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No Office for Old Moles Police Auditor mystery continues p8

Convention Bureau Vanishes

J U LY LY 1 4-2 4 - 20 20, 20 01110 0 | VO V O L . 2 6, 6 , N O . 1 8 | S I L I C O N VA V A L L E Y, Y, C A | F R E E

Team SJ eclipses CVB on new website p48

Reality Free

ce en ri pe ex l ua rt vi is , re he yw er ev s With screen measuring up to the real thing? BY MICHAEL VENTURA

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Community Meeting


A llocally ocally oowned wned company. company.

5550 50 S FFirst irst St, St, San San Jose, Jose, CA CA 95113 95113 408.298.8000 408.298.8000 EEditorial ditorial FFax: ax: 4408.298.0602 08.298.0602 Advertising Advertising FFax: ax: 4408.298.6992 08.298.6992

Tuesday, July 20, 2010 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. Roosevelt Community Center 901 East Santa Clara Street San Jose, CA 95116

Meeting Purpose: The purpose of this meeting is to ensure stakeholder participation and input at key points in this public policy process. At this community meeting, attendees will have the opportunity to self-select a topic to provide input that will help staff further develop the Ordinances for City Council consideration. Key topics include: 1. Registration Process & Requirements 2. Operating Requirements 3. Taxing Marijuana Businesses 4. Land Use Policy

EEXECUTIVE XECUTIVE EDITOR EDITOR & CEO CEO D DAN AN PUL PULCRANO CRANO EEDITORIAL DITORIAL Managing/Arts M anaging/Arts Editor: Editor: M Michael ichael S. S. G Gant ant News N ews EEditor: ditor: E Eric ric JJohnson ohnson FFood ood EEditor: ditor: S Stett tett H Holbrook olbrook Music M usic Editor: Editor: S Steve teve P Palopoli alopoli CContributing ontributing W Writers: riters: JJessica essica FFromm, romm,

JJessica essica LLussenhop, ussenhop, G ary S ingh, Gary Singh, Richard Busack R ichard vvon on B usack Photographer: P hotographer: F Felipe elipe B Buitrago uitrago CCalendar@metronews.com alendar@metronews.com

ART/PRODUCTION A RT/PRODUCTION Design Director: Design Director: K Kara ara Brown Brown Production P roduction D Director: irector: H Harry arry A Allison llison Graphic G raphic Designer: Designer: T Tabi abi D Dolan olan EEditorial ditorial P Production: roduction: S Sean ean G George eorge Advertising Graphic Graphic Artists: Artists: Advertising

JJimmy immy D Donald, onald, D Dave ave R Robison obison TTrafďŹ cking rafďŹ cking Coordinator: Coordinator: M Mercy ercy Perez Perez

To review staff reports and draft ordinances from the June 22 City Council meeting, visit www.sanjoseca.gov/clerk/Agenda/20100622/20100622a.pdf

ADA Access:


To arrange accommodations under the Americans Disabilities Act to participate in this public meeting, please call Alexandra Orologas at (408) 535-8100 or (408) 294-9337 (TTY) at least three (3) business days before the meeting. Onsite parking is limited. Members of the public are encouraged to use public transportation.

DISPLAY D ISPLAY SALES SALES Advertising D Advertising Director: irector: JJohn ohn H Haugh augh SSenior enior Account Account EExecutives: xecutives: B Bill ill S Stubbee tubbee Promotions P romotions CCoordinator: oordinator: S Sharona harona O Oshana shana Account A ccount EExecutives: xecutives: G Gordon ordon C Carbone, arbone,

Billy Billy Garcia, Garcia, Michael Michael Hagaman, Hagaman, Manak, Tammy Patterson JJonny onny M anak, T ammy P atterson Account A ccount M Manager: anager: M Mercy ercy Perez Perez Movie M ovie Promotions/Sales: Promotions/Sales: JJim im C Carrico arrico

CCLASSIFIED LASSIFIED SSALES ALES SSenior enior Account Account EExecutive: xecutive: M Michael ichael R. R. Hill Hill CClassiďŹ ed lassiďŹ ed Sales: Sales: D Dave ave Miller Miller

ACCOUNTING/OPERATIONS/ A CCOUNTING/OPERATIONS/ A DMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION Accounting A ccounting M Manager: anager: T Tisha isha R Rae ae G G.. M MuĂąoz uĂąoz Accounts A ccounts R Receivable: eceivable: V Vickie ickie M Monroe onroe CCirculation irculation Manager: Manager: G Gary ary S Sunbury unbury IInformation nformation SSystems: ystems: C Chris hris G Giancaterino iancaterino OfďŹ ce O fďŹ ce M Manager: anager: D Dave ave Miller Miller


Programs P rograms Offered: Offered:


Consultation C onsultation n& Treatment Treatment from frrom Chinese Medicine Specialist hinese M edicine S pecialist



Clinic C linic H Hours: ours: Every M Every Mon on afternoon afterno oon & regular regular working working hours h on Tue Tue, Wed, Wed Th Thur hur

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ISawYou@metronews.com Send us your anonymous rants and raves about your co-workers or any badly behaving citizen—or about citizens you admire. I SAW YOU, Metro, 550 S. First St., San Jose, 95113, or via email.

Soccer Momster Pfl n\i\ j`kk`e^ `e ]ifek f] d\ Xk dp .$p\Xi$fc[ [Xl^_k\iÊj jfZZ\i ^Xd\# Ô `gg`e^ pfli Yc\XZ_\[ Ycfe[\ _X`i Xe[ jhlXnb`e^ [`jdXp kf pfli gXc XYflk \m\ip [\Z`j`fe k_\ ZfXZ_ dX[\# Xe[ n_`e`e^ XYflk _fn PFLI [Xl^_k\i j_flc[ efk Y\ fe k_\ Y\eZ_ Y\ZXlj\ J?< `j k_\ 9<JK ^fXc`\% 8]k\i k_\ jkXik\i Xccfn\[ X ^fXc# pfl cfl[cp Y\iXk\[ k_\ ZfXZ_ ]fi Xcc kf _\Xi# Xj pfli [Xl^_k\i Zi`e^\[ n`k_ \dYXiiXjjd\ek% Cffb# cX[p Xe[ @ lj\ k_\ k\id ÇcX[pÈ cffj\cp _\i\ # `] pfl befn jf dlZ_ XYflk jfZZ\i# k_\e n_p [feÊk PFL mfclek\\i kf ZfXZ_ X b`[jÊ k\Xd6 @ _fg\ pfl [f jfd\[Xp# Xe[ k_Xk \m\ip b`[ fe pfli k\Xd _Xj X gXi\ek aljk c`b\ pfl%

COMMENTS Letters@metronews.com Metro welcomes letters. Like any great work of art, they should be originals—not copies of material sent elsewhere. Please include your name, city of residence and daytime telephone number. (Phone number will not be published.) Letters may be edited for length and clarity or to correct factual inaccuracies known to us. = SanJoseInside

= via email

Thanks Curtis Cartier’s Fanime convention piece (“Wild Anime,” Cover Story, May 26) was absolutely wizard. Textbook, if not better. Engaging, personal, good use of quotes, a good sense of time and place, good narrative

flow, good structure, nicely researched, good use of the language and concise. An example of the excellence that I’ve come to expect from Metro. TERRY WHITTIER | SAN JOSE

No Thanks I found Ms. Clark’s article (“Get a Life!” Cover Story, July 7) to be shortsighted and borer-line offensive. She writes as though it is news that a 21hour workweek would improve our lives and make us all more “sane and healthy.” I don’t think anyone’s going to disagree that it would be nice to spend more time with our families, riding our bikes and growing our own food—except maybe those of us for whom Ms. Clark’s personal lifestyle choices are (1) uninteresting or (2)

unattainable due to our immigration status, education level or disability. I’m pleased to see that the author remembered issues of health care and age. Perhaps the next article she writes will enlighten me on how my husband and I (collectively we work more than 90 hours per week), can move out of our shitty apartment and afford cable television. SARAH LEGG | PETALUMA

Splitting Hairs So basically there’s little difference between Vietnamese “play by its own rules” news media and U.S. mainstream “fake but accurate” news media (“Blogging in Vietnamese,” The Fly, July 7). NOVICE

R.I.P. On Monday, author and sometime Metro contributor Harvey Pekar was found dead at his home by his wife of 27 years, cartoonist Joyce Brabner. He was 70. The autobiographical comics written by this Cleveland resident put his city on the map; in his best work, including Our Cancer Year (co-written by Brabner), American Splendor and The Quitter, Pekar expanded the boundaries of what graphic literature can do. For more about Pekar and links to his work for Metro, see metroactive.com/harveypekar.


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Team Takes San Jose.org It looks like the lines between the city’s visitors bureau and the labor-business coalition that runs city-owned facilities is being further blurred, if they exist at all. Until very recently, the Convention and Visitors Bureau, a quasi-public, hotel tax–funded organization, and one of the three entities that make up Team San Jose, operated the SanJose.org website. The site made mention of Team San Jose as an “innovative public-private” partnership between the CVB, South Bay Labor Council and a group of local hoteliers, who joined forces to streamline the process by which out-of-towners can spend their cash. But with the relaunch of SanJose.org, all distinction has been removed, and Team San Jose is given top billing—solidly defined as a nonprofit (wherein public and private may be innovative, but certainly are not distinct). DAN FENTON, the affable head of both the CVB and TSJ, was unavailable for Don’t comment, leaving it to forget communications manager to tip! SARAH HILDENBERGER to try and find the fine FLY@ line separating public METRONEWS. money from private COM profit. “About a year ago we were technically two organizations,” Hildenberger said. “Now we’re officially Team San Jose.” When we tried the telephone number on SanJose. org, we were greeted by a cheery electronic message that said we’d reached “San Jose Convention and Cultural Facilities” as managed by “Team San Jose in partnership with the Convention and Visitors Bureau, organized labor, [and] local hoteliers.”

Little Saigon, Big Saigon What on earth is going on in San Jose’s cyberspace? Fly noticed that the 3-year-


Spy vs. Lie @E?<I@K<; ;<9K CX;fi`j :fi[\cc# n_f kffb fm\i Xj JXe Afj\Êj @e[\g\e[\ek Gfc`Z\ 8l[`kfi `e DXp# cXe[\[ `e X Ó i\jkfid `emfcm`e^ k_\ ]fid\i _\X[ f] k_\ gfc`Z\ le`fe%

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Two weeks ago, the usually loquacious Lopez announced that he would run for his old job as president

of the San José Police Officers Association (POA). Lopez said he believes George Beattie, his media-shy predecessor, is a weak leader. A few days later, on July 1, an independent investigation report concluded that no mole or spy had burrowed its way into the IPA’s office. On the day the results of the investigation were released, LaDoris Cordell, the retired judge and Stanford Law School assistant dean who now heads the office, said: “I am greatly relieved that the investigation has determined that there are no leaks of confidential information by any member of my staff.” Six days later, she fired her senior analyst, Suzan Stauffer.

The move was praised by local community groups, who saw the sacking as confirmation that Cordell was doing what she could to remove a suspected informant from her midst. Though she acknowledges the firing, Cordell still maintains that nobody was providing a back channel to Lopez. “I have said this several times publicly, and I’ll say it to you: no one—including the person who is no longer on my staff—no one has ever, ever leaked confidential information to Bobby Lopez, or anybody else,” Cordell says. “I firmly, absolutely believe that. Period.” Lopez won’t say why he’s lawyered up, and declines to comment further. However, a source who has worked with Lopez and the IPA’s office says the longtime cop believes there are forces inside San Jose City Hall who do not want to see him re-elected to his old post. “He’s concerned that if the friggin’ ACLU can get an IPA employee



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Santana Row Presents

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fired before an investigation is even completed, they’ll go after him next,” the source says. The imbroglio resulted from a June 9 article by Mercury News reporter Sean Webby, which reported that an IPA staffer had “repeatedly leaked confidential information” to Lopez, and quoted Lopez confirming that he had a spy in the auditor’s office during his time as POA president. The story sparked outrage from local activists, and strained the already shaky relationship between San Jose police and some community leaders. “Let me just say that I have no idea who Bobby Lopez is,” Cordell says. “I have never had a conversation with him. I don’t know why he says the things he does. I have no idea. “My way of dealing with people is to always be objective and not go in with biases. All I know of him is what I have read in the newspaper, and the investigative report. And that doesn’t really tell me much. In fact, it leaves me a bit confused about who this person is.”

Credibility Gap Cordell was already aware of the concerns about a mole in the IPA’s office by the time the Merc story hit the streets, having been tipped off by former local ACLU head Skyler Porras—one of Webby’s main sources. The investigative report by attorney Mike Moye of Hanson Bridgett LLP states that Lopez told Webby straight up that he never received information on specific confidential complaints. “Lopez makes clear that he received no confidential information from anyone on the IPA staff and that the news article was not accurate,” the report says on page 19. Moye goes on to say that at the beginning and end of Lopez’s June 8 interview with Webby, Lopez told the reporter unequivocally that no confidential IPA information had been passed to him. The Mercury News has since reported that this exchange did not happen. Lopez agreed to show up for a faceto-face interview for this article, but canceled the interview last week. He explained that in light of “the Pete Constant situation,” his lawyer has

barred him from talking to the press. “As you know most cops don’t like to give interviews,” Lopez said. “It’s the conception that we are going to be misquoted. And I can honestly tell you that I was.” Lopez said he believes that the Mercury News is going to try and do everything it can to defend Webby’s reporting of the IPA spy story. “Otherwise, he’s toast.” “I understand where they are coming from and what they were trying to do,” Lopez says, “but it doesn’t negate the fact that I didn’t do anything unethical, or anything wrong.” San Jose District 1 Councilman Pete Constant, a retired police officer himself, says he believes Lopez is being untruthful. “I talked to Sean [Webby] about it, and Sean told me that [Lopez] told him more than once. Sean said he even clarified with him what he meant. And now he’s completely recanting and saying something different. “One can only assume one of two things: that he lied the first time, or he’s lying the second time, because they’re not the same story. “It worries me whenever we have issues like that, because as a police officer, your credibility is you. He’s not just a police officer, he’s a police sergeant. That carries a lot of authority in our police department, and that concerns me.”

Moving On Lopez has still never named Stauffer as his source. That said, he has characterized his leaker as a “whistleblower” who let him know about potentially “unethical” practices being perpetrated by former IPA head Barbara Attard. Cordell, who took over the IPA position in May, continues to refuse to comment further on Stauffer’s firing because it’s a “personnel matter.” She says that if Lopez is elected to become head of the POA again, she will not bring up this situation at all in their interactions. “I have no interest whatsoever in why he said what he said, or why he does what he does,” Cordell repeated. “He can be helpful to me as leader of

the POA by helping my office do the best that it can. I welcome that.” Cordell points to her newly proposed officer-citizen mediation program as a solution to easing tensions between the community and police. She also just wants to get back to focusing on her job as IPA. “I’m moving forward,” Cordell says. “There is no way I can operate by looking back. We did an investigation. Done. Life is short, and I have a lot of things I want to do here in this office.” For his part, Lopez has his November election to think about. And apparently he has other concerns as well: before canceling his interview, he mentioned to Metro that his wife, Kathy, is “getting kind of pissed” at him for igniting this whole controversy in the first place.




old Vietnamese political blog Little Saigon Inside has completely changed its look to a more generic Blogspot template, and reintroduced itself in a post that seems to swear off the kind of finger-licking local gossip pointed out in this column last week: “Now under the direction of AsianAmerican Poll Media, Little Saigon Inside will mainly focus on economic trends and business opportunities relating to Vietnam and its community abroad. When relevant, we will provide insights on political trends that affect ‘the pursuit of happiness’ by the Vietnamese people living in Vietnam as well as overseas.” Seems the new bosses are more interested in the actual Saigon. Although Fly could find no mention of “Asian-American Poll Media” other than on LSI, the change does seem absolute. Though all the old posts remain—with the authors’ names removed—the latest post is about journalism fellowships to Vietnam. At least one commenter did not see it as an improvement, writing, “This is language that we’ve heard from the VC’s propagandas [sic]. Why would we want to focus on business opportunities for Vietnam and not our own opportunities here?”

11 the best of the local web

1. Visit the “Life in a Day” channel and learn more about the project. Be sure to read through the steps you need to take to participate and the guidelines for creating your video(s). Also check out some of the sample videos for inspirational ideas.

Life in a Day

2. On July 24, capture your day on camera.

EVERY DAY, 6.7 billion people view the world through their own unique lens. Imagine if there was a way to collect all of these perspectives, to aggregate and mold them into the cohesive story of a single day on earth.

3. Upload your footage to the “Life in a Day” channel any time before July 31. —TIM PARTRIDGE, GOOGLEBLOG .BLOGSPOT.COM

)+1 PflKlY\ Xe[ Jle[XeZ\ Xi\ Zifn[jfliZ`e^ X Ó cd Today, we’re excited to announce [fZld\ek`e^ fe\ [Xp `e the launch of “Life in a Day,” a k_\ c`]\ f] k_\ nfic[% historic cinematic experiment that will attempt to do just that: document one day, as seen through the eyes of people around the world. On July 24, you have 24 hours to capture a snapshot of your life on camera. You can film the ordinary—a sunrise, the commute to work, a neighborhood soccer match, or the extraordinary—a baby’s first steps, your reaction to the passing of a loved one, or even a marriage.

Kevin Macdonald, the Oscar-winning director of films such as The Last King of Scotland, Touching the Void and One Day in September, will then edit the most compelling footage into a feature documentary film, to be executive-produced by Ridley Scott, the director behind films like Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, Thelma & Louise, Blade Runner and Robin Hood. LG Electronics is supporting “Life in a Day” as a key part of its long-standing “Life’s Good” campaign and to support the creation of quality online content that can be shared and enjoyed by all. The film will premiere at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival, and if your footage makes it into the final cut, you’ll be credited as a co-director and may be one of 20 contributors selected to attend the premiere. Want to take part? Here’s what to do.

A New Way of Reading I have a piece in the August 2010 issue of the Smithsonian magazine, their 40th Anniversary issue. They commissioned 40 views of the future. I wrote about the future of reading, or what they titled “Reading in a Whole New Way.

provoke a reflex to do something: to research the term, to query your screen ‘friends’ for their opinions, to find alternative views, to create a bookmark, to interact with or tweet the thing rather than simply contemplate it. “Book reading strengthened our analytical skills, encouraging us to pursue an observation all the way down to the footnote. Screen reading encourages rapid patternmaking, associating this idea with another, equipping us to deal with the thousands of new thoughts expressed every day. The screen rewards, and nurtures, thinking in real time. We review a movie while we watch it, we come up with an obscure fact in the middle of an argument, we read the owner’s manual of a gadget we spy in a store before we purchase it rather than after we get home and discover that it can’t do what we need it to do.” —KEVIN KELLY, KK.ORG/THETECHNIUM

blinddrew I think one of the things that this article doesn’t touch on is the difference in attention span required. I am a big fan of the screen and its connectivity but I wonder sometimes if we are losing our ability to concentrate? bodyhacker Until the technology that tracks eye movement is placed into devices: “Nielsen Norman Group’s study found that reading speeds declined by 6.2 percent on the iPad and 10.7 percent on the Kindle compared to print.”

“Soon enough, screens will follow our eyes to perceive where we gaze. In the movie ‘Minority Report,’ the character played by Tom Cruise stands in front of a wraparound screen and hunts through vast archives of information with the gestures of a symphony conductor. Reading becomes almost athletic. Just as it seemed weird five centuries ago to see someone read silently, in the future it will seem weird to read without moving your body. “Books were good at developing a contemplative mind. Screens encourage more utilitarian thinking. A new idea or unfamiliar fact will

Microsoft Plans ‘Hardcore’ Tablet Thrust During his keynote address at the company’s Worldwide Partner Conference in Washington, D.C., this morning, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said the company will soon introduce a number of


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J:I<<E ><D D`Zifjf]k `j k\Xd`e^ n`k_ ?G Xe[ )' fk_\i dXel]XZkli\ij kf b\\g `kj gcXZ\ `e k_\ jcXk\ dXib\k% Windows 7–based slates, targeted at both consumers and enterprises. “This year, one of the most important things that we will do in the smart device category is really push forward with Windows 7–based slates and Windows 7 phones,” he said. “We want to give you a great consumer-oriented device, but a device that fits and is manageable with today’s enterprise IT solutions. They’ll come with keyboards. They’ll come without keyboards. . . . They’ll be dockable. And they will be in many form factors, many price points and many sizes. But they will all run Windows 7.” And they will be built by 21 manufacturers, including Asus, Sony, Dell, Fujitsu, Lenovo, Panasonic and, yes, Hewlett-Packard too. Though HP is developing a tablet based on Palm’s webOS, its work on that Windows 7 tablet Ballmer showed off at CES in January evidently continues. “Over the course of the next several months you will see a range of Windows 7–based slates that I think you’ll find quite impressive,” Ballmer said. “This is a terribly important area for us. We are hardcore about this.” Hardcore, eh? So I guess your approach to the mobile market would be softcore, then? —JOHN PACZKOWSKI, DIGITAL DAILY.ALLTHINGSD.COM

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Unfortunately for us, San Jose gets its name attached to the madness, as the “winner” of the event, Joey “Jaws” Chestnut, lives in San Jose. Why would anyone celebrate this guy? Is there any way that we can distance ourselves from Mr. Chestnut? In his front page story, sportswriter Mark Purdy wrote, “I have no bones about this: Chestnut is my favorite Bay Area sports personality—unless you believe that competitive eating is not technically a sport.” I hope that Mark Purdy is kidding. I’m not sure that he is. Competitive eating is certainly not a sport . . . it’s

an obscenity. Purdy goes on: “In many ways, [Chestnut] is not unlike other Silicon Valley entrepreneurs who found a niche, developed a strategy to exploit the niche, then prospered.” Please. But Purdy’s story does provide us with some valuable information. He reports that Chestnut grew up in the city of Vallejo. This is news we can use. Let’s give Joey Chestnut back to Vallejo! From here on out, refer to Joey Chestnut in press and public as “The Pride of Vallejo.” “The Pride of Vallejo” sounds so much better than “The Shame of San Jose”!

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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-20 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

San Jose Should Disown Joey Chestnut


M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U LY 1 4-20 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Felipe Buitrago




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Anyone from the public is allowed to hang out—it isn’t restricted to Rosicrucians—but everything in Rosicrucian Park seems to exist behind some veneer of mystery. It’s just how they operate. These days, once inside the

library, visitors are greeted with a display showcasing several copies of a 2009 Wired issue dedicated to esoteric mysteries, the CIA and the Rosicrucians. Also inside the room are portraits of Julie Scott, the current grand master of the English Grand Lodge for the Americas, Christian Bernard, the current Rosicrucian imperator in France, as well as busts of former imperator Ralph Davis and the Greek philosopher Epicurus. And, of course, there are thousands of books on every occult and esoteric subject imaginable, in every format: ancient treatises, large-bound volumes, magazine articles, collectible Time-Life series, Rosicrucian material in probably 10 different languages, antiquarian volumes behind a glass case, folios and several shelves of new, yet-to-be-cataloged books.

Apparently, since people are donating books at such a frisky pace, the library has outgrown the current building, and the Rosicrucians will eventually move the entire library to the administration building on Naglee. But there is another reason why I went to the library. There will be a conference, July 22–25, at Rosicrucian Park, five years in the making and commanding a hefty title: “Hidden in Plain Sight: The Influence of Western Esoteric Movements on Modern Thought.” Esoteric voyagers from across the globe submitted academic papers and will be descending upon San Jose to present their research. Everyone paid for their trips out of their own pockets. “We wanted to reach out to other esoteric groups so that together we could really address the issues existing in the world at this time,” said Scott. “For several years, we had a call for papers online. It was totally open. . . . There are people from many esoteric groups; there are people not even associated with

esoteric groups. It’s wide open. There were no restrictions or requirements at all.” The now-sold-out conference features a lineup of highly intriguing individuals. Every man and woman involved will be a star. Here are just a few examples: Dr. Patricia Downes, an organization development specialist with a doctoral degree from George Washington University, will give an interactive presentation titled “The Great Work and the Workplace: Transforming Work and Workplaces Through Stealth Esotericism.” Providing guidance for dealing with boring work environments, she will lead an experiment on a “mystical perspective of work which examines work from the inside out, allowing us to open the door to deeper learning, wisdom and the workplace.” Romanian-born Mioara Merié, Ph.D., wrote a paper titled “Christian Esotericism and the Inner Eye: Automatic Drawing, Sciences of the Mind and Religious Innovations in Mid-Nineteenth Century Britain.” Her presentation will explore, among other things, the afterlife investigations of Victorian-era Christian spiritualists. Retired Army Counterintelligence Special Agent, Herm Cardona, MSSI, 32°, will talk about Freemasonry and the Enlightenment; professor Bruce Krajewski, Ph.D., will analyze the unpublished papers of a bizarre castle builder in New Jersey; and Geoffrey Redmond will discuss the I-Ching’s influence on Western esotericism. According to Scott, the presentations will be taped and made available on YouTube. Back at the Rosicrucian Research Library, the shelves are overflowing due to lack of space. Even though the librarian isn’t allowed to give me the secret WiFi password, I am at peace nevertheless.

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17 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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Screen Me Up ;`jk`eZk`fej ]X[\ Ylk [`]]\i\eZ\j i\dX`e Xj gXe\cj kXb\ fm\i fli nfic[ 9p

MICHAEL VENTURA =ifd GjpZ_fk_\iXgp E\knfib\i

19 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M


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SCREENWORLD 19 “But,” said I, “a pigeon couldn’t shit on your head.” Granting that any experience can be called “real,” in that it is an experience, I argued that there are differences in the nature of virtual and actual reality. For one thing, on your walk through a virtual Rome, you aren’t even walking: you’re sitting. And what’s Rome without the wonderful smells of food? Even if your virtual Rome is accompanied by recorded sounds of Rome, that’s nothing like the sounds of racket, traffic, music, and language, the melodious cacophony of Italian, spoken all around you. A flat screen gives you no sense of Rome behind you, and to the side of you. The rain won’t rain on you, and you won’t have to dodge crazy drivers. You’re having a one-dimensional experience, literally and figuratively. And no matter what’s inputted into the program, there’s no chance of running into the girl who sat next to you in high school chemistry—or anyone else. What R.D. Laing once called “the freshness and forgivingness of creation” couldn’t reach out to you, nor you to it. Your computer program couldn’t include the unprogrammed, yet the unprogrammed is generally what happens during the engagement of human beings with each other, and with the world. James Baldwin’s truth that “any human touch can change you” isn’t available on your computer. I said what I thought obvious: the computerized Rome couldn’t give you what a Laing or a Baldwin would most value about Rome: the city as a medium for engaging life beyond personal, private acts and perceptions. They didn’t get it. My argument left them utterly unconvinced, and they looked at me bemusedly, as though I was mildly to be pitied because I didn’t get it. What separated us? Between my sense of the real and theirs gaped a chasm that I didn’t understand. What would a psychotherapist make of it? If, in your consulting room, one of these students told you that the Rome on his computer is more real than the real Rome, is that a symptom? if so, of what? Would it be a syndrome to be addressed in therapy? or just a

piece of data, a reference-point for this particular client? At around the same time, I saw related behavior that no one would connect to psychological difficulty, at least in any conventional sense.

NXj @ ZiXqp kf k_`eb k_Xk k_\`i Zfdglcj`fe kf jhl\\q\ k_\ G\ki`Ó \[ =fi\jk `ekf k_\`i c`kkc\ jZi\\ej nXj X d\Xej efk kf \e^X^\ k_`j nfe[iflj Xe[ [`jkliY`e^ gcXZ\6 I was driving the Southwest with a companion who’d never been there. In Arizona, on the edge of the Painted Desert, we stopped at the Petrified Forest, a vast, barren expanse of chaparral and mesas, on which lie the trunks of ancient trees turned to stone. On these trees, every detail of bark is present and vivid, yet somehow a forest has become rock. We parked at the first viewing point. My companion, without saying a word, made her way down a slope and sat. I figured she’d be there a while, absorbing this place out of sight of the road and of me, watching the Petrified Forest’s stones, birds, critters, and clouds, and maybe getting bit by a bug or two—a contemplative engagement with a present terrain. Waiting for her, maybe an hour, I had a very different experience. Cars and vans would pull up; couples and families and friends would get out and take pictures of the landscape, and of each other, with


From Tactile to Virtual All this began to happen just as Google was getting off the ground, four or five years before YouTube, and before cell phones could take pictures. Since then, what seemed to

me aberrant behavior has become the world we live in. I’m not a therapist: I’m a writer; but psychotherapy has always been key to how I make sense of the world, and I tend to look at behavior as symptomatic, in whatever sphere—intimate, political, commercial. Novelists and therapists share the fundamental assumption that behavior means more than itself, stems from deeper roots than what can be seen on the surface, and has wider implications than its supposed conscious purpose and assumptions. So it meant something when technologies that I view as disengaging became common in my own work. Something, but what? I used to begin work with a tactile, blank page, making keystrokes on a typewriter whose mechanics I understood. Now I begin with a blank screen on a machine whose technology I can barely comprehend. I don’t believe that’s changed me as a writer, but I miss the typewriter’s clickety-clack, the ding of the margin-bell, the movement of the carriage back and forth, the shudder of my desk under pounded keys. (I blew my first computer keyboard in a matter of weeks, before I learned to type more gently.) The computer, which once seemed alien, is now embedded in the dailiness of my life; but after 12 years, I’m no closer to understanding it. I believe more than ever that a virtual Rome isn’t Rome, and is, in fact, nothing like Rome, and I’d rather gaze at the Petrified Forest than photograph it—because, unless one is a photographer of the first rank, there’s no way to trap that grandeur in a box. Still, it must mean something that when I look about me, I see screens, screens, screens— everywhere, screens, including right here, in front of me, right now. At arm’s reach are three: the trio of computers accessible from this chair (often I work on two computers at once). Another screen glares across the room—the television. My cell phone, also at arm’s reach, has a screen, even though I bought the simplest device possible: it cost 10 bucks, but it can take and transmit photos and




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video and still cameras. As I stood there, leaning on my car, at least a couple of dozen vehicles, maybe more, came and went. After a few minutes of disbelief, I began timing them. With three exceptions, they stayed no longer than five minutes. Many stayed barely two or three. They piled out of their vehicles, took their pictures, piled back in, and left, presumably headed for the next viewing point, presumably to do the same. Some came from as far as Europe and Asia. All had paid a bunch of money and expended great effort to get to the Petrified Forest, yet they could, in no way that I understood, be said to have been there. When they returned home, would they spend more time watching the Petrified Forest on their screens than they’d spent actually at the Petrified Forest? Was I crazy to think that their compulsion (not too strong a word if you’d seen them) to squeeze the Petrified Forest into their little screens was a means not to engage this wondrous and disturbing place? To me, they were locking these mysterious vistas into a controlled and unthreatening space. What was their connection to what I’d define as “reality”? They were treating the real, physical thing as if it were a TV show, and they were flipping channels. All through that journey—at Monument Valley, Canyon de Chelly, the Grand Canyon—I saw the same behavior. Not everyone engaged the landscape that way, but most did— families, couples, busloads of tourists. This behavior was their version of “normal.” Of course, cameras of all sorts have their place on a vacation, but only to take photos and videos. Again, is it a psychological symptom? If so, of what, especially when considered as a mode of behavior on a fairly massive scale?

