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True Blue Ben Harper unleashes a new sound at the SC Blues Fest p11

Lessons of Exxon Valdez p5 • Save the Whales (Again) p7 • Reading the Detectives p19

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may 19-26, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 19-26, 2010 1=<B3<BA

Contents. P OSTS










p24 p26








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>=ABA m may a y 19-26, 1 9 - 2 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; " j >=ABA

Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

327B=@7/: 327B = =@7/: EDITOR E D I TO R B@/ 17 6C97:: 6 B@/17 6C97::

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IT TC CONCERNS ONCERNS M ME E tthat hat a n number umber o off w wellellmeaning on m eaning sstudents tudents o n ccollege ollege ccampuses ampuses aand nd others divestment off Israeli o thers aare re aadvocating dvocating d ivestment o Israeli with ssecurities ecurities and and iimposing mposing ttrade rade ssanctions anctions w ith tthe he ill-conceived ill-conceived purpose purpose of of forcing forcing peace peace negotiations between Muslim n egotiations be tween Israel Israel and and the the M uslim off tthe iinhabitants nhabitants o he aarea. rea. Although Although tthoughtful houghtful off these cconsideration onsideration o these proposals proposals will will probably probably not widespread n ot rresult esult iin nw idespread aaction, ction, I am am urging urging who bit tthose hose w ho aare re tthe he lleast east b it iinterested nterested iin n iimplementing mplementing tthem hem tto o rreconsider econsider ffor or tthe he ffollowing ollowing reasons. reasons. There no peace Middle East T here can can be n op eace iin n tthe he M iddle E ast until While no u ntil IIsrael srael ffeels eels ssecure. ecure. W hile tthere here iiss n o nation, aabsolute bsolute ssecurity ecurity ffor or aany ny n ation, Israel Israel is is byy a llarge population which ssurrounded urrounded b arge po pulation w hich iincludes ncludes many many who who have have stated stated intention intention to to destroy moderate d estroy iit. t. Itt follows follows that that eeven ven m oderate llevels evels

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of ssecurity of ecurity are are iimpossible mpossible while while sstates tates w with ith tthe he po tential power power to to accomplish accomplish the the goal goal prevail prevail potential iin n tthat hat iintent. ntent. There numerous off Israel Th here aare re n umerous ccitizens itizens o Israel and and others, Muslims, o thers, including including M uslims, that that aare re urgently urgently working w orking tto o iincrease ncrease ssecurity ecurity ffor or Israel Israel and and tthe he world, w orld, including including such such organizations organizations as as the the A merican F riends S ervice Committee Committee aand nd American Friends Service Street. JS treet. Divestment Divestment and and trade trade rrestrictions estrictions w ould o bviously be sseen een aass d estructive tto o would obviously destructive IIsrael’s srael’s security security as as they they are are really really a form form of of war war only aand nd o nly iincrease ncrease the the tension tension in in tthe he area, area, aand nd w ould be ccounter ounter p roductive and and u ndermine would productive undermine off many tthe he eefforts ffforts o many to to increase increase goodwill go oodwill and and ssecurity. ecurity. Arthur Frank A Adamson, damson,, Sant Santa ta Cruz C County oountt y

B63G¸D3 2=<3 7B B 63G¸D3 2=<3 7B /5/7< / 5/7< OUR O UR R RESOURCE ESOURCE C CENTER ENT TER ffor or N Nonviolence onviolence

has done has done it it again again (“Finkelstein (“Finkelstein Returns, Returns,� Bullhorn, May B ullhorn, M ay 112). 2). Through Through Scott Scott Kennedy, Kennedy, this this misnamed has probably done more m isnamed iinstitution nstitution h as p robably d one m ore promote bigotry Santa tto op romote b igotry iin nS anta Cruz Cruz tthan han aany ny other have o ther organization. organization. For For a ssecond econd ttime ime tthey hey h ave brought Norman b rought terrorist terrorist apologist apologist N orman Finkelstein Finkelstein The RCNV’s off Israel tto o ttown. own. Th he R CNV’s ccriticism riticism o Israel iiss politically Natan rreally eally po olitically ccorrect orrect aanti-Semitism. nti-Semitism. N atan Scharansky, who Soviet Gulag S charansky, w ho sspent pent yyears ears iin naS oviet G ulag because off h his has when be cause o is rreligion, eligion, h as aarticulated rrticulated w hen opposition opposed o pposition tto o Israel Israel is is anti-Semitism anti-Semitism aass o pposed tto o legitimate legitimate political political criticism. criticism. He He uses uses the the Deligitimization off Israel, Demonization 33Ds: Ds: D eligitimization o Israel, D emonization off IIsrael use o srael aand nd tthe he Double Double Standard Standard u se tto o jjudge udge Kennedy IIsrael. srael. The The RCNV RCNV V has has hit hit the the trifecta. trifecta. K ennedy bigotry. aand nd Finkelstein Finkelstein eembody mbody tthis his b igotryy. Finkelstein deaths off Arabs who F inkelstein ccompares ompares tthe he d eaths o Arabs w ho were used byy Hamas w ere u sed b Hamas as as human human shields shields tto o tthe he murder off a o over million Jewish m urder o ver a m illion Je ewish cchildren hildren murdered byy tthe m urdered b he Nazis. Nazis. Kennedy Kennedy condemns condemns Hamas H amas ffor or sshooting hooting aatt rrockets ockets aatt Israel, Israel, but but

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; m may a y 19-26, 1 9 - 2 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 >=ABA >=ABA

THE BULLHORN EEE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; E EE A/<B/1@CH40 1=; A/<B/1@CHE339:G A/<B B/1@CHE339: :G

condemns IIsrael condemns srael for for fighting f ighting back. back. The Th he RCNV RCNV V ssupports upports groups groups who who advocate advocate boycotts boycotts of of not dissimilar IIsraeli sraeli sscholars cholars and and products, prod o ucts, n ot d issimilar tto o Nazi tthe he N azi ttactics actics iin n 11930s 930s Germany. Germany. Finkelstein Finkelstein has members h as a rright ight tto o sspeak peak here, here, just just as as do do m embers off the o the KKK. KK KK K. Itt jjust ust sseems eems iironic ronic tthat hat the the RCNV, which non-violence, R CNV, w hich ssays ays iitt ssupports upports n on-violence, promotes p romotes someone someone who who supports supports terrorist terrorist opposes ggroups roups llike ike Hamas Hamas aand nd Hizbollah Hizbollah aand nd o pposes tthose hose w ho ffight ight tterrorism. errorism. On On tthe he o ther h and, who other hand, iitt iiss cconsistent onsistent w ith tthe he R CNV V’s po licies o ias with RCNV’s policies off b bias aand nd prejudice. prejudice. Gil Stein, Stteein, Aptos Aptos

075 =7: 6/A 7B 075 =7: 6/A 7B 1 =;7<5 1=;7<5 AS A SIW WATCHED ATCHED ffootage ootage of o of tthe he oil oil sspill pill iin n tthe he G ulf o exico tthis his m orning, I felt felt a Gulf off M Mexico morning, ttremendous remendous ssense ense o rief aand nd h orror. T his off ggrief horror. This iiss o nly tthe he m ost rrecent ecent eenvironmental nvironmental only most ccatastrophe atastrophe w ave ccaused. aused. I think think “Do “Do no no wee h have h arm� iiss a be tter bo ttom lline ine tthan han p rof it. Iff w harm� better bottom profit. wee ccan’t an’t cclean lean u pam ess, tthen hen w ave n ob usiness up mess, wee h have no business ccreating reating o ne. Corporations Corporations seem seem willing willing to to take take one. aany ny rrisk, isk, aanyplace, nyplace, aanytime. nytime. But But iit’s t’s ssuicidal. uicidal. A nd S uperffund ssites ites rreflect ef lect tthe he aability bility o And Superfund off ccorporations orporations tto o aavoid void rresponsibility. esponsibility. W ill B P Will BP rreally eally p ay tthe he ffull ull ccost ost o hat tthey’ve hey’ve d one? pay off w what done? Th he ccleanup, leanup, tthe he lost lost revenues, revenues, tthe he health health The iimpacts? mpacts? A nd how how do do yyou ou q uantify tthe he d amage And quantify damage tto o ffisheries isheries aand nd tthe he eenvironment? nvironment? Residents Residents aand nd aanyone nyone iinvolved nvolved in in the the cleanup cleanup are are llikely ikely tto o suffer sufffer h ealth p roblems from from the the oil oil and and health problems ffumes umes ffor or yyears. ears. Think Th hink 9 /11 Ground Ground Zero. Zero. 9/11 Iw ould llike ike tto o ssee ee tthose hose w ho rrun un tthe he would who ccompanies ompanies iinvolved nvolved aand nd tthe he aagencies gencies ccharged harged w ith rregulating egulating tthem hem h eld aaccountable. ccountable. A nd with held And n ot just just with with sslaps laps o n the the w rist o ines they they not on wrist orr ffines ccan an eeasily as y p ay aand nd w r te o Let s gget et rreal. ea IIf pay write off. Let’s tterrorists error sts ccaused aused tthis hsk nd of o d amage tthey’d hey d kind damage b ac ng lifee imprisonment mpr sonment aatt least. east A nd tthis hs bee facing And ooks like ke terrorism terror sm to to me. me looks Moss Henry, Henrry Santa San a Rosa Roosa

0C44/:=32 0G 0C44/:=32 0G B63 @716 B 63 @716 READING R EADING A ABOUT BOUT o orr listening sten ng tto o tthe he G o dman Sachs eexecutives xecut ves before be ore tthe he S enate Goldman-Sachs Senate Committee, division C omm ttee I rremember emember tthat hat tthe he rreal ea d v s on n tthis h s ccountry ountry isn’t sn t cconservatives onservat ves and and liberals, bera s in o epub cans aand nd Democrats, Democrats or or even even tthe he orr R Republicans eextreme xtreme rright ght o xtreme left. e t The Th he real rea d v s on orr eextreme division iss tthe he same same one one that’s that s b been een h here ere ssince nce tthe he first rst h uman who who figured gured o ut h anted w hat human out hee w wanted what

another h uman h ad: ggreed. reed. The Th he real real division division iiss another human had: between between the the haves haves and and the the have-nots, have-nots, the the rich rich and poor. wee m might now and tthe he p oor. And And to to tthis his w ight n ow aadd: dd: the the used-to-be-rich used-to-be-rich or or the the middle middle class. class. After poor, A fter gutting gutting the the p oor, aand nd cconvincing onvincing the the middle middle class class that that these these were were the the parasites parasites depleting depleting the the system, system, the the rich rich in in recent recent years years have middle have ggone one aafter fter tthe he m iddle cclass. lass. And And in in tthe he process many hardworking people process rrobbed obbed m any h ardworking p eople of of their their livelihoods livelihoods or or retirements, retirements, things things that that they they tthemselves—the hemselves—the rich—enjoy rich—enjoy quite quite brazenly, brazenly, thank thank you you very very much. much. Meanwhile M eanwhile tthe he Goldman-Sachs Goldman-Sachs guys guys llook ook down down their their noses noses at at working working class class folks folks foolish foolish enough enough to to trust trust them them with with their their hard-earned hard-earned cash. cash. And And then then stare stare back back with with contempt contempt aatt the the politicians politicians who who dare dare to to question question them. them. Not between Not an an ounce ounce of of humility humility b etween tthem. hem. No No regret regret and, and, apparently, apparently, no no regard regard for for the the enormous enormous suffering suffering they they are are responsible responsible ffor. or. IIn n my my field f ield we we have have a term term for for people people like like this: with no human this: sociopaths sociopaths (i.e., (i.e., people people w ith n oh uman empathic empathic feeling feeling for for others, others, just just an an allallconsuming consuming rregard egard for for oneself). oneself ). And our men A nd what what iiss o ur punishment punishment ffor or m en so so aadept dept at others? money! at rrobbing obbing o thers? Give Give them them more more m oney! Big mistake, Big m istake, I tthink. hink. These These guys guys rrepresent epresent tthe he absolute worst off o our our absolute w orst o ur ssociety, ociety, o ur sspecies, pecies, aand nd tthe he capitalist Personally, disappointed capitalist ssystem. ystem. P ersonally, I’m I’m d isappointed they not being punished they aare re n ot b eing severely severely p unished ffor or their their crimes middle crimes aagainst gainst tthe he m iddle cclass. lass. A llogical ogical punishment one worse punishment in in my my view, view, aand nd o ne w orse tthan han prison, prison, would would be be that that they they are are forever forever banned banned from from working working in in the the banking banking industry, industry, their their band band accounts accounts seized seized and and they they are are forced forced to to get get real real jobs jobs to to support support themselves themselves and and their their families. The punishment families. Th he ffairest airest p unishment I can can iimagine magine iiss these working orr these white white collar collar tthieves hieves w orking aatt 77-Eleven -Eleven o driving driving a truck truck or or being being greeters greeters at at Walmart. Walmart. Kevin K evin Ru R Russell, ussell Sebastopol S bastop Seb opol

1@=>A E=C:2 @=B 1 @=>A E=C:2 @=B JO JJOYCE OYCE K KELLER’S ELLER S ssolution o ut on tto o tthe he illegal ega mm grant p rob em ((“Another “Another C t zen for or immigrant problem Citizen A mnesty� P osts M ay 112) 2) sseemed eemed rreasonable. easonab e Amnesty, Posts, May W hat n eeds tto ob orrected iss tthe he idea dea tthat hat What needs bee ccorrected ccrops rops would wou d rrot ot if tthe he illegals ega s ccould ou d n ot ccome ome in. n not O ctober 2008 2008 P res dent Bush Bush signed s gned an an executive execut ve October President o rder tto o aallow ow aass m any w orkers from rom o ther order many workers other ccountries ountr es tto ow ork o n farms arms aass tthe he landowner andowner work on d eemed n ecessary This Th h s iss just ust one one of o the the more more deemed necessary. tthan han 2 0 vvisa sa p rograms aallowing ow ng eentry ntry into nto tthe he 20 programs U n ted S tates W eed tto ob ware o he fact act United States. Wee aall n need bee aaware of tthe tthat hat C hua ar a ttown own in n tthe he ccenter enter o a orn a Chualar, of C California arm ng ccountry, ountry h as 4 0p ercent u nemp oyment farming has 40 percent unemployment. EElaine a ne Myers, Myers Scotts Sco s Valley Va ey

LLessons essons LLearned earned 0G 23<<7A B/9/6/A67 93:A= 0 G 2 3 < < 7 A B/ 9/ 6 / A 6 7 9 3 : A =


