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Frog Jam p7 • Grisman’s New Music Moment p19 • Earth Day at The Market p33

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p24 p26

F I L M p30 P L AT E D






ON THE COVER The Milky Way galaxy with large and small Magellanic Clouds. (Photo courtesy NASA, ESA, M. Robberto and the Hubble Space Telescope Orion Treasury Project)

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Posts. Messages &

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(thukill@santacruzweekly.com) STAFF WRITERS B3AA/ ABC/@B (tstuart@santacruzweekly.com) @716/@2 D=< 0CA/19 (richard@santacruzweekly.com) CONTRIBUTING EDITOR 16@7AB7</ E/B3@A POETRY EDITOR @=03@B AE/@2 EDITORIAL ASSISTANT @/163: 323:AB37< EDITORIAL INTERN ;/G/ E339A CONTRIBUTORS @=0 0@3HA<G >/C: ; 2/D7A ;716/3: A 5/<B /<2@3E 57:03@B 1/B 8=6<A=<

<=B A7;>:3 ;7<2A GARY FOUSE shares his notions (“Campus Crusaders,� Posts, April 6) that there is rampant anti-Semitism on all UC campuses. Him declaring he’s not Jewish but denouncing this rampant “hostility� rings suspiciously that he’s being fed one-sided material. I have to wonder, though, how the antiSemitism came to be. It seems a growing number of UC students are opposed to the aggression and human rights violations by Israel. UC students as well as university students nationwide have historically been politically active. They have staged demonstrations and sit-ins over the Vietnam War, the Cambodian slaughter of a million villagers, the Soviet

Union’s occupation of weaker nations: the students opposed these countries’ policies, not the country’s citizens or ethnic groups. Berkeley and UCLA, for instance, nearly rioted over LBJ’s sending combat units to Nam. That didn’t mean they were anti-U.S. citizen. But criticize Israel’s brutality and illegal occupation of other nation’s lands, and it’s anti-Semitic. That’s a pathetic way to answer concerns over the Israeli government’s wrongdoings. That’s oversimplification to the extreme; problem is the pro-Israel leagues cannot expect the general public to be that simpleminded. Theodore F. Meyer, Santa Cruz


1@3E2 B316<7?C3 RE: “Great White Fight� (Currents, April 6): Not being a scientist, I don’t feel qualified to argue the merits of this type of research, but I did watch this particular episode and a more bungled, amateur operation I have never seen. The failure to insert the pins in the gate which led to this shark having a buoy in its mouth despite one of the crew noticing on camera that the pins were missing before this operation went ahead is just one example. These people should not be allowed within 20 miles of these sharks, let alone hooking them in a marine sanctuary. I’m stunned this was allowed to happen and I’ll be writing to whatever officials I can find to express my extreme disappointment.

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Brian Troxel

A1=BB ;/11:3::/<2 AB3D3 >/:=>=:7 >/C: E/5<3@

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E/GA B= A/D3 RE: “Liquid Assets� (Currents, April 13): I have to respectfully disagree with Joyce Ambrosius. Most of the people I’ve asked don’t conserve water as much as they could. Many see all the rain and the full reservoirs and think there is no need to conserve. Or, as in San Lorenzo Valley, we’re punished with an increase in our water rates when we do conserve. But there are all sorts of additional ways to save water: rainwater harvesting, gray water systems and permeable pavement. Perhaps we could include these easy-to-add systems when planning new buildings.

27A>:/G /2D3@B7A7<5 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES /:713 1=:0G (alice@santacruz.com) 8=13:G< ;/1<37: (jocelyn@santacruz.com) 7:/</ @/C16 >/193@ (ilana@santacruz.com)

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Nina Moore

A/;3 0A IN MONTEREY, we are hearing the same BS. Apparently, it’s too expensive to catch the rainwater pouring into the ocean. But a $500 million desal plant that will quadruple the cost of water is not “too expensive�—and all our water board candidates are talking about is public ownership of [water company] CalAm—as if that will make it rain more. L. Fitz





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Amphibious Assault



The battle to save the frogs is on THE WORLD’S a better place with frogs,� says devout amphibianlover Kerry Kriger. Kriger is sitting in his Santa Cruz office, his arms and legs crossed and his shoes kicked off to reveal white socks. “For me it’s enough just protecting wilderness because I like wilderness,� he says. “It’s our ethical responsibility to other organisms on the planet.� Kriger is headed April 29 for the steps of the Environmental Protection Agency, where he will protest the use of Atrazine, a chemical compound used mostly on corn and which mimics estrogen. The most commonly detected pesticide in American groundwater, Atrazine is currently under review for repeal by the EPA. “It’s rare that any pesticide ever approved comes back for review,� says Kriger of the Swiss-made product, which the European Union banned in 2004. “There’s so much scientific evidence of its harm.� Kriger says a tiny drop of Atrazine—less than three parts


per billion in a water supply—can transform male frogs into females. “They have permeable skin, so they’re absorbing anything bad that gets in the water,� says Kriger with an almost indistinguishable lisp. As he talks, he searches his pants and black shirt for microscopic pieces of lint, which he is constantly pulling off. Kriger, who received his Ph.D. in environmental science doing amphibian research in Australia, founded Santa Cruz–based Save the Frogs in February 2009. Today, his battle against Atrazine is part of a Save the Frogs Day celebration, an event now entering its third year. Later this month, 200 cities across 30 countries will host rallies to protect frogs in a small part of Kriger’s uphill climb on behalf of amphibians, the fastest disappearing animal class on the planet. For a variety of reasons like destroyed habitats, frog harvesting and invasive species, amphibians are disappearing from the planet. Based on fossil records, Kriger estimates they’re going extinct at 3,000 times the natural rate. That

Creative singles in Santa Cruz will have a new hangout before long. At least that’s what C^cV H^bdc, the newly appointed executive director of the BjhZjb d[ 6gi VcY =^hidgn, has promised. “My dream is that a museum should be like the ultimate pick-up spot,� says Simon. Although strobe lights and fog machines have not been ruled out, Simon is talking about the objects and artifacts inside providing a launch pad for interesting conversation, anecdotes and, yes, flirting. One problem: Many people don’t even know what (or even where) the MAH is. Simon has vowed to change this when she takes over on May 2, and there’s good reason to believe her. Chosen from a pool of 80 applicants, Simon has spent the last several years traveling all over the world as a museum consultant and exhibition design expert. She was also curator of Tech Virtual at the Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose and was Experience Development specialist at the International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C. “I feel like the museum should be the cultural hub and pulse of the community. We’re not here to tell someone else’s story—we’re here to celebrate the creativity and history of our county, our culture. There are so many great stories walking down Pacific Avenue every day,� says Simon, who plans on capturing and preserving these stories. Interactive exhibits, “exhibit jams� created on the spot, a revamped Abbott Square plaza and maybe even a musical staircase are among the many tricks Simon has up her sleeve. “We talk about the Santa Cruz vibe, and I feel like we should walk in and get some sort of Santa Cruz welcome, like visitors to Hawaii get lei’d. I’m not sure what yet, but maybe some Santa Cruz Weekly reader has a good idea,� says Simon as she stands in the wide-open lobby, eyes alight with infinite possibilities. —Maria Grusauskas <W\O AW[]\ eSZQ][Sa acUUSabW]\a 3[OWZ VS` Ob \W\O.[caSc[be] Q][

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FROGGER Kerry Kriger with a juvenile Pacman frog. Kriger is working to outlaw Atrazine, a pesticide that renders 75 percent of male frogs sterile and turns one in 10 female.

estimate is a conservative one. Malcolm McCallum, managing editor of Herpetological Conservation and Biology, estimated in a 2007 study that amphibians may be becoming extinct at between 25,000 and 40,000 times the natural rate. “No matter what the number is, it’s unprecedented in the history of the planet that anything could be going extinct this fast,� says McCallum. “For amphibians in general the rate of extinction at which these animals is going is just off the chart.� For millions of years amphibians have served as an important link in the food chain between the biting, disease-carrying bugs they eat and the reptiles, mammals and birds that in turn eat them. Tadpoles help clean and filter drinking water by eating algae before supplies even leave reservoirs and streams. Ten percent of Nobel Prize–winning research has been done on amphibians. Today research is being done on the Southern Orangeeyed Tree Frog, whose skin contains a peptide that could prove useful for an HIV vaccine. “Anything frogs can do that we cannot do is something that we can learn from [them]. But if they’re extinct, there’s no chance,� says Kriger. In addition to his Washington, D.C., rally, Kriger is coordinating a Santa Cruz gathering on Save the Frogs Day to remove non-native vegetation from Antonelli Pond behind Natural Bridges State Beach, where invasive American bullfrogs are gobbling up endangered California red-legged frogs. In San Francisco, frog supporters will decry the Sharp Park Golf Course built on wetlands that are home to the same endangered amphibians. In New York City, under Kriger’s planning and guidance, picketers will turn their energies to Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs, which sells frog legs at their Coney Island location. “He is focused on this,� says McCallum. “He took this [cause] under his wing and decided to dedicate his life to it.�





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I N AN interview with C-SPAN last August, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy was asked what non-lawyer, alive or deceased, he’d like to share the bench with. The swing voter in the nation’s highest court hemmed and hawed. He’d interview Plato, he deadpanned, but wouldn’t hire him. His old high school classmate Joan Didion might be a good choice. When he finally settled on two names, both were scientists, and one was UC–Santa Cruz astrophysics professor Joel R. Primack, a specialist in the formation of galaxies and the nature of the confounding, universally present substance known as dark matter. “If, in my own lifetime and maybe in yours, we could discover the nature of dark matter, we would have a unified theory of creation for the first time in human history,� Kennedy said. “And that would solidify the bonds of humankind.� That’s a big job for science to do. But Kennedy had read The View From the Center of the Universe, the 2006 book Primack wrote with his wife, UCSC philosophy professor Nancy Ellen Abrams. That volume, based on the popular course the couple started teaching at UCSC in 1995 (now cancelled because of cutbacks), addressed the idea that for the first time in the hundreds of years since science split from religion, humans have the opportunity for a unified

understanding of their place in the universe. More than that, Abrams’ and Primack’s first book suggested that humans enjoy a privileged place in the cosmos thanks to long-ago tiny accidents of chance and substance; eons later, we really are the perfect composition and size for intelligence, and we are very likely unique in the universe. That combination of data and reassurance could add up to a new globally accepted creation story, they posited—a shared story that could “solidify the bonds of humankind,â€? as Kennedy put it. Five years later Abrams and Primack have taken the central concept of their first book and built on it. The New Universe and the Human Future: How a Shared Cosmology Could Transform the World addresses the shared creation story as the starting point for common global action on pressing problems like climate change and the little-known phenomenon of space debris. It also draws parallels between human evolution and the evolution of the cosmos (see excerpt, page 12). On a recent warm spring afternoon, the couple sat on the deck of their Westside home overlooking the bay and explained a little more about their project, starting with the fundamental proposition, sure to raise secular eyebrows, that humans are unique in the cosmos. ¨

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UCSC professors Nancy Ellen Abrams and Joel R. Primack once again bring philosophy and astronomy together in a powerful new book about the cosmos—this one offering hope for a troubled planet

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Star Witnesses


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“We found that our students typically came into our course having this idea that they’re insignificant motes in a universe that doesn’t care,� says Primack. “But the peak of complexity doesn’t happen on the large end of the size scale.� “We’re the perfect size,� says Abrams. “We are. It’s like a Goldilocks size.� “This is physics and biology,� says Primack. “Once you understand it, it’s just the way it is. So we shouldn’t feel that we’re insignificant compared to the gigantic things.� Once humans understand the cosmos and our unique place in it, the authors say, we can start making rational decisions for the long term and hopefully extend our planet’s livability. Says Abrams, “Once you understand how to think cosmically—how to understand the very long term, because we’re part of this enormous flow, this wonderful process of the evolution of intelligent life out of particles, and it’s amazing we’re here at all—if you start to think from that standpoint, you’ll see a new way of thinking about the problems you happen to be expert in.� As if in preparation for a computer-savvy, forward-thinking audience, the book contains innovative symbols (linked, in the

case of the iPad version) pointing to videos on their website, several with very high production values (Pixar and NOVA are represented among the credits) and more than one featuring music composed by Abrams herself. Asked who they hope will read their book, Abrams doesn’t hesitate. “I’d like high school students to read it,� she says. “I would. Yale [University Press] is putting this at the top of their list of graduation presents, which I think is just great. Because this really is a book for young people. This says, ‘You don’t have to fall into the same old thinking traps as old people.’ It really is about finding a new way of looking at the universe and an optimistic but convincing way to look at reality.� THE NEW UNIVERSE AND THE HUMAN FUTURE: 6]e O AVO`SR 1]a[]Z]Ug 1]cZR B`O\aT]`[ bVS E]`ZR Pg <O\Qg 3ZZS\ /P`O[a O\R 8]SZ @ >`W[OQY GOZS C\WdS`aWbg >`Saa !& ^OUSa &

