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Bug Bites

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When it comes to eating low on the food chain, it’s the little things that count p13

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august 11-18, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 11-18, 2010 1=<B3<BA

Contents. P OSTS










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Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

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Send let letters teerrs ttoo Santa Santa Cruz Weekly, Weekly e y, let letters@santacruz.com teerrs@san s nttaacruz.com or ttoo A Attn: ttn: LLetters, ettteeerrs, 115 Co ett et C Cooper ooper e St., Sant San Santaa Cruz, uz 95060. 060. Inclu Include udee cit city ittyy and phone clarity inaccuracies known us. phone number number or email address. address. Submissions Subm missions mayy be be edited editteed for for or length, length cl le leng laritt y or or factual factual ac a inac a curacies racies know nown ttoo us s.

/ :/7@2 4/< / :/7@2 4/< IW WAS AS d delighted elighted to to rread ead tthat hat SSanta anta C Cruz ruz W Weekly eekly iiss o ne o he ssponsors ponsors ffor or tthe he ““Great Great D ebate� o one off tthe Debate� off aall ll ffour our ccandidates andidates iin n tthe he sspecial pecial eelection lection A ug. Aug. Thank 117. 7. T hank yyou! ou! T he d ebate iiss sscheduled cheduled ffor or A ug. 112 2 aatt The debate Aug. Cabrillo College newly C abrillo C ollege iin n tthe he n ewly cconstructed onstructed Music Recital Hall on ocean off S Soquel M usic R ecital H all o n tthe he o cean sside ide o oquel Drive. The debate 8pm. will D rive. T he d ebate iiss ffrom rom 77pm pm tto o8 pm. Itt w ill aalso lso b bee ttelevised elevised o on nK KION. ION. Ass a rrecent A ecent ffull-term ull-term aassemblyman ssemblyman rrepresenting epresenting tthe he ffolks olks iin nS Santa anta C Cruz ruz C County, ounty, Laird did And, JJohn Jo ohn L aird d id aan n eexcellent xcellent jjob. ob. A nd, eeven ven most people Santa Cruz won’t tthough hough m ost p eople iin nS anta C ruz w on’t gget et tto o vvote ote w ope tthat hat tthose hose o ho h ave wee h hope off u uss w who have ffriends riends aand nd rrelatives elatives iin n tthe he 115th 5th S enatorial Senatorial D istrict w ill ttell ell tthem hem tthat hat JJohn ohn L aird iiss ttheir heir District will Laird

man. T man. The he d district istrict ccovers overs tthe he ccounties ounties o off S Santa anta B arbara, S an L uis O bispo, M onterey aand nd S anta Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Monterey Santa Clara. C lara. O Only nly vvoters oters iin nW Watsonville atsonville aand nd S Scotts cotts Valley off S Santa Cruz will have V alley iin n tthe he ccounty ounty o anta C ruz w ill h ave privilege off m marking big on tthe he p rivilege o arking a b ig rred ed X o n ttheir heir Laird ccalendars alendars tto o rremind emind tthem hem tto o vvote ote ffor or L aird aatt on Aug. tthis his vvery ery iimportant mportant sspecial pecial eelection lection o nA ug. 117. 7. Marrdi Mardi d Brick, Santa Santta Cruz

its p its pocket, ocket, aand nd so so aass n not ot to to llose ose tthat hat p position, osition, tthe he CIA CIA made made short short sshrift hrift o off M Mosaddegh. osaddegh. I w as in in junior junior h igh sschool chool w hen iitt h appened, was high when happened, aand nd llearned earned m irst llesson esson aabout bout American American myy ffirst p olitics aand nd o ur llip ip sservice ervice tto o iit. t. U nfortunately, politics our Unfortunately, tthat hat sscenario cenario p layed o ut m any ttimes imes iin n tthe he played out many 2 0th ccentury, entury, aand nd sstill till ccontinues. ontinues. R emember 20th Remember w hat h appened tto o tthe he llast ast d emocratically what happened democratically eelected lected lleader eader o Haiti? He He was was kidnapped kidnapped and and off Haiti? eexiled. xiled. T he sstory tory ggoes oes o n. The on. Joan J oan a Quilt Quilter teer Sa anta Cruz Santa

7@/<7/< AB=@G 7@/<7/< AB=@G @3>:/G32 @ 3>:/G32 KUDOS K UDOS tto o Ted Ted Rudow Rudow III III (“A (“A F Familiar amiliar S Story, tory,� Posts, A ug. 4 ). H told the the sstory tory of of capitalism capitalism Posts, Aug. 4). Hee told aatt w work. ork. O Our ur ggovernment overnment h had ad tthe he S Shah hah iin n

B6=C56B:3AA B6=C56B:3AA ;=@=<A ; =@=<A COULD S COULD SOMEONE OMEONE p please lease ttell ell me me w where here the the ffree ree ggas as iiss iin nS anta Cruz? Cruz? Not Not a day day goes goes b Santa byy that that I d don’t on’t see see ssomeone omeone ssitting itting iin n ttheir heir ccar ar w ith the the eengine ngine rrunning unning w hile tthey hey cchat hat aaway way with while o check ttheir heir messages messages or or ttext ext their their tthumbs humbs orr check o ff o n ttheir heir ccell ell p hone. And And I’m I’m n ot ttalking alking off on phone. not aabout bout ffor or a ffew ew sseconds econds o ven a ffew ew m inutes. orr eeven minutes. II’m ’m ttalking alking aabout bout p eople ggetting etting iinto nto ttheir heir ccar, ar, people sstarting tarting tthe he eengine ngine aand nd tthen hen p icking u p ttheir heir picking up p hone aand nd n ot m oving ffor or ffive, ive, 110, 0, eeven ven 1155 phone not moving m inutes. I ccan an o nly ssurmise urmise tthat hat tthese hese p eople minutes. only people m ust b etting ttheir heir ggas as ffor or ffree ree ssince ince tthe he o nly must bee ggetting only o ther eexplanation xplanation iiss tthat hat tthey hey aare re tthoughtless houghtless other m orons w ho aare re ttoo oo d umb tto o rremember emember morons who dumb h ow m uch iitt jjust ust ccost ost tthem hem tto o ffill ill ttheir heir ttank. ank. how much A lthough tthe he tthoughtless houghtless m oron tthing hing w ould Although moron would aalso lso aapply pply tto o tthe he w asting o he ggas, as, ffree ree o wasting off tthe orr o therwise, aand nd p olluting tthe he aatmosphere tmosphere otherwise, polluting ffor or n o ggood ood rreason, eason, n ot tto om ention choking choking no not mention eeveryone veryone w ho h appens tto ob n tthe he ssame ame who happens bee iin p arking llot ot w ith tthem hem w hile tthey hey cconduct onduct parking with while ttheir heir p ressing b usiness. pressing business. Try tthis, his, ffolks: olks: I know know it’s it’s hard hard to to keep keep such such Try a ccomplicated omplicated ssequence equence sstraight, traight, eespecially specially iin n llight ight o he sself-inflicted elf-inf licted b rain d amage sso o off tthe brain damage eevident vident iin n yyour our b ehavior: 11)) Get Get into into tthe he ccar; ar; behavior: 2 Conduct yyour our phone phone business, business, p leasure, 2)) Conduct pleasure, w hatever; 33)) S tart yyour our eengine; ngine; aand nd 4 rive whatever; Start 4)) D Drive aaway—far, way—far, ffar ar aaway. way. Iff you you h ave ttrouble rouble have rremembering emembering this this list, list, then then p erhaps you you ccould ould perhaps ttext ext it it to to yourself—just yourself—just d on’t rread ead iitt w ith tthe he don’t with eengine ngine o n, OK? OK? There’s There’s a ggood ood little little p rimate. on, primate. Dougg Springs, Springss, Saanta Cruz Santa


august 11-18, 2010

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august 11-18, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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43:7>3 0C7B@/5= 4 3:7>3 0C7B@/5=

Currents. C urren ents. /B :/AB E3 ;33B / B :/AB E3 ;33B State State Senate Senate candidates candidates John John Laird Laird (left) (left) and and Sam Sam Blakeslee Blakeslee met met ppublicly ublicly for for the the first f irst time time at at an an Aug. Aug. 5 forum forum hosted hosted by the the Silicon Silicon Valley Valley Leadership Leadership Group. Group.

Ballot B a l l ot B Boxing oxing

An impor A iimportant rtant t t election l ti is i happening h i o nA ug. 117. 7. D o yyou ou kknow now w here yyour our on Aug. Do where polling pl aces ar e? places are? 0G B@/17 6C97:: 0G B @ /1 7 6 C 9 7 : :


TW WASN’T ASN’T tthe he llowest owest tturnout urnout iin n history off C California balloting. tthe he h istory o alifornia b alloting. That dubious honor T hat d ubious h onor ggoes oes tto o ttwo wo Los Angeles, sstate tate llegislators egislators ffrom rom L os A ngeles, whose whose 2009 2009 special special eelections lections sstand tand aass sagging sagging monuments monuments to to vvoter oter aapathy: pathy: eeach ach drew off rregistered drew 7.9 7.9 percent percent o egistered vvoters. oters. But But the the turnout turnout for for the the June Ju une 22 22 primary primary to to fill fill the the 15th 15th Senate Senate District District seat—while, seat—while, at at 31.78 31.78 percent, percent, is is perfectly perfectly in in line line with with most most special special elections—seems elections—seems low low for for a contest contest deemed deemed so so important important that that the the president president of of the the United United States States has has weighed weighed in in on on it. it. Last Last week week former former Democratic Democratic Assemblymember Assemblymember John Jo ohn Laird Laird announced announced that that he’d he’d won won the the endorsement endorsement of of President President Obama Obama in in advance advance of of the the Aug. Aug. 17 17 election, election, which which pits pits him him against against frontrunner frontrunner Sam Sam Blakeslee, Blakeslee,

Republican R epublican A Assemblymember ssemblymember o off S San an Luis Obispo, Jim Fitzgerald L uis O bispo, independent independent Ji im F itzgerald Libertarian Mark Hinkle. All aand nd L ibertarian M ark H inkle. A ll ffour our will public only ccandidates andidates w ill aappear ppear iin np ublic ffor or o nly off tthe tthe he ssecond econd ttime ime iin n tthe he ccourse ourse o he when meet Thursday, ccampaign ampaign w hen tthey hey m eet Th hursday, Aug. College A ug. 112 2 at at a fforum orum at at Cabrillo Cabrillo C ollege ((see see Activate, page). A ctivate, tthis his p age). That Th hat the the race race has has caught caught Washington’s Washington’s hardly Att sstake aattention ttention iiss h ardly ssurprising. urprising. A take iiss nothing off C California’s n othing lless ess tthan han ccontrol ontrol o alifornia’s Legislature. Senate, Democrats L egislature. IIn n tthe he sstate tate S enate, D emocrats aare re ttwo wo seats seats aaway way ffrom rom a ssupermajority, upermajority, which would w hich w ould ffundamentally undamentally aalter lter tthe he dynamic Sacramento. Republicans d ynamic iin nS acramento. R epublicans ffind ind unappealing tthis his aan nu nappealing prospect prospect and and are are maintain numbers. ffighting ighting tto om aintain their their n umbers. In In the the Monterey Monterey Bay Bay area, area, there’s there’s something something eelse lse aatt sstake: take: local local

% j %

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; aaugust u g u s t 11-18, 1 1 - 1 88,, 2010 2 0 1 0 1C@@3<BA 1C@@3< <BA

