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Positive Citations Law enforcement’s favorite test for marijuana use returns false positives. What does that mean for thousands of drug convictions? p11

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august 4-11, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 4-11, 2010 1=<B3<BA

Contents. P OSTS










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>=ABA aaugust u g u s t 4-11, 4 - 1 1 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; " j >=ABA

Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

327B=@7/: 327B = =@7/: EDITOR E D I TO R B@/17 6C97:: B@/ 17 6C97:: 6

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Send let letters teerrs ttoo Santa Santa Cruz Weekly, Weekly e y, let letters@santacruz.com teerrs@san s nttaacruz.com or ttoo A Attn: ttn: LLetters, ettteeerrs, 115 Co ett et C Cooper ooper e St., Sant San Santaa Cruz, uz 95060. 060. Inclu Include udee cit city ittyy and phone clarity inaccuracies known us. phone number number or email address. address. Submissions Subm missions mayy be be edited editteed for for or length, length cl le leng laritt y or or factual factual ac a inac a curacies racies know nown ttoo us s.

A AB7:: 63@3 B7:: 63@3 TH THOSE HOSE P PEOPLE EOPLE iin n Aptos Aptos on on the the b bridge ridge o verpass DO DO still still dress dress in in black black and and ccomplain omplain overpass war Posts, July aabout bout tthe he iillegal llegal w ar ((“Pray “Pray Tell, Tell,� P osts, Ju uly 2 1). W omen iin n Black Black are are there there eevery very S unday 21). Women Sunday Wee w welcome people ffrom rom 111:30am 1:30am tto o 112:3pm. 2:3pm. W elcome p eople tto o jjoin oin us us and and ccarry arry o ne o ur signs signs aagainst gainst one off o our w ar aand nd violence. violence. war


Phyllis P Peet, eet, e Aptos Aptos

CALENDAR EDITOR C A L E N DA R E D I TO R >/C: E/5<3@ > /C: E/5<3@ (calendar@santacruzweekly.com) (calendar@sant tacruzw a eeekly.com) POETRY EDITOR P OETRY E D I TO R @=03@B AE/@2 @ =03@B AE/@2 EDITORIAL E DITORIAL IINTERN NTERN 9/B3 3 8/1=0A=< 9/B3 8/1=0A=< CONTRIBUTORS C O N T R I B U TO R S @=0 0@3HA<G @ =0 0@3HA<G ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< ; /C@33< 2/D72A=< >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A > /C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A

:793A B63 :793A B63 @3/: =<3A @ 3/: =<3A YOU Y OU H HAVE AVE d drawn rawn a lline ine iin n tthe he ssand, and, C Curtis— urtis— real existence, existence, or or virtual virtual (“Unconditional (“Unconditional Love Love real

2.0,� C 2.0, Cover over S Story, tory, Ju Jul. ul. 2 28)? 8)? I gguess uess I p prefer refer tthe he kind, rreal eal k ind, puke puke aand nd aall. ll. Janet J aanet Miller Miller, r, By email

/ 4/;7:7/@ AB=@G / 4/;7:7/@ AB=@G THE T HE H HISTORY ISTORY o off tthe he company company we we n now ow ccall all BP hundred has B P over over tthe he llast ast h undred yyears ears h as rreally eally ttraced raced off gglobal The tthe he aarc rc o lobal ttransnational ransnational ccapitalism. apitalism. Th he Anglo-Persian Oil Company, A nglo-Persian O il C ompany, gguaranteed uaranteed iitself, tself, orr w won own, off Iran’s So, o on tthe he rright ight tto oo wn, aall ll o Irran’s oil. oil. S o, nobody oil orr n obody iin n Iran Irran had had any any right right to to drill drill for for o il o oil orr ssell oil. eextract xtract o il o ell o il. Then, Th hen, soon soon after after that that find find was was made, made, the decided buy the British British government government d ecided tto ob uy tthe he ccompany. ompany. S o tthe he P arliament p assed a llaw aw aand nd So Parliament passed

bought 5511 p bought percent ercent o off tthat hat ccompany. ompany. And And aall ll d uring the the 11920s 920s and and 11930s 930s aand nd 1940s, 1940s, the the during eentire ntire standard standard of of lliving iving tthat hat people people in in E ngland England eenjoyed njoyed w as ssupported upported b il ffrom rom Iran. Irran. S o tthat hat was byy o oil So b ecame a ffundamental undamental ffoundation oundation o ritish llife. ife. became off B British And then, then, aafter fter W orld W ar II, III, when when tthe he And World War winds of of nationalism nationalism and and anti-colonialism anti-colonialism winds were blowing blowing throughout throughout the the developing developing were world, Iranians Irranians developed developed this this idea: idea: we’ve we’ve world, got to to take take o ur o il b ack. It It was was Mosaddegh’s Mosaddegh’s got our oil back. desire, supported supported by by a unanimous unanimous vote vote of of the the desire, democratically elected elected parliament parliament o Iran, to to democratically off Iran, nationalize what what was was tthen hen tthe he Anglo-Iranian Anglo-Iranian Oil Oil nationalize Company. They Th hey carried carried out out the the nationalization. nationalization. Company. The B ritish aand nd ttheir heir p artners iin n tthe he U nited The British partners United States fiercely fiercely rresisted esisted tthis. his. And And when when tthey hey States were unable unable to to prevent prevent it it from from happening, happening, they they were organized the the overthrow overthrow of of Mosaddegh Mosaddegh in in 1953. 1953. organized So that that overthrow overthrow not not only only produced produced the the end end So of the the Mosaddegh Mosaddegh government, government, but but the the end end of of democracy democracy in in Iran, Iran, and and that that set set off off all all these these of other following following consequences. consequences. other

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Ted T eed Rudow Rudow III, Menlo Meenlo Park,

83AA71/ :CAA3<6=> A1=BB 8 3AA71/ :CAA3<6=> A1=BB ;/11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 ; /11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 AB3D3 >/:=>=:7 A B3D3 >/:=>=:7 >/C: E/5<3@ > /C: E/5<3@

/@B /@B / >@=2C1B7=< >@=2C1 1B7=< DESIGN D ESIGN DIRECTOR D I R E C TO R 9/@/ 0@=E< 9/@/ 0@= 0 E< PRODUCTION PRODUCTION DIRECTOR D I R E C TO R 6/@@G /::7A=< 6/@@G /::7A=< :

; ;7AA32 =<3 7AA32 =<3 YOUR Y OUR ccover over sstory tory ““Petrol Petrol P Patrol� atrol� ((July Ju uly 2 28) 8) has h as a ssignificant ignificant eerror. rror. The The largest largest oil oil sspill pill iin n California, oil history C alifornia, tthe he llargest argest o il sspill pill iin n U.S. U.S. h istory Santa Exxon ((bigger bigger tthan han S anta Barbara, Barbara, Ex xxon Valdez Valdez or or tthe he Gulf G ulf S Spill), pill), w was as tthe he Lakeview Lakeview Gusher Gusher in in K Kern ern County. C ounty. Itt ran ran for for 18 18 months months [starting] [starting] iin n 1910. 1910.


George Geor rgge Rasko, Raasko, San J Jose oose

A 3/< 53=@53 3 A3/< 53=@53 AD D ESIGNERS AD DESIGNERS 83<<G =/B3G G 83<<G =/B3G 27/<</ D/ /<3G193 27/<</ D/<3G193

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3 327B=@¸A <=B3 27B=@¸A <=B3

It’s election IIt’s electioon season iff you y live live in the 15th Senate Senaatte District. D Dist rict. In I advance advance of the Aug. Augg. 17 vote votte to to fill fill i the s vacated seat vacaatteed by by State Sttaate Sen. Abel Abel Maldonado, Maldonadoo, Santa S ta Sant Voters Cruz Weekly Weeeekly and the League League of Women Women o Vot oteerrs are arre debate cco-sponsoring o -sponsooring a deb ate between between candidates candidates Sam S Blakeslee, Fitzgerald, B Blak esleee, Jim F ittzzgerald, Mark Hinkle and John John o Aug. LLaird airrd on Thursday, Thurrssdayy, A ugg. 12 at 7pm at the Cabrillo Cab abrillo College Recital C oollege g Music M R eecittaal Hall. Iff you y live live in Scotts Scotttts Valley, Valle a ey, Aptos, or coastal Monterey Apt A tooss, Watsonville Watsonville Wa a coasttal a Mont teerrey County Cooun ntt y and havee questions hav queestions for foor the candidates, candidattes es, email them m to to fforum@santacruzweekly.com. oorum@ssanttacruzw a eekly.com.

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another note, On anoth her not te, the ffeature eeaturre “Local “Local Poets/Local Poets/Local c week IInspiration,� Inspiratio on,� which usually runs the ffirst ir irsst w eeek of the hiatus. month on n the LLocally ocally ppage, agee, is on summer hiat tus. LLook ook again October. ffor oor it aga ain in Oct toobeerr.


august 4-11, 2010

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august 4-11, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

Currents. C urren ents.

@/7: B@/7: T @/7: B@/7: The he pproposed roposed Po Pogonip gonip bbike ike ttrail, rail, iin n bblue, lue, w would ould connect with U-Con co nnect w ith tthe he U - Con ttrail rail aand nd rrun un aalongside longside tthe he ttracks. racks.

PPath ath ttoo PPeace eace

Can a mu multi-use ulti-use tr trail ail so solve olve an out-of-c out of contr o ol drug pr o oblem ? out-of-control problem? 0G 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 0G 1 C @ B 7 A 1 / @ B 7 3 @


O CIAL S OCIAL SCIENTISTS CIENTISTS ccall all iitt tthe he Window Theory.� ““Broken Broken W indow T heor y.� IIt’s t’s a cconcept oncept tthat hat ssays ays ccleaning leaning up blighted neighborhood’s u pab lighted n eighborhood’s rrundown undown aappearance—its ppearance—its ggraffiti, raff ff iti, iits ts ttrash, rash, its its broken broken windows—jumpwindows—jumpbyy m making sstarts tarts a vvirtuous irtuous ccycle ycle b aking tthe he neighborhood more n eighborhood m ore aappealing ppealing tto o llawawmove pride aabiding biding ccitizens: itizens: tthey hey m ove iin, n, ttake ake p ride drive iin n ttheir heir ssurroundings urroundings aand nd d rive tthe he out. When Rudy Giuliani did ccriminals riminals o ut. W hen R udy G iuliani d id New York City, worked miracles. iitt iin nN ew Y ork C ity, iitt w orked m iracles. Santa Cruz, where IIn nS anta C ruz, w here ccity ity lleaders eaders aare re

looking iinto looking nto w whether hether a n new ew 11.5-mile-long .5-mile-long bike, b ike, pedestrian p destrian aand pe nd h horse orse ttrail rail will will bring bring eenough nough residents residents through through tthe he drug drug and and ccrime rime n nexus exus o off the the P Pogonip ogonip ggreenbelt reenbelt to to drive out heroin d rive o ut iits ts h eroin aand nd meth meth dealers, dealers, its its eeffect fffect sseems eems lless ess ccertain. ertain. “What “What do do we we really really know know about about how how iincreasing ncreasing bike bike u use se ccan an aaffect ff ffect ccrime?� rime?� Santa Cruz Councilmember Don aasked sked S anta C ruz C ouncilmember D on Lane week’s L ane rrhetorically hetorically aatt llast ast w eek’s ccity ity meeting before ccouncil ouncil m eeting be fore vvoting oting tto o approve approve ffurther urther iinvestigation nvestigation iinto nto the the proposed proposed path. path. “Do “Do we we really really know know that that when when we we

