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The return of artisanal distilleries

Small Batch Boomlet


Santa Cruz’s Flaming Moderates p7 | Fred Eaglesmith’s Soft Side p21

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september 29-october 6, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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Contents. P OSTS











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ON THE COVER Photograph by Daniel Kouba

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Posts. P osts. Messages M essages &

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DANIEL D ANIEL W WOOL’S OOL’S aarticle rticle o on nw www.santacruz ww.santacruz Cruz County Enacts Moratorium ..com, com, ““Santa Santa C ruz C ounty E nacts M oratorium o on nM Marijuana arijuana D Dispensaries, ispensaries,� h highlights ighlights w hy a m oratorium o nm edical m arijuana why moratorium on medical marijuana d ispensaries m ay b ood iidea, dea, b ut iitt ffails ails tto o dispensaries may bee a ggood but cconsider onsider ssome ome o he b ig p icture d etails. B efore off tthe big picture details. Before w tart m aking d ef initive p olicy d ecisions wee sstart making definitive policy decisions rregarding egarding tthe he m arijuana iindustry, ndustry, ffurther urther marijuana sscientific cientif ic rresearch esearch iiss d esperately n eeded iin n desperately needed o rder tto ob etter u nderstand m arijuana’s rrisks isks order better understand marijuana’s aand nd b enef its iin no rder tto o eeffectively ffectively ttreat reat benefits order p atients. R esearch iiss ccurrently urrently llimited imited b patients. Research byy a ggovernment overnment m onopoly o n tthe he m arijuana monopoly on marijuana ssupply upply tthrough hrough tthe he National National Institute Institute on on Drug Abuse Abuse ((NIDA), NIDA), rresulting esulting iin n a sstock tock o Drug off

undiversif ied p undiversified poor oor rresearch esearch d due ue tto o tthe he ffact act NIDA’s mission developing tthat hat N IDA’s m ission iiss ccounter ounter tto od eveloping marijuana medicine. More m arijuana iinto nto a m edicine. M ore rresearch esearch needed before wee ccan make policy iiss n eeded b efore w an m ake ssound ound p olicy decisions medical marijuana dispensaries, d ecisions ffor or m edical m arijuana d ispensaries, aand nd tthis his ccan an b ccomplished b reaking tthe he bee aaccomplished byy b breaking ggovernment’s overnment’s m onopoly o ver tthe he m arijuana monopoly over marijuana ssupply. upply. Stephen St ephen Morseman, Morrsseman, Santa Sant ta Cruz

27A/>>=7<B32 27A/>>=7<B32 0G =0/;/ 0G =0/;/ IF IF I h had ad b been een w working orking llike ike mad mad in in 2008 2008 tto o gget et O bama eelected lected b ecause o ome b eauties iin n Obama because off ssome beauties his had what have h is rrhetoric hetoric aand nd h ad eexperienced xperienced w hat I h ave

experienced n experienced now, ow, I would would not not work work ffor or tthe he midterm m idterm eelections. lections. GuantĂĄnamo GuantĂĄnamo is is still still tthere. here. R endition iiss sstill till tthere. here. There There is is tthe he ssaying aying Rendition tthat hat n no o ttorture orture sshould hould ttake ake p place; lace; I haven’t haven’t sseen een tthe he m echanism tto o eensure nsure tthat hat tthat’s hat’s tthe he mechanism ccase. ase. T he w ithdrawal ffrom rom IIraq, raq, w ith 550,000 0,000 The withdrawal with rremaining. emaining. S tepping u p, eescalating scalating tthe he w ar Stepping up, war iin nA fghanistan. A nd aass w now, w hatever Afghanistan. And wee k know, whatever withdraws ffrom rom Iraq Iraq essentially essentially ggoes oes tto o withdraws Afghanistan instead. instead. Afghanistan kind off tthing I think think it’s it’s vvery ery ccontrary ontrary tto o tthe he k ind o hing tthat hat he he was was eexuding, xuding, iincluding ncluding the the n uclear nuclear point. What kind off thing off p oint. W hat k ind o thing is is tthis, his, to to gget et rid rid o old-fashioned weapons with Russians o ld-fashioned w eapons w ith tthe he R ussians aand nd tthen hen aarguing rguing ffor or $ 180 b illion tto om odernize $180 billion modernize nukes—$100 billion weapons tthe he n ukes—$100 b illion ffor or tthe he w eapons $80 billion new warheads? What ccarriers, arriers, $ 80 b illion ffor or n ew w arheads? W hat kind off n nuclear-free world k ind o uclear-free w orld iiss tthis? his? He He should should have had decency, when Norway made h ave h ad tthe he d ecency, w hen N orway m ade tthe he mistake off ggiving him Peace Prize, m istake o iving h im tthe he Nobel Nobel P eace P rize, off ssaying, decline. o aying, ““II ggraciously, raciously, ggratefully ratefully d ecline. I haven’t Let’s back when h aven’t eearned arned iitt yyet. et. L et’s ccome ome b ack w hen possibly have p ossibly I h ave eearned arned iit. t.â€? He He didn’t didn’t ssay ay tthat, hat, dispensed with prize money aand nd d ispensed w ith tthe he p rize m oney iin na disgraceful way. d isgraceful w ay. Ted T eed Rudow Rudow III, Meenlo Park Menlo

AB33@ 1:3/@ =4 AB33@ 1:3/@ =4 A3/E=@:2 A 3/E=@:2 THE DEATH THE DEATH ttoll oll ccontinues ontinues tto o rise rise aatt SeaWorld orca S eaWorld after after a 12-year-old 12-year-old o rca named named Sumar died park’s San Diego S umar d ied aatt tthe he ttheme heme p ark’s S an D iego Sumar died off tthe llocation. ocation. S umar d ied ffar ar sshort hort o he eexpected xpected 5500- to to 60-year 60-year llifespan ifespan of of orcas orcas who who roam roam the the oceans, vvast ast o ceans, ttheir heir rightful rightful homes. homes. Orcas marine mammals who O rcas aare re iintelligent ntelligent m arine m ammals w ho plan work They tthink hink aand nd p lan aand nd w ork ccooperatively. ooperatively. Th hey sshare hare ccomplex omplex eextended xtended ffamily amily rrelationships elationships up miles day. Att aand nd sswim wim ffor or u p tto o 1100 00 m iles eevery very d ay. A SeaWorld, worlds have been S eaWorld, ttheir heir w orlds h ave b een rreduced educed barren where tto o ttiny, iny, b arren cconcrete oncrete ttanks anks w here tthey hey perform p erform ttricks ricks ffor or ffood ood aand nd ssplash plash sshrieking hrieking ccrowds. rowds. These will die Th hese aanimals nimals w ill ccontinue ontinue tto o llive ive aand nd d ie misery public buys iin nm isery aass llong ong aass tthe he p ublic b uys a tticket. icket. The next T he n ext ttime ime yyour our ffamily amily iiss cconsidering onsidering a ttrip rip SeaWorld, please tto oS eaWorld, p lease aask sk yyourself ourself iiff iit’s t’s rright ight tto o off iintelligent eexpect xpect tthe he llifelong ifelong cconfinement onf inement o ntelligent hours off d diversion. aand nd aaware ware aanimals nimals ffor or a ffew ew h ours o iversion. Please no. www.PETA.org P lease ssay ay n o. Visit Visit w ww.PETA.org tto o llearn earn more. m ore. Jennifer J eenniffeer O’C O O’Connor, Coonnorr, PET TA PETA


september 29-october 6, 2010

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september 29-october 6, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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Currents. C urren ents. 1/<272/B3A ?C=@C; LLeft 1/<272/B3A ?C=@C; eft to to right, right, council council candidates candidates Dave Dave Terrazas, Terrazas, Hilary Kevin Moon, Pleich, Ron Pomerantz H ilar y Bryant, B r ya n t , K ev i n M oon, SSteve teve P leich, David David Foster, Foster, R on Po merantz aand nd Lynn Robinson. Robinson. Absent: Absent: Gus Gus C eballos. Lynn Ceballos.

Rise R ise ooff tthe he M Moderates oderates

Following F ollowing tthe he ccountry’s ountry’s rrightward ightward sshift, hift, S anta C ruz m oves ttoward oward tthe he m iddle Santa Cruz moves middle 0G 1C@B7A 1/@B73@ 0G 1 C @ B 7 A 1 / @ B 7 3 @


HE N HE NEWS EWS sshows hows o on nK Kristina ristina Q uilici’s ttelevision elevision h ave b een Quilici’s have been ssaying aying tthe he ssame ame tthing hing ffor or m onths: “Voters “Voters are are angry. angry.� months: “In ncumbents are are in in danger. danger.� “Democrats “Democrats “Incumbents are done. done.� She She has has watched watched the the rise rise of of the the are Tea Party Party and and the the ouster ouster of of longtime longtime pols pols in in Tea brutal primaries. primaries. But But when when she she turns turns off off the the brutal TV and and steps steps out out of of her her Bay Bay Street Street home home to to TV talk about about what what issues issues are are important important to to her her talk locally, pragmatism pragmatism trumps trumps ideology. ideology. What What locally, matters to to her her is is what what kind kind of of education education matters her three three children children will will get get and and what what jobs jobs her will await await them them when when they they graduate. graduate. It’s Itt’s will the same same for for Bridget Bridget McNeil, McNeil, Mark Mark Statson Statson the and Kathy Kathy Donovan, Donovan, three three more more working working and Santa Cruzans. Cruzans. Respectively Respectively they they list list “jobs, “jobs,� Santa “public safety� safety� and and “social “social services� services� as as their their “public top issues. issues. top “I’m interested interested in in competence, competence,� says says “I’m Quilici, co-owner co-owner of of Quilici Quilici Gardening Gardening Quilici, in Santa Santa Cruz. Cruz. “I “I want want my my kids kids to to be be in

educated aand educated nd tto od do ow well, ell, aand nd I w want ant a lleader eader who who ccan an gget et tthings hings d one.� done. n coming coming weeks weeks they’ll they’ll vote vote for for three three of of In eeight ight S anta C ruz C ity Council Council candidates, candidates, Santa Cruz City eeach ach w ith a d ifferent vview iew on on how how tto o with different m ake tthe he ccity ity ssafer, afer, ggreener reener aand nd m ore make more p rosperous. T here’s insurance insurance eexecutive xecutive prosperous. There’s K evin M oon, V alley T ransportation Kevin Moon, Valley Transportation A uthority m anager D avid T errazas, rretired etired Authority manager David Terrazas, S an JJose ose ffirefighter irefighter R on P omerantz, ggarden arden San Ron Pomerantz, d esigner aand nd iincumbent ncumbent C ouncilmember designer Councilmember L ynn R obinson, eexecutive xecutive aassistant ssistant Gus Gus Lynn Robinson, C eballos, ggrant rant writer writer S teve Pleich, Pleich, real real Ceballos, Steve eestate state b roker H ilary B ryant aand nd C apitola broker Hilary Bryant Capitola h ousing p lanner D avid Fo oster. Fo or m ost, it’s it’s housing planner David Foster. For most, ttheir heir ffirst irst vventure enture iinto nto politics. politics. And And for for aall, ll, aactually ctually w inning w ill b ough. winning will bee ttough. Consider that that in in the the 2008 2008 Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Consider C ity C ouncil eelection, lection, D avid T errazas, City Council David Terrazas, rrunning unning ffor or his his ffirst irst ttime, ime, rreceived eceived 11,320 11,320 vvotes otes aand nd sstill till llost, ost, p lacing ffifth ifth o verall iin n placing overall tthe he rrace ace ffor or ffour our o pen sseats. eats. H is vote vote ttotal otal open His

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w as n early ffour our ttimes imes aass m any aass w ere was nearly many were ccast ast iin n tthe he eentire ntire 2 008 W atsonville C ity 2008 Watsonville City C ouncil eelection lection ccombined ombined aand nd n early Council nearly 2 ,800 m ore tthan han iitt ttook ook tto o eelect lect M onterey 2,800 more Monterey M ayor C huck D ella S ala tthat hat ssame ame yyear. ear. Mayor Chuck Della Sala S anta C ruz ccity ity p olitics m ay b mall-ball Santa Cruz politics may bee ssmall-ball iin n tthe he ggrand rand sscheme, cheme, b ut iitt d oesn’t gget et but doesn’t m uch m ore ccompetitive. ompetitive. much more This is is also also an an election election unlike unlike any any Santa Santa This C ruz h as sseen een iin n yyears. ears. T he o ld gguard uard o Cruz has The old off sslow-growth low-growth p rogressives tthat hat ffor or d ecades progressives decades d ominated llocal ocal p olitics aand nd ssaw aw ssigns igns o dominated politics off b reaking u p iin n2 006 aand nd 2 008 ccould ould ssee ee breaking up 2006 2008 days pro-business, iits ts llast ast d ays aass a yyoung, oung, p ro-business, ttechechmovement with ssavvy avvy m ovement ggains ains ttraction raction w ith vvoters. oters. Nationally, Nationally, the the GOP GOP is is veering veering toward toward while disillusioned Democrats tthe he rright, ight, w hile d isillusioned D emocrats party’s ccriticize riticize ttheir heir p arty’s ccompromises ompromises on major proof off w weak o nm ajor llegislation egislation aass p roof o eak But Santa Cruz, middle lleadership. eadership. B ut iin nS anta C ruz, tthe he m iddle well. And November, iiss aalive live aand nd w ell. A nd ccome ome N ovember, iitt may bee a rrevolution own. m ay b evolution aall ll iits ts o wn.

