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august 25-september 1, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

Sa nt a Cr u z C ou nt y


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 25-september 1, 2010 1=<B3<BA

Contents. P OSTS










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ON THE COVER John Goldberg, ‘Dechambeau Ranch and Sierra.’ Exhibit: Places, Santa Cruz County Bank

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>=ABA aaugust u g u s t 25-september 2 5 - s e p t e m b e r 1, 1 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; " j >=ABA

Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

327B=@7/: 327B = =@7/: EDITOR E D I TO R B@/17 6C97:: B@/ 17 6C97:: 6

(traci@santacruzweekly.com) (traci@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) STAFF STAFF WRITERS WRITERS @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 @716/@2 D=< 0C CA/19 (richard@santacruzweekly.com) (richarrd@santtaacruzweeekly.com m)) 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1C@B7A 1/@ / B73@ (curtis@santacruzweekly.com) (curtis@santtacruzw a eeekly.com) CONTRIBUTING EDITOR C ONTRIBUTING E D I TO R 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A 16 @7AB7</ E/B3@A CALENDAR EDITOR C A L E N DA R E D I TO R >/C: E/5<3@ > /C: E/5<3@ (calendar@santacruzweekly.com) (calendar@sant tacruzw a eeekly.com) POETRY EDITOR P OETRY E D I TO R @=03@B AE/@2 @ =03@B AE/@2 EDITORIAL E DITORIAL IINTERN NTERN 9/B3 3 8/1=0A=< 9/B3 8/1=0A=< CONTRIBUTORS C O N T R I B U TO R S @=0 0@3HA<G @ =0 0@3HA<G ;/C@33< 2/D72A=< ; /C@33< 2/D72A=< >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A > /C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 5 /<B /<2@3E 57:03@B 83<< 77@3:/<2 AB3>63< 93AA:3@ @3:/<2 AB3>63< 93AA:3@ 83AA71/ :CAA3<6=> A1=BB 8 3AA71/ :CAA3<6=> A1=BB ;/11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 ; /11:3::/<2 <CBH:3 AB3D3 >/:=>=:7 A B3D3 >/:=>=:7 >/C: E/5<3@ > /C: E/5<3@

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Send let letters teerrs ttoo Santa Santa Cruz Weekly, Weekly e y, let letters@santacruz.com teerrs@san s nttaacruz.com or ttoo A Attn: ttn: LLetters, ettteeerrs, 115 Co ett et C Cooper ooper e St., Sant San Santaa Cruz, uz 95060. 060. Inclu Include udee cit city ittyy and phone clarity inaccuracies known us. phone number number or email address. address. Submissions Subm missions mayy be be edited editteed for for or length, length cl le leng laritt y or or factual factual ac a inac a curacies racies know nown ttoo us s.

/ :=<3:G ;7/A;/ / :=<3: :G ;7/A;/ GREG BEATO’S GREG BEAT TO O’S cover cover sstory tory d describing escribing IInternet nternet aaddiction ddiction (“Digital (“Digital Junkies, Junkies,� cover cover sstory, tory, Aug. Aug. 118) 8) aand nd h is inclusive inclusive q uestion ““who who his question aamong mong u oesn’t already already ccheck heck h is eemail mail m ore uss d doesn’t his more o ften than than necessary?�: necessary?�: Well, Well, an an answer answer is: is: “I “I often d on’t.� I d on’t u se eemail mail ((as as tthis his llonghand onghand rrelic/ elic/ don’t. don’t use lletter etter p athetically sshows). hows). I’ve I’ve never never ridden ridden pathetically off p psychic tthrough hrough tthe he yyears ears o sychic eencroachment ncroachment b mpersonal eelectronic lectronic m eans, iin n aan n aalmost lmost byy iimpersonal means, L uddite-like w ay, aand nd aam mh ere w riting ttoday oday Luddite-like way, here writing b ecause o t. I’d I’d come come to to begin begin an an email email because off iit. aaccount ccount aatt tthe he S anta Cruz Cruz Library, Library, since since tthat hat Santa only iiss the the o nly way way tto o find f ind an an apartment apartment rrental ental having aanymore, nymore, aand nd I’m I’m desperate desperate to to do do sso, o, h aving been Section b een a disabled disabled iindividual ndividual on on S ection 8 now digital ccoverage overage n ow tthrust hrust iinto nto the the d igital “reality� “reality� of of

not b not being eing aan n ““addict� addict� ssavvy avvy eenough nough tto o eeven ven ggo o o nline, to to llearn earn how how tto on avigate b eing o nline. online, navigate being online. Th hinking I live live in in the the “real� “real� world, world, not not the the Thinking vvirtual, irtual, iiss p roving tto ob oolish b lunder proving bee a ffoolish blunder o ine, ssince ince n ow I’m I’m out out of of a place place to to llive ive off m mine, now aand nd o ut o ny w ay tto o aaccess ccess aanother. nother. S urely out off aany way Surely o thers out out tthere here w ho sstill till rread ead p rint ccan an rrelate: elate: others who print II’ve ’ve aavoided voided sscreens creens ssince ince tthey hey trigger trigger m myy eepileptic pileptic sseizures eizures aatt ttimes. imes. Now, Now, b ecause o because off aavoiding voiding aan no bvious ((to to m e) n egative aaspect spect obvious me) negative o yber llife, ife, I’m I’m out out of of lluck uck aand nd rrunning unning o ut off ccyber out o ime, tto o find f ind a p lace tto o ssimply imply b omewhat off ttime, place bee ssomewhat ffree ree ffrom rom tthe he o verwhelming b arrage o overwhelming barrage off d igitized ccacophony acophony w hich often often causes causes m digitized which myy d isability tto om anifest, aass rrecorded ecorded recently recently aatt disability manifest, S tanford U niversity N eurology ((recorded, recorded, o Stanford University Neurology off aall ll tthings, hings, by by an an aarray rray o omputers llinked inked off ccomputers iinto nto m rain!). W ith it, it, without without it it . . . myy b brain!). With

there’s n there’s no o aavoiding voiding iit. t. And And it’s it’s ttransformed ransformed ““society� society� through through ““instant instant cconnectivity� onnectivity� iinto nto ad esolate, lonely lonely miasma, miasma, b oth ffor or tthose hose w ho desolate, both who o verindulge and and ccan’t an’t ccontrol ontrol iitt aanymore, nymore, o overindulge orr ffor or tthose hose w ho would would cchoose hoose tto od ow ithout iit, t, who do without aass much much aass iiss h ealthily, humanly humanly possible. possible. ((And And healthily, tto o anyone anyone who who recognizes recognizes my my predicament: predicament: ffeel eel free free tto o please please ccall all m landline� aand nd m aybe myy ““landline� maybe eeven ven speak speak to to a lliving iving person!) person!) Bobb R Roberts, oobertss, Ben n Lomond Lomond

B63 @756B¸A B63 @756B¸A / @756B / 4@756B 4@ MANY M ANY ISSUES ISSUES raised raised by by the the right right wing wing seem seem designed only division political d esigned o nly to to ffoster oster d ivision aand nd p olitical ggain ain ffor or Republicans Republicans no no matter matter w hat tthe he what ccost—issues ost—issues like like ggay ay m arriage, immigration immigration marriage, aand nd n ow tthe he m osque n ear gground round zzero. ero. T hey now mosque near They aappeal ppeal tto o tthe he w orst iin np eople aand nd p lay o n ttheir heir worst people play on ffears ears aand nd ssense ense o ulnerability u sing rreligion, eligion, off vvulnerability using rracism, acism, h omophobia aand nd xxenophobia enophobia tto ob lock homophobia block aany ny m ovement ttowards owards a m ore eequitable quitable aand nd movement more ccaring aring w orld. This Th his is is the the pursuit pursuit of of power power at at its its world. u gliest. It It m akes tthe he w orld a ssadder adder aand nd m ore ugliest. makes world more d angerous p lace. On On this this small small planet planet we we will will dangerous place. w in ttogether ogether o ill llose ose ttogether. ogether. win orr w wee w will Mosss Henr Moss Henry, ry, Santa Rosa Sa antta R oosa

PRODUCTION PRODUCTION DIRECTOR D I R E C TO R 6/@@G /::7A=< 6/@@G /::7A=< : GRAPHIC GRAPHIC DESIGNER DESIGNER B/07 H/@@7<<//: B/07 H/@@7< <<//: E DITORIAL PRODUCTION P RO D U C T I O N EDITORIAL A 3/< 53=@53 3 A3/< 53=@53 AD D ESIGNERS AD DESIGNERS 83<<G =/B3G G 83<<G =/B3G 27/<</ D/ /<3G193 27/<</ D/<3G193

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4@=; B63 327B=@ 4@= =; B63 327B=@ This T his week week marks marks the the first first installment installment of of T he EExhibitionist xhibitionist ((page page 2 5), a weekly weekly column column The 25), aabout bout the the visual visual arts arts by by Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Weekly Weekly ffreelancer reelancer and and longtime longtime area area arts arts critic critic Maureen Maureen D avidson. B esides bbeing eing a window window onto onto tthe he Davidson. Besides llively ively but but underserved underserved local local visual visual arts arts scene, scene, The The EExhibitionist, xhibitionist, w hich is is partly partly funded funded bbyy a ggrant rant which ffrom rom the the C ultural Council Council ooff Santa Santa C ruz County, Count y, Cultural Cruz sstands tands as as an an example example of of the the innovative innovative partnerships partnerships w e’re seeing seeing more more of of in in journalism journalism today. today. We We hope hope we’re yyou ou enjoy enjoy tthis his addition addition ttoo llocal ocal culture culture in in tthe he w eeks weeks aand nd months months ttoo ccome. ome.


august 25-september 1, 2010

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august 25-september 1, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 1 C@B7A 1/@B73@

Currents. C urren ents.

AC>3@ A/D7=@ Att AC>3@ A/D7=@ Attorney torne y EEdd F Frey re y ssays ays iitt ttakes akes ssomeone omeone llike ike hhim im ttoo bbring ring aattention ttention ttoo tthe he pplight light ooff tthe he ddisenfranchised. isenfranchised.

IImprobable mprobable Cause Ca u s e Wh Why hy would wou uld a lawyer laaw wyer try trry tto o gget et himse elf arr ested? himself arrested? 0G 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 0G 1 C @ B 7 A 1 / @ B 7 3 @


AMN. I d AMN. don’t on’t k know now iiff tthe he ccops ops aare re ggonna onna sshow, how,� ssays ays E dF rey, llooking ooking lleft eft tto o rright ight Ed Frey, d own C enter S treet aand nd down Center Street pulling his his tattered tattered blue blue ssleeping leeping b ag ssnug. nug. pulling bag Itt’s midnight midnight at at Peace Peace C amp 2 010 aand nd It’s Camp 2010 the 70-year-old 70-year-old aactivist ctivist llawyer awyer is is on on the the the steps of of City City Hall Hall with with a dozen dozen homeless homeless steps people and and supporters supporters for for Day Day 44 44 of of an an people ongoing protest protest against against Santa Santa Cruz’s Cruz’s ban ban ongoing on camping camping within within city city limits. limits. Perched Perched in in on fold-out chair, chair, wearing wearing wrinkled wrinkled khaki khaki a fold-out pants and and the the same same faded faded orange orange sweater sweater pants he had had on on 10 10 days days earlier earlier when when he he was was he

arrested ffor arrested or ssleeping leeping o outside utside the the S Santa anta C ruz C ounty b uilding, Frey, Frey, w ho ffounded ounded Cruz County building, who aand nd o rganized the the 2 4/7 p rotest, ffits its rright ight in in organized 24/7 protest, w ith h is flock f lock of of rebels rebels aand nd malcontents. malcontents. with his His prospects prospects for for arrest arrest may may be be His d isappointing, b ut w ith h is ffinances inances disappointing, but with his b ottoming o ut, h dmits that that avoiding avoiding bottoming out, hee aadmits jjail ail tthis his ttime ime m ay b lessing. ““II ggot ot a may bee a b blessing. ccall all ttoday oday from from aan n iinterested nterested cclient, lient,� he he ssays. ays. “He “He rreally eally n eeds tto ob epresented needs bee rrepresented iin n ccourt ourt aand nd II’d ’d h ate tto oh ave tto o ssay, ay, hate have ‘‘Sorry, Sorry, can’t can’t d o iit. t. I got got arrested arrested ffor or do ssleeping leeping iin np ublic aand nd vviolating iolating tthe he public ccamping amping b an. A gain.’� ban. Again.

% j %

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; aaugust u g u s t 25-september 2 5 - s e p t e m b e r 1, 1 , 2010 2 0 1 0 1C@@3<BA 1C@@3< <BA

The fact fact that that Frey, Frrey, a bar-certified, bar-certified, The B erkeley-educated ccriminal riminal defense defense Berkeley-educated aattorney, ttorney, iiss aatt tthe he p ublic n exus o own public nexus off ttown iin nw illful d isobedience o he llaw aw iiss n o willful disobedience off tthe no ssurprise urprise ggiven iven h is h istory. Th his iiss a m an his history. This man w ho b rags aabout bout h aving ssold old m arijuana who brags having marijuana ffrom rom h is llaw aw o ffice aand nd o nce n ailing his office once nailing pot plants doors off tthe 118 8p ot p lants tto o tthe he ffront ront d oors o he Mendocino County district M endocino C ounty ssheriff heriff aand nd d istrict He’s aattorney. ttorney. H e’s ccampaigned ampaigned aand nd llost ost U.S. Congress Santa Cruz eelections lections ffor or U .S. C ongress aand nd S anta C ruz County District Attorney on platforms C ounty D istrict A ttorney o np latforms off aall llike ike tthe he aabolition bolition o ll iinternational nternational borders off d drugs. Around b orders aand nd llegalization egalization o rugs. A round more people who know ttown, own, m ore tthan han a ffew ew p eople w ho k now him he’s Others h im ssay ay h e’s ccrazy. razy. O thers cconclude onclude tthat hat he’s passionate h e’s jjust ust a p assionate iideologue. deologue. Santa Santa Cruz Cruz City City Attorney Attorney John John Barisone, who off B arisone, w ho rrecently ecently ssquared quared o ff iin n with Frey over ccourt ourt w ith F rey o ver llocal ocal ttransient ransient Robert Facer’s ban R obert F acer’s ccamping amping b an ccitation itation homeless Becky aand nd h omeless aadvocate dvoccate B ecky JJohnson’s ohnson’s disturbing peace d isturbing the the pe ace vviolation—prevailing iolation—prevailing over Frey both o ver F rey iin n bo th ccases—goes ases—go oes sso o ffar ar aass Frey puts his own political tto o ssay ay F rey p uts h is o wn po litical aagenda genda over his needs. o ver h is cclient’s lient’s llegal egal n eeds. “He “He is is very very argumentative, argumentative, and and that that doesn’t help him out, Barisone. d oesn’t h elp h im o ut,� ssays ays B arisone. Facer hee ggot with ““With With F acer h ot iin n aan n aargument rgument w ith not necessarily tthe he jjudge, udge, n ot n ecessarily a ggood o ood d ttactic. actic. Hee aalso put his on witness H lso p ut h is cclient lient o n tthe he w itness when hee d didn’t need sstand tand w hen h idn’t n eed tto. o. . . . [[Frey] Frey] Facer, who basically ccalled alled F acer, w ho b asically aadmitted dmitted tto o didn’t have vviolating iolating tthe he llaw, aw, aand nd I d idn’t eeven ven h ave him questions. was tto o aask sk h im aany ny q uestions. I w as aable ble tto o his direct ccite ite h is d irect ttestimony. estimony.� In In many many ways ways Frey Frey is is just just other other weirdo weird byy tthe w eirdo iin n a ccity ity tthat hat ssells ells w eird b he bushel. But his particular brand both b ushel. B ut h is p articular b rand iiss b oth organized o rganized aand nd iinfluential, nf luential, aand nd ffor or tthe he days been part off eevery llast ast 552 2d ays iit’s t’s b een a p art o very highly paid police llocal ocal ttaxpayer’s axpayer’s llife ife aass h ighly p aid p olice nightly cconduct onduct n ightly ssurveillance, urveillance, eerect rect ggasaspowered write p owered ffloodlights loodlights aand nd w rite ttickets ickets with knowledge one will w ith tthe he k nowledge tthat hat eeach ach o ne w ill bee d dragged out llikely ikely b ragged o ut iin n ccourt. ourt. None None of of this this bothers bothers Frey, Frey, however, however, as as hee p points out homeless h oints o ut tthat hat h omeless rrights ights aare re never popular n ever vvery ery p opular aand nd tthat hat ““it it ttakes akes me� up ssomeone omeone llike ike m e� tto o sstand tand u p ffor or tthem. hem. using people ““People People ssay ay II’m ’m u sing p eople tto o ffurther urther myy aagenda, hee ssays. m genda,� h ays. ““But But iit’s t’s iin n tthe he public’s own p ublic’s o wn ggood!� ood!�

Robert R obert N Norse orse o on n tthe he lline. ine. C Christopher hristopher D oyon, tthe he ggaunt aunt de de facto facto leader leader of of Doyon, tthe he o n-site activities activities at at the the protest, protest, was was on-site q uitting. Frey Frey d ecided it it was was high high time time quitting. decided h got arrested. arrested. hee got “I think think it it has has to to be done, done,� he’d he’d said said “I ccockily. occkily. ““Someone Someone h as tto op rove tthe he po int has prove point tthat hat iitt sshouldn’t houldn’t be a crime crime to to fall fall asleep. asleep. S omeone n eeds tto o sshake hake tthese hese pe ople u p.� Someone needs people up. Along with with Congressman Congressman Sam Sam Farr Farr Along aand nd M ayor M ike R otkin, V ice-Mayor Mayor Mike Rotkin, Vice-Mayor R yan C oonerty iiss o ne o he pe ople F rey Ryan Coonerty one off tthe people Frey ssays ays n eeds ““shaking. shaking.� A he ssleeping leeping needs Ass tthe b an p rotest w as sstarting, tarrting, h hallenged ban protest was hee cchallenged C oo onerty tto oap ublic d ebate. C oonerty Coonerty public debate. Coonerty ssays ays F rey w as jjust ust sseeking eeking aattention. ttention. Frey was “I got got a fax fax from from him him challenging challenging me me “I tto oad ebate,� says says Coonerty. Coonerty. ““II responded responded debate, p ublicly tthat hat I d on’t think think iit’s t’s n ecessary publicly don’t necessary ffor or m ob part of of every every p ublicity mee tto bee a part publicity sstunt tunt in in Santa Santa C ruz. IIn n the the latest latest ccase, ase, I Cruz. tthink hink homelessness homelessness is is a vvery ery sserious erious issue issue aand nd I w ork w ith social social sservice ervice p roviders work with providers aand nd others others tto o ttry ry aand nd address address tthis. his. I don’t don’t tthink hink that that endless endless protesting protesting is is the the right right w ay tto o ggo o aabout bout iit. t. B ut h ertainly h as way But hee ccertainly has tthe he rright. ight.� Frey, in in many many ways, ways, is is part part of of the the Frey, cclassic lassic fabric fabric o anta Cruz’s Cruz’s o ld guard guard of of off S Santa old rradical adical p roggressives: liberal, liberal, p assionate, progressives: passionate, p rone to to eespousing spousing conspiracy conspiracy ttheories. heories. prone H is camping camping p rotest is is unlikely unlikely tto o His protest cchange hange the the city’s city’s homeless homeless laws laws aand nd h as has aalready lready lled ed tto o dozens dozens o itations ffor or off ccitations a group group of of people people w ith little little m eans tto o with means p ay them. them. With With a wife wife of of 2 ears aand nd pay 277 yyears a combined combined 110 0 cchildren hildren b etween them, them, between h is family family llife ife iiss sstrained trained b ecause of of his because h is obsessive obsessive ffocus ocus on on h omeless rights rights his homeless aand nd w illingness to to d o iitt ffree ree of of charge. charge. willingness do A nd, if if h were eever ver aactually ctually eelected lected to to And, hee were C ongress, h is rradical adical p olicies w ould h ave Congress, his policies would have llittle ittle tto on o cchance hance o assing. no off p passing. And yet yet a Santa Santa Cruz Cruz without without its its And E d Freys, Freys, R obert N orses aand nd Becky Becky Ed Robert Norses JJohnsons ohnsons might might n ot b the same same ccity ity not bee the tthat hat rresidents esidents h ave ccome ome tto o know. know. A nd have And F rey, aatt aany ny rrate, ate, iisn’t sn’t ggoing oing aanywhere. nywhere. Frey, “My underwater underwater yoga yoga therapy therapy keeps keeps “My m oing sstrong, trong,� he he ssays. ays. ““We We iintend ntend tto o mee ggoing k eep o nu ntil w ave tthe he rright ight tto o ssleep. leep. keep on until wee h have A nd I h ave n op lans tto o rretire. etire. M ervices And have no plans Myy sservices n ow sseem eem m ore ccrucial rucial tthan han eever. ver.� now more

Shake S hake IItt Earlier E arlier iin n tthe he d day, ay, F Frey’s rey’s p phone hone rrang ang with homeless w ith iinfamous nfamous h omeless aadvocate dvocate ggadfly adf ly

Read R ead a llonger onger version version ooff tthis his sstory tory oonline nline bbyy ggoing oing ttoo www.santacruz.com www.santacruz.com and and clicking clicking on on ‘News. ‘News.’

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Another intriguing visual arts season takes shape


HERE’LL BE no rest for the visual art consumer in and around Santa Cruz County in the upcoming months. Indeed, the remainder of 2010 is packed with great shows and significant artists. The following represents just a fraction of the season’s opportunities. Robbie Schoen is an awesome one-man band. Quixotic curator, manager and host of the ever-evolving ;Za^m @jaeV <VaaZgn since it was founded at 107 Elm St. in Santa Cruz six

years ago, Schoen is also the exhibition designer and installer of the Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History. In

0G ;/C@33< 2/D72A=<

Kulpa’s large courtyard, Schoen has created a theme park of sculptural works including his own humorously reused telephone booth and melted monitor fountains. A “stableâ€? of artists show regularly. “We give artists a place to evolve over time,â€? he says. ¨


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That’s been the case with Blaise Rosenthall, whose new grid-based tonal works comprise the elegant “Empire of Dirt� (through Aug. 29). Up next, Russian photographer Alexey Lokhov presents surreal manipulated monochromatic images in “From Russia With Love� (Sept. 3–26). Lokhov will be “present� for the opening via Skype along with Russian food and drink and the regional expat community. In October, a Kulpa favorite, Jake Thomas, returns with “Pogonip Blues� (Oct. 1–24). In November and December, “And Then There Was Light� (Nov. 5–Dec. 26) features experimental neon art by

Bruce Suba. The gallery is always abuzz. The EV_Vgd KVaaZn 6gih 8djcX^a <VaaZgn routinely presents big-concept, beautifully mounted exhibitions with powerful local relevance from its small bungalow in Watsonville. This year PVAC celebrated its 25th season, beautified its exterior space and won some prestigious grants to continue collaboration with nearby Sierra Azul Nursery on “Sculpture Isâ€? (through Oct. 31), an extraordinary annual exhibition of outdoor sculpture in Sierra Azul’s acres of demonstration gardens. Upcoming is “Los PĂĄjarosâ€? (Sept. 2– Oct. 10), an exhibition of birdinspired art presented in concert with


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Watsonville’s Monterey Bay Birding Festival, which attracts birders from all over the world. Los PĂĄjaros runs in the PVAC gallery with a reception on Sept. 12, 2–4pm. PVAC also shows bird-related woodcuts by Andrea Rich on the 4th Floor of Watsonville Civic Plaza from Sept. 2 through Oct. 7, with a reception Sept. 24, 5–6:30pm. It’s all about local relevance. At the top of the county, “Abstractionsâ€? (through Aug. 31) is a dazzling exhibition of sculpture and wall pieces by a dozen local artists including Susana Arias, Steve Laufer, Marilyn Kuksht, Cecil C. Childress and Ralph Joachim at the 9VkZcedgi <VaaZgn. A Kuksht steel sculpture just loves being the focal point of the gallery’s long view. All flowing curves and airy volume, the approximately 4-foot-tall piece has all the presence of her larger works—many of which she just showed in San Francisco’s SomArts Cultural Center Gallery along with the vivid geometric paintings by Joachim and large expressionistic work of Childress, both of whose large paintings hover near her work here too. Art of higher elevation can be found at HVciV 8gjo BdjciV^c 6gih 8ZciZg in Ben Lomond, which recently morphed from fine art gallery into a much-needed outlet for sales of fine art and craft by local artists. Significantly expanding its studios, MAC provides art classes for adults and children and a venue for music, poetry and lectures. The upcoming “Ceram-A-Ramaâ€? (Sept. 17– 19) is a MAC signature event, from its kickoff potluck and ceramics movie on Friday night through Saturday’s demonstration workshops with Tom Coleman to Sunday’s free hands-on clay sculpture, raku firings and contests. The Center does indeed beat with the burly heart of the San Lorenzo Valley. Back in the lowlands, First Fridays of each month in Santa Cruz have become a major arts and social event thanks to Kirby Scudder of the Santa Cruz Institute of Contemporary Arts. ;^ghi ;g^YVn 6gi Idjgh (Sept. 3, Oct. 8, Nov. 5, Dec. 3) began six years ago with a sprinkling of ersatz galleries and a few shops that hung art and offered snacks. Scudder molded the event into a much-anticipated art extravaganza with over 30 participating spaces, a monthly booklet/brochure and much publicity. Many Santa Cruz galleries align their opening receptions with the popular monthly event. Such is the case for an extraordinary

September exhibition mounted at the

B^aa <VaaZgn in Santa Cruz by Sheila Halligan-Waltz and Eike Waltz. “Sex & Cityâ€? (Sept. 3–Oct. 1) is what happened when a sculpture by Eike Waltz abstractly depicting a male nude was censored by a too-tender downtown official last year, turning a simmering concern into a boiling necessity for these two artists of social conscience. “Sex & Cityâ€? is an exhibition of “socioeroticâ€? art grappling with the hypocrisy of government censorship. “A nude woman can walk in a parade through Santa Cruz streets, yet a realistic nude painting is not considered appropriate for a public building. ‘Sex & City’ questions how we are programmed and protected,â€? says Waltz. The exhibit is up daily 11am–8pm with the artists in attendance, welcoming discussion. Visiting with artists could become a habit that continues through the season as the Cultural Council of Santa Cruz County presents the 25th 6ccjVa DeZc HijY^dh 6gi Idjg (Oct. 2–3, 9–10, 16–17) over the first three weekends in October, with studios south of the Yacht Harbor open Oct. 2–3, studios north of the Yacht Harbor open Oct. 9–10 and the final Encore Weekend presenting many of both. Open Studios is a destination tourism event as significant for collectors and admirers of the visual arts as for the participating artists who have been selected by a rigorous competitive process. This year a record 320 artists open their studio doors to visitors who have purchased a calendar, which serves as passport and guide map. A commemorative limited edition poster by Liz Lyons Friedman, the only artist who has participated in all 25 years of Open Studios, is launched Sept. 23, 5–7pm, at a signing party at the Ndg` <VaaZgn in Santa Cruz. The “Open Studios Preview Exhibitionâ€? (Sept. 25–Oct. 17) helps enthusiasts chart a course through three busy weekends by showing representative works from all of the artists at the HVciV 8gjo 6gi AZV\jZ galleries, with a reception Sept. 26. 3–6pm. One reason Open Studios is so important is the limited number of art galleries in Santa Cruz County. That shortage is one of the reasons that HVciV 8gjo 8djcin 7Vc` began to exhibit art on its walls in 2004 when it opened its first location on Soquel Avenue. The exhibitions were inaugurated by a former bank CEO, but Mary Anne Carson, the bank’s director of marketing, has always ¨

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been responsible for making arts exhibitions on bank walls a defining feature of the institution, which now has five locations countywide. The current exhibit, “Places� (through Oct. 12), features black and white images by 10 local photographers in a celebration of travel and adventure. Up next, “Travelogues� (Oct. 25– Dec. 27) features photography by Angie Tan Burns and paintings by Gregory Burns. “This will be the 28th exhibition since we opened the bank in February 2004,� says Carson. “All proceeds from sales go directly to the artist.� No doubt Santa Cruz County is home to an unusual number and quality of artists. One of many reasons for this strange quirk in the population makeup is that UCSC and Cabrillo College each have extraordinary arts programs. The galleries at UCSC, the Sesnon Gallery and the Eloise Pickard Smith Gallery, maintain ambitious exhibition schedules as part of the university’s teaching mission and have been instrumental in solidifying the area’s reputation. Cabrillo College plays a different role, employing many local artists as teachers, offering inexpensive and accessible classes and providing top-of-the-line studios and equipment through its new Visual and Performing Arts campus. 8VWg^aad <VaaZgn consistently

exhibits provocative work. “CAL IF OR NIA� (Aug. 30–Sept. 24) shows the work of 33 California artists as selected by Ruth Braunstein and Shannon Trimble of the prestigious Braunstein/Quay Gallery in San Francisco. A reception is Sept. 12, 3–5pm. A second Cabrillo show, “Visibly Invisible: Artists Working With Transgendered Themes� (Sept. 30– Oct. 29), features powerful photographs, video, film, paintings, drawings and installations on the subject of gender and personal transformation. A reception kicks things off Sept. 30, 5–7pm. Transformation is the work of artists. The job of the BjhZjb d[ 6gi =^hidgn is to be the mothership of visual arts in the county. MAH currently shows three exhibitions on the theme of paper. “It’s in the Pulp: The Art of Papermaking in Santa Cruz� (through Nov. 21) commemorates the period in the 1970s when Garner Tullis’ International Institute of Experimental Printmaking in Santa Cruz became the epicenter for hand papermaking as a fine art process. Artists like Louise Nevelson, Nathan Oliviera and Laddie John Dill worked here; artists like Charles Hilger and John Babcock and Madeline de Joly stayed; locally Jody Alexander, Susana Arias and Bonnie Britton continue to use handmade paper as a medium. Works by these and other artists demonstrate the scope of this fine art medium. 0

