THRILL KILL KULTURE T KULLTURE IIndustrial, ndustrial,, light and tragic tragic pp52 52 52 EENDORSEMENTS NDORSEMENTS SState tate props props an and nd local measures measures pp88
M AY AY 22666-J 6--J U N E 1 , 2 0 011 0 | V O L . 26, 2 6, 6 , N O . 1 1 | S I L I C O N VA V A L L E Y, Y, C A | F R E E
2009 CNPA
Fantasy and virtual reality collide at sexy nerdfest p20
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2010 Summer Summer e Concert Concert S Series eries June J une 3 C Cold old War Wa ar Kids Kids – Channel Channel 9 92.3 2.3 ((Alternative Alternative R Rock) ock) June Lenny with Prince Damons KBLX FM J une 10 Lenn y Williams Williams wit w h Pr ince D amons – K BLX 1102.9 02.9 F M ((R&B) R&B) J un ne 1177 Ska talites – MOViN MOViN 997 997 (Ska/Reggae) (Ska/Reggae) June Skatalites
FREE F REE Thursday Thursda ay Concerts Con ncerts 5: 30 - 9 :15 5p .m. 5:30 9:15 p.m. P laza de C esa ar Cha havez Plaza Cesar Chavez D owntown San nJ ose os Downtown Jose
J une 24 BoD eans – KF OG G9 7.7 S J/104.5 S F (R ock/Pop) June BoDeans KFOG 97.7 SJ/104.5 SF (Rock/Pop) J uly 1 Th e Eng lish Bea ALICE@97.3 (Ska/New ALI (Ska/New W ave) The English Beatt – ALICE@97.3 Wave) July J July uly 8 T Tonic onic aand nd Gr Green een n River River Ordinance Ordinance – MIX 106 1106.5 .5 (R (Rock/Pop) ock/Pop)
408 -279-1775 408-279-1775 m
July Don Carlos LIVE (Reggae) J uly 15 D on C arlos – LIV VE 105 (R eggae) J uly 22 22 Th eG aslight An t em – Channel th Channel 9 2 3 ((Alternative 2.3 Alternative R o k) oc July The Gaslight Anthem 92.3 Rock) J uly 229 9 P ete Escovedo Escovedo Or O chestra – (Latin/Jazz) (Latin/Jazz) July Pete Orchestra A ug 5 F oreverland – 98.1 98 8.1 KISS FM (Michael (Michael JJackson ackson T ribute B and) Foreverland Tribute Band) Aug
Visit F Visit Fahrenheit’s ahrenheit’s R Restaurant e aurrant an est and d Lounge L ounge in th the eP Park, ark, serving cr creative eative sangria sangr ng ia ccocktails ocktails an d aaward ward winning ccuisine. uisine n . and
A Aug ug 1122 Ee Eek-A-Mouse k-A-Mouse – LIVE L 105 (R (Reggae) eggae) Aug Y&T Rock) A ug 119 9 Y& T – 98.5 98.5 KFOX KFOX (Classic (Classic R ock) A ug 26 P ato B anton – ALICE@97.3 AL LICE@97.3 (R eggae) Aug Pato Banton (Reggae)
A San San JJose ose D Downtown owntown A Association ssociation P Production roducction | Su Supported pported in par partt b by yaC Cultural ultural Aff Affairs airs gr grant a t from an from the the C City ity of S San an JJose ose | D Design: esign: Joshua Joshua S Swanbeck wanbeck & d design:tn esign:tn /
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Ballerina Bandit N_Xk b`e[ f] [flZ_\YX^ jk\Xcj ]ifd X ^XiX^\ jXc\6 N\cc# pfl befn n_f pfl Xi\% N_\e n\ ^fk Yljp n`k_ g\fgc\ c`e`e^ lg kf gXp ]fi jkl]]Æp\j# G8PÆn_`Z_ `j _fn dfjk [\Z\ek g\fgc\ c\^Xccp XZhl`i\ k_`e^j# pfl dX[\ f]] n`k_ k_\ ;i\j[\e YXcc\i`eX% K_`e^ `j# @ nXj j\cc`e^ `k Z_\Xg% 9lk @ ^l\jj k_`\m\j Xi\ k_`\m\j# Xe[ pfl aljk nXek\[ `k# jf pfl jkfc\ `k% Jf# @Êcc Y\ jZfli`e^ cfZXc Xek`hl\ j_fgj Xe[ \9Xp% @kÊj Y\\e i\gfik\[% 8e[ `] @ j\\ k_\ fc[ >\idXe gfiZ\cX`e YXcc\i`eX n\Xi`e^ k_\ Ycl\ Yf[`Z\ `e X cfZXc j_fg fi fec`e\# @ n`cc dXb\ `k hl`k\ Zc\Xi `k nXj kXb\e ]ifd dp ^XiX^\ jXc\% @ _fg\ pfl Yifb\ `k fe pfli nXp flk# jf pfl nfeÊk \eafp `k%
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LLegal egal Revolutionary R volutionary Re I aam m vvery ery disappointed disappointed and an nd cconcerned. oncerned. I hold hold most most dear dearr my my rreputation; eputattion; my my ethical ethicall record record is is unblemished, u nblemished, and an nd my my reputation reputation outstanding aass an no utstanding lawyer lawyer places places mee among m am mong the the top top choices choices for for trial trial
aattorneys ttorneys iin nS Santa an nta C Clara lara County. County. No No llawyer awyer ccomes omes cclose lose tto om ecord o myy rrecord off public p ublic sservice ervice an and nd m myy d dedication edication tto op ublic llegal egall education educattion ffrom rom public llaw aw rreview eview ar articles rticles tto o tthe he llargest argest ccollection ollection o nvestigative rreports eports o off iinvestigative off practical p racctical llegal egall iinformation nformation on on the the IInternet. nternet. I have have b uilt a reputation reputation built tthat hat I ccannot an nnot aallow llow tto ob bee llibeled. ibeled. I ttake ake very very sseriously eriously a ffalse alse statement statement tthat hat I ccounterfeit ounterfeit U U.S. .S. ccurrency urrency aand nd ccarry arry a w alletful of of fake fake $2 $2 bills bills and and walletful distribute d istribute tthem hem ((“The “The D DA A aand nd tthe he Prosecutor, P rosecutor,” Cover Cover S Story, tory, May May 5). 5). That Thatt iiss ccharging harging me me with with a federal federal felony. felony. Enclosed E nclosed aare re fi five ve $ $2 2 [[bills], bills], tthe he ttype ype I ccarry arrry aand nd ggive ive o out ut tto o vvisitors isitors tto om myy office. office. T They hey aare re n not ot ffake. ake. T This his iiss rreal eal llegal egall U U.S. .S. tender. tender. IItt does does ccarry arry tthe he p painting ainting by by John John Trumbull Trumbull of of tthe he S Signing igning o off tthe he D Declaration eclaration o off
have used IIndependence. ndependence. I h ave llong ong u sed 11776 776 aass a logo logo because because I have have great greatt rrespect espect off llawyers ffor or tthe he ssmall mall ggroup roup o awyers who who organized o rganized a successful successful revolution revolution aagainst gainst England England and an nd launched launched tthe he U.S.. On U .S.. O n a much much ssmaller maller scale, scale, tthis his what on iiss w hat we we do do when when we we take tak ke o n the the llargest argest corporations corporations in in significant significant cclass-actions lasss-acctions and and toxic toxic personal personall injury injury This ccases. ases. T his has hass to to be be ccorrected orrected aand nd sset et sstraight. traight. RICHARD R ICHARD ALEXANDER, ALEXANDER, SSAN AN JJOSE OSE See See the the complete complete letter letter at at
Lost Lo st RE print vversion ersion of Met M Metro: ro: Wher Wheree the hell is the ttable able off ccontents? ontents? Don’t Don ’t yyou ou rread ead yyour our own o paper? pap er? RICHARD R ICHARD FERRY, FERRY, SSAN AN JJOSE OSE
Doo N D Noo H Harm arm As I watched As watch hed footage footage of the oil spill, I felt felt e a tr em mendous sense of grief tremendous and horror. horror. Corporations Corporations seem willing to ttake ake any an ny risk, an yplace, anyplace, anytime. an ytime. But B it it’s ’s suicidal. Will Wiill BP rreally eally pa ay the full ccost ost of what pay the they’ve y’ve do done? one? I would like like to see those who run the ccompanies ompaanies in volved and the involved egulating charged agencies ch harged with rregulating them held d ac countable. And not accountable. on the wrist or fines just with slaps s they ccan an eeasily asily pa ay and write off ff. they pay off. Let’s terrorists L et’s get rreal. e If terr eal. orists ccaused aused this kind of da amage, the y’d be be facing damage, they’d life imprisonment lif fe impris onment at least. And this lo oks like like terr orism to me looks terrorism me.. MOSS M OSS HENRY, HENRY, SANTA SANTA ROSA ROSA
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Propositions P roposition s ns & Measu M Measures ures to back from b k down d f om fr m the h challenge. challenge.
N`k_ jkXk\n`[\ Xe[ cfZXc Zi`j\j dlck`gcp`e^# k_`j p\XiÊj Zifg f] gifgfj`k`fej Xe[ cfZXc d\Xjli\j `eZcl[\j jfd\ `dgfikXek [\Z`j`fej
Yes Y ees IN one day day last week, 15 earthquakes ear thquakes e occurred occurred worldwide.. Of w worldwide Of course, course, one of a small them was was in i California, Califfornia, o magnitu 1.7 magnitude ude temblor on the Mexican M Me xic i an border. bor o der d r. Earthquakes E thquak Ear h kes are are a daily occurrence occurrence in the Golden State, State a , and this year’s year’s Proposition Pr oposition n 13 is aimed at homeowners m making hom meowners at least a little little bit safer s feer when the next saf neexxt hitts. b one hits. big Like L ike its its circa-’78 circa-’78 namesake, nam mesake, this this proposition p roposition deals deals with with property property ttaxes. axes. But But unlike unlike the the other, other, stillstillccontroversial ontroversial one, one, this this Prop. Prop. 13 13 is is vvirtually irtually unopposed. unopposed. Currently, C urrently, homeowners homeowners who who perform p erform seismic seismic retrofits retrofits on on their their homes, h omes, particularly particularrly those those built built of of nonreinforced n onreinforced masonry massonry (known (known to to most off us m ost o us as as “bricks”), “bricks”), may may find find their their
home vvalues home allues reassessed reasssessed after after tthey’ve hey’ve made m ad de iimprovements. mprovements. Under new U nder tthe he n ew Prop. Prop. 113, 3, seismic seismic rretrofitting etrofitting would would not not result result in in higher higher property until building p roperty ttaxes axes u ntil tthe he b uilding iiss ssold, old, ggiving iving homeowners homeowners a chance chance to to all aact ct before before iit’s t’s al ll a rrubble. ubble. Estimations are may E stimations ar re that that there there m ay bee a ssmall property b malll drop drop iin n local local p roperty ttax ax passage rrevenues evenues rresulting esulting from from tthe he p asssagge off Prop. unwarranted o Prop. 113, 3, but but no no other other u nwarran nted eeffects ffeects are ff are fforecast. orecast.
Noo N THE bipartisan THE T bipartisan group group California announced C aliffo ornia Forward Forward announced last la ast year year that it was was workingg on o n a package package of constitutional constitution nal amendments am mendments designed to shatter sh hatter the gridlock gridlock that hass paralyzed p aralyzed Sacramento and California m made Califfo ornia essentially ungovernable. month u ungo vernable. A few few months hs later, la aterr, inertia inertia forced fo orced the group grou up
The T he ssubstance ubstan nce o off Prop. Prop. 114 4 ccomes omes ffrom rom tthat hat rreform eform eeffort. ffo ff ort. W ithout tthe he Without aaccompanying ccompanying measures, measures, however, however, it it ccould ould vvery ery w ell rreplace eplacce o ne p olitical well one political p roblem with with another an nother potentially potentially problem b igger problem. problem. bigger P rop. 114 4w ould do do aaway way w ith p arty Prop. would with party p rimarries and and replace replace them them with with an n primaries ““open open primary, primarry,” in in which which Democrats, Democrats, R epublican ns, Greens, Greens, L ibertarrian ns an nd Republicans, Libertarians and P eacce & F reedom ccandidates andidates w ould Peace Freedom would b attle it it out. out. The The top top two two vvote-getters ote-getters battle w ould win win the the opportunity opportunity to to face face o ff would off iin n a general generall election. election. S upporters cclaim laim the the amendment amendment Supporters w ould diminish diminish the the power power of of the the two two would m ain parties, parties, and and more more importantly, importantly, main tthe he sspecial pecial iinterests—unions nterests—unions an nd b ig and big b usiness—who w ield such such power power over over business—who wield tthe he p arties. parties. B ut tthere’s here’s n o gguarantee uarran antee tthat hat But no ssimply imply doing doing aaway way w ith the the p rimaries with primaries w ill have have any any such such effect. eff ffeect. IIn n fact, fac act, the the will o pposite could could happen. hap ppen. opposite T he p roposition sstates: tates: ““Political Political The proposition p arrties may may establish establish such such procedures procedures parties aass they they ssee ee fi o eendorse ndorse o upport fitt tto orr ssupport ccandidates andidates or or otherwise otherwise participate participate in in aall ll elections, elections, an nd they they may may informally informally and ‘‘nominate’ nominate’ candidates candidates for for election election tto o vvoter-nominated oter-nominated offices offices aatt a p arty party cconvention onvention o hatever llawful awful orr b byy w whatever m echanism they they sso o cchoose, hoose, o ther mechanism other tthan han n at at state-conducted state- conducted primary primary eelections. lections.” W hat’s tto o keep keep llobbyists obbyists and and p arty What’s party iinsiders nsiders ffrom rom holding holding backroom backroom m eetings with with their their moneyed moneyed meetings ssponsors, ponsors, aand nd then then funneling funneling gobs gobs o ash tto o ttheir heir cchosen hosen ccandidates? andidates? off ccash N othing. T he o nly tthing hing Prop. Prop. 114 4d oes Nothing. The only does iiss ttake ake tthe he vvoters oters o ut o he p icture. out off tthe picture. C allifornia needs needs comprehensive comprehensive California p olitical reform, reform, aalong long the the llines ines political o hat California California Forward Forward off w what rrecommended. ecommended. P rop. 114 4 iisn’t sn’t it. it. Prop.
Yes Y ees THE California THE Calliffornia o Fair Elections Act A ct would wou uld ttake ake a small step toward special interests ests tow ard getting g ting sp get ecial inter out of campaigns by creating eating campaigns a by cr a pilot il program prrogram for for o publicly bli l funded elections. e elections . It would ffocus, ocus, ffor o orr ssymbolic ymbolic reasons, reasons, on the vvery state officee that e y st er ate offic oversees o versees balloting. balloting. Candidates C andidates ffor or ssecretary ecretary o off sstate tate would have option off ttapping w ould h ave tthe he o ption o ap pping pool iinto nto a p ool of of money money collected collected from from off a rregistered egistered llobbyists obbyists ((in in tthe he fform orm o $700 using $ 700 ffee ee eevery very ttwo wo yyears) ears) aand nd u sing ostensibly iitt to to fund fund ttheir heir ccampaigns, ampaigns, o stensibly obligations big ffreeing reeing tthem hem ffrom rom o bligations to to b ig donors. The would also d onors. T he iinitiative nitiative w ould al lso llift ift California’s ban on public C allifornia’’s 20-year 20-yearr b an o np ublic financing off ccampaigns, paving fi nancing o am mpaigns, p aving tthe he way publicly w ay ffor or ffuture uture p ublicly ffunded unded rraces. aces. The most T he m ost ccommon ommon ccriticism riticism of of would waste tthis his iinitiative—that nitiative—that iitt w ould w aste hard-earned dollars— ttaxpayers’ axpayers’ h arrd-earrned d ollars— utterly overlooks u tterly o verlooks the the fact fact that that funding funding would not would ccome ome ffrom rom lobbyists, lobbyists, n ot Another ttaxpayers. axpayers. A nother ccriticism—that riticism—thatt ttaxing axing lobbyists lobbyists tto o ffund und eelections lections has been proven unconstitutional— h as b een p roven u nconstitutionall— doesn’t account d oesn’t ttake ake iinto nto ac ccount tthe he ffact act tthat hat not modest tthis his iiss a ffee, ee, n ot a ttax, axx, aand nd a m odest one o ne aatt tthat hat ((the the ffailed aaiiled ttax, ax, llevied evied iin n Vermont, was hefty percent off V ermont, w as a h efty 5 p ercent o ggross ross iincome). ncome). Others Ot hers ffret ret tthat hat iit’s t’s a ggateway ateway tto oa byy ffat-cat politicians ggold old rrush ush b at-cat p oliticians eeager ager with tto o sstick tick taxpayers taxpayers w ith ttheir heir ccampaign ampaign bills. That’s pure Tea Party b ills. T hat’s p ure T ea P arty rrhetoric hetoric bee iignored. aand nd sshould hould b gnored. Wee ssay one W ay o ne sstep tep aatt a ttime. ime. Supporters point S upporters p oint to to successful successful ““fair fair five eelections” lections” frameworks fram meworks iin nfi ve sstates tates
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
8 could cost could cosst the most needy Californians C aliffo orniians some serious money. mone y.
JD8IK 9<K J D8IK 9<K 8 8 e\n jkX[`ld `e JXekX :cXiX n`cc Y\ ^ff[ ]fi k_\ Z`kp Xe[ e\n jkX[`ld `e JXekX :cXiiX n`cc Y\ ^ff[ ]fi k_\ Z`kp Xe[ [ k_\ k_\ i\^`feÆXe[ Xj X Yfelj# n`cc Yi`e^ X Jlg\i 9fnc kf k_\ 9Xp 8i\X% i\^`feÆ ÆXe[ Xj X Yfeljj# n`cc Yi`e^ X Jl lg\i 9fnc kf k_\ 9Xp 8i\X% and relate and relatte intriguing intriguing anecdotes anecdotes about ab bout w hat eelected lected officials officials can can accomplish acccomplish what w hen tthey’re hey’re beholden beholden to to no no one one when ((one one such such story story involves involves an an insurance insurance ccommissioner ommissioner actually actuallly ordering ordering iinsurance nsuran nce companies companies to to roll roll back back rrates ates an nd issue issue rebates rebates to to overcharged overcharrged and p atients). There’s There’s very very little little to to lose lose patients). h ere and an nd an an awful awful lot lot to to gain. gain. here
Noo N THE “Taxpayers THE “T Taaxp paayers Right to Vote Vo ote A ct,”” as it’s it’s b een dubb ed b Act,” been dubbed byy its corporate corporatte sponsor, sponsorr, has a patriotic ring rin ng to it. But this initiativ h nothing to do initiativee has with an existing x anyy existing right to vvote. ote. When n local local politicians politicians p oint out that t Prop. 16’s 16’s point Prop. purposse is to eliminate sole purpose cconsumer onsumer choic cchoice, e, and ccould ould cripple local local a governments governments seeking alternative gy alteernative ener energy sour ces, they theey ar orrect. sources, aree ccorrect.
Prop. P rop. 116 6 is is rreally eally about ab bout the the R Right ight tto o Sell—and Sell—an nd who who owns owns the the right right to to p rovide eenergy nergy tto o tthe he p ublic. IIff iitt provide public. p asses, C as allifornians would would be be tied tied to to passes, Californians jjust ust a handful handful of of energy energy companies, companies, aand nd ttheir heir d ominan nce iin n existing existing an nd dominance and n ew m arkets w ould essentially essentially be be new markets would w ritten iinto nto tthe he sstate tate cconstitution. onstitution. written T hough tthree hree iinvestor-owned nvestor-owned Though u tility ccompanies ompanies w ould benefit benefit utility would ffrom rom tthis his ar rrangement, just just one one has has arrangement, fi nanced tthe he Y es o n 116 6 ccampaign. am mpaign. financed Yes on S ince the the beginning beginning of of this this year, yearr, Since P G&E has has sspent pent more more than than $35 $35 PG&E m illion o n tthe he ccause. au use. million on IIff P rop. 116 6p asses, it it would would amend am mend Prop. passes, tthe he sstate tate constitution constitution to to require require a ttwo-thirds wo -thirds aapproval pproval (rather (rather tthan han na ssimple imple m ajority) b local vvoters oters b efore majority) byy local before aC ommunity C hoice A ggregation Community Choice Aggregation ((CCA) CCA) ccould ould p rovide electricity electricity tto o provide aany ny new new ccustomers ustomers iiff there there w as an ny was any p ublic m oney o ebt iinvolved. nvolved. IItt public money orr d debt w ould rrequire equire tthe he ssame ame ttwo-thirds wo-thirds would aapproval pproval b ny community community that that a byy an any C CA w anted to to expand expand into, into, whether whether CCA wanted o ot p ublic money money or or b onds were were orr n not public bonds iinvolved. nvolved. IIn n iits ts as ssessment of of the the assessment iinitiative, nitiattive, tthe he iindependent ndependent Legislative Legislattive A nallyst’s Offi ce ssaid aid tthe he vvoteroterAnalyst’s Office aapproval pproval rrequirements equirements ccould ould d eter deter ccommunities ommunities from from p ursuing CCA CCA pursuing
aatt all. all. District District 3 Sen. Sen. Mark Mark Leno Leno has hass ccalled alled it it ““aa stake stake in in the the heart heart o off C CCA. CA.” Proponents P roponents o off tthe he m measure eassure say say tthe he eelectricity lectricity b business usiness is is risky, risky, and and vvoters oters sshould hould b bee aable ble to to vote vote w when hen p public ublic money m oney iiss b being eing leveraged. leveraged. O Opponents pponents ssay ay Prop. Prop. 16 16 is is just just a thinly thinly veiled veiled manipulation m an nipulation of of the the initiative initiattive process, process, aand nd that that it it would would constitutionally constitutionally gguarantee uarran ntee a monopoly monopoly for for ccompanies ompanies llike ike P PG&E. G&E.
Noo N IF the Continuous Continuouss Coverage Coverage A uto Insurance Insurance Discount Discount Auto A ct sounds too too good go ood to be be Act true it’s because because itt is. is. This act true,, it’s allows consumers consumers to qualify qualiffy q ffor o or a continuous continuous coverage coverage disc ount while still stilll shopping discount ar ound for fo or the lowest low west rate, rate, around pr omoting competition competition e promoting in the fr ee market. market. But itt would also free ha ave a pernicious pernicious effect eff ffeect that have
IIff p passed, assed, iinsurance nsuran nce ccompanies ompanies would b would bee p permitted ermitted tto o aask sk a cconsumer onsumer ffor or p proof roof o off auto auto insurance insurance ffor or tthe he llast ast fi five ve yyears ears w without ithout an any ny llapse ap pse o over ver 9 90 0d days, ays, eeven ven iiff h hee o orr sshe he hadn’t h adn’t b been een d driving riving d during uring tthat hatt ttime. ime. IIff tthe he cconsumer onsumer ccan’t an’t p prove rove ccoverage, overage, aan n aautomatic utomat atic p penalty enallty o off u up p tto o$ $1,000 1,000 ccould ould b bee aadded dded tto o tthe he p premium. remium. Like L ike Prop. Prop. 116, 6, iit’s t’s eentirely ntirely b backed acked b byy one o ne ccompany, ompan any, iin n tthis his ccase, ase, M Mercury ercury IInsurance. nsuran nce. The allure off P Prop. T he al llure o rop. 1177 iiss tthat hatt cconsumers onsumers w ho cchoose hoose tto o sswitch witch who iinsurers nsurers ccan an k eep ttheir heir ccontinuous ontinuous keep ccoverage overagge d iscount an nd ttake ak ke iitt w ith discount and with tthem, hem, ssaving aving u p tto o$ 250 a yyear. ear. P rop. up $250 Prop. 1177 p romises a 9 0- day ggrace race p eriod iiff promises 90-day period d rivers llapse apse o n ttheir heir ccar arr iinsurance nsuran nce drivers on p ayments. U nder ccurrent urrent llaw, aw, iiff payments. Under d rivers q ualify ffor or tthe he ccontinuous ontinuous drivers qualify ccoverage overagge d iscount an nd tthen hen sswitch witch discount and iinsurers, nsurers, tthey hey ccannot annot ttake ak ke tthat hat d iscount w ith tthem hem tto oan ew discount with new ccompany. ompan ny. P enalties b ased o n ccoverage overage Penalties based on h istory w ere made made iillegal llegall iin n 11988 988 b history were byy vvoters oters ass a d iscriminatory p ractice. discriminatory practice. P rop. 1177 ccould ould eeasily asily m ake iinsurance nsurance Prop. make ccompanies ompan nies lless ess aaccountable ccountable w hile while ggiving iving tthem hem tthe he ab bility tto o rraise aiise ability p remiums an nd aadd dd p enalties. premiums and penalties.
Yes Y ees AS this issue issue goes goes to press, press, the National National Football Football League League has just decided d that the 2014 Sup er Bowl owl will take take place place in Bo Super N ew Jersey’s Jersseey’ y s Meadowlands New St adium, home to the N ew Stadium, New Y o ork Giants Giaants and JJets. ets. Ev eryone York Everyone in the New New York York o metr opolitan metropolitan area is happy haappy today—and today—and not area just football football fans. fans. The nation’s nation’s porting event event will biggest ssporting bring hu undreds of millions of hundreds
IIff voters voters in in Santa Santa Clara Clara decide decide to to San aallow llow tthe he S an Francisco Francisco 49ers 49ers to to build b uild a sstadium, tadium, the the same same thing thing will will happen here—that’s h app en h ere—that’s a stone-cold stone- cold The Meadowlands llock. o ck. T he M eadowlands was was selected selected forr Super Bowl fo Sup er B owl XLVII XLVII because b ecause the the New Sports Ne w JJersey ersey S por ts Authority Authority just just built new b uilt a n ew stadium stadium there. there. Last Last year, year, Superbowl was tthe he S up erb owl w as held held in in North North Arlington, Texas, A rling ton, T exas, right right after aft fter Dallas Dallas Cowboy’s owner C owb oy’s o wner Jerry Jerry Jones Jones built built a sstadium tadium there. there. That’s That’s how how it it works. works. This not T his iiss n ot tto o ssay ay that that Santa San nta Clarans C larans sshould hould vvote ote yes yes on on Measure Meassure bring Super J jjust ust to to b ring a S uper Bowl Bowl to to neighborhood tthe he n eighborhood (or (or the the World World Cup—also possibility). C up —allso a p ossibility). This This measure measure deserves d eserves ssupport upport because because the the stadium stad dium will big positive w ill have have a b ig p ositive impact impact on on the the rregion—economic egion—economic and and otherwise. otherwise. Building B uilding tthe he sstadium tadium will will mean mean off cconstruction a bunch bunch o onstruction jobs jobs right right now, down n ow, in in a d own eeconomy. conomy. Every Every year yearr aafter fter tthat, hat, tthe he sstadium tadium is is projected projected $249 tto o ggenerate enerate $ 249 million million in in ongoing ongoing activity eeconomic conomic ac ctivity from from home home games, games, other cconcerts oncerts aand nd o ther big big events. events. That’s Thatt’s part-time ffull-time ull-time aand nd p art-time jobs, jobs, hotel hotel sstays, tays, restaurant restau urant meals mealls and an nd tax taxx dollars dollars ffor or llocal ocal ccoffers. off ffeers. This would T his w ould aalso lso have have powerful powerful ssymbolic ymbolic vvalue. alue. It It will will be be a new new piece piece off eevidence o vidence tthat hat Silicon Silicon Valley Valley has hass aarrived rrived aass a ccenter enter of of power power and and aactivity. ctivity. The majority T he vvast asst m ajority of of the the $823 million $ 823 m illion ccost ost of of the the stadium stadium will born byy tthe w ill be be b orn b he 49ers. 49ers. Measure Measure Santa Clara J ccalls allls for for S anta C lara to to pony pony up up $114 million, which $ 114 m illion, w hich will will come come from from Redevelopment R edevelopment Agency Agency funds funds and and a hotel h otel ttax axx that that vvoters oters passed passed last lasst year. yearr. San S an JJose ose just just ssaw aw an an example example of of what w hatt a ssports p orts arena arena can can do do for for a few weeks when ttown own a fe ww eeks aago, go, w hen HP HP Pavilion P avilion hosted hosted the the semifinals semifinals in in the the NHL Stanley N HL S tanley Cup Cup tournament. tournament. The The Shark Tank was S hark T ank w as built built with with almost almost 80 percent 8 0p ercent public public money, money, and and that thatt has iinvestment nvestment h as paid paid off off big big time, time, week after week, w eek aft fter w eek, in in hockey hockey season season aand nd tthroughout hroughout the the year. yeear. It’s It’s a safe saffe bet one b et tthat hat tthis his o ne will will too. to o.
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dollars in direct direct revenue revenue to other the region, region, along with w economic economic benefits. benefits.