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SCREENWORLD 21 movies, and features menus I don’t bother to understand. Now you see screens at checkout counters and laundromats, in restaurants and waiting rooms, and on the dashboards of cars and in their back seats. Millions of regular folks preen for screens on YouTube and Facebook, marketing their image like politicians or starlets. What with Blackberrys, iPhones, and

Jk`cc# `k dljk d\Xe jfd\k_`e^ k_Xk n_\e @ cffb XYflk d\# @ j\\ jZi\\ej# jZi\\ej# jZi\\ejÆ \m\ipn_\i\# jZi\\ej# `eZcl[`e^ i`^_k _\i\# `e ]ifek f] d\# i`^_k efn% a 10-buck cell, few Americans go anywhere anymore without a screen that connects to every other screen in some way or other, linking to any event or broadcast or data source anywhere, including satellite photos of every address you know, and most you don’t. These screens disconnect us, too. I work where I live, so, theoretically, I need never leave my apartment: I can order shoes, pet food, people food, parts for my car, and lingerie for my girlfriend right here on this screen, and anything purchasable can be delivered right to my door. Now that I think of it, it seems like half the people I know met their

present significant others via the screen, and they aren’t kids: they’re middle-aged and aging. The power of these interconnected screens has grown enough that a virtually unknown woman can step before the media on a Friday and by the following Wednesday be a superstar, nominated for the vice presidency of the United States. A man touted not so long ago as a promising candidate for president uses the obscure racial slur macaca, and it takes just one person with a cell phone to make an audiovisual recording of the event. Presto! Within hours, the whole world knows, and the viability of a presidential hopeful evaporates into cyberspace. In 1949, George Orwell published 1984, a vision of the worst possible society, in which screens were everywhere, inescapable. History has turned out to be not nearly so gloomy but far more surreal. If in 1980, say, after directing Jaws and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Steven Spielberg had made a sci-fi adventure-comedy called Screenworld, well, he might have envisioned something very like our world, which, in 1980, would have seemed dizzying, funny, ridiculous, scary, technologically promiscuous, 24/7 exhausting, and appallingly lacking in privacy (privacy as a fact and as a value). Above all, in 1980, Screenworld would have seemed impossible, or, at the least, an uncertain, unmanageable future that lay thankfully in some alternate universe, far, far away. Yet today, here we are, you and me, often engaging the world more through screens than faceto-face. Without planning to, and without especially wanting to, willy-nilly, we’ve become citizens of Screenworld.

A Collective Delusion of Reality Something enormous has happened: the scale on which our society judges a human event has changed—which, in itself, is a human event of the first magnitude, and is, to my knowledge, something psychotherapy has barely begun to gauge.

23 inflections so subtle we aren’t aware of making them in. Consider something as uncomfortably intimate as standing with strangers in an elevator: there are strict rules of elevator etiquette—never stare at anyone, keep your eyes front and slightly downward—precisely to protect ourselves from how forcefully bodies speak to one another, even unintentionally. Or consider the subtle signals that pass through a simple handshake. That entire realm of reality is absent from Screenworld, where one need never deal with the bodily strangeness of strangers—for even face-to-face on a web-cam, one responds to the image of a body, not a body, and that image rarely conveys skin-tone, not to mention scent. Is this bad? Is it good? I’m not making those judgments. I’m simply pointing out that Screenworld is another order of reality, one that has overwhelmingly instituted itself amid what we used to call reality, changing the givens, the rules, the environment. As animals, we’re built to live in a physical world; in Screenworld, we’re living in something else. In our overlay of cyberspace and physical space, bodily reality is devalued, while the adage that “the unexamined life is not worth living” gets distorted into “what the screen does not record or project is not really happening.” Without anyone’s intending it, the über-reality of Screenworld tends to frame as inferior or minor that which is beyond its concern or reach, for that’s the fundamental and unstated assumption that it enforces, and it’s Screenworld’s most dangerous illusion—or, more accurately, its delusion, a delusion that should interest the entire field of psychotherapy, a delusion that what’s untranslatable through Screenworld, or of no interest to it, has no urgency, no vitality. That very delusion bestows upon Screenworld its power—the notion, especially in the young, that not to pay close attention to all these screens is to be less than fully engaged. The dilemma is: how does one find or grow a sense of centeredness


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In Screenworld, images of reality supersede reality itself, editing it, transforming it, playing with it in any fashion, until the source of the image ceases to matter while the image itself becomes all that matters. It began a century ago, with motion pictures, when one had to seek out the screen but couldn’t control it. Sixty years ago, television brought the screen into our homes. However great their influence, one left the TV and the movie theater to go out into the world. Now, cyber-powered Screenworld is ever-present, making reality seem infinitely malleable, and all of us may add our own twists at a whim. In Screenworld, the world has become a place in which, as a band called Living Color put it, “everything is possible, but nothing is real.” When a Blackberry brings the workplace with you wherever you go, where you are becomes less itself, less important as itself: the sense of a place loses its specificity, its particularity, its own complete reality. When you shop online, your community becomes less real; you don’t need it as you once did: you don’t need the bookstore; you don’t need the music store. Losing their reality, such places disappear—literally. You walk down the street talking on your cell, and the observable world becomes a mere backdrop—unless you see something to video on your phone, when the world becomes your movie set, gauged for its value as entertainment, not engagement. With an iPhone on your belt and an iPod in your ear, solitude is no longer solitary, while you hear not the sounds of the world, but your programmed soundtrack. The very idea of privacy is close to becoming alien, especially to the young, for whom to be “out of touch” is unthinkable, while calling and texting are seemingly constant. A place inaccessible to Screenworld is called a “dead zone”—which kind of says it all about Screenworld. Isn’t there something peculiarly disembodied about it? Human beings evolved to take in an enormous amount of information through our bodies. That’s what “body language” is all about, not only gestures and postures, but physical

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Therapy as Counterculture If I felt the need to consult what would be my fifth (or sixth?) therapist, I’d be stepping into a space that’s rarer and rarer: an American environment, an American institution, free of Screenworld. In fact, psychotherapy, by its nature and purpose, is Counter-Screenworld, Anti-Screenworld. Consider the psychotherapist’s consulting room: quiet, intimate, a place to which Screenworld has no access. Oh, there may be a computer about, but it isn’t likely to be functioning during my 50-minute hour, because the purpose of my being there is to engage with my therapist in a face-to-face encounter. Rather than a devalued physical reality, in the consulting room, physicality is magnified. Client and therapist register every sigh, every glance, every fidget—and either they’re looking at each other or they aren’t, and both are intensely aware of that, either way. My therapist and I meet privately to do a job of work, the work of understanding—as opposed to, say, conducting business, negotiating a contract, or any of the task-oriented reasons for which one may meet formally face-to-face. We meet in the consulting room to understand why I’m there. To do that, we try to understand who I am—because I don’t understand anymore, or I wouldn’t be there. To use the indelicate expression of my old Bronx neighborhood, I’m fucking up, or something’s fucking with me, or both, and if that weren’t so, I wouldn’t be in your consulting room, and that’s what you and I, therapist

and client, face-to-face, will try to understand. And in that attempt, some foothold of understanding, however basic or tentative, whether achieved intellectually, intuitively, or emotionally, may spur wanted but unexpected personal change. I wouldn’t be there if I didn’t want to change something, to feel more alive, feel more myself, deal better with whatever I’ve been unable to deal with. The therapist’s sole job is to try to understand another human being, or at least another human being’s situation—and in my hour, that human being happens to be me. In a world that’s become Screenworld, incessantly inviting and/or goading me to pay attention to something other, only this Counter-Screenworld exists for the express purpose of making me face myself while facing another, and of inviting another to face the real me. The 50-minute hour is as far from “surfing the net” as it can be. Amid Screenworld’s constant interruptions, where focusing is harder and harder and multitasking subverts that ability, the therapist and I have met in order to focus. Ours isn’t the autohypnosis of focusing on a screen that one can control: ours is a vibrant exchange, which neither party wholly controls. We meet in a formal intimacy, in that it has a form (50 minutes), which, like the poetic forms of sonnet and haiku, imposes its own intensity, an intensity that depends on nothing but us, because it can emerge only from the therapist and myself. You can’t get more Anti-Screenworld than that—not with your clothes on, anyway. Amid Screenworld’s special effects that seem to make reality malleable, the therapist asks, “What’s your real world? the one that’s yours?” In Screenworld, where, especially for the young, life looks like a performance, good therapy questions the construct of audience– performer, asking, in effect, “Who’s your audience? your peers? your daddy? the mirror?”—asking you to rethink what you’re playing to, questioning your own assumptions and Screenworld’s. In Screenworld, you’re looking





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25 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

amid this continually shifting screenscape? That isn’t a question Screenworld encourages or entertains, and isn’t a question I’ll attempt to answer here, but it’s an issue that psychotherapy must investigate—because, for many, Screenworld is the only world. Psychotherapy is uniquely positioned for such an investigation, because it’s one of the few endeavors that Screenworld doesn’t rule.


M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


SCREENWORLD 25 outward; that’s the nature of its existence. In the consulting room, you’re looking inward, not safely alone, but in the always unpredictable presence of another human being. Stripped of psychotherapy’s often obfuscating terminology, the core of the practice is the timeless truth that nothing has more potential to shift our experience of ourselves than a frank, face-to-face encounter.

limited the practice, and “the talking cure” has become a quaint phrase for a now seemingly old-fashioned worldview. Yet if psychotherapy still saw itself as a movement (as it once did), and if that movement were starting now instead of a century ago, in the context of Screenworld, it would be nothing less than revolutionary, because of its quiet, its intimacy, its demand for face-toface frankness, its worldview, and its purpose—not information, but meaning; not entertainment, but understanding; not passivity, but engagement. It would be nothing less than revolutionary because it’s everything that Screenworld isn’t; and because the consulting room, by its nature, is one of the few places where the values of Screenworld are seriously questioned and alternatives seriously investigated, not in any abstract sense, but for your particular life. Is it too much to say that if psychotherapy were a movement starting today, pitting its faceto-face ways and values against an omnipresent and ultimately impersonal Screenworld, the project of psychotherapy might be seen as heroic?

K_\ Ó ijk k_`e^ dfjk Zc`\ekj [f n_\e c\Xm`e^ k_\ Zfejlck`e^ iffd `j klie fe k_\`i Z\ccj% :Xcc`e^ `k X ÉZ\ccÊ `e[`ZXk\j _fn fli XkkXZ_d\ek kf JZi\\enfic[ _Xj dX[\ `k To See and Be Seen So I enter the Anti-Screenworld of X b`e[ f] the consulting room. I really want Yf[p$gXik% a cigarette, but that isn’t allowed Knowing another person is the key to therapy and the exact opposite of Screenworld, where you can’t be certain even of the sex of those with whom you chat. In the first decades of psychotherapy, people considered therapists mysterious, obscure, and even comical, precisely because they were doing something professionally that nobody else was doing—which made psychotherapy, by definition, a revolutionary endeavor, a revolution in self-awareness. It was such a revolutionary project that it had to invent its own language. Now the language of psychotherapy has been assimilated into the culture and made commonplace, impositions of commerce have intruded upon and in many cases

anymore—which is a pain in the ass and knocks away my favorite crutch and most practiced pose. (Ah, for the olden, golden days, when my therapists smoked!) My therapist asks a question as my cell phone rings. “Turn that off,” my therapist says gently—or not so gently, as the case may be. There goes my connection (or what I feel is my connection) to the entire world, my lifeline to Screenworld. Now it’s just me and this damned therapist—the two of us, plus the reasons I’m there in first place. (There’s no way to test this, but I’d bet a week’s pay that the first thing most clients do when leaving



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SCREENWORLD 26 the consulting room is turn on their cells. Calling it a “cell” indicates how our attachment to Screenworld has made it a kind of body-part.) Now there’s nothing left to do but face this therapist, and there’s nothing this therapist can do but face me—which is to say, there’s nothing more ancient than the situation we find ourselves in. As Socrates said to Alcibiades, “For the soul, if it’s to know itself, it’s into a soul that it must look.” So we look. We talk. We endure mutual, unquantifiable silences. We talk some more. Eventually, something comes of that—each “something” being entirely different, shaped by my unique nature and this therapist’s. The “something” we achieve is a result beyond the powers of Screenworld to display. There are no faces I recall more vividly than my therapists’, because their faces were the most prominent—indeed, dominant— features of the consulting room. Dr. L, who could double for Sebastian Cabot (that’s a reference for oldtimers like me). Dr. T, always so slyly amused, even when I threatened suicide, who said, “All I’m trying to tell you is that up is down, black is white, and tomorrow everything changes.” Gray-eyed Dr. K, so disarmingly old, who wasn’t as smart as me (so I thought), yet usually knew where I was going before I got there. And M—not “Doctor” anymore; we’re now in the era of first names—who was plump, pillowy, yes, sexy (in a demure, therapeutic way); to be frank, my sense of her sexiness helped me stay present, even when I didn’t want to. And N, how everything she said was said with a laugh, either expressed or implied, always making a problem manageable in that, by her lights, it was always at least slightly comic. And the furniture of the consulting room, how it looms, has to be dealt with and worked around! Dr. L, behind his imposing, dark-wood desk, and me, a teenager, not quite knowing how to sit in that big, plush, real-leather chair. Dr. T, behind a less formal desk; he liked his office dark and shadowy, small and spare, large, clear-glass ashtrays always to hand, the room filling up with our smoke, which seemed the

smoke of us burning through my past. Dr. K, who didn’t have a desk, his chair facing mine in a small and bright—though not uncomfortably bright—space. In M’s consulting room, I sat on a sofa. I don’t like to sit on sofas; I like hard chairs. Her sofa was something to deal with. N’s pleasantly dim room was cluttered with interesting objects and oddly titled books by authors I’d never heard of. Each tactile, visual environment expressed the therapist’s tone and approach, so that the client was surrounded by an intentional (so I’ve always supposed) expression of the therapist’s psyche. The faceto-face environments were full of things to be dealt with, not the least of which was my therapist’s eyes, never unkind (in my experience, anyway), always asking that I go a little further, dig a little deeper—an expectation rare in any world, especially Screenworld. Psychotherapy is many techniques and theories that combine into an evocative art, uniquely expressed in every consulting room, not (to the bane of the insurance people) easily defined or quantifiable. It’s a face-to-face, you-to-me effort toward nuanced understanding—far away, though only steps away, from a soundbite Screenworld, where understanding is subsumed by spectacle.Screenworld is about information, most of it useless to any particular human being. Psychotherapy is about meaning—which, in the end, the human animal cannot live without. Psychotherapy is two flesh-andblood, breathing, speaking, silent, smiling, frowning, sometimes crying, sometimes laughing, sometimes yelling humans, present to each other as a Screenworld facsimile can’t be. Whatever its flaws and faults, and however far it has yet to go, psychotherapy stands for the ancient truth that the journey of a thousand miles begins beneath your feet, and, as Basho wrote, “The journey itself is the home.”

Michael Ventura, based in Austin, Texas, writes “Letters at 3 A.M.” for the Austin Chronicle weekly.

Get Your Goat ?<8IKP =8I< K_\ ^fXk jk\n Xk CX 9`ii`\i`X Zfd\j n`k_ Yifk_ Xe[ kfik`ccXj%

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Served with lemon wedges, chopped onions, cilantro and fresh corn tortillas, it’s Mexican food at its

best—simple, bold and delicious. I guess I forgot to mention that it’s made with goat. But wait! Don’t run away. Hear me out. Goat doesn’t get near enough love in this country, but I predict its day is coming. Worldwide, more people eat goat than any other single animal. Because of their small size and adaptability, goats don’t require the vast amounts of land, feed and water that cattle do, making them an environmentally superior source of protein. It’s easier to digest than beef, and it’s low fat, too.

Of course, none of that matters if it doesn’t taste any good. But if you like lamb, then you’ll like goat. It has a pleasing tang, and the meat lends itself well to slow cooking, barbecuing and stewy, spicy dishes like birria. One of the best places to experience birria is east San Jose’s aptly named La Birrieria, even harder to pronounce than the restaurant’s namesake dish. La Birrieria is 100 percent Mexican. The tidy, family-run restaurant is located next to a liquor store off South White Road and can be easy to miss. Inside, the wood-paneled walls, handwritten signs and family photos give the place a welcoming, friendly appeal. But most appealing of all is the birria. The soup arrives in a plain white bowl. The chile pepper–powered broth is tinted a deep, brick red and

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29 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

Felipe Buitrago


has a satisfying depth of flavor that stops a few steps short of too spicy or too salty. The goat meat itself is tender and stringy with just a bit of fat clinging to it. Squeezing lemon juice into the soup and mixing in spoonfuls of chopped onion and cilantro take it to another level of deliciousness. A full bowl is $9. There are other ways to try the birria: one with meat on the side and one with goat ribs. You can also try the low-commitment goat tacos ($3), with goat meat inside superb handmade tortillas and a small bowl of birria broth on the side. This is a good choice for first-timers. While birria is the star attraction here, there are other options. Birria is the pride of the state of Jalisco, but the restaurant serves a great version of enchiladas Michoacan ($11.90), four tortillas dipped in a chile sauce and filled with a light sprinkling of dry Mexican cheese and excellent pan-fried chicken served on the side. The enchiladas Jalisco ($9.90) come filled with a choice of meat and are also good. For another taste of Michoacan, try the uchepos ($3), a tamalelike snack made with sweet corn. Pozole ($9) is another classic Mexican soup. This one is made with slow-cooked cubes of pork, hominy and chile-enlivened broth. The recommended accompaniments are dried Mexican oregano, dried chiles and more squeezes of lemon. The broth is tamer than the color would suggest, so I relied heavily on the chile flakes to take the soup up to my preferred level of spiciness. Agua frescas ($3) are great, here, too, especially the creamy horchata. The one disappointment was the sopes ($9.90). The goat, beef and chicken toppings were good, but the thick masa patties on which they rode were chewy when they should have been crisp and light. But at a place called La Birrieria (literally the birria serving place), it’s really all about the birria.

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U LY 1 4-20 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



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VALERIANO’S V ALERIANO’S IITALIAN TALIAN R ESTAURANT A ND B AR RESTAURANT AND BAR Contemporary Contemporary Italian. Italian. $$$. $$$. While While the the kitchen kitchen exudes exudes earthy earthy aromas, aromas, the the dining dining room’s room’s ssoft oft tterra-cotta erra-cotta walls walls glow glow with with a sense sense of of Mediterranean Mediterranean mission. mission. Hands-on Hands-on management management makes makes each each patron patron feel feel pampered. pampered. Full Full bar. bar. 5pm-close 5pm-close daily. daily. 1160 60 W. W. Main Main St. St. 408.354.8108. 408.354.8108.

VIVA LLOS VIVA OS GGATOS ATOS NEIGHBORHOOD N EIGHBORHOOD EEATERY ATERY $$$. CCalifornia. alifornia. $ $$. TThis his ppopular opular Gatos mixes LLos os G atos rrestaurant estaurant m ixes with iitt uupp w ith IItalian-leaning talian-leaning Mediterranean M editerranean ffood, ood, ffresh resh fish, fi sh, ggrilled rilled ssteaks teaks aand nd sseveral everal Asian-inspired well. A sian-inspired ddishes ishes aass w ell. Mon-Fri 8am111am-9:30pm 1am-9:30pm M on-Fri 8 am8am-9:30pm 110:30pm 0:30pm SSat, at, 8 am-9:30pm Gatos Blvd. SSat. at. 115970 5970 LLos os G atos B lvd. 4408.356.4902. 08.356.4902.

WINE W INE CCELLAR ELLAR N New ew CCalifornia alifornia $$. Borders $ $. TTucked ucked uunder nder B orders Books, B ooks, tthis his ccozy ozy ddining ining



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News and Notes


FEEP ;FFE M@E<P8I; `j _fjk`e^ `kj \`^_k_ XeelXc DAY OF DOON fe 8l^% .# X Z\c\YiXk`fe f] Xcc k_`e^j 9feep ;ffe% K_`j k`d\# k_\ \m\ek n`cc Y\ _\c[ Xk k_\ n`e\ipÊj e\n Y`f[peXd`Z \jkXk\ m`e\pXi[ `e JXe AlXe 9Xlk`jkX% For $100 ($85 for members), attendees will enjoy a farm-to-table feast prepared outdoors by Bonny Doon Cellar Door Café executive chef CHARLIE PARKER paired with some special vintages. The price includes a commemorative wine glass and T-shirt. Travel there on your own or board the “magic bus” to the event from the winery in Santa Cruz. The menu will include corn and tomato panzanella with burrata and basil paired with 2009 Ca’ del Solo Albariño; Monterey squid with local greens, nectarines and almonds paired with 2007 Le Cigare Blanc; and a whole hog with farro, eggplant, onions and Romesco sauce paired with 2001, 2003 and 2005 Le Cigare Volant. Saratoga’s SENT SOVI is debuting a new, lower-priced patio menu starting Friday, July 16. The menu will be offered alongside the regular menu and served on the restaurant’s newly renovated garden patio until the weather turns cold. The idea is to offer fairly inexpensive small plates and wine flights Friday–Sunday. The inaugural flight will include a MARIMAR TORRES ESTATE chardonnay, a FRIAS FAMILY VINEYARD rosé and rather hard to find 2005 DOMAINE ALFRED Edna Valley Grenache. The wines will go for about $10 a glass, far less than the restaurant’s typical $15 to $25 a glass. The menu will include things like duck basil sausage, fried padron peppers and stuffed squash blossoms. Call 408.867.3110 for more information. Up the hill, the MOUNTAIN WINERY will host its first PETS, PINOT AND PETROGLYPH, noon–5pm, Saturday, July 17. Guests who bring a pet will enjoy a complimentary tasting of the winery’s reserve pinot noir, and pets will get a special treat as well. Petroglyph paint-yourown-pottery will be available at the event. Attendees can decorate and have their creations fired available for pick up at several local Petroglyph locations. Parking and entry to the event is free. Call the winery at 408.741.5181.—Stett Holbrook

spot ooffers spot ffers an an education education in in Old O ld W World orld ccharm harm aand nd New New World W orld ccuisine, uisine, from from ssmoked moked ssalmon almon ppizza izza ttoo ggrilled rilled aahi hi ttuna una ttoo ddesserts esserts aass ffresh resh aass sspring pring break. break. 11:30am-9pm 11:30am-9pm Mon-Thu, M on-Thu, 111:30am-10pm 1:30am-10pm FFririSSat, at, 110:30am-9pm 0:30am-9pm SSun. un. 50 50 University Ave. U niversity A ve. 408.354.4808. 408.354.4808.

slang slang for for “the “the way way things things are are done done back back home” home” aand nd oone ne ooff the the few few Jamaican Jamaican restaurants restaurants around. around. Jerk Jerk pork pork and and chicken chicken shine. shine. 11am-3pm, 11am-3pm, 5-8pm 5-8pm MonMonThu, Thu, 11am-3pm, 11am-3pm, 5-9pm 5-9pm Fri Fri and and noon-3pm, noon-3pm, 5-8pm 5-8pm Sat. Sat. 1189 1189 Willow Willow Rd. Rd. 650.323.4244. 650.323.4244.

IIBERIA BERIA. $$. $$. Spanish. Spanish. Iberia’s Iberia’s


Menlo M enlo Park Park

American. $$$$. A merican. $ $$$. CCarefully arefully ccrafted, rafted, iimpeccably mpeccably cchosen hosen ffood ood ffeaturing eaturing sseasonal easonal llocal ocal Niman Ranch pproduce roduce aand nd N iman R anch meats. Atmosphere m eats. A tmosphere iiss ccasual asual aand nd eeclectic. clectic. FFull ull bbar. ar. 55:30:309:30pm Alameda 9 :30pm ddaily. aily. 33607 607 A lameda Pulgas. 650.854.1226. ddee llas as P ulgas. 6 50.854.1226.

JZCOOL EEATERY JZCOOL ATERY & W WINE INE American. $$. $$. Fresh, Fresh, BAR B AR American.

¿book ¿ book oonline nline aatt paloalto.net paloalto.net

BACK A Y BACK YARD ARD CCARIBBEAN ARIBBEAN amaican. AMERICAN A MERICAN GGRILL RILL JJamaican. $. $. “Back “Back a yard” yard” is is Jamaican Jamaican

menu ccheap heap ttapas apas m enu iiss aavailable vailable aatt tthe he bbar ar aanytime nytime oorr iin n tthe he ddining ining rroom oom aatt llunch, unch, bbut ut tthese hese worth nnibbles ibbles aalone lone aare re w orth tthe he Mon-Sat ttrip. rip. LLunch unch nnoon-2pm oon-2pm M on-Sat aand nd ddinner inner nnightly ightly 55:30-10pm. :30-10pm. Alma 650.325.8981. 11026 026 A lma SSt.t. 6 50.325.8981.

local, local, sustainable, sustainable, organic organic is is the the mantra mantra of of jZcool. jZcool. Look Look for for straightforward, straightforward, flavorful flavorful dishes dishes like like pasture-raised pasture-raised chicken chicken breast breast stuffed stuffed with with creamy creamy goat goat ccheese, heese, ttangy angy

32 3 2

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SVDINING 31 preserved llemons preserved emons aand nd ssalty alty oolives. lives. LLunch unch 111am-2:30pm 1am-2:30pm TTue-Thu; ue-Thu; ddinner inner 55-9pm -9pm TTueue827 TThu, hu, 55-10pm -10pm FFri-Sat. ri-Sat. 8 27 650.325.3665. SSanta anta CCruz ruz Ave. Ave. 6 50.325.3665.

KAYGETSU K AYGETSU JJapanese. apanese. $ $$$. $$. KKaiseki aiseki iiss a rrarefied arefied JJapanese apanese ccuisine uisine bborn orn iin n KKyoto yoto with w ith iimpeccably mpeccably sseasonal easonal iingredients ngredients aand nd ppoetic oetic ppresentations. resentations. KKaygetsu aygetsu bbills ills iitself tself aass ““classic classic JJapanese apanese menu ccuisine” uisine” bbut ut iits ts kkaiseki aiseki m enu iiss llike ike ddiscovering iscovering a nnew ew ggalaxy alaxy Mon. ooff ffood. ood. CClosed losed M on. 3325 25 Park Dr.r. 6 650.234.1084. SSharon haron P ark D 50.234.1084.

SSULTANA ULTANA TTurkish. urkish. $ $$$. $$. IIff Greek, yyou’ve ou’ve eeaten aten G reek, IIranian ranian Middle oorr M iddle EEastern astern ffood, ood, yyou’ll ou’ll find much fi nd m uch tthat’s hat’s familiar familiar hhere. ere. SSultana ultana makes makes your your iintroduction ntroduction ttoo TTurkish urkish ffood ood with warm eeasy asy w ith iits ts w arm sservice, ervice, well-executed w ell-executed ddishes ishes aand nd ssoothing oothing aambience mbience 111am1amMon-Fri; 22:30pm, :30pm, 55-10pm -10pm M on-Fri; 111am-10pm 1am-10pm SSat-Sun. at-Sun. 11149 149 EEll Real. 650.322.4343. CCamino amino R eal. 6 50.322.4343.

Milpitas M ilpitas ¿ book oonline ¿book nline aatt milpitas.com m ilpitas.com

ABC A BC SSEAFOOD EAFOOD R RESTAURANT ESTAURANT Chinese. Chinese. $$. $$. ABC ABC is is a Hong Hong Kong-style Kong-style restaurant, restaurant, and and that that means means dim dim sum sum and and lots lots of of fresh, fresh, fancifully fancifully prepared prepared seafood. seafood. At At lunch lunch the the place place is is a traffic traffic jam jam of of dim dim sum sum carts carts proffering proffering an an assortment assortment of of little little snacks snacks 11am-2:30pm 11am-2:30pm and and 5-9:30pm 5-9:30pm daily. daily. 768 768 Barber Barber Lane. Lane. 408.435.8888. 408.435.8888.

CCHILI HILI GGARDEN ARDEN SSzechuan. zechuan. $ $$. $. There’s There’s a llot ot ttoo rrecommend ecommend at at this this Szechuan Szechuan standout. standout. Mapo Mapo tofu tofu is is a classic classic that that rules rules here. here. For For sheer sheer fireworks, fireworks, go go for for the the Chongqing Chongqing spicy spicy chicken, chicken, a fearsome-looking fearsome-looking dish dish of of chicken chicken lightly lightly battered battered and and crisp. crisp. 10:30am-2:30pm 10:30am-2:30pm and and 4:30-10pm 4:30-10pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 10:30am-2:30pm 10:30am-2:30pm and and 4:304:3010:30pm 10:30pm Fri-Sun. Fri-Sun. 210 210 Barber Barber Lane. Lane. 408.526.9888. 408.526.9888. SSAVORY AVORY CCHICKEN HICKEN FFilipino. ilipino. $.. SSavory $ avory CChicken hicken ooffers ffers a FFilipino ilipino ttake ake oon n ffried ried ppoultry. oultry. TThe he cchicken hicken iiss ttossed ossed iin na pproprietary roprietary bblend lend ooff hherbs erbs aand nd sspices pices aand nd ffried ried iin n ssoybean oybean ooil. il. Noo fl flour N our oorr bbread read ccrumbs rumbs aare re uused. sed. TThe he rresult esult is is an an almost almost

Moree dining Mor dining coverage coverage

translucent sskin translucent kin tthat hat is is ssoo ccrisp risp iitt shatters shatters oonn ccontact. ontact. 111am-8pm 1am-8pm Tue-Sun. Tue-Sun. 1557 1557 Ave. LLandess andess A ve. 4408.945.8616. 08.945.8616.

TIRUPATHI T IRUPATHI B BHIMAS HIMAS $$. Bhimas IIndian. ndian. $ $. TTirupathi irupathi B himas sspecializes pecializes iin n vvegetarian egetarian ffood ood ffrom rom ssouth outh IIndia, ndia, pparticularly articularly Andra Pradesh, tthat hat ooff A ndra P radesh, a sspicy picy aand nd aaromatic romatic ccuisine, uisine, well aass w ell aass a ffew ew nnorth orth IIndian ndian ddishes ishes aand nd ““Indo-Chinese.” Indo-Chinese.” 6-9:30pm 111:30am-2pm 1:30am-2pm aand nd 6 -9:30pm TTue-Thu, ue-Thu, 111:30am-2:30pm 1:30am-2:30pm 6-9:30pm aand nd 6 -9:30pm FFri ri aand nd SSat at 6-aand nd 111:30am-2:30pm 1:30am-2:30pm aand nd 6 9:30pm Abel 9 :30pm SSun. un. 11208 208 SS.. A bel SSt. t. 4408.945.1010. 08.945.1010.

Mountain Mountain View V iew ¿ book online ¿book online aatt mountainview.net m ountainview.net

BODRUM B ODRUM CCAFE AFE TTurkish. urkish. $ $$. $. The The menu menu at at Bodrum Bodrum Cafe Cafe is is extensive extensive and and covers covers a lot lot of of gground, round, bbut ut iit’s t’s the the lamb lamb dishes dishes that that stand stand out. out. A good good place place to to start start is is with with the the lahmacun lahmacun (Turkey’s (Turkey’s take take on on pizza) pizza) and and the the kebabs. kebabs. 10am10am10pm 10pm daily. daily. 383 383 Castro Castro St. St. 650.396.7010. 650.396.7010.

