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Extreme fandom meets Japan’s greatest cultural export at FanimeCon p15 Repair California’s Sad Story p7 • Political Endorsements p13 • Emily Jane White Returns to SC p25

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may 26-june 2, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 26-june 2, 2010 1=<B3<BA

Contents. P OSTS











p34 p36








ON THE COVER Art by Young Wang

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>=ABA m may a y 26-june 2 6 - j u n e 2, 2 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; " j >=ABA

Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

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(traci@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (traci@santacruzweekly.com) STAFF WRITERS WRITERS STAFF @716/@2 D=< 0C CA/19 @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 (richarrd@santtaacruzweeekly.com m)) (richard@santacruzweekly.com) 1C@B7A 7A 1/@ / B73@ 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ (curtis@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (curtis@santacruzweekly.com) CONTRIBUTING EDITOR E D I TO R CONTRIBUTING 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A CALENDAR EDITOR E D I TO R CALENDAR >/C: E/5<3@ >/C: E/5<3@ (calendar@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) (calendar@santacruzweekly.com) POETRY EDITOR E D I TO R POETRY @=03@B AE/@2 @=03@B AE/@2 EDITORIAL INTERN INTERN EDITORIAL A3/< 1=< <E3:: A3/< 1=<E3:: ;/@7/ 5@CA/CA9/A ;/@7/ 5@CA/CA9/A CO N T R I B U TO R S CONTRIBUTORS @=0 0@3HA<G @=0 0@3HA<G ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< ;/C@33< 2/D72A=<

IW WISH ISH yyou ou ccould ould ffind ind i a ne new w ccommunity ommunity memb er to rreplace Gil Stein as the member eplace Gil signed to go af fter t Sc ott designated critic ass assigned after Scott K eennedy and the Resource Reesource Center Center ffor or o Kennedy N onviolence (“ They’v y e Done Done It It Again,� Again,�� Posts, Posts, Nonviolence (“They’ve Ma ay 19). It’s It’s becoming becomiing so tiresome tiresome to rread ead May Stein ’s nasty nasty and less-than-truthful lesss-than-truthful blasts at Stein’s K eennedy and the Resource Reesource C enter. Kennedy Center. have been been involved involvved in the Sant I have Santaa C ruz ccommunity ommunity ffor o mor or ears Cruz moree than 35 yyears and I b elieve ther aaree vvery ery ffew ew p eople who believe theree ar people ha ave done mor ight racism and bigotr have moree to ffight bigotryy in Sant ruz than K eennedyy. A nd vvery ery ffew ew Santaa C Cruz Kennedy. And institutions in Sant Cruz have have done mor Santaa Cruz moree to ffight iight bigotr acism o ver the long haul bigotryy and ra racism over than the Resource Resour e ce C enter ffor o or Nonviolence. Nonviolence. Center So when Stein ac omoting cuses them of pr accuses promoting bigotr g y he is simply p y blowingg smok ecause bigotry smokee b because

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he has a dif different ffeerent p political olitical ag agenda. genda. more smoke smoke when w he ac cuses Stein blows more accuses K eennedy of tr ying to delegiti imize IIsrael. srael. Kennedy trying delegitimize K eennedy is a str ong critic of Israeli Israeli p olicy Kennedy strong policy and b elieves (along with me and millions of believes other A merican and Israeli Israeli Jews) Jews) that some American off IIsrael’s srael’s p olicies ar gitimate. T his policies aree not leg legitimate. This is not the same as de -legitimiizingg IIsrael srael as de-legitimizing a nation. Stein sur ely knows this but it surely seems that he would rather hit h har d than b hard bee ac curate. accurate. approaach when Stein uses a similar approach at tacking K ennedy e and the Resource Resour e ce C enter attacking Kennedy Center as pr omoters of violenc en, in fact, all promoters violencee whe when, the omote dialo gue among all theyy do is pr promote dialogue par ties ccommitting ommitting violenc parties violencee in the Middle East. Tr rying to engage par tiees who ar Trying parties aree acting violently do es not in an y w a y supp or does any way supportt that violenc e—an inc onvenient fa act that Stein violence—an inconvenient fact rroutinely outinely ignor es. ignores. To top p it all off, offf, Stein mana ages g to To manages

attack with attack w guilt guilt-by-association -by--association and N Nazi azi ccomparisons omparrisons in a single sentenc e. These Thesse ma ay sentence. may b od wor ds to stir p eople up hey do bee go good words people up,, but tthey nothingg in terms of addr essing rreal eal iss sues. addressing issues. Sc ot t Ke ennedy and the R esour e c e C are enter are Scott Kennedy Resource Center raising important i ortant issues and engagingg in imp out IIsrael srael and Palestine. Palesttine. G il serious debate ab about Gil S i attacks Stein atttacks k and d at tacks k again i withou i h ut an ny attacks without any ef ffor o t to o engage in subst antive debate effort substantive debate.. D LLane, Don anee, Santa Saanta Cruz

47<9A /B B63 432 47< 9A /B B63 432 2 KU KUDOS UDOS to K Kevin evin Russell Russell u for fo or his eexcellent xcellent letter (“Buffaloed byy the R Rich,� Posts, let ter ((“ “Buffffaloed b ich,� ich, i �P osts, Ma ay 19) ). Thank Thank you you for fo or publishing it. My M May 19). disagr eeement is that it isn ’t the divisio on disagreement isn’t division b etween n the “ha aves� and the “ha ave no ots� that between “haves� “have nots� is the pr roblem. The The enemy enemy isn ’t the lit ttle problem. isn’t little guy who o work ed hard, hard, pr oviding a go od or worked providing good ser vice at a the lowest possible possible pric for o the service pricee for cconsumer, onsum mer, invested invested wisely, wiselyy, and ac cumulated accumulated enough h wealth to pass on to his family y. T he family. The top 5 p e cent of our p er opulation that pa p ay percent population pay the maj jjority of our inc ome taxes, taxes, whil le 40 majority income while p ercentt pay paay none (or actually get money mon ney percent “back� that t they ne ver paid in), ar no ot the they never aree not enem y. enemy. The enemy e enem y is the fraction of 1 p ercent The percent w opulation that ha ave of the world’ world’ss p population have ac ulated wealth b eyond ccomprehension: ompreh hension: cumu accumulated beyond not b p oviding go ods or ser vices at a fair byy pr providing goods services mark e, but b arkets, et pric market price, byy manipulating ma markets, loaningg to nations ayying one na ation nations,, and pla playing nation of ff again nst another These are are the SOBs SOB Bs who off against another.. These own ou ur Federal Federal Reserve Reeserve banking system. systtem. our In thee ’30s a rreporter eporter ask ed “Machin ne Gun Gun In asked “Machine Ke elly� why why he rrobbed wh obbed banks: “’Cause “’Cause dat d ’s Kelly� dat’s where de d mone ,� w as his rreply. eplyy. H ow w times where moneyy is is,� was How ha ve ch hanged. Now Now the banks are are braz zenly have changed. brazenly rrobbing obbingg the p eople. W ve just witn nessed people. Wee ha have witnessed the thef ft of trillions of dollars transf fer erred theft transferred from the he so - called “Federal “Federal R eeserve� to o the th from so-called Reserve� multina ational stockholders stockholders of the ““Federal Federal multinational R eeserve.� A ny at tempt to eexamine xamine the F ed is Reserve.� Any attempt Fed met wit ith h thinly hi l vveiled eiled il d thr h eats to crash h our with threats ec onom my. T hey ccan, an, and ha ave. economy. They have. Mr. Russell Ru ussell was was too too kind in his sugg estions Mr. suggestions ffor or how o w to deal with these miscr eants: I fa avor miscreants: favor rreviving evivingg the ttar ar and ffeathers! eeathers! Edgarr Dar Darwin, win, Santa Sa anta Cruz

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Yuppie Intifada 0G //@=< 1@3AA


AVE YOU EVER seen the blog stuffwhitepeoplelike.com? It explains why white liberals like things such as awareness, diversity, the Prius and yoga. Perhaps this is beyond its purview, but stuffwhitepeoplelike.com doesn’t tell the whole story, so I added a few items it neglects to name: maximum police protection, no questions asked; political homogeneity; self-aggrandizing hand-wringing in the name of the wretched of the earth and as little contact with them as possible. This month, UCSC and the Resource Center for Nonviolence (RCNV) hosted a talk by shylock-hustler buster and avowed Hizbollah supporter Norman Finkelstein. What could possibly be more important for Santa Cruzans than doing our part to soothe tensions in the Holy Land by speaking “truth� to Israeli power? Where to begin? Median home price in Santa Cruz is over a half-million dollars while annual per capita income is about $25,000. Over 50 percent of households are renter-occupied and many longterm residents can’t afford to hold a fixed stake in the community. Our city fatherpersons are smug, patronizing instructors paying lip service to inclusiveness while imposing themselves on all who don’t fit their vision of New Athens. “First, they came for the homeless� with a plethora of selectively enforceable ordinances regulating sitting, standing, smoking and sleeping. Next they came for the thrifty, banning plastic grocery bags despite their practicality (free saran-wrap, garbage liners). I guess proponents of the ban have money for their own costly, disposable plastic products but are thoughtful enough to legislate values to others. At least suffocation no longer requires plastic—each year the electorate is composed of more UC students whose capricious votes outweigh the rest of us, bolstering city cooperation with the very bureaucracy that punks them with fee hikes and guts the Humanities Department, mocking their futile protests. At least we’re still on the cutting edge of young, righteous subversion—right? It’s a dull blade: as a recent article in Time Out New York puts it, “What distinguishes the zombie hipsters at-large today from the ‘white Negroes’ Norman Mailer described in the 1950s is a lack of menace. September 11 left hordes of twentysomethings whispering, ‘We would be safe.’� So what remains from the salad days of dissent? Two weeks ago, RCNV’s Scott Kennedy penned a column for the Bullhorn titled “Finkelstein Returns.� In the first paragraph, he acknowledges that Finkelstein is abrasive and offensive to Jews. In the very next paragraph, he rehashes post-9/11 Muslim-baiting as if to rationalize abrasive Jew-baiting. Token Israeli participation in RCNV events aside, their track record is solidly anti-Zionist and Dr. Finkelstein’s work, while not entirely without merit, tends to be deeply offensive to his fellow Jews, the majority of whom who support Zionism while debating its aims, results and future. Despite Kennedy’s high claims for RCNV’s even-handedness, his actions only serve to disenfranchise such Jews from public discourse in Santa Cruz so that he can re-educate those who are intrigued by this issue but have little prior familiarity with it and RCNV’s bias. Such glib, incessant focus on Israel only keeps us away from the mirror: under Obama, the PATRIOT Act is being renewed and posse comitatus remains dead and buried (meaning: more paramilitary and undercover cops). In fact, most Bush-era policies are continuing right on schedule. We have plenty on our plate without RCNV packaging dark insinuations of perfidious Zionist (Jewish) influence in the language of peace and justice, for in a town geared toward rich know-it-alls there can be little solidarity—just easy, trendy outlets for impotent indignation. You might call it: stuff white people like. Aaron Cress, a standup comedian, served in the Israeli army.


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may 26-june 2, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

Currents. C urren ents. Where’s the Where’s the Revolution? R evolution?

A short his h history tory of Repa Repair air Calif California’s fo ornia’’s short pr omise promise 0G 9G:73 ;3<2=<1/ 0G 9G : 7 3 ; 3 < 2 = < 1 /


EPAIR E PAIR CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA w was as jjust ust an an iidea. dea. Th hen, o vernight, Then, overnight, iitt was was the the not-for-profit not-for-prof it m essiah of of tthe he Golden Golden State State messiah aand nd the the d arling of of n early eevery very m ajor darling nearly major n ewspaper on on the the West West Coast. Coast. In In 2008, 2008, newspaper tthe he Bay Bay Area Area Council Council announced announced an an idea idea tto o ffix ix California’s California’s political political crisis crisis that that was was sso o ssimple, imple, so so glisteningly glisteningly democratic, democratic, tthat hat it it w as ssure ure to to fail. fail. C alled R epair was Called Repair C alifornia, tthe he p lan w as tto o cconvene onvene a California, plan was n ew state state constitutional constitutional convention, convention, an an new iidea dea that that o utshone eevery very o ther p roposed outshone other proposed iinitiative nitiative on on the the 2 010 ballot ballot before before ttheir heir 2010 sstar tar went went dark. dark. As As fast fast as as it it arrived, arrived, Repair Repair C alifornia w as ggone, one, lleaving eaving a sstunned tunned California was p opulace to to wonder, wonder, “What “What h appened to to populace happened o ur revolution?� revolution?� our

Political P olitical m movements ovements o often ften eexpire xpire before before their their ideas ideas ccan an be be tested, tested, but but in in the the story story of of Repair Repair California’s California’s rise rise and and fall, fall, tthere here iiss a larger larger explanation explanation for California, for why why C alifornia, ttoo, oo, iiss ffading. ading. Despite Despite iits ts apparent apparent ties ties to to money money and and power, power, the the group group went went broke. broke. Despite Despite positive public positive reaction reaction from from tthe he p ublic aand nd media, media, Repair Repair California California couldn’t couldn’t get get enough petition. enough people people tto o sign sign its its p etition. The The very very forces forces the the group group sought sought to to change overwhelmed Repair California, change o verwhelmed R epair C alifornia, democracy damned. democracy be be d amned.

Taking T aking tthe he IInitiative nitiative On O n its its w website, ebsite, aabandoned bandoned ssince ince February of this year, the group February of this year, the group argued, argued,

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“The way make “The only only w ay tto om ake ssweeping, weeping, holistic holistic cchanges hanges tto o our our state state government government and and wrestle wrestle our our state state back back from from special special iinterests—is nterests—is tthrough hrough a llimited imited constitutional constitutional convention. convention.� Ass eenvisioned A nvisioned by by Repair Repair California, California, a limited would limited cconstitutional onstitutional cconvention onvention w ould call off rregular call together toggether a group group o egular citizens citizens for what for w hat essentially essentially iiss a big, big, expensive expensive brainstorming Delegates brainstorming session. session. D elegates to would propose to tthe he cconvention onvention w ould p ropose changes changes related related to to government, government, state state spending budgeting, spending aand nd b udgeting, eelections lections aand nd lobbying only—no lobbying o nly—no cchanges hanges cconcerning oncerning taxes, taxes, marriage, marriage, abortion, abortion, gambling gambling or or aanything nything that that could could be be construed construed as orr ccontroversial. as interesting interesting o ontroversial. The The Legislative Legislative Analyst’s Analyst’s office off ice estimated estimated that much that it it could could cost cost tax tax payers payers aass m uch aass $95 million $95 m illion tto o hold hold such such a convention. convention. Iff that that sounds sounds expensive, expensive, consider consider the the current budget off m more current state state b udget ggap ap o ore tthan han $18 billion. $18 b illion. Repair California’s not R epair C alifornia’s eeffort ffort iiss n ot tthe he first f irst ttime ime a cconstitutional onstitutional convention convention has been proposed. not has b een p roposed. IIn n 11879, 879, n ot 330 0 yyears ears after after California California joined joined the the union, union, the the state did state aactually ctually d id cconvene onvene a cconvention, onvention, and one, and in in 1934 1934 the the state state aauthorized uthorized o ne, but did but d id not not convene. convene. At At least least five f ive more were made before more eefforts fforts w ere m ade b efore 11950, 950, according according to to Jeffrey Jeffrey Lustig, Lustig, a professor professor of of government government and and political political science science at at Cal Cal State S acramento aand nd tthe he eeditor ditor o he State Sacramento off tthe recently published published ccollection ollection o ssays recently off eessays Remaking C alifornia: Reclaiming Reclaiming the the Public Public Remaking California: Good. The The 1879 1879 convention convention ensured ensured Good. that future future efforts efforts tto o rewrite rewrite tthe he sstate’s tate’s that guiding document document w ould n ot b o eeasy. asy. guiding would not bee sso Where the the Legislature Legislature used used to to need need a Where simple m ajority, iitt n ow n eeds a ttwowosimple majority, now needs thirds m ajority tto o call call a cconvention. onvention. thirds majority IIn n 1911, 1911, voters voters won won the the use use of of the the initiative, which which was was ssupposed upposed tto ob initiative, bee a tool against against special special interest interest buy-outs buy- outs tool of the the Legislature. Legislature. Itt has has been been used used of with m ixed rresults esults o ver tthe he yyears, ears, aand nd with mixed over recently has has ccaused aused more more harm harm than than recently good. There There are are ttoday oday m ore tthan han 5500 00 good. more amendments tto o the the California California state state amendments constitution. The The federal federal constitution, constitution, constitution. document that that is is more more tthan han 1100 00 a document years older, older, h as only only 2 mendments, years has 277 aamendments, including the the Bill Bill o ights. including off R Rights. IIn n all all tthis his m ess, tthe he iimpact mpact o mess, off Proposition 13 13 ccan’t an’t be be u nderstated. Proposition understated. Approved in in 1978, 1978, it it basically basically froze froze Approved

property tax property tax revenues, revenues, introduced introduced the the majority needed ttwo-thirds wo-thirds m ajority mandate mandate n eeded budget orr raise has tto o pass pass a b udget o raise taxes taxes tthat hat h as ssince ince strangled strangled California California government, government, aand nd sshifted hifted control control of of taxes taxes and and school school ffunding unding from from local local governments governments to to pass tthe he sstate. tate. When When the the state state ffailed ailed tto op ass a budget budget or or aadequately dequately ffund und sschools, chools, vvoters oters started started approving approving such such initiatives initiatives Proposition aass P roposition 98, 98, which which dictates dictates how how ggeneral eneral fund fund monies monies should should be be sspent pent 40 percent ((about about 4 0p ercent ggoes oes tto o eeducation, ducation, tthanks hanks tto o Prop. Prop. 98). 98). Experts Experts estimate estimate only tthat hat o nly 7 percent percent of of California’s California’s iincome ncome iiss aallocated llocated tto o the the general general ffund; und; tthe he rrest, est, thanks thanks to to the the initiative initiative process, process, Once novel iiss aall ll promised promised eelsewhere. lsewhere. O nce a n ovel political off tthe people, p olitical ttool ool o he p eople, the the initiative initiative process p rocess has has become become just just another another tool tool for for big big b ig business business aand nd b ig unions. unions. Repair California’s R epair C alifornia’s claim claim was was that that tthe he sstate tate is is so so broken, broken, so so institutionally institutionally bee ffixed ccrippled, rippled, tthat hat iitt ccan’t an’t b ixed And we’re iincrementally. ncrementally. A nd w e’re aall ll cculpable ulpable California’s iin n tthis his ffailure ailure iinasmuch nasmuch aass C alifornia’s process has had 1100-year-old 00-year- old iinitiative nitiative p rocess h as h ad a major part breaking m ajor p art iin nb reaking the the state. state.