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Yes Y es e IN tthis his aage ge o off aafter-school fter-school p rogram ccuts uts aand nd iincreased ncreased program cclass lass ssizes, izes, w hen iitt ccomes omes tto o when eeducation-supporting du ucation-supporting measures measures llike ike A, A, B, B, C, C, E H, I and and L, L, it’s it’s E,, G G,, H, iimpossible mpossible tto o say say no. no. IIn n tthe he ccase ase o off M Measure easure II,, tthere’s here’s o one ne Though wee u ultimately back ccaveat. aveat. T hough w ltimately b ack parcel would bring tthe he p arcel tax tax tthat hat w ould b ring iin n $3.3 million Alum Rock School $ 3.3 m illion tto o tthe he A lum R ock S chool District, D istrict, we we do do so so with with ssome ome rreservations. eservations. Foremost, needs F oremost, tthe he sschool chool board board n eeds tto o gget et Alum Rock has had iits ts aact ct ttogether. ogether. A lum R ock h as h ad a history off q questionable wee h istory o uestionable sspending, pending, sso ow hope money h ope to to see see this this m oney ggo o to to iits ts intended intended use: helping keep East K-5 u se: h elping k eep E ast San San Jose Jose K -5 cclasses lasses ssmall. mall. We’d W e’d also also like like to to see see the the school school board become bo arrd be come more more open ope p n to to sharing sharing with tthe he revenue revenue w ith ssome ome of of the the district’s district’s public p ublic ccharter harrter sschools—so chools—so far, far, Alum Alum Rock Superintendent Manzo has R ock S o uperintendent JJose ose M an nzo h as made m ad de sure sure tthey hey are are cut cut out out from from tthe he measure’s overall m eassure’s llanguage. an nguage. However, However, o verall deserve public’s tthese hese measures measures d eserve tthe he p ublic’s ssupport. upport
Yes Y ees AS sin taxes taxes a go, go, San Jose’s Jose’s Measuree K is actually pretty Measur pretty increase ttame: ame: it would w increase the city’s cit y’s card card room room cap cap from from 40 to 49, and an nd raise taxes taxes on casino casino rrevenues evenuess from from 13 to 15 percent. percent. The biggest bigggest change it would bring about about is the lifting of San Jose’s Jose’s long-established long- established $200 $20 0 bet bett limit. Detractors D etractors ssay ay tthat hat d decreasing ecreassing ccard-room ard-room rregulations egulattions will will d amage damage n eighborhoods and and b ring iincreased ncreassed neighborhoods bring ccrime rime aand nd lloan oan ssharking, harking, p arrticularly particularly iin nS ilicon V alley’s ggambling-plagued ambling-plaggued Silicon Valley’s A sian ccommunities. ommunities. However, However, m ost Asian most ccivic ivic leaders leaders h ave ccome ome o ut iin n ssupport upport have out ffor or K because becau use iitt w ill rrake ake iin n aabout bout will $ 5.25 m illion a yyear ear tto oh elp ccurb urb S an $5.25 million help San JJose’s ose’s m ammoth b udget d eficit. mammoth budget deficit. IIn n the the aage ge o he iinternet, nternet, o nline off tthe online ccasinos asinos o ffeer ggamblers ff am mblers u nfettered offer unfettered aaccess ccess tto o tthe he ac ction. IIff llocals ocalls cchoose hoose action. tto o drive drive tto he G arrden C ity C asino o tthe Garden City Casino o ay 1101 01 iinstead, nstead d, tthe he ccity’s ity’s rresidents esidents orr B Bay m ight aass w ell b enefit ffrom rom iit. t. M eassure might well benefit Measure Kw ill d om ore ggood ood than than harm. harrm. will do more
THE JUDGES Julia Alloggiamento WE are supporting District Attorney Julia Alloggiamento over her opponent Robert Camors, a civil lawyer for Foley & Lardner. Camors is running at retirement age for what we can only assume to be altruistic reasons, but Alloggiamento is a more vibrant candidate, lauded for her work on the important Parent Project for at-risk youth, and has racked up an impressive endorsement list of sitting judges, Das and former bar presidents, not to mention Sheriff Laurie Smith and Assemblymember Jim Beall.
Vanessa Zecher IN his third run for judge, retired prosecutor Tim Pitsker has been widely recognized as a workhorse of an attorney, but he exhibits some willfully anachronistic behavior we’re not entirely sure about (he has no website, no cell phone, no computer). His opponent, family law attorney Vanessa Zecher, comes from a long line of judges and has won the confidence of two former district attorneys, five San Jose City Council members and a battery of sitting and retired judges. She seems a fresher face and a better bet for the bench.
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 - J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
sv Twitter’s Most Influential Users On March 21, 2006, Twitter’s founders published their first tweets. If you look at that moment as a big bang of influence in the everKN@KK<IM<IJ< <OGFJ<; @e]fidXk`fe 8iZ_`k\Zkj expanding Æ5`8 ZXccj `k k_\ Ç:fjd`Z (+'#È X N\Y Ki\e[ DXg f] Twittersphere, k_\ _`jkfip f] Kn`kk\i Xe[ `kj lj\ij% how does Twitter’s cosmos look today? Web design studio Information Architects aims to answer that with an enormous visualization of the Cosmic 140, or the 140 most influential users on Twitter. The map may look a bit chaotic at first, but it’s not. The founders of Twitter are at the very center of the “galaxy”; longtime Twitter users are closer to the middle, and the two circles for each user (the white one and the transparent one) represent list volume and the number of followers respectively. Users are organized around the circle according to category (indicated on the outer rim of the sphere), such as sports, politics, humor and so forth. Additionally, you can see the first tweet of each user on the map. As hard as it is to determine the exact level of influence of individual Twitter users, the visualization is an amazing sight to behold. It’s huge, complex and beautiful. The entire version is available as a free PDF at —STAN SCHROEDER, MASHABLE.COM
Tesla to Build Electric Cars at NUMMI Gov. Arnold Scharzenegger leaked earlier today that Tesla Motors will be partnering with Toyota to build a new electric vehicle. Now, chief executive Elon Musk confirms that this is true—but that Tesla will also be acquiring the recently closed NUMMI automotive manufacturing plant in Fremont, Calif., potentially bringing back thousands of jobs lost when that facility closed last month.
Victor $50 Million is less than a rounding error for Toyota, paid out merely for the sake of PR. Tesla is nothing and has nothing, except almost $500 from the U.S. taxpayer that they are about to squander. Sample032 Toyota and Daimler see the electric car as something that could disrupt their market, and they’d rather take a risk than be left behind.
The company’s deal with Toyota has three facets: (1.) The joint development of a brand-new, sub-$30,000 electric car that will contain Tesla’s unique powertrain design, with everything else built by Toyota; (2.) The purchase of the NUMMI plant, where Tesla plans to manufacture both its Model S sedan due out in 2012, a new $30,000 Tesla-designed vehicle and the more affordable jointly designed “thirdgeneration” vehicle; (3.) A $50 million investment from Toyota into Tesla when the company goes public, probably later this year.
D<>8J8LILJ1 J`eZ\ Ylp`e^ X jcfk [li`e^ \m\ip j_fn fe \m\ip KM Z_Xee\c `e :Xc`]fie`X kf gX`ek _\ij\c] Xj X i`^_k$n`e^\i# D\^ N_`kdXe _Xj Y\Zfd\ c\jj gfglcXi k_Xe \m\i%
Meg Whitman Is Spending a Fortune to Lose
There are several pieces of huge news here.—CAMILLE RICKETTS, GREEN.VENTUREBEAT.COM
Meg Whitman spent a staggering $68 million running for California governor, and all that’s bought the former eBay chief is a lead down to 9 percentage points from 50 points in March. How terribly embarrassing.
Quistri Maybe you reporters should analyze Tesla’s S1 and figure out if they have a chance a making it through 2010 before predicting what they will do in 2012.
Whitman’s rapid loss of support two weeks before the Republican primary is especially sad for her, because Poizner is so boring; Whitman’s fellow milquetoast tech exec was previously insurance commissioner, of all things. And his
strategy for winning—highlighting Whitman’s poor voting record, out-demagoguing her on illegal immigrants—is not exactly rocket science. But then Whitman’s been a slow student at politics, never properly equipped to pander to the right but unwilling to run as a moderate, pretending the governorship is “not a popularity contest” and then spending a staggering sum to become popular. Maybe the campaigns of George W. Bush somehow convinced Whitman that a Harvard MBA and tons of cash were all she needed to run a winning election operation. But Bush had an evil genius and a willingness to follow the evil genius’s advice. Whitman hasn’t been willing to sink to Rovian depths yet. But then there are still some weeks left to go. RYAN TATE, VALLEYWAG.GAWKER.COM
SolomonGrundy I just want the winner to be whoever is more likely to lose to Jerry Brown. Mostly because on the very first season of the Real World big gay Norm supported him. Siuol11.2 So she’s just as mediocre a candidate as she was a CEO? That’s a shocker. . . . Usually they’re just laughably bad (see Fiorina’s campaign). DogsOfWar Spending $68M means that she has annoyed every Californian to the point that they won’t vote for her just out of spite. growhappy Let me ask, where are the Democrats in this election? I don’t even know their names, and California is supposted to be a democrat stronghold. Edit: Jerry Brown—doesn’t ring any bells. superbunny Did Poizner insert a double agent to run her campaign? I noticed her campaign manager Jillian Hasner, has a grand total of 12 tweets and 75 followers. At $28,500 per month, you’d expect a bit more. Maybe Whitman will forget to vote, again. whatpeopledoallday Were her campaign an auction on eBay, the reserve would not have been met. JackieOnasty I just want to know how she managed to get her face on the $100 bill.
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Memorial Day Only 1/8 of True Purple $35.00 An inside look at San Jose politics
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at S San aan Jose Jose’s ’s Largest Gar Garage rage Sale S ale a and Farmer Farmer’s ’s Markett Hundreds of V Vendors endors selling ev everything erything yyou ou need for for yyour our home and family. family. Open Thursday, Thursday, Friday, Friday, Saturday Saturday and Sunday. Sunda y. 7:00am to 3:00pm
`jki`Zk , JXe Afj\ :`kp :fleZ`c ZXe[`[Xk\ 8Xife I\j\e[\q _Xj i\c\Xj\[ Xe fg\e c\kk\i kf EfiX :Xdgfj# [\dXe[`e^ Xe Xgfcf^p ]ifd k_\ ZfleZ`cd\dY\i Xe[ _\i Z_`\] f] jkX]] IpXe =fi[% Last Friday, following a press conference at City Hall denouncing the malicious mailers sent out against fellow candidate Magdalena Carrasco, Resendez says Ford approached him for what can only be described as a public badmouthing. Campos’ brother, Xavier Campos, is running against Resendez for the East Side seat. “I am writing this open letter to you and the community to bring attention to Mr. Ford’s insulting and disrespectful behavior,” the letter reads. “Behavior that seeks to intimidate, to disrespect and to threaten has no place in political life, and I demand a public apology. . . . As a District 5 resident and community leader for the past 17 years, I have never been attacked in such an unprovoked manner. Mr. Ford’s speech and decorum in front of City Hall was disrespectful to me and my wife, Lucy.”
Shop andd
Apparently, Ford’s tirade was a response to one of Resendez’s campaign mailers, which listed the “Exceptional Leadership Award” he received from Campos’ office back in 2002. “Your Chief of Staff Ryan Ford approached me and denounced my ethics. He accused me of being unethical because I quoted the language of an award I had received from you on my campaign mailer. He stated that this implied that you had endorsed me,” says the letter. “The voters of District 5 deserve better than this type of insulting and disrespectful behavior. Intimidation and innuendos are part of the politics of the past. We need to focus on the politics of the future to better serve the residents of District 5,” the letter ends. There is, as yet, no response from camp Campos.
Kathleen: > i]^c` 6Vgdc ^h dlZY Vc Vedad\n# I]^h WZ]Vk^dg ^h jcegd[Zhh^dcVa#
Wannnnhhhhhhh: 9dZhcÉi i]^h \jn ]VkZ WZiiZg i]^c\h id Yd i]Vc Xgn VWdji ]dl hdbZ XdjcX^a V^YZ iVa`ZY id ]^b4 L]Vi V l^be# Jessica Rabbit: I]^h ^h _jhi i]Z ine^XVa bZVc ^ci^b^YVi^dc iVXi^Xh i]Vi i]Z aVWdg XVbe ]Vh egVXi^XZY [dg nZVgh VcY nZVgh# >i ^h cdl WZ\^cc^c\ id XdbZ dji ejWa^Xan WZXVjhZ i]Zn VgZ Vaa YZheZgViZ VcY WZa^ZkZ i]Zn VgZ adh^c\ idd bVcn adXVa gVXZh! l]^X] i]Zn VgZ# KdiZgh h]djaY kdiZ V\V^chi 8Vbedh WZXVjhZ d[ i]^h#
17 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Resendez Demands Apology From Campos
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Diya P Pera ea er
Family Plots
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now u now unleashed nleashed o on n the the website: website: w Conspiracy Con draws C onspiraccy C on d raws a hodgepodge off b beyond-the-curve h odgepodge o eyond-the-curve participants. more p articipan nts. Last Last year, year, I had had dm ore myy tthan han a ffew ew people people trying trying to to buy buy m press pass p ress p ass during during the the event. event. I couldn’t couldn’t myy eemail eeven ven ccheck heck m mail iin n tthe he llobby obby without walking w ithout ssomeone omeone w alking up up and an nd aasking sking iiff I was wass media media and and how an how could could tthey hey ssneak neak iin. n. IIn n ggeneral, enerall, tthe he eevent vent ffeatures eatures filled with a rroom oom fi lled w ith eexhibitors, xhibitors, aall ll displaying wares and d isplaying ttheir heir w ares an nd iideas deas aatt prospective while ttheir heir p rospective ttables, ables, w hile tthe he presentations p resentations eerupt rupt iin n aanother nother rroom oom down hall. This d own tthe he h all. T his yyear’s ear’s eexhibitors xhibitors many off tthe usual iinclude nclude m any o he u sual ssuspects. uspects. Local San Doug L ocal S an n JJose ose rresearcher esearrcher D oug Hawes usually up H awes u suallly ssets ets u p sshop hop aatt tthe he JJohn ohn Birch Society’s Among other B irch S ociety’s ttable. able. A mong o ther will updated tthings, hings, tthey hey w ill be sselling elling an nu pdated off tthe flow ccopy opy o he iinfamous nfamous fl ow cchart, harrt, the the one mapping out how American o ne m ap pping o ut h ow tthe he A merican n all networked eelite lite iiss al ll n etworked ttogether, ogether, primarily membership p rimarily tthrough hrough m embership iin n tthe he Council on Foreign Relations C ouncil o nF oreign R elations (CFR). (CFR).
““This This iiss the the llatest atest edition edition of of wall tthis his ffamous amous w aalll cchart, hart,” Hawes Hawes me. ttold old m e. ““The The information information is is all alll up date, ccaught au ught u p tto od ate, tto o rreflect eflect tthe he affiliations off tthe members affi ffiliations o he vvarious arious m embers off tthe under o he ggovernment overnment u nder tthe he current current Obama O bam ma aadministration. dministration. But But whether whether president Democrat tthe he p resident iiss a D emocrat or or a Republican, will R epublican, tthere here w ill always always be CFR members CFR m embers well well placed placed in in his his or or her administration. h er ad dministration. The The Council Council on on Foreign Relations, according F oreign R elations, ac ccording tto o tthe he Birch Society, JJohn ohn B irch S ociety, iiss a vvirtual irtual ‘shadow ‘shadow within United ggovernment’ overnment’ w ithin the the U nited States. States.” The T he fformal ormal presenters, presenters, on on the the other other hand, offer perspectives h and, o ffeer pe ff rspectives even even more, more, um, u m, iinterrelated, nterrelated, shall shalll we we say. say. For For presentation eexample, xample, iin nap resentation not not to to be missed, m issed, llegendary egendarry occult occult researcher researcher Michael Tsarion M ichaeel T sarion will will present present his his latest latest on how media eextrapolation xtrap polation o nh ow tthe he m edia uses ssubversively ubversively u ses ssacred acred ssymbolism ymbolism iin n masses. You iits ts aattempt ttempt tto o ccontrol ontrol tthe he m assses. Y ou will more w ill llearn earn m ore than than you you ever ever realized realized about ab bout aastrotheology, strotheologyy, timegnosis timegnosis and and the Torah/Tarot the T orah h/ Tarot connections. connections. And Longtime A nd gget et tthis: his: L ongtime researcher researrcher and Tucker an nd jjournalist ournal alist JJim im T ucker specializes speciallizes activities off tthe iin n ttracking raccking tthe he ac ctivities o he ssecret ecret gglobal lobal eelite lite group, group, the the Bilderbergs. Bilderbergs. For decades, hee h has penned F or d ecades, h ass pe nned aarticles rtticles about movements, ab bout ttheir heir m ovements, meetings meetings aand nd agendas. Tucker was ag gendas. T ucker w as sscheduled cheduled tto o ggive ive presentation ap resentation at at tthis his yyear’s earr’s Conspiracy Conspiraccy Con, but minute hee found C on, b ut aatt tthe he llast ast m inute h found out Bilderbergs o ut tthat hat tthe he B ilderbergs annual annuall meeting was m eeting w ass ttaking ak king place placce in in Spain Spain at at So hee bailed tthe he ssame ame ttime. ime. S oh bailed in in order order pursue Atlantic. tto op ursue tthem hem aacross cross tthe he A tlan ntic. However, during presentation H owever, d uring a p resentation by by his Tucker h is rreplacement, eplacement, T ucker will will phone phone iin n from from Spain Spain for for 15 15 minutes minutes and an nd report report directly where d irectly from from the the hotel hotel w here the the Bilderbergs are B ilderbergs ar re meeting. meeting. Now Now that’s that’s dedicated hope he’s ad edicated jjournalist. ournallist. I h ope h e’s paid. ggetting etting p aid. For F or iinfo, nfo, rreaders eaders aare re directed directed to to website detailed tthe he cconference onference w ebsite ffor or a d etailed But will perhaps sschedule. chedule. B ut I w ill ssay, ay, aand nd pe rhap ps warn, Mr. off the TV eeven ven w arn, tthat hat M r. Lobo Lobo o the T V Cinema will master sseries eries C inema IInsomnia nsomnia w ill m asster tthe he and host banquet. cceremonies eremonies an nd h ost tthe he b anquet.
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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Photographer: Christopher Jean-Richard
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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enough money to buy the fancy costumes, so I try and construct mine with materials I acquire at thrift stores. My grandma helps sew some of the harder ones. She’s incredible.” Cosplaying, or as it’s known in Japanese (and to the more hardcore fans), kosupure, represents a fervent subculture of anime fanatics that travel to conventions like FanimeCon and Anime Expo in Los Angeles, chat on message boards like and meet up at parks and coffee shops around the world dressed like everything from twinkly-eyed schoolgirls to multitentacled beasts. Their source material is most often anime titles, manga (comic book) series and Japanese fashion trends, though video game heroes and American animation characters also find traction in certain circles. At FanimeCon, which has been held every year since 1994 and drew 15,000 fans last year, the motto is “By Fans, For Fans.” That might as well be “By Cosplayers, For Cosplayers” because for folks like Pleasant and others like Jerry Pang, who’s coming dressed as “Russell” the plump, Asian Cub Scout from Disney Pixar’s Up, the anime art itself takes a back seat to the elaborate costumes created in tribute to it. “Cosplaying is its own universe,” say Pang. ”It’s essentially representing something you have viewed on mainstream media and emulating it. Five to seven years ago it was really underground, now it’s pretty widespread. It’s just an excuse to hang out with friends who are into the same things you are.”
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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Nerds and Nerdettes
While other geek mainstays like Dungeons and Dragons or Magic: The Gathering exist suspended in a thick solution of nearly pure testosterone, cosplaying manages to attract a sizable number of ladies. In anime ďŹ lms and comics, female characters often ďŹ nd leading roles as deadly assassins, seductive temptresses and powerful matriarchs. And if the powerful roles werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t enough, the female characters are also often dressed like theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re on their way to a beachside bondage party, giving a gal with some assets to showcase plenty of options. And for the girls who would rather go as a hulking hero or the guys who long to wear miniskirts and knee-highs, â&#x20AC;&#x153;crossplayingâ&#x20AC;? is a
common and accepted practice. Kai Gault, a 21-year-old San Jose resident who moved from Michigan last year and starts at West Valley College this fall, has been cosplaying since 2007. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I remember seeing cosplayers in magazines and saying, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Man I want to do that,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? says the young woman whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to FanimeCon as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tall Aliceâ&#x20AC;? from Alice in Wonderland and also as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Revyâ&#x20AC;? from the anime series Black Lagoon. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think of it as an expression of my fandom. Also, being able to dress up and act differently, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kind of an escape from reality. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A common misconception is that weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re just nerds. Yeah, you have to be a nerd, but most of us do have jobs and lives and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t live in our momâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s basement.â&#x20AC;? The more crafty cosplayers like
Gault and Pleasantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grandma make their own costumes from items found at stores like Goodwill, Savers and Home Depot. Others buy their costumes from sites like qqcosplay. com where hundreds of precisely made anime costumes are available for anywhere from $75 to $1,000. A sales agent from the Chinese-based company says they ship about 200 costumes per month to fans around the world and that characters from Bleach, Naruto and Kingdom Hearts are the most common items. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some people will spend whatever it takes to look like their particular character,â&#x20AC;? says Pleasant. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It would be nice to have that kind of money.â&#x20AC;? Whether itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a $1,500 two-person â&#x20AC;&#x153;Chocoboâ&#x20AC;? suit or a $5 set of tattered Tetsuo hospital scrubs, dressing up like a Japanese cartoon character can
appear geeky to a fault to outsiders, no doubt. But is it unprecedented? Hardly. Since shamans ďŹ rst danced in feathers and football fanatics showed up on Sundays in face paint, obsessive fans have been doing their best to imitate their idols. With intellectual and sometimes arcane hobbies like science ďŹ ction and fantasy art, however, simply ďŹ nding imaginary avatars that one can relate toâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;so much so, indeed that one is prepared to dress like themâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;is like bonding with a new friend. And in a society where nerdbashing is still an American pastime for whenever there arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t computers that need programming, a nerd can never have too many friends. Where the culture falls short, ďŹ ction ďŹ lls the gap. When our three cosplaying protagonists and others get to FanimeCon, one of the ďŹ rst orders of business will be seeking out other fans who dressed as characters in the same anime title. After that, however, all thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s left is the partying. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cosplayers can get crazy,â&#x20AC;? says Pleasant as he readjusts his glasses and hangs his Aizen costume back in his closet. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We certainly know how to have a good time.â&#x20AC;? When Pleasant, Gault, Pang and others get to FanimeCon, one of the ďŹ rst orders of business will be seeking out other fans who dressed as characters in the same anime title. After that, however, all thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s left is the partying. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cosplayers can get crazy,â&#x20AC;? says Pleasant as he readjusts his glasses and hangs his Aizen costume back in his closet. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We certainly know how to have a good time.â&#x20AC;?
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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We know that anime is the future, because the best minds in U.S. animation remain entranced by the past: for instance, Toy Story 3 is about the toys of the 1950s; Up fancies the explorers of the 1930s and a return to a childhood vision of Jungleland. You can love the Pixar team and Henry Selick even while realizing they are roots artists, ďŹ guring out a way to reinterpret modes of classic animation with new technology and new styles. Hayao Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli is the best mind in anime, without peer or rival, but his work is of such major difference from the rest of the ďŹ&#x201A;ow that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s almost as if heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not in the same ďŹ eld. Anime is like pop music; Studio Ghibli does full-orchestra symphonies, ďŹ lms obsessed with color and mood instead of action. And Miyazaki is another nostalgistâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;just look at the European operetta world in Howlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Moving Castle or the ghostly Japanese teahouse and baths life in Spirited Away. In the abstract, Miyazaki, just like the god of anime, Osamu Tezuka (Astro Boy), before him, looks backward to a golden age of 2-D animation. On a deeper narrative level, the living gems in Ghibliâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s jewel box are putting up a defense of traditional life against the modern
world. Like the narrator in George Orwellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Coming Up for Air, they reach toward a vanishing rural way of life: â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;?Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s precisely in a settled period, a period when civilization seems to stand on four legs like an elephant, that such things as a future life donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t matter.â&#x20AC;? Not only is mainstream anime the style of the future, it also deals with the subject of the future. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fascinated with electronics, with the idea of humans melding with machinery, of the cities of the world becoming neo-Tokyos: mazes of towers and small interior spaces. Animeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s familiarity with science ďŹ ction puts it about a decade ahead of the American ďŹ lm industry. Anime is the future in all of this chaos: boisterous, extremely commercial, cheaply made. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re partial to the realism of American-style artists, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s instructive to see the ways in which popular D.C. superheroes have been done in the anime style: The Batman on WB, or Teen Titans, for example. Child fans ďŹ nd no difference whatsoever between this kind of animation and something more Westernized. Indeed the noir shadows and Fleischer brothers realism of TVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The Batman Adventures of the 1990s must appear old and musty to the young anime fan. Once, critics scored points on the animated theatrical version of The Batman Adventures, 1993â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The Mask of the Phantasm, as being â&#x20AC;&#x153;too Japanese-looking.â&#x20AC;? Fifteen years later, Warner Bros. produced a six-story compilation of Batman: Gotham Knight all done the Japanese way. Anime is naturally multicultural, with a couple of thousand years of Japanese culture as its bedrock. Asian religions co-exist: different varieties of Buddhism plus Taoism plus Hindu roots . . . and Christianity, too, because why not? And in anime, gender goes haywire in a way not seen in the West since Shakespeare.
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Screening Anime
26 M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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Bring Your Fashion SAN JOSE: 1959 w. san carlos 408.292.6100 SAN JOSE: blossom hill rd. 408.269.1000 SANTA CRUZ: 811 pacific av. avv. 831.458.0555 www
Adults Only
At night at FanimeCon, adultsonly cartoons come out, including a screening of some examples of the hentai porn subgenre, which is like a cuter version of American porn. Elsewhere, there’s some gaming: a group Japanese spelling-bee game in which players make male cartoon figures (bishonen, they’re called— meaning, essentially, the young David Bowie type) give up their Armani-oid wardrobes bit by bit. Anime has what U.S. animation lacks in its category of yaoi and yuri—male/male and female/ female love stories, scripted with a soap-opera elaboration unmatched in American animated films. Yaoi is an anagram meant to advertise the harmlessness of the material: Yama nashi, ochi nashi, imi nashi (no climax, no point, no meaning), in other words, not hentai on the whole, with unrequited love and hurt feelings. The female audience for yaoi (and it’s almost all female) gets to see the common unthreatening boy love we usually see in Disney programs, only in yaoi it’s taken to the next step. Yuri is the other side of the
spectrum, presumably enjoyed by some males. If you like wading through verbal labyrinths, try finding even a simple summing-up of the plot of the yuri manga-turnedanime Strawberry Panic, filmed in 26 episodes by Madhouse Studios. The Sapphic (but again, never very explicit) conduct at the three separate girls schools in this series is more complicated than the who’s who at Hogwarts. The idea of erotic animation is loaded, because it’s always assumed that the key audience for animation is sheltered children, plus it makes good copy. The point is that anime doesn’t have to be either Pikachu or battle robots. Of course, you don’t become a multibillion-dollar industry without leaving some toxic waste around. The visiting Anime Hell “otakalypse” show at Fanime will offer some of the worst of the worst; bad animation is always prized by hipsters. Still, a tradition that offers up Princess Mononoke, Barefoot Jen, Paprika and Ghost in the Shell still has its best years ahead of it. I`Z_Xi[ mfe 9ljXZb
27 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
J Walking A$gfg j\ejXk`fej =CFN gcXp =Xe`d\
FEKI8IP kf gfglcXi fg`e`fe# AXgXe\j\ k\\eX^\ij [feÊk ]\k`j_`q\ n_Xk 8d\i`ZXej c`jk\e kf% Ef# k_\p ^f ZiXqp ]fi n_Xk 8d\i`ZXej c`jk\e\[ kf Ó m\ p\Xij X^f% Fi ('# fi dfi\% K_XkÊj n_p k_\ kfg A$gfg XZkj f]k\e ^`m\ 8d\i`ZXe c`jk\e\ij X j\ej\ f] [ a~ ml% 8e[ `kÊj n_p =CFN# n_f gcXp k_\ Dlj`Z=\jk Xk k_\ =Xe`d\ Zfem\ek`fe k_`j n\\b\e[# _X[ kf nX`k ]fi k_\`i ]XeYXj\ kf ZXkZ_ lg n`k_ k_\d% The five-piece band formed in the late ’90s around the core of two brothers, vocalist Koshi and guitarist Take. But they were a ’90s pop band that sounded like a ’90s pop band, which isn’t necessarily the best play in the world of Japanese music. But in the early part of this decade, they were an indie sensation in their home country, and by the time they signed with a major in 2003, the timing was perfect. Their single “Blaster” sounded like Lit’s “My Own Worst Enemy” and other post-grunge hits circa 10 years earlier, with the slightest touch of rap-metal-lite. “Blaster” absolutely defined them as a group. With a squeaky clean take on hip-hop style (Koshi wears a Clippers jersey in the video), their look was as perfectly constructed as the Backstreet Boys’ (another ’90s pop icon, of course), with each member standing out in stark contrast to the next. Ironically, the lyrics to the song claim “We don’t care how we look,” which no doubt ranks as one of the biggest bold-faced lies to be found in any pop hit that year.
FLOW’s lyrics are ridiculous in a way that only J-pop can get away with—although, it’s only fair to note that few lyrics come well translated from Japanese to English, and these are rough translations at best. Still, “Right now we are a blaster that’s starting
K_\ Ó m\$ g`\Z\ YXe[ ]fid\[ `e k_\ cXk\ Ê0'j Xifle[ k_\ Zfi\ f] knf Yifk_\ij# mfZXc`jk Bfj_` Xe[ ^l`kXi`jk KXb\% 9lk k_\p n\i\ X Ê0'j gfg YXe[ k_Xk jfle[\[ c`b\ X Ê0'j gfg YXe[# n_`Z_ `jeÊk e\Z\jjXi`cp k_\ Y\jk gcXp `e k_\ nfic[ f] AXgXe\j\ dlj`Z% to shine”? “I stuffed a small fragment of courage into my pocket and ran off barefoot”? Wow, “Flagpole Sitta” suddenly looks like pure poetry!