The T he P Players layers The T he ssigns igns sstarted tarted p popping opping u up p llike ike mushrooms on No m ushrooms o n llawns awns aaround round JJune. une. N o one, however, Hilary o ne, h owever, sstarted tarted eearlier arlier tthan han H ilary Bryant. Karon Properties B ryant. A Ka aron P roperties rreal eal eestate state broker off tthe Westside b roker aand nd cco-owner o-owner o he W estside Animal Hospital, Bryant A nimal H ospital, tthe he ttall, all, aathletic thletic B ryant began money pitching her b egan rraising aising m oney eearly, arly, p itching h er pro-growth, pro–social message p ro-growth, p ro–social sservices ervices m essage It’s rright ight aaway. way. It t’s ttranslated ranslated iinto nto aan n eearly arly llead ead iin n ffundraising undraising aand nd ccoveted oveted eendorsements ndorsements Democratic Women’s Club, ffrom rom tthe he D emocratic W omen’s C lub, Santa Cruz Police Officers Association S anta C ruz P olice O fficers A ssociation Ryan aand nd ffour our ccurrent urrent ccouncilmembers: ouncilmembers: R yan Coonerty, Cynthia Mathews, Mike Rotkin C oonerty, C ynthia M athews, M ike R otkin Lynn Robinson. aand nd L ynn R obinson. wee d don’t our ““II think think iiff w on’t gget et o ur eeconomy conomy wee w won’t bee aable ggoing oing aagain gain w on’t b ble tto o eeffectively ffectively handle our public our h andle o ur p ublic ssafety afety iissues, ssues, o ur orr aanything eenvironmental nvironmental iissues ssues o nything eelse, lse,� Bryant. ssays ays B ryant. ““A A sstrong trong eeconomy conomy iiss ccrucial rucial because b ecause tthese hese tthings hings aare re ggoing oing tto o rrequire equire rresources. esources.� David Terrazas, who Santa D avid T errazas, w ho sserves erves on on S anta Cruz’s C ruz’s ttransportation ransportation ccommission, ommission, iiss a his narrow ffamiliar amiliar fface ace aafter fter h is n arrow lloss oss ((45 45 Councilmember Tony Madrigal vvotes) otes) tto oC ouncilmember T ony M adrigal 2008. The hopeful kept iin n2 008. Th he rraven-haired aven-haired h opeful k ept his his h is yyard ard ssigns igns aand nd h is cconnections onnections aand nd with iiss rrunning unning sstrong trong iin n tthis his eelection lection w ith a nuanced platform big on n uanced p latform tthat’s hat’s b ig o n eeconomic conomic development public d evelopment aand nd p ublic ssafety. afety. need bee ffocused on ““We We n eed tto ob ocused o n rreviewing eviewing policies help businesses, p olicies tthat hat h elp llocal ocal b usinesses,� ssays ays

Terrazas. T errazas. ““We We need need tto o look look aatt n new ew p artnerships w ith U CSC aand nd eengage ngage partnerships with UCSC llocal ocal ccontractors ontractors aand nd ttrades rades p eople tto o people ttie ie iinfrastructure nfrastructure improvements improvements tto o llocal ocal b usinesses.� businesses. Up for for re-election re-election is is C ouncilmember Up Councilmember L ynn R obinson. R obinson ggained ained Lynn Robinson. Robinson a rreputation eputation o n tthe he ccouncil ouncil ffor or on rrelatively elatively cconservative onservative p ositions aand nd ffor or positions cchampioning hampioning development development p rojects like like the the projects m ixed-use W estside ccitadel, itadel, 2 120 D elaware. mixed-use Westside 2120 Delaware. S he h as p romised m ore o he ssame. ame. She has promised more off tthe Kevin Moon Moon is is tthe he ffirst irst G OP ccandidate andidate Kevin GOP tto o rrun un ssince ince d evelopment ttycoon ycoon L ouis development Louis R ittenhouse w as eelected lected tto o tthe he ccouncil ouncil iin n Rittenhouse was 11990. 990. The Th he smartly smartly dressed dressed 33-year-old 33-year-old is is a llifelong ifelong S anta Cruzan Cruzan w ith rroots oots aamong mong Santa with W estside surfers. surfers. His His ccandidacy andidacy h as tthrilled hrilled Westside has tthe he llocal ocal R epublican Party Party b ut h as sseemed eemed Republican but has tto ow ear o n Moon Moon h imself, w hose m ood wear on himself, whose mood aatt tthe he ffew ew fforums orums h e’s sshown hown u p ffor or h as he’s up has ccome ome off off as as somewhere somewhere b etween “I’ve “I’ve between b een up up for for d ays� aand nd ““my my dog dog jjust ust d ied.� been days� died. H is ccampaign, ampaign, aaccording ccording tto o most most rrecent ecent His d isclosures, h as largely largely been been funded funded b disclosures, has byy d onors ffrom rom o utside S anta C ruz, aand nd h is donors outside Santa Cruz, his p olicies, w hich iinclude nclude inviting inviting b ig-box policies, which big-box sstores tores like like T arget tto o the the city, city, d efunding Target defunding h omeless sservices ervices and and privatizing privatizing p arts o homeless parts off tthe he p olice force, force, h ave ffound ound ssympathetic ympathetic police have eears ars aamong mong a small small b ut passionate passionate llocal ocal but b ase. base. “My top top priority priority as as a member member of of “My C ouncil w ill b rotecting tthe he ccitizens itizens o Council will bee p protecting off S anta C ruz,� writes writes Moon Moon iin n aan n eemail mail tto o Santa Cruz, SSanta anta C ruz W eeklly (he (he refuses refuses to to answer answer Cruz Weekly q uestions on on tthe he p hone). ““II will will d o questions phone). do eeverything verything iin nm ower to to p revent tthe he myy p power prevent sspread pread o ang vviolence iolence aand nd tthe he d rug ttrade, rade, off ggang drug aand nd address address the the problem problem o agrancy aand nd off vvagrancy p anhandling downtown. downtown.� panhandling Ron Pomerantz Pomerantz and and his his supporters supporters Ron h ave ffought ought the the impression impression that that he’s he’s aan n have o ld-school progressive progressive primarily primarily interested interested old-school iin n tthe he eenvironment nvironment aand nd sslowing lowing ggrowth. rowth. T he fatherly fatherly 58-year-old, 58-year-old, who who is is married married The tto o fformer ormer Santa Santa C ruz M ayor JJane ane W eedCruz Mayor WeedP omerantz, is is the the most most aardent rdent u nion Pomerantz, union ssupporter upporter iin n tthe he b unch and and takes takes in in a bunch p ension o 124,487 p er yyear ear from from h is d ays pension off $ $124,487 per his days w ith tthe he S an Jo ose F ire Department. Department. H with San Jose Fire Hee ccalls alls h imself a ““big big D D emocrat aand nd a llittle ittle himself Democrat d democrat� democrat� and and says says he’s he’s rready eady to to ttrim rim tthe he b udget “starting “starting aatt tthe he ttop. op.� H lso budget Hee aalso w ants to to rraise aise tthe he ccity’s ity’s b ed ttax ax tto o iincrease ncrease wants bed rrevenue. eve venue. 3'

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1 C @ @ 3 < B A j ; = 2 3 @ / B 3 A 1 % Housing planner David Foster brings undoubtedly more knowledge to the subject of affordable housing than any other candidate. The stocky recumbent bike enthusiast made his name in 2002 when he helped forge new rules allowing granny units to be built for family members to use. He says alternative transportation hasn’t received enough discussion. “Is it King Street [proposed “bicycle boulevard�], personal rapid transit, highway widening?� he asks rhetorically. Running in the back of the pack, but nonetheless running hard, are parttime Santa Cruz AIDS Project grant writer Steve Pleich and executive assistant Gus Ceballos. Pleich, who finally bought a cell phone this month and typically shows up to forums in a dark hoodie, shorts and high tube socks, opposes the camping ban and has a mind to put a per-pack tax on cigarettes. Ceballos, a Latino born and raised in Santa Cruz, made waves earlier in September when he was forced to change his campaign logo that had mimicked the Santa Cruz Skateboards dot logo. Not shy about the $0 he’s raised so far, or about saying “I don’t know much about that subject� when he doesn’t know much about that subject, Ceballos says he plans to be around in Santa Cruz politics for years to come. “A vote for Gus is a vote for us,� he rattles off in candidate forum closing statements, often to the cheers and chuckles of his fellow candidates.

The Pundits Local politicos talk about this year’s City Council election as a “turning point� and a

“wake-up call.� Hearing the rhetoric, one might think this is a Tea Party rally. But in the city of Santa Cruz, where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by more than six to one, it’s both parties that are sounding the victory trumpets as they fight to claim their share of the moderate voter windfall.

one before that,� says Van Allen. “Essentially, the progressive wing of Santa Cruz politics has been losing ground to a more conservative, businessoriented coalition. This is a historic change for Santa Cruz politics.� For local Republicans, Kevin Moon is cause for hope just by dint of running. “Kevin Moon is a

‘What we’re seeing here is the last gasp of the fearmongers’ —MARK PRIMACK “My sense is that a shift has taken place,� says architect and oneterm councilmember Mark Primack, who has endorsed Terrazas, Bryant and Robinson. “We spent decades basing philosophies on fear—fear of growth, fear of congestion, fear of water shortages, fear of housing prices. It’s brought a fragile economy. What we’re seeing here is the last gasp of the fearmongers. Santa Cruz is always ahead of the game. I think in 2012 you’ll see the rest of the country following suit.� Local Democratic Party Chairman Zach Friend agrees with Primack that the tide is turning. His group has officially endorsed Terrazas and Robinson. Longtime progressive operative Bruce Van Allen says the city’s ideological shift toward the center is a natural evolution. But he also thinks the change will come from more-hard-line liberals like Pomerantz and Foster. “What we’re seeing this time is definitely part of a political evolution that started showing up last election or even the

hardworking member of the community that brings new fresh ideas to the City Council, particularly in terms of public safety and fiscal responsibility,� says Republican Party chair Susan Allen. With the departure of council stalwarts Mike Rotkin and Cynthia Mathews, only Katherine Beiers, and, to a lesser degree, Don Lane, will be around to wave what’s left of the classic progressive flag on the council. If Terrazas, Robinson and Bryant are elected, as many believe they will be, they will form a majority with the prince of the young moderates, Ryan Coonerty, and the results will likely mean more city growth (all four have championed the 2120 Delaware mixeduse project, support the current La Bahia plans and seek a streamlined permitting process for new businesses). It will also likely include more police (all four support the proposed public safety funding utility-tax hike, Measure H). And until the local economy begins humming again, it’s apt to include more cuts to some city services. 0

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NextSpace’s Next Big Thing Two years after opening its doors as an innovative co-working habitat, CZmiHeVXZ is making a small but crucial shift from provider of workspace and WiFi for freelancers to talent scout and mentor for budding entrepreneurs. As part of a new partnership with Menlo Park–based firm LVkZed^ci KZcijgZh—its first tango with venture capital— NextSpace will identify and coach four to six entrepreneurial concerns each year from the Monterey Bay area. A small but asyet-undetermined number of those will be selected by Wavepoint for funding, wildestdreams-come-true-making, etc. NextSpace CEO ?ZgZbn CZjcZg says his company (specifically he and the three other board members tasked with the mentoring project) is ideally suited to be Wavepoint’s eyes and ears in the Santa Cruz–Monterey region. “We know what a lot of the entrepreneurial landscape in town looks like,� he says. “We have a lot of relationships at UCSC, we have a good relationship with the Marina Technology Cluster. We’ll be leveraging a lot of those relationships.� Wavepoint has historically focused on software, clean tech and medical device startups, and in fact the first Santa Cruz group to be seriously considered for mentoring is a financial sector software concern whose members are often found within the NextSpace hive. (It’s not final, so Neuner isn’t naming names.) That said, Neuner says he doesn’t see NextSpacers being the majority of those chosen for mentoring. “Most of our members, the vast majority, are not the kind of businesses a venture capital firm would target. We have a lot of independent freelancers, one- and two-person operations not on that high-growth potential track VC is looking for,� he says. Still, a bumper crop of entrepreneurs in the area is probably going to mean more work for the graphic designers and marketing mavens buzzing around NextSpace—not a bad thing, he points out. While the NextSpace mentoring team is rasping out “You got what it takes, kid� to select local startups in the Monterey Bay area, the Sonoma Mountain Business Cluster in Rohnert Park will be doing the same in the North Bay while a Wavepoint partner works the Sacramento area. So it’s official: hyperlocal has come to the world of venture capital. Says Wavepoint partner EZiZg <VgYcZg, “Other people are certainly investing in smaller communities, but we’re not aware of anyone who’s applied this local mentoring approach and in particular is working with a local partner. That’s particularly important. We want to be working not only with NextSpace but with the university and the business service community to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem.�

It’s all for the greater good, he says. “In general, we think the more you support entrepreneurship in a community, the more opportunities there are for everybody.� Traci Hukill

Homeless Garden Turns 20 Conceived in 1990 as a catalyst to help people get off the streets and turn their lives around, the =dbZaZhh <VgYZc Egd_ZXi has, over the last 20 years, given hundreds of people a foothold on a better life. To celebrate its 20th anniversary, the project is throwing a party, complete with a parade of lanterns, tales of success, stuff for the kids, a dinner prepared by Jozseph Schultz of India Joze with food grown in the garden, and more. “We’re celebrating the hard work and miracles that have kept the project going,� says executive director 9Vgg^Z <Vco]dgc. “And, of course, the garden is one of the stars of the event. Without the garden, none of this would be possible.� The Homeless Garden, like many nonprofits, struggles with funding issues. In this case, there’s also the ever-present awareness that the farm, at its current Natural Bridges location, is on borrowed land. The project was unanimously approved for inclusion in the master plan for the open space greenbelt at Pogonip. But that was 10 years ago, and the wheels of change can be slow. “The Natural Bridges land is owned by developers, who will, at some point, want to develop it,� says the project’s board chairman, BVg` Eg^bVX`, explaining the decision to eventually move to Pogonip. There was a question of where the water would come from, but the existing storage system provides a viable solution that was approved last year. Now the city re-examines environmental impact reports, and then fundraising for the Pogonip move begins; and so goes the long and winding road of bureaucracy. In the meantime, the Homeless Garden Project is doing what it does best: running an organic farm that provides job training to individuals and organic produce for the community. Looking down the road, the project will continue to face challenges, both day-to-day and big-picture, but it will also carry into the future the vision that gardening can, and does, transform lives. “A lot of the 20th anniversary celebration,� says Ganzhorn, “is gaining the solidarity, support and sustenance for the next 20 years.� Cat Johnson THE HOMELESS GARDEN PROJECT’s 20th Anniversary party is Saturday, Oct. 2, from 2:30pm until sunset at the Natural Bridges Farm on Shaffer Rd., Santa Cruz. The party is free. Dinner is $30 adult/$15 teen/free for kids 10 and under. Reservations and more information at www.homelessgardenproject.org.

