J U N E 116 6 -2 --22 222 , 2 01 0 10 0 | V O L . 2 6, 6 , N O . 1144 | S I L I C O N VA V A L L E Y, Y, C A | F R E E
Felipe Buitrago
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6-2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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EEXECUTIVE XECUTIVE EDITOR EDITOR & CCEO EO DAN DAN PUL PULCRANO CRANO EEDITORIAL DITORIAL Managing/Arts M anaging/Arts Editor: Editor: M Michael ichael S. S. Gant Gant News N ews EEditor: ditor: E Eric ric JJohnson ohnson FFood ood EEditor: ditor: S Stett tett Holbrook Holbrook Music M usic Editor: Editor: S Steve teve P Palopoli alopoli CContributing ontributing W Writers: riters: JJessica essica FFromm, romm,
Jessica Jessica Lussenhop, Lussenhop, G Gary ary S Singh, ingh, Richard Busack Richard vvon on B usack Photographer: P hotographer: F Felipe elipe Buitrago Buitrago
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2010 Summer Summer e Concert Concert S Series eries June J une 3 C Cold old War Wa ar Kids Kids – Channel Channel 9 92.3 2.3 ((Alternative Alternative R Rock) ock) June Lenny with Prince Damons KBLX FM J une 10 Lenn y Williams Williams wit w h Pr ince D amons – K BLX 1102.9 02.9 F M ((R&B) R&B) J un ne 1177 Ska talites – MOViN MOViN 997 997 (Ska/Reggae) (Ska/Reggae) June Skatalites J une 24 BoD eans – KF OG G9 7.7 S J/104.5 S F (R ock/Pop) June BoDeans KFOG 97.7 SJ/104.5 SF (Rock/Pop) L eft C oastt Live Live Kick Kick O ff – lleftcoastlive.com eftcoastlive.com Left Coast Off J uly 1 Th e Eng lish Bea ALIICE@97.3 3 (Ska/New (Ska/New W ave) The English Beatt – ALICE@97.3 Wave) July
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J uly 8 T onic aand nd Gr een n River River Ordinance Ordinance – MIX 106 106. 5 (R o k/Pop) oc July Tonic Green 106.5 (Rock/Pop) J uly 15 D on C arlos – LIV VE 105 (R eggae) July Don Carlos LIVE (Reggae) J uly 22 22 Th eG aslight An t em – Channel th Channel 9 2.3 ((Alternative Alternative R o k) oc July The Gaslight Anthem 92.3 Rock) J uly 229 9 P ete Escovedo Escovedo O Or chestra – (Latin/Jazz) (Latin/Jazz) July Pete Orchestra A ug 5 F oreverland – 98 8.1 KISS FM (Michael (Michael JJackson ackson T ribute B and) Foreverland 98.1 Tribute Band) Aug
Visit F Visit Fahrenheit’s ahrenh heit’s R Restaurant estaurant an and dL Lounge oun unge in the the P ark. S ervin ng creative creatiive sangria sangria sa Park. Serving ccocktails ocktails and and aaward ward winningg ccuisine uis i ine
A ug 1122 Ee k-A-Mouse – LIVE L 105 (R eggae) Aug Eek-A-Mouse (Reggae) A ug 119 9 Y& T – 98.5 98.5 KFOX KFOX (Classic (Classic R ock) Aug Y&T Rock) A ug 26 P ato B anton – ALICE@97.3 AL LICE@97.3 (R eggae) Aug Pato Banton (Reggae)
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ISawYou@metronews.com Send us your anonymous rants and raves about your co-workers or any badly behaving citizen— or about citizens you admire. I SAW YOU, Metro, 550 S. First St., San Jose, 95113, or via email.
Line Jumpers @ jXn pfl Xe[ pfli n_fi\ f] X ^`ic]i`\e[ ile ]iXek`ZXccp k_ifl^_ k_\ c`e\ f] X i`[\ Xk >i\Xk 8d\i`ZX kf Yl[^\ X YleZ_ f] d`[[c\ jZ_ffc Z_`c[i\e% @Êd ^cX[ pfl k_`eb k_Xk pfl Xi\ jf \ek`kc\[ k_Xk pfl j_flc[eÊk _Xm\ kf nX`k c`b\ \m\ipfe\ \cj\ ]fi X Z_`c[i\eÊj i`[\Æ\jg\Z`Xccp n_\e pflÊi\ Yfk_ X Zflgc\ f] gleb$Xjj cfj\ij `e pfli )'j% 8cc @ befn `j pfl Xi\ `eZi\[`Ycp clZbp k_Xk k_\j\ Z_`c[i\e n\i\ gi\j\ek Xk k_\ k`d\ Y\ZXlj\ `ejk\X[ f] k\cc`e^ pfl f]] kf pfli ]XZ\ @ _Xm\ kf i\jfik kf j\e[`e^ Xe Xefepdflj c\kk\i kf X e\njgXg\i `e _fg\j k_Xk pfl j\\ k_`j Xe[ `k dXb\j pfl ]\\c c`b\ k_\ g`\Z\ f] ZiXg k_Xk pfl Xi\%
COMMENTS Letters@metronews.com Metro welcomes letters. Like any great work of art, they should be originals—not copies of material sent elsewhere. Please include your name, city of residence and daytime telephone number. (Phone number will not be published.) Letters may be edited for length and clarity or to correct factual inaccuracies known to us. = SanJoseInside
= via email
Career Do-gooders I’m actually pleased to see that the power of incumbency is not absolute, but concerned with the role the press and insider power brokers continue to play in the process (“Carr Wash,” The Fly, June
9). If it doesn’t get reported, did it happen? If it gets lots of play in the newspaper that has an agenda, is it the most important issue at stake? As far as the DA office itself, I think it’s run by a bunch of career do-gooders who specialize in looking good more than doing good and use the color of authority to prosecute criminal matters in a shotgun approach (let’s charge them with anything and everything and they’ll plea down and something will stick). BLAIR WHITNEY
Congratulations Let’s just hope that as a lame duck DA, Carr doesn’t pull any more of her ethical shenanigans. Adios,
Dolores. Don’t let the DA Office door hit you in the @$$ on the way out. . . . Congratulations to Jeff Rosen. READER
Stop Posturing Dolores Carr made some minor errors, none of which were malicious (and the biggest of which was finally determined to actually be an error committed by the Sheriff ’s Department). The election is over, and she lost. You can quit pretending to believe her infractions were some sort of major deal. KEVIN O’KEEFFE The above letter was a comment posted in response to the one that preceded it. —Editor
Dressing Down Uh, please tell me again why it matters at all what Magdalena Carrasco was wearing [at her victory party]? (“All in the Family,” The Fly, June 9) Does it somehow indicate her level of competence in fulfilling the role of a City Council member? I’m going to guess no, it does not. And as a side note, I could not help but notice there was no comment in the article on the duds the mayor was sporting; is that perhaps because he’s a male? Let’s please drop the stereotypical sexism in the articles and focus on what matters: A candidate’s qualifications. TINA MORILL
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Model M odel Candidate C a n d i d a te Who W ho kknew new that that DON DON ROCHA ROCHA w was as re related lated ttoo iit-supermodel t-supermodel COCO COCO ROCHA? ROCHA? W hen When the District District 9 San San Jose Jose City City Council Council the candidate stepped stepped in in front front of of Metro’s Metro’s candidate camera for for his his endorsement endorsement shot shot a few few camera weeks bback, ack, Fly Fly couldn’t couldn’t hhelp elp bbut ut nnotice otice weeks what a natural natural the the longtime longtime political political what aide w as in in front froont of of the the camera. camera. aide was Without any any pushing pushing or or prodding prodding Without by Metro Metro by photographer photographer Felipe Buitrago, Buitrago Felipe the former former the San Jose Jose San Redevelopment Redevelopment Agency official official Agency instantly instantly stepped in in stepped CFFB<I C FFB<I IfZ_X IfZ_X f front of of the the front w hite sscreen, creen, put put his his hands hands in in his his white ppockets, ockets, pulled pulled a flattering flattering threethreeqquarters uarters stance stance and and looked looked intensely intensely iinto nto tthe he camera camera with with a Derek Derek ZZoolander-esque oolander-esque “Blue “Blue SSteel” St eel” llook. ook. Buitrago Buitrago Don’t ccommented ommented about about forget w hat a nnatural atural Rocha Rocha what to tip! w as, iimpressed mpressed by by was, hhow ow cconfidently onfidently the the FLY@ nnormally ormally shy shy politician politician METRONEWS. sseemed eemed in in front front of of the the COM ccamera. amera. Turns Turns out out that that bback ack in in college, college, Rocha Rocha aand nd hhis is cchiseled hiseled features features dabbled dabbled iinn a bit bit of of professional profe f ssional modeling modeling to to eearn arn extra extra cash. cash. Here’s Here’s ttoo hhoping oping tthat hat LLARRY ARRY PEGRAM, PEG E RAM, Rocha’s Rocha’s eequally qually ttanned, anned, ppolished olished and and blue-eyed blue-eyed run-off run-off ccompetitor, ompetitor, manages manages to to uncover uncover some some eembarrassing mbarrassing Macy’s Macy’s catalog catalog work work of of yyoung oung R ocha frolicking frolicking through through fields fields Rocha w ith ppuppies uppies in in skimpy skimpy swimwear. swimwear. with
IInterstate nterstate CCommerce ommerce FFly ly fi finds nds it it ironic ironic that that many many of of the the local local lleaders eaders w ho supported supported last last week’s week’s City City who CCouncil ouncil vvote ote to to denounce denounce Arizona’s A r i z o n a’ s hharsh arsh new new illegal-immigration illegal-immigration law law tthemselves hemselves do do business business in in the the Copper Copper SState—whether tate—whether they they are are aware aware of of it it or or
10 0
The Shortest Race
ILEE@E> D8E E@E> E D8E N_`c\ `e k_\ 8jj\dYcp# Af_e CX`i[ Yl`ck X i\glkXk`fe Xj X giX^dXk`jk n_f Zflc[ nfib N_`c\ `e k_\ 8jj\dYcp p# Af_e CX`i[ Yl`ck X i\glkXk`fe i Xj X giX^dXk`jk n_ _f Zflc[ nfib n`k_ d\dY\ij fe Yfk_ j`[\j f] k_\ X`jc\# Xe[ nXj Xggf`ek\[ kf _\X[ k_\ gfn\i]lc 9l[^\k :fdd`kk\\% d\d dY\ij fe Yfk_ j`[\j f] k_\ X`jc\# Xe[ nXj Xggf`ek\[ kf _\X[ k_\ gfn\i]lc 9l[^\k :fdd`kk\\% :
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““I’m I’m b barely arrely rrecovering, ecovering,” he he says says tthe he next day, next day, w which hich is, is, by by comparison, comparison, Greet off 1100 a ccakewalk: ak kewalk: G reet a ggroup roup o 00 California C allifornia Young Young Democrats Democrats at at tthe he Santa Clara office S an nta C lara campaign cam mpaign o ffice aand nd send send tthem hem off off tto o knock knock on on doors, doors, walk wallk the the eeast ast Los Los Gatos Gatos precinct precinct with with San San JJose ose City Councilmember Pyle, C ity C ouncilmember Nancy Nancy P yle, meet with Bonnie m eet w ith the the residents residents of of the the B onnie View V iew mobile mobile home home park parrk in in Los Los Gatos, Gatos, tthen hen head head up up to to San San Francisco Fran ncisco ffor or a 55pm pm ffundraiser. undraiser. Above on his A bove all alll the the appointments appointments o nh is iiPhone Phone calendar calendar is is a counter counter that that reads reads D.U.E. Days ““10 10 D .U.E.” (10 (10 D ays Until Until Election), Election), when hee ffaces off District w hen h aacces o ff with with 33rd 33rd D istrict Assemblymember Sam Blakeslee A ssemblymember S am B lak keslee ((R–San R–San n Luis Luis Obispo) Obispo) for for the the 15th 15th District D istrict state state Senate Senate seat. seat. Mark Marrk Hinkle, Hinkle, Libertarian, aL ibertarian n, aand nd JJim im Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald, an n are iindependent, ndependent, ar re tthe he small smalll dogs dogs iin n tthe he fight. fi ght. ““The The hardest hardest thing thing about about this, this,” Laird under L aird ssays. ays. ““is is that that there there are arre just just u nder
Senate district, 5500,000 00,000 voters voters iin n the the S enate d istrict, opponent won’t agree aand nd my my o pponent w on’t ag gree tto o aany ny jjoint oint aappearances. ppearrances.” ((Blakeslee Blakeslee hee h has not aacknowledges cknowledges h ass n ot ttried ried tto o appearances but aarrange rrange jjoint oint ap ppearances b ut cclaims laims he’s not heard Laird’s h e’s n ot h eard ffrom rom L aird’s ccamp.) amp.) That’s not only T hat’s n ot tthe he o nly cchallenge. hallenge. This has been T his sspecial pecial al eelection lection h as b een overshadowed byy tthe primary o vershadowed b he JJune une 8 p rimarry aand nd the the ccampaign am mpaign ssquashed quashed iinto nto jjust ust days byy aan order Gov. Arnold 5533 d ays b no rder ffrom rom G ov. A rnold Schwarzenegger. But S chwarzenegger. B ut aan n iinevitably nevitably 22 does not ttiny iny JJune une 2 2 tturnout urnout d oes n ot diminish off tthis d iminish tthe he ssignificance ignificance o his rrace. ace. Democrats are D emocrats ar re jjust ust ttwo wo sseats eats aaway way ffrom rom a ttwo-thirds wo-thirds ssupermajority upermajority iin n Senate. Should Laird pick off tthe he sstate tate S enate. S hould L aird p ick o ff historically Republican district, tthis his h istoricallly R epublican nd istrict, breaking up budget b reak king u p tthe he yyearly early b udget llogjam ogjam bee tthat much ccould ould b hat m uch eeasier. assier. So final days down, S o ass tthe he fi nal d ays ttick ick d own, iit’s t’s wonder Laird he’s llittle ittle w onder tthat hat L aird ssays ays h e’s rrun un up almost his u p al lmost 110,000 0,000 miles miles on on h is ccar ar iin n months. ttwo wo m onths. one off o our priorities, ““This This iiss o ne o ur ttop op p riorities,” CYD president Alissa Ko, who ssays ays C YD p resident A lissa K o, w ho has brought h ass b rought iin n vvolunteers olunteers ffrom rom aass Sacramento ffar aarr away away as as S acram mento tto o sstump tump ffor or Laird. L aird. ““It It iiss really really ffrustrating rustrating tthat hat tthey hey They did rrushed ushed tthis his eelection. lection. T hey rreally eally d id
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
disenfranchise d isenfranchise people. people.” The T he sspecial pecial election, election, ordered ordered byy Schwarzenegger b Schwarzenegger aafter fter Abel Abel Maldonado his M alldonado vvacated acated h is seat seat in in order order become tto ob ecome llieutenant ieutenan nt governor governor in in llate ate April, April, is is viewed viewed by by many many to to be be an n effort eff ffo ort tto o keep keep tthe he turnout turnout low—a low—a ccondition ondition thought thought to to favor favor Republican Republican n Although ccandidates. andidates. A lthough a lawsuit lawsuit filed filed San iin nS an n Jose Jose last last month month sought sought to to delay d elay the the election election until until November November on on tthe he ggrounds rounds that that the the counties counties don’t don’t have h ave enough enough time time to to prepare prepare for for yet yet another an nother election, election, it it ultimately ultimately failed. failed. Santa Clara S anta C larra County County is is in in some some ways w ays a principal principal battleground, battleground, since since vvoters oters in in Almaden, Almad den, Monte Monte Sereno Sereno and an nd Saratoga have never S aratoga h ar ave n ever been been represented represented byy Laird b Laird or or his his opponent. opponent. Early Earrly polling polling percent off vvoters iindicated ndicated tthat hat 332 2p ercent o oters will will with ggo ow ith Laird—concentrated Laird—concentrated in in his his home h ome tturf urf in in Monterey, Monterey, Santa San nta Cruz Cruz and Clara—and percent an nd Santa Santa C larra—an nd 3333 p ercent will w ill ggo o Blakeslee, Blakeslee, mostly mostly in in San San Luis Luis Obispo and Santa Maria. O bispo an nd S anta M aria. Though district T hough tthe he d istrict was wass Republican ggerrymandered errymandered ffor or R epublican ccontrol ontrol during d uring rredistricting, edistricting, the the district district went went and Proposition ffor or Obama Obam ma an nd aagainst gainst P roposition Laird will 8 in in 2008. 2008. L aird w ill ccapture apture tthe he sseat eat iiff tthose hose vvoters oters turn turn out out for for him. him. If If neither percent, n either ccandidate andidate ccaptures ap ptures 50 50 p ercent, will iitt w ill ggo o to to an n August August runoff. runoff ff. ““Any Any eextra xtra minute minute I talk tallk is is a minute minute yyou’re ou’re not not talking tallking to to voters, voters,” he he says says before hee ssends b efore h ends the the volunteers volunteers out out the the door. d oor. ““We We have have a rreal eal shot shot at at winning winning tthis his if if we we turn turn out out our our voters. voters. Santa San nta Clara C larra iiss in in part part the the swing swing area. arrea.” The T he sstudents tudents troop troop out out to to their their cars cars with and w ith a map map an nd llist ist of of every every Democrat Democrat byy iin n ttheir heir assigned asssigned area, area, ffollowed ollowed b Laird. L aird. IIt’s t’s ttough ough keeping keeping up up with with him, him, both while b oth w hile ffollowing ollowing his his silver silver Hybrid Hybrid Camry with C amry w ith tthe he “A “A 27” 27” license license plates plates ((indicating indicating the the Assembly Assembly district district he he rrepresented epresented for for six six years), years), and and after after he, he, Nancy and Roger Pyle, and N ancy an nd R oger P yle, an nd sspokesman pokesman Bill Maxfield arrive B ill M axfield aall ll ar rrive iin n Los Los Gatos. Gatos. Laird beats path L aird b eats a p ath up up the the hills hills in in between between the the plush plush homes homes in in heavyheavydress ssounding ounding d ress sshoes. hoes. The The Saturday Saturday aafternoon fternoon ssun un is is brutal. brutal. “What “What about ab bout phone p hone calls?” callls?” says says Councilmember Councilmember Pyle, not P yle, only only half-joking. half-joking. ““I’m I’m n ot ttrying rying bee ccritical, but tto ob riticall, b ut you you have have so so little little ttime. ime.” ““It’s It’s ttrue, rue,” says says Laird. Laird. “ But But you you see, see, iit’s t’s important important if if there’s there’s going going to to be be hundred people walking ah undred p eople tthat hat aare re w alking precincts, p recincts, it’s it’s important importan nt not not just just to to
get get them them out, out, but but to to go go out out and an nd walk wallk myself. myself.” For For the the most most part, part, the the people people who who are arre home home recognize recognize Laird Laird as as he he approaches, ap pproaches, clearing clearing his his throat throat with with a little little “ahem” “ahem” at at each each door. door. One One woman woman n spraying spraying her her plants plan nts stops stops to to take take Laird’s Laird’s flier flier and and says, says, “I’ve “I’ve seen seen the the negative negative ads. ad ds. They’ve They’ve been been pretty pretty nasty, nassty, so so you you can can n tell tell they’re they’re not not true. true.” “Bless “Bless you you for for that, that,” Laird Laird replies. replies.
Making M aking P Progress rogress e The T he barrage barrragge o off ads, ad ds, which which ccame am me o out ut llast asst week week blasting blassting Laird Laird ass a ““train train w reck” ffor or taking tak king pay pay raises raises and and voting voting wreck” ffor or ttaxes axes while while in in the the Assembly, Assembly, hit hit tthe he airwaves airwaves last last week, week, an an indication, indication, b elieves Laird, Laird, tthat hat B lakeslee must must believes Blakeslee h ave seen seen polling polling that that indicated indicated the the have rrace ace is is slipping slipping from from his his grasp. grasp. L aird ccredits redits tthat hat in in some some measure measure Laird tto o his his own own ads, ad ds, linking linking Blakeslee—at Blak keslee—at ap arrticularrly newsworthy newsworthy time—to time—to particularly o ffsshore o ff il drilling, drilling, thanks thanks in in part part to to offshore oil h is one-time one-time employment employment with with E xxon. his Exxon. B lak keslee says says Laird Laird is is distorting distorting Blakeslee h is record. record. ““II have have cconsistently onsistently his ffought ought to to protect protect the the coast, coast,” he he ssays, ays, cciting iting his his votes votes to to extend extend a ssymbolic ymbolic m oratorium on on offshore off ffsshore drilling drilling moratorium an nd d efending h is “yay” “yay” vote vote on on the the and defending his T ranquillon Ridge Ridge project, project, which which Tranquillon h ays would would have have prevented prevented hee ssays tthe he expansion expan nsion of of some some oil oil drilling drilling p latforms. platforms. B oth candidates candidates are are also allso playing playing u p Both up ttheir heir commitment commitment to to budget budget solutions solutions an nd tto o ssaving aving the the California Callifornia eeducation ducation and ssystem. ystem. Laird Laird iiss critical critical of of Blakeslee’s Blak keslee’s h ard sspending-cap pending-cap pp roposall—which iiss hard proposal—which a ccornerstone ornerstone of of Blakeslee’s Blak keslee’s budget-fix budget-fix sstrategy—saying trategy—saying iitt w ould ccompletely ompletely would ffreeze reeze any an ny ability ab bility to to shift shift money money tto o eeducation. ducation. He He also also criticizes criticizes Blakeslee’s Blak keslee’s ssignature ignature on on right-wing right-wing icon icon Grover Grover N orquist’s Taxpayer Taxpayer Protection Protection P ledge. Norquist’s Pledge. F or his his part, parrt, Blakeslee Blak keslee says, says, “High “High For an nd p unitive taxes taxes we we currently currently eexact xacct and punitive h ave been been rruinous uinous to to our our economy economy have an nd ccause au use many many head head d of of household household and jjobs obs to to flee. flee.” Blakeslee Blak keslee accuses accuses Laird Laird w asting taxpayer taxpayer money money by by taking taking a wasting jjob ob aatt tthe he Waste Waste Management Management B oarrd, Board, w hich was was later later disbanded, disban nded, and an nd his his which ““F” F” grade grad de from from the the Howard Howard Jarvis Jarrvis T axpayers A ssociation. Taxpayers Association. B ut in in such such a rushed rushed election, election, the the But o nly letter letter the the 15 15 to to 20 20 percent percent of of only
llikely ikely vvoters oters w ill b aying at ttention will bee p paying attention tto om ay b he R o he eend nd o may bee tthe orr D aatt tthe off eeach acch ccandidate’s an ndidate’s n ame. name. A fter ttromping romping ar round iin n eeast ast L os After around Los G atos, M axfield h ustles L aiird b ack Gatos, Maxfield hustles Laird back tto oh is ccar ar iin no rder tto om ake iitt tto o tthe he his order make m obile h ome p ark iin n ttime, ime, b ut tthere’s here’s mobile home park but ap roblem—no o ne h as d irections. problem—no one has directions. W hile L aird ffusses usses iin nh is C am mry While Laird his Camry w ith h is G PS, M axfield ssays ays w assted with his GPS, Maxfield wasted ttime ime iiss tthe he o nly ttime ime tthe he ccandidate andidate only rreally eallly ggets ets ffrustrated. rustrated. T his iiss n ot tthe he This not ssmooth, mooth, w ell- oiled m acchine L aird iiss well-oiled machine Laird aaccustomed ccustomed tto o rrunning. unning. T he p arty fi nallly m oves tto oB onnie The party finally moves Bonnie V iew, w here o nly tthree hree rresidents esidents h ave View, where only have tturned urned u p. S eemingly u nfazed, L aird up. Seemingly unfazed, Laird ssits its d own o n tthe he w orn ccouches ouches iin n tthe he down on worn p ark’s rrec ec ccenter enter aand nd ttalks alks ggenealogy, eneallogy, park’s b efore sshifting hifting sseamlessly eam mlessly iinto nto h is before his rrecord ecord o upporting rrent ent ccontrol. ontrol. IIt’s t’s off ssupporting n ot a ttotal otal w ash. not wash. ““I’m I’m rreally eally gglad lad h id ccome, ome, “ ssays ays hee d did JJulia ulia Cole, Cole, a 28-year 28-yearr p arrk rresident esident park w ho’d n ever h eard o aiird b efore. who’d never heard off L Laird before. ““We’re We’re ggrateful rat ateful w ave ssomeone omeone o ut wee h have out tthere here fi ghting ffor or u s.” T he tthree hree lleave eave fighting us. The L aird-boosters. Laird-boosters. A he h arrsh aafternoon fternoon ssoftens oftens iinto nto Ass tthe harsh am ilder eearly arly eevening, ar vening, L aiird ttakes akes o ff milder Laird off ffor or S an F ran ancisco. A or p redictions San Francisco. Ass ffor predictions aabout bout w hat h appens n ext T uesday, what happens next Tuesday, L aird ssays, ays, ““II h ave n o iidea dea yyet. et. II’ve ’ve Laird have no aalways lways aassumed ssumed iit’s t’s ggoing oing tto o a rrun-off. un-off ff.” ff”
not. IItt tturns not. urns oout ut tthat hat M MADISON ADISON N NGUYEN, GUYEN, w ho ssponsored ponsored tthe he re solution, hhosts osts who resolution, hher er re -election website website www.madison www.madison re-election nnguyen.com guyen.com w ith tthe he P hoenix-based with Phoenix-based iiPower Power Inc. Inc. TThere here iiss aalso lso a llong ong llist ist ooff llocal ocal oofficials fficials aand nd ccandidates andidates w ho hhost ost ttheir heir ppersonal ersonal w ebsites who websites tthrough hrough tthe he SScottsdale, cottsdale, A rizona-based Arizona-based G oDaddy—among tthem hem aare re M ayor GoDaddy—among Mayor MayorReed2010.com) aand nd CCHUCK HUCK R EED ((MayorReed2010.com) REED CCouncilman ouncilman A SH K ALRA ((AshKalra.com), AshKalra.com), ASH KALRA bboth oth of of whom whom backed backed the the resolution. resolution. As As ddomain omain re gistration ccosts osts oonly nly $ 10 pper er registration $10 yyear, ear, ddivestment ivestment would would hhave ave a m erely merely ssymbolic ymbolic eeffect. ffect. However, However, the the city city iitself tself has has sseveral everal m ul timillion-dollar multimillion-dollar ccontracts ontracts w ith A rizona ccompanies ompanies with Arizona fo oods aand nd sservices ervices ffrom rom ggarbage arbage forr ggoods ccollection ollection ttoo sstun tun gguns. uns.
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
13 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
sv 411.com Bing-Envy: The Death Of Google?
the best of the local web
Johnny Vegas Bing is better. It will be the death of Google if they don’t copy it, and they know it, which is why they have been for a year now. And it will continue. Bing will innovate, google will copy. nonzealot How many of you go to the homepage of Google (or Bing, wherever) to perform your searches? I always use the address bar in Chrome (or search box in IE/Firefox) to run my searches. I haven’t seen the homepage of either site for quite some time.
David-d I use the search bar in Chrome, but I have the Google homepage as my default page, so it still comes up when I open a new window/ tab. Other google apps are accessed via the homepage, so it isn’t just for searching. voska1 I do a search with Bing GI<KKP L>CP >ff^c\ \og\i`d\ek\[ n`k_ X 9`e^$c`b\ _fd\gX^\ ]fi X c`kkc\ n_`c\ cXjk n\\b# Ylk k_\ [\ZfiXk`fej _Xm\ j`eZ\ [`jXgg\Xi\[%
I’VE known about Google’s plans to host a background image on its homepage for quite some time. I generally ignored it, because one of my favorite things about Google is how simple the page is, and how quickly it loads. Google has repeatedly said that one of its key strategic advantages has been its lightning-fast page loads. These images remove that advantage. If you’re doing remote access, they really remove the advantage, but even for a regular user, the image load adds a perceptible delay. To many people, Google is the white page with the funny logo. If Google now looks more like Bing, will users cease to differentiate the two as clearly? Will the delay in page loading, combined with the loss of its iconic image serve to distract and confuse users enough that they now share their search love among other engines?
and with Google. I get relevant search information with Google. Bing I’m not sure why the sites they show even come up.
Chatroulette’s War On Penises
them and—more importantly— investors away. Seems that Chatroulette is the one place on the Internet people aren’t looking for naked pictures. So, Chatroulette’s founder, 17-yearold Russian Andrey Ternovskiy, has been trying to cut down on the number of penises. According to TechCrunch: Look for feature changes soon that will try to send all those penises to the background. The service may add software that can quickly scan video to determine if a penis is being shown. And users that are consistently quickly skipped over (presumably because they are exposing themselves or otherwise being disgusting) can be flagged as well. Woah, woah, woah. Hold on. There is automatic penis-determining software? Why is this not common knowledge? Do you know how much time I spent as a child manually determining whether things looked like penises? Water towers, food items, etc. Think of how awesome it would be if you could walk around with a handheld computer loaded with penis software and then point it at, like, a pastoral scene and it could automatically pick out the collection of rocks and trees that looks just like a penis? Hilarious! Maybe Ternovskiy should just forget trying to keep penises off of the Internet and market that instead? PENIS DETECTOR 3000™. — ADRIAN CHEN, VALLEYWAG.GAWKER.COM
child*herald I prefer the name Fe\ ?Xe[ Kpg`e^ :_Xkiflc\kk\ dXp _Xm\ ^ifne kff Y`^ ]fi `kj lj\i YXj\1 cfe\cp \o_`Y`k`fe`jkj%
I honestly think such a substantial modification to something as deeply iconic as their home page could have far-reaching and potentially expensive consequences to the company.
Remember Chatroulette? The crazy random videochat thing? Its founder wants to turn it into a more legitimate business, which means cutting down on the number of disgusting things one witnesses there. Can he do it? (Probably not.)
The easy answer is for Google to turn this feature off or simply make it optional. —DAVID GERWITZ, ZDNET.COM
TechCrunch says that the rawness that drew millions to Chatroulette in the early days is beginning to scare
CockBlock 2010™.
Anchower They can test it on Lady Gaga.
Miakoda30 The world is already filled with too much war. Can’t we try diplomatic means with the penises first? If they don’t cooperate, we place sanctions on them next. And when all that fails, we whip out the hard artillery. Nesbiteme Chatroulette might ban me and my penis, but they will have to pry my vuvuzela from my cold dead hands.
15 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
John Laird
?< ALE< )) iXZ\ ]fi J\eXk\ ;`jki`Zk (, `j ef fi[`eXip Zfek\jk% :fd`e^ knf n\\bj X]k\i k_\ _`^_$gifÓ c\ Ale\ / gi`dXip# `k i`jbj ]Xcc`e^ m`Zk`d kf mfk\i XgXk_p% P\k `kÊj Xi^lXYcp fe\ f] k_\ dfjk Zi`k`ZXc iXZ\j `e k_\ jkXk\% K_\i\ Xi\ knf Z_`\] i\Xjfej ;\dfZiXk Af_e CX`i[ `j k_\ Y\jk ZXe[`[Xk\ ]fi k_\ ;`jki`Zk (, j\Xk1 k_\ Yl[^\k Xe[ k_\ \em`ifed\ek% N_\e CX`i[ n\ek kf JXZiXd\ekf `e )'') Xj Xe Xjj\dYcpd\dY\i i\gi\j\ek`e^ ;`jki`Zk ).# _\ hl`Zbcp \jkXYc`j_\[ _`dj\c] Xj X i`j`e^ jkXi% Fe\ f] X _Xe[]lc f] ]i\j_d\e Xggf`ek\[ kf c\X[ X Zfdd`kk\\ <em`ifed\ekXc JX]\kp Xe[ Kfo`Z DXk\i`Xcj # _\ n\ek fe kf Z_X`i k_\ 8jj\dYcp 9l[^\k :fdd`kk\\ jkXik`e^ `e )''+ Xe[ Y\Zfd\ fe\ f] k_\ ZXg`kXcÊj Yl[^\k \og\ikj%
While a champion of social services—he authored, and got passed in both chambers, a bill to provide health care for all the state’s children—he’s also an advocate of fiscal discipline who wants all revenue-spending voter initiatives to identify a funding source. He was the first to propose charging a vehicle registration fee in order to fund state parks, an idea that will be on November’s ballot. He’s a bipartisan player who recognizes the need for deep structural reform but knows how to succeed in the current environment. To keep the Central Coast from risking a Louisiana-style oil disaster, voters would do well to consider the candidates’ environmental credentials. Laird’s record is sterling. Starting in 1985, when as a Santa Cruz councilmember he co-authored an innovative measure aimed at preventing oil drilling off the coast— a measure adopted by 26 cities and counties by 1990—he has consistently defended the environment, working in the Assembly to procure oil spill cleanup funding and establishing the Sierra Nevada Conservancy.
He was one of the original authors of A.B. 32, California’s progressive carbon emissions law. His opponent, the powerful San Luis Obispo Republican Sam Blakeslee, has wisely portrayed himself as a forward-thinking moderate with an interest in alternative energy. A former geologist with Exxon, Blakeslee voted last year to approve offshore oil drilling on the Tranquillon Ridge, a vote he should now regret. In recent years he has authored and supported legislation on alternative energy, but the two candidates’ lifetime League of Conservation Voters scores give a sense of the big picture: Blakeslee’s score is 25, Laird’s is 100. There’s another reason this election is so crucial: Together with the race for Senate District 12, the outcome could shatter Sacramento’s gridlock by wresting control away from the state Republican party, which has abused its minority rights to the detriment of California’s welfare. We recommend voting for John Laird for Senate District 15 on June 22.
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Mystic Realms
C<KÊJ ><K JKFE<; C <K ÊJ ><K JKFE<; :Xjkc\ C\jc`\ `e :flekp DfeX^_Xe `j k_\ N`eZ_\jk\i Dpjk\ip ?flj\ f] @i\cXe[% :Xjkc\ C\jc`\ `e :fle :Xjkc\ ekp DfeX^_Xe ekp feX^_Xe `j k_\ k_\ N``eZ_\jkk\i k\i Dpjk\ip Dpjk\ip ?flj\ ? f] @i\cXe[ f] @i\cXe[%
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literary ccapitals literary apitals o off tthe he w world. orld. A Aside side Butler ffrom rom JJames am mes JJoyce, oyce, William William B utler Yeats, George Bernard Shaw, Samuel Y eats, G eorge B ernard S haw, S am muel Beckett and Oscar Wilde, other B eckett an nd O scarr W ilde, o ther ffamed am amed writers associated with w riters as ssociated w ith tthe he ttown own Fanu, iinclude nclude Joseph Joseph Sheridan Sheridan n Le Le F an nu, undisputed off llesbian tthe he u ndisputed ggodfather odfather o esbian worldwide. vvampire ampire sstories am tories w orldwide. IIff yyou ou ssaw aw Twins was based on one off T wins ooff EEvil, vil, iitt w ass b assed o no ne o his h is ttales. alles. myy ssister without I ccouldn’t ouldn’t vvisit isit m ister ccity ity w ithout nearby Newgrange, ttraveling raveling tto on earrby N ewgrange, tthe he megalithic kidney-shaped llegendary egendarry m egalithic k idney-shap peed passage older both p assagge ttomb, omb, o lder tthan han bo th Stonehenge off S tonehenge and and tthe he pyramids pyram mids o Giza. winter off G iza. Every Every w inter ssolstice, olstice, a sshaft haft o directly ssunlight unlight sshines hines d irectly tthrough hrough the the opening off tthe o pening o he ttomb omb aand nd ccontinues ontinues down passageway d own tthe he p asssageway tto o iilluminate lluminate tthe he cchamber hamber iinside. nside. The T he ssanitized anitized eexplanation xplanation iiss tthat hat
Newgrange was was as simply simply a burial buriall Newgrange cham mber, but but many many believe beelieve it it was was chamber, instead used used for for ritual ritual purposes. purposes. instead Controversiall Irish Irish occult occult researcher researrcher Controversial Michael Tsarion Tsarrion says says the the place place was was Michael probably a waterproof waterproof refuge refuge for for probably survvivors of of the the Great Great Flood, Flood, who who survivors hailed from from the the lost lost continent continent of of hailed Lemuria. Lemuria. On a more more aristocratic aristocratic front, front, On the Castle Castle Leslie Leslie estate estate in in County County the Monaghan n remains remains a worldwide worldwide Monaghan attraction. If If any any habitat hab bitat near nearr Dublin Dublin attraction. could possibly possibly qualify quallify ass a sister sister of of San San n could Jose’s Winchester Winchester Mystery Mystery House, House, it it Jose’s would be Castle Castle Leslie. Leslie. would The estate estate itself itself is is one one of of the the m ost The most celebrated eccentric eccentric hangouts hangouts iin n all alll celebrated of Europe. Europe. Numerous Numerous princes, princes, poets poets of and prime prime ministers ministers have have all all caroused caroused and within its its walls. walls. Paul Pau ul McCartney’s McCarrtney’s illillwithin fated marriage marriage to to Heather Heather Mills Mills took took fated place there. there. Mick Mick Jagger Jagger and an nd several severall place entourages regularly regularrly partied parrtied at at the the entourages castle. Winston Winston Churchill’s Churchill’s christening christening castle. clothes are are displayed displayed on on the the wall. walll. clothes There have have been been ghosts ghosts and an nd even even There UFO sightings. sightings. I felt felt an n immediate immediate UFO connection. connection.
The senior senior occupant, occupant, Sir Sir John John The Leslie, 4th 4th Baronet, Barronet, is is now now 93 93 and an nd still still Leslie, regularrly gives gives colorful colorfful public public tours tours regularly of the the castle, casstle, pointing pointing out out centuriescenturiesof old portraits portraits and and historical historicall ephemera ephemera old while he he navigates navigates the the staircases staircasses and and while corridors of of the the p lace. On On the the wall wal all at at corridors place. one particular parrtticular landing landing hangs hangs a bloody bloody one shroud that that ccarried arried the the decapitated decap pitated shroud head d of of the the Earl Earl of of Derwentwater Derwentwater after after head he was was executed executed in in 1715. 1715. Sir Sir JJohn ohn never never he marrried, never never had had d kids kids and and essentially essentiallly married, lounges in in his his bedroom bedroom and and reads read ds lounges lot, but but he he also allso goes goes disco disco d ancing a lot, dancing every Saturday Saturday night—not night—not bad bad for for a every nonagenarrian n. He He is is a role role model model and an nd nonagenarian. n inspiration inspiration for for all. alll. an Wherever I traveled traveled in in Ireland, Ireland, Wherever there seemed seemed to to be a secret secret occult occult there bacckdrop. W.B. W.B. Yeats Yeats h imself was was a backdrop. himself member of of the the Theosophical Theosophicall Society Society member an nd the the Hermetic Hermetic Order Order of of the the Golden Golden and Dawn; he he sometimes sometimes incorporated incorporated Dawn; Taarrot and and cabbalistic cabbalistic symbolism symbolism in in Tarot his poetry. poetryy. His His old old stomping stomping ground ground his of Sligo Sligo is is riddled riddled with with myth, myth, mystery mystery of an nd otherworldly otherw worldly folklore. folklore. and just had had to to visit visit his his grave grave in in I just Drumcliff ffee. On On another another path, path, I visited visited Drumcliffe. Corcreggan Mill Mill iin n Dunfanaghy, Dunfaan naghy, a Corcreggan locale characterized charracterized by by psychic psychic vortexes. vortexes. locale Owner Brendan Brendan Rohan Rohan n then then guided guided Owner me to to Marble Marrble Hill Hill B each—where tthe he me Beach—where mystic Irish Irish painter painter and and poet poet George George mystic Russell said said he he met met the the god god Pan Pan and and Russell introduced Yeats Yeats to to the the realm realm of of spirits. spirits. introduced Of ccourse, ourse, synchronicities synchronicities bookended bookended Of the trip. trip. One One can can define define synchronicity synchronicity the convergence, in in ttime ime and an nd space, space, of of ass a convergence, seemingly unrelated unrelated points, points, serving serving seemingly to evoke evoke depth depth and an nd psychological psychological to significance. Maybe Maybe there’s there’s an an significance. intradimensionall connection connection to to tthis his intradimensional whole sister-city sister-city thing thing after after all. all. whole On the the very very day day I began began my my journey journey On through Ireland, Irelan nd, Michael Michael Tsarion Tsarion through himself was was presenting presenting at at Conspiracy Conspiraccy himself Con b ack in in Silicon Silicon Valley. Valley. At At the the very very Con back conclusion of of m trip, back bacck home home conclusion myy trip, in San San n Jose, Jose, the the greatest greatest Irish Irish punk punk in ban nd o all time, time, Stiff Stiff Little Little Fingers, Fingers, band off all was ggigging igging aatt O ’Brien’s R o ock & R oll was O’Brien’s Rock Roll Bar, aa.k.a. .k.a. tthe he B lank C lub. I h ope tthey hey Bar, Blank Club. hope played “Alternative “Alternative Ulster. Ulster.” played
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uitra Felipe B
Dave Lepo
& Specialty Liquors p22
Campbell p49
San Jose p26
Cupertino p50
Tangerine p29
Fremont/Milpitas p51
This Sporting Life p33
Los Altos p51
DUI p38
Los Gatos p51
The ‘It’ City p40
Mountain View p52
Single Barrel p42
Monster Smash Sabor’s smokin’ Godzilla cocktail relies on dry ice FX and a glow stick to swizzle the club’s signature drink. Made from triple sec, vodka and peach schnapps, the monster mix sells for $21. The price doesn’t stop patrons from odering about 100 a night, according to owner Ray Shafazand.
Palo Alto/Menlo Park/ Redwood City p53 Wet Remix p56 Santa Clara p58 Saratoga p61 South County p61 Sunnyvale p61
Bars and Clubs was written by Dan Pulcrano, Michael S. Gant, Steve Palopoli, Jessica Fromm, Stett Holbrook, Jessica Lussenhop, Kristine Bautista, Richard von Busack, Adam Murphy, Jen Nowell, Marlon Maloney and Scott Reyburn. Bars & Clubs is a work in progress. If we didn’t include your favorite bar or club, please email us at: Calendar@metronews.com. Special thanks to our cover model Natasha Fletcher and our inside cover model Erin Prescott.
