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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
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JJessica essica LLussenhop, ussenhop, G Gary ary S Singh, ingh, Richard Busack R ichard vvon on B usack Photographer: P hotographer: F Felipe elipe Buitrago Buitrago
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June J une 10
JJimmy immy Donald, Donald, Dave Dave Robison Robison TTrafficking rafficking Coordinator: Coordinator: M Mercy ercy Perez Perez
Lenny Williams Lenny Williams i with wit h Prince Pr ince D Damons am mons
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Beaufunk Bea ufunk 2010 Summer Summer e Concert Concert S Series eries June J une 3 C Cold old War Wa ar Kids Kids – Channel Channel 9 92.3 2.3 ((Alternative Alternative R Rock) ock) June Lenny with Prince Damons KBLX FM J une 10 Lenn y Williams Williams wit w h Pr ince D amons – K BLX 1102.9 02.9 F M ((R&B) R&B) J un ne 1177 Ska talites – MOViN MOViN 997 997 (Ska/Reggae) (Ska/Reggae) June Skatalites
FREE F REE Thursday Thursda ay Concerts Con ncerts 5: 30 - 9 :15 5p .m. 5:30 9:15 p.m. P laza de C esa ar Cha havez Plaza Cesar Chavez D owntown San nJ ose os Downtown Jose
J une 24 BoD eans – KF OG G9 7.7 S J/104.5 S F (R ock/Pop) June BoDeans KFOG 97.7 SJ/104.5 SF (Rock/Pop) J uly 1 Th e Eng lish Bea ALICE@97.3 (Ska/New ALI (Ska/New W ave) The English Beatt – ALICE@97.3 Wave) July J July uly 8 T Tonic onic aand nd Gr Green een n River River Ordinance Ordinance – MIX 106 1106.5 .5 (R (Rock/Pop) ock/Pop)
408 -279-1775 408-279-1775 m
July Don Carlos LIVE (Reggae) J uly 15 D on C arlos – LIV VE 105 (R eggae) J uly 22 22 Th eG aslight An t em – Channel th Channel 9 2 3 ((Alternative 2.3 Alternative R o k) oc July The Gaslight Anthem 92.3 Rock) J uly 229 9 P ete Escovedo Escovedo Or O chestra – (Latin/Jazz) (Latin/Jazz) July Pete Orchestra A ug 5 F oreverland – 98.1 98 8.1 KISS FM (Michael (Michael JJackson ackson T ribute B and) Foreverland Tribute Band) Aug
Visit F Visit Fahrenheit’s ahrenh heit’s R Restaurant estaurant an and dL Lounge oun unge in the the P ark. S ervin ng creative creatiive sangria sangria sa Park. Serving ccocktails ocktails and and aaward ward winningg ccuisine uis i ine
A Aug ug 1122 Ee Eek-A-Mouse k-A-Mouse – LIVE L 105 (R (Reggae) eggae) Aug Y&T Rock) A ug 119 9 Y& T – 98.5 98.5 KFOX KFOX (Classic (Classic R ock) A ug 26 P ato B anton – ALICE@97.3 AL LICE@97.3 (R eggae) Aug Pato Banton (Reggae)
A San San JJose ose D Downtown owntown A Association ssociation P Production roducction | Su Supported pported in par partt b by yaC Cultural ultural Aff Affairs airs gr grant a t from an from the the C City ity of S San an JJose ose | D Design: esign: Joshua Joshua S Swanbeck wanbeck & d design:tn esign:tn /
ACCOUNTING/OPERATIONS/ A CCOUNTING/OPERATIONS/ ADMINISTRATION A DMINISTRATION Accounting A ccounting M Manager: anager: T Tisha isha Rae Rae G. G. Muñoz Muñoz Accounts A ccounts R Receivable: eceivable: V Vickie ickie M Monroe onroe CCirculation irculation Manager: Manager: G Gary ary S Sunbury unbury IInformation nformation SSystems: ystems: C Chris hris Giancaterino Giancaterino Office O ffice M Manager: anager: D Dave ave M Miller iller
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6 Send us your anonymous rants and raves about your co-workers or any badly behaving citizen— or about citizens you admire. I SAW YOU, Metro, 550 S. First St., San Jose, 95113, or via email.
Market Menace N_Xk b`e[ f] \em`ifed\ekXccp Zfii\Zk# \g`[\d`fcf^`ZXccp `^efiXek `[`fk kXb\j k_\`i Óck_p ZXemXj j_fgg`e^ YX^ Xe[ glkj `k [`i\Zkcp fe kfg f] k_\ YXYp YifZZfc` Xk k_\ ]Xid\ij dXib\k6 ;`[ `k \m\e fZZli kf pfl k_Xk k_\ Yfkkfd f] k_Xk YX^ _X[ cXjk Zfd\ `e ZfekXZk n`k_ k_\ YcXZbkfg jli]XZ\ f] k_\ jki\\k aljk dfd\ekj X^f n_\e pfl glk `k [fne kf i\jk Y\ZXlj\ pfl Xi\ jf `eZi\[`Ycp flk f] j_Xg\6 K_\ m\e[fi jX`[ efk_`e^% @ jX`[ efk_`e^ Xe[ @ Xd Xj_Xd\[# jf @ ni`k\ k_`j _fg`e^ k_Xk `k n`cc `e]fid fk_\ij kf Y\ fe k_\ cffbflk ]fi fk_\i Kpg_f`[ DXipj%
COMMENTS Metroo welcomess letters. Like any gr Metr great eat work should of art, they shou uld be originals—not copies elsewhere. of material sent elsewher e. Please include your name, city of rresidence esidence and daytime number. telephone numb ber. (Phone number will published.) not be published d.) Letters may be edited correct ffor or length and cclarity larity or to cor rect ffactual actual inaccuracies known inaccur acies kno own to us. SanJoseInside = SanJose Inside
= via email
Stop St op th thee Sleaz Sleazee Let’s just Let’s just say say that that the the minimayor minimayor ssystem ystem of of 10 10 council council districts districts has has ccreated reated an n entertaining entertaining process. process. I’ve I’ve sseen een ugly ugly council council races races in in the the past past w here some some candidates can andidates have have gotten gotten where tthe he whole whole slew slew of of dirty dirty tricks, tricks, from from the the
race ccard race arrd b being eing p played layed tto o ssigns igns sstolen tolen aand nd h hit-piece it-piece m mailers ailers w with ith m misleading isleading sstatements tatements aarriving rriving ttoo oo llate ate ffor or aany ny rrebuttal. ebuttal. A his p oint in in time, time, for for Att tthis point aatt lleast east o one ne m major ajor cconstituency, onstituency, the the u nionized p ublic eemployees, mployees, tthe he sstakes tak akes unionized public aare re aactually ctually p pretty retty b big, ig, an and nd tthe he votes votes aagainst gainst reform reform ar re w eaker an nd w eaker. are weaker and weaker. I think think p people eople aare re ssmarter marter tthan han n tthe he p olitical sschemers chemers ggive ive tthem hem ccredit redit political ffor. or. T The he cchaos hao os an and nd d deception eception d depress epress tthe he q uantity o oters aass p eople tturnurnquantity off vvoters people off, o ff,, ttune-out, ff une-out, eetc. tc. B But ut it it increases increasses the the quality q uality o off vvotes otes b byy tthose hose w who ho h have ave ccultivated ultivated ccivic ivic rresponsibility, esponsibility, w which hich iincludes ncludes taking tak king the the time time to to make make aan n iinformed nformed d decision ecision o on n eelectoral lectoral matters. matters. The T he an anonymous nonymous sslander, lander, however, however, iiss ccriminal riminal an and nd n needs eeds to to be be ttreated reated aass ssuch. uch. P Putting utting out out a “so “so and and so so is is a ccommunist” ommunist” mailer mailer iin nV Vietnamese ietnamese is is rreally eally sleazy. sleazy. I’d I’d like like to to see see what what the the
Vietnamese V ietnamese p press ress rreports eports ab about bout tthese hese deceptive because d eceptive practices practices b ecau ause I ssuspect uspect Vietnamese-Americans are and V ietnamese-American ns ar re ssmart marrt an nd ssavvy avvy enough enough to to see see through through this this lame lame sstuff tuff (I’m (I’m hoping). hoping). BLAIR B LAIR WHITNEY WHITNEY
Street Str eet Bashi Bashing ing I’ve had I’ve had friends friends aand nd n neighbors eighbors ttell ell mee sstories what off tthe m tories aabout bout w hat ssome ome o he ccandidates andidates tthemselves hemselves aare re ssaying aying aabout bout opponents, when walk door ttheir heir o pponents, w hen tthey hey w aallk d oor door. One District tto od oor. O ne D istrict 9 ccandidate andidate ssaid aid one off h his opponents walked tthat hat o ne o is o pponents w aallked hhis is bashing him! How dumb sstreet treet b ashing h im! H ow d umb ccan an American yyou ou gget? et? I had had one one African African A merican n mee o one off tthe board off ffriend riend ttell ell m ne o he b oard o ssupervisors’ upervisors’ ccandidates andidates ((running running ffor or Gage’s walked up her door and G agge’s sseat) eat) w alked u p tto oh er d oor an nd automatically because au utomatically aassumed ssumed tthat hat b ecause sshe he is black was Forrest is b lack tthat hat sshe he w as vvoting oting ffor or F orrest
Williams. W illiams. This This iidiot, diot, before before knowing knowing myy ffriend’s had nerve m riend’s cconcerns, oncerns, h ad tthe he n erve tto o ssay, ay, ““Well, Well, you’re you’re probably probably voting voting for for Forrest, but hope keep open F orrest, b ut I h ope yyou’ll ou’ll k eep aan no pen mind. have wonder what kind off m ind.” I h ave tto ow onder w hat k ind o political p olitical cconsultants onsultants tthese hese ccandidates andidates have. Myy ffriend walked h ave. M riend ssaid aid tthat hat sshe he w aallked her house, picked up her ballot iinto nto h er h ouse, p icked u ph er b allot Forrest. Not because hee aand nd vvoted oted ffor or F orrest. N ot b ecause h orr sshe black, but because o he iiss b lack, b ut b ecause sshe he rrefused efused bigoted. tto o vvote ote ffor or ssomeone omeone tthat hat b igoted. KATHLEEN K ATHLEEN FFLYNN LYNN
The T h Outsider he Outsiders O t id s I llove ove h how ow X Xavier avier C Campos ampos derides derides M agdalena C arrasco ass ““an an o utsider.” Magdalena Carrasco outsider. Earth Xavier: Wee d don’t have E arrth tto oX avier: W on’t aall ll h ave the the off b being lluxury uxury o eing aable ble to to try try tto o ssucceed ucceed our on City Council. o ur ssister ister o n tthe he C ity C ouncil. KEVIN K EVIN O’KEEFFE O’KEEFFE
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
@e[\g\e[\ek jg\e[\i :cXi\eZ\ Jkfe\# c\]k# nXj gc\Xj\[ Xj ;8 ZXe[`[Xk\ A\]] Ifj\e _\c[ _`j c\X[ k_ifl^_flk k_\ e`^_k%
On a Slow Vote Camp Campbell A thicket of extended TV truck antennas crowded the paseo between the two Fairmont towers, so we pulled up and asked the doorman which millionaire had rented the ballroom. MEG WHITMAN? STEVE POIZNER? Actually, former Congressman TOM CAMPBELL had secured a small room off the alley to put the best face possible on his noble but doomed U.S. Senate bid. As CARLY FIORINA pulled ahead in the early returns, we asked Campbell about the influence of money in politics this year. “It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?” Campbell laughed and flashed a Kennedyesque smile. Former Assemblyman JIM CUNEEN predicted that Campbell would win Northern California. Heck, maybe this is a good time to snap that pesky southern appendage off anyway.
Sans Liccardo As 8pm rolled around at O’Flaherty’s
Irish Pub on San Pedro Square, where the SAM LICCARDO’s victory party was taking place, TIM HENNESSEY, Liccardo’s Republican opponent, walked by the crowded pub. The former Johnny V’s bouncerturned-candidate approached Kyra Kazantzis, a local lawyer and Liccardo campaign volunteer, as she was strolling into the party. “He asked me, ‘Is that Sam Liccardo’s party?’” she said. When she responded yes, “He said, ‘I’m Sam’s running mate, Tim Hennessey.’” He then bid adieu and walked away in his immaculate suit. A 12-piece Irish band with fiddles, fifes and accordions entertained the Guinness-drinking, chicken wing– munching crowd of about 70 people as Liccardo coasted to an easy victory. San Jose Mayor CHUCK REED showed up to congratulate the presumed winner, who was nowhere to be found, but Fly had to buzz to the next food spread. As we jogged down the street in heels, ubiquitous District 6
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Councilman PIERLUIGI OLIVERIO blew past us on his way to O’Flaherty’s, his Zack Morris hair flapping in the wind. “Now there’s a reporter,” he shouted from the other side of San Pedro as we galloped past.
The New Judge Our timing was impeccable as we strolled into Judge-elect VANESSA ZECHER’s bash at the Brit, where the bar crowd was transfixed by the Lakers-Celtics game. We interrupted a well-known senior judge to ask what he thought about the DA’s race. “We were just talking about that,” he said, calling it too close to call. “If she [Carr] wins, she’ll have a tough row to hoe.” We made it to the back patio, where a large plate of cubed cheese awaited us. Dinner! We smashed a big helping of brie into an aptly named Carr’s water cracker, which cracked under the fromage’s pressure. Zecher suddenly exploded into the room in a bright blue suit and glanced at her formidable lead on the flat
panel. She threw her hands up, and her mouth fell open in disbelief. The pop of a champagne cork punctuated the air, and Brit owner JOHN CONWAY poured Zecher a glass, which she tried to decline but wound up accepting anyway.
Hops and a Smith We made it to the Gordon Biersch brewing facility on Taylor Street, where we parked alongside some beer pallets and wended our way through a labyrinth of bottling machinery to Sheriff LAURIE SMITH’s rooftop shindig. The atmosphere was festive and the food top flight, so we washed down some penne and salad with a sturdy ale. San Jose Councilman Oliverio arrived seconds behind us and revealed that he was locked in a tight race for one of six seats on the Democratic Central Committee. Judge RAY CUNNINGHAM, brought out of retirement to hold
9 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
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DXpfi :_lZb I\\[ ZXkZ_\j lg n`k_ fe\ f] _`j \e[fij\\j# DX^[Xc\eX :XiiXjZf# Xe[ X pfle^ :XiiXjZf jlggfik\i Xk _\i ZXdgX`^e f]Ó Z\j fe k_\ <Xjk J`[\ X]k\i n`ee`e^ k_\ dXpfiXc iXZ\ flki`^_k% down a South County bench, showed off his proficiency on an iPad and commented on the number of women trouncing their male opponents in the senate and gubernatorial races as well as three local judicial contests. “The one guy who may win tonight is JEFF ROSEN.” Smith proved one of the biggest winners of the night, decimating the two small-town former police chiefs who ran against her, one of whom managed to secure Mayor Reed’s endorsement.
Family Union The South Bay Labor Council and its legions were out in full force in the lobby of the swank California Theater for political sib ings XAVIER and NORA CAMPOS. Familiar faces sampled the fancy spread of sesame chicken, quiche, brie and fruit while watching results roll in around a large computer screen mounted by the entrance. At 10:30pm, the mood was celebratory, despite the fact that what once seemed like a safe dynastic succession had turned into a November runoff and some candidates, like FOREST WILLIAMS, fared worse than expected.
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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
chatting to Metro about winning her lopsided battle to represent Assembly District 23 in Sacramento.
Pizza with Pegram LARRY PEGRAM’s supporters cheered at the Cambrian Round Table Pizza when the first results popped up, even though the San Jose City Council District 9 candidate trailed Donald Rocha by more than 1,500 votes. “Anytime you’re in the money, it’s good,” said Pegram with a grin. Volunteers flipped around the channels on the flat-screen TVs looking for a news broadcast. “CNN, Heck no!” hollered one Pegramite. “No! I want Fox News. I don’t want the Clinton Network.”
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Carr Wash
rolled in, Williams increased his lead to more than 200 votes.
Over at District Attorney DOLORES CARR’s re-election party at the Britannia Arms on Almaden, it was nearly impossible to distinguish Carr backers from the juiced-up CelticsLakers game watchers. Waiters jostled through the crowd with pitchers and canapés while Carr’s husband, John, checked polls on an iPad. Despite the chaos, Carr was her usual cheery, composed self. “It was a good day. Relaxed. Went to the gym. Got my car washed,” she said, before being interrupted by screaming and clapping from the Lakers fans. “We’re optimistic,” she continued. “It’s going to be a long night, but we think we’re going to end up ahead of the game.”
We Like Mike’s Autographs
Daughter Teresa Down Highway 85, at the Summit Steakhouse, TERESA ALVARADO’s roughly 50 guests had swamped the bar area and practically cleaned out steam trays of what looked like enchiladas. Alvarado herself stood at the center of a crowd of people in the middle of the dimly lit room. “It’s going really good,” said Alvarado, as someone handed her a seltzer water. “We’ve done our best.” Alvarado was locked in a tight battle for second place with Forest Williams, who had only a scant 32 votes more than Alvarado. As post midnight totals
We sped to Los Gatos, where they keep the Christmas tree lights up year round, declining Democratic Central Committee candidate Oliverio’s offer to race us in his Saturn. We knew this was one race Pierluigi would lose, even as our trusted assistant checked election results from a mobile laptop passenger side. We easily identified MIKE WASSERMAN’s Tudor home by the prolific number of massive lawn signs in the driveway. We were particularly impressed by We Like Mike’s sports autograph collection. How many people keep SATCHEL PAGE and DIZZY DEAN’s autographs in their den?
Jumping Jeff Flash The big action of the night was downtown at Agenda, where a packed house celebrated JEFF ROSEN’s thin lead in the District Attorney’s race. Around 11, Rosen mercifully decided to cut up and pass out his victory cake, even though it would be a few hours or more before anyone could claim victory. If Rosen pulled it out, and it looked like he would, it would become the first time in almost a century that a challenger had toppled an incumbent DA.
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WEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;RE OPEN TUE-SAT 9 to 6
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sv Join the Open Revolution! A few years back, in an All Things Digital live interview, Steve Jobs confirmed that during the 2004 presidential elections, he offered John Kerry free marketing consulting services for his fledgling 98I8:B9<IIP FeZ\ befne ]fi _`j presidential campaign. Rather than k\Z_efcf^`ZXc [\]ke\jj# jumping at this incredible offer, the k_\ gi\j`[\ek i\Z\ekcp dX[\ jfd\ kiflYc`e^ Kerry team apparently never got back Xek`$k\Z_ Zfdd\ekj% to Mr. Jobs and randomly added his name to the campaign’s “Economic Advisers” list and sent him a contribution envelope. More recently, Mr. Jobs is taking an even bigger jab from Barack Obama. In a speech to students at Hampton University, our commander-in-chief said, “With iPods and iPads, and Xboxes and PlayStations—none of which I know how to work— information becomes a distraction, a diversion, or form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment.” Mr. Jobs must be thinking, “Damn, Barack, I know I am rich, but I am just trying to make an honest living, and to have the president of the United States bang on my products is not good for sales and, besides, is just not cool.” Ironically, Mr. Obama was the poster child of the BlackBerrycarrying, viral-marketing, YouTube video-producing presidential candidate, and he now sounds like a new media Luddite. If he would just play with an iPad for 10 minutes, he might even figure out, as I have argued, that certain devices might inspire more literacy. The president is missing a huge opportunity to take the intellectual lead and become the true champion of the “alwayson” generation, which is now firmly in charge. But rather than
the best of the local web
bragging about not having used new technology, he needs to embrace it, evangelize it, and—most importantly—use it to help make a truly more liberal world. —TONY PERKINS, AONETWORK.COM
Phil Brattain Many thanks for leading a sustained revolution from Silicon Valley that is changing the world in the most profound ways imaginable—our global brain, left and right hemisphere, rational and intuitive, East and West, now fully integrated.
gsbigger Hard to believe that someone with the ability to engage social capital, to organize communities for their embetterment—and even for his own self interest, to get elected— now turns a virtual deaf ear to those he seeks to lead (and apparently only intends to try to govern instead?). lerouxcilliers As technologists we need to recognize that a large part of the population is still very confused by all this stuff that is around and that we have a responsibility to demystify it for them. As long as they express the sentiments as verbalized by Obama, we still have work to do.
Americans Exchange Privacy For Trinkets Hey there—you, the consumer. How would you like $1 off a Frappuccino, or a free Croissanwich, or just a meaningless virtual corporateassigned “title”? You’d like it a lot. All we need is every bit of your personal information, free. The NYT reports that the latest neato “app” that a savvy technology company is using to rape you for all of your valuable info which they will convert into money by selling it to hungry marketers who will use
GC8P DFE<P CffgkjkXi j\ccj gcXp\ijÊ i\Xc$k`d\ cfZXk`fe `e]fidXk`fe%
it to target you more effectively: “Loopt Star,” a game on your cell phone that will transmit your realtime location to faceless, unknown corporate entities, who will do whatever they want with it. Don’t ask questions, just play! People will compete to earn “achievements” and become “boss” of certain locations, and Gap, Burger King and Universal Music plan to use Loopt Star to reward loyal customers. That will probably get you so much ass, though. We don’t understand Foursquare either. Sorry. —HAMILTON NOLAN, VALLEYWAG.GAWKER.COM
marcsiry Nothing new. You know when you go to the crappy supermarket and hand your “club key tag” to the disinterested cashier, who perfunctorily swipes it, resulting in a crop of competitive coupons (you bought Charmin, here’s a coupon for some Quilted Northern) which you immediately throw away? Same thing, only more pointless. Michael Bauser Go ahead, and talk all the anti-Foursquare/Gowalla/ Loopt shit you want. In a year, you’ll probably be posting announcements like “Check-in at Hipster Bar during the Gawker Party to earn a Shadenfreude Cocktail badge!” and we’ll still be here to mock you for it. Mike Byhoff I may be completely naive, but if I’m going to be surrounded by ads all day every day no matter what— what’s the harm in giving me relevant ads that might actually interest me? Nerd Love Cupidtino, a dating site for fans of Apple products, is having a hard time attracting women. Shocked?
