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L O C A L LY p6 C U R R E N T S p9 C O V E R S T O R Y p15





F I L M p29 P L AT E D




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DOGGONE SHAME REGARDING Stephen Kessler’s letter (“Man Bites Dogs,” Posts, Jan. 4) I, too, nearly tripped over the same three blobs of s--- during the Christmas holiday downtown. It was so bad that I mentioned it to two uniformed personnel behind me: They were completely unconcerned. I had just come from walking in the gutter due to two large German shepherds and their owners taking up the whole sidewalk area. I am also worried about health issues and danger to children at face-level and those wheelchair-bound. In such a small area, there simply is no room for chance—or dogs. Who made this decision about allowing dogs downtown,

Send letters to Santa Cruz Weekly, letters@santacruz.com or to Attn: Letters, 877 Cedar St. Ste 147., Santa Cruz, 95060. Include city and phone number or email address. Submissions may be edited for length, clarity or factual inaccuracies known to us.

anyway, and how can we reverse it before it gets even more out of hand? G. R. Pippin Santa Cruz

STARS ABOVE WE WOULD like to clarify two points in the Jan. 4 article on 2012 (“The End of the World As We Know It,” Cover story) that might have been misleading. First of all, modern astrologers know what “precession” is (not “precision,” as quoted in the article). It is the phenomenon of the solstices and equinoxes shifting relative to the constellations at the rate of about one degree every 72 years. Because of

precession, astrologers must choose to base the signs of the zodiac either on seasons or the constellations. Western (or tropical) astrologers have chosen to use the seasons, which are anchored to the precise times of the solstices and equinoxes. Thus, the sign of Aries always begins at the March equinox. Vedic (or sidereal) astrologers have chosen to use the constellations as the basis of the signs. Both approaches are grounded in real phenomena. That the seasons have shifted about 30 degrees relative to the constellations in the past 2000 years has no bearing on the validity of astrology. Secondly, regarding what was called “Mayan stuff ” in the article, most people probably think that the 2012 phenomenon is only a recent fabrication of New Age zealots. Actually, respected scholars were the first to recognize the Mayan beliefs in the great significance of the ending of the Long Count period. As early as 1951, Maud Makemson, Vassar College professor of astronomy, while translating one of the ancient Mayan texts, commented on the significance of the ending date of the Long Count calendar. She stated, “(T)he completion of a great cycle of 13 baktuns would indeed be an occasion of the highest expectation.” In 1966 Michael Coe, Yale University professor of anthropology and archaeology and one of the foremost Maya scholars, discovered indications in the Mayan glyphs that the ancient Maya believed that “our present universe [would] be annihilated… when the Great Cycle of the Long Count reaches completion.” (Both quotes are from The Living Maya by Robert Sitler, Ph.D.) We think that the year 2012 represents more than one single day of exceptional importance. It could very well be a watershed time in the evolution or de-evolution of humanity. It is pretty interesting that the Maya Long Count period is ending just as a perfect storm of environmental and social degradation is looming on the horizon and on the other hand there are so many indications of positive change. Rico Baker and Claire Joy Santa Cruz


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S A N T A C R U Z . C O M j a n u a r y 1 8 -2 4 , 2 0 1 2 L O C A L L Y




EWaVSR T]` ac^S`VS`] ^]eS`( I want a magic wand that fixes stuff. I’d fix frowns and turn them into smiles. I’d fix the political system and make it actually work. AQWS\bWTWQ P`SOYbV`]cUV g]c¸R ZWYS b] aSS( I’d love to see more technical

advancements that act as conduits between our imagination and reality.

/<2G H3<1H/9

<O[S O ^Sb ^SSdS People who try to

EVOb R] g]c R] T]` O ZWdW\U- I own

take their two cents of knowledge and stretch it into a dollar.

Gadgetbox Recording Studios, where I produce, record and mix music and video for independent bands and songwriters.

EVOb RWR g]c VOdS T]` P`SOYTOab bVWa []`\W\U- Bowl of cereal with fruit. I’m

7T g]c eS`S\¸b R]W\U bVOb- I’d be devising a clever scheme to allow me to produce, record and mix music and video for independent bands and songwriters. EVOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[S-

Revel in the humor and antics of my 3year old son Oscar.

a cereal fanatic. EVOb¸a a][SbVW\U []ab ^S]^ZS R]\¸b Y\]e OP]cb g]c- I’m a tearful guy.

Even a 30–second commercial about a car can make me bawl embarrassingly. EVOb¸a g]c` `W\U b]\S- The ring

from Neo’s phone in The Matrix or an antique German telephone ringer.

EVOb O`S g]c ZWabS\W\U b] bVSaS ROga-

Bon Iver’s Bon Iver is my favorite record to emerge in the last 10 years. (There, I said it.)

:3;=< AB/<2 !B!Xbtijohupo!Tusffu!gsvju!usff!pxofs!tpvst!po!tibsjoh/!Qipup!cz!Ufttb!Tuvbsu/

Read full answers at www.santacruz.com. ) submit your cruzscapes photo to publiceye@santacruz.com (


10 Ways to Tell It’s Too Warm for a Saturday in January 1. You are sitting outside at the Bagelry and you didn’t even complain when your husband steered you toward the shade to read, even though the only thing you hate more than being sunburned is sitting in the shade. 2. The guy with the gyrfalcon perched on his leather-gloved arm who is causing a mild commotion in the parking lot is in a T-shirt. At least that’s how you remember it on Monday. 3. Going to the Fungus Fair, which you were looking forward to, seems like a ridiculous idea now because it would mean going inside on this lovely day, and because they must have had to import many of the mushrooms, which just seems sad.

4. The UCSC girls are wearing tiny miniskirts with tights, and you try to decide if it’s cute or slutty. Cute, slutty, cute, slutty. Do their grandmothers know they are dressing like this? 5. Did your grandmother figure, when your college boyfriend’s voice showed up on the outgoing message, that you two were doing it? Do grandmothers know more than they let on? Or do they just withhold judgment? 6. The snake around the neck of the girl who is with the guy holding the gyrfalcon is sliding happily all over her shoulder and arms. Since snakes are cold-blooded, this suggests it’s warm outside. At least it seems like a plausible theory.

7. You roll down the windows on the way to the beach. 8. At the beach husband, discovering he has forgotten his shorts, considers fashioning a sarong from his shirt. He rolls up his pants instead. 9. The sand is warm when you take off your f lip-f lops. 10. While watching the sanderlings and sandpipers skittering across the wet sand of the tidal zone you fall asleep, and when you wake up you’re thirsty and drink some water and the two of you discuss going for a walk, but it takes some time before you actually get around to it. Traci Hukill


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Michelle Feileacan

For the Tuskegee Airmen, whose exploits inspired the new film ‘Red Tails,’ the war is still painful BY RACHEL DOVEY


He’s already soft-spoken, but 86year-old pilot James Goodwin speaks in a near whisper when he recalls World War II. “It’s sort of terrible talking about it,” he says, detailing the perils of a battle fought in mid-air. As a Tuskegee Airman, Goodwin was tasked with protecting American bombers from German fighters. But unlike white “escorts” from other squadrons, the military’s first group of black pilots was ordered to never leave its cargo and jet off in pursuit of a coveted enemy kill, a move that often protected the bombers but

sometimes endangered both planes. “You’d pick up a bomber that had been wounded by anti-aircraft and try to shepherd it home,” he recalls. “But sometimes, because it had lost so much stability, it would lose control and wander back over the f lak field. That was one of the most dangerous things for a fighter, because that field is deadly. You would see that, and it was horrible, these planes being knocked out of the air.” It’s clear that Goodwin, now a pacifist, doesn’t relish his violent memories. But the tall, thin veteran, who talks with his head

‘Domestic Fascism’ When Goodwin arrived in Alabama, the shadow of Southern racism still covered Tuskegee University. Aside from being Jim Crow territory, it was also the site of the infamous “Tuskegee syphilis experiment,” in which the Public Health Department denied impoverished black sharecroppers treatment for their disease. The Airmen, many of whom

Harm’s Way Prior to WWII, the Air Force refused to admit black pilots. It based this exclusion on a war >10


Triumph in the Sky

came from highly educated “Northern” families, were suddenly immersed in a culture of mundane, day-to-day prejudice. “My father made me promise not to leave the base, so I never went wandering around,” Goodwin, who grew up in Southern California, recalls. “We gave it pretty names, like Jim Crow, but it was actually domestic fascism,” he adds. “You couldn’t walk on the same side of the street.” Leslie Williams, a 92-year-old Airman now living in San Mateo, puts it in simpler terms: “Imagine the worst possible thing you can, and double it, triple it. That’s what it was like down there.” Like Goodwin, Williams was raised on the West Coast. “I was playing a role down in the South,” he recalls. “I played the role of a dumb ‘boy’ from California who said ‘Yes, sir’ and ‘No, sir’ just because I wanted to be a pilot so bad.” With other schools training black civilian pilots around the country, some Airmen questioned the military’s motives in sending them to the heart of the bigoted South, according to Goodwin. Their suspicious weren’t unfounded, says Jay Richardson, VP of Tuskegee Airmen Inc.’s Northern California chapter. “[Tuskegee] had an airfield, and the f lying weather was good,” he says. “But the Army, not realizing that these men were highly educated Northerners, wanted to keep them in what they thought of as ‘their own culture,’ and keep them under control. You have to realize, it did not want to integrate them.”

