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Graphic novelist Charles Burns talks punk and aesthetics with Richard von Busack before his Santa Cruz appearance p9

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october 20-27, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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Contents. P OSTS










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ON THE COVER Illustration by Charles Burns

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;35 E67B;/< ;35 E67B;/< B@=>6G E743 B @=>6G E743 WOMEN iin WOMEN np politics olitics h have ave ccome ome a vvery ery llong ong way period off ttime. w ay iin n a sshort hort p eriod o ime. This This is is all all good good u nless tthe he vetting vetting system system ccannot annot d etect tthe he unless detect ttrophy rophy w ife. Who Who is is a misguided misguided ttrophy rophy wife? wife? wife. M eg Whitman Whitman iis, s, o ourse. S he is is simply simply out out Meg off ccourse. She ffor or another another trophy trophy o n the the m antelpiece—not on mantelpiece—not o ut ffor or tthe he egalitarian egalitarian n otion o ur n ation’s out notion off o our nation’s ffounding ounding d ocs o ven eequality quality u nder tthe he llaw. aw. docs orr eeven under M eg is is out out ffor or M eg aand nd needs needs tthe he trophy trophy o n Meg Meg on tthe he m antelpiece. Itt has has nothing nothing tto od ow ith mantelpiece. do with h umanity o emocracy. Itt has has nothing nothing tto od o humanity orr d democracy. do w ith eethical thical b ehavior. Itt has has nothing nothing tto od o with behavior. do w ith ccompetency. ompetency. Itt has has everything everything to to d ow ith with do with h aving tthe he money money to to b uy o ur system. system. M eg iiss having buy our Meg tthe he p layer for for Meg—not Meg—not you you o me. player orr me.

IIss sshe he rreally eally ccapable? apable? Is Is she she forthright forthright aand nd eethical? thical? E vidence ssays ays m aybe n ot. Does Does sshe he Evidence maybe not. h ave a ggrip rip o nb eing aan n American? American? She She does— does— have on being aw ealthy American American w ho lleverages everages tthe he ffailure ailure wealthy who o ur ssystem ystem tto o ttake ake tto o ttask ask A mericans w ho off o our Americans who h ave llittle ittle tto o rrely ely u pon. have upon. D oes sshe he rrepresent epresent Americans Americans who who work work Does ffor or a lliving? iving? N ot eeven ven cclose. lose. M eg iiss a ttrophy rophy Not Meg w ife w ho ccasts asts a sshadow hadow o nh er d octor wife who on her doctor h usband’s ccontributions ontributions tto oh umanity. M eg iiss husband’s humanity. Meg n ot o ut rrunning unning ffor or ggovernor overnor aass m uch aass sshe he iiss not out much rrunning unning ffor or h erself. herself. R emember, though though tthat hat h er needs needs aare re not not Remember, her tthe he ssame ame aass yyours. ours. S he n eeds n othing—she has has She needs nothing—she iitt aall ll eexcept xcept ffor or tthe he ggovernorship. overnorship. A vvote ote ffor or M eg iis, s, w ell, a vvote ote for for M eg. She She iiss Meg well, Meg. w hat iiss iimportant, mportant, n ot tthe he sstate tate o alifornia. what not off C California. Brian W Wax, ax, a Palo Alt to Alto

>/:7<¸A 4/7:7<¸ > /:7<¸A 4/7:7<¸ :=571 : =571 WHEN S WHEN Sarah arah P Palin alin ssays ays California California iiss a ““case case sstudy tudy in in failed failed lliberal iberal p olicies,â€? d o yyou ou tthink hink policies, do sshe’s he’s aware aware that that for for 23 23 of of the the past past 2 ears 277 yyears w e’ve b een ggoverned overned b Republicans? we’ve been byy Republicans? Peter P et eter e K Kuchenbrod, ucchenbrod, Jose San J oose

AB/B3 >/@9A AB/B3 >/@9A 8CAB 47<3 8 CAB 47<3 I DISAGREE DISAGREE with with yyour our support support ffor or P Prop. rop. 21. 21. State p arks aare re iin np retty ggood ood sshape. hape. T heir State parks pretty Their b udget h as n ot been been cut cut that that d rastically, aand nd budget has not drastically, m ost of of the the p artial cclosures, losures, eetc., tc., proposed proposed most partial llast ast yyear ear did did not not h appen, and and d idn’t n eed happen, didn’t need tto o happen. happen. Most Most o the information information w e’re off the we’re h earing about about sstate tate p arks iiss coming coming ffrom rom hearing parks sstate tate park park officials, off icials, w ho h ave aan no bvious sself elf who have obvious iinterest nterest iin n sswaying waying p ublic o pinion. Iff a ffew ew public opinion. cchanges hanges were were m ade in in h ow sstate tate p arks w ere made how parks were rrun, un, the the current current budget budget w ould m ore tthan han would more ssuffice uff ice to to rrun un tthe he parks parks without without aany ny n oticeable noticeable d ifference in in sservice. ervice. difference Also, I’m I’m not not sure sure it’s it’s fair fair to to ask ask the the people people Also, w ho never never use use state state p arks tto op ay tthe he ffees ees ffor or who parks pay tthose hose w ho use use them them aall ll tthe he ttime. ime. who I’m not not opposed opposed to to the the increase increase in in vehicle vehicle I’m llicense icense ffees, ees, b ut I think think the the m oney ccould ould b but money bee b etter sspent. pent. Helping Helping those those iin n need, need, or, or, aass a better b eliever in in use use ttaxes, axes, ffixing ixing tthe he rroads. oads. believer Name withheld, Petaluma Pet etaluma a


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Currents. C urren ents. 1/>7B=: 5/7<A SSupporters 1/>7B=: 5/7<A upp orters ooff P Prop ro p 2 25, 5, w which hich w would ould llower ower tthe he will tthreshold hreshold ttoo ppass ass a bbudget, udget, ssay ay iitt w ill eend nd ggridlock ridlock iin n SSacramento. acramento.

Half--Empty, Half-Empty, Half-Full H alff--Full

Prop. 2 Prop. 25 5 iiss eeither ither a ggodsend odsend or or a tool tool of of tthe he d evil, d epending o nw ho yyou ou aask sk devil, depending on who 0G >/C: E/5<3@ 0G >/C : E/5 < 3 @


FA ALL LL tthe he state state iinitiatives nitiatives on o n the the November November ballot, ballot, Proposition P roposition 25 25 iiss the the one measure both o ne m easure tthat hat b oth proponents opponents may well p roponents aand nd o pponents aagree gree m ay w ell California politics. What ttransform ransform C alifornia p olitics. W hat tthey hey disagree on whether d isagree o n iiss w hether tthat hat ttransformation ransformation would bee a m miracle orr a d disaster. w ould b iracle o isaster. The The miracle, miracle, say say backers, backers, is is that that Prop. 25—named byy iits original writer P rop. 2 5—named b ts o riginal w riter George Lakoff) ((linguist linguist G eorge L akoff ) aass ““The The California Democracy Act�—will C alifornia D emocracy A ct�—will ffinally inally Legislature off tthe burden rrid id tthe he sstate tate L egislature o he b urden off h having off iits o aving tto o ccorral orral ttwo-thirds wo-thirds o ts members both houses pass m embers iin nb oth h ouses tto op ass a sstate tate budget. b udget. While While that that supermajority supermajority requirement requirement well number off ffunctioned unctioned ffairly airly w ell ffor or a n umber o decades after voters first imposed it in decades after voters f irst imposed it in

1933, iit’s 1933, t’s p proven roven a n nearly early iimpossible mpossible overcome iimpediment mpediment tto oo vercome iin n rrecent ecent Prop. yyears. ears. In In ffact, act, since since 1978’s 1978’s P rop. 13 13 aadded dded a similar similar ttwo-thirds wo -thirds rrequirement equirement ffor or aany ny state state ttax ax iincreases ncreases beginning beginning iin n budget11979, 979, ffurther urther ccomplicating omplicating tthe he b udgetbalancing process, Legislature b alancing p rocess, tthe he L egislature has has met budget deadline only m et iits ts b udget d eadline o nly ffive ive ttimes imes iin n tthe he 32 32 years years ssince. ince. Those Those delays delays in in approving approving a budget, budget, which w hich ggrow row llonger onger eevery very yyear, ear, ttake ake a huge were h uge human human toll. toll. State State workers workers w ere on 2009. This rreduced educed tto o lliving iving o n IIOUs OUs iin n2 009. T his many nonunion yyear, ear, m any n onunion sstate tate eemployees mployees may, depending on outcome off a m ay, d epending o n tthe he o utcome o hearing bee rreduced ccourt ourt h earing iin n JJanuary, anuary, b educed tto o minimum wage. m inimum w age. And And that, that, say say Prop. Prop. 25 25 backers, backers, is is just just the timing problem. The bigger problem o the timing problem. Th he bigger pr blem

iiss tthat hat tthe he ttwo-thirds wo-thirds rrequirement equirement iiss sso o high—high off tthe h igh—high eenough nough tthat hat o he 550 0 sstates tates union, only Arkansas Rhode iin n tthe he u nion, o nly A rkansas aand nd R hode IIsland sland aalso lso sset et tthat hat tthreshold—that hreshold—that minority aany ny m inority aatt aall ll ccan an ffundamentally undamentally blackmail majority what b lackmail tthe he m ajority tto o gget et w hat iitt wants. orr ccoastal, northern orr w ants. IInland nland o oastal, n orthern o urban orr rrural, off ssouthern, outhern, u rban o ural, aany ny ggroup roup o band demand llegislators egislators ccan an b and ttogether, oggether, d emand whatever wish districts w hatever tthey hey w ish tto o ffor or ttheir heir d istricts aand nd ffundamentally undamentally fforce orce tthe he rrest est tto o ccave. ave. Look, Look, for for example, example, says says former former Assembly Budget Committee A ssembly B udget C ommittee cchairman hairman Laird, what off JJohn ohn L aird, aatt w hat a ssmall mall cclot lot o buddies 2009: llegislators egislators ggot ot ffor or ttheir heir b uddies iin n2 009: billion breaks, without public ““$2 $2 b illion iin n ttax ax b reaks, w ithout p ublic with no public discussion, vvetting, etting, w ith n op ublic d iscussion, ffor or many off tthem out off llarge arge ccorporations, orporations, m any o hem o ut o And, hee sstresses, was sstate. tate.� A nd, h tresses, ““This This w as eexacted xacted deal made minute, iin nad eal m ade aatt tthe he llast ast m inute, iin n middle off tthe night—just tthe he m iddle o he n ight—just tto o gget et a budget. b udget.� Laird Laird points points to to the the fact fact that that Prop. Prop. 25 25 both punishes b oth p unishes llegislators egislators ffor or ffuture uture possible budget no p ossible llollygagging ollygagging ((no no b udget = n o pay off aany kind day period) p ay o ny k ind ffor or eeach ach d ay llate, ate, p eriod) makes aand nd m akes cclear lear rright ight iin n iits ts ttitle itle tthat hat tthis his off tthe llowering owering o he aapproval pproval tthreshold hreshold ffrom rom percent plus one does ttwo-thirds wo -thirds tto o 550 0p ercent p lus o ne d oes not n ot aaffect ffect tthe he ttwo-thirds wo-thirds rrequirement equirement ffor or rraising aising ttaxes. axes.

‘Just W ‘Just Window in i dow Dr essing ’ Dressing’ Opponents, O pponents, however, however, don’t don’t b believe elieve off tthis will hold when tthat hat aany ny o his w ill h old w hen ssubject ubject political practice. Yes, Beth tto o aactual ctual p olitical p ractice. Y es, ssays ays B eth M iller, sspokeswoman pokeswoman ffor or tthe he C ommittee Miller, Committee Stop Hidden Taxes, will tto oS top H idden T axes, llegislators egislators w ill have h ave tto o aact ct iin n ttimely imely ffashion ashion aand nd budget ““send send a b udget tto o tthe he ggovernor—but overnor—but doesn’t have tthe he ggovernor overnor d oesn’t h ave tto o ssign ign iit. t.� Lawmakers may well L awmakers m ay w ell ssimply imply eenact nact budget ttemporary emporary llanguage, anguage, ssend end a b udget tto o tthe he ggovernor overnor tthat hat iisn’t sn’t aatt aall ll rready eady ffor or pay ssignature, ignature, sstart tart ccollecting ollecting ttheir heir p ay aagain gain aand nd jjust ust aawait wait a vveto. eto. Miller notes, Prop. 255 IIn n addition, addition, M iller n otes, P rop. 2 offers none off tthe deeper o ffers n one o he d eeper rreforms eforms tthat hat proposals one eearlier, arlier, ssimilar imilar p roposals ((such such aass o ne California Forward proposed) did. C alifornia F orward p roposed) d id. Those day T hose iincluded ncluded a rrainy ainy d ay ffund, und, a pay-as-you-go provision p ay-as-you-go p rovision that that prohibits prohibits without eexpenditures xpenditures w ithout cconcurrent oncurrent midyear ffunding unding aand nd a m idyear ccourse-correction ourse-correction California Forward has rrequirement. equirement. C alifornia F orward h as