15 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
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Memory Cup
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IIn n ffact, act, jjust ust contemplating contemplating the the sscenario cenarrio drives drives m mee tto o rrecall ecalll 2 20 0 yyears’ ears’ w orth of of World World Cup Cup stories stories worth att Britannia Britan nnia Arms. Arms. During During the the 1990 1990 W orld C up, England England eventually eventually World Cup, m ade tthe he ssemifinals—the emifinals—the nation’s nation’s made b est sshowing howing since since it it won won the the whole whole best tthing hing iin n 1966. 1966. For For the the quarterfinal quarterfinal m atch aagainst gainst Cameroon, Cam meroon, Britannia Britan nnia match A rms o nA lmaden was was packed packed to to Arms on Almaden tthe he ggills. ills. It It was was the the first first time time an an A frican country country had had reached reached the the African q uarterfinals, and and except except for for a few few quarterfinals, C ameroonians off off in in the the back, back, the the Cameroonians eentire ntire p lace seemed seemed to to be be filled filled with with place B rits. Brits. W hen tthe he A fricans scored scored the the gogo When Africans aahead head ggoal, oal, tthe he C ameroonians sstood tood Cameroonians u p aand nd ccheered. heered. The The rest rest of of the the bar bar up tturned urned aaround round with with sneers sneers on on their their
ffaces, aces, b but ut all alll was was peaceful. peaceful. Everyone Everyone along. ggot ot al long. Eventually, Eventually, the the Brits Brits came came behind ffrom rom b ehind and and won won in in overtime. overtime. The place unglued. T he p lacce ccame ame u nglued. For F or tthe he semifinal semifinal against aggainst Germany, Germany, Brit tthe he B rit was was jammed jammed to to capacity. capacity. During D uring halftime, hallftime, on on the the large large screen, screen, the the owners owners played played Act Act 4, 4, Scene Scene 3 Henry where ffrom rom tthe he movie movie of of H enry V V,, w here Laurence St. L aurence Olivier Olivier rrecites ecites tthe he S t. Crispin’s C rispin’s Day Day speech. speech. At At least least half half of of tthe he ffolks olks in in the the bar barr seemed seemed to to narrate narratte Sir Laurence, aalong long with with S ir L aurence, eespecially specially tthese hese llines: ines: “We “We few, few, we we happy happy few, few, wee b band off brothers; w and o brothers; For For he he today today tthat hat ssheds heds his his blood blood with with me me shall shall be be myy b brother. m rother.” And And on on and and on. on. After A fter the the sspeech, peech, an n earsplitting earsplitting ““ENGLAND!” ENGLAND!” roared roared throughout throughout tthe he rrestaurant, estau urant, pint pint glasses glassses raised raiised on high. o nh igh. It It was was downright downright moving. moving. I developed developed a new new respect respect for for Shakespeare, S hakespearre, and and the the experience experience rreinforced einforced my my view—ingrained view—ingrained from from watching w atching highlights highlights on on PBS PBS as as a llittle ittle tike—that tike— —that nothing nothing anywhere anywhere poetry, ccompares ompares to to tthe he p oetry, ssplendor plendor aand nd magnificence m aggnificence of of the the World World Cup. Cup.
Watching World Cup W attching that that W orld C up aatt tthe he Brit mee tto Brit transported tran nsported m o aan n eexotic xotic paradise p arradise amid amid the the monotonous monotonous ttract-house ract-house subdivisions subdivisions of of south south San San England JJose. ose. E ngland lost, lost, but but things things must must bee placed b placed in in perspective perspective here. here. Twenty Twenty yyears ears ago aggo in in San San n Jose, Jose, there there weren’t weren’t nearly n early as as many many places places to to watch wattch the the World Cup—or W orld C up — or ffollow ollow the the results— results— ass there there are are now. now. There There was was no no World World Wide most W ide Web, Web, and an nd m ost American American were belligerently ssports ports journalists journallists w ere b elligerently anti-soccer. an nti-soccer. The The daily daily paper pap per eeven ven pub ccame ame to to the the p ub hoping hoping for for riots riots when w hen England England played played Ireland Ireland but but was was disappointed. d isap ppointed. Everyone Everyone got got along. along. The World Cup was only T he 11994 994 W orld C up w ass tthe he o nly one one ever ever in in the the United United States States and and sstill till reigns reigns as as the the most most commercially commercially one, ssuccessful uccessful o ne, iincluding ncluding tthe he games games aatt Stanford Stanford Stadium. Stad dium. In In a nownowllegendary egendary story, story, rock rock superstar superstarr Rod Rod Stewart S tewart made made an an appearance appearance att the the Almaden Brit. A lmaden B rit. A call call came cam me from from L.A., L .A., iinforming nforming the the owners owners that thatt the the flyy u up eentourage ntourage wanted wanted tto ofl p ffor or a ggame ame att Stanford Stanford and and that that Stewart Stewart wanted hang out with w an nted to to h ang o ut w ith ffellow ellow Englishmen E nglishmen somewhere. somewhere. ““I’m I’m sstill till drunk drunk from from that that one, one,” Michael ssaid aiid M ichae ael North, North, one one of of the the Brit’s B rit’s owners. owners. I was was not not there, there, unfortunately, u nfortunately, but but as as North North tells tells it, it, Stewart Stewart had had breakfast breakfast at at the the Brit, Brit, and an nd then then tthe he entire entire party party boarded boarded a private p rivatte bus bus to to Stanford Stanford Stadium Stad dium for for Brazil/Cameroon tthe he B razil/Cam meroon match. match. Framed Framed photos p hotos sstill till grace gracce the the wall wall at at the the pub. pub. on, I could could go go o n, but but iinstead nstead d I will will with what dose cconclude onclude w ith w hatt I gguess uess iiss a d ose off m modesty. o odesty. I viewed viewed most most of of the the 2006 2 006 World World Cup Cup at at the the downtown downtown San S an Jose Jose Britannia Britannia Arms. Arms. That That year, year, Cup tthe he C up ttook ook place place in in Germany. Germany. Four Four yyears ears ago, aggo, this this Saturday, Saturday, the the USA USA played p layed the the Czech Czech Republic Republic at at 9am 9am our o ur ttime. ime. The The Brit Brit opened opened early, early, and and American Eventually, A merican ffans ans ggathered. athered. E ventually, Channel up C han nnel 1111 sshowed howed u p aand nd ttried ried tto o get get me me on on camera camera after after I’d I’d already already downed Bloody d owned two two B loody Marys, Marrys, but but I peacefully declined p eaccefully d eclined to to be be interviewed. interviewed. I didn’t didn’t want want to to deal deal with with them. them. I just just wanted watch USA, which w an nted to to w attch tthe he U SA, w hich llost ost anyway. an nyway. Long Long live live the the Brits! Brits!
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Felipe Buitrago
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Better Ea
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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
ting Through
19 Felipe Buitrago
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part of an ongoing personal journey of culinary discovery and creative restlessness that makes him one of Silicon Valley’s most exciting chefs.
Fun With Chocolate
N?8K 8 G<8:? Fe\ f] gXjkip Z_\] IpXe J_\ckfeÊj j`^eXkli\ [\jj\ikj `j X [\ZfejkilZk`fe f] G\XZ_ D\cYX%
In front of one cook, clouds of vapor pour out of fragile-looking Styrofoam boxes that hold liquid nitrogen, a clear fluid that’s about 200 degrees and freezes virtually anything on contact. In this case, it’s curry that resembles yellow gravel when it emerges from the deep freeze.
É@ nXj pfle^ Xe[ jklg`[#Ê :_\d\c jXpj% É@ nXj kip`e^ kf [f k_fj\ k_`e^j ef fe\ nXek\[ kf \Xk%Ê Nearby, chef de cuisine/pastry chef Ryan Shelton squirts a clear goo of kaffir lime–flavored sodium alginate into a bath of calcium chloride. Shelton deftly manipulates the bubbling substance to create translucent, edible spheres that go into the restaurant’s aptly named “salad exotique.” Meanwhile, Chemel, 41, assembles one of the young restaurant’s signature dishes
with an egg that has been cooked at precisely 62 degrees for nearly an hour. The slow-cooked egg sits atop sautéed maitake and morel mushrooms surrounded by a ring of puréed English peas and a tangy, rich vermouth “espuma” or foam. Other dishes play with diners’ senses by combining temperatures and flavors, improbably impersonating items they’re not, or liberally distributing flavorized “pearls” on plates. Chemel is arguably Silicon Valley’s only dedicated practitioner of molecular gastronomy, the application of scientific techniques and tools to cooking. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the term started to be used to describe a new style of cuisine in which some chefs began to embrace science, research, technological advances in equipment and various natural gums and hydrocolloids used by the commercial food-processing industry. The bestknown proponent is Spain’s Ferràn Adria, who recently left his famed El Bulli restaurant. The use of flavored foams and sous vide cooking (slow cooking in vacuum-sealed bags) has become standard at top-tier local restaurants like the Plumed Horse, Le Papillon and Manresa, but Chemel goes deepest. For him, his immersion in this futuristic school of cooking is
Chemel began his career in his native France working at Michelin two- and three-star restaurants cooking simple but refined classic French cuisine. His schooling in the classics still forms the foundation of much of what he cooks, but when he moved to the United States his technique began to evolve away from the straight-ahead French style toward smaller, more intricately crafted plates of food. Working in New York, Chemel received three stars from The New York Times while he was the executive chef at Le Chantilly. Delving deeper into his culinary odyssey, he spent four years in Japan studying macrobiotic cooking with Japanese master chefs and became executive chef at Tokyo’s Ambrosia. Then he set off on his own to open Cliquo in Honolulu in 1995, a hypermodern restaurant that may have been too far ahead of its time. The critics loved it, but the public did not. It didn’t last long. “I was young and stupid,” Chemel says. “I was trying to do those things no one wanted to eat.” Burned out from fine dining, he moved to San Francisco in 1999 to open a wholesale chocolate shop. The slow, contemplative pace of chocolate making seemed to be just the thing for the restive young chef and resparked his creativity. The technically exacting yet wide-open canvas that chocolate afforded him seems to have foreshadowed his foray into molecular gastronomy years later. “I realized I could have fun with chocolate,” Chemel says. “I realized I could do some crazy flavors. It reset myself to a new way of cooking.”
Star Power In 2002, Chemel rejoined the mainstream and became executive chef of Aqua at the St. Regis Monarch Beach Dana Point. He then returned to San Francisco in 2004 to open La Suite and earned three stars
from the San Francisco Chronicle. Having fun and being creative were becoming increasingly important to Chemel. In 2008, George Aviet, owner of Mountain View’s Chez TJ, asked Chemel to become chef. The restaurant had just lost Christopher Kostow, a talented young chef who earned the restaurant two Michelin stars, and Aviet was keen to hold onto that distinction. At Chez TJ, Chemel continued to explore with rarefied, intricately composed dishes that borrowed from both French and Japanese aesthetics. His food was delicious, if sometimes a little too clinical and spare. When the Michelin inspectors came around they took away one of the restaurant’s stars. Eighteen months into his nearly two years at Chez TJ, Chemel began to dream about opening another restaurant of his own, one in which he would be able to create his own vision from top to bottom. For six months, he worked on his plan until he gave his three-week notice. The day he left Chez TJ, he signed the lease on his new restaurant in Palo Alto. As far as he knew he was leaving Chez TJ on good terms, but he was surprised to read comments from Aviet that Chemel had failed the restaurant by not holding on to both Michelin stars. In an interview with the San Jose Mercury News, Aviet went so far as to say Chemel was incapable of earning two Michelin stars. “I was kind of shocked when I saw that,” Chemel says. “I have nothing against [Aviet]. I worked for him, and I did my best.” Though he enjoyed the creative freedom at Chez TJ, he believed ownership needed to invest more to keep quality high. Now that he’s running his own show, garnering those coveted Michelin stars will all be on him. He says he’s not motivated by critical recognition, but one can’t help but believe he subscribes to the notion that success in the best revenge. Chemel envisions Baumé as a working laboratory for his culinary vision. His greatest motivator—and enemy—is boredom. He says he couldn’t imagine cooking the same old classical French food. While he
has a reverence for French technique and dishes, he takes pleasure in deconstructing the classics and reimagining them in a new way. “I like to explore new technologies and new ways of thinking,” he says. “I just try to explore myself through my food but in a different way.” While some critics dismiss molecular gastronomy as passé and an exercise in flash over flavor, Chemel’s approach might be called molecular gastronomy–lite. He doesn’t go overboard with the sleight of hand. Many of his dishes are reinterpretations of familiar dishes, so even though the form may look otherworldly there is still be a flicker of recognition. The quality of the ingredients he uses, whether manipulated or not, shines through. Chemel doesn’t appear so much to be chasing trends but rather his muse. “I’m having fun doing what I’m doing now,” he says. For diners, the result is an everchanging, playful and frequently
exciting experience that can’t be found anywhere else in Silicon Valley. Diners choose from 5-, 10- or 15-course menus priced at $78, $118 and $168, respectively. Customers choose their menu from a list of ingredients not knowing how they will be prepared. The kitchen knows the menu, but the customers do not. The restaurant is sold out most nights, and Chemel says he’s doing twice the business he expected to be doing. Those are pretty good numbers for the lingering days of recession. Chemel has signed a 15-year lease at Baumé, so in spite of the restlessness that has characterized his career, he plans for Baumé to become a fixture in Silicon Valley. But he is thinking of opening a chocolate shop and other restaurants down the road once he establishes his reputation at Baumé. “I cannot stay in one place. I need to move.”
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Felipe Buitragoa
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Felipe Buitrago
Soul of a New Cuisine :_\] 9ilef :_\d\c j\kj k_\ YXi _`^_ n`k_ dfc\ZlcXi ^Xjkifefdp Xk 9Xld 9p STETT HOLBROOK
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23 M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
FOAM, SWEAT FOAM 22 Felipe Buitrago
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
;FEÊK KIP K?@J 8K ?FD< K_\ jXcX[ \ofk`hl\ Xk 9Xld ]\Xkli\j X kiXejgXi\ek YlYYc\ f] bX]Ó i c`d\ÅÔ Xmfi\[ jf[`ld Xc^`eXk\% French-born Chemel is a practitioner of what has been dubbed molecular gastronomy, the use of foams, dehydration, liquidfilled spheres, rapid freezing and other laboratory tricks to render food into radical new forms and textures. (Baumé takes its name from Antoine Baumé, an 18thcentury French chemist.) As he moves about in his tidy kitchen with a 160-liter waterheater-size tank of liquid nitrogen at his disposal, Chemel seems to be having more fun now, and that spirit translates to some exciting, outstanding food unlike anything else in Silicon Valley. During Chemel’s short stint at Chez TJ, the food he cooked was modern and technically exacting. He left the restaurant last year. Owner George Aviet later publicly expressed his displeasure that Chemel had not earned two Michelin stars. Soon thereafter, Chemel opened Baumé in January. Now that he’s running his own show, his cooking has become even more technical and inventive, but with a healthy dose of playfulness that wasn’t evident at Chez TJ. Baumé occupies a quiet corner on California Avenue. The restaurant is divided into two dining rooms with saffron-and-cocoa-colored walls, thick orange drapes hanging from the
ceiling and simple but stylish light fixtures and modern artwork. It’s a comfortable, intimate space that feels both sophisticated and relaxing. The clientele arrives attired in everything from sports coats to fashionable jeans, reflecting Baumé’s unpretentious Silicon Valley elegance. There are three choices for dinner: five courses ($78), 10 courses ($118) and 15 courses ($168). That may sound restrictive, but given the changing list of ingredients Chemel works with, the variations are endless. The menu lists groupings of familiar and eclectic ingredients (griotte cherries, chocolate, geoduck clams, miso, lichee) from which Chemel creates each menu. You don’t know what to expect, an approach that imparts an improvisational feel to the meal. When I came for dinner, my dining partner didn’t eat meat or shellfish, while I eat both. The kitchen adapted the menu with ease, serving us separate dishes in some cases or in others substituting vegetarian analogs such as young coconut instead of shrimp. Even before the first courses arrived, the edible fun began. Fresh-baked bread was served with an earthy-colored emulsion of olive oil and balsamic vinegar that had been coaxed into the texture of chilled butter. I’d try
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M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Shop andd
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
FOAM, SWEAT FOAM 24 to explain how it’s done, but I never took chemistry. Next to it was an equally delicious dip made of tofu and parsley. Then came a pair of “chocolives,” puréed Kalamata olives that look exactly like satiny chocolate drops right down to the high-gloss shine. Eating them caused a moment of cognitive dissonance. The eyes say it’s chocolate, and the mouth says olives.
Efk Xcc k_\ [`j_\j Xi\ _`^_$n`i\ XZkj% K_\ p\ccfn nXo Y\Xe jXcX[ n`k_ j_Xccfk m`eX`^i\kk\ Xe[ Zliip$ Ô Xmfi\[ É[ljkÊ jgi`ebc\[ fe kfg nXj j`dgc\ Xe[ [\c`Z`flj% It’s those kinds of gustatory high jinks that make eating at Baumé so much fun and so good. There’s style and the substance to back it up. One of my favorite dishes was the 62-degree egg. A single egg is slow cooked for almost an hour at 62 degrees and then allowed to set for another four hours. Chemel says 63 degrees is too hot and 61 degrees too cool. The silky egg is served with puréed peas and a vermouth-scented cream foam that mimics the egg white, along with a dusting of wild mushrooms. It’s sublime. Seafood dishes are particularly well done here. The Loch Duart salmon matched with a silken carrot purée and tangy troisgros sauce had me spooning up every last drop. Sliced, smoked octopus paired with seared cubes of foie gras and verjus gel was one of the best things I’ve eaten all year. And I loved the
delicate live-scallop sashimi paired with delicate lilikoi pearls (lilikoi is similar to passion fruit) that burst in the mouth upon contact. While it’s not particularly flavorful, the liquid-nitrogen-frozen licorice foam was fun to taste. After being told not once but twice to chew quickly lest the ultracold cloud burn my tongue, I dutifully nibbled on the ephemeral puff and exhaled a visible stream of vapor from my nose. Not all the dishes are high-wire acts. The yellow wax bean salad with shallot vinaigrette and curry-flavored “dust” sprinkled on top was simple and delicious. Chemel brought pastry chef Ryan Shelton with him from Chez TJ. He is one of most inventive pastry chefs working in Silicon Valley. The chocolate desserts are particularly delicious, but I also loved his “peach composition,” a deconstructed version of peach melba complete with a foamy glass of vanilla cream loaded little fruit-flavored popping pearls. Baumé also serves lunch, rather unusual for restaurants of this caliber. It’s a cheaper way to enjoy the restaurant ($48 for three courses) but every bit as elegant and refined. The service stands out as much as the food. Manager Nick Vrignaud, formerly floor manager at Sent Sovi in Saratoga, is a consummate professional, and he sets the tone for the rest of the staff. All the servers are knowledgeable about the complex menu and seem to glide about the dining room with a fluid efficiency. Service at this level is a rarity in Silicon Valley. The wine list is a pleasure, too, as almost all of the bottles are available by the glass and invite exploration. From the service to the otherworldly food, there’s nothing quite like Baumé in Silicon Valley. That’s not saying too much, given the region’s conservative approach to upscale dining, but that just makes Baumé stand out all the more.
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27 M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Celebrate at Buca ! WHATEVER THE OCCASION...
BirthdaysÊUÊAnniversariesÊUÊRehearsal DinnersÊUÊBridal ShowersÊUÊBaby Showers GraduationsÊUÊHomecomingÊUÊSports Team PartiesÊUÊDance Recitals
At Buca di Beppo, you’ll find a delicious selection of family-style dishes for just about any event or budget—all served up in an eclectic vintage setting. Whether you’re having dinner with family and friends or celebrating a special occasion, Buca is the perfect place for great Italian food and fun.