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WILD YONDER James Goodwin lives in a modest Santa Rosa apartment yet is widely considered a national hero.

bowed as though intently studying his own words, is not ashamed of his participation in the war. His Santa Rosa apartment is piled with hand-written notes and newspaper clippings about the Airmen, and when he forgets a name or a date, he walks slowly to a bookshelf stacked with the writings of former comrades. The victories of Goodwin’s elite fighter group disproved centuries of stereotype and led to Truman’s 1948 order desegregating the military. Theirs is a triumphant narrative that has captured the imaginations of countless filmmakers, most recently George Lucas, whose Red Tails opens in theaters on Jan. 20. It’s earned the fighters deserved renown and brought them, most recently, to President Obama’s 2008 inauguration, where they were honored as civil rights pioneers. But though the story of the Tuskegee Airmen is one of heroism, bravery and ultimate victory, it’s also the tale of a deeply conf licted War Department that needed—and sometimes exploited—its black pilots while fighting viciously to keep them from the very work they were trained to do. Much of it is set in the clear skies of Italy, but it’s really a story about the calculated brutality of 1940s America, particularly in that murky, humid place known as the South.





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SKY’S THE LIMIT The new George Lucas film ‘Red Tails’ tells the story of the Tuskegee Airmen, Hollywood-style. <9

college report from 1925 titled “The Use of Negro Manpower in War,” which used social Darwinist logic to claim that blacks were physically, mentally and morally inferior to whites. It concluded that while they could succeed in menial labor positions, they would be unable to perform in highly technical roles, like f lying. Funds to train black pilots were allocated in the late ’30s, but War Department leaders continued to be wary. At Tuskegee, rigid aviation and academic admissions standards were set and, once admitted to the program, Airmen were strictly segregated from their white counterparts. When the program’s first graduates were sent overseas, the department’s paranoia turned to sabotage, according to Goodwin. The 99th Pursuit Squadron was sent to North Africa in April of 1943. There the group of expert pilots was given a ground-attack role, then critiqued for not engaging in air-to-air combat. “The Army used that to argue that they weren’t aggressive enough,” says Goodwin, whose squadron joined the 99th in 1944. “They were literally called cowards, because they had no kills to their credit,” says Richardson.

“But they weren’t given the opportunity to do what they were trained to do.” Ironically, many of the pilots who were kept from meeting their potential in North Africa would be forced to outperform white aviators later in the war. The late Gwynne Pierson, another Airman, f lew 73 missions, according to his Mill Valley–based son Kerry Pierson. White pilots usually f lew a maximum of 50 missions before returning to the States, but according to Pierson, the military believed that, due to what it deemed “f lawed neural responses,” black pilots could withstand more stress. According to Richardson, it wasn’t uncommon for black pilots to f ly more than 100 missions before returning home. On one such mission, Pierson was f lying low over the Adriatic Sea when he spotted a German destroyer, his son recalls. He was low on fuel and couldn’t navigate around the colossal ship, so he and his fellow pilots did the only thing they could. “They more or less closed their eyes and started shooting,” Pierson says. One shot hit the ship’s magazine. The destroyer exploded. Red Tails shows the planes speeding away from a backdrop of flames and smoke.

“He was wearing a leather jacket, and he said his jacket was soaked,” Pierson says, recalling his father’s stress level afterward. “It was like he had dropped it in a bathtub and let it sit there for four hours.”

Vindication The 99th faced U.S. scrutiny until the end of 1943. That fall, the group’s famous commander Benjamin O. Davis Jr. returned to the States to advocate for his squadron when Air Force officials recommended it be sent home. Everything changed in January. On a notoriously balmy Mediterranean day, the Allies swarmed a 15-mile stretch of rocky beach near Anzio, Italy, and in the battle that followed, the Tuskegee Airmen shot down 12 German planes in two days. “These incredible statistics went back to the States about the Airmen,” Goodwin says. “That 1925 war report went out the window.” The 99th was legendary by the time Goodwin’s newly graduated squadron joined them in 1944. But though he was elated to be fighting alongside them, the 99th struggled with his group’s presence, he recalls. In May, the senior squadron was relocated from its mixed-race (though still strictly segregated)

fighter group to the all-black 332 group, composed of four Tuskegeetrained squadrons. “They weren’t happy about being re-segregated,” he says, “but thank God they were, because they taught us how to do the work we needed to do. It’s kind of a mixed story, because these men had accomplished the goal of integration, and they didn’t want to join an all-black group but they didn’t hold on to those feelings. Finally, there was some mentorship, and no one had given them any mentorship in the beginning. That’s one of the reasons the Army could ding them and say they weren’t very good.” Without losing many bombers, the group destroyed or damaged upwards of 400 enemy aircraft, becoming known as the “red-tail angels.” The George Lucas film Red Tails, in theaters Jan. 20, takes its name from this moniker.

Resolution In his apartment, Goodwin sorts through newspaper clippings like he’s sifting memories, weighing them for fact and importance. He pauses to pull anecdotes and sidebars from each ink-smeared clip, but his impressive history spirals over a central conf lict. The celebrated veteran is now a Quaker. His mother belonged to the faith, which advocates nonviolence, and two of his brothers were conscientious objectors while he fought in World War II. “I think I need to write something about all this,” he says toward the end of our interview. “But part of the problem I’ve had is that I’ve never been able to square myself with it in a way. I will not apologize for my war experience, and yet I’ve moved on. I’ve come back to a very different place, and it isn’t easy. I mean, my God, I’m 86 years old. At least it isn’t pressing on me. I’ve been dealing with it for so long.” The younger Pierson says he’s seen many Airmen, including his father, engage in intense contemplation as they age. “They’re a justifiably proud and remarkably humble group of men,


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THE 99TH James Goodwin in his air force days with the Tuskegee Airmen. but I see them beginning to look at themselves differently. There’s a lot of bitterness, but I’m not saying they live their lives as bitter men . . . I don’t know how to describe it. My father used to tell me about how, in training, the bar was set so much higher for them. The littlest things were watched out for and they were imposed with extra duties and called names.” Despite his mixed feelings on war, the rigid segregation he saw in the South and the restrictions he faced in the army, Goodwin seems to have escaped bitterness.

His quiet voice is filled with intense conviction when he speaks about his post-war work in the Peace Corps and with the War on Poverty, and his belief that, despite everything he’s witnessed, reconciliation is a human possibility. “Peace isn’t the end, it’s the way,” he says. “It’s a way to live your life and deal with others. It has to be almost like getting a new DNA. We keep wondering why people go to war, like it’s this natural instinct that we can’t biologically shed, but I think we can. I really do.” 0



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FLOOD ZONE Word on the street is rehearsals for Tuesday’s tour and parade have been kind of intense.

Santa Cruz Submerged A quasi-ironic ‘tour’ of town after the ice caps melt aims to strengthen Climate Action Plan BY JACOB PIERCE


A TEAM of snorkelers, boogie boarders and life jacket-clad activists will wander Pacific Avenue for an ocean-themed, only-in-Santa Cruz parade this Tuesday, Jan. 24. It’s all in the name of climate change education. Tawn Kennedy of Green Ways to School wants to show Santa Cruz how downtown could look by 2112 if the city doesn’t meet its goals for cutting greenhouse gases (though, granted, we have little control over what the Earth’s

other 7 billion people will do to cut theirs). Under current predictions, if climate change continues at its present rate, much of downtown Santa Cruz will be underwater. The parade will feature octopi costumes and a Venice-style boat parade. Santa and his elves might even make a appearance from the melting North Pole to what Kennedy is calling the “Pacific Avenue Canal.” The f lood sounds so cheery it’s almost frightening. “All of this is very, very hard to imagine because it’s so scary,” says

Transition Santa Cruz’s Michael Levy, another organizer for the event. “One way to think about it is by laughing.” Kennedy and Levy want the underwater tour, being promoted as “part comedy and part hardhitting political analysis,” to draw attention to the city’s Climate Action Plan. That plan, currently awaiting final approval from city council, aims to reduce emissions 30 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050, using 1990 levels as a baseline. City staff took environmentalists’ previous round of comments into consideration for their latest plan, but the activists say the city could have done better. Come Tuesday, County Treasurer Fred Keeley will suit up as a tour guide for the underwater parade, riding a time-traveling boat pulled by bicyclists up Pacific Avenue. Keeley, playing the ghost of Santa Cruz future, will show participants a sea of hypothetical post-globalwarming woes. The scene will be like a slow, nightmarish Disneyland ride—lots of fun characters and pretty colors with some worst-case-scenario environmental politics thrown in. Kennedy says the vessel will have room for about four passengers, but all other participants will walk on the sidewalk alongside the boat, which will be moving at a pedestrian’s pace. Kennedy doesn’t think drivers will get too upset. “I don’t foresee the boat interfering with traffic,” says Kennedy. “If people really need to, they can go around.” Environmentalists’ remaining concerns about the Climate Action Plan are twofold. First, the plan has no citizens’ advisory committee or community oversight board. Without that, Kennedy and Levy worry the plan might never be enforced. Councilmember Ryan Coonerty, who worked on the plan as mayor last year, is reluctant to

create such a board. Instead he’s calling on neighbors and businesses to help take the reins on cutting their emissions. Activists’ other chief concern is that public works is planning for cars in certain places as they prepare to widen intersections and the bridge over the San Lorenzo River to Highway 1.

The scene will be like a slow, nightmarish Disneyland ride—lots of fun characters and pretty colors with some worstcase-scenario environmental politics thrown in. “We’re planning a lot of bike routes and safe routes to school too,” says Coonerty “We have to do it in a way that meets the needs of our community. I believe we can do it in a way that reduces our carbon footprint.” Participants in Tuesday’s parade are encouraged to dress up and bring their own snorkels, rubber duckies, boogie boards, life jackets and wetsuits. Levy says the goal is to make sure the city meets its own ambitious goals. “It easily could become a plan that just sits on the shelf and looks pretty but doesn’t get implemented,” says Levy. “It’s up to all of us to make sure that doesn’t happen.” 0


CURRENTS Traci Hukill


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SUPERSTARS Nancy Ellen Abrams and Joel Primack have won a Chopra Foundation award for their books on cosmology.

