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KOMBUCHA K OMBUCHA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL O Br Brewed ewed tea drink yanke yanked ed fr from om shelves booze because of bo ooze content p8


JUNE 30 0--JJ U LY LY 66,, 220 0 110 0 | VO V O L . 26, 26 2 6, 6 , N O . 116 6 | S I L I C O N VA V A L L E Y, Y, C A | F R E E




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Vain Bigot

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A La La Mode Mode I actually actually do do not not care care for for your your publication, p ublication, mainly mainly due due to to its its debauched d ebauched nature. nature. Usually, Usuallly, I would would only o nly ttake ak ke it it if if Depeche Depeche Mode Mode were were making m ak king an n album album or or touring. touring. So So I was wass rreally eallly ssurprised urprised to to see see them them in in there, there,

9\ZXlj\ <e^c`j_ `j efk pfli gi`dXip cXe^lX^\# pfl d`jle[\ijkff[ jfd\k_`e^ @ jX`[# Xe[ i\gc`\[ `e k_\ il[\# Zlik dXee\i k_Xk pfl XcnXpj jg\Xb kf d\1 Ç@Êd efk ^Xp% @ ef c`b\ nfd\e% @ c`b\ d\e%È Efn k_Xk @ j\\ k_Xk pfli Zlike\jj `j efk [l\ kf X cXe^lX^\ `jjl\ Ylk `j iffk\[ `e `^efiXeZ\# c\k d\ kip kf \ogcX`e jfd\k_`e^1 Aljk Y\ZXlj\ X ^Xp g\ijfe `j ]i`\e[cp kfnXi[ pfl# `k [f\j efk d\Xe k_Xk k_\p Xi\ Ô`ik`e^% Pfl Xi\ jf _le^ lg fe pfli fne Y`^fk\[ ]\Xij Xe[ Xjjldgk`fej k_Xk pfl ]X`c kf j\\ k_Xk @ Xd aljk Xj ]i`\e[cp kfnXi[ pfl Xj @ Xd kf \m\ipfe\ \cj\ `e fli nfib ^iflg# Xe[ efk fe\ f] k_\d k_`ebj @ _Xm\ Xep `ek\i\jk `e k_\d Jkfg Y\`e^ jf mX`e Xe[ ^ifn X YiX`e% K_\ gffi ZfddXe[ f] <e^c`j_ `j ef \oZlj\ ]fi pfli Y`^fk\[ Xkk`kl[\% completely sslammed completely lam mmed h harder arder tthan han na ttennis ennis b ball all b byy G Gabe abe Meline Meline (“Enjoy (“Enjoy tthe he S Silence, ilence,” Music Music Lead, Lead d, June June 116). 6). I ttaped aped sso om many an ny ’80s ’80s songs songs back bacck iin n2 2000–03 000–03 yyears, ears, aand nd I n noticed oticed I sstarted tarted to to gravitate gravitate ttoward owar ard D Depeche epeche Mode M ode m music. usic. O OK, K, b byy the the second second day, day, I was w ass a bit bit disappointed disap ppointed b byy Ultra: Ultra: “The “The Love Love T Thieves, hieves,” “Sister “Sister of of Night” Night” and an nd “The “The B Bottom ottom Line” Line” were were kind kind o off bad; bad ad; “Freestate” “Freestate” rreminded eminded m mee o off W Walker: alker: Texas Texas R Ranger. anger. The The rest rest were were good. go ood. So So it it was wass a mixed mixed bag. bagg. Here Here ar are re tthe he p points oints I aam m ttrying rying tto o make: make: 1.) 1.) T They hey aare re sstill till a b band. and. 2 2.) .) T They hey have have ggreat reat vvoices oices an and nd ar are re a p pleasure leassure tto o listen listen tto. o. 33.) .) T They hey ar are re m more ore iintelligent ntelligent and and articulate articulate an and nd d do on not ot aalways lways h have ave to to pander pan nder tto o cclub lub b bangers. angers. E Even ven aatt their their w worst, orst, tthey hey aare re m more ore w worthwhile orthwhile

than than n tthe he ccrap rap p tthat hat w will ill fi filter lter tthrough hrough rradio ad dio sstations tations tthis his ssummer. ummer. L.T. MCD L.T. DONALD ONALD SSAN AN JJOSE OSE

CCheering heering SSection ection Cheers to Cheers to Gary Gary Singh Singh for for his his “Soccer “Soccer Made M ade iin nG Germany” ermany” story story (Silicon (Silicon Alleys, A lleys, JJune une 2 23) 3) . L Living iving iin n tthe he L Los os Angeles A ngeles ar area, rea, w wee d drooled rooled o over ver tthat hat sshow how an and nd learned learned intricate intricate d details etails about ab bout tthe he game gam me from from the the amazing am mazzing Toby T oby Charles. Charles. After After the the match, match, w wee iimmediately mmediately w went ent o out ut iinto nto tthe he backyard b ackyard tto op practice racctice o our ur w wicked icked vvolleys olleys iinto nto tthe he ““back bacck o off the the n net. et.” ANDY A NDY NYSTROM NYSTROM SEATTLE, SEATTLE, WASH. WASH.

CCORRECTION O R R EC T I O N Amplification Department: Amplification Department: Last Last week’s week’’s Fly item item ‘Jails ‘J Jails a Go to to Sheriff ’ lost a ffew ew words words at a the end. The conclusion conclusion should have have read: read: ‘Smith, of course, courrssee, was was only too too pleased pleeased to to take taake on the extra extra rresponsibility esponsibiliitt y and get the extra extra money. moneey. Flor es not so s much.’ much.’ The complete complete story sttoorry Flores can bbee rread eadd online at www w..SanJ Joose www.SanJose Inside .com. Inside.com. Th June The J e 16 6 Bar B rs & Clubs Cl b issue i Bars inadv ertenttly omit teed a ccouple ouple of inadvertently omitted est taablishmeents of long st taanding: establishments standing: Normandy House in Sant ta Clara, which Santa ffeatures eeatures ppool, ool, o darts s, T Vs and karaok e; darts, TVs karaoke; and W oodhham’’s Sp orts LLounge, oungee, also Woodham’s Sports in Sant ta Cl lara, and with an activ Santa Clara, activee karaoke sc e and pr ene karaoke scene proo jam nights nights..



M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y




Watt’s Up, Evan? Fly noticed a familiar, comely face in the corner of MercuryNews.com last week but was slightly confused to see a blue and orange PG&E logo where EVAN LOW’s dimple should be. The trail-blazing, openly gay mayor of Campbell, shilling for PG&E? It turns out to be an ad for the muchmaligned SmartMeter Program, the PG&E initiative to replace all old power meters with digital ones supposedly designed to provide more accurate readouts and give customers a better way to monitor their gas and electricity usage. However, the claim that some SmartMeters are racking up sky-high power bills is causing a major backlash. So, PG&E figured, deploy the cute local pol! “SmartMeters work by focusing consumption so that the consumer really understands how much they are using,” Low assuages us. Though Fly is of the opinion that SmartMeters are probably a good thing in the long run, voters all too recently showed that they do believe in evil after voting down Prop. 16, the deceptively named, PG&E-financed “Tax Payers Right to Vote Don’t Act.” Seems like a tricky forget time to be pasting a to tip! PG&E logo so close to the name of a local politician. FLY@ And ultimately, why Low? METRONEWS. COM Wouldn’t Chuck Reed, who’s been supportive of the meters, have been a more logical choice? Then again, maybe PG&E was looking to harness the power of a megawatt smile.

Rested and Ready Fresh off the heels of Spy-PA Gate 2010, BOBBY LOPEZ is throwing his hat in for another run at San Jose Police Officers’ Association president next fall. Apparently, there is a great deal of dissatisfaction with the cop union’s current leadership—and Police Sgt. Lopez’s media-shy predecessor, GEORGE BEATTIE, in particular.


Tea Party’s Over ILEE@E> FLK F= K<8 K@D< DX[`jfe J\Xkfe i`^_k Xe[ Dfi^Xe :ifjkX Xi\ _fg`e^ bfdYlZ_X nfeÊk Y\ ^`m\e k_\ Yffk g\idXe\ekcp%

Jkfi\ fne\ij pXeb bfdYlZ_X ]ifd j_\cm\j Xj ]\[j jZilk`e`q\ k_\ d`iXZc\ kfe`ZÊj XcZf_fc Zfek\ek 9p CURTIS CARTIER


P k_\ k`d\ k_`j Xik`Zc\ _`kj k_\ jki\\kj# k_\i\ c`b\cp nfeÊk Y\ X gcXZ\ `e k_\ mXcc\p kf Ylp X Yfkkc\ f] bfdYlZ_X k\X% EfY ?`cc fe JXekX K\i\jX 9flc\mXi[ _X[ X ]\n cXjk =i`[Xp2 :fj\ek`efÊj DXib\k fe 9XjZfd 8m\el\ _X[ X Zflgc\ dfi\% <m\e fm\i k_\ _`cc `e JXekX :ilq# ^ifZ\ij \og\Zk\[ kf ile flk Yp k_\ \e[ f] k_\ n\\b\e[%

It started quietly, about two weeks ago. First, megastore Whole Foods announced it would join roughly a dozen suppliers in stopping sales of all unpasteurized kombucha tea products. The issue: concerns that the fizzy, fermented elixirs may contain more alcohol than the “trace amounts” listed on the label. Soon after, the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, at the behest of the Food and Drug Administration, released a statement saying it had received complaints from Arizona, Maine, Minnesota and Vermont about the tea and that the alcohol-by-volume levels in some instances were found to “significantly

exceed” the 0.5 percent allowed for products not registered as beers, wines or spirits. The FDA and TTB stopped short of issuing a recall but promised that more testing would be done and that if products were found to be over the limit, the agencies would “take appropriate steps to bring them into compliance.” The high alcohol content is believed by many kombucha brewers to stem from a long shelf life; fermentation can sometimes continue inside the container, producing more and more alcohol as the bottle sits, making aged kombucha boozy kombucha. “Right now, our primary concern is to ensure that consumers are not misled about the nature of alcohol beverage products that might be marketed as nonalcohol beverages,” reads the statement released by the TTB. In San Jose, Cosentino’s Market on Bascom Avenue still carries the



Brew Br ew Crew Crew

Kombucha K ombucha iis, s, q quite uite lliterally, iterallly, ffermented ermented ttea, ea, aand nd is is made made b byy p lopping a tthick, hick, slimy slimy mass mass of of yeast yeast plopping aand nd b acteria called callled a ““mushroom” mushroom” bacteria o mother” o n top top of of a ccontainer ontainer orr a ““mother” on o blacck o reen tea, tea, then then covering covering off black orr ggreen iitt an nd w aiting a week week o ou ntil iitt and waiting orr sso until fferments erments into into a slightly slightly fizzy, fizzy, vinegaryvinegarryssmelling melling brew. brew. Home Home brewers brewers ccan an n be be ffound ound all all over over the the B ay A rea, where where Bay Area, tthe he yeasty yeassty m others an nd ssmaller maller yeast yeasst mothers and ccolonies olonies ccalled alled ““babies” babies” aare re b ought, bought, ssold old and and ttraded raded llike ike meatloaf meatloaff recipes. recipes. W hat eeveryone veryone iiss after aft fter are are What tthe he billions billions o acteria touted touted off b bacteria b ompan nies aand nd consumers consumers as as byy ccompanies ccapable ap pable o oing everything everything ffrom rom off d doing sstrengthening trengthening tthe he iimmune mmune ssystem ystem aand nd iimproving mproving skin skin ccondition ondition to to d etoxifyying tthe he b ody and an nd even even detoxifying body p reventing ccancer. ancer. These These cclaims laims ar re preventing are llargely argely u nsubstantiated in in sscientific cientific unsubstantiated sstudy, tudy, however, however, an nd o ne m edicall and one medical jjournal, ournal, R esearch iin nC omplementary Research Complementary M edicine, eeven ven ssays ays tthat hat tthe he p roduct Medicine, product ccan an n ccause ause ““liver liver d amage, metabolic metabolic damage, aacidosis cidosis an nd ccutaneous utan neous anthrax anthrax and iinfections. nfections.” T hat, h owever, h asn’t stopped stopped the the That, however, hasn’t k ombucha iindustry ndustry from from eexploding xploding kombucha iinto nto w hat ttotaled otalled $295 $295 million million in in U.S. U.S. what ssales ales llast asst yyear, ear, ac ccording to to market marrket according

researrcher SPINS SPINS Inc. Inc. researcher The biggest biggest name name in in kombucha, kombucha, The by far, far ar, is is Millennium, Millennium, which which makes makes by GT’s and and Synergy Synergy brand brand teas. teass. Metro Metrro GT’s tracked down down Mr. Mr. GT GT Dave, Dave, who who was was tracked in damage-control dam magge- control mode, mode, looking looking to to in comfort worried worried tea tea heads head ds that that they’ll they’ll comfort have their their precious precious bacteria-laden bacteria-laden have beverages back back ASAP ASAP. beverages “We want want to to reassure reassure people people that that “We we do do third-party third-party testing testing to to make make we sure of of the the alcohol alcohol content content of of our our sure kombucha,” says says Dave. Dave. “This “This isn’t isn’t a kombucha, recalll, it’s it’s more more of of a precautionary precautionary recall, step. We’ll We’ll hopefully hopefully have have it it back back in in a step. matter of of weeks. weeks.” matter

Biotic Woman Woman o

AG Google oogle ssearch earrch ffor or tthe he w words ords ““Lindsay Lindsay L ohan k ombucha” b rings Lohan kombucha” brings u p a gglut lut o arrticles aand nd b log p osts up off articles blog posts ffrom rom news news sites sites llike ike H uffingtonPost, HuffingtonPost, T MZ an nd N ew Y ork D aily N ews w ith TMZ and New York Daily News with ttitles itles llike ike ““Did Did K ombucha Tea Tea S et Kombucha Set Off L indsay L ohan n’s S CRAM?” aand nd Lindsay Lohan’s SCRAM?” ““Lindsay Lindsay L ohan b oozing iitt u pw ith Lohan boozing up with K ombucha ttea?!” ea?!” Kombucha T he aarticles rticles p oint to to a JJune une 6 The point iincident ncident w hen tthe he ac ctress’s llegally egallly when actress’s o rdered al lcohol m onitoring aanklet nklet ordered alcohol monitoring o SCRAM” d evice, w hich m onitors orr ““SCRAM” device, which monitors aalcohol lcohol cconsumption onsumption through through the the ssweat, weat, w ent o ff d uring an n after after went off during p arrty ffor or tthe he M TV M ovie A warrds, party MTV Movie Awards, aautomatically utomatically iissuing ssuing an n warrant warrant for for h er ar rrest. L ohan, w ho iiss o np robation her arrest. Lohan, who on probation ffor or a 2 007 D UI cconviction onviction aand nd b arred 2007 DUI barred ffrom rom booze, booze, vvehemently ehemently d enied denied d rinking alcohol alcohol but but could could quite quite drinking rregularly egularrly b found clutching clutching a b ottle bee found bottle o ombucha. off k kombucha. T hough sshe he n ever b lam med tthe he Though never blamed ttea ea sspecifically pecifically ffor or tthe he aankle nkle device’s device’s rreading eading aand nd was was llater ater ccleared leared b byy a jjudge, udge, tthe he timing timing of of the the alcohol alcohol vviolation iolation w ith tthe he F DA’s iinterest nterest iin n with FDA’s k ombucha’s alcohol alcohol ccontent ontent w as ttoo oo kombucha’s was m uch tto o sslip lip b he sscandal-starved candall-starved much byy tthe b logosphere. blogosphere. L ohan’s m anager JJason asson W einberg Lohan’s manager Weinberg d id n ot return return calls callls sseeking eeking comment, comment, did not b ut S anta C ruz N ew L eaf m anagger but Santa Cruz New Leaf manager A mber W illis w as happy happy to to weigh weigh in. in. Amber Willis was ““It’s It’s a pretty pretty ccrazy razy sstory, tory,” she she ssays, ays, fi ghting o ff ggiggles. iggles. ““I’m I’m rreally eally n ot fighting off not ssure ure iiff iit’s t’s ttrue, rue, but but you you can can see see where where iitt w ould ccome ome ffrom. rom.” would W hether tthe he P arent T rap ac ctressWhether Parent Trap actress-

tturned-cocaine-connoisseur-andurned- cocaine-connoisseur-andsspray-tan-saleswoman pray-tan-saleswoman p layed an ny played any p art iin n tthe he ggovernment’s overnment’s d ecision part decision tto o iinvestigate nvestigate k ombucha, tthe he F DA kombucha, FDA w ouldn’t ssay. ay. A nd w hile k ombucha wouldn’t And while kombucha m ak ker G TD ave ssays ays h opes tto oh ave maker GT Dave hee h hopes have p roducts b ack o n sshelves helves iin n ““aa m atter products back on matter o eeks,” o ther m ore d ire p rognoses off w weeks, other more dire prognoses aare re o ffeered b ff onsumers. offered byy cconsumers. ““The The ccompanies ompanies n eed tto oh urry u p need hurry up aand nd gget et tthis his tthing hing ssorted orted o ut,” ssays ays out, JJeremy eremy B levin, a sshopper hopper aatt S taff o Blevin, Staff off L ife iin nS anta C ruz w ho h as ccome ome Life Santa Cruz who has tto op ick tthrough hrough tthe he rremains emains o he pick off tthe k ombucha sstash. tash. ““Because Because iiff tthe he kombucha ggovernment overnment aactually ctually m ak kes a rrecall, ecalll, makes w ho k nows w hen w e’ll ssee ee iitt aagain. gain.” who knows when we’ll



There’s bbeen There’s een a ssense ense aamong mong tthe he P POA’s OA’s rrank ank aand nd file file for for awhile awhile now now that that everything everything hhas as gone gone to to pot pot since since the the never-afraid-tonever-afraid-tosspeak-his-mind peak-his-mind Lopez Lopez stepped stepped down. down. Now, Now, ppolice olice officers officers are are saying saying all all they they do do is is talk talk aabout bout concessions, concessions, and and the the times times under under tthe he still still popular popular Lopez’s Lopez’s tenure tenure (before (before tthe he brunt brunt of of city city budget budget cuts) cuts) must must be be llooking ooking pretty pretty rosy. rosy. Some Some POA POA members members ffeel eel that that they they were were stronger stronger when when Bobby Bobby w as there there championing championing their their causes—oh causes—oh was yyeah, eah, and and getting getting fed fed information information from from iinside nside the the Independent Independent Police Police Auditor’s Auditor’s ooffice ffice must must have have been been pretty pretty sweet, sweet, too. too. LLopez, opez, who who describes describes himself himself as as “tanned, “tanned, rrested ested and and ready” ready” (a (a la la Nixon Nixon in in ’68) ’68) after after hhis is time time off, off, still still insists insists he he was was just just looking looking oout ut for for his his boys boys in in blue blue regarding regarding the the IIPA PA scandal. scandal. He He says says he he never never received received cconfidential onfidential information information from from his his mole mole and and ccharacterizes haracterizes the the still-unknown still-unknown leaker leaker as as a ““whistle whistle blower” blower” who who let let him him know know about about ppotentially otentially “unethical” “unethical” practices practices being being pperpetrated erpetrated by by former former IPA IPA head head Barbara Barbara A ttard. And And did did we we mention mention that that Lopez Lopez Attard. aand nd Beattie Beattie don’t don’t eexactly xactly hhave ave tthe he ssort ort ooff rrelationship elationship where where they they hang hang out out brushing brushing eeach ach other’s other’s hair hair and and gabbing gabbing about about American A merican Idol Idol? Lopez Lopez has has been been none none too too mum on on his his opinion opinion that that Beattie Beattie is is a weak weak mum leader. On On the the flip flip side, side, Beattie Beattie probably probably leader. doesn’t ttrust rust LLopez opez aany ny ffarther arther tthen hen hhee doesn’t can throw throw him. him. Either Either way, way, Fly Fly is is definitely definitely can looking forward forward to to seeing seeing these these two two butt butt looking heads next next fall. fall. heads

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

Honest T b Honest brand, ran nd, and and pasteurized pasteurized k ombucha iiss sstill till aavailable vailable att all all kombucha tthe he stores—though stores—though p assteurizattion pasteurization ttypically ypically kills kills most most o the coveted coveted off the p robiotic b acteria iin n the the d rink. probiotic bacteria drink. M ean nwhile, a rumor rumor of of tthe he most most Meanwhile, b izarre o rder iinserts nserts n one o ther bizarre order none other tthan han aactress ctress L indsay L ohan n, an an aavid vid Lindsay Lohan, cconsumer onsumer o he product, product, iinto nto the the m ix off tthe mix aand nd h as some some p eople ccalling alling her her the the has people ““kombucha kombucha k iller.” killer. M anagers aatt al ll the the local locall ggrocers, rocers, Managers all h owever, h ave lless ess interest interest in in w ho however, have who k illed tthe he k ombucha buzz buzz tthan han n they they killed kombucha d ow ith ggetting etting iitt back bacck o n tthe he shelves shelves do with on sso o customers customers ccan an n continue continue sshoveling hoveling ccash assh at at them them tto ob uy it. it. buy ““We’ve We’ve been been rreferring eferring people people to to o ther sstores tores tthat hat carry carrry it, it, but but I don’t don’t other k now h ow m any m ore do do an nymore,” know how many more anymore, ssays ays Campbell Cam mpbell W hole F oods grocer grocer Whole Foods JJack ack D avis. “We’re “We’re anxiously anxiously waiting waiting Davis. tto o get get iitt b acck, b ecau use I k now our our back, because know ccustomers ustomers w ant iit. t.” want

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


sv 411.com

the best of the local web

Poll: iPhone Issues SCREEN yellowing. Wonky cameras. An antenna that hates left-handers. If you take even the most cursory of glances around the Internet, it makes it seem like every iPhone 4 to come off the production line has one issue or another—but are the problems really that widespread?

9I<8B @K PFL FNE @K K_\ i\c\Xj\ f] k_\ e\n\jk `G_fe\ nXj ]fccfn\[ Yp X YXiX^\ f] Ycf^^\[ ZfdgcX`ekj# Xk c\Xjk jfd\ f] n_`Z_ n\i\ efk gfjk\[ Yp 8e[if`[ ]XeYfpj%

Now that everyone has had at least 24 hours with the device (with an apologetic exception to all of the Best Buy/Walmart/Radio Shack preorderers that left empty-handed yesterday), I’m interested to know: Are you having issues with your phone?

We’ve got at least a handful of iPhone 4s among the TechCrunch Network’s battalion of writers, and most of them seem to have at least one notable issue. My personal unit is a shining example of the left-handed antenna shorting problem; one finger across the left band, and my signal plummets from five bars down to zero. My screen’s never shown the slightest hint of yellow (an issue that is purportedly caused by the still-wet glue not having dried yet after its trip from the factory), and the camera/ proximity sensors work like champs. It does, however, have a terribly hard time staying connected to WiFi networks running on certain channels. —GREG KUMPARAK, TECHCRUNCH.COM

Twitter Sets New Record Despite massive Twitter activity due to ongoing World Cup match play, Twitter’s biggest tweets per second record to date was during last week’s NBA finals. That record was shattered yesterday as Twitter users published 3,283 tweets per second at the close of Japan’s victory over Denmark in the World Cup. These new numbers come directly from Twitter. You may recall that the previous record of 3,085 tweets per second came at the close of the Los Angeles Lakers’ victory over the Boston Celtics on June 17. Both of these recent records are staggering given that Twitter— during normal daily activity— averages roughly 750 tweets per second. The Japan-Denmark World Cup figure means that activity swelled 438 percent above average, which helps to put recent service issues into perspective. —JENNIFER VAN GROVE, MASHABLE.COM

emily margrit There are proportionately more Japanese on Twitter than Americans, and the Japanese apparently never took to Facebook or MySpace. Americans have. So when the U.S. won the game versus Algeria, some of us American fans probably took to Facebook over Twitter to share the joy. Reüel van der Steege

MG Siegler I have a big issue: AT&T. Other than that, mine seems fine. :) Lucky If I tap on the right side of the glass edge, about an inch above the sim slot, it sounds like something’s loose, like glass is loose. SJ Stop tapping it. Next? Jan Sondergaard Works as expected, with spotty to no coverage in San Francisco and dropped calls throughout Silicon Valley

J?N8>JB@ Iljj`Xe gi\j`[\ek ;d`kip D\[m\[\m nXj Xdfe^ k_\ Ó ijk `e k_\ nfic[ kf ^\k Xe `G_fe\ +%

Apple Coddles Russki Dictator Steve Jobs gave a new iPhone to the Russian president the day before patriotic American fanboys battled lines, shortages and debilitating heat to splurge on the smartphone. Just what sort of “revolution” is the Apple CEO really planning, mmm? Jobs’ gift confirmed rumors, reported here previously, that he’d make a pre-release iPhone part of “elected” Russian leader Dmitry Medvedev’s tour of Silicon Valley this week. The optics are unfortunate; Americans are exposing themselves to muggers and heat stroke in long, Soviet-style lines outside Apple stores while the elite swap precious goods among themselves. Apple customers might be excluded from Apple’s Kremlin, but they consider themselves very much part of the intelligentsia. Your devotion to Mother Apple will not be forgotten, comrades. —RYAN TATE, VALLEYWAG.GAWKER.COM

Dwindle It’s full of spyware. Real spyware.

Remember a few weeks ago when the Dutch took all or almost all trending topics with #tk2010 related topics for quite some time? They were having elections.

Hack Esquire Medvedev isn’t Russia’s dictator. He’s Russia’s dictator’s beard. You can bet that new iPhone is going to Putin just as soon as Dmitry’s back in the motherland.

journik OK. Wait. How come Twitter trending words never has, “GOOO OOOAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!?”

atlassfugged Silly Mevedev, you’re holding it wrong.



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sv 411


Cisco’s Smart Grid Competitors While Cisco is the kingpin of the Internet router market, it’s a relative newbie in the smart grid world. Cisco only introduced hardened networking gear for utility substations in May, and while it might seem like the giant Infrastructure company could easily tie up all the utility deals, there’s actually a variety of companies already selling such gear. Already-established competitors selling ruggedized networking gear to utilities include RuggedCom, GarrettCom, Moxa, GE Multilin (a division of GE Energy), Hirschmann (a unit of Belden) and Kyland. Most sell the gear for use in sectors that will put it outside, so it can’t be easily damaged; sectors include the military, industrial and transportation markets, as well as the power grid. According to a report from Brad Casemore on GigaOM Pro, Cisco’s presence could cause some of these vendors to retrench into the more industrial markets. But other vendors are less likely to retreat, says Casemore. In particular RuggedCom has captured more than 50 percent market share in smart grid networking, and the company won’t likely back away from Cisco’s challenge. It already has partnerships with heavyweights Siemens and Itron. China’s Kyland and Taiwan-based Moxa are also both solid contestants, particularly in China, where Kyland has strong connections to the Chinese government. China will be a very important market. Its energy needs are expected to double in 10 years and the country’s dominant power distribution company, State Grid Corp. said last year that it has set a goal of building a smart grid by 2020 at an estimated cost of as much as $10 billion a year. —KATIE FEHRENBACHER, EARTH2TECH.COM

SanJoseInside.com An inside look at San Jose politics



<I?8GJ pflÊm\ j\\e k_\ X[m\ik`j\d\ekj k_Xk _Xm\ Xgg\Xi\[ `e k_\ e\njgXg\ij `em`k`e^ JXe Afj\ i\j`[\ekj kf Xkk\e[ k_\ Ç:fddle`kp Fg\e ?flj\È Xk k_\ Çe\nÈ D`e\kX JXe Afj\ 8`igfik% @] pfl _Xm\ j\\e k_\ X[j# g\i_Xgj pfl efk`Z\[ k_Xk j\m\iXc nfi[j Xe[ c\kk\ij n\i\ _`^_c`^_k\[ `e k_\ k\ok f] k_\ _\X[c`e\ kf jg\cc flk k_\ nfi[j# ÇE<N @:FE%È @j k_\ e\n X`igfik i\Xccp Xe `Zfe6 What’s an “icon” anyway? I found one definition: “an object of uncritical devotion.” But, in the case of the airport, there’s much to be critical about, and the place offers little to warrant our civic devotion. “Now Arriving,” the ad proclaims, “The Most Convenient, Passenger Friendly Airport in the U.S.” Let’s hope so, and it better be—the project costs a fortune. The airport’s “improvement program” costs $1.3 billion. In August 2007, the city sold $725 million in bonds, the largest bond issue ever done by the city of San Jose. The airport will begin paying debt service on the borrowed funds “for the next 30 to 40 years.” The airport has a huge deficit. Last year, workers were laid off, and this year, the city is looking to outsource

airport janitorial services. The city’s biggest construction project ever is being completed just in time to meet a depressed demand in passenger traffic. Well—at least it looks nice. San Jose is a place where ceremony is placed before substance, and policy over purpose. Here, we actually spend more on the frame than we do on the picture. In the end, maybe “icon” is exactly the right word to describe the new airport. Perhaps it really is something that we should admire without questioning, and we should all make it, as the dictionary describes, “an object of uncritical devotion.” We have to think this way, otherwise our minds will wander to the realization that we’ve just completed San Jose’s second billiondollar pyramid.

