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TimeTraveler UCSC grad Belle Yang’s first graphic novel journeys into her family’s rich past p11

The Animal Houses of Santa Cruz p7 • Too #&*! Much Music p23 • A Dirt-Lover in DC p41

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june 9-16, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; june 9-16, 2010 1=<B3<BA

Contents. P OSTS












p30 p32








ON THE COVER Art by Belle Yang, ‘Forget Sorrow: An Ancestral Tale’

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>=ABA jjune u n e 9-16, 9 - 1 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; " j >=ABA

Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

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Send let letters teerrs ttoo Santa Santa Cruz Weekly, Weekly e y, let letters@santacruz.com teerrs@san s nttaacruz.com or ttoo A Attn: ttn: LLetters, ettteeerrs, 115 Co ett et C Cooper ooper e St., Sant San Santaa Cruz, uz 95060. 060. Inclu Include udee cit city ittyy and phone clarity inaccuracies known us. phone number number or email address. address. Submissions Subm missions mayy be be edited editteed for for or length, length cl le leng laritt y or or factual factual ac a inac a curacies racies know nown ttoo us s.

<=B67<5 4C<<G <=B67<5 4C<<G /0=CB 67; / 0=CB 67; AAR AARON RON O CR CRESS, RE ESS, wh who ho wr wrote ote the B Bullhorn ullhorn article article ““Yuppie Yu uppie IIntifada� ntiffada� (Ma (May ay 26) and who has ser served ved in the Israeli Isrraeli army, army, demonstrates the kind of ment alitty that leads to what mentality the IIsraeli sraeli military military did d in its f lotilla at tack. attack. When one resorts resorts to o name-calling name- calling as Mr. Mr. C ress do es, it is easier easieer to see p eople as less Cress does, people wor th hy of dec ent tr eatment. Next, Next, it ’s easier worthy decent treatment. it’s to rationalize at tack ks on civilian populations populations attacks as in the at tack on Gaza, Gaza, and to mur der and attack murder maim civilians in in nternational w aters tr ying international waters trying to bring supplies to a p opulation chok ed b population choked byy IIsrael’s srael’s three-year three-year blockade. bllockade. Mr ress is supp pposedly o y a “st p andup Mr.. C Cress supposedly “standup out ccomedian.� omedian.�� I sa w no othing ccomical omical ab saw nothing about his diatrib eesource C enter diatribee against the R Resource Center ffor o or N onviolence and d sp eaker N orman Nonviolence speaker Norman F inkelstein. I also to ook of ffeense at his Finkelstein. took offense equation of the wor rds Zionist and JJewish. ewish. words Was m o lost se ven br others and myy father father,, who seven brothers sisters and their fam milies to the H olocaust, families Holocaust, an ewish ffor or not o n b eing a Zionist o anyy less JJewish being Zionist?? T To insinuate s uate that t at b ecau use R CNV opp C oses IIsraeli s ae sraeli because RCNV opposes

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occupation p occupation policies olicies and actio actions ons tow toward ard P alestinians, Scott Scott Kennedy Kennedy e i anti-Jewish anti--Jewish is Palestinians, is ridiculous veral of us on RCNV’s RC CNV’s P alestine ridiculous.. Se Several Palestine IIsrael srael A ction C ommittee ar ewish. And And Action Committee aree JJewish. we ar at Israel Israel is doing aree truly ashamed of wha what alestinians, and ccannot not agree agree with ann to the P Palestinians, the man ews in the U.S. U.S. who wh ho def fend e those manyy JJews defend iindefensible indef d feensible ibl actions. actions ti . Norman One of the imp ortant p oin nts that Norman One important points F inkelstein made in his ttalk, alk, that is vvery ery Finkelstein rrelevant elevant to the at tack of inno ocent civilians attack innocent on the humanit arian f lotilla a, w as that the humanitarian lotilla, was at tack on Gaza Gaza a year year and a half h ago was was not attack aw ar. The The invasion invasion of Gaza Gaza wasn’t wasn’t met b war. byy armed ffighters. ighters. The The deaths of of 1,40 0 civilians 1,400 civilians,, as not a w including 40 0 childr en, w ar, just 400 children, was war, as 70 0p eople fr om ar ound the t world tr ying 700 people from around trying to break break the blockade blockade with humanitarian h humanit arian aid did not endanger Israelis. Israelis. That That at tack, attack, and the assault on civilians in n international w aters, ar oth crimes - calling waters, aree b both crimes,, and no name name-calling b Cress will change that. thatt. We We should byy Mr Mr.. Cress ccondemn ondemn IIsrael’s srael’s crimes and should work to stop the rrole ole that our own go overnment pla ayys government plays in funding and enabling such h crimes crimes.. Marrcia Marcia c Heath, Santa Santta Cruz Sa C uz

327B=@ <332A 327B=@ <332A 63/2 3F/;7<32 63/ /2 3F/;7<32 I PICK PICK UP UP your your liberal liberal sso-called o-called SSanta anta C Cruz ruz W eeklly, iit’s t’s ffree. ree. I like like to to ccheck heck ssome ome o he Weekly, off tthe eeating ating p laces. I don’t don’t eat eat out out aatt m ost, iiff aany, ny, places. most, o he shops shops tthat hat p ay tto o advertise advertise iin n yyour our rrag. ag. off tthe pay T he eevil vil cartoon cartoon (Nutzle, (Nutzle, May May 26) 26) is is so so far far out out The tthat hat I think think you you p eople are are iin nn eed of of a b rain people need brain d octor. H ow llow ow ccan an yyou ou p eople ggo? o? For For tthe he doctor. How people ssake ake of of the the yyoung oung people, people, cut cut iitt o ut! out! Earl E. V Verrill, errill, e Saanta Cruz Santa

A>7:: 0/0G A>7:: A >7:: 0/0G A>7:: TERRIBLE about TERRIBLE about tthe he oil oil sspill. pill. Such Such a monumental waste. mean, California drivers m onumental w aste. I m ean, C alifornia d rivers have aalone lone could could h ave burned burned through through aall ll tthat hat Texas one T exas ttea ea iin n jjust ust o ne ccar ar ccaravan aravan tto o Disneyland, Disneyland, nasty pollutants up where tthus hus ssending ending tthose hose n asty p ollutants u pw here belong—in tthey hey b elong—in tthe he aatmosphere. tmosphere. IInstead, nstead, aass iitt Sarah Palin oil-soaked sstands, tands, S arah P alin ccan an ssee ee tthe he o il-soaked Gulf Gulf Coast house! C oast from from her her h ouse! Spill, Spill, baby, baby, spill. spill. And And ccry ry iiff you you have have any any tears tears left. left. Tim T iim R Rudolph, udolph, u Saanta Cruz Santa

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; june 9-16, 2010 >=ABA


Quit Kvetching and Do Something 0G 6/@D3G 5=B:7443


OWADAYS, there seems to be an inordinate amount of kvetching (outrageous complaining) about most everything, and it emanates from all directions and political stripes. Complaining is an inalienable right, and while some of it is legitimate in a world with so many inequities and accompanying narishkeit (nonsense), some people make excessive griping their forte. They waste their time and energy and alienate others by kvetching instead of trying to make positive changes in their own lives and to the condition of the world. Kvetching has permeated our political discourse, from D.C., where each party complains about the other’s actions or lack of action, to Santa Cruz, where “anarchists� grouse about capitalistic business people and demand their right to rearrange society to their liking, business people kvetch about the homeless and the pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian kvetchers attack each other with published unbalanced barbs without making any effort to engage in any rational face-toface discussion. It’s legitimate to kvetch and even shout, but when all sides are doing so at the same time, no one listens, no one hears and nothing is accomplished. Perhaps it takes an individual who has endured an unwanted hell to learn how to avoid kvetching and try to do something positive. Holocaust survivors and former Japanese-American internees have legitimate reasons to kvetch, but the many I have worked with over the past 10 years have discarded kvetching and try to do good with their own deeds, leaving complaining to others. Adam Cintz, a survivor of Auschwitz, where he lost his 8-year-old son to the fiery furnaces, is looking forward to celebrating his 100th birthday on July 1. He recently learned that he had cancer of the esophagus and said, “It’s no big deal.� A month earlier he spoke to hundreds of high school students telling them his story and inspiring them to do good in their lives. He’s hoping to be healthy enough to speak to students again. A few years ago he received a patent for a magnified lighted reading stand that enables people with restricted vision to enjoy reading and learning. He also created a simple device that allows people with severe arthritis to easily button up their shirt or blouse. He donates all of the proceeds from sales to an area Holocaust group. Eighty-seven-year-old Jimi Yamaichi has not let his wrongful internment at the Tule Lake concentration camp stifle him, and his tireless efforts have contributed to the designation of his forced home from 1943 to 1946 in Northern California as a National Monument. At July 4th weekend pilgrimages there, he helps educate both younger Japanese-Americans and Caucasians about what can happen when the Constitution is abandoned. Jimi still sees discrimination in subtle ways and picks his times to speak out. He defended innocent Muslims after 9/11 and was honored for his actions with the Courage Award from the Council on American Islamic Relations. Under his supervision, San Jose’s new Japanese American Museum will include an almost barren barracks room he built similar to the one he and his family once lived in. Like Adam, Jimi also tries to inspire students and others to not let the negative actions of some get in the way of doing good themselves. Adam and Jimi work to resolve problems in an unobtrusive manner and try to accomplish something positive with their actions. They don’t have the time to waste kvetching. Harvey Gotliffe is a Santa Cruz–based writer. He is the editor and publisher of the Ho-Ho-Kus Cogitator and its blog at: http://theho-ho-kuscogitator.blogspot.com.


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june 9-16, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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Currents. C urren ents. >/@BG >/:/13 Ye > /@BG >/:/13 Ye sshall hall kknow now iitt bbyy iits ts ffine ine ddĂŠcor ĂŠco c r aand nd ggood o o d hhousekeeping. ousekeeping.

Houses H ouses of of the the Holy H oly M Moly oly

Who lives livess in Santa Cruz’s Cru uz’s ‘loud ‘loud and unruly’ unrully ’ party partty houses? housses? 0G 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 0G 1 C @ B 7 A 1 / @ B 7 3 @


TF FIRST IRST G GLANCE, LANCE, K Kasey asey Peck has P eck h as iitt made. made. An An undeclared u ndeclared freshman, frreshman, he he block UCSC llives ives a b lock from frrom U CSC with other big w ith ffive ive o ther gguys uys iin nab ig rranch-style anch-style house on upper Westside. Five h ouse o n tthe he u pper W estside. F ive yyoung oung lladies adies iin n aan n aalmost lmost iidentical dentical ssituation ituation llive ive next door. The only problem: hee aand rright ight n ext d oor. T he o nly p roblem: h nd next door homes have tthe he ggirls irls n ext d oor llive ive iin nh omes tthat hat h ave been byy tthe Santa Cruz Police b een fflagged lagged b he S anta C ruz P olice Department unruly� party D epartment aass ““loud loud aand nd u nruly� p arty houses. The designation h ouses. Th he d esignation sstems tems ffrom rom aatt one wild night most lleast east o ne w ild n ight aapiece piece tthat hat m ost llikely ikely

involved llots involved ots o off p people, eople, llots ots o off rruckus uckus aand nd off p police, one off w whom eeventually ventually llots ots o olice, o ne o hom iitt iiss wrote doozey off a tticket, not ccertain ertain w rote a d oozey o icket, n ot just just breaking noise ordinance but ffor or b reaking tthe he ccity’s ity’s n oise o rdinance b ut defined ffor or tthrowing hrowing a llegally egally d efined ““loud loud aand nd unruly u nruly ggathering. athering.� Now, Now, if if Peck, Peck, his his roommates, roommates, his his neighbors orr aanyone who moves n eighbors o nyone eelse lse w ho m oves original iin n ffor or a yyear ear aafter fter tthe he o riginal vviolation iolation Johnny Law tthrows hrows aanother nother rager rager where where Jo ohnny L aw up, up sshows hows u p, they’ll they’ll wake wake u p not not only only with with a hangover but with off u up h angover b ut w ith a ffine ine o p tto o $1,000, $1,000, and later a bill for the time for every officer and later bill for the time for every o fficer

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who up w ho sshowed howed u p aand nd eevery very rrecord ecord cclerk lerk who paperwork. Peck hee ggets w ho ffiled iled tthe he p aperwork. P eck ssays ays h ets point. tthe he p oint. “We “We know know we we can’t can’t have have parties parties here, here,� man hee w walks out off h his ssays ays tthe he yyoung oung m an aass h alks o ut o is ttree-shaded ree-shaded front front door, door, skateboard skateboard in in hand. hand. we’re Plus, ““II tthink hink w e’re aactually ctually vvery ery ccourteous. ourteous. P lus, tthis his h ouse iiss a b lock ffrom rom ccampus. ampus. W hat house block What d o yyou ou eexpect?� xpect?� do Of the the department’s department’s list list of of 82 82 offending offending Of h omes tthat hat h ave b een p osted o n tthe he S CPD homes have been posted on SCPD w ebsite ssince ince llast ast m onth, p olice sspokesman pokesman website month, police Z ach Fr riend p icks tthree hree aaddresses ddresses aass tthe he Zach Friend picks m ost eegregious gregious vviolators iolators o he lloud oud aand nd most off tthe u nruly llaw. aw. T hose h ouses aare: re: 1161 61 A rcher unruly Those houses Archer D rive, 1167 67 A rcher D rive aand nd 6 4A lta V ista Drive, Archer Drive 64 Alta Vista D rive. N eighbors o he h omes ttell ell vvery ery Drive. Neighbors off tthe homes d ifferent ttales—some ales—some o leepless n ights different off ssleepless nights aand nd u rine-soaked lawns, lawns, o thers o ew urine-soaked others off a ffew ssmall mall ggatherings atherings tthey hey w ish tthey’d hey’d b een wish been iinvited nvited tto. o. M eanwhile, aatt lleast east ttwo wo h ouseMeanwhile, housep arty-hopping S lugs ssay ay tthe he llist ist sstill till m isses party-hopping Slugs misses a ffew ew o he m ost n otorious p arty p ads. off tthe most notorious party pads. “Th he big big party party spots? spots? Well, Well, one’s one’s on on “The W est C liff, tthere’s here’s a ccouple ouple o nE scalona, West Cliff, on Escalona, a ccouple ouple o nK ing S treet, o ne o nM oore on King Street, one on Moore S treet aand nd q uite a ffew ew o nW estern D rive. Street quite on Western Drive. Th here’s aalso lso o ne o nW avecrest tthat hat sstarted tarted There’s one on Wavecrest ggetting etting tthe he ccops ops ccalled alled a llot, ot,� ssays ays N ickolas Nickolas L inardos, a ssenior enior eeconomics conomics aand nd h ealth Linardos, health ssciences ciences m ajor w ho ssays ays h e’s sspent pent tthe he llast ast major who he’s ffour our yyears ears p artying aatt h ouses aall ll aaround round partying houses S anta C ruz. ““The The b iggest o nes II’ve ’ve b een Santa Cruz. biggest ones been tto o aare re aabout bout 1150 50 p eople. A nd n othing ttoo oo people. And nothing ccrazy razy eever ver h appens. U sually jjust ust a llot ot o happens. Usually off p eople k icking b ack w ith a ffew ew b eers aand nd people kicking back with beers ssome ome w eed.� weed. Under California California law, law, landlords landlords cannot cannot Under d iscriminate aagainst gainst sstudents. tudents. IIt’s t’s a ffact act discriminate C onstantin G ehriger, tthe he o wner o 67 Constantin Gehriger, owner off 1167 A rcher, iiss q uick tto on ote w hen aasked sked iiff Archer, quick note when rrenting enting tto o sstudents tudents iiss w orth tthe he ttrouble rouble worth o ealing w ith p arties. IIt’s t’s a p erhaps off d dealing with parties. perhaps ssurprising urprising ssentiment, entiment, ggiven iven tthat hat G ehriger, Gehriger, aalong long w ith 1161 61 A rcher llandlord andlord Th homas with Archer Thomas Fo oster, w ere ssuccessfully uccessfully ssued ued b anta Foster, were byy S Santa C ruz N eighbors, tthe he ssame ame A rcher D rive Cruz Neighbors, Archer Drive ggroup roup tthat hat p ushed S CPD tto op ublish tthe he pushed SCPD publish lloud oud aand nd u nruly h ouse llist. ist. Th he llawsuit awsuit unruly house The ccame ame aafter fter n eighbors ssay ay tthey hey w ere fforced orced neighbors were tto o iinstall nstall d oubled-paned w indows tto ok eep doubled-paned windows keep o ut tthe he m ayhem. G ehriger ssays ays h e’s n ow out mayhem. Gehriger he’s now w orking w ith tthe he U CSC G ood Ne eighbor working with UCSC Good Neighbor In nitiative, a sstudent-run tudent-run ccity ity o utreach Initiative, outreach ggroup, roup, tto ob etter eeducate ducate h is ttenants enants o n better his on h ow to to avoid avoid being being driven driven forth forth by by blearyblearyhow eeyed, yed, p itchfork-wielding ttownsfolk. ownsfolk. pitchfork-wielding