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‘This Cosmically Pivotal Moment’ Excerpts from The New Universe and the Human Future 7\ 1VO^bS` # ]T bVSW` ^`]d]QObWdS \Se P]]Y /P`O[a O\R >`W[OQY [OYS bVS QOaS bVOb eS O`S ZWdW\U Ob bVS Âľ[WR^]W\b ]T bW[S ]\ [cZbW^ZS bW[SaQOZSa Âś 4W`ab Wa bVS Q]a[WQ bW[SaQOZS ÂľBVS`S eWZZ \SdS` OUOW\ PS a] [O\g UOZOfWSa dWaWPZS Âś bVSg e`WbS PSQOcaS bVS c\WdS`aS Wa Sf^O\RW\U O\R UOZOfWSa O`S RWaO^^SO`W\U ]dS` bVS V]`Wh]\ ]T eVOb eS QO\ aSS ASQ]\R ]c` a]ZO` agabS[ Wa OP]cb VOZTeOg bV`]cUV Wba Sf^SQbSR ZWTSa^O\ ]T OP]cb PWZZW]\ gSO`a eVWQV eWZZ S\R eWbV ]c` ac\ U]W\U ac^S`\]dO BVW`R eS O`S VOZTeOg bV`]cUV bVS `]cUVZg PWZZW]\ gSO` ^S`W]R eVS\ Q][^ZSf ZWTS ]\ 3O`bV QO\ SfWab) W\ O\]bVS` # [WZZW]\ gSO`a bVS SdS` eO`[W\U ac\ eWZZ [OYS ca O RSaS`b ^ZO\Sb /\R T]c`bV bVSg e`WbS Vc[O\Wbg Wa Ob O ^Wd]bOZ [][S\b W\ bVS aS\aS bVOb Wb¸a O^^`]OQVW\U bVS S\R ]T O ^S`W]R ]T dS`g `O^WR U`]ebV O\R QO\ \]e WT Wb QV]]aSa QVO\US Wba PSVOdW]` b] Q`SObS O []`S acabOW\OPZS Tcbc`S ]\ 3O`bV

At the very moment that we are discovering our place in the cosmos, we are reaching the end of a period of explosive worldwide growth in both the human population and the physical impact of each one of us on the planet. This period of explosive growth has gone on longer than the lifetime of anyone now living, and therefore it seems normal, even inevitable. But from a larger perspective it is not normal at all and cannot last. In 1800 there were about a billion people on Earth. In the past two centuries the population has increased by a factor of six, or six times. In the twentieth century alone the population doubled and then doubled again. Let’s look at a graph tracing the growth of the human population over the past two thousand years.

Exponential growth always looks more or less like this curve: it rises slowly, then shoots up sharply like a bent elbow. Growth of something is “exponential� whenever the rate of growth is proportional to the amount of whatever is growing—in other words, the more there is, the faster the rate at which it grows. In biology, a species can get into runaway reproduction and grow exponentially, but if it then overconsumes the resources of its ecological niche, there is an abrupt die-off. Take, for example, a hypothetical bloom of pond scum that doubles each day. It starts slowly, but speeds up. Until the last couple of days, the pond looks nice and the fish are happy, but on the last day the scum chokes the whole pond and everything dies. It looks a lot like the graph of the human population over the last millennium. As we write this book, the world population is approaching seven billion. Population experts agree that Earth cannot support another doubling of the human population. We will hit a limit before that. Hitting a limit is inevitable not only for the human population but probably even sooner for the exponential growth of natural resource use by each person. While population was increasing six times, carbon dioxide emissions increased twenty times, energy use thirty times, world gross domestic product a hundred times, and mobility per person a thousand times! If all the people in the world were to consume like Americans, which many aspire to do, it would take the resources of four Planet Earths. A typical person in the United States uses his or her weight in materials, fuel and food every day. The United States and

GROWING UP!!Uijt!hsbqi!tipxjoh!ivnbo!qpqvmbujpo!hspxui!dpvme!qpjou! upxbse!sftpvsdf!efqmfujpo!boe!tqfdjft!ejf.pggÒps!b!cfuufs!pvudpnf-!xjui!uif! vojwfstf!bt!b!npefm/ a few other countries have been dumping far more than our share of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and oceans. Clearly, we are beginning to hit material limits. Increases in greenhouse gases are now causing worldwide climate changes, the effects of which we are seeing in the form of record-breaking heat waves and storms and the melting of the polar icecaps. We are running out of fresh water and topsoil worldwide. We have destroyed more than half of the earth’s forests and wetlands, and we are appropriating for our own consumption a large and increasing fraction of the biological productivity of the entire earth. Our actions are killing not just individual organisms but wiping out entire species at the greatest rate since the extinction of the dinosaurs and many other species after the meteor impact sixty-five million years ago. What most people do not understand, because it is counterintuitive, is how little time is left once an exponential trend becomes noticeable at all. The pond scum doesn’t seem to be a danger to the pond until the next-to-the-last day. This is why we need to figure out quickly how to transition out of the current period of worldwide human inflationary growth as gently and justly as possible. Cosmology can help—by providing a model for this seemingly insurmountable task. The model fits because this pivotal moment for humanity is mirroring the most important pivot point in history: the beginning of our universe.

Our narrative is going to step backward here to explain what may have occurred in the instant leading to the Big Bang. Then we’ll show the way humanity today is mirroring that instant and how we might be able to use this knowledge to transition out of this dangerous period in a way demonstrated by the universe to work. According to the theory of Cosmic Inflation, just before the Big Bang (or at the very beginning of the Big Bang, depending on how you choose to look at it) there was a very brief period of about 10–32 seconds during which the universe expanded exponentially; in other words, in each successive unit of time it doubled in size, again and again. Then this exponential growth ended abruptly in what we call the Big Bang, after which the universe continued to expand, but far more slowly. Cosmic Inflation is the only theory known that explains how the Big Bang could have gotten started—how the right initial conditions could have existed for the Big Bang to have happened the way it did. The theory predicts exactly the small differences from place to place that could grow with cold dark matter into the galaxy distribution that astronomers actually observe throughout the visible universe: the great chains, clusters, and superclusters of galaxies that lie along the filaments in the cosmic web. These small differences arose from quantum effects that occurred during the cosmic inflation. The theory of Cosmic Inflation ¨ "

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COVER STORY ‘THIS COSMICALLY PIVOTAL MOMENT’ makes six predictions, and as of this writing five have been tested and found to agree with observations. The theory also appears to be compatible with modern particle physics theories, so it is definitely to be taken very seriously. The shape of the curve representing cosmic inflation looks like the curve of human population or of pond scum—the only difference is the time between doublings, which for cosmic inflation was not years or days but an almost inconceivably tiny fraction of a second. If the theory is right, in the 10–32 seconds before the Big Bang the universe expanded just as much, in powers of ten, as it has expanded in the 13.7 billion years since! ... [T]he size that the presently visible universe had reached by the end of cosmic inflation was fully halfway, logarithmically, to the size it is today. The way that the universe transitioned from its exponentially explosive growth during cosmic inflation to the slow expansion that let it go on for billions of years could model for us the transition from rampant growth to sustainability that we humans must make. Countless cultures going back at least to ancient Egypt and Sumer used the cosmos as they understood it as the model for their lives. Now that we understand incomparably more about how the universe actually works, it is even more important—and valuable—to do this. The death of the pond is one model of how exponential growth can end; the universe gives us a very different model. The universe’s inflationary period ended abruptly with a Big Bang—but this was good! It was only after cosmic inflation ended and cosmic expansion became relatively slow that the universe entered its most creative and long-lived phase.

How can we use this as a model? Our own inflationary growth must end, but it doesn’t have to be catastrophic. Afterward, if all goes well, it is still possible to grow, but only very slowly. The universe has shown that exponential growth transformed to slow growth can last for billions of years. But there is also a warning in the model: When cosmic inflation hits its limit, countless random events

that were happening—quantum fluctuations—froze into permanent wrinkles in the new space-time. Amid partisan mudslinging in Washington and a “you first� attitude frustrating progress on the international level, it’s tempting to discount the politics of our day. That, however, would be an irreversible mistake, because what the warning of the model means in practice is that countless political and social decisions being made on all size scales during these final years of human inflationary growth may end up getting frozen into the future of our species and our planet. Nothing could be less useful than to think that politics doesn’t matter. Today’s actions—and failures to act—may reverberate into the distant future far out of proportion to the thought going into them.

If we take the universe as our model, we should plan for and seek a stable period in resource use, which can happen only with renewable resources. The universe, of course, made its shift naturally. For it, injustice, suffering, addiction, and fatalism did not have to be overcome because they didn’t exist, but for us they do. Nevertheless, we have the knowledge and internal resources to overcome them. Only resourceheavy activities have to slow down. Our drive for meaning, spiritual connection, personal and artistic expression, and cultural growth can be unlimited. These abstract treasures are often adequately appreciated only after they are lost, but if we valued them above consumer goods, then we would have a paradigm for human progress. For our universe the most creative period, which brought forth galaxies, stars, atoms, planets, and life, came after inflation ended, and this could also be true for humanity. A stable period can last as long as human creativity stays ahead of our physical impact on the earth. NANCY ELLEN ABRAMS AND JOEL PRIMACK `SOR T`][ ¡BVS <Se C\WdS`aS O\R bVS 6c[O\ 4cbc`S¸ ]\ BcSaROg /^`WZ $ Ob %(! ^[ Ob 1O^Wb]ZO 0]]Y 1OT{ "%# " ab /dS 1O^Wb]ZO &! " $ "" # 4`SS

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S A N T A C R U Z . C O M a p r i l 2 0 -2 7, 2 0 1 1 F I L M



Winter Kills Fur-bound Saoirse Ronan takes chilly fairytale revenge on her enemies in ‘Hanna’



THE GENRE of butt-kicking babes is a piece of cultural chewing gum whose minty flavor has finally gone flat. There are few things an audience likes better than a girl with a sword, but witnesses stayed away in droves from the Zack Snyder fiasco Sucker Punch. This week’s Hanna can expect some celebration as a grrrl-power fiesta. In the title role, !Saoirse Ronan widens her extraterrestrially crystalline eyes as she endures and inflicts trauma. Dressed in a fur wardrobe and living in the permafrost, Hanna (Ronan) was raised by her ex-assassin father (Eric Bana) with the motto “adapt or die.� In her wintry wilderness hideout, she’s about to turn 16. Dad’s idea of a debutante party is to let the world of intelligence seekers know that the girl is alive, via electronic beacon. He’s throwing down the gauntlet to the CIA, which has been seeking Hanna since birth, with the intent of rubbing her out. The forces of the evil executive Marissa (Cate Blanchett) capture Hanna, but the girl escapes a stainless-steel-lined redaction pit in Morocco and crosses Europe without a passport. She does this by stowing away with a family on an RV holiday. They’re hippie squabblers, played by Olivia Williams and Jason Flemyng. Whenever the reality of this story starts to fray, director Joe Wright points