Felipe Buitrago
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BOTTLE ROCKETS Palo Alto’s Reposado carries a long list of fine tequilas.
LiquidAssets From sake to single malt, some Silicon Valley bars prefer to specialize
By Stett Holbrook
OST BARS strive to offer a wide range of different spirits, but those that specialize in one particular form of alcohol are to be truly savored. They are few in number and allow the interested imbiber to dive deeper into a particular spirit than is possible at jack-of-all-trade bars. Let us celebrate a few of them here.
Mexican Spirits Tequila has enjoyed a renaissance in the past few years, but there are still those who think they hate the agave spirit because of a bad night spent with a bottle of Cuervo Gold. Palo Alto’s Reposado is out to change that. The modern Mexican restaurant has a bar and lounge with one of the deepest tequila lists in Silicon Valley, with more than 100 bottles
available and new selections added monthly. The name of the restaurant itself means “rested” in Spanish, a designation given to tequilas of a certain age. The tasting notes on the tequila list help greatly. To familiarize customers with the different types of tequila, Reposado has assembled four flights of the liquor, all for $18 or less. Tasters should pay particular attention to the tequila’s smell and color, and leave the mouth open as they observe the sensation on the back of the tongue, says manager Saeed Amini, who spent time in Jalisco studying tequila. For the tequila novice, Amini recommends beginning with a flight of tequila blanco, which he says is the “true expression of Mexican soil.” For the tequila connoisseur, the selection of tequila reposado boasts
several artisan varieties from the different regions of Jalisco, and nearly all of the tequilas on the menu are organically or biodynamically grown. Reposado’s cocktail list also includes traditional Mexican favorites such as La Paloma, which features Don Julio blanco tequila, St. Germain elderflower liqueur and fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice. Although it’s far less popular than tequila, mezcal is really the granddaddy of Mexican spirits. Think of mezcal as a country cousin of tequila that’s closely associated with the state of Oaxaca. Tequila is a variant of mezcal made from blue agave, while mezcal can be made from several different kinds of agave and generally has a smokier flavor than tequila. The stylish bar at San Jose’s appropriately named Mezcal restaurant boasts the premier list of the stuff in Silicon Valley. Mezcal is just starting to be appreciated in this county, and Mezcal’s co-owner Adolfo Gomez is doing his part to showcase the spirit of his homeland. He pours a number of small, premium mezcals from producers who are making mezcal in the finer, barrel-aged style that’s come to characterize many top tequilas.
From Scotland With Age Los Gatos’ C.B. Hannegan’s is the place to enjoy a really good dram of Scottish single-malt whisky. When the restaurant and bar opened 28 years ago, there were few places to enjoy a good single-malt whisky in Silicon Valley. Owner Johnny Hannegan and bar manager Tom Ovens built the list as a labor of love. “It’s not a snob thing,” Ovens says. “I just liked the idea of single malts. It seemed like a craft, bordering on an art.” Today, the bar serves more than 60 kinds of whisky imported from all over Scotland. Broadly speaking,
the differences in the whiskies break down this way. Those from the Scottish lowlands are lighter; whiskies from the highlands are richer and more complex; those from the near-shore islands are heavy duty, smoky and full of distinctive peat flavor. In warm weather, Ovens recommends the Glenfarclas, a lowland distillery that’s been family owned for six generations.
Rising Sake For something totally different head over to San Jose’s Koji Sake Lounge. Silicon Valley has several Japanese restaurants that boast good sake lists, but Koji is the only place that puts sake in the forefront, although the bar serves some good small plates that match the sake well. Koji’s comprehensive sake list includes tasting notes that help you find a flavor profile that suits your tastes. Beau Timken, master sake sommelier and owner of San Francisco’s True Sake, the world’s first sake shop, helped assemble the list, which guarantees its quality.
Grecian Formula For a real after-dinner treat, stop in at Evvia in Palo Alto for dessert (I recommend the galaktoboureko, vanilla-custardfilled tubes of flaky phyllo with a generous scoop of pistachio ice cream on the side) and a glass of ouzo, Greece’s beloved aniseflavored liquor. Evvia’s comfortable bar accommodates nearly a dozen brands of ouzo to choose from, ranging from dry to syrupy sweet. From the middle of the spectrum, I liked the Ouzo Plomari. Ouzo is traditionally served over ice with a splash of water. It’s good stuff, and the water turns the clear liquid a milky white. Even at 84 proof, it’s surprisingly smooth. Too smooth. —Kristine Bautista and Sarah Suksiri contributed to this article.
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San Jose 300 San Jose Lounge/Bowling 5420 Thornwood Dr., San Jose; 408.578.8500. Calling it an alley doesn’t seem right—300 is more like an ultralounge with lanes bathed in shimmering mood lighting. The restaurant serves a grill menu with serious aspirations. Sports cover the walls on oversize screens, and there is a fully stocked bar. Definitely defies the easy canard about bowling alone. Happy hour Monday–Friday, 4–6pm.
Agenda Lounge Restaurant/Dance Club/Lounge 399 S. First St., San Jose; 408.287.3991. Agenda has shifted with the times, most recently becoming the monthly home for the electronic-music showcase the Workout. But it has stuck by the tried and true, as well. The two-story club has been home to the Planet Reggae dance party for more than a dozen years. Another longtime favorite at the club is Salsa Every Wednesday; neophytes can learn some steps before braving the dance floor. Special DJ theme nights can be sampled on a regular basis. A fullservice bar and the elegant downstairs dining room complete the experience.
AJ’s Restaurant and Bar
408.292.3445. A good place to see women in bikinis without having to drive Highway 17 to the beach. The club offers not only bachelor parties, but divorce celebrations as well, which makes a weird kind of sense.
Alex’s 49er Inn Neighborhood Bar/ Sports Bar 2214 Business Circle, San Jose; 408.279.9737. The prices are a breath of fresh air in a world of $12 designer cocktails. The satisfyingly underlit Alex’s has high-def TVs for sport, darts, a pool table and weekly karaoke.
Arcadia Restaurant 100 W. San Carlos St., San Jose. 408.278.4555. While the food at Michael Mina’s Arcadia gets all the attention, the restaurant’s curved bar offers a quiet place to gather for drinks before dinner or a show at nearby theaters. The posh bar offers its own menu of handmade cocktails.
Azucar Mojito Bar/Restaurant 71 E. San Fernando St., San Jose; 408.293.8482. For a taste of what a Latin nightclub looks like in high gear, look no further than Azucar on a weekend day. Live salsa bands blast through the sound system, while the tables are packed and the aisles filled with those who gotta dance. There are endless variations on the mojito to be had on Azucar’s menu, served by bartenders who know a bit about performance art. The bistro menu provides Caribbean and Latin and Central American treats.
Adult 393 Lincoln Ave., San Jose;
Bring Your Fashion SAN JOSE: 1959 w. san carlos 408.292.6100 SAN JOSE: blossom hill rd. 408.269.1000 www.crossroadstrading.com SANTA CRUZ: 811 pacific av. avv. 831.458.0555 www.crossroadstrading.com
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Hookah Bar 30 Fountain Alley, San Jose; 408.294.2247. Tucked away on the alley between First and Second streets, Tangerine celebrated its grand opening in February. A smiling hostess greets people at the door and escorts them to their seats. A tray of flavored tobaccos is brought to the table to allow for a little sniffing before making a final choice. The décor is all white with tangerine accent strips; color-changing lights supply a bit of warmth. Tangerine is open nightly; on Tuesdays, the bar hosts a tasting event with new flavors. Happy Hour is Monday through Thursday from 6 to 8pm. A student discount of 15 percent helps to attract a younger crowd.
Bamboo Lounge/ Island Grill Local Bar/Restaurant 1355 N. Fourth St., San Jose; 408.392.2468. The lounge inside the grill at the Clarion Hotel has no shame about umbrella drinks on hot summer nights. If the Tonga Room doesn’t survive, the Bamboo Lounge will uphold the tropical tradition. For entertainment, there are plasma TVs for sports and DJs on the weekends, with a sprinkling of live music.
Bears Cocktail Lounge/Dive Bars 1872 W. San Carlos St., San Jose; 408.998.3425. The Bears is the typical homey bar with a good selection of beers at neighborhood prices. The woodwork interior bar is filled on a daily and nightly basis with a well agedmixed crowd. The bar hosts nine-ball tournaments on Wednesdays at 7pm and Sundays at 4pm. Everybody fancies anything that is free, so on Mondays after 6pm, pool is free along with offering $2 specialty shots as well. Three
big-screen TVs are available for sports broadcasts.
Billy Berk’s 99 S. First St., San Jose; 408.292.4300. Located inside the historic, 160-yearold Crescent Jewelers building on the corner of First and West San Fernando streets, the bar at Billy Berk’s is as the center of the action—literally. The rectangular bar occupies center stage in the lively restaurant. TVs surround the bar making it an ideal space to watch a game, sip a few drinks and sample the restaurant’s sharing-friendly menu.
The Blank Club Live Music/Local Bar 44 S. Almaden Ave., San Jose; 408.292.5265 After improbably becoming the sort of “elder statesman” of the San Jose live rock scene, it looked like the Blank might get soft. It didn’t help the outlook when longtime booker Larry Trujillo left. And yet, the last year has seen probably the best run of
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Felipe Buitrago
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this Sporting Life No game goes unshown at the valley’s sports bars By Adam Murphy
N A state of post-victory euphoria, a fan wheels around, whooping and hollering as he looks for some skin from a fellow rooter. All he gets is crickets and stink eye. Finding oneself in a sports bar that’s more bar than sports is a familiar position for any fan. Atmosphere is just as important at a sports bar as food and drink are, but finding that just-right atmosphere or scene can be a painstaking process. One sports bar that feels close to perfect is Stephens Green in Mountain View, an Irish Pub that smartly combines sports-bar attitude and pub charm. The shape of Stephens Green is like an L that has been turned 180 degrees. Large paintings depicting moments in Irish history adorn
the walls just inside the entrance, but they are easily missed because the first thing that catches the eye is the array of TVs. There are TVs everywhere, and that’s not meant metaphorically. Everywhere fans turn, they get a view of a TV. Other sports bars may have a lot of TVs, but they don’t achieve that feeling of total sports immersion. Professional types just off work and casually clad fans mix freely, and they all care about the same thing—sports. Maybe it is the shape of the bar and the slapdash placement of TVs— high, low, near and far—that keep the crowd’s attention on the games. While the crowd at Stephens Green are attentive, they aren’t rowdy. But if rowdy is the goal,
then check out the Blue Chip in downtown San Jose on South First Street. This sports bar is below street level, and finding the stairs leading down to the place can be tricky. One easy way to get oriented is to listen. Yelling, pleading, cursing and laughing emanate from the Blue Chip. Sports fans here aren’t afraid to voice their feelings. The red and yellow walls are covered in sports memorabilia from the past, but the Blue Chip is all about the present. People spend just as much time standing, pointing and yelling at the TV as they do sitting. The crowd rungs to the young and often tattooed. This place is not for the faint of heart or the buttoned up. If alcohol helps lubricate the vocal cords and loosen the
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Felipe Buitrago
STICKING TO IT The Old Pro serves sports and sporting fans in Palo Alto.
tongue, Smoke Eaters (with locations on South First in San Jose and The Alameda in Santa Clara) fills the bill. The claim-to-fame for Smoke Eaters is the spicy wings, but the large TVs, college crowd and free-flowing beer make it an ideal spot to hoist a few during a game. Smoke Eaters has a laid-back vibe and seems better suited for the general sports enthusiast than the rabid fanatic, but it still gets loud enough to generate some excitement. If World Cup action is the goal, then the Britannia Arms is the destination. What better way is there to watch the World Cup than the original Brit in Cupertino? It has that requisite cramped pub feel. The location seems just right, an easily missed place tucked inside a shopping center. The smattering of posters on the walls and the case of soccer memorabilia give it an international flavor. Fans here take their football, real football, seriously. Highly mixed older crowds routinely show up here to catch soccer games. All three locations of the Brit are showing every World Cup game, even the ones starting at 4:30 in the morning. The crowd at the Old Pro in Palo Alto might not be made up of the craziest sports fans, but it is a good place to go and catch a casual game with a group of friends. This nicely decorated bar has its walls covered in old Sports Illustrated covers, and its outside area in back, in keeping with its chill demeanor, has two couches for lounging. South First Street Billiards in downtown San Jose is another down-to-earth spot. The pool hall features several TVs and a 20-foot projection screen for showing sports. The spacious hall never feels cramped, and the local artwork on the walls gives South First Street Billiard an alternative feeling that no other sports bar or pool hall can match.
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shows the club has ever had. The show featuring ex-Stooge James Williamson playing with Careless Hearts was widely lauded as the greatest Blank Club night ever, while Channel 92.3 has been bringing in acts like Passion Pit and Cage the Elephant just as they’re on the brink of music stardom. Add to that the Eric Fanali–booked Wednesday showcases which give stage time to some of the most interesting and eclectic local bands (and are still free, somehow), and it adds up to a rock club in its in heyday.
Blowfish Sushi to Die For Restaurant/Lounge 355 Santana Row, Suite 1010, San Jose; 408.345.3848. High-end sushi is dressed up with a nonstop soundtrack, TVs running anime at top volume and creative cocktails.
The Blue Chip
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Sports Bar 325 S. First St., San Jose; 408.971.2898. Finding the stairs leading down to the place can be tricky. One easy way to find the place is to listen. Yelling, pleading, cursing and laughing emanate from the Blue Chip. Sports fans here aren’t afraid to voice their feelings.
Branham Lounge Dive Bar 1116 Branham Lane, San Jose; 408.265.5525. Tuesdays are $2 night at the comfortably dark bar with the kind of heavy padded chairs that one can sink into for the evening and not even think about getting up till last call. DJs and karaoke entertain on Mondays and Thursday; Saturdays go hip-hop.
Britannia Arms Almaden Pub/Live Music 5027 Almaden Expwy., San Jose; 408.266.0550. A stalwart outpost of English bar culture for more than 20 years, the Brit Almaden pleases soccer fans with plenty of televised action and nearly a score of beers on tap. The entertainment includes DJs on Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and local bands on the weekends.
Britannia Arms Downtown Pub/Live Music 173 W. Santa Clara St., San Jose;
Bars&Clubs 408.278.1400. Britannia Arms Downtown has been a safe haven for local college students and HP Pavilion patrons alike. It boasts a full bar with 22 beers on tap and offers a robust food menu. Sports nuts are well tended to by Britannia’s many flat-screen TVs and full World Cup coverage. Happy hour is Monday-Friday 4–7pm.
Brix Nightclub Gay Bar/Dance Club 349 S. First St., San Jose; 408.947.1975. Brix is a mainstay for GLBT clubbers. There are DJs, live dancers and cabaret entertainment nightly, plus a very popular video jukebox. Earlier in the year, Brix expanded its footprint by enclosing its minipatio in order to accommodate fans who ended up waiting in line.
Buckhorn Tavern Dive Bar 3273 Sierra Road, San Jose; 408.251.3300. This bar has the relaxed, homey atmosphere and quality jukebox that constitute the best of neighborhood dives—and some serious neon signage.
Caravan Dive Bar/Live Music 98 S. Almaden Ave., San Jose; 408.995.6220. Here’s a weird thing about the Caravan: those who don’t go there sometimes complain about its “hipster” crowd. Um, sorry, but the Caravan has nothing to do with trends of any kind. These regulars have been dressing that way for 20 years, some of them. It’s just that trends have circled around to embrace the Caravan’s scruffy rock look once again. The live music’s still free and the crowd is still a blast.
The Cardinal Local Bar/Lounge 3197 Meridian Ave., San Jose; 408.269.7891. Live local rock and dance bands play on the weekends, while DJs and karaoke draw crowds on most other nights. The convenient location inside the all-night Cardinal Diner is a definite plus.
Cinebar Dive Bar 69 E. San Fernando St., San Jose; 408.292.9562. The Cinebar is another spot (see: Caravan) whose regulars now get called “hipsters” despite the fact that they’re probably the most
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Club Caribe Dance Club 1001 S. First St., San Jose; 408.297.7272. A midsize club catering to a large Mexican and Latin-dance crowd with lots of banda music and DJs. Provocative dress not required, but probably necessary to stand out, judging from the “chicas, chicas, chicas” pictures on the club’s website.
Club Max Hotel Bar 2050 Gateway Place, San Jose; 408.437.2167. The bar at the Doubletree Hotel features love cover bands and some DJs on the weekends. Closed Monday–Thursday. During the summer, the Detox pool parties host hot DJs for hot afternoons on selected Sundays.
Club Milano Dance Club 394 S. Second St., San Jose; 408.297.0607. A glitzy Vietnamese nightclub with an expansive dance floor, full-service bar and restaurant. The club offers lots of dance lessons, a salsa dance party on Thursdays and DJs most nights and even weekend afternoons. Open till 9pm weekdays and 2am weekends; closed Mondays.
Club Rodeo Music Club 610 Coleman Ave., San Jose; 408.920.0145. The Saddle Rack isn’t the only option for serious country music in the South Bay. Club Rodeo brings in a regular roster of C&W acts, often in conjunction with KRTY-FM (95.3). The club has multiple dance floors, bars, stages and even entrances. Dance lessons are offered on Wednesdays— and yes, there is a mechanical bull.
Creekside Bar/Restaurant 544 W. Alma Ave., San Jose; 408.289.9781. The prime rib helps settle the stomach before the karaoke challenges Wednesday–Saturday. The menu features lots of seafood.
Billiards/Cafe 4700 Almaden Expwy., San Jose; 408.266.7665. Pool tables augmented with a full array of extras like sports TVs, foosball, darts, happy hours with inexpensive pitches and hot dogs—plus WiFi.
The Den at Fourth Street Bowl Bar/Bowling 1441 N. Fourth St., San Jose; 408.453.5555. The alley boasts 32 lanes, some pool tables and light-show karaoke. There is a coffee shop for snackers.
Dive Bar Local Bar 78 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose; 408.288.5252. Somehow, the “Is Dive Bar a dive bar” argument has taken on a life of its own. It never ends. Well, let’s settle it right now. Of course Dive Bar is a Dive Bar, it’s called Dive Bar, after all, and it’s got all the right moves— karaoke on Wednesdays, pool tables, flocks of regulars, DJs. But then again, it’s so ... comfy. And stylish. And hip. So maybe it’s not a dive bar? Ugh, here we go again.
El Jardín Restaurant/Local Bar 386 Santana Row, San Jose; 408.246.1744. The lovely garden bar on Santana Row specializes in tequila, as well as agave drinks and a sprawling cocktail menu. A tapas-style menu of flavorful treats accompanies the list of drinks. Live music most nights and mariachis on Sunday.
The Escape Neighborhood Bar 2942 S. Bascom Ave., San Jose; 408.377.5436. Is it really an escape if the bar has WiFi access? Bars are meant for hiding, not connecting. The Escape does offer releases with Wii games, TVs and a jukebox.
Eulipia Bar/Restaurant 374 S. First St., San Jose; 408.280.6161. In the heart of the theater district, Eulipia remains, as it has for years, a purveyor of high-end cuisine supplement by a cozy bar. Larger groups can use the banquet room upstairs,
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genuinely punk-rock crowd in San Jose. Either people simply don’t know what hipster means, or the trends really have circled around to make Cinebar cool again. Well, it’s always been pretty cool—it’s been around for something like 80 years, and don’t expect it to change anytime soon.
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38 The cover of the inmate manual given to the DUI arestees when they are booked into County Jail
Duece and Don’ts N
OTHING can ruin a good night of fun on the town like being handcuffed and fingerprinted. It’s much easier to nurse a hangover when you’re not handcuffed to a chair at the Hedding Street jail. The booking photographs are generally unflatteringly lit and don’t look good in a Facebook album. As with most forms of education these days, DUIs have gotten expensive as well. Between court costs, bail bond, lawyers and higher car insurance rates, a garden variety deuce runs at least 10 grand. I think you’ll agree with me that that kind of money can be better spent on one of those hip-hop-style watches encrusted with diamonds, a set of microprocessor-controlled
LED-illuminated wheel rims or a dream vacation on Fiji’s Turtle Island. When conducting the costbenefit analysis to “I can make it home” after the third Irish car bomb, it’s worth remembering that there are cheaper and convenient alternatives to a DUI. Calling a cab or having a sober friend drive you home are among the more financially prudent choices. If you think it’s embarrassing to have to ask someone for a ride, try carrying around the automatically issued, pink, 8-1/2-by-11-inch “Order of Suspension/ Temporary Driver’s License“ instead of your confiscated wallet-size driver’s license for a month. Or having to fish your credit card out of a possessions bag to pay for lunch the next
day. Now that’s embarrassing. Even people who know all this sometimes make mistakes though. Should you flunk a field sobriety test and be hauled in, it’s important to line up your professional team. The first decision to make is whether to seek release on “own recognizance.” An official at the jail interviews inmates to determine whether they’re likely to appear at trial if released and prepares a recommendation for the judge. The good part about this is that you may not have to spend money to get out. The downside is that you’ll have to answer a bunch of personal questions. “This information may be accessible to investigators,” cautions Buffy Osti of Buffy/ Sparacino Bail Bonds, a San Jose firm that’s been bailing out locals for more than 60 years. A bond firm can shorten the jail stay and keep information private, though it usually costs 10 percent of the bail amount. The other key decision is which lawyer to use, or whether to go it alone. “Santa Clara County takes DUI arrests very seriously, particularly for multiple offenders,” says veteran criminal attorney and former prosecutor Steve Clark. “There are many long-term aspects to a DUI conviction: Insurance, driver’s license suspensions, custody time and potentially time in jail. So it’s important, even if you think you don’t have a defense, to consult with an attorney experienced in the area to guide you through the process.” The best defense, of course, is prevention, which means lining up a transportation option before having a second drink. A taxi home after a night of clubbing is the best strategy to ensure that an enjoyable night out ends that way. —Cody Pomeray
site of many a Metro editorial meeting. Closed Monday.
Fahrenheit Ultra Lounge
Dance Club/Lounge 99 San Fernando St., San Jose; 408.998.9998. High heels and gelledup hair are the uniform for weekend nights at this posh hot spot. Patrons snack on exotic cuisine, sip the latest designer concoctions and mingle in a snazzy setting. Guest music and video DJs spin regularly while beautiful people dance, flirt and lounge. During the week this swanky resting spot gets a little more creative with karaoke, college nights and drink specials.
Fairmont Lounge
Hotel Bar 170 S. Market St., San Jose; 408.998.1900. The lounge at the centerpiece downtown Fairmont Hotel caters to well-heeled business types and travelers—i.e., a good spot for as assignation swept away on a sea of martinis. Light jazz and cocktail music can be heard every night, starting at 8:30pm.
5th Quarter
Sports Bar 1373B Kooser Road, San Jose; 408.265.7033. A neighborhood sports bar with 10 TVs and a projection screen. Extras include two pool tables, three dart boards and a poker machine. Happy hour runs every weekday, 3–6pm.
Final Score
Sports Bar 1126 Saratoga Ave., San Jose; 408.296.9591. The bar dedicates itself to sports, both televised and participatory, with shuffleboard, darts and pool. Final Score also serves a basic menu of bar goodies.
Firehouse #1
Local Bar 69 N. San Pedro St., San Jose; 408.287.6969. With its fire-engine-red décor, the bar lives up to its name. For lunch, Firehouse #1 serves pub food like burgers, plus wraps and salads. The real action heats up for happy hour, which seems to extend deep into the evening.
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Felipe Buitrago
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SET THE NIGHT ON FIRE The Whiskey Avengers play Boswell’s in Campbell.
The ‘It’ City
Campbell’s thriving nightlife and successful events could be a model for the rest of the South Bay
By Steve Palopoli
N a Saturday night in Campbell, there are people spilling out into the streets in front of Katie Bloom’s, and a little further down Campbell Avenue, at Aqui’s. Dog walkers are roaming the sidewalks right next to bar hoppers. There’s a calm buzz across the four-block stretch that more or less makes up Campbell’s downtown, one that intensifies the closer you get to one of its packed nightspots. There’s nothing quite like this vibe in other South Bay communities, outside of maybe Palo Alto’s University Avenue. It’s certainly a lot different from the rhythmless, stop-and-start pulse of neighboring San Jose’s downtown scene. In fact, when one crowded table at Katie Bloom’s is asked if they ever venture into downtown San Jose themselves, a couple of them smile as if they’ve just heard a particularly funny joke. The
consensus: Not much, if at all. Surveying a very similar scene over multiple nights, the question is: What is Campbell doing right? Neal Collins, executive director of the Campbell Chamber of Commerce, thinks he has an answer. “One, it’s being consistent,” he says. “I think San Jose suffers from a lot of stop-andgo direction. Like the Pavilion, that’s a classic example. How many times has that been redone and reformulated? I think we’ve had a consistent general plan.” That plan, too, is much different from downtown San Jose’s, which often succeeds or fails based on big, name-brand events—be it the Sharks, big-name entertainment draws or special events. But rarely do people seem to be going to downtown Campbell to see something. The music at spots like Boswell’s, Khartoum or Cardiff Lounge is fairly homegrown and
usually free. “The area itself has become the destination,” says Collins. “Coming to downtown Campbell is kind of seen as affordable entertainment.” Jeff Evans, co-owner of the Campbell vinyl shop On the Corner Music, says that in his nearly three years on Campbell Avenue he’s seen the city simply outthink its neighbors in terms of drawing crowds.“I like that they have multiple street festivals during the year,” he says. “Although downtown San Jose seems to be getting back into that.” Indeed, Campbell’s three big festivals— Boogie on the Bayou (May), Big Bands and BBQ (July 17) and Oktoberfest (Oct. 16–17)—are smash successes every year. “It’s insane,” says Lauren Peetz, a sales associate at the Therapy store on Campbell Avenue who has worked during the city’s
festivals. “It’s really cool. You get the drunk people wandering in and throwing sock monkeys around, but generally, it’s fun.” Peetz attributes Campbell’s success to the way it’s set itself apart from other South Bay downtowns—not big-city, not small-town, but somewhere in the middle. “It’s got a different vibe than Los Gatos,” she says. “I think it’s more accessible to people.” The city also hosts a free summer music series and a sunset cinema series, as well as the most popular farmers market in the South Bay, and has started a First Fridays night devoted to art and music. “We’ve really tried to embrace downtown music and entertainment,” says Collins. But Evans thinks Campbell needs to seize the opportunity that its current success presents and raise the quality of the nightlife scene. “They could do a better job of really courting more arts and music,” he says. He’s had local groups like the Limousines (who recently played BFD) perform at his store, which is becoming along with Psycho Donuts one of the underground spots for interesting bands to play. “The city of Campbell kind of makes it difficult sometimes.” Evans is beginning to see downtown San Jose making that adjustment—he was blown away by the recent SubZERO Festival, and is performing at this year’s Left Coast Live with his band Dirty Pillows. Meanwhile, the city of Campbell is working on what planners call the East Campbell Master Plan, which will better connect downtown to the Pruneyard, and probably include a new parking garage. Collins sees it not so much as a competition between Campbell and San Jose, but as a time when innovation and cooperation are a must. “We all have to get creative,” he says.
Hedley Club
Lounge 97 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose; 408.892.8109. Located where Mission Ale used to be, the new Freddie J’s Bar and Lounge has two bars, a patio, DJ sounds every night and DJ Vex on the weekends. For food, don’t bother counting calories with the Philly cheesesteaks.
Local Bar/Live Music 233 W. Santa Clara St., San Jose; 408.286.1000. The art deco setting inside the Hotel De Anza cries out for a fine cocktail. This is one of the best spots in the valley to enjoy live jazz.
Garden City
Local Bar/Restaurant 301 W. St. John St., San Jose; 408.295.5414. We don’t know about the “world-famous” part—there must be people in Papua New Guinea who haven’t heard of this San Jose landmark in the funky corner building near the HP Pavilion. Certainly, it’s famous with Sharks fans. The food is stick-to-theribs barbecue, and Henry’s has a long lineup of beers on tap.
Casino/Restaurant 360 S. Saratoga Ave., San Jose; 408.244.4443. An opportunity to take a chance on the odds at card games at the refurbished institution that started back in 1947.
Giza Hookah Lounge Hookah Bar 18 N. First St., San Jose; 408.998.4622. This is the place to mellow out and listen to some underground hip-hop while smoking several interesting flavors of tobacco. The social atmosphere is very friendly and laidback, featuring a fairly young crowd. Red sheets hang from the ceiling to dim the lighting, adding to the chilled-out mood.
Goosetown Neighborhood Bar 1072 Lincoln Ave., San Jose; 408.292.4835. The Goosetown specializes in karaoke fun on the weekends. The small place comes with some big-screen TVs, a dance floor and a fireplace.
Gordon Biersch Brewery/Restaurant 33 E. San Fernando St., San Jose; 408.294.6785. The burgers, pastas and steaks are justly famous as adjuncts to the exceptional range of home-brewed beer. The outdoor patio area is open year round.
The Grapevine Wine Bar 1389 Lincoln Ave., San Jose; 408.293.7574. The Grapevine is a perfect destination for meeting up with fellow oenophiles. From reds to bubbly, Grapevine has a flight for that. Of course, one can always purchase by the glass. The eclectic wine list showcases local and European vineyards. The Grapevine also boasts has an array of salty and sweet plates.
Henry’s World Famous Hi-Life
Hookah Nites Hookah/Lounge 371 S. First St., San Jose; 408.286.0800. One of the main hookah bars in the area, located in the lively SoFA District near to clubs, art galleries and even the opera, although one wonders how much those crowds overlap. Rookies plop on the chillout couches and spark up interesting flavored tobaccos. Open till 3am on the weekends.
Ike’s Lounge Local Bar 3075 Driftwood Drive, San Jose; 408.379.7137. A low-key hangout with shuffleboard and some DJ nights. The main an occasional DJ, but the main lures are the drinks and the friendly bartenders. Open 6am to 2am.
The Improv Comedy Club 62 S. Second St., San Jose; 408.280.7475. The be-all, end-all of South Bay comedy clubs, this place is classy. How classy is it? Oh c’mon now, don’t start that. Plus, the headliners here are big, and the openers are talented Bay Area funny people who’ve worked their way up the circuit. It’s a sizable place, but the multilevel seating makes every seat on the bottom floor seem like a good one. The drinks are absolutely hideous, but you still have to buy two of them. It works out OK when somebody bombs, in general liquid lubrication is not required for the caliber of comedian the Improv usually brings to town.
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Freddie J’s
41 Felipe Buitrago
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Silicon Valley has several Japanese restaurants that boast good sake lists, but Koji is the only place that puts sake in the forefront.
Lido’s Nightclub Dance Club 30 S. First St., San Jose; 408.298.4318. An interesting mix defines the upstairs/ downstairs word of Lido’s: some ballroom dancing, a sprinkling of drag acts and Vietnamese DJs.
Linda’s Light Rail
MIX MASTER Cache Bouren serves up a classic at San Jose’s new speakeasy, Single Barrel.
Single Barrel
43. W. San Salvador St., San Jose; 408.792.7356. Open daily from 5am to 2pm. Bartender Cache Bouren makes you want to drink. Not drink to get drunk, but to appreciate the art, history and science that goes into a well-crafted cocktail. Bouren and business partner Joe Gradillas own Single Barrel, a speakeasy-style bar behind (and underneath) the Agenda in what used to be the Cellar. There’s no sign outside, just a single oak barrel hung on the brick wall. The Singe Barrel posts a chalkboard menu of just 10 classic cocktails for $10 each. Ramos fizz. English cosmopolitan. Mai tai. Gin and whisky drinks are especially well done here. Bouren’s laboriously constructed old-fashioned (made with just sugar, bitters, soda water, lemon, whiskey and one large spherical cube of ice) gives one a new appreciation for this great American cocktail.
Jack’s Bar Neighborhood Bar 167 E. Taylor St., San Jose; 408.287.5225. A neighborhood dive bar with some improvements, like real bathrooms, flatpanel HDTVs and a sleek bar. Bonus points for the old-school neon sign.
JJ’s Blues Live Music 3439 Stevens Creek Blvd., San Jose; 408.243.6441. JJ’s is like the Terminator of blue music—it won’t stop. Though they tend to stick more now to a network of favorites they built up over the years, along with some top Bay Area talent who drop by regularly, this
is still the uncontested official home of the blues in the South Bay. There’s music seven days a week, most often, and audiences party till midnight and beyond, even on school nights.
Johnny V’s Live Music 31 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose; 408.947.8470. The much-beloved downtown venue for live-music returns with a full roster of bands.
Koji Sake Lounge Lounge 48 S. First St., San Jose; 408.287.7199.
Dive Bar 1336 N. First St., San Jose; 408.453.5326. The beer selection is easy on the wallet and microwaveable eats on the cheap are available. Regulars and twentysomething dive bar-lovers sit side-by-side nursing brews and passing the time.
Loft Bar and Bistro Restaurant/Local Bar 90 S. Second St., San Jose; 408.291.0677. Since several of the truly cosmopolitan spots like Paragon went away, San Jose has been hard up for that big-city drinking experience. But Loft does pretty well by it, without all the ultralounge frou-frou and disco glitz. DJs spin for dancing on the weekends starting fashionably late at 10:30pm; live jazz can be heard on Thursdays. .
Mac’s Club Gay Bar/Local Bar 39 Post St., San Jose; 408.288.8221. The venerable gay club caters to a crowd of regulars with friendly bartenders and a mellow atmosphere. The hidden, nocover bar is a favorite stop for happyhour rounds and a game of darts.
Mezcal Restaurant/Bar 25 W. San Fernando St., San Jose; 408.283.9595. The stylish bar at San Jose’s appropriately named Mezcal restaurant boasts the premier list of the stuff in Silicon Valley.
Miami Beach Club Dance Club 417 S. First St., San Jose; 408.242.9621. Lots of DJ action keeps the dance floor busy. The club serves the South Bay’s Latin salsa scene, and offers free lessons.
Bars&Clubs Mosaic
Restaurant/Lounge 211 S. First St., San Jose; 408.282.8888. Although Mosaic Restaurant & Lounge is located inside the Hotel Montgomery, don’t expect a typical hotel bar. Locals who enjoy fine cocktails have a special place in their hearts for this San Jose hotel bar and its selection of nearly 100 premium vodkas, wide variety of fine wines and large choice of beers, both domestic and imported.
Motif Lounge 389 S. First St., San Jose; 408.279.1888. An eye-catching, light-bedazzled two-story venue with a full restaurant, two bars, DJs and an amazing glass installation comprising thousands of pieces of black obsidian. The entertainment defines the ultralounge style with splashy visiting DJs and a dress code mandating chicness.
O’Flaherty’s Pub 25 N. San Pedro St., San Jose; 408.947.8007. The bar, true to its roots, hosts Irish folk music on Sundays and Tuesdays, prides itself on the way it produces just the right head on a Guinness and shows soccer games. The menu includes Irish-themed dishes like the Sean O’Casey and the Connaught Delight. The bar is currently doing some reconstruction but is still open.
Old Wagon Saloon Restaurant/Bar 73 N. San Pedro St., San Jose; 408.971.9346. There is nothing old about the Old Wagon Saloon. Inside everything is shiny and new, and the high ceilings give the whole place a very open feel. Flatscreen TVs litter the walls, just like back in the days of Jesse James, so that a plethora of sports can entertain those that don’t want to be social.
Original Joe’s Restaurant Local Bar 301 S. First St., San Jose; 408.292.7030. Since its renovation, Original Joe’s looks more sophisticated than ever, this is true. But did most people notice? OJ’s is a downtown institution, and we’d go there for pasta at midnight even if they redesigned the place as a giant cardboard box. It’s the collective buzz of late-night citygoers either getting their buzz on or trying
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Park Lane Lounge 5152 Moorpark Ave., San Jose; 408.257.6738. Park Lane, after a big remodel, now boasts a new look, plus eight HDTVs, a jukebox and a pool table.
Patty’s Inn Neighborhood Bars 102 S. Montgomery St., San Jose; 408.998.4566. This dark little dive bar near HP Pavilion gets packed with a lively crowd of Sharks fans before and after games. It’s also popular with commuters waiting for Caltrain.
Pearl Ultra Lounge 8 S. First St., San Jose; 408.279.4444. The DJs bump music all night for clubbers to dance the night away, but Pearl still has the occasional wallflowers just there to watch. The pastel-colored interior features lights, lasers and flat screen TVs that would mesmerize any partygoer. Ushaped VIP tables are also provided.
A Perfect Finish Lounge/Wine Bar 55 S. First St., San Jose; 408.288.6000. This elegant and spacious place for after-dinner drinks features an extensive wine list as well as a full bar and flights of not just wine but also bourbon, whiskey and other liquors.
The Pink Poodle Adult 328 S. Bascom Ave., San Jose; 408.292.3685. A palace of long standing devoted to the glorification of females of scant attire.
The Place Neighborhood Bar 1058 S. First St., San Jose; 408.297.3473. Boasting the longest bar in downtown San Jose, the Place stretches an entire block from First to Second street.
Poor House Bistro Live Music 91 S. Autumn St., San Jose; 408.29. BLUES. New Orleans food is the perfect accompaniment to the regular slate of live blues bands that show up
Wednesday–Sunday. The patio is just right for munching on a po-boy.
Redi Room Dive Bar 4340 Moorpark Ave., San Jose; 408.257.7770. The drinks are reasonably priced, which helps people loosen up for the pool table and dart board. Prime rib is only $11 on Tuesdays.
Rosie McCann’s Irish Pub 355 Santana Row, Suite 1060, San Jose; 408.247.1706. Silicon Valley is well served with Irish pubs, of which Rosie’s is a proud component. In addition to the Irish standards, the bar also serves such alcoholic whimsy as the Lychee Martini, the Flirtini (don’t ask) and the Hpnotiq Passion. DJs provide music on the weekends.
Sabor Dance Club/Lounge 72 N. Almaden Ave., San Jose; 408.287.1737. Sabor (meaning “taste” in Spanish) treats clubbers in style. When Ashley Lindley of Real World DC came to the valley, this is where she held court. The long patio entrance has its own bar and covered area. Inside is a bar that wraps around into the VIP room. Sabor has a two-DJ capacity that allows for a variety of musical styles.
San Jose Bar and Grill Local Bar/Sports Bar 85 S. Second St., San Jose; 408.286.2397. Beer Pong has aspired to actual league championships, and San Jose Bar and Grill is the place to marvel at the phenomenon. Lots of televised sports are supplemented with grill food and live video mixing.
Sino Restaurant/Lounge 377 Santana Row, San Jose; 408.247.8880. Done up in sexy red and black colors with plush, melt into your seat and couches, Sino’s bar offers an experience in sensual sipping. Look for the bar’s signature cocktails like citrus lemondrop and lychee sangria.
South First Billiards Local Bar/Live Music 420 S. First St., San Jose; 408.294.7800.
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to eat their way out of it, the waiters’ slightly surly, super-professional attitude, the giant portions. OJ’s is real city life, San Jose style.
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45 South First Billiards has made moves to change its look and crowd over the years, which is all fine and good. But for a lot of SoFA regulars, it’s still just a cool little spot to get a beer and shoot some pool. The tables are sleek and plentiful, and they have ping pong now, too. For the lounge experiences, there’s—well, a lounge, for starters, as well as upscale cocktails, DJs and sometimes live music.
Stanley’s Sports Bar 1500 S. 10th St., San Jose; 408.279.6000.The bar deploys 13 flatscreen TVs for maximum sports covers. This is the place for adult-league sports teams to gather.
Straits Restaurant Restaurant/Lounge 333 Santana Row, Suite 100, San Jose; 408.246.6320. Straits Restaurant offers a mixture of fine dining and clubbing, with Singaporean fusion menu and a smorgasbord of top end alcohol. Wednesdays bring karaoke, and Thursdays and Fridays are when the place gets jam packed with a DJ-craving crowd. Later this summer, Straits will have its grand reopening for what will be a newly renovated and expanded lounge and restaurant area.
Tanq Restaurant 301 S. Market St., San Jose; 408.600.1965. Located on the ground floor of the San Jose Marriott Hotel, Tanq adds a splash of big city swank to San Jose’s bar scene . This sleek nightspot is rising as a sexy, see-and-be-seen destination, attracting everyone from local socialites to hotel guests.
Temple Bar & Lounge Lounge/Live Music 52 S. First St., San Jose; 408.288.8518. The well-appointed bar hosts a number of DJ nights in multiple genres.
Toons Dance Club 52 E. Santa Clara St., San Jose; 408.292.7464. The popular downtown club services the dance crowd with an ever-changing roster of DJ and dance nights. The club also has a pool table for those who don’t feel the need to show off their groove skills on the dance floor.
Bars&Clubs Touchdown Tommy’s
Sports Bar 5837 Camden Ave., San Jose; 408.723.9981. A haven for sports fans, full of football and other sports memorabilia. For nonjocks, the bar keeps a pool and shuffleboard table in house.
Tres Gringos Baja Cantina Local Bar 83 S. Second St., San Jose; 408.278.9888. A popular destination for college-age bar hoppers looking for a rowdy good time. Outfitted with Mexican vacation décor, it serves reasonably priced drinks, leaving enough change left over to nab a taco from the stand outside.
Trials Pub Local Bar/Restaurant 265 N. First St., San Jose; 408.947.0497. Good food, cozy atmosphere and lots of beers on tap. It’s no wonder Metro readers named it their favorite pub in 2007.
The V-Bar Lounge 355 Santana Row, San Jose; 408.551.0010. Much more than just a convenient place to drink in Santana Row, V-Bar defines the district’s swank. On any given night, one can spot Silicon Valley socialites looking to mingle over martinis while decompressing after a long day doing at the office. Those lucky enough to snag a seat by the bar can watch the game on one of the flat-screen TVs.