rremained emained neutral neutral on on tthe he p proposition. roposition. David David Kline, Kline, vice vice president president of of Communications Research C ommunications aand nd R esearch for for Cal-Tax, no-pay-for-delay C al-Tax, aagrees grees tthat hat tthe he n o-pay-for- delay provisions weak: p rovisions aare re w eak: “The “The penalties penalties aare re window dressing, hee says, because jjust ust w indow d ressing,� h says, b ecause bee ““the the budget budget doesn’t doesn’t actually actually have have to to b Or, bee signable. ssigned. igned.� O r, implicitly, implicitly, eeven ven b signable. Both Kline out B oth K line and and Miller Miller also also point point o ut with tthat hat ccombo ombo appropriations appropriations bills bills w ith tax tax measures, iincreases ncreases are are often often eemergency mergency m easures, which ballot w hich aaren’t ren’t reversible reversible aatt tthe he b allot box. box. Thus, T hus, tthey hey say, say, it it interferes interferes with with vvoter oter participation. p articipation. Opponents Opponents also also harbor harbor deep deep suspicion suspicion off P Prop. 25’s not o rop. 2 5’s promise promise n ot tto o dilute dilute the the ttwo-thirds wo-thirds tthreshold hreshold for for ttax ax iincreases. ncreases. They quote T hey q uote a phrase phrase ffrom rom tthe he sstate tate Legislative Analyst’s off tthe L egislative A nalyst’s Office Offf ice rreview eview o he measure: measure’s m easure: ““This This m easure’s constitutional constitutional provisions do not p rovisions d on ot sspecifically pecif ically aaddress ddress tthe he llegislative egislative vvote ote rrequirement equirement ffor or iincreasing ncreasing state state tax tax revenues. revenues.� But But they they omit omit the the rest rest of of the the LAO’s LAO’s measure ssentence: entence: ““but but tthe he m easure states states tthat hat not iits ts intent intent iiss n ot tto o change change the the eexisting xisting ttwo-thirds wo-thirds vvote ote rrequirement equirement rregarding egarding sstate tate ttaxes. axes.� Both Both sides’ sides’ arguments arguments are are clear. clear. And And ugly opponents’ eexcepting xcepting a peculiarly peculiarly u gly o pponents’ rradio adio ad ad ccharacterizing haracterizing state state lawmakers lawmakers bottles aass gguzzling uzzling $100 $100 b ottles of of champagne champagne aatt ttaxpayers’ axpayers’ eexpense xpense (hard (hard tto o swallow swallow when w hen llegislators’ egislators’ eexpense xpense allowances allowances aare re $142 per day), $ 142 p er d ay), the the financial f inancial context context and and which llegal egal aanalyses nalyses of of their their statements, statements, w hich both provided Cruz Weekly, b oth sides sides p rovided tto o SSanta anta C ruz W eekly, bee carefully aappear ppear to to b carefully cconstructed. onstructed. Ultimately, Ultimately, therefore, therefore, as as with with most most public policy deciding p ublic p olicy questions, questions, d eciding whether w hether tto o support support significant signif icant change change off public ccomes omes down down tto o what what vview iew o public one harbors. sservants ervants o ne already already h arbors. Those Those who overcome w ho see see tthem hem as as struggling struggling to to o vercome unwieldy will u nwieldy sstructural tructural obstacles obstacles w ill likely likely Prop. 25. Those who ssupport upport P rop. 2 5. T hose w ho see see aall ll pols p ols as as hiding hiding sneaky sneaky motives motives will will llikely ikely oppose o ppose it. it. Either Either way, way, there there is is little little doubt doubt as as to to off JJohn Laird’s tthe he aaccuracy ccuracy o ohn L aird’s ssummary ummary of of potential tthe he p otential significance signif icance of of Proposition Proposition 25: 2 5: ““If If you you want want tto o end end ggridlock ridlock iin n California, Laird C alifornia,� L aird ssays, ays, ““vote vote ffor or tthis. his.� For F or SSanta anta C Cruz ruz W Weekly’s eekly’s ccandidate andidate eendorsements ndorsements Cruz City Council iin n SSanta anta C ruz C it y C ouncil aand nd oother ther llocal ooccal rraces, aces, visit www.santacruz.com v isit w ww.santacruz.com aand nd cclick lick oon n ‘‘News’ News’ aatt the page Thursday. the ttop op ooff tthe he pa ge sstarting tarting tthis his T hursday.

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In his new ‘X’ed Out’ series, graphic novelist Charles Burns voyages to a nightmarish post-punk landscape 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19


ALLOWEEN comes early this year with the release of X’ed Out, the new book by Charles Burns. Of the phantoms that stalk it, one of the unquiet is the ghost of punk rock, called forth from the late-1970s setting of this nightmarish but oddly innocent graphic novel created by one of the most notable exponents of the form. The most distinguished cartoonists in the world have drawn horror stories, but in our time Charles Burns is the most shockingly elegant of them all. The new series X’ed Out (Pantheon), which will be continued in two subsequent volumes, represents some of his most visually

mesmerizing and handsomely presented work to date. It’s a fresh triumph for the cartoonist known for his series Black Hole, which is awaiting adaptation into a film. Burns, who will sign copies of X’ed Out at Bookshop Santa Cruz this Tuesday, gave me an update on that development from his Philadelphia home last week. “I think the last I heard is that things are still moving forward,� he said, “and as far as I know there’s a script, and David Fincher [The Social Network] is still attached as a producer. They’re still looking for directors.� X’ed Out takes place on two dimensions, with a shaky barrier between them. In a basement, Nitnit, a cartoony shock-haired figure, wakes up on his fold-out

couch. Inky, a long-lost cat (“God, I . . . I thought you were deadâ€?) leads him through an aperture in a brick wall into a parallel world. It’s in ruins: there are collapsed tombs and green swamps where piggish humanoids float. The wanderer passes by an incubation room full of enormous eggs with scarlet blotches tended by furious man-sized salamanders. The trek continues into a threatening foreign setting where diseased merchants sell repulsive living food. Nitnit is aided by a sinister swollen half-pint in a dhoti. Unbidden come visions of an ailing, depressed father who is giving up his life to booze, TV and cigarettes, his skin jaundiced to a pale urine color. ¨

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october 20-27, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM


A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 20-27, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G

1=D3@ AB=@G j <=B3A 4@=; B63 C<23@5@=C<2 Perhaps this is all the dream of Doug, a sickened layabout of the late 1970s, very ill himself. Doug’s half-shaven head is bandaged, and he’s dependent on a dwindling supply of some increasingly ineffective medicine. Doug’s fevered mind flashes back to a time when he had his health, when he was an aspiring performance artist wearing a Nitnit mask and reading from his dream journal at an underground galley. There, Doug meets Sarah, a girl who poses for troubling photos. She herself is stalked by some raging ex-boyfriend who has already started destroying her possessions. Those familiar with Burns can guess how smooth such a jagged-sounding trip is. Laid out in what are primarily ninepanel pages, the foreground characters are drawn in that so-called ligne claire style popular with Low Country cartoonists, particularly the best known of them all, HergÊ. The rest of the art is unmistakable Burns: flat panels of color or pulsating squares that look like dark-field microscopy. Placid smooth skin gives up jagged wounds; there are suppurating masses of flesh and oozing meat, or blasted rocks and swamps and flotsam. Throughout X’ed Out is that most elemental discontent: an atmosphere of being in the center of a crowd of people who want to do you harm.

Twin Freaks Burns grew up in various spots all over the country. A childhood touchstone, often referred to in interviews, is his fascination with The Outer Limits. This was a popular 1960s TV drama with regular parables of strange invaders. The adventures there forecast the stories of Burns’ odd child Big Baby. The name David Lynch gets dropped by critics who read Black Hole, which was serially published between 1995 and 2005. It was finally collected in book form in 2005. Black Hole’s setting is a Cobainian northwestern landscape, sometime around 1975. An unnamable plague is striking the young on the fringes of a Seattle suburb, the result of a degenerative disease carried by sex and shared saliva. A circle of seemingly harmless “freaks�—as vegetating drug-takers of the time proudly called themselves—are here genuine mutants. It’s Burns’ usual blend of fantastic monstrosity with almost photorealistic high-contrast black-and-white figures and faces. But the originality of this tale is rooted in the unbearably sharp feelings of adolescence. Seascape raptures are

ruined by turds, bones, litter and broken glass. Vertiginous circles and jagged rents tear open the fabric of the ordinary world. Maybe the worst damage is caused by the adolescent delusion that a lover is actually a messiah. Black Hole alludes to the shame of adolescence—a chemical change that turns an unwitting child into a stranger to himself. This too is the theme of Lynch in Blue Velvet and the real story of the demon-haunted Washington woods in Twin Peaks. Both artists were from the Pacific Northwest; Lynch from Idaho, Burns from Washington state (as well as Washington, D.C.). And both Lynch and Burns lived in Philadelphia. “Lynch is on record saying he’d never live in Philadelphia again,â€? Burns says. “But I like big decaying cities.â€? The sensibilities of Lynch and Burns, however, are ultimately different. There is, for example, the out-and-out humor in Burns that isn’t found in Lynch. Where Lynch is the kind of artist who could turn up for years at the same coffee shop, Burns is more of a wanderer. Burns’ schooling was varied, and it included a stint in art school at UCDavis during the peak of the funk-art years. Funk art was a ’70s post-Pop movement based on salvaged or untraditional materials, with deep veins of humor and political content: its ecstasies countered the austere minimalism then popular in New York. Nearby in Winters, Calif., Robert Crumb drew and edited Weirdo magazine, a conduit between the smartest of the hippie cartoonists and the most astute of the punks. Later, Burns would come to worldwide attention at a magazine that was diametrically opposed to Weirdo. Art Spiegelman’s New York-based Raw was an attempt to create the kind of high-art presentation the comic book was getting in Western Europe. Designing the cover for Raw and appearing in several issues, Burns became one of its most noteworthy artists. All this came later. At Davis, Burns became one of the first Anglos to admire lucha libre culture, from which he sourced one character, the maskedwrestling detective El Borbah. “There’s a lot of little towns around Davis that would have Mexican magazines with wrestlers on the cover,â€? Burns says. “I found myself interested in that look and these almost ridiculously fun costumes.â€? At the Central Valley university, Burns studied a series of different disciplines. “I ¨ !

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october 20-27, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 20-27, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G

1=D3@ AB=@G j <=B3A 4@=; B63 C<23@5@=C<2

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was learning photography and drawing and painting and sculpture. But a lot of my drawing had this narrative feel. I hadn’t really done a lot of comics per se.� It wasn’t until he was almost gone from Davis that the light went off. “Right during the end of my time there, I started doing a photo comic based on the Mexican magazines I’d seen,� he says. “It got me into thinking about wanting to do comics, to tell a narrative for mass circulation. I thought, ‘You could put two weeks in a drawing and sell it and never see it again. Or you could work for publication. If five people wanted to read it, that’d be great. If 50,000 people wanted to read it, that’d be even better.’�

Tintin in Hell Burns has never been an artist who fancied direct autobiography, but the passages of X’ed Out regarding punk rock in the late 1970s are as evocative as the stories of teen rejects in the woods in Black Hole. Even the title of the book itself has that telltale X. It’s a tremendously symbolic letter for punks, the letter of secrets, of the unknown.

It is the letter of negation: a double pen slash through the glossy face of a poster or a billboard. There was, of course, Geza X, Billy Idol’s Generation X and that certain husband and wife band from L.A. If punk was a movement that chose exile, it also made a home for exiles. “It was liberating, that period,â€? Burns said. “I lived through it, and a portion of it has stuck with me. What I liked is the idea of taking responsibility for your own work. If tomorrow comes and my books don’t sell, I’ll still do comics, even if they’re Xeroxed photocopies. At this point in my career, I have control. No one at Pantheon explained to me what kind of project I should be doing or how I could make it a corporate project.â€? Burns’ graphic punch is due to his evocative use of black and white. “I have a fair sense of color,â€? he says, “and I wanted to make sure I was avoiding coming up with a colorized version of black and white. Obviously part of what I wanted to do was a book in the style and that format of the French/Belgian comic book album, a style commonplace over there, if not here.â€? X’ed Out’s cover is a tribute to HergÊ’s 1942 Tintin adventure L’Etoile MystĂŠrieuse (The Shooting Star), which depicts our journalist hero as flabbergasted by a 15-foot-tall mushroom. And of course the shock-haired dream figure “Nitnitâ€? is about as cleverly disguised as “Count Alucardâ€? in a horror movie. That goes double for Nitnit’s pet Inky the Cat, standing in for Snowy the Dog. But the nightmare landscape is almost like Tintin’s Naked Lunch, as if Burns had sent the Belgian boy reporter to William S. Burrough’s “The Zone,â€? just as modern artists send characters to ¨


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A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 20-27, 2010 1=D3@ AB=@G

1=D3@ AB=@G Alice’s Wonderland or Dorothy’s Oz. “Certainly,� Burns says, “that influence comes from that period in which the core of the story takes place, the 1970s. Burroughs fit into that world, that dispossessed youth culture. In Burroughs there always was this polarity of disgust and fascination. His dark vision of the world was something I related to.� The passage where Doug, wearing a Nitnit mask, performs a staged reading of “cut-ups� of the William Burroughs/Brion Gyson school, was indeed something Burns did when he was a student in the 1970s. “There’s no documentation, thank God. I wasn’t like the character Doug in every way, just in some ways. He reflects what I was doing at school.�

Wimps and Bruisers Ultimately, even punk proved to be a temporary way station for Burns, and X’ed Out may well be his elegy for it. The story is told elsewhere in memoirs of those on the scene, but as the artist says, “I was just talking to Gary Panter [a fellow artist at Raw], who was the first person who I’d ever had a sense of being a punk cartoonist because he worked at Slash magazine. He was saying that the early days of punk were mostly girls and very wimpy art students. They were the kids who got their asses kicked at school walking around with a guitar—but then before long, the surf punks descended into the mosh pit.� When the bruisers crashed the dance floor, punk was all ready for commoditization. X’ed Out is a nightmare vision, but there’s a kind of paradise that complements its inferno. And that’s what draws me in: the moments of youthful happiness. Burns is trying to reclaim the earlier sense of possibilities of punk, “the goofy art student feel,� Burns says. “Culture wasn’t defined yet at this stage; maybe some people had seen some English magazines, they’re wearing something they’ve seen the Sex Pistols wear, and they still don’t know you don’t have to draw swastikas on your arms. Maybe they’ve still got long hair to go with the skinny tie.� It’s a rich vein for Burns, who hints he may explore it further. “Once in the fall of 1977, this girl on the street passed me; she was wearing a crooked pair of plastic sunglasses and she stopped to ask me, ‘Do I look punk?’ There’s a certain sadness to that kind of behavior—I may put it in the next comic.� CHARLES BURNS appears Tuesday, Oct. 26, at 7:30pm at Bookshop Santa Cruz, 1520 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. Free.