BABY, IT’S COLD OUTSIDE Saoirse Ronan bundles up in ‘Hanna.’ us at the Grimm Fairy Tales book that Hanna keeps in her arctic cabin. Amping up the witchiness of Blanchett’s Marissa also helps devolve this paranoid spy story into a fairy tale. Blanchett does what she can to make her character as motivelessly evil as a wicked stepmother. Almost as outrĂŠ as the Diane Lane lipstick/war paint scene in David Lynch’s Wild at Heart is the sight of Blanchett lashing her gums with dental floss until they bleed; hygiene be damned, the scene exists so she can make a bloody-mouthed grimace in a magnified makeup mirror. Wright also includes the three nihilists from The Big Lebowski on the chase—not them, per se, but a trio of theatrical German goons, with their own evil music-box/satanic ice-creamtruck tinkling tune by the Chemical Brothers. Hanna ends in the world of our most popular fairy tale today, Batman. There’s a turning point among shipping containers, as in Batman

Begins; the finale is a classic Bat-fight in an abandoned amusement park with jumbo fiberglass mushrooms, a friendly dwarf and a house of wooden gingerbread. Fantasy directors (and Hanna is more fantasy than spy movie) seem to be trying to retrieve something of the 1960s, as if it was the last decade in which there was a consensus on what constituted pop art. We’re starting to see the reprise of the English opium-eater style lately: a golden braid connecting John Boorman at his most flamboyant to Ken Russell to Julie Taymor. There was a lot of the last of the opium-eaters, Terry Gilliam, in Sucker Punch, as well as a big nod to Brazil in the by now tired 1950s retro-futurism and the Japanese iron-samurai attack. (And if we’re doing a genealogy chart of buttkicking babes, let’s don’t forget Kim Greist). Director Wright (Atonement) sensibly adds some art-house cachet to

the butt-kicking action. Considering the Girl Who Brought People Back to the Art Houses trilogy, it’s a smart commercial tactic. Hanna follows the rusting tracks of the psychedelic Fellini-goes-toSoho gravy train, but there’s nothing endearing this time around about the counterculture, even when we stop to listen to a group of gypsies singing in Spain. The camp is grotty and crowded; it’s like the places the Lonely Planet books warn you to avoid. This weird mash of Jack London and Alias is meant as a pleasure machine, but it’s an oddly dour thrill ride that insists on good training over the freestyle adaptation it claims is the only key to survival. If it’s spy thrillers that need to adapt or die, why is Hanna such a throwback? Hanna >5 !) [W\ >ZOga Q]c\bgeWRS


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New Dawg Music David Grisman joins the NMW Ensemble in a tribute to strings



TO DESCRIBE the legendary David Grisman as a mandolin player who advocates for acoustic string music makes him sound vaguely academic. Not so the company he has kept: Jerry Garcia, the Grateful Dead, StĂŠphane Grappelli, John Hartford, Bonnie Raitt, Linda Ronstadt and James Taylor, to name just some. A multiple Grammy nominee, Grisman is also a composer, arranger, bandleader and producer whose pioneering synthesis of jazz and bluegrass inspired Garcia to name it “Dawgâ€? music. Grisman headlines the New Music Works spring concert, Whirled on a String, at Cabrillo College this Saturday. New Music Works programs almost always travel the globe and often include world premieres. Grisman’s is “Eight by Eight,â€? a piece for mandolin and Phil Collins’ NMW Ensemble (the title refers to the number of strings on the mandolin and the number of players). Additionally, Grisman will play “Dawg’s Waltz,â€? a staple of the Grisman/Garcia collaborations; Opus 57 in G Minor, a quintet written in the mid-’60s; and an arrangement of the traditional prayer, “Shalom Aleichem,â€? that uses Israel Goldfarb’s well-known melody. Grisman played last fall at Kuumbwa, which

PLUCKY GUY David Grisman premieres a new piece for mandolin at Saturday’s New Music Works concert. is how Collins met him. Explains Collins, “He offered to do these fresh arrangements for us.� He adds, “We got him for a song.� The ensemble will also perform work by Peter Maxwell Davies, a resident of the windswept Orkney Islands who in 2004 became Master of the Queen’s Music, an historic honor much like musical poet laureate. Like the man himself, Maxwell Davies’ music comes with a twinkle in its eye and no shortage of fanciful impulses. His outrageous “Eight Songs for a Mad King� (1969) still turns heads and wags tongues. The folk music–inflected “Dances from the Two Fiddlers,� for six instruments including one violin, is “thorny with syncopations,� says Collins, who is pleased to describe the Scotsman’s music as “off-kilter.� Composer Luciano Berio, who

died in 2003, may be best known for Sinfonia (1968) for orchestra and The Swingle Singers. His first wife was tour-de-force soprano Cathy Berberian, for whom he wrote much music. “O king,� also from 1968, uses the medieval vocal trick of hocketing (hiccupping) to disguise its tribute to Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream� speech. Music by American composers Elliot Carter (now 102) and Morton Feldman (who died in 1987 at 61) make appearances here, the former when pianist Sandra Gu plays his exciting and surprisingly unsevere “Catenaires� (2006) and the latter when Gu and the ensemble play “the viola in my life,� which, like most music by the “big, brusque Jewish guy from Woodside, Queens,� as Alex Ross described him in The New Yorker, is “so transparent, very muted

and anti-climactic,� says Collins. Collins, who is the Santa Cruz County Arts Commission’s 2011 Artist of the Year, will hear his own “Springing� in its world premiere by Gu. The composer explains, “It has to sound hard-earned, not effortless� and uses a technique he calls “natural momentum� as it attains higher and higher plateaus. The other world premiere on this program is Akindele Bankole’s “The Place ‘HA-MAKOM’� for voice and ensemble. About the composer, Collins says, “I was very charmed by him and his Nigerian/German classical voice.� Bankole was born in Berlin; spent his youth in Lagos, where he first got interested in music; then came to study at Sacramento State University before settling in Santa Cruz. The piece itself, in Yoruba, identifies the place where God is found, and was composed in memory of Bankole’s mother. Collins describes it as “three dances bookended with songs, a suite of set forms without development in any classical sense.� The composer is the tenor soloist in this performance. Collins adds that unlike most Western classical practice over the last few hundred years, Bankole’s “relationship to intervals within the scale is not harmony-driven.� In addition to guests Grisman, Gu and Bankole, the NMW Ensemble welcomes violinist Roy Malan and violist Chad Kaltinger. WHIRLED ON A STRING AObc`ROg %(! ^[ 1OP`WZZ] 1]ZZSUS ;caWQ @SQWbOZ 6OZZ $# A]_cSZ 2` /^b]a BWQYSba ! US\ % aS\W]`a abcRS\ba ! 1OP`WZZ] [caWQ abcRS\ba Ob eee P`]e\^O^S`bWQYSba Q][

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:7AB G=C@ :=1/: 3D3<B 7< B63 1/:3<2/@ Email it to calendar@santacruz.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.


Grisman performs his own work and pieces by Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, Luciano Berio and Phil Collins. Sat, Apr 23, 7:30pm. $12-$23. Cabrillo Music Recital Hall, 6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos.


dancers explore memorable times in Frank’s life, set to songs from Broadway, Nashville and France. Sat, Apr 23, 6:30pm. $25. Dance Synergy Studio, 9055 Soquel Dr, Aptos, 831.661.0235.


Victor in Shadow

An evening of dance theatre with works by Sharon TookZozaya and Donna Von Joo-Tornell. Fri, Apr 22, 8pm and Sat, Apr 23, 8pm. $12$20. 418 Project, 418 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.466.9770.

A new play with music by Lakin Valdez, based on the life and art of Chilean activist and folk singer Victor Jara. Thu-Sat, 8pm and Sun, 2pm. Thru May 8. $12 adv/$15 door. El Teatro Campesino, 705 Fourth St, San Juan Bautista, 831.623.2444.



Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History

420 Show: Have You Ever Been Altared?

Big Creek Pottery: Social History of a Visual Idea, 1967-1983. An exhibit featuring more than 70 vessels made at or brought to the Big Creek workshops by visiting master potters and the founders, plus a photo collection documenting the school at its beginnings along with workshop experiences and writings by workshop leaders and students at Big Creek. Thru Jul 17. $2-$5. The Art of Nature: works from the Northern California Guild of Natural Science Illustrators. The museum welcomes back the Northern California chapter of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators (GNSI). The exhibit will include over 60 works depicting the flora and fauna of Northern California, from moon snails to mountain lions, roses to red tides. Thru Jun 4. Museum hours Tue-Sun, 11am-5pm; closed Mon. 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.

Santa Cruz Dance Week “Dancing in the Streets� with three stages and hundreds of performers in downtown Santa Cruz plus site-specific work across the county and open classes. Apr 21-29. For schedule visit www. santacruzdance.com.

B63/B3@ Forbidden Broadway PacRep presents a musical comedy lampooning musical theatre from A Chorus Line and Chicago to Annie, Fiddler and Les Mis. Thu-Sat, 7:30pm and Sun, 2pm. Thru May 1. $20-$38. Golden Bough Theatre, Monte Verde between Eighth and Ninth streets, Carmel-by-the-Sea, 831.622.0100.

The Marriage of Figaro Figaro outwits those with power and rank on birth, but not on worth in this steamy French farce. Fri-Sat, 8pm. Thru May 7. $12-$18. Cabrillo Black Box Theater, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, 831.479.6154.

Frank Duncan presents My Life in a Nutshell Frank Duncan and his

A lung-filled evening of stoner songs performed in minor keys performed by Rhan Wilson and his merryJane band of pranksters. Wed, Apr 20, 7:30pm. $25 adv/$30 door. Kuumbwa Jazz Center, 320-2 Cedar St, Santa Cruz, 831.427.2227.

Aromas Live! Home-grown talent show. Sat, Apr 23, 7pm. Free. Aromas Grange, 400 Rose Ave, Aromas. 831.726.1757.

Help Japan Relief Concert Featuring the Watsonville Taiko players, San Jose Taiko, Hawaiian music by the Ho’omana Hawaiian Band of Monterey and shamisen & shakuhachi flute by Santa Cruz Hougaku Revue. Sat, Apr 23, 7-9:30pm. $20 adv/$25 door. Rio Theatre, 1205 Soquel, Santa Cruz, 831.423.8209.

Whirled on a String Mandolin legend David

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5/::3@73A 1=<B7<C7<5 Cabrillo College Gallery Futzie Nutzle. Paintings by local treasure Futzie Nutzle. Thru Apr 22. Free. 6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, 831.479.6308.

Davenport Gallery Landscapes. Featuring photographs, paintings, prints, sculpture and pastels portraying the beauty of the California coast through the eyes of 12 local artists. Artists’ reception Saturday, April 9, 3-6pm. Thru Apr 30. Free. 450 Hwy 1, Davenport, 831.426.1199.

Felix Kulpa Gallery One’s Own Voice. Ceramic sculpture from the studio of Coeleen Kiebert. Thru May 1. Free. 107 Elm St, Santa Cruz, 408.373.2854.

Marjorie Evans Gallery Urban Landscapes. Acrylic works by Cheryl Kampe. Thru Apr 30. Free. San Carlos Street at Ninth Avenue, Carmel, 831.620.2052.

Michaelangelo Gallery John Maxon Within and Without. Oil landscapes depicting the spectacular topography of the Northern California coast. Thru Apr 30. Free. Sat-Sun, 11am-5pm; weekdays by appointment. 1111 River St, Santa Cruz, 831.426.5500.

Santa Cruz County Bank Celebrate Santa Cruz County. Over 100 images celebrating our rich agricultural heritage, locally owned businesses, architecture from the past and present, plus a special tribute to the 100th anniversary of the Boardwalk’s Looff Carousel. Artists’ reception 5:307:30pm, Tue, April 26. Thru Jul 1. Free. 720 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.457.5000.

Santa Cruz Mountains Art Center

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</B7=</: 2/<13 E339 National Dance Week kicks off—or maybe we should say ‘grand battements’ off—with Dancing in The Streets, during which scores of dancers will grace three stages set up in downtown Santa Cruz. Thursday, Apr 21, 5:30-9pm; free. Over the weekend, choreographers Sharon Took-Zozaya and Donna Von Joo-Tornell present Inside/Out, featuring a mix of professional dancers and community members. Saturday-Sunday, April 22-23, 8pm. 418 Project, 418 Front St., Santa Cruz. Tickets $12-$20 at BrownPaperTickets.com.