OMETIIME aafter OMETIME ffter m midnight idnight o on nM March arch 2 24, 4, 11989, 989, I w was as aawakened wakened b hone ccall. all. W ithin h ours I was was cclimbing limbing a rrope ope lladder adder tto o byy a p phone Within hours Valdez. The drain tthe he deck deck of of the the EExxon xxon V aldez. Th he ggrounded rounded ttanker anker would would d rain million off ccrude Alaska’s Prince William Sound. oil 1111 m illion ggallons allons o rude iinto nto A laska’s P rince W illiam S ound. The The o il would parts off ssome miles off ccoastline. Twentyw ould eeventually ventually rreach each p arts o ome 11,200 ,200 m iles o oastline. T wentyone on beaches off P Prince William Sound. o ne yyears ears later, later, oil oil remains remains o n the the b eaches o rince W illiam S ound. Back was off E Environmental B ack iin n 11989, 989, I w as Alaska Alaska Commissioner Commissioner o nvironmental Conservation. C onservation. I worked worked on on the the spill spill and and iits ts aaftermath ftermath ffor or ttwo wo yyears. ears. Today president off Ocean T oday II’m o ’m eexecutive xecutive vvice ice p resident o Ocean Conservancy. Conservancy. I live live and and work here Santa over past weeks w ork h ere iin nS anta Cruz, Cruz, but but o ver tthe he p ast ffew ew w eeks I’ve I’ve been been in in tthe he Gulf off M Mexico witnessing new disaster. BP Deepwater Horizon G ulf o exico w itnessing a n ew d isaster. The Th he B PD eepwater H orizon ccatastrophe, atastrophe, like like EExxon xxon Valdez Valdez before before it, it, was was a breakdown breakdown of of an an industrial industrial wee h had been would not ssystem ystem tthat hat w ad be en aassured ssured w ould n ot ffail. ail. In In ffact, act, tthe he ffederal ederal drilling plans odds off aagency gency tthat hat aapproves pproves d rilling lleases eases aand nd p lans cconsiders onsiders tthe he od ds o blowout ssuch uch a b lowout tto o be sso o ““insignificant� insignif icant� aass tto o be iirrelevant rrelevant tto o ttheir heir Valdez, wee eenvironmental nvironmental risk risk aanalyses. nalyses. A generation generation after after the the EExxon xxon V aldez, w do not properly sstill till d on ot ttake ake tthose hose rrisks isks p roperly iinto nto aaccount. ccount. What California? The Monterey Bay National W hat aare re tthe he rrisks isks ffor or C alifornia? T he M onterey B ay N ational Marine Sanctuary prohibits oil drilling protects our M arine S anctuary p rohibits o il d rilling aand nd p rotects o ur ccoasts oasts iin n Santa Cruz. New prohibited waters, new S anta C ruz. N ew lleases eases aare re p rohibited iin n sstate tate w aters, aand nd n ew lleases eases waters off California were not Outer ffor or ffederal ederal w aters o ff C alifornia w ere n ot iincluded ncluded iin n tthe he O uter Continental Shelf Strategy byy P President C ontinental S helf Oil Oil aand nd Gas Gas S trategy g rreleased eleased b resident Obama Obama iin n March. But California has 277 aactive drilling platforms, M arch. B ut C alifornia sstill till h as 2 ctive d rilling p latforms, aand nd 336 6 lleases eases before have The ssold old be b fore 11984 984 h ave yyet et tto o be ttapped. appeed. T he rrisk isk rremains. emains. Let’s heed Prince William L et’s h eed tthe he llessons essons ffrom rom tthe he Gulf Gulf of of Mexico Mexico aand nd P rince W illiam Sound. Consider what both S ound. C onsider w hat iiss aatt sstake: take: Our Our state state ranks ranks ffirst irst ffor or bo th product ocean-related eemployment mployment aand nd ggross ross sstate tate p roduct ffrom rom oc ean-related aactivities. ctivities. Our driven not byy pe petroleum, but byy h hotel O ur ccoastal oastal eeconomy conomy iiss d riven n ot b troleum, b ut b otel rrooms ooms byy ffish kayak aand nd ssurf urf sshops, hops, b ish ttacos acos aand nd k ayak rrentals. entals. Tourism Tourism aand nd ccoastaloastaldependent businesses $43 billion our d ependent b usinesses ggenerate enerate aabout bout $ 43 b illion aannually nnually ffor or o ur off aan Valdez orr B BP Deepwater Horizon sstate. tate. IImagine magine tthe he iimpact mpact o n EExxon xxon V aldez o PD eepwater H orizon Monterey businesses without iin nM onterey Bay. Bay. Imagine Imagine people people without without jjobs, obs, b usinesses w ithout otters matted oil, with balls, ccustomers, ustomers, o tters m atted iin no il, ttidepools idepools ffilled illed w ith ttar ar b alls, aand nd whales breaching off ccrude oil. w hales b reaching tthrough hrough iiridescent ridescent sslicks licks o rude o il. The president must demand Deepwater Horizon. T he p resident m ust d emand aaccountability ccountability ffor or D eepwater H orizon. BP Halliburton other must held B P, H alliburton aand nd o ther ccorporations orporations m ust be h eld ffully ully rresponsible esponsible must ffor or tthe he ccleanup. leanup. Communities Communities and and businesses businesses m ust be ccompensated. ompensated. The Gulf must Th he G ulf eecosystem cosystem m ust be rrestored. estored. A failure failure of of this this magnitude magnitude also also demands Commission California, d emands aan n IIndependent ndependent C ommission tto o iinvestigate. nvestigate. C alifornia, aand nd West Coast, declared off-limits new drilling. tthe he eentire ntire W est C oast, sshould hould be d eclared o fff-limits tto on ew d rilling. On On positive note, wee h have proposals Senate a po sitive n ote w ave sseen een p roposals iin n tthe he U.S. U S House House and and S enate tto o do d o just ust tthat. hat BP Deepwater Horizon has wee n need IIn n tthe he final na aanalysis, na ys s aass B PD eepwa er H or zon h as made made clear, c ear w eed new national policy. an ew n at ona eenergy nergy po cy New New drilling dr ng only on y feeds eeds our our addiction add ct on tto o oil aand will d do our dependence on o nd w o little tt e tto o eend nd o ur d ependence o n foreign ore gn ssupplies. upp es IInstead, nstead America must move A mer ca m ust m ove ttoward oward ggreater reater eenergy nergy eefficiency c ency aand nd cconservation. onservat on Wee m must pursue options. wee m must heed W ust aalso so p ursue faster, aster ccheaper, heaper ssafer a er o pt ons Lastly, Last y w ust h eed of EExxon Valdez new uss tto wee tthe he lessons essons o xxon V a dez aass a n ew ccatastrophe atastrophe ccalls a su o aaction. ct on IIf w do, no will eever have witness disasters orr tthe d on o American Amer can w ver aagain ga n h ave tto ow tness tthe he d sasters o he harm have h arm tto o ccoastal oasta rresidents es dents tthat hat I h ave sseen. een Cruz Dennis Takahashi-Kelso vice SSanta an a C ruz rresident es den D enn s T aka kahash Ke so sserves erves aass eexecutive xecu ve v ce Ocean Conservancy. Ass A Alaska Commissioner ppresident res den oof O cean C onservancy A askaa C omm sss oner oof EEnvironmental nv ronmen a Conservation Valdez worked C onserva on aat the he time me oof the he EExxon xxon V a dez ooil sspill, p hhee w orkeed for or two wo yyears ears well oon n rresponse esponse aand nd rrestoration es ora on aass w e aass oon n rreforms e orms too federal edera sspill p rresponse. esponse


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may 19-26, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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Whales W hales U Under nder FFire ire

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ACH MAR ACH MARCH, RC CH, gra grayy whales b usands f lo od into byy the tho thousands lood the lar ge la agoons of Baja large lagoons C aliffornia o ’s P aciff iic ccoast oast California’s Pacific to giv th. The anim mals ccongregate ongregate givee bir birth. animals densely y, and as b oatlo oads of tourists densely, boatloads mo ve in to w atch, thee whales vvocalize ocalize move watch, and sing to one anoth her acr oss the still another across w aters. waters. “Y You o ccan an hear them m all across across the “You lago on, singing and ttalking,� a alking ,� sa ys Sue lagoon, says Arnold, CEO of the C aliffornia o Gra California Grayy Whale C oalition. “Bu ut this yyear ear it Coalition. “But

was w as ssilent. ilent. It w was as sp spooky.� ook ky.� whales, she explains, explains, did not Thee whales, show w up in their usual numb ers, numbers, makin ng this the ffourth ourth cconsecutive o onsecutive making yyear ear the t eastern Pacific Paciff ic i population population n of gra ys, ffor or o various unclear reasons, reasons, has h grays, strugg gled to rreproduce. eproduce. struggled An nd as the California Califfo ornia Gray Gray Whal le And Whale C oaliition and other en vironmentall Coalition environmental gr oup ps push an ef ffo ort to rrelist elist the gra ggray ay groups effort whalee under the Endanger ed Sp eciies Endangered Species A ct, the t animal’ ous Act, animal’ss most danger dangerous enem mies ha ve rrecently ecently introduced introduced a enemies have

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pr oposal to ccontinue ontinu ue the annual hunt proposal ffor or the whales in th o he nor thwest P aciff iic, the northwest Pacific, wher u ussian hunters ar wheree indigenous R Russian aree allowed to ttake ake 140 0 of the whales eevery very yyear. ear. June in Morocco Morocco at its annual In June summit, the International national Whaling Intern C ommission (IWC)) will decide to Commission ac cept or rreject eject j a ne n w pr oposall to accept new proposal eextend xtend the R ussian u ns’ annual har vest Russians’ harvest of gra o or at a least 10 yyears ears grayy whales ffor b eginning in 2011. The pr oposal beginning proposal includes p opulation n ffigures iigures intended to population lend cr edibility to the t bid. credibility population numb ers “But the whale population numbers ar en’t b eing pr operrly pr esented,�� sa ayys aren’t being properly presented,� says Sarah Graham, thee Moss L anding–based Landing–based W eest C oast manage er of the C aliffo ornia West Coast manager California Gra oalitiion. ion “The Theyy’rre using Grayy Whale C Coalition. “They’re 20 06’s numb ers as eevidence vidence that it ’s OK 2006’s numbers it’s to k eep hunting [gr raay whales].�� keep [gray 2006 estimate estimaate of just under The 2006 20,0 00 individualss w as ccollected ollected and 20,000 was pr ovided b ational Oc eanic and provided byy the Na National Oceanic A tmospheric t A dmiinistration (NO AA). Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Wa ayne y P erryman, ffisheries isheries biolo gist Wayne Perryman, biologist with NO AA A’s south hwest of ff iice in L NOAA’s southwest office Laa JJolla, olla, sa ayys the ne xt estimate says next estimate,, based on this yyear’s ear’s ccounts ounts of o ggra grayy whales as the theyy pass nor th and sou uth along the ccoast, oast, north south won ’t b vvailable until u the end of 2011 won’t bee aavailable at the earliest. The new new proposal proposal on on grays grays comes comes The aass p art o roader d evelopment aatt part off a b broader development tthe he IW WC tthat hat h as eenvironmentalists nvironmentalists IWC has o utraged. IIn n a sseemingly eemingly ccounterintuitive ounterintuitive outraged. m ove, tthe he n ations o pposed tto ow haling move, nations opposed whaling ((that that iis, s, m ost n ations, iincluding ncluding tthe he most nations, U nited S tates) aare re o ffering tto o llift ift tthe he United States) offering 2 4-year m oratorium o n ccommercial ommercial 24-year moratorium on w haling iin n eexchange xchange ffor or cconcessions oncessions whaling b he p ro-whaling n ations tthat hat w ill byy tthe pro-whaling nations will rreportedly eportedly aactually ctually rreduce educe tthe he n umber number o hales k illed aannually. nnually. ((Only Only Ja apan, off w whales killed Japan, IIceland celand aand nd N orway fformally ormally ssupport upport Norway tthe he p ractice, w hile R ussia, tthe he U nited practice, while Russia, United S tates, C anada, G reenland aand nd S t. States, Canada, Greenland St. V incent aand nd tthe he G renadines aallow llow Vincent Grenadines llimited imited ttake ake ffor or iindigenous ndigenous p eoples.) peoples.) This is obscene, obscene, because because the antianti “This whaling ccountries ountries ar aaree sit ting down with sitting the pr o -whaling ccountries ountries and asking pro-whaling asking,, ‘How ccan an we pleasee yyou?’� ou?’� sa ayys Arnold, says who will at tend thee Mor occo meeting attend Morocco meeting.. opponeents say say the proposed proposed Whaling opponents eextension xtension of gra ay whale w hunting ccomes omes gray at a dir o or th he animals diree time ffor the animals,, whose

prime Ar prime Arctic ctic ffeeding eeeding gr grounds—where ounds—w where thee whales fat fatten ten for fo or six months of been heavily thee yyear—have ear—haave b een hea avvily impacted imp pacted byy global w warming. b arming. In these northern northern t waters, gray w atters, gra ay whales eat plankton that in turn t subsist on algae that precipitate preccipitate from loes. fr om ccoastal oastal ice ice f lo es. As As Arctic Arctic sea s ice ice disappears warming, disa appears due to long-term w arm ming, thiss food severely thi food chain has been been se verelyy disrupted. Ass a result, disr rupted. A result, says saayys Graham, Grahaam, gray gra ay whale adults are are failing to ac aacquire quire energy theyy rrequire thee ener gy rreserves eserves the equire to migrate alvin mig grate southward southward to their ccalving ng grounds within the lago lagoons gr o ounds ons of ccoastal o al oast Baja California. Baj ja C aliffo ornia. Perryman Perryman acknowledged the decline d breeding activity. in br b eeding activit y. “The number “ number of calves calves born born in n the been low,� lastt four fo our years years has b een low ,� he said. s “That’s “Th hat’s a fact.�� For For example, example, in Ojos de Liebres, Liebres e , one important birthing of the t most imp ortant bir thing lago llagoons ons about 2,000 in Baja, B about 2,0 00 mothers with wiith 2007. winter ccalves alvves appeared appeared in 20 077. This win nter whereas justt 578 were were ccounted. ounted. And wher reas observers wh obs servers ccounted ounted 417 mother whales hales Laguna in L aguna San Ignacio in 2006, 2006, in i 2009 2009 they saw the ey sa aw just 201. But B Perryman Perryman suspects suspects weather weatheer ccomplications—and om mplic li ations—and i d less l so long-t llong-term term climate clim mate change—are change—are the cause cause off the depressed breeding activityy in Ba Baja’s dep pressed br eeding activit aja’s ccoastal oaastal lagoons. lagoons. Thus, Thus, the poor poor annual annual any ccalf alff rrecruitment ecruitment might rreverse everse an ny yyear, ear, he said. The T California Califfo ornia Gray Graay Whale Coalition Coalition o grayy whale is advocating a ocating a return adv return of the gra Endangered Species to the t Endanger ed Sp ecies list, att least under status und der the st atus of ““threatened.� threatened.�� Arnold says “daunti sa y the process ys process will be be a “daunting� dauntiing ing� gray onee ““that that can can ttake ake years.� years.� The gra ay whale was after wh hale w as delisted in 1994 1994 af ftter a dramatic from dra amatic rrecovery ecovery fr om the verge vergee of eextinction. xttinction. Perryman, Perryman, who believes believes the gray grraay whale’s West Coast wh hale’s numbers numbers along the W eest C oast North Americaa “ar “aree slowly inc increasing of N orth Americ creasing stable,� NOAA and or st able,� stresses stresses that NO AA an nd nonprofit organizations “have non nproff it i or ganizations “ha ave common common o goals goa als and common common concerns� concerns� rrelating elaating conservation to marine m conservation and protection prottection whales.. of whales w “But,� “ � he said, “we don’t don’t want want to rush judgment issues.� jud dgment on these issues .� SSAVE AVE V THE WHALES D DAY, AY, featuring feeaturing speakers speak e errs presentations, Sunday, andd pr esenttations a s, is Sunday y, May 23, 11:30am– 11 1:30pm 1:30 0pm at Lighthouse Point, Pooint, Santa Santta Cruz. Cruzz.

may 19-26, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

in Graduate s as liitttle a ! s 18 month

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Benefit Be ene en efi fitt fr from: ro om m:: m • Sma Sm Small ma all class ccllas cla assss sizes ssiizze siz ze ess • Lifetime Liffe fe etttim tiime career ca car are ee er service er se erv viicce v vic e asss assistance ssis issttta ance for f r gr fo g graduates raduates adua atte ess • Financial Financ Financia nciial aid aid d for for those t o th ossse e wh w who ho qualify qua aliffy f • Day Da ay a y and and evening eve ev ve in ven ng classes ccllla asssse ess e • Hands-on Handss---o on learning le earrn nin ing Heald H ea e ald College Co o le ol eg ege ge e also alsso offer of o offers fffe ffe fers degrees d deg degr egre ee ess in e in the the th h Business Bus usine us essss and and d LLegal egal fields eg egal field fie dss in a ass llittle itttle ttle ttlle ea ass 1 18 8 months m months! onth ths! NPC03655 NPC0 365 55

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You Eat With That Mouth? The 2002 police report that details a threatening voicemail left by Watsonville City Councilman and District 4 Supervisor candidate :b^a^d BVgi^cZo reads like a scene out of Goodfellas. Using a grand total of 15 F-bombs deftly placed among 12 sentences, Martinez makes it clear that one Joe Norris, a former colleague at Indian Motorcycles in Gilroy, ought to tender his resignation. “You don’t quit or they don’t fu**in’ fire you[r] fat, motherfu**ckin’ Nazi motherfu**ckin’ fat ass, I’m going to shoot you,� reads a partial transcript of the voicemail. “I’m gonna blow that motherfu**in’ place up. You got a bullet hole through your heart already.� The phone message led to Martinez being charged with “false report of planting bomb� and “threats to commit a crime resulting in death or great bodily injury,� both misdemeanors. Martinez, however, never answered to a judge. The incident came to light late last month when the Sentinel uncovered an arrest warrant issued in 2002 by the Superior Court of Santa Clara County but never served by the Gilroy police. Martinez will be arraigned on the charges and the warrant June 29 at the courthouse in Morgan Hill. Meanwhile, his campaign for county supe, which sees him in a three-way race with Watsonville Councilman <gZ\ 8Veji against longtime incumbent Idcn 8Vbedh, is struggling to shrug off the scandal. Martinez maintains that the phone call—news of which he claims was leaked to the Sentinel by the Campos campaign— was all in jest. “It was a prank. We used to do this to each other all the time,� says Martinez, who writes on his blog that the president of Indian Motorcycle still calls him up and leaves similar prank messages on a regular basis. Martinez also claims he was “tricked� by the Sentinel into coming in for an endorsement meeting, then confronted about the warrant (a claim Sentinel reporter Donna Jones confirms, although she says he was not tricked and that it was in fact a “legitimate endorsement meeting.�) Martinez continues: “The issue here is: Was there was a warrant for my arrest? Yes. Did I know it? No. I wasn’t aware of it. Had I been aware of it I would have taken care of it. It’s unethical to write that article just before absentee ballots go out. It’s a smear campaign by Campos.� At the Campos camp, the accusations were brushed off. “It didn’t come from me. I had nothing to do with it,� says Campos.

