2010 Best Of Metro Silicon Valley

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M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P TE M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


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EEXECUTIVE XECUTIVE EDITOR EDITOR & CCEO EO D DAN AN PUL PULCRANO CRANO EEDITORIAL DITORIAL Managing/Arts M anaging/Arts Editor: Editor: M Michael ichael S. S. G Gant ant News N ews Editor: Editor: E Eric ric JJohnson ohnson FFood ood EEditor: ditor: S Stett tett Holbrook Holbrook Music M usic Editor: Editor: S Steve teve P Palopoli alopoli CContributing ontributing W Writers: riters: JJessica essica FFromm, romm,

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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


ISawYou@metronews.com Send us your anonymous rants and raves about your co-workers or any badly behaving citizen—or about citizens you admire. I SAW YOU, Metro, 550 S. First St., San Jose, 95113, or via email.

Pursuit of Happiness

COMMENTS LLetters@metronews.com etters@metronews.com Metroo welcomess letters. Like any gr Metr great eat work should of art, they shou uld be originals—not copies elsewhere. of material sent elsewher e. Please include your name, city of rresidence esidence and daytime number. telephone numb ber. (Phone number will published.) not be published d.) Letters may be edited correct ffor or length and cclarity larity or to cor rect ffactual actual inaccuracies known inaccur acies kno own to us. SanJoseInside = SanJose Inside

Anna Mania M

= via email

Tuesday evening, Tuesday evening, S Sept. ept. 114, 4, I w witnessed itnessed a rremarkable emarrkab ble event event aatt the the C alifornia California T heatre, Opera Opera San San n José’s José’s W est C oast Theatre, West Coast p remiere production production of of D avid C arrlson’s premiere David Carlson’s A nna K arenina. This This opera opera company compan ny Anna Karenina.

has as has assembled ssembled a ggroup roup o off tthe he m most ost ttalented alented young young artists arrtists to to be be found found on on aany ny sstage tage aanywhere nywhere iin n tthe he w world. orld. T The he powerful p owerful music music just just illuminated illuminated the the sstage tagge aand nd o orchestra rchestra p pit. it. M Metro’s etro’s S Scott cott MacClelland M acClellan nd ((“Russian “Russian n Dressing, Dressing,” Arts, Arts, Sept. S ept. 115) 5) aagrees grees w with ith tthis his aassessment, ssessment, but b ut R Richard ichard S Scheinin cheinin o off tthe he San San Jose Jose Mercury M ercury News News d does oes n not. ot. S Shame hame o on n him. h im. T The he sstage, tage, sscenery cenery an and nd ccostumes ostumes management m anagement aare re aabsolutely bsolutely iincredible. ncredible. IIff yyou ou ar are re aan no opera pera ffan, an, d don’t on’t m miss iss tthis his production. p roduction. If If you you are are n not ot aan no opera pera ffan, an, n now ow iiss tthe he ttime ime tto o sstart. tart. Y You ou w won’t on’t rregret egret iit. t. There There are aarre sstill till tickets tickets available available ffor or tthe he rremaining emaining p performances. erformances. D Don’t on’t miss m iss tthis his eextraordinary xtrao ordinarry p production. roduction. JJOSEPH OSEPH R IZZUTO | LLOS OS GGATOS ATOS RIZZUTO

N Nobel No

IIff I h had ad db been een w working orking llike ike mad mad iin n

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A New Low Fly was a bit stunned when Campbell Mayor EVAN LOW came out of the closet a few weeks ago—as a lackey of the South Bay Labor Council. In a Mercury News op-ed piece about two-tiered pension reform—a topic at once snooze-inducing and hotly divisive—Low bragged that his little Orchard City solved the problem of skyrocketing pension costs by playing nice with the unions representing city workers. “Unions are not devils,” Low writes in his lead, “and civil servant pension reform is not the silver bullet for all local government economic woes.” Devils? Bullets? Talk about putting out a fire with gasoline. In fact, parts of the piece read as though it might have come straight from the keyboard of BOB BROWNSTEIN, the hyperbolic svengali of Working Partnerships, SBLC’s non-profit cash cow...er...affiliate. Perhaps Merc columnist SCOTT HERHOLD could do a comparative analysis of the two pols’ writing styles, as he did when he helped show that former SBLC hack PHIL BUMP was Don’t the author of the nowforget defunct anonymous to tip! attack blog San Jose Reviled...er Revealed. FLY@ METRONEWS. COM

Thundering Hurd

While newly hired Oracle co-president MARK HURD did a victory lap at the annual Oracleworld confab in San Francisco on Monday, his former bosses, Hewlett-Packard’s Board of Directors, were slouching in defeat. At approximately the same moment that Hurd was delivering a speech to his new troops, the H-P board announced that it had settled its lawsuit against him, accepting $14 million in stock options as consolation. Hurd reportedly still walked away with a $12 million package. The truncated lawsuit was the last in a month’s worth of blunders, beginning


Laundry Works SPEAK NO EVIL Cindy Chavez, the former vice-mayor who now heads the South Bay Labor Council, fought hard for the Bay 101-backed Measure K after accepting a $50,000 contribution.

The South Bay Labor Council helps big political contributors erase their tracks By JESSICA FROMM


PAPER trail suggests that money from Bay 101, the San Jose card club, made its way to the campaign of City Council candidate Xavier Campos. Public records show that following the card club’s $50,000 contribution in support of a ballot measure, funds were transferred to Camposaligned organizations that subsequently funded Campos’ bitter battle for a District 5 council seat, in apparent violation of city campaign laws. Mayor Chuck Reed, incoming District Attorney Jeff Rosen and other

local elected officials say the series of so-called “independent expenditures,” including a $3,994 contribution from the South Bay Labor Council to the Campos campaign, looks suspicious and may point to political corruption. The money in question changed hands several times. Records at the city, county and state show that in late April, Bay 101 contributed $557,905 to the Committee to Help Preserve San Jose City Services, the group behind Measure K. That ballot measure, which passed on June 8, allowed San Jose card clubs to expand in exchange for increased taxes earmarked for city services. The half-million-dollar contribution and others from Bay 101 essentially funded the entire campaign. On May 5, the Measure K committee gave $50,000 to the South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council’s Committee on Political Education. Throughout April and May,

that committee made numerous donations to candidates for city council and the state assembly. These included $3,994.15 to Xavier Campos, who is running to replace his sister, Nora Campos, on the San Jose City Council. The SBLC committee also spent $11,082.47 in independent expenditures against Xavier Campos’ opponent, Magdalena Carrasco. If the money from the card room in fact was diverted into the Campos campaign, that would violate a San Jose ordinance designed to keep money from the city’s gaming establishments out of local elections. Ordinance 12.06.260 states that a card room “may not make any contribution to candidates or candidate-controlled committees.” Matt Savage of Bay 101 was unavailable for comment at press time. SBLC Executive officer Cindy Chavez refused to comment. SBLC attorney Bianca Pirayou sent an email confirming that the organization received money from the Measure K committee and added that “all contributions to and expenditures by the South Bay Labor Council are legal and appropriate.” Xavier Campos also declined to comment. His campaign manager,

Reed says he raised the issues of independent expenditures when he campaigned in the 2006 mayoral race against Cindy Chavez, now head of the South Bay Labor Council. “I have some past experience with trying to follow the money, and these folks have been pretty good about not making it easy to follow,” Reed said. “My guess is that this is only part of the money.” Chavez and the South Bay Labor Council were strong supporters of Measure K and pushed hard to place the proposition on the ballot. But when the matter came down to the vote, only one labor-aligned councilmember—Nancy Pyle— voted to support the measure. The rest of the labor bloc—Ash Kalra, Nora Campos, Kansen Chu and Madison Nguyen—after lauding the proposition from the dais, voted no. But that didn’t matter—the measure passed 6-5.

Money Handler Tells All There is another reason many City Hall watchers find it easy to believe that Bay 101 indeed used SBLC and its political ecosystem to disguise the fact that it was distributing money to local candidates. An SBLC-friendly political consultant laid out the strategy in a news article earlier in the summer. Following the June 8 election, political consultant Ed McGovern admitted—or bragged—that SBLC used money from a client of his to produce a hit piece on a mutual opponent. The money originated with DMB Associates, the developer behind the huge Cargill Saltworks project in Redwood City. McGovern told the Palo Alto Daily News that DMB paid SBLC $30,000 to produce a mailer attacking Assembly candidate Yoriko Kishimoto, who opposed the development. “It was my idea and I told the folks at DMB we should do it and we went to labor,” McGovern said. DMB paid for polling research and determined that Kishimoto’s opposition to high-speed rail and extending BART to San Jose “were clearly the most troublesome for her with the voters,” McGovern said. SBLC’s Committee on Political Education, the same body that


9 8

with the board pressuring Hurd to resign amid allegations of sexual harassment. Oracle’s LARRY ELLISON, who fought off similar charges earlier in his career, immediately came to Hurd’s defense, and within weeks hired him. The result of all this? Oracle’s stock hits a nine-year high while H-P’s droops. Meanwhile, H-P’s interim CEO, CATHIE LESJAK, issued an almost pathetic statement: “HP and Oracle have been important partners for more than 20 years,” she said. “We look forward to collaborating with Oracle in the future.” Ouch.

took $50,000 from Measure K/Bay 101, then produced a mailer with a photo of a congested freeway and the message: “Stuck in traffic again? Thank Yoriko Kishimoto. She campaigned to keep you there!” There was no mention of the Cargill development—or of DMB. The fine print on the bottom credited only SBLC. “This is our message,” McGovern says in the July 9 story. “Elected officials certainly have the right to take sides…but we also have the right to express our opposition of those elected officials, and we did with Kishimoto, and we’re very happy she was defeated. We’re going to continue to look for opportunities in November to do the same thing.” Mayor Reed, who vowed in his “Reed Reforms” to “plug loopholes in campaign financing,” says that he’s looking to Rosen to finally start coming down hard on government integrity cases. “I think Jeff Rosen is our only hope,” Reed said. “I would certainly like to change the cozy relationship among these different entities that allows this money to move freely and makes it difficult to track.” “If Jeff Rosen takes a hard line on some of these things, that would perhaps make up for some of the loose interpretations that have then been stretched beyond anything reasonable.”

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Adán Lupercio, issued a statement dismissing “the Chamber’s latest manufactured conspiracy,” with no further explanation. Enforcement of city election laws falls on the Government Integrity Unit of the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s office. That office, which enjoyed a quiet period under defeated outgoing District Attorney Dolores Carr, is currently a oneperson operation, run by Deputy DA Merle “Bud” Frank. Asked about the card room money in the local race, Frank dismissed the evidence and refused to comment further. But District Attorney-elect Jeff Rosen, who during his campaign charged that Carr had not been sufficiently aggressive in government integrity cases, promised to look into the matter when he takes office. “This goes to the core of what people expect in the DA,” Rosen said Monday. “I will take steps to delve into this and familiarize myself with this case on Jan. 3.” District 3 Councilman Sam Liccardo also chastised the current DA’s office for not looking into the matter. “I have no problem saying that this District Attorney has neglected to pursue any serious political corruption case before her, and in some instances has dropped those cases completely,” Liccardo said. “I know nothing about the internal machinations of the South Bay Labor Council or how money moves within the organization, but the fact that these footprints are in the snow leads me to have serious concerns. And they should lead an independent district attorney to have similar concerns. I look forward to a fuller investigation.” Mayor Chuck Reed, who endorsed Carr, says that he sees a profound lack of oversight in this case. He says the San Jose Elections Commission, California Fair Political Practices Commission and State Legislature have failed to enforce government integrity laws for too long. “They have a relationship there that allows money to move between entities pretty freely,” Reed said. “And, in two or three moves, you can end up influencing candidate races, either directly or indirectly through direct contributions or coordination. So, what you’re seeing here may only be part of the money that was moved.”

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


sv 411.com Advertisers and the HTML5 Cookie Jar EVEN CASUAL Internet users know that if you want to hold your privacy in check, it’s good practice to clear out your browser cookies every once in a while. However, QFD9@< :FFB@<J Jfd\ X[m\ik`j\ij nXek m\ip YX[cp kf b\\g kiXZb f] fli n\Y$jliÓ e^ _XY`kj# simply clearing Xe[ Xi\ ZfeZfZk`e^ nXpj kf gi\m\ek lj\ij ]ifd your browser Ylie`e^ k_\`i [`^`kXc gXg\i kiX`cj% cookies the oldfashioned way isn’t always enough. As highlighted by a study out of UC-Berkeley, some companies have begun using Flash-based cookies that not only re-create themselves when deleted without the user’s knowledge, they reach into the Flash storage bin for the just-deleted user info so that they can keep tracking you and your stored history instead of starting anew. It’s because of this behavior that some of our readers drew our attention to something called RLDGUID, a Safari database that has been popping up more and more on iOS devices. The company behind this database, Ringleader Digital, is basically using some of the modern HTML5 capabilities of mobile browsers to perform the same tasks as a traditional cookie, but out of sight of most users. RLDGUID stands for Ring Leader Digital Globally Unique ID, which is how Ringleader Digital identifies your mobile device when tracking you. The company claims on its privacy page that it only collects “non-personally identifiable information, such as browser identifiers, session information, device type, carrier provider, IP addresses, unique device ID, carrier user ID and web sites visited.”

Ringleader Digital uses cookies, but goes a step further and makes use of Safari databases under iOS in order to ensure that users can be tracked—forever. When we deleted the RLDGUID databases on our phones, we found that it would instantly respawn with the same unique identifier we were previously assigned. It’s pulling that ID from somewhere—likely a different Safari database generated by another Ringleader Digital partner site, or a traditional cookie working in conjunction with the database. We found that clearing cookies and the Safari databases still resulted in a re-creation of the database with the same ID. Why should you care? If you’re clearing out your cookies and databases, you’re likely doing so because you’re trying to burn your digital paper trail and you don’t want these companies tracking you. And, while you can turn off Safari databases altogether on the desktop by setting the file size drop-down to “none,” you can’t turn them off on the iPhone, iPod touch or iPad.

whatever999 It used to be that the government was the only entity holding “big” secrets. Now, though, it’s anyone who’s rich and would like to be richer (simplistic, maybe, but inaccurate, maybe not).

question—whose phone/computer is it? Mine? Then I should have complete and total control over all aspects of it, including all information in it. It’s like someone making a wax/clay impression of your house door key, promising to destroy the copy of the key they made with it, but then keeping the key impression and sharing it with their friends.

Flash Cookies and Privacy Advertisers are increasingly concerned about unique tracking of users online. Several studies have found that over 30 percent of users delete first party HTTP cookies once a month, thus leading to overestimation of the number of true unique visitors to websites, and attendant overpayment for advertising impressions. Mindful of this problem, online advertising companies have attempted to increase the reliability of tracking methods. In 2005, United Virtualities (UV), an online advertising company, exclaimed, “All advertisers, websites and networks use [HTTP] cookies for targeted advertising, but cookies are under attack.”

bartfat Tracking you through databases through persistent advertising definitely wasn’t on the minds of the standards body when they wrote this standard up. I’m actually happy that HTML5 exists. Would you rather have no alternative to Flash?

The company announced that it had, “developed a backup ID system for cookies set by websites, ad networks and advertisers, but increasingly deleted by users. UV’s ‘Persistent Identification Element’ (PIE) is tagged to the user’s browser, providing each with a unique ID just like traditional cookie coding. However, PIEs cannot be deleted by any commercially available antispyware, mal-ware, or adware removal program. —CHRIS JAY HOOFNAGLE ET AL, SSRN.ORG

Jpan OK, this is a stupid argument. If you make a emergency handle on the outside of doors so you can let yourself in when you lose the key, but do not think about the possibility that burglars could use it as well, you would simply be an idiot.

I’m Joining the TED Royalty (Sort Of)

Dawn Falcon Oh for—who the heck thought this was a good idea as part of a *HTML* standard? HTML5 fail, yet again.

barkinB This points up a basic

As we wrote last year, some of


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the die-hard TED faithful have been grousing about audience fragmentation and cliques-withincliques at the conference since its move to Long Beach a few years ago. People—especially some from Silicon Valley—have pined for the days when everyone was stuck in the same hotel in Monterey and there wasn’t much else to do except listen to speakers, have great conversations and get to know one another. Until this year, the only option was inventing a time machine or another conference with the same panache, A-list attendees and editorial chops. Both would take time. So entrepreneur and conference organizer Francisco Dao has a more immediately feasible idea: Rent out a hotel in Monterey, sign up for the TED live feed, get a bunch of huge screen TVs and bean bags and invite 50 of the most interesting people he can find to virtually attend the conference together. The idea is brilliantly obvious: No one disputes the quality of the TED content, it’s the breakdown of the community that has some attendees in a funk. So Dao isn’t remaking or reinventing the content, he’s reinventing the community in the mold—and even in the location—of classic TED. —SARAH LACY, TECHCRUNCH.COM

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SJPD Policy on Immigration Law


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“Much discussion is taking place across the country concerning what responsibility local police departments have to ensure compliance with immigration laws,” it reads. “While the San Jose Police Department stands ready to work with any law enforcement agency to pursue violent suspects, regardless of a suspect’s immigration status, the Department has a longstanding policy of not arresting persons based solely upon their failure to comply with Federal immigration laws. “This longstanding policy was reaffirmed by the San Jose City Council on March 6, 2007, through its adoption of Resolution No. 73677, which states, in part: ‘The City of San Jose has a strong interest in assuring that legal and undocumented immigrants do not fear interacting with their local government authorities. In past years, the City has seen how the reluctance of immigrants to interact with local authorities can

critically undermine the health and safety of our community.’” Here’s where the press release gets interesting: “‘The City of San Jose maintains that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids—while laudable where they target violent or predatory criminals for deportation—can have harsh and unintended consequences. Those sweeps that have cast the net widely to arrest otherwise law-abiding undocumented immigrants have raised the Council’s concerns, insofar as they undermine the ability of our police, fire department, and other city agencies to interact with fearful immigrants leaving all of San Jose’s residents less safe.’” By definition, how can an undocumented immigrant be “otherwise law-abiding”? It’s a contradiction in terms. If you are in the country illegally, you have, by every definition other than this, broken the law. —Pete Campbell

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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



One Wonder

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The T he 8 80,000-square-foot 0,000-square-foot S South outh H Hall alll blue white bunker ffacility acility ((the the b lue aand nd w hite b unker behind b ehind tthe he cconvention onvention ccenter) enter) off tthe ffunctioned unctioned aass tthe he eepicenter picenter o he Biennial, open-air B ienniall, aan no pen-air aartist’s rtist’s ggarage arrage off ssorts. dozen o orts. A ffew ew d ozen aartists rtists sspent pent tthe he previous days working on p revious 110 0d ays w orking o n ttheir heir projects public p rojects ass tthe he p ublic sstrolled trolled tthrough hrough tthe he aarea, rea, ccreating reating aan n iinteractive, nteracctive, cconversational onversationall eexperience. xperience. IIn n ssome ome were allowed help out ccases, ases, vvisitors as isitors w ere al llowed tto oh elp o ut with process orr ttake part w ith tthe he ccreative reative p rocess o ake p art particular project iin n tthe he rresearch esearch a p arrticularr p roject eentailed. ntailed. A rrectangular ectan ngular ttech ech aarea rea ssat at iin n tthe he middle off tthe hall. Enveloped open m iddle o he h alll. E nveloped iin no pen matched ssteel teel sscaffolding caff ffo olding tthat hat vvisually isuallly m atched off tthe building, tthe he iinside nside fframe ram me o he b uilding, tthe he area machine ar rea iincluded ncluded a m achine sshop hop ffor or any off tthe use. The an ny o he aartists rtists tto ou se. T he eentire ntire open-air, process-oriented, o pen-air, p rocess-oriented, ggaragelike araggelike deliberate aatmosphere tmosphere cconstituted onstituted a d eliberate on wine aattack ttack o n tthe he ssuburban uburban n aart rt aand nd w ine

ffestival estivall cconcept—where oncept—where eeach ach aartist rtist ssits its eenclosed nclosed iin n his his own own little little tent, tent, selling selling wares he’s already made. w ares h e’s al lread dy m ad de. S peaking o participation, the the Speaking off participation, U.K-.based U .K-.bassed collective collective Blast Blast Theory Theory orchestrated o rchestrated a ccell-phone ell-phone role-playing role-playing over downtown. ggame ame aall ll o ver d owntown. Participants Participants number aagreed greed tto o ccall all a n umber aatt a ggiven iven and ttime ime an nd then then subsequently subsequently receive receive a sseries eries of of calls calls walking waallking them them through through a narrative adventure. When n arrative ad dventure. W hen this this author au uthor played p layed a ttest est rrun un of of the the game, game, he he was was meet ggiven iven a sseries eries of of instructions instructions to to m eet partner ap artner iin n tthe he parking parrking garage garagge below below Convention tthe he C onvention Center Center and and then then proceed Bank off America p roceed tto o rrob ob tthe he B ank o America building b uilding across across from from Plaza Plaza de de Cesar Cesar Chavez. C havez. Even better, E ven b etter, the the game gaam me cconcluded oncluded Caravan, downtown’s most aatt tthe he C arravan, d owntown’s m ost beautifully b eautifully seedy seedy dive dive bar. bar. Which Which is is because San iironic, ronic, b ecau use llast asst yyear ear tthe he S an Jose Jose Redevelopment Agency wanted R edevelopment A gency w anted tto o mucho dinero sspend pend m ucho d inero on on buying buying and and demolishing d emolishing the the Caravan. Caravan. And And now now a world-renowned w orld-renowned aartist rtist collective collective comes comes San tto oS an JJose ose aand nd uses uses the the bar bar in in its its project. The Caravan has put San p roject. T he C arravan h ass p ut S an n JJose ose on o n tthe he iinternational nternationall map map once once again. again.

So S o many many activities activities ttranspired ranspired tthat hat was hard iitt w as h ard to to ccatch atch eeverything verything one one wanted. w aan nted. For For tthe he opening opening ceremonies, ceremonies, Audio Ballerinas tthe he A udio B allerinas aattached ttached sensors, sensors, microphones and m icrophones an nd eelectronics lectronics tto o ttheir heir order ttutus utus iin no rder to to ccreate reate an n audioscape audioscape ass tthey hey moved moved through through the the City City Hall Halll plaza. also amplified wire p laza. They They al lso sscraped craped am mplified w ire rrakes akes across accross tthe he cement, cement, creating creating some some wonderfully noise w onderfully ggrating rating iindustrial ndustrial n oise was nowhere tthat hat w aass n owhere near nearr loud loud enough. enough. The T he Rockwell Rockwell Group Group then then illuminated illuminated City Hall with tthe he C ity H alll eelevator levator sshaft haft w ith aan n human-trigged, iinteractive, nteractive, h uman n-trigged, constantly constantly display cchanging hanging vvisual isual d isplay tthat hat ssimply imply People rrocked ocked tthe he audience. audience. P eople of of all all ages ages ssnapped napped photographs photographs lleft eft and an nd right. right. Friday night, F riday n ight, tthe he AbsoluteZERO AbsoluteZERO Street Festival South S treet F estival eexploded xploded on on S outh First First Street Original on S treet ffrom rom O riginall JJoe’s oe’s o n down down to to Reed. R eed. It It was was nowhere nowhere near near as as huge huge ass organizers tthe he o rgan anizers promised, promised, but but the the urban urban n bohemian b ohemian cyberdelic cyberdelic tthrowdown hrowdown more ccontained ontained m ore tthan han enough enough make ccomponents omponents tto om ak ke tthe he evening evening worthwhile. w orthwhile. Chico MacMurtrie’s C hico M acMurtrie’s iinflatable nflatable sspider-armed pider-armed sculpture sculpture became becam me a piece who cconversation onversation p iece ffor or aanyone nyone w ho by. sstopped topped b y. Bands Ban nds jjammed am mmed on on two two Bizarre participatory projects sstages. tagges. B izarre p articipatory p rojects and an nd mobile mobile performances performan nces occupied occupied parts off tthe p arrts o he sstreet. treet. Galleries Gallleries remained remained open o pen and and populated populated until until late. late. Even Even better, b etter, a successful successful urban urban “underground “underground market” off d delicious homemade m arket” o elicious h omemad de ffood ood products filled First p roducts fi lled the the parking parrking llot ot aatt F irst and an nd San San Salvador—the Salvador—the best best use use of of that that parcel 401 Club p arrcel ssince ince tthe he 4 01 C lub burned burned down down 20 2 0 yyears ears ago. aggo. Independent Independent vendors vendors hawked h awked everything everything ffrom rom homemade homemade cchai hai tto o jjerk erk cchicken. hicken. The T he next next xt day, day, the the Green Green Prix Prix took took over o ver tthe he same same street, street, featuring featuring a parade p arrade of of aart rt vehicles vehicles in in eco-motion. eco-motion. Homemade H omemade ssustainable ustainable rides rides took took to to tthe he sstreet treet and and parked an parked themselves themselves for for all 01SJ al ll tto o ssee. ee. In In the the end, end, 0 1SJ provided provided a process off artists p rocess ffor or a vvariety arriety o arrtists tto o eengage ngage public any way tthe he p ublic in in an ny w ay they they could, could, making San much m aking S an JJose ose a m uch better better place placce There ass a rresult. esult. T here iiss now now a there there there. there. Orr a here O here here, here, however however one one wants wan ants to to llook ook at at it. it.

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15 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


19 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M


Some folks will go to any length to support their favorite DJs. KFJC’s Ophelia Necro was nominated for best DJ and her most rabid fan, Victor Andrews, tied himself to a lawn chair in front of the Metro building in support. While he promised never to leave, he eventually gave in. But his dedication is worthy of an award. “Greg Kihn doesn’t need to win again,” he complained. Local seductress and songstress Traci from the Tell-Tale Heartbreakers , herself an Ophelia Necro fan—even showed up in thighhigh boots to slap him in the face. You just wanted to say, “Ain’t Love Grand.”