14th Annual Youth Art Show. Featuring work by the community’s budding young artists. Apr 20-30. Free., 831.336.3513. In the Creative Spirit. Featuring pieces in a variety of mediums, from handmade scarves, jewelry, glass, ceramics, paintings, prints, baskets, sculpture, textiles. Wed-Sun, noon6pm. Thru Apr 26. Free, 831.336.3513. Wed-Sun, noon-6pm. 9341 Mill St, Ben Lomond.

Santa Cruz Rehearsal Studios The Art of Vinyl. An exhibit of record cover art in honor of Record Store Day, April 16. Thru Apr 30. Free. 118 Coral St, Santa Cruz, 831.425.7277.

Sesnon Gallery Time Lapse: 1971-2011. The Sesnon Gallery celebrates its 40th Anniversary by


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@33: E=@9 :/0=@ 47:; 43AB7D/: Film screenings and panel discussion about labor issues leading up to May 1, International Workers Day; from Inside Job, about the financial meltdown, to The Dark Side of Chocolate, about the trafficked children who harvest Ivory Coast cocoa, and Triangle Fire, about the factory blaze that galvanized the women’s labor movement in early 20th-century New York. Friday, April 22-Sunday, May 1. Visit ReelWork.org for screening venues and times. Free. featuring works by Ansel Adams, Diane Arbus, Gaza Bowen, Eduardo Carrillo, Binh Danh, Richard Diebenkorn, Charles Griffin Farr, Fluxus Artists, Robert Frank, Rupert Garcia, Robert Heinecken, David Ireland, Komar & Melamid, Dinh Q. Le, Norman Locks, Hung Liu, Amalia Mesa-Bains, Douglas McClellan, Jennifer Parker & Tina Takemoto, Jennifer Pepper, Pablo Picasso, Jock Reynolds & Suzanne Hellmuth, Holly Roberts, Raymond Saunders, Hank Willis, Thomas & Kambui Olujimi, Don Weygandt, Dondi White and Jack Zajac. Thru May 7. Free. UCSC, Porter College, Santa Cruz, 831.459.2273.

Events /@=C<2 B=E< AMA Pro Flat Track Grand National Championship The best riders in the world will compete plus “The Motorcycle Show at the Races� featuring hundreds of bikes, a “Legends� meet and greet and a group motorcycle ride-in. Sat-Sun Thru Apr 24. $35. Salinas Sports Complex, 1034 N. Main St, Salinas.

Exploring the Santa Cruz Sandhills: Wildflower Season Participants will explore blooming wildflowers and learn about the diversity and ecology of the Sandhills communities. Sat, Apr 23, 10am-12pm. $8-$10. Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, 1305 E. Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz, 831.420.6115.

Hike from the Sea to the Waterfalls State park docent Bill Rhodes leads a seven-mile

hike to three waterfalls. Sun, Apr 24, 10am. Free. Rancho del Oso Nature and History Center, 3600 Hwy 1, Davenport, 831.427.2288.

Santa Cruz Naturopathic Medical Center Open House Organic food, local wine, massage, Rolfing, energy medicine, detox wraps, reflexogy, therapeutic services and a chance to meet our practitioners, naturopath doctors and body workers. Fri, Apr 22, 4-8pm. Free. Santa Cruz Naturopathic Medical Center, 736 Chestnut St, Santa Cruz, 831.477.1377.

:7B3@/@G 3D3<BA Karen Tei Yamashita The author and UCSC professor of literature will read and sign copies of I Hotel, nominated for the 2010 National Book Award. Wed, Apr 20, 7:30pm. Free. Capitola Book Cafe, 1475 41st Ave, Capitola, 831.462.4415 .

Nancy Ellen Abrams and Joel R. Primack Husband and wife team and distinguished scholars at UCSC will read and sign copies of their latest work, The New Universe and the Human Future. Tue, Apr 26, 7:30pm. Free. Capitola Book Cafe, 1475 41st Ave, Capitola, 831.462.4415.

:31BC@3A Curtis Callan The Princeton University physicist will give a lecture titled “What is the world made of? Answers (and questions) from particle physics and cosmology.� Mon, Apr 25, 7pm. Free. University Inn and Conference Center, 611 Ocean St., Santa Cruz, 831.459.3744.

705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.

Freedom Party A conversation on civil rights and liberties in a post-9/11 era featuring Zahra Billoo, Executive Director for Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) SF Bay Area Chapter and Summer K. Hararah of the Asian Law Caucus. Tue, Apr 26, 6:30-8:30pm. Free. Live Oak Grange, 1900 17th Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.423.1626.

Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and Empowerment Reading and discussion of Mazin Qumsiyeh’s book by the same name. Wed, Apr 20, 7:30-9pm and Wed, Apr 27, 7:30-9pm. $5-$10 donation suggested. Resource Center for Nonviolence, 515 Broadway, Santa Cruz, 831.457.8003.

NEXT @ the MAH A panel discussion on the information needs of communities in the 21st century with Nate Hill, chief digital librarian for San Jose library system; Nina Simon from Museum 2.0 and Ron Vincent, social media lead for the City of San Francisco. Tue, Apr 26, 6-8pm. Free. Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History,

<=B713A Hemlock Discussion Group Discuss end-of-life options for serenity and dignity. Meets in Aptos the last Wed afternoon of every month except Dec; call for more info. 831.251.2240.


San Francisco’s City Guide

Dengue Fever Chhom Nimol and band present Cambodian pop in its most authentically retro form. Apr 20 at the Fillmore.

Ty Segall Scattered, sometimes sloppy rock and roll with a determined thrust. Apr 21 at the Bottom of the Hill.

Lil B Former member of the Pack, current “Based God� and all-around hip-hop phenomenon. Apr 21 at the Mezzanine.

Nicki Minaj Yeah, she’s opening for this guy named Lil’ Wayne. But everyone’s getting there early. Apr 24 at the Oracle Arena.

tUnE-yArDs Her new record is so good, we’ll forgive the cumbersome type stylization. Apr 26 at the Great American Music Hall. More San Francisco events at www.sfstation.com.

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Red Cross Mobile Blood Drives Drives occur at several locations countywide each month; for schedule and locations call 800.733.2767.

SC Diversity Center The Diversity Center provides services, support and socializing for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and questioning individuals and their allies. Diversity Center, 1117 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.425.5422.

Support and Recovery Groups Alzheimer’s: Alzheimer’s Assn., 831.464.9982. Cancer: Katz Cancer Resource Center, 831.351.7770; WomenCARE, 831.457.2273. Candida: 831.471.0737. Chronic Pain: American Chronic Pain Association, 831.423.1385. Grief and Loss: Hospice, 831.430.3000. Lupus: Jeanette Miller, 831.566.0962. Men Overcoming Abusive Behavior: 831.464.3855. SMART Recovery: 831.462.5470. Trans Latina women: Mariposas, 831.425.5422. Trichotillomania: 831.457.1004. Women’s Bipolar/Depression Peer Support: 831.345.7190. 12-Step Programs: 831.454. HELP (4357).

Yoga Instruction Pacific Cultural Center: 35+ classes per week, 831.462.8893. SC Yoga: 45 classes per week, 831.227.2156. TriYoga: numerous weekly classes, 831.464.8100. Also: Yoga Within at Aptos Station, 831.687.0818; Om Room School of Yoga, 831.429.9355; Pacific Climbing Gym, 831.454.9254; Aptos Yoga Center, 831.688.1019; Twin Lotus Center, 831.239.3900.

Zen, Vipassana, Basic: Intro to Meditation Zen: SC Zen Center, Wed, 5:45pm, 831.457.0206. Vipassana: Vipassana SC, Wed 6:30-8pm, 831.425.3431. Basic: Land of the Medicine Buddha, Wed, 5:30-6:30pm, 831.462.8383. Zen: Ocean Gate Zendo, first Tue each month 6:30-7pm. All are free.

6=:72/GA Celebrating Earth Day

free copies

Would you like to receive of Santa Cruz Weekly at your business? Call us at 831.457.9000

Lunch and social with State Senator Joe Simitian presented by the Democratic Women’s Club of Santa Cruz County. Wed, Apr 20, 11:30am. $20 members/$25 general. Peachwood’s Grill and Bar, 555 Hwy 17, Santa Cruz, 831.688.2931.


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/7<¸B 7B 5@/<2AVAILABLE for purchase only since early 2010, the new Yamaha CFX 9-foot grand piano has already won wide acclaim as “the Rolls Royce of concert grands.â€? So agrees John Orlando, who runs Cabrillo College’s Distinguished Artists series. The piano has a “beautiful singing quality,â€? Orlando says, “like the human voice.â€? Nineteen years of proprietary research and development lay behind this “crowning glory of the Yamaha line,â€? as the company’s webpage describes it. With only four of them in the United States to date, how one should come to Cabrillo tells a tale. It began with the death last summer, at age 98, of Orlando’s mother. In December, he received a call about an exceptional concert grand in San Jose. “After playing the instrument,â€? he says, “I got the idea to memorialize my mother with a fine instrument named for her and to make Evgeny Sudbin’s performance a fundraising event for that purpose.â€? He had already placed a deposit on the instrument when he caught wind of the new Yamaha CFX. Through a Yamaha contact in San Jose, he flew to the company warehouse in Orange County in March. Within 15 minutes, Orlando was hooked. “The CFX truly is a magnificent instrument. It is the most responsive piano I have ever played in my life,â€? he crows. “It can quiet down to a whisper and carry through the room. Its tremendous power can cut through any orchestra.â€? And, he adds, “It is effortless to play, so easy to get the desired result. This piano seems to understand what you want.â€? The Juanita Orlando Memorial Concert Grand Piano is now owned by the Aptos Community Foundation. The Foundation’s intention is that the piano be considered the centerpiece for performances and supporting music education. Introducing the piano to local audiences is a rising star. Evgeny Sudbin, a 30-year-old St Petersburg native, has already set the piano world abuzz with solo recitals and concerto performances in Britain, on the continent, and in North America. These include concertos with the San Francisco and Seattle symphony orchestras, a complete Beethoven concerto-recording project with the Minnesota Orchestra and collaborations with violinist Hilary Hahn and violinist/pianist Julia Fischer, among many others. Sudbin has won critical acclaim, not least for his challenging repertoire. At Cabrillo, that will include one of the most technically difficult half-dozen works in the repertory, Ravel’s Gaspard de la nuit. Works by Haydn, Liszt, Chopin and Shostakovich complete the program. (Scott MacClelland)

Reel Work Labor Film Festival Films include Locked Out, The Dark Side of Chocolate, Triangle Fire, Cradle Will Rock, Inside Job, Freedom Riders and more. Check website for venues and times. Apr 23-May 1.

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S A N T A C R U Z . C O M a p r i l 2 0 -2 7, 2 0 1 1 B E A T S C A P E

24 Jazz Presenters since 1975

TONIGHT, Wed. April 20 @ 7:30 pm

SWEET HONEY IN THE ROCK At the Rio Theatre $40/Gold Circle, $30/General No Jazztix or Comps Concert ASL Interpreted Sponsored by Carolyn Hyatt

Thursday, April 21 U 7 pm


Monday, April 25 U 7 & 9 pm

STRUNZ & FARAH $23/Adv $26/Door

Sponsored by Smoothjazz.com

JAZZ on FILM at the Del Mar Theatre Friday, April 29 7:30 pm REJOICE & SHOUT Saturday, April 30 U DOUBLE FEATURE 7 pm DAVE BRUBECK:



$25/Adv $28/Door, No Jazztix/Comps

Sponsored by Appenrodt Commercial Properties

Thursday, May 5 U 7 & 9 pm


$25/Adv $28/Door, No Jazztix/Comps Friday, May 6 U 8 pm at the Rio Theatre MAESTROS IN CONCERT:


/;3@71/</ ;/23 Corinne West and Kelly Joe Phelps at Don Quixote’s this Thursday

$35/Gold Circle, $25/General No Jazztix or Comps Monday, May 9 U 7 pm

NEW YORK VOICES Advance tickets at Logos Books & Records and online at kuumbwajazz.org. Tickets subject to service charge and 5% S.C. City Admissions Tax. All ages venue.