Blair Whitney >Éaa WZ `ZZc id hZZ ^[ > XVc adX` V W^XnXaZ je hdbZl]ZgZ! lVa` VgdjcY VcY WZ V idjg^hi ^c bn ]dbZidlc VcY i]Zc hV[Zan \Zi dji l^i]dji jcYjZ YVbV\Z id bn lVaaZi dg eZghdc# Tony D L]^aZ i]Z ^begdkZbZcih id H?8 VgZ lZaXdbZ! >c i]Z adc\ iZgb lZ h]djaY WZ\^c hijYn^c\ [dg i]Z ZkZcijVa XadhjgZ$gZadXVi^dc d[ V^gedgi deZgVi^dch dji d[ i]Z B^cZiV h^iZ# >bV\^cZ &!%%% VXgZh d[ XZcigVa H^a^Xdc KVaaZn gZVa ZhiViZ WZ^c\ igVch[dgbZY ^cid HVciVcV GdlÄhinaZ XdbbZgX^Va$gZh^YZci^Va YZkZadebZcih l^i] eVg`aVcYh4 6 Ydlcidlc XdgZ l^i] cd Wj^aY^c\ ]Z^\]i a^b^iVi^dch4 John Galt >c V hZchZ i]Z cZl V^gedgi iZgb^cVa >H Vc ^Xdc d[ djg X^in# Djg X^in ^h a^iiZgZY l^i] h^b^aVg ^Xdc^X l]^iZ ZaZe]Vcih# ?jhi Vh i]Z cZl 8^in =Vaa eVgi^XjaVgan i]Vi XjiZ a^iiaZ gdijcYV ! i]Z BX:cZgn 8dckZci^dc 8ZciZg! i]Z 8]^aYgZcÉh 9^hXdkZgn BjhZjb VcY i]Z IZX] BjhZjb VgZ Vaa hig^`^c\ k^hjVa gZb^cYZgh d[ i]Z Vggd\VcXZ VcY lVhiZ[jacZhh d[ djg ÆaZVYZgh#Ç

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

New San Jose Airport: An Icon?


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Felipe Buitr B Buitrago ago



Coasting K<E>F K8E>F K <E>F K8 E>F C C\]k :fXjk C`m\ ZXd\ kf X Zcfj\ JXkli[Xp n`k_ X j\k Yp Pf cX K\e^f% \]k :fXjk C`m\ ZXd\ kf X Zcfj\ JXkli[Xp n`k_ X j\k Yp Pf cX K\e^f%

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Theree wer Ther weree man many ny highlights highlights.. The T en ntire ccelebration elebration b egan on Mon ndaay entire began Monday w the world premiere with premiere of a lon ng long o verdue do cumentary, R ock the Blo B ck: overdue documentary, Rock Block: T St The orry of the C aactus Club h Story Cactus Club.. The hour hour-lo ong film characterizes the 14-year 14-yeaar long ru un of San JJose’s ose’s now-legendar ock run now-legendaryy rrock cl lub that closed its do ors eexactly xactly club doors ei ight yyears ears ago eight ago.. T wo soldw out scr eenings pack d ed Two sold-out screenings packed th he Theatre Theatre on San P edro Squar e. the Pedro Square. T film highlighted (1) how Cactus The Cacctus an nchored a music sc ene that put anchored scene S an JJose ose on the map all acr oss th San across thee U nited St ates; (2) how the hick-town hick-to own United States; d dingleheads at Cit ’t ge et it; Cityy Hall didn didn’t get an nd (3) wh hy man elieve th hat and why manyy of us b believe that n nothing as sp ecial as C actus will eever ver special Cactus h happ en her ull disclosu ure: happen heree again. (F (Full disclosure: I’ ’m one of the folks folks o inter viewed I’m interviewed th hroughout the pictur e.) throughout picture.) A variet omprissed varietyy of liv livee music ccomprised th he culminating weekend. weekend. The L a agos the Lagos

Roots R oots Afr Afrobeat obeat Ensem Ensemble mble ga gave ave a performance jubilant p erfo ormance of Nigerian dancing.. music that got many many ffolks olks o dancing Over Billiards, Ov er at South First First Bi illiards, Sea of Bees eeaturing JJulie uliie Baenziger Bees,, ffeaturing Baenziger,, sexy nerd-librarian-inrredefined edefined the se xy ner rd-librarian-inssweater-vest weater-vest eexperience, xperience, complete complete wraithlikee and b beautifully with wraithlik eautifully mournful harmonies and a little little Mazzy Star thrown in. Maz zy St ar thr n. own in A Dixieland band performed perfo ormed front on the ccorner orner in fr ontt of the old Marsugi’ss building; the Marsugi’ building th he Kavanaugh Kaavanaugh vanaugh Brothers Celtic Experience Br others C eltic Exp errience uplifted Caffe Trieste; eeveryone veryone at C aff ffee Trie este; and the Callosum offered theatrics of Corpus Corpus C a allosum off ffeered hopee for hop fo or jaded fans off the avantavant v garde. gar de. Anno In the parking lot outside o Domini,, JJonny onny Manak k and the Depressives (moree dis disclosure: Depr essives (mor sclosure: JJonny’s onn ny’ ys day Metro) provided da ay job is at Met ro) pr rovided the perfect Silicon p erfect e soundtrack ffor o the Silic or on Valley Roller Girls,, wh who raced V aalley R oller Girls o ho rac ed around front stage. With ar ound in fr ont of thee st age. W iith garage-guitar driving garage -guitar rrock ock a la Link Wray updated W rraay and Dick Dale, Dale, up dated with sensibility, Depressives a punk sensibilit y, thee Depr essives weree just what the tattooed wer tatttooed rroller oller vixens needed to warm warm m up the audience. audienc e.

A gargantuan gargaantuan 25-ton 25-ton live live Mousetrap p game featured featur e ed a bowling bowling ball making through makin ng its way way thr ough the entire apparatus—up entire app paratus—up and down kinetic scu sculptures, ulptures, homemade chutes, chutes, knocking kn nocking things over, over, triggeringg pulle pulleys, ys, plummeting into a bathtub and all sorts sorts of ccontrived ontrived pathways pathways y until it finally set off the destruction destructio on of a 1989 1989 Toyota Toyota V6 sedan. Esmerelda Esm merelda Strange provided provided the appropriate approp priate circus circus accordion accordion accompaniment. accompan niment. Yo Tengo headlined the main Yo la T e engo stage Saturday, stage on Satur S daay, preceded preceded by by the Mumlers and locals a longtime longtime lo cals Lisa Dewey and Lotus Life. Dewey an nd the L otus Lif fe. They They all provided sets. provided inspiring i sets. After Lisa’s Lisa’’s show, show, Chris Chrris Landon—whose Landon—whose band Shovelhead played Shovelheaad pla ayed the original SoFA Street Fair—emerged SoFA Str e Fair eet — emerged at the microphone microp phone and proclaimed proclaimed that Lisa should be s be mayor maayor of San Jose. agree. Jose. I agr e . If that happens, ee happens, I will volunteer State volunteer to write the St ate of the City address. City addr e . ess And speaking of the SoF SoFA speaking e A Street Street Fair, 1992 Fair, which h existed existed from from 19 92 to 2001, 2001, this author couldn’t couldn’t help but make was make comparisons. comparisons. SoFA SoFA w as downtown n San Jose’s Jose’s original and unique neighborhood neeighborhood street street festival feestival of indie music m and counterculture— counterculture— gloriouslyy unr unrefined efined and bohemian. bohemian. None this None of th his current current stuff would have haave happened happ pened without it, and in those days, people daays ys, p eople partied partied on the roof what’s roof of thee apartments apartments above above what ’s now the Hookah H okah Nights Cafe Ho Caffe on South First. Left Coast Live, Firsst. For For L eft C oast Liv e, the “VIP ar area” was eaa” w as on the fifth floor floor terrace emptyy Thr Three Sixty terrace of the empt ee Sixt ty Residences luxuryy high-rise, looking Reesidences luxur high-rise, lo oking straight do down own on that exact exact same roof. rooff. It was was a symbolic symbolic in more more ways wayys than one. one. Anyway, Anyway, the quality quality of Left Left Coast Coast Live Live really reallyy did surpass its debut, and as a result, downtown San result, e Jose interesting Jose is a more m e inter mor esting place. place. I congratulate congratu ulate the organizers organizers ffor o or taking taking thee time away away from from all their other jobss to cr create new eate a brand ne w annual festival feesstival for fo or the city. city. I hope hope it comes back. comes bac ck.

ÉC\]kÊ Fm\ij I\X[ C\]k :fXjk C`m\ Zfm\iX^\ fec`e\ Xk nnn%d\kifXZk`m\%Zfd




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Milken, who is barred from securities trading for life by federal regulators, has since recreated himself as a proponent of investing in for-proďŹ t educational corporations, an industry that regularly comes under government and media scrutiny in response to complaints of fraud made by dissatisďŹ ed students. At the conference, Blum, who is the husband of U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a professional Wall Street speculator, sat on a panel called “The New University and Its Role in the Economy,â€? alongside the presidents of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Arizona State University. The panel focused on how universities can best serve

the corporate jones for tech-savvy employees by recruiting smart freshmen with scientiďŹ c talent. One panel member urged treating universities as “laboratories of business ideas and products.â€? As someone who oversees investment policy decisions for the University of California’s $63 billion portfolio, and as the largest shareholder in two for-proďŹ t corporate-run universities (in which UC invests), Blum had a unique perspective to share at the conference. He advised public universities to attract business-oriented students with clever advertisements as vocational schools do. “It’s like anything else,â€? he said. “It’s how you market it.â€?


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Curtis Cartier

SMART MONEY 16 Curtis Cartier

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Marketing strategy aside, Blum has taken on two seemingly disparate roles—one as an advocate for a nonprofit university, and the other as an owner of two for-profit educational corporations. However, as a regent, Blum has taken actions that, intentionally or not, have enhanced the value of his vocational schools. Are his loyalties conflicted? For several years, Blum’s firm, Blum Capital Partners, has been the dominant shareholder in two of the nation’s largest for-profit universities, Career Education Corporation and ITT Educational Services Inc. The San Francisco–based firm’s combined holdings in the two chain schools is currently $923 million. As Blum’s ownership stake enlarged, UC investment managers shadowed him, ultimately investing $53 million of public money into the two educational corporations. The Regents’ conflict-of-interest policy requires them to “avoid the potential for and the appearance of conflicts of interest with respect to the selection of individual investments,” and says

“public officials shall not make, participate in making, or influence a governmental decision in which the official has a conflict of interest.” And the California Political Reform Act of 1974 provides civil and criminal penalties for officials who ignore conflicts of interest—as UC makes clear in ethics training presentations specifically created for university officials. The Board of Regents, however, is self-policing and tolerates situations that cause others concern. John M. Simpson of Consumer Watchdog, a nonprofit education and advocacy organization based in Santa Monica, says that’s wrong. “It is hugely inappropriate for the University of California to invest in for-profit colleges when it should be promoting public education,” Simpson says. “And something stinks when university investments end up in companies largely controlled by a regent. “To the average fellow on the street, this would seem to be a conflict of interest. It is up to Mr.


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Disaster Capitalism Due to serial tuition hikes by the UC Regents, their gutting of many classes and educational programs, and the imposition of a 15 percent reduction of in-state admissions to the university, the gateway to higher learning in California has seriously narrowed. As a UC regent, Blum voted in favor of all of these measures—and such actions have indirectly beneďŹ ted his corporate colleges. But his schools are not the only ones proďŹ ting from the ďŹ nancial disaster that besets many public universities. On March 13, 2010, The New York Times investigated the situation, reporting that many chain schools, including ITT Educational Services and Career Education Corporation, “have exploited the recession as a lucrative recruiting device while tapping a larger pool of federal aid . . . selling young people on dreams of middle-class wages while setting them up for default on untenable debts, low-wage work and a struggle to avoid poverty.â€? The Times noted that for-proďŹ t schools are directly beneďŹ ting

from cuts in education, especially in California where state-funded universities and community colleges have been “forced to cut classes just when demand is greatest.â€? Indeed, ITT Educational Services recently reported to its shareholders that due in large part to “higher unemployment rates among unskilled workers,â€? company revenue increased by $300 million, to $1.3 billion. Responding to a recession-induced increase in demand for vocational training, ITT increased its tuition by 5 percent; 70 percent of ITT’s revenue comes from federal tuition aid programs. And ITT’s proďŹ ts rocketed in tandem with new enrollments even as UC and other public universities were turning away students for lack of programs. Nationwide, vocational school students are paying billions of dollars in tuition to stockholderowned education corporations, primarily using federal grants and loans guaranteed by taxpayers. In the United States, the dominant vocational education corporations are the University of Phoenix, Corinthian Colleges, Strayer University, Kaplan (owned by the Washington Post Company), Career Education Corporation and ITT Educational Services. Collectively, these companies operate hundreds of schools and teach hundreds of thousands of students, most of them eligible for public and private ďŹ nancial aid. The chains offer training for such technical professions as radiological technician, beautician, automotive mechanic, medical billing clerk, web designer and massage therapist. But they also offer degrees in engineering, computer science and business. Increasingly, they are promoting online education, which limits their operational costs, even though virtual courses are often not suitable for teaching nursing, cooking or car repair. As a result of delivering substandard education, some for-proďŹ t schools suffer from accreditation problems, according to recent news reports. On a fairly regular basis, government regulators—including the U.S. Department of Justice—


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Blum and the UC treasurer to explain how it could not be a conict of interest.�

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SMART MONEY 21 have accused chain schools of preying upon low-income individuals and active military service members. Typically, state and federal agencies report, chain school recruiters load students down with high-interest rate loan packages that, on average, amount to $30,000. As a result, fewer than 70 percent of enrollees graduate. Such a high dropout rate requires the corporations to continuously wage television, radio, Internet and print media marketing campaigns aimed at enticing students who want to better themselves—and who are, not incidentally, eligible for stateguaranteed loans. Unfortunately, those who do graduate with two-year associates degrees often find out that the curriculum did not prepare them for the technical requirements of the jobs they seek. And often, government reports note, when they do find work, their wages do not match the inflated salaries promised by school recruiters. When dropouts and underpaid graduates default on their student loans, the taxpayers remain on the hook.

Profits of Doom Blum’s investment bank entered the for-profit education business in 1987, when he purchased a large block of shares in National Education Corporation, an Irvine-based vocational school that specialized in awarding mail-order diplomas. He joined the company’s board of directors, sitting alongside former U.S. Sen. Barry Goldwater and David C. Jones, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Two years later, according to a report in the Los Angeles Times, Blum got in hot water when angry shareholders filed a lawsuit contending that “the company issued rosy financial statements while Blum and other directors were selling their shares.” The shareholders claimed in court documents that Blum sold $2.7 million worth of shares at about $24 per share after he learned, a day before the public announcement, that the company president planned to resign. When the share price

bottomed out at $3.50 a share after the announcement, Blum reinvested in the troubled company.

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A new president was hired in 1994 to reform the school and bring it into the age of computerized learning. By 1995, Blum had gained control of 11.5 percent of National Education Corporation stock after combining his firm’s holdings with that of a nonprofit investment fund, Commonfund, for which Blum worked as an investment advisor. (Commonfund manages investments for more than 1,400 universities, including UC.) In 1997, Harcourt, the textbook publisher, bought National Education Corporation for about $750 million, or $21 a share. Blum and his private partners profited handsomely. After he became a regent in 2002, Blum greatly increased his investment in for-profit education. In June 2005, Blum Capital Partners bought 5 percent of the stock, worth $24 million, in Lincoln Education Services Corp., a $300 million operation with 32 campuses. Blum also acquired large blocks of shares in ITT Educational Services and Career Education Corporation. These two purchases followed dips in the companies’ stock prices brought about by allegations of corrupt practices made against them by government agencies.

23 the fact that these two companies were largely owned by a regent—a Wall Street speculator who sat on the university’s investment committee—not pose at least the appearance of a conflict? Not to UC officials. When UC Treasurer Marie Berggren was questioned about the propriety of UC investing in Blum’s for-profit college chains, her spokesman, Steve Montiel, replied by email, “The Treasurer’s Office doesn’t track Regents’ holdings in making decisions about security selections, though Regents’ holdings are disclosed as a matter of policy.” In other words, the treasurer does not review the Regents’ financial disclosure statements, which are public records, for potential conflicts. Of course, UC’s investments are also public records available to the Regents, so a regent could easily avoid conflicts, should he or she choose to do so, by not taking controlling positions in companies in which the university invests. Blum did not respond to repeated requests for comment. But UC spokeswoman Lynn Tierney called on his behalf, saying that the university recruits its students from the intellectual elite of applicants. Only those with very high grade averages and SAT scores get in, she said. Therefore, “UC is not losing students to Blum’s vocational schools, and there is no conflict of interest,” she said. The bottom line is that UC is investing tens of millions of public dollars in two for-profit school chains largely controlled by a regent and Wall Street arbitrager who sits on UC’s investment committee. Shown the documentation used to support this story Noah Stern, president of Associated Students at the University of California, says, “Student trust in the Regents was already shaky. In light of this revelation of investment abuse, we need a structural overhaul of the university governance system.” This story is part of a ongoing series of investigative stories sponsored by Spot. us and six Bay Area newsweeklies: ‘UC Regents: An Elite Club That Runs a Vast University.’


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In the case of ITT Educational Services, federal and state regulators investigated the company in 2004 after shareholders and students alleged that it falsified student attendance, grades and job placement records in order to keep federal financial aid flowing. When the news broke, the price of ITT shares halved. Blum Capital Partners pounced, purchasing reams of devalued ITT stock. It soon owned the largest block of stock in the company, achieving a 10 percent ownership stake in 2006. Not long afterward, the investigations were closed, with no findings of wrongdoing. By May 2010, ITT’s revenue exceeded $1.3 billion, and Blum Capital Partners’ stake was valued at $415 million. Similarly, Blum Capital Partners bought shares of Career Education Corporation, a $1.8 billion operation that serves 90,000 students, following a corruption controversy. In 2004, Career Education Corporation was investigated by multiple federal agencies after whistleblower lawsuits alleged that the school had allowed failing students to remain enrolled in order to keep its pipeline to federal grants and loans tapped. In 2005, after 60 Minutes televised an unfavorable story about the chain school, the value of its stock dropped by more than half. Blum Capital Partners bought in for $33 million. By May 2010, its stake had grown to $508 million, making Blum’s firm by far the largest and most powerful shareholder of the chain school. A partner with Blum Capital Partners, Greg L. Jackson, sits on the board of Career Education Corporation. UC is an investor in both educational corporations. Even as Blum was buying stock in Career Education and ITT Educational Services, UC financial records show that the university’s investment managers were actively buying and selling these same stocks—to the tune of $53 million. The university was not just holding onto these stocks to accrue value over time (as a prudent manager would do), it was day trading them in large amounts, as much as $2 million a trade, thereby affecting the daily price of these stocks. Did

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Felipe Buitr B Buitrago ago



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heelped, to helped, too. o. Spam and eggs and Spam Sp pam masubi are are now classics of Hawaiian H Ha awaiian ffood. ood. d storyy pla played South A similar stor ayed out in So outh Korea. Ass the stor storyy go goes, K orea. A es, surplus American military likee Spam Spam, A Americ an milit ary ffood ood lik m, hot American ho ot dogs dogs and day-glo daay--glo Americ an cheese ch heese wound up in South Korean Koreaan markets, locals m mark ets, and lo cals adapted the products Korean birthed pr roducts to K orean ttaste aste and bir t thed a new new dish: budae jjigae. jjigae. The spicyy soup dogs, American so oup of Spam, hot do gs, Americ an n cheese, noodles ch heese, cheap ramen no odles and d kimchi known as JJohnson ki i hi is imchi i also l k ohnson h Tang T aang (after the widely recognized recognized d American A Americ an name and the Korean Korean word moree literally literally, w wor d ffor or soup) and, mor o y, army ar rmy base stew. stew. Is it authentic authentically Korean? ally K orean? If it is Korea byy K Koreans, say m made in K orea b oreans, I sa ay yyes. es. adaptation culinary Itt is cultural adapt ation and culin nary

bowl. There’s eevolution volution in a b owl. Th here’s eeven ven a Korea town in K orea than ccelebrates ellebrates the Santaa Clara Clara’s dish. In spite of Sant C ’s vibrant Korean scene, K orean rrestaurant estaurant sc en ne, the dish is here, not widely aavailable vailable v he ere, but I ffound ound o bowl ($12.99) a hulking b owl of the stuff s ($12.9 9) at JJang ang Su JJang. ang. armyy basee ste stew Although arm w is based ingredients that edients th on lowly ingr hat yyou ou ccould ould anyy ccorner market, find at an orner mar rket,, the soup is good. Instead culturee surprisingly go od. Inst ead of a cultur Western clash,, the Eastern and W estern e ingredients well.. The cheese ingr edients blend well bowl givee seems to melt into thee b owl to giv spicy, paste–loaded broth the spicy y, chile paste –lo oaded br oth and creamy, a nacho cheese ccolor olor an nd a cr eamy, texture rround ound te xture that ttakes ak kes the edge off the heat. The ttangy angy kimchi helps balancee the richness off the Spam balanc and hot do dog. of tofu add an g. Chunks o protein neutrality. element l off pr otein i neu utralit li y. It IIt’s ’s a satisfying, homey, pleasurable bowl satisf fying y , home y, pleas surable b owl soup.. of soup plenty offer JJang ang Su JJang ang has ple nty to off ffeer beyond armyy base ste stew. There’s b eyond arm w. Ther e’s the Korean barbecue ttypical ypical lineup of K oreaan barb ecue and soondobu, pots a long list of so ondobu u, bubbling p ots stew. seafood of spicy soft tofu ste w. The seaf food

soondobu so (($9.99) 9) ccomes ondobu ($9.9 omes with shrimp aand d ccalamari aalama a aari and a d iss a so solid d vversion eersion so o of warming, this w armin ng, filling dish. offers several The rrestaurant estaurant a also off ffeers se veral dumplings,, the b best being vversions ersions of dumplings est b eing turnover-size wang mandoo the turno ver e -size w ang mando o ($8.99), huge boiled ($8.9 9), hug ge b oiled dumplings beef, pork filled with a mix of b eeff, p ork and seafood. And don’t seafood seaf food. An nd don ’t miss the seaf food pancake appetizer ($13.99), panc ake ap petizer ($13.9 9), a jumble seafood bound together of seaf food b ound to gether in a light, barely theree bat batter. bar ely ther ttter. Come summertime, bowl C ome sum mmertime, an icy b owl myun noodles of ccold old mull naeng m yun no odles is myy fa things.. The ttangy, one of m ffavorite avorite things angy, flavored beef broth brightly fla avored b eef br oth and buckwheat noodles aree p perfect chilled buck kwheat no odles ar erfect e weather. ffor or hot wea o ather. JJang ang Su JJang ang has myun ($10.99), mul naeng m yun ($10.9 9),, but what was bowl intrigued me m w as the b owl of chilled acorn noodles ac orn no odles d with vvegetables egetables and soyy sauc sauce. Korean makes so e. K orean ffood ood mak es wide use of altern alternative native fforms o orms of flour such buckwheat arrowroot, as buck wheeat and arr owroot, ot, but the acorn was me.. The ac orn flour w as a first ffor or o me noodles don’t particularly thin no odlees don ’t ttaste aste par ticularly different, but they’re delicate, slippery diff ffeerent, bu ut the y’re delic ate, slipp ery delicious. With scattering and deliciou us. W ith i the sc attering (cabbage, lettuce, of vvegetables egetablees (c abbage, let ttuc t e, cucumbers, sliced cucumb ers, ccarrots, arrots, slic ed sesame leaves), it’s noodle lea aves), it ’s rreally eally a ccold old no odle salad. soy-sesame dressing The so y-sesaame dr essing tossed with it all is rrefreshing efresh hing and light. Korean meat-heavy, K orean ffood ood is often meat -heaavvyy, beef so I ffound o ound tthe spicy b eef soup with hand-cut noodles beef handcut no oodles light on the b eef beefy flavor. but still fulll of b eeffy fla avor. The wheat noodles aree ser served flour no odlles ar ved in a shallow but wide b bowl o in a smoldering owl chile-paste broth egg,, shiit shiitake chile -paste br b oth with egg ake mushrooms mushr oom ms and a ffew ew strands of beef. tender b eeff. located JJang ang Su JJang ang is lo cated in the Korean-business-dominated Lawrence K orean-bussiness- dominated L aw wrence sharp-looking placee Plaza, and it iit’s ’s a sharp -looking plac dark-wood interior,, private with its dar rk-wo wood interior doors rrooms ooms with h sliding do ors and a water entrance. It’s w ater ffountain ounttain near the entranc o e. It ’s popular, too, group, p opular, to o, so if yyou’re ou’re with a gr oup, wait. armyy surplus– plan to w aiit. But with arm inspired soup, acorn noodles inspir ed sou up, ac orn flour no odles Korean and a wide range of K orean ffood ood in between, it’s worth wait. b etween, it ’s wor th the w ait.

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25 M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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DIO D IO D DEKA EKA Gr Greek. eek. $$$. Dio Deka is doing its part to elevate Greek Greek food food in Silicon Valley. Valleyy. There’s There’s much to recommend recommend at this handsome restaurant. restaurant. Most starters are large they’ree are lar ge so they’r best shared. shared. 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 5-10pm 5-10pm Fri-Sat, 5-9pm 5-9pm Sun. 210 E. Main SSt. t. 408.354.7700. GGREEN REEN P PAPAYA APAYA Vietnamese. $$. CCalifornia alifornia cuisine meets Southeast Asia Asia by way of Paris, Paris, with inventive updates of clay pot and five-spice authentica. 11am- 3pm, 5-9:30pm Beer, 5-9:30pm Tue-Sun.. Tue-Sun.. u Beer, Ave. wine. 137 N. Santa Cruz A ve. 408.395.9115. 408 395 9115 I GGATTI ATTI New Italian. $$$. I Gatti fits like a glove along peaceful Main SStreet. treet. The chef understands the afraid basics but isn’t isn’t afr aid to create cr eate rrefreshing efreshing twists on traditional tr aditional rrecipes. ecipes. 11:30am5-9:30pm 2pm. 59:30pm Mon-Sat, 5-9pm 59pm Sun 25 E. Main SSt. t. 408.399.5180.

RESTAURANT R ESTAURANT JJAMES AMES alifornian. $$$. RANDALL R ANDALL CCalifornian. Chef and co-owner Ross from Hanson takes his cues fr om the seasons and ffavors avors a ingredient-driven simple, ingr edient-driven approach appr oach that places it squarely squar ely in the CCalifornia alifornia school of cooking. He ffavors avors large big, rrobust obust flavors and lar ge serving create ser ving sizes to cr eate a comfort kind of CCalifornia alifornia comf ort 5:30-11pm ffood. ood. Dinner 5:3011pm TTueuueAve. Sat 303 N. Sat. N Santa Cruz A ve ve. 408.395.4441. 408.395.444 41.

VALERIANO’S V ALERIANO’S ITALIAN ITALIAN RESTAURANT R ESTAURANT A AND ND B BAR AR Contemporary Contemporary Italian. $$$. While the kitchen exudes earthy aromas, aromas, the dining room’s terra-cotta room’s soft ter ra-cotta walls glow with a sense

¿= book online $ = $10 $$ = $11-$15 $$$ = $16-$20 $$$$ = $21 and up Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

of Mediterranean Mediterranean mission. Hands-on management makes each patron patron ffeel eel pampered. pamper ed. Full bar. bar. 5pmdaily.. 160 W. close daily W. Main SSt. t. 408.354.8108.