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Reviving The Spirits Across the Bay Area, dedicated distillers are perfecting a craft once left to bootleggers and monks

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F ALL GOES WELL, Dan Farber’s grandchildren will raise a glass and toast him for a job well done. That’s a long way off. His kids are still in grade school and he doesn’t have any grandchildren yet. But Farber, 48, is working for the ages. The fruits of his labor are meant to outlast him. You’ve heard of slow food or even slow money. But how about slow booze? Farber is a distiller. He makes brandy under his Osocalis label in a barnlike distillery behind his house in Soquel. He’s part of a exploding movement of craft distillers in America who are creating small batches of distinctive, handmade spirits that are the antithesis of the mass-produced liquor that dominates the shelves of bars and liquor stores. And like the microbrewing and premium wine industries that came before it, craft distilling has deep roots in Northern California. Brandy is a spirit distilled from wine. Like most red wine, brandy only takes on its true character after years spent in oak barrels. There’s no way to speed it up. “The old saying is, ‘The best time to start making brandy is 10 years ago,’� says

Farber, an intense, enthusiastic man with a stubbly beard who drops French words as easily as he drops the F-bomb in his New Yorker–inf lected English. “It takes a really long time to make a great brandy. The brandies we make today are for sale 10 years from now.â€? And great brandy is what he has set out to make. He says the cool 2010 growing year is shaping up to be the best vintage in 20 years. So if you’re in the market for brandy in another decade, keep your eye out for Osocalis. Osocalis, the Native American word for Soquel, sells three different kinds of brandy. The “rareâ€? is at least 7 years old. The “XOâ€? is 14 years old or more. The soon-to-be-released “heritageâ€? brandy is at least two decades old. (Brandies of different vintages are often blended together). I tried all three and my favorite is the XO. It has a softer, rounder feel in the mouth than the rare brandy, but what sets it apart are its haunting, hard to name f lavors (dried orange? vanilla? cocoa?) and complexities. The brandy has a finish that seems to go on forever. It’s a spirit that invites contemplation about life, love and beauty. ¨ %

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1=D3@ AB=@G j @3D7D7<5 B63 A>7@7BA Like most distillers, Farber works alone. Distilling is a solitary job. As dusty rays of light filter into his distillery, his morose-looking Vizsla dozes on the dusty floor, occasionally snapping at a droning fly. The distillery has two copper alambic stills made in France just for Farber. The dark purple, threechambered contraption looks positively 18th century. Indeed, the technology is ancient. Wine is heated in a boiler; the rising vapor floats through a delicate goose neck, then passes through an Aladdin’s-lamp-like vessel called the preheater. Then it moves into a condenser were the vapor comes in contact with a long coil, where it condenses into brandy. Once that’s done the spirit is dribbled out and then added back to the boiler to repeat the process all over again. Brandy is distilled twice. It takes about 10 barrels of wine to produce one barrel of brandy and capture the essence of the wine in the spirit. The process takes about a week. After the second distillation, the brandy is barreled and put into the cellar or “chai.� And there it sits. A brandy right out of the still is recognizable as brandy, but it’s clear in color and hasn’t taken on the tawny color and supple, complex flavors of well-aged brandy. A well-made brandy can age 50 years or more. “I may live long enough to see some of my brandies go to majority,� Farber says. Some of the barrels are garlanded with spider webs. The spiders eat oakboring weevils that would otherwise endanger the spirits within. In between the rows of barrels hang two legs of pork destined to be prosciutto, another one of Farber’s long-term projects. The roof of Farber’s distillery is stained a sooty black from an alcohol-vapor-loving mold that has take up residence on the shingle, a tell-tale sign of what’s going on inside. Farber is passionate about brandy because, in addition to producing a spirit of uncommon beauty and finesse, he says it’s a way of preserving California’s agricultural lands from development. “We’re here because the fruit and climate are here,� he says. “This distillery is set up to do something well.� Cheers to that.

Labor of Fruit No one gets into micro-distilling to make money. The money may come, but distillers are moved by a passion that calls to them. Distiller Davorin Kuchan left his career in, yes, high tech to pursue something that had deeper meaning for

him. A native of Zagreb, Croatia, Kuchan spent his youth picking grapes from his family’s vineyards and making wine and spirits, sweet memories that he still savors. When his parents passed away a few years ago he decided he wanted to preserve his family’s heritage. Kuchan, who emigrated to the United States in 1985 and still has a trace of his Slavic accent, has hung pictures of his family on the wall of his distillery. His work is really an ode to them, particularly his mother. Other pictures show his daughters stomping pears for his outstanding Poire William eau de vie. All fruit is organically produced. The distillery is certified organic, too. “This is very much a family affair,â€? he says. “For me this is not what I do. It’s who I am.â€? It’s hard to say what product constitutes Old World Spirits’ flagship. I tasted my way through Kuchan’s product line (at 10:30am, no less) and it was all stunning from beginning to end. Kuchan says there’s about 25 pounds of fruit packed into each bottle of his eau de vie. But if you’re thinking of cloying, sticky sweet alcohol, you’re in for a delicious surprise. Kuchan makes two kinds of peach brandy and a pear brandy. Each is supremely smooth and delicate with lush, perfumed fruit flavors and a finish that seems to go on forever. The oak-aged O’Henry peach eau de vie is ridiculously good. The toasty, creamy vanilla flavors of the oak join forces with the floral, fresh fruit flavors of the peaches to make an uncommonly smooth and rich brandy. You could blend these into a cocktail but Kuchan says he makes them to stand alone. And that they do. His Blade gin leads with complex, clean flavors of citrus and spices instead of the forest of juniper that defines most mass-produced gins. It’s refreshingly delicious. And then there’s La Sorciere, his blue and white absinthes, bewitchingly delicious spirits that feature an eerie drawing of a chalice-clutching fairy penned by his daughter. Once illegal in the United States, absinthe has enjoyed a revival, but Kuchan says he isn’t chasing trends. The herb-infused brandy has long been available in Croatia, and he says he’s simply following an old tradition. Both his white (the first of its kind in the United States) and green absinthes reveal layers of aromatic, minty flavors, but at 100 proof what gets me is their incredible smoothness and complexity. These are beguiling spirits built to last. ¨ &

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1=D3@ AB=@G j @3D7D7<5 B63 A>7@7BA An industrial park in Belmont is an unlikely place to go for a drink, but one Friday a month Old World Spirits opens its doors to the public and offers a taste of some truly outstanding gin, fruit flavored brandies and absinthe handmade in a custom, German-made copper still right on the premises. If you can’t make it for that, Old World Spirits’ products are available at Lunardi’s markets, Draegers, K&L in Redwood City and Beltramos Wine and Spirits in Menlo Park as well as Cin Cin is Los Gatos and the Plumed Horse in Saratoga.

Both Kuchan’s white and green absinthes reveal layers of aromatic, minty flavors, but at 100 proof, what gets me is their incredible smoothness and complexity Vodka for Whiskey Lovers For Sweetwater Distillery’s Phillip Ladner, you could say alcohol is in his blood, literally and figuratively. A native of Mississippi, Ladner, 30, grew up near the town of Kiln, a city that was once known as the moonshine capital of the United States. His sister is vice president and marketing manager for Broadbent Selections, an importer of wines from small family-owned wineries. His brother-in-law is the drinks columnist for The New York Times. And his aunt and uncle run Paso Robles’ Dubost Family Ranch winery. “If we’re not making it or selling it, we’re drinking it,� he says. He took over distilling duties at Petaluma’s 7-year-old distillery just a few weeks ago. The distillery runs three stills, but the soul of the operation is a 500gallon armagnac-style pot still made in Kentucky. There’s no school for learning how

to be a distiller, but Sweetwater offers a class in cooperation with the American Distilling Institute to teach people the basics of the craft. It costs $3,500. In addition to brandy, Sweetwater makes vodka, gin, grappa and eau-de-vie. They’ve also got whiskey, bourbon and rye in the cellar that’s due to be released later this year. The vodka is unique. It’s made with 100 percent malted barley, the same ingredient that is used to make whiskey. Indeed, Ladner calls it a whiskey drinker’s vodka. “We like to tell people to drink it straight up,� he says. Ladner attributes the rise in popularity of small-scale, craft distilleries to a general shift toward local, artisanmade products, be it cheese, beer or bread. “People are really wanting to do local products again,� he says. “Right now it’s really rolling.� Penn Jensen, vice president of operations for the American Distilling Institute, a microdistilling trade group based in Hayward, says the industry is growing about 20 to 30 percent a year. When the group published its member directory in 2005 there were 69 distilleries listed. Today there are 198. He attributes the growth to lifestyle and business opportunity. “People want to know what they’re drinking,� he says. “There’s been a disavowal of the factory model of industrial food.� This shift in consciousness has sparked the imagination of creative, often iconoclastic individuals who aspire to do something different, he says. “It’s the sense of opportunity that can really fire up the entrepreneurial mind.�

A Taste of Kauai At another bland industrial park in Mountain View, Essential Spirit’s Dave Classick isn’t rekindling a family tradition, he’s creating one. Like Old World Spirit’s Kuchan, Classick is another high-tech refugee who longed for something more fulfilling than working for a large corporation. Classick works with his son Dave Classick Jr. to create a line of premium spirits, vodka, rum, gin, grappa (brandy made from pressed wine grapes), eau-devie and bierschnapps, an obscure spirit made from faintly hopped pale ale (“it’s like drinking a six-pack in a shot glass�). His dream is to create a “family distilling dynasty.� One hundred years from now he hopes people will still be enjoying a glass of Essential Spirits. An industrial park may seem like an inauspicious

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place to start, but a dynasty has to begin somewhere. All Classick’s products are made from a custom alambic still built by a thirdgeneration still maker in France. “It’s the product of a single craftsman’s hands,� he says. So are his spirits. Although he looks a bit like a Jimmy Buffet fan with his bushy mustache, Hawaiian shirt, shorts and Adidas sandals, he is serious about the craft of distilling. In his past life he was a quality control and industrial engineer for HP. He’s taken the rigor that job required and applied it to distilling. “Quality begins at the beginning,� he says. “You can’t put it in later. It doesn’t work that way.� Take his grappa, for example. Most grappa I’ve tried is as rough as kerosene. It’s not worth drinking. But Classick seeks out pressed grapes from some of California’s premier wineries just after crush. From them he makes spirits in which you can actually appreciate that it’s a product made from grapes with delicate flavors and aromas and a finish that goes on and on. As good as the grappa is, it’s the rum that really made me sit up and take notice. Most rums are made from Central American or Caribbean molasses, but Classick makes his from molasses he gets from Kauai. He says the volcanic soil and altogether different terroir make for a deeper, richer flavor. Like butterscotch. The gold rum is superb. It’s meant for sipping, not mixing. It’s not barrel-aged, but Classick dangles oak wood staves in the rum to impart color and toasty vanillas notes. The rum is called Sergeant Classic because Classick served in Vietnam where he earned a chestful of medals including the bronze star and the gallantry cross. His specialty was walking point on jungle patrols, a deadly job that often got people killed. Classick liked it and he was good at it. But that was a long time ago. Now he enjoys getting up before dawn to cook up a new batch of spirits. “It’s a very serene discipline, he says. “I usually listen to Haydn or Mozart when I’m distilling. There’s a certain mystery about it, the transformation of this fruit or grain into a magic elixir.� =A=1/:7A 27AB7::3@G

www.osocalis.com =:2 E=@:2 A>7@7BA

www.oldworldspirits.com AE33BE/B3@ 27AB7::3@G

707.778.6041 3AA3<B7/: A>7@7BA


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FTER FTER 330 0 years years o off ramshackle, ramshackle, rredneck edneck storytelling storytelling about about ccars, ars, guns guns and and booze, booze, Fred F red Eaglesmith Eaglesmith has has found found his prolific, h is ssoft oft sside. ide. Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha, Cha, tthe he p rolif ic, under-the-radar u nder-the-radar ssongwriter’s ongwriter’s 118th 8th aalbum, lbum, noirish off m minor iiss a sswampy, wampy, n oirish llandscape andscape o inor keys, percussion, backup k eys, rrattling attling p ercussion, ffemale emale b ackup more ssingers ingers aand nd a ffar ar m ore ssubdued ubdued iiteration teration off E Eaglesmith’s His o aglesmith’s ssignature ignature rrasp. asp. H is llyrics yrics pleading departed aare re llonesome, onesome, p leading ffor or d eparted quell his llovers overs tto o rreturn eturn aand nd q uell h is iinner nner Even diehard Fredheads, ttorment. orment. E ven tto od iehard F redheads, aass his off ffans h is llegions egions o ans ccall all tthemselves, hemselves, tthe he departing rrecord ecord iiss a ccomplete omplete ccurveball, urveball, d eparting rradically adically ffrom rom tthe he rrollicking, ollicking, ggoodoodnatured Eaglesmith off o old. n atured E aglesmith o ld. “Yeah, “Yeah, I’m I’m constantly constantly departing, departing,� Eaglesmith wryly on phone E aglesmith jjokes okes w ryly o n tthe he p hone Nova Scotia. ffrom rom tthe he rroad oad iin nN ova S cotia. ““II tthink hink made, aalmost lmost eevery very rrecord ecord II’ve ’ve m ade, tthey’ve hey’ve departure!� ccalled alled iitt a d eparture!� In Eaglesmith In this, this, the the always-changing always-changing E aglesmith Much Tom jjoins oins eesteemed steemed ccompany. ompany. M uch llike ike T om Waits’ orr L Leonard Cohen’s output during W aits’ o eonard C ohen’s o utput d uring Cha Cha Cha byy tthe he 11980s, 980s, C ha C ha C ha iiss aanchored nchored b backing. a gglitzy-yet-grimy litzy-yet-grimy b acking. But But mostly mostly it it ssounds ounds a llot ot llike ike Bob Bob Dylan’s Dylan’s maligned maligned Christian when C hristian rrecords, ecords, aand nd w hen I mention mention Eaglesmith hee llights up. tthis his tto oE aglesmith h ights u p. ““Some Some off m myy ffavorite Bob Dylan were o avorite B ob D ylan rrecords ecords w ere ones beat him up tthe he o nes tthat hat tthey hey jjust ust b eat h im u p ffor, or,� hee eenthuses. off m myy vvery h nthuses. ““One One o ery ffavorites avorites iiss Street Street Legal—just Legall— —just aan n aamazing mazing rrecord, ecord, was overlooked point aand nd iitt w as o verlooked tto o tthe he p oint off iinsulting. wasn’t panned, o nsulting. Itt w asn’t eeven ven p anned, iitt was overlooked. now make w as jjust ust o verlooked. I ssorta orta n ow m ake with mind. rrecords ecords w ith tthat hat iin nm ind.� Eaglesmith’s Eaglesmith’s lyrics, lyrics, which which once once narrative ffeatured eatured llong ong n arrative yyarns arns sspun pun ffrom rom aw well-developed point off ell-developed ccharacter’s haracter’s p oint o on Cha basic vview, iew, ssettle ettle o n Cha Cha C ha Cha Cha iinto nto b asic

