC;˘ * = No Passes $7 b4 6pm M-F / 4pm S-S, Holidays â&#x20AC;˘ = Final Week = Presented in Sony 4K Digital (C7 only) â&#x20AC;˘ Pruneyard/Campbell â&#x20AC;˘ 559-6900 â&#x20AC;˘ Pruneyard/Campbell â&#x20AC;˘ 559-6900 *ROBIN HOOD (PG-13) *IRON MAN 2 (PG-13) *MOTHER AND CHILD (R) *BABIES (PG) *LETTERS TO JULIET (PG) THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES (R)
â&#x20AC;˘ 41 N. Santa Cruz â&#x20AC;˘ 395-0203 *IRON MAN 2 (PG-13)
â&#x20AC;˘ 201 S. 2nd St, S.J. â&#x20AC;˘ 998-3300 Student Night Wednesdays -- $6 after 6pm *ROBIN HOOD (PG-13) *JUST WRIGHT (PG) *THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE WEIRD (NR) *LETTERS TO JULIET (PG) KICK-ASS (R) *IRON MAN 2 (PG-13) -- On 3 Screens! *A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET (R) DATE NIGHT (PG-13) LA MISSION (R) HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON IN 3-D (PG)
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gglittering littering in in the the sun. sun. The T he sshow how opened opened with with a women’s women’s byy A ccollection ollection b ANNE NNE FONTAINE FONTAINE tthat hat offered off ffeered a vignette vignette of of what what was was to to come: come: a blithe blithe return return to to the the romantic roman ntic goddess. goddess. Many Man ny of of Fontaine’s Fontaine’s pieces pieces illuminated illuminated the the idea idea with with ribbon ribbon tie-ups tie-ups and and flowering flowering trim. trim. Especially Especially eye-catching eye-catching was was a black black and and charcoal charcoal corset corset top top accentuated accentuated with with fairylike, fairylike, petal-shaped petall-shaped gatherings gatherings att the the neckline. neckline. P PINK INK STRIPES STRIPES an and nd ANTHROPOLOGIE A NTHROPOLOGIE p promoted romoted ttiered iered dresses flowing numbers, d resses aand nd llong ong fl owing n umbers,
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49 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
LE metroactive STYLE
while boutiquey while boutiquey H HARAJUKU ARAJUKU cchimed himed iin n with with a ttoga-looking ogga-looking n number umber tthat hat d distinguished istinguished iitself tself w with ith an n ar array rray o off m multicolored ulticolored d drapery. rapery. R Ruffles, uffles, o one ne o off tthe he b big ig ssummer ummer 2 2010 010 ttrends, rends, w were ere rrepresented epresented b byy vvirtually irtually every every w oman’s d esigner o n woman’s designer on tthe he rrunway, unway, from from subtle subtle rripples ipples o n on ttops ops to to dripping dripping cascades cascades o nd resses on dresses b PENELOPE ENELOPE. T This his ttextured extured ac accessory, ccessory, byy P w which hich h has as b been een p popular opular ssince ince tthe he d days ays o off M Marie arrie A Antoinette, ntoinette, ccan an ad add dd a n noble oble fl flair air tto o aany ny p piece. iece. T The he k key ey tto o aavoiding voiding llooking ooking o overly verly ttheatrical, heatrical, h however owever iiss tto op pair air rruffles uffles w with ith ssomething omething ttailored ailored tto o ggive ive a b balanced, alanced, yyet et u unpredictable npredictable ffeel eel tto o aany ny o outfit. utfit. L Like ike tthe he w women’s omen’s d designers, esigners, tthe he m men’s en’s d designers esigners sshowed howed ttheir heir ssensitive ensitive sside. ide. FFRANCO RANCO UOMO UOMO aand nd TTOMMY OMMY B BAHAMA AHAMA rrevealed evealed that that they they weren’t weren’t aafraid fraid to to wear w ear pink. pink. Business Business casual cassuall jackets jackets with w ith ccool ool pink, pink, purple purple or or kiwi kiwi colors colors peeking p eeking underneath underneath demonstrated demonstrated a ggradual rad dual chipping chipping away away at at traditional traditional off masculinity ttropes ropes o masculinity this this sseason. eason. More M ore importantly, importantly, one one can can n ssurmise urmise tthat hat a few few thoughtfully thoughtfully chosen chosen pieces pieces ccan an separate separatte men men in in a way way that that sends sends a message message of of assertion assertion and and success. success. During D uring this this difficult difficult economy, economy, tthose hose aare re valuable valluab ble attributes attributes that that at can can prompt p rompt a strong strong positive positive impression. impression. Saving S aving the the best beest for for last, last, the the threads thread ds tthat hat overwhelmingly overwhelmingly snared snared the the most most aattention ttention were were the the ensembles ensembles by by the the rrow’s ow’s newcomer, newcomer, P PRISCILLA RISCILLA O OFF BOSTON BOSTON. T The he w wedding-dress edding-dress d designer esigner h had ad d gguests uests ts h holding olding ttheir heir b breath reath aass tthe he po poised ised b brides rides fl floated oated w weightlessly eightlessly d down own tthe he aaisle, isle, tthe he ccrystal rystall jjewelry ewelry ssetting etting o off ff a llingering ingering ttwinkle. winkle. P Priscilla riscilla sshowcased howcassed a sspectrum pectrum o off sstyles tyles ffrom rom eextravagant xtravaggan nt ggowns owns w with ith ttiered iered bo bottoms ttoms tto o sshort, hort, ssassy assy an and nd fl flirty irtty ccreations. reations. T The he p procession rocession o off w white hite w was as a ccaptivating aptivating fforce orce tthat hat m made ad de tthe he sshow’s how’s fi finale nale d dreamlike ream mlike aand nd p pronounced ronounced aatt tthe he ssame am me ttime. ime. T The he rrunway unway sshow how w was ass aaccompanied ccompanied b byy gget-up-and-dance et-up-an nd-dan nce m melodies, elodies, aand nd eended nded w with ith a po post-party ost-parrtty ccelebration elebration aatt tthe he S Santana an ntana R Row ow P Penthouse. enthouse.
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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51 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
mind body & spirit
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Mr. in their own series) Mrr. Show, Show, then t to their successful su uccessful self-titled, selff--titled,, DustDustBrothers-produced Brothers-p produced 2001 2001 album,, the band seemed seem med to be be at the height of their powers. poweers. Their act had started started with the premise p emise of two pr two ridiculously goofy acoustic guitarists gooffy heavy-metal heaavvyy--metal ac oustic guit arists dreaming dreaming of rock rock stardom, stardom,, and now they they had a taste taste of it. Still, Still, some some critics critics and and fans faan ns mistakenly mistakenly believed believed the the D’s D’s shtick shtick required required them them to to be be losers losers who who always, always, ass Paul Paul Westerberg once put Westerberg o nce p ut it, it, “Take “Take one one step step and an nd miss miss the the whole whole first first rung” rung” on on tthe he ladder ladder of of ssuccess. uccess. They They didn’t didn’t quite quite grasp grassp that that the the jjoke oke was was not not that that the the D sucked, sucked, the the joke joke was was as that that the the Dw were ere so so committed committed to to nonstop nonstop rocking rocking that that they they would would lay lay siege siege to to an an open-mic open-mic crowd crowd the the same same way way they they would would (theoretically) (theoretically) rock rock the the socks socks off off an n arena. arena. This This camp camp was was put put off off by by the the big big rrock ock sound sound of of the the first first record record (“who (“who doesn’t doesn’t like like a big big rock rock sound?” sound?” muses muses Gass Gasss now). now). A backlash baccklash may may have have already already been been brewing. brewing.
metroactive MUSIC
Songs in the Key of D
Rock FFail ail a
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him? h im? Pr Pretty etty much an anyone. yone. was “I w as just at a rrestaurant estaurant the other Gass,, “and ther theree ot ther night,”” says saays y Gass was playing, was going w as this guy pla ayying, and I w as go oing ‘Wow, guy’ss rreally good.’ was as ‘W Wo ow w, that guy’ eally go od.’ He w just, like, guitar guy, ju ust, lik e, a rrestaurant estaurant guit ar guy y, and was like, play circles an nd I w as lik e, ‘He ccould ould pla ay cir c cles around me.’” ar round me .’” Yet Y eet Gass, Gass, who brings his D sidee project pr roject Trainwreck Trainwreck to the Blank C Club this week, has a rreputation eputation as musical backbone a guitar guitar whiz, the music al backb o one that partner Black’s th hat holds up his par tner JJack ack Bla ack’s bluster.. ccomedic o omedic bluster people “I think p eople think I’m much h better am,” Gass.. “I’ “I’m b etter than I am, am ” admits Gass I’m m acting likee I’m rreally good. People ac cting lik eally go od. P eople rrespond e ond to yyour esp our ccommitment ommitment to it.” it.”
Double D ouble Team Team e That right there That there might b bee the sec secret cret to makes work, o what mak es rrock-comedy ock k- comedy work k,
and why why Tenacious Teenacious D may maay be be not the greatest greatest but the funniest fu unniest band of all time. time. Whether it’s iit’s Spinal Tap, Taap, Flight of the Conchords Conchorrds or the D, D, the best best comedy comedy acts in rock rock have haave a few few things in common: common: (1)) they they care care as much about about the quality qualiity of the music as the jokes; jokes; (2) they they have have a unique ha perspective perspective that comes comees across across in their music, music, just like like any a y great an great band; (3) they they have haave a stylized, stylized,, exaggerated exaggerated delivery delivery that punctuates punctuaates their humor, humor, just like like any any great g eat comedian; gr comedian; (4) they th they poke pok ke fun f att the th h clichés he li hé off a genre genre (or multiple genres, gen nres, in the case case of the Conchords) love, Conchords) that thaat they they lo ve, while at the same time tim me embracing them full-on. full- on. And And the the last lasst thing thing they they have have iin n common: common: not not everybody everybody gets gets the the joke. joke. Written Written off off by by the the mainstream mainstream ass too too funny funny for for rock rock or or too too rockin’ rockin’ for for comedy, bands comedy, even even the the greatest greatest such such b ands usually usuallly enjoy enjoy a cult cult fandom faan ndom at at best. best. “People “People aren’t aren’t used d to the funny funny in music,” music,” agrees agrees Gass. Gass. Gass discovered discovered thiss for fo or himself when they they released released their th heir debut film Tenacious Teenacious D in the Pickk of Destiny in 2006. 2006. After the D’s D’s rise rise from from Los Los Angeles “it” “it” band in the th he mid-’90s mid-’90s to a brief stint on HBO in i 1999 1999 (first on
Much- discussed aand, Much-discussed nd, iiff tthe he IInternet nternet w as tto ob elieved, llong-awaited ong-awaited b was bee b believed, byy ffans, an ans, tthe he ccombination ombination m movie-album ovie-album P ick ooff D estiny rrelease elease w as eexpected xpected Pick Destiny was tto ob bee tthe he D D’s ’s ggreatest reatest ttriumph. riumph. B But ut iitt ttanked an nked aatt tthe he b ox o ffice. W orse box office. Worse yyet, et, tthe he eexact xacct m moment oment o off ffail ail w was ass ccaptured ap ptured ffor or a d ocumentary ccalled allled documentary DT Tour our tthat hat w was as ssupposed upposed tto ob bee cchronicling hronicling tthe he b and’s vvictory ictory m arch. band’s march. Instead,, it showed how unfunny unfunn ny the busine ess of making funn ny music business funny ccan an be. be. In one scene, scene, Gass expresses expresses his rreservations eservaations ab out the epic about size of thee D’ D’ss supp support ort tour ffor or o the film, while w Black ccounters ounters that theyy rreally the eallyy ha have ave no choic choice. e. In the film’s film ’s mos most st notorious sc scene, ene, the D is invited in vited to b bee on L Letterman, etttterman,, but at the last m minute, inute, the pr producers oducers sa say ay the theyy only w want ant Black, whose movie movie ccelebrity elebrity sseems eems to o overshadow vershadow Gass and the ba band and at every every turn. Gass loses it,, Bl Black ack sa says ayys he won’t won’t do the spot sp ot alone alone, e, and in the end,, things work out. Briefly. Brieflyy. Later, Later, they they read read the op opening enin ng b box ox offic officee numbers numbers in stunned d si silence, iilenc il e, while hil Black Bl k wonders d aloud if th the he world is sick of lo looking oking at him. It go goes es downhill fr from om there. there. ““The The fi first rst ttime ime I watched watched iit, t, I was w ass aalone, lone,” ssays ays G Gass ass o off tthe he fi finished nished documentary. d ocumentarryy. “It “It was was really reallly painful. painful. Iw was ass d devastated. evastated. IItt w was ass k kind ind o off a
16 1 6
15 1 5
22 2 2
Palace Pal lace of Fine Arts Arts Theatre Theatre
23 2 3
29 2 9
28 2 8
F 8PM 8 PM
SFF Conservatory S Conservatory Music Music C Concert oncert Hall Hall
Herbst T Theatre heatre
30 3 0
LOU L OU DONALDSON DONALDSON Herbst erbst T Theatre heatre He
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$1' (9(1 025( *5($7 6+2:6 $1' (9( (1 025( *5($7 6+ +2 2:6 : SFJAZZ S FJA ZZ HIGH H IG H S SCHOOL C HOOL ALL-STARS A LL-STARS
SSunday, unday, M May ay 1 16, 6, 2 2PM PM Y YBCA BC A Forum Forum
DONNY DONNY McCASLIN McC ASLIN TRIO TRIO FFriday, riday, JJune une 1 11, 1, 8PM 8 PM H Herbst erb s t Theatre T h eatre
SALIF S A LI F K KEITA EITA SSaturday, aturday, JJune une 5 5,, 8 8PM PM Swedish Hall Swe dish American A m e ri c a n H a ll
SSaturday, aturday, JJune une 1 12, 2, 8 8PM PM & 1 10:30PM 0 : 3 0 PM Bimboâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club B imboâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 365 3 65 C lu b
SSaturday, aturday, JJune une 12, 12, 8PM 8 PM Herbst H erb s t Theatre T h eatre
FFollow ollow us on: o Info, sound clips & tick Info, tickets. ets. Orr call 866-920-5299.
