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P e t s Issue


slick puppies

Are Interpets as good as the real thing?


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july 28-august 4, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; july 28-august 4, 2010 1=<B3<BA

Contents. P OSTS











p28 p30






ON THE COVER Photograph by Curtis Cartier

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Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

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THE B THE BP Po oil il d disaster isaster iin n tthe he Gulf Gulf o off M Mexico exico worst human-induced iiss nearly nearly the the w orst h uman-induced disaster eenvironmental nvironmental d isaster ever. ever. With With 477 p percent off tthe now 4 ercent o he Gulf Gulf n ow ccontaminated ontaminated with oil w ith crude crude o il gushing gushing from frrom tthe he earth’s ear th’s ccore, ore, forr p polluting tthis his has has the the makings makings fo olluting all all our our oceans melt eentire ntire planetary planetary o ceans as as ccurrents urrents m elt one other. o ne iinto nto tthe he o ther. One One drop drop of of oil oil lleaves eaves a mile oceans sslick lick a m ile llong. ong. The The world’s world’s o ceans ccover over 7711 percent percent of of the the earth’s ear th’s ssurface ur face aand nd 977 p percent off the 9 ercent o the eearth’s arth’s water. water. Oil Oil trashing trashing our our natural natural environment environment occurs over world. o ccurs ccontinuously ontinuously aall ll o ver tthe he w orld. IIn n Nigeria N igeria tthe he oil oil iindustry ndustry cclaims laims it it ““cannot cannot maintain monthly aafford� ffo ford d� to to m aintain facilities, facilities, and and m onthly

oil sspills oil pills aare re d destroying estroying n native ative v ffishing ishing aareas reas aand nd tthreatening hreatening tthe he w ell-b eing o any well-being off m many vvillages. illages. So, why why are are we we not not stopping stopping all all deep deep So, o cean water water d rilling? Are Are oil oil pumping pumping ocean drilling? ffactories actories p erched iin nd eep o cean w aters aan n perched deep ocean waters eenvironment nvironment tthat hat ccannot annot b ontrolled bee ccontrolled b umans? The The BP BP spill spill m akes tthis his byy h humans? makes o bvious! JJust ust o ne o cean- dwelling o il obvious! one ocean-dwelling oil ffactory actor y ggusher usher aand nd o ur p recious w etlands, our precious wetlands, b eaches aand nd ffisheries isheries aare re d o omed. B P iiss beaches doomed. BP u nable tto o sstop top tthis his o il eescaping scaping ffrom rrom d eep unable oil deep w ithin tthe he eearth’s arth’s ccore ore b ecause tthe he o il within because oil iindustry ndustr y iitself tself d o es n ot h avee tthe he ccapacity apacity does not have o he ttechnology echnology tto od eal w ith tthis his ttype yp e o orr tthe deal with off iincident. ncident. When BP BP ssprayed praye y dd angero ous cchemical hemical When dangerous d isp ersants o n the the drifting drif ting ccrude rude ssurface, urface, the the dispersants on

disp ersants separated dispersants separated tthe he oil oil iinto nto ssmall mall o oil il d roplets forming forming large large cclouds louds of of d isp ersed droplets dispersed o il and and cchemicals hemicals m oving ssubsurface ubsurface up up tto o oil moving 3300 0 0 fe et d eep w ith o cean ccurrents. urrents. A ffish ish feet deep with ocean ssees ees aan no il d roplet aass fo od! These These ssubsurface ubsurface oil droplet food! cclouds louds o ispersant ttoxins oxins aand nd o il d ro p l e t s off d dispersant oil droplets aare re m oving w ith tthe he Gulf Gulf Stream Stream ccurrents, urrents, moving with tthereby hereby poisoning p oisoning the the ssmallest mallest aanimals nimals o the ocean ocean such such aass delicate delicate corals, corals, off the zzooplankton o oplankton aand nd aalgaes. lgaes. This This iinundating nundating o off tthe he o ceanic fo o d cchain hain iiss o ccurring iin n aareas reas oceanic food occurring w here eessential ssential ccontinental ontinental sshelf helf b reeding where breeding ggrounds ro r unds ssupport uppor t ffisheries isheries tthroughout hroughout tthe he o ceans. oceans. How ccould ould tthis his h ave v b een p revented? How have been prevented? T here iiss o nly o ne w ay tto op revent tthis his ttype yp e There only one way prevent o isaster aand nd iitt sstarts tar ts aand nd eends nds w ith yo u off d disaster with you aand nd m e. It It begins begins with with demand demand and and reliance r liance re me. o np etro r leum p roducts. The The USA USA uses uses on petroleum products. m ore p etroleum p roducts tthan han m ost o ther more petroleum products most other ccountries ountries aand nd o ur cchildren hildren u se n atural our use natural re sources tthat hat aare re 3333 ttimes imes ggreater reater tthan han tthat hat resources o n African African cchild. hild. off aan The oil oil industry industr y is is sseeking eeking d eep o cean The deep ocean w ater drilling drilling permits p ermits b ecause tthat hat is is w here water because where tthey hey need need to to go go next next tto om eet our our ggluttonous luttonous meet o il demands. demands. Such Such is is o ur demand demand for for o il oil our oil tthat hat governmental gove v rnmental re gulator y agencies agencies aand nd regulatory tthe he oil oil iindustry ndustr y itself itself re laxes, iignores, gnores, and and relaxes, aavoids voids or or denies denies environmental environmental safeguards safeguards p romised b nvironmental llaws. aws. This This is is promised byy eenvironmental n othing n ew. E nvironmental p rotection nothing new. Environmental protection re medies aare re w o efully u nderutilized b ecause remedies woefully underutilized because p eople p ush tto om ake m oney aand nd ssave avee ttime. ime. people push make money W hen aan n eenvironmentalist nvironmentalist sstands tands b etween When between ““progress� progreess� aand nd ““protection protection o ildlifee,� off w wildlife,� u sually tthe he eenvironmentalist nvironmentalist iiss sseverely evereely usually d i s a d v a n ta g e d fo r l a c k o f m o n e y nd ttime ime disadvantaged for lack of money aand tto o ccarry arr y o n tthe he ffight ight tto op rotect o ur p lanet. on protect our planet. T here sshould hould n ever b nother d eep w ater There never bee aanother deep water o il d rilling p ermit iissued ssued b he USA USA eever, ver, oil drilling permit byy tthe b ecause tthe he rrisks isks aare re ttoo oo h igh. If If tthe he o cean because high. ocean d ies sso od ow e. dies do we.

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Chris C hris M Malan, alan, Napa N ap a


july 28-august 4, 2010

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Currents. C urren ents.

p eriodic aactivities ctivities llike ike D ogggy-Drive-In, periodic Doggy-Drive-In, B urning D ogg, R ails aand nd T ails aand nd sso oo n. Burning Dog, Rails Tails on. “The whole whole reason reason I started started [Woofers [Woofers “The aand nd W alkers] w as tto om ake S anta C ruz Walkers] was make Santa Cruz m ore d ogg-friendly aand nd tto o ccreate reate a vview iew more dog-friendly o esponsible d og o wners,� W ilde off rresponsible dog owners, Wilde One off tthe ways do was ssays. ays. O ne o he w ays tto od o tthat hat w as tto o abolish abolish the the 34-year-old 34-year- old ban ban on on dogs dogs downtown. She’s posted online d owntown. S he’s p osted aan no nline petition Santa Cruz City Council p etition tto o tthe he S anta C ruz C ity C ouncil off llifting ban. To date, iin n ssupport upport o ifting tthe he b an. T od ate, iitt has h as ffetched etched 3385 85 ssignatures. ignatures.

Dumping Ground Ground

B63 :3/A6 =4 =C@ >@=0:3;A Too ooften, B63 :3/A6 =4 =C@ >@=0:3;A Too ften, Pandy Pandy the the Beagle Beagle upp aand nowhere ggets ets aall ll ddressed re s s e d u nd hhas as n owhere ttoo ggo. o.

Downtown D owntown Dogfight Dogfight It’s a tugIt’s tug-of-war of-war o over ver ccanine anine rights in Santa Cruz C 0G 93::G :C93@ 0G 9 3 : :G : C 9 3 @ @


LIVER L IVER lloves oves tto o vvisit isit d owntown C armel. H nd downtown Carmel. Hee aand h is cchauffeur hauffeur enjoy enjoy great great his sservice ervice at at rrestaurants estaurants and and ffreedom reedom tto o rrun un tthe he ttown’s own’s w hite ssand and white b each u ntethered. O liver aalso lso eenjoys njoys beach untethered. Oliver L os G atos, w ith iits ts w ater b owls o n tthe he Los Gatos, with water bowls on ssidewalk, idewalk, w elcoming sstores tores aand nd a m ain welcoming main sstreet treet ffull ull o ther p eople aand nd ttheir heir d oggs. off o other people dogs. Santa C ruz? That’s That’s a different different matter. matter. Santa Cruz? T he llittle ittle w hite d og ccannot annot aaccompany ccompany The white dog m oP acif ic A venue, m ost o he ccity ity mee tto Pacific Avenue, most off tthe b eaches, tthe he S anta C ruz W harf o an beaches, Santa Cruz Wharf orr S San L orenzo P ark o ang o ut aanywhere nywhere Lorenzo Park orr h hang out aalong long tthe he S an L orenzo rriver iver iinside nside tthe he San Lorenzo ccity ity llimits. imits. T he rrest est o he ccounty ounty iisn’t sn’t The off tthe eexactly xactly a b owl o ibble eeither, ither, w hat bowl off k kibble what w ith lleashes eashes rrequired equired aatt ccounty ounty b eaches with beaches

and aall and ll parks parks eexcept xcept a quarter-mile quarter-mile ttrail rail iin nD eLaveaga P ark. ((Dog Dog p arks don’t don’t DeLaveaga Park. parks ccount. ount. Th hey’re ssort ort o like m inimumThey’re off like minimumssecurity ecurity p risons; yyou ou ccan an rroam oam aaround, round, prisons; jjust ust n ot o utside tthe he ffence.) ence.) not outside The politics politics of of a dog’s dog’s place place in in the the The ccommunity ommunity iiss a h ot-button topic. topic. L ike hot-button Like sscreaming creaming ttoddlers, oddlers, ttheir heir n ear p roximity near proximity iiss eeither ither lloved, oved, ttolerated olerated o espised. orr d despised. W hitney W ilde iiss lleading eading her her p ack Whitney Wilde pack ttoward oward ccreating reating a m ore d ogg-friendly more dog-friendly aattitude. ttitude. “I “I love love this this town town aand nd I hate hate that that iit’s t’s sso o unfriendly unfriendly ttowards owards tthe he o ther tthing hing other I love—my love—my d ogg,� sshe he says. says. W ilde sstarted tarted dog, Wilde W oofers aand nd W alkers, a ssocial ocial club club ffor or Woofers Walkers, d og lovers, lovers, tthree hree yyears ears aago. go. People People aand nd dog ttheir heir ccanine anine b uddies ccan an jjoin oin w eekly buddies weekly h ikes aand nd llunches unches aass w ell aass o ther hikes well other