““[The [Th he n neighbors] eighbors] h have ave been been very very upset upset aabout bout tthe he b ehavior o he ttenants; enants; w behavior off tthe wee aass o wners aare re vvery ery m uch aaware ware o t,� h ays. owners much off iit, hee ssays. ““We We h ave a w ritten rrental ental aagreement greement w ith have written with tthem hem aand nd w tress tthe he p oint tthey hey m ust wee sstress point must b onsiderate o he n eighborhood. W bee cconsiderate off tthe neighborhood. Wee eexpressly xpressly d isallow p arties.� disallow parties. D eborah Elston, Elston, president president of of Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Deborah N eighbors, ssays ays h er b eef iiss w ith llandlords andlords Neighbors, her beef with tthat hat d on’t sscreen creen aand nd m anage ttheir heir ttenants enants don’t manage eeffectively ffectively rrather ather tthan han w ith tthe he sstudents tudents with tthemselves. hemselves. S he’s b een a vvocal ocal ccritic ritic o She’s been off G ehriger aand nd Fo oster, ssaying aying tthey hey o vercharge Gehriger Foster, overcharge tthe he sstudents tudents aand nd d on’t m onitor tthem. hem. don’t monitor ““The The ccork ork p opper ffor or m as M LK popper mee w was MLK w eekend,� sshe he ssays. ays. ““II w as u p aall ll n ight w ith weekend, was up night with tthe he p arties, aand nd I h ad ggotten otten sseven even eemails mails parties, had b onday m orning ffrom rom p eople w ho byy M Monday morning people who w ere u p aatt 2 :30. I h ope tthat hat fflagging lagging tthe he were up 2:30. hope h ouse w ill h elp tthe he llandlord andlord u nderstand house will help understand tthat hat h eeds tto om anage tthe he p roperty hee n needs manage property b etter.� better. A ight b xpected, a p articular Ass m might bee eexpected, particular n eighbor’s d efinition o party� h elps neighbor’s definition off ““party� helps d etermine h is o er iidea dea o party determine his orr h her off a ““party h ouse.� A 4A lta V ista D rive, ffor or house. Att 6 64 Alta Vista Drive, eexample, xample, p olice ssay ay tthere here h ave b een aan n police have been ““extremely extremely h igh� 4 alls ffor or sservice ervice ssince ince high� 477 ccalls 2 008, ““overwhelmingly overwhelmingly ffor or lloud oud p arties,� 2008, parties, aaccording ccording tto oF riend. M ichael E stioko, a Friend. Michael Estioko, n eighbor w hose ffront ront w indows p erfectly neighbor whose windows perfectly fframe rame tthe he n otorious h illside h otspot, notorious hillside hotspot, h owever, ssays ays tthe he tthree hree Th heta C hi ffrat rat b ros however, Theta Chi bros iinside nside aare re ““pretty pretty llow-key ow-key m ost o he ttime. ime.� most off tthe ““Sometimes Sometimes tthey’ll hey’ll h ave a b unch of of have bunch p eople o ver, b ut II’ve ’ve n ever sseen een aanything nything people over, but never ttoo oo w ild,� h ays. ““Not No ot llike ike w hen I llived ived o n wild, hee ssays. when on E scalona—that sstreet treet w as w ay ccrazier. razier.� Escalona—that was way H ouse party party veterans veterans like like Linardos Linardos House aand nd o thers llike ike n ewly ggraduated raduated h istory others newly history m ajor B arbara B arton ssay ay tthe he p arty sscene cene major Barbara Barton party iin nS anta C ruz w ould b aughed aatt b Santa Cruz would bee llaughed byy U CLA o C–Santa B arbara sstudents. tudents. A nd UCLA orr U UC–Santa Barbara And w hether tthere’s here’s a p ublic llist ist o arty ffoulers oulers whether public off p party o ot, tthere here w ill aalways lways b lenty o orr n not, will bee p plenty off b ashes tthat hat ccops ops tthe he n ever k now aabout. bout. bashes never know ““II don’t don’t think think tthere’s here’s a ccentral entral h ouse house p arrtty sscene cene iin nS anta C ruz,� ssays ays B arton. party Santa Cruz, Barton. ““There’s There’s ggroups roups tthat hat tthrow hrow a llot ot o off p arrties, llike ike tthe he ffrats rats aand nd ssororities. ororities. Th he parties, The llacrosse acrosse bo oys aalways lways tthrow hrow a llot ot o arrties, boys off p parties, aand nd tthe he ssnowboarders nowboarders d o. T here’s aalways lways do. There’s tthe he rrave ave sscene cene o ut iin n tthe he w oods tthat hat out woods ggoes o oees ttill ill tthe he w ee h ours o he m orning. wee hours off tthe morning. B u t r e a l l y , i t ’ s m o s t l y j u s t k i c k b a cks w ith But really, it’s mostly just kickbacks with 0 ffriends. riends. It t’s n oU CLA.� It’s no UCLA.

& j 1C@@3<BA june 9-16, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; 0@734A “I think they’re still on track,� she says. “The Westside industrial area is seeing a lot of changes: the Swift Street businesses, the New Leaf Market. There’s been a lot of improvement and redevelopment in that area, and this project will only add to it in time.� Curtis Cartier

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Dela-When, Already? Remember '&'% 9ZaVlVgZ? You know, the sprawling 20-acre, 530,000-square-foot livework building project on Delaware Avenue that, when it was approved by the Santa Cruz City Council back in July 2008, was going to usher in a new progressive multi-use community to the Westside? That was, of course, until the economy tanked and GZYigZZ EgdeZgi^Zh, the project developer, couldn’t sell any of the lots to customers. Well, today the property looks much as it has for the last decade: a fenced-off empty field— only now with scattered sewer connections popping from the weed-riddled soil and a locked trailer office awaiting the return of construction crews. City officials still believe the studios, stores, apartments and offices envisioned for the project will sell like hot cakes once the economy picks up again. But with the ghosts of long-departed Wrigley’s, Texas Instruments and Lipton still haunting the nearby lots where once their bustling offices hummed with well-paid workers, the future of the Westside industrial block remains anything but certain. Meanwhile, 8gV^\ ;gZcX], managing director of Redtree, says his company needs to do a better job reminding potential residents that Redtree is “open for business.� He also says, however, that despite the slow start, he may have a few of the property’s first tenants ready to shake hands and sign contracts. “After we got the entitlements, we all collectively fell into this recession,� he says. “We did slow things down as our partners reined in their plans for growth. We have completed about 50 percent of the infrastructure and we’re moving forward on a couple of deals that, if things work out, we’ll be able to say more about soon. I would hope that by fall of this year we could get going with construction again.� Though French says he can’t disclose the names of the interested businesses that are looking to buy property until the deals are in ink, he says there are four in total and that three are local businesses looking to expand and one is an out-of-state software company hoping to find a new home. At the city, planning director ?ja^VcV GZWV\a^Vi^ also acknowledges that the project got off to a rocky start. With a 15-year build-out plan, however, she says the there is still plenty of opportunity to make up for lost time.

Tourism Tax Vote Approaches As another summer dawns in Santa Cruz and the boardwalk begins to swell with tourists, the hotel industry is hoping this year will be better than last. It may be getting a leg up. On Tuesday, June 15, the Board of Supervisors will make its final vote on the proposed Idjg^hb BVg`Zi^c\ 9^hig^Xi—a special lodging fee that would be used exclusively by and for the tourism industry to promote tourism in Santa Cruz County. The proposed fee would add an additional $1–$1.50 to hotel stays and provide an estimated $1.1 million to the Conference and Visitors Council. The idea has already received the thumbs-up from city councils in Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley, Capitola and Watsonville. The supes’ approval would make it official countywide. Hotel representatives who spoke at the Board of Supervisors’ meeting weeks ago expressed concerns over what they say is a 25 percent drop in business from last year. “Market share in Santa Cruz County is dwindling as compared to other counties,� says ?^b BV\\^d, general manager at Seascape Resort. Maggio, who has had to lay off 17 employees since last season, says Santa Cruz must do more to compete with Monterey and Tahoe for tourists. District 1 Supervisor ?d]c AZdedaY supports the intentions of the proposed TMD but remains concerned about job quality and wages of hotel workers, which would not be affected or addressed by the new fee. “Labor representation in communities assures decent wages and benefits,� says Leopold. “In Santa Cruz County, we don’t have that.� Leopold also expressed concern that the TMD would stay on task in the future and not be allowed to lobby or become an entity that would influence local government decisions down the road. Although he supports the TMD, his vote is contingent on the language of the ordinance plan. The proposed TMD would be on top of the current IgVch^Zci DXXjeVcXn IVm, or bed tax, which charges guests a fee equal to 10 percent of each lodging stay and goes into municipalities’ general funds. In the city of Santa Cruz that valuable TOT revenue funds police, fire and public works and currently faces a $4 million shortfall. Critics of the TMD, like Gdc EdbZgVco of Santa Cruzans for Responsible Planning, question whether an increase in promotion guarantees an increase in tourism and advocate a 2 percent to 3 percent TOT increase instead. Maria Grusauskas

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1/>7B=: 5CG Former District 27 Assemblymember John Laird is running for Lt. Gov. Abel Maldonado’s recently vacated Senate seat.

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8]V\ :OW`R THE JUNE 22 race for Senate District 15 is no ordinary contest. Coming two weeks after the high-profile June 8 primary, it risks falling victim to voter apathy. Yet it’s arguably one of the most critical races in the state. Together with the race for Senate District 12, which includes Salinas and Modesto, the outcome could shatter Sacramento’s gridlock by wresting control away from the Republican party, which has abused its minority rights and put ideology above California’s welfare. There are two chief reasons Santa Cruz Democrat John Laird is the best candidate for the District 15 seat: the budget and the environment. When Laird went to Sacramento in 2002 as an assemblymember representing District 27, he quickly established himself as a rising star. One of a handful of freshmen appointed to lead a committee (Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials), he went on to chair the Assembly Budget Committee starting in 2004 and become one of the capital’s budget experts. While a champion of social services— he authored, and got passed in both chambers, a bill to provide health care for all the state’s children—he’s also an advocate of fiscal discipline who wants all revenue-spending voter initiatives to identify a funding source. He was the first to propose charging a vehicle registration fee in order to fund state parks, an idea that will be on November’s ballot. He’s a bipartisan player who recognizes the need for deep structural reform but knows how

to succeed in the current environment. To keep the Central Coast from risking a Louisiana-style oil disaster, voters would do well to consider the candidates’ environmental credentials. Laird’s record is sterling. Starting in 1985, when as a Santa Cruz councilmember he coauthored an innovative measure aimed at preventing oil drilling off the coast—a measure adopted by 26 cities and counties by 1990—he has consistently defended the environment, working in the Assembly to procure oil spill cleanup funding, establishing the Sierra Nevada Conservancy and authoring legislation to prevent a repeat of the LBAM debacle. He was one of the original authors of A.B. 32, California’s progressive carbon emissions law. His opponent, the powerful San Luis Obispo Republican Sam Blakeslee, has wisely portrayed himself as a forwardthinking moderate with an interest in alternative energy. But as Assembly Minority Leader in 2009, Blakeslee had a seat with the rest of the “Big 5� at the final budget negotiating table, where he toed the no-new-revenue party line. Whatever voters think of California’s expenditures, a budget crisis of this severity deserves more than simplistic adherence to ideology. And Blakeslee, a former geologist with Exxon, voted last year to approve offshore oil drilling on the Tranquillon Ridge, a vote he surely regrets now. In recent years he has authored and supported legislation on alternative energy, but the two candidates’ lifetime League of Conservation Voters scores give a sense of the big picture: Blakeslee’s score is 25, Laird’s is 100. We recommend voting for John Laird for Senate District 15 on June 22. 0

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Still Life

Monterey Bay writer/artist Belle Yang updates her family history with the graphic novel ‘Forget Sorrow: An Ancestral Tale’ 0G 1/B 8=6<A=<


EARLY 20 years into her career as an artist and author, Belle Yang found herself at a creative impasse. The UCSC graduate had written a prosestyle memoir of her father’s family titled Forget Sorrow: A China Elegy, but she was having difficulty getting it out into the world. “It was considered too quiet for the market,� she says over tea. “There are a lot of books about the abuses of the Chinese people, but mine was more about the texture.� Yang’s agent, however, saw potential in the story, and urged her to re-create it as a graphic novel. The resulting

book, Forget Sorrow: An Ancestral Tale, has captured the attention of lit critics and graphic novel enthusiasts alike, and has Yang being celebrated as a natural in the genre. “My editor says I’ve taken to it like a duck to water,â€? she says with a smile. Born in Taiwan, Yang emigrated with her parents to the United States, via Japan, when she was 7 years old. She says she understands what it is to be a stranger in a new country, relying on stories from home for a sense of identity. “When you come to a new country, the stories become like landfill,â€? she says. “You pull soil from the old country so you can have a ground here.â€? ¨ !