Limitless Mind UCSC profs win Chopra award BY TRACI HUKILL


THE MESSAGE came last fall from a secretary at the Chopra Foundation in Carlsbad, Calif. Deepak Chopra wished to speak to them. Would it be all right if he called? UCSC professors Nancy Ellen Abrams and Joel Primack—she’s a philosopher, he’s an astrophysicist— aren’t your standard readers of Chopra, whose 60-odd published books include titles like Ageless Body, Timeless Mind and Manifesting Good Luck Cards: Growth and Enlightenment. Chopra, however, had become a reader of Abrams and Primack. Their books on cosmology, The View from the Center of the Universe and The New Universe and the Human Future, had made an impression on him, and he wanted to get the word out. Pending his board’s approval, he would be awarding them part of a $100,000 prize known as the Rustum Roy Spirit Award, given by the Chopra Foundation “to those making major contributions to the scientific understanding of consciousness.” “I didn’t even know it existed!” says Abrams of the prize, which was formally awarded to the couple and to Alzheimer’s researcher Dr. Rudy Tanzi last week. “It was out of nowhere.” The couple’s books present a view of the cosmos and humankind’s unique place in it that effectively makes the

case for a science-based spirituality grounded in a shared cosmology— crucial, they argue, for a planet facing dire problems like climate change. The prize carries the power to put Abrams and Primack’s work into the public spotlight. Nineteen of Chopra’s books have been bestsellers, and 20 million copies are in print in 35 languages. And while Chopra’s faith in the mind’s power to control events and even create reality runs counter to the two scientists’ approach, they respect him nevertheless. “He knows that Joel and I do not agree with his view, and he still wants to reach out to us, and I really like him for that,” says Abrams. Chopra’s award may put the two Westsiders on the mainstream map, but Björk has already hipped her fans to Primack’s opus. Her latest album Biophilia, a conceptual music and science project based on apps, incorporates video from the Bolshoi simulation. Primack served as one of two principal investigators on the Bolshoi, called “the most accurate cosmological simulation of the evolution of the large-scale structure of the universe yet made” and undertaken at NASA Ames with the help of the seventh-fastest computer in the world. The couple travels to Carlsbad March 2–5 to accept the award. 0

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Perfect At 10 members strong, Dan P and The Bricks is the ska supergroup Santa Cruz has been waiting for BY AARON CARNES

=< B63 ;=D3 Dan P and The Bricks has a new album and a show this Saturday.


When Dan Potthast moved to Santa Cruz in the early aughts, he was already a respected ska musician. His group, the St. Louis–based MU330, had established itself as a major force in the third wave ska movement thanks in part to a tour schedule that included more than 250 shows a year for most of the ’90s. But when Potthast pulled into town he wasn’t the only ska legend in the area code. ¨ $

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15 C O V E R S T O R Y | P E R F E C T 1 0

>=>C:/@ >719:3A In 1998 Slow Gherkin went on two national tours in the trusty Creamsicle (or is that a 50–50?).

Wednesday Facebook Giveaways Every week.


This was Slow Gherkin territory, after all. The band formed by four Santa Cruz High students had brought ska to the local concert halls long before it had caught on nationally. During the genre’s big boom of the late ’90s, Slow Gherkin had been one of the biggest acts in town. Despite all this ska royalty living together in one city, there was no ska revival, no supergroup formed, no Ska Celebrity Death Match. Ska had peaked by the time Potthast arrived and was on an ignominious slide to uncool. And all concerned went about their business for almost a decade with nary a bouncy blast of horn to show for it. That is, until late 2009, when Potthast, four ex–Slow Gherkin members (A.J. Marquez, Matt Porter, Brendan Thompson and Phil Boutelle), ex-MU330 member-turnedSanta Cruz-transplant Matt Knobbe and local reggae drummer Josh Lorey formed an all-star ska dream team known as Dan P and the Bricks. “I’d been living in Santa Cruz for eight years, hanging out with these guys that have ska flowing through their veins,� Potthast says. “Both of our bands, Slow Gherkin and MU330, as they grew older moved away from traditional– sounding ska. When we got together many years later, it felt like this guilty pleasure to just play ska songs.� In reality, neither MU330 nor Slow Gherkin had ever played only ska songs. Like the other prominent

bands of the third wave movement, they were fusing ska with punk and other genres. “Gherkin was aggressive. It was that ska-punk thing. Everyone was playing at every moment during every song, just hammering,� says founding Gherkin member Marquez. MU330 took the ska-punk sound to a whole different level, dubbing itself a “psycho-ska� band and mixing manic punk energy with crazy circus music and hyper-ska. In later years, indie rock made it into their sound as well. It was all counterbalanced with Potthast’s penchant for writing in an Elvis Costelloesque New Wave style. “I have more of an appreciation of the bounce of ska rather than just the really fast punky stuff, the groove where it makes you really want to dance,� Potthast says. When Dan P and the Bricks formed, they decided that, rather than reach back to the third wave movement of their heyday, they’d return all the way to ska’s source— back to that sweet, soulful, mid-tempo groove like it used to be played in Jamaica in the ’60s by artists like the Skatalites and Prince Buster. “It is such a powerful musical genre. It’s so fun to play and watch people explode. My ears have grown a little. We’ll take some space and play less,� Marquez says of the new approach. After a few shows, they added three more members to the mix: Liam Ryan, Eric Johnson and Kevin


Ska of Hard Knocks Back in the ’90s, MU330 and Slow Gherkin were all too familiar with the trials of making a living playing music. The bands worked hard and devoted years to their craft, not always with commensurate reward. They watched on while contemporaries like Less Than Jake and Reel Big Fish went mainstream during the ska explosion. Slow Gherkin got its start in 1993, when its founding members were all of 15 years old. They quickly became a local phenomenon and by 1996 had gone on their first tour. “There was probably a good two-year period where everyone that could quit jobs, quit school, moved back home with their parents and we hit it as hard as we could,� Marquez says, “but not as hard as MU330.� Few bands, famous or otherwise, have played as many shows as MU330. They played their first show in 1988. By 1991, they had become a touring machine. “We’d go out for two to three months, then we’d be home for a week and then go out for another month and a half, then go to Europe,� Potthast says. “We made the decision to drop out of college and we were all living at our parents’ houses, so we didn’t want to be on the couch when our parents were coming home. That’s how it all started, the culture of nonstop touring.� MU330 maintained this schedule for eight years, but they never broke in to that next level. Burnout was inevitable. “We eventually tried to slow down. People started getting jobs and had kids. Then it gets harder to say, ‘OK, we’re going out for a few months. Can you quit your job and drop your health insurance for your family?’� Potthast says. Slow Gherkin slowed down too, opting more for weekend trips. Everyone had already lost steam by their third and final album, 2002’s Run Screaming. Then lead singer James Rickman moved to

New York, and with everyone else’s priorities shifting too, the writing was on the wall.

Big Love After relocating here in the early 2000s, Potthast continued to tour regularly, mostly without MU330. He’d lug his acoustic guitar into concert halls all over the world, often opening for ska bands like Mustard Plug and Streetlight Manifesto. “I’d be onstage by myself in front of 1,000 people and playing guitar, feeling like I had to tell jokes and jump up and down to keep people’s attention. I was doing well, but the whole time I always thought, ‘If I had a big band behind me, I’d be slaying,’â€? Potthast recalls. One night in March 2009, scheduled to play a solo gig at the Gilman in Berkeley, he decided to bring some friends. “I just showed up with a seven-piece band,â€? he says. It was supposed to be a one-time thing, but Potthast invited them to play another show, and then another. Dan P and the Bricks was born. “I feel kind of bait-and-switched,â€? Knobbe jokes. “The agreement was never, ‘Let’s start a band.’â€? Potthast continues to tour as a solo artist because it’s too tough for the Bricks to go on the road. There are too many members, most of whom have careers and families to support. So they generally stick to playing Santa Cruz, occasionally venturing off to other parts of the Bay Area. “The Bricks is a low-commitment band,â€? says Potthast. “If all 10 of us aren’t there, it isn’t a tragedy. If you can’t make it, you can’t make it. That’s how we’ve been able to make a 10-piece band work.â€? One of their favorite spots to play in Santa Cruz is Pacific Avenue. They are quite the spectacle. Ten people on the street belting out ska with piano, upright bass, horns and a full drum set tends to stick out to passersby. The large number of members led the band to make an important decision early on: They would generally play benefit shows. “All of us have been in bands for so long we kind of knew the ridiculousness of trying to split up money if you have a 10-piece ¨ &

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Zinn (horn players from local reggae band Soul Majestic). Now a 10-piece, the Bricks are a local powerhouse ska machine.

17 C O V E R S T O R Y | P E R F E C T 1 0

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B=C@ 23 4=@13 MU330 spent most of the ’90s on the road, coming home only to stage-dive in someone’s kitchen before heading out again. band. So rather than splitting up money, why not play charity shows?� Potthast says. A few of the charities they’ve donated money to include the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Hospice of Santa Cruz, Haitian and Chilean Earthquake Relief and Doctors Without Borders. One show was a benefit for a friend who had high medical bills from a skateboarding accident. “With the Bricks we wanted to increase the fun factor. That’s what we’re all about. If we can help some different charities along the way, even better,� Potthast says.