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; aaugust u g u s t 4-11, 4 - 1 1 , 2010 2 0 1 0 1C@@3<BA 1C@@3< <BA

people up wee iinvite nvite aall ll tthese hese pe ople u p tthere here tthat hat w aare re closed closed tto o tthe he p public ublic be because cause o off tthe he place? Just aare re ccreating reating a ssafe afe p lace? Ju ust llook ook aatt tthe he problem ccrime rime p roblem iitself. tself. San Lorenzo River That’s wellS an L orenzo R iver llevee. evee. Th hat’s a w ellThe The Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Police Police Department Department u sed p ath aass w ell.� used path well. aalone lone sspent pent an an estimated estimated $203,340 $203,340 Few doubt doubt the the proposed proposed path path would would Few Unit ffor or iits ts tthree-member hree-member Parks Parks U nit to to be nef it ccyclists yclists llooking ooking tto o rride ide tthe he benefit patrol That’s p atrol the the Pogonip Poggonip llast ast yyear. ear. T hat’s not not lloop oop ffrom rom tthe he R incon C onnector aand nd Rincon Connector nonofficers ccounting ounting the the time time n onoff icers sspent pent U niversity C onnector ttrails rails tto oG olf C lub University Connector Golf Club processing p rocessing aarrests rrests aand nd ffiling iling related related D rive. B ut m any d oubt w hether tthe he p ath Drive. But many doubt whether path paperwork. who p aperwork. City City rangers, rangers, w ho were were ccan an aaddress ddress a cchronic hronic d rug p roblem. O ne drug problem. One byy P Parks iinstructed nstructed b arks and and Recreation Recreation o hese iiss JJoan oan P etersilia, cco-director o-director o off tthese Petersilia, off not with sstaff taff n ot tto o sspeak peak w ith Santa Santa Cruz Cruz tthe he S tanford U niversity C riminal Ju ustice Stanford University Criminal Justice Weekly W eekly ffor or tthis his aarticle, rticle, eestimated stimated eearlier arlier C enter. S he’s sspent pent 2 ears aanalyzing nalyzing llaw aw Center. She’s 255 yyears tthis his yyear ear that that they they sspend pend between between 330 0 eenforcement nforcement p ublic po licy eefforts ffforts aand nd public policy percent dealing aand nd 550 0p ercent of of their their time time d ealing ssays, ays, iin n tthis his ccase, ase, S anta C ruz lleaders eaders m ay Santa Cruz may with w ith Pogonip-related Pogonip -related issues, issues, although although be p inning ttheir heir h ope p so n a tthin hin iidea. dea. pinning hopes on eestimates stimates from from parks parks aadministration dministration “Th his is is called called crime crime prevention prevention “This put Assuming p ut the the figure f igure at at 25 25 percent. percent. A ssuming tthrough hrough eenvironmental nvironmental d esign,� ssays ays design, between tthe he aactual ctual aamount mount is is halfway halfway b etween P etersilia. ““However, However, iin n tthis his ccase, ase, iitt sseems eems Petersilia. off rranger tthese hese estimates, estimates, the the cost cost o anger ttoo oo ssimplistic. implistic. It t’s n ot tthat hat a ((multi-use) multi-use) It’s not work Pogonip per w ork iin nP oggonip is is about about $121,004 $121,004 p er p ath ccan’t an’t w ork, iitt jjust ust ttakes akes ttwo wo o hree path work, orr tthree Additionally, Santa Cruz Fire yyear. ear. A dditionally, the the S anta C ruz F ire m ore iingredients. ngredients. F irst, iincreased ncreased llighting ighting more First, Department D epartment rresponded esponded tto o seven seven ssmall mall n eeds tto o be a h uge aaspect spect o he b uilt needs huge off tthe built ffires ires iin n tthe he greenbelt greenbelt iin n 2009, 2009, according according eenvironment. nvironment. Y ou aalso lso h ave tto oh ave ffoot o oot You have have Mark pegs tto o Capt. Capt. M ark Ramos, Ramos, who who p egs this this ttraffic raff ff ic sstops, tops, sso o pe ople sstop top aalong long tthe he people Finally, maintenance ccost ost at at $8,424. $8,424. F inally, m aintenance p ath aand nd cconvey onvey tthe he m essage tthat hat ((the the path message Pogonip—trail ccosts osts iin n tthe he P oggonip —trail ggrading, rading, sign sign ccriminals) riminals) d on’t o wn tthe he p ath, iinstead nstead don’t own path, posting much p osting aand nd tthe he m uch talked-about talked-about trash trash o ust rriding iding tthrough. hrough. T hird, yyou ou n eed off jjust Third, need have ccleanups—are leanups—are estimated estimated to to h ave rrun un llaw aw eenforcement nforcement tto om ake a h uge iinitial nitial make huge $40,000 aabout bout $ 40,000 last last year. year. p resence ffor or o ne tto o tthree hree yyears. ears. A fter presence one After “I “I think think the the amount amount we we spend spend in in the the o ne tto o tthree hree yyears, ears, sstudies tudies sshow, how, llaw aw one Pogonip high, P oggonip is is disproportionately disproportionately h igh,� ssays ays eenforcement nforcement ccan an rreduce educe iits ts p resence aass presence newly minted Santa City Manager n ewly m inted S anta Cruz Cruz C ity M anager tthe he ccommunity ommunity ttakes akes o ver.� over. Martin wouldn’t M artin Bernal. Bernal. “You “You w ouldn’t normally normally Like many many of of the the details details of of the the Like have police Parks eexpect xpect to to h ave tthe he p olice P arks Unit Unit p roposed p ath, tthe he ccost ost o uilding iitt proposed path, off b building half sspending pending h alf their their time time tthere here given given tthe he iiss u nknown. C ity lleaders eaders h ave aalready lready unknown. City have open wee h have. aamount mount of of other other o pen sspace pace w ave.� eearmarked armarked $ 25,000 tto od raw u p aan n $25,000 draw up Hee adds, know H adds, ““II don’t don’t k now if if a ttrail rail will will eenvironmental nvironmental rreview, eview, b ut tthey’re hey’re but make difference m ake any any d ifference aatt aall ll ((in in crime). crime). rreluctant eluctant tto oo ffer b uilding ccost ost eestimates, stimates, offer building What make difference whether W hat may may m ake a d ifference iiss w hether aass tthey’re hey’re h oping tto ob enef it ffrom rom hoping benefit people p eople use use the the trail. trail.� d onated w ork h ours ffrom rom ggroups roups llike ike donated work hours tthe he M ountain B ikers o anta C ruz aand nd Mountain Bikers off S Santa Cruz tthe he S anta C ruz C ounty H orsemen’s Santa Cruz County Horsemen’s Read R ead a llonger onger ve version rsion ooff tthis his aarticle rticle aatt A ssociation. B ut w ith aannual nnual ccosts osts iin n Association. But with ww ww.santtacruz.c a om. F ind the ttop op o navig gation www.santacruz.com. Find navigation tthe he p ark aalready lready h igh aand nd tthe he ccity ity iin n park high bbar ar and click on “Ne ws.� “News.� iits ts w orst ffinancial inancial sstraits traits worst iin nd ecades, iit’s t’s u nclear iiff decades, unclear tthe he eexperiment xperiment w ould b would bee ON THE BEACH w orth iit. t. worth According to to city city According On the Beach iss a report rep e ort from from Save Save Our Shores Shores thatt ffinancial inancial d ocuments aand nd documents appearrs the first fir irsst week week of each month ont appears llabor abor eestimates stimates b ity byy ccity eemployees, mployees, S anta C ruz Santa Cruz The Th T he number n of fireworks Save Our O Shores Shorres sspent pent $ 372,768 llast ast yyear ear ((aa $372,768 volunteers pickedd up from five Santa Cruz County cconservative onservative eestimate) stimate) tto o beaches on July 5. 5 Also collected: 8,115 cigarette buttss po lice aand nd m aintain tthe he police maintain and 1,547 plastic food f wrappers. P ogonip—parts o hich Pogonip—parts off w which

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august 4-11, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM


6j\jhi &) " &* &%Vb " +eb H`neVg` Presented by Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce & Scotts Valley Arts Commission &INE !RT s ,IVE -USIC s +IDS !RT +ORNER s &ANTASTIC &OOD 7INE "EER 4ASTING s /VER !RTISTS "ANDS 3AINTS 3INNERS s 3AVOY s 4HE 'ROOVE +INGS &AST ,ANE "AND s "LIND ,EMON 0HILLIPS s (OLD 4IGHT "AND

august 4-11, 2010

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august 4-11, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM


A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 4-11, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G

Uncontrolled Substance

Tens of thousands of marijuana-related convictions have rested on the results of a widely used test that is infamous among scientists for its unreliability

0G 8=6< 93::G7


AISED in Montana and a resident of Alaska for 18 years, Robin Rae Brown, 48, always made time to explore in the wilderness. On March 20, 2009, she parked her pickup truck outside Weston, Florida, and hiked off the beaten path along a remote canal and into the woods to watch birds and commune with nature. “I saw a bobcat and an osprey,â€? she recalls. “I stopped once in a nice spot beneath a tree, sat down and gave prayers of thanksgiving to God.â€? For that purpose, Brown had packed a clay bowl and a smudge stick of sage, sweet grass and lavender that she had bought at an airport gift shop. Under the tree, she lit the end of the smudge stick and nestled it inside the bowl. She waved the smoke up toward her heart and over her head and prayed. ¨ !

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august 4-11, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

presented pr esented b by y

August A ugust 12 12 FREE F REE Thursday Thursda ay Concerts Con o certs 5: 30 - 9 :15 p .m. 5:30 9:15 p.m. P laza de eC e ar Chavez esa Cha avez Plaza Cesar D owntown Sa nJ ose e Downtown San Jose 408 -279-1775 408-279-1775 ssjdowntown.com jdowntown.com

Michael Mi cha ael R Rose ose Opener: O pener e er:

The Th e Holdup Holdup

2 2010 Summer Summ mer Concert Concerrt S Series erries i Cold 92.3 Rock) June J une 3 C old War Wa ar Kids Kids – Channel Channel 9 2.3 ((Alternative Altern natiive R o k) oc J June une 10 Lenn Lenny y Williams William ill ms wit with h Pr Prince ince D Damons amons – KB KBLX L 102. LX 102.9 9 FM (R (R&B) &B) J June une 17 17 Ska Skatalites talites – MOViN MOViN 997 9 7 (Ska/Reggae) 99 (Ska/Reggae) BoDeans KFOG 97.7 SJ/104.5 SF (Rock/Pop) J June une 24 4 BoD eans – KF O 9 OG 7.7 S J/10 04 4.5 S F ((R ock/Pop) The English Beat Wave) J July uly 1 Th e Eng lish B eat – ALICE@97.3 ALICE@97.3 3 (Ska/New (Ska/Ne N wW ave) July J uly 8 T Tonic onic aand o nd Gr Green een River River Ordinance Ordinance – MIX 106 106.5 .5 (R (Rock/Pop) ock/Pop) J July uly 15 D Don on C Carlos arlos – LIVE L 105 (Reggae) (Reggae) J July uly 22 22 Th The eG Gaslight aslight A An Anthem them – Channel Channel 9 92.3 2.3 ((Alternative Alternative R Rock) oc ) ock July Pete Escovedo Orchestra J uly 229 9 P ete E scovedo o Or chestra – (Latin/Jazz) (Latin/Jazz) A Aug ug 5 F Foreverland orreverland – 98.1 98.1 KISS FM (Michael (Michael JJackson ackson T Tribute ribute B Band) an nd) Aug Michael Rose (Reggae) Aug 12 12 Mi chael R ose – LIVE 105 (R egg g ae) Aug Y&T A ug 119 9 Y& T – 98.5 98.5 KFOX KFOX (Classic (Classic Rock) Rock) A Aug ug 26 P Pato ato B Banton anton – ALICE@97.3 ALICE@97.3 (R (Reggae) eggae)

A San San JJose ose Downtown Downtown Association Association Production Prod o uction | Supported Supported in part part by by a Cultural Cultural Affairs Affaiirs grant grant from from the the City City of S San an JJose ose design:tn des ign:tn / des designtn.com igntn.com | A Acts cts subject subjecct tto o cchange hange

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As darkness approached, she returned to her pickup truck to find Broward County’s Deputy Sheriff Dominic Raimondi and Florida Fish and Wildlife’s Lieutenant David Bingham looking inside the cab. The two men asked what she was doing and when she said she had been bird watching, Bingham asked whether she had binoculars. As she opened her knapsack, Raimondi spotted her incense and asked if he could see it. He took the bowl and incense, asking whether it was marijuana. “No,� she recalls saying. “It’s my smudge, which is a blend of sage, sweet grass and lavender.� “Smells like marijuana to me,� said Raimondi, who admitted he had never heard of a smudge stick. He then ordered Brown to stand by her truck while he took the incense back to his car and conducted a common field test known as a Duquenois-Levine, or D-L, test. The result was positive for marijuana. Brown protested, telling them the smudge was available for purchase online for about $7 and giving them the name of a website that sold it— information Bingham used his laptop to verify. But the men still searched her truck. After an hour and a half they finally allowed Brown to go home and told her that if a lab test confirmed the field test results, a warrant would be issued for her arrest. Exactly 90 days later, Brown was arrested at the spa in Weston, Florida,

where she has worked as a massage therapist for three years. She was handcuffed in front of clients and co-workers and charged with felony possession of marijuana. She was brought to a local police precinct in the town of Davie where she was booked and held for three hours. Unable to post the $1,000 bail, she was transferred to the Women’s Correctional Facility in Pompano Beach. At no time was she read her rights. Five hours after her arrest, she was finally allowed a brief phone call and left a message for her boyfriend to post her bail. At the jail, a female officer came in and told Brown to take off all her clothes. She had already been searched at the precinct station and had her shoes, socks and bra confiscated. “I’m on my period,â€? Brown said. “I don’t care,â€? said the officer, who ordered her to pull her underwear down to her ankles, squat over the floor drain and cough. The following morning at 4:30am Brown was released onto the streets of Pompano Beach with no idea where she was. The next day, Brown found a lab and submitted to voluntary hair and urine tests. These came back clean. She had previously worked for 16 years as a transportation systems specialist with the Federal Aviation Administration, a job that required airport security clearances, so drug tests were nothing ¨ #

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1 = D 3 @ A B = @ G j C < 1 = < B @ = : : 3 2 A C 0 A B/ < 1 3 new to her. During those years, she was frequently required to pass random drug and alcohol tests. She later learned that her incense had never been subjected to a confirmatory lab test. She had been arrested and jailed solely on the basis of her positive D-L test results.