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In Forget Sorrow, Yang weaves the Old World stories of her extended family with her own experiences as a young immigrant in a new world. Hers was a challenging situation, intensified by her quiet disposition. She says her feelings of being out of place contributed to her decision to attend college in Santa Cruz. “I wasn’t very talkative, nor was I in my element,� she says. “I never fit in anyplace, so I figured I may as well be a banana slug.� When, as a college graduate, Yang was forced to flee an abusive boyfriendturned-stalker, she moved back into her parents’ home. Through the stories her father told, she began piecing

together her family’s history, from her Manchurian great-grandparents to the devastation of war and the Cultural Revolution to the powerlessness her parents felt trying to create lives in a new country. She wrote the stories down. In 1986, she traveled to Beijing to study traditional Chinese painting, but her studies were cut short three years later by the Tiananmen Square Massacre. That’s when she decided that she needed to share her stories with the world. “I didn’t want to waste my voice,â€? she says, “because I saw other people silenced, and I had been silenced.â€? ¨ %

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Help us keep our river free of trash!

San Lorenzo River Cleanup When: June 12th from 9am-noon Where: Meet at Water St. Bridge Join Save Our Shores and the City of Santa Cruz to clean San Lorenzo River and make our local environment a little healthier! SOS will provide all cleanup materials including gloves, trash and recycling buckets and bags, rakes, grabbers and rubber boots. All ages are welcome. For more information visit saveourshores.org, email us at cleanup@saveourshores.org or call 831-462-5660.

This ad and cleanup are funded by the City of Santa Cruz Clean River, Ocean and Beaches Fund (Measure E)


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Theden Gar e Fair 010

June 26, 2

ia Skypark ey, Californ Scotts Vall faire.org n


m 9 am – 5 p sion is m d Free A -on demos ing hands p a c Featuring: s d n la l Ecologica emos d g n li il k -s e ngs R s and tasti o m e Food d Speakers s imals Plant sale ts, farm an a b , s e e b , Chickens

Speakers in


Hosted by the California Native Garden Foundation cngf.org 6=;30=2G!!Cfmmf!Zboh!bu!ifs!ipnf!po!uif!Npoufsfz!Qfojotvmb


Word Pictures Through the creation of Forget Sorrow, Yang says, she attempted to write sorrow out of her father’s life. In doing so, discovered her own strength. “You come to the U.S. and you don’t speak English; you have no voice,� she says. “My father and mother lost their voice in coming to this country. And when you lose your voice, you lose your individuality.� She connects the silencing of immigrants and victims of abuse with the silencing of an entire country. “I lost my voice to this man, being locked up and abused, and with China being locked up and abused, I saw a very strong parallel,� she says. “But I was able to overcome my fear, and I gave voice to my father and mother, and they were able to give voice to others who had been lost in war.� Using the graphic format to tell her family’s story signifies a return to Chinese graphic art and calligraphy, which Yang considers the mother of all arts. “Chinese written language has retained the artistic element, and in that sense, the graphic novel, with its art and words, is a perfect fit for me,� she says.

She goes on to explain that Chinese horizontal scrolls were meant to be unrolled—not all at once, as we see in museums today, but one segment at a time in a style that foreshadows motion pictures, Japanese manga and comics. The success of Forget Sorrow has Yang’s publisher already asking for the next book, which will be a graphic memoir of her mother’s family. “I’m grateful for having this wave of graphic novel wash over me,â€? she says. “I feel like a kid again.â€? But Forget Sorrow was 14 years in the making, and she doesn’t want to rush the next one. “I don’t want it to be hurried and weak. It won’t take 14 years, but it will take a good long time,â€? she says, and adds, “It will take as long as it takes.â€? BELLE YANG reads from ‘Forget Sorrow: An Ancestral Tale’ on Thursday, June 10, at 7:30pm at Capitola Book Cafe, 1475 41st Ave., Capitola. Free. 831.462.4415. She signs copies of ‘Forget Sorrow’ on Wednesday, June 30, 5–7pm at Atlantis Fantasyworld, 1020 Cedar St., Santa Cruz. Free. 831.462.0158 ¨




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june 9-16, 2010

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Opener: O pe ene : ener

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2 2010 Summer Summ mer Concert Concert S Series erries Cold 92.3 Rock) June J une 3 C old War Wa ar Kids Kids – Channel Channel 9 2.3 ((Alternative Altern r ati a ve R ock) J une 10 Lenn nny Williams Will i ia ams wit h Pr ince D amons – KB LX X 102. 9 FM (R &B) Lenny with Prince Damons KBLX 102.9 (R&B) June J June une 17 17 Ska Skatalites talites – MOViN MOViN 997 997 (Ska/Reggae) (Ska/Reggae) J June une 24 4 BoD BoDeans eans – K KFOG FOG 9 97.7 77..7 S SJ/104.5 J/104.5 S SF F ((R (Rock/Pop) ock/Pop) p) J July uly 1 Th The e Eng English lish Bea Beatt – ALICE@97.3 ALICE@97..3 (Ska/New (Ska/New Wave) W Waave) J uly 8 T o onic aand nd Gr reen River River Ordinance Ordinance – MIX X 10 6.5 (R ((Rock/Pop) ock/Pop) July Tonic Green 106.5 J uly 15 D on C arlos – LIVE 105 (Reggae) (Reggae) July Don Carlos J uly 22 22 Th eG aslight An them – Channel Channel 9 2.3 ((Alternative Altern native R ock) The Gaslight Anthem 92.3 Rock) July July J uly 229 9 P Pete ete E Escovedo scovedo d Or Orchestra chestra – (Latin/Jazz) (Latin/Jazz) A Aug ug 5 F Foreverland oreverland – 98.1 98.1 KISS FM (Michael (Michael JJackson ackson o T Tribute ribute B Band) a d) an A ug 1122 Ee k-A-Mouse – LIVE 105 (R eggae) Aug Eek-A-Mouse (Reggae) Aug Y&T A ug 119 9 Y& T – 98.5 98.5 KFOX K OX (Classic KF (Classic Rock) Rock) Aug 26 P ato B anton – ALICE@97.3 ALICE@97.3 (R eggae) Aug Pato Banton (Reggae)

A San San JJose ose Downtown Downtown Association Association Production Prod o uction | Supported Supported in part part by by a Cultural Cultural Affairs Affaiirs grant grant from from the the City City of San San Jose Jose Design: Swanbeck design:tn designtn.com D esign: JJoshua oshua S wanbeck & des ign:tn n / des igntn.com

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For Dads & Grads... een & Hea le r y s l t hy L i f e G

Village Voice

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Stop by Way of Life and register to Win a VIP Experience at the 20th Annual High Sierra Music Festival in Quincy, CA. July 1st – July 4th No purchase necessary! Held in the United Way Conference Room, Behind the Way of Life

Tuesday Tues Tu T uesd esda day d ay y June JJu une 1 15th, 5th 5t h, 7 7:0 7:00 :0 00 - 8 8:30 8: :30 30 p pm m SYNERGY: WHAT GOES INTO THE MAKING OF A GR REAT EAT HE ERBAL RBAL TO ONIC NIC with Paul Gaylon - Master Formulator for Herbal Products & Development

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ELLE YANG’S commitment to using her voice as a tool to promote understanding is apparent in all of her work. It shows up in stories for children—about acceptance, differences, immigration and fitting in—and in her books for adults that carry the reader through her father’s journey of growing up in China, coming of age in violent times and being forced to leave one’s home. Here’s are three of Yang’s books that deal specifically with home, family and immigration.

Hannah Is My Name (2004) A glimpse into the life of an immigrant family waiting for their green cards in San Francisco, Hannah Is My Name is a picture book that provides children and adults with a gentle reminder that trying to create a life a new country can be a great emotional and physical challenge.

Baba: A Return to China Upon My Father’s Shoulders (1994) In Baba, Yang weaves together—through her words and

paintings—the colorful characters, landscapes and events that informed her father’s early life in northern China in the 1930s and ’40s, within the House of Yang. In the preface, Amy Tan writes, “[Yang] has created a world we can lose ourselves in, and when we emerge, we are all the better for it.�

The Odyssey of a Manchurian (1996) Recounting the story of her father’s escape, at age 17, from his village in Manchuria and subsequent journey to southern China, where he hoped to find safety, Yang provides a narrative of the devastating hardships and losses that befell the Chinese people during the revolution and struggle for power between the nationalists and communists. Seen through the eyes of the nonpolitical people who were the victims of suspicion, violence, theft, paranoia and starvation, Yang demonstrates once again that nothing is more political than the personal. Cat Johnson

1220 A 41st Avenue, in the Begonia Plaza, Capitola, CA 95010 (831) 464-4113 • Open Daily • www.wayoflife.net

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june 9-16, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; jjune u n e 9-16, 9 - 1 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 / 3 / 3

EEnjoy njoy tthe he SSilence ilence You’re Y ou o ’re no n nott rreally eally going going to to listen listen to fullto that t discography disc cograph hy aree yyou? ttorrent, orrent, ar ou? 0G 5/03 ;3:7<3 0G 5 / 0 3 ; 3 : 7 < 3


HIS IISN’T HIS SN’T o one ne o off tthose hose ttired ired rrants ants about about tthe he perils perils of of iillegal llegal downloading d ownloading aand nd h how ow iit’s t’s b ankrupting the the aartists rtists aand nd bankrupting killing the the record record stores stores and and decimating decimating the the killing music industry. industry. Truth Truth be be told, told, the the artists artists music are making making up up lost lost revenue revenue in in increased increased are concert ticket ticket prices, prices, the the record record stores stores are are concert reverting back back to to the the more-popular-thanmore-popular-thanreverting ever vinyl vinyl format, format, and and after after years years of of bloated bloated ever excess, most most everybody everybody concurs concurs that that the the excess, music industry industry deserved deserved to to be be decimated. decimated. music Nor is is this this an an old-man old-man rant rant about about the the ease ease Nor of illegal illegal downloading, downloading, and and the the valueless valueless of clicking that that kids kids these these days days do, do, and and how how clicking in my my time time we we had had to to walk walk two two miles miles in in in the snow snow to to Record Record Mart Marrt only only to to find f ind that, that, the sorryy, the the new new Depeche Depeche Mode Mode album album was was sorry, out of of stock, stock, and and those those crazy crazy ADD-addled ADD-addled out youths don’t don’t even even know know what what albums albums youths are anymore anymore because because they’re they’re wired wired up up on on are the YouTube YouTube EMusic EMusic Facebook Facebook Pandora Pandora the Twitter GorillaVsBear GorillaVsBear Stereogum Stereogum sites. sites. Twitter No, this this is is none none of of those those things, things, because because No, illegal downloading downloading is is here here to to stay. stay. Itt was was illegal born of of the the music music industry’s industry’s decision decision born to kill kill the the LP LP and and increase increase their their profit profit to margin 1,000 1,000 percent percent by by foisting foisting the the margin digital technology technology of of CDs CDs on on music music fans, fans, digital the same same technology technology that that eventually eventually made made the possible the the MP3, MP3, and and the the RapidShare RapidShare possible files and and the the torrents torrents that that the the recording recording files industry hates hates so so much. much. It’s Itt’s a little little like like the the industry United States States providing providing chemical chemical weapons weapons United to Iraq Iraq in in the the 1980s 1980s and and then then fighting fighting to against them them in in the the oughts. oughts. against But I digress. digress. Today’s Today’s discussion discussion is is the the But

2=E<:=/2 @3A>=<A70:G Some m 2=E<:=/2 @3A>=<A70:G Some musical usical ppleasures, leasures, llike i ke A ABBA BBA aand nd much measured ppretty rettt y m uch eeverything ver ything eelse, lse, aare re bbest est eenjoyed njoyed iin nm easured ddoses. oses.

rise in rise in popularity popularity o off h huge uge ccompleteompletediscography d iscoggraphy ttorrents, orrents, aand nd tthe he simple simple ffact act bee too much off tthat hat there there ccan an possibly possibly b too m uch o Like bathtubful off IIPA a good good tthing. hing. L ike a b athtubful o PA poured beer bong. Like hundred p oured iinto nto a b eer b ong. L ike a h undred browser windows with beautiful b rowser w indows ffilled illed w ith b eautiful naked women. n aked w omen. No No one one really really wants wants these these excesses. excesses. So So why, do w hy, I wonder, wonder, d o we we ccontinue ontinue tto o ffall all ffor or off a tthe he idea idea that that downloading downloading a ttorrent orrent o band’s b and’s ccomplete omplete discography discoggraphy iiss ggoing oing tto o bee in way b in any any w ay rrewarding? ewarding? Say Say you’ve you’ve been been loving loving Lady Lady Gaga’s Gaga’s ““Alejandro, Alejandro,� aand nd your your acute acute powers powers off p perception o erception deliver deliver an an impulsive impulsive based yyearning earning ffor or the the song song it’s it’s lloosely oosely b ased on—“Fernando, o n—“Feernando,� by by ABBA. ABBA. You You cue cue iitt up up on You o n yyour our torrent torrent browser. browser. Y ou scan scan search search rresults esults ffor or ““Fernando� Feernando� iitself tself ((5.2MB), 5.2MB), ffor or ABBA ABBA Gold Gold (70.5MB), (70.5MB), for for Greatest Greatest Hits And H its ((60.4MB). 60.4MB). A nd tthen hen yyou ou ssee ee tthe he motherlode. m otherlode. ““ABBA ABBA Full Full Discography Discography 320kbps 65CD, 320kbps 6 5CD,� it it rreads. eads. 8.7GB! 8.7GB! Jesus, Jeesus, tthis his