CCHAAT HAAT PARADISE PARADISE VVegetarian egetarian Indian. Indian. $. $. Golden Golden spices spices predominate predominate at at this this popular popular spot spot for for inexpensive, inexpensive, fun-tofun-toeat eat traditional traditional Indian Indian fare. fare. Casual Casual shopping-center shopping-center surroundings. surroundings. 11:30-10pm 11:30-10pm Mon-Sun. Mon-Sun. 165 165 E. E. Camino Camino Real. Real. 650.965.1111. 650.965.1111. NAMI N AMI N NAMI AMI JJapanese. apanese. $ $$$. $$. Nami Nami Nami Nami specializes specializes in in kappo-style kappo-style Japanese Japanese food, food, food food prepared prepared in in the the artful, artful, labor-intensive, labor-intensive, seasonally seasonally driven driven style style associated associated with with the the city city of of Kyoto. Kyoto. For For diners diners willing willing to to open open their their minds minds and and mouths, mouths, it it offers offers one one of of the the most most exciting exciting restaurant restaurant experiences experiences in in the the Bay Bay Area. Area. 11:30am-2pm 11:30am-2pm Tue-Sun, Tue-Sun, 7-10pm 7-10pm Tue-Thu Tue-Thu and and 6-11pm 6-11pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 240 240 Castro Castro St. St. 650.964.6990. 650.964.6990. XANH X ANH R RESTAURANT ESTAURANT Modern Modern Vietnamese. Vietnamese. $$. $$. Xanh Xanh (pronounced (pronounced “zahn”) “zahn”) epitomizes epitomizes the the new new breed breed of of upscale, upscale, contemporary contemporary Vietnamese Vietnamese restaurant. restaurant. The The appealing appealing menu menu ranges ranges from from the the traditional traditional to to the the unconventional unconventional and and includes includes


rolls, ssalads, rolls, alads, nnoodles, oodles, ssmall mall pplates lates aand nd ffull-size ull-size eentrees. ntrees. 111:30am-2pm 1:30am-2pm and and dinner dinner 44:30pm-close :30pm-close Mon-Fri. Mon-Fri. 110 110 CCastro astro St. St. 650.964.1888 650.964.1888

YAKKO Y AKKO Japanese, Japanese, sushi sushi bar. bar. $$. $$. A pairing pairing of of swift swift service service with with an an exotic exotic range range of of sushi sushi and and udon udon makes makes this this a favorite favorite among among sushi sushi lovers. lovers. Casual. Casual. Beer, Beer, wine. wine. 11:30am-2pm 11:30am-2pm MonMonSun. Sun. 5:30-9:30pm 5:30-9:30pm Sun-Thu, Sun-Thu, 5:30-10:30pm 5:30-10:30pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 975 975 W. W. Dana Dana St. St. 650.960.0626. 650.960.0626. ZZUCCA UCCA M Mediterranean. editerranean. $$. $$. Time Time slows slows and and the the paella paella glows glows at at this this Turkish/Spanish Turkish/Spanish charmer: charmer: lamb lamb kofte, kofte, spicy spicy shrimp, shrimp, steak, steak, baklava. baklava. 11:30am-2:30pm 11:30am-2:30pm Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, 5510pm 10pm Mon-Sun Mon-Sun 186 186 Castro Castro St. St. 650.864.9940. 650.864.9940.

Downtown Downtown SSan an Jose Jose ¿ book online ¿book online at at ssanjose.com anjose.com

AGENDA A GENDA New New California. California. $$. Agenda $ $. A genda ffeatures eatures a hhip ip nnightclub ightclub uupstairs, pstairs, a ffullyullyaappointed ppointed rrestaurant estaurant aatt DJ-ing sstreet treet llevel evel aand nd D J-ing iin n tthe he bbasement. asement. FFull ull bbar. ar. 3399 99 SS.. FFirst irst Wed-Sat. SSt. t. 55:30pm-close :30pm-close W ed-Sat. 4408.287.3991. 08.287.3991.

BELLA B ELLA M MIA IA IItalian-American. talian-American. $$$. $ $$. One One of of downtown downtown SSan an Jose’s Jose’s m most ost aattractive ttractive Bella Mia eeateries, ateries, B ella M ia sserves erves with flair. rregional egional ddishes ishes w ith fl air. FFull ull Mon-Thu, bbar. ar. 111:30am-9pm 1:30am-9pm M on-Thu, 111:30am-10pm 1:30am-10pm FFri, ri, 44:30-10pm :30-10pm SSat, at, 44:30-8pm :30-8pm SSun. un. 558 8 SS.. FFirst irst SSt. t. 4408.280.1993. 08.280.1993.

EEULIPIA ULIPIA N New ew A American. merican. $$$. menu $ $$. TThe he rrevamped evamped m enu flavors eemphasizes mphasizes rrobust obust fl avors aand nd bbeautiful eautiful ppresentations. resentations. SSeveral everal sstandouts tandouts hhave ave bbeen een rretained etained ffrom rom tthe he pprevious revious menu, m enu, aass hhave ave tthe he ssexy exy EEulipia ulipia ccocktails. ocktails. FFull ull bbar. ar. 55:30-10pm :30-10pm TTue-Sat, ue-Sat, 44:30-9:30pm :30-9:30pm SSat. at. 3374 74 SS.. FFirst irst SSt. t. 4408.280.6161. 08.280.6161.

FFLAMES LAMES EEATERY ATERY A AND ND B BAR AR American. American. $$. $$. In In Silicon Silicon Valley, Valley, the the home-grown home-grown Flames Flames restaurant restaurant chain chain is is the the area’s area’s ddefinitive efinitive ccoffee offee sshop. hop. And And now now they’ve they’ve opened opened in in downtown downtown San San Jose Jose to to great great acclaim. acclaim. 7am-midnight 7am-midnight daily. daily. 88 88 S. S. Fourth Fourth St. St. 408.971.1960. 408.971.1960.



Concourse Cuisine


= PFL _Xm\eÊk j\\e `k p\k# k_\ e\n# `dgifm\[ D`e\kX JXe Afj\ @ek\ieXk`feXc 8`igfik `j X nfib f] Y\Xlkp% =fi fe\# `k efn ]\\cj c`b\ Xe `ek\ieXk`feXc X`igfik iXk_\i k_Xe X YXZbnXk\i cXpfm\i% @ [f Zfe]\jj# _fn\m\i# X Z\ikX`e X]]\Zk`fe ]fi k_\ fc[ X`igfik% Jk\gg`e^ fekf k_\ kXidXZ f]] X gcXe\ ]\ck c`b\ Xii`m`e^ `e GXeXdX :`kp fi jfd\ K_`i[ Nfic[ ZXg`kXc iXk_\i k_Xe k_\ ÇZXg`kXc f] J`c`Zfe MXcc\p#È Ylk efn Xk cXjk n\ _Xm\ Xe X`igfik k_Xk dXkZ_\j k_\ mXcc\pÊj `dX^\ f] `kj\c]Ædf[\ie# Zi\Xk`m\ Xe[ ^iXe[%

Strolling around the airport, I was impressed with the soaring ceilings, light-filled spaces, public art and even the outdoor garbage cans with solar-powered trash compacters. But what really got me was the lineup of new restaurants. Instead of being held hostage to restaurants serving low-grade fast food, there are actually places you might eat at by choice here rather than because you have no alternative. I used to joke that if anyone ever asked me where the most expensive restaurant in town was I would direct them to the airport. It’s not true, of course, but the unjustly high prices and low-quality food at airports has always struck me as a moral failing. But those wrongs have been righted at the new airport. Officials could have populated the airport with the same lackluster chain restaurants that blight most of the country, but as they planned the new facility they sought a balance of local, regional and national eateries. The skyport reflects a slice of Silicon Valley rather than a generic shopping-mall food court. “It’s a good mix of restaurants that you won’t find at any other airport,” says DAVID VOSSBRINK, airport communications director. The airport is not chain-free. Starbucks, Togo’s and Fresh Choice all have storefronts here, but there are also local places like MOJO BURGER, GORDON BIERSCH and even 102-year-old CHIARAMONTE’S DELI. Chiaramonte’s is San Jose’s oldest Italian deli. The original store is on 13th Street, a neighborhood that used to be called Little Sicily when Lou Chiaramonte’s great-grandfather opened a butcher shop in 1908 back when the dirt road was called the Oakland Highway because it was the most direct horse and buggy route to the city. “There was no such thing 880,” he says. Chiaramonte responded to the call for new airport vendors more than five years ago along with nearly 1,000 other businesses. He was one of the few to be selected. “The picking process was kind of elaborate,” he says. “We just hung in there. They chose us for the quality of our product.” I can attest to that. Chiarmonte’s sells the sausage by the mile, shipping it as far as New York for people who just can’t go without it. The deli also makes great meatballs. To enjoy a slice of this ItalianAmerican institution, try a sausage sandwich—a fat link of Sicilian spiced pork with a ladle of thick marinara sauce. The sausage comes from a family recipe that Chiaramonte says is 300 years old. Take that, Burger King! The airport restaurant, which opens in a few weeks, will serve sausage sandwiches, pasta and salads. Chiaramonte’s is also opening a bar adjacent to the restaurant. I can think of worse ways to wait for a flight than eating a sausage sandwich and drinking a cold beer. Other locally grown eateries include PIZZA MY HEART, SAN JOSE JOE’S (Original Joe’s), LE BOULANGER, OLSON’S CHERRIES and THE BRIT. The only thing missing from the airport’s restaurant row is a pho or ramen vendor. No taste of Silicon Valley is complete without a good bowl of noodle soup. But I’m more than happy with an Italian sausage sandwich.—Stett Holbrook

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SVDINING 32 3 2 HAWGS H AWGS SSeafood. eafood. $ $$$. $$. N Next ext door door to to the the San San Jose Jose Rep Rep Theatre, Theatre, Hawgs Hawgs offers offers simple simple seafood seafood and and convenience convenience for for theatergoers. theatergoers. Mostly Mostly shellfish shellfish and and pasta pasta combinations combinations are are offered; offered; the the linguini linguini clams clams and and sautéed sautéed scallops scallops are are full full of of garlic garlic and and rich rich flavors. flavors. Tue-Sat Tue-Sat 11:30am-9pm, 11:30am-9pm, 410pm 10pm Sun. Sun. 150 150 S. S. Second Second St. St. 408.287.9955. 408.287.9955.

MEZCAL M EZCAL RRegional egional Mexican. Mexican. $$. $$. Mezcal Mezcal specializes specializes in in delicious delicious regional regional cuisine cuisine from from the the southern southern Mexican Mexican state state of of Oaxaca. Oaxaca. People People who who need need nachos nachos and and soursourcream-topped cream-topped burritos burritos on on the the menu menu will will probably probably be be miffed, miffed, but but for for those those willing willing to to venture venture beyond beyond the the same same old old Mexican-American Mexican-American standards, standards, Mezcal Mezcal offers offers an an excellent excellent point point of of departure. departure r . 11:30am-11pm 11:30am-11pm Sun-Fri Sun-Fri and and 5-11pm 5-11pm Sat. Sat. 25 25 W. W. San San Fernando Fernando St. St. 408.283.9595. 408.283.9595. PAOLO’S P AOLO’S N New ew IItalian. talian. $ $$$$. $$$. Filled Filled with with artistic artistic spins spins on on California-meets-Italy, California-meets-Italy, the the kitchen kitchen turns turns out out elegant elegant entrees entrees spearheaded spearheaded by by seasonal seasonal vegetables. vegetables. The The impeccable impeccable service ser vice compensates compensates for for the the modest modest portions. portions. Full Full bar. bar. 11:30-2:30 11:30-2:30 Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm MonMonSat. Sat. 323 323 W. W. San San Carlos Carlos St. St. 408.294.2558. 408.294.2558. POOR P OOR H HOUSE OUSE B BISTRO ISTRO New O rleans. $$. $$. TThe he Poor Poor New Orleans. H ouse B istro ooffers ffers a llowowHouse Bistro menu ppriced riced m enu ooff CCrescent rescent CCity ity classics classics like like po’ po’ bboys, oys, bbarbecued arbecued sshrimp, hrimp, ggumbo umbo muffaletta. music aand nd m uffaletta. LLive ive m usic oon n FFridays ridays aand nd SSaturdays. aturdays. Open Mon-Sat. O pen 111am-9pm 1am-9pm M on-Sat. Open forr m major HP O pen SSundays undays fo ajor H P Pavilion 911 SS.. A Autumn P avilion eevents. vents. 9 utumn St.. 4408.292.5837. St 08.292.5837.

SSanta anta CClara lara ¿ book oonline ¿book nline at at ssanta-clara.com anta-clara.com

CCHALATECO HALATECO M Mexican exican aand nd $.. CChalateco, SSalvadoran. alvadoran. $ halateco, a SSan an JJose-based ose-based ssixixrestaurant re staurant cchain, hain, sserves er ves Mexico Mexican M exico CCity-style ity-style M exican food few fo od aand nd a fe w SSalvadoran alvadoran makes food ddishes. ishes. TThat hat m akes tthe he fo od Mexican food uunlike nlike tthe he M exican fo od ttypically ypically sserved erved iin n SSilicon ilicon

Moree dining Mor dining coverage coverage

Valley, V alley, bbut ut iit’s t’s definitely definitely Mexican food. ttypical ypical M exican fo od. 110am-11pm 0am-11pm ddaily. aily. 22323 323 TThe he Alameda. A lameda. 4408.243.1357. 08.243.1357.

KABAB K ABAB H HOUSE OUSE H HALAL ALAL Middle Middle Eastern. Eastern. $. $. Santa Santa Clara’s Kabab House Clara’s Ka bab H ouse Halal, Halal, a spare, spare, eight-table eight-table restaurant, restaurant, serves serves a panpanMiddle Middle Eastern Eastern menu menu that that leans leans toward toward Iran. Iran. As As tthe he name name implies, implies, Kabab Kabab House House is is basically basically a kebab kebab house. house. 11am-9pm 11am-9pm Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. 2521 2521 Newhall Newhall St. St. 408.984.2204. 408.984.2204.

99 9 9 CCHICKEN HICKEN Ko Korean-style rean-style $.. TThe ffried ried cchicken. hicken. $ he ssimple imple restaurant re staurant sspecializes pecializes iin n Korean-style Ko rean-style ffried ried cchicken. hicken. Korean rendered Ko rean cchicken hicken iiss re ndered ooff iits ts ffat at aand nd pproduces roduces meat with ssmooth mooth ppieces ieces ooff m eat w ith a ttaut, aut, sshatteringly hatteringly ccrisp risp Noon-midnight eepidermis. pidermis. N oon-midnight Camino Real. ddaily. aily. 22781 781 EEll Ca mino R eal. 4408.244.5599. 08.244.5599.

SSABOR ABOR SSALVADOREÑO ALVADOREÑO Salvadoran. Salvadoran. $. $. One One of of the the few few outposts outposts for for Salvadoran Salvadoran food food in in the the South South Bay, Bay, Sabor Sabor Salvadoreño Salvadoreño serves serves excellent excellent pupusas, pupusas, soups, soups, tamales tamales and and other other standards standards from from the the tiny tiny Central Central American American nation. nation. 9am-9pm 9am-9pm daily. daily. 2045 2045 White White Oak Oak Lane. Lane. 408.985.6464. 408.985.6464.

SSHAN HAN Pakistani Pakistani and and Indian. Indian. $. $. Shan Shan serves ser ves a mix mix of of northern northern Indian Indian and and Pakistani Pakistani food. food. Unlike Unlike India, India, most most of of which which is is Hindu, Hindu, Pakistan Pakistan is is Muslim, Muslim, and and that that means means that that meat—chicken, meat—chicken, beef, beef, lamb, lamb, and and goat—plays goat—plays a starring starring role. role. Kebabs. Kebabs. Tandoori Tandoori and and curries curries all all shine shine here. here. 11:30am-3pm 11:30am-3pm and and 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm daily. daily. 5251 5251 Stevens Stevens Creek Creek Blvd. Blvd. 408.260.9200. 408.260.9200. TOFU T OFU H HOUSE OUSE Korean. Korean. $ $.. Soup Soup stars stars at at this this casual, casual, popular popular stop. stop. To To tofu tofu soups, soups, add add mushrooms, mushrooms, beef, beef, pork pork or or seafood—plus seafood—plus scores scores of of condiments condiments like like daikon, daikon, cucumber, cucumber, radish. radish. Hot Hot stuff! stuff! 11am-9pm 11am-9pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 11am-10pm 11am-10pm Fri, Fri, 11am-9pm 11am-9pm Sat. Sat. Closed Closed Sun. Sun. 3450 3450 E. E. El El Camino Camino Real Real #105. #105. 408.261.3030. 408.261.3030. YAN CCAN YAN AN FRESH FRESH AS ASIAN IAN hinese aand nd ppananCCOOKING OOKING CChinese Asian. $$. Att YYan Can A sian. $ $. A an Ca n yyou ou ccan an wonton hhave ave cchicken hicken ssatay, atay, w onton ssoup, oup, cchicken hicken tteriyaki eriyaki aand nd


Korean bbarbecue Korean arbecue bbeef eef all all iinn oone ne ssitting. itting. This This outpost outpost Martin ooff ccelebrity elebrity TV T V chef chef M artin YYan’s an’s ggrowing rowing eempire mpire ddoes oes reasonably with a re asonably ggood ood jjob ob w ith aallll tthose hose cuisines. cuisines. 11am-9pm 11am-9pm Plaza. ddaily. aily. 33927 927 Rivermark Rivermark P laza. 4408.748.3355. 08.748.3355.

ZZAFRAN AFRAN N Northern orthern IIndian ndian and and Pakistani. Pakistani. $. $. Zafran Zafran serves serves northern northern Indian Indian and and Pakistani Pakistani food, food, a muscular, muscular, hearty hearty cuisine cuisine that that revolves revolves around around meat: meat: chicken chicken and and beef beef but but also also lamb lamb and and goat, goat, lamb lamb brains brains and and other other organ organ meats. meats. 11am-11pm 11am-11pm daily. daily. 1855 1855 El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.247.9998. 408.247.9998.

SSaratoga aratoga ¿book ¿ book oonline nline aatt ssaratoga-california.com aratoga-california.com

THE T HE B BASIN AS I N N New ew A American. merican. $$$. Basin $ $$. TThe he B asin hhas as ssome ome refreshingly re freshingly hhigh igh sstandards. tandards. Produce P roduce iiss oorganic, rganic, sseafoods eafoods menu aare re ffresh resh aand nd tthe he m enu American aaccentuates ccentuates A merican iideas, deas, eenhanced nhanced bbyy SSpanish panish aand nd IItalian talian sspin. pin. 55pm-close pm-close sseven even week. Big Basin ddays ays a w eek. 114572 4572 B ig B asin Way. W ay. 4408.867.1906. 08.867.1906.

LLA AM MERE ERE M MICHELLE ICHELLE French-European. French-European. $$$. $$$. After After three three decades, decades, La La Mere Mere is is a tradition. tradition. Old Old World World standards standards such such as as pâté, pâté, escargots, wiener escargots, w iener sschnitzel chnit zel and and veal veal scaloppini scaloppini find find a distinguished distinguished setting setting in in the the crystal-dotted crystal-dotted dining dining room. room. 11:30am-2pm 11:30am-2pm Wed-Sun, Wed-Sun, 5:30-9pm 5:30-9pm Tue-Sun. Tue-Sun. Closed Closed Mon. Mon. 14467 14467 Big Big Basin Basin Way. Way. 408.867.5272. 408.867.5272.

PLUMED P LUMED H HORSE ORSE CContemporary ontemporary FFrench. rench. $$$$. After $ $$$. A fter uundergoing ndergoing $9 million remodel a$ 9m illion re model aand nd wine eexpansion xpansion ooff iits ts w ine llist, ist, restaurant tthe he SSaratoga aratoga re staurant reborn hhas as bbeen een re born aass SSilicon ilicon Valley’s V alley’s ppremier remier lluxury uxury restaurant. How re staurant. H ow ddoes oes tthe he food $9 million fo od ttaste aste aatt a $ 9m illion restaurant? Mostly, re staurant? M ostly, llike ike a million m illion bbucks. ucks. 55:30-10pm :30-10pm Big Basin Way. nnightly. ightly. 114555 4555 B ig B asin W ay. 4408.867.4711. 08.867.4711.

RISTORANTE R ISTORANTE D DA AM MARIO ARIO Italian. Italian. $$. $$. Ristorante Ristorante Da Da Mario Mario serves serves the the greatest greatest hits hits of of Italian-American Italian-American food food but but prepares prepares them them with with a freshness freshness and and integrity integrity


dinning cover Moree dining Mor coverage age

full-bodied full-bodied taste taste in in generous generous portions. portions. Veal Veal marsala, marsala, thin-crust thin-crust pizza pizza and and New New York York steak steak are are featured. featured. 11am-1:30pm, 11am-1:30pm, 4-9:30pm 4-9:30pm TueTueSun. Sun. 127 127 W. W. Washington Washington St. St. 408.733.9600. 408.733.9600.

SSENT ENT SSOVI OVI New New American. American.

LUCKY LU CKY DHABA DHABA IIndian. ndian. $ $..

$$$$. $ $$$. A ppretty retty ddining ining room room hhosts osts an an iinspired, nspired, aalways lways ffresh resh aand nd sseasonally easonally driven driven menu m enu ooff ccontemporary ontemporary American food, A merican aand nd FFrench rench fo od, with ccomplete omplete w ith sseductive eductive ddesserts. esserts. 114583 4583 Big Big Basin Basin Way. W ay. 4408.867.3110. 08.867.3110.

roadside A ddhaba haba iiss a ro adside ffast ast food fo od jjoint oint iinn nnorthern orthern IIndia. ndia. We’ve W e’ve ggot ot oour ur oown wn vversion ersion hhere ere at at Sunnyvale’s Sunnyvale’s LLucky uck y Dhaba. D haba. LLocated ocated ooff ff bbusy usy EEll Camino Real, Dhaba Ca mino R eal, LLucky uck y D haba wide ooffers ffers a w ide variety variety of of good good food. IIndian ndian fo od. 111am-10pm 1am-10pm SSun-Thu un-Thu aand nd 111am-10:30pm 1am-10:30pm Camino Real. FFri-Sat. ri-Sat. 11036 036 El El Ca mino R eal. 4408.617.0660. 08.617.0660.

SSunnyvale unnyvale ¿ book oonline ¿book nline aatt ssunnyvale.net unnyvale.net

BAY B AY LLEAF EAF IIndonesian ndonesian $$. Bay aand nd TThai. hai. $ $. B ay LLeaf’s eaf ’s menu m enu iiss ddivided ivided iinto nto TThai hai food aand nd IIndonesian ndonesian fo od aand nd iit’s t’s the the latter latter that that stands stands While food oout. ut. W hile TThai hai fo od iiss ccharacterized haracterized bbyy bbright, right, food hhigh igh nnotes, otes, IIndonesian ndonesian fo od sstrikes trikes a llower ower bbass ass nnote. ote. 111am-3pm 1am-3pm aand nd 55-9:30pm -9:30pm Mon-Thu, M on-Thu, 111am-10pm 1am-10pm FFri-Sat ri-Sat aand nd 111am-9pm 1am-9pm Ave. SSun. un. 1122 22 SS.. SSunnyvale unnyvale A ve. 4408.481.9983. 08.481.9983.

CCHELOKEBABI HELOKEBABI. PPersian. ersian. $$. $$. Go Go straight straight for for the the baghali baghali ghatogh, ghatogh, a fantastic fantastic appetizer appetizer made made from from delicate delicate but but rich rich baby baby lima lima beans, beans, scrambled scrambled eggs eggs and and lots lots of of garlic. garlic. Just Just as as good good is is ghaymeh, ghaymeh, a daily daily special special made made from from tender tender chunks chunk s of of beef, beef, split split peas, peas, eggplant eggplant and and tomato tomato sauce. sauce. 11am11am10pm 10pm daily. daily. 1236 1236 Wolfe Wolfe Rd. Rd. 408.737.1222. 408.737.1222. DISHDASH D ISHDASH M Middle iddle Eastern. Eastern. $$. Dishdash $ $. D ishdash ccelebrates elebrates tthe he Middle cculinary ulinary gglories lories ooff tthe he M iddle EEast ast bbeyond eyond ffalafels alafels aand nd menu made hhummus. ummus. TThe he m enu iiss m ade recipes ffrom rom ttraditional raditional re cipes aand nd iingredients ngredients bbut ut ppresented resented with w ith a ccontemporary ontemporary flourish. fl ourish. There’s There’s aalso lso a ssmall mall well-chosen wine bbut ut w ell-chosen w ine llist ist match. ttoo m atch. 111am-2:30pm, 1am-2:30pm, Mon-Fri. 55-9:30pm -9:30pm M on-Fri. 110pm 0pm Murphy Ave. SSat-Sun.190 at-Sun.190 SS.. M urphy A ve. 4408.774.1889. 08.774.1889.

IILL POSTALE POSTALE IITALIAN TALIAN American. American. $$$. $$$. Its Its previous previous incarnation incarnation as as a post post office office lends lends this this space space eccentric eccentric charm, charm, and and the the food food delivers delivers

familiar familiar and not-so-familiar not-so-familiar Japanese dishes at prices that beat just about any restaurant’s.Closed restaurant’s.Closed Sun. 155 E. Maude Ave. Ave. 408.735.7777. 408.735.7777.

SSHALIMAR HALIMAR Indian-P Indian-Pakistani. akistani. $. Walk Walk up to the counter, counter, grab grab a menu and place your order. order. One One of the best dishes is the plain-looking haleem, a lentil and barley stew available with chicken or beef. beef. Nihari, a rich beef shank stew, stew, is also great. great. 11:30am2:30pm and 5:30-10:30pm 5:30-10:30pm Sun-Thu Sun--TThu and noon-3:30pm noon-3:30pm and 5:30-11pm 5:30-11pm Sat-Fri. 1146 W. W. El Camino Camino Real. 408.530.0300.

PEZELLAS P EZELLAS FFamily amily IItalian. talian. $$. $$. Serves Serves popular popular Italian Italian dinners dinners with with rich rich sauces sauces and and generous generous portions. portions. East East Coast Coast seafood seafood dishes dishes like like linguini linguini and and clams clams and and calamari calamari sautéed sautéed in in tomato, tomato, garlic, garlic, and and basil basil stand stand out. out. Pizza Pizza and and pasta pasta abound. abound. Full Full Bar. Bar. 11am-2:30pm 11am-2:30pm Tue-Fri, Tue-Fri, 5-10:30pm 5-10:30pm Tue-Sat. Tue-Sat. Closed Closed Sun-Mon. Sun-Mon. 1025 1025 W. W. El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.738.2400. 408.738.2400.


P.F. P .F. CCHANG’S HANG’S CCHINA HINA B ISTRO CChinese. hinese. $ $$. $. W With ith BISTRO atmosphere atmosphere to to spare, spare, Chang’s Chang’s doesn’t doesn’t nneglect eglect taste. taste. Vibrant Vibrant Szechuan Szechuan flavors flavors mix mix surprisingly surprisingly well well with with rich rich Western-style Western-style desserts. desserts. Full Full bar. bar. 11am11am10pm 10pm Mon-Sun, Mon-Sun, 11am-11pm 11am-11pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 390 390 W. W. El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.991.9078. 408.991.9078.

Mediterranean/Turkish. Mediter ranean/TTuurkish. Mustardd and ruddy $$. Mustar pomegranate ppomegr g anate hues warm the rrestaurant’s estaurant’s interior; zesty Arabic Ar abic infusions warm the from ffood. ood. Choose fr om mezes such as hummus or tabouli. Entrees Entr ees include lamb, beef or gyros chicken gyr os or lamb kebab. 11am-10pm daily.. 133 S. 11am10pm daily Ave. Murphy A ve. 408.735.9971.

SSAIZO AIZO JJapanese. apanese. $ $$. $. P Part art


bar, bar, part part eatery, eatery, Saizo Saizo served ser ved small small plates plates of of grilled grilled and and fried fried dishes dishes made made to to go go with with sake sake aand nd bbeer. eer. IIt’s t’s all all good. good. Open Open daily daily for for lunch lunch and and dinner dinner Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. 592 592 E. E. El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.733.7423. 408.733.7423.

Palace, $$. Udupi P alace, a South Indian vegetarian rrestaurant, estaurant, specializes in dishes—dosas aree and uthappams. Dosas ar crepes long, thin cr epes made with flour.. Uthappams ar aree rice flour pancakes made with rice and flour.. 11:30am11:30am-10pm lentil flour 10pm Mon-Thu, 11:30am-11pm 11pm Mon-TThu, 11:30am11:30am-10:30pm Fri-Sat, 11:30am10:30pm Sun. 97 976 6 E. El CCamino amino Real. 408.830.9600.

SSENZALA ENZALA BBrazilian. razilian. $$. $$. restaurant SSenzala enzala re staurant iiss llike ike a Brazilian B razilian ccultural ultural center center that that food. Brazilian aalso lso sserves erves fo od. B razilian aart rt aand nd pphotographs hotographs ccover over walls. Goo fo forr tthe feijoada, tthe he w alls. G he fe ijoada, a hhearty, earty, ssmoky moky bblack lack bbean ean with sstew tew made made w ith cchunks hunks ooff bbeef eef aand nd ppork. ork. 111am-10pm 1am-10pm Mon-Sat. Dr.r. M on-Sat. 2250 50 EE.. JJava ava D 4408.734.1656. 08.734.1656.

SSETO ETO D DELI ELI Japanese. Japanese. $ $.. FFolksy olksy ccountry ountry ddeli eli tthat hat ooffers ffers hhot ot aand nd ccold, old, ttakeout, akeout, made eeat-in at-in aand nd m ade ttoo oorder rder food fo od iin n a vvibrant ibrant aarray rray ooff

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

that eelevates that levates tthem hem aabove bove yyour our ttypical ypical red-and-white red-and-white ccheckered heckered tablecloth tablecloth ItalianItalianAmerican restaurant. A merican re staurant. LLunch unch Mon-Fri, 111:30am-2:30pm 1:30am-2:30pm M on-Fri, ddinner inner 55-9:30pm -9:30pm ddaily. aily. 14441 14441 Big Basin Way. B ig B asin W ay. 4408.741.1518. 08.741.1518.



Bakery. Bakery y. $. Sugar Butter Flour’s Flour ’s desserts and pastries go well beyond the humdrum sweets ffound ound at most rrestaurants estaurants and bakeries. The bakery’s chocolate aree particularly str strong. skills ar ong. 7am-7:30pm Mon-Thu, 7am7:30pm Mon-TThu, 7am-8:30pm Sat, 8am-5pm Bernardo Ave. Sun. 669 S. Bernar do A ve. 408.732.8597. 408.732.8597 7.


2 for1 Buy one drink, get second free (of equal or lesser value)

YUME-YA Y UME-YA Japanese. $$. Don’t heree looking ffor Don ’t come her or sake bombs and macadamia gimmicky nut-encrusted t t d gimmick i i ky sushi rrolls. olls. What sets this rrestaurant estaurant apart is its selection of izakaya-style dishes, little plates of ffood ood designed to go with beer Open 6-11pm and sake. O pen 611pm Mon-Sat. 150 El CCamino amino Real. 408.530.8156.