AM Modest odest Pr Proposal oposal It all It all b began egan w with ith aan nA August ugust 2 2008 008 editorial editorial by by Bay Bay Area Area businessman businessman Jim Jim Wunderman Wunderman that that ran ran in in the the San San Francisco Francisco Chronicle Chronicle under under the the title title “California Government “California G overnment Has Has Failed Failed Us. off Us.� Wunderman Wunderman invoked invoked tthe he llikes ikes o Thomas Thomas Jefferson Jefferson and and unapologetically unapologgetically aired aired California’s California’s dirty dirty laundry laundry list list of of institutional institutional failures. failures. our duty ““It It iiss o ur d uty to to declare declare that that our our California not California government government iiss n ot only only broken, broken, it it has has become become destructive destructive to to our declared. our future, future,� Wunderman Wunderman d eclared. “Therefore, “Therefore, are are we we not not obligated obligated to to nullify nullify our our government government and and institute institute a new one?� new o ne?� Wunderman not most W underman iiss n ot tthe he m ost llikely ikely candidate candidate to to organize organize a people’s people’s political political revolution. heads revolution. He He h eads the the Bay Bay Area Area Council, which Council, w hich represents represents the the business business interests interests of of Google, Googgle, PG&E PG&E and and United United Airlines, Airlines, to to name name a few. few. But But that that summer summer in in 2008, 2008, after after legislators legislators failed failed to to get get a budget budget passed passed on on time time again, again, the the business business community community was was thinking thinking of of 3' 3'

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ways to get around the state’s toxic twothirds majority threshold. The effect was magic. The commentary was so well received that the Bay Area Council sent one of its own, John Grubb, to be the face of Repair California. Newspapers across the state, as well as magazines including The New Yorker and The Economist, were soon spilling free ink to advance the idea, and Repair California’s own polling showed that 70 percent of Californians of all political ideologies supported a constitutional convention. (A later Field Poll showed about 50 percent of Californians in support.) Soon the group had a staff of close to 250 people working on two initiatives for the November 2010 ballot: the first would change the state constitution to allow voters—instead of legislators—to call a constitutional convention and rewrite the rules of the state. The second would actually call the first constitutional convention in California in more that 100 years. If the initiative process got California into this mess, the theory went, perhaps it could get California out of the mess. There was one major hitch in this plan: the reluctance of professional signaturegathering companies to collect the names on a petition that could put them out of business. In a recent telephone interview, Repair California’s spokesman, John Grubb, gets right to the point. “We were blacklisted,� he says.

Sig Magic This year may be remembered as the one in which big money stopped being subtle about its domination of state politics. The gubernatorial and Senate races are all about the tech billionaires and millionaires this round. And such ballot initiatives as Propositions 16 and 17 have been introduced, promoted and funded by single corporations. PG&E alone has thrown $35 million at Prop. 16 in an effort to constitutionally ensure itself a monopoly in the energy market. More to the point, it seems that only the extremely wealthy can afford the privilege of California’s democracy. Repair California argued that California has outgrown the initiative process as it currently exists. To get an idea on the ballot requires signatures from 8 percent of the voters who turned out in the previous gubernatorial election. For 2010 constitutional amendments, the magic number is 694,354 signatures. “It comes out to about one in 10

California residents that have to sign a petition,� Repair California’s John Grubb says. “There’s no way you can do that without signature gatherers. Even with a big grassroots effort.� Signature gathering is like a shadow industry, ostensibly operating in the open with independent contractors parked at folding tables in front of grocery stores and college libraries while the real deals are brokered in boardrooms. There are at least five such signaturegathering firms in California, Kimball Petition Management and National Petition Management being among the largest of these groups, and each with its specialty—union issues, socially conservative causes, socially liberal causes, etc. Each signature can cost between $1 and $1.50, depending on several factors, including the deadline to get on a ballot. When Repair California was circulating its two petitions, Grubb said the going rate was $1.35 per signature—with about 35 cents of that going to the actual gatherer. Repair was looking at close to $1 million just to gather the signatures needed. The service, which Grubb argues is critical to getting an issue on the ballot, can be too pricey for any real grassroots organization. Repair California, however, was not a poor grassroots group, and when California petitioners refused to circulate the initiatives, Repair bussed in independent signature gatherers from Oregon and Arizona at an additional cost. Grubb says those workers were routinely harassed. The biggest obstacle to Repair California turned out not to be unions or activists but the signature-gathering companies themselves. Grubb alleges that signature gatherers would not circulate his petition for fear that a constitutional rewrite would fix the initiative problem— the problem being that the process is owned by special interests. Fred Kimball, head of Kimball Petition Management, which is the oldest signature-gathering firm in California, did not return calls from Santa Cruz Weekly, but he went on record in the Feb. 4, 2010, issue of The Economist about his feelings for Repair California, saying flatly, “As a business, I oppose it.�

By the People Indeed, not everyone wants change. The same groups that passed initiatives to ensure themselves funding or groups that passed laws in memory of crime victims, and anti tax-activists such as the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association—Jarvis was 3

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responsible for Prop. 13—don’t want to see their work undone in a sweeping constitutional rewrite. Kris Vosburgh, a spokesman for the Howard Jarvis Tax Association, says that the group did not support a constitutional convention for fear that the two-thirds threshold for passing new taxes would be repealed. “We’ve been suspicious of those efforts,� Vosburgh says of the convention talk. “Because it could make it easier to raise taxes.� But professor Jeffrey Lustig says he was intrigued by the idea of a convention called by the people. He was so intrigued, he says, that he put his book together as a resource for people when the debate over specific constitutional changes began. Nonetheless, he was surprised, even skeptical, at the Bay Area Council’s support for it. “In the last 20 years,� Lustig explains, “while public services have been ravaged, there has been a vast redistribution of wealth upward. Even though they talk about the system being broken, it’s been working for some people.� John Grubb says it’s not that simple. “Dysfunctional government—at some point it’s not helping anyone,� he says. “A lot of our members were able to see that.�

Put Out of Biz “This is going to sound cheesy,� Grubb says of Repair California’s brief sortie, “But there were some really touching democratic moments. We knew we had something, but we didn’t know how to proceed, how it would actually work.� Repair California was breaking new ground when it suggested that Californians be the ones to fix the state government. Using the initiative process was basically a new approach. The plan to elect delegates from each community in the state was not entirely democratic, as it called on county officials to choose delegates. It was also extremely complicated. Several pages of the proposal were devoted just to the process of picking delegates. But in true ’08 style, the initiative didn’t propose any specific changes, just change itself. “The actual proposal to call a convention was way overdetailed,� Lustig says. “It was almost a parody of the problems they were trying to solve.� There were other problems too, like funding. How a group sponsored by some of the world’s most powerful

businesses could run out of money is sort of a mystery. The group was able to raise almost $600,000, according to Grubb, and another $1 million in pledged donations. Then, he alleges, the money dried up as would-be corporate donors received threats from unions and members of the state Legislature. Grubb would not mention specific legislators or companies, but said, “Members of the Legislature told companies they would be iced out if they supported the convention.� Grubb points to the unions’ hold on big business, saying that threats were coming from both directions. “Companies really needed to be brave to contribute to the constitutional convention campaign.� To top it off, Grubb says he received death threats over his work. The very same institutional failures crippling the state also brought Repair California to its knees. “We were challenging the status quo,� Grubb says. “We were challenging the biggest unions and the biggest companies in California.� It’s an unlikely point of pride for a man who arguably represents some of the most powerful companies in the world, companies that work with powerful unions. But Grubb seems sincere. In the end, he says, “it was a totally heart-wrenching experience.� Repair California’s ties to business, the very ties that normally make initiative efforts possible, turned out to be its undoing. “If they were a grassroots movement,� Lustig points out, “they would have had volunteers out there gathering signatures—they were thinking in a very corporate way.�

Hope Springs Eternal “I would be really surprised if there wasn’t another effort,� Grubb says, “certainly in time for the 2012 elections.� Like many initiatives, Repair California’s legacy could be in the ripple. It may have been an expensive experiment in self-governance, but the seed has been planted. “I would guess that they were way out ahead of the rest of the state,� Lustig opines. “The Bay Area Council, being representative of high tech, biotech, alternative energy, I would guess that they were very forward thinking,� But, Lustig warns, “Any serious change has to come from the ground, up. It has to be grassroots.� 0

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may 26-june 2, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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Endorsements. E ndorsement Local L ocal R Races aces

1=C<BG AC>3@D7A=@´27AB@71B ! 1 =C<BG AC>3@D7A=@´27AB@71B !

<SOZ 1]]\S`bg < SOZ 1]]\S`bg Since h Since his is eelection lection tto o tthe he B Board oard o off S Supervisors upervisors ffour our yyears ears aago, go, N eal C oonerty h as n ot b een ffull ull Neal Coonerty has not been o urprises. T hat’s a ggood ood tthing. hing. A xpected, off ssurprises. That’s Ass eexpected, h e’s ccast ast ssocially ocially p rogressive b ut ffiscally iscally ssensible ensible he’s progressive but vvotes, otes, m oving aahead head o n iissues ssues llike ike aalternative lternative moving on ttransportation ransportation w hile p rotecting ssocial ocial while protecting sservices ervices d uring llast ast yyear’s ear’s n ightmarish b udget during nightmarish budget ssession. ession. O no ne ssensitive ensitive iissue—granting ssue—granting p ay On one pay rraises aises llast ast yyear ear ffor or tthe he h ighest-paid ccounty ounty highest-paid eemployees—Coonerty mployees—Coonerty n ow ssays ays h hinks tthe he now hee tthinks b oard eerred. rred. B ut h is o pponents’ ccriticisms riticisms tthat hat board But his opponents’ tthe he ssupervisors upervisors aaren’t ren’t iimaginative maginative eenough nough iin n tthe he fface ace o he eeconomic conomic d ifficulties aaren’t ren’t off tthe difficulties vvery ery cconvincing. onvincing. O ne cchallenger, hallenger, C ove B ritton, One Cove Britton, iiss aan n aarchitect rchitect b est k nown ffor or ccontesting ontestingg best known tthe he P lann ning D epartment’s rrestrictive estrictive rrules. ules. Planning Department’s T he o ther cchallenger, hallenger, ffive-time ive-time ccandidate andidate The other aand nd ccommunity ommunity aactivist ctivist D oug D eitch, h as aan n Doug Deitch, has iinteresting nteresting vvision ision b ut iiss ffixated ixated o nah andful but on handful o ssues, iincluding ncluding ggroundwater, roundwater, tthe he ccity ity o off iissues, off S anta C ruz’s ssanctuary anctuary sstatus tatus aand nd ssupervisor upervisor Santa Cruz’s p ay. N either cchallenger hallenger h as C oonerty’s eeight ight pay. Neither has Coonerty’s yyears ears o xperience aass a p ublic sservant ervant ((he he w as off eexperience public was aS anta C ruz ccouncilmember ouncilmember ffor or ffour our yyears), ears), Santa Cruz w hich iiss w hat w hink iiss n eeded rright ight n ow. which what wee tthink needed now. W ecommend d rreelecting eelecting h im tto o tthe he b oard. Wee rrecommend him board.

1=C<BG AC>3@D7A=@´27AB@71B " 1 =C<BG AC>3@D7A A=@´27AB@71B "

B]\g 1O[^]a B ]\g 1O[^]a This o This one ne ffalls alls iin n tthe he ““if if iitt aain’t in’t b broke, roke, d don’t on’t ffix ix iit� t� ccategory. ategory. IIncumbent ncumbent T ony C amp pos sseems eems tto o Tony Campos h ave sserved erved h is d istrict iin n ggood ood ffaith aith ssince ince b eing have his district being eelected lected tto o tthe he o ffice iin n 11998. 998. H elped ssecure ecure office Hee h helped ffunding unding ffor or W atsonville’s ne ew C ivic P laza, aand nd Watsonville’s new Civic Plaza, h erves o n a nu umber o oards. H is ccritics ritics hee sserves on number off b boards. His ccomplain omplain tthat hat h ust rrecuse ecuse h imself ffrom rom hee m must himself ttoo oo m any vvotes otes o wing tto oh is sscattered cattered rreal eal many owing his eestate state h oldings, b ut eeven ven sso, o, h e’s llikely ikely tto ob holdings, but he’s bee m ore eeffective ffective iin n tthe he p osition tthan han eeither ither o is more position off h his cchallengers. hallengers. G reg C aput aand nd E milio M artinez, Greg Caput Emilio Martinez, b oth o hom sserve erve o n tthe he W atsonville C ity both off w whom on Watsonville City C ouncil, aare re sspirited pirited aand nd iindependent-minded ndependent-minded Council, p eop e w th lots ots o deas aand nd eenergy. nergy W ook people with of ideas Wee look orward tto o ttheir he r ccontinued ont nued p ub c sservice, erv ce aand nd forward public rrecommend ecommeend C ampos for or D str ct 4 Campos District 4.

AC>3@7=@ 1=C@B 8C253 A3/B ! A C>3@7=@ 1=C@B 8C253 8 A3/ /B !

>VWZ 1`OeT]`R > VWZ 1`OeT]`R In tthis In h s tthree-way hree way rrace ace for or tthe he sseat eat o of rretiring et r ng S uper or C ourt JJudge udge R obert A tack tthe he cclear ear Superior Court Robert Atack, eestablishment stab shment cchoice ho ce iss JJohn ohn G a agher aand nd it’s ts Gallagher, eeasy asy eenough nough tto o ssee ee w hy S even yyears ears o ork why. Seven of w work aass a p ub c d e ender aand nd 2 ears aass a ccivil v public defender 233 yyears aattorney ttorney h ave ggiven ven h mab road b ackground have him broad background tthat hat w ou d sserve erve tthe he p ub c w e H a ms a would public well. Hee cclaims ong long ong list st o ndorsements including nc ud ng tthose hose long, of eendorsements, o urrent aand nd rretired et red local oca judges. udges of 1155 ccurrent JJim mS b ey a p rosecutor in nS anta C ara Sibley, prosecutor Santa Clara C ounty h as eestablished stab shed h mse aass tthe he law-andaw and County, has himself o rder ccandidate and date aand nd eemphasizes mphas zes h xper ence order hiss eexperience p rosecut ng ssex ex aand nd h gh tech ccrimes. r mes IIf prosecuting high-tech

elected, h elected, hee w would ould b bring ring tthe he n number umber o off fformer ormeer prosecutors on bench p rosecutors o n tthe he b ench tto o eeight—an ight—an our iimbalance, mbalance, iin no ur vview. iew. Candidate Phil Crawford, who C andidate P hil C rawford, w ho tteaches eaches San City College practices llaw aw aatt S an JJose ose C ity C ollege aand nd p ractices llaw aw Santa Cruz County, probably most iin nS anta C ruz C ounty, iiss p robably tthe he m ost well-rounded off tthe police w ell-rounded o he ffield. ield. A fformer ormer p olice officer, Crawford went on o fficer, C rawford w ent o n tto o sstudy tudy llaw aw aand nd developed mediator; d eveloped a rreputation eputation aass a sskilled killed m ediator; hee p pioneered mediation program h ioneered a m ediation p rogram iin n ffamily amily Contra Costa County llaw aw iin nC ontra C osta C ounty aand nd rrepeated epeated iitt Santa Cruz. Hee aalso worked deputy iin nS anta C ruz. H lso w orked aass a d eputy officer overseeing operations eexecutive xecutive o fficer o verseeing tthe he o perations off a ccourt district—an unusual position o ourt d istrict—an u nusual p osition ffor or have had. Though he’s a jjudge udge tto oh ave h ad. T hough h e’s ffighting ighting aan n uphill battle, Crawford’s won u phill b attle, C rawford’s w on tthe he eendorsement ndorsement off p progressive Pajaro Valley o rogressive ggroups roups llike ike tthe he P ajaro V alley Democratic Club. Wee tthink his breadth off D emocratic C lub. W hink h is b readth o would make him eexperience xperience w ould m ake h im a ttremendous remendous bench. Wee rrecommend Phil aasset sset tto o tthe he b ench. W ecommeend P hil Crawford Superior Court C rawford ffor or S uperior C ourt JJudge. udge.