$10 off
One coupon per visit per table. Present this coupon at time of purchase to receive discount off your total purchase. Not valid with any other offers or discounts. Unauthorized internet distribution or resale is strictly prohibited. Not refundable or redeemable for cash. Excludes tax, alcohol, gratuity and purchase of gift cards. Valid for dine in or Buca To Go. Expires 07/31/10. LMP$off
?8; X k\ii`Yc\ [i\Xd k_\ fk_\i e`^_k% 8 [pjkfg`Xe e`^_kdXi\# i\Xccp% =fi i\Xjfej k_Xk n\i\eÊk \ek`i\cp Zc\Xi `e k_\ [i\Xd# k_\ jfZ`Xc Xe[ gfc`k`ZXc fi[\i f] k_\ Le`k\[ JkXk\j _X[ Yifb\e [fne% E`^_k nXj ]Xcc`e^# Xe[ @ _\Xi[ k_Xk dXik`Xc cXn _X[ Y\\e [\ZcXi\[% G\fgc\ n\i\ gXZb`e^ lg k_\`i Y\cfe^`e^jÆXe[ n\XgfejÆXe[ _\X[`e^ `ekf k_\ _`ccj# n_`c\ fk_\ij _leb\i\[ [fne `e k_\`i _fd\j% I ran frantically through my house looking for guns, ammunition, food, batteries and anything else I could think of to prepare me and my family for the coming anarchy. Roving gangs raided people’s homes and businesses looking for food, fuel or guns. As I was preparing to leave, a man and woman pulled up a in truck asking for help. They got out of the car and quickly pointed a gun at me. Suckered! I wrestled the gun away from the woman and chased them away, tucking their pistol into my belt. I figured my best bet was to set up camp in the mountains, while I tried to figure out the whereabouts of my wife and children. On the way out of town, I stopped at a Italian restaurant where the owner and his family gave me the last bit of food: a slice of pizza and some mozzarella cheese. Minimally provisioned and armed with a .22 caliber rifle and the would-be looter’s pistol, I headed out into the fear-filled night. I woke up with my heart beating hard in my chest. It didn’t take much analysis to figure out what had fueled my nightmare. The day before, I had read an analysis of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico by RICHARD HEINBERG, a fellow at Sebastopol’s Post-Carbon Institute and author of Blackout: Coal, Climate and the Last Energy Crisis. ( Heinberg, who has been sounding the PEAK OIL alarm for years, warned in the essay that, as easy-toaccess oil and coal dries up, disasters like the ghastly BP spill will become more common as we are forced to greater lengths to tap harder to reach, riskier petroleum deposits. “The Deepwater Horizon disaster reminds us that, of all non-renewable resources, oil best deserves to be thought of as the Achilles heel of modern society,” Heinberg writes. “Without cheap oil, our industrial food system—from tractor to supermarket—shifts from feast to famine mode; our entire transportation system sputters to a halt. We even depend on oil to fuel the trains, ships, and trucks that haul the coal that supplies half our electricity. We make our computers from oil-derived plastics. Without oil, our whole societal ball of yarn begins to unravel. . . . It’s not just an environmental tragedy. It is a story about the limits of both extractive technologies and the increasingly complex societal systems that support them. It’s a reminder that the whole project of basing unending economic growth on ever-increasing rates of extraction of depleting nonrenewable resources is wrongheaded from start to finish.” As a foodcentric person, my mind quickly goes to, well, food. As much as soil and water, our food system depends on cheap oil and gas for transportation, pesticides and fertilizers. Remove oil from the equation and watch governments fall, riots ensue and death by starvation march across the globe. If you buy the peak oil argument—that at some point, regardless of price, oil production will reach a maximum rate and begin to decline—it’s hard not to believe that unless we start to wean ourselves from oil immediately a global food crisis is a question of when, not if. These are the things that wake me up at night.ÆJk\kk ?fcYiffb
29 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Peak Oil
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Fruit Flavors
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I confess I’ve been guilty of the same groupthink. I recently received samples of wine from PESSAGNO WINERY, a Monterey County winery with vineyards in San Benito and Monterey County. They sent me 2006 and 2007 vintages of syrah, pinot noir and zinfandel sourced from two eastern San Benito County vineyards. The wines are poster children for the lavish, concupiscent California style—ripe, fruit-driven and boozy. At first I pooh-poohed the wines’ lack of decorum. The 2007 IDYLL TIMES VINEYARD Pinot Noir was a case in point. With 15.1 percent alcohol and huge flavors of blackberry preserves and ripe plums, it’s a big, sloppy, lip-gloss-smeared kiss of a wine that approached Port territory. It’s nothing like its delicate and subtle Burgundian progenitors. The 2007 SPRING GROVE VINEYARDS Pinot Noir is similar—big, brash and loaded with ripe, concentrated fruit flavors. The same goes for the 2006 Idyll Times Vineyard Syrah and 2007 Idyll Times Zinfandel. I had all but written the wines off but decided to taste them again the next day. Decanting helped blow off some of the wine’s liquor breath and revealed subtleties I hadn’t noticed before. In spite of the fruit-dominated flavors, the wines have lingering finishes and enough acidity to balance out the jammy jamboree. I found I enjoyed the wines more because I appreciated them on their own terms. They are satisfying and delicious, like chocolate sauce–topped ice cream or extra-cheesy enchiladas. True, the aggressive, fruity style would overwhelm many lighter food pairings, but with grilled meats, barbecue, a spicy stew or even semisweet chocolate desserts, the wine would perform well. I tried the ’07 Idyll Times Pint Noir with herb-crusted grilled opah and loved it. It may not be cool to like brash California red wines, but my experience with Pessagno has opened my mind. It is OK to like big California wines and complex, contemplative French-style wines. Both styles of wine have a place in my cellar.ÆJk\kk ?fcYiffb
31 M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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*w hu *ffriri wed ed *tthu KILL K ILL PARADISE PAR AD I SE Art Boutika, A a San S n Jose Sa Wed W ed – 5pm; p $10 0 Paradise SSomehow omehow Denver’s Denver ’s Kill Kill P aradise manages DIY m anages to to be be both both a D IY outfit outfit aand nd a teenage-girl-charming teenage-girl-charming machine. m achine. The The band’s band’s punk punk ffashion ashion lleans eans more more toward toward fashion fashion tthan han ppunk, unk, aand nd it it cranks cranks out out dance-pop dance-pop hhits. its. s Its Its lyrics lyrics circle circle around around ffamiliar amiliar tterritory erritory bbut ut with with more more depth depth With tthan han a JJonas onas Brothers Brothers ssong. ong. W ith major m ajor labels labels scrambling scrambling ttoo keep keep uupp with music w ith aallll the the changes changes in in tthe he m usic iindustry, ndustry, iit’s t’s a whole whole new new dance dance floor Valentine, fl oor oout ut tthere. here. EElectric lectric V alentine, TT.. Mills, Dance Myy H Heart M ills, sD ance M eart oopen. pen. ((AC) AC)
Avalon, Sant Avalon, Santa ta Clar Claraa Thu – 8pm; $12/$15 Over O ver tthe he ppast ast 10 10 yyears, ears, Taproot Taproot uuncannily ncannily ccontinues ontinues ttoo bbuild uild oonn iits ts ppost-hardcore/rock ost-hardcore/rock ssound. ound. TTaproot’s aproot’s ggrunge runge iinfluence nfluence iiss sstill till heard, heard, but but mix with modern tthey hey m ix iitt uupp w ith a m odern rrock ock ffeel. eel. Let’s Let’s face face it; it; Taproot Taproot is is one one those those rrare are gems gems tthat hat jjust ust sseem eem to to get get with Ann iinteresting bbetter etter w ith aage. ge. A nteresting past, past, Durst iincluding ncluding a bbeef eef with with FFred red D urst major aand nd leaving leaving a m ajor label label to to sing sing with Victory Records, w ith V ictory R ecords, proves proves that that the the bband and hhas as sstuck tuck it it out out aand nd is is looking looking Anew Revolution, ttoo tthe he future. future. A new R evolution, Ice Ice Nine Destrophy, Nova Red N ine KKills, ills, D estrophy, N ova aand nd R ed will SSunday unday w ill oopen pen tthe he sshow. how. (BD) (BD)
STIF F LLITTLE STIFF ITTLE FFINGERS I N G E RS Blank Clu Club, ub, San Jose 9pm; Fri – 9pm m; $20 By the time tim me English DJ John Peel Peel died in 2004, 20 004, he’d he’d been rresponsible esponsible ffor or bringing bringing so many bands to the world’s attention atttention that they were were impossible impossibl le to count. Peel Peel made trends quirkyy diamonds tr ends by finding quirk in the rough rouugh and launching them to ffame. ame. Onee of his great great discoveries was Stiff Stiff Little Fingers, a Belfast Belfast punk band band that mixed buzz-saw with Irish politics musical punch p on songs like “Suspect Device” Device” and ““Alternative Al A terrnative Ulster.” Ulster.” Their first
album,, Inflammable Material, is album a first-wave first--wave classic. Like a lot of bands bannds at the time, the group group fashioned fashioned itself increasingly increasingly after the Clash, Claash, which unfortunately unfortunately meantt its own legacy g y as a classic and original orriginal punk band has been overshadowed. overshhadowed. Original frontman frontman Jake Burns, however, B however, soldiers on in the hope hoope of righting this particular wrong. wrong. (SP)
*ssat at ATOM A TOM AGE AG E
Nickell City City, y, San Jose Sat – 7pm; 7 $10 when music JJust ust w hen I tthink hink rrock ock m usic aass whole aw hole is is dead, dead, oorr aatt least least iiss oon n
crutches, Atom Age crutches, a band band like like A tom A ge comes mee comes around around to to convince convince m otherwise. otherwise. Rock Rock is is not not ddead. ead. TThese hese guys mission guys are are on on a m ission ttoo bbring ring iitt back back to to its its purest purest fform; orm; tthey’re hey’re horn-tinged, horn-tinged, punk-influenced, punk-influenced, hard-hitting hard-hitting and and all-around all-around fun. fun. In In a time time when when iimage mage ttoo oo ooften ften trumps Age trumps actual actual talent, talent, Atom Atom A ge shines shines though though as as a nnew ew bbreed. reed. Opening Opening will will be be Treephort. Treephort. (BD) (BD)
BA RBR A , BETTE BARBRA, BETTE &B URNETT BURNETT Thee Retro Retro Dome, San Jose Satt – noon; 7:30pm; $30 Area SSome ome top top Bay Bay A rea vocalists vocalists will will cchannel hannel the the delightful delightful ttunes unes and and ccomic omic riffs riffs of of three three popular popular divas: divas: Midler SStreisand, treisand, M idler aand nd CCarol. arol. This This Retro ffundraiser undraiser for for tthe he R etro Dome Dome iiss designed designed to to buy buy a new new air air cconditioner, onditioner, a real real need need cconsidering onsidering
oncerts * cconcerts Danny Clinch
Runs thr through o ough Jun 13 at Le Petit Petit TTrianon, rrianon, San Jose
BOZ B OZ SSCAGGS CAGGS Jun u 9un 9-10 10 aatt Montalvo Arts Center
KAPALAKIKO K APALAKIKO Jun 10 att 6:30pm in downtown CCupertino upertino
MIKE M IKE SSIMPSON IMPSON Jun 10 att 7pm at P Park ark V Valencia, alencia, Santana Row
THE T HE DAN DAN GOGH’S GOGH’S Jun 11 1 at 7pm m in downtown own Morgan Mor gan Hill Hilll
NME, N ME, TIED TIED AND AND TRUE, TRUE, 1138, 38, FFACTORY ACTORY M MINDS INDS Jun 11 at South First rst Billiar Billiards, ards, ds San Jose ose
QUADRON Q UADRON Jun 11 at 9pm Jun 9 at Mosaic LLounge, ou ee, oun ounge San an Jose J
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that ssummer that ummer iiss uupon pon uus. s. TThe he eevening vening iincludes ncludes llots ots ooff rraffle affle prizes. prizes. (MSG) (MSG)
*ssun un CAGE THE CAGE THE EELEPHANT LEPHANT Blank Club, San Jose Sun – 8pm; $15 When its “Ain’t “Ain A ’t No Rest ffor orr the Wicked” single hit it big, Cage Cage a the Elephant seemed to come on like an overnight success, even n though around they’ve been ar ound since 2005 and building a following following since since breakthrough its br eakthrough gig at South Sou uth By Southwest in 2007. 20077. It remains remaains to be seen if Cage Cage the Elephant Elephant will
but be a flash in the pan, bu ut the Blank Club definitely caught tthem hem at the November.. Another right time in November high-profile Blankk shows of the high-pr ofile Blan orchestrated Channel or chestrated by Channe el 92.3, it ppacked the club and kept k p the group audience buzzing. Now the gr oup is back, headliners of a ““secret secret show”” just being annou announced show unced this know,, soo if you week. Now you know getting have any hope of gettin ng in, you’d pretty better get that ticket pr retty much now.. Auto V Vaughn aughn and the right now 20-20s 2020s open. (SP)
ooff yyour our llife, ife, aand nd bbefore efore yyou ou kknow now iitt ssome ome ssurly urly ssecurity ecurity gguard uard iiss uushering shering yyou ou oout ut tthe he ffront ront ggate. ate. But What B ut yyou’re ou’re nnot ot rready eady ttoo ggo. o. W hat aare re yyou ou ssupposed upposed ttoo ddoo nnow? ow? Wait, W ait, there’s there’s aan n aafterparty? fterparty? YYes, es, with music Mika, w ith m usic ffrom rom LLilil M ika, SShisty, histy, Damione, Glass, D amione, G lass, SStress, tress, JJames ames aand nd Hatchett, DJs H atchett, pplus lus 1106 06 KKMEL/SBJ MEL/SBJ D Js Rick DJJ R Randy G.. ((AC) R ick LLee ee aand nd D andy G AC)
Mountain Winery, Wineryy, Saratoga Saratoga Sun – 7:30pm; $50-$100 $50--$100
VooDoo LLounge, VooDoo ounge, San Jo Jose ose Sun – 10pm; $10 SSoo yyou’ve ou’ve spent spent tthe he dday ay aatt the the Magazine SStreetlow treetlow M agazine CCar ar Show, Show, cchecking hecking oout ut lowriders lowriders aand nd bbikini ikini models. m odels. YYou ou are are hhaving aving the the time time
CHI CK CCOREA CHICK OREA FFREEDOM REEDOM B BAND AND Pianist P ianist Chick Chick Corea Corea just just picked picked up up hhis is 16th 16th Grammy Grammy after after 48 48 years years ooff recording. recording. Among Among other other things, things, CCorea orea worked worked with with Miles Miles Davis Davis and and hhelped elped popularize popularize Brazilian Brazilian jazz. jazz. CCorea orea brings brings an an all-star all-star lineup lineup for for tthis his show, show, featuring featuring bassist bassist Christian Christian McBride, Garrett M cBride, KKenny enny G arrett oon n aalto lto sax, sax,
Bostonian aand nd Corea’s Corea’s ffellow ellow B ostonian tthe he Roy Haynes aamazing mazing ooctogenarian ctogenarian R oy H aynes oon n ddrums. rums. ((RvB) RvB)
WALLY W AL LY SSCHNALLE CHNALLE Bach Dancing and an nd Dynamite Society y, Half Moo on Bay Society, Moon Sun – 4:30pm; $30 $3 30 SSymbology ymbology counts countts for for drummer Wally W ally Schnalle, a stalwart on It’s the valley’s jazz scene. s It ’s been Schnalle 26 years since Sc chnalle started married gigging; he got mar m ried at the same time at the Half Moon Bay view. club l b with ith an ocean oceaan view i . Schnalle S h ll rreturns eturns to BD&D for for the first time quarter-century in a quarter-cent tury with his Massanari, quartet (Jeff Mas ssanari, guitar, guitar, Dann Zinn, sax, aand nd Jason Muscat, bass) and his new w album of Milestinged tunes, Outt of the Pan Pan . . . (MSG)
WHITE W HITE A ALBUM LBUM EENSEMBLE NSEMBLE Jun 11 1 at 6pm in Courthouse us Squar use Square, e, Redwood Ci City
AUDIO A UDIO R REVOLUTION, EVOLUTION, T THE HE T TRIMS, RIMS, MY MY P PARADE ARADE Jun 12 at South First FFii Billiar Billia Billiards, ds, San Jose JJo Jos
DIANA D IANA ROSS ROSS S Jun 12 at Mountain Wine Winery eeryy
FFLATPICK LATPICK SIDEKICKS SIDEKICKS Jun 12 at 5pm m at Vasona Vasona Lake ake Park Park rk
REDWOOD R EDWOOD SSYMPHONY, YMPHONY, MAHLER’S M AHLER’S T TENTH ENTH Jun Ju n 12 at a Cañada Cañada ad College g Theatre Main Thea atre
THE T HE JJAZZ AZZ M MECHANICS ECHANICS Jun 133 at 7pm at City ity Ligh Lights, hts, Sa Jose San
M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | JUNE 9-1 5, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
metroactive ARTS
Cleaning Up K?@EB@E> 98:B K ?@EB@E> 9 8:B K_\ DX`[j f] ?fefi n`cc gcXp Xk Jle[XpĂ&#x160;j CXle[ip Nfibj j_fn% K_\ DX`[j f] ?fefi n`ccc gcXp Xk Jle[XpĂ&#x160;j CXle[ip Nfibj f j_fn n%
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Musicians C M Collectiveâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and ollectiveâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and set ou out ut to put cityy on the music musical map.. pu ut the cit al map Although Count A lthough the the C ount Five, Five, the the Doobie and D oobie Brothers Brothers an nd Dionne Dionne Warwick had W arwick h ad d garnered garnered San San Jose Jose some some national n ational attention, attention, San San Francisco Francisco was was sstill till the the rreigning eigning cultural culturall metropolis. metropolis. Turning T urning tthe he sspotlight potlight on on the the South South Bay B ay sseemed eemed llong ong overdue. overdue. First First Strike Strike had h ad a llot ot ggoing oing for for it: it: dozens dozens of of artists arrtists ccommitted ommitted to to the the cause, cau use, sympathetic sympathetic media llocal ocal m edia and and a downtown downtown on on the the vverge erge of of redevelopment. redevelopment. IItt was wass an n eexciting xciting time time to to be be in in San San n Jose. Jose. noticee The ďŹ rst nightclub to notic wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t nightclub.. It w was w asnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rreally eally a nightclub as a rib Laundry Works. ri ib joint ccalled alled the L aundry W ork o ks. H Housed in an old brick building on o
outskirts of San Pedro Pedro Square, Square, it the outskirts feeatured rustic dĂŠcor, dĂŠcor, cheap liquor featured stage that created c eated a feeling cr feeeling and a low stage intimacyy. of intimacy. Hessler, who managed the Dean Hessler, place, had been been hiringg cover cover bands place, First Strike Strike approached approached him when First about adding originall acts to the about roster. Hessler agreed agreed to try try one roster. t night a week, which turned into seven. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was was a big music mu usic fan, but seven. didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really really know about about o the local local didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t scene,â&#x20AC;? Hessler says. saayys. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d seen [San scene,â&#x20AC;? Jose rockabilly rockabilly group] group]] the Kingpins Jose too long before. beffo ore. And in L.A. not too First Strike, Strike, using using local local bands with First like perfect perfeect situation. sittuation. I really really seemed like jumped into it.â&#x20AC;? it. it â&#x20AC;? jumped gung--ho booking booking Hessler went gung-ho Laundry original music at the Laundry Wo orks, hiring First First Strike Strrike bands, bands, Works, Baay Area Area artists artistss and a few few other Bay actss, such as Chris nationally known acts, Pu uppets. A music Isaak and the Meat Puppets. scene developed, developed, one that wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t scene
a y particular an particular genre. genre. Soon Soon based on any everyone had h a place place in San Jose p Jose everyone where they they could could appreciate appreciate live live where local musicâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and musiicâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and hang out. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That local tim me and that scene, scene, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why why whole time now,â&#x20AC;? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m doing what Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m doing now,â&#x20AC;? eg Camp, saays y Gr Camp, best best known as the says Greg guitarist for fo or Smash Mouth. Camp, Camp, guitarist per e formed o Laundry then 19,, performed at the Laundry Works o witth the pop pop band Heroic Heroic Works with Airmen. p ayed in clubs before, pla beffo ore, but â&#x20AC;&#x153;I had played was the ďŹ rst time I was was part part of it was scene,â&#x20AC;? Camp Camp says. saayys. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I remember remember a scene,â&#x20AC;? being really really inďŹ&#x201A;uenced inďŹ&#x201A;uenced by by all the being local music musiic ... being being really really inspired. inspired. local Every week, weeek,, I went down there there to Every plaay or to listen to music and would play come home hom me and write songs.â&#x20AC;? songs.â&#x20AC;? Camp Camp come lateer pen pen many man ny of Smash would later Mouthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hits, h hits, including â&#x20AC;&#x153;All â&#x20AC;&#x153;All A Starâ&#x20AC;? Starâ&#x20AC;? and Mouthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Walkinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; on o the Sun.â&#x20AC;? Sun.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Walkinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Sadlyy, the th he Laundry Laundry Worksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Worksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; o Sadly, run was short-lived: short-liv -lived: the restaurant restaurant was was was 1987 8 . But it went out with sold in 1987. bang, closing clo osing with a sold-out sold- out a bang, three-nigh ht lineup of 23 bands. bands. Their three-night perfo orman nces where where recorded recorded ffor o or the performances Washed a Last Days album, Alll Washed Up: The Last Laun ndrry Works. Woorks. What â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mor e: of the Laundry Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more: estau urantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brief success success as a The rrestaurantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s live musicc venue venue helped helped musicians live entrep preneurs see downtownâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s downtownâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and entrepreneurs potential, giving rise to other bars potential, and ultimately, ultimatelyy, the SoFA SoFA and clubs and, district. Josee has changed a lot since since San Jose â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s, but b the musicians who the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s, were part part of the old scene scene havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t haavenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t were for o gotttten the Laundry Laundry Worksâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;or Wo orksâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; or forgotten comm munity it help ed create. create. the community helped plan to reunite reunite for fo or a live live Dozens plan June u 13. (Camp (Camp says saays y heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll show on June plaay with several several of the bands, bands, play Honor.) including the Maids of Honor.) Scott Long, Long o , frontman frontman for fo or the Scott Frontier Wives Wiives and one of the Frontier showâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s organizers, organizers g , invites invites music fans, fans, showâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s neew, to attend. attend. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The level level old and new, qualitty entertainment entertainment is going of quality be second secon nd to none. none. This is not a to be nostalgia show; s be nostalgia this is going to be greatteesst hits of San JJose.â&#x20AC;? ose.â&#x20AC;? the greatest
I`ej\ Xe[ I\g\Xk DX`[j f] ?fefi# >i\p DXkk\i# =ifek`\i N`m\j# <g`Z Ildfij Xe[ dfi\ Jle[Xp# *1*'Ă&#x2026;('1*'gd (' :clY If[\f# JXe Afj\
metroactive ARTS
More listings:
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
?dnXZ <daYhX]b^Y
Jewtopia June 11–27, Lucie Stern Theater, Palo Alto; $20–$31 Two men—one Jewish, one not—bone up on Jewish culture in order to advance their romantic options in Palo Alto Players’ production of Bryan Fogel and Sam Wolfson’s comedy Jewtopia, opening this weekend. The show stars Brandon Silberstein (left) and Lance Fuller.
Vital Signs Runs June 12–Feb. 5, San Jose Museum of Art The museum, thinking ahead to this year’s 01SJ Festival, opens a show about how artists deploy new-media techniques to express ideas about natural life rhythms like breathing and germination. The show, drawn from the museum’s permanent collection, features works by Bill Viola (pictured), Jim Campbell, Gail Wight and Andrea Ackerman.
Presented by Palo Alto Players. This week: Fri-Sat, 8pm, Sun, 2pm. Openingnight gala Jun 12. Thru Jun 27. $20-$30. Lucie Stern Theater, Palo Alto.
Student performance directed by Gay Tarabanovics. Sat, 7pm. $19. Flint Center, Cupertino.
FLAMENCO SOCIETY A juerga with Koko de la Isla, Pamela Martinez and others. Sat, 7pm. $8-$14. Historic Hoover Theater, San Jose.
Theater BARBARA, BETTE & CAROL BURNETT Bay Area singers perform songs by female stars; event includes an auction. Sat, 7:30pm, with a 6:30pm mixer. $20 and up. Retro Dome, San Jose.
BLACK/WHITE The California Theater Center summer rep’s second production is a double bill of “Black Comedy” and “The White Liars,” comedies by Peter Shaffer. Thu-Sat, 7:30pm. Thru Jun 23. $12$20. Sunnyvale Community Theatre.
Broadway West Theatre Company presents Arthur Miller’s famous drama. ThuSat, 8pm, Sun, 1pm. Thru Jun 12. $15-$22. Fremont.
LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS A Bus Barn Stage Company show. Wed, 7:30pm, Thu-Sat, 8pm, Sun, 3 or 7pm. Thru Jun 19. $24-$32. Bus Barn Theatre, Los Altos.
THE MARVELOUS WONDERETTES San Jose Rep’s summer miniseason begins with a musical about four singing sensations of the 1950s and ’60s and their quest for fame. Opens Jun 15. Tue, 7:30pm, Wed-Fri, 8pm, Sat, 3 and 8pm, Sunday 2 and 7pm. Through Jun 27. $29-$67. The Rep, San Jose.
OPUS Michael Hollinger’s regional premiere, presented by TheatreWorks. This week: TueWed, 7:30pm, Thu-Fri, 8pm, Sat, 2 and 8pm, Sun, 2 and 7pm. Thru Jun 27. $24–$62.
Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts.
RED, WHITE AND TUNA Presented by San Jose Stage Company. Wed-Thu, 7:30pm. Fri–Sat, 8pm, Sun, 2pm. Thru Jul 4. $15-$45. San Jose Stage.
SECOND WEEKEND IN SEPTEMBER City Lights Theater Company presents the world premiere of Andrew Black’s play about a married man and his college-age gay lover, set in the 1980s. Thu-Sat, 8pm, Sun, 2pm. Thru Jun 20. $25-$40. San Jose.
TUGHLAG Naatak presents the Hindi play by Girish Karnad, with subtitles in English. It tells the story of the eccentric sultan Muhammad Bin Tughlaq of the 14th century in Delhi. Fri, 8pm, Sat, 5pm, Sun, 1 and 6pm. Thru Jun 20. $16-$30. Theatre on San Pedro Square.
Japanese Art & Cultural Center A Learning Place for Traditional Martial Arts and Fine Arts Free Membership Free Tryouts No Monthly Fee Drop-in Welcome!
■ Traditional Martial Art & Exercise classes Kendo・Judo・Karate-do・Aikido・Kyudo Iaido・Bo-jutsu・Zazen・Yoga・Pilates
■ Linguistic & Fine Art classes Japanese language ・ESL・Japanese Painting Flower Arrangements・Bamboo Flute Brush Calligraphy ・How to Draw Anime/Manga
and many more...
COMEDYSPORTZ An interactive improvised comedy show. 18+ “Midnight Show” 11pm show Friday. Fri, 9pm and 11pm and Sat, 7pm and 9pm. $12-$15. ComedySportz, San Jose.
Japanese Art & Cultural Center 4334 Moorpark Ave, (at Saratoga Ave) San Jose, CA 95129
Mission Chamber Orchestra
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Music of Portugal
Mark Kitaoka
Carlos Damas
Emily Ray, Conductor
Carlos Seixas: Sergio Azevedo:
Symphony in B flat Reflections on a Portuguese Lullaby John Williams: Three Pieces from Schindler's List JosĂŠ Vianna da Motta: Sinfonia "A Patria"
Sunday June 13 3 PM Five Wounds Portuguese National Church 1375 E. Santa Clara St. San Jose Tickets: $22/18/7 408 236-3350
Discover the Arts
=FLIĂ&#x160;J 8 :IFN; Ă&#x2030;FgljĂ&#x160; dlj`Z`Xej ]ifd c\]k <cc`fkk I`Z_Xi[ =i\[\i`Zb # 8cXe AXZbjfe ;Xm`j # :Xic B\m`e Ifcjkfe Xe[ >iXZ\ A\ee`]\i C\9cXeZ kip kf ^\k Xcfe^ `e K_\Xki\NfibjĂ&#x160; e\n gif[lZk`fe%
FI X gcXp XYflk Xe Xik ]fid k_XkĂ&#x160;j befne ]fi `kj X\jk_\k`Z Zf_\j`fe# \k_fj f] \hlXc`kp Xdfe^ `kj gcXp\ij Xe[ XY`c`kp kf kiXejgfik c`jk\e\ij kf dlj`ZXc Yc`jj# Fglj# gcXp`e^ efn `e X K_\Xki\Nfibj gif[lZk`fe# Y\^`ej iXk_\i [`jZfi[Xekcp% K_\ gcXp Yp D`Z_X\c ?fcc`e^\i [`i\Zk\[ _\i\ Yp D\i\[`k_ DZ;fefl^_ [`m\j Xcdfjk `dd\[`Xk\cp `ekf X j\i`\j f] j_fik# jkXZZXkf dfefcf^l\j Yp d\dY\ij f] k_\ CXqXiX HlXik\k% It seems they are being interviewed for a documentary, a Deutsche Grammophon version of VH1â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Behind the Music. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a cheap device, and along with numerous ďŹ&#x201A;ashbacks, the choppy monologues are used K_ifl^_ liberally throughout the one-act play. But once you get over the Ale\ ). calculated dissonance these confessionals create, you come to appreciate the intimate and humorous glimpses we get of these Dke% M`\n artists struggling with their creative gifts and prickly personalities. :\ek\i ]fi
Math Tutoring!