Vahl’s Restaurant 1513 El Dorado, Alviso; 408.262.0731. Vahl’s has changed little since it opened in 1941, and that’s a good thing. The menu reminds us of the days before gourmet restaurants littered the South Bay. The bar serves drinks the way one’s father (hell, grandfather) liked them, straight up and without a fancy suffix. Rumor has it, that there is now karaoke on the weekends.
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The Willow Den 805 Lincoln Ave, San Jose; 408.271.1880. The Den opened March 17 just in time for the St. Paddy’s Day celebration. The Den offers a full bar, two pool tables, shuffleboard, and seven TVs tuned to sports. There is also a stage for live bands and a dance floor. Currently, they are still in the process of booking bands, but long term they hope for nightly entertainment.
Camp bell Boswell’s Local Bar/Live Music 1875 S. Bascom Ave., in the Pruneyard, Campbell; 408.371.4404. Those who haven’t been to Boswell’s may have at least seen crowds of hipsters hanging out next to Camera 7. If they’re drinking lattes or working on a laptop, they belong to Coffee Society. If they’re smoking, talking loudly on a cell phone and in general lubricated, that’s the Boswell’s crowd. There’s nothing subtle about the Boswell’s experience, but it’s a pretty damn fun place to spend a night out. Tuesdays are still the crowning jewel, with karaoke that is as much about the packed-in crowd as the would-be vocalists and air-guitar riffers onstage. Other nights, there’s live music.
Restaurant/Local Bar 1710 W. Campbell Ave., in the Kirkwood Plaza, Campbell; 408.374.5777. Capers is a casual eatery and sports bar dominated by a huge horseshoe-shape bar dispensing wines, cocktails and beers. TVs are visible from every seat in the house for sports fans to watch their teams on, and the food exceeds average bar fare. Capers also offers live music on most weekends and a happy hour Monday through Thursday, 3–7pm.
Cardiff Lounge Dance Club/Lounges 260 E. Campbell Ave., Campbell; 408.374.7477. House music has faded among the trendy, but the Cardiff Lounge crowd remain true believers. The Cardiff remains the crème de la crème of Campbell’s clubbing scene, with house DJs spinning throughout the week.
Coach’s Sports Bar 2240 S. Winchester Blvd., Campbell; 408.379.2654. All the basics of a corner sports bar are covered: TVs, a pool table and caloric snacks.
Court’s Lounge Neighborhood Bar 2425 S. Bascom Ave., Campbell; 408.559.9880. With 32 years of experience, Court’s courts dart tossers (with league action and competitions), pool players and pinball lovers. All these activities draw large very casual crowds ranging widely in age.
Effie’s Restaurant/Lounge 331 W. Hacienda Ave., Campbell; 408.374.3400. Effie’s has slicked—and sleeked—up, with lots of blue and rose recessed lighting, plus some new TVs for enhanced sports viewing. The wine list is comparatively compact but well balanced and decently priced. The restaurant serves all three meals, and B&S karaoke takes over on Tuesday–Saturday.
The Garrett Restaurant/Sports 1777 S. Bascom Ave., Campbell; 408.559.7930. A casual, family-friendly pizza-and-burger place with televised sports, beer on tap. The bar’s history
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VooDoo Lounge Dance Club/Lounge 14 S. Second St., San Jose; 408.286.8636. Making its name as the little club that could, VooDoo Lounge evolved from a reliable home for the punk and metal scenes to a real rock contender, drawing in national touring acts and treating them well enough that they want to come back. They still host local bands of all stripes, though, while a full bar offers high-end cocktails and tall cans of PBR side by side. No one who cares about music can afford to go too long without checking VooDoo’s schedule.
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Bars&Clubs stretches back to the 1970s, when in an earlier incarnation it hosted some notable regional musical acts.
Grand Dell Saloon Live Music 1040 Dell Avenue, Campbell; 408.378.3970. The Grand Dell Saloon has quietly stepped into the blues scene, with a jam on Thursday and bands on Friday and Saturday. It’s already drawn a crowd of regulars and become known for a down-to-earth neighborhood vibe, a good spot for conversation (except when the bands are on) and a place to catch the game on one of many TVs.
Katie Bloom’s Irish Pub 369 E. Campbell Ave., Campbell; 408.379.9687. Another of Silicon Valley’s proud roster of Irish pubs. Good brews at all hours and music later in the evening make this more than just a once-a-year St. Patrick’s Day must.
Khartoum Local Bar 300 Orchard City Drive, Campbell; 408.379.6340. There’s no excuse for being bored at Khartoum, what with opportunities for beer pong, trivia games and karaoke with stalwart DJ Davey K.
Rock Bottom Brewery Brewery/Restaurant 1875 S. Bascom Ave., in the Pruneyard, Campbell; 408.377.0707. With its deep booths and mazelike layout, it’s not hard to get lost at Rock Bottom Brewery. Every pocket of available space is usually full, overflowing with a young crowd nearly every night. Microbrew lovers keep coming back for the Rock Bottom’s standard and select specialty brews on tap, freshly procured on-site. The food runs to standard American cuisine.
Sonoma Chicken Coop Restaurant/Brewery 200 E. Campbell Ave., Campbell; 408.866.2699. The Campbell chapter of the Sonoma Chicken Coop boasts its own brewery because sometimes when you want to eat a whole chicken you want a beer that is made on the premises. The Campbell location is large and has happy hour specials and the occasional live music. The everyman vibe is filled out with a full bar, TV screens
49 playing sports and an outside patio.
Tessora’s Barra di Vino Wine Bar 1875 S. Bascom Ave., Campbell; 408.626.7711. A fun, noisy, little square of a place. Tessora’s supplements its wine with live music and two-page menu of food and homemade desserts are enticing. One can sit inside where there’s a bit of a buffer between the music playing outside. Tessora’s also offers a small list of nonalcoholic items and beer.
Cuper tino Alexander’s Steakhouse Restaurant/Lounge 10330 N. Wolf Road, Cupertino; 408.446.2222. As befits an upper-end steakhouse, Alexander’s draws a crowd of business and professional types with expensive tastes. The well-annotated wine list is well matched to the Asianinfluenced and American entrees. The sleek bar area with its cozy fireplace and view of all the coming and going is popular for pre-dinner martinis.
Blue Pheasant Restaurant/Local Bar 22100 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino; 408.255.3300. The restaurant serves America cuisine. The evenings fill up for DJ dancing. The club, which got rolling in 1974, is close to the Black Berry Farm Golf Course. It benefits from lots of on-site parking that spills out onto Stevens Creek Boulevard in the Monte Vista part of Cupertino.
Britannia Arms British Pub/Live Music 1087 S. De Anza Blvd., Cupertino; 408.252.7262. The original of the mini– Britannia Empire. A bit smaller than the downtown and Almaden Brits, the Cupertino outlet owes much of its conviviality to its intimate scale. The beer selection is outstanding, and it is a mainstay of soccer fans throughout the valley. Live bands hold forth on most weekend evenings, and there are regular karaoke nights, open-mic
Duke of Edinburgh Brit Pub/Irish Pub 10801 N. Wolfe Road, Cupertino; 408.446.3853. The Duke aims for authenticity in its architectural details, assembled with help from an English pub maker and fashioned in the Old Country—the result is an interior dark and cozy with richly patterned wallpaper.
Park Place Restaurant/Lounge 10050 S. De Anza Blvd., Cupertino; 408.873.1000. American cuisine and a solid wine list dovetail smartly with a long open stretch of bar, which serves happy specials daily from 4:30 to 6:30pm. For drinkers with a taste for liberal naming policies, the bar serves “Sweetinis” like the Gingerlicious.
Paul and Eddie’s Monta Vista Inn Local Bar 21619 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino; 408.252.2226. Paul and Eddie’s roots go all the way back to the 1950s, which accounts for some of the old timey décor. The bar hosts a gold tournament, a ribs cookoff and pool leagues. Sports show on a half-dozen flat screens. The bar serves just sky of a dozens varieties of beer on tap.
Ringing Ten Lounge 20990 Homestead Road, Cupertino; 408.255.5700. The lounge inside Homestead Lounge serves draft and bottled beer and serious mixed drinks. For diversion beyond the busting of pins, there are TVs showing sports, karaoke nights and an arcade room. Young bands on the way up sometimes perform as well.
Fremont milpitas Goose Looney’s Neighborhood Bar 38 N. Main St., Milpitas; 408.262.0199.
A great place for karaoke on Wednesdays, Goose Looney’s digs deep in the musical past (well, OK, the ’60s and ’70s) for its Old School DJ nights. Beers go on special Mondays, followed by tequila drinks on Tuesday.
Mojo Lounge Lounge/Live Music 3714 Peralta Blvd., Fremont; 510.739.1028. Bands play ThursdaysSaturdays, leaning in the direction of bar blues. The décor runs to the retrowhimsical with an old-fashioned jukebox and ’50s cocktail-glass graphics.
Saddle Rack Dance Club/Live Music 42011 Boscell Road, Fremont; 510.979.0477. The famous and capacious country-music emporium keeps a raucous crowd busy with line-dancing lessons, DJs and a regular rotation of live bands (the California Cowboys most notably) Wednesdays–Saturdays. Now and again, bigger names perform (Montrose, for instance). Cowboy hats not essential, but a good idea.
Los Altos First and Main Sports Lounge Sports Bar 397 Main St., Los Altos; 650.949.1380. More than a dozen large TVs cover all sports broadcasts. As befits its function, First and Main displays sports memorabilia to put people in the mood; members of the 49ers have been known to drop by. Basics like burgers and sandwiches are available for lunch and dinner, and the bar ramps up a bit with wine and even single-malt Scotches. Free WiFi for multitaskers.
Los Altos Grill Restaurant/Bar/Lounge 233 Third St., Los Altos; 650.948.3524. Part of the high-end Hillstone group, the grill features wood-fired rotisserie dishes backed by a strong wine list. The sleek open interior is anchored by a large U-shaped bar.
Carry Nation’s
Local Bar/Restaurant 101 Plaza North, Los Altos; 650.917.8777. Local as well as foreign beers (as familiar as Corona and exotic as Xingu from Brazil) and ales are available at the large bar. The menu hews to basics like burgers, fish and chips and potato skins. One of the big draws during good weather is the covered outdoor seating.
Local Bar 8 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos; 408.354.1771. Named after the most fervent battle-ax of the temperance movement, Carry Nation’s is a major draw in downtown Los Gatos. The vibe is casual, the crowd diverse. The bartenders have a well-deserved reputation for quality mixing.
Los Gatos
#1 Broadway Local Bar/Live Music 102B S. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos; 408.354.4303. Live music dominates at the very popular Los Gatos bar, with local bands making regular appearance every Thursday–Saturday. J.C. Smith jams the blues on Wednesdays, and Cece runs comedy night on Sundays.
Black Watch Local Bar/Dive Bar 141-1/2 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos; 408.354.2200. Black Watch is Los Gatos’ version of a working-class bar, which isn’t all that working-class, of course, but it’s definitely the first choice in LG. A long wooden bar stretches down the room, while a flattering red glow is cast from the lighting above.
Boulevard Tavern Local Bar 15043 Los Gatos Blvd., Los Gatos; 408.358.0774. For Los Gatos, this is as divey as it gets. The bartenders are friendly and the drinks will not overly tax the wallet. And the popcorn is free.
C.B. Hannegan’s Pub 208 Bachman Ave., Los Gatos; 408.395.1233. The perfect place to savor a really good dram of Scottish single-malt whisky. The bar serves more than 60 kinds of whisky imported from all over Scotland. Hannegan’s serves generous portions of beer as well, to go with the pub menu.
Wine Bar 368 Village Lane, Los Gatos; 408.354.8006. Far from a typical wine bar, Cin-Cin always seems to do everything better. The most recent example is the extended happy hour, which runs 46pm Monday-Saturday. Other places might do the bare minimum, tossing a few basic appetizers on the menu and discounting their so-so drinks. Not at Cin-Cin, which offers specials on many of their best culinary selections and deals on ridiculously good wines. It’s the best Happy Hour in town, hands down. Just as unique is the interior of recycled glass, bamboo and reclaimed black walnut.
Double D’s Sports Bar/Local Bar 354 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos; 408.395.6882. Lots of game options, televised sports and a full menu of pasta, pizzas and burgers has made Double D’s one of the most sought-after sports bars in the valley.
Los Gatos Brewing Company Brewery/Restaurant 130-G N. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos; 408.395.9929. Pub food is usually way more pub than food, but Los Gatos Brewing Company has one-upped the traditional concept with a standout menu. Combine that with the warm tones and intimate booths of the interior, and LGBC is that rare spot appropriate for taking dates, parents, fellow sports fans.
Los Gatos Lodge Bar and Grill/Local Bar 50 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road, Los Gatos; 408.354.3300. The menu runs from the accessible to the upscale, and the look seems more on the classic side than the funky vibe this place was said to have in the ’60s.
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sessions and jazz jams. The menu tips its bowler to England with a variety of fish and chips options.
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51 Mountain Charley’s
Dance Club/Live Music 15 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos; 408.395.8880. History runs deep at Mountain Charley’s, a saloon named about Mountain Charley McKiernan, one of the pioneer settlers in the Santa Cruz Mountains, known for facing down a grizzly and living to tell about. Thursdays are Throwback Nights for music nostalgics.
Steamer’s Grillhouse
Restaurant/Lounge 31 University Ave., Los Gatos; 408.395.2722. With an excellent seafood menu and a strong martini list, Steamer’s is a prime upscale exemplar of the Los Gatos lifestyle. The spacious lounge area is regularly packed with well-dressed folks starting out their evening with a creative cocktail.
Three Degrees
Restaurant/Lounge 140 S. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos; 408.395.7070. Located at the Toll House Hotel, Three Degrees is elegant and sophisticated without making a fuss. The restaurant specializes in California cuisine of the highest caliber, with a full selection of chic cocktails.
Tommy’s of Los Gatos
Sports Bar/Local Bar/ Restaurant 532 N. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos; 408.395.6908. Best known as Johnny’s Northside Grill under owner Johnny Mesa, this spot has had many lives. Not much has changed, though. It still features a well-stocked bar, and lots of TVs for sports fans.
Willow Street Pizza
Local Bar/Restaurant 20 S. Santa Cruz Ave., Los Gatos; 408.354.5566. Pizza places are usually geared toward kids, but Willow Street has elevated the concept immeasurably, and become a smashing success doing so. It’s certainly family-friendly, especially the patio, but the sports-bar accessories pack in the fans, and the ambiance is just sophisticated enough to make it a favorite hang-out spot for adults.
Wine Cellar
Local Bar/Restaurant 50 University Ave., Los Gatos; 408.354.4808. Like a secret underground base of culture, the Wine Cellar has been a favorite romantic spot in Los Gatos for years. More recently, the stylish digs, outstanding food and fantastic drinks have been drawing in younger nightlifers seeking their own sips of the sophisticated life.
View Alberto’s
Latin Dance Club 736 W. Dana St., Mountain View; 650.968.3007. The palace of Latin dance remains the main spot for salsa, cha cha cha bachata and even tango fans. And for those who wish they could move like that, the club offers plenty of lessons, often with live bands.
Dance Club/Restaurant 400 Castro St., Mountain View; 650.940.9500. Cascal is the first and last name in tapas south of San Francisco. Owner Don Durante has an encyclopedic knowledge of all the right dishes and international wines. On top of that, this place is a party. It’s big and spacious and still usually packed. The full bar and extensive wine list make Cascal one of the only places in the South Bay where you can get a good caipirinha, the national drink of Brazil.
King of Clubs
Gay Club/Dance Club 893 Leong Dr., Mountain View; 650.968.6366. A friendly destination on the valley’s gay and lesbian dance scene. Karaoke on Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays with Bruce. Tuesday is Goth night; Friday night is reserved for Latin sounds.
Molly MaGees
Irish Pub 241 Castro St., Mountain View; 650.961.0108. St. Patrick’s Day, sure, but Molly MaGees keeps busy all the time
650.969.4847. The large dance floor features DJs most night, with guest spinners showing up for Celebrity Saturdays. The Asian-themed décor and lighting aim for quality glitz, and dressing to the nines is de rigueur.
Office Bar Dive Bar 820 E. El Camino Real, Mountain View; 650.969.2098. A dive bar with karaoke, pinball, pool table and jukebox. That just about covers it. The lack of windows enables the kind of privacy that is a big selling point as local watering holes like this.
St. Stephen’s Green Irish Pub/Restaurant 223 Castro St., Mountain View; 650.964.9151. A fully loaded bar containing all the necessary brews and a food menu containing all the right pub foods? Check. A killer happy hour and 10 TVs for sports? Check and check. A two-level dance floor, laser light show and themed dance nights? Check, check and check.
Savvy Cellars Wine Bar 750 W. Evelyn Ave., Mountain View; 650.969.3958. Newcomer Savvy Cellars is a proponent of the “try before you buy” policy. The wine bar offers more than 25 organic wines by the glass, a lineup of many 90-point wines for tasting pleasure as well as a selection of small bites and desserts.
Tied House Brewery/Restaurant 954 Villa St., Mountain View; 650.965.2739. The award-winning brewery offers crafted beers and quality pub food. Tied House also broadcasts baseball games all summer long. Thursdays, half pints can be had for a mere dollar from 8pm on.
Xanh Restaurant Bar/Restaurant 110 Castro St., Mountain View; 650.964.1888. A nicely separated bar inside the Vietnamese restaurant mixes distinctive cocktails that are sophisticated without being fussy.
PaloAlto Menlo park Redwood City
Antonio’s Nut House Local Bar 321 S. California Ave., Palo Alto; 650.321.2550. The neon beer signs and the caged gorilla are good indicators that Antonio’s is not putting on airs. The well-worn look suits the regulars, who come for the drinks, the foosball, the pool table and the Mexican dishes and burgers served up at the adjoining Azteca Taqueria. Look for lots of college students unwinding on the weekends.
B4Twelve Bistro/Lounge 412 Emerson St., Palo Alto; 650.326.7183. The bistro serves new American dishes in an elegant setting both inside and out. The hip mood at the lounge is underscored with DJs spinning house music and VIP bottle service. A new feature is Sushi Randy’s Sushi Sundays with progressive jazz.
British Bankers Club Lounge 1090 El Camino Real, Menlo Park; 650.327.8769. Aptly located in a historic bank building, the Bankers Club aims for a classic leather and heavy patina look, but the crowd ranges well beyond the stiff-upper-lip set. The club hosts all sorts of eclectic events, from fashion shows to jazz brunches, along with karaoke, DJ nights and even World Cup coverage, starting at the unspeakable hour of 4:30am.
Zen Lounge Dance Club 251 Castro St., Mountain View;
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with pool tables, sports TV and Guinness on tap. A regular round of resident DJs includes Adam Cova, D-Roc, Menace and JunBug. Happy hour flows every day, 4–6:30pm, with specials on beer and mixed drinks.
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53 Dan Brown’s Lounge/Sports Bar 4141 El Camino Real, Palo Alto; 650.493.9020. The raucous sports bar fills up with fans glued to sports channels. The back half also has three pool tables, a pinball machine and an air hockey table. Happy hour runs every day 4–6pm and 10pm–midnight; Thursday are karaoke nights; DJs spin Friday– Saturday starting at 9pm.
Deseo Tequila Lounge 851 Main St., Redwood City; 650.366.1333. As the name proclaims and the well-stocked wall of bottles backs up, Deseo satisfies the highend needs of tequila drinkers, with a full selection of blanco, reposado and añejo. The club offers salsa lessons and dancing to coincide with the Jazz on Main series during the summer in downtown Redwood City.
Empire Grill And Tap Room Local Bar/Restaurant 651 Emerson St., Palo Alto; 650.321.3030. The pickings for outdoor brunch in these parts always seem to be slim, but there are some gems tucked away throughout Silicon Valley, and this is one of them. The garden patio is lush, the mimosas free-flowing and the bacon always crisp. Upscale without being prohibitively pricey, Empire Grill and Tap Room combines a smart cocktail lounge with a casual restaurant inside.
Gordon Biersch Brewery/Restaurant 640 Emerson St., Palo Alto; 650.323.7723. A good spot for handcrafted brews and some outstanding food, especially the garlic fries. The original location of the brewery serves brunch as well as lunch and dinner and even offers a wine menu for people unclear on the concept.
The Hanky Panky Adult 2651 El Camino Real, Redwood City; 650.366.4031. A plain exterior belies the heated action inside at this exoticdance club with a full roster of pole dancers. Pool for those who tire of the main attraction.
Bars&Clubs Illusions Supper Club
Restaurant/Lounge 260 S. California Ave., Palo Alto; 650.321.6447. The dining area is light and elegant with burnished wood accents and a curved bar. The club plays host to club nights, including Klub Ice, geared toward youth 14 to 18 and Ascend Thursdays with guest DJs. Fridays are given over to salsa dancing alternating with Fuz, an LGBT night.
La Bodeguita Del Medio Local Bar/Restaurant 463 California Ave., Palo Alto; 650.326.7762. This Cuban restaurant and bar has a strong selection of rums (used to make an array of mojitos) and wines. For the literary minded, there’s always the Hemingway Cocktail. For cigar lovers, there is the Cigar Divan.
Lavanda Wine Bar/Restaurant 185 University Ave., Palo Alto; 650.321.3514. The dark expanse of mahogany has a regal feel with a sophisticated charm at Lavanda. When asked for the wine list, the bartender brings out a three-ring binder. No modesty here: the list has earned Lavanda the Wine Spectator “Award of Excellence” for the past five years..
Martins West British Pub 831 Main St., Redwood City; 650.366.4366. Pub fare comes into the 21st century, thanks to the cutting-edge cooking of chef Michael Dotson who adds a California twist to tradition fare. The bar is strong in Scotches, whiskeys and farmhouse ales.
Melt Lounge/Dance Club 544 Emerson St., Palo Alto; 650.325.6358. The extravagant décor fits with the ultra lounge aesthetic, not to mention DJ music on two levels and tony table service.
Old Pro Sports Bar/Local Bar 541 Ramona St., Palo Alto; 650.326.1446. A good spot to settle in for games; the Old Pro has plenty of
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Felipe Buitrago
UPCOMING Mike Hamod aims to be the valley’s club king.
Wet Remix The city’s most popular nightclub prepares to reopen
IKE HAMOD, the city’s most ambitious club owner, sits in the office of his downtown club, WET. He is only 28 years old with a close cropped haircut and beard, dressed in a hoodie, T-shirt and jeans (not just any jeans—Rock & Republic jeans, and everything as crisp and new as if direct from the factory), and has the composure of someone older. His accent—Hamod is SyrianLebanese—also gives him a slightly Old World air, but the only things that excite him are what’s new. “It’s new everything,” he says of the WET remodel. “New VIP
areas, new color scheme, new bars, new water features, new bathrooms. Nothing of the old club is remaining.” WET will complete its shed and regeneration with a grand reopening on June 26. Hamod also hopes to give the Vault, the bankrupted ultralounge on Santa Clara Street, a similar treatment—new name, new brand, new look. Then there’s a restaurant concept for downtown that’s so new he won’t even discuss it (possibly high-end sushi?). Oh, and there’s the supper club in Orange County (opening December) and
the restaurant in the luxurious condominium high rise Escala in Seattle. It’s an impressive empire Hamod is amassing, but one that hasn’t come without controversy. While he dreams of putting downtown San Jose on the entertainment map along with San Francisco, New York and Miami, one man’s dream is another man’s nightmare. “Obviously, San Jose and nightlife is a very sensitive subject. There’s a lot of the venues that come and go, a lot of problems,” he says. The club has been closed for two months due to a license suspension but successfully avoided permanent closure after it challenged the constitutionality of the police chief ’s right to revoke an entertainment permit. Hamod was raised in a family with a portfolio of industrial interests—wallpaper, adhesives, sheetrock—across Syria and Lebanon. He moved to Emerald Hills, Calif., in 1999 as a teenager, after a well-traveled childhood—he draws much of his club-design influence from the venues he saw on trips to Paris, Milan, North Africa, Beirut and New York. “I’ve seen a lot and I learned a lot,” he says. “It helped having the ideas and having a large imagination. That’s why when I saw San Jose and the potential as a city, it was just beautiful, because it’s such a fresh and new downtown.” After completing a degree at San Jose State in finance and marketing and working as a concert promoter in San Francisco, Hamod pooled his assets and opened WET nightclub in 2008. The 16,000-square-foot waterthemed club—complete with a live shark tank—was a success, lines wrapping the block at 7pm before performances by top tier talent like DJ AM and Travis Barker, Jermaine Dupri and appearances by Carmen Electra and Kim Kardashian. Hamod says he makes a point to show up to the airport with top-ofthe-line SUVs and handlers in suits for his high profile acts—the A-
level treatment in a D-level market, as he puts it. He has emails from Dupri at three in the morning after his set, asking to make monthly appearances at WET. The club employs 200 people with an inhouse staff of promoters. But WET also drew a lot of unwanted attention. Hamod admits he was not well versed in the political history of the area and he opened in an environment where many club owners felt persecuted by police. After several summons to the club for fights, Police Chief Rob Davis used a powerful and ambiguously written entertainment ordinance to shut the club down in fall 2009. “It was a big hit financially. Did I learn from it? One hundred percent,” he says. “Was it maybe too harsh? I believe so.” Hamod closed for a month to revamp his security, but he also brought a lawsuit claiming the city’s entertainment ordinance was a violation of First Amendment rights. Though it was thrown out by a federal judge, City Attorney Richard Doyle says the city amended the ordinance soon after. “Even after it was thrown out, we thought, we probably need to clarify things,” says Doyle. Even though the pared down ordinance might be considered a victory for the clubbing industry, Hamod only wants to discuss his commitment to partnering with the city and the police. “I had to learn that I had to conversate more with people from the city, politically, let them know what we’re doing,” he says. In order to address concerns from the city, Hamod has changed his bottle service policy—all VIP bottle services come with a personal bartender, rather than letting patrons pour for themselves—and Hamod is eagerly eyeing a high-tech drink monitoring system called The BarMaster that weighs the shots being poured by his bartenders to prevent overserving. Hamod characterizes the club’s remodel as a “rebirth,” not just for the look,
1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336
scene, and seems, in addition to his flashy portfolio, to be enjoying the fruits of that success. Hamod has developed tastes for expensive clothes and Italian automobiles and lives in a luxury highrise with city views, though he demurs from discussing his lifestyle. (He will say his apartment is “not the penthouse. In the middle.”) The old guard club-owners are observing his ascendency cautiously. “He reminds me of myself when I was a kid,” says Harry Evans, the 72-year-old former owner of Miami Beach Club who entered the business at 26, and says he once dreamed of remaking downtown San Jose. “I just don’t do business in San Jose. Basically at my age I don’t need the headache. I want to be in a city where people are welcome.” Ray Shafazand, who owns Sabor, has a slightly more optimistic view, given what he perceives as a friendlier police force downtown. “Downtown is moving in a better direction in terms of policing. We’re not under attack,” he says. “With a good business plan, I think he’ll do a good job.” While Lt. Marozick and the city manager’s downtown coordinator, Lee Wilcox, express a similar cautious optimism (even excitement about seeing WET’s transformation), District 3 City Councilmember Sam Liccardo says he’s still got his eye on the club. “To me the bigger question is, are they in over their heads,” he says. Evans says that kind of skepticism from the city will hold Hamod back. “He’s too classy for San Jose, too progressive,” he says. “In San Francisco they would love him.” But that’s just the point of staying, in Hamod’s view. “Why would I want to do business there? Here, I like it. It’s brand new. Take advantage of it, embrace it,” he says. “Moving forward is not being scared, packing up and leaving. I’m more stubborn. No, we can pull this off, and we can actually witness change for the better.”
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$21 in Advance $25 at the Door Doors open 8 p.m. Show starts 9 p.m.
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MOB FIGAZ Feat, The Jacka & Huslah plus Strong Arm Steady
also Sincere with Nima Fadavi $24 Adv./ $29 Dr. • Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. Jun 17 Passafire Atrium (Ages 16+) Jun 19 Shitkickers Atrium (Ages 21+) Jun 24 Love Life Music Atrium (Ages 21+) Jun 25 The Holdup Atrium (Ages 16+) Jun 27 On the Spot Trio Atrium (Ages 21+) Jun 29 Authority Zero Atrium (Ages 16+) Jun 30 Noise Clinic Atrium (Ages 21+) Jul 1 The Builder/ Vibrant Eyeris Atrium (Ages 21+) Jul 29 Wolf Parade/ The Moools (Ages 16+) Aug 11 Reverend Horton Heat (Ages 21+) Aug 13 Smash Mouth (Ages 16+) Aug 14 Eek A Mouse (Ages 16+) Aug 16 Xavier Rudd (Ages 16+) Aug 19 Ted Nugent (Ages 21+) Aug 23 Bad Brains (Ages 16+) Aug 24 The Hold Steady (Ages 16+) Sep 20 Willie Nelson & Family (Ages 21+) Oct 2 Easy Star All-Stars (Ages 16+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online
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but for his relationship with the city. And going into the 26th, he seems to be on good terms with the SJPD. “I’ve been working with him for almost a year. Whenever I ask him to do something he does it,” says the head of the downtown services unit, Lt. Jeff Marozick. “If he’s able to run a safe and successful business, I’m all for him being down there.” While Hamod, whose iPhone seems to go off every five minutes or so, excuses himself to attend to something inside the club, Mauricio Mejia, the Vault’s co-owner, comes into the office. Now that WET has initiated a deal with the courts to pay off the Vault’s debts and take over, Mejia says he and Hamod have become collaborators instead of competitors. “You have someone who’s become very successful very quickly and now he’s bringing in my experience,” says Mejia. “I think the closure of his operation has been a humbling experience to him. The closure of my space has been a humbling experience. It’s brought us together. There is no ego now.” Well, maybe some ego. Together, Hamod and Mejia plan to turn the Vault into the most luxurious lounge in Northern California, with a mostly VIP membership clientele. They hope to woo corporate clients from big tech firms away from holding their events and conferences in Mountain View or San Francisco, and Hamod says he’s already booked Intel for a 450-person soiree at WET later this month. “The plan is to make this the first real powerful group coming out of NorCal, instead of Southern California,” says Hamod when he returns, comparing the idea to the SBE and Dolce groups out of Los Angeles. “There’s a lot of people that built a lot of clubs here and owned multiple venues at a time, but it was all local. I’m talking WET as a brand is known on a national level.” Hamod represents a new generation of club owners on the
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54 screens for all sight lines and shows all its contests in high-def on 5-foot TVs. The mechanical bull continues to buck.
Rudy’s Pub Local Bar 117 University Ave., Palo Alto; 650.329.0922. A neighborhood spot in Elbe Restaurant with a decent selection of German brews on tap. Wednesdays are for karaoke; DJs entertain Thursday–Saturday.
Scotty’s Local Bar 548 Emerson St., Palo Alto; 650.561.4929. Scotty’s has a full lunch menu and keeps the kitchen open late. The bar offers $5 drink of the day specials. The friendly staff makes this an appealing place to stop in for a drink.
Santa Clara Alberto’s Bar Local Bar 2103 Scott Blvd., Santa Clara; 408.249.9991. Alberto’s offers a full bar with plenty of flat-screen TVs. Karaoke may be no more, but they do have music playing from the stereos. The club also has several pool tables.
Avalon Dance Club/Live Music 777 Lawrence Expwy., Santa Clara; 408.241.0777. On a first visit, it’s the sheer size of the place that impresses. The Avalon has really been mixing it up lately, with big names in hip-hop, rock, punk and metal. Other nights, the dance floor fills with locals grinding away to house, techno or hip-hop DJs.
Blinky’s Can’t Say Local Bar/Sports 1031 Monroe St., Santa Clara; 408.985.7201. A neighborhood bar that manages to satisfy both a settled older clientele and an influx of Santa Clara students (especially on Thursdays). Danielle coaxes amateur talent at Friday-night karaoke, and the bar hosts dart and pool leagues.
Bars&Clubs Blues Bayou
Local Bar/Music 1240 Coleman Ave., Santa Clara; 408.588.1111. The Blues Bayou, at the former location of Ye Old Royal Oak, will be a new Mardi Gras–themed bar serving Cajun food. Entertainment wise, expect karaoke and live bands. The bar opens July 1.
C&J’s Sports Sports Bar 1550 Lafayette St., Santa Clara; 408.423.9013 A good place to see or be seen with a Santa Clara University student. The extensive list of beers on tap keeps the crowd in a rooting mood for the array of TV showing sports, especially during football season.
Da Silva’s Broncos Local Bar 1251 Franklin Mall, Santa Clara; 408.248.4682. A solid, no-nonsense hangout for SCU students, with a pool table, stiff drinks. Wednesdays through Saturdays fill up for rowdy karaoke fun.
The Lounge Sports Bar 2368 Pruneridge; Santa Clara; 408.244.4600. A neighborhood spot that is a prime location for Santa Clara University students to loosen up after studies. Besides its handy location, the bar also features a pool table and a smoking spot on the patio.
Tinker’s Damn Gay Club/Dance Club 46 N. Saratoga Ave., Santa Clara; 408.243.4595. A long-established gay bar that continues to large crowds with DJs, drag shows and dancing.
The Venuez Bar/Live Music 3546 Flora Vista Ave., Santa Clara; 408.244.6909. It’s merely a coincidence that the Venuez opened not long after Los Gatos’ all-ages live-music experiment the Venue went under. This is not a sequel; rather, it’s a 21-andover-only nightspot in Santa Clara. However, besides their open mic and karaoke, they’ve been putting their dance floor space to use with live music.
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The Bank Dive Bar 14421 Big Basin Way, Saratoga; 408.867.5155. A welcome retreat from the tonier aspects of Saratoga, the Bank provides affordable drinks in a welcoming, comfortable environment with a cut-above jukebox. The sofas are a good spot for watching sports.
The Basin Local Bar/Restaurant 14572 Big Basin Way, Saratoga; 408.867.1906. The big-city mania for oldtimey cocktails never made much of a dent in the South Bay, but the Basin is a great spot for cocktail craftsmanship. They’ve got some original creations that will make you want to throw away the book.
Blue Rock Shoot Local Bar/Live Music 14523 Big Basin Way, Saratoga; 408.872.0309. The rustic Blue Rock Shoot presents a jazz jam on Sundays, an open-mic on Thursdays and live bands on Saturdays in a local folk vein.
The Plumed Horse Restaurant 14555 Big Basin Way, Saratoga; 408.867.4711. As part of its multimillion-dollar renovation in 2007, the Plumed Horse added an ultraplush bar and lounge. The upscale watering hole features a candle-lit fireplace and a list of expertly made, premium cocktails.
An authentic Irish Pub, the Claddagh serves fish and chips, corned beef and cabbage and shepherd’s pie—not to mention Celtic calzone—to go along with Guinness, Bass, Harp and more on tap.
D’Vine Jazz & Wine Wine Bar/Live Music 775 Cochrane Road, Morgan Hill; 408.779.7755. To the right of the bar, four leather couches sit tucked by a fireplace. Local musicians play live music Thursdays through Saturdays at 8pm, with a jazz session Sunday afternoons.
Morgan Hill Cigar Company Wine Bar/Smokes 17430 Monterey St., Morgan Hill; 408.776.7667. At first, the feel is that of a suave gentlemen’s cigar shop and wine bar: nice carpet, leather couches and handsome glass display cases. Walking a couple more steps out of this room, one enters a sleek room with hardwood floors that seems to be a hybrid between a hunting bar and a pool hall..
Sinaloa Cafe Bar/Restaurant 17535 Monterey Road, Morgan Hill; 408.779.9740. Opened in 1960 as a dance club and bar, Sinaloa is now a Mexican cafe. Offers a full bar with an emphasis on margaritas.
Sunny vale Bay Area Palladium
South County
Dance Club 767 N. Mathilda Ave., Sunnyvale; 408.245.8777. Changing its name from Club Barcelona, the Palladium is primarily a dance club with several floors and DJs working a Latin groove.
The Claddagh
Local Bar/Sports Bar 208 S. Fair Oaks Ave., Sunnyvale; 408.245.6651. This Sunnyvale fixture
Blue Bonnet Irish Pub 1300 First St. #A, Gilroy; 408.848.5050.
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Sara toga
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61 keeps expansive hours—6am–2am daily—and provides pool tables, darts, pinball and video games.
Bogart’s Lounge Local Bar 1209 Wildwood Ave., Sunnyvale; 408.245.2800. Proud of its WiFi access, Bogart’s is a plugged-in joint suitable for web surfing under the influence. The karaoke sessions are supplemented with the occasional live band.
The Brass Rail Adult 160 Persian Drive, Sunnyvale; 408.734.1454. A nightclub with a long pedigree, the Brass Rail saw the future in the mid-’60s. There are four stages for bikini dancing, and a meat-heavy lunch served in the back dining room.
Cheetahs Adult Club 907 E. Arques Ave., Sunnyvale; 408.733.2638. The gentlemen’s club attracts clientele the old-fashioned way: with exotic dancers.
Faultline Brewery/Restaurant 1235 Oakmead Pkwy., Sunnyvale; 408.736.2739. Lagers and ales in abundance accompany a full lunch and dinner menu. Local bands perform on the weekends starting at 6pm.
Fibbar MaGees Local Bar/Irish Pub 156 S. Murphy Ave., Sunnyvale; 408.749.8373. As the name suggests— and the Celtic harp on the logo cements—Fibbar MaGees is proudly Irish,. The menu delivers basics like Shepherd’s pie and fish and chips.
The Hiphugger Adult 948 W. El Camino Real; 408.736.8585. There’s a regular pool tournament at the Hiphugger, but that’s not why people are there. It’s the exotic dancers.
Murphy’s Law Irish Pub/Live Music 135 S. Murphy Ave., Sunnyvale; 408.736.3822. Murphy’s lays down the law with five TVs and a projection
Bars&Clubs screen for sports; live music Friday and Saturdays and a blues jam on Mondays.
Oasis Local Bar 952 E. El Camino Real, Sunnyvale; 408.738.9957. A well-mixed crowd shows up for free pool on Sundays. The bar hosts karaoke on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturday.
Paul and Harvey’s Dive Bar 130 S. Murphy Ave., Sunnyvale; 408.736.5770. Friendly bartenders preside over a local hangout with three pool tables, one dart board and one pinball plus touch-screen games.
Quarter Note Live Music/Local Bar 1214 Apollo Way, Sunnyvale; 408.732.2110. Sherrie and Sue host karaoke interspersed live music on the weekends. Sunday afternoon features Uncle Frank’s “brisket and blues.”
Rooster T. Feathers Comedy Club 157 W. El Camino Real, Sunnyvale; 408.736.0921. Standups perform up close, plus lots of touring comedians familiar from late-night TV shows. Acts appear Thursday–Sunday, while local wannabes get a shot at the mic at the New Talent showcases.
St. John’s Bar & Grill Sports Bar/Restaurant 510 Lawrence Expwy., Sunnyvale; 408.738.8515. St. John’s is the perfect place for the hungry business crowd at lunch time and a looser, casual crowd at night. Six plasma TVs display the entire gamut of sports. Sixteen beers on tap.
Sporty’s Bikini Bar Sports /Adult Club 1053 E. El Camino Real, Sunnyvale; 408.246.3624. Exotic dancers compete with a pool table and televised sports. Open daily, 4pm–2am.