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@SPSQQO 1]\\]ZZg @ SPSQQO 1]\\]ZZg Candidate C andidate S Steve teve W Wright right llikes ikes tto op point oint o out ut tthat hat on 8,, h he’ll bee tthe public iiff eelected lected o n JJune une 8 e’ll b he ffirst irst p ublic defender/criminal defense on d efender/criminal d efense aattorney ttorney tto o sserve erve o n Santa Cruz Superior Court bench. That tthe he S anta C ruz S uperior C ourt b ench. T hat iin n Santa Cruz’s history iitself tself iiss ccompelling, ompellingg, ggiven iven S anta C ruz’s h istory off p progressivism, Wright’s populist o rogressivism, aand nd sso o iiss W right’s p opulist perspective on how people off p erspective o nh ow tthe he llaw aw aaffects ffects p eople o different Wright, who prison d ifferent ssocial ocial cclasses. lasses. W right, w ho ccalls alls p rison would make ““graduate graduate sschool chool ffor or ggangs, angs,� w ould llikely ikely m ake use off aalternative he’s ssome ome u se o lternative ssentencing—yet entencing—yet h e’s won decidedly w on eendorsements ndorsements ffrom rom d ecidedly ttoughoughon-crime Santa Cruz Sheriffs o n-crime ggroups roups llike ike tthe he S anta C ruz S heriffs Deputies Watsonville Police D eput es aand nd W atsonv e P o ce aassociations. ssoc at ons Clearly hiss 332 of local would C learly h 2 yyears ears o oca eexperience xper ence w ou d bee aan on bench. b n aasset sset o n tthe he b ench His opponent has different, potentially H is o pponent h as a d erent aand nd p otent a y more of sstrengths. Candidate eeven ven m ore vvaluable, a uab e sset et o trengths C and date Rebecca R ebecca Connolly Conno y iss a polished po shed ccivil v aattorney ttorney with under her belt w ith two two federal edera cclerkships erksh ps u nder h er b e t aand nd professional She’s a llong ong list st of o p ro ess ona aachievements. ch evements S he s prorrepresented epresented farmworkers, armworkers iss sserving erv ng aass a p ro Spanish ttem em family fam y ccourt ourt judge udge aand nd sspeaks peaks S pan sh She’s ffluently. luent y S he s aalso so ttech-savvy, ech savvy unlike un ke Wright, Wr ght prepared aand nd better better p repared for or ccoming om ng ttechnological echno og ca developments She’s won d eve opments in n the the courtroom. courtroom S he s w on tthe he of m most officials eendorsement nd dorsement o ost elected e ected o c a s in n tthe he county. her county With W th h er wide-ranging w de rang ng background background of achievement, Rebecca Connolly aand nd history h story o ach evement R ebecca C onno y would Superior Court bench. w ou d sstrengthen trengthen tthe he S uper or C ourt b ench

Statewide S taattewide Office Office /AA3 /AA3;0:G 27AB@71B 3;0: :G 27AB@71B &´ 23;=1@/B 2 3;=1@/ /B

:cWa /ZSX] : cWa /ZSX] There s a rreason There’s eason Luis Lu s A Alejo e oh has as aamassed massed a ccomprehensive omprehens ve list st o ndorsemeents including nc ud ng of eendorsements, rom Democratic Democrat c ccentral entra ccommittees omm ttees from tthroughout hroughout the the 2 8th D str ct he’s he s b een laying ay ng 28th District: been tthe he ggroundwork roundwork for or tthis h s rrace ace for or a long ong ttime. me A me Watsonville with Harvard Watsonv e native nat ve w th a H arvard eeducation, ducat on

degree under a law law d egree aand nd d sstint tint aass a llegislative egislative aaide ide u nder his belt, Alejo Watsonville’s h is b elt, A lejo ccurrently urrently sserves erves aass W atsonville’s mayor. His main Barnes, has m ayor. H is m ain cchallenger, hallenger, JJanet anet B arnes, h as sstrong trong Salinas Salinas Valley Valley support support and and a 12-year 12-year on Salinas City Council, but ttrack rack rrecord ecord o n tthe he S alinas C ity C ouncil, b ut breadth off ssupport Alejo has, sshe he llacks acks tthe he b readth o upport A lejo h as, Sacramento iincluding ncluding tthe he cconnections onnections iin nS acramento will him bee aan tthat hat w ill eenable nable h im tto ob n eeffective ffective out off tthe Wee rrecommend rrepresentative epresentative o ut o he ggate. ate. W ecommend Luis Alejo 28th Assembly District. L uis A lejo ffor or tthe he 2 8th A ssembly D istrict.

Statewide S tatewide IInitiatives nitiatives >@=>=A7B7=< ! > @=>=A7B7=< A7B7=< ! !

GSa G Sa Like iits Like ts 11978 978 n namesake, amesake, tthis his p proposition roposition d deals eals with property But unlike other, w ith p roperty ttaxes. axes. B ut u nlike tthe he o ther, one, Prop. sstill-controversial till-controversial o ne, tthis his P rop. 1133 iiss vvirtually irtually unopposed. Currently, homeowners who u nopposed. C urrently, h omeowners w ho perform on homes, p erform sseismic eismic rretrofits etrofits o n ttheir heir h omes, particularly built off n nonreinforced p articularly tthose hose b uilt o onreinforced masonry most off u uss aass ““bricks�), m asonry ((known known tto om ost o bricks�), may home m ay ffind ind ttheir heir h ome vvalues alues rreassessed eassessed aafter fter made Under new tthey’ve hey’ve m ade iimprovements. mprovements. U nder tthe he n ew Prop. would not P rop. 113, 3, sseismic eismic rretrofitting etrofitting w ould n ot rresult esult higher property until building iin nh igher p roperty ttaxes axes u ntil tthe he b uilding iiss homeowners before ssold, old, ggiving iving h omeowners a cchance hance tto o aact ct b efore iit’s t’s aall ll a rrubble. ubble. Estimations may bee a ssmall E stimations aare re tthat hat tthere here m ay b mall drop property d rop iin n llocal ocal p roperty ttax ax rrevenues evenues rresulting esulting passage off P Prop. but no other ffrom rom tthe he p assage o rop. 113, 3, b ut n oo ther iill ll eeffects ffects aare re fforecast. orecast.

>@=>=A7B7=< " > @=>=A7B7=< " "

GSa G Sa The ssubstance The ubstance o of P Prop. rop 114 4 comes comes from rom aan n ultimately aambitious mb t ous (but (but u t mate y aabandoned) bandoned) rreform e orm byy C California Forward. eeffort ort launched aunched last ast yyear ear b a orn a F orward would with party primaries IItt w ou d do do aaway way w th p arty p r mar es aand nd with primary, which rreplace ep ace tthem hem w th aan n ““open open p r mary� in nw h ch Democrats, Republicans, Greens, D emocrats R epub cans G reens Libertarians L bertar ans Freedom would aand nd Peace Peace & F reedom candidates cand dates w ou d battle batt e itt o out. would ut The The ttop op ttwo wo vvote-getters ote getters w ou d face ace off in Supporters o n a ggeneral enera election. e ect on S upporters claim c a m tthe he would diminish power of tthe aamendment mendment w ou d d m n sh tthe he p ower o he main ttwo wo m a n parties part es aand nd tthe he sspecial pec a interests— nterests— unions bigg b business—that wield u n ons aand nd b us ness—that w e d ssuch uch power They will p ower over over tthe he parties. part es T hey aalso so ssay ay itt w help bring h e pb r ng ccandidates and dates ttoward oward tthe he ccenter. enter Opponents no O pponents ssay ay tthere’s here s n o gguarantee uarantee tthat hat doing primaries will ssimply mp y d o ng away away with w th tthe he p r mar es w have what’s have any any ssuch uch eeffect. ect IIn n fact, act tthey hey aask: sk w hat s to keep party holding backroom to k eep p arty insiders ns ders from rom h o d ng b ackroom meetings with moneyed meet ngs w th ttheir he r m oneyed ssponsors, ponsors aand nd then of ccash then funneling unne ng ggobs obs o ash tto o ttheir he r cchosen hosen candidates? cand dates? While California needs W h e it’s t s ttrue rue tthat hat C a orn a n eeds comprehensive Prop. comprehens ve rreform, e orm P rop 114 4 iss a ggood ood first rst step. This was bee a yyear of eevolution step T h sw as tto ob ear o vo ut on in n governance; governance let’s et s aatt least east gget et sstarted. tarted

>@=>=A7B7=< # > @=>=A7B7=< #

GSa G Sa The C The California a orn a F Fair a rE Elections ect ons A Act ct w would ou d ttake ake ab baby aby sstep tep ttoward oward ggetting ett ng sspecial pec a interests nterests

o ut o ampaigns b reating a p ilot p rogram out off ccampaigns byy ccreating pilot program ffor or p ublicly ffunded unded eelections, lections, sstarting tarting w ith publicly with tthe he vvery ery sstate tate o ffice tthat hat o versees eelections. lections. office oversees C andidates ffor or ssecretary ecretary o tate w ould h ave Candidates off sstate would have tthe he o ption o apping iinto nto a p ool o oney option off ttapping pool off m money ccollected ollected ffrom rom rregistered egistered llobbyists obbyists ((aa $ 700 ffee ee $700 eevery very ttwo wo yyears), ears), o stensibly ffreeing reeing tthem hem ffrom rom ostensibly o bligations tto ob ig d onors. obligations big donors. T he m ost ccommon ommon ccriticism riticism o his The most off tthis iinitiative—that nitiative—that iitt w ould w aste ttaxpayers’ axpayers’ would waste h ard-earned d ollars—overlooks tthe he ffact act tthat hat hard-earned dollars—overlooks ffunding unding w ould ccome ome ffrom rom llobbyists, obbyists, n ot would not ttaxpayers. axpayers. A nother ccriticism—that riticism—that ttaxing axing Another llobbyists obbyists tto o ffund und eelections lections h as be b en p roven has been proven iillegal—doesn’t llegal—doesn’t ttake ake iinto nto aaccount ccount tthe he ffact act tthat hat modest not hefty percent tthis his iiss a m odest ffee, ee, n ot a h efty 5 pe rcent ttax ax measure. Others llike ike tthe he ffailed ailed m easure. O thers ffret ret tthat hat iit’s t’s a byy ffat pols ggateway ateway tto o a ggold old rrush ush b at ccat at po ls eeager ager tto o with bills. sstick tick ttaxpayers axpayers w ith ttheir heir ccampaign ampaign b ills. Wee ssay one There’s W ay o ne sstep tep aatt a ttime. ime. T here’s vvery ery here Wee llittle ittle tto o llose ose h ere aand nd aan n aawful wful llot ot tto o ggain. ain. W on Prop. rrecommend ecommend a yyes es vvote ote o nP rop. 115. 5.

>@=>=A7B7=< $ > @ @=>= A7B7=< $

<] < ] The ““Taxpayers The Taxpayers R Right ight tto oV Vote ote A Act, ct,� aass iit’s t’s b been een dubbed byy iits has proud d ubbed b ts ccorporate orporate ssponsor, ponsor, h as a p roud But Prop. rring ing tto o iit. t. B ut P rop. 116 6 iiss rreally eally aabout bout eenergy nergy who owns public. aand nd w ho o wnss tthe he rright ight tto o ssell ell iitt tto o tthe he p ublic. Prop. passes, would IIff P rop. 116 6p asses, iitt w ould aamend mend tthe he sstate tate cconstitution onstitution tto o rrequire equire a ttwo-thirds wo-thirds aapproval pproval majority) byy llocal ((rather rather tthan han a ssimple imple m ajority) b ocal vvoters oters before Community Choice Aggregation b efore a C ommunity C hoice A ggregation provide new ((CCA) CCA) ccould ould p rovide eelectricity lectricity tto o aany ny n ew was public money ccustomers ustomers iiff tthere here w as aany ny p ublic m oney involved. would nvo ved IItt w ou d rrequire equ re tthe he ssame ame ttwo-thirds wo th rds byy aany CCA aapproval pprova b ny ccommunity ommun ty tthat hat a C CA wanted whether orr n not public w anted tto o eexpand xpand into, nto w hether o ot p ub c money was m oney w as involved. nvo ved So So far ar there there has has been been just ust one Yes on o ne ccontributor ontr butor tto o tthe he Y es o n 116 6 ccampaign: ampa gn PG&E, which has donated more $35 P G&E w h ch h as d onated m ore tthan han $ 35 million m on tto o tthe he ccause. ause Proponents business P roponents ssay ay tthe he eelectricity ectr c ty b us ness iss bee aable when rrisky, sky aand nd vvoters oters sshould hou d b b e tto o vvote ote w hen public money being Opponents p ub c m oney iss b e ng leveraged. everaged O pponentts Prop. would ssay ay P rop 116 6w ou d cconstitutionally onst tut ona y gguarantee uarantee monopoly PG&E. Wee am onopo y for or ccompanies ompan es like ke P G&E W rrecommend ecommend vvoting ot ng aagainst ga nst it. t

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<] < ] The C The Continuous ont nuous C Coverage overage A Auto uto IInsurance nsurance Discount Act would D scount A ct w ou d aallow ow cconsumers onsumers tto o qualify discount q ua y for or a ccontinuous ont nuous ccoverage overage d scount while But w h e sshopping hopp ng aaround round for or tthe he lowest owest rrate. ate B ut itt ccould most needy Californians ou d also a so ccost ost tthe he m ost n eedy C a orn ans ssome ome serious ser ous money. money IIf passed, passed insurance nsurance would permitted ccompanies ompan es w ou d be be p erm tted tto o aask sk a of auto cconsumer onsumeer for or proof proo o auto insurance nsurance for or tthe he last without over 90 days, ast five ve years years w thout aany ny lapse apse o ver 9 0d ays hee o orr she hadn’t been driving during eeven ven if h she h adn t b een d r v ng d ur ng tthat hat ttime. me IIf tthe he consumer consumer ccan’t an t prove prove coverage, coverage penalty of u up $1,000 aan n aautomatic utomat c p ena ty o p tto o$ 1 000 ccould ou d bee added Like Prop. b added tto o the the premium. prem um L ke P rop 116, 6 it’s ts entirely backed byy o one no on ent re y b acked b ne company. company Vote Vote n oo n 117. 7

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 26-june 2, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G

Geek Chic At this weekend’s convention, cosplayers take anime love to new heights of nerditude 0G 1C@B7A 1/@B73@


N THE BACK of Robbie Pleasant’s closet, behind a few wrinkled T-shirts and a couple pairs of pants, are rows and rows of costumes. Among them is a blackand-silver collared robe modeled after

“Manjoume� from the anime series Yu-Gi-Oh GX. There’s also a white f lowing martial-arts-type gi like the one “Aizen� wears in Bleach and a tattered wizardly gown famously donned by “Nagi� in Mahou Sensei Negima! In another corner of his cluttered room, a pile of weapons is stacked: a long crooked staff, a wooden katana blade and a pair of small swords crossed in an “X,� each with its corresponding attire hanging proudly nearby. On his walls are posters of big-eyed heroes and heroines; on his desk, stacks of DVDs and video games, each colorfully illustrated with characters that look like they shop at the same stores he does.

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may 26-june 2, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

Join us to help keep our river clean!

San Lorenzo River Cleanup When: May 29th from 9am-noon Where: Meet at Laurel St. Bridge Join Save Our Shores and the City of Santa Cruz to clean San Lorenzo River and make our local environment a little healthier! SOS will provide all cleanup materials including gloves, trash and recycling buckets and bags, rakes, grabbers and rubber boots. All ages are welcome. For more information visit saveourshores.org, email us at cleanup@saveourshores.org or call 831-462-5660.