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Hello, Young Jazz Lovers Kuumbwa celebrates 35 years of spontaneous creativity with free party and epic fall lineup

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N 1975 a group of young music lovers, inspired by the local talent and undeterred by their collective inexperience, set about establishing a jazz society. “Ultimately, we wanted to have a home for jazz in Santa Cruz,� says Tim Jackson, one of the society’s founding members. “But we had no money or experience; just had some half-baked ideas.� Today, Kuumbwa Jazz Center is known the world over and has played host to most of the major jazz artists of the last several decades, including Dizzy Gillespie, Herbie Hancock, Pat Metheny, Diana Krall, Art Blakey and McCoy Tyner, to name just a few. The idea came from Rich Wills, at the time a programmer at KUSP, who recruited fellow programmer Sheba Burney and saxophonist/flutist Jackson to form an organization to preserve the legacy of jazz and provide the local musicians a place to play. It was an idea that, according to Jackson, was ahead of the curve. “At that time there were very few jazz organizations under a notfor-profit banner,� he says. “Most jazz

was in commercial inner-city clubs or larger festivals. Now there’s a whole network of nonprofit jazz-presenting organizations across the country.â€? Within a few months of Kuumbwa’s inception, the three had scheduled their first concert: Joe Henderson at San Lorenzo Park’s duck pond. The newbie promoters narrowly escaped disaster, however, when the concert was rained out and had to be moved, piano and all, to a backup location. With the help of an eager audience, however, the concert was successfully relocated, and the show went on. The young promoters walked away with four dollars and a strengthened desire for a venue of their own. While they saved money for a home, Kuumbwa put on shows in different venues around town, including the Capitola Theatre. “We just went into the Capitola Theatre and asked if we could do a concert,â€? says Jackson with a smile. “They didn’t know who we were, but you find help in the most illogical places sometimes.â€? The size and atmosphere of the ¨ "

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Capitola Theatre allowed Kuumbwa to bring in big names like Dexter Gordon, which boosted the trio’s confidence that they could pull off major concerts. “We felt that we were able to present a major, internationally recognized jazz star for the first time with Dexter,� says Jackson. “It gives you confidence that ‘Hey, we can do this.’� After two years, Kuumbwa had enough money to get a place of its own, and when a bakery on Cedar Street became available, its operators pounced. “It was pretty rustic and bare-bones,� says Jackson, “but it was a space, and we’ve been in that space ever since.� For the last 35 years, Kuumbwa has provided Santa Cruz with a stage for developing, emerging and master musicians and has contributed to the community’s collective appreciation for jazz through various educational programs which, Jackson says, is a vital component of the organization. “[Education] is what’s going to build both the music and audience for the future,� he says. “Most people won’t grow up to be jazz musicians, but exposure to jazz at a young age, we think, creates lifelong arts lovers.� Jackson, in his role as artistic

director, continues to book all the concerts, as well as nurture the organization’s relationships with the artists. According to marketing director Sandy Sloan, having a director with the ability to balance the jazz masters with the up- and-coming artists has been a key to Kuumbwa’s success. Well, that combined with the support of a loyal group of members, donors, volunteers, board members and music lovers. “I’ve been involved with a lot of nonprofits,â€? says Sloan, “and this is the most dedicated group of individuals I’ve seen.â€? Nor does Jackson’s dedication to bringing great jazz to the area end with Kuumbwa. He’s also general manager of the world-renowned BdciZgZn ?Voo ;Zhi^kVa, which celebrates its 53rd year Sept. 17–19 with a bill brimming with talent and diversity. Among the headliners are Harry Connick Jr., Angelique Kidjo, Chick Corea, Ahmad Jamal, Delbert McClinton, Les Nubians and Kronos Quartet. Although the festival and Kuumbwa have no official connection, they have what Jackson calls a symbiotic relationship, with contacts made through Kuumbwa helping in Monterey and vice versa. In honor of its 35th birthday, Kuumbwa Jazz is hosting a free concert ¨

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Life in Stages Jewish grandmothers, Mexican war tales and Yuletide yuks spice up area theaters 0G 9/B3 8/1=0A=<

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HE CURTAIN opens with Isabelle Grossman tweezing her grandmother’s chin stubble. The grand dame has hired a matchmaker, and as the audience will learn, she’s found the perfect man for her beautiful young granddaughter: a pickle cart vendor. The Liliana Moraru Jewish Theater willed itself into being this past June, and 8gdhh^c\ 9ZaVcXZn (through Aug. 29) is its first production. The troupe went with a comedy. “When I read the script I was laughing the whole way through,� says artistic director Claire Cameron, who saw the evolution of the organization from its beginnings at Temple Beth-El. The theater is the first in Santa Cruz devoted to Jewish playwrights and Jewish themes, and aficionados f locked to the June

premiere. On five out of four nights, a theater equipped to hold 90 was inadequate to contain the masses, and latecomers found themselves in folding chairs. The show is running again by popular demand. According to Cameron, in the last 15 years Jewish theater has been experiencing a resurgence. “There’s an awful lot of laughter in our culture, and an awful lot of sorrow, and people can identify with those in their own lives,â€? says Cameron, who holds that these slices of human existence are more than the laughs they bring to audiences. “It’s kind of an experience to go into a theater and watch a play about Jewish life. The goal of theater isn’t just about an enjoyable time, it’s also to teach.â€? Crossing Delancey plays at the Live Oak Grange Theater. A burst of ¨ $

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spontaneity might be necessary to catch the tail-end performances, but after it’s gone, the next scheduled show won’t be hitting until spring of 2011. If you just can’t swing it, fear not. Santa Cruz will be rife with fall productions. I]Z HVciV 8gjo ;daa^Zh (Sept. 16–18) is a little-known but much-loved variety show at the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium, a storm of singing and dancing courtesy of local performers over 50. And Actors’ Theatre breaks the quiet of summer with 9ZVY BVcÉh 8Zaa E]dcZ (Oct. 1–10). A hilarious story involving hitherto unexplored subject matter, it follows a woman who steals the telephonic device of a dead man she discovers sitting next to her in a cafÊ after it rings and she answers it. Actors’ Theatre is on a mission to make audiences laugh, and if the annual >begdkVi]dc (Oct. 24) can’t satiate, hot on its heels follows I]Z AVhi CdZa (Dec. 4–12), a film noir spoof revolving around a man framed for killing his wife with a candy cane. Santa Cruz’s Jewel Theatre kicks off its season at the Broadway Playhouse with a production of 8adjYh (Sept. 16– 26). Set in sultry 1970s Cuba, the story focuses on two reporters from rival magazines trading provocative high jinks in a battle for the next big story. Then it’s on to two-time Tony Award winner 8dbeVcn (Nov. 11– 21), once called the best musical of the year. It’s an exploration of love and commitment through the eyes of a bachelor blessed with a slew of married friends, all of whom are slightly envious of his noncoupled condition. UCSC’s experimental theater f lexes its edge in Romulus Linney’s =dan <]dhih (Nov. 12–21). Set in the American South, the play follows members of an evangelical cult who find divine ecstasy through the handling of large venomous snakes. The Second Stage sees a performance of student-written drama production >c i]Z LVkZh (Nov. 5–14). Events at West End Studio Theatre are getting a little more serious. CdWdYnÉh =dbZ (Nov. 4–14) is a modern retelling of Homer’s Odyssey, the epic travel story that can be reworked as anything. This version is also the return of a soldier, a man struggling to settle back at home with both his wife and his post-traumatic stress disorder.

Over at Cabrillo Stage, performers pass their December reprising last year’s run of HXgdd\Z! i]Z Bjh^XVa (Dec. 17–30). There’s nothing like a little music to startle the humbug out of Christmas’ most famous skeptic, and once again actors will be performing above a full pit orchestra. The fall also offers multiple excuses to visit neighboring burgs. Down the road in San Juan Bautista, El Teatro Campesino presents

8dgg^Ydh IVaZh d[ i]Z BZm^XVc GZkdaji^dc (Sept. 16–Oct. 17), a collection of humorous musical vignettes by Luis Valdez. The company also offers up a Day of the Dead celebration in October (check www. elteatrocampesino.com for dates) and AV K^g\Zc YZa IZeZnVX (Nov. 26–Dec. 19), which tells the story of an Aztec Indian bearing a divine message of peace to Spanish conquerors. Produced in the grand Mission, it’s a biennial holiday favorite. Vacation destination Carmel plays host to several theater companies, including Pacific Repertory Theatre, the only professional company on the Monterey Peninsula. Company actors will be taking on L^aan Ldc`V VcY i]Z 8]dXdaViZ ;VXidgn (through Sept. 26), a production that will certainly enjoy a high turnout—even without Johnny Depp starring. A few weeks later finds them bouncing back to basics with Shakespeare’s IlZa[i] C^\]i (Oct. 1–17), followed by a holiday performance of 6 IjcV 8]g^hibVh (Dec. 1–23). For this Yuletide comedy, a two-man cast fills a roster full of town eccentrics bent on winning a Christmas lawn display competition in what is simultaneously an affectionate portrait of small-town Southern life and a withering satire of same. Back in Santa Cruz, as a prelude to Santa Cruz Acting Studio’s first autumn of acting school for kids, performers 13 to 19 years old will be cutting their teeth on All About Theatre’s fall production of ;VbZĂ… i]Z Bjh^XVa (Aug. 27–Sept. 5)# The wildly popular drama chronicles the roller coaster ride of teens enrolled in a performing arts school, singing and dancing their way through struggles with romance, school pressures and drugs. And what better way, we ask, to start the season? 0 3\bS`bOW\[S\b 2OWZg ¨ &


Accessible A c c e s sib l e L Lifestyles ifest yles Unlimited Unlimited presents presents the the first f irst annual annu al

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Entertainment Daily The muses of dance, literature and classical music conspire against boredom 0G B@/17 6C97::

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IRE UP the iCal—it’s going to be a busy autumn, not least for lovers of dance. In their 40th anniversary season, IVcYn 7ZVa VcY 8dbeVcn kick things off, you might say, with the premiere of HereafterHere: A Self Guided Tour of Eternity. A multimedia exploration of people’s perceptions of the afterlife, the piece includes original compositions by Beal’s partner John Scoville and incorporates the efforts of two dozen dancers and actors. Beal’s distinctive fingerprints are all over this piece, which runs at the Cabrillo Crocker Theater Sept. 10–12. Mere weeks later, HVciV 8gjo 9VcXZ presents the Second Annual Ethnic Dance Festival (Sept. 25–26), with free performances at Mission Plaza Park and a day of workshops. Spanish ensemble CdX]Z ;aVbZcXV breezes through the World Theater at CSUMB on Oct. 21, with the EVja IVnadg 9VcXZ 8dbeVcn not far behind; that august pioneer of modern dance (he turns 80 this year) is presenting Brief Encounters on Nov. 11. Which brings us to the holiday season and another Beal endeavor, the back-by-popular-demand B^mZY Cjio / I]Z CjiXgVX`Zg GZ"b^mZY, with

its jugglers, acrobats, a cappella music by SoVoSo, marvelous costumes and, yes, Beal’s choreography. The show runs Nov. 19–Dec. 5 at UCSC and serves as a whimsical counterpoint to the venerable tights-’n’-tutus version of I]Z CjiXgVX`Zg mounted by Santa Cruz Ballet Dec. 17–19 at the Civic Auditorium.

Words, Indeed Anchored by Bookshop Santa Cruz and Capitola Book CafÊ, the literary scene in our neck of the woods just gets better and better. This fall a staggeringly talented lineup of authors are getting ready to parade through town in their rumpled clothes and interesting glasses. Setting their GPS devices for Capitola Book CafÊ are ?dcVi]Vc ;gVcoZc (Sept. 1), who arrives lugging Freedom, his hefty followup to The Corrections. The fabulous BVgn GdVX] (Sept. 7), the Tina Fey of nerdtaining inquiries into subjects like corpses and people who study sex, turns her gimlet eye to the wacky side of astronaut training in Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void. Monterey Peninsula author 7gVY =Zgod\ (Sept. 9) takes his own epic ¨


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august 25-september 1, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM



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A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 25-september 1, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G


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=Xcc 8ikj and party at the duck pond in San Lorenzo Park. The musical lineup includes Jackson’s band, Real Time, playing Latin- and groove-oriented material, the Hy-Tones, one of the first bands to ever play at Kuumbwa, playing standards and originals, and the old-school funk sounds of Frequency Jones featuring special guest Tammi Brown. The park is also playing host to Bobby’s Can Cookin’ BBQ Festival, so the music, beverages and food will be in plentiful supply. The celebration serves as leadin to an upcoming schedule that highlights Kuumbwa’s commitment to both preservation and progress as it hosts guitar virtuoso HiVcaZn ?dgYVc (Sept. 9), emerging trumpet innovator 6bWgdhZ 6`^cbjh^gZ (Sept. 13), jazz masters AZZ @dc^io (Sept. 27) and 9VkZ A^ZWbVc (Sept. 30), the genretranscending mandolin work of

8]g^h I]^aZ VcY i]Z EjcX] 7gdi]Zgh

(Oct. 14), the Afro-Latin dance grooves of G^XVgYd AZbkd (Oct. 18), BeyoncÊ’s saxophonist I^V ;jaaZg (Oct. 25) and more. The foreseeable future is bright indeed for the little society that could, with plans for a jazz-themed mural in town, a possible street rename, a spring film festival and, as ever, a steady stream of world-class musicians. And Kuumbwa Jazz—the name means “an act of spontaneous creativityâ€? in Swahili—remains as dedicated to its original vision today, as it was in 1975. “We wanted to create an atmosphere that was conducive to creative expression,â€? says Jackson. “And that, in a nutshell, is still exactly what we do.â€? KUUMBWA’S 35TH BIRTHDAY PARTY is Sunday, Aug. 29, 1–5pm on the Duck Island Stage in San Lorenzo Park, Santa Cruz. Free. 3 < B 3 @ B / 7 < ; 3 < B 2 / 7 :G

trip in Turn Left at the Trojan Horse: A Would-Be Hero’s American Odyssey. Bestselling author ?dnXZ BVncVgY (Sept. 23), short story master N^njc A^ (Sept. 27), KQED host B^X]VZa @gVhcn (Oct. 21) and the quirky HVg` (Dec. 2) wait in the wings with evidence of their latest obsessions and industry. Not to be outdone, Bookshop Santa Cruz is readying the reading room for a handful of stars, including National Book Award winner ?ja^V <aVhh (Sept. 13) toting her latest, The Widower’s Tale. AZha^Z BVgbdc H^a`d (Oct. 21), best known for her widely acclaimed novel Ceremony, has turned her attention to nonfiction and presents the memoirish The Turquoise Ledge, her first book in a decade. B^X]ZaZ Cdgg^h (Nov. 14), co-host of All Things Considered, arrives with her new book on race in post-November 2008 America, The Grace of Silence. Two brief days later it’s 6bn HZYVg^h (Nov. 16), reading from Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People, in which the sardonic sibling asserts that ugly people do crafts; attractive people have sex. We’ll be there, knitting some hot lingerie. And in case Monterey Bay audiences haven’t had enough of quirky, widely emulated gals with funny voices, there’s always the Sunset Center appearance of This American Life alumna HVgV] KdlZaa (Nov. 19), the

voice that launched a thousand radio reports in the key of monotone. Meanwhile, the poetry scene in Santa Cruz continues to flourish. It’s @Z^i] :`^hh! 8#?# HV\Z and ?#E# 9VcX^c\ 7ZVg (Sept. 14), then local poet HiZe]Zc C^\]i^c\VaZ (Sept. 15), both at Bookshop Santa Cruz. 8Vgda Bjh`Z" 9j`Zh (Oct. 2) reads in the Second Annual Maude Meehan Memorial Poetry Reading at Cabrillo Music Recital Hall. And GdWZgi =Vhh (Nov. 6) will be the guest reader for the first annual Morton Marcus Annual Memorial Poetry Reading, also in the Recital Hall, which serves as a launch for Marcus’ last book, The Dark Figure in the Doorway.