WILLOW STREET WILLOW STREET WOODWOODFFIRED IRED PIZZA PIZZA Pizza. $$. Silicon Valley’s Valley’s three three Willow Street Street pizza locations prepare prepare the definitive upwardly upwardly mobile California California pizza. Crispy, Crispyy, thin crusts breathe breathe with accents of almond from from the Italian wood-fired wood-fired oven. Check out the new Neapolitan-style pizzas— delicate, light and satisfying. Hearty pastas, salads and sandwiches, too. 11:30am10pm Sun-Thu; Sun--TThu; 11:30am9:30pm Fri-Sat. 20 S. Santa Cruz Ave. Ave. 408.354.5566. For other locations see www. www. willowstreet.com. willowstreet.com.

Menlo M enlo Park Park ¿ book online at ¿book paloalto.net paloal to.net

BISTRO B ISTRO VIDA VIDA Fr French ench $$. Impeccably authentic bistro bistro dishes and welcoming prices aree spun thr through ar ough Bay Area Area culinary consciousness to create create regional regional homey French Fr ench cuisine. Brunch 11:30am-2:30pm 11:30am2:30pm Mon-Fri, 9am-2:30pm 9am2:30pm Sat-Sun. Dinner 5-9:30pm 59:30pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 5-10pm 5-10pm 5-9pm Fri-Sat, 59pm Sun. 641 6441 Santa Ave. Cruz A ve. 650.462.1686. 650.462.1686.

IIBERIA BERIA. $$. Spanish. Iberia’s Iberia’s cheap tapas menu is available at the bar anytime or in the dining room room at lunch, but these nibbles alone are are worth the trip. Lunch Lunch noon-2pm noon-2pm


27 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


SVDINING 277 2 Mon-Sat and dinner nightlyy 5:30-10pm. 5:3010pm. 1026 Alma SSt. t. 650.325.8981.

SSULTANA ULTANA Turkish. Tuurkish. $$$. If you’ve eaten Gr Greek, Iranian eek, Ir anian or Middle Eastern ffood, you’ll ood, you ’ll find much that that’s ’s familiar familiar here. Sultana here. Sul tana makes your introduction introduction to TTurkish urkish u ffood oodd easy with its warm service, service, well-executed dishes and soothing ambience 11am2:30pm, 55-10pm 10pm Mon-Fri; 11am-10pm 11am-10pm Sat-Sun. 1149 El E Camino Camino Real. 650.322.4343..

Milpitas M ilpitas ¿ book online at ¿book milpitas.com

BANANA B ANANA LLEAF EAF Southeast Asian/Malaysian. Asian/Malaysian. $$$. A charming, exotic gem of a place with some of the best Southeast Asian Asian food food in the county. county. Sauces are are masterfully crafted crafted and reduced reduced to glossy consistencies. 11am-3pm, 11am-3pm, 559:45pm Mon-Thu, Mon--TThu, 5-10:30pm 5-10:30pm Fri-Sat. 182 Ranch Dr. Dr. 408.719.9811. CCHILI HILI GARDEN GARDEN Szechuan. S h $$. There’s There’s a lot to Szechuan rrecommend ecommend at this Szechua an standout. Mapo tofu is a here. classic that rules her e. For fireworks, sheer fir eworks, go ffor or the Chongqing spicy chicken, a ffearsome-looking earsome-looking dish battered of chicken lightly batter ed 10:30am-2:30pm and crisp. 10:30am2:30pm m 4:30-10pm Mon-Thu, and 4:3010pm Mon-TThu, 10:30am-2:30pm 10:30am2:30pm and 4:30-Barber 10:30pm Fri-Sun. 210 Barbe er L Lane. 408 526 9888 408.526.9888.

SSAVORY AVORY CCHICKEN HICKEN Filipino.. offers $. Savory Chicken off ers a poultry. Filipino take on fried poul try. The chicken is tossed in a proprietary pr oprietary blend of herbs and spices and fried in bread soybean oil. No flour or br eaad aree used. The rresult crumbs ar esult translucent skin is an almost tr anslucent ski in that is so crisp it shatters on contact. 11am-8pm Ave. TTue-Sun. ue Sun 1557 Landess A uue-Sun. ve. ve. 408.945.8616.

TIRUPATHI T IRUPATHI B BHIMAS HIMAS Indian. $$. TTirupathi irupathi Bhimass specializes in vegetarian ffood oood from particularly fr om south India, particular ly Andraa Pr Pradesh, that of Andr adesh, a aromatic spicy and ar omatic cuisine, Indian as well as a ffew ew north India n

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dishes and “Indo-Chinese.” 11:30am-2pm 11:30am2pm and 6-9:30pm 6-9:30pm TTue-Thu, ueu -Thu, T 11:30am-2:30pm 11:30am-2:30pm 6-9:30pm and 69:30pm Fri and Sat 11:30am-2:30pm and 11:30am2:30pm and 69:30pm Sun. 1208 S. Abel SSt. t. 408.945.1010. 408.945. 1010.

Downtown Downtown SSan an Jose Jose ¿ book online at ¿book sanjose.com

AGENDA A GENDA New California. California. $$. Agenda features features a hip nightclub upstairs, a fullyappointed rrestaurant estaurant at street str eet level and DJ-ing in the basement. Full bar. bar. 399 S. First SSt. t. 5:30pm-close WedWedSat. 408.287.3991. 408.2877..3991.

ARCADIA A RCADIA SSteakhouse. teakhouse. $$$. Celebrity chef Michael Mina reworked reworked the menu at Arcadia Arcadia in the summer of 2006 to create create a modern steakhouse, a change that has made it the destination restaurant restaurant it was originally supposed to be. Lunch Lunch 11:30am-2pm 11:30am-2pm Mon-Fri and dinner 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm Sun-Thu, Sun--TThu, 5:30-11pm 5:30-11pm Fri-Sat. 301 S. Market St. St. 408.278.4555. 408.278.4555. BELLA B ELLA M MIA IA Italian-American. $$$. One of downtown attractive San Jose’s Jose’s most attr active serves eateries, Bella Mia ser ves flair.. Full rregional egional dishes with flair bar.. 11:30am11:30am-9pm Mon-Thu, bar 9pm Mon-Thu, T 11:30am-10pm 4:30-10pm 11:30am10pm Fri, 4:3010pm Sat, 4:30-8pm Sun. 58 S. First 408.280.1993. SSt. t. 408.280. 1993.

BILLY B ILLY B BERK’S ERK’S Eclectic. $$. Billy Berk’s restaurant restaurant looks looks and taste likes the offspring of the Hard Hard Rock Cafe Cafe and Chili’s. The downtown San Jose restaurant restaurant offers offers a populist mix of American, Mexican and Asian Asian ffood. ood. Most dishes are are designed for for sharing—appetizer-size portions, nibbles and finger foods foods that pair well with the prodigious prodigious drink list. 11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm Mon-Wed, Mon-Wed, 11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm Thu, 11:30am11pm Fri, Fri 5-11pm 5 11pm Sat, 5Sat Bar open till midnight. 99 S. First St, St, San Jose. 408.292.4300. EEMILE’S MILE’S CCONTEMPORARY ONTEMPORARY French. French. $$$. White-tablecloth amenities without the stuffiness. An old favorite favorite comes back strong strong with a


new bistro. bistro. Full bar. bar. Closed Reservations Sun-Mon. Reser vations 11am-2pm suggested. 11am2pm Thu5-10pm Fri, 510pm Tue-Sat. Tuue-Sat. 545 S. Second St. St. 408.289.1960. 408.289.1960.

EEULIPIA ULIPIA New American. $$$. The rrevamped evamped menu emphasizes rrobust obust flavors presentations. and beautiful pr esentations. Several Sever al standouts have been from previous rretained etained fr om the pr evious menu, as have the sexy bar.. Eulipia cocktails. Full bar 5:30-10pm 5:3010pm TTue-Sat, uue-Sat, 4:303744 S. First SSt. 9:30pm Sat. 37 t. 408.280.6161.

FLAMES EEATERY FLAMES ATERY AND AND BAR B AR American. $$. In Silicon Valley, home-grown V alleyy, the home-gr own Flames rrestaurant estaurant chain is coffee the area’s area’s definitive coff ee shop. And now they’ve opened p in downtown San great Jose to gr eat acclaim. 7amdaily.. 88 S. Fourth midnight daily 408.971.1960. SSt. t. 408.971. 1960.

71 SSAINT AINT P PETER ETER New American. $$$. This romantic romantic offers eatery off ers upscale Mediterranean Mediter ranean ffood ood in an Beer,, wine. intimate setting Beer Closed Sun. 71 N. San Pedro Pedro SSt. t. 11:30am-1pm, 11:30am-1pm, 5-9pm 5-9pm Mon-Sat. 408.971.8523.

SSaratoga aratoga ¿ book online at ¿book saratoga-california.com sar atoga-california.com

THE T HE B BASIN ASIN New American. $$$. The Basin has some standards. rrefreshingly efreshingly high standar ds. Produce organic, seafoods Pr oduce is or ganic, seaf oods aree fr fresh ar esh and the menu accentuates American ideas, enhanced by Spanish and Italian spin. spin 5pm-close 5pm close seven days a week. 14572 Big Basin Way. 408.867.1906. W ay. 408.867 7.1906.

LLA AM MERE ERE M MICHELLE ICHELLE French-European. French-European. $$$. After three three decades, La Mere Mere is a tradition. tradition. Old World World standards standards such as pâté, escargots, schnitzel escargots, wiener schnit zel and veal scaloppini find a distinguished setting in the crystal-dotted dining room. room. 11:30am-2pm 11:30am-2pm Wed-Sun, 11:30am Wed ed-Sun Sun, 5:30-9pm Closed 5:30-9pm Tue-Sun. Tue-Sun. u Mon. 14467 Big Basin Way. Way. 408.867.5272. 408.8677..5272.

PLUMED P LUMED H HORSE ORSE Contemporary French. Contempor ary Fr ench. $$$$. undergoing After under going a $9 million


29 M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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8M@; =<CC<I [`jc`b\j dljkXi[% 8 cfk% 9lk _\ cfm\j k\Z_efcf^p Xe[ ]ff[% Jf `kÊj efk jligi`j`e^ k_Xk k_\ ]fid\i \9Xp Xe[ JkldYc\Lgfe \o\Zlk`m\ _\cg\[ Zi\Xk\ X n\Yj`k\ k_Xk nflc[ ]\\[ _`j `ek\i\jk `e Zffb`e^ Xe[ _\cg _`d Xmf`[ k_\ [i\X[\[ p\ccfn Zfe[`d\ek% YUMMLY.COM, which debuted last week, allows users to search a database of some 500,000 recipes using a host of filters for things like ingredients, allergies, price and preparation time. If someone doesn’t like mustard or, say, cilantro, they simply enter that term and will never see a recipe with those ingredients again. The recipes come from mainstream sites like Epicurious, Chow and Martha Stewart. The site also crunches nutritional data for each recipe and allows you to edit recipes and upload your own. What really sets the Redwood City–based company apart from other web-based recipe sites is that, like Pandora.com or Netflix, Yummly gets to know users over time and makes suggestions based on their personal tastes in food. “Amazon has done it for shopping,” Feller says. “Pandora has done it for music, and Netflix has done it for movies, but no one has done it with food. Yummly has an actual understanding of what’s going on with food.” The site is linked with Facebook so users can log in and share recipes from there; it also has a Twitter-like feature called “TasteBuds” that allows users to follow what other folks are cooking. iPhone and iPad applications are coming, too. What I like about Yummly is how easy it is to customize recipes. My son and I are omnivores, but my daughter doesn’t eat dairy, and my wife is flirting with veganism. I simply check the appropriate boxes, and Yummly gives me a huge number of recipes based on all those preferences. Each recipe that pops up gives me a quick view of the ingredients before I view the actual recipe so I know whether to proceed based on dietary restrictions or preferences. I’m always trying to lower my grocery bill, so I like that each recipe includes a price per serving, too. While I haven’t played around with Yummly long enough to see the results, I can also enter terms like “local,” “sustainable” and “organic” into my personal preference profile. Yummly is currently free and ad-free. But Feller says part of his business model will be hypertargeted marketing based on the vast data collected from user preferences. For example, if someone continually searches for barbecue recipes, down the road they can expect to see barbecue sauce ads pop up. That’s a fair trade for a site that aims to cater to an individual’s tastes, no matter how picky.ÆJk\kk ?fcYiffb

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28 remodel and expansion of remodel Saratoga its wine list, the Sar atoga rrestaurant estaurant has been rreborn ebornn as Silicon Valley’s Valley’s premier premier luxury restaurant. restaurant. How does does million the food food taste at a $9 millio on rrestaurant? estaurant? Mostly, Mostlyy, like a bucks. million buck s. 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm

nightly. nightly. 14555 Big Basin Way. Way. 408.867.4711. 408.8677.4 . 711.

RISTORANTE R ISTORANTE DA DA M MARIO ARIO Italian. $$. Ristorante Ristorante Da Mario serves serves the greatest greatest hits of Italian-American food food but prepares prepares them with

a freshness freshness and integrity that elevates them above your typical red-and-white red-and-white checkered checkered tablecloth ItalianAmerican restaurant. restaurant. Lunch Lunch 11:30am-2:30pm 11:30am-2:30pm Mon-Fri, dinner 5-9:30pm 5-9:30pm daily. daily. 14441 144441 Big Basin Way. Wayy. 408.741.1518. 408.7411.1518.

31 SSENT ENT SSOVI OVI New American.

SSunnyvale unnyvale ¿book ¿ book online at sunnyvale.net

BAY B AY LEAF LEAF Indonesian and Leaf’s Thai. $$. Bay Leaf ’s menu is divided into Thai and it’s Indonesian ffood ood and it ’s the latter that stands out. While characterized Thai ffood ood is char acterized byy Indonesian bright, high notes, Indonesia an ffood ood strikes a lower bass 11am-3pm note. 11am3pm and 5Mon-Thu, 9:30pm Mon-TThu, 11am11am-9pm 10pm Fri-Sat Fri Sat and 11am11am 9pm m Ave. Sun. 122 S. Sunnyvale A ve. 408.481.9983.

CCHELOKEBABI HELOKEBABI. PPersian. ersian. $$. Go straight straight for for the baghali ghatogh, a fantastic fantastic appetizer made from from delicate delicatte but rich baby lima beans, scrambled scrambled eggs and lots of garlic. Just as good is ghaymeh, a daily special made from from tender chunks chunks of beef, beef, split peas, peas eggplant and tomato sauce. 11am10pm daily. daily. 1236 Wolfe Wolfe Rd. 408.737.1222. 408.7377.1222. DISHDASH D ISHDASH Middle Eastern. celebrates $$. Dishdash celebr ates the Middlee culinary glories of the Middl East beyond ffalafels alafels and hummus. The menu is madee from traditional fr om tr aditional rrecipes ecipes and ingredients presented ingr edients but pr esented contemporary flourish. with a contempor ary flouris h. There’s wellTher e’ss also a small but well llchosen wine list to match. 11am-2:30pm, 5-9:30pm 11am2:30pm, 59:30pm Sat-Sun.190 Mon-Fri. 10pm Sat-Sun. 190 S. Ave. 408.774.1889. Murphy A ve. 408.77 4.1889.

IILL P POSTALE OSTALE IITALIAN TALIAN American. $$$. Its previous previous incarnation as a post office lends this space eccentric charm, and the food food deliverss full-bodied taste in generous generou us portions. Veal Veal marsala, thin-crust pizza and New p York Yoork steak are are featured. featured. 11am-1:30pm, 11am-1:30pm, 4-9:30pm 4-9:30pm TueTue ueSun. 127 W. W. Washington Washington St. St. 408.733.9600.

LUCKY LU CKY D DHABA HABA Indian. $. A dhaba is a rroadside oadside ffast ast ffood ood joint in northern India. We’ve W e’ve got our own version

PEZELLAS P EZELLAS Family Italian. $$. Serves Serves popular Italian dinners with rich sauces and generous generous portions. East Coast seafood seafood dishes like linguini and clams and calamari sautéed in tomato, garlic, and basil stand out. Pizza and pasta abound. Full Bar. Bar. 11am2:30pm Tue-Fri, Tuue-Fri, 5-10:30pm 5-10:30pm Tue-Sat. Closed Sun-Mon. Tue-Sat. u 1025 W. W. El Camino Camino Real. 408.738.2400. 408.738.2400. P.F. P .F. CHANG’S CHANG’S CHINA CHINA B ISTRO Chinese. $$. With BISTRO atmosphere atmosphere to spare, spare, Chang’s doesn’t doesn’tt neglect taste. taste Vibrant Vibrant Szechuan flavors mix surprisingly well with rich Western-style Western-style desserts. Full bar. bar. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm Mon-Sun, 11am-11pm 11am-11pm Fri-Sat. 390 W. W. El Camino Camino Real. 408.991.9078. 408.991.9078.

SSAIZO AIZO Japanese. $$. PPart art bar, bar, part eatery, eateryy, Saizo served served small plates of grilled and fried dishes made to go with sake and beer beer.. It It’s ’s all good. Open daily for for lunch and dinner Mon-Sat. 592 E. El Camino Camino Real. 408.733.7423. 408.733.7423.

SSENZALA ENZALA Br Brazilian. azilian. $$. Senzala restaurant restaurant is like a Brazilian cultural Br azilian cul tural center that also serves serves food. food. Brazilian Brazilian art and photogr photographs aphs cover the walls. Go ffor or the feijoada, feijoada, a hearty, heartyy, smoky smoky black bean stew made with chunks chunks of beef and pork. 11am11am-10pm 10pm Mon-Sat. 250 E. Java Dr. Dr. 408.734.1656. 408.734.1656. SSETO ETO D DELI ELI Japanese. $. Folksy offers Folk sy country deli that off ers hot and cold, takeout, eat-in order and made to or der ffood ood in a vibrant array vibr ant ar ray of ffamiliar amiliar and not-so-familiar not-so-f amiliar Japanese dishes at prices that beat just about any rrestaurant’s. estaurant’s. Ave. Closed Sun. 155 E. Maude A ve. 408.735.7777. 408.735.7777 7.

SSHALIMAR HALIMAR IndianIndianPakistani. Pakistani. $. $. Walk Walk up up to to the the counter, counter, grab grab a menu menu and and place place your your order. order. One One of of the the best best dishes dishes is is the the plainplainlooking looking haleem, haleem, a lentil lentil and and barley barley stew stew available available with with chicken chicken or or beef. beef. Nihari, Nihari, a rich rich beef beef shank shank stew, stew, is is also also

great. 111:30am-2:30pm great. 1:30am-2:30pm and and 55:30-10:30pm :30-10:30pm SSun-Thu un-Thu and and nnoon-3:30pm oon-3:30pm aand nd 5:30-11pm 5:30-11pm W.. El Camino SSat-Fri. at-Fri. 1146 1146 W El Ca mino Real. R eal. 408.530.0300. 408.530.0300.

SSUGAR UGAR B BUTTER UTTER FFLOUR LOUR Bakery. $.. SSugar Butter B akery. $ ugar B utter FFlour’s lour ’s ddesserts esserts aand nd well ppastries astries ggoo w ell bbeyond eyond tthe he found hhumdrum umdrum ssweets weets fo und most restaurants aatt m ost re staurants aand nd bbakeries. akeries. TThe he bbakery’s akery’s cchocolate hocolate sskills kills aare re pparticularly articularly sstrong. trong. 77amamMon-Thu, 77:30pm :30pm M on-Thu, 77amam8:30pm 8am-5pm 8 :30pm SSat, at, 8 am-5pm 669 Bernardo Ave. SSun. un. 6 69 SS.. B ernardo A ve. 4408.732.8597. 08.732.8597.

TAVERNA T AVERNA GGYROS YROS O Old ld Mediterranean/Turkish. Mediterranean/Turkish. $$. $$. Mustard Mustard and and ruddy ruddy pomegranate pomegranate hues hues warm warm the the restaurant’s restaurant’s interior; interior; zesty zesty Arabic Arabic infusions infusions warm warm the the food. food. Choose Choose from from mezes mezes such such as as hummus hummus or or tabouli. tabouli. Entrees Entrees include include lamb, lamb, beef beef or or chicken chicken gyros gyros or or lamb lamb kebab. kebab. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm daily. daily. 133 133 S. S. Murphy Murphy Ave. Ave. 408.735.9971. 408.735.9971. UDUPI U DUPI P PALACE ALACE IIndian. ndian. $$. Palace, $$. Udupi Udupi P alace, a South South IIndian ndian vvegetarian egetarian re restaurant, staurant, sspecializes pecializes iin n ddishes—dosas ishes—dosas Dosas aand nd uuthappams. thappams. D osas aare re made with llong, ong, tthin hin ccrepes repes m ade w ith flour. Uthappams rrice ice fl our. U thappams aare re made with ppancakes ancakes m ade w ith rrice ice aand nd flour. llentil entil fl our. 111:30am-10pm 1:30am-10pm Mon-Thu, M on-Thu, 111:30am-11pm 1:30am-11pm FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 111:30am-10:30pm 1:30am-10:30pm 976 Camino Real. SSun. un. 9 76 EE.. EEll Ca mino R eal. 4408.830.9600. 08.830.9600.

YUME-YA Y UME-YA JJapanese. apanese. $$. $$. Don’t forr Don’t ccome ome hhere ere llooking ooking fo sake sake bombs bombs and and macadamia macadamia nut-encrusted nut-encrusted gimmicky gimmick y sushi sushi rolls. rolls. What What sets sets this this restaurant restaurant apart apart is is its its selection selection of of izakaya-style izakaya-style dishes, dishes, little little plates plates of of food food designed designed to to go go with with beer beer and and sake. sake. Open Open 6-11pm 6-11pm MonMonSat. Sat. 150 150 El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.530.8156. 408.530.8156.

Woodside W oodside ¿book ¿ book oonline nline at at Woodside-California.com Woodside-California.com

THE T HE M MOUNTAIN OUNTAIN H HOUSE OUSE Continental. Continental. $$$. $$$. A menu menu strewn strewn with with rare rare game game and and hearty hearty selections selections sseems eems fitting find. fitting for for this this forest forest fi nd. Worth Worth tthe he trip. trip. Bar Bar 2pm, 2pm, Dinner Dinner 55pm, pm, Wed-Sun Wed-Sun 13808 13808 Skyline Blvd. Sk yline B lvd. 650.851.8541. 650.851.8541.

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

pretty $$$$. A pr etty dining rroom oom inspired, hosts an inspir ed, always fresh fr esh and seasonally driven contemporary menu of contempor ary French American and Fr ench ffood, ood, complete with seductive desserts. 14583 Big Basin Way. 408.867.3110. W ay. 408.867 7..3110.

here h e att Sunnyvale’s her S Sunnyvale l ’s ’ LLucky uckky Dhaba. Located Located off busy El Camino Camino Real, Lucky Lucky Dhaba offers offers a wide variety of good Indian food. food. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm Sun-Thu Sun--Thu T and 11am-10:30pm 11am-10:30pm Fri-Sat. 1036 El Camino Camino Real. 408.617.0660. 408.6177.0660. .

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Pat Kirk

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



PINBACK `j i\Xccp G`eYXZb# n_f gcXp k_\ 9cXeb :clY fe =i`[Xp% Q8:? J?FN K?< IF9 8E;

*w wed ed *tthu hu WOODS W OODS O OFF YPRES Y P R ES

Avalon A valo Nightclu valon Nightclub, ub, Santa S Clara Clara Wed W ed – 8pm pm were what IInn ccase ase you you w ere wondering wondering w hat tthe he hhell ell tthey’ve hey’ve bbeen een doing doing iinn CCanada anada lately, lately, take take a listen listen to to Woods W oods of of Ypres. Ypres. The The ssound ound is is dark dark And aand nd heavy. heavy. A nd eepic—oh pic—oh ssoo eepic. pic. II’m ’m reminded reminded of of the the Norwegian Norwegian metal/black metal aavant-garde vant-garde m etal/black m etal bband and SSolefald. olefald. Mild Mild mannered mannered iinn look, look, bbut ut ccompletely ompletely ddifferent ifferent iinn style, style, this this band band is is the the metal metal musician’s metal m usician’s m etal bband. and. IIt’s t’s more more tthan han jjust ust a ccasual asual llisten, isten, iit’s t’s a jjourney ourney ttoo tthe he ddeepest eepest bblack lack ccrevice revice ooff evil evil thoughts thoughts aand nd feelings. feelings. ((BD) BD)


Music in thee P Park ark Cesar Plaza de Ces sar Chavez, San Jose 5:30pm; free Thu – 5:30p pm; fr ee One O ne ooff tthe he ooriginal riginal British British sska ka rrevival evival Beat bbands, ands, tthe he B eat iinfluenced nfluenced eeveryone veryone UB40 Rancid. ffrom rom U B40 ttoo R ancid. Originally Originally lled ed by by Dave Wakeling gguitarist uitarist D ave W akeling aand nd ttoaster/ oaster/ Ranking Roger, rrapper apper R anking R oger, the the multiracial multiracial eensemble nsemble scored scored a ssurprise urprise hhit it with with iits ts version version of of Smokey Smokey Robinson’s Robinson’s ““Tears Tears of of a Clown” Clown” iin n 11979. 979. TThrough hrough Beat tthe he eearly arly ‘‘80s, 80s, tthe he EEnglish nglish B eat rremained emained ffavorites avorites iin n tthe he sska ka sscene, cene, eeventually ventually bbreaking reaking iinto nto mainstream MTV with tthe he m ainstream vvia ia M TV w ith tthe he music m usic vvideo ideo ffor or ““II CConfess.” onfess.”TThe he ggroup roup ddisbanded isbanded iin n ’’83, 83, ssplitting plitting General Public iinto nto G eneral P ublic aand nd FFine ine YYoung oung

Cannibals. B Cannibals. But ut the the reunited reunited bband and hhas as bbeen een vvisiting isiting the the West West CCoast oast with with ssome ome regularity, regularity, each each ttime ime pproving roving tthey’re hey’re sstill till aass ggood ood as as ever ever ((maybe maybe eeven ven bbetter) etter) llive. ive. ((GW) GW)

*ffri ri

TELLT TELLTALE LTALE H HEARTEARTB REAKERS BREAKERS Caravan, San Jose Caravan, 9pm; free Fri – 9pm m; fr ee Who Dracula W ho ggave ave D racula a ppompadour? ompadour? And why wearing mascara? A nd w hy is is EElvis lvis w earing m ascara? Because B ecause tthe he TTelltale elltale Heartbreakers Heartbreakers wear w ear ttheir heir iinfluences nfluences oon n ttheir heir ssleeve, leeve, aand nd scramble scramble tthem hem aallll around around iinto nto a ddark, ark, rrocking, ocking, ccartoonish artoonish ssound. ound. mixture TThey’re hey’re tthe he pperfect erfect m ixture ooff tthe he

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members’ bband and m embers’ pprevious revious ggroups: roups: llead ead ssinger inger TTraci raci hhad ad aan n aall-girl ll-girl Deadutantes; ppsychobilly sychobilly bband, and, tthe he D eadutantes; Ryan Rosprim gguitarist uitarist R yan R osprim pplayed layed iin n tthe he Bay Area B ay A rea ggothic othic bband, and, KKill ill SSister ister KKill; ill; Matt was bbassist assist M att EEskew skew w as ppreviously reviously Defiant iin n tthe he ssurf-punk urf-punk bband and tthe he D efiant Ones. O nes. TTogether ogether tthey’re hey’re eequal qual pparts arts macabre ttongue-and-cheek ongue-and-cheek m acabre aand nd sstuck-in-your-head tuck-in-your-head ccatchy. atchy. ((AC) AC)