That’s been rrepresentation. epresentation. T hat’s b een aan n iissue ssue ssince ince 2001, when 2 001, w hen llegislative egislative lleaders eaders aagreed greed tto o California’s Senate districts. rredraw edraw C alifornia’s sstate tate S enate d istricts. Byy p picking B icking aand nd cchoosing hoosing rrelatively elatively up cconservative onservative vvoting oting aareas reas sstraight traight u p tthe he off tthe politicians Sacramento ccoast oast o he sstate, tate, p oliticians iin nS acramento were District w ere aable ble tto o rreposition eposition tthe he 115th 5th D istrict Republican This iinto nto a R epublican sstronghold. tronghold. Th his huge, oddly rresulted esulted iin nah uge, o ddly sshaped haped llegislative egislative portions off ffive cconcoction oncoction tthat hat iincludes ncludes p ortions o ive differing ccounties ounties aand nd llumps umps ttogether ogether ssuch uch d iffering Pismo Beach Santa Maria llocales ocales aass P ismo B each aand nd S anta M aria with portions off A Aptos, Monterey, Los w ith p ortions o ptos, M onterey, L os Gatos Morgan Hill. G atos aand nd M organ H ill. The The move move also also effectively effectively left left much much off tthe Monterey Bay without o he M onterey B ay aarea rea w ithout a Senate. Ever rrepresentative epresentative iin n tthe he S enate. Ev ver ssince ince District was tthe he 115th 5th D istrict w as ggerrymandered, errymandered, politicians p oliticians ffrom rom tthe he llarge arge cconservative onservative base off tthe vvoting oting b ase aatt tthe he ssouthern outhern eend nd o he district Santa Maria native Abel d istrict ((like like S anta M aria n ative A bel Maldonado, who held until being M aldonado, w ho h eld tthe he sseat eat u ntil b eing June) aappointed ppointed llieutenant ieutenant ggovernor overnor iin n Ju une) have out on h ave ccame ame o ut o n ttop op iin n eelections. lections. Much Much of of that that is is no no doubt doubt due due to to the the off S San Luis Obispo rrelative elative vvigor igor o an L uis O bispo aand nd Santa Barbara June 22 S anta B arbara vvoters. oters. IIn n tthe he Ju une 2 2 primary, was p rimary, tturnout urnout iin n tthose hose ccounties ounties w as highest off tthe district, tthe he h ighest o he ffive ive iin n tthe he d istrict, percent percent, aatt 337.72 7.72 p ercent aand nd 332.22 2.22 p ercent, Att p presstime, with Aug. rrespectively. espectively. A resstime, w ith tthe he A ug. 1177 days San Luis Obispo eelection lection jjust ust d ays aaway, way, S an L uis O bispo had, nearly vvoters oters h ad, ttrue rue tto o fform, orm, ssubmitted ubmitted n early mail-in ballots. Santa Cruz 339,000 9,000 m ail-in b allots. IIn nS anta C ruz County, which had C ounty, w hich h ad tthe he ssecond-lowest econd-lowest district 27.66 percent, tturnout urnout iin n tthe he d istrict aatt 2 7.66 p ercent, had mail-in ballots vvoters oters h ad tturned urned iin n 110,559 0,559 m ail-in b allots off p presstime. aass o resstime.

But B ut by by themselves, themselves, tthose hose ffigures igures meaningless, will aare re m eaningless, aand nd tthe he ccontest ontest w ill ultimately bee d decided old-fashioned u ltimately b ecided tthe he o ld-fashioned way: byy ttallying off w ay: b allying vvotes otes aatt tthe he eend nd o day. eelection lection d ay.

Polling P olling P Places laces The T he ffo following ollowing polling polling places places will will be be open open on Aug. o n Tuesday, Tuesday, A ug. 17, 17, from from 77am am to to 8pm: 8pm: />B=A( / >B=A( A Aegis egis o off A Aptos ptos A Assisted ssisted L Living, iving,

Heather Terrace 1125 25 H eather T errace 43:B=<( 4 3:B=<( Felton Felton B Bible ible Church, Church,

Graham Hill Road 55999 999 G raham H ill R oad :=A 5/B=A( : =A 5/B=A( L Loma oma P Prieta/CT rieta//CT E English nglish School, School, 23800 23800 Summit Summit Road Road A/<B/ 1@CH( A /<B/ 1@CH( S Santa anta C Cruz ruz County County Health Health Center Center Auditorium, Auditorium, 1080 1080 Emeline Emeline Ave. Ave. A1=BBA D/::3G( A 1=BBA D/::3G( S Scotts cotts V Valley alley Community Community Center, Center, 360 360 Kings Kiings Village Village Road Road A=?C3:( A =?C3:( C Congregational ongregational C Church hurch o off Soquel, Soquel, 4951 4951 Soquel Soquel Dr. Dr. E/BA=<D7::3( E /BA=<D7::3( P Pajaro ajaro V Valley alley

Community Health Trust, 855 N Nielson St. C ommunity H ealth T rust, 8 ielson S t. Corralitos Community Church, C orralitos C ommunity C hurch, 26 Brown Valley Road 2 6B rown V alley R oad Laa S Selva Beach Clubhouse, L elva B each C lubhouse, Estrella Ave. 3314 14 E strella A ve. Watsonville Civic Center, W atsonville C ivic C enter, Fourth Floor, Room 275 Main St. F ourth F loor, R oom 11,, 2 75 M ain S t. UC Agriculture Extension Service, UC Agriculture Extension Service, Freedom Blvd. 11432 432 F reedom B lvd. With W iitth additional rreporting ep e orting bbyy J Jessica eessica Fr Fromm roomm

A C T I VAT E E6/B 7B 7A( E 6/B 7B 7A( #bV AS\ObS 2Wab`WQb 1O\RWRObS 4]`c[ Q] a^]\a]`SR Pg AO\bO 1`ch #bV AS\ObS 2Wab`WQb 1O\RWRObS 4]`c[ Q] a^]\a]`SR Pg AO\bO 1`ch ESSYZg O\R bVS :SOUcS ]T E][S\ D]bS`a O\R V]abSR Pg 1OP`WZZ] 1]ZZSUS ESSYZg O\R bVS :SOUcS ]T E][S\ D]bS`a O\R V]abSR Pg 1OP`WZZ] 1]ZZSUS E63< 7B 6/>>3<A( E 63< 7B 6/>>3<A( BVc`aROg /cU BVc`aROg /cU Ob %^[ Ob %^[ E63@3 B= 5= E 63@3 B= 5=(( 7T g]c VOdS bWQYSba 1OP`WZZ] 1]ZZSUS ;caWQ @SQWbOZ 6OZZ D/>/ 7T g]c VOdS bWQYSba 1OP`WZZ] 1]ZZSUS ;caWQ @SQWbOZ 6OZZ D/>/ $ $# A]_cSZ 2` /^b]a 7T \]b O\geVS`S g]c QO\ bc\S W\ b] 97=< BD 1VO\\SZ # A]_cSZ 2` /^b]a 7T \]b O\geVS`S g]c QO\ bc\S W\ b] 97=< BD 1VO\\SZ " "$ ]` 9CA> 4; && ' $ ]` 9CA> 4; && ' E6G 0=B63@( E 6G 0=B63@( BVS /cU % SZSQbW]\ Wa `WUVb O`]c\R bVS Q]`\S` O\R bVWa Wa bVS BVS /cU % SZSQbW]\ Wa `WUVb O`]c\R bVS Q]`\S` O\R bVWa Wa bVS Âż`ab QVO\QS ^S]^ZS W\ AO\bO 1`ch O\R ;]\bS`Sg Q]c\bWSa VOdS b] aSS OZZ T]c` Âż`ab QVO\QS ^S]^ZS W\ AO\bO 1`ch O\R ;]\bS`Sg Q]c\bWSa VOdS b] aSS OZZ T]c` QO\RWRObSa b]USbVS` SfQVO\UW\U dWSea / TSe T]`c[ bWQYSba O`S abWZZ OdOWZOPZS QO\RWRObSa b]USbVS` SfQVO\UW\U dWSea / TSe T]`c[ bWQYSba O`S abWZZ OdOWZOPZS Ob Ob bbVS VS E EOba]\dWZZS Oba]\dWZZS ;OW\ ;OW\ :WP`O`g :WP`O`g %# %# ;OW\ ;OW\ Ab Ab EOba]\dWZZS) EOba]\dWZZS) &! %$& !" &! %$& !" O\R bVS AQ]bba DOZZSg @SQ`SObW]\ =TÂżQS !$ 9W\Ua DWZZOUS @]OR AQ]bba DOZZSg) O \R bVS AQ]bba DOZZSg @SQ`SObW]\ =TÂżQS !$ 9W\Ua DWZZOUS @]OR AQ]bba DOZZSg) &! "!& ! & ! "!& ! # #

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august 11-18, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM




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AC<C> Robert Bulterman installs a 20-watt solar panel system at Live Earth Farm.

Sun Down

Innovative solar finance program stalls 0G 1C@B7A 1/@B73@


OBERT BULTERMAN never counted on PACE to save his business. The 46-year-old Santa Cruz electrician and solar technician, like a lot of green collar workers, had admittedly held high hopes that Property Assessed Clean Energy would infuse the overcrowded sustainable energy industry with a slew of muchneeded jobs. But to count on it doing so, he says, would have been “just plain stupid.� As it turns out, Bulterman’s skepticism was well founded. “When I heard PACE got put on hold, I just thought, ‘I knew it,’� he says from the driver’s seat of his white Chevy Cheyenne utility truck en route to Watsonville and one of the few solar jobs he was able to land in the ruthless Central Coast solar market. “When it takes off—if it takes off—I think it could quadruple my business and there would be enough to go around. But I’m not going to assume that’ll happen.� PACE is a general term used for a host of different alternative energy financing schemes that evolved from a program pioneered in Berkeley in 2008 and which are now being replicated in 22 states nationwide.

Indeed the programs are so promising that the Obama administration has committed $150 million in stimulus money to help them get off the ground. Under a PACE program, a homeowner who wants to buy green technology like solar panels but can’t qualify for a bank loan for the $15,000–$30,000 needed for a typical system can receive funding from a local municipality. The homeowner then pays back the money, with interest, over a 20-plus-year timeframe through property taxes. The plan, which attaches a tax lien on the property itself instead of loan debt on the individual, seemed the perfect way to get everyone—regardless of home equity or credit—on the path toward green energy use. In Santa Cruz County, like the 13 other counties in California that were looking to participate, the program had been approved by local leaders and was just about to start accepting applications when word came down last month that the effort would be put on indefinite hold. The reason for the hang-up was that government-backed mortgage giants 3

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Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, along with their regulatory body, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, backed out of supporting the program over concerns that the tax liens would take precedence over the mortgage loans in the event of foreclosure, in short, that a homeowner who defaulted on a home loan would technically have to pay off his or her PACE lien before paying off his or her mortgage. Result: freaked-out lenders. The companies have since vowed not to grant any loans for properties that participate in PACE. “PACE loans are unlike routine tax assessments and pose unusual and difficult risk management challenges for lenders, servicers and mortgage securities investors,� reads a statement released July 6 by FHFA. “[These] programs present significant safety and soundness concerns that must be addressed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Banks.� Because Fannie and Freddie collectively own or guarantee roughly half of all U.S. mortgages, their participation was crucial to the programs’ success. Since the dust-up, gubernatorial candidate and California Attorney General Jerry Brown has filed suit—as has Sonoma County— against the mortgage corporations and the FHFA, with Brown saying that “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac received enormous federal bailouts, but now they’re throwing up impermeable barriers to bank lending that creates jobs, stimulates the economy and boosts clean energy.� The heart of the legal argument that now awaits lies in whether the PACE tax liens are legally considered loans, as Fannie and Freddie contend, or assessments, as Brown and the various participating counties insist they are. “These programs involve assessments, not loans, and there are decades of law that define assessments,� says Liz Yager, program manager for the Sonoma County Energy Independence Program, the only program in California to keep running despite the threats from Fannie, Freddie and FHFA. “Every time someone calls it a ‘loan’ it’s misleading.�

Little Fish, Big Pond There is a love-hate relationship between green technology installers and local PACE programs. On one hand, the promise of government cash and tax rebates for buying expensive

retrofits like solar panels has been key in bringing in business for workers like Bulterman—and PACE would no doubt have been the biggest draw yet. On the other hand, however, that same potential gravy train has also brought an inf lux of prospecting workers— some strictly solar-specialized, others from a host of trades like roofers, carpenters, electricians and general contractors—that have overcrowded the local green job market, and, as one installer says, made it “cutthroat beyond belief.� As word of PACE spread, installers and wholesalers fought the impression that it would be a “silver bullet� for customers who have been content to wait to go solar until the sweetest deal comes along. “People are always waiting for the next big deal for solar, even though a lot of them could get good loans by just going to the bank. Plus they wouldn’t have to pay the 7, 8 or 9 percent interest that [PACE] programs quote,� says Peter Putt of Suns Up Solar, based in Santa Cruz. “There are so many players in the solar market in Santa Cruz County that just because there’s another avenue for financing doesn’t mean the little guys are going to all of a sudden be making a bunch of money.� Even in Sonoma County, where the PACE program is still running, solar jobs are fewer and farther between than the myriad of workers on hand to do them. Yager says, however, that despite the rocky start, support for the plan remains strong and that Sonoma County is happy to stand up to big mortgage companies that are looking to ruin the party. “Our board of supervisors decided to keep the lights on and stand up for SCEIP,� she says. “There is a huge grassroots movement around this. We’re confident there will be a resolution.� In the meantime, Bulterman says he’ll keep competing with the 10 to 15 other solar installers that bid on the same jobs he does and that he’ll “take whatever work I can get.� Back in his truck, the electrician takes a phone call from a fellow installer whom he hires whenever he needs the extra help. “Hey, Robin. Yeah, things are slow. You know how it is,� he says. “If I manage to get some more work somehow, though, I’ll have some for you.� Turning toward me, he continues: “There you go. That’s one more guy that could be working if PACE went through.� 0

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How Low Can You Go?

Eating lower on the food chain is one of the best things an aspiring greenie can do, but it will require a few attitude adjustments 0G /:/AB/7@ 0:/<2


MERICANS crave efficiency. We esteem cars that burn less gas for each mile driven, jobs that generate the most money per hour and mobile phones that pack the most capabilities into the smallest possible package. In short, we want bang for our buck. But we skimp on efficiency when it comes time to eat, because we just can’t resist meat. According to the United Nations Food and

Agriculture Organization, Americans consume 275 pounds of animal flesh every year, more per capita than nearly any other populace on earth. (Floss, anyone?) This is an expensive habit in carbon terms; a 2007 study by the National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science in Japan reported that producing 1 pound of beef produces the same amount of CO2 as does driving a small car 70 miles. And the waste of land is staggering; according to a U.N. report titled Livestock in a Changing

Landscape, almost one-third of the Earth’s ice-free land surface is devoted to livestock production, while only 8 percent is devoted to production of food consumed directly by humans (i.e., plants). As the earth’s human population escalates, with a population of 10 billion expected by the year 2050, the stresses on our planet’s resources will follow— especially if we continue to bring home the bacon and butcher the beef. ¨ #

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So what if we just cut big mooing, grunting mammals from the equation and looked to another source of protein? Something lower on the food chain, perhaps—like insects? We wouldn’t be the first large mammals to crunch them between their teeth. The great Ursus arctos, also known as the brown bear, will sink its teeth into elk and salmon when it can, but it also eats large quantities of moths, termites and ants, and for a creature so high on the food chain to stoop to the bottom for its sustenance is a model act of humility that humans might do well to emulate. Insects and other arthropods, like most “lower� forms of life, abound, constituting an edible resource of tremendous biomass. Ants alone reportedly approximate about onethird of all terrestrial animal biomass, according to ecologists’ models. Add termites, moths, spiders and cockroaches to the menu, and we suddenly have a bounteous resource scuttling about innumerably at our feet, in the cracks and crevices and vile damp places of the earth, a vast source of protein and minerals almost entirely untapped. Eating bugs just makes sense, so much so that the U.N. is giving consideration to the matter. In February 2008, the Food and Agriculture Organization hosted a workshop called “Forest Insects as Food: Humans Bite Back,� in Chiang Mai,


Thailand, at which 36 entomologists, edible insect nutritionists, foresters and others with a stake in the developing edible insect movement discussed the potential of six-legged animals as food and the challenges of developing a market and industry. The BBC reports that a handful of Dutch companies have already begun breeding beetles, crickets and locusts for food. Even here in the United States advocates are pushing the concept. The entomology department of Iowa State University posts online nutritional information about eating insects, while numerous cookbooks, including Creepy Crawly Cuisine: The Gourmet Guide to Edible Insects by Dr. Julieta Ramos-Elorduy, tout the wisdom and sense in eating earth’s most abundant terrestrial animal resource and offer recipes like fried grasshoppers, ant larva tacos and mealworm cookies. Eminent entomologists, like Dr. Gene R. DeFoliart, a bug-eating advocate at the University of Wisconsin well-known to many in the insectivorous community, also vouch for insects as food. And some high-end restaurants, like Mezcal in San Jose and the increasingly famous Typhoon at the Santa Monica Airport, are putting insects on their menus. You might say the insectivore movement is gaining legs. And they’re wiggling. ¨ $


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Eat the Pests


ANY GARDENERS know that dandelions and other weeds go well in salads. Fewer know that the common garden snail, Cantareus aspersus (formerly known as Helix aspersa), does well when sautÊed in butter and garlic (what doesn’t?) and served in the shell in which it lived its life. Yep, the garden snail that ravages your chard and kale is among the snails esteemed as escargot. In fact, it was introduced to California from France, no less, in the 1850s as a food source, according to a UC-Davis online report. It now lives around the world. Although snails can reportedly carry diseases dangerous to people, Cantareus aspersus is ranked as a food item by those who know. The French harvest the snails in the fall and may set them loose in an empty fish tank for several days where they are allowed to feed on rolled oats for a clean change of diet. A subsequent forced fast of several days renders them ready to prep, cook and eat. Snails are high in protein, vitamins E and B1, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium and are low in fat—prior to the butter. Be forewarned, though: Snails may carry the parasitic worm Angiostrongylus cantonensis. If cooking fails to kill this parasite, it may kill you. Do your homework. —Alastair Bland

Bottoms Up Just why creatures can be categorically defined as sustainable or not-so-sustainable food sources can be understood with a quick look at the trophic energy scale, or pyramid, a conceptual representation of organisms and the energy each one requires to grow and reproduce. At the top of the pyramid are the meateating apex predators, like bluefin tuna and tigers. At the bottom are the simplest organic building blocks of life, like algae and phytoplankton, which often require little more than

sunlight to grow. In terms of biomass, there is very little of the former and vast quantities of the latter. The critters at the bottom of the trophic pyramid are better choices for food, but not just because they’re plentiful. They’re also efficient. It is through algae and phytoplankton that the energy of the sun is first absorbed into the food web through photosynthesis. As energy ascends the pyramid, however—from the phytoplankton to the krill to the sardines to the tuna, from the bacteria to the grasses to the grazers to the carnivores—energy efficiency is lost

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rapidly. For every pound of flesh at the top of the trophic pyramid, immeasurable quantities of energy have been expended to make it. Casson Trenor, the senior markets campaigner with Greenpeace and a former sustainability consultant with the Santa Cruz–based nonprofit FishWise, explains basic trophic math using two of the creatures he knows best: tuna and sardines. “To take our protein from the level of tuna is a totally inefficient use of the ocean,� says Trenor, who in 2007 founded the sustainable sushi restaurant Tataki in San Francisco, and who

will receive Save Our Shores’ Ocean Protection Hero of the Year award at Toast to the Coast on Aug. 21. “If we want a pound of protein, we could get it from sardines. If we need to get it from tuna, it might have taken 15 pounds of protein from sardines to make that pound of tuna protein.â€? The lower we eat on the food chain, the more sustainable our diets become. The invertebrate level is a good place to settle down and make a meal, for these spineless species are excellent processors of energy. On average, invertebrate species utilize 20 percent ¨ &

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1 = D 3 @ A B = @ G j 6 = E : = E 1 / < G= C 5 = of assimilated energy (i.e., food ingested and not pooped out) for growth and reproduction. Vertebrates, by contrast, use just 2 percent of assimilated energy for growth and reproduction, the balance being used for nothing but fueling motion and metabolism. Of course, a vegetarian diet is the most sustainable long-term nutrition plan of all. Plants not only draw their energy directly from the sun via photosynthesis, they do it efficiently, directing up to 85 percent of assimilated energy toward making more of themselves. Algae can double their biomass in hours just by soaking up the sun. But the food business is show business, and no chef attains rock star status by boiling primordial broths of microscopic nourishment. They gain fame by carving up beasts and grilling them. A restaurant in New Jersey called CafĂŠ Arugula has even served up retired circus cats—read this as “roasted leg of lionâ€?—at expensive special event dinners. The chef told us about it himself.

All the Little Fishes In Menlo Park, Flea Street CafÊ’s food director and lead cook Carlos CaĂąada recognizes the virtues of serving small animals, and one of the restaurant’s most popular items is the fried sardines. From a business perspective, serving such fish pays off, CaĂąada says. GradeA yellowfin tuna belly may cost $14 per pound wholesale, but sardines set CaĂąada back just $1.95. “And there’s very little waste,â€? he says. CaĂąada believes the low cost of sardines reflects their natural abundance in the ocean, and he believes that building a customer base happy with finger-sized fish is a sustainable long-term business model—much more so, anyway, than thrilling guests with grilled lion and tuna, neither of which Flea Street CafĂŠ serves. At the EcoFarm Conference in Pacific Grove last January, where restaurateurs and food producers convened to discuss sustainable food production, sardines were a hot topic of discussion. That sardines have become an esteemed item in the culinary world gives Trenor at Greepeace reason to hope. “Sardines are a powerful indicator of change in the seafood industry,â€? Trenor says. “Sardines have been out of favor for a long time. They’ve been the poor man’s food, processed down by the train tracks and eaten out of a tin.â€? At FishWise, Bill Wall, business partnership program manager, says the economic downturn combined with a increased awareness of ecological

dynamics has spurred interest in small fishes, squid and other mollusks. Flea Street CafĂŠ owner Jesse Cool believes a social change in the perception of what is edible is unraveling—that people are coming to understand “the value of eating diversely, eating beginning to end, and not just eating what has been made appealing commercially, like salmon, bass and halibut.â€? This includes using all parts of an animal. CaĂąada scrapes the last bits of flesh from filleted fish carcasses and uses the scraps for carpaccio. The bones, finally, are used for soup. To use all parts of an animal “is spiritually and karmically right on,â€? Cool says. Squid, too, are a great choice for diners hunting low on the trophic scale. Lou Zeidberg, a researcher in Monterey working for UCLA, says, “Unless you eat anchovies and sardines, you aren’t going to get any closer to phytoplankton than with squid.â€? Sardines and anchovies both filter phytoplankton from the water. Squid—voracious predators, even the four-inchers—do not eat phytoplankton, Zeidberg says, but they eat the copepods and the baby fish that do. Moreover, squid grow marvelously fast, a key point in true sustainability. The familiar market squid—the sort usually dredged in flour and fried—rarely lives more than eight months, according to Zeidberg. Its rapid life cycle helps make the population resilient. Like a lot of Santa Cruz restaurants, Ristorante Avanti serves fried squid, or calamari, and has for years. Availability, says owner Paul Geise, has rarely been a limiting factor at any time of the year. Sardines are almost as reliably available, he says, and have been on the menu for 15 years, though popularity of sardines is trending upward. Those wishing to cook some low-order prey species at home can find squid, anchovies and sardines periodically at H&H Fish at the farmer’s market and Phil’s Fish Market and Eatery in Moss Landing. New Leaf Markets will supply these smaller species upon request (though when we checked, the Pacific Avenue location had none). Wall at FishWise says retailers that don’t regularly stock smaller fishes and mollusks may just need to be encouraged. “The best way to see the items in the case is to ask your fishmonger to let them know there is a demand for lower trophic level items,â€? Wall says. He adds that there are health, and not just ecological, benefits to eating species closer to the trophic base: “Seafood lower in the food web is typically

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The Hoppening Snack


HAPULINES (fried grasshoppers) could be the new potato chip if they weren’t so hard to find. A Oaxacan delicacy, in Mexico they are sold everywhere from the markets to the finest restaurants. The tasty little critters sporadically find their way north of the border into our local shops, but their presence is hardly advertised—if you want chapulines, you will have to ask for chapulines. Luckily, in the fertile belly of grasshopper season (May–September), it only takes a few inquiries at Mexican markets throughout Santa Cruz and Watsonville to track them down on local soil.