One study found that the D-L test would test positive for many commonly occurring plant substances found in overthe-counter medicines. For instance, Sucrets lozenges tested positive for marijuana. Reefer Test Madness The Duquenois test was developed in the late 1930s by a French pharmacist, Pierre DuquĂŠnois, while he was working for the United Nations division of narcotics. In 1950, he completed a study for the U.N. that claimed that his test was “very specificâ€? for marijuana; it was adopted by the U.N. and crime labs around the world as the preferred test for marijuana. After undergoing several modifications, including the use of chloroform, the test became known as the Duquenois-Levine test, and became widely popular. Though scientists would show in the 1960s and 1970s that the D-L test was nonspecific, meaning it rendered false positives, it remains today the most commonly used test for

marijuana—employed in many of the 800,000 marijuana arrests that take place each year. The test is a simple chemical color reagent test, easy to perform but difficult to interpret. To administer the test, a police officer simply has to break a seal on a tiny micropipette of chemicals and insert a particle of the suspected substance; if the chemicals turn purple, this indicates the possibility of marijuana. But the color variations can be subtle, and readings can vary by examiner. The field test kits are produced by a variety of manufacturers, the most popular brands being NIK and ODV. Literature about the D-L from NIK’s makers states that it is only a “screening� test that “may or may not yield a valid result� and may produce “false positive results.� Yet since at least 1990, arresting officers, with the support of prosecutors, have regularly bypassed lab analysts and have purported to identify marijuana at hearings and trials only on the basis of visual inspection and the nonspecific D-L field test. And the manufacturers have taken note. In 1998, ODV reported in its newsletter that a growing number of police departments were using its D-L field test, marketed as the NarcoPouch, as “their sole method of testing and identifying Marihuana [sic] . . . To have Officers properly trained in identifying Marijuana and taking the Crime Lab out of the loop is a tremendous cost saving venture for the State . . . and gives the individual Officers testing the material a greater sense of satisfaction in completing their own cases.� NIK, too, argued that depending exclusively on D-L field tests saves time and money. “Crime laboratories are so busy that drug tests take too long,� NIK states on its website. “With the cooperation of the Prosecuting Attorney, many police agencies have turned to presumptive drug testing. If the results indicate that an illegal substance is present, criminal charges may be filed.�

Experts in Four Days In June 2006, the Virginia legislature went so far as to pass “emergency regulationsâ€? permitting law enforcement officers to testify at trial for simple possession of marijuana cases solely on the basis of a D-L field test. Prior to these regulations, officers had to send suspected material to an approved lab for testing. Nothing in the new legislation specified that the field tests ¨ $

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used had to be specific, or even accurate. Frederic Whitehurst, a North Carolina– based defense attorney and former FBI special agent with a doctorate in chemistry, considers the law to be an unconstitutional usurpation of the authority of the courts to determine what test results can be admitted as valid evidence. The trend toward police officers using the D-L as a confirmatory test has been encouraged by the National Institute of Justice, an agency of the Department of Justice that has funded programs to transform police officers into court experts based on their use of these faulty field tests. One such ongoing program for the Utah police claims to offer, in four days, “the necessary training� to positively identify marijuana, which would allow officers to serve as “expert witnesses in the courtroom setting.� The program briefly covers the “botany, chemistry and analysis of marijuana preparations,� after which police officers, including street detectives and crimescene lab personnel, “will assume responsibility for all of their agency’s marijuana submissions.� By the end of 2005, such submissions became the exclusive provenance of the Utah officers who had attended the training, and suspected marijuana samples were no longer accepted at the state lab for processing. In 2009, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation trained more than 1,600 police officers in the use of the D-L test, resulting in a 98 percent reduction in the use of marijuana lab tests. This troubling program garnered the bureau a 2009 Vollmer Excellence in Forensic Science Award by the International Association of Chiefs of Police.

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Despite its widespread use, as early as the 1960s, the D-L test had been proven incapable of definitively identifying the presence of marijuana in a seized substance. A 1968 article in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin of Japan reported that the D-L tests “lack in adequate specificity.� In 1969, M. J. de Faubert Maunder, a chemist in the Ministry of Technology, a British government agency, reported finding 25 plant substances that would produce a D-L test result barely distinguishable from that of cannabis and cautioned that the D-L test “should never be relied upon as the only positive evidence.� Several articles in the Journal of Forensic Sciences further disproved any

claims that the test could specifically identify marijuana. A 1972 study found that the D-L test would test positive for many commonly occurring plant substances known as resorcinols, which are found in over-the-counter medicines. For instance, Sucrets lozenges tested positive for marijuana. This study concluded that the D-L test is useful only as a “screen� test and was not sufficiently selective to be relied upon for “identification.�

A number of high courts have found that the D-L test does not prove the presence of marijuana in a seized substance. In 1975, Dr. Marc Kurzman at the University of Minnesota, in collaboration with 14 other scientists, published a study in The Journal of Criminal Defense that concluded: “The microscopic and chemical screening tests presently used in marijuana analysis are not specific even in combination for ‘marijuana’ defined in any way.â€? In the 35 years since that study was published, no one has ever refuted this finding. Indeed, recent research has confirmed Kurzman’s findings. In 2008, Whitehurst, the chemist and former FBI agent, substantiated Kurzman’s findings in an article in the Texas Tech Law Review. That same year, Dr. Omar Bagasra, director of the South Carolina Center for Biotechnology, conducted experiments in his lab also demonstrating that the D-L test is nonspecific and renders false positives. Bagasra, too, has impeccable credentials—he’s a leading pathologist and a board-certified forensic examiner. A number of high courts have been persuaded by this evidence, and have found that the D-L test does not prove the presence of marijuana in a seized substance. In 1979, a trial judge in North Carolina blocked the marijuana ¨ '


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Supporting Your Healthy

1 = D 3 @ A B = @ G j C < 1 = < B @ = : : 3 2 A C 0 A B/ < 1 3 conviction of Richard Tate, which was to be based on positive D-L test results. In this case, too, the trial judge found that the D-L test was “not specific for marijuana� and had “no scientific acceptance as a reliable and accurate means of identifying the controlled substance marijuana.� On that basis, the judge allowed the defendant to suppress the use of the test results as evidence. This finding was upheld by the North Carolina Supreme Court. Also in 1979, the U.S. Supreme Court in Jackson v. Virginia ruled that the results of nonspecific tests could not be the basis for prosecution or conviction. In other words, if the only evidence is a positive D-L test, then the case must be dismissed.

Big Hairy Problem Shoddy science, though, has muddied the waters. Several studies claim, falsely, to have validated the specificity of the D-L test. The best-known D-L “validation� study, and thus the most damaging to defendants, was published in 1972 by John Thornton and George Nakamura in the Journal of Forensic Science Society. It instantly made the D-L test the gold standard across the country for marijuana identification. But the report is internally contradictory and scientifically flawed. On the opening page of the article, the authors state that the D-L test is a “confirmation� test for marijuana. Such a test must be capable of proving the presence of the drug beyond a reasonable doubt, specifically identifying the drug to the exclusion of all other possible substances and producing neither false positives nor false negatives. However, the researchers’ own findings contradict their conclusion and show instead that the D-L test merely screens for marijuana. The authors themselves reported that the D-L test gave false positives and was not a confirmatory test even when cystolithic hairs—visible on the leaves of marijuana and other plants—are found on the suspected substance. They claimed that “the Duquenois-Levine test is found to be useful in the confirmation of marijuana� when cystolithic hairs are observed “since none of the 82 species possessing hairs similar to those found on marijuana yield a positive test.� The problem is, as the authors noted, there are hundreds of plants with cystolithic hairs that they did not test, making their sample of 82 species woefully inadequate. In effect, they admitted that the botanical exam itself was nonspecific. Combining two

nonspecific tests does not make a specific, confirmatory test, as the D-L and the botanical exam both could easily render false positives. Without having proved specificity, the authors nevertheless claimed it. They also noted its widespread use as if it were proof of its efficacy, mentioning that the D-L test was adopted as a preferential test by the League of Nations Sub-Committee of Cannabis and that a version of the test was proposed by the United Nations Committee on Narcotics as a specific test for marijuana. (The U.N. subsequently found that only gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry analysis could affirmatively identify marijuana.) Inexplicably, this Thornton-Nakamura study is cited by the Drug Enforcement Administration and labs around the country as justifying the use of the D-L test alone or in combination with the microscopic visual exam for proving the presence of marijuana in a seized substance. Even some courts have erroneously ruled that the D-L test is specific and confirmatory. The most egregious example occurred in 2006. U.S. District Judge William Alsup found the D-L test to be a specific identification test and declared, grandiosely: “Despite the many hundreds of thousands of drug convictions in the criminal justice system in America, there has not been a single documented false-positive identification of marijuana or cocaine when the methods used by the SFPD [San Francisco Police Department] Crime Lab are applied by trained, competent analysts.� In fact, according to an affidavit in that case from a senior criminologist at the SFPD, its lab had, for 40 years, used the D-L test in combination with a botanical exam to identify marijuana—two nonspecific tests that can each produce false positives. (A spokeswoman says that current SFPD policy is to subsequently confirm these results with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.)

Challenging the Test Robin Rae Brown never even faced trial on marijuana possession charges. After she was released from jail, she retained this author as a defense expert. When I first spoke with her attorney, Bill Ullman, he had never heard of the D-L test and said he normally pleabargained cases like Brown’s. I urged him to challenge the test and provided him with several scientific studies cited in this article, relevant court decisions, including Jackson v. Virginia and other ¨

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information. When Ullman made inquiries, he discovered that the sheriff ’s department had never performed a lab test to confirm his field test results. Brown, he discovered, had been charged with a felony solely on the basis of the D-L test and Officer Raimondi’s “opinion.� At Ullman’s insistence, the sheriff ’s department finally performed a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis on Robin’s smudge, which came out negative. State Attorney Berki Alvarez immediately dropped the charges against her, noting to Ullman, “the scariness that a person could be arrested under such conditions.� Even scarier was the lab’s revelation that it does not conduct GC/MS analysis until just before a trial, as most marijuana possession defendants plea bargain before the trial. If Brown had accepted a plea bargain, she would have been wrongfully convicted and saddled with a criminal record that could have damaged her future job prospects. How many others before and since have accepted plea bargains based on false positives from a D-L test? “I am just now willing to share this story,� Brown wrote months after her arrest, “because it was embarrassing and I didn’t want to worry my family and friends.� After some serious thought, she recently decided to file a lawsuit for wrongful arrest. “I would like to see them stop using the bogus field tests and to improve their procedures at the county crime lab,� she says. “I would like the public to be aware of the faulty field tests.� In truth, everyone arrested on marijuana charges has a Constitutional right to a GC/MS analysis. Otherwise, they are being denied both due process and a fair trial. “It is not only unnecessary for the courts to continue to accept conclusory drug identifications based on nonspecific tests, it is also unwise for them to do so,� wrote Edward Imwinkelried, a professor of law at the University of California at Davis whose work on scientific evidence has been cited by the Supreme Court. Sustaining evidence from nonspecific tests like the D-L, he concludes, “is both bad science and bad law.� John Kelly is a court-certified expert witness on drug tests and author of ‘False Positives Equal False Justice’ and the forthcoming book, ‘How to Obtain a Pretrial Dismissal of Marijuana Charges or an Acquittal.’ He can be contacted at: kjohn39679@aol.com. Research support for this article was provided by The Investigative Fund of The Nation Institute.