THE M THE MUSIC USIC OFF B O BILLY ILLY SSTRAYHORN TR AYHORN Campb Campbell bell Recital Hall, C Campbell ampbell $16/$28 Fri – 8pm; 8 The Stanford Stanf t ord Jazz Festival presents pr esennts a salute to pianist Billy SStrayhorn, trayh horn, who was best known as Duke Dukke Ellington’s Ellington’s right-hand man. He H wrote wrote some of Ellington’s Ellington’s

best-known besst-known tunes, like “Take “TTake a the A Train.” Train.” Pianist Adam Shulman putt together a collection of topp Bay Area Area players— Patrick Patrick Wolff, Wolff o , saxophone; Erik Jekabson, trumpet; trumpet; p Marcus Marcus Shelby, Shelbyy, bass; Smith Smith Dobson, drums—to give Strayhorn his due. (SP) Strayhorn a

AIRPLANE A I RP LA NE SKIES S K I ES Nicckel City Nickel City, y, San Jose Fri– Fri – 4:30pm There The ere is something endearing about abo out the simplicity of Khoa TTran, ran, thee singer/songwriter known as Airplane Airp plane Skies. TTran ran plays guitar with modesty.. He wit th gentle, earnest modesty breathes lifee into the banal, while br e eathes lif his boyish voice meanders, never straying We’re str a aying off course. W e’re talking about abo out a guy who describes himself likee this: “I am seventeen. I am

oncerts * cconcerts EENTOURAGE NTOURAGE Jun 30 att 5:30pm in downtown Sunnyvale



MEGAN M EGAN SSLANKARD, LANKARD, M MUSIC USIC O ON N T THE HE SQUARE SQUARE Jun 30 at a 11:30pm, Courthouse Square, Square, Redwood City

TOP T OP SSHELF, HELF, D DOO-WOP OO-WOP Jun 30 aatt 6pm in SStafford tafford Park, Park, Redwood City


CCASH ASH T TRIBUTE RIBUTE Jull 2 at 6pm m in Courthouse Squar Squaree Redwood City

SSHANE HANE DWIGHT DWIGHT BAND B ND BA Jul 2 at 7pm m at Community mm y Amphitheatre, Amp phitheatre, Morgan Morgan Hill Hilll

SSTANFORD TANFO ORD JJAZZ AZZ FFESTIVAL, ESTIVAL, D DR. R. LLONNIE ONNIE SSMITH MITH Jul 3 at 8pm at Dinkelspiel Di spie Auditorium, d SStanford tanfor od


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B<C@E> Yi`e^j k_\ <e^c`j ;8M< N8 apart of Airplane Skies. I ha have ave no idea what Airplane Skies means. m I play guitar and sing. I writee songs. I hope you like them. I hopee you come to my shows. I hope you friends about me. Ask tell your y Ask me anything.” Set that to a gently strummed guitar and you’ve you’vve got Airplane Skies. (AC) (AC)

P I N B AC K : T PINBACK: THE HE ROB R OB & ZZACH AC H SSHOW H OW Blank Club,, San Jose Blank Fri – 9pm; $14 Pinback IIn n aan n aalternative lternative universe, universe, P inback would music w ould rrule ule tthe he m usic sscene cene and and ddominate ominate tthe he charts. charts. They’d They’d bbee kknown nown ffar ar aand nd wide wide and and rrecognized ecognized while walking w hile w alking ddown own tthe he sstreet. treet. Alas, fickle world A las, tthis his fi ckle w orld pprobably robably

ccannot annot hhandle andle tthe he uunderground nderground Pinback. ggenius enius tthat hat iiss P inback. TThe he dduo uo ooff Armistead Burwell A rmistead B urwell SSmith mith IIV V ((Zach) Zach) Rob aand nd R ob CCrow row hhave ave aan n uuncanny ncanny aability bility ttoo ccraft raft aand nd ccreate reate ggreat reat ppop-influenced op-influenced iindie ndie rrock ock ssongs ongs without aand nd ddanceable anceable rrhythms hythms w ithout bbowing owing ttoo aany ny ccurrent urrent ttrends. rends. TThe he ffact act tthey’ve hey’ve bbeen een ddoing oing tthis his ffor or tthe he ppast ast 110 0 yyears ears ssays ays ssomething omething aabout bout music. tthe he sstaying taying ppower ower ooff ttheir heir m usic. White LLittle ittle W hite TTeeth eeth aare re sslated lated ttoo oopen pen tthe he sshow. how. ((BD) BD)


Shoreline, Mountain View Shoreline, Viiew Mon – 3pm; $33-$126 Sarah McLachlan Headlined by Sar ah Mc Lachlan Miranda and Heart, and ffeaturing eaturing Mir anda

Lambert, Lambert, Colbie CCaillat, ailllat, A Fine Frenzy, Frenzy, Marina & thee Diamonds, Susan Justice, the Submarines Suubmarines and Ann Atomic, Atomic, you’ll have haave to look far far and wide for for a Y chromosome c omosome chr here. here. Although Although g it would would be totallyy awesome if they hadd one boy band that they kept around arounnd as the token guy group sexuaally objectified group and sexually all the time. Opinions Opinions vary regarding regarding this separatist separatist approach approach to summer festivals, festivals, but I don’t don’t see why. headbangers why. From From the he eadbangers to the emo kids, everybody everybody else gets their own festival. festivval. However, However, I’m reminded reminded of what whaat Valerie Valerie Agnew from once said, from 7 Year Year Bitch B “Women’s “W Women’ss music myy ass ass—you’d you d better put some Motorhead Mottorhead in that section, because because as far far as I’m concerned, that’s that’s women’s woomen’s music.” Next year’s year ’s Lilith Lilith Fair Faiir headliner: Lemmy! Lemmy! (SP)

Jul 3 at a 5pm at Vasona Vasona na Park, Park, Los Los Gatos

TAHITI T AHITI FFETE ETE OF OF SAN SAN JOSE JOSE Jul 3-4 3-44 at SSJSU JSU Event Cent Center nter nte

CAULFIELD CAULFIELD L &H HIS IS MA GICALL V IOLIN MAGICAL VIOLIN Streetlight Records, Streetlight Records, San Jose Mon – 5pm; free free Whatever you do,, don’t don’t confuse this gentle, Big SStar-ish t tar-ish Washington W ashington indiee band with band Caulfield and the Texas Texas e Caulfield a His Magic Violin. But, of course, that? That’d who would do tha at? That ’d be crazy! cr azy! Heck, there there are are plenty of CCatcher atcher a in the Ry Rye ye rreferences eferences to go around! around! This Caulfield Caulfield has a self-titled EP out this week and will be power-popping power-popping their way around aroundd the th West Westt Coast C t with ith fellow fellow ll Washington Washington statee rockers rockers Skinny Whiskers. (SP)

LLIVIN’ IVIN’ IIN NT THE HE USA USA Jul 4 at Civic Center C Lawn, Lawn, Los Loss Gatos Ga s


JJAZZ AZZ ON ON THE THE PLAZZ, PLAZZ, JJOHN OHN PROULX PRO OULX Jul 7 at 6:30pm 6:30 0pm at LLos os Gatos os Town Toown Pla Plaz Plaza



LLILY ILY TOMLIN TOMLIN July 17 aatt Montalvo n A Center Arts ter

ALEJANDRO A LEJANDRO SSANZ ANZ Jul 18 at HP P Pavilion avilion on

M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

THE T HE BLACK BLACK CCROWES ROWES Jun 30 at at the Mountain Winery


ARTS A RT S metroactive metr o oactive

More M ore lis listings: stings:



M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



Thursday–Saturday, 8pm, Sunday, 3pm, through July 11; Northside Theatre Company, San Jose; $15/$20 The newest from Northside looks at the lives of three high school cheerleaders, first in the 1960s, then five years later in college and finally in the 1970s when then meet again in New York. Jack Heifner’s comedy has been an off-Broadway hit for many years.

Master Class Series Nor Cal Dance Arts, 418 N. Capital Ave., San Jose; 408.923.5300

For the month of July (July 6–29 to be exact), Nor Cal Dance Arts welcomes a whole slew of guest choreographies in different dance genres to teach in a Master Class Series. Some of the participants include Robert Hoffman from Step Up 2, You Got Served and other dance films, plus hip-hop stylists Bibi Kahlili and Ellen Kim.

Conservation of Intimacy

July 3–Sept. 9; San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art Cutting against the grain of iThises and iThats, artist Bernie Lubell has created an installation featuring lowtech machinery made from old-fashioned wood and pulleys and springs for his new show “Conservation of Intimacy.” It’s a contrapuntal warm-up for the hightech 01SJ festival coming later this year.

stage ssta tage Theater T hheeater BLACK/WHITE B LACK/WHITE A ddouble ouble bill bill of of Peter Peter SShaffer haffer ccomedies: omedies: “The “The White White Liars” Liars ” Part aand nd “Black “Black CComedy.” omedy.” P art ooff CCalifornia alifornia Theatre Theatre CCenter’s enter ’s ssummer ummer re repp series. series. This This week: w eek: TThu-Fri, hu-Fri, 77:30pm. :30pm. TThru hru $12-$20. JJul ul 23. 23. $ 12-$20. SSunnyvale unnyvale CCommunity ommunity Theatre. Theatre.

BREAKING B REAKING U UP P IISS H HARD ARD TO T O DO DO Neil N eil Sedaka Sedaka favorites favorites ffuels uels musical Presented tthe he m usical hit. hit. P resented West Opera. bbyy W est Valley Valley Light Light O pera. week: 8pm. TThis his w eek: FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 8 pm. Runs $18-$30. R uns tthru hru Jul Jul 24. 244. $ 18-$30. SSaratoga aratoga CCivic ivic Theater. Theater.

MOUSETRAP M OUSETRAP Agatha Christie’s Agatha Christie’s ffamous amous mystery m ystery pplay lay sshows hows dduring uring repp sseries forr tthe he SSummer ummer re eries fo CCalifornia alifornia TTheatre heatre CCenter. enter. TThis his week: week: Sat, Sat, 3 and and $1277:30pm. :30pm. TThru hru JJul ul 225. 5. $ 12$20. $ 20. Sunnyvale Sunnyvale CCommunity ommunity TTheatre. heatre.

RED, R ED, W WHITE HITE A AND ND T TUNA UNA The SSouth The outh B Bay ay ppremiere remiere ooff tthe he nnewest ewest iinstallment nstallment iin n tthe he ccomedy omedy ttrilogy rilogy aabout bout llife ife iinn a ssmall, mall, eeccentric ccentric TTexas exas ttown. own. Presented Presented bbyy SSan an JJose ose Wed-Thu, SStage tage CCompany. ompany. W ed-Thu, 77:30pm. :30pm. Fri–Sat, Fri–Sat, 8pm, 8pm, Sun, Sun, $15-$45. 22pm. pm. TThru hru JJul ul 44.. $ 15-$45. SSan an JJose ose SStage. tage.

THE T HE SSHAKER HAKER CCHAIR HAIR Pear A Pear Avenue venue ppresents resents tthe he woman who sstory tory ooff a w oman w ho has has retreated re treated ffrom rom llife ife who who

bbecomes ecomes ppassionately assionately eengaged ngaged in in the the animalanimalrrights ights cause. cause. This This week: week: ThuThu8pm. SSat, at, 8 pm. Thru Thru Jul Jul 11. 11. $15$15$30. Pear Avenue $ 30. P ear A venue TTheatre, heatre, Mountain M ountain View. View.

VANITIES V ANITIES AN Northside orthside pproduction roduction ooff a ccomedy omedy about about three three TTexas exas girls girls in in the the early early 11960s. 960s. TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, Sun, Sun, $15/$20. 33pm. pm. $ 15/$20. Thru Thru Jul Jul 11. 11. Northside N orthside TTheatre heatre CCompany, ompany, SSan an JJose. ose.

Comedy Co medy CCOMEDYSPORTZ OMEDYSPORTZ An iinteractive An nteractive iimprovised mprovised 9pm ccomedy omedy sshow. how. Fri, Fri, 9 pm aand nd 111pm 1pm aand nd Sat, Sat, 7pm 7pm and and 9pm. 9pm. $12-$15. $ 12-$15. CComedySportz, omedySportz, San San JJose. ose.



Wed, 8 Wed, 8pm: pm: U Unfiltered nfiltered Underground U nderground with with SShawn hawn Halpin. $10. H alpin. $ 10. Thu, Thu, 8pm, 8pm, Fri, Fri, 8 aand nd 10pm, 10pm, SSat, at, 7 and and 9pm, 9pm, Bobby SSun, un, 77pm: pm: B obby Slayton. Slayton. $75. $ 75. SSan an Jose. Jose.

”Genghis KKhan.” ”Genghis han.” A nnew ew sshow how aabout bout tthe he technological, technological, martial m artial and and ssocial ocial aadvances dvances warrior. Monooff tthe he Mongol Mongol w arrior. M onWed, W ed, 9am-5pm, 9am-5pm, aand nd TThuhuSSun, un, 9am-8pm. 9am-8pm. SSan an JJose. ose.



Wed, 8 Wed, 8pm: pm: N New ew TTalent alent SShowcase. howcase. $ $10. 10. Thu, Thu, 8pm, 8pm, FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 9 pm, IIan an EEdwards. dwards. 9pm, $ 12. SSunnyvale. unnyvale. $12.

“A Child’s “A Child’s W World.” orld.” W Works orks bbyy SSqueak queak Carnwath, Carnwath, Enrique Enrique CChagoya hagoya and and oothers. thers. ““Erin Erin G oodwin-Guerrero: Caught Caught Goodwin-Guerrero: Between Heaven B etween H eaven aand nd Earth.” Earth.” works ““Flights Flights ooff Fancy: Fancy: New New w orks by by LLivia ivia Stein.” Stein.”TThru hru SSep ep 19. 19. TTueueWed W ed aand nd FFri-Sun, ri-Sun, 11am-5pm. 11am-5pm. TThu, hu, 11am-9pm. 11am-9pm. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.


Museums M u se u m s

GGalleries alleries



“True ttoo N “True Nature.” ature.” D Drawings, rawings, w atercolors aand nd oil oil ssketches ketches watercolors bbyy 19th-century 19th-century American American llandscape andscape artist artist William William TTrost rrost R ichards. Thru Thru Sep Sep 26. 26. Richards. ““Tracing Tracing the the Past, Past, Drawing Drawing tthe he FFuture: uture: M aster IInk nk Master P ainters in in 220th-Century 0th-Century Painters CChina.” hina.” Thru Thru Jul Jul 4. 4. Wed-Sun, Wed-Sun, 111am-5pm, 1am-5pm, Thu, Thu, 11am-8pm. 11am-8pm. SStanford. tanford.




“Run! Jump! “Run! Jump! Fly! Fly! Adventures Adventure r s iinn A Action.” ction.” A sshow how aabout bout tthe he jjoy oy ooff bbeing eing physically physically aactive. ctive. TThru hru Sep Sep 9 on-Sat, 9.. M Mon-Sat, 110am-5pm 0am-5pm and and Sun, Sun, noonnoon55pm. pm. San San Jose. Jose.

HISTORY H ISTORY PARK PARK SSAN AN JJOSE OSE “Explore SSan “Explore an JJose ose Parks— Parks— Open O pen ttoo tthe he P Public ublic SSince ince 11850.” 850.” Thru Thru Jan Jan 23. 23. At At Pacific Pacific Hotel H otel G Gallery. allery. Tue-Sun, Tue-Sun, nnoon-5pm. oon-5pm. San San Jose. Jose.

SSAN AN JJOSE OSE M MUSEUM USEUM O OFF A ART RT “Vital SSigns: “Vital igns: New New M Media edia FFrom rom tthe he P ermanent Permanent CCollection.” ollection.” TThru hru Feb Feb 6 6.. ““New New SStories tories FFrom rom tthe he EEdge dge ooff Asia: As i a : P lastic LLife.” ife.” TThru hru Plastic SSep ep 119. 9. ““Wayne Wayne TThiebaud: hiebaud: SSeventy eventy YYears ears of of P aint.” Thru Thru Paint.” JJul ul 4. 4. “Real “Real & Hyperreal.” Hyperreal.” TThru hru Aug Aug 1. 1. Tue-Sun, Tue-Sun, 11am11am55pm, pm, closed closed Mon. Mon. SSan an Jose. Jose.

SAN JJOSE SAN OSE M MUSEUM USEUM O OFF QUILTS Q UILTS AND AND T TEXTILES EXTILES “Hawaii’s A “Hawaii’s Alfred lfred SShaheen: haheen: FFabric abric ttoo FFashion.” ashion.” Textiles Textiles wear Oahu aand nd aaloha loha w ear ffrom rom aan nO ahu manufacturer. m anufacturer. “Grand “Grand Appliqué: Appliqué: Hawaiian Quilts.” H awaiian Q uilts.” Works Works by by CCarol arol KKamaile. amaile. ““Wendeanne Wendeanne KKe’aka e’aka SStitt: titt: CContemporary ontemporary KKapa.” apa.” FFiber iber aart rt bbyy SSanta anta CCruz ruz Allll eend Aug 8.. Tue-Sun, aartist. rtist. A nd A ug 8 Tue-Sun, 110am-5pm. 0am-5pm. San San Jose. Jose.

“Conservation ooff IIntimacy.” “Conservation ntimacy.” A ssculptural culptural iinstallation nstallation piece piece Bernie bbyy B ernie Lubell Lubell featuring featuring machines llow-tech ow-tech m achines bbased ased oonn Reception oold ld iingredients. ngredients. R eception JJul ul 16, 16, 6-8pm. 6-8pm. Jul Jul 3-Sep 3-Sep 119. 9. TTue-Fri, ue-Fri, 110am-5pm, 0am-5pm, SSat, at, nnoon-5pm. oon-5pm. SSan an JJose. ose.

CCAFFÉ AFFÉ T TRIESTE RIESTE Art bbyy JJudy Art udy H Hurley. urley. TThru hru JJuly. uly. SSan an JJose. ose.

DOWNTOWN D OWNTOWN Y YOGA OGA SSHALA HALA Sukerti B Sukerti Berg erg shows shows watercolors Bali-inspired w atercolors ooff B ali-inspired flowers. fl owers. Thru Thru July. July. SSan an JJose. ose.

GGALLERY ALLERY H HOUSE OUSE “Summertime.” Selections “Summertime.” Selections ffrom rom ggallery allery m embers. members. R eception Jul Jul 9, 9, 6-8pm. 6-8pm. Thru Thru Reception JJul ul 223. 3. Tue, Tue, 111am-4pm, 1am-4pm, WedWedSSat, at, 11am-8pm, 11am-8pm, SSun, un, 111am1am33pm. pm. P alo A l to. Palo Alto.

GGALLERY ALLERY SSARATOGA ARATOGA “Celebrating Women” “Celebrating Women” aand nd Bears.” Wildlife ““Birds Birds and and B ears.” W ildlife pphotographs hotographs bbyy JJudy udy Bingman B ingman aand nd ppaintings aintings bbyy Dorothy D orothy Atkins. Atkins. Thru Thru JJul ul 4. 4. Big TTue-Sun, ue-Sun, 111am-6pm. 1am-6pm. B ig Basin B asin Way, Way, SSaratoga. aratoga.

by V by Valerie alerie Magee Magee and and oothers. thers. 8.. M Mon-Fri, 9amTThru hru JJul ul 8 on-Fri, 9 amGatos. 55pm. pm. LLos os G atos.

MACLA M ACLA “The A “The Art rt ooff P Politics: olitics: Three Three Generations Political G enerations ooff P olitical Printmaking Bay P rintmaking iinn tthe he B ay Area.” Aug Wed-Thu, A rea.” TThru hru A ug 77.. W ed-Thu, nnoon-7pm, oon-7pm, FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, nnoonoon55pm. pm. SSan an JJose. ose.

MAIN M AIN GGALLERY ALLERY “Living W “Living With ith A Art,” rt,” a small small ggroup roup eexhibit. xhibit. TThru hru Jul Jul 44.. Wed-Sun, Wed-Sun, 10am-3pm. 10am-3pm. Redwood R edwood CCity. ity.

METRO M ETRO LLOBBY OBBY “( ) the “( the ccurrent urrent state state of of Byy hhumanity’s umanity’s kknowledge.” nowledge.” B tthe he FFirst irst St. St. Photo Photo Collective. Collective. TThru hru JJun. un. SSan an JJose. ose.

MOHR M OHR GGALLERY ALLERY Paintings aand Paintings nd pprints rints bbyy Andy A ndy M Muonio. uonio. Thru Thru A Aug ug 11.. CCommunity ommunity SSchool chool ooff M usic Music aand nd A rt, M ountain V iew. Art, Mountain View.

PALO P ALO A ALTO LTO A ART RT CCENTER ENTER “Secret Drawings.” “Secret Drawings.” A show show bbased ased oonn tthe he SSurrealist urrealist iidea dea ooff tthe he eexquisite xquisite ccorpse. orpse. “Dream “Dream Sequences.” Sequences.” CCeramic eramic fi figures. gures. “Surreal “Surreal Reinventions.” R einventions.” More More images images iinn a SSurrealist urrealist vein. vein. Thru Thru Sep Sep 44.. TTue-Sat, ue-Sat, 10am-5pm, 10am-5pm, TThu, hu, 77-9pm, -9pm, Sun, Sun, 1-5pm. 1-5pm. Palo Palo Alto. A l to.

SSAN AN JJOSE OSE IINSTITUTE NSTITUTE O OFF CCONTEMPORARY ONTEMPORARY A ART RT “Modesto Covarrubias: “Modesto Covarrubias: LLiminal,” iminal,” installation installation by by San San JJose ose native. native. Thru Thru JJul ul 33.. ““Cat Cat Mazza: M azza: TThe he M Mill ill SSeries.” eries.” A Night Moves N ight M oves installation. installation. TTue-Fri, ue-Fri, 110am-5pm, 0am-5pm, SSat, at, nnoon-5pm. oon-5pm. SSan an JJose. ose.

SSLG LG A ART RT B BOUTIKI OUTIKI “Robot Attack!!” “Robot Attack!!” Paul Paul robots LLoughridge oughridge ffashions ashions ro bots Plus ffrom rom hhousehold ousehold sstuff. tuff. P lus ttie-dye ie-dye exhibit exhibit bbyy local local aartists. rtists. Thru Thru Jun. Jun. SSan an JJose. ose.

SSONYA ONYA P PAZ AZ GGALLERY ALLERY “Retrospectives and “Retrospectives and Revelations—A R evelations—A Decade Decade of of Design.” D esign.” A llook ook back back at at tthe he work Paz. w ork ooff SSonya onya P az. CCampbell. ampbell.



Works bbyy G Works Guy uy B Brookshire. rookshire. TThru hru JJuly. uly. SSan an JJose. ose.

“Recent Works.” “Recent Works.” Paintings Paintings by by TTerri erri H Hill. ill. Thru Thru JJul ul 22.. M Mon-Sat, on-Sat, 111am-5pm, 1am-5pm, SSun, un, 111am-3pm. 1am-3pm. Altos. LLos os A l tos.

KALEID K ALEID GGALLERY ALLERY “See Here,” “See Here,” paintings paintings bbyy M Murphy urphy A Adams, dams, aand nd ppaintings aintings bbyy Charis Charis D DeRemer. eRemer. TThru hru JJul ul 9 9.. SSan an JJose. ose.

Books B ooks


An aappearance An ppearance bbyy tthe he aauthor uthor ooff ““The The FFatigue atigue

““imPRESSions,” imPRESSions,” monotypes monotypes



35 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


ARTS RT S metroactive metr oactivve A 34 Prescription.” W Prescription.” Wed, ed, 77:30pm. :30pm. Kepler’s, Menlo Park. FFree. ree. Ke pler ’s, M enlo P ark.

FFourth ourth ooff JJuly uly



The aauthors The uthors of of a new new book book aabout bout the the hhistory istory of of the the city city work. ssigns igns copies copies ooff their their w ork. Kepler’s, TThu, hu, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. Free. Free. Ke pler ’s, Menlo Park. M enlo P ark.

Fourth of Fourth of July July celebration celebration for for tthe he 1115th 15th time, time, with with barbecue barbecue aand nd music. music. Sun, Sun, 11:30am-3pm. 11:30am-3pm. Ben B en LLomond. omond.


Family-friendly FFourth Family-friendly ourth with with fireworks. eentertainment ntertainment aand nd fi reworks. SSun, un, 8am–5pm; 8am–5pm; Central Central Park, Park, SSanta anta Clara. Clara.

A bbooksigning ooksigning event event fo forr tthe he aauthor uthor of of ““The The Kitchen Kitchen SShrink: hrink: A P sychiatrist ’s Psychiatrist’s R eflections oon nH ealing iinn Reflections Healing a CChanging hanging World.” World.” Tue, Tue, Kepler’s, 77:30pm. :30pm. FFree. ree. Ke pler ’s, Menlo Park. M enlo P ark.

ids *KKids

A DV E N T U R E S O ADVENTURES OFF R ROBIN OBIN HOOD H OOD Better than the R Russell ussell CCrowe row we Version. Wed-Fri, V ersion. W ed-Fri, 6:30pm. Runs R uns thr through ough JJul ul 17 17. 7. $5/$10 $5/$10. 0. Palo P alo A Alto lto Children’s Children’s TTheatre. heatre. e

CCHILDREN’S HILDREN’S T THEATRE HEATRE IIN NT THE HE P PARK ARK Fairy tales Fairy tales and and children’s children’s sstories tories ppresented resented bbyy Peninsula P eninsula Youth Youth Theatre. Theatre. 6:30pm, TThis his week: week: FFri, ri, 6 :30pm, ““Hansel Hansel and and Gretel.” Gretel.” Free. Free. ParkStage Mountain P arkStage ooutside utside M ountain View forr tthe V iew CCenter enter fo he Performing Arts. P erforming A rts.

vents *eevents Big B ig D Deals eals

DANCING D ANCING O ON NT THE HE SSQUARE QUARE Free ddance Free ance llessons essons aare re iinn CCountry ountry and and Western. Western. Tue, Tue, 6–8pm. 6 –8pm. CCourthouse ourthouse Square, Square, Redwood R edwood CCity. ity.

FFARMERS A R M E RS M MARKET ARKET Aw weekly eekly ssale ale ooff ffresh, resh, llocal ocal pproduce. roduce. FFri, ri, 110am-2pm. 0am-2pm. SSan an P edro SSquare, quare, SSan an JJose. ose. Pedro


M ore listings: More



ARDENWOOD A R D E N WO O D A llook ook back back at at how how people people uused sed ttoo celebrate celebrate the the holiday. holiday. SSun. un. Ardenwood Ardenwood Historic Historic Farm, Farm, FFremont. remont.


SSun, un, 10am. 10am. Free. Free. Shoup Shoup Park, Park, Altos. LLos os A ltos.

LLOS OS GGATOS ATOS FOURTH F O U RT H An old-fashioned An old-fashioned celebration celebration with w ith a ttraditional raditional band band cconcert oncert Wind ffeaturing eaturing the the San San Jose Jose W ind SSymphony. ymphony. SSun, un, aallll dday; ay; ffree. ree. LLos os Gatos. Gatos.

MILPITAS M ILPITAS FFOURTH O U RT H With fireworks With fireworks ddisplay isplay aand nd JJamFunkShus. amFunkShus. Pool Pool pparty arty aand nd bbarbecue, arbecue, 11–5pm; –5pm; cconcert, oncert, 8 8– – 110pm, 0pm, fireworks, fireworks, 9 9:30pm. :30pm. Sun; Sun; ffree. ree. Sports Sports Center, Center, Milpitas. Milpitas.


Music, dancing, Music, dancing, food food vendors, vendors, kkids’ ids’ activities activities and and lots lots of of cchili hili vvying ying ffor or top top pprizes. rizes. Sun, Sun, nnoon–5pm; oon–5pm; ffree. ree. Mitchell Mitchell Park, Park, Palo Alto. P alo A lto.

With a pparade With arade at at 10am 10am aand nd aallll the the ttraditional raditional trappings. trappings. EEvent vent iincludes ncludes a 55kk aand nd 11-mile -mile rrun/walk un/walk and and ffamily amily ffestival, estival, pplus lus fireworks. fireworks. Sun; Sun; free. free. Morgan M organ Hill. Hill.



A pancake pancake breakfast, breakfast, children’s children’s pparade arade at at M Memorial emorial Park Park at at 110am 0am and and fireworks fireworks at at 9:30pm. 9:30pm. SSun, un, all all dday. ay. V Various arious llocations, ocations, CCupertino. upertino.

The club The club ccelebrates elebrates w with ith a music sstreet treet pparade arade (4pm), (4pm), llive ive m usic aand nd Cajun Cajun food food for for the the hholiday oliday aand nd its its fifth fifth aanniversary. nniversary. Sun, Sun, aallll day. day. SSan an Jose. Jose.