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To T ou understand nderstand P Pacific acif ic A Avenue’s venue’s pup prohibition, helps p up p rohibition, iitt h elps tto o rrevisit evisit tthe he off w when was eera ra aand nd cconsciousness onsciousness o hen iitt w as passed Like UC-Berkeley, Santa p assed iin n 11976. 976. L ike U C-Berkeley, S anta Cruz’s university C ruz’s u niversity aattracted ttracted a ccertain ertain with decidedly ““element� element� aalong long w ith iits ts d ecidedly nontraditional dropouts, n ontraditional sstudents: tudents: d ropouts, hippies panhandlers. Like on h ippies aand nd p anhandlers. L ike ffleas leas o n dog, what was once ad ogg, tthey hey ggravitated ravitated tto ow hat w as o nce known Pacific Garden Mall. Diane k nown aass tthe he P acif ic G arden M all. D iane Cohan, private C ohan, ttherapist, herapist, p rivate iinvestigator nvestigator passionate dog Santa aand nd p assionate d og llover, over, llived ived iin nS anta Cruz When C ruz tthrough hrough tthe he ’’70s. 70s. W hen aasked sked iiff dog ban had do with tthe he d og b an h ad aanything nything tto od ow ith discouraging unattractive nonconsumers d iscouraging u nattractive n onconsumers businesses, aaway way ffrom rom b usinesses, sshe he rreplies, eplies, ““Absolutely. Absolutely.� One off tthe who O ne o he councilmembers councilmembers w ho ban, Carol DePalma, has aapproved pproved tthe he b an, C arol D ePalma, h as had aanother nother eexplanation. xplanation. ““People People h ad a different dogs back d ifferent aattitude ttitude ttowards owards d oggs b ack Leash mandatory tthen, hen,� sshe he ssays. ays. L eash llaws, aws, m andatory poop-bags sspay-and-neuter pay-and-neuter llaws aws aand nd p oop -bags with dispensers had not w ith ttheir heir cconvenient onvenient d ispensers h ad n ot yyet et ssurfaced. urfaced. Earlier E arlier tthis his yyear, ear, tthe he Downtown Downtown Association 8-1 overturn A ssociation vvoted oted 8 -1 tto oo verturn tthe he ban. The Money, off ccourse. An b an. T he rreason? eason? M oney, o ourse. A n number off sshoppers iincreasing ncreasing n umber o hoppers aappear ppear walking on Pacific Avenue tto o eenjoy njoy w alking o nP acif ic A venue much Oliver aabout bout aass m uch aass O liver llikes ikes tthat hat up him tthermometer hermometer sshoved hoved u ph im aatt tthe he vvet’s. et’s. Downtown Association IIn n rresponse, esponse, tthe he D owntown A ssociation has desperately ways h as d esperately ssought ought w ays tto o gget et back. sshoppers hoppers b ack. According Downtown Association A ccording tto oD owntown A ssociation board member Emily Bernard Coonerty, b oard m ember E mily B ernard C oonerty, dogs downtown may help aallowing llowing d oggs d owntown m ay h elp tto o more business. ggenerate enerate m ore b usiness. ““We We cconsidered onsidered different ways off m making downtown d ifferent w ays o aking d owntown more Coonerty The m ore ffriendly, riendly,� C oonerty ssays. ays. T he Board poll off aall businesses B oard ttook ook a p oll o ll b usinesses banned iin n tthe he b anned aarea rea aand nd ffound ound ““the the

majority ssaid majority aid they’d they’d be be iinterested nterested iin n dogs downtown, d oggs d owntown,� according according tto o Coonerty. Coonerty. She owners S he rrecalls ecalls tthat hat sseveral everal shop shop o wners were byy ttheir w ere ttold old b heir customers customers tthat hat tthey hey would more often w ould sshop hop downtown downtown m ore o ften if if bring Board tthey hey could could b ring their their dog. dogg. The The B oard aagreed greed on on sseveral everal stipulations stipulations tthat hat would proposal: w ould aaccompany ccompany tthe he p roposal: no no panhandling with no p anhandling w ith dogs, doggs, n o more more than than tthree hree dogs dogs gathered gathered ttogether oggether and and a whopping did w hopping fine f ine ffor or anyone anyone who who d id not not pick up dog. p ick u p aafter fter ttheir heir d ogg. Though Though the the proposal proposal hasn’t hasn’t even even made m ade iitt tto o City City Council, Council, dogs doggs aare re aalready lready Pacific Some sshowing howing up up on on P acif ic Avenue. Avenue. S ome being byy ttourists aare re b eing aaccompanied ccompanied b ourists and and dogs sshoppers. hoppers. Then Then there there aare re d ogs tthat hat have have had misfortune bee stuck hanging h ad tthe he m isfortune to to b stuck h anging out day out on o ut aall ll d ay begging begging and and hanging hanging o ut o n tthe he ssidewalk. idewalk. “Panhandlers “Panhandlers have have learned learned dog] tto o say say [[their their d og] is is a ‘‘service service dog, dog,’� DePalma. ssays ays D ePalma. She She is is referring referring to to tthe he Americans with Act A mericans w ith Disabilities Disabilities A ct (ADA), (ADA), which person who w hich sstates tates that that a p erson w ho claims claims his her dog dog bee h is or or h er d og is is a sservice ervice d og cannot cannot b prove aasked sked to to p rove iit. t. This This is is one one of of the the reasons reasons the the proposal proposal has h as not not made made headway. headway. ““The The llaws aws are are all all mixed up, Coonerty m ixed u p,� C oonerty ssays, ays, referring referring to to ADA’s tthe he A DA’s policy. policy. “We “We need need tto o get get them them sstraightened traightened out out first. f irst.�

Disobedience D isobedience S School chool Lighthouse L ighthouse F Field ield and and It’s Itt’s B Beach each have been with h ave aalso lso b een iin n a ttug-of-war ug-of-war w ith While byy tthe aauthorities. uthorities. W hile ccontrolled ontrolled b he ccity ity off S Santa Cruz, had been province o anta C ruz, iitt h ad b een tthe he p rovince off o off-leash dogs before o ff-leash d oggs b efore 110am 0am aand nd aafter fter 4pm until State Parks 4 pm ffor or 330 0 yyears ears u ntil tthe he S tate P arks back 2007. Dogs ssystem ystem ttook ook ccontrol ontrol b ack iin n2 007. D oggs not off-leash aare re n ot aallowed llowed o ff-leash aatt aany ny ttime ime iin n off C California’s parks. Angry dog aany ny o alifornia’s sstate tate p arks. A ngry d og owners, perhaps ban down o wners, p erhaps ssniffing niff ing tthe he b an d own Friends off L Lighthouse tthe he rroad, oad, fformed ormed F riends o ighthouse Field 2002. F ield ((FOLF) FOLF) iin n2 002. FOLF board F OLF b oard member member Zee Zee Zaballos Zaballos wants once w ants tto o sshed hed tthose hose lleashes eashes o nce aagain, gain, ban has oncessaying aying tthe he b an h as ttorn orn aapart part a o nceoff d dog people vvibrant ibrant ccommunity ommunity o og p eople who met mornings w ho m et m ornings aand nd aafternoons. fternoons. ““It Itt was people w as a cchance hance ffor or p eople tto o ssocialize, ocialize,� Zaballos ban] has driven Z aballos ssays. ays. ““[The [Th he b an] h as d riven a now rreally eally rresponsible esponsible ggroup roup aaway, way, sso on ow have homeless drug use—an yyou ou h ave h omeless ccamps, amps, d rug u se—an don’t want. eelement lement yyou ou rreally eally d on’t w ant.� 3'

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Self-Defense Class

Learn a handful of powerful skills and techniques you can use

August 7

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1 C @ @ 3 < B A 1 %

The FOLF gang will not give up their leashless ways without howls of protest. Every Saturday morning from 8:30am to 10am, dogs and their people gather at It’s Beach (or, if the tide is too high, Lighthouse Field) and frolic unfettered. Donuts, coffee and petitions to sign are provided each week along with a lookout stationed above the beach to warn the group of approaching State Rangers. If spotted, a warning goes down to the owners, who quickly leash their dogs. I’ve volunteered to bring donuts several times and been told the Saturday morning romp is really an act of civil disobedience. No, I explain, it doesn’t count unless you are willing to get arrested—perhaps go limp and make the cops drag you (and presumably your dog) up the stairs. Otherwise it’s just disobedience. Still, FOLF has clearly marked its territory and continues to challenge the authorities to do something about it. The city and state, in response, remain in their Sit-Stay positions.

Paws for Lunch Although downtown and Lighthouse Field are the most visible battlegrounds for the right to run free, a not-so-quietrevolution is taking place elsewhere around the county. Like the Downtown Association, Woofers and Walkers also found that the prospect of more business can convince cafes to go dogfriendly. “I pick a restaurant in the county with a patio,� explains Wilde. “I then call and ask if I can bring a dog. If the answer is yes, I ask if I can bring a lot of dogs.� Some restaurateurs tell Wilde the California Health Code bans dogs on the patio. Actually, it doesn’t. Dogs are allowed in outdoor dining areas as long as they don’t have to walk through the dining room to get there. Since Wilde’s first conversion, Seabright Brewery, 23 more cafes have rolled out the water dishes. Asked if the dog-friendly patio is working, Seabright Brewery owner Charlie Meehan replies, “People are loving it. It’s made people so happy to come into our restaurant [patio] with their dogs. He adds, “The dogs, for the most part, have been so well-behaved. They act nicer than the people.� Freelance writer Kelly Luker operates Little Pup Lodge (LittlePupLodge.com), which provides kennel-free boarding and day care exclusively for small dogs. For more dog-related articles, visit www.santacruz.com, find the top navigation bar and click on “news.�

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Candidate Forum “Better late than never� seems to be the consensus concerning the Aug. 12 debate among the candidates for the 15th Senate District seat, scheduled just last week in a f lurry of emails and phone calls. HVciV 8gjo LZZ`an and the AZV\jZ d[ LdbZc KdiZgh are co-sponsoring the event, the first to gather all four candidates in a public forum in the run-up to the Aug. 17 election to fill the recently vacated seat of Lt. Gov. Abel Maldondo. The forum will see Assemblymember HVb 7aV`ZhaZZ (who came within half a percentage point of sweeping the June 22 primary), retired transportation manager ?^b ;^io\ZgVaY, Libertarian National Committee chairman BVg` =^c`aZ and former Assemblymember ?d]c AV^gY talking turkey in a format that’s yet to be decided. It’s scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 12, at 7pm at the Cabrillo College Music Recital Hall, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, and is free and open to the public.

Traci Hukill

Chiseled Brass To call it a “breakthrough� might be premature. But there are now seven out of the city of Santa Cruz’s 762 benefited employees who say they’ll jump on the eZch^dc gZ[dgb bandwagon. Four lieutenants, two deputy chiefs and a captain of the Santa Cruz Police Department agreed last week to temporarily increase the amount of money they pay into the California Public Employees’ Retirement System by 8 percent (all of which will come after they receive a 4 percent annual cost-of-living raise from the city). The city’s finance department estimates the move will save $101,000 next year. The seven employees also tentatively adopted a forthcoming “two-tier� pension system that allows new police managers to be promised fewer retirement benefits. Santa Cruz leaders are crossing their fingers that the gesture by police brass will coax the much larger Police Officers Association, representing rank-and-file cops, to follow suit. “We wanted to take a leadership role and we’re hoping that others in the department will take our lead,� says the president of the Police Management Association, SCPD Deputy Chief @Zk^c Kd\Za. “I don’t know if the idea has resonated but we’re certainly hoping that will happen.� Vogel says the managers could opt out of the agreement if the POA doesn’t fall in line. But even if the rest of the Police Department agrees to the temporary contribution hikes, other employee groups like firefighters and non-public-

safety workers will likely be spared the immediate retirement concessions. Santa Cruz Human Resources Director A^hV Hjaa^kVc says that’s because, back in 2009, firefighters bumped up their CalPERS contribution rates by 2 percent and miscellaneous employees represented by the Service Employees International Union agreed to 10 percent cuts through furloughs. Once their contracts expire in 2011, however, Sullivan says all bets are off. “True pension reform will happen when the employees’ contracts are open,� says Sullivan. “Two-tier reform is perhaps the most important piece for the future, but it’s not enough.� By “not enough� Sullivan means that a two-tier pension system will only offer savings when future generations of employees retire and will do little to address the current fiscal crunch. Shortterm savings, by most accounts, will only come from similar employee contribution rate hikes to what the police managers just agreed to. Police officers, for example, contribute 9 percent of their paychecks into the statewide CalPERS system, while the city matches it at 36 percent. After the recent concessions, top cops will pay 17 percent and the city will pay 28 percent; hence: quick cash. Long-term structural change to the pension system depends on what form any two-tier system will take. On that end, two options have been discussed with respect to police officers and firefighters: a “2 at 50� plan and a “3 at 55� plan. The numbers refer, first, to the percentage of pay an employee will receive in retirement multiplied by the number of years spent on the force, and second, to the minimum age they can retire at. For example, when Police Chief =dlVgY H`Zggn retires in September under the current “3 at 50� plan, he’ll get 3 percent of his roughly $200,000 salary for each of his 30 years on the force, giving him 90 percent of his salary, or about $170,000 per year, in retirement, after deductions for uniforms and vehicle allowance are factored in. If he’d been hired under a 2 at 50 plan, Skerry’s pension would be about $110,000 per year. Vogel says he’d “obviously like to see the 3 at 55 plan� over the 2 at 50 version. “Cops already usually work until their mid-50s,� he says. A 2 at 50 plan, however, would result in 5.3 percent overall payroll savings according to actuarial reports—nearly double the 2.7 percent savings that a 3 at 55 plan would offer. Santa Cruz Finance Director ?VX` 9^aaZh says he’ll be pushing for the bigger savings. “We need to continue to stabilize our budget and increase our reserves,� says Dilles. “Pension reform is one way to do it and I think it’s the right thing to do.�

Curtis Cartier

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Unconditional Love


In the showdown between virtual pets and real ones, it’s the humans who may stand to lose the most AB=@G /<2 >6=B=A 0G 1C@B7A 1/@B73@