This ad and cleanup are funded by the City of Santa Cruz Clean River, Ocean and Beaches Fund (Measure E)


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 26-june 2, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G

1=D3@ AB=@G j 5339 1671 And though it would be easy to write him off as a run-of-the-mill Japanimation geek, that would miss the mark. Pleasant is a cosplayer—an anime fan who takes his love of the Japanese art and cranks the nerd dial up to dizzying heights by creating costumes and dressing the part of his favorite characters. And for four days at the FanimeCon anime convention at the San Jose Convention Center this week, his ilk will reign supreme. “I started in 2004 or 2005 when a friend suggested I go to an anime convention, and I said, ‘Yes, but I want to cosplay,�’ says the 20-year-old UC–Santa Cruz literature major matter-of-factly. “Now I go to four or five conventions per year. I usually don’t have enough money to buy the fancy costumes, so I try and construct mine with materials I acquire at thrift stores. My grandma helps sew some of the harder ones. She’s incredible.� Cosplaying—or, as it’s known in Japanese (and to the more hardcore fans), kosupure—represents a fervent subculture of anime fanatics that travel to conventions like FanimeCon and Anime Expo in Los Angeles, chat on message boards like cosplay.com and meet up at parks and coffee shops around the world dressed like everything from twinkly-eyed schoolgirls to multitentacled beasts. Their source material is most often anime titles, manga (comic book) series and Japanese fashion trends, though video game heroes and American animation characters also find traction in certain circles. At FanimeCon, which has been held every year since 1994 and drew 15,000 fans last year, the motto is “By Fans, For Fans.� That might as well be “By Cosplayers, For Cosplayers,� because for folks like Pleasant and others like Jerry Pang, who’s coming dressed as “Russell,� the plump Asian Cub Scout from Disney Pixar’s Up, the anime art itself takes a back seat to the elaborate costumes created in tribute to it. “Cosplaying is its own universe,� say Pang. �It’s essentially representing something you have viewed on mainstream media and emulating it. Five to seven years ago it was really underground. Now it’s pretty widespread. It’s just an excuse to hang out with friends who are into the same things you are.�

solution of nearly pure testosterone, cosplaying manages to attract a sizable number of ladies. In anime films and comics, female characters often find leading roles as deadly assassins, seductive temptresses and powerful matriarchs. And if the powerful roles weren’t enough, the female characters are also often dressed like they’re on their way to a beachside bondage party, giving a gal with some assets to showcase plenty of options. And for the girls that would rather go as a hulking hero or the guys who long to wear miniskirts and knee-highs, “crossplaying� is a common and accepted practice. Kai Gault, a 21-year-old San Jose resident who moved from Michigan last year and starts at West Valley College this fall, has been cosplaying since 2007. “I remember seeing cosplayers in magazines and saying, ‘Man, I want to do that,’� says the young woman, who’s going to FanimeCon as “Tall Alice� from Alice in Wonderland and also as “Revy� from the anime series Black Lagoon. “I think of it as an expression of my fandom. Also, being able to dress up and act differently, it’s kind of an escape from reality. “A common misconception is that we’re just nerds. Yeah, you have to be a nerd, but most of us do have jobs and lives and don’t live in our mom’s basement.� The more crafty cosplayers like Gault and Pleasant (or rather, Pleasant’s grandma) make their own costumes from items found at stores like Goodwill, Savers and The Home Depot. Others buy their costumes from sites like qqcosplay.com, where hundreds of precisely made anime costumes are available for anywhere from $75 to $1,000. A sales agent from the Chinesebased company says they ship about 200 costumes per month to fans around the world and that characters from Bleach, Naruto and Kingdom Hearts are the most common items. When Pleasant, Gault, Pang and others get to FanimeCon, one of the first orders of business will be seeking out other fans who dressed as characters in the same anime title. After that, however, all that’s left is the partying. “Cosplayers can get crazy,� says Pleasant as he readjusts his glasses and hangs his Aizen costume back in his closet. “We certainly know how to have a good time.�

Nerds and Nerdettes

FANIMECON geeks out Friday–Monday, May 28–31, at the San Jose Convention Center, 150 W. San Carlos St., San Jose. Registration is $55 per person and includes all four days. For more info and to register visit www.fanime.com

While other geek mainstays like Dungeons and Dragons or Magic: The Gathering exist suspended in a thick

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to all who supported the Children’s Hospice and Palliative Care Coaltion’s Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon! We are deeply grateful to our wonderful sponsors, donors, Champions for Children, volunteers, models, and everyone who attended and made the event such a success!

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NIME is clearly the future of animation. Japanese animation is an economic powerhouse—a $4 billion industry—and cultural fire hose that’s already shaped Asian pop culture and is now in the middle of shaping our own. Our high school students don’t need a dictionary to understand the word otaku, a once-negative term meaning “shut-in addict,� now worn as a badge of honor like “nerd.� At night at FanimeCon, adults-only cartoons come out, including a screening of some examples of the hentai porn subgenre, which is like a cuter version of American porn—popular, indefensible, sometimes copyright-stretching. Elsewhere, there’s some gaming: a group Japanese spelling-bee game in which players make male cartoon figures (bishonen, they’re called—meaning, essentially, the young David Bowie type) give up their Armani-oid wardrobes bit by bit. Anime has what U.S. animation lacks in its category of yaoi and yuri—male/male and female/female love stories, scripted with a soap-opera elaboration unmatched in American animated films. Yaoi is an acronym meant to advertise the harmlessness of the material: Yama nashi, ochi nashi, imi nashi (no climax, no point, no meaning), in other words, not

hentai on the whole, with unrequited love and hurt feelings. The female audience for yaoi (and it’s almost all female) gets to see the common unthreatening boy love we usually see in Disney programs, only in yaoi it’s taken to the next step. Yuri is the other side of the spectrum, presumably enjoyed by some males. If you like wading through verbal labyrinths, try finding even a simple summing-up of the plot of the yuri manga-turned-anime Strawberry Panic, filmed in 26 episodes by Madhouse Studios. The Sapphic (but again, never very explicit) conduct at the three separate girls’ schools in this series is more complicated than the who’s who at Hogwarts. The idea of erotic animation is loaded, because it’s always assumed that the key audience for animation is sheltered children, plus it makes good copy. The point is that anime doesn’t have to be either Pikachu or battle robots. Of course, you don’t become a multibillion-dollar industry without leaving some toxic waste around. The visiting Anime Hell “otakalypse� show at Fanime will offer some of the worst of the worst; bad animation is always prized by hipsters. Still, a tradition that offers up Princess Mononoke, Barefoot Jen, Paprika, and Ghost in the Shell still has its best years ahead of it.

Richard von Busack


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; m may a y 26-june 2 6 - j u n e 2, 2 , 2010 2 0 1 0 / 3 / 3 3

TThe he W White hite SSpace pace For F or u up-andp-andccoming oming iindie ndie ssongstress ongstress aand nd UCSC grad grad Emily Emily UCSC J ane W hite, Jane White, lless ess iiss aalmost lmost aalways lways m ore more 0G >/C: ; 2/D7A 0G >/C : ; 2/D 7 A


H HERE’S ERE’S A U UNIQUE NIQUE Emily cconfidence onfidence tto oE mily JJane ane White’s W hite’s ssongwriting: ongwriting: iit’s t’s aatt once o nce ssympathetic ympathetic aand nd ttoughoughminded, unsentimental. Her m inded, rreflective ef lective aand nd u nsentimental. H er work has been described which w ork h as b een d escribed aass ffolk, olk, w hich iiss how orchestrated rreductive eductive cconsidering onsidering h ow o rchestrated her While h er ffull-band ull-band aarrangements rrangements aare. re. W hile music tthe he m usic ccreates reates a ccontemplative ontemplative sspace pace off ffolk music, White’s rreminiscent eminiscent o olk m usic, W hite’s ssubject ubject matter musical m atter aand nd m usical ttouchstones ouchstones ttranscend ranscend woman-with-acoustic-guitar tthe he w oman-with-acoustic-guitar llabel abel women with tthat hat iiss iinevitably nevitably aapplied pplied tto ow omen w ith whether orr n not aacoustic coustic gguitars, uitars, w hether o ot iitt ffits. its. White W hite has has rreceived eceived much much attention attention press her iin n tthe he iindie ndie p ress ffor or h er ssecond econd ssolo olo Victorian America. To date, rrelease, elease, V ictorian A merica. T od ate, sshe’s he’s most off h her Europe, but eenjoyed njoyed m ost o er ssuccess uccess iin nE urope, b ut White with tthis his iiss cchanging hanging ffor or W hite w ith tthis his aalbum lbum Pitchfork aass sstateside tateside ttastemakers astemakers ssuch uch aass P itchfork NPR begin pay aand nd N PR b egin tto op ay aattention. ttention. White White now now calls calls Santa Santa Rosa Rosa home, home, but but her Santa Cruz during sshe he ggot ot h er sstart tart iin nS anta C ruz d uring tthe he eearly arly ’’90s 90s ffronting ronting tthe he eethereal thereal aacoustic coustic Diamond Star Halos. Her ttrio rio D iamond S tar H alos. H er ssound ound has way While h as ccome ome a llong ong w ay ssince ince tthen. hen. W hile Diamond Star Halos tthe he D iamond S tar H alos sspecialized pecialized iin n iintimate ntimate ssong ong ssketches ketches sspare pare iin n ttheir heir on Victorian aarrangements, rrangements, tthe he ssongs ongs o nV ictorian America her debut, Dark A merica aand nd h er ssolo olo d ebut, D ark Undercoat, more U ndercoat, ffeature eature m ore rrealized ealized sscores cores out with washes off eelectric ffleshed leshed o ut w ith ssubtle ubtle w ashes o lectric off ccourse, gguitar uitar aand nd llush ush sstrings—and, trings—and, o ourse,

27/: 3; 4=@ ;3:/<16=:G Chanteuse 2 7/: 3; 4=@ ;3:/<16=:G Chanteuse EEmily mily Ja Jane ne W White hite ttrades rades iin n ppensiveness ensiveness aand nd rref ef llection. ection.

White’s d White’s dusky usky aalto lto w with ith iits ts ssignature ignature ccatch. atch. M any ccritics ritics h ave ccompared ompared h er vvoice oice tto o Many have her tthat hat o at P ower’s C han M arshall, b ut off C Cat Power’s Chan Marshall, but tthere’s here’s a ggrit rit aand nd llived-in ived-in q uality tto oW hite’s quality White’s ttone one tthat’s hat’s m ore rraw aw tthan han M arshall’s iicecemore Marshall’s p rincess ttimbre. imbre. princess Her years years at at U CSC aare re w ell b ehind h er, Her UCSC well behind her, b ut W hite rremembers emembers tthe he ttown own ffondly. ondly. but White ““Santa Santa C ruz iiss a vvery ery ffertile ertile p lace ffor or a llot ot o Cruz place off p eople,� sshe he ssays, ays, ““and and iitt w as vvery ery fformative ormative people, was p lace ffor or m usic.� H er b ackground aass place myy m music. Her background aU CSC A merican sstudies tudies sstudent tudent w ith UCSC American with a ffocus ocus o n ggender ender sstudies tudies ccontinues ontinues tto o on iinform nform h er ssongwriting, ongwriting, aatt lleast east o bliquely. her obliquely. W hite sstrays trays ffar ar ffrom rom tthe he ttraditional raditional m odel White model o he p olitical ssinger/songwriter: inger/songwriter: tthere here off tthe political aare re n od idactic p olitical d eclarations iin n no didactic political declarations h er w ork. A ll tthe he ssame, ame, a ssocial ocial cconscience onscience her work. All gguides uides h er iimpressionistic mpressionistic ttales. ales. her “A lot lot of of p eople d on’t w ant tto o ttalk alk aabout bout “A people don’t want p olitics,� W hite ssays. ays. ““People People w ant p olitics politics, White want politics tto ob ategory tthat hat eexists xists [[separately], separately], bee a ccategory b ut aall ll llife ife eexperience xperience iiss p olitical. T here iiss but political. There n othing yyou ou d o tthat hat iiss n ot p olitical.� S he nothing do not political. She ccites ites ““Gothic-feminist Gothic-feminist w riting� aass a p rimary writing� primary

inf luence. Her Her literary literary approach approach explores explores influence. the forgotten forgotten lives lives of of generations generations of of the women, drawing drawing inspiration inspiration from from the the work work women, of the the BrontĂŤ BrontĂŤ sisters sisters and and Beloved-era Belovedd--era Toni Toni of Morrison. Ghosts, Ghosts, m urders aand nd ssuicides uicides Morrison. murders haunt these these ssongs ongs ffrom rom tthe he p eriphery, haunt periphery, referenced in in ssidelong idelong ffashion ashion b ut rrarely arely referenced but given center center sstage. tage. W hite ttends ends tto o aavoid void tthe he given White direct or or tthe he o bvious. ““There’s There’s n ot a llot ot o direct obvious. not off literal narrative, narrative,â€? sshe he ssays. ays. ““II sstrive trive tto o ccreate reate literal scenes in in m riting tthat hat aallow llow ffor or aabstract bstract scenes myy w writing rather than than lliteral iteral iinterpretation. nterpretation.â€? rather The album’s album’s title title song, song, “Victorian “Victorian The America,â€? is is p erhaps tthe he b est d istillation America, perhaps best distillation of White’s White’s aapproach, pproach, ffinding inding ccommon ommon of threads of of ssocial ocial iinjustice njustice iin n tthe he A merican threads American South. During During tthe he aaftermath ftermath o urricane South. off H Hurricane Katrina, White White ffound ound h erself ffascinated ascinated Katrina, herself by the the V ictorian llegacy egacy o 9th-century by Victorian off 119th-century Louisiana, and and tthe he w ays iin nw hich tthe he Louisiana, ways which racism and and ssexism exism o he eera ra ccontinue ontinue tto o racism off tthe resonate. “I “I w as rreading eading a b ook aatt tthe he ttime ime resonate. was book about women women iin n tthe he V ictorian p eriod, aand nd about Victorian period, Louisiana was was o ne o he m ain A merican Louisiana one off tthe main American Victorian areas areas d uring tthe he eera. ra. Th here Victorian during There

was p was profound rofound racism racism in in the the aftermath aftermath o off H urricane Katrina, Katrina, w hile tthe he V ictorian Hurricane while Victorian cculture ulture was was lilly-white lilly-white aand nd ccolonialist. olonialist.� W hite d eftly cconnects onnects tthese hese eelements lements White deftly tthrough hrough eeffectively ffectively cclear lear llanguage. anguage. ““A A ggiant iant fflood lood ttook ook Louisiana Louisiana but but iitt ttook ook m ore more tthan han tthe he ccity ity o ew Orleans, Orleans,� sshe he ssings, ings, off N New ““she she llost ost h er h ome in in V ictorian A merica. her home Victorian America. Itt w as tthe he b iggest tthing hing she’d she’d eever ver k nown.� was biggest known. Like any any nuanced nuanced songwriter, songwriter, White White is is Like aaware ware tthat hat m usic allows allows ffor or iintuitive ntuitive llogic. ogic. music S he prefers prefers to to ggive ive tthe he llistener istener sspace pace ffor or She ““interpretation interpretation and and discovery. discovery. W hile tthere here While iiss rrich ich ssubtext ubtext tto o her her work, work, iin n eexecution xecution iitt iiss cclear, lear, ssimple, imple, aand nd ttransporting. ransporting. A Ass sshe he d emonstrates, ““aa ssimple imple melody melody demonstrates, w ith w ords ccan an b mpressionistic aand nd with words bee iimpressionistic ssuggestive. uggestive.� EEMILY MILY JANE JANE WHITE WHITE performs performs Wednesday, W ednesday, May May 26, 26, at at 8pm 8pm at at the the Crepe C repe Place, Place, 1134 1134 Soquel Soquel Ave., Ave., Santa Santa Cruz. C ruz. Tickets Tickeets are are $8. $8. (831.429.6994) (831.429.6994)

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may 26-june 2, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

presented pr esented b by y

FREE F REE Thursday Thursd day Concerts Concerts 5: :30 - 9 :15 p .m. 5:30 9:15 p.m. P laza de C esa ar Chavez Cha havez Plaza Cesar D owntown Sa an J ose e Downtown San Jose 408 -279-1775 408-279-1775 ssjdowntown.com jdowntown.com

2 2010 Summer Summ mer Concert Concert S Series erries Cold 92.3 Rock) June J une 3 C old War Wa ar Kids Kids – Channel Channel 9 2.3 ((Alternative Altern r ati a ve R ock) J June une 10 Lenn Lenny nny Williams Will i ia ams wit with h Pr Prince ince D Damons amons – KB KBLX LX X 102. 102.9 9 FM (R (R&B) &B) J une 1177 Ska talites – MOViN MOViN 997 997 (Ska/Reggae) (Ska/Reggae) June Skatalites J une 24 4 BoD eans – K FOG 9 77..7 S J/104.5 S F ((R ock/Pop) p) BoDeans KFOG 97.7 SJ/104.5 SF (Rock/Pop) June J uly 1 Th e Eng lish Bea ALICE@97..3 (Ska/New (Ska/New Wa W ave) The English Beatt – ALICE@97.3 Wave) July J uly 8 T oni o c aand nd Gr reen River River Ordinance Ordinance – MIX X 10 6.5 (R ((Rock/Pop) ock/Pop) July Tonic Green 106.5 J uly 15 D on C arlos – LIVE 105 (Reggae) (Reggae) July Don Carlos J uly 22 22 Th eG aslight An them – Channel Channel 9 2.3 ((Alternative Altern native R ock) July The Gaslight Anthem 92.3 Rock) July Pete Escovedo Orchestra J uly 229 9 P ete E scovedo d Or chestra – (Latin/Jazz) (Latin/Jazz) A Aug ug 5 F Foreverland oreverland – 98.1 98.1 KISS FM (Michael (Michael JJackson ackson o T Tribute ribute B Band) a d) an Aug 12 12 Ee k-A-Mouse – LIVE 105 (R eggae) Aug Eek-A-Mouse (Reggae) A ug 119 9 Y& T – 98.5 98.5 KFOX K OX (Classic KF (Classic Rock) Rock) Aug Y&T Aug 26 P ato B anton – ALICE@97.3 ALICE@97.3 (R eggae) Aug Pato Banton (Reggae)

A San San JJose ose Downtown Downtown Association Association Production Prod o uction | Supported Supported in part part by by a Cultural Cultural Affairs Affaiirs grant grant from from the the City City of S San an JJose ose Design: Swanbeck design:tn designtn.com D esign: JJoshua oshua S wanbeck & des ign:tn n / des igntn.com

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:7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

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Water W ater conser conservation vation iss crucial in Santa Cruz County County. y. LLearn earn about local water shortages shortages for the City C of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Creek Water Water District and the role of conservation in building sustainable water supply portfolios.