With W ith a sock sock hop hop and and other other ’’50s-themed 50s-themed fun. fun. Sat-Sun. Sat-Sun. Roaring R oaring Camp, Camp, Graham Graham Hill Hill aand nd Mt.t. H M Hermon ermon R Road, oad, FFelton. elton.

Presented P resented bbyy P Peninsula eninsula with CCelebration elebration Association, Association, w ith a pparade, arade, festival festival aand nd fi fireworks. reworks. SSun, un, 9am–5pm, 9am–5pm, pparade arade sstarts tarts aatt 10am; 10am; free. free. R Redwood edwood City. City.

FFOURTH OURTH FFIREWORKS I R E WO R K S The San The San Jose Jose Giants Giants hhost ost Alla blowout blowout event event with with A llAmerican A merican Country Country JJam am (from (from 95.3 9 5.3 KKRTY) RTY) w with ith CChris hris Cagle Cagle Bowers fireworks. aand nd Ash Ash B owers pplus lus fi reworks. SSun, un, 7pm. 7pm. $15. $15. M Municipal unicipal SStadium. tadium. SSan an JJose. ose.

FREMONT FFOURTH FREMONT O U RT H O OFF JJULY ULY PARADE PARADE Patriotic pparade Patriotic arade with with floats floats aand nd bands. bands. Sun, Sun, 10am. 10am. W Warm arm Boulevard, SSprings prings B oulevard, South South FFremont. remont.

GGILROY ILROY FFIREWORKS I R E WO R K S Annual salute. Annual salute. SSun; un; 9 9:15pm. :15pm. G ilroy H igh School. School. Gilroy High

ROSE, WHITE ROSE, WHITE & B BLUE LU E PARADE P ARADE A traditional traditional patriotic patriotic eevent vent ppresented resented by by tthe he Alameda Alameda Business B usiness Assoc., Assoc., tthe he SShasta/ hasta/ Hanchett H anchett P Park ark Neighborhood Neighborhood aand nd the the Rose Rose Garden Garden Neighborhood. N eighborhood. Sun. Sun. Parade Parade aatt 10am, 10am, festival festival aatt 111am. 1am. Hanchett H anchett A Avenue venue aand nd The The Alameda, A lameda, San San Jose. Jose.

SARATOGA SARATOGA IINDEPENDENCE NDEPENDENCE DAY DAY A day day of of patriotic patriotic m music usic aand nd cchildren’s hildren’s ffun un ppresented resented bbyy Saratoga Saratoga Historical Historical FFoundation. oundation. Sun, Sun, 2-3:30pm. 2-3:30pm. Moran KKevin evin M oran Park, Park, Saratoga. Saratoga.

A ssummer ummer sseries eries w with ith llive ive music m usic aand nd food. food. Sat, Sat, 5:30pm. 5:30pm. FFree. ree. P Paseo aseo ddee SSan an A Antonio ntonio ffrom rom CCesar esar ddee CChavez havez Park Park ttoo FFirst irst SStreet, treet, SSan an JJose. ose.

GILROY IINDEPENDENCE GILROY NDEPENDENCE DAY D AY B BBQ BQ With aallll the With the trimmings. trimmings. Fri, Fri, 111am–5pm, 1am–5pm, SSat-Sun, at-Sun, 10am– 10am– 6 pm. Gilroy Gilroy Gardens, Gardens, Gilroy. Gilroy. 6pm.

Concert aand Concert nd fi fireworks. reworks. SSun, un, $13.50–$29.50. 55–10pm; –10pm; $ 13.50–$29.50. Mountain View. SShoreline, horeline, M ountain V iew.



Featuring a Tahitian Featuring Tahitian dance dance food ccompetition, ompetition, pplus lus fo od aand nd ccrafts. rafts. July July 3–5. 3–5. $20 $20 per per day. day. SSJSU JSU EEvent vent Center. Center.


With m With music usic bbyy Ye Ye Old Old Towne Towne Band B and pplus lus a parade, parade, music music aand nd ffood. ood. Presented Presented by by the the Los Los Altos A ltos Community Community Foundation. Foundation.

With bbarbecue With arbecue ggrills, rills, a sstilt tilt walker w alker and and kkids’ ids’ aactivities. ctivities. Sun, Sun, 8am 8 am oon. n. Free. Free. B Baylands aylands P Park, ark, SSunnyvale. unnyvale.



:FEJFC@E> EFK@FE K_\ e\n B`e\Zk ]ifd D`Zifjf]k [f\jeÊk e\\[ X Zfekifcc\i%

Just Kinect


8D<IJ i\af`Z\% K_\ ZfdY`e\[ Nfic[ :lg# Jlg\i 9fnc Xe[ Ni\jkc\DXe`X f] m`[\f ^Xd\j Xii`m\[ X n\\b Xe[ X _Xc] X^f Xk k_\ Cfj 8e^\c\j :fem\ek`fe :\ek\i% K_\ <c\Zkife`Z >Xd`e^ <ogf# fi hl`k\ j`dgcp <*# `j Xe XeelXc m`[\f$^Xd\ Zfem\ek`fe n_\i\ dXel]XZkli\ij# [\m\cfg\ij Xe[ i\kX`c\ij XkkiXZk dfi\ k_Xe +'#''' Xkk\e[\\j kf j\\ Xe[ ^\k k_\`i _Xe[j fe k_\ cXk\jk Xe[ ^i\Xk\jk `e m`[\f ^Xd\j Zfd`e^ [fne k_\ g`g\c`e\% <m\ip p\Xi Xk <*# k_\i\ `j ljlXccp X ki\e[# fi ki\e[j# k_Xk Xcc k_\ dXel]XZkli\ijÆ D`Zifjf]k# E`ek\e[f Xe[ JfepÆXi\ i`[`e^% K_`j p\XiÊj knf ki\e[j Xi\ dfk`fe Zfekifc Xe[ *$; `ek\^iXk`fe% Microsoft kicked off E3 with its press conference last Monday by displaying Kinect, a trailer for Metal Gear Solid: Rising and a Gears of War 3 four-player co-op live demo and revealed Read More the new Xbox 360 console revision. On June 13 before about E3 at E3, Microsoft showcased its controller-free device dubbed www.metro active.com Kinect in conjunction with a Cirque du Soleil performance at the Galen Center in Los Angeles. Kinect, once named Project Natal, is Xbox’s answer to the success of Nintendo Wii and the upcoming PlayStation Move motion-control devices. The twist with Kinect is that there is no controller. Kinect is a plasticshaped bar similar to the Wii sensor bar that is placed around a TV. The device’s camera technology tracks the movement of the entire body, so if players flail their hands or kick their feet, that motion translates to the game onscreen. For example, in the Kinect game Kinect Sports, the player can play golf by imitating a golf club swing just like in real life. A built-in microphone along with a camera in Kinect allows the user to voice control the Xbox 360 dashboard. As an example, if the user simply says the word pause, a movie playing will pause. Kinect is slated to drop Nov. 14 in North America. No price was announced at the press conference, but retailers such as Amazon, Best Buy and GameStop listed the device at $149.99 for pre-order on their websites. Finally, the first major revision to the Xbox 360 console was revealed. The new console is 15 percent slimmer than the current 360 and has new features such as built-in WiFi and a port for Kinect and a removable internal hard drive; it is also said to run quieter. The new Xbox 360 console revision is already in stores and costs $299.99. (Read about Wii and Sony’s latest news online at www.metroactive.com.)ÆJZfkk I\pYlie

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M


M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


metroactive FILM

The Psycho Wore beige 8 =FI; @E ?<I =LKLI< 8 =FI ; @E ?<I =LK LI < Gifjk`klk\ AfpZ\ CXb\cXe[ A\jj`ZX 8cYX Gifjk`klk\ AfpZ\ CXb\cXe[ A\jj`ZX 8cYX XnX`kj jfd\ ifl^_ XnX``kj jfd\ ifl^_ ki\Xkd\ek Xk k_\ _Xe[j f] ZiXq\[ j_\i`]] Cfl =fi[ `e ÉK_\ B`cc\i @ej`[\ D\%Ê kkii\Xkd\ek ki\Xkd\ek Xkd Xkd X Xkk k_\ _Xe[j f] f] ZiXq\[ j_\i`]] j_\i`]] Cfl f =fi[ `e ÉK_\ K_\ B`cc\i @ej`[\ D\% \%Ê

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Ford F ord ((Casey Casey A Affleck) ffleck) iiss a ssheriff heriff ’’ss deputy Central City, Texas, d eputy iin nC entral C ity, T exas, iin n the the eearly arly 11950s: 950s: a milk-pale, milk-pale, mealy-mouthed doctor’s with m e a l y- m o u t h e d d octor’s sson on w ith voice Dennis Weaver a ccracked racked vo ice llike ike D ennis W eavver Touch Hee h has iin nT ouch ooff EEvil. vil. H as a ffalse alse ssmile mile full undersized full of of too-even, too - even, u ndersized tteeth; eeth; iiff you off A Affleck’s yo ou couldn’t couldn’t get get enough enough o ffleck’s Judas The Assassination Judas sneer sneer iin nT he As sassination ooff Jesse Jesse James James . . . here here it it is is for for another another two Seeing wee b begin tw wo hours. hours. S eeing iit, t, w egin tto o get he’s been get the the impression impression tthat hatt h e’s b een betraying people hee w was betraying p eople eever ver ssince ince h as old walk. old enough enough to to w alk. Ford dirty business Ford ggets ets iinto nto d ir ty b usiness through through inclination inclinattion and and a thirst thirst for for revenge. wave when reevenge. A ccrime rime w avve sstarts tarts w hen he’s bee the one he’s supposed supposed to to b the o ne tto o rrun un a hooker named Alba) ho oker n amed JJoyce oyce ( JJessica essica A lba)

E 9Xiip E 9Xiip >`]]fi[Êj efk\j p >`]]fi[Êj efk\j ]fi k_\ i\gi`ek f] k_\ ]f ]fi f k_\ k_\ i\gi`ek f] k_\ A`d K_fdgjfe efm\c A`d K_fdgjfe d efm\c :ifgg\iÊj :XY`e# _\ :ifgg\ ifg fg \iÊÊj :XY`e# _\ [\jZi`Y\j [\glkp Cfl =fi[ [ \jZi`Y\j [\glkp Cfl =fi[ ``e K_\ B`cc\i @ej`[\ D\ Xj e K_\ B`cc\i @ej`[\ D\ Xj X dXe n_f Yfi\j g\fgc\ dXe n_f Yfi\j g\fgc\ X _Xc] kf [\Xk_ Y\]fi\ _\ _ Xc] kf [\Xk_ Y\]fi\ _\ XZklXccp dli[\ij k_\d% X ZklXccp dli[\ij k_\d% D`Z_X\c N`ek\iYfkkfdÊj D `Z_X\c N`ek\iYfkkfdÊj [`jXggf`ek`e^# Óe`Zbp Ócd [ `jXggf`ek`e^# Óe`Zbp Ócd m\ij`fe [f\j `kj Y\jk kf m \ij`fe [f\j `kj Y\jk kf ]]lcÓcc k_Xk m`j`fe f] =fi[% lcÓcc k_Xk m`j`fe f] =fi[% :fc[ Xe[ [\\gcp `ekf `kj fne : fc[ Xe[ [\\gcp `ekf `kj fne Xik [`i\Zk`fe# k_`j B`cc\i `j X ik [`i\Zk`fe# k_`j B`cc\i `j cc`b\ k_\ X[XgkXk`fe JkXec\p `b\ k_\ X[XgkXk`fe JkXec\p

out off ttown, o ut o own, ssince ince sshe’s he’s ssleeping leeping with ne’er-do-well off tthe w ith tthe he n e’er- do -well sson on o he big man Beatty). ttown’s own’s b ig m an (Ned (Ned B eatty). What What happens between Ford h app ens b etween JJoyce oyc y e aand nd F ord unleashes deputy’s u nleashes tthe he d eputy’s ssadism: adism: iitt ggrows rows llarge arge eenough nough tto o aabsorb bsorb his his relationship with re lationship w ith a ssimple imple ggood o od ggal, al, Amy Hudson). A my ((Kate Katte H udson). The red-meat but T he sstory tor y iiss re d-meat sstuff, tuff ff,, b ut Winterbottom Winterbottom eembalms mbalms it. it. He He polishes p olishes up up the the shiniest shiniest wordplay— wordplay— off w which ssome ome o hich iiss aalmost lmost aatt tthe he off F Flannery O’Connor, llevel evel o lanner y O ’Connor, ssuch uch on aass Ford’s Ford’s tthoughts houghts o n tthe he vvictims ictims off tthe world: has o he w orld: ““Nobody Nobo dy h as iitt That’s why no one ccoming. oming. T hat’s w hy n oo ne can can ssee ee iitt ccoming.” oming.” But book B ut tthe he ffaithfulness aithfulness tto o tthe he b o ok means aalso lso m eans there there iisn’t sn’t ttime ime iin n the the movie Like m ovie tto o cclarify larify tthe he sstory. tory. L ike a off sserial killers, Ford puts llot ot o erial k illers, F ord dp uts tthings hings out off h his mind makes o ut o is m ind aand nd m akes tthings hings up. But u p. B ut tthe he ssudden udden introduction introduction off n new o ew ccharacters haracters ((particularly par ticularly tthe he flashback uss a Freudian fl ashback tthat hatt ggives ives u Freudian how hee b became eexplanation xplanation of of h ow h ecame a keeps uss cconfused. Faithful ssadist) adist) k eeps u onfused. F aiithful movie halfaass it it iis, s, tthe he m ovie iiss only only h alf-

book. ttranslated ranslated ffrom rrom tthe he b o ok. There’s T heree’s so so little little going going on on here heree that thaatt naturally people n atturally p eople aare re talking talking about ab out murders: tthe he m urders: they’re they’re bloody, bloody, and and in in one o ne case case bloody bloody and and urine-soaked. urine-soaked. Remember R ememb er tthat hat ffamous amous description off C Cora The Postman d escription o ora iin nT he P ost man Rings Twice: out R ings T wice: ““Her Her llips ips sstuck tuck o ut iin n way made mee w want mash aw ayy tthat hatt m ade m ant tto om ash back forr her”? tthem hem b ack iin n fo her”? One One possible p ossible forr tthe miscasting off eexplanation xplanattion fo he m iscasting o Alba off 2 2010 JJessica essica A lba ((aa ggirl irl o 010 sstuck tuck iin n her out 11952) 952) iiss tthat hat h er rump rump ssticks ticks o ut Cora’s llike ike C ora’s lips. lips. Still, Still, Winterbottom Winterb ottom hee m may iiss cclear: lear: English English though though h ay be, be, he’s h e’s not not indulging indulging iin n the the English English Vice. There V ice. T here is is to to be be absolutely absolutely no participation n o aaudience udience p ar ticipattion iin n tthe he ccrimes. rimes. The T he increasingly incre r asingly busy busy soundtrack soundtrack has do heavy h as tto od o tthe he h eavy llifting. ifting. Spade Spade Cooley’s C ooley’s ““Shame Shame on on You,” You,” which which wraps have w raps up, up, doesn’t do esn’t h avve much much orr mood. Cooley ttension ension o moo d. But But C o oley beat b eat aand nd kicked kicked his his wife wife to to death, deatth, might bee tthe reason aand nd tthis his m ight b he re ason iit’s t’s Why iincluded ncluded on on the the ssoundtrack. oundtrack. W hy not? The off tthe has n ot? T he re rrest st o he movie movie h as been b een didactic. jjust ust tthat hatt d idactic. Seeing The Killer Me, you S eeing T he K iller IInside nside M e, yo u have h avve tto o aask: sk: Why Why are are we we here? here? For For merit off tthe tthe he ssociological o ciological m erit o he sstory? tor y? This may bee the T his m ay b the part part of of Thompson Thompson worst; one tthat’s hat’s aaged ged tthe he w orst; iit’s t’s o ne write tthing hing tto ow rite aabout b out tthe he eexistence xistence off w women who o omen w ho llike ike to to be b e hurt: hur t: was many decades 11952 952 w as sso om any d ecades before before eeveryone veryone with with a masochistic maso chistic streak streak blogged aand nd a computer computer b logged tthe he world world taste pain. sstupid tupid aabout b out ttheir heir ta ste for for p ain. IIt’s t’s aanother nother thing thing tto o ssuppose uppose tthat hatt aall ll iitt takes one place ta kes iiss o ne ggrab rab iin n the the rright ight p lace woman aand nd a formerly formerly furious furious w oman is is putty your hands. p utty iin n yo our h ands. Thompson had T hompson h ad aan n acute acute understanding off a psycho’s u nderstanding o psycho’s inner inner nullity, but n ullity, b ut tthe he problem problem is is that that the the rest off tthe has personality re st o he town town h as the the p ersonality off cclay pigeons. one o lay p igeons. No o ne eexcept xcept Ned on Ne d Beatty, Beatty, o n a roll roll tthis his year, year, has has outer necessary tthe he o uter ccorruption orruption n ecessar y tto o match psycho. m atch tthe he iinner nner llife ife of of tthis his p sycho.

K_\ B`cc\i @ej`[\ D\ I2 ('0 d`e% Fg\ej Alcp ) Xk :Xd\iX *# JXe Afj\









Sundance Film Festival SXSW Film Festival BAMcinemaFEST Los Angeles Film Festival





Palo Alto (650) 266-9260

M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M



M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


Tracey Bennett


metroactive FILM

New CYRUS (R) An offbeat drama by Mark and Jay Duplass about a man (John C. Reilly) whose affair with a single mom (Marisa Tomei) is deeply complicated by her weird, often creepy live-at-home adult son (Jonah Hill). (Opens Jul 2 at CinĂŠArts Santana Row; the Aquarius in Palo Alto.)


J:L98 C@9I< ;Xm`[ JgX[\ c\]k # B\m`e AXd\j

(PG-13; 102 min.) See review at left.

Xe[ 8[Xd JXe[c\i i\c`m\ k_\`i pflk_%

JOAN RIVERS: A PIECE OF WORK (R., 84 min) The subject is Rivers on

and around her 75th birthday as she prepares a one-woman show for the Edinburgh Festival. Meanwhile, she’s keen to make sure her calendar is full. Her material was risky from the beginning; she made jokes about abortion in the 1970s. Her own husband (and producer) may have committed suicide because of the pressure of the chat-show wars. One more expose of the comedian as monster wouldn’t be worth writing about—this, however, is a master class in how standup comedy is done. Access is the essence of a good proďŹ le piece; Rivers gave it, and directors Ricki Stern and Anna Sundberg have it: yet they keep the right amount

of distance. (Plays at selected theaters and opens Jun 2 at Camera 3 in San Jose and Camera 7 in Campbell.) (RvB)

THE KILLER INSIDE ME (R; 109 min.) See review on page 38.

THE LAST AIRBENDER (103 min.) A fantasy adventure directed by M. Night Shyamalan about Aang the Avatar. (Opens Jul 1.)

RESTREPO (Unrated) A documentary about a platoon in Afghanistan, directed by Tim Hetherington and Sebastian Junger. (Opens Jul 2 at CinĂŠArts Santana Row.)

Adam Bomb THE NEW Adam Sandler ďŹ lm, Grown Ups, takes some cues from the novel Tuesdays With Morrie, with its theme that growing older doesn’t necessarily mean growing up and not having fun anymore. It’s funny how that theme is an analogy to Sandler’s career. The story involves Lenny Feder (Sandler) and his gang— Kevin James, David Spade, Rob Schneider, plus Chris Rock—reuniting when their childhood basketball coach passes away. Afterward, the ďŹ ve pals and their families stay together over a Fourth of July weekend at a lake house where they celebrated their championship more than 30 years ago. Why are they there? To hang out for about 100 minutes of running time. Seriously, >ifne Lgj nothing of signiďŹ cant note happened. PG-13; 102 min. Juggling ďŹ ve stars in one ďŹ lm leads to Plays valleywide too many underdeveloped characters. Only Sandler’s Lenny, a wealthy Hollywood agent, gets some of his due. Great comedians such as Rock are underutilized and not in their element. The friends interact throughout the ďŹ lm as joke-cracking wise guys. While some of the gags are funny, they eventually grow old; it looks as if Sandler and his buddies were more interested in making each other crack up on set than entertaining the paying customers. The ďŹ lm moseys along raising a number of conicts— materialistic kids of today needing more outside play time, family and friends sticking together, husbands and wives getting along—although none of them are ever fully developed. Director Dennis Dugan of Happy Gilmore and Big Daddy fame does not live up to those Sandler classics. Instead, Grown Ups continues the trend of Dugan’s recent ďŹ lms—You Don’t Mess With the Zohan and I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry—as phoned-in cheese fests. Growing up with Sandler ďŹ lms has been a pleasure, but he strikes out once again with Grown Ups, leaving a void for fans of his early work. If only he could cultivate another Bobby Boucher to wrestle those fans back on his side. —Scott Reyburn







(PG-13; 124 min.) See review on page 43. (Plays valleywide.)

Revivals GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES/ NIAGARA (Both 1953) “There was nothing real about her,â€? observed Howard Hawks, which suggests why Marilyn Monroe has persisted in the realm of dreams. But Monroe’s place as a dream girl—the most guileless, the most available, the tenderest—led to a minor industry in daydreamy lit and merchandising. As Dolly Parton said about Hank Williams, “What a sad life. I wonder who got all that money?â€? Niagara is Technicolor ďŹ lm noir. Marilyn has had enough of her husband (Joseph Cotten) but her scheme to kill him goes drastically wrong, and an innocent newlywed (Jean Peters) gets caught in the vortex near those raging waters. Gentlemen is the movie they were trying to make recently when they titled it Chicago: Monroe and Jane Russell play a couple of (Anita) Loos women on an ocean liner, trying to get diamonds out of crabs (Charles Coburn is one such). The sparkle of Monroe’s hymn to the gems, “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend,â€? ought to have been remembered by Elton John when he wrote that depressing dirge about her. (Plays Jul 3-6 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)

THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD/ THE WORKING MAN (1934/1933) The moviegoer of 1932 would be shocked to hear how unfamiliar the name of George Arliss is to the moviegoer of 2010. In his string of successes, Arliss showed that youth and exuberant Americanism was sometimes no match for the ringing voice, measured syllables and wellstocked makeup kit of a stage-trained British thespian. David Thomson, whose article in the Biographical Dictionary of Film is a ďŹ ne memorial to Arliss, claims that The House of Rothschild gives us the best movie this stage-trained actor ever made, despite previous roles as Wellington, Voltaire and Alexander Hamilton. In a dual role, Arliss walks us through the history of the banking family. The follow-the-money script explains how Wellington (C. Aubrey Smith) comes to the Rothschilds to bankroll his ďŹ nal campaign against Napoleon, while a Jew-hating Prussian count (Boris Karloff) schemes against the family. Meanwhile, romance interrupts ďŹ nance in a cross-cultural love affair between Loretta Young and Robert Young (no relation). Threestrip Technicolor wowed the early ‘30s audience in the ďŹ nal sequence. BILLED WITH The Working Man, an Arliss vehicle about a shoe-factory owner who goes on holiday; it’s most memorable for the presence of Bette Davis (hired by Arliss’ special request). (Plays Jul 7-9 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)


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(1981) The Lucas/Spielberg tribute to the serials of the 1940s fails to get me, probably because of its

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YOU WERE NEVER LOVELIER/ THREE LITTLE WORDS (1942/1950) One of the more obscure of Fred Astaire’s musicals. He plays a hired hand at the Latin American nightclub belonging to Rita Hayworth’s old-fashioned father, Adolphe Menjou. BILLED WITH Three Little Words. It’s the kind of bad-time musical in which Astaire is laid up through a third of the picture with a bum leg. It purports to be the story of Harry Ruby (Red Skelton) and Bert Kalmar (Astaire), Tin Pan Alley songwriters. While Ruby was a legendary wit—“the funniest man I ever knew,� said Groucho—Skelton plays him as a clumsy oaf obsessed with the Washington Senators, which gives us an excuse to see Skelton’s slapstick-baseball routine. Astaire dances with Vera-Ellen, an athletic though bland partner, in a gaudy Hermes Pan–choreographed jitterbug number about the home life of two dancers. Still the closest this movie comes to the customary Astaire magic is a too-short scene where he practices a few moves by himself. While Carter De Haven’s

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EXHILARATING!� –– Shawn Shawn Edwards, Edwards, FOX-TV FOX-TV

“ONE OF THE SUMMER’S BEST FILMS.� –– Jake Jake Hamilton, Hamilton, FOX-TV FOX-TV





Reagan-style faux innocence, its John Williams cow-college football team marching music and the campy dames-is-poison angle dredged up from primordial Poverty Row B-ďŹ lms. Despite the star-making performance Harrison Ford gave, I prefer the originals, just like I’d rather go to the real New Mexico instead of Frontierland. (Plays Jul 1 at sundown in Redwood City at Old Courthouse Square.) (RvB)

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metroactive FILM


version of “Who’s Sorry Now?� is a stunner, the tunes can’t save this. A Japanese-dialect number may be the low point, though the Frenchy routine rivals it. (Plays Jun 30-Jul 2 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)

‘Red Desert’ SEEING the emotionally distressed Giuliana (Monica Vitti) of Michelangelo Antonioni’s 1964 Red Desert staring hopelessly at a small pool of oil lapping against the banks of a river puts the viewer in mind of the disaster in the Gulf of the Mexico and how it is driving people to despair and even suicide. Antonioni says in an interview extra with this Criterion DVD, “There are aspects [of the industrial world] that I even ďŹ nd beautiful,â€? but his famous ďŹ lm seems to ďŹ nd only deep anxiety in the reďŹ neries around Ravenna. Giuliana is recovering from an auto accident that has left her estranged from her husband; her illness, however, is more existential than a case of post-traumatic-stress syndrome. She wanders, a lost soul, through a landscape that overwhelms her—full of looming metal pipes, long rows of metal barrels and gray empty streets. Inside, she hunches in corners and presses herself :i`k\i`fe against whitewashed walls.


Other people are deďŹ nitely a kind $39.99 of hell, a point well made in a claustrophobic scene in a waterfront shack where some brittle couples try to goad each other into sexual dalliances. Giuliana takes up, tentatively, with a visiting engineer (Richard Harris), but he offers no real solace. Finally, as she starts to break down, cowering like a rat that has failed the maze, he asks her, “What are you afraid of ?â€? She answers, dismally, all-encompassingly: “Streets, factories, colors, people, everything.â€? There’s no cure for that. The Technicolor widescreen ďŹ lm, with cinematography by Carlo De Palma, is seductive even when the air is ďŹ lled with poisonous yellow vapors from the factory smoke stacks. Antonioni’s eye for formal compositions captures his characters and pins them down in a hardedged world of metal plates, conduits, storage tanks and girders. The only relief comes in a strange fairy tale that Giuliana tells her young son about a girl who lives alone on an island; these scenes are full of rapturous close-ups of sandstone outcroppings and rhythmically lapping waves on the curved beach of a tiny bay. That dream state cannot endure. At the end, Giuliana and the boy pick their way through a patch of earth so polluted that steam rises from the ground itself. The transfer is immaculate, and this package comes with a booklet, interviews with Antonioni and Vitti and two early Antonioni shorts.—Michael S. Gant

Reviews THE A-TEAM (PG-13; 117 min.) A big-screen adaptation of the relentlessly smallscreen TV show.