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october 20-27, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

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SSilko ilko SSpeaks peaks The aawardThe wardw inning N ative winning Native A merican American aauthor uthor b reaks breaks h er d ecade-long her decade-long aauthorial uthorial ssilence ilence w ith a sself-portrait elf-portrait with 0G 1/B 8=6<A=< 0G 1 /B 8 = 6 < A = <


N 11977, 977, jjust ust a ffew ew m months onths aafter fter tthe he publication off h her bestselling novel, p ublication o er be stselling n ovel, Ceremony, Leslie Marmon Silko C eremony, L eslie M armon S ilko herself hospital ffound ound h erself aalone lone iin nah ospital bed with her bed in in New New Mexico, Mexico, face-to-face face-to--face w ith h er own undergo own mortality. mortality. She She was was about about tto ou ndergo emergency emergency surgery surgery for for a ruptured ruptured eectopic ctopic pregnancy, but pregnancy, a procedure procedure that that was was rrisky isky b ut without die. The without which which she she would would certainly certainly d ie. T he possibility possibility of of death death helped helped her, her, aass tthe he ssaying aying goes, goes, to to focus. focus. “Up “Up until until then, then, I had had been been concerned concerned with with doing doing everything everything that that everyone everyone wanted wanted of of me, me,� Silko Silko says says from from her her home home in in Tucson. Tucson. “That “Th hat night night I kind kind of of went went over over things, things, and and I wondered wondered if if there there was was anyone anyone who who I hadn’t hadn’t done done well well by, by, and and I realized realized that that the the only only one one I hadn’t hadn’t taken taken good good care care of of was was me. me.� Silko Silko came came out out of of the the surgery surgery with with the the awareness awareness that that she she had had more more books books to to write write but but that that she she needed needed to to make make a change. change. Two Two months months later, later, she she moved moved to to the the Arizona Arizona desert, desert, where where she she has has spent spent the the last last three three decades decades living living among among the the cacti cacti and and coyote, coyote, focused focused on on her her writing. writing. “In “In order order to to have have a peaceful peaceful death, death, it’s it’s very very important important to to do do everything everything that that you you passionately passionately want want to to do, do,� she she says. says. “You “You won’t won’t regret regret what what you’ve you’ve done, done, you’ll you’ll only only regret regret what what you you didn’t didn’t do. do.� Since Since her her move move to to the the desert, desert, Silko, Silko, who who has been awarded a MacArthur has been awarded MacArthur “genius “genius

23A3@B 2E3::3@ LLeslie 23A3@B 2E3::3@ eslie M Marmon armon SSilko’s ilko’s n new ew bbook o ok iiss ppart art m memoir, emoir, meditation forr 330 ppart art m editation oon n tthe he aarid rid llandscape andscap e sshe’s he’s llived ived iin n fo 0 yyears. ears.

ggrant� rant� and and ccalled alled a Native Native American American lliterary iterary master, has written numerous m aster, h as w ritten n umerous poems, poems, short short Gardens sstories tories and and novels, novels, including including G ardens ooff tthe he Dunes D unes and and Almanac Almanac of of the the Dead. Dead. Her Her latest latest book, book, The The Turquoise Turquoise Ledge, Ledge, is is her her first first in in 10 10 years. years. She She calls calls it it a self-portrait. self-portrait. The Th he book book begins begins with with Silko’s Silko’s memories memories of of growing growing up up on on the the edge edge of of the the Laguna Laguna Pueblo Pueblo reservation reservation in in New New Mexico Mexico and and provides provides a glimpse glimpse into into her her extended extended family family with with accounts accounts that that are are humorous, humorous, heartheartwrenching wrenching and and insightful. insightful. Her Her father’s father’s passion passion for for photography, photography, the the English-only English-o -only schools, schools, breaking breaking in in a new new saddle saddle the the hard hard way way and and stories stories of of her her ancestors ancestors all all help help to to paint paint a vivid vivid picture picture of of the the author’s author’s early early years. years. The The Turquoise Turquoise Ledge Ledge then then opens opens up up into into the the slow slow warmth warmth of of Silko’s Silko’s present-day present-d - ay life, life, where where she she spends spends her her days days walking walking in in the the arroyo, arroyo, observing observing the the wild wild beauty beauty of of the the desert, desert, tending tending to to her her animals animals and and working working on on her her manuscript, manuscript, whose whose central central theme theme is is the the turquoise turquoise in in and and around around her her home. home. She She tells tells stories stories of of the the stone’s stone’s history history among among the the desert desert people, people, breaks breaks down down its its distinguishing distinguishing characteristics, characteristics, describes describes the the pieces pieces she she finds finds on on her her walks walks and and fantasizes fantasizes about about finding finding an an enormous enormous ledge ledge of of it. it. The Th he majority majority of of the the book book is is dedicated dedicated to to

quiet observations observations about about the the world world around around quiet her. Humans, Humans, when when they they are are mentioned, mentioned, her. are done done so so sparingly. sparingly. “I “I just just get get fed fed up up that that are humans are are so so self-important, self-important,� Silko Silko says. says. “I “I humans wanted to to say, say, ‘Look, ‘Look, there there are are other other ways ways wanted to look look at at the the world, world, and and we’re we’re really really not not to any more more important important than than rattlesnakes. rattlesnakes.’� any Through numerous numerous tales tales of of encounters encounters Through and friendships, friendships, rattlesnakes rattlesnakes play play starring starring and roles in in The The Turquoise Turquoissee Ledge. Ledge. “My “My mother mother roles taught us us not not to to be be afraid afraid of of snakes, snakes, so so taught started out out my my life life with with a pretty pretty good good I started attitude toward toward them, them,� Silko Silko says. says. “They “Th hey are are attitude very peaceful peaceful beings beings with with a generosity generosity of of very spirit, even even though though they’ve they’ve been been hunted hunted so so spirit, cruelly by by humans. humans.� cruelly Silko’s intimate intimate knowledge knowledge of of life life in in Silko’s the desert desert is is nothing nothing new; new; however, however, her her the venture into into writing writing a memoir memoir presented presented venture challenging challenging terrain. terrain. “With “With fiction, fiction, the the characters characters come come alive alive very very early early and and you you just just follow follow them them along, along, but but writing writing nonfiction nonfiction is is hard hard for for me,“ me,“ she she says. says. “When “When I got got started started in in the the section section about about my my ancestors, ancestors, I said said to to myself, myself, ‘What ‘What was was I thinking?’ thinking?’ I look look at at every every word word and and think, think, ‘Is ‘Is this this completely, completely, absolutely absolutely true true from from every every angle?’ angle?’ Itt was was torturous torturous for for a while. while.� Before Before starting starting The The Turquoise Turquoise Ledge, Ledge, Silko Silko made made a conscious conscious decision decision to to keep keep the the

ffocus ocus o on n tthe he lland and aand nd lleave eave p politics olitics out out o his book, book, b ut she she ffound ound tthat hat tto ob n off tthis but bee aan iimpossible mpossible ttask. ask. ““II was was just just going going to to ffocus ocus o n tthe he d esert aand nd tthe he ssolitude olitude aand nd w hat on desert what ggives ives m positive eenergy, nergy,� sshe he ssays. ays. “But “But mee positive eeven ven w hen yyou ou ttry ry vvery ery h ard tto o ffocus ocus when hard o n tthe he p ositive, tthere’s here’s no no eescaping scaping that that on positive, cconflict. onf lict.� The Indian Th In ndian slave slave ttrade, rade, tthe he ttesting esting aand nd The sstorage torage o adioactive m aterials, eencounters ncounters off rradioactive materials, w ith tthe he llocal ocal eearth-gouger arth-gouger aand nd aauthorities uthorities with w ho llook ook tthe he o ther w ay aare re aall ll iilluminated lluminated who other way iin n The The Turquoise Turquoise Ledge. Ledge. The Th he book book in in its its eentirety, ntirety, h owever, iiss a ttribute ribute tto o llife ife as as seen seen however, tthrough hrough S ilko’s eeyes. yes. Fr rom the the majesty majesty Silko’s From o esert rrainstorm ainstorm to to the the iiridescent ridescent off a d desert sshimmering himmering o n iinsect, nsect, sshe he b rings a gentle gentle off aan brings aawareness wareness to to tthe he b eauty o he n atural beauty off tthe natural w orld. ““I’m I’m rreally eally b lessed,� sshe he ssays. ays. ““II jjust ust world. blessed, w rite tthe he tthings hings tthat hat m ake me me h appy, aand nd write make happy, h ope tthat hat o ther p eople w ill b ble tto o sshare hare hope other people will bee aable iin nm happiness.� myy happiness.

:3A:73 ;/@;=< A7:9= :3A:73 ;/@;=< A7:9= The The author author reads reads from from ‘The ‘The Turquoise Turquoise Ledge’ Ledge’ on on Thursday, Thursday, Oct. Oct. 21, 21, at at 7:30pm 7:30pm at at Bookshop Bookshop Santa Santa Cruz, Cruz, 1520 1520 Pacific Paciffi fc Ave., Ave., Santa Santa Cruz. Cruz. Free. Free. 831.423.0900. 831.423.0900.

& j AB/53 /@B 3D3<BA october 20-27, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=; :7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

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The rare Rubayiat, Hudson’s Golden Gem, Rosemary Russet—no, they’re not precious gems, just a few of the more than 70 varieties of @S^] BVS 5S\SbWQ heirloom apples that you’ll have the chance to bite into at the Annual @]QY =^S`O Heritage Harvest Festival. Saturday, Oct. 23, 11am–4pm. Tickets $5, 6 [jijg^hi^X bjh^XVa VWdji with reduced rates for couples and families. Wilder Ranch State Park, <ZcZ8d! V XdbeVcn i]Vi bVg`Zih ]jbVc dg\VchÅVcY 1401 Coast Road, Santa Cruz.


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<3E ;CA71 ?C7@9A < 3E ;CA71 ?C7@9A Ab bizarre izarre m modern odern m music usic rrepertoire epertoire ffeaturing eaturing a performance performance o off F Frank rank Z Zappa’s appa’s “The “The Black Black P ageâ€? alongside allongside work work b Phillip Glass Glass and an nd cameos cam meos by by Ludi Ludi Hinrichs Hinrichs on on the the d idgeridoo and and Pageâ€? byy Phillip didgeridoo L ucian no C hessa ((pictured) pictured) o n tthe he V ietnam mese one-string one-string lute. lute. Saturday, Saturday, Oct. Oct. 23, 23, 7:30pm. 7:30pm. Luciano Chessa on Vietnamese G eneral admission admission tickets tickets $23/seniors $23/seniors $17/students $17/students $12; $12; UCSC UCSC music music students students $3. $3. UCSC UCSC General M usic R ecital H all, H aeeller att Meyer Meyer Drive, Drive, Santa Santa Cruz. Cruz. Music Recital Hall, Haeller 9V^an &%Vb"b^Yc^\]i# &&- 8dgVa 9V^an &%Vb"b^Yc^\]i# &&- 8dgVa HHi! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'*#,',,# i! HVciV 8gjo! -(&#)'*#,',,# ASa\]\ 5OZZS`g ASa\]\ 5OZZS`g = jbVc 8dcY^i^dch# 6c =jbVc 8dcY^i^dch# 6c ZZmigVdgY^cVgn XdaaZXi^dc migVdgY^cVgn XdaaZXi^dc dd[ e]did\gVe]h VcY eg^cih [ e]did\gVe]h VcY eg^cih XXjgViZY Wn H]ZaWn <gV]Vb jgViZY Wn H]ZaWn <gV]Vb ^^cXajY^c\ ldg` Wn 6chZa cXajY^c\ ldg` Wn 6chZa 6 YVbh! 9^VcZ 6gWjh! 8]jX` 6YVbh! 9^VcZ 6gWjh! 8]jX` 88adhZ! GdWZgi BVeeaZi]dgeZ adhZ! GdWZgi BVeeaZi]dgeZ VVcY bdgZ# IjZ"HVi! cddc" cY bdgZ# IjZ"HVi! cddc" **eb# I]gj Cdk '%# ;gZZ# eb# I]gj Cdk '%# ;gZZ# J 8H8! EdgiZg 8daaZ\Z! HVciV J8H8! EdgiZg 8daaZ\Z! HVciV 88gjo# -(&#)*.#(+%+# gjo# -(&#)*.#(+%+# A WS``O /hcZ <c`aS`g AWS``O /hcZ <c`aS`g O \R 5O`RS\a O\R 5O`RS\a HHXjaeijgZ >h/ '%&%# I]Z EK XjaeijgZ >h/ '%&%%## I]Z EK 6 gih 8djcX^aÉh VccjVa djiYddg 6gih 8djcX^aÉh VccjVa djiYddg hhjbbZg"adc\ bZ\V"h]dl d[ jbbZg"adc\ bZ\V"h]dl d[ ggZ\^dcVa Vgi^hihÉ hXjaeijgZh# Z\^dcVa Vgi^hihÉ hXjaeijgZh# II]gj DXi (&# ;gZZ# '++% ]gj DXi (&# ;gZZ# '++% : # AV`Z 6kZ =ln &*' ! :# AV`Z 6kZ =ln &*' ! L Vihdck^aaZ! -(&#,+(#%.(.# LVihdck^aaZ! -(&#,+(#%.(.# B VS 5OZZS`g BVS 5OZZS`g E dhiXVgYh id =ZVkZc# EdhiXVgYh id =ZVkZc# 88]g^hi^cZ 9dcdkVc jhZh ]g^hi^cZ 9dcdkVc jhZh eedcYZg^c\h ^c XdaY lVm VcY dcYZg^c\h ^c XdaY lVm VcY dd^ah! V iZX]c^fjZ dg^\^cViZY ^c ^ah! V iZX]c^fjZ dg^\^cViZY ^c : \nei X^gXV &%% 78:! id Zc[daY :\nei X^gXV &%% 78:! id Zc[daY WWdi] i]Z eg^b^i^kZ VcY i]Z di] i]Z eg^b^i^kZ VcY i]Z hhe^g^ijVa# DeZc^c\ gZXZei^dc e^g^ijVa# DeZc^c\ gZXZei^dc ;;g^! DXi &! *"-eb# IjZ"HVi g^ DXi & * -eb IjZ HVi Vb +eb I] j D (% ; ZZ &&Vb"+eb# I]gj DXi (%# ;gZZ# % Ad j H HVc V 8 j &%, AdXjhi Hi! HVciV 8gjo! --(&#)'+#&.,-# ( )'+ . -