Seasonal, Artisan-Roasted Coffees from Ecco, Barefoot & Ritual Roasters

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ARTEMSIA BLACK VooDoo Lounge, San Jose Wed – 8pm; $5

Artemsia Black’s Sabine Heusler writes ghost stories. Not just for an occasional song, but for all of them. “Really, the whole thing is about ghosts,” says Heusler, “and people not being forgotten. I think my take on the whole ghost thing is that they’re just people. But a lot of people don’t realize the songs are about ghosts.” “Her lyrics are cryptic enough that you might not know,” says partner Kenny Schick. Maybe not, but clues are likely to jump out at even the casual listener. “You lost your head back in Spain, you

blame me,” Heusler sings on “Rosie.” Or on “Maryjanes”: “They say I fell, they say I drowned or something.” For a woman who writes and sings ghost stories, what happens to the normally reserved Heusler onstage couldn’t be more apt. “I think I get possessed, actually,” she admits. “I become someone else.” At this show, Artemsia Black will perform a set, and Schick will play solo, along with Ish, Riverwinds and the Devil’s Sunday Best. (SP)

AUDRYE SESSIONS Blank Club, San Jose Wed – 9pm; free This band has one of the best marketing angles: “As heard on VH1’s Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew.” Hey, anything to put your music in the same room with Gary Busey and Jeff Conaway is

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OK in my book. As for the music, Audrye Sessions creates a melodic swirl of indie rock and alternative jamming. Turns out they don’t even need the help of Dr. Drew and Co., because their music is powerful enough to stand on its own. (BD)

FDR San Jose Rep Wed-Fri – 8pm, Sat –3 and 8pm, Sun – 2pm; $39-$74 Now that we’ve all gotten over our disappointment that Barack Obama is not the second coming of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, we can relive some of the highs (and lows) of the president who brought us through the Depression (with help from John Maynard Keynes) and World War II. Ed Asner (crusading editor Lou Grant and the voice of the cranky old gent in Up) stars in Dore Schary’s one-man play. (MSG)


MIDSUMMER MOZART Mission Santa Clara Thu – 8pm; $20-$65

The summer classical season gets under way with the reliable pleasures of Midsummer Mozart, under the careful eye of conductor George Cleve. The first concert includes the Symphony no. 15, Piano Concerto no. 21 (with guest Audrey Vardanega), Violin Concerto no. 4 (with Robin Hansen) and Symphony no. 40. The second program—with guest artist Seymour Lipkin—takes place July 22 at the California Theatre in San Jose. (MSG)

RICHIE HAVENS Montalvo Arts Center, Saratoga Thu – 7:30pm; $35/30 The sound is unmistakable: a percussive guitar that revs up and stays revved, a voice that prophesizes over the top. Honored griot Richie Havens opened Woodstock 41 years ago with a three-hour set, since a lot of the talent was stuck on the New York Throughway. Haven’s unshaken commitment to political activism through music makes him one with the tradition of Pete Seeger; the charging guitar is evidence of an energy that outlasts beatnik roots, outlives hippie popularity and stays strong enough to face up to these damned perilous times. This show is a make-up for the performance canceled on May 13, and tickets from that date will be honored. (RvB)

oncerts * cconcerts Leslie Hampton


JJAZZ AZZ O ON N THE THE PLAZZ, PLAZZ, JJUDY UDY W WEXLER EXLER Jul 14 at a 6:30pm in LLos os Gatos TTown oown Plaza




LLILY ILY TOMLIN TOMLIN Jul 17 aatt Montalvo Arts Center

RAUL UL M MIDON, IDON, FFLAMENCO LAMENCO GGUITAR UITAR Jul u 17 at 6p ul 6pm, m, Courthouse Squar Square, e, Redwood City

OMG! O MG! Jul 17, 17, 1-4pm, Santanaa Row w


USTAD U STAD GGHULAMALI HULAMALI Jul 18 at 6pm m at Holiday lid Inn,, San Sa an n Jose J e

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DON D ON CCARLOS A R LO S Music in the Park Park Plaza de Cesar Chavez, San Saan Jose free Thu – 5:30pm; fr ee SSeems eems like like anybody anybody who’s who’s aanybody nybody iinn reggae reggae iin n tthe he llast ast 25 25 years years was was iin n Black B lack Uhuru Uhuru aatt some some point point in in ttheir heir But ccareer. areer. B ut Don Don Carlos Carlos has has one one up up oonn all all of of ‘‘em, em, ssince ince he he founded founded the the Uhuru with Garth U huru dub dub machine machine along along w ith G arth Dennis D ennis aand nd Duckie Duckie Simpson Simpson in in the the ‘‘70s. 70s. And And yyou ou could could aargue rgue that that iitt was w as his his return return on on the the 1990 1990 album album Now N ow tthat hat put put tthem hem bback ack on on tthe he m map, ap, ttoo. oo. BU BU nneeded eeded ssome ome CCarlos-type arlos-type ssalvation alvation aafter fter years years of of internal internal ttroubles, roubles, and and some some of of their their weakest weakest rreleases eleases hhad ad everybody everybody writing writing tthem hem ooff ff for for ggood ood in in the the llate ate ’’80s. 80s. But But jjust ust one one llisten isten ttoo Carlos’ Carlos’ iincredible ncredible vvoice oice oonn N Now ow’’ss ssweet, weet, ssweet weet ccover over of of Hendrix’s Hendrix’s “Hey “Hey Joe” Joe” aand nd aallll was was forgiven. forgiven. CCarlos arlos hhas as hhad ad qquite uite a bbit it ooff success success oon n hhis is oown, wn, ttoo, oo, ppreaching reaching

hhis is ppositivism ositivism oon n sseveral everal ssolo olo aalbums lbums aand nd ggathering athering tthe he ffaithful aithful ttoo hhis is llive ive sshows. hows. ((SP) SP)

*ffri ri

S M O K EY SMOKEY ROBINSON R OBINSON Mountain Winery, Wineryy, Saratoga Saratoga a $40-$100 Fri – 7:30pm; $40-$10 0 Martin ABC M artin FFry ry ooff A BC ssang ang aabout bout hhow ow when w hen SSmokey mokey ssings, ings, hhee forgets forgets Now, eeverything. verything. N ow, yyou ou ccan an hhave ave tthe he ssame ame eexperience. xperience. Luckily, Luckily, it’s it’s not not like like memory-zappers tthose hose m emory-zappers in in M Men en in in Black Black. EEverything verything w will ill come come bback ack ttoo you. you. Like Like why why this this guy guy had had 37 37 Top Top 40 40 hits hits with with Motown. Motown. And And that that voice, voice, it’ll it’ll still still take take you you aaway, way, as as evidenced evidenced by by hhis is recent Why.” recent single single “Don’t “Don’t KKnow now W hy.” ((SP) SP)

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ALEJANDRO A LEJANDRO SSANZ ANZ Jul 18 at HP Pavilion Pavilion v vilion

STANFORD ANFORD JJAZZ, AZZ, JJOHN OHN SSANTOS ANTO OS SSEXTET EXTET Wonderland Monterey’s EExit xit W onderland aand nd M onterey’s SSway way oopen. pen. ((SP) SP)

*ttue ue

South First Billiar Billiards, dss, San Jose free Sat – 9pm; fr ee


SSometimes ometimes a bband and ccomes omes aalong long whose w hose nname ame iiss ssoo eepically pically aawesome wesome music tthat hat iits ts m usic sseems eems bbeside eside tthe he ppoint. oint. JJon on CCougar ougar CConcentration oncentration more CCamp, amp, say. say. But But isn’t isn’t tthat hat eeven ven m ore rreason eason ttoo llisten isten ttoo tthem? hem? IIn n tthe he Baby ccase ase ooff B aby SSeal eal CClub, lub, yyeah. eah. TTheir heir ggeneral eneral ssensibility ensibility iiss aass ooffbeat ffbeat won North aass their their nname. ame. TThey hey w on a N orth Bay Music Award Best B ay M usic A ward ffor or B est IIndie ndie Band B and l,l, aand nd good good lluck uck cclassifying lassifying tthem hem bbeyond eyond tthat. hat. TTheir heir ccover over ooff Nick Right Hand” N ick Cave’s Cave’s ““Red Red R ight H and” iiss while qquirky uirky aart-rock, rt-rock, w hile ““Straight Straight Boys B oys SSpoonin’” poonin’” iiss ggrittier rittier aand nd eeven ven weirder. Bay w eirder. SSouth outh B ay ffunk-rock unk-rock ooutfit utfit

Streetlight Reco Streetlight Records, rds, San Jose Tue free T ue u – 4pm; fr ee Ass hhaunting Bon A aunting aass B on IIver, ver, bbut ut aass iindie-primitive ndie-primitive as as Beat Beat Happening, Happening, SSoCal’s oCal’s SSalinger alinger sseem eem llike ike tthey hey might wind way m ight jjust ust w ind ttheir heir w ay iinto nto tthe he aair ir and and dissipate. dissipate. Vocalist Vocalist Herbert Herbert Haa may H may be be Chan Chan Marshall’s Marshall’s longlongllost ost bbrother, rother, bbut ut tthat’s hat’s not not to to say say tthis his is is serene serene music music for for sleepy sleepy ppeople. eople. Instead, Instead, his his vocals vocals provide provide a ssmooth mooth counterpoint counterpoint to to an an acoustic acoustic eensemble nsemble mixing mixing up up a soft soft sound sound of of aanarchy, narchy, like like a wild wild party party unfolding unfolding iinn slow slow motion. motion. (SP) (SP)

Jul 18 8 at Dinkelspiel k el




DAVE D AVE KOZ KOZ Augg 6 at 7:30pm at Montalvo Artss Center Ce er

JJOAN OAN B BAEZ AEZ Aug 12 att 7pm A 7pm at at Montalvo n A Center Arts ter

LLADY ADY GGAGA AGA Aug 16-17 16-17 at a Pavilion HP P avvilion on

JJOHN OHN MAYER MAYER Aug 20 at 7pm pm at Shoreline Shor eline ine

M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

BUSTA B USTA GROOVE GROOVE Jul 144 at 6pm, SStafford tafford P Park, ark, Redwood City


M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


Programs P rograms Offered: Offered:


Consultation C onsultation n& Treatment Treatment from frrom Chinese hinese M Medicine edicine Specialist Specialist



Clinic C linic H Hours: ours: Every M Every Mon on afternoon afterno oon & regular regular working working hours h on Tue Tue, Wed, Wed Th Thur hur

Fine Brine

N8M< 8:K@FE N 8M < 8:K@FE N`cc`Xd Kifjk I`Z_Xi[jÊ ÉJli] 9i\Xb`e^ fe IfZbjÊ N``cc`Xd Kifjk I`Z_Xi[jÊ ÉJli] 9i\Xb b`e^ fe IfZbjÊ j_fnj f]] k_\ Xik`jkÊj ]Xmfi`k\ dXi`e\ dfk`]% j_fnj f]] k_\ Xik`jkÊj ]Xmfi`k\ dXi`e\ dfk`]]%

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CC K?< J8;;<JK Xe[ CC K?< J8;;<JK Xe[ n`c[\jk ef`j\j f] n`c[\jk ef`j\j f] eXkli\ Xi\ i\gif[lZ\[ eXkli\ Xi\ i\gif[lZ\[ Yp k_\ jli]]#È (0k_$ Yp k_\ jli]#È (0k_$ Z\eklip gX`ek\i N`cc`Xd N Kifjk Z\eklip gX`ek\i N`cc`Xd Kifjk I`Z_Xi[j nifk\ `e X c\kk\i% I`Z_Xi[j nifk\ `e X c\kk\i% I`Z_Xi[jÊ Y\jk gX`e ek`e^j I`Z_Xi[jÊ Y\jk gX`ek`e^j [\g`Zk \[ j\XjZXg\j [\gfglcXk\ [\g`Zk [\gfglcXk\[ j\XjZXg\j n`k_ _fi`qfe c`e\jj k_Xk j\\d n`k_ _fi`qfe c`e\j k_Xk j\\d kf jki\kZ_ kf X _ld dYc`e^ kf jki\kZ_ kf X _ldYc`e^ `eÓe`kp Y\pfe[ k_ _\ \[^\j f] `eÓe`kp Y\pfe[ k_\ \[^\j f] k_\ g`Zkli\ gcXe\% k_\ g`Zkli\ gcXe\% An air of melancholy melancholly suffuses his views, as if the steady longmarine views, term rh hythm y of the br reakers simply rhythm breakers

overwhelms o verwhelm ms the mer merely ely human. new Stanford’s An ew sshow how aatt S tanford’s Cantor Arts Center makes C an ntor A rts C enter m akes a case case ffor or rreclaiming eclaiming tthe he rreputation eputattion of of Richards R ichards ((1833–1905). 1833–1905). His His career career has been obscured byy iinterest h as b een o bscured b nterest iin n more Hudson tthe he m ore ggrandiose ran ndiose H udson River River School painters, S chool p ainters, ssuch uch aass Thomas Thomas Cole Frederic Church. Richards’ C ole aand nd F rederic C hurch. R ichards’ mountain pales aapproach pproach tto om ountain vvistas istas p alles next off n ext tto o tthe he compositional compositional bravura bravura o his his finest works h is ccontemporaries; ontemporaries; h is fi nest w orks when hee tturned his ccame ame w hen h urned h is attention attention Atlantic His marinetto o tthe he A tlantic ssea ea ccoast. oasst. H is m arrinesscapes—in capes—in oil oil aand nd watercolor—are watercolor—are distinctive d istinctive and and compelling. compelling. Sketches S ketches of of plants plants and and ttree ree trunks trunks demonstrate d emonstrate Richards’ Richarrds’ aattention ttention botanical detail. had tto ob otan nical d etail. He He h ad d the the eeye ye of of a sscientist cientist aand nd followed followed tthe he

dictattes of of art art critic critic John John Ruskin, Ruskin, dictates who pontificated pontificated about ab bout putting putting who the techniques techniques of of naturalism naturallism in in the the the service of of prizing prizing out out God’s God’s presence presence service in the the world. world. in Richards made mad de more more than than one one Richards trip to to Europe, Europe, but but his his views views of of trip Italy, Norway Norway and and Switzerland Switzerland look look Italy, conventionall and and placid—painted placid—paiinted conventional postcarrds. An An early earrly sketch sketch of of SSunrise unrise postcards. in the the Alps Alps comes comes complete complete w ith a in with tiny but but too-carefully too -carrefully placed placced white white tiny cross. At At times, times, Richards Richarrds indulged indulged in in cross. overwrought dramatic dramatic set set pieces; pieces; his his overwrought depictions of of the the ruins ruins of of Tintagel Tintagel depictions Castle in in Cornwall Cornwall look look like like they they Castle could be be a backdrop backdrop for for a Wagner Wagner could production. production. Richards spent spent a lot lot of of time time by by Richards himself, toting toting his his art art supplies supplies and and himself, tramping through through the the Adirondacks Adirondacks tramping and along along desolate desolate stretches stretches of of the the and New England Englan nd coast. coast. He He even even speaks speaks of of New having to to race racce back back and and forth forth in in order order having to capture capture the the hiss hiss and and roil roil of of the the surf surf to without getting getting himself himself soaked. soak ked. without im mbues That sense of engagement imbues quiick, his marine paintings with a quick, authoritative fervor. feervor. The size authoritative worked variously variouslly and media (he worked

N`cc`Xd Kifjk I`Z_Xi[j1 Kil\ kf EXkli\ K_ifl^_ J\gk% ):Xekfi 8ikj :\ek\i# JkXe]fi[

39 M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

Courtesy Courtes sy of the CCantor antor Arts Center at SStanford tanford Universityy

metroactive ARTS

watercolor and d gouache on with watercolor cardboard,, paper pap p per and an nd other humble cardboard, grounds) don’t don’t matter. matter. grounds) Even the smallestt quick-handed quick-handed Even pieces function as endless en ndless vistas. vistas. The pieces moun nted by by subtly low horizons mounted are free free e of showy toned clouds are eff ffeects. Coastal Coastal Scene, Scenee, Setting Setting Sun uses effects. laayer of just a hint of purplee in a layer about to obscure obsscure a sliver sliver of clouds about there are are no flashing flaashing rays raays y or sun; there reds. Without With i out the small blinding reds. rock formation fo ormation in the th he foreground, fo oreground, rock scene would be be nearly an the scene exercise in a narrow narrow band abstract exercise yelllow w, tan tan and of gradations of yellow, damped- down blue. bluee. damped-down watercolor o Beach at The 1870 watercolor Low Tide Tide i pr esents an n empt toral Low presents emptyy lit littoral stretch with flat sheets sheeets of water water stretch curving up the sand d beneath beneath a curving unifformly o misty sky sky marked marked only uniformly misty by a distant distant layer laayer off fog fog suffused by traces of light violet. v with traces The sense remoteness is compounded com mpounded in of remoteness 1890s oil Sur rf Br e eaking on R ocks, an 1890s Surf Breaking Rocks, could be be a coastline coastline o jus which could or just Th he froth froth th is an islet far at sea. The beautifully rendered, rendered d,, flicking against gain beautifully rock faces. faces. the rock The Cantor Cantor show show depends depends largely largely The on Richards’ Richarrds’ smallest smallest pieces—some pieces—some on of them them so so casual casual that thatt they they are are of domesticated by by splatters, splatters, stains, stains, domesticated handwritten notes notes on on color color and an nd even even handwritten torn corners. corners. But But the the apotheosis apotheosis of of torn what Richards Richards was was striving striving for for is is what seen in in the the exhibit’s exhibit’s one one large large oil oil on on seen canvas, SSeascape. eascappe. T he p alest o iledcanvas, The palest off p piledup clouds clouds hover hover above ab bove a low low horizon horizon up line. The The colors colors of of the the sea sea below below and and line. sky above above transition tran nsition in in gentle gentle steps. steps. sky Far, far far to to the the left, left, one one can can discern discern the the Far, minute sails sails of of a three-master—man’s three-master—man’s minute endeavors nearly nearrly at at the the vanishing vanishing endeavors point in in the the scheme scheme of of nature. nature. The The point eye can can sweep sweep to to the the right right to to pick pick up up eye in the the very very foreground, foreground, where where the the in water kisses kisses the the sand, san nd, a few few humble humble water clamshells protruding. protruding. Although Although clamshells he would would no no doubt doubt reject reject the the he imputation of of such such an an exalted exalted stance, stance, imputation here, Richards’ Richards’ vision vision seems seems God-like God-like here, in its its scope. scope. in

More M ore lis listings: stings:

ARTS A RT S metroactive metr o oactive


by O by Opera pera SSan an JJosé. osé. SSat, at, 77pm. pm. Row, SSantana antana R ow, SSan an JJose. ose.

Theater T heater Alisa Barrett


Shakespeare Three Ways Friday–Saturday, 8pm, Sunday, 2pm, through July 25; Theatre on San Pedro Square, San Jose; $15 Three of a Perfect Pair Theatre Troupe rifles through the plays of the Bard to come up with three comic one-acts. The language has been reworked, but the characters and themes are timeless, from the truism that “Love Is Blind” to the caution about “Vaulting Ambition.”

Sisters of Swing Friday–Saturday, 8pm, Sunday, 2pm, through Aug. 15; the Retro Dome, San Jose; $24–$36 Back in the heyday of big-band swing, the singing Andrews Sisters were Destiny’s Child and the Supremes rolled into one. Their hit “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” still rushes ahead at warp speed, 70 years on. The Retro Dome presents a musical celebration of the group.

Opera Al Fresco Sunday, 7pm; Santana Row, San Jose; free Arias in the open air are the order of the day as Opera San Jose presents selections from Italian operas at a one-hour free concert. The numbers are designed to give a taste of the company’s upcoming season, which features The Barber of Seville, Tosca and La bohème.

Mark Kitaoka

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


Auctioning the Ainsleys July 14–Aug. 8; Lucie Stern Theatre, Palo Alto; $19–$67 TheatreWorks opens its 2010–11 season with the world premiere of Laura Schellhardt’s comedy with dramatic overtones about the lives of some professional auctioneers with stories to share and secrets to sell. It’s based on a project that premiered at TheatreWorks’ New Works Festival.

sstage tage Dance D ance

Santa Santa Clara Clara Valley Valley history; history; aalso lso a silent silent auction. auction. $45. $45. RSVP RSVP by by JJul ul 12 12 to to 4408.288.2820, 08.288.2820, ext ext 2213. 13. Sun, Sun, 2:30-5:30pm 2:30-5:30pm at at historic historic Saratoga Saratoga home. home.

NOR N OR CCAL AL D DANCE ANCE A ARTS RTS FFIESTA IESTA DE DE LOS LOS CALIFORNIAS CALIFORNIAS A benefit benefit concert concert for for sscholarships cholarships ttoo B Ballet allet SSan an JJose ose SSchool. chool. EEvent vent iincludes ncludes a ccostumed ostumed ppageant ageant aabout bout

For tthe For he M Master aster Class Class sseries, eries, tthe he studio studio presents presents guest guest cchoreographers. horeographers. Thu Thu Jul Jul 29. 29. ((See See www.norcaldance.com www.norcaldance.com ffor or ddetails.) etails.) San San Jose. Jose.

ANNIE A NNIE The bbeloved The eloved m musical usical Broadway iinterpreted nterpreted bbyy B roadway bbyy Bay. 8pm, tthe he B ay. TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8 pm, SSun, un, Aug $20-$48. 22pm. pm. TThru hru A ug 11.. $ 20-$48. Mateo Performing Arts SSan an M ateo P erforming A rts CCenter. enter.

AUDITIONING THE AUDITIONING THE AINSLEYS A INSLEYS TheatreWorks offers TheatreWorks offers the the w orld ppremiere remiere of of a comedy comedy world aabout bout a ffamily amily ooff auctioneers. auctioneers. Previews 8pm. P reviews JJul ul 114-16, 4-16, 8 pm. Opens Regular O pens JJul ul 117. 7. R egular sshows: hows: TTue-Wed, ue-Wed, 77:30pm, :30pm, TThu-Fri, hu-Fri, 8pm, 8pm, 8 pm, SSat, at, 2 aand nd 8 pm, SSun, un, 2 Aug 8.. $ $19-$67. aand nd 77pm. pm. TThru hru A ug 8 19-$67. Palo Alto. LLucie ucie SStern tern TTheater, heater, P alo A lto.

BLACK/WHITE B LACK/WHITE A ddouble ouble bbill ill of of Peter Peter Shaffer Shaffer ccomedies: omedies: ““The The W hite LLiars” iars” White aand nd ““Black Black CComedy.” omedy.” P art ooff Part CCalifornia alifornia Theatre Theatre CCenter’s enter ’s ssummer ummer rrep ep sseries. eries. TThis his W Week: eek: SSat, at, 77:30pm, :30pm, SSun, un, 33pm. pm. TThru hru JJul ul 223. 3. $ 12-$20. SSunnyvale unnyvale $12-$20. CCommunity ommunity Theatre. Theatre.

BREAKING U BREAKING UP P IISS HARD TO DO H ARD T OD O Neil SSedaka Neil edaka ffavorites avorites fuels fuels tthe he m usical hhit. it. P resented bbyy musical Presented W est Valley Valley LLight ight O pera. TThis his West Opera. w eek: FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 8 pm. R uns tthru hru week: 8pm. Runs JJul ul 224. 4. $ 18-$30. SSaratoga aratoga CCivic ivic $18-$30. TTheater. heater.

FFDR DR Ed Asner Ed Asner sstars tars iin n a pplay lay aabout bout tthe he D epression aand nd W orld W ar Depression World War III-era I-era ppresident. resident. TThe he sshow how iiss ppresented resented bbyy SSan an JJose ose R ep. Rep. W ed-Fri, 8 pm, SSat, at, 3 aand nd 8 pm, Wed-Fri, 8pm, 8pm, SSun, un, 22pm. pm. $ 45-$74. TThe he R ep, $45-$74. Rep, SSan an JJose. ose.

LLOS OS GGATOS ATOS SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE FFESTIVAL ESTIVAL Three pplays Three lays iin n rrepertory. epertory. TThis his week: w eek: FFri: ri: ““The The TTaming aming ooff tthe he SShrew.” hrew.” SSat: at: ““Treasure Treasure IIsland,” sland,” SSun: un: ““The The IImportance mportance ooff B Being eing Allll sshows 8pm. EEarnest.” arnest.” A hows aatt 8 pm. Aug Oak Meadow Park, TThru hru A ug 77.. O ak M eadow P ark, Gatos. LLos os G atos.



The sspotlight The potlight iiss oon n tthe he w waltz altz with Dance w ith vvarsity arsity D ance CClub lub aand nd Paul Orchestra. P aul Price’s Price’s SSociety ociety O rchestra. SSun. un. $ $20. 20. M Masonic asonic B Ballroom, allroom, Palo Alto. P alo A lto.

Shakespeare rreinterpreted Shakespeare einterpreted by by CCalifornia alifornia Theatre Theatre CCenter. enter. TThis his Week: $12-$20. W eek: FFri, ri, 77:30pm. :30pm. $ 12-$20. TThrough hrough JJul ul 225. 5. SSunnyvale unnyvale CCommunity ommunity Theatre. Theatre.

Opera O pera


OPERA O PERA A ALL FFRESCO RESCO A ffree ree cconcert oncert ooff IItalian talian aarias rias

Agatha Christie’s Agatha Christie’s ffamous amous m ystery pplay lay sshows hows dduring uring mystery tthe he SSummer ummer rrep ep series series ffor or CCalifornia alifornia Theatre Theatre CCenter. enter. TThis his

Week: SSat, Week: at, 3 aand nd 77:30pm. :30pm. TThru hru JJul ul 224. 4. $12-$20. $12-$20. SSunnyvale unnyvale CCommunity ommunity TTheatre. heatre.

SHAKESPEARE SHAKESPEARE T HREE W AYS THREE WAYS A ccomedic omedic eevening vening featuring featuring tthree hree one-acts one-acts sspinning pinning ooff ff ffrom rom SShakespeare, hakespeare, from from Three Three Perfect Pair ooff a P erfect P air TTheatre heatre TTroupe. roupe. Fri-Sat, Fri-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, Sun, Sun, 2pm. 2pm. $15. TThru hru JJul ul 225. 5. $ 15. TTheatre heatre oonn Pedro SSan an P edro Square, Square, San San Jose. Jose.

SISTERS O SISTERS OFF SSWING: WING: T HE SSTORY TORY O HE THE OFF T THE ANDREWS A NDREWS SSISTERS ISTERS Am musical usical ccelebration elebration ooff tthe he swing-era swing-era singing singing stars, stars, Under kknown nown for for “Don’t “Don’t SSit it U nder tthe he Apple Apple Tree” Tree” aand nd ““Boogie Boogie W oogie B ugle B oy.” FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, Woogie Bugle Boy.” 8pm, 8 pm, SSun, un, 22pm. pm. TThru hru A Aug ug 15. 15. $ 24-$36. TThe he Retro Retro D ome, $24-$36. Dome, SSan an JJose. ose.

CComedy omedy CCOMEDYSPORTZ OMEDYSPORTZ An iinteractive An nteractive iimprovised mprovised ccomedy omedy sshow. how. FFri, ri, 9 aand nd 111pm 1pm aand nd Sat, Sat, 7pm 7pm aand nd 9pm. 9pm. $12$12$15. $ 15. CComedySportz, omedySportz, San San Jose. Jose.

IIMPROV MPROV Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: Big Big Al’s Al’s Big Big Ass Ass CComedy omedy SShow how P Presents: resents: TThe he Real Housewives. R eal ((Funny) Funny) H ousewives. $12. $12. TThu, hu, 8pm: 8pm: Yo Yo M Mama! ama! CComedy omedy Night N ight with with karaoke. karaoke. $ $10. 10. FFri, ri, 8 aand nd 10pm, 10pm, SSat, at, 7 aand nd 9pm: 9pm: EEddie ddie G Griffin. riffin. $27. $27. SSun, un, 8pm: 8pm: H ollywood U nderground with with Hollywood Underground TTodd odd Glass. Glass. $ 10. TTue, ue, 8 pm: $10. 8pm: IImprov mprov sstandup tandup ccomedy omedy ccompetition. ompetition. $ 10. SSan an JJose. ose. $10.

ROOSTER R OOSTER T T.. FFEATHERS EATHERS Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: N New ew TTalent alent SShowcase. howcase. $ 10. TThu, hu, 8 pm, FFriri$10. 8pm, SSat, at, 9 9pm, pm, SSun, un, 8pm: 8pm: Tommy Tommy Drake. D rake. $ $12. 12. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

CCONTINUING ONTINUING CCANTOR ANTOR ARTS ARTS CCENTER ENTER “True ttoo N “True Nature.” ature.” W Works orks bbyy llandscape andscape aartist rtist William William TTrost rost R ichards. TThru hru Sep Sep Richards. 226. 6. ““Buildings Buildings oonn Paper: Paper: A rchitectural D rawings.” TThru hru Architectural Drawings.” O ct 117. 7. W ed-Sun, 111am-5pm, 1am-5pm, Oct Wed-Sun, TThu, hu, 11am-8pm. 11am-8pm. Stanford. Stanford.

CHILDREN’S DISCOVERY CHILDREN’S DISCOVERY M USEUM MUSEUM “Run! JJump! “Run! ump! FFly! ly! A Adventures dventures Action.” 9.. M Moniin nA ction.” TThru hru SSep ep 9 onSSat, at, 110am-5pm 0am-5pm aand nd Sun, Sun, nnoon-5pm. oon-5pm. SSan an Jose. Jose.

HISTORY H ISTORY P PARK ARK SSAN AN JJOSE OSE “Explore SSan “Explore an JJose ose P Parks— arks— Open O pen ttoo the the P Public ublic SSince ince 11850.” 850.” TThru hru JJan an 223. 3. At At P Pacific acific Hotel Gallery. H otel G allery. TTue-Sun, ue-Sun, noonnoon55pm. pm. SSan an JJose. ose.

SSAN AN JJOSE OSE MUSEUM MUSEUM OF OF A ART RT “Vital Signs: “Vital Signs: N New ew M Media edia FFrom rom tthe he Permanent Permanent Collection.” Collection.” TThru hru FFeb eb 6. 6. ““New New SStories tories FFrom rom the the Edge Edge of of Asia: Asia: P Plastic lastic LLife.” ife.” Thru Thru SSep ep 119. 9. ““Real Real & Hyperreal.” Aug H yperreal.” TThru hru A ug 11.. TueTueSSun, un, 11am-5pm, 11am-5pm, closed closed Mon. Mon. SSan an Jose. Jose.

SAN JJOSE SAN OSE MUSEUM MUSEUM OF OF QUILTS TEXTILES Q UILTS AND AND T EXTILES “Hawaii’s A “Hawaii’s Alfred lfred Shaheen: Shaheen: FFabric abric ttoo FFashion.” ashion.” ““Grand Grand A ppliqué: H awaiian Q uilts.” Appliqué: Hawaiian Quilts.” ““Wendeanne Wendeanne Ke’aka Ke’aka Stitt: Stitt: CContemporary ontemporary KKapa.” apa.” A nd Allll eend A ug 8 ue-Sun, 10am-5pm. 10am-5pm. Aug 8.. TTue-Sun, SSan an Jose. Jose.

TECH T ECH M MUSEUM USEUM ”Genghis KKhan.” ”Genghis han.” Mon-Wed, Mon-Wed, 9am-5pm, 9am9 am-5pm, aand nd Thu-Sun, Thu-Sun, 9 am8pm. 8 pm. SSan an JJose. ose.



““A A CChild’s hild’s W World.” orld.” A sshow how aabout bout iinner nner yyouth. outh. “Erin “Erin Goodwin-Guerrero: G oodwin-Guerrero: CCaught aught Between B etween Heaven Heaven and and EEarth.” arth.” R ecent w orks bbyy tthe he ppainter. ainter. Recent works ““Flights Flights of of Fancy: Fancy: New New works works bbyy LLivia ivia SStein.” tein.”TThru hru SSep ep 19. 19. TTueueWed W ed and and FFri-Sun, ri-Sun, 11am-5pm. 11am-5pm. TThu, hu, 11am-9pm. 11am-9pm. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.