“The first I heard of it was in the paper. Actions speak for themselves and he should be held accountable. I run a good campaign.� Despite the controversy, Martinez says he remains very confident about the election. “I guarantee I’ll win,� he says. —Curtis Cartier

Peace in the Valley South County was awash in warm fuzzies last week with the announcement that the small but pugnacious EV_Vgd"

Hjccn BZhV 8dbbjc^in HZgk^XZh 9^hig^Xi had dropped its two lawsuits against the embattled EV_Vgd KVaaZn LViZg BVcV\ZbZci 6\ZcXn. In a joint statement, PVWMA general manager BVgn 7Vcc^hiZg said the two parties had “buried the hatchet,â€? while Pajaro–Sunny Mesa GM ?dZ GdhV referred to the need to “join handsâ€? with “our friends at PVWMA.â€? At issue was Pajaro–Sunny Mesa’s 2008 lawsuit seeking immediate repayment of an $80-per-acre-foot fee that was ruled illegal in 2007. That ruling stuck the agency with a $13 million repayment obligation to various individuals and districts. Pajaro–Sunny Mesa said it was owed $326,000 of that. In December, settlement talks went awry as Pajaro–Sunny Mesa tripled its demand to nearly $1 million (the extra in the form of interest and legal fees)—a sum agency lawyer Idcn 8dcYdii^ more or less described as obnoxious. “To put it charitably, it seems like a substantial overreach,â€? he told the Sentinel. After the settlement talks collapsed, Pajaro–Sunny Mesa sued again. But now there’s peace in the valley. As we dabbed at our eyes, one statement caught our attention. “We at Pajaro–Sunny Mesa have re-evaluated the lawsuits against the PVWMA,â€? Rosa said. “After much soulsearching we agreed that the best course of action is to settle the litigation and to move forward as a partner with the agency.â€? Soul-searching? Really? Maybe “rĂŠsumĂŠsearchingâ€? is more like it, as in “desperately seeking a new board of directors.â€? In the last 12 months, three of Pajaro–Sunny Mesa’s five board members have been quietly replaced, leaving a less litigious majority in charge. In the end, the agency will pay PajaroSunny Mesa about $400,000, while the district will fork over some $110,000 in unpaid fees to the agency. Call it a peace dividend. —Traci Hukill

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may 19-26, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

Ben There, Done That Ben Harper on why he’s not-sosecretly always been a bluesman



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NDOUBTEDLY there was some headscratching when the name “Ben Harper and Relentless7� appeared atop the lineup for this year’s Santa Cruz Blues Festival. A man who’s sold millions of records thanks to reggae-inf lected acoustic hits like “Burn One Down� and “Jah Work,� Harper is often written off as mellow indie it-boy by old-school rock and blues fans raised on B.B. King, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Buddy Guy. But those people obviously haven’t heard his newest records. On White Lies for Dark Times and the just-released concert recording Live From the Montreal International Jazz Festival, Harper and his newly formed four-piece band, led by longtime friend and guitarist Jason Mozersky, play crushing blues rock that borrows from at least a dozen other acts that have graced the SCBF stage over the years. Santa Cruz Weekly tracked Harper down ahead of his May 29 gig (the festival continues

on May 30) and asked him when, exactly, he became the hottest thing to hit the blues since adultery. “Art at its most sincere requires change and growth, and the blues has always been such a heavy foundation of what I’ve put forward,� says Harper in a voice so pleasantly enunciated it almost sounds like a song itself. “Clearly it was time for me to grow into the specific sound that I achieved through this nucleus. Creatively you can never deny what you’re supposed to be.� History suggests that Harper was always “supposed to be� a musician. What kind of musician has been the question. A native of Claremont, Calif., Harper grew up surrounded by sounds and art through his family’s music store and venue, the now-famous Folk Music Center. With an African American father, a Jewish mother and Russian and Lithuanian grandparents, his house was an artistic and cultural melting pot where

he learned not only how to play instruments but how to build them, fix them and make a living with them. At some point along the way he discovered the lap steel guitar. And though he’s equally famous for his acoustic and electric guitar work, the image of a grimacing Harper perched atop a stool and hammering down on a steel guitar is one that many fans over the years have come to associate with his music. “My connection [to the lap steel guitar] is the kind of connection that you don’t know why it’s there, but your life wouldn’t be the same without it. That was the sound that just informed me on the deepest level of how I was supposed to sound,â€? he says. “And through David Lindley’s playing and Ry Cooter and Lowell George and Duane Allman and all the early Delta cats—Robert Johnson and Blind Willie McTell and Son House—they all helped me find the sound that’s taken ¨ ! my whole life to develop.â€?

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may 19-26, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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Music and Message Harper has never been content to limit himself only to music. A devoted activist who champions immigrant rights, ocean stewardship, freedom of speech and the antiwar movement, he’s been involved with the liberal advocacy group MoveOn.org since 2004 and also supports the ecologically minded Surfrider Foundation and Living Lands and Waters, as well as the anti-nuclear power group No Nukes and the food distributing organization Feeding America. His latest endeavor is with the nonprofit group Lift. On its website www.liftcommunities.org, the organization states that its mission is to “combat poverty and expand opportunity for all people in the United States.� With centers in Boston, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., Harper says the

group’s volunteers train people to do everything from filling out government aid applications to finding free medical clinics to putting together rĂŠsumĂŠs and providing actual on-the-job training. “Lift maximizes the potential of the American system,â€? says Harper. “They break down the barriers of intimidation as far as getting what can help people progress, especially in the area of job training. I’ve been donating monetarily and with my time and it will be my focus for the next number of years.â€? On White Lies, Harper immediately dives into politics with the opening track “Number With No Name,â€? a blistering rock jam with an antiwar message. “A casket lined with silver dollars and a number with no name,â€? sings Harper over the distortion-rich yowl of his lap steel. Elsewhere on the album, Harper touches on violence and compassion, ¨


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writing in “The Word Suicide,� that “The word suicide is irresponsible/ Still you offered to buy me a gun/ What’s so hard about sympathy?� Still, his work with Relentless7 may be his most apolitical to date, with the majority of the songs showcasing raw rock and blues chops with classic themes on love, hate, sex and emotion— traditional blues fare if ever it existed.

atop the SCBF bill. Though he doesn’t have the strict blues history of a Buddy Guy or a Taj Mahal, Harper has every bit the skill and all the passion it takes to be a respected blues act. Don’t expect it to be his final progression, however, as Harper says he’ll never stop experimenting with his sound.

Full Circle

‘Taj and I traversed the planet together and we find each other at different ends of the bill. The best part about it is I get to be inspired by him beforehand, which will make me play better. It’s also daunting; I mean, he’s really just the baddest cat in the world.’

Those who look closely next Saturday might spot a rather nervous-looking Harper peeking from the side of the stage at the opening acts. Not that he can’t hold his own with any rock musician on tour today, but the Santa Cruz Blues Festival lineup this year not only includes musicians like Buddy Guy that Harper says have influenced him for years, but acts that he knows on a very personal level. Henry Saint Clair Fredericks, a.k.a. Taj Mahal, for example, will be warming up the stage before Harper. The 67year-old bluesman—besides working in bands like the Rising Sons and the Phantom Blues Band—played a big part in Harper’s early success when he invited the younger musician on his tour and later recorded Follow the Drinking Gourd, a blues-and-folk-centered album based on a traditional story about African Americans escaping slavery. To say Harper thinks highly of Taj Mahal would be a gross understatement. “Taj is the number one greatest musician on the planet. Period. End of story,� says Harper matter-of-factly. “Taj and I traversed the planet together and we find each other at different ends of the bill. The best part about it is I get to be inspired by him beforehand, which will make me play better. It’s also daunting; I mean, he’s really just the baddest cat in the world, so it’s like, ‘Good luck.’ We’ll probably come full circle again and see each other at a different point soon.� Harper says he’ll also be watching the Saturday afternoon set of Joseph Arthur, who he calls a “true pioneer.� “Over the course of a decade, Joseph has been the most consistent lyricist,� he says of the young musician known for combining electronic effects with traditional sounds. “Every record, whether it’s the [Lonely] Astronauts or his solo work, he keeps coming up with these chord changes that I think I should be familiar with, but each time it sounds like I’m hearing them for the first time. He’s just always so fresh and exciting.� By nearly all accounts, Ben Harper and Relentless7 have earned the spot

“There’s a dream list that I put in front of myself,â€? he says. “You know, I’d love to play some slide guitar on the next Jay-Z record, I’d love to sing with Crosby, Stills & Nash, I’d love to pen a song with Paul Simon. This is just dreaming out loud, and that can be dangerous. Ask me again when I’m 50 and we’ll see where we are on the list then.â€? BEN HARPER AND RELENTLESS7 play Saturday, May 29, as part of the Santa Cruz Blues Festival, which runs May 29–30 at Aptos Village Park, 100 Aptos Creek Road. Two-day tickets are $140 and single-day tickets are $75 each. For more information and a complete schedule visit www.santa cruzbluesfestival.com EV]¸a 0ZcS ¨ $

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may 19-26, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

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Who’s Blue


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Buddy Guy, Derek Trucks highlight the rest of SCBF

BeneďŹ t Be ene en eďŹ ďŹ tt fr from: ro om m:: m • Sma Sm Small ma all class ccllas cla assss sizes ssiizze siz ze ess • Lifetime Liffe fe etttim tiime career ca car are ee er service er se erv viicce v vic e asss assistance ssis issttta ance for f r gr fo g graduates raduates adua atte ess • Financial Financ Financia nciial aid aid d for for those t o th ossse e wh w who ho qualify qua aliffy f • Day Da ayy and a and evening eve ev ve in ven ng classes ccllla asssse ess e • Hands-on Handss---o on learning le earrn nin in g

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1.866.436.2137 1 1.866 .866 6.436.2 2137 2 137 SSalinas alinas Campus Location: Loccation: 145 1450 0 N. Main SSt.t. • Salinas, Salinnas, CA 93906 93906 www.ContactHeald.com www w..ContactHe eald.com

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ILL WELCH is a tall, gray-goateed music nut known for breaking into a sweat when talking about a good guitar player or horn blower—and for booking around 300 shows every year at his club, Moe’s Alley. But just in case the locals forget about the steady stream of talent running through his club, in his spare time Welch and his staff also throw together Santa Cruz County’s biggest music showcase, the Santa Cruz Blues Festival. Graced by such titanic names as B.B. King, Pinetop Perkins, John Lee Hooker, Ray Charles and Bonnie Raitt, the twoday blues and rock bonanza at Aptos Village Park has been going strong since 1993. This year, besides the great Ben Harper and his rocking new band, the Relentless7 (see story, page 11), the festival is headlined Sunday by threetime SCBF topper and Chicago blues legend Buddy Guy. For Welch, Guy represents everything good and right in

the world of Windy City music. “Buddy Guy is a musician that is the who’s who. He’s truly at the top of his game,� says Welch. “He and B.B. King are really the biggest connections to the old world of blues that are left around.� The other eight acts on the weekend’s bill could be—and often are—headliners in their own right. Eric Lindell, the New Orleans soul maestro who never seems far from a Neville, kicks off the weekend early on Saturday with big and bad party blues. Next, as if on cue, Ivan Neville (Aaron’s son and nephew of the “Brothers’�) and his band Dumpstaphunk turn the funk dial up to dangerous heights and bass-heavy lows. With the third slot, the pace slows down a bit as soft-spoken folk and blues indie poet Joseph Arthur croons out his crossroads lament. Finally, around dusk, Henry Saint Clair Fredericks, better known as Taj Mahal, will heat up the stage for Ben Harper with his brand of

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 19-26, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G

festival performer that boasts two X chromosomes. Described by the Wall Street Journal as “the most aweinspiring electric slide guitar player performing today,â€? Trucks should fully test the electrical capabilities of Welch’s hand-built sound system. Finally, the great Buddy Guy closes things down with all the reasons that he influenced everyone from Jimi Hendrix to Eric Clapton to Angus Young and Stevie / ;/<¸A E=@:2 Uif!pomz!cmvftxpnbo!up!ublf!uif!tubhf!bu!uijt! Ray Vaughan. zfbsĂ–t!gftujwbm-!Tvtbo!Ufeftdij!qmbzt!Tvoebz!xjui!ifs!ivtcboe-! Besides the gpsnfs!Bmmnbo!Cspuifst!tmjef!hvjubs.tisfeefs!Efsfl!Usvdlt/ music, festivalgoers can look forward to some great eats Grammy Award–winning Caribbean, from food booths serving barbecue, African and Pacific Island-influenced blues. Asian and Southern-style home food “Saturday is an awesome day from from caterers around the Central Coast front to back,â€? says Welch. “You’ve got big and Bay Area. Cash is no good inside New Orleans funk and blues, you’ve got the festival gates, however, so make some different acts like Joseph Arthur sure and trade your dollars for paper and you’ve got seasoned guys like Taj that “tickets,â€? that, while useless outside the actually used to be in Ben Harper’s band. festival, may at least remind you of all And of course, Ben Harper himself, whose the fun you used to have at Chuck E. new band is just totally rockin’ blues— Cheese. Also note that lawn chairs and just our style.â€? blankets rule at the show, so if you plan On Sunday, famed producer Don Was on sitting and relaxing anywhere in the (see: Stones, Rolling and Raitt, Bonnie) middle-front section of the crowd, you’d and his crew of deep soul and funk better come early and stake out a spot. practitioners known as Was (Not Was) For Welch and the rest of the Moe’s belt out a big-horn awakening to those Alley staff, months of planning are still recovering from too many beers finally coming to a head. Soon they’ll and ribs on Saturday. And no Santa all be able to go back to their day jobs Cruz Blues Festival lineup would be booking blues, reggae and hip-hop acts complete without the next act, one Coco nearly every day at their club. But for Montoya. The 10-time SCBF guest is the the 3,000 fans who should be showing “embodiment of what we try and do up each day to party, they needn’t worry with this festival,â€? according to Welch, and about how a small club staff pulls off a he’ll be showcasing classic rockin’ blues in multiday festival. Their only job is to sit all its amp-blasting glory. back, relax, crack a beverage and enjoy Once Coco finishes up, the action some of the finest blues and American jumps the pond when bonafied ’60s roots music ever assembled in a single British Invasion representatives Eric location. Burdon & the Animals take the stage “It’s one of the best and most unique to rip some boogie-friendly blues rock festivals anywhere in the country,â€? says and—who knows—maybe a rendition Welch. “It’s really made a name for of the perennial hit “House of the Rising itself and I think this year is one of the Sun.â€? With the crowd in full swing, up best so far.â€? next is the baby-faced member of the For more information and a complete Allman Brothers Band, Derek Trucks schedule visit www.santacruzblues and his bride Susan Tedeschi, the only festival.com. 0