Bricks and Vinyl

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The Bricks never expected to record an album, but San Jose–based Asian Man Records was interested in putting one out. As the label that had released all of Slow Gherkin’s and MU330’s material, it made sense. The hardest part was coordinating schedules. Potthast took the rhythm section down to Los Angeles to record with his friend, producer Chris Murray, famous from his days with the Canadian ska band King Apparatus, then spent the remaining part of the month recording horns and vocals in Santa Cruz. He’d then drive down to L.A. to mix the record with Murray. The result is Watch Where You Walk, a lush, well-crafted, traditional ska record that remains authentic in its

production and arrangements but still has Potthast’s early–’80s New Wave approach to songwriting. The album has already received positive reviews on several music blogs, including a “2011 album of the year� nod on Upstarter.com. Potthast says he put more work into Watch Where You Walk than on any of his post-MU330 solo albums. It’s also the first ska album anyone in the Bricks has made in over a decade. There’s a sweet full–circle sense to the whole project, he says. “When MU330 really started going in 1991, we were always the odd band on the bill. There would be a metal band, a punk band, a whatever band. We were the anomaly. Then suddenly in the mid-to-late ’90s there were five ska bands in every small town in the Midwest. Now there doesn’t seem like as many bands doing what we’re doing,� he muses. “Maybe we had to get away from it, give it some time and get back to where it didn’t feel trendy.�

DAN P AND THE BRICKS RECORD RELEASE PARTY Saturday 8:30pm Kuumbwa Jazz Center $9; All proceeds benefit Homeless Services Center of Santa Cruz


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Goldies Issue Be heard... Vote online


LIST YOUR LOCAL EVENT IN THE CALENDAR! Email it to calendar@santacruzweekly.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

Side By Side ... Again


Frank Duncan and Bruce Daniels reinvent their Las Vegas lounge act featuring songs from ‘Company,’ ‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ ‘The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas,’ Follies,’ ‘Annie Get Your Gun’ and more. FriSun, 6:30 and 8:30pm and Sun, 2:30pm. Thru Jan 29. $30. Dance Synergy Studio, 9055 Soquel Dr, Aptos, 831.359.1630.

THEATER Avenue Q Paper Wing Theater presents the Tony Awardwinning puppet-powered musical comedy. Fri-Sat, 8pm and Sat, 4pm. Thru Jan 21. $22-$25. Paper Wing Theater, 320 Hoffman Ave, Monterey, 831.905.5684.

Eight Tens at Eight The 17th annual ten-minute play festival features eight original works. Thu-Sat, 8pm and Sat-Sun, 3pm. Thru Jan 29. $16-$20. Center Stage, 1001 Center St, Santa Cruz, 800.838.3006.



An Untold Odyssey. The story of Akira Nagamine as related by artists Tosh Tanaka and Jono Shaferkotter. Thru Feb 19. Personal Memory, Public History. Fifteen assemblages by Lucien Kubo predicated on the Japanese American experience. Thru Feb 19. 831.459.2953. Cowell College, UCSC, Santa Cruz.

CONTINUING Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History

Alla Zingarese

Futzie Nutzle & The Espresso Police. Featuring works by Nutzle, Judy Foreman and Frank Foreman, musical performances by the artists who played Caffe Pergolesi and artifacts from the old cafe. Thru Mar 17. Spotlight Tours. Bringing the artists’ voices directly to visitors. Go behind the scenes and museum-wide exhibitions. Third Sat of every month, 11:30am-12:30pm. Museum hours Tue-Sun, 11am-5pm; closed Mon. 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.

Mentawai—Listening to the Rainforest An experimental multimedia work created by UCSC ethnomusicologist Linda Burman-Hall from the range of sounds created by species of birds, frogs, insects and gibbons from Indonesia’s Mentawai Islands. Fri, Jan 20, 7:30pm. $8-$12. UCSC Music Center Recital Hall, 1156 High St, Santa Cruz, 831.459.2159.



CONCERTS The Santa Cruz Chamber Players will perform pieces by Dvorak, Brahms and Kreisler “alla zingarese,” or in the gypsy style. Sat, Jan 21, 8pm and Sun, Jan 22, 3pm. $10-$25. Christ Lutheran Church, 10707 Soquel Dr, Aptos, 831.420.5260.

use decisions have changed the outlines of each site, how scientists measure the current health of each lagoon and how artists continue to be inspired by the ever-changing nature of lagoons. Thru Feb 25. $2-$4, free for members and youth under 18. Tue-Sun, 10am5pm. 1305 E. Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz, 831.420.6115.

Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History Coastal Lagoons: A Closer Look through Art, History and Science. A virtual visit to seven local lagoons. Visitors will learn how land-

San Francisco’s City Guide Katy B British dance-pop sensation makes small-club debut on American shores. Jan 19 at the Rickshaw Stop. The Walkmen Vintage equipment put to decidedly non-retro use by brawlish New York boys. Jan 20-21 at the Independent. NOFX Punk rock’s version of Shakes the Clown comes up on 30 years of brilliant juvenilia. Jan 20-21 at the Fillmore. Wu-Tang Clan One is never certain which members will show, but sparks are always guaranteed. Jan 22 at Regency Ballroom. Wolves in the Throne Room One of the finer sludge-metal ensembles to take inspiration from Neurosis and Sleep; ear plugs and eye masks optional. Jan 23 at Slim’s.

More San Francisco events by subscribing to the email letter at www.sfstation.com.

Eloise Pickard Smith Gallery

Felix Kulpa Gallery Meeting of Minds. Featuring five of the artists of FU Tattoo Shop showcasing art created outside the tattoo parlour. Thru Jan 31. Free. 107 Elm St, Santa Cruz, 408.373.2854.

Marjorie Evans Gallery Etching in the Footsteps of the Masters. An exhibition of original etchings by artist and Monterey Peninsula resident Justin Ward. Thru Jan 31. 831.620.2077. San Carlos Street at Ninth Avenue, Carmel.

Motiv Big Black and White. Blurring the lines between photography and painting, Stephen Laufer’s work explores space, landscape and abstract figures, staking out a new organic cosmology. Thru Jan 31. Free. 1209 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.479.5572.

Santa Cruz Central Branch Library Gallery Paul Titangos: Personal Photography From Around the World. Traditional black and white silver gelatin prints and colorful digitally remastered large canvases. Thru Jan 31. 224 Church St, Santa Cruz, 831.420.5700.

Santa Cruz County Bank Into the Woods. Featuring the work of nine local artists who explore the natural beauty, strength and mythical character of trees. On display at all branches. Thru Jan 18. Free. 720 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.457.5000.

Santa Cruz Mountains Art Center Inspirations. A collection of inspirational artwork by Santa Cruz Mountain Art Center artists. Thru Mar 17. Wed-Sun, noon-6pm. 9341 Mill St, Ben Lomond, 831.336.4273.

Events AROUND TOWN Marine Mammal Research Tour Guests can go behind the scenes to learn about the marine mammals housed at Long Marine Lab. Sun, Jan 22, 2-3pm. Free. Seymour Discovery Center, 100 Shaffer Rd, Santa Cruz, 831.459.3800.

Mom’s Night Out A semi-monthly event for moms who would like to go out, socialize, eat adult food and just finish a sentence. Thu, Jan 19, 6-9pm. $5. Backstage Lounge, 1209 Soquel Ave at Seabright, Santa Cruz, 831.469.9900.

Poker Night: A Fundraiser for the Redwood Mountain Faire Cards, camaraderie, live music by 3 Time Loser, food and prizes at a fundraiser for the Redwood Mountain Faire. Sat, Jan 21, 7-11pm. $20 adv/$25 door. Boulder Creek Golf and Country Club, 16901 Big Basin Hwy, Boulder Creek, 831.216.6535.

Whalefest Monterey Festivities will include a scavenger hunt, an indoor bocce tournament, a remotecontrolled sailing regatta, face painting, whaling history walking tours, Coast Guard boat tours and more. Sat, Jan 21, 9am-8pm. Free. Old Fisherman’s Wharf, 1 Old Fisherman’s Wharf, Monterey, 831.649.6544.

FILM One for the Road A new ski film from Teton Gravity Research. Early arrivals will receive a free lift ticket from Kirkwood Mountain Resorts. Fri, Jan 20, 7:30pm. $10 adv/$15 door. Rio Theatre, 1205 Soquel, Santa Cruz, 831.429.5464.

LITERARY EVENTS 1, 2, 3...The Toddler Years The Santa Cruz Toddler Care Center staff will hold a pannel discussion to celebrate the newest edition of 1, 2, 3...The Toddler Years. Sun, Jan 22, 4pm. Bookshop Santa Cruz, 1520 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.423.0900.

The Agony Column Live: Laurie R. King The author of the Mary Russell series and editor of the new anthology A Study in Sherlock: Stories Inspired by the Holmes Canon in conversation with Rick Kleffel. Sat, Jan 21, 6:30pm. Free. Capitola Book Cafe, 1475 41st Ave, Capitola, 831.462.4415.

Bill Yenne


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The author will read, discuss and sign copies of his latest book, Julius Caesar: Lessons in Leadership from the Great Conqueror. Mon, Jan 23, 7:30pm. Capitola Book Cafe, 1475 41st Ave, Capitola, 831.462.4415.

Celebrating the literary journal Memoir (And) A conversation with Santa Cruz Sentinel Arts Editor Wallace Baine, True Fiction Radio’s Richard Stockton and Claudia Sternbach, author of Reading Lips: A Memoir of Kisses, plus readings from essayist Jaclyn Moyer and poet Charles Atkinson. Thu, Jan 19, 7:30pm. Capitola Book Cafe, 1475 41st Ave, Capitola, 831.462.4415.

Friday Shakespeare Club Founded in 1903, FSC is Santa Cruz’s oldest social club for women. Visitors and new members welcome. Third Fri of every month, 10:30am-12:30pm. Free. 831.421.0930.