/63/2 =4 4@32 O /63/2 =4 4@32 One ne ooff SSanta a n ta C Cruz’s ruz’s fa favorite vorite aacts, cts, s F Fred red EEaglesmith aglesmith Rio Thursday. pplays lays tthe he R io with with Robert Robert Earl Earl Keen Keen tthis his T hursday. y

statements o statements off desire. desire. “You “You k know, now, you you have write off complicated h ave tto ow rite a llot ot o complicated songs songs before hee b efore yyou ou can can write write a simple simple one, one,� h obsession with Chet ssays, ays, cciting iting aan no bsession w ith C het Baker. Baker. many out ““There’s Th here’s sso om any complicated complicated ssingers ingers o ut tthere here rright ight now, now, sso o many many twists twists of of w ords, words, on, aand nd so so much much ggoing oing o n, iit’s t’s exhausting exhausting tto o llisten isten to to all all tthe he ssongwriters ongwriters n ow. You You now. know what k now w hat I mean?� mean?� Eaglesmith, now now 53, 53, was was born born into into Eaglesmith, Ontario, Canada. a farming farming ffamily amily iin nO ntario, C anada. H e’s been been w riting ssongs ongs aand nd p erforming He’s writing performing hee h hopped eever ver ssince ince h opped a ttrain rain out out of of ttown own as as a tteenager. eenager. F or yyears, ears, he he rran an For his with h is own own rrecord ecord llabel abel w ith a ggeneral eneral d elivery aaddress, ddress, aand nd d espite aamassing massing a delivery despite devout hee iinexplicably never d evout ffollowing, ollowing, h nexplicably n ever m anaged tto o ccrack rack tthe he m ainstream with with managed mainstream his h is tough-skinned tough-skinned songs songs about about rural rural life life aand nd love love gone gone w rong. wrong. For For a primer primer on on early early Fred Fred Eaglesmith, Eaglesmith, tthere’s here’s ttruly ruly no no ffiner iner d ocument tthan han the the document 2001 2 001 double-CD double-CD sset et Ralph’s Ralph’s Last Last Show, Show, w Cruz. Playing rrecorded ecorded llive ive iin n Santa Santa C ruz. P laying with with his Ralph Schipper h is llongtime ongtime bassist bassist R alph S chipper ffor or tthe he final f inal time, time, Eaglesmith Eaglesmith is is iimpassioned mpassioned

(“Lucille�), funny funny (“White (“White Trash�), Trrash�), (“Lucille�), defensive (“Pretty (“Pretty Good Good Guy�), Guy�), regretful regretful defensive (“JJo ohn Deere�) Deere�) and and oftentimes oftentimes all all of of (“John these things things at at once, once, as as in in the the not-exactlynot-exactlythese tongue-in-cheek “Time “Time to to Get Get a Gun. Gun.� tongue-in-cheek Eaglesmith’s large large back back catalog catalog has has Eaglesmith’s been extensively extensively covered—70 covered—70 or or 80 80 been times, he he estimates. estimates. Last Last year, year, country country times, star Miranda Miranda Lambert Lambert recorded recorded “Time “Tiime star to Get Get a Gun� Gun� for for her her album album Revolution, Revolution, to named the the Academy Academy of of Country Country Music’s Music’s named album of of the the year, year, and and this this year year Alan Alan album Jackson recorded recorded his his “Freight “Freight Train, Trrain,� Jackson joining Toby Toby Keith’s Keith’s cover cover of of “Thinkin’ “Thinkin’ joining ‘Bout You� You� in in a trifecta trifecta of of big-name big-name ‘Bout stars. “Alan, “Alan, Toby Toby and and Miranda, Miranda, they they stars. all brought brought the the songs songs in in themselves, themselves,� all Eaglesmith says. says. “No “No one one pitched pitched it. it. Eaglesmith That’s a real real compliment compliment to to me. me.� That’s Such high-profile high-prof ile covers covers have have helped helped Such f inancially and and put put some some gold gold records records financially on his his wall, wall, and and this this year year he he was was invited invited on to play play Late Late Night Night With With David David Letterman, Letterman, to although Eaglesmith Eaglesmith is is by by no no means means although living high high on on the the hog. hog. Most Most of of the the year, year, living he’s on on the the road, road, slogging slog ogging it it out out in in small small he’s

but appreciative but appreciative cclubs, lubs, aand nd h hee seems seems tto o llike ike iitt tthat hat way. way. ““All All my my friends friends ssign ign w ith with tthese hese major major labels, labels,� h says, ““and and they they hee says, ccall all m ew yyears ears later, later, ssaying, aying, ‘‘Um, Um, mee a ffew h ow d o I do do the the other other tthing?’ hing?’ how do “You know, know, it’s it’s gettin’ gettin’ really, really, really really “You ttough, ough,� h adds. ““There’s There’s a p ile of of bands bands hee adds. pile o ut tthere, here, aand nd n one o hem have have any any out none off tthem w ork, aand nd iit’s t’s h ard, and and you you know know work, hard, w hat? I’m I’m all all rright. ight. I k now p rofessional what? know professional m usicians who who ccan’t an’t pay pay tthe he b ills. II’m ’m musicians bills. sstill till filling f illing tthe he halls, halls, eeven ven tthough hough tthey’re hey’re llittle ittle h alls, aand nd II’m ’m still still selling selling C Ds at at tthe he halls, CDs sshow, how, aand nd II’m ’m payin’ payin’ the the bills, bills, and and makin’ makin’ a llivin’ ivin’, aand nd ttravelin’ ravelin’, aand nd m ife h as myy llife has p retty ggood ood iintegrity. ntegrity. Th hat’s aall ll I can can aask. sk.� pretty That’s FRED FRED EAGLESMITH EAGLESMITH plays plays Thursday, Thursday, Sept. Sept. 30, 30, at at 7:30pm, 7:30pm, solo solo opening oppening for for Robert Robert Earl Earl Keen Keen at at the the Rio Rio Theatre, Theatr tre, 1205 1205 Soquel Sooquel Ave., Ave., Santa Santa Cruz; Cruz; $30; $30; 831.423.8209. 831.423.8209. He He also also plays plays a house house concert concert Wednesday, Wednesday, Oct. Oct. 6, 6, at at 4pm. 4pm. For For info info call call 831.332.0235. 831.332.0235.

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september 29-october 6, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM


september 29-october 6, 2010

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" j / 3 september 29-october 6, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; / 3

9/0==; Harry and the Hit Men put an exclamation point on the Finish Line Festival this Sunday.

Band Together The first Finish Line Festival gathers the indie faithful for a good cause 0G >/C: ; 2/D7A


VER the past decade, the Surf City AIDS Ride has raised more than $100,000 for the Santa Cruz AIDS Project, thanks to bicyclists willing to submit themselves to impressive 30-, 60- or 100-mile treks around the county. It’s a journey that offers its own rewards, but this year there will be something a little extra at the finish line—a music festival that brings together some of the city’s brightest musical talents. The party at San Lorenzo Park will go all day long, beginning at 11am and ending at 5pm with a bill that reads like a who’s-who of the Santa Cruz indie, folk and rock scene. Featuring music by And Hod, James Rabbit, Quinn Deveaux, Dan P. & the Bricks, Moon Cadillac, Tether Horse, Luxury Sweets, Harry and the Hit Men and more, the Finish Line Festival is a must-attend for fans of local music. It’s an impressively diverse bill. The stage name of longtime Santa Cruz resident Hod Hulphers, And Hod is one of the town’s most venerable indie-folk institutions. Early to midday is dominated by similar acts, notably the urban folk of Tether Horse, one of the town’s most dependable live acts. As the afternoon warms up, expect the volume to kick up a notch with

acts such as the New Wave–via–no wave James Rabbit, the soul and R&B outfit Quinn Deveaux, dirty rock & roll throwbacks Moon Cadillac and the Luxury Sweets, Santa Cruz’s kings of debauched garage-punk splendor. Dan P. & the Bricks is the latest project of Dan Potthast, the ska/power-pop wizard featuring members of ska legends MU330 and Slow Gherkin. Rounding out the bill is Harry and the Hit Men, a contemporary psychedelic soul band so dapper and refined they’d make Don Draper envious. All-day festivals are usually a pretty self-serving affair, providing fans with hours of music, drink and an opportunity to appear on the scene. It’s impressive that the folks behind the Surf City AIDS Ride have been able to amass such a stellar lineup, and it’s a testament to the town’s communityminded ethos that so many of these local bands were willing to donate their time for an undeniably good cause.

THE FINISH LINE FESTIVAL is Sunday, Oct. 3, 11am–5pm at San Lorenzo Park, Santa Cruz. Free, but donations welcome. For more information, visit www.scapsite.org.

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; september 29-october 6, 2010 / 3

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:7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

Carve, Ink, Proof, Repeat

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Liz Lyons Friedman wants to show you how to make a linocut print 0G H3>6G@ >4=B3<6/C3@


N ART teacher for many years, Liz Lyons Friedman used to demonstrate the printmaking process in her driveway during Open Studios, but stopped as more people coming meant more mess and a greater chance of ink-stained shoes. As it happens, shoes are a big theme in her work, as is wine. Conversation flows freely in her airy garden studio and her lively prints alike. Friedman has been called “the poster child� for Open Studios, and this year the title is literal. As the artist chosen to create this year’s 25th anniversary poster and the only artist to show every year since it launched in 1986, Friedman embodies much of what Open Studios is about: sharing with the public the practice of creating original art. Though her days of live demos are over, Friedman still makes a point to show the work involved in the work of art, displaying newsprint proofs and linocut blocks along with the framed, handcolored prints. Printmaking is a lengthy process: “carve, ink, proof, carve, ink, [repeat],� says the certificate Friedman pastes to the back of every finished piece. Of all the steps involved, carving is both her favorite and the most time-consuming: 60-plus hours to carve the Open Studios poster alone. Accidents do happen (“I keep my tetanus shots current, believe me!� she says), and

the process is unforgiving of mistakes. “I’ve knocked off a lot of wine stems,� she admits. “I get carried away, I’ll just keep carving.� All art is narrative in the sense that we, the viewers, complete the story according to our own experience. In Friedman’s prints, the narrative lies close to the surface, suggested by titles such as In for the Night and Wine Lovers. It’s the process of their making that she wants to make more visible, and Open Studios allows for the kind of casual-yet-meaningful interaction that Friedman so obviously values. “Do you ever feel afterward that you need to reclaim your space?� I ask. “No,� she says, smiling. “I just need a rest. I like people.� I like her, too, and stay longer than I’d intended to. As I leave, she hands me several greeting cards printed with her trademark celebrations of wine and shoes, and I promise to bring her a bottle of homemade red. Along with a stemless glass, and a pair of black heels. Just in case.

A/BC@2/G LIZ LYONS FRIEDMAN shows her work Saturday–Sunday, Oct. 2–3, as part of the 25th Annual Open Studios Tour. Commemorative calendar and map, which serve as a guide to the tour, are $25 at various locations around town; learn more at www.ccscc.org.

>:/<3B 1@CH 1=;32G 6=C@ Another season of Cruzalicious yuks opens again when Richard Stockton and his coconspirators at Planet Cruz fire up the joke machine. This week’s special guests include humorous songstress Teresa Tudury (pictured), funny man Sven Davis, spiritually incorrect standup comic Vanda Mikoloski, Bubble Master Tom Noddy and blues belter Tammi Brown. Saturday, Oct. 2, at 8pm at Kuumbwa Jazz Center, 320-2 Cedar St., Santa Cruz. Tickets $20 advance/$25 door at Streetlight, Gateways or www.planetcruz.org.

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275 7B Liz Lyons Friedman’s colorful prints begin with an edge.


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IN ““Sex IN Sex & C City� ity� att tthe he M Mill ill G Gallery, allery, p prepare repare tto om meet eet ffavorite avorite b ody p arts, ssome ome eexuding xuding ssteamy team my eessence, ssence, p erhaps iin n cclose-up lose-up body parts, perhaps o n ffigures igures iin n iinterlocking nterlocking eembrace; mbracce; extended extended ttongues ongues iin n orr o on ccheeky heeky ggestures; estures; a n eon p halllus; rred ed vvinyl inyl llips. ips. IIff iitt aall ll b ecomes neon phallus; becomes eexhausting, xhausting, tthere here ar aare re ttwin win b athtubs iinviting nviting vvisitors isitors tto o sstep tep iin, n, bathtubs rrelax, elax, llean ean b ack o n tthe he ccushions, ushions, h old h an nds aand—what nd—what ar re tthese hese back on hold hands are p ills? A ttwisted wisted torrent torrent o limbs—swans wearing wearing the the torsos torsos and an nd pills? off limbs—swans llegs egs o allet d an ncers—tumbles d own ttwo wo sstories tories aatt tthe he ccenter enter off b ballet dancers—tumbles down o he sspace. pace. IIndeed, ndeed, tthis his eexhibition xhibition o ork b heila H allliganoff tthe off w work byy S Sheila HalliganW alltz an nd Eike Eike Waltz Waltz screams screams SEX. SEX. It It doesn’t doesn’t m ean iit. t. T he w orks Waltz and mean The works aare re eerotically rotically p osed b ut n ot eerotic. rotic. T hey ar re sstories tories ccircling ircling a posed but not They are ccentral entral iidea. dea. ““Sex Sex & C ity� is is n ot aan n eexhibition xhibition o rt o bjects. T he City� not off aart objects. The eexhibition xhibition iiss tthe he aartwork, rtwork, aand nd tthe he ssubject ubject iiss lliving iving p asssionately. passionately. W hat a p aiir they they ar aare, re, S heila & E ike: sshe he ffrom rom a ssmall mal all IIllinois llinois What pair Sheila Eike: ttown, own, tthen hen C hicaggo, where where she she b egan h er aart rt sstudies tudies att tthe he A rt Chicago, began her Art IInstitute nstitute b efore m oving tto oS anta C ruz an nd m eeting E ike, w ho before moving Santa Cruz and meeting Eike, who h ad d been been a b alllet dancer dan ncer in in Munich, Munich, then then MFA MFA ggraduate rad aduate o had ballet off tthe he R oyal C ollege o rt iin nL ondon w ith a cconcurrent oncurrent d egree Royal College off A Art London with degree iin n iindustrial ndustrial design design and and a successful successful eengineering ngineering aand nd b usiness business ccareer. arreer. O ver tthe he yyears ears tthey hey eeach ach an nd ttogether ogether ccontinued ontinued aand nd Over and d eepened ttheir heir ar rt p ractice, eexpressing xpressing ttheir heir sshared harred p olitical deepened art practice, political vviews iews through through aart, rt, ai iming tto o effect effect change change thereby. thereby. aiming T od o tthis, his, S heila & E ike m ounted eexhibitions: xhibitions: ““Outrage� Outrage� iin nS an To do Sheila Eike mounted San F rancisco iin n2 004 aand nd “Outrage/Outreach� “Outrage/Outreach� iin n2 006, ““Out� Out� iin n Francisco 2004 2006, 2 008 aand nd now now “Sex “Sex & C ity� in in tthe he M ill G allery iin nS an nta C ruz. 2008 City� Mill Gallery Santa Cruz. S heila p aints sometimes sometimes massive massive ccanvases anvasses iin nw hatever sstyle tyle Sheila paints whatever ssuits uits tthe he m essagge, at at times times aalso lso w orking in in ccollage ollage o ronze message, working orr b bronze ssculpture. culpture. E ike ccalls alls h is ssculptures culptures S culpitti—3-D ggraffiti—in raff iti—in Eike his Sculpitti—3-D b ronze, ffiberglass iberglass an nd plaster. plaster. Biannually, Biannually, tthey hey h ire a h uge sspace pace bronze, and hire huge ffor or a m onth, iinstall nstall ttheir heir ar rtwork, sstaff taff iitt eevery very d ay tthemselves, hemselves, month, artwork, day cconverse onverse w ith al ll ccomers omers an nd p roduce p erforman nces rrelated elated with all and produce performances tto o ttheir heir ttheme. heme. T he p erformances h ave iincluded ncluded ccabaret-style abaret-style ab The performances have ttheater heater aand nd m usic, fashion faasshion runway, runway, comedy, comedy, d an nce, ffilm ilm an nd music, dance, and iimprov mprov ffeaturing eaturing llocal ocal aartists. rtists. T heir ffirst irst tthree hree eexhibits xhibits eexpressed xpressed Their o bjection tto o tthe he B ush aadministration dministration p olicies, aand nd iin n ““Sex� Sex� tthey hey objection Bush policies, ggrapple rapple w ith tthe he h ypocrisy o he iinstitutional nstitutionall eenforcement nforcement o with hypocrisy off tthe off m orals. N othing iiss ffor or ssale. ale. T hey aare re ttheir heir o wn ccurators. urators. S ome morals. Nothing They own Some o he iindividual ndividual p ieces aare re eexquisite xquisite aartworks, rtworks, o thers aare re ssimply imply off tthe pieces others ssignboards ignboards ffor or a m essage. message. IItt iiss iin n tthe he ttotality otality o ach eexhibition xhibition tthat hat S heila & E ike ar re off eeach Sheila Eike are ssuccessful. uccessful. ““Sex Sex & C ity� eends nds O ct. 1 w ith p erformances b eginning City� Oct. with performances beginning aatt 6 pm. T his iiss tthe he ffinal inall eexhibition xhibition ffor or tthe he M ill G allery, w hich 6pm. This Mill Gallery, which S heila & E ike iinaugurated naugurated aass aan no ngoing aart rt sspace pacce iin n2 006. Sheila Eike ongoing 2006. ((Maureen Mau ureen D avidson) Davidson) B63 3F6707B7=<7AB 7A 4C<232 7< >/@B 0G / 5@/<B 4@=; B 63 3F6707B7=<7AB 7A 4C<232 7< >/@B 0G / 5@/<B 4@=; B63 1C:BC@/: 1=C<17: =4 A/<B/ 1@CH 1=C<BG B63 1C:BC@/: 1=C<17: =4 A/<B/ 1@CH 1=C<BG

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4@72/G ´ AC<2/G !