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may 19-26, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; m may a y 19-26, 1 9 - 2 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 / 3 / 3

Holmes H olmes Remodel Remodel @32 0/B >6=B=5@/>6G @ 32 0/B >6=B=5@/>6G

Santa C Santa Cruz ruz aauthor uthor Laurie Laurie King King gives gives Doyle’ Doyle’s detective detective an an update update 0G A3/< 1=<E3:: 0G A 3 / < 1= < E 3 : :


HERE H ERE E EXIST XIST a vvast ast n number umber o herlock H olmes p astiches, off S Sherlock Holmes pastiches, ffrom rom Mark Mark Twain’s Twain’s Double Double B arrelled Detective Detective SStory tory tto o Barrelled tthe he aanimated nimated sseries eries SSherlock herloock H olmes iin n Holmes tthe he 2 2nd C entury. E ven sso, o, iit’s t’s ssafe afe tto o ssay ay 22nd Century. Even tthat hat llocal ocal aauthor uthor L aurie R ing’s n ovels Laurie R.. K King’s novels ffeaturing eaturing M ary R ussell, p rotĂŠgĂŠ aand nd w ife Mary Russell, protĂŠgĂŠ wife o herlock H olmes, aare re aamong mong tthe he vvery ery off S Sherlock Holmes, ffinest inest o hese sstories. tories. off tthese K ing’s latest latest n ovel, The The God God of of the the King’s novel, Hive (Bantam, (Bantam, 2010; 2010; $25 $25 hardcover) hardcover) Hive is the the 10th 10th installment installment in in the the Mary Mary is Russell series, series, and and picks picks up up right right where where Russell her previous previous book book left left off. off. Holmes Holmes and and her Russell are are on on the the run run from from the the law law after after Russell the events events of of The The Language Language of of Bees, Bees, in in the which the the detectives detectives battled battled a cult cult led led by by which the psychotic psychotic Reverend Reverend Brothers. Brothers. They Th hey the are forced forced to to split split up, up, Holmes Holmes traveling traveling are to Holland Holland with with his his long-lost long-lost son son to Damian and and Russell Russell escaping escaping by by airplane airplane Damian with Holmes’ Holmes’ 3-year-old 3-year- old granddaughter granddaughter with Estelle. After After crash-landing crash-landing in in England’s England’s Estelle. Lake District, District, Russell Russell and and Estelle Estelle form form Lake an unlikely unlikely friendship friendship with with a mysterious mysterious an hermit named named Robert Robert Goodman. Goodman. hermit Goodman is is a fascinating fascinating character character Goodman who seems seems to to embody embody the the qualities qualities of of who Holy Fool, Fool, a forest forest sprite sprite and and a Green Green a Holy Man. “The “The Green Green Manâ€? Manâ€? was, was, in in fact, fact, the the Man. working title title for for the the book, book, and and seems seems an an working appropriate starting starting point point for for a recent recent appropriate interview with with King. King. interview “I suppose suppose Goodman Goodman comes comes from from my my “I BA at at UC–Santa UC–Santa Cruz, Cruz, which which was was in in BA comparative religion, religion,â€? says says King King when when comparative asked what what inspired inspired the the character. character. “The “The asked Green Man Man is is a mythic mythic figure f igure out out of of Green

:7B3@/@G BG>3 T :7B3@/@G BG>3 The he U UCSC-educated CSC- educated LLaurie aurie K King’s ing ’s llatest a te s t n novel ovel fe features a t u re s a m medieval edieval literary l i te r a r y with Mary Russell Holmes. aarchetype rchet yp e aalong long w ith tthe he hheadstrong e a d s t ro n g M ar y Ru ssell aand nd hher er ppartner art ner SSherlock herlo ck H olmes.

the E the English nglish ccountryside, ountryside, the the eenergy nergy off sspring o pring aand nd tthe he ggreen reen ggrowth rowth tthat hat up And he—without ccomes omes u p eevery very yyear. ear. A nd h e—without off tthe plot—he ggiving iving away away ttoo oo much much o he p lot—he Britain, other iiss aancient ncient B ritain, aand nd ccertain ertain o ther book modern ccharacters haracters iin n tthe he b ook aare re m odern Britain, pitted B ritain, aand nd tthe he ttwo wo aare re p itted against against eeach ach other. other.� Holmes Holmes is, is, of of course, course, another another The most ffascinating ascinating ccharacter. haracter. T he m ost sstriking triking off K King’s portrayal, besides how aaspect spect o ing’s p ortrayal, b esides h ow well man Arthur w ell iitt rrecreates ecreates tthe he m an ffrom rom A rthur Conan Doyle’s C onan D oyle’s sstories, tories, iiss tthe he cchanges hanges sshe he has him. older, h as made made tto oh im. He He iiss o lder, aand nd the the world him now has w orld aaround round h im ((it it iiss n ow 11924) 924) h as dramatically. Though his cchanged hanged d ramatically. T hough h is skills skills hee sseems aare re aass sstrong trong aass eever, ver, h eems more more Att o one point, vvulnerable ulnerable ssomehow. omehow. A ne p oint, aass Holmes his on H olmes eeludes ludes h is eenemies nemies o n tthe he sstreets treets off L London, hee ggets o ondon, h ets tthe he uncomfortable uncomfortable hee iiss ““resuming ffeeling eeling tthat hat h resuming a llanguage anguage once whose nuances o nce sspoken poken ffluently, luently, w hose n uances had h ad ggrown rown rrusty. usty.� “Arthur Conan “Arthur Conan Doyle Doyle finished f inished with with

Holmes at at the the very very the the eve eve of of the the Great Great Holmes War,� explains explains King, Kiing, “because “because in in his his War, mind Sherlock Sherlock Holmes Holmes had had no no place place mind in the the Britain Britain that that existed existed after after the the in war. I disagree disagree with with this. this. I thought thought that that war. someone of of Holmes’ Holmes’ flexibility f lexibility and and someone creativity would would have have reinvented reinvented himself himself creativity in the the modern modern era. era.� in Readers who who are are new new to to the the Mary Mary Readers Russell Russell series series may may be be shocked shocked at at the the idea idea of of Holmes Holmes taking taking a brainy brainy feminist feminist as as his his partner, partner, since since his his attitude attitude toward toward women women in in the the original original tales tales is is often often scornful. scornful. King, Kiing, however, however, points points to to the the short short story story “A “A Scandal Scandal in in Bohemia, Bohemia,� in in which which Holmes Holmes is is outsmarted outsmarted by by Irene Irene Adler Adler and and henceforth henceforth refers refers to to her her respectfully respectfully as as “the “the woman. woman.� “And “And I think think that that is is true true for for my my version version of of Holmes Holmes as as well, well,� says says King, King, “that “that someone someone who who can can match match his his wit, wit, male male or or female, female, is is someone someone who who has has his his admiration. admiration.� Russell Russell can can match match anyone’s anyone’s wit, wit, but but

in tthis in his n new ew aadventure dventure sshe he has has tthe he aadditional dditional rrole ole o aternal ffigure igure ffor or off m maternal tthe he yyoung oung E stelle. ““She’s She’s quite quite p uzzled Estelle. puzzled b the w hole tthing, hing,� King Kiing n otes. “If “If byy the whole notes. tthis his p articular child child w ere an an ordinary ordinary particular were o ne sshe he might might h ave m ore p roblems one have more problems w ith it, it, b ut, b eing S herlock H olmes’ with but, being Sherlock Holmes’ ggranddaughter, randdaughter, she she is, is, aass you you m ight might eexpect, xpect, a very very peculiar peculiar cchild. hild.� King is Ki is currently currently at at work work on on her her next next King n ovel, The The Pirate Pirate King King (“as (“as in in Gilbert Gilbeert and and novel, Sullivan’s Pirates Pirates of of Penzance�), Penzance�), which which Sullivan’s will be her her third third Mary Marry Russell Russell mystery mystery will in a row. row. “It’s “Itt’s going going to to be something something of of a in farce,� she she h ints. farce, hints.

LLAURIE AURIE KING KING reads reads from from ‘The ‘The God Go d ooff tthe he Hive’ Hive’ on on Tuesday, Tuesday, May May 25, 25, Bookshop aatt 7:30pm 7:30pm at at B ookshop SSanta anta Cruz, Cruz, 11520 520 Pacific Pacif ic Ave., Ave., Santa Santa Cruz. Cruz. Free. Free. 831.423.0900. 8 31.423.0900.

j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA may 19-26, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; :7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

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4@72/G #

=4 C<9<=E< =@757< Santa Cruz County’s 2010 Artist of the Year award goes to dance choreographer and co-director of the Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre, Robert Kelley. In a free performance, dancers will perform his original piece Of Unknown Origin to a musical arrangement written and played live by collaborators Nancy LeVan and Bill Walker. The audience will also be treated to Constant Currents, performed by Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre’s junior company. Friday, May 21, at 7pm at the Rio Theatre, 1205 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz. For more info call 831.423.8209. Free.


A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 19-26, 2010 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

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1/0@7::= A>@7<5 2/<13 1=<13@B The budding talent of the Cabrillo College Dance Department presents itself in full bloom at the Cabrillo College Spring Dance Concert, with performances choreographed by both students and instructors. More than 100 dancers will showcase various expressions of movement, including hip-hop, modern, ballet, Latin and African dance. The Dance Department will also take the opportunity to distinguish two of its outstanding students with the Roberta Bristol Award and Tandy Beal Scholarship at Friday’s performance. Friday–Saturday, May 21–22, at 7:30pm and Sunday, May 23 at 3pm at Cabrillo Crocker Theater, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos. Tickets are $12 general, $10 students/seniors, $8 with Student Activity Card. 831.479.6331. d[ >che^gVi^dc# 6 bjhZjbl^YZ Zm]^W^i^dc ]^\]a^\]i^c\ Vgi! Vgi^[VXih! e]did\gVe]n! iZX]cdad\n VcY XdbbZgX^Va VheZXih d[ hjg[^c\# >cXajYZh eV^ci^c\! hXjaeijgZ! XZgVb^Xh! WdVgYh! ad\dh! h^\ch! lZihj^ih! [^ab VcY k^YZd XdaaZXi^dch VcY igde]^Zh# BjhZjb VYb^hh^dc# IjZ"Hjc! &&Vb"*eb0 XadhZY Bdc# ,%* ;gdci Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'.#&.+)# AO\bO 1`ch ;caSc[ ]T <Obc`OZ 6Wab]`g :Vgi] 9Vn 8aVhh Egd_ZXi :m]^W^i# Egd_ZXih [gdb 7VnK^Zl :aZbZciVgn HX]dda! Bdjci BVYdccV HX]dda VcY BdcVgX] HX]dda h]dl l]Vi adXVa \gVYZ hX]dda hijYZcih VgZ aZVgc^c\ VWdji egZhZgk^c\ i]Z ]ZVai] d[ i]Z Zck^gdcbZci# IjZ"HVi! &%Vb" *eb# I]gj BVn '-# BjhZjb VYb^hh^dc# &(%* :# 8a^[[ 9g! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'%#+&&*#

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;/93 ;G 2/G IT’S LIKE THE Whole Earth Catalog come to life, or a science fair for Burning Man freaks. This weekend Make magazine, that must-read periodical for DIYers everywhere, throws its annual Maker Faire up the road in San Mateo, and the innovations are blowing our little minds. Chockablock with robots, kooky kinetic sculptures and back-to-basics demonstrations (preserved lemons, anyone?), this year’s Faire will also feature custom bike chain-rings, a hand-held theramin for making spooky sci-fi sounds and an old-school gas pump repurposed as a solar-powered charging station. From the Santa Cruz area contingent come a grow-your-own-mushroom kit, an alien abduction lamp that snatches cows from pastures (oh, but yes), solar fireflies that mimic the real thing and the ever-popular Tesla coil from UCSC’s Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics. It throws a 5-foot-long arc of electricity that observers can dance in, as long as they first don the stainless steel suit designed just for the purpose. (Traci Hukill)

THE MAKER FAIRE runs Friday–Saturday, May 22–23, at the San Mateo County Event Center, 1346 Saratoga Dr., San Mateo. Tickets are $25 adult/$15 student/$10 kids at makerfaire.com.

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A>7@7BA /<2 /<13AB=@A Painter and photographer Jim Cox began his artistic journey in 2002 after being diagnosed with a potentially fatal disease. Eight years later, he is still alive and feels that his art has helped him prevail. His work, which deals with natural, Native American and mystical themes, will be on display the spanking-new Don Quixote’s Art Gallery through June 15. Don Quixote’s, 6275 Hwy. 9, Felton. 831.603.2294. i]gdj\] aViZ DXidWZg# >c jehiV^gh bZZi^c\ gddb0 Ygde"^ch lZaXdbZ0 bdgZ ^c[d -(&#((*#'%-+# I]j! BVn '%! &/(%"'/(%eb# KdajciVgn YdcVi^dc id KVaaZn 8]jgX]Zh Jc^iZY# Hi# 6cYgZlh :e^hXdeVa 8]jgX]! &%& G^kZgh^YZ! 7Zc AdbdcY# >SOQS 1]`^a 7\T]`[ObW]\ ASaaW]\ 7VX`\gdjcY ^c[dgbVi^dc dc Vhh^\cbZcih YZeVgi^c\ [dg hZgk^XZ h^iZh ^c hjbbZg '%&& LZY! BVn &.! +",/(%eb# ;gZZ# AdjYZc CZahdc 8dbbjc^in 8ZciZg! (%& 8ZciZg Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'%#+&,,# @SR 1`]aa ;]PWZS 0Z]]R 2`WdSa 6i hZkZgVa adXVi^dch Xdjcinl^YZ ZVX] bdci]0 bdhi bdci]hÉ Yg^kZh Vahd d[[Zg gV[[aZh [dg h^\c^[^XVci eg^oZh# HX]ZYjaZ VcY adXVi^dch/ -%%#,((#',+,#

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An evening eve ev vvening ening of Beatles music ttoo beneďŹ t programs pro roggrams of the Santa Sant ta Cruz County Coounty ty Symphony Symphony Sy

Saturday, June 5, 8pm Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium

G]UO 7\ab`cQbW]\ EVX^[^X 8jaijgVa 8ZciZg/ (* XaVhhZh eZg lZZ`! -(&#)+'#--.(# H8 Nd\V/ )* XaVhhZh eZg lZZ`! -(&#'',#'&*+# Ig^Nd\V/ cjbZgdjh lZZ`an XaVhhZh! -(&#)+)#-&%%# 6ahd/ Nd\V L^i]^c Vi 6eidh HiVi^dc! -(&#+-,#%-&-0 Db Gddb HX]dda d[ Nd\V! -(&#)'.#.(**0 EVX^[^X 8a^bW^c\ <nb! -(&#)*)#.'*)# HS\ DW^OaaO\O 0OaWQ( 7\b`] b] ;SRWbObW]\ OZc/ H8 OZc 8ZciZg! LZY! */)*eb! -(&#)*,#%'%+# K^eVhhVcV/ K^eVhhVcV H8! LZY +/(%"-eb! -(&#)'*#()(&# 7Vh^X/ AVcY d[ i]Z BZY^X^cZ 7jYY]V! LZY! */(%"+/(%eb! -(&#)+'#-(-(# 6aa i]gZZ VgZ [gZZ#

Tickets $25-65 plus service fees. Call 420-5260 or www.SantaCruzTickets.com

Concert Sponsor

Wear your grooviest ‘60s clothing! Media Sponsor

03/ /BA1/>3 m may a y 19-26, 1 9 - 2 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; " j 03/BA1/>3 "

Jazz Presenters since 1975

THURS. MAY 20 • 7 PM


with special guests dreambeach & Red Wine Sisters $12/15• Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv THURS. MAY 24 • 7 PM • $20/23



$12/15 • Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv THURS. JUNE 3 • 7 & 9 PM

DAVE HOLLAND QUINTET $25/Adv $28/Door, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by The “A�Train Law Group