Michael Wertz Bay Area illustrator and printmaker Michael Wertz will discuss his new book, Dog Dreams. Thu, Jan 19, 7:30pm. Bookshop Santa Cruz, 1520 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.423.0900.

Val McDermid The crime writer will read, discuss and sign copies of his latest thriller, The Retribution. Wed, Jan 18, 7pm. Bookshop Santa Cruz, 1520 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.423.0900.

LECTURES Creativity, Spirituality and Social Justice Dance, music and oratory celebrating nonviolence in Community Room #117 at the Tannery Art Center. Thu, Jan 19, 7pm. Free. Tannery Arts Center, 1040 River St, Santa Cruz.

Pachamama’s Rainforest Journeys Learn about the Pachamama Alliance’s working partnership with the indigenous Achular people and cultural exchange trips to the Achular region of the Amazon. Tue, Jan 24, 7-9pm. $5-$10 donation requested. Calvary Episcopal Church, 532 Center St, Santa Cruz, 831.662.2349.

Santa Cruz Climate Action Plan Community Meeting Transition Santa Cruz and People Power will host a community meeting to discuss the current draft of the Climate Action Plan. Ross Clark, climate action coordinator for Santa Cruz, will speak and take community questions. Thu, Jan 19, 7pm. Free. Ecology Action, 877 Cedar Street, Suite 240, Santa Cruz, 831.425.0665.


MENTAWAI—LISTENING TO THE RAINFOREST UCSC professor of ethnomusicology Linda Burman-Hall journeyed deep into the interior of Indonesia’s Mentawai Islands to harvest sounds—of birds, frogs, insects and female gibbons, as well as the traditional vocal music of clans native to the Siberut Islands—and arranged the notes, with the addition of some electronic sounds, into symphonic movements. The resulting piece, “Mentawai—Listening to the Rainforest,” will be presented in concert alongside photographs from the region, followed by a panel discussion with professors of the Departments of Anthropology and Environmental Studies. Friday, Jan. 20, 7:30pm at the UCSC Music Recital Hall, 1156 High St., Santa Cruz. Tickets $12 general admission, $10 seniors, $8 students. 831.420.5260 or SantaCruzTickets.com.

NOTICES Auditions for ‘Particulate’ Seeking men in their late 30s to early 40s for a production staged by Chicano Theatre Works. Fri, Jan 20, 7-9pm. Louden Nelson Community Center, 301 Center St, Santa Cruz, 831.325.8469.

Call for Volunteers: petition for GMO Labeling Volunteer signature gatherers are needed to get “The Label GMO Food Act” on the 2012 California ballot this fall so we can know what’s in our food. Learn how to successfully gather signatures at a onehour training workshop. Sun, Jan 22, 3:30-4:30pm. New Leaf Market Westside, 1101 Fair Ave, Santa Cruz.

Center for Animal Protection & Education Adoption Event A dog adoption event hosted by CAPE for people interested in adopting a new canine family member. Sat, Jan 21, 2pm.

ACE Hardware, 218 Mt. Hermon Rd, Scotts Valley, 831.336.4695.

E-Waste Recycle Day Computers and computer accessories, printers, radios, telephones, fax machines, record players, iPods and more will be accepted. Sat, Jan 21, 9am3pm. Hope Services, 220 Lincoln St., Santa Cruz.

Eating Disorders Resource Center Meeting Groups will be led by Kimberly Kuhn, LCSW and Carolyn Blackman, RN, LCSW. Third Fri of every month, 6-7:30pm. Sutter Maternity and Surgery Center, 2900 Chanticleer Ave, Santa Cruz, 408.559.5593.

Red Cross Mobile Blood Drives Drives occur at several locations countywide each month; for schedule and locations call 800.733.2767.

Santa Cruz Film Festival Call for Entries Films and videos of all

lengths and formats completed after January 1, 2011 are invited to enter including narrative, documentary, animation, experimental, student and youth-produced works. SantaCruzFilmFestival.org Thru Feb 10.

The Santa Cruz/Monterey Bay ADHD Support Group Wed, Jan 18, 6:30-8pm. Mar Vista Elementary School, 6860 Soquel Dr, Aptos, 831.684.0590.

SC Diversity Center The Diversity Center provides services, support and socializing for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and questioning individuals and their allies. Diversity Center, 1117 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.425.5422.

Sumi-e for Beginners Japanese ink painting lessons. No art experience necessary. Wed, 1:30-3pm. Thru Jan 25. $40. Market Street Senior Center, 222 Market St, Santa Cruz.

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22 Celebrating Creativity Since 1975

Thursday, January 19 U 7 pm

MADS TOLLING QUARTET: A TRIBUTE TO JEAN-LUC PONTY Pre-Concert Talk “History of Jazz Violin” with Artist- in-Resdience Renata Bratt at 6:30 pm Saturday, January 21 U 8:30 pm


Tickets: Streetlight Records and brownpapertickets.com Monday, January 23 U 7 pm

GRETCHEN PARLATO Wed. January 25 U 7 & 9 pm



No Jazztix or Comps

Mon. January 30 U 7 pm

MONTCLAIR WOMEN’S BIG BAND Thurs. February 2 U 8 pm

JAZZ MAFIA ALL-STARS Sat. February 4 U 8 pm


Mon. February 6 U 7 pm



Mon. February 13 U 7 pm


B-GOOD The B-Side Players fire up the horns this Friday at Moe’s Alley.

Tues. February 14 U 7 pm

VALENTINE’S EVENING WITH TUCK & PATTI Special Jazz & Dinner Package available!


MONDAY | 1/20

FRIDAY | 1/20

Mon. February 20 U 7 & 9 pm




Blessed with a pure, clear voice and a natural way with the fiddle and guitar, Tracy Grammer has been a fixture on the East Coast folk scene since the late 1990s, when she met her partner Dave Carter. Instant musical and personal chemistry led them to record several albums together, and they toured with Joan Baez before Carter’s sudden death of a heart attack in 2002. Now Grammer, whose latest release features Mary Chapin Carpenter on three cuts, carries on the duo’s legacy of great folk and country lyrics sung with heart and style. Don Quixote’s; $12 adv/$15 door; 7:30pm. (Traci Hukill)

The yawning slide guitar in several Sparrows Gate tracks evokes long dusty roads to and from small towns (maybe of the Central Coast variety—members of the band hail from San Luis Obispo), complementing lyrics concerning the same. At present, the band’s rotating lineup includes brothers Zebedee (guitar, vocals) and Anthony (bass) Zaitz, Joel Tolbert on organ and slide guitar and Josh Barnhart (formerly of Port O’Brien) on drums. The four-man outfit fits cozily within the California folk panoply alongside many acts with whom they’ve shared a stage—Vetiver, Sleepy Sun, Little Wings and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, to name a few. Crepe Place; $8; 9pm. (Tessa Stuart)

No Jazztix or Comps

REGINA CARTER QUARTET “REVERSE THREAD” 9 pm: 1/2 Price Night for Students No Jazztix or Comps

Thurs. February 23 U 7 pm


TIM BERNE / SNAKEOIL Tues. February 28 U 7:30 pm At the Rio Theatre


Unless noted advance tickets at kuumbwajazz.org and Logos Books & Records. Dinner served 1-hr before Kuumbwa presented concerts. Premium wines & beer. All ages welcome.

320-2 Cedar St [ Santa Cruz 831.427.2227


When this San Diego–based bevy of pretty boys invades Moe’s Alley, they bring an intoxicating fusion of vivid Spanglish texts and hipshaking Afro-Mexican beats to the stage. As energetic as Manu Chao but significantly less manic, the septet’s global funk is remarkable for its catchy permutations of horns, guitar and mesmerizing percussion. Traces of reggae resonate in the B-Side Players’ dynamic sound, and the music mirrors the lyrics, urging the listener to dance, dance, dance. Moe’s Alley; $15 adv/$20 door; 9pm. (Maya Weeks)



BIG SANDY & HIS FLY-RITE BOYS Surveying their retro album art or watching them disembark from their rambling old tour bus, one could be forgiven for thinking the members of the Anaheim-based Big Sandy & His Fly-Rite Boys were recently released from a ’50s bomb shelter. They’re actually the last vestiges of Southern California’s late ’80s

SUNDAY | 1/22

MARY MCCASLIN & RICK SHEA A legend of the American folk movement, Mary McCaslin is known for pioneering open guitar tunings, popularizing clawhammer banjo technique and reworking pop tunes in a distinct style. Her collaborations with her husband, the late singer/songwriter Jim Ringer, are regarded as among the finest of folk duets. In celebration of McCaslin and Ringer’s music, folk artist Rick Shea, who toured as one of Dave Alvin’s multi-instrumental sidemen, sings and plays Ringer’s parts as he and McCaslin rework tunes from 1978’s The Bramble and the Rose and present solo work too. Don Quixote’s; $15; 7pm. (Cat Johnson)

TUESDAY | 1/24

WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM Hailing from Olympia, Wash., Wolves in the Throne Room is a black metal

CONCERTS WOOD BROTHERS Jan. 29 at Don Quixote’s

TOO SHORT Feb. 3 at Catalyst


DON CARLOS Feb. 11 at Moe’s Alley

ANI DIFRANCO Mar. 26 at Rio Theatre

band unlike other black metal bands. With an emphasis on ecology, farming and the connection between humans and the natural world, the band has been labeled “eco-metal” and “organic metal.” Combining elements of crust punk, folk, ambient, metal and drone, and drawing inspiration from Scandinavian black metal, Wolves in the Throne Room creates meditative atmospheres that are, according to the band, aimed at channelling the energies of the Northwest into sonic form. Catalyst; $12 adv/$15 door; 8:30pm. (CJ)


STANLEY CLARKE BAND Celebrated bass player Stanley Clarke’s influence doesn’t end with his contributions to the jazz world. His music traverses numerous genres, including classical, funk, rock and scores for film and television. His latest release, 2010’s The Stanley Clarke Band, ranges from sublime and spirited to fresh and funky and furthers Clarke’s reputation as a trans-genre master of the bass. Kuumbwa; $28 adv/$31 door; 7pm and 9pm. (CJ)

ROCKABILLY CLUB Big Sandy & His Fly-Rite Boys swing through Felton Saturday night.