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Eugeniaa Chien
Still Cool
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anything new, anything new, but but three three d decades ecades aago go iitt was was a rrarity. arity. Today T oday more more re restaurants staurants u use se organic produce buy o rganic p ro duce aand nd sstrive trive tto ob uy purveyors, but few ffrom r m local ro lo cal p ur veyors, b ut fe w walk talk Flea Street Cafe. w alk tthe he ta lk llike ike F lea S treet C affe f . That, with T hat, ccombined ombined w ith aan n eeclectic clectic but b ut instantly instantly appealing appealing menu menu of of California food C alifornia ccomfort omfor t fo o d aand nd aan n eenthusiastic nthusiastic and and knowledgeable knowledgeable makes understand sstaff, t ff taff ff,, m akes iitt eeasy asy tto ou nderstand why Flea Street Cafe remains forever w hy F lea S treet C affe re mains fo r ver re young. yo oung. The restaurant occupies T he re staurant sstill till o ccupies aan n unremarkable, u nremarkable, dowdy dowdy building building on on Alameda dee llas Pulgas A lameda d as P ulgas (“Flea (“Flea Street” Street” but has iin n Spanish), Spanish), b ut inside inside Cool Cool h as done d one a great greatt jjob ob of of freshening fre r shening tthe he place up p lace u p and and making making it it look look modern mo dern newly aand nd inviting inviting with with n ewly painted, painted, walls eearth-tone ar th-tone w alls aand nd colorful, color ful, original o riginal aartwork. rtwork. Meals out with M eals sstart tart o ut w ith ffresh-baked rresh-baked
b read aand nd a llittle ittle sseasonal easonal ffreebie; rreebie; bread o on nm myy vvisits, isits, iitt w was as ssome ome jjust-picked ust-picked with llong ong rradishes—delicious adishes— delicious w ith a off ssea Starters ssprinkling prinkling o ea ssalt. alt. S tar ters aare re very on menu, ve ry sstrong. trong. IIff iit’s t’s sstill till o n tthe he m enu, forr tthe Half Moon Bay ggo o fo he H alf M o on B ayy ttempura empura Sardines have become ssardines ardines (($9). $9). S ardines h avve b ecome darling off ssustainable-seafood ad arling o ustainable-seafood because plentiful, aadvocates dvo cates b ecause tthey’re hey’re a p lentiful, llow-on-the-food-chain ow- on-the-fo od- chain sspecies pecies tthat hatt happens bee re really h appens tto ob ally ggood oo d tto o eeat. att. The Dungeness T he D ungeness ccrab/sweet-potato rab/sweett-p otato The ccakes akes (($15) $15) aare re aalso lso eessential. ssential. T he off tthe potato dovetails ssweetness weetness o he p otatto d ovetails nicely with roasted n icely w ith tthe he ccrabmeat, rabmeat, ro asted peppery ccauliflower, auliflower, ffried ried ccapers ap ers aand nd p epp er y aarugula. rugula. The puréed pea with mint T he p uréed p ea ssoup oup w ith m int was bowl, but (($10) $10) w as sspring pring iin nab owl, b ut tthe he off ttempura-battered llittle ittle cchunk hunk o empura-batttered halibut with mee aass h alibut sserved er ved w ith iitt sstruck truck m ssuperfluous. up er fluous. The menu T he m enu cchanges hanges sseasonally, easonally, but few The b ut tthere here aare re a fe w cconstants. onstants. T he Came First” ““Which Which C ame Fi rst” cchicken hicken (($27) $27) iiss Flea Street was aF lea S treet cclassic. lassic. I w as sskeptical keptical off m most restaurant aass I aam mo ost re staurant cchicken hicken dishes purpose d ishes ((their their p urpose iiss ggenerally enerally tto o offer refuge forr ttimid, unadventurous o ffer re fuge fo imid, u nadventurous diners), but one was winner: d iners), b ut tthis his o ne w as a w inner:
Fulton Valley pasture-raised Fu lton V alley p asture-raised cchicken hicken baked with off b aked w ith ggreen reeen ggarlic, arlic, cchunks hunks o pork belly, ssucculent ucculent p ork b elly, sspinach pinach aand nd with beurre ffarro arro ttopped opp ed w ith a zzinfandel infandel b eurre blanc poached b lanc ssauce auce aand nd a p oached eegg gg ffrom ro r m Cool’s messy, dish C ool’s ccoop. o op. IIt’s t’s a m essy, ssaucy aucy d ish won mee o over with homey tthat hat w on m ver w ith iits ts h omey deliciousness. d eliciousness. The black pepper/ T he rricotta icotta aand nd b lack p epp er/ were delicate cchive hive ggnocchi nocchi (($20) $20) w ere d elicate perfect aand nd eethereal thereal aand nd a p erfect match forr tthe off sspringtime m attch fo he ttrio rio o pring time aaccompaniments—spring ccompaniments—spring garlic, garlic, blanc. aasparagus sparagus aand nd ssweet weet ffromage ro r mage b lanc. The Marin Sun Farms T he M arin S un F arms ggrass-fed rass-fed Flea sshort hort rribs ibs (($32) $32) aare re aanother nother F lea Street S treet sstandard tandard tthat hat aanchors nchors tthe he bottom off tthe menu. The boneless b ottom o he m enu. T he b oneless produce cchunks hunks aare re iiss sslow low ccooked ooked tto op ro duce beautifully ssupremely upremely ttender, ender, b eautifully meat with ccaramelized aramelized m eatt tthat’s hat’s ggreat reat w ith root/potato ccelery elery ro ot /p otato ggratin, rattin, ggrilled rilled aasparagus sparagus aand nd ccurried urried ccauliflower. auliflower. homespun dish IIt’s t’s a ssatisfying, atisfying, h omespun d ish tthat’s hatt’s probably few better p robably a fe w llevels evels b etter tthan han what you make home. w hatt yo u ccould ould m ake aatt h ome. The only dish mee fl flat was T he o nly d ish tthat hatt lleft eft m at w as The tthe he ggrilled rilled ssalmon almon sspecial pecial (($32). $32). T he fish was flavorful but fi sh iitself tself w as fl avvorful aand nd ffresh, rresh, b ut off ssauces, tthe he ttrio rio o auces, ssautéed autéed ggreens reens aand nd bok root vegetables, b ok cchoy, hoy, ro rroasted asted ro ot ve getables, battered made aand nd b attereed aand nd ffried ried llemon emon m ade forr aan overly busy plate off fo food fo no verly b usy p latte o od departed restaurant’s tthat hat d eparted ffrom ro r m tthe he re staurant’s ssimple-is-better imple-is-better aaesthetic. esthetic. During both myy m meals, was D uring b oth m eals, sservice er vice w as attentive Cool herself at ttentive aand nd ggracious. racious. C o ol h erself often restaurant, iiss o ften aatt tthe he re staurant, ggreeting reeting regulars up newcomers. re gulars aand nd cchatting hattting u pn ewcomers. That way with me. T hatt ggoes oes a llong ong w ay w ith m e. Speaking off w wine, wish were S p eaking o ine, I w ish tthere here w ere more byy tthe but what m ore aavailable vaiilable b he gglass, lass, b ut w hat offered menu well. iiss o ffered ssupports upports tthe he m enu w ell. There’s bar, T here’s a ffull ull b ar, ttoo. oo. Desserts aree go good, great. Desser ts ar od,, but not gr eat. brioche bread The brio chee br ead pudding ($9) was too, well, puddinglike. wanted w as to o, we ell, puddinglik e. I w anted little moree te texture a lit tttle mor xture and ccontrast ontrast from butter pastry. little moree fr om the bu utter pastr y. A lit tle mor oven have given time in the o ven might ha ave giv en dessertt a bit mor moree crispness crispness.. The the desser chocolate better cho colate almond a ccake ake ($9) is a b etter choice. choic e. The lemon brûlée pie ($9) oversized bar—a is rreally eally an o versized lemon bar —a good likee lemon bars bars.. go od thing if yyou ou lik
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San S a n Jose: J o s e : Saturday S a t u r d a y & Sunday: S u n d a y : 9:00 9 : 0 0 a.m. a . m . – 1:00 1 : 0 0 a.m. a . m . • Monday-Friday: M o n d a y - F r i d a y : 3:00 3 : 0 0 p.m. p . m . – 1:00 1 : 0 0 a.m. a.m. (Breakfast ( B r e a k f a s t served s e r v e d on o n weekends w e e k e n d s from f r o m 9:00 9 : 0 0 a.m. a . m . – 11:00 a.m.) a. m . ) Fremont: F r e m ont : Everyday E v e r yda y 6:00 6 : 0 0 p.m. p . m . – 11:00 1 1 : 0 0 p.m. p.m.
M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6-2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
where sharks fans chomp
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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ALEXANDER’S A LEXANDER’S SSTEAKHOUSE TEAKHOUSE American-Asian A merican-Asian ssteakhouse. teakhouse. $$$$. Alexander’s much $ $$$. A lexander ’s iiss m uch more Add m ore tthan han a ssteakhouse. teakhouse. A dd wine multiple a 5500-bottle 00-bottle w ine llist, ist, m ultiple ddining ining rooms rooms and and AsianAsianaaccented ccented aambience mbience aand nd yyou’ve ou’ve Bay ggot ot a sstandout tandout SSouth outh B ay rrestaurant. estaurant. FFull ull bbar. ar. 55:30-10pm :30-10pm Mon-Thu, M on-Thu, 55:30-11pm :30-11pm FFri-Sat ri-Sat N.. aand nd 55-9pm -9pm SSun. un. 110330 0330 N Wolfe Rd. W olfe R d. 4408.446.2222. 08.446.2222.
CCAFE AFE T TORRE ORRE N New ew IItalian. talian. $$$. $ $$. A ggem em ttucked ucked aaway way iin n aan n mall, with uunassuming nassuming llittle ittle m all, w ith a ssophisticated ophisticated iinterior nterior aand nd ccongenial ongenial hhosts. osts. EEven ven bbetter etter iiss tthe he ggreat reat ppasta asta aand nd sseafood. eafood. Beer, wine. B eer, w ine. 111:30am-2pm 1:30am-2pm aand nd Mon-Thu 55-9:30pm -9:30pm M on-Thu aand nd 55-110:30pm 0:30pm FFri-Sat. ri-Sat. CClosed losed SSun. un. Blvd. 220343 0343 SStevens tevens CCreek reek B lvd. 4408.257.2383. 08.257.2383.
CCUPERTINO UPERTINO B BAKERY AKERY IIndian ndian aand nd bakery. bakery. $. $. Don’t Don’t bbee ffooled ooled Bakery bbyy tthe he nname. ame. CCupertino upertino B akery iiss rreally eally a ggreat reat SSouth outh IIndian ndian Unlike many rrestaurant. estaurant. U nlike m any SSouth outh IIndian ndian rrestaurants, estaurants, CCupertino upertino Bakery Good B akery isn’t isn’t vvegetarian. egetarian. G ood llunch unch buffet buffet for for $7.99. $7.99. Don’t Don’t miss m iss tthe he ddosa osa aand nd uutthappam. tthappam. 111:30am-9:30pm 1:30am-9:30pm ddaily, aily, bbut ut weekdays w eekdays kkitchen itchen ccloses loses 22:30:30Dee A Anza 55:30pm. :30pm. 1102521 02521 SS.. D nza Blvd. B lvd. 4408.517.9000. 08.517.9000.
DYNASTY D YNASTY SSEAFOOD EAFOOD Hong ong KongKongR ESTAURANT H RESTAURANT $$$. Dynasty sstyle tyle CChinese. hinese. $ $$. D ynasty Hong sspecializes pecializes iinn H ong KKong-style ong-style sseafood. eafood. TThe he sseafood eafood is is very very ffresh, resh, eespecially specially tthe he ccreatures reatures minutes sswimming wimming m inutes bbefore efore tthey hey aarrive rrive oon n yyour our pplate. late. Good G ood ddim im ssum, um, ttoo. oo. FFull ull bar. bar. 111am-2:30pm 1am-2:30pm aand nd 55-9:30pm -9:30pm Mon-Thu M on-Thu aand nd 110am-3pm 0am-3pm and and 55-9:30pm -9:30pm FFri-Sat. ri-Sat. 110123 0123 N. N. Wolfe Rdd ((in W olfe R in CCupertino upertino Square). Square). 4408.996.1680. 08.996.1680.
FFLORENTINE LORENTINE R RESTAURANT ESTAURANT $.. Bold IItalian. talian. $ Bold flavors, flavors, fresh fresh iingredients ngredients and and lavish lavish portions. portions. CCasual asual to to dressy. dressy. Beer, Beer, wine. wine. Blvd. 110257 0257 S. S. De De Anza Anza B lvd. (plus (plus six six oother ther llocations, ocations, some some with with full full bbars). ars). 11:30am-9pm 11:30am-9pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 111:30am-10pm 1:30am-10pm Fri-Sat Fri-Sat and and 449pm 9 pm Sun. Sun. 408.253.6532. 408.253.6532.
FFONTANA’S ONTANA’S CCalifornia/Italian. alifornia/Italian. $$$. $ $$. A ssteady teady pperformer, erformer, FFontana’s ontana’s rrarely arely ddisappoints isappoints Beer, wine. ppasta asta llovers. overs. B eer, w ine. Mon-Thu, 111:30am-9pm 1:30am-9pm M on-Thu, 111:30am-10pm 1:30am-10pm FFri, ri, 55-10pm -10pm SSat at aand nd 44:30-9pm :30-9pm SSun. un. Blvd. 220840 0840 SSteven teven CCreek reek B lvd. 4408.725.0188. 08.725.0188.
GGOCHI OCHI Japanese. Japanese. $$$. $$$. Gochi Gochi iiss a globally globally inspired inspired izakaya izakaya ((small small pplates) lates) restaurant. restaurant. Most M ost of of the the food food is is straightstraightuupp JJapanese apanese fare, fare, but but there there aare re a few few American, American, FFrench rench aand nd KKorean orean twists. twists. Highly Highly rrecommended. ecommended. 119980 9980 Homestead H omestead Rd. Rd. 408.725.0542. 408.725.0542.
LLOON OON W WAH AH CChinese. hinese. $ $.. TThe he wokkkitchen itchen pproduces roduces ggood ood w okmain ccentric entric ddishes, ishes, bbut ut iits ts m ain ddraw raw iiss ffresh, resh, hhand-pulled and-pulled Beer, wine. nnoodles. oodles. CCasual. asual. B eer, w ine. Mon-Thu 111am-9:30pm 1am-9:30pm M on-Thu aand nd Dee 111am-10pm 1am-10pm FFri-Sun. ri-Sun. 11146 146 D Anza Blvd. A nza B lvd. 4408.257.8877. 08.257.8877.
TODAI T ODAI Japanese. Japanese. $$. $$. Billed Billed as as a Japanese Japanese seafood seafood buffet, buffet, Todai Todai doesn’t doesn’t llimit imit iitself tself ttoo Japanese Japanese dishes. dishes. Pan-Asian Pan-Asian and and jjust ust pplain lain oodd dd sspecialties pecialties rotate. rotate. 11:30am-2:30pm 11:30am-2:30pm and and 5:30-9pm 5:30-9pm Mon-Fri Mon-Fri and and 11:30am-3pm 11:30am-3pm and and 5:305:309:30pm 9:30pm Sat-Sun. Sat-Sun. Cupertino Cupertino Square Square mall mall (near (near Sears), Sears), 10123 10123 N. N. Wolfe Wolfe Rd Rd #2001. #2001. 408.996.3444. 408.996.3444.
LLos os Gatos Gatos ¿ book online ¿book online at at llosgatos.com osgatos.com
ALDO’S A LDO’S IItalian. talian. $ $$$. $$. A warm warm aand nd eengaging ngaging aatmosphere tmosphere
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
Fli j\c\Zk`m\ c`jk f] Xii\X i\jkXliXekj `eZcl[\j Fli j\c\Zk`m\ c`jk f] Xi\X i\jkXliXekj `eZcl[\j k_fj\ k_Xk _Xm\ Y\\e ]XmfiXYcp i\m`\n\[ `e k_fj\ k_Xk _Xm\ Y\\e ]XmfiXYcp i\m`\n\[ `e gi`ek Yp D\kif ]ff[ Zii`k`Zj Xe[ fk_\ij k_Xk _Xm\ gi`ek Yp D\kif ]ff[ Zi`k`Zj Xe[ fk_\ij k_Xk _Xm\ Y\\e jXdgc\[ Ylk efkk i\m`\n\[ `e gi`ek% 8cc m`j`kj Y\\e jXdgc\[ Ylk efk i\m`\n\[ `e gi`ek% 8cc m`j`kj Yp fli ni`k\ij Xi\ dX X[\ Xefepdfljcp p# Xe[ Yp fli ni`k\ij Xi\ dX[\ Xefepdfljcp# Xe[ Xcc \og\ej\j Xi\ gX`[ Yp D\kif% Lg[Xk\j ]ifd Xcc \og\ej\j Xi\ gX`[ Yp D\kif% Lg[Xk\j ]ifd m`^`cXek i\X[\ij Xe[ c`jk\[ c i\jkXliXk\lij Xi\ m`^`cXek i\X[\ij Xe[ c`jk\[ i\jkXliXk\lij Xi\ _\Xik`cp \eZfliX^\[2 gc\Xj\ jlYd`k m`X \dX`c kf _\Xik`cp \eZfliX^\[2 gc\Xj\ jlYd`k m`X \dX`c kf nj%Zfd% j_fcYiffb7d\kife\n j_fcYiffb7d\kife\nj%Zfd%
¿= book online $ = $10 $$ = $11-$15 $$$ = $16-$20 $$$$ = $21 and up Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages
sets sets the the scene scene for for fullfullbodied flavors bodied fl avors aand nd hhealthy ealthy ingredients. ingredients. 11:30am-2:30pm 11:30am-2:30pm Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, 5-9pm 5-9pm Thu, Thu, 5-10pm 5-10pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 14109 14109 Winchester Winchester Blvd. Blvd. 408.374.1808. 408.374.1808.
CCALIFORNIA ALIFORNIA CCAFE AFE N New ew American. $$$. An A merican. $ $$. A n iinnovative nnovative Pacific Rim aapproach pproach ttoo P acific R im makes sstaples taples m akes ffor or ssome ome llovely ovely ssurprises. urprises. TThe he aace ce sservice ervice matches m atches tthe he ssmart mart ssetting. etting. MonFFull ull bbar. ar. 111:30am-10pm 1:30am-10pm M onFFri, ri, 110:30am-10:30pm 0:30am-10:30pm SSat, at, 110:30am-9:30pm 0:30am-9:30pm SSun. un. 550 0 University Ave. U niversity A ve. 4408.354.8118. 08.354.8118.
CCIN-CIN IN-CIN EEclectic clectic wine wine bar. bar. $$$. $$$. menu TThe he heart heart of of Cin Cin Cin’s Cin’s m enu iiss mix aan n eeclectic clectic m ix ooff ssmall mall pplates, lates, ttapas-size apas-size ddishes ishes tthat hat ppartner artner well with wine w ell w ith a ggreat reat w ine llist. ist. Mon-Sat. 44-10pm -10pm M on-Sat. 368 368 Village Village Way. W ay. 4408.354.8006. 08.354.8006.
CCRIMSON RIMSON Rustic Rustic bbistro. istro. $ $$$. $$. LLarge arge pportions ortions ooff uupscale pscale rrustic ustic ffare are ssate ate tthe he ddiner iner aatt Old World tthis his nnew-style ew-style O ld W orld bbistro, istro, bbut ut don’t don’t fforget orget ttoo ssave ave rroom oom ffor or FFondue ondue ffor or TTwo. wo. 111:30am1:30amMon-Fri, Mon22pm pm M on-Fri, 55pm-close pm-close M onGatos Blvd. SSun. un. 115466 5466 LLos os G atos B lvd. 4408.358.0175. 08.358.0175.
DIO D IO D DEKA EKA GGreek. reek. $ $$$. $$. D Dio io Deka Deka is is doing doing its its part part to to elevate elevate Greek Greek food food in in Silicon Silicon Valley. much Valley. There’s There’s m uch to to recommend recommend at at this this handsome handsome restaurant. restaurant. Most Most starters starters are are large large so so they’re they’re best best shared. shared. 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 5-10pm 5-10pm Fri-Sat, Fri-Sat, 5-9pm 5-9pm Sun. Sun. 210 210 E. E. Main Main St. St. 408.354.7700. 408.354.7700.
FFLEUR LEUR DE DE COCOA COCOA French French bakery. bakery. $$. $$. Almond Almond croissant. croissant. Almond Almond croissant. croissant. Almond Almond croissant. croissant. Los Los Gatos’ Gatos’ Fleur Fleur de de Cocoa Cocoa is is rightly rightly kknown nown for for its its chocolate chocolate confections confections
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Regale Winery
E 8 N@E< i\^`fe g\ijfe`Ó\[ Yp nff[jp# cfn$b\p n`e\i`\j# cXjk dfek_Êj [\Ylk f] I\^Xc\ N`e\ip `e Cfj >Xkfj Yi`e^j X kXjk\ f] EXgX MXcc\p kf k_\ JXekX :ilq DflekX`ej n`k_ X _`ek f] M\^Xj ^c`kq fe k_\ j`[\% I\^Xc\ nXj ZfeZ\`m\[ flk f] CXiip JZ_XX[kÊj [\j`i\ ]fi @kXc`Xe i\m`mXc `e k_\ JXekX :ilq DflekX`ej%
“The coastal hills are not too dissimilar from the hills in Italy,” he says, “The vineyards and the olive trees with the Italian architecture was something that I thought would be striking and really fit into the area.” With a background in real estate development, Schaadt began cultivating the 10.5-acre property in March 2007. Since he began working on the project, the west-facing hillside property has been transformed. The focal point is a Tuscan-style villa that blends 16thcentury Italian Renaissance architecture with modern aesthetics. Rustic stones and an imported vintage clay-tile roof decorate the outside while inside boasts marble floors, a lively fresco mural and textured walls. The rest of the property is sectioned off into seven distinct spaces including an outdoor fireplace patio, bocce ball court, olive orchard and spiral herb garden. There is even a fully equipped kitchen that is used for private culinary classes and catering. Schaadt wouldn’t disclose the cost of the winery, but it didn’t come cheap. Suffice it to say there’s nothing quite like it in the Santa Cruz Mountains. At the grand opening, guests lapped up luxury in the courtyard while the melodies of the Fred Rast jazz band played. The woodburning oven churned out pesto chicken and prosciutto pear pizzas one pie at a time. And to illustrate its budding friendships with Los Gatos restaurants, DIO DEKA and local caterers were on hand serving dishes like seared ahi and Dungeness crab ceviche. Most impressive is Regale’s outdoor personality. Whereas many tasting rooms are small, closed-in spaces, Regale ingratiates itself with an outdoor tasting setup. Tastings take place on the breezy patio overlooking the gardens, inviting guests to interact with the terroir. Regale also plans to go completely solar early next year and is in negotiations with Dio Deka to grow all of the restaurant’s produce on the property. Already, the winery reaps almost every fruit and vegetable one can think of, as well as pressing its own oil from olives grown on-site. As for the wine itself, Regale makes an estate pinot noir and chardonnay as well as other wines such as sangiovese, barbera, zinfandel, cabernet franc, cabernet sauvignon and ovation—all made from grapes grown in Sonoma and Napa valleys. The sangiovese in particular was pleasant and light-bodied, ideal for leisurely sipping. With all of the fanfare, it is just a question of whether this “instant villa” will prosper with its Napa feel and Napa prices. It is quite the endeavor, but Regale is definitely bringing something new to the Santa Cruz Mountains. Regale is now open for tastings noon–5:30pm Saturdays and Sundays at $10 a flight, or $15 for the Winemaker’s Selection. Private and corporate events can be arranged by calling 408.353.2500. ÆBi`jk`e\ 9Xlk`jkX
69 M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6-2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
and pastries, and pastries, but but I can’t can’t sstop top tthinking hinking aabout bout tthe he llittle ittle pastry pastry sshop’s hop’s sspectacular pectacular aalmond lmond ccroissants. roissants. There’s There’s pplenty lenty ooff oother ther ggood ood sstuff tuff aand nd not not all all ooff iitt ssweet, weet, llike ike tthe he ccroque roque monsieur m onsieur aand nd tthe he qquiche. uiche. 77:30am-6pm :30am-6pm TTue-Sat ue-Sat and and 8am-4pm N.. Santa 8 am-4pm SSun. un. 339 9N Santa Ave. CCruz ruz A ve. 4408.354.3574. 08.354.3574.
Burgers. Burgers. $. $. Main Main Street Street Burgers Burgers offers offers fast fast food food convenience, convenience, affordable affordable prices prices and and food food made made with with ingredients ingredients that that are are higher higher quality quality and and more more healthful healthful than than what what you’d you’d find find at at the the golden golden arches. arches. 11am-8:30pm 11am-8:30pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 9am9am9pm 9pm Fri-Sat, Fri-Sat, 9am-8:30pm 9am-8:30pm Sun. Sun. 20 20 S. S. Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Ave. Ave. 408.354.1881. 408.354.1881.
MANRESA M ANRESA H High igh concept. concept.
Steakhouse. Steakhouse. $$$$. $$$$. When When Metro Metro first first checked checked in in with with Forbes Forbes Mill Mill in in 2003, 2003, it it was was called called “a “a big, big, burly burly brasserie brasserie equipped equipped with with style style as as well well as as substance.” substance.” IIt’s t’s holding holding up up well well and and still still does does things things in in a big big way. way. Dinner Dinner 5-9pm 5-9pm Sun-Thu, Sun-Thu, 5-10pm 5-10pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 206 206 N. N. Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Ave. Ave. 408.395.6434. 408.395.6434.
GGREEN REEN P PAPAYA APAYA Vietnamese. Vietnamese. $$. meets $ $. CCalifornia alifornia ccuisine uisine m eets way Paris, SSoutheast outheast Asia Asia bbyy w ay ooff P aris, with w ith iinventive nventive uupdates pdates ooff cclay lay five-spice ppot ot aand nd fi ve-spice aauthentica. uthentica. 111am1am- 33pm, pm, 55-9:30pm -9:30pm TTueueBeer, wine. N.. SSanta SSun.. un.. B eer, w ine. 1137 37 N anta Ave. CCruz ruz A ve. 4408.395.9115. 08.395.9115.
I GGATTI ATTI N New ew IItalian. talian. $ $$$. $$. I Gatti fits G atti fi ts llike ike a gglove love aalong long Main ppeaceful eaceful M ain SStreet. treet. TThe he cchef hef uunderstands nderstands tthe he bbasics asics bbut ut iisn’t sn’t aafraid fraid ttoo ccreate reate rrefreshing efreshing ttwists wists oon n ttraditional raditional rrecipes. ecipes. Mon111:30am-2pm. 1:30am-2pm. 55-9:30pm -9:30pm M onMain SSat, at, 55-9pm -9pm SSun un 2255 EE.. M ain SSt. t. 4408.399.5180. 08.399.5180.
KAMAKURA SSUSHI KAMAKURA USHI AND AND ushi bbar ar SSAKE AKE H HOUSE OUSE SSushi classics. classics. $$. $$. In In a smart smart setting, setting, Kamakura Kamakura showcases showcases a procession procession of of impeccable impeccable sushi sushi and and sashimi sashimi platters. platters. 10:30am-2pm, 10:30am-2pm, 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm daily. daily. 135 135 N. N. Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Ave. Ave. 408.395.6650. 408.395.6650.
LLOS OS GGATOS ATOS B BREWING REWING CO. CO. Brewpub. $$$. Most B rewpub. $ $$. M ost bbrewpubs rewpubs sseem eem ttoo bbee ccooking ooking ffrom rom tthe he menu, ssame ame m enu, bbut ut eexecutive xecutive cchef hef JJim im SStump tump hhas as ccreated reated menu a ddiverse iverse m enu ooff uupscale pscale well ccomfort omfort ffood ood tthat hat ggoes oes w ell bbeyond eyond bburgers urgers aand nd ggrilledrilledcchicken hicken ssandwiches. andwiches. TThe he wood-accented hhandsome andsome w ood-accented with iinterior nterior aand nd oopen pen kkitchen itchen w ith wood-fired iits ts w ood-fired ppizza izza ooven ven aand nd rrotisserie otisserie ggrill rill aadd dd ttoo tthe he rrestaurant’s estaurant’s appeal. appeal. Breakfast Breakfast 110am-2pm 0am-2pm SSat-Sun, at-Sun, llunch unch 111:30am-3pm 1:30am-3pm aand nd ddinner inner 55pm pm 9pm N.. SSanta ttoo 9 pm ddaily. aily. 1130 30 N anta CCruz ruz Ave. A ve. 4408.395.9929. 08.395.9929.
sspots pots aand nd uupscale pscale rrestaurants estaurants with made-to-order w ith iits ts m ade-to-order ccurry urry ddishes ishes aand nd sspicy picy nnorth orth IIndian ndian ffare are aatt ggood ood pprices. rices. 111:30am1:30am9:30pm N.. SSanta 9 :30pm ddaily. aily. 1133 33 N anta CCruz ruz Ave., Gatos, A ve., LLos os G atos, 4408.395.1784; 08.395.1784; Bascom Ave., 11875 875 SS.. B ascom A ve., CCampbell, ampbell, 4408.559.3885; 08.559.3885; aand nd 1109 09 SS.. FFirst irst SSt., t., SSan an JJose, ose, 4408.292.7222. 08.292.7222.
$$$$. Drawing $ $$$. D rawing ffrom rom pproduce roduce ggrown rown aatt hhis is oown wn ffarm, arm, David ssuperstar uperstar cchef hef D avid KKinch inch iiss bblazing lazing a ttrail rail ooff hhigh igh ccaliber aliber ccuisine uisine tthat’s hat’s as as daring daring as as iitt iiss ddelicious. elicious. EExpensive xpensive bbut ut worth Village w orth iit.t. 3320 20 V illage LLane. ane. 4408.354.4330. 08.354.4330.
TAPESTRY T APESTRY CContemporary ontemporary haute. haute. $$$. $$$. Right Right on on the the main main street, street, this this cottagelike cottagelike spot spot blends blends traditional traditional French French cooking cooking with with contemporary contemporary fusion: fusion: filet filet mignon mignon with with Mongolian-style Mongolian-style brown brown sauce; sauce; crayfish crayfish chow chow mein. mein. Elegant Elegant and and friendly. friendly. 11:30am-2pm, 11:30am-2pm, 5:30-9pm 5:30-9pm Sun-Thu, Sun-Thu, 5-10pm 5-10pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 11 11 College College Ave. Ave. 408.395.2808. 408.395.2808.
NICK’S N ICK’S O ON NM MAIN AIN AAmerican. merican.
$$$. Nick’s Main $ $$. N ick’s oon nM ain iiss a rrelaxed elaxed bbut ut eelegant legant bbistro istro ffull ull ooff nneighborly eighborly ccharm harm aand nd iiss a Nick Difu’s sshowcase howcase ffor or oowner wner N ick D ifu’s ddecadent ecadent aand nd ddeeply eeply ssatisfying atisfying sstyle tyle ooff ccooking. ooking. 111:30am-3pm 1:30am-3pm aand nd 55-9:30pm -9:30pm TTue-Sat. ue-Sat. 3355 EE.. Main M ain SSt.t. 4408.399.6457. 08.399.6457.
PASTARIA P ASTARIA & M MARKET ARKET Italian. Italian. $$. $$. Pastaria Pastaria offers offers reasonably reasonably priced priced comfort comfort food food in in an an unpretentious unpretentious but but lively lively atmosphere. atmosphere. 5-9:30pm 5-9:30pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 5-10pm 5-10pm Fri-Sat Fri-Sat and and 5-10pm 5-10pm Sun. Sun. 49 49 E. E. Main Main St. St. 408.399.3477. 408.399.3477.
RESTAURANT JJAMES RESTAURANT AMES alifornian. $$$. $$$. R ANDALL CCalifornian. RANDALL Ross CChef hef aand nd cco-owner o-owner R oss Hanson H anson ttakes akes hhis is ccues ues ffrom rom tthe he sseasons easons aand nd ffavors avors a ssimple, imple, iingredient-driven ngredient-driven aapproach pproach tthat hat pplaces laces iitt ssquarely quarely iin n tthe he CCalifornia alifornia Hee ffavors sschool chool ooff ccooking. ooking. H avors flavors bbig, ig, rrobust obust fl avors aand nd llarge arge sserving erving ssizes izes ttoo ccreate reate a kkind ind ooff CCalifornia alifornia ccomfort omfort Dinner ffood. ood. D inner 55:30-11pm :30-11pm TTueueN.. SSanta Ave. SSat. at. 3303 03 N anta CCruz ruz A ve. 4408.395.4441. 08.395.4441.
SSTEAMER’S TEAMER’S N New ew A American. merican. $$$. $ $$. SStyling tyling iitself tself aass a ggrill rill hhouse, ouse, SSteamer’s teamer ’s iincludes ncludes meats rrotisserie otisserie m eats aand nd ffragrant ragrant ggrilled rilled cchops hops iin n aaddition ddition ttoo fish. Quality ffresh resh fi sh. Q uality ccontrol ontrol aand nd sservice ervice aare re eexcellent. xcellent. FFull ull bbar. ar. 111:30am-2:30pm, 1:30am-2:30pm, 55-9:30pm -9:30pm University Ave. ddaily. aily. 3311 U niversity A ve. 4408.395.2722. 08.395.2722.
TANDOORI T ANDOORI O OVEN VEN IIndian. ndian. $ $.. Oven TTandoori andoori O ven hhas as qquickly uickly Gatos ffound ound iits ts nniche iche iin n LLos os G atos aamong mong tthe he bburrito urrito jjoints, oints, ssushi ushi
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$$$. CCalifornia. alifornia. $ $$. SSet et iinside nside tthe he bbeautifully eautifully rremodeled emodeled TToll oll House Degrees H ouse hhotel, otel, TThree hree D egrees mixed ddelivers elivers a m ixed bbag ag ooff bbig ig aand nd ssmall mall pplates lates ffrom rom aan n eeclectic clectic menu. m enu. SSome ome ddishes, ishes, llike ike tthe he New N ew YYork ork ssteak, teak, aare re ggreat, reat, flat. bbut ut oothers thers ffall all fl at. SService ervice iiss ffriendly riendly bbut ut sstill till a llittle ittle ggreen. reen. Breakfast 6:30-11am FFull ull bbar. ar. B reakfast 6 :30-11am Mon-Fri, M on-Fri, 3-10pm 3-10pm daily. daily. 140 140 S. S. Blvd. SSanta anta CCruz ruz B lvd. 4408.884.1054. 08.884.1054.
Celebrate at Buca ! WHATEVER THE OCCASION...
VALERIANO’S V ALERIANO’S ITALIAN ITALIAN RESTAURANT R ESTAURANT AND AND BAR BAR Contemporary Contemporary Italian. Italian. $$$. $$$. While While the the kitchen kitchen exudes exudes earthy earthy aromas, aromas, the the dining dining room’s room’s ssoft oft tterra-cotta erra-cotta walls walls glow glow with with a sense sense of of Mediterranean Mediterranean mission. mission. Hands-on Hands-on management management makes makes each each patron patron feel feel pampered. pampered. Full Full bar. bar. 5pm-close 5pm-close daily. daily. 160 160 W. W. Main Main St. St. 408.354.8108. 408.354.8108.
BirthdaysÊUÊAnniversariesÊUÊRehearsal DinnersÊUÊBridal ShowersÊUÊBaby Showers GraduationsÊUÊHomecomingÊUÊSports Team PartiesÊUÊDance Recitals
VIVA LOS VIVA LOS GATOS GATOS N EIGHBORHOOD EATERY EATERY NEIGHBORHOOD $$$. CCalifornia. alifornia. $ $$. TThis his ppopular opular Gatos mixes LLos os G atos rrestaurant estaurant m ixes with iitt uupp w ith IItalian-leaning talian-leaning Mediterranean M editerranean ffood, ood, ffresh resh fish, fi sh, ggrilled rilled ssteaks teaks aand nd sseveral everal Asian-inspired well. A sian-inspired ddishes ishes aass w ell. Mon-Fri 8am111am-9:30pm 1am-9:30pm M on-Fri 8 am8am-9:30pm 110:30pm 0:30pm SSat, at, 8 am-9:30pm Gatos Blvd. SSat. at. 115970 5970 LLos os G atos B lvd. 4408.356.4902. 08.356.4902.
WILLOW SSTREET WILLOW TREET WOODWOODizza. $ $$. $. SSilicon ilicon FFIRED IRED P IZZA PPizza. PIZZA Valley’s Willow V alley’s tthree hree W illow SStreet treet ppizza izza llocations ocations pprepare repare tthe he mobile ddefinitive efinitive uupwardly pwardly m obile CCalifornia alifornia ppizza. izza. CCrispy, rispy, tthin hin with ccrusts rusts bbreathe reathe w ith aaccents ccents ooff aalmond lmond ffrom rom tthe he IItalian talian wood-fired w ood-fired ooven. ven. CCheck heck oout ut
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At Buca di Beppo, you’ll find a delicious selection of family-style dishes for just about any event or budget—all served up in an eclectic vintage setting. Whether you’re having dinner with family and friends or celebrating a special occasion, Buca is the perfect place for great Italian food and fun.
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
WINE W INE CCELLAR ELLAR New New California California $$. $$. Tucked Tucked under under Borders Borders Books, Books, this this cozy cozy dining dining spot spot offers offers an an education education in in Old Old World World charm charm and and New New World World cuisine, cuisine, from from smoked smoked salmon salmon pizza pizza to to grilled grilled ahi ahi tuna tuna to to desserts desserts as as fresh fresh as as spring spring break. break. 11:30am-9pm 11:30am-9pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm FriFriSat, Sat, 10:30am-9pm 10:30am-9pm Sun. Sun. 50 50 University University Ave. Ave. 408.354.4808. 408.354.4808.
Downtown Downtown SSan an Jose Jose ¿book ¿ book oonline nline at at sanjose.com sanjose.com
AGENDA A GENDA New New California. California. $$. $$. Agenda Agenda features features a hip hip nightclub nightclub upstairs, upstairs, a fullyfullyappointed appointed restaurant restaurant at at street street level level and and DJ-ing DJ-ing in in the the basement. basement. Full Full bar. bar. 399 399 S. S. First First St. St. 5:30pm-close 5:30pm-close Wed-Sat. Wed-Sat. 408.287.3991. 408.287.3991. AMICI’S EAST AMICI’S EAST COAST COAST izza. $ $.. A Amici’s mici’s PIZZERIA P IZZERIA PPizza. specializes specializes in in thin-crust, thin-crust, New New York-style York-style pizza. pizza. With With its its upscale upscale atmosphere atmosphere and and friendly friendly service service you’ve you’ve got got oone ne of of downtown downtown San San Jose’s Jose’s bbest est pizza pizza shops. shops. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm MonMonThu, Thu, 11am-11pm 11am-11pm Fri, Fri, 11:30am11:30am11pm 11pm Sat Sat and and 111:30am-10pm 1:30am-10pm Sun. Sun. 225 225 W. W. Santa Santa CClara lara SSt.t. 408.289.9000. 408.289.9000.
ARCADIA A RCADIA SSteakhouse. teakhouse. $ $$$. $$. Celebrity Celebrity chef chef Michael Michael Mina Mina reworked reworked the the menu menu at at Arcadia Arcadia in in the the summer summer of of 2006 2006 to to create create a modern modern steakhouse, steakhouse, a change change that that has has made made it it the the destination destination restaurant restaurant it it was was originally originally supposed supposed to to be. be. Lunch Lunch 11:30am-2pm 11:30am-2pm Mon-Fri Mon-Fri and and dinner dinner 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm SunSunThu, Thu, 5:30-11pm 5:30-11pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 301 301 S. S. Market Market St. St. 408.278.4555. 408.278.4555. BELLA B ELLA M MIA IA Italian-American. Italian-American. $$$. $$$. One One of of downtown downtown San most San Jose’s Jose’s m ost aattractive ttractive eateries, eateries, Bella Bella Mia Mia serves serves regional regional dishes dishes with with flair. flair. Full Full bar. bar. 11:30am-9pm 11:30am-9pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu,
11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm Fri, Fri, 4:30-10pm 4:30-10pm Sat, Sat, 4:30-8pm 4:30-8pm Sun. Sun. 58 58 S. S. First First St. St. 408.280.1993. 408.280.1993.
BILLY B ILLY BERK’S BERK’S EEclectic. clectic. $ $$. $. B Billy illy Berk’s B erk’s rrestaurant estaurant llooks ooks aand nd ttaste aste llikes ikes tthe he ooffspring ffspring ooff tthe he Hard Rock H ard R ock CCafe afe aand nd CChili’s. hili’s. TThe he ddowntown owntown SSan an JJose ose rrestaurant estaurant mix ooffers ffers a ppopulist opulist m ix ooff American, A merican, Mexican Mexican and and Asian Asian Most ffood. ood. M ost ddishes ishes aare re ddesigned esigned ffor or ssharing—appetizer-size haring—appetizer-size finger pportions, ortions, nnibbles ibbles aand nd fi nger well with ffoods oods tthat hat ppair air w ell w ith tthe he pprodigious rodigious ddrink rink llist. ist. 111:30am1:30amMon-Wed, 110pm 0pm M on-Wed, 111:30am1:30am110pm 0pm TThu, hu, 111:30am-11pm 1:30am-11pm Bar FFri, ri, 55-11pm -11pm SSat, at, B ar oopen pen ttilil midnight. 99 m idnight. 9 9 SS.. FFirst irst SSt,t, SSan an JJose. ose. 4408.292.4300. 08.292.4300.
CITY BAR CITY BAR A AND ND GRILL GRILL CCLASSIC LASSIC American. $$$. Bigshouldered shouldered food food in handsome surroundings surroundings is the rule. The steaks steaks are are big and juicy, juicyy, the pot pies better than Grandma Grandma used to make. Full bar. bar. 300 Almaden Blvd, inside the Hilton. Hilton. 408.947.4444. 408.947..4444.
DALAT D ALAT VVietnamese. ietnamese. $ $$. $. SSan an Jose’s Jose’s ssecond-oldest econd-oldest Vietnamese V ietnamese rrestaurant estaurant ccontinues ontinues ttoo ddraw raw tthose hose iin n ssearch earch ooff ddelicious elicious ttraditional raditional ffare. are. SSurroundings urroundings aare re cclean lean Open aand nd ffriendly. riendly. O pen ddaily aily ffor or llunch unch aand nd ddinner. inner. 4408 08 EE.. William W illiam SSt.t. 4408.294.6989. 08.294.6989.
E & O TRADING TRADING CCOMPANY OMPANY $$$. SSoutheast outheast Asian. Asian. $ $$. EEntrees ntrees ccome ome oon n pplayful layful sserving erving ddishes ishes aand nd aare re bbeautifully eautifully with multiculti sspiced piced w ith m ulticulti flavors, flavors, Bali ffrom rom B ali ttoo CCeylon eylon aand nd bback ack Malaysia. tthrough hrough M alaysia. FFull ull bbar. ar. Open O pen 111:30am 1:30am ttoo 110:30pm, 0:30pm, midnight weekends. uuntil ntil m idnight oon nw eekends. Mon-Thu, 111:30am-10pm 1:30am-10pm M on-Thu, 111:30am-10:30pm 1:30am-10:30pm FFri, ri, 55-96 110:30pm 0:30pm SSat, at, 55-9pm -9pm SSun. un. 9 6 SS.. FFirst irst SSt.t. 4408.938.4100. 08.938.4100.
EEMILE’S MILE’S CONTEMPORARY CONTEMPORARY French. French. $$$. $$$. White-tablecloth White-tablecloth amenities amenities without without the the stuffiness. stuffiness. An An old old favorite favorite comes comes back back strong strong with with a new new bistro. bistro. Full Full bar. bar. Closed Closed SunSunMon. Mon. Reservations Reservations suggested. suggested. 11am-2pm 11am-2pm Thu-Fri, Thu-Fri, 5-10pm 5-10pm Tue-Sat. Tue-Sat. 545 545 S. S. Second Second St. St. 408.289.1960. 408.289.1960.
EEULIPIA ULIPIA N New ew A American. merican. $$$. menu $ $$. TThe he rrevamped evamped m enu flavors eemphasizes mphasizes rrobust obust fl avors aand nd beautiful beautiful ppresentations. resentations. SSeveral everal sstandouts tandouts hhave ave bbeen een rretained etained ffrom rom tthe he pprevious revious
menu, menu, as as have have the the sexy sexy Eulipia Eulipia cocktails. cocktails. Full Full bar. bar. 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm Tue-Sat, Tue-Sat, 4:30-9:30pm 4:30-9:30pm Sat. Sat. 374 374 S. S. First First St. St. 408.280.6161. 408.280.6161.