DONNY McCASLIN TRIO $20/Adv $23/Door

Sponsored by Logos Books & Records

THURS. JUNE 10 • 7 & 9 PM


MON. JUNE 14 • 7 & 9 PM


AARON PARKS, MATT PENMAN & ERIC HARLAND 7PM: $28/Adv $31/Dr 9PM: $23/Adv $26/Dr, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by Beerstein Associates

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Tickets: brownpapertickets.com More info: 415-902-2392 UNICEF benefit to support the children of Afghanistan KUUMBWA JAZZ



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While A While Andrew ndrew V VanWyngarden anWyngarden Ben Goldwasser, hipster aand nd B en G oldwasser, tthe he h ipster heartthrobs h eartthrobs of of iindie ndie ssyth-pop yth-pop aact ct MGMT playing Santa Cruz M GMT ((also also p laying S anta C ruz tthis his month), were out m onth), w ere o ut cchasing hasing ttail ail iin n tthe he halls off W Wesleyan University, iivied vied h alls o esleyan U niversity, princess Chris Pureka was ffolk olk p rincess C hris P ureka w as iin n her dorm writing melancholy h er d orm rroom oom w riting m elancholy ballads not She b allads aand nd n ot eeating ating eenough. nough. S he however, sstruggled truggled tthrough, hrough, h owever, aand nd tthe he nothing off h haunting. rresults esults aare re n othing sshort hort o aunting. Like Dolores O’Riordan off tthe L ike D olores O ’Riordan o he Cranberries her Pureka’s C ranberries aatt h er ggloomiest, loomiest, P ureka’s off vvoice oice takes takes white-knuckled white-knuckled ggrips rips o heartstrings Typically tthe he h eartstrings aand nd yyanks. anks. T ypically her sset et aagainst gainst h er sskillful killful gguitar uitar sstrums trums orr ccello, music aand nd a llone one ffiddle iddle o ello, iit’s t’s m usic need pocketful off Kl Kleenex yyou’ll ou’ll n eed a p ocketful o leenex ffor. or. Catalyst; $12 door; 9pm. C atalyst; $ 12 aadv/$14 dv/$14 d oor; 9 pm. Cartier) ((Curtis Curtis C artier)

After A fter sscraping craping ttheir heir w way ay tto o tthe he ttop op o off over past months, tthe he rrankings ankings o ver tthe he p ast ttwo wo m onths, bands tthe he llast ast sseven even llocal ocal b ands lleft eft sstanding tanding head-to-head Your ggo oh ead-to -head aatt tthe he ffinals inals tto oY our Music Olympicks. While only one M usic O lympicks. W hile o nly o ne band will walk with b and w ill w alk aaway way w ith tthe he ggrand rand prize, winners will win p rize, tthe he ttop op tthree hree w inners w ill w in prize packages $5,000, p rize p ackages aamounting mounting tto o$ 5,000, $2,000 iincluding ncluding $ 2,000 ccash, ash, gguitars, uitars, sstudio tudio more. The rrecording ecording ttime ime aand nd m ore. T he sseven even bands Band off O Orcs, b ands ccompeting ompeting aare re A B and o rcs, Eliquate, Cylinder, Mordor, Pariah E liquate, C ylinder, M ordor, P ariah Faction, Scars Almost F action, Hollywood Hollywood S cars aand nd A lmost Chaos. It’s up people off S Santa C haos. It t’s u p tto o tthe he p eople o anta Cruz decide which band will C ruz tto od ecide w hich b and w ill rreign eign when done. ttriumphant riumphant w hen aall ll iiss ssaid aid aand nd d one. Catalyst; $12 door; 8pm. C atalyst; $ 12 aadv/$15 dv/$15 d oor; 8 pm. ((Paul Paul M. M. Davis) Davis)

San S an F Francisco’s rancisco’s Jo John ohn V Vanderslice anderslice iiss off a B Bay Area ssomething omething o ay A rea iinstitution nstitution point: aatt tthis his p oint: aan n iindie-rock ndie-rock sstandardtandardbearer, b earer, ssought-after ought-after producer producer and and ffine ine his own His midssongwriter ongwriter iin nh is o wn rright. ight. H is m iddecade Pixel Revolt d ecade rreleases eleases P ixel R evolt aand nd Emerald Emerald City pitch-perfect off C it y sstand tand as as p itch-perfect sslices lices o Oughts pop, tthoughtful houghtful O ughts iindie ndie p op, aalthough lthough much obsessiveness ttoo oo m uch sstudio tudio o bsessiveness aatt undermined his melodic ttimes imes u ndermined h is m elodic ggifts. ifts. his 2009’s IIt’s t’s a rrelief, elief, tthen, hen, tthat hat h is llatest, atest, 2 009’s Romanian Names, off R omanian N ames, sseems eems sso o ffree ree o The ffussiness. ussiness. T he sstraightforward traightforward ssongs ongs benefit Vanderslice’s unadorned b enef it ffrom rom V anderslice’s u nadorned production melancholy p roduction aand nd eevoke voke a m elancholy off tthe oppressive paranoia ttone one ffree ree o he o ppressive p aranoia defined his post-9/11 work. While tthat hat d ef ined h is p ost-9/11 w ork. W hile powerful works tthose hose aalbums lbums rremain emain p owerful w orks off B Bush-era protest o ush-era p rotest rrock, ock, iit’s t’s ggood ood tto o hear Vanderslice’s dread bit. Crepe h ear V anderslice’s d read llift ift a b it. C repe Place; $11; 9pm. P lace; $ 11; 9 pm. ((PMD) PMD)

j #

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; m may a y 19-26, 1 9 - 2 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 03/BA1/>3 03/ /BA1/>3 3

1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A </A </A MAY MA Y 26 AT AT CATALYST CA ATA TA YSST TAL ST ;=C<B/7< /<7;/: ;=C< ;= =C<B/ B/7 /7< / /<7; <7;/: ;/: /: 6=A>7B/: 6 6= A B/ A>7 B/ /: MAY MA Y 27 AT AT CREPE CR REEPE PLACE R REPE PLLA LACE

A/BC@2/G j # A /B C @ 2/G j #

; 3 :D 7 < A 3 / : A ;3:D7< A3/:A A6/2G 5@==D3 A 6 / 2G 5 @ = =D 3 After A fter a 15-year 15-year rrun un aass tthe he k keyboardist eyboardist o off tthe he Jerry Jerry Garcia Garcia Band Band and and several several more more yyears ears at at the the helm helm of of JGB JGB (essentially (essentially tthe he Jerry Jerry Garcia Garcia Band Band minus minus the the late late JJerry erry Garcia), Garcia), Melvin Melvin Seals Seals began began work work on o n his his own own solo solo ventures, ventures, proving proving that that hee was h was not not just just a great great organ organ and and piano piano player p layer but but a talented talented composer composer and and bandleader b andleader as as well. well. The The strong strong gospel gospel aand nd soul soul influences inf luences he he brought brought to to tthe he Jerry Jerry Garcia Garcia Band Band are are evident evident in in tthe he other other groups groups he he has has played played with with ssince, ince, like like Vitamin Vitamin B-3 B-3 and and the the Mix, Mix, tthe he Melvin Melvin Seals Seals Rhythm Rhythm Factory Factory and and most m ost recently recently the the psychedelic psychedelic rock rock band b and Shady Shady Groove. Groove. From From this this latest latest ccollaboration, ollaboration, expect expect to to hear hear some some off Seals’ o Seals’ originals, originals, as as well well as as plenty plenty of of JJGB GB classics. classics. Don Don Quixote’s; Quixote’s; 8:30pm; 8:30pm; $20adv/$22 $ 20adv/$22 door. door. (Sean (Sean Conwell) Conwell)

A/BC@2/G j # A /B C @ 2/G j #

< / A 6 D 7 : : 3 </A6D7::3 >CAAG > C A AG Frronted by Fronted by the the wildest wildest husband-wife husband-wife duo underground d uo iin n today’s today’s u nderground heavy heavy metal Nashville Pussy bit m etal scene, scene, N ashville P ussy iiss eevery very b it name High on aass sleazy sleazy aass tthe he n ame iimplies. mplies. H igh o n off its From Hell tthe he release release o its fifth fifth album, album, F rom H ell ttoo Texas, Texas, the the band band is is storming storming clubs clubs and and

bars b ars with with a voracious voracious aappetite. ppetite. Ruyter Ruyter Suys her off S uys doesn’t doesn’’tt have have tto o ttake ake h er sshirt hirt o ff tto o prove bitchen p rove sshe’s he’s a b itchen llead ead gguitarist, uitarist, but but does. Raw sshe he almost almost always always d oes. R aw like like a steak steak quick up rreduced educed ffor or q uick ssale, ale, tthis his iiss sstraight traight u p unfettered ssouthern outhern rock rock & rroll oll aatt iits ts u nfettered best. bee showered b est. Expect Expect tto ob showered with with beer, beer, with with sslicked licked w ith ssweat, weat, aand nd ssmacked macked w ith delivered iin-your-face n-your-face llyrics yrics d elivered in in throatthroatCatalyst; $15 sshredding hredding ggrowls. rowls. C atalyst; $ 15 aadv/ dv/ $19 door; Grusauskas) $ 19 d oor; 9pm. 9pm. ((Maria Maria G rusauskas)

;=<2/G j # ; = < 2/G j # "

>/0:= > /0:= ;3 3<3<23H ;3<3<23H ;3H1:/ ;3H1:/ “Mezcla� is “Mezcla� is tthe he S Spanish panish w word ord ffor or ““mixture, mixture,� and and it’s it’s aan n appropriate appropriate title title ffor or tthis his particular particular Cuban Cuban jazz jazz band, band, byy guitarist Pablo Menendez. Their lled ed b guitarist P ablo M enendez. T heir music off sstyles defies m usic iiss a mixture mixture o tyles tthat hat d efies byy d drawing oldeexpectations xpectations b rawing ffrom rom o ldffashioned ashioned jjazz azz and and bop, bop, show show tunes, tunes, world rrock ock aand nd w orld ffusion. usion. The The band band iiss a mixture mixture of of races, races, genders genders and and with members ggenerations, enerations, w ith iits ts m embers master iincluding ncluding seasoned seasoned m aster musicians musicians aass well w ell as as a few few young young lions. lions. And, And, of of course, course, Mezcla hails Cuba, M ezcla h ails ffrom rom C uba, a ccountry ountry mixture off d different tthat hat iiss a m ixture o ifferent ccultures. ultures. Although were once denied A lthough ttheir heir vvisas isas w ere o nce d enied byy U U.S. officials, no problem b .S. o fficials, n o ssuch uch p roblem iiss prevent bandmembers eexpected xpected tto op revent tthe he b andmembers playing Santa Cruz. Kuumbwa; ffrom rom p laying iin nS anta C ruz. K uumbwa; $20 door. 77pm; pm; $ 20 aadv/$23 dv/$23 d oor. ((SC) SC)

A3/:A 23:7D3@32 A 3/:A 23:7D3@32 Melvin Seals plays in F Felton elt e on with Shady Groove Grroove this Saturday. Saturday.

A63 67; A63 63 67; 6 MAY MA Y 28 8 AT AT RIO RIIO THEATRE THE THEA HEATRE TR ;5;B ;5; 5; ;B MAY MA Y 29 29 AT AT CIVIC CIIVIC VI AUDITORIUM AUDIT UD TO ORIUM M <=973 32E/@2A <=973 < =9 32 3 E/ /@2 2A B63 67B166793@A B 63 67B166 1 6793@A A JUNE 2 AT AT DON DO ON QUIXOTE’S QUIXO XOTE’SS B63 FF B 63 FF MILLER JUNE 3 AT AT HENRY HEENRY E ILL LIBRARY, LIBR R ARY A Y, BIG SUR SU 8=6< 8=@53<A=< 8=6< 8=@5 53<A=< <A= =< ?C7<B3B ?C7< B3B JUNE 10 AT AT KUUMBWA K MBWA KUUMBW B63 A9/B/:7B3A B 63 A9/B/ /: :77B3A 3 ALLEY JUNE 19 9 AT AT MOE’S M MOE

BC3A2/G j # B C 3 A 2/G j # #

A7<53@ A7<53@ A=<5E@7B3@ A = < 5E @ 7 B 3 @ 47</:A 4 7</:A They come They come with with guitars, guitars, harmonicas harmonicas Cruz Singer/ aand nd dreams. dreams. The Th he Santa Santa C ruz S inger/ Songwriter S ongwriter Showcase, Showcase, a ccontest ontest between has be tween local local amateur amateur musicians, musicians, h as been on weeks wraps be en ggoing oing o n ffor or w eeks aand nd w raps up Tuesday u p this this T uesday night night in in a grand grand finale f inale off play-your-heart-out passion o play-your-hearrtt-out p assion and and derring-do, off d erring-do, all all for for the the ggrand rand prize prize o ccoveted oveted recording recording time time at at Mars Mars Studio. Studio. Britannia Arms; B ritannia A rms; ffree; ree; 7pm. 7pm. (SC) (SC)

E32<3A2/G j # E 32<3A2/G j # $

3;7:G 8/<3 E67B3 3;7:G 8/<3 E67B3 Though T hough sshe he m maintained aintained a rrelatively elatively llow ow profile buzzed-about p rofile at at tthe he ttime, ime, b uzzed-about ffolkie olkie Emily White honed her E mily Ja JJane ane W hite h oned h er ssongwriting ongwriting while within Santa Cruz’s cchops hops w hile lliving iving w ithin S anta C ruz’s most notably off tthe cconfines, onfines, m ost n otably aass lleader eader o he Diamond Star eethereal thereal llocal ocal ttrio rio tthe he D iamond S tar Halos. Half decade White has H alos. H alf a d ecade llater, ater, W hite h as eevolved volved iinto nto a sstartlingly tartlingly aassured ssured ttalent, alent, world over eearning arning a ffollowing ollowing tthe he w orld o ver aass well plaudits w ell aass p laudits ffrom rom ttastemakers astemakers ssuch uch Pitchfork. White’s aass P itchfork. W hite’s sspare pare ccompositions ompositions aare re effortlessly effortlessly transporting, transporting, steeped steeped iin n parts beauty hard-won eequal qual p arts aairy iry b eauty aand nd h ard-won pragmatism. Her 2007 debut Dark p ragmatism. H er 2 007 ssolo olo d ebut D ark Undercoat but her U ndercoat was was a sstrong trong eeffort, ffort, b ut h er latest, Victorian operates on latest, V ictorian America, America, o perates o na different ccompletely ompletely d ifferent llevel, evel, aass a cconfident onfident byy aan who has sstatement tatement b n aartist rtist w ho h as ggrown rown her Crepe iinto nto h er ttalents alents tto o sstunning tunning eeffect. ffect. C repe Place; 9pm. P lace; $8; $8; 9 pm. ((PMD) PMD)

1:C0 5@72 m may a y 19-26, 1 9 - 2 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A A/<B/1@CH 1=; / < B/ 1 @ C H 1 = ; $ j 1:C0 5@72 $


E32 E 32 j ## ' '

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j %

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A / < B/ 1 @ C H 1 = ; m may a y 19-26, 1 9 - 2 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 1:C0 5@72 1:C0 5@72 2

Calling all Masters 3"

Have you got what it takes to compete for the best wings in Santa Cruz?