Programs P rograms Offered: Offered:
Consultation C onsultation n& Treatment from frrom Treatment hinese M edicine Specialist Specialist Chinese Medicine
Clinic C linic H Hours: ours: Every M Every Mon on afternoon afterno oon & regular regular working working hours h on Tue Tue, Wed, Wed Th Thur hur
G\i]fid`e^ Dorian (Mark Anderson Phillips gives a terriďŹ c performance) has 8ikj just been kicked out of Lazara. A temperamental genius whose mood swings are regulated by every mental-health drug under )0Ă&#x2026; -) the sun, Dorian is a tortured perfectionist who suffers from the knowledge that his goals are impossible. No one doubts Dorianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ear, abilities or heartâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;by all rights he should have been the quartetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lead violinâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;but to the nonmedicated world, Dorianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s struggles come off as unpredictability. Fear of the same causes Dorianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s colleagues to settle for a steadier hand in the privileged lead position, Elliot. Richard Frederick plays the ofďŹ cious, tightassed Elliot for all heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worthâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;to make the playâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dynamics a bit more complicated, Elliot is viola player Dorianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s older lover. Rounding out the group are Alan (Jackson Davis makes resignation an active rather than passive attribute), who plays second ďŹ ddle to Elliot and whose roving eye cost him his marriage, and Carl (Kevin Rolston imbues his character with both vulnerability and authority), a family-man cellist battling cancer. Into this train wreck steps Grace (Jennifer LeBlanc), a shy young prodigy whose rĂŠsumĂŠ does not seem good enough to the remaining three Lazaras to explain the quality of her work. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s extraordinary, which is a good thing because they need her badlyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;their command performance at the White House is just a week away. We know Grace will never be able to ďŹ ll Dorianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shoes, but the surprise is watching how LeBlanc guides Grace along her path of self-conďŹ dence and discovery. Like the others actors in this ďŹ ne and sometimes very funny drama, LeBlanc is fully in charge of her instrument.Ă&#x2020;9\e DXibj
IMPROV Wed, 8pm: Big Alâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Big Ass Comedy Show. $12. Thu-Fri, 8pm, Sat, 7 and 9pm, Sun, 7pm: Amy Schumer of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Last Comic Standing.â&#x20AC;? $16. San Jose.
ROOSTER T. FEATHERS Wed, 8pm: New Talent Showcase. $2. Thu, 8pm, Fri-Sat, 9pm, Sun, 8pm: Justin McKinney of â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Blue Collar Comedy Tour Next Generation.â&#x20AC;? $12. Sunnyvale.
Museums OPENING SAN JOSE MUSEUM OF ARTS â&#x20AC;&#x153;Vital Signs: New Media From the Permanent Collection.â&#x20AC;? Jun 12-Feb 6. Tue-Sun, 11am5pm, closed Mon. San Jose.
STUDENT ACTIVIST SHOW The De Anza Restoring Education organization exhibits ďŹ lm, photos and art about student activism. Thu, 5:30-8:30pm. Free. Visual Performing Arts, De Anza college, Cupertino.
Galleries CONTINUING ANNO DOMINI â&#x20AC;&#x153;My Only Desire.â&#x20AC;? A one-third scale sculpture version of the Lady and the Unicorn tapestry by Joey Syta using Lite-Brite pegs. Thru Jun 26. San Jose.
ART AND WELLNESS STUDIO â&#x20AC;&#x153;Floating Thresholds.â&#x20AC;? New work by Kristine Idarius. Thru Jun 25. Fri, 6pm-8pm. Grace Community Center, San Jose.
BICENTENARIO 2010 Mexican bicentenntial celebration with parade (11amâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;2pm) and festival (noonâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;6pm). Sun. Courthouse Square, Redwood City.
CHEFS WHO CARE Armadillo Willyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s All-You-CanEat BBQ helps raise funds for Community Services Agency. Mon, 5:30-7:30pm. $20. Cuesta Park, Mountain View.
Sukerti Berg shows watercolors. Thru Jul. San Jose.
Tony Wong and Charles Perkins present a guitar lecture. Sponsored by South Bay Guitar Society. Sat, 2pm. Free. Community Room, Alum Rock Branch Library, San Jose.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Art of Politics: Three Generations of Political Printmaking in the Bay Area.â&#x20AC;? Thru Aug 7. Wed-Thu, noon-7pm, Fri-Sat, noon-5pm. San Jose.
The Portuguese Heritage Society of California (PHSC) hosts the annual event with food, music and dance. Sat, 10amâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;6:30pm; free. History Park, Kelley Park, San Jose.
SAN JOSE INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lift Off,â&#x20AC;? by SJSU MFA graduates. Thru Jun 19. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Work Out.â&#x20AC;? Paper replica of a gym by Libby Black. Thru Jun 19. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Modesto Covarrubias: Liminal.â&#x20AC;? Thru Jul 3. Tue-Fri, 10am-5pm, Sat, noon-5pm. San Jose.
WORKS/SAN JOSE â&#x20AC;&#x153;Out of State,â&#x20AC;? an exhibit of SJSU BFA graduates in pictorial art. Thru Jun 12. San Jose.
DINE DOWNTOWN Many of San Joseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best restaurants will present $20, $30 and $40 prix ďŹ xe threecourse menus. Thru Jun 12.
NATIVITY CARNIVAL Music, food and games. Fri, 5pmâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;11pm; Sat, noonâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;11pm; Sun, noonâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;6pm; free. Nativity School, Menlo Park.
A networking fundraiser with wine tasting. Wed, 6:30pm. $20. Tessoraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Campbell.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tracing the Past, Drawing the Future: Master Ink Painters in 20th-Century China.â&#x20AC;? Thru Jul 4. Wed-Sun, 11am-5pm, Thu, 11am-8pm. Stanford.
With Constance Crawford, Patrick Daly and others reading from â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Place That Inhabits Us: Poems From the San Francisco Bay.â&#x20AC;? Wed, 7:30pm. Free. Keplerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Menlo Park.
Contest for skateboarders begins. Open to all ages, plus live music and prizes. (See Sat, 3:3010pm. $10. Lake Cunningham Regional Skate Park. San Jose.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;New Stories From the Edge of Asia: Plastic Life.â&#x20AC;? Thru Sep 19. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wayne Thiebaud: Seventy Years of Paint.â&#x20AC;? Thru Jul 4. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Real & Hyperreal.â&#x20AC;? Thru Aug 1. Closed Mon. San Jose.
Nine winners of the Santa Clara County Poetry Context read. Mon, Willow Glen Library.
Sponsored rubber ducks will race down Vasona Creek in fundraiser by Hospice of the Valley. Prizes for winners. See for details. Sun. Vasona Lake Park, Los Gatos.
Big Deals
TECH MUSEUM â&#x20AC;?Genghis Khan.â&#x20AC;? A new show about the technological, martial and social advances of the Mongol warrior. MonWed, 9am-5pm, and Thu-Sun, 9am-8pm. San Jose.
*events AFTERNOON TEA AND VINTAGE FASHION SHOW Tea and a vintage hat and fashion show. Sun, 1pmâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;4pm; $25 adv. Harris-Lass Historic Museum, Santa Clara.
Tabard Theatre Company holds general auditions. Singers and actors sought. By appointment (email Jun 12 and 19. Theatre on San Pedro Square, San Jose.
KLE8 FE NIP B\m`e 9cXZbkfe c\]k Xe[ D`Z_X\c GXki`Zb >X]]e\p jb\n\i K\oXj `e JXe Afj\ JkX^\ :fdgXepĂ&#x160;j Ă&#x2030;I\[# N_`k\ Xe[ KleX%Ă&#x160;
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Red, White and Tinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
KFI@<J 89FLK Ă&#x2021;nXZbpĂ&#x2C6; jdXcc$kfne 8d\i`ZX Xi\ X [`Z\p gifgfj`k`fe% K_\p ZXe Y\ `Zfe`Z# c`b\ Kn`e G\Xbj# fi lkk\icp ]fi^\kkXYc\# c`b\ Efik_\ie <ogfjli\% K_\j\ b`e[j f] jkfi`\j k\e[ kf Y\ gcXp\[ YifX[cp# fi \m\e Xj ]lcc$fe ZXdg# Xe[ d`cb jk\i\fkpg\j ]fi cXl^_j% The series of plays about ďŹ ctional Tuna, Texas, trafďŹ cs in the tweaking of smalltown dysfunction. When Jaston Williams, Joe Sears and Ed Howard came up with the ďŹ rst installment, Greater Tuna, in 1981, they surely had no idea they had a mini empire on their hands, but since then, the characters they created have returned in A Tuna Christmas, Tuna Does Vegas and Red, White and Tuna. The last is currently running at San Jose Stage, and not having seen the others myself, I can testify that it isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t required. K_ifl^_ What few storylines seem to have been picked up from the Alcp + previous installment are easy to get a handle on. Mostly this is the story of a high-school reunion that draws a couple JXe Afj\ dozen characters to Tuna on the Fourth of July. Oh wait, did JkX^\ :f% I mention all of those characters are played by the same two actors? Yes, Kevin Blackton, who played many of these )/Ă&#x2026; +' characters in San Jose Stageâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s productions of Greater Tuna and A Tuna Christmas, is back, paired with Michael Patrick Gaffney, who previously had done the other parts of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tuna Trilogyâ&#x20AC;? (Vegas doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t count, apparently) for the California Conservatory Theatre of San Leandro. To be sure, this chapter of the Tuna saga starts incredibly slow. At ďŹ rst, it seems as though itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to be nothing but the aforementioned tired old clichĂŠs, as it has two hippies babbling about stock â&#x20AC;&#x153;hippie stuffâ&#x20AC;? on their drive to the reunion. Their names are Star Birdfeather and Amber Windchime, if that gives you any clue. Things donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t improve when we switch to the Tuna radio station and hear Arles Struvie leaning on the catchphrase â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is, it is.â&#x20AC;? God, does it seem like itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to be a long night. However, something happens, fairly quickly, with this play. Its best characters rise to the forefront of the action, and Gaffney and Blackton attack their portrayals with such mad love that you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t help but get caught up in them. Gaffney is a riot as gun-obsessed, husband-loathing burnout Didi Snavely, and Blackton is able to ďŹ nd a surprising emotional depth in his old-lady characters, particularly Bertha Bumiller. Often with stories like these, the whole can become more than the sum of its parts. But in Red, White and Tuna, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the parts that matter most, the little slices of personality and lunacy we encounter on one holiday in small-town Texas. Ă&#x2020;Jk\m\ GXcfgfc`
39 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
More listings:
Dave Lepori
metroactive ARTS
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
metroactive FILM
Lady in the Water
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dawned o dawned on nm mee tthat hat o once nce I sstarted tarrted watching Ondine only w atching O ndine tthe he o nly tthing hing I would about w ould be aable ble tto o tthink hink ab bout ffor or weeks would off tthe oceans. w eeks w ould be tthe he ffate ate o he oc ean ans. The photographer T he iincomparable ncomparable p hotographer Christopher out C hristopher Doyle Doyle brings brings o ut tthe he off tthese waterscapes, ssparkling parkling ggloom loom o hese w aterscape p s, tthe he ssummer ummer ssunlessness, unlessness, tthe he llambency am mbeency almost piercing tthat’s hat’s al lmost aass eemotionally motionally p iercing music. aass IIrish rish m usic. Syracuse Farrell) known S yraccuse ((Colin Colin F arrrell) iiss k nown tto o off aall ll and and sundry sundry as as ““Circus, Circus,” because because o has marked tthe he drunken drunken cclowning lowning tthat hat h ass m arrked his Hee h has been, however, nearly h is life. life. H as b een, h owever, n early on morning hee tthree hree yyears ears ssober ober o n tthe he m orning h fishing purse ggoes oes out out fi shing and an nd his his p urse sseine eine hauls out off tthe waters h auls a half-dead hallf-dead llady ad dy o ut o he w aters off off C County Cork. o ff the the ccoast oasst o ounty C ork. Ondine ((Alicja Alicja Bachleda) has a hard-to-place accent; ha ard-to -place ac cent; she asks ffor o or
hidden from shelter and to be be hidd den fr om the locals. Syracuse agrees sight of the lo cals. Syr acuse agr ees the village’s onfides in th and only cconfides he village ’s blasé priest (Stephen Rea). Rea). e Word W ord gets gets out, out, though. though. Syracuse’s Syraccuse’s precocious, p recocious, ccrippled rippled daughter, daughter, Annie Annie Barry), ((Alison Alison B arry), decides decides that that Ondine Ondine is is human a selkie—a selkie—a Celtic Celtic were-seal were-seall in in h uman Early fform. orm. E arly on, on, Jordan Jordan n gives gives viewers viewers bee skeptical. After rroom oom tto ob skeptical. A fter Syracuse Syracuse first off Ondine fi rst broaches broacches the the ssubject ubject o Ondine ass if if he he were were reciting reciting a bedtime bedtime fable fable about ab bout a lady lad dy in in the the water, water, Annie Annie rresponds, esponds, ““That’s That’s a really really shite shite sstory. tory.” same,, if less pr profane, The same o ofane , bemusement from b emusement ccomes omes fr rom the padre, padr e, whom Syracusee uses as an because there isn’t AA sponsor sponsor b ecause th here isn ’t one village.. R Rea genially in the village eea gen nially rrevives evives the the old tradition of th he Irish movie movie powerless defeat priest,, p owerless to de effeeat sin but he’s approve damned if he ’s going to t appr ove of it, either—“Ya wouldn’t want say either —“Y Ya wouldn ’t w ant to sa ay a Marys way out?” ffew ew Hail Mar ys on yyour ou ur w ay out ?” The off tthe T he contrasting contrasting ccolors olors o he real reall world make Ondine’s w orld m ake O ndine’s ffantasy antasy sshine. an hine. Annie’s drunken mother A nnie’s d runken m other ((Dervla Dervla
Kirwan) and boyfriend Kirwan n) an nd her her bo oyfriend (Tony (Tony Curran) have both Curran) h ave bo th a ggood ood rrapport ap pport with and bad with with eeach acch other other an nd a b ad d way way w ith Annie. When her daughter Annie. W hen h er d au ughter gets gets a new new electric wheelchair, electric w heelchair, Mom Mom takes takes iitt ffor or a few few llaps ap ps around around the the pool pool table table in in her her local The locall pub. pub. T he most most serious serious display display of magical of m aggicall powers powers is is Ondine Ondine blessing blessing Syracuse’s fishing; Syraccuse’s fi shing; she she apparently ap pparrently lures lures the his nets with the ccatch atch iinto nto h is n ets w ith song. song. Long-lens Long-len ns shots bring out Farrell’s Farrell’s virility through juxtapositions. virility thr rough juxt apositions. Jordan poses Jordan p osses him to look look like like Hercules, drawing boat Hercules, dra d aw wing a b oat into shore shore from from a rrope op pe on top of a cliff, cliff ff,, the forced perspective for o ced p ersspective making the big boat boat look look like like a toy. toy. We We also see him towering o over ver a lighthouse as if he were Gulliver were Gulli iver in Lilliput. In close close-ups, - , Farrell -ups Farrell does does a covert covert job of actin acting: ng: shadows conceal conceal his face, face, and hair h conceals conceals his eyes. eyes. It’s It’s the best kind best ki ind of something-missing performance byy this actor who perfo orman nce yyet et b seems to b bee get getting better tting t b etter in his recent films. recent film ms. That he is working alongside Bachleda, B , his real-life real-liffe partner, partner, ensures en nsures one of his most relaxed and relaxed an nd touching performances. perfo ormances. Luckily, Farrell working under Luckily, F arrrell iiss w orking u nder a ccompanionable director—friendly ompanionab ble d irector—friendly but with but w ith a ttough, ough, ggrave rave sstreak. treak. JJordan ordan n doesn’t oversell heartbreak doesn’t o versell tthe he h eartbreak any more hee o oversells any m ore tthan han nh versells tthe he fantasy. Syracuse picks up off fantasy. S yracuse p icks u p tthe he aair ir o nonchalance, Ondine, nonchalance, ttelling elling O ndine, ““Maybe Maybe walked because yyou ou jjust ust w alked iinto nto tthe he ssea ea b ecau use of bad marriage. did once. of a b ad m arriagge. I d id tthat hat o nce.” Jordan’s Jordan’s previous previous aquatic picture, picture, In Dr Dreams, eams, suffered suff ffeered from from too too many many logical Eventually, logical eexplanations. xp planations. Ev entuallyy, Ondine comes com mes to the section one dreads—the partt that submits dreads—th he par theree must b bee a perfectly that ther perfeectly reasonable reasonablee explanation explanation ffor o or all this. this. Jordan keeps Jordan k eeeps this section short, short, t, but unfortunately, unffo ortunaatelyy, this is where where the film has its sup supposed pposed climax. It’s It’s a murky murk ky standoff, standoff ff,, and and Doyle’s Doyle’s gloaming lapses into semidarkness. semid darkness. These few few lapses fade in thee memor memoryy as if they weree they wer a ccoda. oda. More Mo ore memorable are are the elements of o Ondine: the light on the water, water, the salty salty quip, quip, the sense of possibility. possibility.
Fe[`e\ G>$(*2 ((( d`e% ;`i\Zk\[ Yp E\`c Afi[Xe Fg\ej =i`[Xp Xk :Xd\iX .# :XdgY\cc
metroactive FILM THE A-TEAM (PG-13) A remake of a subpar early’80s TV show. Exactly and precisely what the world doesn’t need. How does Hollywood do it? (Opens Jun 11.)
THE KARATE KID (PG) A remake of a subpar early’80s movie. Exactly and precisely what the world doesn’t need. Twice in one week (see above). How does Hollywood do it? (Opens Jun 11.)
The event starts with a Downtown Residents Association mixer and live jazz band. (Plays Jun 16 at sundown in San Jose on Post Street, between First and Market; free.) (RvB)
MOROCCO/THE DEVIL IS A WOMAN (1930/1935) According to his biography, director Josef von Sternberg claims that the Pasha of Marrakech assured him that he must have actually made the movie in Marrakech, since one of his favorite streets in the city appeared onscreen. Either the Pasha or von Sternberg was jesting; Morocco is a
famously studio-bound confection. The ambience, the shadow-andsmoke cinematography, the direction and the stars create a waking fever dream about the liaison between a world-weary demiprostitute, Amy Jolly (Marlene Dietrich), and a smitten French Legionnaire, Tom Brown (Gary Cooper). BILLED WITH The Devil Is a Woman, proof that the black-and-white cinematography of Hollywood’s golden age achieved states of visual consciousness that color simply can’t duplicate. Again, the story is negligible—a beautiful
(PG-13; 11 min.) See review on page 40.
RUSH: BEYOND THE LIGHT STAGE A concert film. (Shows Jun 15 at 7:15pm.)
SOLITARY MAN (R; 90 min.) See review at right. (Opens Jun 11 at CinéArts Santana Row, Palo Alto Square and Century 20 Downtown Redwood City.)
Revivals BLADES OF BLOOD See page 43. (Opens June 11 in Cupertino at the AMC Cupertino.) (RvB)
CADDYSHACK/ANIMAL HOUSE (1980/1978) The cinematic residue of the National Lampoon during its glory era: two us-against-them comedies. Caddyshack’s raggediness means nothing compared to the dozens of quotable bits, as well as Rodney Dangerfield as a vulgarian’s vulgarian, Bill Murray as a stillin-Saigon gopher killer and Ted Knight, immortal as Judge Elihu Smails. Animal House’s fragrant John Belushi leads a cast of too many normals, and Doug Kenney and Chris Miller’s stories in the ’poon beat the stuff here. However, Donald Sutherland’s story about the universes in his fingernail seems to have anticipated The Matrix series by 20 years. (Plays Jun 11 at 7pm and June 13 at 1pm in San Jose at the Retro Dome.) (RvB)
IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT (1934) Recently sampled, and mangled in the sampling, the hitchhiking scene from this movie was used to make Sex and the City 2 look cheesier than it was already. Now, check out Frank Capra’s essential screwball comedy about a dizzy heiress (Claudette Colbert) and an ornery reporter (Clark Gable.