BRYN LOOSLEY & THE BACK PAGES, THE RAILFLOWERS $12/Adv $14/Door Tickets: Streetlight Records & www.brownpapertickets.com Saturday, April 23 U 7:30 pm


$15/Advance Tickets: www.brownpapertickets.com Thursday, April 28 U 7 & 9 pm


$23/One Show, $40/All Night Pass Tickets: Streetlight Records and www.pulseproductions.net 320-2 Cedar St s Santa Cruz 427-2227


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Founded in 1973 by the inimitable (and now retired) Dr. Bernice Johnson Reagon, Sweet Honey in the Rock is in many ways a genre of one. With intricate hand and percussion rhythms, inspired five-part harmonies and sign language (ASL) as their tools of communication, the all-female African-American a capella group out of Washington, D.C. , has been raising its voice against injustice for nearly 40 years. Through original compositions as well as reworkings of traditional gospel, spiritual, folk and blues tunes, Sweet Honey takes on such universal issues as poverty, racism, civil rights, spirituality and freedom with remarkable grace and soul. Rio Theatre; $30 gen/$40 gold; 7:30pm. (Cat Johnson)

Corinne West is acclaimed for her graceful, soaring voice and captivating stage presence; Kelly Joe Phelps is known for his skillful improvisation and innovating. When, after years of barely missing one another on tour, both of their well-worn travelers’ paths finally crossed at the end of 2009, they began to play music together and immediately decided that two heads are better than one when it came to acoustic guitar harmonies and dusky singing. This June will see the release of their EP, Magnetic Skyline. Don Quixote’s; $10 adv/$12 door; 7:30 pm. (Maya Weeks)

Come for the bluegrass cover of Dark Side of the Moon, stay for the highflying newgrass original material. The Santa Rosa boys in Poor Man’s Whiskey have made a lot of waves with their covers of classic rock chestnuts such as “Bohemian Rhapsody,� but their reinterpretation of the Pink Floyd double album is their most ambitious cover project to date. Don’t mistake them for a novelty bluegrass cover band, though. Poor Man’s Whiskey’s original material is as ingenious as their sly reimaginings of drive-time rock station staples, weaving together disparate elements of bluegrass, rock, folk and even punk. Don Quixote’s; $10 adv/$12 door; 9pm. (Paul M. Davis)


63/DGE3756B 2C0 16/;>7=< Synthesizing vintage instruments, electronic gadgetry, sci-fi sensibilities and an appreciation for the less-is-more aesthetic of 1970s dub, Heavyweight Dub Champion is an ever-changing entity whose mission statement is “the unconditional liberation of the human race.� Hailing from San Francisco by way of Gold Hill, Colo., these selfdescribed “sonic shamanistic alchemists� administer their messages of elevated social and spiritual consciousness to the masses via bottom-heavy, bass-is-theplace grooves interwoven with tales of ancestors, future dwellers and a legion of interdimensional travelers battling against galactic villainy. Moe’s Alley; $10 adv/$12 door; 9pm. (Cat Johnson)

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/4@=4C<9 3F>3@73<13 You can hear a whole host of African and American influences in the music of Sila and the AfroFunk Experience. The godfathers of modern African music, ’70s funk and vintage reggae cast a shadow over the band’s work, from Fela Kuti to Thomas Mapfumo, James Brown to Bob Marley. But the Kenyan-born Sila and his crack 10-piece band have completely

synthesized these inspirations, creating a kinetic, ecstatic sound that is undeniably their own. It’s far-reaching music from a global village that only grows more interconnected by the day, delivered by musicians with chops and energy to burn. Crepe Place; $8; 9pm. (PMD)

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83ACA 27/H G AC ?0/ This Cuban-born, Oakland-based percussionist Jesús Diaz specializes in Latin- and Cuban-style dance music, particularly timba, a Cuban style of salsa with its roots in African rhythms. On his albums Caramelo and Jardinero, Diaz, ever the innovator, explores a variety of vocal styles and rhythms. Syncopated ticks and tocks of drum, cajón and cowbell backed up by big, full horns that drive the tropical sound take me to a dreamy atmosphere where my head nods of its own accord, and I’m left wondering what QBA stands for. I may have to go to the AfroCuban dance party to find out. Moe’s Alley; $12 adv/$15 door; 9 pm. (MW)

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AB@C<H 4/@/6 Touted by Guitar Player magazine as “two of the planet’s most gifted

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acoustic guitarists,� Jorge Strunz and Ardeshir Farah have earned a worldwide reputation for greatness with their bar-raising technical prowess, visionary compositional and improvisational skills, and cross-cultural approach to making music. Hailing from Costa Rica and Iran respectively, the two virtuosos started playing together in the late 1970s and over the past several decades have helped to spearhead the world fusion genre with their innovative blend of Latin and Middle Eastern guitar stylings. Possessing speed and agility that most guitarists can only dream of, Strunz & Farah is a see-itto-believe-it showcase of guitar mastery. Kuumbwa; $23 adv/$26 door; 7pm. (CJ)

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experience at the Crepe Place

In the years following his 2001 hit, the dorm-room classic “Because I Got High,� Afroman has remained an outspoken advocate of herbal remedies for glaucoma and migraines. It takes some artists a lifetime to identify a central unifying theme in their work. Afroman was fortunate enough to identify his creative muse early on, as demonstrated in songs such as “Smoke Some Green,� “Tumbleweed� and “Smokin’ Weed.� There’s a stereotype that those who partake in the green herb are easily distracted, but Afroman’s thematic consistency indicates otherwise. The Catalyst; $18 adv/$22 door; 9pm. (PMD)

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Anja Strauss, soprano Jennifer Hines, alto Scott Ramsay, tenor Eugene Brancoveanu, baritone THE CABRILLO SYMPHONIC CHORUS CHERYL ANDERSON, CHORAL DIRECTOR

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B63 E/@4 6=CA3

John Larry Granger, Music Director

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SATURDAY, APRIL 30 8 PM :HU[H *Y\ :HU[H *Y\a *P]PJ (\KP[VYP\T \a *P]PJ (\KP[VYP\T Rowland & Pat Rebele, Concert Sponsors

SUNDAY, MAY 1 2 PM 4LSSV *LU 4LSSV *LU[LY >H[ZVU]PSSL U[LY >H[ZVU]PSSL David E. Davis, Concert Sponsor

Season Sponsors: 1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 >LKULZKH` (WYPS ‹ AGES 16+

6PRRY ( plus Mumbls

also Mike P. and DJ Static Jon $20 Adv./$25 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 9 p.m. Thursday, April 21 ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 18+

SCD & Mobilized Bass present MATTY G 6BLOCC plus LB & Konfusion, Androo the

Pirate, Fish Finger, Clique & Balance

hosted by Numerous of Vibrant Eyeris

$10 Adv. • 8/ 8:30 p.m.


+86$/$+ plus Bobby Brackins also Balance and DJ Quest $20 Adv./$25 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.

Friday, April 22 ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 16+ plus Phesto from the Hieroglyphics


$10 Adv./ $14 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.

Saturday, April 23 ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 21+ (((folkYEAH!))) presents plus




Glitter Wizard

$12 Adv./ $15 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.

Apr 27 Afroman Atrium (Ages 16+) Apr 28 Devil in the Machine Atrium (Ages 21+) Apr 29 The Devil Makes Three (Ages 21+) Apr 30 The Holdup/ Wallpaper (Ages 16+) Apr 30 Ribsy’s Nickel Atrium (Ages 21+) May 6 “The Catalystâ€? ďŹ lm/ Snail (Ages 21+) May 7 Soja/ J Boog/ Chris Boomer (Ages 16+) May 13 Sin Sister Burlesque vs Santa Cruz Roller Derby Girls (Ages 21+) May 21 Andre Nickatina (Ages 16+) Jun 17 X/ Devils Brigade (Ages 21+) Jun 18 Tech N9ne/ Mayday (Ages 16+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online


Tickets $20-65. Call 420-5260 or www.SantaCruzTickets.com

Rowland & Pat Rebele Glenwood Equestrian Center Symphony League of Santa Cruz County

Season Media Sponsor:


a p r i l 2 0 -2 7, 2 0 1 1 S A N T A C R U Z . C O M

SYMPHONY Sa nt a Cr u z C ou nt y


S A N T A C R U Z . C O M a p r i l 2 0 -2 7, 2 0 1 1 F I L M


Film Capsules <3E

Jerry Garcia. (Plays Wed 8pm at Santa Cruz 9.)

AFRICAN CATS (G; 89 min.) Disneynature’s live-action film following two families of African lions as they raise their cubs; narrated by Samuel L. Jackson. (Opens Fri at Del Mar and Green Valley.)

ON THE WATERFRONT (1954) Marlon Brando plays a washed-up prizefighter fighting the tyranny of a corrupt union boss on the New York docks. The film brought home Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor the year of its release. (Plays Thu 8pm at Santa Cruz 9.)

CAPRICCIO (Unrated; 185 min.) The Met’s live production of Richard Strauss’s operatic love triangle between a poet, a composer and a countess in 1920s Paris. (Plays Sat at 10am at Santa Cruz 9.) GRATEFUL DEAD MOVIE EVENT (Unrated; 150 min.) A rockumentary filmed at San Francisco’s Winterland Arena in 1974 with new footage of the Dead jamming and interviews with Bob Weir and

MADEA’S BIG HAPPY FAMILY (PG-13; 153 min.) Tyler Perry once more dons drag and the persona of the wisecracking matriarch Madea, who has been asked by her niece to gather the family in order to share some unsettling news about her health. (Opens Fri at Riverfront Twin and Green Valley.) The Party (1968) Peter


Sellers plays a bumbling film extra from India who is accidentally invited to an exclusive Hollywood shindig instead of being blacklisted. (Plays Sat-Sun 10am at Aptos.)

wrenching his wife (Liv Tyler) from the clutches of her drug dealer. Mayhem ensues when the local comic book store clerk (Ellen Page) decides she is going to be his sidekick. (Opens Fri at the Nick.)

STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN (1982) Admiral Kirk (William Shatner) and the crew of the USS Enterprise fight to keep their old enemy Khan Noonien Singh from acquiring an experimental device with the capability to make planets habitable—or destroy them altogether. (Plays Fri-Sat midnight at Del Mar.)

WATER FOR ELEPHANTS (PG-13; 122 min.) A veterinary student (Robert Pattinson) suffers a minor breakdown following the death of his parents and joins a traveling circus, where he cares for the animals and falls in love with the show’s star (Reese Witherspoon). (Opens Fri 41st at Ave, Del Mar, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.)

SUPER (Unrated; 96 min.) An ordinary guy (Rainn Wilson, a.k.a. The Office’s Dwight) turns himself into a costumed crusader called the Crimson Bolt in hopes of

Movie reviews by Tessa Stuart and Richard von Busack

@3D73EA ARTHUR (PG-13, 110 MIN.) In this above-all unfunny

remake of the 1981 comedy, Russell Brand plays a wacky drunken billionaire in Manhattan who covets the one thing money can’t buy, a girl from Queens (Greta Gerwig, whose slow-on-theuptake reacting and summery wardrobe are delightful). Meanwhile, Arthur’s tyrant mother is insisting that he marry a vicious heiress (Jennifer Garner). The film suffers for being a vehicle for Brand, who appears in almost every scene. He’s long and tall and wears the expensive clothes well, but there’s no comedic poetry in his motion. Helen Mirren and Nick Nolte try to keep the movie alive, but director Jason Winer, a TV vet, prefers the onething-after-another style of comedy. One joke, about a

Showtimes are for Wednesday, April 20, through Wednesday, April 27, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

/>B=A 17<3;/A

A/<B/ 1@CH 17<3;/ '

122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.culvertheaters.com

1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com

6O\\O — Daily 2; 4:15; 6:30; 8:45 plus Sat-Sun 11:45am. 8O\S 3g`S — Daily 2:15; 4:40; 7; 9:15 plus Sat-Sun noon. BVS >O`bg — Sat-Sun 10am.