07>=:/@ ;3;=@73A A series of 10 original dance pieces choreographed on the theme of bipolar disorder and the ways the disease manifests in one person’s life. Friday–Saturday, Oct. 1–2, 8pm; Sunday, Oct. 3, 4 and 6pm. Tickets $12–$40. The 418 Project, 418 Front St., Santa Cruz. 831.479.9565. 8ZciZg! &&&, HdfjZa 6kZ! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'*#*)''# Ac^^]`b O\R @SQ]dS`g 5`]c^a 6ao]Z^bZgÉh/ 6ao]Z^bZgÉh 6hhc#! -(&#)+)#..-'# 8VcXZg/ @Vio 8VcXZg GZhdjgXZ 8ZciZg! -(&#(*&#,,,%0 LdbZc86G:! -(&#)*,#'',(# 8VcY^YV/ -(&#),&#%,(,# <g^Z[ VcY Adhh/ =dhe^XZ! -(&#)(%#(%%%# Ajejh/ ?ZVcZiiZ B^aaZg! -(&#*++#%.+'# BZc DkZgXdb^c\ 6Wjh^kZ 7Z]Vk^dg/ -(&#)+)#(-**# HB6GI GZXdkZgn/ -(&#)+'#*),%# IgVch AVi^cV ldbZc/ BVg^edhVh! -(&#)'*#*)''# Ig^X]di^aadbVc^V/ -(&#)*,#&%%)# LdbZchÉ 7^edaVg$9ZegZhh^dc EZZg Hjeedgi/ -(&#()*#,&.%# &'"HiZe Egd\gVbh/ -(&#)*)#=:AE )(*, # G]UO 7\ab`cQbW]\ EVX^[^X 8jaijgVa 8ZciZg/ (* XaVhhZh eZg lZZ`! -(&#)+'#--.(# H8 Nd\V/ )* XaVhhZh eZg lZZ`! -(&#'',#'&*+# Ig^Nd\V/ cjbZgdjh lZZ`an XaVhhZh! -(&#)+)#-&%%# 6ahd/ Nd\V L^i]^c Vi 6eidh HiVi^dc! -(&#+-,#%-&-0 Db Gddb HX]dda d[ Nd\V! -(&#)'.#.(**0 EVX^[^X 8a^bW^c\ <nb! -(&#)*)#.'*)0 6eidh Nd\V 8ZciZg! -(&#+--#&%&.0 Il^c Adijh 8ZciZg! -(&#'(.#(.%%# HS\ DW^OaaO\O 0OaWQ( 7\b`] b] ;SRWbObW]\ OZc/ H8 OZc 8ZciZg! LZY! */)*eb! -(&#)*,#%'%+# K^eVhhVcV/ K^eVhhVcV H8! LZY +/(%"-eb! -(&#)'*#()(&# 7Vh^X/ AVcY d[ i]Z BZY^X^cZ 7jYY]V! LZY! */(%"+/(%eb! -(&#)+'#-(-(# 6aa i]gZZ VgZ [gZZ#


A1=BB7A6 5/;3A Witness feats of strength performed in traditional Scottish heavy athletic competitions or learn to dance the Highland fling at the Second Annual Santa Cruz Scottish Games and Celtic Festival. Live music from the Peninsula Scottish Fiddlers, the Piping Circle, the Mice in the Mug Teen Celtic Band and more. Saturday, Oct. 2, 10am–6pm. Free for children under 10; tickets $10 students and seniors/$15 adults. San Lorenzo Park, 137 Dakota Ave., Santa Cruz; www.SantaCruzScottishGames.com.

03/ /BA1/>3 sseptember e p t e m b e r 29-october 2 9 - o c t o b e r 6, 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; & & j 03/BA1/>3

Jazz Presenters since 1975


Supported by the National Endowment for the Arts THURS. SEPT. 30 • 7 PM


â€œâ€Śamong the most important saxophonists in contemporary music‌â€? –DownBeat $22/Adv $25/Door Sponsored by Mateo Lettunich

Come early! Pre concert talk with Artist-in-Residence Paul Contos! MON. OCTOBER 4 • 7 PM


“...steam rising from the piano...â€? –NY Sun $22/Adv $25/Door THURS. OCTOBER 7 • 7 PM


Sponsored by Kuumbwa Jazz Board of Directors

Featuring Guest Chefs BarbaraArroyo and Rick Cuneo from Gayle’s Bakery & Rosticceria MON. OCTOBER11 • 7 PM


Sponsored by Rosalind Shorenstein, M.D. & Michael Shorenstein, M.D., Internal Medicine with a Personal Touch

1/2 Price Night for Students THURS. OCTOBER14 • 7 & 9 PM Experimental... orchestrial...bluegrass!


MON. OCTOBER 18 • 7 PM A blend of Cuban & Central African traditions!

A6/>3 A674B3@ A 6/>3 A674B B3@ The incredibly incredibly versatile Conor Oberst verrssatile C oonor Ob errsst pplays y Fernwood Friday. Feernwood on Fr riday.


THURS. OCTOBER 21 • 8 PM “They thrive on risk.â€? –DownBeat




Rising Star Sax Lady!

MON. NOVEMBER 1 • 7 & 9 PM


$25/Adv $28/Door, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by Erik’s DeliCafÊ

Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, serving premium wines & microbrewed beers. Snacks & desserts available all other nights. All age venue.

Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at kuumbwajazz.org. Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admissions Tax.

Independently Produced Events SAT. OCTOBER 2 • 8 PM

PLANET CRUZ COMEDY HOUR WITH RICHARD STOCKTON $20/Adv $25/Door Tickets: Streetlight Records, Gateways Books & www.planetcruz.org

320-2 Cedar St • Sa nta C r u z 427-2227


B6C@A2/G j ' ! B 6 C @ A 2/G j ' !

B6C@A2/G j ' ! B 6 C @ A 2/G j ' !

4@72/G j 4 @ 7 2/G j

E67B3 67::A E 67B3 67::A

@=03@B 3/@: @=03@B 3/@: 9 33< 4@32 933< 4@32 3/5:3A;7B6 3 /5 : 3 A ; 7 B 6

B/B3@ 4/;7<3 B /B 3 @ 4/ ; 7 < 3

New York New York ttrio rio W White hite H Hills ills ssubscribe ubscribe tto o the the ttheory heory o sychedelic rock rock off p psychedelic tthat hat says says “screw “screw the the ttambourines ambourines aand nd aacoustic coustic gguitars, uitars, it’s it’s ttime ime tto o b low out out ssome ome sspeakers!� peakers!� Th he ggroup roup blow The llayers ayers tthe he tturbulent urbulent d rum h urricane drum hurricane o percussionist Ki id M illions with with off percussionist Kid Millions gguitarist uitarist and and vvocalist ocalist Dave Dave W ’s wall-ofwall- ofW’s ssound ound riffs riffs and and tthe he awesomely awesomely named named E go S ensation’s d eep aand nd deadened deadened Ego Sensation’s deep b ass tthumps. humps. A mbition iiss in in n o sshort hort bass Ambition no ssupply, upply, as as tthe he crew’s crew’s tracks tracks ccan an sstretch tretch ffor or 1155 m inutes aand nd m ore. O n the the ttrio’s rio’s minutes more. On llatest atest sself-titled elf-titled album, album, tthe he psychedelic psychedelic ttrip rip ggoes oes cosmic cosmic with with perhaps perhaps tthe he most most w ell executed executed eexample xample o pace rock rock well off sspace rrecorded ecorded aall ll year. year. C repe Place; Place; $8; $8; 9 pm. Crepe 9pm. ((Curtis Curtis Cartier) Cartier)

Th This his sshow how p pulls ulls o out ut the the A Americana mericana big big gguns: uns: ssolo olo sshows hows b Robert E arl K een o byy Robert Earl Keen orr Fr red E aglesmith aare re rapturously rapturously rreceived eceived Fred Eaglesmith b ocal ffans, ans, b ut tthe he two two of of tthem hem iin n byy llocal but o ne n ight m ay p rove m ore ttwang wang then then one night may prove more a single single sstage tage ccan an h andle. T hough their their handle. Though sstyles tyles aare re distinct, distinct, tthey’re hey’re b oth rreal-life eal-life both ffolk olk and and country country m avericks w ho h ave mavericks who have p ut iin n sserious erious ttime ime aass road road w arriors. A put warriors. Att tturns urns w ry, o bservant aand nd lliterate, iterate, tthe he wry, observant eeach ach p lays tthe he ttype ype o usic yyou’d ou’d h ear aatt plays off m music hear C ormac M cCarthy’s jjuke uke jjoint oint o choice. Cormac McCarthy’s off choice. Th his iisn’t sn’t aany ny stereotypical stereotypical hillbilly hillbilly sstuff: tuff: This K een aand nd E aglesmith aare re both both serious serious Keen Eaglesmith aartists rtists w hose h umor leavens leavens p itch-black whose humor pitch-black ssensibilities ensibilities eearned arned ffrom rom a llifetime ifetime o off lliving iving o nN ashville’s ffringes. ringes. S ee story, story, on Nashville’s See p age 2 1. Rio Rio Theatre; Th heatre; $30; $30; 77:30pm. :30pm. page 21. ((Paul Paul M avis) M.. D Davis)

Don’t D on’t llet et tthe he m mandolin andolin ffool ool yyou. ou. T Tater ater F amine iiss aan n eenergetic, nergetic, H ank-meets– Famine Hank-meets– B ad R eligion h ybrid m ixing p unk rrock ock Bad Religion hybrid mixing punk ssubstance ubstance w ith ccountry ountry ssensibilities. ensibilities. with T he S anta C ruz ttrio rio o coustic gguitar, uitar, The Santa Cruz off aacoustic sstandup tandup b ass aand nd m andolin ffound ound iits ts bass mandolin ssound ound iin n2 006, w hen tthe he aauditory uditory 2006, when rrestraints estraints o he m embers’ aapartment partment off tthe members’ ccomplex omplex fforced orced tthem hem tto o ttake ake a p unkpunku nplugged aapproach, pproach, rreplacing eplacing ttheir heir unplugged eelectric lectric iinstruments nstruments w ith aacoustic coustic with o nes aand nd d eveloping aan no ld-meetsones developing old-meetsn ew p unkabilly sstyle. tyle. S ince tthen, hen, T ater new punkabilly Since Tater F amine’s ttoured oured tthe he ccountry, ountry, rreleased eleased Famine’s ad ebut C D aand nd p layed aaround round tthe he B ay debut CD played Bay A rea aand nd W est C oast eextensively. xtensively. W ith Area West Coast With C arrie N ation aand nd tthe he S peakeasy. C repe Carrie Nation Speakeasy. Crepe P lace; $ 7; 9 pm. ((Cat Cat JJohnson) ohnson) ((PMD) PMD) Place; $7; 9pm.

j '

A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; sseptember e p t e m b e r 29-october 2 9 - o c t o b e r 6, 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 03/BA1/>3 03/ /BA1/>3

1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A @B=9 @B=9G= >=:713 1:C0 9G= >=:7 =:713 3 1:C0 OCT T. 7 AT AT RIO O THEA TRE OCT. THEATRE B63 6 1/:74= 63 /:7 =@<7/ @<7/ / B63 1/:74=@<7/ 6=<3G2@= 6=< =>A >A 6=<3G2@=>A OCT. OCT T. 8 AT AT CREPE CR CRE REEPE EEP PE PLACE PLA PL LACE

4@72/G j 4 @ 7 2/G j

1=<=@ =03@AB 1 = < = @ = 0 3 @ AB Calling B Calling Bright right E Eyes yes ffrontman rontman Conor Conor O berst ““Dylanesque� Dylanesque� iiss the the ttraditional raditional Oberst w ay music music journalists journalists p ass off off h is way pass his m asterful ccommand ommand o the E nglish masterful off the English llanguage anguage aand nd subtly subtly p rofound delivery. delivery. profound L ike m any words words ssuffixed uff ixed w ith ““esque, esque,� Like many with h owever, it it m isses tthe he mark mark o the ffull ull however, misses off the sscope cope iin n the the m an’s ccraft. raft. Through Th hrough his his man’s w ork not not o nly w ith B right E yes, but but work only with Bright Eyes, D esaparecidos, The Th he Faint, Faint, P ark Ave., Ave., Desaparecidos, Park C ommander Venus, Venus, Conor Conor Oberst Oberst and and Commander tthe he Mystic Mystic Valley Valley Band, Band, and and M onsters Monsters o Folk, h e’s b ecome tthe he musical musical off Folk, he’s become sscribe cribe o generation. IIn nB ig Sur Sur on on off a generation. Big T hursday, C onor’s p lanned a llow ow k ey Thursday, Conor’s planned key aaffair—just ffair—just h im, h is gguitar, uitar, a ffew ew gguests uests him, his aand nd a ccouple ouple h undred ffans ans w ith n ary hundred with nary ad ry eeye ye aamong mong tthem. hem. F ernwood dry Fernwood R esort, Big Big S ur; $25; $25; 77pm. pm. (CC) (CC) Resort, Sur;

A/BC@2/G j A /B C @ 2/G j

B63 AC02C23A B 63 AC02C23A On an anyy giv given en night in nN New ew Orleans Orleans,, there ar o man reat shows ffor or o there aree to too manyy ggr great one p erson to at tend. It ’s imp ossible person attend. It’s impossible to rrealize ealize the sheer br readth of the breadth cit y’s music al traditio on, but the city’s musical tradition, Sub dudes do a go od job j with their Subdudes good amalgamation of the man ny thr eads. many threads.