GGalleries alleries

Museums M useums PENINSULA P ENINSULA M MUSEUM USEUM O OFF A ART RT “Cork M “Cork Marcheschi: archeschi: Retrospective.” R etrospective.” Reception Reception Sun, Sun, 11-4pm. -4pm. Thru Thru SSep ep 26. 26. Belmont. Belmont.

SSAN AN JOSE JOSE M MUSEUM USEUM OF OF A ART RT The museum hosts a The screening scr eening of artist SSandow andow Birk’s “Dante’s “Dante’s IInferno,” nferno,” illustrations based on his illustr ations ffor or Dante and using paper puppets. Sat, Sat, noon. $6/$10 at CCamera amera 12 in SSan an JJose. ose.

OPENING O PENING B BRUNI RUNI GGALLERY ALLERY Bruni SSablan ablan shows new painting of President President O Obama bama ffor or California California Democr Democratic atic Party P arty Gallery Gala. TThu, hu, 77-9pm. COntributions COntributions $50 and up. Campbell. Campbell.


CCONTINUING ONTINUING CCITY ITY W WINDOWS INDOWS GGALLERY ALLERY “Earth-Bound.� A show of “Earth-Bound.� workss by local clay sculptors sculptors, work s, Welsh, including SStan tan W elsh, Don Fritzz and Diane Levinson. Frit CCity ity Hall, SSouth outh Fourth St, St, SSan an Jose. Jose.

GGOOD OOD KARMA KARMA VEGAN VEGAN CAFE CAFE Works bbyy G Works Guy uy Brookshire. Brookshire. Thru Thru JJul. ul. SSan an JJose. ose.

MACLA M ACLA “The Art “The Art of of P Politics: olitics: Three Three Generations Political G enerations ooff P olitical Printmaking Bay Area.� P rintmaking iin n tthe he B ay A rea.� Wed-Thu, TThru hru Aug Aug 77.. W ed-Thu, nnoon-7pm, oon-7pm, FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, noon-5pm. noon-5pm. SSan an JJose. ose.

SSUSAN USAN M MOON OON The aauthor The uthor ooff ““This This Is Is G Getting etting Old� O ld� sshares hares tthoughts houghts oon n ZZen en aand nd aagain. gain. W Wed, ed, 77:30pm. :30pm. FFree. ree. Menlo KKepler’s epler ’s M enlo Park. Park.

SSCOTT COTT SSIGLER IGLER The aauthor The uthor ooff tthe he nnew ew medical m edical tthriller hriller ““Ancestor� Ancestor � ssigns igns ccopies opies of of hhis is bbook. ook. W Wed, ed, 77:30pm. :30pm. FFree. ree. Books Books Inc., Inc., Mountain M ountain V View. iew.

ids *kkids


Better tthan Better han tthe he Russell Russell CCrowe rowe Wed-Fri, vversion. ersion. W ed-Fri, 6:30pm. 6:30pm. Runs $5/$10. R uns tthrough hrough Jul Jul 117. 7. $ 5/$10. Palo Alto P alo A lto Children’s Children’s Theatre. Theatre.


A ďŹ ne-crafts ďŹ ne-crafts festival, festival, pplus lus live live music music ((including including LLivewire ivewire and and tthe he Cool Cool JJerks) erks) and and food. food. Sat-Sun, Sat-Sun, 110am–6pm; 0am–6pm; ffree. ree. Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Avenue, A venue, bbetween etween EEll Camino Camino Real R eal and and Johnson Johnson Street, Street, Menlo Park. M enlo P ark.

RICHARD R ICHARD DREYFUSS DREYFUSS The actor The actor aappears ppears at at a CCommonwealth ommonwealth Club Club event event ttoo ttalk alk about about the the Campaign Ca m p a i g n ttoo IImprove mprove Civic Civic Education. Education. M on, 77pm. pm. $ 15/$25. SSchultz chul t z Mon, $15/$25. CCultural ultural Hall-Oshman Hall-Oshman Family Family Palo Alto. JJCC, CC, P alo A l to.

FFLOWERS LOWERS IN IN T THE HE H HOME OME A program program fo forr tthe he family family aabout bout working working and and living living with w ith planets. planets. Fri-Sat, Fri-Sat, 110am0am33:30pm, :30pm, Sun, Sun, 11am-3:30pm. 11am-3:30pm. ((Reserve Reserve aatt www.ďŹ loli.org.) www.ďŹ loli.org.) Gardens, Woodside. FFiloli iloli G ardens, W oodside.

Paintings aand Paintings nd pprints rints bbyy Andy Aug A ndy Muonio. Muonio. TThru hru A ug 11.. CCommunity ommunity School School ooff M Music usic View. aand nd Art, Art, Mountain Mountain V iew.

Fairy tales Fairy tales and and children’s children’s sstories tories ppresented resented bbyy Peninsula P eninsula Youth Youth Theatre. Theatre. This This week: w eek: Fri, Fri, 6:30pm, 6:30pm, ““Charlie Charlie aand nd tthe he CChocolate hocolate FFactory.� actory.� ParkStage FFree. ree. P arkStage outside outside Mountain View M ountain V iew CCenter enter ffor or tthe he Performing Arts. P erforming A rts.




“Secret Drawings.� “Secret Drawings.� ““Dream Dream SSequences.� equences.� ““Surreal Surreal Reinventions.� R einventions.� TThru hru SSep ep 44.. TTue-Sat, ue-Sat, 110am-5pm, 0am-5pm, TThu, hu, 779pm, Palo Alto. 9 pm, SSun, un, 11-5pm. -5pm. P alo A lto.

AR Rising ising SStars tars pproduction roduction ffrom rom Children’s Children’s M Musical usical TTheatre heatre SSan an Jose. Jose. Thu-Fri, Thu-Fri, SSat at 2 aand nd 77pm, pm, SSun, un, 11pm. pm. $ $15-$18. 15-$18. Montgomery M ontgomery TTheater, heater, SSan an JJose ose

A session session with with author author Don D on Mordasini Mordasini along along with with Mimi M imi H Hernandez ernandez aabout bout ddiscovering iscovering harmony harmony and and ppeace. eace. Mon, Mon, 7pm. 7pm. $15. $15. The The Pruneyard P runeyard Inn, Inn, Campbell. Ca m p b e l l .



Presented by Presented by Rainbow Rainbow TTheatre. heatre. TThu, hu, 77:30pm, :30pm, FFri, ri, 22:30pm, :30pm, SSat, at, 22:30 :30 aand nd 77:30pm. :30pm. TThru hru JJul ul 224. 4. $6/$8. $6/$8. M Milpitas ilpitas CCommunity ommunity CCenter. enter.

A party party fo forr tthe he San San Jose Jose CCannabis annabis Buyers Buyers Collective Collective with w ith barbecue barbecue and and a rafe. rafe. SSat, at, 12:30-3:30pm. 12:30-3:30pm. FFree. ree. 11082 082 SStockton tockton Ave, Ave, SSan an Jose. Jose.



Presented by Presented by Peninsula Peninsula Youth Youth Wed, TTheatre. heatre. W ed, 77:30pm, :30pm, ThuThuFFri, ri, 110am 0am aand nd 77:30pm, :30pm, Sat, Sat, 2 aand nd 77:30pm, :30pm, SSun, un, 44pm. pm. Thru Thru JJul ul 118. 8. CCubberley ubberley CCommunity ommunity TTheatre, heatre, P Palo alo A Alto. lto.

A walk walk and and run run (10K (10K and and 5K) 5K) forr tthe fo he whole whole ffamily. amily. (See (See www.indiacc.org/sevathon w ww.indiacc.org/sevathon forr ddetails.) fo etails.) Sun. Sun. Baylands Baylands Park, P ark, Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.

Big B ig D Deals eals

An eevent An vent ppresented resented by by Club Club Auto A uto SSport port and and Michi’s Michi’s CCatering atering to to sshow how off off the the with ffacilities acilities w ith food food aand nd eentertainment ntertainment by by the the LLeague, eague, DJ DJ Maniakal Maniakal and and EEmma mma and and Her Her Quartet. Quartet. $50/$75. $ 50/$75. Sun, Sun, 5-9pm. 5-9pm. Club Club Auto A uto SSport, port, SSan an JJose. ose.


PHANTOM P HANTOM GGALLERIES ALLERIES “Street SSwag “Street wag P Photos,� hotos,� bbyy Abe Abe Menor. M enor. TThru hru JJul ul 226. 6. EExhibited xhibited iinn windows windows at at 386 386 S. S. FFirst irst SSt, t, SSan an JJose. ose.

SAN JJOSE SAN OSE INSTITUTE INSTITUTE OF OF CCONTEMPORARY ONTEMPORARY ART ART “Conservation ooff IIntimacy.� “Conservation ntimacy.� IInstallation nstallation by by B Bernie ernie LLubell ubell ffeaturing eaturing llow-tech ow-tech m achines machines bbased ased on on oold ld iingredients. ngredients. Reception 6-8pm. R eception JJul ul 116, 6, 6 -8pm. Thru Thru SSep ep 119. 9. TTue-Fri, ue-Fri, 110am-5pm, 0am-5pm, SSat, at, noon-5pm. noon-5pm. SSan an JJose. ose.

VIEWPOINTS V IEWPOINTS GGALLERY ALLERY “Traveling CConversations,� “Traveling onversations,� 70 70 ccollaborative ollaborative ppaintings. aintings. Thru Thru JJul ul 30. 30. Mon-Sat, Mon-Sat, 111am-5pm, 1am-5pm, Altos. SSun, un, 111am-3pm. 1am-3pm. LLos os A ltos.

Books B ooks


The nnovelist The ovelist ttalks alks aabout bout “The “The Passage.� P assage.� Tue, Tue, 77pm. pm. FFree. ree. KKepler’s, epler ’s, M enlo P ark. Menlo Park.

A day day ooff llive ive m music, usic, ddancing, ancing, ttop op bbarbecuers arbecuers aand nd aartisan rtisan bbooths. ooths. SSat, at, 111am–8pm; 1am–8pm; Avenue, ffree. ree. EEast ast CCampbell ampbell A venue, ddowntown owntown CCampbell. ampbell.



A bbook ook eevent vent ffor or tthe he author author ooff “William’s “William’s M Magic agic FFootball.� ootball.� TThu, hu, 77pm. pm. FFree. ree. B Books ooks IInc., nc., Palo P alo A Alto. lto.

With a ddaily With aily hhorse orse pparade, arade, food more. ggames ames aand nd fo od aand nd m ore. $13–$20. TThu-Sun; hu-Sun; $ 13–$20. SSalinas alinas SSports ports CComplex. omplex.




M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

Photograph/Yesterday’s Photograph/Yesterday’s TTechnology.� echnology.� A An n eexhibit xhibit about about aartists rtists working working iinn oold-school ld-school pphoto hoto ttechniques. echniques. R Reception eception JJul ul 16, 16, 6-8pm. 6-8pm. TThru hru SSep ep 119. 9. TTue-Fri, ue-Fri, 110am-5pm, 0am-5pm, SSat, at, nnoon-5pm. oon-5pm. SSan an JJose ose

FFOUNDER’S OUNDER’S D DAY AY FFANDANGO ANDANGO A celebration celebration ooff llocal ocal history. history. SSun, un, noon–5pm; noon–5pm; free. free. Peralta P eralta Adobe, Adobe, Fallon Fallon House House Historic H istoric SSite, ite, SSan an Jose. Jose.

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SILICON VALLEY SILICON VALLEY ROLLER RO LLER GIRLS GIRLS An eexhibition An xhibition bbout. out. Sun, Sun, 33pm. pm. FFree. ree. R Roosevelt oosevelt Park, Park, SSan an Jose. Jose.

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Kronos reects on 9/11 in works from 12 countries, joined on stage by the Cantabile Y Youth outh Singers.

Celebrrated virtuoso Midori Celebrated and lon longtime ngtime collaborator McDonald McDon nald perform Bach, Mozart, Mozar rt, BartĂłk, more.

With uncanny power and With precision, Harris takes “hip-hop dance to a higherr power� (V (Village Village i V Voice). oice). o

“The best jazz orchestra in the world� (W (Washington Washington a Post) celebrates the work of Charles Mingus.

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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Robert Zuckerman


metroactive FILM


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seequence, he w sequence, was as onc oncee the disciplee of M Merlin himself. himself f. Hundr Hundreds eds of yyears ears la ater, Balthazar now runs an eldri itch later, eldritch store New York City. st ore in N ew Y o ork Cit y. He is interrupted by by the arrivall Dave Cherry). Wee off young young Da ave ((Jake Jake Cherr y). W boy someday bee a rrealize e ealize the b oy will someda ay b wizard Merlin’s w wizar d in his own right: Merlin ’s silver little sil lver ring (which turns into a lit t tle animated around an nimated dragon) wraps ar ound his finger.. In his clumsiness clumsiness,, the hi is finger kid knocks over ki id kno cks o ver a magic ccontainer ontainer that th hat unleashes a rival wizard wizard thatt Balthazar kept Ba althazar has k ept imprisoned ffor or or Horvath Molina). ccenturies: e enturies: Hor vath ((Alfred Alfred Molin a). Balthazar D During the ensuing fight,, Balthaz zar and Horvath aree themselv themselves an nd d Hor H vath h ar h l es imprisoned together im mprisoned to gether in a Chinesee urn ur rn ffor or 10 yyears. o ears. Dave up, D ave ggrows rows u p, becoming becoming a physics major who Becky p hysics m ajor w ho eencounters ncounters B ecky Aussie ((gorgeous gorgeous A ussie Teresa Teresa Palmer), Pallmer), hee lloved back tthe he ggirl irl h oved b ack when when he he was was The iin n eelementary lementary sschool. chool. T he rromance omance

iiss iinterrupted nterrupted when when Balthazar Balthazzar rreappears eappears to to commence commence Dave’s Dave’s ttraining. raining. Horvath Horvath is is also also at at large, large, with ccontending ontending w ith Balthazar Balthazar for for a ““grimhold, grimhold,” a metal metal babushka bab abushka doll doll holding h olding the the eessence ssence of of eevil vil sorceress sorceress Morgana M organ na (Alice (Alice Krige); Krige); if if released, released, Morgana M organ na will will dominate dominatte the the world world by by unleashing u nleashing an an army army of of the the walking walking dead. d ead. audiencee seems to The ttarget arget audienc bee a 6-year-old who b 6-year- old kid wh ho wears his Hogwarts school Ho gwarts scarf scarf to scho ool eevery very day, Apprentice d da ay, and d The Th Sor SSorcerer’s rcerer’’s Appr A entic ie addresses addr esses that kid with h monotonous intent. Let’s L et’s set aside the question qu uestion of been een done whether this should have have b ha number at all, cconsidering onsidering the numb er of it’s been already. times it ’s b een done al lreadyy. The effects, of eff ffeects, including the animation a large metal sculptures, have some lar ge met al sculp ptures, ha ave novelty value theyy would the same no velty valu ue the aree just in a TV ccommercial—they ommercial— —they ar fleeting.. that fleeting Barcuhel—ideally Bar cuhel—ideally cast cast as the second third assistant nerd sec ond or thir d assist a ner ant d in a school movie—gobbles high scho ol mo vie—ggobbles aaway way goofy whines with various go offy wh hines right up movie’s That’s enterp to the mo vie’s ccenterpiece. piece. That ’s live-action Mickey the liv e-action rremake emake of the Mick ey sequencee in Fa Fantasia—the Mouse sequenc anttaasia—the

Paul animation n of composer composer P aul Dukas’ Dukas’ poem, on Go Goethe’s tone o ep oeem m,, based o eethee’s antic, aanticc, breathless Zauberlehrling.” eeven ven br eatthless “Der Zaub erlehrling.” Restaging sequencee liv livee with R eestagin ng this sequenc brooms ccomputer-animated omputer-animated br ooms and basically mops is ba asically what would happen happen a Daffy if yyou ou restaged restaged a Daff ffyy Duck cartoon cartoon ducks,, with ccomputer-enhanced omp puter- enhanced rreal eal ducks Babe-style, Bab e-style, ttaking aking loads of buckshot beak. in the b eak k. A ffew ew gags gaags work—one work k— one of the amorous mops gets amor ous and cuddles and Dave he’s trying tickles Da ave when he ’s tr ying to hide from Becky. the mess fr om Beck ky. But the stiff lead up to it all (Dave (Daave saying, saayying, “This floor flo or is messy!”) meessy!”) typifies typifies the film’s film’s significant clumsiness.. signific antt clumsiness Director Turtletaub, Dir ectorr JJohn ohn T urtletaub, of what shortly become will shor tly b ecome the National Treasure trilogy, obviously T reasur e re tr rilogy, has ob viously cut makee it mo move quicker. the film to o mak ve quick er. sequences jarringly, The sequen nces ffollow ollow jarringly o y, with gaps in continuity; con ntinuitty; instead of a faster pace, get pac e, we ge et a constant constant aawkwardness, w wk kwardness, Dave’s with Da ave’s cute bulldog bulldog appearing appearing and reappearing reappearing e as if by by magic. magic. Fans we were ere hoping for fo or Cage Cage to build on n his work in The Bad Lieutenant: Port Call—New Orleans,, Lieut teenant:: P oort of C all—Ne a w Orleans hopeless. but it’s it’s hop peless. He must have haave hee ccould byy thought h ould do something b facee of magic; seeming ccalm a in the fac alm instead of laid-back and confident, confident, he looks depressed. lo oks depr ressed. Instructing Dave Instruct ting Da ave in a magic spell, says, drill.”” sp ell, he sa ayys, “You “Y You o know the drill. Unfortunately, U nffo ortunaatelyy, everyone everyone else does, does, too, Horvath to o, and when w Horvath uses the cheap-looking cheap -look king blue glow of his cane’s cane’s cut-glass to wipe cut -glass handle h wipe someone’s someone’s memory, memor y, a character comments, comments, aren’t droids “These ar e ’t the dr en oids yyou’re ou’re looking lo oking for.” for.” best way The b estt w ay to handle material that’s been that ’s b een n done to death is to up,, but I pr presume send it up esume that the filmmakers weree hoping that the filmmak errs wer threadbare thr eadbare material would look look funny already played funn ny alr e eady if pla ayed straight. Camp C amp or sserious, erious, the movie movie fails; Turtletaub T urtletaub b and producer producer Jerry Jerry Bruckheimer have delivered Bruckheim mer ha ave deliv ered spells somethingg so DOA DOA that all the sp ells Morgan Fay of Mor gan n le Fa ay ccouldn’t ouldn’t bring it life. to lif fe.

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43 %&/ ,&0 % ,".#" 0 )+2&" % .)/ 1!&"* "/ &*0+ /0 0" +# "*(&$%0"*)"*0 7

Invite you and a guest to an advance screening of





4-1&/&0"(5 ,( 5"! 5 **"00" "*&*$ *! 1(& **" ++." 7 MANOHLA DARGIS


**"00" "*&*$ *! 1(& **" ++." ." ." ( 0." 0/ &." 0+. &/ %+(+!"*'+ /%+3/ 3 .) #1**5 /&!" *! . #0/ /+)" .&((& *0 %")&/0.5 "03""* %". 03+ (" !/ /"!1 0&2" 01.* 5 .' 1## (+ 7 BILGE EBIRI & LOGAN HILL

in San Jose on Thursday, July 22nd For your chance to win an admit two pass, answer the following question and send your answer to SJPromos@metronews.com

& *! 1("/ % ! 0%" ,".#" 0 # )&(5 1*0&( 0%"5 )"0 0%" ) * 3%+ ) !" &0 (( ,+//& ("

This is not the first time that Julianne Moore and Mark Ruffalo have been co-stars. Which 2008 film did they work together on?


Get your answers to us no later than Friday, July 16th at 12pm to qualify. Be sure to type THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT in the subject line of your entry. One per person/household. Late & duplicate entries will not be considered. No purchase necessary to enter contest. Passes are in limited supply and will be chosen by random of all eligible entries. Limit one pass per person/ household. Each ticket admits TWO people. This film is rated R. PASSES RECEIVED THROUGH THIS PROMOTION DO NOT GUARANTEE ADMISSION. SEATING IS ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED BASIS, EXCEPT MEMBERS OF THE REVIEWING PRESS, THEATRE IS OVERBOOKED TO ENSURE A FULL HOUSE. No one will be admitted without a ticket. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of tickets assumes any and all risks related to use of ticket and accepts any restrictions required by ticket provider Focus Features, San Jose Metro, Terry Hines & Associates and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of a prize. Tickets cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. We are not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her ticket in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost; delayed or misdirected entries. All federal and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary. Participating sponsors their employees and family members and their agencies are not eligible. NO PHONE CALLS! TICKETS RECEIVED THROUGH THIS PROMOTION ARE NOT FOR RESALE.





M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M


44 M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


metroactive FILM


INCEPTION (PG-13; 148 min.) See review on page 46.

THE DEAD SLEEP (Unrated) Free screening of locally made indie ďŹ lm concerning a dead man who rises again to help his family. Filmmakers Vicki de Mey and Tim O’Neill will be on hand. (Plays Jul 15 at 7pm in Cupertino at the Blue Light Cinemas.) (RvB)


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Silent Running THE San Francisco Silent Film Festival (July 15–18 at the Castro Theatre) has no rivals in North America as a showplace for the pre-sound era. The big event this year, not counting the arrival of silent-ďŹ lm archivist Kevin Brownlow, is the latest edition of Fritz Lang’s 1927’s Metropolis, at last at its original length, since 20 minutes of 16 mm footage were recently discovered in a Buenos Aires archive. Popular revivals J`c\ek =`cd =\jk`mXc include Dziga Vertov’s Man With a Movie Camera and Frank Capra’s The July 15–18 Strong Man with Harry Langdon. www.silentďŹ lm.org Despite early works by John Ford (The Iron Horse) and William Wyler (The Shakedown) and rare ďŹ lms from China and Italy, it’s a French comedy that’s a standout. The delightful L’Heureuse Mort (A Happy Death) (1924) concerns Theodore Larue (Nicolas Rimsky), ďŹ rst seen as his farce “The Friend of My Wife of My Friendâ€? dies horribly onstage during its opening night. Larue’s wife suggests a trip to the seashore; during a boat cruise, Larue is swept overboard. After death—not that he actually is dead—the writer is now acclaimed as a misunderstood genius. The plot is as rich as Preston Sturges’ Hail the Conquering Hero. The ďŹ ne rapport between the Larues shows that the tradition in French comedies of the affable yet businesslike marriage has long, deep roots. By contrast, Louise Brooks is nobody’s idea of domestic bliss. Diary of a Lost Girl (1929) is basically a frame for its star’s face; that face, which reected light as few actors’ faces did, was the battleďŹ eld of purity and lewdness. Happily, lewdness wins the day, thanks to seven expurgated minutes recently restored. (Read more at www.metroactive.com.)—Richard von Busack


PREDATORS (R; 107 min.) See review on page 45.

THE SORCERER’S APPRENTICE (PG) See review on page 42.








(1951) The Gershwin score is the salient feature of the Gene Kelly/ Leslie Caron musical, in which the full force of MGM introduced America to French impressionism. Nina Foch and Leslie Caron co-star as the rich older patron and the young gamine contending for Kelly, a painter. Pre-show: Broadway San Jose hosts Burn the Floor dance performance and lessons. (Plays Jul 21 in San Jose on Post Street near Market; part of the free summer program of Starlight Cinema Street.) (RvB)

THE BLIND SIDE (2009) The biggest football-based weeper since Brian’s Song, with Sandra Bullock in her Oscar winning role as a Memphis housewife who ďŹ nds a homeless kid and turns him into an NFL star. (Plays Jul 15 at sundown in Redwood City at Old Courthouse Square; free.) (RvB)

BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID/THE STING (1969/1973) Relaxed rogues Paul Newman and Robert Redford in their escapist hits, both directed by the ever-inoffensive George Roy Hill. These are the movies you went to see if The Godfather made you feel queasy. Butch Cassidy’s softball William Goldman script and B.J. Thomas’ inescapable “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head� interfere with happy memories. In The Sting is a little more tart; here RedMan (or NewFord) are a pair of New York con artists facing down serious gangster Robert Shaw. (Plays Jul 14 and 16–17 at 7pm and Jul 18 at 1pm in San Jose at the Retro Dome.) (RvB)





STARTS WEDNESDAY, JULY 14 Check Local Listings or Text SORCERER with your " ZIP CODE to 43KIX (43549)

The summer ďŹ lm series continues, although July 16 entry is still TBA. Showtime is 7pm; courtyard

Alex Torres

DANTE’S INFERNO (2007) Sean Meredith directs a hand-drawn paper puppet version of the poem: it’s in modern dress amid stygian slums, as today’s bulgy bald senators descend into ever-deeper circles of Hell. Sandow Birk, who did the art, will be on hand for a Q&A. (Plays Jul 17 at noon in San Jose at the San Jose Museum of Modern Art; $6/$10.) (RvB)

DESIRE/CITY STREETS (1936/1931) Wearing marabou plume epaulets as big as feather dusters, Marlene Dietrich plays a jewel thief just passing through Paris who encounters a visitor from Detroit—Gary Cooper. He unwittingly carries a pearl necklace she’s stashed on him, and that becomes the link between two unlikely characters. BILLED WITH City Streets. Rouben Mamoulian’s little-known second ďŹ lm is an expressionist layer-cake of symbols upon symbols; the beautiful Sylvia Sidney is a gangster’s daughter who takes the rap for a crime she didn’t commit, and Gary Cooper as the shooting gallery operator who waits for her to get out of jail. (Plays Jul 14-16 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)

HELEN OF TROY (2003) The TV epic, with Rufus Sewell as Agamemnon and Sienna Guillory as the face that launched a 1,000 ships. Part of series on “Homer in Performanceâ€?; actor Roselyn Hallett discusses the ďŹ lm. (Plays July 19 at 7pm at Stanford’s Annenberg Auditorium; free.) (RvB)

NORTH BY NORTHWEST/ I’M NO ANGEL (1959/1933) The grandfather of the James Bond adventures, with evertraveling hero, gentlemanly villain and untrustworthy woman—and smashing set pieces. When an ad man stands up at the wrong moment



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Gamey Preserve THE NEW movie Predators takes Spike TV’s Deadliest Warrior show to an epic intergalactic scale. Instead of the handpicked human vs. human warriors, the competitors are all grouped together to create a match-up of Earthlings vs. Predators. But this isn’t a fair ďŹ ght—it’s hunting season for everyone’s favorite aliens with dreadlocks, and this time they have home-ďŹ eld advantage. The story begins with Royce (Adrien Brody), a no-nonsense Gi\[Xkfij mercenary, falling from the heavens R; 107 min. unconscious. He survives, but worse Plays valleywide for wear. Soon after, it’s raining men (Danny Trejo and Topher Grace among them) and a woman (Alice Braga), but these are no ordinary individuals, they are experienced killers. A Japanese yakuza, a Mexican drug runner and an American convict, just to name a few. The predators must have been watching too much American TV after gathering every stereotype of a killer we have. The last thing each remembers before awakening was a bright white light. After an encounter with hyenalike creatures with horns, they realize they aren’t in Kansas anymore. For a sci-ďŹ world, however, there isn’t anything really sci-ďŹ about it. The planet’s environment looks like any other exotic jungle found on Earth. Royce later deduces that they’re in a game preserve.


$ %# ( # ( &! #% $ "& # ( 3111 Mission College Blvd Cupertino Square Mall @ Wolfe Rd & Vallco Prkwy 2190 Eastridge Loop 888/AMC-4FUN 888/AMC-4FUN 888/AMC-4FUN $ ! %$ ! $ $ $ # $ & % &! $ !%

The main action concerns the humans trying to survive attacks from pincer-faced aliens. Sound familiar? Despite its basic mediocrity and lack of a “Get to the chopper!â€? line, Predators still manages to be the best ďŹ lm starring the alien race of hunters since the original Predator ďŹ lm.—Scott Reyburn

M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

opens an hour and a half earlier at 5:30pm for sale of snacks and adult beverages. (Plays Jul 16 at the California Theatre in San Jose, 345 S. First St.) (RvB)


Melissa Moseley

46 M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


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In Dreams THE BASIC idea of Christopher Nolan’s Inception is simple. Led by Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), a sort of Impossible Mission Force, working for a Japanese trillionaire (Ken Watanabe), descends into the sleeping subconscious of the plutocrat’s young rival (Cillian Murphy), using technology that allows them to design dreamscapes. Because of the complexity of this operation, the team is forced to create dreams within dreams, and each deeper dream takes place in an exponentially larger time frame. A false move could get the men locked up in an unreal, self-created prison for decades or even longer.