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Saved by Saved by a Trainwreck T rainwreck When Gass is at his low lowest west moment in D T our o , he seems to ďŹ nd salvation Tour, in his side band, Train Trainwreck. w eck. wr â&#x20AC;&#x153;The D is really really fun,, but at that moment, that w was as the release,â&#x20AC;? release,â&#x20AC;? says saays y Gass.. Gass It may maay be be wh why, hy, when n the question of whether to release release the t movie movie ccame ame up, up, it was was obvious obviou us where where his Trainwreck Train wreck bandmatess stood. stood. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theyy loved â&#x20AC;&#x153;The loved it,â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;? says saayys Gass. Gass. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But I was w as like, like, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Wait,, do you you u love love it just â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;cause cause youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re in a movie?â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? moviie?â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? In truth, the theyy had a lot more more invested in nvested than that, since sincce almost all off the memb members ers of Train Trainwreck nw wreck now are are in or ar aree associated associated wit with th Tenacious Tenacious e D.. Lead D Lead singer Jason Jason Reed Reed is better Re better known to D fans as Lee, Lee, the guy who was w as reverse-stalked reverse-sttalk lked d by by Black Bl k and d Gass G in an episo episode de of their TV T show, show, and is fforever or o ever memorialized memorialized thusly in the D song â&#x20AC;&#x153;L â&#x20AC;&#x153;Leeâ&#x20AC;?: eeâ&#x20AC;?: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Skinny â&#x20AC;&#x153;Skin nny dippinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; dippinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in a sea of Lee Lee / Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d propose propose o on bended bended To knee / T o Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee, Lee, Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee, Trainwreck L ee, Lee Lee Lee.â&#x20AC;? Lee.â&#x20AC;? Train wreck e guitarist guitarist JJohn ohn Konesky Konesky and bassist basssist John John
Spiker ha Spiker have ave been been touring memb members ers Tenacious better partt of of T enaciou e us D for fo or the b etter par decade. the dec ade. says Gass sa ays ys the band rreally eally did get him through througgh the most difficult â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re super positive guys.. times: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The eyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re sup er p ositive guys Theyy ttalked The alked d me off the ledge.â&#x20AC;? ledge.â&#x20AC;? Forming 2002 F ormingg in 20 02 and rreleasing eleasing livee album 2004, Trainwreck a liv m in 20 04, Train nwr w eck Tenacious sound not unlike unlike T eenacious D moree of a straight straight-ahead with mor g -ahead ((and sometimes rootsy) rootsy) rrock ock sound rather metal says thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tal bent. bent. Gass sa ays y ther eâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a than a met bands.. think line between between the ttwo wo bands â&#x20AC;&#x153;It doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t doesn nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really really ffeel eeel that different,â&#x20AC;? diff ffeerent,â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;? he h says. saays y . â&#x20AC;&#x153;The thing that different heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ffeels eels e diff ffeerent e is JJack, ack,, he â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just an entertaining enter tainin ng guy.â&#x20AC;? guyy.â&#x20AC;? Trainwreck Train wreck e has eeven ven ffollowed o ollowed in trying the mold of o Tenacious Teenacious D, D, tr ying to hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t jjump-start jump -start a TV show, show, which hasn â&#x20AC;&#x2122;t materialized far. materialize ate a ed e tthus us far a. pitched pretty heavy â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;We We p itched iitt around around p retty h eavy was llast asst yyear, ear, aand nd I rreally eallly tthought hought iitt w as Gass. ggonna onna ggo, o,â&#x20AC;? ssays ays G ass. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d still still llike ike to to pilot. The HBO sshoot hoot a p ilot. T he H BO tthing hing llaunched aunched D]] tto whole new [[Tenacious Tenacious D oaw hole n ew llevel. evel. The power off ttelevision T he p ower o elevision iiss aamazing. mazzing.â&#x20AC;? does IIn n ccase ase tthat hat sshow how eever ver d oes materialize, Trainwreckâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new m aterialize, T rainwreckâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s n ew The Wreckoning, opens with aalbum, lbum, T he W reckoning, o pens w ith Theme, â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;TV TV T heme,â&#x20AC;? ffeaturing eaturing tthe he cchorus horus Trainwreck/ Oh â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a T rainwreck/ O h yeah/ yeah h/ Wrong Wrong way down one-way w ay d own a o ne-way ttrack/ racck/ To To the the Trainwreck/ Oh T rainwreck// O h yyeah/ eah h/ I wanna wanna gget et with with wanna yyou, ou, ggirl/ irl/ I w aan nna gget et with with yyou. ou.â&#x20AC;? Reedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Reedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s off â&#x20AC;&#x153;I want JJack-Black-like acck-Blacck-like hollering hollering o â&#x20AC;&#x153;I w ant hop on tto oh op o n yyou ou ggirl, irl, I want want to to hop hop on on off tthe yyou1â&#x20AC;? ou1â&#x20AC;? aatt tthe he eend nd o he ssong ong underlines underlines between bands. tthe he ccrossover rossover b etween tthe he ttwo wo b ands. Meanwhile, band walks M eanwhile, iin n â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Brodeo, Brodeo,â&#x20AC;? tthe he b and w alks between tthat hat cclassic lassic ccomic-rock omic-rock lline ine b etween blowing ssatirizing atirizing ffrat-rock rat-rock aand nd b lowing iits ts up proportions. cclichĂŠs lichĂŠs u p tto o eepic pic p roportions. Off course, O course, another big difference diff ffeerence between the b etween th he two two bands is the size of the fan base. basse. â&#x20AC;&#x153;No Oates,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;N o one wants wants to see JJohn ohn Oates ,â&#x20AC;? says self-deprecating sa ayys Gass, Gass, in n typically typically self f- deprecating fashion. heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s But he â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happy happy to see the bands cco-existing o - existing in ccalmer almer times. times. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s incestuous, Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;It â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inc e estuous , but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fun. It â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
testam testament ment tto o â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;be â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;be careful carreful w what hat yyou ou w wish ish ffor. or.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; We We had had d never never really really failed failed llike ike that that before, be fore, and and to to have have iitt all all documented, documented, was painful. iitt w ass jjust ust rreally eally p ainful.â&#x20AC;? A lot of bands mightt have haave put kibosh movie the kib osh on a mo vie that turned out like like that, but Gass is proud proud they they released released it. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Those are are the documentaries docu umentaries I like, aree rreally like, the ones that ar eally truthful,â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;? he says. wanted saays y . â&#x20AC;&#x153;We â&#x20AC;&#x153;W We w anted it to be be that way, all.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;? way, warts warts and all. There was There w as even even a tacked-on taccked- on ending that put a positive posittive spin on the situation, suggesting suggestin ng that things had settled settled for for o the band ban nd before beffo ore they they really really had. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We â&#x20AC;&#x153;W We added that on, it was was late. late. Jack werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Jack and I wer enâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rreally eally seeing each other that much. So it kind of seemed contrived contrived to o me,â&#x20AC;? me,â&#x20AC;? admits Gass. Gass. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But But seeing it now, now w, I think it really work.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;? really did work. That may bee partly maay b partly because because now things really really are are better, bettter t r, and the D is preparing preparing to work on a new new album. At At this point, point, Gass can can n look look back philosophical with a philosophic al bent. bent. e â&#x20AC;&#x153;The friction,â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;? he sa says, ayys, â&#x20AC;&#x153;is where where the heat comes comes from.â&#x20AC;? from.â&#x20AC;?
56 M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M
More More listings:
San Jose Chamber Orchestra Sat, 8pm, Sun, 7pm, Le Petit Trianon; $10–$45
The orchestra welcomes jazz pianist Taylor Eigsti (left) along with drummer Jason Lewis, bassist John Shifflet and tabla player Ashwin Batish for a collaborative evening, including the premiere of Eigsti’s Re-Trianon for Trio and Orchestra, as well as a jazz/classical/Indian mashup called Ekta. (MSG)
Velvet Teen
Sat, 8pm, Homestead Lanes, Cupertino; $8 If it seems like indie-rock vets Velvet Teen sound a lot more like fellow Santa Rosa band the New Trust lately, it’s because NT singer Josh Staples has returned. Staples had left the Velvet Teen in 2006, just a month before his longtime partner in the band, Logan Whitehurst, died after a fight with brain cancer. Matthew Izen, who has also played with the New Trust, replaced him in the trio, but last year at the Silicon Valley Brownout the Velvet Teen debuted its four-member lineup with Staples. (SP)
Wild 94.9 Wild Jam 2010 Thu, 7:30pm, HP Pavilion; $20–$94
It may seem impossible that the inescapable “Tik Tok” could be played anywhere in the world one more time, but Ke$ha will undoubtedly prove it can be done at the Wild 94.9 Wild Jam 2010. Joining her on the bill are Baby Bash, Iyaz, Kesha, B.O.B., Lil John, Usher, New Boyz and Trey Songz. (SP)
D\kifÊj dlj`Z ZXc\e[Xi ilej N\[e\j[XpÅKl\j[Xp# DXp ()$(/%
San José Cha Chamber mber Orchestra
2009~2010 2009~201 10 19th SEASON
Rock/Pop R ock/Pop
Barbara Day T Turner, urner u r, Conductor – Music Music Director
TAYLOR T AY YLOR A AT T THE TRIANON TRIA ANON Satuurday May 15, 2010 8 pm Saturday SSunday Sun nday d May M 16, 16 2010 7 pm Le Petit P T rianon, r 72 N 5th St. San José Trianon, Taylor T aayllor Eigsti, pianist, and the San n José Chamber Orchestra Mus sic for jazz trio alone and works for Music trioo and orchestra by Eigsti an nd Heisinger and Tickets T iickets $30-$45
$10 student studeent tickets!!!! (age 22 and under under) r) www
tickets tic kets www .sjco – 4 408 0 8 29 295-4416 5--4 41 6
Thu: Flaw, Thu: Flaw, Skinlab, Skinlab, Saint Saint Vernon, Vernon, SSyndicon. yndicon. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
THE T HE B BLANK LANK CCLUB LUB Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm: pm: Sad Sad Bastards Bastards B Book ook War CClub, lub, SSummer ummer ooff Glaciers, Glaciers, W ar Dolphin. 9pm: Distance D olphin. FFree. ree. Fri, Fri, 9 pm: D istance FFrom rom Shelter, Shelter, Kandi Kandi Coded. Coded. $7. $7. SSan an JJose. ose.
Starfucker, Ugly Ugly Winner. Winner. Starfucker, Cupertino. Cupertino.
Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm: pm: R Retro etro R Rockets. ockets. SSat, at, 9pm: music 9 pm: LLive ive m usic ppresented resented bbyy Barb Rocks. B arb R ocks. CCupertino. upertino.
Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm: pm: LLive ive m music. usic. SSat, at, 8:30pm: 8 :30pm: LLocal ocal TTraffic. raffic. CCampbell. ampbell.
Fri, 6 Fri, 6pm: pm: CCheers heers to to Doerr Doerr FFarewell arewell SShow. how. SSan an JJose. ose.
Wed: W ed: JC JC Smith Smith Band. Band. Thu, Thu, 9:30pm: 9 :30pm: Mike Mike Osborn Osborn Band. Band. Fri, Fri, 9:30pm: 9 :30pm: Too Too Smooth, Smooth, $10. $10. Sat, Sat, 9:30pm: Megatones, $10. 9 :30pm: M egatones, $ 10. Los Los Gatos. G atos.
Thu, 10pm: Thu, 10pm: SSouth outh B Bay ay D Dub ub Massive w/6Blocc, Megalodon M assive w /6Blocc, M egalodon aand nd Johnny Johnny 55.. $10. $10. San San Jose. Jose.
Wed: JJack Wed: ack R Ripoff. ipoff. Thu: Thu: Chili Chili Daddy. Mon: SSauce. auce. FFri: ri: SSuga uga D addy. SSat, at, M on: EElement. lement. CCampbell. ampbell.
Fri: Blood Fri: Blood Sugar Sugar Sex Sex Machine. Machine. SSat: at: SSuperbad. uperbad. SSan an JJose. ose.
FFri-Sat: ri-Sat: LLive ive music. music. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Fri: LLive Fri: ive m music. usic. SSun, un, aafternoon: fternoon: Greg Band. G reg CCross ross B and. SSunnyvale. unnyvale. SSat, at, 8pm: 8pm: V Velvet elvet Teen, Teen,
QUARTER Q UARTER N NOTE OTE Mon, Wed, Mon, Wed, SSun, un, 8pm: 8pm: Jam Jam ssession. ession. Thu, Thu, 8pm: 8pm: Rock Rock band. band. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336
$16 Adv. $20 Dr. Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. -YPKH` 4H` Â&#x2039; (.,: Â&#x2039; VITAL
with DJs Electrixx, Disco Vader, Ross.FM,
John Beaver (Skills), Rastatronics Light and Lasers by Bay Area Sound Staging
$12 Adv./ $16 Dr. â&#x20AC;˘ Drs. 8 p.m., Show 8 p.m.
:H[\YKH` 4H` (.,: plus Orgone and Youssoupha Sidibe
$17 Adv./ $21 Dr. â&#x20AC;˘ Drs. 8 p.m., Show 9 p.m.
May 13 Zed/ Them Guns Atrium (Ages 21+) May 15 Nora Cruz Atrium (Ages 21+) May 18 Outlaw Nation Atrium (Ages 21+) May 21 Your Music Olympicks Finals (Ages 16+) May 22 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a Beachâ&#x20AC;? w/DJ Sal (Ages 18+) May 26 Nas & Damian Marley (Ages 16+) May 28 Zion I/ Erk Tha Jerk (Ages 16+) May 29 Tech N9ne/ Brotha Lynch Hung (Ages 16+) Jun 5 Sage Francis/ Free Moral Agents (Ages 16+) Jun 6 Bone Thugs-N-Harmony (Ages 16+) Jun 9 The Glitch Mob/ Free the Robots (Ages 16+) Jun 11 Wooster/ Sourgrass (Ages 21+) Jun 18 Eagles of Death Metal (Ages 16+) Jul 29 Wolf Parade/ The Moools (Ages 16+) Aug 11 Reverend Horton Heat (Ages 21+) Aug 13 Smash Mouth (Ages 16+) Aug 14 Eek A Mouse (Ages 16+) Aug 16 Xavier Rudd (Ages 16+) Sep 20 Willie Nelson & Family (Ages 21+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
;O\YZKH` 4H` (.,:
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M
More More listings:
FFolk olk
SSat, at, 8 8pm: pm: Per Per Se. Se. Mountain Mountain View. View.
Experience. Fri, Experience. Fri, 9pm: 9pm: Delgado Delgado Brothers, B rothers, $10. $10. Sun, Sun, 9pm: 9pm: Alvin Alvin Draper. Dennis Dove. D raper. Mon, Mon, 9pm: 9pm: D ennis D ove. 9pm: TTue, ue, 9 pm: LLiar’s iar’s Club. Club. San San Jose. Jose.
Sat, 6 Sat, 6pm: pm: Raelin, Raelin, W Worthwhile, orthwhile, M Myy LLast ast FFriend. riend.
TThu, hu, 7-11pm: 7-11pm: Live Live jazz. jazz. San San Jose. Jose.
Sun: Mike Sun: Mike Leatherman. Leatherman. CCampbell. ampbell.
Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: Joey Joey Fabian Fabian Four. Four. TThu, hu, 8pm: 8pm: Open Open mic mic w/Kelly w/Kelly Park Buca Necak. P ark aand nd B uca N ecak. Fri, Fri, 8pm: 8 pm: Macy Macy Blackman Blackman and and Bing Nathan. B ing N athan. SSat, at, 8pm: 8pm: Marty Marty Williams Group. W illiams G roup. Tue, Tue, 8pm: 8pm: Keith Keith Williams. Menlo W illiams. M enlo Park. Park.
SSat, at, 77pm: pm: G Gnarboots. narboots. San San JJose. ose.
VOODOO V OODOO LOUNGE LOUNGE Fri, 9pm: Fri, 9pm: Black Black Robot, Robot, Relapse. Relapse. SSan an JJose. ose.
World W orld ALBERTO’S A LBERTO’S Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: Hot Hot salsa, salsa, Pantea. Pantea. Fri, Fri, 8pm: Pantea 8 pm: Salsa Salsa FFridays, ridays, P antea aand nd Mountain View. llessons. essons. M ountain V iew.
ANGELICA’S A NGELICA’S BISTROY BISTROY Fri, 77pm: Fri, pm: Belly Belly Dance, Dance, Troupe Troupe $5. ZZambalita. ambalita. $ 5. Redwood Redwood CCity. ity.
POOR P OOR H HOUSE OUSE B BISTRO ISTRO Wed, 6-9pm: Wed, 6-9pm: R Ron on Thomson Thomson and and Price FFriends. riends. Thu, Thu, 6-9pm: 6-9pm: Lara Lara P rice with w ith Yesterdays. Yesterdays. Fri, Fri, 6-10pm: 6-10pm: Andy Band A ndy Just Just B and featuring featuring Phillip Benson. 6-10pm: P hillip B enson. SSat, at, 6 -10pm: Mark M ark Hummel Hummel and and the the Blues Blues SSurvivors. urvivors. SSun, un, 2-6pm: 2-6pm: Zydeco Zydeco Dance D ance Party, Party, tthe he ZZydeco ydeco FFlames. lames. 6-9pm: Open TTue, ue, 6 -9pm: O pen Mic Mic Night. Night. SSan an JJose. ose.
Fri-Sat: Live Fri-Sat: Live m music usic and and bbelly elly ddancing. ancing. CCupertino. upertino.
Sun, Tue, Sun, Tue, 7:30pm: 7:30pm: Modesto Modesto Briseno music. B riseno SSeptet, eptet, Latin Latin m usic. Willow W illow Glen. Glen.
Fri, 9 Fri, 9:30pm: :30pm: Kaweh. Kaweh. SSat, at, 8:308:30111:30pm: 1:30pm: James James Robinson. Robinson. FFlamenco lamenco jazz jazz guitarist. guitarist. Mountain View. M ountain V iew.
PARRANDA P ARRANDA N NIGHTCLUB IGHTCLUB Thu, 9pm-2am: Thu, 9pm-2am: Banda Banda 300. 300. Plus DJJ A Akustik P lus D kustik aand nd bbull-riding ull-riding Noo cover. ccontest. ontest. N cover. Fri, Fri, 8pm8pm22am: am: Norteño Norteño and and Bandas Bandas live. live. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
UNWINED U NWINED Thu, 7-9pm: Thu, 7-9pm: Don Don Balistreri. Balistreri. Free. Free. SSat, at, 77-9:30pm: -9:30pm: Jazz Jazz Night. Night. Sun, Sun, 44-7pm: -7pm: FFundraiser undraiser eevent vent ffor or San San JJose ose JJazz. azz. San San JJose. ose.
WINE W INE A AFFAIRS FFAIRS Wed-Thu and Wed-Thu and Sat: Sat: LLive ive music. music. SSan an JJose. ose.
SSENZALA ENZALA Sat, 77:30pm: Sat, :30pm: Jessica Jessica Johnson. Johnson. $10. $ 10. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
CCAFFE AFFE T TRIESTE RIESTE Fri, 8 Fri, 8pm: pm: Opera Opera Night Night for for South South FFirst irst FFriday. riday. SSan an JJose. ose.
FAIRMONT HOTEL FAIRMONT HOTEL LOBBY LOBBY LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed, 8:30pm: Wed, 8:30pm: The The Girlz Girlz Band. Band. 8:30pm: TThu, hu, 8 :30pm: Contemporary Contemporary or or 9pm: LLatin atin jjazz. azz. FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 9 pm: Jazz Jazz aand nd ppop op dance dance bbands. ands. SSan an JJose. ose.
GGRAND RAND DELL SSALOON ALOON Thu: B Thu: Blues lues JJam am w w/AKI. /AKI. FFri, ri, 8 8pm: pm: Hipshake. 8pm: H ipshake. SSat, at, 8 pm: Pinkie Pinkie aand nd Blind Resistance. tthe he B lind R esistance. CCampbell. ampbell.
HEDLEY H EDLEY CCLUB LUB Thu, 8 Thu, 8pm: pm: R Russo usso A Alberts lberts TTrio rio 8:30pm: sstraight-ahead traight-ahead jjazz. azz. FFri, ri, 8 :30pm: Michael M ichael Schaller Schaller aand nd CCarrie arrie JJahde. ahde. 8:30pm: SSat, at, 8 :30pm: CChristian hristian TTamburr. amburr. Hotel H otel de de Anza, Anza, San San JJose. ose.
JJ.J.’S .J.’S BLUES BLUES CCAFE AFE Wed, W ed, 9 9pm: pm: Gomer Gomer Hendrix Hendrix
CCountry/ ountry/ Western W est e ern
Fri, 8 Fri, 8pm: pm: Gianfranco Gianfranco P Paolozzi aolozzi aand nd gguest. uest. SSan an JJose. ose. Thu, 7pm: Thu, 7pm: SSouth outh B Bay ay Folks Folks oopen pen mic. m ic. Fri, Fri, 8pm: 8pm: JD JD Valero. Valero. Sat, Sat, 8pm: 8 pm: Three Three at at Last. Last. $5. $5. Sun, Sun, 77pm: pm: Doug Doug Young Young and and Friends. Friends. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
MOROCCO’S M OROCCO’S RESTAURANT RESTAURANT Sat, 77pm: Sat, pm: French French bblues lues w with ith Albert Benichou. A lbert B enichou. TTue, ue, 77pm: pm: Raffy TTroubadour roubadour R affy EE.. SSan an JJose. ose.
NETO’S N ETO’S BAR BAR & GGRILL RILL Wed: W ed: A Acoustic coustic jjam. am. Thu: Thu: CCece ece Mor M or CComedy omedy sshow. how. Fri, Fri, 7pm: 7pm: IIcelandic celandic folk folk with with Uni Uni and and John. John. Midlife SSat: at: M idlife Vices, Vices, Operation Operation CCare are aand nd CComfort. omfort. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
SSAM’S AM’S B BBQ BQ Wed, W ed, 6 6-9pm: -9pm: Diana Diana D Donnelly onnelly 6-9pm: aand nd the the Yes Yes Ma’ams. Ma’ams. TTue, ue, 6 -9pm: CCabin abin FFever. ever. SSan an JJose. ose.
SST. T. SSTEPHEN’S TEPHEN’S GGREEN REEN TTue, ue, 7:30pm: 7:30pm: Irish Irish Music. Music. Mountain View. M ountain V iew.
Open Mic/ P Poetry BAREFOOT COFFEE BAREFOOT COFFEE ROASTERS R OASTERS Wed, W ed, 7pm: 7pm: Musical Musical open open mic. mic. SSign ign uupp bbyy 5pm. 5pm. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.