Write-ups by Richard von Busack, Gary Singh, Claire Young, Jessica Fromm, Eric Johnson, Stett Holbrook, Steve Palopoli, Beau Dowling, Traci Hukill, Michael S. Gant, Mariel Balderas, Neal Soldofsky, Marianne Messina, Jody Amable, Aaron Carnes, Joey Akeley, Alex Gilrane, Cat Johnson Photographs by Daniel Kouba and Felipe Buitrago


Th e 25

Be s t Years



arthquakes goalie Joe Cannon stated the evident when he declared, in a recent speech, that we live in the best place on earth. Where else can anyone enjoy urban pleasures—from a reunion of Iggy Pop’s Stooges in a small venue to the most diverse concentration of ethnic cuisines available anywhere—while soaking up 300 days of sunshine in a valley framed by redwood-covered hills? It’s time to wake up and smell the Santa Cruz Mountains cabernet, Bud Selig. There’s something special about the region that brought the planet personal computers, iPods, smartphones, search engines, social networking, online auctions and electric roadsters as well as the first radio station, the most reliable gopher trap and the Eggo waffle. And yes, we really did invent

the Internet—or at least the underlying technology. Did you hear that, the other 6.5 billion of you who aren’t lucky enough to live here? If it wasn’t for Silicon Valley, you’d still be licking stamps and flipping through phone books. The quality of life advantage that allows us to produce world-changing technology in our sleep has been kept a

closely guarded secret from the rest of the world, protected by an NDA drafted by a Wilson Sonsini attorney who bills out at $975 an hour, including bathroom breaks. Now that we’re so far ahead of the competition, however, we can safely disclose that yes, it’s true, this is indeed the best place on earth. This is the 25th time that Metro has shamelessly celebrated life at the epicenter of modern civilization by publishing a “Best Of ” issue. The aforementioned two-time MLS Goalkeeper of the Year was a 10-year-old growing up in Los Altos when we published the original Best of Santa Clara Valley, as it was then called. The valley’s original Best Of—no one’s been doing this as long or as thoroughly as Metro—never ceases to unearth new finds. The beer is purer, the chocolate darker and technology-obsessed sous-vide chefs are finding new ways to freeze things and cook the perfect 62 C egg. In 1986, we celebrated Teri Hope’s Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Company, the valley’s first espresso roaster, which is still going strong. (Some of our favorite classic picks from Best Of ’s past are collected in the section that starts on page 101.)

This week’s issue was edited, in part, while drinking Café Flor Rosa coffee, grown by Martha Ojeda Mamani 1650 meters high in the mountains of Bolivia, roasted on Sunol Street in San Jose, ground at a hidden facility next to Bed Bath and Beyond on Stevens Creek Boulevard in Santa Clara and poured slowly through a Hario glass funnel that made its way from Japan.

We comb the valley’s strip malls and wide boulevards, dodging badly driven minivans and oddlooking bicycles, to bring these factoids and discoveries to you, our readers. The valley’s hidden gems are sometimes hard to find, but with an assist from readers who participated in our annual poll, the secrets are out now, and it’s pretty clear that when it comes to getting the best, the valley has it all. You just have to find it. —Dan Pulcrano



The Slavic Shop on Saratoga Avenue is the best place to buy Russian chocolates, teas, smoked ďŹ sh, borscht, cured meats and, of course, vodka.

A water feature at the newly renovated Club Wet in Downtown San Jose, which gets special recognition for the Best Second Act of a Club that DeďŹ ed the Odds. Or should we call the category Best Miami- and Vegas-style Experience in San Jose?



The gang at KSJS-FM offers everything from hip-hop to rock en espa単ol.






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Johnny Van Wyk (right) and Alfonso Cervantes keep the music flowing at Johnny V’s in San Jose.

Gatos, 408.354.7570; 3935 Freedom Circle,



September 25–26, 2010 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. FREE Admission! Two full days of:

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Cherri Lakey and Brian Eder of Two Fish Design and Anno Domini are key players in the downtown San Jose arts scene.

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39 B E S T O F S I L I C O N V A L L E Y SEPTEM BER 2 2 - 2 8 , 2 0 1 0 S A N J O S E . C O M M E TR O A C TI V E . C O M

The tuna tartare is one of the many dishes that helped Amber India win Best Indian Restaurant honors in this year’s voting.




The grill at Alexander’s Steakhouse produces the kind of steaks readers prefer.



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The goodies at Icing on the Cake in Los Gatos convinced readers to name them top bakery.






The multitude of toppings at Willow Glen Frozen Yogurt made them tops in the polls.



Bruno Chemel is the molecular master of the kitchen at BaumĂŠ in Palo Alto.




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South FIRST FRIDAYS an eclectic evening of arts and culture in downtown San Jose’s SoFA District (and beyond) on the First Friday of every month

OCTOBER 1st ART WALK – 8pm ’til late!

Cones (detail),Tanya Aquíñiga, spun yarn, 2010

Anno Domini

Art Glass Center

Caffé Trieste


366 So. First Street

465 So. First Street

315 So. First Street

510 So. First Street

Artist’s Reception: MOMO BETTER THAN 2009. MOMO is known for thoughtful post- graffiti: tagging his name the width of Manhattan, creating over-sized collage, a fake New Yorker magazine cover, tide powered sculpture, a computer script which makes his art for him, and prints, paintings, and videos that rely on chance for fun and substance.

Lionel Chapital is back at the torch demonstrating how to get in the "spirit" of the fall season. Witches and ghosts, goblins and ghouls, drop by the Art Glass Center and watch them being created starting at 8:00 pm.

Opening of Food, Flowers and Fun by Jen Norton. This exhibit will feature a collection of inspiring images including food we love to eat, flowers we love to admire, and fun things we love to do on our time off. First Fridays are Opera Night! at Caffé Trieste, with some of the Bay Area's best opera singers performing your favorite arias and duets.

Visit MACLA’s Gallery to see Lineas: New Modes of Contemporary Urbanism featuring recent work by Tanya Aguiñiga and Teddy Cruz, and in the Castellano Playhouse D’Lo will show off his comedic chops and hip hop mc skills along with MACLA’s 2010 Youth Slam Team for their encore presentation from the July 2010 Brave New Voices International Youth Poetry Competition.

San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles 520 So. First Street On view: TECHstyle SoftWEAR: Surface & Shape, an installation evoking the Silicon Valley experience by Corinne Okada Takara, Colleen Quen and Rick Lee. Also: International TECHstyle Art Biennial (ITAB): a juried exhibition of work combining fiber media with new technologies, including a tapestry by Ligorano/Reese of fiber optic cable lit by real time happenings on the Internet like Twitter feeds.

More Exhibitions:

SLG Art Boutiki & Gallery

So. First Billiards

KALEID Gallery

420 So. First Street

88 So. Fourth Street

577 So. Market Street

I’m On The Outside Looking In Artwork by incarcerated youth and adults is about the guarded, nonetheless creative expression to the outside world of one’s condition in an atmosphere hostile to individualism, vulnerability, and emotion. Presented by Streetlow Magazine, The Beat Within, and Heart of Chaos.

7-9pm Opening Receptions:

All ages until 10pm/21+ after 10pm

Above image by Mariana Barnes

EYAAAAAAH!! MONSTERS!!! October is here and halloween is coming and, of course, there be monsters afoot. The Art Boutiki features monstrous art by the likes of James Brunner, Jon Hastings and Drew Rausch (just to name a few). Also featured will be unpublished pages from the Haunted Mansion comic book. Live music.

Ancient Art, Modern Twist mosaic like paintings by Mariana Barnes. Italy Today An exhibition by John Paulson, Master Photographer

Higher Fire Clayspace 499 So. Market Street Phantom Galleries 386 So. First Street WORKS San José 451 So. First Street Downtown Yoga Shala 450 So. First Street Good Karma Vegan Café 37 So. First Street Metro Photo Exhibit 550 So. First Street Art Ark 1035 So. Sixth Street

The South FIRST FRIDAYS art walk is FREE and open to the public!

visit www.SouthFirstFridays.com or call 408-271-5155 for more info


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“.... IT is TIGHT




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Valerie Evans guides wine lovers to the right vintages at the Grapevine.



San Jose Harley-Davidson shines in the minds of Metro’s readers.


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Rasputin’s Mike Glover handles some rare vinyl at the readers’ choice for buying records.



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These are some of the places that Metro’s editors and readers have selected over the years, and that are still going strong.

In 1991, we honored the ubiquitous Flying Toasters screen saver.

In 1993, we paid homage to Tibor Kalman’s Benneton campaign. Among the models was future moviemaker and rescue adventurer Matt George.

Olympic Gold Medal Winner Pablo Morales was a good sport when we asked him to recreate Nirvana’s ‘Nevermind.’

Crazy George was a scream as a cover model.



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The ďŹ rst Best of issue cover was shot at the Fairmont, still under construction, with a vinyl banner and a uniformed doorman.

Randall King enjoyed dressing as Jack Nicholson’s The Joker


M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Daniel KKouba ouba



Medit Meander

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Croatia, aand Croatia, nd h hee ttold old m mee tthat hat L Lavanda avan nda has been Croatian h as be en rrunning unning tthe he sspecial pecial C roatian menu but, because off m enu sseasonally, easonally, b ut, be cause o popularity off tthe dishes, he’s tthe he po pularrity o he d ishes, h e’s cconsidering onsidering aadding dding tthem hem tto o tthe he rregular egular menu. hope hee d does. m enu. I h ope h oes. I llike ike IItalian tallian n much next but ffood o ass m ood uch ass tthe he n ext gguy, uy, b ut plenty off iitt aaround here, and tthere’s here’s p lenty o round h ere, an nd much off iitt iiss p pretty mediocre. ttoo o m oo uch o retty m ediocre. Croatian different C roatian ffood—that’s ood—that’s a d o iff ffeerent Until now, didn’t know off aany sstory. toryy. U ntil n ow, I d idn’t k now o ny Silicon Valley outlets Croatian S ilicon V alley o utlets ffor or ggood ood C roatian While number, most off ffood. o .W ood hile ffew ew iin nn umber, m ost o Croatian dishes had tthe he C roatian nd ishes I h ad ssampled ampled were Add w ere vvery ery ggood. ood. A dd eexcellent xcellent sservice, ervviice, handsome dining ah andsome d ining rroom oom aand nd aan n wine and iintriguing ntriguing w ine llist, ist, an nd yyou’ve ou’ve ggot ot a midtier ggreat, reat, m idtier rrestaurant. estau uran nt. First, quick word about F irst, a q uick w ord ab bout ggeography. eography. Croatia, once part off Y Yugoslavia before C roatia, o nce p arrt o ugoslavia b efore patchedeethnic thnic cconflict onflict rripped ipped tthe he p atchedopposite ttogether ogether ccountry ountry aapart, parrt, ssits its o pposite on Adriatic Sea. west IItaly taly o n tthe he A driatic S ea. IItt llooks ooks w est and an nd draws draws culinary culinary iinfluence nfluence ffrom rom IItaly, taly, but backs up Eastern Europe, b ut ssince ince iitt b accks u p to to E astern E urope, part off tthe tthe he country country iiss rrooted ooted iin n tthat hat p arrt o he

world. w orld. IIt’s t’s a cculinary ulinarry ccrossroads. rossroads. menu will II’m ’m ttold old tthe he sspecial pecial m enu w ill be around while, but would ar round ffor or a w hile, b ut I w ould sstill till hurry octopus h urry iin n ffor or tthe he ggrilled rilled oc o topus ssalad allad Eating octopus often (($13). $13). E ating ggrilled rilled oc topus iiss o ften bands, but here llike ike cchewing hewing rrubber ubber b an nds, b ut h ere iit’s t’s wonderfully with deep, w onderffully ttender, ender, w ith a d eep, ssmoky, moky, meaty flavor. Served with m eaty fl avor. S ervved w ith ccreamy ream my fingerling potatoes, onion, fi ngerling po tatoes, ffennel, ennel, rred ed o nion, K alamata o lives aand nd p arsley, iitt sshows hows o ff Kalamata olives parsley, off tthe he E ast-meets-West fl avors o roatian n East-meets-West flavors off C Croatian ccuisine. uisine. B urek (($10), $10), aanother nother ggreat reat Burek sstarter, tarrter, iiss m ad de w ith ccrispy rispy ssheets heets o made with off p hyllo, ffresh resh sspinach pinach an nd bo th ccottage ottagge phyllo, and both an nd ffeta eta ccheese. heese. and F rom tthe he llist ist o ntrees, tthe he ccevapcici evap pcici From off eentrees, (($20), $20), ggrilled rilled llamb am mb aand nd b eef ssausage au usagge beef w ith ssliced liced sspring pring o nions aand nd aajvar, jvarr, a rred ed with onions b ell p epper aand nd eeggplant ggplan nt rrelish, elish, iiss fl atbell pepper flato ut d elicious. S o ttoo oo iiss tthe he C roatianish out delicious. So Croatianish m ixed sseafood eafood ggrill rill (($25), $25), eexpertly xpertly mixed ccooked ooked cchunks hunks o una, sshrimp, hrimp, ccalamari alam marri off ttuna, an nd m ussels d rizzled w ith a n ettle ssalsa allsa and mussels drizzled with nettle vverde erde aand nd p lump IIsraeli sraeeli ccouscous. ouscous. T he plump The o nly d ish tthat hat llet et m own w as tthe he d ry only dish mee d down was dry D allmatian nb raised b eef (($24). $24). B ut tthe he Dalmatian braised beef But h ouse-mad de p otato ggnocchi nocchi sserved erved w ith house-made potato with iitt ssure ure w as ggood. ood. was D on’t m iss L avanda’s eexcellent xcellent Don’t miss Lavanda’s C roatian n an nd S lovenian nw ines. I Croatian and Slovenian wines. eespecially specially lliked iked tthe he 2 007 L irica p lavac 2007 Lirica plavac m alli, a b ig, jjuicy uicy b ut w ell b alanced mali, big, but well balanced rred ed w ine. IItt ttastes asstes llike ike a w ell-behaved wine. well-behaved

zzinfandel. infaan ndel. C roatia iiss ac ctually h ome tto o Croatia actually home tthe he zzinfandel infandel ggrape rap pe ((better better k nown iin n known C roatia aass ccrljenak rljenak kk astelan nski) aand nd tthe he Croatia kastelanski) p lavacc m alli ggrape rape iiss an no ffsshoot o ff hat plavac mali offshoot off tthat ggrape. rap pe. W hile iitt w as tthe he C roatian ffood ood While was Croatian tthat hat ggot ot m n tthe he d oor, a ssecond econd vvisit isit mee iin door, rrevealed evealed eeven ven m ore d elicious ssurprises. urprises. more delicious II’m ’m a ssucker ucker ffor or ggrilled rilled ffresh resh ssardines ardines an nd L avan nda’s ffour our d ainty ggrilled rilled fi llets and Lavanda’s dainty fillets (($5) $5) ttopped opped w ith ccherry herry ttomato omato h allves with halves ffed ed m en. A nd I aabsolutely bsolutely lloved oved tthe he myy yyen. And ffarinata arinata (($5), $5), a cchickpea hickpea p an ncake m ad de pancake made w ith ssweet weet ggrilled rilled o nions aand nd p leassingly with onions pleasingly ssalty alty K alam mata o lives. T he iinterplay nterplay o Kalamata olives. The off ssweet, weet, ssavory avory aand nd ssalty allty w aass jjust ust ffantastic. antastic. was A nd I w as rreally eallly ssurprised urprised tto ofi nd And was find a sshrimp hrimp p o’ b oy (($12) $12) o n tthe he m enu: po’ boy on menu: d elicious, llightly ightly ffried ried L aughing B ird delicious, Laughing Bird sshrimp hrimp ((aa b rand o cologicallly ffarmed armed brand off eecologically sshrimp), hrimp), sspicy picy rremoulade emoulade ssauce au uce aand nd sshredded hredded rromaine omaine llettuce ettuce o no ne o on one off tthe he b est F rench rrolls olls I h ave eever ver h ad d. best French have had. T he llightly ightly ggrilled, rilled, h eavily b uttered The heavily buttered b read w as sspongy pongy aand nd llight ight yyet et p erfectly bread was perfectly ccrisped risped o n tthe he o utside. E ven tthe he ffarro ar arro on outside. Even an nd ccucumber ucumber ssalad allad tthat hat w as sserved erved ass and was an no ption o n tthe he sside ide sstood tood o ut ffor or iits ts option on out ssimple, imple, ffresh resh fl avors. flavors. L avanda’s IItalian talian ffood ood iiss n ot ttoo oo Lavanda’s not sshabby, habby, eeither. ither. T he ““handkerchief” han ndkerchief ” p assta The pasta (($15), $15), ssquare quare ssheets heets o hin, h ouse-mad de off tthin, house-made p assta sserved erved u nder a rrosemary-flavored osemarry-flavored pasta under B olognese ssauce, auce, w au as d elicious an nd Bolognese was delicious and ssurprisingly urprisingly llight. ight. O ther tthan han tthe he b raised b eef, tthe he Other braised beef, o ther o nly lless-than-stellar ess-than-stellar dish dish was waass other only tthe he C roatian-style baklava bak klava ($7). ($7). While While I Croatian-style lloved oved tthe he ffact act tthat hat iiss w as sseveral everal n otches was notches lless ess ssweet weet tthan han ttraditional raditional b ak klava, tthe he baklava, tthicker hicker llayers ayers o hyllo h ad a ggummy, ummy, off p phyllo had p asstry ttexture exture tthat hat b lended iin nw ith tthe he pastry blended with ssweet weet gground-nut round-nut fi lling rrather ather tthan han n filling ssetting etting iitt ap par art. T he sscoop coop o ouseapart. The off h housem ade h oney llavender avender iice ce ccream ream mw as made honey was p retty ggood, ood, tthough. hough. B etter p icks ar re pretty Better picks are tthe he fl ourless cchocolate hocolate ccake ak ke aand nd h ulking flourless hulking b read p udding w ith vvanilla anilla ccrème rème bread pudding with an nglaise ((both both $ 8). L avan nda. W ho k new? anglaise $8). Lavanda. Who knew? A pparrently a llot ot o eople. T he ggoodoodApparently off p people. The llooking ooking rrestaurant estauran nt fi lls u p ffor or llunch unch an nd fills up and d inner. II’m ’m jjust ust llate ate tto o tthe he p arrty. B ut II’m ’m dinner. party. But gglad lad dIm ad de iit. t. made

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CCupertino upertino ¿book ¿ book oonline nline aatt cupertino.com cupertino.com

ALEXANDER’S ALEXANDER’S mericanSSTEAKHOUSE TEAKHOUSE AAmericanAsian $$$$. Asian ssteakhouse. teakhouse. $ $$$. Alexander’s Alexander ’s is is much much more more than than a steakhouse. steakhouse. Add Add a 500500bottle wine multiple bottle w ine llist, ist, m ultiple dining dining rooms rooms and and Asian-accented Asian-accented ambience ambience and and you’ve you’ve got got a standout standout South South Bay Bay restaurant. restaurant. Full Full bar. bar. 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 5:30-11pm 5:30-11pm Fri-Sat Fri-Sat and and 559pm 9pm Sun. Sun. 10330 10330 N. N. Wolfe Wolfe Rd. Rd. 408.446.2222. 408.446.2222.

CCAFE AFE T TORRE ORRE N New ew IItalian. talian. $$$. $ $$. A ggem em ttucked ucked aaway way iin n aan n mall, with uunassuming nassuming llittle ittle m all, w ith a ssophisticated ophisticated iinterior nterior aand nd ccongenial ongenial hhosts. osts. EEven ven bbetter etter iiss tthe he ggreat reat ppasta asta aand nd sseafood. eafood. Beer, wine. B eer, w ine. 111:30am-2pm 1:30am-2pm aand nd Mon-Thu 55-9:30pm -9:30pm M on-Thu aand nd 55-110:30pm 0:30pm FFri-Sat. ri-Sat. CClosed losed SSun. un. Blvd. 220343 0343 SStevens tevens CCreek reek B lvd. 4408.257.2383. 08.257.2383.

CCUPERTINO UPERTINO B BAKERY AKERY IIndian ndian aand nd bakery. bakery. $. $. Don’t Don’t bbee ffooled ooled Bakery bbyy the the nname. ame. CCupertino upertino B akery iiss rreally eally a ggreat reat SSouth outh IIndian ndian Unlike many rrestaurant. estaurant. U nlike m any SSouth outh IIndian ndian rrestaurants, estaurants, Cupertino Cupertino Bakery Good B akery isn’t isn’t vvegetarian. egetarian. G ood llunch unch buffet buffet for for $7.99. $7.99. Don’t Don’t miss m iss tthe he ddosa osa aand nd uutthappam. tthappam. 111:30am-9:30pm 1:30am-9:30pm ddaily, aily, bbut ut weekdays w eekdays kkitchen itchen ccloses loses 22:30:30Dee A Anza 55:30pm. :30pm. 1102521 02521 SS.. D nza Blvd. B lvd. 4408.517.9000. 08.517.9000.


¿= book online $ = $10 $$ = $11-$15 $$$ = $16-$20 $$$$ = $21 and up Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

$$$. Dynasty sstyle tyle CChinese. hinese. $ $$. D ynasty Hong sspecializes pecializes iin nH ong KKong-style ong-style sseafood. eafood. TThe he sseafood eafood iiss vvery ery ffresh, resh, eespecially specially tthe he ccreatures reatures minutes sswimming wimming m inutes bbefore efore tthey hey aarrive rrive oon n yyour our pplate. late. Good G ood ddim im ssum, um, ttoo. oo. FFull ull bbar. ar. 111am-2:30pm 1am-2:30pm aand nd 55-9:30pm -9:30pm Mon-Thu M on-Thu aand nd 110am-3pm 0am-3pm aand nd N.. 55-9:30pm -9:30pm FFri-Sat. ri-Sat. 110123 0123 N Wolfe Rdd ((in W olfe R in CCupertino upertino SSquare). quare). 4408.996.1680. 08.996.1680.

and 55:30-9pm and :30-9pm Mon-Fri Mon-Fri and and 111:30am-3pm 1:30am-3pm and and 5:305:309:30pm 9 :30pm Sat-Sun. Sat-Sun. Cupertino Cupertino mall SSquare quare m all ((near near SSears), ears), 110123 0123 N. N. Wolfe Wolfe Rd Rd #2001. #2001. 4408.996.3444. 08.996.3444.


¿book ¿ book oonline nline aatt llosaltos.net osaltos.net

LLos os Altos Altos

Italian. $ Italian. $.. Bold Bold flavors, flavors, fresh fresh iingredients ngredients aand nd lavish lavish portions. portions. CCasual asual to to dressy. dressy. Beer, Beer, wine. wine. Dee A Anza Blvd. 110257 0257 SS.. D nza B lvd. ((plus plus six six oother ther llocations, ocations, some some with with full full bbars). ars). 11:30am-9pm 11:30am-9pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 111:30am-10pm 1:30am-10pm Fri-Sat Fri-Sat and and 449pm 9 pm Sun. Sun. 4408.253.6532. 08.253.6532.

AKANE A KANE JJapanese/sushi apanese/sushi bbar. ar. $$. $$. Nigiri Nigiri and and maki maki treasures treasures are are gracefully gracefully presented presented at at this this attractive attractive restaurant. restaurant. 11:30am-2pm 11:30am-2pm Tue-Fri, Tue-Fri, 5-9pm 5-9pm Tue-Sat. Tue-Sat. Beer, Beer, wine. wine. 250 250 Third Third St. St. 650.941.8150. 650.941.8150.

FFONTANA’S ONTANA’S CCalifornia/Italian. alifornia/Italian.

ALDO A LDO LLOS OS A ALTOS LTO T S IItalian. talian. $ $$. $.

$$$. $ $$. A ssteady teady pperformer, erformer, FFontana’s ontana’s rrarely arely ddisappoints isappoints Beer, wine. ppasta asta llovers. overs. B eer, w ine. Mon-Thu, 111:30am-9pm 1:30am-9pm M on-Thu, 111:30am-10pm 1:30am-10pm FFri, ri, 55-10pm -10pm SSat at aand nd 44:30-9pm :30-9pm SSun. un. Blvd. 220840 0840 SSteven teven CCreek reek B lvd. 4408.725.0188. 08.725.0188.

GGOCHI OCHI Japanese. Japanese. $$$. $$$. Gochi Gochi iiss a globally globally inspired inspired izakaya izakaya ((small small pplates) lates) restaurant. restaurant. Most M ost of of the the food food is is straightstraightuupp Japanese Japanese fare, fare, but but there there aare re a few few American, American, French French aand nd Korean Korean twists. twists. Highly Highly rrecommended. ecommended. 119980 9980 Homestead H omestead Rd. Rd. 408.725.0542. 408.725.0542.

LLOON OON W WAH AH CChinese. hinese. $ $.. TThe he wokkkitchen itchen pproduces roduces ggood ood w okmain ccentric entric ddishes, ishes, bbut ut iits ts m ain ddraw raw iiss ffresh, resh, hhand-pulled and-pulled Beer, wine. nnoodles. oodles. CCasual. asual. B eer, w ine. Mon-Thu 111am-9:30pm 1am-9:30pm M on-Thu aand nd Dee 111am-10pm 1am-10pm FFri-Sun. ri-Sun. 11146 146 D Anza Blvd. A nza B lvd. 4408.257.8877. 08.257.8877.

TODAI T ODAI JJapanese. apanese. $$. $$. Billed Billed as as a Japanese Japanese seafood seafood buffet, buffet, Todai Todai doesn’t doesn’t llimit imit iitself tself ttoo Japanese Japanese dishes. dishes. Pan-Asian Pan-Asian and and jjust ust pplain lain oodd dd sspecialties pecialties rotate. rotate. 11:30am-2:30pm 11:30am-2:30pm

Downtown Altos D owntown LLos os A ltos is is ghostly ghostly Aldo qquiet uiet aafter fter ddark ark bbut ut A ldo hhas as iinjected njected ssome ome llife ife iinto nto tthis his with ccorner orner ooff ttown own w ith iits ts llively ively wine w ine bbar, ar, ffriendly riendly sservice ervice welcoming aand nd w elcoming aatmosphere. tmosphere. Mon-Fri. 111:30am-5pm, 1:30am-5pm, M on-Fri. 55pmpmMain cclose lose SSat-Sun. at-Sun. 3388 88 M ain SSt.t. 650.949.2300. 6 50.949.2300.

BEAUSÉJOUR B EAUSÉJOUR CContinental. ontinental. $$$. meat $ $$. EElegant legant sseafood, eafood, m eat aand nd ggame ame ddishes ishes llean ean without ttoward oward rreducing educing ffat at w ithout ccompromising ompromising ttaste. aste. CCall all ffor or rreservations. eservations. FFull ull bbar. ar. LLunch unch Mon-Fri; 111:30am-2pm 1:30am-2pm M on-Fri; 55-9pm -9pm ddaily. aily. 1170 70 SState tate SSt.t. 650.948.1382. 6 50.948.1382.

CCHEF HEF CHU’S CHU’S CChinese. hinese. $ $$. $. SSpeedy peedy sservice, ervice, ssuperb uperb ppreparation reparation aand nd tthe he aability bility ttoo ccater ater ttoo vvaried aried ttastes astes kkeep eep tthis his llandmark andmark iin n bbusiness. usiness. CCasual. asual. FFull ull bbar. ar. 111:30am-9:30pm 1:30am-9:30pm Mon-Thu M on-Thu aand nd 111:30-10pm 1:30-10pm FFri, ri, nnoon-10pm oon-10pm SSat, at, nnoon-9:30pm oon-9:30pm N.. SSan Antonio Rd. SSun. un. 11067 067 N an A ntonio R d. 650.948.2696. 6 50.948.2696.