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It’s Classic Classical music lovers are already primping for the first concert of the HVciV 8gjo 8djcin Hnbe]dcn season Oct. 2–3, which features works by Fernandez and Gershwin. CZl Bjh^X Ldg`h presents New Music Quirks (Oct. 23), with pieces by Frank Zappa, Philip Glass, John Cage, John Scoville and choreography by Tandy Beal. The J8H8 8]VbWZg H^c\Zgh perform A Ceremony of Carols (Dec. 19) and the 8VWg^aad Hnbe]dc^X 8]dgjh performs Music for the Feast of Christmas Dec. 3–5. 0

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august 25-september 1, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; aaugust u g u s t 25-september 2 5 - s e p t e m b e r 1, 1 , 2010 2 0 1 0 / 3 / 3 3

Rocking R ocking tthe he PPolynomials olynomials Egghead d by da day, ay, Blaster by by night: g Blaster that’ that’ss the Phil A vin w Al ay Alvin way 0G >/C: ; 2/D7A 0G >/C : ; 2/D 7 A


HERE A HERE ARE RE certain certain sstereotypes tereotypes aassociated ssociated with with folks folks w ho turn turn who o ut muscular, muscular, blues-inflected blues-inf lected out rroots oots rock rock as as the the Blasters Blasters do. do. Th hese sstereotypes tereotypes cconverge onverge aaround round tthe he These vvision ision o he rroadhouse, oadhouse, w here boo zy off tthe where boozy w eekend w arriors eescape scape tto op lay ssturdy turdy weekend warriors play llate-model ate-model rrock ock & rroll oll llike ike ttheir heir llives ives d epended o n iit. t. B lasters ffrontman rontman P hil depended on Blasters Phil A lvin d ef ies ssuch uch sstereotypes, tereotype p s, h aving Alvin defies having m aintained a n otable m usical ccareer areer maintained notable musical w hile aalso lso w orking iin nm athematical while working mathematical ssemantics—two emantics—two ffascinations ascinations tthat hat h ave have o ften p roven d ifff icult tto o rreconcile. econcile. often proven difficult ““I’m I’m at at m appiest w hen I p lay m usic myy h happiest when play music aand nd d om athematics iin nh armony w ith do mathematics harmony with o ne aanother, nother,� A lvin ssays. ays. ““Mathematics Mathematics one Alvin aand nd m usic aare re aalways lways n aturally iin n music naturally h armony, b ut o ften tthe he llifestyles ifestyles cclash. lash. harmony, but often M athematicians m ake m oney w orking Mathematicians make money working ffor or iindustry ndustry o ollege, b ut ggetting etting u p aatt orr a ccollege, but up eeight ight iin n tthe he m orning w hen yyou’ve ou’ve p layed morning when played aall ll n ight iiss ttough. ough.� night A lvin’s ssophisticated ophisticated ffield ield o Alvin’s off m athematics iinvolves nvolves tthe he b uilding b locks mathematics building blocks o rtif icial iintelligence, ntelligence, sspecifically pecif ically off aartificial ttranslating ranslating tthe he ssubtleties ubtleties o uman off h human llanguage anguage iinto nto ssomething omething m achines ccan an machines u nderstand. A xplains, ““It’s Itt’s a b ig understand. Ass h hee eexplains, big ttopic opic rright ight n ow iin nm athematical rresearch, esearch, now mathematical iin n ccomputer omputer iintelligence ntelligence aand nd b rain brain rresearch, esearch, eeven. ven.� A lvin h asn’t aalways lways been been consumed consumed b Alvin hasn’t byy ssuch uch h eady cconcerns. oncerns. W hen h nd h is heady When hee aand his b rother D ave fformed ormed tthe he B lasters iin n 11979, 979, brother Dave Blasters tthey hey w ere yyoung oung b ucks ffrom rom D owney, were bucks Downey, C alif., sserving erving u p rraw aw sslabs labs o ockabillyCalif., up off rrockabillyiinfused nfused rroots oots m usic. D rawing eenergy, nergyy, music. Drawing iiff n ot aattitude, ttitude, ffrom rom tthe he n ascent p unk not nascent punk rrock ock sscene, cene, tthe he B lasters w ere aan n aanomaly. nomaly. Blasters were

;/B6 @=19 ; /B6 @=19 The The Blasters Blasters play play Felton Felton this this Friday. Fridayy. Phil Phil Alvin Alvin is is second second from from left. left.

Itt’s now It’s now ccommon ommon ffor or b bands ands tto o ggraft raft tthe he punk eenergy nergy g of of p unk rrock ock onto onto vvarious arious forms forms off A American wasn’t o merican rroots oots music, music, but but iitt w asn’t aatt The band natural tthe he time. time. Th he b and ffound ound a n atural aally lly X,, aand built devoted iin n L.A. L.A. punk punk act act X nd b uilt a d evoted disbanding ffollowing ollowing until until d isbanding in in 1985. 1985. Dave went D ave Alvin Alvin w ent on on to to a ssuccessful uccessful ssolo olo while Phil his ccareer, areer, w hile P hil tturned urned h is aattentions ttentions ultimately tto o mathematics, mathematics, u ltimately eearning arning a Ph.D. UCLA. While Phil P h.D. ffrom rom U CLA. W hile P hil rreleased eleased ssolo olo aalbums lbums aand nd ttoured oured iintermittently, ntermittently, until hee rreformed Blasters iitt wasn’t wasn’t u ntil h eformed the the B lasters Dave, his music iin n 2005, 200 0 5, sans sans D ave, tthat hat h is m usic ccareer areer rreturned eturned to to tthe he fforefront. orefront. The Th he reconstituted reconstituted Blasters Blasters have have toured toured but rregularly egularly ssince ince tthen, hen, b ut ttheir heir rrecording ecording output o utput remains remains aass iintermittent ntermittent aass eever. ver. They’ve T hey’ve only only rreleased eleased five f ive ffull-length ull-length sstudio tudio aalbums lbums iin n 3311 yyears—four ears—four iin n tthe he ’’80s 80s and and 2005’s 2005’s 4-11-44—and 4-11-44—and while while the the band new material, band has has n ew m aterial, tthe he ccurrent urrent transitional off tthe music transitional state state o he m usic iindustry ndustry has has Alvin Alvin questioning questioning the the aalbum lbum format. format. “It’s problem off tthe music “Itt’s less less tthe he p roblem o he m usic aand nd more problem off ‘‘What mean more the the p roblem o What does does iitt m ean

to record record now?’� now?’� Alvin Alvin says. says. “Albums “Albums to came about about because because of of the the technology technology came and the the materials materials that that were were available. available. and Th he mode mode of of having having an an album album every every 18 18 The months—there was was nothing nothing natural natural to to months—there music about about it. it. Now Now you you can can just just release release music songs one one at at a time. time. We’re We’re debating debating what what songs to do do about about that. that. Do Do we we make make an an album? album? to Do we we just just do do one one song song at at a time?� time?� Do Though the the Blasters Blasters have have yet yet to to Though f igure out out the the best best route route to to distribute distribute figure their new new material, material, Alvin Alvin welcomes welcomes their these transitions. transitions. “I “I never never had had any any love love these for the the abuse abuse of of record record companies, companies,� he he for says. “Web “Web networking networking and and live live gigs gigs are are says. blending into into what what music music was was before before it it blending was usurped usurped by by the the record record companies. companies. was Th he gigs gigs manifest manifest themselves themselves without without The any traditional traditional promotion, promotion, like like they they did did any when we we were were on on the the street street corner. corner. We’ve We’ve when watched the the record record industry industry turn turn back back watched to the the musicians, musicians, instead instead of of the the furniture furniture to companies that that we we called called the the record record companies companies.� companies. The record record industry’s industry’s seismic seismic shifts shifts The

currently iinvigorate currently nvigorate A Alvin lvin iin nw ways ays that that m athematics do do n ot. “Last “Last year year I was was mathematics not. rreally eally llocked ocked iinto nto ssome ome m athematical mathematical tthings, hings, aand nd II’m ’m w aiting tto o get get back back to to that that waiting m ode,� h ays. “I’ve “I’ve b een concentrating concentrating mode, hee ssays. been ffor or the the last last eeight ight months months more more on on music. music. M usic h as b een changing changing rapidly rapidly ssince ince tthe he Music has been m id ’’90s, 90s, aand nd u nfortunately mathematics mathematics mid unfortunately h asn’t changed changed as as m uch. hasn’t much. “Itt’s a really really good go ood time time for for music music right right “It’s n ow,� h dds. ““There’s There’s a llot ot o ction, now, hee aadds. off aaction, bo th sstylistically tylistically aand nd w ith tthe he b usiness both with business p aradigm. P lus, I llove ove tto op lay. I w ould paradigm. Plus, play. would p lay ffor or ffree. ree. Y ou ccan an ccatch atch m he play You mee aatt tthe sstore tore w ith tthe he gguitar uitar o anging aaround round with orr h hanging iin nap arking llot ot ffeeling eeling tthe he p ulse o hat’s parking pulse off w what’s ggoing oing o n.� on. T HE B LASTERS pplay lay F riday, THE BLASTERS Friday, A ug. 2 7, aatt 8 pm aatt D on Q uixote’s, Aug. 27, 8pm Don Quixote’s, 6 275 Hwy. Hwy. 9, 9, Felton. Felton. Tickets Tickeets are are 6275 $ 16 advance/$18 advance/$18 door. door. For For info info $16 ccall all 831.603.2294 831.603.2294 or or visit visit www www ..donquixotesmusic.info. donquixotesmusic.info.

" j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA august 25-september 1, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; :7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

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A6/93A>3/@3 A/<B/ 1@CH Another festival season winds down this week with performances of Othello, Love’s Labor’s Lost and an outstanding production of The Lion in Winter. Tickets $18–49 at www.shakespeare santacruz.org or 831.459.2159.

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;/23 7< A/<B/ 1@CH ;/ 23 7< A/< <B/ 1@CH EARLIER tthis EARLIER his ssummer, ummer, ““Newspeak: Newspeak: B British ritish A Art rt N Now� ow� aatt L London’s ondon’s S aaatchi G allery ffilled illed that that resplendent resplendent monument monument tto o one one Saatchi Gallery ((powerful) powerfful) m an’s ttaste aste w ith tthe he ““hottest� hottest� aart rrt iin n tthe he IIsles. sles. IIn n rreality, eallity, man’s with rroom oom aafter fter rroom oom eexhibited xhibited w ork tthat hat ccannibalized anniballized eevery very eera ra o work off aart rt r h istoryy. D azzling aamong mong tthe he lleaden eaden aappropriations ppropriations w ere a ffew ew history. Dazzling were d elightful h omagges: S igrid H olmwood’s p aintings iin n tthe he sstyle tyle o delightful homages: Sigrid Holmwood’s paintings off G au uguin—in ffluorescent luorescent eegg gg ttempera; empera; G ed Q uinn’s lluscious uscious 117th7thGauguin—in Ged Quinn’s ccentury entury rromantic oman ntic llandscapes, an ndscapes, u pd dated. I w ondered aaloud loud iiff tthe he updated. wondered llack ack o deas w as the the po int o he sshow. how. M Londoner companion companion off iideas was point off tthe Myy Londoner rresponded, esponded, ““Well, Well, aafter fter al ll, iit’s t’s B ritish aart. rt r .� all, British H is rreadiness ead diness tto od ismiss the the work work precisely precisely because becau use it it was was British British His dismiss rreminded eminded m hat ““local� locall� ar rttists rrarely arely rreceive eceive tthe he ap ppreciation mee tthat artists appreciation tthey hey d eservve, w herever ““local� local� iis. s. IIn n tthe he S an nta C ruz ar rea, m an ny deserve, wherever Santa Cruz area, many aartists rt r ists live live and an nd work work here here b ut ssend end ttheir heir ar rt o ff tthe he IIsland. slan nd. but art off F resno A rt M useum jjust ust cclosed losed an n eexhibit xhibit ffeaturing eaturing F utzie N utzle, Fresno Art Museum Futzie Nutzle, llately ately o he Weekly. Weekly. Framed Fram med and and on on a wall, walll, Bruce Bruce Kleinsmith’s Kleinsmith’s off tthe ssubversive ubversive ccartoons arrtoons ar re m inimallist m assterpieces. D ue ssouth, outh, are minimalist masterpieces. Due R obynn S mith’s ssolo olo sshow how ccontinues ontinues aatt tthe he M onterey M useum Robynn Smith’s Monterey Museum o rt tthrough hrough O ctober; D ooker’s ““Uncommon Uncommon P ortraits� jjust ust off A Art October; D.. H Hooker’s Portraits� o pened aatt M onterey P eninsula C ollege G allery ((through through S ept. 2 4). opened Monterey Peninsula College Gallery Sept. 24). ““Search Search ffor or S elf,f�� w ith U rsula O ’Farrell, S ef la JJoseph oseph an nd B arbarra Self, with Ursula O’Farrell, Sefla and Barbara D owns, o pens tthere here iin nN ovember. Downs, opens November. S anta C lara’s T riton M useum ffeatures eatures D on F ritz iin n ““A AC hild’s Santa Clara’s Triton Museum Don Fritz Child’s W orld� tthrough hrough S ept. 2 6, tthen hen S tan nW elsh iin n a ssolo olo sshow how o pening World� Sept. 26, Stan Welsh opening O ct. 11.. V ictoria M ay’s ““designed designed ffor or ggeneral eneral u se� ccontinues ontinues at at Don Don Oct. Victoria May’s use� S oker C ontemporary A rt iin nS an F rancisco tthrough hrough S ept. 2 5. B everly Soker Contemporary Art San Francisco Sept. 25. Beverly R ayner iiss aatt S .F.’s B raunstein//Quay G allery, w hich rrepresents epresents h er. Rayner S.F. Braunstein/Quay Gallery, which her. A vvery ery b ig d eall iiss tthe he ffirst irst Ceramics Ceram amics Annual Annual o merica S ept. 10–12 10–12 big deal off A America Sept. iin nS .F.’s F ort M ason C enter. T his jjuried uried rrepresentation epresentation o he be st S.F. Fort Mason Center. This off tthe best o .S. cceramics eramics iincludes ncludes llocals ocalls C oeleen K iebert, M attie L eeds, off U U.S. Coeleen Kiebert, Mattie Leeds, P eggy S nider, K athryn M cBride aand nd G ail R itchie. Peggy Snider, Kathryn McBride Gail Ritchie. L ucien K ubo iiss o ne o uarrtet iin n ““Distillations: Distillations: M editations o n Lucien Kubo one off a q quartet Meditations on tthe he JJapanese ap panese A merican E xperience� aatt Berkeley’s Berkeley’s JJFK FK U niversity American Experience� University tthrough hrough S ept. 118 8 an nd, tthrough hrough S ept.12, aatt L .A.’s C raft aand nd F olk Sept. and, Sept.12, L.A. Craft Folk A rt M useum iin n ““Some Some A ssembly R equired,� ccurated urated b Shelby Art Museum Assembly Required, byy Shelby G rah ham o CSC’s Sesnon Sesnon G alleryy. C harles Berger’s Berger’s llarge-format arrge-format Graham off U UCSC’s Gallery. Charles p hotograp phs o akistan-Afghanistan-Kashmir, ““PAK PAK 69 pens photographs off P Pakistan-Afghanistan-Kashmir, 69,,� o opens S ept. 1111 aatt A rt & S oul iin nS eattle. IIn nS eptember aatt G allerie C alif ia Sept. Art Soul Seattle. September Galerie Califia iin n tthe he C zech R epublic, ““enTrance� enTran ance� ffeatures eatures IIan an nE verarrd, M arrgaret Czech Republic, Everard, Margaret N iven, D iana H obson, R ayner an nd o thers. Niven, Diana Hobson, Rayner and others. T here aare re o thers aamong mong u ho rregularly egularly eexhibit xhibit n ationallly o There others uss w who nationally orr iinternationally: nternationallly: R ichard M ayhew, JJack acck Z ajac, Richard Richard D eutsch, Richard Mayhew, Zajac, Deutsch, D an niella W oolf, H o owarrd IIkemoto kemoto aand nd S usan na A rias. T ravel Daniella Woolf, Howard Susana Arias. Travel aallowance? llowan nce? ((Maureen Maureen D avidson) Davidson) B63 3F6707B7=<7AB 7A 4C<232 7< >/@B 0G / 5@/<B 4@=; B 63 3F6707B7=<7AB 7A 4C<232 7< >/@B 0G / 5@/<B 4@=; B63 1C:BC@/: 1=C<17: =4 A/<B/ 1@CH 1=C<BG B 63 1C:BC@/: 1=C<17: =4 A/<B/ 1@CH 1=C<BG