AC< A C< j ## ! ; ;=< =< j ## " BC3 BC3 j ## # A/<B/ 1@CH A / < B/ 1 @ C H

/ /?C/ 0:3C ?C/ 0:3C


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A1 8Ohh A]QWSbg A 1 8Ohh A]QWSbg


8Ohh 8Ohh

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B63 1/B/:GAB B63 1/B/:GAB

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Awesome Bands

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Hundreds of $$$ in Cash prizes

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June 19th

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1:C0 5@72 m may a y 19-26, 1 9 - 2 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A A/<B/1@CH 1=; / < B/ 1 @ C H 1 = ; & j 1:C0 5@72 &


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Hoodwinked H oodwinked Bristling Bristling B with politic al political ccommentary omm mentary unburdened and unbu urdened nuance, byy nuanc e, ‘Robin Hood’ ood’ ‘Robi in H disappoints dis app appoints 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0 G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


Y GRANDMOTHER GRANDMOTHER h had ad aan n expression expression ffor or ssomeone omeone out-of-thettaking aking the the o ut- of-theway w ay path: path: ““You’re You’re ggoing oing by Robin Hood’s barn. Ridley by way way of of R obin H ood’s b arn.� R idley Scott’s hideously Scott’s Robin Robin Hood—overlong, Hood o —overlong, h ideously eexpensive, xpensive, graceless graceless to to the the extreme— extreme— ffollows ollows just just that that kind kind of of route. route. There’s probably never been T here’s p robably n ever b een ssuch uch a politics-heavy p olitics-heavy version version of of the the tale—and tale—and iinevitably, nevitably, it’s it’s flavored f lavored by by the the tea tea bag bag That might bee a n natural. rrebellion. ebellion. T hat ttactic actic m ight b atural. The Th he ccharacters haracters ccomplaining omplaining aabout bout tthe he king’s wars k ing’s taxes taxes paying paying ffor or fforeign oreign w ars rremind emind us us of of why why tthe he sstory tory is is relevant, relevant, wee h hadn’t aass iiff w adn’t picked picked up up on on what what a worst king might sstory tory of of England’s England’s w orst k ing m ight have h ave to to do do with with a nation nation that that had had just just weathered worst president. w eathered iits ts w orst p resident. Depressingly, Robin Hood D epressingly, tthis his R obin H ood tturns urns out bee a p prequel Sherwood o ut tto ob requel tto o tthe he S herwood Forest days. Longstride� F orest d ays. ““Robin Robin L ongstride� ((Russell Russell Crowe), C rowe), a yeoman yeoman in in Richard Richard the the Lionheart’s L ionheart’s army, army, is is sickened sickened by by the the massacre Acre. Escaping His m assacre aatt A cre. E scaping after after H is Majesty neck, Robin decides M ajesty ggets ets iitt iin n tthe he n eck, R obin d ecides pose knight whom hee m meets tto op ose aass a k night w hom h eets dying The killers d ying iin n tthe he fforest. orest. T he k illers aare re lled ed byy one Godfrey Strong, being b one G odfrey ((Mark Mark S trong, b eing tthe he malo hombre Godfrey m alo h ombre aagain); gain); G odfrey eescapes, scapes, but hee ggets his mouth marked b ut h ets h is m outh ccut ut aand nd m arked up, byy a cclose u p, JJoker-wise, oker-wise, b lose sshave have ffrom rom tthe he point off R Robin’s p oint o obin’s aarrow. rrow. Nottingham, Robin meets IIn nN ottingham, R obin m eets tthe he

/:: E3B / :: E3B Ru Russell ssell Crowe C ro we w wades ades tthrough hrough tthe he m muck uck iin nR Ridley idle y SScott’s cott’’s pponderous onderous ‘‘Robin Robin H Hood.’ ood.’

widow of widow of the the dead dead k knight, night, M Marion arion The off ttheir ((Cate Cate Blanchett). Blanchett). T he llord ord o heir ssmall mall manor, m anor, her her blind blind father-in-law father-in-law ((Max Max vvon on Sydow), decides do Martin Guerre S ydow), d ecides tto od oaM artin G uerre on o n this this imposter, imposter, pretending pretending that that Robin Robin iiss tthe he ssame ame knight knight who who lleft eft for for the the wars wars But bits off h hidden history 110 0 yyears ears aago. go. B ut b its o idden h istory have wait Godfrey—now h ave tto ow ait aass G odfrey—now King King his nation JJohn’s ohn’s cchancellor—betrays hancellor—betrays h is n ation byy ssecretly b ecretly bringing bringing in in agents agents of of the the evil evil King Ki ing Philip Philip of of France. France. IIn n one one sscene, cene, having having his his chainmail chainmail off byy M Marian, uss ttaken aken o ff b arian, Crowe Crowe shows shows u powerful tthe he p owerful torso torso we we would would want want hero, his presence iin n tthe he h ero, but but h is morose morose p resence doesn’t off a fforest d oesn’t llend end iitself tself tto o a sstory tory o orest has sspirit—this pirit—this h as to to be be the the least-sylvan least-sylvan Robin R obin Hood Hood eever ver tto o ggrace race tthe he sscreen. creen. Some big play S ome b ig talents talents turn turn up up to to p lay rroyals oyals aand nd cchancellors. hancellors. Eileen Eileen Atkins Atkins uninterestingly iiss aan nu ninterestingly scripted scripted Eleanor Eleanor off A Aquitaine. o quitaine. Oscar Oscar Isaac Isaac perks perks up up occasionally o ccasionally as as the the dandified dandif ied King Kiing John John bloody ((“It’s “It’s b loody eexpensive xpensive rrunning unning a country�). Bearded country�). B earded and and wigged, wigged, William William

Hurt has Hurt has unusual unusual presence presence playing playing the the kingmaker William Marshal. Danny k ingmaker W illiam M arshal. D anny Huston H uston never never ggets ets a rreal eal showstopper showstopper but lline ine as as the the Lionheart, Lionheart, b ut tthe he sshaggy haggy mid-’70s m id-’70s rocker rocker wig wig and and beard beard and and his his ggeneral eneral feverishness feverishness are are certainly certainly an an off how iidea dea o how a murderous murderous cconqueror onqueror sshould hould llook. ook. off m moments IIn n a ffilm ilm full full o oments that that could could bee cut without b cut w ithout anyone anyone missing missing tthem, hem, Scott decided S cott d ecided tto o keep keep a bit bit about about how how Robin who R obin is is the the fatherless fatherless child child w ho cannot cannot hee recovers ttriumph riumph until until h recovers a memory memory of of his man’s not Crowe’s h is old old m an’s love. love. IIt’s t’s n ot C rowe’s fault fault he’s play tthat hat h e’s too too old old to to p lay tthe he rrebellious ebellious yyouth, outh, and and it’s it’s not not screenwriter screenwriter Brian Brian Helgeland’s wee jjust H elgeland’s ffault ault tthat hat w ust ggot ot tthis his Man week, but ssame ame trope trope iin n IIron ron M an 2 llast ast w eek, b ut tthis his bit bit is is particularly particularly obvious obvious here, here, and and iit’s t’s a screenwriter’s screenwriter’s crutch crutch that that needs needs to to Goodwill ASAP ggo o to to tthe he G oodwill A SAP. What’s W hat’s good good aabout bout this this movie? movie? Not N ot much. much. Mark Mark Addy, Addy, as as the the protoprotoFranciscan F ranciscan Friar Friar Tuck, Tu uck, looks looks medieval; medieval; he he has has a face face yyou’d ou’d see see in in a Brueghel. Brueghel.

The waterfront The waterfront w welcoming elcoming ceremony ceremony at at tthe he T ower of of London London gives gives us us a moment moment Tower o eauty aand nd sstillness. tillness. A tkins’ fface ace aass off b beauty Atkins’ sshe he rreceives eceives her her dead dead son’s son’s crown crown is is p roperly rregal; egal; aand nd tthere’s here’s ssome ome sspirit pirit properly tto oaC GI view view o he p agan cchalk halk h orse CGI off tthe pagan horse ccarved arved into into a hillside, hillside, looking looking brand-new, brand-new, o verlooking a rally rally of of mounted mounted barons. barons. overlooking B lanchett’s sslow low b urn d oes iits ts o ld m agic Blanchett’s burn does old magic ffor or a ssecond, econd, but but these these are are instances. instances. R obin H ood o iiss h arried, aawkward wkward aand nd Robin Hood harried, b ombastic—the n ervousness of of the the bombastic—the nervousness ffilmmakers ilmmakers aand nd tthe he ccast ast iiss p alpable, aass palpable, iiff even even they they couldn’t couldn’t explain explain why why they they w ere making making a new new vversion ersion o his were off tthis o ld story. story. old

ROBIN R OBIN H HOOD OOD ((PG-13; PG-13; 1140 40 m min.), in.), Ridley written ddirected irected bbyy R idley SScott, cott, w ritten by by Brian Helgeland, B rian H elgeland, pphotographed hotographed by by John J ohn Mathieson Mathieson aand nd sstarring tarring Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchett R ussell C rowe, C ate B lanchett aand nd Max von M ax v on Sydow, Sydow, plays plays countywide. count ywide.

! j 47:; may 19-26, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Film Capsules

SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY MAY 21 – THURSDAY MAY 27 “Beautiful & entertaining!�

–USA Today

(PG) Daily: (1:30),

(3:30), (5:20), 7:10, 9:00

“The year’s most compelling mystery & richest love story.� –Chicago Tribune

(4:15), 6:50, 9:20


Daily (1:20), (3:20), (5:10) LIMITED ENGAGEMENT!



Nightly: 7:00, 9:30

Midnights @ The Del Mar

Tickets $6.50

Fun! Prizes! Hammer!

B63 5==2 63/@B

(R; 95 min.) Directed by Dagur KĂĄri and Brian Cox, the latter of whom also stars in this saddening film about the relationship between a cantankerous old bartender and a young

Oldboy (R) Fri 5/21 & Sat 5/22 @ Midnight Next Week: The Royal Tenenbaums

Online Ticketing Available @


STARTS FRIDAY 5/21! “A quirky dark comedy about second chances!�

0@3/94/AB /B B744/<G¸A (1961)

Directed by Blake Edwards and based on the novella by Truman Capote, this film features Audrey Hepburn in her most iconic role as Holly Golightly, the madcap Manhattan socialite. (Plays Thu at Santa Cruz 9.) (SC)

(R) Daily: (1:40),

<3E 1/>A

–L.A. Times

Brian Cox Paul Dano

homeless man. The bartender (Cox), who is drinking and smoking himself to death, teaches the young man (Paul Dano) how to run his tavern so that he can inherit the business. (Opens Fri at Nickelodeon.) (SC) ;/15@C03@ (R; 99

min.) Will Forte brings his recurring SNL sketch to the big screen with this action farce. When a super villain (Val Kilmer) threatens the world with a nuclear missile, special agent MacGruber and his resourceful team of crime-fighting experts are the only ones who can save the day. (Opens Fri at Santa Cruz 9 and Green Valley.)

=:20=G (2003) For reasons unknown, a man is abducted and imprisoned in a hotel room for 15 years. After his release, he searches for an explanation of the ordeal, and for revenge against his captor. This South Korean film won the Grand Prix at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival. (Plays Fri-Sat at Del Mar.) (SC) A6@39 4=@3D3@ /4B3@ (PG; 93

min.) The fourth and supposedly final chapter in the animated Shrek series has our hero stuck in an alternate world where Rumpelstiltskin is king and ogres are persecuted. To return things to normal, Shrek


must kiss his wife, Fiona, before the next sunrise. The problem is that in this reality, the two have never met. (Opens Fri at 41st Ave, Santa Cruz 9, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) (SC) B3@@70:G 6/>>G

(Unrated; 90 min.) A police officer is reassigned from Copenhagen to a small Danish community, where his uneasiness about life in the countryside soon gives way to the suspicion that the town is hiding a dark secret. This thriller was Denmark’s submission to the 2010 Academy Awards as Best Foreign Language Film. (Opens Fri at Nickelodeon.) (SC)

Movie reviews by Sean Conwell, Traci Hukill, Steve Palopoli and Richard von Busack

B63 B67< ;/<

(1934) The classic that introduced moviegoers to the sleuthing and comic banter of husband and wife detective team Nick and Nora Charles (William Powell and Myrna Loy). In their first onscreen adventure, the pair and their dog Asta hunt for clues to explain a friend’s recent disappearance. (Plays Sat-Sun at Aptos.) (SC)

@3D73EA 0/073A (PG; 87 min.)

Director Thomas Balmes studies a year in the life of four babies born in four distinctly different places: Mongolia, Namibia, San Francisco and Tokyo.

Guess who gets the Robeez flowered shoes? 1/A7<= 8/19 /<2 B63 C<7B32 AB/B3A =4 ;=<3G (R; 126

min.) See review, page 34. B63 57@: E7B6 B63 2@/5=< B/BB==

(Unrated; 158 min.) Stieg Larsson’s book is the hottest thing going in mysteries right now, and thankfully, director Niels Arden Oplev and screenwriters Nikolaj Arcel and Rasmus Heisterberg recognized that more important than any of the hype swirling around the book is the protagonist at its center, Lisbeth Salander. She is the girl with the dragon tattoo, and she’s maybe the

Showtimes are for Wednesday, May 19, through Wednesday, May 26, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

(R) Daily: (1:10), (3:10), (5:10), 7:10, 9:10

STARTS FRIDAY 5/21! “A wickedly entertaining psychological thriller!� –N.Y. Times

/>B=A 17<3;/A

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

Call for Wed-Thu showtimes.

Call for Wed-Thu showtimes.

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.thenick.com


Daily: (1:20), (3:20), (5:20), 7:20, 9:30

Benjamin Bratt (R)

:SbbS`a b] 8cZWSb — Fri-Wed 2:15; 4:30; 6:45; 9; plus Sat-Sun noon. =QSO\a — Fri-Wed 2:45; 4:45. 2ObS <WUVb — Fri-Wed 7; 9:10. BVS BVW\ ;O\ — Sat-Sun 11am.

Daily: (4:40), 7:00, 9:20 NARRATED BY JOHNNY


Daily: (1:00), (5:00), 9:00


Michael Caine Daily: (2:50), 6:50






Once Daily: (1:40)


( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm

“Like ‘Mama Mia’ for Shakespeare fans ‌ true love & destiny in the gorgeous Italian countryside.â€? –The Hollywood Reporter

Amanda Seyfried Vanessa Redgrave Daily: (2:15),

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.cineluxtheatres.com Call for Wed-Thu showtimes. AV`SY 4]`SdS` /TbS` !2 — (Opens Fri) 11:30; 1:45; 4:20; 6:45; 9. @]PW\ 6]]R — Fri-Wed 12:30; 3:45; 7; 10. 7`]\ ;O\ — Fri-Wed 11:15; 2; 4:45; 7:30; 10:15.

23: ;/@

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com Call for Wed-Thu showtimes. 0OPWSa — Fri-Wed 1:30; 3:30; 5:20; 7:10; 9. =QSO\a — Fri-Wed 1:20 3:20; 5:10. 9WQY /aa — Fri-Wed 7; 9:30. BVS ASQ`Sb W\ BVSW` 3gSa — Fri-Wed 1:40; 4:15; 6:50; 9:20. =ZRP]g — Fri-Sat midnight.


(4:30), 6:45, 9:00 & Sat, Sun (12 noon)


" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/


(G) Daily: (2:45),



Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com Call for Wed-Thu showtimes. BVS 5]]R 6SO`b — (Opens Fri) 1:10; 3:10; 5:10; 7:10; 9:10. BS``WPZg 6O^^g — (Opens Fri) 1:20; 3:20; 5:20; 7:20; 9:30. EVS\ G]c¸`S Ab`O\US — Fri-Wed 1:30; 3:30; 5:30; 7:30; 9:30. :O ;WaaW]\ — Fri-Wed 4:30; 7; 9:20. 6O``g 0`]e\ — Fri-Wed 2:50; 6:50. BVS 5W`Z EWbV bVS 2`OU]\ BObb]] — Fri-Wed 1:40. 1OaW\] 8OQY O\R bVS C\WbSR AbObSa ]T ;]\Sg — Wed-Thu at (4:20),

6:45, 9:05

(PG-13) Nightly: 7:00,




Tickets $6

The Thin Man Sat 5/22 & Sun 5/23 @ 11:00am Next Week: Singin’ in the Rain

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com Call for Wed-Thu showtimes. @]PW\ 6]]R — Fri-Wed 3:45; 4:45; 7; 8; 10; plus Fri-Sun 12:45; 1:45. g.