COCO CHANEL & IGOR STRAVINKSY (R; 120 min.) You might suspect a sequel from the title, but it’s just coincidence: Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky ďŹ ts snugly into last year’s unrelated Coco Before Chanel. Chanel here is Anna Mouglalis, a knifelike, severe creature, with a wide scarlet mouth. The ChanelStravinsky love affair begins before World War I in Paris. Chanel goes to the ballet to see the debut of The Rite of Spring. The audience starts to riot. We see Stravinsky (Mads Mikkelsen) blaming the dancers for not being able to dance to the music. Sympathizing, Chanel invites Stravinsky and his equally poor family into her silk-lined chateau. Director Jan Kounen waltzes the camera around a plush house, as Stravinsky pounds the keyboard and Chanel draws the composer closer to her. Love isn’t her sole occupation;


she’s also supervising the creation of her namesake perfume. This olfactory task is hampered by the smell of burning emanating from Stravinsky’s wife (Yelena Morozova). From the art nouveau kaleidoscope titles to the nostril-aring ďŹ nish, Kounen presents a standard love triangle—rich-looking, spotless. It’s engrossing until it suddenly isn’t. (RvB)

GET HIM TO THE GREEK (R; 109 min.) Russell Brand’s decadent rock star Aldous Snow proved popular enough in Forgetting Sarah Marshall that director Nicholas Stoller decided to make an entire ďŹ lm dedicated to him. Unfortunately, what made Jason Segel’s ďŹ lm such a success wasn’t solely Brand’s character. Get Him to the Greek sloppily copies Marshall with Jonah Hill in the title role as a record label intern acting as a babysitter for Snow. While there are deďŹ nite laughs, it lacks the heart and soul its predecessor had in spades. Like any spin-off, it’s just a pale comparison of it’s original. Fortunately, Hill and Brand offer enough humor to make it a good second-class comedy. (MM)

LETTERS TO JULIET (PG-13; 105 min.) As Sideshow Bob might have predicted: The chick ick’s bottomless chum-bucket has claimed Vanessa Redgrave. In Verona, an aspiring New Yorker writer Sophie (Amanda Seyfried)

tours the Casa di Giullieta, which the Veronese assert is the actual home of Juliet Capulet. The lovelorn have been leaving letters to the not only dead but imaginary girl for years. Sophie ďŹ nds a 50-yearold communiquĂŠ from an English woman (Redgrave) who had to leave an Italian lover behind. Sophie answers the letter; the lady arrives with her difďŹ dent yet cute British grandson (Christopher Egan), his insults hiding a tender bruised heart. Loads of locations, but director Gary Winick doesn’t frame them well. Seyfried, despite divine shape and alertness, can’t make this work. You know the saying “The lights are on, but nobody’s home? In Seyfried’s case, there’s someone clearly at home, it’s just that the lights aren’t on. (RvB)

KNIGHT AND DAY (PG-13, 109 min.) It’s hard to tell who’s too old for whom: the script for this stale slice-of-cake spy movie or the actors reciting it. Boston garage owner June (Cameron Diaz) encounters mischievous yet oddly trustworthy secret agent Roy (Tom Cruise). Soon the two head to the Caribbean, then to Salzburg, then to Seville. Diaz is repeatedly knocked out so she can keep waking up looking tousled and post-coital. Cruise hides his own crow’s feet behind sunglasses. The ďŹ lmmakers have way too much faith in strikingly cheap-looking green screen—

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• 41 N. Santa Cruz • 395-0203 *THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE (PG-13) TOY STORY 3 (in 2d) (G)

• 201 S. 2nd St, S.J. • 998-3300 Student Night Wednesdays -- $6 after 6pm *THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE (PG-13) *THE LAST AIRBENDER (in 2D) (PG) *GROWN UPS (PG-13) *KNIGHT & DAY (PG-13) TOY STORY 3 (in 3D & 2D) (G) KARATE KID (PG) A-TEAM (PG-13) GET HIM TO GREEK (R)




TOY STORY 3 (G; 103 min.) Sit through the pretty ordinary grabber sequence at the beginning of the ďŹ lm—a frontier adventure with a runaway train— because once this latest Pixar effort gets started, it’s perfection. Woody (Tom Hanks), the toy-size avatar of a cinematic century’s worth of action heroes, is the lone skeptic when the rest of the gang is donated to a seemingly wonderful day-care center run by a too-friendly huggy bear (Ned Beatty). What transpires is a Great Escape parody that is less a joke and more like a captivating (and terrifying) new version of an old myth. Things get very heavy indeed; these talking walking toys end up on the edge of extinction, which is why the seasoned professionals doing the voice acting add the right note of mortality to this sequel. A stunner, all told, in color, action, humor and serious underpinnings. (RvB)

compounds guarded by chainedup pit bulls. But one doesn’t get a sense of watching a city director exploiting the squalor. Winter’s Bone stays mysterious, even as it strays close to documentary. Lawrence’s own ďŹ erceness gives this survival story the kind of immediacy that the summer’s action movies can only grope at. (RvB)


(R; 100 min.) Like a Little Red Riding Hood story in which there’s nothing but wolves. Debra Granik’s spare, gripping ďŹ lm concerns 17-yearold Ree Dolly (a tough Jennifer Lawrence). Before her father skipped bail on a meth-making charge, he signed over his house to the bail bondsmen. Ree had


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The date of Bella’s vampirical transformation is nigh, but it’s K_\ Kn`c`^_k delayed by “newborns.� We learn JX^X1 <Zc`gj\ that the newly changed vampire has PG-13; 124 min. superstrength and a raging appetite. Plays valleywide And the vengeful Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard) is turning loads of Seattleites into newby bloodsuckers. Victoria’s mission is to attack the peaceful boring Cullen clan: as always, a barely differentiated bag of wigs and contact lenses.

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ACTORS, especially actors who are clearly going the distance, know enough to josh the roles that are their annuities: it’s a matter of survival. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, coping with the typically atrocious Stephenie Meyer plot in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, keep things loose. And they seem in on the joke. And Taylor Lautner’s muscular physique is a sure laugh getter. One of the best lines is Edward griping, “Doesn’t he own a shirt?� As if all the muscles in the world would make up for the glum-doggie devotion Lautner emotes. He’s so noble you have to guffaw.


Kimberley French

planned to join the Army and use the signing bonus to help the rest of her family—two young children and a mother incapacitated with depression. Instead, the girl has to hunt up a father who doesn’t want to be found. Granik ďŹ lms in the halffrozen hills near SpringďŹ eld, Mo.—a forbidding landscape of bare trees, blue wood smoke and mobile home


David Slade proves that the mark of a former musicvideo director is that the movie will be sustainable for three or four minutes at a time. Still the climactic battle of good vs. evil looks like a petting zoo version of the funny-animal Gotterdammerung in The Chronicles of Narnia. It resembles a pick-up football game in which the players are suddenly devoured by the mascots. As always Edward, “The ‘True Love Waits’ Vampire™,â€? delays consummation. Or does he? In one scene, he puts a ring on Bella’s ďŹ nger. The next time we see this ďŹ nger in close-up, it’s bleeding: symbolic badge of the transďŹ xed hymen? No matter what heat the actors bring to it, they can’t boil the Mormon starch out of it. Meyer is devious, switching the genders on the traditional should-we-or-shouldn’t-we-do-it argument. The ďŹ lm is basically a cheat: the two prettiest people in it don’t kiss.—Richard von Busack

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except in rare instances, you can’t even really see the locations, which are one furry, dim or foggy computer fabrication after another. (RvB)



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metroactive MUSIC

Devil Got My Guitar I<; C@>?K ;@JKI@:K >i`dXZ\ Xe[ k_\ =Xb\ij [feÊk \m\i nXek kf hl`k k_\ Ycl\j%

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“I hate the blues,” Rodriguez says. “To be punk, you have to hate the blues.” But after the first session, he was sold. “I can’t shake it,” he admits. It’s infective. I’m a punk rocker, but I’m still a musician. When I went

to jam with Grimace, it was good in terms of volume. He was loud, and that impressed me right off the bat. It was strong and potent music. I liked it and wanted to work with it.” Meredith didn’t necessarily expect Rodriguez to go for it, either. “I heard from a friend of mine that Jamie might be looking for something,” Grimace says. “I had met Jamie a couple years earlier, and he wanted to jam with me, but I thought he was this sort of Gypsy, and there was no way we were going to be able to chain him down. But I called him, and I thought the conversation was going to be me trying to get him in the band. As soon as he picked up the phone, it was about 15 minutes of him yapping.” Now all they needed was a

drummer, so they put an ad on Craigslist. Les Shanrock was the lucky fourth caller. “I called them up and decided to show up to see what would happen,” Shanrock said. “I hadn’t really been gigging around at that point and was looking to get into a full-time project. It turned out to be a real serendipitous thing. We started jamming and we just clicked.” “We tried out other drummers,” Rodriguez says, “but they imploded because they couldn’t take the volume.” Indeed, one thing all the members of this self-proclaimed “alt-blues band” agree on is they like to play loud. Meredith says most people who tried out walked out after hearing where he was going with it. “They said, ‘This is going to destroy my hearing,’” Meredith remembers. “I’ve almost gotten into a fist fight because one of the bass

players we tried out said the volume snapped his glasses.” In the end, vocalist and guitarist Meredith ended up with a trio of players who have more than 60 years combined experience in the South Bay music scene. “We’re not three guys who just picked up our instruments five years ago,” he says. Their roots in San Jose not only shaped their personalities, but also their music. Meredith had been in a few bands in the ’80s and ’90s, but until Grimace and the Fakers, he was never able to realize his vision of a band based on his biggest blues influences, like Mississippi Fred McDowell, Hound Dog Taylor and Muddy Waters. His affinity for loud music also was born in San Jose, way back in the early ’80s. “I first saw Ribzy when it I was 13 years old,” Meredith says. “I took the bus downtown and went to this punk rock show. I didn’t even know what a punk rocker was. My friends and I went to this house, down to the basement, and we were scared shitless. At that time, the twins [Donovan and Jason Drummund] were singing, and I thought someone was going to kill me.” However, the scene has changed since then. “It’s changed with the times,” Rodriguez says. “The venues, the music; it’s all retro nowadays. It’s harder to find venues to play, and it’s harder to find new music and a new sound.” But the more things change, the more they stay the same—hopefully. “I grew up here in San Jose,” he says, “hanging out with a bunch of dirtbags, drinking 40 ounces and hiding out behind the bleachers, smoking weed and playing in bands my whole life. That’s what I know, and that’s what I got good at. It’s hard to stop, and I don’t know what else I would do.”

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Moree listings: Mor


The Black Crowes

Wednesday, June 30, 7:30pm; Mountain Winery, Saratoga; $39.50–$89.50 It’s rare that a band hits it big once, let alone twice, but the Black Crowes have done it, first breaking in 1990 with Shake Your Money Maker, then again in 2008 with their Warpaint comeback album. Smartasses could argue that the band itself is simply one more comeback for the Rolling Stones, but hey, that’s not nice. (SP)

Dr. Lonnie Smith Trio Saturday, 8pm; Dinkelspiel Auditorium, Palo Alto; $16/$28

Some 30 albums in, Dr. Lonnie Smith is a legend of the B3 organ. He was recording on Blue Note back in the ’60s, producing some of the best soul jazz ever. By the way, the headgear isn’t a shtick; Smith converted to Sikhism back in the ’70s. (SP)

The American Scene Saturday, 5pm; Nickel City, San Jose

Vacaville alt-pop band the American Scene know their American scene—witness “Marty McFly, Nostradamus and I,” which directly references neither Back to the Future nor overrated prophets, but manages to get their point across. Not quite emo, not quite pop-punk, not quite modern rock, they’re melodic, but still manage to make some noise. Ipswitch and Chris Vaughn open. (SP)

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Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm: pm: Barb Barb R Rocks ocks B Birthday irthday Bash. B ash. Cupertino. Cupertino.


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BOSWELL’S B OSWELL’S Wed: JJack Wed: ack Ripoff. Ripoff. TThu: hu: CChili hili Sauce. Sauce. M on: EElement. lement. Mon: CCampbell. ampbell.

BRITANNIA A BRITANNIA ARMS RMS ALMADEN A LMADEN Thu, 10pm; Thu, 10pm; Bitch’n Bitch’n CCamaros. amaros. SSat, at, 110pm: 0pm: SSuperbad. uperbad. San San JJose. ose.

Wed: W ed: 4 O One ne 5. 5. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

TThu: hu: Baru. Baru. SSan an Jose. Jose.

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Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm: pm: JJCC Smith Smith JJam. am. Los Los Gatos. G atos.



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FFIREHOUSE IREHOUSE GRILL GRILL Wed, 8 Wed, 8:30pm: :30pm: Greg Greg CCross ross Band. Band. TThu, hu, 9pm: 9pm: Ted Ted B. B. SSun, un, 44-8pm: -8pm: G reg Cross Cross Band. Band. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale. Greg

TThu, hu, 8 8:30: :30: Live Live Music. Music. FFri, ri, 9pm: Make Words, Big 9 pm: LLetters etters M ake W ords, B ig 8pm: EEye. ye. SSat, at, 8 pm: Hands Hands ooff Time, Time, Analog Mudsoc, 6:AM!. A nalog SSoul, oul, M udsoc, 6 :AM!. Mon, 8:30pm: M on, 8 :30pm: Alvin Alvin Draper Draper JJam. am. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

SSOUTH OUTH FFIRST IRST B BILLIARDS ILLIARDS FFri: ri: FFirst irst FFridays. ridays. SSan an JJose. ose.

GGRAPEVINE RAPEVINE Sat, 77pm: Sat, pm: M Mark ark Rodriguez. Rodriguez. SSan an Jose. Jose.


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48 M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


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The Phenomenauts THE Phenomenauts are gods among geeks these days, but it wasn’t always as such. Ten years ago, singer/guitarist Angel Nova, drummer Jimmy Boom and former ‘Naut Joebot 1.0 set up camp on Fisherman’s Wharf, busting out ‘80s covers on accordions and ukuleles. “We Saturday, 8pm thought we’d show up in costume, make a whole bunch With Monkey and of money, and go home rich and cool,” says Nova. Under Gnarboots the name Space Patrol, they hopped out of a van in white jumpsuits and attracted the attention of passersby. “A lot of Homestead Lanes, people took pictures, but not a lot of people gave us money.” Cupertino They still don’t get paid much more than most local indie acts, but they’ve gained a few more fans since then. The $8 Phenomenauts have come a long way since hustling tourists on the wharf. Not only is their name known far and wide across the Bay Area and in certain geeky circles, they’ve got a slightly bigger budget to work with. These days, it’s Have fog machines, lasers and toilet-paper gun, will travel. The band has become legendary for its ghetto-rigged live shows, featuring audience-interactive toys, gadgets and games, and has attracted legions of devout followers who dress alike, organize into regional chapters and write themselves into the Phenomenauts storyline.

Af`e lj `e Y\Xlk`]lc :Xid\c

Constantly playing and prepping for the release of The Electric Sheep EP on Aug. 6, the band is busy unleashing new songs on its audiences. “I don’t know what we’re gonna do in the future; the industry’s changing so much,” says Nova. In appropriately futuristic form, Electric Sheep will be available for download only. No matter what they do, it’s always in the name of their ubiquitous slogan: science and honor. —Jody Amable

477 4 VENUEZ V ENUEZ Fri-Sat, 8 Fri-Sat, 8:30pm: :30pm: LLive ive bands. bands. SSanta anta CClara. lara.


VOODOO V OODOO LLOUNGE OUNGE Thu-Fri, 9 Thu-Fri, 9:30pm: :30pm: Ethiopian Ethiopian SSoccer occer TTournament ournament aafter-party. fter-party. SSan an JJose. ose.

World W orld ALBERTO’S A LBERTO’S Wed: B Wed: Bachata. achata. TThu: hu: SSalsa alsa with with Pantea. Bollywood P antea. FFri: ri: B ollywood Nights. Nights. Nights. SSat: at: Latin Latin N ights. Tue: Tue: Salsa Salsa with Pantea. Mountain View. w ith P antea. M ountain V iew.



Fri-Sat, 8 Fri-Sat, 8pm: pm: LLive ive music music aand nd bbelly elly dancing. dancing. Cupertino. Cupertino.

Fri aand Fri nd SSun: un: P Pro ro JJam. am. Santa Santa CClara. lara.

AVALON A VALON SSat: at: Bollywood. Bollywood. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

CCASCAL ASCAL Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm: pm: Kaweh, Kaweh, LaTiDo. LaTiDo. Sat, Sat, 8:30pm: Robinson. 8 :30pm: JJames ames R obinson. FFlamenco lamenco jjazz azz gguitarist. uitarist. Mountain View. M ountain V iew.

PARRANDA P ARRANDA NIGHTCLUB N IGHTCLUB Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm: pm: B Banda anda 3300. 00. Plus Plus DJ DJ Akustik A kustik aand nd bbull-riding ull-riding ccontest. ontest. Noo cover. N cover. Fri, Fri, 8pm: 8pm: Norteño Norteño and and Bandas B andas llive. ive. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.



FRI. 7/2 9 PM $14


New Wave, Electro & Indie DJ BASURA PINBACK Presents

THE ROB & ZACH SHOW (Rob Crow & Zach Smith playing Pinback Songs) LITTLE WHITE TEETH

SAT. 7/3 9 PM $10

KSCU 103.3 FM Presents:





M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

THUR. 7/1 8 PM $5 FREE B-4-9


1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

5L^ +H[L :\UKH` 1\S` AGES 16+

MOB FIGAZ Feat, The Jacka & Huslah plus Strong Arm Steady

also Sincere with Nima Fadavi $24 Adv./ $29 Dr. • Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. Tix for July 11 will be honored on this date or return to place of purchase for a refund.

;O\YZKH` 1\S` AGES 16+


(from Bone Thugs-N-Harmony)

Glasses Malone T.Mills • Dot Dot Curve $30 Adv./ $35 Dr. Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. Jun 30 Noise Clinic Atrium (Ages 21+) Jul 1 The Builder/ Vibrant Eyeris Atrium (Ages 21+) Jul 2 The Naysayers Atrium (Ages 21+) Jul 3 Done Beginner Atrium (Ages 21+) Jul 8 Papagaiyo Atrium (Ages 21+) Jul 9 Forrest Day Atrium (Ages 21+) Jul 10 Rob & Zach Show Atrium (Ages 16+) Jul 15 Trip Delight Fantastic Atrium (Ages 21+) Jul 29 Wolf Parade/ The Moools (Ages 16+) Aug 11 Reverend Horton Heat (Ages 21+) Aug 13 Smash Mouth (Ages 16+) Aug 14 Eek A Mouse (Ages 16+) Aug 16 Xavier Rudd (Ages 16+) Aug 19 Ted Nugent (Ages 21+) Aug 23 Bad Brains (Ages 16+) Aug 24 The Hold Steady (Ages 16+) Sep 20 Willie Nelson & Family (Ages 21+) Oct 2 Easy Star All-Stars (Ages 16+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online



Open 11am, World Cup


954 Villa Street, Mtn. View www.TiedHouse.com 650-965-BREW (2739)

MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M

JJazz/Blues azz/Blues ANGELICA’S A NGELICA’S B BISTRO ISTRO Thu, 77:30pm: Thu, :30pm: B Blues lues JJam. am. Fri, Fri, Natalie Renee. 77pm: pm: N atalie R enee. SSat, at, 11am: 11am: Maddaline. M addaline. TTue, ue, 77pm: pm: JJazz azz oopen pen sstage tage hosted hosted by by Angelica’s Angelica’s Band Hristo JJam am B and ffeaturing eaturing H risto Vitchez. Redwood V itchez. R edwood CCity. ity.

CCAFFE AFFE T TRIESTE RIESTE FFri: ri: Opera Opera eevent. vent. SSan an JJose. ose.

FFAIRMONT AIRMONT H HOTEL OTEL LLOBBY OBBY LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed, 8 Wed, 8:30pm: :30pm: TThe he G Girlz irlz B Band. and. 8:30pm: TThu, hu, 8 :30pm: CContemporary ontemporary 9pm: oorr LLatin atin jjazz. azz. FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 9 pm: JJazz azz aand nd ppop op ddance ance bbands. ands. Hotel, FFairmont airmont H otel, SSan an JJose. ose.

GGRAND RAND D DELL ELL SSALOON ALOON Thu: B Thu: Blues lues JJam am with with A Aki ki Kumar. Kumar. Morris. FFri, ri, 8pm: 8pm: SSid id M orris. SSat, at, 8pm: 8pm: Andy A ndy Santana. Santana. Campbell. Campbell.

HEDLEY H EDLEY CCLUB LUB Wed, 77pm: Wed, pm: The The Fast Fast Lane Lane Band. Band. 8pm: TThu, hu, 8 pm: Russo-Alberts Russo-Alberts TTrio. rio. FFri, ri, 8:30pm: 8:30pm: Danjuma Danjuma and and FFriends. riends. SSat, at, 8:30pm: 8:30pm: JJessica essica Hotel Anza, JJohnson. ohnson. H otel ddee A nza, San San JJose. ose.


CCupertino. upertino.

TTue, ue, 6 6:30-8:30pm: :30-8:30pm: JJack ack Nancy CConway onway TTrio rio aatt SSino, ino, N ancy Gilliand G illiand aatt LB LB Steak. Steak. San San JJose. ose.




Sun, TTue, Sun, ue, 77:30pm: :30pm: M Modesto odesto Briseno B riseno SSeptet, eptet, LLatin atin music. music. Willow Glen. W illow G len.

Fri, 7-10pm: Fri, 7-10pm: Singers Singers and and musicians. m usicians. San San Jose. Jose.


Thu, 7pm: Thu, 7pm: South South Bay Bay Folks Folks Open O pen Mic. Mic. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.

Thu, 77pm: Thu, pm: R Randy andy W Whiting. hiting. SSat, at, 77pm: pm: JJazz azz Night. Night. SSan an Jose. Jose.

WINE W INE A AFFAIRS FFAIRS Wed, 77:30pm: Wed, :30pm: LLoren oren D Davidson. avidson. Music. TThu, hu, 77:30pm: :30pm: Live Live M usic. SSat, at, 8pm: Music. 8 pm: LLive ive M usic. SSan an JJose. ose.

SSENZALA ENZALA Wed, 77:30pm: Wed, :30pm: EEdd M Morrison orrison aand nd Brass. a TTouch ouch ooff B rass. Fri, Fri, noon: noon: LLive ive music. m usic. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

CC&W/Folk &W/Folk BOSWELL’S B OSWELL’S Sun: M Sun: Mike ike LLeatherman. eatherman. CCampbell. ampbell.




MOROCCO’S M OROCCO’S R RESTAURANT ESTAURANT Thu, 55pm: Thu, pm: Andrew Andrew DiRzza DiRzza aand nd Rick Rick Tutunjian. Tutunjian. FFri, ri, 55pm: pm: Belly music. B elly ddancing ancing aand nd m usic. Sat, Sat, Ballenkes. 55pm: pm: JJason ason B allenkes. Sun: Sun: Moroccan music M oroccan m usic nnight. ight. SSan an JJose. ose.

MURPHY’S M URPHY’S LLAW AW Mon: M on: P Pro ro B Blues lues JJam. am. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.

POOR P OOR H HOUSE OUSE B BISTRO ISTRO Wed, 6 Wed, 6pm: pm: Ron Ron TThompson hompson aand nd 6pm: Pearl Alley FFriends. riends. TThu, hu, 6 pm: P earl A lley Blues Band. 6pm: Gary B lues B and. FFri, ri, 6 pm: G ary Blues Band. SSmith mith B lues B and. SSat, at, 1pm: 1pm: Will Bernard 6pm: Bone W ill B ernard TTrio, rio, 6 pm: B one MacDonald. ““Everyman Everyman JJack” ack” M acDonald. Anniversary Party SSun: un: 55th th A nniversary P arty Music Allll D Day. M usic A ay. SSan an JJose. ose.

QUARTER Q UARTER NOTE NOTE Wed, 8 Wed, 8:30pm: :30pm: P Pro ro JJam am Night. Night. SSat, at, 44pm: pm: CCool ool FFire ire SSoul oul Jazz. Jazz. Blues SSun, un, 11pm: pm: Brisket Brisket aand nd B lues with BBQ Will Roc w ith B BQ aand nd W ill R oc Griffin Griffin Vicious Groove, ooff V icious G roove, pplus lus Martha Martha LLiz. iz. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

POOR P OOR HOUSE HOUSE BISTRO BISTRO TTue, ue, 6pm: 6pm: Open Open Mic Mic Night. Night. San San JJose. ose.

RED R ED ROCK ROCK COFFEE COFFEE CO. CO. Mon, 7pm: Mon, 7pm: Cavin Cavin and and King’s King’s Open O pen Mic. Mic. Mountain Mountain View. View.

THREE T HREE FLAMES FLAMES Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: Open Open Mic. Mic. Willow Willow Glen. G len.

Karaoke K araoke 7 BAMBOO BAMBOO Wed-Sat, 9pm-2am: Wed-Sat, 9pm-2am: Karaoke. Karaoke. TTue, ue, 9pm-1am: 9pm-1am: Karaoke. Karaoke. SSan an Jose. Jose.


Wed: W ed: G Gomer omer H Hendrix. endrix. San San JJose. ose. Thu, 77-10pm: Thu, -10pm: Live Live jjazz. azz. San San JJose. ose.


Sun, TTue, Sun, ue, 55pm: pm: TTraditional raditional IIrish rish music. m usic. SSan an JJose. ose. Wed, 99pm: Wed, pm: W Wild ild aatt H Heart. eart. TThu hu 9pm: Diablo aand nd FFri, ri, 9 pm: D iablo Road. Road. Sat, Sat, Diablo 110:15pm: 0:15pm: D iablo Road. Road. Fremont. Fremont.


TTue, ue, 7pm: 7pm: Open Open Mic. Mic. San San Jose. Jose.

ALEX’S A LEX’S 49ER 49ER INN INN Mon-Sat, 9pm-2am: Mon-Sat, 9pm-2am: Karaoke. Karaoke. SSan an Jose. Jose.

Wed, 6 Wed, 6pm: pm: M Matt att aand nd George George Pleasant Valley Boys. aand nd TTheir heir P leasant V alley B oys. 6pm: Bean TTue, ue, 6 pm: B ean Creek. Creek. SSan an Jose. Jose.



Fri, 9pm-1am: Fri, 9pm-1am: Danielle. Danielle. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.

Thu, 77-9pm: Thu, -9pm: Aprylle Aprylle G Gilbert ilbert aatt Park P ark Valencia Valencia Stage. Stage. SSan an Jose. Jose.

THREE FFLAMES THREE LAMES RESTAURANT R ESTAURANT Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm-closing: pm-closing: Live Live ccountry ountry music, Doug Rose m usic, D oug R ose Productions Productions w/Bit w /Bit aand nd SSpur pur Band Band featuring featuring Willow Glen. CCowboy owboy LLarry. arry. W illow G len.

FFri, ri, 9pm: 9pm: Thomas. Thomas. SSan an Jose. Jose.


BLUE B LUE MAX MAX Fri-Sat, 9 Fri-Sat, 9pm-1:30am: pm-1:30am: Karaoke. Karaoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

BLUE B LUE PHEASANT PHEASANT TTue, ue, 7pm: 7pm: Steve Steve Tiger. Tiger. CCupertino. upertino.

Open M Open Mic/ ic/ Poetry P oetry ANGELICA’S A NGELICA’S B BISTRO ISTRO


Wed, 6 Wed, 6:30pm: :30pm: O Open pen Mic. Mic. TTue, ue, 77-11pm: -11pm: Jazz Jazz oopen pen stage. stage. Redwood R edwood City. City.

Wed, Fri, Wed, Fri, Sun, Sun, 8pm-2am: 8pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.


TTue: ue: DJ DJ Davey Davey K. K. Campbell. Campbell.

Wed, 77pm: Wed, pm: M Musical usical open open m mic. ic. SSign ign uupp bbyy 5pm. 5pm. Santa Santa CClara. lara.

BRITANNIA A BRITANNIA ARMS RMS CCUPERTINO UPERTINO Wed, W ed, 9 9:30pm: :30pm: O Open pen Mic Mic N Night. ight.

BOSWELL’S B OSWELL’S BRITANNIA ARMS BRITANNIA ARMS CCUPERTINO UPERTINO Sun-Tue, 10pm: Sun-Tue, 10pm: Karaoke. Karaoke. CCupertino. upertino.


M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M



Moree listings: Mor



MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



Wed: W ed: Karaoke. Karaoke. SSan an JJose. ose.

Wed, Sat-Sun: Wed, Sat-Sun: CChris. hris. Thu-Fri, Thu-Fri, 8:30pm: 8 :30pm: U Uncle ncle Dougie. Dougie. SSan an JJose. ose.




Mon: M on: Karaoke. Karaoke. Menlo Menlo Park. Park.

CCARDINAL ARDINAL LOUNGE LOUNGE Mon, Wed, Mon, Wed, 9pm-1am: 9pm-1am: DJ DJ Curtis. Curtis. Noo cover. N cover. Tue, Tue, 9pm: 9pm: Western Western Noo ccover. kkaraoke. araoke. N over. San San Jose. Jose.