T HAS TO BE vomit. Nothing else could explain that wet, meaty stench wafting from the back seat. Pulling the car to a stop, I look back at my dazed 7-month-old golden retriever, Dublin, then down at what is indeed a small but pungent pile of partially digested kibble that the 90-minute trip from Santa Cruz to San Francisco has sent rocketing up from her motion-sensitive stomach and onto the car’s upholstery. To make matters worse, the egg-shaped “Tamagotchi� toy in my pocket lets out a familiar “beep-bop-beep� to announce that “Mametchi,�

the smiling bearlike character on the screen of the handheld device, has taken a digital dump on its virtual carpet. At this point I don’t even want to check on my FooPet and my iPuppy because I know they both need virtual walks, virtual baths and virtual vet appointments. It seems that between my very real pet and the three computerized ones I recently “adopted,� my job as dookie-cleaner-in-chief has increased exactly threefold. Scrubbing up Dublin’s puke takes several paper towels, some all-purpose cleaner and a dab of elbow grease. Mametchi’s steamer requires nothing more than the touch of a button. As I finish, however, my

now perky real dog decides I’ve done an exemplary job and manically licks my face in what I can only imagine is gratitude. Mametchi doesn’t lick my face. Instead it declares: “Bleep bleep!â€? Translation: “All this pooping has now made me hungry.â€? Pressing Mametchi’s food button and giving Dublin a pat on the head, I climb back into the driver’s seat and continue pondering the question I’ve set out to answer. And that is: Which is better— a living, breathing, puking, licking pet or a beeping, battery-powered, wirelessly enhanced virtual pet? The answer, I think, will take some advice from smarter folks than me. ¨ #

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Of Mutt and Mouse The world of virtual pets today is a multibillion-dollar industry with millions of users in scores of countries. The pets are generated by software and hardware-based programs that empower users to create their perfect pet, care for it as much as they want and neglect it whenever it becomes inconvenient. A virtual pet doesn’t chew up your socks or eat your homework. It doesn’t cost a fortune in vet bills when it swallows a bottle of antacids and, in most cases, it will never die. Not everyone, however, thinks that owning a digital pet is pleasurable or even healthy. And in one case, a top scientist who has studied the subject extensively says virtual pets pose a real threat to society. So where did it all start? By most accounts it was in 1986, with a little game for the Macintosh called “Puppy Love.� “We thought Puppy Love would be an educational game that could be a model for teaching [computer] programming,� says Tom Snyder, the creator of Puppy Love, a mind-bogglingly simply game that features a Stephen Hawking–esque

narration voice and involves trying to teach a grayscale puppy tricks using keystrokes. “What we got instead was really just a delightful game that kids and parents could play together. I have a lot of doubts about games for kids these days. I think to do a simulation of something that doesn’t need to be simulated and to market it as something with moral value is wrong. It’s entertainment, pure and simple.â€? The virtual pet games of today are exponentially more sophisticated than in Snyder’s day. The Tamagotchi I have (usually referred to as just a “Tamaâ€?) has removable cartridges that can load new characters and programs. It also has an online community called TamaTown where users can log on, introduce their Tamas to other Tamas, play games and talk with fans from around the world. The iPuppy application for my iPhone brings up an adorable husky puppy that scampers about, barking and playing in a 3-D world that goes wherever I do. And my FooPet account features countless breeds of realistic dogs, each capable of tracking how happy it is through the amount of online attention I give it. In addition there are intricate games like ¨ %

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Render Ranch that use breeding and genetics as a basis for play, allowing users to create entire farms using complex breeding schemes and business-based approaches. Fred Bairn, a computer programmer in Snowflake, Ariz., and the creator of Render Ranch, disagrees with Snyder that virtual pet games can’t be educational. He says his game is exactly that. “We have normal everyday people on the site as well as real ranchers and breeders,� he says. “We try and provide an educational game. Something that’s fun, but something they can learn skills that they can use in real life.�

certainly suffered as a consequence. Compare this to the $600 I paid for my real golden retriever puppy (a steal by most standards), the $50 per month in top-of-the-line dog food she eats, the $100 for spaying, vaccinating and implanting an ID microchip in her skin and the $50 per month or so spent on treats, toys and accessories like fluffy beds, and the cost advantage clearly lies with the digital dog. “Dogs are expensive,� my mother warned me before I purchased Dublin this past Valentine’s Day. “You sure you don’t just want a fish or something?�

Pay to Play

‘For me, it’s pleasurable to come home and take care of animals that you can turn off and go to bed when you’re done with’

Besides the subscription fees that some sites charge people to adopt virtual creatures, users also spend millions of dollars on virtual goods to pamper their pets. The virtual goods industry not only includes virtual pet products, but also “gifts� on Facebook like “Pink Cadillacs� and accessories for World of Warcraft– style role-playing games like Celestial Steed. All told, the virtual goods industry brought in just over $1 billion in the United States in 2009 and $7 billion in Asia according to market research firms Inside Network and Inside Virtual Goods; and fake pet products, no doubt, made up a large portion of that total. Danny Nguyen, a 22-year-old student in Menlo Park, says he spends about $10 to $20 per month on things like “morph potions� and “magic robes� for his bunny character for the site Neopets, one of the most popular virtual pet sites around, boasting some 25 million users. He doesn’t view the money spent as any kind of waste. In fact, he says that if he had more income he’d spend even more. “It’s not like you don’t get something for your money,� he says. “It’s like buying action figures or something else that I don’t really need, but I really want.� Others like Kim May, a 51-year-old former dog breeder from Munson, Pa., says she tries to avoid spending real money on her Render Ranch farm and her Horse Island and PonyIsland virtual horses, but that she’ll spend up to $50 per month in a pinch. “I don’t usually mind spending the money,� she says over the sound of real birds chirping in the background. “For me, it’s pleasurable to come home and take care of animals that you can turn off and go to bed when you’re done with.� In each of the three virtual pets I’ve created, I’ve been able to avoid paying a single dime, though the creatures’ standing among its digital peers has

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—KIM MAY Love Stinks Sherry Turkle is a professor of the social studies of science and technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the author of the forthcoming book Alone Together: Why We Expect More From Technology and Less From Each Other. She’s spent the better part of her career studying the relationships formed when people interact with virtual creatures, computer programs and robots. Turkle says that while virtual pets like Tamagotchis and Neopets can be a harmless distraction when used in moderation, they have the potential to replace the much more valuable relationships people form with real animals and real people. “The hook that virtual pets have is that they ask for care,â€? she tells me. “If something asks for care, we’re programmed biologically to care for it. When we care for it, we experience it like we’ve contributed to its ¨ '

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1=D3@ AB=@G consciousness. We are even willing to feel that it cares for us back. There’s an expectation of reciprocity that’s very deep in our consciousness. [Virtual pets] are socializing us to think that the inanimate is something that is appropriate to attach to, and it raises the question of what kind of relationships we should have with inanimate things.� Turkle goes on to assure that she’s “not an alarmist� and that a child who plays with a virtual pet is not necessarily doomed to a life of social ineptitude. She also says, however, that the changes brought on by a society increasingly connected to virtual realities have already taken hold, and that the only way to remedy it is to develop stronger relationships with real living things. “A real pet has a biology, it knows pain, it attaches to its young, it knows if it’s warm or cold, it has a life cycle,� Turkle continues. “With a real pet, a child learns responsibility; a child learns to care for another creature. With robots and virtual pets, you turn it off and it’s gone. One of my most fascinating findings is that you can make a robot or a virtual pet that’s made to measure. For example, you can keep your Aibo [Japanese robot dog] always a puppy. It doesn’t have to grow up. So what about this notion that we can create companionship that’s made to measure? That’s not preparing us for life. In a certain sense, the fact that your pet has idiosyncrasies—that it’s weird in its own ways, the fact that it gets sick, that you have to take care of it—all these things prepare us for life in the real world, for life with people. A virtual pet does not.� When it comes to idiosyncrasies, my dog Dublin is all stocked up. She pees a little when other dogs scare her, her entire rear end wriggles when she’s happy and she kicks both legs uncontrollably when I scratch her belly. My Tama, iPuppy and FooPet all do cute things too, like retrieve virtual tennis balls and beg for food. But while I admittedly haven’t explored the complete programming capabilities of each of my fake pets, I have to doubt that any of their traits, no matter how cute, are unique. Dublin may puke on the back seat and, since summer started, attract a seemingly incurable amount of fleas. But in a lineup full of 100 other adorable golden retrievers, I like to think I could find her in an instant. And I know she could find me. To read a Q&A with Akihiro Yokoi, creator of Tamagotchi, go to www.santacruz.com, find the top navigation bar and click on ‘news.’











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Animal A nimal Magnetism M a g n et i s m @ @ 8=<3A @ @ 8=<3A

‘The Lion ‘The Lion iin n Winter’ gives gives a Winter’ thundering start start thundering to another another season season to of Shakespeare Shakespeare of Santa Cruz Cruz Santa 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


UMPTUOUSLY S UMPTUOUSLY SPARE, PARE, ffull ull off sound o sound and and fury, furyy, the the 29th 29th Shakespeare Santa S hakespeare S anta Cruz Cruz season’s season’s opening production off The o pening p rod duction o The LLion ion Winter with makes iin nW inter iiss rreplete eplete w ith aall ll tthat hat m akes llive ive worth weight ttheater heater w orth iits ts w eight iin n aaged ged ccognac. ognac. Led byy Marco L ed b Marco Barricelli’s Barricelli’s robust robust Henry, Henryy, the the outstanding powers way o utstanding ccast ast po wers iits ts w ay tthrough hrough bracing, witty ab racing, vviolent iolent aand nd w itty eexercise xercise iin n domestic d omestic politics. politics. French IIn n the the rustic rustic 12th-century 12th-century F rench castle castle off H Henry Christmas o enry III’s I’s ccourt, ourt, tthe he ttime ime iiss C hristmas Henry has his Eleanor aand nd H enry h as allowed allowed h is wife wife E leanor off A Aquitaine o quitaine (Kandis (Kaandis Chappell) Chappell) out out of of prison holidays. p rison for for tthe he h olidays. Also Also home home for for Christmas C hristmas aare re the the royal royal sons sons John Jo ohn (Dylan (Dylan Saunders), Richard Lionheart S aunders), R ichard tthe he L ionheart r (John ( John Pasha) Blakely), P asha) and and Geoffrey Geofffrey ((Aaron Aaron B lakely), well Henry’s mistress Alais aass w ell aass H enry’s yyoung oung m istress A lais her brother ((Mairin Mairin Lee) Lee) aand nd h er b rother Philip, Philip, tthe he king off F France k ing o rance (Adam (Adam Yazbeck). Yazbeck). Everyone Everyyone has his h as an an agenda. agenda. Philip Philip wants wants h is sister sister next queen off E England. tto o become become tthe he n ext q ueen o ngland. The Th he three three greedy greedy brothers brothers each each want want to to be Henry’s Henry’s heir. heir. Henry Henryy wants wants Eleanor’s Eleanor’s Aquitaine, Eleanor A quitaine, aand nd E leanor wants wants Henry. Henryy. However off H owever thickly thickly woven woven tthe he sstrands trands o James Goldman’s rroyal oyal iintrigue ntrigue iin n Ja ames G oldman’s script, script, tthe he aaction ction is is clear clear and and razor-edged razor-edged thanks thanks dynamic pacing. tto o a vvigorous igorous ccast ast aand nd d ynamic p acing. Visceral V isceral music music by by Bonfire Bonf ire Madigan Madigan Shive S hive and and sound sound design design by by Gregory Gregory Scharpen brocades S charpen enhance enhance tthe he rroyal oyal b rocades aand nd off B B.. Modern’s lleathers eathers o Modern’s period period costuming. costuming. Kandis Chappell makes handsome, Ka andis C happell m akes a h andsome,

;/B3A 4=@ AB@743 EEleanor ;/B3A 4=@ AB@743 leanor ooff Aq Aquitaine quitaine ((Kandis Kandis C Chappell) happ ell) and and King King H Henry enr y (Marco (Marco Barricelli) Barricelli) dduke uke iitt oout ut fortunes Cruz Winter.’ oover ver old old grievances grievances aand nd ffuture uture fo rtunes in in the the Shakespeare Shakespeare SSanta a n ta C ruz pproduction roduction ooff ‘‘The The Lion Lion in in W inter.’