/`bVc` — Wed-Thu 11:20; 2; 4:40; 7:30; 10:10; Fri-Wed 7:30; 10:10. (Not showing Wed 4/27.) 2OW`g ]T bVS EW[^g 9WR — Wed-Thu 1:45; 4:10; 6:50; 9:15. 6O\\O — Wed-Sun 11:30; 2:10; 5; 7:40; 10:20; Mon-Wed 2:10; 5; 7:40; 10:20. :W[WbZSaa — Wed-Sun 11; 1:30; 4; 6:50; 9:20; Mon-Wed 1:30; 4; 6:50; 9:20. (No Wed 4/20 6:50; 9:20.) @W] 2 — Wed-Sun 11:10; 1:40; 4:10; 6:40; 9:10; Mon-Wed 1:40; 4:10; 6:40; 9:10. @W] !2 — Wed-Sun 11:50; 2:20; 4:50; 7:20; 9:50; Mon-Wed 2:20; 4:50; 7:20; 9:50. AQ`SO[ " — Wed-Sun 11:05; 11:40; 1:50; 2:30; 4:25; 5:10; 7; 7:50; 9:40; 10:30; Mon-Wed 1:50; 2:30; 4:25; 5:10; 7; 7:50; 9:40; 10:30. (No Sat 11:40.) A]c`QS 1]RS — Wed-Sun 11:15; 1:55; 4:30; 7:10; 9:30; Mon-Wed 1:55; 4:30; 7:10; 9:30. G]c` 6WUV\Saa — Wed-Sun 12:10; 2:50; 5:20; 8; 10:25; Mon-Wed 2:50; 5:20; 8; 10:25. 5`ObSTcZ 2SOR ;]dWS 3dS\b — Wed 4/20 8pm. =\ BVS EObS`T`]\b — Thu 8pm. BVS ;Sb( 1O^`WQQW] — Sat 10am.

" AB /D3<C3 17<3;/ 1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.culvertheaters.com EObS` T]` 3ZS^VO\ba — (Opens Fri) 11:20; 2; 4:40; 7:20. /`bVc` — Wed-Thu 11:40; 2:10; 4:55; 7:30; 10; Fri-Wed 9. 6]^ — Wed-Thu 11:55; 2:20; 4:45; 7:10; 9:30; Fri-Wed 11:30; 1:45; 4:10; 6:45 @W] — Wed-Thu 11:30; 2; 4:30; 7; 9:15; Fri-Wed 11:45; 2:10; 4:30; 7; 9:15.

23: ;/@ 1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com EObS` T]` 3ZS^VO\ba — (Opens Fri) 12:40; 1:40; 3:20; 4:20; 6; 7; 8:30; 9:30 plus Fri-Sun 10:45. /T`WQO\ 1Oba — (Opens Fri) 12:50; 2:50; 4:45; 6:45; 8:45 plus Fri-Sun 10:50. 1]\a^W`Ob]` — Wed-Thu 1:40; 4:20; 7; 9:30. 7\aWRW]ca — Wed-Thu 3:10; 5:20; 7:30; 9:50; Fri-Sat 10:30. EW\ EW\ — Wed-Thu 2:45; 5; 7:15; 9:40. AbO` B`SY 77 — Fri-Sat midnight.

<7193:=23=< Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com Ac^S` — (Opens Fri) 3; 5:10; 7:20; 9:40 plus Sat-Sun 12:50. BVS 1]\a^W`Ob]` – 1:50; 4:20; 7; 9:30. 7 /[ — Wed-Thu 1:50; 3:40; 5:30; 7:20; 9; Fri-Wed 2:50. 8O\S 3g`S — Wed-Thu 2; 4:30; 7; 9:30; Fri-Wed 4:30; 6:50; 9:10 plus Sat-Sun 12:30. >]Sb`g — Wed-Thu 3:50; 6:30. >]bWQVS — Wed-Thu 2:20; 4:50; 7:10; 9:20. EW\ EW\ – Daily 2:30; 4:50; 7:10; 9:20 plus Sat-Sun 12:10.

@7D3@4@=<B AB/27C; BE7< 155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com ;ORSO¸a 0WU 6O^^g 4O[WZg — (Opens Fri) 3:45; 7; 9:30 plus Fri-Sun 12:45. 6]^ — Wed-Thu 3:45. :W\Q]Z\ :OegS` — Wed-Thu 6:45; 9:45. A]cZ Ac`TS` — Wed-Thu 4; 7; 9:35; Fri-Wed 4; 6:45; 9:20 plus Fri-Sun 1.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 17<3;/ 226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3261 www.culvertheaters.com EObS` T]` 3ZS^VO\ba — (Opens Fri) 11:20; 2 plus Fri-Sun 4:40; 7:20 and Fri-Sat 10pm. @W] — Wed-Thu 4:30; 7; Fri-Wed 4:15; 7 plus Fri-Sun 11:15; 1:45 and Fri-Sat 9:20pm. /`bVc` — Wed-Thu 4:45; 7:15.

5@33< D/::3G 17<3;/ & 1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com /T`WQO\ 1Oba — (Opens Fri) 1; 3; 5:15; 7:15; 9:15 plus Sat-Sun 11am. ;ORSO¸a 0WU 6O^^g 4O[WZg — (Opens Fri) 1:30; 4:25; 7; 9:25 plus Sat-Sun 11:15am. EObS` T]` 3ZS^VO\ba — (Opens Fri) 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:20 plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. /`bVc` — Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:30. 6O\\O — Daily 1:25; 4:30; 7; 9:25 plus Sat-Sun 11:05am. 2WO`g ]T O EW[^g 9WR — Wed-Thu 1:15; 3:15; 5:15. 6]^ — Daily 1:10; 3:10; 5:10; 7:10; 9:10 plus Sat-Sun 11am. @W] — Daily 1; 3:10; 5:15; 7:15; 9:15 plus Sat-Sun 11 am. AQ`SO[ " — Wed-Thu 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:30; Fri-Wed 1:30; 4:30; 7; 9:20 plus

Sat-Sun 11:05am. A]cZ Ac`TS` — Daily 1:30; 4:25; 7; 9 plus Sat-Sun 11:15am. A]c`QS 1]RS — Wed-Thu 7:15; 9:25. G]c` 6WUV\Saa — Wed-Thu 1:05; 3:15; 5:20; 7:30; 9:30


THE CONSPIRATOR (PG-13; 123 min.) Robert Redford’s The Conspirator is one of those pieces of history that Howard Zinn liked to unearth. It’s a shameful episode and it deserves to be remembered. After Lincoln’s assassination at the hands of John Wilkes Booth (Toby Kebbell), accused accessories are rounded up. Caught in the dragnet is one female prisoner: the landlady Mrs. Mary Surratt (Robin Wright), whose son had been in cahoots with Booth. She refuses to inform. The trial of the conspirators was a military tribunal, on the grounds that Lincoln was a military commander himself. But is this movie really about 1865? Throughout, we can feel Redford whispering in our ear: “This suspension of rights—remarkable how it anticipates Gitmo. And the hooding of prisoners is like Abu Ghraib. Did you notice the parallels?� (RvB) DIARY OF A WIMPY KID 2 (PG; 96 min.) Sissy Greg Heffley (Zachary Gordon) triumphed over his tormentors in the first film but is forced to confront enemies closer to home in this sequel based on the popular young adult book series. Greg’s mother believes her two sons need some bonding time; the elder Heffley (Devon Bostick) seizes the opportunity to toughen up his little brother before the cruel world does. HANNA (PG-13, 105 min.) Dressed in a fur wardrobe and living in the permafrost, Hanna (the icy Saoirse Ronan) was raised to kill; her ex-assassin father (Eric Bana) raises her with the motto “adapt or die.� She turns 16, and Dad’s idea of a debutante party is to contact the CIA, which has been seeking Hanna since birth with the intent of rubbing her out. Evil intelligence agent Marissa (Cate Blanchett), as motivelessly evil as a wicked stepmother, chases the girl across Europe; so does a trio of theatrical German goons, with their own evil music-box tune by the Chemical Brothers.

F I L M a p r i l 2 0 -2 7, 2 0 1 1 S A N T A C R U Z . C O M

large diamond being “an ice rink for mice,� sums up the limits of the plot, which seems just about that wide and that deep. (RvB)

Director Joe Wright (Atonement) sensibly adds some art-house cachet to the butt-kicking action. Considering the Girl Who Brought People Back to the Art Houses trilogy, it’s a smart commercial tactic. This weirdly artsy mash of Jack London and Alias is meant as a pleasure machine, but it’s an oddly dour thrill ride that insists on repetitive training over the free-style adaptation it claims is the only key to survival. (RvB)

HOP (PG; 95 min.) A holiday-themed CGI/live action hybrid. E.B. (Russell Brand), teenage son of the Easter Bunny, shocks everyone when, instead of following his father (Hugh Laurie of TV’s House) into the family business, he lights out for Hollywood to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a rock & roll drummer. He is forced to return to Easter Island with his new roommate (James Marsden) in tow when an evil chick, Carlos (Hank Azaria), attempts to usurp the holiday. I AM (Unrated; 76 min.) Director Tom Shadyac (Ace Ventura, etc.) tells of how a bad fall from a bicycle left him with post-concussion syndrome. When he recovered, he decided to make a film about the essential problems of the world. Shadyac put a microphone in front of some renowned people: Rumi scholar Coleman Barks, Desmond Tutu and populist radio host Thom Hartmann, among them. Shadyac is sincere, but this is a twirl through the kind of Northern California crypto-physics that proves loving attitudes in our hearts can magnetically effect change. Maybe so, but a lot more gets accomplished by justly angry people. (RvB) INSIDIOUS (PG-13; 103 min.) A couple is forced to reckon with the consequences of a dark spirit taking up residence in their comatose child’s body. JANE EYRE (PG-13; 121 min.) Atmospheric yet unself-conscious version by Cary Fukunaga (Sin Nombre), perhaps the best film of the novel ever. Moira Buffini’s script makes the smart choice of circumventing Jane’s

SUPER BAD!!Sbjoo!Xjmtpo!epmft!pvu!b!eptf!pg!wjhjmbouf!kvtujdf!jo!ÕTvqfs/Ö horrifying school years and starting the story after Jane leaves Thornfield. Mia Wasikowska, pale, hair tightly braided and dyed a dull brick-red, embodies the fine bones and honesty of the bravest of Gothic heroines. While no one beats Orson Welles, Michael Fassbender’s study of the proud yet internally crumbling Rochester takes this character out of the realm of the theatrical and into realism. A combination of popularity and rare talent is what you hope for in a film. And a young audience that associates Gothic lit with the mass-market paperback will be exposed to a story rich with depths and cross currents: it’s dreamy, tragic, completely fulfilling. (RvB)

LIMITLESS (PG-13; 105 min.) Bradley Cooper (The Hangover) plays an unemployed, recently dumped writer who stumbles upon a drug that will unlock the full potential of his brainpower—rather than just the 20 percent that most people use in their

day-to-day lives. Wealth and power follow, but a whole new set of problems arises when his stash begins to run low and hit men looking to cash in on the drug close in around him.

THE LINCOLN LAWYER (R; 119 min.) In lieu of an office, a handsome criminal defense attorney (Matthew McConaughey) operates out of a black 1980s Lincoln Towncar (license plate: NTGUILTY), and he’ll take on just about anyone’s case—for a price. When a Beverly Hills playboy (Ryan Phillippe), accused of assaulting and killing a young actress, appeals to the lawyer, he takes on the case and more risk than he has bargained for. Also starring William H. Macy and Marisa Tomei. POETRY (Unrated; 139 min.) A Korean film about a grandmother who enrolls in a poetry class just as she is diagnosed with early Alzheimer’s and discovers her grandson is suspected of rape. An official selection at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival.