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Harvested from corn and alfalfa fields with large nets during the night, the hoppers are then prepared for the market. Boiling them for a few minutes is recommended (especially if they are still alive). They are then fried in a small amount of vegetable oil with lime, salt and sometimes garlic or onion. The crickets must be cooked until all of their juices evaporate and they turn a nice crispy brown.

T Matt T Matt T Marin T Craig

T Casey T Wade

Salty and crunchy, with an occasionally bitter aftertaste, the little guys pack enough protein to put any goldfish variety to shame, and unlike your average Pringle, no two chapulines are ever the same. They come as small as a few millimeters long (best for firsttimers) and as large as 2 inches long, and they are sorted and sold by size. Try them in a taco with your favorite salsa or simply alone.

T Harry T Nick T Tim

T Travis T Carol

—Maria Grusauskas

T Bruce T Luigi

lower in mercury and contaminants too. Mercury and PCBs bioaccumulate, meaning they are found in greater concentrations higher in the food web. As a shark eats many small fish with low mercury levels, all of the mercury consumed by the shark remains in the tissue, making the mercury content of the shark many times more than the fish it eats.� The same rule applies to tuna, infamous for its potentially dangerous densities of mercury.


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Jiminy Bar Snacks Those uninterested in seafood but wanting more than veggies might aim in between, at the meek of the earth. One place to try eating insects is Mezcal in San Jose, which serves grasshoppers. The appetizer, called chapulines, is a traditional item from Oaxaca, the original homeland of owner Adolfo Gomez and his brother, chef Octavio Gomez. The hoppers are toasted in a ¨


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Eating Everything in Sight


HOSE who eat lots of shark, tuna, beef and lion are—how do we put this gently?—pigging out on the world’s precious resources. But what if we could draw our energy directly from the sun? Some believers say we can. They call themselves sungazers and claim that life can be lived without food as we know it. By staring at the sun while standing barefoot on barren sand, rock, mud or soil, the philosophy goes, one can photosynthesize sunlight into calories. Mason Howe Dwinell, a former San Francisco resident, sungazed on and off for a year in 2003 and 2004, was featured in a documentary film and eventually wrote a book about his experience and philosophy. Though he never went more than three weeks without food, he does declare on his website, www.sun gazing.com: “Yes, you can live without food.� Dwinell, now of Vermont, suffered only minor damage to his maculas during his days of staring at the sun, but he says his vision never deteriorated. Elsewhere, sungazing gurus have reportedly lived for years without food. The science behind the practice is not fully understood or thoroughly documented, but its advocates assure: With patience and faith, we can actually eat the sun. I’d rather eat termites. —Alastair Bland

hot pan with chili powder, salt and lime juice. Many customers rave about them on Yelp, though the most common complaint is of their mouth-burning saltiness. Reportedly the crunchy hoppers go well with beer. Mexican markets in Santa Cruz County also offer them from time to time (see sidebar, page 19.) Hint: try Hernandez Market on Portola in Santa Cruz. But insects need not be rendered into mere bar food, and cooking them at home can produce creative and tasty dishes, both savory and sweet. Iowa State University’s entomology department website recommends recipes. One is for a “rootworm beetle dip,� no small portion of which is beetles—a full cup of them, dried and roasted. The site also includes recipes for “banana worm bread,� chocolate chip cookies with dried crickets crumbled into the dough and “mealworm fried rice�

calling for equal parts rice and larvae. According to the same website, 100 grams, or about a cup, of grasshopper contains 20.6 grams of protein, 6.1 of fat and 3.9 of carbohydrates. (A 3-ounce portion of lean beef—just under a quarter-pound— contains 27.4 grams of protein.) Caterpillar contains 28.2 grams of protein per 100 grams. The same volume of dung beetle contains 17.2 grams. And crickets are high in calcium. Caùada traveled recently in Oaxaca and tasted the local chapulines. The critters were delicious, he says, nutty and crunchy—though the feeling of the legs and brittle body sections shattering over his tongue gave him the willies. Caùada says he might be persuaded someday to cook them himself, though they won’t appear on Flea Street CafÊ’s menu anytime soon—at least not before we run out of sardines. 0

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TEVE H TEVE HARWELL ARWELL iiss tthe he k kind ind o usician w ho w ould ssing ing off m musician who would P epto -Bismol commercials commercials Pepto-Bismol iiff you you paid paid him him right. right. And And as as llong ong aass h is b andmate aand nd ssongwriter ong writer his bandmate G reg C amp w as iinvolved, nvolved, tthe he jjingle ingle Greg Camp was w ould p robably b reak tthe he T op 4 0 would probably break Top 40 ccharts. harts. H arwell’s b and, S mash M outh, iiss Harwell’s band, Smash Mouth, n ow 116 6 ye ars o ld, w hile h imself iiss 4 3. now years old, while hee h himself 43. A nd h aving ttried ried h is h and aatt ccountry ountr y And having his hand m usic aand nd re ality T V, tthe he b and’s sstocky to cky music reality TV, band’s vo calist aand nd sself-appointed elf-appointed cchief hief vocalist eexecutive xecutive iiss b ack tto od oing w hat h back doing what hee d o es b est— cranking o ut m addeningly does best—cranking out maddeningly ccatchy atchy sska ka p op h its tthat hat ffit it iinto nto b ite pop hits bitessize, ize, P G-rated, rradio-friendly adio -friendly aand nd eeasily asily PG-rated, m arketable m olds. marketable molds. “We’re not not that that street stre r et cred cred band. band. “We’re W e’re a ccommercial, ommercial, m ainstream b and We’re mainstream band aand nd w eed tthe he m achine b ehind u s,� wee n need machine behind us,� H arwell ttells ells Santa Santa Cruz Cruz W eekly from fro r m Harwell Weekly his home home in in Hollister Hollister as as he he gears gears up up his for the the second second leg leg of of his his latest latest tour, tour, for which kicks kicks off of f Aug. Aug. 13 13 at at the the Catalyst Catalyst which in Santa Santa Cruz. Cruz. “My “My bottom bottom line line is is that that in the music music is is fun. fun. Radio Radio expects exp ects it it from fro r m the us and and they’re they’re the the gatekeepers; gatekeepers; and and if if us you don’t don’t give give them them what what they they want, want, you they won’t won’t play play it.� it.� they Smash Mouth Mouth is is a band band cut cut from frrom Smash classic pop p op cloth. cloth. Formed Formed just just over over classic the hill hill in in San San Jose Jose in in 1994, 19 94, half half of of the the members members still still live live v on on the the Central Central the Coast, including including bass bass player player Paul Paul De De Coast, Lisle, who who lives lives in in Aptos, Aptos, and and Camp, Camp, Lisle, who splits splits his his time time between between L.A. L.A. who and Santa Santa Cruz, Cruz, where where he he leads leads his his and lo cal side side project project band band the the Maids Maids local of Honor. Honor. The The original original lineup lineup came came of together after af ter Harwell Harwell left lef t his his rap rap gig gig together

A;/A67<5 AC113AA Left A;/A67<5 AC113AA Left ttoo rright: ight: G Greg re g C Camp, ampp, SSteve teve H Harwell, a r we l l , R Randy andy C Cook ook aand nd P Paul aul D DeLisle eLisle Mouth Catalyst ooff SSmash mash M outh kkick ick off off ttheir heir next next ttour our aatt tthe he C atalyst tthis his Friday. Fridayy.

with a ggroup with ro r up ccalled alled F F.O.S. . O.S. aand nd jjoined oined Kevin Coleman cchildhood hildho od ffriend riend Ke evin C oleman on drums was replaced byy o nd rums ((he he w as llater ater re placed b Michael Urbano), Camp on M ichael U rbano), C amp o n gguitar uitar aand nd Dee L Lisle on bass. didn’t take D isle o nb ass. IItt d idn’t ta ke llong ong before blend off b efore r tthe he ggroup’s ro r up’s iinfectious nfectious b lend o reggae, pop wave re ggae, ssurf ur f p op aand nd tthird hird w ave v sska k ka heavy rotation on now ggarnered arnered h eavy ro tation o n tthe he n ow defunct San KOME, d efunct S an JJose ose rradio adio sstation tation KO OME, found aand nd tthe he llads ads fo und tthemselves hemselves iinking nking deal with Records. ad eal w ith IInterscope nterscope R ecords. IIn n 11997 9 97 Fush Yu Mang rocketed off F Fu sh Y uM ang ro cketed tto o tthe he ttop op o on off ““Walkin’ tthe he ccharts har ts o n tthe he sstrength trength o Walkin’ on Sun.� o n tthe he S un.� Since Co. have Since then, then, Harwell Har well and and C o. h ave v peaks off rridden idden tthe he p eaks aand nd vvalleys alleys o multiplatinum records sstardom, tardom, sselling elling m ultiplatinum re cords years battling iin n ttheir heir eearly arly ye ars aand nd b attling llineup ineup drug cchanges, hanges, iinfighting, nf ighting, d rug aaddiction, ddiction, death, divorce being dropped d eath, d ivorce aand nd b eing d ropped ffrom rrom ones. They’ve ttheir heir llabel ab el iin n tthe he llatter atter o nes. T hey’ve new drummer now, not ggot ot a n ew d rummer n ow, tthough, hough, n ot to mention new record to m ention a n ew re ecord d ccontract ontract aand, nd,

so on, a new new album, album, giving giving fans fans reason reason soon, to believe believe Smash Smash Mouth Mouth may may once once to again become become kings kings of of the the rock ro ck pop p op again mainstream. mainstream. “We’ve got got this this new new drummer, drummer, “We’ve Randy Cooke, Cooke, who’s who’s an an absolute absolute showshowRandy stopper,� says says Harwell Harwell excitedly. excitedly. “After “Af ter stopper,� we fired f ired Michael Michael [Urbano] [Urbano] we we tried tried all all we kinds of of drummers drummers until until we we got got this this kinds f it. Now, Now, we’ve we’ve got got our our lineup lineup issues issues fit. taken care care of of and and the the record record deal deal we we taken want. It’s It’s all all positive p ositive steps.� steps.� want. Having first f irst defined def ined themselves themselves Having as a poppy poppy but but still still mildly mildly hip hip rock ro ck as band, the the guys guys of of Smash Smash Mouth Mouth hit hit a band, deciding fork fork in in the the road road in in 2001 20 01 when when deciding DreamWorks Pictures Pictures asked asked to to use use two two DreamWorks of their their songs songs in in the the soundtrack soundtrack for for of the animated animated blockbuster blo ckbuster Shrek. Shrek. The The the film’s Star� band’s f ilm’s use use of of “All “All S t r� aand ta nd tthe he b and’s cover Believer� cover of of the the Monkees’ Monkees’ ““I’m I’m a B eliever� beamed b eamed Smash Smash Mouth’s Mouth’s peppy peppy ssound ound into minds off k kids into the the hearts hearts aand nd m inds o ids

and p and parents arents aall ll o over ver tthe he w world. orld. A Att tthe he ssame ame ttime ime iitt ssounded ounded tthe he d eath death k nell for for w hatever indie indie ccred red tthe he b and knell whatever band sstill till m aintained w ith tthe he ssurf ur f aand nd maintained with sskate kaate m usic ffans ans that that had had originally originally music ggotten otten them them o f f tthe he gground. ro r und. IInstead nstead o off off ffighting ighting tto om aintain a llink ink tto o ttheir heir o ld maintain old ffans, ans, however, however, Smash Smash M outh embraced embraced Mouth tthe he n ew ones ones and and took took tthe he ““sell-outs� sell- outs� new m antle tthey hey w ere h anded sstraight traight tto o mantle were handed tthe he b ank. bank. Harwell says says the the decision decision to to go go Harwell ccommercial ommercial was was easy, easy, as as he’s he’s aalways lways had had am ind fo he b usiness sside ide o usic. mind forr tthe business off m music. B ut h lso says says he he w as ssurprised urprised tthat hat But hee aalso was eeven veen aafter f ter becoming becoming one one w ith tthe he with re cord ccompany, ompany, reciprocating reciprocating lloyalty oyalty record w as in in ever-short ever-shor t supply. supply. was “We carried carried Interscope Interscop e for for years, years, “We aand nd iin n tthe he eend nd iitt w as a p ersonal iissue ssue was personal b etw t een JJimmy immy IIovine ovine [Interscope [Interscop e between 3! !