FFLAMES LAMES EEATERY ATERY AND AND BAR BAR American. $$. Valley, A merican. $ $. IIn n SSilicon ilicon V alley, tthe he hhome-grown ome-grown FFlames lames rrestaurant estaurant cchain hain iiss tthe he aarea’s rea’s ddefinitive efinitive ccoffee offee sshop. hop. And A nd nnow ow tthey’ve hey’ve oopened pened iin n ddowntown owntown SSan an JJose ose ttoo ggreat reat aacclaim. cclaim. 77am-midnight am-midnight ddaily. aily. 88 8 8 SS.. FFourth ourth SSt.t. 4408.971.1960. 08.971.1960.
4TH 4 TH STREET STREET PIZZA PIZZA CO. CO. Pizza. Pizza. $. $. 4th 4th Street Street Pizza Pizza Co. Co. occupies occupies a prime prime corner corner spot spot on on East East Santa Santa Clara Clara and and Fourth Fourth with with big big windows windows to to watch watch the the comings comings and and goings goings at at City City Hall Hall across across the the street. street. The The thin-crust thin-crust margherita margherita fell fell short short but but the the thicker-crust thicker-crust pies pies are are better. better. 11am-9pm 11am-9pm Sun-Thu Sun-Thu and and 11am-10pm 11am-10pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 150 150 E. E. Santa Santa Clara Clara St. St. 408.286.7500. 408.286.7500. GGUMBO UMBO JJUMBO UMBO CCajun ajun fusion. fusion. $$. Gumbo $ $. G umbo JJumbo umbo ccharts harts nnew ew with tterritory erritory w ith ddishes ishes ssuch uch aass CCajun ajun llemon-grass emon-grass cchicken, hicken, ggarlic arlic sshrimp hrimp nnoodles oodles aand nd ccrawfish rawfish egg egg rolls. rolls. And And don’t don’t miss m iss tthe he bboiled oiled ccrawfish. rawfish. 111:30am-2:30pm 1:30am-2:30pm aand nd 55:30:30Mon-Wed, 110pm 0pm M on-Wed, 111:30am1:30am22:30pm :30pm aand nd 55:30pm-midnight :30pm-midnight TThu-Fri, hu-Fri, 33pm-midnight pm-midnight SSat at aand nd 80 N.. Market 33-10pm -10pm SSun. un. 8 0N Market St. St. 4408.294.8626. 08.294.8626.
HAWGS H AWGS SSeafood. eafood. $$$. $$$. Next Next door door to to the the San San Jose Jose Rep Rep Theatre, Theatre, Hawgs Hawgs offers offers simple simple seafood seafood and and convenience convenience for for theatergoers. theatergoers. Mostly Mostly shellfish shellfish and and pasta pasta combinations combinations are are offered; offered; the the linguini linguini clams clams and and sautéed sautéed scallops scallops are are full full of of garlic garlic and and rich rich flavors. flavors. Tue-Sat Tue-Sat 11:30am-9pm, 11:30am-9pm, 4-10pm 4-10pm Sun. Sun. 150 150 S. S. Second Second St. St. 408.287.9955. 408.287.9955. HOUSE H OUSE OF OF SIAM SIAM TThai. hai. $ $.. TThis his ppopular opular establishment establishment runs runs tthe he gamut gamut ooff Thai Thai treasures. treasures. Beer, wine. CCasual. asual. B eer, w ine. 111:30am1:30am22:30pm :30pm Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, 5-10pm 5-10pm daily. daily. 1151 51 S. S. Second Second St. St. 408.295.3397. 408.295.3397.
IILL FFORNAIO ORNAIO Regional Italian. Embraced graceful aceful $$. Embr aced by the gr Clairee Hotel, this Sainte Clair (theree ar aree sever several location (ther al up and down the coast) transports diner.. The tr ansports the diner different menu showcases a diff erent monthly.. 7amrregion egion of Italy monthly 10:30am-11:30pm 10pm, 10:30am11:30pm Mon-Thu, 8am-11pm Mon-TThu, 8am11pm Fri-Sat,
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7711 the new the new N Neapolitan-style eapolitan-style ppizzas—delicate, izzas—delicate, light light and and ssatisfying. atisfying. Hearty Hearty pastas, pastas, ssalads alads aand nd ssandwiches, andwiches, too. too. 111:30am-10pm 1:30am-10pm Sun-Thu; Sun-Thu; 111:30am-9:30pm 1:30am-9:30pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 20 20 S. S. SSanta anta CCruz ruz Ave. Ave. 408.354.5566. 408.354.5566. FFor or other other locations locations ssee ee www. www. willowstreet.com. w illowstreet.com.
Moree din Mor dining ning cover coverage age
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
KOJI K OJI SSAKE AKE LLOUNGE OUNGE. $$$. $. Japanese. Japanese. In In spite spite of of Koji’s Koji’s well-tuned well-tuned aatmosphere, tmosphere, iit’s t’s the the sakes sakes that that really really set set the the tone. tone. Koji’s Koji’s sake sake list list includes includes tasting tasting notes notes that that help help you you find find one one that that suits suits you. you. Happy Happy hour hour 669pm 9pm Wed-Fri Wed-Fri with with $3 $3 beers beers and and $5 $5 small small plates. plates. 6pm-late 6pm-late WedWedFri, Fri, 8pm-late 8pm-late Sat. Sat. 48 48 S. S. First First St. St. 408.287.7199. 408.287.7199. LLA AP PASTAIA ASTAIA IItalian. talian. $ $$. $. La La Pastaia Pastaia remains remains a stalwart stalwart of of downtown downtown San San Jose’s Jose’s ddining ining scene. scene. Set Set inside inside the the Hotel Hotel De De Anza, Anza, the the rustic rustic Italian Italian restaurant restaurant has has big big city city style style to to spare. spare. Lunch Lunch 11am-3pm 11am-3pm Mon-Fri Mon-Fri and and noon-2pm noon-2pm SatSatSun; Sun; dinner dinner 5-9pm 5-9pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 5-10pm 5-10pm Fri-Sat Fri-Sat and and 5-9pm 5-9pm Sun. Sun. 233 233 W. W. Santa Santa Clara Clara St. St. 408.286.8686. 408.286.8686.
LLA AV VICTORIA ICTORIA T TAQUERIA AQUERIA Mexican. Mexican. $. $. La La Vic’s Vic’s famously famously addictive addictive orange orange hot hot sauce sauce merely merely tops tops off off its its tasty tasty taqueria taqueria fare: fare: big big burritos burritos of of the the breakfast breakfast and and lunchtime lunchtime varieties, varieties, overflowing overflowing nachos, nachos, delectable delectable chili chili rellenos. rellenos. 7am7am3am 3am daily. daily. 140 140 E. E. San San Carlos Carlos St. St. 408.298.5335. 408.298.5335.
LLOS OS CCUBANOS UBANOS CCuban. uban. $$. $$. Cuban Cuban food food exudes exudes an an earthy, earthy, slow-cooked slow-cooked seduction seduction and and Los Los Cubanos Cubanos has has it it in in spades. spades. Lunch Lunch 11am-2:30pm; 11am-2:30pm; dinner dinner 5-9pm 5-9pm Tue-Thu, Tue-Thu, 5-10pm 5-10pm Fri, Fri, 3-10pm 3-10pm Sat N.. Sat and and 3-8:30pm 3-8:30pm SSun. un. 2222 N Almaden Almaden Ave. Ave. 408.279.0134. 408.279.0134. MCCORMICK M CCORMICK AND AND SSCHMICK’S CHMICK’S $$$. Harks SSeafood. eafood. $ $$. H arks bback ack to to fish with bbig-city ig-city fi sh hhouses ouses w ith sstately, tately, masculine Menu m asculine iinteriors. nteriors. M enu ffollows ollows tthe he ffreshest reshest ffruits ruits ooff tthe he ssea, ea, ggrilled, rilled, ppan-seared, an-seared, Desserts will ssteamed. teamed. D esserts w ill hhook ook yyou. ou. 111:30am-10pm 1:30am-10pm ddaily, aily, 11pm 11pm hhappy appy hhour our FFri-Sat. ri-Sat. 1170 70 SS.. Market M arket SSt.t. 4408.283.7200. 08.283.7200.
MEZCAL M EZCAL RRegional egional M Mexican. exican. $$. $$. Mezcal Mezcal specializes specializes in in delicious delicious regional regional cuisine cuisine from from the the southern southern Mexican Mexican state state of of Oaxaca. Oaxaca. People People who who need need nachos nachos and and sour-creamsour-creamtopped topped burritos burritos on on the the menu menu will will probably probably be be miffed, miffed, but but for for those those willing willing to to venture venture beyond beyond the the same same old old MexicanMexicanAmerican American standards, standards, Mezcal Mezcal offers offers an an excellent excellent point point of of departure. departure. 11:30am-11pm 11:30am-11pm SunSun-
Fri Fri and and 5-11pm 5-11pm Sat. Sat. 25 25 W. W. San San Fernando Fernando St. St. 408.283.9595. 408.283.9595.
MOROCCO’S M OROCCO’S M Moroccan. oroccan. $$. $ $. Morocco’s Morocco’s iiss tthe he kkind ind ooff rrestaurant estaurant ddowntown owntown SSan an JJose ose more nneeds eeds m ore oof:f: ddistinctive istinctive ffood ood ccooked ooked aand nd sserved erved bbyy ppeople eople with w ith a ppersonal ersonal iinvestment nvestment iin n ccustomer ustomer happiness. happiness. Morocco’s Morocco’s ppersonal ersonal ttouch ouch iiss aallll oover ver tthe he rrestaurant. estaurant. LLunch unch 111am-3pm 1am-3pm Mon-Fri, Mon-Sat M on-Fri, ddinner inner 55-11pm -11pm M on-Sat 86 N.. M Market aand nd SSun un 55-9pm. -9pm. 8 6N arket SSt.t. 4408.998.1509. 08.998.1509.
MORTON’S M ORTON’SSTEAKHOUSE STEAKHOUSE Steakhouse. Steakhouse. $$$$. $$$$. Morton’s, Morton’s, a Chicago-based Chicago-based chain chain of of restaurants restaurants with with more more than than 80 80 locations locations across across the the United United States States and and abroad, abroad, offers offers delicious, delicious, premium-priced premium-priced steaks. steaks. The The rest rest of of the the menu menu is is a mixed mixed bag. bag. 5:30-11pm 5:30-11pm MonMonSat, Sat, 5-10pm 5-10pm Sun. Sun. 177 177 Park Park Ave. Ave. 408.947.7000. 408.947.7000.
MUCHOS M UCHOSM Mexican. exican. $ $.. A ssmall mall player player with with a big big rotisserie, rotisserie, this this taqueria taqueria ccultivates ultivates a devout devout lunch Allll sstandards lunch ffollowing. ollowing. A tandards gget et billing, mesquite-roasted billing, bbut ut tthe he m esquite-roasted chicken Beer. chicken iiss tthe he star. star. B eer. 111am1am10pm 10pm daily. daily. 72 72 E. E. Santa Santa CClara lara St. St. 408.277.0333. 408.277.0333. NAGLEE N AGLEEPARK PARKGARAGE GARAGE N New ew American. $$. A merican. $ $. LLots ots ooff rrestaurants estaurants would w ould llike ike ttoo tthink hink ooff tthemselves hemselves aass ffriendly riendly nneighborhood eighborhood jjoints oints Garage bbut ut ffew ew ddeliver. eliver. TThe he G arage menu ddoes. oes. SSmall mall bbut ut ssatisfying atisfying m enu well ooff w ell eexecuted xecuted ccomfort omfort ffood ood cclassics. lassics. 55-9:30pm -9:30pm TTue-Thu, ue-Thu, 55-9am-1pm, 110pm 0pm FFri, ri, 9 am-1pm, 55-10pm -10pm SSat, at, 9am-1pm 9 am-1pm SSun. un. 5505 05 EE.. SSan an CCarlos arlos SSt.t. 4408.286.1100. 08.286.1100. NH HA AT TOI OI VVietnamese. ietnamese. $ $-$$. -$$. N Nha ha Toi Toi is is the the place place for for northern northern style style Vietnamese Vietnamese food-—less food-—less sweet sweet than than southern southern Vietnamese Vietnamese food food and and less less spicy spicy than than the the food food of of central central Vietnam, Vietnam, yet yet it it makes makes wider wider uses uses of of aromatic aromatic ingredients ingredients 9am-10pm 9am-10pm daily. daily. 460 460 E. E. William William St. St. 408.294.2733. 408.294.2733.
ORIGINAL O RIGINALJOE’S JOE’S IItaliantalianAmerican. American. $$. $$. For For five five decades decades OJ’s OJ’s has has been been serving serving classics classics of of American American and and Italian-American Italian-American food food with with heaping heaping portions portions of of big big city city attitude attitude and and glamour. glamour. The The restaurant restaurant underwent underwent an an extensive extensive remodel, remodel, but but the the menu menu is is the the same same as as it it ever ever was. was. 11am-1am 11am-1am daily. daily. 301 301 S. S. First First St. St. 408.292.7030. 408.292.7030. PAGODA P AGODAR RESTAURANT ESTAURANT $$$. CChinese. hinese. $ $$. TThe he ccuisines uisines ooff with CChina hina sshare hare ttop op bbilling illing w ith tthe he
opulence opulence of of the the décor. décor. Pagoda Pagoda offers offers the the gamut gamut of of regional regional allallstars. stars. Dressy. Dressy. Full Full bar. bar. 6-10pm 6-10pm Tue-Sat. Tue-Sat. Fairmont Fairmont Hotel, Hotel, 170 170 S. S. Market Market St. St. 408.998.3937. 408.998.3937.
PAOLO’S P AOLO’S N New ew IItalian. talian. $ $$$$. $$$. Filled Filled with with artistic artistic spins spins on on California-meets-Italy, California-meets-Italy, the the kitchen kitchen turns turns out out elegant elegant entrees entrees spearheaded spearheaded by by seasonal seasonal vegetables. vegetables. The The impeccable impeccable service service compensates compensates for for the the modest modest portions. portions. Full Full bar. bar. 11:30-2:30 11:30-2:30 Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm MonMonSat. Sat. 323 323 W. W. San San Carlos Carlos St. St. 408.294.2558. 408.294.2558. P.F. P .F. CCHANG’S HANG’S CCHINA HINA B BISTRO ISTRO Chinese. $ Chinese. $$. $. W With ith aatmosphere tmosphere ttoo spare, spare, Chang’s Chang’s doesn’t doesn’t Vibrant nneglect eglect ttaste. aste. V ibrant SSzechuan zechuan flavors fl avors mix mix surprisingly surprisingly well well with Western-style w ith rrich ich W estern-style Patio ddesserts. esserts. Take-out. Take-out. P atio dining. dining. FFull ull bbar. ar. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm SSununTThu, hu, 11am-11pm 11am-11pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 98 98 S. S. SSecond econd SSt.t. 4408.961.5250. 08.961.5250.
POOR P OOR H HOUSE OUSE BISTRO BISTRO N New ew Orleans. Orleans. $$. $$. The The Poor Poor House House Bistro Bistro offers offers a low-priced low-priced menu menu of of Crescent Crescent City City classics classics like like po’ po’ bboys, oys, bbarbecued arbecued sshrimp, hrimp, gumbo gumbo and and muffaletta. muffaletta. Live Live music music on on Fridays Fridays and and Saturdays. Saturdays. Open Open 11am-9pm 11am-9pm Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. Open Open Sundays Sundays for for major major HP HP Pavilion Pavilion events. events. 91 91 S. S. Autumn Autumn St. St. 408.292.5837. 408.292.5837. SSCOTT’S COTT’S SSEAFOOD EAFOOD SSeafood. eafood. $$$. $ $$. CCulture ulture lovers lovers and and power power find bbrokers rokers aalike like fi nd iimpeccable mpeccable marine ssourdough, ourdough, a ssea ea ooff m arine ttreats reats aand nd oother ther eentrees ntrees aand nd a ppanoramic anoramic view view (there’s (there’s a Palo Alto). ssister ister eeatery atery iin nP alo A lto). FFor or maximum m aximum ppleasure, leasure, gget et tthere here aatt ssunset. unset. FFull ull bbar. ar. 111:30am1:30amMon-Fri, 55pm pm M on-Fri, 55pm-close pm-close SSat, at, Park 44:30pm-close :30pm-close SSun. un. 1185 85 P ark Ave. A ve. 4408.971.1700. 08.971.1700.
7711 SSAINT AINT P PETER ETER N New ew American. $$$. A merican. $ $$. TThis his rromantic omantic eeatery atery ooffers ffers uupscale pscale Mediterranean M editerranean food food in in an an Beer, wine. iintimate ntimate ssetting etting B eer, w ine. N.. SSan Pedro CClosed losed SSun. un. 7711 N an P edro SSt.t. 111:30am-1pm, 1:30am-1pm, 55-9pm -9pm Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. 4408.971.8523. 08.971.8523.
SSONOMA ONOMA CHICKEN CHICKEN COOP COOP Mixed. mind M ixed. $. $. IfIf you you don’t don’t m ind ccarrying arrying yyour our oown wn ttray ray aand nd fighting fi ghting ffor or a ttable able yyou’ll ou’ll bbee with rrewarded ewarded w ith hhearty earty sspitpitrroasted oasted cchicken hicken tthat hat rrequires equires aatt N.. M Market lleast east ssix ix nnapkins. apkins. 3311 N arket Pedro SSt.t. aatt SSan an P edro SSquare. quare. 111am1am9pm 9 pm SSun-Thu, un-Thu, 110pm 0pm FFri-Sat ri-Sat 4408.287.4098. 08.287.4098.
75 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
773 3 8am-10pm Sun. Full bar. 8am-10pm bar. 3022 S. Market SSt. t. 4408.271.3366. 08.271.3366.
Moree din dining coverage Mor ning cover age
metroactive m metr troacctive ttive
CCHOICES H O I C ES B BY: Y: 8Xife :Xie\j 8Xife :Xie\j 9\Xl ;fnc`e^ 9\Xl ;fnc`e^ A\e Efn\cc A\e Efn\cc Jk\m\ GXcfgfc` Jk\m\ GXcfgfc`
JONNY LANG Afeep CXe^ n Xj Xci\X[p j_X i`e^ k_\ jkX^ n`k_ Ycl\j ^i \ \Xkj Xj X k\\e X^\i%
K_\ Nfe[\i\kk\j Xi\ kff jn\\k ]fi nfi[jÆ JXe Afj\ I\g% N\[e\j[Xp ]fii JXe Afj\ I\g% jf k_\p j`e^ fe jf k_\p j`e^ fe N\[e\j[Xp ]f
*w wed ed
THE T HE M MARVELOUS ARV E LO US WONDERETTES W O N D E R E T T ES San S an Jose J Repertory R rtory Theatr Reper Theatree Wed-Fri 8pm; We W ed-Fri – 8pm m; Sat S – 3 and 8pm; Tue Sun – 2 and Sun a 7pm, 7pm, T u ue – 7:30pm, th thr ough h June 27; 2 $29-$50 through Wonderettes—Betty TThe he W onderettes—Betty JJean, ean, Cindy Cindy Missy LLou, ou, M issy aand nd SSuzy—are uzy—are four four ggirls irls who w ho tell tell uuss aabout bout ttheir heir lives lives aand nd lloves oves aass tthey hey pperform erform soulful soulful rrenditions enditions ooff ppop op ffavorites avorites of of tthe he ’50s ’50s aand nd ’’60s. 60s. TThis his revue revue is is part part of of San San Jose Jose Rep’s Rep’s ssummer ummer sseries eries aand nd ffeatures eatures the the ttraveling raveling cast cast of of tthe he ooff-Broadway ff-Broadway hit. hit. SSongs ongs include include such such indelible indelible hits hits aass ““Mr. Mr. SSandman,” andman,” “Dream “Dream LLover,” over,” ““Stupid Stupid CCupid” upid” aand nd ““It’s It’s in in His His Kiss.” Kiss.” (JN) (JN)
T HE SPEED THE SPEED OFF SOUND O SOU ND IN IN SSEAWATER E AWATER Streetlight S treetlight Records, R Recor ds, San Jose Wed free W ed – 4pm; fr ee Ass I was drift drifting A ting in the open sea, I was reminded remindded of the Speed of Seawater. Sound in Sea awater. Just like the ocean, their music pulled me in different directions. The violent diff erent dir e ections. undertow tugging tugging at my feet feet was math like the mathematically hematically complex poundings ooff the rhythm section. glowing The bright gl lowing sun overhead ffelt elt like the soft, s layered layer y ed vocals that rested rested on o the top of the wanted music. I want ted to call the Speed of Sound in Seawater S a cross cross between thee Jonas Brothers Brothers and King Crimson, Crimsonn, but that could have been my mind minnd succumbing to madness as my food food and water (AC) supplies dwindled dwindled (A C)
*tthu hu
Voodoo LLounge, Voodoo ounge, San Jose free Thu – 9pm; 9pm; fr ee Really musicianship R eally hhigh igh levels levels ooff m usicianship 4-year-old which iin n tthis his 4year-old octet, octet, w hich musically m usically llauds auds the the art art ooff what-for ggiving iving yyour our lliver iver tthe he w hat-for iin n St.. JJosie. bbeautiful eautiful ddowntown owntown St osie. W.A.’s W .A.’s skills skills aare re uused sed in in tthe he sservice ervice ooff sska, ka, iincluding ncluding a shrewd shrewd George vversion ersion ooff tthe he eever-twatty ver-twatty G eorge Michael’s Whisper,” M ichael’s ““Careless Careless W hisper,” forr pposterity ccaptured aptured fo osterity oon n YYouTube. ouTube. SSeen een their their video video “The “The Problem”? Problem”? who TThere’s here’s tthis his gguy uy w ho llooks ooks llike ike Posse, hhe’s e’s iin n tthe he IInsane nsane CClown lown P osse, or or maybe Holder m aybe JJeffrey effrey H older iin n tthe he llast ast
sshot hot ooff LLive ive aand nd Let Let Die Die, as as well well as Calavera Virgin as a Ca alavera vversion ersion ooff tthe he V irgin of Guadalupe of G uadalupe bbehind ehind tthe he ddrum rum throne Higuchi. throne of of Kevin Kevin “Guch” “ G u c h” H iguchi. Skeletons motif Skeletons are are tthe he m otif hhere, ere, and and tthere here iiss aalso lso aan n eelement lement ooff gangsta Whiskey Avengers’ gangsta iin n tthe he W hiskey A vengers ’ dance dance music: music: R Round ound O One, ne, ttheir heir first first aalbum, lbum, bbears ears a ppicture icture ooff a ppistol Round istol oon n tthe he ccover. over. R ound 22,, subtitled Wreckless,” subtitled ““Wet Wet aand nd W reckless,” came came out out last last year. year. (RvB) (RvB)
*ffri ri
JJONNY ON NY LLANG ANG Montaalvo Arts Center Montalvo Center,r, Sar Saratoga atoga Fri – 7:30pm; 7 $50-$75 Duringg a show with B.B. King, then 116-year-old 6-year-old Jonny Lang was invitedd onstage to play a song
Wayne Crans/Dead Bird Photography
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
with witth him. Now, Now w, 13 years later, later, Lang Lanng has shared shared the stage with thee Stones, Stones, Buddy Guy and more. more. Known Knoown for for his distinctive voice andd guitar solos, there’s there’s also just something som methingg about his face face when he’s performing he’s perf orming that gets to the heart heaart of the blues. Lang garnered garnered his first Grammy Grammy Award Award in 2006 andd released released Live at the Ryman to mostly moostly positive reviews. reviews. (BD)
CCHANNEL HANNEL 3 Blaank Club, San Jose Blank Fri – 9pm; $8 Hailing Orange H ailing ffrom rom O range CCounty, ounty, CChannel hannel 3 pplayed layed aann iintegral ntegral rrole ole iin n tthe he eearly-’80s arly-’80s punk punk eexplosion xplosion iin n SSouthern outhern California. California. TThey hey pplayed layed Black aalongside longside B lack FFlag, lag, Circle Circle JJerks, erks, Middle SSuicidal uicidal TTendencies endencies aand nd tthe he M iddle CClass, lass, bbut ut CCH3 H3 ttook ook a ddifferent ifferent rroute; oute; iinstead nstead of of pissed-off pissed-off went with more hhardcore, ardcore, tthey hey w ent w ith a m ore
oncerts * cconcerts June 16 1 at 7pm m at Bella Mia, San Jose
Junn 16 at noo noon, on, Courthouse Squar Square, e, Redwood City
ANDRE A NDRE THIERRY THIERRY AND AND ZZYDECO YDECO M MAGIC AGIC Jun 118 8 at 6pm in Courthouse Squar Square, e, Redwood CIty
IIMOGEN MOGEN HEAP HEAP June 18 1 at Mountain Winery
JJOHNNY OHNNY LANG LANG Jun 18 aatt Montalvo Arts Center
KELLY K ELLY M MCDONALD CDONALD B BAND AND J 18 at 7pm at CCultural Jun ultural Center Centter Amphitheatre, Morgan Amp phitheatre, Mo organ ga Hill
OLD O LD T TIME IME SSUMMER UMMER CCONCERT ONCERT Jun 18 8 at 7:30pm m at Milpitas Milp Community Center ente
RAINBOW R AINBOW WOMEN’S WOMEN’S CHORUS C H O RU S Junn 19 at Le P Petit etit TTrianon, rianon, r San Jose Joose
RIDERS R IDERS IN IN THE THE SKY SKY J 19 att 7:30pm Jun 7 30 att Campbell Campbell aamp mpb lll Theatre Heritage ita Theatr The h e
nXig\[ g\ijg\Zk`m\ kf k_\
K_\ Dldc\ij Yi`e^ k_\`i
melodic aapproach. melodic pproach. A llot ot of of poppopppunk unk bbands ands oowe we their their careers careers to to tthese hese uunsung nsung pioneers. pioneers. After After going going musical tthrough hrough a m usical experimentation experimentation mid-’80s, pphase hase iin n tthe he m id-’80s, they they have have ssince ince rreturned eturned ttoo their their roots. roots. SStarting tarting tthings hings ooff ff are are Symbol Symbol Six Six ((another another sstaple taple ooff tthat hat early-’80s early-’80s sscene) cene) aand nd Boob Boob (members (members of of Los Los Olvidados, Diesel Queens, O lvidados, D iesel Q ueens, Ribzy Ribzy aand nd Unaware). tthe he U naware). (BD) (BD)
*ssat at
THE T HE M MUMLERS U M L E RS Blank Club, San Jose TBA Sat – 9pm; T BA The Mumlers’ Mumlers’ debut record, record, d 2007’s Thickets and Stitches Stitches, laun launched nched the ambitious San Jose band band onto a national stage. Besides attention a
from fr om Rolling Stone Stone and NPR, it was the album that lau launched nched a thousand blog posts. The T consensus: Ambitious. Fascinating. F Soulful. Distinctive. And above all, unpredictable. that unpr p edictable. But th hat was nothing: last year year’s ’s ffollow-up, olloow-up, Don’t Don ’t Thr Throw ow Me A Away, wayy, was w twice the record, record, branching branching out ouut in every direction direction at once. Its first firsst single “Coffin Factory” sounds like a cross cross between ? and the Mysterians’ Mysterians’ “99 Tears” Tears” and Talking Taalking Heads’ H Heads ’ Fear of Music album, while something something like “99 Years textured Years Ago” Ago” is soo textur ed and atmospheric it should shouuld be immediately put on the soundtrack soundtrack to something. Their subsequent subbsequent iTunes Session EP iT Tunes u EP features featuures reworked reworked versions of songs soongs from from both albums; somehow somehow,, it it’s ’s even groovier, groovier, and you gotta love the south-of-the-border south-of-the-border rendition rendition of “Red River Hustle.” (SP)
SSOULFULLY OULFULLY FFLY LY EEVENT VENT Jun 19 at South u Firstt Billiar Billiards, ds ds, Jose Sa Jo San o ose
Mountain Winery, Wineryy, Saratoga Saratoga Sat – 7:30pm; $50.50-$100.50 $50.5 50-$100.50
Nickel City Nickel City, y, San Jose J Sat – 5pm; $10
In the 1990s, EErykah rykah Badu was known not just ffor or ggreat reat taste originality in hats but ffor or the or riginality of her sound. She used elements of hip-hop, R&B, jazz, African, A pop press and gospel. The pr esss rreferred eferred to her as “the queen off neosoul,” a label she hated, evenn though it pretty was pr etty dead-on. What set her apart was how she ffused used these different traditions diff erent musical tr a aditions into quite her singing. Not quit te soul. Not Likee most ggood qquite rrap app or jjazz. Lik like music, it sounded lik ke something heardd bef before, you’d hear ore, and a yet like heardd bef before. nothing you’d hear ore. Her carries tradition new album car ries oon n her tr adition stretching possibilities of str etching the pos ssibilities of (AC) C) what soul music cann be. (A
I hhave ave bbeen een kknown nown ttoo ccarry arry oon n llong ong which ddiscussions iscussions aabout bout w hich bbands ands yyou ou whose hhave ave ttoo ssee ee llive, ive, vvs. s. tthe he oones nes w hose aalbums lbums ssurpass urpass their their cconcerts. oncerts. Mummies SSome ome bbands ands llike ike tthe he M ummies will making w ill ssurprise urprise yyou ou bbyy m aking rreally eally manage kkiller iller rrecords ecords tthat hat m anage ttoo Other ccapture apture ttheir heir llive ive eenergy. nergy. O ther bbands ands llike ike FFever ever CCharm harm pput ut oout ut rrecords ecords tthat hat ddon’t on’t ddoo jjustice ustice ttoo tthe he mixture llive ive eexperience. xperience. TTheir heir m ixture ooff ffunk, unk, ppunk-rock unk-rock aand nd ppower-pop ower-pop sseems eems uundanceable, ndanceable, aawkward wkward whiny aand nd w hiny oon n tthe he rrecordings, ecordings, bbut ut makes iin n cconcert, oncert, iitt aallll m akes ssense. ense. TThe he much more ssound ound iiss m uch m ore ppowerful owerful aand nd ccaptivating. aptivating. TTheir heir yyouthful outhful eenergy nergy ccomes omes ooff ff aass ccharming harming aand nd hhonest. onest. who IIt’s t’s dance dance music music ffor or ppunk unk kkids ids w ho want ddon’t on’t w ant ttoo aadmit dmit tthey hey llike ike ddance ance music. m usic. ((AC) AC)
VIVACE V IVACE YOUTH YOUTH CHORUS C H O RU S Jun Ju n 19 at 3pm at Foothill F Foo ll Presbyterian, Pr esbyterian, ria San Jose
PALO P ALO A ALTO LTO W WORLD ORLD M MUSIC USIC D DAY AY Jun 20 at 3pm m on U University niversity A Avenue v e venu
RAGAZZI R AGAZZI BOYS BOY OYS CHORUS, C H O RU S , T THE HE SSINGING INGING H HEART EART Jun 20 2 at 5pm at St. St. Mark’s Mark EEpiscopal pisccopal Chur Church, ch, P Palo alo Al Alto. to. to
LLEFT EFT CCOAST OAST LLIVE IVE Jun 2121-26 26 in downtown San Jose ose
ORQUESTA O RQUESTA B BORINQUEN ORINQUEN July 13 at 6:15pm 6 at CCardoza ardoza oza P Park arrk in Milpitas Milp
MUSIC M USIC IN IN T THE HE P PARK, ARK, BODEANS BODEANS Jun 2244 at Plaza de Cesar es Chavez
M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Sunday Showcase Series June 27, August 8 & September 26
Nova Vista Brass Quintet presents
Ian MacDonald: Sea Sketches Jaime Texidor-Dalmau: Amparito Roca
members of the
San Jose Symphonic Choir presents
nostalgia ...the treasured songs of Cole Porter & George/Ira Gershwin
Sunday June 27 3 PM Theatre On San Pedro Square 29 N. San Pedro Street, San Jose $5 door donation requested
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Moree listings: Mor
ARTS RT S metroactive metr oactivve A
The Bike Snob Friday, 6:30pm, Barnes & Noble, Stevens Creek, San Jose; free For the longest time, the snarky blogger known as the Bike Snob dissed and dissected urban bike culture. Now that Eben Weiss has finally been unmasked, he has written a book (from Chronicle books) and is on the road. After signing copies of his book, he’ll join the monthly San Jose Bike Party at 8pm.
Monday Night Live Monday, 7pm, San Jose Stage Co.; $60 The politicians get roasted in San Jose Stage Co.’s annual fundraiser. The blistering sketches are justifiably famous. Supe George Shirakawa Jr. is the guest host. Pictured are Randall King and Planning Director Joe Horwedel in Tarantino drag.
Ragazzi Boy’s Chorus Sunday, 5pm, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Palo Alto; $15/$25 In advance of its tour of Canada, the popular boys’ ensemble presents “The Singing Heart.”The program includes gospel, Latin songs and a couple of world premieres.
The A The Agatha gatha CChristie hristie mystery mystery cclassic lassic rruns uns aass ppart art ooff CCalifornia alifornia TTheatre heatre CCenter’s enter ’s SSummer ummer Rep week. R ep SSeries. eries. TThis his w eek. Fri-Sat, Fri-Sat, $1277:30pm. :30pm. TThrough hrough JJul ul 224. 4. $ 12$20. $ 20. SSunnyvale unnyvale CCommunity ommunity TTheatre. heatre.
OPUS O PUS Michael H Michael Hollinger’s ollinger ’s rregional egional ppremiere, remiere, presented presented bbyy TTheatreWorks, heatreWorks, ffocuses ocuses oon n tthe he iinternal nternal tensions tensions in in a sstring tring week: qquartet. uartet. This This w eek: Tue-Wed, Tue-Wed, 8pm, 77:30pm, :30pm, TThu-Fri, hu-Fri, 8 pm, SSat, at, 2 8pm, aand nd 8 pm, SSun, un, 2 aand nd 77pm. pm. TThru hru $24–$62. Mountain JJun un 227. 7. $ 24–$62. M ountain View Performing V iew CCenter enter ffor or tthe he P erforming Arts. A rts.
RED, R E D, W WHITE HITE A AND ND T TUNA UNA The SSouth The outh B Bay ay ppremiere remiere ooff tthe he nnewest ewest installment installment in in the the ccomedy omedy ttrilogy rilogy aabout bout llife ife iinn a ssmall, mall, eeccentric ccentric Texas Texas town. town. Presented P resented by by SSan an JJose ose SStage tage Wed-Thu, CCompany. ompany. W ed-Thu, 77:30pm. :30pm. 8pm, FFri–Sat, ri–Sat, 8 pm, SSun, un, 22pm. pm. TThru hru $15-$45. JJul ul 44.. $ 15-$45. SSan an JJose ose SStage. tage.
SSECOND ECOND WEEKEND WEEKEND IIN N SSEPTEMBER E PT E M B E R City LLights City ights TTheater heater Company Company ppresents resents tthe he world world ppremiere remiere Andrew Black’s ooff A ndrew B lack’s pplay lay aabout bout a married m arried man man and and hhis is ccollegeollegeaage ge ggay ay llover, over, sset et iin n tthe he 11980s. 980s. 8pm, TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8 pm, SSun, un, 22pm. pm. TThru hru $25-$40. JJun un 220. 0. $ 25-$40. SSan an JJose. ose.
tage *sstage Dance D ance
IINFINITY NFINITY DANCE DANCE STUDIO STUDIO Annual showcase Annual showcase recital. recital. W ed-Thu, 77pm. pm. $ 18. CCampbell ampbell Wed-Thu, $18. H eritage TTheatre. heatre. Heritage
SSUMMER UMMER D DANCE ANCE CCAROUSEL AROUSEL A ffamily amily bballet allet sshowcase howcase w with ith yyoung oung dancers dancers from from Bayer Bayer B allet CCompany ompany w ith gguest uest Ballet with ddancers ancers ffrom rom B allet San San JJose. ose. Ballet SSun, un, 5pm. 5pm. $ 28/$33. SSmithwick mithwick $28/$33. TTheatre, heatre, FFoothill oothill College, College, LLos os A ltos Hills. Hills. Altos
TANGO T ANGO WITH WITH IGOR IGOR P POLK OLK A ddemonstration emonstration eevent. vent. TThu, hu, 6 :30pm. TTaube aube Koret Koret CCampus ampus 6:30pm. ffor or JJewish ewish LLife. ife. P alo A lto. Palo Alto.
Opera O pera OPERA O PERA SAN SAN JJOSE OSE BENEFIT BENEFIT Presented bbyy Italian Presented Italian A American merican H eritage FFoundation oundation w ith a Heritage with
social hhour social our aatt 6 6:30pm :30pm followed followed bbyy ddinner inner aand nd a pprogram rogram ooff aarias rias performed performed by by OSJ OSJ stars. stars. FFri, ri, 8pm. 8pm. $30 $30 and and up. up. IAHF IAHF Hall, Hall, 4425 25 N. N. FFourth ourth SSt,t, San San JJose. ose.
Theater T heater BLACK/WHITE B LACK/WHITE TThe he CCalifornia alifornia TTheater heater CCenter enter summer summer rep’s rep’s ssecond econd pproduction roduction is is a double double bbill ill ooff ““Black Black CComedy” omedy” aand nd ““The The White W hite LLiars,” iars,” ttwo wo mordant mordant Peter ccomedies omedies bbyy P eter SShaffer. haffer. week: TThis his w eek: TThu, hu, 77:30pm. :30pm. TThru hru JJun un 223. 3. $12-$20. $12-$20. Sunnyvale Sunnyvale CCommunity ommunity TTheatre. heatre.
FFALSETTOLAND ALSETTOLAND A one-act one-act m musical usical aabout bout a ffamily amily ccelebration elebration a yyoung oung man’s milestone while m an’s m ilestone w hile worrying AIDS. w orrying about about A IDS. Presented Presented 8pm. bbyy SStirfry tirfry Theatre. Theatre. TThu-Fri, hu-Fri, 8 pm. Also $10-$15. Bella Mia, A lso JJun un 225. 5. $ 10-$15. B ella M ia, SSan an JJose. ose.
JJEWTOPIA EWTOPIA A comedy comedy aabout bout aan n IIrishrishwho CCatholic atholic gguy uy w ho aaims ims to to marry marry a JJewish ewish girl, girl, aand nd hhis is Jewish Jewish pal pal
who who wants wants to to marry marry a Jewish Jewish girl, girl, too, too, and and the the bargain bargain they they make. Presented Palo Alto make. P resented bbyy P alo A lto Players. Players. Thu-Sat, Thu-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, Sun, Sun, 2:30pm. 2:30pm. Thru Thru Jun Jun 27. 27. $20-$30. $20-$30. Lucie Palo Alto. Lucie SStern tern TTheater, heater, P alo A lto.
LLITTLE ITTLE SSHOP HOP O OFF H HORRORS ORRORS Potted plants Potted plants w will ill never never look look Presented Bus tthe he ssame. ame. P resented bbyy B us Barn Wed, B arn SStage tage CCompany. ompany. W ed, 8pm, 77:30pm, :30pm, TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8 pm, SSun, un, 3 $24-$32. oorr 77pm. pm. TThru hru JJun un 119. 9. $ 24-$32. Bus Barn Altos. B us B arn TTheatre, heatre, LLos os A ltos.
THE M THE MARVELOUS ARVELOUS WONDERETTES W ONDERETTES San Jose San Jose Rep’s Rep’s ssummer ummer miniseason with m iniseason bbegins egins w ith a musical m usical rreview eview aabout bout ffour our ssinging inging ssensations ensations ooff tthe he 11950s 950s aand nd ’’60s 60s aand nd ttheir heir qquest uest ffor or Wed-Fri, ffame. ame. TTue, ue, 77:30pm, :30pm, W ed-Fri, 8pm, 8pm, 8 pm, SSat, at, 3 aand nd 8 pm, SSunday unday 2 $29aand nd 77pm. pm. TThrough hrough JJun un 227. 7. $ 29$67. Rep, $ 67. TThe he R ep, SSan an JJose. ose.
THE T HE M MIKADO IKADO The G The Gilbert ilbert & SSullivan ullivan ffavorite avorite ppresented resented bbyy LLyric yric TTheatre. heatre. TThis his week: 8pm, w eek: SSat, at, 8 pm, SSun, un, 22pm. pm. TThru hru $10-$35. Montgomery JJun un 227. 7. $ 10-$35. M ontgomery TTheater, heater, SSan an JJose. ose.
Naatak presents Naatak presents tthe he H Hindi indi Girish with pplay lay bbyy G irish KKarnad, arnad, w ith ssubtitles ubtitles in in EEnglish. nglish. IItt ttells ells tthe he sstory tory ooff tthe he eeccentric ccentric ssultan ultan Muhammad Bin M uhammad B in TTughlaq ughlaq ooff tthe he Delhi. 8pm, 114th 4th ccentury entury iinn D elhi. FFri, ri, 8 pm, SSat, at, 55pm, pm, SSun, un, 11.. TThru hru JJun un 220. 0. $16-$30. Pedro $ 16-$30. TTheatre heatre oon n SSan an P edro SSquare. quare.
VANITIES V ANITIES AN Northside orthside pproduction roduction ooff a ccomedy omedy aabout bout tthree hree TTexas exas ggirls irls iinn tthe he eearly arly 1960s. 1960s. TThuhu8pm, $15/$20. SSat, at, 8 pm, SSun, un, 33pm. pm. $ 15/$20. Northside N orthside TTheatre heatre Company, Company, SSan an JJose. ose.
CComedy omedy CCOMEDYSPORTZ OMEDYSPORTZ An iinteractive An nteractive improvised improvised Allll aages ccomedy omedy sshow. how. A ges welcome w elcome to to eearly arly Friday Friday sshow how aand nd bboth oth SSaturday aturday sshows. hows. 118+ 8+ ““Midnight Midnight SShow” how” 111pm 1pm sshow how 9pm FFriday. riday. FFri, ri, 9 pm aand nd 111pm 1pm aand nd 9pm. $12-$15. SSat, at, 77pm pm aand nd 9 pm. $ 12-$15. CComedySportz, omedySportz, San San Jose. Jose.