Brin nging ngg to gether blues ospel, el Bringing together blues,, go gospel, funk k, R&B B and a touch of zzydeco, ydeco, funk, Thee Sub dudes u ar out ass close clo to o Subdudes aree ab about B Bo Bou ou urb ur urb bon o Str eet as man est e C oaast Bourbon Street manyy W West Coast rresidents esid dents will get. Cr edit bandlead ders Credit bandleaders T om o mm my Malone and JJohn ohn Magnie Tommy Magnie,, ttwo wo o long-time pla ayers in the Big E asy players Easy who o ha ave assembled a crack team of have mus sicians to deliv er the grit, vverve erve musicians deliver and d soul of the Ba ayou to listeners far Bayou and d wide id . Mo e’s Alle ll y; $2 d / wide. Moe’s Alley; $255 adv/ $30 do or; 8:30pm. (PMD) door;

/ 0/<2 =4 =@1A / 0/<2 =4 0/ 0/<2 4 =@ @1A OCT. AT CATALYST OCT T. 9 A T CA TA ALLYS YST ST B@7D3<7 7D D3 3< OCT. AT KUUMBWA OCT T. 11 A T KU K UUMBW UM WA WA ;/:7;/ 9=<3 /<2 ;/:7;/ ; /: / 9=<3 = / 2 /<2 @355/4@7? /4 ?C3 @355/4@7?C3 OCT T. 14 A T MO OE’S ALLEY LEY OCT. AT MOE’S 6= E:7<¸¸ @/ @/7< 6=E:7<¸ @/7< OCT T. 15 AT AT HENRY HEENRY EN MILLER ILL OCT. LIBR R ARY A Y, BIG SUR SU LIBRARY, 0=<<73 >@7<13 07:: 07 :G 0 0=<<73 >@7<13 07::G OCT T. 25 A T DO ON QUIXOTE’S QU QUIXO UIX XOTE’S OCT. AT DON A E7B164== =B AE7B164==B OCT T. 28 T. 2 A T CA ATA TA ALLY YST T OCT. AT CATALYST

A/BC@2/G j A /B C @ 2/G j

AC<2/G j ! A C < 2/G j ! !

3 / AG A B/ @ 3/AG AB/@ /:: AB/@A / : : A B/ @ A

:= A :=A 1 3 < H= < B : 3 A 13<H=<B:3A

It’s It t’s u understandably nderstandably h hard ard tto o sstand tand o out ut orr d dub on aass a rreggae eggae o ub aact ct o n aan n iisland sland llike ike So out JJamaica. amaica. S o aafter fter eeking king o ut a lliving iving band aass a sstudio tudio ssession ession b and ffor or a ssmall mall Easy Star Allrrecord ecord ccompany, ompany, tthe he E asy S tar A llStars back originality byy S tars ttook ook a b ack rroad oad tto oo riginality b doing no original d oing n oo riginal ssongs ongs aatt aall. ll. IInstead, nstead, quartet out niche with tthe he q uartet ccarved arved o ut iits ts n iche w ith dubbed-up off iiconic d ubbed-up vversions ersions o conic rrock ock Pink Floyd’s Dark rrecords ecords llike ike P ink F loyd’s D ark SSide ide of of Moon), tthe he Moon Moo o n (called (called Dub Dub Side Side of of tthe he M ooon), Radiohead’s R adiohead’s OK OK Computer Computer (Radiodread) (Radiodread) Beatles’ aand nd tthe he B eatles’ Sgt. Sgt. Pepper’s Peppper’s LLonely onely Hearts Club Band H earts C lub B and (Sgt. (Sgt. Pepper’s Peppper’s Lonely Lonely Hearts Dub Band). Catalyst; $14 H earts D ub B and). C atalyst; $ 14 aadv/ dv/ $19 door; 9pm. $ 19 d oor; 9 pm. ((CC) CC)

Originally begun Originally begun as as a yyouth outh outreach outreach p rogram, Los Los Cenzontles Cenzontles sset et out out tto o program, b ring traditional traditional music music and and d ance bring dance tto o a generation generation living living away away from from iits ts ccultural ultural heritage. heritage. Members Members found found tthat hat n ew roots roots had had set set iin, n, aand nd that that m ixing new mixing ttraditional raditional fare fare with with tthe he American American ssounds ounds permeating permeating life life N orth o he North off tthe bo rder resonated resonated with with the the m ixed border mixed iidentities dentities of of Mexican-American Mexican-American youths. youths. E lectric guitars guitars accompany accompany aaccordions ccordions Electric aand nd play play mariachi mariachi melodies melod dies set set tto o llyrics yrics aabout bout hardship. hardship. It’s Itt’s impossible impossible tto oh ear a hear ssong ong like like No No Hay Hay Trabajo Trabajo ((“There’s “Th here’s N o No W ork�) and and not not think think of of tthe he bans bans tthat hat Work�) fforbid orbid illegal illegal immigrants immigrants a livelihood. livelihood. D on Quixote; Quixote; $10; $10; 1pm. 1pm. (Kate (Kaate Jacobson) Jaacobson) Don

;=<2/G j " ; = < 2/G j "

@3<33 @=A<3A @3<33 @=A<3A ?C/@B3B ? C/ @ B 3 B

5@3/B 1=D3@ C> 5 @3/ /B 1=D3@ C> The T Eas Easy sy Star Star All-Stars All--SSttaarrs deliver deliver dub versions verrsions s of all your favorite fav a orite hits hits..

Simple piano Simple piano melodies melodies tthat hat ccome ome after affter aan n education education in in music music are are rarely rarely as as basic basic aass they they seem. seem. The The spaces spaces b etween Renee Renee between R osnes’ notes notes are are planted planted as as carefully carefully as as Rosnes’ tthe he twirls twirls of of her her piano piano keys, keys, and and each each ssong ong is is tailored tailored tto o give give the the iindividual ndividual vvoices oices in in the the quartet quartet a perfectly perfectly balanced balanced rrole. ole. Introducing Introducing something something like like a cello cello o an element element of of w orld music music doesn’t doesn’t orr an world h yphenate her her individual individual genre genre into into the the hyphenate m ish-mash of of styles styles characterizing characterizing much much mish-mash o the jazz jazz scene. scene. Rosnes Rosnes iiss tthe he anchor anchor off the tthat hat keeps keeps h er quartet quartet honest, honest, the the her C anadian with with a jazz jazz pure pure enough enough to to Canadian b almost p re-evolutionary. Kuumbwa; Kuumbwa; bee almost pre-evolutionary. $ 22 adv/$25 adv/$25 door; door; 7pm. 7pm. (KJ) (KJ) $22

1:C0 5@72 sseptember e p t e m b e r 29-october 2 9 - o c t o b e r 6, 6 , 2010 2 0 1 0 A A/<B/1@CH 1=; / < B/ 1 @ C H 1 = ; ! ! j 1:C0 5@72


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Blueprint ‹ +VVYZ ! W T :OV^ ! W T

>LKULZKH` :LW[ ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 16+

THE BEAUTIFUL GIRLS plus Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad • (K] +Y ‹ ! W T W T ;O\YZKH` :LW[ ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 16+

DOORS TO NOWHERE plus Black Love


Ghost at Sea • +YZ VUS` ‹ ! W T W T

-YPKH` 6J[VILY ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 21+ FRIDAY NIGHT FUNCTION: DJ Aspect DJ Tone Sol, Nima Fadavi 56 *6=,9 ‹ W T W T

:H[\YKH` 6J[VILY ‹ AGES 16+

! /5 /0 . (( /0 ./

plus Cas Haley (K] +YZ ‹ W T W T :H[\YKH` 6J[VILY ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 16+ VitalSC presents “DUBSTEP NATION 3� 6Blocc Megaloon, Rate P, Getter (K] +YZ ‹ W T W T

:\UKH` 6J[VILY ‹ AGES 16+


Beverage, tax and gratuity not included. Cannot be combined with any other offer, no substitutions.

FIRST COURSE choice of

Roasted Beet and goat cheese salad, arugala, endive and balsamic vinaigrette Risotto Fritters, fontina cheese and marinara sauce Calamari and French fries, cocktail and tartar sauces SECOND COURSE choice of

Rib Eye Steak with garlic mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables Scampi sautĂŠed with lemon, white wine, garlic served over penne and broccolini Salmon with warm frisee salad, roasted red potatoes and caper-egg cream sauce

& &! " ! " # # ' '

>Sgb]\¸a 0WU 2O[\ 0O\R > Sgb]\¸a 0WU 2O[\ 0O\R

For the week of October 6th-12th • Fixed Price: $25

& &! "#& ! "#&

B B63 1/B/:GAB 63 1/B/:GAB

2W`bg 6SORa 2 W`bg 6SORa


Dirty Heads

plus PU (K] H[ [OL +Y ‹ +YZ VWLU W T :OV^ W T

6J[ Tech N9ne/ E-40/ Krizz Kaliko (Ages 16+) 6J[ The Pack/ Dev/ Antdog Da Beast (Ages 16+) 6J[ A Band of Orcs Atrium (Ages 16+) 6J[ VitalSC: RJD2 (Ages 16+) 6J[ Ozomatli (Ages 21+) 6J[ Wiz Khalifa/ Yelawolf (Ages 16+) 6J[ Mishka/ White Buffalo (Ages 16+) 6J[ Mickey Avalon (Ages 16+) 6J[ Murs/ Moe Green (Ages 16+) 6J[ Barrington Levy (Ages 16+) 6J[ Switchfoot (Ages 16+) 6J[ Halloween Costume Ball Sourgrass/ Wooster (Ages 21+) 5V] Ghostland Observatory (Ages 16+) 5V] Sublime with Rome (Ages 21+) 5V] Sublime with Rome (Ages 16+) 5V] VitalSC: Borgore (Ages 16+) <USLZZ V[OLY^PZL UV[LK HSS ZOV^Z HYL KHUJL ZOV^Z ^P[O SPTP[LK ZLH[PUN Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online


THIRD COURSE choice of

Vanilla Bean Crème Brulee with caramelized sugar Brownie Sundae with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce Ice Cream Filled Crepes with fresh berries and caramel sauce



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SAUSAGEFEST 2010 Live Music

Jay & the Little lingo devils

Home Made


warm pretzels Mustards & sodas from condiments

The Brewers’ Kitchen SEASONAL

Emily & Chad’s HARVEST red ale

locally made sausages from

The Rib King &

EL SALCHICHERO proceeds go to camp joy

OCTOBER Location! New

9 5 8 From


West Side Farmers Market

2 28 9Oa^S` 8 9Oa^S`

j !! !!

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!" j 47:; september 29-october 6, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Film Capsules

SHOWTIMES FOR FRIDAY OCT 1 – THURSDAY OCT 7 STARTS FRIDAY 10/1 ON 2 SCREENS! “A memorably haunting sci-fi romance with stellar performances!� –Rolling Stone

Caret Mulligan Keira Knightly Charlotte Rampling

<3E 1/>A

(R) Grand Auditorium: Daily (2:10), (4:30)*, 7:00*, 9:15* & Fri, Sat, Sun (12 noon) Stadium Seating: Daily (1:30), (3:45), 6:00, 8:15 & Sat, Sun (11:20am)

plus Fri, Sat Night 10:15

*No 4:30, 7:00, 9:15 Shows Tues 10/5


(R) Daily: (2:00), 6:30


in Paris, directed by Vincente Minnelli, choreographed by Gene Kelly, and starring Kelly, Leslie Caron and Oscar Levant, features vintage Gershwin tunes and an astonishing climactic ballet, a work of delirious filmmaking. (Plays Sat-Sun at 11am at Aptos.) 1/A3 !' (R; 109 min)

(R) Daily: (4:15), 8:30 & Sat, Sun (11:40am)

ADVANCE MIDNIGHT SHOW THURS 10/7! “An electric, offbeat comedy with a fiercely poignant performance by Zach Galifianakis!� –Variety

Keir Gilchrist Emma Roberts Zach Galifianakis FROM THE DIRECTORS OF

/< /;3@71/< 7< >/@7A (1951) An American

Kindhearted social worker Emily Jenkins (RenĂŠe Zellweger) brings home an abused 10-yearold girl only to discover

that her parents had several good reasons for trying to send her back to hell and that her baggage might be hard to handle without a few lakes of holy water. Jenkins turns out to be as determined as she is kind, and spends the rest of the film fighting to free her charge of demons. (Opens Fri at Santa Cruz 9 and Green Valley Cinema.) 1/B47A6 (PG-13;

94 min.) The new documentary Catfish does for social networking what 1999’s Blair Witch Project did for handheld film. It deals

with the problem of the realer-than-real illusion imparted by documentaries and social networking. The narrow field of vision and depth in portable cameras creates some haunting images: the Michigan town, under flat blue skies, is as empty as the plaza in a de Chirico painting. The sequence of the team exploring a deserted farmhouse, by the green light of night vision at 3am, creates stomach-turning tension. The payoff is diabolically plausible and definitely tragic: there’s true horror

in such a pitiful need for recognition. And the culture of fame and the age of digital film is creating such horror stories by the dozen every day. (Opens Fri at Santa Cruz Cinema 9.) (RvB) B63 1=;>:3B3 ;3B@=>=:7A (1927)

Featuring previously unseen footage, Fritz Lang’s silent-era futuristic masterpiece tells the story of a privileged young man living in a sharply divided city of “planners� and “thinkers.� He ventures to the other side and falls in love with a working-class prophet

Movie reviews by Curtis Cartier, Traci Hukill and Richard von Busack

who tells of a savior who will mediate the two classes’ differences. (Opens Fri at Nickelodeon.)

waters of intimacy, betrayal, friendship and forgiveness. (Opens Fri at the Nickelodeon.)

3D7: 23/2 (1987) The recitation of a passage from the Book of the Dead conjures up a flesh-eating monster that attacks a group of youngsters at a secluded cabin in the middle of the woods. (Plays Fri at midnight at Del Mar.)