acid-tongued Eleanor, acid-tongued Eleanor, wielding wielding her her aauthoritative uthoritative voice voice like like honey honey and and n itroglycerin. B arricelli delivers delivers a nitroglycerin. Barricelli rresounding esounding portrayal portrayal of of the the domineering domineering k ing d ef iant iin nh is desire desire tto o po ssess bo b th king defiant his possess both A lais aand nd A quitaine. ““II d on’t p lan tto o ggive ive Alais Aquitaine. don’t plan u p anything, anything,� snarls snarls Henry Henry as as his his three three up ssons ons begin b gin their be their takeover takeover plot plot in in earnest. earnest. T he interwoven interwoven ssubplot ubplot ffinds inds tthe he aaging ging The k ing d etermined tto ok eep Alais, Alais, whom whom king determined keep h calls “an “an old old man’s man’s llast ast aattachment, ttachment,� hee calls b ut not not aatt tthe he eexpense xpense o quitaine, tthe he but off A Aquitaine, tterritory erritory E leanor continues continues to to deny deny him. him. Eleanor M uch o ion w orks aass eeloquent loquent ssitcom, itcom, Much off LLion works w ith one-liners one-liners flying f lying fast fast as as daggers. daggers. with T he domestic domestic pas pas d eux is is ggloweringly loweringly The dee d deux ffunny—do unny—do tthey hey rreally eally sstill till love love each each other? other? O do tthey hey ssimply imply aact ct like like it, it, aall ll tthe he b etter Orr do better tto o iinflict nf lict deeper deeper wounds? wounds? The Th he play play bursts bursts w ith open open iinterfamilial nterfamilial w arfare, k nives with warfare, knives d rawn aand nd tteeth eeth b ared. S trands o Medea, drawn bared. Strands off Medea, W ho’s Afraid Afraid of of Virginia Virginia Woolf? Woolff ? and and ggreat reat Who’s h elpings o ennessee W illiams gglimmer limmer helpings off T Tennessee Williams aand nd b ite tthrough hrough tthe he p lay’s ccrafty rafty rrhetoric. hetoric. bite play’s B ut the the stellar stellar performances performances by by B arricelli But Barricelli aand nd C happell aass tthe he rroyal oyal combatants combatants are are Chappell

matched nail byy tthe m atched ttooth ooth aand nd n ail b he eensemble nsemble off m male notably o ale aactors, ctors, n otably Yazbeck Yazbeck aass a particularly p articularly brazen brazen 12th-century 12th-century hottie. hottie. Henry’s H enry’s sons—self-serving sons—self-serving narcissists narcissists off b brooding ffull ull o rooding resentment resentment toward toward parents p arents who who neglected neglected them, them, yet yet whom whom The tthey hey aadore—each dore—each llust ust ffor or ssupremacy. upremacy. T he have physical aactors ctors h ave etched etched distinctive distinctive p hysical well aass w ell aass vvocal ocal iidentities dentities tto o eencode ncode John’s whining, Geoffrey’s duplicity Jo ohn’s w hining, G eoffrey’s d uplicity aand nd Richard’s R ichard’s sheer sheer steely steely nerve. nerve. As As the the alpha alpha Richard, John Pasha sson on R ichard, Jo ohn P asha iiss iincandescent. ncandescent. Using U sing his his unflinching unf linching eeye ye contact contact aand nd power match Barricelli bellow vvocal ocal p ower tto om atch B arricelli b ellow bellow, ffor or b ellow, ttaunt aunt for for taunt, taunt, Pasha Pasha applies applies sspine-tingling pine-tingling emotional emotional torque torque to to his his bitterly b itterly vengeful vengeful character. character. There’s Th here’s plenty plenty off vvenom brilliance o enom aand nd b rilliance to to go go around. around. Powering deft P owering aall ll tthe he d eft and and cunning cunning cconspiracy onspiracy is is Richard Richard E .T. White’s White’s adroit adroit E.T. sstage tage d irection. B arricelli ccommands ommands direction. Barricelli w ithout d ominating eeither ither tthe he sstage tage without dominating o he p lay. R eminiscent o nother orr tthe play. Reminiscent off aanother sstage tage llion, ion, B urt L ancaster, Barricelli Barricelli uses uses Burt Lancaster, h is bod nd vvoice oice tto o iignite gnite H enry’s his bodyy aand Henry’s llarger-than-life arger-than-life hunger hunger for for everything— everyything—

England, llife, England, ife, m more ore yyears, ears, more more llove, ove, aand nd perhaps, pe rhaps, more more Eleanor. Eleanor. Magnificent Magnif icent iin n a ssmoldering moldering rred ed velvet velvet gown, gown, Chappell Chappell Henry iignites gnites tthe he ssecond econd aact ct aass sshe he aand nd H enry duel d uel and and argue—gloriously—over argue—gloriously—over who has most over many w ho h as lost lost tthe he m ost o ver ttheir heir m any know what yyears ears together. together. “You “You don’t don’t k now w hat nothing Henry Eleanor n othing iis, s,� H enryy sspits pits aatt E leanor aass tthey hey ccompare ompare psychological psychological damage. damage. A brisk brisk eevening vening of of high-stakes high-stakes theater, theater, The Winter T he LLion ion iin nW inter is is a rrobust obust aand nd occasionally oc casionally romantic romantic dissection dissection of of the the many off m any conflicting conf licting shapes shapes and and textures textures o Set past, play llove. ove. S et iin n tthe he p ast, tthe he p lay iilluminates lluminates present. aan n eeternal ternal p resent. And And the the ending ending is is perfection. pe rfection. rf

THE T HE LION LION IN IN WINTER WIN TER runs runs tthrough hrough Aug. Aug. 29 29 in in the the Mainstage Mainstage Theater, T heater, UCSC, UCSC, 1156 1156 High High St., St., Cruz. Tickets $15–$47 SSanta anta C ruz. T ickeets $ 15–$47 aatt www.shakespearesantacruz.org w ww.shakeespearesantacruz.orrgg 831.459.2159. oorr 8 31.459.2159.


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Bawdy Beautiful 8/</ ;/@1CA

Lusty and dazzling, ‘Cabaret’ launches Cabrillo Stage into another league 0G B@/17 6C97::


HE AUDIENCE never stood a chance. From the moment the lights came up on dynamo Roddy Kennedy in the impish, libidinous role of the Master of Ceremonies, the cast of Cabaret was in charge. No provincial musical theater production this, with audience members tensed for blown high notes and leadfooted maneuvers by nondancers. Cabrillo Stage’s latest offering brims with big-city talent—top-notch singing, powerful dancing and strong acting, all marshaled by director Trevor Little into a dark tale about decadence, innocence and escalating racism in 1930s Berlin. Into the roaring underground confined of the Kit Kat Club, where negligeeclad dancing girls in stockings and garters cavort with omnisexual dancing boys and wealthy patrons, steps callow Pennsylvania native Clifford Bradshaw (Andrew Ceglio), looking very much like fresh meat to bombshell British expatriate Sally Bowles (Briana Michaud), queen of the cabaret. Improbably, the two shack up in the boarding house of the fussy but kind-hearted Fraulein Schneider (Kathryn Adkins), who is being courted by Herr Schultz (Doug Baird), a Jewish widower and fruit vendor. When Cliff ’s friend Ernst Ludwig (Josiah Frampton) reveals that he’s working for an upstart political party with dark views of the Jews, things begin to unravel, first slowly, then with dizzying speed. The stunning Michaud plays Sally Bowles as a goddess of the burlesque, alternately purring and belting out musical numbers in a huge, gorgeous voice. A powerful dancer, she commands the stage with every number, especially the bittersweet “Cabaret,� directed by

27@BG 2/<17<5 Briana Michaud as Sally Bowles and Roddy Kennedy as the Master of Ceremonies make naughty nice in Cabrillo Stage’s production of ‘Cabaret.’

Little as a devastating preview of Bowles’ future as a booze-addled has-been clinging to her love of the spotlight. Michaud owns it outright. “Liza who?� my husband whispered when it was over. Similarly, Kennedy’s Master of Ceremonies anchors the production with an exceptional combination of athleticism, vocal skill and killingly charismatic stage presence. He darts in and out of scenes, slapping every firm set of buttocks within range and warming the stage with sexy, mischievous energy every time he appears. We are always glad to see him, and his performances of “Willkommen,� “Money� and a hilarious bit of dancing in drag make him an easy audience favorite. Numerous other performances deserve mention. As the older lovebirds Fraulein Schneider and Herr Schultz, Adkins and Baird are dignified and lovable; I’m sure I wasn’t the only one struggling not to blubber during their last tender number together. Ariel Buck’s gorgeous crystalline soprano in her small role as Fraulein Kost was, as usual, outstanding. Alexander Faulk’s tenor solo as a laborer

finding hope (“Tomorrow Belongs to Me�) was heart-stoppingly beautiful, and he hit the high B-flat with control and apparent ease. The ensemble’s dancing excelled throughout; a special nod goes to Elizabeth Shipton as the surly Helga, Skye Wilson as the ditzy Fritzie and Emily Zimmerman as the Gorilla for bringing exceptional character to their dancing roles. And Maria Crush’s costumes, Jim Culley’s luscious set and the excellent band, conducted by Jon Nordgren, brought Berlin to life. No review of this production would be complete without a mention of director Little’s choreography of the last number. For anyone who’s ever wondered how the Third Reich could have happened, Little suggests an answer: it happened while good people were sleepwalking. CABARET runs through Aug. 15 at the Cabrillo Crocker Theater, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos. For schedule and tickets visit www.cabrillostage.com or call 831.479.6429.


july 28-august 4, 2010

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july 28-august 4, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

of contemporary music “ Cabrillo Festival has made the contemporary repertoire sound urgent, indispensable and even sexy.” – Financial Times

music director marin alsop

eighth blackbird

august augu ust 1 – 15


Wednesday, August 4, 5:15pm Free IN THE WORKS: concert of works by young composers.

mark-anthony turnage

tickets on n sale now!

cabrillomusic.org cabrillom music.org

Friday Friday, y, August 6, 8pm m OPENING NIGHT: NIGHT: ON A WIRE eighth blackbir blackbird d appears for the th he West West Coast P Premiere remiere of P Pulitzer ulitzer P Prize-winning rize-winning composer Jennifer Higdon’s Higdon’s On A Wir Wire; re; B British ritish composer Mark-Anthonyy Turnage’s Turnage’s Scher Scherzoid rzzoid rreceives eceivess its W est Coast P remiere; and the t W orld P remiere of Michael Hersch’ s Symphony N o. 3. All West Premiere; World Premiere Hersch’s No. three thr ee composers in the house house!! SPONSORED S SP ONSORED BY

Maestra Marin M Alsop leads the Cabrillo Festival Orchestra F Or chestra in two World World Premieres, Prremiere e e one U.S. Premiere, es, Pre emierre, e and seven West West Coast C Pr Premieres, remiere e es, with composers-in-residence! twelve com mposers-in-re esidence!

Saturday, y, August 7, 8pm REWIND y, R Scottish percussionist rcussionist Colin Currie takes tak kes center stage for Jennifer Higdon’s Hig gdon’s P Percussion ercussion Concerto (2010 (2010 GRAMMY-winner GRAMMY--winner sical Composition”); West West Coast C P remiere of <<r re ewind<< by British British composer Anna Clyne; Clyn ne; and two West West Coast “Best Classical Premiere <<rewind<< Premieres of Mark-Anthony T Turnage: Tu urnage: Chicago Remains and Drowned d Out Out.. All thr three ee composers in the th he house!

jennifer higdon


Sunday, ay y,, August 8, 1pm FREE F FAMILY AMIL A LY CONCER CONCERT RT It begins with a petting zoo-style zoo-sttyle Tour To our of the Or Orchestra chestra and continues c when Marin Alsop conducts co onducts N Nathaniel athaniel Stookey and Lemony Snicket’s Snick ket’s The Composer is Dead! It’ murder mystery extraordinaire, extraordina aire, and fun for the It’ss a murder whole family! SPONSORED SP ONSORED BY


kevin puts colin currie

;^V VM UL^ T\ZPJ»Z TVZ[ YLZWLJ[LK HUK KHYPUN LUZLTISLZ ZOHYL [OL Z[HNL MVY [OL ]LY` ÄYZ[ [PTL ;OL`»SS ZWSP[ ; ^ ^V VM UL^ T\ZPJ»Z TVZ[[ YLZWLJ[LK HUK KHYPUN LUZLTI ISLZ ZOHYL [OL Z[HNL MVY [OL ]LY`` ÄYZ[ [PTL ;OL`»SS ZWSP[ the bill, each pr presenting esenting the t awar award-winning d-winning pr programming ogrammin ng for which they’ve become renowned. ren nowned. A not-to-bemissed experience!