1077 10

1103 M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



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P K?< K@D< pfl i\X[ k_`j# @Êcc Y\ `e E\n Pfib :`kp% 9lk @ nfeÊk Y\ fe mXZXk`fe% @Êd kXb`e^ knf n\\bj f]] kf Ócd k_\ Óijk \g`jf[\ f] X G9J [fZld\ekXip j\i`\j @Êd ni`k`e^ ZXcc\[ =ff[ =finXi[% K_\ j_fn gifÓc\j k_\ g\fgc\ n_f Xi\ Z_Xe^`e^ k_\ nXp n\ \Xk `e 8d\i`ZX% @] pflÊm\ Y\\e i\X[`e^ k_`j Zfclde fm\i k_\ gXjk j`o p\Xij# pfl befn k_Xk k_\ nXp n\ ]\\[ flij\cm\j `j j`Zb\e`e^ lj Xe[ ]flc`e^ k_\ gcXe\k% =ff[ =finXi[ jgfkc`^_kj n_Xk g\fgc\ Xi\ [f`e^ XYflk `k% :_\Zb flk fli kiX`c\i Xk nnn%]ff[]finXi[%km% @] Xcc ^f\j n\cc# k_\ j_fn n`cc [\Ylk eXk`feXccp e\ok jldd\i% Our first episode is on urban farming in America, a subject I’ve written about in Metro. In addition to New York, we’ll also be shooting in Detroit, Milwaukee and Cleveland. We have already shot the urban agriculture scene in west Oakland, another urban agriculture hot spot. I’m particularly interested in checking out Detroit. Detroit has been called the most third-world city in America because of the collapse of the city’s manufacturing sector and the vast swaths of abandoned, dilapidated buildings. But Detroit is not down. The number of urban farms has exploded in the city as (food) forwardthinking residents are on the way to creating America’s first postindustrial city. There are more than 1,200 farms in the city, and that number continues to grow. New York should be cool, too. There are two rooftop farms in and around Brooklyn that are inspiring big-city dwellers to rethink how they feed themselves. Milwaukee is home to Will Allen’s Growing Power, a fish farm/farm/vermiculture/compost enterprise that not only earned Allen a MacArthur “genius” grant but is also creating an inspiring example of how blighted, abandoned sections of cities can create jobs, healthy food and real vision for change. What’s in Cleveland? There’s a shopping mall that has converted its atrium into a thriving garden than attracts shoppers to its farmers market. What we eat has a profound effect on the environment. Here’s just one fact: nearly one-third of the earth is devoted to livestock production. That not only produces a vast mountain range of water- and air-fouling manure, it has created a cruel factory farm system that has only one goal: to produce the cheapest food possible no matter how costly it is to the environment, humans and animals. I’m not a vegetarian. In fact, more enlightened forms of animal production like that practiced by San Juan Bautista grassfed beef rancher Joe Morris can actually help heal the planet while yielding some delicious hamburgers. But ranchers like Morris are the exception to the rule. As Metro’s food editor and restaurant critic, I’m going to continue to write about these issues. Most food critics leave discussion of food’s impact on the environment to science writers and other kinds of journalists. But I believe it’s critical to bring these issues to light.—Stett Holbrook

1105 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P TE M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

‘Food Forward’


M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


SVDINING EESTRELLITA STRELLIT TA R RESTAURANT ESTAURANT T Mexican. $$. Estrellita’s Estrellita’s rreverence everence for for rregional egional Mexican cooking from distinguishes it fr om the masses. enchilada-and-taco masses s. The menu is full of Mexican-American standards, standards, but the changing selection of specials make this rrestaurant estauran nt a star. star. Full bar. bar. 11am-2pm, 11am-2pm, 5-9pm Mon-Thu, 11am-2pm, 59pm Mon-TThu, 11am2pm, 5-9:30pm 5-9pm 59:30pm Fri-Sat and 59pm m Sun. 971 N. San Antonio Rd. 650.948.9865.

LLOS OS ALTOS ALLTOS GRILL American American. n. $$. The handsome LLos os Al Altos toss Grill celebrates celebrates big plates of grilled meat and fish with plenty of fixings on the side.. spit-roasted chicken,, TTry rry the spit-r oasted chicken fresh burgers. fr esh fish and big bur gers gers. The long, horseshoe-shapedd draw, bar. bar is a big dr aw w, too. Full ba ar. 4:30-9:30pm 4:309:30pm Sun-Mon and 4:30-10pm 4:3010pm Tue-Sat. Tuue-Sat. 233 Third Thirrd SSt. t. 650.948.3524. 650.948.3524.

RESTAURANT R ESTAURANT ZITUNE Moroccan. wass Mor occan. $$$. Morocco Morocco wa French colonized by the Fr ench andd has strong strong Mediterranean Mediterranean Moroccan influences, so Mor occan ffood ood is familiar, familiar, but ingredients ingredients preserved like ppr eserved lemon,, harissaa and argan argan oil cast an exotic glow.. Zitune takes the cuisin cuisine glow ne unch to new heights. LLunch 11:30am-2pm 11:30am2pm Mon-Fri; 5:305:3010pm TTue-Sun. uue-Sun. 325 Main SSt. t. 650.947.0247. 650.94 7.02 . 47.

SSATURA ATUR T A CAKES CAKES Fr FrenchenchJapanese bakery. bakeryy. $. Satura Satura treats CCakes akes offers offers sweet tr eats ffor or adultt tastes. A Japanese take adul takke on a French French patisserie, thesee confections aree pr prepared conf ections ar epared fresh fr esh daily and meticulouslyy crafted cr afted using the finest organic or ganic ingredients. ingredients. 8am8pm Mon-Sun. 200 Main SSt. t. 650.948.3300. (Also 320 Ave, Palo Alto. University A ve, P alo Al to. 650.326.3393)

SSUMIKA UMIKA. Japanese. $$. Sumika is a Japanese pub, justice. but that doesn’t doesn’t do it justice e. It’s great It ’s elegant, yet still a gr eat sake. place to drink beer and sake e. specialty The h special i lty t is i kushiyaki, k hi ki chicken, small bites of grilled chicken n, beef and vegetables cooked on bamboo skewers over charcoal. 11:30am-2pm, char coal. 11:30am2pm, 611:30am-2pm, 10pm TTue-Fri, uue-Fri, 11:30am2pm,, 5:30-11pm 5-9pm 9pm 5:3011pm Sat and 5Central Sun. 236 Centr al Plaza. 650.917.1822. 650.917 7.1822.

Menlo M enlo P Park ark ¿book ¿ book online online at at p paloalto.net aloalto.net

ANGELO A NGELO MIO MIO IItalian. talian. $ $$. $. A small small space space with with a large large menu, menu, sporting sporting the the traditionals traditionals that that have have been been mainstays mainstays at at local local eateries. eateries. Appetizers Appetizers and and salads salads are are the the best best bets. bets. 11:30am-2:30pm, 11:30am-2:30pm, 4:30-10pm 4:30-10pm Mon-Sat; Mon-Sat; noon-2:30pm, noon-2:30pm, 4:304:309pm 9pm Sun. Sun. 820 820 Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Ave. Ave. 650.323.3665. 650.323.3665. BACK A Y BACK YARD ARD CCARIBBEAN ARIBBEAN amaican. AMERICAN AMERICAN GRILL GRILL JJamaican. $. $. ““Back Back a yard” yard” is is Jamaican Jamaican slang slang for for “the “the way way things things are are done done back back home” home” aand nd oone ne ooff the the ffew ew Jamaican Jamaican restaurants restaurants around. around. JJerk erk ppork ork aand nd chicken chicken shine. shine. 111am-3pm, 1am-3pm, 5-8pm 5-8pm MonMonThu, Thu, 111am-3pm, 1am-3pm, 5-9pm 5-9pm Fri Fri and and noon-3pm, noon-3pm, 5-8pm 5-8pm Sat. Sat. 1189 1189 Willow 650.323.4244. Willow Rd. Rd. 6 50.323.4244.

BISTRO B ISTRO VIDA VIDA FFrench rench $ $$. $. IImpeccably mpeccably aauthentic uthentic bbistro istro welcoming ddishes ishes aand nd w elcoming pprices rices aare re Bay Area sspun pun tthrough hrough B ay A rea cculinary ulinary cconsciousness onsciousness ttoo ccreate reate rregional egional Brunch hhomey omey FFrench rench ccuisine. uisine. B runch Mon-Fri, 111:30am-2:30pm 1:30am-2:30pm M on-Fri, 9am-2:30pm Dinner 9 am-2:30pm SSat-Sun. at-Sun. D inner Mon-Thu, 55-9:30pm -9:30pm M on-Thu, 55-10pm -10pm 641 FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 55-9pm -9pm SSun. un. 6 41 SSanta anta Ave. 650.462.1686. CCruz ruz A ve. 6 50.462.1686.

FFLEA LEA STREET STREET CAFE CAFE N New ew American. American. $$$$. $$$$. Carefully Carefully crafted, crafted, impeccably impeccably chosen chosen food food featuring featuring seasonal seasonal local local produce produce and and Niman Niman Ranch Ranch meats. meats. Atmosphere Atmosphere is is casual casual and and eclectic. eclectic. Full Full bar. bar. 5:305:309:30pm 9:30pm daily. daily. 3607 3607 Alameda Alameda de de las las Pulgas. Pulgas. 650.854.1226. 650.854.1226.

IIBERIA BERIA. $$. $$. Spanish. Spanish. Iberia’s Iberia’s menu ccheap heap ttapas apas m enu iiss aavailable vailable aatt tthe he bbar ar aanytime nytime oorr iin n tthe he ddining ining rroom oom aatt llunch, unch, bbut ut tthese hese worth nnibbles ibbles aalone lone aare re w orth tthe he Mon-Sat ttrip. rip. LLunch unch nnoon-2pm oon-2pm M on-Sat aand nd ddinner inner nnightly ightly 55:30-10pm. :30-10pm. Alma 650.325.8981. 11026 026 A lma SSt.t. 6 50.325.8981.

JZCOOL EATERY JZCOOL EATERY & W WINE INE merican. $ $$. $. FFresh, resh, BAR B AR AAmerican. llocal, ocal, ssustainable, ustainable, oorganic rganic iiss mantra tthe he m antra ooff jjZcool. Zcool. LLook ook ffor or flavorful fl avorful ddishes ishes llike ike ppastureasturerraised aised cchicken hicken bbreast reast sstuffed tuffed with w ith ccreamy reamy ggoat oat ccheese, heese, ttangy angy ppreserved reserved llemons emons aand nd ssalty alty olives. olives. Lunch Lunch 11am11am22:30pm :30pm TTue-Thu; ue-Thu; ddinner inner 55-9pm -9pm 827 TTue-Thu, ue-Thu, 55-10pm -10pm FFri-Sat. ri-Sat. 8 27 Ave. 650.325.3665. SSanta anta CCruz ruz A ve. 6 50.325.3665.

KAYGETSU K AYGETSU JJapanese. apanese. $$$. $$$. KKaiseki aiseki iiss a rrarefied arefied JJapanese apanese


cuisine born cuisine born in in Kyoto Kyoto with w ith impeccably impeccably seasonal seasonal iingredients ngredients and and poetic poetic ppresentations. resentations. Kaygetsu Kaygetsu bills bills iitself tself as as “classic “classic Japanese Japanese menu ccuisine” uisine” bbut ut iits ts kkaiseki aiseki m enu is is llike ike discovering discovering a new new galaxy galaxy ooff food. food. Closed Closed Mon. Mon. 325 325 SSharon haron Park Park Dr. Dr. 650.234.1084. 650.234.1084.

LLEFT EFT BANK BANK GGrandma’s randma’s $$$. Wise FFrench. rench. $ $$. W ise ccountry ountry ffare are with metropolitan ccombined ombined w ith m etropolitan Gallic ssavoir avoir ffaire aire aand nd a ddash ash ooff G allic aattitude. ttitude. FFull ull bbar. ar. 111:30am1:30am110pm 0pm SSun-Mon, un-Mon, 111:30am-11pm 1:30am-11pm 635 Ave. TTue-Sat. ue-Sat. 6 35 SSanta anta CCruz ruz A ve. 650.473.6543. 6 50.473.6543.

MARCHÉ M ARCHÉ Modern Modern French. French. $$$$. $ $$$. Under Under nnew ew eexecutive xecutive Guillaume Bienaimé, cchef hef G uillaume B ienaimé, Marché most M arché offers offers ssome ome ooff tthe he m ost iinspired, nspired, iimpeccably mpeccably ssourced ourced aand nd tthoroughly horoughly ddelicious elicious ffood ood Valley. Bienaimé’s iin n SSilicon ilicon V alley. B ienaimé’s ccooking ooking iiss bbased ased iin n FFrench rench flirts with ttechnique, echnique, aand nd hhee fl irts w ith modern methods m odern m ethods aand nd eelements lements molecular ooff ttrendy rendy m olecular ggastronomy astronomy flavor-infused llike ike fl avor-infused ffoams oams aand nd ddehydrated ehydrated aand nd ccrushed rushed ssauerkraut, auerkraut, bbut ut aatt iits ts ccore ore hhis is aapproach pproach iiss rrooted ooted iin n ssuperb, uperb, ooften ften llocally ocally ssourced ourced iingredients ngredients ssimply imply aand nd eexpertly xpertly pprepared. repared. Mon-Sat. 898 55:30-10pm :30-10pm M on-Sat. 8 98 SSanta anta Ave. 650.324.9092. CCruz ruz A ve. 6 50.324.9092.

SSULTANA ULTANA Turkish. Turkish. $$$. $$$. If If you’ve you’ve eaten eaten Greek, Greek, Iranian Iranian or or Middle Middle Eastern Eastern food, food, you’ll you’ll find much find m uch tthat’s hat’s familiar familiar here. here. SSultana ultana makes makes your your introduction introduction to to Turkish Turkish food food easy easy with with its its warm warm service, service, well-executed well-executed dishes dishes and and soothing soothing ambience ambience 11am11am2:30pm, 2:30pm, 5-10pm 5-10pm Mon-Fri; Mon-Fri; 11am-10pm 11am-10pm Sat-Sun. Sat-Sun. 1149 1149 El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 650.322.4343. 650.322.4343.

SSaratoga aratoga ¿ book online ¿book online at at ssaratogaaratogaccalifornia.com alifornia.com

THE T HE BASIN BASIN N New ew A American. merican. $$$. $ $$. The The Basin Basin has has some some rrefreshingly efreshingly high high standards. standards. Produce P roduce is is organic, organic, seafoods seafoods aare re fresh fresh and and the the menu menu aaccentuates ccentuates American American ideas, ideas, eenhanced nhanced by by Spanish Spanish and and IItalian talian spin. spin. 5pm-close 5pm-close seven seven ddays ays a week. week. 14572 14572 Big Big Basin Basin Way. W ay. 4408.867.1906. 08.867.1906.

LLA AM MERE ERE MICHELLE MICHELLE FFrenchrench$$$. After EEuropean. uropean. $ $$. A fter tthree hree ddecades, ecades, La La Mere Mere is is a tradition. tradition.


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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


SVDINING Old World Old World sstandards tandards ssuch uch wiener aass pâté, pâté, escargots, escargots, w iener sschnitzel chnitzel and and veal veal scaloppini scaloppini find fi nd a distinguished distinguished setting setting iinn tthe he crystal-dotted crystal-dotted ddining ining rroom. oom. 111:30am-2pm 1:30am-2pm Wed-Sun, Wed-Sun, 55:30:309pm Mon. 9 pm TTue-Sun. ue-Sun. CClosed losed M on. 114467 4467 Big Basin Way. B ig B asin W ay. 4408.867.5272. 08.867.5272.

PLUMED P LUMED H HORSE ORSE Contemporary FFrench. Contemporary rench. $ $$$$. $$$. After $9 million A fter uundergoing ndergoing a $ 9m illion rremodel emodel aand nd eexpansion xpansion ooff wine iits ts w ine llist, ist, tthe he SSaratoga aratoga rrestaurant estaurant hhas as been been rreborn eborn Valley’s aass SSilicon ilicon V alley’s ppremier remier How lluxury uxury rrestaurant. estaurant. H ow ddoes oes tthe he ffood ood ttaste aste at at a $9 $9 million million Mostly, rrestaurant? estaurant? M ostly, llike ike a million m illion bbucks. ucks. 5:30-10pm 5:30-10pm Big Basin Way. nnightly. ightly. 114555 4555 B ig B asin W ay. 4408.867.4711. 08.867.4711.

RISTORANTE R ISTORANTE D DA A MARIO MARIO Italian. $ Italian. $$. $. R Ristorante istorante D Daa Mario M ario sserves erves tthe he ggreatest reatest hhits its ooff Italian-American Italian-American with ffood ood but but prepares prepares them them w ith a ffreshness reshness aand nd iintegrity ntegrity tthat hat eelevates levates tthem hem above above yyour our ttypical ypical rred-and-white ed-and-white ccheckered heckered ttablecloth ablecloth IItaliantalianAmerican A merican rrestaurant. estaurant. LLunch unch 11:30am-2:30pm Mon-Fri, 11:30am-2:30pm M on-Fri, ddinner inner 55-9:30pm -9:30pm daily. daily. 14441 14441 Big Way. B ig Basin Basin W ay. 4408.741.1518. 08.741.1518.

SSENT ENT SSOVI OVI N New ew A American. merican. $$$$. $$$$. A pretty pretty dining dining room room hosts hosts an an inspired, inspired, always always fresh fresh and and seasonally seasonally driven driven menu menu of of contemporary contemporary American American and and French French food, food, complete complete with with seductive seductive desserts. desserts. 14583 14583 Big Big Basin Basin Way. Way. 408.867.3110. 408.867.3110.

SSunnyvale unnyvale ¿ book oonline ¿book nline aatt sunnyvale.net sunnyvale.net

BAY B AY LLEAF EAF IIndonesian ndonesian aand nd $$. Bay menu TThai. hai. $ $. B ay LLeaf’s eaf ’s m enu iiss ddivided ivided iinto nto TThai hai aand nd IIndonesian ndonesian ffood ood aand nd iit’s t’s the the While llatter atter tthat hat sstands tands oout. ut. W hile TThai hai ffood ood iiss ccharacterized haracterized bbyy bbright, right, hhigh igh nnotes, otes, IIndonesian ndonesian ffood ood sstrikes trikes a llower ower bbass ass nnote. ote. 111am-3pm 1am-3pm aand nd 55-9:30pm -9:30pm Mon-Thu, M on-Thu, 111am-10pm 1am-10pm FFri-Sat ri-Sat aand nd 111am-9pm 1am-9pm SSun. un. 1122 22 SS.. Ave. SSunnyvale unnyvale A ve. 4408.481.9983. 08.481.9983.

CCHELOKEBABI HELOKEBABI. Persian. Persian. $ $$. $. Go Go straight straight for for the the baghali baghali ghatogh, ghatogh, a fantastic fantastic appetizer appetizer made made from from delicate delicate but but rich rich baby baby lima lima beans, beans, scrambled scrambled eggs eggs and and lots lots of of garlic. garlic. Just Just as as good good is is ghaymeh, ghaymeh, a daily daily

special special made made from from tender tender chunks chunks of of beef, beef, split split peas, peas, eggplant eggplant and and tomato tomato sauce. sauce. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm daily. daily. 1236 1236 Wolfe Wolfe Rd. Rd. 408.737.1222. 408.737.1222.

DISHDASH D ISHDASH M Middle iddle Eastern. Eastern. $$. Dishdash $ $. D ishdash ccelebrates elebrates tthe he Middle cculinary ulinary gglories lories ooff tthe he M iddle EEast ast bbeyond eyond ffalafels alafels aand nd menu made hhummus. ummus. TThe he m enu iiss m ade ffrom rom ttraditional raditional rrecipes ecipes aand nd iingredients ngredients bbut ut ppresented resented with flourish. w ith a ccontemporary ontemporary fl ourish. wellTThere’s here’s aalso lso a ssmall mall bbut ut w ellwine match. cchosen hosen w ine llist ist ttoo m atch. 111am-2:30pm, 1am-2:30pm, 55-9:30pm -9:30pm Mon-Fri. M on-Fri. 110pm 0pm SSat-Sun.190 at-Sun.190 SS.. Murphy Ave. M urphy A ve. 4408.774.1889. 08.774.1889.

IILL P POSTALE OSTALE ITALIAN ITALIAN American. $ American. $$$. $$. IIts ts pprevious revious iincarnation ncarnation aass a post post office office llends ends this this space space eccentric eccentric ccharm, harm, aand nd the the food food delivers delivers ffull-bodied ull-bodied taste taste in in generous generous pportions. ortions. Veal Veal marsala, marsala, thinthinccrust rust ppizza izza aand nd New New York York steak steak aare re featured. featured. 11am-1:30pm, 11am-1:30pm, 44-9:30pm -9:30pm TTue-Sun. ue-Sun. 1127 27 W. W. Washington W ashington St. St. 408.733.9600. 408.733.9600.

LLUCKY UCKY DHABA DHABA IIndian. ndian. $ $.. A ddhaba haba is is a roadside roadside fast fast food food We’ve jjoint oint iinn northern northern IIndia. ndia. W e’ve ggot ot oour ur oown wn version version here here at at Dhaba. SSunnyvale’s unnyvale’s LLucky ucky D haba. LLocated ocated ooff ff busy busy El El Camino Camino Real, Dhaba R eal, LLucky ucky D haba ooffers ffers a wide w ide vvariety ariety ooff ggood ood Indian Indian ffood. ood. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm Sun-Thu Sun-Thu and and 111am-10:30pm 1am-10:30pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 1036 1036 El El CCamino amino Real. Real. 4408.617.0660. 08.617.0660.

PEZELLAS P EZELLAS FFamily amily IItalian. talian. $ $$. $. Serves Serves popular popular Italian Italian dinners dinners with with rich rich sauces sauces and and generous generous portions. portions. East East Coast Coast seafood seafood dishes dishes like like linguini linguini and and clams clams and and calamari calamari sautéed sautéed in in tomato, tomato, garlic, garlic, and and basil basil stand stand out. out. Pizza Pizza and and pasta pasta abound. abound. Full Full Bar. Bar. 11am-2:30pm 11am-2:30pm Tue-Fri, Tue-Fri, 5-10:30pm 5-10:30pm Tue-Sat. Tue-Sat. Closed Closed Sun-Mon. Sun-Mon. 1025 1025 W. W. El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.738.2400. 408.738.2400. P.F. P .F. CCHANG’S HANG’S CCHINA HINA B ISTRO CChinese. hinese. $ $$. $. BISTRO With With atmosphere atmosphere to to spare, spare, Chang’s Chang’s doesn’t doesn’t nneglect eglect ttaste. aste. Vibrant Vibrant Szechuan Szechuan flavors flavors mix mix surprisingly surprisingly well well with with rich rich Western-style Western-style desserts. desserts. Full Full bar. bar. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm Mon-Sun, Mon-Sun, 11am-11pm 11am-11pm Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. 390 390 W. W. El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.991.9078. 408.991.9078.

SSAIZO AIZO Japanese. Japanese. $$. $$. Part Part bar, bar, part part eatery, eatery, Saizo Saizo served served small small plates plates of of grilled grilled and and fried fried dishes dishes made made to to go go with with sake sake aand nd bbeer. eer. IIt’s t’s all all good. good.


Open Open daily daily for for lunch lunch and and dinner dinner Mon-Sat. Mon-Sat. 592 592 E. E. El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.733.7423. 408.733.7423.

SSENZALA ENZALA BBrazilian. razilian. $ $$. $. SSenzala enzala Brazilian rrestaurant estaurant iiss llike ike a B razilian ccultural ultural center center that that also also Brazilian sserves erves ffood. ood. B razilian aart rt aand nd walls. Goo pphotographs hotographs ccover over tthe he w alls. G ffor or tthe he ffeijoada, eijoada, a hhearty, earty, ssmoky moky made with bblack lack bbean ean sstew tew m ade w ith cchunks hunks ooff bbeef eef aand nd ppork. ork. 111am1amMon-Sat. Dr.r. 110pm 0pm M on-Sat. 2250 50 EE.. JJava ava D 4408.734.1656. 08.734.1656.

SSETO ETOD DELI ELI JJapanese. apanese. $ $.. FFolksy olksy country country deli deli that that offers offers hot hot and and cold, cold, takeout, takeout, eat-in eat-in and and made made to to order order food food in in a vibrant vibrant array array of of familiar familiar and and not-so-familiar not-so-familiar Japanese Japanese dishes dishes at at prices prices that that beat beat jjust ust aabout bout aany ny rrestaurant’s. estaurant’s. Closed Closed Sun. Sun. 155 155 E. E. Maude Maude Ave. Ave. 408.735.7777. 408.735.7777. SSHALIMAR HALIMAR IIndian-Pakistani. ndian-Pakistani. $. $. Walk Walk up up to to the the counter, counter, grab grab a menu menu and and place place your your order. order. One One of of the the best best dishes dishes is is the the plain-looking plain-looking haleem, haleem, a lentil lentil and and barley barley stew stew available available with with chicken chicken or or beef. beef. Nihari, Nihari, a rich rich beef beef shank shank stew, stew, is is also also great. great. 11:30am-2:30pm 11:30am-2:30pm and and 5:30-10:30pm 5:30-10:30pm Sun-Thu Sun-Thu and and noon-3:30pm noon-3:30pm and and 5:30-11pm 5:30-11pm Sat-Fri. Sat-Fri. 1146 1146 W. W. El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.530.0300. 408.530.0300. SSUGAR UGARB BUTTER UTTERFLOUR FLOURBBakery. akery. $. $. Sugar Sugar Butter Butter Flour’s Flour’s desserts desserts and and pastries pastries go go well well beyond beyond the the humdrum humdrum sweets sweets found found at at most most restaurants restaurants and and bakeries. bakeries. The The bakery’s bakery’s chocolate chocolate skills skills are are particularly particularly strong. strong. 7am-7:30pm 7am-7:30pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 7am-8:30pm 7am-8:30pm Sat, Sat, 8am-5pm 8am-5pm Sun. Sun. 669 669 S. S. Bernardo Bernardo Ave. Ave. 408.732.8597. 408.732.8597. TAVERNA T AVERNAGGYROS YROSO Old ld Mediterranean/Turkish. Mediterranean/Turkish. $$. $$. Mustard Mustard and and ruddy ruddy pomegranate pomegranate hues hues warm warm the the restaurant’s Arabic restaurant’s interior; interior; zesty zesty A rabic infusions infusions warm warm the the food. food. Choose Choose from from mezes mezes such such as as hummus hummus or or tabouli. tabouli. Entrees Entrees include include lamb, lamb, beef beef or or chicken chicken gyros gyros or or lamb lamb kebab. kebab. 11am-10pm 11am-10pm daily. daily. 133 133 S. S. Murphy Murphy Ave. Ave. 408.735.9971. 408.735.9971. UDUPI U DUPIPALACE PALACEIIndian. ndian. $ $$. $. This This South South Indian Indian vegetarian vegetarian restaurant restaurant specializes specializes in in dosas dosas and and uthappams. uthappams. Dosas Dosas are are long, long, thin thin crepes crepes made made with with rice rice flour. flour. Uthappams Uthappams are are pancakes pancakes made made with with rice rice and and lentil lentil flour. flour. 11:30am-10pm 11:30am-10pm Mon-Thu, Mon-Thu, 11:30am-11pm 11:30am-11pm Fri-Sat, Fri-Sat, 11:30am11:30am10:30pm 10:30pm Sun. Sun. 976 976 E. E. El El Camino Camino Real. Real. 408.830.9600. 408.830.9600.