8C@/AA71 >/@9 (1993)

8/19 5=3A 0=/B7<5

(R; 97 min.) Philip Seymour Hoffman directs and stars in film about two workingclass New York City couples navigating the

Referenced in nearly every archaeological discovery since it opened in 1993, Jurassic Park is a warning to overconfident scientists everywhere. In a film where most of the cast was signed on as expendable dinosaur prey, the remaining heroes learn that the phrase “it’s perfectly safe� should in the future only be applied to puppies and fuzz. (Plays Thu at Santa Cruz 9.)


Thursday 10/7 @ Midnight Advanced Tickets On Sale Now!


Regular Engagement Starts Fri 10/8

Midnights @ The Del Mar

Tickets $6.50 Fun! Prizes! Zombies!

Evil Dead 2 / Shaun of the Dead


Showtimes are for Wednesday, Sept. 29, through Wednesday, Oct. 6, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.


Fri 10/1 @ Midnight Sat 10/2 @ Midnight Next Fri: Beetlejuice Next Sat: Ghostbusters

Online Ticketing Available @


/>B=A 17<3;/A

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

Wed-Thu call for showtimes.

Wed-Thu call for showtimes. BVS A]QWOZ <Sbe]`Y — (Starts Fri) 1:15; 3:40; 4:15; 6:45; 7:15; 9:35; 10:05. :Sb ;S 7\ — (Starts Fri) Fri-Sun 11:35; 2:10; 4:50; 7:35; 10:15. Mon-Wed 2:10; 4:50; 7:35; 10:15. 1OaS !' — (Starts Fri) Fri-Sun 11:50; 2:25; 5:05; 7:45; 10:20. Mon-Wed 2:25; 5:05; 7:45; 10:20. 1ObTWaV — (Starts Fri) Fri-Wed 1; 3:15; 5:30; 7:50; 10. :SUS\R ]T bVS 5cO`RWO\a( BVS =eZa ]T 5O¸6]]ZS ! 2 — Fri and Sun 11:45; 2:05; 4:30; 7; 9:20. Sat 11:45; 2:05; 4:30; 10:05. Mon-Thu 2:05; 4:30; 7; 9:20. :SUS\R ]T bVS 5cO`RWO\a( BVS =eZa ]T 5O¸6]]ZS 2 — Fri-Wed 12:45. G]c /UOW\ — Fri and Sun 11:30; 1:55; 4:20; 6:50; 9:15. Sat 11:30; 1:55; 4:20; 9:50. Mon-Thu 1:55; 4:20; 6:50; 9:15 3Oag / — Fri-Sun 12:10; 2:30; 5; 7:25; 9:45; Mon-Thu 2:30; 5; 7:25; 9:45. BVS B]e\ — Fri-Wed 1:05; 4:05; 7:05; 9:50; Thu 1:05; 4:05; 10:30. 8c`OaaWQ >O`Y — Thu 8. ASQ`SbO`WOb — Sat 7. :WTS Oa ES 9\]e 7b — Sat 7:30pm.

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.thenick.com G]c /UOW\ — Fri-Wed 2:20; 4:30; 6:40; 8:50. BVS B]e\ — Fri-Wed 1:50; 4:20; 6:50; 9:20. Sat-Sun 11:15am. /\ /[S`WQO\ W\ >O`Wa — Sat-Sun 11am.

STARTS FRIDAY 10/1! “A sublimely acted movie, hilarious and heartfelt.� –Rolling Stone Philip Seymour Hoffman Amy Ryan

Daily: (1:00), (3:00), (5:00), 7:00, 9:00

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/ 1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.cineluxtheatres.com Wed-Thu call for showtimes.


BVS A]QWOZ <Sbe]`Y — (Starts Thu midnight); Fri-Wed 11:15; 1:45; 4:30; 7:15;

STARTS FRIDAY 10/1! “A twisty, spectacular farce!� –New York Post

9:45. :SUS\R ]T bVS 5cO`RWO\a( BVS =eZa ]T 5O¸6]]ZS ! 2 — Fri-Wed 11:30; 2;

4:20; 6:45; 9:10. EOZZ Ab`SSb( ;]\Sg <SdS` AZSS^a — Fri-Wed 1; 4; 7; 9:55.

Daily: (12:50), (2:50), (4:50), 6:50, 8:50 (R)

STARTS FRIDAY 10/1! “The film event of 2010!� –Roger Ebert

23: ;/@

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com Wed-Thu call for showtimes. Daily: (1:10), 8:00

<SdS` :Sb ;S 5] — (Starts Fri) 1:30; 2:10; 3:45; 4:30; 6; 7; 8:15; 9:15; plus Fri-Sat


10:15pm; Fri-Sun noon; and Sat-Sun 11:20am. BVS BWZZ[O\ Ab]`g — Fri-Wed 2:00; 6:30. BVS /[S`WQO\ — 4:15; 8:30; plus Sat-Sun 11:40am. 7b¸a 9W\R ]T O 4c\\g Ab]`g — Thu midnight. 3dWZ 2SOR — Fri midnight. AVOc\ ]T bVS 2SOR — Sat midnight.


Daily: (1:20), 8:10

FINAL WEEK! (NR) Daily: (4:00), 6:00



(PG) Daily: (4:10), 6:10

Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com

( ) = Bargain Shows Before 5:30pm

Call for Wed-Thu showtimes.

Ben Affleck (R) Daily: (1:50), (4:20), 6:50, 9:20 & Sat, Sun (11:15am)

/ E][O\ O 5c\ O\R O <]]RZS AV]^ — (Starts Fri) 12:50; 2:50; 4:50; 6:50; 8:50. BVS 1][^ZSbS ;Sb`]^]ZWa — (Starts Fri) 1:10; 8. 8OQY 5]Sa 0]ObW\U — (Starts Fri) 1; 3; 5; 7; 9. 1OW`] BW[S — Fri-Wed 4:10; 6:10. 7\QS^bW]\ — Fri-Wed 1:20; 8. ;ORS[]WaSZZS 1VO[P]\ — Fri-Wed 4; 6.

Kristen Bell Jamie Lee Curtis Sigourney Weaver Betty White

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

(PG) Daily: (2:20), (4:30), 6:40, 8:50


155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com Tickets $6

An American In Paris

Sat 10/2 & Sun 10/3 @ 11:00am Next Week: A Streetcar Named Desire

Children under 5 admitted only on Mondays & Weekend Matinees

Wed-Thu call for showtimes. EOZZ Ab`SSb( ;]\Sg <SdS` AZSS^a — Fri-Sun 12:30; 2; 3:30pm; 5; 6:30; 8.

Mon-Wed 3:30; 5; 6:30; 8. 2SdWZ — Fri-Wed 9:30.

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com

A1=BBA D/::3G 17<3;/

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260 www.cineluxtheatres.com Wed-Thu call for showtimes. :Sb ;S 7\ — (Starts Fri) 1:45; 4:30; 7:20; 10; plus Fri-Sun 11:15am. 3Oag / — Fri-Wed 11:55; 2:10; 4:20; 6:45; 9; plus Fri-Sun 11:55am. G]c /UOW\ — Fri-Wed 2:10; 4:40; 7:10; 9:40; plus Fri-Sun 11:45am. :SUS\R ]T bVS 5cO`RWO\a( BVS =eZa ]T 5O¸6]]ZS ! 2 — Fri-Wed 1:30; 4; 6:30; 8:45; plus Fri-Sun 11:10am. BVS A]QWOZ <Sbe]`Y — Fri-Wed 2; 4:45; 7:30; 10:10; plus Fri-Sun 11:20. EOZZ Ab`SSb( ;]\Sg <SdS` AZSS^a — Fri-Wed 12:45; 3:45; 7; 9:55.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com Wed-Thu call for showtimes. BVS A]QWOZ <Sbe]`Y — (Starts Fri) Fri and Mon-Wed 1:30; 4:15; 7; 9:30; Sat-Sun 11; 11:30; 4:15; 7; 9:30. 1OaS !' — (Starts Fri) Fri and Mon-Wed 1:30; 4:25; 7:10; 9:30; Sat-Sun 11:05; 1:30; 4:25; 7:10; 9:30. :Sb ;S 7\ — (Starts Fri) Fri and Mon-Wed 11:30; 4:30; 7:05; 9:30; Sat-Sun 11; 11:30; 4:30; 7:05; 9:30. :SUS\R ]T bVS 5cO`RWO\a( BVS =eZa ]T 5O¸6]]ZS ! 2 — Fri and Mon-Wed 11:05; 3:05; 5:05; 7:05; 9:15; Sat-Sun 11; 11:05; 3:05; 5:05; 7:05; 9:15. EOZZ Ab`SSb( ;]\Sg <SdS` AZSS^a—Fri and Mon-Wed 1:30; 4:15; 7; 9:30; SatSun 11; 1:30; 4:15; 7; 9:30. G]c /UOW\ — Fri and Mon-Wed 1:30; 4:25; 7; 9:30; Sat-Sun 11:15; 1:30; 4:25; 7; 9:30. BVS B]e\ — Fri and Mon-Wed 11:30; 4:30; 7; 9:30; Sat-Sun 11; 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:30. 3Oag / — Fri and Mon-Wed 1:05; 3:15; 5:20; 7:30; 9:30. Sat-Sun 11; 11:05; 3:15; 5:20; 7:30; 9:30.

j !#

A/<B/1@CH 1=; september 29-october 6, 2010 47:;

:3B ;3 7< (R; 115 min)

After taking a beating from the boys at school, Owen (Kodi Smit-McPhee) gets unlooked-for aid from the vampire-girl next door. Pale and underfed Abby (Chloe Moritz) turns out to pack a powerful punch but can’t hide the evidence of her appetites from her new friend or her new town, and Owen finds that blood-drained corpses drive a wrench into a budding relationship like nothing else. (Opens Fri at Santa Cruz 9, Scotts Valley and Green Valley Cinema.) :743 /A E3 9<=E 7B

(PG-13) Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel wind up with the orphaned child of their best friends after an accident and, what the heck, become a family. (Sneak preview Sat at Santa Cruz 9.) <3D3@ :3B ;3 5= (R;

103 min.) Keira Knightly, Andrew Garfield and Carey Mulligan star in a tale of three boarding school chums who face a “haunting reality� along with the general bummer of growing up. (Opens Fri at Del Mar.) A31@3B/@7/B (PG) A

housewife (Diane Lane) takes over her late father’s racing stable and, with the help of a talented trainer (John Malkovich), somehow winds up with one of the greatest racehorses of all time, 1973 Triple Crown winner Secretariat. (Sneak preview Sat at Santa Cruz 9.) A6/C< =4 B63 23/2

(2004) The best zombie spoof ever stars Simon Pegg as Shaun, a hapless underachiever who tries to make lemonade from the lemons of the zombie apocalypse and save everyone, especially his ex-girlfriend. (Play Sat at midnight at Del Mar.) A=17/: <3BE=@9

(PG-13; 120 min) The foundation for Facebook was laid during the 2003 Harvard nerd-days of Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) and crew. Zuckerman’s real-life relationships turn to ash as he makes his first million, and as copyright lawsuits start coming out of his ears he realizes that money doesn’t guarantee easy living, and 500 million Facebook friends don’t translate into emotional support. (Opens Thu at 41st Ave, Santa Cruz 9, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) / E=;/< / 5C< /<2 / <==2:3 A6=> (R; 103 min.) The

Chinese remake of the Coen brothers debut Blood Simple by Zhang Yimou. It is a strange,

strange movie, and that’s not just because of the flamboyant color scheme. In the middle ages, the wife (Yan Ni) of the desert town’s master, a perverted ugly miser Wang (Ni Dahong), is carrying on with the noodle shop’s “intern,� a gulping, pinkclad coward in elf-shoes Li (Xiao Shenyang). Prowling around the perimeter is a bad cop (Honglei Sun) who is ready to make some money on the side, and he isn’t above the occasional double-cross. It has its moments: one is a showstopper about the making of noodles that looks as tricky as a circus act. (Opens Fri at Nickelodeon.) (RvB)

@3D73EA B63 /;3@71/< (R; 113 min.) In this slow-cooked existential spy movie, Dutch director Anton Corbijn keeps the most interesting male movie star in the world in his scopes. Run out of a snowy haven in Sweden and forced into hiding in Italy, Jack (George Clooney) walks through medieval streets, fiddles with a metal drill press and looks over his shoulder for those who might be looking for him. Despite being warned by his employer to make no friends in his new village, Jack meets an elegant hooker (Violante Placido) and a rumbling local priest (Paolo Bonacelli). These two, reaching out to body and soul, compromise Jack’s perimeter. And then Jack is recruited for one last job before retirement: the construction of a sniper rifle for a strikinglooking female assassin (Thekla Reuten). (RvB) 1/7@= B7;3 (PG; 98 min.) In addition to ancient ruins, Cairo has a few Imperial British ones, and this slightly stuffy travelogue/ forbidden romance by Ruba Nadda seems to be one. Juliette (Patricia Clarkson), the wife of a UN employee stuck in the Gaza Strip, is at loose ends in the Egyptian capital. Fortunately the husband’s former friend Tareq (Alexander Siddiq) can show her the sights. Clarkson’s mix of assurance and girlishness is unique, but she has to work that mixture too hard here. Conflict instead of cooperation is overvalued in cinema, just as it is in life and economics, but Cairo Time seems underpowered. And there isn’t any of the forceful counterpoint that comes from adventures in

really big crazy cities, just plenty of nostril-flaring between the leads, and mall walking in bazaars as the Umm Kalthum music plays on the soundtrack and the muezzin wails in the distance. (RvB) 3/AG / (PG-13; 95 min.)