rules! Or Or so so you you think. think. Just Ju ust like like our our libidos libidos rules! can’t process process all all those those naked naked women, women, just just can’t like our our livers livers can’t can’t process process all all that that beer, beer, like the musical musical receptors receptors in in our our brain brain just just the simply cannot cannot process process 8.7GB 8.7GB of of ABBA. ABBA. simply friend of of mine mine fell fell victim victim to to such such A friend temptation recently, recently, wanting wanting to to hear hear a temptation song from from Depeche Depeche Mode, Mode, instead instead lured lured song by the the band’s band’s complete complete discography. discography. Itt by only required required a couple couple hours hours of of time, time, and and only no real real effort efffort on on his his part, part r , and and voilĂ . voilĂ . Every Every no note Depeche Depeche Mode Mode had had ever ever recorded recorded note was at at his his fingertips. f ingertips. was “But you you know know what?â€? what?â€? he he said said “But afterward. “Depeche “Depeche Mode Mode has has a lot lot afterward. of horrible horrible songs. songs.â€? All All he’d he’d wanted wanted was was of to to relive relive the the moment moment he he first f irst heard heard “Somebody, “Somebody,â€? and and feel feel that that warm warm loving loving adolescent adolescent feeling feeling that that the the world world could could be caring caring and and kind. kind. Now Now he’s he’s got got crap crap like like “Better “Better Days Days (Basteroid (Basteroid Dance Dance Is Is Gone Gone Vocal Voc o al Mix)â€? Mix)â€? and and all all the the throwaway throwaway B-sides B-sides from from Ultra—not Ultra—not to to mention mention Ultra Ultra itself, itself,

and aall and ll tthe he o other ther llousy ousy rrecords ecords D Depeche epe p che M o eh od as eever ver m ade. Mode has made. In a way, way, this this is is no no burden. burden. Itt takes takes up up In iinvisible nvisible sspace. pace. B ut iitt iiss iinvisible nvisible m usic o n But music on aan n iinvisible nvisible aaural ural p lane, a ccold, old, d ead p iece plane, dead piece o ilicon sstorage, torage, tthe he eexact xact o pposite o off ssilicon opposite off w hat h anted tto o ffeel. eel. IInvisible nvisible o ot, what hee w wanted orr n not, iit’s t’s tthere. here. A nd m ost o ucks. And most off iitt ssucks. My friend friend has has two two choices choices here. here. One One My iiss to to spend spend tthe he next next yyear ear llistening istening tto o D epeche M ode aand nd nothing nothing b ut Depeche Depeche Depeche Mode but M ode, eevaluating valuating aand nd ranking ranking aand nd Mode, rreorganizing eorganizing and and playlisting playlisting tthe he vvirtually irtually iinsurmountable nsurmountable glob glob o usic w ith which which off m music with h e’s saddled saddled himself. himself. His His other other option option iiss to to he’s d rag tthe he folder folder tto o the the trash trash and and start start clean clean drag w ith Some Some Great Great Reward Reward (50.2MB). (50.2MB). Or— Or— with G od fforbid—he orbid—he ccould ould w alk tto o a rrecord ecord God walk sstore tore aand nd actually actually fork fork over over tthe he cost cost o off ab urrito for for a u sed copy copy o Catching Up Up burrito used off Catching W ith D eppeche M od o e, aand nd ggo o tthrough hrough llife ife With Depeche Mode, p iece by by piece piece iinstead nstead of of hoarding hoarding it it all. all. piece Isn’t that that the the best best way way to to live, live, anyway? anyway? 0 Isn’t

" j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA june 9-16, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; :7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

Green Faith Com Green Communities mmunities & Green Medical Medica al Facilities GREEN FAITH COMMUNITIES Los Gatos Skyland Community Church 25100 Skyland Road, Los Gatos (408) 353-1310

Santa Cruz The Center For Conscious Living For more information about the Monterey Bay Area Green Business Program, contact your local Santa Cruz County Coordinator

(831) 477-3976 the City of Santa Cruz Coordinator

(831) 420-5131 or your local San Benito County Coordinator


1818 Felt Street, Santa Cruz (831) 462-9383

First Congregational Church 900 High Street, Santa Cruz (831) 426-2010

St. Stephens Lutheran Church 2500 Soquel Avenue, Santa Cruz (831) 476-4700

Soquel Inner Light Ministry 5630 Soquel Drive, Soquel (831) 465-9090

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church 2402 Cabrillo College Drive, Soquel (831) 475-6962


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Scotts Valley Scotts Valley Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 223 Mount Hermon Rd., Ste. B, Scotts Valley (831) 430-9910

Look for our ad next month featuring a new business sector. Visit the website for more details and a complete list of all Green Businesses!


A/BC@2/G j $ Âł AC<2/G j $ !

1/>7B=:/ @=2 /<2 1CAB=; 1:/AA71 Attracting 20,000 car lovers last year, the Capitola Rod and Custom Classic is quickly becoming one of the premier car shows on the West Coast. This year more than 300 hot rods, lead sleds and custom beauties will sparkle in the Capitola sun, while live music on the bandstand, memorabilia and pinstriping vendors guarantee fun for the whole family. Saturday, June 12, 9am–5pm and Sunday, June 13, 9am–2pm in Capitola Village. Rain or Shine. Free admission.

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; june 9-16, 2010 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

STUDENT S CREENERS EdgiZg 8daaZ\Z! J8H8! &&*+ =^\] Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)*.#(+%+# AO\bO 1`ch 1]c\bg 0O\Y 8^gXaZ d[ A^[Z# 6aa [^kZ WgVcX]Zh d[ 8djcin 7Vc` VgZ Zm]^W^i^c\ O^bWVWlZVc Vgi^hihÉ k^k^Y eV^ci^c\h VcY hXjaeijgZh YZe^Xi^c\ YV^an a^[Z ^c i]Z^g ]dbZaVcY# Bdc" I]j .Vb"*eb! ;g^ .Vb"+eb# ;gZZ# ,'% ;gdci Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)*,#*%%%# AO\bO 1`ch 1]c\bg 5]dS`\[S\b 1S\bS` 6\ZaZhh 6gi# 6c Zm]^W^i d[ Vgi [gdb gZh^YZcih Vi Xdjcinl^YZ XVgZ [VX^a^i^Zh# >c i]Z Xdgg^Ydg \VaaZgn dc i]Z [^ghi [addg# <VaaZgn deZc ]djgh# ;gZZ# ,%& DXZVc Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#+--#*(..# AO\bO 1`ch ;]c\bOW\a /`b 1S\bS` Heg^c\ ;a^c\# I]Z \VaaZgnÉh hZXdcY"fjVgiZg h]dl [ZVijgZh _ZlZagn! \aVhh! XZgVb^Xh! eV^ci^c\h! eg^cih! WVh`Zih! lddY! hXjaeijgZ! iZmi^aZh VcY bdgZ Wn bdgZ i]Vc (% adXVa Vgi^hih# LZY" Hjc! cddc"+eb# I]gj ?jc '+# ;gZZ VYb^hh^dc# .()& B^aa Hi! 7Zc AdbdcY! -(&#((+#)',(# AWS``O /hcZ <c`aS`g O\R 5O`RS\a HXjaeijgZ >h/ '%&%# I]Z EK 6gih 8djcX^aÉh VccjVa djiYddg bZ\V"h]dl d[ gZ\^dcVa Vgi^hihÉ hXjaeijgZh aVhih Vaa hjbbZg# ;gZZ VYb^hh^dc# '++% :# AV`Z 6kZ =ln &*' ! LVihdck^aaZ! -(&#,+(#%.(.#


4WdS C\W_cS 2]Qc[S\bO`WSa 6 X^cZbVi^X hijYn d[ i]Z Jc^fjZ AVY^Zh! Vc Vaa" ldbZc XVg XajW gZ_ZXiZY Wn bVaZ XajWh! ^h _jhi dcZ d[ [^kZ [VhX^cVi^c\ [^ab$k^YZd$ bjai^bZY^V egd_ZXih i]Vi J8H8 \gVY hijYZcih ^c HdX^Va 9dXjbZciVi^dc ]VkZ eji id\Zi]Zg# DcZ c^\]i dcan! hd \gVW i]Z deedgijc^in# I]j! ?jc &%! ,eb# ;gZZ VYb^hh^dc# 9Za BVg I]ZViZg! &&') EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo#


63@A>=E3@!!Ă•Uif!Vojrvf!Mbejft-Ă–!cz!Hmpsjb!Npsbo-!fyqmpsft!! bo!bmm.xpnbo!Tbo!Ejfhp!dbs!dmvc/!Ju!tdsffot!Uivstebz!ojhiu/

A16==:6=CA3 2=1 THE BLOOD, sweat and tears of five UCSC graduate students in the Social Documentary program have finally paid off. A rigorous two years of hard work have given way to five unique documentaries, each one a thoroughly examined perspective on the world. Mara Waldhorn’s Bienvenido tells the story of a 13-year-old Dominican-born boy struggling in the education system of New York City. In Way Down in the Hole, Alex Johnston revisits the wild frontier of the American West, delving into the history of the bloody Colorado coal miner’s strike of 1913–1914. Carolina Fuentes uncovers how musicians defended their right to create art during the two decades of El Salvadorian dictatorship in Our Right to Sing. Gloria MorĂĄn takes a look into the first all-women’s car club to form since the 1970s in San Diego in her video The Unique Ladies. Christian Suarez has created a photography and multimedia project titled “Victorville: An Exurban Battle Between Intention and Reality,â€? which examines the American ideal of home ownership in what was the nation’s second-fastest-growing city three years ago. At a time when the traditional methods of journalistic investigation and reporting are waning and the Internet provides an infinite supply of information and opinions, these documentaries are a refreshing testament to the value of reliable world shoeleather work. (Maria Grusauskas)

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UCSC SOCIAL DOCUMENTARY GRADUATE EXHIBITION begins Thursday, June 10, at 7pm at the Del Mar Theater, 1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. Free admission. 831.469.3220. h]dlYdlc Vahd d[[Zgh [ddY Vi i]Z 8Vh^cd 8V[‚# '* Wjn" ^c [dg i]Z idjgcVbZci l^i] gZWjnh [dg i]Z [^ghi ]djg# >c i]Z eVg^h] ]Vaa# EaZVhZ GHKE id -(&#)'-#&%(+# ;g^! ?jc &&! +" .eb# '*# =dan 8gdhh 8]jgX]! &'+ =^\] Hi! HVciV 8gjo# 3\UZWaV 1]c\b`g 2O\QS HZXdcY VcY [djgi] I]jghYVnh d[ ZVX] bdci]0 WZ\^ccZgh lZaXdbZ# I]j! ?jc &%# *" ,# ;^ghi 8dc\gZ\Vi^dcVa 8]jgX] d[ HVciV 8gjo! .%% =^\] Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'+#-+'&#

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VcY di]Zg Vgi^hih d[ Vaa V\Zh lZaXdbZ id eZg[dgb0 gZ[gZh]bZcih egdk^YZY# H^\c"je ,eb0 eZg[dgbVcXZh! ,/(%eb# HZXdcY LZY d[ ZkZgn bdci]! ,eb# 9dcVi^dch VXXZeiZY# Jc^iVg^Vc Jc^kZghVa^hi ;Zaadlh]^e d[ HVciV 8gjo 8djcin! +)%& ;gZZYdb 7akY! 6eidh! -(&#+-.#%+,%# >W\Y >`][ 77( 0OQY b] bVS 4cQVaWO 7ZcZ[^i YVcXZ [dg i]Z 6kdc LVa` [dg 7gZVhi 8VcXZg [ZVijg^c\ gV[[aZ VcY h^aZci VjXi^dc d[ ^iZbh [gdb

3 $

$ j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA june 9-16, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; 1 # 8/19 A>@=E

A/BC@2/G j $

8C<3B33<B6 13:30@/B7=< One hundred and forty-seven years ago, on the 19th day of June, slavery was outlawed in the United States by the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. The Juneteenth Celebration remembers and honors this important part of American history, celebrating equality for all human beings in a vibrant festival for the whole family complete with music, crafts, soul food and speakers. Saturday, June 12, noon–5pm. Free. Laurel Park, 301 Center St., Santa Cruz. adXVa Wjh^cZhhZh! XdhijbZ XdciZhi [dg Egdb @^c\ VcY FjZZc! Xdbea^bZciVgn egdb e]didh VcY V a^kZ 9?# I^m/ -(&#()*#**.)# HVi! ?jc &'! ,eb# &%$ &*# HVciV 8gjo BddhZ AdY\Z! '),% :a GVcX]d 9g! HXdiih KVaaZn! -(&#)(-#&-&,# AS`S\RW^Wbg 1V]W` I]Z HZgZcY^e^in 8]d^g [gdb HVc ?dhZ eZg[dgbh hdc\h [gdb i]Z É+%h ^cXajY^c\ Bdidlc VcY 7ZViaZh bZYaZnh# HVi! ?jc &'! ,/(%eb# 9dcVi^dc gZfjZhiZY# 8ZciZg ;dg 8dchX^djh A^k^c\! &-&- ;Zai Hi! HVciV 8gjo# C\ >O\QOYS 0`SOYTOab I]Z 7dccn 9ddc KdajciZZg ;^gZ IZVb egZhZcih ^ih VccjVa [jaaZg"i]Vc"[aVe_VX`h X]d^XZ d[ ]Vb Z\\h! [gZcX] idVhi! W^hXj^ih \gVkn! iViZgh! [gj^i! D?! Xd[[ZZ VcY iZV# 6aa l]^aZ V gV[[aZ! WV`Z hVaZ! XV`ZlVa` VcY `^YhÉ VXi^k^i^Zh VgZ \d^c\ dc idd# LVccV YdcViZ dg kdajciZZg4 8Vaa -(&#)'+#(%-% dg -(&#)',#'+,&# Hjc! ?jc &(! -Vb"cddc# 6Yjaih &'0 `^Yh &% VcY jcYZg! +# 7dccn 9ddc ;^gZ HiVi^dc! .,* BVgi^c GY! 7dccn 9ddc# ESbZO\Ra /ZWdS B]c` @^Y"dg^ZciZY dcZ"id"ild" ]djg idjgh0 W^cdXjaVgh egdk^YZY# GZhZgkVi^dch gZfj^gZY0 XVaa -(&#,'-#&&*+ m,# HVi! ?jc &'! &%Vb# ;gZZ# ;^io :YjXVi^dcVa 8ZciZg! EV_Vgd KVaaZn =^\] HX]dda! LVihdck^aaZ#

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june 9-16, 2010

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& j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA june 9-16, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; 1 $

A/BC@2/G j $ Âł AC<2/G j $ !