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B63 AB/@A67> Mickey Hart and Co. perform all the favorites from Jefferson Airplane and Jefferson Starship in one of the last Friday night Boardwalk concerts of the year. Friday, Aug. 27 at 6:30pm and 8:30pm at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. Free. Wn ZmeZY^i^dcZgh ]ZVY^c\ id i]Z hdji]Zgcbdhi eaVXZ d[ Vaa# >c i]Z a^WgVgn eVg`^c\ adi# ;g^! 6j\ ',! -/(%"./(%eb# HVciV 8gjo 8ZcigVa 7gVcX] A^WgVgn! '') 8]jgX] Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'%#*,%%# 4]`Sab BVSObS` 1S\bS\\WOZ 1SZSP`ObW]\ DeZc^c\ XZgZbdc^Zh Vi 9ZkZcYdg[ EVg`! (/(%eb0 egdXZhh^dc VcY eVgVYZ id i]Z i]ZViZg! )/&*eb0 *"-eb Xdbea^bZciVgn ajcX]! higdaa^c\ igdjWVYdjgh! VcY ZmXZgeih [gdb i]Z eVhi &%% nZVgh d[ egdYjXi^dch# BdgZ ^c[d! 8VgbZa 8^in =Vaa! -(&#+'%#'%%%# Hjc! 6j\ '.! (/(%"-eb# ;gZZ# L^cZ! *# ;dgZhi I]ZViZg! 8dgcZg d[ Bi# K^Zl VcY HVciV G^iV! 8VgbZa"Wn"i]Z"HZV# 9cc[PeO¸a !#bV 0W`bVROg >O`bg 7VcY! ;gZfjZcXn ?dcZh0 \jZhi kdXVa^hi IVbb^ 7gdlc0 7dWWnÉh 8Vc 8dd`^cÉ 7VX`nVgY 77F ;Zhi^kVa! WZkZgV\Zh VcY bZgX]VcY^hZ# Hjc! 6j\ '.! &"*eb# ;gZZ# HVc AdgZcod EVg`! WZilZZc LViZg Hi VcY HdfjZa 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo# ;WZZ E]`Ya BVSOb`S AbOUS E]`Y]cba :kZc^c\h [dg i]ZVigZ Vgi^hih id egVXi^XZ VXi^c\! Y^gZXi^c\ VcY lg^i^c\# 7g^c\ hXg^ei! h]dgi eaVn dg hXZcZ ndj lVci id ldg` dc l^i] di]Zgh! egVXi^XZ hiV\ZXgV[i dg _jhi lViX]# 6eegdm^bViZan bdci]an0 [dg hX]ZYjaZ VcY id gZhZgkZ i^bZ e]dcZ -(&#'),#(-*,# Bdc! 6j\ (%# +# 6XidghÉ I]ZVigZ! &%%& 8ZciZg Hi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'*#,*'.#

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august 25-september 1, 2010

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03/ /BA1/>3 aaugust u g u s t 25-september 2 5 - s e p t e m b e r 1, 1 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; & & j 03/BA1/>3

Jazz Presenters since 1975

THURS. AUGUST 26 • 7 & 9 PM

LENNY WHITE’S ANOMALY FEATURING JIMMY HERRING Putting the rock back into jazz–rock! $22/Adv $25/Door


KUUMBWA’S 35TH BIRTHDAY PARTY with THE HY-TONES, FREQUENCY JONES WITH SPECIAL GUEST TAMMI BROWN & REAL TIME (+ Bobby’s Canned Cookin’ BBQ Rib Cook-off in the Benchlands Sat. & Sun!) Sponsored in part by Richter Law Office



Favorite Brazilian vocalist returns! Claudia Villela - vocals, piano, percussion; Ricardo Peixoto – guitar; Jeff Buenz - guitar, bass; Celso Alberti – drums, percussion $20/Adv $23/Door Sponsored by Dr. Arthur Dover and the Aptos Travel Clinic


NLS TRIO: PAUL NAGEL, JASON LEWIS, JOHN SHIFFLETT Concert: $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Sponsored by Santa Cruz Sentinel


STANLEY JORDAN TRIO “...the greatest guitar player imaginable.� –Sirious/XM Radio 7:00 pm: $25/Adv $28/Door 9:00 pm: $20/Adv $23/Door No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by Dale O’Rourke

MON. SEPT. 13 • 7 PM


77<273 2/@:7<5A <273 2/@:7<5 5A Will Wiill J Jenny eenny and J Johnny, oohnnyy, as in Lewis Lewis and Rice, Riice, slip and call each other Schmoopie Schmoopie on Wednesday Weeddnesday at the Rio?

“...fiercely gifted young trumpeter...â€? –NY Times $20/Adv $23/Door THURS. SEPT. 23 • 7 PM


B6C@A2/G j & B 6 C @ A 2/G j & $

B6C@A2/G j & B 6 C @ A 2/G j & $

4@72/G j & 4 @ 7 2/G j & %

; = < B 3 ;=<B3 ; = < B5 = ; 3 @G ;=<B5=;3@G 0 /<2 0/<2

: 3 < < G E 6 7 B 3 ¸ A :3<<G E67B3¸A /<=;/:G / < = ; / :G

8/1973 5@33<3 8 /1 9 7 3 5 @ 3 3 < 3

MON. SEPT. 27 • 7 PM

Argentina’s reigning queen of tango! $20/Adv $23/Door


Saxophone titan / NEA Jazz Master Supported by the National Endowment for the Arts $25/Adv $28/Door, No Jazztix or Comps THURS. SEPT. 30 • 7 PM


Sponsored by Mateo Lettunich

2011 NEA Jazz Master Honoree!

$22/Adv $25/Door 10/4 Renee Rosnes Quartet featuring Steve Nelson, Peter Washington, Lewis Nash 10/7 SMOKE Cabaret starring Lori Rivera with Marshall Otwell on piano 10/11 Avishai Cohen & Triveni 10/14 Punch Brothers featuring Chris Thile Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, serving premium wines & microbrewed beers. Snacks & desserts available all other nights. All age venue.

Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at kuumbwajazz.org Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admission Tax.

320-2 Cedar St • Sa nta C r u z 427-2227


Austin’s A ustin’s M Monte onte Montgomery Montgomery iiss an an u nparalleled six six sstring tring hero hero w ho’s b een unparalleled who’s been n amed b est acoustic acoustic guitarist guitarist seven seven named best ttimes imes at at tthe he S XSW ffestival’s estival’s A ustin SXSW Austin M usic A wards and and h ailed by by Guitar Guitar Player Player Music Awards hailed M agazine aass one one of of tthe he ttop op 550 0 ggreatest reatest Magazine gguitarists uitarists o all time. time. IIn n aaddition ddition tto o aall ll off all o his dexterous dexterous ffretwork, retwork, Montgomery Montgomery off his h as also also p roven aan n accomplished accomplished singer/ singer/ has proven ssongwriter ongwriter whose whose ffolk, olk, ccountry ountry and and b lues blues m aterial p ays ttribute ribute to to the the llegacies egacies of of material pays B ob Dylan Dylan and and T ownes Van Van Zandt. Zandt. IIt’s t’s Bob Townes rrare are ffor or guitar guitar vvirtuosos irtuosos tto o also also be be skillful skillful ssongwriters, ongwriters, but but Montgomery Montgomery b ridges bridges tthe he gap, gap, aand nd h is w ork is is aass compelling compelling his work ffor or ffans ans o olk and and b lues as as iitt is is tto o gguitar uitar off ffolk blues ggeeks. eeks. Moe’s Moe’s Alley; Alley; $ 12 adv/$15 adv/$15 d oor; 8 pm. $12 door; 8pm. ((Paul Paul M avis) M.. D Davis)

Th This his onetime onetime d drummer rummer ffor or C Chick hick C orea iiss w idely k nown ffor or h is ssturdy turdy Corea widely known his b ackbeats aand nd funk-fusion funk-fusion cchops, hops, backbeats w hich eearned arned h im a sspot pot p laying which him playing ffor or Miles Miles Davis Davis o n tthe he Bitches Bitches Brew Brew on sessions. With With that that sort sort of of pedigree, pedigree, sessions. there’s little little doubt doubt as as to to why why Lenny Lenny there’s White has has remained remained a hot hot name name in in White jazz-fusion ever ever since since striking striking out out on on jazz-fusion his own. own. White’s White’s combo combo Anomaly Anomaly his (which shares shares a title title with with his his latest latest (which album) features features the the heavy-hitting heavy-hitting album) lineup of of guitarists guitarists Jimmy Jimmy Herring Herring lineup and Tom Tom Guarna, Guarna, keyboardist keyboardist Vince Vince and Evans and and bassist bassist Richie Richie Goods. Goods. On On Evans Anomaly, White White brings brings together toggether both both Anomaly, original compositions compositions and and unique unique original interpretations of of unexpected unexpected material. material. interpretations Kuumbwa; $22 $22 adv/$25 adv/$25 door; door; 7 and and Kuumbwa; 9pm. (PMD) (PMD) 9pm.

Salinas S alinas iiss k known nown ffor or a llot ot o off tthings— hings— rrodeos, odeos, llettuce, ettuce, ggang ang sshootings—but hootings—but p roducing aaward-winning ward-winning rrock ock producing m usicians iiss n ot ttypically ypically o ne o musicians not one off tthem. hem. C hallenging tthat hat rreputation eputation iiss Challenging A mericana ttroubadour roubadour JJackie ackie G reene Americana Greene w ith h is sshimmering himmering gguitar uitar p laying with his playing aand nd ccountrywise ountrywise llyrics. yrics. O n aalbums lbums llike ike On G one W anderin’, A merican M yth and and Gone Wanderin’, American Myth G iving Up Up the the Ghost, Ghost, Greene Greene explores explores Giving tthe he w ide o pen sspaces paces aand nd d ense u rban wide open dense urban jjungles ungles o he m odern W est, w hile sstill till off tthe modern West, while ffinding inding ttime ime tto od elve iinto nto h is o wn, delve his own, ssometimes ometimes ttortured, ortured, p syche. T he yyoung oung psyche. The ssongwriter ongwriter sstill till k nows h ow tto o tthrow hrow a knows how p arty, h owever, aand nd o n sstage tage eexpect xpect a party, however, on h onky-tonk-worthy ccataclysm ataclysm o oots honky-tonk-worthy off rroots rrock-meets-country ock-meets-country h oedown. C atalyst; hoedown. Catalyst; $ 18 aadv/$22 dv/$22 d oor; 9 pm. ((CC) CC) $18 door; 9pm.

j '

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; aaugust u g u s t 25-september 2 5 - s e p t e m b e r 1, 1 , 2010 2 0 1 0 03/BA1/>3 03/ /BA1/>3

1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A 7A@/3: 7A@/3: D70@/B7=< : D70@/ /B7=< /B B SEPT T. 2 AT AT CATALYST CA ATA TALYST ST SEPT. 3:3 : >6/<B :3 6/< @3D7 3D7D D/ /: 3:3>6/<B @3D7D/: SEPT. SEPT T. 3 AT AT CREPE CREEPE PLACE CR PLA PL LA ACE C CE

4@72/G j & 4 @ 7 2/G j & %

B63 0:/AB3@A B 6 3 0 : /AB 3 @ A The B The Blasters lasters d don’t on’t llive ive iin nC California, alifornia, tthey hey llive ive iin n a jjukebox. ukebox. Th hey sshare hare They a mailbox mailbox with with Elvis, Elvis, carpool car a pool with with G eorge Jones Jones and and go go through through pomade pomade George llike ike iit’s t’s 11950. 950. R ockabilly h as b een Rockabilly has been m aking a ssolid olid ccomeback omeback iin n rrecent ecent making yyears, ears, aand nd ffounder ounder P hil A lvin, b rother Phil Alvin, brother o o -founder D ave A lvin, w ho lleft eft off cco-founder Dave Alvin, who tthe he b and iin n 11986, 986, h as b een iin n tthe he band has been tthick hick o hings, b owling sshirt hirt aand nd off tthings, bowling aall. ll. T oday tthe he B lasters’ b lend o ock, Today Blasters’ blend off rrock, b lues, jjazz, azz, ccountry ountry aand nd sswing wing sstands tands blues, aass a ttestament estament tto o a sseasoned easoned ggenre. enre. S ee See sstory, tory, p age 2 3. D on Q uixote’s; 8 pm; page 23. Don Quixote’s; 8pm; $ 16 aadv/$18 dv/$18 d oor. ((Kate Kate JJacobson) acobson) $16 door.