9<E:? GC8P<IJ D`Z_X\c ;fl^cXj `j [`jjXk`jÓ \[ n`k_ c`]\# `eZcl[`e^ _`j \o$n`]\ JljXe JXiXe[fe %
‘Solitary Man’ THE TITLE seems like a strange misnomer for Michael Douglas’s latest rogue-male drama. It’s kind of a dunce’s version of Kurosawa’s Ikiru. Directors Brian Koppelman and David Levien follow a New York bastard, driven to selfishness because of his fear of his own mortality. Former used-car tycoon Ben Kalmen (Douglas) is reaping the results of his bad behavior. He’s broke. He’s divorced (from the ever-patient Susan Sarandon). He’s wrapped up in a scandal, the same kind of scam William H. Macy’s character had going in Fargo. His daughter distrusts him, although his grandson adores him. Jfc`kXip DXe On the plus side, Kalmen is involved with a good-looking shrew of a society lady named R; 90 min. Jordan (Mary-Louise Parker). She suggests Opens June 11, that Kalmen escort her teenage daughter PA Square and (Imogen Poots) to his old school in Boston, CineArts where he was once a huge donor and knows Santana Row the dean. Jordan hopes Kalmen can grease her daughter’s way into college. During the trip, the old man ruins what’s left of his life. The cooked-up explanation for Ben’s misdeeds makes it hard to believe that this bad man is real, let alone an oracle. He passes life lessons on to the next generation, and the young are all too ready to listen, especially a callow college student (Jesse Eisenberg) who befriends Ben during the Boston trip. In the film’s falsest passage, Kalmen rekindles a friendship with an old pal (Danny DeVito), a humble restaurant owner. DeVito is Solitary Man’s mandatory mensch who assures Kalmen that little guys are still behind him. Douglas’ movie-star grandstanding swamps a story that might have been worth believing if it took place on a lower key. Strangely, the nation’s critics have been describing this film as a tour de force. Then again, it is critics—and other actors—who have the most interest in watching a movie star’s force of personality challenging inferior, phony material. In this case, the material wins, swamping Douglas and the rest of the cast.ÆI`Z_Xi[ mfe 9ljXZb
M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5, 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
‘By Brakhage’ BY TURNS hermetic, baffling and universal in scope, the films of Stan Brakhage (1933–2003) belong to the once-heroic, now-neglected genre of experimental films. Brakhage’s films, mostly short (under 30 minutes) and almost all without any soundtrack, turn completely away from the narrative strategies we are accustomed to absorbing without too much questioning; they don’t tell “stories”; there is no acting; continuity of action and image is abandoned. Instead, they are extended visual meditations or poems of seeing, fashioned from found footage, his own 8 mm and 16 mm shoots and even animated objects—he famously, and laboriously, taped insect wings and organic detritus to a film strip and ran it through a projector for Mothlight, a famous example of a film that doesn’t represent something else but is the thing itself. Through a wide range of techniques (microscopic edits, dissolves, double and triple exposures, negative reverses, extremes of focus), Brakhage created fast-flashing, densely layered swirls of images. Often, fleeting snippets 9p 9iXb_X^\1 of recognizable people and places are 8e 8ek_fcf^p# intercut with passages of pure abstraction, Mfc% ) as Brakhage painted and scratched directly on film emulsion. Criterion Collection By Brakhage, Vol. Two, an immaculately $39.95 remastered three-disc set from Criterion, adds 30 more samples of Brakhage’s extensive oeuvre to the first volume (which contains his most famous work, Dog Star Man). This collection ranges chronologically from a 1955 collage of New York City streets, The Wonder Ring, commissioned by artist Joseph Cornell, through 23rd Psalm Branch, a major contemplation on violence and war, all the way to selections from his astonishing Persian Series of the late ’90s, gorgeous, kaleidoscopic hand-painted films that play like stained-glass windows animated to a fever pitch. Some of the selections are arcane to the point of obscurity, especially when Brakhage falls back on random snippets of his own studio and backyard. More accessible are the cosmic landscape collages, for instance, Vision in Meditation #2 (Mesa Verde), which captures the timeless mystery of the Anasazi cliff dwellings of the Southwest in shifting panoramas of stone and clouds. I prefer Brakhage at his most abstract—working with pigments and stylus, manipulating the medium directly. The best of these are like Jackson Pollocks come to frantic life. I Take These Truths (1995) is a 17-minute epic of intense bursts of color and light erupting in a warp-speed torrent from the darkness: it could be our only record of the Big Bang itself.ÆD`Z_X\c J% >Xek
metroactive FILM
temptress (Dietrich) in 19th-century Spain destroys the men who desire her (including Lionel Atwill and Cesar Romero)—but the closeups of von Sternberg’s favorite star are unforgettable. Photographed by Lucien Ballard and von Sternberg. (Plays Jun 16-18 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB/MSG)
of him stealing a kiss from Edna Purviance (very sweet in male drag). Also: Harold Lloyd in Bumping Into Broadway (1919) and Cops (1922)— absolute cinematic perfection if not just Buster Keaton’s best short? Greg Pane at the piano. (Plays Jun 12 at 7:30pm in Fremont at the Edison Theatre.) (RvB)
John Williams’ cow-college football team marching music, and the campy dames-is-poison angle dredged up from primordial Poverty Row B-films. ComedySportz will perform live improv before the show. (Plays Jun 9 at sundown in San Jose at San Pedro Square, between Santa Clara and St. John Street.) (RvB)
June 12: Behind the Screen (1916). Charlie Chaplin plays a belabored stagehand who is foolishly entrusted with the lever that operates the trap door; renowned ever since The Celluloid Closet, for one bit
(1981) Starlight Cinema begins its schedule of free summer movies with the Lucas/Spielberg tribute to the serials of the 1940s. This movie fails to get me, probably because of its Reagan-style faux innocence,
THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE/ HANGOVER SQUARE (Both 1945) Dorothy McGuire stars as the mute nursemaid in a New England mansion; on her trail is a killer who can’t stand imperfections. BILLED WITH Hangover Square. A fleshy London classical pianist named Bone (Laird Cregar) has lately started to unravel—and his dalliance with a treacherous musichall singer (Linda Darnell) is making matters worse for him. John Brahm’s film noir is maybe a bit het up, but Cregar shows that he could have joined the ranks of Vincent Price and Peter Lorre if he’d only lived a bit longer. (Plays Jun 12-15 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theater.) (RvB)
A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN/ THE LATE GEORGE APLEY (1945/1947) Peggy Ann Garner stars in the film version of Betty Smith’s celebrated novel about growing up in Brooklyn 1900, with an unsuccessful dreamer of a father (James Dunn) and a strong-willed mother (Dorothy
Reviews BABIES (PG) A documentary about one year in the life of four babies in different countries.
GET HIM TO THE GREEK (R; 109 min.) Russell Brand’s decadent rock star Aldous Snow proved popular enough in Forgetting Sarah Marshall that director Nicholas Stoller decided to make an entire film dedicated to him. Unfortunately, what made Jason Segel’s film such a success wasn’t solely Brand’s character. Get Him to the Greek sloppily copies Marshall with Jonah Hill in the title role as a recordlabel intern acting as a babysitter for Snow. While there are definite laughs, it lacks the heart and soul its predecessor had in spades. (MM)
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‘Blades of Blood’ THE IMPORTANCE of the hat in action movies must never be denied. The man-who-would-be-king antagonist Lee Monghak (Cha Seung-won) in the Korean import Blades of Blood has an arresting kind of bonnet: an ultrawide sombrero— almost a pilgrim’s topper—made out of black mesh. When director Lee Jun-ik goes in for a tight Leone-style close-up, the shading of the eyes from 9cX[\j f] 9cff[ the massive transparent brim makes for Opens June 11 some suave effects. Maybe Lee Mongat AMC Cupertino hak is related to Lee Van Cleef? In the middle ages, the Korean throne is wobbling between two troublesome neighbors, Japan and China. The country is in political stalemate between powerful nobles, while the king vacillates. A bastard son (Baek Seong-hyeon) wants to avenge his father. He’s helped out in this mission by Hwang (Hwang Jun-min), a tattered blind swordsman, who has the engaging fixed grin of the late Dom DeLuise. The blind man’s job, as in movies immemorial, is to pummel the snot-nosed qualities out of the kid. (The teacher even throws a selection of bordello chamber pots at the boy to get his attention and clear his mind.) Director Lee does without wire work and CGI; the sword fights are fierce and direct (with wider shots so we don’t see the bloodiest mayhem close up). The use of slow-motion and zoom is very judicious, adding to the excitement of the duels. One sequence, a royal ambush that Lee Mong-hak busts through with his soldiers, is Asian action at its most impressive. Thoughtful aphorisms tantalize the Western fan: “Everyone mourns when a lord’s dog dies, but no one mourns when a lord dies.” Blades of Blood bears the same relation to Japanese samurai films as a Hyundai does to a Honda—an effective emulation that in some respects surpasses its original model for economy and drive.—Richard von Busack
M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
McGuire). Joan Blondell co-stars as the girl’s raffish aunt. BILLED WITH The Late George Apley, a softenedup version of J.P. Marquand’s novel about the demise of a Boston Brahmin; here, Ronald Colman plays the less acerbic version of the patriarch dealing with such matters as a daughter (Peggy Cummins) who wants to marry a Yale man. (Plays Jun 9-11 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5, 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
metroactive FILM IRON MAN 2 (PG-13; 165 min.) Struck by heavymetal poisoning from his atomic pacemaker, Tony Stark (a roguish Robert Downey Jr.) is besieged by enemies: a Russian ex-con with access to his technology (Mickey
Rourke being the Bear That Walks Like a Man), a glad-handing competitor (Sam “I’m Always Best in Small Doses” Rockwell) and last but not least the U.S. government. Politically muddled is the worst you can say about it; a power fantasy
ought not to lose the idea of which way the power is flowing. Despite a middle section that vamps for time, Jon Favreau is successful in making this an invigorating meld of screwball comedy and robotfighting action; Scarlett Johansson is most decorative as the agent known elsewhere as Black Widow, and Gwyneth Paltrow shows a nimbleness previously unseen (she has to act fast to get up to Downey’s speed). Broad, playful, well-cut and economically done, this movie isn’t just the first of the summer blockbusters—it’s the model for how they all should work. (RvB)
KILLERS (PG-13) A comedy with Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl wondering if their neighbors want to assassinate them.
LETTERS TO JULIET (PG-13; 105 min.) As Sideshow Bob might have predicted: The chick flick’s bottomless chum-bucket has claimed Vanessa Redgrave. In Verona, an aspiring New Yorker writer Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) tours the Casa di Giullieta, which the Veronese assert is the actual home of Juliet Capulet. The lovelorn have been leaving letters to the not only dead but imaginary girl for years. Sophie finds a 50-yearold communiqué from an English woman (Redgrave) who had to leave an Italian lover behind. Sophie answers the letter; the lady arrives with her diffident yet cute British grandson (Christopher Egan), his insults hiding a tender bruised heart. Loads of locations, but director Gary Winick doesn’t frame them well. Seyfried, despite divine shape and alertness, can’t make this work. You know the saying “The lights are on, but nobody’s home? In Seyfried’s case, there’s someone clearly at home, it’s just that the lights aren’t on. (RvB)
MACGRUBER (R; 99 min.) An SNL spinoff comedy with Will Forte as a special op. Also stars Kristen Wiig and the irrepressible Val Kilmer.
MARMADUKE (PG) The big dog barks, thanks to the voice of Owen Wilson. If you loved Beethoven (the St. Bernard, not the composer), mark the calendar now.
MICMACS (R; 105 min.) A children’s movie for adults by Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Bazil (Dany Boon) was unmanned by the loss of his parents. At loose ends, Bazil is scooped up by a group of
PLEASE GIVE (R; 90 min.) Minor NYC comedy about Kate (Catherine Keener), the propertied owner of a boutique making scads of money reselling furniture she got cheap. She also has a tenant, Andra (Anne Guilbert), an exasperating old lady whose apartment Kate is planning to annex as soon as the crone dies. Director Nicole Holofcener hasn’t developed much as a visual filmmaker in the past 15 years—she still favors the walking-and-talking shot. The story spirals to include Andra’s toxically grandparented offspring: Rebecca (Rebecca Hall, constrained by the part) and Mary (Amanda Peet) as a romantic interest to Kate’s distracted husband. The doughy husband (Oliver Platt) is drawn by Mary’s refreshing curtness. So are we. Since there isn’t a traditional Keener character in this comedy, we’re more taken with her surrogate, in the form of Peet and her ruthless energy. (RvB)
PRINCE OF PERSIA: THE SANDS OF TIME (PG-13; 116 min.) There’s not much to say about this except “Stay away—far away.” With a plot that makes Lost look like Goodnight Moon, it’s a film that should be tucked away and forgotten about as quickly as possible. What semblance of a plot there seems to be follows the adopted Prince of Persia, Dastan (Jake Gyllenhaal), as he (surprise!) saves the world. Adopted by the King for his “noble character” despite his beggar blood, he’s destined for obvious greatness above his royal brothers. Years later when they decide to invade a nearby city for allegedly smuggling weapons, Dastan stumbles into a much deeper mystery, with the
city’s Princess Tamina (Gemma Arterton) at the center. It seems as if the writers and director Mike Newell cut out everything but action scenes and witty dialogue. If only the action scenes were worthwhile. (MM)
ROBIN HOOD (PG-13; 144 min.) Overlong and graceless to the extreme, Robin Hood looks like three extended movies spliced into one unwieldy feature. This prequel concerns Robin’s involvement in the end of the Crusades, the civil war and the little-known French invasion of England in the early 1200s. The tale is interspersed with more political palaver than The Phantom Menace. “Robin Longstride” (Russell Crowe) decamps from Richard the Lionheart’s army and goes into the countryside to pose as a dead knight; the father-in-law of the deceased (Max von Sydow) decides to do a Martin Guerre on this imposter, as does the widow Marian (Cate Blanchett in a wig nearly as tall as she is). This has to be the least-sylvan Robin Hood ever made. Crowe looks less like a fox and more like a logy, depressed pit bull as the film tries to chug around him with more montages of burning villages and more meetings of angry Plantagenets; the only reason we know the film is coming to some conclusion is by seeing a CGI armada of medieval D-Day landing craft for the big finale. (RvB)
THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES (R; 127 min.) Elegant but staid murder mystery nibbles around the edges of the Dirty War. It’s the “Forget it, Jacobo, it’s Argentinatown” view: the search for justice evaporating in 1974 Buenos Aires, with present-day sequences to frame a reopened investigation. It’s leavened by a fine Mulder and Scully anti-romance between an attractive female criminal investigator, Irene (Soledad Villamil), and her attractively crumbling, Mastroiannish male assistant, Benjamin (Ricardo Darín). The film is as restless and jokey as a cop procedural show; every scene is on the mark, but there aren’t enough counterpoints to the assured flow of the story. The slick, vengeanceis-mine punch line isn’t very impressive either. (RvB)
Director/writer Michael Patrick King remolds the problems of Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker), who is allegedly a writer but really a shopper. Halfway through, the film junkets to Abu Dhabi to revel in more shopping. We get Carrie’s disenchantment with her marriage with Mr. Big (the leaden Chris Noth). Brainless baba Charlotte (Kristin Davis) has two problem children. Cynthia Nixon’s Miranda has some job troubles. And the perennially horny Samantha (Kim Cattrall) fights the decline of her hormones. These aging courtesans are now supposed to be freedomfighting feminist avengers; Helen Reddy, Virginia Woolf and Susan Sontag get their props as they scandalize the burka-clad ladies. The movie’s heart is less with the named feminists and more with the conspicuous consumption of Beyoncé. (RvB)
SHREK FOREVER AFTER (PG; 93 min.) The animated saga returns in 3-D.
SPLICE (R; 107 min.) Sardonic, pervy horror film by Vincenzo Natali. Clive (Adrien Brody) and Elsa (Sarah Polley) are underpaid, overworked techs toiling on a creature that will exude horse hormones for veterinary use; by night, they work on an illegal and no doubt immoral side project on their own. Their experiment is a success, in the sense that the creature lives. She’s your classic featherless biped, with knees in the wrong place and six toes. “Dren” is the result of a composite performance by Abigail Chu and Delphine Chaneac; they’re collaborating on something that has the treacherous fairy-in-estrus look of an Aubrey Beardsley drawing. The wild story seems to invigorate Polley, usually used for her moodiness and tense intelligence. The film’s crafty underpinnings and subtext about terrors of childraising and Freudian resentments have great timeliness. (RvB)
WOMEN WITHOUT MEN (Unrated; 95 min.) A drama by Iranian filmmaker Shirin Neshat. On Saturday, Neshat will appear in person at Camera 3 after the 1:40 and 4:25pm screenings to answer questions about her work.
SEX AND THE CITY 2 (R; 146 min.) Having left the realm of common sense and cultural relevance years ago, the franchise staggers to its grave in a sequel of phenomenal gaucheness.
M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
friendly scavengers at the dump. Giulietta Masina look-alike Julie Ferrier (doubled by contortionist Julia Gunthel) plays an Elastic Girl who keeps surprising us by unfolding out of nowhere. As a criminal with a good line of patter, Jean-Pierre Marielle has a Hugoesque story of how he escaped capital punishment. The gang decides to help him expose a pair of competing arms manufacturers: wealthy predators who have been selling weapons throughout Africa. Like Jacques Tati, Jeunet seeks out the old brown Paris, of canal bridges, railroad stations and elephantine 1950s factories. Despite the eye candy, this terminally cute clockwork toy is missing a mainspring. (RvB)
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
metroactive MUSIC
Been to the Mountain
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is eye-catching. is eye-catching. The The vview iew of of the the S ilicon Valley Valley is is breathtaking. breathtak king. And And Silicon o ourse, tthereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s p lenty o expensive off ccourse, plenty off expensive w ine to to be be had. had. wine IItt was waass aan n iideal deall venue venue for for a band band like like tthe he G oo G oo D olls, whose whose m usic ďŹ ts ďŹ ts Goo Goo Dolls, music tthe he am mphitheater ssetting, etting, b ut whose whose amphitheater but p erformance b eneďŹ ts from from tthe he fact fact that that performance beneďŹ ts tthe he p lace iiss ssmall mall enough enough to to actually acctually place ssee ee tthe he b and play. play. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re known known for for band ttheir heir ssoft oft b allads like like â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iris, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iris,â&#x20AC;? more more so so ballads tthan han n ttheir heir h arrder rrock ock ssongs, ongs, even even harder tthough hough a m ajority o heir set set kicking kicking majority off ttheir o ff the the M ountain W inery 2010 2010 season seasson off Mountain Winery w ere tthe he heavier, heavier, faster faster kind. kind. They They were m ixed old old and and new new material materiall into into their their mixed ssold-out old-out show, show, demonstrating demonstrating that that ttheir heir sstrongest trongest asset assset is is their their ability ability to to b lend gorgeous gorgeous vocal vocal harmonies harmonies with with blend
some both some impressive impressive guitar guitar playing, playing, in in b oth ballad balllad and and hard harrd rock rock songs songs alike. alike. At At one one point, point, lead lead singer singer John John Rzenik, Rzenik, obviously obviously impressed impressed with with the the Mountain Mountain Winery Winery and and perhaps perhaps momentarily momentarily fooled fooled into into thinking thinking that that all alll of of the the South South Bay Bay is is just just as as idyllic, idyllic, had had to to stop stop to to comment comment on on it. it. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is is much much nicer nicer than than n where where we we live, live, Los Los Angeles, Angeles,â&#x20AC;? he he said. said. The The audience audience booed booed at at the the mere mere mention mention of of L.A., L.A., which which was was funny funny considering considering that that San San Jose Jose is is in in some some ways ways just just as as urban. urban n. But But itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easy easy to to forget forget that that you you live live in in the the smog smog and and traffic traffi ffic of of Silicon Silicon Valley Valley when when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re up up above above it it all alll in in Saratoga. Saratoga. The The Dolls Dolls were were just just the the beginning beginning of of a summer summer season season that that stretches stretches into into October October and and includes includes more more than than 60 60 headlining headlining acts accts in in almost allmost as as many many dates. dates. For For rock rock fans, fans, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like like a Grape Grape Tub Tub Time Time Machine Machine at at Mountain Mountain Winery Winery this this year, year, with with the the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s coming coming back back in in a big big way. way. Pat Pat Benatar Benatar had had the the crowd crowd on on their their feet feet at at her her show show last last summer. summer. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s back, back, headlining headlining with with REO REO Speedwagon Speedwagon (July ( July 27), 27), joined joined by by fellow fellow â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s icons icons
Ziggy Ziggy Marley Marley (July ( July 15), 15), Kenny Kenny Loggins Loggins (July ( July 29), 29), Squeeze Squeeze with with the the English English Beat Beat (July ( July 330), 0), Michael Michael McDonald McDonald with with Chaka Chaka Khan Khan (July ( July 31), 31), the the Fabulous Fabulous Thunderbirds Thunderbirds ((who who open open for for Los Los Lonely Lonely Boys Boys Aug. Aug. 6), 6), Blondie Blondie and and the the B-52s B-52s (Aug. (Aug. 10), 10), Huey Huey Lewis Lewis and and the the News News (Aug. (Aug. 11), 11), Billy Billy Idol Idol (Aug. (Aug. 16), 16), Cyndi Cyndi Lauper Lauper (Aug. (Aug. 17), 17), Crowded Crowded House House (Aug. (Aug. 24), 24), Melissa Melissa Etheridge Etheridge (Aug. (Aug. 26), 26), Chris Chris Isaak Isaak (Aug. (Aug. 27-28), 27-28), Foreigner Foreigner (Sept. (Sept. 23), 23), Hall Hall and and Oates Oates (Sept. (Sept. 27) 27) and and Cheap Cheap Trick Trick (who (who close close the the season season on on Oct. Oct. 8). 8). For For those those who who want wan ant to to go go eeven ven more more retro retro than than that, that, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Diana Diana Ross Ross (June ( June 12), 12), Yes Yes with with Peter Peter Frampton Frampton (July ( July 11), 11), Smokey Smokey Robinson Robinson (July ( July 16), 16), the the Beach Beach Boys Boys (July ( July 18), 18), Ringo Ringo Starr Starr (Aug. (Aug. 3), 3), Styx Styx (Aug. (Aug. 8), 8), Hippiefest Hippiefest with with Jack Bruce others Jack B ruce and an nd many man ny o thers (Sug. (Sug. 20), 20), Earth, Earth, Wind Wind and an nd Fire Fire (Aug. (Aug. 31) 31) and and the the Doobie Doobie Brothers Brothers (Sept. (Sept. 11). 11). If If the the â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s â&#x20AC;&#x2122;80s seems seems too too far faarr back, bacck, the the season season also allso includes includes Imogen Imogen Heap Heap p (June ( June 18), 18), Erykah Erykah h Badu Badu (June ( June 19), 19), Black Black Crowes Crowes (June ( June 30), 30), Avett Avett Brothers Brothers (July ( July 1), 1), Gipsy Gipsy Kings Kings (July ( July 10), 10), Barenaked Barenaked Ladies Ladies (July ( July 19), 19), Natalie Natalie Merchant Merchant (Aug. (Aug. 9), 9), Rob Rob Thomas Thomass (Aug. (Aug. 15), 15), the the Pixiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Pixiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Black Black Francis Fran ncis ((Aug. Aug. 19), 19), Rufus Rufus and Wainwright and Martha Martha W ainwright ((Aug. Aug. 23) 23) and and Sheryl Sheryl Crow Crow (Sept. (Sept. 14-15). 14-15). For For country, country, blues blues and and roots roots music, music, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Merle thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; s M erle Haggard Haggard with with Kris Kris Kristofferson Kristoff ffeerson ((June June 16), 16), Steve Steve Martin Martin and and the the Steep Steep Canyon Canyon Rangers Rangers (June ( June 222223), 23), Brandi Brandi Carlile Carlile (June ( June 26), 26), the the Dixie Dixie Chicksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Chicksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; side side project project Court Court Yard Yard Hounds Hounds (July ( July 9), 9), Lyle Lyle Lovett Lovett (July ( July 22), 22), Martina Martina McBride McBride (July ( July 26), 26), John John Legend Legend (Aug. (Aug. 1), 1), Mary Mary Chapin Chapin Carpenter Carpenter and and Shawn Shawn Colvin Colvin (Aug. (Aug. 5), 5), Lucinda Lucinda Williams Williams and and Robert Robert Earl Earl Keen Keen (Aug. (Aug. 18), 18), B.B. B.B. King King and and Buddy Buddy Guy Guy (Aug. (Aug. 22), 22), John John Hiatt Hiatt and and Los Los Lobos Lobos (Aug. (Aug. 22), 22), Garrison Garrison Keillorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Companion Keillorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Prairie Prairie Home Home C ompanion (Aug. (Aug. 25) 25) and and Willie Willie Nelson Nelson (Sept. (Sept. 22). 22). Last Lasst but but not not least, least, the the Mountain Mountain Winery Winery has has as been been an n increasingly increasingly good good spot spot for for comedy comedy over over the the last last couple couple of of yyears, ears, too. too. This This season, season, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more more than than ever, ever, with with Aziz Aziz Ansari Ansari (July ( July 23), 23), Chelsea Chelsea Handler Han andler (Aug. (Aug. 7), 7), Ron Ron White White (Aug. (Aug. 14), 14), Craig Craig Ferguson Ferguson (Sept. (Sept. 10), 10), Margaret Margaret Cho Cho (Sept. (Sept. 25) 25) and an nd Wanda Wan nda Sykes Sykes (Oct. (Oct. 2).q 2).q
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47 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M
Moree listings: Mor
Wayne Hancock
Sat, 9pm, the Blank Club, San Jose; $12 Born and raised in Austin, Texas, Wayne Hancock comfortably straddles the line between country outlaw and Texas troubadour, issuing songs that move from up-tempo rockabilly numbers to lovestruck ballads. Chop Tops open. (GW)
Diana Ross
Sat, 7pm, Mountain Winery, Saratoga; $49.50-$149.50 Ain’t no mountain winery high enough to keep new grandma Diana Ross from wrapping up her bigband, 16-city greatest hits tour “More Today than Yesterday.” Just for tonight, the audience will be allowed to make eye contact with Miss Ross. (RvB)
Joe Bataan
Sat, 7pm, Avalon, Santa Clara; $20/25 Filipino Spanish Harlemite Joe Bataan, born Peter Nitollanois, is a pioneer of Latin music and an expert in fusing soul styles with street-corner doo-wop vocals. His cover of Curtis Mayfield’s “Gypsy Woman” was a hit in the mid-’60s; four decades later, Bataan’s 2005 album Call My Name is as good as retro gets. (RvB)
D\kifÊj dlj`Z ZXc\e[Xi ilej N\[e\j[XpÅKl\j[Xp% D \kifÊj dlj`Z ZXc\e[ [Xi ilej N\ \[e\j[XpÅKl\j[Xp p%
Rock/Pop R ock/Pop AVALON A VALON Thu: TTapRoot. Thu: apRoot. FFri. ri. A Aloha loha FFridays, ridays, Boog. Bataan JB oog. SSat: at: JJoe oe B ataan aand nd KKool ool KKatz. atz. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.