Nolan insists on the practical effect: PG-13; 148 min. the miniature and the set, as opposed Opens July 16 to CGI. The visual tangibility of this Freudian caper adds to its sciďŹ plausibility. Inception is a cerebral, chilly effort, really only warmed by Ellen Page as a labyrinth maker called Ariadne. The ďŹ lm shakes you up, in a good way; Hans Zimmer’s digital Alpenhorns rattle the theater like the baritones in a grand opera. More heartfelt than butt-felt is the subplot about Mal, the wife Cobb left behind, so to speak, played by touchingly by Marion Cotillard. Everything we see in Inception is unreal—but what happens to her happens to schizophrenics every day, so there’s plausible horror in her fate.



at the Plaza Hotel, he’s mistaken for one Irving Kaplan, an American super agent; from this point on Roger Thornhill (Cary Grant) is pursued by agents of the spymaster Van Damm (James Mason at his silkiest). The movie summed up Alfred Hitchcock’s American ďŹ lms, according to the director. BILLED WITH I’m No Angel. A lady lion tamer billed as Sister Honky Tonk (Mae West) tires of bossing cats around and decides to set her sites on more dangerous game. She romances a millionaire who balks at the altar and pays the price for it later ($1 million). In his second bout with Ms. West, Cary Grant plays the unfortunate plutocrat’s lawyer who falls for the bad girl. (Plays Jul 17-20 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)

Reviews COCO CHANEL & IGOR STRAVINKSY (R; 120 min.) You might suspect a sequel from the title, but it’s just coincidence: Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky ďŹ ts snugly into last year’s unrelated Coco Before Chanel. Chanel here is Anna Mouglalis, a knifelike, severe creature, with a wide scarlet mouth. The Chanel-Stravinsky love affair begins before World War I in Paris. Chanel goes to the ballet to see the debut of The Rite of Spring. The audience starts to riot. We see Stravinsky (Mads Mikkelsen) blaming the dancers for not being able to

For showtimes, advance tix and more, go to


Best Theaters -- SJ Merc, Metro & Wave Readers Always Plenty of Free Validated Parking All Sites Seniors & Kids $6.75 / Students $7.50 • * = No Passes $7 b4 6pm M-F / 4pm S-S, Holidays • = Final Week = Presented in Sony 4K Digital (C7 only) • Pruneyard/Campbell • 559-6900 • Pruneyard/Campbell • 559-6900 *INCEPTION (PG-13)--DBOX seats available! *THE SORCERER’S APPRENTICE (PG) *DESPICABLE ME 3D (PG) *CYRUS (R) *THE GIRL WHO PLAYED WITH FIRE (NR) THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE (PG-13) TOY STORY 3 in Disney Digital 3D (G)

• 41 N. Santa Cruz • 395-0203 *INCEPTION (PG-13)

Inception is visionary ďŹ lmmaking, with neither the mawkishness of What Dreams May Come or the spiritual horse feathers of the Matrix trilogy. The downside comes with the action scenes: shootouts in a rainy L.A., the gunmen all symbols of the subconscious protecting itself. If these dreamers can dream anything, why are they dreaming of a Michael Mann movie? Why do these wonderlands look essentially like $500-a-night hotels and endless ďŹ nancial districts? Money, and Nolan must have a lot of it, changes everything.—Richard von Busack

*THE SORCERER’S APPRENTICE (PG) • 201 S. 2nd St, S.J. • 998-3300 Student Night Wednesdays -- $6 after 6pm *INCEPTION (PG-13) KNIGHT & DAY (PG-13) *THE SORCERER’S APPRENTICE (PG) *DESPICABLE ME (in 2D and 3D) (PG) *PREDATORS (R) TWILIGHT ECLIPSE (PG-13) GROWN UPS (PG-13) TOY STORY 3 (2D) (G) THE LAST AIRBENDER (in 2D) (PG)






CYRUS (R; 92 min.) The new ďŹ lm by Jay and Mark Duplass brings them upscale without too much compromise in presenting a general atmosphere of failure and recrimination. The protagonist is the galoot John (John C. Reilly), a free-lance editor who is still attached to his ex-wife, Jamie (Catherine Keener). John makes a serious ass out of himself at a party,

but he’s emotionally rescued. A “sex angelâ€? named Molly (Marisa Tomei) takes him home. What’s the hitch? Molly’s 22-year-old live-at-home son, Cyrus (Jonah Hill), is a hulking adult big baby with a jaw like a bullfrog. He reacts to John’s arrival ďŹ rst passive aggressiveness and then out-and-out sabotage. (RvB)

JOAN RIVERS: A PIECE OF WORK (R., 84 min) The subject is Rivers on and around her 75th birthday as she prepares a one-woman show for the Edinburgh Festival. One more exposÊ of the comedian as monster wouldn’t be worth writing about—this, however, is a master class in standup. (RvB)

TOY STORY 3 (G; 103 min.) Woody (Tom Hanks), the toy-size avatar of a cinematic century’s worth of action heroes, is the lone skeptic when the rest of

the gang is donated to a seemingly wonderful day-care center run by a too-friendly huggy bear (Ned Beatty). What transpires is a Great Escape parody that is less a joke and more like a captivating new version of an old myth. (RvB)

WINTER’S BONE (R; 100 min.) Debra Granik’s spare, gripping ďŹ lm concerns 17-year-old Ree Dolly (Jennifer Lawrence). Before her father skipped bail on a meth-making charge, he signed over his house to the bail bondsmen. Ree had planned to join the Army Instead, the girl has to hunt up a father who doesn’t want to be found. Granik ďŹ lms in the half-frozen hills near SpringďŹ eld, Mo., but one doesn’t get a sense of watching a city director exploiting the backwoods squalor. (RvB)

Invite you and a guest to a special advance screening of

on Thursday, July 22 in San Jose. For your chance to score an admit 2 pass, log on to www.WhoIsSalt.com and play the Day X Exists game to answer the following trivia question: In the Mission 1 information video, what is the hidden message in Evelyn Salt's file? Send your name, address & answer to S A LT @ 4 3 k i x . c o m with SJMetro Promo in the subject line by Sunday, July 18th at 8pm. Late & duplicate entries will not be considered. Winners will be chosen at random of all correct entries.





This film is rated PG-13. Please note: Passes received through this promotion do not guarantee you a seat at the theatre. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis, except for members of the reviewing press. Theatre is overbooked to ensure a full house. No admittance once screening has begun. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of tickets assumes any and all risks related to use of ticket, and accepts any restrictions required by ticket provider. Columbia Pictures, San Jose Metro, Terry Hines & Associates and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of a prize. Tickets cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. We are not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her ticket in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost; delayed or misdirected entries. All federal and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. NO PHONE CALLS!



Dark Streets WARNER HOME VIDEO’S latest ďŹ lm noir (noirish, really) collection, Vol. 5, brings back in superb prints eight hard-to-ďŹ nd dramas of crime and desperation. Don Siegel’s 1956 Crime in the Streets is a set-bound exposĂŠ of juvenile delinquents with John Cassavetes. In The Phenix City Story (1955), Phil Karlson takes on gambling casinos in a Southern town. The sin palaces look relatively tame, but the powers that be strike back with outbursts of violence that are still shocking, especially when racism is layered on top of corruption. Charles McGraw plays a cop in Armored Car Robbery (1950) pursuing a slick thief (William Talman, a.k.a Hamilton Burger on the Perry Mason TV show) who picks off his own co-conspirators as he sets his sights on a brass-hard ecdysiast (Adele Jurgens). In Desperate (1947), schlubby Steve Brodie and his ingenue wife (Audrey Long) ee from both the police and heavy Raymond Burr. This early Anthony Mann includes some fantastic visual moments using harsh pools of light from a swinging lamp like a strobe to ramp up the menace of Burr’s face. In both Cornered (1945), with Dick Powell, and BackďŹ re (1950), with Edmund O’Brien and Gordon MacRae, disaffected World War II vets =`cd Ef`i try to exorcize their tortured pasts in :cXjj`Z :fcc\Zk`fe# ways that only lead to more violence.

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A baby-faced psychopath (Marshall Warner Home Thompson) takes the patrons of a dive Video bar hostage in Dial 1119 (1950). The setup $49.92 is stagey, but the ďŹ lm views the crisis with a cynical edge, especially when the media and bystanders start to act like spectators at a freak show—a motif that anticipates Billy Wilder’s Ace in the Hole. The real ďŹ nd is Deadline at Dawn (1946), based on a story by Cornell Woolrich. A sailor (Bill Williams) can’t remember what happened in the apartment where he left a corpse. With the help of a dime-a-dance girl (Susan Hayward), Williams tries to unravel a maze of mixed motives. The ďŹ lm is full of the kind of Manhattan oddballs that enlivened Woolrich’s stories, even though their dialogue is sometimes overly mannered, thanks to the arch script by playwright Clifford Odets. The marvelously menacing mobster is none other than Joseph Calleia, who played Sgt. Pete Menzies to Orson Welles’ Hank Quinlan in Touch of Evil. He delivers a memorable cautionary line: “People with wax heads shouldn’t go out in the sun.â€?—Michael S. Gant

M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

dance to the music. Sympathizing, Chanel invites Stravinsky and his equally poor family into her silklined chateau. Director Jan Kounen waltzes the camera around a plush house, as Stravinsky pounds the keyboard and Chanel draws the composer closer to her. From the art nouveau kaleidoscope titles to the nostril-aring ďŹ nish, Kounen presents a standard love triangle—it’s engrossing until it suddenly isn’t. (RvB)

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Felipe Buitr B Buitrago ago


metroactive MUSIC

Hard Times

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Since S ince forming forming iin n llate ate 2 2008, 008, Hard Girls have H arrd G irls h ave eearned arned tthemselves hemselves other well, ssome ome o ther iinuential nuentiall ffans, an ans, aass w ell, Mike Park, owner off A Asian iincluding ncluding M ike P ark, o wner o sian an Man Girls one off M an n rrecords. ecords. ““Hard Harrd G irls aare re o ne o best bands world, Park. tthe he be st b an nds iin n tthe he w orld,â€? ssays ays P ark. off m mouth way ““Word Word o outh ggoes oe o s a llong ong w ay underground punk and iin nu nderground p unk an nd tthey’re hey’re building base aalready lready b uilding a sstrong trong ffan an b ase al aall ll aacross cross tthe he sstates. tates. I aam m cconďŹ dent onďŹ dent tthat hat people will iin n 110 0 yyears ears pe ople w ill sstill till be llistening istening music way tto o ttheir heir m usic tthe he w ay tthey hey llisten isten tto oa band b and llike an ike JJawbox awbox aand nd JJawbreaker. awbreaker.â€? Actually, Hard Girls off A ctuallly, H arrd G irls ggets ets a llot ot o Bassist ccomparisons omparisons tto o JJawbreaker. awbreaker. B assist Morgan Herrell wild aand nd vvocalist ocallist M organ H errell iisn’t sn’t w ild but not because hee d dislikes aabout b ut iit, bo t, b ut n ot be b cause h islikes Hee jjust doesn’t want Hard tthe he ggroup. roup. H ust d oesn’t w ant H ard ar Girls with G irls tto o be llumped umped iin nw ith aall ll tthe he other bands heavily o ther b ands tthat hat cclaim laim tto o be sso oh eavily byy just San iinuenced nuenced b just tthe he llegendary egendary r S an an Francisco punk band. Hard F ran ncisco p unk b and. IIndeed, ndeed, H arrd Girls have diverse pooll o off m musical G irls h ave a d iverse poo usical al iinuences. nuences.

off aanxiety and ““II llike ike a llot ot o nxiety an nd discomfort music, d iscomfort iin nm usic,â€? ssays ays gguitarist uitarrist and and Mike Huegenor, his vvocalist o ocalist M ike H uegenor, eexplaining xplaining h is particular work p art r icularr iinterest nterest iin n tthe he gguitar uitarr w ork off po post-punk bands Division o st-punk b an nds llike ike JJoy oy D ivision and Pavement. an nd P avement. music ““We’re We’re iinto nto m usic tthat hat iiss ccomplex omplex without off. Most off o our w ithout sshowing howing o ff. M ff ost o ur have degree off sstructure and ssongs ongs h ave a d egree o tructure an nd Herrell. sspontaneity pontan neity tto o tthem, hem,â€? ssays ays H errell. The hook-driven T he h ook- driven cchoruses horuses aand nd driving Hard Girls d riving rrhythm hythm ssection ection H ard G irls aare re k known nown ffor or aare re q quietly uietly aaccented ccented b echnical p roďŹ ciency n ot o ften byy a ttechnical proďŹ ciency not often sseen een iin np unk. W hat’s aalso lso iimpressive mpressive punk. What’s aare re ttheir heir eelongated longatted rrock-out ock- out jams, jams, rreminiscent eminiscent o he eexperimentation xperimentattion off tthe aand nd rraw aw eenergy nergy o elevision. H arrd off T Television. Hard G irls b lend iitt aall ll ttogether ogether aand nd Girls blend m anage tto om ake p unk ssound ound ffresh resh manage make punk aall ll o ver aagain. gain. over T hough tthe he band ban nd h as be as en around arround Though has been ffor or jjust ust a yyear earr an nd a h alf, H al errell and half, Herrell an nd F eshbach have have been been playing playing and Feshbach m usic ttogether ogether ffor or tthe he be tter p arrt music better part o ecad de. B efore H arrd G irls, tthere here off a d decade. Before Hard Girls, w as S hinobu ((Huegenor’s Huegenor’s b and) aand nd was Shinobu band) P teradon ((Herrell Herrell aand nd F eshbacch’s Pteradon Feshbach’s b and). C allling tthemselves hemselves tthe he P hat n band). Calling Phat

P hunky ccrew, rew, tthe he two two bands bands sstuck tuck Phunky cclosely losely together. together. ““It It sseemed eemed like like we we p layed more more played sshows hows ttogether ogether tthan han n not, not,â€? says says H errell. Herrell. T he P hat n P hunky ““phamilyâ€? phamilyâ€? The Phat Phunky w ould eeventually ventually eencapsulate ncapsulate al ll of of would all tthe he o ther musical musical projects projects tthey hey and and other ttheir heir friends friends were were involved involved in. in. A ate w ould h ave iit, t, both both groups groups Ass ffate would have d isban nded iin n2 008, within within a few few disbanded 2008, m onths o ach o ther. Herrell Herrell and an nd months off eeach other. F eshbach w ere lleft eft without without a guitar guitarr Feshbach were p layer. Huegenor Huegenor was was without without a band. band. player. H arrd G irls w ass the the natural naturall offspring. off ffsspring. Hard Girls was W ith tthe he two two main main singer/ singer/ With ssongwriters ongwriters now now iin n one one b and, things things band, w ere a little little different. diff ffeerent. “We “We started started out out were b riting songs songs sseparately, eparrately, but but ass byy w writing w e’ve ggotten otten more more comfortable, comfortable, we’ve we’ve we’ve ccollaborated ollab borated a llot ot m ore. It’s It’s w orking more. working o ut rreally eally well, well,â€? Herrell Herrell says. says. out H ard G irls sstill till rehearse rehearse in in tthe he same same Hard Girls p ractice sspace pace o nce sshared hared b he ttwo wo practice once byy tthe ggroups. roups. It It has has an an o dd legacy legacy going going back back odd tto o2 004, w hen tthe he Phat Phat n Phunky Phunky crew crew 2004, when d ecided it it would would b great place place to to decided bee a great tthrow hrow a sshow. how. T hey ccalled alled iitt tthe he ““Cuddle Cuddle They S howâ€? d ue to to the the llimited imited space. space. A bunch bunch Showâ€? due o friends showed showed up up and and squeezed squeezed in. in. off friends T wenty subsequent subsequent sshows hows ffollowed ollowed Twenty w ith such such n am mes aass “Cuddlefest, “Cuddlefest,â€? with names ““Cuddlechella, Cuddlechella,â€? ““Cuddle Cuddle L ilith Fair, Fair,â€? Lilith aand nd ““Cuddle Cuddle b uddlewest.â€? T he byy C Cuddlewest. The m ost rrecent ecent ccuddle uddle sshow how w ass h eld aatt most was held N ickel C ity in in April. April. Nickel City T he sshows hows w ere m ore o an excuse excuse The were more off an tto oh ave ttheir heir b an nds and and ttheir heir friends’ friends’ have bands b ands p lay, n ot tto om ention a w hole bands play, not mention whole b unch o oke b an nds. bunch off jjoke bands. ““It It w as a ggoofy oofy iidea dea tthat hat w was wee ccommitted ommitted tto o an nd p robab bly d id m ore and probably did more tthan han w hould h ave,â€? H uegenor ssays. ays. wee sshould have, Huegenor ““We We al ll want want this this to to be ass big big all aass iitt ccan an n be e, b ut w have pe rsonal be, but wee have personal o bligations. W e’re n ot ďŹ nancially ďŹ nanciallly obligations. We’re not iindependent, ndependent,â€? Herrell Herrell says. says. B oth Hard Hard Girls Girls an nd Classics Classics o Love Both and off Love w ent on on ttour our llast ast year, year, leaving leaving the the went gguys uys jjobless. obless. E acch ggroup roup h as E Ps o ut Each has EPs out aand nd p lans tto o rrelease eleasse ffull ull lengths lengths before before plans tthe he eend nd o the yyear earr w ith the the hopes hopes o off the with off ccontinuing ontinuing tto op lay llots ots o usic and and play off m music n ot be ing ccompletely ompletely broke. broke. not being

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49 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


Moree listings: Mor

MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M


Ziggy Marley Thursday, 6:30pm, Mountain Winery, Saratoga; $35-$65 In this tough economic climate, it pays to have a good name. And if your name is Ziggy Marley, chances are you’ll have no trouble finding work. Lately, his younger brothers Damien, Julian and Stephen have overshadowed Bob and Rita’s eldest son. But Ziggy’s still the go-to candidate when it comes to silky-smooth mid-‘90s reggae-fusion. (SP)

Barenaked Ladies Monday, 7:30pm, Mountain Winery, Saratoga; $38-$73 You know it’s time for Barenaked Ladies to make a stronger push for their place in pop culture when I can remember the Weird Al parody of “One Week” better than I can remember the original song. The worst thing about this Canadian alt-pop band is that they are not barenaked ladies, which would make for a whole different kind of live show. The best thing is that Brian Wilson actually covered their song “Brian Wilson”; now if they could just get Yoko to cover “Be My Yoko One,” that’d be awesome. (SP)

Zion I Friday, 8pm, Avalon Nightclub, Santa Clara; $15 This hip-hop duo came up in the Bay Area in the late ’90s, firmly in the mold of earlier alt-hop acts like A Tribe Called Quest. Clearly rapper Zumbi got his ears cleaned out by Q-Tip back in the day, because he carries on the message of positivism, while his partner AmpLive is a genre-bending DJ who did the famous “Rainydayz Remixes” of Radiohead’s last album. (SP)

D\kifÊj dlj`Z ZXc\e[Xi ilej N\[e\j[XpÅKl\j[Xp%

Rock/Pop R ock/Pop AVALON A VALON Thu: YYour Thu: our M Music usic O Olympicks lympicks with 880 w ith Mukagee, Mukagee, 8 80 South, South, Downefall, Relapse, D ownefall, R elapse, ““Drums Drums & Bass” B ass” Solo Solo Event. Event. FFri: ri: Zion Zion I & tthe he Pack. Pack. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

THE T HE B BLANK LANK CLUB CLUB Wed, 9pm: Wed, 9pm: A Audrye udrye SSessions, essions, Dave D ave Smallen, Smallen, CCalvin alvin SSturge. turge. FFri, ri, 9pm: 9pm: Sweethead Sweethead ffeaturing eaturing Van TTroy roy V an Leeuwen Leeuwen ffrom rom Queens Q ueens ooff tthe he SStone tone Age, Age, pplus lus Grey Girls SScarlet carlet G rey aand nd G irls With With Guns. G uns. $12. $12. SSan an JJose. ose.

BOSWELL’S B OSWELL’S Wed: W ed: Jack Jack Rip Rip O Off. ff. FFri: ri: 110 0 Til Til 22..

Whiskey Avengers. SSat: at: W hiskey A vengers. SSun: un: Mon: CChili hili SSauce. auce. M on: EElement. lement. CCampbell. ampbell.

BRITANNIA A BRITANNIA ARMS RMS A LMADEN ALMADEN Fri, 110pm: Fri, 0pm: Pop Pop Rocks. Rocks. SSat, at, 110pm: 0pm: 110 0 Til Til 2. 2. San San Jose. Jose.


FFIREHOUSE IREHOUSE GGRILL RILL Wed, 8 Wed, 8:30pm: :30pm: G Greg reg CCross ross Band. 9pm: B.. SSun, B and. TThu, hu, 9 pm: TTed ed B un, Greg Band. 44-8pm: -8pm: G reg CCross ross B and. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

JJOHNNY OHNNY V V’S ’S Wed: CCypher. Wed: ypher. TThu: hu: CCalifornia alifornia Burning. 9pm: IIss B urning. TTue, ue, 9 pm: SSummer ummer Glaciers, P.D. Wilder, ooff G laciers, P .D. W ilder, LLady ady LLazarus. azarus. SSan an JJose. ose.

TThu: hu: So So TTimeless. imeless. San San JJose. ose.



Fri, 77pm: Fri, pm: TThe he H Hot ot R Rods. ods. FFree. ree. CCommunity ommunity CCenter enter Amphitheatre, Morgan Hill. A mphitheatre, M organ H ill.

Fri-Sat, 8 Fri-Sat, 8:30pm: :30pm: LLive ive m music. usic. CCampbell. ampbell.

EELL R RANCHO ANCHO SSPORTS PORTS B BAR AR Wed, 8 Wed, 8pm: pm: LLive ive m music/jam usic/jam nnight. ight. San San Jose. Jose.



M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M T



M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U LY 1 4-20 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M 51 Thu, 6 Thu, 6:30pm: :30pm: P Pop op FFiction. iction. Park, Mountain View. CCuesta uesta P ark, M ountain V iew.

MURPHY’S M URPHY’S LLAW AW Wed: IIsis Wed: sis aand nd tthe he CCold old TTruth. ruth. O.W.G. FFri: ri: TTip ip ooff tthe he TTop. op. SSat: at: O .W.G. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

NICKEL N ICKEL CITY CITY Fri, 55pm: Fri, pm: EEndings ndings ooff A Anastasia, nastasia, Vicarious Order, Mental V icarious O rder, M ental Disorder, Memory Me, D isorder, To To M emory aand nd M e, Goodnight Michelle. G oodnight M ichelle. SSan an JJose. ose.

NUMBER N UMBER O ONE NE B BROADWAY ROADWAY Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm: pm: JJCC SSmith mith B Band. and. TThu, hu, 9:30pm: Mike Osborn Band. 9 :30pm: M ike O sborn B and. 9:30pm: FFri, ri, 9 :30pm: JJoint oint CChiefs. hiefs. SSat, at, 9:30pm: Groove Doctors. 9 :30pm: G roove D octors. LLos os Gatos. G atos.

REDWOOD R EDWOOD CCITY ITY M MUSIC USIC O ON N THE T HE SSQUARE QUARE Fri, 6 Fri, 6pm: pm: LLuce. uce. FFree. ree. Downtown Redwood D owntown R edwood CCity. ity.

QUARTER Q UARTER N NOTE OTE Wed, 8 Wed, 8:30pm: :30pm: P Pro ro JJam am N Night. ight. 8:30: music. 9pm: TThu, hu, 8 :30: LLive ive m usic. FFri, ri, 9 pm: Najera Band, Darkhorse. N ajera B and, D arkhorse. SSat, at, 9pm: Black Mast, Blind 9 pm: B lack M ast, FFour our B lind Mice. Mon, 8:30pm: Alvin M ice. M on, 8 :30pm: A lvin Draper D raper JJam. am. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

SSANTA ANTA CLARA CLARA CCONCERTS ONCERTS IN IN THE T HE P PARK ARK Sun 22:30pm: Sun :30pm: B Big ig R Rain. ain. FFree. ree. Park, CCentral entral P ark, SSanta anta CClara. lara.

SSTREETLIGHT TREETLIGHT RECORDS RECORDS TTue, ue, 44pm: pm: SSalinger. alinger. SSan an JJose. ose.


Sat: Latin Sat: Latin Nights. Nights. Tue: Tue: Salsa Salsa with Pantea. w ith P antea. Mountain Mountain View. View. Fri-Sat, 8pm: Fri-Sat, 8pm: LLive ive m music usic aand nd bbelly elly ddancing. ancing. CCupertino. upertino.

dancing aand dancing nd m music. usic. SSat, at, 55pm: pm: Michael Bautista. M ichael B autista. SSun, un, 5pm: 5pm: Moroccan music Mon: M oroccan m usic night. night. M on: JJim im Farber. Farber. Tue, Tue, 5pm: 5pm: Andrew Andrew DiRzza Rick D iRzza aand nd R ick TTutunjian. utunjian. SSan an JJose. ose.




Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm: pm: KKaweh, aweh, LLos os B Boleros. oleros. 8:30pm: Robinson. SSat, at, 8 :30pm: JJames ames R obinson. FFlamenco lamenco jjazz azz gguitarist. uitarist. Mountain View. M ountain V iew.

PARRANDA P ARRANDA NIGHTCLUB N IGHTCLUB Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: B Banda anda 300, 300, D DJJ Akustik. A kustik. FFri, ri, 8 8pm: pm: N Norteño orteño aand nd Bandas B andas live. live. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.

JJazz/Blues azz/Blues ANGELICA’S A NGELICA’S B BISTRO ISTRO Thu, 7:30pm: Thu, 7:30pm: B Blues lues JJam. am. 8pm: B2. 8pm: FFri, ri, 8 pm: KK&A, &A, B 2. SSat, at, 8 pm: Amy Gass. A my G ass. SSun, un, 22-6pm: -6pm: IInternational nternational Blues Blues Challenge. Challenge. Mon, 8pm: RWH M on, 8 pm: R WH JJazz azz TTriad. riad. TTue, ue, 77pm: pm: JJazz azz oopen pen sstage tage hhosted osted by by Angelica’s Angelica’s JJam am Band B and ffeaturing eaturing Hristo Hristo Vitchez. Vitchez. Redwood R edwood CCity. ity.

CCAFFE AFFE TRIESTE TRIESTE Fri, 8pm: Fri, 8pm: San San Jose’s Jose’s LLyric yric TTheatre. heatre. Sat, Sat, 8pm: 8pm: Alfonso Alfonso Maya. M aya. SSan an Jose. Jose.

FFAIRMONT AIRMONT HOTEL HOTEL Wed, 8:30pm: Wed, 8:30pm: TThe he G Girlz irlz B Band. and. TThu, hu, 8:30pm: 8:30pm: CContemporary ontemporary 9pm: oorr LLatin atin jjazz. azz. FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 9 pm: JJazz azz aand nd pop pop ddance ance bands. bands. FFairmont airmont Hotel, Hotel, SSan an Jose. Jose.


Wed, 55:30pm: Wed, :30pm: N Night ight FFever. ever. Downtown FFree. ree. D owntown SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

Thu: B Thu: Blues lues Jam Jam with with A Aki ki Dr.r. W West, KKumar. umar. Fri, Fri, 8pm: 8pm: D est, SSat, at, 8pm: Mad 8 pm: M ad JJack. ack. CCampbell. ampbell.



Sat, 55pm: Sat, pm: JJessica essica JJohnson. ohnson. Vasona Park, FFree. ree. V asona LLake ake CCount ount P ark, Gatos. LLos os G atos.

VENUEZ V ENUEZ Fri-Sat, 8 Fri-Sat, 8:30pm: :30pm: LLive ive bbands. ands. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

VOODOO V OODOO LOUNGE LOUNGE Wed, 8 Wed, 8pm: pm: B Barb arb R Rocks ocks Presents. $5. 9pm: P resents. $ 5. TThu, hu, 9 pm: Anthony David. A nthony D avid. SSan an JJose. ose.

WOODHAM’S W OODHAM’S LOUNGE LOUNGE FFri-Sun: ri-Sun: P Pro ro JJam. am. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

Mon: M on: P Pro ro Blues Blues Jam. Jam. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

POOR P OOR HOUSE HOUSE B BISTRO ISTRO Wed, W ed, 6 6pm: pm: Ron Ron TThompson hompson and and FFriends. riends. Thu, Thu, 6pm: 6pm: Lara Lara Price Price Band. aand nd YYesterdays esterdays B and. FFri, ri, 6pm: 6pm: Blues JJCC SSmith mith B lues Band. Band. Sat, Sat, Noon: Noon: Onn tthe 6pm: O he SSpot pot TTrio, rio, 6 pm: Alabama Alabama Mike Degree. M ike & 33rd rd D egree. Sun, Sun, 2pm: 2pm: Andre Magic. A ndre TThierry hierry & Zydeco Zydeco M agic. SSan an JJose. ose.

QUARTER Q UARTER N NOTE OTE Wed, 8 Wed, 8:30pm: :30pm: P Pro ro Jam Jam Night. Night. SSat, at, 44pm: pm: CCool ool Fire Fire Soul Soul Jazz. Jazz. Brisket SSun, un, 11pm: pm: B risket and and Blues Blues with BBQ Will w ith B BQ and and W ill Roc Roc Griffin Griffin ooff Vicious Vicious Groove, Groove, plus plus Martha Martha LLiz. iz. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.

SSANTANA ANTANA R ROW OW TTue, ue, 6:30-8:30pm: 6:30-8:30pm: Mark Mark Russo Russo Mediterranean TTrio rio aatt TThea hea M editerranean Round CCuisine uisine and and R ound Midnight Midnight aatt Restaurant. SStraits traits R estaurant. SSan an JJose. ose.

THREE FFLAMES THREE LAMES RESTAURANT R ESTAURANT Sun, TTue, Sun, ue, 7:30pm: 7:30pm: Modesto Modesto Briseno music. B riseno Septet, Septet, Latin Latin m usic. Willow Glen. W illow G len.

UNWINED U NWINED SSat, at, 77pm: pm: Jazz Jazz Night. Night. San San Jose. Jose.

WINE W INE A AFFAIRS FFAIRS Wed-Thu, 77:30pm: Wed-Thu, :30pm: LLive ive Music. Music. 8pm: SSat, at, 8 pm: LLive ive Music. Music. San San Jose. Jose.

SSENZALA ENZALA Fri, nnoon: Fri, oon: LLive ive music. music. Sat, Sat, 77:30pm: :30pm: JJackeline ackeline Rago Rago and and VMP. V MP. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

Thu, 8pm: Thu, 8pm: R Russo-Alberts usso-Alberts TTrio. rio. 8:30pm: Wally FFri, ri, 8 :30pm: W ally SSchnalle. chnalle. 8:30pm: SSat, at, 8 :30pm: FFrank rank SSumares. umares. Hotel Anza, H otel ddee A nza, San San Jose. Jose.

CC&W/Folk &W/Folk


Thu: M Thu: Mike ike LLeatherman. eatherman. CCampbell. ampbell.

Wed: G Wed: Gomer omer H Hendrix endrix Madylan EExperience. xperience. TThu: hu: M adylan Rose. Dog House Riley, R ose. FFri: ri: D og H ouse R iley, Vicious Groove. $10. V icious G roove. $ 10. SSun: un: Gene Washington G ene W ashington and and Special Special Purpose. Mon: Waynes Way P urpose. M on: W aynes W ay Band. B and. TTue: ue: Blue Blue J, J, Dennis Dennis and and SStuart. tuart. San San Jose. Jose.

World W orld




Wed: B Wed: Bachata. achata. TThu: hu: SSalsa alsa w with ith Pantea. P antea. FFri: ri: B Bollywood ollywood N Nights. ights.

Moree listings: Mor


Thu, 7-10pm: Thu, 7-10pm: LLive ive jazz. jazz. SSan an JJose. ose. Wed, 5pm: Wed, 5pm: FFlamenco lamenco M Music usic Night. N ight. Thu-Fri, Thu-Fri, 5pm: 5pm: B Belly elly


O’FLAHERTY’S O ’FLAHERTY’S Sun, TTue, Sun, ue, 5pm: 5pm: Traditional Traditional IIrish rish music. m usic. San San Jose. Jose.

RED R ED R ROCK OCK CCOFFEE OFFEE CO. CO. FFri, ri, 8 8pm: pm: TToday oday O Okay. kay. SSat, at, 8pm: 8pm: Mountain View. CChuck huck CCrowe. rowe. M ountain V iew.

THE T HE SSADDLE ADDLE R RACK ACK Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm: pm: Califorrnia Califorrnia B Boys. oys. 9pm: Diablo Road. TThu hu aand nd FFri, ri, 9 pm: D iablo R oad. Brothers, SSat, at, 77:15pm: :15pm: the the Bell Bell B rothers, Diablo D iablo Road. Road. Fremont. Fremont.



M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



SSAM’S AM’S BBQ BBQ Wed, 6pm: Wed, 6pm: D Dark ark Hollow. Hollow. Tue, Tue, 6pm: 6 pm: Cabin Cabin FFever. ever. San San JJose. ose.

THREE T HREE FLAMES FLAMES RESTAURANT R ESTAURANT Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm-closing: pm-closing: LLive ive country country music, Rose Productions m usic, Doug Doug R ose P roductions w/Bit Band w /Bit aand nd SSpur pur B and ffeaturing eaturing Willow Glen. CCowboy owboy LLarry. arry. W illow G len.

Open Mic/ Open Mic/ Poetry P oetry ANGELICA’S A NGELICA’S B BISTRO ISTRO Wed, 6:30pm: Wed, 6:30pm: Open Open Mic. Mic. Tue, Tue, 77-11pm: -11pm: Jazz Jazz open open stage. stage. Redwood R edwood CCity. ity.

ALEX’S A LEX’S 4 49ER 9ER IINN NN Nightly ((except Nightly except SSun) un) , 9 9pmpm22am: am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.




FFri, ri, 9 9pm: pm: TThomas. homas. SSan an JJose. ose.


CCAFFE AFFE T TRIESTE RIESTE TTue, ue, 77pm: pm: O Open pen M Mic. ic. SSan an JJose. ose.