The Voodoo Glow Skulls are the band for anyone who thought the only thing missing from punk music was a horn section. Originally from Riverside, this adrenaline-pumping six-man group is anchored by brothers Eddie, Frank and Jorge Casillas, who have been in the group all of its 23 years, playing the guitar, vocals and bass, respectively. It’s their trombone and trumpet sounds that take their unique fusion of ska and punk to the next level. The Glow Skulls, whose new album just came out, have also played covers of everything from Guns N’ Roses’“Used To Love Her” to Sam the Sham’s 1967 “Little Red Ridin’ Hood.” Catalyst Atrium; $13 adv/$17 door; 9pm. (Jacob Pierce)

Wood Brothers

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roots revival. It’s not their shtick but the supremely danceable California country swing they produce—a combination of steel guitar, upright bass and bandleader Big Sandy’s smooth vocals—that have kept these Rockabilly Hall-of-Famers around so long. Don Quixote’s; $10; 8pm. (TS)



S A N T A C R U Z . C O M j a n u a r y 1 8 -2 4 , 2 0 1 2


clubgrid SANTA CRUZ

WED 1/18

THU 1/19

FRI 1/20


SAT 1/21 Gayle Skidmore

350 Mission St, Santa Cruz


Brook & River

Live Comedy

Zodiac Death Valley

Lords of Greenbush

Three Legged Dawg


Isadora’s Scarf

Dan Potthast

Voodoo Glow Skulls

1011 PaciďŹ c Ave, Santa Cruz

Ghost Collective

Tater Famine

Authority Zero

923 PaciďŹ c Ave, Santa Cruz

Rock Bottom, Meat Market


Roberto - Howell

Proper Nonsense YDMC, Valley Gurls


140 Encinal St, Santa Cruz


Jazz Open Mic

110 Church St, Santa Cruz

The Esoteric Collective


Deep Ellum

1134 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz

Jeffertitti’s Nile


Yuji Tojo

On The Spot Trio

Sparrow’s Gate


Rad Cloud, Tall Tales

North PaciďŹ c String Band


Stormin Norman

2218 East Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz


Reggae Night

120 Union St, Santa Cruz


Polyglot Quartet

1 Davenport Ave, Santa Cruz


Marty Atkinson

1104 Ocean St, Santa Cruz

& Friends Acoustic Night


Preston Brahm Trio

Gene Fintz Mapanova

1102 PaciďŹ c Ave, Santa Cruz

with Gary Montrezza


Mads Tolling Quartet

320-2 Cedar St, Santa Cruz

Tribute to Jean-Luc Ponty



Mad Jam

Dan P and the Bricks


DJ Marc


529 Seabright Ave, Santa Cruz

Bring your instrument

Rainbow Room





Nathan Dennen

The B-Side Players

The B-Side Players

1535 Commercial Way, Santa Cruz

Wasted Noise

The Sam Chase


Raindance: Dubstep

Libation Lab


Rasta Cruz

with AL-B

DJ Sparkle


1209 PaciďŹ c Ave, Santa Cruz

RED 200 Locust St, Santa Cruz


Lucinda Williams

One for the Road

1205 Soquel, Santa Cruz



519 Seabright Ave, Santa Cruz

and the Cold Truth



SUN 1/22

MON 1/23

TUE 1/24


Casey Hurt

THE ABBEY 831.429.1058

SC Jazz Society

Predator Flagship

90s Night

Cape Sound, Eat The Sun

with DJ AL9k



Laury Mac



Czarnecki Quartet


Wolves in the


Throne Room, Deafhaven


Jazz Baby



CLOUDS 831.429.2000

Movie Nite

Small Time Crooks

7 Come 11


CREPE PLACE 831.429.6994

Live Comedy

CROW’S NEST 831.476.4560

Open Acoustic Night

CYPRESS LOUNGE 831.459.9876‎

Sherry Austin Band



Geese in the Fog

FINS COFFEE 831.423.6131

Dana Scruggs Trio

Joe Leonard Trio

Barry Scott


& Associates


Gretchen Parlato





DJ Chante


Neighborhood Night


Abstract Rude

Matt Masih

Winstrong, Shames Worthy

& The Messengers, ZuhG


MOE’S ALLEY 831.479.1854



Primal Productions

SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 8 PM Santa anta Cruz Civic Au Auditorium ditorium


RED 831.425.1913

Gail Rich Awards

RIO THEATRE 831.423.8209

Concert Sponsored by Millie & Jerry FitzGerald and Owen Brown & Mary Akin Additional funding provided by New Year’s Eve High Rollers Party


1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 4HURSDAY *ANUARY ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 21+


plus Ghost

Collective $RS s P M P M Friday, January 20 ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 16+ DAN POTTHAST plus The Passage Walkers also Tater Famine and Country Trash

SUNDAY, JANUARY 29 2 PM Mello Center, Watsonville Wats sonville Tickets $20-65. Call 420-5260 or www.SantaCruzTickets.com Season Sponsors: DOROTHY WISE s 39-0(/.9 ,%!'5% /& 3!.4! #25: #/5.49 s 0,!.42/.)#3

Season Media Sponsors:


!DV $RS s $RS P M 3HOW P M

Saturday, January 21 ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 16+


!DV $RS s $RS P M 3HOW P M

Tuesday, January 24 ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 16+





!DV $RS s $RS P M 3HOW P M

"We have all come to this life on a soul errand to complete and fullfill our golden purpose"

Journey True North www.journeytruenorth.com

Jullianna Brooks LCSW

In these current times the culture and social climate is loaded with material expectations and misleading guidance which can waylay our purpose JOURNEY TRUE NORTH provides practical tools to recalibrate the internal compass and support the continued journey towards a personal north star and golden purpose.

Jan 25 Open Mic at the Atrium (Ages 21+) Jan 26 Vibrant EYEris Atrium (Ages 18+) Jan 27 Buckethead (Ages 16+) Jan 28 Jackie Greene (Ages 21+) Jan 28 Arnocorps Atrium (Ages 21+) *AN Radio Moscow Atrium (Ages 21+) Jan 31 The Toasters Atrium (Ages 16+) Feb 1 Doomtree Atrium (Ages 16+) Feb 2 Arsonists Get All The Girls Atrium (Ages 16+) Feb 3 Too Short (Ages 16+) Feb 3 Stellar Corpses Atrium (Ages 16+) Feb 4 Marianne Aya Omac (Ages 21+) Feb 6 Groundation (Ages 16+) Feb 10 The Chop Tops Atrium (Ages 21+) Feb 11 Y & T (Ages 21+) &EB Rebelution (Ages 16+) Mar 2 Lagwagon (Ages 16+) Mar 8 SOJA (Ages 16+) Mar 17 Iration (Ages 16+) Apr 10 Dark Star Orchestra (Ages 21+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online



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j a n u a r y 1 8 -2 4 , 2 0 1 2 S A N T A C R U Z . C O M