! j / 3 august 11-18, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; / 3

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chairman] and Tom Whalley [former Interscope president], and we got caught in the crosshairs,� says Harwell, recalling his group’s ouster from the label. “I’m a loyal guy, you know? And after dealing with Interscope, I learned the loyalty thing has gone out the window. We’re on Sony now, with a straight up 50-50 deal, and I think it’s the right thing for us.� Smash Mouth’s dismissal from Interscope followed the 2003 release of the band’s fourth LP Get the Picture?, which was widely panned by critics and left on shelves by fans. Between then and 2006’s Summer Girl, the group was largely MIA with stories surfacing of bad blood between bandmates and hints from Harwell that he wanted to move to Nashville and start a country music career. Harwell also appeared on the sixth season of VH1’s The Surreal Life, making more than a few fans wonder if the band was doneskis. What a lot of folks didn’t know was that Harwell was using the time to come to terms with addiction. For years, the only thing he knew how to do better than make music like a rock star was party like one. Living perennially within arm’s reach of a bottle and habitually blowing lines of cocaine before shows, Harwell was a mess. But by the time Summer Girl dropped in 2006, the band had a new label, and the vocalist was on the wagon. Like many before him, he says without music to buoy him, he’s “not sure what would have happened.� Now on Sony Records, Smash Mouth’s new album will be called An Everlasting Love. Harwell calls it a “total throwback record� to the group’s early days of ska pop ruckus. Getting a chance to play at the Catalyst in a city he grew up visiting seems fitting, he says. “Santa Cruz really has a special place for me just because of all the memories I have there,� he says. “We’ve been wanting to play the Catalyst for a while now. We’re gonna rip it up.�

SMASH MOUTH walks on the sun Friday, Aug. 13, at 9pm at the Catalyst, 1011 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. Tickets are $20 advance/ $25 door and available at www.catalystclub.com or by calling 831.423.1338.

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 11-18, 2010 / 3

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Sweet Dissonance 1/<2/13 27 1/@:=

The Cabrillo Festival opens with a bang and a clang 0G A1=BB ; /1 1:3::/<2


HREE CHEERS for Jennifer Higdon! The 2010 winner of the Pulitzer Prize for music upstaged her colleagues—with all of them present—during the two orchestral programs of the Cabrillo Music Festival last Friday and Saturday in Santa Cruz. And the competition was not slight. Englishman Mark Anthony Turnage is enjoying a heavyweight international reputation, promoted forcefully by—among others—Cabrillo music director Marin Alsop through her performances made on his home turf (and previously in Santa Cruz) and on recordings. Alsop and her crack orchestra played three of Turnage’s works: Scherzoid (completed in 2004), Chicago Remains (2007) and Drowned Out (completed in 1993). What tends to afflict composers of new music for orchestra is remembering the axiom: less is more. Like moths to flame, today’s composers of orchestral music are drawn to use all of an orchestra’s resources, especially one as spectacular in execution as Cabrillo’s.Nothing wrong with that, until all the resources are at play at the same time. That results in information overload. Scherzoid suffered substantially, the other two Turnage pieces to a lesser extent. Between comments by the composers and excellent program notes by Lawrence Duckles, Cabrillo’s audiences are about as well prepared for what’s coming as they could be. Once the pieces are under way, however, the layers of busy-ness throughout the orchestra challenge listeners to track main events in highly congested contrapuntal textures. Imagine every private conversation at a large cocktail party amplified against the collective din. How Higdon contends with this puts her in a class by herself. Her two works on the weekend’s programs were concertos, or, more precisely, concerti grossi. The “soloists� for On a Wire (2009) were six members of the eighth blackbird sextet:

1==: 1/B Composer Jennifer Higdon dazzled audiences at Cabrillo last weekend with the West Coast premiere of ‘On a Wire’ and a performance of her Grammy-winning ‘Percussion Concerto.’

piano, violin, cello, clarinet(s), flute(s) and percussion. Her Percussion Concerto’s soloist was the astonishing Colin Currie, who worked three different batteries of at least a dozen instruments and as many sticks and mallets. Higdon is better than most at seeing the big picture from the audience’s perspective. The result is music that is more transparent and better balanced, all under a formal clarity that facilitates a listener’s ability to capture the experience in memory. For all of his virtuosity of composition, the Turnage experience becomes ephemeral by forcing the audience to work extra hard to gain purchase. (Of the three works, Chicago Remains more successfully achieved formal architectural clarity.) Higdon doesn’t want for compositional virtuosity. On the contrary, her ability to manage the interplay between the soloist(s) is of itself breathtaking, no less than the range of her creative imagination. On a Wire opened with the sextet all crowded around the piano with rosined strings woven through the instrument’s wire strings, along with drum sticks, fingernails and hand-muting, altogether turning the instrument into an orchestra as colorful as the orchestra itself. For this 26-minute piece the six players had totally memorized their parts, and it soon became clear how necessary that was. In Percussion Concerto, the soloist at least had a few moments of rest while the orchestra took wing. And

though Currie had his sheet music out, it was frequently obvious that he too had memorized lengthy passages dense with notes at high speed. Michael Hersch’s Symphony no. 3 (2009) was a festival commission getting its world premiere on Friday. Speaking from the stage, Hersch asserted somewhat defensively that nothing he could say about its “backstory� would shed more light; that the music had to stand on its own. He did allow, however, that a personal trauma had been involved. That proved an understatement. The lengthy first of seven movements offered about 10 minutes of loud, unrelieved dissonance, with little letup thereafter. A big string theme emerged in the last movement with sharp “wounded animal� cries from the brass that had punctuated the work throughout. A brief charm titled <<rewind<< by the 30-year-old Brit Anna Clyne opened the Saturday night program and added to the general sense of excellence on opening weekend. THE CABRILLO FESTIVAL OF CONTEMPORARY MUSIC continues through Sunday, Aug. 15, with pieces by Kevin Puts, Sean Hickey, Elena KatsChernin and Philip Glass. For schedule and tickets visit www.cabrillomusic.org or call 831.420.5260.

! j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA august 11-18, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; :7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

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D3<23:/ D72/ Vida’s first novel And Now You Can Go placed her strongly on readers’ radar. Her new novel The Lovers, about a widow traveling, longing and searching for connection, may well land her in the penthouse of letters. Reading, signing and discussion Tuesday, Aug. 17, at 7:30pm. Free. Bookshop Santa Cruz, 1520 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. Information: 831.423.0900.

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1/0@7::= AB/53( ¡1/0/@3B¸ The Kit Kat Club, a refuge for bohemians as the Nazis rise in Germany, comes alive again in this ever-entrancing Kander/Ebb musical, the winner of 12 Tony Awards. Thursday–Saturday, Aug. 12–14, at 7:30pm and Sunday, Aug. 15, at 2pm in the Cabrillo Crocker Theater, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos. Tickets $16–$28 at 831.479.6154.

Events 075 23/:A 1OP`WZZ] 4SabWdOZ ]T 1]\bS[^]`O`g ;caWQ H^m hZeVgViZ ineZh d[ ZkZcih! ^cXajY^c\ deZc gZ]ZVghVah! egZ"XdcXZgi iVa`h! V XgZVi^k^in iZci [dg `^Yh! V [Vb^an XdcXZgi! V cZl ldg`h XdcXZgi VcY V bjh^X! Vgi! [ddY VcY l^cZ [Zhi^kVa higZiX] dc [dg ild [jaa lZZ`h! VcY Vaa ZkZcih VgZ [gZZ# Bdhi iV`Z eaVXZ Vh i]Z 8^k^X! Wji di]Zgh ZmiZcY [gdb Adh <Vidh id HVc ?Vjc 7Vji^hiV# ;dg i]Z [jaa hXdde! XVaa -(&#)'%#*'+% dg ]^i je 8VWg^aadbjh^X#dg\ dc i]Z lZW# I]gj 6j\ &*# ;gZZ# HVciV 8gjo 8^k^X 6jY^idg^jb! (%, 8]jgX] Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'%#*'+%# ;]\bS`Sg 1O` ESSY 6 lZZ` d[ YZZe ^bbZgh^dc ^c i]Z ]^hidgn VcY XjaijgZ d[ i]Z ]^\]"ZcY VjidbdW^aZ! ^cXajY^c\ VjXi^dch! _Vl" Ygdee^c\ eVgVYZh hjX] Vh i]Z 8dcXdghd >iVa^Vcd Vi 7aVX` =dghZ VcY 8dcXdjgh YÉ:aZ\VcXZ Vi EZWWaZ 7ZVX]! Vgi h]dlh! bZbdgdW^a^V hVaZh! XVg XajW \Vi]Zg^c\h VcY i]Z ]jbdgdjh 8dcXdjgh YÉAZBdch! [ZVijg^c\ EVXZgh! E^cidh VcY di]Zg Vjid dYY^i^Zh \dcZ lgdc\# HZVgX] i]Z ZkZciÉh cVbZ dc i]Z lZW id [^cY i]Z i]djhVcYh d[ YZiV^ah# I]gj 6j\ &*# AQ]bba DOZZSg /`b O\R EW\S 4SabWdOZ A^kZ ZciZgiV^cbZci! [ddY!

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0@7<5 =CB G=C@ 23/2 DEADHEADS talk about the last time Phil Lesh and Bob Weir played a concert in Golden Gate Park and how an airplane flew overhead and dumped heaps of cookies and confetti over the screaming crowd of 10,000. (Not that one should believe everything a Grateful Dead fan tells them is falling from the sky, but in this case they apparently all saw it.)

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That was 19 years ago—a long stretch for musicians who, along with Jerry Garcia and the rest of the original Dead members, made their name as the seminal San Francisco rock band.

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“You never know what could happen,� Scott tells Santa Cruz Weekly with a wry laugh. “It’s gonna be special, I can tell you that.�

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We g t game!!!!! Watch The Giants Take Over First From The Padres All Weekend in HD!!!

This weekend Phil and Bob return to Golden Gate Park with their new project Furthur, along with 58 other bands and DJs, for the third annual Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival. Allen Scott, vice president of Another Planet Entertainment, the party’s producer, says he can neither confirm nor deny that another baked goods flyover is in order.