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CTOR C TO OR Scott Scott Wentworth Wentworth rreturns eturns to to Shakespeare Shakespeare Santa S anta Cruz Cruz this this season season as as director d irector of of LLove’s ove’s LLabor’s abor’s LLost, ost, bristling with a rromantic omantic ccomedy omedy b ristling w ith ssome ome off S Shakespeare’s most pun-inflected o hakespeare’s m ost p un-inf lected dialogue. Busy with d ialogue. B usy w ith iintellectual ntellectual ggab ab aand nd witty wordplay multiple w itty w ordplay iin nm ultiple llanguages, anguages, bids LLove’s ove’s LLabor’s abor’s LLost ost b ids tthe he aaudience udience nuance while on aattend ttend tto on uance eeven ven w hile ffeasting easting o n off ffour tthe he ssight ight o our ccourtiers—who’ve ourtiers—who’ve jjust ust pact off aabstinence—immediately ssworn worn a p act o bstinence—immediately with off rroyal ffalling alling iin n llove ove w ith aan n eentourage ntourage o oyal beauties. battle off tthe b eauties. A cclassic lassic b attle o he ssexes exes waged one-upsmanship, w aged iin n llinguistic inguistic o ne-upsmanship, Shakespeare mock upperLLove’s ove’s aallows llows S hakespeare tto om ock u pperwell ccrust rust aattitudes ttitudes aass w ell aass llow-brow ow-brow ggaffes. affes. So off the So much much o the fun fun of of tthis his festival festival is is watch plays unfold tthe he cchance hance tto ow atch tthe he p lays u nfold with kings playing dunces iin n rrepertory, epertory, w ith k ings p laying d unces aand nd ccoquettes oquettes ttransformed ransformed iinto nto ffallen allen wee ccan cconsorts. onsorts. IIn n tthis his aable ble ccast ast w an sspot pot tthe he principals off O Othello p rincipals o thello ““moonlighting� moonlighting� aass wags off N Navarre. Wee m meet quartet off w ags o avarre. W eet tthe he q uartet o King off N Navarre ““scholars, scholars,� iincluding ncluding tthe he Ki ing o avarre Heidenreich) his ((Craig Craig H eidenreich) aand nd h is sscholarly cholarly Berowne O’Byrne) llords, ords, B erowne ((Adam Adam O ’Byrne) Longaville Duggan) Dumaine L ongaville ((Brett Brett D uggan) aand nd D umaine Prioleau). Just ((Richard Richard P rioleau). Ju ust aass tthese hese ccourtiers ourtiers have up h ave rresolved esolved tto o ggive ive u p ffeminine eminine here Princess ccompanionship, ompanionship, h ere ccome ome tthe he P rincess off F France Adler) her o rance ((Marion Marion A dler) aand nd h er ccomely omely Rosaline Green, Desdemona lladies adies R osaline ((Dana Dana G reen, D esdemona Trow) iin n Othello), Othello), Katherine Kaatherine ((Alexandra Alexandra Tr row) Maria Turner). And aand nd M aria ((Sherill Sherill Tu urner). A nd ssince ince Shakespeare, tthis his iiss S hakespeare, tthe he men men of of course course fall instantly in love with the ladies, fall instantly in love with the ladies, who who

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in turn in turn are are not not above above having having some some sport sport with w ith the the situation. situation. Love’s Love’s offers offers the the enchanting enchanting if if predictable off tthe besotted p redictable sspectacle pectacle o he b esotted llords ords disguising d isguising themselves themselves iin n order order to to woo woo weekend’s tthe he women. women. Last Last w eekend’s aaudience udience minute off tthe outrageous aate te up up eevery very m inute o he o utrageous off four princesses byy a q quartet ccourtship ourtship o four p rincesses b uartet off w what bee rrapping Russian o hat appeared appeared tto ob apping R ussian Broad nothing ssoccer occer players. players. B road sslapstick lapstick is is n othing not Elizabethan, iiff n ot E lizabethan, and and Shakespearean Shakespearean poetry done would have p oetry d one iin n rap rap w ould h ave delighted delighted bard himself. The tthe he improvising improvising b ard h imself. T he visual visual non were well-matched n on ssequiturs equiturs w ere w ell-matched by by heavily ssonic onic gags, gags, such such as as h eavily reverbed reverbed ggates ates wooden ““crashing� crashing� sshut hut every every ttime ime tthe he w ooden backdrop opens Other b ackdrop o pens aand nd sshuts. huts. O ther ssound ound design well, d esign ffared ared lless ess w ell, notably notably the the Masterpiece Theater M asterpiece T heater processional processional music music aaccompanying ccompanying entrances entrances aand nd eexits. xits. The The postmodern ssavagely avagely p ostmodern costuming costuming by by Brandin Baron B randin B aron treated treated our our senses senses tto o hues off tthe he opulence opulence of of rroyal oyal ggowns owns in in h ues o brilliant fuschia, purple, turquoise and brilliant fuschia, purple, turquoise and

yellow. yellow. There are are silly silly subplots subplots to to spare spare here, here, There including one one involving involving the the Spanish Spanish including poseur Don Don Adriano Adriano de de Armado, Armado, poseur eloquently played played by by Victor Victor Talmadge Talmadge eloquently (Iago in in Othello); Othello); a country country rascal rascal Costard, Costard, (Iago complete with with skateboard skateboard (Todd (Todd A dams, complete Adams, chewing the the sparse sparse scenery); scenery); ttwo wo chewing ridiculous Latin Latin scholars, scholars, Holofernes Holofernes ((Jeff Jeff ridiculous Mills) and and Sir Sir Nathaniel Nathaniel (Joel ( Joel Morello); Morello); Mills) and a lisping lisping policeman, policeman, Anthony Anthony Dull Dull and (Corey Jones, Jo ones, this this season’s season’s Othello). Othello). (Corey In the the end, end, this this most most loquacious loquacious of of In Shakespeare’s plays—more plays—more talk talk than than Shakespeare’s action, more more gesture gesture than than intrigue— intrigue— action, depends upon upon the the players players themselves. themselves. depends And as as letter letter perfect perfect as as are are each each one one And of the the actors, actors, there there seemed seemed an an absence absence of of collective collective chemistry, chemistry, as as if if some some of of of the actors actors were were too too busy busy negotiating negotiating the the words words to to engage engage hearts hearts and and minds. minds. the Increasing rapport rapport will will doubtless doubtless evolve evolve Increasing as the the actors actors settle settle into into their their characters. characters. as But some some of of the the ultimately ultimately tepid tepid effect effect But

of this of this play play is is simply simply the the fault fault of of the the play play iitself, tself, which which ends ends in in an an underwhelming underwhelming aagreement greement by by all all the the lovers lovers to to wait wait 12 12 m onths to to consummate consummate their their romances. romances. months S o what what one one craves craves in in the the way way of of a So rrichly ichly satisfying, satisfying, conclusion conclusion is is deferred deferred u ntil, perhaps, perhaps, another another play, play, a sequel sequel left left until, u nwritten by by Love’s Love’s aauthor. uthor. unwritten Those who who crave crave the the English English llanguage anguage Those aatt iits ts cchoicest, hoicest, iinvented nvented w hile w while wee llisten isten by by the the fertile fertile genius genius of of William William S hakespeare, will will savor savor this this crisp crisp and and Shakespeare, rrichly ichly intelligible intelligible production. production. And And aan n afternoon afternoon in in the the glen glen is is always always a m idsummer’s day day dream. dream. midsummer’s

LLOVE’S OVE’S LLABOR’S ABOR’S LLOST OST rruns uns Aug. 29 tthrough hrough A ug. 2 9 iin n tthe he SStanleytanley Festival Glen, UCSC, SSinsheimer insheimer F estival G len, U CSC, Cruz. For visit SSanta anta C ruz. F or sschedule chedule v isit www.shakespearesantacruz.org. w ww.shakeespearesantacruz.orrggg.. Tickets $33–$49 831.459.2159. T ickeets aare re $ 33–$49 aatt 8 31.459.2159.

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Sunday, ay y,, August 8, 1pm FREE F FAMILY A AMIL LY CONCER CONCERT RT It begins with a petting zoo-style zoo-sttyle Tour To our of the Or Orchestra chestra and continues c when Marin Alsop conducts co onducts N Nathaniel athaniel Stookey and Lemony Snicket’s Snick ket’s The Composer is Dead! It’ It’ss a murder murder mystery extraordinaire, extraordina aire, and fun for the whole family! SPONSORED SP ONSORED BY


kevin puts colin currie

;^V VM UL^ T\ZPJ»Z TVZ[ YLZWLJ[LK HUK KHYPUN LUZLTISLZ ZOHYL [OL Z[HNL MVY [OL ]LY` ÄYZ[ [PTL ;OL`»SS ZWSP[ ; ^V VM UL^ T\ZPJ»Z TVZ[[ YLZWLJ[LK HUK KHYPUN LUZLTI ^ ISLZ ZOHYL [OL Z[HNL MVY [OL ]LY`` ÄYZ[ [PTL ;OL`»SS ZWSP[ presenting esenting the award-winning programming the bill, each pr t awar d-winning pr ogrammin ng for which they’ve become renowned. ren nowned. A not-to-bemissed experience!

Saturday, Satur day y, August 14, 8pm DALLIANCE

philip glass

Michael Shapir Shapiro’s o’s Roller Coasterr gets a rrollicking ollicking W West est Coast C P Premiere; remiere; Sean Hickey’s Hickey’s Premiere; Kevin Puts featured hiss Dalliance has its World World P remiere; composer/pianist Kev in P uts is featur ed soloist for hi piano concerto, Night Night;; an and nd John Adams’ joins for City Noir, N , the thir Noir third d in his Californian Californian series. se es All four ou composer composers co posers in the house! SPONSORED SP ONSORED BY

kronos quartet

Sunday, August 15, 8pm at Mission San Juan Bautista MUSIC AT THE MISSION: IN AETERNAM .YHUK -PUHSL WLYMVYTHUJLZ PU [OL THNUPÄJLU[ ZHUJ[\HY` VM [OL 6SK 4PZZPVU 7OPSPW .SHZZ QVPUZ for his Cello concerto featuring Wendy Sutter; Elena Kats-Chernin joins for the U.S. Premiere of Heaven is Closed; Pierre Jalbert joins for his award-winning In Aeternam; and the orchestra presents the West Coast Premiere of George Walker’s Foils. Three composers in the house! SPONSORED BY

elena kats-chernin

ORDER TICKE TICKETS NOW! ONLINE: cabrillomu cabrillomusic.org c usic.org (through (thr ough SantaCruzTickets.com) SanttaCruzTickets.com)

PHONE: 8 831.420.5260 31.420.52 260 (press (press 5) IN PERSO ON: Santa Cruz C Civic PERSON: Auditorium m Box Offi Office fice Church Street 307 Chur c Str ch eet CALL TODAY! TOD DA AY! Y OUT TS EXPECTED! EXPECT TED! SELL OUTS

Saturday & Sunday, August 7 & 8, 11am-8pm CABRILLO MUSIC ART & WINE FESTIVAL Two full days of world music and dance on the Church Street Stage including Flor de Caña, Danjuma & Onola, Watsonville Taiko, Singing Wood Marimba, Desert Dream Dance, Mariachi de Eleazar Cortes, and more; more than 60 artisans booths, food and wine, Creativity Tent for Kids with free hands-on art workshops, and much more! SPONSORED BY

flor de caña

wendy sutter

j #

A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 4-11, 2010 AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA

:7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

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1/0@7::= ;CA71 /@B 4==2 /<2 E7<3 43AB7D/: Not only do 15 world music and dance acts perform on the outdoor Church Street stage for free, but children get to try out instruments of all kinds (including giant taiko drums) while the crowds enjoy food, wine and browsing at artists’ booths. Saturday, Aug 7 and Sunday, Aug 8, 11am-8pm each day. Church Street between Chestnut and Center streets, Santa Cruz. Free admission.

B6@=C56 j & #


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2OdS\^]`b 5OZZS`g <gdje H]dl/ 6WhigVXi^dch# CdcgZegZhZciVi^dcVa ldg` [gdb &' adXVa Vgi^hih# GZXZei^dc/ HVi 6j\ &)! *"-eb# LZY"Hjc! &&Vb"*eb# I]gj 6j\ '.# LZY" Hjc &&Vb"*eb )*% =ln &! 9VkZcedgi! -(&#)'+#&&..# 4SZWf 9cZ^O 5OZZS`g :be^gZ d[ 9^gi# CZl ldg`h Wn 7aV^hZ GdhZci]Va# DeZch ;g^ 6j\ + l^i] V gZXZei^dc [gdb + id .eb# I]gj 6j\ '.# ;gZZ# I]j"Hjc cddc"*eb &%, :ab Hi! HVciV 8gjo! )%-#(,(#'-*)# BVS ;WZZ 5OZZS`g 7ZcZ[^i H]dl/ BVgX <djaY# BVgX <djaY! Vgi^hi d[ Y^kZghZ

1/0@7::= ;CA71 43AB7D/: The Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary Music enters its 48th season this week with Friday’s opening concert, which features the work of Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Jennifer Higdon. Other weekend highlights include premieres of the work of Anna Clyne and Mark-Anthony Turnage and Sunday’s recital by the Kronos Quartet (pictured) and sextet eighth blackbird. Numerous free events dot the calendar as well. Friday, Aug 6 through Sunday, Aug 15. For schedule, venues and tickets, visit www.cabrillomusic.org. bZY^jbh l]d ldg`h l^i] ]^h hdc CdV] Vh ÆI]Z 6gi:cZbnh!Ç WjgcZY ]^bhZa[ WVYan ZVgan i]^h hjbbZg VcY cZZYh ]Zae# I]Z \VaaZgn h]dlh ]^h k^k^Y jaigV"kVg^ZY e^ZXZh VcY eV^ci^c\h i]gdj\] b^Y"bdci]# 6gi^hi gZXZei^dc l^i] a^kZ bjh^X/ ;g^ 6j\ +! +"&%eb# H]dlh i]gj 6j\ &*# ;gZZ# &(& ;gdci Hi! HVciV 8gjo# AO\bO 1`ch @SVSO`aOZ AbcRW]a I]Z 6gi d[ i]Z 7VcY I"H]^gi# BdgZ i]Vc )% adXVa WVcYhÉ I"h]^gih [gdb i]Z hdja"XZciZgZY >cX^iZgh id i]Z ]VgYXdgZ 6ghdc^hih <Zi 6aa i]Z <^gah dc Y^heaVn! VcY [dg hVaZ! idd# 6j\ +"(&! &%"&'Vb# ;gZZ VYb^hh^dc# &%Vb"b^Yc^\]i! , YVnh V lZZ`# &&- 8dgVa HigZZi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'*#,',,#

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$ j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA august 4-11, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; 1 #

Become a Certified Become Certified Nutrition C onsultan nt Consultant Work with primary Work primary care care providers providers to to improve improve their patients’ patients’ health thr through oug gh diet and nutr nutrition. ition.