1109 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P TE M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P TE M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

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metroactive m metr troacctive ttive

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*w wed ed

AUTHORITY AU A UT HOR ORITY ZZERO E RO Avalon, A valo Santa Clar valon, C Clara ra Wed $10 W ed – 7:30pm; 30

It’s rare It’s rare for for a punk punk band band to to tout tout iits ts ““diverse” diverse” ssounds: ounds: eeven ven oover ver tthree hree ddecades ecades iin, n, ppunk unk rrock ock rremains emains a ppretty retty sstraightforward traightforward aaffair, ffair, ddespite espite tthe he sside-routes ide-routes iinto nto rreggae eggae ttaken aken Bad Brains bbyy tthe he llikes ikes ooff tthe he CClash, lash, B ad B rains Authority aand nd SSublime. ublime. A uthority ZZero ero nnot ot oonly nly iindulges ndulges iin n ttwo-step wo-step rreggae eggae bbeats eats bbutt aalso bu lso iintroduces ntroduces eelements lements ooff ttraditional raditional Spanish Spanish and and Portuguese Portuguese music. m usic. Even Even given given this this stylistic stylistic bbreadth, readth, Authority Authority Zero Zero delivers delivers the the while ggoods, oods, bbanging anging hheads eads w hile tthey hey move with music m ove bbodies odies w ith m usic tthat hat iiss

alternately pummeling, alternately pummeling, precise precise aand nd Undergone, rrhythmically hythmically ccomplex. omplex. U ndergone, Days News TTen en D ays N ews aand nd FFighting ighting tthe he Villain V illain aalso lso pperform. erform. ((PMD) PMD)

WILLIE W ILLIE N NELSON E LS O N Mountain Winery, W Winery y, Saratoga Saratoga Wed W ed – 7:30pm; 7:30p pm; $45-$125 More M ore rrecently ecently kknown nown ffor or ttax ax pproblems roblems aand nd aadmitting dmitting ttoo ssmoking moking weed White w eed oon n tthe he rroof oof ooff tthe he W hite House H ouse the the night night he he was was invited invited to to pplay lay by by Richard Richard Nixon, Nixon, Willie Willie Nelson Nelson iiss also also responsible responsible for for some some of of the the bbest est songs songs ever ever written, written, in in any any ggenre. enre. That’s That’s why why he he draws draws such such a ccrazy razy cross-section cross-section of of fans fans to to his his llive ive shows, shows, a phenomenon phenomenon that that bbegan egan back back in in the the ‘70s ‘70s in in Austin, Austin, where w here hhee aalmost lmost ssingle-handedly ingle-handedly uunited nited the the hippies hippies and and the the rrednecks, ednecks, aan n aastonishing stonishing ccultural ultural which aaccord ccord ffor or w hich hhee hhas as ssomehow omehow Nobel Prize. nnever ever bbeen een ggiven iven tthe he N obel P rize.

Decades later, Decades later, Nelson Nelson remains remains tthe he most most important important living living country country ooutlaw. utlaw. ((SP) SP)

*ffri ri

D RO P D DROP DEAD EAD SSIXTY IXTY Mountain n Charley’s, LLos os Gatos 8pm; Fri – 8pm m; $5 TTaking aking ccues ues ffrom rom ggrunge runge aand nd aalt lt rrock, ock, Drop Drop Dead Dead Sixty Sixty is is starting starting make Bay ttoo m ake waves waves iinn the the South South B ay Now sscene. cene. N ow a part part of of Barb Barb Rocks’ Rocks’ management ggrowing rowing local local music music m anagement ffamily, amily, DDS DDS has has ooften ften been been Pilots ccompared ompared to to SStone tone TTemple emple P ilots with Muse. w ith a dash dash ooff M use. LLuckily, uckily, lead lead ssinger inger Michael Michael KKerosene erosene hhas as a bbetter etter voice voice than than Scott Scott Weiland, Weiland,

bbut ut iit’s t’s easy easy to to see see why why he he gets gets the the ccomparison omparison aass hhee sslinks links aaround round tthe he sstage, tage, rradiating adiating tthe he ccharisma harisma a ffrontman rontman sshould hould hhave. ave. ((BD) BD)

LLAURA AU R A SSTEVENSON T EV E N S O N &T THE HE CCANS ANS 837 P Palm a St., alm St., San Jose price to be announced Fri – 6pm; 6 TThough hough best best kknown nown aass a member member Bomb ooff B omb the the Music Music IIndustry, ndustry, this this Brooklyn B rooklyn nnative ative has has done done a 180 180 aaway way ffrom rom the the sound sound ooff that that spastic spastic sska-punk ka-punk troupe. troupe. With With her her ssilky ilky musical vvoice oice aand nd m usical chops, chops, Stevenson Stevenson ccreates reates aan n aambience mbience of of serene serene mellow hharmony armony aand nd m ellow vvibes. ibes. IIt’s t’s mood much ddriven riven bbyy m ood aass m uch aass gguitar, uitar, pperfect erfect ffor or rainy rainy days. days. Touring Touring first bbehind ehind the the band’s band’s fi rst record, record, ttitled, itled, eer,r, A Record, Record, Stevenson’s Stevenson’s show show has has been been moved moved from from Nickel Nickel City. City. (BD) (BD)

k DflekX`e N `e


*ssat at


Bacckesto Park, Backesto Park, San Jose Satt – 10am-4pm; free free Thee urge urge to make art needn’t needn’t be confined con nfined to a studio; any clean patch pat tch of sidewalk will do just Park as well. w The annual LLuna una P ark Festival Fes stival welcomes people to give traditional thee tr aditional Italian style a try andd to watch some experts at work, Paul wo rk, including Julio Jimenez, P aul Gonzalez Gon nzalez and KKatrina atrina LLoera. oera. Italian sodas sod das will be available to enhance thee international mood, along with crafts artss and cr afts vendors. (MSG)

oncerts * cconcerts Sep 22 at 7:30pm, Theatre Theatre on Pedro Squaree San P edro Squar



FOREIGNER FO REIGNER Sep 23 at 7:30pm, 7:30 0pm, Mountain Winery

CCHANTICLEER HANTICLEER Sepp 23 at 8p 8pm, m, Mission Santa Clara Clara

NEW N EW CENTER CENTER CHAMBER CHAMBER ORCHESTRA ORCHESTRA Sep 24 24 at 8pm, First United Methodist, P Palo Alto alo Al to

FFREMONT REMONT SSYMPHONY YMPHONY O ORCHESTRA RCHESTRA Sep 255 at 8pm, Smith Center, Center, O h hlone College, Fr emont Ohlone Fremont


HOMEGRRLZ: H OMEGGRRLZ: VOL VOL 1 Sepp 25 at 7:30pm, 7:30pm, MACLA, MACLA, San Jose

MISSION SSION CCHAMBER HAMBER O ORCHESTRA, RCHESTRA, M MOZART’S OZART’S P PASSION ASS S ION Sepp 25 at 7:30pm, 7:330pm, Le Petit Petitt Trianon, Trrianon, San n Josee

[ Y\kk\i Xk k_\ CleX GXib K_\ j`[\nXcbj e\m\i cffb\ % e\q j kf Xik`jk Alc`f A`d\ :_Xcb 8ik =\jk`mXc# k_Xeb

SSYMPATHY Y M PATHY EENDS NDS Homestead Lanes, Cupertino Homestead Cuperttino Sat – 8:30pm; $5 ugly.. From Metal used to be ugly From m Mars’ L Lemmy’s ’ warts t to t Mick Mi k Ma M ars’ complex features features to Billy Milano’s M Milano ’s girth, metal was the music ffor or the rest rest of us. Sympathy Sympathy Ends Ennds has the chops minus the homeliness. homeeliness. music They look nice, but their music takes the front front seat. After going thr ough some member shuffling, shuuffling, through they’ve incorporated incorporated a more morre melodic death metal slant into their thr ash/hardcore sound. sounnd. With thrash/hardcore Repaid in Blood, Beyond Tragedy, Tragedy a , Absent Society. Society. (BD) ( )

MARGARET M ARGA RE T CHO CHO Mountain Winery Sat – 8pm; $35-$65 who IIt’s t’s nnot ot eevery very ccomedian omedian w ho

more ggives ives yyou ou m ore tthan han jjust ust llaughs, aughs, Margaret bbut ut M argaret CCho ho iiss nnot ot aabout bout tthe he oone ne lliners. iners. SShe he ttalks alks ppolitics, olitics, ttells ells sstories tories ffrom rom hher er llife ife aand nd ttalks alks aabout bout iintimate ntimate ppersonal ersonal sstruggles. truggles. TThere here iiss aan n eebb bb aand nd flow fl ow ttoo hher er pperformances erformances tthat hat iiss more m ore llike ike a oone-woman ne-woman tthan han a Att tthe sstandup tandup ccomedy omedy aact. ct. A he eend nd ooff tthe he nnight, ight, yyou’ll ou’ll lleave eave hhaving aving much more ssoo m uch m ore ttoo ttalk alk aabout bout tthan han were jjust ust hhow ow hhard ard yyou ou w eree llaughing. aughing. ((AC) AC)

*ssun un LLOS O S LOBOS LO B O S

Plaza de Cesar Chavez, Chavezz, San Jose Sun – 10am-6pm; $15 The Mexican Heritage and a wraps Mariachi Festival wr apss up

“Concerts today with the “Conc certs ffor or the American Dream Outdoor A merican D ream aatt tthe he O utdoor Headliners FFeria.” eria.” H eadliners LLos os LLobos obos aare re lliving iving tthat hat ddream; ream; tthe he bband and tthat hat oonce nce asked asked “will “will the the wolf wolf survive” s u r v i v e” hhas as ggone one oon n ttoo ddefine efine tthe he LLatino atino rock roll. iidentity dentity iin n ro ck & ro ll. TThey hey ddoo tthis his ppartly artly bbyy aappearing ppearing nnot ot ttoo ddoo iitt aatt aall—from ll—from ttheir heir tthreehreecchords-and-a-prayer hords-and-a-prayer eearly arly ddays ays masterpiece ttoo ttheir heir aart-rock rt-rock m asterpiece KKiko iko ttoo tthe he bbluesy luesy TThe he Town Town and and tthe he CCity ity, tthey hey hhave ave ddemanded emanded to to bbee aaccepted ccepted oon n ttheir heir oown wn terms, without terms, w ithout a tthought hought aass ttoo what rock what a CChicano-identified hicano-identified ro ck band band iiss ““supposed” supposed” ttoo ssound ound llike. ike. However, However, tthat hat iidentity dentity hhas as aalways lways been music. been a ppart art ooff ttheir heir m usic. TThey’ll hey’ll reconvene Bay reconvene iin n tthe he SSouth outh B ay ttoo cap music, food cap tthis his dday ay ooff m usic, fo od aand nd community community eevents. vents. IIntocable, ntocable, Los Los Tex Tex Maniacs, Maniacs, Ozomatli Ozomatli and and Mariachi Mariachi Azteca Azteca also also perform. perform. (SP) (SP)


Brookdale LLodge, Brookdale odgee, Br Brookdale ookdale Tue T ue u – 8pm; $10 The ffreak The reak ffolk olk ffoursome oursome A Animal nimal CCollective ollective commands commands fanatical fanatical ddevotion evotion aacross cross a hhuge uge sswath wath ooff music tthe he iindie ndie m usic sspectrum. pectrum. TThe he ggroup’s roup’s llast ast ffull-length ull-length aalbum, lbum, Merriweather M erriweather P Post ost P Pavilion avilion, w was as Pitchfork’s Pitchfork’s album album of of tthe he yyear ear iin n 2009. Deakin, 2009. Josh Josh Dibb, Dibb, aa.k.a. .k.a. D eakin, iiss one mad one of of the the group’s group’s m ad sscientists, cientists, known known for for making making aavant-garde vant-garde remixes Ratatat remixes for for bands bands llike ike R atatat and and Goldfrapp. Goldfrapp. As As a ssolo olo aact, ct, Deakin weave Deakin continues continues ttoo w eave tthe he multilayered multilayered psychedelic psychedelic fabric fabric tthat hat has work with has defined defined his his w ork w ith hhis is ddayayjob job band. band. (CC) (CC)

REDWOOD R EDWOOD SSYMPHONY, YMPHONY, 2 25 25TH TH A ANNIVERSARY NNIVERSSARY RY Sep 25 at a 8pm, Cañada Cañada ad College lleg Theatre, Main Theatr t e, Redwood City

IIVES VES Q QUARTET UARTET P PLAYS LAYS H HAYDN AYDN Sep 26 att 7pm, Le P Petit etit TTr Trianon, rian n, rrianon n San an Jose J

BRIGHTMILLION B RIGHTMILLION Sep 26 at 9pm 9pm, m, Johnny V V’s, ’ss, s San Jose J

DETOX D ETOX SSUNDAY, UNDAY, POOL POOL PARTY PARTY Sep 26, Ga Gateway ateway Place, P San Josee

HALL H ALL A AND ND O OATES ATES AT Sep 27 at 7:30pm, 7:30 0pm, m Mountain Winery Wine n

CCARRIE ARRIE U UNDERWOOD NDERWOOD Sep 27 at 7pm 7pm, m, HP P Pavilion, avilion, San Jo Jose ose

PHILHARMONIA P HILHARMONIA BA BAROQUE ROQUE O ORCHESTRA, RCHESSTRA, R ROBERT OBERT LLEVIN E IN EV P PLAYS LAYS M MOZART OZART Sep 28 att 8pm, Center for for the th Performing P errforming Arts, Arts ts, Atherton Atherton herto

SSYMPHONY YMPHONY SILICON SILICON V VALLEY ALLEY Sep 30, O Oct ct 2-3, 2-3, CCalifornia aliforniaa Theatre, T tre, Theatr e San Jose se

WANDA W ANDA SSYKES YKES Oct O ct 2 at 8pm, 8 Mountain Winery Wine

M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M



M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

CCourtesy ourtessy of SSports ports IIllustrated/Getty llustrated/Getty IImages mages


metroactive ARTS

If I Never Get Back

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onto the national scene scen ne in 1990 1990 with his iconic iconic PBS series seeries The Civil W aar, I ha ave not b een an a uncritical uncritical War, have been worshipp er, as ha ave b een many many worshipper, have been in the mainstr eam Am merican mainstream American media. While Burns has h forged fo orged a rremarkable emarkable body body of documentaries d cumentaries do o ver the last 20 yyears, ears, much of over which has fforced or o ced this country country to rre-explore e- explore racism in th he shaping of the its history, history, his soft-liberalism soft-liberalism e and un willingness to take take har d st ands unwillingness hard stands on a variet varietyy issues hass led to what hi t i historians call ll a “r ““reconciliationist” econ nciliationist ili ti i t” call vie w of sla avery in particular, particular t , and view slavery rac e-relations in gener ral, as opp osed race-relations general, opposed to a mor tionist” moree “emancipat “emancipationist” p erspective that acknowledges ackno owledges the perspective limits of the “meltingg pot” pot” mo del in model underst Ameriican histor y. anding American understanding history. Mor eover, his cinem matic aesthetic Moreover, cinematic

has bordered borderred on the tedious. tedious. I rrecently ecently pu urchased his homage purchased to the National Nattional Parks Parks as a way way of cr eating so ome quality quality together-time together-time creating some ffor or m o milyy, and while I personally personally myy fam family, enjo yed the th he series, series, it managed to put enjoyed thr ee generations geneerations of viewers viewers in my my three household d to sleep with the vvery ery first inst allmen nt. I had to watch watch most of installment. it on my my own. o N ot so with w The T enth e Inning g. Not Tenth Inning. In man wayys it’s it’s Burns’’ best best film, manyy ways with a sha arp critical critical edge sharp edge,, faster cut ting an nd a dynamic soundtrack. cutting and Indeed, The Thhe Tenth Tenth e old Inning is b bold fr om the get-go. g -go. It op get ens with JJose ose from opens F eliciano’s brilliant rendition rendition of Feliciano’s the “St ar Spangled S “Star Banner”” cut against ffootage oot o age of young young kids in the Dominic an nR eepublic pla aying y Dominican Republic playing baseball battered balls in the with stickss and battered shant wns of the impoverished impoverished shantyy tow towns C aribbean n nation. It is a subtle Caribbean w ay in wh hich the filmmakers filmmakers way which acknowled dge the globalization of acknowledge the sp ort in i a context context of Americ an sport American neo colonialism. neocolonialism. E ven m ore ssurprisingly, urprisingly, tthe he fi rst Even more first ta lking h ead one one eencounters ncounters is is that that talking head o eith O lb ermann, tthe he überüberoff K Keith Olbermann, lliberal ib eral host host of of MSNBC’s MSNBC’s C ountdown, Countdown, w axxing p oetic aabout bout the the game. game. IIt’s t’s waxing poetic ab old m ove by by B urns aand nd No vick, bold move Burns Novick, aand nd iitt p ays o ff iin nd roves. ““What What pays off droves. aadheres dheres me me to to baseball, baseball, and and always always h as,” O lb ermann astutely astutely observes, observes, has,” Olbermann ““is is this this ssense ense that that I am am watching wattching eessentially ssentially tthe he ssame ame game game that that ssomebody omebody saw saw in in 1860. 186 0. . . . It’s It’s tthe he o nly ssport port tthat hat ggoes oes fo rward aand nd only forward b ackwards. . . . Y ou come come in in att tthe he backwards. You sstart tart o he ggame ame aand nd tthe he start star t of of off tthe tthe he sseason, eason, or or the the start star t o your o wn off your own ffandom, andom, yo yyou u fe el as as if if you you w ere feel were jjoining oining a river river midstream. midstream. And And all all tthat hatt h as ggone one b efo f re, you you can can enjoy enjoy has before, aass if if yo u were were there.” there.” you B urns aand nd Novick Novick p rovide Burns provide p olitical b alance w ith tthe he political balance with ssomnambulant omnambulant G eorge W ill, George Will, b ut eeven ven tthe he conservative, conservattive, bowb owbut ttied ied ccolumnist olumnist iiss ssurprisingly urprisingly ssharp-edged harp - edged in in his his commentary commentary tthroughout. hroughout. O ther n ew voices voices in in T he T enth Other new The Tenth IInning nning are are equally equally engaging. engaging. P edro Pedro M artinez, the the Dominican Dominican rightrightMartinez, h ander, iiss aabsolutely bsolutely captivating, captivatting, hander, w hether pontificating pontificating about ab out whether p itching iinside nside o iscussing tthe he pitching orr d discussing R ed S ox W orld S eries victories victories of of Red Sox World Series 2 004 aand nd 2007. 2007. The The addition addition o 2004 off fo rmer Y ankee (and (and now now Dodger) Do dger) former Yankee m anager JJoe oe T orre iiss also also a manager Torre

proportions, aand proportions, nd T The he T Tenth enth IInning nning ttells ells iitt with with proper proper nuance nuance aand nd dramatic d ramatic ar arc. rc. ““He He iiss a vvery ery complicated complicated ccharacter, haracter,” o observes bserves B Breton. reton. “He “He iiss brilliant, b rilliant, he he iiss b blessed, lessed, aand nd yyet et h hee ggave ave tthe he iimpression mpression tthat hat h his is llife ife was wass a burden b urden aand nd tthe he ggifts ifts tthat hat h hee h had ad w wore ore him h im d down. own.” II’ll ’ll confess confess tthat hat B Bonds onds has has n never ever been be en m myy ffavorite avorite p player. layer. I don’t don’t h have ave aany ny o off h his is b baseball aseball ccards ards h hidden idden away away iin nm myy d desk esk d drawer. rawer. I vviewed iewed him him ass a sselfish elfish ssuperstar upe p rstar who who w was as more more iinterested nterested iin nh his is o own wn aachievements chievements tthan han n tthose hose o off his his tteam. eam. T The he m most ost ttelling elling sstatistic tatistic in in Bonds’ Bonds’ career career iiss n not ot his h is 7763 63 ccareer areer h home ome rruns, uns, b but ut tthe he ffact act tthat hat h hee n never ever played played on on a ssingle ingle cchampionship hampionship team team iin nh his is llife—not ife—not iin n tthe he m minors, inors, n not ot iin n ccollege ollege o orr h high igh sschool, chool, n not ot eeven ven iin nL Little ittle lleague. eaggue. That Bonds was T hat ssaid, aid, B onds w ass eessentially ssentially llynched ynched iin n tthe he fi final nal d days ays of of h his is ccareer arreer byy tthe Francisco Chronicle, most b he SSan an F rancisco C hronicle, m ost notably n otab bly b byy rreporters eporters L Lance an nce W Williams illiam ms Mark Fainaru-Wada, whose book aand nd M arrk F ainaru-Wad da, w hose boo k Game G ame of of SShadows hadows iissued ssued a one-sided one-sided one-dimensional portrait aand nd o ne-dimensional po rtrait of of Bonds B onds tthat hat ttraded rad ded ffar aarr ttoo oo m much uch o on n iinnuendo nnuendo an aand nd unnamed unnam med sources. sources. To T o ttheir heir ccredit, redit, B Burns urns aand nd N Novick ovick present broader p resent tthe he story story iin nb roader sstrokes, trokes, fframing raming B Bonds’ onds’ d difficult ifficult psyche psyche in in the the off h his Bobby Bonds’ ccontext ontext o is ffather ather B obby B onds’ mistreatment m istreatment aatt tthe he h hands an nds o off baseball baseball and eexecs xecs an nd tthe he iinsidious nsidious institutional institutional rracism acism tthat hat sstill till p plagues lagues M Major ajor L League eague Baseball. Ass a rresult, The Tenth B asseballl. A esult, T he T enth IInning nning provides p rovides n not ot o only nly tthe he be best st ssummation ummation off B Bonds’ o onds’ rremarkable emarrkab ble aand nd ttroubled roubled ccareer arreer tto od date, ate, b but ut also also with with a complex complex understanding off how Steroids Era u nderstan nding o how tthe he S teroids E ra sshould hould be best st be viewed viewed in in tthe he ssweep weep o off baseball b asseballl h history. istoryy. Ass a llifelong A ifelong Giants Gian nts ffan aan nw who ho h has as ccried ried b black lack aand nd o orange ran nge ffor or the the p past ast half-century, h allf-centuryy, h hope ope springs springs eeternal ternal tthis his autumn au utumn ass tthey hey fi find nd tthemselves hemselves iin nab battle attle ffor or tthe he N National ationall L League eague West W est or or a po possible p ssible w wild-card ild-card berth berth iin n tthe he p playoffs. layoff ffss. I’ve I’ve be been en b burned urned iin n tthat hat p pursuit ursuit before. before. W Whatever hatever tthe he outcome, o utcome, T The he T Tenth enth IInning nning p provides rovides a delightful d elightful b backdrop—and acckdrop—and context—to context—to tthat hat eever-elusive ver-elusive d dream. ream m.

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1113 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

thoughtful addition, thoughtful addition, p particularly articularly aass hee re h reminisces minisces about about the the 2 2001 001 World World Series S eries iin n tthe he aft aftermath ftermath o off 9/11. 9/11. For F or Bay Bay Area Area sports sports fans, fans, the the most m ost exciting exciting new new addition addition to to the the llineup ineup o off ttalking alking h heads eads may may w well ell b bee Marcos M arcos Breton, Breton, a widely widely respected respected ccolumnist olumnist for for the the SSacramento acramento Bee Bee aand nd the the author author of of two two important important baseball b aseball ttombs, ombs, A Away way G Games, ames, a ggroundbreaking roundbreaking examination examination of of tthe he experiences experiences of of L Latin attin b ballplayers, allplayers, aass well well as as the the autobiography autobiography of of ccontroversial ontroversial slugger slugger Sammy Sammy Sosa. Sosa. ““Growing Growing up up as as a MexicanMexicanAmerican A merican kid kid in in Northern Northern California,” C alifornia,” ssays ays Breton, Breton, w who ho ggrew rew up u p playing playing Little Little league league ball ball in in San San Jose Jose and and is is a Giants Giants fan, fan, “there “there weren’t w eren’t a lot lot of of positive positive images.” images.” He He nearly n early breaks breaks into into tears tears as as he he recalls recalls his h is youthful youthful hero hero Roberto Roberto Clemente Clemente sspeaking peaking in in Spanish Spanish after after the the 1971 1971 World W orld Series Series as as a way way of of honoring honoring his h is parents. parents. Breton’s Breton’s perceptive perceptive observations o bservations help help to to frame frame many many of of tthe he significant significant issues issues addressed addressed in in tthe he film. film. The T he last last 16 16 years years in in professional professional baseball b aseball have have provided provided not not only only ssome ome of of its its most most exciting exciting moments moments iin n its its history history (Mark (Mark McGwire McGwire and and Sammy S ammy Sosa’s Sosa’’s home home run run chase chase in in 11998; 998; Barry Barry Bonds’ Bonds’ pursuit pursuit of of Hank Hank Aaron’s A aron’s all-time all-time record; record; the the Red Red Sox Sox aamazing mazing World World Series Series wins), wins), but but aalso lso some some of of its its greatest greatest shames, shames, iincluding ncluding several several work work stoppages stoppages tthat hat laid laiid bare bare the the greed greed that that taints taints tthe he business business side side of of the the game. game. If If I had h ad o one ne p political olitical q quibble uibble w with ith T The he Tenth T enth IInning, nning, it’s it’s that that Burns Burns and and Novick N ovick don’t don’t go go quite quite hard hard enough enough aatt either either the the owners owners o orr the the p players’ layers’ union u nion in in their their analysis analysis of of this this dynamic, d ynamic, though though they they clearly clearly spread spread tthe he blame. blame. But B ut the the filmmakers filmmakers are are at at their their best b est when when addressing addressing the the most most ssignificant ignificant issue issue that that has has tarnished tarnished baseball b aseball in in the the last last two two decades—the decades—the use u se of of performance performance enhancing enhancing drugs drugs ((most most specifically specifically anabolic anabolic steroids) steroids) byy p b players layers aatt aall ll llevels evels o off tthe he ggame. ame. Att the A the center center of of the the steroids steroids ccontroversy—and ontroversy—and att the the center center of of Burns B urns and and Novick’s Novick’s film—looms film—lo oms Barry B arry Bonds, Bonds, the the great greatt San San Francisco Francisco Giants’ G iants’ sslugger lugger w who ho fforced orced h his is w way ay iinto nto baseball’s baseball’s record record books books not not only only with w ith great greatt skills skills and and determination determination but b ut also also with with performance performance eenhancing nhancing d drugs. rugs. IItt iiss a ttragedy ragedy of of S Shakespearean hakespearrean n

Moree listings: Mor

ARTS RT S metroactive metr oactivve A



brate e l e ! COur th

Salsa Festival


Saturday, noon–8pm; downtown Redwood City; free The tomatoes and peppers are peaking, and it’s time to sample the master palate-tweaking results at the annual Salsa Festival. The culinary extravaganza is robustly supplemented with lots of salsa music and dance, including lessons. There will be food and drink booths, kids’ activities and live bands—Mazadote, Pa’l Bailador, Avance, Montuno Swing, Forró Brazuca and more.