CCITY ITY ESPRESSO ESPRESSO Fri, 7-10pm: Fri, 7-10pm: Singers Singers aand nd musicians. m usicians. SSan an JJose. ose.



Thu-Sat, 9 Thu-Sat, 9pm: pm: U Uncle ncle D Dougie ougie Noo ccover. SShow. how. N over. SSan an JJose. ose.

Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm-1am: pm-1am: D Danielle. anielle. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

BLUE B LUE B BONNET ONNET B BAR AR Wed-Thu, M Wed-Thu, Mon, on, 8 8pm: pm: Karaoke. Karaoke. Noo ccover. N over. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

Fri-Sun, 9 Fri-Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: :30pm-1:30am: Willow Glen. KKaraoke. araoke. W illow G len.


TTue: ue: DJ DJ D Davey avey KK.. CCampbell. ampbell.

BRITANNIA A BRITANNIA ARMS RMS CCUPERTINO UPERTINO Sun-Tue, 10pm: Sun-Tue, 10pm: KKaraoke. araoke. CCupertino. upertino.



Mon, 77pm: Mon, pm: Cavin Cavin aand nd KKing’s ing’s Open Mountain View. O pen Mic. Mic. M ountain V iew.


Wed: W ed: KKaraoke. araoke. San San Jose. Jose.

Wed-Thu, SSun, Wed-Thu, un, 9 9pm: pm: W Wild ild Nights N ights KKaraoke. araoke. FFremont. remont.

KATIE K ATIE B BLOOM’S LOOM’S Sun, 9 Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: :30pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. CCampbell. ampbell.

Thu: Melissa Thu: Melissa aand nd Heather. Heather. SSanta anta CClara. lara.



Wed-Sat, 9 Wed-Sat, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. 9pm-1am: TTue, ue, 9 pm-1am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.


Wed: W ed: D DJJ D Desmond. esmond. SSan an JJose. ose.



Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm: pm: V Vinnie. innie. M Mon, on, 9 9pm: pm: w/ KKaraoke araoke iin n tthe he llounge ounge w / Vinnie. 9pm: August. V innie. TTue, ue, 9 pm: A ugust. CCupertino. upertino.


Wed, M Wed, Mon, on, 9 9pm-1am: pm-1am: D DJJ CCurtis. urtis. N over. TTue, ue, 9 pm: W estern Noo ccover. 9pm: Western kkaraoke. araoke. N over. San San Jose. Jose. Noo ccover.

Karaoke K araoke



Wed, 8pm: Wed, 8pm: O Open pen M Mic. ic. W Willow illow Glen. G len. Fri-Sat, 8 Fri-Sat, 8:30pm: :30pm: O Open pen Mic Mic and and Open mic with JJam. am. TTue, ue, 8pm: 8pm: O pen m ic w ith Dharma. JJeff eff D harma. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm: pm: KKaraoke araoke N Night. ight. Milpitas. M ilpitas.

Mon: M on: Karaoke. Karaoke. Menlo Menlo P Park. ark.


Thu, TTue, Thu, ue, 9 9pm-1am: pm-1am: B Brian rian Palo Alto. JJames. ames. P alo A lto.

DASILVA’S D ASILVA’S B BRONCOS RONCOS Wed: G Wed: Guitar uitar H Hero ero TTournament ournament pplus lus kkaraoke. araoke. TThu, hu, 9pm-1am: 9pm-1am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

DIVE D IVE B BAR AR Wed, TTue, Wed, ue, 9 9pm: pm: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.

SAT. 7/17 9 PM $5



New Wave, Electro & Indie DJ BASURA




DJ’S VITUS & KEVIN goth industrial new wave deathrock





FRI. 7/16 9 PM $12



TTue, ue, 77pm: pm: SSteve teve Tiger. Tiger. CCupertino. upertino.

Wed, FFri, Wed, ri, SSun, un, 8pm-2am: 8pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

THUR. 7/15 8 PM $5 FREE B-4-9

WED. 7/21 9 PM $13/$15




Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: KKaraoke araoke w w/ / August. Milpitas. A ugust. M ilpitas.

Fri-Sat, 9 Fri-Sat, 9pm-1:30am: pm-1:30am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.


WED. 7/14 9 PM FREE



Thu, 77pm: Thu, pm: SSouth outh Bay Bay Folks Folks Open O pen Mic. Mic. SSanta anta Clara. Clara. TTue, ue, 6 6pm: pm: O Open pen M Mic ic N Night. ight. SSan an JJose. ose.

Mon: M Mon: Monday onday N Night ight M Madness. adness. SSan an JJose. ose.


Wed, 7pm: Wed, 7pm: M Musical usical oopen pen m mic. ic. SSign ign uupp by by 5pm. 5pm. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

Wed, 9:30pm: Wed, 9:30pm: Open Open Mic Mic N Night. ight. CCupertino. upertino.

TThu, hu, 8 8pm: pm: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.

SSat, at, 9 9pm: pm: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.



Nightly ((except Nightly except Sun-Mon), Sun-Mon), 9pm-2am, 9 pm-2am, aand nd llast ast SSun un ooff month, B&S m onth, 22-7pm: -7pm: B &S KKaraoke. araoke. CCampbell. ampbell.

Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm: pm: D DJJ D Davey avey KK.. N Noo ccover. over. CCampbell. ampbell.

KING K ING O OFF CLUBS CLUBS Thu, SSun-Mon, Thu, un-Mon, 8 8:30pm: :30pm: B Bruce ruce ooff KKOR OR KKaraoke. araoke. N Noo ccover. over. Mountain M ountain V View. iew.

LLILLY ILLY MAC’S MAC’S TThu, hu, 9 9pm: pm: D DJJ TThomas homas ““Soulman.� Soulman.� SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

MARIANI’S M ARIANI’S TThu, hu, 8 8pm: pm: CChris. hris. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

NETO’S N ETO’S MARKET MARKET & GGRILL RILL Fri, 6 Fri, 6:30-10:30pm: :30-10:30pm: B Bands ands w with ith llive ive kkaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.



M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M T


52 TTue, ue, 77:30pm: :30pm: IIrish rish M Music. usic. Mountain M ountain View. View.


Moree listings: Mor




1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 5L^ +H[L :\UKH` 1\S` AGES 16+

MOB FIGAZ Feat, The Jacka & Huslah plus Strong Arm Steady

also Sincere with Nima Fadavi

$24 Adv./ $29 Dr. • Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. Tix for July 11 will be honored on this date or return to place of purchase for a refund.

;O\YZKH` 1\S` AGES 16+

“Bombtracks N Cognac”


(from Bone Thugs-N-Harmony)

Glasses Malone T.Mills • Dot Dot Curve $30 Adv./ $35 Dr. • Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. Jul 15 Trip Delight Fantastic Atrium (Ages 21+) Jul 16 Fire Whiskey Atrium (Ages 21+) Jul 17 Eliquate Atrium (Ages 21+) Jul 21 Chicharones Atrium (Ages 21+) Jul 29 Wolf Parade/ The Moools (Ages 16+) Aug 11 Reverend Horton Heat (Ages 21+) Aug 13 Smash Mouth (Ages 16+) Aug 14 Eek A Mouse (Ages 16+) Aug 16 Xavier Rudd (Ages 16+) Aug 19 Ted Nugent (Ages 21+) Aug 23 Bad Brains (Ages 16+) Aug 24 The Hold Steady (Ages 16+) Aug 27 Jackie Greene (Ages 21+) Aug 28 Hieroglyphics (Ages 16+) Sep 18 Los Super Seven (Ages 21+) Sep 20 Willie Nelson & Family (Ages 21+) Oct 2 Easy Star All-Stars (Ages 16+) Oct 3 O.A.R. (Ages 16+) Oct 7 Tech N9ne (Ages 16+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online


MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M 55 NORMANDY N ORMANDY H HOUSE OUSE LLOUNGE OUNGE FFri-Sat: ri-Sat: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

NUMBER N UMBER O ONE NE B BROADWAY ROADWAY TThu: hu: SSingles ingles pparty. arty. LLos os G Gatos. atos.

OFFICE O FFICE BAR BAR Fri-Sat, 9 Fri-Sat, 9pm, pm, SSun, un, 77pm: pm: Mountain View. KKaraoke. araoke. M ountain V iew.

PEACOCK P EACOCK LLOUNGE OUNGE Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm: pm: D DJJ B Brian. rian. SSun, un, 9 9pm: pm: DJJ aand 9pm: DJ, D nd kkaraoke. araoke. TTue, ue, 9 pm: D J, ddancing, ancing, kkaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

POINCIANA P OINCIANA LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed, 9 Wed, 9:30pm: :30pm: W Wildside ildside EEntertainment. ntertainment. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

QUARTER Q UARTER N NOTE OTE TTue, ue, 9 9pm: pm: SSherrie herrie aand nd SSue. ue. N Noo ccover. over. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

REDI R EDI R ROOM OOM Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm-1am: pm-1am: JJoseph. oseph. SSan an JJose. ose.

RUDY’S R UDY’S P PUB UB Wed, 110pm-1:30am: Wed, 0pm-1:30am: DJ DJ P Purple. urple. Palo Alto. P alo A lto.

SSAN AN JJOSE OSE B BAR AR & GGRILL RILL TTue, ue, 110pm-close: 0pm-close: KKamikaze amikaze KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.



Wed: CComedy Wed: omedy CClub lub A After fter P Party. arty. Urban DJJ Spinning TThu: hu: U rban D Spinning Beats’ Beats’ Nights. aand nd Brazilian Brazilian N ights. Fri Fri aand nd SSat: at: LLive ive SSalsa alsa Music. Music. Sun: Sun: Hot Mon: SSizzlin’ izzlin’ H ot SSundays. undays. M on: SSalsa alsa Dancing. Dancing. Tue: Tue: Beats Beats and and Beer Pong w/Mike B eer P ong w /Mike JJones. ones. SSan an Jose. Jose.

Fri, SSat, Fri, at, 6pm: 6pm: DJ DJ or or live live band. band. Noo ccover. N over. Santa Santa CClara. lara.

THE T HE B BLANK LANK CCLUB LUB SSat, at, 9pm: 9pm: CClub lub SSatori atori w w/ /D DJJ Vitus V itus and and Kevin. Kevin. $5. $5. San San Jose. Jose.

BLOWFISH B LOWFISH SSUSHI USHI Wed-Sat: D Wed-Sat: DJs Js aand nd dancing. dancing. SSantana antana Row. Row.


VENUEZ V ENUEZ Wed, W ed, 9 9pm: pm: JJulz. ulz. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

WOODHAM’S W OODHAM’S LOUNGE LOUNGE TTue-Thu ue-Thu aand nd SSat, at, 110pm: 0pm: V Vinnie. innie. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

Dance D ance Clubs Clubs AGENDA A GENDA Wed, 8 Wed, 8pm: pm: SSalsa alsa W Wednesdays. ednesdays. Upp B B*Tch w/Paul TThu: hu: TTech ech IItt U *Tch w /Paul Residents. LLeath eath aand nd R esidents. SSun: un: Planet Reggae. P lanet R eggae. SSan an JJose. ose.

ALBERTO’S A LBERTO’S Wed, 77:30pm: Wed, :30pm: LLatin. atin. TTue ue aand nd With Pantea. TThu: hu: SSalsa alsa W ith P antea. FFri: ri: Bollywood Night. B ollywood N ight. SSat: at: LLatin atin Night. Mountain View. N ight. M ountain V iew.

Fri-Sat, 8pm: Fri-Sat, 8pm: O Old ld School School Dance D ance Party Party ffeat. eat. DJ DJ Neto. Neto. SSan an JJose. ose.

FAHRENHEIT U FAHRENHEIT ULTRA LTRA LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed, 9pm: Wed, 9pm: R Reggae eggae R Riddims. iddims. Mon: M on: M Monday onday N Night ight Madness. Madness. TTue, ue, 9 9pm: pm: CCollege ollege Night. Night. San San JJose. ose.


FFri-Sat: ri-Sat: Old Old SSchool. chool. Milpitas. Milpitas.

Wed: W ed: H Humpday umpday W Wednesdays. ednesdays. DJJ aand TThu: hu: D nd karaoke. karaoke. SSat: at: DJ DJ DJJ Chaos. JJazzy azzy aand nd D Chaos. Hip-hop Hip-hop Happy Hour aand nd Top Top 440. 0. SSun: un: H appy H our Allll D Day. Mon: DJJ aand A ay. M on: D nd kkaraoke. araoke. $22 TTuesdays. TTue: ue: $ uesdays. San San Jose. Jose.

Thu: Ascend Thu: Ascend TThursdays. hursdays. FFri: ri: CClub lub FFuz. uz. SSat: at: Maelo Maelo Ruiz Ruiz aand nd Orquesta Bakan. Palo Alto. O rquesta B akan. P alo A l to.



Wed, SSun, Wed, un, 10pm: 10pm: D DJJ H Hank. ank. TThu, hu, DJJ B Benofficial. 110pm: 0pm: D enofficial. SSan an JJose. ose.

KHARTOUM K HARTOUM Wed: W ed: D DJJ D Davey avey KK.. Campbell. Campbell. Fri, 9 Fri, 9:30pm: :30pm: N Noche oche Vaquera, Vaquera, DJJ Jose DJJ SStam. D Jose Kuervo Kuervo aand nd D tam. Azukar, DJJ 33D. SSat: at: A zukar, D D. TTue, ue, 9pm: Nostalgia, 9 pm: CClub lub N ostalgia, Goth, Goth, $8. iindustrial ndustrial aand nd ddarkwave. arkwave. $ 8. Mountain M ountain View. View.

LLOFT OFT B BAR AR AND AND BISTRO BISTRO Fri-Sat, 10pm-1:30am: Fri-Sat, 10pm-1:30am: LLive ive DJ. D J. SSan an JJose. ose.

Thu, 9 Thu, 9:30pm: :30pm: KKaraoke. araoke. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

Wed, 8 Wed, 8:30pm: :30pm: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.





Thu-Sun, 9 Thu-Sun, 9:30pm: :30pm: D DJJ ddance ance music. m usic. San San JJose. ose.


Wed, SSat-Sun: Wed, at-Sun: CChris. hris. TThu-Fri, hu-Fri, 8:30pm: Uncle Dougie. 8 :30pm: U ncle D ougie. SSan an JJose. ose.

SSun: un: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.


TTue-Sun, ue-Sun, 7pm-close: 7pm-close: D DJJ and and ddancing. ancing. Big Big band, band, swing. swing. No No ccover. over. CCupertino. upertino.



Moree listings: Mor


MOTIF M OTIF FFri-Sat: ri-Sat: DJs. DJs. San San JJose. ose.

BRITANNIA A BRITANNIA ARMS RMS DOWNTOWN D OWNTOWN Fri: D Fri: DJJ KKay ay Rich Rich aand nd DJ DJ Check Check O.. SSat: Beats O at: G B eats tthe he Soulchild Soulchild DJJ D David aand nd Metrorock. Metrorock. TTue: ue: D avid Q.. San Q San Jose. Jose.

MOUNTAIN M OUNTAIN CCHARLEY’S HARLEY’S Wed, 7pm: Wed, 7pm: House House P Party. arty. Thu, Thu, 77pm: pm: TThrowback hrowback TThursdays. hursdays. LLos os Gatos. Gatos.

BRIX B RIX Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm-2am: pm-2am: W Whip hip IItt O Out ut Wednesdays. W ednesdays. Thu: Thu: Huntress Huntress TThursdays. hursdays. Fri: Fri: IInferno nferno Fridays. Fridays. Noo SSat: at: SSinful inful Saturdays. Saturdays. N 9pm-2am: ccover. over. SSun, un, 9 pm-2am: CChill hill Marathon SSundays. undays. Mon: Mon: M arathon Mondays. VJJ spins 9pmM ondays. V spins ffrom rom 9 pm22am. am. TTue: ue: TTake ake it it Off Off Tuesdays. Tuesdays. SSan an Jose. Jose.

CC&J’S &J’S SSPORTS PORTS B BAR AR Wed, SSat, Wed, at, 10pm: 10pm: D DJJ iin n tthe he M Mix. ix. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.

CCARDINAL ARDINAL LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed, 9 Wed, 9pm-1am: pm-1am: D DJJ CCurtis. urtis. P Plus lus 9pm-1am: kkaraoke. araoke. TThu, hu, 9 pm-1am: KKJJ JJR. R. SSat, at, 9pm-1:30am: 9pm-1:30am: SStrawberry trawberry DJJ LV. SSouls. ouls. SSun-Mon, un-Mon, 8pm: 8pm: D LV. TTue, ue, 9pm-1am: 9pm-1am: KKJJ JJR. R. San San Jose. Jose.

PARRANDA P ARRANDA N NIGHTCLUB IGHTCLUB Thu, 8 Thu, 8pm: pm: D DJJ A Akustik. kustik. N Noo DJJ Mayo. ccover. over. FFri, ri, 8pm: 8pm: D Mayo. DJJ Mayo SSat, at, 8pm: 8pm: D Mayo aand nd DJ DJ Akustik. Beat. A kustik. Sun, Sun, 7pm: 7pm: Latin Latin B eat. 9pm: Night. SSun, un, 9 pm: SSonidero onidero N ight. With W ith llocal ocal DJs DJs spinning spinning salsa, salsa, more. ccumbia umbia aand nd m ore. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

PEACOCK P EACOCK LLOUNGE OUNGE Fri, 8 Fri, 8pm: pm: D DJ. J. Sat, Sat, 9pm: 9pm: DJ DJ and and ddancing. ancing. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

PEARL P EARL Thu: EEpic Thu: pic N Nights. ights. Fri: Fri: with SSocialush ocialush w ith DJ DJ Cobra. Cobra. SSat: at: SSassy assy feat feat DJ DJ Tina Tina T. T. SSan an JJose. ose.


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Lily Tomlin

Anyone who saw the YouTube videos of Lily Tomlin and director David O. Russell melting down on the set of I Heart Huckabees can understand why Tomlin would prefer to work onstage—or maybe even give up on Hollywood completely. But it didn’t take a demanding film auteur to make the multiple-Tony-Award-winning comedian appreciate live performance. “I like the stage best of all, and that’s what I would do if I could do nothing else,” Tomlin told me last year. “I guess I’ll do it till I drop.” Though she’s never really stopped touring in a career that spans more than three decades, Tomlin’s most recent shows have Saturday, 8pm been a comeback—not for her, but for many of the characters she’s created over the years. “An Evening of Montalvo Arts Classic Lily Tomlin” is not a stage show like her Broadway Center, Saratoga hit The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe, but a retrospective of multiple personalities. “It’s a $40–$125 compilation of characters I’ve done for the last 30 years. It’s pretty informal,” she says. “I fancy that some of them are classic.” History is on her side; her creations have had a way of winding their way into the public consciousness—or just outright exploding overnight. That was pretty much the case with the two characters that launched her career: the 5-year-old Edith Ann, and the abrasive telephone operator Ernestine. After Tomlin joined the groundbreaking sketch comedy show Laugh-In in 1969, Ernestine in particular practically defined the kind of stardom that would later become a template for comedians on Saturday Night Live: an oddball character with one or more quotable catchphrases—in Ernestine’s case, lines like “Have I reached the party to whom I am speaking?” and “One ringy dingy, two ringy dingy”—who becomes the talk of workplace watercoolers everywhere. To this day, Tomlin doesn’t really know what hit her. “How could I get so lucky with that character?” she wonders. “She really is one of those serendipitous things, you don’t know how they happen.”—Steve Palopoli



ddrinks. rinks. TThu: hu: TThursday hursday N Night ight Live. Fri-Sat: Fri-Sat: Video Video Killed Killed the the Live. DJ. DJ. Sun: Sun: Sinful Sinful Sundays. Sundays. Mon, Mon, 10pm-close: 10pm-close: Manic Manic Mondaze. Mondaze. San San Jose. Jose.

Wed, 9pm: Wed, 9pm: D DJJ H Henry. enry. TThu, hu, 9pm: 9pm: DJJ M Mark. 9pm: DJJ R Rita. D ark. FFri, ri, 9 pm: D ita. Fremont. Fremont.



Thu: DJ Thu: DJ B Buzzed. uzzed. FFri: ri: D DJJ TTito. ito. Party with SSat: at: P arty w ith TTito. ito. SSun: un: HipHipMon: hhop op SShowcase. howcase. M on: SSurprise urprise

Thu: M Thu: Major ajor TThursdays. hursdays. Tue: Tue: TTwo wo Buck B uck TTuesdays. uesdays. SSan an JJose. ose.

Wed: W ed: Tango, Tango, SSpecials pecials oon n

Surpise. Surpise. Tue: TTu ue: Ladies Ladies night. night. San San Jose. Jose.

VOODOO V OODOO LOUNGE LOUNGE Fri: Revenge Fri: Revenge of of the the DJs. DJs. $10. $10. SSat: at: TThird hird Saturdays. Saturdays. SSan an Jose. Jose.

ZZEN EN LLOUNGE OUNGE Fri: DJ Fri: DJ M Menace. enace. Sat: Sat: D DJJ D-Roc. D-Roc. Mountain M ountain View. View.

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Visit F Visit Fahrenheit’s ahrenh heit’s R Restaurant estaurant an and dL Lounge oung un e in the the P Park. ark. S Serving ervin ng creative creatiive sangria sa ia sangr ccocktails ocktails and and aaward ward winningg ccuisine uis i ine

Aug A ug 1122 Sugar Sugar Min Minott ott aand nd dF Fire ire P Pashon ashon – LIVE 105 (Dancehall (Dancehall Reggae) Reggae) A Aug ug 119 9 Y&T Y&T – 98.5 98.5 KFOX KFOX (Classic (Classic Rock) Rock) A Aug ug 26 Pato Pato B Banton anton – ALICE@97.3 AL LICE@97.3 (R (Reggae) eggae)

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8]k\i dp Yfp]i`\e[ Xe[ @ i\klie\[ ]ifd X k\XZ_`e^ jk`ek XYifX[# _\ Yifb\ lg n`k_ d\% @ nXj [\mXjkXk\[ Ylk \m\eklXccp jkXik\[ j\\`e^ jfd\Yf[p \cj\% ?\ ^fk i\Xccp a\Xcflj Xe[ Ô\n flk X ]\n k`d\j kf j\\ d\ lek`c @ jX`[ p\j kf ^\kk`e^ YXZb kf^\k_\i% N\Êm\ _X[ X g_fe\ i\cXk`fej_`g j`eZ\ AXelXip# n`k_ m`j`kj n_\e\m\i gfjj`Yc\% N\cc# @Êd jkXik`e^ ^iX[ jZ_ffc fe k_\ <Xjk :fXjk# Xe[ nfeÊk Y\ dfY`c\ ]fi k_i\\ p\Xij% 9lk# Xj ]fi dfm`e^ kf Y\ n`k_ d\# _\Êj efn jXp`e^ _\ [f\jeÊk befn `] _\ ZXe c\Xm\ JXe =iXeZ`jZf% @kÊj efk \m\e X afY b\\g`e^ _`d k_\i\ ?\Êj le\dgcfp\[ Xe[ jk`cc len`cc`e^ kf c\Xm\ fe\ f] k_\ dfjk \og\ej`m\ Z`k`\j ?\ j`dgcp aljk nXekj kf c`m\ k_\i\% @Êd nfe[\i`e^ `] Xcc k_\ nX`k`e^Êj nfik_ `k j`eZ\ _\ `jeÊk n`cc`e^ kf nfib m\ip _Xi[ ]fi lj kf Y\ kf^\k_\i% Æ;`jdXp\[ Who says you can’t take the man out of San Francisco? Just force him into the trunk of your car at gunpoint and promise him a bathroom break and a Snickers when you hit Bakersfield. So, the guy chases you down, wins you back, and now he’s not sure whether it’s you or that tramp with the cable cars? That’s not how love is supposed to work. According to Shakespeare, the Bronte sisters and every romantic comedy ever made, love is throwing aside everything to crawl across broken glass on four continents, only to die in your beloved’s arms. This, on the other hand, is like Romeo texting Juliet (on parchment delivered by servants), “OMG, not sure if i can give up pizza nite w family 2 b w/u.” In the real world, for people with more to them than an obsessive connection to another human being, there are often practical considerations: whether they both want kids, who’s going to pay for them, whether they’ll join the Hari Krishnas or keep working as tax accountants. While some people can live anywhere as long as they’re with the person they love, for many, where they

wake up and walk out the door every day is no small thing. It’s not just the place, but the way of life in a particular place (“The city that never sleeps” versus “the suburb that never wakes up”). The guy might love you, but he’s made his priority clear: He’s left his heart in San Francisco, and the rest of him is staying to keep it company. Chances are, he got so focused on winning you back, he forgot to ask himself “And then what?” Now that he’s won you, he’s all “Actually, I’m kind of attached to fog, earthquakes, and stepping over a wino to get into my favorite patisserie.” It’s a lucky thing he figured that out before he gave up his apartment and moved to Collegetown. (Love in a place you hate quickly becomes seething resentment.) If you don’t resent him too much, maybe you and he will try to keep it going long distance while you’re in school. If so, you need to be practical, too: Ask yourself how you feel about spending the rest of your days in San Francisco, because you probably won’t get the guy out of there for any length of time—not until you can fit him into an urn.

Choose your own


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FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES A RIES ((March March 221–April 1–April 119): 9): ““Thou Thou sshalt halt nnot ot kkill” ill” iiss a crucial crucial rrule ule ffor or yyou ou ttoo ffollow, ollow, aand nd nnot ot jjust ust iin n tthe he lliteral iteral sense. According myy rreading sense. A ccording ttoo m eading ooff tthe he aastrological strological omens, omens, yyou ou sshould hould aalso lso bbee eextra xtra vvigilant igilant aass yyou ou aavoid void more Please more metaphorical metaphorical kkinds inds ooff ddestruction. estruction. P lease bbee careful words would careful nnot ot ttoo uunleash nleash iill-chosen ll-chosen w ords tthat hat w ould crush crush someone’s someone’s sspirit pirit ((including including yyour our oown). wn). Don’t Don’t douse fires, douse nnewly ewly kkindled indled fi res, ddon’t on’t bburn urn rrecently ecently bbuilt uilt bridges bridges and and don’t don’t ddeprive eprive ffresh resh ssprouts prouts ooff tthe he llight ight tthey hey need need to to keep keep growing. growing. To To put put this this all all in in a more more positive positive frame: frame: IIt’s t’s time time for for you you to to engage engage iin n a rreverent everent aand nd boisterous boisterous ccelebration elebration ooff llife, ife, nnurturing urturing aand nd ffostering ostering and and stimulating stimulating everywhere everywhere you you go. go. TAURUS T AURUS ((April April 220–May 0–May 220): 0): TThe he bbaseball aseball ggame ame w was as

over. Mike was over. TTV V aannouncer nnouncer M ike KKrukow rukow w as ddescribing escribing tthe he “ugly Giants “ugly vvictory” ictory” tthat hat tthe he SSan an FFrancisco rancisco G iants hhad ad jjust ust achieved. were achieved. The The team’s team’s eefforts fforts w ere ssloppy loppy aand nd cchaotic, haotic, he win much he ssaid, aid, aand nd yyet et tthe he w in ccounted ounted jjust ust aass m uch aass a more Hee eended with flourish: more eelegant legant ttriumph. riumph. H nded w ith a fl ourish: ““No No one wants want one w ants ttoo hhear ear aabout bout tthe he llabor abor ppains; ains; tthey hey jjust ust w ant to week, to ssee ee tthe he bbaby.” aby.” TThat’s hat’s my my message message ttoo yyou ou tthis his w eek, Taurus. Allll tthat matters Taurus. A hat m atters iiss tthat hat yyou ou gget et tthe he jjob ob ddone. one. IItt doesn’t matter whether doesn’t m atter w hether yyou ou llook ook ggood ood ddoing oing iit. t.

GGEMINI EMINI ((May May 221–June 1–June 220): 0): Here’s Here’s tthe he rreally eally ggood ood

nnews: ews: CCIA IA ddirector irector LLeon eon Panetta Panetta ssays ays there there aare re ffewer ewer Qaeda tthan han 100 100 Al Al Q aeda combatants combatants iin n Afghanistan. Afghanistan. Here’s Here’s U.S 94,000 tthe he utterly utterly cconfusing onfusing news: news: TThe he U .S has has oover ver 9 4,000 Afghanistan whose hhighly ighly trained trained hhuman uman bbeings eings in in A fghanistan w hose eexpress xpress ppurpose urpose iiss ttoo destroy destroy Al Al Qaeda. Qaeda. I bring bring this this up up aass a prod prod to to gget et yyou ou ttoo question question yyour our oown wn allotment allotment ooff martial Gemini. make m artial fforce, orce, G emini. YYou ou ddefinitely efinitely nneed eed ttoo m ake ssure ure fighting yyou ou hhave ave a llavish avish rreserve eserve ooff fi ghting sspirit pirit pprimed rimed ttoo make sserve erve yyour our hhighest ighest ggoals. oals. JJust ust m ake ssure, ure, pplease, lease, tthat hat iit’s t’s pointed pointed in in the the right right direction. direction.

CCANCER ANCER ((June June 221–July 1–July 222): 2): ““Give Give uuss tthis his dday ay oour ur daily Gaston daily hunger,” hunger,” pprayed rayed FFrench rench pphilosopher hilosopher G aston Bachelard. was Bachelard. IItt w as hhis is ppersonal ersonal vvariation ariation oon n tthe he ““Give Give us Prayer. us this this dday ay oour ur ddaily aily bbread” read” lline ine ffrom rom tthe he LLord’s ord’s P rayer. I suggest suggest yyou ou uuse se hhis is fformulation ormulation aass yyour our oown wn iin n tthe he coming week, coming w eek, CCancerian. ancerian. IIt’s t’s the the high high season season for for your your holy when mental holy desires: desires: a ttime ime w hen yyour our m ental aand nd pphysical hysical health health will will thrive thrive as as you you tune tune in in to to and and express express your your strongest, most strongest, m ost rrighteous ighteous llongings. ongings. LLEO EO ((July July 223–Aug. 3–Aug. 222): 2): IIn n a rrecent ecent hhoroscope, oroscope, I w wrote rote

Owens, aabout bout CChristopher hristopher O wens, llead ead ssinger inger ooff tthe he bband and Girls, wore G irls, aand nd hhow ow hhee w ore ppajama ajama bbottoms ottoms dduring uring a sshow how was hhee ddid id iin n SSan an FFrancisco. rancisco. A rreader eader nnamed amed EEric ric w as Owens ddisgusted isgusted bbyy tthis, his, sseeing eeing iitt aass eevidence vidence tthat hat O wens iiss a sself-indulgent elf-indulgent hhipster. ipster. ““Just Just aanother nother sspoiled poiled ttrust-fund rust-fund kkid,” id,” hhee ssaid aid iin n hhis is eemail, mail, ““whose whose eexcessively xcessively pprivileged rivileged llife ife has has given given him him the the delusion delusion that that he’s he’s uuninhibited.” ninhibited.” With would W ith a llittle ittle rresearch, esearch, EEric ric w ould hhave ave ffound ound tthe he ttruth: ruth: Owens was O wens w as rraised aised iin n aan n aabusive busive rreligious eligious ccult ult bbyy a mother who worked ssingle ingle m other w ho w orked aass a pprostitute rostitute ttoo eearn arn a meager m eager lliving. iving. I bbring ring tthis his ttoo yyour our aattention ttention iin n hhopes opes iitt will making w ill iinspire nspire yyou ou ttoo aavoid void m aking aany ny aassumptions ssumptions aabout bout More aanyone. nyone. M ore tthan han eever ver bbefore, efore, iit’s t s ccrucial t’ rucial tthat hat yyou ou mind bbring ring a bbeginner’s eginner ’s m ind ttoo yyour our eevaluations valuations ooff oother ther hhuman uman bbeings. eings.