29 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
9C8JK<IJ A$gfg YXe[ =CFN jg\Z`Xc`q\j `e j_\\i ZXkZ_`e\jj Xe[ leYi`[c\[ \e\i^p%
No, what’s most interesting about J-pop is the sheer catchiness of the music and the unbridled energy that bands like FLOW deliver it with. They care about pop music; it’s their church. American pop isn’t that much different; whether your secret favorite boy band was Backstreet or N’Sync is really just a question of which denomination you prefer. Even those too cool to admit they had one can at least compare it to the thrill of hearing the Runaways’ “Cherry Bomb” or the Ramones’ “I Wanna Be Sedated” for the first time. The most popular J-pop acts right now, such as KAT-TUN and Arashi, do the classic boyband dance-and-look-sensitive bit better (plus, Arashi turned into anime heroes in the video for “Believe,” which was really pretty cool), but FLOW is like an encyclopedia of ’90s pop music. “World End” sounds like a cheery version of Sponge’s
“Plowed,” “Colors” recalls third-wave ska. Personally, I prefer some of the more out-there Japanese bands—the bizarre noise-rock band Melt-Banana, the poppunk Beat Crusaders and of course, Shonen Knife—to J-pop. The term has gotten less and less useful, though—at the same time that “J-pop” is sometimes used as a catch-all for Japanese rock, the music scene in Japan has also been splintered every which way—J-punk, J-hip-hip, J-club, J-whatever-else. Still, J-pop fans show up for their favorites, and that brand loyalty is what has always defined the greatest moments of post-Elvis massmarket music—the fainting, the panty-throwing, the sheer mania of pop. Jk\m\ GXcfgfc`
DLJ@:=<JK n`k_ =CFN =i`[Xp# .Å('gd JXe Afj\ :`m`Z 8l[`kfi`ld
31 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Felipe Buitr B Buitrago ago
Salad Days >I<<E G8IKP > I <<E G8 IK P Jgiflk Jgiflk :X]\Êj kf]l jXcX[ ZXe Y\ jlggc\d\ek\[ n`k_ X Yfnc f] Zlii`\[ i\[ c\ek`cj% :X]\Êj kf]l jXcX[ ZX Xe Y\ jlggc\d\ek\[ n`k_ X Yfn nc f] Zlii`\[ i\[ c\ek`cj%
GXcf 8ckfÊj Jgiflk :X]\ GXcf 8ckfÊj Jgiiflk :X]\ Xccfnj [`e\ij kf Zi\Xk\ k_\`i Xccfnj [`e\ij kf Zi\Xk\ k_\`i fne ^i\\e jg\Z`Xcj jg\Z`Xcj fne ^i\\e ^ 9p 9 pS STETT T E TT HOLBROOK H O L B RO O K
D< D<I@:8EJ Xi\ Xcc <I@:8EJ Xi\ Xcc XYf flk Z_f`Z\% K_\ XYflk Z_f`Z\% K_\ ]i\\ \[fd kf Z_ffj\ ]i\\[fd kf Z_ffj\ n_ _Xk n\ Y\c`\m\ Xe[ n_Xk n\ Y\c`\m\ Xe[ n_Xk n\ [f `j ]le[Xd\ekXc n_Xk n\ [f `j ]le[Xd\ekXc kf fli nXp p f] c`]\% =ff[ `j ef kf fli nXp f] c`]\% =ff[ `j ef \o Z\gk`fe% N\ c`b\ fgk`fej% @] \oZ\gk`fe% N\ c`b\ fgk`fej% @] n n\ ZXeÊk _X Xm\ `k fli nXp p# k_\e n\ ZXeÊk _Xm\ `k fli nXp# k_\e `k kÊj ef nXp p% `kÊj ef nXp% Palo P alo Alto’s Alto’s Sprout Sprout celebrates celebrates our need d ffor or o choice choi h ic i e with i h a vast lineup li of salads sal and sandwiches, sandwiches, one of the best Silicon b est in i Silic on n Valley. Vaalley. There’s There’s nothing about f fancy ab out the t place. place. It occupies occupies a airyy space clean lean and a air space on University University Avenue, A venue nu , with h pale green green walls walls and open an op en kitchen kitch hen where where an army army of lettuce let tttuc uce slingers slingeers wield shiny shiny metal metal
bowls bowls o and mak makee salads thr three ee and ffour our o placee to get in,, get att a time. time. This is a plac out ou ut and still ffeel eeel go good od ab about out wha what at yyou o ate. ou ate. There T here aare re 114 4 ssignature ignature salads: sallad ds: hearty, bowls h earrty, fresh fresh b owls of of greens greens with with huge ah uge vvariety ariety of of ingredients ingredients and and dressings d ressings that that can can transform transform a healthy healthy plate off llettuce p late o ettuce into into a high-fat, high-faatt, highhighccalorie alorie meal meal in in a snap. snap. Not Not that that there’s there’s anything an nything wrong wrong with with that. that. You salad. Y o ou can can also build yyour our own sa alad. a lit little clipboard pen G Grab tle clipb oard and p en att the choose th he counter counter and cho ose the kind of lettuce from toppings le ettuce you you want; want; pick fr om toppi ings that likee tomato an and th h include hat i l d basics b i lik nd d cucumber like cu ucumber to more more eexotic xotic ones lik ke shaved watermelon sh haaved ffennel eennel and w atermelon radishes; The ra adishes; and select a dressing. dressing. Th he aree endless endless.. ccombinations o ombinations ar Sprout’s Cobb S prout’s C obb ssalad alad (($7.45) $7.45) iiss rendition off tthe a ggood o od re ndition o he cclassic: lassic: off ro romaine ccrisp risp hearts hear ts o maine llettuce ettuce
with Gorgonzola, ttossed ossed w ith G orgonzola, aavocado, vvocado, aapple-wood-smoked pple-woo d-smoked bacon, bacon, cherry cherr y whole boiled ttomatoes, omatto es, a w hole b oiled eegg gg aand nd basil dressing. The Kyoto a ccreamy reamy b asil d ressing. T he K yyoto winner, ssalad alad (($10.45) $10.45) iiss aanother nother w inner, aand nd you off S Sprout’s iitt ggives ives yo u aan n iidea dea o prout’s rrange: ange: pepper-crusted p epper- crusted aahi hi ttuna una tthat’s hat’s sstill till mixed wakame rrare are iinside, nside, m ixed ggreens, reens, w akame nori noodles, aand nd n ori sseaweed, eaweed, ssomen omen n oo dles, kaiware ttofu, ofu, eedamame, damame, ka iware ssprouts, prouts, nuttyccarrots, arrots, ssesame esame sseeds eeds aand nd a n uttymiso dressing. ssalty alty m iso ssesame esame d ressing. aree often writ written Salads ar ttten off as unsubstantial, unsubst antial, but the steakhouse like entree ee salad ($9.75) is rreally eally li ike an entr happens have that just happ ens to ha ave a bunch lettuce man-salad of let tuce with it. This mansalad marinated ccomes omes with grilled mar rinated tri-tip hearts apple-woodsteak, hear ts of rromaine, omain ne, apple -woodsmoked bacon, onions, smok ed bac on, fried on nions, ttwo wo crisp-roasted potatoes, beans, crisp -roasted p otatoes, black b eans, Gorgonzola Caesar dressing. Gor gonzola and a C aessar dr essing. For lighter F or something hi lighte li h er that h still ill protein, Davy packs pr otein, the Da avy v salad way It’s ($12.45) is the w ay to go ggo.. It ’s made poached Loch Duart with p oached L och Du uart salmon,, a byy itself farmed fish that is in a class b because great flavor b ecause it has gr eat fla avor and is produced ecologically sensitivee pr oduced in an ec ologiically sensitiv manner,, unlik unlikee the ma majority manner ajority of
salmon—the French Laundry farmed salm mon—the Fr ench L aundry serves stuff. eeven veen se ser ves thee sstuff uff. Thee salad sa ad also a so baby includes ba aby arugula,, aavocado, vocado, ccorn, orn, cheddar,, ccandied walnuts, sharp whitee cheddar andied w alnuts, shaved sha aved ffennel, enn e nel, rred ed onions and a ginger dressing. sesame ging ger dr essing. love I lo ve a go ggood od sandwich, and Sprout offers Spr out off ffeers e 10 of them,, all made high-quality bread from Acme. with highq qualit y br ead fr om A cme. chipotle ($8.25) The chip otlle sandwich ($8.2 5) is a standout. It’s chipotlest andout. It t’s made with chip otlebreast marinated chick cchicken en br east and ffontina o ontina toastyy gr green-onioncheese on a toast een- onion een onionflavored bun. favorite fla avored bu un. My fa avorite is the sandwich Sliced steak sandw wich ($8.75). Slic ed and shares spacee with marinated tri-tip t shar es spac crispyy p potatoes, lettuce crisp otattoes, sautéed ccorn, orn, let tttuce mayo hearty ciabatta and ma ayo on o hear ty toasted ciabat ta bread. BLTA points br ead. The BL LTA ($8.95) gets p oints ffor o or its delicious deliciious simplicity—applesimplicity— —applewood-smoked lettuce wo od-smok ked bacon, bacon, aavocado, vocado, let tuce tomatoes between slices oes b etween ttwo wo slic es of and tomato Acme mie.. eexcellent xcellent A c cme pain de mie disappointment The onlyy disapp ointment I encountered was croque enc ountered e w as the cr oque ($7.95). Wheree I ccome from, monsieur ($ $77..95). Wher ome fr om, croque a cr oque monsieur m is a grilled ham and cheese sandwich with delicious mornay bechamel saucee bubbling morna m ay or b echamel sauc that’s been browned that ’s b een br owned on top under a broiler. Sprout through br oiler. Spr out ccomes omes thr ough with Gruyère cheese,, the grilled ham h and Gruy ère cheese creamy layer saucee but I missed d the cr eamy la ayer of sauc elevates from that ele vatees the sandwich fr om just cheese. ham and ch heese. Theree ar aree smaller items on Ther chicken the menu, lik llikee chick en summer ($4.95)) and p pork potstickers rrolls olls ($4.95 ork p otstickers they’re particularly ($5.95), butt the y’re not par ticularly noteworthy. iced note worth hy. Do check out the ic ed green free gr een tea with w fr ee rrefills efills ($1.95), though. It’s best Sprout It ’s b est to t ccome ome to Spr out early want don’t want if yyou ou w antt a ttable able and don ’t w ant suffer earr damage damage.. The plac placee fills to suff ffeer ea oncee the lunch hour hits hits,, up quickly onc hard surfaces and all the rrestaurant’s estaurant’s har d sur faces makee ffor some acoustics. mak or o so ome harsh ac oustics. But it’s worth the wait noise.. Or it ’s wor th th he w ait and the noise order yyou ou ccan an ccall alll in or or der online and get go.. The choic choicee is yyours. yyour our ffood ood to t go ours.
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33 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Club VIP Lists! Limos!
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Downtown Downtown San Jose Jose ¿book ¿ book online at
AGENDA A GENDA New New CCalifornia. alifornia. $$. Agenda Agenda features features a hip nightclub upstairs, a fully appointed restaurant restaurant at street DJ-ing str eet level and D J-ing in thee bar.. 399 SS.. basement. Full bar First SSt. t. 5:30pm-close WedWedSSat. at. 408.287.3991. 408.2877..3991.
AMICI’S EEAST AMICI’S AST CCOAST OAST P IZZERIA Pizza. $. AAmici’s mici’s PIZZERIA specializes in thin-crust, New New York-style Yoork-style pizza. With its upscale atmosphere atmosphere and friendly service service you’ve got one of downtown San San Jose’s Jose’ss best pizza shops. shops 11am11am 10pm Mon-Thu, Mon--Thu, 11am-11pm 11am-11pm Fri, 11:30am-11pm 11:30am-11pm Sat Sat and 11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm Sun. Sun. 225 W. W. Santa Santa Clara Clara St. St. 408.289.9000. 408.289.9000.
ARCADIA A RCADIA SSteakhouse. teakhouse. $$$. Celebrity Celebrity chef Michael Michael Mina Mina reworked reworked the menu at Arcadia Arcadia in the summer of 2006 to create create a modern steakhouse, a change that has made it the destination restaurant restaurant it was originally g y supposed to be. Lunch Lunch 11:30am-2pm 11:30am-2pm Mon-Fri Mon-Fri and dinner 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm Sun-Thu, Sun--Thu, 5:30-11pm 5:30-11pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 301 S. S. Market Market St. St. 408.278.4555. 408.278.4555. BELLA B ELLA M MIA IA IItalian-American. talian-American. One $$$. O ne of downtown attractive SSan an Jose’s Jose’s most attr active Mia serves eateries, Bella M ia ser ves flair.. Fu Fullll rregional egional dishes with flair bar.. 11:30am11:30am-9pm Mon-Thu, bar 9pm M on--Thu, 11:30am-10pm 4:30-10pm 11:30am10pm Fri, 4:3010pm m First SSat, at, 4:30-8pm SSun. un. 58 SS.. Firs st 408.280.1993. SSt. t. 408.280. 1993.
BILLY B ILLY B BERK’S ERK’S EEclectic. clectic. $$. Billy Berk’s restaurant restaurant looks looks and taste likes the offspring of the Hard Hard Rock Rock Cafe Cafe and Chili’s. Chili’s. The The downtown San San Jose Jose restaurant restaurant offers offers a
populist mix of American, American, Mexican Mexican and Asian Asian ffood. ood. Most Most dishes are are designed for for sharing—appetizer-size portions, nibbles and finger foods foods that pair well with the prodigious prodigious drink list. 11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm Mon-Wed, Mon-Wed, 11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm Thu, Thu, 11:30am11pm Fri, 5-11pm 5-11pm Sat, Sat, Bar open p til midnight. g 99 S. S. First St, St, San San Jose. Jose. 408.292.4300.
CITY B CITY BAR AR A AND ND GGRILL RILL CCLASSIC LASSIC American. American. $$$. Bigshouldered shouldered food food in handsome surroundings surroundings is the rule. The The steaks steaks are are big and juicy, juicyy, the pot pies better than Grandma Grandma used to make. Full bar. bar. 300 Almaden Almaden Blvd, inside the Hilton. Hilton. 408.947.4444. 408.947.4444. .
DALAT D ALAT VVietnamese. ietnamese. $$. San San Jose’s Jose’s ’ second-oldest d ld t Vietnamese Vietnamese restaurant restaurant continues to dr draw aw those in search traditional search of delicious tr aditional fare. aree clean fare. Surroundings Surroundings ar and friendly. friendly. Open Open daily for for lunch and dinner. dinner. 408 E. E. William St. St. 408.294.6989. E&OT TRADING RADING CCOMPANY OMPANY SSoutheast outheast Asian. Asian. $$$. EEntrees ntrees serving come on playful ser ving aree beautifully dishes and ar multiculti spiced with mul ticulti flavors, flavors from fr om Bali to CCeylon eylon and back through Malaysia. bar.. thr ough M alaysia. Full bar Open O pen 11:30am to 10:30pm, until midnight on weekends. 11:30am-10pm Mon-Thu, 11:30am10pm M on--Thu, 11:30am-10:30pm 11:30am10:30pm Fri, 55-9pm 10:30pm SSat, at, 59pm SSun96 un96 SS.. 408.938.4100. First SSt. t. 408.938.4 4100.
EEMILE’S MILE’S CCONTEMPORARY ONTEMPORARY French. French. $$$. White-tablecloth amenities without the stuffiness. stuffiness An An old favorite favorite comes back strong strong with a new bistro. bistro. Full bar. bar. Closed Closed Sun-Mon. Sun-Mon. Reservations Reservations suggested. 11am-2pm 11am-2pm ThuThuFri, 5-10pm 5-10pm Tue-Sat. Tueu Sat. 545 S. S. Second Second St. St. 408.289.1960. 408.289.1960.
EEULIPIA ULIPIA N New ew A American. merican. $$$. TThe he rrevamped evamped menu
¿= book online $ = $10 $$ = $11-$15 $$$ = $16-$20 $$$$ = $21 and up Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages
emphasizes robust robust flavors and beautiful presentations. presentations. Several Several standouts have been retained retained from from the previous previous menu, as have the sexy Eulipia Eulipia p cocktails. Full bar. bar. 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm Tue-Sat, Tuue-Sat, 4:309:30pm Sat. Sat. 374 374 S. S. First St. St. 408.280.6161.
FLAMES EEATERY FLAMES ATERY A AND ND B AR AAmerican. merican. $$. IIn n SSilicon ilicon BAR Valley, home-grown V alleyy, the home-gr own Flames rrestaurant estaurant chain is coffee the area’s area’s definitive coff ee And shop. A nd now they’ve opened in downtown SSan an great JJose ose to gr eat acclaim. 7amdaily. midnight daily y. 88 SS.. Fourth 408.971.1960. SSt. t. 408.971. 1960.
HAWGS H AWGS SSeafood. eafood. $$$. N Next ext door to the San San Jose Jose Rep Rep Theatre, Theatre, Hawgs offers offers simple seafood seafood and convenience for for theatergoers. theatergoers. Mostly Mostly shellfish and pasta combinations are are offered; offered; the linguini clams and sautéed scallops are are full of garlic and rich flavors. Tue-Sat Tueu Sat 11:30am-9pm, 11:30am-9pm, 4410pm Sun. Sun. 150 S. S. Second Second St. St. 408.287.9955. 408.2877..9955. HOUSE H OUSE O OFF SSIAM IAM TThai. hai. $ $.. This This popular popular establishment establishment runs runs the the gamut gamut of of Thai Thai treasures. treasures. Casual. Casual. Beer, Beer, wine. wine. 11:30am11:30am2:30 2:30 Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, 5-10pm 5-10pm daily. daily. 151 151 S. S. Second Second St. St. 408.295.3397. 408.295.3397. IILL FO FORNAIO RNAIO RRegional egional IItalian. talian. $$. Embraced Embraced by the graceful graceful Sainte Sainte Claire Claire Hotel, this location (there (there are are several several up and down the coast) transports transports the diner. diner. The The menu showcases a different different region monthly.. 7amregion of Italy Italy monthly 10pm, 10:30am-11:30pm 10:30am-11:30pm Mon-Thu, Mon--Thu, 8am-11pm 8am-11pm Fri-Sat, Fri-Sat, 8am-10pm 8am-10pm Sun. Sun. Full bar. bar. 302 S. S. Market Market St. St. 408.271.3366.
377 3
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Free Michael Miller
J PFL dXp i\d\dY\i# D`Z_X\c D`cc\i nXj k_\ Z_\] Xe[ fne\i f] k_\ cXk\ Ki\m\j\ `e Cfj >Xkfj% ?\ Yifl^_k _`^_$ZfeZ\gk# _`^_cp [\c`Z`flj ]ff[ kf k_\ Z`kpÊj cXe[dXib :f^^\j_Xcc dXej`fe Xe[ \Xie\[ X D`Z_\c`e jkXi Xcfe^ k_\ nXp% 9lk _`^_ i\ek Xe[ k_\ [fne \Zfefdp ]fiZ\[ D`cc\i kf Zcfj\ k_\ [ffij cXjk p\Xi X]k\i X )$(&)$p\Xi ile%
Miller has survived restaurant closures before. A sour economy doomed his restaurant UMUNHUM in 2003. Miller landed a job at San Jose’s SILICON VALLEY CAPITAL CLUB three months ago. The private club sits atop the Knight Ridder building in downtown San Jose. It has an incredible, panoramic view of San Jose and Silicon Valley. The food should rise to the level of one of the valley’s tallest building. The current menu, which still bears the name of former executive chef RANDY APRILL, includes such yawn inducers as spinach salad with orange slices (please tell me they weren’t canned), parmesancrusted chicken and herb-dusted mahi mahi. You would think that a restaurant that caters to Silicon Valley’s corporate elite would offer a more progressive menu. But like so many Silicon Valley restaurants, the food is timid, uninspired and unimaginative. Capital Club members fork over $150 a month for the privilege of paying for this food. They have to pay to pay. Miller has yet to put his signature on the menu, which raises the question: Why hire a brand-name, Michelin-star chef and continue to serve the same lackluster, stuck-in-time menu? Why not let Miller do his thing? Miller says he submitted a menu to CLUB CORP, the Capital Club’s corporate owner in Dallas, Texas, and is still awaiting approval. JEFF ZIMMERMAN, Club Corp’s director of culinary operations, says that he has received Miller’s new menu and that new dishes may start to appear at the restaurant in the next few weeks. Zimmerman says Club Corp is hoping to freshen its image and appeal to a younger generation of executives. Hiring innovative chefs is part of that strategy. “We’re redefining ourselves as a company,” he says. Chefs must adhere to certain corporate standards, but they are given wide latitude to create dishes that cater to local tastes. I’m looking forward to what Miller comes up with.ÆJk\kk ?fcYiffb
35 3 5 KOJI K OJI SSAKE AKE LLOUNGE OUNGE. $$. Japanese. Japanese. In In spite of Koji’s Koji’s well-tuned atmospher atmosphere, it’s e, it ’s the sakes that really really set the tone. Koji’s Koji’s sake list includess tasting notes that help you find one that suits you. Happy hour 6-9pm 6-9pm Wed-Fri Wed-Fri with $3 beers and $5 small plates. 6pm-late Wed-Fri, Wed-Fri, 8pm-late Sat. Sat. 48 S. S. First St. St. 408.287.7199. 408.2877..7199.
LLA AP PASTAIA A ASTAIA IItalian. talian. $$. LLaa Pastaia Pastaia remains remains a stalwart of downtown San San Jose’s Jose’s dining scene. Set Set inside the Hotel De Anza, Anza, the rustic Italian Italian restaurant restaurant has big city style to spare. spare. Lunch Lunch 11am-3pm 11am-3pm Mon-Fri Mon-Fri and noon-2pm noon-2pm SatSatSun; Sun; dinner 5-9pm 5-9pm Mon-Thu, Mon--Thu, 5-10pm 5-10pm Fri-Sat Fri-Sat and 5-9pm 5-9pm Sun. Sun. 233 W. W. Santa Santa Clara Clara St. St. 408.286.8686. LLA AV VICTORIA ICTORIA T TAQUERIA AQUERIA Mexican. Mexican. $. La La Vic’s Vic ’s famously famously
addictive orange orange hot sauce merely merely tops off its tasty taqueria fare: fare: big burritos burritos of the breakfast breakfast and lunchtime varieties, overflowing nachos, delectable chili rellenos. rellenos. 7am3am daily. daily. 140 E. E. San San Carlos Carlos St. St. 408.298.5335.
LLOS OS CCUBANOS UBANOS CCuban. uban. $$. Cuban Cuban food food exudes an earthy, earthyy, slow-cooked seduction and Los Los Cubanos Cubanos has it in spades. Lunch Lunch 11am-2:30pm; 11am-2:30pm; dinner
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
MCCORMICK AND MCCORMICK AND SSCHMICK’S CHMICK’S SSeafood. eafood. $$$. Harks Harks back to big-city fish houses with stately, statelyy, masculine interiors. Menu Menu follows the follows ll th freshest f eshest fr h t fruits f it off the sea, grilled, pan-seared, pan-seared, steamed. Desserts will hook you. 11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm daily, dailyy, 11pm happy hour Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 170 0 S. S. Market Market St. St. 408.283.7200.
MEZCAL M EZCAL RRegional egional M Mexican. exican. $$. Mezcal Mezcal specializes in delicious regional regional cuisine from from the southern Mexican Mexican state of Oaxaca. Oaxaca. People People who need nachos and sourcream-topped cream-topped eam topped burritos burritos on the menu will probably probably be miffed, miffed, but for for those willing to venture venture beyond the samee old Mexican-American Mexican-American standards, standards, Mezcal Mezcal offers offers an excellent point of departure. departure. 11:30am-11pm 11:30am-11pm Sun-Fri Sun-Fri and 55 11pm Sat. Sat. 25 W. W. San San Fernando Fernanddo St. St. 408.283.9595.
MOROCCO’S M OROCCO’S Moroccan. Moroccan. $$. Morocco’s Morocco’s is the kind of rrestaurant estaurant downtown moree of: SSan an JJose ose needs mor distinctive ffood ood cooked served and ser ved by people with a personal investment in customer happiness. Morocco’s M orocco’s personal touch is all over the rrestaurant. estaurant. 11am-3pm Mon-Fri, LLunch unch 11am3pm M on-Fri, 5-11pm Mon-Sat dinner 511pm M on-Sat and 5-9pm. N.. M Market SSun un 59pm. 86 N arket SSt. t.. 408.998.1509. 408.998. 1509.
MORTON’S M ORTON’S STEAKHOUSE STEAKHOUSE SSteakhouse. teakhouse. $$$$. Morton’s, Morton’s, a CChicago-based hicago-based chain of moree than rrestaurants estaurants with mor across 80 locations acr oss the United abroad, oad, U nited SStates tates and abr offers premiumoff ers delicious, pr emiumsteaks. priced steak s. TThe he rrest est of thee menu is a mixed bag. 5:30Mon-Sat, 5-10pm 11pm M on-Sat, 510pm SSun. un.. Park Ave. 408.947.7000. 177 P ark A ve. 408.94 47.7000. .
NAGLEE N AGLEE P PARK ARK GARAGE GARAGE New New American. American. $$. Lots Lots of restaurants restaurants would like to think of themselves as friendly neighborhood jointss but few few deliver. deliver. The The Garage Garage does. Small Small but satisfying menu of well executed comfort comfort food food classics. 59:30pm Tue-Thu, Tuue--Thu, 5-10pm 5-10pm Fri, Frii, 9am-1pm, 9am-1pm, 5-10pm 5-10pm Sat, Sat, 9am--
1pm Sun. Sun. 505 E. E. San San Carlos Carlos St. St. 408.286.1100. 408.286.1100.
Pavilion P avilion events. 91 S. S. Autumn Autumn 408.292.5837. SSt. t. 408.292.5837 7.
NHA N HA T TOI OI VVietnamese. ietnamese. $-
Nha $$. N ha Toi Toi o is the place ffor or Vietnamese northern style V ietnamese ffood—less ood—less sweet than Vietnamese southern V ietnamese ffood ood and less spicy than the central Vietnam, ffood ood of centr al V ietnam, yet it makes wider uses of aromatic ingredients ar omatic ingr edients 9am9am daily.. 460 EE.. William SSt. 10pm daily t. 408.294.2733.
$$$. CCulture ulture lovers and power brokers br okers alike find impeccable sourdough, sour dough, a sea of marine treats entrees tr eats and other entr ees and panoramic a panor amic view (there’s (there’s a Palo Alto). sister eatery in P alo A lto). For pleasure, theree maximum pleasur e, get ther bar.. 11:30amat sunset. sunset Full bar 11:30am Mon-Fri, at, 5pm M on-Fri, 5pm-close SSat, Park 4:30pm-close SSun. un. 185 P ark Ave. 408.971.1700. A ve. 408.971. 1700.
ORIGINAL O RIGINAL JOE’S JOE’S IItaliantalianAmerican. American. $$. For five decades OJ’s OJ’s has been serving serving classics of American American and Italian-American Italian-American food food with heaping portions of big city attitude and glamour. glamour. The The restaurant restaurant underwent underwent an extensive remodel, remodel, but the menu is the same as it ever was. 11am-1am 11am-1am daily. daily. 301 S. S. First St. St. 408.292.7030. PAGODA P AGODA R RESTAURANT ESTAURANT Chinese. $$$. TThe Chinese. he cuisines of CChina hina share share top billing with décor.. the opulence of the décor Pagoda P agoda offers offers the gamut of Dressy. rregional egional all-stars. Dr essyy. bar.. 66-10pm Full bar 10pm TTue-Sat. ueu Sat. Market Fairmont Hotel, 170 SS.. M arket 408.998.3937. SSt. t. 408.998.3937 7.
PAOLO’S P AOLO’S N New ew IItalian. talian. $$$$. Filled with artistic spins on California-meets-Italy, California-meets-Italyy, the kitchen turns out elegant entrees entrees spearheaded by seasonal vegetables. The The impeccable service service compensates for for the modest portions. Full bar. bar. 11:30-2:30 11:30-2:30 Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm MonMonSat. Sat. 323 W. W. San San Carlos Carlos St. St. 408.294.2558.
P.F. P .F. CCHANG’S HANG’S CHINA CHINA B ISTRO CChinese. hinese. $$. With BISTRO atmosphere atmosphere to spare, spare, Chang’s Chang’s doesn’t doesn’t neglect taste. Vibrant Vibrant SSzechuan zechuan flavors mix surprisingly well with rich Western-style Western-style desserts. TTakeakea out. Patio Patio dining. Full bar. bar. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm Sun-Thu, Sun--Thu, 11am11pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 98 S. S. Second Second St. St. 408.961.5250.
POOR P OOR H HOUSE OUSE B BISTRO ISTRO New Orleans. Poor N ew O rleans. l $$ TThe $$. h P he oor Bistroo off offers House Bistr ers a lowpriced menu of CCrescent rescent CCity ity classics like po’ po’ boys, barbecued shrimp, gumbo muffaletta. and muff aletta. LLive ive music on Fridays and SSaturdays. aturdays. Open 11am-9pm Mon-Sat. O pen 11am9pm M on-Sat. Open O pen SSundays undays ffor or major HP
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
377 3 5-9pm TTue-Thu, 5-9pm uue--Thu, 55-10pm 10pm Fri, 33-10pm -10pm SSat at and 3-8:30pm 3-8:30pm N.. A Almaden Ave. SSun. un. 22 N lmaden A ve. 408.279.0134.
More M ore dining dinning coverage coverage
71 SSAINT AINT P PETER ETER N New ew American. A merican. $$$. TThis his rromantic omantic offers eatery off ers upscale Mediterranean M editerranean ffood ood in an Beer,, wine. intimate setting Beer N.. SSan Pedro CClosed losed SSun. un. 71 N an P edro 11:30am-1pm, 5-9pm SSt. t. 11:30am1pm, 59pm Mon-Sat. M on-Sat. 408.971.8523.
SSONOMA ONOMA CCHICKEN HICKEN CCOOP OOP Mixed. Mixed. $. If If you don’t don’t mind carrying carrying your own tray tray and fighting for for a table you’ll be rrewarded ewarded with hearty spit-roasted spit-r oasted chicken that requires requires at least six napkins. 31 N. Market Pedro N. M arket SSt. t. at SSan an P edro Square. Square. 11am-9pm 11am-9pm SSun-Thu, un--Thu, 10pm Fri-Sat Fri-Sat 408.287.4098. 408.2877..4098.
VEGETARIAN V EGETARIAN H HOUSE OUSE Vegetarian. meat-free V egetarian. $. TThis his meat-fr ee offers stalwart off ers vegetarian from around dishes fr om ar ound the serving world with a side ser ving of rreligious eligious rreading eading material from fr om spiritual leader CChing hing 11am-2pm, 5-9pm Hai. 11am2pm, 59pm Mon-Fri, 11am-9pm M on-Fri, 11am9pm SSatatSSun. un. 520 EE.. SSanta anta CClara lara SSt. t. 408.292.3798.
VUNG V UNG T TAU AU V VIETNAMESE IETNAMESE $$. TTraditionalists raditionalists might gripe that they can get Vietnamese authentic th ti V i t ietnamese ffood oodd elsewhere, it’s ffor or less elsewher e, but it ’s hardd to top V Vung har ung TTau au a ffor or its fresh, ingredients fr esh, quality ingr edients comfortable and sleek yet comf ortable décor.. EEncyclopedic décor ncyclopedic menu. Open 10am-3pm O pen daily 10am3pm and 5-9pm. 59pm. 535 EE.. SSanta anta CClara lara SSt. t. 408.288.9055.
# Cowboy#
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Sat & Sun 10am-2pm
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Includes: 2 Side Dishes • Garlic Bread Bottomless Soda
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WING’S W ING’S CChinese. hinese. $. TThe he ffood ood is complemented by an exotic dining rroom oom sequestered with sequester ed seating equipped with hanging beads and doorbells, and other miscellaneous peculiarities era. Always of a bygone er a. A lways a fun place to visit. 11:30amdaily.. 131 EE.. JJackson 9:30pm daily ackson 998.9427. SSt. t. 408.294.3303 or 998.9427 7.