Sa nt a Cr u z C ou nt y

S A N T A C R U Z . C O M j a n u a r y 1 8 -2 4 , 2 0 1 2



WED 1/18


Trivia Quiz Night

THU 1/19

FRI 1/20

SAT 1/21



Touched Too Much

After Sunset


Cindy Edwards

8017 Soquel Dr, Aptos



211 Esplanade, Capitola

with Eve

MARGARITAVILLE 221 Esplanade, Capitola



Extra Lounge

2591 Main St, Soquel

and the Diamond Band


Johnny Fabulous

Extra Lounge

215 Esplanade, Capitola



In Three

B Movie Kings

Kaye Bohler Band

1 Seascape Resort Dr, Rio del Mar


Don McCaslin &

7500 Old Dominion Ct, Aptos

The Amazing Jazz Geezers


Joe Ferrara

1750 Wharf Rd, Capitola

THE WHARF HOUSE 1400 Wharf Rd, Capitola



Orphan in the

4640 Soquel Dr, Soquel

Michael Martyn



Jake Shandling Trio

DJ Johnny Dex


203 Esplanade, Capitola


Tracy Grammer Trio

The Inciters Skinny Ricky

& His Fly-Rite Boys

Blue Soulstace

Stone Monkey

Back to Nowhere

Mariachi Ensemble

KDON DJ Showbiz

6275 Hwy 9, Felton


Big Sandy

9450 Hwy 9, Ben Lomond


Hippo Happy Hour

1934 Main St, Watsonville

MOSS LANDING INN Hwy 1, Moss Landing

& KDON DJ SolRock

Open Jam


MON 1/23

TUE 1/24


Pam Hawkins

Game Night


Pro Jam



Kevin McDowell


Food and Wine Pairing

Nick Handley

Ken Constable



SANDERLINGS 831.662.7120

Johnny Fabulous


Dance Lessons


Frank Sorci

SHADOWBROOK 831.475.1511

THE WHARF HOUSE 831.476.3534

Open Mic with Jordan

Movie Night


7:45 pm start time


ZELDA’S 831.475.4900


Special Consensus

Rick Shea


DON QUIXOTE’S 831.603.2294

Karaoke with Ken

HENFLING’S TAVERN 831.336.9318


KPIG Happy Hour Happy hour


CILANTRO’S 831.761.2161

MOSS LANDING INN 831.633.3038

j a n u a r y 1 8 -2 4 , 2 0 1 2 S A N T A C R U Z . C O M

SUN 1/22

S A N T A C R U Z . C O M j a n u a r y 1 8 -2 4 , 2 0 1 2




j a n u a r y 1 8 -2 4 , 2 0 1 2

Smuggle This


‘Contraband’ is light on originality, heavy on dirtbags BY CHRISTINA WATERS


‘CONTRABAND’ is exactly the sort of vehicle that Steven Segal, and Charles Bronson before him, brought to sweaty, kick-ass, femurshattering life. Loaded with slime bucket drug lords, gritty New Orleans barrooms and enough f-bombs to fill any respectable rapper’s latest iTunes download, the film offers real suspense but even more predictability. You’ve seen this movie before. You’ve even seen it with Mark Wahlberg in the lead. But to be fair, our middle-aged incarnation of Marky Mark can still work a room. The recycled scenario is one of those working class hero templates so beloved of Segal and Bronson. (Bruce Willis too). Chris Farraday (Wahlberg) has paid his dues for his former life as a smuggler and now, settled into a happy marriage with hairdresser Kate (Kate Beckinsale) and their two kids, he just wants to stay on the right side of the law and pay the mortgage by installing security systems. Unfortunately, Kate’s little brother Andy (a Botticelli-faced Caleb Landry Jones) has blown a drug deal in a big way, and the local punk boss (Giovanni Ribisi) wants payback, yesterday. You know where this is going. Farraday goes ballistic but finally agrees to turn one last smuggling trick, contacting his former collaborators in drug running, money

A MARKED MAN Mark Wahlberg gets sucked back over to the dark side in ‘Contraband.’ laundering and, oh yes, grand larceny. Can you say Dirty Dozen? After a few atmospheric shots of the booming New Orleans shipyards, our hero is on his way to Panama to pick up a huge haul of counterfeit dollars, leaving his wife in the protection of his best friend (Ben Foster). Now everybody knows you never leave your wife in the hands of your best friend, right? Gorgeous urban vistas and hypnotic shots of the busy docks and Panama Canal traffic help keep our eyes busy while the predictable shipboard hideand-seek gets underway. Make no mistake—this film’s “plot” would have been impossible without cell phones. Lots of cell phones, by which good guys notify each other as to when the bad guys are nearby, etc. When Farraday and his sidekick Danny (Lucas Haas, all grown up since his days as the child star of Witness) finally gain access to the cocaine factory where the transaction was supposed

to happen, it turns out that almost everybody has been double-dealing, including the punk kid brother-inlaw. The sleaze factor is thicker than Mickey Rourke’s ego in this slum hacienda full of pit bulls, razor wire and tattooed lowlife. Farraday and Danny are forced to help Panamanian drug lord Gonzalo (Diego Luna, in a deliciously nasty performance) in a final act of theft. Pretty much everybody is a bad guy in this now–boring, now–exciting Miami Vice fiesta of greed, addiction, sexy cinematography and very bad decisions. Mostly we keep wondering just why Wahlberg made this film. There’s nothing redeeming about these characters, as there was in The Fighter. Wahlberg himself, who still pulls off attitude and enough ripped abs to be believable, pretty much mails in his performance. He chases bad guys, he uses his cell phone to

help the plot along. He uses the fword to help the plot along. He uses his fists to help the plot along. By the film’s end you realize that not only did director Baltasar Kormakur not have an original idea, he had too many conflicting storyboards. Is Contraband a caper film? Sometimes. A gritty, violent, explosion-laced tale of urban losers? Yeah, that too. A suspense crime drama? Almost. In the end, the film works on none of these levels. But it does take the viewer—the viewer well-stocked with popcorn and nothing else to do on a weekend afternoon—for a wild and breathtaking ride during the final half hour. And that’s not nothing.

CONTRABAND R; 110 min. Plays countywide


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Film Capsules FILM CAPS 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU (1999) Cameron (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) has fallen for Bianca Stratford, a popular sophomore, whose only flaw is that she isn’t allowed to date unless her “shrew” of an older sister, Kat (Julia Stiles), does too. Cameron enlists the help of mysterious bad-boy Patrick Verona (Heath Ledger) by paying him to take out Kat. It’s the perfect plan until things get complicated between Kat and Patrick. (Thu at Santa Cruz 9) HAYWIRE (R; 93 min) Gina Carano steps out of the ring to play Mallory Kane, a black ops agent who has been double crossed while on a mission

in Dublin. Now she must race back to the United States in order to protect her family and get revenge on those who betrayed her.

METROPOLITAN OPERA: THE ENCHANTED ISLAND (NR; 220 min) NCM Fathom presents the sixth season of the Peabody and Emmy award winning series “The Met: Live in HD.” Featuring the lovers from Midsummer’s Night Dream stranded on the island from The Tempest, The Enchanted Island is a treat for fans of baroque music featuring works from Handel and Vivaldi among others. THE PRINCESS BRIDE (1987) Westley (Carey Elwes) and Buttercup (Robin Wright) fall


madly in love on a country farm in the fictional land of Florin, but their romance is cut short when Westley is kidnapped by the Dread Pirate Roberts. Presuming her true love dead, Buttercup begrudgingly accepts betrothal to the evil Prince Humperdinck (Chris Sarandon). Before the wedding, Buttercup is kidnapped by three outlaws—a Spanish fencer named Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin), a giant named Fezzik (played by Andre the Giant) and a brainy little man named Vizzini (Wallace Shawn). Hijinks ensue as the Dread Pirate Roberts, Prince Humperdinck and Westley all compete to kidnap Buttercup in this minor cult classic. (Plays Fri-Sat midnight at Del Mar)

SHAME (NC-17; 101 min) A man’s carefully managed private life, which allows him to engage his sexual addiction, is thrown into chaos when his troubled younger sister arrives unannounced. Starring Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan, directed by Steve McQueen (Hunger). (Opens Fri at Nickelodeon) UNDERWORLD: AWAKENING (R; 88 min) Kate Beckinsale

reprises her role as the vampiress Selene in the fourth part of the Underworld series. When humans try to eradicate the Vampires and their enemies, the Lycans, Selene must lead the battle against humankind in order to save her own species.

REVIEWS THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN (PG; 113 min.) Steven Spielberg directs this adaptation of the beloved series by Hergé, starring the curious young reporter Tintin (Justin Bell) and his loyal dog Snowy. ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: CHIPWRECKED (G; 93 min.) While on a cruise, the

Showtimes are for Wednesday, Jan. 18, through Wednesday, Jan. 24, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

APTOS CINEMAS 122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.thenick.com The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo — Daily 3; 6:15; 9:15 plus Wed-Sun 11:50. My Week With Marilyn — Daily 2:10; 4:20; 6:30; 8:40 plus Wed-Sun noon.

CINELUX 41ST AVENUE CINEMA 1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.cineluxtheatres.com Mission Impossible-Ghost Protocol — Wed-Thu 1:15; 4:15; 7:15; 10:10

Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy — Wed-Thu 1; 4; 7; 10; Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes. War Horse — Wed-Thu 11:55; 3:15; 6:30; 9:45; Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes.

DEL MAR 1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com Shame — (Opens Fri) 2:30; 4:40; 7:00; 9:10 plus Fri-Sun 12:20 Hugo 3D — Daily 1:45; 4:20; 6:50; 9:30 plus; Fri-Sun 11:15am. The Iron Lady — Wed-Thu 12:10; 2:20; 4:30; 6:40; 8:50; Fri-Wed 2:20; 4:30;

6:40; 9 plus Fri-Sun 12:10pm. My Week with Marilyn — Wed-Thu 11:40; 1:30; 3:20; 7; 10:30. Young Adult — Wed-Thu 5:10; 8:50; 10:45. Princess Bride — Fri-Sun midnight.

NICKELODEON Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com The Artist — Daily 12:20; 2:30; 4:40; 6:50; 9. (Fri; Mon-Wed No 12:20pm) Carnage — Daily 11:20; 1:20; 3:20; 5:20; 7:20; 9:10. (Fri; Mon-Tue No 11:20am) The Descendants — Wed-Thu 12; 2:20; 4:50; 7:10; 9:35; Fri-Wed 2:20; 4:45;

7:10; 9:35 plus Sat-Sun noon. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy — Daily 11; 1:30; 4:10; 7; 9:30. (Fri; Mon-Tue no 11am)

RIVERFRONT STADIUM TWIN 155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com The Devil Inside — Wed-Thu 4; 7; 9:40; Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes. We Bought a Zoo — Wed-Thu 1; 3:45; 6:45 9:30; Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes.

SANTA CRUZ CINEMA 9 1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com The Adventures of Tintin 3D — Wed-Thu 1;10; 4; 6:50; 9:35; Fri-Wed

Call for Showtimes. Alvin and the Chimpmunks: Chipwrecked — Wed-Thu 1:50; 4:10;

6:40; 9:15; Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes.

RED TAILS (PG-13; 120 min) Terrence Howard stars as Colonel A.J. Bullard, tasked with the duty of leading a group of young black pilots into duty during World War II. At the same time they face down Nazis in the sky the pilots struggle with segregation and prejudice at home.

Beauty and the Beast 3D — Wed-Thu 1:40; 4:30; 7; 9:30; Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes. Contraband — Wed-Thu 2; 4:40; 7:35; 10:20; Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo — Wed-Thu 1; 2:40; 4:25; 8; 9:40; FriWed Call for Showtimes. Joyful Noise — 1:55; 4:50; 7:45; 10:30; Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes. Mission Impossible-Ghost Protocol — Wed-Thu 6:30pm; Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows — Wed-Thu 1:20; 4:20; 7:25; 10:25; Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes. Ten Things I Hate About You — Thu 1/12 9pm.