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Can We Conserve Our Way to Water Supply SufďŹ ciency?

This meeting will provide an opportunity to: • Learn how conservation is factored into water supply planning • Learn about existing and new conservation programs • Learn about the opportunities and limitations on what more can be done • Ask questions during the Q/A Session

B6C@A2/G # %

7@E7< A16=:/@A A dozen of UCSC’s most promising young artists are showcased in the annual Irwin Scholarship Award exhibition at the Sesnon Gallery. Opening reception Thursday, May 27, 5–7pm at the Mary Porter Sesnon Art Gallery, Porter College, UCSC. Through June 12.

Thursday, May 27 6:30–8:30pm For more info: www.scwd2desal.org

Simpkins Swim Center 979 17th Avenue Santa Cruz, CA 95062

Sponsored by the City of Santa Cruz & Soquel Creek Water District The ďŹ rst in a series of scwd2 community informational meetings. Para mĂĄs informaciĂłn sobre esta junta, por favor llame al 831-475-8500

28 |

may 26-june 2, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 26-june 2, 2010 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

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/@B 4=@ /@B Arguably the densest constellation of local artistic talent we’re likely to see this year, Art for Art gathers works of exceptionally high quality in a salon-style exhibition, with a percentage of any sales going to an emergency fund for local artists. Reception Friday, May 28, 5:30–9pm at Art for Art Gallery, 415 River St., Santa Cruz (next to Patagonia). $5 includes raffle ticket. Exhibition continues Saturday–Sunday, May 29–30, 11am–5pm and ends June 4 with a 5:30– 9pm closing reception. 1 % LVkZ d[ >che^gVi^dc# 6 bjhZjbl^YZ Zm]^W^i^dc ]^\]a^\]i^c\ Vgi! Vgi^[VXih! e]did\gVe]n! iZX]cdad\n VcY XdbbZgX^Va VheZXih d[ hjg[^c\# >cXajYZh eV^ci^c\! hXjaeijgZ! XZgVb^Xh! WdVgYh! ad\dh! h^\ch! lZi hj^ih! [^ab VcY k^YZd XdaaZXi^dch VcY igde]^Zh# BjhZjb VYb^hh^dc# IjZ"Hjc! &&Vb" *eb0 XadhZY Bdc# ,%* ;gdci Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'.#&.+)# AO\bO 1`ch ;caSc[ ]T <Obc`OZ 6Wab]`g :Vgi] 9Vn 8aVhh Egd_ZXi :m]^W^i# Egd_ZXih [gdb 7VnK^Zl :aZbZciVgn HX]dda! Bdjci BVYdccV HX]dda VcY BdcVgX] HX]dda h]dl l]Vi adXVa \gVYZ hX]dda hijYZcih VgZ aZVgc^c\ VWdji egZhZgk^c\ i]Z ]ZVai] d[ i]Z Zck^gdcbZci# IjZ"HVi! &%Vb"*eb# I]gj BVn '-# BjhZjb VYb^hh^dc# IjZ" Hjc! &%Vb"*eb# &(%* :# 8a^[[ 9g! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'%#+&&*#

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! j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA may 26-june 2, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Spring into Summer! NEW! Organic Supplements from

1 ' 4SZWf 9cZ^O 5OZZS`g B‚aVc\Z | Igd^h/ HjhiZcVcXZ# BE8 ;^cZ 6gi Eg^ci 8ajW ejih dc ^ih i]^gY h]dl d[ hZaZXi eg^cih! ^cXajY^c\ bdcdineZ! gZa^Z[! ^ciV\a^d! ZmeZg^bZciVa eg^ci bZY^V VcY V cZlan ejWa^h]ZY XajW ÆXdd`Wdd`#Ç I]j"Hjc! cddc"*eb# I]gj BVn (%# &%, :ab Hi! HVciV 8gjo! )%-#(,(#'-*)#


8OdO 8c\QbW]\ CZVadc BjcYi# I]Z Vgi^hi egZhZcih ]^h e]did\gVe]h0 Zm]^W^i aVhih i]gdj\] i]Z ZcY d[ BVn# I]gj BVn (&# *&. HZVWg^\]i 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'+#',(.#

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1220 A 41st Avenue, in the Begonia Plaza, Capitola, CA 95010 (831) 464-4113 • Open Daily • www.wayoflife.net

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1=<5@/BC:/B7=<A A/<B/ 1@CH 7B¸A ;5;B IT TOOK 45 seconds for MGMT’s Santa Cruz concert to sell out. To those who fumbled a credit card or missed an alarm clock, we send our sincerest condolences and suggest that if you start digging now you might be able to tunnel under the Civic by Saturday. For everyone else, hold on to your headbands, because it’s a slightly older, fractionally more sober and hugely more polished indie heartthrob duo that will take the stage that night, and they’ve got a new album that’s done playing pretend. “I’m really excited to come to Santa Cruz,â€? Andrew VanWyngarden, the curly-haired frontman tells Santa Cruz Weekly. “Hopefully I’ll get to surf.â€? Congratulations, VanWyngarden and partner Ben Goldwasser’s latest record, contains a frenetically paced and face-meltingly psychedelic nine tracks of music that come on the heels of one of 2008’s biggest albums, the debut Oracular Spectacular. That disc went platinum, garnering red carpet photo shoots, a Grammy nomination and a tour with Radiohead thanks to infectious, tongue-in-cheek hits like “Electric Feel,â€? “Kidsâ€? and “Time to Pretend.â€? But after a liquor-soaked tour that earned VanWyngarden a reputation as a party animal of MĂśtley CrĂźe magnitude, hipster prognosticators worried the group would join Hootie & the Blowfish, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah and Bloc Party in the dreaded “sophomore slump.â€? Well, sorry, haters, Congratulations is great. And while it’s not the candy-scented synth bop that anyone who entered an American Apparel in the last year and a half bought pants to, it is a bold new direction for a band that needed some depth. VanWyngarden says he’s matured both as a musician and as a person since that first groundbreaking effort. And now that he’s got his game face on, look for a band that’s less concerned with pointing out the irony in becoming famous artists and more concerned with making art. “We had no idea how things worked when we signed to Columbia,â€? he says. “All of a sudden we found ourselves on the road for 15 months. That whole process forced us to grow up a little bit. We’ve never thought of MGMT as having a certain one sound. We knew some people would be confused by (the new album), but that’s not really our problem. We’re just making whatever music we want.â€? (Curtis Cartier)

MGMT plays Saturday, May 29, at 8pm at the Civic Auditorium, 307 Church St., Santa Cruz. Tickets are sold out, but as of Monday were still available on Ebay for around $90 apiece. Check http:// news.santacruz.com for a full-length article on MGMT, including more quotes from Andrew VanWnygarden.


may 26-june 2, 2010

| 31



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AC<2/G # !

;CA71 7< B63 5/@23<A B=C@ The Santa Cruz Baroque Festival steps out from behind the stainedglass windows for a day of music in the great outdoors. The moveable feast will visit several gorgeous private gardens, each featuring snacks, drinks and wine, with a variety of folk and ethnic music to accompany. Sunday, May 30, 1–5pm. Locations provided upon purchase of tickets, $30 at www.scbaroque.org or 831.459.2159. VcY [ddY VcY Yg^c` l^aa WZ VkV^aVWaZ# HVi! BVn '.! ,".eb# Hj\\ZhiZY YdcVi^dc d[ * eZg Xden d[ GZk^Zl# 8VWg^aad 8daaZ\Z =dgi^XjaijgZ 8ZciZg! +*%% HdfjZa 9g! 6eidh! -(&#),.#+&*-#

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may 26-june 2, 2010

| 33

03/ /BA1/>3 m may a y 26-june 2 6 - j u n e 2, 2 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; !" ! " j 03/BA1/>3

J a z z P re s e n te rs s i n ce 1 9 7 5

THURS. MAY 27 • 7 PM


DAVE HOLLAND QUINTET $25/Adv $28/Door, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by The “A�Train Law Group


DONNY McCASLIN TRIO $20/Adv $23/Door

Sponsored by Logos Books & Records

THURS. JUNE 10 • 7 & 9 PM


MON. JUNE 14 • 7 & 9 PM

JAMES FARM with JOSHUA REDMAN, AARON PARKS, MATT PENMAN & ERIC HARLAND 7PM: $28/Adv $31/Door 9PM: $23/Adv $26/Door, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by Beerstein Associates

FRI. JUNE 25 • 7:30 PM


ADVANCE TICKETS: Logos Books & Records and Kuumbwajazz.org CafĂŠ Kuumbwa serves dinner Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, along with beer and wine. All ages welcome. Tickets subject to service charge & 5% admission tax.




1@3A13<B 17BG @=G/:BG 1 @3A13<B 17BG @=G/:BG

Dumpstaphunk Dumpstaphunk brings brings the the spirit spirit of of NOLA NOLA to to the the Blues Blues Festival Festival and and Moe’s Mooe’s Alley. Alley.

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When big-name When big-name rrapper apper N Nas as h hits its tthe he Catalyst with Damian C atalyst w ith rroots oots rreggae eggae sstaple taple D amian Gong� Marley, won’t ““Jr. Jr. G ong� M arley, iitt w on’t jjust ust be b aanother nother hip-hop h ip-hop show show with with a reggae reggae opener opener to to warm w arm up up the the crowd. crowd. Nope, Nope, these these two two aare re bandmates bandmates now. now. On On the the just-released just-released rrecord ecord Distant Distant Relatives, Relatives, the the duo duo focus fo ocus on on ttheir heir shared shared love love of of African African culture culture to to ccraft raft a message message of of unity unity around around Marley’s Marley’s ffalsetto alsetto toasting toasting and and Nas’ Nas’ heroic heroic rhymes. rhymes. The Th he pairing pairing is is unprecedented unprecedented in in its its scope scope iin n that that many many MCs MCs have have incorporated incorporated but no have rreggae, eggae, b ut n o ssuperstars uperstars h ave ccombined ombined with own work under double bill iitt w ith ttheir heir o wn w ork u nder a d ouble b ill both on Aside bo th in in tthe he sstudio tudio aand nd o n tthe he rroad. oad. A side novelty, ffrom rom the the n ovelty, however, however, tthe he eend nd rresult esult quality head-nodding hip-hop with iiss q uality h ead-nodding h ip-hop w ith ccrisp risp melodies positive message. rreggae eggae m elodies aand nd a po sitive m essage. Catalyst; $39.50 door; 9pm. C atalyst; $ 39.50 aadv/$44 dv/$44 d oor; 9 pm. ((Curtis Curtis Cartier) Cartier)

Attention, A ttention, S Santa anta C Cruz ruz p prog rog rrock ock ffans! ans! Stop hunger S top tthe he h unger sstrike, trike, put put down down the the protest Animal p rotest banners. banners. Mountain Mountain A nimal Hospital’s H ospital’s long long awaited awaited sophomore sophomore LP And L P, Better Better Children, Children, iiss ccomplete. omplete. A nd kicks The will tthe he vverdict: erdict: iitt k icks aass. ss. T he ccrew rew w ill bee o on hand Crepe Place b nh and aatt tthe he C repe P lace tthis his weekend perform distribute w eekend tto op erform llive ive aand nd d istribute discs methadone tthe he ccoveted oveted d iscs llike ike m ethadone aatt a heroin For unfamiliar with h eroin cclinic. linic. F or tthose hose u nfamiliar w ith SC’s mad S C’s ffavorite avorite iindie ndie rrock ock m ad sscientists, cientists, MAH uses plucky M AH u ses p lucky gguitar uitar sscales, cales, nasal aambitiously mbitiously n asal vvocals ocals aand nd ccomplex omplex progressions cchord hord p roggressions ffor or a ssound ound tthat hat might bee d described Minus Bear m ight b escribed aass M inus tthe he B ear being Cave on planet b eing ccaught aught iin naC ave IIn no np lanet Mars Volta. Place; $8; 9pm. M ars V olta. Crepe Crepe P lace; $ 8; 9 pm. ((CC) CC)

Moby M oby G Grape rape rremains emains o one ne o off tthe he heaviest bands history off h eaviest rrock ock b ands iin n tthe he h istory o behemoth byy tthe he ggenre, enre, tthe he aacid-rock cid-rock b ehemoth b which bands Much w hich llesser esser b ands aare re jjudged. udged. M uch off tthat bee ccredited Miller, o hat ccan an b redited tto o JJerry erry M iller, band’s Miller—who tthe he b and’s gguitarist. uitarist. M iller—who Rolling once declared bee ““one R olling SStone tone o nce d eclared tto ob one off tthe Greatest Guitarists off A Allo he 1100 00 G reatest G uitarists o llTime�—is player who T Ti ime�—is a p layer w ho ttaught aught tthe he llikes ikes off JJimmy Page Eric Clapton o immy P age aand nd E ric C lapton a ffew ew An hoc ttricks. ricks. A n aad dh oc ssupergroup upergroup ffeaturing eaturing Oxendine Santa Cruzan Dale JJohn ohn O xendine aand nd S anta C ruzan D ale Ockerman off tthe Doobie Brothers, O ckerman o he D oobie B rothers, tthe he Miller Band Miller JJerry erry M iller B and ffinds inds M iller sserving erving up barn-burning while u pb arn-burning gguitar uitar rriffs iffs w hile his blues rreaching eaching eever-deeper ver-deeper iinto nto h is b lues Don Quixote’s; $10; 8pm. rroots. oots. D on Q uixote’s; $ 10; 8 pm. M.. D Davis) ((Paul Paul M avis)

!# j !#

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; m may a y 26-june 2 6 - j u n e 2, 2 , 2010 2 0 1 0 03/BA1/>3 03/ /BA1/>3 3


4@72/G j # 4 @ 7 2/G j # &

A63 67; A 63 67; The m The musical usical ccollaboration ollaboration of of b beloved eloved ssongwriter ongwriter M. M. W ard and and iindie ndie iit-girl t-girl Ward Z ooey D eschanel, She She & H im h as tthe he Zooey Deschanel, Him has rrare are d istinction o being aan n actor’s actor’s distinction off being sside-project ide-project tthat hat doesn’t doesn’t ssuck. uck. W hile While aactors’ ctors’ musical musical endeavors endeavors rrarely arely h ave any any legs, legs, S he & Him Him are are h itting have She hitting tthe he road road tto o ssupport upport their their ssecond econd ccritically ritically acclaimed acclaimed release, release, Volume Volume T wo. M ard’s earns earns h is d istinction Two. M.. W Ward’s his distinction aass a producer producer and and aarranger rranger w ith with tthese hese ssongs ongs and and D eschanel p roves a Deschanel proves sstunning tunning chanteuse chanteuse and and ssongwriter ongwriter as as tthe he duo duo pays pays ttribute ribute to to the the p op music music pop o bygone eeras ras while while d igging deep deep off bygone digging iinto nto the the American American folk folk ttradition radition ffor or iinspiration. nspiration. Th here’s a heartache heartache to to the the There’s b and’s w ork—which sseem eem to to evoke evoke tthe he band’s work—which rrealization ealization tthat hat there’s there’s no no such such tthing hing as as aan n endless endless summer—that summer—that is is transfixing. transf ixing. R io Th heatre; $ 22 adv/$25 adv/$25 door; door; 8 pm. Rio Theatre; $22 8pm. ((PMD) PMD)

A/BC@2/G j # A /B C @ 2/G j # '

2C;>AB/>6C<9 2 C ; > A B/ > 6 C < 9 Itt ttakes akes ssome ome sstones tones tto od declare eclare yyourself ourself ““New New O rleans’ ffunkiest, unkiest,� Orleans’ aass D umpstaphunk h as iin n iits ts p ress Dumpstaphunk has press m aterials, b ut iitt m ay jjust ust h ave a materials, but may have llegitimate egitimate cclaim laim tto o tthe he ttitle. itle. P erhaps Perhaps iit’s t’s ggenetic: enetic: tthe he b and w as ffounded ounded b band was byy

Neville, whose ccousins ousins Iv IIvan van aand nd IIan an N eville, w hose rrespective espective ffathers, athers, A aron aand nd A rt Aaron Art N eville, k now m ore tthan han a ffew ew tthings hings Neville, know more aabout bout ffunk unk aand nd ssoul. oul. D umpstaphunk Dumpstaphunk iiss aabsolutely bsolutely iits ts o wn b and, h owever, own band, however, aand nd ccredit’s redit’s d ue tthe he b and’s eelastic lastic d ualdue band’s dualb ass aarrangements rrangements aand nd eebullient bullient llive ive bass ssets, ets, w hich aare re ccertain ertain tto ob ring a llittle ittle which bring ttaste aste o ew O rleans tto o tthe he M oe’s off N New Orleans Moe’s A lley ttonight onight ffollowing ollowing a b listering Alley blistering S anta C ruz B lues F est p erformance. Santa Cruz Blues Fest performance. M oe’s A lley; $ 20; 9 pm. ((PMD) PMD) Moe’s Alley; $20; 9pm.