IIMPROV MPROV Wed, 8 Wed, 8pm: pm: A Alex lex R Retodo etodo ppresents resents tthe he record-release record-release Penala. $12. sshow how ffor or SSway way P enala. $ 12. TThu, hu,
8pm, FFri, 8pm, ri, 8 aand nd 110pm, 0pm, SSat, at, 7 aand nd 9 pm, SSun, un, 77pm: pm: M ike B irbiglia. 9pm, Mike Birbiglia. $ 25. SSan an JJose. ose. $25.
ROOSTER R OOSTER T T.. FFEATHERS EATHERS Wed, 8 Wed, 8pm: pm: N New ew TTalent alent SShowcase. howcase. $ 10. FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 9 pm, $10. 9pm, SSun, un, 8 pm: JJohn ohn H enton ffrom rom 8pm: Henton ““Living Living SSingle.” ingle.” $18. $18. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Museums M useums OPENING OP PENING TRITON T R I TO N M MUSEUM USEUM O OFF A ART RT ““A A CChild’s hild’s W World.” orld.” A sshow how aabout bout iinner nner yyouth, outh, with with works works bbyy SSqueak queak CCarnwath, arnwath, Enrique Enrique CChagoya hagoya aand nd oothers. thers. JJun un 119-Sep 9-Sep 226. 6. ““Erin Erin G oodwinGoodwinG uerrero: CCaught aught Between Between Guerrero: H eaven aand nd Earth.” Earth.” Recent Recent Heaven w orks bbyy tthe he ppainter. ainter. Jun Jun works 119-Sep 9-Sep 119. 9. ““Flights Flights ooff FFancy: ancy: N ew works works bbyy LLivia ivia SStein.” tein.” JJun un New 117-Sep 7-Sep 119. 9. R eceptions ffor or tthe he Receptions sshows hows JJun un 118, 8, 77-9pm. -9pm. TTue-Wed ue-Wed aand nd FFri-Sun, ri-Sun, 111am-5pm. 1am-5pm. TThu, hu, 111am-9pm. 1am-9pm. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
CONTINUING CO NTINUING CCANTOR A N TO R A ARTS RTS CCENTER ENTER “Collection Highlights “Collection Highlights From From EEurope urope 11500-1800, 500-1800, A ncient Ancient G reece aand nd R ome. A nnew ew llook ook Greece Rome. aatt the the museum’s museum’s ppermanent ermanent hholdings. oldings. O ngoing. “Tracing “Tracing Ongoing. tthe he P ast, D rawing tthe he FFuture: uture: Past, Drawing M aster IInk nk P ainters iin n 220th0thMaster Painters CCentury entury CChina.” hina.” TThru hru Jul Jul 4. 4. TThe he video video “Odile “Odile and and Odette” Odette” sscreens creens aass ppart art ooff ““Longing Longing ffor or Sea-Change” Sea-Change” sseries. eries. O pens Opens JJun un 116. 6. W ed-Sun, 11am-5pm, 11am-5pm, Wed-Sun, TThu, hu, 111am-8pm. 1am-8pm. SStanford. tanford.
CHILDREN’S D CHILDREN’S DISCOVERY ISCOVERY M USEUM MUSEUM “Run! JJump! “Run! ump! FFly! ly! A Adventures dventures iinn A ction.” A sshow how aabout bout tthe he Action.” jjoy oy ooff being being physically physically active. active. TThru hru SSep ep 9 on-Sat, 110am0am9.. M Mon-Sat, 55pm pm aand nd SSun, un, noon-5pm. noon-5pm. SSan an JJose. ose.
New-media artists New-media artists explore explore ttechnology’s echnology’s rrelation elation to to hhuman uman and and natural natural rhythms. rhythms. FFeatures eatures works works bbyy JJim im Bill CCampbell, ampbell, B ill Viola, Viola, Gail Gail Wight Wight aand nd others. others. TThru hru Feb Feb 6. 6. “New “New SStories tories FFrom rom the the EEdge dge of of Asia: Plastic A sia: P lastic LLife.” ife.” TThru hru SSep ep 119. 9. ““Wayne Wayne TThiebaud: hiebaud: Seventy Seventy Paint.” YYears ears of of P aint.” TThru hru JJul ul 4. 4. Hyperreal.” Aug ““Real Real & H yperreal.” TThru hru A ug 11.. TTue-Sun, ue-Sun, 11am-5pm, 11am-5pm, closed closed Mon. M on. San San Jose. Jose.
SAN JJOSE SAN OSE MUSEUM MUSEUM O OFF QUILTS Q UILTS A AND ND T TEXTILES E X T I L ES “Hawaii’s Alfred “Hawaii’s Alfred Shaheen: Shaheen: FFabric abric to to FFashion.” ashion.” TTextiles extiles aand nd aloha aloha wear wear from from aann Oahu O ahu manufacturer. manufacturer. “Grand “Grand Appliqué: Hawaiian Quilts.” A ppliqué: H awaiian Q uilts.” Works W orks bbyy CCarol arol KKamaile. amaile. ““Wendeanne Wendeanne KKe’aka e’aka Stitt: Stitt: CContemporary ontemporary KKapa.” apa.” FFiber iber aart rt bbyy SSanta anta CCruz ruz aartist. rtist. All All end end Aug A ug 8. 8. TTue-Sun, ue-Sun, 110am-5pm. 0am-5pm. SSan an JJose. ose.
TECH T ECH MUSEUM MUSEUM ”Genghis Khan.” ”Genghis Khan.” A new new show show aabout bout the the technological, technological, martial m artial and and social social advances advances of of Mon-Wed, tthe he Mongol Mongol warrior. warrior. M on-Wed, 9am-5pm, 9 am-5pm, and and TThu-Sun, hu-Sun, 9am9am8pm. 8 pm. San San Jose. Jose.
TRITON T R I TO N M MUSEUM USEUM O OFF A ART RT TTue-Wed ue-Wed aand nd Fri-Sun, Fri-Sun, 11am11am55pm. pm. TThu, hu, 11am-9pm. 11am-9pm. CClosed losed Mon. M on. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.
GGalleries alleries OPENING O PENING PALO P A LO A ALTO LTO ART ART CCENTER ENTER “Secret D “Secret Drawings.” rawings.” A sshow how bbased ased on on the the Surrealist Surrealist idea idea of of tthe he exquisite exquisite corpse. corpse. ““Dream D eam Dr figures SSequences.” equences.” CCeramic eramic fi gures Michael Beverly bbyy M ichael LLucero, ucero, B everllyy Mayeri M ayeri aand nd others. others. “Surreal “Surreal Reinventions.” R einventions.” More More iimages mages in in a Surrealist Surrealist vein. vein. Jun Jun 19–Sep 19–Sep Reception 44.. R eception JJun un 18. 18. 77-9pm. -9pm. TTue-Sat, ue-Sat, 10am-5pm, 10am-5pm, Thu, Thu, 779pm, Palo Alto. 9 pm, SSun, un, 11-5pm. -5pm. P alo A lto.
“Explore SSan “Explore an JJose ose P Parks— arks— O pen ttoo tthe he P ublic SSince ince 11850.” 850.” Open Public A acific H otel Gallery. Gallery. TueTueAtt P Pacific Hotel SSun, un, nnoon-5pm. oon-5pm. SSan an JJose. ose.
“My O “My Only nly D Desire.” esire.” A oone-third ne-third sscale cale ssculpture culpture vversion ersion ooff tthe he LLady ady and and the the Unicorn Unicorn tapestry tapestry bbyy JJoey oey SSyta yta uusing sing Lite-Brite Lite-Brite ppegs. egs. Thru Thru Jun Jun 26. 26. San San Jose. Jose.
Egyptian hhistorical Egyptian istorical aartifacts rtifacts aand nd ddisplays. isplays. O ngoing. MonMonOngoing. FFri, ri, 110am-5pm 0am-5pm aand nd Sat-Sun, Sat-Sun, 111am-6pm. 1am-6pm. SSan an Jose. Jose.
SSAN AN JJOSE OSE M MUSEUM USEUM O OFF ART ART “Vital SSigns: “Vital igns: N New ew M Media edia From From tthe he P ermanent Collection.” Collection.” Permanent
“Floating Thresholds.” “Floating Th esho ds New New work w ork bbyy KKristine s ne Idarius. da us TThru hru Jun Jun 225. 5 Fri, F 6-8pm, 6-8pm Grace oorr bbyy aappointment. ppo n men G ace CCommunity ommun y Center, Cen e San San Jose. ose
79 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
ARTS RT S metroactive metr oactivve A 779 9 CCAFFÉ AFFÉ TRIESTE TRIESTE Art by Art by Judy Judy Hurley. Hurley. TThru hru Jun. Jun. SSan an Jose. Jose.
DOWNTOWN D OWNTOWN YOGA YOGA SHALA SHALA Sukerti B Sukerti Berg erg sshows hows watercolors Bali-inspired w atercolors ooff B ali-inspired flowers. fl owers. Thru Thru Jul. Jul. San San Jose. Jose.
GGALLERY ALLERY HOUSE HOUSE “Points ooff View.” “Points View.” A 3D 3D exhibit exhibit members. bbyy ggallery allery m embers. TThru hru JJun un Wed-Sat, 226. 6. Tue, Tue, 111am-4pm, 1am-4pm, W ed-Sat, 111am-8pm, 1am-8pm, Sun, Sun, 11am-3pm. 11am-3pm. Palo Alto. P alo A lto.
GGALLERY ALLERY SARATOGA SARATOGA “Celebrating Women” “Celebrating Women” and and Bears.” Wildlife ““Birds Birds aand nd B ears.” W ildlife pphotographs hotographs by by Judy Judy Bingman Bingman Dorothy aand nd ppaintings aintings bbyy D orothy Atkins. A tkins. Thru Thru Jul Jul 4. 4. Tue-Sun, Tue-Sun, Way, 111am-6pm. 1am-6pm. Big Big Basin Basin W ay, SSaratoga. aratoga.
GGOOD OOD K KARMA ARMA V VEGAN EGAN CAFE CAFE Works by Works by Guy Guy B Brookshire. rookshire. SSan an JJose. ose.
KALEID K ALEID GALLERY GALLERY “See Here,” “See Here,” m mixed-media ixed-media Murphy ppaintings aintings bbyy M urphy Adams, Adams, aand nd ppaintings aintings bbyy CCharis haris DeRemer. D eRemer. Thru Thru Jul Jul 9. 9. San San Jose. Jose.
LOS GGATOS LOS ATOS CCOUNCIL OUNCIL CCHAMBERS HAMBERS “imPRESSions,” monotypes “imPRESSions,” monotypes bbyy V Valerie alerie M Magee agee aand nd oothers. thers. TThru hru JJul ul 8. 8. Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. 9am-5pm. Gatos. LLos os G atos.
SAN JJOSE SAN OSE IINSTITUTE NSTITUTE OF OF CCONTEMPORARY ONTEMPORARY A ART RT “Lift O “Lift Off.” ff.” A sshow how bbyy SSJSU JSU MFA M FA ggraduates. raduates. TThru hru JJun un 19. 19. Out.” ““Work Work O ut.” A llife-size ife-size ppaper aper rreplica eplica ooff a ggym; ym; aan n iinstallation nstallation Black. bbyy LLibby ibby B lack. TThru hru JJun un 119. 9. ““Modesto Modesto CCovarrubias: ovarrubias: LLiminal,” iminal,” iinstallation nstallation piece piece by by SSan an Jose Jose nnative. ative. TThru hru Jul Jul 3. 3. “Cat “Cat Mazza: Mazza: Mill Night Moves TThe he M ill Series.” Series.” A N ight M oves installation installation with with video video pixels pixels tturned urned iinto nto stitchery. stitchery. Tue-Fri, Tue-Fri, 110am-5pm, 0am-5pm, SSat, at, nnoon-5pm. oon-5pm. SSan an JJose. ose.
SSLG LG A ART RT B BOUTIKI OUTIKI “Robot A “Robot Attack!!” ttack!!” P Paul aul LLoughridge oughridge ffashions ashions robots robots ffrom rom hhousehold ousehold sstuff. tuff. Plus Plus tietieddye ye eexhibit xhibit bbyy llocal ocal aartists. rtists. TThru hru JJun. un. San San Jose. Jose.
VIEWPOINTS V IEWPOINTS GGALLERY ALLERY “Recent Works.” “Recent Works.” P Paintings aintings by by Hill. Mon-Sat, TTerri erri H ill. TThru hru Jul Jul 2. 2. M on-Sat, 111am-5pm, 1am-5pm, SSun, un, 111am-3pm. 1am-3pm. Altos. LLos os A ltos.
Books B ooks RON R ON B BRAFMAN RAFMAN Booksigning eevent Booksigning vent for for aauthor uthor Magic ooff ““Click: Click: TThe he M agic ooff IInstant nstant CConnections.” onnections.” TThu, hu, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. Menlo Park. FFree. ree. KKepler’s, epler ’s, M enlo P ark.
PHOEBE P HOEBE K KITANIDIS ITANIDIS The aauthor The uthor ooff tthe he new new teen teen Wed, nnovel ovel ““Whisper” Whisper” aappears. ppears. W ed, Menlo Park. 77pm. pm. FFree. ree. KKepler’s, epler’s, M enlo P ark.
“The Art “The Art of of Politics: Politics: Three Three Generations G enerations ooff Political Political Printmaking Area.” P rintmaking iinn tthe he Bay Bay A rea.” Aug TThru hru A ug 77.. Wed-Thu, Wed-Thu, noonnoon77pm, pm, Fri-Sat, Fri-Sat, noon-5pm. noon-5pm. San San JJose. ose.
The aauthor The uthor ddiscusses iscusses bbaseball aseball aand nd ssoftball oftball techniques techniques in in “The “The Anatomy A natomy ooff a SSport.” port.” SSat, at, 22pm. pm. BookSmart, Morgan Hill. FFree. ree. B ookSmart, M organ H ill.
Books aand Books nd CCDs Ds aatt bbargain argain Willow pprices. rices. SSat, at, 110am-4pm. 0am-4pm. W illow Glen Branch G len B ranch LLibrary. ibrary. SSan an JJose. ose.
“Living W “Living With ith Art,” Art,” a small small ggroup roup eexhibit. xhibit. Thru Thru Jul Jul 4. 4. Wed-Sun, Wed-Sun, Redwood 110am-3pm. 0am-3pm. R edwood City. City.
METRO M ETRO LOBBY LOBBY “( ) the “( the current current state state of of hhumanity’s umanity’s knowledge.” knowledge.” Presented P resented bbyy tthe he FFirst irst SSt.t. Photo P hoto Collective. Collective. Thru Thru Jun. Jun. SSan an Jose. Jose.
OLIVE O LIVE HYDE HYDE ART ART GUILD GUILD “The Language “The Language ooff Clay.” Clay.” TThru hru JJul ul 1. 1. Tue-Sun, Tue-Sun, noon-5pm. noon-5pm. FFremont. remont.
PHANTOM P HANTOM GALLERIES GALLERIES “Street SSwag “Street wag P Photos,” hotos,” bbyy A Abe be Menor. M enor. Thru Thru Jul Jul 26. 26. Exhibited Exhibited iinn windows windows aatt 386 386 S. S. First First St, St, SSan an Jose. Jose.
vents *eevents Big B ig D Deals eals
ART A RT O ON NT THE HE SSQUARE Q UA R E TThe he fi first rst iinn a sseries eries ooff jjuried uried aart rt with Music sshows hows ttoo ggoo aalong long w ith M usic oon n tthe he SSquare quare performances; performances; week, Magic. 6-tthis his w eek, ZZydeco ydeco M agic. FFri, ri, 6 8pm; 8 pm; ffree. ree. CCourthouse ourthouse SSquare, quare, Redwood R edwood CCity. ity.
CCREATV REATV The llocal The ocal TV TV group group iiss hholding olding aaudition udition for for young young actors actors
Moree listings: Mor
METROACTIVE.COM M ETROACTIVE.COM (12-14) (12-14) to to appear appear in in an an environmental environmental educational educational video. video. (See (See www.creatvsj.org) www.creatvsj.org) for for details. details. Sat, Sat, 11am-3pm. 11am-3pm. CreaTV CreaTV San San Jose. Jose.
DANCING D ANCING ON ON T THE HE SQUARE S Q UA R E A ffree ree ddance ance sseries eries begins begins with with llessons essons iinn swing swing and and Lindy Lindy hhop. op. TTue, ue, 6–8pm. 6–8pm. Courthouse Courthouse Redwood SSquare, quare, R edwood City. City.
DIA D IA D DEE SSAN AN JJUAN UAN FFESTIVAL ESTIVAL Presented by Presented by the the Western Western Regional R egional Puerto Puerto Rican Rican Council, Council, with w ith ccultural ultural events events and and food. food. SSat, at, 11am–7pm. 11am–7pm. $20/$25. $20/$25. History H istory Park, Park, SSan an JJose. ose.
DOWNTOWN FFARMERS’ DOWNTOWN A R M E RS ’ M ARKET MARKET Aw weekly eekly ssale ale ooff ffresh, resh, llocal ocal pproduce. roduce. FFri, ri, 110am-2pm. 0am-2pm. SSan an Pedro P edro Square, Square, San San Jose. Jose.
HATS H ATS OFF OFF T TO OD DAD AD A FFather’s ather ’s D Day ay eevent vent w with ith ssteam team engine engine rrides, ides, model model rrailroad ailroad exhibits exhibits and and a chuck chuck wagon w agon bbarbecue. arbecue. Sun. Sun. Roaring Roaring Railroads, CCamp amp R ailroads, FFelton. elton. 831.335.4484. 8 31.335.4484.
JJUNETEENTH UNETEENTH IN IN THE THE P PARK ARK Cultural celebration Cultural celebration around around eemancipation mancipation of of the the slaves, slaves, with w ith food food and and children’s children’s eexpo. xpo. SSat-Sun. at-Sun. Free. Free. Plaza Plaza de de Cesar Cesar CChavez havez Park, Park, SSan an JJose. ose.
PARTY P A RT Y O ON N THE THE PASEO PASEO A ssummer ummer sseries eries w with ith llive ive music m usic aand nd food food and and beverage beverage sspecials. pecials. This This week: week: Wally’s Wally’s SSwing wing World. World. SSat, at, 5:30pm. 5:30pm. Free. Free. Paseo P aseo ddee SSan an Antonio Antonio from from CCesar esar ddee Chavez Chavez Park Park to to FFirst irst SStreet, treet, San San Jose. Jose.
SSANS ANS DOUTE DOUTE An aauction An uction and and wine wine tasting tasting ppresented resented by by women women helping helping ttoo rraise aise ffunds unds for for breast-cancer breast-cancer ppatients. atients. Sun, Sun, 3-9pm. 3-9pm. $5/$10. $5/$10. Vallco, V allco, CCupertino. upertino.
SSARATOGA ARATOGA H HERITAGE ERITAGE DAY DAY A salute salute to to the the town’s town’s hhistory, istory, with w ith ffood, ood, cclassic lassic ccars, ars, walking walking ttours ours and and music. music. Sat, Sat, 10am10am6pm. Downtown 6 pm. FFree. ree. D owntown SSaratoa. aratoa.
TIM T TIM TODD ODD M MEMORIAL EMORIAL PANCAKE BREAKFAST P ANCAKE B REAKFAST TToo hhelp elp ccamp amp sscholarships. cholarships. SSat, at, 8:30am. $5. Presbyterian 8 :30am. $ 5. FFirst irst P resbyterian CChurch, hurch, San San Jose. Jose.
WILD W ILD BREW BREW YONDER YONDER A ttwilight wilight helicopter helicopter aair ir sshow how 6– aand nd microbrew microbrew ffestival. estival. Fri, Fri, 6 – 9pm. $20–$25. Hiller Aviation 9 pm. $ 20–$25. H iller A viation Museum, M useum, San San CCarlos. arlos.
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Adapted A dapted from from Daniel W Woodrell’s oodrell’s novel,, Debr ra Granik’s Granik’s spar e, gripping novel, Debra spare, film concerns concerrns 17-year-old 17-year- old R eee Dolly Ree (a tough an nd thoroughly thoroughly b elievable and believable JJennifer enniffeer Lawrence) Lawr w ence) and her sear ch search ffor or o a fatherr who has vanished. B efore he he sskipped kipped b ail o nam ethBefore bail on methm ak king ccharge, harge, ffather ather JJessup essup signed signed making o ver h is h ouse aand nd w oods tto o tthe he b ail over his house woods bail b ondsmen. R ee h ad p lan nned tto o jjoin oin bondsmen. Ree had planned tthe he A rmy and and u se the the ssigning igning bonus bonus Army use tto o help help the the rest rest of of her her family—two faam mily—two yyoung oung children children aand nd a m other mother iincapacitated ncap paccitated with with depression. depression. Instead, Instead, tthe he ggirl irl h ass to to h unt u p a ffather ather w ho has hunt up who d oesn’t w an nt tto ob ound an nd ttry ry tto o doesn’t want bee ffound and gget et tthe he ttruth ruth ffrom rom d istan nt rrelatives elatives distant
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w ho k now m uch m ore tthan han n tthey’re hey’re who know much more ssaying. aying. R ee iiss ssometimes ometimes h elped aand nd Ree helped ssometimes ometimes h indered b er yyoung oung hindered byy h her U ncle T earrdrop ((John John H awkes). Uncle Teardrop Hawkes). R ee e must b eat her w ay thr ou ugh Ree beat way through the stone walling of her violent stonewalling rrelations elations (a ttypical ypical gr eeting: “W What greeting: “What brings yyou ou her e? Someb ody die ed?”). here? Somebody died?”). R ee e rresolves esolves to get to the one cl losest Ree closest to the ccenter enter of the lab yrinth: a b earlabyrinth: bearsize granddad, pla ayed b onpro played byy the no nonpro actor R onnie Hall. This ill-temp o pered Ronnie ill-tempered bruiser is named Thump, Thump, witho out without an essary eexplanation. xplanation. anyy unnec unnecessary Granik,, who made Down ttoo th he the Bone with V era e Farmiga,, films in i the Vera half f--frozen hills near Springfield d, half-frozen Springfield, Mo .—a fforbidding orbidding landsc o ape off Mo.—a landscape bar ees, blue wo od smok nd baree tr trees, wood smokee an and mobile bil home h compounds d guar d d ded compounds guarded b k byy chained-up pit bulls bulls,, of truck headlights that burst in sudden nly suddenly on the rural rroads oads and of a St yggian Stygian sswamp wamp wher ystery ends s. wheree the m mystery ends. But one do esn’t get a sense of o doesn’t w atching a cit ming ector glomm watching cityy dir director glomming onto the squalor k cuts squalor.. When Granik
N`ek\iÊj 9fe\ I2 ('' d`e% 8 Ócd Yp ;\YiX >iXe`b Fg\ej Ale\ (/
81 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
SSebastian ebastian M Mlynarski lynarski
metroactive FILM
to a ffolk olk jam session o n led by by singer/ ffolklorist olklorist o Mar edith Sisco, Sisco, the film Maredith practic ally glows fr o the goodness om goodness practically from of the music music.. A Att thiss gathering gathering,, we see a familiar fac e. face. O ne o he p eople R ee iinterrogates nterrogates One off tthe people Ree iin nh er jjourney ourney iiss A pril ((Sheryl Sheryl L ee), her April Lee), tthe he eex-girlfriend x-girlfriend o ousin. L ee w ill off a ccousin. Lee will n ever b orgot ffor or h er p erformance never bee fforgot her performance aass tthe he ssylvan ylvan nL aura P almer o nT win Laura Palmer on Twin P eaks. H ow tto op ut tthis? his? S he’ll aalways lways Peaks. How put She’ll b eau utiful w oman, b ut sshe’s he’s aaged ged bee a b beautiful woman, but n oticeably. L ee—a fforest orest sspirit pirit sseen een iin n noticeably. Lee—a w inter—really complements complements G ranik’s winter—really Granik’s ttheme heme o uin iin n tthese hese d ark w oods; off rruin dark woods; h er p resence iiss o hose ffeats eats o conic her presence off tthose off iiconic ccasting asting tthat hat m ak kes yyou ou ggasp asp a little. little. makes T he ssubject ubject m atter o inter’s B one The matter off W Winter’s Bone m ight h ave ccome ome ffrom rom JJohn ohn S ayles— might have Sayles— tthe he writing writing is is sympathetic sympathetic and an nd lowlowk ey ass iin n a Sayles Sayles picture—but picture—but G ranik key Granik sseems eems m ore w atchful iin nh er cchoice hoice more watchful her o onpro aactors ctors tthan han an S ayles w as, off n nonpro Sayles was, fframing raming them them ssmartly, marrtly, ggiving iving them them m ore rroom. oom. And And no no ssense—as ense—as iin n more S ayles— of a sscript cript tthat hat h as iitt aall ll d own Sayles—of has down iin n print, print, o he d oubly u nderscored orr o off tthe doubly underscored eemphasis mphasis o n tthe he ggoodness oodness o he on off tthe w orking-person’s h eart. working-person’s heart. W iintteer’’s Bone st ays y m ysterious eri , Winter’s stays mysterious, eeven ven as it strays straayys close closse to do cumentary. The most m t talked-about talked-ab ed outt documentary. sc ene—the skinningg and cleaning nin of scene—the a squirr el for fo or dinner—is dinnerr—is one on of the t squirrel most immaterial. immaterial This Th his can’t can’tt b the bee the first squirr el the Dolly Do olly family il has ily as squirrel eaten. And the sc en ne of R eee giving ng scene Ree sho oting lessons to her little little br b other her shooting brother just b effor o e he bags that t squirrel also so before squirrel seems false: most ki ds in the deep dee kids wo ods shoot shoot at an early e age. woods age. N evertheless, tthe he fi lm’s fi neness Nevertheless, film’s fineness llies ies in in tthe he llittle ittle details: details: the the nonoccomment omment ttour our o ee’s h igh sschool, chool, off R Ree’s high tthe he ROTC ROTC p raccticing in in the the gym gym practicing aand nd a solidly solidly improvised improvised sscene cene o off aan nA rmy rrecruiter ecruiter lowering lowering an n Army aapplicant’s pplicant’s expectations. expectations. E ven jjoining oining Even tthe he military militarry might might not not be be a way way out out o hese w oods. L awrence’s o wn off tthese woods. Lawrence’s own fi erceness ggives ives tthis his ssurvival urvival sstory tory tthe he fierceness k ind of of iimmediacy mmediaccy tthat hat tthe he ssummer’s ummer’s kind aaction ction movies movies ccan an no nly ggrope rope aat. t. only
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metroactive FILM
New JONAH HEX (PG-13; 81 min.) See review on page 85.
TOY STORY 3 (G) After 11 years with a snake in its books, Pixar pulls Woody, Buzz and the rest of the gang out of the toy box for another adventure. (Opens Jun 18.)
WINTER’S BONE (R; 107 min.) See review on page 81. (Opens Jun 18 at Camera 7 in Campbell, Palo Alto Square and CinéArts Santana Row.)
Revivals IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT (1934) Recently sampled, and mangled in the sampling, the hitchhiking scene from this movie was used to make Sex and the City 2 look cheesier than it was already. Now, check out Frank Capra’s essential screwball comedy about
a dizzy heiress (Claudette Colbert) and an ornery reporter (Clark Gable. The event starts with a Downtown Residents Association mixer and live jazz band. (Plays Jun 16 at sundown in San Jose on Post Street, between First and Market; free.) (RvB)
MOROCCO/THE DEVIL IS A WOMAN (1930/1935) According to his biography, director Josef von Sternberg claims that the Pasha of Marrakech assured him that he must have actually made the movie in Marrakech, since one of his favorite streets in the city appeared onscreen. Either the Pasha or von Sternberg was jesting; Morocco is a famously studio-bound confection. The ambience, the shadow-andsmoke cinematography, the direction and the stars create a waking fever dream about the liaison between a world-weary demiprostitute, Amy Jolly (Marlene Dietrich), and a smitten French Legionnaire, Tom Brown (Gary Cooper). BILLED WITH The Devil Is a Woman, proof that the black-and-white cinematography
of Hollywood’s golden age achieved states of visual consciousness that color simply can’t duplicate. Again, the story is negligible—a beautiful temptress (Dietrich) in 19th-century Spain destroys the men who desire her (including Lionel Atwill and Cesar Romero)—but the closeups of von Sternberg’s favorite star are unforgettable. Photographed by Lucien Ballard and von Sternberg. (Plays Jun 16-18 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB/MSG)
NILES FILM MUSEUM Jun 19: The Last Command (1928). Josef von Sternberg’s tale of an exiled Tsarist general (Emil Jannings) forced by circumstances to act the part of a Russian general in a Hollywood movie—directed by a former revolutionary (William Powell) who was the general’s romantic rival. Also: Luke’s Movie Muddle (1916), an early Harold Lloyd comedy in which he’s assaying the tramp comedy of Charles Chaplin, and Horse Shy (1928), with everyone’s favorite milksop, Edward Everett Horton. (Plays Jun 19 at 7:30pm in Fremont at the Edison Theatre.) (RvB)
THIS IS SPINAL TAP (1984) A Starlight Cinemas/San Jose Downtown Assoc. presentation. An unkillable rock band implodes during the course of a terminal American rock tour, as chronicled by a worshipful but imbecilic documentary director (Rob Reiner). The group, Spinal Tap, is modeled on Status Quo and a few other rock bands that wouldn’t lie down and die; they—oh, what’s that horrible phrase?—“reinvent themselves,” from skiffle to psychedelic and then into the kind of arena-metal that would embarrass the hell out of Satan himself. A flop in its day, the film now shines as the funniest and most knowing satire of the wretched excesses of rock, with an ensemble cast that rivals the best of Preston Sturges. Featuring the power chords of Harry Shearer (bass player Derek Smalls), Michael McKean (David St. Hubbins) and the slow-on-theuptake Nigel Tufnel (Christopher Guest). Pre-show: YouTube “battle of the bands” finalists play Spinal Tap tunes live. (Plays Jun 23 in San Jose at sundown on South First street between William and Market; free.) (RvB)
TOP GUN (1986) The Official Film of the Reagan Era. Proud but diminutive flyboy Tom Cruise courts the archmacha Kelly McGillis, the teacher he’s hot for. In between Tony Scott’s screaming-jet porn, we cut to the
83 laughs, it lacks the heart and soul its predecessor had in spades. (MM)
THE KARATE KID (PG) A remake of a subpar early-’80s movie. Exactly and precisely what the world doesn’t need. How does Hollywood do it?
(PG-13) The TV show lives again.
(PG-13) A comedy with Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl wondering if their neighbors want to assassinate them.
(R; 109 min.) Russell Brand’s decadent rock star Aldous Snow proved popular enough in Forgetting Sarah Marshall that director Nicholas Stoller decided to make an entire film dedicated to him. Unfortunately, what made Jason Segel’s film such a success wasn’t solely Brand’s character. Get Him to the Greek sloppily copies Marshall with Jonah Hill in the title role as a recordlabel intern acting as a babysitter for Snow. While there are definite
(PG-13; 105 min.) As Sideshow Bob might have predicted: The chick flick’s bottomless chum-bucket has claimed Vanessa Redgrave. In Verona, an aspiring New Yorker writer Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) tours the Casa di Giullieta, which the Veronese assert is the actual home of Juliet Capulet. The lovelorn have been leaving letters to the not only dead but imaginary girl for years. Sophie finds a 50-yearold communiqué from an English
woman (Redgrave) who had to leave an Italian lover behind. Sophie answers the letter; the lady arrives with her diffident yet cute British grandson (Christopher Egan), his insults hiding a tender bruised heart. Loads of locations, but director Gary Winick doesn’t frame them well. Seyfried, despite divine shape and alertness, can’t make this work. You know the saying “The lights are on, but nobody’s home? In Seyfried’s case, there’s someone clearly at home, it’s just that the lights aren’t on. (RvB)
MICMACS (R; 105 min.) A children’s movie for adults by Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Bazil (Dany Boon) was unmanned by the loss of his parents. At loose ends, Bazil is scooped up by a group of friendly scavengers at the dump. Giulietta Masina look-alike Julie Ferrier (doubled by contortionist Julia Gunthel) plays an Elastic Girl who keeps surprising us by
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locker room where pilots snap verbal towels at each other. Everything is resolved happily, just as Quentin Tarantino described it in the 1994 movie Sleep With Me (“Man, you can ride my tail anytime!”). (Plays Jun 18-20 at the Retro Dome, San Jose.) (RvB)
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metroactive FILM unfolding out of nowhere. As a criminal with a good line of patter, Jean-Pierre Marielle has a Hugoesque story of how he escaped capital punishment. The gang decides to help him expose a pair of competing arms manufacturers: wealthy predators who have been selling weapons throughout Africa. Like Jacques Tati, Jeunet seeks out the old brown Paris, of canal bridges, railroad stations and elephantine 1950s factories. Despite the eye candy, this terminally cute clockwork toy is missing a mainspring. (RvB)
ONDINE (PG-13; 111 min.) Syracuse (Colin Farrell) is known to all and sundry as “Circus,” because of the drunken clowning that has marked his life. He has been, however, nearly three years sober on the morning he goes out fishing, and his purse seine hauls a half-dead lady out of the waters off the coast of County Cork. Ondine (Alicja Bachleda) has a hard-to-place accent; she asks for shelter and to be hidden from the sight of the locals. Syracuse’s precocious, crippled daughter, Annie (Alison Barry), decides that Ondine is a selkie—a Celtic were-seal in human form. The contrasting colors of the real world make the film’s fantasy shine. It’s the best kind of something-missing performance yet by Farrell who seems to be getting better in his recent films.
Director Neil Jordan doesn’t oversell the heartbreak any more than he oversells the fantasy. (RvB)
PRINCE OF PERSIA: THE SANDS OF TIME (PG-13; 116 min.) There’s not much to say about this except “Stay away—far away.” With a plot that makes Lost look like Goodnight Moon, it’s a film that should be tucked away and forgotten about as quickly as possible. What semblance of a plot there seems to be follows the adopted Prince of Persia, Dastan (Jake Gyllenhaal), as he (surprise!) saves the world. Adopted by the King for his “noble character” despite his beggar blood, he’s destined for obvious greatness above his royal brothers. Years later when they decide to invade a nearby city for allegedly smuggling weapons, Dastan stumbles into a much deeper mystery, with the city’s Princess Tamina (Gemma Arterton) at the center. It seems as if the writers and director Mike Newell cut out everything but action scenes and witty dialogue. If only the action scenes were worthwhile. (MM)
ROBIN HOOD (PG-13; 144 min.) Overlong and graceless to the extreme, Robin Hood looks like three extended movies spliced into one unwieldy feature. This prequel concerns Robin’s involvement in the end of the Crusades, the civil war and the little-known French invasion of England in the early 1200s. The tale is interspersed with more political palaver than The Phantom Menace. “Robin Longstride” (Russell Crowe) decamps from Richard the Lionheart’s army and goes into the countryside to pose as a dead knight; the father-in-law of the deceased (Max von Sydow) decides to do a Martin Guerre on this imposter, as does the widow Marian (Cate Blanchett in a wig nearly as tall as she is). This has to be the least-sylvan Robin Hood ever made. Crowe looks less like a fox and more like a logy, depressed pit bull as the film tries to chug around him with more montages of burning villages and more meetings of angry Plantagenets; the only reason we know the film is coming to some conclusion is by seeing a CGI armada of medieval D-Day landing craft for the big finale. (RvB)
THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES (R; 127 min.) Elegant but staid murder mystery nibbles around the edges of the Dirty War. It’s the “Forget it, Jacobo, it’s Argentinatown” view: the search for
justice evaporating in 1974 Buenos Aires, with present-day sequences to frame a reopened investigation. It’s leavened by a fine Mulder and Scully anti-romance between an attractive female criminal investigator, Irene (Soledad Villamil), and her attractively crumbling, Mastroiannish male assistant, Benjamin (Ricardo Darín). The film is as restless and jokey as a cop procedural show; every scene is on the mark, but there aren’t enough counterpoints to the assured flow of the story. The slick, vengeanceis-mine punch line isn’t very impressive either. (RvB)
SEX AND THE CITY 2 (R; 146 min.) Having left the realm of common sense and cultural relevance years ago, the franchise staggers to its grave in a sequel of phenomenal gaucheness. Director/writer Michael Patrick King remolds the problems of Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker), who is allegedly a writer but really a shopper. Halfway through, the film junkets to Abu Dhabi to revel in more shopping. We get Carrie’s disenchantment with her marriage with Mr. Big (the leaden Chris Noth). Brainless baba Charlotte (Kristin Davis) has two problem children. Cynthia Nixon’s Miranda has some job troubles. And the perennially horny Samantha (Kim Cattrall) fights the decline of her hormones. These aging courtesans are now supposed to be freedomfighting feminist avengers; Helen Reddy, Virginia Woolf and Susan Sontag get their props as they scandalize the burka-clad ladies. The movie’s heart is less with the named feminists and more with the conspicuous consumption of Beyoncé. (RvB)
SHREK FOREVER AFTER (PG; 93 min.) The animated saga returns in 3-D.
SOLITARY MAN (R; 90 min.) Director/scripter Brian Koppelman and co-director David Levien follow an out-and-out New York bastard, driven to selfishness because of his fear of his own mortality. Former used-car tycoon Ben Kalmen (Michael Douglas) is reaping the results of his bad behavior. He’s broke. He’s divorced (from Susan Sarandon). On the plus side, Kalmen is involved with a good-looking society lady named Jordan (Mary-Louise Parker). She suggests that Kalmen escort her teenage daughter (Imogen Poots) to his old school in Boston. During the trip, the old man ruins what’s left of his life. The cooked-up explanation
SPLICE (R; 107 min.) Sardonic, pervy horror film by Vincenzo Natali. Clive (Adrien Brody) and Elsa (Sarah Polley) are underpaid, overworked techs toiling on a creature that will exude horse hormones for veterinary use; by night, they work on an illegal and no doubt immoral side project on their own. Their experiment is a success, in the sense that the creature lives. She’s your classic featherless biped, with knees in the wrong place and six toes. “Dren” is the result of a composite performance by Abigail Chu and Delphine Chaneac; they’re collaborating on something that has the treacherous fairy-in-estrus look of an Aubrey Beardsley drawing. The wild story seems to invigorate Polley, usually used for her moodiness and tense intelligence. The film’s crafty underpinnings and subtext about terrors of child-raising and Freudian resentments have great timeliness. (RvB)
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‘Jonah Hex’ WITH HIS leathery scowl and brusque comportment, Josh Brolin seems a natural fit as whiskey-soaked gunslinger Jonah Hex, an ex-Confederate soldier out to avenge the murder of his wife and child. But he, like Hex, deserves a sturdier vehicle than this. Despite never resonating with readers like the company’s most iconic heroes, Hex has AfeX_ ?\o been an on-again, off-again member of the DC Comics universe for nearly G>$(*2 four decades. His reward is roughly 80 /( d`e% minutes of screen time in which we learn the origin of his hideous scars and his Fg\ej Ale\ (/ notoriously quick trigger finger. Accused of betraying his fellow Rebels— his refusal to torch hospitals and churches is regarded as treason—Hex is forced to watch as deranged Gen. Quentin Turnbull (John Malkovich) sets his family ablaze. He’s abandoned to die, but Native Americans revive him, leaving him trapped, not unlike Keith Richards, between life and the hereafter. Hex can communicate with the dead, and he uses his afterlife connections to track Turnbull and his homicidal, tattoocovered henchman (Michael Fassbender) to the nation’s capital, where they plan to detonate a doomsday device. The president (Aidan Quinn) puts it bluntly: “The very fate of the nation may rest on the shoulders of Jonah Hex!” Brolin is the right man to play the wayward bounty hunter. The problem isn’t his performance, which is spot-on; what betrays the otherwise unsinkable Hex is the irritating weightlessness of his story, which unfolds haphazardly and without a shred of suspense. Hex is a surly thug, long on snappy one-liners but short on insight; his enemies are similarly impenetrable. They exist only to do what he won’t—that is, die. Besides his talent for postmortem conversation, Hex’s only superpower is his ability to stay alive. As our hero limps defiantly into the sunset, one can’t help wondering if we’ve really seen the last of him.ÆIfjj`k\i ;iXb\
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for Ben’s misdeeds makes it hard to believe that this bad man is real, let alone an oracle. He passes on life lessons to the next generation, and the young are all too ready to listen, especially a callow college student (Jesse Eisenberg) who befriends Ben during the Boston trip. Douglas plumps up this harsh material. It’s constant movie-star grandstanding in a story that might have been worth believing if it took place on a lower key. (RvB)
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metroactive MUSIC
Enjoy the Silence MLQ<; 8E; 89LJ<; Fecp X ]iXZk`fe f] ;\g\Z_\ Df[\# gc\Xj\%
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Nor is this an old-man rant about the ease of illegal downloading, and the valueless clicking that kids these days do, and how in my time we had to walk two miles in the snow to Record Mart only to find that, sorry, the new Depeche Mode album was out of stock, and those crazy ADDaddled youths don’t even know what albums are anymore because they’re wired up on the YouTube EMusic Facebook Pandora Twitter GorillaVsBear Stereogum sites. No, this is none of those things, because illegal downloading is here to stay. It was born of the music industry’s decision to kill the LP and increase their profit margin 1,000 percent by foisting the digital technology of CDs on music fans, the same technology that eventually made possible the MP3, and the RapidShare files and the torrents that the recording industry
hates so much. It’s a little like the United States providing chemical weapons to Iraq in the 1980s and then fighting against them in the oughts. But I digress. Today’s discussion is the rise in popularity of huge complete-discography torrents, and the simple fact that there can possibly be too much of a good thing. Like a bathtubful of IPA poured into a beer bong. Like a hundred browser windows filled with beautiful naked women. No one really wants these excesses. So why, I wonder, do we continue to fall for the idea that downloading a torrent of a band’s complete discography is going to be in any way rewarding? Say you’ve been loving Lady Gaga’s “Alejandro,” and your acute powers of perception deliver an impulsive yearning for the song it’s loosely based on—“Fernando,” by ABBA. You cue it up on your torrent browser. You scan search results for “Fernando” itself (5.2MB), for ABBA Gold (70.5MB), for Greatest Hits (60.4MB). And then you see the motherlode. “ABBA Full
Discography 320kbps 65CD,” it reads. 8.7GB! Jesus, this rules! Or so you think. Just like our libidos can’t process all those naked women, just like our livers can’t process all that beer, the musical receptors in our brain just simply cannot process 8.7GB of ABBA. A friend of mine fell victim to such temptation recently, wanting to hear a song from Depeche Mode, instead lured by the band’s complete discography. It only required a couple hours of time, and no real effort on his part, and voilà. Every note Depeche Mode had ever recorded was at his fingertips. “But you know what?” he said afterward. “Depeche Mode has a lot of horrible songs.” All he’d wanted was to relive the moment he first heard “Somebody,” and feel that warm loving adolescent feeling that the world could be caring and kind. Now he’s got crap like “Better Days (Basteroid Dance Is Gone Vocal Mix)” and all the throwaway B-sides from Ultra—not to mention Ultra itself, and all the other lousy records Depeche Mode has ever made. In a way, this is no burden. It takes up invisible space. But it is invisible music on an invisible aural plane, a cold, dead piece of silicon storage, the exact opposite of what he wanted to feel. Invisible or not, it’s there. And most of it sucks. My friend has two choices here. One is to spend the next year listening to Depeche Mode and nothing but Depeche Mode, evaluating and ranking and reorganizing and playlisting the virtually insurmountable glob of music with which he’s saddled himself. His other option is to drag the folder to the trash and start clean with Some Great Reward (50.2MB). Or—God forbid— he could walk to a record store and actually fork over the cost of a burrito for a used copy of Catching Up With Depeche Mode, and go through life piece by piece instead of hoarding it all. Isn’t that the best way to live, anyway?