A/BC@2/G j & A /B C @ 2/G j & &

0 7 5 4 = =B 0754==B ;CA3C; ; CA3C; 03<347B 0 3<347B Bigfoot isn’t Bigfoot isn’t going going to to chase chase h himself. imself. H eeds qualified, qualif ied, p rofessional and, and, Hee n needs professional m ost iimportantly, mportantly, p aid iindividuals ndividuals to to most paid p our tthose hose p laster casts casts of of h is ffeet eet aand nd pour plaster his sshakily hakily h old video video cameras cameras w hile h hold while hee llumbers umbers off. off. No No o ne k nows tthis his need need one knows b etter than than tthe he folks folks at at tthe he Bigfoot Bigfoot better D iscovery M useum in in F elton. A nd now now Discovery Museum Felton. And tthe he cryptozoological cryptozoologgical ccompanions ompanions at at

tthe he C repe P lace aare re tthrowing hrowing a b enef it Crepe Place benefit tto oh elp tthe he m useum ffolks olks ffoot oot tthe he help museum B igfoot b ill. Th he llineup ineup ffeatures eatures llocal ocal Bigfoot bill. The sska ka k ing D an P aand nd h is n ew b and tthe he king Dan his new band S titch U p, ggarage arage p unk ttrio rio tthe he G rog oggs Stitch Up, punk Groggs aand nd p op p unkers K epi G houli—all o pop punkers Kepi Ghouli—all off w hom m ay o ay n ot b ressed iin n whom may orr m may not bee d dressed hairy Crepe Place; $10; h airy aape-man pe-man ssuits. uits. C repe P lace; $ 10; 9pm. 9 pm. ((CC) CC)

A/BC@2/G j & A /B C @ 2/G j & &

673@=5:G>671A 6 7 3 @ = 5 :G > 6 7 1 A About 15 About 15 years years aago, go, when when smart, smart, llyrical yrical hip-hop hip-hop was was jjust ust ccoming oming iinto nto Hieroglyphics what’siits ts own, own, H ieroglyphics was was tthe he w hat’swhat Bay Featuring w hat in in the the B ay Area. Area. F eaturing the the Del eever-prominent ver-prominent D el Tha Tha Funkee Funkee Homosapien, Opio, H omosapien, Snupe, Snupe, O pio, Mike Mike G, G, Jay-Biz, Souls off M Mischief, Pep Ja ay-Biz, S ouls o ischief, P ep Love Love aand nd Domino, Domino, the the ccrew rew of of laser-lipped laser-lipped Wu-Tang rrhymers hymers followed followed tthe he W u-Tang Clan model byy ggiving C lan business business m odel b iving eeach ach member m ember ffreedom reedom to to rrelease elease sseparate eparate while part ssolo olo albums albums w hile still still remaining remaining p art off a larger o larger brand. brand. Today Today yyou ou can can hear hear Del’s Pep’s D el’s smooth smooth flows f lows aand nd P ep’s ssharp harp on playlists ttongue ongue o n rap rap connoisseur’s connoisseur’s p laylists aand nd see see the the ggroup’s roup’s three-eyed three-eyed fface ace bathroom llogo ogo on on T-shirts, T-shirts, posters posters and and b athroom Catalyst; $18 sstall tall walls walls worldwide. worldwide. C atalyst; $ 18 aadv/ dv/ $23 door; $ 23 d oor; 9pm. 9pm. (CC) (CC)

87;;G ;G G B6/ B6 6/ /193@ 1 3 G 87;;G B6/193@G SE SEPT EPT EPT T. 5 AT T. AT MOE’S MO OE’S ALLEY A SEPT. 1 =:2 1/ 1/D D3 3 1=:2 1/D3 SEPT PT T. 6 AT AT HENRY HENRY MILLER HE M SEPT. LIBR R ARY AR LIBRARY D3B7D3@ D 3B 3@ D3B7D3@ SEPT T. 8 AT AT DON DO ON QUIXOTE’S QUIXO IXOTE’S TEE S SEPT. A B/ /<:3G 3G 8= =@2/< < B@7= B AB/<:3G 8=@2/< B@7= SEPT T. 9 AT AT KUUMBWA KUUMBW KU WA SEPT. @ G/ /< 07<5 56/; 6/ B63 B6 @G/< 07<56/; B63 23/2 6=@A A3A 3A A 23/2 6=@A3A SEPT T. 14 A T RIO RIIO THEA TH HEATRE T SEPT. AT THEATRE 0/<2 =4 6=@A3A 6 @A3 0/<2 =4 6=@A3A SSEPT. SEPT T. 23 AT AT HENRY H NR MILLER ER LIBR IBRA R ARY ARY, BIG SUR UR LIBRARY,

AC<2/G j & A C < 2/G j & '

16C19 ;3/2 1 6C19 ;3/2 Back iin Back n the the ’’90s, 90s, B BR549 R549 w was as the the m ainstream country country aact ct tthat hat it it w as OK OK mainstream was ffor or alt-country alt-country ffans ans tto o eenjoy, njoy, a refreshing refreshing iisland sland o traditional h onky-tonk tthat hat off traditional honky-tonk ffound ound rare rare h arbor iin n tthe he N ashville harbor Nashville m usic m achine. Founding Fo ounding m ember music machine. member C huck Mead Mead h as ssince ince gone gone ssolo, olo, aand nd tthe he Chuck has ttroubadour roubadour rrole ole ffits its h im. W ith h is ssolo olo him. With his d ebut, 2009’s 2009’s J ourneyman’s W ager, Mead Mead debut, Journeyman’s Wager, k eeps h is feet feet firmly firmly planted planted within within the the keeps his rroots-rock oots-rock ccamp amp w hile eextending xtending h is while his ccreative reative rreach each tto o eencompass ncompass eelements lements o soul, R&B R&B and and eeven ven funk. funk. M ead off soul, Mead d emonstrates aan n artistic artistic b readth iin n his his demonstrates breadth ssolo olo work work that that tthe he freewheeling freewheeling BR549 BR549 o nly ssuggested. uggested. C repe P lace; $ 8; 9pm. 9pm. only Crepe Place; $8; ((PMD) PMD)

E32<3A2/G j ' E 3 2 < 3 A 2/G j '

83<<G /<2 83<<G /<2 8 =6<<G 8=6<<G

3FB@/=@27</@G 3F B@/=@27</@G L Lenny enny Whit White’s e’s Anomaly plays two two shows s at K Kuumbwa uumbwa this Thur u Thursday. rssday.

Th The he b bad ad news news iiss that that iindie ndie h heartthrob eartthrob Je enny L ewis h as a b oyfriend. The Th he Jenny Lewis has boyfriend. ggood ood n ews iiss tthat hat this this Jo ohnathan R ice news Johnathan Rice ccharacter haracter ttravels ravels aaround round the the ccountry ountry p laying m usic w ith her. her. Not Not that that L ittle playing music with Little M iss Lewis Lewis iiss any any stranger stranger to to dating dating her her Miss b andmates, aass Rilo Rilo K iley gguitarist uitarist B lake bandmates, Kiley Blake S ennett, aa.k.a. .k.a. Ronnie Ronnie Pinsky Pinsky ffrom rom Sennett, S alute Y our S horts, w ill tell tell you. you. But But iin n Salute Your Shorts, will tthis his case, case, the the m usical P.D.A. .D.A. session session is is tthe he musical ccornerstone ornerstone o he aact ct iinstead nstead o teamy off tthe off a ssteamy sside ide note. note. Jenny Jeenny aand nd Jo ohnny’s sound sound Johnny’s iincludes ncludes tthe he ssickly ickly ssweet weet m elodies ffans ans melodies aare re accustomed accustomed tto ob ut tthis his ttime ime wraps wraps but tthem hem iin n a rougher, rougher, more more aaggressive ggressive aand nd m ore punk-influenced punk-inf luenced p ackage. R io more package. Rio Th heatre; $15 $15 aadv; dv; 8pm. 8pm. ((CC) CC) Theatre;

! j 1:C0 5@72 august 25-september 1, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;


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1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 Thursday, August 26 ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 21+



plus Sarah McCoy & the Zippidy Yeahs also Sometimes Jones KVVYZ ‹ ! W T W T

-YPKH` (\N\Z[ ‹ AGES 21+

AC< A C< j & & ' ; ;=< =< j & & ! ! B BC3 C3 j & & ! !

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0 0@7B/<<7/ /@;A @7B/<<7/ /@;A

plus Honeymoon (K] +Y ‹ +YZ W T :OV^ W T

1/D/ E7<3 0/@ 1 /D/ E7<3 0/@

:H[\YKH` (\N\Z[ ‹ AGES 16+

2S\\Wa 2]dS >`] 8O[ 2 S\\Wa 2]dS >`] 8O[

9 9O`O]YS A]c\R 1] O`O]YS A]c\R 1]

&! $&& &! $&& !! !!

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HIEROGLYPHICS featuring Del Tha Funky Homosapien,


B B63 4=5 0/<9 63 4=5 0/<9 &! "$ & ! "$ && &&

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5S]TT O\R 3R 5 S]TT O\R 3R

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plus Serendipity Project, Chosen Few, DJ Aspect (K] +Y ‹ +YZ W T :OV^ W T

> >/@/27A3 03/16 5@7::3 /@/27A3 03/16 5@7::3

Saturday, August 28 ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 21+ plus Moon Cadillac H[ [OL KVVYZ ‹ +YZ ! W T :OV^ W T

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9 9S\ 1]\abOPZS S\ 1]\abOPZS

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' '^[) ZWdS [caWQ !^[ ^[) ZWdS [caWQ !^[

Souls of Mischief, Casual, Pep Love


&! "%' '%%% & ! "%' '%%%

& &! "%$ "' ! "%$ "'


&! $&& !" & ! $&& !"

Sunday, August 29 ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 21+

&! $&& &'&% &! $&& &'&%

A A6/2=E0@==9 6/2=E0@==9


& &! "%# # ! "%# #

& &! "%% !" ! "%% !"

D D3@D3 :=C<53 3@D3 :=C<53 &! $$ &! $$

:LW Israel Vibration (Ages 16+) :LW Mystic Roots Band Atrium (Ages 21+) :LW The Fixx (Ages 21+) :LW The Holdup/Smoov-E (Ages 16+) :LW Extra Large Atrium (Ages 21+) :LW Cobra Skulls Atrium (Ages 16+) :LW Benny Benassi (Ages 16+) :LW >PSSPL 5LSZVU OHZ JHUJLSLK

"% "%

H3:2/¸A H3:2/¸A

& &! "%# "' ! "%# "'

A1=BBA D/::3G A/< :=@3<H= D/::3G A 1 =B B A D/ : : 3 G A / < := @ 3 < H= D/ : : 3 G

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B B@=CB 4/@; 7<< @=CB 4/@; 7<<

9O`O]YS eWbV 9S\ 9O`O]YS eWbV 9S\

&! !!& ! & ! !!& !


:LW Collie Buddz (Ages 16+) :LW Atmosphere (Ages 16+) 6J[ Easy Star All Stars (Ages 16+) 6J[ O.A.R./ Dirty Heads (Ages 16+) 6J[ Tech N9ne/ E-40 (Ages 16+) 6J[ The Pack (Ages 16+) 6J[ Mickey Avalon (Ages 16+)

& &! !!$ '! & ! !!$ '! &

& &! !!# "! % ! ! !# " ! %

E/BA=<D7::3 ;=<B3@3G 1/@;3: E /B A = < D 7 : : 3 ; = < B 3 @ 3 G 1 / @ ; 3 :

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;=AA :/<27<5 7<< ;=AA :/<27<5 7<<

9 9O`O]YS O`O]YS

9 9O`O]YS O`O]YS

; ;C19G 2C19 C19G 2C19

<USLZZ V[OLY^PZL UV[LK HSS ZOV^Z HYL KHUJL ZOV^Z ^P[O SPTP[LK ZLH[PUN Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online

& &! % ! % & & $"" $""


&! $!! ! !& & ! $!! ! !& & &! !

' ' % %'! '!


International Society of Acrylic Painters

AO\bO 1`ch B`W] A O\bO 1`ch B`W]

Pride Subject

also Euphoria v.SC KVVYZ ‹ ! W T W T

B B63 C5:G ;C5 63 C5:G ;C5


August 6 - September 5 SCCMS Physicians' Show Sept. 8 -12 Reception: 9/10 5:30 - 8:30pm

Open Studio Preview Sept.25 - Oct.17 Reception: 9/26, 3-6pm

National Figurative Exhibit Oct. 23- Nov 21 Reception: 10/30, 3-5

Luck of the Draw

Nov. 27 - Dec. 5, Preview Drawing & Reception: 12/5, 2:45pm

“This is Santa Cruz� Dec. 11 - Jan. 9, 2011 Reception: Dec. 11, 3-5pm

526 Broadway Santa Cruz, CA 831-426-5787 / www.scal.org Wed.-Sat.,12-5 /Sun. 12-4

New Classes Soon! Check Online

34 |

august 25-september 1, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

Film. Fi ilm lm.