At 3 years old, the Outside Lands Festival has proven it has the staying power to endure and the flexibility to change. Organizers say the decision to downsize from three days to two was a matter of choosing quality over quantity. The quality of the lineup is indeed hard to deny. Besides Saturday headliner Furthur, it includes Kentucky psyche rockers My Morning Jacket, Tennessee alt-rock giants Kings of Leon, gypsy punk pranksters Gogol Bordello, punk icons Social Distortion and local Santa Cruz favorites Devil Makes Three, as well as the Strokes, Cat Power, Bassnectar, Phoenix, Wolfmother and dozens more mostly rock-influenced acts. Food and wine are boss again at this year’s OSL, with 33 restaurants—90 percent of them from the Bay Area—and 26 wineries on hand to showcase NorCal’s claim as the culinary capital of the nation. And green planning will also again be at the forefront of the party with a solar-powered stage, bicycle valet parking, a farmer’s market and a recycling trade-in center. Like any good music festival, however, Outside Lands is all about its bands. And considering the first headliner’s ties to the musical foundation of San Francisco and its propensity for inviting phenomena like cookie-dumping airplanes, the weekend has the potential to go down as a historic moment in Bay Area rock & roll. (Curtis Cartier)

THE OUTSIDE LANDS MUSIC AND ARTS FESTIVAL jams Saturday–Sunday, Aug. 14–15, in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Tickets are $75 single day and $140 for both days. For more info visit www.sfoutsidelands.com.

Almost Here... We Have the NFL Ticket!!!

710 Front St (Next to Trader Joe’s)





ve i l e d


03/ /BA1/>3 aaugust u g u s t 11-18, 1 1 - 1 8 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; !" ! " j 03/BA1/>3

Jazz Presenters since 1975


AMINA FIGAROVA SEXTET “...one of the most talented jazz piano players from Europe.� –All About Jazz Concert: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel

MON. AUGUST 16 • 7 & 9 PM


“...the greatest kora player on the planet.� –Boston Globe 7 PM: $25/Adv $28/Door No Jazztix or Comps 9 PM: $20/Adv $23/Door



Concert: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel



“Bold, brash and already delivering on serious promise.� – Jazz Times $22/Adv $25/Door Sponsored by Beth Ostrowski


LENNY WHITE’S ANOMALY FEATURING JIMMY HERRING Putting the rock back into jazz–rock! $22/Adv $25/Door


KUUMBWA’S 35TH BIRTHDAY PARTY with THE HY-TONES, FREQUENCY JONES WITH SPECIAL GUEST TAMMI BROWN & REAL TIME (+ Bobby’s Canned Cookin’ BBQ Rib Cook-off in the Benchlands!) Sponsored in party by Richter Law Office



Sponsored by Dr. Arthur Dover and the Aptos Travel Clinic

SEPT 2 NLS TRIO: Paul Nagel, Jason Lewis, John Shifflett SEPT 9 STANLEY JORDAN TRIO SEPT 13 AMBROSE AKINMUSIRE SEPT 23 MARIA VOLONTE TANGO PASSIONS TRIO SEPT 27 LEE KONITZ NEW QUARTET SEPT 30 DAVE LIEBMAN GROUP Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, serving premium wines & microbrewed beers. Snacks & desserts available all other nights. All age venue.

Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at kuumbwajazz.org Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admission Tax.

320-2 Cedar St • Sa nta C r u z 427-2227


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Th The he ssound ound o off M Moonalice oonalice m might ight ccome ome aass a surprise surprise to to those those who who k now b andleader G Smith ffrom rom know bandleader G.. E E.. Smith h is decades-long decades-long gig gig playing playing for for the the his SSaturday aturday N ight LLive ive b and. U nlike Night band. Unlike tthe he iinterstitial nterstitial eelectric lectric b lues tthat hat blues S mith p erformed b ehind D on P ardo Smith performed behind Don Pardo vvoiceovers, oiceovers, M oonalice’s ssound ound o wes Moonalice’s owes m uch more more to to the the bucolic bucolic countrycountrymuch rrock ock o 60s G rateful Dead. Dead. Flanked Flanked off ’’60s Grateful b netime m embers o efferson byy o onetime members off Je Jefferson S tarship aand nd Hot Hot Tu T una, S mith rrevels evels Starship Tuna, Smith iin nh is n ewfound ffreedom reedom tto op lay his newfound play tto oh is heart’s heart’s ccontent, ontent, turning turning out out his p sychedelic aand nd ccountry-rock ountry-rock tthat hat psychedelic sseems eems tto o have have n o llimits. imits. D on Q uixote’s; no Don Quixote’s; $ 10 aadv/$10 dv/$10 d oor; 8 pm. (PMD) (PMD) $10 door; 8pm.

Ben B en G Gibbard, ibbard, tthe he b bookish ookish iindie ndie iicon con o eattle’s D eath C ab ffor or C utie, w asn’t off S Seattle’s Death Cab Cutie, wasn’t eeven ven a ggleam leam iin nh is ffather’s ather’s eeye ye w hen his when Ja ack K erouac w rote h is sseminal eminal n ovel O n Jack Kerouac wrote his novel On tthe he R oad iin n 11951. 951. A nd JJay ay F arrar, tthe he S t. Road And Farrar, St. L ouis–based b rainfather o lt-country Louis–based brainfather off aalt-country aact ct S on V olt aand nd fformer ormer U ncle T upelo Son Volt Uncle Tupelo ffrontman, rontman, w as jjust ust 2 yyears ears o ld w hen tthe he was old when aauthor uthor d ied o lcoholism aatt 4 7. A nd died off aalcoholism 47. And yyet et tthe he ttwo wo iindie ndie d arlings, llike ike a h uge darlings, huge ccross-section ross-section of of their their fan fan base, base, are are there, there, h olding u p ttheir heir ttattered attered D esolation holding up Desolation A ngels p aperbacks llike ike aarchaeologists rchaeologists Angels paperbacks cclaiming laiming tto oh ave u nearthed tthe he m issing have unearthed missing llink ink b etween h ipsters aand nd b eatniks. between hipsters beatniks. F Fo or $ 75 this this w eekend yyou ou ccan an ttake ake a For $75 weekend rroad oad ttrip rip ((amphetamines amphetamines o ptional) tto o optional) ffittingly ittingly llocated ocated B ig S ur ffor or a ccatered atered Big Sur eevening vening ffeaturing eaturing tthe he ttwo wo ssaid aid rrock ock sstars tars u nfurling ttheir heir n ew p roject—a m usical unfurling new project—a musical o de tto, o, yyou ou gguessed uessed iit, t, Ja ack K erouac. ode Jack Kerouac. H enry M iller L ibrary, B ig S ur, $ 75; Henry Miller Library, Big Sur, $75; 6 :30pm. ((Curtis Curtis C artier) 6:30pm. Cartier)

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/9@=< 4/;7:G / 9 @ = < 4/ ; 7 :G The m The most ost iidentifiable dentif iable quality quality of of A kron/Family iiss its its ever-mercurial ever-mercurial Akron/Family sstate. tate. T he b and iiss constantly constantly morphing morphing The band aand nd evolving, evolving, aatt times times w ithin a ssingle ingle within ssong, ong, as as folk, folk, A frobeat, free free jazz jazz aand nd Afrobeat, p sychedelic soul soul are are aall ll ggiven iven a p lace psychedelic place aatt the the ttable. able. T he b and’s m ost rrecent ecent The band’s most rrelease, elease, Set Set ’Em ’Em Wild, Wild, Set Set ’Em ’Em F ree, has has Free, proved to to be be its its most most unpredictable unpredictable proved and unclassifiable unclassif iable to to date. date. Considering Considering and that they’ve they’ve been been touring touring behind behind the the that album for for over over a year, year, it’s it’s likely likely the the album songs have have mutated mutated wildly wildly from from their their songs recorded versions. versions. It’s It’s rare rare for for a band band recorded to evolve evolve beyond beyond a certain certain point, point, but but to that restlessness restlessness is is coded coded into into Akron/ Akron/ that Family’s very very DNA. DNA. Brookdale Brookdale Lodge; Lodge; Family’s $15; 8pm. 8pm. (PMD) (PMD) $15;

A/BC@2/G j & " A /B C @ 2/G j & "

:G27/ >3<A3 : G27/ >3<A3 1=:2 0:==2 1 = : 2 0 := = 2 Anyone ffamiliar Anyone amiliar w with ith tthe he B Bay ay A Area rea sscene cene iin n tthe he m id-’70s h as p robably mid-’70s has probably h eard o his p artnership. A fter 330 0 heard off tthis partnership. After yyears ears tthey hey sstill till p ack vvenues, enues, aand nd n ot iin n pack not a past-tense, past-tense, reminiscing-about-pastreminiscing-about-past-

h its k ind o ay. T hey w rite, aand nd iit’s t’s hits kind off w way. They write, aawesome. wesome. P ense h as tthe he vvoice oice o 60s Pense has off a ’’60s ssoul oul llegend, egend, sshouting houting h er h ighs aand nd her highs p urring h er llows ows w ith a ttreble reble tthat hat purring her with ccould ould p hysically rrock ock tthe he sstage. tage. It t’s physically It’s llike ike A retha F ranklin ccoming oming tto o ttown. own. Aretha Franklin A nd C old B lood aare re o n tthe he ssame ame And Cold Blood on rrung—when ung—when tthey’re hey’re h eard ttogether, oggether, heard iitt sseems eems llike ike tthe he b eefy b rass w as m ade beefy brass was made ffor or P ense’s vvocals. ocals. D on Q uixote’s; $ 16 Pense’s Don Quixote’s; $16 aadv/ dv/ $ 18 d oor; 8 pm. ((Katie Kaatie JJacobson) acobson) $18 door; 8pm.

B32 <C <B <C53< B32 <C53<B A UG. 19 9 AT AT CATALYST CA ATA TA ALLY LY YST ST AUG. B63G 3G ;756 ;75 56B 03 57/<B 5 A B63G ;756B 03 57/<BA A UG. 20 20 AT AT RIO RIIO O THEATRE THEA EA ATRE AUG. ;=C<B ; = B/7< / /<7;/: ; : ;=C<B/7< /<7;/: 6= A>7B B/ B/ /: 6=A>7B/: A UG. 22 AT AT CREPE CR REPE PLACE PLLACE C AUG. 16@7A B7/< /< A1=BB 16@7AB7/< A1=BB A UG. 23 A T KUUMBWA KU U UUMBW WA WA AUG. AT @71673 A>71 13 3 @71673 A>713 SEP P. 3 AT AT MOE’S MOEE’S ALLEY ALLLLEY E SEP. 1 =:2 1/ /D D3 3 1=:2 1/D3 SSEP. SEP P. 6 AT AT HENRY HEN NRY RY MILLER M LIBR IBRA R ARY ARY, BIG SUR UR LIBRARY,

AC<2/G j & # A C < 2/G j & #

0:/19 4@/<17A 0 : /1 9 4 @ / < 1 7 A

;=<2/G j & $ ; = < 2/G j & $ $

The gglistening The listening lluster uster o off eex-Pixies x-Pixies ffrontman rontman B lack F rancis’ b ald n ogggin Black Francis’ bald noggin has h as rreflected ef lected m more ore tthan han iits ts sshare hare o off sstage tage llights ights o ver tthe he llast ast 2 0 yyears. ears. A nd over 20 And w ithin tthat hat h airless cchrome hrome d ome, within hairless dome, h e’s h atched ssongs ongs tthat hat h ave h elped he’s hatched have helped sshape hape tthe he fface ace o odern aalternative lternative off m modern rrock ock iin n tthe he ’’90s 90s aand nd ttoday. oday. Th his This ttime ime aaround round B lack iiss h eading tto o tthe he Black heading p eaceful ttranquility ranquility o ig S ur, w here peaceful off B Big Sur, where h lans o n ffrightening rightening n ative w ildlife hee p plans on native wildlife w ith his his high-volume high-volume arrangements. arrangements. with A ggodfather odfather o he iindie ndie m ovement, off tthe movement, B lack’s w ork iiss aass rrelevant elevant n ow aass Black’s work now iitt w as w hen h ang ““Debaser� Debaser� aand nd was when hee ssang ““Where Where IIss M ind.� H enry M iller Myy M Mind. Henry Miller L ibrary, B ig S ur; $ 25; 33pm. pm. ((CC) CC) Library, Big Sur; $25;

B= C ; / < 7 B=C;/<7 27/0/B3 2 7 / 0 /B 3 If yyou If ou w watch atch o one ne p person erson p play lay tthe he 2 211sstring tring A frican k ora iin n yyour our llifetime, ifetime, African kora iitt m ay aass w ell b he b est d amn k ora may well bee tthe best damn kora p layer aalive. live. M alian p rodigy T oumani player Malian prodigy Toumani D iabate aarguably rguably h olds tthat hat ttitle itle aand nd Diabate holds h e’s ggot ot tthe he C V tto op rove iit, t, iincluding ncluding he’s CV prove ccollabs ollabs w ith eeveryone veryone ffrom rom D amon with Damon A lbarn o lur tto ob lues llegend egend T aj Albarn off B Blur blues Taj M ahal aand nd IIcelandic celandic p rincess B jÜrk, Mahal princess BjÜrk, n ot tto om ention a G rammy w in aand nd not mention Grammy win a cconsistent onsistent sspot pot iin nah andful o he handful off tthe b iggest iindie ndie ffestivals estivals o n tthe he gglobe. lobe. biggest on S eeing h im p erform h is ccomplex omplex Seeing him perform his ssoundscapes oundscapes aatt K uumbwa w ill b n Kuumbwa will bee aan eexperience xperience n othing sshort hort o ne- ofnothing off o one-ofaa-kind. -kind. K uumbwa; 77pm pm $ 25 aadv/$28 dv/$28 Kuumbwa; $25 d oor, 9 pm $ 20 aadv/$23 dv/$23 d oor. ((CC) CC) door, 9pm $20 door.