D7<B<3@A 43AB7D/: The second of two weekends devoted to the worship of Dionysus sees the party move to the eastern side of the Santa Cruz Mountains, where higher temperatures and different soils create a whole other kind of delicious. Burrell School, Cooper-Garrod, Black Ridge and Windy Oaks are just a few of the participating wineries; many are rarely open, making this a golden opportunity. Saturday, June 12, 11am–5pm and Sunday, June 13, 11am–5pm. $30 buys entrance and a map; www.scmwa.com or 831.685.VINE. b^aZ [dg ]^h X]^aYgZc! [Vb^an! VcY Xdbbjc^in# 6lVgY \^kZc ?jc &.0 YZVYa^cZ [dg cdb^cVi^dch! ;g^YVn ?jc &&# I]gj ?jc &&# ;gZZ# 7Vn ;ZYZgVa 8gZY^i Jc^dc! (((( 8aVgZh Hi! 8Ve^idaV! -(&#),.#+%%%# >SOQS 1]`^a 7\T]`[ObW]\ ASaaW]\ 7VX`\gdjcY hZhh^dc l^i] 6^bZZ BjcgdZ l]d hZgkZY ^c C^\Zg &..,"&... dc Vhh^\cbZcih YZeVgi^c\ [dg hZgk^XZ h^iZh ^c '%&&# LZY! ?jc .! +",/(%eb# ;gZZ# AdjYZc CZahdc 8dbbjc^in 8ZciZg! (%& 8ZciZg Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'%#+&,,# @SR 1`]aa ;]PWZS 0Z]]R 2`WdSa 6i hZkZgVa adXVi^dch Xdjcinl^YZ ZVX] bdci]0 bdhi bdci]hÉ Yg^kZh Vahd d[[Zg

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june 9-16, 2010

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03/ /BA1/>3 jjune u n e 9-16, 9 - 1 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; ! ! j 03/BA1/>3

Jazz Presenters since 1975


JUNE 21 - JULY 1 GRADES 8 - 12 @ CABRILLO COLLEGE Register at kuumbwajazz.org or 427-2227 THURS. JUNE 10 • 7 & 9 PM Master of Gypsy Jazz!


MON. JUNE 14 • 7 & 9 PM


7PM: $28/Adv $31/Door 9PM: $23/Adv $26/Door, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by Beerstein Associates



“...flawless time, pristine execution, serious chops...â€? –JazzTimes $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24/60/Adv FRI. JUNE 25 • 7:30 PM

CAROLINA CHOCOLATE DROPS Old time string-band mixing the traditional with the new! $20/Adv $23/Door MON. JUNE 28 • 7 PM


“Hard swing with wit & allure.â€? –NY Times $25/Adv $28/Door • No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by The Ten Sharps

FRI. JULY 2 • 8 PM Grammy winning singer-songwriter!

AN EVENING WITH SHELBY LYNNE $25/Adv $28/Door No Jazztix/Comps

MON. JULY 12 • 7 PM

3/B B637@ 2CAB 3 /B B637@ 2CAB The Inf Infamous famous a


Stringdusters storm St ringdust g teerrs ppluck upp a st toorm at Moe’s Alley Mo e’s Alle ey this thiis Friday. Friday.

Torch bearers of Puerto Rico’s Plena, Bomba & Beyond! $22/Adv $25/Door Sponsored by Plazita Medical Clinic

THURS. JULY 15 • 7 & 9 PM

E32<3A2/G j $ ' E 32<3A 2/G j $ '

B6C@A2/G j $ B 6 C @ A 2/G j $

B6C@A2/G j $ B 6 C @ A 2/G j $

$27/Adv $30/Door No Jazztix/Comps

B63 5:7B16 ;=0 B 63 5:7B16 ;=0

7/19 7/22 7/26 8/2 8/2

With W ith a h harder, arder, h higher igher b blend lend o off ssounds ounds tthan han ttraditional raditional d ubstep, L os dubstep, Los A ngeles eelectronica lectronica ttrio rio tthe he G litch Angeles Glitch M ob iiss ssometimes ometimes ffiled iled u nder tthe he Mob under ““brostep� brostep� ccategory ategory aalongside longside aacts cts llike ike R usko, D atsik aand nd B assnectar. T here’s Rusko, Datsik Bassnectar. There’s a ssmarter, marter, h eadier vvibe ibe tto o tthe he M ob, headier Mob, h owever, aand nd u sing d econstructed b eat however, using deconstructed beat ssnippets nippets aand nd m idrange b ass aassaults, ssaults, midrange bass tthe he ggroup roup b lurs tthe he lline ine b etween blurs between ggeekster eekster h eadphone ffodder odder aand nd headphone d ance-f loor-friendly p arty jjams. ams. A lso dance-floor-friendly party Also n otable o n tthe he n ight’s b ill iiss o ne o notable on night’s bill one off tthe he S outh B ay’s m ost u p-and-coming South Bay’s most up-and-coming p ractitioners o ive b eat m aking aand nd practitioners off llive beat making eexperimental xperimental h ip -hop, S an JJose ose llaptop aptop hip-hop, San m anipulator F ree tthe he R obots, w ho manipulator Free Robots, who w ill b ropping h is ssignature ignature jjazzazzwill bee d dropping his llaced aced breakbeats breakbeats pre-Glitch. pre-Glitch. Catalyst; Catalyst; $ 16 aadv/$19 dv/$19 d oor; 8 pm. ((Curtis Curtis C artier) $16 door; 8pm. Cartier)

8=6< 8=6< 8=@53<A=< 8 =@53<A=< ?C7<B3B ? C7<B3B

B63 B 63 AC06C;/<A A C06C;/<A


Gerald Clayton Trio Lee Ritenour/Dave Grusin Sexto Sentido (1st US Tour!) John Pizzarelli Toumani Diabate

Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, serving premium wines & microbrewed beers. Snacks & desserts available all other nights. All age venue.

Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at kuumbwajazz.org. Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admissions Tax.

Independently Produced Events SAT. JUNE 26 • 8 PM • $27 Hawaii’s hottest group! Tickets: brownpapertickets.com More info: 423-5491 or hapa.com

KUUMBWA JAZZ 320-2 Cedar St • Sa nta C r u z 427-2227


Countless C ountless jjazz azz p players layers have have p patterned atterned ttheir heir playing playing and and lives lives after after GypsyGypsyjjazz azz ggod od D jango R einhardt. JJohn ohn Django Reinhardt. Jo orgenson iiss aanother nother w ould-be h eir Jorgenson would-be heir tto o tthe he tthrone, hrone, tthough hough h asn’t ggiven iven hee h hasn’t iin n tto o sslavish lavish devotion. devotion. On On JJorgenson’s orgenson’s llatest, atest, O ne SStolen tolen N ight, R einhardt’s One Night, Reinhardt’s ffingerprints ingerprints aare re ffound ound iin n tthe he p laying playing aand nd ccomposition, omposition, b ut Jo orgenson p lays but Jorgenson plays w ith eenough nough ccreativity reativity aand nd cconviction onviction with tto od emonstrate tthat hat h e’s h is o wn demonstrate he’s his own m an. IIn n tthe he eend nd h ays tthe he llegend egend man. hee p pays tthe he b est k ind o ribute: a rrespectful espectful best kind off ttribute: ccontemporary ontemporary ccelebration elebration o hat off w what m akes tthe he G ypsy jjazz azz p ioneer’s w ork makes Gypsy pioneer’s work sso o eenduring. nduring. K uumbwa; $ 23 aadv/ dv/ Kuumbwa; $23 $ 26 d oor; 7 aand nd 9 pm. ((Paul Paul M avis) $26 door; 9pm. M.. D Davis)

Some S ome m musicians usicians h have ave ffans ans tthat hat d draw raw ttheir heir llogos oggos o nn otebooks aand nd iiron ron on notebooks p atches o n ttheir heir jjackets. ackets. D ick L ucas aand nd patches on Dick Lucas tthe he rrest est o .K. aanarcho-punk narcho -punk q uartet off U U.K. quartet tthe he S ubhumans h ave ffans ans tthat hat ccarve arve Subhumans have llogos ogos iinto og nto ttheir heir aarms rms w ith p rotractors with protractors aand nd sspray pray p aint iitt iin np ublic rrestroom estroom paint public sstalls. talls. Y et w hen a b and h as b een Yet when band has been d elivering tthe he ssame ame aamplifier-melting mplif ier-melting delivering ccritique ritique o ociety ffor or 330 0 yyears ears w ith off ssociety with llittle ittle iin n tthe he w ay o ommercial ssuccess uccess way off ccommercial o inancial sstability, tability, ffanatical anatical d evotion orr ffinancial devotion sseems eems tthe he lleast east iits ts ffans ans ccould ould o fffeer. S till offer. Still ttouring ouring o ff tthe he rrelease elease o he 2 007 L P off off tthe 2007 LP IInternal nternal R iot, the the Subhumans Subhumans aare re o ne o Riot, one off tthe he llast ast cconnections onnections tto o tthe he rroyal oyal B ritish British p unk b loodline tthat hat p roduced tthe he S ex punk bloodline produced Sex P istols aand nd C rass. C atalyst; $ 12; 77:30pm. :30pm. Pistols Crass. Catalyst; $12; ((CC) CC)

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; jjune u n e 9-16, 9 - 1 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 03/BA1/>3 03/ /BA1/>3

1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A ;7;7 4= ;7;7 4=F 2C= =F 2C= 2C= JUNE 17 AT AT KUUMBWA K KUUMBW WA 3/ /5:3A 5:3A = =4 4 23/ 3/ /B /B B6 6 ;3B ;3B/ /: 3/5:3A =4 23/B6 ;3B/: JUN 18 AT JUNE AT CATALYST CA ATA TA ALLYS Y T YST

4@72/G j $ 4 @ 7 2/G j $

9/G3 0=6:3@ 9 /G 3 0 = 6 : 3 @ Having H aving jjust ust unleashed unleashed Like Like a Flower, Flower, her her first ccollection ollection o ew m usic iin n ssix ix yyears, ears, first off n new music Bay A rea p erformer Ka aye B ohler h its tthe he Bay Area performer Kaye Bohler hits road tto op erform a h ard-won sset et o ongs road perform hard-won off ssongs about ggrit rit aand nd ttriumph. riumph. O n tthe he aalbum, lbum, about On Bohler iiss fflanked lanked b ome o he b est Bohler byy ssome off tthe best blues p layers tthe he W est C oast h as tto oo ffer, blues players West Coast has offer, including T ommy C astro, D anny C aron, including Tommy Castro, Danny Caron, Garth W ebber aand nd R obben F ord, b ut Garth Webber Robben Ford, but the rreal eal aattraction ttraction rremains emains tthe he ssinger/ inger/ the songwriter h erself. B ohler’s b rassy sspin pin songwriter herself. Bohler’s brassy on ssoul, oul, b lues aand nd R &B iiss a sseemingly eemingly on blues R&B endless rresource, esource, aand nd aallows llows h er tto o ttake ake endless her on b oth o riginals aand nd sstandards tandards w ith on both originals with equal p ortions o onfidence aand nd eease. ase. equal portions off cconfidence Don Q uixote’s; $ 10; 8 pm. ((PMD) PMD) Don Quixote’s; $10; 8pm.

4@72/G j $ 4 @ 7 2/G j $

B 63 7< 4/ ;=C A B63 7<4/;=CA AB@7<52CAB3@A A B @ 7 < 5 2 C AB 3 @ A /<2 4/;7:G / < 2 4/; 7:G 6=5E/A6 6 = 5E/A 6 Ad double-header ouble-header of of h high-octane igh--octane b bluegrass, luegrass, tthis his dual dual bill bill features features two two of of the the genre’s genre’s m ost eexhilarating xhilarating young young aacts cts going going most h ead-to--head. Colorado’s Colorado’s Infamous In nfamous head-to-head. S tringdusters specialize specialize in in progressive progressive Stringdusters b luegrass that that iiss just just ttraditional raditional eenough nough to to bluegrass p lease the the p urists b ut iisn’t sn’t h idebound by by please purists but hidebound ggenre enre orthodoxy. orthodoxy. Their Their dizzying dizzying ffeats eats o off aacoustic coustic aalchemy lchemy are are ffurious urious yyet et nuanced, nuanced, ccreating reating aan n incredibly incredibly rrich ich tapestry tapestry of of ssound. ound. Local Local outfit outfit Family Family Hogwash Hogwash is is all all aabout bout filling filling the the dance dance floor f loor with with its its bold bold

and uplifting uplifttiing approach approach to to string-band string-band and music, wrapping wrapping real real musical musical virtuosity virtuosity music, in a good-times good-times flurry f lurry of of fingerpicking. fingerpicking. in Moe’s Alley; Alley; $10 $10 adv/$12 adv/$12 door; door; 9pm. 9pm. Moe’s (PMD) (PMD)

A/BC@2/G j $ A /B C @ 2/G j $

/CAB7< :=C <53 /CAB7< :=C<53 : 7 H / @ 2A :7H/@2A

B63 A /B A9 /B/ B/ /: : 3 :7B3A B63 A9/B/:7B3A JU JUNE UN 19 UNE 9 AT AT MOE’S M S ALLEY Y /<2 2G 7@ 7 D7< <3 3 /<2G 7@D7<3 JUNE NEE 20 2 AT AT DON D QU QUIXO TE’S QUIXOTE’S B63 E/ /7 /74A B63 E/74A JUN 233 AT JUNE AT RIO R THEATRE THEA HE TRE TR TR 1/@=:7</ :7< 7< 16=1=:/ /B3 B3 1/@=:7</ 16=1=:/B3 2@= >A 2@=>A JUNE 25 AT AT KUUMBWA K KUUMBW WA 1 =1=@=A73 3 1=1=@=A73 JUNE 30 AT AT RIO R O THEATRE THEATRE THEA E =:4 >/@/ /23 3 E=:4 >/@/23 JUL J LY 29 A T CATALYST CA ATA ALLY LY YST YST JULY AT