!# j !#

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; aaugust u g u s t 25-september 2 5 - s e p t e m b e r 1, 1 , 2010 2 0 1 0 47:; 47:; ;

Afghan A fghan D Dogs ogs B7; 63B63@7<5B=< B 7; 63B63@7<5B=<

Unvarnished U nvarnished a ‘Res strepo’ is ‘Restrepo’ almo l ost a ne w almost new war film fiilm kind of war 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0 G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


HE KORENGAL HE KORENGAL VALLEY VALLEY in in eeastern astern A fghanistan iiss tthe he Afghanistan where ssite ite w here rreportedly eportedly ssome ome 770 0 pe rcent o he o rdnance percent off tthe ordnance w e’ve sshot hot o ff h as d etonated. C NN o nce we’ve off has detonated. CNN once most ccalled alled tthe he aarea rea ““the the m ost dangerous dangerous p lace o n eearth. arth.� IIt’s t’s aactually ctually rather rather place on sstriking; triking; w etter tthan han tthe he C alifornia wetter California S ierra w here ffictional ictional m ovies aabout bout Sierra where movies A fghanistan aare re m ade, iitt h as p ines aand nd Afghanistan made, has pines ccreeks. reeks. N evertheless, a llook ook aatt tthe he aaction ction Nevertheless, h ere m ight d issuade H emingway iin nh is here might dissuade Hemingway his ccontention ontention tthat hat w ar iin n tthe he m ountains iiss war mountains m ore b eautiful. more beautiful. A bout 8 20 yyards ards aalmost lmost sstraight traight u p About 820 up ffrom rom K orengal O utpost iiss R estrepo, Korengal Outpost Restrepo, n amed iin nh onor o ead ssoldier. oldier. named honor off a d dead National Geographic distributing N ational G eoggraphic iiss d istributing Restrepo, byy tthe nerveless documentary R estrreppo, b he n erveless d ocumentary makers Sebastian Tim m akers S ebastian JJunger unger aand nd Ti im Hetherington. The pair made H etherington. T he p air m ade 110 0 vvisits isits over off a ssquadron off tthere here o ver tthe he ccourse ourse o quadron o deployment. Restrepo ssoldiers’ oldiers’ 115-month 5-month d eployment. R estrepo more off a sshack base. iitself tself iiss m ore o hack tthan han a b ase. IIt’s t’s not much bigger people’s n ot m uch b igger tthan han ssome ome p eople’s motor homes. It’s made mostly out off m otor h omes. It t’s m ade m ostly o ut o plywood with p lywood aand nd ssurrounded urrounded w ith ssandbags andbags bullets down tthat hat jjust ust sslow low b ullets d own rrather ather tthan han hand-dug sstop top tthem hem ccompletely. ompletely. IIt’s t’s h and- dug aand nd Ass iin Vietnam, ssewage ewage ffacility-free. acility-free. A nV ietnam, tthe he burn own dung mixed ssoldiers oldiers b urn ttheir heir o wn d ung m ixed with diesel oil drum. w ith d iesel ffuel uel iin n a 555-gallon 5-gallon o il d rum. Capt. Dan Kearney his hitch C apt. D an K earney sspends pends h is h itch off tthe ttrying rying tto o iimprove mprove tthe he rreputation eputation o he American military. Hee ttells A merican m ilitary. H ells a ggathering athering off llocal hee iisn’t his o ocal eelders lders tthat hat h sn’t llike ike h is predecessors, weren’t p redecessors, tthat hat tthe he ssoldiers oldiers w eren’t bee d dragging off ggoing oing tto ob ragging tthe he llocals ocals o ff tto o Bagram whence never The B agram w hence tthey hey n ever rreturn. eturn. T he old Afghans, with their turbans and dyed old Afghans, with their turbans and dyed

AB/<27<5 2C19 SSpecialist AB/<27<5 2C19 p ecialist M Misha isha Pe Pemble-Belkin mble-Belkin dduring uring a ffirefight i re f i g h t Outpost Restrepo combat Afghanistan’s Korengal Valley. aatt O ut p ost R estrepo dduring uring co mb at iin nA ffghanistan’s K o re n g a l V alle y. y

beards, register beards, register this this info info for for what what it’s it’s w orth; later, later, in in the the matter matter of of a local local cow cow worth; ffirst irst accidentally accidentally k illed, then then d eliberately killed, deliberately eeaten, aten, yyou ou have have to to share share their their doubt. doubt. T he U .S. government government can’t can’t eeven ven ccough ough The U.S. u p a couple couple of of hundred hundred dollars dollars iin n up ccow-indemnity. ow-indemnity. And And the the soldiers’ soldiers’ most most d angerous eexcursion xcursion iinto nto the the terrain terrain dangerous eends nds u pw ith children children as as casualties, casualties, not not up with ccounting ounting the the losses losses on on our our sside. ide. Th he crystal-clear crystal- clear visuals visuals make make Restrepo Restrepo p The aalmost lmost a n ew k ind o ar ffilm. ilm. C ompact new kind off w war Compact aand nd u nderstated, iit’s t’s eessential ssential vviewing iewing understated, aabout bout tthe he A fghanistan cconflict. onf lict. IIn n tthis his Afghanistan d ocumentary, ssoldiers oldiers ssay ay tthe he ssame ame documentary, tthings hings tthey hey ssay ay iin n tthe he m ovies ((“I’m “I’m ggoing oing movies tto o ffind ind tthe he b astard aand nd k ill h im�), b ut bastard kill him�), but tthe he ttone one iiss d ifferent, m ore ccasual. asual. T here’s different, more There’s lless ess p laying tto o aan n aaudience. udience. playing Th he two two filmmakers f ilmmakers have have the the sense sense The tto o rrealize ealize tthat hat a p reviously iidentified dentif ied previously ssoldier oldier m ight n eed tto ob eidentif ied iiff might need bee rreidentified yyou’re ou’re sseeing eeing h im w ith ssunglasses unglasses aand nd him with

a helmet helmet on. on. And And they they d don’t on’t presume presume iintimacy. ntimacy. They’re They’re excellent excellent aatt ffading ading iinto nto the the woodwork, woodwork, tthough, hough, w hen tthe he when ssoldiers oldiers are are celebrating celebrating ttheir heir C hristmas Christmas w ith a d ance and and a spool spool of of colored colored with dance llights. ights. Unlike the the bruisers bruisers in in a Hollywood Hollywood or or Unlike IIndiewood ndiewood war war movie, movie, the the soldiers soldiers h ere here llook ook ssmaller maller tthan han llife. ife. Ever Ever when when they’re they’re sswaggering waggering o talking ttrash, rash, tthey’re hey’re orr talking ggentler. entler. W hen tthey hey lose lose a ccomrade, omrade, they they When b awl unashamedly unashamedly o n the the spot. spot. They’re They’re bawl on h uman in in a w ay tthat hat tthe he ssoldiers oldiers in in human way m ovies aaren’t. ren’t. S eeing Restrepo, Restreppo, I lost lost the the movies Seeing u sual conviction conviction tthat hat yyou ou n ever really really usual never k now ssomething omething about about a w ar u ntil the the know war until eexperience xperience is is digested digested over over the the course course o ears and and ssomeone omeone writes writes a ggreat reat off yyears n ovel about about it. it. A n tthe he u pcoming novel Ass iin upcoming T illman SStory, tory, we we get get a sense sense of of war war and and Tillman tthe he w arriors b eing ffar ar d ifferent tthan han w warriors being different wee iimagined. magined. Restreppo’s only only conclusions conclusions about about Restrepo’s

what we what we see see ccome ome iin n tthe he fform orm of of a p iece o musical rraucousness: aucousness: a tune tune piece off musical aabout bout a bloody, bloody, drunken drunken b ut unbowed unbowed but ““Barroom Barroom Hero� Hero� iin n a song song b he byy tthe D ropkick Murphys. Murphys. The Th he gutter-Kipling gutter-Kipling Dropkick llyrics yrics o he song song say say ssomething omething about about off tthe tthe he rreasons easons why why soldiers soldiers ffight ight aand nd how how tthey hey ssurvive. urvive. However, it’s it’s not not up up to to the the soldiers soldiers However, w hether tthey hey come come o go, b ut up up to to whether orr go, but tthe he ccivilian ivilian government government ffor or which which they they ffight. ight. As As citizens, citizens, it’s it’s our our duty duty to to ttalk alk aabout bout w hen tthis his w ar w ill end, end, rather rather when war will tthan han b eing ssilenced ilenced into into u nderstandable being understandable aawe we b he kind kind o ravery we we see see h ere. byy tthe off b bravery here.

RESTREPO R ESTREPO (R; (R; 101 101 min.), min.), a ddocumentary ocumentary by by Tim Tim Hetherington Hetheringtton aand nd Sebastian Sebastian Junger, Junger, opens opens Friday Friday Nickelodeon. aatt the the N ickeelodeon.

!$ j 47:; august 25-september 1, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;


Back On The Big Screen in Digital With Never-Before-Seen Footage


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Annette Benning

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Film Capsules

Mark Ruffalo

B63 /;3@71/< (R; 113 min.) Assassin Jack (George Clooney) hides out in Italy after an especially brutal job and discovers new interests, even as his enemies turn up the heat. (Opens Wed Sep 1 at Aptos, Santa Cruz 9, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) /D/B/@ !2 A>317/: 327B7=< (PG-13; 180


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Bruce Greenwood

(1937) Irene Dunn and Cary Grant star in screwball tale of a couple who begin divorce proceedings over a misunderstanding and start sabotaging each other’s chances for new romance. (Plays Sat–Sun at 11am at Aptos.) 0:/H7<5 A/22:3A

Joan Chen

Daily: (2:00), (4:30), 7:00, 9:30 & Sat, Sun (11:40am)


STARTS FRIDAY 8/27! “A wicked-smart, devilishly well-made thriller!� –S.F. Chronicle

(R) Daily: (3:00), (5:10), 7:20, 9:40 & Sat, Sun (12:50)

STARTS FRIDAY 8/27! “Explosive, deeply moving and impossible to shake!� –Rolling Stone

(1974) Mel Brooks’ satirical take on the Western, with Harvey Korman as the rich bad guy, Cleavon Little as the city-slicker black sheriff and Gene Wilder, Madeline Kahn and Slim Pickens adding tasty goodness. (Plays Thu at 8pm at Santa Cruz 9.)

=4 /:713 1@332 (R;

108 min.) A woman is kidnapped in an apartment and held prisoner on her bed. Not good. (Opens Fri at Nickelodeon.) B63 :/AB 3F=@17A;

(PG-13; 88 min.) An evangelical minister with a problem allows a film crew to document his last exorcism. Never do that. (Opens Fri at Santa Cruz 9 and Green Valley.) ;/=¸A :/AB 2/<13@

(PG; 125 min.) Based on the story of Li Cunxin, who was taken from his parents at a young age and brought to Beijing to study ballet at Madame Mao’s behest. (Opens Fri at Nickelodeon.) @3AB@3>= (R; 101 min.) See review, page 35. (Opens Fri at Nickelodeon.) B/93@A (PG-13; 107

min.) Bank robbers’ big plans are spoiled when a crafty detective catches wind of their shenanigans. With Hayden Christensen, Matt Dillon, Zoe Saldana and Idris Elba. (Opens Fri at Santa Cruz 9 and Green Valley.)

@3D73EA 27<<3@ 4=@ A16;C19A (PG-13; 110

B63 27A/>>3/@/<13 min.) Steve Carell stars

Daily: (2:40), (4:50), 6:50, 8:50 & Sat, Sun (12:30)

as Barry, one of the most dimwitted individuals imaginable. He is courted by Tim (Paul Rudd), a rising executive looking for the perfect guest for his boss’s monthly event, a dinner for idiots. The message is essentially that an abnormally idiotic man can ruin your entire life but you should not make fun of him because of it. Interestingly, the denouement contradicts the exact purpose of the movie for the audience. Replete with buffoonery, the film does boast some moments of incomprehensible social awkwardness that will have audiences twisting in their seats. (MM) 3/B >@/G :=D3

(PG-13; 140 min.) Julia Roberts stars in Elizabeth Gilbert’s bestselling account of life reinvention by way of conducting the titular activities in Italy, India and Bali. B63 3F>3<2/0:3A

(R; 103 min.) Director/ co-writer/star Sylvester Stallone rounds up the cast of most of the action movies of the past few decades as mercenaries for an assault on the vile island of Vilena, a Caribbean dictatorship run by an evil general, who is the sock-puppet for CIA swine Eric

Roberts. Turning the private army of El General into what Terry Crewes’ Hale Caesar accurately describes as “red sausageâ€? is the aim of the aged if still muscular lugs. The slomo girl is Sandra (Giselle ItiĂŠ), the curvy daughter of the dictator. The scene of her waterboarding is typical for Stallone; the decades have proved that he never knows when he’s crossed over the fun line. The wasting of the army (one long explosion in a butcher shop) and the fights between musclemen are as low-class as the greatly uninteresting car-crunches, though a Dolph Lundgren/Jet Li bout has some style. Look for a cameo by Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose disdain for the movie is less dismaying than his presidential ambitions, and some muttered crazy-talk about Bosnia by Mickey Rourke. (RvB) B63 3FB@/ ;/< (R;

112 min.) Katie Holmes, Kevin Kline and John. C. Reilly star in tale about a gentleman escort of wealthy New York widows and an aspiring playwright. 4/@3E3:: (Unrated;

121 min.) Intelligent, atmospheric Cold War

Movie reviews by Marlon Maloney, Steve Palopoli and Richard von Busack

thriller, directed by Christian Carion, based on a real-life case. In 1981, in Moscow, Pierre (Guillaume Canet), a French technocrat, is mistakenly approached by Grigoriev (Serbian director Emir Kusturica). This Soviet officer, sick of his government, aims to help push it over from the inside by passing on information to the West. The Russian is surprised to find out that Pierre has almost no connections with the secret service. Pierre’s government asks the amateur spy to carry on, and a friendship develops. The art direction is immaculate; Carion aims to take you on a trip to the vanished USSR, dwelling over the frightening Martian/ Gothic towers and neongreen corridors. (RvB) 53B :=E (PG-13; 100 min.) In the 1930s South, a hermit named Felix Bush (Robert Duvall) emerges from his decades of solitude. He drives his mule cart into a nearby small town and makes plans for his funeral, which he intends to have while he’s still alive. He finds no trouble with this idea from the local mortician (Bill Murray). Part of the draw will be Bush publicly telling the secret that made

him hide his face in the woods for so many years. Murray, wearing a suspicious-looking mustache, fur-collared suits and a horseshoe pin, is the film’s saving grace; he has the true comedian’s solitude and toast-dry humor, an eloquent wince at boredom and a consoling flask in the pocket. (RvB) B63 57@: E6= >:/G32 E7B6 47@3

(R; 137 min.) This second installment in the Stieg Larsson series brings back Noomi Rapace’s ratty but invincible urchin Lisbeth Salander. Shortly after Lisbeth’s return to Stockholm, her old nemesis of a parole officer starts stirring up trouble. Meanwhile, trustworthily pockmarked investigative journalist Mikael (Michael Nyqvist) meets a new writer. He and his sociologist girlfriend are trying to expose the sexslave trade conducted out of the former Soviet Union, apparently abetted by the Sapo, the Swedish Secret Police. Salander is an oldfashioned pulp heroine in a pulp plot. (RvB) 7<13>B7=< (PG-13; 148 min.) The basic idea of Christopher Nolan’s film is simple. Led by Cobb


( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm


Showtimes are for Wednesday, August 25, through Wednesday, September 1, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.


/>B=A 17<3;/A

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

Call for showtimes.

Call for showtimes.

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.thenick.com

(R) Daily: (4:10), 9:00

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com


Kevin Kline (R)

1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.cineluxtheatres.com

Daily: (1:50), 6:50 & Sat, Sun (11:40am)


Emma Thompson

Call for showtimes.

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com Call for showtimes.

(PG-13) (PG) Daily (2:00), (4:20), 6:40, 8:50


Tickets $6

A1=BBA D/::3G 17<3;/

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260 www.cineluxtheatres.com Call for showtimes.


Sat 8/28 & Sun 8/29 @ 11:00am Next Week: The Adventures of Robin Hood STARTS WED 9/1! George Clooney in

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com Call for showtimes.