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Learn more about therapeutic nutrition at a free lecture August 18 at 6:30 PM: Chronic Pain Management See our Calendar of Events online for more info.

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>=E3@ B= B63 >3=>:3 MICHAEL Gene Sullivan spent his childhood being loud. Everyone who knew him swore he was destined for the theater. But when he reached his teenage years, he became incredibly shy. “I had the feeling that if I started talking, I would never shut up,� he grins. Luckily for intellectual theater enthusiasts, Sullivan, head writer for the San Francisco Mime Troupe (SFMT), did start talking again—and his prediction came true in the best way possible. This summer’s SFMT production, Posibilidad, tells the story of factory workers who accidentally take control of their company. Sullivan has devoted his latest in a long string of socially conscious productions to the plight of workers because he notices a discrepancy between American workers and their counterparts in other countries. “Americans always think workers fight for a place at the table,� Sullivan says. “In other countries, workers fight for the whole table. What is it that keeps us from taking that extra step?� Argentina, for example, has a history of factory owners losing money and abandoning their companies. Once the owners are gone, the workers band together, purchase the company and run the thing themselves. Don’t be surprised if Posibilidad smacks of socialism. Sullivan hopes audiences will leave the production free of the notion that socialism is a dirty word. “We, the working class, create the wealth of a country,� Sullivan says. “[The wealthy] can’t do it without us, but we need to show them that we can do it without them.� (Caroline Osborn)

SAN FRANCISCO MIME TROUPE performs ‘Posibilidad’ Saturday, Aug. 7 at 3pm and Sunday, Aug. 8 at 3pm at San Lorenzo Park, 137 Dakota St., Santa Cruz. Free.

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august 4-11, 2010

| 27

03/ /BA1/>3 aaugust u g u s t 4-11, 4 - 1 1 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; & & j 03/BA1/>3

Jazz Presenters since 1975


THE LE BOEUF BROTHERS Concert: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv SPECIAL DINNER BEG.@5:30 PM! Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel


TAYLOR EIGSTI QUARTET Pianist prodigy! Two-time Grammy Award Nominee! $20/Adv $23/Door

Sponsored by William and Cloy Codiga Family


AMINA FIGAROVA SEXTET “...one of the most talented jazz piano players from Europe.� –All About Jazz Concert: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel

MON. AUGUST 16 • 7 & 9 PM


“...the greatest kora player on the planet.� –Boston Globe 7 PM: $25/Adv $28/Door 9 PM: $20/Adv $23/Door No Jazztix or Comps



Concert: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel



/ 97<9 7< B63 >:/<A / 97<9 9 7< B6 B 3 >:/<A Kink Kinky ky FriedFried-

“Bold, brash and already delivering on serious promise.� – Jazz Times $22/Adv $25/Door

original ‘Texas Jewboy,’ makes man, the origi inal ‘T Teexas J ewboy,’ mak es ďŹ rst West Coast appearance his ďŹ r rst s W est e C oast app earance in ttwo wo Aug. Moe’s Alley. d d on A decades ug. 4 att Mo ug M e’s Alle All ey.

Sponsored by Beth Ostrowski


LENNY WHITE’S ANOMALY FEATURING JIMMY HERRING Putting the rock back into jazz–rock! $22/Adv $25/Door




Sponsored by Dr. Arthur Dover and the Aptos Travel Clinic Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, serving premium wines & microbrewed beers. Snacks & desserts available all other nights. All age venue.

Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at kuumbwajazz.org Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admission Tax.

320-2 Cedar St • Sa nta C r u z 427-2227


E32<3A2/G j & " E 3 2 < 3 A 2/G j & "

B6C@A2/G j & # B 6 C @ A 2/G j & #

4@72/G j & $ 4 @ 7 2/G j & $

9 7 < 9G 97<9G 4 @732;/< 4@732;/<

5 @ 3 /B 5@3/B /;3@71/< B/F7 / ; 3 @ 7 1 / < B/F 7

The o The old ld aadage dage tthat hat ““everything’s everything’s b igger iin nT exas� ccertainly ertainly aapplies pplies tto o tthe he bigger Texas� p ersonality o ne R ichard S Kiinky� personality off o one Richard S.. ““Kinky� F riedman. P art-time aauthor, uthor, w ould-be Friedman. Part-time would-be p olitician aand nd o ne- of-a-kind m usical politician one-of-a-kind musical ssatirist, atirist, F riedman iiss tthe he o riginal Friedman original JJewish ewish ccowboy owboy aand nd h as m ade a ccareer areer has made o earing h is ccontradictions ontradictions o nh is off w wearing his on his ssleeve. leeve. M usically, h is ssongs ongs u se a cclassic lassic Musically, his use ccountry ountry w estern m odel aand nd rrange ange western model ffrom rom tthe he m ildly b lasphemous ““They They mildly blasphemous A in’t M akin’ JJews ews L ike JJesus esus A nymore� Ain’t Makin’ Like Anymore� tto o the the likely likely introspective introspective “Arsehole “Arsehole F rom E aso� aand nd ttypically ypically ttoe oe tthe he lline ine From Ell P Paso� b etween sslapstick lapstick h umor aand nd p olitical between humor political sspoofdom. poofdom. M arking h is ffirst irst W est Marking his West C oast ttour our iin n2 0 yyears, ears, F riedman b rings Coast 20 Friedman brings h is iinfamous nfamous b and tthe he Texas Texas Je ewboys his band Jewboys tto o make make sweet sweet m ockery o n tthe he M oe’s mockery on Moe’s A lley stage. stage. M oe’s Alley; Alley; $20; $20; 8:30pm. 8:30pm. Alley Moe’s ((Curtis Curtis Cartier) Cartier)

Playing straight-ahead Playing straight-ahead country-rock country-rock w ithout a hint hint of of pretense, pretense, the the music music without o Great American American Taxi Taxi is is so so steeped steeped off Great iin n ’70s ’70s Americana Americana that that they they oughta oughta ccheck heck for for bushy bushy mustaches mustaches at at the the d oor. Great Great American American Taxi’s Taxi’s scope scope is is door. lless ess celestially celestially ambitious ambitious than than that that of of ttheir heir inspirations inspirations Gram Gram Parsons, Parsons, the the G rateful Dead Dead and and Doug Doug Sahm, Sahm, but but it’s it’s Grateful aass rugged rugged and and durable durable as as any any example example o the genre, genre, making making up up in in grit grit what what off the iitt lacks lacks in in scope. scope. Fronted Fronted by by Vince Vince H erman of of Leftover Leftover Salmon, Salmon, Great Great Herman A merican Taxi Taxi takes takes the the urban urban cowboy cowboy American ttropes ropes of of its its forbears forbears and and adds adds a bit bit of of ccountry ountry back back into into the the equation. equation. Moe’s Moe’s A lley; $10 $10 adv/$12 adv/$12 door; door; 8pm. 8pm. (Paul (Paul M. M. Alley; D avis) Davis)

3D7A13@/B3 3 D 7 A 1 3 @ /B 3 473<2A /B 4 7 3 < 2 A /B 43/AB 4 3 /AB For F or aanyone nyone sstill till u under nder tthe he iimpression mpression tthat hat tthe he S anta C ruz m usic sscene cene Santa Cruz music iiss p eopled o nly b pliff-toking peopled only byy sspliff-toking d readheads aand nd iindie ndie b luegrass dreadheads bluegrass h ipsters, tthere’s here’s a llittle ittle sshow how aatt tthe he hipsters, C atalyst tthat hat w eekend tthat hat w ill o ffer Catalyst weekend will offer a ggurgling urgling h owl tto o tthe he ccontrary. ontrary. howl M etal—be iitt b lack, d eath, tthrash hrash o Metal—be black, death, orr d oom—is ggaining aining llocal ocal ttraction raction tthanks hanks doom—is tto o tthe he eefforts fforts o mall b ut d evilishly off a ssmall but devilishly aambitious mbitious ggroup roup o ielders aand nd off aaxx w wielders sstick tick sswingers. wingers. O nF riday, ttwo wo o he On Friday, off tthe m ost aactive ctive m embers o he S Cm etal most members off tthe SC metal sscene—Eviscerate, cene—Eviscerate, w ith iits ts b rutal aand nd with brutal ccannibalistic annibalistic d eath rrites, ites, aand nd F iends death Fiends aatt F east, tthe he sshrieking hrieking h ellhounds o Feast, hellhounds off eextreme xtreme b lack m etal—will ggo oh ead tto o black metal—will head h ead aatt tthe he C at’s A trium sstage. tage. C atalyst; head Cat’s Atrium Catalyst; $ 6; 9 pm. ((CC) CC) $6; 9pm.

j '

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; aaugust u g u s t 4-11, 4 - 1 1 , 2010 2 0 1 0 03/BA1/>3 03/ /BA1/>3

1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A @3D @3D 6=@B=< 63/B D 6=@B=< = 6 63/ /B A UG. 11 A T CA ATA TALY YSST ST AUG. AT CATALYST /9 /9@=< 4 9@ /; ;7:G :G /9@=< 4/;7:G AUG. A UG G. 14 AT AT BROOKDALE BR ROOKD O KD KDA KDA DA ALE LODGE LODGE ODGE

4@72/G j & $ 4 @ 7 2/G j & $

/ 4 := 1 9 = 4 / 4:=19 =4 A3/5C::A A 3 /5 C : : A Started S tarted b byy a pair pair o off British British b brothers, rothers, A F lock of of S eagulls aand nd their their b izarrely Flock Seagulls bizarrely tteased eased h airdos h ave inspired inspired d ecades hairdos have decades o parodies. T heir ssynth-heavy ynth-heavy ssongs ongs off parodies. Their aare re as as iiconic conic aass their their style, style, and and h its hits ssuch uch as as ““II R an (so (so far far aaway)� way)� define def ine Ran a ggeneration. eneration. The The electric electric gguitar uitar rriffs iffs aare re supported supported b the eechoes choes of of byy the cclassical lassical C asio keyboard, keyboard, and and their their Casio llyrics yrics tug tug at at tthe he heartstrings heartstrings of of ’’80s 80s cchildren hildren everywhere. everywhere. B ands ffrom rom three three Bands d ecades aago go have have b roken up, up, reunited, reunited, decades broken ffound ound what what works works and and w hat d oesn’t. what doesn’t. AF lock of of S eagulls ttopped opped w orld Flock Seagulls world ccharts harts and and ffound ound that that the the keyboard keyboard w orked. T he h air, n ot so so much. much. Beach Beach worked. The hair, not B oardwalk; free; free; 6 :30pm aand nd 8:30pm. 8:30pm. Boardwalk; 6:30pm ((Kate Kaate Jacobson) Jacobson)

A/BC@2/G j & % A /B C @ 2/G j & %

8=6< 2=3 8 =6< 2=3 When tthe When he h history istory b books ooks o off p punk unk rrock ock aare re w ritten—and a ffew ew aalready lready h ave written—and have b een—it w ill b aid tthat hat ffour-piece our-piece been—it will bee ssaid b and X w as tthe he S ex P istols o os band was Sex Pistols off L Los A ngeles. O aybe iit’ll t’ll b he R amones Angeles. Orr m maybe bee tthe Ramones o alifornia o he C lash o he W est off C California orr tthe Clash off tthe West

C oast. W Wh hatever tthe he ccase, ase, X aand nd tthe he Coast. Whatever ffour our p ioneers tthat hat sstarted tarted iitt b ack pioneers back iin n 11977 977 w ill aalways lways w alk aass ggods ods iin n will walk ccircles ircles w here m ohawks iintermittently ntermittently where mohawks aappear. ppear. N om atter tthat hat o riginal X No matter original b assist JJohn ohn D oe n ow p lays a ccountry ountry bassist Doe now plays ttwang wang vversion ersion o is p unk rroots; oots; iit’s t’s off h his punk aall ll ggospel ospel tto o tthe he eears ars o he ffaithful. aithful. off tthe H enry M iller L ibrary; $ 15 aadv/$20 dv/$20 Henry Miller Library; $15 d oor; 8 pm. ((CC) CC) door; 8pm.