Angels in America, Part One/Our Town Through Oct. 17; Pear Avenue Theatre, Mountain View; $15–$25 Tony Kushner’s epic fits surprisingly well into the intimate Pear Avenue Theatre. The small space actually amplifies the drama, without ever rendering it awkward or constrained. It helps, too, that the entire cast delivers great performances. Angels runs in repertory with Our Town by Thornton Wilder. (Read a full review by Sean Conwell online at www.sanjose.com.)

Oct. 8 - 24 , Nov. 1 2 - 27

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-19 Dec. 3

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Jan 28 Feb 20

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For sub scr

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


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Celebrate. Tabard. All performances at

29 N. San Pedro • San Jose, CA 95110

Ballroom dancing was never quite like this. The touring Broadway show amps up the energy level to cyclotron levels with exhibitions of full-tilt choreography. The cast includes some survivors of the So You Think You Can Dance show.

tage *sstage Opera O pera

ANNA A NNA K KARENINA ARENINA A nnew ew pproduction roduction ooff a sstory tory Week: bbased ased oon n TTolstoy. olstoy. TThis his W eek: 8pm, 8pm, TThu, hu, 8 pm, SSat, at, 8 pm, SSun, un, 33pm. pm. Runs $50-$100. R uns tthru hru SSep ep 226. 6. $ 50-$100. CCalifornia alifornia TTheatre, heatre, SSan an JJose. ose.

Theater T heater ANGELS IIN ANGELS NA AMERICA, MERICA, P PART ART O ONE NE Pear A Pear Avenue venue m mounts ounts iits ts vversion ersion ooff TTony ony KKushner’s ushner ’s eepic. pic. will ((Starting Starting Sep Sep 224, 4, iitt w ill rrun un

in in rep rep with with “Our “Our Town.”) Town.”) This This Week: Week: Sat, Sat, 8pm. 8pm. Runs Runs thru thru Oct Oct 16. 16. $15-$30. $15-$30. Pear Pear Avenue Avenue Theatre, Theatre, Mountain Mountain View. View.

BLACK B LACK PEARL PEARL SINGS! SINGS! An uunusual An nusual friendship friendship develops develops bbetween etween a white white music music rresearcher esearcher aand nd an an African African American A merican bblues lues singer singer iin na WedTTexas exas prison. prison. This This week: week: W ed8pm, 8pm, FFri, ri, 8 pm, SSat, at, 3 aand nd 8 pm, Sun, Sun, Runs $35 22pm. pm. R uns tthru hru SSep ep 26. 26. $ 35 aand nd up. up. The The Rep, Rep, San San Jose. Jose.

BURN B URN THE THE FLOOR FLOOR A ddance ance rrevue evue with with extreme extreme moves. Presented m oves. P resented by by Broadway Broadway SSan an JJose. ose. Wed-Thu, Wed-Thu, 7:30pm, 7:30pm, 8pm, 8pm, FFri, ri, 8 pm, SSat, at, 2 aand nd 8 pm, Sun, Sun, Runs 1 aand nd 6pm. 6pm. R uns Sep Sep 26. 26. $20$20$79. $ 79. SSan an JJose ose Center Center for for the the Performing Arts. P erforming A rts.

DEAD D EAD MAN’S MAN’S CELL CELL PHONE PHONE A cchance hance eencounter ncounter w with ith a woman ccorpse’s orpse’s pphone hone lleads eads a w oman iinto nto a qquest uest to to solve solve a murder. murder. Presented Palo Alto P resented bbyy P alo A lto Players. Players. TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, Sun, Sun, 2:30pm 2:30pm (no (no Runs SSun un sshow how SSep ep 26). 26). R uns thru thru SSep ep 226. 6. $21-$30. $21-$30. LLucie ucie SStern tern Palo Alto. TTheater, heater, P alo A lto.

THE T HE FFANTASTICKS ANTASTICKS The aaudience The udience favorite favorite about about Dome. llove ove ccomes omes to to tthe he Retro Retro D ome. 8pm, Runs FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 8 pm, Sun, Sun, 2pm. 2pm. R uns Retro tthru hru Oct Oct 224. 4. $24-$36. $24-$36. R etro Dome, D ome, San San JJose. ose.

FFIRST IRST D DAY AY O OFF SCHOOL SCHOOL City Lights City Lights opens opens its its season season with w ith Bill Bill Aronson’s Aronson’s nnew ew ccomedy omedy aabout bout eeducational ducational ffollies ollies iinn tthe he suburbs. suburbs. Thu-Sat, Thu-Sat, 8pm, 8 pm, SSun, un, 2 aand/or nd/or 77pm. pm. $25$25$40. $ 40. CCity ity LLights, ights, San San Jose. Jose.


LLA A CAGE CAGE AUX AUX FOLLES FOLLES Presented bbyy B Presented Broadway roadway by by the the Bay. B ay. TThis his week: week: TThu-Fri, hu-Fri, 8pm, 8pm, Runs SSat, at, 2 aand nd 8pm, 8pm, SSun, un, 22pm. pm. R uns tthrough hrough Oct Oct 3. 3. $20-$48. $20-$48. SSan an Mateo Performing Arts M ateo P erforming A rts Center. Center.

KILLER K ILLER JOE JOE The season The season ffor or Renegade Renegade TTheatre heatre EExperiment xperiment bbegins egins with w ith a ddark ark ccomedy. omedy. Thu-Sat, Thu-Sat, 8pm, Runs 8 pm, SSun, un, 77pm. pm. R uns tthru hru Oct Oct $12-$28. Historic Hoover 22.. $ 12-$28. H istoric H oover TTheater, heater, SSan an JJose. ose.

LLOVE OVE SONG SONG A rromantic omantic ccomedy omedy that that seeks seeks tthe he bbalance alance bbetween etween sane sane and and Presented iinsane. nsane. P resented bbyy Dragon Dragon Productions. 8pm, P roductions. TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8 pm, SSun, un, 22pm. pm. Runs Runs tthru hru Oct Oct 33.. $16-$25. $16-$25. Dragon Palo Alto. D ragon TTheatre, heatre, P alo A lto.

THE T HE M MUSIC USIC M MAN AN Meredith Willson’s Meredith Willson’s hhit it m musical usical aabout bout a ccon on man man and and a marching ssmall-town mall-town m arching band band iiss ppresented resented bbyy South South Bay Bay Musical Opens M usical TTheatre. heatre. O pens Sat, Sat, 8pm. Also week: 8 pm. A lso tthis his w eek: Sun, Sun, Runs Oct 22:30pm. :30pm. R uns tthrough hrough O ct $15 116. 6. $ 15 and and up. up. Saratoga Saratoga Civic Civic TTheatre. heatre.

ORESTEIA O RESTEIA The touring The touring Greek Greek theater theater ccompany ompany Leonidas Leonidas Loizidis Loizidis Greek pperforms erforms tthe he G reek tragedy. tragedy. $50 FFri, ri, 77pm. pm. $ 50 ((includes includes wine wine Petit rreception). eception). LLee P etit TTrianon, rianon, SSan an Jose. Jose.

OUR O UR T TOWN OW N Thornton Wilder’s Thornton Wilder ’s look look at at American ssmall-town mall-town A merican presents presents Pear Avenue bbyy P ear A venue (in (in repertory repertory with w ith ““Angels Angels in in America, America, Part Part One�). 8pm, O ne�). TThu hu ((preview), preview), 8 pm, 8pm. FFri ri ((opening), opening), 8 pm. SSun, un, 22pm. pm. $15-$30. Pear $ 15-$30. P ear Avenue Avenue Theatre, Theatre, Mountain M ountain View. View.

SSMOKEY MOKEY JOE’S JOE’S CAFE CAFE Am musical usical rrevue evue with with songs songs by by LLieber ieber aand nd SStoller. toller. This This week: week: 8pm, TThu-Sat, hu-Sat, 8 pm, SSun, un, 33pm. pm. TThru hru Oct O ct 2. 2. $24-$30. $24-$30. Bus Bus Barn Barn Altos. TTheatre, heatre, LLos os A ltos.

SSWEENEY WEENEY T TODD ODD SSondheim ondheim by by way way of of the the SSunnyvale unnyvale Community Community Players. Players. TThu, hu, 7:30pm, 7:30pm, FFri-Sat, ri-Sat, 8pm, 8pm, Runs SSun, un, 22:30pm. :30pm. R uns tthru hru Oct Oct $10.50-$23.50. 110. 0. $ 10.50-$23.50. SSunnyvale unnyvale CCommunity ommunity TTheatre. heatre.

TABARD T ABARD P PARTY ARTY A ccelebration elebration ttoo kkick ick ooff ff the the

new sseason new eason ffeatures eatures tthe he Dexter with bband and SSinister inister D exter w ith Rebecca vvocalist ocalist R ebecca LLipon, ipon, pplus lus ccomplimentary omplimentary hhors ors dd’oeuvres. ’oeuvres. SSat, at, 7-10pm. 7-10pm. $10 $10 (free (free to to sseason eason ssubscribers). ubscribers). TTheatre heatre oon n Pedro SSan an P edro SSquare, quare, SSan an JJose. ose.

CComedy omedy IIMPROV MPROV Wed, 8 Wed, 8pm: pm: Joe Joe Wong. Wong. $ $14. 14. 8pm, TThu, hu, 8 pm, FFri, ri, 8 and and 10pm, 10pm, 9pm: Wolf with SSat, at, 7 aand nd 9 pm: JJosh osh W olf w ith CChris hris FFranjola. ranjola. $17. $17. SSun, un, 77pm: pm: 8pm: CChris hris FFranjola. ranjola. $17. $17. TTue, ue, 8 pm: Rice, Beans Watermelon R ice, B eans aand nd W atermelon $12. CComedy omedy TTour. our. $ 12. SSan an JJose. ose.

ROOSTER R OOSTER T T.. FFEATHERS EATHERS Wed, 8 Wed, 8pm: pm: New New TTalent alent $10. 8pm, SShowcase. howcase. $ 10. TThu, hu, 8 pm, FFri, ri, 9pm, 9pm, Sat, Sat, 8 and and 10:30pm, 10:30pm, 8pm: Bryan $18. SSun, un, 8 pm: B ryan Callen. Callen. $ 18. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.


SSAN AN JJOSE OSE M MUSEUM USEUM O OFF A ART RT “Leo V “Leo Villareal.� illareal.� Thru Thru JJan. an. 9 9.. 6.. ““Vital ““Retro-Tech.� Retro-Tech.� TThru hru FFeb eb 6 Vital New Media SSigns: igns: N ew M edia FFrom rom tthe he Permanent P ermanent Collection.� Collection.� Thru Thru 6.. ““Degrees FFeb eb 6 Degrees ooff SSeparation: eparation: Photography CContemporary ontemporary P hotography Permanent FFrom rom tthe he P ermanent Mar CCollection.� ollection.� Thru Thru M ar 114. 4. TTueueMon. SSun, un, 111am-5pm, 1am-5pm, cclosed losed M on. SSan an JJose. ose.

“ITAB: IInternational “ITAB: nternational TECHstyle TECHstyle Art Biennial.� A rt B iennial.� Thru Thru Oct Oct 31. 31. TTueueSSun, un, 110am-5pm. 0am-5pm. SSan an JJose. ose.

TECH T ECH M MUSEUM USEUM �Genghis KKhan.� �Genghis han.� M Mon-Wed, on-Wed, 110am-5pm, 0am-5pm, TThu-Sun, hu-Sun, 110am0am8pm. 8 pm. SSan an JJose. ose.

TRITON T R I TO N M MUSEUM USEUM O OFF A ART RT ““A A CChild’s hild’s W World.� orld.� A sshow how with works aabout bout iinner nner yyouth, outh, w ith w orks bbyy SSqueak queak CCarnwath, arnwath, EEnrique nrique CChagoya hagoya aand nd oothers. thers. TThru hru SSep ep 226. 6. TTue-Wed ue-Wed aand nd FFri-Sun, ri-Sun, 111am-5pm. 1am-5pm. TThu, hu, 111am-9pm. 1am-9pm. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

GGalleries alleries





TRITON T R I TO N M MUSEUM USEUM O OFF A ART RT “Stan W “Stan Welsh: elsh: O Onn LLand—On and—On Water.� W ater.� A sshow how ooff mixed mixed media media aand nd cceramic eramic ssculptures. culptures. SSep ep 225-Dec 5-Dec 55.. TTue-Wed ue-Wed aand nd FFri-Sun, ri-Sun, 111am-5pm. 1am-5pm. TThu, hu, 111am-9pm. 1am-9pm. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

CCONTINUING ONTINUING CCANTOR ANTOR ARTS ARTS CENTER CENTER “Go Figure!� “Go Figure!� FFigurative igurative ppaintings aintings aand nd ssculptures culptures bbyy Ongoing. ccontemporary ontemporary aartists. rtists. O ngoing. Nature.� Drawings, ““True True ttoo N ature.� D rawings, watercolors w atercolors aand nd ooilil ssketches ketches bbyy William llandscape andscape aartist rtist W illiam TTrost rost Richards. R ichards. TThru hru SSep ep 226. 6. ““Mami Mami Wata: Arts W ata: A rts for for Water Water Spirits Spirits in in Africa Diasporas.� A frica and and Its Its D iasporas.� Thru Thru Wed-Sun, JJan an 22.. W ed-Sun, 111am-5pm, 1am-5pm, TThu, hu, 111am-8pm. 1am-8pm. Stanford. Stanford.

LLOS OS GGATOS ATOS ART ART MUSEUM MUSEUM “The SSeduction “The eduction ooff D Duchamp.� uchamp.� A group group show show in in collaboration collaboration with w ith ArtZone ArtZone 461 461 Gallery Gallery shows shows hhow ow artists artists are are still still responding responding Dada Runs ttoo the the D ada kkingpin. ingpin. R uns tthru hru Oct Wed-Sun, O ct 222. 2. W ed-Sun, nnoon-4pm. oon-4pm. Gatos. LLos os G atos.

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Museums M useums A free free monthly monthly pprogram rogram Artists sshowcasing howcasing tthe he LLucas ucas A rtists Residency Program. week, R esidency P rogram. TThis his w eek, Michelle cculinary ulinary M ichelle FFuerst uerst iiss 6pm. Montalvo hhighlighted. ighlighted. FFri, ri, 6 pm. M ontalvo Arts A rts Center, Center, SSaratoga. aratoga.

AB/<4=@2 A B/ /<4=@ @2 :7D3 :7D3:G :G /@BA /@B @ A 2010 2011

“In FFocus� “In ocus� CCollecting ollecting Photography.� P hotography.� ““Light Light FFrom rom tthe he Underground,� U nderground,� a pphotographic hotographic mining eessay ssay aabout bout m ining iin n SSouth outh Wales W ales by by CColette olette CampbellCampbellHaiti.� JJones. ones. ““Paintings Paintings FFrom rom H aiti.� Reception SSep ep 225-Dec 5-Dec 112. 2. R eception SSat, at, 33-5pm. -5pm. TTue-Sat, ue-Sat, 110am-5pm, 0am-5pm, SSun, un, 11-5pm, -5pm, aand nd TTue-Thu, ue-Thu, 77-Palo Alto. 110pm. 0pm. P alo A lto.

SSJSU JSU SSTUDENT TUDENT GGALLERY ALLERY Works bbyy JJennifer Works ennifer G Groft, roft, G Greg reg Marianne KKerekes, erekes, M arianne LLettiere, ettiere, Damme, SSieglinde ieglinde van van D amme, Paul Paul Yula Yula Dana Merschon. aand nd D ana M erschon. SSep ep 2277Oct Reception 6-7:30pm. O ct 1. 1. R eception Tue, Tue, 6 -7:30pm. Art Building. SSJSU JSU A rt B uilding.

CCONTINUING ONTINUING ANNO A NNO D DOMINI OMINI “Estates of “Estates of tthe he Splendrous Splendrous Alternative aand nd SSecret.� ecret.� A lternative worlds worlds Alex ddone one iinn CCGI GI pprints rints bbyy A lex McLeod. Oct 6.. TTue-Fri, M cLeod. TThru hru O ct 6 ue-Fri, nnoon-7pm, oon-7pm, SSat, at, nnoon-5pm. oon-5pm. SSan an JJose. ose.

ART A RT A ARK RK ““Fictions, Fictions, tthe he Process Process ooff CCreating reating a N New ew W World.� orld.� Photos Photos aand nd vvideos ideos bbyy A Alejandro lejandro O Oliva. liva. TThru hru SSep ep 330. 0. SSan an JJose. ose.

CCAFFE AFFE T TRIESTE RIESTE “Gravity.� B “Gravity.� Byy V Valerie alerie Runningwolf. Runningwolf. TThru hru SSep ep 30. 30. San San JJose. ose.


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Kronos is joined by Cantabile Youth Yo outh Singers in A wakening: A Meditation Awakening: on 9/11.

Maandolinist Chris Thile and Mandolinist and ffellow ellow aacoustic coustic vvirtuosos irtuosos aappear ppear o n tthe he h eels o ew on heels off a n new CD D, Antifogmatic. CD,

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With sensual vocals and With infectious hooks, Reagon explores folk, blues, vintage rock, and more.

5/;3:/< 5 /;3:/< oC2/;/<7 o C2/;/<7 AC< % <=D AC< <=D Ren Renowned nowned Balinese ensemble ensemble b rings aawe-inspiring we-inspiring ggrace race brings and d precision to music, thea aterr, and dance. theater,

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SLSQ performs perfo fforms works k b Schumann, Elgar, Elgar, and and byy Schumann, H aydn, joined joined by by pianist pianist Haydn, Stephen Prutsman. Prrutsman.

;72=@7 @=03@B ; 72=@7 @ @= @=03@B ;Q2=</:2 ;Q2 2=</:2 E32 E3 2 % <=D <=D Celebrated d virtuoso Midori and longtime longtim me collaborator McDonald d perform Bach, Mozart, Ba artĂłk, and more. BartĂłk,

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1115 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

MACLA ppresents MACLA resents a Quinceanera Quinceanera pperformance erformance for for queer queer Latinos Latinos with w ith aartist rtist YYosimar osimar Reyes Reyes and and SSan an Jose’s Jose’s bbest est ddrag rag qqueens. ueens. $9.$10. MACLA, SSat, at, 77:30pm. :30pm. $ 9.$10. M ACLA, SSan an Jose. Jose.

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

ARTS RT S metroactive metr oactive A CCITY ITY HALL HALL Murals from Murals from the the Golden Golden Gate G ate Exposition Exposition by by Miguel Miguel CCovarrubias. ovarrubias. City City Hall Hall Wing, Wing, SSan an Jose. Jose.

CCITY ITY WINDOWS WINDOWS GALLERY GALLERY “Earth-Bound.” A show “Earth-Bound.” show of of works w orks by by clay clay sculptors. sculptors. City City Hall, H all, South South Fourth Fourth St, St, San San Jose. Jose.

GGOOD OOD KARMA KARMA VEGAN VEGAN CCAFE AFE “Scrap Facet.” “Scrap Facet.” Monochrome Monochrome pportraits ortraits on on repurposed repurposed media. media. TThru hru Sep Sep 30. 30. San San Jose Jose

HIGHER FIRE HIGHER FIRE CLAYSPACE CLAYSPACE & GALLERY GALLERY “Water Works.” “Water Works.” New New pieces pieces by by Presley P resley Martin Martin and and Phyllis Phyllis Lee. Lee. Thru Thru Sep Sep 30. 30. San San Jose. Jose.

KALEID K ALEID GGALLERY ALLERY New shows New shows by by Rene Rene Lorraine Lorraine aand nd Ras Ras Lowe. Lowe. Thru Thru Sep Sep 30. 30. SSan an Jose. Jose.

KAVLI IINSTITUTE KAVLI NSTITUTE FFOR OR P ARTICLE ASTROPHYSICS ASTROPHYSICS PARTICLE A display display of of 19 19 works, works, including including tthe he “Galactic “Galactic Mysteries” Mysteries” series, series, bbyy Leah Leah Lubin. Lubin. SLAC SLAC National National Accelerator A ccelerator Lab, Lab, Stanford. Stanford.

MACLA M ACLA “Lineas: New “Lineas: New Modes Modes of of CContemporary ontemporary Urbanism.” Urbanism.” An An eexploration xploration of of globalism globalism and and llocalism ocalism with with works works by by TTanya anya Aguiniga A gguuiniga aand nd Teddy Teddy CCruz. ruz. TThru hru Oct O ct 16. 16. San San Jose. Jose.

MONTALVO M ONTALVO ARTS ARTS CENTER CENTER “Human Nature.” “Human Nature.” Works Works bbyy TTim im Hawkinson, Hawkinson, Celeste Celeste Boursier-Mougenot, B oursier-Mougenot, Ariane Ariane Michel, M ichel, Misako Misako Inaoka Inaoka and and Dana D annaa Harel. Harel. Thru Thru Oct Oct 17. 17. Project Project SSpace pace Gallery. Gallery. “Sculpture “Sculpture on on tthe he Grounds.” Grounds.” On-site On-site works works bbyy David David Middlebrook Middlebrook (ends (ends SSep ep 30), 30), Ann Ann Weber Weber (ends (ends Oct Oct 331) 1) and and Ali Ali Maschke-Messing Maschke-Messing ((ends ends d Jun Jun 30). 30). Saratoga. Saratoga.

NATALIE N ATALIE & JAMES JAMES THOMPSON T HOMPSON GALLERY GALLERY IInstallation nstallation for for 01SJ 01SJ by by Portuguese P ortuguese artist artist Miguel Miguel Palma. P alma. TThru hru Sep Sep 24. 24. SJSU. SJSU.

WORKS/SAN W ORKS/SAN JOSE JOSE “Cityspaceshare 2010: “Cityspaceshare 2010: TThe he Architecture Architecture of of Urban Urban IInsertions: nsertions: (Op)Space.” (Op)Space.” An An eexhibit xhibit as as part part of of 01SJ. 01SJ. Runs Runs tthru hru Oct Oct 1. 1. San San Jose. Jose.

Books B ooks MISTY M ISTY MAY-TREANOR MAY-TREANOR A booksigning booksigning with with vvolleyball olleyball

Moree list Mor listings: tings:


star M star Misty isty M May-Treanor. ay-Treanor. FFri, ri, Menlo Park. 77pm. pm. KKepler’s, epler’s, M enlo P ark.



Local ccraftspeople Local raftspeople ddisplay isplay ttheir heir wares. 6-8pm, w ares. SSat, at, 6 -8pm, SSun, un, noonnoonWork 44pm. pm. Free. Free. A W ork of of Heart, Heart, SSan an JJose. ose.

The O The Oregon regon w writer riter and and ppoet oet aappears ppears ffor or tthe he Center Center ffor or Arts. Wed, LLiterary iterary A rts. W ed, 7pm. 7pm. Free. Free. Main KKing ing M ain LLibrary, ibrary, San San JJose. ose.

ids *kkids

LLEGEND EGEND OF OF SLEEPY SLEEPY HOLLOW HOLLOW AR Rainbow ainbow Theatre Theatre pproduction roduction ttaken aken ffrom rom the the ffamous amous Washington W ashington IIrving rving ttale. ale. FFri, ri, 77:30pm, :30pm, SSat, at, 2:30 2:30 and and 7:30pm. 7:30pm. $6/$8. Milpitas TThru hru SSep ep 225. 5. $ 6/$8. M ilpitas CCommunity ommunity CCenter. enter.

vents *eevents

HEALTH H EALTH FORUM FO R U M A ppanel anel ooff ddoctors octors ttalk alk aabout bout tthe he pprospects rospects ffor or ssingle-payer ingle-payer hhealth-care ealth-care legislation. legislation. Tue, Tue, nnoon-1pm. oon-1pm. LLii KKaa SShing hing CCenter enter ffor or LLearning earning aand nd KKnowledge, nowledge, Medical SStanford tanford M edical SSchool. chool.


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A cconversation onversation with with the the civil civil rrights ights aactivist ctivist aand nd TThomas homas A. A. members SSaenz aenz aand nd m embers ooff Ozomatli. Ozomatli. A bbenefit enefit for for the the Steinbeck Steinbeck $10/$15. Morris CCenter. enter.TThu, hu, 77pm. pm. $ 10/$15. M orris Dailey D ailey Auditorium, Auditorium, SSJSU. JSU.



Big B ig De Deals als

LLocal ocal w wineries ineries pour pour wine wine at at sshops hops ddowntown. owntown. SSat, at, 22-5pm. -5pm. $35. Downtown Gatos. $ 35. D owntown LLos os G atos.



A sshowcase howcase for for arts arts and and ccrafts. rafts. FFri, ri, 55-8:30pm -8:30pm with with music Borinquen. m usic bbyy Orquesta Orquesta B orinquen. with SSat, at, nnoon-8pm oon-8pm w ith salsa salsa ffestival. estival. Free. Free. Downtown Downtown Redwood R edwood CCity. ity.

The ttradition The radition ooff IItalian talian cchalk halk aart rt with w ith hhands-on ands-on aactivities. ctivities. SSat, at, Backesto Park, 110am-4pm. 0am-4pm. FFree. ree. B ackesto P ark, SSan an JJose. ose.

ARTISTRY A RTISTRY IIN N FFASHION ASHION Designers D esigners show show clothing, clothing, jjewelry ewelry and and more. more. Sat, Sat, 10am10am$10 55pm. pm. $ 10 donation. donation. Canada Canada CCollege, ollege, Redwood Redwood City. City.

ARTISTS A ARTISTS AND ND T THE HE CCREATIVE REATIVE P ROCESS PROCESS A ppresentation resentation about about ““Movement Movement and and Animation” Animation” with w ith KKartri artri Haarde Haarde and and Keith Keith Hennessy. Palo H ennessy. Thu, Thu, 7pm. 7pm. Free. Free. P alo ALto Art A Lto A rt Center Center Auditorium. Auditorium.