15466 Los Gatos Blvd.(Next to Trader Joe’s)
(408) 356-5768 M-F 11am-9pm • Sat. 10am-9pm • Sun. 10am-8pm
metroactive m metr troacctive ttive SMUIN BALLET
Marty Sohl
*w wed we ed GGREEN REE E N JELLY R J EL LY Avalon, A valon, Santa nt Clar nta C Claraa Wed $10/$12 W ed – 8pm; p $10 0/$12 TThey hey uused sed to to be be Green Green Jellö, Jellö, with with a hhilarious ilarious video video of of their their own own ssick ick aand nd ttwisted wisted version version of of the the Three Three Little Little Pigs. want P igs. I don’t don’t w ant ttoo sspoil poil iit, t, bbut ut llet’s et’s just just say say Rambo Rambo gets gets iinvolved. nvolved. TThey hey sstrived trived to to be be the the world’s world’s worst w orst band band and and were were notorious notorious for for eenticing nticing tthe he crowd crowd to to throw throw green green whipped jjello, ello, w hipped cream cream and and pudding pudding aatt them. them. Alas, Alas, fame fame doesn’t doesn’t ccome ome without w ithout a ccost—especially ost—especially iiff yyour our nname ame iiss a rregistered egistered ttrademark— rademark— aand nd soon soon they they found found themselves themselves ssued ued by by Kraft Kraft Foods. Foods. They They were were
*tthu hu
UGLY U GLY W WINNER INNER VooDoo LLounge, VooDoo ou unge, San Jose Thu – 9pm; $5 $
Theree aren’t Ther aren’t a hell of a lot of places for for a band b that plays art/ hardcore, butt Ugly Winner has har dcore, bu serenading been giggingg heavily, heavily, ser enading them all withh Mission of Burma/ Wire–style Wir e–style jjagged-edge agged-edge noise.
9\Xl ;fnc`e^ 9\Xl ;fnc`e^ D`Z_X\c J% >Xek D`Z_X\c J% >Xek I`Z_Xi[ mfe 9ljXZb I`Z_Xi[ mfe 9ljXZb
Jfd\[Xp >i\ \e A\ccÍ n`cc Z Xgkli\ :Xjkc\ `e k_\ d\Xek >iXpjblcc2 `d\# k_\pÊcc g cXp k_\ 8mXcfe %
JljXe If\d\i Xe[ K\[ C`eq\i [f k_\ É=i\eZ_ Kn`jkÊ p% Jle p% Jle[Xp [ Jle[Xp% JXkli[Xp Xe[ \k JXkli[Xp Xe 9 c\k fi Jdl`e 9Xcc\k fi ]fi Jdl`e 9Xcc ]fi
forced to forced to bbecome ecome Green Green JJellÿ, ellÿ, with with aann uumlaut mlaut over over the the ““y,” y,” turning turning it it iinto nto aan n “o” “o” sound. sound. In In other other words, words, Green yyou ou ccan an sstill till ccall all tthem hem G reen Jello. Jello. And A nd you you ccan an sstill till bbring ring some, some, which which iiss why why their their llive ive shows shows ccan an gget et Bomb ssticky. ticky. B omb aand nd Scary, Scary, Band Band ooff Orcs, O rcs, In In the the Eye Eye of of the the Malocchio Malocchio Nancy aand nd Slam Slam N ancy open. open. (BD) (BD)
This week, weekk, Ugly Winner plays the Art’N’Soul ’N’Soul night at VooDoo, Art VooDoo, along with Hanss KKeller eller and RS2 Solid Sound. There Thhere will also be live art by Paco Excel, P aco Exce el, Jai Tanju Taanju and Noggin, Porno while DJs Coco and P orno Bob spin. (RvB) (RvB B)
*ffri ri
TRASHKANNON T R AS H K A N N O N Blank Clu Club, ub, San Jose 9pm; Fri – 9pm m; $7 There’s nothing Ther e’s no othing funnier than punkss tak taking punk king themselves too seriously.. That That’s seriously ’s why Trashkannon Trashkannon workss so well. Yes, work Yes, yes, go on about how punkk used to an instrument of rebellion rebellioon and how it has become commercialized commer cialized and accepted in mainstream society.. These guys mainstr eaam society
bring back b one element missing from fr om a lot of punk music (in ffact, act, a general) lot of music m in gener al) nowadays: Live, they’ree the other kind fun. Li ve, they’r riot.. Mixing punk/ska with the of riot obligatory it’s obliga g toryy drinkingg songs, g it ’s obvious they’ree having a good time obviou us they’r want and wa ant you to, as well. Bibles & Grenades Hand Gr G enades and Regulator (a Brains Bad Br rains tribute) open. (BD)
it sseems what’s eems to be stuck in what ’s semipopular sem mipopular at this particular moment. It’s mooment. It ’s sort of sad, in a way, wayy, because the musicianship is fine, fi just misdirected. misdirected. Neiche, Hometown, Hom metown, MIYU, Coin Laundry, Laundryy, My Parade Parade open. (BD)
*ssat at
Nickell City $10 Fri – 6pm; 6
Nickel City opens its doors to hook-rock, hook-r rock, a genre ggenre tailor-made ffor or Your Youur New Secret. Secret. Predictable, Predictable, disco-dance-rock discodance-rock lightly dusted keyboards with Devo-esque D keyboards and nasallyy lyrics proves proves that the band at a least knows how to gear itself toward t towar d its demographic. demographic. The stayingg power of a group stayin group like this is hard hard to determine, seeing how
program, Forr its spring pr ogram, Smuin Ballet wrangled Bal let has wr angled the rights choreographer to Czech C chor eographer Kiri KKylian’s ylian’s P Petite etite Mort—the first performance perrformance of the work in the Bayy Area. Area. This tense, austere austere piece, set to Mozart, features features some precision work with swords precision e swords for for
Flin Flint nt Center Center,r, C Cupertino upertino Satt – 8pm, Sun – 2pm; $18–$56
Anthony J. Mirabella
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
oncerts * cconcerts Mayy 26 at the Blank CL Ma CLub ub
BIG B IG SSANDY ANDY A AND ND T THE HE FFLY-RITE LY-RITE B BOYS OYS May 28 at a Landmark Ballr Ballroom, oom, San Jose
MR. M R. BA BARKY RKY R RIDES IDES A AGAIN GAIN May 29 at Unitarian Chur Church ch of Palo Alto P alo Al to
DETOX D ETOX P POOL OOL P PARTY ARTY May 30 3 at DoubleTree DoubleTTree Hotel, San Jose
CALIFORNIA LIFORNIA YOUTH YOUTH SSYMPHONY YMPHONY ASSOC. ASSOC. ORCHESTRA ORCHESTRA May 30 at a 2pm at Spangenberg Spangenber nge g Theater,, P Palo Alto. Theater alo Al too.
SAN N JJOSE OSE CCHAMBER HAMBER ORCHESTRA ORC R HESTRA Mayy 31 at Le Petit Petit Trianon Trrianon anon
SSUBZERO UBZERO O `^_k1 fl [iXeb kff dlZ_ cXjk e I\Xjfe *-( pfl befn p ccj% ;f ff f > >f k_\ Pfl eXd\[ pfli YXe[ perilously under underclad clad male dancers. premiere Also on tap: the world pr em miere of Fr French ench TTwist w wist by Ma Congg and Smuin’s Smuin’s own Songs of Mahler. Mahhlerr. (MSG)
QU I ET GGAME QUIET AME SSTARTING TART IN G NOW N OW Nickel City, Cityy, San Jose Sat – 5pm; $10 Like ’em. They don’t don’t suck. Hüsker H Dü-ish East Bay sextet of punkers. p Medium-range Medium-r ange vocals contrast conttrast full-throat with Brit-style full-thr oat football football commencing chorus; QGSN is commenci ng its Pac flogging P ac Coast C t tour t fl i its it EP For F tthe he Win” and also making little movies ffor or MySpace about how the members pretend pretend not to t get along (“Dude! This is so stupid, stuupid, I quit.” “I hate these stupid band b dramas! Pierce dr amas! Pier ce made us sound soound like a bunch of pussies up here!”). here!”).
TTitles itles like “Show Me YYours, ouurs, I’ll address Show You You Mine” Mine” addr ess the usual nonoffensive way.. anxieties in a nonoff enssive way (RvB)
FULL FU LL TIME TIME BERET B Streetlight R Streetlight Records, ecords, San Saan Jose Sat – 4pm; free free San Mateo’s Mateo’s Joel CCuzzi uzzi does business as Full TTime ime Beret, Beeret, playing six-string ““post-punk post-punk another acoustic.” Here’s Here’s anothe er ffan an of hardcore moree har dcore who turned too mor intimate music, with a spot s of beatnikyy crunch still left in it. Thee beatnik handle seemingly g y has nothing n g to guitar do with the Spanish gui itar riffs— theree are ther are indeed Spaniards Spaniaards who berets, that’s wear ber ets, but that ’s another a story.. The breathy story breathy voice conjures conjures up some free free memoriess of Colin Zombies. “Lost” Blunstone of the Zombi ies. “L ost” is about the ffault ault being inn ourselves and not in the stars; “Prelude” “Prrelude” is
an instrumental on the t Mason Williams end of the spectrum; s “Emergency” sort dirge “Emer gency” is a sor rt of light dir ge breakdown. ffor or social br eakdownn. (RvB)
*ttue ue
GGOO OO GGOO OO D DOLLS O L LS Mountain Winery Mountain Tue $39.50-$89.50 T u ue – 7:30pm; $39.5 50-$89.50 Aree we sure Ar sure they aren’t aren e ’t KKansas ansas different using a diff erent name? nam me? Impossible, come to think of it, tougher since KKansas ansas is so much m a band name than what w the Goo Goo Dolls have kept for for the last 2244 years. “If I’d had five fi more more have minutes, I would hav ve thought of a Buffalo-bred better name,” Buff alo-bred singer
once John Rzeznik onc ce said. Having “Rzeznik,” been born “Rzezn nik,” he picked the band name Goo G Goo Dolls, just his luck. Wait, Wait, “Slide” “Slide” isn’t isn’t by the Band? sure? SSteve teve Miller Band d? YYou’re ou’re sur e? I’m altnot beingg a snob,, KKansas ansas was al tyou know.. Anyway: rrock ock once, too, yo ou know “Iris,” yes. Pre-emo, Pre-em mo, or “premo” “premo” if perfectly you will, a perf ecttly sweet Irishoid cooked power-ballad coo oked up ffor or an abysmal shot in remake remake of Wings of Desire Desire. “Iris “Iris”” so sounds ounds ever so acoustic much better acou ustic without the orchestral scaffolding or chestral scaff ollding hanging over it, and turns up at a lot of people’s people ’s weddingg parties. So does “The Chicken Dance” Dannce” but, eh. Buffalo! Buff alo! Rock City! Cityy! (RvB)
Jun 4 in SoF SoFA FA District, rii San Jose
LLIVE IVE 1105’S 05’S B BFD FD W WITH ITH SSUBLIME UBLIME Jun 6 at Shor Shoreline eline
CCROSBY, RO OSBY, SSTILLS T I L LS & N NASH ASH Jun 7 at Mou Mountain ntain Winery Winery, y, Sar Saratoga atog ooga
BOZ B OZ SSCAGGS CAGGS Jun 99-10 10 aatt Montalvo Arts Ar Center
DIANA D IANA ROSS ROSS Jun 12 at Mountain Mo Winery ry
JJOHNNY OHNNY LANG LANG Jun 18 aatt Montalvo Arts Cen Center nter
CCOUNTRY OUNTRY T THROWDOWN HROWDOWN T TOUR OUR Jun 20 at Shor Shoreline horeline e ne
LLEFT EFT CCOAST OAST LLIVE IVE Jun 2121-26 26 in downtown wn San n Jose Jos
M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Felipe Buitr B Buitrago ago
metroactive ARTS
Mongol Hoarding :FD< 9CFN PFLI ?FIE : FD< 9CFN PFLI ?FI E 8 8 Zfjkld\[ ^i\\k\i _\iXc[\[ k_\ Xii`mXc f] k_\ >\e^_`j B_Xe \o_`Y`k% Zfjkld\[ ^ii\\k\i _\iXc[\[ k_\ Xii`mXc f] k_\ k >\e^_`j B_Xe \o_`Y`k%
K_\ K\Z_ cXpj flk Xik`]XZkj K_ K K_\ _\ K\ \Z_ cXpj flk Xik`]XZkj X Xe[ df[\cj ]ifd k_\ \iX Xe[ df[\cjj ]ifd k_\ \iX f] >\e^_`j B_Xe f] >\e^_`j B_Xe f] 9 p GARY 9p GARY SSINGH INGH
< :F < :FEHL<I<; : EHL<I<; _ _X c] k_\ nfic[% ?\ _Xc] k_\ nfic[% ?\ n` g\[ [ flk \ek`i\ n`g\[ flk \ek`i\ Z`m m`c`qXk`fej% ?\ Z`m`c`qXk`fej% ?\ nX n Xj Yfk_ X nXii`fi Xe[ nXj Yfk_ X nXii`fi Xe[ X X jkXk\jdX Xk\ Xe% X ?`j YilkXc X jkXk\jdXe% ?`j YilkXc Z_`c[_ff[ Z_ `c[ Xe[ _`j efdX[`Z Z_`c[_ff[ Xe[ _`j efdX[`Z _\i`kX^\ `k \ _\cg\[ g j_Xg\ _`d Xj _\i`kX^\ _\cg\[ j_Xg\ _`d Xj Xe e legXi l g Xcc\c\[ c\X[\i% Xe legXiXcc\c\[ c\X[\i% W When he d died, ie his territor territoryy sstretched str e hed from etched from m the Korean Korean Empir Empiree t the Aral Se to Seaâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the largest largest Seaâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the ccontiguous tigu laand empire empire eever ver known. land O Originally rigi y, hee w a the one who as Originally, was o op pened en up tr rade and exchange exchange across across opened trade A si He established sia. estab blished l what is rreferred effeerred Asia.
to o to today daay as international la law. aw. His p eople intr oduced stringed d people introduced in nstruments to medie val Eur pe op instruments medieval Europe an nd brought brought the passport, passport,, the p o al ost and postal ssystem, y ystem, and even even b coun nts, byy some ac accounts, th he hambur ger, to the W estern e the hamburger, Western w world. A rst, o ne m ight n ot pe rceive Att ďŹ ďŹ rst, one might not perceive ad irect cconnection onnection ffrom rom G enghis direct Genghis K han tto oS ilicon V alley, b ut aafter fter o ne Khan Silicon Valley, but one eexperiences xperiences tthe he n ew eexhibit xhibit aatt tthe he new T ech M useum, iitt w onâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t m atter. T hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tech Museum, wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t matter. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eenough nough o enuous ttechnological echnological off a ttenuous b ackstory h ac ere tto op leasse eeven ven tthe he m ost backstory here please most ggrumbling rumbling o itpickers. D uring tthe he off n nitpickers. During p ress o pening, T ech Museum Museum president president press opening, Tech P eter F riess eexplained xplained tthat hat tthe he Peter Friess m useum iiss â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;helping helping tthe he ccity ity be come museum become ad estination ffor or llarge arge eexhibitions, xhibitions, n ot destination not jjust ust o nes tthat hat aare re sscience-based. cience-based.â&#x20AC;? ones T he eexhibition xhibition w as p reviously The was previously
sshown hown iin nH ouston aand nd D enver, b ut Houston Denver, but n owhere eelse lse iin n tthe he U nited S tates. IIn n nowhere United States. ffact, aacct, n oo ther iinstitution nstitution w as o riginallly no other was originally p lanned tto oh ost tthe he sshow, how, b ut ass iitt planned host but w as cclosing losing iin nD enver, tthe he ffolks olks aatt was Denver, T eam mS an n JJose ose an nd tthe he T ech M useum Team San and Tech Museum jjumped umped iinto nto tthe he ffray ray aand nd w ere ab ble tto o were able lland an nd aanother nother â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;blockbusterâ&#x20AC;? blockbusterâ&#x20AC;? ass tthey hey ccall all iit. t. At At the the opening, opening, curator curator Don Don Lessem Lessem rrecalled ecallled ďŹ&#x201A; ying b ack tto oM ongolia aand nd ďŹ&#x201A;ying back Mongolia n egotiating aanother nother ap ppearran nce ffor or negotiating appearance tthe he eexhibit, xhibit, jjust ust sso oS an JJose ose ccould ould gget et San iits ts ttime ime iin n ass w ell. well. He also went on to explain explain that Genghis Khan has gotten gottten a bad rap in the W est. e â&#x20AC;&#x153;He â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s b eeen black k-t - arred West. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been black-tarred as a barbarian,â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;? said L essem. â&#x20AC;&#x153;W We Lessem. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We wer â&#x20AC;&#x2122;t weree the barbarians barbarians.. W Wee wouldn wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ha ave pants post offic have pants,, glasses glasses,, th thee post officee or the Pony Pon ny Expr ess. He H w as an Express. was edible civilizing inďŹ&#x201A;uence.â&#x20AC;? incr in nďŹ&#x201A;uence.â&#x20AC;? incredible Th exhibit The exhibit hibi b egins i with wi h a begins del of st atueâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a one -sixth scale sccale mo statueâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a one-sixth model the st atue that sits at the entranc statue entrancee to the parliament bui ilding in the building Mongolian capital capital of Ulaanbaatar, U Ulaanbaat ar, lo oking down on the city city ccenter. enter. looking After that, various tim melines, maps timelines, and char charts ts grac gracee the next n xt ffew ne ew w walls. alls.
Entiree pla placards displaying Entir cards displa aying y Genghis Khanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s descendents aree ther theree ffor Khan â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s des scendents ar or o perusal. life-size p erusal. An A authentic lif fe-size ger, a ffelt-lined elt e -lined d wood-framed wood-framed nomadic dwelling,, ssits in one corner, dwelling corner, complete complete pottery, clothing,, ccooking with p otttteery, clothing ooking utensils,, sc scrolls utensils crolls and more. more. Ass o one A ne ccontinues ontinues tthrough hrough tthe he more more eexhibit, xhibit, m ore aand nd m ore iiss rrevealed. evealled. Each provides different E ach ssection ection p rovides a d iff ffeerent on Mongol history, weaponry, aangle ngle o nM ongol h istory, w eaponry, ttactics, actics, sstrategies, trategies, llogistics oggistics aand nd eeven ven horses played. Mongol tthe he rrole ole h orses p layed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;The The M ongol warrior was home on w arrior w as ccompletely ompletely aatt h ome o n his horse, one display declares, h is h orse,â&#x20AC;? o ne d isplay d eclarres, aadding dding warrior was tthat hat tthe he w arrior w ass rresponsible esponsible ffor or eeverythingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;weapons, verythingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;weapons, ffood, ood, and mounts. Hee w was eequipment quipment an nd m ounts. H as aan n eentirely ntirely sself-contained elf- contained ccombatant, ombatant, aan n probably passed down iideology deology p robably p assed d own ffrom rom Genghis himself. G enghis h imself. was Genghiss Khanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Khanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s father w as murdered mur dered when Genghis was was just old. His was 9 yyears ears o ld. H is ffamily aam mily w as aabandoned bandoned byy ttheir b heir ttribe ribe aand nd fforced orced tto o llive ive poverty. Genghis iin np overty. G enghis ssubsequently ubsequently developed natural d eveloped n aturall ttalents alents ffor or sselfelfpreservation, p reservation, aambition mbition aand nd ssurvival. urvival. Hee n never normal H ever rreceived eceived tthe he n ormal gguidebook uidebook ffor or llife. ife. Talking to a few Lessem T alking a few rreporters, eporters, L essem originally interested said he ori iginally became became inter ested Genghis in Genghi is for for o eexactly xactly that reason: reason: was fascinated â&#x20AC;&#x153;I w as fasc cinated that this person person from nothing.. It Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ccame ame fr om m nothing â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a fascinating mysterious because and m ysteerious question, b ecause was partt of he w as an outcast outcast and not par anyy or organized an ganized system. system. He did things differently. diff ffeerentlyy. And when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re an outcast, differently outc ast, yyou o see things diff ou ffeerently and do things thiings differently.â&#x20AC;? diff ffeerentlyy.â&#x20AC;? hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s And her reâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one for for o the conspiracy conspiracy theorists.. One theorists O rroom oom in the exhibit exhibit about Yasa Code, Law ttalks alks ab ou ut the Y asa a C ode, the L aw Genghiss Khan. He cconceived of Genghi onceived the Great Yasa, laws society Gr eat Y aasaa, a his la aws w ffor or so o ciety and personal guideliness for for o p ersonal behavior, behaavvior, intending to create create the structure structure ffor or o new â&#x20AC;&#x153;World Society.â&#x20AC;? a ne w kind d of â&#x20AC;&#x153;W Wo orld So ciety.â&#x20AC;? doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Another IItt d oesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sstop top tthere. here. A nother rroom oom ssays: ays: â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Genetic Genetic sstudies tudies iindicate ndicate tthat hat million men aatt lleast easst 116 6m illion m en lliving iving ttoday oday descendents off a M Mongolian male aare re d escendents o ongolian nm ale who ago. w ho llived ived aaround round 11,000 ,000 yyears earrs ag go.â&#x20AC;? You may bee a M Mongol Y ou m ay eeven ven b ongol yyourself. ourself.
>\e^_`j B_Xe K_\ K\Z_ Dlj\ld# JXe Afj\ (,Ă&#x2026; ),
SubZERO is a diy, artistically bent, hi/lo-techno-mashup where street meets geek. In addition to the South FIRST FRIDAYS monthly art walk you’ll find an outdoor stage of entertainment and artists, performers & musicians celebrating the indie creative spirit!
June 4th in the SoFA District from 6pm ’til midnight
The Bangerz featuring San Jose Taiko
Ben Henderson & Friends
Corpus Callosum
The Ferocious Few
Brave New World Fashion Show
ARTISTS / INDIE VENDORS Ai & Ai Al Preciado Alfredo Reyes Amul Goswamy Andrew Hedges Are We There Yet? by Genevieve Hastings Art Ark Gallery Beadworker Canvas Ghost Gallery Chris Kisler, Gretchen Kisler Cloud Concepts David and Lisa Mejia Dinosaur Dance Party DonBon Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-Art School Eazi & Jodi Macarenas Element 151 Empire 7 Gallery Field Day Folded Inc Force 129 Gianfranco Paolozzi Haptic Synapse Heart of Chaos Helium Magazine The Inside is the Outside by Lacey Bryant Keith Bunnel Kookaburra by Emily Bones Korrupt Clothing Kurtis Rykovich Looping Lounge hosted by Rick Walker Love & Logic Studios Michael Borja Michael Foley Michelle Waters MopedHeads Munio Ink The Museum Proper by Dax Tran-Caffee Pellet Persephone Belly Dance Troupe San Jose Bike Party SHARE San Jose Shorty Fatz SJFAM SJ Yarn Bombers Slave Labor Graphics (SLG) The Street Swag Photo Booth by Abe Menor Joey Syta Tarot Reading by Drew Clark Theresa Munoz Trina Merry The Usuals Veggilution Zine Party Tonite! hosted by Yumi Barefoot Coffee Treatbot Karoke Icecream Truck METRO KSCU 103.3 FM twitter:
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
South FIRST FRIDAYS presents
More M ore listings:
ARTS A RT S metroactive metr o oactive
San Jose Chamber Orchestra
John Gerbetz
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
The orchestra with help from three youth ensembles presents a world premiere called Cruise Control by Kerry Lewis. The guest artist for the evening is young violinist David Do (left), who will deliver Vivaldi’s Spring and Summer concertos from The Four Seasons. (MSG)
A cclassic lassic ddrama rama presented presented by by West Bay W est B ay Opera. Opera. Sat, Sat, 8pm, 8pm, Sun, Sun, $30–$55. 22pm. pm. $ 30–$55. LLucie ucie SStern tern Palo Alto. TTheater, heater, P alo A lto.
Ballet San Jose
Saturday–Sunday, 1:30pm, California Theatre, San Jose; $16–$47
Lift-Off May 29–June 19, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art Unafraid to risk their careers (because they haven’t really started yet) with genuinely experimental work, the SJSU MFA graduate students in the annual “Lift Off” show delight in busting genres and mingling media in pursuit of fresh new visions—Track Burk’s untitled bronze and wood snapshot of nature at work, for instance (left). Today the gallery, tomorrow the museum. There will be a reception on Friday, 6–8pm. (MSG)
Wings of Freedom Through May 29, Moffett Field, Mountain View; Some illustrious planes from the era of the Greatest Generation will be on display through the weekend as part of the commemoration of Memorial Day. The vehicles include fully functional versions of the P-51 Mustang (pictured), the B-17 Flying Fortress and B-24 Liberator. Tours are available for $12 ($6 for kids). For a great deal more, one can actually get airborne. (MSG)
Dance D Da Danc nce
ARTISTS A RTISTS FELLOWSHIP FELLOWSHIP AWARD A WARD Presented P resented by by Arts Arts Council Council Valley SSilicon ilicon V alley with with a dance dance
Operaa Oper
Monday, 7pm, Le Petit Trianon, San Jose; $5
The up-and-coming leapers at the Ballet San Jose School show off what they’ve learned in a production of Hans Christian Andersen’s beloved tale The Ugly Duckling choreographed by Lise la Cour, and Strauss by la Cour and Dalia Rawson. (MSG)
tage ge *sstage
performance bbyy aartist-inperformance rtist-inAnn with rresidence esidence A nn CCarlson arlson w ith SStanford tanford sstudents. tudents. Thu, Thu, 7pm. 7pm. IInn Gym, ffront ront ooff Roble Roble G ym, SStanford. tanford.
performance performance of of “Birthing “Birthing the the Ascension.” Ascension.”TThe he sshow how hhonors onors Maria Basile. Basile. Wed, Wed, 6pm. 6pm. Free. Free. Maria Triton Museum, Museum, Santa Santa Clara. Clara. Triton
“Alice “Alice in in Wonderland.” Wonderland.” Fri, Fri, 7:30pm, 7:30pm, Sat, Sat, 2 and and 7:30pm. 7:30pm. West Valley Valley College. College. West
BALLET B ALLET SSAN AN JJOSE OSE Students in Students in “The “The Ugly Ugly Duckling,” Duckling,” cchoreographed horeographed by by Lise Lise la la Cour. Cour. SSat-Sun, at-Sun, 1:30pm. 1:30pm. $ 16-$47. $16-$47. CCalifornia alifornia Theatre, Theatre, San San Jose. Jose.
Jiri Kylian’s Jiri Kylian’s ““Petite Petite M Mort,” ort,” M Maa CCong’s ong’s ““French French TTwist” wist” and and M ichael Smuin’s Smuin’s ““Songs Songs ooff Michael M ahler.” SSat, at, 8 pm, SSun, un, 22pm. pm. Mahler.” 8pm, $ 18-$56. FFlint lint CCenter, enter, CCupertino. upertino. $18-$56.
A nnew ew full-length full-length version version of of
A ssite-specific ite-specific w walking alking ddance ance
Theater T heater Broadway West Broadway West Theatre Theatre CCompany ompany ppresents resents Arthur Arthur Miller’s M iller’s ffamous amous drama. drama. Thu-Sat, Thu-Sat, 8pm, 8 pm, SSun, un, 11pm. pm. TThru hru Jun Jun 12. 12. $15-$22. $ 15-$22. FFremont. remont.
THE T HE EELEPHANT LEPHANT An eedgy An dgy ccomedy omedy aabout bout ccoping oping aand nd lloss, oss, written written bbyy Alice Pencavel. Dragon A lice P encavel. FFrom rom D ragon Productions. $15. P roductions. FFri-Sun, ri-Sun, 8pm. 8pm. $ 15. Dragon Palo Alto. D ragon TTheatre, heatre, P alo A lto.
FFAHRENHEIT AHRENHEIT 4 451 51 Ray Bradbury’s Ray Bradbury’s classic classic Palo Alto ppresented resented bbyy P alo A lto 8pm, CChildren’s hildren’s TTheater. heater. FFri, ri, 8 pm, Sat, Sat, $5/$10. 2 aand nd 8pm. 8pm. $ 5/$10. LLucie ucie SStern tern Palo Alto. TTheater, heater, P alo A lto.
THE T HE GGLASS LASS MENAGERIE MENAGERIE TTennessee ennessee W Williams’ illiams’ ddrama rama Pear P ear Avenue Avenue TTheatre heatre sshow. how. 8pm, TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8 pm, SSun, un, 22pm. pm. Thru Thru May $15-$30. Pear, M ay 30. 30. $ 15-$30. TThe he P ear, Mountain View. M ountain V iew.
GGYPSY YPSY The m The musical usical sstory tory ooff sstripper tripper Gypsy Rose. G ypsy Lee Lee R ose. TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, $17SSun, un, 22pm. pm. TThru hru May May 30. 30. $ 17$34. Hillbarn $ 34. H illbarn ttheatre, heatre, FFoster oster City. City.
HELLO H ELLO DOLLY! DOLLY! The ffamed The amed musical musical aabout bout a matchmaker, m atchmaker, ppresented resented bbyy Bay SSouth outh B ay Musical Musical TTheatre. heatre. 8pm, TThis his week: week: FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 8 pm, SSun, un, 22:30pm. :30pm. Thru Thru Jun Jun 5. 5. $13-50$13-50$27. $ 27. SSaratoga aratoga Civic Civic Theatre. Theatre.
LITTLE SSHOP LITTLE HOP O OFF H O R RO RS HORRORS Presented by Presented by Bus Bus Barn Barn Stage Stage CCompany. ompany. Wed, Wed, 77:30pm, :30pm, 8pm, TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8 pm, SSun, un, 3 oorr 77pm. pm. $24-$32. Bus Barn $ 24-$32. B us B arn Theatre, Theatre, Altos. LLos os A ltos.
NEW P NEW PLAYWRIGHTS’ LAYWRIGHTS’ FFESTIVAL ESTIVAL By Santa By Santa Clara Clara University University Drama D rama Department. Department. Mon-Tue, Mon-Tue, 77pm. pm. FFess ess Parker Parker Studio, Studio, Santa Santa CClara. lara.
SHAKESPEARE ON SHAKESPEARE ON T THE HE SSQUARE QUARE FESTIVAL FESTIVAL “The Taming “The Taming of of the the Shrew” Shrew” uupdated pdated to to the the world world of of 1950s 1950s Arclight ssitcoms. itcoms. A rclight Rep Rep Theatre. Theatre. TThu-Fri, hu-Fri, 8pm, 8pm, Sat, Sat, 2 aand nd 8pm, 8pm, SSun, un, 22pm. pm. TThru hru Jun Jun 6. 6. $15/$20. $15/$20. TTheatre heatre on on San San Pedro Pedro Square. Square.
SSONIA ONIA FFLEW LEW Melinda Lopez’s Melinda Lopez’s play play about about a woman who w oman w ho left left Cuba Cuba when when she she was w as yyoung oung and and is is confronted confronted with w ith family family secrets secrets yyears ears later. later. Presented P resented bbyy SSan an Jose Jose Rep. Rep. Wed-Fri, W ed-Fri, 8pm, 8pm, Sat, Sat, 3 aand nd 8pm, 8pm, SSun, un, 22pm, pm, TTue, ue, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. Thru Thru JJun un 6.. $ $35-$74. 6 35-$74. TThe he Rep, Rep, San San Jose. Jose.