AC<2/G j & & A C < 2/G j & &

43:G 4 3 :G Leye F Leye Felicite elicite T Tchaco chaco ssings ings iin nF French, rench, E nglish aand nd vvarious arious A frican d ialects, English African dialects, p ooling w orld llanguages anguages iinto nto pooling world L atin, A frican aand nd jjazz azz b eats aass Latin, African beats ccompelling ompelling aass tthe he w oman h erself. woman herself. B orn iin n IIvory vory C oast, F ely h as ssold old Born Coast, Fely has o ut vvenues enues aacross cross West West Africa Africa and and out ccan an h it tthe he h igh n otes w ith tthe he b est hit high notes with best o hem, sswinging winging h er p op-sounding off tthem, her pop-sounding vvocals ocals tthrough hrough n umbers rranging anging numbers ffrom rom d anceable C aribbean rrhythms hythms danceable Caribbean tto oA fro-beats tthick hick w ith llonging. onging. Afro-beats with A merican aaudiences udiences m ight n ot aalways lways American might not u nderstand tthe he llyrics, yrics, b ut tthe he aallure llure understand but iiss iin n tthe he fflow low o he w ords aand nd tthe he off tthe words m arriage o ultures. D on Q uixote’s; marriage off ccultures. Don Quixote’s; $ 15; 7pm. 7pm. (KJ) (KJ) $15;

0:/19 4@/<17A 0: /19 1 4@/ 4@/ / /< /<17A 7 AUG. AUG A UG. 155 AT AT HENRY HEENRY Y MILLER ER R LIBRARY LIBR R ARY ARY B=C;/<7 27/0/B3 B =C;/<7 C;/ ;/<7 27/ 2 0/B /B B3 A UG. 16 16 AT AT KUUMBWA KU UUM WA UUMBW AUG. E/DD3A E /DD3A 3A AUG. A UG. 17 AT AT CREPE CR REPE PLACE PLLA LACE B63G ;756B 03 57/<BA B 63G ;75 756B 03 57/<B 7/ A AUG. A UG. 20 AT AT RIO RIO THEATRE RI THEATRE T TR 1/@=:G< E=<23@:/<2 1/@= :G< G E E= =<23@ 3@:/<2 AUG. A UG. 27 AT AT MOE’S MOEE S ALLEY ALL 03<<G 03</AA7 0 3<<G 03< </AA77 SEP. AT CATALYST SEP P. 11 A T CA TA ALLY YST YS T

;=<2/G j & ' ; = < 2/G j & '

B/G:=@ 375AB7 B /G := @ 3 7 5 A B 7 When yyou’ve When ou’ve ggot ot tthe he llikes ikes o off D Dave ave B rubeck d eclaring aan n eemerging merging Brubeck declaring aartist rtist “the “the most most amazing amazing talent talent I’ve I’ve eever ver ccome ome aacross, cross,� iit’s t’s a ssignal ignal tto op ay pay aattention. ttention. F or T aylor E igsti, ssuch uch For Taylor Eigsti, ssuperlatives uperlatives aare re o ld h at: tthe he p ianist h as old hat: pianist has b een aatt iitt ssince ince tthe he aage ge o hen h been off 8 8,, w when hee o pened ffor or D avid B enoit. T here aare re opened David Benoit. There m any p recocious m usical p rodigies many precocious musical prodigies w ho h ave ffailed ailed tto od eliver o n ttheir heir who have deliver on eearly arly p romise, b ut E igsti aappears ppears tto ob promise, but Eigsti bee tthe he rreal eal d eal, p roving tto ob n aadept dept deal, proving bee aan ccomposer omposer aass w ell aass a ffluent luent p layer. well player. K uumbwa; $ 20 aadv/$23 dv/$23 d oor; Kuumbwa; $20 door; 7 aand nd 9 pm. ((PMD) PMD) 9pm.

E32<3A2/G j & E 3 2 < 3 A 2/G j &

8 =/ < 8=/< /@;/B@/27<5 / @ ; /B @ / 2 7 < 5 British ssinger-songwriter British inger-songwriter JJoan oan A rmatrading iiss a rrare are ssurvivor urvivor o Armatrading off tthe he ’’70s; 70s; tthough hough llong ong cconfined onf ined tto oa ccult ult ffollowing, ollowing, sshe he h as n ever b urned has never burned o ut. T hat cconsistency onsistency h as ggiven iven out. That has A rmatrading’s ccareer—which areer—which ttook ook Armatrading’s o ff iin n tthe he m id-’70s aand nd eearly arly ’’80s 80s w ith off mid-’70s with jjazz-influenced azz-inf luenced rrock ock ssingles ingles llike ike ““Love Love aand nd A ffection,â€? ““I’m I’m L uckyâ€? aand nd ““Drop Drop Affection, Luckyâ€? tthe he P ilotâ€?—the ssort ort o ongevity tthat hat Pilotâ€?—the off llongevity m any o er p eers ffailed ailed tto o aachieve. chieve. many off h her peers S he rremains emains a rrestless estless aand nd iinspired nspired She aartist, rtist, aand nd h er llatest, atest, T his C harming her This Charming LLife, ife, iiss iignited gnited b ense o aving byy a ssense off h having ssomething omething tto op rove tthat’s hat’s m ore ttypical ypical prove more iin nm usicians h alf h er aage ge aand nd sshows hows musicians half her A rmatrading’s m usic tto ob harged Armatrading’s music bee aass ccharged aand nd u npredictable aass eever. ver. R io T heatre; unpredictable Rio Theatre; $ 35 aadv/$38 dv/$38 d oor; 8 pm. ((PMD) PMD) $35 door; 8pm. A63¸A :C19G A6 3¸A :C19 9G J Joan oan Armatrading A Armat rading shows some emotion Wednesday, Wednesday e y, Aug. Augg. 11 at the Rio Rio..

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 4-11, 2010 1:C0 5@72

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(K] +Y +YZ W T :OV^ W T (\N Smoov-E Atrium (Ages 16+) (\N Eviscerate Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N The Original Snail Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N Birdhouse Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N Natives of the New Dawn Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N Te Vaka Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N Hayride to Hell Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N Cylinder Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N Harry & the Hitmen Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N Xavier Rudd (Ages 16+) (\N Ted Nugent (Ages 21+) (\N Bad Brains (Ages 16+) (\N The Hold Steady (Ages 16+) (\N Jackie Greene (Ages 21+) (\N Hieroglyphics (Ages 16+) :LW Israel Vibration (Ages 21+) :LW The Holdup (Ages 16+) :LW Benny Benassi (Ages 16+) :LW Collie Buddz (Ages 16+) :LW Atmosphere (Ages 16+) 6J[ Easy Star All-Stars (Ages 16+) 6J[ O.A.R. (Ages 16+) 6J[ Tech N9ne (Ages 16+) <USLZZ V[OLY^PZL UV[LK HSS ZOV^Z HYL KHUJL ZOV^Z ^P[O SPTP[LK ZLH[PUN Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online


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!" j 47:; august 4-11, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY AUGUST 6 – THURSDAY AUGUST 12 STARTS THURSDAY 8/5 @ MIDNIGHT! “A jaw-dropping, gravity defying film about dance!� –Urban Cinefile



Advance Midnight Show Thurs 8/5 Starts Fri 8/6 Daily: (2:15), (4:45), 7:15, 9:30 & Fri-Sun (12 noon) “A warm, funny, sexy & smart movie!� –Entertainment Weekly

Annette Benning

Julianne Moore

Mark Ruffalo


On 2 Screens! Daily: (1:15), (2:00), (3:40), (4:30), 6:15, 7:00, 8:30, 9:15 & Fri, Sat, Sun (11:45am)

Online Ticketing Available @


Film Capsules <3E 1/>A /:D7< /<2 B63 167>;C<9A( B63 A?C3/9?C3:

(2009) I don’t get it. I put up big signs everywhere when the first movie came out, “Please Do Not See the Chipmunks.� I tried to educate the public that this is a major mentalhealth issue—people should never approach irritating animated rodents, especially in a movie theater setting. But you know how it is: people say “Oh, but they’re so cute,� and the next thing you know, they’re putting themselves and their children at risk. (WedThu 8/4-5 10am at 41st Ave) (SP) 1=C<B2=E< B= H3@= (PG; 99 min.)

STARTS FRIDAY 8/6! “Gripping & spine-tingling ‌ a rare piece of filmmaking!â€? –Entertainment Weekly FROM THE PRODUCER OF ‘AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH’

(PG) Daily: (1:00), (3:00), (5:00), 7:00, 9:00 & Sat, Sun (10:50am)

STARTS FRIDAY 8/6! “A mesmerizing French spy movie based on a true story!â€? –New Yorker FROM THE ACADEMY AWARDÂŽ-NOMINATED FILMMAKER OF “JOYEUX NOĂ‹Lâ€?


Daily: (2:00), (4:20), 6:40, 9:20 & Sat-Sun (11:40)


(1965) Omar Sharif, Julie Christie, Rod Steiger and Alec Guinness star in an epic tale of romance and political upheaval set in Revolution-era Russia. (Sat-Sun 11am at Aptos) min.) Cold War thriller

Rachel Weisz

midnight at Santa Cruz 9, Green Valley, 41st Ave, Scotts Valley) AB3> C> !2

(PG-13; 107 min.) A gaggle of New York street dancers team up with an NYU freshman 4C:: ;3B/: 8/193B and dance it out, yo, (1987 ) Stanley with a rival team of Kubrick’s take on the hip-hop dancers in Vietnam War and its a, yes, life-changing dehumanizing effects competition. (Opens Fri on those who fought it. at Del Mar, Green Valley) With Matthew Modine, B==B6 4/7@G (2009) Adam Baldwin and The Rock on a mission, Vincent D’Onofrio. with wings and a wand. (Thu 8pm at Santa Cruz With Ashley Judd and 9) Julie Andrews. (Wed B63 5==<73A

(1985) A group of kids calling themselves the Goonies discover a pirate treasure map and set out to save their neighborhood, which has been set for demolition to make way for a golf course. With Josh Brolin and Corey Feldman. (Wed-Thu 8/4-5 at 10am at Scotts Valley; Wed 8/4 at 9pm at Beach Boardwalk) B63 =B63@ 5CGA

(PG-13; 107 min.) Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg are two New York detectives working in the shadow of the NYPD’s two heroes, played by Samuel Jackson and Dwayne Johnson, when opportunity knocks. With Derek Jeter as himself. (Opens Thu

8/11 at 10am at Scotts Valley) B63 E7H/@2 =4 =H

(1939) The original MGM Technicolor Triumph, complete with child star, f lying monkeys, poppy fields and green ladies. (Wed 8/11 at 10am at 41st Ave)

@3D73EA /5=@/ (Unrated;

127 min.) A beautifully dressed disappointment, highlighting a lovely and severely miscast Rachel Weisz as a pagan logician holding out against insurgent faith. It’s the early 400s during the Christian end of the Roman empire. Hypatia (Weisz), daughter of the librarian of Alexandria (Michael


Daily: (3:50), 6:30 & Sat, Sun (11:10am)

FINAL WEEK! “Stunning!� –Edge (R)

( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm

“An uproarious crowd-pleaser!� –Variety

FOX-TV, Shawn Edwards

1/BA 2=5A( @3D3<53 =4 97BBG 5/:=@3 (PG; 82

min.) Cats and dogs join forces to take down a rogue kitty spy in a mission to save themselves and their humans. The animated film is the newest peek into the secret tides of cat/dog relations and features the voices of James Marsden and Nick Nolte, with Bette Midler as the feline mastermind. 16/@:73 AB 1:=C2

(PG-13 ) Zac Efron is a grief-stricken older brother who becomes caretaker of a cemetery in order to see his dear departed little brother more often. With Kim Basinger and Amanda Crew. 23A>71/0:3 ;3

(PG; 94 min.) Even the second tier of animated filmmaking is fairly advanced, and Despicable Me’s brisk and intelligent rephrase of the evil genius plot makes up for several cul de sacs. The bald, heavyeyebrowed and Akim Tamiroff–accented Gru (voiced by Steve

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

Call for showtimes.