DASILVA’S D ASILVA’S B BRONCOS RONCOS Wed: Guitar Wed: Guitar H Hero ero Tournament Tournament pplus lus karaoke. karaoke. Thu, Thu, 9pm-1am: 9pm-1am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

DIVE D IVE BAR BAR TTue-Wed: ue-Wed: Karaoke. Karaoke. San San Jose. Jose.

FFAHRENHEIT AHRENHEIT Mon: Monday Mon: Monday Night Night Madness. Madness. SSan an JJose. ose.

FFLAMES LAMES COFFEE COFFEE SHOP SHOP Thu-Sat, 9pm: Thu-Sat, 9pm: Uncle Uncle Dougie Dougie SShow. how. No No cover. cover. San San Jose. Jose.

GGALAXY ALAXY Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: Karaoke Karaoke w/ w/ August. Milpitas. A ugust. M ilpitas.

SSun: un: KKaraoke. araoke. San San JJose. ose.

WOODHAM’S W OODHAM’S LLOUNGE OUNGE TTue-Thu ue-Thu aand nd SSat, at, 110pm: 0pm: V Vinnie. innie. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

Dance D ance Clubs Clubs

Fri-Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: Fri-Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: Willow Glen. KKaraoke. araoke. W illow G len.

GGOOSE OOSE LLOONEY’S OONEY’S Wed, 9pm: Wed, 9pm: KKaraoke araoke Night. Night. Milpitas. M ilpitas.


Wed, 9pm: Reggae Riddims. Wed, Fri: Expressions Expressions Zodiac. Sat: Fame TTue, Fame. ue 9pm: College uue, Night. San Jose.



Fri-Sat: Live DJ DJ.. San Jose.

Wed: The CCypher Wed: ypher with Adio Dru. Tue: Tuue: DJ Scott Rich. San Jose.


Wed, W ed, 7:30pm: 7:30pm: Latin. Latin. Tue Tue and and TThu: hu: SSalsa alsa With With Pantea. Pantea. FFri: ri: Bollywood B ollywood Night. Night. Sat: Sat: Latin Latin Night. N ight. Mountain Mountain View. View.



Thu: U Thu: Urban rban D DJ. J. FFri-Sat: ri-Sat: LLive ive Pong ssalsa. alsa. TTue: ue: Beats Beats and and Beer Beer P ong w/Mike w /Mike Jones. Jones. San San Jose. Jose.

Thu: DJ Akustik. Fri: DJ Mayo. Sat: DJ Mayo and DJ Akustik. Sun: Latin Beat. Sun: Sonidero Sonidero Night. Sunnyvale.

TTue-Sun, ue-Sun, 77pm-close: pm-close: D DJJ aand nd Big ddancing. ancing. B ig band, band, swing. swing. No No ccover. over. Cupertino. Cupertino.




Wed: H Wed: Humpday umpday W Wednesdays. ednesdays. DJJ aand DJJ TThu: hu: D nd kkaraoke. araoke. SSat: at: D DJJ CChaos. Mon: DJJ JJazzy azzy aand nd D haos. M on: D $22 Tuesdays. aand nd kkaraoke. araoke. TTue: ue: $ Tuesdays. SSan an JJose. ose.

Thu: Major Thursdays. Rotating DJs. TTue: uue: TTwo wo Buck TTuesdays. uuesdays. College dance party. party y. San Jose.


Thu-Sat: Video Killed the DJ. DJ. Sun: Sin Sundays. Mon, 10pm: Manic Mondaze. San Jose.

Wed, Sun, Wed, Sun, 110pm: 0pm: DJ DJ Hank. Hank. Thu, Thu, DJJ B Benofficial. 110pm: 0pm: D enofficial. San San Jose. Jose.

Fri: DJ Girl 6. Sat: Hella Miles, Panic City.. San Jose. DJ P anic City Jose



Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm: pm: Davey Davey K. K. No No cover. cover. CCampbell. ampbell.

Wed: The Pick Up, Wed: Up, DJ Sig O. Thu: Dig. Fri: AHHH with DJ Radio Raheem. Sat: the TTemple eemple All-Stars. All-Stars. San Jose.



NORMANDY N ORMANDY HOUSE HOUSE LOUNGE LOUNGE FFri-Sat: ri-Sat: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.


Brown’s Supply 408.912.1772



Fri-Sat, 9pm: DJ Sir Dancealot. Willow Glen.

TThu, hu, 8 8pm: pm: Chris. Chris. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.

$340 and up

Thu-Sat, 9pm: DJ dance music. San Jose.

Fri-Sat: Old School. Milpitas.


Fenced outdoor kennels and runs


Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: SSalsa alsa Wednesdays. Wednesdays. TThu: hu: TTech ech IItt U Upp B B*Tch *Tch w w/Paul /Paul LLeath eath and and R Residents. esidents. Sat: Sat: Hyphidelity H yphidelity presents presents tthe he SSlumps. lumps. Fri: Fri: IIndie ndie Electro. Electro. Sun: Sun: Planet P lanet Reggae. Reggae. San San Jose. Jose.

Wed-Thu and Wed-Thu and Sun, Sun, 9pm: 9pm: Wild Wild Nights N ights KKaraoke. araoke. FFremont. remont.

Dog Kennels

Fridays. Sat: Sinful Saturdays. Saturdays. No cover. cover. San Jose.




Moree listings: Mor


Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm: pm: DJ DJ Brian. Brian. Sun, Sun, 9pm: 9pm: DJJ and 9pm: D and karaoke. karaoke. TTue, ue, 9 pm: DJ, DJ, ddancing, ancing, kkaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

RUDY’S R UDY’S P PUB UB Wed, 10pm-1:30am: Wed, 10pm-1:30am: DJ DJ Purple. Purple. Palo Alto. P alo A lto.

SSAN AN JOSE JOSE BAR BAR & GRILL GRILL TTue, ue, 110pm-close: 0pm-close: Kamikaze Kamikaze KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an Jose. Jose.

BRIT BRITANNIA TANNIA A ARMS A RMS DOWNTOWN D OWNTOWN Fri: DJ Check O. Sat: G Beats the Soulchild and Metrorock. Metrorock. TTue: uue: DJ David Q. Q. San Jose.


BRIX Wed, 9pm-2am: Wed, 9pm-2am: Whip It Out Wednesdays. Huntress W ednesdays. Thu: Huntr ess Thursdays. Fri: Inferno Inferno

TOON’S T OON’S Wed: DJ Tito. Wed: Tito. Thu: DJ Buzzed. Fri: DJ Classic. Sat: Hip-hop band live. Sun: Showcase Sundays Mon: DJ Spin. Sundays. Spin Tue: Tuue: Ladies night. San Jose.

VOODOO V OODOO LLOUNGE OUNGE Sat, 10pm: First Saturdays Saturdays club dance, $10. San Jose.

53 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

presented pr esented by by

July J uly 1 The Th e Eng English lish Bea Beatt Opener O pener

The Th eO Odd d N dd Numbers umbers

2010 Summer Summer e Concert Concert S Series eries June J une 3 C Cold old War War a Kids Kids – Channel Channel 9 92.3 2.3 ((Alternative Alternative R Rock) ock) Lenny with Prince Damons KBLX FM June J une 10 Lenn y Williams Williams wit w h Pr ince D amons – K BLX 1102.9 02.9 F M ((R&B) R&B) June Skatalites J un ne 1177 Ska talites – MOViN MOViN 997 997 (Ska/Reggae) (Ska/Reggae)

FREE F REE Thursday Thursda ay Concerts Con ncerts 5: 30 - 9 :15 5p .m. 5:30 9:15 p.m. P laza de C esa ar Cha havez Plaza Cesar Chavez D owntown San nJ ose os Downtown Jose

BoDeans KFOG 97.7 SJ/104.5 SF (Rock/Pop) J June une 24 BoD eans – KF OG G9 7.7 S J/104.5 S F (R ock/Pop) J July uly 1 Th The e Eng English lish Bea Beatt – ALICE@97.3 ALICE@97.3 (Ska/New ALI (Ska/New W Wave) ave) July Tonic Green (Rock/Pop) J uly 8 T onic aand nd Gr een n River River Ordinance Ordinance – MIX 106 1106.5 .5 (R ock/Pop)

408 -279-1775 408-279-1775 ssjdowntown.com jdowntown.com m

July Don Carlos LIVE (Reggae) J uly 15 D on C arlos – LIV VE 105 (R eggae) July The Gaslight Anthem 92.3 Rock) J uly 22 22 Th eG aslight An t em – Channel th Channel 9 2 3 ((Alternative 2.3 Alternative R o k) oc Pete Orchestra KRZZ Raza J July uly 229 9 P ete Escovedo Escovedo Or O chestra – KR ZZ 93.3 93.3 La La R aza (Latin/Jazz) (Latin n/Jazz) Aug A ug 5 F Foreverland oreverland – 98.1 98 8.1 KISS FM (Michael (Michael JJackson ackson T Tribute ribute B Band) and)

Visit F Visit Fahrenheit’s ahrenh heit’s R Restaurant estaurant an and dL Lounge oun unge in the the P ark. S ervin ng creative creatiive sangria sangria sa Park. Serving ccocktails ocktails and and aaward ward winningg ccuisine uis i ine

Aug New act A ug 12 12 N ew a ct to to be be announced an nnounced Y&T Aug A ug 119 9 Y& T – 98.5 98.5 KFOX KFOX (Classic (Classic Rock) Rock) Aug Pato Banton (Reggae) A ug 26 P ato B anton – ALICE@97.3 AL LICE@97.3 (R eggae)

A San San JJose ose D Downtown owntown A Association ssociation P Production roducction | Su Supported pported in par partt b by yaC Cultural ultural Aff Affairs airs gr grant a t fr an from om the the C City ity of S San an JJose ose | d design:tn esign:tn / designtn.com designtn.com | A Acts cts ssubject ubject tto o cchange hange

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


metroactive SVCLUBS

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55 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


57 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E TR OAC T I V E . C O M


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Get your


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@ nXj fe X Óijk [Xk\ n`k_ k_`j ^lp# Xe[ _\ b\gk k\ok`e^ i`^_k Xk k_\ kXYc\% 8dXq`e^cp# _\ Xjb\[ d\ flk X^X`e% @j k_`j fe$[Xk\ k\ok`e^ Y\Zfd`e^ k_\ efid6 Æ@^efi\[ There are times when your date can’t help but break away to text or take a call, like if he’s got the other half of the missile launch codes and Luxembourg just attacked Staten Island. If it could be the secretary of state or the babysitter about his kids setting the house on fire with My Little Meth Lab, he should apologize in advance that he might have to take a call. Otherwise, answering is the digital version of leaving your date alone at the table and bopping over to join friends across the restaurant. Texting? You might as well whip out a pen and legal pad: “You busy yourself with that pork chop, Sweetcheeks. Got a couple

letters I gotta mail out first thing.” Many people think the fact that their pants are vibrating gives them a pass to put the person they’re with on faceto-face “ignore.” People with manners consider how their companion might feel sitting before a full restaurant audience pretending to examine a napkin for hidden messages. Cool as it is that you can message somebody in Moscow right from the table, groovy new technology needs to be paired with groovy old-fashioned social graces. If you’re going to invite somebody to dinner and ignore them, at least have the decency to get married first and build up years of bitterness and resentment.

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and you’ll get a clearer picture of a guy by seeing him with his friends. Should a group date be a bust, it’s like you and your friends all went to some lame party, not like you alone once again failed to find everlasting love. If you must go on a first date solo, meet for drinks—for an hour and a half, tops. Basically, keep it cheap, short and local—which’ll ease the pain should it take a Hobbesian turn toward “nasty, brutish, and short.”

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K_`j ^lp @ d\k Xk X ZclY j\\d\[ ^i\Xk# Ylk n_\e n\ n\ek fe X [Xk\# _\ dX[\ ef \p\ ZfekXZk% Q<IF% 8ggXi\ekcp# _\ e\\[j cfkj f] XcZf_fc kf Y\ efidXc% Dp ]i`\e[ aljk n\ek flk n`k_ X ^lp n_f kffb _\i kf k_\ \hl`mXc\ek f] JlYnXp ]fi ?XnX``Xe ]ff[% K_\p jXk `e gcXjk`Z Z_X`ij# fi[\i\[ ]ifd X Zflek\i# Xe[ cffb\[ flk Xk X gXib`e^ cfk Xe[ X gfie jkfi\% ?fn [f n\ jkXp `e k_\ [Xk`e^ ^Xd\ n`k_flk Y\Zfd`e^ Y`kk\icp Xeefp\[6 ÆLe[\in_\cd\[ A date, as a way to get to know somebody, is really fun—for anybody who enjoys a police interrogation with two-for-one well drinks. Group dating is a much better idea. There’s a site called Ignighter. com where you and some friends post a group profile and go out with other groups of friends. Or, you can arrange this sort of thing yourself. With your friends there, you won’t be so nervous, you won’t have to hold up half the conversation,


Even if your parents aren’t all helicoptery, the last thing you need now is a guy you’ll look up to as some elder statesman with all the answers, eliminating the need for you to flail around and find them for yourself. In fact, there’s never been a better time for you to miss out on the guy of your dreams. Your dreams are likely to be rather different at 25, let alone 30, making your 20s, especially your early 20s, the ideal time to date all the wrong guys. Avoid locking onto Mr. Dreamy today and you might avoid waking up at 30 with the urge to date a garage band drummer with a parttime job shoplifting.

)'('# 8dp 8cbfe# Xcc i`^_kj i\j\im\[% >fk X gifYc\d6 Ni`k\ 8dp 8cbfe# ,,' J% =`ijk Jk%# JXe Afj\# :8 0,((*# fi \dX`c X[m`Z\Xdp7Xfc%Zfd%

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Hard Cruising Ads and Live Chat



FREE to listen to ads FREE to reply to ads.

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@Êd X dXkli\ )($p\Xi$fc[ nfdXe Zfej`[\i`e^ X i\cXk`fej_`g n`k_ X *'$p\Xi$fc[ dXe# Ylk @ nfiip XYflk fli X^\ [`]]\i\eZ\% @Êm\ p\k kf ^iX[lXk\# Xe[ c`m\ k_\ c`]\ f] X jkl[\ek# Ylk @ [feÊk nXek kf d`jj flk fe k_\ ^lp f] dp [i\Xdj% ÆLejli\ Yippee, you can now be tried as an adult, but don’t be on your high horse about how all growed-up you are. At 21, everyone thinks they’re “mature.” By 23, some catch a whiff of what blithering idiots they’ve been. At 30, many have nine years of proof. Making matters worse, you’re from one of the most overmommied generations ever. While the original umbilical cord is still cut at birth, there are now aftermarket versions from Sprint, AT&T and Verizon. One 20-something girl complained on a blog that her mother calls her every 30 minutes when she’s out. Once, when she didn’t reply right away, she logged 96 missed calls from Psychomommy.



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24/7 Friendly Customer Care 1-888-634-2628 18+ ©2010 PC LLC

Business Listings


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g Employment Jobs

Technician Experience in IT & Repairing Digital Printers. Will train to work on Digital Copiers. Benefits and Mileage. Brands; Mita-Xerox. Est. 1967 Family owned & operated. carl@cortlandsystems.com

Hewlett-Packard Company has an opportunity for the following position in Cupertino, CA. Software Designer: Reqs: Programming languages: Java 5, Java Swing, J2EE (JSP, Servlets, Beans, Tags), XML, SQL, C, Java Script, Hibernate, RMI, Python, C, UML; Database: Oracle; Dvlpmt Envmt: Eclipse, Jbuilder, Microsoft, .NET, JUnit, Linux, Unix; Operating Systems: Windows, Sun Solaris; Web Srvr: Apache Tomcat. Also reqs: Bach degree or foreign equiv in SW Engrng, CS, Engrng or rel. & 3 yrs exp in job offered or rel occupation. List full name, address & email address on resume. Send resume & refer to Job# CUPHSE2. Please send resumes with job number to Hewlett-Packard Company, 19483 Pruneridge Ave., MS 4206, Cupertino, CA 95014. No phone calls please. Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsorship. EOE.

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Bartender / Cocktail Servers Full Time or 6 AM Part Time shift available. Alex’s 49er Inn, San Carlos & Bascom. Apply mornings only.

Avago Technologies U.S., Inc, supplier of analog interface components, has openings in San Jose, CA for Analog IC Design Engineer to design analog and digital fiber optic transceiver ICs; R&D Engineer, Career, IC Design to design and implement Integrated Circuits (IC), and Senior Applications Engineer to solve system/application engineering issues. Ref. job title and send resumes to PO Box 640937, San Jose CA, 95164-0937 (Attn: A. Salonga).

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Bartenders Needed Fun jobs. Great money. Earn $25-40/hr. Call for certification and placement information. $199 tuition with this ad. 888.901.TIPS or visit www.abcbartending.com

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Health Services

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(see columns at right)

All Styles, All Ages. Lessons made to have fun. 408/227-1585 office. Ask for Jesse.

Voice Lessons Expand range, flexibility, confidence. Instruction also available for songwriting and guitar. Reasonable rates. Instructor: award-winning vocalist/songwriter, Deborah Levoy. www.deborahlevoy.com 408/275-0802.

g Rehearsal/Recording

The Metropolitain Palo Alto Monthly and hourly music rehearsal space. Music instrument (fretted and vintage keys) and amplifier service. 650.279.1793

g For Sale


g Legal Notices

Legal & Public Notices

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #539388 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: peacemovies.com, 1122 Frankfurt Ave., #4, San Jose, CA, 95126, John F. Thielking. This business is conducted by a individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on 2/01/2009. /s/John F, Thielking This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 6/21/2010. (pub Metro 6/30, 7/07, 7/14, 7/21/2010)

Run Your Ad In Metro's Legal Section Your ad will appear in both print and online. To advertise visit metroactive.com or call 408/200-1300.


The Evolution of a Science by L. Ron Hubbard Your first book on the applied philosophy which shows you the road to a better life with fewer problems. Just get it, read it and use it. Price: $15

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Enrolling people with asthma, ages 18-65, for the next few months into a 10 week research study using an investigational oral medication. Qualified participants will receive study related medical exams and study medication at no cost, and may receive compensation up to $1,060.

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FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES A RIES ((March March 221–April 1–April 119): 9): H How ow w well ell aare re yyou ou capitalizing capitalizing oon n tthis his yyear’s ear ’s uunique nique oopportunities, pportunities, Aries? we’re Aries? SSince ince w e’re hhalfway alfway tthrough hrough 22010, 010, llet’s et’s ttake ake an well an inventory. inventory. II’m ’m hhoping oping yyou’re ou’re w ell uunderway nderway iin n tthe he heroic heroic ttask ask ooff cconquering onquering yyour our ppast. ast. IItt hhas as bbeen een aand nd will wean will continue continue ttoo bbee pprime rime ttime ime ffor or yyou ou ttoo w ean yyourself ourself from from unresolvable unresolvable eenergy-drains. nergy-drains. SSoo eexorcise xorcise iirksome rksome ghosts, Pay ghosts, pplease! lease! P ay ooff ff aancient ncient ddebts! ebts! FFree ree yyourself ourself from finally from memories memories tthat hat ddon’t on’t sserve erve yyou! ou! YYou’re ou’re fi nally ready ready ttoo ggraduate raduate ffrom rom llessons essons yyou’ve ou’ve hhad ad ttoo llearn earn aand nd relearn months will relearn aand nd rre-relearn. e-relearn. TThe he ccoming oming m onths w ill bbring ring you more finish you even even m ore oopportunities pportunities ttoo fi nish uupp oold ld bbusiness usiness that much that has has ddemanded emanded ttoo oo m uch ooff yyour our ttime ime aand nd eenergy. nergy.

TAURUS T AURUS ((April April 20–May 20–May 220): 0): Now Now that that w we’re e’re m midway idway through well through 22010, 010, iit’s t’s time time ttoo aassess ssess hhow ow w ell yyou’re ou’re taking mee taking aadvantage dvantage ooff tthis his yyear’s ear ’s ggood ood ffortune. ortune. SSoo llet et m ask Have web ask you, you, TTaurus: aurus: H ave yyou ou bbeen een eexpanding xpanding yyour our w eb of Have of connections? connections? H ave yyou ou hhoned oned aand nd ddeepened eepened yyour our networking Have networking sskills? kills? H ave yyou ou ttaken aken bbold old ssteps teps ttoo rrefine efine your way your iinfluence nfluence oover ver tthe he w ay yyour our tteam eam oorr ccrew rew oorr ggang ang is first is evolving? evolving? TThe he fi rst hhalf alf ooff tthe he yyear ear hhas as bbeen een ffull ull ooff encouragement months encouragement iin n tthese hese aareas, reas, aand nd tthe he ccoming oming m onths will more will bbee eeven ven m ore sso. o. GGEMINI EMINI ((May May 221–June 1–June 220): 0): H How ow w well ell hhave ave yyou ou bbeen een

major Gemini? aattending ttending ttoo 22010’s 010’s m ajor tthemes, hemes, G emini? SSince ince we’re midway w e’re m idway tthrough hrough tthe he yyear, ear, llet’s et’s ddoo a ccheck-in. heck-in. I hhope ope tthat hat bbyy nnow ow yyou ou aare re aatt lleast east 1155 ppercent ercent ssturdier, turdier, sstronger, tronger, aand nd bbraver raver tthan han yyou’ve ou’ve eever ver bbeen een iin n yyour our eentire ntire llife, ife, aand nd aatt lleast east 220 0 ppercent ercent bbetter etter oorganized rganized aand nd ddisciplined. isciplined. I hhope ope tthat hat yyou ou hhave ave ooutgrown utgrown oone ne ooff yyour our aamateur mateur aapproaches pproaches aand nd cclaimed laimed a nnew ew pprofessional rofessional Now write pprivilege. rivilege. N ow w rite tthe he ffollowing ollowing qquestions uestions oon n a sslip lip will mirror ooff ppaper aper tthat hat yyou ou w ill lleave eave ttaped aped ttoo yyour our m irror ffor or tthe he months. How making myy nnext ext ssix ix m onths. ““1. 1. H ow ccan an I gget et ccloser loser ttoo m aking m myy vvocation What jjob ob aand nd m ocation bbee tthe he ssame ame tthing? hing? 22.. W hat aam mI more ddoing oing ttoo bbecome ecome aan n eeven ven m ore rrobust obust aand nd cconfident onfident myself?” vversion ersion ooff m yself?”

CCANCER ANCER ((June June 221–July 1–July 222): 2): LLet’s et’s do do a check-in check-in oon n your pprogress rogress ssoo ffar ar iin n 22010, 010, CCancerian. ancerian. TThe he yyear’s ear ’s hhalf alf your over, wondering over, aand nd II’m ’m w ondering iiff yyou’ve ou’ve bbeen een ccashing ashing iin n oon n the the uunique nique iinvitations nvitations tthat hat llife ife hhas as bbeen een ssending ending yyour our way. way way. TThe he w ay I uunderstand nderstand iit, t, yyou’ve ou’ve bbeen een ssummoned ummoned to wandering to emerge emerge ffrom rom yyour our hhiding iding pplace lace aand nd ggoo w andering around around iin n eexotic xotic aand nd uunfamiliar nfamiliar pplaces. laces. EEvents vents tthat hat iin n the may the ppast ast m ay hhave ave tturned urned yyou ou iinward nward ttoward oward tthoughts houghts of months of safety safety hhave ave iin n rrecent ecent m onths nnudged udged yyou ou oout ut iin n the Great Unknown. Have the ddirection irection ooff tthe he G reat U nknown. H ave yyou ou bbeen een honest with honest eenough nough w ith yyourself ourself ttoo rrecognize ecognize tthe he ccall all ttoo adventure? Have wild adventure? H ave yyou ou bbeen een w ild aand nd ffree ree eenough nough ttoo answer find answer tthe he ccall? all? IIff nnot, ot, I ssuggest uggest yyou ou fi nd iitt iin n yyourself ourself to months will to do do sso. o. TThe he nnext ext ssix ix m onths w ill bbee pprime rime ttime ime ttoo hhead ead out out on on a glorious glorious quest. quest. LLEO EO ((July July 223–Aug. 3–Aug. 222): 2): TThe he yyear’s ear ’s hhalf alf oover, ver, LLeo. eo. LLet’s et’s

whether ttake ake aan n iinventory nventory ttoo ssee ee w hether yyou’ve ou’ve bbeen een ttaking aking maximum m aximum aadvantage dvantage ooff tthe he sspecial pecial oopportunities pportunities llife ife Has hhas as bbeen een ooffering ffering yyou. ou. CConsider onsider tthese hese qquestions: uestions: H as tthe he qquality uality ooff yyour our iintimate ntimate aalliances lliances bbecome ecome eespecially specially months? iintense, ntense, iinvigorating, nvigorating, aand nd ccatalytic atalytic iin n rrecent ecent m onths? Have miracles with H ave yyou ou ccreated reated llots ots ooff ssmall mall m iracles w ith tthe he ppeople eople most? Have willing yyou ou ccare are aabout bout m ost? H ave yyou ou bbeen een w illing ttoo rrisk isk more most m ore ttoo gget et tthe he m ost oout ut ooff ttogetherness, ogetherness eeven ven iiff iitt means with makes m eans ddealing ealing w ith sshadowy hadowy sstuff tu that ha m a e you ou missing uuncomfortable? ncomfortable? IIff tthere here hhas as bbeen een aanything n h ng m ng work. ffrom rom yyour our eefforts fforts iin n tthese hese hheroic eroic tasks, a gget e too w o Between mandate B etween nnow ow aand nd JJanuary anuary 22011, 011, you’ll ou hhave a eam anda e ttoo ggoo eeven ven ddeeper eeper tthan han yyou ou hhave ave since n e January anua 22010. 00

VIRGO V IRGO ((Aug. Aug. 223–Sept. 3–Sept. 222): 2): SSoo hhow ow is 22010 0 0 ggoing o ng for o you Virgo? Have you ssoo ffar, ar, V irgo? H ave yyou ou bbeen een taking a ng aadvantage d an age oof life’s move life’s ooffers ffers ttoo hhelp elp yyou ou m ove iinto nto a ddynamic nam nnew ew pphase ha e of of your your relationship relationship life? life? Have Have you you been been willing w ng too set e aside aside tired tired oold ld strategies strategies for for seeking seek ng intimacy n ma soo that ha you you can can discover discover approaches approaches you’ve you e nnever e e imagined mag ned before? before? Have Have you you been been brave brave about abou overcoming o e om ng the he past past traumas traumas and and hurts hurts that that scared scared you ou into n o accepting a ep ng less less than than the the very very best best alliances alliances you ou could ou d seek? ee ? I hope hope you’ve you’ve been been pursuing pursuing these these improvements, impro emen because be au e this this is is the the best best year year in in over over a decade decade too accomplish a omp h them. hem LLIBRA BRA (Sept. Sep 223–Oct. 3–O 222): 2 H Have a e you ou bbeen een ddoing o ng a lot o

oof sweating wea ng aand nd ggrunting un ng from om sheer hee eexertion e on in n 22010? 0 0? Have H a e you ou thrown h own yourself ou e conscientiously on en ou into n o the he hhardest, a de smartest ma e labor abo you’ve ou e eever e eenjoyed? n o ed? I hhope ope so, o would bbecause e au e that ha w ou d suggest ugge you’re ou e in n rapt ap aalignment gnmen with would mean w h this h year’s ea cosmic o m rhythms. h hm It w ou d m ean that ha you ou hhave a e bbeen een cashing a h ng in n oon n the he rather a he sublime ub me oopportunities ppo un e you’re ou e bbeing e ng ooffered e ed too ddiligently gen pprove oe much months will hhow ow m u h you ou love o e your ou life. e TThe he nnext e six m on h w

9p 9 p ROB RO B BREZSNY BREZSNY n\\b f] Ale\ *' n\\b f] Ale\ *'

with more pprovide rovide yyou ou w ith eeven ven m ore aand nd bbetter etter pprods, rods, LLibra, ibra, find ssoo pplease lease fi nd eeven ven ddeeper eeper rreserves eserves ooff ddetermination. etermination. mastering work IIntensify ntensify yyour our ccommitment ommitment ttoo m astering tthe he w ork yyou ou ccame ame ttoo tthis his pplanet lanet ttoo ddo. o. SSCORPIO CORPIO ((Oct. Oct. 223–Nov. 3–Nov. 221): 1): H How’s ow’s tthat hat pproject roject coming, coming, SScorpio? corpio? YYou ou kknow, now, tthat hat aassignment ssignment tthe he universe universe ggave ave yyou ou aatt tthe he bbeginning eginning ooff 22010 010 ttoo lloosen oosen up, more, up, pplay lay m ore, aand nd pperiodically eriodically llaugh augh llike ike a ttipsy ipsy Sagittarius. Have Sagittarius. H ave yyou ou bbeen een ttaking aking a ssabbatical abbatical ffrom rom the most the sseething eething ccomplications omplications tthat hat iin nm ost oother ther yyears ears are are yyour our rrightful ightful sspecialty? pecialty? Did Did you you throw throw some some of of your Are your eemotional motional bbaggage aggage ooff ff a ccliff? liff? A re yyou ou ddancing ancing more more ffrequently? requently? I hhope ope yyou’ve ou’ve bbeen een aattending ttending ttoo aallll of work, of tthis his ccrucial rucial w ork, aand nd I ttrust rust tthat hat yyou’re ou’re pprimed rimed ttoo do more months. do even even m ore ooff iitt dduring uring tthe he nnext ext ssix ix m onths. TToo ttake ake maximum with maximum aadvantage dvantage ooff yyour our aappointments ppointments w ith rrelief elief and and rrelease, elease, yyou’ll ou’ll hhave ave ttoo bbee eeven ven ssweeter weeter aand nd llighter. ighter.