A/BC@2/G j # A /B C @ 2/G j # '

2/ 2/<8C;/ / < 8 C ; / =<=:/ = <=:/ An international An international ggroup roup iin n eevery very ssense, ense, O nola uses uses gguitars, uitars, keyboards, keyboards, dancing dancing Onola aand nd a jazzy jazzy big-band-style big-band-style horn horn section section tto od eliver a colorful colorful type type o Afrobeat, deliver off Afrobeat, iincorporating ncorporating not not o nly ffunk unk aand nd only W est African African highlife highlife m usic b ut a West music but ttouch ouch of of rreggae eggae and and L atin music music as as Latin w ell. T he b and iiss m ade up up o versatile well. The band made off versatile m usicians from from vvarious arious ccorners orners o the musicians off the gglobe lobe ((including including ssome ome w ho p layed who played w ith the the Afrobeat Afrobeat p ioneer Fela Fela Kuti) Kuti) with pioneer aand nd is is lled ed by by tthe he Nigerian-born Nigerian-born llocal ocal artist artist D anjuma Adamu, Adamu, whose whose Danjuma w ork has has appeared appeared iin n releases releases under under work tthe he Putamayo Putamayo World World Music Music llabel. abel. F ernwood R esort, 47200 47200 Hwy. Hwy. 1, 1, Big Big Fernwood Resort, S ur; free; free; 9pm. 9pm. ((Sean Sean C onwell) Sur; Conwell)

AC<2/G j # ! A C < 2/G j # !

1=1= ;=<B=G/ 1 = 1= ; = < B=G/ / He sstarted He tarted o out ut aass a rrock ock & rroll oll d rummer, b ut C oco M ontoya’s d estiny drummer, but Coco Montoya’s destiny w as tto ob reat b lues gguitarist. uitarist. IIn n tthe he was bee a ggreat blues ’’70s, 70s, M ontoya w as m entored b he Montoya was mentored byy tthe eelectric lectric b lues llegend egend A lbert C ollins blues Albert Collins w hile d rumming ffor or C ollins’ b and. while drumming Collins’ band. L ater, iin n tthe he ’’80s, 80s, h ecame a m ember Later, hee b became member o he B luesbreakers ((the the ssame ame b and off tthe Bluesbreakers band tthat hat E ric C lapton p layed w ith b efore Eric Clapton played with before fforming orming C ream). A fter sstriking triking o ut o n Cream). After out on h is own own in in the the ’90s, ’90s, he he earned earned a W. W. C. C. his H andy A ward, tthe he m ost p restigious Handy Award, most prestigious h onor ffor or b lues m usicians, ffor or tthe he ““icy icy honor blues musicians, h ot� sstyle tyle o uitar p laying h earned hot� off gguitar playing hee llearned ffrom rom C ollins. H lays ttonight onight aafter fter aan n Collins. Hee p plays aafternoon fternoon aappearance ppearance aatt tthe he B luesFest. BluesFest. M oe’s A lley; $$20; 20; 9 pm. ((Sean Sean C onwell) Moe’s Alley; 9pm. Conwell)

E32<3A2/G j $ E 3 2 < 3 A 2/G j $

<=973 32E/@2A <=973 3 E/@2 32 / A A When tthe When he V Ventures’ entures’ iinfamous nfamous h hits its h urtled tto o tthe he ttop op o he ccharts harts d uring hurtled off tthe during tthe he ’’60s 60s ssurf urf rrock ock ccraze, raze, iitt w as N okie was Nokie E dwards w ho ccarried arried tthem hem tthere. here. Edwards who H is llead ead gguitar uitar b arreled tthrough hrough His barreled cclassics lassics like like “Pipeline� “Pipeline� and and “Hawaii “Hawaii 55-0, -0,� embedding embedding itself itself forever forever in in that that ssignature ignature surf surf rock rock sound. sound. In In the the w ake of of his his latest latest album, album, Hitchin’ Hitchin’ a wake R ide, Edwards Edwards tours tours California California w ith Ride, with a headful headful of of hits hits ffrom rom the the ’’50s, 50s, ’’60s 60s aand nd ’70s ’70s and and aan n incredibly incredibly aattractive ttractive gguitar uitar he he built built h imself. Don Don Q uixotes; himself. Quixotes; $15 $ 15 adv/$15 adv/$15 d door; oor; 77:30pm. :30pm. ((Maria Maria G rusauskas) Grusauskas) BE= 5@3/B B/AB3A B E= 5@3/ /B B/AB3A A Nas and Damien ‘Jr. ‘Jrr. Gong’ Gong’ Marley Marrleey toast toast great great ttogether ogether at the C Catalyst. aatalyst. a

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Statewide Exhibit

80th Annua l

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28a /2 3 AbSdS 3Ob]cUV


“Nature’s Treasures� May 29 - June 27, 2010 Reception: June 5, 3-5pm Artwork by: John Crawford

Celebrate Art! Art Fair! June 12 & 13, 11-5

New Classes & Weekend Workshops Life Drawing & more! 526 Broadway, Santa Cruz, CA 831-426-5787


Wed.-Sat.,12-5 /Sun. 12-4

91 Years of Imagination

j !%

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1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 >LKULZKH` 4H` ‹ (.,:

NAS and Damian Marley plus Nneka

“Jr. Gong�

(K] +Y +YZ W T :OV^ W T -YPKH` 4H` ‹ (.,:

=,21 , Erk Tha Jerk


(K] +Y +YZ W T :OV^ W T :H[\YKH` 4H` ‹ (.,:

TECH N9NE Brotha Lynch Hung, Krizz Kaliko,


Kutt Calhoun, Big Scoob, Prozak & Cognito (K] +Y ‹ +YZ W T :OV^ W T 4H` Frequency Jones Atrium (Ages 21+) 4H` Pop Fiction Atrium (Ages 21+) 4H` Ribsy’s Nickel Atrium (Ages 21+) 4H` Black Love Atrium (Ages 21+) 1\U “Glow�/DJ Tech Minds Atrium (Ages 18+) 1\U Sage Francis/ Free Moral Agents (Ages 16+) 1\U MC Chris Atrium (Ages 16+) 1\U Bone Thugs-N-Harmony (Ages 16+) 1\U The Glitch Mob (Ages 16+) 1\U The Subhumans Atrium (Ages 16+) 1\U Wooster/ Sourgrass (Ages 21+) 1\U Eagles of Death Metal (Ages 16+) 1\S Wolf Parade/ The Moools (Ages 16+) (\N Reverend Horton Heat (Ages 21+) (\N Smash Mouth (Ages 16+) (\N Eek A Mouse (Ages 16+) (\N Xavier Rudd (Ages 16+) (\N The Hold Steady (Ages 16+) :LW Willie Nelson & Family (Ages 21+) <USLZZ V[OLY^PZL UV[LK HSS ZOV^Z HYL KHUJL ZOV^Z ^P[O SPTP[LK ZLH[PUN Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online



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#!22 ) % 2/$2)'5%: ",!-% 3!,,9 2/3!,)% 3/22%,3 $!6)$ &2!.#%9 HELD AT BEAUTIFUL BLACK OAK RANCH, 3(%229 !534). "!.$ ¨ LAYTONVILLE, CA 34%6)% #/9,% ¨ -/2%

Info/Tix: 415-256-8499, 866-558-4253 www.cumuluspresents.com LOCAL TICKET OUTLET: Street Light Records

40 |

may 26-june 2, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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Film. Fi ilm lm.

" j "

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; m may a y 26-june 2 6 - j u n e 2, 2 , 2010 2 0 1 0 47:; 47:;

A Bronx Bronx TTale ale ‘Citty Island’ ‘City charming, is a ch harming, lightweight lighttweigght indie about family family ties family and fa amily lies 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0 G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


UBLICISTS UBLICISTS S aare re aalways lways h eralding m ovies aass T he L ittle heralding movies The Little F ilm Th hat C ould. R aymond D Film That Could. Raymond Dee F elitta’s City Cit y Island Island is is the the rare rare Felitta’s little film f ilm that that could could that’s that’s also also a little little little f ilm that’s that’s good. good. True, True, it’s it’s also also slightly slightly film noisy and and contrived—but contrived—but so so is is a smart smart noisy episode of of The The Honeymooners. Honeymooners. There There is is episode generosity of of spirit spirit here here that that elevates elevates a generosity the film f ilm out out of of the the sit-com sit-com realm: realm: it’s it’s in in the favor of of the the sins sins of of the the flesh f lesh in in a way way that that favor makes it it closer closer to to Almodovar Almodovar than than TV TV makes network whimsy. whimsy. network For a setting, setting, De De Felitta Felitta (Two (Two Family Family For House) found found a visually visually fresh fresh enclave enclave of of House) New York, York, a piece piece of of the the Bronx Bronx reached reached New by a two-lane two-lane bridge. bridge. Apparently, Apparently, once once by upon a time time City City Island Island was was a fishing f ishing upon village in in Long Long Island Island Sound. Sound. The Th he village premise is is that that Vince Vince (Andy (Andy Garcia) Garcia) is is premise living in in the the modest modest riverfront riverfront home home his his living grandfather built. built. It’s Itt’s a small small house. house. The The grandfather characters have have to to stick stick their their heads heads out out characters the windows windows to to get get some some privacy. privacy. the Vince Rizzo Rizzo is is a guard guard at at a state state Vince prison—neither a country country club club nor nor a prison—neither hell-hole, a place place just just frightening frightening enough enough hell-hole, to keep keep him him tense tense and and watchful. watchful. One One to day on on the the job, job, Vince Vince encounters encounters his his day biological son son Tony Tony (Steven (Steven Strait), Strait), whom whom biological he fathered fathered before before he he was was married. married. Tony Tony he is behind behind bars bars for for a petty peetty crime. crime. In In a burst burst is of generosity generosity (or (or plot plot contrivance), contrivance), Vince Vince of decides to to let let the the bitter bitter twentysomething twentysomething decides Tony serve serve his his month-long month-long parole parole at at his his Tony house, doing doing some some minor minor construction construction house, work on on a shed. shed. Naturally Naturally Vince Vince doesn’t doesn’t work

:=AB : =AB Julianna Julianna Margulies Margulies and and Andy Andy Garcia Garcia are are a couple couple whose whose marriage marriage has has run run aground aground in in ‘City ‘Cit y Island.’ Island.’

inform his inform his scary, scaryy, lynx-eyed lynx-eyed wife wife Joyce Jo oyce ((Julianna Ju ulianna Margulies) Margulies) about about the the young young m an’s true true parentage. parentage. man’s But Vince Vince has has a second second secret secret that that But h e’s hiding hiding from from his his wife: wife: under under the the he’s gguise uise of of going going out out to to play play cards cards with with h is pals, pals, Vince Vince has has been been heading heading out out to to his M anhattan to to take take acting acting classes. classes. And And Manhattan tthe he prison prison guard guard is is starting starting up up a good good ffriendship riendship with with his his new new partner partner (a (a very very ttender ender Emily Emily Mortimer). Mortimer). Vince is is an an intelligent, intelligent, covert covert role role Vince ffor or Garcia. Garcia. Ever Ever since since T he M an From From The Man EElysian lysian Fields, Fields, Garcia Garcia strikes strikes one one as as an an aactor ctor particularly particularly concerned concerned about about the the m oral force force of of his his work. work. A much much meaner meaner moral w ay to to put put that that is is that that he’s he’s been been sort sort of of way m ojo-less in in recent recent years. years. This This intimate intimate mojo-less ffriendship riendship gives gives him him a chance chance to to play play an an iillicit llicit lover, lover, of of sorts. sorts. De Felitta Felitta keeps keeps the the story story rolling rolling by by De ccutting utting to to the the subsidiary subsidiary characters; characters; this this

includes a ffew includes ew scenes scenes b byy that that ssavior avior o off tthe he indie indie movie, movie, A lan Arkin, Arkin, aass V ince’s Alan Vince’s aacting cting tteacher. eacher. M argulies’s Jo oyce, ssure ure tthat hat Margulies’s Joyce, h er h usband iiss ttelling elling d espicable lies, lies, ggets ets her husband despicable iinterested nterested w atching the the sshirtless hirtless Tony Tony watching w orking in in tthe he b ackyard: tthe he m ovie is is o n working backyard: movie on h er sside ide w hen sshe he ffinally inally d oes p ounce. her when does pounce. T he story story o he other other daughter, daughter, V ivian The off tthe Vivian ((Dominik Dominik Garcia-Lorido) Garcia-Lorido) sseems eems tto ob bee tthere here just just tto o provide provide a llittle ittle sskin, kin, aass w ell as as well a ssymmetrical ymmetrical ssurface urface o amily ffalsehoods. alsehoods. off ffamily Even Vince’s Vince’s wiseass wiseass son son Vince Vince Jr. Jr. (Ezra (Ezra Even M iller) h as a ssecret ecret o is own: own: he’s he’s a Miller) has off h his cchubby hubby cchaser haser w ith a crush crush o n the the 400400with on po und w oman n ext door. door. Iff there’s there’s such such pound woman next a thing thing aass a ffetish etish tthat hat offends offfends no no o ne, one, tthis his m ight be iit. t. M iller plays plays tthe he p art might Miller part sso ow ell h e’s aalmost lmost a ccomic omic d iscoveryy: well he’s discovery: sstealing tealing m om’s ccredit redit card card to to stare stare at at a mom’s B BW w ebsite, he he m akes aan nu nveiling-ofBBW website, makes unveiling-oftthe-holy-grail he-holy-grail fface ace aass tthe he p ictures u nfold. pictures unfold. ((The Th he p assword is is “Botero. “Botero.�) It’s Itt’s hard hard to to tell tell password

whether iit’s whether t’s tthe he ssnazz nazz of of a ccocky ocky yyoung oung aactor ctor o something tthat hat w ill last last longer, longer, orr something will but Miller has b ut M iller h as everything everyything that that Robert Robe b rt Downey D owney Jr. Jr. had had back back at at the the age age when when Downey D owney was was making making films f ilms like like Back Back to to Johnny B.. G Goode. So will SSchool chool and and J ohnny B oode. S o ttime ime w ill It’s Miller would ttell. ell. It t’s aappropriate ppropriate tthat hat M iller w ould make kind off iimpression m ake tthis his k ind o mpression iin n a ffilm ilm llike ike City City Island. Island. The The film f ilm isn’t isn’t necessarily necessarily wise ways off ffamilies, aall ll tthat hat w ise aabout bout tthe he w ays o amilies, but wise ways off aacting: b ut iitt iiss w ise aabout bout tthe he w ays o cting: iitt ccelebrates elebrates tthe he aactor’s ctor’s llife ife aand nd tthe he aactor’s ctor’s lluck. uck.

CITY min.), C ITY IISLAND SLAND ((PG-13; PG-13; 1100 00 m in.), ddirected irected by by Raymond Raymond De De Felitta Felitta and and sstarring tarring Andy Andy Garcia, Garcia, Julianna Julianna Margulies, M argulies, Alan Alan Arkin, Arkin, Emily Emily Mortimer M ortimer and and Ezra Ezra Miller, Miller, opens op ens Friday Nickelodeon. F riday aatt tthe he N ickelodeon.

" j 47:; may 26-june 2, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Film Capsules

SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY MAY 28 – THURSDAY JUNE 3 STARTS FRIDAY 5/28! “A neo-western with zombies! Apocalyptic mayhem that’s a lot of fun.� –Fear.net





Daily: (3:10), (5:10), 7:20, 9:30 & Fri, Sat 11:15pm

“Beautiful & entertaining!� –USA Today

Daily: (1:30),

(3:30), (5:20), 7:10, 9:00 (PG) “The year’s most compelling mystery & richest love story.� –Chicago Tribune

(R) Daily: (1:40),

(4:15), 6:50, 9:20

ENDS SOON! (G) Once Daily

(1:20) Midnights @ The Del Mar

Tickets $6.50

Fun! Prizes! Pagoda!

The Royal Tenenbaums (R) Fri 5/28 & Sat 5/29 @ Midnight Next Week: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Online Ticketing Available @


STARTS FRIDAY 5/28! “A boisterous, warm-hearted film!�

<3E 1/>A

Charlotte Gainsbourg, respectively). (Opens Fri at the Nickelodeon.) (SC)

17BG 7A:/<2 (PG-13;

43@@7A 0C3::3@¸A 2/G =44 (1986)

108 min.) See review, page 41. B63 17BG =4 G=C@ 47</: 23AB7</B7=<

(PG-13; 118 min.) A graduate student (Omar Metwally) plans on writing the biography of a deceased writer, Jules Gund, but he must first gain the approval of the author’s family. In the process, he travels to South America to deal with the people who knew Gund, especially the writer’s brother, widow and mistress (Anthony Hopkins, Laura Linney and

Matthew Broderick stars as Ferris, a high schooler who decides to cut class one last time before graduating and have a whole day of fun. Along with his two best friends, Sloane and Cameron, he rides around in a Ferrari, joins a Von Steuben Day parade and avoids the dean of students, who is determined to catch Ferris red-handed. (Plays Thu at Santa Cruz 9.) (SC) B63 5==2 B63 0/2 /<2 B63 E37@2

(Unrated; 138 min.)

Humorous Korean spaghetti Western set in the 1930s in the Manchurian desert has three men meeting on a train as one is trying to rob it; amid gunfights and skirmishes with a pursuing army and bandits, they form an odd alliance. (Opens Fri at the Nickelodeon.) (TH) >@7<13 =4 >3@A7/( B63 A/<2A =4 B7;3 (PG-13; 116 min.)