Saturday, Satur day y, August 14, 8pm DALLIANCE

philip glass

Michael Shapir Shapiro’s o’s Roller Coasterr gets a rollicking rollicking W West est Coast C P Premiere; remiere; Sean Hickey’s Hickey’s Dalliance has its W World orld P Premiere; remiere; composer/pianist Kev Kevin in P Puts uts is featur featured ed soloist for hi hiss an nd John Adams’ joins for City Noir N d in his Califor nian piano concerto, Night Night;; and Noir,, the thir third Californian series. se es All four ou co composers composer posers in the house! SPONSORED SP ONSORED BY

kronos quartet

Sunday, August 15, 8pm at Mission San Juan Bautista MUSIC AT THE MISSION: IN AETERNAM .YHUK -PUHSL WLYMVYTHUJLZ PU [OL THNUPÄJLU[ ZHUJ[\HY` VM [OL 6SK 4PZZPVU 7OPSPW .SHZZ QVPUZ for his Cello concerto featuring Wendy Sutter; Elena Kats-Chernin joins for the U.S. Premiere of Heaven is Closed; Pierre Jalbert joins for his award-winning In Aeternam; and the orchestra presents the West Coast Premiere of George Walker’s Foils. Three composers in the house! SPONSORED BY

elena kats-chernin

ORDER TICKE TICKETS NOW! ONLINE: cabrillomu cabrillomusic.org c usic.org (through (thr ough SantaCruzTickets.com) SanttaCruzTickets.com)

PHONE: 8 831.420.5260 31.420.52 260 (pr (press ess 5) IN PERSON: PERSO ON: Santa Cruz C Civic m Box Office Offi fice Auditorium 307 Church Church c Str Street eet CALL TOD TODAY! DA AY Y! SELL OUTS OUT TS EXPECT TED! EXPECTED!

Saturday & Sunday, August 7 & 8, 11am-8pm CABRILLO MUSIC ART & WINE FESTIVAL Two full days of world music and dance on the Church Street Stage including Flor de Caña, Danjuma & Onola, Watsonville Taiko, Singing Wood Marimba, Desert Dream Dance, Mariachi de Eleazar Cortes, and more; more than 60 artisans booths, food and wine, Creativity Tent for Kids with free hands-on art workshops, and much more! SPONSORED BY

flor de caña

wendy sutter

j #

A/<B/1@CH 1=; july 28-august 4, 2010 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

:7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

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>:/13A All branches of the Santa Cruz County Bank are showing black and white photographic works taken in locations both local and distant by 10 local photographers. Through Oct. 12, during business hours. Free. For locations see www.sccountybank.com or call 831.457.5000.

/@=C<2 B=E<

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3 $

4@72/G % ! Âł AC<2/G &

AB@/E03@@G 43AB7D/: A carnival on Friday evening at dinnertime begins this berry bonanza, with strawberry-pieeating contests (pictured) starting on Saturday and running nearly every hour. Nonstop entertainment, live dancing costumed berries and more types of food and drink than one could count round out the festivities. Friday, July 30, around 6pm, Saturday 10:30am–7pm and Sunday 10:30am–6:30pm. Free admission. At City Plaza on Main, Peck and Union Streets, Watsonville. Schedule and details: www.mbsf.com.

$ j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA july 28-august 4, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; 1 # @ @ 8=<3A

6j\jhi &) " &* ™ &%Vb " +eb ™ H`neVg` Presented by Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce & Scotts Valley Arts Commission &INE !RT s ,IVE -USIC s +IDS !RT +ORNER s &ANTASTIC &OOD 7INE "EER 4ASTING s /VER !RTISTS "ANDS 3AINTS 3INNERS s 3AVOY s 4HE 'ROOVE +INGS &AST ,ANE "AND s "LIND ,EMON 0HILLIPS s (OLD 4IGHT "AND

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:=D3¸A :/0=@¸A :=AB Shakespeare Santa Cruz performs the Bard’s knowing comedy about a king and three young lords who swear off women—until in walk in the Princess of France and her court. Through Aug. 29 at varying times. At UCSC’s outdoor Festival Glen. Tickets $33–49 at www.shakespearesantacruz.org or 831.459.2159. Zck^gdcbZci id egZhZci i]Zb# Id gZhZgkZ i^bZ XVaa -(&#)&.#+*,)# LZY! ?ja '-! +/(%" .eb# ;gZZ# A^kZ DV` <gVc\Z! &.%% &,i] 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo# Ab`SSbZWUVb ;caWQOZ >S`T]`[O\QS AS`WSa ;jc`n 9dhV\Z [gdb HVciV 8gjo eZg[dgbh dc HVi ?ja (& Vi )eb# ;gZZ# HigZZia^\]i GZXdgYh HVciV 8gjo! .(. EVX^[^X 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'&#.'%%# BSRRg 0SO`¸a 7QS 1`SO[ >WQ\WQ EgZhX]dda VcY eg^bVgn hX]dda \gVYZ X]^aYgZc VgZ lZaXdbZ id Wg^c\ i]Z^g [Vkdg^iZ iZYYn WZVgh [dg hidg^Zh VcY ^XZ XgZVb# LZY! ?ja '-! &eb# ;gZZ# EdgiZg BZbdg^Va A^WgVgn! (%*% EdgiZg Hi! HdfjZa! -(&#),*#(('+# BV][Oa bVS BO\Y 3\UW\S I]Z XaVhh^X [g^ZcYan igV^c! cdl *+ nZVgh ^c i]Z ejWa^X hedia^\]i! k^h^ih [dg ild lZZ`ZcYh VcY iV`Zh `^Yh [dg g^YZh# ;g^! ?ja (%! &%/)*Vb" 'eb! HVi! ?ja (&! ./(%Vb")eb VcY Hjc! 6j\ &! ./(%Vb")eb# &-# GdVg^c\ 8Vbe! CVggdl <Vj\Z GV^agdVY! <gV]Vb =^aa VcY Bdjci =ZgbVc GY! ;Zaidc! -(&#((*#))-)# B]c` ]T 2OdS\^]`b 8OWZ B6= hedchdgh i]^h idjg d[ i]Z [dgbZg _V^a! adXViZY WZ]^cY i]Z 9VkZcedgi GdVY]djhZ# Hjc! 6j\ &! &&Vb")eb# ;gZZ0 YdcVi^dch lZaXdbZ# HVciV 8gjo BjhZjb d[ 6gi VcY =^hidgn! ,%* ;gdci Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'.#&.+)#

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july 28-august 4, 2010

| 27

03/ /BA1/>3 jjuly u l y 28-august 2 8 - a u g u s t 4, 4 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; & & j 03/BA1/>3

J a z z P re s e n te rs s i n ce 1 9 7 5



Blending classical, Latin and bebop influences. “4-STARS “ –DownBeat Concert: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel

MON. AUGUST 2 • 7 & 9 PM


“Rock ‘n Ryhythm� Tribute to Duke Ellington $25/Adv $28/Door, No Jazztix or Comps Sponsored by Drew Miller Insurance Services, Inc.


THE LE BOEUF BROTHERS Concert: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel

Special dinner beginning at 5:30 pm



Sponsored by William and Cloy Codiga Family

MON. AUGUST 16 • 7 & 9 PM


The greatest Kora player on the planet! 7 PM: $25/Adv $28/Door 9 PM: $20/Adv $23/Door 8/23 Christian Scott 8/26 Lenny White’s Anomaly feat. Jimmy Herring ADVANCE TICKETS: Logos Books & Records and Kuumbwajazz.org CafÊ Kuumbwa serves dinner Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, along with beer and wine. All ages welcome. Tickets subject to service charge & 5% admission tax.

320-2 Cedar St • Sa nta C r u z 427-2227


E/@; 4CHH73A E /@; / 4CHH73 3A The Fruit Bats it down to to Big Sur on Saturday. Saturday.

E32<3A2/G j % E 32<3A 2/G j % &

B6C@A2/G j % B 6 C @ A 2/G j % '

4@72/G j % ! 4 @ 7 2/G j % !

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Indie rrock Indie ock b bands ands d don’t on’t b break reak u up, p, tthey hey ggo oo nh iatus. During During W olf P arade’s on hiatus. Wolf Parade’s b reak, ffrontmen rontmen Spencer Spencer K rug aand nd break, Krug D an B oeckner eenjoyed njoyed jjust ust aass m uch Dan Boeckner much ssuccess uccess w ith ttheir heir vanity vanity p rojects with projects S unset R ubdown aand nd H andsome F urs Sunset Rubdown Handsome Furs aass w ith ttheir heir original original collaboration. collaboration. with F ortunately tthey hey rreunited—Krug eunited—Krug Fortunately aand nd B oeckner’s d ecadently d isheveled Boeckner’s decadently disheveled w ork iin nW olf P arade iiss always always more more work Wolf Parade tthan han tthe he sum sum of of ttheir heir parts—and parts—and tthe he b and’s n ewest aalbum, lbum, Expo Expo p 86, 86, is is the the band’s newest m ost focused focused and and rrefined ef ined iiteration teration o most off tthe he b and’s sshambling hambling yyet et eepic pic vision. vision. band’s It t’s a set set o songs b uilt ffor or tthe he sstage, tage, as as It’s off songs built eevidenced videnced b heir ttriumphant riumphant sset et aatt byy ttheir tthis his yyear’s ear’s P itchfork M usic Festival, Festival, Pitchfork Music w hich ccould ould b arely ccontain ontain tthe he b and’s which barely band’s sstadium-rock tadium-rock aambitions. mbitions. T he C atalyst; The Catalyst; $ 20 aadv/$22 dv/$22 d oor; 8 pm. ((Paul Paul M $20 door; 8pm. M.. D avis) Davis)

With W ith aatmospheric tmospheric ttracks racks tthat hat iinch nch fforward orward aatt a gglacial lacial p ace, O ntario’s pace, Ontario’s M emoryhouse p roduces tthe he k ind o Memoryhouse produces kind off ffrigid, rigid, ccrystalline rystalline ssoundscapes oundscapes o ne one m ight eexpect xpect tto o rrumble umble n aturally might naturally o ut o he C anadian ttundra undra iitself. tself. out off tthe Canadian L ed b ongwriter aand nd n eoclassical Led byy ssongwriter neoclassical m usic aaficionado f icionado E van A beele aand nd music Evan Abeele aaugmented ugmented b ideoggrapher aand nd byy vvideographer ccherubic herubic vvocalist ocalist D enise N ouvion, Denise Nouvion, tthe he ggroup roup aalso lso iincorporate ncorporate a ffull ull p sychedelic vvisual isual sshow how w ith ttheir heir psychedelic with m ultilayered llo-fi o-f i llive ive p erformances. multilayered performances. A lso o n tthe he b ill aare re llocal ocal p rog rrock ock Also on bill prog d ream tteam eam M ountain A nimal dream Mountain Animal H ospital aand nd C hatsworth gglitch-hop litch-hop Hospital Chatsworth eexperimenters xperimenters B aths, m aking tthis his ffar ar Baths, making ffrom rom yyour our ttypical ypical jjazz azz n ight aatt tthe he night K uumbwa. K uumbwa; $ 13; 8 pm. ((CC) CC) Kuumbwa. Kuumbwa; $13; 8pm.

The eelectro The lectro h house ouse ggenre, enre, with with its its b ig beats, beats, enormous enormous bass bass aand nd punk punk big ssensibilities, ensibilities, h as p ushed electronic electronic has pushed m usic b ack iinto nto m ainstream p op music back mainstream pop cculture ulture tthanks hanks to to acts acts llike ike D aft Punk, Punk, Daft M STRK KR RFT, Justice Ju ustice and and d eadmau5. MSTRKRFT, deadmau5. R epresenting S in C ity’s ccontribution ontribution Representing Sin City’s tto o the the eelectro lectro house house movement, movement, tthe he L as V egas d uo A fghan R aiders have have Las Vegas duo Afghan Raiders d one nothing nothing b ut gget et b igger ssince ince tthey hey done but bigger ffirst irst hit hit tthe he sscene cene in in 2 007. U sing strong strong 2007. Using eelements lements o ip -hop and and rrock, ock, the the ttwo wo off h hip-hop D Js eemploy mploy a classic classic four-on-the-floor four-on-the-f loor DJs ttempo empo tto o llure ure p eople out, out, only only to to blast blast people tthem hem with with subterranean subterranean b ass lines lines aand nd bass eelectronic lectronic p ower cchords hords that that ttest est tthe he power sstructural tructural iintegrity ntegrity o any eardrums eardrums iin n off any tthe he vicinity. vicinity. M otiv; ccall all for for price; price; 9pm. 9pm. Motiv; ((Curtis Curtis Cartier) Cartier)

j '

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; jjuly u l y 28-august 2 8 - a u g u s t 4, 4 , 2010 2 0 1 0 03/BA1/>3 03/ /BA1/>3 3

1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A 5@3/ 5@3/B /;3@71/< B/F7 /B /; /;3 3@7 @71/< B/ B/F F7 A UG. 5 AT AT MOE’S MO O ALLEY OE’S OE LLEY AUG. / 4:=19 =4 A3/ 4: A3/5C::A /5C C: ::A / 4:=19 =4 A3/5C::A AUG. A UG G. 6 AT AT BEACH B ACH BEA H BOARDWALK BOA BO OA ARD DWA WALK A

4@72/G j % ! 4 @ 7 2/G j % % !