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com

AV`SY 4]`SdS` /TbS` 2 — (Opens Fri) 12:20; 2:45; 5:15; 7:45; 10:15;

plus Fri-Sun 10am. AV`SY 4]`SdS` /TbS` !2 — (Opens Fri) 2:15; 4:45; 7:15; 9:45; plus Fri-Sun 9:30am; 11:50am. ;OQ5`cPS` — (Opens Fri) 12:45; 2:55; 5:05; 7:35; 10:05; plus Fri-Sun 10:30am. 8cab E`WUVb — Fri-Wed 1:50; 4:20; 7:05; 9:35; plus Fri-Sun 11:20am. 7`]\ ;O\ — Fri-Wed 12:30; 1; 2; 3:30; 4; 5; 6:30; 7; 8; 9:30; 10; plus Fri-Sun 10:15am; 11:15am. :SbbS`a b] 8cZWSb — Fri-Wed 2:05; 4:35; 7:25; 9:50; plus Fri-Sun 11:30am. 2ObS <WUVb — Fri-Wed 2:25; 4:35; 6:50; 9:10; plus Fri-Sun 12:10pm. 0`SOYTOab Ob BWTTO\g¸a — Thu 8pm.

A1=BBA D/::3G 17<3;/

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260 www.cineluxtheatres.com Call for Wed-Thu showtimes. AV`SY 4]`SdS` !2 — (Opens Fri) 1:45; 4:15; 6:45; 9; plus Fri-Sun 11:30am. @]PW\ 6]]R — Fri-Wed 12:30; 3:45; 7; 10. :SbbS`a b] 8cZWSb — Fri-Wed 2:10; 4:30; 7:10; 9:30; plus Fri-Sun 11:45am. 0OPWSa — Fri-Wed 2:20; 4:30; 6:30; 8:30; plus Fri-Sun 11:55. 6]e b] B`OW\ G]c` 2`OU]\ — Fri-Wed 1:10; 3:20; plus Fri-Sun 11am. 7`]\ ;O\ — Fri-Wed 2; 4:45; 5:30; 7:30; 8:15; 10:15; plus Fri-Sun 11:15am.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com Call for Wed-Thu showtimes. AV`SY 4]`SdS` /TbS` !2 — (Opens Fri) 1; 3; 5; 7; 9; plus Sat-Sun 11am. AV`SY 4]`SdS` /TbS` !#[[ — (Opens Fri) 1:20; 3:20; 5:20; 7:20; 9:20;

plus Sat-Sun 11:20am. ;OQ5`cPS` — (Opens Fri) 1; 3:10; 5:10; 7:15; 9:25; plus Sat-Sun 11am. :O ;WaaW]\ — Fri-Wed 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11am. @]PW\ 6]]R — Fri-Wed 1:35; 4:15; 7; 9:40; plus Sat-Sun 11am. 8cab E`WUVb — Fri-Wed 1:10; 3:15; 5:20; 7:30; 9:35; plus Sat-Sun 11am. :SbbS`a b] 8cZWSb — Fri-Wed 1:30; 4:45; 7:10; 9:35; plus Sat-Sun 11:0am. 7`]\ ;O\ !# [[ — Fri-Wed 1:30; 4:20; 7; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11am.

j !!

A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 19-26, 2010 47:;

best fictional character to come around yet this century. Swedish actress Noomi Rapace is absolutely incredible in her ability to bring Lisbeth to life. She is a force of nature, pure and simple. Lisbeth is hired to dig up dirt on Mikael (Michael Nyqvist) but ends up helping him investigate the disappearance many years ago of Harriet, heiress to a creepy, feuding family of millionaires. Though it may use the U.S. title, the movie doesn’t shy away from the book’s unrelenting critique of the violence that society allows men to perpetuate against women, and though the scenes with certain unsavory characters may have been cut down in number, they are still surprisingly graphic. Luckily, Lisbeth is womankind’s ultimate revenge fantasy come true—sooner or later, her boots are gonna walk all over absolutely everyone. (SP)

access to his technology (Mickey Rourke being the Bear That Walks Like a Man), a gladhanding competitor (Sam “I’m Always Best in Small Doses� Rockwell) and last but not least the U.S. government. Politically muddled is the worst you can say about it; a power fantasy ought not to lose the idea of which way the power is flowing. Despite a middle section that vamps for time, Jon Favreau is successful in making this an invigorating meld of screwball comedy and robot-fighting action; Scarlett Johansson is most decorative as the agent known elsewhere as Black Widow, and Gwyneth Paltrow shows a nimbleness previously unseen (she has to act fast to get up to Downey’s speed). Broad, playful, well-cut and economically done, this movie isn’t just the first of the summer blockbusters—it’s the model for how they all should work. (RvB)

6/@@G 0@=E< (R;

8CAB E@756B (PG; 101 min.) Queen Latifah, Common, Pam Grier and Phylicia Rashad star in romcom about a physical therapist who falls for the basketball player she’s treating.

102 min.) Probably indefensible but far better than the average customary raginggeezer vigilante movie; we’ve seen this movie before but rarely done this crazy, almost halfway to Gaspar NoÊ in its fatefulness, grim urban surfaces and misanthropy. Michael Caine as Harry Brown—a cautious, ill old Londoner with little left to lose—gives us everything Caine ever had in his prime: here is both the decency and the steel beneath it. It’s a happy experience watching Brown slowly decide to do what this movie assures him he needs to do. But Harry Brown isn’t dead from the neck up. Director Daniel Barber disguises the manipulation in the film as best he can. He finds pity in the story. (RvB) 7@=< ;/< (PG-

13; 125 min.) Struck by heavy-metal poisoning from his atomic pacemaker, Tony Stark (a roguish Robert Downey Jr.) is besieged by enemies: a Russian ex-con with

9719 /AA (R; 117 min.)

Dave, a home-brewed costumed vigilante (Aaron Johnson), meets up with real professionals in the field: a Batman and Robin–esque father-anddaughter team (Nicolas Cage, and the excellent Chloe Moretz, who was the wise little girl in (500) Days of Summer). Entertaining in parts, but director Matthew Vaughn has no feeling for the romance and mystery and vigilante lore: the movie has a nasty fan-boy quality, a hermetic focus that doesn’t see anything beyond the purpose of beating bad guys bloody. Cage carries the movie’s ambiguity deftly—he’s enough of a serious comic book reader that he knows it’s a dreadful thing when a father bends his child to revenge. Bloody-minded little girls (thank heaven for

E/G =:2 A16==:!!Disjt!UipnqtpoĂ–t!epdvnfoubsz!bcpvu!uif!ijtupsz!pg!tvsĂ&#x;oh!jo!Tboub!Dsv{-!Ă•Pvu!pg!uif!Cmvf-Ă–! ublft!b!ijtupsjdbm!mppl!bu!uif!tqpsu!pg!Ibxbjjbo!spzbmuz/!Qmbzt!Tbuvsebz!bu!8qn!bu!uif!Sjp!Uifbusf/ them) may like Moritz. It’s nuts to call Kick-Ass the next Watchmen. The slamming violence and the dullard noms de guerre these superheroes pick for themselves show a comic-book tradition at the end of a line. (RvB) :/ ;7AA7=< (R; 125

min.) Che (Benjamin Bratt) is an S.F. Muni conductor, a hobby mechanic and an excon, single-parenting his son, Jesse (Jeremy Ray Valdez). What he doesn’t know is that Jesse has a secret life—and a boyfriend who lives in St. Francis Wood. Che’s outright rage at his son’s sexuality is tempered by the attentions of his lovely new neighbor Lena (Erika Alexander). Any positive representation of Aztlan has to be applauded; the scenes

of highly polished lowriders gliding through the Mission make their own statement of beauty and pride. Bratt is the definition of movie-star gravity: a man doing nothing but thinking about stuff and making it look interesting. The film, then, is a celebration of San Francisco. Problem is, San Francisco may be San Francisco, but it is still a city. So some hardto-credit idealization mixes uneasily with real, street-level violence. (And it’s one thing to make a Sundance movie, another to openly filch a scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.) La Mission is a kind of overexemplified view of San Francisco as a city of healing and refuge: a vision of a place where everyone is wounded, and almost everyone

heals each other. (RvB) :3BB3@A B= 8C:73B

(PG) Amanda Seyfriend vehicle tells the story of an American tourist in Italy who stumbles onto an enchanting letter and decides to learn more about the writer. With Vanessa Redgrave and Gael Garcia Bernal. =13/<A (G; 100 min.) The dearth of narrative thrust and useful informational tidbits are a downside—the creatures swimming by are sometimes identified, sometimes not. They’re arranged by cuteness, color and shape rather than by districts of the ocean, as in the sturdy zonal structure of Earth. Bruno Coulais, the rising composer whose work was key to the success of The Secret of Kells and Coraline, is adept with musical

scoring: the organ is never too heavy and the harp is never too light. You’ll want to miss most of the text; because this is Disney, the anthropomorphic angle is heavy; narrator Pierce Brosnan salutes the ancient wisdom of a sheepshead wrasse, the smoochiness of a walrus and the smiling face of our friend the Great White Shark. Oceans’ cuteness is, you know, for the kids; it’s moments to clutch like a blanket when seeing the bottomless appetites underwater: a horrorsequence of a school of sardines under Scud attack by plummeting cormorants, frigate birds picking off a beachful of baby tortoises as if they were popcorn and a vicious crab/langouste bout that’s as bad as any streetfight. (RvB)

@=07< 6==2 (PG-13;

130 min.) See review, page 31. B63 A31@3B 7< B637@ 3G3A (R;

127 min.) Elegant but staid murder mystery nibbles around the edges of the Dirty War. It’s the “Forget it, Jacobo, it’s Argentinatownâ€? view: the search for justice evaporating in 1974 Buenos Aires, with present-day sequences to frame a reopened investigator. It’s leavened by a fine Mulder and Scully anti-romance between an attractive female criminal investigator for the government, Irene (Soledad Villamil), and her attractively crumbling, Mastroiannish male assistant, Benjamin (Ricardo DarĂ­n). Director Juan Jose

Campanella is a regular director of House M.D. The film is as restless and jokey as a cop procedural show; every scene is on the mark, but there aren’t enough counterpoints to the assured f low of the story. The slick, vengeance-is-mine punch line isn’t very impressive either, though it’s probably why the Academy preferred this to the far better White Ribbon, where the fascist culprits got away. Saying that, though, would be assuming the voters didn’t have eyes for Villamil, an assured 40ish beauty whose performance is the secret in this movie’s success; her covert smile is the film’s signature piece. It won the Oscar for best foreign film. (RvB)

!" j 47:; may 19-26, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; ,)44,% &%!4 !.) $) &2!.#/ 34%6% %!2,% 2/"%24 %!2, +%%. 4(% 7!)&3 0/Â? ')2, '2%' "2/7. (/4 "544%2%$ 25$!6)$ '2)3-!.


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#!22)% 2/$2)'5%: Info/Tix: 415-256-8499, 866-558-4253 ",!-% 3!,,9 www.cumuluspresents.com SPRINGTIME PRICES THRU MAY 24 2/3!,)% 3/22%,3 $!6)$ &2!.#%9 HELD AT BEAUTIFUL BLACK OAK RANCH, 3(%229 !534). "!.$ ¨ LAYTONVILLE, CA 34%6)% #/9,% ¨ -/2% ƒ

03B B63 6=CA3 ‘Casino Jack and the United States of Money’ shows how Jack Abramoff gamed the system.

Royal Flush

Corrupt lobbyist Jack Abramoff is exposed in the documentary ‘Casino Jack’ 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19


UGEAN STABLES that it was, the Bush regime is going to require years of cleansing. An especially fragrant part of that era is the story of Jack Abramoff and the stillat-large Tom DeLay. The sordid tale is told in Alex Gibney’s documentary Casino Jack and the United States of Money. Abramoff’s scams—influence peddling, double-crossing and slave-labor profiteering—haven’t been thoroughly explained in documentary form yet. It’s appropriate that cinema should be used to prosecute Abramoff. He was an exindustry executive who turned to politics as a way of passing on his right-wing views through more effective means than making movies about them. (Betcha didn’t know that the felon in question produced the commie-bashing 1989 Dolph Lundgren stinker Red Scorpion.) A weightlifter by avocation, a thug by behavior, Abramoff gravitated toward the GOP as a Young Republican organizer. He helped lead Ronald Reagan to the side of the contra “freedom fighters� and the apartheid-financed army of Africa’s Jonas Savimbi. He became a lobbyist, the doorkeeper for former Texas bugzapper Tom DeLay, later the Republican Congressional majority whip. As such, Abramoff became one of the biggest boodlers since Boss Tweed, fattened by money from Jew-hating Malaysian leaders,

tribal casinos, Saipan sweatshops and Indian casinos. The chapters are divided by a ragingly good R&B soundtrack—Nina Simone’s “Sinner Man� is especially on point. The director of Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room interviews some of the horrified witnesses to Abramoff ’s career. Subjects include Bay Area Rep. George Miller, who tells a particularly stomach-turning story about the free market at loose in the Marianas Islands. Gibney uses the image of Jimmy Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington as a counterbalance to Abramoff ’s greed. One almost needs this kind of oversimplified patriotism after witnessing such nauseating political cynicism. It’s gratifying to see footage of Abramoff right where he belonged, sweating in front of a congressional hearing and taking more fifths than an alcoholic shoplifter. A movie this cinema heavy deserves one last film reference, though. How about Geoffrey Rush’s line in The Tailor of Panama: “They caught Ali Baba, but they didn’t get the 40 thieves.�

CASINO JACK AND THE UNITED STATES OF MONEY (R; 118 min.), a documentary by Alex Gibney, plays Wednesday–Thursday at the Nick.


may 19-26, 2010

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may 19-26, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; m may a y 19-26, 1 9 - 2 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 3>71C@3 3>71C@3

Onn Silver O Silver Mountain M o u nt a i n

1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1 C@B7A 1/@B73@

The es estate t e that tat Jerry J eerryy O’Brien built eexpands xp pands its tasting tas ting tterritory erritory 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


HE G HE GLASS LASS of of syrah syrah I’m I’m pepper, ssipping ipping eexudes xudes p epper, blackberries b lackberries aand nd tthe he eelusive lusive Cruz tterroir erroir of of the the Santa Santa C ruz Mountains. Mountains. Itt is is one one of of the the reasons reasons the the new Silver Mountain Vineyards new S ilver M ountain V ineyards tasting tasting room room is is a connoisseur’s connoisseur’s destination. destination. Even Even though off the pack though he’s he’s been been aahead head o the p ack in in local winemaking local w inemaking for for 30 30 years, years, focusing focusing on off o organic on pinots pinots and and aan n estate estate o rganic vvines, ines, Jerry O’Brien Jerry O ’Brien ccontinues ontinues to to reinvent reinvent the the ways ways in in which which the the public public can can experience experience his Mountain wines. his Silver Silver M ountain w ines. Att tthe off 2 2009, O’Brien his A he eend nd o 009, O ’Brien cclosed losed h is longtime longtime Cannery Cannery Row Row tasting tasting room room in in Monterey one off tthe Monterey and and moved moved iinto nto o ne o he coveted Street Monterey, coveted IIngalls ngalls S treet sslots. lots. In In M onterey, O’Brien O’Brien ccontends, ontends, tthe he ttasting asting rroom oom was was simply simply one one more more tourist tourist attraction. attraction. “Here, “Here,� he he grins, grins, “people “people come come just just to to taste taste wine. wine.� Especially Especially on on weekends, weekends, when when the the cluster cluster of of tasting tasting rrooms ooms next next door door tto o Kelly’s Kelly’s aattracts ttracts ccrowds rowds of of inquiring inquiring wine wine tasters. tasters. O’Brien’s O’Brien’s sleekly sleekly crafted delivers wide crafted ttasting asting rroom oom d elivers a w ide range range of of vintages vintages by by the the taste, taste, glass glass and and bottle. bottle. At At any any given given time time there’s there’s aq quintet well uintet of of pinot pinot noirs, noirs, aass w ell aass a syrah, syrah, aan n eestate state cchardonnay hardonnay aand nd ssome ome bordeaux bordeaux blends blends to to ssample—five ample—f ive tastes tastes for $5. for $ 5. But O’Brien—a B ut O ’Brien—a rringer inger ffor or tthe he llate ate British British actor actor Stewart Stewart Granger—refuses Granger—refuses to play don’t to p lay ffavorites. avorites. ““II d on’t llike ike tto o influence inf luence people’s people’s assessment, assessment,� he he smiles. do smiles. He He llets ets the the wines wines d o tthe he ttalking. alking. To To further further llevel evel the the playing playing field, f ield, he’s he’s priced pinot noirs $36 priced aall ll tthe he p inot n oirs aatt a ssingle ingle $ 36 rate. The price doesn’t rate. T he p rice ssheet heet d oesn’t ttelegraph elegraph any privileged orr q qualitative any p rivileged vvintages intages o ualitative