BC3A2/G j & % B C 3 A 2/G j & %

E/DD3A E /D D 3 A

B=C;/<7 AB@7<5A 4=@ G/<933A B =C;/<7 AB@7<5A 4=@ G G/ /<933A But w world-famous orld-ffamo a ous Malian kkora ora player

Toumani Diabate Kuumbwa. T ooumani Diab atte plays them with ease this Monday at K u uu umbwa.

It’s ttelling It’s elling tthat hat a b band and aass u ncomplicated aass W avves h as uncomplicated Wavves has p roven tto ob od ivisive iin n tthe he aage ge o proven bee sso divisive off h yperactive blog blog buzz. buzz. The The band’s band’s hyperactive m usic—which lashes lashes a skate-rat skate-rat music—which aaesthetic esthetic tto on avel-gazing llyrics—is yrics—is iin n navel-gazing n ow ay u nusual. IInstead, nstead, iit’s t’s a rreally eally no way unusual. w ell-realized vversion ersion o n eevergreen vergreen well-realized off aan p op-punk sound. sound. It’s It’s frontman frontman pop-punk N athan W illiams’ sseeming eeming llack ack o Nathan Williams’ off sself-awareness elf-awareness tthat hat sseems eems tto od rive drive tthe he b logggers n uts. W avves iiss n either bloggers nuts. Wavves neither iinnovative nnovative n or tthe he eend nd o odern nor off m modern m usic: iit’s t’s sstraightforward traightforward ssad-sack ad-sack music: p op-punk with with a fashionable fashionable glaze glaze pop-punk o o-f i ffuzz. uzz. C repe P lace; $ 10; 9 pm. off llo-fi Crepe Place; $10; 9pm. ((PMD) PMD)

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also Hillstomp (K] +Y +YZ W T :OV^ W T

&! " $ ''!

-YPKH` (\N ‹ AGES 16+


4VUKH` (\N ‹ AGES 16+

XAVIER RUDD plus HoneyHoney (K] +Y +YZ W T :OV^ W T

(\N Natives of the New Dawn Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N Te Vaka Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N Hayride to Hell Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N Cylinder Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N Harry & the Hitmen Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N Rock Out to Knock Out RSD Atrium (Ages 16+) (\N Ted Nugent (Ages 21+) (\N Splitshot/ Fishbear Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N Trevor Hall Atrium (Ages 16+) (\N Ambivalence Atrium (Ages 16+) (\N Bad Brains (Ages 16+) (\N The Hold Steady (Ages 16+) (\N Jogger/ Baths Atrium (Ages 21+) (\N Jackie Greene (Ages 21+) (\N Hieroglyphics (Ages 16+) :LW Israel Vibration (Ages 21+) :LW The Holdup (Ages 16+) :LW Benny Benassi (Ages 16+) :LW Collie Buddz (Ages 16+) :LW Atmosphere (Ages 16+) <USLZZ V[OLY^PZL UV[LK HSS ZOV^Z HYL KHUJL ZOV^Z ^P[O SPTP[LK ZLH[PUN Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online


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2 28 9Oa^S` 8 9Oa^S`

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Learn more about therapeutic nutrition at a free lecture August 18 at 6:30 PM: Chronic Pain Management See our Calendar of Events online for more info.

Santa S anta C Cruz, ruz, C CA A•B Berkeley, errkeley, CA CA • Penngrove, Penngrove, CA CA • Boulder, Boulderr, CO CO

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Work as a therapeutic, Work therapeutic, personal, perso onal, or private private chef,f, a cooking chef cooking consultant, consultant, or a whole ffoods o oods ccooking ooking instructor. instructor.

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Recession R ecessioon got yyou ecessio ou down? ou down? wn?

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" j 47:; august 11-18, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY AUGUST 13 – THURSDAY AUGUST 19 “A jaw-dropping, gravity defying film about dance!� –Urban Cinefile IN DOLBY DIGITAL 3D!

Daily: (2:15),

<3E 1/>A

(4:45), 7:15, 9:30 & Sat, Sun (12 noon)

“A warm, funny, sexy & smart movie!� –Entertainment Weekly

Annette Benning

Julianne Moore

Mark Ruffalo



On 2 Screens! (2:00), (3:40), (4:30), 6:15, 7:00, 8:30, 9:15 & Sat, Sun (11:45am)

Daily: (1:15),

/<B=< 16396=D¸A B63 2C3: (Unrated;

102 min.) Set in a summer resort in the Caucasus in the 19th century, this film adaptation of the novella tells the story of bored young people and their peccadilloes, neuroses and conf licts. (Opens Fri at the Nick.) 2@C; 1=@>A 7<B3@</B7=</: ( 075 :=C2 /<2 :7D3 % (Unrated;

Online Ticketing Available @


STARTS FRIDAY 8/13! “Hands down Kevin Kline’s funniest role in years!� –The New York Times

Kevin Kline Paul Dano Katie Holmes

Film Capsules

315 min.) The major leagues of marching bands duke it out at the 2010 World Championship Quarterfinals. Oh yeah, baby, it’s live. (Plays Thu at 3:30pm at Santa Cruz 9.) 3/B >@/G :=D3

Daily: (2:40), (4:50), 7:00, 9:10 & Sat, Sun (12:30) STARTS FRIDAY 8/13! “Mesmerizing & gorgeous with excellent performances!� –The Hollywood Reporter

Anton Chekhov’s



Daily: (2:50), (5:00), 7:10, 9:10 & Sat, Sun (12:50)


(PG-13; 140 min.) Julia Roberts stars in Elizabeth Gilbert’s bestselling account of life reinvention by way of conducting the titular activities in Italy, India and Bali. (Opens Fri at 41st Ave, Riverfront, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) B63 3F>3<2/0:3A


Daily: (2:00), (4:20), 6:40, 9:20 & Sat, Sun (11:40)

(R) Daily: (4:10), 6:50, 9:30

Daily: (1:50) & Sat, Sun (11:30am)


( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm

(R; 103 min.) Rambo himself directs and stars in this tale about a band of mercenaries sent to overthrow a brutal dictator,

only to find the U.S. government considers them . . . well, you’ll just have to see for yourself. With Jet Li, Jason Statham, Eric Roberts and Steve Austin. (Opens Thu at midnight at Santa Cruz 9, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) B63 3FB@/ ;/<

(R; 112 min.) Katie Holmes, Kevin Kline and John. C. Reilly star in tale about a gentleman escort of wealthy New York widows and an aspiring playwright. (Opens Fri at the Nick.) A1=BB >7:5@7; DA B63 E=@:2 (PG-13;

108 min.) Michael Cera has a crush problem: he must vanquish the seven evil exes of his new beloved (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) or else lose her forever. (Opens Thu midnight at Santa Cruz 9 and Fri at Aptos, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) B= 97:: / ;=197<507@2

(1962) Gregory Peck won an Oscar for his performance as Atticus Finch, an idealistic lawyer who takes on the charged case of a black man falsely accused of raping a white woman in the Depression-era South. (Plays Thu at 8pm at Santa Cruz 9.)

B==B6 4/7@G

(2009) The Rock on a mission, with wings and a wand. With Ashley Judd and Julie Andrews (Plays Wed 8/11 at 10am at Scotts Valley.) :3/5C3A C<23@ B63 A3/

(1954) Kirk Douglas, Peter Lorre and James Mason star in landmark Disney f lick about a mysterious part of the ocean where ships disappear. (Plays Sat-Sun 11am at Aptos.) D/;>7@3A AC19

(PG-13; 82 min.) Spooftacular send-up of the Twilight series from the minds that brought us Scary Movie 1-4. (Opens Wed Aug 18 at Santa Cruz 9, Scotts Valley and Green Valley,) B63 E7H/@2 =4 =H

(1939) The original MGM Technicolor Triumph, complete with child star, f lying monkeys, poppy fields and green ladies. (Plays Wed 8/11 at 10am at 41st Ave.)

@3D73EA /5=@/ (Unrated; 127

min.) Rachel Weisz is a pagan logician holding out against insurgent faith. It’s the early 400s during the Christian end of the Roman empire. Hypatia (Weisz),


1/BA 2=5A( @3D3<53 =4 97BBG 5/:=@3 (PG; 82

min.) Cats and dogs join forces to take down a rogue kitty spy in a mission to save themselves and their humans. The animated film is the newest peek into the secret tides of cat/dog relations and

features the voices of James Marsden and Nick Nolte, with Bette Midler as the feline mastermind. 23A>71/0:3 ;3

(PG; 94 min.) Even the second tier of animated filmmaking is fairly advanced, and Despicable Me’s brisk and intelligent rephrase of the evil genius plot makes up for several cul de sacs. The bald, heavyeyebrowed and Akim Tamiroff–accented Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) is a mad scientist working on his latest plot. If he can steal a shrink-ray just being developed, the Bank of Evil will give him a loan to finance his magnum opus: the theft of the moon itself. The action may be silly, but the directors take it seriously. (Read a fulllength review at www .metroactive.com.) (RvB) 27<<3@ 4=@ A16;C19A (PG-13;

110 min.) Executives throw a particularly memorable dinner party: its centerpiece is a contest to see which of them can find the biggest idiot to entertain them. Tim (Paul Rudd) finds Steve Carell, and if the tag line is any indication

of the ending (“It takes one to know one�), the idea goes sour for Rudd. Also starring Zach Galifianakis and Jemaine Clement. 4/@3E3:: (Unrated;

121 min.) Intelligent, atmospheric Cold War thriller, directed by Christian Carion, based on a real-life case. In 1981, in Moscow, Pierre (Guillaume Canet), a French technocrat, is mistakenly approached by Grigoriev (Serbian director Emir Kusturica). This Soviet officer, sick of his government, aims to help push it over from the inside by passing on information to the West. The Russian is surprised to find out that Pierre has almost no connections with the secret service. Pierre’s government asks the amateur spy to carry on, and a friendship develops. The art direction is immaculate; Carion aims to take you on a trip to the vanished USSR, dwelling over the frightening Martian/ Gothic towers and neongreen corridors. (RvB) B63 57@: E6= >:/G32 E7B6 47@3

(R; 137 min.) This second installment in the Stieg Larsson series brings back Noomi Rapace’s ratty but invincible urchin Lisbeth Salander.

Showtimes are for Wednesday, Aug. 11, through Wednesday, Aug. 18, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

/>B=A 17<3;/A

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

Call for showtimes.

Call for showtimes.