Jake Gyllenhaal and Gemma Arterton are rival royals who join forces to stop an evil ruler (Ben Kingsley) bent on destroying the world by unleashing a massive sandstorm. Set in medieval Persia, based on the video game. (Opens Fri at 41st


–San Francisco Chronicle


Andy Garcia Juliana Margulies Emily Mortimer Alan Arkin

Daily: (2:40), (4:50), 7:10, 9:20 & Sat, Sun, Mon (12:20) STARTS FRIDAY 5/28! “A gorgeous cinematic triumph ‌ I was transfixed from beginning to end!â€? –New York Observer



Daily: (1:30), (4:00), 6:40, 9:00

STARTS FRIDAY 5/28! “A giddy mashup of spaghetti westerns & ‘Indiana Jones’ romps ‌ undeniably fun!â€? –The Philadelphia Inquirer



Daily: (4:40), 7:00


Benjamin Bratt

Call for Wed-Thu showtimes. >`W\QS ]T >S`aWO( BVS AO\Ra ]T BW[S — (Opens Fri) 1; 1:45; 4; 4:35; 7; 7:30;


( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm

9:45; 10:15; plus Fri-Mon 11am. AV`SY 4]`SdS` /TbS` 2 — Fri-Wed 1:35; 4:15; 6:45; 9;

plus Fri-Mon 11:20am..

>`W\QS ]T >S`aWO( AO\Ra ]T BW[S — (Opens Fri) 11:10; 1:45; 4:30; 7:15; 10. AV`SY 4]`SdS` /TbS` !2 — Fri-Wed 11:45; 2; 4:20; 6:45; 9.. 7`]\ ;O\ — Fri-Wed 11:20; 2; 4:45; 7:30; 10:15.

23: ;/@

A1=BBA D/::3G 17<3;/

Call for Wed-Thu showtimes.

Call for Wed-Thu showtimes.

Once Daily: (1:15)

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com

AV`SY 4]`SdS` /TbS` !2 — Fri-Wed 2:15; 4:45; 7:20; 9:40; plus Fri-Mon 11:50am. ;OQ5`cPS` — Fri-Wed 5:10; 7:40; 9:55. 7`]\ ;O\ — Fri-Wed 12:30; 2; 3:30; 5; 6:30; 8; 9:25; plus Fri-Mon 11:10am. :SbbS`a b] 8cZWSb — Fri-Wed 1:50; 4:25; 7:05; 9:30; plus Fri-Sun 11:25am. 2ObS <WUVb — Fri-Wed 12:50; 3. @]PW\ 6]]R — Fri-Wed 12:40; 3:45; 6:50; 10. 4S``Wa 0cSZZS`¸a 2Og =TT — Thu 8pm.



Zombie movie veteran George Romero wrote and directed this tale, a followup to Land of the Dead and Diary of the Dead, about a group of residents on an island who are fighting off zombies and hoping for a cure that will bring back their zombified family members. (Opens Fri at Del Mar.) (TH)

ASf O\R bVS 1Wbg — (Opens Fri) 12:50; 3:40; 6:30; 9:20. :SbbS`a b] 8cZWSb — Fri-Wed 2:15; 4:30; 6:45; 9; plus Sat-Mon noon. AW\UW\¸ W\ bVS @OW\ — Sat-Mon 11am.

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com


AC@D7D/: =4 B63 23/2 (R; 90 min.)

Call for Wed-Thu showtimes.


Daily: (2:20), 9:10 & Sat, Sun, Mon (12 noon)

A7<57<¸ 7< B63 @/7<

(1952) Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds and Donald O’Connor pull off some of the most memorable song and

dance numbers ever in this musical about the transition from silent films to talkies. It’s the ultimate feel-good movie, and sets the standard for all other Hollywood musicals. (Plays Sat-Sun at Aptos.) (SC)

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.cineluxtheatres.com (NR)

In Wes Anderson’s off beat dramedy, the Tenenbaum siblings (Ben Stiller, Gwyneth Paltrow and Owen Wilson, who also co-wrote) and their mother (Anjelica Huston) are reunited with Royal (Gene Hackman), the clan’s absentee patriarch. Though he is dishonest and insensitive, Royal makes a sincere attempt to mend ties with his family, all of whom have grown unhappy with their lives. (Plays Fri-Sat at the Del Mar.) (SC)

146 min.) This sequel, which follows up on the events of the 2008 movie and the hit HBO series that preceded it, sees Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) getting away with the girls once again after her marriage to Big. This time, Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte are headed on a glamorous vacation to Dubai. (Opens Wed at Scotts Valley, Thu at Riverfront and Green Valley, Fri at Aptos.) (SC)

/>B=A 17<3;/A

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/ Daily: (4:10), 6:50, 9:30

B63 @=G/: B3<3<0/C;A (2001)

A3F B63 17BG (R;

Showtimes are for Wednesday, May 26, through Wednesday, June 2, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.thenick.com

Anthony Hopkins Laura Linney Charlotte Gainsbourg

Ave, Santa Cruz 9, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) (TH)

Movie reviews by Sean Conwell, Traci Hukill, Steve Palopoli and Richard von Busack

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260 www.cineluxtheatres.com


Call for Wed-Thu showtimes. ASf /\R bVS 1Wbg — (Opens Wed midnight) Thu-Wed 12:30; 3:45; 7; 10. >`W\QS ]T >S`aWO( BVS AO\Ra ]T BW[S — (Opens Fri) 1:55; 4:30; 7:10; 9:45; plus Fri-Mon 11:15am. AV`SY 4]`SdS` !2 — Fri-Wed 1:45; 4:15; 6:45; 9; plus Fri-Mon 11:30am. @]PW\ 6]]R — Fri-Wed 2; 4:55; 8; plus Fri-Mon 11am. :SbbS`a b] 8cZWSb — Fri-Wed 2:15; 4:45; 7:20; 9:40; plus Fri-Mon 11:55am. 7`]\ ;O\ — Fri-Wed 2; 4:40; 7:30; 10:10; plus Fri-Mon 11:20am.

Call for Wed-Thu showtimes.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

Ac`dWdOZ ]T bVS 2SOR — (Opens Fri) 3:10 5:10; 7:20; 9:30; plus Fri-Sat 11:15pm. 0OPWSa — Fri-Wed 1:30; 3:30; 5:20; 7:10; 9. =QSO\a — Fri-Wed 1:20 BVS ASQ`Sb W\ BVSW` 3gSa — Fri-Wed 1:40; 4:15; 6:50; 9:20. BVS @]gOZ BS\S\POc[a — Fri-Sat midnight.

Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com STARTS THURSDAY 5/27! “The girls return in fine comic form with more cutting-edge humor and unexpected turns than the first movie!� –The Hollywood Reporter (PG-13)

Sarah Jessica Parker Kim Cattrall Kristin Davis Cynthia Nixon Daily: (12:50),


(3:40), 6:30, 9:20

Amanda Seyfried

Vanessa Redgrave

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

LETTERS TO JULIET(PG) Daily: (2:15),

1Wbg 7aZO\R — (Opens Fri) 2:40; 4:50;7:10; 9:20; plus Sat-Mon 12:20. BVS 1Wbg ]T G]c` 4W\OZ 2SabW\ObW]\ — (Opens Fri) 1:30; 4; 6:40; 9. BVS 5]]R bVS 0OR O\R bVS ESW`R — (Opens Fri) 4:10; 6:50; 9:30. BS``WPZg 6O^^g — Fri-Wed 4:40; 7. :O ;WaaW]\ — Fri-Wed 2:20; 9:10; plus Sat-Mon 12pm. BVS 5W`Z EWbV bVS 2`OU]\ BObb]] — Fri-Wed 1:15.

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com

(4:30), 6:45, 9:00 & Sat, Sun, Mon (12 noon)



Tickets $6

Singin’ In The Rain (NR) Sat 5/29, Sun 5/30, Mon 5/31 @ 11:00am Next Week: On The Waterfront

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees

Call for Wed showtimes. ASf /\R bVS 1Wbg — (Opens Thu) 1:10; 3:50; 4:20; 7; 7:30; 10:10; plus ThuMon 10am; 12:40pm; plus Thu-Sun 10:40pm.

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com Call for Wed-Thu showtimes. ASf /\R bVS 1Wbg — (Opens Thu; call for times) Fri-Wed 1:40; 4:20; 7; 9:35; plus Sat-Mon 11am. >`W\QS ]T >S`aWO( BVS AO\Ra ]T BW[S — (Opens Fri) 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:20; plus Sat-Mon 11am. AV`SY 4]`SdS` /TbS` !2 — Fri-Wed 1; 3; 5; 7; 9; plus Sat-Mon 11am. AV`SY 4]`SdS` /TbS` !#[[ — Fri-Wed 1:20; 3:20; 5:20; 7:20; 9:20; plus Sat-Mon 11:20am. ;OQ5`cPS` — Fri-Wed 4:30; 9:25; plus Sat-Mon 11am. :O ;WaaW]\ — Fri-Wed 1:30; 7. @]PW\ 6]]R — Fri-Wed 1:35; 4:15; 7; 9:40; plus Sat-Mon 11am. :SbbS`a b] 8cZWSb — Fri-Wed 1:30; 4:45; 7:10; 9:35; plus Sat-Mon 11:05am. 7`]\ ;O\ (35 mm) — Fri-Wed 1:30; 4:20; 7; 9:30; plus Sat-Mon 11am.

j "!

A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 26-june 2, 2010 47:;

0/073A (PG; 87 min.) Director Thomas Balmes studies a year in the life of four babies born in four distinctly different places: Mongolia, Namibia, San Francisco and Tokyo. Guess who gets the Robeez flowered shoes? 1/A7<= 8/19 /<2 B63 C<7B32 AB/B3A =4 ;=<3G

(R; 126 min.) Augean stables that it was, the Bush regime is going to require years of cleansing. An especially fragrant part of that era is the story of Jack Abramoff. The sordid tale is told in Alex Gibney’s documentary. Abramoff was an ex–industry executive who turned to politics as a way of passing on his right-wing views through more effective means than making movies about them. (Betcha didn’t know that the felon in question produced the commie-bashing 1989 Dolph Lundgren stinker Red Scorpion). Abramoff gravitated toward the GOP as a Young Republican organizer. He became a lobbyist, the doorkeeper for Tom DeLay, later the Republican congressional majority whip. As such, Abramoff became one of the biggest boodlers since Boss Tweed. The director of Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room interviews some of the horrified witnesses to Abramoff ’s career. Subjects include Bay Area Rep. George Miller, who tells a particularly stomach-turning story about the free market at loose in the Marianas Islands. It’s gratifying to see footage of Abramoff right where he belonged, sweating in front of a congressional hearing and taking more fifths than an alcoholic shoplifter. (RvB) B63 57@: E7B6 B63 2@/5=< B/BB==

(Unrated; 158 min.) Stieg Larsson’s book is the hottest thing going in mysteries right now, and thankfully, director Niels Arden Oplev and screenwriters Nikolaj Arcel and Rasmus Heisterberg recognized that more important

than any of the hype swirling around the book is the protagonist at its center, Lisbeth Salander. She is the girl with the dragon tattoo, and she’s maybe the best fictional character to come around yet this century. Swedish actress Noomi Rapace is absolutely incredible in her ability to bring Lisbeth to life. She is a force of nature, pure and simple. Lisbeth is hired to dig up dirt on Mikael (Michael Nyqvist) but ends up helping him investigate the disappearance many years ago of Harriet, heiress to a creepy, feuding family of millionaires. Though it may use the U.S. title, the movie doesn’t shy away from the book’s unrelenting critique of the violence that society allows men to perpetuate against women, and though the scenes with certain unsavory characters may have been cut down in number, they are still surprisingly graphic. Luckily, Lisbeth is womankind’s ultimate revenge fantasy come true—sooner or later, her boots are gonna walk all over absolutely everyone. (SP) 7@=< ;/< (PG-13;

125 min.) Struck by heavy-metal poisoning from his atomic pacemaker, Tony Stark (a roguish Robert Downey Jr.) is besieged by enemies: a Russian ex-con with access to his technology (Mickey Rourke being the Bear That Walks Like a Man), a glad-handing competitor (Sam “I’m Always Best in Small Doses� Rockwell) and last but not least the U.S. government. Politically muddled is the worst you can say about it; a power fantasy ought not to lose the idea of which way the power is flowing. Despite a middle section that vamps for time, Jon Favreau is successful in making this an invigorating meld of screwball comedy and robot-fighting action; Scarlett Johansson is most decorative as the agent known elsewhere as Black Widow, and Gwyneth Paltrow

1@/75 0:/<93<6=@<


shows a nimbleness previously unseen (she has to act fast to get up to Downey’s speed). Broad, playful, well-cut and economically done, this movie isn’t just the first of the summer blockbusters—it’s the model for how they all should work. (RvB) :/ ;7AA7=< (R; 125 min.) Che (Benjamin Bratt) is an S.F. Muni conductor, a hobby mechanic and an excon, single-parenting his son, Jesse (Jeremy Ray Valdez). What he doesn’t know is that Jesse has a secret life—and a boyfriend who lives in St. Francis Wood. Che’s outright rage at his son’s sexuality is tempered by the attentions of his lovely new neighbor Lena (Erika Alexander). Any positive representation of Aztlan has to be applauded; the scenes of highly polished lowriders gliding through the Mission make their own statement of beauty and pride. Bratt is the definition of movie-star gravity: a man doing nothing but thinking about stuff and making it look interesting. The film, then, is a celebration of San Francisco. Problem is, San Francisco may be San Francisco, but it is still a city. So some hardto-credit idealization mixes uneasily with real, street-level violence. (And it’s one thing to make a Sundance movie, another to openly filch a scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.) La Mission is a kind of overexemplified view of San Francisco as a city of healing and refuge: a vision of a place where everyone is wounded, and almost everyone heals each other. (RvB) :3BB3@A B= 8C:73B

(PG; 105 min.) As Sideshow Bob might have predicted: The chick flick’s bottomless chum-bucket has claimed Vanessa Redgrave. In Verona, an aspiring New Yorker writer Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) tours the Casa di Giullieta, which the Veronese assert is the actual home of Juliet Capulet. The lovelorn have been leaving letters to the not only dead

A1/@3 ¸3; 6/@3;!!Lsjtujo!Ebwjt-!Tbsbi!Kfttjdb!Qbslfs-!Ljn!Dbuusbmm!boe!Dzouijb!Ojypo!Ă fy!! uifjs!ufssjgzjohmz!ubvu!usjdfqt!uispvhipvu!Ă•Tfy!boe!uif!Djuz!3-Ă–!pqfojoh!dpvouzxjef!uijt!xffl/

but imaginary girl for years. Sophie finds a 50year-old communiquĂŠ from an English woman (Redgrave) who had to leave an Italian lover behind. Sophie answers the letter; the lady arrives with her diffident yet cute British grandson (Christopher Egan), his insults hiding a tender bruised heart. Loads of locations, but director Gary Winick doesn’t frame them well. Seyfried, despite divine shape and alertness, can’t make this work. You know the saying “The lights are on, but nobody’s home? In Seyfried’s case, there’s someone clearly at home, it’s just that the lights aren’t on. (RvB) ;/15@C03@ (R; 99 min.) Will Forte brings his recurring SNL sketch to the big screen with this action farce. When a super villain (Val Kilmer) threatens the world with a nuclear missile, special agent MacGruber and his resourceful team of crime-fighting experts are the only ones who can save the day. =13/<A (G; 100 min.)