Call for showtimes.

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

Call for showtimes.

Steve Carell Paul Rudd Zach Galifianakis Ron Livingston

her gravity of an intellectual. One gets the unfortunate sense that Weisz is doing what Julie Andrews would do with the role. (RvB)

/>B=A 17<3;/A

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.cineluxtheatres.com

Outrageously Funny!’’

Lonsdale), is a woman with the rare privilege of being allowed to teach philosophy; her two prize students, both very fond of her, are the slave Davus (Max Minghella) and the well-born Orestes (Oscar Isaac). As little is known of Hypatia’s actual teachings, the film posits that her concerns were the matter of the shape of the earth’s orbit round the sun (a matter referred to visually repeatedly by a Google Earth–like computeranimated rising about the Nile delta and return to outer space). Who can blame the camera for wanting to leave this island, Earth? The film is an ant-hill-like squabble of different faiths, centered around the increasing viciousness of the local Christian bishop. You can see where the 50 million euro budget went; the aged Lonsdale has a face just right for the ancient world. And Isaac is on his mark, doing the familiar Roman Empire movie trope of the effete drawler as British lord. Weisz looks very fetching in togas, but the force of Hypatia’s sweet, no-monkeybusiness character is stressed rather than

Carell) is a mad scientist working on his latest plot. If he can steal a shrink-ray just being developed, the Bank of Evil will give him a loan to finance his magnum opus: the theft of the moon itself. The action may be silly, but the directors take it seriously. (Read a fulllength review at www. metroactive.com.) (RvB) 27<<3@ 4=@ A16;C19A (PG-13;

110 min.) Executives throw a particularly memorable dinner party: its centerpiece is a contest to see which of them can find the biggest idiot to entertain them. Tim (Paul Rudd) finds Steve Carell, and if the tag line is any indication of the ending (“It takes one to know one�), the idea goes sour for Rudd. Also starring Zach Galifianakis and Jemaine Clement. B63 57@: E6= >:/G32 E7B6 47@3

(R; 137 min.) This second installment in the Stieg Larsson series brings back Noomi Rapace’s ratty but invincible urchin Lisbeth Salander. Shortly after Lisbeth’s return to Stockholm, her old nemesis (and rapist) of a parole

Showtimes are for Wednesday, Aug. 4, through Wednesday, Aug. 11, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.thenick.com

Daily: (1:40), 9:10

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com Call for showtimes.


Daily: (2:30), (4:45), 7:00, 9:20 & Sat, Sun (12 noon)


2=1B=@ H67D/5=

4/@3E3:: (NR; 121

Daily: (1:30), (4:10), 6:50, 9:30 & Sat, Sun (11:00am)


Documentary tracks the past and present of the nuclear arms race. (Opens Fri at Nickelodeon)

about a disenchanted Soviet officer who convinces a Frenchman to enter the dangerous business of espionage. In Russian, French and English. (Opens Fri at Nickelodeon)

Movie reviews by Steve Palopoli, and Richard von Busack





23: ;/@

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com Call for showtimes.


Daily: (2:40), (4:50), 7:10, 9:10


Tickets $6

Omar Sharif Julie Christie

Doctor Zhivago


Sat 8/7 & Sun 8/8 @ 11:00am Next Week: 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees


Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com Call for showtimes.

A1=BBA D/::3G 17<3;/

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260 www.cineluxtheatres.com Call for showtimes.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com Call for showtimes.

j !#

A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 4-11, 2010 47:;

officer starts stirring up trouble. Meanwhile, trustworthily pockmarked investigative journalist Mikael (Michael Nyqvist) meets a new writer. He and his sociologist girlfriend are trying to expose the sex-slave trade conducted out of the former Soviet Union, apparently abetted by the Sapo, the Swedish Secret Police. Salander is an old-fashioned pulp heroine in a pulp plot. (RvB) 7<13>B7=< (PG-13;

148 min.) The basic idea of Christopher Nolan’s film is simple. Led by Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), a sort of Impossible Mission Force, working for a Japanese trillionaire (Ken Watanabe), descends into the sleeping subconscious of the plutocrat’s young rival (Cillian Murphy), using technology that allows them to design dreamscapes. Because of the complexity of this operation, the team is forced to create dreams within dreams, and each deeper dream takes place in an exponentially larger time frame. The film is audacious and frequently thrilling, especially when Nolan folds Paris in on itself and Escherizes interior spaces. It’s visionary filmmaking, uncommon at this scale, with neither the mawkishness of What Dreams May Come or the spiritual horse feathers of the Matrix trilogy. (RvB) B63 972A /@3 /:: @756B (R; 111

min.) Crisis occurs when a very settled lesbian marriage is challenged by the arrival of the sperm donor (Mark Ruffalo) who fathered one of the couple’s children. Julianne Moore as a classic California girl: no intellectual, very earthy, a blurter-out of things she probably shouldn’t have said; Annette Bening, amusingly dour, is her hard-working spouse. Director Lisa Cholodenko and cowriter Stuart Blumberg

1=;@/23A 7< 6/@;¸A E/G!!Hvjmmbvnf!Dbofu!boe!Fnjs!Lvtuvsjdb!bsf!b!Gsfodinbo! boe!b!ejtjmmvtjpofe!Tpwjfu!pgĂ&#x;dfs!qmbzjoh!b!ijhi.tublft!Dpme!Xbs!hbnf!jo!Ă•Gbsfxfmm/Ă– takes their film away from the realm of the typical gay and lesbian film fest talkathon and up to speed with the blogs, Alison Bechdel’s cartoons Dykes to Watch Out For and with the fiction of Mary Gaitskill. As a director, Cholodenko is a dry, tough-minded wit. But the way she analyzes the needy, unpretty cores of these characters is what takes The Kids Are All Right out of the realm of the domestic comedy/ drama and makes it a film to remember. (RvB) @/;=</ /<2 033HCA (G; 104

min.) Little sister and big sister duke it out in film adaptation of Beverly Cleary’s beloved book. With Selena Gomez, Joey King, Bridget Moynahan and Ginnifer Goodwin. A/:B Angelina Jolie

vehicle about a CIA officer named Evelyn Salt who stands accused of spying for the Russkies also stars Liev Schreiber and Chiwetel Ejiofor, not that anyone will notice. B63 A=@13@3@¸A />>@3<B713 (PG;

109 min.) Nicolas Cage is Balthazar, an eons-old sorcerer who dresses like Lemmy of Motorhead; he recruits a NYT physics major ( Jay Baruchel) to help him round up a wizard (Alfred Molina) who proposes to release the spirit of the evil sorceress Morgana la Fey (Alice Krige). If released, Morgana will dominate the world by unleashing an army of the walking dead. Baruchel—more ideally cast as the second or third assistant nerd in a high school movie—emits various goofy whines during the live-action remake

of the Mickey Mouse sequence in Fantasia. Restaging this sequence live with CG animated brooms and mops is basically what would happen if you made a Daffy Duck cartoon with CG real ducks, Babe style, taking loads of buckshot in the beak. Director Jon Turtletaub, of what will shortly become the National Treasure trilogy, has obviously cut the film to make it move quicker, but camp or serious the movie fails; Turtletaub and his producer Jerry Bruckheimer have delivered something so DOA that all the spells of Morgana La Fey couldn’t bring it to life. (RvB) B=G AB=@G ! (G; 108 min.) Sit through the pretty ordinary grabber sequence at the beginning of the film—a frontier adventure with a

runaway train— because once this latest Pixar effort gets started, it’s perfection. Woody (Tom Hanks), the toy-size avatar of a cinematic century’s worth of action heroes, is the lone skeptic when the rest of the gang is donated to a seemingly wonderful day-care center run by a too-friendly huggy bear (Ned Beatty). What transpires is a Great Escape parody that is less a joke and more like a captivating (and terrifying) new version of an old myth. Things get very heavy indeed; these talking walking toys end up on the edge of extinction, which is why the seasoned professionals doing the voice acting add the right note of mortality to this sequel. A stunner, all told, in color, action, humor and serious underpinnings. (RvB)

E7<B3@¸A 0=<3

(R; 100 min.) The melodrama-free indie movie Winter’s Bone is like a Little Red Riding Hood story in which there’s nothing but wolves. In the outlaw culture of the Ozarks sprawling clans evade the law and deal out their own kind of justice. Adapted from Daniel Woodrell’s novel, Debra Granik’s spare, gripping film concerns 17-year-old Ree Dolly (a thoroughly believable Jennifer Lawrence) and her search for a father who has vanished. Winter’s Bone stays mysterious, even as it strays close to documentary. Lawrence’s own fierceness gives this survival story the kind of immediacy that the summer’s action movies can only grope at. (RvB)

36 |

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!% j !%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; aaugust u g u s t 4-11, 4 - 1 1 , 2010 2 0 1 0 3>71C@3 3>71C@3

Main M ain Street’s Street’s Star Star Attraction Attraction 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1 C@B7A 1/@B73@

Three culinary Three entrepreneurs entrep preneurs p orchestrate orches c trate organic opulencee or ganic opulenc o 0G 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 0G 1 6 @ 7 A B 7 < / E/B 3 @ A


UST TO UST TO PROVE PROVE that that lightning lightning ccan an sstrike trike ttwice, wice, Brad Brad B riske is is Briske b usy reinventing reinventing h is rreputation eputation busy his aass one one of of tthe he handful handful of of iinspired nspired innovators in in New New California California cuisine. cuisine. innovators Only this this time time he’s he’s doing doing it it over over at at the the Only Main Street Street Garden Garden CafĂŠ, CafĂŠ, one one of of the the local local Main dining sweet sweet spots spots best best known known from from its its dining incarnation as as Theo’s. Theo’s. incarnation On our our recent recent visit visit entrepreneur entrepreneur and and On co- owner Paul Paul Eliason Eliason gave gave us us a tour tour co-owner of the the property, property, where where after after months months of of intensive intensive makeover makeover the the garden garden is is of f lourishing as as an an organic organic showpiece. showpiece. flourishing Borage, rhubarb, rhubarb, plums, plums, lemons lemons and and Borage, basil explode explode from from raised raised beds. beds. Further Further basil down the the slope slope a forest forest of of tomato tomato plants plants down promises salad, salad, sauce sauce and and wood-fired wood-f ired promises pizza salvation salvation a bit bit later later in in the the season. season. pizza The garden garden is is expertly expertly tended tended by by cocoThe owner Evan Evan Borthwick Borthwick (entrepreneur (entrepreneur owner of the the all-organic all- organic Redwood Redwood Pizzeria Pizzeria in in of Felton) and and Alice Alice Lee Lee of of Lindencroft Lindencroft Felton) Farm and and Dirty Dirty Girl Girl Produce. Produce. Farm One look look at at the the menu menu and and it’s it’s easy easy to to One see why why the the garden garden is is the the spiritual spiritual heart heart see of the the restaurant’s restaurant’s new new culinary culinary attitude. attitude. of “Iff it’s it’s not not in in our our garden, garden, or or from from “If Lindencroft or or one one of of my my other other favorite favorite Lindencroft local producers, producers, it’s it’s not not on on the the menu, menu,â€? local says Briske, Briske, who who admits admits he’s he’s completely completely says dedicated to to “Santa “Santa Cruz Cruz seasonality. seasonality.â€? dedicated Briske’s menu menu is is studded studded with with his his Briske’s signature artisanal artisanal cured cured meats, meats, herbherb signature scented aiolis aiolis and and hand-filled hand-f illed pastas. pastas. scented Everything’s made made from from scratch. scratch. “We’re “We’re Everything’s buying whole whole animals, animals,â€? explains explains Briske, Briske, buying “and our our menu menu works works backwards backwards from from “and there.â€? Pigs Pigs and and rabbits rabbits might might become become there.