THE T HE BLANK BLANK CLUB CLUB Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm: pm: LLee V Verita, erita, tthe he SSea ea People, Animals. P eople, Urban Urban A nimals. FFree. ree. FFri: ri: Manak SStiff tiff Little Little Fingers, Fingers, JJonny onny M anak $20. aand nd tthe he Depressives. Depressives. $ 20. SSat, at, 9pm: Wayne Hancock, 9 pm: W ayne H ancock, CChop hop 8pm: TTops. ops. $12. $12. SSun, un, 8 pm: Cage Cage tthe he Auto Vaughn. EElephant, lephant, 220-20s, 0-20s, A uto V aughn. $15. $ 15. SSan an JJose. ose.
BOSWELL’S B OSWELL’S Wed: JJack Wed: ack R Ripoff. ipoff. TThu: hu: CChili hili SSauce. auce. Fri: Fri: Savoir Savoir FFaire. aire. SSat: at: SSuga uga Daddy. D addy. SSun: un: M Mike ike LLeatherman. eatherman. Mon: M on: EElement. lement. CCampbell. ampbell.
BRITANNIA ARMS BRITANNIA ARMS ALMADEN A LMADEN Fri: W Fri: World orld CCup up bbroadcasts roadcasts ffollowed ollowed at at 10pm 10pm by by Groovenugget. G roovenugget. SSat, at, 110pm: 0pm: SSuperbad. uperbad. San San JJose. ose.
Autenticos Autenticos Decadentes Decadentes from from Argentina. Palo Alto. Argentina. P alo A lto.
Fri, 9pm: Fri, 9pm: Chris Chris Reed Reed Productions, P roductions, local local bands. bands. CCupertino. upertino.
CCAPERS APERS FFri, ri, 9pm: 9pm: Live Live music. music. Sat, Sat, 8:30pm: 8 :30pm: Local Local Traffic. Traffic. CCampbell. ampbell.
FFAHRENHEIT AHRENHEIT LLOUNGE OUNGE Thu, 10pm: Thu, 10pm: Dubstep, Dubstep, with with Roommate, DVS R oommate, D VS aand nd TTKO, KO, SSam am SSupa upa and and more. more. $10. $10. San San Jose. Jose.
FFIREHOUSE IREHOUSE GGRILL RILL Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: Ted Ted B. B. Sun, Sun, 3-7pm: 3-7pm: Greg G reg Cross Cross Band. Band. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
GGRAPEVINE RAPEVINE Thu, 7pm: Thu, 7pm: Emith. Emith. Fri, Fri, 7:30pm: 7:30pm: Mike M ike Murdock Murdock and and Sean Sean McGuire. M cGuire. Sat, Sat, 7pm: 7pm: Iwalani. Iwalani. SSan an Jose. Jose.
IILLUSIONS LLUSIONS SSUPPER UPPER CCLUB LUB Thu, 7:30pm: Thu, 7:30pm: Where Where the the Wild Wild Are, TThings hings A re, summer summer dance dance pparty arty ffor or aages ges 1144 ttoo 118. 8. FFri: ri: LLos os
Thu: SStand, Thu: tand, FFight, ight, R Resist. esist. FFri: ri: Powder TTown own CCrier, rier, P owder TTrain, rain, SSplit plit Via Viavictus, Has SShot. hot. Sun: Sun: V ia V iavictus, H as Dirty Pillows. iinn tthe he CCamero, amero, D irty P illows. SSan an JJose. ose.
NICKEL N ICKEL CITY CITY Sat, 77pm: Sat, pm: A Atom tom A Age, ge, TTreephort. reephort. $10. $ 10. SSan an JJose. ose.
NUMBER N UMBER O ONE NE B BROADWAY ROADWAY Wed: JJCC SSmith Wed: mith JJam. am. TThu: hu: B Bone one Drivers. 9:30pm: D rivers. FFri, ri, 9 :30pm: JJoint oint $10. 9:30pm: CChiefs. hiefs. $ 10. SSat, at, 9 :30pm: TTouch ouch $10. ooff Class. Class. $ 10. SSun: un: CComedy omedy with Mor. nnight ight w ith CCece ece M or. Gatos. LLos os G atos.
QUARTER Q UARTER N NOTE OTE Thu, 8 Thu, 8pm: pm: R Rock ock bband. and. FFri, ri, 9 9pm: pm: Nail, Buzzkill. TTooth ooth and and N ail, CCrus, rus, B uzzkill. $10. $ 10. SSat, at, 44pm: pm: CCool ool FFire. ire. FFree. ree. 8:15pm: Bird Dogs. SSat, at, 8 :15pm: TThe he B ird D ogs. $10. $ 10. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M T
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Moree listings: Mor
MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M
CONCERT WED. 6/9 9 PM FREE THUR. 6/10 9 PM $5
New Wave, Electro & Indie DJ BASURA
SAT. 6/12 9 PM $12
SUN. 6/13 8 PM $15
Channel 92.3 Presents:
JFLC @:FE C\eep N`cc`Xdj _Xj Y\\e jXdgc\[ Yp \m\ipfe\ ]ifd BXep\ kf JZXi]XZ\%
Lenny Williams & Prince Damons
6/18 CHANNEL 3, SYMBOL SIX, BOOB 6/19 THE MUMLERS, THE AEROSOLS, A, B AND THE SEA 6/20 G.B.H., OUTERNATIONAL, THE FORGOTTEN 6/23 SOFT VOLUME, RED LETTER AGENT, THE TRIMS 6/24 THE HEAVY, SUICIDAL BARFLY + ATOMIC 6/25 A PLACE TO BURY STRANGERS, LIGHT POLLUTION 6/26 SHITKICKERS, PREACHING TO THE ANIMALS, BIRD 7/2 PINBACK presents THE ROB & ZACH SHOW 7!,, 0!0%2 "544%2&,9 "/.%3 s ",+4/0 -!')# "5,,%43 s -%,6).3 s :/,!2 8 7/14 AUDRYE SESSIONS, DAVE SMALLEN, CALVIN STURGES 37%%4(%!$ s /")43 .)'(4 -!2#(%23 ,/3 /,6)$!$/3 2)":9 s (/445" 7//$(!.$3 3+9&,!+%3 s 3,/% s 4(% !4!2)3 7!8 &).'%23 s ",!30(%-/53 25-/523 9/7 SOUTHERN CULTURE ON THE SKIDS
LENNY WILLIAMS is used to collaborating with a lot of instruments. As lead singer of Tower of Power, he projected his vocals over nearly a dozen instrumentalists in full jam mode. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s good prep for his collaboration at this Music in the Park show with Prince Damons, who can Music in the Park whip out any of the 13 instruments in his repertoire at any time (OK, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not that easy to whip out a piano, but I Thursday saw the Roadrunner do it one time.) Though both of these 5:30pm suave soulsters are rooted ďŹ rmly in R&B, expect some hip-hop touches, since Damons has been collaborating Plaza de Cesar recently with E40, Too Short and other Oakland icons. Hell, Chavez, San Jose as hip-hop connections go, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nothing: Williams has had a huge inďŹ&#x201A;uence on the genre, and his solo hit â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Cause I Love Youâ&#x20AC;? has been sampled by everyone from Kanye to Scarface. Still, Damons upcoming solo debut is called Atmospheric Soul, which describes nicely what these two will deliver. Ă&#x2020;Jk\m\ GXcfgfc`
49 4 9 RED R ED R ROCK OCK CCOFFEE OFFEE CO. CO. Fri, 8 Fri, 8pm: pm: M Moose oose Fire, Fire, iindie ndie rrock. ock. William Band. SSat, at, 8pm: 8pm: W illiam CCleere leere B and. Mountain View. M ountain V iew.
SSADDLE ADDLE RACK RACK SSun: un: M Montrose. ontrose. Fremont. Fremont.
SSOUTH OUTH FIRST FIRST B BILLIARDS ILLIARDS Fri: N Fri: NME, ME, TTied ied and and True, True, 138, 138, Minds. FFactory actory M inds. Sat: Sat: Audio Audio Revolution, R evolution, tthe he TTrims rims and and My My Parade. P arade. San San Jose. Jose.
THE T HE W WILLOW I L L OW D DEN EN A nnew ew club club opens opens at at 803 803 LLincoln incoln Ave. Ave. San San Jose. Jose.
World W orld
ALBERTOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S A LBERTOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S
JJazz/Blues azz/Blues
Wed: B Wed: Bachata. achata. TThu, hu, 9pm: 9pm: Hot Hot Pantea. 8pm: ssalsa, alsa, P antea. Fri, Fri, 8 pm: HipHiphhop op Friday. Friday. Sat: Sat: LLatin atin Nights. Nights. Mountain M ountain View. View.
Fri-Sat: LLive Fri-Sat: ive m music usic and and belly belly ddancing. ancing. Cupertino. Cupertino.
Fri-Sat, 8 Fri-Sat, 8:30pm: :30pm: LLive ive bbands. ands. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
VOODOO V OODOO LOUNGE LOUNGE Sun: SStreetlow Sun: treetlow M Magazine agazine oofďŹ cial fďŹ cial H,, aafter fter party. party. Tue, Tue, 8pm: 8pm: Local Local H Brain Heart, Affair. LLeft eft B rain H eart, 4 Star Star A ffair. SSan an JJose. ose.
contest. No contest. No cover. cover. Fri, Fri, 8pm8pm22am: am: NorteĂąo NorteĂąo and and Bandas Bandas live. live. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Fri, 9pm: Fri, 9pm: D Danilo. anilo. Sat, Sat, 8 8:30pm: :30pm: JJames ames Robinson. Robinson. FFlamenco lamenco jazz jazz gguitarist. uitarist. Mountain Mountain View. View.
PARRANDA P ARRANDA N NIGHTCLUB IGHTCLUB Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: Banda Banda 300. 300. Plus DJJ A Akustik P lus D kustik aand nd bull-riding bull-riding
Fri, 7:30pm: Fri, 7:30pm: Capoeira Capoeira show. show. FFree. ree. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
ANGELICAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S A NGELICAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S B BISTRO ISTRO Thu, 77:30pm: Thu, :30pm: Blues Blues JJam. am. Fri, Fri, 6pm: 6 pm: Jeffrey Jeffrey Gilliam, Gilliam, followed followed bbyy SShana hana Morrison Morrison at at 8pm. 8pm. SSat: at: TTom om Jackman Jackman at at 6pm; 6pm; the the Powerhouse P owerhouse Band Band at at 8pm. 8pm. Sun, Sun, 111amm: 1amm: Tamra Tamra Engleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Engleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s CCougar ougar Rock R ock Brunch Brunch Show. Show. TTue, ue, 7pm: 7pm: JJazz azz open open stage. stage. Redwood Redwood City. City.
B412 B 412 SSun, un, 55-10pm: -10pm: Sushi Sushi Sundays Sundays
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M
Moree listings: Mor
with w ith jjazz azz bband. and. P Palo alo A Alto. lto.
Wed, Thu, Sat: Live music. Wed, San Jose.
Fri, 7-10pm: Fri, 7-10pm: SSingers ingers aand nd musicians. m usicians. San San JJose. ose.
Wed, 7:30pm: Wed, 7:30pm: Tuesday Tuesday Night Night LLive, ive, big big band. band. $5/$10. $5/$10. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Mon: M on: CComedy omedy N Night. ight. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Sun, 5:30pm: Sun, 5:30pm: Jazz Jazz jam. jam. CCupertino upertino
CCAFFE AFFE T TRIESTE RIESTE Fri, 8 Fri, 8pm: pm: G Gianfranco ianfranco aand nd 8pm: FFriends. riends. SSat, at, 8 pm: EEmperor mperor Norton’s Band. N orton’s JJazz azz B and. SSan an JJose. ose.
CC&W/Folk &W/Folk
Wed, 8 Wed, 8:30pm: :30pm: The The G Girlz irlz B Band. and. TThu, hu, 8:30pm: 8:30pm: CContemporary ontemporary oorr 9pm: LLatin atin jazz. jazz. FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 9 pm: JJazz azz aand nd ppop op ddance ance bands. bands. SSan an JJose. ose.
GGRAND RAND DELL DELL SSALOON ALOON Thu: Blues Thu: Blues JJam am w w/AKI. /AKI. FFri, ri, 8 8pm: pm: 8pm: IIsis sis aand nd tthe he CCold old TTruth. ruth. SSat, at, 8 pm: Red R ed EEye ye EExpress. xpress. CCampbell. ampbell.
HEDLEY H EDLEY CCLUB LUB Thu, 8pm: Thu, 8pm: Russo Russo Alberts Alberts Trio. Trio. Fri, Fri, 8:30pm: Hotel 8 :30pm: Panthelion. Panthelion. H otel ddee Anza, A nza, SSan an JJose. ose.
JJ.J.’S .J.’S BLUES BLUES CCAFE AFE Wed: O Wed: One ne N Night ight SStand. tand. FFri: ri: Rooster’s R ooster’s Teeth Teeth at at 77pm; pm; Red Red House Band H ouse Blues Blues B and at at 9pm. 9pm. $10. $10. Megatones. $10. Alvin SSat: at: M egatones. $ 10. SSun: un: A lvin Draper. Mon: Dennis Dove. D raper. M on: D ennis D ove. TTue: ue: LLiar’s iar’s CClub. lub. SSan an JJose. ose.
Sun: Mike Sun: Mike Leatherman. Leatherman. CCampbell. ampbell.
MISSION M ISSION CCITY ITY R ROASTING OASTING Fri, 77:30pm: Fri, :30pm: A Avanti. vanti. SSat, at, 8 8pm: pm: Bluestein. EEvo vo B luestein. Sun, Sun, 4pm: 4pm: RGVS RGVS 22010 010 LLive ive Showcase. Showcase. Santa Santa CClara. lara.
O’FLAHERTY’S O ’FLAHERTY’S Sun, Tue, Sun, Tue, 5pm: 5pm: TTraditional raditional IIrish rish music. m usic. SSan an Jose. Jose.
Thu, 7pm: Thu, 7pm: SSouth outh B Bay ay Folks Folks Open Open Mic. M ic. SSanta anta CClara. lara. TTue, ue, 8 8-11pm: -11pm: O Open pen m mic ic hhosted osted bbyy JJeff eff Dharma. Dharma. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Karaoke K araoke
Wed-Sat, 9 Wed-Sat, 9pm: pm: KKaraoke. araoke. Tue, Tue, 9pm: 9 pm: Karaoke. Karaoke. SSan an Jose. Jose.
Wed, 9pm: Wed, 9pm: California California Cowboys. Cowboys. 9pm, TThu-Fri, hu-Fri, 9 pm, SSat, at, 110:15pm: 0:15pm: Diablo Road. D iablo R oad. SSat, at, 77:15pm: :15pm: TThe he Bell Brothers. B ell B rothers. Fremont. Fremont.
Mon-Sat, 9 Mon-Sat, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.
Fri, 9pm-1am: Fri, 9pm-1am: Danielle. Danielle. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Wed, 6pm: Wed, 6pm: Diana Diana D Donnelly onnelly and and tthe he Yes Yes Ma’ams. Ma’ams. TTue, ue, 66pm: pm: CCabin abin FFever. ever. SSan an Jose. Jose.
BLUE B LUE BONNET BONNET B BAR AR Mon & W Mon Wed-Thu, ed-Thu, 8 8pm: pm: KKaraoke. araoke. Noo ccover. N over. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Wed, 6 Wed, 6pm: pm: R Ron on TThomson. homson. TThu, hu, 6pm: Price. 6 pm: LLara ara P rice. FFri, ri, 77:15pm: :15pm: Band. 6pm: CChris hris CCain ain B and. SSat, at, 6 pm: Garth Webber, Garcia G arth W ebber, JJohn ohn G arcia aand nd Breast TTerry erry Hiatt. Hiatt. SSun, un, 22-6pm: -6pm: B reast Awareness Day, with CCancer ancer A wareness D ay, w ith IIsis sis Amy A my LLou ou and and JJude ude LLozon ozon pplus lus tthe he Cold Cold Truth. Truth. SSan an JJose. ose.
Thu, 9pm-closing: Thu, 9pm-closing: Live Live country country music, Doug Rose Productions m usic, D oug R ose P roductions w/Bit Band w /Bit aand nd Spur Spur B and ffeaturing eaturing CCowboy owboy LLarry. arry. Willow Willow Glen. Glen.
Open O pen M Mic ic
Wed, FFri, Wed, ri, SSun, un, 8 8pm-2am: pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
TTue, ue, 6 6:30pm: :30pm: B Bring ring yyour our Redwood iinstrument. nstrument. R edwood City. City.
Sun, TTue, Sun, ue, 7:30pm: 7:30pm: Modesto Modesto Briseno music. B riseno SSeptet, eptet, LLatin atin m usic. Willow W illow Glen. Glen.
UNWINED U NWINED Thu, 7pm: Thu, 7pm: D Don on B Balistreri. alistreri. Sat, Sat, 77-9:30pm: Night. 9 :30pm: JJazz azz N ight. SSan an JJose. ose.
630 San Antonio Blvd. at El Camino Real
Wed, W ed, 77:30pm: :30pm: D Damion amion W Wolfe. olfe. FFri, ri, 8pm: Willie Adams. Mountain View. 8 pm: W illie A dams. M ountain V iew.
Mon, M on, 8 8pm-midnight: pm-midnight: KKaraoke araoke Monday. M onday. Hosted Hosted by by KJ KJ Whirl. Whirl. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Wed, 8 Wed, 8pm: pm: JJam am session. session. Sun, Sun, Brisket Blues with 11pm: pm: B risket aand nd B lues w ith BBQ Will Roc Griffin B BQ aand nd W ill R oc G riffin ooff Vicious Groove, Martha V icious G roove, pplus lus M artha LLiz. iz. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
1820 S. Bascom Ave across from the Pruneyard
TThu, hu, 7-11pm: 7-11pm: Live Live jazz. jazz. San San JJose. ose.
SSat, at, 9 9pm: pm: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.
Thu, 5-11pm: Thu, 5-11pm: Jason Jason Bellenkes. Bellenkes. Rumbia FFri, ri, 77pm: pm: R umbia and and flamenco flamenco cconcert oncert dinner dinner nnight. ight. SSat, at, 77pm: pm: Van-Winkle. SShea hea V an-Winkle. SSan an JJose. ose.
Alice in Wonderland
TTue, ue, 77:30pm: :30pm: IIrish rish M Music. usic. Mountain M ountain View. View.
BAREFOOT CCOFFEE BAREFOOT OFFEE ROASTERS R OASTERS Wed, W ed, 7pm: 7pm: Musical Musical open open mic. mic. SSign ign up up by by 5pm. 5pm. Santa Santa CClara. lara.
BRITANNIA A BRITANNIA ARMS RMS CCUPERTINO UPERTINO Wed, 9:30pm: Wed, 9:30pm: Open-mic Open-mic night. night. CCupertino. upertino.
CCAFFE AFFE T TRIESTE RIESTE TTue, ue, 77pm: pm: O Open pen M Mic. ic. SSan an JJose. ose.
TTue, ue, 77pm: pm: SSteve teve TTiger. iger. CCupertino. upertino.
TTue: ue: D DJJ D Davey avey KK.. CCampbell. ampbell.
BRITANNIA B RITANNIA A ARMS RMS A ALMADEN LMADEN SSun, un, 110pm, 0pm, aand nd W Wed, ed, 110pm: 0pm: Hank. KKaraoke. araoke. DJ DJ H ank. Tue, Tue, 7:30pm: 7:30pm: Pub P ub Stumpers. Stumpers. SSan an JJose. ose.
BRITANNIA A BRITANNIA ARMS RMS CCUPERTINO UPERTINO Sun-Tue, 110pm: Sun-Tue, 0pm: KKaraoke. araoke. CCupertino. upertino.
53 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M T
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 >LKULZKH` 1\UL Â&#x2039; (.,:
Raindance & Ineffable present â&#x20AC;&#x153;Drink the Sea Tourâ&#x20AC;?
plus -YLL [OL 9VIV[Z also Deru $16 Adv./ $19 Dr. â&#x20AC;˘ Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. ;O\YZKH` 1\UL Â&#x2039; (.,: Â&#x2039; 0U [OL ([YP\T presents plus Cross Stitched Eyes also Aheads
$12 Adv./ $12 Dr. â&#x20AC;˘ Drs. 7 p.m., Show 7:30 p.m. -YPKH` 1\UL Â&#x2039; (.,:
OGGKL=J Sourgrass The
Taxi Project $10 Adv./ $14 Dr. â&#x20AC;˘ 8 p.m./9 p.m. -YPKH` 1\UL Â&#x2039; (.,:
$21 Adv./ $25 Dr. Drs. 8 p.m., Show 9 p.m. Jun 9 Birdhouse Atrium (Ages 16+) Jun 11 Caps for Crowns Atrium (Ages 18+) Jun 12 Highway Murderers Atrium (Ages 16+) Jul 11 Mob Figaz (Ages 16+) Jun 17 PassaďŹ re Atrium (Ages 16+) Jun 19 Shitkickers Atrium (Ages 21+) Jul 29 Wolf Parade/ The Moools (Ages 16+) Aug 11 Reverend Horton Heat (Ages 21+) Aug 13 Smash Mouth (Ages 16+) Aug 14 Eek A Mouse (Ages 16+) Aug 16 Xavier Rudd (Ages 16+) Aug 23 Bad Brains (Ages 16+) Aug 24 The Hold Steady (Ages 16+) Sep 20 Willie Nelson & Family (Ages 21+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online
TThu, hu, 8pm: 8pm: CChris. hris. Santa Santa CClara. lara.
TTue: ue: B Beats eats aand nd Beer Beer Pong Pong w/ w/ Mike M ike JJones. ones. SSan an JJose. ose.
Wed: W ed: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.
Fri, 6:30-10:30pm: Fri, 6:30-10:30pm: Bands Bands with with llive ive karaoke. karaoke. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.
Thu: M Thu: Melissa elissa aand nd H Heather. eather. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Thu: Singles Thu: Singles party party with with DJ. DJ. Los Los Gatos. G atos.
Mon, Wed, Mon, Wed, 9 9pm-1am: pm-1am: DJ DJ Curtis. Curtis. Noo ccover. 9pm: Western N over. TTue, ue, 9 pm: W estern Noo ccover. kkaraoke. araoke. N over. SSan an Jose. Jose.
DAN D AN B BROWN’S ROWN’S TTue ue & TThu, hu, 9 9pm-1am: pm-1am: Brian Brian Palo Alto. JJames. ames. P alo A lto.