SSAGITTARIUS AGITTARIUS ((Nov. Nov. 222–Dec. 2–Dec. 221): 1): A Are re yyou ou a

Have ddynamic ynamic bbastion astion ooff sstability tability yyet, et, SSagittarius? agittarius? H ave yyou ou bbeen een ggrowing rowing ddeeper eeper aand nd ddeeper eeper rroots oots aass yyou ou Are bbloom loom iin n yyour our ppower ower sspot? pot? A re yyou ou ccontinuing ontinuing ttoo bbuild uild yyour our sself-mastery elf-mastery aass yyou ou ddraw raw aabundant bundant ssustenance ustenance mother ffrom rom tthe he m other llode? ode? YYou’re ou’re hhalfway alfway tthrough hrough 22010, 010, when wonders tthe he yyear ear w hen tthese hese w onders sshould hould bbee uunfolding nfolding with majestic w ith m ajestic ddrama. rama. TThe he bbest est iiss yyet et ttoo ccome, ome, ssoo I make rrecommend ecommend tthat hat yyou ou ddeclare eclare yyour our iintention ntention ttoo m ake months when tthe he nnext ext ssix ix m onths bbee a ttime ime w hen yyou ou ccome ome aallll tthe he way w ay hhome. ome.

CCAPRICORN APRICORN ((Dec. Dec. 222–Jan. 2–Jan. 119): 9): W What hat aare re tthe he toughest toughest ppairs airs ooff oopposites pposites iin n yyour our llife, ife, CCapricorn? apricorn? What whose What aare re tthe he ppolarities olarities w hose ddifferent ifferent ssides ides rrarely arely resonate with resonate w ith eeach ach oother ther aand nd ttoo oo ooften ften tthreaten hreaten to One to ssplit plit yyou ou iin n hhalf? alf? O ne ooff tthe he ddistinguishing istinguishing characteristics characteristics ooff 22010 010 iiss tthe he ffact act tthat hat yyou ou aare re ggetting etting unprecedented unprecedented cchances hances ttoo bbring ring tthem hem ttogether ogether iin n ringing ringing harmony, harmony, or or at at least least a more more interesting interesting tension. tension. What What have have you you learned learned so so far far about about how how to to work work that that magic? magic? And And how how can can you you apply apply it it in in even even craftier craftier ways ways during during the the next next six six months? months? AQUARIUS A QUARIUS ((Jan. Jan. 220–Feb. 0–Feb. 118): 8): YYou ou m may ay sstill till bbee

ggnawed nawed bbyy a llonging onging ffor or yyour our llife ife ttoo bbee ddifferent ifferent ffrom rom what might missing w hat iitt iis. s. YYou ou m ight ffantasize antasize tthat hat yyou’re ou’re m issing a would, ccrucial rucial eelement lement tthat hat w ould, iiff aacquired, cquired, uusher sher yyou ou iinto nto Golden Age. But aG olden A ge. B ut II’ve ’ve bbeen een aanalyzing nalyzing tthe he bbig ig ppicture icture ooff Aquarius, what yyour our destiny, destiny, A quarius, aand nd here’s here’s w hat I ssee: ee: TThis his yyear ear yyou’re ou’re bbeing eing offered offered the the chance chance ttoo bbee pretty pretty ssatisfied atisfied with messy, w ith tthe he m essy, aambiguous, mbiguous, ffantastically antastically rrich ich set set of of ccircumstances ircumstances tthat hat yyou’ve ou’ve aactually ctually bbeen een bblessed lessed with. with. TThe he first first hhalf alf ooff 22010 010 sshould hould have have iinspired nspired you you to to flirt flirt with will w ith tthis his surprising surprising truth. truth. TThe he second second hhalf alf w ill ddrive rive iitt with hhome ome w ith tthe he fforce orce of of a ppile ile ooff ggifts ifts lleft eft aanonymously nonymously oonn your your doorstep. doorstep.

PISCES P ISCES ((Feb. Feb. 119–March 9–March 220): 0): TThe he jjournal ournal N Nature ature

recently m recently marked arked tthe he ttenth enth aanniversary nniversary ooff a ggreat reat mapping sscientific cientific ttriumph: riumph: tthe he ccomplete omplete m apping ooff was tthe he hhuman uman ggenome. enome. TThere here w as a ccloud loud oover ver tthe he ccelebration, elebration, hhowever, owever, bbecause ecause ffew ew ppractical ractical hhealth ealth bbenefits enefits hhave ave yyet et ttoo ccome ome oout ut ooff tthis his rrevolutionary evolutionary aaccomplishment. ccomplishment. IItt hhas as pproved roved uunexpectedly nexpectedly hhard ard ttoo ttranslate ranslate tthe he ddeciphered eciphered ccode ode iinto nto ccures ures ffor or ddiseases. iseases. I offer offer tthis his ssituation ituation aass a ccautionary autionary ttale ale ffor or yyou, ou Pisces. first ppart P e TThe he fi a oof 22010 0 0 hhas a bbrought ough you ou several e ea important mpo an ddiscoveries o e e aand nd bbreakthroughs. ea h ough In n the he coming months, om ng m on h eeven en aas the he nnovelties o e e continue on nue too flow, fl ow it’ll be be your ou sacred a ed duty du too put pu them hem too use u e inn ways will ppermanently w a that ha w e manen improve mp o e your ou dday-to-day a o da life. Unlike work eU n e the he case a e oof the he hhuman uman ggenome, enome your ou w o should meet with hou d m ee w h success. u e

Homewo k We’re Homework: We e halfway ha way through h ough 2010. 2010 W epo about abou how your you big b g projects p o ec s Writee a report for o the he year yea are a e progressing. p og ess ng Testify Tes e y at a Truthrooster@gmail.com. T u h oos e @gma @ com

Go to REALASTROLOGY.COM to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. Audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700


he o ow ng pe on a e do ng bu ne a B g Mou h New 2 B g Mou h P e 4 San Be na d no Wa San o e CA 95 Me Sa man n e ne P e Se e h bu ne ondu ed b a nd dua Reg an ha no e begun an a ng bu ne unde he ou bu ne name o name ed he e n Me Sa man h a emen wa ed w h he Coun C e k o San a C a a Coun on 6 23 20 0 pub Me o 6 30 7 07 7 4 7 2 20 0


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@Êm\ Y\\e nfib`e^ k_`i[ j_`]k ]fi Xggifo`dXk\cp ]fli p\Xij efn% Fe dp [Xpj f]]# [\jg`k\ dp k_i\\ Z_`c[i\e# @ kip kf dX`ekX`e jfd\n_Xk k_\ jXd\ jZ_\[lc\ \Xj`\i j`eZ\ k_\p i\XZ_\[ jZ_ffc X^\ % @Êm\ _\Xi[ Xcc b`e[j f] _fiifi jkfi`\j XYflk g\fgc\ nfib`e^ k_`i[ j_`]k c`m`e^ j_fik\i c`m\j# nfd\e Y\`e^ dfi\ gife\ kf Yi\Xjk ZXeZ\i# Xe[ fk_\i jZXip ZcX`dj% @j k_\i\ Xep kilk_ kf jlZ_ jkfi`\j6 N_Xk \]]\Zk [f\j nfib`e^ k_`i[ j_`]k _Xm\ fe pfli Yf[p cfe^$k\id6 Æ:Xifc The one proven effect is you hear more scary stories. Whether there’s anything to them remains uncertain. So far I’m not seeing a good reason to give up your night job. Lately most of the attention has focused on a possible link between night work and breast cancer. A 2001 Danish study of 7,000 women showed a 50 percent higher risk of breast cancer if they’d worked nights at least six months. A 2006 study of 45,000 Norwegian nurses working the night shift found the risk of breast cancer for some of them was more than double that of day-shift nurses. Why might night work lead to more breast cancer? One theory points to the hormone melatonin, which is secreted by your pineal gland and helps regulate your body clock. Melatonin is produced most abundantly at night, but this can be substantially reduced by exposure to light, including artificial light while you’re on the job. Some researchers say suppressed melatonin levels can lead to an increase in sex hormones, which in turn can increase cancer risk. Scary? You bet. But let’s dive a little deeper into the numbers. The Danish investigators matched up 7,000 women who had breast cancer with 7,000 women who didn’t, factored out things like age and socioeconomic status, then compared job schedules. The night workers seemingly got more than their share of cancer. Trouble is, we’re not sure the “night workers” actually worked at night. The test subjects weren’t interviewed—their personal information was pulled from various databases and their schedules were inferred based on the likelihood of women’s doing night work in their various occupations, as determined by a prior survey. The process was imprecise, the possibility of confounding influences difficult to rule out. Fine, you say. Bring on the 45,000 Norwegian nurses. Well, on close


examination, the Danish and Norwegian studies don’t show the same thing—they show opposite things. Remember, the Danish study claims increased cancer risk after just six months of working nights. The Norwegian study found nurses who’d worked nights for 14 years or less had a slightly lower cancer risk than day-shift nurses. What’s more, just 24 of those nurses actually got cancer, and, as with the Danish study, we’re not entirely certain they worked nights. I’m not seeing much reason to revise the conclusion of a 2003 review in the journal Occupational Medicine: “Today there is no conclusive evidence that night work per se increases the risk of cancer.” I’ll boldly say the risk of rotating-shift work is unproven too. Of course, the big C isn’t the only alleged danger: • One study found a third of night-shift workers suffered from insomnia and such, compared to less than a fifth of day workers. • A German study found night-shift workers were 60 percent more likely to have had an ulcer and 70 percent more likely to have had gastrointestinal complaints. • A study from Sweden correlated night-shift work with a poorer ratio of good to bad cholesterol. Other studies have noted a possible link between night work and weight gain. But so far dire reports like these haven’t added up to anything either. As that 2003 review puts it, “Today, no evidence exists showing that shift work affects longevity.” Still, you never know. Common sense suggests night work is stressful; studies show the risk of onthe-job accidents is 30 percent higher at night. Science may someday succeed in penetrating the smoke and finding a fire. But it hasn’t yet.

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

real estate


72 M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

metroactive STYLE

Cut-Away 9<8:? 9C8EB<K 9@E>F 9 < 8:? 9C8 C 8 EB<K 9@E>F K_`j [Xi`e^ kifg`ZXc gi`ek dfefb`e` `j Yp G_Xo Jn`dn\Xi% K_`j [Xi`e^ kif fg`ZXc gi`ek dfefb`e` `j Yp G_X Xo Jn`dn\Xii%

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j``q\j n`k_ X gc\k_fiX f] Zlkkj j`q\j n`k_ X gc\k_fiX f] Zlkj Xe[ Zfcfij kf XjjlX^\ k_\ Xe e[ Zfcfij kf XjjlX^\ k_\ ZfejZ`flj Zfejld\i% Zf fejZ`flj Zfejld\i% The T he ssummer ummer of of 2010 2010 is is the the year year of tthe of he o one-piece, ne-piece, with with many many beachbeachggoers oers o opting pting for for tthe he ssexy exy m monokini, onokini, a ccreation reation that that combines combines the the elegance elegance off a o o one-piece ne-piece w with ith irty, irty, daring daring cutcutouts. o uts. Names Names like like GGUESS UESS an and nd LL*SPACE *SPACE SSWIMWEAR WIMWEAR h have ave ffound ound creative creative ways ways to to make make their their monokinis monokinis distinctive, distinctive, with with plunging plunging V-necklines V-necklines and an nd risquÊ risquÊ slash slassh marks marks that that call call attention attention to to some some parts parts

off the o the b body ody while while concealing concealing o others. thers. Both curvy curvy and skin nny women ccan an skinny b eneďŹ t fr om this lo ok k, as ccelebrities elebrities beneďŹ t from look, KIM K IM KARDASHIAN KARDASHIAN and P PARIS ARIS H HILTON ILTON have ha ave demonstrated. Bet B Better, ter, to hit the club after loungin ng poolside, poolside, lounging pair the monokini with witth a owy skirt skirt and heels to cconvert onvert itt into a daring par ty top ust b eware of unsightly party top.. JJust beware ttan an lines lines.. Fr ench bandeau tops top ps were were big French back in the da ay, but n ever lik day, never likee this this.. This summer ďŹ nds thee bandeau interpr eted into hund dreds of interpreted hundreds diff ffeerent st yles, fr om straps s to different styles, from strapless, solid to prin ted, and with strapless, printed, clasps that var om seashells to varyy fr from hear ts, b eads and silv e rings er hearts, beads silver rings.. It is ffound o ound in la avvish amo ounts in the lavish amounts

always sexy alw ays y se xy V VICTORIA’S ICTORIA’S SECRET SECRET, as well as in the t highg end ccollections high-end ollections of MAAJI M AAJI and O ONDADEMAR NDADEMAR. Bandeau us are are perfect perfect e for fo or those Bandeaus with a small smaall bust, as their heartheartshaped and and twisted twisted clasps tend to shaped give give the illusion illlusion of a fuller chest. Swimweear is also beginning beginning Swimwear to take take more mo ore cues from from current current apparel trends. trends e . This season’s season’s “itâ€? “itâ€? apparel colors, colors, fuchsia fuch hsia and purple, purple, are are well representeed. The one -shoulder tr end, represented. one-shoulder trend, which has been been a popular popular facet facet for fo or nightliffe-ready e dresses and shirts shirts nightlife-ready dresses for fo or the lastt few few years, years, just recently recently began spilling spilling over over into the realm realm of began pool pool wear. wear. A great great example example is A AGUA GUA BENDIT TA’’ss vibrant v collection, collection, which BENDITA creative over-the-shoulder ffeatures eeatures a cr eative o ver-the-shoulder sswim wim top that t trumps the traditional bikini. F Furthermore, urtherrmore, this season season’s ’s ruffles ar aree ffeatured eeatured on man manyy tops and b bottoms, ottom ms, adding a lit little tle mor moree “o “oomphâ€? omphâ€? to t ar areas eas that ar aree lacking lacking.. OLD O LD N NAVY AVY has h a reasonably reasonably priced priced mix-and-m mix-and-match match ccollection ollection of ruffled bikini b bottoms ottoms t to cho choose ose fr from, om,, and the alw always ays ys out out-there -there B BETSEY ETSEY JOHNSON JOHNSON joins in on n the fun with a gr green een plaid top smat smattered teered with pla playful ayyful frills frills.. These da days, ays y , beachwear beach hw wear is deďŹ ned not only by by the bathing suit, but what go goes es over over it. Having Haavving ďŹ nally settled set tled on a sswim wim lo look, ok, there’s ok, there’s always always y the issue of o what to wear over over it: welcome welc ome to t the world of cover-ups. cover-ups. Sheer ccover-ups over e -ups ar aree must must-haves, -haaves, and ccan an do wo wonders onders for for o recycled recycled bathing suits.. suits Also p popular op pular for for o 2010 is the rromper. omper. Usually Usually associated associated with children’s childr en’s fashion,, this summer the rromper omper is the hot ccover-up over-up tr trend end ffor o or women att the beach. beach. LLOVE OVE CULTURE CULTURE in the Gr Great e Mall in Milpit eat Milpitas as off offers ffeers many man ny ccolorful olo orful options options.. Adorable Adorable and comfy, comffy, the romper romper can can be be paired paired with fancyy ats to cr create eate a vibe vibe that looks lo oks b both oth h current current and effortless. eff ffo ortless. No N o matter matter t what one chooses, chooses, theree ar ther aree endless e w ways ayys to make make an impression impr ession n at the b beach. each. And with the hot hotter ttterr da days ayys rapidly appr approaching, oaching, there’s ther e’s no better better time to ffoster o oster some cr creative eative pairings. paairings.

;\kfo Gffc GXikp Jle[Xpj# effeĂ…jlej\k# ;flYc\ki\\ ?fk\c# JXe Afj\2 )'2 +'/%+,*%+'''


metroactive SPORTS

98KKC@E> GI<;8KFIJ 9 8K KC@E> GI <;8KFIJ K_\ K_\ JXe Afj\ Nfcm\j dXp ]XZ\ X k\ii`kfi`Xc YXkkc\ JXe Afj\ Nf fcm\j dXp p ]XZ\ X k\ii`kfi`Xc YXkkc\ efn k_Xk k_\ JXe Afj\ JXY\iZXkj Xi\ i\klie`e^ kf kfne% efn k_Xk k_\ JXe AAfj\ \ JXY\iZXkj Xi\ i\klie`e^ ^ kf kf fne%



?< JXe Afj\ JXY\iZXkjÊ ?< JXe Afj\ JXY\iZXkjÊ g\e[`e^ i\klie kf k_\ g \e[`e^ i\klie kf k_\ 9Xp 8i\X `j X n\cZfd\ 9 Xp 8i\X `j X n\cZfd\ Yi\Xk_ f] ]i\j_ X`i Y i\Xk_ f] ]i\j_ X`i ]]fi X k_`e JXe Afj\ jgfikj fi X k_`e JXe Afj\ jgfikj dXib\k# n_\i\ ZXj_$jkiXgg\[ d Xib\k# n_\i\ ZXj_$jkiXgg\[ ]]Xej Zflc[ jffe _Xm\ knf Xej Zflc[ jffe _Xm\ knf ``e[ffi ]ffkYXcc k\Xdj kf e[ffi ]ffkYXcc k\Xdj kf ZZ_ffj\ ]ifd% _ffj\ ]ifd% Attendance A ttendan nce figures figures for for tthe he San San n Wolves JJose ose W olves aare re llower ower than than the the organization predicted, with o rganization p redicted, w ith tthe he tteam eam drawing d rawing aaround round 33,000 ,000 ffans an ans per per game, gam me, according head ac ccording tto oh ead d ccoach oach and an nd ggeneral enerall manager Bennie King. Despite m anager B ennie K ing. D espite tthe he figures, llow ow attendance attendance fi gures, King King said said was tthat hat tthe he team team mw ass in in good good sshape hape financially. fi nancially. ““We’ll We’ll sstay tay aafloat, float,” King King said. said. ““First First and when an nd fforemost, oremost, w hen you you start starrt aany ny organization, primarily here, o rganization, p rimarrily h ere, yyou ou have have bee fi financially tto ob nan nciallly sstable tab ble rregardless egardless iiff have five up. Wee have yyou ou h ave fi ve fans fans show show u p. W have a will vvery ery sstrong trong ownership ownership ggroup roup tthat hat w ill allow uss tto financially al llow u o sstay tay fi nancially afloat. afloat.” The Wolves are playing T he W olves ar re p laying in in their their 9-4 iinaugural nau ugural season, seasson, and and at at 9 -4 jjust ust cclinched linched a sspot pot iin n the the American American n Football Association IIndoor ndoor F ootball A ssociation playoffs, playoff ffss, but bee b ut tthe he tteam’s eam m’s ssuccess uccess may may b overshadowed byy tthe off tthe o vershadowed b he rreturn eturn o he Sabercats next S ab bercats n ext season. seasson. King King said said the the organization on o rganization iiss ffocused ocused o n tthe he playoffs playoff ffss now and will ffor or n ow an nd w ill cconcentrate oncentrate on on

organ organization nization decisions decisions in in tthe he offoff ff-sseason. eason. T The he W Wolves olves may may d drop rop tthe he S San an JJose ose m moniker oniker come come off-season. off ff--seasson. ““There There aare re other other b buildings uildings iin n tthis his ar area rea that that we we d definitely efinitely want want tto op possibly ossibly p pursue ursue an and nd tthat hat ccould ould possibly p ossibly aaffect ff ffeect tthe he n name ame cchange hange aass well, w ell,” K King ing ssaid. aid. The T he W Wolves olves p play lay aatt tthe he C Cow ow P Palace alacce iin nD Daly ally C City, ity, ab about bout an nh hour’s our’s d drive rive ffrom rom San San n Jose. Jose. The T he S Sabercats ab bercats aare re p part art o off tthe he Arena A rena F Football ootballl League, Leaggue, w which hich went w ent o out ut o off b business usiness in in 2008 2008 and and rreopened eopened u under nder n new ew o ownership wnership last lasst The Sabercats were one off tthe yyear. ear. T he S abercats w ab ere o ne o he best AFL winning b est rrun un A FL tteams, eam ms, w inning tthree hree cchampionships hampionships and and cconsistently onsistently drawing d rawing more more tthan han 110,000 0,000 ffans ans a ggame. ame. King Wolves K ing ssaid aid tthe he W olves had had ttalked allked making AFL aabout bout m aking tthe he jjump ump tto o tthe he A FL before Sabercats b efore tthe he S abercats aannounced nnounced ttheir heir and Sabercats rreturn eturn tto o tthe he lleague eague an nd tthe he S ab bercats wouldn’t Wolves’ rreturn eturn w ouldn’t aaffect ffeect tthe ff he W olves’ decision. d ecision. Bay big ““The The B ay Area Area iiss b ig eenough nough ffor or ttwo wo tteams, eam ms,” King King ssaid. aid. The off its first nine T he tteam eam won won eeight ight o its fi rst n ine but has one ggames, ames, b ut h as only only won won o ne ggame ame iin n win tthe he llast ast ffour our aand nd tthat hat w in ccame am me ffrom rom a fforfeit. orfeit. have off iinjuries ““We We h ave had had a rrash assh o njuries during here, King d uring tthis his rrun un h ere,” K ing ssaid. aid. ““We We haven’t h aven’t b been een eexecuting xecuting llike ike w wee had had d eearlier arlier iin n the the sseason. eason. W Wee h have ave tto o jjust ust h an ndle o ur b usiness, not not turn turn the the b all handle our business, ball o ver aand nd eexecute. xecute. O nce w o tthat hat w over Once wee d do wee w ill b ne.” will bee fi fine.

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M T


TThe hhe San San Jose W Wolves oolves play their last last regular regular season game against aggainst the Wyoming Wyyoming Cavalry Caavalry in i Casper, Caasperr, Wyoming Wyyoming on Sunday, Sunddayy, July 4.

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



Land of Variety

>FF; :FDG8EP > FF; :FDG8EP JXe Afj\Êj <m\i^i\\e e\`^_Yfi_ff[ J Afj\Êj <m\i^i\\e e\`^_Yfi_ JXe _ff[ `j _fd\ kf dXej`fej# Zfe[fj Xe[ dfY`c\ _fd\j% `j _fd\ kf dXej`fejj## Zfe[fj Xe[ dfY`c\ _fd\j%



<N G<FGC< befn <N G<FGC< befn kk_Xk 9XiYiX Jki\`jXe[ _Xk 9XiYiX Jki\`jXe[ ii\Zfi[\[ _\i _`k jfe^ \Zfi[\[ _\i _`k jfe^ ÇÇ<m\i^i\\eÈ `e JgXe`j_# <m\i^i\\eÈ `e JgXe`j_# =i\eZ_ Xe[ @kXc`Xe% ;`m\ij`kp% =i\eZ_ Xe[ @kXc`Xe% ;`m\ij`kp% K_XkÊj k_\ eXd\ f] k_\ ^Xd\# K_XkÊj k_\ eXd\ f] k_\ ^Xd\# Xe[ [`m\ij`kp ZXe Y\ ]fle[ Xe[ [`m\ij`kp ZXe Y\ ]fle[ `e XYle[XeZ\ `e JXe Afj\Êj `e XYle[XeZ\ `e JXe Afj\Êj <m\i^i\\e e\`^_Yfi_ff[% <m\i^i\\e e\`^_Yfi_ff[% Like L ike tthe he ccollege ollege in in tthe he heart heart of of Evergreen, the the n eighborhood iiss a m ix Evergreen, neighborhood mix of C alifornia’s diverse diverse p opulation. of California’s population. There’s ssomething omething ffor or eeveryone veryone here, here, There’s from inexpensive inexpensive h ousing in in western western from housing Evergreen tto o ggated atted communities communities iin n Evergreen the southeast, southeast, n ear tthe he S ilver C reek the near Silver Creek Val alley C ountry Club, Club, S ilicon Valley’s Valley’s Valley Country Silicon hidden treasure. treassure. hidden A 2706 W hispering H ills Lane, Lane, Att 2706 Whispering Hills there’s a three-bedroom, three-bedroom, 2 1/2-bath 1/2-bath there’s home iin nam obile p ark ffor or jjust ust home mobile park $175,000. The The h ome ttakes akes u p 11,578 ,578 $175,000. home up square feet feet aand nd ccan an easily eassily sserve erve as as a square rental p roperty, b ringing iin n $720 $720 a rental property, bringing month. month. B ut tthat’s hat’s jjust ust o ne sside ide o vergreen. But one off E Evergreen. Moving u p tto o 33546 546 A rcade A ve. iiss a Moving up Arcade Ave. gorgeous fi ve-bedroom h ouse w ith gorgeous five-bedroom house with

a sstunning tunning ccolumned olumned eexterior. xterior. It It is is a ttwo-story wo -story h home ome of of 5,523 5,523 square square ffeet eet and and includes includes a m majestic ajestic fformal ormal eentrance ntrance wa w way ay w with ith vaulted vau ulted cceilings eilings aand nd a grand grand staircase staircasse leading leading up up to to tthe he ssecond econd floor. floor. The The bottom bottom floor floor features features a b edroom with with a full full bath, bath, a sspacious paccious bedroom ffamily aam mily rroom oom and an nd a sseparate eparate home home office o ffice or or den, den, as as well well aass a ggourmet ourmet k itchen and an nd sseparate eparatte d ining rroom. oom. kitchen dining The T he second second floor floor contains contaiins four four m more ore bedrooms, b edrooms, including including a h huge uge m master aster ssuite uite w with ith a ssweeping weeping vview iew of of San San Jose Jose aand nd the the ssurrounding urrounding hills. hills. The The home home iiss cozy cozy and an nd luxurious luxurious all all aatt once, once, sset et off off ffrom rom the the other other houses houses iin n the the neighborhood neighborhood b byy iits ts iimpressive mpressive ccolonnade, olonnad de, which which o pens onto onto a opens sstunning tunning view. view. It It is is aavailable vailab ble ffor or jjust ust under u nder $1 $1 m million. illion. For For one one last lasst example exam mple of of why why Evergreen E vergreen could could just just be tthe he neighborhood n eighborhood o ffor or yyou, ou, let’s let’s look look at at tthis his h home ome at at 2 2175 175 Pettigrew Pettigrew Dr. Dr. At At $499,000, $ 499,000, it it offers off ffeers three three bedrooms bedrooms aand nd 2 1/2 1/2 b baths, aths, iin n a space spacce of of 11,450 ,450 This ssquare quarre feet. feet. T his iiss a home home for for families families with w ith children—it children—it iincludes ncludes a child-safe child-safe ccourtyard ourttyarrd aand nd aan n extra-large extra-large backyard. backyarrd. IItt is is also allso a home home for for G ran ndma an nd Grandma and Grandpa G randpa to to come come to to vvisit, isit, with with an n eextra xtra lliving iving area area above abo b ve the the two-car two-carr garage. garragge.

75 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U N E 3 0 -J U LY 6 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M


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