S E CO N D W SECOND WEEKEND EEKEND IIN N SSEPTEMBER E PT E M B E R CCity ity LLights ights TTheater heater Company Company ppresents resents tthe he world world premiere premiere of of Andrew A ndrew Black’s Black’s play. play. TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8pm, 8 pm, Sun, Sun, 7pm 7pm (May (May 30 30 and and Jun Jun 6)) oorr 2pm 6 2pm (Jun (Jun 13 13 and and 20). 20). Thru Thru JJun un 20. 20. $25-$40. $25-$40. San San Jose. Jose.
Museums M useums Opening O pening CHILDREN’S D CHILDREN’S DISCOVERY ISCOVERY MUSEUM M USEUM “Run! Jump! “Run! Jump! Fly! Fly! Adventures Adventures iinn Action.” A ction.” A show show about about the the jjoy oy ooff bbeing eing pphysically hysically aactive. ctive. May May 2828SSep ep 9. 9. Mon-Sat, Mon-Sat, 110am-5pm 0am-5pm and and SSun, un, nnoon-5pm. oon-5pm. San San Jose. Jose.
CContinuing ontinuing CCANTOR ANTOR ARTS ARTS CCENTER ENTER “Collection H “Collection Highlights ighlights From From EEurope urope 1500-1800, 1500-1800, Ancient Ancient Greece Ongoing. G reece and and Rome.” Rome.” O ngoing. ““The The Eye Eye ooff tthe he Beholder.” Beholder.” TThru hru May May 330. 0. “Tracing “Tracing the the Past, Past, Drawing D rawing tthe he Future: Future: Master Master IInk nk Painters Painters in in 20th-Century 20th-Century CChina.” hina.”Thru Thru Jul Jul 4. 4. Wed-Sun, Wed-Sun, 111am-5pm, 1am-5pm, Thu, Thu, 11am-8pm. 11am-8pm. SStanford. tanford.
Am musical usical by by Santa Santa CClara lara University Drama U niversity D rama Department. Department. FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, SSun, un, 2pm. 2pm. Thru Thru JJun un 5. 5. Louis Louis B. B. Mayer Mayer Theatre, Theatre, SSanta anta CClara. lara.
“What Makes “What Makes a Picture Picture a Portrait?” P ortrait?” ““Susan Susan FFelter: elter: Working Dreams.” W orking With With D reams.” Photos Photos bbyy aart rt professor. professor. “ArsConnect: “ArsConnect: Unlock U nlock the the Promise.” Promise.” Youth Youth art. art. Allll thru A thru Jun Jun 4. 4. Tue-Sun, Tue-Sun, 11am11am44pm. pm. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.
CComedy omedy
CCOMEDYSPORTZ OMEDYSPORTZ An interactive An interactive iimprovised mprovised sshow. how. FFri, ri, 9 aand nd 11pm 11pm and and Sat, Sat, 7 and and 9pm. $12-$15. 9 pm. $ 12-$15. CComedySportz, omedySportz, SSan an Jose. Jose.
IIMPROV MPROV Wed, 8 Wed, 8pm: pm: U Unfiltered nfiltered Underground U nderground with with Shaun Shaun LLatham. atham. $10. $10. Thu, Thu, 8pm, 8pm, Fri, Fri, 8 aand nd 10pm, 10pm, SSat, at, 7 and and 9pm, 9pm, Sun, Sun, Pablo 77pm: pm: P ablo Francisco. Francisco. $25. $25. SSan an Jose. Jose.
ROOSTER R OOSTER T T.. FEATHERS FEATHERS Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: New New Talent Talent 8pm, SShowcase. howcase. $10. $10. Thu, Thu, 8 pm, FFri, ri, 9pm, 9pm, Sat, Sat, 8 and and 110:30pm, 0:30pm, 8pm: SSun, un, 8 pm: Myq Myq Kaplan. Kaplan. $12. $12. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
THREE T HREE O OFF A K KIND IND CCOMEDY OMEDY Standup fun Standup fun with with Kellen Kellen Erskine Erskine ((from from Campbell), Campbell), Andrew Andrew Norelli N orelli and and Dave Dave Burleigh. Burleigh. Wed, Wed, 77:30pm. :30pm. $15. $15. Heritage Heritage Theatre, Theatre, CCampbell. ampbell.
“Explore SSan “Explore an Jose Jose Parks— Parks— Open O pen ttoo the the Public Public Since Since 1850.” 1850.” Att Pacific Hotel Att A Pacific H otel Gallery. Gallery. A McKay M cKay Gallery: Gallery: ““Everyday Everyday San San Wayne JJose: ose: Paintings Paintings bbyy W ayne JJiang.” iang.” TThru hru May. May. Tue-Sun, Tue-Sun, noon-5pm. noon-5pm. SSan an Jose. Jose.
SSAN AN JJOSE OSE MUSEUM MUSEUM OFF A ART O RT “New Stories “New Stories From From tthe he Edge Edge Plastic ooff Asia: Asia: P lastic LLife.” ife.”TThru hru SSep ep 119. 9. ““Wayne Wayne Thiebaud: Thiebaud: Seventy Seventy YYears ears ooff Paint.” Paint.”Thru Thru Jul Jul 4. 4. “Real “Real & Hyperreal.” Hyperreal.” Thru Thru Aug Aug 1. 1. ““Juicy Juicy Paint.” P aint.”TThru hru JJun un 6. 6. Tue-Sun, Tue-Sun, 111am-5pm, 1am-5pm, closed closed Mon. Mon. San San JJose. ose.
SAN JJOSE SAN OSE MUSEUM MUSEUM OF OF QUILTS AND TEXTILES Q UILTS A ND T E X T I L ES “Hawaii’s Alfred “Hawaii’s Alfred Shaheen: Shaheen: FFabric abric to to Fashion.” Fashion.”Textiles Textiles aand nd Appliqué: aaloha loha wear. wear. “Grand “Grand A ppliqué: Hawaiian Quilts.” H awaiian Q uilts.” “Wendeanne “Wendeanne KKe’aka e’aka SStitt: titt: Contemporary Contemporary KKapa.” apa.” Fiber Fiber art art by by Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Allll end Aug aartist. rtist. A end A ug 8. 8. Tue-Sun, Tue-Sun, 110am-5pm. 0am-5pm. SSan an Jose. Jose.
Kit Wilder
Xe[ ;Xm`[ 9iX[cp D\eX d\\k \m\ip Óm\ p\Xij%
‘Second Weekend in September’
C8PNI@>?K 8e[i\n 9cXZb `j hl`Zb kf XZbefnc\[^\ k_\ [\Yk _`j gcXp J\Zfe[ N\\b\e[ `e J\gk\dY\i# efn Xk :`kp C`^_kj K_\Xk\i :fdgXep# fn\j kf JXd\ K`d\# E\ok P\Xi# Xdfe^ fk_\i gi\[\Z\jjfij% 9lk D`Z_X\c :_i`jkfg_\i G% B\ccp Xe[ ;Xm`[ 9iX[cp D\eX Xi\ jf dlZ_ dfi\ k_Xe ^Xp m\ij`fej f] >\fi^\ Xe[ ;fi`j# k_\`i _\k\ifj\olXc Zflek\igXikj% =fi jkXik\ij# k_\p Xi\ dfi\ Ilej k_ifl^_ `ek\i\jk`e^# Yfk_ Xj `e[`m`[lXcj Xe[ Xj X Ale\ )' Zflgc\# Xe[ k_\ [`Xcf^l\ k_Xk 9cXZb _Xj glk `e :`kp C`^_kj# k_\`i dflk_j `j le`]fidcp j_Xig# n_\k_\i k_\ JXe Afj\ jZ\e\ `j gf`^eXek fi cXl^_$flk$cfl[ _`cXi`flj% N`k_ Óe\ [`i\Zk`e^ Yp :Xifc`e\ 8ckdXe# k\ii`ÓZ XZk`e^ Yp B\ccp Xe[ D\eX Xe[ X _Xe[jfd\ Xe[ m\ijXk`c\ j\k Yp Ife >XjgXi`e\kk`# k_`j `j Xe `dgi\jj`m\ [\Ylk% When we first meet David, an 18-year-old student, and Michael, a 30-year-old married father of two, the stage is dark, but we can hear the two men in bed with each other, their cries of ecstasy the theater’s only soundtrack. Michael has spent his whole life pushing down his sexuality while David has spent much of his young life reveling in his. For all their differences, the two men have a deep connection. Great sex and a shared fondness for Freddie Mercury and trashy TV are among the seemingly superficial things that unite them. By lingering on such surface aspects of his characters, Black honors relationships that are constrained by limits, which for David and Michael also includes getting together but once a year. Such relationships, Black proves, can still be filled with love. The play brings these two men together every five years, which lets us observe them as they grow (David) or stagnate (Michael). For example, we watch David get politicized by his work as a nurse on Ward 5B at San Francisco General Hospital, which in 1987 was, as David puts it, “AIDS central.” We learn of Michael’s struggles with his son, who turns to drugs and ends up in prison. And we are surprised when the inevitable proposal by one of them to turn their yearly encounters into something more permanent is rebuffed. As the play proceeds, with maid Katie Schurtz making the hotel room’s bed between each scene, numerous red herrings fall by the wayside until we finally meet Michael’s namesake son (Alexander Hero), who convincingly navigates the very steep character arc Black has prepared for him. It’s a strong ending to a strong evening of theater.Æ9\e DXibj
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
KIPJK @JJL<J D`Z_X\c :_i`jkfg_\i G% B\ccp# c\]k
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
ARTS RT S metroactive metr oactivve A 44 TECH T ECH M MUSEUM USEUM ”Genghis Khan.” ”Genghis Khan.” A nnew ew sshow how martial aabout bout tthe he ttechnological, echnological, m artial aand nd social social aadvances dvances of of the the Mongol warrior. M ongol w arrior. Mon-Wed, Mon-Wed, 9am-5pm, 9 am-5pm, and and Thu-Sun, Thu-Sun, 9am9am8pm. 8 pm. SSan an JJose. ose.
TRITON T R I TO N M MUSEUM USEUM O OFF A ART RT “In the “In the R Raw: aw: N New ew W Work ork bbyy Robert R obert CChiarito.” hiarito.”TThru hru Jun Jun 6. 6. Reflections.” ““Xicana: Xicana: SSpiritual piritual R eflections.” A ggroup roup show show by by CChicana hicana artists. artists. TThru hru Jun Jun 13. 13. Tue-Wed Tue-Wed and and FriFriSSun, un, 111am-5pm. 1am-5pm. TThu, hu, 111am-9pm. 1am-9pm. Mon. CClosed losed M on. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.
Galleries OPENING O PENING GGALLERY ALLERY HOUSE HOUSE “Points ooff V “Points View.” iew.” A 33D D eexhibit xhibit members. bbyy ggallery allery m embers. JJun un 1-26. 1-26. Reception 6-8pm. R eception JJun un 44,, 6 -8pm. TTue, ue, Wed-Sat, 111am-4pm, 1am-4pm, W ed-Sat, 111am1am8pm, Palo Alto. 8 pm, SSun, un, 111am-3pm. 1am-3pm. P alo A lto.
and Beyond,” and Beyond,” paintings paintings and and ddrawings rawings at at the the historic historic site. site. TThru hru Jun Jun 6. 6. Tue-Sat, Tue-Sat, 10am10am33:30pm, :30pm, Sun, Sun, 11am-4:30pm. 11am-4:30pm. Woodside. W oodside.
GGOOD OOD K KARMA ARMA V VEGAN EGAN CCAFE AFE “Iconic Urbanity—Symbols “Iconic Urbanity—Symbols of of a CConcrete oncrete CCulture,” ulture,” paintings paintings bbyy Blaise Rosenthal. B laise R osenthal. TThru hru May May 28. 28. SSan an Jose. Jose.
KALEID K ALEID GGALLERY ALLERY “Efflorescence,” lumen “Efflorescence,” lumen pprints rints by by Shannon Shannon Amidon. Amidon. ““Preconscious,” Preconscious,” photographs photographs by by May CCenta enta Schumacher. Schumacher. Thru Thru M ay 228. 8. SSan an Jose. Jose.
MONTALVO P MONTALVO PROJECT ROJECT SSPACE PACE “Seeing LLight.” “Seeing ight.” Paintings Paintings by by Nicole N icole SSchmoelzer chmoelzer based based on on hher er with Montalvo iinteractions nteractions w ith the the M ontalvo ggrounds. rounds. Thru Thru Jun Jun 6. 6. Thu-Sun, Thu-Sun, 111am-3pm. 1am-3pm. Saratoga. Saratoga.
“Urban Animals,” “Urban Animals,” paintings paintings bbyy Gomez. EElizabeth lizabeth G omez. Thru Thru May May 30. 30. 6-8pm. 6 -8pm. Community Community School School of of Music M usic and and Art, Art, Mountain Mountain View. View.
“Re: B “Re: Bob,” ob,” nnew ew ppaintings aintings bbyy Barron B arron Storey. Storey. Thru Thru Jun Jun 19. 19. Thru Thru May M ay 22. 22. SSan an Jose. Jose.
“Youth Art.” “Youth Art.”TThru hru May May 30. 30. ““Cultural Cultural Kaleidoscope,” Kaleidoscope,” ccollaborative ollaborative art art by by local local sstudents. tudents. TThru hru 330. 0. TTue-Sat ue-Sat 110am-5pm, 0am-5pm, Sun, Sun, 1-5pm, 1-5pm, TueTuePalo Alto. TThu, hu, 77-10pm. -10pm. P alo A lto.
ART A RT A AND ND W WELLNESS ELLNESS STUDIO STUDIO “Floating Thresholds.” “Floating Thresholds.” New New work w ork bbyy KKristine ristine IIdarius. darius. Thru Thru JJun un 25. 25. FFri, ri, 6-8pm, 6-8pm, or or by by Grace aappointment. ppointment. G race Community Community CCenter, enter, SSan an Jose. Jose.
“un-titled.” A “un-titled.” An n eexhibit xhibit bbyy SSJSU JSU BFA B FA graphic graphic ddesign esign students. students. TThru hru May May 27. 27. San San Jose. Jose.
“Work Out.” “Work Out.” An An installation installation bbyy Libby Libby Black. Black. Thru Thru Jun Jun 119. 9. ““Modesto Modesto Covarrubias: Covarrubias: Liminal,” Liminal,” iinstallation nstallation bbyy San San Jose Jose native. native. TThru hru Jul Jul 3. 3. Tue-Fri, Tue-Fri, 10am-5pm, 10am-5pm, SSat, at, noon-5pm. noon-5pm. San San Jose. Jose.
““On On tthe he EEdge,” dge,” nnew ew ppieces ieces bbyy Richard R ichard Gullion, Gullion, CChris hris Elliman Elliman aand nd Tony Tony Nozero. Nozero. Wed-Sat, Wed-Sat, nnoon-6pm. oon-6pm. San San JJose. ose.
CCAFFÉ AFFÉ TRIESTE TRIESTE “What Is “What Is H Happening?” appening?” Scroll Scroll ppaintings aintings bbyy Matthew Matthew SSeigel. eigel. TThru hru May May 28. 28. San San Jose. Jose.
CCREMA REMA COFFEE COFFEE “Singular.” A sshow “Singular.” how ooff ttravel ravel R.. R Ragazza. pphotos hotos bbyy Robertino Robertino R agazza. TThru hru Jun Jun 6. 6. Crema Crema Coffee, Coffee, The The Alameda, A lameda, SSan an JJose. ose.
DOWNTOWN D OWNTOWN Y YOGA OGA SSHALA HALA “Re-Arrangements,” joint “Re-Arrangements,” joint sshow how ffor or JJonathan onathan and and Joella Joella Kermit. Kermit. TThru hru May May 28. 28. San San Jose. Jose.
FFILOLI ILOLI GARDENS GARDENS ““Plein Plein A Air ir iin n tthe he G Garden arden
“Weirdos, Porn “Weirdos, Porn SStars tars and and Other Other EEccentrics,” ccentrics,” works works by by KKarl arl CChristian hristian Krumpholz. Krumpholz. Thru Thru May May 228. 8. SSan an Jose. Jose.
Books MAYA M AYA ANGELOU ANGELOU Famed poet Famed poet speaks. speaks. Tue, Tue, 77:30pm. :30pm. $39 $39 and and up up (www (www SSan an JJose ose CCenter enter for for the the Performing Performing Arts. Arts.
DAVID D AVID H HELVARG ELVARG A ssigning igning event event with with the the author author ooff “Saved “Saved by by the the SSea: ea: A Love Love With SStory tory W ith Fish.” Fish.”Tue, Tue, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. Menlo Park. FFree. ree. Kepler’s, Kepler’s, M enlo P ark.
KATE K ATE MOSES MOSES LLocal ocal author author discusses discusses
More M ore listings:
METROACTIVE.COM M ETROACTIVE.COM “Cakewalk,” her “Cakewalk,” her memoir. memoir. Wed, Wed, Books Palo Alto. 77pm. pm. FFree. ree. B ooks IInc, nc, P alo A lto.
JJULIET ULIET B B.. SSCHOR CHOR Author ooff “Plentitude: Author “Plentitude: The The New New EEconomics conomics of of TTrue rue Wealth” Wealth” aappears. ppears. Wed, Wed, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. Free. Free. Menlo KKepler’s, epler’s, M enlo Park. Park.
BELLE B ELLE YANG YANG Author aand Author nd illustrator illustrator of of “Forget “Forget SSorrow.” orrow.” Wed, Wed, 3:30pm, 3:30pm, East East San San JJose ose Carnegie Carnegie Branch Branch Library. Library. Also 6:30pm. A lso 6 :30pm. King King Main Main Library, Library, SSan an Jose. Jose.
vents *eevents Big B ig D Deals eals BIG B IG D DOG OG V VINEYARDS INEYARDS A Memorial Memorial Day Day tasting tasting event. event. SSat-Sun, at-Sun, noon-5pm. noon-5pm. Free Free ($10 ($10 Riedel ffor or a R iedel gglass). lass). 44545 545 FFelter elter Rd, R d, Milpitas. Milpitas.
GGILROY ILROY MEMORIAL MEMORIAL DAY DAY B BBQ BQ All all-you-can-eat All all-you-can-eat meal meal family family Mon, eevents. vents. M on, 110am–6pm. 0am–6pm. Parade P arade sstars tars 11am 11am on on 10th 10th SStreet. treet. BBQ BBQ aatt Gilroy Gilroy Gardens, Gardens, Hecker Pass H ecker P ass Hwy, Hwy, Gilroy. Gilroy.
LLADIES ADIES NIGHT NIGHT SShopping hopping opportunities opportunities for for women. w omen. Thu, Thu, 6-9pm. 6-9pm. Downtown Downtown Willow W illow Glen. Glen.
LLOS OS GGATOS ATOS M MEMORIAL EMORIAL D DAY AY With the With the San San Jose Jose Metropolitan Metropolitan Band. Mon, Gatos B and. M on, 10am. 10am. LLos os G atos Memorial M emorial Park. Park.
MUSHROOM M USHROOM M MARDI ARDI GGRAS RAS Food, wine Food, wine and and beer, beer, m music usic aand nd ccrafts. rafts. SSat-Sun, at-Sun, all all day. day. Free. Free. Downtown D owntown Morgan Morgan Hill. Hill.
SSAKE AKE SAN SAN JJOSE OSE A benefit benefit ssake ake ttasting asting ssponsored ponsored by by Yu-Ai Yu-Ai Kai Kai Senior Senior CCommunity. ommunity. TThu, hu, 55–8:30pm. –8:30pm. $40/$50. $ 40/$50. Japantown Japantown San San Jose. Jose.
SANTA CLARA SANTA CLARA M MEMORIAL EMORIAL DAY D AY FFIREWORKS I R E WO R K S A holiday holiday fireworks fireworks display. display. Sun, Sun, 9:45pm. Paramount’s 9 :45pm. P aramount’s Great Great America, A merica, Santa Santa Clara. Clara.
SUNNYVALE CHERRY SUNNYVALE CHERRY FFESTIVAL ESTIVAL Food, games, Food, games, cherry cherry tasting tasting music. aand nd m usic. Sat-Sun, Sat-Sun, all all day. day. C.J. C.J. Olson O lson Cherries, Cherries, SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
WINGS W I N GS O OFF FFREEDOM REEDOM T TOUR OUR World War World War IIII fighting fighting plans plans are are Moffett oon n display. display. Thru Thru May May 29. 29. M offett Mountain FFederal ederal Airfield, Airfield, M ountain View. View.
MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND, MAY 28-31, 2010 MEM 010 Pop idol he party! joins the
Hiroyuki Y amaga a Yamaga
Halko o moi Momoi
GAINAX Executive
Japanese se voice talent lent
Game G ame ccreators re part join the party!
Rockk bands he party! party! join the
Check o ut our F r Anime for ee panel: Parents by Gil Friday, M les Poitras ay 29, 7P M - 8PM San Jose Marriott, Salon III
Toshimichi T oshimich o Mori BlazBlue Creato Creator
Daisuke Daisuke Ishiwatari Ishiwatar
FLOW W Japanese se 5-piece Rock Band nd
LM.C Japanese se Electrockk Duo
Guity Gear Creator
We We all join n the party! Yo okota Mamoru Yokota
Reuben R euben Langdon
Jonathan Osborne O
G Gilles P Poitras oitras
Illustrator and Animator
Avatar Stunt Double
Man of 1000 De Deaths eaths
A Author and Librarian
Gustav tav Horn Carl Gust
Keith Burgess
Ric Meyerss
R Ryan Gavigan
Dark Horse Comics Co omics Editor
Voice V o oice Actor and Artist
Martial Arts Expe Expert ert
A Anime Hell Host
W Wouldn’t ouldn’t you like to o join the pa party rty too? By Fans, Fans For Fan Fans ns MAY 28-31 S MAY SAN AN JJOSE OSE M MCENERY CENERY C CONVENTION ONVENTION CENTER CENTER FULL-WEEKEND FU LL-WEEKEND MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP (F (FRIDAY RIDAY TO TO MONDAY) MOND O AY) $60 Friday F riday only: $30 $
Saturday only: $35
Sunday only: $35
Monday Mond day only: $25
Registratio on Hours: May 28-30, 8 AM M to 8 PM, May 31, 8 AM to noon Registration
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Anime stu studio par joins the party!
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Joss Ba Barratt arratt
metroactive FILM
The Men’s Club K?@J 9CFNJ K ?@J 9CFNJ <i`Z <i`Z :XekfeX c\]k :XekfeX c\]k iflj\j X Y\kk\i jg`i`k `e gcX`e <i`Z Jk\m\ <m\kj iflj\j X Y\kk\i jg`i`k `e gcX`e <i`Z Jk\m m\ <m\kj %
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_\i\ Çk_\ ^i\Xk\jk ]ffkYXcc\ _\i\ Çk_\ ^i\Xk\jk ]ffkYXcc\i \i n n_f \m\i c`m\[%È n_f \m\i c`m\[%È
Likee a C Lik Conrad onrad her hero, o, Eric is marked b m ve 30 marked byy a failur failuree of ner nerve yyears e ago; now his past has come ears come ho ome to haunt him. Eric’ own-up home Eric’ss gr grown-up da aughter, Sam (Lucy-Jo (Lucyy-Jo Hudson), daughter, ne eeds some help taking taking ccare are of he er needs her ba aby. She reaches reaches out to b oth Ericc baby. both an nd his longestranged eex-wife, x-wiffe, Lil ly and long-estranged Lily (S Stephanie Bishop),, whom Eric h as (Stephanie has b e aavoiding een voiding ffor or dec o ades. Eric’ been decades. Eric’ss em motional i l crisis i i iis d db his emotional detected byy his ba ald, pudg ( John bald, pudgyy pal Meatballs (John H Hensha aw), w who fforms orms o a mak eshift ft Henshaw), makeshift m men ’s gr oup to help Eric out. men’s group All the ffellas eellas ar osed to aree supp supposed ge et in touch with a spirit guide. guide. get Er ric’s choice choice is obvious: obvious: “King” Eric’s C a antona, the p ostman’s idol eever ver Cantona, postman’s
@I< @I<:KFI B\e CfXZ_ <:KFI B\e CfXZ_ _Xj Y\\e efYcp _ _Xj j Y\\e \ efYcp j\im`e^ k_\ ZXlj\ f] j\im m`e^ k_\ ZXlj\ f] k_\ gifc\kXi`Xk n`k_ k_\ \ gifc\kXi`Xk g n`k_ jfZ`Xc$i\Xc`jk Ócdj ]fi jf cfe^ jfZ jfZ`Xc$i\Xc` Xc$ `jk Ócdj ]fi jf cfe^ k_Xk _\ _Xj \Xie\[ k_\ i`^_k k_ k_Xk _\ _Xjj \Xie\[ k_\ i`^_k kkf dXb\ X Zifn[ gc\Xj\i% K_\ kf dX X Zifn[ dXb\ Z gc\Xj\i% K_\ ^\e`Xc Cffb`e^ ]fi <i`Z `j aljk ^\e`Xc \e` Cffb b`e^ e ]fi <i`Z `j aljk k_Xk% <i`Z k_\ gXc`e[ifd`Z k_Xk% _Xk <i`Z <i` kk_\ gXc`e[ifd`Z Jk\m\ <m\kj Jk\ \m\ <m\kj # # X [\gi\jj\[# X [\gi\jj\[# jjb`eep DXeZ_\jk\i gfjk`\# jb`eep ep DX XeZ_\jk\i gfjk`\# ^\kj _`j ^iffm\ YXZb k_ifl^_ ^\ ^\kj kj _`j _ ^if ffm\ YXZb k_ifl^_ k_\ ^ff[ Zflej\c f] Xe k_\ ^ff[ [ Zf flej\c f] Xe `dX^`eXip gXc1 <i`Z :XekfeX `dX^`eXip dX^ eX gXc1 <i`Z :XekfeX gcXp`e^ _`dj\c] gc gcXp`e^ _``dj\c] d ## [\\d\[ [\\d\[
sinc ench ffootballer’s ootb baller’s stint at sincee the Fr French Manchester U nited in n the mid-19 90s. United mid-1990s. While smoking some marijuana by by ostm himself f, Eric the p man is visited himself, postman b soccer st ar; the gr eat man byy Eric the soccer star; great materializes from from a poster—just poster o —jjust as Bo gart did in the W oody Allen n/ Bogart Woody Allen/ Herb ert R o oss film Playy It A gain, g Sam Herbert Ross Again, Sam.. Thr ough C antonaa’s go ood advic e, Eric Through Cantona’s good advice, st arts to rretrieve etrieve hims self fr om a 3030 starts himself from yyear-long ear-long wr ong turn,, rreturning eturning to wrong the moment b effo ore hee br oke. before broke. I don ’t know jack ab bout so ccer, don’t about soccer, although L oach’s mo v just ab vie out Loach’s movie about cconvinced on nvvinced me what is so gr eat ab out great about the game ver, I ccan an guess what game.. Howe However, sor enchman would sortt of charisma a Fr Frenchman ha ave to ha ave to win th he admiration have have the of so man cllass British manyy workingworking-class fans o Cantona Cantona pla ay, fans.. Watching clips of play, one mar vels at his pr e eternatural marvels preternatural abilit abilityy to see when to kick and when to pass; one fur ther en njoys the sua ave further enjoys suave the seagull w ay C antona handled d ““the way Cantona incident,”” as diplomati ic a putdown diplomatic to the gut ter pr ess as eever ver made gutter press made.. This rreal-life eal-liffe clip is seen in the end titles titles.. L oach ma ay ha ave pick e C ed antona to Loach may have picked Cantona
be a counselor counsselor because because of another be c de in n thee pla p ayeer’s lor o ee: how o incident player’s lore: ep porters that he went to he told rreporters plaay so ccerr in England because because his play soccer psychiatrisst advised him to do it. psychiatrist The F ran ncophobia eendemic ndemic The Francophobia in A merican/English fi lms h as in American/English films has contributed tto o tthe he d eath o he contributed death off tthe roman ntic Frenchman Frenchman no nscreen; romantic onscreen; he’s b een rreplaced eplaced b he b loodless he’s been byy tthe bloodless ditherer an nd tthe he d ialect- comedy ditherer and dialect-comedy clown. C an ntona, a M arseillan ffrom rom clown. Cantona, Marseillan Sardinian n rroots, oots, iiss aan nu gly/handsome Sardinian ugly/handsome smolderer. IIn nh im, o ne ssees ees tthe he smolderer. him, one callm, d ebonair w armth tthat hat m ad de calm, debonair warmth made moviegoers rrespond espond tto oF rench ac ctors moviegoers French actors for d ecades. C an ntona h ad d a rrole ole iin n tthe he for decades. Cantona had 1998 ffeature eature EElizabeth lizabeth b ut d idn’t sstand tand 1998 but didn’t out tthere; here; yyet et h e’s a n atural ffor or tthe he out he’s natural cam mera, aand nd h akes a b elievable camera, hee m makes believable mentor tto oam an n iin n rreal eall p ain. mentor man pain. Loo o king ffor or EEric ric ggets ets a llittle ittle m ore Looking more fantastic iin n tthe he llast ast tthird, hird, w hen tthe he fantastic when crowd-pleasing ttricks ricks aarrive. rrive. T he crowd-pleasing The postman has has ttwo wo sstepchildren tepchildren ffrom rom postman an aapparently pparently d isasstrous ssecond econd an disastrous marriage. T he b oys aare re ggoing oing b ad marriage. The boys bad from neglect neglect aand nd ffalling alling u nder tthe he from under control o adistic llocal ocall ccriminal. riminal. control off a ssadistic Cantona’s eexhortations xhortations tto o ““trust trust yyour our Cantona’s team m” convince convince E ric tto o ttake ak ke ssome ome team” Eric extrallegal aaction, ction, aand nd tthat’s hat’s w hen extralegal when tarrted tto o ffeel eel sslightly lightly aambiguous mbiguous I sstarted about tthis his fi lm. about film. Loach, generally generally a p retty sstrict trict llefteft ft-Loach, pretty wing d irector ((Poor Poor C ow, R aining SStones, tones, wing director Cow, Raining et al.) all.) sseems eems h ere tto ob urning tto o tthe he et here bee tturning methods w merican ns u se tto od eall methods wee A Americans use deal with o ur o wn ffeelings eelings o owerlessness: with our own off p powerlessness: visualization, llife ife ccoaches oacches an nd ffantasies antasies visualization, and of vigilante vigilante ac ction. of action. This iiss jjust ust aan nu ndertone, aand nd iit’s t’s This undertone, not aass iimportant mportant aass L oach’s o ftennot Loach’s oftenloving llook ook aatt tthe he ccity ity o an nchester, loving off M Manchester, and tthe he ttalk, alk, tthe he h umor aand nd tthe he and humor pubs ttherein. herein. IIt’s t’s a m alle w orld w ith pubs male world with sternness b ehind tthe he ffellowship: ellowship: tthat’s hat’s sternness behind clear ffrom rom tthe he W illiam mD emerest–like clear William Demerest–like gargle o enshaw, rrunning unning h is gargle off H Henshaw, his men’s ggroup roup aand nd u rging h is p alls tto o men’s urging his pals think o Someone w ho ttotally otally lloves oves think off ““Someone who yyou ou w ithout cconditions, onditions, rright?” ight?” iin na without sergeant-major’s b ark. T his iiss a ssoulful oulful sergeant-major’s bark. This movie, b ut iits ts ffeet eet ar re o n tthe he gground. round. movie, but are on
Cffb`e^ ]fi <i`Z LeiXk\[2 ((- d`e% ;`i\Zk\[ Yp B\e CfXZ_ Fg\ej DXp )/ Xk :Xd\iX *# JXe Afj\
49 M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
metroactive FILM
New THE CITY OF YOUR FINAL DESTINATION (PG-13; 118 min.) Laura Linney and Anthony Hopkins star in the new James Ivory feature. Read a review on (Opens May 28 at the Aquarius in Palo Alto.) (RvB)
GEORGE A. ROMERO’S SURVIVAL OF THE DEAD (R; 90 min.) Zombies by the master. (Opens May 28.)