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B63 A>/13A 03BE33< B63 A>/13A 03BE33< TWO T WO N NEW EW m murals uralls h have ave m materialized aterialized iin nS Santa anta C Cruz ruz tto o sswell well tthe he rranks an nks o he o ff iciallly blessed blessed p ublic iimagery maggery tthat hat b ejewels tthe he off tthe officially public bejewels sstreetscape. treetscap pe. The The rreal eal ssparkler parkler iiss aalmost lmost h idden o n tthe he ffar ar w all o hidden on wall off tthe he p arking llot ot aatt 11111 111 S oquel A ve. T his h alf-block-long u ntitled parking Soquel Ave. This half-block-long untitled w ork is is a rriot iot o 3,224 iindividually ndividually d esigned gglass lasss m osaic ssquares. quares. work off 3,224 designed mosaic IIntegrating ntegrating tthis his d isparate ccollection ollection o magery iiss a sstrong trong o verall disparate off iimagery overall d esign u sing a llimited imited b ut vvivid ivid p allette o lacck, w hite, rred ed an aand nd design using but palette off b black, white, b lue ggrout rout to to ccreate reate dynamic dynamic iinterplay nterplay o ubist sshapes. hap pes. blue off ccubist T he individual individual ssquares, quares, ccreated reated b tudents iin n llocal ocall sschools, chools, The byy sstudents p rovide a gglittering littering ccatalog atalogg of of youthful youthful p reoccupations. R ad adiating provide preoccupations. Radiating ssuns, uns, ccats, ats, hearts, hearts, ccrosses rosses aand nd fflowers lowers ttwinkle winkle iin n ccolored olored gglass lass aass iiff FabergÊ FabergÊ h ad p roduced an n eedition dition o otebook d oodles. B ut had produced off n notebook doodles. But m an ny o he u nsigned w orks aare re iindividualistic ndividualistic aand nd iimpressive. mpressive. many off tthe unsigned works T here is is n od oubt tthat hat tthese hese 33,000-plus ,000-plus cchildren hildren w ill eeventually ventuallly There no doubt will b ring their their own own children children to to see see the the magical magical square square they they made made bring iin n sschool. chool. ;/@D7< >:C;;3@ ; /@D7< >:C;;3@ p painted ainted tthe he n new ew m mural urall o on n tthe he w walls allls o off JJazz azz Alley, on on Birch Birch Lane Lane just just off off Pacific Pacif ic Avenue. Avenue. His His loosely loosely brushed brushed Alley, portraits of of five f ive jazz jazz idols idols are are painted paiinted in in sepia sepia tones tones united united by by portraits carmine red red graphic graphic elements. elements. These These artists artists have have performed performed att carmine Kuumbwa, the the beloved beloved music music venue venue that that nests, nests, well-hidden, well-hidden, Kuumbwa, half-block down down the the alley. alley. As As much much as as I love love Kuumbwa, Kuumbwa, a half-block this mural mural seems seems more more like like a billboard billboarrd for for the the club club than than an an this enhancement of o public pub c space—a space—a feat eat accomplished acccomp shed successfully success u y enhancement by other other longstanding ongstand ng murals, mura s like ke those those on on Center Center Street Street and and in n by P aza Lane Lan ne by by 8 8/;3A /A160/163@ /;3A /A160/163@, w which h ch aactivate ct vate tthe he sspace pacce Plaza aand nd h ave rreal ea local oca rrelevance. e evance have

S ow hat d oes itt m atter—art iss aart, rt rright? ght? W e in nL os A nge es So, what does matter—art Well, Los Angeles, w h ch h as for or d ecades b een cconsidered ons dered tthe he ““mural mura ccapital ap ta o which has decades been of N orth A mer ca� aand nd w h ch h ass p enty o oncrete w a spacce for or North America� which has plenty of cconcrete wallspace ggreat reat an nd less-than-great ess than n great aart, rt tthis h s iss h as b ecome a vvery ery k notty and has become knotty n cety H undreds o reathtak k ng w orks h ave b een left e t tto o nicety. Hundreds of b breathtaking works have been d eter orate S ome— ke tthe he 11974 974 9 93<B BE7B163:: 3<B BE B163:: p painting a nt ng deteriorate. Some—like o n tthe he H o ywood F reeway T he F reeway LLady, ady d ep ct ng a on Hollywood Freeway, The Freeway depicting b eaut u ssilver-haired ver ha red o dw oman nw th a ccolorful o or u aafghan—were ghan—were beautiful old woman with p a nted o ver w thout p ub c input. nput Ot hers h ave b een left e t tto o painted over without public Others have been d eter orate d ue tto ow eather o ra t A n ew o rd nan nce iss h av ng deteriorate due weather orr ggraffiti. new ordinance having d cu ty d st ngu sh ng b etween aadvertisements, dvert sements w h ch m ust difficulty distinguishing between which must b a nta ned b he r ccreators, reators an nd tthe he p ub c aart rt tthat hat iss tthe he bee m maintained byy ttheir and public rresponsibility espons b ty o he ccity. ty of tthe L oca y at least east one legendary egend dary mura nted b 32C/@2= 2C/@2= Locally, mural pa painted byy 3 1/@@7::= 1 /@@ ::= and his h s UCSC students in n the long ong passage passageway way rom E a omar to Fr eet w as pa nted out dec ades ago aago. from El P Palomar Front ont Str Street was painted decades Wh Los Angeles Ange es began began last ast month the three-year three year process processs Whilee Los o estor ng an 8 0 oot mu ura b A7?C37@=A ?C3 @=A, Santa San nta Cruz Cruz of rrestoring 80-foot mural byy A cou d consider cons der the the simpler s mp er restoration restorat on of o this th s well-documented we documented could treassure The The passageway passaggeway needs needs it. t And And the the children ch dren of o treasure. those UCSC UCSC students students would wou d be be so so proud. proud Read Read d more more of o those The E xh b t on st aatt www.kusp.org. www kusp org ((Maureen Maureen Davidson) Dav dson) The Exhibitionist B63 3F6 0 B =< AB A 4C<232 < >/@B 0G / 5@/<B 4@=; B63 3F6707B7=<7AB 7A 4C<232 7< >/@B 0G / 5@/<B 4@=; B63 1C:BC@/: 1=C<17: =4 A/<B/ 1@CH 1=C<BG B 63 1C:BC@/: 1=C<1 : =4 A/<B/ 1@CH 1=C<BG

03/BA1/>3 ooctober c t o b e r 20-27, 2 0 - 2 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 A/<B/1@CH 1=; A/<B/1@CH 1=; j 03/BA1/>3

Jazz Presenters since 1975


MASTER CLASS SERIES RENATA BRATT Melodic Invention: Improvising Over Chord Changes FREE WORKSHOP FOR ALL INSTRUMENTS! THURS. OCTOBER 21 • 8 PM “They thrive on risk.â€? –DownBeat




Scintillatingly swinging jazz! $20/Adv $23/Door THURS. OCTOBER 28 • 7 PM

SCOTT AMENDOLA TRIO “Lift� CD Release Concert

Jeff Parker - guitar, John Shifflet bass, Scott Amendola - drums/electronics $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv MON. NOVEMBER 1 • 7 & 9 PM

Vocal chameleon! NELLIE McKAY

jazz, rap, blues, Latin, rock & more! $25/Adv $28/Door, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by Erik’s DeliCafÊ



MON. NOVEMBER 8 • 7 & 9 PM


Jeff Lorber - keyboards, Eric Marienthal - saxophone, Jimmy Haslip - bass, Will Kennedy - drums $25/Adv $28/Door, No Jazztix/Comps 9 pm: 1/2 Price Night for Students THURS. NOVEMBER 11 • 7 PM

C@A/ ;7<=@ C @A/ ;7<= =@ Minus the Bear


Tim Kasher Rio.. adds T iim Kas sher at the Rio

Celebrating the lives, times & music of women songwriters of the classic jazz & blues era $12/Adv $15/Door Jazz & Dinner: $24.60/Adv Nov. 15 Nov.17 Nov. 29

Nnenna Freelon Luisa Maita Kim Nalley





Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm, serving premium wines & microbrewed beers. Snacks & desserts available all other nights. All age venue.

Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at kuumbwajazz.org. Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admissions Tax.

Independently Produced Events FRI. NOVEMBER 5 • 8 PM


w/ Jimmy Jackson, Craig Owens & Jim Norris Special guest: Jeff Blackburn $21/Adv $25/Door Tickets: Streetlight Records & Co-sponsored by www.ticketweb.com Benefit for Second Harvest Food Bank

Bead It & KPIG

320-2 Cedar St • Sa nta C r u z 427-2227


E32<3A2/G j E 32<3A2/G j

B6C@A2/G j B 6 C @ A 2/G j

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Itt’s the It’s the ssaxophone axophone tthat hat makes makes tthe he A corn P roject m ore than than a sstandard tandard Acorn Project more p rogg-rock eensemble, nsemble, b ut tto ob onest, prog-rock but bee h honest, vvery ery un-saxy un-saxy things things are are going going on on in in tthis his ggroup. roup. G ive a woodwind woodwind a llittle ittle Give llicense icense aand nd iitt starts starts tto o tthink hink iit’s t’s an an eelectric lectric gguitar, uitar, b ut rrather ather tthan han locking locking but h ornblower S am L ax into into a closet closet w ith hornblower Sam Lax with K enny G, G, his his ffive ive b andmembers roll roll Kenny bandmembers w ith it it aand nd make make a hybrid hybrid sound sound that that with d oes ccredit redit tto o jjazz azz everywhere. everywhere. T heir does Their llyrics, yrics, more more aakin kin to to prose prose than than ccatchy atchy rrock ock jjingles, ingles, also also raise raise ttheir heir share share o off eeyebrows, yebrows, and and w ith aan n album album titled titled with G eneration Debt, Debt, the the Project Project promises promises Generation p lenty of of steak steak aalong long with with the the ssizzle. izzle. plenty M oe’s A lley; $ dv/$8 d oor; 8 :30pm. Moe’s Alley; $55 aadv/$8 door; 8:30pm. ((KJ) KJ)

Ah heady eady aamalgam malgam of of aavant-garde vant-garde jjazz, azz, iinterstellar nterstellar ttwang wang and and jjam-band am-band rrock, ock, tthe he four-piece four-piece JJacob acob F red JJazz azz Fred O dyssey iiss a p owerful mix mix o winging Odyssey powerful off sswinging ggrooves, rooves, eexperimental xperimental b ombast aand nd bombast iinstrumental nstrumental aambition. mbition. K eyboardist Keyboardist B rian H ass, d rummer JJosh osh R aymer, Brian Hass, drummer Raymer, u pright b assist Jeff Jeff H arshbarger and and upright bassist Harshbarger llap-steel ap -steel guitar guitar player player Chris Chris Combs Combs fform orm a q uartet tthe he whole whole o which quartet off which ffar ar eexceeds xceeds the the ssum um o its constitutive constitutive off its p arts. S ince 1994, 1994, the the rrestless estless o utf it parts. Since outfit h as experimented experimented w ith m ultiple has with multiple p ermutations, ranging ranging from from a ttrio rio tto o permutations, aan n aambitious mbitious eight-piece. eight-piece. As As a q uartet, quartet, tthis his ggroup roup gives gives the the ssubtleties ubtleties iin n tthe he p laying a chance chance to to shine, shine, o ffering tthe he playing offering m ost refined ref ined incarnation incarnation o he JJacob acob most off tthe F red JJazz azz O dyssey tto od ate. K uumbwa; Fred Odyssey date. Kuumbwa; $ 15 aadv/$18 dv/$18 d oor; 77pm. pm. (Paul (Paul M avis) $15 door; M.. D Davis)

Hitting H itting tthe he rroad oad w with ith eemo-punk mo-punk ggoofs oofs M inus tthe he B ear m ay aallow llow Ti im Ka K asher Minus Bear may Tim Kasher tto o llet et lloose oose aand nd llighten ighten u p iin nw ays tthat hat up ways w ould b nthinkable iin nh is m ain would bee u unthinkable his main b and, C ursive. W ith Ka asher, llightening ightening band, Cursive. With Kasher, u p iiss a rrelative elative tterm: erm: C ursive iiss o ne up Cursive one o he m ost eemotionally motionally p ummeling off tthe most pummeling b ands o he p ast d ecade, aand nd h is ssolo olo bands off tthe past decade, his w ork ffollows ollows ssuit. uit. Y et iitt aalso lso aallows llows work Yet K Ka asher tto o sshuck huck o ff ssome ome o he Kasher off off tthe eextra xtra b aggage tthat hat tthe he b and’s lleaden eaden baggage band’s aarrangements rrangements llend end tthe he ssongs, ongs, rrevealing evealing tthe he m elodicism h idden w ithin. M inus melodicism hidden within. Minus tthe he B ear iiss aan no dd yyet et ffitting itting ttour our m ate Bear odd mate ffor or Ka asher, sspecializing pecializing iin nw inking, Kasher, winking, aamped-up mped-up p unk w ith aan n eever-morose ver-morose punk with h eart. R io Th heatre; $ 18 aadv/$20 dv/$20 d oor; heart. Rio Theatre; $18 door; 8 pm. ((PMD) PMD) 8pm.