POTICHE (Unrated; 103 min.) A foreign comedy starring Catherine Deneuve as an aging trophy wife who takes the reins of her husband’s umbrella factory in a French provincial town. RIO (PG; 96 min.) Blu, a modest macaw from Minnesota, sets off on a madcap adventure tailing the bird of his dreams to Brazil in this 3D animated film from Pixar. (Opens Fri at 41st Ave, Santa Cruz 9, Scotts Valley and Green Valley.) SCREAM 4 (R; 103min.) Ten years after Westboro was first terrorized by a series of brutal murders, a killer with particular interest in harassing Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell) is on the loose again. Deputy Dewey (David Arquette) and reporter Gale Weathers (Courtney Cox) will again investigate the events, but this time they’re in 3D. SOUL SURFER (PG; 105 min.) Based on the true story of Bethany Hamilton (Anna Sophia Robb), a teenager from the North Shore of Hawaii who is on her way to becoming a pro

surfer when a shark attack claims her left arm. She learns to surf again and triumphantly returns to the waves.

as it does more than once. When finding an escape route out of a seemingly inescapable situation, the movie doesn’t cheat. (RvB)

SOURCE CODE (PG-13; 93 min.) A commuter train bound for Chicago has a bomb on it. Because of one of those new time/spacewarping devices the U.S. military keeps around, they can beam an officer named Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal) back to try to find the bomber. Stevens’ control is Coleen Goodwin (Vera Farmiga). She’s a mere presence on a video screen. The timetraveling officer takes his orders from her, bunkered in a remote undisclosed location, wired up like a test monkey. The stage is set handsomely, then, and the twisting begins: Groundhog Day meets La JetÊe, with a nice little garnish of The Manchurian Candidate. During his cycles into the past, Colter becomes fixated on a girl on the train (Michelle Monaghan). She becomes a human stake in what will happen if the train evaporates into a fireball—

WIN WIN (R; 106 min.) Paul Giamatti plays Mike Flaherty, a down-on-hisluck attorney moonlighting as a high school wrestling coach when he discovers an exceptionally gifted athlete. Suddenly it looks like all of his personal and professional losing streaks are at their end—that is, until the kid’s mom is released from lock-up and free to ruin everything. YOUR HIGHNESS (R; 102 min.) The dashing Prince Fabious (James Franco) embarks on a quest to retrieve his kidnapped fiancÊe (Zooey Deschanel) with the help of his good-for-nothing brother Thadeous (Danny McBride) in this medieval romp replete with ye olde dialogue and many a cannabis-themed comedic rip (your highness—get it?!). Also starring Natalie Portman as a woman warrior who whips the brothers into shape.

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8]g^hi^cV LViZgh


ACCUMULUS A riot of ranunculus at the downtown market

Earth to Santa Cruz


;33B B63 ;/93@A With 3O`bV 2Og two days away, the 2]e\b]e\ AO\bO 1`ch 4O`[S`a ;O`YSb is throwing a party for Mother Earth this Wednesday, April 20 (yes, that is 4/20). Writer/activist 8]V\ @]PPW\a will be on hand, as well as Save Our Shores Executive Director :Oc`O 9OaO and other eco-

visionaries. Now opening at 1:30pm, the expanded market will feature more sit-down dining action, everything from @Oe 2ORRg and @WP 9W\U to >S\\g 7QS 1`SO[S`g. The tulips and ranunculus are making their most voluptuous spring impact right now, and this week the market introduces a whole new interactive shopping concept—the AO\bO 1`ch ;OYS`a ;O`YSb, showcasing local artists, jewelrymakers and ceramicists. Don’t forget to bring your own recyclable shopping bags (the market is aiming for a plastic bag–free future) and a healthy appetite for the latest harvest from Mother Earth.

;7AA7=< 67:: 5=3A 5/:/1B71 Well, OK, more like regional. But I ran into ice cream entrepreneur 2OdWR 9c[SQ at the Saturday farmer’s market and he was full of exciting news about his organic handmade ice creams. Since closing his Front Street operation, Kumec has been creating his exceptional line of treats in a new state-licensed production facility in Watsonville using all Straus Family Creamery organic products. He scored a huge account with the ;]\bS`Sg 0Og /_cO`Wc[, which now offers Kumec’s ice cream to its nearly 2 million annual visitors. Soon ;WaaW]\ 6WZZ 1`SO[S`g specialties will be sold at AbOTT ]T :WTS, 2SZcfS 4]]Ra and EV]ZS 4]]Ra, and you can find this ice cream by the pint in two weeks at the Westside and Eastside 1]TTSSb]^WOs. Meanwhile, samples are there for the taking at the ESabaWRS 4O`[S`¸a ;O`YSb every Saturday, 9am-1pm. A/D3 B63 2/B3 9SZZg¸a /\\cOZ 2W\\S` ;O`YSb will happen again on June 25. The entire Westside community of grazing foodies, plus a dozen food vendors, three wineries and the robust energy of the AO\bO 1`ch ;]c\bOW\ 0`SeS`g, will join forces in a big group picnic. /::¸A >/7@ May 1 at the Ingalls Street wineries sees the annual 2O`S b] >OW` event, where student chefs from the 1OP`WZZ] 1cZW\O`g /`ba ^`]U`O[ create recipes to match selected premium wines made by winemakers from Surf City Vintners. That would be A]\Sa 1SZZO`a Ab]``a AO\bO 1`ch ;]c\bOW\ DW\SgO`R =R]\ObO 0]\\g 2]]\ DW\SgO`R and

many others. Lots of delicious fun, but it’s actually a competition. Noon6pm. Tickets run $50 in advance or $60 the day of. 831.555.5555. AS\R bW^a OP]cb T]]R eW\S O\R RW\W\U RWaQ]dS`WSa b] 1V`WabW\O EObS`a Ob fbW\O.Q`chW] Q][ @SOR VS` PZ]U Ob Vbb^( QV`WabW\OeObS`a Q][

P L A T E D a p r i l 2 0 -2 7, 2 0 1 1 S A N T A C R U Z . C O M



S A N T A C R U Z . C O M a p r i l 2 0 -2 7, 2 0 1 1 D I N E R ’ S G U I D E


Diner’s Guide

Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. AG;0=:A ;/23 A7;>:3( + C\RS` + # + $ + O\R c^

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages />B=A $$ Aptos

/;0@=A7/ 7<27/ 07AB@=

$$ Aptos

0@7B/<<7/ /@;A

$$$ Aptos $$$ Aptos

$$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 :/ 03::/ D7B/ 07AB@=

257 Center Ave, 831.685.8111 A3D3@7<=¸A 5@7::

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Italian. Ambience reminiscent of a small trattoria in the streets of Italy, serving handmade lasagna, pasta dishes, gnocchi and fresh fish. Wed-Sun, Lunch 11am-2pm, Dinner 5-9pm. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com.

H/;33< ;327B3@@/<3/< Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

1/>7B=:/ $ Capitola


1/43 D7=:3BB3

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

>/@/27A3 ACA67 Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 superfresh fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm.



1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511

AB=19B=< 0@7253 5@7::3 Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar,


231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily.

$$$ Capitola


203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

California cuisine. Nightly specials include prime rib and lobster. Daily 7am-2am.

A/<B/ 1@CH $$ Santa Cruz

1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588

$ Santa Cruz

1141 Soquel Ave, 831. 426.5664


16/@:73 6=<5 9=<5

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz

B63 1@3>3 >:/13

110 Church St, 831.429.2000

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994

1@=E¸A <3AB

Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

6C:/¸A 7A:/<2 5@7::

Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852

7<27/ 8=H3

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. California organic meets Southeast Asian street food. Organic noodle & rice bowls, vegan menu, fish & meat options, Vietnamese style sandwiches, eat-in or to-go. Consistent winner “Best Cheap Eats.� Open daily 11am-11pm American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.� Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm. ’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close. Eclectic Pan Asian dishes. Vegetarian, seafood, lamb and

418 Front St, 831.325-3633

chicken with a wok emphasis since 1972. Cafe, catering, culinary classes, food festivals, beer and wine. Open for lunch and dinner daily except Sunday 11:30-9pm. Special events most Sundays.

$$ Santa Cruz

7 :=D3 ACA67

Japanese Fusion. Sushi bar, sake bar, vegetarian, seafood, steak in fun atmosphere; kids play area; karaoke every night. Open seven days 5-10pm; Mon-Fri 11:30am-2:30pm.

$$ Santa Cruz

516 Front St, 831.421.0706 8=6<<G¸A 6/@0=@A723

493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

$$$ :/ >=AB/ Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782 $$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz

>/17471 B6/7

Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon. 49-B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393 1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700

@7AB=@/<B3 7B/:7/<=

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

$$ Santa Cruz

@=A73 ;11/<<¸A

$$ Santa Cruz

Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily.

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930 A=74

105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

$$ Santa Cruz

C>>3@ 1@CAB >7HH/

$$ Santa Cruz

E==2AB=19¸A >7HH/

2415 Mission St, 831.423.9010

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm. Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Fri 11:30am, dinner nightly at 5pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am. Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Dinner Mon-Thu 510pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close. Pizza. Specializing in authentic Sicilian and square pizza. Homemade pasta, fresh sandwiches, soups, salads and more. Hot slices always ready. Sun-Thu 10am-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 10am-11pm. Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

A/< :=@3<H= D/::3G $$ Felton

@32E==2 >7HH3@7/

6205 Hwy 9, 831.335.1500

Organic Pizza. Everything organic: pizza, lasagna, soup, salad, beer and local wine. Always organic, local produce. Party room seats 32. Weeknights 4-9pm (closed Tue), Fri 4-10pm, Sat 1-10pm, Sun 1-9pm. See menu at www.redwoodpizza.com.

A1=BBA D/::3G $ 63/D3<:G 1/43 American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. $ 87/ B3::/¸A Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

A=?C3: $$ Soquel

3: 167>=B:3 B/?C3@7/

4724 Soquel Dr, 831.477.1048

Mexican. Open for breakfast. We use no lard in our menu and make your food fresh daily. We are famous for our authentic ingredients such as traditional mole from Oaxaca. Lots of vegetarian options. Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, weekends 8am-9pm.

For Rent Â’ 0SOcbWTcZ a^OQS T]` `SbOWZ ]` ]TTWQS Â’ ! a_ Tb

1]\bOQb( &! "#% ' ]` RSP`O.aO\bOQ`ch Q][

35 D I N E R ’ S G U I D E a p r i l 2 0 -2 7, 2 0 1 1 S A N T A C R U Z . C O M

Santa Cruz

S A N T A C R U Z . C O M a p r i l 2 0 -2 7, 2 0 1 1



0g @ 0g @]P 0`Sha\g ]P 0`Sha\g

For F oor the week week off April A 20 ARIES (Mar (March ch 21–April 19): Now comes coomes one of the

supreme supreme tests tests that that most most every every Aries Aries must must periodically periodically face: face: Will you live up to your promises? promisses? Will you follow follow through through on on your your rousing rousing start? start? Will Will you you continue continue to to stay stay passionately committed once the ďŹ ery ďŹ infatuation infatuation stage evolves evolves into into the the earthy earthy foundation-building foundation-building stage? stage? Here’s Here’s a secret secret to succeeding at this test: You Yoou can’t can’t just try to force force yourself yourself to to “be “be goodâ€? goodâ€? and and do do the the right right thing. thing. Nor Nor does it work to use shame or guilt guilt to t motivate yourself. yourself. Somehow Somehow you’ve you’ve got got to to marshal marshal pure, pure, raw raw excitement excitement for for the the gritty gritty detail detail work work to to come. come. You’ve You’ve got got to to fall fall in in love love with the task of actually eshing out ouut your dreams. dreams.

TTAURUS AURUS (April 20–May 20): In hiss book on intuition,

David G.. M Myers ppsychologist sychologist D avid G yers ddeďŹ nes eďŹ nes iitt aass ““the the ccapacity apacity without ffor or ddirect irect kknowledge nowledge aand nd iimmediate mmediate iinsight, nsight, w ithout observation Another any obser vation or rreason.â€? eason.â€? Anoth her expert on the Malcolm Gladwell, ssubject, ubject, M alcolm G ladwell, ddescribes escribes iintuition ntuition aass tthe he without Both ““power power ooff tthinking hinking w ithout tthinking.â€? hinking.â€? B oth aauthors uthors eencourage ncourage uuss ttoo ccultivate ultivate this this undersung undersung way way of of But Myers warns ggrasping rasping oour ur rraw aw eexperience. xperience. B ut M yers aalso lso w arns uuss ooff tthe he pperils erils ooff iintuition ntuition iiff iit’s t’s untempered untempered by by logic logic wheree and analysis. It can lead us down rrabbit abbit holes wher wee llose w ose ttrack rack ooff tthe he ddifference ifference bbetween etween oour ur ffantasies antasies world. mistake aand nd tthe he rreal eal w orld. IItt ccan an ccause ause uuss ttoo m istake oour ur ffears ears maze ffor or aaccurate ccurate EESP SP oorr gget et llost ost iin nam aze ooff sself-fulďŹ lling elf-fulďŹ lling prophecies. your pr ophecies. I bring all of this to you ur attention, TTaurus, aaurus, weeks will bbecause ecause tthe he ccoming oming w eeks w ill bbee aan n eexcellent xcellent ttime ime ffor or intuition. you to hone and purify your intuit ion.