5@=C> 2G</;71 Left to 5@=C> 2G</;71 Left to right: right: Taryn Tar yn Roselli, Roselli, cafe caffe co-owner co - owner Evan Evan Borthwick, Borthwick, Alice Alice Lee Lee of of Lindencroft Lindencroft Farm, Farm, Autumn Autumn Borthwick, Borthwick, co-owner co - owner Paul P aul Eliason Eliason and and chef chef Brad Brad Briske Briske are are making making hyperlocal hyp erlo cal culinary culinar y magic magic at at Main Main Street St reet Garden Garden CafĂŠ. CaffĂŠ.

appetizers, ssalads appetizers, alads and and entrees entrees one one w week, eek, w hile d ucks aand nd aall-local ll-local sseafood eafood aare re while ducks ffeatured eatured aacross cross tthe he eentire ntire m enu tthe he menu ffollowing ollowing w eek. ““The The ssalame alame ccloset loset is is week. aalready lready ggetting etting ffull, ull,� B riske b eams aass Briske beams h roduces a p latter o ouse-made hee p produces platter off h house-made ccharcuterie, harcuterie, experimental experimental coppacolas coppacolas and and p rosciuttos, eeach ach sspiced piced w ith herbs, herbs, ffruit ruit prosciuttos, with aand nd lliqueurs iqueurs aand nd sserved erved o nap latter on platter ccrowned rowned b reamy b urrata ccheese heese aand nd a byy ccreamy burrata ccrimson rimson o oze o resh p lum mostardo. mostardo. ooze off ffresh plum Paul Eliason, Eliason, whose whose family family has has been been Paul iin n rrestaurants estaurants o nb oth ccoasts, oasts, attended attended on both U CSC b efore d eciding tto op ursue h is UCSC before deciding pursue his ““actual actual p assion, which which is is great great food. food.� passion, A long w ith B orthwick, w ho p rides Along with Borthwick, who prides h imself o n ffinding inding tthe he b est eemployees mployees himself on best aand nd ““then then ggiving iving tthem hem tthe he ffreedom reedom aand nd cconfidence onf idence tto ow ork ttheir heir m agic,� E liason work magic, Eliason aand nd h is cchef hef sshare hare a vision vision for for a unique unique his m enu o ocally ssourced ourced iingredients ngredients menu off llocally aand nd w ines. A rmed w ith eexperience xperience aatt wines. Armed with G abriella in in S anta C ruz aand nd M illenium Gabriella Santa Cruz Millenium

in S in San an F Francisco, rancisco, Briske Briske iiss d deeply eeply ccommitted ommitted to to u sing only only rregional egional using sseafoods, eafoods, a ccommitment ommitment h f inds b oth hee finds both llimiting imiting and and creatively creatively eexciting. xciting. We We ssampled ampled aan n aappetizer ppetizer of of supple, supple, justjustccaught aught albacore albacore crudo, crudo, enhanced enhanced b byy ccucumber ucumber aaioli, ioli, sslices lices o rmenian off A Armenian ccucumber, ucumber, pungent pungent b asil aand nd S an R emo basil San Remo o lives. This This sstunning tunning jjuxtaposition uxtaposition olives. o ingredients w as surpassed surpassed o nly b off ingredients was only byy aanother nother eexample xample o he cchef hef ’’ss m arine off tthe marine m agic. Tissue-thin Tiissue-thin squid squid iink nk tortelloni tortelloni magic. tthe he color color o idnight were were ffilled illed w ith off m midnight with M onterey Bay Bay salt salt cod cod aand nd sstrewn trewn w ith Monterey with D ungeness ccrab, rab, capers capers aand nd C alabrian Dungeness Calabrian cchili hili b roth. Gorgeous Gorgeous o range ccherry herry broth. orange ttomatoes omatoes aand nd tthe he ccrunch runch o hite ccorn orn off w white sstudded tudded eeach ach bite. bite. Sensuous, Sensuous, ccomplex, omplex, yyet et completely completely iintelligible—somehow ntelligible—somehow B riske ccan an m icro - design a d ish aand nd n ever Briske micro-design dish never aallow llow tthe he fflavors lavors to to ggrow row m uddy. muddy. f inal dish dish reinforced reinforced the the seductive seductive A final m ission of of Main Main S treet G arden C afÊ. mission Street Garden CafÊ.

Our palates Our palates surrendered surrendered completely completely tto o tthe he eevening’s vening’s semifreddo, semifreddo, ttopped opped with with m arket peaches peaches ssautÊed autÊed iin nb utter, white white market butter, w ine aand nd tthe he ssurprise urprise of of fresh fresh tthyme. hyme. wine S prinkled with with ttoasted oasted p istachios, tthe he Sprinkled pistachios, ssavory/sweet avory/sweet ccreation reation w as tthe he handiwork handiwork was o astry cchef hef JJessica essica Yarr, Yarr, who who off p pastry aadmits dmits that that this this is is one one o er ffavorite avorite off h her ssummertime ummertime d esserts. N ow iit’s t’s o ne of of desserts. Now one m ine too. too. mine Summer itself itself seems seems to to ripen ripen on on Summer B riske’s ccurrent urrent m enu, aand nd w ith prices prices Briske’s menu, with rranging anging from from $15 $15 organic organic pizzas pizzas entrees entrees iin n tthe he $ 18-$23 range, range, M ain Street Street Garden Garden $18-$23 Main C afÊ iiss aalready lready b ecoming more more than than an an CafÊ becoming iinquiring nquiring diner’s diner’s playground—it’s playground—it’s about about tto o become become a serious serious h abit. habit. ;/7< AB@33B 5/@23< 1/4p ; /7< AB@33B 5/@23< 1/4p

33101 101 N. N. Main Main St., St., Soquel So quel 831.477.9265 8 31.477.9265

!& j 27<3@¸A 5C723 august 4-11, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Want to know what’s really special?

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages


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3 0 3 S o q u e l Av e n u e (between Ocean and Pacific) www.thehindquarter.com


Santa Cruz

$$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com. American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, lunch 11am-2pm, dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves superfresh 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include prime rib and lobster. Daily 7am-2am.

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz


$ Santa Cruz

16/@:73 6=<5 9=<5

$$ Santa Cruz

1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588

1141 Soquel Ave, 831. 426.5664


110 Church St, 831.429.2000

$$ Santa Cruz

B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. California organic meets Southeast Asian street food. Organic noodle & rice bowls, vegan menu, fish & meat options, Vietnamese-style sandwiches, eat-in or to-go. Consistent winner “Best Cheap Eats.� Open daily 11am-11pm. American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadoran pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm.

j !'

A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 4-11, 2010 27<3@¸A 5C723

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

$$ Santa Cruz

7 :=D3 ACA67

$$ Santa Cruz

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close. Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm. Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily.

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782

Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

$$ Santa Cruz

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon.

$$ Santa Cruz


49B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 >/17471 B6/7

1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

@=G/: B/8 1C7A7<3

Santa Cruz

270 Soquel Ave, 831.427.2400

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

$$ Santa Cruz

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930 A=74

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

$$ Santa Cruz

C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

$$ Santa Cruz

E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Indian. World-famous Indian curries, vegetarian and nonvegetarian dishes. Authentic Indian food at affordable prices. $8.95 lunch buffet Mon-Thu 11:30am -2:30pm; Fri-Sun 11am-3pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am. Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Lunch Wed-Sat noon2pm; dinner Mon-Thu 5-10pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close. Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm. Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. 87/ B3::/¸A $ Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

" j /AB@=:=5G august 4-11, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Astrology Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of August 4 /@73A (March 21–April 19): The ancient Greek god Dionysus did not, in fact, encourage people to get sloppy drunk, lose control, and do stupid things. His preference was that they free themselves from their inhibitions by imbibing moderate amounts of alcohol. With this medicinal spur, they might get unstuck from their worn-out old behavior patterns and invite refreshing doses of wildness into their lives. Healing was the intention, not craziness and frenzy. It is true that if someone was not willing to escape their rigidity—if they clung to their hidebound attitudes and refused to open up to the call of selftransformation—Dionysus might lure them into reckless inebriation. Keep these thoughts in mind in the coming weeks, Aries. B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): In her 1960 song “This Bitter Earth,� Dinah Washington sings, “If my life is like the dust that hides the glow of a rose / What good am I, heaven only knows.� I bring this to your attention, Taurus, because you now have the power to prove once and for all that your life is NOT like the dust that hides the glow of a rose. So please get out there and reveal the glory of the world you inhabit. Draw out and enhance the radiance of people you encounter. By week’s end, you may be able to say, as Washington does in the final line of the song, “This bitter earth may not be so bitter after all.� (Hear the song here: tinyurl.com/BitterEarth.) 53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): More than one-third of adults under 35 confess that right after making love, they tweet or text-message or check their Facebook pages. In the coming week, I strongly advise you not to do that or anything remotely like that. You should give your best, brightest, most focused attention to every phase of every adventure you have. The foreplay and the aftermath are just as important to the total revelation as the height of the action. This is a time in your long-term cycle when you can’t afford to scrimp on completion and closure and resolution.

1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): August is Banish Your Superstitions Month, Cancerian. To celebrate this auspicious festival, purge yourself of every irrational belief and unfounded fear you can stand to live without. But also keep in mind that you may have to keep a crazy delusion or two, at least for a while. You’ve become so used to your chronic anxiety that it might be risky to get rid of it all at once. So proceed deliberately, casting off one false belief today and another quaint fallacy tomorrow and a third rotten figment of your imagination next week. By September 1, you may be surprised to see how high you’ve ratcheted up your level of fearlessness. :3= (July 23–Aug. 22): For a special episode of her TV talk show, Oprah Winfrey wanted a stage set that was fabricated out of chocolate. It took workers 1,400 hours to construct it. When the day came to unveil the decadent monument, Oprah offered her audience members the chance to tear it apart, eat it, and take it home as plunder. They dismantled it in half an hour. Let this be a cautionary tale, Leo. I dearly hope that the creation you’re beginning to work on will endure for a long time and continue to provide meaning and pleasure far past the time it makes its initial splash. Build your baby to last. D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): New Age author Bob Frissell wrote a book called Nothing in This Book Is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are. It contains a host of seemingly far-fetched theories about UFOs, crop circles, ascended masters, earth changes and monuments on Mars, all of which adds up to a beguiling Theory of Everything about the hidden nature of reality. I see your life right now as having resemblances to this curious tome. If I had to give a title to the next chapter of your story, it might be “Nothing That’s Happening Will Make Much Sense Until It Has Finished Happening, Whereupon It Will Yield a Burst of Insight About the Big Picture of Your Destiny.� :70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): One of the best ways to cultivate your own radiant brilliance or native talent is to look for excellence in other people. So if you suspect there’s some half-hidden or partially dormant reservoir of genius within you—a mother lode of intelligence that you have not been fully successful in tapping into—I suggest you make it a point to identify the genius in everyone you know. Whether it’s your cousin’s knack for f lower arrangement

or your co-worker’s telepathic capacity to read the moods of people she wants something from, you can fuel your own luminosity by noticing and appreciating others’.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): Imagine you and I and a bunch of our friends are 7 years old. We’re playing the rough game “King of the Mountain� on a huge pile of dirt. Since there are some girls among us, we’ve changed the name of the game to “Awesome Magic Boss of the Mountain.� Today, you’re the strongest one, warding off all challenges to your authority, pushing away everyone who tries to knock you off your place at the top. It’s like you have extra power you’ve never displayed before; as if you’re drawing on reserves of determination and stamina that were previously unavailable. I believe this is a metaphorically accurate portrayal of your actual life right now.

A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): My Sagittarius friend Lisa dreamed she was at a party with Jon Carroll, a writer she admires. In the dream, she managed to join a circle of people with whom he was conversing. Twice she tried to insinuate her way into the conversation with comments she thought were f lattering to Jon. But he ignored her. Finally she opened an oversized picture book she had with her and showed him a striking photo of a huge nest containing a speckled, glittery dragon’s egg. This caught his eye. He took her by the arm to a table where they pored over this fascinating image together. Learn from Lisa’s dream, Sagittarius. To captivate the attention of the people you’re interested in, appeal not to their vanity but to their imagination. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): Homeboy Industries is an organization in East Los Angeles that helps former gang members find jobs. One of its most successful programs has trained over a hundred ex-cons as solar panel installers. That’s the kind of dramatic conversion I’d like to see you make in your own life, Capricorn—getting face to face with the most messed-up part of yourself and conspiring to transform it into something brighter and more useful. Now would be an excellent time to dive into that worthy project.

/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): I’m all in favor of you pumping up your yearning and stoking the fires of your ambition and fantasizing in explicit detail about a fantastic dream—on one condition: The object of your craving has to be real and achievable. It can’t be an impossible idol or remote delusion, nor can it be an escapist distraction. The longing you feel must empower you, not demoralize you. The vision that gets you activated each morning must be something you can actually manifest by carrying out a detailed, step-by-step master plan. If you’re willing to satisfy these provisions, you have my go-ahead to get more than a little wild with desire. >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): When you try to communicate with a baby, you get nowhere if you talk as you normally do. Nor can you rely on your usual assumptions about human behavior as you read the baby’s verbal cues and body language. There’s a similar principle at work when you interact with animals: You have to speak a different language. And that brings us to your current challenge, Pisces. Life is currently sending you signals that will remain incomprehensible if you insist on interpreting them from the viewpoint of a rational adult. To decipher the encrypted code, you’ll have to get into a mindset that is equal parts child, animal and angel. 6][Se]`Y( 7[OUW\S bVOb aSdS\ gSO`a T`][ \]e g]c eO\b O \Se QO`SS` ]` ZW\S ]T e]`Y EVOb eWZZ Wb PS- E`WbS( B`cbV`]]abS`.U[OWZ Q][ Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

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