DASILVA’S D ASILVA’S B BRONCOS RONCOS Wed: G Wed: Guitar uitar H Hero ero TTournament ournament 9pm-1am: pplus lus kkaraoke. araoke. TThu, hu, 9 pm-1am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Wed, Fri-Sat, Wed, Fri-Sat, 8:30pm: 8:30pm: D Doug. oug. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Thu, 9pm-2am: Thu, 9pm-2am: KKaraoke araoke w/ w/ August. Milpitas. A ugust. M ilpitas.
PEACOCK P EACOCK LLOUNGE OUNGE Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: D DJJ B Brian. rian. SSun, un, 9pm: 9pm: DJJ aand 9pm: DJ, D nd karaoke. karaoke. TTue, ue, 9 pm: D J, ddancing, ancing, karaoke. karaoke. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
Fri-Sun, 9 Fri-Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: :30pm-1:30am: Willow Glen. KKaraoke. araoke. W illow G len.
GGOOSE OOSE LOONEY’S LOONEY’S Wed, W ed, 9 9pm: pm: KKaraoke araoke N Night. ight. Milpitas. M ilpitas.
HOMESTEAD H OMESTEAD LLOUNGE OUNGE Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm: pm: Vinnie. Vinnie. M Mon, on, 9 9pm: pm: w/ KKaraoke araoke in in tthe he llounge ounge w / Vinnie. Vinnie. August. TTue, ue, 9pm: 9pm: A ugust. CCupertino. upertino.
KATIE K ATIE B BLOOM’S LOOM’S Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. CCampbell. ampbell.
KHARTOUM K HARTOUM Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: Davey Davey K. K. N Noo cover. cover. CCampbell. ampbell.
KING K ING O OFF CCLUBS LUBS Thu, Sun-Mon, Thu, Sun-Mon, 8 8:30pm: :30pm: Bruce Bruce Mountain ooff KKOR OR Karaoke. Karaoke. M ountain View. View.
LLILLY ILLY M MAC’S AC’S Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: DJ DJ Thomas Thomas ““Soulman.” Soulman.” Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
Wed: H Wed: Humpday umpday Wednesdays. Wednesdays. TThu: hu: DJ DJ and and karaoke. karaoke. Sat: Sat: DJ DJ JJazzy azzy aand nd DJ DJ Chaos. Chaos. Hip-hop Hip-hop Happy aand nd Top Top 40. 40. Sun: Sun: H appy Hour Hour All All Day. Mon: DJJ aand D ay. M on: D nd karaoke. karaoke. Tue: Tue: $22 TTuesdays. $ uesdays. San San Jose. Jose.
QUARTER Q UARTER NOTE NOTE TTue, ue, 9 9pm: pm: Sherrie Sherrie and and Sue. Sue. No No ccover. over. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
RUDY’S R UDY’S P PUB UB Wed, 10pm-1:30am: Wed, 10pm-1:30am: D DJJ Purple. Purple. Palo Alto. P alo A lto.
TTue, ue, 110pm-close: 0pm-close: Kamikaze Kamikaze KKaraoke. araoke. San San Jose. Jose.
Thu: DJ Thu: DJ Jose Jose Melendez. Melendez. FFri: ri: DJJ CCheck O.. SSat: Beats D heck O at: G B eats tthe he Metrorock. DJJ SSoulchild oulchild aand nd M etrorock. TTue: ue: D David Q.. SSan D avid Q an JJose. ose.
Wed, Sat-Sun: Wed, Sat-Sun: Chris. Chris. Thu-Fri, Thu-Fri, 8:30pm: 8 :30pm: Uncle Uncle Dougie. Dougie. SSan an Jose. Jose.
Wed, 9:30pm: Wed, 9:30pm: Wildside Wildside EEntertainment. ntertainment. No No cover. cover. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Wed-Sat: D Wed-Sat: DJs Js and and dancing. dancing. SSantana antana Row. Row.
Sun, 7pm, Sun, 7pm, aand nd Fri, Fri, Sat, Sat, 9 9pmpmMountain 22am: am: Karaoke. Karaoke. M ountain View. View.
Thu-Sat, 9 Thu-Sat, 9pm: pm: Uncle Uncle D Dougie ougie SShow. how. No No cover. cover. SSan an JJose. ose.
Thu, 8pm: Thu, 8pm: A Atomic tomic w with ith D DJJ Basura. B asura. $5. $5. San San Jose. Jose.
TTue-Sun, ue-Sun, 77pm-close: pm-close: D DJJ aand nd Big ddancing. ancing. B ig bband, and, swing. swing. No No ccover. over. CCupertino. upertino.
Wed, W ed, 8 8pm: pm: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an Jose. Jose. Mon: Monday Mon: Monday N Night ight M Madness. adness. SSan an JJose. ose.
SSHOOTERS HOOTERS B BAR AR & GRILL GRILL Thu, 9:30pm-1:30am: Thu, 9:30pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: W Whip hip IItt O Out ut Wednesdays. W ednesdays. Thu: Thu: Huntress Huntress TThursdays. hursdays. Fri: Fri: Inferno Inferno Fridays. Fridays. Noo ccover. SSat: at: SSinful inful SSaturdays. aturdays. N over. SSun, un, 9pm-2am: 9pm-2am: CChill hill SSundays. undays. Mon: Marathon M on: M arathon Mondays. Mondays. VJ VJ 9pm-2am. sspins pins from from 9 pm-2am. Tue: Tue: Take Take Off iitt O ff TTuesdays. uesdays. SSan an Jose. Jose.
SSun: un: Karaoke. Karaoke. San San Jose. Jose.
Wed, SSat, Wed, at, 110pm: 0pm: D DJJ iin n tthe he M Mix. ix. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.
Wed, 9pm: Wed, 9pm: With With Julz. Julz. Santa Santa CClara. lara.
WOODHAM’S W OODHAM’S LOUNGE LOUNGE TTue-Thu ue-Thu aand nd SSat, at, 9 9:30pm: :30pm: Vinnie. V innie. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.
Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm-1am: pm-1am: DJ DJ CCurtis. urtis. P Plus lus Mon, DJJ LLV. kkaraoke. araoke. M on, SSun: un: D V. TTue, ue, 9pm-1am: 9 pm-1am: KJ KJ AV. AV. SSan an JJose. ose.
Dance D ance Clubs Clubs
Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: Salsa Salsa Wednesdays. Wednesdays. Upp B B*Tch w/Paul TThu: hu: Tech Tech It It U *Tch w /Paul LLeath eath and and Residents. Residents. Sun: Sun: Planet Reggae. P lanet R eggae. San San Jose. Jose.
ALBERTO’S A LBERTO’S Wed, 7:30pm: Wed, 7:30pm: Latin. Latin. Tue Tue and and TThu: hu: Salsa Salsa With With Pantea. Pantea. Sat: Sat: LLatin atin Night. Night. Mountain Mountain View. View.
Sat: R Sat: Rhythm hythm Saturdays. Saturdays. Sun: Sun: M Mix ix TTape ape SSundays. undays. San San Jose. Jose. Wed, W ed, 9 9pm: pm: R Reggae eggae R Riddims. iddims. TThu, hu, Bay Dub Massive. 110pm: 0pm: SSouth outh B ay D ub M assive. $10. $ 10. FFri: ri: EExpressions xpressions Zodiac. Zodiac. SSat: at: Night. FFame. ame. Tue, Tue, 9pm: 9pm: College College N ight. SSan an JJose. ose.
FFIREHOUSE IREHOUSE GGRILL RILL SSat, at, 9 9pm: pm: D DJs. Js. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Moree listings: Mor
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Local H ONE OF THE finest rock groups to come out of Illinois, the dynamic duo known as Local H invades San Jose this week. Though it has been around for more than 20 years and had a hit in the mid-’90s with “Bound for the Floor,” the band has only recently been receiving the critical acclaim it deserves. Ironically, Local H’s cover of Britney Tuesday, 9pm Spears’ “Toxic” a few years ago got it more attention than its tour de force album, Pack up the Cats. A concept album VooDoo Lounge, about (not) making it in rock & roll, it landed in 1998, full San Jose of darkly funny lyrics and piles of guitar hooks, but it’s just starting to get a rep now as one of the overlooked $10 masterpieces of the ’90s. Local H also has a penchant for coming up with great live show ideas, like when the band played its albums consecutively in chronological order, one album per night, in 2008. For this, the “Seven Angry Albums” tour, an audience member picks an album name out of a hat, which the band will then play. Left Brain Heart and Four Star Affair open. Æ9\Xl ;fnc`e^
55 GGOOSE OOSE LOONEY’S LOONEY’S FFri-Sat: ri-Sat: O Old ld SSchool. chool. M Milpitas. ilpitas.
Thu: Gemini. Thu: Gemini. Fri: Fri: Girls Girls Night Night Out. O ut. SSun: un: Destination Destination Fashion Fashion SShow, how, bbenefit enefit for for Clear Clear Water Water FFund. und. SSan an JJose. ose.
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PARRANDA P ARRANDA N NIGHTCLUB IGHTCLUB Thu, 8 Thu, 8pm: pm: D DJJ A Akustik. kustik. FFri, ri, 8 8pm: pm: DJJ M Mayo. 8pm: DJJ M Mayo D ayo. SSat, at, 8 pm: D ayo aand nd DJJ A Akustik. Beat. D kustik. SSun, un, 77pm: pm: LLatin atin B eat. 9pm: SSun, un, 9 pm: SSonidero onidero Night. Night.
Wed: W ed: D DJJ D Davey avey KK.. Campbell. Campbell.
Fri, 8 Fri, 8pm: pm: D DJ. J. SSat, at, 9 9pm: pm: D DJJ aand nd ddancing. ancing. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
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PEARL P EARL Fri: JJasmine Fri: asmine D Dustin ustin ffrom rom ““Iron Iron Man Party Ace M an 22.” .” SSat: at: P arty ffor or A ce ooff SSpace pace cchampagne. hampagne. SSan an JJose. ose.
Wed: TThe Wed: he P Pick ick U Up, p, D DJJ SSig ig O aand nd Dig. gguests. uests. TThu: hu: D ig. SSan an Jose. Jose.
TOON’S T OON’S Wed: D Wed: DJJ TTito. ito. TThu: hu: D DJJ SSchnapps. chnapps. Party FFri: ri: CCurrent urrent SSpins. pins. SSat: at: P arty On, On, DJJ TTito. D ito. SSun: un: LLiquid iquid CCourage. ourage. Mon: DJJ SSlick. M on: D lick. TTue: ue: 1143 43 LLadies. adies. SSan an JJose. ose.
VOODOO V OODOO LOUNGE LOUNGE Fri, 110pm: Fri, 0pm: R Reggaeton eggaeton w with ith D DJJ Q.. $ $10. DJs Q 10. SSat, at, 110pm: 0pm: CClub lub D Js ffor or Bounce. $10. B ounce. $ 10. SSan an JJose. ose.
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Phone Entertainment
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
@Êd )-# Xe[ @Êm\ Y\\e cffb`e^ Xk dp jk\gj`jk\iÊj [Xk`e^ c`]\ n`k_ X d\Xjli\ f] nfiip% J_\Êj *-# Xe[ nXekj Z_`c[i\e# Ylk jk`cc _XjeÊk ]fle[ Çk_\ fe\%È J_\Êj ^fe\ ]ifd Y\`e^ lckiX$g`Zbp kf jn\Xi`e^ j_\Êcc aljk dXiip k_\ e\ok ^lp n_f [f\jeÊk g`Zb _`j efj\ Xk k_\ [`ee\i kXYc\% Nfn% @j k_Xk n_Xk `k Zfd\j [fne kf ]fi nfd\eÆ\m\eklXccp _Xm`e^ kf ^`m\ lg Xe[ j\kkc\ ]fi X ^lp pflÊi\ c\jj k_Xe fe Ói\ ]fi6 @k _fii`Ó\j d\ kf k_`eb f] Y\`e^ _\i Xk jfd\ gf`ek% Æ8 ;\ZX[\ kf >f Women in their 20s are quick to rule a man out for deep character flaws like wearing Dockers, not knowing that you’re supposed to hate Nickelback, and buying vegetables grown by multinational conglomerates instead of two aging hippies. Some women in their 30s, especially those who wake up with baby rabies at 35, continue to maintain high standards: demanding that a man be straight, single and paroled. Ideally, that is. At 39, they’ll pretty much consider anything with a paycheck and human sperm. The need to scale back from Prince Charming to Prince No Recent Felony Convictions starts with The List—the long list of demands no mortal man could ever meet. But, the problem isn’t being überpicky, but remaining überpicky. Many women in their earlyto-mid-20s only think they’re ready for a relationship, so they sabotage every potential one that comes their way. Eventually, they get ready, and then ditch those tiny calipers they’ve been using to determine whether a guy’s nostrils flare at the proper angle. Other women need some hard lessons in what to be picky about. Sometimes, it takes a stint with Paul the Pot Cloud or the cruel Adonis to appreciate the nice guy who calls when he says he will and loves to surprise you, and not by letting you catch him in bed with your two best girlfriends. Most women seem to get their priorities in order well before they come up against the “enjoy by” date on their eggs. But, as Jessica Grose quipped on Slate, “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the anxiety women feel about getting married.” Grose is referring to the bestselling Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough, by Lori Gottlieb. Gottlieb, most charmingly, finds being single at 40 akin to being in a drunk-driving accident and left comatose and brain-dead. Personally, I find there’s nothing lonelier than feeling completely alone while in a relationship with somebody else.
Choose your own
Of course, that’s easier to say if you don’t want kids. Gottlieb’s advice to women who do? “Settle!” Forget looking for love, passion or intense connection (a.k.a. “zing”); look to set up “infrastructure” for a family, and quickquick, find a dependable guy with a nice fat salary to be your tool. (Oh, the paycheckstasy!) Obviously, a 30-year-old woman who wants to have children before her ovaries start laughing at her can’t be as picky as she was at 22, and Gottlieb wisely notes that the search for a husband should be “about finding someone who is enough, as opposed to someone who is everything.” But, both her book and her 2008 valentine to “settling” in The Atlantic are filled with advice like “Overlook his halitosis or abysmal sense of aesthetics.” OK, you can be the one who decorates, but how do you spend your life with a guy when kissing him reminds you of licking a dumpster? “Zing” isn’t everything, but you’ll probably have a pretty grim time staying married without it. Sure, zing fades— you’re probably not going to light up like you did on the first date the 30,000th time he walks into the living room—but having a base of love, attraction, affection and connection is what helps you not hate him when he’s being so annoying it makes your fillings hurt. (Unfortunately, you can’t just look deep into his retirement account and appreciate how obedient he is at household tasks.) Beyond all the love stuff, you shouldn’t get together with any man you don’t respect and admire; meaning you need to have the hots for a man not just physically but as a human being. If you want kids, do your best to make that happen, but accept that it might not, and develop yourself, your friendships and your life. If you feel complete without a man, men are more likely to feel incomplete without you. You, in turn, might not have to force yourself into that Gottlieb-style bliss of going from demanding that a guy have hair to demanding that a guy have a head.
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g Rehearsal/Recording
The Metropolitain Palo Alto Monthly and hourly music rehearsal space. Music instrument (fretted and vintage keys) and amplifier service. 650.279.1793
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 5/26/2010. (pub Metro 6/02, 6/09, 6/16, 6/23/2010)
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #538289 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Lead Records, 654 N. Santa Cruz Avenue, Suite C #106, Los Gatos, CA, 95030, DIY Academy, Inc. This business is conducted by a Corporation. The state of Corporation: California. Registrant has not yet begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. /s/Steven Gross Secretary #3209422 This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 5/21/2010. (pub Metro 6/2, 6/9, 6/16, 6/23/2010)
SUMMONS ON FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL) Legal & Public Notices NOTICE TO DEFENFICTITIOUS BUSINESS DANT: EUGENE LEE NAME STATEMENT RHODES; the testate #537226 and The following person(s) is (AVISO AL DEMANDA(are) doing business as: DO) intestate succesSyndicate Real Estate Services, 1961 Portmarnock sor of EUGENE LEE Way, Gilroy, CA, 95020, RHODES; ANTHONY Carlos Tovar, Tina Tovar. RHODES; WAYNE This business is conducted by a individual. RHODES; MARK A Registrant has not yet begun RHODES; PAMELA L. transacting business under RHODES; JANET the fictitious business name or names listed herein on. RHODES; and all per/s/Tina Tovar sons unknown claimThis statement was filed with ing any legal or equithe County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 4/27/10. tableright, title, (pub Metro 5/26, 6/2, 6/9, restate, lien or inter6/16/10) est in the property FICTITIOUS BUSINESS described in the comNAME STATEMENT plaint adverse to #538431 Plaintiff’s title, or any The following person(s) is cloud on Plaintiff’s (are) doing business as: 3dtitle thereto, and Id Lab, 1965 O’Toole Way., San Jose, CA, 95131, Michael DOES 1-30, inclusive De La Cuesta, 1288 Forrestal YOU ARE BEING SUED Ave., San Jose, CA, 95110. BY PLAINTIFF: JAVIER This business is conducted FERNANDEZ (LO ESTA by a individual. Registrant began transacting DEMANDANDO EL business under the fictitious business name or names list- DEMANDANTE): CASE NO. 09-235682 ed herein on 1/02/07.
g Legal Notices
Refile of previous file #487275 with changes. Michael De La Cuesta
Notice! You have been sued The court may decide against
mpone un g a amen obe ua qu e e upe a on de $ 0 000 o ma de a o e b da med an e un a ue do o una on e on de a b a e en un a o de de e ho ene que paga e g a amen de a o e an ed de que a o e pueda de e ha e a o he name and add e o he ou E nomb e d e on de a o e e Ca e Numbe Nume o de Ca o 09 235682 U ARE COUN Y SUPER OR COUR 22 S MOONEY B VD RM 20 V SA A CA 9329 V SA A C V D V S ON he name add e and e e phone numbe o p a n a o ne o p a n w hou an a o ne E nomb e a d e on e nume o de e e ono de abogado de demandan e o de deman dan e que no ene abogado e Ka h n M o SBN 94206 Pe man o p 430 u un A e S e 720 Bake e d CA 9330 66 328 986 Da e eb 20 0 aRa ne C eek Coun C e k A ua o P a Kenne e Depu De egado Pub 6 02 6 09 6 6 6 23 20 0
TAURUS T AURUS ((April April 220–May 0–May 220): 0): IIt’s t’s ttime ime ffor or ssome ome
iimage mage m edicine, TTaurus. aurus. W herever yyou ou aare re rright ight nnow, ow, I medicine, Wherever iinvite nvite yyou ou ttoo llook ook ddown own aatt yyour our lleft eft ppalm alm aand nd iimagine magine tthat hat yyou ou ssee ee tthe he ffollowing ollowing sscene: cene: aan n iinfinity nfinity ssign ign w hose whose sshape hape iiss m ade nnot ot bbyy a tthin hin bblack lack lline ine bbut ut bbyy a sseries eries made ooff ssmall mall yyellow ellow rrubber ubber dduckies. uckies. TThe he dduckies uckies aare re fl owing flowing aalong long sslowly lowly iin n ccontinuous ontinuous m otion. TThey hey aare re aallll w earing motion. wearing ggold old ccrowns, rowns, eeach ach ooff w hich iiss sstudded tudded w ith tthree hree ttiny iny which with rrubies. ubies. W ith rresonant esonant ttones ones tthat hat bbelie elie ttheir heir ddiminutive iminutive With aand nd ccomic omic aappearance, ppearance, tthe he dduckies uckies aare re ssinging inging yyou ou yyour our ffavorite avorite ssong. ong. IItt m akes yyou ou ffeel eel ssafe, afe, bbrave rave aand nd aatt makes hhome ome iin n tthe he w orld. W hat eelse lse ccan an ssee ee yyou ou ssee ee tthere? here? world. What W hat hhappens appens next? next? What
GGEMINI EMINI ((May May 221–June 1–June 220): 0): IIff yyou ou hhave ave llong ong
cconversations onversations with with the the image image in in the the mirror mirror this this week, week, I won’t won’t ccall all yyou ou a m egalomaniacal nnarcissist. arcissist. N or w ill megalomaniacal Nor will Im ake ffun un ooff yyou ou iiff yyou ou ppaint aint 1155 sself-portraits, elf-portraits, or or make ggoogle oogle yyourself ourself oobsessively, bsessively, or or fill fill an an entire entire notebook notebook with w ith aanswers nswers ttoo tthe he qquestion uestion ““Who Who aam m II,, anyway?” anyway?” In In m strological oopinion, pinion, tthis his iiss aan n eexcellent xcellent ttime ime ffor or myy aastrological yyou ou ttoo ppursue ursue nnosy osy eexplorations xplorations iinto nto tthe he m ysteries ooff mysteries yyour our ccore ore iidentity. dentity. YYou ou hhave ave ccosmic osmic ppermission ermission ttoo tthink hink aabout bout yyourself ourself w ith aan n iintensity ntensity yyou ou m ight nnormally ormally with might ddevote evote ttoo a ccharismatic harismatic iidol dol yyou’re ou’re infatuated infatuated with. with.
CCANCER ANCER ((June June 221–July 1–July 222): 2): TThe he w website ebsite N Nietzsche ietzsche
FFamily amily CCircus ircus ffeatures eatures ccollaborations ollaborations bbetween etween tthe he ssappy appy ffamily-oriented amily-oriented ccomic omic sstrip trip FFamily amily CCircus ircus and and tthe he aausterely usterely pportentous ortentous w isdom ooff G erman pphilosopher hilosopher wisdom German FFriedrich riedrich N ietzsche. Judging Judging from from your your current current Nietzsche. aastrological strological oomens, mens, II’d ’d ssay ay tthis his iiss a pperfect erfect ttime ime ffor or yyou ou ttoo eexpose xpose yyourself ourself ttoo tthis his sstuff. tuff. ((It’s It’s at at www.losan www.losan YYou ou nneed eed ttoo ttoughen oughen uupp ssome ome ooff yyour our w eepy, ssentimental entimental uurges rges aand nd bbrighten righten uupp ssome ome ooff weepy, yyour our ssomber, omber, m elancholic ttendencies. endencies. melancholic
LLEO EO ((July July 223–Aug. 3–Aug. 22): 22): Gather Gather your your rewards, rewards, Leo. Leo.
SSoak oak uupp tthe he bblessings. lessings. Collect Collect the the favors favors you’re you’re owed. owed. IIt’s t’s harvest harvest time time for for you: you: your your big big chance chance ttoo rreap eap tthe he ffruits ruits yyou’ve ou’ve bbeen een ssowing owing aand nd ccultivating ultivating tthese hese ppast ast 1111 months. months. And And no, no, don’t don’t ttry ry ttoo sstretch tretch oout ut tthe he pprocess. rocess. D on’t pprocrastinate rocrastinate aabout bout pplucking lucking tthe he rripe ipe ppickings. ickings. Don’t TThis his rreally eally iiss tthe he cclimax. limax. TThe he ttime ime ffor or yyour our ppeak eak eexperience xperience hhas as aarrived. rrived. IIff yyou ou ppostpone ostpone tthe he hharvest arvest ffor or aanother nother ttwo wo w eeks, yyour our bbeauties eauties m ay sstart tart ttoo ggoo weeks, may ttoo sseed. eed.