CCAFFE AFFE TRIESTE TRIESTE TTue, ue, 77pm: pm: Open Open M Mic. ic. SSan an JJose. ose.
Mon: M on: CComedy omedy N Night. ight. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
Sun, 6-10pm: Sun, 6-10pm: Fred Fred McCarty, McCarty, plus plus BBQ. B BQ. CCampbell. ampbell.
THE T HE SSADDLE ADDLE R RACK ACK Wed, 9pm: Wed, 9pm: Wild Wild at at Heart. Heart. ThuThu9pm: Road. FFri, ri, 9 pm: Diablo Diablo R oad. Sat, Sat, 77:15pm: :15pm: EErica rica SSunshine unshine Lee Lee ((followed followed at at 10:15pm 10:15pm by by Diablo Diablo Road). R oad). FFremont. remont.
THREE FFLAMES THREE LAMES RESTAURANT R ESTAURANT Thu, 9pm-closing: Thu, 9pm-closing: Live Live ccountry ountry music, m usic, Doug Doug Rose Rose Productions Productions w/Bit w /Bit aand nd Spur Spur Band Band featuring featuring Willow Glen. CCowboy owboy Larry. Larry. W illow G len.
Thu, 7pm: Thu, 7pm: SSouth outh B Bay ay Folks Folks O Open pen Mic. M ic. Santa Santa CClara. lara.
VENUEZ V ENUEZ TTue, uue, 7-10pm: 7-10pm: Open Open Mic. Mic. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Karaoke Kar aoke 7B BAMBOO AMBOO Wed-Sat, 9pmWed-Sat, 9pm-2am: 2am: Karaoke. Karaoke. TTue, uue, 9pm-1am: 9pm-1am: Karaoke. Karaoke. SSan an JJose. ose.
Mon, 8 Mon, 8pm-midnight: pm-midnight: KKaraoke araoke Monday. M onday. Hosted Hosted by by KJ KJ Whirl. Whirl. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Wed, 8pm-2am: Wed, 8pm-2am: Karaoke. Karaoke. SSan an JJose. ose.
Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: D DJJ B Brian. rian. Sun, Sun, 9pm: 9pm: DJJ aand DJ, D nd karaoke. karaoke. Tue, Tue, 9pm: 9pm: D J, ddancing, ancing, kkaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
TTue-Sat, ue-Sat, 9pm-2am, 9pm-2am, and and last last Sun Sun month, B&S ooff eevery very m onth, 22-7pm: -7pm: B &S KKaraoke. araoke. CCampbell. ampbell.
ALEX’S ALEX ’S 49ER 49ER INN Mon-Sat, 9pm-2am: Mon-Sat, 9pm-2am: Karaoke. Karaoke. SSan an JJose. ose.
FFLAMES LAMES COFFEE COFFEE SHOP SHOP Thu-Sat, 9pm: Thu-Sat, 9pm: Uncle Uncle Dougie Dougie Noo ccover. SShow. how. N over. SSan an JJose. ose.
PIONEER P IONEER SSALOON ALOON TTue, ue, 8 8:30pm-midnight: :30pm-midnight: A Acoustic coustic w/ Marshall. kkaraoke araoke w / SSam am M arshall. Woodside. W oodside.
Wed, 9 Wed, 9:30pm: :30pm: W Wildside ildside Noo ccover. EEntertainment. ntertainment. N over. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
FFri, ri, 9 9pm: pm: TThomas. homas. SSan an JJose. ose.
Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: Karaoke Karaoke w/ w/ August. A ugust. Milpitas. Milpitas.
TTue, ue, 9 9pm: pm: SSherrie herrie aand nd SSue. ue. N Noo ccover. over. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Wed, 9pm: Wed, 9pm: Karaoke Karaoke Night. Night. Milpitas. M ilpitas.
SSat, at, 9 9pm: pm: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Thu, 9pm-1am: Thu, 9pm-1am: Joseph. Joseph. SSan an JJose. ose.
Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm-1am: pm-1am: D Danielle. anielle. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
TTue, ue, 8 8:30-11:30pm: :30-11:30pm: KKaraoke. araoke. N Noo Row. ccover. over. SSantana antana R ow.
Mon & Wed-Thu, Mon Wed-Thu, 8pm: 8pm: Karaoke. Karaoke. Noo ccover. N over. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
BLUE B LUE MAX MAX FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 9pm-1:30am: 9pm-1:30am: Karaoke. Karaoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Fri-Sun, 9 Fri-Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: :30pm-1:30am: Glen. KKaraoke. araoke. Willow Willow G len.
TTue, ue, 77pm: pm: SSteve teve TTiger. iger. Cupertino. Cupertino.
BOGART’S B OGART’S LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed, FFri, Wed, ri, SSun, un, 8 8pm-2am: pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
BOSWELL’S B OSWELL’S TTue: ue: D DJJ D Davey avey KK.. CCampbell. ampbell.
BRITANNIA B RITANNIA A ARMS RMS ALMADEN ALMADEN Sun, 110pm, Sun, 0pm, aand nd W Wed, ed, 110pm: 0pm: DJJ H Hank. KKaraoke. araoke. D ank. TTue, ue, 77:30pm: :30pm: Pub P ub SStumpers. tumpers. SSan an JJose. ose.
BRITANNIA A BRITANNIA ARMS RMS CCUPERTINO UPERTINO Sun-Tue, 10pm: Sun-Tue, 10pm: KKaraoke. araoke. CCupertino. upertino.
BRITISH B RITISH B BANKERS ANKERS CCLUB LUB Mon, 9 Mon, 9:30pm: :30pm: KKaraoke. araoke. M Menlo enlo Park. P ark.
CC&J’S &J’S SSPORTS PORTS BAR BAR Thu: M Thu: Melissa elissa aand nd H Heather. eather. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Wed, 110pm-1:30am: Wed, 0pm-1:30am: D DJJ P Purple. urple. Palo Alto. P alo A lto.
SSAN AN JJOSE OSE B BAR AR & GGRILL RILL TTue, ue, 110pm-close: 0pm-close: KKamikaze amikaze KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.
Fri, 9pm: Fri, 9pm: Vinnie. Vinnie. M Mon, on, 9 9pm: pm: KKaraoke araoke in in the the lounge lounge w/ w/ Vinnie. Vinnie. 9pm: TTue, ue, 9 pm: August. August. Cupertino. Cupertino.
Wed-Thu aand Wed-Thu nd SSun, un, 9 9pm: pm: W Wild ild Nights N ights Karaoke. Karaoke. Fremont. Fremont.
KATIE K ATIE BLOOM’S BLOOM’S Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: Karaoke. Karaoke. CCampbell. ampbell.
KCC BAR K BAR AND AND RESTAURANT RESTAURANT Wed, 8pm-midnight: Wed, 8pm-midnight: DJ DJ Desmond. D esmond. San San Jose. Jose.
Wed, SSat-Sun: Wed, at-Sun: CChris. hris. TThu-Fri: hu-Fri: Uncle Dougie. U ncle D ougie. SSan an JJose. ose. Thu, 9:30pm-1:30am: Thu, 9:30pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
TEMPLE T EMPLE B BAR AR Wed, 9 Wed, 9:30pm: :30pm: R Rock ock B Band and Night. KKaraoke araoke N ight. SSan an JJose. ose.
Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: Davey Davey K. K. No No cover. cover. CCampbell. ampbell.
Sun, 3-7pm, Sun, 3-7pm, aand nd Tue, Tue, Wed, Wed, 8pm8pmfirst 11:30am: :30am: KKaraoke. araoke. EExcept xcept fi rst month. SSun un ooff m onth. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
TThu, hu, SSun-Mon, un-Mon, 8 8:30pm-close: :30pm-close: Bruce B ruce of of KOR KOR Karaoke. Karaoke. No No cover. cover. Mountain M ountain View. View.
LILLY LILL LY MA MAC’S C’S Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm: pm: DJ DJ Thomas Thomas ““Soulman.” Soulman.” Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
TTue-Thu ue-Thu aand nd Sat, Sat, 9 9:30pm: :30pm: Vinnie. V innie. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Dancee Clubs Danc Clubs AGENDA A GENDA
Mon, W Mon, Wed, ed, 9 9pm-1am: pm-1am: D DJJ CCurtis. urtis. Noo cover. 9pm: Western N cover. TTue, ue, 9 pm: W estern Noo ccover. kkaraoke. araoke. N over. SSan an JJose. ose.
Wed, 8 Wed, 8pm: pm: SSalsa alsa W Wednesdays. ednesdays. Upp B*Tch TThu: hu: Tech Tech IItt U B*Tch w/Paul w/Paul Residents. LLeath eath aand nd R esidents. SSun: un: Planet Reggae. P lanet R eggae. SSan an JJose. ose.
Fri, 6:30-10:30pm: Fri, 6:30-10:30pm: B Bands ands w with ith llive ive kkaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Wed, 77:30pm: Wed, :30pm: LLatin. atin. TTue ue aand nd With Pantea. TThu: hu: Salsa Salsa W ith P antea. SSat: at: Night. Mountain View. LLatin atin N ight. M ountain V iew.
TTue ue & TThu, hu, 9 9pm-1am: pm-1am: B Brian rian Palo Alto. JJames. ames. P alo A lto.
DASILVA’S D ASILVA’’S BRONCOS BRONCOS Wed: G Wed: Guitar uitar H Hero ero TTournament ournament 9pm-1am: pplus lus kkaraoke. araoke. TThu, hu, 9 pm-1am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
TThu, hu, 8 8pm: pm: Chris. Chris. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.
Wed, Fri-Sat, Wed, Fri-Sat, 8:30pm: 8:30pm: Doug. Doug. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
OFFICE O FFICE B BAR AR Sun, 7pm-midnight, Sun, 7pm-midnight, and and FFri, ri, Sat, Sat, 9pm-2am: 9pm-2am: Karaoke. Karaoke. Mountain M ountain View. View.
AZUCAR TTue: ue: B Beats eats aand nd Beer Beer Pong Pong w/ w/ Mike M ike JJones. ones. SSan an JJose. ose.
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
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MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M 59
THE BLANK CLUB CLUB Sat, 9pm: CClub Sat, lub SSatori atori w/D w/DJs Js Vitus V itus and KKevin. evin. $5. SSan an JJose. osse.
BLOWFISH BL OWFISH SUSHI Wed-Sat: D Wed-Sat: DJs Js and dancing. SSantana antana Row. Row.
BLUE BL UE PHEA PHEASANT SANT TTue-Sun, ue Sun, uueun 7pm-close: 7pm close: D DJJ andd dancing. Big band, swing. No No cover.. CCupertino. cover upertino.
BRANHAM LOUNGE LOUNGE Wed: Humpday W Wed: Wednesdays. ednesdayss. DJJ and kar karaoke. DJJ TThu: hu: D aoke. SSat: at: D Hip-hop JJazzy azzy and DJ DJ CChaos. haos. Hip-ho op Hour and TTop oop 40. SSun: un: Happy Hou ur Allll Day Day.. M Mon: DJJ and kar karaoke. A on: D aoke. TTue: uue: $2 TTuesdays. uuesdays. SSan an JJose. ose.
Fri, Sat, Fri, Sat, 6pm: 6pm: DJ DJ oorr llive ive band. band. No No ccover. over. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
DIVE D IVE B BAR AR Sat: Rhythm Sat: Rhythm Saturdays. Saturdays. SSun: un: M Mix ix TTape ape SSundays. undays. San San JJose. ose.
FFAHRENHEIT AHRENHEIT U ULTRA LTRA LOUNGE LOUNGE Wed, 9pm-close: Wed, 9pm-close: The The Lounge. Lounge. TTop op 440 0 aand nd hhip-hop. ip-hop. Thu, Thu, 9pm9pmcclose: lose: Fortune Fortune 50/50. 50/50. Mashups. Mashups. FFri: ri: KKarma arma party. party. SSat: at: Rotating Rotating Parties. 9pm-close: P arties. Tue, Tue, 9 pm-close: College College Night. N ight. SSan an JJose. ose.
FFIREHOUSE IREHOUSE GRILL GRILL SSat, at, 9 9pm: pm: DJs. DJs. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
Wed: W ed: D DJJ D Davey avey KK.. CCampbell. ampbell.