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4(52 0$5 FREE B-4-9
New Wave, Electro & Indie DJ BASURA
&2) 9 PM
3!4 9 PM
35. 0 WED. 6/23 9 PM FREE
39-"/, 3)8 BOOB
6/24 THE HEAVY, SUICIDAL BARFLY + ATOMIC 6/25 A PLACE TO BURY STRANGERS, LIGHT POLLUTION 6/26 SHITKICKERS, PREACHING TO THE ANIMALS, BIRD 7/2 PINBACK presents THE ROB & ZACH SHOW 7!,, 0!0%2 "544%2&,9 "/.%3 s -!')# "5,,%43 -%,6).3 4/4)-/3() s :/,!2 8 !5$29% 3%33)/.3 $!6% 3-!,,%. #!,6). 3452'%3 37%%4(%!$ s /")43 .)'(4 -!2#(%23 ,/3 /,6)$!$/3 2)":9 s (/445" WOODHANDS -!$ #!$$)%3 s 3+9&,!+%3 s 3,/% 4(% !4!2)3 '!3/,).% (%!24 s 7!8 &).'%23 ",!30(%-/53 25-/523 ,56 . 2/#+%43 9/7 SOUTHERN CULTURE ON THE SKIDS
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6-2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
7%$ 9 PM FREE
Moree listings: Mor
MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactive M
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Imogen Heap Friday, 7:30pm, Mountain Winery, Saratoga; $35-$49.50 One smartass in the Metro office called her the poor man’s Lady Gaga. Brutal! Here’s how to remember the difference: Imogen Heap dresses worse, but plays better music. It’s just as catchy as Gaga’s, with a similar electronic feel, but more personal and more poetic. Don’t hold it against her that her best song—the hushed, ascending “Hide and Seek”—is best known for being featured on The O.C. (SP)
Hot Toddies Saturday, 8pm, Homestead Lanes, Cupertino; $8 Is there a girl-group revival on the way? It’s easy to think so in the Bay Area, where we have the South Bay’s obscure-gem-covering ensemble the Bang, as well as Oakland’s Hot Toddies, an all-girl quartet who mix the retro-’60s girl-pop style with original songs. This is a record release show for their album Get Your Heart On. Albert Square opens. (SP)
Steve Martin & The Steep Canyon Rangers Tuesday–Wednesday, 7:30pm, Mountain Winery, Saratoga; $45-$99.50 Despite his claim that the score is “Steve 1, Bluegrass 0,” Martin has been playing for decades, ever since The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. And his vocals have been in shape ever since a cherished movie moment, him ukeing and singing a 1926 Billy Rose/Lee David tune “Tonight You Belong to Me” in The Jerk. (RvB)
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Rock/Pop Rock/P op ART A RT B BOUTIKI OUTIKI Fri, 6 Fri, 6pm: pm: Hope Hope for for A Am, m, A N Night ight iin nH ollywood, TTen en D ays New New Hollywood, Days aand nd more. more. Battle Battle ooff tthe he bbands. ands. SSan an JJose. ose.
AVALON A VALON Thu: G Thu: Grouch rouch and and Bored Bored Stiff. Stiff. FFri: ri: D io M emorial FFundraiser. undraiser. Sat: Sat: Dio Memorial B osnian Party. Party. Santa Santa Clara. Clara. Bosnian
THE T HE B BLANK LANK CCLUB LUB Wed, W ed, 9pm: 9pm:Toast Toast the the Wrap, Wrap, Maya Maya O ver EEyes, yes, G ame Things. Things. Free. Free. Over Game FFri: ri: CChannel hannel 3, 3, Symbol Symbol Six, Six, Boob. Boob. $ 8. Sat, Sat, 9pm: 9pm:The The Mumlers, Mumlers, the the $8. A erosols, A he SSea. ea. CCover over TTBA. BA. Aerosols, A,, B & tthe SSun, un, 8pm: 8pm: G.B.H., G.B.H., Outernational, Outernational, tthe he Forgotten. Forgotten. $ 15. SSan an Jose. Jose. $15.
Wed: JJack Wed: ack Ripoff. Ripoff. Thu: Thu: Chili Chili SSauce. auce. Fri: Fri: The The Peelers. Peelers. Sat: Sat: EElement. lement. Sun: Sun: M ike LLeatherman. eatherman. Mike M on: Element. Element. Campbell. Campbell. Mon:
Fri, 9pm: Fri, 9pm: LLive ive music. music. Sat, Sat, 8:30pm: 8 :30pm: LLocal ocal Traffic. Traffic. Campbell. Campbell.
BRITANNIA A BRITANNIA ARMS RMS ALMADEN A LMADEN Fri, 10pm: Fri, 10pm: Blood Blood Sugar Sugar Sex Sex M achine. Sat, Sat, 10pm: 10pm: Junkshaker. Junkshaker. Machine. SSan an Jose. Jose.
BRITANNIA A BRITANNIA ARMS RMS DOWNTOWN D OWNTOWN Thu: So Thu: So Timeless. Timeless. Sat, Sat, 2-8pm: 2-8pm: TTrooperfest rooperfest benefit benefit with with G reg Greg KKihn, ihn, the the Groove Groove Kings, Kings, Midlife Midlife V ices, TTina ina Allen, Allen, Dean Dean Markely Markely Vices, aand nd Mitch Mitch Levengood. Levengood. $ 100 $100 ccontribution ontribution includes includes full full dinner. dinner.
FFIREHOUSE IREHOUSE GGRILL RILL Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm: pm: Ted Ted B B.. Fri: Fri: Phil Phil ’n ’n the the Blanks. B lanks. Sun, Sun, 3-7pm: 3-7pm: Greg Greg Cross Cross Band. B and. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
GGRAPEVINE RAPEVINE Thu, 77pm: Thu, pm: Shawn Shawn Evans Evans and and Diego Picetti. Daemon D iego P icetti. SSat, at, 7pm: 7pm: D aemon Peter CCity ity LLights ights aand nd P eter CChung. hung. SSan an Jose. Jose.
JJOHNNY OHNNY V V’S ’S Thu: LLive Thu: ive m music. usic. FFri: ri: House House of of LLove ove rreunion. eunion. SSat: at: Live Live bands bands ppresented resented bbyy Nemesis Nemesis Records. Records. Ralpheene, Powder SSun: un: R alpheene, P owder Train, Train,
Gabriel Iglesias
Bill Burr
Lisa Lampanelli
Jeffrey Ross
Kevin Hart
JB Smoove
AND MORE acts to be announced! Buy tickets at livenation.com. To charge by phone (800) 745-3000. Limit 8 tickets per person. All dates, acts and ticket prices are subject to change without notice. All tickets are subject to applicable service charges.
Jo Koy
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6-2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
92 M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
MUSIC USIC t oactiv tive M metroactive metr 90 Blues B Blues Borrichos. orrichos. TTue: ue: M Melted elted Horses. H orses. San San Jose. Jose.
James Robinson. James Robinson. Flamenco Flamenco jazz jazz Mountain gguitarist. uitarist. M ountain View. View.
PARRANDA P ARRANDA N IGHTCLUB NIGHTCLUB Thu, 9pm-2am: Thu, 9pm-2am: Banda Banda 300. 300. Plus P lus DJ DJ Akustik Akustik and and bull-riding bull-riding ccontest. ontest. No No cover. cover. Fri, Fri, 8pm8pm22am: am: Norteño Norteño and and Bandas Bandas live. live. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Sat, 55pm: Sat, pm: FFever ever CCharm. harm. $10. $10. SSan an Jose. Jose.
JJazz/Blues azz/Blues
Wed: JJCC SSmith Wed: mith JJam. am. Thu: Thu: M Mike ike Osborn Band. O sborn B and. Fri, Fri, 9:30pm: 9:30pm: Touch Touch ooff CClass. lass. $10. $10. Sat, Sat, 9:30pm: 9:30pm: $10. TThe he Groove Groove Doctor. Doctor. $ 10. SSun: un: with CComedy omedy night night w ith Cece Cece Mor. Mor. Gatos. LLos os G atos.
Thu, 7:30pm: Thu, 7:30pm: Blues Blues Jam. Jam. Sat: Sat: Maddaline M addaline at at 11am. 11am. Tue, Tue, 7pm: 7pm: JJazz azz open open stage stage hosted hosted by by Angelica’s Band A ngelica’s JJam am B and ffeaturing eaturing Hristo H risto Vitchez. Vitchez. Redwood Redwood City. City.
Wed, 7-9pm: Wed, 7-9pm: Quanti Quanti Bomani Bomani aand nd Urban Urban Insight, Insight, AfroAfroCCaribbean aribbean jazz. jazz. $5-$15. $5-$15. San San JJose. ose.
Thu, 8pm: Thu, 8pm: R Rock ock band. band. Fri, Fri, 9pm: Myy 9 pm: IIrreverents, rreverents, Lipshok, Lipshok, M Addiction, High Voltage. A ddiction, H igh V oltage. $10. $10. SSat, at, 44pm: pm: CCool ool Fire. Fire. FFree. ree. Sat, Sat, 8:15pm: 8 :15pm: SSaints aints aand nd Sinners, Sinners, SSimple imple CCreation. reation. $10. $10. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Sun, 5:30pm: Sun, 5:30pm: Jazz Jazz jam. jam. CCupertino upertino
Sat, 8 Sat, 8pm: pm: FFrank rank Innocent. Innocent. Mountain M ountain View. View.
THE T HE R REFUGE EFUGE Sat, 6 Sat, 6pm: pm: B Battle attle of of tthe he Bands Bands ppreliminary reliminary round. round. Cupertino. Cupertino.
SSOUTH OUTH FFIRST IRST BILLIARDS BILLIARDS Fri: Lazzari Fri: Lazzari EExperiment, xperiment, CDCDrrelease elease pparty. arty. Sat: Sat: Soulfully Soulfully Fly Fly eevent. vent. SSan an Jose. Jose.
SSTREETLIGHT TREETLIGHT R RECORDS ECORDS Fri, 4pm: Fri, 4pm: SSummer ummer of of Glaciers. Glaciers. SSan an Jose. Jose.
VENUEZ V ENUEZ Fri-Sat, 8 Fri-Sat, 8:30pm: :30pm: Live Live bbands. ands. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
VOODOO V OODOO LOUNGE LOUNGE Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm: pm: Whiskey Whiskey A Avengers. vengers. No No ccover. over. Fri, Fri, 9pm: 9pm:Tainted Tainted LLove. ove. Sun: Sun: SStreetlow treetlow Magazine Magazine official official after after 8pm: pparty. arty.TTue, ue, 8 pm: LLocal ocal H, H, Left Left Brain Brain Heart, H eart, 4 SStar tar Affair. Affair. San San Jose. Jose.
World W orld
Thu, 8pm: Thu, 8pm: Cado Cado with with Christian Christian Vela V ela from from Los Los Hotboxers. Hotboxers. FFri, ri, 8pm: 8pm: Lyric Lyric Theater. Theater. Sat, Sat, 8pm: 8 pm: Phil Phil Hudson Hudson and and Patrick Patrick CCooper.Fri, ooper.Fri, 8pm: 8pm: Gianfranco Gianfranco aand nd Friends. Friends. Sat, Sat, 8pm: 8pm: Emperor Emperor Norton’s Band. N orton’s JJazz azz B and. SSan an JJose. ose.
Wed: B Wed: Bachata. achata. Thu, Thu, 9pm: 9pm: Hot Hot ssalsa, alsa, Pantea. Pantea. Fri, Fri, 8pm: 8pm: HipHiphhop op Friday. Friday. Sat: Sat: LLatin atin Nights. Nights. Mountain M ountain View. View.
ARYA A RYA GGLOBAL LOBAL CUISINE CUISINE Fri-Sat: LLive Fri-Sat: ive m music usic aand nd bbelly elly ddancing. ancing. Cupertino. Cupertino.
Wheels & Rims!
Hair Highlights!
CCASCAL ASCAL FFri, ri, 9pm: 9pm: KKaweh. aweh. SSat, at, 8:30pm: 8:30pm:
MOROCCO’S M OROCCO’S R RESTAURANT ESTAURANT Thu, 6:15 Thu, 6:15 and and 8:15pm: 8:15pm: Belly Belly Dancing D ancing Showcase. Showcase. Fri, Fri, 7pm: 7pm: Magic M agic Latin Latin night night with with Mucho Mucho Axe. A xe. Sat, Sat, 7pm: 7pm: Lemo. Lemo. San San Jose. Jose.
MURPHY’S M URPHY’S LAW LAW Mon: M on: Pro Pro Blues Blues Jam. Jam. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
POOR P OOR HOUSE HOUSE BISTRO BISTRO Wed, 6pm: Wed, 6pm: Ron Ron Thomson Thomson and and FFriends. riends. Thu, Thu, 6pm: 6pm: Lara Lara Price. Price. FFri, ri, 6pm: 6 pm: AC AC Myles Myles Band. Band. Sat, Sat, 6pm: 6pm: TTwo wo harp harp boogie boogie with with Andy Andy Just Just aand nd Gary Gary Smith. Smith. Sun, Sun, 2-6pm: 2-6pm: FFather’s ather’s Day Day Zydeco Zydeco Party Party with with Andre A ndre Thierry. Thierry. San San Jose. Jose.
QUARTER Q UARTER NOTE NOTE Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: Jam Jam session. session. Sun, Sun, 11pm: pm: Brisket Brisket and and Blues Blues with with BBQ B BQ and and Will Will Roc Roc Griffin Griffin of of Vicious V icious Groove, Groove, plus plus Martha Martha Liz. Liz. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
THREE FLAMES THREE FLAMES R ESTAURANT RESTAURANT Sun, Tue, Sun, Tue, 7:30pm: 7:30pm: Modesto Modesto Briseno B riseno SSeptet, eptet, Latin Latin music. music. Willow W illow Glen. Glen.
UNWINED U NWINED Sat, 7-9:30pm: Sat, 7-9:30pm: Jazz Jazz Night. Night. San San JJose. ose.
WINE W INE AFFAIRS AFFAIRS Wed, W ed,Thu, Thu, SSat: at: Live Live music. music. San San Jose. Jose.
SSENZALA ENZALA Wed, 7:30pm: Wed, 7:30pm: Tuesday Tuesday Night Night LLive, ive, big big band. band. $5/$10. $5/$10. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Wed, 8:30pm: Wed, 8:30pm: The The Girlz Girlz Band. Band. TThu, hu, 8:30pm: 8:30pm: Contemporary Contemporary or or LLatin atin jazz. jazz. Fri-Sat, Fri-Sat, 9pm: 9pm: Jazz Jazz aand nd pop pop dance dance bands. bands. San San Jose. Jose.
CC&W/Folk &W/Folk
Sun: Mike Sun: Mike Leatherman. Leatherman. CCampbell. ampbell.
Thu: Blues Thu: Blues Jam Jam w/AKI. w/AKI. Fri, Fri, 8pm: 8pm: Pinkie P inkie and and the the Blind Blind Resistance. Resistance. 8pm: SSat, at, 8 pm: Four-Track Four-Track Band. Band. CCampbell. ampbell.
HEDLEY H EDLEY CCLUB LUB Thu, 8pm: Thu, 8pm: Russo Russo Alberts Alberts Trio. Trio. Fri, Fri, 8:30pm: 8 :30pm: Kristen Kristen Strom Strom Quartet. Quartet. 8:30pm: SSat, at, 8 :30pm: VW VW Brothers. Brothers. Hotel Hotel ddee Anza, Anza, San San Jose. Jose.
Moree listings: Mor istings:
Wed: Suzi-Q Wed: Suzi-Q aand nd James James Robinson. R obinson. Thu: Thu: Madylan Madylan Rose. Rose. FFri: ri: Vicious Vicious Groove, Groove, $10. $10.Sat: Sat: CChris hris Cain. Cain. $15. $15. Sun: Sun: Gene Gene Washington W ashington and and Special Special Purpose. P urpose. Mon: Mon: Oliver Oliver and and Dennis FFriends. riends. Tue: Tue: D ennis and and Stuart. Stuart. SSan an Jose. Jose.
LLOFT OFT B BAR AR AND AND BISTRO BISTRO TThu, hu, 7-11pm: 7-11pm: Live Live jazz. jazz. San San Jose. Jose.
MISSION M ISSION CITY CITY ROASTING ROASTING Sat, 8pm: Sat, 8pm: Scott Scott Miller. Miller. Sun, Sun, 7pm: 7pm: Ray R ay Bonnewille. Bonnewille. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.
O’FLAHERTY’S O ’FLAHERTY’S Sun, Tue, Sun, Tue, 5pm: 5pm: Traditional Traditional Irish Irish music. m usic. San San Jose. Jose.
RED R ED ROCK ROCK CCOFFEE OFFEE CO. CO. Fri, 8pm: Fri, 8pm: John John Henry’s Henry’s Farm. Farm. Mountain M ountain View. View.
THE T HE SADDLE SADDLE RACK RACK Wed-Fri, W ed-Fri, 9pm: 9pm: California California Bell Brothers CCowboys. owboys. SSat: at: B ell B rothers aatt 7:15pm, 7:15pm, Wild Wild at at Heart Heart at at 110:15pm. 0:15pm. Tue, Tue, 6pm: 6pm: Special Special eevent vent TBA. TBA. Fremont. Fremont.
SST. T. STEPHEN’S STEPHEN’S GREEN GREEN TTue, ue, 7:30pm: 7:30pm: Irish Irish Music. Music. Mountain M ountain View. View.
Skatalites TO PARAPHRASE the band Fear, Jamaica’s all right if you like saxophones. What is ska, you ask, being deaf from birth? It’s a musical masala of jazz, calypso and mento (which had to be banned by the government because the audience tended to explode if they were drinking diet Music in the Park coke, but that’s another story). The Skatalites are best known for their covers of movie soundtracks like John Barry/Monty Cesar Chavez Park, Norman “James Bond Theme,” Barry and Lionel Bart’s “From San Jose Russia With Love” and Dmitri Tiomkin’s “Guns of Navarone.” These tunes are just part of the repertoire of these grand Thursdays 5:30pm; free old men, who have been playing for 46 years. First coming together as a Catholic bad-boys school band, the Skatalites are the main thread that connects the bigger tapestry of Jamaican music. There wasn’t a second wave British ska band of the 1980s that didn’t owe something to the Skatalites, and you skankers of today get to see them for free.ÆI`Z_Xi[ mfe 9ljXZb
Wed, 6 Wed, 6pm: pm: SSidesaddle. idesaddle. TTue, ue, 6 6pm: pm: LLoganville. oganville. SSan an JJose. ose.
Fri, 77-10pm: Fri, -10pm: SSingers ingers and and musicians. m usicians. SSan an JJose. ose.
FFri, ri, 9 9pm: pm: Thomas. Thomas. SSan an JJose. ose.
SSat, at, 9 9pm: pm: Karaoke. Karaoke. Santa Santa CClara. lara.
Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm-closing: pm-closing: LLive ive ccountry ountry music, Doug Rose Productions m usic, D oug R ose P roductions w/Bit Band w /Bit aand nd SSpur pur B and ffeaturing eaturing Willow Glen. CCowboy owboy LLarry. arry. W illow G len.
Open M Open Mic/ ic/ Poetry P oetry ANGELICA’S A NGELICA’S B BISTRO ISTRO TTue, ue, 6 6:30pm: :30pm: B Bring ring yyour our m musical usical Redwood iinstrument. nstrument. R edwood CCity. ity.
Mon: M on: CComedy omedy N Night. ight. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
MISSION M ISSION CCITY ITY R ROASTING OASTING Thu, 77pm: Thu, pm: SSouth outh Bay Bay FFolks olks O Open pen Mic. M ic. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
VENUEZ V ENUEZ TTue, ue, 8 8-11pm: -11pm: O Open pen m mic ic hhosted osted Dharma. bbyy JJeff eff D harma. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
BENNIGAN’S B ENNIGAN’S GRILL GRILL BLINKY’S B LINKY’S CAN’T CAN’T SAY SAY Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm-1am: pm-1am: D Danielle. anielle. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
BLUE B LUE B BONNET ONNET BAR BAR Mon & Wed-Thu, Mon Wed-Thu, 8pm: 8pm: Karaoke. Karaoke. Noo ccover. N over. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
Karaoke K araoke
Fri-Sat, 9pm-1:30am: Fri-Sat, 9pm-1:30am: Karaoke. Karaoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
TTue, ue, 7pm: 7pm: Steve Steve Tiger. Tiger. CCupertino. upertino.
Wed-Sat, 9 Wed-Sat, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. 9pm-1am: TTue, ue, 9 pm-1am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.
Wed, 77pm: Wed, pm: M Musical usical oopen pen m mic. ic. SSign ign up up by by 55pm. pm. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
BRITANNIA B RITANNIAA ARMS RMSCCUPERTINO UPERTINO Wed, 9 Wed, 9:30pm: :30pm: O Open-mic pen-mic nnight. ight. CCupertino. upertino.
CCAFFE AFFE T TRIESTE RIESTE TTue, ue, 7pm: 7pm: O Open pen M Mic. ic. SSan an JJose. ose.
BOGART’S B OGART’S LLOUNGE OUNGE ALEX’S A LEX’S 4 49ER 9ER IINN NN Mon-Sat, 9 Mon-Sat, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.
Wed, FFri, Wed, ri, SSun, un, 8pm-2am: 8pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M T
?FIEP FI9@K K_\ cXk\jk jbX i\m`mXc d\Xej k_\ JbXkXc`k\jÊ gfglcXi`kp `j Z`iZc`e^ Xifle[ X^X`e%
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M 93 BOSWELL’S B OSWELL’S TTue: ue: D DJJ D Davey avey KK.. CCampbell. ampbell.
BRITANNIA A BRITANNIA ARMS RMS ALMADEN A LMADEN Sun, 110pm, Sun, 0pm, aand nd W Wed, ed, 110pm: 0pm: DJJ H Hank. KKaraoke. araoke. D ank. TTue, ue, 77:30pm: :30pm: Pub P ub SStumpers. tumpers. SSan an JJose. ose.
BRITANNIA B RITANNIA A ARMS RMS CCUPERTINO UPERTINO Sun-Tue, 110pm: Sun-Tue, 0pm: KKaraoke. araoke. CCupertino. upertino.
BRITANNIA B RITANNIA A ARMS RMS SAN SAN JJOSE OSE Wed: W ed: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.
BRITISH B RITISH B BANKERS ANKERS CCLUB LUB Mon, 9 Mon, 9:30pm: :30pm: KKaraoke. araoke. M Menlo enlo Park. P ark.
CC&J’S &J’S SSPORTS PORTS B BAR AR TThu: hu: M Melissa elissa aand nd H Heather. eather. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
CCARDINAL ARDINAL LLOUNGE OUNGE Mon, W Mon, Wed, ed, 9 9pm-1am: pm-1am: D DJJ Noo ccover. 9pm: CCurtis. urtis. N over. TTue, ue, 9 pm: Western Noo ccover. W estern kkaraoke. araoke. N over. SSan an JJose. ose.
More More listings:
Wed, 9pm: Wed, 9pm: Karaoke Karaoke Night. Night. Milpitas. M ilpitas.
TTue, uue, 8:30-11:30pm: 8:30-11:30pm: Karaoke. Karaoke. No cover. cover. Santana Row. Row.
Fri, 9pm: Fri, 9pm: Vinnie. Vinnie. Mon, Mon, 9pm: 9pm: KKaraoke araoke in in the the lounge lounge w/ w/ Vinnie. V innie. Tue, Tue, 9pm: 9pm: August. August. CCupertino. upertino.
Wed, 10pm-1:30am: Wed, 10pm-1:30am: DJ Palo Alto. Purple. P alo Al to.
TTue, uue, 10pm-close: Kamikaze Kamikaze KKaraoke. araoke. San Jose.
Wed-Thu and Wed-Thu and Sun, Sun, 9pm: 9pm: Wild Wild Nights N ights Karaoke. Karaoke. Fremont. Fremont.
Wed, Sat-Sun: Chris. Thu-Fri, Wed, 8:30pm: Uncle Dougie. San Jose.
Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: Karaoke. Karaoke. CCampbell. ampbell.
KCC BAR K BAR AND AND RESTAURANT RESTAURANT Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: DJ DJ Desmond. Desmond. San San JJose. ose.
SHOOTERS SH OOTERS BAR BAR & GRILL GRILL Thu, 9:30pm-1:30am: 9:30pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. Sunnyvale.
Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: Davey Davey K. K. No No cover. cover. CCampbell. ampbell.
Wed, 9pm: With Julz. Santa Wed, Clara. Clar a.
Thu, Sun-Mon, Thu, Sun-Mon, 8:30pm-close: 8:30pm-close: Bruce B ruce of of KOR KOR Karaoke. Karaoke. No No cover. cover. Mountain M ountain View. View.
WOODHAM’S W OODHAM’S LOUNGE LOUNGE TTue-Thu uue--TThu and Sat, 9:30pm: Vinnie. Santa Clara. Clara.
Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: DJ DJ Thomas Thomas ““Soulman.” Soulman.” Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
Dancee Clubs Danc Clubs
TTue ue & TThu, hu, 9 9pm-1am: pm-1am: B Brian rian Palo Alto. JJames. ames. P alo A lto.
DASILVA’S D ASILVA’S B BRONCOS RONCOS Wed: G Wed: Guitar uitar H Hero ero TTournament ournament 9pm-1am: pplus lus kkaraoke. araoke. TThu, hu, 9 pm-1am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
TThu, hu, 8pm: 8pm: Chris. Chris. Santa Santa Clara. Clara. Fri, 6:30-10:30pm: Fri, 6:30-10:30pm: Bands Bands with with llive ive karaoke. karaoke. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.
Wed, 8pm: Salsa Wednesdays. Wed, Wednesdays. Thu: Tech Teech It Up B*Tch B*TTch B c w/Paul w/Paul Leath and Residents. Sun: Planet Reggae. San Jose.
Wed, 8 Wed, 8pm-2am: pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.
Thu: Singles Thu: Singles party party with with DJ. DJ. Los Los Gatos. G atos.
TTue-Sat, ue-Sat, 9 9pm-2am, pm-2am, aand nd llast ast month, SSun un ooff eevery very m onth, 22-7pm: -7pm: B&S B &S KKaraoke. araoke. CCampbell. ampbell.
Wed, Fri-Sat, Wed, Fri-Sat, 8:30pm: 8:30pm: Doug. Doug. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Sun, 7pm, Sun, 7pm, and and Fri, Fri, Sat, Sat, 9pm9pm22am: am: KKaraoke. araoke. Mountain Mountain View. View.
Mon: M Mon: Monday onday N Night ight M Madness. adness. SSan an JJose. ose.
Thu-Sat, 9 Thu-Sat, 9pm: pm: U Uncle ncle D Dougie ougie Noo ccover. SShow. how. N over. SSan an JJose. ose.
Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: DJ DJ Brian. Brian. Sun, Sun, 9pm: 9pm: DJJ and D and karaoke. karaoke. Tue, Tue, 9pm: 9pm: DJ, DJ, ddancing, ancing, karaoke. karaoke. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: KKaraoke araoke w w/ / August. Milpitas. A ugust. M ilpitas.
Wed, 7:30pm: Latin. Tue Wed, Tuue and Thu: Salsa With Pantea. Pantea. Sat: Latin Night. Mountain View. View.
AZUCAR AZ UCAR TTue: uue: Beats and Beer Pong Pong w/Mike Jones. San Jose.
BLOWFISH BL OWFISH SUSHI SUSHI Wed-Sat: W ed-Sat: d S t DJs DJ andd dancing. d i Santana Row. Row.
BLUE BL UE PHEASANT PHEASANT TTue-Sun, uue-Sun, 7pm-close: DJ and dancing. Big band, swing. No cover.. Cupertino. cover Cupertino.
TTue, ue, 8:30pm: 8:30pm: Acoustic Acoustic karaoke karaoke w/ w / Sam Sam Marshall. Marshall. Woodside. Woodside.
POINCIANA P OINCIANA LOUNGE LOUNGE Wed, 9:30pm: Wed, 9:30pm: Wildside Wildside EEntertainment. ntertainment. No No cover. cover. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.
THE T HE GGOOSETOWN OOSETOWN LLOUNGE OUNGE Fri-Sun, 9 Fri-Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: :30pm-1:30am: Willow KKaraoke. araoke. W illow Glen. Glen.
TTue, ue, 9pm: 9pm: Sherrie Sherrie and and Sue. Sue. No No ccover. over. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.
Fri: DJ Kay Kay Rich and Check O. Sat: G Beats and Metrorock. Metrorock. Q.. San Jose. TTue: uue: DJ David Q
Thu, 9pm-1am: Thu, 9pm-1am: Joseph. Joseph. SSan an Jose. Jose.
HjhVc 9nccZg
G.B.H. HIDE THE BOOZE! The original drunk punks are invading San Jose to not only drink you under the table, but possibly have you diving off it. GBH were one of the forerunners of the U.K. punk scene in the early ’80s and haven’t let up since. From 1981’s Leather, Bristles, Studs Sunday 8pm and Acne to this year’s album, Perfume and Piss (Hellcat Records), these blokes from Birmingham still have the Blank Club, energy to put on a great show, whether it’s for 10 people or San Jose 10,000. They are truly a piece of punk rock history. Personal $15 favorites: “No Survivors,” “State Executioner,” and of course, “Big Women.” New York’s Outernational and San Jose’s own The Forgotten are on tap first. Æ9\Xl ;fnc`e^ BRANHAM B RANHAM LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed: H Wed: Humpday umpday W Wednesdays. ednesdays. DJJ aand DJJ TThu: hu: D nd kkaraoke. araoke. SSat: at: D DJJ CChaos. Hip-hop JJazzy azzy aand nd D haos. H ip-hop Happy Hour Allll aand nd TTop op 440. 0. SSun: un: H appy H our A Day. Mon: DJJ aand D ay. M on: D nd kkaraoke. araoke. TTue: ue: $22 TTuesdays. $ uesdays. SSan an JJose. ose.
FAHRENHEIT U FAHRENHEIT ULTRA LTRA LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm: pm: R Reggae eggae R Riddims. iddims. TThu, hu, 10pm: 10pm: South South Bay Bay Dub Dub Massive. $10. M assive. $ 10. FFri: ri: Expressions Expressions ZZodiac. odiac. Sat: Sat: FFame. ame. Tue, Tue, 9pm: 9pm: CCollege ollege Night. Night.
KHARTOUM K HARTOUM Wed: W ed: D DJJ D Davey avey KK.. CCampbell. ampbell.
Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: W Whip hip IItt O Out ut Wednesdays. W ednesdays. TThu: hu: Huntress Huntress TThursdays. hursdays. FFri: ri: Inferno Inferno FFridays. ridays. Noo ccover. SSat: at: SSinful inful SSaturdays. aturdays. N over. 9pm-2am: SSun, un, 9 pm-2am: CChill hill SSundays. undays. Mon: Mondays. VJJ Mon: Marathon Marathon M ondays. V 9pm-2am. sspins pins ffrom rom 9 pm-2am. Tue: Tue: Take Take Off iitt O ff TTuesdays. uesdays. San San JJose. ose.
SSat, at, 9 9pm: pm: D DJs. Js. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.
Fri, 9 Fri, 9:30pm: :30pm: N Noche oche V Vaquera, aquera, DJJ JJose DJJ SStam. D ose KKuervo uervo aand nd D tam. Azukar, DJJ 33D. SSat: at: A zukar, D D. TTue, ue, 9pm: Nostalgia, Goth, 9 pm: CClub lub N ostalgia, G oth, $8. iindustrial ndustrial aand nd ddarkwave. arkwave. $ 8. Mountain View. M ountain V iew.
Mon: LLadies’ Mon: adies’ night. night. No No cover. cover. Milpitas. M ilpitas.
Fri-Sat, 110:30pm-1:30am: Fri-Sat, 0:30pm-1:30am: LLive ive DJ. D J. SSan an JJose. ose.
FFri-Sat: ri-Sat: O Old ld SSchool. chool. Milpitas. Milpitas.
Fri-Sat: D Fri-Sat: DJs. Js. $ $10 10 ccover over aafter fter Palo Alto. 110pm. 0pm. P alo A lto.
Wed, SSat, Wed, at, 110pm: 0pm: D DJJ iinn tthe he M Mix. ix. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
CCARDINAL ARDINAL LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm-1am: pm-1am: D DJJ CCurtis. urtis. P Plus lus Mon, DJJ LLV. kkaraoke. araoke. M on, SSun: un: D V. TTue, ue, 9pm-1am: AV. 9 pm-1am: KJ KJ A V. SSan an JJose. ose.
Thu: Ascend. Thu: Ascend. FFri: ri: CClub lub FFux. ux. Hype. SSat: at: CClub lub Bay Bay H ype. SSun, un, TTue ue 77:30pm: :30pm: Klub Klub Ice Ice for for ages ages 14 14 to to Palo Alto. 118. 8. P alo A lto.
Fri, SSat, Fri, at, 6 6pm: pm: D DJJ oorr llive ive bband. and. N Noo ccover. over. SSanta anta CClara. lara.
Wed: W ed: TThe he CCypher ypher with with Adio Adio Dru, D ru, pplus lus open open mic. mic. Mon: Mon: Diamond Denim D iamond aand nd D enim ppresent resent hhip-hop ip-hop and and ttalent alent showcase. showcase. Rich. TTue: ue: DJ DJ SScott cott R ich. San San Jose. Jose.
Sat: R Sat: Rhythm hythm SSaturdays. aturdays. SSun: un: M Mix ix TTape ape SSundays. undays. SSan an JJose. ose.
Thu-Sat, 9:30pm-1:30am: Thu-Sat, 9:30pm-1:30am: DJs DJs aand nd ddancing. ancing. Campbell. Campbell.
MOTIF M OTIF FFri: ri: N New ew W Wave ave 8 80s. 0s. SSan an JJose. ose.
MOUNTAIN M OUNTAIN CCHARLEY’S HARLEY’S Wed, 77pm: Wed, pm: H House ouse P Party. arty. TThu, hu, 77pm: pm: TThrowback hrowback TThursdays. hursdays. Gatos. LLos os G atos.
PARRANDA P ARRANDA N NIGHTCLUB IGHTCLUB TThu, hu, 8 8pm: pm: D DJJ A Akustik. kustik. N Noo
977 9
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Buy B uy tickets tickets aatt llivenation.com. ivenation.com. TTo o ccharge harge bbyy pphone hone ((800) 800) 7745-3000. 45-3000. Limit Allll ddates, Limit 8 ttickets ickets pper er pperson. erson. A ates, aacts cts and and ticket ticket prices prices are are subject subject to to change change without without notice. notice. All All tickets tickets are are subject subject to to applicable applicable service service charges. charges.
Country Throwdown Tour WANT TO feel like a redneck mutt? Just read the press releases for the performers in this country landslide: take headliners Montgomery Gentry and bro Troy (“They share blue-collar outlooks; sunup-to-sundown work ethics; rootedness in God, country and family; and the ability to celebrate life and endure hardship.”). Or Jamey Johnson: Sunday, 1pm “He has a backwoods upbringing, but is a formally trained musician who knew music theory as early as junior high Shoreline school. ... He seems like a rebel, but Jamey spent eight Amphitheatre years as a member of the highly disciplined U.S. Marine Corps Reserves. The week he was discharged, the rest of his $21–$41 unit was ordered to Iraq.”) In the midst of paragons like that, the more easy-going openers provide some of the catting around that made Nashville great. Eric Church’s rollicking “Two Pink Lines” concerns the hellish terror unique to the pregnancy scare; Jack Ingrams’ hit “Barefoot and Crazy” immortalizes the river rat life. That’s country music for you: room for all comers.ÆI`Z_Xi[ mfe 9ljXZb
95 cover. Fri, 8pm: DJ Mayo. Sat, cover. Sat, 8pm: DJ Mayo and DJ Akustik. Akustiik. Sun, 7pm: Latin Beat. Sun, 9pm: Sonidero Sonidero Night. With local DJs spinning salsa, Sunnyvale. cumbia and more. more. Sunnyvale e.
PEACOCK PEA COCK LOUNGE LOUNGE Fri, 8pm: DJ DJ.. Sat, 9pm: DJ andd dancing ffeaturing eaturing Chill, R&B, R&B, TTop oop 40. Sun, 9pm: DJ and karaoke. kar aoke. Sunnyvale.
PEARL Fri: Designer Deejays. Sat: Scorched. Scor ched. San Jose.
SSABOR ABOR T TAPAS APAS B A BAR AR Thu: Major Thursdays. Rotating DJs. TTue: uue: Two Two w Buck TTuesdays. uuesdays. College dance party.. San Jose. party
Wed, 9pm: DJ Henry Wed, Henry.. Thu, 9pm: DJ Mark. Fri, 9pm: DJ Fremont. Rita. Fr emont.
Wed: Andr Wed: Andree Nikatina. Thu: DJ Buzzed. Fri: DJ Classic and hip-hop videos. Sat: TTito. ito. Sun: Courage. Liquid Cour age. Mon: DJ Spin. TTue: uue: TToonsday. ooonsday. San Jose.
SSAN AN JJOSE OSE B BAR AR & GR GRILL ILL Wed: TTango. Wed: aango. Specials on drinks. drink s. Thu-Sat: Video Killed DJ.. Sun: Sin Sundays. the DJ Mon, 10pm-close: Manic Mondaze. San Jose.
VOODOO V OODOO LLOUNGE OUNGE Sat, 10pm: Thir Thirdd Satur Saturdays. days. $10. San Jose.
Fri, 10pm: DJ Cesar Cesar.. View.. Mountain View
New bar with nightly kar karaoke aoke and DJs. See TheWillowDen. com ffor or details. details San Jose. Jose
Wed: The Pick Up, DJ Sig O Wed: and guests. Thu: Dig, house party.. San Jose. party
Thu: College Night. Fri: Fabulous w/DJ Menace. Sat: Celebrity w/DJ D-Roc. View.. Mountain View
M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
@ d\k X e`Z\ dXe jf @ k_fl^_k n_f c`m\j XYflk +' d`c\j XnXp% Fe fli j\Zfe[ [Xk\# n\ _X[ [i`ebj `e dp e\`^_Yfi_ff[% ?\ [iXeb kff dlZ_# Xe[ Xjb\[ kf _Xe^ Xk dp _flj\ jf _\ nflc[eÊk [i`m\ le[\i k_\ `eÔl\eZ\% @ [`[eÊk c`b\ k_`j Y\ZXlj\ @Êd lj\[ kf ^lpj lj`e^ k_`j gcfp ]fi j\o# Ylk _\ jX`[ `] @ [`[eÊk c\k _`d `e# @ nXj dXb`e^ _`d [i`m\ [ileb% @ ^il[^`e^cp Xccfn\[ _`d `e# Xe[ _\ `dd\[`Xk\cp jkXik\[ dXb`e^ dfm\j fe d\% <m\eklXccp# @ ki`\[ kf j\e[ _`d _fd\# Ylk _\ jX`[ _\ nXj jk`cc `e ef gfj`k`fe kf [i`m\# jf @ b`Zb\[ _`d flk \Xicp `e k_\ dfie`e^% N_Xk n\i\ dp fYc`^Xk`fej _\i\6 <m\ip dXe @ Xjb\[ jX`[ @ j_flc[eÊk _Xm\ i`jb\[ c\kk`e^ _`d `e% 8j fe\ jX`[# Ç9\kk\i X jkiXe^\ [ileb fe k_\ ifX[ k_Xe X jkiXe^\ [ileb `e pfli _fd\# n_\i\ _\ Zflc[ iXg\ pfl%È @ _Xm\ p\k kf Xjb X nfdXe n_f ZXe ^`m\ d\ X [\Óe`k`m\ Xejn\i2 k_\pÊi\ Xcc Xj ZfeÔ`Zk\[ Xj @ Xd% ÆDXe_Xe[c\[ If a stranger comes to your door and says, “I’m too drunk to drive home,” you don’t say, “No problem, I’ll make up the bed!” Yet, this guy’s a near stranger, one you didn’t want in your home—even before he took the post-date sex ploy to a remarkable new low. Yeah, forget the usual lame lemme-in tactics like “I’d love to meet that cat I’ve heard so much about!” or “Mind if I use your bathroom?” No, it’s “Mind if I cause the fiery death of a family of five?” A guy might present you with an either/or situation, but that doesn’t mean those are your only choices. In this case, you should’ve told the guy to cab it to a motel. (To borrow from your friend, “Better a strange drunk cabbing to Motel 6 than a strange drunk turning your home into Motel Sex.”) If your date insists on driving drunk, call the cops, report a drunk driver and give them a description of his car. Of course, it’s possible he isn’t really drunk, just trying to con his way in, but that’s for the cop who stops him to determine: “I can touch my finger to my nose just fine, Officer, but I’m having real problems getting my hand up a girl’s shirt.”