VIRGO V IRGO ((Aug. Aug. 223–Sept. 3–Sept. 222): 2): I w want ant ttoo see ee your ou willpower willpower ssurge urge aand nd tthrob hrob aand nd ccarry a you ou too a ringing ng ng triumph weeks, Virgo. triumph iin n tthe he nnext ext ttwo wo w eeks, V go I hhope ope too bbee cheering cheering yyou ou oon n aass yyou ou ccomplete omplete a pplucky u eeffort o too overcome overcome ssome ome llong-standing ong-standing oobstacle b a e . . . aas you ou put finishing put tthe he fi nishing ttouches ouches oon n aan n eepic p struggle ugg e too defeat defeat a sseemingly eemingly iintractable ntractable ffoe oe . . . aas you ou risee uupp with flourish with a hherculean erculean fl ourish aand nd pput u the he stamp amp oof your ou uniqueness will uniqueness oon n a ssuccess uccess tthat hat w i last a a long ong time. me

LLIBRA IBRA ((Sept. Sept. 223–Oct. 3–Oct. 222): 2): TThe he Italian a an word wo d terribilità e b à

was ooriginally was riginally uused sed bbyy aart rt ccritics ritics too ddescribe e be the he Michelangelo. According ssculptures culptures aand nd ppaintings aintings ooff M iche ange o A o d ng ttoo vvarious arious ddictionaries, ictionaries, iitt rrefers efers ttoo “aa sense en e oof mixed with aawe-inspiring we-inspiring ggrandeur,” randeur,” ““the the ssublime ub me m ed w h aamazement,” mazement,” oorr ““an an aastonishing stonishing creation ea on that ha pprovokes oo e reverent In my aastrological e e en hhumility.” um nm o og a oopinion, p n on terribilità e b à is a pprerequisite e equ e for o the he nnext e chapter hap e oof your ou lifee story. o flabbergasted Where YYou ou nneed eed bbee fl abbe ga ed bby stunning unn ng bbeauty. eau W he e can wonder might an you ou ggoo too gget e it?? A nnatural aua w onde m gh ddoo the he trick, oor some ome eexalted a ed architecture, a h e u e or o the he biography b og aph of o works music a superb upe b hhuman uman bbeing, e ng oor w o oof aart oor m u that ha make with m a e you ou sob ob w h cathartic a ha joy. o FFor o eextraa credit, ed pput u yourself ou e in n the he ppath a h oof aall the he aabove. bo e

SSCORPIO CORP O (Oct. O 223–Nov. 3–No 221): In n a favorable a o ab e review e ew of Badger Mountain Riesling wine, Winelibrary.com o B adge M oun a n R e ng w ne W ne b a om said, a d “The The sweet wee succulent u u en aaromas oma oof bbosc o ppears ea aaree woven with Meanwhile, wo en w h lilacs a aand nd just u a hhint n oof ppetrol.” e o M eanwh e


9p 9 pR ROB O B BREZSNY BREZSNY n\\b f] Alcp (+ n\\b f] Alcp (+

Allure magazine Allure magazine nnamed amed SSécrétions écrétions M Magnifique agnifique aass oone ne five world, ooff tthe he ttop op fi ve ssexiest exiest pperfumes erfumes iin n tthe he w orld, eeven ven Petrol? Bilge? tthough hough iits ts ffragrance ragrance iiss llike ike ““floral floral bbilge.” ilge.” P etrol? B ilge? Both B oth ccommentaries ommentaries sseem eem ttoo ssuggest uggest tthat hat ggreatness reatness may m ay ccontain ontain a ttaint—or aint—or eeven ven tthat hat tthe he vvery ery nnature ature ooff may ggreatness reatness m ay rrequire equire iitt ttoo hhave ave a ttrace race ooff ssomething omething ooffensive. ffensive. I’m I’m gguessing uessing tthat’ll hat’ll be be a theme theme for for you you in in the the week. ccoming oming w eek. SSAGITTARIUS AGITTARIUS ((Nov. Nov. 222–Dec. 2–Dec. 221): 1): D During uring tthe he ggrace race pperiod eriod yyou’re ou’re ccurrently urrently eenjoying, njoying, yyou ou hhave ave a ttalent alent ffor or whatever ttuning uning iin n ttoo tthe he rraw aw ppotential otential ooff w hatever ssituation ituation iiss rright ight iin n ffront ront ooff yyou; ou; yyou ou jjust ust nnaturally aturally kknow now hhow ow with ttoo eestablish stablish rrapport apport w ith ccircumstances ircumstances yyou’ve ou’ve nnever ever sseen een bbefore. efore. TThat’s hat’ t s why why your your sspontaneous pontaneous uurges rges aare re llikely ikely ttoo ggenerate enerate ffun un llearning earning eexperiences, xperiences, nnot ot messes. aawkward wkward m esses. YYou’ll ou’ll tthrive hrive aass yyou ou iimprovise mprovise aadeptly deptly with may w ith vvolatile olatile fforces. orces. IItt m ay ttherefore herefore sseem eem llike ike yyour our will magical. pprogress rogress w ill bbee eeasy, asy, eeven ven a bbit it m agical. SSome ome ppeople eople may But m ay rregard egard yyour our bbreakthroughs reakthroughs aass uunearned. nearned. B ut will merely yyou ou aand nd I w ill kknow now tthat hat yyou’re ou’re m erely hharvesting arvesting tthe he bbenefits enefits tthat hat ccome ome ffrom rom a llong ong pperiod eriod ooff hhoning oning yyour our ppowers. owers. CCAPRICORN APRICORN ((Dec. Dec. 222–Jan. 2–Jan. 119): 9): A ffew ew ssingle ingle ffriends riends of OkCupid meet of mine mine uuse se tthe he ddating ating ssite ite O kCupid ttoo m eet ppotential otential lovers. One woman lovers. O ne w oman ggot ot tthe he ffollowing ollowing nnotice: otice: ““We We are are pleased pleased ttoo rreport eport tthat hat yyou ou aare re iin n tthe he ttop op hhalf alf ooff OkCupid’s most How wee ssay OkCupid’s m ost aattractive ttractive uusers. sers. H ow ccan an w ay tthis his with Because we’ve with cconfidence? onfidence? B ecause w e’ve ttracked racked cclick-thrus lick-thrus on on your your pphoto hoto aand nd aanalyzed nalyzed oother ther ppeople’s eople’s rreactions eactions to with to you you . . . YYour our nnew ew eelite lite sstatus tatus ccomes omes w ith oone ne important will more important pprivilege: rivilege: YYou ou w ill nnow ow ssee ee m ore aattractive ttractive people match people iin n yyour our m atch rresults. esults. Also! Also! You’ll You’ll be be shown shown to to more match more attractive attractive ppeople eople iin n ttheir heir m atch rresults. esults. And, And, no, no, we OkCupid. Goo we didn’t didn’t ssend end tthis his eemail mail ttoo eeveryone veryone oon nO kCupid. G ask According myy aanalysis ask an an uugly gly ffriend.” riend.” A ccording ttoo m nalysis ooff tthe he astrological will astrological oomens, mens, CCapricorn, apricorn, yyou ou w ill ssoon oon rreceive eceive a metaphorically message, metaphorically ccomparable omparable m essage, nnot ot ffrom rom OkCupid, OkCupid, bbut ut ffrom rom tthe he uuniverse niverse iitself. tself. AQUARIUS A QUARIUS ((Jan. Jan. 220–Feb. 0–Feb. 118): 8): TThe he lliberation iberation movement wasn’t m ovement kkindled indled iin n tthe he 11960s 960s w asn’t aallll ffun un aand nd ways ggames. ames. IItt uushered shered iin n eexpansive xpansive nnew ew w ays ooff tthinking hinking music aabout bout ggender, ender, rrace, ace, ssexuality, exuality, sspirituality, pirituality, m usic aand nd was cconsciousness onsciousness iitself, tself, bbut ut iitt w as ffueled ueled bbyy aanger nger aass well meaning w ell aass bbyy tthe he llonging onging ffor or ppleasure leasure aand nd m eaning aand nd was ttranscendence. ranscendence. A kkey ey ffocus ocus ooff tthe he rrage age w as oopposition pposition Vietnam War. ttoo tthe he V ietnam W ar. TThe he aadrenaline drenaline sstirred tirred bbyy aanti-war nti-war was mix pprotests rotests w as aan n iinstrumental nstrumental ppart art ooff tthe he m ix tthat hat ppropelled ropelled tthe he eentire ntire eera’s ra’s ppush ush ffor or ffreedom. reedom. II’m ’m hhoping oping Gulf Mexico will tthat hat tthe he ooilil hhemorrhage emorrhage iin n tthe he G ulf ooff M exico w ill bbecome ecome a ssimilar imilar bbeacon eacon iin n tthe he nnext ext tten en yyears. ears. CCan an yyou ou tthink hink ooff a ccomparable omparable pprod rod iin n yyour our ppersonal ersonal llife, ife, Aquarius? A quarius? A ggnawing nawing iinjustice njustice tthat hat will will help help awaken awaken aand nd ffeed eed yyour our iirresistible rresistible ddrive rive ttoo eemancipate mancipate yyourself? ourself? PISCES P ISCES ((Feb. Feb. 119–March 9–March 220): 0): H Here’s ere’s a tthought hought Piscean W.H. Auden: myself ffrom rom P iscean ppoet oet W .H. A uden: ““The The iimage mage ooff m yself which myy oown mind w hich I ttry ry ttoo ccreate reeate iin nm wn m ind iin n oorder rder tthat hat may myself Im ay llove ove m yself iiss vvery ery ddifferent ifferent ffrom rom tthe he iimage mage which minds w hich I ttry ry ttoo ccreate reeate iin n tthe he m inds ooff oothers thers iin n oorder rder may me.” what Auden tthat hat tthey hey m ay llove ove m e.” IIff w hat A uden ddescribes escribes forr yyou, iiss ttrue rue fo ou, I ssuggest uggest yyou ou ttry ry tthis his eexperiment: xperiment: Merge make M e ge the he two wo images; mage see ee if you ou can an m a e them hem the when he same. ame YYou’re ou e eentering n e ng a pphase ha e in n your ou cyclee w hen you will hhave ou w a e a tremendous emendou oopportunity ppo un too uunify n the he inner Auden’s nne aand nd oouter u e pparts a oof your ou life. e (And And if A uden ddescription e p on is nnot o true ue for o you, ou congratulations: ong a u a on YYou ou are well way a e either e he aan n eenlightened n gh ened saint a n oor w e oon n your ou w a too bbecoming e om ng oone.) ne

Homewo k Identify Homework: deen y you your fondest ondes ch childhood dhood memo y and recreate ec ea e in n the he p esen time me memory, present the Testify he feeling ee ng you u had back then. hen T es e y aat Truthrooster@gmail.com. T u h oos e @gma @ com

Go to REALASTROLOGY.COM to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. Audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700

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@] @ kXb\ X g`\Z\ f] g`qqX k_XkÊj Y\\e j`kk`e^ fe k_\ kXYc\ Xn_`c\ Xe[ d`ZifnXm\ `k ]fi fe\ d`elk\# nflc[ k_Xk b`cc YXZk\i`X Xe[ [\Zi\Xj\ k_\ Z_XeZ\ f] ]ff[ gf`jfe`e^# fi Xd @ aljk \Xk`e^ e`Z\ _fk YXZk\i`X6 Æ;Xm`[ :_Xkk`e$DZE`Z_fcj

Your query contained the elements of a rewarding investigation, David: microwaves, pizza, food poisoning, death, and—this was a deft touch—the eating of sizzling bacteria. I sent word to the lab: break out the petri dishes. Before we start, three critical questions: First, can bacteria really just land on your food while it’s sitting on the table? Second, what’s the best way to kill bacteria? Third, is a microwave a suitable tool for bactericide? The first question is easy. Yes, bacteria not only are found on floors, tabletops and other surfaces, they drift around in the air too. Scientists collecting air samples for 17 weeks in San Antonio and Austin, Texas, recently found 1,800 types of airborne bacteria. Among them were cousins of Francisella tularensis, sometimes mentioned as a potential bioterror weapon. Next question: killing bacteria. Alcohol will do the trick; unfortunately, the alcohol concentration needed to kill bacteria will go a long way toward killing you. Sealing bacteria off from oxygen will suppress some, but anaerobic bacteria can do fine without. The best method is heat. Milk, for example, is pasteurized by heating it to about 162 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 seconds. But some bacteria thrive at temperatures up to 167 degrees, and certain bacterial spores can survive for hours at 212 degrees. Will a microwave kill microbes? Sure. Microwave ovens use electromagnetic radiation to heat water molecules in food. It’s the heat, not the microwaves, that’s lethal here. The key is making it hot enough uniformly enough for long enough. If the food heats unevenly, a common problem in microwaves, some bacteria may survive. Time for the Straight Dope science staff to do its stuff. My assistants Fierra and Una sprang into action as follows: 1. They assembled 30 petri dishes containing agar gel (a bacteria nutrient), plus graduated cylinders and other lab equipment. 2. One Pizza Hut Meat Lover’s Pizza was ordered. Upon delivery three swabs were taken of the pizza and applied to three petri dishes. Additional samples of

pizza were diluted with distilled water, in ratios of 1:10 and 1:100, and applied to two more pairs of dishes just in case the pure pizza swabs gave rise to such swarming masses of microbes that we couldn’t count the colonies individually. 3. The pizza was allowed to sit in the open air for four hours. Then three more swabs of full-strength pizza were applied to petri dishes, as were two each of the 1:10 and 1:100 dilutions, for a total of seven more swabbed dishes. 4. The pizza was microwaved in a 1,000-watt oven for 30 seconds on the highest setting. Another seven dishes. 5. The pizza was microwaved on high for 30 additional seconds. More dishes. 6. Control swabs were taken from distilled water; another control dish was exposed briefly to the air. 7. The petri dishes were set aside (in sealed bags to prevent dehydration) for one week at 75 degrees, then examined for bacteria. Results: • The undiluted samples taken from the freshly delivered pie generated 11 bacterial colonies. We’ll take that as our baseline for normal, generally harmless bacterial infestation. • The full-strength samples taken after the pizza had been sitting out for four hours generated 28 bacterial colonies; two more showed up at the 1:10 dilution. • The samples taken after 30 seconds of microwaving produced 17 bacterial colonies; the 60-second samples produced only three. The diluted and control samples produced nada. Conclusions: (1) Heating the pizza for 30 seconds was relatively ineffectual. (2) Heating it for a full minute killed most of the bacteria but not all. Having exhausted the science budget, we didn’t go in for another round of testing, but we suspect that at least two minutes of microwaving would be needed to ensure 100 percent bacteria eradication, at the possible cost of rendering the pizza inedible. (3) Fresh pizza has its share of microbes, most undoubtedly benign—still, you never know. Care to join me for a light supper of guaranteed-sterile agar gel?

77 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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metroactive STYLE

Keeping It Real CF:8C 9FPJ D8B< >FF; C F: 8 C 9FPJ D 8 B< >FF; K K\Xd ?XccfnXp kfg# c\]k kf i`^_k \Xd ?XccfnX \ Xp kfg g# # c\]k kf i`^_k 1 1 :_i`j D`ccXi\# M`i^`c`f J`e[Xp\e# EXk_Xe GXjZlX# :_i`j D`cccXi\# M``i^`c`f J`e[Xp\e# EXk_Xe e GXjZlX# :_i`jk`Xe 9cXeZf Xe[ 9ipXe KXe^2 Yfkkfd# c\]k kf i`^_k :_i`jk`Xe _ 9cXeZf Z Xe[ 9ipXe KXe^2 Yfkkfd d# c\]k kf i`^_k 1 Afip :Xkfc`Zf# A\]]\ip CX^gXZXe Xe[ ;fd <Z_`m\ii`% 1 Afip :Xkfc`Zf f# # A\] \]]\ip CX^gXZXe Xe[ ;fd <Z_`m\ii`%

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EPFE< n_f _Xj \m\i EPFE< n_f _Xj \m\i _ff]\[ `k Xifle[ _ ff]\[ `k Xifle[ [fnekfne JXe Afj\ [ fnekfne JXe Afj\ ``j ]Xd`c`Xi n`k_ k_fj\ j ]Xd`c`Xi n`k_ k_fj\ \m\i$jf Xik]lc dXe_fc\ Zfm\ij \ m\i$jf Xik]lc dXe_fc\ Zfm\ij X[fie\[ n`k_ k_\ Z`kp j\Xc% X [fie\[ n`k_ k_\ Z`kp j\Xc% Featuring a bushel Featuring bushel o off ggrain rain byy ssurrounded urrounded by by grapevines, grap pevines, rringed inged b California, tthe he words words “City “City of of San San Jose, Jose, C alifornia,” around tthese hese manholes manholes are arre sscattered cattered ar round

the city’s the city’s sidewalks—just sidewalks—just iin n ccase ase o one ne fforgets orgets where where one one is is when when stumbling stumbling out o ut of of the the VooDoo Vo ooDoo Lounge Lounge at at 2am. 2am. San S an n Jose–based Jose–bassed street street wear wearr company compan ny HALLOWAY H ALLOWAY h has ass ttaken aken tthis his iiconic conic m means ean ans of of keeping keeping sewage sewagge at at bay bay to to the the next next level, level, however. however. Its Its “City “City of of San San n Jose” Jose” T-shirt T-sh rt takes takes a spin sp n on on San San Jose Jose pride pr de by by featuring eatur ng a black-and-white b ack and wh te screen screen print pr nt of o one one of o the the familiar am arr urban urban n landmarks. landmarks The The shirt sh rt was was created created by by Halloway Ha oway in n conjunction con unct on with w th fellow fe ow local oca urban-lifestyle urban esty e companies compan n es BREEZY B REEZY EEXCURSION XCURS ON, CCUKUI UKU , CCLOUT LOUT an and nd SSHORTY HORTY FFATZ ATZ. A All p proceeds roceeds from rom tthe he

tee w tee will ill be d donated onated tto o tthe he A Air ir S Systems ystems F oundation IInc. nc. C hildren’s A rt Foundation Children’s Art F oundation. Foundation. B ut tthe he ““City City o an n JJose” ose” T ee iiss not not But off S San Tee H allloway’s o nly h omage tto o iits ts South South Halloway’s only homage B ay rroots. oots. T he fi ve ffriends riends w ho sstarted tarted Bay The five who tthe he collective collective fashion faasshion company— company— NATHAN N ATHAN P PASCUA ASCUA, CCHRIS HRIS M MILLARE ILLARE, V VIRGILIO IRGILIO SSINDAYEN INDA AYEN, JJORY ORY CATOLICO CATOLICO an and nd BRYAN B RYAN TANG TANG— —say say they they aim aim to to infuse infuse eacch o heir d esigns w ith a d eeper each off ttheir designs with deeper significance. significance. “Everyyth ng h as a m ean n ng be h nd “Everything has meaning behind t ” ssays ays T aan ng o ne o a oway s it, Tang, one of H Halloway’s ound ng d es gners ““We We d dn t w ant founding designers. didn’t want to p ut o ut just ust ccolors o ors aand nd just ust d es gns to put out designs. No o ffeence tto ff o a lot ot o urban w ear] No offence of [[urban wear] compan n es o ut tthere, here b ut tthere here aare re a companies out but ot o op e o ut tthere here just ust p utt ng lot of pe people out putting out ccolors o ors aand nd [[random] random] d es gns B ut out designs. But

Felipe Buitr B Buitrago ago


we we want waan nt our our wearers, wearers, our our supporters supporters to to get get the the sense sense that that there’s there’s deeper deeper meaning mean ning behind b hind what be what they’re they’re wearing. wearring.” Halloway Hallloway even even incorporated incorporated this this idea idea into into the the company compan ny name name itself. itself. “‘Hallow’ “‘Hallow’ actually actuallly means means to to make make holy, holy, to to honor honor and an nd consider consider sacred, saccred,” he he says. says. “And “And we we thought thought that that would would be interesting, interesting, to to have have our our clothing clothing have have that that feel feel to to it it without without anybody anyb body really really knowing knowing that that word. word.” Most Most of of the the group, group, all all in in their their midmid20s, 20s, met met and and grew grew up up on on the the East Easst Side Side before before founding founding Halloway Halloway two two years yearrs ago. aggo. Tang Tang says says that that the the company company got got a big big hand han nd up up from from another an nother up-andup-an ndcoming coming San San Jose Jose street street wear wearr brand, bran nd, Breezy Breezy Excursion. Excursion. The The companies companies now now sponsor sponsor shows shows and an nd promotional promotionall events events around around the the downtown downtown San San Jose Jose club club scene scene together—one together—one of of those those being being the the above-mentioned abo ab ove-mentioned collective collective charity charity “City “City of of San San n Jose” Jose” Tee. Tee. Tang Taan ng says says that that the the deeper deeper meaning mean ning behind behind Halloway’s Halloway’s most most recent recent collection, collection, titled titled “Westward “Westwarrd Down, Down,” was was to to impart imparrt a decidedly decidedly central centrall California Callifornia f feel feel and and sense sense of of local local pride. pride. The The collection collection of of screen screen print print tees, tees, hoodies, hoodies, crewneck crewneck sweatshirts sweatshirts and and hats hats is is largely largely inspired inspired by by the the friends’ friends’ love love of of West West Coast Coast hip-hop. hip-hop. They They even even get get all all their their screen-printing screen-printing done done locally locally at at JJIMINY IMINY STITCH STITCH IT IT o on n Seventh Seventh Street. Street. Halloway’s Hallloway’s only only current current retail retail location location is is at at TTURF URF SHOES S H O ES o on nF First irst Avenue Avenue in in San San Mateo, Mateo, though though all alll their their merchandise merchan ndise is is available available online online at at www.wearehalloway.com. www.wearehalloway.com. Nevertheless, Nevertheless, Tang Tang says says that that just just because because one one orders orders their their clothing clothing online online doesn’t doesn’t mean mean n it it won’t won’t have have their their local local touch. touch. “We’ll “We’ll personally personally deliver deliver it it ourselves, ourselves,” Tang Tang says. says. “It’s “It’s just just something something we we like like to to do. do. We We like like to to meet meet our our customers, customers, see see who who buys buys them them and and just ust say, say ‘Hi, H and and thanks thanks for or the the support. support’”

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79 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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metroactive SPORTS

Stanford Wins Again FNE8>< F NE8>< JkXe]fi[ JkXe]fi[ _Xj nfe k_\ C\XiÓ\c[ ] [ _Xj _ nfe k_\ _ C\XiÓ\c[ Ó c[ ;`i\ZkfiÊj :lg \m\ip p\Xi j`eZ\ (00+% ;`i\ZkfiÊ j :lg \m\ip p\Xi j`eZ\ (00+%



?< C<8I=@@<C; ?< C<8I=@<C; ;`i\ZkfiÊj :lg ;`i\ZkfiÊ j :lg XnXi[# n_`Z_ nXj Xn Xi[# n_ _`Z_ nXj `eXl^liXk\[ `e (00*Å `eXl^li Xk\ \[ `e (00*Å 0+# j\c\Zkj k_\ kfg Zfcc\^`Xk\ 0+# j\c\Zkj k_\ kfg Zfcc\^`Xk\ Xk_c\k`Z gif^iXd% J`eZ\ k_\e# X k_c\k`Z gif^iXd% J`eZ\ k_\e# # JkXe]fi[ Le`m\ij`kp _Xj nfe J kXe]fi[ Le`m\ij`kp _Xj nfe kk_\ XnXi[ ]fi (- jkiX`^_k p\Xij% _\ XnXi[ ]fi (- jkiX`^_k p\Xij% Lea L ea M Maurer, au urer, h head ead d ccoach oac ach o off tthe he women’s w omen’s swimming swimming team team and and 1992 1992 Olympic Gold O lympic G old Medal Medall winner, winner, says says Stanford S tanford ssucceeds ucceeds year-in year-in and an nd year-out yearr-out because b ecause of of a culture culture of of achievement achievement tthat hat permeates permeates the the university. university. has ““Stanford Stan nford h as a ccommunity ommunity aaround round iitt iin n which which people people are are constantly constantly striving striving ffor or eexcellence xcellence in in every every endeavor, endeavor,” she she Stanford ssays. ays. In In the the 2009–10 2009–10 sseason, eason, S tanford ttook ook home home national national championships championships in in men’s women’s m en’s volleyball, volleyballl, w omen’s ttennis ennis and and women’s w omen’s lightweight lightweight crew. crew. It It was was the the 334th 4th straight straight year yearr that that at at least leasst one one team team m has home aatt Stanford Stanford h ass ttaken aken h ome a national nationall cchampionship. hampionship. The partnership between T he award award iiss a p artnership b etween Association off C Collegiate tthe he National National A ssociation o ollegiate Directors Athletics, USA Today D irectors of of A thletics, U SA T oday marketing aand nd the the ccollegiate ollegiate ssports ports m arketing Learfield Sports. was ccompany ompan ny L earfield S ports. IItt w as previously Sears Cup. Six other p reviously tthe he S earrs C up. S ix o ther Cardinal placed nationally C ardinal tteams eams p laced ssecond econd n ationally Even more llast ast yyear. ear. E ven m ore iimpressive, mpressive, ttwenty wenty off 3355 S Stanford programs o tanford iintercollegiate ntercollegiate p rograms finished national fi nished ttop op 110 0 iin nn ationall rrankings. ankings.

Headlines H eadlines may may b bee dominated dominated by by men’s football men’s football and and basketball, basketball, b but ut it it iiss the the lesser lesser known known endeavors endeavors that that eearn arn S Stanford tanford rrepeated epeated L Learfield earfield Cups. C ups. Since Since 1980 1980 Stanford Stanford won won more more cchampionships hampionships than than any any other other NCAA NCAA sschool, chool, USC USC included.Men’s included.Men’s sports sports rank rank tthird hird all-time all-time with with 60 60 championships, championships, while w hile w women omen rrank ank No. No. 1 w with ith 38. 38. ““It’s It’s a culture culture tthat hat has has been been developed developed over o ver m many any decades, decades,” Maurer Maurer says. says. “A “A lot lot off people o people that that have have d done one it it and and done done it it well w ell ccome ome b back. ack. Success Success breeds breeds success. success.” The T he Cardinal Cardinal eenjoy njoy incredible incredible donor donor ssupport, upport, raking raking in in $ $640 640 m million illion iin n 2009. 2 009. Stanford Stan nford also also has has a $12.6 $12.6 b billion illion eendowment ndowment fund. fund. High-paid High-paid coaches coaches and an nd top-notch top-notch facilities facilities w will ill aalways lways aattract ttract tthe he b best est and an nd brightest brightest to to S tanford’s athletic athletic p rogram. Stanford’s program. S tanford’s athletes athletes almost allmost always allways Stanford’s lleave eave with with a degree. degree. The The sschool chool boasts boassts tthe he highest highest graduation graduation rate rate among among aathletes thletes in in tthe he PAC-10 PAC-10 at at 95 95 percent, percent, ac ccording tto o tthe he N CAA. according NCAA. M aurer ssaid aid tthat hat the the entire entire aathletic thletic Maurer d eparrtment not not o nly w ants to to department only wants m aintain its its ssuccess, uccess, but but to to build build o n it: it: maintain on ““Everyone Everyone is is hungry hungry for for m ore.” more.

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81 M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



Living History CF:8C =C8MFI C F:8C =C8MFI KK_\ Dfek\ M`jkX Zfe[f Zfdgc\o# cfZXk\[ `e Xe fc[ ;\c Dfek\ _\ Dfek\ M`jkX Zfe[f Zfdgc\o# cfZXk\[ `e Xe fc[ ;\c Dfek\ ZZXee\ip Yl`c[`e^# ]\Xkli\j gXk`fj# [\Zbj Xe[ Xe flk[ffi Zfddfej% Xee\ip Yl`c[`e^# ]\Xkli\j gXk`fj# [\Zbj Xe[ Xe flk[ffi Zfddfej%



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combination o combination off iindustrial-era ndustriall-era o old ld an and nd high-tech h igh-tech n new—a ew—a ssymbol ymbol o off S San an n JJose’s ose’s over past ttransformation ransformation o ver tthe he p ast 550 0 yyears. earrs. T here aare re h andsome w ood fl oors There handsome wood floors kitchens with marble aand nd sstunning tunning k itchens w ith m arrble ccountertops, ountertops, h hardwood ardwood ccabinets ab binets an and nd aall ll o off tthe he aamenities. menities. Each Eacch u unit nit aalso lso ccomes omes w with ith a p patio atio orr d o deck, eck, an and nd tthe he ccomplex omplex h has ass iits ts o own wn llandscaped andscape p dp rivate ccourtyard. ourtyard. private Because new project, prices Because iit’s t’s a n ew p roject, p rices aare re sstill till vvery eryy aaffordable, ff ffo ordable, w with ith a o onenebedroom, one-bath unit be droom, o ne-bath u nit ggoing oing ffor or jjust ust $ 293,698. A llarger, arger, ttwo-bedroom, wo-bedroom, ttwowo$293,698. bath unit measuring b ath u nit m eassuring 11,274 ,274 ssquare quarre ffeet eet ccan an n be h had ad d ffor or jjust ust $ $408,248. 408,248. At At 11,274 ,274 ssquare quare ffeet, eet, tthe he llarger arger aapartment partment ccould ould w ork ffor or a yyoung oung work Now ffamily. amily. N ow aavailable vailab ble iiss a gground-floor round-floor u nit w ith a llarge arge b alcony aand nd sstorage torage unit with balcony There hardwood floors all sspace. pacce. T here aare re h ardwood fl oors iin n al ll tthe he rrooms, ooms, b but ut w what hat ssets ets tthe he aapartment partment off flooring o ff iiss tthe he ttile ile fl ooring iin n tthe he eentryway. ntryway. Each off tthe bedrooms has Eacch o he ttwo wo be drooms h ass a sspacious pacious w walk-in alk-in ccloset. al loset. T The he k kitchen itchen iiss n ew, w ith al ll m ajor aappliances ppliances new, with all major iincluded. ncluded. T There here aare re ggranite ran nite ccountertops ountertops an and nd m maple aple w wood ood ccabinets, abinets, modern ggiving iving iitt a rrich, ich, m odern llook. ook. As o ne m ight eexpect xpect iin nS ilicon As one might Silicon Valley, unit has Cat-5 V aallley, tthe he u nit aalready lread dy h ass C at-5 wiring w iring ffor or ffull ull d data ata ssupport. upport. T This his u unit nit ccan an n be h had ad d ffor or $ $411,911. 411,911. imilar b ut sslightly lightly ssmaller maller A ssimilar but aapartment part r ment ccan an be ffound ound o on n tthe he ttop op fl oor. W hat m akes tthis his u nit sspecial peciall iiss floor. What makes unit tthe he eenormous normous b balcony alcony o overlooking verlooking tthe he This unit ccomplex’s omplex’s iinner nner ccourtyard. ourtyard. T his u nit iiss rready eady ffor or oc occupancy ccupancy aand nd ccan an be h had ad ffor or $ 411,854. $411,854.

83 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | J U LY 1 4-2 0 , 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M


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