KING K ING O OFF CCLUBS LUBS Fri, 9:30pm: Fri, 9:30pm: Noche Noche Vaquera, Vaquera, D DJJ DJJ SStam. JJose ose KKuervo uervo aand nd D tam. SSat: at: Azukar, DJJ 33D. 9pm: A zukar, D D. Tue, Tue, 9 pm: CClub lub Nostalgia, Goth, N ostalgia, G oth, iindustrial ndustrial aand nd $8. Mountain View. ddarkwave. arkwave. $ 8. M ountain V iew.
Wed: The Wed: The Cypher. Cypher. Open Open mic mic with DJJ CChecko. w ith llive ive aartists. rtists. FFri: ri: D hecko. Beats. SSat: at: G B eats. SSan an JJose. ose.
BRIX Wed, 9pmWed, 9pm-2am: 2am: Whip IItt O Out utt Wednesdays. Huntress W ednesdays. TThu: hu: Huntr ess TThursdays. hursdays. Fri: Inferno Inferno Fridays. Sat: Sat: SSinful inful SSaturdays. aturdayys. Noo cover cover.. SSun, 9pm-2am: 2am: N un, 9pmMon: Marathon CChill hill SSundays. undays. M on: M arathoon Mondays. VJJ spins fr from 9pmM ondays. V om 9pm mOff 2am. TTue: uue: TTake ake a it O ff TTuesdays. uuesdayys. SSan an Jose. Jose.
Fri-Sat, 110:30pm-1:30am: Fri-Sat, 0:30pm-1:30am: LLive ive DJ. D J. SSan an JJose. ose.
CCARDINAL ARDINAL LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed, 9pm-1am: Wed, 9pm-1am: DJ DJ Curtis. Curtis. Plus Plus Mon, kkaraoke. araoke. M on, Sun: Sun: DJ DJ LV. LV. Tue, Tue, 9pm-1am: AV. 9 pm-1am: KKJJ A V. San San Jose. Jose.
Wed: A Wed: Audio udio M Mass. ass. FFri: ri: Hitman Hitman Bikini B ikini Fashion Fashion Show. Show. Sat: Sat: DJJ D Dre SSmashed, mashed, featuring featuring D re SSinatra. inatra. SSan an JJose. ose.
Wed, W ed, 9pm: 9pm: D DJJ H Henry. enry. Thu, Thu, 9pm: 9pm: DJJ M Mark. 9pm: D ark. FFri, ri, 9 pm: DJ DJ Mike Mike Vincent. V incent. SSat, at, 77pm: pm: DJ DJ Mark. Mark. FFremont. remont.
SSAN AN JJOSE OSE B BAR AR & GGRILL RILL Wed: Tango. Wed: Tango. SSpecials pecials on on drinks. drinks. Video TThu-Sat: hu-Sat: V ideo KKilled illed the the DJ. DJ. Mon, SSun: un: SSin in SSundays. undays. M on, 110pm0pmcclose: lose: Manic Manic Mondaze. Mondaze. San San JJose. ose.
SST. T. SSTEPHEN’S TEPHEN’S GGREEN REEN Fri, 110pm: Fri, 0pm: DJ DJ Cesar. Cesar. Mountain Mountain View. V iew.
TEMPLE T EMPLE BAR BAR Thu: TTemple Thu: emple Thursdays. Thursdays. FFri, ri, R&B. 110:30pm: 0:30pm: R &B. Sat, Sat, 10:30pm: 10:30pm: DJs. D Js. San San JJose. ose.
Fri-Sat: D Fri-Sat: DJs. Js. $ $10 10 ccover over aafter fter Palo Alto. 110pm. 0pm. P alo A lto.
Fri-Sat, 9 Fri-Sat, 9pm: pm: D DJJ SSir ir Dancealot. Dancealot. Willow W illow Glen. Glen.
Thu: Free Thu: Free Beats Beats for for Beat Beat Freaks. Freaks. SSat: at: DJs. DJs. SSan an Jose. Jose.
MOUNTAIN M OUNTAIN CHARLEY’S CHARLEY’S Wed, 7pm-2am: Wed, 7pm-2am: House House Party. Party. TThu, hu, 77pm-2am: pm-2am: Throwback Throwback TThursdays. hursdays. LLos os Gatos. Gatos.
TOON’S T OON’S Wed: W ed: B Big ig After After P Party. arty. TThu: hu: H HipipDJJ CClassic. hhop. op. FFri: ri: D lassic. SSat: at: DJ DJ Tito. Tito. Hip-hop. Mon: Billboard SSun: un: H ip-hop. M on: B illboard ccountdown. ountdown. TTue: ue: LLadies adies Night. Night. SSan an JJose. ose.
CC&J’S &J’S SSPORTS PORTS BAR BAR Wed, Sat, Wed, Sat, 110pm: 0pm: D DJJ in in the the Mix. Mix. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Thu: DJs. Thu: DJs. Fri-Sat: Fri-Sat: LLive ive bbands ands DJs. aand nd D Js. Menlo Menlo Park. Park.
Fri, 8 Fri, 8pm: pm: D DJJ aand nd ddancing. ancing. SSat, at, 9pm: DJJ and 9 pm: D and ddancing ancing ffeaturing eaturing CChill, hill, R&B, R&B, Top Top 40. 40. SSun, un, 9pm: 9pm: DJJ ddancing D ancing aand nd kkaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Thu-Sat, 9 Thu-Sat, 9:30pm-1:30am: :30pm-1:30am: DJs DJs aand nd ddancing. ancing. CCampbell. ampbell.
Thu: M Thu: Major ajor TThursdays. hursdays. R Rotating otating DJs. Buck D Js. Tue: Tue: Two Two B uck Tuesdays. Tuesdays. CCollege ollege dance dance party. party. SSan an Jose. Jose.
Wed, Sun: Wed, Sun: DJ DJ Hank, Hank, w/karaoke w/karaoke aatt 110pm. 0pm. TThu: hu: DJ DJ Benofficial. Benofficial. SSan an JJose. ose.
Beat. Beat. Sun, Sun, 9pm-2am: 9pm-2am: Sonidero Sonidero Night. Night. With With local local DJs DJs spinning spinning salsa, salsa, cumbia cumbia and and more. more. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
Mon: Ladies’ Mon: Ladies’ night. night. No No cover. cover. Milpitas. M ilpitas. FFri-Sat: ri-Sat: O Old ld SSchool. chool. M Milpitas. ilpitas.
More M ore listings:
Sat, 10pm: Sat, 10pm: DJs DJs D!strakt, D!strakt, G Gyrex yrex more. aand nd m ore. $10. $10. San San Jose. Jose.
PARRANDA P ARRANDA N NIGHTCLUB IGHTCLUB Thu, 8 Thu, 8pm-2am: pm-2am: D DJJ A Akustik. kustik. N Noo ccover. over. Fri, Fri, 8pm-2am: 8pm-2am: DJ DJ Mayo. Mayo. 8pm-2am: Mayo DJJ SSat, at, 8 pm-2am: DJ DJ M ayo and and D Akustik. A kustik. Sun, Sun, 7pm-2am: 7pm-2am: Latin Latin
ZZEN EN LLOUNGE OUNGE Thu: CCollege Thu: ollege Night. Night. Fri: Fri: w/DJ FFabulous abulous w /DJ Menace. Menace. SSat: at: CCelebrity elebrity w/DJ w/DJ D-Roc. D-Roc. Mountain View. M ountain V iew.
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The Best Sharks Ever K?< C<8;<I K ?< C< 8 ;<I 8cc$k`d\ J_Xibj kfg jZfi\i GXki`Zb DXic\Xl dX[\ k_\ n`ee`e^ ^fXc `e >Xd\ , 8cc$k`d d\ J_Xibj kfg jZfi\i GXki`Zb DXic\Xl dX[\ k_\ n`ee`e^ ^fXc `e >Xd\ , X^X`ejk k_\ ;\kif`k I\[ N`e^j kf kXb\ k_\ j\Zfe[ ifle[ f] k_\ gcXpf]]j% X^X`ejk k_\ ;\kif`k I\[ X^X`ejk \[ N`e^j `e^j ` kf kXb\ k_\ k_\ j\Zfe[ j\Zfe[ if fle[ f] f] k_\ k_\ gcXpf]]j%
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This T his yyear, earr, tthe he S Sharks harks w were ere tthe he ttop op seed and seed and the the Red Red W Wings ings No. No. 55.. But But heading h eading iinto nto tthe he sseries, eries, S Sharks harks ffans ans weren’t w eren’t ffeeling eeling ttoo oo ccocky—Detroit ocky—Detroit h had ad d dominated d ominated San San n JJose ose d during uring the the regular regular sseason, easson, ggoing oing 33-0-1. -0-1. T The he S Sharks harks h had ad only only won w on eeight ight ttimes imes iin nH Hockeytown ockeytown o out ut of of 44 4 4 ggames ames p played layed there. there. IIn n the the playoffs, playoff ffss, tthey hey w were ere 33-6. -6. Last L ast yyear, earr, tthe he S Sharks harks team team that that w won on tthe he P President’s resident’s T Trophy rophy ffor or tthe he b best est rregular egularr sseason eason iin n tthe he NHL NHL w was as put put to to sshame hame as as it it lost lost to to the the eighth-seeded eighth-seeded Anaheim A naheim D Ducks ucks in in the the first first round. round. But B ut aass d die-hard ie-hard ffans ans h have ave b been een ssaying, aying, tthis his Sharks Sharrks tteam eam iiss d different. iff ffeerent. Despite D espite ssome ome h hiccups iccups eearly arly iin n tthe he fi first rst rround ound aagainst gainst the the Colorado Colorad do A Avalanche, valan nche,
the Sharks the Sharks d dominated ominated the the last last three three ggames ames o the series. series. The The team team m that that then then off the eeliminated liminated the the Red Red Wings Wings last last week week in in fi ve games games could could very very well well advance advance to to five Cup Finals. tthe he Stanley Stan nley C up F inals. T he Sharks Sharks have have b een tto o the the The been Western W estern Conference Conference Finals Finals only only one one o ther ttime ime iin n tthe he ffranchise’s ran nchise’s 119-year 9-yearr other h istory, after after the the 2003–04 2003–04 season. seasson. The The history, o nly Sharks Sharks that that remain remain from from the the 2004 2004 only W estern Conference Conference runners-up runners-up are are ar Western Patrick P atrick Marleau Marleau u aand nd Evgeni Evgeni Nabokov. Nabokov. N oo ffeense to ff to Vincent Vincent Damphousse Damphousse or or No offense M ike Ricci, Ricci, but but the the players players currently currently Mike ssurrounding urrounding Marleau Marrleau and and Nabokov Nabokov b low tthe he 2004 2004 team team m off off tthe he iice. ce. blow A fter a slow slow start start in in 2005–06 2005–06 After ((the the 2004–05 2004–05 sseason eason was was locked locked out), out), S harks G MD oug Wilson Wilson traded traded for for Sharks GM Doug JJoe oe Thornton. Thornton. Thornton Thornton had had d struggled struggled iin n the the playoffs playoff ffss with with the the Boston Boston Bruins, Bruins, w here h ailed tto o notch notch a goal goal or or assist asssist where hee ffailed iin n seven seven games. games. A rst, h ontinued h is p ostseasson Att fi first, hee ccontinued his postseason with Sharks, but Thornton sstruggles truggles w ith tthe he S harks, b ut T hornton h ass gotten gotten tthings hings b ack o n ttrack rack o ver has back on over tthe he yyears. earrs. A nd h as ““Jumbo” Jumbo” d uring And hee w was during
J_Xibj GcXpf]]j JZ_\[lc\ J\\ j_Xibj%e_c%Zfd
63 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
FFelipe elipe B Buitrago uitrago
metroactive SPORTS
llast asst week’s week’s series. series. He He n otched tthree hree notched ggoals oals and and eight eight assists assists in in fi ve ggames ames five aagainst gainst the the R ed Wings. Wings. H set u p Red Hee set up P atrick Marleau Marleau u on on tthe he ggame-winning ame-winning Patrick ggoal oal in in G ame 5 and an nd in in overtime overtime iin n Game G ame 3. 3. Thornton’s Thornton’s p lay p icked u p Game play picked up w here tthe he o ther JJoe oe lleft eft o ff. IIn ff nG ame 2 where other off. Game aagainst gainst Detroit, Detroit, Joe Joe P avelski b ecam me tthe he Pavelski became fi rst player player ssince ince M ario L emieux iin n 11992 992 first Mario Lemieux tto oh ave three three sstraight traight m ultigoal ggames ames have multigoal iin n the the playoffs. playoff ffss. S econdary sscoring coring w as o ne o he Secondary was one off tthe iissues ssues tthat hat lled ed tto o llast ast yyear’s ear’s first-round first-round cchoke. hoke. This This yyear, ear, al ll four four llines ines aare re all ccontributing. ontributing. Rookie Rookie Logan Logan Couture Couture h ad a b reakout ggame am me aagainst gainst tthe he had breakout A vallan nche. H scored ttwo wo ggoals oals in in Avalanche. Hee scored G ame 5. 5. H ight h ave ttopped opped tthat hat Game Hee m might have m oment with with tthe he game-tying game-tying goal goal moment aagainst gainst tthe he R ed W ings iin nG ame 3 Red Wings Game w ith 6 :43 left left iin n tthe he tthird hird p eriod. with 6:43 period. T he S harks’ b lue-liners have have played played The Sharks’ blue-liners cconsistently onsistently tthroughout hroughout tthe he playoffs. playoff ffss. Dan Boyle didn’t his own-goal D an B oyle d idn’t llet et h is o wn-goal iin no overtime vertime o off G Game ame 3 aagainst gainst Colorado play. has C olorado affect aff ffeect his his p lay. He He h as b been een an n effective eff ffeective part part o off the the tteam’s eam’s offense defense o ffeense aand ff nd d efense tthroughout hroughout the the p postseason. ostseasson. Douglas Murray made Red D ouglas M urray m ade the ad the R ed W Wings ings an and nd Avalanche Avalanche p pay ay ffor or his eentering ntering h is aarea, rea, lleading eading defensemen defensemen o on n tthe he tteam eam w with ith 34 34 h hits. its. H Hee d deserves eserves his off N No. h is ttitle itle o o. 1 unsung unsung defenseman defenseman iin n tthe he NHL, NHL, w which hich w was ass b bestowed estowed b byy E T The he p play lay o off the the S Sharks’ harks’ d defense efense h has as helped Nabokov. Even h elped N abokov. E ven aafter fter ggiving iving u up pfi five ve ggoals oalls iin n2 20 0 minutes minutes d during uring Thursday night’s blowout T hursday n ight’s b lowout 77-1 -1 lloss oss in in G Game ame 4, 4, N Nabokov abokov sstill till rranks an nks aamong mong Goals Average. tthe he lleaders eaders iin nG oals Against Against A verage. T his iiss the the b est S harks tteam eam mo ll This best Sharks off al all ttime. ime. B ut tthere here aare re sstill till ttwo wo sseries eries But tto ob on b efore tthe he vvictory ictory p arade bee w won before parade d own S anta Clara Clarra S treet. down Santa Street. If the Sharks adva ance against a ag t advance their TBD opp onen nt from from the East, Eas Ea as opponent it will be be the deepest deepesst the team ea has h eever ver b een in the playoffs. plaayoffs. But if been the there, the n the t theyy lose there, theyy will join 20 02 San Francisc o Giants or 2003 20033 2002 Francisco Oakland Raiders as teams that at fell fell e just shor t. If they they succeed, su ucceed, d they they will short. b Baay Ar ea team to t win a bee the first Bay Area championship sinc th 49ers won on sincee the the Sup er Bowl in 11995. 1995. 95 Super