LOOKING FOR ERIC (Unrated; 116 min.) See review, page 48.
PRINCE OF PERSIA (PG-13; 116 min.) Jake Gyllenhaal stars in a video-game adventure about the ancient world. (Opens May 28.)
SEX AND THE CITY 2 (R; 146 min.) Read a full-length review on (Opens May 27.)
Revivals THE BREAKFAST CLUB/FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF (1985/1986) Two by the late popular entertainer John Hughes, whose haute-Reagan-era view of social life
made for a lot of genial teen date movies. Ferris: Easygoing piece of nothing about the art of playing hooky; Matthew Broderick is inoffensive as always in the lead. An actor named Alan Ruck steals the picture with his parody of an old spiritual: “When Cameron was in Egypt’s land.” The Breakfast Club: Five students at an affluent suburban Chicago high school endure weekend detention. They include Molly Ringwald as the alphafemale, a jock (Emilio Estevez), alternaboy Judd Nelson, a geek (Anthony Michael Hall) and the odd girl (the very cute Ally Sheedy). It gets its tears, but the conformist, make-over finale
NILES FILM MUSEUM Sparrows (1926). An unusually dark film for Mary Pickford, closer to Night of the Hunter than Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. She plays a waif trapped in the Florida swamps, working as a laborer for a tyrant. What Shall We Do With Our Old? (1911). This early Griffith film of some 14 minutes earns the Tolstoyesque seriousness of the title. An aged carpenter is laid off and unable to sustain his ailing wife. The vitality of Griffith’s composition shows in the scenes at a night court and a woodshop, with the frame crowded with comings and goings; they’re staged for asymmetry: a woman
weeping, eclipsed by the frame, the old man pushed off to one side in the chaos of the court: a figure in misery sinking to the bottom of the frame. “A familiar tale,” notes the title card, and the lack of much change in the subsequent 99 years makes this tragedy all the keener. Also: In the Grease (1925). Mr. Finlayson, usually the foil to L&H, stars in his own Hal Roach comedy. Judy Rosenberg at the piano. (Plays May 29 at 7:30pm in Fremont at the Edison Theatre.) (RvB)
STAGECOACH/HIGH NOON (1939/1952) During an Apache uprising, a stagecoach full of mixed souls makes a perilous trip. John
Ford’s film is a story of the closing of the West, with the gunslingers, the whores and the gamblers on their way out of town. These colorful characters are about to be replaced by the “blessings of civilization,” as a well-known line of dialogue has it. Blessings, that is, like the skinny peddler Mr. Peacock (Donald Meek) and the embezzling banker Gatewood (Berton Churchill). Their fellow passenger, the drunk Irish doctor Josiah Boone (Thomas Mitchell), gets many of the best scenes. Bert Glennon’s photography gives this sponging character dark shadows. While Claire Trevor’s shamed but gold-hearted prostitute
Dallas has her own realistically tough moments, Stagecoach made a major star out of the tall, courtly Bpicture actor who played an outlaw named the Ringo Kid. And millions since have found a kind of music in the phrasings of John Wayne’s voice. BILLED WITH High Noon. Gary Cooper plays the newly retired Marshall Kane, his back against a
wall as three criminals arrive on the noon train. Grace Kelly plays the marshal’s Quaker wife. The action unfolds in real time, which adds to the tension. Cooper’s ill-at-easeness complements the ideological questions. (Plays May 29-Jun 1 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)
M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
forecasts director Hughes’ descent into more spineless movies (the Home Alone trilogy, Baby’s Day Out, etc.) (Plays May 28-30 in San Jose at the Retro Dome.) (RvB)
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
metroactive MUSIC
Thrill Ride
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““There’s There’s a ffair air sshare hare o off tthat, hat,” aacknowledges cknowledges M ann. “ I d on’t k now, I Mann. don’t know, tthink hink tthere’s here’s aalso lso sstuff tuff tthat hat d eals w ith deals with d eep melancholy—not melancholy—not n ecessarily deep necessarily ddepressing, epressingg,, b ut ssort ort o ark q uestions but off d dark questions o reallity aand nd sself-reflection, elf-reflection, w ith d rug off reality with drug u se and and d rug aabuse buse aand nd al lcohol, yyou ou use drug alcohol, k now? It’s It’s a w hole ccollage ollage o hat w e’re know? whole off w what we’re aall ll entwined entwined iin no ur llives. ives. IIt’s t’s llike, ike, ‘‘This This iiss our w hat’s h appening tto ou s; iiss iitt h appening what’s happening us; happening tto o you?’ you?’ T hen w ut o ut o ur w ork Then wee p put out our work aand nd people people aare re llike, ike, ‘‘Oh Oh m od, tthat’s hat’s myy G God, eexactly xactly h ow I w as ffeeling. eeling.’” how was M nitial rreaction eaction iiss tto ow orry aabout bout Myy iinitial worry aanyone nyone w ho ccan an rrelate elate ttoo oo m uch tto o who much ssongs ongs llike ike ““A AD aisy C hain ffor or S atan” o Daisy Chain Satan” orr ““Rivers Rivers o lood, Y ears o arrkness.” B ut off B Blood, Years off D Darkness. But T hrill K ill K ult h ave aalways lways eexplored xplored Thrill Kill Kult have tthe he dark dark sside ide o he p syche, eespecially speciallly off tthe psyche, o n their their eearly arrly d eath-dance rreleases eleases llike ike on death-dance 11988’s 988’s I SSee ee G ood Spirts Spirts and and I See See B ad Good Bad SSpirits pirits aand nd 11990’s 990’s C onfessions ooff a K niffe. e Confessions Knife. T he packaging pacckaging ffor or tthese hese rrecords ecords ffeatured eatured The sspooky pooky p hotos, ccartoons artoons o atan no na photos, off S Satan on ccross, ross, n ak ked w omen aand nd aabsolutely bsolutely n o naked women no
pictures pictures of of the the band, band, which which especially especially in in a pre-Internet pre-Internet era era wound wound a menacing menacing mystique mystique around around a group group that that aatt tthat hat point point was was really really just just the the duo duo of of Mann Man nn and and guitarist-keyboardist guitarist-keyboardist Buzz Buzz McCoy. McCoy. “We “We kind kind of of started started out out imageless, imageless,” says says Mann. Mann. “It “It was waass just just the the way way we we felt felt about about the the time. time. We We were were nonband, nonband, nonimage, nonimage, sort sort of of over over the the whole whole past passt of of that that kind kind of of stuff. stuff ff. We We went went out out electronic, electronic, and and people people were were like, like, ‘What?’ ‘What?’ I mean, mean, they they liked liked it, it, but but they they were were confused. confused. It It was was like, like, ‘We’re ‘We’re not not a band. band. We’re We’re a happening. happening.’” Appropriately Appropriately for for a nonband, nonband, they they hadn’t hadn’t set set out out to to make make music. music. Instead, Instead, Mann Mann and an nd McCoy McCoy were were planning planning an an artsy, Myy LLife With artsy, trashy trashy B-movie B-movie called called M iffe W ith the but music was the Thrill Thrill Kill Kill Kult, Kult, b ut tthe he m usic w as more more interesting interesting than than the the movie. movie. “We “We were were screwing screwing around around with with film film ideas. ideas. But But the the soundtrack soundtracck ccame ame first, first, and and then then we we were were piecing piecing tthe he movie movie into into it. it. It It was was really really funny, funnyy, y”” he he remembers. remembers. “We “We had had d borrowed borrowed somebody’s somebody’s video video camera, camera, and and we we were were shooting shooting all all kinds kinds of of funny funny little little things, things, like like dripping dripping iodine iodine in in the the sink. sink. Ugh, Ugh, just just strange strange stuff. stuff ff.” ff” After After finding finding a following following with with the the
catchy, dark catchy, d arrk beats beats of of “Kooler “Kooler Than Than Jesus, Jesus,” “And “And This This Is Is What What the the Devil Devil Does” off Swine Does” and and “Days “Days o Swine aand nd Roses, Roses,” all all of of which which pointed pointed back back to to their their love love of movies of cult cult m ovies with with cleverly cleverly llooped ooped dialogue diallogue ssamples amples (“I am (“I live live for for drugs drugs . . . it’s it’s great great . . . it’s it’s great great . . . I’m I’m the the white white rabbit”), rabbit”), Thrill Thrill Kill Kill Kult Kult drastically drastically changed on changed o n 1991’s 1991’s SSexplosion!, explosion!, ttrading rading in magic in black blacck m agic for for black black leather leather on on songs songs like like “The “The International International Sin Sin Set, Set,” “Leathersex” “Leathersex” and and what what would would become become their their most most popular popular song, song, “Sex “Sex on on Wheelz. Wheelz.” “It “It was was kind kind of of ‘Enough’s ‘Enough’s enough. enough. Let’s wee are. Let’s see see who who else else w are.’ “Some “Some of of the the fans fans from from the the beginning beginning were were like, like, ‘Disco? ‘Disco? Ehhhh!’” Ehhhh!’” admits admits Mann. Mann. “But “But at at the the same same time, time, we we got got a lot lot of of new new people people aboard. aboarrd. We’ve We’ve always always had had so so many many different diff ffeerent kinds kinds of of audiences audiences come us, one come to to see see u s, it it wasn’t wasn’t o ne certain certain type. type. It It was was secretaries secretaries and and tteachers eacchers and and strippers, strippers, just just a blend. blend. Subsequent Subsequent releases releases mined mined a similar similar groove, groove, throwing throwing ttouches ouches of of noir noir crime crime aand nd retro-hustler retro-hustler cool cool iinto nto the the signature signature aggressive aggressive riffs riff ffss and and electronic electronic rhythms. rhythms. The The group’s group’s tour, tour, supporting supporting both both the The Whisper, the new new aalbum lbum and and T he SSinister inister W hisper, a remixed remixed collection collection of of their their Wax Wax Trax Trax songs, songs, should should combine combine all all the the elements elements of of their their career. career. “It’s “It’s basically basically back back to to the the original original form form of of Thrill Thrill Kill Kill Kult. Kult. Our Our dark dark songs, songs, but but freshened freshened up, up,” ssays ays Mann. Mann. Whether Whether celebrating celebrating lust lust or or danger, danger, or or both, both, what what defines defines all all of of Thrill Thrill Kill Kill Kult’s Kult’s music music is is ttheir heir sheer sheer delight delight at at indulging indulging taboos, tab boos, toying toying with with symbols symbols and and breaking break king whatever whatever rules rules they they can can think think of of in in pursuit pursuit of of making mak king something something unique. unique. “It’s “It’s not not just just a beat beat and and a bunch bunch of of samples sam mples and an nd catchcatchphrases. phrasses. IIt’s t’s the the continuity continuity and and the the creative creative craft craft that that goes goes into into it it that that makes makes it it work—for work—for me, me, at at least. leasst. I grew grew up up listening listening to to David David Bowie, Bowie, Alice Alice Cooper Cooper and an nd T Rex, Rex, aall ll those those weird weird lyrics and lyrics an nd characters charracters and and personalities personalities that that kept kept drawing drawing people people back bacck for for more more, more and an nd m ore, like, like, who who are are these these people? people? Are Are they they from from another another planet? plan net? Oh Oh my my God, God o , this this is is the the strangest strangest music music I’ve I’ve ever ever heard. heard.”
Dp C`]\ N`k_ k_\ K_i`cc B`cc Blck DXp )-# 0gd K_\ 9cXeb :clY# JXe Afj\
53 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Moree listings: Mor
MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M
Tim McGraw
Saturday, 7pm, Shoreline, Mountain View; $28.50–$76.50 I always feel terrible about Tim McGraw, because I confuse him with the jackass who gives country music a bad name. What’s that guy’s name? Toby Keith, right. Anyway, Tim McGraw is way better than Toby Keith. He’s the guy who married Faith Hill and has sold about 30 million more records than Keith. Yup, that guy. (SP)
Kaye Bohler
Saturday, 9pm, JJ’s Blues, San Jose; $10
Idcn BZY^cV
Fresh off her appearance at the Metro Fountain Blues Festival, as part of their all-star band, blues belter Kaye Bohler returns to her second home at JJ’s Blues.
Detox Pool Party
Sunday, noon–sunset, Doubletree Hotel, San Jose; $20 What Las Vegas’ Rehab started, Detox finishes every fourth Sunday of the month at Doubletree Hotel in San Jose. Beginning this week, the third season starts up; for VIP reservations, call 408.483.1182.
D\kifÊj dlj`Z ZXc\e[Xi ilej N\[e\j[XpÅKl\j[Xp% D \kif j dlj`Z ZXc\e[ [Xi ilej N\ \[e\j[XpÅKl\j[Xp p%
Rock/Pop R ock/Pop AVALON A VALON Wed: G Wed: Green reen JJelly, elly, B Bomb omb & SScary, cary, Band Band ooff O rcs, SSlam lam Orcs, N ancy, EEye ye ooff tthe he M allochio. Nancy, Mallochio. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
THE T HE B BLANK LANK CCLUB LUB Wed, 9pm: Wed, 9pm: M Myy Life Life W With ith the the TThrill hrill KKill ill KKult, ult, Psychotica, Psychotica, D Js DJs V itus aand nd KKevin. evin. $ 10/$12/ FFri, ri, Vitus $10/$12/ 9 pm: TTrashkannon, rashkannon, B ibles aand nd 9pm: Bibles H and Grenades, Grenades, R egulator. $ 7. Hand Regulator. $7. SSan an JJose. ose.
BOSWELL’S B OSWELL’S Wed: JJack Wed: ack Ripoff. Ripoff. TThu: hu: CChili hili SSauce. auce. FFri: ri: H oney CCircuit. ircuit. Honey SSat: at: CChili hili SSauce. auce. SSun: un: Mike Mike LLeatherman. eatherman. M on: EElement. lement. Mon: CCampbell. ampbell.
BRITANNIA A BRITANNIA ARMS RMS ALMADEN A LMADEN Fri: SSpazmatics. Fri: pazmatics. SSat: at: M Mad ad KKarma. arma. SSan an JJose. ose.
BRITANNIA A BRITANNIA ARMS RMS CCUPERTINO UPERTINO Fri, 9pm: Fri, 9pm: A Aivar. ivar. Sat: Sat: R Rezn. ezn. CCupertino. upertino.
BRITANNIA B RITANNIA A ARMS RMS SSAN AN JJOSE OSE SSun: un: SSouled ouled O Out. ut. SSan an JJose. ose.
CCAPERS APERS Thu: J&T Thu: J&T U Unplugged. nplugged. FFri, ri, 9 9pm: pm: 8:30pm: LLive ive music. music. Sat, Sat, 8 :30pm: Local Local TTraffic. raffic. CCampbell. ampbell.
NICKEL N ICKEL CCITY ITY Fri, 6 Fri, 6pm: pm: YYour our N New ew SSecret, ecret, Neiche, Hometown, N eiche, H ometown, MIYU, MIYU, CCoin oin Myy P Parade. LLaundry, aundry, M arade. SSat, at, 55pm: pm: Quiet Game Now, Her Q uiet G ame SStarting tarting N ow, H er Ghost, G host, CCheez-It heez-It FFailure, ailure, LLast ast One O ne SStanding, tanding, EEasier asier SSaid, aid, Mental M ental Disorder. Disorder. SSan an JJose. ose.
Wed: JJCC SSmith Wed: mith B Band. and. FFri, ri, 9:30pm: $10. 9 :30pm: TTouch ouch ooff CClass. lass. $ 10. 9:30pm: Vintage Band. SSat, at, 9 :30pm: V intage B and. $10. Gatos. $ 10. LLos os G atos.
Fri: The Fri: The Blackouts. Blackouts. Sun, Sun, 3-7pm: 3-7pm: Greg Band. G reg Cross Cross B and. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
GGRAPEVINE RAPEVINE Thu, 77pm: Thu, pm: Daemon Daemon CCity ity Lights Lights Peter aand nd P eter CChung. hung. Sat, Sat, 7pm: 7pm: IIwalani. walani. San San Jose. Jose.
MURPHY’S M URPHY’S LLAW AW Fri: Bone Fri: Bone D Drivers. rivers. Sat: Sat: Mid Mid LLife ife Vices. V ices. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Thu, 8 Thu, 8pm: pm: R Rock ock bband. and. FFri, ri, 9 9pm: pm: PDR, Midnight P DR, M idnight SSun, un, TTrevor revor Beholders. $8. CChilds hilds aand nd tthe he B eholders. $ 8. SSat, at, 44pm: pm: CCool ool FFire. ire. FFree. ree. SSat, at, 9pm: Bane, 9 pm: TThe he B ane, SSaint’s aint’s and and $10. SSinners. inners. $ 10. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
RED R ED R ROCK OCK CCOFFEE OFFEE CCO. O. Sat, 8 Sat, 8pm: pm: P Per er SSe. e. Mountain M ountain View. View.
NETO’S N ETO’S B BAR AR & GGRILL RILL Sat: R Sat: Retro etro R Rockets. ockets. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M T
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Jazz Jazz and and pop pop dance dance bands. bands. San San Jose. Jose.
Wed, 6 Wed, 6pm: pm: N Nick ick and and tthe he JJungle ungle Band. B and. SSun, un, 44pm: pm: FFull ull TTime ime Beret Dandrea. B eret aand nd CCraig raig D andrea. SSan an JJose. ose.
Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm: pm: A Art rt n SSoul oul ppresents resents Dead Under Our D ead TTrees rees U nder O ur FFeet, eet, music Ugly Winner, RS2 m usic bbyy U gly W inner, R S2 Hans SSolid olid SSound ound aand nd H ans KKeller, eller, Paco Noggin pplus lus aartists rtists P aco Excel, Excel, N oggin DJs aand nd JJai ai TTanju anju pplus lus D Js CCoco oco Porno Bob. $5. 9pm: aand nd P orno B ob. $ 5. FFri, ri, 9 pm: Black Robot, Relapse. B lack R obot, R elapse. SSan an JJose. ose.
World W orld ALBERTO’S A LBERTO’S Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm: pm: H Hot ot ssalsa, alsa, P Pantea. antea. 8pm: Pantea FFri, ri, 8 pm: SSalsa alsa FFridays, ridays, P antea Bollywood aand nd llessons. essons. SSat: at: B ollywood Nights. Mountain View. N ights. M ountain V iew.
ARYA A RYA GGLOBAL LOBAL CCUISINE UISINE Fri-Sat: LLive Fri-Sat: ive m music usic aand nd bbelly elly ddancing. ancing. CCupertino. upertino.
CCASCAL ASCAL Fri: LLos Fri: os B Boleros. oleros. SSat, at, 8 8:30:30Robinson. 111:30pm: 1:30pm: James James R obinson. FFlamenco lamenco jjazz azz gguitarist. uitarist. Mountain View. M ountain V iew.
MOROCCO’S M OROCCO’S RESTAURANT RESTAURANT Sat, 77pm: Sat, pm: LLemo, emo, CCaribbean aribbean music. m usic. SSan an JJose. ose.
PARRANDA P ARRANDA NIGHTCLUB N IGHTCLUB Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: B Banda anda 3300. 00. Plus DJJ A Akustik P lus D kustik aand nd bbullullNoo ccover. rriding iding ccontest. ontest. N over. 8pm-2am: Norteño FFri, ri, 8 pm-2am: N orteño aand nd Bandas B andas llive. ive. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
JJazz/Blues azz/Blues ANGELICA’S A NGELICA’S BISTRO BISTRO Thu, 7:30pm: Blues Jam Friends.. w ith Mikel Bee and Friends Fri: Nick Lehr Quartet at 6pm; Jeff Buenz and Dennyy Berthiaume at 8pm. Sat: Jazz Maddaline at 11am; RWH Ja zz TTriad rriad at 6pm; Bautista City. at 8pm. Redwood City y.
Thu: B Thu: Blues lues Jam Jam w w/AKI. /AKI. Fri, Fri, 8pm: Ami Blues Band. 8 pm: A mi LLou ou B lues B and. SSat, at, 8pm: 8 pm: TTip ip ooff tthe he TTop. op. CCampbell. ampbell.
SSENZALA ENZALA Wed, 77:30pm: Wed, :30pm: SSJSU JSU JJazz azz EEnsemble. nsemble. $5/$10. $5/$10. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
CC&W/Folk &W/Folk
Thu, 8pm: Thu, 8pm: R Russo usso A Alberts lberts TTrio. rio. 8:30pm: Hristo Vitchev. FFri, ri, 8 :30pm: H risto V itchev. Brian Hoo TTrio. SSat, at, 8:30pm: 8:30pm: B rian H rio. Hotel Anza, H otel ddee A nza, San San JJose. ose.
Sat, 7pm: Sat, 7pm: KKavanaugh avanaugh Brothers Brothers CCeltic eltic Experience. Experience. San San Jose. Jose.
Wed: SSuska. Wed: uska. TThu: hu: JJimmy immy Dewrance. Mackey, D ewrance. FFri: ri: JJake ake M ackey, $10. Bohler, $10. $ 10. SSat: at: KKaye aye B ohler, $ 10. Alvin Draper. Mon: Dennis SSun: un: A lvin D raper. M on: D ennis Dove. D ove. SSan an Jose. Jose.
Sun: M Sun: Mike ike LLeatherman. eatherman. CCampbell. ampbell.
Thu, 7-11pm: Thu, 7-11pm: Live Live jjazz. azz. SSan an JJose. ose.
Thu, 7pm: Thu, 7pm: SSouth outh B Bay ay FFolks olks mic. oopen pen m ic. FFri, ri, 77:30pm: :30pm: Wind. TTrue rue W ind. Sat, Sat, 8pm: 8pm: Vnote Vnote EEnsemble. nsemble. Sun, Sun, 4pm: 4pm: JJeff eff aand nd Amanda’s Bon Voyage A manda’s B on V oyage SShow. how. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: JJoey oey FFabian abian FFour. our. Open mic w/Kelly TThu, hu, 8pm: 8pm: O pen m ic w /Kelly Park Buca Necak. 8pm: P ark aand nd B uca N ecak. FFri, ri, 8 pm: LLavay avay SSmith. mith. SSat, at, 8pm: 8pm: The The Bartron Group with B artron TTyler yler G roup w ith JJoey oey FFabian. abian. Mon: Mon: FFreddy reddy Clarke. Clarke. Menlo Park. M enlo P ark.
Wed: SSanta Wed: anta Clara Clara A Acoustic coustic Bluegrass B luegrass JJam. am. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.
Wed, 77:30pm: Wed, :30pm: KKasey asey A Anderson. nderson. Matthew SSat, at, 8pm: 8pm: TTyler yler M atthew Mountain SSmith. mith. M ountain View. View.
Mon: P Mon: Pro ro B Blues lues JJam. am. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
NETO’S N ETO’S B BAR AR & GRILL GRILL Wed; A Wed; Acoustic coustic JJam. am. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
POOR P OOR HOUSE HOUSE B BISTRO ISTRO Wed, 6pm: Wed, 6pm: R Ron on TThomson homson aand nd Price. FFriends. riends. Thu, Thu, 6pm: 6pm: Lara Lara P rice. 6pm: FFri, ri, 6 pm: EEarl arl TThomas homas aand nd tthe he Blues Blues Ambassadors. Ambassadors. SSat, at, 6pm: 6 pm: SSteve teve FFreund reund with with Jan Jan FFanucchi. anucchi. Sun, Sun, 2pm: 2pm: ZZydeco ydeco Voodoo Revival. V oodoo R evival. San San Jose. Jose.
QUARTER Q UARTER NOTE NOTE Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: JJam am ssession. ession. SSun, un, Brisket Blues with 11pm: pm: B risket aand nd B lues w ith BBQ Roc Griffin B BQ aand nd Will Will R oc G riffin ooff Vicious Groove, Martha V icious G roove, pplus lus M artha LLiz. iz. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
THREE FFLAMES THREE LAMES RESTAURANT R ESTAURANT Sun, Tue, Sun, Tue, 7:30pm: 7:30pm: M Modesto odesto Briseno music. B riseno SSeptet, eptet, LLatin atin m usic. Willow Glen. W illow G len.
Fri, 8 Fri, 8pm: pm: JJohn ohn R Rubin, ubin, aacoustic coustic jjam. am. SSan an JJose. ose.
Sat, 7-9:30pm: Sat, 7-9:30pm: JJazz azz N Night.Thu, ight.Thu, Don Balistreri. 77pm: pm: D on B alistreri. SSan an JJose. ose.
Wed, 8 Wed, 8:30pm: :30pm: TThe he G Girlz irlz B Band. and. 8:30pm: TThu, hu, 8 :30pm: CContemporary ontemporary 9pm: oorr LLatin atin jjazz. azz. FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 9 pm:
Moree listings: Mor
Thu, 7:30pm: Thu, 7:30pm: R Russell ussell B Barber arber Blues Neil B lues Duo. Duo. Thu, Thu, 7:30pm: 7:30pm: N eil 8pm: Dog KKelly elly JJazz azz Trio. Trio. FFri, ri, 8 pm: A D og Named Buckley. N amed B uckley. SSan an Jose. Jose.
O’FLAHERTY’S O ’FLAHERTY’S Sun, Tue, Sun, Tue, 5pm: 5pm: Traditional Traditional Irish Irish music. m usic. SSan an Jose. Jose.
THE T HE SSADDLE ADDLE R RACK ACK Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm: pm: CCalifornia alifornia Cowboys Cowboys with Bobby Black. Wed-Fri, w ith B obby B lack. W ed-Fri, 9pm, Diablo 9 pm, SSat, at, 110:15pm: 0:15pm: D iablo Road. Rodeo R oad. Sat, Sat, 77:15pm: :15pm: R odeo House. H ouse. Fremont. Fremont.
SST. T. SSTEPHEN’S TEPHEN’S GGREEN REEN TTue, ue, 7:30pm: 7:30pm: IIrish rish M Music. usic. Mountain M ountain View. View.
SSAM’S AM’S B BBQ BQ Wed, 6 Wed, 6-9pm: -9pm: SSidesaddle idesaddle & CCo. o. Beach TTue, ue, 6-9pm: 6-9pm: SSeabright eabright B each Mountain Boys. M ountain B oys. SSan an Jose. Jose.
THREE FFLAMES THREE LAMES RESTAURANT R ESTAURANT Thu, 9pm-closing: Thu, 9pm-closing: LLive ive music, Doug Rose ccountry ountry m usic, D oug R ose Productions w/Bit P roductions w /Bit aand nd SSpur pur Band B and ffeaturing eaturing CCowboy owboy Larry. Larry. Willow Glen. W illow G len.
Open M Open Mic/ ic/ Poetry P oetry ANGELICA’S A NGELICA’S BISTRO BISTRO TTue, ue, 6 6:30pm: :30pm: B Bring ring yyour our musical m usical instrument. instrument. Redwood R edwood CCity. ity.
57 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Driving Schools!
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M 56
Moree listings: Mor
Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm: pm: KKaraoke araoke N Night. ight. Milpitas. M ilpitas.
Wed, 77pm: Wed, pm: M Musical usical oopen pen m mic. ic. SSign ign uupp bbyy 55pm. pm. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
TTue, ue, 77pm: pm: O Open pen M Mic. ic. SSan an JJose. ose.
Wed, Fri, Wed, Fri, SSun, un, 8pm-2am: 8pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm: pm: V Vinnie. innie. Mon, Mon, 9pm: 9pm: KKaraoke araoke in in the the lounge lounge w/ w/ Vinnie. 9pm: V innie. Tue, Tue, 9 pm: August. August. CCupertino. upertino.
FFri, ri, 77-10pm: -10pm: SSingers ingers aand nd musicians. m usicians. SSan an JJose. ose.
FFIBBAR IBBAR M MAGEE’S AGEE’S Mon: CComedy Mon: omedy N Night. ight. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
MISSION M ISSION CITY CITY ROASTING ROASTING Thu, 77pm: Thu, pm: SSouth outh B Bay ay FFolks olks Open Mic. O pen M ic. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
TTue: ue: DJ DJ Davey Davey K. K. Campbell. Campbell.
BRITANNIA B RITANNIA ARMS ARMS ALMADEN ALMADEN Sun, 10pm, Sun, 10pm, aand nd Wed, Wed, 10pm: 10pm: DJJ Hank. KKaraoke. araoke. D Hank. TTue, ue, 7:30pm: 7:30pm: Pub P ub SStumpers. tumpers. San San JJose. ose.
Sun-Tue, 10pm: Sun-Tue, 10pm: KKaraoke. araoke. CCupertino. upertino.
Fri, 8 Fri, 8pm: pm: TThe he P Poetry oetry CCabal abal Mouth, ppresents resents M outh, aan n eevening vening ooff Mountain View. rreadings. eadings. M ountain V iew.
TTue, ue, 77-10pm: -10pm: O Open pen M Mic. ic. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Karaoke K araoke 7B BAMBOO AMBOO Wed-Sat, 9 Wed-Sat, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. 9pm-1am: TTue, ue, 9 pm-1am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.