A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ooctober c t o b e r 20-27, 2 0 - 2 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 03/BA1/>3 03/BA1/> >3

1=<13@BA 1 = < 1 3 @ B A A/;0/2/ A /;0/2/ Oct. 31 at Mo e’s A lleey Moe’s Alley < 3::73 : 9/G /G ;19 <3::73 ;19/G No v.. 1 at v at K uum m a mbw Nov. Kuumbwa

4@72/G j 4 @ 7 2/G j

1/B >=E3@ 1 /B > =E 3 @ Chan M Chan Marshall arshall h has as ccome ome a long long way way ssince ince her her d iscovery in in 11994. 994. The Th he w ispy discovery wispy iingenue, ngenue, whose whose llive ive shows shows were were once once a tthing hing o shambling, u nhinged legend, legend, off shambling, unhinged h as ggrown rown m uch more more po lished has much polished aand nd assured assured in in rrecent ecent years, years, despite despite cconsiderable onsiderable personal personal turmoil. turmoil. It t’s It’s d ifff icult to to square square the the spare, spare, tentative tentative difficult ssound ound o Marshall’s early early indie indie rrock ock off Marshall’s yyears ears with with the the aambitious mbitious ’’60s 60s MemphisMemphisiinspired nspired takes takes on on the the rock rock and and ssoul oul sstandards tandards tthat hat now now characterize characterize h er her ssound. ound. But But eeven ven if if Marshall Marshall has has grown grown ffar ar more more aassured ssured and and mature mature with with ttime, ime, there there remains remains an an elusive elusive ssense ense o mystery tto oh er performances perfformances tthat hat is is off mystery her iinfinitely nf initely compelling. compelling. Rio Rio Theatre; Th heatre; $30; $30; 8 pm. (PMD) (PMD) 8pm.

4@72/G j 4 @ 7 2/G j

E=;3< E =;3< Even though Even though it’s it’s all all but but an an anachronism anachronism iin n the the age age of of pro-quality pro-quality audio audio on on b ottom-of-the-line laptops, laptops, llo-fi o-fi has has bottom-of-the-line eenjoyed njoyed aan n unlikely unlikely resurgence resurgence iin n rrecent ecent years. years. In n2 010, aadopting dopting tthis his 2010, k ind of of sound sound is is more more of of an an aesthetic aesthetic kind cchoice hoice tthan han tthe he necessity necessity iitt w as once once for for was ccash-strapped ash-strapped musicians, musicians, but but its its elusive elusive ccharms harms p ersist. Women Women llashes ashes NuggetsNuggetspersist. eera ra garage-pop garage-pop to to a modern modern ssensibility ensibility aand nd buries buries iitt aall ll iin n rreverb everb aand nd the the w arped warped m ajesty of of sshitty hitty tape-recorded tape-recorded ssound, ound, majesty

llending ending tthe he b and a ttimeless imeless q uality tthat hat band quality ssignifies ignifies iits ts m embers w ould h ave b een members would have been jjust ust aass ccomfortable omfortable b anging o ut ffourourbanging out cchord hord ttestimonials estimonials iin n 11971. 971. C repe P lace; Crepe Place; $ 8 aadv/$10 dv/$10 d oor; 9 pm. ((PMD) PMD) $8 door; 9pm.

A/BC@2/G j A /B C @ 2/G j !

;7193G ;7193G /D/:=< / D/ := < Checkered pasts Checkered pasts rrarely arely lleave eave rock rock stars stars Mickey Avalon’s aalone, lone, and and M ickey A valon’s ttails ails him him off coked-up llike ike a ggaggle aggle o coked-up ggeese. eese. IIt’s t’s mostly his he’s m ostly h is own own doing; doing; h e’s ccombined ombined his drug historic prostitution h is d rug aabuses buses aand nd h istoric p rostitution his sstint tint iinto nto his his lyrics lyrics aand nd slathered slathered h is music m usic iin n imagery imagery tthat hat lleaves eaves llittle ittle tto o Although he’s tthe he imagination. imagination. A lthough h e’s ggot ot the the history hee jjust h istory of of aan n ’80s ’80s rrocker, ocker, h ust brought brought his h is ffirst irst album album tto o tthe he shelves shelves iin n 2006. 2006. A has made llife ife of of tturmoil urmoil h as m ade his his sound sound what what up Hollywood iitt is, is, a jab jab at at ggrowing rowing u p iin nH ollywood drugs plastic aand nd all all the the ssex, ex, d rugs and and p lastic tthat hat with ggo ow ith iit, t, an an aaccount ccount as as ttrashy rashy and and only L.A. one-and-only iintriguing ntriguing as as o nly L .A.’s o ne-and-only make Catalyst; $25; gglam lam rapper rapper ccould ould m ake iit. t. C atalyst; $ 25; 9pm. Jacobson) 9 pm. (Kate (Kaate Ja acobson)

AC<2/G j A C < 2/G j !

;C@A ; C@A Living legend Living legend M MC CM Murs urs has has m made ade a out ccareer areer o ut of of confounding confounding his his fans fans bounding between aand nd the the iindustry, ndustry, b ounding b etween

;756BG ;3=EA ; 756BG ;3=EA C Cat a P at Power oower exes her soul lady biceps biceps this Friday. Friday.

A B3 : >C:A B33: A3 AB33: >C:A3 No v. 5 at a C aattaaly lyst lys lyst Nov. Catalyst A B/@A @ AB/@A N No ov v. 9 att Rio R Theatre T trree Theat Nov. /: 9/:7<3 < B@7= /:9/:7<3 B@7= No v. 11 at Ca C aattalyst a Nov. Catalyst < 3E @723@ @A A =4 B63 <3E @723@A =4 B63 >C@ >:3 A/53 5 >C@>:3 A/53 No v. 23 at Moe’s Moe’s Alle ey Nov. Alley 8 =6 ;1:/ =6< /C56:7< C5 /<2 2 8=6< ;1:/C56:7< /<2 "B6 27; 2 7;3< ;3 A7=< A7= "B6 27;3<A7=< Dec T Thea tre re Dec.. 10 at Rio Theat Theatre A =C:7D3 A=C:7D3 Dec e’s Alle ey Dec.. 15 at Mo Moe’s Alley

polished radio-ready polished radio-ready hip-hop hip-hop aand nd longer, longer, eexperimental xperimental ssong ong suites. suites. IIt’s t’s unusual unusual for for a ccontemporary ontemporary MC MC to to h ave ssuch uch sscope cope have aand nd range range aatt a ttime ime when when hip-hop’s hip-hop’s m ore more eeccentric ccentric traits traits h ave b een submerged, submerged, have been b ut M urs proves proves that that it’s it’s still still possible possible to to but Murs b an iconoclast iconoclast in in 2010. 2010. While While he he ttreads reads bee an ad angerous line—going line—going mainstream mainstream dangerous aand nd aggravating aggravating u nderground h eads, underground heads, tthen hen alienating alienating m ainstream fans fans w ith mainstream with eexperimental, xperimental, p ersonal aalbums—it’s lbums—it’s personal rrefreshing efreshing to to ssee ee aan nM Cw illing to to MC willing ffollow ollow h is m use, career career consequences consequences b his muse, bee d amned. Catalyst; Catalyst; $ 15 aadv/$19 dv/$19 d oor; 8pm. 8pm. damned. $15 door; ((PMD) PMD)

;=<2/G j ;=<2 /G G j #

0 = < < 7 3 0=<<73 3 ¡¡>@7<13¸ 07::G > @ 7 < 1 3 ¸ 0 7 : :G Bonnie “Princeâ€? Bonnie “Princeâ€? Billy, Billy, a.k.a. a.k.a. W Will ill O ldham, has has built built a career career out out o Oldham, off iinscrutability nscrutability in in lyrics, lyrics, ccareer areer moves moves and and iinterviews. nterviews. The The folk folk singer—though singer—though h e’d likely likely rankle rankle at at being being ssaddled addled w ith he’d with tthe he term—belongs term—belongs tto o a long long lline ine o off o ld, weird weird American American songwriters songw writers tthat hat old, ttraces races b ack to to Bob Bob Dylan, Dylan, the the L ouvin back Louvin B rothers and and countless countless fforgotten orgotten ffolk olk Brothers ttroubadours. roubadours. Oldham’s Oldham’s latest, latest, The The W onder Show Show of of tthe he World, World, ffinds inds h im Wonder him p airing with with an an unusually unusually ttraditional raditional pairing b acking band, band, the the Cairo Cairo G ang, aand nd backing Gang, iindulging ndulging in in musical musical excursions excursions that that ttouch ouch upon upon folk, folk, jazz, jazz, ccountry ountry and and eeven ven rock rock but but could could n ot be adequately adequately not pe gged as as belonging belonging tto o aany ny sspecific pecif ic pegged ggenre. enre. Don Don Quixote’s; Quixote’s; $15 $15 aadv/$17 dv/$17 door; door; 8 pm. (PMD) (PMD) 8pm.

j 1:C0 5@72 october 20-27, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;


E32 j B6C j

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Halloween Festival and Mask Making Workshop

October 23, 2010 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

FREE Louden Nelson Community Center 301 Center Street 420-6177 From mask-making and pumpkin decorating to creepy, crawly touch tanks and wacky relays, this annual event is a great way to get in the Halloween spirit. Come in costume and end the day with a parade through the park.



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Chris Velan (K] +Y ‹ +YZ W T :OV^ W T -YPKH` 6J[VILY ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 21+ FRIDAY NIGHT FUNCTION: DJ Aspect DJ Tone Sol, Nima Fadavi 56 *6=,9 ‹ W T W T :H[\YKH` 6J[VILY ‹ AGES 16+

Mickey Avalon plus Machete Fight also The Halos (K] +Y ‹ W T W T :H[\YKH` 6J[VILY ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 21+

THE CHOP TOPS plus Riff Raff also Memphis Murder Men PU (K] H[ [OL +YZ ‹ +VVYZ ! W T :OV^ W T

:\UKH` 6J[VILY ‹ AGES 16+

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White Buffalo



J Billion

plus Moe Green (K] +Y ‹ +YZ W T :OV^ W T

:\UKH` 6J[VILY ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 16+

WALLPAPER plus Butterfly Bones PU (K] H[ [OL +YZ ‹ +VVYZ ! W T :OV^ W T ;\LZKH` 6J[VILY ‹ AGES 16+


(K] +Y ‹ +YZ W T :OV^ W T 6J[ Switchfoot (Ages 16+) 6J[ Strength Atrium (Ages 21+) 6J[ Halloween Costume Ball Sourgrass/ Wooster (Ages 21+) 6J[ Thrive/ 880 South Atrium (Ages 16+) 6J[ Tater Famine Atrium (Ages 21+) 5V] Steel Pulse (Ages 16+) 5V] Ghostland Observatory (Ages 16+) 5V] Sublime with Rome (Ages 21+) 5V] Sublime with Rome (Ages 16+) 5V] VitalSC: Borgore (Ages 16+) 5V] Alkaline Trio (Ages 16+) <USLZZ V[OLY^PZL UV[LK HSS ZOV^Z HYL KHUJL ZOV^Z ^P[O SPTP[LK ZLH[PUN Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online


26 |

october 20-27, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

Film. Fi ilm lm.