Cary Grant in

The Awful Truth

23: ;/@


Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com Call for showtimes. (R)

Advance Tickets Available Online at www.thenick.com

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com Call for showtimes.

j !%

A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 25-september 1, 2010 47:;

(Leonardo DiCaprio), a sort of Impossible Mission Force, working for a Japanese trillionaire (Ken Watanabe), descends into the sleeping subconscious of the plutocrat’s young rival (Cillian Murphy), using technology that allows them to design dreamscapes. Because of the complexity of this operation, the team s forced to create dreams within dreams, and each deeper dream takes place in an exponentially larger time frame. The film is audacious and frequently thrilling, especially when Nolan folds Paris in on itself and Escherizes interior spaces. It’s visionary filmmaking, uncommon at this scale, with neither the mawkishness of What Dreams May Come or the spiritual horse feathers of the Matrix trilogy. (RvB) B63 972A /@3 /:: @756B (R; 111 min.)

Crisis occurs when a very settled lesbian marriage is challenged by the arrival of the sperm donor (Mark Ruffalo) who fathered one of the couple’s children. Julianne Moore as a classic California girl: no intellectual, very earthy, a blurter-out of things she probably shouldn’t have said; Annette Bening, amusingly dour, is her hard-working spouse. Director Lisa Cholodenko and cowriter Stuart Blumberg takes their film away from the realm of the typical gay and lesbian film fest talkathon and up to speed with the blogs, Alison Bechdel’s cartoons Dykes to Watch Out For and with the fiction of Mary Gaitskill. As a director, Cholodenko is a dry, tough-minded wit. But the way she analyzes the needy, unpretty cores of these characters is what takes The Kids Are All Right out of the realm of the domestic comedy/ drama and makes it a film to remember. (RvB) :743 2C@7<5 E/@B7;3 (Unrated;

98 min.) “Entertaining� isn’t the first word that comes to mind to describe a Todd Solondz film, but this weirdly lighthearted sequel to the stacked, loaded and fairly repulsive Happiness

2/<13A E7B6 271B/B=@A Mj!Dvoyjo!jo!Ă•NbpĂ–t!Mbtu!Ebodfs-Ă–!pqfojoh!Gsjebz

seems like the work of a director with a longer view. It’s not that the overt politics make the difference, or that the cast has more facility with humor (though they do)—there seems to be more affection for the characters and the messes they make or worsen. The three sisters from Happinesss—Joy, Trish and Helen—have come up in the world. Trish (Allison Janney) is living in Florida, putting her marriage to a rapacious child molester behind her and dating a physically disagreeable Zionist (Michael Lerner); her son, Timmy (Dylan Riley Snyder, freckled and cast for his resemblance to Lassie’s partner Timmy), is awaiting his bar mitzvah and dealing with his twin anxieties about pedophiles and terrorists. Meanwhile, sad-sack Joy (Shirley Henderson) is still carrying her

acoustic guitar around, though now she’s being pestered by vicious ghosts (Paul Reubens is one of them). The “Floridaâ€? surroundings (actually the parts of Puerto Rico stuck in the mid-1960s) and the acid-washed colors stress the grotesque comic side of this tale of family dislocation. The highlight is a wonderfully juicy bit by Charlotte Rampling as a bitter Ăźber-cougar; she keeps pitching her lines higher and higher, until she’s a one-woman Strindberg festival. (RvB) B63 :=BB3@G B7193B

(PG-13) Bow Wow, Brandon T. Jackson and Ice Cube star in tale about a guy from the projects who has to survive the weekend after his neighbors find out he’s holding a winning lottery ticket. </<<G ;1>633 @3BC@<A (PG; 97

min.) Emma Thompson

reprises her role as the supernaturally gifted helpmeet who swoops in to help a struggling farmwoman (Maggie Gyllenhaal) corral her petulant offspring and their bratty cousins. B63 =B63@ 5CGA

(PG-13; 107 min.) Two disgraced cops—Allen (Will Ferrell) and Terry (Mark Wahlberg)—hope to claim the roles of star detectives held by fellow detectives P.K. (Samuel L. Jackson) and Christopher (Dwayne Johnson). Ferrell’s Allen is a socially awkward detective just looking to get through each day by handling the accounting side of police work. Wahlberg’s Terry provides the kind of extreme vexation that having to deal with Ferrell’s character on a daily basis inevitably leads to. Despite some excellent comedy pairing by the leads, Allen lacks the hilarious, goodnatured stupidity of, say,

a Ron Burgundy. Ferrell attempts to use more dry humor here rather than the outsized expressive comedy we’re used to seeing from him. (MM) >7@/<6/ ! 2 (R; 89 min.) Director Alexandre Aja (The Hills Have Eyes) has thoughtfully outfitted his killer fish pic with 3-D technology, the better to distract the audience from the premise, which is that a sudden tremor releases a school of prehistoric man-eating fish from their underwater hideyhole, wreaking havoc on attractive vacationers. A/:B (PG-13; 100 min.) A fast-paced, actionpacked thrill ride with a tinge of Cold War–era military tension. Angelina Jolie, who plays CIA officer Evelyn Salt, continues to be the sole actress capable of playing the lead role in an action film. The story begins with the

torture of Salt in a North Korean military prison. Eventually, she is released in a prisoner exchange. Two years later, Salt and her superior, Ted Winter (Liev Schreiber), are on their way out of the building when a Russian defector, Orlov, accuses Salt of being a Russian spy during an interrogation. This is the point where the action starts and never stops again. Unfortunately, the plot in this film doesn’t leave much room for the audience to decide whether Orlov’s accusation is true or false. The movie is completely reliant on Jolie for its appeal, and she delivers. The action sequences are filled with old-school foot chases and fights blended with plenty of new-school, improbable—or likely impossible—stunts and special effects. If you love action flicks with a near minimal amount

of thought required to decipher the impending acts this is a great show. (MM) A1=BB >7:5@7; DA B63 E=@:2 (PG-

13; 108 min.) Michael Cera is Scott Pilgrim, a laybout in a local Toronto band, who has a thing for two girlfriends—the old Veronica and Betty dichotomy. The nice, too-loyal Betty is a Charlene Yi surrogate called Knives Chau (Ellen Wong); he is more obsessed with Ramona Flowers, played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead, whose nationality (American), multicolored hair (mostly magenta or ultramarine) and romantic history make her seem exotic. Unfortunately, her ex-lovers are in league against him. Not a bad premise, just a bad carry-on. Ultimately, I’m on the world’s side in re: Scott Pilgrim. The

heavily cyber-treated visuals, from the winter exteriors to grungy basements, close in on you like the walls in an Indiana Jones tomb. Edgar Wright did this kind of material before and better (on TV’s Spaced); better digital effects and more expensive editorial cleverness can’t make it fresh. (RvB) B63 AE7B16 (PG-13; 109 min.) Talk about inglourious basterds. Jennifer Aniston, having artificially inseminated her way into motherhood seven years prior, meets up with an old pal (Jason Bateman) with a very interesting confession. With Jeff Goldblum and Juliette Lewis. D/;>7@3A AC19 (PG13; 82 min.) Spooftacular send-up of the Twilight series from the minds that brought us Scary Movie 1–4.

!& j 27<3@¸A 5C723 august 25-september 1, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com. American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, lunch 11am-2pm, dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves superfresh 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include prime rib and lobster. Daily 7am-2am.

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz


$ Santa Cruz

16/@:73 6=<5 9=<5

$$ Santa Cruz

1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588

1141 Soquel Ave, 831. 426.5664


110 Church St, 831.429.2000

$$ Santa Cruz

B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. California organic meets Southeast Asian street food. Organic noodle & rice bowls, vegan menu, fish & meat options, Vietnamese-style sandwiches, eat-in or to-go. Consistent winner “Best Cheap Eats.� Open daily 11am-11pm. American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadoran pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm.

j !'

A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 25-september 1, 2010 27<3@¸A 5C723

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

$$ Santa Cruz

7 :=D3 ACA67

$$ Santa Cruz

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close. Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm. Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily.

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782

Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

$$ Santa Cruz

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon.

$$ Santa Cruz


49B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 >/17471 B6/7

1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

@=G/: B/8 1C7A7<3

Santa Cruz

270 Soquel Ave, 831.427.2400

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

$$ Santa Cruz

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930 A=74

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

$$ Santa Cruz

C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

$$ Santa Cruz

E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Indian. World-famous Indian curries, vegetarian and nonvegetarian dishes. Authentic Indian food at affordable prices. $8.95 lunch buffet Mon-Thu 11:30am -2:30pm; Fri-Sun 11am-3pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am. Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Lunch Wed-Sat noon2pm; dinner Mon-Thu 5-10pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close. Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm. Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. 87/ B3::/¸A $ Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

Wine shop Tasting

Pacific Ave.

Museum of Art and History

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Cooper Street

Annie Glass

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Front Street

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j "

A/<B/1@CH 1=; august 25-september 1, 2010 /AB@=:=5G

Astrology Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of August 25 /@73A (March 21–April 19): Why should you work harder than everyone else? Why is it up to you to pick up the slack when others are suffering from outbreaks of laziness and incompetence? And why should you be the fearless leader who is focused on fixing the glitches and smoothing over the rough patches when no one else seems to care whether things fall apart? I’ll tell you why, Aries: because it’s the Karmic Correction phase of your long-term cycle—a time when you can atone for past mistakes, pay off old debts, and make up for less-than-conscientious moves you got away with once upon a time. B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): “What is the source of our first suffering?� wrote philosopher Gaston Bachelard. “It lies in the fact that we hesitated to speak. It was born in the moment when we accumulated silent things within us.� Luckily for you, Taurus, the cosmic rhythms are aligned in such a way as to free you from at least some of that old suffering in the coming weeks. I expect that you will have more power than usual to say what you’ve never been able to say and express a part of you that has been buried too long. 53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): More than 2,000 people have climbed to the top of Mt. Everest, and 12 men have walked on the moon. But only two humans have ever ventured to the lowest spot on our planet. In 1960, Jacques Piccard and Donald Walsh rode in a bathyscaphe all the way down to the Mariana Trench, which is almost seven miles beneath the surface of the Pacific Ocean. Your assignment in the coming weeks, Gemini, is to move in their direction, metaphorically speaking. In my astrological opinion, ascending and soaring shouldn’t be on your agenda. It’s time to dive into the mysterious depths.

1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): I propose that we do to Mercury what astronomers did to Pluto in 2006: demote it. After all, it’s smaller than both Saturn’s moon Titan and Jupiter’s moon Ganymede. Who wants to bestow the majestic title of “planet� on such a piddling peewee? In fact, let’s make the change now, just in time for Mercury’s retrograde phase, which began recently. That way we won’t have to get all riled up about the supposedly disruptive effects this aspect portends. How could a barren runt like Mercury stir up any kind of meaningful ruckus? I hereby declare you free and clear of the whole Mercury retrograde superstition. Please proceed on the assumption that the period between now and September 12 will be an excellent time to deepen and refine your communication with anyone you care about. :3= (July 23–Aug. 22): A Chinese company reached out to me by email today. “Dear Sir,� the message began, “As the leading professional conveyor belt manufacturers in Shanghai, we present to you our very best sincere regards, desiring to find out if there is a chance for us to be your top-rate conveyor belt supplier.� I wrote back, thanking them for their friendly inquiry. I said that personally I didn’t have any need of conveyor belts right now, but I told them I would check with my Leo readers to see if they might. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you see, you’re entering a time when it makes sense to expand and refine your approach to work. It’ll be a good time, for example, to get more efficient and step up production. So how about it? Do you need any conveyor belts? D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): Our sun doesn’t really have a name. The word “sun� is a generic term that can refer to any of trillions of stars. So I’d like to propose that you come up with a name for it. It could be a nickname or a title, like “Big Singer� or “Aurora Rex� or “Joy Shouter� or “Renaldo.� I hope this exercise will get you in the mood to find names for a whole host of other under-identified things in your life, like the mysterious feelings that are swirling around inside you right now, and your longings for experiences that don’t exist yet, and your dreams about the elusive blessings you want so bad.

:70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): The odometer will turn over soon, metaphorically speaking. The big supply of the stuff you stocked up on a while back is about to run out. The lessons you began studying a year ago have been completed, at least for now, and you’re not yet ready for the next round of teachings. These are just some of the indicators that suggest you should set aside time for ref lection and evaluation. The world may come pounding at your door, demanding that

you make a dramatic declaration or take decisive action, but in my opinion you should stall. You need to steep in this pregnant pause.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): Most discussions on TV news shows involve so-called experts shouting simplistic opinions at each other. They may provide some meager entertainment value, but are rarely enlightening. In contrast to these paltry spectacles were the salons at Paris’s Cafe Guerbois in 1869. A group of hard-working artists and writers gathered there to inspire each other. The painter Claude Monet wrote that their discussions “sharpened one’s wits, encouraged frank and impartial inquiry, and provided enthusiasm that kept us going for weeks . . . One always came away feeling more involved, more determined, and thinking more clearly and distinctly.� That’s the kind of dynamic interaction you should seek out in abundance, Scorpio.

A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): In the movies I’ve seen that depict battle scenes from hundreds of years ago, every army has numerous soldiers whose job it is to carry festive f lags and pennants. If this is an accurate depiction of history, what does it mean? That powerful symbols were crucial to inspiring the troops’ heroic efforts? That touches of color and beauty lifted their morale? That they were more inclined to do their best if inspired to imagine they were participating in an epic story? Whether or not my theories apply to what actually happened back then, they apply to you now. As you go forth to fight for what you believe in, bring your equivalent of an evocative emblem. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): Using a radio telescope, astronomers at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy have been scanning the center of the galaxy. They’re looking for evidence of amino acids that could be the building blocks of life. So far their hunt has been inconclusive. In my opinion, though, they’ve stumbled upon an even more appealing discovery: The huge dust cloud at the heart of the Milky Way, they say, tastes like raspberries and smells like rum. That’s the kind of switcheroo I predict for you in the upcoming weeks, Capricorn. You may not locate the smoking gun you’re hoping to find, but in the process of searching I bet you’ll hook up with something even better.

/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): Each one of us is a blend of life and death. In the most literal sense, our bodies always contain old cells that are dying and new cells that are emerging as replacements. From a more metaphorical perspective, our familiar ways of seeing and thinking and feeling are constantly atrophying, even as fresh modes emerge. Both losing and winning are woven into every day; sinking down and rising up; shrinking and expanding. In any given phase of our lives, one or the other polarity is usually more pronounced. But for you in the foreseeable future, Aquarius, they will be evenly balanced. Welcome to the Season of Rot and Regeneration. >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): Allure magazine sought out Luca Turin and Tania Sanchez, the women who wrote the book Perfumes: The A to Z Guide. “What are the sexiest-smelling perfumes of all time?� they asked. Turin and Sanchez said Chinatown was at the top of their list. Their explanation: “If wearing Opium is like walking around with a bullhorn shouting, ‘Come and get it!’, Chinatown is like discreetly whispering the same thing.� The Chinatown approach is what I recommend for you in the coming weeks, Pisces. 6][Se]`Y( EVOb P]]Y R] g]c aca^SQb e]cZR QVO\US g]c` ZWTS WT g]c OQbcOZZg `SOR Wb- EVS\ eWZZ g]c USb O`]c\R b] `SORW\U Wb- BSabWTg Ob B`cbV`]]abS`. U[OWZ Q][

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