GEMINI ((May May 221–June 1–June 220): 0): O One ne ooff the the most most impressive impressive

eelements lements ooff tthe he EEgyptian gyptian uuprising prising iin n JJanuary anuary aand nd over.r. Eighteen days of February came after it was all ove mess sstreet treet pprotests rotests ccreated reated a hhuge uge m ess iin n CCairo’s airo’s TTahrir ahrir Squaree and the sur surrounding area. Mubarak Squar rounding ar ea. When Hosni Mubar ak percolating, ďŹ nally rresigned esigned and rreforms eforms begann per colating, with tthousands housands ooff ddemonstrators emonstrators rreturned eturned w ith bbrooms rooms aand nd rubber gloves and garbage bags too set the place back order. urge similar in or derr. I ur ge you to ffollow ollow a sim ilar sequence in the weeks, Gemini. Agitate ccoming oming w eeks, G emini. A gitate ffor or cchange; hange; rrebel ebel aagainst gainst corruption ignorance; the stale status quo; ďŹ ght cor ruptiion and ignor ance; and once your work has led to at lleast east a partial success, yourself.. clean up after yourself

CCANCER ANCER ((June June 221–July 1–July 222): 2): “Sometimes “Sometimes nature nature seems seems

more m ore bbeautiful eautiful tthan han sstrictly trictly nnecessary,â€? ecessary,â€? ssaid aid pphysicist hysicist Weinberg SSteven teven W einberg aass hhee aadmired dmired a hhackberry ackberry ttree ree with sstoked toked w ith bblue lue jjays, ays, yyellow-throated ellow-throated vvireos ireos aand nd a rred ed may ďŹ nd ccardinal. ardinal. YYou ou m ay ďŹ nd yyourself ourself tthinking hinking ssimilar imilar tthoughts houghts From in the coming week, CCancerian. ancerian. Fr o what I can tell, om ood with llife ife iiss pprimed rimed ttoo  ood yyou ou w ith ssimple imple gglories lories aand nd eternal exotic rrevelations, evelations, with signs of et ternal splendor and natural hints of sublime meaning, with na atural wonders and civilization’s moree inter interesting gifts. civilization ’s mor esting gifts s.

LEO LE O ((July July 223–Aug. 3–Aug. 222): 2): I bbecame ecame an an ordained ordained minister minister iin n Universal when was tthe he U niversal LLife ife CChurch hurch w hen I w as 119 9 yyears ears oold. ld. SSince ince numerous then I have ofďŹ ciated at numer ouss baptisms, initiations, marrying people weddings (including mar rying peo ople to themselves), ddivorces, ivorces, rrenamings, enamings, hhousewarmings, ousewarmings, gghost-banishings host-banishings myy yyears aand nd tthe he ttaking aking ooff pprimal rimal vvows. ows. IIn n aallll m ears ooff ffacilitating acilitating tthese hese cceremonies, eremonies, II’ve ’ve rrarely arely sseen een a bbetter etter ttime ime tthan han rright ight nnow ow ffor or yyou ou LLeos eos ttoo sseek eek a ccathartic athartic several. rite of passage. YYou oou may even be tempted t to try sever al. moree thann two, however however.. Ar Aree I rrecommend ecommend you do no mor break smash you rready eady to br eak a taboo or sma ash an addiction? Renounce R enounce a ddelusion elusion oorr ppledge ledge yyour our ddevotion evotion oorr lleap eap ttoo the next level?

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): It woul would ld be an excellent time Apocalypse Preparedness ffor or yyou ou ttoo aacquire cquire tthe he ZZombie ombie A pocalypse P reparedness KKit, it, a ppackage ackage ooff ggoodies oodies pprepared repared bbyy ddomestic omestic eexpert xpert Martha M artha SStewart. tewart. I ssay ay tthis his nnot ot bbecause ecause a ZZombie ombie Apocalypse A pocalypse iiss llooming, ooming, oorr aany ny oother ther kkind ind ooff aapocalypse pocalypse matter.. Rather Rather,r, the kit kit’s ffor or that matter ’s presence prresence in your life life encourage might encour age you to make funn of your ffears. ears. And perfect cooperate that would be a perf ect way to coo operate with the which ccurrent urrent ccosmic osmic ttendencies, endencies, w hich aare re cconspiring onspiring ttoo diminish the inhibitions that your anxieties hold in Remember pplace. lace. R emember oone ne ooff tthe he kkey ey rrules ules iin n tthe he ggame ame ooff life: worry. lif e: Humor dissipates wor ry.

LIBRA LIBR A (Sept. (Sept. 223–Oct. 3–Oct. 222): 2): EEighty ighty yyears ears aago, go, aan n eexplorer xplorer who visited the Maori of New Zealand Zealland found found they had such many such good good eyesight eyesight that that m any were were aable ble to to detect detect Jupiter’s Jupiter ’s four four largest largest moons with their naked eyes. That’s That’s the the kind kind of of vision vision you you could could have have in in the the coming coming days, Libra—metaphorically Libra—metaphorically speaking, speaaking, at least. The astrological astrological omens omens say say yyou ou have have the the potential potential ttoo see see

deeper further and deep per into any part of rreality eality you choose ttoo ffocus ocus oon. n. IInner nner ttruths ruths tthat hat hhave ave bbeen een hhidden idden ffrom rom aree rready penetrating probes. you ar eady to be plucked by your penetr ating pr obes. For best rresults, esults, cleanse your thoughts of expectations. Perceive what’s P erceive w hat’s actually actually there, there, not not what what you you want want or or don’t there. don ’t want to be ther e.

SSCORPIO CORPIO ((Oct. Oct. 223–Nov. 3–Nov. 221): 1): YYou ou rreally eally sshould hould vventilate entilate your house periodically, perioodicallyy, even when the weather’s weather ’s cool. g stale; you need to ush it out and The air indoors gets welcome in some some fresh fresh stuff. stuff. In my astrological astrological opinion, it’s it’s especially important important for for you to do this right now. now. So please consider considder opening all the windows for for a while and inviting inviting the the breezes breezes to to blow blow through. through. In In addition addition to to and its its practical practical value value for for your your respiratory respiratory system, system, it it could could serve as as a ritual ritual that that gently gently blows blows the the dusty dusty crud crud out out serve of of your your mind, mind, thereby thereby improving improving the the circulation circulation in in your your thoughts and emotions em motions and fantasies. fantasies. SSAGITTARIUS AGITT G TA ARIUS (Nov. (Nov. 22–Dec. 22–Dec. 221): 1): What What do do you you like like most most about about work? work? What What are are the the pleasurable pleasurable experiences experiences that that for you when w you’re engaged in demanding happen for you’re tasks tasks that that require require you you to to be be focused, focused, competent competent and and principled? I think think it’s it’s important important for for you you to to identify identify principled? those those hard-earned hard-earned joys joys and and then then brainstorm brainstorm about about what you you can can do do to to expand expand and and intensify intensify them. them. You’re You’re in in what a phase phase of of your your long-term long-term cycle cycle when when you you can can make make a lot of headway toward tooward transforming transforming your job situation so it serves serves you better. b r. better CCAPRICORN APRICORN ((Dec. Dec. 222–Jan. 2–Jan. 19): 19): TThe he next next pphase hase ooff yyour our life will be an excellent exccellent time to unbreak unbreak your heart. life Here’s w hat I m ean bbyy tthat: hat: YYou ou w ill hhave ave eextra xtra ppower ower Here’s what mean will p that still lingers from from the romantic romantic to dissolve any pain disappointments disappointments of of the the past. past. You’ll You’ll be be able able to to summon summon acute insights insights into into how how to to dismantle dismantle the the sodden sodden and and acute unnecessary defenses defenses you you built built to to protect protect yourself yourself from from unnecessary loss and and humiliation. humiliation. You You will will ďŹ nd ďŹ nd it it easier easier than than ever ever loss before to to forgive forgive and and forget forget any any close close companion companion who who before there, Capricorn, Capricorn, and launch the hurt you. So get out there, joyful joyful process process of of restoring restoring your your love love muscles muscles to to their their original potency. potencyy. AQUARIUS A QUARIUS (Jan. ((Jan. 20–Feb. 18):) “Search “Search for for Self Called Called

Off After 38 YYears,â€? eearrs,â€? rread ead the headline in The Onion. ““II t if I kept searching searching and exploring, always thought that report began, quoting I’d discover who I truly was,â€? the report 38-year-old Andrew Andrew Speth. Speth. “Well, “Well, I looked looked deep deep into into 38-year-old the innermost innermost recesses recesses of of my my soul, soul, and and you you know know what what the found? An empty, empptyy, windowless room room the size of an I found? aircraft hangar. hangar. From F om now on, if anybody needs me, I’ll Fr aircraft be sprawled sprawled out out on on my my couch couch drinking drinking black-cherry black-cherry be watching Law & Order Order llike ike eeverybody verybody eelse.â€? lse.â€? I soda and watching wonder if Speth is an Aquarius? Many of my Aquarian acquaintances seem seeem to have hit a dead end rrecently ecently in their quest to fulďŹ ll fullďŹ ll the ancient maxim “Know thyself.â€? thyself.â€? If you’re you’re like that, please p hang on. The oodgates of selfdiscovery will open open soon.

PISCES PIS CES (Feb. 19–March 19– –March 20): Odds ar are re high that you know Africa. know very very little little aabout bout A frica. Can Can yyou ou nname ame eeven ven 220 0 ooff its more Are its m ore than than 550 0 countries? countries? A re yyou ou aaware ware tthat hat iits ts lland and mass is bigger tha than Europe, an Eur roope, China and the United SStates tates combined? Did combined? D id yyou ou realize realize tthat hat aabout bout 22,000 ,000 llanguages anguages aare re spoken by the peo people ople living there? there? I bring this up, Pisces, because fr from om an astrological astrological perspective it’s it’s an excellent time ďŹ llll the time ffor or you you to to ďŹ the gaps gaps in in your your eeducation ducation aabout bout Africa—or which Africa—or any any other other subject subject aabout bout w hich yyou ou aare re ddeeply eeply uninformed. overwhelmed uninformed. Don’t Don’t get over whelmed by this assignment, though. though. Choose Choose maybe maybe tthree hree aareas reas ooff iignorance gnorance tthat hat yyou ou will concentr concentrate weeks. ate on o in the coming week s.

Homework: T Though hough sometimes it’s it’s imposimpossible to do th he right thing, doing the halfthe right thing m ay be a viable option. Give an may example from from m your own lif e: http:/ // /www life: /www.. fr eewillastrollogyy..com freewillastrology.com DWaWb @3 DWaWb @3/:/AB@=:=5G 1=; / /AB@=:=5G 1=; /: T] ` @]P¸a 3f^O\RSR ESSYZg /cRW] T]` @]P¸a 3f^O\RSR ESSYZg /cRW] 6]` ]aQ]^S Sa O\R 2OWZg B BSfb ;SaaOUS 6]`]aQ]^Sa O\R 2OWZg BSfb ;SaaOUS 6 ]`]aQ]^Sa BVS OcRW] V]`]aQ]^Sa 6]`]aQ]^Sa BVS OcRW] V]`]aQ]^Sa O` S OZa] OdOWZOPZS Pg ^V]\S Ob O`S OZa] OdOWZOPZS Pg ^V]\S Ob &%% &%! "&&& & %% & % ! "&&& ]` ]` ' '# %% ' '# %%

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