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A/<B/1@CH 1=; A /<B/1@CH 1=; ooctober c t o b e r 20-27, 2 0 - 2 7, 2010 2 0 1 0 47:; 47:; ;

Beat B eat tthe he CClock lock The new n w film ne fiilm ‘Howl’ ‘Howl’ halfsucceeds suc cceeds d in i showing how sho w ho wing w Allen Ginsberg’s Giinsberg ’s great gr e poem eat withstood withs tood the ccensors ensors 0G @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 0 G @ 7 1 6 / @ 2 D= < 0 C A /1 9


HAVE S HAVE SEEN EEN tthe he b best est m minds inds o off m myy being used ggeneration eneration b eing u sed aass ffodder odder well-intentioned movies ffor or w ell-intentioned m ovies tthat hat didn’t quite make wasn’t d idn’t q uite m ake iit. t. I w asn’t a co-generationist co -generationist with with Allen Allen Ginsberg, Ginsberg, mind mind you; you; all all we we shared shared was was a 30-second 30-second conversation conversation in in San San Jose. Jose. Hee told H told me, me, re re D David avid Cronenberg’s Cronenberg’s Naked movie N aked LLunch, unch, ““The Th he m ovie didn’t didn’t ruin ruin the the book; book on Next b ook; tthe he b ook iiss sstill till o n tthe he sshelf. helf. N ext Orr w words ccustomer ustomer iin n lline!� ine!� O ords tto o tthat hat eeffect. ffect. Ass G Ginsberg predicted, A insberg could could have have p redicted, Howl Howl the the movie movie hardly hardly ruins ruins “Howl� “Howl� the the poem. poem. As As directed directed by by frequent frequent documentary documentary makers makers Rob Rob Epstein Epstein and and Jeffrey Jeffrey Friedman, Frriedman, this this is is a film film in in four four methods, methods, beginning beginning with with a re-creation re-creation of of “Howl�’s “Howl�’s first first reading reading 55 55 years years ago ago in in October October in in San San Francisco. Francisco. Palo Palo Alto’s Alto’s own own James Jaames Franco Franco plays plays the the poet. poet. His His air air of of wounded wounded sincerity sincerity and and heavyweight heavyweight sensitivity, sensitivity, so so overbearing overbearing in in full-length full-length roles, roles, is is just just right right in in these these episodes. episodes. We We see see Franco’s Franco’s Ginsberg Ginsberg in in a cramped cramped apartment, apartment, sometime sometime in in the the early early 1960s; 1960s; the the scene scene is is an an interview interview about about the the work work and and a life life ringed ringed with with madness. madness. By By “madness� “madness� one one includes includes Ginsberg’s Ginsberg’s own own gayness; gayness; at at that that time, time, this this was was still still treated treated as as a mental mental illness illness by by the the psychiatric psychiatric community, community, dealt dealt with with by by institutionalization, institutionalization, electroshock electroshock therapy therapy or or jail. jail.

4@33 D3@A7473@ 4 @33 D3@A7473@ Ja James mes Franco’s Franco’s A Allen llen G Ginsberg insberg w works orks oon n ‘‘Howl.’ Howl.’

These Th hese ffictional ictional interview interview scenes scenes work work w ell. T hey d istill tthe he p oet’s cconversation onversation well. They distill poet’s aand nd ssum um u p tthe he eevents vents o is llife, ife, aand nd up off h his iit’s t’s aall ll llow-key—unlike ow-key—unlike tthe he u sual sscenes cenes usual o reat m an b eing ggrilled, rilled, fforced orced tto o off a ggreat man being cconfront onfront h is p aradoxes aand nd d emons. his paradoxes demons. T he ssequences equences ssums ums u p tthe he iimportant mportant The up rrelationships, elationships, tthe he llove ove aaffairs ffairs w ith P eter with Peter O rlovsky aand nd N eal C assady, aass w ell aass Orlovsky Neal Cassady, well tthat hat p assionate ffriendship riendship w ith Ja ack passionate with Jack K erouac, w hich h elped eease ase K erouac o ut Kerouac, which helped Kerouac out o he cconfines onf ines o is h ead aand nd gget et h im off tthe off h his head him iinto nto a m ore p hysical k ind o riting. more physical kind off w writing. H owl’s weakest weakest p art iiss the the animation animation Howl’s part tthat hat iillustrates llustrates tthe he p oem iitself. tself. E ric poem Eric D rooker’s d esign sshows hows u owers Drooker’s design uss ttowers o xpressionist ccities ities ggiving iving w ay tto o off E Expressionist way h eavenly vvisions isions aand nd eexalted xalted ggenitalia. enitalia. heavenly A hen w atching Fantasia, Fantasia, I w as Ass w when watching was w aiting ffor or tthe he m onster tto od ispel aall ll tthe he waiting monster dispel fflowing lowing aangels. ngels. M oloch llooks ooks llike ike a ggiant iant Moloch M inotaur iin n tthis his vversion. ersion. Minotaur D rooker’s vvision ision o he aall-devouring ll-devouring Drooker’s off tthe ssymbol ymbol o merica aatt iits ts w orst ccan’t an’t off A America worst rreplace eplace tthe he o ther ccinematic inematic vvisions isions o he other off tthe w orld-destroyer: tthe he h allucination sscenes cenes world-destroyer: hallucination iin n Metropolis Metropolis and and the the earlier earlier silent silent Cabiria, Cabiria,

ffor or starters. starters. Ginsberg Ginsberg h himself imself ssourced ourced h is Moloch Moloch iin nd ifferent vvisual isual m anners: his different manners: aatt vvarious arious times, times, h claimed he he ssaw aw tthe he hee claimed ffalse alse God God d epicted iin n tthe he w oodcuts of of depicted woodcuts p rotographic n ovelist L ynd W ard’s W ild protographic novelist Lynd Ward’s Wild P ilgrimage ((1932) 1932) o n tthe he fform orm o Pilgrimage orr iin off a ccolossal olossal p hantasmagorical n eon h ead o phantasmagorical neon head off S ir Francis Francis D rake tthat hat u sed tto o rrotate otate aabove bove Sir Drake used tthe he S an Francisco Frrancisco hotel hotel o he ssame ame n ame. San off tthe name. Interspersed with with the the animated animated poem poem Interspersed aand nd tthe he G insberg interview interview are are scenes scenes of of Ginsberg tthe he 11957 957 obscenity obscenity trial trial o he p ublished off tthe published p oem, the the P eople vv.. F erlinghetti. It t’s poem, People Ferlinghetti. It’s sstartlingly tartlingly u ndramatic sstuff, tuff, aand nd n ot jjust ust undramatic not b ecause w now tthe he o utcome. W hile because wee k know outcome. While eevery very aactor ctor lloves oves tto op lay a vvillain, illain, w ho play who w ants tto op ut aany ny h eart iinto nto p laying a wants put heart playing ccensor? ensor? C able T V aall-stars ll-stars take take up up the the scenes: scenes: Cable TV JJon on H amm, iin nab eautifully ccut ut ssuit, uit, Hamm, beautifully rradiates adiates h umanity aass tthe he d efense llawyer awyer humanity defense JJake ake E hrlich. D avid S trathairn ggives ives h is Ehrlich. David Strathairn his b est w eaned-on-a-dill-pickle m annerisms best weaned-on-a-dill-pickle mannerisms aass a b ook b anner, aand nd M ary-Louise book banner, Mary-Louise P arker b ungees iin n aass a w itness ffor or tthe he Parker bungees witness p rosecution. prosecution. P oet R on S illiman’s b log n otes tthat hat Poet Ron Silliman’s blog notes

the ttrial the rial ccould ould h have ave eeven ven llooked ooked eeven ven m ore p atronizing than than iitt d oes here; here; more patronizing does tthe he rreal-life eal-life jjudge udge Clayton Clayton H orn in in the the Horn ccase, ase, p layed h ere b ob Balaban, Balaban, w as played here byy B Bob was a Sunday Sunday sschool chool tteacher eacher who who u sed tto o used ssentence entence ccriminals riminals tto o a vviewing iewing o the off the ffilm ilm T he T en C ommandments. The Ten Commandments. A ts w orst, H owl p ats tthe he aaudience udience o n Att iits worst, Howl pats on tthe he b ack. Itt aassures ssures tthem hem they they w ould h ave back. would have be en aadvanced dvanced eenough nough to to know know this this was was been a classic classic be ing ttalked alked aabout bout aass iiff it it were were being ccommon ommon porn. porn. U ltimately, one one iiss ggrateful rateful Ultimately, ffor or Epstein Epstein and and Friedman’s Friedman’s articulation articulation o he poe m. You You ccan an tell tell H owl tthe he off tthe poem. Howl ffilm ilm will will be doing doing d uty aass Cliff Cliff ’s ’s Notes Notes duty iin n lliterature iterature cclasses lasses ffor or the the foreseeable foreseeable ffuture. uture. It t’s n o substitute substitute for for reading reading iit, t, It’s no eeven ven tthough hough one one guesses guesses students students will will be ttrying rying tthis his ssubstitute ubstitute for for yyears ears tto o come. come.

6 =E: 6=E: ((Unrated; Unrated; 9 0m in.), ddirected irected bbyy 90 min.), R ob Epstein Epstein and and Jeffrey Jeffrey Friedman Friedman Rob aand nd starring starring James James Franco, Franco, opens op ens F riday aatt tthe he N ickelodeon. Friday Nickelodeon.

& j 47:; october 20-27, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Film Capsules <3E 1/>A /<<73 6/:: (1977)

Woody Allen is Alvy Singer, a neurotic comedian obsessing in flashbacks over why he and his girlfriend Annie Hall (Diane Keaton) keep breaking up. (Plays Sat-Sun at 11am at Aptos.) 0=@7A 5=2C<=D

(Unrated; 255 min.) This week’s presentation of “The Met: Live in HD� stars German bass Rene Pape as a Russian czar who goes mad from guilt over the way he seized the throne. With a huge cast. This is the Met’s first production of the

Mussorgsky opera in 36 years. (Plays Sat at 9am at Santa Cruz 9.) B63 6/C<B7<5

(1999) Liam Neeson, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Owen Wilson star in story about three insomniacs invited to an old mansion for a sleep study that turns out to be something else entirely. A remake of the 1963 thriller. (Plays Fri at midnight at Del Mar.) 63@3/4B3@ (PG-13;

129 min.) The power to commune with the dead is concentrated into former psychic George Lonegan (Matt Damon), but people

who have lost loved ones have to deal with his reluctance. Three parallel story lines all brush with death and meet in Lonegan, the man at the center of an exploration into the mysteries of death and life. Clint Eastwood directs. (Opens Fri at 41st Ave, Santa Cruz 9, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) 6=@7 A;=9C A/7:=@ 83@@G( B63 :743 =4 <=@;/< 9 1=::7<A

(2008) Full-length documentary explores the history of tattooing in America through the life of Norman “Sailor Jerry� Collins, the Honolulu-based


Movie reviews by Traci Hukill, Kate Jacobson, Tessa Stuart and Richard von Busack

tattoo artist who revolutionized the form during World War II. With protĂŠgĂŠs Don Ed Hardy and Michael Malone. (Plays Wed Oct 20 at 7pm at Del Mar.)

bedroom to see what it is) and alarmingly effective, if low-tech, special effects. (Plays Thu at 8pm at Del Mar.)

6=E: (Unrated; 136

min.) A family realizes that ignorance is bliss after they set up a surveillance system to monitor a series of “break-ins.� The “found footage� from the camera is all that remains of their misadventures, but it’s presumed that by the time the game is up, Charles Manson probably would’ve made a better houseguest. (Opens Fri at

min.) See review, page 27. (Opens Fri at the Nick.) >/@/<=@;/: /1B7D7BG (2007)

Oren Peli’s shakycamera horror flick scared the bejesus out of even seasoned scary moviegoers with its simple premise (something is disturbing a newlywed couple’s sleep, so they install a video camera in their

>/@/<=@;/: /1B7D7BG (R; 91

Del Mar, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) / >@/7@73 6=;3 1=;>/<7=< The radio

variety show is broadcast live for one night only. With host Garrison Keillor and guests Elvis Costello and Heather Masse. (Plays Thu at 8pm at Santa Cruz 9.) B63 A67<7<5 (1980) Stanley Kubrick’s production of the Stephen King novel stars Jack Nicholson as a writer gone insane over the course of a winter spent with his family in an haunted old hotel. With Shelley Duvall. (Plays Sat at midnight at Del Mar.)

Showtimes are for Wednesday, Oct. 20, through Wednesday, Oct. 27, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

/>B=A 17<3;/A

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

@SR — Daily 2:10; 4:30; 6:50; 9:10 plus Sat-Sun 11:50am. ASQ`SbO`WOb — Daily 1:30; 4; 6:30; 9. /\\WS 6OZZ — Sat -Sun 11am.

6S`SOTbS` — (Opens Fri) 1:05; 3:25; 4; 6:30; 7; 9:25; 9:55 plus Fri-Sun 12:15pm. 3Oag / — Wed-Thu 2:25; 4:45; 7:10; 9:25 8OQYOaa ! 2 — Wed-Thu 2:35; 5; 7:25; 9:50; Fri-Wed 12; 2:35; 4:55; 7:20; 9:45 plus

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.thenick.com

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com

Fri-Sun noon.

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/ 1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.cineluxtheatres.com 6S`SOTbS` — (Opens Fri) 11; 1:45; 4:30; 7:15; 10. 8OQYOaa ! 2 — Daily 12:45; 3; 5:20; 7:45; 10:10. BVS A]QWOZ <Sbe]`Y — Fri-Wed 11:10; 1:40; 4:15; 7; 9:40.

23: ;/@

1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com >O`O\]`[OZ /QbWdWbg — (Opens Thu 10pm and midnight) 1:30; 3:30; 4:30; 5:30;

7; 7:45; 9; 10 plus Fri-Sat 11pm and Sat-Sun 11:30am and 12:20pm. G]c EWZZ ;SSb O BOZZ 2O`Y Ab`O\US` — (Opens Fri) 2:45; 5; 7:10; 9:15 plus Sat-

Sun 12:30pm. 7\QS^bW]\ — Wed-Thu 9:10. 7b¸a 9W\R ]T O 4c\\g Ab]`g — Wed-Thu 2:30; 4:45; 7:15; 9:30 <SdS` :Sb ;S 5] — Wed-Thu 2:15; 4:30; 7 Fri-Wed 2:20. 6]`W A[]Yc AOWZ]` 8S``g — Wed Oct 20 at 7pm. >O`O\]`[OZ /QbWdWbg — Thu 8pm. BVS 6Oc\bW\U — Fri midnight. BVS AVW\W\U — Sat midnight.


Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com 6]eZ — (Opens Fri) 2:50; 5; 7:10; 9:20 plus Sat-Sun 12:50pm. 1ObTWaV — Wed-Thu 3; 9:20. 6SO`bP`SOYS` — Wed-Thu 5; 7:10. 7b¸a 9W\R ]T O 4c\\g Ab]`g — Fri-Wed 2:40; 4:50; 7; 9:10 plus Sat-Sun 12:40pm. <]eVS`S 0]g — Daily 2:30; 4:30; 6:50; 9; plus Sat-Sun 12:30pm. EOWbW\U T]` Ac^S`[O\ — Wed-Thu 1:40; 2:20; 3:50; 4:40; 6; 7; 8:10; 9:10; Fri-

Wed 2; 4:10; 6:30; 8:50 plus Sat-Sun 11:50am.

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7<

155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com 3Oag / — Fri-Sun 1:15; 7; Mon-Wed 7. :WTS Oa ES 9\]e 7b — Wed-Thu 4; 7; 9:45 Fri-Wed 4:15; 9:20. BVS B]e\ — Daily 1; 4; 6:45; 9:30 plus Fri-Sun 1pm. EOZZ Ab`SSb( ;]\Sg <SdS` AZSS^a — Wed-Thu 3:30; 6:30; 9:30.

8OQYOaa 2 — Daily 1; 3:15; 5:30; 7:50; 10:20. :SUS\R ]T bVS 5cO`RWO\a( BVS =eZa ]T 5O¸6]]ZS ! 2 — Wed-Thu 11:50;

2:10; 4:30; 7; 9:20; Fri-Wed 2:10; 4:30; 6:50; 9:15; plus Fri-Sun 11:50am. ;g A]cZ b] BOYS ! 2 — Wed-Thu 2:40; 5:10; 7:45; 10:10; Fri-Wed 2:10; 4:30; 6:50;

9:15 plus Fri-Sun 11:50am. @SR — Daily 2:15; 4:50; 7:30; 10:10; plus Fri-Sun 11:45 ASQ`SbO`WOb — Daily 1:10; 3:55; 6:45 9:30. BVS A]QWOZ <Sbe]`Y — Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:25; 7:15; 10pm; Fri-Wed 1:20; 4:15; 7:10; 10. BVS B]e\ — Wed-Thu 1:15; 4; 6:50; 9:40pm. ;Sb =^S`O :WdS( 0]`Wa 5]Rc\]d — Sat 9am / >`OW`WS 6][S 1][^O\W]\ — Thu 8pm. BVS AWZS\QS ]T bVS :O[Pa — Thu 8pm.

A1=BBA D/::3G 17<3;/

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260 www.cineluxtheatres.com 6S`SOTbS` — (Opens Fri) 1:45; 4:30; 7:15; 10 plus Fri-Sun 11am. >O`O\]`[OZ /QbWdWbg — (Opens Thu 10pm) Fri-Wed 1:20; 3:30; 5:45; 8; 10:10

plus Fri-Sun 11:20am. :SUS\R ]T bVS 5cO`RWO\a( BVS =eZa ]T 5O¸6]]ZS ! 2 — Fri-Wed 1:30; 4;

6:30; 8:45 plus Fri-Sun 11:10am. @SR — Fri-Wed 2; 4:40; 7:10; 9:45 plus Fri-Sun 11:30am. ASQ`SbO`WOb — Fri-Wed 1:30; 4; 6:30; 8:45 plus Fri-Sun 11am.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ &

1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com 6S`SOTbS` — (Opens Fri) 1:30; 4:15; 7:05; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11:05. >O`O\]`[OZ /QbWdWbg — (Opens Thu at 10pm and midnight) 1:30; 3:30; 5:30;

7:30; 9:35 plus Sat-Sun 11:15. 1OaS !' — Wed-Thu 3:45; 9:30. 3Oag / — Wed-Thu 1:30; 7. 8OQYOaa ! 2 — Daily 1:25; 3:30; 5:30; 7:30; 9:35 plus Sat-Sun 11am. :SUS\R ]T bVS 5cO`RWO\a( BVS =eZa ]T 5O¸6]]ZS 2 — Daily 1:20; 3:20; 5:20 plus Sat-Sun 11am. :Sb ;S 7\ — Wed-Thu 11; 1:30; 4:30; 7:05; 9:30. :WTS Oa ES 9\]e 7b — Daily 1:30; 4:15; 7:05; 9:30 plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. ;g A]cZ b] BOYS !# ;; — Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:25; 7; 9:25. @SR — Wed-Thu 1:25; 4:30; 7; 9:25 Fri-Wed 1:25; 4:30; 7; 9:25 plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. ASQ`SbO`WOb — Daily 1:30; 4:30; 7:10; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11am. BVS A]QWOZ <Sbe]`Y — Daily 1:30; 4:15; 7; 9:30; plus Sat-Sun 11am. BVS B]e\ — Daily 7; 9:30.

j '

A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 20-27, 2010 47:;

B63 A7:3<13 =4 B63 :/;0A (1991) The

scariest psycho-killer movie ever. Jodie Foster is an FBI agent trying to extract information from a manipulative, cannibalistic psychopath (Anthony Hopkins) in order to save a woman from another serial killer who skins his victims. (Plays Thu at 8pm at Santa Cruz 9.) G=C E7:: ;33B / B/:: 2/@9 AB@/<53@ (R; 98

min.) Plushly set but terminally awkward London-set comedy drama. The title transforms a fortune teller’s prediction into a sentence of doom, as per the line in Allen’s Cassandra’s Dream: “The only ship sure to come in has black sails.â€? Here is Allen’s customary theme: given the certainty of death and the absence of God, how to conduct oneself ? Better than these characters. Helena (Gemma Jones) and her husband, Alfie (Anthony Hopkins), have split, due to his terror of dying. He’s taken consolation with a ÂŁ500 a night prostitute named Charmaine (the wonderful Lucy Punch). She’s seeing a psychic and drinking a bit, though Allen doesn’t understand what this boozing might entail as either comedy or drama; alcohol is not his thing. Meanwhile, the couple’s daughter (Naomi Watts) is struggling with her own career as her husband, Roy (Josh Brolin), wrestles with his unpublishable novel. Roy has his own obsession with a girl across the courtyard (Frida Pinto, almost audibly pleading for direction). Punch is the salt of this movie, a leggy comedian who makes even the minor dumb blonde jokes sail. (Opens Fri at Del Mar.) (RvB)

@3D73EA 1/B47A6 (PG13; 94 min.) The new documentary Catfish does for social networking what 1999’s Blair Witch Project did for hand-held film. It deals with the problem of the realer-than-real illusion imparted by documentaries and

social networking. The narrow field of vision and depth in portable cameras creates some haunting images: the Michigan town, under flat blue skies, is as empty as the plaza in a de Chirico painting. The sequence of the team exploring a deserted farmhouse, by the green light of night vision at 3am, creates stomachturning tension. The payoff is diabolically plausible and definitely tragic: there’s true horror in such a pitiful need for recognition. (RvB) 3/AG / (PG-13; 95 min.) High school girl Olive (Emma Stone) gets her reputation ruined and decides to revel in it, accessorizing her outfits with the scarlet A she just read about in Nathaniel Hawthorne in English class. An urbane and sly comedy, vastly superior to Juno; the appealing lead name-checks John Hughes films but this surpasses his conformist work, despite director Will Gluck’s tendency to shoot the exteriors of Ojai homes with Nancy Meyers–like fussiness. Good work by Patricia Clarkson and Stanley Tucci as Olive’s debonair parents; Scripter Bert V. Royal’s gags are almost syncopated—this isn’t relentless joke-joke-joke. The laughs come with the grace of a word to the wise, and the sense on how to emphasize sting at just the right time. (RvB) 63/@B0@3/93@

(PG-13; 105 minutes) A French romantic comedy about three people who make a business (literally) of breaking-up other people’s relationships. Things go awry when they are hired by a rich man intent on preventing his daughter’s marriage to her true love. Stars Romain Duris and Vanessa Paradis. 7B¸A 97<2 =4 / 4C<<G AB=@G

(PG-13; 101 minutes) Based on the novel by Ned Vizzini, about a depressed teenager (played by Keir Gilchrist) who checks himself into a psychiatric hospital.

:353<2 =4 B63 5C/@27/<A (PG; 97

min.) A young owlet is kidnapped by older, evil birds and forced into the raptor equivalent of child military service until the wise old owls (stay with me here) who live on a mysterious island can be persuaded to come back and fight to liberate all owldom. :3B ;3 7< (R; 115

min.) Director Matt (Cloverfield) Reeves’ respect for the original Swedish film, Let the Right One In, makes this an honorable and chilling movie about the uncanny. It has that element of pity that results in genuine horror, instead of a series of ever-noisier and yet ever-diminishing shocks. The action takes place in Los Alamos, N.M., in the winter of 1983. Raised by a drunken but pious single mom, Owen (Kodi Smit-McPhee) is getting to the stage where he’s less interested in candy and more interested in knives. Skinny, pale and with disturbingly wideset eyes, he is a natural target for bullies. This is when Abby (Chloe Moretz) shows up. She’s a pale girl with dirty bare feet, and she only comes out at night. What Owen doesn’t know is that Abby’s father (Richard Jenkins) is a serial killer who ritually murders his victims. All in all, Reeves does a fine job of delivering the forlornness, solitude and shame of this story, which only uses the word “vampire� once: the focus is not on blood for blood’s sake but on the tragedy of inexplicable need. (RvB) <3D3@ :3B ;3 5= (R; 103 min.) Keira Knightly, Andrew Garfield and Carey Mulligan star in a tale (from the novel by Kasuo Ishiguro) of three boarding school chums who face a “haunting reality� along with the general bummer of growing up. <=E63@3 0=G (R;

98 min.) Once upon a time John Lennon was just a boy living in Liverpool. Examining his adolescent years finds a clashing relationship with mother and aunt, the first meeting with

B63 @3:C1B/<B >AG1671!!Nbuu!Ebnpo!)xjui!Cszdf!Ebmmbt!Ipxbse-!mfgu*!jt!b!!


Paul McCartney and the birth of the band that would evolve into the biggest rock sensation to roll stateside. Starring Aaron Johnson. @32 (PG-13; 111 min.) Bruce Willis is a retired black-ops CIA agent at loose ends until a hightech assassin comes to pick him off, at which point he assembles his old team and gets the brass at Langley all in a tizzy. With Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren, Richard Dreyfuss, MaryLouise Parker and Karl Urban. A31@3B/@7/B (PG; 116 minutes) Today’s riddle: When is a horse a bum steer? I was ready to believe that Seabiscuit ended the Depression. You have to give a good film some slack. I was alive in 1973, the year Secretariat won the Triple Crown. I don’t recall his victory healing our divisions over the Vietnam War, though director Randall Wallace coaxes us to believe it’s true. Secretariat is inbred—the offspring of too many similar sports films. It’s relentlessly thick—custard-thick— and cheap-looking, too, and its story is as fishy as 3-day-old salmon; it tries to make an underhorse out of a very blueblooded steed. Diane

Lane, ordinarily a fine actress, gets no help from the script which seems to be trying to make her an anti-heroine. Lane plays thoroughbred breeder Penny Chenery. Ultimately, Secretariat is more fundraising pitch than race track action. (RvB)

wild, witty script hands out punishment that goes beyond the financial penalties: this is a comedy in the Balzac sense, a balancing act; the mockery and the disgust for greed matches the essential lightness of the situation. It’s only Facebook, after all. (RvB)

B63 A=17/: <3BE=@9 (PG-13;

B63 B=E< (R; 125

120 min.) Fiendishly clever and funny movie about the creation of an Internet monster. As Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Jesse Eisenberg gives a master class on recessive acting: he’s beady eyed and covert, with the occasional pit-viper-like sway of a truculent, lowered forehead. The film shuttles between the present-day deposition of the now arrogantly rich Zuckerberg, as he’s sued by a quartet of burned partners (among them his former best friend Eduardo, played by Andrew Garfield). In flashback, we see his own history—a Jewish student at WASP-ridden Harvard, a social reject whose grudge-hacking was his entry into fame. Later, Zuckerberg meets the founder of Napster, Sean Parker—played by Justin Timberlake, excellent as a happy wastrel. Aaron Sorkin’s

min.) Routine plotting, if some rousing action sequences, in this Boston crime drama with Ben Affleck, a hunk-sized hole in the screen. It’s the old two-brothers plot, foster brothers though they be: Affleck as criminal paragon and his younger nuttybuddy Jim (Jeremy Renner of The Hurt Locker) ready to lash out and hurt someone. We keep waiting for Jon Hamm’s unshaven FBI agent Frawley to rattle the cages. It’s Blake Lively, as an Oxycontinfancying tramp, who gets the brunt of Hamm’s power; she does some excellent reacting to a little bar-side lecture Hamm gives about a $20 bill. Rebecca Hall has too much presence to be just the girl whose entry into the plot causes friction between the two main thieves. The muchrewritten script is choppy and undermotivated, though Chris Cooper and Pete Postlethwaite

are outstanding in tiny roles. (RvB) E/7B7<5 4=@ AC>3@;/< (PG; 102

min.) The vast problems of the U.S. public school system distilled into a quick documentary. Davis Guggenheim (An Inconvenient Truth) follows five young students as they try to get into private schools. (One is eighth-grader Emily of Redwood City, whose parents are concerned that she’ll be pushed onto a noncollege track.) It’s Guggenheim’s contention that school funding has doubled while test scores continue to descend. Yet this documentary has the kind of ideology even Meg Whitman can wrap herself around: you can watch it and come to the conclusion that privatization and union-busting is the answer—the same answer we’ve been given since the 1980s. This may not have been Guggenheim’s intention. But as always in this passionate-intensity style documentary, there’s the possibility of deliberate misreading, thanks to the lethal combo of stridency and slipperiness. (RvB) E/:: AB@33B( ;=<3G <3D3@ A:33>A (PG-13; 133

min.) The film starts

with a critique of capitalism that doesn’t really want to critique capitalism and keeps going. Shia LeBeouf plays Jake Moore, who is busting his figs on the Street to finance his pet project, described as “that little energy company in California.� Turns out that his girlfriend is Gordon Gekko’s estranged daughter Winnie (Carey Mulligan). Gekko (Michael Douglas) has reformed and written a book called Is Greed Good? and is blatting out platitudes. Director Oliver Stone’s wellknown immunity to shame flabbergasts you anew. The world has changed since the 1987 original. Here, it’s the stale breath of melodrama that overwhelms you, not the breathtaking qualities of the barbs aimed at the master class. (RvB) G=C /5/7< (PG; 105 min.) Two motherdaughter pairs (Jamie Lee Curtis and Kristin Bell as the bubbly blondes; Sigourney Weaver and Odette Yustma as the wicked brunettes) carry their high school rivalries from one generation to the next. With obligatory hilarious innuendo provided by Betty White.