CCAMPBELL AMPBELL W WINE INE W WALK ALK TTake ake a sstroll troll downtown downtown wares aand nd ttaste aste tthe he w ares of of wineries. aarea rea w ineries. Wed, Wed, 559pm. $25/$30. Downtown 9 pm. $ 25/$30. D owntown CCampbell. ampbell.

GGOLF OLF T TOURNAMENT OURNAMENT Presented by Presented by Fremont Fremont Bank Bank aand nd O Ohlone hlone College. College. Event Event iincludes ncludes lunch. lunch. Mon, Mon, 11am11am77:30pm. :30pm. TThe he Course Course at at Wente Wente Vineyards, V ineyards, Livermore. Livermore.

GREAT GGLASS GREAT LASS P PUMPKIN UMPKIN PATCH P ATCH Thousands ooff hhand-blown Thousands and-blown will gglass lass ppumpkins umpkins w ill be be on on Presented Bay Area ddisplay. isplay. P resented by by B ay A rea Glass G lass IInstitute. nstitute. EExhibit xhibit runs runs SSep ep 28–Oct 28–Oct 1, 1, culminating culminating in in Oct Palo Alto a ssale ale O ct 22-3. -3. P alo A lto Art Art CCenter. enter.


RENAISSANCE R ENAISSANCE FFAIRE AIRE TTravel ravel ttoo tthe he EElizabethan lizabethan eera, ra, with w ith CCeltic eltic concerts concerts every every Sat. Sat. Runs SSat-Sun, at-Sun, 110am-6pm. 0am-6pm. R uns tthru hru Oct Hollister. O ct 117.7. CCasa asa ddee FFruta, ruta, H ollister.

SSALSA ALSAFFESTIVAL ESTIVAL With tthree With hree sstages tages ooff LLatin atin m music usic aand nd ssalsa alsa cchefs. hefs. SSat, at, nnoon-8pm. oon-8pm. Redwood FFree. ree. R edwood CCity. ity.

SSARATOGA ARATOGA A ART RT A AND ND W WINE INE Artists aand Artists nd ccraftspeople, raftspeople, llocal ocal wines, w ines, food, food, llive ive eentertainment ntertainment aand nd sspecial pecial kkids’ ids’ ffun. un. SSat-Sun. at-Sun. Big Way, FFree. ree. B ig Basin Basin W ay, SSaratoga. aratoga.

SSILICON I L I CO N V VALLEY ALLEY FFALL ALL FFESTIVAL ESTIVAL A ffamily-friendly amily-friendly ccommunity ommunity Memorial Park, eevent. vent. SSat-Sun. at-Sun. M emorial P ark, Cupertino. Cupertino.

TASTE T A ST E O OFF M MORGAN O RG A N H HILL ILL Food bbooths, Food ooths, w wine ine ggarden, arden, ccustom ustom ccar ar ddisplay isplay aand nd eentertainment. ntertainment. SSat-Sun, at-Sun, Monterey 110am–6pm; 0am–6pm; ffree. ree. M onterey Road, Morgan Hill. R oad, M organ H ill.

THREE T HREE CCUPS U PS O OFF T TEA EA Fundraiser dinner Fundraiser dinner with with Greg Greg Mortenson, who M ortenson, pphilanthropist hilanthropist w ho works Afghanistan. w orks oonn sschools chools iin nA fghanistan. Presented P resented by by Central Central Asia Asia $125 IInstitute. nstitute. SSat, at, 77pm. pm. $ 125 aand nd uup. p. /www.ikat.org/ ((Go Go ttoo hhttp:/ ttp:// www.ikat.org/ Hyatt bbayarea ayarea ffor or ttickets). ickets). H yatt Regency R egency Hotel, Hotel, SSanta anta CClara. lara.


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You’ve Got Mail

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Catfish’s C atfish’s eenigmatic nigmatic title, title, so so much much disguises llike ike a password, password, d isguises a lesslessssaid-the-better aid-the-better true true story. story. A skinny skinny 20ish Yorker 2 0ish young young New New Y orker ccalled allled Nev Nev Schulman, ((pronounced pronounced “Neev”) “Neev”) S chulman n, his his brother, Rel), b rother, Ariel Ariel (called (called R el), and an nd their their pal filmmakers, p al Henry Henry Joost Joost aare re fi lmmak kers, and an nd tthey’ve hey’ve been been filming filming each each other other since since ttime ime immemorial. immemorial. Cruising C ruising around around Facebook, Facebook, Nev Nev becomes b ecomes aware aware of of the the paintings paintings of of a llittle ittle girl girl deep deep in in the the Midwest. Midwest. Like Like Olmstead Myy K Kid Could tthe he Maria Marria O lmstead of of M id C ould Paint Abby work P aint That, That, A bby w ork iiss ffetching etching prices llocal ocal p rices of of up up to to $7,000. $7,000. Through Through Abby’s Friends A bby’s F riends List, List, Nev Nev gets gets in in touch touch with painter’s w ith the the p ainter’s ssister, ister, Megan, Megan n, and and her becomes h er mom, mom, Angela. Angela. IItt soon soon b ecomes cclear, learr, however, however, tthat hat Megan Megan n is is more more Nev’s N ev’s idea idea of of a ggood ood time. time.

Long, pass Long, long long eemails mails p ass between between Megan becomes fixated Megan and an nd Nev, Nev, who who be comes fi xated not on Megan’s blonde but not jjust ust o nM egan n’s b londe beauty beau uty b ut also work allso on on her her eearthiness—her arrthiness—her w ork with with horses poultry. Anyone days horses and and po ultryy. A nyone tthese hese d ays who daydreaming who iisn’t sn’t d aydreaming about about a ffarm arm isn’t daydreaming. isn’t rreally eallly d aydream ming. ““Did Did you you know makes know a cchicken hicken m ak kes an an eegg gg eevery very day?” Nev, despite day?” asks assks the the iinfatuated nfatuated N ev, d espite his buddies’ warning Megan his b uddies’ w arning that that M egan n is is most dude, most llikely ikely a d ude, posing posing aass a girl. girl. But But her when her voice voice is is sso o sseductive! eductive! And And w hen she’s not ponies, she’s n ot ffoaling oaling po nies, sshe’s he’s ssinging inging like on like an n angel an ngel o n tthe he guitar! guitar! “Is “Is there there nothing do?” Nev writes nothing you you can’t can’t d o?” N ev w rites her. her. It’s men It’s then then tthat hat these these tthree hree young young m en discover bad discover a sure sure warning war arning sign sign of of b ad d character: plagiarism. Determined charraccter: p lagiarrism. D etermined to to solve drive solve the the mystery, mysteryy, tthe he tthree hree d rive to to its Michigan, its source: source: a ssmall malll ttown own in in M ichigan, in area where Anatomy in the the same sam me ar rea w here A natomy ooff a Murder place. Murder ttook ook p lace. At At the the eend nd of of tthe he road, discover road d, tthey hey d iscover tthe he rreal eal sstory. toryy. Catfish Catfish is is a cautionary cau utionary tale, tale, but but is is it Through it anything anything more? more? Like Like EExit xit T hrough the Here, the Gift Gift Shop Shop aand nd II’m ’m SStill till H ere, iitt deals dealls with with the the problem problem of of the the

:XkÓj_ G>$(*2 0+ d`e% Fg\ej =i`[Xp

1117 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

metroactive FILM

realer-than-real realer-than n-real iillusion llusion iimparted mparted by documentaries by d ocumentaries aand nd ssocial ocial networking. The networking. T he cconcept oncept iiss tthat hatt everything being when everything iiss b eing eexposed, xposed, w hen iin n fact nothing bee m more fact n othing ccould ould b ore sselective elective than what filmmakers decide than nw hatt tthe he fi lmmak kers d ecide tto o expose. Googling Earth, expose. G oogling E arth, aass tthe he tteam eam m does, what need does, ccan’t an’t ttell ell tthem hem w hat tthey hey n eed to know. Nev his pals to k now. N ev aand nd h is p als aaren’t ren’t the first mistake map the fi rst tto om istake tthe he m ap p ffor or tthe he terrain. terrain. Because off d documentary Because tthe he rrole ole o ocumentary filmmaker filmmaker iiss eeasy asy ffor or eeven ven a cchild hild tto o assume, what wee ssee assume, ttrusting rusting w hatt w ee iin n tthe he guise off d documentary becomes more guise o ocumentary b ecomes m ore difficult. difficult. There There are are so so many many pseudopseudo docs film docs tthat hatt tthere’s here’s eeven ven a fi lm ffestival estivall in Portland in P ortland made made to to handle handle them, them, held April You held eevery very A pril 11.. Y ou ccould ould llook ook iitt up on proves up o n tthe he IInternet—that nternet—that p roves iitt exists. exists. I liked, Catfish liked, though, though, how how C atfish ccan an be be ccompared ompared tto o tthe he eepistolary pistolary novel, which dreaded Nicholas novel, w hich tthe he d readed N icholass Sparks Sparrks brought brought back back to to such such success. success. Catfish Catfish has has a different diff ffeerent take take on on love love letters what might letters aand nd w hat m ight llurking urking behind nasty, behind tthem. hem. IIt’s t’s aalmost lmost n asty, tthe he idea off p privileged filmmakers idea o rivileged ccity ity fi lmmakers exposing exposing this this small-town small-town Megan. Megan. But what practical But w hatt ssounds ounds llike ike a p ractical jjoke oke boomerangs; boomerangs; tthe he rresults esults aare re ccloser loser tto o the punch Raymond Carver the p unch lline ine iin naR aymond C arver story Hitchcock film. story tthan han iin naH itchcock fi lm. I imagine bee tthose who imagine tthere’ll here’ll b hose w ho think hyped think Catfish Catfish iiss h yped aand nd llacking acking in payoff. warn in p ayoff ff. I sshould hould w arn yyou, ou, tthere here won’t bee b blood. not humorous won’t b lood. IIt’s t’s n ot a h umorous film, more film, aany ny m ore than than iitt is is violent, violent, and and the the middle middle starts starts to to drag drag as as the the emails back emails fly fly b ack and and fforth. orth. But narrow field off vvision But tthe he n arrow fi eld o ision aand nd depth portable depth iin np ortab ble ccameras ameras ccreates reattes some haunting Michigan some h aunting iimages: mages: tthe he M ichigan town, under flat blue town, u nder fl att b lue sskies, kies, iiss aass empty plaza dee C Chirico empty aass tthe he p laza iin nad hirico painting. The off tthe painting. T he ssequence equence o he tteam eam exploring deserted exploring a d eserted farmhouse, farmhouse, by by the the green green light light of of night night vision vision at at 3am, 3am, creates creattes stomach-turning stomach-turning tension. tension. The The payoff payoff is is diabolically diab bolically plausible plausible and and definitely definitely tragic: tragic: there’s there’s true true horror horror in pitiful in ssuch uch a p itiful need need for for recognition. recognition. And And the the culture culture of of fame fame and and the the age age of of digital digitall film film is is creating creat ating such such horror horror stories stories by by the the dozen dozen every every day. day.

“At Last: A


teen Comedy Adults will


Linda Barnard, TORONTO STAR

that too.”

metroactive FILM


Tech Museum in San Jose; reception at 6pm, film at 7pm; part of the SF Latino Film Festival; www.sflatino filmfestival.com.) (RvB)


(R; 89 min.) Philip Seymour Hoffman directs himself in a comedy about a blind date. (Opens Fri at CinéArts Santana Row.)


(PG) An animated tale of a barn owl’s adventures in a mythical world. (Opens Fri.)


Michael Douglas is just about completely mush. He’s reformed, written a book called Is Greed Good? and blatting out platitudes. In sum, director Oliver Stone’s well-known immunity to shame flabbergasts you anew. Read a full-length review online at www.metroactive.com. (Opens Fri.) (RvB)


(Unrated; 115 min.) See review on page 120.



Two compilations of bizarre cartoons from the masters: Sick & Twisted and New Generation. Read a full-length review online at www.metroactive .com. (Opens Fri at Camera 3 in San Jose.)

Fabio Barreto (Bruno’s brother) directs this biopic of the current WALL STREET: MONEY president of Brazil, Luiz “Lula” da NEVER SLEEPS Silva. How many world leaders (PG-13; 133 min.) The film starts with can you name who were working a critique of capitalism Run that doesn’t Publication at age 14 and who Size Date(s) in factories really want to critique capitalism were subsequently maimed in an and keeps going. AsWED Gordon Gekko, SJ METRO 9.22 industrial accident? (Plays Thu at 6.125 the x 7


M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P TE M B E R 22-28, 2010 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


(PG) A girl tries to stop her brother from marrying the wrong woman. A comedy with Kristen Bell, Jamie Lee Curtis and Betty White. (Opens Fri.)

Revivals Initial


(1948/1934) Vivien Leigh stars a s the straying wife (a role close

For your chance to see


is awesome!”


during its theatrical run, join us this Friday, September 24th from 10am to 2pm at Farm Fresh Fridays, the Downtown San Jose Farmer's Market! Stop by the Metro booth and enter-to-win for your chance to receive a pass, good for two people.


Downtown San Jose Farmer's Market is located in San Pedro Square between Santa Clara & St John. Entries will be taken until 1:55pm on Friday, September 24, 2010. One entry per person/household. Late and duplicate entries will not be considered. Winners of any Metro promotion in the past thirty days are ineligible. This film is rated R. Run-of-engagement passes received through this promotion do not guarantee admission to the theatre. Seating is on a first come first served basis. Theatre is open to paying customers. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of tickets assumes any and all risks related to use of ticket and accepts any restrictions required by ticket provider. Overture Films, Metro Newspapers, Downtown San Jose Farmer's Market, Terry Hines & Associates and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of a prize. Tickets cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. We are not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her ticket in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost; delayed or misdirected entries. All federal and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary. Participating sponsors their employees & family members and their agencies are not eligible. NO PHONE CALLS!

OPENS IN THEATRES FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1 Follow us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/letmein and www.facebook.com/ 43 KIXNorCal

2 COL (3.45") X 10" = 20" WED 9/22 SAN JOSE METRO

119 the script. (Plays Sep 25-27 in Palo Alto at the Stanford Theatre.) (RvB)


(1985) Terry Gilliam’s rich, inspired dystopic black comedy reflects, like most British punk rock, on the terrors of the late 1970s in England. Perhaps a little heavy on the pessimism about the future, but probably not,

as we shall see. (Plays Thu at 9pm at Camera 3 in San Jose and Fri at midnight at Camera 7 in Campbell.) (RvB)




Fri, 8pm: David Shepard of Film Preservation Associates introduces seven newly restored Chaplin shorts









Peter Travers

MAS 22nd


For showtimes, advance tix and more, go to


Best Theaters -- SJ Merc, Metro & Wave Readers Always Plenty of Free Validated Parking All Sites Seniors & Kids $6.75 / Students $7.50 • * = No Passes $7 b4 6pm M-F / 4pm S-S, Holidays • ✔ = Final Week � = Presented in Sony 4K Digital (C7 only) CAMERA 7• Pruneyard/Campbell • 559-6900 CAMERA 7 • Pruneyard/Campbell • 559-6900





CAMERA 12 • 201 S. 2nd St, S.J. • 998-3300 Student Night Wednesdays -- $6 after 6pm *WALL STREET: MONEY NEVER SLEEPS (PG-13) *LEGEND OF THE GUARDIANS 3D (PG) *YOU AGAIN (PG) FOOL FOR LOVE (PG-13) *THE TOWN (R) *EASY A (PG-13) FLIPPED (PG) ✔*ALPHA & OMEGA (2D) (PG) *DEVIL (PG-13) ✔THE AMERICAN (R) ✔MACHETE (R) ✔RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE (in 2D) (R)

CAMERA 3 • 288 S. Second, S.J. • 998-3300 *SPIKE & MIKE (New Gen / Sick Twisted) (NR) *THE SICILIAN GIRL (NR) OPENS 10/1! SOCIAL NETWORK LET ME IN


DISCOUNT (10 Admits/$60) / GIFT CARDS



NOW SHOWING - CHECK DIRECTORIES FOR LISTINGS Area Codes: (408), (650), (831), (888), (925)

San Jose Metro

2 COL (3.45") X 10" = 20" WED 9/22 SAN JOSE METRO

M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P TE M B E R 22-28, 2010 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

to her bones, apparently) in a British version directed by Julien Duvivier. It had the advantage of a more open production code than the Garbo version. Ralph Richardson plays Alexei, and as his biographer Gary O’Connor noted, “His enjoyment was evident in the detail of Karenin’s appearance . . . the large ears for instance, or the manner—the way he would crack his knuckles—which he took directly from Tolstoy.” BILLED WITH We Live Again. A woman (Anna Sten) on trial is recognized by the prince (Fredric March) who ruined her; it’s based on Tolstoy’s Resurrection. This frequently filmed story (first by Griffith) yet infrequently revived Rouben Mamoulian feature appears to be Hollywood’s answer to the best visuals of Soviet film; the cinematographer is Gregg Toland, and Preston Sturges had a hand in

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P TE M B E R 22-28, 2010 | M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

Claire Folger



metroactive FILM from 1914. Sat, 7:30pm: Chicago (1927). Phyllis Haver stars as Roxie Hart, With The Scarecrow, starring Buster Keaton (1920) as a farmhand looking for a farmer’s daughter. Judy Rosenberg at the piano. Sun, 4pm: One Way Passage (1932), Tay Garnett’s plaintive romance about a rogue (William Powell) and an ailing woman (Kay Francis) meeting on an ocean liner. Also Pas de Deux


(1968), avant-garde animation by Norman McLaren, Precious Images (1986) by Chuck Workman (whose work is usually seen at the Oscar broadcasts) and Moods of the Sea (1941) by John Hoffman and Slavko Vorkapich, creator of the namesake montages and John Hoffman. (Plays Sep 24-26 in Fremont at the Edison Theater.)



CAN I GET A WITNESS? Veronica D’Agostino testifies against the Mafia in ‘The Sicilian Girl.’

Ultimately, The Sicilian Girl is recommendable because of its star. As 17-year-old Rita Mancuso, Veronica D’Agostino is an unusual actress. She is a plain, stocky girl with a big jaw who dresses in conservative black, even when she is in witness protection in Rome. D’Agostino is the type we don’t get in the movies much since Minnie Driver stopped nabbing lead roles. D’Agostino is believable as a girl of great purpose, with the kind of gravity that draws the attention of men. One boyfriend says, “I think you’re cute,” as if he’s surprised to think that when he looks at her. Her first meeting with a Mafia-fighting court prosecutor (Gérard Jugnot, a benignly beaverish figure) came when she was 6


Mafia Wars COMPELLING but rather awkward, The Sicilian Girl is based on the story of Rita Atria. In the early 1990s, Atria was an important witness against the Mafia during the Italian government’s campaign against the crime families. What works in director Marco Amenta’s fictionalized film and what doesn’t work separate like oil and vinegar. Weaknesses of direction occur throughout: a woman pantomiming terror followed by obvious relief after an unexpected knock on the door, and we are treated to a favorite crime-movie cliché: cutting from the pulling of a trigger to a flock of birds rising, scattered by the sound of a gunshot.


years old (Miriana Faja plays the young Rita). Now that she’s grown up, the prosecutor has his own fear that Rita has been too tainted with the Mafia life ever to really turn against it.


The film boasts some intelligent twists and paranoia: Mario Pupello is formidable The Sicilian Girl as the local chief Don Salvo. The opening Unrated; 115 min. sequence—a story of Opens Friday, Rita as a child defacing Camera 3, the family bed sheets San Jose with spaghetti sauce while she’s learning to write— seems like an odd tale. But it makes sense later when we see Rita washing the bloody laundry of her own family in public. The trial scene takes place at the vast anti-Mafia fortress court in Palermo, with the dangerous suspects jailed up at the back of the room. Instead of walking to her seat, surrounded by the phalanx of cops, Rita breaks away for The Sicilian Girl’s finest moment. She walks by the cells. She starts to pick up her pace, and then she catches herself and deliberately slows her walk, like someone trying to overcome a fear of lions in the zoo. The task of extricating the Mafia from Italy continues, but the movie doesn’t raise any false hopes. All it does is celebrate the bravery of a woman who did her best to fight these parasites.—Richard von Busack


AMC EASTRIDGE MALL 15 & IMAX 2190 Eastridge Loop 888/AMC-4FUN


Area Codes: (408), (650), (831), (888), (925)

San Jose Metro

AMC MERCADO 20 & IMAX 3111 Mission College Blvd 888/AMC-4FUN





Run Date(s)

6.125 x 7



WED 9.22


at a special advance screening in San Jose on Thursday, September 30, send your name and mailing address to SJPromos@metronews.com

with subject line: THE SOCIAL NETWORK

" = 2" (SAU) R AD

Passes are limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, while supplies last.



The best ‘RESIDENT EVIL’ yet.” Shawn Edwards, FOX-TV

“3D the w ay it SHO

OULD BE D ONE.” Spider (Micha el Cumm ings), FE ARNET

This film is rated PG-13. Theatre is overbooked to ensure a full house. Passes received through this promotion do not guarantee admission and must be surrendered upon demand. Seating is on a first come, first served basis. EXCEPT FOR MEMBERS OF THE REVIEWING PRESS. No one will be admitted without a ticket or after the screening begins. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of tickets assumes any and all risks related to use of ticket and accepts any restrictions required by ticket provider. Columbia Pictures, SJ Metro, Terry Hines and Associates and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of a prize. Tickets cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. We are not responsible if, for any reason, winner is unable to use his/her ticket in whole or in part. Not responsible for lost; delayed or misdirected entries. All federal and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary. Participating sponsors their employees and family members and their agencies are not eligible. NO PHONE CALLS!

1 COL. X 3" = 3" (SAU) FILLER AD IN THEATERS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1 TheSocialNetwork-movie.com.com





2 COL (3.45") X 8" = 16" WED 9/22 SAN JOSE METRO

2 COL. X 2 = 4" (SAU)


M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P TE M B E R 22-28, 2010 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

For a chance to win a pass, good for two, to see

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P TE M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y









Moree listings: Mor

MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactive M


Foreigner Thursday, Sept. 23, 7:30pm at Mountain Winery, Saratoga; $45–$95 Around three dozen people have been members of Foreigner in the last three decades, but perhaps the greatest blow was lead singer Lou Gramm’s battle with a brain tumor. The good news is he beat it, the bad news is he’s doing Christian rock. Meanwhile Mick Jones (not the one from the Clash, obviously) soldiers on as the only original Foreigner member, still playing “Cold As Ice” and “I Want to Know What Love Is.” (SP)

Trey Smoov Saturday, Sept. 25, 8pm at VooDoo Lounge, San Jose; $15 If you go see only one Samoan R&B trio this year, make it Trey Smoov. Combining the mack daddy act with a sense of humor and slick production, the SoCal boys kick off their world tour in San Jose, on the heels of their new single “The Flyest.” (SP)

Brightmillion Sunday, Sept. 26, 4pm at Streetlight Records, San Jose; free Brightmillion is L.A. singer/songwriter Dan Holman, who makes starry-eyed pop coated with catchy indierock guitar riffs. It’s no act, either; Holman is so freakin’ good-natured it makes me want to go around punching llamas just to give the universe some balance. The name of his new tour? “Onward and Upward.” (SP)

D\kifÊj dlj`Z ZXc\e[Xi ilej N\[e\j[XpÅKl\j[Xp%

Rock/Pop R ock/Pop

FFIREHOUSE IREHOUSEGGRILL RILL SSat: at: B Blackouts. lackouts. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.


ANGELICA’S A NGELICA’SB BISTRO ISTRO Fri, 6 Fri, 6pm: pm: CCorinne orinne M Marcus arcus aand nd Noo cover. tthe he KKindred indred SSpirits. pirits. N cover. Redwood R edwood CCity. ity.

SSat, at, 77pm: pm: D Dune une TTran. ran. W Willow illow G Glen. len.




Live m Live music usic SSaturdays aturdays 9 9pm. pm. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

Wed: W ed: A Authority uthority ZZero, ero, U Undergone, ndergone, Days New, TTen en D ays N ew, FFighting ighting the the Villain. 6pm: Battle V illain. FFri, ri, 6 pm: B attle ooff tthe he Bands B ands finals. finals. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

Sat: H Sat: Hearts earts aand nd M Minutes, inutes, tthe he High $5. H igh SSea, ea, tthe he CCryptics. ryptics. $ 5. SSun, un, 9pm: Brightmillion. 9 pm: B rightmillion. SSan an JJose. ose.




Fri, 110pm: Fri, 0pm: SSpazmatics. pazmatics. SSat, at, 110pm: 0pm: 110 0 ttilil 22.. SSan an JJose. ose.

FFri, ri, 9 9pm: pm: B Bibles ibles and and Hand Hand Grenades, Boar Hunter, $7.7. G renades, B oar H unter, Bird. Bird. $ Out, SSat, at, 9pm: 9pm: Cash’d Cash’d O ut, SSlack-Jawed lack-Jawed Bitches. $10. SSons ons ooff B itches. $ 10. SSan an Jose. Jose.



SSat: at: 22-Short. -Short. M Menlo enlo P Park. ark.

Wed: W ed: JJack ack Rip Rip Off, Off, Thu: Thu: After After Party. Daddy. P arty. Fri: Fri: SSuga uga D addy. Sat: Sat: Bitchen’ Mon: Drive! B itchen’ CCamaros. amaros. M on: D rive! CCampbell. ampbell.


TThu, hu, 110pm: 0pm: B Baaru. aaru. SSan an JJose. ose.


Wed, W ed, 8 8pm: pm: LLive ive m music. usic. SSan an JJose. ose.

Fri, 9:30pm: Fri, 9:30pm: The The Mo-Fo’s. Mo-Fo’s. SSat, at, 9:30pm: Anthem. 9 :30pm: A nthem. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

MURPHY’S M URPHY’SLLAW AW Fri: B Fri: Bone one D Drivers. rivers. SSat: at: CChris hris TTucker ucker His Guns. aand nd H is G uns. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

NICKEL N ICKELCCITY ITY Fri, 6 Fri, 6pm: pm: SStickup tickup KKid, id, P Point oint ooff View, View, Set Set Aside. Aside. SSat, at, 66pm: pm: Hometown, Heroes, H ometown, FFour our O CClock lock H eroes, Rapid R apid FFire. ire. SSan an JJose. ose.


M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M



M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P TE M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


125 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P TE M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y

126 6

MUSIC USIC metroactive metr oactivve M 123 NUMBER N UMBERO ONE NEB BROADWAY ROADWAY Wed: JJ.C. Wed: .C. SSmith mith JJam am B Band. and. TThu: hu: Band. Pacific SSecond econd SStory tory B and. FFri: ri: P acific SStandard tandard TTime. ime. SSat: at: CCocktail ocktail Monkeys. Gatos. M onkeys. LLos os G atos.