Th They hey call call tthemselves hemselves ““the the m most ost llaughable aughable band band iin n sshow how b usiness,� aand nd business, tthrough hrough 30 30 years years of of b izarre, ffunny unny and and bizarre, ssatirical atirical m usic, they they h ave done done their their music, have b est tto o llive ive up up tto o tthat hat ttitle. itle. W hen they they best When sstarted tarted p laying iin n 11980 980 ((in in A ustin b ars, playing Austin bars, aass the the n ame ssuggests), uggests), tthe he Lounge Lounge name L izards were were a rrelatively elatively ttraditional raditional Lizards mix bluegrass. m ix of of ccountry, ountry, ffolk olk aand nd b luegrass. While W hile tthey hey would would rremain emain rrooted ooted iin n branched out tthese hese ggenres, enres, tthey hey soon soon b ranched o ut oddball becoming iinto nto o ddball tterritory, erritory, b ecoming ffar ar more not m ore eclectic, eclectic, sstrange trange aand nd lliterate, iterate, n ot mention politically Fivetto om ention p olitically cconscious. onscious. F ivepart p art vocal vocal harmonies harmonies aalong long with with guitar, guitar, banjo, mandolin provide b anjo, m andolin aand nd ffiddle iddle p rovide tthe he backdrop b ackdrop for for the the Lizards’ Lizards’ caustic caustic humor humor on aand nd social social satire satire o n ssongs ongs like like “Too “Too Big Big Fail, Loves tto oF ail,� “Jesus “Jesus L oves Me Me ((But But He He Can’t Can’t Stand Need. S tand You)� You)� aand nd ““The The Drugs Drugs I N eed.� Kuumbwa; door; K uumbwa; $25 $25 adv/$29 adv/$29 d oor; 77:30pm. :30pm. (Sean (Sean Conwell) Conwell)

the eearly the arly ’’90s, 90s, h hee ggenerated enerateed d eex excitement xciittement rright ight o ff tthe he b at w ith h is eenergetic nergetic off bat with his yyet et rrestrained estrained bo p-based ssaxophone axophone bop-based p laying. P at M etheny, C hristian playing. Pat Metheny, Christian M cBride, C hick C orea, H erbie H ancock McBride, Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock aand nd Y oY oM re jjust ust a h andful o he Yo Yo Maa aare handful off tthe m usical lluminaries uminaries h as pe rfformed musical hee h has performed w ith aass a ssideman. ideman. A andleader, with Ass a b bandleader, h is w ork sshows hows tthe he iinfluence nf luence o reat his work off ggreat ttenor enor ssaxophone axophone p layers o he p ast llike ike players off tthe past S onny R ollins aand nd Jo ohn C oltraine, b ut Sonny Rollins John Coltraine, but w ith aan n eexperimental xperimental eelement. lement. Th hat with That eelement lement iiss p resent iin nR edman’s n ewly present Redman’s newly fformed ormed q uintet, JJames ames F arm, w hich quintet, Farm, which d elivers ttraditional raditional jjazz azz w ith ssplashes plashes o delivers with off eelectronic, lectronic, rrock, ock, ffolk olk aand nd cclassical lassical m usic, music, aand nd w hich ffeatures eatures A aron P arks o n which Aaron Parks on p iano, M att P enman o nb ass aand nd E ric piano, Matt Penman on bass Eric H arland o nd rums. K uumbwa; 77pm pm Harland on drums. Kuumbwa; sshow how $ 28 aadv/$31 dv/$31 d oor; 9 pm sshow how $28 door; 9pm $ 23 aadv/$26 dv/$26 d oor. ((Sean Sean C onwell) $23 door. Conwell)

;=<2/G j $ " ; = < 2/G j $ "

BC3A2/G j $ # B C 3 A 2/G j $ #

8= 8=A6C/ @32;/< =A6C/ @32;/ /< 8/;3A 4/@; 8/;3A 4/ /@;

03@B 8/<A16 03@B 8/<A16 /<2 >357 G=C<5 / <2 >357 G=C<5

When W hen Joshua Jo oshua R Redman’s edman’s career career be began gan in in

When W hen h hee p plugged lugged iinto nto L London’s ondon’s ffolk olk cclub lub ccircuit ircuit iin n tthe he 11960s, 960s, B ert Ja ansch w as Bert Jansch was a ttraveling raveling b ard ffrom rom S cotland w ith a bard Scotland with rresonant esonant vvoice oice aand nd aan n aarresting rresting w ay w ith way with tthe he aacoustic coustic gguitar. uitar. P rovocative llyrics yrics Provocative aaside, side, h is gguitar uitar sskills kills ssent ent rripples ipples tthrough hrough his tthe he m usic sscene, cene, aand nd h ecame aan n music hee b became aacoustic coustic llegend egend o is ttime. ime. A ccited ited h ero o off h his hero off tthe he llikes ikes o immy P age aand nd Ne eil Y oung, off JJimmy Page Neil Young, JJansch’s ansch’s overall overall influence inf luence on on music music then then aand nd now now is is incalculable. incalculable. Tonight’s Tonight’s show show aalso lso features features Pegi Pegi Young, Young, the the singer/ singer/ ssongwriter ongwriter married married to to Neil Neeil Young Young (whose (whose o riginal ttouring ouring b and p lays w ith h er original band plays with her ttonight). onight). H er ssecond econd aalbum, lbum, F oul D eeds, Her Foul Deeds, w hich drops drops this this m onth, iiss roadhouse roadhouse which month, ffolk olk that that eexplores xplores the the complicated complicated rrelationship elationship between between long-term long-term love love and and iindependence. ndependence. Don Don Quixote’s; Quixote’s; $23 $23 adv/ adv/ $ 25 door, door, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. (Maria (Maria Grusauskas) Grusauskas) $25

;@ >=>C:/@ ; @ >=>C:/@ Indie idol Bert Jansch Jansch a plays Don Quixot Quixote’s te’s on Tuesday Tuesday u along with Pegi Pegi e Y Young. oou ungg.

! j 1:C0 5@72 june 9-16, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;


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1:C0 5@72 jjune u n e 9-16, 9 - 1 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A A/<B/1@CH 1=; / < B/ 1 @ C H 1 = ; !" ! " j 1:C0 5@72

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91 Years of Imagination

3fb`O :]c\US 3fb`O :]c\US

%'" A]_cSZ 2` /^b]a % '" A]_cSZ 2` /^b]a

526 Broadway, Santa Cruz, CA 426-5787 / www.scal.org Wed.-Sat.,12-5 / Sun. 12-4

"$" A]_cSZ 2` A]_cSZ " $" A]_cSZ 2` A]_cSZ

Raffles, Demos, Food, Kids projects & Fun!


# 3a^ZO\ORS 1O^Wb]ZO # 3a^ZO\ORS 1O^Wb]ZO

Art Fair! June 12 & 13, 11-5

;716/3:¸A =< ;/7< ; 716/3:¸A =< ;/7< #' ;OW\ Ab A]_cSZ #' ;OW\ Ab A]_cSZ

Celebrate Art!

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Artwork by: John Crawford

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AbSdS¸a 8Ohh 9WbQVS\ AbSdS¸a 8Ohh 9WbQVS\

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May 29 - June 27, 2010

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1/D/ E7<3 0/@ 1 /D/ E7<3 0/@

# AO\ 8]aS /dS 1O^Wb]ZO # AO\ 8]aS /dS 1O^Wb]ZO

“Nature’s Treasures”

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36 |

june 9-16, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

Film. Fi ilm lm.

!% j !%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; jjune u n e 9-16, 9 - 1 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 47:; 47:; ;

TThe he M Men’s en’s CClub lub

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A soc soccer ccer sstar tar comes to to life liffe to to comes h l a hapless help h l ailman in ma mailman ‘Looking ffor or Eric’ o 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


IRECTO IRECTOR OR K Ken en L Loach oach h has as been nobly b een n obly sserving erving tthe he off tthe proletariat with ccause ause o he p roletariat w ith ssocial-realist ocial-realist ffilms ilms ffor or sso o llong ong that that he he has has earned earned the the right right to to make make a crowd-pleaser. crowd-pleaser. The The genial genial Looking Looking for for Eric Eric is is just just that. that. Eric Eric (the (the palindromic palindromic Steve Steve Evets), Evets), a depressed, depressed, skinny skinny Manchester Manchester postie, postie, gets gets his his groove groove back back through through the the good good counsel counsel of of an an imaginary imaginary pal: pal: Eric Eric Cantona Cantona (playing (playing himself), himself ), deemed deemed here here “the “the greatest greatest footballer footballer who who ever ever lived. lived.� Like Like a Conrad Conrad hero, hero, Eric Eric is is marked marked by by a failure failure of of nerve nerve 30 30 years years ago; ago; now now his his past past has has come come home home to to haunt haunt him. him. Eric’s Eric’s grown-up grown-up daughter, daughter, Sam Sam (Lucy-Jo (Lucy-Jo Hudson), Hudson), needs needs some some help help taking taking care care of of her her baby. baby. She She reaches reaches out out to to both both Eric Eric and and his his long-estranged long- estranged ex-wife, ex-wife, Lily Lily (Stephanie (Stephanie Bishop), Bishop), whom whom Eric Eric has has been been avoiding avoiding for for decades. decades. Eric’s Eric’s emotional emotional crisis crisis is is detected detected by by his his bald, bald, pudgy pudgy pal pal Meatballs Meatballs (John ( John Henshaw), Henshaw), who who forms forms a makeshift makeshift men’s men’s group group to to help help Eric Eric out. out. All All the the fellas fellas are are supposed supposed to to get get in in touch touch with with a spirit spirit guide. guide. Eric’s Eric’s choice choice is is obvious: obvious: “King� “Kiing� Cantona, Cantona, the the postman’s postman’s idol idol ever ever since since the the French French footballer’s footballer’s stint stint at at Manchester Manchester United United in in the the midmid1990s. 1990s. While While smoking smoking some some marijuana marijuana by by himself, himself, Eric Eric the the postman postman is is visited visited by by Eric Eric the the soccer soccer star; star; the the great great man man materializes materializes from from a poster—just poster—just as as Bogart Boggart did did in in the the Woody Woody Allen/Herbert Allen/Herbert Ross Ross film f ilm Play Play It It Again, Again, Sam. Sam. Through Th hrough Carbona’s Carbona’s good good advice, advice, Eric Eric starts starts to to retrieve retrieve himself himself from from a 30-year-long 30-year-long

6=@< A31B7=< 6 =@< A31B7=< EEric ric Cantona Cantona ((left) left) rrouses ouses a bbetter etter sspirit pirit iin n pplain lain EEric ric ((Steve Steve EEvets). ve t s ) .

wrong turn, wrong turn, rreturning eturning tto o the the moment moment b efore h broke. before hee broke. on’t k now jjack ack aabout bout ssoccer, occer, aalthough lthough Id don’t know L oach’s m ovie just just about about convinced convinced m Loach’s movie mee w hat is is so so ggreat reat aabout bout tthe he ggame. ame. H owever, what However, I can can guess guess what what sort sort of of charisma charisma a F renchman w ould h ave to to have have to to win win Frenchman would have tthe he aadmiration dmiration o o many many working-class working-class off sso B ritish fans. fans. Watching Watching clips clips of of Cantona Cantona British p lay, one one m arvels at at his his preternatural preternatural play, marvels aability bility to to see see w hen tto o kick kick and and when when to to when p ass; one one further further enjoys enjoys the the suave suave w ay pass; way C arbona handled handled ““the the seagull seagull incident, incident,� Carbona aass diplomatic diplomatic a put-down put-down tto o the the gutter gutter p ress aass eever ver m ade. This Th his rreal-life eal-life clip clip is is sseen een press made. iin n the the end end titles. titles. Loach Loach may may have have picked picked C arbona to to be be a counselor counselor because because o Carbona off aanother nother incident incident in in the the player’s player’s llore: ore: how how h told rreporters eporters that that he he w ent to to play play hee told went ssoccer occer iin nE ngland b ecause his his p sychiatrist England because psychiatrist aadvised dvised him him tto o do do it. it. Th he Francophobia Francophobia endemic endemic in in The A merican/English films f ilms has has contributed contributed American/English tto o tthe he death death of of the the romantic romantic Frenchman Frenchman

onscreen; h onscreen; he’s e’s been been replaced replaced b byy tthe he b loodless ditherer ditherer aand nd tthe he d ialectbloodless dialectccomedy omedy clown. clown. Cantona, Cantona, a Marseillan Marseillan ffrom rom S ardinian rroots, oots, is is an an u gly/ Sardinian ugly/ h andsome smolderer. smolderer. In In h im, one one sees sees handsome him, tthe he ccalm, alm, debonair debonair w armth that that made made warmth m oviegoers rrespond espond tto o French French aactors ctors for for moviegoers d ecades. Carbona Carbona had had a role role in in the the 1998 1998 decades. ffeature eature Elizabeth Elizabeth but but didn’t didn’t stand stand out out there; yet yet he’s he’s a natural natural for for the the camera, camera, there; and he he makes makes a believable believable mentor mentor to to a and man in in real real pain. pain. man Looking for for Eric Eric gets gets a little little more more Looking fantastic in in the the last last third, third, when when the the fantastic crowd-pleasing tricks tricks arrive. arrive. The The crowd-pleasing postman has has two two stepchildren stepchildren from from an an postman apparently disastrous disastrous second second marriage. marriage. apparently The boys boys are are going going bad bad from from neglect neglect and and The falling under under the the control control of of a sadistic sadistic falling local criminal. criminal. Cantona’s Cantona’s exhortations exhortations to to local “trust your your team� team� convince convince Eric Eric to to take take “trust some extralegal extralegal action, action, and and that’s that’s when when I some started to to feel feel slightly slightly ambiguous ambiguous about about started this film. f ilm. Loach, Loach, generally generally a pretty pretty strict strict this

left-wing director left-wing director ((Poor Pooor C Cow, ow, R Raining aining SStones, tones, eett aal.) l.) sseems eems h ere tto ob urning tto o here bee tturning tthe he m ethods w mericans u se tto od eal methods wee A Americans use deal w ith o ur o wn ffeelings eelings o owerlessness: with our own off p powerlessness: vvisualization, isualization, llife ife ccoaches oaches aand nd ffantasies antasies o off vvigilante igilante aaction. ction. This is is just just an an undertone, undertone, and and it’s it’s not not This aass iimportant mportant as as Loach’s Loach’s often-loving often-loving look look aatt tthe he ccity ity o anchester, aand nd tthe he ttalk, alk, off M Manchester, tthe he h umor aand nd tthe he p ubs ttherein. herein. IIt’s t’s a humor pubs m ale w orld w ith ssternness ternness b ehind tthe he male world with behind ffellowship: ellowship: tthat’s hat’s cclear lear ffrom rom tthe he W illiam William D emerest-like ggargle argle o enshaw, Demerest-like off H Henshaw, rrunning unning h is m en’s ggroup roup aand nd u rging h is his men’s urging his p als tto o tthink hink o Someone w ho ttotally otally pals off ““Someone who lloves oves yyou ou w ithout cconditions, onditions, rright?� ight?� iin n without a ssergeant-major’s ergeant-major’s b ark. T his iiss a ssoulful oulful bark. This m ovie, b ut iits ts ffeet eet aare re o n tthe he gground. round. movie, but on LLOOKING OOKING FOR FOR ERIC ERIC (Unrated; (Unrated; 116 116 min.), m in.), directed directed by by Ken Ken Loach, Loach, opens op ens Friday Nickelodeon. F riday aatt the the N ickelodeon.

!& j 47:; june 9-16, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Film Capsules

SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY JUNE 11 – THURSDAY JUNE 17 “Exhilarating! More fun than art was ever supposed to be.�

Movie reviews by Sean Conwell, Traci Hukill and Richard von Busack

–Entertainment Weekly

Exit Through the Gift Shop(R)

<3E 1/>A B63 / B3/; (PG-13;

Daily: (3:10), (5:10), 7:20, 9:15 & Sat, Sun (1:10)


(R) Daily: (1:50),

(4:20), 6:50, 9:20

Catherine Keener Oliver Platt Daily: (4:50), 7:00, 9:00 & Sat, Sun (12:30)


Annette Bening


Naomi Watts


motherandchild (R)

Once Daily: (2:20)

Midnights @ The Del Mar

Tickets $6.50

Fun! Prizes! Camp!