ALBERTO’S A LBERTO’S B BAR AR & GGRILL RILL Mon, 8 Mon, 8pm-midnight: pm-midnight: KKaraoke araoke Monday. Hosted Whirl. M onday. H osted bbyy KKJJ W hirl. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Wed-Thu and Wed-Thu and Sun, Sun, 9 9pm: pm: Wild Wild Nights N ights Karaoke. Karaoke. Fremont. Fremont.
Mon, 9:30pm: Mon, 9:30pm: KKaraoke. araoke. M Menlo enlo Park. P ark.
Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. CCampbell. ampbell. Wed, 8 Wed, 8pm: pm: D DJJ D Desmond. esmond. SSan an JJose. ose.
KHARTOUM K HARTOUM Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm: pm: D Davey avey K. K. No No cover. cover. CCampbell. ampbell.
Thu: Melissa Thu: Melissa and and Heather. Heather. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.
Thu, SSun-Mon, Thu, un-Mon, 8:30pm-close: 8:30pm-close: Bruce Noo B ruce ooff KKOR OR KKaraoke. araoke. N Mountain ccover. over. M ountain View. View.
Mon, Wed, Mon, Wed, 9 9pm-1am: pm-1am: D DJJ CCurtis. urtis. Noo ccover. 9pm: Western N over. TTue, ue, 9 pm: W estern Noo ccover. kkaraoke. araoke. N over. SSan an JJose. ose.
DAN D AN B BROWN’S ROWN’S TTue ue & TThu, hu, 9pm-1am: 9pm-1am: B Brian rian Palo Alto. JJames. ames. P alo A lto.
DASILVA’S D ASILVA’S B BRONCOS RONCOS Wed: G Wed: Guitar uitar Hero Hero TTournament ournament 9pm-1am: pplus lus karaoke. karaoke. TThu, hu, 9 pm-1am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.
DIVE D IVE B BAR AR Wed, 8pm-2am: Wed, 8pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.
Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm: pm: D DJJ Thomas Thomas ““Soulman.” Soulman.” SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
MARIANI’S M ARIANI’S TThu, hu, 8 8pm: pm: CChris. hris. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.
NETO’S N ETO’S MARKET MARKET & GRILL GRILL Fri, 6 Fri, 6:30-10:30pm: :30-10:30pm: B Bands ands w with ith llive ive karaoke. karaoke. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.
NUMBER N UMBER ONE ONE BROADWAY BROADWAY Thu: Singles Thu: Singles party party with with DJ. DJ. Los Los Gatos. G atos.
OASIS O ASIS Wed, FFri-Sat, Wed, ri-Sat, 8:30pm: 8:30pm: D Doug. oug. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
TTue-Sat, ue-Sat, 9 9pm-2am, pm-2am, and and llast ast month, SSun un of of eevery very m onth, 2-7pm: 2-7pm: B&S B &S KKaraoke. araoke. CCampbell. ampbell.
Mon-Sat, M on-Sat, 9 9pm-2am: pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.
FFri, ri, 9 9pm: pm: TThomas. homas. SSan an JJose. ose.
BENNIGAN’S B ENNIGAN’S GGRILL RILL SSat, at, 9 9pm: pm: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Thu-Sat, 9pm: Thu-Sat, 9pm: Uncle Uncle D Dougie ougie Noo ccover. SShow. how. N over. SSan an JJose. ose.
GGALAXY ALAXY Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: KKaraoke araoke w w/ / August. A ugust. Milpitas. Milpitas.
Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm-1am: pm-1am: D Danielle. anielle. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Sun, 7pm, Sun, 7pm, and and Fri, Fri, Sat, Sat, 9pm9pmMountain 22am: am: KKaraoke. araoke. M ountain View. View. Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm: pm: D DJJ Brian. Brian. Sun, Sun, 9pm: 9pm: DJJ aand DJ, D nd karaoke. karaoke. Tue, Tue, 9pm: 9pm: D J, ddancing, ancing, karaoke. karaoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
PIONEER P IONEER SALOON SALOON TTue, ue, 8 8:30pm: :30pm: A Acoustic coustic kkaraoke araoke w/ Marshall. w / SSam am M arshall. Woodside. Woodside.
BLUE B LUE B BONNET ONNET B BAR AR Mon M on & W Wed-Thu, ed-Thu, 8 8pm: pm: Noo ccover. KKaraoke. araoke. N over. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Wed, 9 Wed, 9:30pm: :30pm: W Wildside ildside EEntertainment. ntertainment. No No cover. cover. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.
Fri-Sat, 9 Fri-Sat, 9pm-1:30am: pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
BLUE B LUE P PHEASANT HEASANT TTue, ue, 77pm: pm: SSteve teve TTiger. iger. CCupertino. upertino.
THE T HE GOOSETOWN GOOSETOWN LLOUNGE OUNGE Fri-Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: Fri-Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: Willow Glen. KKaraoke. araoke. W illow G len.
TTue, ue, 9 9pm: pm: SSherrie herrie aand nd Sue. Sue. No No ccover. over. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
REDI R EDI ROOM ROOM Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm-1am: pm-1am: Joseph. Joseph. SSan an Jose. Jose.
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
JN@E> ?@>? 9`^ JXe[p Xe[ k_\ =cp$I`k\ 9fpj a\k `ekf JXe Afj\ ]fi X JXe Afj\ C`m\ nXid$lg j_fn%
Big Sandy A GREAT LINEUP up helps to kick off Left Coast Live season at the Landmark Ballroom in the San Jose Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Club on Friday night. Openers B Stars and Stompy Jones play two very different versions of swingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the former, hillbilly; the latter, R&Bâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;while headliner Big Sandy puts his own Western stamp on the music. Rarely are bills that showcase Americana music so well put together. Unfortunately, the gene has become a loose-change dish for any kind of music with a twang to it, so itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not uncommon to ďŹ nd a cowboy poet opening for a honky-tonk band, with a bluegrass band headlining. (OK, that is actually uncommon, but you get my point). =i`[Xp#
/1*'gd This show, however, shines a spotlight on three different facets of a poorly understood musical form. Also, how can CXe[dXib anyone not like swing music? Seriously. Especially when 9Xcciffd# JXe Afj\ its sung by a voice as sweet and pleasing to the ear as Big Sandyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. The big guyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no stranger to eclectic musical tastesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; (.& )' ďŹ rst making his mark as a straight-up rockabilly act, he later dabbled in blues, country, Cajun, mariachi and country boogie, but swing is his forte. With the show presented by Left Coast Live in advance of the festival next month, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an apt choice for an arts group that prides itself on booking outside the box. Ă&#x2020;Jk\m\ GXcfgfc`
ROSIE RO SIE MCCANNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MCCANNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S
TTue, ue, 8:30-11:30pm: 8:30-11:30pm: Karaoke. Karaoke. Noo cover. N cover. Santana Santana Row. Row.
Thu, 9 Thu, 9:30pm-1:30am: :30pm-1:30am: Karaoke. Karaoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
RUDYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S R UDYâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S P PUB UB
Wed, 110pm-1:30am: Wed, 0pm-1:30am: DJ DJ Purple. Palo Alto. P urple. P alo A l to.
SSun: un: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an Jose. Jose.
Sun, 3-7pm, Sun, 3-7pm, aand nd Tue, Tue, Wed, Wed, 8pm-1:30am: 8 pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. Except Except ďŹ rst month. ďŹ rst SSun un ooff m onth. Santa Santa CClara. lara.
Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: Jose Jose SSoto oto and and Acereko Orchestra A cereko O rchestra for for Salsa Salsa Wednesdays. W ednesdays. TThu: hu: Tech Tech IItt Up Up B*Tch w/Paul B *Tch w /Paul LLeath eath aand nd Residents. R esidents. Sat: Sat: Hyphidelity Hyphidelity ppresents resents the the Slump Slump with with Caley Caley Martin. Planet M artin. Sun: Sun: P lanet Reggae. Reggae. SSan an Jose. Jose.
TTue, ue, 10pm-close: 10pm-close: Kamikaze Kamikaze Karaoke. Ka raoke. SSan an JJose. ose.
SSHERWOOD HERWOOD IINN NN Wed, SSat-Sun: Wed, at-Sun: CChris. hris. Thu-Fri, Thu-Fri, 8:30pm: Uncle Dougie. 8 :30pm: U ncle D ougie. SSan an JJose. ose.
WOODHAMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S W OODHAMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S LLOUNGE OUNGE TTue-Thu ue-Thu and and SSat, at, 9 9:30pm: :30pm: Vinnie. V innie. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Dance D ance Clubs Clubs
ALBERTOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S A LBERTOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Wed, W ed, 7:30pm: 7:30pm: LLatin. atin. TTue ue and and
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 >LKULZKH` 4H` (.,:
NAS and Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley plus Nneka $39.50 Adv./ $44 Dr. • Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. -YPKH` 4H` (.,:
=,21 , Erk Tha Jerk
$15 Adv./ $19 Dr. Drs. 8 p.m., Show 9 p.m. :H[ 4H` (.,:
Brotha Lynch Hung, Krizz Kaliko, Kutt Calhoun, Big Scoob, Prozak & Cognito plus
$34 Adv./ $39 Dr. • Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. May 27 Frequency Jones Atrium (Ages 21+) May 28 Pop Fiction Atrium (Ages 21+) May 29 Ribsy’s Nickel Atrium (Ages 21+) May 30 Black Love Atrium (Ages 21+) Jun 3 “Glow”/DJ Tech Minds Atrium (Ages 18+) Jun 5 Sage Francis/ Free Moral Agents (Ages 16+) Jun 5 MC Chris Atrium (Ages 16+) Jun 6 Bone Thugs-N-Harmony (Ages 16+) Jun 9 The Glitch Mob/ Free the Robots (Ages 16+) Jun 10 The Subhumans Atrium (Ages 16+) Jun 11 Wooster/ Sourgrass (Ages 21+) Jun 18 Eagles of Death Metal (Ages 16+) Jul 29 Wolf Parade/ The Moools (Ages 16+) Aug 11 Reverend Horton Heat (Ages 21+) Aug 13 Smash Mouth (Ages 16+) Aug 14 Eek A Mouse (Ages 16+) Aug 16 Xavier Rudd (Ages 16+) Aug 24 The Hold Steady (Ages 16+) Sep 20 Willie Nelson & Family (Ages 21+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online
MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M 59 Thu: SSalsa Thu: alsa W With ith P Pantea. antea. SSat: at: Night. Mountain View. LLatin atin N ight. M ountain V iew.
AZUCAR A ZUCAR TTue: ue: B Beats eats aand nd B Beer eer P Pong ong w w/ / Mike M ike JJones. ones. SSan an JJose. ose.
THE T HE B BACK ACK B BAR AR Thu: EElectro Thu: lectro ddance ance pparty. arty. SSan an JJose. ose.
Fri, SSat, Fri, at, 6pm: 6pm: DJ DJ or or live live band. band. Noo ccover. N over. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.
Fri, 8 Fri, 8pm: pm: D DJ. J. SSat, at, 9pm: 9pm: DJ DJ and and featuring R&B, ddancing ancing fe aturing CChill, hill, R &B, 9pm: TTop op 440. 0. SSun, un, 9 pm: DJ DJ and and kkaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Sat: Rhythm Sat: Rhythm SSaturdays. aturdays. Sun: Sun: Mix M ix Tape Tape SSundays. undays. SSan an Jose. Jose.
Fri: D Fri: Desire. esire. Sat: Sat: Graduation Graduation Mania with DJJ W Willy M ania w ith D illy WIll. W Ill. SSan an JJose. ose.
Sat, 9 Sat, 9pm: pm: D Dead ead B Beat eat w with ith D DJs Js Gabriele77, Destrukt G abriele77, JJulian ulian D estrukt Basura. aand nd B asura. FFree. ree. SSan an JJose. ose.
Wed, 9pm: Wed, 9pm: TThe he LLounge. ounge. Top Top 9pm: 440 0 aand nd hhip-hop. ip-hop. TThu, hu, 9 pm: Mashups. FFortune ortune 550/50. 0/50. M ashups. Karma FFri: ri: Ka rma pparty. arty. SSat: at: Rotating Parties. R otating P arties. Tue, Tue, 9pm: 9pm: CCollege ollege Night. Night. San San Jose. Jose.
Moree listings: Mor
SSABOR ABOR T TAPAS APAS BA BAR R Thu: M Thu: Major ajor TThursdays. hursdays. Rotating DJs. R otating D Js. Tue: Tue: Two Two Buck Buck TTuesdays. uesdays. College College dance dance pparty. arty. SSan an JJose. ose.
Wed-Sat: D Wed-Sat: DJs Js aand nd ddancing. ancing. Row. SSantana antana R ow.
SSat, at, 9pm: 9pm: D DJs. Js. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
Mon: LLadies’ Mon: adies’ night. night. No No cover. cover. Milpitas. M ilpitas.
Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm: pm: D DJJ Henry. Henry. Thu, Thu, 9pm: DJJ Mark. 9 pm: D Mark. FFri, ri, 9pm: 9pm: DJ DJ Rita. DJJ Mark. R ita. SSat, at, 7pm: 7pm: D Mark. FFremont. remont.
TTue-Sun, ue-Sun, 77pm-close: pm-close: D DJJ aand nd Big Noo ddancing. ancing. B ig bband, and, sswing. wing. N ccover. over. CCupertino. upertino.
BRANHAM B RANHAM LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed: H Wed: Humpday umpday W Wednesdays. ednesdays. DJJ aand DJJ TThu: hu: D nd kkaraoke. araoke. SSat: at: D DJJ CChaos. Hip-hop JJazzy azzy aand nd D haos. H ip-hop Happy Hour aand nd TTop op 440. 0. SSun: un: H appy H our Allll D Day. Mon: DJJ aand A ay. M on: D nd kkaraoke. araoke. $22 TTuesdays. TTue: ue: $ uesdays. SSan an JJose. ose.
GGOOSE OOSE LO LOONEY’S ONEY’S FFri-Sat: ri-Sat: O Old ld SSchool. chool. Milpitas. Milpitas.
KATIE K ATIE B BLOOM’S LOOM’S Thu-Sat, 9 Thu-Sat, 9:30pm-1:30am: :30pm-1:30am: DJs Campbell. D Js aand nd ddancing. ancing. Ca mpbell.
BRITANNIA B RITANNIA A ARMS RMS SAN SAN JOSE JOSE Thu: D Thu: DJJ D David avid Q aand nd CClay lay tthe he Drummer. DJJ KKay-Rich D rummer. FFri: ri: D ay-Rich aand nd Checko. Checko. Sat: Sat: DJ DJ Aspect. Aspect. SSan an JJose. ose.
BRIX B RIX Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: W Whip hip IItt O Out ut Wednesdays. Huntress W ednesdays. TThu: hu: H untress TThursdays. hursdays. FFri: ri: IInferno nferno FFridays. ridays. Noo ccover. SSat: at: SSinful inful SSaturdays. aturdays. N over. 9pm-2am: SSun, un, 9 pm-2am: CChill hill SSundays. undays. Mon: Marathon Mondays. VJJ M on: M arathon M ondays. V 9pm-2am. sspins pins ffrom rom 9 pm-2am. TTue: ue: TTake ake Off iitt O ff Tuesdays. Tuesdays. SSan an JJose. ose.
CC&J’S &J’S SPORTS SPORTS BAR BAR Wed, SSat, Wed, at, 110pm: 0pm: D DJJ iin n tthe he M Mix. ix. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
CCARDINAL ARDINAL LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm-1am: pm-1am: D DJJ CCurtis. urtis. P Plus lus Mon, DJJ LLV. kkaraoke. araoke. M on, SSun: un: D V. TTue, ue, 9pm-1am: AV. 9 pm-1am: KKJJ A V. SSan an JJose. ose.
SST. T. SSTEPHEN’S TEPHEN’S GREEN GREEN Fri, 10pm: Fri, 10pm: D DJJ CCesar. esar. Mountain Mountain View. V iew.
LOFT LO FT BA BAR RA AND ND B BISTRO ISTRO Wed, SSun: Wed, un: D DJJ H Hank, ank, w w/karaoke /karaoke DJJ B Benofficial. aatt 110pm. 0pm. TThu: hu: D enofficial. SSan an JJose. ose.
Wed: W ed: Tango. Tango. SSpecials pecials oon n Video ddrinks. rinks. TThu-Sat: hu-Sat: V ideo KKilled illed DJ. tthe he D J. SSun: un: SSin in Sundays. Sundays. Mon, M on, 110pm-close: 0pm-close: Manic Manic Mondaze. M ondaze. SSan an JJose. ose.
Wed: W ed: D DJJ D Davey avey KK.. Ca Campbell. mpbell. Fri, 9 Fri, 9:30pm: :30pm: Noche Noche Vaquera, Vaquera, DJJ JJose Kuervo DJJ St Stam. D ose Ku ervo aand nd D am. SSat: at: Azukar, Azukar, DJ DJ 3D. 3D. Tue, Tue, 9pm: Nostalgia, 9 pm: CClub lub N ostalgia, Goth, Goth, $8. iindustrial ndustrial aand nd ddarkwave. arkwave. $ 8. Mountain View. M ountain V iew.
Fri-Sat, 10:30pm-1:30am: Fri-Sat, 10:30pm-1:30am: LLive ive DJ. DJ. San San Jose. Jose.
MELT M ELT U ULTRA LTRA LO LOUNGE UNGE Fri-Sat: D Fri-Sat: DJs. Js. $ $10 10 ccover over aafter fter Palo Alto. 110pm. 0pm. P alo A l to.
MOTIF M OTIF FFri: ri: St Stupid upid Fresh Fresh with with more. CCochipet ochipet and and m ore. SSan an JJose. ose.
MOUNTAIN M OUNTAIN CCHARLEY’S HARLEY’S Wed, 7pm: Wed, 7pm: H House ouse P Party. arty. TThu, hu, 77pm: pm: TThrowback hrowback TThursdays. hursdays. LLos os Gatos. Gatos.
Wed: The Wed: The P Pick ick U Up, p, D DJJ Sig Sig O Dig, aand nd gguests. uests. TThu: hu: D ig, hhouse ouse pparty. arty. SSan an JJose. ose.
THREE FLAMES THREE FLAMES RESTAURANT R ESTAURANT Fri-Sat, 9pm: Fri-Sat, 9pm: D DJJ SSir ir Dancealot. D ancealot. Willow Willow Glen. Glen.
TOON’S TO ON’S Wed: D Wed: DJJ Tito. Tito. Thu: Thu: H Hip-hop ip-hop with yyour our hhearts earts aaway way w ith gguest uest DJ. DJJ CClassic. Big D J. FFri: ri: D lassic. Sat: Sat: B ig fest. pparty arty fe st. Sun: Sun: Hip-hop. Hip-hop. Mon: Battle M on: B attle of of tthe he DJs. DJs. Tue: Tue: LLadies adies Night. Night. San San Jose. Jose.
VOODOO V OODOO LO LOUNGE UNGE Fri, 110pm: Fri, 0pm: D DJs Js Distrakt, Distrakt, Grubber more. $10. G rubber aand nd m ore. $ 10. DJs SSat, at, 10pm: 10pm: D Js Dluzion, Dluzion, more. JJQuest, Quest, Dru Dru and and m ore. $10. $10. Djs Girl SSun, un, 110pm: 0pm: D js That That G irl vvs. s. more. JJenicyed, enicyed, KKris ris D and and m ore. $10. $ 10. San San JJose. ose.
WILLOW W ILLOW D DEN EN PARRANDA P ARRANDA N NIGHTCLUB IGHTCLUB TThu, hu, 8 8pmm: pmm: D DJJ A Akustik. kustik. N Noo 8pm: DJJ M Mayo. ccover. over. FFri, ri, 8 pm: D ayo. DJJ M Mayo DJJ SSat, at, 8pm: 8pm: D ayo and and D Akustik. A kustik. Sun, Sun, 7pm: 7pm: Latin Latin Beat. B eat. Sun, Sun, 9pmm: 9pmm: Sonidero Sonidero Night. N ight. With With local local DJs DJs sspinning pinning ssalsa, alsa, cumbia cumbia aand nd more. m ore. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
New bar New bar w with ith nightly nightly DJs. kkaraoke araoke aand nd D Js. SSee ee for f r fo ddetails. etails. San San Jose. Jose.
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gg Phone Entertainment
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
?fn [f pfl befn n_\k_\i X ^lp `j nfik_ jkXp`e^ n`k_# fi `] pflÊi\ fe X jcfncp j`eb`e^ j_`g6 Dp Yfp]i`\e[ f] * (&) p\Xij ki\Xkj d\ n\cc# Ylk _\ jl]]\ij Yflkj f] [\gi\jj`fe Xe[ _`j [`mfiZ\ j`o p\Xij X^f _Xj _le^ X j_X[fn fm\i fli i\cXk`fej_`g% ?\Êj e\m\i kfc[ d\ _\ cfm\j d\# n_`Z_ @ e\\[ Xk k_`j gf`ek% ?`j [`mfiZ\ Xcjf c\]k _`d ÓeXeZ`Xccp jZXii\[# Xe[ _\Êj kXb\e X iffddXk\# n_f _Xgg\ej kf Y\ ]\dXc\# kf jkXm\ f]] ]fi\Zcfjli\% @k kliej flk j_\ nXj iXg\[ jfd\ k`d\ X^f% Jffe X]k\i dfm`e^ `e# j_\ kfc[ dp Yfp]i`\e[ j_\ nXj leZfd]fikXYc\ n`k_ fk_\ij `e k_\ _flj\ _Xm`e^ j\o% J_\ [f\jeÊk _Xm\ X afY efn# jf \m\e X]k\ieffe kipjkj Xi\ flk% @ k_`eb `kÊj k\ii`Yc\ n_Xk _Xgg\e\[ kf _\i# Ylk @ Xcjf Óe[ `k Xn]lccp gi\jldgklflj f] _\i kf [`ZkXk\ k_`j Xjg\Zk f] fli c`m\j% N\ ZXeÊk _Xm\ j\o Xk dp gcXZ\# \oZ\gk n_\e dp b`[j ZXe jkXp Xk dp dfdÊj% @ e\\[\[ dfi\ ]ifd dp Yfp]i`\e[ \m\e Y\]fi\ k_\ iffddXk\ ZXd\# Ylk kff f]k\e efn# k_\i\Êj fecp k_Xk j\m\e$d`elk\ \o_Xljk\[ ZXcc Xk ((1+, Xk e`^_k% @Êd [`jkliY\[ k_Xk _\Ê[ YXj`ZXccp j\cc flk fli i\cXk`fej_`g ]fi jfd\ i\ek dfe\p% ÆJ\oc\jj `e k_\ :`kp Are you on a slowly sinking ship? Well, if this were the Titanic, DiCaprio and Winslet would’ve had time before the ship went down to have four kids, three affairs, and a bitter divorce. It’s terrible, what happened to his roommate, but moving into somebody’s place and then announcing, “Oh, by the way, I’m traumatized by people having sex . . .” is like saying, “Did I mention that I’m deathly allergic to cats? Not to worry, I hear they don’t feel a thing when they get put down.” Of course, a guy who wants to have sex with his girlfriend but takes in a roommate who’s “uncomfortable” with it passes on the bad news: that he’ll be giving said roommate time to pack, not that he’ll be sleeping with the girlfriend from 11:45 to 12:02, but only over the phone, and he really does mean “sleeping.” If you were boyfriend-shopping right now, imagine answering this ad: “Emotionally and financially devastated divorced man with deeply troubled
roommate seeks girlfriend: no pets, no sex, no ‘I love you.’” Clearly, what you really need to hear isn’t “those three little words” but those eight: “I just can’t give you what you want.” Chances are, you succumbed to what economists call “the sunk cost fallacy”—investing more and more time in this relationship because you’ve already invested so much time. You should instead be looking at what the guy currently has to offer: basically, seven minutes a night for you to work on convincing him “If you really loved me, you’d be living out of your car.” Is it possible he’ll change? Sure it is— if he wins the lottery and meets a good witch who’ll wave her magic wand over him, instantly curing his depression, or if you can invent a time machine so he can go back and stay in bed with a hangover on the day he met his now exwife. On the bright side, you should find it easier to coax him into saying “I love you”. . . at gunpoint, or by attaching jumper cables to his nipples.
Dp Yfp]i`\e[ f] k_i\\ p\Xij _Xj XcnXpj jljg\Zk\[ k_Xk @ _X[ X j\olXc _`jkfip n`k_ fe\ f] dp dXc\ ]i`\e[j% @ c`\[ Xe[ jX`[ @ [`[eÊk% K_\ j\o nXj X fe\$k`d\ d`jkXb\# k_i\\ p\Xij Y\]fi\ @ d\k dp Yfp]i`\e[% K_\ gifYc\d `j# @ _Xm\ cleZ_ n`k_ k_`j ]i`\e[ knf fi k_i\\ k`d\j X p\Xi kf ZXkZ_ lg XcnXpj `e glYc`Z gcXZ\j % Jf ]Xi# @Êm\ i\]lj\[ kf jkfg j\\`e^ dp ]i`\e[# n_`Z_ _likj dp Yfp]i`\e[% J_flc[ @ Zlk _`d f]] kf jgXi\ dp Yfp]i`\e[Êj ]\\c`e^j6 ÆAljk =i`\e[cp Poor Booboo, does he have an ouchie day, two or three times a year, whenever you bring home mints from the Olive Garden? There’s a telltale sign—that you had lunch. Your boyfriend, like too many grown adults, is under the impression that life should always be one long Princess Cruise. Sure, he feels jealous (and apparently, that you’re sleazy, trampy, and not to be trusted). Being jealous is human nature, and reflects insecurity on his part,
Choose your own
which you shouldn’t be catering to by cutting friends out of your life. Continue keeping mum about your sexual history, and help your boyfriend feel more secure by letting him know how hot and wonderful you find him, and by being touchy-feely, like you can’t keep your hands off him. Of course, these tactics are most effective if you also avoid returning from lunches three days later, claiming to have escaped your kidnappers, the Mexican drug kingpins.
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GGEMINI EMINI ((May May 21–June 21–June 220): 0): My My favorite favorite nnews ews source, source,
of those those m oods iin nw hich yyou ou ffeel eel llike ike a ffraud? raud? A re yyou ou of moods which Are starting ttoo w orry tthat hat m aybe yyou’re ou’re nnot ot w ho yyou ou ssay ay starting worry maybe who you are? are? IIff sso, o, I w ant ttoo rremind emind yyou ou ooff w hat hhappened appened you want what the last last ttime ime tthese hese ffeelings eelings ggot ot sstirred tirred uup: p: YYou ou bbecame ecame the super m otivated ttoo pprove rove tthat hat yyou ou aare re indeed indeed w who ho yyou ou super motivated say you you are. are. And And that that had had a most most wonderful wonderful effect, effect, say didn’t iit? t? IItt lled ed yyou ou ttoo llocate ocate aand nd ccall all oon n rresources esources didn’t you hadn’t hadn’t kknown nown yyou ou ccould ould hhave ave aaccess ccess tto; o; iitt sspurred purred you you to to purge purge some some self-deception self-deception from from your your system; system; you and it it roused roused you you to to intensify intensify your your commitment commitment to to and rigorous authenticity. authenticity. How How about about an an encore? encore? rigorous
LLEO EO ((July July 223–Aug. 3–Aug. 222): 2): II’m ’m a ccompassion ompassion ffreak. reak.
EEmpathy mpathy iiss a ffetish etish ooff mine. mine. M redilection iiss ttoo Myy ppredilection ccomfort omfort tthe he aafflicted, fflicted, cchampion hampion tthe he uunderdog, nderdog, and and fi ght ffor or tthe he rrights ights of of ppeople eople who who have have bbeen een ggiven iven fight lless ess tthan han II.. A nd yyet et tthere’s here’s aalso lso a ppart art ooff m hat’s a And mee tthat’s ppagan agan llibertarian ibertarian aanarchist. narchist. I ssubscribe ubscribe ttoo tthe he iidea dea tthat hat ppretty retty m uch aany ny kkind ind ooff bbehavior ehavior iiss fi ne aand nd ggood ood much fine aass llong ong aass iitt ddoesn’t oesn’t hhurt urt aanyone. nyone. N ow tthat hat yyou ou LLeos eos Now aare re iin n tthe he ““anything anything ggoes” oes” pphase hase ooff your your aastrological strological ccycle, ycle, tthis his ffull-permission ull-permission ppart art ooff m ising ttoo tthe he mee iiss rrising fforefront, orefront, eeager ager ttoo eencourage ncourage yyou ou ttoo ggoo ffor or bbroke, roke, ttake ake iitt ttoo tthe he llimit, imit, and and gget et aaway way w ith everything everything you you ccan an with gget et aaway way w ith—on oone ne condition, condition, which which is is that that it it with—on ddoesn’t oesn’t hharm arm aanyone, nyone, iincluding ncluding yyou. ou.