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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It’s completely creepy how he’s trying to sensitive-guy his way into your life, sounding protective of you when he’s anything but. You emailed me that you’ve seen the guy maybe six times, yet he’s named himself the world’s foremost expert on your “real” feelings—which align so perfectly with his needs: You really love him. You really want him to come over. In fact, you wish he’d arrived in a moving van on the first date. (Any guy can bring flowers—it takes a really special guy to bring you his bedroom set and 36 boxes of his stuff.) Love (when you actually have it) supposedly makes the world go round, but relationships run on the boring day-to-day stuff, and how you argue, and how annoyingly one of you chews. This isn’t data that’s readily available on the third date. What’s more, a guy who immediately decides he loves you will find it near impossible to see if he actually does—until it’s too late. Tempting as it is to buy into a whirlwind romance, keep in mind that the focus is always on the romance, not the whirlwind—the part that leaves your living room in little pieces in the next county under a herd of cows.
8 ]i`\e[ i\X[ k_Xk `e .' g\iZ\ek f] i\cXk`fej_`gj# d\e n`cc Z_\Xk# Ylk @Êm\ j\\e Xcc jfikj f] [`]]\i\ek jkXkj% ;f pfl _Xm\ i\c`XYc\ eldY\ij fe k_\ c\m\c f] Z_\Xk`e^ k_Xk ^f\j fe6 ÆKXYlcXk`e^ You can get pretty reliable stats on cheating, providing you restrict your inquiry to two-timers with wings and a beak. Researchers who test baby bird DNA find that up to 60 percent of the chickies weren’t fathered by the mommy birdie’s partner. (And, P.S. Don’t believe the clever public relations campaign of those sluts, the swans.) In humans, data is “self-reported,” as in, “Here’s a No. 2 pencil: Tell the truth about your sex life.” The results are highly accurate—if you don’t count everybody fudging to seem
more studly or less hussyish and cases where everything but “and” and “the” is a lie. The bottom line? Men cheat, women cheat, and if you’ve ever been involved with a man or woman, there’s a good chance you’ve been cheated on. Delve into your partner’s character and views on monogamy before you commit, and you might avoid hiring a private detective or DNA lab to do it afterward—when you can’t help but notice that your wife’s a vulture who just gave birth to the most beautiful baby duck.
)'('# 8dp 8cbfe# Xcc i`^_kj i\j\im\[% >fk X gifYc\d6 Ni`k\ 8dp 8cbfe# ,,' J% =`ijk Jk%# JXe Afj\# :8 0,((*# fi \dkX`c X[m`Z\Xdp7Xfc%Zfd%
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K_`j [`mfiZ\[ [X[ @Êm\ Y\\e j\\`e^ ]fi X dfek_ `j i\Xccp jn\\k# Ylk _\Êj glj_`e^ kf ^f nXp kff ]Xjk% CXk\cp# _\Êj Y\\e m\ip `ek\ej\% ?\ ZXd\ fm\i X]k\i @ jg\Z`ÓZXccp kfc[ _`d @ nXek\[ X e`^_k Xcfe\% ?\ jX`[ _\ k_fl^_k @ e\\[\[ _`d Ylk nXj Çkff `e[\g\e[\ekÈ kf jXp jf% ?\ jXpj _\ cfm\j d\ @ ZXeÊk jXp `k YXZb # Xe[ nXekj kf Z_Xe^\ afYj Xe[ dfm\ `e n`k_ d\ _\ c`m\j *' d`c\j XnXp % @ jX`[ @ nXjeÊk i\X[p% ?\ b\\gj kip`e^ kf Zfem`eZ\ d\ k_Xk @Êd aljk jZXi\[ Xe[ feZ\ @ Çc\k ^fÈ Xe[ c\k _`d dfm\ `e# @Êcc j\\ k_Xk \m\ipk_`e^ `j Xj `k j_flc[ Y\% @Êd *'# [`mfiZ\[# n`k_ knf Z_`c[i\e2 _\Êj *)# i\Z\ekcp [`mfiZ\[ ]fli dfek_j X^f# X]k\i _`j n`]\ Z_\Xk\[ % ?\ _XjeÊk d\k dp gXi\ekj# Xe[ @ nfeÊk c\k _`d d\\k dp b`[j lek`c @Êd jli\ XYflk _`d% ?\ jXpj n_Xk fk_\ij k_`eb j_flc[eÊk dXkk\i Y\ZXlj\ ÇN\Êi\ `e cfm\ Xe[ _Xggp# jf `kÊcc Xcc Zfd\ kf^\k_\i%È ÆLej\kkc\[ Well, here’s a romance for the ages. “How’d you two lovebirds get together?” people will ask. “It’s so completely sweet,” you’ll say. “He was standing on my porch waving a bunch of red flags.” This guy takes the “Dear Occupant” approach to love: Instead of “It had to be you,” it had to be somebody, and you’re standing right there and have yet to call the cops on him. He claims to love you, but you really have to know somebody to love them. Of course, “We’re in love!” plays better with the ladies than “I’m lovable, right? After what that last woman did to me?” or “I’m terrified to be alone . . . got any spare drawers?” As for his push to live with you one month in, you don’t even meet somebody’s parents at that point—not unless you’re 14 and need somebody with a license to drive you to the movies. Plus, an emotionally together dad doesn’t expect a mother to announce, “Kids, I brought a strange man home from the bar. He’s going to live with us now. I forget his name, so you can just call him Daddy II.” Oh, the way he makes you feel . . . smothered, pressured, and in need of lingerie with a seatbelt attachment.
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This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 4/22/10. (pub Metro 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/02/2010)
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 4/22/2010. (pub Metro 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 5/26/2010)
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT Legal & Public Notices NAME STATEMENT #536253 #536153 #537649 The following person(s) is The following person(s) is FICTITIOUS BUSINESS The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: (are) doing business as: NAME STATEMENT Smoke Shop, 3259 Stevens Shady Blinds, 7081 Via (are) doing business as: Arjonsa Marketing LLC, 6830 Creek Blvd., San Jose, CA, Barranca, San Jose, CA, #537609 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Phelan Complete Automotive Service, 295 Phelan Ave., San Jose, CA, 95112, Loc Trinh, 3909 Mars Ct., San Jose, CA, 95121. This business is conducted by a individual. Registrant has not yet begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on. /s/Loc B. Trinh This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 5/05/2010. (pub Metro 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/02/2010)
Via Del Oro, Suite 260, SAn Jose, CA, 94119. This business is conducted by a limited liability company. The state of limited liability company: California Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on 2/10/2010. /s/Heng C. Ly Managing Member #201010410216 This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 5/6/2010. (pub Metro 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/02/2010)
95117, Ziad Alnajjar, 611 Kiowa Ct., San Jose, CA, 95123, Yaser Alnajjar, 6892 Village Wood Way, San Jose, CA, 95120. This business is conducted by a general partnership. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on 3/26/2003. Refile of previous file #424476 after 40 days of expiration date.. /s/Yaser Alnajjar This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 4/02/2010. (pub Metro 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19/2010)
95139, Chad Barlow. This business is conducted by a individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on 4/01/2010. /s/Chad Barlow This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 4/01/2010. (pub Metro 1/28, 5/05, 5/12, 5/19/2010)
SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (Aviso a Acusado)] FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ALENE STEVENS and FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT DOES 1 through 10, NAME STATEMENT #537093 #537647 inclusive #537065 The following person(s) is The following person(s) is YOU ARE BEING SUED (are) doing business as: The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: BY PLANTIFF: Inticon, LLC, 6830 Via Del Oro Enviru, 1785 S. King Rd., San (are) doing business as: Jose, CA, 95122, Mary Ann Phelan Auto & Body Repair, Suite 260, San Jose, CA, (A Ud. le esta demanRuiz. 295 Phelan Ave., San Jose, 95119. dando) This business is conducted CA, 95112, Loc Trinh, 3909 This business is conducted by a individual. Mars Ct., San Jose, CA, STERLING SAVINGS by a limited liability compaRegistrant began transacting 95121. ny. BANK, a Washington business under the fictitious This business is conducted The state of limited liability Corporation, business name or names list- by a individual. company: California Registrant has not yet begun Successor in Inerest Registrant began transacting ed herein on Nov 2003. transacting business under business under the fictitious Refile of previous file by Merger to SONOMA the fictitious business name business name or names list- #535629 due to publication NATIONAL BANK requirement not being met or names listed herein on. ed herein on 2/10/2010. on previous filing. /s/Loc Trinh CASE NO. SVC-246866 /s/Heng C. Ly Managing Member
/s/Mary Ann Ruiz
You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons is served on you to file a typewritten response at this court. A letter or phone call will not protect you; your typewritten response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case, and your wages, money and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may call an attorney referral service or a legal aid office (listed in the phone book). Despues de que le entreguen esta citacion judicial usted tiene un plazo de 30 DIAS CALENDARIOS para presentar una respuesta escrita a maquina en esta corte. Una carta o una llamada telefonica no le ofrecera proteccion; su respuesta escrita a maquina tiene que cumplir con las formalidades legales apropiadas si usted quiere que la corte escuche su caso. Si usted no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el caso, y le pueden tras cosas de su propiedad sin aviso adicional por parte de la corte. Existen otros requistos legales. Puede que usted quiera llamar a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de referencia de abogados o a una oficina de ayuda legal (vea el directorio telefonico). The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y direccion de la corte es) Superior Court of California
County of Santa Clara 191 North First Street San Jose, CA 95113 The name, address and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney is: (El nombre, la direccion y el numero de telefono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, es) Sonoma County Superior Court 600 Administration Drive Santa Rosa, CA, 95403 Date: FEBRUARY 19, 2010 /JOSE O.GUILLEN/County Clerk (Actuario) /KARINA P. ROYER/, Deputy (Delegado) (Pub 4/28, 5/05, 5/12, 5/19/2010)
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #536613 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: 34 SJ Test Only, 34 San Jose Ave., San Jose, CA, 95125, Trang Le, 804 Farm Drive, Apt #4, San Jose, CA, 95136. This business is conducted by a individual. Registrant has not yet begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on. /s/Trang Le This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 4/12/10. (pub Metro 4/21, 4/28, 5/05, 5/12/10)
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M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-1 8 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
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FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES A RIES ((March March 221–April 1–April 119): 9): W What hat hhappens appens w when hen
ssomeone omeone ““sells sells oout”? ut”? Typically, Typically, it it refers refers to to a person person who w ho ooverrides verrides hher er hhighest ighest aartistic rtistic sstandards tandards oorr hher er mandates make money. ssoul’s oul’s m andates iin n oorder rder ttoo m ake a bbundle undle ooff m oney. But want B ut I w ant ttoo eenlarge nlarge tthe he ddefinition efinition ttoo eencompass ncompass aany ny bbehavior ehavior tthat hat sseeks eeks ppopular opular aappeal ppeal aatt tthe he eexpense xpense ooff aauthenticity, uthenticity, oorr aany ny aaction ction tthat hat ssacrifices acrifices iintegrity ntegrity ffor or tthe he ssake ake ooff ggaining aining ppower. ower. I tthink hink yyou ou hhave ave ttoo bbee eespecially specially oon n gguard uard aagainst gainst tthis his llapse apse iin n tthe he ccoming oming Aries—not ddays, ays, A ries—not oonly nly iin n yyourself ourself bbut ut aalso lso iin n tthose hose yyou’re ou’re cclose lose tto. o.