32273 ;=<3G 3 2273 ;=<3G In tthe In he nigh-quarter nigh-quarter ccentury entury since since he he ttold old us us h idn’t want want to to let let u go till till hee d didn’t uss go w saw tthe he light, light, E ddie Money Money h as wee saw Eddie has sshaken haken u p crowds crowds in in ’’80s 80s n ights across across up nights tthe he country, country, and and tthe he results results aare re in: in: we we tthink hink w e’re in in llove. ove. S ome epic epic poppop we’re Some rrock ock has has ccome ome out out o the N ew Y ork off the New York ccop-turned-rocker: op-turned-rocker: cchorus-heavy horus-heavy peaks peaks ssatisfied atisf ied by by iintense ntense m usical b uildups. musical buildups. IIt’s t’s ffelt elt in in tthe he hands hands aand nd inspires inspires airairp unching. L egendary songs songs like like ““Take Take punching. Legendary M Home Tonight, Tonight,� ““II T hink I’m I’m in in Mee Home Think L ove� aand nd “Two “Two Tickets Tiickets to to Paradise� Paradise� are are Love� ccatchy atchy and and ssimple, imple, and and a llive ive show show aafter fter yyears ears of of rradio adio llistens istens isn’t isn’t something something tto op ass up. up. Beach Beach Boardwalk; Boardwalk; ffree; ree; 6:30 6:30 pass aand nd 8:30pm. 8:30pm. ((Kate Kaate Jacobson) Jacobson)

4@72/G j % ! 4 @ 7 2/G j % !

@=<<73 @=<<73 ;=<B@=A3 ; =<B@=A3 A rrocker ocker famous famous ffor or h his is iinstrumentals, nstrumentals, M ontrose doesn’t doesn’t aattempt ttempt to to write write Montrose ssongs ongs for for singers. singers. Where Where h e’s ggoing, oing, h he’s hee d oesn’t need need words. words. His His background background iiss doesn’t ffrom rom the the lland and o incendiary gguitar uitar riffs rifffs off incendiary aand nd experimental experimental ttones, ones, making making h im a him ssolo olo artist artist w ho ggives ives his his aacoustic coustic b lues who blues

ab lend o off po wer llifted ifted ffrom rom yyears ears iin n blend power ffront ront o n aamp. mp. O ften sstamped tamped aass a off aan Often gguitar uitar vvirtuoso, irtuoso, M ontrose h as p ut o ut Montrose has put out ssome ome p retty jjazzy azzy rrock ock w hile rremaining emaining pretty while aass ttechnically echnically iimpressive mpressive aass d uring h is during his h eavier yyears. ears. Fo or a sshow how aass n atural heavier For natural aass ttonight’s onight’s aacoustic coustic cconcert, oncert, aall ll h hee ttones ones d own iiss tthe he h eadbanging. D on down headbanging. Don Q uixote’s; $ 16 aadv/$18 dv/$18 d oor; 8 pm. ((KL) KL) Quixote’s; $16 door; 8pm.


A/BC@2/G j % ! A /B C @ 2/G j % !

4@C7B 0/BA 4 @ C 7 B 0 /B A For the For the p past ast d decade, ecade, tthe he Fruit Fruit Bats Bats h ave been been b uilding tthe he rrubric ubric have building ffor or m ellow, bucolic bucolic iindie-folk. ndie-folk. mellow, C onsidering tthe he b and’s iinfluence nf luence o n Considering band’s on aany ny n umber of of tthreads hreads o Aughts number off Aughts iindie, ndie, it’s it’s shocking shocking it it d oesn’t receive receive doesn’t m ore credit. credit. B andleader E ric JJohnson ohnson more Bandleader Eric sserved erved time time iin nF ruit B ats–inspired Fruit Bats–inspired o utf its llike ike tthe he S hins aand nd Vetiver Vetiver tto o outfits Shins p ay tthe he bills, bills, but but it’s it’s h igh time time he he pay high eearned arned a bit bit more more o the sspotlight potlight off the ffor or ccontinuing ontinuing tto o tturn urn o ut p erfectly out perfectly ccrafted rafted b ittersweet m orsels o olk-pop, bittersweet morsels off ffolk-pop, m ost recently recently on on 2009’s 2009’s T he R uminant most The Ruminant B and. JJohnson ohnson h asn’t cchanged hanged tthe he Band. hasn’t fformula ormula m uch o ver tthe he yyears ears b ut h as much over but has iinstead nstead h oned h is ssignature ignature ssound ound honed his iinto nto ssomething omething sstunningly tunningly p ure aand nd pure aaffecting. ffecting. H enry M iller L ibrary, B ig Henry Miller Library, Big S ur; $ 20; 77:30pm. :30pm. ((PMD) PMD) Sur; $20;

;=<2/G j & ; = < 2/G j &

B ;=23: 4=@2 B ;=23: 4=@2 James Lewis James Lewis C Carter arter F Ford, ord, aa.k.a. .k.a. T T-M odel F ord, is is tthe he kind kind of of b lues Model Ford, blues m usician o ther b lues musicians musicians w rite musician other blues write ssongs ongs about. about. Unable, Unable, aapparently, pparently, to to rremember emember h is exact exact age age o ow m any his orr h how many n ights he’s he’s sspent pent in in jjail, ail, tthis his leathery leathery nights gguitar uitar strummer strummer m ight b escribed aass might bee d described B .B. King Kiing meets meets H ank W illiams Jr r. H is B.B. Hank Williams Jr. His m usic combines combines tthe he storytelling storytelling ggrit rit of of music D elta blues blues with with the the C hicagoan b ootDelta Chicagoan bootsscooting cooting sstyle tyle o uke jjoint. oint. A nd iiff h is off jjuke And his aage ge suggests suggests aan n in-bed-by-8 in-bed-by-8 aapproach pproach tto o ttouring, ouring, tthink hink again, again, b ecause tthis his because n onagenarian ccan an sstill till ttoss oss b ack ccold old nonagenarian back o nes with with tthe he best best and and cchase hase sskirts kirts ones w ith tthe he w orst. Crepe Crepe P lace; $ 10; 9 pm. with worst. Place; $10; 9pm. ((CC) CC)

BC3A2/G j & ! B C 3 A 2/G j & !

2/@ E7::7/;A 2/ @ E7::7/;A

77<273 2/@:7<5 <273 2/@:7<5 Darr W Williams illiams i plays K Kuumbwa u uumbwa on T Tuesday. u uessday.

In tthe In he decades decades ffollowing ollowing tthe he ’’60s 60s ffolk olk insurgence, insurgence, ffolk olk musicians musicians h ave have rresorted esorted tto o aany ny n umber o ffectations number off aaffectations tto o ggrasp rasp at at rrelevance. elevance. M ore o ften More often tthan han not, not, this this has has resulted resulted in in d ated dated ggimmickry. immickry. Credit Credit D ar W illiams ffor or Dar Williams ffollowing ollowing tthe he first f irst rule rule o uality off q quality w riting: k eep tthings hings sstripped tripped down down writing: keep aand nd avoid avoid trickery, trickery, aand nd yyour our d istinct distinct vvoice oice will will emerge. emerge. W illiams iisn’t sn’t d oing Williams doing aanything nything radically radically d ifferent ffrom rom different m any of of her her peers peers o orbears, b ut sshe he many orr fforbears, but ccommands ommands tthe he form form sso o ccompletely ompletely iit’s t’s as as if if she she iinvented nvented it it w hole cloth. cloth. whole W illiams’ observational observational sskills, kills, w it and and Williams’ wit m elodic gifts gifts m ark her her as as a ssongwriter ongwriter melodic mark o the first f irst o rder, llending ending aan n ageless ageless off the order, q uality tto o her her cconsiderable onsiderable b ody o quality body off w ork. K uumbwa; $ 25 aadv/$28 dv/$28 door; door; 7 work. Kuumbwa; $25 aand nd 9pm. 9pm. (PMD) (PMD)

! j 1:C0 5@72 july 28-august 4, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;


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Split Lip RayďŹ eld Hillstomp


(K] +Y +YZ W T :OV^ W T 1\S Guns for San Sebastian Atrium (Ages 21+) 1\S Anuhea/ The Green Atrium (Ages 16+) 1\S Led Zepagain Atrium (Ages 16+) 1\S Circle/ 3rd Victim of Abigail Rutledge Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N 20 Grit Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N Smash Mouth (Ages 16+) (\N Xavier Rudd (Ages 16+) (\N Ted Nugent (Ages 21+) (\N Bad Brains (Ages 16+) (\N The Hold Steady (Ages 16+) (\N Jackie Greene (Ages 21+) (\N Hieroglyphics (Ages 16+) :LW Israel Vibration (Ages 21+) :LW Benny Benassi (Ages 16+) :LW Collie Buddz (Ages 16+) :LW Atmosphere (Ages 16+) 6J[ Easy Star All-Stars (Ages 16+) 6J[ O.A.R. (Ages 16+) 6J[ Tech N9ne (Ages 16+) 6J[ The Pack (Ages 16+) <USLZZ V[OLY^PZL UV[LK HSS ZOV^Z HYL KHUJL ZOV^Z ^P[O SPTP[LK ZLH[PUN Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online


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Gabriel Iglesias

Bill Burr

Lisa Lampanelli

Jeffrey Ross

JB Smoove

Kevin Hart

Jo Koy


Buy tickets at livenation.com. To charge by phone (800) 745-3000. Limit 8 tickets per person. All dates, acts and ticket prices are subject to change without notice. All tickets are subject to applicable service charges.

34 |

july 28-august 4, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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Fool in Love

A fantasy spins out of control in ‘Wild Grass’ 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19


HE HISTORY of a seriously odd mallard, Wild Grass is Alain Resnais’ leisurely, cryptic satire on the extremes of male pride. Based on Christian Gailly’s novel The Incident, it concerns characters who are as much mysteries to themselves as they are to us. Georges (AndrÊ Dussolier, sort of a debonair version of Ed Begley Jr.) is a 60ish suburbanite who finds a lady’s wallet. He fixates on her: a passion that demands not just acknowledgment but serious respect. Georges is a married man, but his younger wife, Suzanne (Anne Cosigny), evinces no signs of jealousy, only a bemused sense of possession, unshakable by any rogue feelings on her husband’s part. She is as calm as the concrete, even as her husband’s passion bursts through the cracks like crabgrass (the film’s title is explained by just such an image). Georges’ unusual love object is a middleaged dentist, Marguerite (Sabine AzÊma, the Christian secretary in Private Fears in Public Places), a carrot-top who f lies planes as a hobby. This detail captivates Georges; in his mind, Marguerite begins to resemble the image of a famous hero aviatrix of the 1930s. He amplifies his persistence—and vents his anger when she refuses to meet with him. Edouard Baer’s urbane narration keeps this pleasurable experiment remote as

well as comedic, even if there are static moments of slow deliberation, off-putting fancifulness and a family meal that is mostly there to show just how settled Georges is. Wild Grass is the story of a man working himself into the role of a great lover, a man of dark proud passion. What he really is is a duffer. In one final moment of excruciating embarrassment, he resembles Leslie Nielsen in a slapstick role. Just as Georges represents hopeless love, Marguerite represents the color red; Wild Grass is an abstraction of what movies do. If you don’t count Mathieu Almaric’s hilarious turn as a cop taking it easy for the rest of us, the film’s highlight is the evolution of Marguerite into a cinematic love object. The frizzy yet chic woman haunts a street of glowing crimson in which the centerpiece is one of those lovely, bijou-size revival movie theaters they have in Paris, bathed in Chinese red light.

WILD GRASS (PG; 104 min.), directed by Alain Resnais and starring AndrĂŠ Dussolier, Anne Cosigny, Emmanuelle Devos and Sabine AzĂŠma, opens Friday at the Nickelodeon. (In French, with subtitles).

!$ j 47:; july 28-august 4, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY JULY 30 – THURSDAY AUGUST 5 “A warm, funny, sexy & smart movie!� –Entertainment Weekly

Annette Benning

Julianne Moore

Mark Ruffalo

Film Capsules <3E 1/>A /5=@/ (Unrated; 127


On 2 Screens!