It isn’t surprising that all your girlfriends are “conflicted” about what you should’ve done. In fact, other women would have given in like you did—not necessarily because they’re weak or dumb, but because they’re women: the gender that evolved to be the nurturers, peacemakers, and consensus builders of the species. (All great until a drunk guy swinging a set of car keys is standing at your front door.) Recognizing that, as a woman, you have a hardwired tendency to be a pleaser is the best way to avoid succumbing to it. You have to decide before you’re in a dicey situation that your comfort level and safety take priority over possibly coming across as rude or unsympathetic. Keep in mind, as Gavin de Becker writes in The Gift of Fear, that “’No’ is a complete sentence,” and if you let somebody talk you out of it, “you might as well wear a sign that reads, ‘You are in charge.’” Get his book, start a reading group with your “conflicted” girlfriends, and in the future, see to it that your door policy is determined by you, not Jim Beam and Captain Morgan.
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and a guy in college will never again be in a place so swarming with hot, single, dateable women. It’s especially wise for this particular guy to take a more analog approach to hitting on girls if I’m right in my suspicion that he online dates because he’s too big a wuss to deal with face-to-face rejection. Opportunity (a.k.a. the hot girl down the hall) is knocking on his dorm room door, and he should be answering it, not calling out, “Not now! I’m IMing with Im300LbsFatterThanMyPicture999!”
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@ nXj FLKI8><; k_Xk pfl Zi`k`Z`q\[ X Zfcc\^\ ^lp ]fi fec`e\ [Xk`e^# jXp`e^ `kÊj Ç]fi k_\ If^X`e\ ^\e\iXk`fe%È @Êd )* Xe[ d\k dp nfe[\i]lc ÓXeZ\ fe k_\ @ek\ie\k% 8 dXe `jeÊk c\jj f] X dXe Y\ZXlj\ _\ Óe[j X ^`ic]i`\e[ fec`e\ Æ:flc[eÊk 9\ ?Xgg`\i Sure, some college students find dates online, but you’re OUTRAGED that I advised against it? And, of all the things in the paper you could find to be OUTRAGED about? What happened, seen one oil-soaked dead baby duck, seen ’em all? Eventually, the pesky human aspect will probably be removed from dating, and a guy’ll stay home repiping the sink while his avatar’s out trying to unhook some other avatar’s bra. For now, the human-to-human element remains,
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The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Boulevards Properties, BNMI Real Estate Services, 550 S. First Street, San Jose, CA, 95113, Boulevards New Media Inc, 550 South First St., San Jose, CA, 95113. This business is conducted by a Corporation. The state of Corporation: California. Registrant has not yet begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein. /s/Dan Pulcrano CEO #C1960417 This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 6/07/2010. (pub Metro 6/16, 6/23, 6/30, 7/07/2010)
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FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES A RIES ((March March 221–April 1–April 119): 9): IIstanbul stanbul iiss tthe he w world’s orld’s only m ega-city tthat hat sspans pans ttwo wo ccontinents. ontinents. M any TTurkish urkish only mega-city Many commuters commuters ttake ake tthe he 115-minute 5-minute fferry erry rride ide aacross cross tthe he Bosphorus Bosphorus SStrait, trait, ttraveling raveling ffrom rom ttheir heir ssuburban uburban hhomes omes in Asia in A sia ttoo tthe he uurban rban ssprawl prawl iin n EEurope. urope. II’m ’m sseeing eeing a comparable Aries: comparable jjourney ourney ffor or yyou, ou, A ries: a ttransition ransition tthat hat happens moves happens ccasually asually aand nd qquickly, uickly, bbut ut tthat hat m oves yyou ou ffrom rom one world Prepare one w orld ttoo aanother. nother. P repare yyourself, ourself, pplease. lease. JJust ust because because iitt uunfolds nfolds rrelatively elatively eeasily asily aand nd bbenevolently enevolently doesn’t mean doesn’t m ean yyou ou sshould hould bbee nnonchalant onchalant aabout bout tthe he adjustments will make. adjustments iitt w ill rrequire equire yyou ou ttoo m ake.
TAURUS T AURUS ((April April 220–May 0–May 220): 0): W When hen yyou ou w want ant ttoo gget et rid weed rid ooff a w eed tthat’s hatt’s impinging impinging on on the the autonomy autonomy of of your your ggrowing rowing ttomato omato pplant, lant, yyou ou ddon’t on’t jjust ust ttear ear aaway way its its stalk stalk aand nd lleaves; eaves; yyou ou yyank ank iitt oout ut bbyy tthe he rroots. oots. TThat’s hat’s the with the approach approach I uurge rge yyou ou ttoo ttake ake w ith tthe he ssaboteur aboteur that that hhas as iinserted nserted iitself tself iinto nto yyour our ootherwise therwise tthriving hriving patch patch ooff hheaven. eaven. TThere’s here’s nnoo nneed eed ttoo eexpress xpress hhatred atred oorr rage. rage. IIn n ffact, act, iit’s t’s better better to to be be lucid lucid and and neutral neutral as as you you thoroughly thoroughly rremove emove tthe he iinvasive nvasive iinfluence nfluence aand nd aassert ssert your what your rright ight ttoo ccare are ffor or w hat yyou ou llove. ove. GGEMINI EMINI ((May May 221–June 1–June 220): 0): A llot ot ooff ppeople eople nnever ever
ggot ot tthe he m othering tthey hey nneeded eeded iin n oorder rder ttoo ggrow row uupp mothering iinto nto tthe he cconfident, onfident, ssecure ecure llovers overs ooff llife ife tthey hey hhave ave tthe he But ppotential otential ttoo bbecome. ecome. B ut eeven ven ggreater reater nnumbers umbers ssuffer uffer And ffrom rom a llack ack ooff ssmart mart ffathering. athering. A nd tthat hat hhappens appens ttoo bbee tthe he ddeprivation eprivation tthat’s hat’s most most important important for for you you Geminis Geminis was missing ttoo aaddress ddress rright ight nnow. ow. IIff tthere here w as aanything nything m issing iin n mentoring tthe he gguidance uidance aand nd m entoring yyou ou ggot ot ffrom rom yyour our aactual ctual ddaddy, addy, I uurge rge yyou ou ttoo bbrainstorm rainstorm aabout bout hhow ow yyou ou ccould ould make months. m ake uupp ffor or iitt iin n tthe he ccoming oming m onths. FFor or sstarters, tarters, figure who hhere’s ere’s oone ne iidea: dea: IIss tthere here aany ny ffather ather fi gure oout ut tthere here w ho more ccould ould iinspire nspire yyou ou ttoo bbecome ecome m ore ooff yyour our oown wn ffather ather figure? fi gure?
CCANCER ANCER ((June June 221–July 1–July 222): 2): IIn n 11965, 965, ttwo wo R Russian ussian cosmonauts cosmonauts oorbited rbited tthe he EEarth arth iin n tthe he V Voskhod oskhod 2 sppacecraft. acecraft. D Due ue ttoo eequipment quipment pproblems, roblems, tthey hey hhad ad manually. ttoo lland and tthe he vvehicle ehicle m anually. IInstead nstead ooff hhitting itting tthe he mistakenly ttarget arget aarea, rea, tthey hey m istakenly sset et ddown own iin n rrugged ugged mountainous with While m ountainous ccountry ountry ccovered overed w ith ddeep eep ssnow. now. W hile waited wolves tthey hey w aited oovernight vernight iinside nside ttheir heir ccapsule, apsule, w olves But ggathered athered ooutside, utside, hhowling owling aand nd ppacing. acing. B ut tthe he nnext ext dday ay ttheir heir rrecovery ecovery tteam eam rreached eached tthem hem aand nd sscared cared ooff ff were tthe he hhungry ungry ppredators. redators. SSoon oon tthey hey w ere ssafely afely oon n ttheir heir way w ay bback ack hhome. ome. LLet et tthis his llittle ittle ttale ale bbee aan n iinspiration nspiration ttoo yyou, ou, CCancerian, ancerian, aass yyou ou ccome ome iin n ffor or yyour our llanding. anding. EEven ven may where tthough hough yyou ou m ay nnot ot eend nd uupp qquite uite w here yyou ou iintended, ntended, wait tthere’ll here’ll bbee a hhappy appy eending nding aass llong ong aass yyou ou w ait ffor or yyour our aallies llies ttoo bbee rready eady ffor or yyou ou aand nd yyou ou ddon’t on’t ttry ry ttoo rrush ush yyour our rre-integration. e-integration.
LLEO EO ((July July 223–Aug. 3–Aug. 222): 2): TThe he aancient ncient G Greek reek pphilosopher hilosopher Plato Hee P lato aadvocated dvocated tthe he uuse se ooff ddogs ogs iin n ccourtrooms. ourtrooms. H were tthought hought tthat hat ccanines anines w ere eexpert xpert llie ie ddetectors; etectors; tthat hat when was tthey hey aalways lways kknew new w hen ddeceit eceit w as iin n tthe he aair. ir. I ssuspect uspect yyou’ll ou’ll ddisplay isplay a ssimilar imilar ttalent alent iin n tthe he ccoming oming ddays, ays, LLeo. eo. will when YYou ou w ill hhave ave a ssixth ixth ssense ense aabout bout w hen tthe he ttruth ruth iiss when bbeing eing ssacrificed acrificed ffor or eexpediency, xpediency, oorr w hen ddelusions elusions masquerading aare re m asquerading aass rreasonable easonable eexplanations, xplanations, oorr when w hen tthe he eego’s go’s oobsessions bsessions aare re ddistorting istorting tthe he hhell ell oout ut Harness ooff tthe he ssoul’s oul’s aauthentic uthentic uunderstandings. nderstandings. H arness tthat hat Use with rraw aw sstuff, tuff, pplease. lease. U se iitt ddiscreetly, iscreetly ssurgically, urgically aand nd w ith ccompassion. ompassion.
VIRGO V IRGO (Aug. Aug 223–Sept. 3–Sep 222): 2): IIff yyou’ve ou e bbeen een aaligned gned
with weeks, Virgo, w h cosmic o m rhythms h hm these he e ppast a few ew w ee V go you’ve ou e bbeen een rising ng hhigher ghe aand nd feeling ee ng bbolder. o de YYou’ve ou e taken which a en a stand and oon n issues ue aabout bou w h h you ou hhad ad ppreviously e ou weak bbeen een a bbit w ea aand nd cowardly. owa d YYou ou hhave a e bbeen een aable b e too aarticulate u a e eelusive u e oor ddifficult fi u truths u h inn graceful g a e u ways wa that ha hhaven’t a en caused au ed too oo terrible e b e a ruckus. u u YYour ou nnext e challenge means ha enge is too rally a the he troops. oop TThe he ggroup oup that ha m ean the most motivational he m o too you ou is in n nneed eed oof your ou m o a ona fervor. e o I suggest ugge that ha you ou think h n ddeeply eep aabout bou hhow ow too cultivate u ae more m o e ddynamic nam relationships e a on h p aamong mong aall the he pparts, a thereby whole. he eb eenergizing ne g ng the he w ho e
LLIBRA BRA (Sept. Sep 223–Oct. 3–O 222): 2 “Human Human bbeings e ng aaree in n
a state a e oof creativity ea 2244 hhours ou a dday,” a w o eR aou wrote Raoul Vaneigem V ane gem in n hhis bbook oo TThe he R Revolution e o u on oof EEveryday e da LLifee. “People with Peop e usually u ua associate a o a e creativity ea w h works wo of o art, a but bu what wha are a e works wo of o art a alongside a ong de the he creative ea e energy ene g displayed d p a ed by b everyone e e one a thousand hou and times me a day?” da ? I say a “amen” All oof uus aaree constantly amen too that. ha A on an ggenerating ene a ng fresh e h ideas, dea novel no e feelings, ee ng unexpected une pe ed perceptions, pe ep on and and pressing p e ng intentions. n en on We We are a e founts oun of o restless e e originality. o g na But Bu whether whe he we we use u e our ou enormous eno mou power powe constructively on u e is another ano he question. que on Typically, T p a a lot o of o the he stuff u we we spawn pawn is less e than han brilliant b an and and useful. u eu Having Ha ng said a d that, ha I’m m ppleased ea ed too aannounce nnoun e that ha you’re ou e
9p 9 p ROB RO B BREZSNY BREZSNY n\\b f] Ale\ (n\\b f] Ale\ (-
entering when entering a pphase hase w hen yyou ou hhave ave tthe he ppotential otential ttoo create more create ffar ar m ore iinteresting nteresting aand nd uuseful seful tthings hings tthan han usual—longer usual—longer lasting, lasting, too. too.
SSCORPIO CORPIO ((Oct. Oct. 223–Nov. 3–Nov. 221): 1): IIff yyou ou hhave ave bbeen een engaged engaged in in any any S&M S&M scenario, scenario, even even metaphorically, metaphorically, now would Whether now w ould bbee a ggood ood ttime ime ttoo qquit uit iit. t. W hether yyou’re ou’re the whipping whipped, the person person who’s who’s w hipping oorr bbeing eing w hipped, the worthy the cconnection onnection iiss nnoo llonger onger sserving erving aany ny w orthy purpose. purpose. TThe he ggood ood nnews ews iiss tthat hat ffreeing reeing yyourself ourself ffrom rom compromising will make compromising eentanglements ntanglements w ill m ake yyou ou ffully ully available available ttoo eexplore xplore nnew ew ffrontiers rontiers iin n ccollaboration. ollaboration. YYou ou will with will aalso lso bbee bblessed lessed w ith aan n iinflux nflux ooff iintuition ntuition aabout bout how how ttoo rreconfigure econfigure bbonds onds tthat hat hhave ave bbecome ecome bblah lah aand nd boring. And what boring. A nd w hat iiff yyou’re ou’re nnot ot ccurrently urrently iinvolved nvolved iin n any any SS&M &M sscenario? cenario? CCongrats! ongrats! YYour our aassignment ssignment iiss ttoo transform transform oone ne ooff yyour our ppretty retty ggood ood rrelationships elationships iinto nto a supercharged supercharged uunion nion tthat’s hat’s capable capable of of generating generating lifelifechanging magic. changing m agic. SSAGITTARIUS AGITTARIUS ((Nov. Nov. 222–Dec. 2–Dec. 21): 21): I wouldn’t wouldn’t
But ssay ay tthat hat things things aare re aabout bout ttoo gget et ddarker arker ffor or you. you. B ut tthey’re hey’re ddefinitely efinitely ggoing oing to to gget et ddeeper eeper and and ddamper amper more aand nd m ore ccomplicated. omplicated. I ddon’t on’t eexpect xpect tthere here ttoo bbee aany ny with cconfrontations onfrontations w ith eevil vil oorr eencounters ncounters with with nnasty asty messes, may m esses, bbut ut yyou ou m ay sslip lip ddown own a rrabbit abbit hhole ole iinto nto a where ttwilight wilight rregion egion w here aallll tthe he ccreatures reatures sspeak peak iin n rriddles iddles And aand nd nnothing othing iiss aass iitt sseems. eems. A nd yyet et tthat’s hat’s tthe he bbest est ppossible ossible pplace lace ffor or yyou ou ttoo ggain ain nnew ew iinsight nsight aabout bout tthe he more bbig ig qquestions uestions tthat hat ssoo ddesperately esperately nneed eed m ore cclarity. larity. IIff manage midst yyou ou ccan an m anage ttoo hhold old yyour our oown wn iin n tthe he m idst ooff tthe he with ddream-like ream-like aadventures, dventures, yyou’ll ou’ll bbee bblessed lessed w ith a kkey ey ttoo rrelieving elieving oone ne ooff yyour our llong-running ong-running ffrustrations. rustrations.
CCAPRICORN APRICORN ((Dec. Dec. 222–Jan. 2–Jan. 119): 9): TThe he eeulachon ulachon iiss a fish Pacific North America. fish tthat hat llives ives ooff ff tthe he P acific CCoast oast ooff N orth A merica. IIts ts fat fat ccontent ontent iiss ssoo hhigh igh tthat hat tthe he CChinook hinook IIndians ndians uused sed ttoo dry with wick, dry iit, t, tthread hread iitt w ith a w ick, aand nd eemploy mploy iitt aass a ccandle. andle. The was was Remind The stink stink w as bbad, ad, bbut ut tthe he llight ight w as ggood. ood. R emind you you ooff aanything nything iin n yyour our llife ife rright ight nnow, ow, CCapricorn? apricorn? Something flow Something tthat hat pprovides rovides a ssteady teady fl ow ooff iillumination, llumination, even even iiff iitt iiss a bbit it aannoying nnoying oorr iinconvenient? nconvenient? I ssay, ay, treasure treasure it it for for what what it it is is and and accept accept it it for for what what it it isn’t. isn’t. AQUARIUS A QUARIUS ((Jan. Jan. 220–Feb. 0–Feb. 118): 8): W When hen I w was as Michigan, was ggrowing rowing uupp iin nM ichigan, pplaying laying iin n tthe he ssnow now w as a Ass m much ggreat reat jjoy. oy. A uch aass I lloved oved tthe he aarrival rrival ooff eeach ach nnew ew mourning sspring, pring, I endured endured a m ourning pperiod eriod aass tthe he gground’s round’s melted. llast ast ppatch atch ooff ddirty irty ssleet leet m elted. Once Once in in late late March, March, myy mom tthough, hough, I ttalked alked m mom into into lletting etting me me sstore tore five five wasn’t myy bbirthday ssnowballs nowballs in in tthe he ffreezer. reezer. IItt w asn’t uuntil ntil m irthday iin n llate ate JJune une tthat hat I rretrieved etrieved tthe he pprecious recious aartifacts. rtifacts. I was find w as sslightly lightly ddisappointed isappointed ttoo fi nd tthey hey hhad ad bbecome ecome more On m ore like like iiceballs ceballs tthan han ssnowballs. nowballs. O n the the oother ther hand, hand, was ttheir heir ssymbolism ymbolism w as ddeeply eeply gratifying. gratifying. II’d ’d managed managed winter ttoo invoke invoke tthe he ttangible angible ppresence resence ooff w inter ffun un iinn tthe he ssummertime. ummertime. I uurge rge yyou ou ttoo aattempt ttempt a comparable comparable Aquarius. aalchemy, lchemy, A quarius. FFigure igure oout ut hhow ow to to ttake ake a happiness happiness yyou ou hhave ave ffelt elt in in another another context context aand nd ttranspose ranspose iitt iinto nto where w here yyou ou are are rright ight nnow. ow.
Classifieds A e e o phone a w no p o e ou You w en e pon e mu be n p ope ega o m ou wan he ou o hea ou a e he e ma be a ou o m ha ou an u e o ou e pon e You an nd he e ou o m and mo e n o ma on a he Ca o n a Cou On ne Se He p Cen e www ou n o a go e he p ou oun aw b a o he ou hou e nea e ou ou anno pa he ng ee a k he ou e k o a ee wa e om ou do no e ou e pon e on me ou ma o e he a e b de au and ou wage mone and p ope ma be aken w hou u he wa n ng om he ou he e a e o he ega equ e men You ma wan o a an a o ne gh awa ou do no know an a o ne ou ma wan o a an a o ne e e a e e ou anno a o d an a o ne ou ma be e g b e o ee ega e e om a nonp o ega e e p og am You an o a e he e nonp o g oup a Ca o n a ega Se e Web e www awhe p a o n a o g he Ca o n a Cou On ne Se He p Cen e No e You ha e been ued www ou n o a go e he he ou ma de de aga n p o b ou w hou ou on a ng ou o a ou o be ng hea d un e ou oun ba a o a on e pond w h n 30 da Read NO E he ou ha a a u he n o ma on o en o wa ed ee and be ow o on an You ha e 30 CA ENDAR DAYS e emen o a b a on a e h ummon and ega awa d o $ 0 000 o mo e n pape a e e ed a a e he on ou o e a w en ou en mu be pa d e pon e a h ou and be o e he ou w d m ha e a op e ed he a e on he p a n
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PISCES P ISCES ((Feb. Feb. 119–March 9–March 220): 0): ““Even Even N Norah orah JJones ones ggot ot
with Norah wrote Aidin Vaziri bbored ored w ith N orah JJones,” ones,” w rote ccritic ritic A idin V aziri iin n hhis is rreview eview ooff hher er rrecent ecent cconcert oncert iin n SSan an FFrancisco. rancisco. FFor or yyears ears with music, sshe he hhas as ttranquilized ranquilized uuss w ith hher er ssafe, afe, ssoothing oothing m usic, was was hhee ssaid, aid bbut ut nnot ot aanymore. nymore IItt w as llike ike sshe he w as ffresh resh from Her which om a “makeover ma eo e reality ea show.” how H e nnew ew stuff, u w h h included n uded aan n “indie-rock nd e o jolt” o and and qquasi-psychedelic ua p hede riffs, eexuded weirdness. Norah uded ggrit aand nd ddefiance efian e aand nd w e dne N o ah Jones model weeks, one is your ou role oem ode for o the he nnext e couple oup e oof w ee Pisces. ways which P e If there he e hhave a e bbeen een aany n w a in nw h h you’ve ou e bbeen een bboring o ng yourself, ou e it’s prime p me time me too scramble amb e the he code. ode
Homewo k Ch Homework: Chant han this h s string s ng of o magic mag c words wo ds five times mes a day daay as you visualize v sua ze yourself you se ee ng happy: happy “B avo Viva V va Whoopee Eureka Eu eka feeling “Bravo Ha e u ah Ab acadab a ” Repo esu s to o Hallelujah Abracadabra.” Report results T u h oos e @gma @ com Truthrooster@gmail.com.
Go to REALASTROLOGY.COM to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. Audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700
408 298 8000
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K_\ Zlii\ek [iXdX fm\i k_\ ^lc] f`c jg`cc i\d`e[j d\ f] Xe Xik`Zc\ jfd\ p\Xij X^f jXp`e^ k_Xk# [\jg`k\ d`cc`fej jg\ek fe dXjj`m\ ZfXjkc`e\ Zc\Xelg ]fccfn`e^ k_\ <oofe MXc[\q [`jXjk\i# ZfekXd`eXk\[ Xi\Xj lekflZ_\[ Yp Zc\Xelg Zi\nj i\m\ik\[ kf k_\`i gi`jk`e\ gi\$jg`cc Zfe[`k`fe aljk Xj hl`Zbcp Xj k_fj\ n`k_ _ldXe _\cg% @j k_`j X ZXj\ f] c\kk`e^ Dfk_\i EXkli\ Xcfe\ kf [f n_Xk j_\ [f\j Y\jk# fi j`dgcp efk kil\6 ÆD`b\ ?f^Xe# 8lZbcXe[# E\n Q\XcXe[
Apparently the good news hasn’t gotten out to kiwi country. The basics: First, oil is mostly biodegradable. Some of it evaporates or breaks down with exposure to sunlight, and at least 20 types of marine bacteria plus several types of fungi can degrade what’s left. Surprised to learn that bacteria eat oil? Don’t be. Although oil spills from tankers and wells make the news, they account for less than 15 percent of the total petroleum entering the world’s oceans, while 47 percent comes from natural oil seeps. (The rest largely comes from petroleum use.) That doesn’t mean oil biodegrades easily. Crude oil consists mainly of various types of hydrocarbons, some of which break down readily, others not at all. Light oils generally degrade faster than heavy ones. Very light crude might lose 60 percent of its volume due to biodegradation in four weeks, heavy crude just 10 percent. A big factor slowing oil breakdown is that oil doesn’t contain much nitrogen or phosphorus, which are needed for good bacterial growth. Enter bioremediation, where fertilizer is added to encourage natural bacteria. First tried in the 1960s, it evidently works. Tests in 1994 in Delaware Bay, already rich with bacterial nutrients, showed fertilizer doubled the rate of oil degradation in shallow waters. The same year, scientists fighting a spill on a beach near Haifa, Israel, reported that bioremediation had reduced oil contamination 88 percent in four weeks. Sometimes nature doesn’t need much assistance. Following the 1978 wreck of the Amoco Cadiz off the coast of Brittany, oil was broken down quickly by local microbes, which had grown accustomed to the stuff thanks to shipping leakage. Same for the 1980 Tanio wreck in the same area—biodegradation was detectable within 24 hours. The blowout of the Ixtoc well in the Gulf of Mexico in 1979 was a different story. Warm water and friendly bacteria raised hopes for speedy degradation, but in this case the oil formed an emulsion, or mousse,
on the surface that proved resistant to breakdown. To your question: It’s true that human efforts didn’t clean up most of the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill. Some hydrocarbons degraded rapidly without assistance, possibly because bacteria in Prince William Sound had acclimated to resin emitted by pine trees on shore. But bioremediation seemed to help. Local bacteria were found to be starving for nutrients, and once fertilizers were added to a test area they got busy. Within a couple weeks a “white window” of clean rocks appeared among the gunk-covered ones. Eventually more than 70 miles of beach were treated this way. Later researchers questioned how much oil the process actually got rid of, though. It’s been calculated that all told, bioremediation, skimming, spraying and scrubbing were responsible for removing less than a sixth of the spilled oil. Who or whatever deserves the credit, most of the Exxon Valdez spillage did eventually disappear. Not all of it, though— biodegradation has its limits. Oxygen is key in much bacterial action, and once oil gets buried under sediment things really slow down. In 2001 researchers dug pits at 91 sites along the shore of Prince William Sound and found oil at roughly three in five. That may sound overly grim—another survey of 5,000 pits by U.S. government researchers in 2001 and 2003 found 98 percent had little or no oil. Conclusion? Let’s break this down into more digestible bits. Do oil spills mostly go away on their own? Yes. Does that mean we’re better off leaving them alone? Of course not. Nobody doubts we need to plug leaks and contain spillage, and I’m persuaded bioremediation helps at least sometimes. But other intervention may be wasteful or harmful. Excessive use of chemical dispersants may threaten wildlife. Animal rescue efforts may be expensive PR exercises. The chief lesson from past spills is how little we know about what works. We’d better find out.
113 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
real estate
Felipe Buitr B Buitrago ago
metroactive STYLE
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
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k_\ df[\c XkkiXZkj X Zifn[ k_\ df[\c XkkiXZkj X Zifn[ f] fecffb\ij Xj j_\ dXiZ_\j f] fecffb\ij Xj j_\ dXiZ_\j `e jcfn dfk`fe [fne Jflk_ `e jcfn dfk`fe [fne Jflk_ =`ijk Jki\\k% J_\Êj ]fccfn\[ Yp =`ijk Jki\\k% J_\Êj ]fccfn\[ Yp Xe \hlXccp [pjkfg`Xe YleZ_ Xe \hlXccp [pjkfg`Xe YleZ_ f] ÇY\Xlk`]lc qfdY`\j#È Xcc f] ÇY\Xlk`]lc qfdY`\j#È Xcc X[fie\[ n`k_ kn`^j# Xekc\ij X[fie\[ n`k_ kn`^j# Xekc\ij Xe[ ]lkli`jk`Z d`c`kXek [\kX`cj% Xe[ ]lkli`jk`Z d`c`kXek [\kX`cj% So S ob began egan the the post-apocalyptically post-apocalyptically Brave tthemed hemed B rave New New World World Fashion Fashion Show S how a few few weeks weeks ago ago at at the the SubZERO arts S ubZERO ar rts festival festival earlier earlier this this month. The was m onth. T he sshow how w ass the the latest latest brainchild San b rainchild of of 23-year-old 23-yearr-old S an Jose Jose party promoter Eric p arrty p romoter E ric Belladonna Bellad donna and and
a team team m of of local local stylists. stylists. With With the the help help o Crossroads Trading Trad ding Company Company S an off Crossroads San C arrlos manager managger Jennifer Jennifer Thomas, Thomas, Carlos m ak keup artist arrtist Ann Ann Ho, Ho, DJ DJ Basura Basura makeup aand nd the the master master hair haiir artists artists att 5 C olor Cowboy Cowboy salon, salon, the the Brave Brave New New Color W orld Fashion Fashion Show Show brought brought some some World aavant-garde van nt-garrde style style to to the the streets streets o off d owntown San San Jose. Jose. downtown B elladonna says says he he and and his his team team Belladonna w anted to to put put on on a fashion fashion show show wanted tthat hat really reallly caught cau ught people’s people’s attention, attention, h aving attended attended so so many man any uninspiring, uninspiring, having b land style style events events around around San San Jose Jose bland h imself. himself. ““II ggot ot tired tired of of going going out, out, and and n ow now
we w we were ere rready ead dy tto od do o ssomething omething rreally eally Belladonna, ggreat reat aand nd ccreative, reative,” ssays ays B ellad donna, who w ho h has as ggained ained a m major ajor rreputation eputation South Bay his monthly iin n tthe he S outh B ay ffor or h is ttwo wo m onthly eelectro lectro d dance an nce p parties, arrties, T The he W Workout orkout Wasteland. aand nd W assteland. ““Other Other ffashion ashion had mee w wanting more, sshows hows h ad lleft eft m anting m ore, sso oI wanted make people w an nted tto om ak ke ssure ure iiff p eople lleave, eave, don’t tthey hey d on’t fforget orget iit. t.” The models T he 1155 m odels ffeatured eatured iin n tthe he were dramatically sshow how w ere d ram matically sstyled tyled tto o ffollow ollow a sstoryline toryline rrepresenting epresenting tthe he nuclear holocaust, yyears ears ffollowing ollowing a n uclear h olocaust, Belladonna The began B elladonna ssays. ays. T he sshow how b egan with model who had her w ith a m odel w ho h ad dh er eentire ntire wore heavy eepidermis pidermis ccovered overed aand nd w ore h eavy hair sscorched-looking corched-looking makeup, makeup, frizzy frizzy h air on and protective mask. o n eend nd an nd a p rotective m ask. ““They They jjust ust llooked ooked sso o iintimidating, ntimidating,” ssays ays Belladonna off h his model’s B elladonna o is m odel’s ggarb. arb. ““Like, Like, but ssexy exy b ut sso o sscary cary aatt tthe he ssame am me ttime. ime.” Ass tthe progressed, outfits A he sshow how p rogressed, tthe he o utfits palette off m metallic sstarted tarrted tto o ffeature eature a p allette o etallic using natural aand nd ggrays, rays, u sing n aturall eelements lements llike ike horns and Belladonna h orns an nd ssticks. ticks. B elladonna eexplains xplains was designed because tthat hat tthis his llook ook w as d esigned b ecau use primitive wants ““everyone everyone iiss p rimitive aand nd w ants tto o other hurt other eeat at eeach acch o ther aand nd h urt eeach ach o ther tto o ssurvive. urvive.” are meant bee b beautiful, but ““They They ar re m eant tto ob eau utiful, b ut are beautiful what tthey hey ar re b eautiful ffor or w hat iiss lleft eft aafter fter world has Like, tthe he w orld h ass ssuffered. uff ffeered. L ike, eeven ven iiff have one tthey hey h ave o ne ttooth, ooth, tthat’s hat’s cconsidered onsidered beautiful, world has b eautiful, aafter fter tthe he w orld h as ggone one much hee ssays. tthrough hrough sso om uch cchaos, haos,” h ays. The final models off tthe Brave T he fi nal al m odels o he B rave New World Fashion Show were N ew W orld F ashion S how w ere more natural, flowing cclothed lothed iin nm ore n atural, fl owing ggarb arb detailed with dead flowers and d etailed w ith d ead dfl owers an nd lleaves. eaves. This motif was meant T his m otif w as m ean nt tto o rrepresent epresent mankind and m ankind sslowly lowly rrebuilding ebuilding an nd nature. rrekindling ekindling ttheir heir cconnection onnection tto on atture. not world perfect, but ““It’s It’s n ot llike ike tthe he w orld iiss p erfect, b ut hope, Belladonna off tthere here iiss tthat hat at h ope,” B elladonna ssays ays o his h is ffashion ashion sshow’s how’s cconclusion. onclusion. After models A fter tthe he sshow, how, sseveral everal m odels and were rremained emained iin n ccharacter haracter an nd w ere over SubZERO eescorted scorted o ver tto o tthe he S ubZERO Sketchy” DIY alternative ““Dr. Dr. S ketchy” ttent, ent, a D IY al lternative figure-drawing project. There, fi gure- drawing p roject. T here, models posed whimsically tthe he m odels p osed w himsically iin n Mad Max–esque outfits while ttheir heir M ad M ax–esque o utfits w hile onlookers District o nlookers (including (including San San JJose ose D istrict Councilman Sam Liccardo) put 3C ouncilman S am L iccardo) p ut paper ccharcoal harcoal tto op aper ffor or an an iimpromptu mpromptu aart rt eexercise. xercise.
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hard to mark, hard maark, often o overlapping verlapping with midfie midfielders elders unb unbeknown eknown to the defending def fending e tteam. JJohnson ohnson pr provided ovided ap perfect erfeect eexample x xample of the off offensive ffeensive ccontributions ontributio ons an effective eff ffeective at attacking tacking fullback off offers ffeers during the England ff vs.. United vs United States S ates game on Satur St Saturday, daay, which ende ended ed in a 1-1 tie. tie. His fr frequent equ uent runs along the right side of the pitch wreaked wreaked ha havoc avoc on an Americ American a def an defense feense that w wasn’t asn’t prepared pr epared ffor o JJohnson’s or ohnson’s pac pacee and skill. He w was as able ablle to find spac spacee b because ecause of the obvious obviious attention atttention t that w was as paid to W WAYNE AYNE Y ROONEY, ROONEY, FR FRANK ANK LAMPARD LAMPARD and SSTEVEN TEVEN N GERRARD GERRARD. In one one-on-one - on- one situations, situations, Johnson’s Johnson’s pace pace and skill were were too too much m for fo or a single defender. deffeender.
American American right-back right-back SSTEVE TEVE CHERUNDOLO CHERUNDOLO had had an an impressive impressive game game against against England, England, beating beating JJAMES AMESS MILNER MILNER sseveral everal ttimes imes iin n tthe he fi first rst h half. alf. T he o nly w ay M ilner ccould ould ccontain ontaain The only way Milner Cherundolo was foul him, which C herundolo w as tto o fo ul h im, w hich h id w ith ggusto, usto, re sulting iin na hee d did with resulting b ooking iin n tthe he fi rst h alf tthat hat fo orced booking first half forced E ngland manager manager FFABIO ABIO CCAPELLO APELLO O tto o England b urn o ne o is tthree hree ssubstitutions ubstitutions burn one off h his o nM ilner. on Milner. C herundolo aand nd JJohnson ohnson w ere Cherundolo were iimpact mpact p layyers ffrom rrom tthe he o p ening players opening w histle, aand nd eeven ven tthough hough n either whistle, neither sshowed howed u po n tthe he sscore core ssheet, heet, ttheir heir up on p lay ccould ould h avve eearned arned tthem hem M an play have Man o he M atch h onors iiff iitt w eren’t fo off tthe Match honors weren’t forr A merican ggoalkeeper oalkeeper TTIM IM H HOWARD OWARD’’ss American heroic performance. per formance. heroic The difference diffe ff rence in in skill skill between between The Cherundolo and and Johnson Johnson is is vast. vast. Cherundolo Cherundolo is is one one of of America’s America’s Cherundolo b etter players, playe y rs, but but Johnson Johnson is is better considered one one of of the the best b est fullbacks fullbacks considered in the the world. world. in An attacking atttacking fullback fullback rarely rarely An enters the the middle middle of of the the field. field. The The enters
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1117 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 1 6 -2 3 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M
All Ahead, Fullback
wings are are where where fullbacks fullbacks do do their their wings damage. A fullback fullback may may find find himself himself damage. on his his own own end end line line defending defending on and, in in less less than than a minute, minute, on on the the and, opponents’ end end line line crossing crossing the the opponents’ ball. Fullbacks Fullbacks have havvee to to have havve speed sp eed ball. and stamina stamina to to cover cover large large distances. distances. and An attacking attacking fullback fullback must must An also possess p ossess the the ability ability to to provide provide also accuratte service. ser vice. Fullbacks Fu ullbacks rarely rarely accurate try to to score score themselves themselves from frrom the the try wings, instead instead crossing crossing the the ball ball to to wings, an awaiting awaaiiting teammate. teammate. A great great an attacking fullback fullback possesses possesses pace, pace, attacking stamina, dribbling, dribbling, accurate accuratte crossing crossing stamina, and stout stout defending. defending. and This combination combination of of attributes atttributes is is This rare in in a soccer so ccer player, playyer, and and that thatt may mayy rare be why why the the United United States Stattes has has yet yet to to be produce a true true attacking attaacking fullback fullback produce like Johnson. Johnson. like The closest closest thing thing the the United United The Stattes has has is is Cherundolo Cherundolo and and States CCARLOS ARLOS BOCANEGRA BOCANEGRA, rightrightt- and and leftleftb back ack re respectively. spectively. B Both oth aare re ve veterans terans w who ho h have avve eenjoyed njoyed iinternational nternattional ssuccess, uccess, b but ut n neither either h has as tthat hatt h holdoldyo your-breath ur-breatth sskill kill tthat hatt JJohnson ohnson p possesses. ossesses. T True rue h hotbeds otb eds o off ssoccer occer ta talent, lent, llike ike E England ngland o orr B Brazil, razil, p produce roduce p players laye y rs llike ike G Glen len JJohnson. ohnson. T The he llack ack o off a p player layyer llike ike JJohnson ohnson iin n tthe he U U.S. .S. ssystem ystem sshows hows jjust ust h how ow ffar ar aaway way tthe he U United nited S States tattes iiss ffrom rrom tthe he ssoccer o ccer ssuperpowers. uperp owers. T The he at attacking ttacking ffullback ullback o originated riginated iin nB Brazil razil b byy a p player laye y rk known nown aass C Cafu, afu, aand nd iitt iiss iin nB Brazil razil w where here tthe he b best est aattacking ttacking ffullbacks ullbacks p play. lay. C Cafu afu sstarted tarted o out ut aass a m midfielder, idfielder, b but ut h his is m manager anager aasked sked h him im tto o sswitch witch because off a llogjam off tto o ffullback ullback b ecause o o g jam o talent midfield. ta lent iin n tthe he m idfield. Cafu made C affu m ade tthe he sswitch witch aand nd tthe he off ssoccer was never ggame ame o o ccer w as n ever tthe he ssame. ame. Arguably two best A rguably tthe he tw ob est rright-backs ight-backs world play forr iin n tthe he w orld ccurrently urrently p lay fo Brazil: B razil: D DANI ANI ALVES ALVES aand nd M MAICON AICON. P ay cclose lose at ttention tto o tthe he Pay attention o outside utside ffullback ullback aass tthe he W World orld C Cup up ccontinues—they ontinues—they w ill ffavor avvor h eavvily will heavily iin n ttheir heir tteams’ eams’ ssuccess. uccess.
M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 1 6 -2 2 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y
Home and Garden IFJP =LKLI< JXe Afj\Êj ?\i`kX^\ Ifj\ >Xi[\e `j k_\ _\Xik f] fe\ f] k_\ Z`kpÊj dfjk Z_Xid`e^ e\`^_Yfi_ff[j%
8P YXZb `e (0.*# Cpee 8e[\ijfe nXj Xk k_\ kfg f] k_\ Z_Xikj n`k_ k_\ jfe^ Ç@ E\m\i Gifd`j\[ Pfl X Ifj\ >Xi[\e%È Gffi Cpee% ?\i\ `e JXe Afj\# n\ ZXe gifd`j\ X ifj\ ^Xi[\e i`^_k flkj`[\ k_\ ]ifek [ffi% The Heritage Rose Garden has more than 3,500 plants representing 189 different varieties of heritage, modern and miniature roses. It’s also a community of volunteers— recognized by President Obama on the government’s National and Community Service website. The Rose Garden is a neighborhood too, with some of San Jose’s finest homes. If a traditional rose garden evokes images of England, you may want to consider this country-style English cottage at 1540 Emory St. It’s a storybook home, with a rounded tower and a sharply peaked roof. Built in 1935, it has three bedrooms and two baths. The white stucco home is set in a 5,612foot lot, with a large private backyard with a pool and hot tub. The house has been remodeled, and now has granite counters, maple cabinets and fine
hardwood floors. Pitched ceilings in the living room and kitchen give the setting a rustic look, so that a towering stone fireplace in the family room seems right in place. Best of all is the price—just $849,000, considerably cheaper than some of the surrounding properties. Just up the lovely block, 1495 Emory St. is a quiet bungalow-style home with three bedrooms and one bath. The house comes complete with a gourmet kitchen with skylights, and sits on a 1,420-square-foot lot, with its very own rose bushes in the front. Panoramic windows open to the quiet street and fill the house with natural light. There is also a deck and an in-ground pool for lazing around on those warm summer evenings. At just $748,000, this could be the perfect house for a young family. Heading down Emory in the other direction is a Tuscan-style dream home at 1280 Emory St. The house occupies more than a third of an acre, making it kind of a little estate. The house itself is a little over 2,000 square feet, with three bedrooms and three baths and apool in the back. The price is just $1,049,000. Since each of these homes is near the Rose Garden, they take their unique character from it. It’s hard to imagine that they are all within walking distance of fine shopping and restaurants, and just minutes away from downtown San Jose.
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