The dearth of narrative thrust and useful informational tidbits are a downside—the creatures swimming by are sometimes identified, sometimes not. They’re arranged by cuteness, color and shape rather than by districts of the ocean, as in the sturdy zonal structure of Earth. Bruno Coulais, the rising composer whose work was key to the success of The Secret of Kells and Coraline, is adept with musical scoring: the organ is never too heavy and the harp is never too light. You’ll want to miss most of the text; because this is Disney, the anthropomorphic angle is heavy; narrator Pierce Brosnan salutes the ancient wisdom of a sheepshead wrasse, the smoochiness of a walrus and the smiling face of our friend the Great White Shark. Oceans’ cuteness is, you know, for the kids; it’s moments to clutch like a blanket when seeing the bottomless appetites underwater: a horrorsequence of a school of sardines under Scud

attack by plummeting cormorants, frigate birds picking off a beachful of baby tortoises as if they were popcorn and a vicious crab/langouste bout that’s as bad as any streetfight. (RvB) @=07< 6==2 (PG-13; 130 min.) Overlong and graceless to the extreme, Robin Hood looks like three long movies spliced into one unwieldy feature. This prequel concerns Robin’s involvement in the end of the crusades, the civil war and the littleknown French invasion of England in the early 1200s. The tale is interspersed with more political palaver than The Phantom Menace. “Robin Longstride� (Russell Crowe) decamps from Richard the Lionheart’s army and goes into the countryside to pose as a dead knight; the fatherin-law of the deceased (Max von Sydow) decides to do a Martin Guerre on this imposter, as does the widow Marian (Cate Blanchett in a wig nearly as tall as she is). This has to be the least-sylvan Robin Hood

ever made. Crowe looks less like a fox and more like a logy, depressed pit bull as the film tries to chug around him with more montages of burning villages and more meetings of angry Plantagenets. (RvB) B63 A31@3B 7< B637@ 3G3A (R; 127

min.) Elegant but staid murder mystery nibbles around the edges of the Dirty War. It’s the “Forget it, Jacobo, it’s Argentinatownâ€? view: the search for justice evaporating in 1974 Buenos Aires, with present-day sequences to frame a reopened investigator. It’s leavened by a fine Mulder and Scully anti-romance between an attractive female criminal investigator for the government, Irene (Soledad Villamil), and her attractively crumbling, Mastroiannish male assistant, Benjamin (Ricardo DarĂ­n). Director Juan Jose Campanella is a regular director of House M.D. The film is as restless and jokey as a cop procedural show;

every scene is on the mark, but there aren’t enough counterpoints to the assured flow of the story. The slick, vengeance-is-mine punch line isn’t very impressive either, though it’s probably why the Academy preferred this to the far better White Ribbon, where the fascist culprits got away. Saying that, though, would be assuming the voters didn’t have eyes for Villamil, an assured 40ish beauty whose performance is the secret in this movie’s success; her covert smile is the film’s signature piece. It won the Oscar for best foreign film. (RvB) B3@@70:G 6/>>G

(Unrated; 90 min.) A police officer is reassigned from Copenhagen to a small Danish community, where his uneasiness about life in the countryside soon gives way to the suspicion that the town is hiding a dark secret. This thriller was Denmark’s submission to the 2010 Academy Awards as Best Foreign Language Film. (SC)

44 |

may 26-june 2, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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"# j "#

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; m may a y 262 6 - june j u n e 2, 2 , 2010 2 0 1 0 3>71C@3 3>71C@3

FFull ull M Meal eal D Deal eal aatt Leo’s Leo’s 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1 C@B7A 1/@B73@

Friendly F rriendly neighborhood neighb g borhood taco delivers tac o bar deli vers lots little lo ts ffor or lit o tle 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


F YOU’RE YOU’RE OUT OUT near near Pleasure Pleasure Point P oint and and suddenly suddenly you you and and your yo ur ssoccer occer team team find f ind yourselves yourselves but on rravenous avvenous b ut sshort hor t o n ccash, ash, tthen hen byy aall means head on over Leo’s Taco b ll m eans h ead o no ver tto o Le o’s T aco Bar, where plates B ar, w here tthe he p lates aare re ggigantic igantic aand nd prices tthe he p rices aare re llow. ow. Leo’s Le o’s iiss a tiny tiny hole hole in in the the wall wall at at the the off a sstrip mall busy eend nd o trip m all aatt tthe he b usy ccorner orner off 117th Brommer. The o 7th aand nd B rommer. T he aatmosphere tmosphere no-frills. iiss sstrictly trictly n o -frills. IIn n ffact, act, Leo’s, Leo’s, lined lined only with handwritten one o nly w ith h andwritten ssigns igns aand nd o ne holy off S St. Martin his h oly iimage mage o t. M ar tin ggiving iving h is beggar, ccloak loak tto oab eggar, defines def ines no-frills. no -frills. The wee w were T he aattitude ttitude iiss ffriendly, riendly, aand nd w ere made feel welcome iimmediately mmediately m ade tto o fe el w elcome byy tthe folks behind off b he fo lks b ehind tthe he ccounter, ounter, aall ll o whom were busy plating w hom w ere b usy ccooking ooking aand nd p lating orders. Wee sstaked out one off Le Leo’s o rders. W taked o ut o ne o o’s ffive ive tables tables (this (this is is obviously obviously a carrycarr yout kitchen) our o ut k itchen) aand nd tthen hen cconsidered onsidered o ur llunch unch cchoices. hoices. heard II’d ’d h eard good good tthings hings aabout bout the the house pozole, ordered national h ouse p ozole, sso oIo r ered tthe rd he n ational hominy pork plus h ominy aand nd p ork ssoup oup (($7.25) $7.25) p lus regular quesadilla a re gular q uesadilla (($4) $4) aand nd a tamarindo had his ta marindo JJarritos arritos (($1). $1). JJack ack h ad h is on eeye ye o n a ffreshly re r shly cchar-grilled harr grilled ssalmon almon taco ta co with with a side side of of beans b eans aand nd rrice ice And when our orders (($5.75). $5.75). A nd w hen o ur o rders aarrived, rrived, table. tthey hey ccovered overed tthe he eentire ntire ta ble. During D uring tthe he sshort hort wait wait for for lunch, lunch, wee h hit w it tthe he ssalsa alsa sstand tand aand nd sselected elected few with our warm a fe w ssamples amples tto o ggo ow ith o ur w arm cchips. hips. Jack Jack went went for for an an emerald emerald green grreen ttomatillo omatillo ssalsa, alsa, while while I opted opted for for the the red Both were cclassic lassic re d ssalsa. alsa. B oth w ere eextremely xtremely mild—mild m ild—mild eenough nough iin n f lavor lavor that that we we wondered target w ondered aabout b out tthe he ta rget aaudience udience forr Leo’s Perhaps fo Leo’s ccooking. ooking. P erhaps the the

A>71G 5==2<3AA Owner A >71G 5==2<3AA Owner M Maria aria EEspinoza spinoza ddishes ishes u upp a ccarne arne aasada sada ssope op e aatt LLeo’s. eo’ss.

industrious n industrious neighborhood eighborho o d eatery eater y is is please who aaiming iming tto op lease those those w ho do do not not like like hot, iitt h ot, i.e., i.e., diners diners like like my my mother mother who who aalways lways inquire, inquire, tentatively: tentatively: “It’s “It’s not not too to o hot, h ot, is is it?� it?� Well, Well, she she would would have have loved loved our o ur llunch unch aatt Leo’s. Leo’s. Hot, H ot, gooey go o ey and and slathered slathered with with sour sour delicious ccream ream aand nd d elicious gguacamole, uacamole, my my quesadilla measurable q uesadilla wedges wedges were were m easurable not merely iin n aacres, cre r s, n ot m erely iinches. nches. The The bowl off p pozole retrieved eenormous normous b owl o ozole I re trieve v d very ffrom rrom tthe he ccounter ounter was was ve ry ffull ull aand nd much hot. m uch ttoo oo h ot. Loaded Loaded with with hominy hominy bit much ((aa b it too to o m uch on on the the hominy hominy sside, ide, actually), actually), the the pozole p ozole arrived arrived with own platter off ttraditional w ith iits ts o wn p latter o raditional aaccompaniments. ccompaniments. I quickly quickly stepped stepp ed up up the the f lavor lavor with with handfuls handfuls of of epazote, epazote,

cilantro, tomatoes cilantro, tomato es and and a squeeze squeeze of of Then handful llime. ime. T hen I tthrew hrew iin n aanother nother h andful off shredded o shredded cabbage cabbage for for the the crisp crisp factor factor aand, nd, after af ter waiting waiting until until the the broth broth began ccooled o oled down, down, b egan to to enjoy. enjoy. While While tthe he pozole pozole hadn’t hadn’t yet y t ssimmered ye immered llong ong forr ffull eenough nough fo ull fork-tenderness, fork-tenderness, tthe he did offer plenty off llean ssoup oup d id o fffer p lenty o ean pork. p ork. JJack’s ack’s salmon salmon taco taco was was a winner. winner. Flavorful F lavor ful grilled grilled salmon salmon chunks chunks had had been b een tossed tossed with with a well-made well-made salsa salsa ffresca rresca and and lots lots of of cabbage cabbage and and topped topp ed with diced w ith d iced tomatoes. tomato es. This, This, in in turn, turn, was w as mounded mounded high high on on a duo duo of of soft sof t tacos ta cos that that had had been been frosted frrosted with with beans. beans. The balance T he b alance between b etween sweet sweet salmon salmon beans was very aand nd earthy ear thy b eans w as ve r y aappealing, pp ealing, and packing up most off tthe and after af ter p acking u pm ost o he

p ozole fo pozole forr d dinner, inner, w wee p polished olished o off f f tthe he ssalmon almon ta co, aass w ell aass h is side side d ish taco, well his dish o vvery ry mild mild refried refried beans. beans. As we we left lef t off ve w gre r ed tthat hat tthe he ssalmon almon ta co —big wee aagreed taco—big eenough nough for for tw o tto o sshare—was hare—was tthe he h it two hit o he m eal. off tthe meal.

:3=¸A B/1= 0/@ : 3=¸A B/1= 0/@ 11710 710 Brommer Brommer St., St., Santa Santa Cruz Cruz 831.465.1105 8 31.465.1105 Open O pen Mon–Sat Mon–Sat 9am–9pm; 9am–9pm; 9am–8pm SSun un 9 am–8pm

"$ j 27<3@¸A 5C723 may 26-june 2, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Kick it With us All summer long!

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

Watch The World Cup Here in HD + NBA, NHL & MLB Action!!!

$ Capitola


710 Front St (Next to Trader Joe’s)



A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Abbot Square

Cooper Street

Annie Glass


ve i l e d


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

Downtown Santa Cruz on Abbott Square off Cooper Street (Near Annie Glass).

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include prime rib and lobster. Daily 7am-2am.

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz


$ Santa Cruz

16/@:73 6=<5 9=<5

1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588

1141 Soquel Ave, 831. 426.5664


110 Church St, 831.429.2000 B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1@=E¸A <3AB


Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560


$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

831-426-VINO (8466) www.vinocruz.com

Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves superfresh 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.

$$ Santa Cruz

Front Street

Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, lunch 11am-2pm, dinner 5-9pm.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994


Pacific Ave.

Museum of Art and History

:/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111

American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am.

$$ Santa Cruz

Wine shop

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com.


Award-Winning Pizza Fresh Salads • Wings Sandwiches • Desserts Ice Cold Beers on Tap Bottomless Sodas Game Room • Free Wi-Fi Patio/Firepit & More


207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. California organic meets Southeast Asian street food. Organic noodle & rice bowls, vegan menu, fish & meat options, Vietnamese-style sandwiches, eat-in or to-go. Consistent winner “Best Cheap Eats.� Open daily 11am-11pm. American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadoran pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm.

j "%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; may 26-june 2, 2010 27<3@¸A 5C723

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

$$ Santa Cruz

7 :=D3 ACA67

$$ Santa Cruz

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close.

Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily.

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782

Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

$$ Santa Cruz

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon.

$$ Santa Cruz


49B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 >/17471 B6/7

1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

@=G/: B/8 1C7A7<3

Santa Cruz

270 Soquel Ave, 831.427.2400

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz $$ Santa Cruz

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010 E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch

R E S TAU R A N T on the

Santa cruz wharf

‡ 021'$<

Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am.

‡ 78(6'$<

Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Lunch Wed-Sat noon2pm; dinner Mon-Thu 5-10pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close.

‡ :('1(6'$<

Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm.

‡ 7+856'$<

Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

$ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.



Indian. World-famous Indian curries, vegetarian and nonvegetarian dishes. Authentic Indian food at affordable prices. $8.95 lunch buffet Mon-Thu 11:30am -2:30pm; Fri-Sun 11am-3pm.

A1=BBA D/::3G

$ 87/ B3::/¸A Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Happy a y Hour app With W i an ith Ocean cean VView iew

Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm.


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"& j /AB@=:=5G may 26- june 2, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Astrology Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of May 26 /@73A (March 21–April 19): Mozart once challenged his friend Haydn to play a harpsichord piece he’d written. Haydn tried, but stopped partway through when the musical score called for him to play a note in the middle of the keyboard even though his right hand was fully occupied at the high end and his left hand at the low end. “Nobody can play this,� protested Haydn. “I can,� said Mozart, who proceeded to perform the piece f lawlessly, dipping down to play the problematic note with his nose. In the coming week, Aries, be inspired by Mozart as you not only cover the extremes but also take care of the center. B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): If you’ve ever contemplated taking a trip to Bora Bora or Pago Pago, now might be a good time to actually go. That’s because you’re in a “seeing double� phase—a time when magic will come through repetition, and via duplication, and while you’re in the throes of imitation. To take maximum advantage of the dualistic cosmic rhythms, don’t seek just one of anything. Don’t do anything just once. Two is where the power lies. Pairing brings potency. 53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): My favorite news source, The Onion, recently reported on a “freethinking cat� that excretes its wastes “outside the box.� As you enjoy your own phase of liberated thinking and uninhibited action, Gemini, I hope that you’re putting the emphasis on generating beauty and blessings “outside the box.� You will of course also have to make some messes as you tamper with the way things have always been done, but even they could turn out to be productive in the long run.

1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): Are you slipping into one of those moods in which you feel like a fraud? Are you starting to worry that maybe you’re not who you say you are? If so, I want to remind you of what happened the last time these feelings got stirred up: You became super motivated to prove that you are indeed who you say you are. And that had a most wonderful effect, didn’t it? It led you to locate and call on resources you hadn’t known you could have access to; it spurred you to purge some self-deception from your system; and it roused you to intensify your commitment to rigorous authenticity. How about an encore? :3= (July 23–Aug. 22): I’m a compassion freak. Empathy is a fetish of mine. My predilection is to comfort the aff licted, champion the underdog, and fight for the rights of people who have been given less than I. And yet there’s also a part of me that’s a pagan libertarian anarchist. I subscribe to the idea that pretty much any kind of behavior is fine and good as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. Now that you Leos are in the “anything goes� phase of your astrological cycle, this full-permission part of me is rising to the forefront, eager to encourage you to go for broke, take it to the limit, and get away with everything you can get away with—on one condition, which is that it doesn’t harm anyone, including you. D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): Snake charmers are still a fixture in many Indian cities. Moving rhythmically and playing a f lute-like instrument, they inf luence erect cobras to bob and sway as if dancing. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you now have the power to do the metaphorical equivalent of that magic trick. This is one of those rare times when you possess the mojo to direct and even control strong forces that may usually be too wild to tame. You’ve still got to be careful, though. Just because you’ve got the power doesn’t mean that you can scrimp on preparation and discipline.

:70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): It’s time to think comprehensively, not defensively . . . to see futuristically, not didactically . . . to fantasize fantastically, not diplomatically. Your assignment is to stop reacting to every little blip that leaps into your field of vision, and start surveying the longterm cycles of your life from an expansive vista. Be a proactive visionary, Libra. Be a high-minded explorer. Weave all the disparate threads into a tapestry that reveals the big picture. The next phase of your liberation requires you to slough off petty concerns and trivial details.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): “Never� has never been a more irrelevant word for you. Events that may have always seemed quite improbable are now well within the range of possibility. Exotic people

who up until recently may as well have been fictional characters are showing up as real live actors in your actual life story. Plotlines whose emergence you could not have predicted are snaking their way into your drama. So be alert for a freaking miracle concealed in a f limsy disguise. And don’t be surprised if a vision of funky paradise shows up in full regalia. The future’s not just knocking at your door, it’s pounding.

A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): Sagittarian writer Samuel Clemens was best known under his pen name, Mark Twain. But he tried many others, including Thomas Jefferson Snodgrass, W. Epaminondas Adrastus Blab, Trismegistus, and Sergeant Fathom. Since you’re in a phase when experiments with your persona would be productive, I suggest you dream up a few aliases of your own. I hope that at least one of them will be as wacky as “Blab� or “Snodgrass.� Having a sense of humor about yourself will be helpful. It will ensure that your explorations at the frontiers of your identity will be fertile, fun, and never fear-based. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): You’re not living in Iraq or Sudan or the Congo, and you don’t have to walk five miles a day with a jug on your head to fetch the water you need, and you’re not so bereft of food that you have to resort to eating worms and tree bark. So how bad could your problems be? The single best thing you can do to start fixing your life’s small glitches is to feel waves of gratitude for how many resources you have and how lucky you are. The second best thing would be to aggressively take your worried attention off yourself and turn your mind toward people who could really benefit from your help. As you carry out those two assignments, your dilemmas will begin to solve themselves as if by magic.

/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): There’s a bothersome phenomenon that mucks up reincarnation research: Far too many people profess to have been celebrities and geniuses in their previous lives. A related and equally irksome issue is the problem of multiple claims. For example, I know three different people who have assured me they were Napoleon their last time around. The fact is, almost no one who’s reading this horoscope has never been famous in any past incarnation. However, it is worthy to note that a disproportionately high percentage of you Aquarians were formerly people with great imaginations. And it so happens that in the coming weeks you will be at the peak of your ability to tap into the creativity you had back then. >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): When I sent out my email newsletter last week, I got the usual number of automatic replies from people who were on vacation or out of the office. But one from Lisa P. caught my attention. “Can’t reply to your email right now,â€? it read. “I will be meditating until June 1.â€? My first reaction was jealousy. “I want to have the leisure time and willpower to meditate for 14 days nonstop!â€? I thought to myself. I pictured myself free of all business-as-usual, even meditating while I was asleep. My second reaction was that I should tell you Pisceans about what Lisa P. was up to. The coming days would, after all, be an excellent time for you to retreat from the usual f lood of chaos and seek peaceful sanctuary in a conversation with eternity. If you can’t manage a whole week, try to give yourself at least 48 hours of profound and utter slack. 6][Se]`Y( EVOb U]]R bVW\U e]cZR g]c VOdS b] UWdS c^ W\ ]`RS` b] USb O U`SOb bVW\U- BSabWTg Ob 4`SSeWZZOab`]Z]Ug Q][ 1ZWQY ]\ Âľ3[OWZ @]P Âś

Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

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