Grand Auditorium: (2:00), (4:30), 7:00, 9:20 + Sat, Sun (11:40am) Stadium Seating: (1:15), (3:40), 6:15, 8:30


(PG) Daily: (3:05), (5:10)

L NA ! FI EEK “Stunning!� –Edge W (R) *No 7:15 Show on Thurs 8/5

Daily: (1:00), 7:15*, 9:30




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STARTS FRIDAY 7/30! “An engaging movie about the love of learning and the clash between science and religious faith.� –Slate

Rachel Weisz

Daily: (1:20), (3:50), 6:40, 9:20 & Sat, Sun (10:50am)

STARTS FRIDAY 7/30! “A mindbending farce!� –Timeout New York



Daily: (2:40), (4:50), 7:00, 9:10 & Sat-Sun (12:30)

(R) Daily: (1:30), (4:10), 6:50, 9:30 & Sat-Sun (11:00am)

min.) Science can be volatile both chemically and culturally, a premise Spanish director Alejandro AmenĂĄbar explores in his 2009 historical drama. Set in Egypt during a turbulent period of Roman rule, it stars Rachel Weisz as the atheist philosopher Hypatia, whose love of knowledge gets all tangled up with sexual tensions and the rising tide of Christianity. With Max Minghella and Oscar Isaac. (Opens Friday at the Nickelodeon.) 1/BA 2=5A( @3D3<53 =4 97BBG 5/:=@3 (PG; 82 min.)

Cats and dogs join forces to take down a rogue kitty spy in a mission to save themselves and their humans. The animated film is the newest peek into the secret tides of cat/dog relations and features the voices of James Marsden and Nick Nolte, with Bette Midler as the feline mastermind. (Opens Friday at 41st Ave, Santa Cruz 9, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) 16/@:73 AB 1:=C2

(PG-13 ) Zac Efron is a grief-stricken older brother who becomes caretaker of a cemetery in order to see his dear

departed little brother more often. With Kim Basinger and Amanda Crew. (Opens Fri at Santa Cruz 9 and Scotts Valley.) 27<<3@ 4=@ A16;C19A (PG-13;

110 min.) Executives throw a particularly memorable dinner party: its centerpiece is a contest to see which of them can find the biggest idiot to entertain them. Tim (Paul Rudd) finds Steve Carell, and if the tag line is any indication of the ending (“It takes one to know one�), the idea goes sour for Rudd. Also starring Zach Galifianakis and Jemaine Clement. (Opens Friday at Aptos Cinema, Riverfront, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.)

Rhett Butler. In the story of a privileged Southern woman’s reversals of fortune is an allegory about the South itself. Three marriages carry the plot of selfish Scarlett, all of which result in varying degrees of tragedy. Starring Clarke Gable (obviously) and Vivien Leigh. (Plays Sat-Sun at 11am at Aptos Cinema.) = 0@=B63@ E63@3 /@B B6=C- (2000)

The Odyssey, anyone? The man of constant sorrow’s epic journey through the deep South. A chain-gang threesome races the clock for a fortune hidden on a soon-to-besubmerged piece of land; meanwhile, ringleader 3:D7A =< B=C@( %#B6 George Clooney pursues a wife and endless /<<7D3@A/@G (1972) Coen Brothers–style The King’s 15-city tour high jinks to one of the of the United States as best soundtracks of the captured in the only Elvis film to ever win an decade. Also featuring John Turturro and Tim award, a documentary Blake Nelson. (Plays Thu containing vintage at 8pm at Santa Cruz 9.) backstage footage as well as portions of a E7:2 5@/AA (PG; 104 40-minute interview min.) See review, page given by Presley, who 35. (Opens Friday at the would have been 75 this Nickelodeon.) year. (Plays Thu at Santa Cruz 9.) 5=<3 E7B6 B63 E7<2 (1939) MGM’s

Technicolor blockbuster illuminates the Civil War–era romance of Scarlett O’Hara and


1/@;3< (Unrated) Bizet’s popular opera about sex, jealousy and racism in 19th-century Spain is directed by

Richard Eyre and stars Elina Garanca as the beautiful Gypsy Carmen and Roberto Alagna as the obsessive Don Jose. (Plays Wed Jul 28 at Santa Cruz 9.) 1=1= 16/<3: 75=@ AB@/D7<A9G (R;

120 min.) Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky fits snugly into last year’s unrelated Coco Before Chanel. Chanel here is Anna Mouglalis, a knifelike, severe creature, with a wide scarlet mouth. The ChanelStravinsky love affair begins before World War I in Paris. Chanel goes to the ballet to see the debut of The Rite of Spring. The audience starts to riot. Stravinsky (Mads Mikkelsen) blames the dancers for not being able to move with the music. Sympathizing, Chanel invites Stravinsky and his equally poor family into her silk-lined chateau. Director Jan Kounen waltzes the camera around a plush house as Stravinsky pounds the keyboard and Chanel draws the composer closer to her. Love isn’t her sole occupation; she’s also supervising the creation of her namesake perfume. This olfactory task is hampered by the smell of burning emanating from Stravinsky’s wife

Movie reviews by Sean Conwell, Traci Hukill, Kate Jacobson, Steve Palopoli, Scott Reyburn, Richard von Busack and Christina Waters

(Yelena Morozova). From the art-nouveau kaleidoscope titles to the nostril-flaring finish, Kounen presents a standard love triangle— rich-looking, spotless. It’s engrossing until it suddenly isn’t. (RvB) 23A>71/0:3 ;3

(PG; 94 min.) Even the second tier of animated filmmaking is fairly advanced, and Despicable Me’s brisk and intelligent rephrase of the evil genius plot makes up for several cul de sacs. The bald, heavy-eyebrowed and Akim Tamiroff– accented Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) is a mad scientist working on his latest plot. If he can steal a shrink-ray just being developed, the Bank of Evil will give him a loan to finance his magnum opus: the theft of the moon itself. The action may be silly, but the directors take it seriously. (Read a full-length review at www.metro active.com.) (RvB) B63 57@: E6= >:/G32 E7B6 47@3

(R; 137 min.) This second installment in the Stieg Larsson series brings back Noomi Rapace’s ratty but invincible urchin Lisbeth Salander. Shortly after Lisbeth’s return to Stockholm, her old nemesis (and rapist) of a parole

officer starts stirring up trouble. Meanwhile, trustworthily pockmarked investigative journalist Mikael (Michael Nyqvist) meets a new writer. He and his sociologist girlfriend are trying to expose the sexslave trade conducted out of the former Soviet Union, apparently abetted by the Sapo, the Swedish Secret Police. Salander is an oldfashioned pulp heroine in a pulp plot. (RvB) 5@=E< C>A (PG-

13; 102 min.) Lenny Feder (Sandler) and his gang—Eric (Kevin James), Marcus (David Spade), Rob (Rob Schneider), plus Kurt (Chris Rock)—reunite when their childhood basketball coach (Blake Clark) passes away. Afterward, the five pals and their families stay together over the Fourth of July weekend at a lake house. Why are they there? To hang out for about 100 minutes of running time. Seriously, nothing of significant note happens. Juggling five stars in one film leads to too many underdeveloped characters. Only Sandler’s Lenny, a wealthy Hollywood agent, gets some of his due. Great comedians such as Rock are





Daily: (1:40), (4:00), 6:30 & Sat-Sun (11:10am)


Showtimes are for Wednesday, July 28, through Wednesday, August 4, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.



( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm

STARTS FRIDAY 7/30! “An uproaring crowd-pleaser!� –Variety

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

Call for showtimes.

Call for showtimes.

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.cineluxtheatres.com

Outrageously Funny!’’

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com

FOX-TV, Shawn Edwards

Call for showtimes.

Steve Carell Paul Rudd Zach Galifianakis Ron Livingston

Call for showtimes.


Daily: (2:20), (4:40), 7:00, 9:20 & Sat, Sun (12 noon)

Steve Carell

/>B=A 17<3;/A

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.thenick.com

Once Nightly: 9:00


23: ;/@

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com

Jason Segel

Call for showtimes.

A1=BBA D/::3G 17<3;/

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260 www.cineluxtheatres.com Call for showtimes.

(PG) Daily: (2:50), (4:50), 6:50, 8:50


Tickets $6

Clark Gable Vivien Leigh

Gone With The Wind Sat 7/31 & Sun 8/1 @ 10:30am Next Week: Doctor Zhivago

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees



Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com Call for showtimes.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com Call for showtimes.

j !%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; july 28-august 4, 2010 47:;

underutilized and not in their element. (SR) 7 /; :=D3 (R; 120

min.) Tilda Swinton plays Emma, the wife of a distant businessman, who carries on an affair with a chef who caters the family’s formal banquets: Antonio (Edoardo Gabbrilini), a handsome devil with a tattooed bracelet. Director Luca Guadagnino touches upon the best novels about adultery: the name Emma, as in Bovary, is certainly significant. This is a rich movie—a banquet, certainly—and the richness of it may seem offputting; in these times, there’s so much financial suffering that many may be impatient with the problems of a luxuriously clad woman of leisure. But this classic drama of adultery— spare in plot, fascinating in design—is a revenge of the world of art on the world of property. And we haven’t seen one this well framed in a long time. (RvB) 7<13>B7=< (PG-13; 148

min.) The basic idea of Christopher Nolan’s film is simple. Led by Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), a sort of Impossible Mission Force, working for a Japanese trillionaire (Ken Watanabe), descends into the sleeping subconscious of the plutocrat’s young rival (Cillian Murphy), using technology that allows them to design dreamscapes. Because of the complexity of this operation, the team is forced to create dreams within dreams, and each deeper dream takes place in an exponentially larger time frame. The film is audacious and frequently thrilling, especially when Nolan folds Paris in on itself and Escherizes interior spaces. It’s visionary filmmaking, uncommon at this scale, with neither the mawkishness of What Dreams May Come or the spiritual horse feathers of the Matrix trilogy. (RvB) 8=/< @7D3@A( / >7313 =4 E=@9 (R;

92 min.) Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work holds you captive in the way that a freeway accident does. You cannot look

away, even as the film reveals its subject’s inner needs and obsessions in graphic detail. The eerily vulnerable performer displays every unhealed grudge and wound for the camera. The filmmakers smartly intersperse confessions about needing money, her rage against growing old and insecurity about her skill with shots of her working the crowd at Manhattan comedy clubs, giving us a splendidly unlikable woman who is just too tough to be ignored. (CW) B63 972A /@3 /:: @756B (R; 111

min.) Director Lisa Cholodenko (Laurel Canyon) and co-writer Stuart Blumberg’s movie is one of the funniest and most incisive portraits we have of a gay marriage. Julianne Moore’s Jules is a classic California girl: no intellectual, very earthy. Her wife, an obstetrician, Nic (Annette Bening, amusingly dour), comes back from work in a miasma of disapproval. They have two children, both gotten by a sperm donor: Joni (Mia Wasikowska of Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland) and Laser (Josh Hutcherson). Joni wants to meet the anonymous donor who fathered her. He turns up, a shaggy chef named Paul (Mark Ruffalo). He starts to become a sort of member of the family, and Jules finds herself becoming disturbingly attracted. This story carries a strong sense of place, with deft scenes of life west of the 405. The “kids are all right� because they’re young enough that their motives are clear. In this comedy, it’s the adults who dissemble and wound each other. The way Cholodenko analyzes the needy, unpretty cores of these characters is what takes The Kids Are All Right out of the realm of the domestic comedy/drama and makes it a film to remember. B63 97::3@ 7<A723 ;3 (R; 116 min.)

Disappointing, finicky film version of Jim Thompson’s famed pulp novel. Ford (Casey

=22 2C19!!Tufwf!Dbsfmm!)mfgu*!jt!bo!voxjuujoh!qbsujdjqbou!jo!b!dsvfm!dpouftu!foufsfe!


Affleck) is a sheriff ’s deputy in Central City, Texas, in the early 1950s: a milk-pale, mealy mouthed doctor’s son with a cracked voice like Dennis Weaver in Touch of Evil. Ford gets into dirty business through inclination and a thirst for revenge. A crime wave starts when he’s supposed to be the one to run a hooker named Joyce (Jessica Alba) out of town, since she’s sleeping with the ne’erdo-well son of the town’s big man (Ned Beatty). What happens between Joyce and Ford unleashes the deputy’s sadism: it grows large enough to absorb his relationship with a simple good gal, Amy (Kate Hudson). Red-meat stuff, but Michael Winterbottom embalms it. There’s so little going on here that naturally people are talking about the murders: they’re bloody, and in one case bloody and urine-soaked. There is to be absolutely no audience participation in the crimes. Seeing The Killer Inside Me you have to ask: why are we here? For the sociological merit of the story?