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.thenick.com STARTS FRI 8/13! “A total blast! A wild comic journey into the head of a true original.�

daughter of the librarian of Alexandria (Michael Lonsdale), is a woman with the rare privilege of being allowed to teach philosophy; her two prize students, both very fond of her, are the slave Davus (Max Minghella) and the well-born Orestes (Oscar Isaac). As little is known of Hypatia’s actual teachings, the film posits that her concerns were the matter of the shape of the earth’s orbit round the sun (a matter referred to visually repeatedly by a Google Earth–like computeranimated rising about the Nile delta and return to outer space). Who can blame the camera for wanting to leave this island, Earth? The film is an ant-hill-like squabble of different faiths, centered around the increasing viciousness of the local Christian bishop. You can see where the 50 million euro budget went. (RvB)

Movie reviews by Steve Palopoli, and Richard von Busack

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com

–Boxoffice Magazine Daily: (2:30), (4:50), 7:10, 9:30 & Sat, Sun (12:10)



Outrageously Funny!’’

Call for showtimes.

FOX-TV, Shawn Edwards

Steve Carell Paul Rudd Zach Galifianakis Ron Livingston

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.cineluxtheatres.com

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com Call for showtimes.



Daily: (4:40), 7:00, 9:20


23: ;/@

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com

Rachel Weisz

Call for showtimes. (NR)

Daily: (2:15)


Tickets $6

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea Sat 8/14 & Sun 8/15 @ 11:00am Next Week: Sunset Boulevard

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees


Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com (G)

Call for showtimes.

A1=BBA D/::3G 17<3;/

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260 www.cineluxtheatres.com Call for showtimes.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com Call for showtimes.

j "

A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 11-18, 2010 47:;

/@=C<2 B63 E=@:2 7< & ;7<CB3A!!Kvmjb!Spcfsut!fncbslt!

po!b!kpvsofz!jo!ÕFbu!Qsbz!Mpwf-Ö!pqfojoh!Gsjebz/ Shortly after Lisbeth’s return to Stockholm, her old nemesis (and rapist) of a parole officer starts stirring up trouble. Meanwhile, trustworthily pockmarked investigative journalist Mikael (Michael Nyqvist) meets a new writer. He and his sociologist girlfriend are trying to expose the sex-slave trade conducted out of the former Soviet Union, apparently abetted by the Sapo, the Swedish Secret Police. Salander is an old-fashioned pulp heroine in a pulp plot. (RvB) 7<13>B7=< (PG-13; 148 min.) The basic idea of Christopher Nolan’s film is simple. Led by Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), a sort of Impossible Mission Force, working for a Japanese trillionaire (Ken Watanabe), descends into the sleeping subconscious of the plutocrat’s young rival (Cillian Murphy), using technology that allows them to design dreamscapes. Because of the complexity of this operation, the team is forced to create dreams within dreams, and each deeper

dream takes place in an exponentially larger time frame. The film is audacious and frequently thrilling, especially when Nolan folds Paris in on itself and Escherizes interior spaces. It’s visionary filmmaking, uncommon at this scale, with neither the mawkishness of What Dreams May Come or the spiritual horse feathers of the Matrix trilogy. (RvB) B63 972A /@3 /:: @756B (R; 111

min.) Crisis occurs when a very settled lesbian marriage is challenged by the arrival of the sperm donor (Mark Ruffalo) who fathered one of the couple’s children. Julianne Moore as a classic California girl: no intellectual, very earthy, a blurter-out of things she probably shouldn’t have said; Annette Bening, amusingly dour, is her hard-working spouse. Director Lisa Cholodenko and co-writer Stuart Blumberg takes their film away from the realm of the typical gay and lesbian film fest talkathon and up to speed with the blogs, Alison Bechdel’s

cartoons Dykes to Watch Out For and with the fiction of Mary Gaitskill. As a director, Cholodenko is a dry, tough-minded wit. But the way she analyzes the needy, unpretty cores of these characters is what takes The Kids Are All Right out of the realm of the domestic comedy/ drama and makes it a film to remember. (RvB) B63 =B63@ 5CGA

(PG-13; 107 min.) Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg are two New York detectives working in the shadow of the NYPD’s two heroes, played by Samuel Jackson and Dwayne Johnson, when opportunity knocks. With Derek Jeter as himself. A/:B Angelina Jolie vehicle about a CIA officer named Evelyn Salt who stands accused of spying for the Russkies also stars Liev Schreiber and Chiwetel Ejiofor, not that anyone will notice. AB3> C> ! 2 (PG-13;

107 min.) A gaggle of New York street dancers team up with an NYU freshman and dance it out, yo, with a

rival team of hip-hop dancers in a, yes, lifechanging competition. B=G AB=@G ! (G;

108 min.) Sit through the pretty ordinary grabber sequence at the beginning of the film—a frontier adventure with a runaway train— because once this latest Pixar effort gets started, it’s perfection. Woody (Tom Hanks), the toy-size avatar of a cinematic century’s worth of action heroes, is the lone skeptic when the rest of the gang is donated to a seemingly wonderful day-care center run by a toofriendly huggy bear (Ned Beatty). What transpires is a Great Escape parody that is less a joke and more like a captivating (and terrifying) new version of an old myth. Things get very heavy indeed; these talking walking toys end up on the edge of extinction, which is why the seasoned professionals doing the voice acting add the right note of mortality to this sequel. A stunner, all told, in color, action, humor and serious underpinnings. (RvB)

" j 27<3@¸A 5C723 august 11-18, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com. American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, lunch 11am-2pm, dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves superfresh 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include prime rib and lobster. Daily 7am-2am.

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz


$ Santa Cruz

16/@:73 6=<5 9=<5

$$ Santa Cruz

1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588

1141 Soquel Ave, 831. 426.5664


110 Church St, 831.429.2000

$$ Santa Cruz

B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

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august 11-18, 2010

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august 11-18, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 11-18, 2010 /AB@=:=5G

Astrology Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of August 11 /@73A (March 21–April 19): When I studied method acting with David Mamet, he taught us to develop such a vivid imagination that we could taste the pretend coffee that we drank out of an imaginary cup. We’d feel the heft of the cup in our hand and the steamy heat rising. We’d hallucinate the bitterly f lavorful smell, and the muscles of our face would move the way they might if we were sipping the real thing. Pop star Lady Gaga didn’t work with Mamet while she was maturing as an actress, but she got similar teachings. Recently, she told New York magazine that she can “feel the rain, when it’s not raining.� And more than that: “I can actually mentally give myself an orgasm.� If you think that you will ever want to have that strong an imagination, Aries, now is a good time to start working toward that goal. B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): When they say “Go with the f low,� what “f low� are they talking about? Do they mean the f low of your early childhood conditioning? The f low of your friends’ opinions? The latest cultural trends? Your immediate instinctual needs? When they say “Go with the f low,� are they urging you to keep doing what’s easiest to do and what will win you the most ego points, even if it keeps you from being true to your soul’s code? I’m here to ask you to consider the possibility that there are many f lows to go with, but only one of them is correct for you right now. And in my opinion, it is f lowing in an underground cavern, far from the maddening crowd. 53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): “There would not be such a thing as counterfeit gold if there were no real gold somewhere,� says a Sufi proverb. Why am I bringing this to your attention at this particular moment in your life story? Here’s the bad news: You’re in possession of some counterfeit gold that you think is authentic. Here’s the good news: Within a short time after waking up to the truth about the fake stuff, you will locate the real thing.

1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): Here’s a thought from the Cancerian philosopher Gaston Bachelard: “He who listens to the singing of the stream cannot be expected to understand the one who hears the singing of the f lame: They do not speak the same language.� While I mostly agree with that poetic formulation, I think you’re about to be a temporary exception to the rule. Normally you are acutely attuned to the singing of the stream; your skill at reading its nuances are supreme among the zodiac. But I expect that in the coming days, you will not only have the power to appreciate the song of the fire; you’ll even be able to empathize with and understand people who are entranced by the song of the fire. :3= (July 23–Aug. 22): Paul, a fortune-telling octopus in Oberhausen, Germany, had an amazing run of success predicting the results of World Cup competitions a while back. His technique? His handlers gave him a succession of choices between two tasty morsels, each representing one of the teams in a given match. The treat he picked to eat was the team whose victory he prophesied. I wish I could access his expertise to help me sort out your upcoming decisions. It’s really important that you not over-think the possibilities, but rather rely on simple gut reactions. Why don’t you pretend you’re an octopus, and imagine that each choice you have to make is symbolized by some food item. Ask yourself, “Which is yummiest?� D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): Lewis Carroll’s sequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was Through the Looking Glass. As he wrote it, he invited his illustrator John Tenniel to offer editorial advice. In response, Tenniel tactfully suggested that Lewis cut out a certain chapter. Lewis agreed, and so the story, as we read it today, doesn’t include Alice’s meeting with a grumbling wasp who wore a bright yellow wig that sat disheveled on its head like a clump of seaweed. Think of me as your version of Tenniel, Virgo. As you finish up your labor of love, consider following my recommendation to omit the part that resembles a wasp in a wig. :70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): If you and I were sitting face to face and I asked you, “What are the most important lessons you’ve learned these last 11 months?�, what would you tell me? I think you need this type of experience: an intense and leisurely conversation with a good listener you

trust—someone who will encourage you to articulate the major developments in your life since your last birthday. Here are some other queries I’d pose: 1. How have you changed? 2. What long-term process needs to come to a climax? 3. What “school� are you ready to graduate from? (And by “school� I mean any situation that has been a hotbed of learning for you.)

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): The film Avatar hammers out such vehement anti-military, anticapitalist, and anti-imperialist themes that it could have been endorsed by the leftist rock band Rage Against the Machine. And yet it’s the highest-grossing film in the history of the world. One critic marveled at its popularity in even the most conservative areas of America, noting that it got “a theater full of people in Kentucky to stand and applaud the defeat of their country in war.� Your assignment in the coming week is to do what Avatar has done: Try to make sure that your opponents and skeptics are entertained by your message—maybe even excited and intrigued. A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): I recommend that you enjoy an abundance of recreational time in the coming days, Sagittarius. But I hope that you will favor a rigorous physical challenge over lying lazily on the beach. I hope that you will read great literature instead of mass market paperbacks, and that you’ll attend a brain-bending workshop rather than being a spectator at a sports event. Catch my drift, Sagittarius? Say yes to embarking on a vision quest that scares the fear out of you and pumps up your spiritual ambition; say no to wasting away in a puddle of sluggish, circuitous daydreaming. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): Sixty-nine percent of conservatives think that hell is a real place, and over half of all liberals do. Shocking! Ridiculous! I hope that you, Capricorn, give zero credence to the idea that there is a realm of eternal damnation. In my astrological opinion, believing in hell would grossly interfere with your ability to know the truth about your life right now. So would an irrational fear of failure, an obsession with enemies, or a tendency to define yourself in opposition to bad stuff. Here’s the alternative: To thrive, all you have to do is accentuate what you love, identify what you want, and focus on rewards.

/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): This is an excellent time for you to get more conscious and proactive about what images you bring into your life and surround yourself with. It’s always important to monitor the pictures f lowing into your imagination, of course, but it’s especially crucial right now. Your mental and physical health are unusually dependent on it. So please do yourself a big favor and gaze upon as much uplifting beauty as you can. Favor gardens over garbage dumps, soaring vistas over strip malls, interesting faces over scowling mugs. >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): Every year smokers toss away over four trillion cigarette butts, fouling the environment terribly. But recently a few Chinese scientists embarked on the seemingly impossible project of finding value in this noxious waste. Collecting up big piles of discarded filters, they developed a process to extract chemicals that are effective at preventing corrosion when applied to steel pipes. Your assignment, Pisces, is to accomplish a comparable miracle: Turn some dreck or dross into a useful thing; discover a blessing in the trash; build a new dream using the ruins of an old pleasure.

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Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

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August 11-18, 2010 S a n t a c r u z .co m



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