Wet Hot American Summer(R) Fri 6/11 & Sat 6/12 @ Midnight Next Week: The Human Centipede

/72/ The Metropolitan Opera’s HD performance of Verde’s gripping opera tells the tale of a captured Ethiopian princess brought to Egypt. First of a summer series of Met performances captured onscreen. (Plays Wed, Jun 16, at Santa Cruz 9.)

Online Ticketing Available @


STARTS FRIDAY 6/11! “A stirring romantic drama about the last princess of independent Hawaii.� –The Hollywood Reporter (PG) Daily: (2:30), (4:40), 7:00, 9:10 & Sat, Sun (12:30)

B63 9/@/B3 972

STARTS FRIDAY 6/11! “A real crowd-pleaser! Very funny with a terrific cast.� –The Hollywood Reporter (NR)

Daily: (2:20), (4:30), 6:40, 9:00 & Sat, Sun (12:10)

“A boisterous, warm-hearted film!�

Andy Garcia Juliana Margulies Emily Mortimer

–San Francisco Chronicle


Daily: (2:40), (4:50), 7:10, 9:20 & Sat, Sun (12:20)


“Beautiful & entertaining!� –USA Today

Daily: (3:20),

(5:10), 6:50



Anthony Hopkins

117 min.) In this reboot of the campy ’80s TV show, a group of army veterans are on the run after being framed for war crimes, and act as mercenaries while trying to clear their names. Starring Liam Neeson as Col. John “Hannibal� Smith, Bradley Cooper as Lt. Templeton “Faceman� Peck, Sharlto Copley as “Howling Mad� Murdock and Quinton Jackson as B.A. Baracus. (Opens Thu midnight at Santa Cruz 9, Fri at 41st Ave and Green Valley,)

Laura Linney

(PG; 140 min.) Jaden Smith, son of Will Smith, plays a child who moves to China with his mother, and is tormented by bullies at his new school. The school’s maintenance man (Jackie Chan) takes the boy under his wing and teaches him martial arts. This remake of the 1984 coming-of-age tale shows that self-control, not violence, is the key

to maturity. (Opens Thu midnight at Santa Cruz 9, Fri at 41st Ave, Scotts Valley and Green Valley,) :/0G@7<B6 (1986)

Sarah wishes that goblins would take her little brother away, not knowing that her wish will come true. When the Goblin King Jareth (David Bowie) carries the child off, Sarah (Jennifer Connelly) must navigate a treacherous maze populated by an assortment of strange characters before she can get to the Goblin City and rescue her brother. A cult classic directed by Jim Henson and produced by George Lucas. (Plays Thu at 8pm at Santa Cruz 9,) :==97<5 4=@ 3@71

(Unrated; 116 min.) See review, page 37. (Opens Fri at Nickelodeon.) >@7<13AA 9/7C:/<7

(PG; 130 min.) The true story of a Hawaiian princess (played by Q’Orianka Kilcher) and her struggle to maintain her nation’s freedom in the late 19th Century. After a childhood in Hawaii, Kaiulani is sent to Victorian England for her education. However, when she learns that an American-backed coup d’Êtat has occurred in her homeland, she sets out to convince the United States to restore her kingdom. (Opens Fri at Nickelodeon.)

/ A6=B 7< B63 2/@9

(1964) Blake Edwards’ sequel to his 1963 comedy The Pink Panther brings back Peter Sellers as the bumbling Inspector Clouseau. This time, the klutzy detective blunders his way through a murder case after falling in love with the chief suspect. The disgruntled Commissioner Dreyfus (Herbert Lom) and Clouseau’s hapless manservant Cato (Burt Kwouk) both make their first appearances. (Plays Sat-Sun at 11 am at Aptos Cinema.) B==B6 4/7@G (2010) The Rock on a mission, with wings and a wand. With Ashley Judd and Julie Andrews. (Plays Wed, Jun 16, at 41st Avenue.)

@3D73EA 0/073A (PG; 87 min.) Director Thomas Balmes studies a year in the life of four babies born in four distinctly different places: Mongolia, Namibia, San Francisco and Tokyo. Guess who gets the Robeez flowered shoes? 17BG 7A:/<2 (PG-13; 108 min.) Many movies are called “The Little Film That Could�— Raymond De Felitta’s film deserves the name; the tale has tallness as well as heart. It concerns a tangle of confusion hitting the Rizzos, a

suburban family that doesn’t realize how extended it is. Andy Garcia excels as Vince, a prison guard from a hidden waterside enclave in the Bronx. On the job, Vince encounters his own son Tony (Steven Strait) from a long-ago affair in Jersey and he decides to bring Tony home to do some daylabor without telling his wife his true identity. But Vince has another secret: he’s been taking acting classes in Manhattan, without informing his hostile, lynx-eyed wife, Joyce (Julianne Margulies, never better). The rest of the family have secrets of their own: son Vince Jr. (Ezra Miller) is a chubby-chaser with eyes for the 400-pound woman next door, and daughter Vivian (Dominik Garcia-Lorido) has been moonlighting as a stripper. The tangle of lies is resolved nicely. City Island has fine waterscapes; Emily Mortimer is very soulful as the acting partner with whom Vince shares a deepening friendship; the ageless Alan Arkin has six very good scenes as a weary acting teacher who has seen generations of Brando imitators come and go. Provoking a family feud at a dinner table, or gazing at a BBW porn site as if it were the Holy Grail, Miller is also outstanding. Noisy at times but always gentle

and likable, the movie comes out in favor of the sins of the flesh. It celebrates the actor’s life and the actor’s luck. (RvB) B63 17BG =4 G=C@ 47</: 23AB7</B7=<

(PG-13; 118 min.) What begins as a mess of good actors flailing for something to do devolves into a tangle of expatriate loungers keeping their secrets. The City of Your Final Destination concerns Omar (bland Omar Metwally), an apprentice academic who travels to South America to convince the surviving relations of a oneand-done novelist to cooperate in the writing of a biography. But at the Uruguayan finca where they all live, Omar finds himself drawn to the writer’s waiflike mistress (Charlotte Gainsbourg), who (shock) shared the house with the great man’s embittered widow—and when Laura Linney plays embittered, you can hear it in Buenos Aires. Also on the premises: the novelist’s charming but unreliable elder brother, Adam (Anthony Hopkins). With Ismail Merchant gone, James Ivory directs by himself; longtime collaborator Ruth Prawer Jhabvala scripts from the novel by Peter Cameron. (Read a full-length review on

MovieTimes.com.) (RvB) 3F7B B6@=C56 B63 574B A6=> (R;

87 min.) A highlight of film in 2010. The documentary’s actual subject isn’t street art per se, or even the career of the director, the elusive graffitist Banksy. Instead, director Banksy narrates a truelife parable about the career of a boutique owner named Thierry Guetta. Guetta is a friendly, muttonchopped (and slightly mutton-headed) L.A. boutique owner whose video documentation of a covert scene led to his becoming a celebrity artist named “Mr. Brainwash.� Banksy’s art has soul as well as easily accessible political content. He takes on well-guarded subjects of oppression, from the British pound note to the Israeli security wall. Exit Through the Gift Shop is about anonymous craftsmanship eclipsed by the sun-gun of self-publicity, of illegal attacks on consensus reality, elbowed aside by fraudulence and hucksterism on a Dalilevel scale. Inevitably, hype, pandering and foolishness replaced the artist’s sacred tools of silence, exile and cunning. (RvB) 53B 67; B= B63 5@339 (R; 109 min.)

In this spin-off of the 2008 comedy Forgetting




Once Nightly 8:40 & Sat, Sun (1:00)

( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm

Showtimes are for Wednesday, June 9, through Wednesday, June 16, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

/>B=A 17<3;/A

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

Call for showtimes.

Call for showtimes.

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.thenick.com Katherine Heigl

Ashton Kutcher

Tom Selleck

Catherine O’Hara

(PG-13) Daily: (3:10),

(5:15), 7:20, 9:30 & Sat, Sun (1:00)

Russell Crowe

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.cineluxtheatres.com

Cate Blanchett (PG-13)

Call for showtimes.

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com Call for showtimes.

(PG-13) Daily: (3:20),

6:00 & Sat, Sun (12:45)

23: ;/@

Sarah Jessica Parker Kim Cattrall Kristin Davis Cynthia Nixon

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com (R)

Once Nightly 8:30



Tickets $6

A Shot In The Dark (PG)

Sat 6/12 & Sun 6/13 @ 11:00am Next Week: 2001: A Space Odyssey

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees

A1=BBA D/::3G 17<3;/

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260 www.cineluxtheatres.com

Call for showtimes. .

Call for showtimes.


5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com Call for showtimes.

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com Call for showtimes.

j !'

A/<B/1@CH 1=; june 9-16, 2010 47:;

Sarah Marshall, an ambitious young record company intern (Jonah Hill) is charged with escorting rock star Aldous Snow (Russell Brand) from London to the Greek Theatre in L.A. for a concert to revive his f lagging career. Aldous is wild, drug-addicted and weary of corporate suits, so getting him there on time may be impossible. (SC) 7@=< ;/< (PG-13; 125 min.) Struck by heavy-metal poisoning from his atomic pacemaker, Tony Stark (a roguish Robert Downey Jr.) is besieged by enemies: a Russian ex-con with access to his technology (Mickey Rourke), a glad-handing competitor (Sam Rockwell) and last but not least the U.S. government. Despite a middle section that vamps for time, Jon Favreau is successful in making this an invigorating meld of screwball comedy and robot-fighting action; Scarlett Johansson is most decorative as the agent known elsewhere as Black Widow, and Gwyneth Paltrow shows a nimbleness previously unseen (she has to act fast to get up to Downey’s speed). Broad, playful, well-cut and economically done, this movie isn’t just the first of the summer blockbusters—it’s the model for how they all should work. (RvB) 97::3@A (PG-13; 100 min.) Ashton Kucher and Katherine Heigl star in this comedic action film about a government spook who settles into a happy suburban marriage. Things seem to be going fine, until he and his wife learn they are being targeted for assassination. As their neighborhood becomes a danger zone where everyone is suspect, the couple must uncover their enemies while maintaining the appearance of an average family. (SC) ;/@;/2C93 (PG; 88 min.) The big, lovable Great Dane from the newspaper funnies wreaks unintentional havoc after moving

7B¸A <=B 3/AG 037<5 ?C33<!!RĂ–psjbolb!Ljmdifs!jt!b!Ibxbjjbo!spzbm!tnjuufo!xjui!b!xijuf!hvz! )cfdbvtf!sfbmmz-!xip!dpvme!qpttjcmz!sftjtu@*!jo!Ă•Qsjodftt!Lbjvmboj-Ă–!pqfojoh!Gsjebz/

to Orange County with his family. Owen Wilson provides the voice Marmaduke, while George Lopez and Fergie voice additional dogs. The human cast is headed by Judy Greer, Lee Pace and William H. Macy. (SC) ;=B63@ /<2 167:2 (R; 125 min.)

Overdetermined transgenerational melodrama in the Crash style by Rodrigo Garcia (Nine Lives). Actresses will work for half-salary if they get to play someone really angry, and both Naomi Watts and Annette Bening (photographed to look like an irritated tortoise) wrath it up as a daughter and mother split apart by adoption. Elizabeth (Watts) is an L.A. lawyer who identifies with the male privileges

of sport-fucking and walking out on lives; she homes in on her fatherly boss (Samuel L. Jackson). Meanwhile, the former teen mom Karen (Bening) who gave Elizabeth up is courted by a strangely patient fellow physical therapist (Jimmy Smits), whom she uses as a strop for her razorlike tongue. There are other meanwhiles: an angry single girl trying to decide if a couple is good enough for her fatherless baby; an African American couple trying to adopt the same, etc. The visuals are less Douglas Sirk than a kind of eerie sequence of blue-beigegray mirages (thanks to digital Genesis system on 35 mm). There’s also a saintly little blind girl, but she’s just lettuce in the sandwich. The film

might look feminist at some angles, but the narrow focus of this annoying effort is on sex and procreation; it makes the cast less ballsy and more like distempered walking wombs, unhappy unless they’re filled. (RvB) >:3/A3 57D3 (R; 90 min.) Minor NYC comedy about Kate (Catherine Keener), the propertied owner of a boutique making scads of money reselling furniture she got cheap. She also has a tenant, Andra (Anne Guilbert), an exasperating old lady whose apartment Kate is planning to annex as soon as the crone dies. Director Nicole Holofcener hasn’t developed much as a visual filmmaker in the past 15 years—she still favors the walkingand-talking shot. The

story spirals to include Andra’s toxically grandparented offspring: Rebecca (Rebecca Hall, constrained by the part) and Mary (Amanda Peet) as a romantic interest to Kate’s distracted husband. The doughy husband (Oliver Platt) is drawn by Mary’s refreshing curtness. So are we. Since there isn’t a traditional Keener character in this comedy, we’re more taken with her surrogate, in the form of Peet and her ruthless energy. (RvB) >@7<13 =4 >3@A7/( B63 A/<2A =4 B7;3 (PG-13; 116 min.)