High school girl Olive (Emma Stone) gets her reputation ruined and decides to revel in it, accessorizing her outfits with the scarlet A she just read about in Nathaniel Hawthorne in English class. An urbane and sly comedy, vastly superior to Juno; the appealing lead name-checks John Hughes films but this surpasses his conformist work, despite director Will Gluck’s tendency to shoot the exteriors of Ojai homes with Nancy Meyers–like fussiness. Good work by Patricia Clarkson and Stanley Tucci as Olive’s debonair parents; Scripter Bert V. Royal’s gags are almost syncopated—this isn’t relentless joke-jokejoke. The laughs come with the grace of a word to the wise, and the sense on how to emphasize sting at just the right time. (RvB) :353<2 =4 B63 5C/@27/<A (PG; 97

min.) A young owlet is kidnapped by older, evil birds and forced into the raptor equivalent of child military service until the wise old owls (stay with me here) who live on a mysterious island can be persuaded to come back and fight to liberate all owldom. ;/23;=7A3::3 16/;0=< (Unrated;

109 min.) Somewhere in a small city along the Toulon-Paris train line, we see a no-longer-young construction worker, Jean (Vincent Lindon), demolishing a house. We see his wife, Anne-Marie (Aure Atika), at her assembly line. Later, the two join up with their son, picnicking as he tries to puzzle out a tricky grammar question as a school assignment. At a show-and-tell day at his son’s school, Jean is asked to explain his work to a classroom of eager kids. The camera focuses on the intense elementary school teacher, the rootless and 40ish mademoiselle Veronique Chambon (the ever-poised Sandrine Kiberlain)—and we see it, a coup de foudre: she’s fallen in love. Director Stèphane BrizÊ’s Mademoiselle Chambon is a tragedy too sad to weep at. The complexities and depths give this film a vigor that belies the lightweightsounding story. In French,

with English subtitles. (RvB) B63 B7::;/< AB=@G

(R; 102 min.) After seeing this documentary by Amir Bar-Lev you realize Pat Tillman, the San Jose–raised football-player turned–Green Beret, was only superficially an ordinary jock. He was actually a reader of Emerson and Thoreau, the kind of eccentric who didn’t own a cell phone and who did without a car when he was in college. Shading this story is the cowardice both of the Bush-era State Department and the U.S. Army. Together, they’re responsible for a cover-up of hideo-comic ineptitude. They first tried to fob off Tillman’s likely preventable death as a Silver Star–worthy moment of valor. Then they changed the story to include an incident of friendly fire—and the fact that we know even this much is because, as Pat Tillman Sr. said, “They crossed the wrong family.� (RvB) B63 B=E< (R; 125

min.) Routine plotting, if some rousing action sequences, in this Boston crime drama with Ben Affleck, a hunk-sized hole in the screen. It’s the old two-brothers plot, foster brothers though they be: Affleck as criminal paragon and his younger nutty-buddy Jim (Jeremy Renner of The Hurt Locker ready to lash out and hur someone. We keep waitin for Jon Hamm’s unshaven FBI agent Frawley to rattl the cages. It’s Blake Lively, as an Oxycontin-fancying tramp, who gets the brunt of Hamm’s power; she does some excellent reacting to a little bar-side lecture Hamm gives abou a $20 bill. Rebecca Hall has too much presence to be just the girl whose entry into the plot causes friction between the two main thieves. The muchrewritten script is choppy and undermotivated, though Chris Cooper and Pete Postlethwaite are outstanding in tiny roles. (RvB) E/:: AB@33B( ;=<3G <3D3@ A:33>A (PG-13;

133 min.) Hard to tell from here, but it looks like in this sequel to the 1987 blockbuster Wall Street director Oliver Stone has tried to redeem Gordon “greed is goodâ€? Gekko (Michael Douglas) and hi grasping little protĂŠgĂŠ Jak Moore (Shia LaBeouf) by having them try to warn Wall Street about it excesses.

36 |

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Main Street S eet Garden Ga den d Café Caf

Clouds Clo ud Crow’s Cr ow’s Nes Nest N DDavenport venport Road Ro d House Ho us Gabriella Cafe C Caf Hawg’s Ha gg’s Sea Seafood o oo The he Hollins House Hou e aat PPasatiempo asatiem mp Hoffman’s Hoffma an Ideal deal Bar & GGrill Gri

Michael’ss on Mai Michae Mainn Oak Tree Tree Ristorante Rist o nt n Ristorante Ris orant e Italian Italiano no Rosiee McCann’ Ro McCann’s Sandabs Sandab Sanderling’s Sanderling Soif So The Point P oint Chophouse Chophoou e & LLounge ounge

Johnny’s ohnn h y Harbo Harborside H b sid s id

October ct obe r 66-12 12 831. 4 7. 9000 831.457.9000 restaurantweek@santacruz.com esta u ntw eek@santacrruz.c om www.santacruzrestaurantweek.com w .sanntacruzrestaur antw eek.c e om

| 37

38 |

september 29-october 6, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

Sept. 18th - Oct. 17th 2010 Every Weekend 10am - 6pm Casa de Fruta Pacheco Pass Hwy. 152, Hollister

General Admission $25.00 Children 12 & under FREE! Celtic Rock Concert Series Every Saturday Night FREE with Admission! This Weekend‌

Bacchanal & Masquerade Weekend featuring Young Dubliners Advance tickets available at www.norcalrenfaire.com

j !'

A/<B/1@CH 1=; september 29-october 6, 2010 27<3@¸A 5C723

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

$$ Santa Cruz

7 :=D3 ACA67

$$ Santa Cruz

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close. Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm. Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily.

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782

Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

$$ Santa Cruz

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon.

$$ Santa Cruz


49B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 >/17471 B6/7

1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

@=G/: B/8 1C7A7<3

Santa Cruz

270 Soquel Ave, 831.427.2400

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

$$ Santa Cruz

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930 A=74

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

$$ Santa Cruz

C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

$$ Santa Cruz

E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

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Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

Become A Hospice Volunteer LEARN,GROW & SERVE Hospice of Santa Cruz County is looking for friendly, compassionate men and women to join our Volunteer Visitor and Grief Support Volunteer programs.Volunteers support patients and families throughout Santa Cruz and northern Monterey counties. Bilingual volunteers especially needed. Call 430-3000 for an application today or visit www.hospicesantacruz.org

" j /AB@=:=5G september 29-october 6,

2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Astrology Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of September 29 /@73A (March 21–April 19): Nine-year-old Fatima Santos told the San Francisco Chronicle her opinions about the movie Toy Story: “If I had to make a movie like this, I would make it funnier. I would make Mr. Potato Head look funnier that he already does. I would put his hair on his legs, his shoes on his head, and his arms on his face. His eyeballs would be on the place where his arms are.� In the coming week, Aries, I advise you to engage in Fatima’s enlightened style of cockeyed thinking. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you have the power and the mandate to improve pretty much every scenario you’re in by making it less predictable, more rambunctious, and just plain funnier.

B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): During one phase of my life, I walked a mile five days a week to get to a bus stop. On the last stretch of the journey, I had to pass a shabby house next to a vacant lot. On the porch was a German shepherd, always unchained and in a state of irritation. After some close calls, when his agitated barking propelled him perilously close to me, I arrived upon a technique that settled him down: I sang nursery rhymes and lullabies. “Three Blind Mice� was his favorite, but there were others that also calmed him sufficiently to allow me safe passage. Something comparable may work for you, Taurus, as you navigate past the crabby wretches and twitchy pests and pathetic demons in the coming days. My advice is to shift the energy with a charming bit of innocuous play. Avoid confrontations. 53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): According to anthropologist Robin Dunbar, it’s impossible for any of us to have more than 150 friends. The human brain literally can’t process the intimate information required to sustain more than that. But if there were super-freaks who could crack that limit, it would be members of the Gemini tribe, especially during the coming weeks. You now have an uncanny ability to cultivate bubbly connections, be extra close to your buddies, and drum up new alliances.

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1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): Let’s say I was the director of a grade school play that included outdoor scenes, and you were a student trying out for a part. My inclination would be to offer you the role of the big oak tree, which would be on stage for much of the show but have no spoken lines to deliver. Would you accept my invitation with enthusiasm, and play the part with panache? I realize that on the surface, it may not seem like your performance would be of central importance. But as director I’d hope to be able to draw out of you a vibrant commitment to being steady and rooted. I’d rely on you to provide the strong, reassuring background that would encourage the actors in the foreground to express themselves freely. :3= (July 23–Aug. 22): “In times of change, learners inherit the Earth,� wrote philosopher Eric Hoffer, “while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.� Wouldn’t you prefer to put the emphasis on learning rather than on being learned, Leo? This is a good time to get the hang of that; cosmic rhythms will work in your favor if you do. My advice: Take action to intensify your commitment to education. Seek out new teachings. Think hard about the lessons you want to study in the coming years. D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): I was tardy in planting my garden this year—more than two months late. My batch of seedlings didn’t find their way into my patch of dirt until July 2. I humbly apologized to them for my procrastination, then made amends with a tireless campaign to provide them with extraordinary care—organic fertilizer, regular watering, impeccable weeding, steady songs of encouragement. And by September the zucchini were booming, the pumpkins were thriving, the watermelons were unstoppable, and the cucumbers were riffing with abandon. Take inspiration from my example, Virgo. Your plans may have gotten delayed, but don’t let that demoralize you. There’s still time to launch the project or crusade you’ve been dreaming about. :70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): “Everything is dreamed first,� wrote French poet Gilbert Trolliet. French philosopher Gaston Bachelard agreed, adding, “Creative reverie animates the nerves of the future.� Your task in the coming weeks, Libra, is to act on those clues: Conjure up pictures in your mind that foreshadow the life you want to be living next year. Proceed on the assumption that you now have

extraordinary power to generate self-fulfilling prophecies.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): You know me: I hate to sound sensationalistic. But in honor of this dramatic moment in your story, I’ll risk it. So be alert! Heads up! Get real! A pivotal moment is upon you! What you do in the coming dayss will ultimately determine how you will interpret the entire past year, shaping the contours of your history for better or worse! I advise maximum integrity! I suggest thorough preparation! I urge timely action! Decisions should come from the roots, not the surface! Climaxes should be mediated by the heart and head together, not just one or the other!

A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): You are ever so close to coming all the way home. For months you have been edging toward this welcoming source, and now you’re almost there. I’m not sure about the specific details. Maybe it means you’ll soon be in the place where your potentials will finally ripen. Perhaps you’re ready to make peace with your past or accept your family members exactly as they are. It’s possible you’ve found your ideal tribe or community, and are ready to integrate your uniqueness with its special blend of energies. Who knows? Maybe you’re ready to give yourself completely to the life-changing mission that has been calling and calling and calling you. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): I have good intuition about fate’s general trends, but I don’t think of myself as psychic when it comes to foreseeing specific events. I’ve never been able to predict winning lottery numbers, for example. But lately I’m wondering if that’s changing. I seem to be developing a knack for prognosticating certain sports events. For example, on three occasions I have hallucinated a golden cup f loating in midair a short time before Albert Pujols, a Capricorn who plays for the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team, hits a homerun. So I wonder what it means that right now, as I’m studying your astrological omens and meditating on your future, I’m f lashing on an image of three golden cups filled with champagne. It’s 2:15 in the morning, and the Cardinals aren’t playing.

/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): The Paws Up resort in Montana offers “glamping,â€? or glamorous camping. For the right price, you can sleep in a feather bed with fine linens, comfortably ensconced inside a roomy, heated tent that has artwork on the walls. And all the while you’re surrounded by the great outdoors. I’m not specifically suggesting that you go to Paws Up, but I do recommend that you seek an experience that gives you an invigorating dose of raw elegance and untamed sweetness—some situation that allows you to satisfy your animal longing for wildness while at the same time indulging your human yearning for blissful repose. >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): When I urge you to salvage and reuse old stuff, I’m not really suggesting that you find a purpose for the elastic from wornout underwear or empty prescription bottles. That would be fine, but I’m thinking primarily of less literal, more poetic reclamation projects. Like dusting off faded dreams and refitting them with futuristic replacement parts. Or planting an October garden of earthly delights in the compost of July’s and August’s discarded pleasures. Or retooling a relationship that has lost its way, transforming it into a vibrant connection with a new reason for being. 6][Se]`Y( EVOb Sf^S`WS\QS VOdS g]c PSS\ RS\gW\U g]c`aSZT SdS\ bV]cUV Wb e]cZR PS U]]R T]` g]c O\R e]cZR\¸b Vc`b O\g]\S- E`WbS O \]bS UWdW\U g]c`aSZT ^S`[WaaW]\ AVO`S Ob B`cbV`]]abS`.U[OWZ Q][

Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

S a n t a c r u z .co m September 29-October 6, 2010 C L ASS I F I E DS



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Career Development

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For Sale

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Garage Sales

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September 29-October 6, 2010 S a n t a c r u z .co m

Homes Santa Cruz

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Incredible new price! Peaceful beauty and comfortable living in Prospect Heights 3 br/ 2 ba upscale remodel & beautiful backyard. $599,000. www.717parkway.com. Call Terry Cavanagh 831-345-2053 or Tammi Blake 831-345-9640

Santa Cruz Terrific price on artistic home near beach with beautiful bonus room and meditation garden on the lower west side. Great location for home business! 2br/1 ba with charming features! $599,000. www.west-santacruz.com Call Terry Cavanagh 831-345-2053 or Tammi Blake 831-345-9640

Boulder Creek a beautiful building site in the sun. Half acre. Private gated road. Easy location. All utilities in place. Plans included, too. Excellent neighborhood. Owner financing. $249,000. Donner Land & Mortgage Co., Inc. www.donnerland.com 408-395-5754

Felton Secluded Setting 4Bd 2Ba Home with HEATED 2 Car Garage $479,000 Over 2200 sqft. Situated on 3/4 of an acre with creek down below. Listed by: Town and Country Real Estate Call Josh for more info (831)335-3200

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Peter, passing by the office, stopped in. He explained he really wanted to own his own place and he had $75,000 in cash. Due to part time employment, he would not be able to qualify for a loan. He said he was handy and could fix most anything. I could tell he was determined. There being some places available for under $150,000—mostly in remote areas—we began the search. I did not have great hopes in finding anything and figured Peter would soon see the light and give up. We saw houses falling off cliffs, places without kitchens, places without bathrooms, places with no parking. One place with a sad history smelled so bad we had to put on breathing masks before entering. We drove on precarious roads that fell down, way down to the bottom. We saw partial homes, boarded up places, vicious dogs followed us about, we often had to park blocks away as there was no parking to be found on one-lane hilly roads, carpets were very stained and full of dried up particles of all sorts. We saw rooms full of holes, decks falling down, all had the lingering pervasive smell of faded, lost dreams. Places so dark a flashlight was needed at noon. Some houses were stripped of appliances, lighting, door knobs, doors and windows. Others were not so bad, a snapshot of the character of former owners. Some places showed signs of retaliation and on one wall was written: "good bye our house we loved you." Peter found one he thought he could live with (and hopefully in, eventually). It was listed for $129,000. We had a parade of engineers, carpenters, friends, well wishers, family, septic and termite opinions. It needed a new engineered, expensive, septic system. The property had a few other problems, ok quite a few. Alright already—tons of problems. Peter made an offer of $50,000 and the bank said no. We went on with the search. The bank called back and asked if we would accept $55,000. We played offer tennis for a bit and settled for $31,300. This would allow Peter to buy and install the new septic system with a bit left over to get started with the few renovations he could afford. His taxes will be extremely low being based on the sales price. Insurance was obtained. He has a garage he will use for a home/business venture, a home of sorts, privacy, 40 minutes from downtown Santa Cruz. These properties are not for everyone and usually require cash. But it is possible—rare but possible—to own your own home for under $100,000. In today's market there are many opportunities and bargains abound. If you have some spare cash around you might consider a cash sale, such as a $200,000 condo that could produce a rental income of $1500 per month, better than what CDs are now paying. Interest is low, inventory is up, hold your nose, put on your rose colored goggles and take the plunge!! Of course we are here to help. Enjoy the autumn summer!

S a n t a c r u z .co m


September 29-October 6, 2010 C L ASS I F I E DS

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