! j 27<3@¸A 5C723 october 20-27, 2010 A/<B/1@CH 1=;

Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages

/>B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com. American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, lunch 11am-2pm, dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves superfresh 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


California cuisine. Nightly specials include prime rib and lobster. Daily 7am-2am.

203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz


$ Santa Cruz

16/@:73 6=<5 9=<5

$$ Santa Cruz $$ Santa Cruz

1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588

1141 Soquel Ave, 831. 426.5664


110 Church St, 831.429.2000 B63 1@3>3 >:/13

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$ Santa Cruz

460 Seventh Ave, 831.477.2908

4/<2/<5= ;3F71/<

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. California organic meets Southeast Asian street food. Organic noodle & rice bowls, vegan menu, fish & meat options, Vietnamese-style sandwiches, eat-in or to-go. Consistent winner “Best Cheap Eats.� Open daily 11am-11pm. American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Mexican. Serving breakfast all day. Popular for our street tacos and handmade Salvadoran pupusas. Vegetarian options made w/ local fresh vegetables & organic tofu. Daily 9: 30am-9:30pm. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm.

j !

A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 20-27, 2010 27<3@¸A 5C723

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

$$ Santa Cruz

7 :=D3 ACA67

$$ Santa Cruz

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close. Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm. Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily.

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782

Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Tues-Thurs 5:30-9:30pm. Fri and Sat 5:30-10pm. Sundays 5-8pm. Closed on Mondays

$$ Santa Cruz

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon.

$$ Santa Cruz


49B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 >/17471 B6/7

1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

@=G/: B/8 1C7A7<3

Santa Cruz

270 Soquel Ave, 831.427.2400

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930

$$ Santa Cruz

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

$$ Santa Cruz

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010

$$ Santa Cruz


C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Indian. World-famous Indian curries, vegetarian and nonvegetarian dishes. Authentic Indian food at affordable prices. $8.95 lunch buffet Mon-Thu 11:30am -2:30pm; Fri-Sun 11am-3pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am. Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Dinner Sun-Thu 5-10pm Fri-Sat 5-11pm. Wine shop Sun/Mon 5-10pm, Tue-Sat noon-close. Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm. Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. $ 87/ B3::/¸A Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

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32 |

october 20-27, 2010 SANTACRUZ.COM

j !!

A/<B/1@CH 1=; october 20-27, 2010 /AB@=:=5G

Astrology Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of October 20 /@73A (March 21–April 19): “There’s one ultimate goal during sex,� says Cosmopolitan magazine, a renowned source of erotic guidance for women. That is “to be as sensually stimulated as possible.� I don’t quite agree with that assessment. Having emotionally pleasing fun should also be an important consideration, as well as creating a playful ambiance and invoking spiritual grace. But sensual stimulation is good, too. So what, in the view of Cosmopolitan, is the key to cultivating maximum bliss? “Having lots of steamy info at your disposal.� That’s definitely sound advice for you right now, Aries. You’re in a favorable phase for finding out more about everything that will enhance your access to delight, including the sexual kind. B/C@CA (April 20–May 20): When the tide is coming in, the creek I live next to f lows vigorously toward the south. When the tide’s going out, the water reverses its course and heads swiftly north. Every day, there’s an in-between time when the creek seems confused. Some currents creep south and others slink north, while here and there eddies whirl in circles. According to my understanding of the astrological omens, Taurus, you are temporarily in a phase that resembles my creek’s time of contrary f lows. It’s a perfectly natural place to be. 53;7<7 (May 21–June 20): In fifth grade I was in love with Calley, who was the by far prettiest girl in the school. Sadly, she didn’t return my affection, so I had to be content with adoring her from afar. Eventually I moved away and lost touch. Since then I’ve wondered if she suffered the fate that befalls too many gorgeous women: relying so entirely on her looks to make her way in the world that she never developed many skills. But recently I tracked Calley down via Google and discovered that she had beaten the curse: She has carved out a career as an activist bringing first-rate education to poor children. My question to you is this, Gemini: Are there any qualities you regarded as assets earlier in your life but that eventually turned into liabilities? Any strengths that became weaknesses? And what are you doing to adjust? It’s a good time to address these themes.

1/<13@ (June 21–July 22): Think back to the last half of 1998. What was going on in your life back then? According to my astrological projections, you were probably carrying out experiments in a wild frontier . . . or getting your mind rearranged by rousing teachings and provocative revelations . . . or breaking through artificial limits that had been quashing your freedom . . . or all of the above. Now you’ve come around again to a similar phase of your grand cycle. Are you ready for action? If you’d like to gather up all the grace f lowing in your vicinity, start having fun with escapes, experiments, and expansions. :3= (July 23–Aug. 22): “I wish I treated my feet with the same tender loving care as I do my face,� wrote Catherine Saint Louis in The New York Times. “But I don’t.� She quotes a study that says more than half of all women are embarrassed about their feet, and notes that Facebook has many “I Hate Feet� groups. You Leos can’t afford to be under this spell right now. Even more than usual, it’s crucial for you to be well-grounded. So I suggest you maneuver yourself into a state of mind where earthiness is beautiful and appealing to you. Find ways to celebrate your body and improve your relationship with it. How to start? Love your feet better. D7@5= (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): At this phase of my life, I’m not canvassing door-to-door asking people to donate money to save old growth forests. I’m not a member of groups fighting for an end to the war in Afghanistan or agitating in behalf of animal rights. My struggle for social and environmental justice is waged primarily through the power of my writing. I subscribe to the attitude of author Ingrid Bengis, who said, “Words are a form of action, capable of inf luencing change.� In the coming weeks, I suggest you increase your awareness of how you could transform your world with the power of your language. Is it possible to increase your clout through the way you communicate? :70@/ (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): In the weeks ahead, Libra, you’re going to be tested on your followthrough. People will want you to work harder on what has previously come fairly easily. You will be pressured to make good on your promises; you’ll be asked to refine the details that are central to

the success of the good new ideas that are f loating around. As much as you might be tempted to slip away and f ly off in pursuit of things that are more fun, I encourage you to stick with the program. You can’t imagine how important it is for you to learn how to be a more committed builder.

A1=@>7= (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): “If you’re strong enough there are no precedents,� said novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald. I think that describes you in the immediate future, Scorpio. I bet you won’t have to answer to ghosts or pay homage to the way things have always been done. You’ll be free to ignore icons that the conventional wisdom idolizes, and there’ll be no need for you to give undeserved respect to experts who have stopped being relevant. By my astrological reckoning, you will be so smart and plucky and energetic that you can work wonders simply by emptying your mind, starting from scratch, and making things up as you go along.

A/57BB/@7CA (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): Scientists have discovered an exotic animal that feeds on the bones of dead whales lying on the ocean f loor. Known informally as the bone-eating snot-f lower worm, it looks like a frilly pink plume growing up out of sheer bone. Believe it or not, Sagittarius, you could take a cue from this creature in the coming weeks. It will be a favorable time for you to draw sustenance from the skeletal remains of big things that were once vital. 1/>@71=@< (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): What is the wild and instinctual nature? Radiance magazine posed that question to storyteller Clarissa Pinkola Estes. Here’s her reply: “to establish territory, to find one’s pack, to be in one’s body with certainty and pride regardless of the body’s gifts and limitations, to speak and act in one’s behalf, to be aware, alert, to draw on the innate feminine powers of intuition and sensing, to come into one’s cycles, to find what one belongs to.� I would love to see you specialize in these wild and instinctual arts in the coming weeks, Capricorn. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you are ready to tap into the deeper reserves of your animal intelligence. Your body is primed to make you very smart about what you need and how to get what you need.

/?C/@7CA (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): When I think of the extraordinary feats of strength you will be capable of in the coming weeks, my mind turns to a Chinese martial artist named Dong Changsheng. Last May, he attached one end of a rope to his eyelids and the other end to a small airplane, then pulled the thousandpound load 15 feet in a minute. I don’t think your demonstration of power will be as literal as his, and I suspect it will be more useful and meaningful. But in certain respects it could be just as amazing. >7A13A (Feb. 19–March 20): Scottish scientists decided to see if they could find evidence for the existence of the Loch Ness monster. They took a research submarine down into the murky depths, scanning with sonar. The prehistoric creature was nowhere in sight, but a surprising discovery emerged: Thousands of golf balls litter the bottom of the loch, presumably because the place has been used as an unofficial driving range for years. I predict that you will soon experience a reverse version of this sequence, Pisces: You will go in search of your personal equivalent of lost golf balls—some trivial treasure—but on the way you will have a brush with a living myth.

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Go to @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; to check out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone &%% &%! "&&& or 1.900.950.7700

34 |





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Judy Ziegler, GRI, CRS Cornucopia Real Estate 1001 Center Street - Suite 5 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Phone: 831-429-8080 Fax: 831-429-2898 judy@cornucopia.com URL: www.cornucopia.com

JACK AND JILL In talking to some friends lately, I came across this scenario. Jack and Jill do not know each other but they both bought their homes 30 years ago here in Santa Cruz. Their stories begin in nearly identical fashion. Jack bought a little beach cottage near the water on the Westside for around $150,000. Jill purchased a small 3 bedroom more contemporary home on the Eastside for around the same price. Now they are both 65 and hoping to retire in the very near future. Jack will and Jill canʼt. Jack, aka Mr. Careful, always maintained a retirement savings program. From each paycheck he put 10% into his special account. He was a teacher so it took careful budgeting and cautious spending. It paid off for Jack, now his home is paid for and he has his savings and work related programs that ensure his retirement and is looking forward to traveling around Europe for a year with the rent he will procure from his home in his absence. After that, well, he has lots of plans. Jill, on the other hand, got swept up in refinancing her home several times throughout the years. At each re-fi, the clock went back to year one and another 30 year period. She also added an equity line when the getting was easy. Now she has a large mortgage to pay, a huge equity-line payment to make and with all the money she borrowed against her home, she has a very small equity position, her loan has 19 years to go and little chance for retirement for many years if ever, as she had no savings or retirement planning. However, she does have a very nice new car and she remodeled her entire home back in the days. The small amount she would receive from her home, if she sold it, would be quickly consumed. Now her only hope is to find some good roommates and share her home. Todayʼs buyers are in a different arena. It will take a long time before significant equity will build up. I would encourage anyone buying a property today to be very prudent and plan on paying off your mortgage completely, to not borrow against it, as it may be the only savings/retirement plan you have. If you pay off your mortgage by the age of 65 or so, and have a careful plan you can do it. If things get too hectic in later years with your home paid off you can take a reverse mortgage which should carry you through the “golden” years. If you have extra money, instead of the stock market consider purchasing a rental which breaks even, with a good down payment, and take a 20 year loan. We have historically low home prices and loan interest rates are at an all time low. After 20 years, your tenants have generously paid off your mortgage, now you have income coming in, your home paid for and you can enjoy your dotage with some reassurance.( If you can remember to.) Itʼs never too early or too late. Donʼt miss the train because the train keeps on going— get up there in first class or get left behind looking for a spot for your sleeping bag under the bridge on a cold and rainy day.

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Stained glass & skylights throughout, lovely landscaping, two artists’ studios. 3 BR, 2 BA in convenient location $724,900. Call Terry Cavanagh at Pacific Sun Properties 831-471-2424 x105. Visit www.114sutphen.com.


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Live in the n of Santa Cruz Asking $135,000 • Co-op membership park • 1 Bedroom plus Large private garden • Beautiful paneling throughout • Go green, walk everywhere! • Spacious bath with custom vanity • BBQ area and equipped clubhouse Low income co-op park. Annual income requirements at time of purchase. Call for details.


Judy Ziegler ph: 831-429-8080 cell: 831-334-0257

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