VIRGO V IRGO ((Aug. Aug. 223–Sept. 3–Sept. 222): 2): W What hat aare re yyou ou w waiting aiting
for, myy ddear Virgo? for, m ear V irgo? YYour our ffuture uture ppower ower sspot pot hhas as bbeen een exerting exerting a sstrong trong ppull ull oon n yyou. ou. IItt hhas as bbeen een ccalling alling ffor or yyou ou to But to ccome ome aand nd sseize eize tthe he cclout lout yyou ou ddeserve. eserve. B ut yyou ou hhave ave not Ass yyour not yyet et ffully ully ttaken aken uupp tthe he ooffer. ffer. A our ddesignated esignated nag myy ssacred wave nag aand nd ccheerleader, heerleader, iitt iiss m acred dduty uty ttoo w ave a rred ed flag flag iin n ffront ront ooff yyour our ggorgeous orgeous fface ace aand nd command ommand you ou to myy oopinion, what to ppay ay aattention. ttention. IIn nm pinion, yyou ou nneed eed too ddrop op w ha you’re you’re ddoing, oing, rrace ace oover ver ttoo tthe he zzone one oof eengagement, ngagemen aand nd pounce. more pounce. YYou’re ou’re m ore tthan han rready eady ttoo stake a e a claim a m too the he increased mandate wield increased aauthority uthority yyou’ll ou’ll hhave ave a m anda e too w e d in n the months. the ccoming oming m onths.
LLIBRA IBRA ((Sept. Sept. 223–Oct. 3–Oct. 222): 2): IIff yyou’ve ou e read ead m my horoscopes while, horoscopes ffor or a w hile, yyou ou kknow now I’m m the he least ea superstitious superstitious aastrologer strologer oon n tthe he pplanet. ane I champion hamp on the the ccause ause ooff rreason eason aand nd llogic, ogic, ppraise ra e the he bbeauty eau of sscience cience aand nd ddiscourage iscourage yyou ou ffrom rom constantly on an of scanning tthe he hhorizon orizon ffor or ffearful earful oomens. men A nd yet e I’m m scanning And also a zzealous ealous aadvocate dvocate ooff tthe he ppower owe oof the he liberated be a ed also imagination. I bbelieve elieve tthat hat tthe he pplayful la u aand nd ddisciplined p ned imagination. use ooff ffantasy antasy ccan an bbee a ppotent otent aagent gen for o bbenevolent ene o en use change iin n yyour our llife. ife. TThat’s hat’s why, why, in in accordance a o dan e w h the he change with u ent aastrological t ologi al configurations, onfigu ation I suggest ugge that ha you ou current pend some ome qquality ua time me in n the he coming om ng w ee hhaving a ng spend week mag na conversations on e a on with w h the he person, pe on living ng or o dead, dead imaginary who inspires n p e you ou the he most. mo who SSCORPIO CORP O (Oct. O 223–Nov. 3–No 221): “I w want an too bbee
eeverywhere e whe e aat oonce n e aand nd ddoo eeverything e h ng aat the he same ame me writes w e one one of o my m Scorpio S o p o readers, eade J.T. T He’s He in n luck, u time,” my aanalysis, your bbecause e au e aaccording o d ng too m na ou tribe be is aabout bou too eenjoy n o a pphase ha e m u h likee w ha hhee ddescribes. e be “No No m oe much what more oof this h linear, nea oone-day-at-a-time ne da a a me stuff,” u hhee continues. on nue an a w ho e w ee ppacked a ed into n o eeach a h 224-hour 4 hou turn u n oof “I w want whole week
SSAGITTARIUS AGITTARIUS ((Nov. Nov. 222–Dec. 2–Dec. 221): 1): IIff yyou ou llive ive oon n tthe he Danish Mando, Danish iisland sland ooff M ando, yyour our oonly nly hhope ope ffor or ddriving riving yyour our vehicle mainland when vehicle ttoo tthe he m ainland aand nd bback ack iiss w hen tthe he ttide ide iiss low. During water low. D uring tthose hose pperiods, eriods, tthe he w ater ooften ften rrecedes ecedes ffar ar enough enough ttoo eexpose xpose a rrough ough ggravel ravel rroad oad tthat’s hat’s llaid aid ddown own over mudflat. Winter make over a vvast ast m udflat. W inter sstorms torms ssometimes ometimes m ake even According even llow-tide ow-tide ppassages assages iimpossible, mpossible, tthough. hough. A ccording to to my my reading reading of of the the astrological astrological omens, omens, Sagittarius, Sagittarius, there’s there’s a ccomparable omparable ssituation ituation iin n yyour our llife. ife. YYou ou ccan an only only get get from from where where you you are are to to where where you you want want to to go go at at certain certain selected selected times times and and under under certain certain selected selected conditions. conditions. Make Make sure sure you’re you’re thoroughly thoroughly familiar familiar with with those those times times and and conditions. conditions. CCAPRICORN APRICORN ((Dec. Dec. 222–Jan. 2–Jan. 119): 9): O One ne ooff tthe he lleading eading intellectuals British Aldous intellectuals ooff tthe he 220th 0th ccentury, entury, B ritish aauthor uthor A ldous Huxley, wrote more Huxley, w rote m ore tthan han 220 0 bbooks, ooks, iincluding ncluding B Brave rave New World N ew W orld. In In his his later later years years he he made made a surprising surprising confession: confession: “It “It is is a bit bit embarrassing embarrassing to to have have been been concerned concerned with with the the human human problem problem all all one’s one’s llife ife aand nd find find at at the the end end that that one one has has no no more more to to offer offer by by way way of of advice advice than than ‘Try ‘Try to to be be a little little kinder.’” kinder.’” In In accordance accordance with with your your current current astrological astrological omens, omens, Capricorn, Capricorn, I’d I’d like like yyou ou to to take take a cue cue from from Huxley Huxley in in the the coming coming week. week. Proceed Proceed on on the the assumption assumption that that the the smartest smartest thing thing you you can can do—both do—both in in terms terms of of bringing bringing you you practical practical benefits benefits and and increasing increasing your your intelligence—would intelligence—would be be to to deepen, deepen, expand, expand, and and intensify intensify your your compassion. compassion. AQUARIUS A QUARIUS ((Jan. Jan. 220–Feb. 0–Feb. 118): 8): EEarly arly iin nM Marcel arcel
Proust’s P roust’s novel novel IInn SSearch earch ooff LLost ost TTime ime, tthe he nnarrator arrator while sstumbles tumbles uupon pon a ddizzying izzying eepiphany piphany w hile hhaving aving a Hee ddips ssnack. nack. H ips a ssmall mall ccake ake iinto nto hhis is ccup up ooff ttea, ea, aand nd when w hen hhee ssips ips a sspoonful, poonful, tthe he ttaste aste ooff tthe he ssweet weet warm ccrumbs rumbs bblended lended with with tthe he w arm ddrink rink ttransport ransport hhim im filled with iinto nto aan n aaltered ltered state. state. Inexplicably, Inexplicably, he’s h e’ s fi lled w ith aann “all-powerful “all-powerful joy” joy” and and “exquisite “exquisite pleasure” pleasure” that that feelings ddissolve issolve hhis is fe elings ooff bbeing eing “mediocre, “mediocre, contingent, contingent, aand nd mortal.” mortal.” The The associations associations and and thoughts thoughts triggered triggered bbyy tthis his iinflux nflux ooff paradise paradise take take him him many many pages pages to to mention eexplore. xplore. I m ention tthis, his, Aquarius, Aquarius, because because I expect expect tthat hat yyou’re ou’re about about to to have have your your own own version version of of this this aactivation. ctivation. A sseemingly eemingly oordinary rdinary event event will will lead lead to to feeds a bbreakthrough reakthrough tthat hat fe eds you you for for a long long time. time. Be Be forr iit! aalert lert fo t!
PISCES P ISCES ((Feb. Feb. 119–March 9–March 220): 0): EEnvironmentalist nvironmentalist B Bill ill
McKibben M cKibben ssays ays tthat hat hhumans umans aare re ttransforming ransforming tthe he wee sshouldn’t pplanet lanet ssoo ddrastically rastically tthat hat w houldn’t rrefer efer ttoo iitt aass more. we’re ““Earth” Earth” aany ny m ore. TToo aacknowledge cknowledge tthe he ffact act tthat hat w e’re well way world, w ell oon n oour ur w ay ttoo lliving iving oon n a vvery ery ddifferent ifferent w orld, hhee wee rrename Byy tthis ssuggests uggests w ename oour ur hhome ome tthe he ““Eaarth.” Eaarth.” B his maybe wee sshould Piisces. llogic, ogic, m aybe w hould rrename ename yyour our ssign ign P iisces. TThe he making cchanges hanges yyou’re ou’re iin n tthe he pprocess rocess ooff m aking tthis his yyear ear aare re will, ppotentially otentially ssoo ddramatic ramatic tthat hat yyou ou w ill, iin n a ssense, ense, bbee inhabiting nhab ng a nnew ew aastrological o og a sign gn bby January anua 22011. 0 In n your ou case, a e hhowever—unlike owe e —un e that ha oof oour u pplanet—the ane — he majority of your alterations are likely to be invigorating ma o o ou a e a on a e e o be n go a ng And when aand nd vitalizing. a ng A nd you’re ou e nnow ow eentering n e ng a pphase ha e w hen you’ll maximum ou hhave a em a mum oopportunity ppo un too eensure n u e that ha successful u e u ooutcome. u ome
Homewo k Imagine Homework: mag m ne yourself you se gazing gaz ng into n o the he eyes o he pe e son you were we e 10 years yea s ago. ago of the person Wha w wan o say to o him h m or o her? he ? Go to o What do you want to eew as o ogy o y com and click c ck “Email “Ema Rob.” Rob ”
Go to REALASTROLOGY.COM to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. Audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700
n o ma on en e Cen o de A uda de a Co e de Ca o n a www u ou a go en a b b o e a de e e de u onda o o en a o e que e queda ma e a S no pueda paga a uo a de p e en a on p da a e e a o de a o e que e un o mu a o de e en on de pago de uo a S no p e en a u e pue a a empo puede pe de e a o po n ump m en o a o e e pod a gu a u ue do d ne o b ene n ma ad e en a Ha o o equ o ega e E e ommendab e que ame a un abogado nmed a a men e S no ono e a un abogado puede ama a un e o de em on a abo gado S no puede paga a un abogado e po b e que ump a on o equ o pa a ob ene e o ega e g a u o de un p o g ama de e e ega e n ne de u o Puede en on a e o g upo n ne de u o en e o web de Ca o n a ega Se e www awhe p a o n a o g en e Cen o de A uda de a Co e de Ca o n a www u o e a go o on endo e en on a o on a o e o e o eg o de aboga do o a e AV OS Po e a o e ene de e ho a e a ma a uo a o o o e en o po
e e p og am You an o a e he e nonp o g oup a Ca o n a ega Se e Web e www awhe p a o n a o g he Ca o n a Cou On ne Se He p Cen e www ou n o a go e he p o b on a ng ou o a ou o oun ba a o a on NO E he ou ha a a u o en o wa ed ee and o on an e emen o a b a on awa d o $ 0 000 o mo e n a a e he ou en mu be pa d be o e he ou w d m he a e AV SO o han demandado S no e ponde den o de 30 d a a o e puede de de en u on a n e u ha u e on ea a n o ma on a on nua on ene 30 D AS DE CA EN DAR O de pue de que e en eguen e a a on pape e ega e pa a p e en e una e pue a po e q o en e a o e ha e que e en egue una op a a demandan e Una a a o una amada e e on a no o p o egen Su e pue a po e o ene que e a en o ma o ega o e o de ea que p o e en u a o en a o e E po b e que ha a un o mu a o que u ed pueda u a pa a u e pue a Puede en on a e o o mu a o de a o e ma
the eearth, arth, w ith hheavy eavy ddoses oses ooff lleisure eisure ttime ime iinterwoven nterwoven the with with tthrilling hrilling bbouts outs ooff hhard, ard, ccreative reative llabor. abor. I w ant ttoo with want live iin n a ssecret ecret ggarden arden w ith tten en yyears ears ooff ssolitude olitude aand nd live with hang with want hang oout ut aatt a sstreet treet ffair air rraging aging w ith cconviviality. onviviality. I w ant to with with to ssing ing w ith aangels ngels aand nd rromp omp w ith ddevils evils iin n bbetween etween walking walking tthe he ddog, og, eexercising xercising aatt tthe he ggym ym aand nd cchatting hatting ttoo perfectly want money fillll a perfectly oordinary rdinary ppeople. eople. I w ant eenough nough m oney ttoo fi swimming want swimming ppool, ool, aand nd I w ant ttoo llive ive llike ike tthere’s here’s nnoo ssuch uch thing money.” thing aass m oney.”
UNE 9- 5 20 0
ou w hou ou be ng hea d un e ou e pond w h n 30 da Read he n o ma on be ow You ha e 30 CA ENDAR DAYS a e h ummon and ega pape a e e ed on ou o e a w en e pon e a h ou and ha e a op e ed on he p a n A e e o phone a w no p o e ou You w en e pon e mu be n p ope ega o m ou wan he ou o hea ou a e he e ma be a ou o m ha ou an u e o ou e pon e You an nd he e ou o m and mo e n o ma on a he Ca o n a Cou On ne Se He p Cen e www ou n o a go e he p ou oun aw b a o he ou hou e nea e ou ou anno pa he ng ee a k he ou e k o a ee wa e o m ou do no e ou e pon e on me ou ma o e he a e b de au and ou wage mone and p ope ma be aken w hou u he wa n ng om he ou he e a e o he ega equ e men You ma wan o a an a o ne gh awa ou do no know an a o ne ou ma wan o a an a o ne ee a e e ou anno a o d an a o ne ou ma be e g b e o ee ega e e om a nonp o ega
ARIES A RIES ((March March 221–April 1–April 119): 9): TThe he ““secret” secret” is is in in pplain lain sight. sight. TThe he ““hidden hidden rresource” esource” iiss ffreely reely aavailable vailable ffor or anyone who with anyone w ho iintends ntends ttoo uuse se iitt w ith iintegrity. ntegrity. TThe he ““lost lost key” where when key” iiss vvery ery cclose lose ttoo w here yyou ou lleft eft iitt w hen yyou ou llast ast used missing used iit. t. TThe he ““missing missing llink” ink” iiss m issing oonly nly iin n tthe he ssense ense that nnoo oone ne rrecognizes ecognizes iitt ffor or w hat iitt iis. s. TThe he ““unasked unasked that what question” question” iiss bbeaming eaming ttoward oward yyou ou ffrom rom tthree hree ddirections. irections. The ““wounded wounded ttalent” alent” will will be be healed healed tthe he m oment yyou ou The moment stop tthinking hinking ooff iitt aass w ounded aand nd sstart tart rregarding egarding iitt aass stop wounded merely merely unripe. unripe.
9p 9 pR ROB OB BREZSNY BREZSNY n\\b f] Ale\ 0 n\\b f] Ale\ 0
67 M E TR O S L C O N VA L L E Y
P O RT S metroactive metr oactivve SSPORTS
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
LLearning earnning to to Hit H <o$g`kZ_\ii 9iXe[fe 9\ckk c\e[j jfd\ <o$g`kZ_\i 9iXe[fe 9\ck c\e[j jfd\ f]]\ej\ kf k_\ JXe Afj\ >`Xekj f]]\ej\ kf k_\ JXe Afj\ >`Xekj 9p 9 pA ADAM DA M M MURPHY URPHY Barry Bar ry CColla olla
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position player, position player, h having aving been b een m moved oved to to first first base b ase b byy h his is ccoaches oaches aatt tthe he U University niversity of of Texas. T exas. “I “I haven’t haven’t been been ah hitter itter ffor or tthat hat llong, ong,” Belt B elt ssays. ays. “I “I have have b been een ap pitcher itcher m most ost of of m myy llife. ife. I just just now now started started hitting h itting aand nd I aam m ggoing oing tto o learn learn a llot ot about about pro p ro hitting. hitting.” He He says says his h is experience experience aass a pitcher p itcher iiss playing playing a b big ig rrole ole iin n his his offensive off ffeensive ssuccess uccess n now. ow. ““II k know now tthe he ttendencies endencies o off p pitchers, itchers,” B Belt elt ssays. ays. ““II know know what what they they do do in in certain certain situations. situations.” Belt Belt is is also allso leading lead ding the the league league basesbasseson-balls on-balls with with 38, 38, again again living living up up to to his his name—or nam me—or his his initials. initials. “I “I feel feel that that has has been been the the best best part part of of my my hitting hitting approach, approach,” Belt Belt says. says. “I “I know know my my strike strike zone zone very very well well and an nd I can can figure figure out out the the ump’s ump’s strike strike zone zone pretty pretty quick quick and and I can can n make mak ke adjustments. adjustments. The The Giants Giants like like it it whenever whenever you you look look for for your your pitch, pitch, and an nd that’s that’s what what I have have been been doing. doing.” Like Like all alll minor minor leaguers, leaguers, Belt’s Belt’s goal goal is is to to make make it it to to the the major major league. league. But But he he seems seems patient. patient. “Definitely “Definitely in in the the back back of of my my mind, mind,” Belt Belt says. says. “I “I would would love love to to be be up up there. there. But But I have have plenty plenty of of stuff stuff to to work work on. on. Some Some parts parrts of of my my game gaam me are are advanced, advanced, some some parts parrts of of my my game gam me need need refinement. refinement. Just Just play play hard, hard, and and hopefully hopefully they they like like what what they they see. see.”
J%A% >`Xekj mj% Df[\jkf Elkj N\[e\j[Xp# .gd# K_lij[Xp# ()1*'gd Dle`Z`gXc JkX[`ld# JXe Afj\
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@ i\d\dY\i X jkfip ]ifd k_\ Ê/'j XYflk c`d\ A\cc$F ^`m`e^ f]] YiX`enXm\j% N_\e @ d\ek`fe\[ k_`j k_\ fk_\i [Xp @ ^fk `ekf X cfe^ Xi^ld\ek XYflk d`ZifklYlc\j# ZfejZ`flje\jj Xe[ jlg\ijki`e^j Xe[ e\\[ X hl`Zb j_lk$Ê\d$lg% 8epk_`e^ kf k_`j6 ÆDle^jYXZb
Yes. The point of the research, however, wasn’t to suggest Jell-O was alive but rather that some apparently living folks may be dead. The Jell-O brainwave researcher was neurologist Adrian Upton, who conducted pioneering work on the electroencephalography of gelatin desserts starting in the 1960s. Upton wasn’t trying to be a wise guy—he wanted to make a serious point about brain death, which became a matter of critical importance once life-support equipment made it possible to keep a body functioning even though its owner had checked out. Normally brain death is signaled by the loss of certain brain-stem reflexes, such as pupil contraction in response to light, with flatline EEG readings as confirmation. Upton’s Jell-O stunt showed that obtaining a flat EEG in a hospital setting was tougher than you’d think—in 1974 at an Ontario, Canada, ICU, Upton connected EEG leads to a dome of Jell-O; his trial made waves, with a write-up in The New York Times in 1976. Neurologists have long known the importance of identifying misleading EEG fluctuations called artifacts. Potentially confounding electrical signals from the beating heart and involuntary muscle twitches are measured and subtracted from the EEG. In addition, doctors sometimes use a “dummy patient” to detect extraneous electrical signals in the room. Jell-O functions the same way. With a bowlful connected to the leads, a sensitive EEG machine’s circuits may pick up spurious signals from sources like respirators, IV drips, even ringing telephones. In a 1990 study neurologists were asked to analyze a set of human EEG readouts, then were shown the same readouts again a few weeks later; 13 percent of the time, the doctors disagreed with their own previous opinions. A flatline EEG, also known as electrocortical silence, is usually defined as amplitude under two microvolts. Upton’s Jell-O displayed
amplitudes several times higher. That doesn’t mean EEGs are worthless as a brain-death indicator; it just means they have to be considered together with other signs. Some types of overdose, coma and paralysis can temporarily disrupt brain-stem reflexes and mimic brain death. In some such cases EEGs can help demonstrate that the person is still alive. In one study of 89 patients who were judged brain-dead based on reflex loss, eight had nonflat EEGs, and five of these recovered. Conversely, a flat EEG isn’t an absolutely sure sign of brain death. Sometimes it’s claimed Jell-O brainwaves are identical to a healthy adult’s. That’s clearly a stretch, but the Jell-O EEG readings do look pretty similar to a normal human alpha rhythm. Alpha waves are observed when a patient is awake and resting with eyes closed, and in some kinds of sleep and reversible coma. True, the JellO waves are a little slower and of much lower amplitude, but that doesn’t tell you much by itself. Hypoxia, encephalitis and other medical conditions can cause reduced frequency and amplitude, as can drug use. A third of neurologists believe a nonflat EEG, corrected for artifacts, can be consistent with brain death. In most U.S. states, a finding of brain death requires irreversible loss of function of the whole brain. In the U.K., death of the brain stem alone is sufficient, even if other parts of the brain are still alive. In one study, 20 percent of patients declared brain-dead had nonflat EEGs, including 4 percent who exhibited “sleep-like activity.” This is an area where you don’t want doctors making unwarranted assumptions. Consider the one documented case of a person declared brain-dead who wasn’t, in Birmingham, England, in 1974 to a man in his mid-60s named Michael McEldowney. The transplant team was just cutting him open when he started coughing. They sewed him back up and he died for real 15 hours later, at which point I presume the surgeons took up where they left off.
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
real estate
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
The LongView :@KP C@M@E> : @KP C@M@E> K_\ K_\ K_i\\ J`okpÊj \c\^Xekcp K K_i\\ J`okpÊÊjj \c\^Xekcp Zlim`e^ n`e[fnj f]]\i jklee`e^ m`jkXj% Zlim`e^ n`e[fnj f]]\ \i jklee`e^ m`jkXj%
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One have One thing thing they they aall ll h ave iin n ccommon ommon is finest Silicon is some some of of tthe he fi nest vviews iews iin nS ilicon Valley—from Valley—from ssweeping weeping ccurved urved gglass lass windows windows in in the the living living room room and and kitchen. kitchen. Why Why the the kitchen? kitchen? Because Because it’s it’s a highlight highlight of of the the unit. unit. Designed Designed in in the the European European style, style, with with stone stone counters, counters, Bosch Bosch stainless stainless steel steel appliances appliances and and Italian Italian cabinets, cabinets, it’s it’s a sweet sweet spot spot to to prepare prepare and and share share a meal. meal. Each Each unit unit also also has has hardwood hardwood floors floors and and bathrooms bathrooms finished finished in in sparkling sparkling white white marble marble and and Grohe Grohe chrome chrome bath bath fixtures. fixtures. Ever Ever have have the the problem problem that that you you go go out out to to enjoy enjoy a night night on on the the town, town, only only to to realize realize you you left left the the light light or or oven oven on? on? That’s That’s not not a problem problem in in the the Three Three Sixty, Sixty, which which offers off ffeers a state-of-the-art state-o of-the-art remote remote appliance appliance control control system, system, accessible accessible via via your your cell cell phone. phone. Just Just dial dial up up and and tell tell your your home home to to turn turn off off its its own own damn damn lights. lights. Or Or dial dial up up on on your your way way back back home home to to tell tell the the kettle kettle to to make make hot hot water water for for your your coffee. coff ffeee. This This is is real real high-tech high-tech living, living, offered off ffeered for for the the first first time time on on the the West West Coast. Coast. If If you you decide decide to to forego forego the the SoFA SoFA entertainment entertainment district district right right outside outside your your door, door, you you can can relax relax at at home home by by the the rooftop rooft fto op pool pool and and spa spa or or keep keep in in shape shape at at the the full full fitness fitness center. center. Yes, Yes, the the Three Three Sixty Sixty is is a year year behind behind schedule, schedule, and and that’s that’s why why there there are are bargains bargains to to be be had. had. Units Units start start at at just just $500,000. $500,000. Learn Learn more more about about the the Three Three Sixty Sixty and and other other cool cool downtown downtown San San Jose Jose towers towers at at
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 9 -1 5 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
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