TAURUS T AURUS ((April April 20–May 20–May 20): 20): “I “I can’t can’t llive ive tthe he bbuttonutton-
Homer ddown own llife,” ife,” ssays ays ccartoon artoon ccharacter haracter H omer SSimpson. impson. ““II want w ant iitt aall: ll: tthe he tterrifying errifying llows, ows, tthe he ddizzying izzying hhighs, ighs, tthe he middles.” Born May Homer ccreamy reamy m iddles.” B orn M ay 110, 0, H omer iiss uunusual nusual ffor or a Many middles TTaurus. aurus. M any ooff yyour our ttribe ribe llove ove tthe he ccreamy reamy m iddles bbut ut without aare re qquite uite ccontent ontent ttoo llive ive w ithout tthe he tterrifying errifying llows, ows, means eeven ven iiff tthat hat m eans bbeing eing ddeprived eprived ooff yyour our ffair air sshare hare While may ooff ddizzying izzying hhighs. ighs. W hile tthat hat m ay ssometimes ometimes sseem eem llike ike a bboring oring llimitation, imitation, I ddon’t on’t eexpect xpect iitt ttoo bbee aany ny ttime ime middles ssoon. oon. TThe he ccreamy reamy m iddles tthat hat aare re llooming ooming ffor or yyou ou middles aare re tthe he llushest, ushest, pplushest lushest ccreamy reamy m iddles II’ve ’ve sseen een iin n will a llong ong ttime. ime. TTerrifying errifying llows ows aand nd ddizzying izzying hhighs ighs w ill bbee iirrelevant. rrelevant.
GGEMINI EMINI ((May May 221–June 1–June 220): 0): SSpanish panish ppainter ainter FFrancisco rancisco
G oya ccreated reated aan n eetching tching ttitled itled EEll SSueño ueño ddee llaa R Razón azón Goya Produce M onstruos. IIts ts ttwo wo ppossible ossible ttranslations ranslations Produce Monstruos have meanings: have vvery ery ddifferent ifferent m eanings: ““The The ssleep leep ooff rreason eason produces monsters” produces m onsters” oorr ““The The ddream ream ooff rreason eason pproduces roduces monsters.” first when monsters.” TThe he fi rst vversion ersion ssuggests uggests tthat hat w hen oour ur reasoning reasoning ffaculties aculties go go dormant, dormant, we’re we’re ssusceptible usceptible to to ddoing oing ddumb umb aand nd ccrazy razy tthings. hings. TThe he ssecond econd vversion ersion implies wee rrely implies tthat hat iiff w ely eexcessively xcessively oon n oour ur rreasoning easoning faculty, faculty, it it acquires acquires a lunatic lunatic hubris hubris that that devalues devalues our our emotions more emotions aand nd ddistorts istorts oour ur iimagination. magination. YYou’re ou’re m ore susceptible susceptible ttoo tthe he fformer ormer tthan han tthe he llatter atter rright ight nnow, ow, Gemini, Gemini, bbut ut iit’s t’s crucial crucial that that you you avoid avoid both. both. A way way out out of of yyour our ppain ain iiss aavailable vailable iiff yyou ou uuse se yyour our rreason eason jjust ust right—neither much. right—neither ttoo oo llittle ittle nnor or ttoo oo m uch. CCANCER ANCER ((June June 221–July 1–July 222): 2): SSome ome ooff yyour our iillusions llusions Others sseeped eeped iinto nto yyou ou bbefore efore yyou ou llearned earned ttoo ttalk. alk. O thers while were figuring ssneaked neaked iinto nto yyou ou llater, ater, w hile yyou ou w ere bbusy usy fi guring made oout ut hhow ow ttoo bbecome ecome yyourself. ourself. EEventually, ventually, yyou ou eeven ven m ade cconscious onscious cchoices hoices ttoo aadopt dopt ccertain ertain iillusions llusions bbecause ecause with tthey hey pprovided rovided yyou ou w ith ccomfort omfort aand nd cconsolation. onsolation. TThere’s here’s nnoo nneed eed ttoo bbee aashamed shamed ooff tthis. his. IIt’s t’s a nnatural atural Having ppart art ooff bbeing eing a hhuman uman bbeing. eing. H aving ssaid aid tthat, hat, II’m ’m when hhappy appy ttoo aannounce nnounce tthat hat yyou’re ou’re eentering ntering a pphase hase w hen will yyou ou w ill hhave ave tthe he ppower ower ttoo sshed hed aatt lleast east ssome ome ooff yyour our iillusions—especially llusions—especially tthe he oones nes yyou ou cconsciously onsciously ways cchose—in hose—in w ays tthat hat ddon’t on’t hhurt urt yyou. ou. TToo bbegin egin tthe he pprocess, rocess, ddeclare eclare tthis his iintention: ntention: ““II hhave ave tthe he ccourage ourage ttoo ssee ee llife ife aass iitt rreally eally iis.” s.” LLEO EO ((July July 223–Aug. 3–Aug. 222): 2): A According ccording ttoo a sstatute tatute iin n tthe he may sstate tate ooff IIndiana, ndiana, yyou ou m ay nnot ot uuse se yyour our bbare are hhands ands ttoo fish Alaska, ccatch atch a fi sh ffrom rom a llake. ake. IIn n FFairbanks, airbanks, A laska, yyou’re ou’re moose bbreaking reaking tthe he llaw aw iiff yyou ou llet et a m oose sslurp lurp aan n aalcoholic lcoholic Branch, Ga., may ddrink. rink. IIn n FFlowery lowery B ranch, G a., yyou ou m ay bbee aarrested rrested iiff yyou ou Arizona sshout hout oout ut ““Snake!” Snake!” A rizona ddoesn’t oesn’t ppermit ermit yyou ou ttoo llet et And a ddonkey onkey ssleep leep iin n yyour our bbathtub. athtub A nd yyet et II’ve ’ve ggot ot ttoo ssay ay that with ha you ou LLeos eo could ou d pprobably obab gget e aaway wa w h aall oof these he e more weeks. aacts aand nd m o e in n the he coming om ng w ee TThe he oomens men suggest ugge that ha your ou levels e e oof freedom eedom aaree eextremely eme hhigh, gh aas is your many ou aamount moun oof slack. a YYou’ll ou hhave a e clearance ea an e too ddoo m an things h ng you ou wouldn’t wou dn nnormally o ma bbee aable b e too ddo. o VIRGO V RGO (Aug. Aug 23–Sept. 23–Sep 22): 22 I didn’t d dn think h n it w was a po b e but bu paranoid pa ano d visions on of o doom doom and and gloom g oom possible, have ha e become be ome even e en more mo e popular popu a inn the he past pa few ew years ea than Apocalypse-watching han eever e bbefore. eoe A po a p e wa h ng is nnoo longer onge a fringe it hhas nge hhobby obb reserved e e ed for o conspiracy on p a fetishists; e h a gone mainstream. And midst gone m a n eam A nd yet e hhere e e I aam m in n the he m d oof the mayhem, my eeccentric he supposed uppo ed m a hem bbabbling abb ng m en ideas dea about wee aaree living most wonderful abou hhow ow w ng in n the he single ng e m o w onde u time mee aask you me in n the he hhistory o oof civilization. a on SSoo let e m ou a crucial millions u a qquestion, ue on eespecially pe a if you’re ou e oone ne oof the he m on of who o nnormal o ma ppeople eop e w ho bbelieves e e e that ha cynicism n m is a supreme Doo you want up eme sign gn oof intelligence: n e gen e D ou really ea w an too bbee getting me? ge ng your ou fortune o une told o d bby a rebel ebe ooptimist p m likee m e? You my hhoroscopes You should hou d know now that ha aall m o o ope aaree rooted oo ed inn the makes he hhypothesis po he that ha eexpecting pe ng the he bbest e m a e you ou happier, happ e safer, a e kinder, nde wilder, w de stronger, onge and and smarter. ma e What Wha happens happen inn the he coming om ng weeks wee will, w inn my m opinion, op n on be be dramatic d ama proof p oo of o that. ha LLIBRA BRA (Sept. Sep 223–Oct. 3–O 222): 2 TThe he bbad ad nnews ew is that ha ma e change hange is really ea uunder nde w a TThat’s ha why wh climate way. Purbasha Bay Bengal P u ba ha Island and in n the he B a oof B enga hhas a sunk un bbeneath enea h
9p 9 p ROB RO B BREZSNY BREZSNY n\\b f] DXp () n\\b f] DXp ()
waves, tthe he w aves, sswallowed wallowed uupp bbyy rrising ising ssea ea llevels evels aand nd monsoon sshifts hifts iin nm onsoon ppatterns. atterns. TThe he ggood ood nnews ews iiss tthat hat iits ts ddisappearance isappearance hhas as eended nded a ddispute ispute bbetween etween IIndia ndia Bangladesh, which aand nd B angladesh, bboth oth ooff w hich cclaimed laimed iitt aass ttheir heir fight oown. wn. TThere’s here’s nnothing othing lleft eft ttoo fi ght oover. ver. I fforesee oresee a metaphorically m etaphorically ccomparable omparable sscenario cenario ccoming oming ttoo yyour our will llife, ife, LLibra: ibra: aan n aact ct ooff nnature ature tthat hat w ill rrender ender a cconflict onflict iirrelevant. rrelevant.
SSCORPIO CORPIO ((Oct. Oct. 223–Nov. 3–Nov. 221): 1): SSome ome eexperts xperts ssay ay
methamphetamine more m ethamphetamine iiss m ore aaddictive ddictive tthan han aany ny oother ther why, ddrug. rug. Here’s Here’s oone ne rreason eason w hy, aaccording ccording ttoo ““Mothers Mothers Against Dr.r. Mary A gainst Methamphetamines” Methamphetamines” ffounder ounder D Mary Holley: Holley: ““The The eeffect ffect of of an an IV IV hit hit of of methamphetamine methamphetamine is is the the eequivalent quivalent of of 10 10 oorgasms rgasms all all on on top top of of each each other other minutes llasting asting ffor or 30 30 m inutes to to an an hour, hour, with with a feeling feeling of of aarousal rousal that that lasts lasts for for another another day day and and a half.” half.” At At least least tthat’s hat’s what what it’s it’s like like in in the the early early stages stages ooff uusing sing tthe he After while, ddrug. rug. A fter a w hile, hhell ell ssets ets iin n aand nd tthe he bbody ody iiss nnoo won’t llonger onger hhappy. appy. LLuckily, uckily, yyou ou SScorpios corpios w on’t bbee ttempted empted meth Without ttoo ffall all vvictim ictim ttoo m eth ssplurges plurges aany ny ttime ime ssoon. oon. W ithout more rrelying elying oon n aanything nything m ore tthan han yyour our nnatural atural ppowers, owers, will yyour our ccapacity apacity ffor or eexperiencing xperiencing eerotic rotic ppleasure leasure w ill bbee ssubstantial. ubstantial.