;=C<B/7< ;/< Jerry ; =C<B/7< ;/< Jerr y O O’Brien’s ’Brien’s SSilver i l ve r M Mountain o u n ta i n w wines ines showcase showcase the the essence essence of of the the SSanta a n ta C Cruz ruz M Mountains. ountains.

distinctions aamong distinctions mong the the wines. wines. T The he p proof roof iiss iin n the the tasting. tasting. “The “The best best wine, wine, I ttell ell p eople, iiss tthe he o ne tthey hey b uy.� people, one buy. A dmire a b eautifully n uanced Ass I aadmire beautifully nuanced M uns V ineyard Pinot Pinot Noir Noir 2006 2006 Muns Vineyard b rimming w ith b lack ccherry, herry, ccurrants urrants brimming with black aand nd clove, clove, O ’Brien rreveals eveals h ow p leased O’Brien how pleased h ith tthis his new new llocation. ocation. “This “This is is hee iiss w with a tterrific errif ic aarea rea to to sshow how tthe he w ines,� h wines, hee ssays, ays, aadding dding tthat hat tthere here aare re ffew ew ssuch uch cconcentrations oncentrations of of small small tasting tasting rooms rooms aanywhere nywhere iin nC alifornia. O h, m aybe California. Oh, maybe H ealdsburg, b ut p recious ffew ew iin n a sstate tate Healdsburg, but precious b ulging w ith w ineries. bulging with wineries. W ith the the new new tasting tasting room room up up and and With rrunning, unning, the the ssilver-haired ilver-haired w inemaker winemaker h as o ne m ore h urdle tto o cclear. lear. R ight n ow has one more hurdle Right now O ’Brien iiss w orking tto o gget et tthe he p ermits O’Brien working permits iin n place place sso o tthat hat h is w inery, llocated ocated n ear his winery, near S ummit R oad aatt 2 ,100 feet, feet, ccan an b pen Summit Road 2,100 bee o open tto o tthe he p ublic eevery very S aturday. ““The Th he w ine public Saturday. wine

industry iiss o industry one ne o off o our ur o only nly ggrowth rowth iindustries, ndustries,� h ays. ““It’s It’s just just what what this this hee ssays. ccounty ounty needs needs right right now. now.� I ccomment omment on on the the Muns Muns Vineyard Vineyard ffruit. ruit. ““Silver Silver Mountain Mountain is is the the key key p urchaser of of their their grapes, grapes,� h ays. ““We We purchaser hee ssays. h ave aalways lways b ought ggrapes rapes ffrom rom tthem. hem.� have bought O ’Brien ssays ays h lso m akes eeach ach o he O’Brien hee aalso makes off tthe p inots, rregardless egardless o rape ssource, ource, u sing pinots, off ggrape using tthe he same same m ethods. S ow hat II’m ’m ttasting asting methods. So what h as eeverything verything to to do do with with the the place, place, the the has tterroir erroir itself. itself. Another Another ttaste aste o onnet, off S Sonnet, a ssecond econd house house label label of of wines wines made made by by S ilver M ountain consultant consultant Tony Tony Craig Craig Silver Mountain ffrom rom Russian Russian River River grapes, grapes, sshows hows aan n eentirely ntirely d ifferent, m ore fruit-aromatic fruit-aromatic different, more aaspect spect of of the the mercurial mercurial pinot pinot noir noir grape. grape. T he ssmall mall ttasting asting rroom, oom, w rapped The wrapped aaround round a U -shaped polished polished granite granite bar, bar, U-shaped o ffers easy easy aaccess ccess tto oS ilver M ountain’s offers Silver Mountain’s w ines aand nd p romises to to help help cultivate cultivate a wines promises

whole n whole new ew crop crop of of fans fans for for the the estate estate pinot noir, well cchardonnay hardonnay aand nd p inot n oir, as as w ell aass wines tthe he w ines made made from from other other top top Santa Santa Cruz C ruz appellation appellation grapes. grapes. O’Brien O’Brien is is on on hand pour h and to to p our and and provide provide answers answers to to questions q uestions aabout bout grapes grapes and and vineyards, vineyards, ffrom rom oak oak to to clones, clones, at at least least one one day day each each weekend. And patio w eekend. A nd tthis his ssummer ummer tthe he p atio off Silver Mountain’s iin n ffront ront o Silver M ountain’s boutique boutique ttasting asting room room will will blossom blossom with with tables tables ffor or aall ffresco resco ssipping ipping aand nd ffor or eenjoying njoying byy K Kelly’s. ffood ood ccatered atered b elly’s. Sounds holiday destination me. S ounds llike ike a h oliday d estination tto om e. A7:D3@ ;=C<B/7< D7<3G/@2A A7:D3@ ;=C<B/7< D7<3G/@2A B/AB7<5 @==; B /AB7<5 @==;

402 4 02 Ingalls Ingalls St., St., Suite Suite 29, 29, Santa Santa Cruz. Cruz. Thu–Sun T hu–Sun noon–5pm no on–5pm 831.466.0559 8 31.466.0559

!& j 27<3@¸A 5C723 may 19-26, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com. American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, lunch 11am-2pm, dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves superfresh 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


California cuisine. Nightly specials include prime rib and lobster. Daily 7am-2am.

203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz


$ Santa Cruz

16/@:73 6=<5 9=<5

$$ Santa Cruz $$ Santa Cruz

1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588

1141 Soquel Ave, 831. 426.5664


110 Church St, 831.429.2000 B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. California organic meets Southeast Asian street food. Organic noodle & rice bowls, vegan menu, fish & meat options, Vietnamese-style sandwiches, eat-in or to-go. Consistent winner “Best Cheap Eats.� Open daily 11am-11pm. American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadoran pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm.

j !'

A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 19-26, 2010 27<3@¸A 5C723

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

$$ Santa Cruz

7 :=D3 ACA67

$$ Santa Cruz

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close. Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm. Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily.

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782

Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

$$ Santa Cruz


Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon.

$$ Santa Cruz

>/17471 B6/7

49B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

@=G/: B/8 1C7A7<3

Santa Cruz

270 Soquel Ave, 831.427.2400

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930

$$ Santa Cruz

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

$$ Santa Cruz

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010

$$ Santa Cruz


C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Indian. World-famous Indian curries, vegetarian and nonvegetarian dishes. Authentic Indian food at affordable prices. $8.95 lunch buffet Mon-Thu 11:30am -2:30pm; Fri-Sun 11am-3pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am. Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Lunch Wed-Sat noon2pm; dinner Mon-Thu 5-10pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close. Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm. Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. $ 87/ B3::/¸A Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

40 |

may 19-26, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

Water W ater conser conservation vation iss crucial in Santa Cruz County County. y. Learn Learn about local water shortages shortages for the City C of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Creek Water Water District and the role of conservation in building sustainable water supply portfolios. Can We Conserve Our Way to Water Supply Sufficiency?

This meeting will provide an opportunity to: • Learn how conservation is factored into water supply planning • Learn about existing and new conservation programs • Learn about the opportunities and limitations on what more can be done • Ask questions during the Q/A Session

Thursday, May 27 6:30–8:30pm For more info: www.scwd2desal.org

Simpkins Swim Center 979 17th Avenue Santa Cruz, CA 95062

Sponsored by the City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District The first in a series of scwd2 community informational meetings. Para más información sobre esta junta, por favor llame al 831-475-8500

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$50/one $ 50 /one full full hour hour session session Senior S enior Discount Dis ount

j "

A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 19-26, 2010 /AB@=:=5G

Astrology Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of May 19 /@73A (March 21–April 19): All of us have gaps in our education. You and I and everyone else alive have dank pockets of ignorance that diminish our humanity and musty pits of naivete that prevent us from seeing truths that are obvious to others. We all lack certain skills that hold us back from being more fulfilled in our chosen fields. That’s the bad news, Aries. The good news is that the gaps in your education will be up for review in the coming weeks—which means that it’ll be an excellent time to make plans to fill them. Here’s a good way to get started: Be aggressive in identifying the things that you don’t even know you don’t know. B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): You don’t have to answer to anybody this week, Taurus. You don’t have to defend yourself, explain yourself, or compromise yourself. I mean, you can do those things if you want to be super extra nice, but there won’t be any hell to pay if you don’t. It’s one of those rare times when you have more power than usual to shape the world in accordance with your vision of what the world should be. I’ll go so far as to say that the world needs you to be very assertive in imposing your will on the f low of events. Just one caveat: Mix a generous dose of compassion in with your authoritative actions. 53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): When Paul McCartney first got the inspiration to write the song “Yesterday,� he had the melody and rhythm but couldn’t get a feel for what the lyrics should be. For a while, as he was waiting for the missing words to pop into his brain, he used nonsense stand-in phrases. The dummy version of the first line was “Scrambled eggs, oh my dear, you have such lovely legs.� This approach could be useful for you in the coming weeks, Gemini. As you create a fresh approach or novel departure in your own life, you might want to show the patience McCartney did. Be willing to keep moving ahead even though you don’t have the full revelation quite yet.

1/<13@ ( June 21–July 22): I suspect you’re going to feel a bit constrained in the coming weeks, Cancerian—maybe even imprisoned. I suggest you make the best of it. Rather than feeling sorry for yourself and spiraling down into a dark night of the soul, try this: Imagine that you’re a resourceful hermit who’s temporarily under house arrest in an elegant chalet with all the amenities. Regard this “incarceration� as a chance to start work on a masterpiece, or upgrade your meditation practice, or read a book you’ve needed an excuse to lose yourself in. Believe it or not, your “deprivation� could be one of the best things that has happened to you in a while. :3= (July 23–Aug. 22): I won’t be surprised if people begin to compete for your attention. There may even be some pushing and shoving as they jostle to get closer to you. At the very least, you can expect a f lurry of requests for your time and energy. What’s this all about? Well, your worth seems to be rising. Either your usefulness is f lat-out increasing or else those who’ve underestimated you in the past are finally tuning in to what they’ve been missing. So here’s my question and concern: Will you get so seduced by what everyone asks you to give them that you lose sight of what you really want to give them? I suspect there will be a difference. D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): I’m not saying that you should create a superhero identity for yourself and embark on a campaign to combat injustice. But if you’ve ever wondered whether the life of a costumed crusader is right for you, it’s an excellent time to experiment. Your courage will be expanding in the coming weeks. Your craving for adventure will be strong, too. Even more importantly, your hunger to do good deeds that reach beyond your own selfinterest will be growing. Interested? Check out the Superhero Supply website to get yourself operational. It’s at www.superherosupplies.com.

:70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): All 26 of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ stories about Tarzan are set in Africa, but he never once visited that continent. And Bram Stoker didn’t feel the need to travel to the Transylvanian region of Romania in order to write about it in his novel Dracula. But I don’t recommend this approach to you in the coming weeks, Libra. If you want to cultivate something new in your life by drawing on an exotic inf luence, I think you should immerse yourself in that exotic inf luence, at least for a while. If you want to tap into the inspiration

available through an unfamiliar source, you need to actually be in the presence of that unfamiliar source.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): Why would you choose this bright, sunny moment to descend into the dark places and explore the fermenting mysteries? What renegade impulse would move you to turn away from the predictable pleasures and easy solutions, and instead go off in quest of more complex joys and wilder answers? Here’s what I have to say about that: I think you long to be free of transitory wishes and f leeting dreams for a while so that you can get back into alignment with your deeper purposes. You need to take a break from the simple obsessions of your grayish, poker-faced ego, and re-attune yourself to the call of your freaky, evergreen soul.

A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): Sufi holy man Ibn ’Ata Allah was speaking about prayer when he said the following: “If you make intense supplication and the timing of the answer is delayed, do not despair of it. His reply to you is guaranteed; but in the way He chooses, not the way you choose, and at the moment He desires, not the moment you desire.� While I don’t claim to be able to perfectly decipher the will of the divine, my astrological research suggests that you will soon get a definitive answer to a question you’ve been asking for a long time. It may come softly and quietly, though, and from a direction you don’t expect, and with a nuance or two that’ll test your ref lexes. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): “Is Fast Food Too Tempting?� read a headline in The Week magazine. The accompanying article discussed whether people have the right to blame and even sue McDonald’s and Burger King for their health problems. In my opinion, we might as well add other allegedly appealing poisons to the discussion. “Is heroin too tempting?� “Is cheating on your lover or spouse too tempting?� “Is watching TV five hours a day too tempting?� I hope you’re seeing where I’m going with this, Capricorn. The coming weeks will be a good time to take personal responsibility for any supposedly fun activity you’re doing that warps your character or saps your energy. It’s prime time to end your relationship with stuff that’s bad for you.

/?C/@7CA ( Jan. 20–Feb. 18): “The mind loves order, the heart loves chaos, and the gut loves action,� says my astrological colleague Antero Alli. The ideal situation is to honor each of these needs, keeping them in a dynamic balance. But now and then, it’s healthy to emphasize one over the other two. According to my astrological analysis, you’re entering one of those times when the heart’s longing for chaos should get top priority. But if you do choose to go this way, please promise me one thing: Do your best to tilt toward the fascinating, rejuvenating kind of chaos and tilt away from the disorienting, demoralizing kind. >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): When people are truly dehydrated, the impulse that tells them they’re thirsty shuts down. That’s why they may not know they’re suffering from a lack of water. In a metaphorically similar way, Pisces, you have been deprived so long of a certain kind of emotional sustenance that you don’t realize what you’re missing. See if you can find out what it is, and then make measured (nondesperate!) plans to get a big, strong inf lux of it. The cosmic rhythms will be on your side in this effort!

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Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

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may 19-26, 2010 S a n t a c r u z .co m


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S a n t a c r u z .co m may 19-26, 2010 C L ASS I F I E DS

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N ITY g TOTUN Flin m H R IG PO ng 4p g BR OP pri 1- usinos W ING /S , oho pt NEOUS use 23n Cve, A -H Ho y hto Dri a g CO en M Bri uel Op n New Soq

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THE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE The cacophony of the over-loud television in the next condo was keeping Clara awake, again. Come on, she thought, it’s 2 am! She would have to confront her neighbor in the morning; this endless sleepless situation was driving her crazy. Add to that the quarreling of the young couple on the other side who chose the dinner hour each evening to vent their frustrations with each other. Clara was about ready to sell her place after just having moved in two months ago. Then, she had been so excited and happy to buy her first home after years of saving and careful planning. She had attended a home owners meeting last month, but the elected officers ignored her complaints and she felt isolated and detached from the others and very out of sorts. As a single woman, she had hoped to at least make a few acquaintances in her complex or at least enjoy living in a pleasant atmosphere. Contrast this with an intentional, cohousing environment. Instead of having strangers all around you, problems that seem irresolvable and a sense of not belonging, you start by meeting the community you want and choose to live with. You meet them first over a meal, where you observe how the community relates to each other and see how each member is respected and listened to. You attend a monthly business meeting where you see how the community is organized, who is taking care of what, you choose a committee to join. It could involve maintenance, gardening, bookkeeping, wherever you want to contribute, because you are a group working together, you all own the common areas together, you share ideas and all aspects for the neighborhood you have chosen to join. Which sounds better? You are invited to come to an orientation/Open House at the New Brighton Cohousing Community on Sunday May 23, 2010 from 1-4pm and see for yourself. The community has one home for sale, a 2 bedroom 2 bath, in excellent condition at the amazing price of $287,000. You also get, good neighbors, friends, a community garden, a community meeting house, delicious meals shared twice weekly, a say in your community, a playground, and all in a great location in Aptos by the corner of Park Ave. and Soquel Ave, 6020 Soquel Drive near Cabrillo College, beaches, the village of Capitola and nearby freeway access. Come for fun, videos, food and live music. Kids are welcome.

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