Jake Gyllenhaal and Gemma Arterton are rival royals who join forces to stop an evil ruler (Ben Kingsley) bent on destroying the world by unleashing a massive sandstorm. Set in medieval Persia,

based on the video game. (TH) @=07< 6==2 (PG-13; 130 min.) Robin Hood looks like three long movies spliced into one unwieldy feature. This prequel concerns Robin’s involvement in the end of the crusades, the civil war and the little-known French invasion of England in the early 1200s. “Robin Longstride� (Russell Crowe) decamps from Richard the Lionheart’s army and goes into the countryside to pose as a dead knight; the fatherin-law of the deceased (Max von Sydow) decides to do a Martin Guerre on this imposter, as does the widow Marian (Cate Blanchett in a wig nearly as tall as she is). This has to be the least-sylvan Robin Hood ever made. Crowe looks less like a fox and more

like a logy, depressed pit bull as the film tries to chug around him with more montages of burning villages and more meetings of angry Plantagenets. (RvB) B63 A31@3B 7< B637@ 3G3A (R; 127

min.) Elegant but staid murder mystery nibbles around the edges of the Dirty War. It’s the “Forget it, Jacobo, it’s Argentinatown� view: the search for justice evaporating in 1974 Buenos Aires, with present-day sequences to frame a reopened investigator. It’s leavened by a fine Mulder and Scully anti-romance between an attractive female criminal investigator for the government, Irene (Soledad Villamil), and her attractively crumbling, Mastroiannish male

assistant, Benjamin (Ricardo Darín). Director Juan Jose Campanella is a regular director of House M.D. The film is as restless and jokey as a cop procedural show; every scene is on the mark, but there aren’t enough counterpoints to the assured flow of the story. The slick, vengeance-ismine punch line isn’t very impressive either, though it’s probably why the Academy preferred this to the far better White Ribbon, where the fascist culprits got away. Saying that, though, would be assuming the voters didn’t have eyes for Villamil, an assured 40ish beauty whose performance is the secret in this movie’s success; her covert smile is the film’s signature piece. It won the Oscar for best foreign film. (RvB)

40 |

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" j "

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; jjune u n e 9-16, 9 - 1 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 3>71C@3 3>71C@3

Mr. M r. Lipson L i p so n G Goes oes ttoo W Washington ashington 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1 C@B7A 1/@B73@

A far farmer mer and organic longtime g e or gganic policy policy researcher ressearcher heads head ds to to the capital capital 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


ICKING tthe ICKING he S Santa anta C Cruz ruz M ountains ssoil oil o ff h is b o ots Mountains off his boots aand nd ttrading rading h is d r y- f a r m e d his dry-farmed aacres cres for for a government government of f ice, organic organic farming farming aadvocate dvo cate office, Mark Lipson Lipson is is h eaded tto oW ashing ton Mark headed Washington next month month for for a tw o -year sstint tint w ith next two-year with the U.S. U.S. Department Depar tment o griculture. the off Ag Agriculture. “We began b egan as as an an exotic, exotic, invasive invasive “We sp ecies,� he he recently recently told told a research research species,� grroup in in Washington, Washing ton, “but “but now now group organic farming farming and and food food is is becoming becoming organic full-f ledged ledged part part of of the the native native a full-f ecosystem here here at at USDA.� USDA.� ecosystem Lipson has has cultivated cultivated his his new new Lipson position as as Organic Organic Farming Farming position Program Specialist Sp ecialist over over decades decades Program of hands-on hands- on commitment, commitment, first f irst at at of CCOF (California (California Certified Cer tif ied Organic Organic CCOF Farmers) inf inf luencing luencing state state legislation legislation Farmers) for organic organic certification, certif ication, and and then then for star ting in in 1995 1995 at at the the Organic Organic starting Farming Research Research Foundation Foundation (OFRF). (OFRF). Farming Working with with Bob Bob Scowcroft, Scowcrof t, Lipson Lipson Working raised awareness awareness to to expand expand organics organics in in raised the United United States. States. the “Our study study showed showed that that only only oneone “Our 10th of of 1 percent percent in in 1995 19 95 of of American American 10th agriculture was was going going toward toward agriculture organic,� Lipson Lipson notes. notes. “There “There were were organic,� lot of of entities entities trying trying to to use use some some a lot organic methods metho ds to to reduce r duce their re their organic environmental footprint. footprint. But But we we environmental were interested interested in in completely completely organic organic were systems.� systems.� It was was an an uphill uphill battle. battle. “I “I went went to to It lot of of meetings meetings where where there there were were a a lot lot of of snickers snickers . . . at at best,� best,� he he recalls. recalls. lot

6C5A B@33A Will M 6C5A B@33A Will Mark ark LLipson ipson bbee tthe he oonly nly U USDA SD DA eemployee mployee w with ith a D Dirt irt sshirt hirt Under maybe not. aand nd a yyurt? urt? U nder tthis his aadministration, dminist ration, m ayb e n ot.

“The ccultural “The ultural d disconnect isconnect was was huge. huge. Theree w was scientific Ther as a ttaboo aboo within the scien ntiff iic ccommunity omm munity o over ver the en environmental vironmental a mo vement e and all of its trappings .� movement trappings.� Lip Lipson pson discovered discovered a “complete “complete dismissal� organics agribusineess dismi issal� of or ganics by by agribusiness that w was as based on ffear eear and distrust distrust.. “Byy being being an advocate advocate for fo or farmers, farmerrs, we’ve we’ve tried to bridge that gap gap,, and byy b being about over b e eing cconsistent onsistent ab out that o verr 255 yyears, 2 eaars, we we’ve ’vve par partially tially allayed allaayed tho those ose ffears,� eears,� he sa ays y. says. Lipson Lip pson has seen significant signif icant changes, changges, there’s done.. but th here’s still work to be be done The various v entities currently currently on ersities b oard—go d vernment and univ board—government universities and science science and industry—all industry— —all need to ccoordinate efforts. oor o dinate d ate ttheir e eef ffo orts. And d tha tthat’s a ’s at

what Lipson hop hopes es to ac accomplish complish apiital, wher wheree his in the nation’s nation’s ccapital, longtime and long gtime t friend an d OFRF colleague colleague was appointed ointed Kathleen Merrigan nw as app deputyy secr secretary deput etary off agriculture agriculture under Tom Vilsack. T o om V ilsack. Another significant signif icant a change for fo or Lipson involves in volves lifestyle. liffeestyle. “Out “O Out here here I live live off offf the grid and ccommute ommute down the ccoast. oast. I have best ffeel eeel that I ha ave the b est of eeverything— verything— privileged person II’m m the most privil eged p erson in the says. world,�� he sa ys. He came Creek came to the Molino M Creek Collective above Farming C ollective ab ove Davenport Daavenport through Environmental thr ough UCSC’s UCSC’s En nvironmental Studies program, wheree hee graduated in public pr ogram, wher policy. p olicyy. “I organized organized student stud dent cooperative cooperative

hou housing using and I w was as on the b board oard of Neighborhood Coop Board,� thee N eighborhood C oop Boar d,�� he start eexplains. xp plains. “Then I helped helped st art up p Molino Creek.� Att ffirst wasn’t Mo olino Cr eek.�� A iirst he w asn’tt planning pla anning on actually farming thee 137-acre 137 7-acre property property he shares shares with eight other households.. “But I b became oth her households ecamee quickly was where qui ickly aaware ware that this w as wher re I belonged—it’s good farm.� b ellonged—it’s go od land to farm m.�� And he’s theree sinc sincee 19 1983. An nd he ’s been been ther 83. Lipson’s L Lipson ’s commitment commitment in Washington Wash hinggtton more, is ttwo wo years, years, with an option ffor or o mor m e, says he’ll butt he sa ayys he ’ll return return to Santa Santa Cruz after assignment, af fter completing completing this assignment t, which he regards regards as a natural extension extension n of the work wo ork he’s he’s been been doing. doingg. D.C. D.C. will be be a big change. cha ange. “But I’ve I’ve been been called,� called,�� hee says, saayys, “and “an nd so I’m going.� goingg.� 0

" j 27<3@¸A 5C723 june 9-16, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com. American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, lunch 11am-2pm, dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves superfresh 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include prime rib and lobster. Daily 7am-2am.

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz


$ Santa Cruz

16/@:73 6=<5 9=<5

$$ Santa Cruz

1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588

1141 Soquel Ave, 831. 426.5664


110 Church St, 831.429.2000

$$ Santa Cruz

B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. California organic meets Southeast Asian street food. Organic noodle & rice bowls, vegan menu, fish & meat options, Vietnamese-style sandwiches, eat-in or to-go. Consistent winner “Best Cheap Eats.� Open daily 11am-11pm. American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadoran pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm.

j "!

A/<B/1@CH 1=; june 9-16, 2010 27<3@¸A 5C723

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

$$ Santa Cruz

7 :=D3 ACA67

$$ Santa Cruz

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close. Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm. Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily.

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782

Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

$$ Santa Cruz

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon.

$$ Santa Cruz


49B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 >/17471 B6/7

1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

@=G/: B/8 1C7A7<3

Santa Cruz

270 Soquel Ave, 831.427.2400

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

$$ Santa Cruz

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930 A=74

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

$$ Santa Cruz

C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

$$ Santa Cruz

E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Indian. World-famous Indian curries, vegetarian and nonvegetarian dishes. Authentic Indian food at affordable prices. $8.95 lunch buffet Mon-Thu 11:30am -2:30pm; Fri-Sun 11am-3pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am. Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Lunch Wed-Sat noon2pm; dinner Mon-Thu 5-10pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close. Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm. Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. 87/ B3::/¸A $ Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

"" j /AB@=:=5G june 9-16, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Astrology Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of June 9 /@73A (March 21–April 19): The “secret� is in plain sight. The “hidden resource� is freely available for anyone who intends to use it with integrity. The “lost key� is very close to where you left it when you last used it. The “missing link� is missing only in the sense that no one recognizes it for what it is. The “unasked question� is beaming toward you from three directions. The “wounded talent� will be healed the moment you stop thinking of it as wounded and start regarding it as merely unripe. B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): It’s time for some image medicine, Taurus. Wherever you are right now, I invite you to look down at your left palm and imagine that you see the following scene: an infinity sign whose shape is made not by a thin black line but by a series of small yellow rubber duckies. The duckies are f lowing along slowly in continuous motion. They are all wearing gold crowns, each of which is studded with three tiny rubies. With resonant tones that belie their diminutive and comic appearance, the duckies are singing you your favorite song. It makes you feel safe, brave, and at home in the world. What else can see you see there? What happens next? 53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): If you have long conversations with the image in the mirror this week, I won’t call you a megalomaniacal narcissist. Nor will I make fun of you if you paint 15 self-portraits, or google yourself obsessively, or fill an entire notebook with answers to the question “Who am I, anyway?� In my astrological opinion, this is an excellent time for you to pursue nosy explorations into the mysteries of your core identity. You have cosmic permission to think about yourself with an intensity you might normally devote to a charismatic idol you’re infatuated with.

1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): The website Nietzsche Family Circus features collaborations between the sappy family-oriented comic strip Family Circus and the austerely portentous wisdom of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Judging from your current astrological omens, I’d say this is a perfect time for you to expose yourself to this stuff. (It’s at www.losanjealous.com/nfc/.) You need to toughen up some of your weepy, sentimental urges and brighten up some of your somber, melancholic tendencies. :3= (July 23–Aug. 22): Gather your rewards, Leo. Soak up the blessings. Collect the favors you’re owed. It’s harvest time for you: your big chance to reap the fruits you’ve been sowing and cultivating these past 11 months. And no, don’t try to stretch out the process. Don’t procrastinate about plucking the ripe pickings. This really is the climax. The time for your peak experience has arrived. If you postpone the harvest for another two weeks, your beauties may start to go to seed. D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): What are you waiting for, my dear Virgo? Your future power spot has been exerting a strong pull on you. It has been calling for you to come and seize the clout you deserve. But you have not yet fully taken up the offer. As your designated nag and cheerleader, it is my sacred duty to wave a red f lag in front of your gorgeous face and command you to pay attention. In my opinion, you need to drop what you’re doing, race over to the zone of engagement, and pounce. You’re more than ready to stake a claim to the increased authority you’ll have a mandate to wield in the coming months. :70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): If you’ve read my horoscopes for a while, you know I’m the least superstitious astrologer on the planet. I champion the cause of reason and logic, praise the beauty of science, and discourage you from constantly scanning the horizon for fearful omens. And yet I’m also a zealous advocate of the power of the liberated imagination. I believe that the playful and disciplined use of fantasy can be a potent agent for benevolent change in your life. That’s why, in accordance with the current astrological configurations, I suggest that you spend some quality time in the coming week having imaginary conversations with the person, living or dead, who inspires you the most.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): “I want to be everywhere at once and do everything at the same time,� writes one of my Scorpio readers, J.T. He’s in luck, because according to my analysis, your tribe is about to enjoy a phase much like what he describes.

“No more of this linear, one-day-at-a-time stuff,� he continues. “I want a whole week packed into each 24-hour turn of the earth, with heavy doses of leisure time interwoven with thrilling bouts of hard, creative labor. I want to live in a secret garden with ten years of solitude and hang out at a street fair raging with conviviality. I want to sing with angels and romp with devils in between walking the dog, exercising at the gym, and chatting to perfectly ordinary people. I want enough money to fill a swimming pool, and I want to live like there’s no such thing as money.�

A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): If you live on the Danish island of Mando, your only hope for driving your vehicle to the mainland and back is when the tide is low. During those periods, the water often recedes far enough to expose a rough gravel road that’s laid down over a vast mudflat. Winter storms sometimes make even low-tide passages impossible, though. According to my reading of the astrological omens, Sagittarius, there’s a comparable situation in your life. You can only get from where you are to where you want to go at certain selected times and under certain selected conditions. Make sure you’re thoroughly familiar with those times and conditions. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): One of the leading intellectuals of the 20th century, British author Aldous Huxley, wrote more than 20 books, including Brave New World. In his later years he made a surprising confession: “It is a bit embarrassing to have been concerned with the human problem all one’s life and find at the end that one has no more to offer by way of advice than ‘Try to be a little kinder.’� In accordance with your current astrological omens, Capricorn, I’d like you to take a cue from Huxley in the coming week. Proceed on the assumption that the smartest thing you can do—both in terms of bringing you practical benefits and increasing your intelligence—would be to deepen, expand, and intensify your compassion.

/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): Early in Marcel Proust’s novel In Search of Lost Time, the narrator stumbles upon a dizzying epiphany while having a snack. He dips a small cake into his cup of tea, and when he sips a spoonful, the taste of the sweet crumbs blended with the warm drink transport him into an altered state. Inexplicably, he’s filled with an “allpowerful joyâ€? and “exquisite pleasureâ€? that dissolve his feelings of being “mediocre, contingent, and mortal.â€? The associations and thoughts triggered by this influx of paradise take him many pages to explore. I mention this, Aquarius, because I expect that you’re about to have your own version of this activation. A seemingly ordinary event will lead to a breakthrough that feeds you for a long time. Be alert for it! >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): Environmentalist Bill McKibben says that humans are transforming the planet so drastically that we shouldn’t refer to it as “Earthâ€? any more. To acknowledge the fact that we’re well on our way to living on a very different world, he suggests we rename our home the “Eaarth.â€? By this logic, maybe we should rename your sign Piisces. The changes you’re in the process of making this year are potentially so dramatic that you will, in a sense, be inhabiting a new astrological sign by January 2011. In your case, however—unlike that of our planet— the majority of your alterations are likely to be invigorating and vitalizing. And you’re now entering a phase when you’ll have maximum opportunity to ensure that successful outcome. 6][Se]`Y( 7[OUW\S g]c`aSZT UOhW\U W\b] bVS SgSa ]T bVS ^S`a]\ g]c eS`S bS\ gSO`a OU] EVOb R] g]c eO\b b] aOg b] VW[ ]` VS`- 5] b] 4`SSeWZZOab`]Z]Ug Q][ O\R QZWQY Âľ3[OWZ @]P Âś

Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

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