Thompson had an acute understanding of a psycho’s inner nullity, but the problem is that the rest of the town has the personality of clay pigeons. (RvB) B63 :/AB /7@03<23@ (PG;

110 min.) It happened again. Another M. Night Shyamalan script was greenlighted by some movie producers who don’t have a clue about what makes a watchable movie. The movie, which is an adaptation of the Nickelodeon animated series, covers season one (Book One: Water) of the TV show; it focuses on 12-year-old monk and last Airbender Aang (Noah Ringer). Aang discovers that he is the new Avatar, a once-in-ageneration person who can control (bend) all four elements and who is tasked with bringing balance to the world and peace to the Four Nations named after the four elements. Ringer looks the part, but his acting is so atrociously boring it’s no wonder he was omitted from speaking in a majority of the trailers. I hope, on behalf of all moviegoers,

that this is the last Airbender movie and the last time a producer falls for Shyamalan’s pitch to make a movie. (SR) =<27<3 (PG-13; 111 min.) This saltwater fairy tale by Neil Jordan (The Crying Game, Breakfast on Pluto) glistens with beautiful images, none more gorgeous than the opening shot of a solitary fisherman (Colin Farrell) gliding through the Irish coastal fog and drawing up his net to find it contains not only fish but a woman as well. The sight of the lovely Ondine (Alicja Bachleda) curled up a la Klimt in a bed of silver fish is utterly primal. The fisherman brings her back to life and the neo-fairy-tale mystery quickens. Jordan’s smart script acquires sharp edges, both in its bone-dry humor and in its refusal to cave in to the sweetness of the story. When a villain shows up, the ensuing crisis is both rough and surprising, but the ending is pure fairy tale. (CW) @/;=</ /<2 033HCA (G; 104 min.)

Little sister and big

sister duke it out in film adaptation of Beverly Cleary’s beloved book. With Selena Gomez, Joey King, Bridget Moynahan and Ginnifer Goodwin. B63 A=@13@3@¸A />>@3<B713 (PG;

109 min.) Nicolas Cage is Balthazar, an eons-old sorcerer who dresses like Lemmy of Motorhead; he recruits a NYT physics major (Jay Baruchel) to help him round up a wizard (Alfred Molina) who proposes to release the spirit of the evil sorceress Morgana la Fey (Alice Krige). If released, Morgana will dominate the world by unleashing an army of the walking dead. Baruchel—more ideally cast as the second or third assistant nerd in a high school movie—emits various goofy whines during the live-action remake of the Mickey Mouse sequence in Fantasia. Restaging this sequence live with CG animated brooms and mops is basically what would happen if you made a Daffy Duck cartoon with CG real ducks, Babe style, taking loads

of buckshot in the beak. Director Jon Turtletaub, of what will shortly become the National Treasure trilogy, has obviously cut the film to make it move quicker, but camp or serious the movie fails; Turtletaub and his producer Jerry Bruckheimer have delivered something so DOA that all the spells of Morgana La Fey couldn’t bring it to life. (RvB) B=G AB=@G ! (G; 108 min.) Sit through the pretty ordinary grabber sequence at the beginning of the film—a frontier adventure with a runaway train— because once this latest Pixar effort gets started, it’s perfection. Woody (Tom Hanks), the toysize avatar of a cinematic century’s worth of action heroes, is the lone skeptic when the rest of the gang is donated to a seemingly wonderful day-care center run by a too-friendly huggy bear (Ned Beatty). What transpires is a Great Escape parody that is less a joke and more like a captivating (and terrifying) new version of an old myth. Things

get very heavy indeed; these talking walking toys end up on the edge of extinction, which is why the seasoned professionals doing the voice acting add the right note of mortality to this sequel. A stunner, all told, in color, action, humor and serious underpinnings. (RvB) E7<B3@¸A 0=<3

(R; 100 min.) The melodrama-free indie movie Winter’s Bone is like a Little Red Riding Hood story in which there’s nothing but wolves. In the outlaw culture of the Ozarks sprawling clans evade the law and deal out their own kind of justice. Adapted from Daniel Woodrell’s novel, Debra Granik’s spare, gripping film concerns 17-year-old Ree Dolly (a thoroughly believable Jennifer Lawrence) and her search for a father who has vanished. Winter’s Bone stays mysterious, even as it strays close to documentary. Lawrence’s own fierceness gives this survival story the kind of immediacy that the summer’s action movies can only grope at. (RvB)

!& j 27<3@¸A 5C723 july 28-august 4, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com. American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, lunch 11am-2pm, dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola



1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves superfresh 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm. A6/2=E0@==9


1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include prime rib and lobster. Daily 7am-2am.


A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz


$ Santa Cruz

16/@:73 6=<5 9=<5

$$ Santa Cruz

SANTA CRUZ: 811 pacific av. 831.458.0555 SAN JOSE: 1959 w. san carlos 408.292.6100 SAN JOSE: blossom hill rd. 408.269.1000 www.crossroadstrading.com

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.


Bring Your Fashion

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588

1141 Soquel Ave, 831. 426.5664


110 Church St, 831.429.2000

$$ Santa Cruz

B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. California organic meets Southeast Asian street food. Organic noodle & rice bowls, vegan menu, fish & meat options, Vietnamese-style sandwiches, eat-in or to-go. Consistent winner “Best Cheap Eats.� Open daily 11am-11pm. American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadoran pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm.

j !'

A/<B/1@CH 1=; july 28-august 4, 2010 27<3@¸A 5C723

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

$$ Santa Cruz

7 :=D3 ACA67

$$ Santa Cruz

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close. Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm. Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily.

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782

Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

$$ Santa Cruz

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon.

$$ Santa Cruz


49B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 >/17471 B6/7

1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

@=G/: B/8 1C7A7<3

Santa Cruz

270 Soquel Ave, 831.427.2400

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

$$ Santa Cruz

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930 A=74

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

$$ Santa Cruz

C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

$$ Santa Cruz

E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Indian. World-famous Indian curries, vegetarian and nonvegetarian dishes. Authentic Indian food at affordable prices. $8.95 lunch buffet Mon-Thu 11:30am -2:30pm; Fri-Sun 11am-3pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am. Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Lunch Wed-Sat noon2pm; dinner Mon-Thu 5-10pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close. Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm. Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. 87/ B3::/¸A $ Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

Wine shop Tasting

Pacific Ave.

Museum of Art and History

Abbot Square

Cooper Street

Annie Glass

Gifts Accessories

Front Street

Downtown Santa Cruz on Abbott Square off Cooper Street (Near Annie Glass).

831-426-VINO (8466) www.vinocruz.com

40 |

july 28-august 4, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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j "

A/<B/1@CH 1=; july 28-august 4, 2010 /AB@=:=5G

Astrology Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of July 28 /@73A (March 21–April 19): Success coach Tom Ferry says our ability to pursue our dreams can be damaged by four addictions: 1. an addiction to what other people think of us; 2. an addiction to creating melodrama in a misguided quest for excitement; 3. an addiction to believing we’re imprisoned by what happened in the past; 4. an addiction to negative thoughts that fill us with anxiety. The good news, Aries, is that in the coming weeks you will find it easier than usual to free yourself from addictions 1, 3 and 4. On the other hand, you may be extra susceptible to addiction 2. So take action to make sure you don’t fall victim to it! What can you do to avoid distracting adventures and trivial brouhahas? B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): Some of the biggest whales feed primarily on tiny organisms like protozoa, algae and krill. They swim around with their mouths open, gulping seawater, using filtering structures in their upper jaws to sieve out the stuff they want to eat. Their strategy for getting a meal has resemblances to an approach you may benefit from using: sifting through a lot of superfluous material to get the rich basics you seek. Discernment isn’t the only skill you’ll need; relaxed patience will be crucial, too.

53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): You know about World War II, but do you know about the planet’s worst conf lict since then? It was the Second Congo War, involving eight African nations and killing 5.4 million people between 1998 and 2006. You’re painfully aware of the oil hemorrhage in the Gulf of Mexico, but have you heard about the equally horrific catastrophe that an American oil company wreaked on Ecuador from the early 1960s until 1992 (tinyurl .com/EcuadorOil)? I bring these things up, Gemini, because now is an excellent time for you to fill in gaps in your education and learn the rest of any story that you’ve been missing—not just concerning events in the world but also in regard to your personal history. P.S. Much of what you find, unlike the Congo War and the Ecuadorian oil disaster, may be good news.

1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): A psychic in Colorado was arrested for bilking her clients. Nancy Marks allegedly told people that their money was possessed by nasty spirits, and that the best solution was to hand the money over to her. The cops claim she collected 290,000 of the evil dollars before she was nabbed. My message to you, Cancerian, is very different from the psychic’s warning: Your bank account has a divine blessing on it. At least temporarily, this makes you a kind of cash magnet; you have an unusual power to attract legal tender. Take advantage! Say this sacred mantra: “O monnee gimmee summ.â€? :3= (July 23–Aug. 22): Can you force things to grow? Is it possible to induce ripening simply by aggressively exerting your willpower? Normally I’d say no, but these days I think it’s within your capacity. Don’t misunderstand. I’m not saying you could go up to a tomato plant and magically transform midsize green tomatoes into big orange beauties. But from a metaphorical perspective, you could accomplish something like that. What fragile bud would benefit from bursts of your vitality? What sweet young thing might thrive with your invigorating help? D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): In James Hillman’s book The Dream and the Underworld, he says something I’ve heard from other researchers—that the majority of dreams we have each night are unpleasant. But that’s not true for me. Way more than 50% of mine are educational, entertaining, and not at all bad or scary. Quite a few have jokes and riddles. Most stretch my understanding of how the world works and motivate me to get smarter about what I’ve been ignorant about. As you enter the Intense Dreaming Phase of your cycle, Virgo, I suspect your nocturnal adventures will resemble mine. Get ready to encounter intriguing characters who’ll have the power to heal you. Talking animals may give you righteous clues about upcoming waking-life decisions. A mercurial teacher could relieve you of a delusion. The wind and rain may play music that dissolves your fear. :70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): During the Tang Dynasty, a golden age of Chinese culture, educated people didn’t use clichĂŠd salutations to begin and end their encounters with each other. No “Hi, how you doing?â€? or “See you later. Take care.â€? Instead, they improvised creatively, composing poetic riffs appropriate for the occasion. “Your face is especially

bright today. Are you expecting to see a lucky cloud?� or “I’ll bask in your glories again later. In the meantime, may you find a brisk blend of elegance and mischief.� I’d love to see you do something like that, Libra. It’s prime time to boost your alliances to a higher octave. Give more to your collaborators, and ask for more, too.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): I admire people who sweat freely and abundantly while they’re working hard at what they love to do. Singer James Brown, “The Godfather of Soul,� was renowned for his sweltering f loods, and so is baseball player Pablo Sandoval. But many unfamous people I’ve known would also be top candidates for King and Queen of Sacred Sweat, like my friend Julia, who practices her passion in the garden, and my friend Luke, who welds giant metal sculptures. I’m hoping you will come into your own as one of this elite group, Scorpio. The omens suggest you’d be wise to raise the heat in your alchemical furnace.

A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): The wind coming off the creek has picked up in the last half hour, and so the branches of the lemon tree outside my office window are swaying vehemently in the late afternoon sun. Is the tree upset? No. Is it worried or offended or angry at the wind? Of course not. From what I can tell, it’s enjoying the raucous movement. I can even imagine that it knows how lucky it is: It wouldn’t be able to dance so expressively without the help of the gusts. I hope you’ll interpret your experiences in the coming week with a similar perspective, Sagittarius. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): While f lying over water, an eagle can spot a fish swimming from 300 feet away. As it prowls through a winter landscape, a coyote can detect the presence of a mouse bustling beneath thick snow. I suspect you’ll have a comparable knack for tuning in to things that are of keen interest, Capricorn, even if they are hidden or located at a distance. To maximize your advantage, get clear about what you’re hungry for. Build a vivid image in your mind’s eye of what you need.

/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): Lola, a woman I know, has mastered the art of self-contradiction. She makes no apologies for the apparent oppositions she gladly contains. For instance, she’s perfectly at ease with the fact that she is not only a lesbian anarchist skater punk who’s a prolific graffiti artist, but also a devout Christian who doesn’t consume drugs or alcohol, drives a Lexus SUV and volunteers as a massage therapist at a hospice. Your internal paradoxes may or may not be as extreme as hers, Aquarius, but I urge you to express them with the panache that she does. >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): My friend Erica went to a Chinese herbalist, seeking help for a skin problem that hadn’t been healed by six other doctors. “Very rare condition,� the herbalist told her. There was only one thing he knew that would work: Erica would have to travel to the Ruoergai Marshes in Sichuan Province, China, and track down a White-tailed Eagle, whose fresh droppings she would gather up and apply to the affected areas of her skin. As the prospect of such a pilgrimage was daunting, Erica decided instead to simply imagine herself carrying it out. After a week of such meditations, her skin had improved. In 21 days, she wasn’t completely cured, but she was much better. The moral of the story, Pisces: Simply visualizing a heroic healing quest may help fix your glitch.

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