QUARTER Q UARTERNOTE NOTE Wed, SSun Wed, un & M Mon: on: JJam am w with ith music. hhouse ouse bband. and. TThu: hu: LLive ive m usic. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

RED R EDR ROCK OCKCCOFFEE OFFEE Fri: G Fri: Great reat G Girls irls B Blouse, louse, D Death eath ttoo West. tthe he W est. Mountain Mountain View. View.

THE T HER REFUGE EFUGE Sat, 6 Sat, 6pm: pm: I tthe he M Mighty, ighty, A April pril PK, Brandon Walker. CChase, hase, P K, B randon W alker. CCupertino. upertino.

SSOUTH OUTHFFIRST IRSTB BILLIARDS ILLIARDS Fri: B Fri: Black lack Sand. Sand. SSat: at: A Animojams. nimojams. SSan an JJose. ose.

SSTREETLIGHT TREETLIGHTRECORDS RECORDS Sat, 44pm: Sat, pm: KKenny enny TThomas homas aand nd Baptists. tthe he SSouthern outhern B aptists. SSat, at, 44pm: pm: Brightmillion. B rightmillion. SSan an JJose. ose.

TOONS T OONS Wed: W ed: LLocal ocal live live music. music. SSan an JJose. ose.

VOODOO V OODOOLLOUNGE OUNGE Sat, 9 Sat, 9pm: pm: TTrey rey SSmoov, moov, TTeairra eairra Mari, DJJ P PJJ B Butta. $15. 9pm: M ari, D utta. $ 15. SSun, un, 9 pm: Mucca Pazza. $10. M ucca P azza. $ 10. SSan an JJose. ose.

Fri, Fri, 8:30pm: 8:30pm: Planet Planet Loop. Loop. Sat, Sat, 8:30pm: 8:30pm: Harold Harold Fethe. Fethe. Hotel Hotel de de Anza, Anza, San San Jose. Jose.

JJ.J.’S .J.’S B BLUES LUES CAFE CAFE Wed, 9pm: Wed, 9pm: Suska Suska Varda Varda and and tthe he Suger Suger SSweet weet Blues Blues Band. Band. TThu: hu: JJimmy immy Dewrance. Dewrance. Fri: Fri: Blues Hammer, B lues H ammer, $10. $10. Sat: Sat: Stevie Stevie Ray Vaughn with Alan R ay V aughn TTribute ribute w ith A lan IIglesias glesias aand nd Crossfire. Crossfire. $15. $15. Sun: Sun: Rare Way R are Touch. Touch. Mon: Mon: Wayne’s Wayne’s W ay Band. Blue B and. Tue: Tue: B lue J and and Dennis Dennis aand nd Stuart. Stuart. San San Jose. Jose.

More More listings:

METROACTIVE.COM M ETROACTIVE.COM DASILVA’S D ASILVA’S B BRONCOS RONCOS Wed: W ed: G Guitar uitar H Hero ero TTournament ournament 9pm-1am: pplus lus kkaraoke. araoke. Thu, Thu, 9 pm-1am: KKaraoke. araoke. SSanta anta CClara. lara.

DIVE D IVEB BAR AR Wed W ed aand nd TTue, ue, 9:30pm: 9:30pm: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an JJose. ose.

EELLR RANCHO ANCHOSPORTS SPORTSB BAR AR TThu, hu, 8pm: 8pm: KKaraoke. araoke. SSan an Jose. Jose.

MOROCCO’S M OROCCO’S R RESTAURANT ESTAURANT Thu, 7pm: Thu, 7pm: Andrew Andrew DiRuzza DiRuzza and and Rick R ick TTutunjian. utunjian. San San Jose. Jose.

POOR P OOR H HOUSE OUSE B BISTRO ISTRO Wed, 6pm: Wed, 6pm: Ron Ron Thompson Thompson aand nd Friends. Friends. Thu, Thu, 6pm: 6pm: Lara Lara Price P rice aand nd Yesterdays. Yesterdays. Fri, Fri, 6pm: 6pm: Mark M ark Hummel Hummel and and the the Blues Blues SSurvivors urvivors featuring featuring Rusty Rusty ZZinn. inn. 6pm: SSat, at, 6 pm: Steve Steve Freund Freund Blues Blues Band B and ffeaturing eaturing Jan Jan Fannucci. Fannucci. SSun, un, noon: noon: School School of of the the Blues Blues sstudents. tudents. SSan an Jose. Jose.

THREE FFLAMES THREE LAMES R ESTAURANT RESTAURANT Sun, 7pm: Sun, 7pm: Touch Touch N’ N’ Go. Go. Tue, Tue, Modesto 77:30pm: :30pm: M odesto Briseno Briseno Willow Glen. SSeptet. eptet. W illow G len.


THE T HEGGOOSETOWN OOSETOWNLLOUNGE OUNGE Fri-Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: Fri-Sun, 9:30pm-1:30am: Glen. KKaraoke. araoke. Willow Willow G len.

HOMESTEAD H OMESTEADLLANES ANES Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm: pm: Vinnie. Vinnie. Mon, Mon, 9pm: 9pm: KKaraoke araoke iin n the the llounge ounge w/ w/ Vinnie. Vinnie. August. TTue, ue, 9pm: 9pm: A ugust. Cupertino. Cupertino.

LLILLY ILLYM MAC’S AC’S Thu, 9pm: Thu, 9pm: D DJJ Thomas Thomas “Soulman.” “Soulman.” SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

MARIANI’S M ARIANI’S TThu, hu, 8pm: 8pm: CChris. hris. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.

Thu, 7pm: Thu, 7pm: Don Don Balistreri. Balistreri. Sat, Sat, 779:30pm: 9 :30pm: JJazz azz Night. Night. San San Jose. Jose.


FFri-Sun: ri-Sun: P Pro ro JJam. am. SSanta anta CClara. lara.



World W orld

Wed: LLarry Wed: arry Chinn. Chinn. Thu: Thu: Jason Jason LLewis ewis TTrio. rio. Sat: Sat: Russell Russell Barber Barber

Wed W ed & SSat-Sun: at-Sun: CChris. hris. Thu-Fri, Thu-Fri, : TThomas. homas. San San Jose. Jose.

Karaoke K araoke



AZUCAR A ZUCAR Fri-Sat: SSon Fri-Sat: on ddee KKali. ali. SSun: un: B Bachata achata SSensation. ensation. SSan an JJose. ose.


7 BAMBOO BAMBOO Wed-Sat, 9 Wed-Sat, 9pm: pm: Karaoke. Karaoke. Tue, Tue, 9pm: 9 pm: KKaraoke. araoke. San San Jose. Jose.

Sat, 8 Sat, 8pm: pm: KKavanaugh avanaugh B Brothers rothers CCeltic eltic Experience. Experience. San San Jose. Jose.

JJazz/Blues azz/Blues

ALEX’S A LEX’S 49ER 49ER INN INN Nightly eexcept Nightly xcept SSun, un, 9 9pm-2am: pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. San San Jose. Jose.

CCITY ITYLLIGHTS IGHTS Sun, 44pm: Sun, pm: JJohn ohn W Worley orley aand nd M MooQuartet. $13/$15. CChi hi Q uartet. $ 13/$15. CCity ity LLights, ights, SSan an JJose. ose.

GGRAND RANDD DELL ELLSSALOON ALOON Thu, 8 Thu, 8pm: pm: B Blues lues JJam am w w/Aki /Aki 8pm: Pea KKumar. umar. FFri, ri, 8 pm: LLil’ il’ P ea aand nd tthe he Degree. 8pm: TThird hird D egree. SSat, at, 8 pm: TTip ip ooff tthe he TTop. op. CCampbell. ampbell.

HEDLEY H EDLEYCCLUB LUB TThu, hu, 8 8pm: pm: R Russo-Alberts usso-Alberts TTrio. rio.

Wed, W ed, TThu, hu, Sat Sat and and Sun: Sun: 10pm: 10pm: Vinnie. V innie. SSanta anta Clara. Clara.

Dance D anceClubs Clubs AGENDA A GENDA

PARRANDA P ARRANDAN NIGHTCLUB IGHTCLUB Thu, 9 Thu, 9pm: pm: B Banda anda 3300, 00, D DJJ Akustik. 8pm: Norteño A kustik. FFri, ri, 8 pm: N orteño aand nd Bandas B andas llive. ive. SSunnyvale. unnyvale.

FFri-Sat: ri-Sat: KKaraoke. araoke. Santa Santa Clara. Clara.

Wed, W ed, 8 8pm: pm: SSalsa alsa Wednesdays Wednesdays w/N’Rumba. w /N’Rumba. TThu: hu: SLAP!. SLAP!. Fri, Fri, 9pm: DJJ 9 pm: SSummer ummer Madness. Madness. SSat: at: D Quams. Reggae. Q uams. Sun: Sun: R eggae. San San Jose. Jose.

AZUCAR A ZUCAR Wed, W ed, 110pm: 0pm: Comedy Comedy Club Club A After fter Party. P arty.Thu, Thu, 8pm: 8pm: Music Music After After Dark. Dark. Night. Mon, 8pm: SSun: un: SSalsa alsa N ight. M on, 8 pm: SSalsa alsa LLessons. essons.Tue, Tue, 9pm: 9pm: College College Night Night Beats Mike B eats w/ w/ M ike JJones. ones. San San JJose. ose.

BRANHAM B RANHAMLLOUNGE OUNGE BOGART’S B OGART’S LLOUNGE OUNGE Wed, Fri Wed, Fri aand nd Sun, Sun, 8pm-2am: 8pm-2am: KKaraoke. araoke. Sunnyvale. Sunnyvale.

CCREEKSIDE REEKSIDE LOUNGE LOUNGE Wed & Mon-Tue: Wed Mon-Tue: With With SStephanie. tephanie. Thu Thu & Sat: Sat: Randy. Randy. Fri: Fri: JJerry erry SSauceda. auceda. San San Jose. Jose.

Wed: W ed: H Humpday umpday W Wednesdays. ednesdays. TThu: hu: DJ DJ and and Karaoke. Karaoke. Fri: Fri: LLadies adies Night. N ight. Sat: Sat: DJ DJ Jazzy Jazzy and and DJ DJ Hour Allll D Day. CChaos. haos. SSun: un: Happy Happy H our A ay. Mon: DJJ aand $22 M on: D nd KKaraoke. araoke. TTue: ue: $ TTuesdays. uesdays. San San Jose. Jose.


127 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P TE M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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Ice Cube DON’T LIKE gangsta rap? Blame it on Ice Cube, ’cause he said it gets funky when you got a subject and a predicate. But what you can’t blame the Cube for, according to his new single, is your own baggage. Thus the fairly vicious sarcasm of “Gangsta Rap Made Me Do It,” in which he plants his foot up Saturday, Sept 25 the ass of the blame-society defense: “If I call you a nigga, ain’t nothin to it, gangsta rap made Uptown in Oakland me do it/ I can act like an animal ain’t nothin to it, gangsta rap made me do it.” Ice Cube’s rhythms $50 are as clever and catchy as ever (witness the clapocalypse of “Why We Thugs” from Laugh Now, Cry Later) and on his last tour he was even doing “Straight Outta Compton” from the NWA days. If he brings those crazy inflatable hands throwing “Westside” again, it’s gonna be a hell of a show. Del Tha Funky Homosapien opens.—Steve Palopoli

126 12

BRITANNIA B RITANNIAA ARMS RMSALMADEN ALMADEN Wed W ed aand nd SSun, un, 110pm: 0pm: D DJJ H Hank. ank. Benofficial. Mon, TThu, hu, 10pm: 10pm: DJ DJ B enofficial. M on, 9pm: 9 pm: Beer Beer Pong. Pong. SSan an JJose. ose.

BRITANNIA B RITANNIAA ARMS RMS Fri: D Fri: DJJ Kay Kay Rich Rich and and DJ DJ Check Check O O.. DJJ SSat: at: G Beats Beats the the SSoulchild. oulchild. TTue: ue: D David D avid Q. Q. San San JJose. ose.


Fri, 9 Fri, 9pm: pm: Salsa Salsa IIllusions. llusions. SSat, at, 9 :30pm: RDB, RDB, R hythm D hol Bass. Bass. 9:30pm: Rhythm Dhol P alo A lto. Palo Alto.

Mon: Mardi Mardi Gras Gras Monday. Monday. Tue: Tue: Mon: Ladies, Ladies, you’re you’re the the star. star. San Jose. Jose. San



Thu-Fri: D Thu-Fri: DJJ Otrebor. Otrebor. Sat: Sat: DJ DJ CCN ote. Sun, Sun, 3-10pm: 3-10pm: DJ DJ Venom Venom Note. 3347 47 aand nd guest guest D Js. SSan an JJose. ose. DJs.

Fri: D Fri: DJJ SSpam. pam. Sat: Sat: Trey Trey SSmoov moov Mari aand nd TTeairra eairra M ari FFlyer. lyer. SSun: un: Mucca $10. M ucca Pazza, Pazza, $ 10. San San Jose. Jose.



Thu, 8 Thu, 8pm: pm: D DJJ Akustik. Akustik. FFri, ri, 8 8pm: pm: D ayo. Sat, Sat, 8 pm: DJ DJ Mayo Mayo and and DJJ M Mayo. 8pm: D kustik. SSun, un, 77pm: pm: LLatin atin B eat. DJJ A Akustik. Beat. SSun: un: SSonidero onidero N ight. SSunnyvale. unnyvale. Night.

TOON’S TOON’S Thu: SSpecial Thu: pecial artist artist and and DJ DJ Tito. Tito. FFri: ri: Back Back ttoo school school party party w/ w/ CChoo-nation. hoo-nation. Sat: Sat: Hip-hop Hip-hop and and hhouse. ouse. SSun: un: A ndre N ikatina. Andre Nikatina.

FFri: ri: EEpic pic w w/DF /DF CClass. lass. SSat: at: IIce ce w/Jay w /Jay EE.. TTue: ue: P Pink ink Tuesdays Tuesdays w/Miguel w /Miguel JJontel. ontel. San San Jose. Jose.

ZZEN EN LOUNGE LOUNGE Thu: Dru Thu: Dru Down. Down. Fri: Fri: Fabulous Fabulous FFridays. ridays. SSat: at: CCelebrity elebrity w/DJ D-Roc. SSaturdays aturdays w /DJ D -Roc. Mountain M ountain View. View.

M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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131 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P TE M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 >LKULZKH` :LW[LTILY ย AGES 16+ plus Mystic Roots


$14 Advance, $18 Doors โ ข Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m.

;O\ :LW[ ย AGES 21+ โ ข Nativa Productions presents plus special guests SambaDรก OLODUM $35 Adv., $40 Drs. โ ข Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m.

Thursday, Sept. 23 ย In the Atrium ย AGES 21+ J-BOOGIEโ S DUBTRONIC SCIENCE/ SKINS & NEEDLES


DJ Kikkoman $5 Drs. โ ข Doors 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.



plus J. Stalin $24 Adv., $29 Drs. โ ข 8 p.m./ 9 p.m. Friday, September 24 ย In the Atrium ย AGES 21+ FRIDAY NIGHT FUNCTION: DJ Aspect DJ Tone Sol, Nima Fadavi NO COVER โ ข 9 p.m./ 9 p.m. :H[ :LW[ ย AGES 16+ โ ข Ineffable Music Group presents



Mike Pinto

$22 Adv./ $26 Dr. โ ข 8 p.m./ 9 p.m.

ICE CUBE AGES 16+ $35 Adv., $39 Drs. โ ข Doors 7 p.m./ Show 8 p.m.

:\U :LW[

Sunday, Sept. 26 ย In the Atrium ย AGES 21+




s $)% !.4WOORD LITTLE DRA'/. s FOUR TET (/,9 &5#+ s 0(!.TOGRAM *!-!)#! s 7!,,0!0%2 MAUS HAUS



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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P TE M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y










TOSH/MARLEY TRIBUTE w/ Fully Fullwood Band & members of Soul Syndicate $10 Adv./ $14 Dr. โ ข 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m. 4VU :LW[ ย AGES 16+ โ ข VitalSC presents


$29 in advance โ ข 8 p.m./ 9 p.m.

Monday & Tuesday, Sept. 27 & 28 ย In the Atrium ย AGES 16+ TOMORROWโ S BAD SEEDS plus Passa๏ฌ re

Mon. Top Shelf Tue.

Paci๏ฌ c Dub $10 Adv./ $12 Dr. โ ข 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.

Sep 29 The Beautiful Girls Atrium (Ages 16+) Sep 30 Doors to Nowhere Atrium (Ages 16+) Oct 2 Easy Star All Stars (Ages 16+) Oct 2 VitalSC โ Dubstep Nation 3โ Atrium (Ages 16+) Oct 3 O.A.R./Dirty Heads (Ages 16+) Oct 7 Tech N9ne/ E-40/ Krizz Kaliko (Ages 16+) Oct 8 The Pack/ Dev/ Antdog Da Beast (Ages 16+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online


133 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P TE M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


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A LT E R N AT I V E MEDICINE M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


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A LT E R N AT I V E MEDICINE M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


141 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M


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A LT E R N AT I V E MEDICINE M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y


149 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M


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@Êd )*# Xe[ dp ^`ic]i`\e[ f] X Zflgc\ dfek_j `j )'% @Êd kXcc\i k_Xe _\i# Xck_fl^_ @Êd fecp ,$]ffk$.# Xe[ m\ip k_`e @ n\`^_ c\jj k_Xe j_\ [f\j % J_\Êj d\ek`fe\[ j\m\iXc k`d\j k_Xk j_\Êj e\m\i Y\\e n`k_ jfd\Yf[p jf k_`e# dXb`e^ d\ k_`eb `kÊj X gifYc\d ]fi _\i% @ aljk _Xm\ k_\ ]\\c`e^ k_Xk j_\Êj efk k_Xk klie\[ fe Yp d\% @ befn @Êd efk Xj Y`^ Xj dp ^lp ]i`\e[j# Xe[ @ [feÊk ZXi\% @ [feÊk e\\[ kf Y\ Xj Y`^ kf ^\k k_\`i i\jg\Zk% :flc[ k_`j Y\ X Z_`c[`j_ _Xe^lg j_\Êcc flk^ifn6 N_`c\ @Ê[ e\m\i k_i\Xk\e kf Yi\Xb lg `] j_\Êj j`dgcp efk `e k_\ dff[ n_`Z_ j_\ j\\dj kf efk Y\ X cfk # @ e\\[ k_\ g_pj`ZXc kf ^f n`k_ k_\ \dfk`feXc% K_\i\ dljk Y\ jfd\k_`e^ @ ZXe [f kf jg`Z\ lg fli cfm\ c`]\% ÆJc`d A`d From the way your girlfriend’s been talking, your best bet for spicing up your love life is trying new things in bed, like the Double Down. Unfortunately, that isn’t some tantric maneuver, but the new KFC sandwich with bacon and melted cheese between two fried chicken patties. Dating a really skinny guy can make even thin women feel huge (“Do I look fat in this relationship?”). Women seem to have an evolved preference for men with characteristics that suggest physical dominance. Numerous studies show that almost all women prefer men who are taller than they are. And even though the only bear you’re likely to encounter these days is the little plastic one your honey comes in, many women want men who are built like they’d have some chance of slaying a real one—as opposed to taking one look, scaling the woman like a tree, and whimpering, “Donnnn’t hurrrrt meeee!” Sure, your guy friends are fine with your body size—because when they hang out with you, they might wake up hung over, not naked and spooning

you with their face pressed into your back hair. Skinny guys can make up for a lack of beefiness by trying to date even skinnier women, or by muscling up—not to cartoon proportions; just so they’re more cruel Adonis than human breadstick. As for your recent sexual dry spell, there does come a time in a relationship when the old sex life cools down, but it’s not supposed to happen anywhere near the three-week mark. Maybe your girlfriend’s not that into sex, maybe she’s not that into sex with a guy built like you. She may like you, respect you, and want to want you, but lust doesn’t work that way. You just can’t train yourself to be attracted to a person like you’d train yourself to rollerblade or master the subjunctive. There are women out there who’ll be really attracted to you and won’t be able to keep their hands off you—at the very least, for the first few months. They’ll probably drop little suggestions about stuff that bugs them, too, but it’ll be stuff like “Don’t snap your gum” and “Don’t leave the toilet seat up,” not “Don’t be 5-foot-7.”

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your car after your third and final date. When you’re first chatting, wind your way to the subject of Relationships Today, touch on general points, then get more personal: “I’m actually not dating as much because I’m not looking for a longterm relationship or anything serious.” The woman may decide to ignore this, and may even take you on as a challenge, but you’ve done your part in making the landscape clear: You’re pretty much the pool boy; you just happen to be one who has his own house and pool.

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NVIDIA Corporation

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Sysnet Technology Solutions Inc seeks: Systems Analyst and Programmer Analyst Location: San Jose. CA Position Type: Full Time. Experience: Unspecified. Education: Unspecified. Systems Analyst to Analyze, design, develop, maintain, install, and test computer software programs. Work with Business Objects, Oracle/Sybase, and PL/SQL. Programmer Analyst to Analyze, design, develop software applications using J2EE, JSP, EJB, Oracle and Sybase. Jobsite: San Jose, CA. Rate of Pay: $40.00/ hour to $70.00/ hour Send Resume to: HR Dept, Sysnet Technology Solutions, Inc. 4320 Stevens Creek Blvd., Ste. 229, San Jose, CA 95129. Email: admin@sysnetts.com

Sr Software Engineer for Cloud.com, Cupertino. Requires MS Comp Sci, MIS or Eng’g + 2 yrs exp (or BS + 5 yrs exp) developing cloud management, open source, hypervisor software. Resume to jobs@cloud.com. Pls reference “hypervisor architect” when applying.

SOAPROJECTS, INC seeks Mgr. Infor Sys. Auditor at Mountain View, Ca office. See www.soaprojects.com

Janitorial Supervisor Needed-Danville Cell phone and transportation required. Call for interview-888-883-1915

market leader in graphics & digital media processors, has engineering opportunities in Santa Clara, CA: Circuit Design Engineer (CDE01): Engage in high-frequency, digital logic circuit design on next generation chip. Sr. Infrastructure Architect (IARC01): Develop user interface and front end application for comprehensive workflows for the development of new graphics chips used for the simulation, verification and debugging of all new chips. ASIC Design Engineer (ASICDE80, ASICDE81): Design and implement industry’s leading Graphics, Video / Media and Communications Processors. CAD Engineer (CADEE05): Develop CAD and methodologies for high-performance designs and contribute to state of the art products. Physical Design Engineer (PDE12): Work on physical design and implementation of Graphics processors, integrated chipsets and other ASICs targeted at the desktop, laptop, workstation, settop box and home networking markets. Sr. ASIC Design Engineer (ASICDE82, ASICDE83): Engage in defining, documenting, designing, verifying and emulation for technical ASIC development. Applied Engineer (AENG02): Engage with end users and developers to determine and solve their most challenging computing problems (requires 10-15% domestic travel). Architect (ARC07): Develop algorithms and design hardware extending the state of the art in hardware support for computer graphics. If interested, ref job code and send to: NVIDIA Corporation. Attn: MS04 (L. Molina). 2701 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95050. Please no phone calls, emails or faxes.

Visit our offices Monday through Friday, 8.30am

Novellus Systems, Inc. Director of Firmware equipment provider for the and Software semiconductor industry, has employment opportunities in San Jose, CA for Process Development Engineer (12006), Sr. Process Development Engineer (12132 ) develop new or modified process formulations; Technologist (11829 ) work on process and technology development activities with customer accounts, may travel up to 25%; Process Development Engineer (11624 ) maintain Gamma ashing tool in lab. If interested, must reference job title with code and send resume to Novellus Systems, Inc. Attn: J. Reicks. 4000 N. First Street, M/S 60C San Jose, CA 95134.

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CalCC seeks a bilingual (Korean/Eng.) College Prep Counselor in San Jose, CA. Send resume to 762 Sunset Glen Dr. #2, San Jose, CA 95123.

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Legal & Public Notices



The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Taqueris Tlaquepapue #1, 2222 Lincoln Ave, San Jose, CA, 95125, Teresa Ramirez Novarro, 192 HerLong Ave, CA, 95123. This business is conducted by a Individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on 7/21/2010. /s/Teresa Ramirez Novarro This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 8/06/2010. (pub Metro 9/01, 9/08, 9/15, 9/22/2010)


The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Opportunity Partners, 114 Owsley Ave., #A, San Jose, 95122, Bay Area Touring Side (B.A.T.S) Rugby Football Club Inc. This business is conducted by a Corporation. The state of Corporation: Delaware. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on 07/01/1995. Refile of previous file #465823 with changes /s/Mary Leal Secretary #C1665054 This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 8/18/2010. (pub Metro 9/01, 9/08, 9/15, 9/22/2010)

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Rush whose R ush LLimbaugh imbaugh iiss a pperson erson w hose iideas deas aand nd aattitudes ttitudes me. But rrepel epel m e. B ut iin n tthe he ddream ream I hhad ad llast ast nnight, ight, I eenjoyed njoyed with Hee w was hhanging anging oout ut w ith hhim. im. H as aaffable ffable aand nd hhumorous. umorous. Wee hhad Here’s W ad sseveral everal ffun un aadventures dventures ttogether. ogether. H ere’s hhow ow mean I iinterpret nterpret tthe he ddream: ream: IItt ddoesn’t oesn’t nnecessarily ecessarily m ean myy bbias tthat hat LLimbaugh imbaugh iiss a bbetter etter hhuman uman bbeing eing tthan han m ias mee ttoo iimagine. Rather, aallows llows m magine. R ather, I tthink hink II’m ’m bbecoming ecoming more m ore rrelaxed elaxed aabout bout ppeople eople I ddisagree isagree with. with. I’m I’m less less motivated ssusceptible usceptible ttoo bbeing eing m otivated bbyy hhatred. atred. I’m I’m able able to to maintain m aintain a llive-and-let-live ive-and-let-live aapproach pproach to to things things that that mee ooff uused sed ttoo kknock nock m ff ccenter. enter. YYou’re ou’re nnow ow sset et uupp ffor or a Aries. ssimilar imilar sshift, hift, A ries. I hhope ope yyou ou ttake ake aadvantage. dvantage.