SSAGITTARIUS AGITTARIUS ((Nov. Nov. 222–Dec. 2–Dec. 221): 1): YYour our eeyes yes ccan an
ddiscriminate iscriminate bbetween etween aabout bout 5500 00 vvarious arious sshades hades ooff ggray. ray. LLet’s et’s hope hope your your moral moral compass compass iiss aass pprecise recise iin n iits ts Why? Because ppower ower ttoo ddistinguish istinguish ssubtle ubtle ddifferences. ifferences. W hy? B ecause will tthere here w ill bbee nnoo eeasy asy bblack-vs.-white lack-vs.-white ddecisions ecisions ttoo make way m ake iin n tthe he nnear ear ffuture; uture; nnoo ssimple, imple, ffoolproof oolproof w ay ttoo ddetermine etermine tthe he ddistinctions istinctions bbetween etween ggood ood aand nd bbad. ad. I rrecommend ecommend tthat hat ffor or nnow ow yyou ou ggive ive uupp hhope ope ooff aachieving chieving uutter tter ccertainty, ertainty, aand nd iinstead nstead ccelebrate elebrate tthe he rrefined efined ppleasures leasures ooff nnuanced, uanced, ccomplicated omplicated ttruth. ruth.
CCAPRICORN APRICORN ((Dec. Dec. 222–Jan. 2–Jan. 119): 9): TThese hese ddays ays yyou ou
hhave ave an an extraordinary extraordinary capacity capacity to to perform perform magic. magic. And A nd when when I use use that that word word “magic,” “magic,” I mean mean iitt in in a very very sspecific pecific ssense: ense: causing causing practical practical changes changes to to occur occur iinn accordance accordance with with yyour our most most noble noble and and beautiful beautiful ddesires. esires. I’m I’m not not talking talking about about tthe he kind kind of of “magic” “magic ” that that hhelps elps you you gratify gratify mediocre mediocre wishes wishes or or tawdry tawdry fantasies. fantasies. II’m ’m not not saying saying you you should should go go on on an an acquisitive acquisitive binge binge aass you you gather gather up up booty booty and and bragging bragging points. points. Rather Rather II’m ’m letting letting you you know know that that you you have have tthe he power power to to ccreate reate iinspiring nspiring transformations transformations in in the the way way your your life life works. works.
AQUARIUS AQ UARIUS ((Jan. Jan. 220–Feb. 0–Feb. 118): 8): D Doo yyou ou w want ant ttoo
where kknow now w here aallll tthe he ppower ower llies ies ffor or yyou ou rright ight nnow? ow? IIt’s t’s Doo yyou want what nnowhere. owhere. D ou w ant ttoo kknow now w hat tthe he nnature ature ooff tthat hat ppower ower iis? s? IIt’s t’s nothing. nothing. But But before before yyou ou jjump ump ttoo meaning what cconclusions onclusions aabout bout tthe he m eaning ooff w hat I jjust ust ssaid, aid, rread ead tthis his ppassage assage ffrom rom LLao ao TTzu’s zu’s TTao ao TTee CChing hing, ttranslated ranslated bbyy Stephen Stephen Mitchell: Mitchell: “We “We join join spokes spokes together together in in a wheel, wheel, but but it it is is the the center center hole hole that that makes makes the the wagon wagon move. move. We We shape shape clay clay into into a pot, pot, but but it it is is the the emptiness emptiness inside inside that whatever wee w want. Wee hhammer wood that hholds olds w hatever w ant. W ammer w ood ffor or a house, house, but but it it is is the the inner inner space space that that makes makes it it livable.” livable.”
PISCES P ISCES ((Feb. Feb. 119–March 9–March 220): 0): A P Pisces isces w woman oman I kknow now
was w as hharried arried bbyy aant nt sswarms warms iinvading nvading hher er kkitchen. itchen. SShe he ccould ould hhave ave rrun un oout ut ttoo tthe he ddrug rug sstore tore aand nd bbrought rought hhome ome lloads oads ooff ppoisonous oisonous llittle ittle aant nt hhotels. otels. IInstead, nstead, sshe he ggave ave hher er iimagination magination tthe he ggo-ahead o-ahead ttoo bbrainstorm. rainstorm. with SSoon oon she’d he d come ome uupp w h a solution. o u on SShe he scooped ooped uupp with a hhost o oof aants n aand nd threw h ew them hem in n a bblender ende w h the he oother he ingredients ng ed en oof hher e smoothie, moo h e then hen ddrank an it aall ddown. own TThe he nnext e dday, a aall the he aants n hhad ad ddeparted, epa ed aas if scared Great Devourer. a ed ooff bby the he G ea D e ou e I suggest ugge you ou learn ea n from om hher e eexample, amp e bboth o h in n the he sense en e oof bbeing e ng oopen pen too ooutlandish finding u and h ppossibilities o b e aand nd in n the he sense en e oof fi nd ng aalternate e na e ways wa too deal dea with w h adversaries. ad e a e
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@ i\Z\ekcp i\X[ `e pfli fec`e\ XiZ_`m\ XYflk k_\ fi`^`e f] Ç_f`jk n`k_ _`j fne g\kXi[#È `e n_`Z_ pfl jXp k_Xk X g\kXi[ nXj X jdXcc \ogcfj`m\ n_fj\ eXd\ ZXd\ ]ifd k_\ =i\eZ_ nfi[ ]fi ]Xik% K_Xk dX[\ d\ k_`eb1 n_Xk b`e[ f] GJ@ Xi\ n\ kXcb`e^ XYflk kf c`]k fe\j\c] f]] k_\ ^ifle[ n`k_ ÔXklc\eZ\6 8jjld`e^ pfl _X[ k_\ gi\Z`j`fe f] C\ G\kfdXe\ Xe[ Zflc[ dXb\ X j\Xc `e X j\Xk\[ gfj`k`fe# n_Xk nflc[ `k kXb\ kf ^\k# jXp# X (/'$gfle[ dXe X`iYfie\6 :flc[ Xe \hlXk`fe Y\ ]fidlcXk\[ kf [\k\id`e\ k_\ Xdflek f] YXb\[ Y\Xej e\\[\[ kf i\XZ_ c`]kf]]6 ÆB]iXj\i*+ You realize, K., that this question is idiotic. However, that’s never stopped us before. So I assigned the job to my assistant Una, a professional engineer, who quickly obtained the relevant thrust equations from NASA and got to work computing the necessary forces. While Una and I found the results enlightening, for you—assuming you’re the 180-pound man here—it wasn’t such a good day. The thing is, the digestive system isn’t optimally configured for propulsion. Our first problem is the shape of your sphincter. All you’ve got to work with is a pretty slender ring of muscle; no matter how good your control, it’s not going to be able to direct and contain the flow of gas like a rocket nozzle. The more immediate challenge is handling the necessary pressure buildup. Una devised an ingenious spreadsheet that factored in sphincter diameter, molar mass of gas and other matters that nobody but your doctor needs to know about. We learned that getting you aloft would require 800 newtons. Your basic fart generates 0.2 newtons. Hoisting’s going to take a lot more petard than that. Assuming a robust 23 cubic inches of flatus per emission, we computed the necessary exit pressure at 3,680 pounds per square inch. Problem is, your gut will rupture somewhere north of 4 pounds per square inch. Alternatively, if we took four PSI as our limit and ramped up the propellant volume, we discovered we needed about 17,600 cubic feet of gas. The observed volume of the human intestine is on the order of 300 cubic inches. “I don’t think he’s got it in him,” Una concluded sadly. She wasn’t about to give up, though. She resumed tapping away at her keyboard. I looked over her shoulder and saw a document titled
“Combustion of Fart Table.” “Una,” I gasped. “You’re not suggesting . . . ?” “It’s our only hope,” she replied. I’ll spare you the details—you probably remember the basics from college anyway. At one point we had the internal pressure up to 250 atmospheres, the combustion temperature at 3,600 degrees Kelvin and exhaust gas exit velocity at 12,000 feet per second. It didn’t work, unless we were willing to accept catastrophic failure of the containment vessel—I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “flaming asshole”? You asked about beans. The most potent kind we know about are mature lima beans, which produce about 34 cubic inches of gas per pound ingested. If your lower GI tract were somehow magically able to accommodate the volume, at 4 PSI you’d need 453 tons of lima beans to generate the requisite 17,600 cubic feet of flatus. Most of this would be carbon dioxide, but 30 percent would be hydrogen and 16 percent methane. We advise a less spectacular but more practical approach. Think you can pump out a steady two PSI? If so, we’ll hook you up to an air jack—essentially a superstrong balloon that uses compressed air to lift things. If you’re sitting on a jack measuring a foot square, at two PSI we get 288 pounds of lifting power. Plan B: Since flatus is lighter than air, you could save up enough to inflate a hot-air-type balloon. Assuming 180 pounds for you plus 20 pounds of apparatus, to get off the ground you’ll need to fill a balloon 30 feet in diameter—a slow but sustainable approach to transportation. Resources don’t get much more renewable, and you’ll be sequestering greenhouse gases, too.
69 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 1 2-18 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
real estate
Menlo Park Cottage
Browse thousands of rental listings with photos and maps. Advertise your rental home for FREE! Visit:
Menlo Park got its name in the 1850s, when two brothers, immigrants from Menlough, Ireland, hung a sign on their property saying â&#x20AC;&#x153;Menlo Park.â&#x20AC;? It may have been a spelling mistake, but it was made in good faith. Gaelic has some notoriously difficult spellings. If Menlo Park, N.J., is most frequently associated with Edison and his complex, where 20th-century technology took shape, Menlo Park, Calif., could be considered the technology capital of the 21st century. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home to SRI International (formerly Stanford Research Institute), one of the ďŹ rst four nodes on the Internet. And it sits next to Stanford University, whose graduates (and drop-outs) went on to found some little companies like HewlettPackard, Yahoo, Google, Sun, Cisco and Silicon Graphics. Compared to Menlo Park, New Jerseyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;well, who uses incandescent light bulbs anymore? Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why Menlo Park is a great place to live. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a place where science meets the arts, and where Stevie Nicks and Joan Baez are as likely to be your neighbor as Sergei Brin. Of course, Menlo Park can be expensiveâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;more expensive, say, that San Jose. One way around this
9p DANNY WOOL ?8K ;F J\i^\` 9i`e# A\iip >XiZ`X# B\e B\j\p Xe[ K_fdXj <[`jfe _Xm\ `e Zfddfe6 K_\p Xcc c`m\[ `e D\ecf GXib# k_\ YlZfc`Z Yli^ aljk efik_ f] GXcf 8ckf \oZ\gk <[`jfe# f] Zflij\% ?\ c`m\[ `e D\ecf GXib# E%A% %
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Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit:
J<D@ILI8C :?8ID @e k_\ _\Xik f] J`c`Zfe MXcc\p# k_`j Z_Xid`e^ Yle^Xcfn `j XmX`cXYc\ ]fi /0,#'''% is to check the foreclosure markets. At present, there are 56 foreclosures listed for Menlo Park, with some properties selling for under $500,000. For a young family just starting out, or an older couple looking to retire, how about a Spanish-style bungalow, surrounded by plenty of land for a garden, both in front and behind. This home, located at 175 Spruce Ave., has two bedrooms and one full bath. Recently painted, both the kitchen and the bath have been updated, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all ready to be occupied. What makes this house special, though, is the rural feel it exudes, with its vine-draped patio leading up to the main entrance. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ideal for outdoor entertaining, or for just sitting in the shade on a warm summer evening, sipping a cocktail and relaxing. The house is set on a quiet street that leads into Holbrook-Palmer Park, half a block away. The house is on the border with Atherton, and Caltrainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Atherton Station is just a short walk away. The house is priced at $895,000, so that, with just 20 percent down, it could be yours for under $4,000 a month for a 30-year mortgage. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s plenty of time to turn this countrystyle house into a real home.
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