VIRGO V IRGO ((Aug. Aug. 223–Sept. 3–Sept. 222): 2): SSnake nake ccharmers harmers aare re sstill till a fixture iin nm any IIndian ndian ccities. ities. M oving rrhythmically hythmically aand nd fixture many Moving playing a fl ute-like iinstrument, nstrument, tthey he influence nfluen e eerect e playing flute-like cobras ttoo bbob ob aand nd ssway way aass iiff ddancing. an ng A o d ng too cobras According my rreading eading ooff tthe he aastrological strological oomens, men you ou nnow ow hhave ae my the ppower ower ttoo ddoo tthe he m etaphorica eequivalent qu a en oof that ha the metaphorical magic ttrick. rick. TThis his iiss oone ne ooff tthose hose rrare a e times me w hen you ou magic when possess tthe he m ojo ttoo ddirect irect aand nd eeven en control on o strong ong possess mojo forces tthat hat m ay uusually sually bbee ttoo oo w ame YYou’ve ou e forces may wildd too tame. still ggot ot ttoo bbee ccareful, areful, tthough. hough. JJust us bbecause e au e you’ve ou e still go the he power powe doesn’t doesn’t m ean tthat hat you ou can an scrimp mp oon n got mean p epa a on and and discipline. d p ne preparation LLIBRA BRA (Sept. Sep 223–Oct. 3–O 222): 2 It’s time me too think hn
omp ehen e nnot o ddefensively e en e . . . too see ee comprehensively, uu a nnot o ddidactically da a . . . too fantasize an a e futuristically, an a a nnot o ddiplomatically. p oma a YYour ou aassignment gnmen is fantastically, op reacting ea ng too eevery e littlee bblipp that ha leaps eap into no too stop ou fi e d oof vision, on aand nd start a surveying u e ng the he longong your field e m cycles e oof your ou lifee from om aan n eexpansive pan e vista. aB term Bee a pproactive oa e visionary, ona LLibra. ba B gh m nded eexplorer. po e Bee a hhigh-minded W ea e aall the he ddisparate pa a e threads h ead into n o a tapestry ape Weave ha reveals e ea the he bbigg ppicture. u e TThe he nnext e pphase ha e oof your ou that be a on requires equ e you ou too slough ough ooff ppetty e concerns on e n liberation aand nd trivial a ddetails. ea
SSCORPIO CORP O (Oct. O 223–Nov. 3–No 221): “Never” Ne e hhas a nnever e e bbeen een am o e irrelevant e e an w o d for o you. ou EEvents en that ha m a hhave ae more word may aalways wa seemed eemed qquite u e improbable mp obab e aaree nnow ow w e w hn well within he range ange oof ppossibility. o b EExotic o ppeople eop e w ho uupp uuntil n the who
in in Iraq Iraq or or Sudan Sudan or or the the Congo, Congo, and and you you don’t don’t hhave ave to to walk walk five five miles miles a day day with with a jug jug on on your your head head to to fetch fetch the the water water you you need, need, and and you’re you’re not not so so bereft bereft of of food food that that you you have have to to resort resort to to eating eating worms worms and and tree tree bark. bark. So So how how bad bad could could your your problems problems be? be? The The single single best best thing thing you you can can do do to to start start fixing fixing your your life’s life’s small small glitches glitches is is to to feel feel waves waves of of gratitude gratitude for for how how many many resources resources you you have have and and how how lucky lucky you you are. are. The The second second best best thing thing would would be be to to aggressively aggressively take take your your worried worried attention attention off off yourself yourself and and turn turn your your mind mind toward toward people people who who could could really really benefit benefit from from your your help. help. As As yyou ou ccarry arry oout ut tthose hose ttwo wo aassignments, ssignments, your dilemmas will begin to solve themselves your dilemmas will begin to solve themselves aass iiff by by magic. magic. AQUARIUS AQ UARIUS ((Jan. Jan. 220–Feb. 0–Feb. 118): 8): TThere’s here’s a bbothersome othersome mucks pphenomenon henomenon tthat hat m ucks uupp rreincarnation eincarnation rresearch: esearch: many FFar ar ttoo oo m any ppeople eople pprofess rofess ttoo hhave ave bbeen een ccelebrities elebrities aand nd ggeniuses eniuses iin n ttheir heir pprevious revious llives. ives. A rrelated elated aand nd multiple eequally qually iirksome rksome iissue ssue iiss tthe he pproblem roblem ooff m ultiple cclaims. laims. FFor or eexample, xample, I kknow now tthree hree ddifferent ifferent ppeople eople who mee tthey were Napoleon w ho hhave ave aassured ssured m hey w ere N apoleon ttheir heir llast ast who’s ttime ime aaround. round. TThe he ffact act iis, s, aalmost lmost nnoo oone ne w ho’s rreading eading tthis his hhoroscope oroscope hhas as nnever ever bbeen een ffamous amous iin n aany ny ppast ast However, worthy iincarnation. ncarnation. H owever, iitt iiss w orthy ttoo nnote ote tthat hat a Aquarians ddisproportionately isproportionately hhigh igh ppercentage ercentage ooff yyou ou A quarians were with And w ere fformerly ormerly ppeople eople w ith ggreat reat iimaginations. maginations. A nd iitt weeks will ssoo hhappens appens tthat hat iin n tthe he ccoming oming w eeks yyou ou w ill bbee aatt tthe he ppeak eak ooff yyour our aability bility ttoo ttap ap iinto nto tthe he ccreativity reativity yyou ou hhad ad bback ack tthen. hen.
PISCES P ISCES ((Feb. Feb. 119–March 9–March 220): 0): W When hen I ssent ent oout ut m myy email week, email nnewsletter ewsletter llast ast w eek, I ggot ot tthe he uusual sual nnumber umber of who were of aautomatic utomatic rreplies eplies ffrom rom ppeople eople w ho w ere oon n vacation But P.. vacation oorr oout ut ooff tthe he ooffice. ffice. B ut oone ne ffrom rom LLisa isa P caught myy aattention. caught m ttention. ““Can’t Can’t rreply eply ttoo yyour our eemail mail right will meditating right nnow,” ow,” iitt rread. ead. ““II w ill bbee m editating uuntil ntil JJune une 11.” .” My first was want My fi rst rreaction eaction w as jjealousy. ealousy. ““II w ant ttoo hhave ave tthe he leisure willpower meditate leisure ttime ime aand nd w illpower ttoo m editate ffor or 1144 ddays ays nonstop!” myself. myself nonstop!” I tthought hought ttoo m yself. I ppictured ictured m yself ffree ree of meditating while was of aallll bbusiness-as-usual, usiness-as-usual eeven ven m editating w hile I w as asleep. My second was a eep M e ond reaction ea on w a that ha I should hou d tell e you ou Pisceans what P. w was P ean aabout bou w ha LLisaa P a uupp to. o TThe he coming om ng days would, da w ou d aafter e aall, bbee aan n eexcellent e en time me for o you ou too retreat flood e ea from om the he uusual ua fl ood oof chaos hao aand nd seek ee peaceful with pea e u sanctuary an ua in n a conversation on e a on w h eeternity. e n If you manage whole week, ou can’t an m anage a w ho e w ee try too ggivee yourself ou e at a least ea 448 8 hhours ou oof pprofound o ound aand nd uutter e slack. a Homewo k What Homework: W Wha good thing h ng would wou d you have to o give g ve up u in n order o de to o get ge a great g ea thing? h ng? Testify Tes e y at a F eew as o ogy com Click C ck on “Email “Emaa Rob.” Rob ”
Go to REALASTROLOGY.COM to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. Audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700
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CCANCER ANCER ((June June 221–July 1–July 222): 2): A Are re yyou ou sslipping lipping iinto nto oone ne
CCAPRICORN APRICORN ((Dec. Dec. 222–Jan. 2–Jan. 119): 9): YYou’re ou’re nnot ot lliving iving
TThe he O nion, rrecently ecently rreported eported oon n a ““free-thinking free-thinking Onion, ccat” at” that that excretes excretes its its wastes wastes “outside “outside the the box.” box.” As As yyou ou eenjoy njoy yyour our oown wn pphase hase ooff lliberated iberated thinking thinking and and uuninhibited ninhibited aaction, ction, G emini, I hhope ope tthat hat yyou’re ou’re pputting utting Gemini, tthe he eemphasis mphasis oon n ggenerating enerating bbeauty eauty aand nd bblessings lessings ““outside outside tthe he bbox.” ox.” YYou ou w ill ooff ccourse ourse aalso lso hhave ave ttoo m ake will make ssome ome m esses aass yyou ou ttamper amper with with the the way way things things have have messes aalways lways bbeen een ddone, one, but but even even they they could could turn turn out out to to be be pproductive roductive iin n tthe he llong ong rrun. un.
writer was w riter SSamuel amuel CClemens lemens w as bbest est kknown nown uunder nder Mark But many hhis is ppen en nname, ame, M ark TTwain. wain. B ut hhee ttried ried m any oothers, thers, iincluding ncluding TThomas homas JJefferson efferson SSnodgrass, nodgrass, W.. EEpaminondas Adrastus Blab, W paminondas A drastus B lab, TTrismegistus, rismegistus, aand nd when SSergeant ergeant FFathom. athom. SSince ince yyou’re ou’re iin n a pphase hase w hen with would eexperiments xperiments w ith yyour our ppersona ersona w ould bbee pproductive, roductive, I ssuggest uggest yyou ou ddream ream uupp a ffew ew aaliases liases ooff yyour our oown. wn. I hhope that at least one of them will be as wacky ope that at least one of them will be as wacky Having aass ““Blab” Blab” oorr ““Snodgrass.” Snodgrass.” H aving a ssense ense ooff hhumor umor will will aabout bout yyourself ourself w ill bbee hhelpful. elpful. IItt w ill eensure nsure tthat hat yyour our will eexplorations xplorations aatt tthe he ffrontiers rontiers ooff yyour our iidentity dentity w ill bbee ffertile, ertile, ffun, un, aand nd nnever ever ffear-based. ear-based.
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ccontemplated ontemplated ttaking aking a ttrip rip ttoo B ora B ora oorr P ago Bora Bora Pago P ago, nnow ow m ight bbee a ggood ood ttime ime ttoo aactually ctually ggo. o. Pago, might TThat’s hat’s because because you’re you’re in in a “seeing “seeing double” double” pphase—a hase—a ttime ime w hen m agic w ill ccome ome tthrough hrough rrepetition, epetition, aand nd when magic will vvia ia dduplication, uplication, aand nd w hile yyou’re ou’re iin n tthe he tthroes hroes ooff while iimitation. mitation. TToo ttake ake m aximum aadvantage dvantage ooff tthe he ddualistic ualistic maximum ccosmic osmic rhythms, rhythms, don’t don’t sseek eek jjust ust oone ne ooff aanything. nything. D on’t Don’t ddoo aanything nything jjust ust oonce. nce. TTwo wo iiss w here tthe he ppower ower llies. ies. where P airing bbrings rings ppotency. otency. Pairing
SSAGITTARIUS AGITTARIUS ((Nov. Nov. 222–Dec. 2–Dec. 221): 1): SSagittarian agittarian
TAURUS T AURUS ((April April 220–May 0–May 220): 0): IIff yyou’ve ou’ve eever ver
recently m ay aass w ell hhave ave bbeen een fi ctional ccharacters haracters recently may well fictional are sshowing howing uupp aass rreal eal llive ive aactors ctors iin n yyour our aactual ctual llife ife are story. Plotlines whose story. P lotlines w hose eemergence mergence yyou ou ccould ould nnot ot hhave ave predicted way predicted aare re ssnaking naking ttheir heir w ay iinto nto yyour our ddrama. rama. SSoo be miracle flimsy be aalert lert ffor or a ffreaking reaking m iracle cconcealed oncealed iin nafl imsy disguise. And disguise. A nd ddon’t on’t bbee ssurprised urprised iiff a vvision ision ooff ffunky unky paradise paradise sshows hows uupp iin n ffull ull rregalia. egalia. TThe he ffuture’s uture’s nnot ot jjust ust knocking knocking aatt yyour our ddoor, oor, iit’s t’s pounding. pounding.
M AY 2 6 - U N E
hhis is ffriend riend H aydn ttoo pplay lay a hharpsichord arpsichord ppiece iece hhe’d e’d Haydn w ritten. H aydn ttried, ried, bbut ut sstopped topped ppartway artway tthrough hrough written. Haydn w hen tthe he m usical sscore core ccalled alled ffor or hhim im ttoo pplay lay a nnote ote when musical iin n tthe he m iddle ooff tthe he kkeyboard eyboard eeven ven tthough hough hhis is rright ight middle hhand and w as ffully ully ooccupied ccupied aatt tthe he hhigh igh eend nd aand nd hhis is lleft eft was hhand and aatt tthe he llow ow eend. nd. ““Nobody Nobody ccan an pplay lay tthis,” his,” pprotested rotested H aydn. ““II ccan,” an,” ssaid aid M ozart, w ho pproceeded roceeded ttoo Haydn. Mozart, who pperform erform tthe he ppiece iece fl awlessly, ddipping ipping ddown own ttoo pplay lay tthe he flawlessly, pproblematic roblematic nnote ote w ith hhis is nnose. ose. IIn n tthe he ccoming oming w eek, with week, A ries, bbee iinspired nspired bbyy M ozart aass yyou ou nnot ot oonly nly ccover over tthe he Aries, Mozart eextremes xtremes bbut ut aalso lso ttake ake ccare are ooff tthe he ccenter. enter.
Classifieds g g Carpe g g Center
69 M E T R O S L C O N VA L L E Y
ARIES A RIES ((March March 221–April 1–April 119): 9): M Mozart ozart oonce nce cchallenged hallenged
9p 9 pR ROB OB B BREZSNY REZSNY n\\b f] DXp )n\\b f] DXp )-
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
N_p [f\j X dXc\ ]\\c eXlj\flj# gfjj`Ycp kf k_\ gf`ek f] mfd`k`e^# X]k\i Y\`e^ jkilZb `e k_\ ^\e`kXcj6 @j k_\i\ jfd\ jfik f] ^feX[Xc$ ^Xjkif`ek\jk`eXc Zfee\Zk`fe k_Xk k_\ Zfddfe dXe [f\jeÊk befn XYflk6 ÆAf_e Xe[ J_\i`# :_Xicfkk\jm`cc\ What’s so tough to understand? The male apparatus is outside, the female components are inside. Not to get clinical, but this is a system that works. I suppose aspects of the plumbing might have been arranged differently, the location of the testicles in particular, but there seem to be reasons they weren’t. We’ll get to that. First let’s answer the more urgent question: why does a shot to a man’s precious make him want to throw up? It’s not complicated. You’ve heard the way to a guy’s heart is through his stomach? Turns out the route to his gonads goes through the stomach, too—more precisely, through the cluster of nerves called the celiac plexus, popularly known as the solar plexus. Here’s how one medical team (Jefferson et al., 1997) describes the situation: “The celiac plexus provides the autonomic nervous supply to the testis as well as to the liver, pancreas, duodenum, gallbladder, and colon. Therefore, testicular pain may result in gastrointestinal symptoms, such as abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting, through reflex stimulation of the celiac ganglion.” In other words, some pain impulses race up to your brain to inform you that you’ve absorbed a jolt to the vitals, while others branch off to the gut and make you feel sick and possibly vomit, in case there was any lingering doubt. It’s a bit of an overreaction, if you ask me. Serious testicular injury is, thankfully, fairly rare. The testes are flexible and move freely, enabling them to withstand rough treatment. A review of 5,400 reported sports injuries to boys aged five to 18 during the 1990s found hundreds of abdominal injuries but zero testicular injuries (Wan et al., 2003). However, when injuries to the
testicles do happen, they’re bad. Three main types of things can happen: blunt trauma, which is what it sounds like; penetrating trauma (gunshots and such); and degloving injury, which may occur when the scrotum is caught in machinery and about which I’ll say no more. Blunt trauma is what most guys worry about. In the medical literature we find a typical story involving a 25-year-old man who took a blow to the pelvis during a motorcycle accident. On examination he was found to have a ruptured testicle, which left unattended can lead to orchiectomy—and that doesn’t mean digging up orchids. Surgeons put everything back together and sewed him up, and after three days he was—well, good as new probably overstates matters. But he was healed enough to go home (Herrera and Coimbra, 2009). On rarer occasions impact can result in a condition called testicular torsion—a twisting of one or more of the testes and spermatic cord—which may be accompanied (once again) by intense pain, nausea and vomiting. Another relatively unusual one is dislocated testes, in which a testicle gets knocked out of the scrotum altogether, potentially winding up anywhere from up by your hips to partway down your thigh. Motorcycle accidents are good for this type of injury too, collision with the gas tank or handlebars commonly being the culprit. Deliberately dislocating the testicles allegedly was a method used by Russian army recruits in the 1800s to avoid military duty, although to me this sounds like Russian roulette— that is, largely a myth. One thing’s for sure: if testicular pain persists for more than an hour, seek medical attention without further delay.
metroactive SPORTS
The Wheel World
=8JK KI8:B = 8 JK KI 8:B K\Xd IXYfYXeb Xk k_\ jkXik`e^ c`e\ f] JkX^\ + K\Xd IXYfYXeb Xk k_\ jkXik`e^ c`e\ f] f JkX^\ + f] k_\ 8D><E Kfli f] :Xc`]fie`X `e [fnekfne JXe Afj\% f] k_\ 8D><E Kf fli f] f :Xc`]fie`X `e [fnekfne JXe Afj\%
Kfli f] :Xc`]fie`X ZpZc`jkj Kfli f f] ] :Xc`]fie`X ] ZpZ p c`jkj _`k JXekX :ilq# JXe Afj\ _`k JXekX :ilqq# JXe Afj\ BY B Y CCURTIS URT IS CCARTIER A RT I E R
K N8J X g_fkf Óe`j_ ]fi K N8J X g_fkf Óe`j_ ]fi J kX^\ * f] k_\ 8d^\e JkX^\ * f] k_\ 8d^\e K fli f] :Xc`]fie`X Xj j Kfli f] :Xc`]fie`X Xj L e`k\[ JkXk\jÊ ;Xm`[ Le`k\[ JkXk\jÊ ;Xm`[ QXYi`jb`\ efj\[ X_\X[ f] QXYi`jb`\ efj\[ X_\X[ f] 8ljkiXc`XÊj D`Z_X\c If^\ij Yp 8ljkiXc`XÊj D`Z_X\c If^\ij Yp d\i\ `eZ_\j kf ZcX`d k_\ jkX^\ d\i\ `eZ_\j kf ZcX`d k_\ jkX^\ n`e% ;\]\e[`e^ KF: Z_Xdg## n`e% ;\]\e[`e^ KF: Z_Xdg# JXekX IfjXÊj C\m` C\`g_\`d\i JXekX IfjXÊj C\m` C\`g_\`d\i ZXd\ `e k_`i[# n_`c\ cfZXc ZXd\ `e k_`i[# n_`c\ cfZXc ]Xmfi`k\ 9\e AXZhl\j$DXpe\j ]Xmfi`k\ 9\e AXZhl\j$DXpe\j f] NXkjfem`cc\ Óe`j_\[ */k_ f] NXkjfem`cc\ Óe`j_\[ */k_ Xe[ ZpZc`e^ c\^\e[ CXeZ\ \ Xe[ ZpZc`e^ c\^\e[ CXeZ\ 8idjkife^ gcXZ\[ (+k_ Xdfe^ 8idjkife^ gcXZ\[ (+k_ Xdfe^ k_\ ,/ ZpZc`jkj n_f Zfdgc\k\[ k_\ ,/ ZpZc`jkj n_f Zfdgc\k\[ k_\ ((*$d`c\ iXZ\ ]ifd JXe k_\ ((*$d`c\ iXZ\ ]ifd JXe =iXeZ`jZf kf JXekX :ilq% =iXeZ`jZf kf JXekX :ilq% Thousands T housan nds o off cycling cycling ffans ans llined ined the the sstreets treets iin n tthe he sshadows had dows o he B eacch off tthe Beach B oarrdwaallk rroller oller ccoaster oasster tto o rroot oot o n Boardwalk on ttheir heir ffavorite avorite rracers accers an nd eenjoy njoy tthe he and ffestive estive aatmosphere. tmosphere. A ttent ent m etropolis metropolis w ass set set u pw here b icycle m akers, was up where bicycle makers, ssports ports eequipment quipment ccompanies ompan nies aand, nd, o off ccourse, ourse, beer beer an nd ffood ood vvendors o endors pe ddled and peddled ttheir heir w ares. A fter tthe he rrace, acce, Z abriskie wares. After Zabriskie ssaid aid tthat hat S tage 33—the —the o nly ccoastal oastall Stage only ssection ection of of the the eight-stage eight-stage tour—was tour—was h is “favorite “favorite rrace acce o n tthe he ccalendar. alendar.” H his on Hee aalso lso ssaid aid h as eexcited xcited tto oh oist tthe he hee w was hoist
custom ssurfboard custom urf r board ttrophy, rophy, which which was was made m ad de b byy local loc o all surfboard surf board maker mak ker Doug Doug Haut H aut and an nd p presented resented to to h him im by by Santa San nta Cruz C ruz M Mayor ayor M Mike ike Rotkin. Rotkin. “Coming “Coming iinto nto Santa San nta Cruz Cruz w was aass be beautiful. autiful. The The sun sun ccame ame o out, ut, aamazing mazzing crowds, crowds,” h hee ssaid aid at at tthe he post-event post-event press press conference. conference. ““Plus Plus old o ld D Dave ave ggot ot a ssurfboard. urf boarrd.” After A fter S Santa anta Cruz, an Cruz, the the peloton peloton rode rode tthe he 121-mile 121-mile route route from from San San n JJose ose to to Modesto, M odesto, ffollowed ollowed b byy ffour our m more ore sstages, tagges, including including a chaotic chao otic Stage Stage 5 where w here a m major ajor crash crash sent sent Armstrong Armstrong tto o tthe he hospital hospitall for for injuries injuries and an nd o out ut of of tthe he tour. tour. But But it it was wass the the Australian, Australian, Rogers, R ogers, w who ho cclaimed laimed tthe he win win overall, overalll, ffending ending off off relentless relentless attacks attacks in in tthe he hills hills outside outside L Los os A Angeles ngeles from from Zabriskie Z abriskie and and Leipheimer Leipheimer who who ccame am me iin n ssecond econd an aand nd tthird, hird, rrespectively. espectively. His H is win win came came n not ot without without drama drama as as disgraced d isgraced cyclist cyclist Floyd Floyd Landis Landis used used the the occasion o ccasion tto o accuse accuse Rogers, Rogers, A Armstrong rmstrong aand nd others others of of using using illegal illegal performance performance eenhancing nhancing drugs drugs d during uring their their ccareers. areers. After A fter cclaiming laiming the the w win, in, the the Associated Associated Press P ress reported reported Rogers Rogers ssaying aying of of the the ccontroversy: ontroversy: “I’m “I’m getting getting a little little bit bit sick sick off aall o ll tthis his stuff. stuff ff”” And ff. And urging urging his his ssport port “to “to gget et aaway way from from negativity. negativity. y” y”
J\\ X m`[\f f] k_\ Kfli f] :Xc`]fie`X JkX^\ * g_fkf Óe`j_ Xk JXekX:ilq%Zfd%
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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=8J?@FE =FI 8 :8LJ< = 8 J?@FE =FI 8 : 8LJ< Df[\c J_X` N_`k\ j_fnj f]] X cXZp Y`b`e` Yp [\j`^e\i Df[\c [ c J_X` J_ ` N_`k\ N_`k j_f _fnj f]] ]] X cXZp c Y`b` ` Yp Y`b`e` Y [\j`^e\ [ ` \i DX^[Xc\eX Ki\m\i Xk k_\ )'(' JkXe]fi[ :_Xi`kp =Xj_`fe J_fn% DX^[Xc\eX ^ Kii\m\ \i Xk k_\ )'(' JkXe]fi[ ] :_Xi`kp p =Xj_`fe J_fn p n%
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KÊJ 8 GC<8 KÊJ 8 GC<8JLI< kf j\\ 8JLI< kf j\\ X ZXknXcb b n_\i\ k_\ X ZXknXcb n_\i\ k_\ df[\cj [f feÊk Xcc cffb c`b\ df[\cj [feÊk Xcc cffb c`b\ k_\p Zfd\ ]ifd LbiX`e\% k_\p Zfd\ ]ifd LbiX`e\% K_Xeb]lccp p# # k_\ JkXe]fi[ K_Xeb]lccp# k_\ JkXe]fi[ :_Xi`kp =Xj_`f fe J_fn fe DXp :_Xi`kp =Xj_`fe J_fn fe DXp (, ]\Xkli\[ ef fk aljk k_\ Yfe\$ (, ]\Xkli\[ efk aljk k_\ Yfe\$ k_`e :XlZXj`Xe e ^`icj j\\e jf k_`e :XlZXj`Xe ^`icj j\\e jf ]i\hl\ekcp fe ilenXpj% ]i\hl\ekcp fe ilenXpj%
Instead, Inst tead, a diverse diverse arra array ay of nontraditional nontra aditional male and female female e models creations mo dells showed off textile textile cr eations byy mo more 255 designers designers,, b ore than 2 levels local rrepresenting epressenting all le vels of the lo cal international and in nternational fashion industries. industries. Billed Bille ed as the biggest fashion show on the West Coast, of its kind k Weest C oast, the 2,000 show brought b ought together br together almost 2,0 00 people massivee white tent p eoplee under a massiv cconstructed onstrructed on one of Stanford Stanffor od University’s lawns. U niverrsity’s spacious la aw wns. For three best F or thr ee hours, hours, the b est of the
Baay Ar Bay Area ea fashion cr crowd owd ob observed bserved white,, East Indian,, p petite, black,, white etite, hijabttall, all, muscular and eeven ven hij jab models wearing mo dels strut theirr stuff on a diamond-shaped diamondshaped runway. runway. charity This yyear, ear, the annual ch arity benefited fashion show b enefited KIV KIVA VA, a Ba Bay ay Area–based nonprofit organization Ar ea–based nonpr ofit or gaanization alleviate poverty byy that aims to alle viate p over e ty b microloans entrepreneurs giving micr oloans to entr e eneurs epr around ar ound the world. opening performance byy After an op ening p erfor ormance b Francisco electronicaavant-garde vvant-garde San Francisc o electr onic-
:fek`el\ k_\ Z_Xi`kp Yp [feXk`e^ kf B`mX1 nnn%B`mX%fi^%
73 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Felipe Buitr B Buitrago ago
metroactive STYLE
dance dance trio FFANS ANSS OF OF JIMMY CENTURY CENTURY (of The L Word Woord fame), fam me), ),, the first collection collection out of the gate was was by by TTOSCA OSCA SORAYA SORA AY YA A. Netherlands-born etherlands-born designer’ designer’ss The N jumpsuits and flowing dr dresses esses mixed water-colored w ater- colored ffemininity emininit e y with sci-fi cuts cuts.. Sora Soraya’s ayyaa’s master m masterful ful ttailoring ailoring was obvious from textured w as ob vious fr o the te om xtured ffolds olds o and det details ails se sewn w eexpertly wn xpertly onto her layered skirts. leggings and la ayered skir ts. P Palo alo Alto des designer signer M MARYAM ARYA AM GARBA GARBA mixed simple silhouet ssilhouettes tes with b bold old geometric ican an-inspir inspired prints geometric,, Afri African-inspired ffor o or an extremely extremelly ac accessible cessible ccollection ollection that would no doubt lo ok great great on look just ab about out an anyone. yone o . ed leg wear pr ovided Brightly hue hued provided byy TTABBISOCKS b ABBISOCKS w A was as a key key element by several severall designers that used by evening. evening. The San Saan Jose–based Jose–based leg company had a wide array arraay of wear company Japanese-inspirred knee and thighJapanese-inspired d socks socks that brought brought a high tights and Haraju uku style style to Stanford. Stanffo ord. d touch of Harajuku Emerging Bay Baay Area Area fashion Emerging N LLUM UM and AL ALEXANDRIA EXANDRIA A designers KAREN VON BROMSSEN BROMSSEN wer weree also ffeatured w eeatured in VON the show, show, whilee the realm realm of men’s men’s wear was was represented represented e by by urban clothier CIVI CIVILL SSOCIETY OCIETY and an highhigh-end ig end jeans brand KEN KENT NT DENIM DENIM. design Though desig gn housee SSWATI WAT TI COUTURE almostt didn’t didn’t make make it COUTURE weren’t into the show (the ((theyy wer en n’t listen ste on the bill due to a b before-show effor o e-show w disagreement eement with university), disagr w the univ versit e ty), y) the Milpit Milpitas as de designer’s esigner’’s luxurious luxurious,, weree Indian-infused designs wer h of the nonetheless thee highlight SWATI’s spectacularly eevening. vening. SW WATI’ T s sp ectacularly ly det detailed, ailed, elaborately elaborrately beaded beaded d saris and d looked likee the theyy weighed ball gowns lo ok ked lik i ighe a ton. In spite of o this this,, the t mo models dels did d great sparkling likee glamor glamorous a gr eat job spar rkling lik am m ous disc disco-balls o -balls und under der the ccatwalk atwalk k lights llights,, to man manyy “o “oohs” oohs” and “ahhs” ahhs fr from om th om the he h cr crowd. owd. DANIELLE D ANIELLE PETT PETTEE TEE’’ss whimsical whimsical designs closed out o the Stanford Stanf nffo ord Charity Charity Fashion n show, show w, and for fo or good good reason. reason. Though Th hough Pettee Petteee only o started started professionally proffeessiionally designing clothing a year yearr ago, ago, her unique ue hand-painted, petalpetal- and tulle-adored tulle-adored d cocktail cocktail dresses dressess proved proved that at thiss San Sa Francisco Francisco designer desiggner is one o to watch. watch. h.
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | M AY 2 6 -J U N E 1 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Miles Gehr
real estate
gg Real Estate Rentals Homes
Hello Good Buys FC; KFNE :XdgY\ccĂ&#x160;j _`jkfip c`m\j fe `e k_\ 8`ejc\p ?flj\ Xe[ k_\ fc[ nXk\i kfn\i e\Xi k_\ Gile\pXi[%
8:B @E (/,(# 9\eaXd`e :XdgY\cc Yfl^_k (-' XZi\j f] cXe[ `e jflk_\ie JXekX :cXiX MXcc\p% 8cdfjk *' p\Xij cXk\i# _\ jfc[ `k Xk , Xe XZi\ kf fe\ f] k_\ cfZXc iX`cifX[j% 8e[ jf nXj Yfie k_\ kiX[`k`fe f] :XdgY\cc Y\`e^ k_\ YXi^X`e jlYliY k_Xk `k `j kf[Xp# n\[^\[ Y\kn\\e Cfj >Xkfj Xe[ N`ccfn >c\e `e XYflk \m\ip nXp `dX^`eXYc\# \oZ\gk ]fi gi`Z\# k_Xk `j% There are still bargains to be had. Imagine owning a two-bedroom, two-bath home in the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;burbs for just over $100,000. Cash-strapped families starting out can grab a piece of the American dream for a price that even their parents would have gasped at. Most homes in Campbell cost more, but this friendly suburb still maintains the bargain spirit that its namesake endowed it with. There are plenty of one-family homes in the reasonable $650,000 range that could be poster homes for suburban living. One is at 412 Memphis Drive. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a 1,248-square-foot home on a 6,000plus-square-foot lot, which means there
is plenty of home both indoors and out. Built in 1958, it has an almost Leave It to Beaver look about it, with four bedrooms for a growing family. The kitchen attracts natural sunlight and is a great place to prepare an intimate family meal. You can eat it in the cozy breakfast room, or out on the private patio facing the front of the house. For more elaborate occasions, you can entertain guests in the large family room, but keep the wall of glass doors open so your guests can wander out to the backyard, a hodgepodge of common spaces and nooks and crannies, where kids can build their own wonderland. With neighbors on only two sides, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a nice quiet place for them to grow up. For the more outdoorsy types, another four-bedroom, two-bath home for sale is at 273 N. Milton Ave. At 1,787 square feet on an 8,276-square-foot lot, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s even bigger than the previous home, but what really sets it apart are the three majestic Redwoods that grace the property. Most of the house was redone just six years ago, and now features a spacious, open-ďŹ&#x201A;oor plan kitchen, living room and dining room, all of which open into each other. The kitchen offers a wonderful view of the backyard, where you can plant your own garden. At $856,000, this is truly a home with potential, a home that would make Benjamin Campbell proud.
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