TAURUS T AURUS (April (April 20–May 20–May 20): 20): You You have have entered entered a phase phase in in your your astrological astrological cycle cycle when when your your best best lessons lessons will work. will come come from from doing doing hard hard w ork. I mean mean that that in in tthe he most way: most literal literal w ay: intensifying intensifying your your commitment commitment to to doing doing your your jjob ob with with maximum maximum integrity integrity and and intelligence intelligence aand nd excellence. mean excellence. But But I also also m ean that that you you sshould hould concentrate concentrate on fixing, on what what needs needs fi xing, refinement, refinement, aand nd upkeep upkeep in in other other areas areas of of your your llife. ife. Could Could your your best best relationships relationships uuse se some some tweaks tweaks tthat hat would would pump pump up up the the collaborative collaborative energy? making energy? Would Would yyou ou consider consider m aking a course course ccorrection orrection in in yyour our spiritual spiritual path? path? Is Is tthere here any any part part of of yyour our rrhythm hythm that that could could use use more more discipline discipline and and organization? organization? GEMINI (May 21–June 20): I’m m getting excited to

create coming weeks. see what you’ll cr eate in the com ming week s. YYou’re ou’r o e expressive groove slipping into the most expr essivee gr oove you’ve been in ffor or a while. while II’m m guessing that any a minute now churning wealth your imagination will start churn ning out a weal th fresh approaches. of fr esh perspectives and new ap pproaches. Halfproblems theree immobile rrotting otting pr oblems that have just sat s ther weekss or even months will be begin ffor or week egin morphing into friskyy gr grace. opportunities as you zap them with w your frisk ace. Misunderstandings that have ffestered esstered ffar ar too long will trickyy ingenuity ingenuity.. Get get cleansed and salved by your trick the party started!

CCANCER ANCER ((June June 221–July 1–July 222): 2): A Ass I sstood tood bbyy tthe he creek aatt ddusk, usk, tthe he ssilhouette ilhouette ooff a w oman iin n a kkayak ayak creek woman came flowing myy w way. came fl owing m ay. TThe he llast ast ccrease rease ooff tthe he oorange range sun sun hovered hovered oon n tthe he hhorizon orizon bbehind ehind hher. er. I sspied pied tthe he reflection Venus reflection ooff tthe he pplanet lanet V enus sshimmering himmering iin n tthe he vviolet iolet water was water before before I ssaw aw iitt iin n tthe he ssky. ky. TThe he ttemperature emperature w as balmy. floated balmy. A ttranslucent ranslucent sspider pider fl oated nnearby earby aatt tthe he eend nd of Nine of an an aairborne irborne ssilk ilk sstrand. trand. N ine ggeese eese iin n vv-formation -formation trumpeted When woman trumpeted aass tthey hey ssoared oared ooverhead. verhead. W hen tthe he w oman got got close close eenough nough ffor or uuss ttoo ssee ee eeach ach oother’s ther ’s ffaces, aces, sshe he addressed me. win!” addressed m e. ““We We w in!” sshe he eexclaimed xclaimed jjubilantly, ubilantly, tthen hen paddled Wee w were paddled oonward. nward. I aagreed. greed. W ere bbasking asking iin n a ggreat reat victory, victory, paradise paradise hhaving aving ttemporarily emporarily ddescended escended iinto nto our midst. our m idst. TThis his iiss tthe he kkind ind ooff ttriumph riumph I eexpect xpect yyou’ll ou’ll bbee capable capable ooff aachieving chieving sseveral everal ttimes imes oover ver iin n tthe he ccoming oming week. week.

LEO LE O (July 23–Aug. 22): Focus on o what what’s ’s small and slipperyy, Leo. TTurn urn u your gaze awa ay fr om what ’s big and slippery, away from what’s obvious. Exul Exultt in the salamanderr on the rock rock and a friend who has a new trick and the guilty t guil ty pleasure pleasure you just discovered; discovered; excuse yourself from from obsessing about the state of the economy, economyy, the meaning meeaning of life, life, and the clash between science and religion. religiion. Your Yoour pleasurable pleasurable duty is to love what’s what’ss in the midst midsst of changing, changing and not fixate on trying to make arrangements that will arrangements a supposedly last forever. just forever. Don’t Don’t jus st grudgingly attend to the mer mercurial curial details; dive in as a if playing with them were central were your centr al purpose. VIRGO VIR GO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): ““Artists A Arrtists suff suffer er ffor or their

work, but they don’t don’t mind,” rread ead the headline in the San Fr Francisco ancisco Chr Chronicle onicle. The atta attached ached article ffeatured eatured brief inter interviews views with five artists who all said they enjoy doing their cr creative much eative work so muc ch that they gladly put up with the privations it causes them. That That’s ’s the spirit I’d like you to embr embrace coming weeks, Virgo. ace in the com ming week s, Vir go. See if you can immerse yourself in a labor of love with so much enthusiastic devotion thatt you drive away some of your aches and anxieties.

SSCORPIO CORPIO (Oct. (Oct. 223–Nov. 3–Nov. 221): 1): M Myy pproposed roposed

would wouldn’t aassignment ssignment ffor or yyou ou w ould bbee ffun, un, bbut ut iitt w ouldn’t bbee would eeasy. asy. IItt w ould rrequire equire yyou ou ttoo ddissolve issolve aatt lleast east oone ne ooff fixations, yyour our fi xations, eescape scape aatt lleast east ttwo wo ooff yyour our hhabits, abits, aand nd ooverride verride aatt lleast east tthree hree ooff yyour our ddogmatic ogmatic bbeliefs. eliefs. II’ll ’ll ccompletely ompletely uunderstand nderstand iiff yyou’re ou’re nnot ot uupp ffor or tthe he But cchallenge. hallenge. B ut iiff yyou’re ou’re ggame, ame, rread ead tthe he ffollowing ollowing Pablo Neruda eexcerpt xcerpt ooff a ppoem oem bbyy P ablo N eruda ((translated translated bbyy Alastair Reid), A lastair R eid), aand nd iincorporate ncorporate iits ts aattitude ttitude iinto nto yyour our mind ddaily aily rrhythm. hythm. ““II hhave ave a m ind ttoo cconfuse onfuse tthings, hings, unite unite make mix tthem, hem, m ake tthem hem nnew-born, ew-born, m ix tthem hem uup, p, uundress ndress world tthem, hem, uuntil ntil aallll llight ight iin n tthe he w orld hhas as tthe he ooneness neness ooff tthe he wholeness, oocean, cean, a ggenerous, enerous, vvast ast w holeness, a ccrackling, rackling, lliving iving ffragrance.” ragrance.” SSAGITTARIUS AGITTARIUS ((Nov. Nov. 222–Dec. 2–Dec. 221): 1): I llove ove ttoo llisten isten to to DJ DJ Schmeejay Schmeejay on on San San Francisco Francisco radio radio station station KUSF. KUSF. Like Like a throwback throwback to to the the Golden Golden Age Age of of FM FM radio radio in in the the 1970s, 1970s, he he plays plays a “visceral, “visceral, cinematic” cinematic ” mix mix that that delights delights you you with with a flow flow of of unpredictable unpredictable juxtapositions. juxtapositions. Unlike Unlike some some music music experts experts who who harbor harbor haughty haughty elitist elitist prejudices, prejudices, the the dude dude is is an an open-minded open-minded aficionado. aficionado. His His playlist playlist may may include include a psychedelic psychedelic tune, tune, flapperflapperjazz, jazz, a pretty pretty pop pop song, song, a barbershop barbershop quartet, quartet, 1960s 1960s folk, folk, polka polka and and trip-hop. trip-hop. He He understands understands that that good good entertainment what’s entertainment kkeeps eeps yyou ou gguessing uessing aabout bout w hat’s ggoing oing to to ccome ome nnext. ext. I uurge rge yyou ou ttoo bborrow orrow hhis is aapproach pproach aass you weeks. you ccruise ruise aand nd sschmooze chmooze iin n tthe he ccoming oming w eeks. CCharm harm people people with with good good surprises. surprises. Expand Expand your your bag bag of of tricks, tricks, and and use use everything everything in in it. it.

CCAPRICORN APRICORN (Dec. (Dec. 222–Jan. 2–Jan. 119): 9): II’m ’m nnot ot a bbig ig

bbeliever eliever iin n tthe he iidea dea tthat hat ddreams reams aare re pprophetic. rophetic. II’ve ’ve myy oown rrecorded ecorded tthousands housands ooff m wn ddreams, reams, aand nd jjust ust waking tthree hree ooff tthem hem hhave ave fforeshadowed oreshadowed w aking llife ife eevents vents However, tthat hat aactually ctually ooccurred. ccurred. H owever, I hhave ave ooften ften ffound ound iitt myy ddreams vvaluable aluable ttoo rregard egard m reams aass ppointers ointers oon n hhow ow ttoo myself. when ddevelop evelop uunripe nripe aaspects spects ooff m yself. FFor or eexample, xample, w hen was Iw as 119 9 I hhad ad a sseries eries ooff ddreams reams ssuggesting uggesting tthat hat tthe he way writer was write bbest est w ay ttoo bbecome ecome a w riter w as ssimply imply ttoo w rite aatt lleast east tthree hree hhours ours eevery very dday. ay. I aacted cted oon n tthose hose pprompts, rompts, worked. aand nd tthey hey w orked. I bbring ring tthis his ttoo yyour our aattention, ttention, CCapricorn, apricorn, bbecause ecause iit’s t’s prime prime ttime ime ffor or yyou ou ttoo ttap ap iinto nto yyour our oown wn ddreams reams ffor or ttips ips oon n hhow ow ttoo ccreate reate yyour our bbest est ppossible ossible ffuture. uture. AQUARIUS A QUARIUS ((Jan. Jan. 220–Feb. 0–Feb. 118): 8): IIn n hhis is oopening pening ccomments omments oon n aan n eepisode pisode ooff hhis is TTV V sshow, how, SStephen tephen myy sstomach. CColbert olbert aannounced, nnounced, ““II hhave ave bbutterflies utterflies iin nm tomach. I jjust ust aate te a ccocoon ocoon qquesadilla.” uesadilla.” IIff II’m ’m rreading eading tthe he oomens mens will fluttering ccorrectly, orrectly, yyou, ou, ttoo, oo, w ill ssoon oon hhave ave fl uttering ssensations ensations iin n yyour our ggut, ut, bbut ut nnot ot bbecause ecause ooff yyour our ffood ood cchoices. hoices. Rather, R ather, yyou’re ou’re llikely ikely ttoo bbee qquivery uivery aand nd aatwitter twitter ddue ue ttoo with Great Unknown—arrivals eencounters ncounters w ith tthe he G reat U nknown—arrivals ffrom rom Wild Blue will mind bbeyond eyond tthe he W ild B lue YYonder onder tthat hat w ill bblow low yyour our m ind worry. aand nd recalibrate recalibrate your your philosophy philosophy of of life. life. Don’t Don’t w orry. with YYour our aappointments ppointments w ith tthe he nnuminous uminous aare re llikely ikely ttoo bbee P.S. sstirring, tirring, eeven ven aawe-inspiring, we-inspiring, bbut ut nnot ot ffrightening. rightening. P .S. YYou ou sshould hould ccelebrate elebrate tthe he ffact act tthat hat yyou ou ffeel eel ffree ree eenough nough wide. ttoo ggoo eexploring xploring ssoo ffar ar aand nd w ide. PISCES P ISCES ((Feb. Feb. 119–March 9–March 220): 0): ““If If w wee w wish ish ttoo ooutline utline aan n aarchitecture rchitecture tthat hat cconforms onforms ttoo tthe he sstructure tructure ooff oour ur wrote Nietzsche, ssoul,” oul,” w rote FFriedrich riedrich N ietzsche, “it “it would would have have to to be be cconceived onceived iin n tthe he iimage mage ooff tthe he llabyrinth.” abyrinth.” I ttake ake tthis his ttoo mean m ean tthat hat cclarity, larity, aassuredness ssuredness aand nd ssingle-mindedness ingle-mindedness may aare re lluxuries uxuries tthe he eego go m ay iindulge ndulge iin, n, bbut ut tthey hey aare re nnot ot Rather, tthe he nnatural atural sstate tate ooff oour ur ddeepest eepest sselves. elves. R ather, aatt oour ur ccores, ores, iin n tthe he eessential ssential pprimal rimal ssource ource tthat hat ssustains ustains uus, s, wee aare meandering mysterious w re ccomplicated omplicated aand nd m eandering . . . m ysterious aand nd eexploratory xploratory . . . ccurious urious aand nd qquestioning. uestioning. IIn n oother ther words, w ords, iit’s t’s perfectly perfectly hhealthy ealthy to to be be in in a labyrinthine labyrinthine mind. meditation sstate tate ooff m ind. I hhope ope tthis his m editation hhelps elps yyou ou eenjoy njoy yyour our uupcoming pcoming SSeason eason ooff SSoul. oul.

Homework: Confess, Co onfess, brag, brag, and expostulate about what inspires inspires you to love. Go to Fr eewillastrolo ogyy.com . Freewillastrology.com and click “Email Rob.”

LIBRA (Sept. p 23–Oct. 22): Albe Albert ert Einstein was


extremely lifetime. Although extr emely ffamous amous during his lif e etime. Al though he had promoting no publicity machine pr omoting him, his fface ace became effect, an iconic symbol for for genius. “Einstein” “Ein nstein” was, in eff ect, brand creativity, a br and name that made people think of cr eativityy, Theree wer weree times that wisdom, and imagination. Ther bothered Einstein,”” he said, pr preferring bother ed him. “I am no Einstein, eferring to be his rraw aw self rrather ather than thee idol on a pedestal. offer Libra. I off er his example up to you, Lib bra. YYou ou o can benefit from from, ignoring, fr om slipping away fr om, ignorin ng, and even rrebelling ebelling now.. Re Return source against your image right now eturn to the sour ce of lifee ener energy. your ever-evolving lif gy.

Go to REALASTROLOGY.COM to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. Audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700



The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Taqueria Tlaquepaque #2, 721 Willow St., San Jose, CA, 95125, Teresa Ramirez Novarro, 192 HerLong Ave., San Jose, CA, 95123. This business is conducted by a Individual . Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on 7/21/2010. /s/Teresa Ramirez Novarro This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 8/06/2010. (pub Metro 9/01, 9/08, 9/15, 9/22/2010)


ARIES A RIES ((March March 21–April 21–April 19): 19): Rightwing Rightwing talk talk sshow how hhost ost

9p 9 p ROB RO B B BREZSNY REZSNY n\\b f] J\gk\dY\i )) n\\b f] J\gk\dY\i ))


The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Motors Group International, 647 Tully Rd., #3, San Jose, CA, 95111, Thomas George. This business is conducted by a Individual Registrant has not yet begun transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on. /s/Thomas George This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 8/27/2010. (pub Metro 9/08, 9/15, 9/22, 9/29/2010)

The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Taqueria Tlaquepaque #3, 699 Curtner Ave, Suite 140, San Jose, CA, 95125, Teresa Ramirez Novarro, 192 HerLong Ave., San Jose, CA, 95123. This business is conducted by a Individual . Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on 7/21/2010. /s/Teresa Ramirez Novarro This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 8/06/2010. (pub Metro 9/01, 9/08, 9/15, 9/22/2010)


S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8 2 0 0

The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: peacemovies.com, 1122 Frankfurt Ave., #4, San Jose, CA, 95126, John F. Thielking. This business is conducted by a individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name or names listed herein on 2/01/2009. /s/John F, Thielking This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 6/21/2010. (pub Metro 6/30, 7/07, 7/14, 7/21/2010)



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@j ^iXjj$]\[ Y\\] _\Xck_`\i ]fi lj k_Xe ^iX`e$]\[ Y\\]6 @Êm\ j\\e k_\ ]fccfn`e^ ZcX`dj1 `kÊj cfn\i `e ]Xk Xe[ ZXcfi`\j# _Xj dfi\ fd\^X$* ]Xkkp XZ`[j Xe[ m`kXd`ej# Xe[ `j X ^ff[ jfliZ\ f] Zfeal^Xk\[ c`efc\`Z XZ`[% Æ;`XeX# ?fljkfe

Let’s not take a narrow view here, Diana. Fans say grass-fed beef represents a trifecta of goodness: not just healthier but tastier and better for the environment. Tempting as that conjugated linoleic acid sounds, you need to consider the implications for the planet, too. First a note about the terms grassfed and grain-fed. As a rule, beef cattle are raised on mother’s milk, then on pasture grass for the first couple years of life. After that, most grass-fed cattle just keep on grazing, but grain-fed cattle are sent to a feedlot to stuff themselves for a couple months prior to slaughter, a process called “finishing.” A high-grain diet lets cattle put on as much as a pound of meat per six pounds of feed consumed. Large feedlots now account for 75 percent of U.S. beef production. All the worse for us, some think. Several studies show grass-finished beef not only has significantly less fat than grain-fed, it’s also higher in certain fats considered beneficial. Omega-3 fatty acids, linked to the prevention of heart disease, arthritis and cancer, are significantly higher in grass-fed beef, as are those conjugated linoleic acids you mentioned, which may help reduce cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Grassfed beef is also higher in carotenoids, a source of vitamin A, plus vitamin E and other antioxidants that help prevent cancer and coronary heart disease. Grain-fed beef doesn’t come off worse in every comparison. It scores better on monounsaturated fat (one of the good ones). And beef overall is leaner than it was years ago. So, is grass-fed beef better for you? I won’t claim the difference is dramatic, but overall, yes. Grass-fed beef has two potential downsides: greenhouse gas emissions and price. Here we get into the delicate issue of bovine methane output or, for the uneducated, cow burps. (Yup—the main source is burps, not farts.) Methane is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect, and among the major producers of methane are cud eaters, including cows. You may have thought the principal byproduct of bovine digestion was the one you have to watch out for when walking

through a barnyard, but that’s just the visible one. The typical cow produces 200 to 400 quarts of methane a day. A big advantage of grain finishing is that cattle get to the slaughterhouse sooner and thus produce less methane—just 13 percent of bovine greenhouse gas emissions are produced during the feedlot stage. One researcher estimates that grain-fed cattle produce a third to a half less methane than cows fed exclusively on grass. Don’t expect that to be the last word on the subject, though. A couple years ago two scientists from the Humane Society (Koneswaran and Nierenberg, 2008) claimed raising beef cattle on grass produced 40 percent less greenhouse gases and consumed 85 percent less energy than the feedlot method to boot. Not likely, said two scientists funded by the beef industry (Avery and Avery, also 2008). The grass-is-good claim was misleading, they said, because the feedlot beef used for comparison was Japanese Kobe beef, produced by pampered cattle that get fattened far more slowly than typical American grain-fed cows. The Averys calculated that because of the additional land required, producing the U.S. beef supply using only grass would release an extra 277 billion pounds of greenhouse gases per year. Nonsense, the Humane Society scientists retorted. You need to figure in the emissions involved in transporting the feed, the greenhouse gases that get pulled out of the atmosphere by pastureland soil, and other esoteric factors I won’t get into. Plus we shouldn’t be eating so much meat anyway. If they ever get this settled, I’ll let you know. In the meantime, one thing nobody disputes is you’ll pay a premium for grass-fed beef—a conservative estimate puts it at 16 percent. Some say grazing cattle in pasture is more humane than the feedlot method; if you agree, perhaps you won’t mind the extra expense. Or maybe you just prefer that grass-fed taste. But the health argument alone doesn’t strike me as persuasive. For most Americans there’s a simpler, cheaper way to eat healthy: eat less.

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streak, aand streak, nd b became ecame tthe he fi first rst tteam eam o other ther tthan han tthose hose N Nittany ittany L Lions ions tto ob bee N No. o. 1 ssince ince O Oct. ct. 2 29, 9, 2 2007. 007. IIn n tthe he sstraight-sets traight-sets vvictory ictory o over ver P Penn enn S State tate o on nS Sept. ept. 111, 1, outside o utside h hitter itter A Alix lix K Klineman lineman b became ecame tthe he 110th 0th p player layer iin nS Stanford tanford h history istory tto o rrecord ecord 11,500 ,500 k kills. ills. S Stanford’s tanford’s ((9-0) 9-0) n next ext m match atch iiss iits ts P Pac-10 ac-10 o opener pener aagainst gainst A Arizona rizona S State tate Sept. S ept. 2 24 4 iin nT Tempe. empe.

With W ith a rrunner unner o on n third third iin n the the bottom off the bo ttom o the 110th, 0th, ccloser loser JJason asson Stoffel S toff ffeel secured secured the the win win by by striking striking out out Darwin Perez Stoffel D arrw win P erez tto o eend nd the the ggame. am me. S toff ffeel bases-loaded aalso lso escaped escap ped a b ases-loaded jjam am iin n tthe he keep eeighth ighth iinning nning tto ok eep tthe he ggame ame ttied ied 6,, eearning win byy pitching aatt 6 arning tthe he w in b pitching ttwo wo ttwo-thirds wo-thirds sshutout hutout iinnings. nnings. The Giants off T he G iants ttook ook tthe he llead ead in in the the ttop op o when Perez tthe he 110th 0th iinning nning w hen JJuan uan P erez ttripled ripled on Charlie Culberson aand nd sscored cored o naC harlie C ulberson ssacrifice acrifice fly. fly. Michael Michael Sandoval’s Sandoval’s pinch-hit pinch-hit RBI put R BI double double iin n tthe he sseventh eventh inning inning p ut Giants 6-3, but Quakes tthe he G iants ahead ahead 6 -3, b ut tthe he Q uakes back sstormed tormed b ack with with one one rrun un iin n sseventh eventh aand nd ttwo wo in in the the eighth. eighth. That That set set tthe he sstage tage ffor or Stoffel, Stoff ffeel, who who retired retired Luis Luis Jimenez Jimenez aand nd Gabriel G abriel Jacobo Jacobo with with the the bases bases loaded loaded tto o eend nd the the eeighth. ighth. Starter Fitzgerald, who S tarrter JJustin ustin F itzgerald, w ho ggave ave up u p tthree hree runs runs iin n ffour our ttwo-thirds wo-thirds first iinnings, nnings, allowed alllowed a fi rst inning inning rrun un tto o Quakes, Brandon tthe he Q uak kes, but but B ran ndon Crawford’s Crawford’s homer ttwo-run wo-run h omer iin n tthe he ssecond econd iinning nning put Giants 2-1, p ut tthe he G iants aahead head 2 -1, aand nd tthey hey never again. n ever trailed trailed ag gain.

Stanford eerased Stanford ras ased iits ts d demons emons ffrom rom llast asst yyear’s ear’s lloss oss tto oW Wake ak ke F Forest, orest, ccrushing rushing tthe he Demon D emon D Deacons eacons 6 68-24 8-24 iin nP Palo alo Alto Alto on on Saturday. S aturday. S Stanford tanford m moved oved u up p tto oN No. o. 116 6 iin n the the A AP PP Poll oll w with ith tthe he w win. in. T The he Cardinal C ardinall (3-0) (3-0) next next plays plays rrival ival Notre Notre Dame D am me ((1-2) 1-2) iin nS South outh Bend. Bend. The The Fighting Fighting IIrish rish have have lost lost ttwo wo ggames ames ((to to rranked anked Michigan M ichigan an and nd M Michigan ichigan S State) tate) b byy a ccombined ombined sseven even p points, oints, so so it it would would be be wise w ise ffor or h head ead ad ccoach oacch JJim im H Harbaugh arrbaugh tto o not n ot o overlook verlook N Notre otre D Dame ame w with ith N No. o. 5 Oregon O regon llooming ooming o on nO Oct. ct. 2 2..

Stanford W Stanford Women’s oomen’’s V oolleyball No. 1 A g gain Volleyball Again The S The Stanford tanford w women’s omen’s volleyball volleyball tteam eam State’s eended nded Penn Penn S tate’s 109-match 109-match winning winning

November 3-10

Stanford FFootball Stanford ootball Serves Serv es Up U Re Revenge venge

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M E TR O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P TE M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M

San Jose on Top


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M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M | SA N J O S E . C O M | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y



Japantown SJ

JD8CC 9LJ@E<JJ AXZbjfe Jki\\k `e JXe Afj\Êj AXgXekfne `j _fd\ kf j_fgj# i\jkXliXekj Xe[ X e\n [f^^p Yflk`hl\%


8G8EKFNE _Xj X le`hl\ d`o f] fc[\i j`e^c\$ ]Xd`cp _fd\j Xe[ e\n _flj`e^ [\m\cfgd\ekj f] Xcc kpg\jÆdfjkcp Zfe[fj# kfne_fd\j Xe[ i\ekXcjÆ kf^\k_\i n`k_ X ]i`\e[cp# m`YiXek Z\ekiXc Ylj`e\jj [`jki`Zk% Bounded by Taylor Street to the north and Empire to the south, First Street to the west and 10th to the east, it’s a fairly compact, walkable neighborhood. The area’s little “downtown” runs along Jackson Street and features professional services and retail shops, including a dozen-plus restaurants—from Mexican and Korean to Chinese and Hawaiian and, of course, Japanese—and a recently opened dog boutique. The San Jose Betsuin Buddhist Church is a neighborhood fixture and perhaps most known for the Obon Festival it sponsors each July, a notable event that draws locals and revelers from miles around to experience the traditional taiko drumming, cultural dancing, storytelling and food. There are just three properties in the neighborhood currently on the market. Two of these—a single family home and a condo—have been listed for some time, 181 and 107 days, respectively. The third, another condo, has been on the market for 21 days. The newest listing is a 1,055-squarefoot condo located at 520 N. Fourth St. It is a two-bedroom/two-bath priced at $260,000 and was built in 1983—relatively new in comparison to many of this neighborhood’s properties. This property is a short sale and needs some work. The second condo listing is smaller at 876 square feet and is two-

bedrooms/one-bath. It is located at 167 E. Empire St. and priced at $209,900. This a bank-owned property with minimal listing details. Although these properties may need some TLC, they represent a great opportunity to get into the Japantown neighborhood. In a typical real estate market, properties here are much higher than at present. The single-family home is unique as it’s an attached property located in front of a property that looks to have been built more recently to take advantage of the large lot. It is 2,150 square feet and features four bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. It is priced at $479,000. Several newer properties have been developed in recent years in Japantown. These include: Mariani Square, with 45 lofts and 114 row townhouses; Viridian at Bernal Park; Markethouse Lofts with 53 units; the 2-unit Classics; and 800 N. First St. with 66 contemporary condominiums. Mariani Square retains the feeling from its cannery history with a brick exterior, wood beamed ceilings and concrete slab floors. The townhomes are trilevel and have attached two-car garages. Virdian is adjacent to Bernal Park and offers master suites with walkin closets, dual sink marble counter tops in the bathroom, vaulted ceilings and granite slab counter tops in the kitchen. The units also have two-car tandem garages. Markethouse Lofts are light and open as one would expect with floor to ceiling windows. The building has secure underground parking and is across from Bernal Park. The Classics at Bernal Park townhomes come with either dual master bedroom suites, or a three bedroom floor plan. The units feature tandem, two car garages and nicely landscaped common areas. —Katherine Thorneberry

159 M E T R O S I L I C O N VA L L E Y | S E P T E M B E R 2 2-2 8, 2 0 1 0 | SA N J O S E . C O M | M E T R OAC T I V E . C O M


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