CINELUX SCOTTS VALLEY 6 CINEMA 226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260 www.cineluxtheatres.com The Adventures of Tintin — Wed-Thu 11; 1:30; 4:10; 7; 9:30;

Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes. Beauty and the Beast 3D — Wed-Thu 11:45; 2; 4:20; 6:45; 9;

Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes. Contraband — Wed-Thu 11:20; 2; 4:55; 7:40; 10:15; Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes. The Descendants — Wed-Thu 11; 1:30; 4:10 7; 9:40; Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes. Joyful Noise — Wed-Thu 11:10; 1:45; 4:30; 7:20; 10; Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes. Mission Impossible-Ghost Protocol — Wed-Thu 1; 4; 7:10; 10:10. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows — Wed-Thu 11; 1:45; 4:40; 7:30; 10:20; Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes. War Horse — Wed-Thu 11:55; 3:15; 6:30; 9:45; Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes. We Bought a Zoo — Wed-Thu 12:45; 3:45; 6:45; 9:30; Fri-Wed Call for Showtimes.

GREEN VALLEY CINEMA 8 1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (Opens Fri) — 1:15; 4; 7; 9:45 plus Sat-Sun 10:40am. Haywire (Opens Fri) 1; 3; 5:05; 7:15; 9:30 plus Sat-Sun 11am. Red Tails — (Opens Fri) 1:15; 4; 7; 9:45 plus Sat-Sun 10:40am. Underworld Awakening — (Opens Fri) 1 plus Sat-Sun 11am. Underworld Awakening 3D — (Opens Fri) 3; 5:05; 7:15; 9:30. Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked — Wed-Thu 1; 3; 5:05; 7:15; 9:30. Beauty and the Beast — Daily 1; 5:05. Beauty and the Beast 3D — Daily 3; 7:15; 9:30 plus Sat-Sun 11am. Contraband — Daily 1:15; 4; 7; 9:40 plus Sat-Sun 10:55am. The Devil Inside — Daily 1; 3; 5:05; 7:15; 9:30 plus Sat-Sun 11am. Joyful Noise — Daily 1:15; 3:50; 7; 9:30 plus Sat-Sun 10:50am. Mission Impossible-Ghost Protocol — Wed-Thu 1:15; 4; 7; 9:45. War Horse — Wed-Thu 12:30; 3:40; 6:45; 9:45.


BEAUTY AND THE BEAST 3D (G; 90 min.) A 3-D version of Disney’s classic 1991 tale about a prince who is bewitched because he could not love and a girl who happens upon his castle while in search of her father. Only her love can save the prince and his courtiers from the evil enchantment. CARNAGE (R; 79 min.) A quartet of nasty bourgeois played by four top-drawer actors with crack timing (John C. Reilly, Jodie Foster, Christoph Waltz and Kate Winslet) make this Roman Polanski film, about an after-school mediation session gone bad, civilized entertainment. CONTRABAND (R; 110 min.) See review, page 29. THE DARKEST HOUR (PG13; 89 min.) Director Chris Gorak (1995’s Right at Your Door) brings a bit of an indie sensibility to his first bigbudget flick, a 3-D thriller set in Russia and starring Emile Hirsch, Olivia Thirlby, Max Minghella and Rachael Taylor. THE DESCENDANTS (R; 115 min.) Almost everyone will enjoy the George Clooney/ Alexander Payne film The Descendants. Clooney’s Matt King is a lawyer who toils while his family has a good time. Matt’s wife languishes in a coma after a bad boating accident. He goes to retrieve his daughter, Alexandra (Shailene Woodley), currently immured at a strict boarding school because of her partying. Alexandra confesses that she’s been acting out lately because she saw her mom with a stranger’s hands on her. Matt also has to deal with his cutely awkward, profane younger daughter, Scottie (Pacific Grove’s Amara Miller, debuting), as well as with his ornery father-in-law (Robert Forster, excellently embodying the old military side of Hawaii).

THE DEVIL INSIDE (R; 87 min.) Filmed in cinéma verité style by director William Brent Bell (2006’s Stay Alive). A woman tries to discover the fate of her mother in Italy and is led into a world of demonic possession and unauthorized underground exorcisms. THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO (R; 164 min.) Director David Fincher (Fight Club, Social Network) takes on the first installment of the Swedish trilogy armed with Daniel Craig, Robin Wright, Christopher Plummer and Rooney Mara.

Fine Area Rugs & Carpets

Winter Sale 30% off Area Rugs SHAMELESS Carey Mulligan is a sex addict’s bold younger sister in ‘Shame,’ opening Friday at the Nick. Kremlin, pushing the U.S. and Russia to the brink of war.

THE MUPPETS (PG: 104 min.) Kermit, Miss Piggy, Gonzo and the rest of the gang are back to save their theater, which is being threatened by an oil tycoon. With Amy Adams, Jason Segel, Chris Cooper and Alan Arkin. MY WEEK WITH MARILYN (Rated R) Kenneth Branagh stars as Sir Laurence Olivier and Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe in a story about the tension between the two stars during the filming of The Prince and the Showgirl.

SHERLOCK HOLMES: A GAME OF SHADOWS (PG-13; 135 THE IRON LADY (PG-13; min.) In Guy Ritchie’s hasty 105 min.) The unusually and frequently low-class meretricious biopic of sequel to his 2009 franchiseEngland’s first female Prime builder, Sherlock Holmes Minister has been called (Robert Downey, Jr.) is treated worth seeing for Meryl Streep, as a clown, with cheap but this is hardly an example wigs and beards and longof a peerless actress playing a underwear scenes. He’s even really once-in-a-lifetime part. painted with mascara and Banking on historical amnesia, lipstick. The tension between the film transcends its Holmes and Professor surpassing political naiveté by Moriarty (Jared Harris), whose trying to sleaze its way into schemes the detective has Margaret Thatcher’s personal discovered, survives Ritchie’s life, presenting Thatcher in unconquerable urge to her senility as being haunted vulgarize. The Professor is a by the prankish specter of sweet role for any actor, and her late husband, Denis (Jim Harris does it well. There’s a Broadbent). vaguely syphilitic quality to this citizen above suspicion. JOYFUL NOISE (PG-13; 123 One nasty scene has him min.) Two small-town choir directors (Dolly Parton, Queen admiring his reflection in a mirror and singing Schubert Latifah) go toe-to-toe over while putting Holmes through how best to win a national the torture sequence. The competition. With Kris Kristofferson and Keke Palmer. women seem retrofitted into the script, while the MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST bromance between Holmes PROTOCOL (PG-13; 139 min.) and Watson (Jude Law) peaks Tom Cruise and the rest of in a cramped ballroom with the Mission Impossible force the two dancing. Like all the must operate outside the spy film’s many double entendres agency’s command structure questioning the closeness and umbrella of protection of the great detective and when a bomb goes off at the

his assistant, this moment is absent of all sexual charge, unless you’re sexually aroused by stupidity. (RvB)

THE SITTER (R; 106 min.) Jonah Hill is a college student home on break who gets suckered into babysitting the little monsters next door, never suspecting the mayhem that awaits. TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY (R; 127 min.) In London in the early 1970s, the Cold War still has England frozen. It’s as if World War II had never stopped. The secret service is the most paranoid place in this war. And its denizens face unignorable news: a mole at the top level is pipelining secrets to the U.S.S.R. It falls to George Smiley (Gary Oldman), the man once certainly next in line for the position of Control of the British Secret Service, to figure out who it is, but he and his boss (John Hurt) were forced to resign after a particularly bad fiasco in Budapest, so he works from the outside. The mole suspects include one of the most baleful actors alive, Ciarán Hinds as Roy Bland; Colin Firth as Bill Haydon, an icon of condescension; Toby Jones as the pompous mediocrity Percy Alleline; David Dencik as a downy Toby Esterhase, last seen wailing for his life on an airport tarmac; and Benedict Cumberbatch as the too-natty Peter Guillam (this new version gives Guillam a secret of his own). And out in the cold: the ominous Tom Hardy as Polyester-swathed legbreaker Ricki Tarr. Those who love actors know that a silent man can be more urgent than a noisy, flamboyant type. Oldman is

startling, even after years of superb supporting work. (RvB)

WAR HORSE (PG-13; 154 min.) Steven Spielberg’s epic horse movie begins with the heartwarming story of a friendship between a boy and his mount, and then becomes a heart-rending epic war movie. WE BOUGHT A ZOO (PG; 132 min.) As a recently widowed newspaper columnist who (yes) buys a dilapidated zoo, Matt Damon reportedly shines, rescuing director Cameron Crowe’s latest effort from the mawk. Scarlett Johansson costars. YOUNG ADULT (R; 102 min.) Irked, drunk and thirtysomething young adult fiction writer Mavis (Charlize Theron) returns to her home town in Mercury, Minn. Her mission is to retrieve her high school boyfriend Buddy (Patrick Wilson) from his wife Beth (Elizabeth Reaser) who has just had a new baby. Instead, she ends up in the company of a depressed beta-male (Patton Oswalt) whom she barely glanced at back in her glory years. The film is almost there; Theron has a good time playing this disagreeable woman, but scriptwriter Diablo Cody pulls her punches and gilds this story with an unbelievable level of alterna-culture; she even gives the unsteady main character supposed wisdom (it’s hard to believe she writes anything, even unsuccessful young adult novels); Mercury looks too rich, too hip and too much like a John Hughes village to be the one we’re hearing described by the dialogue. And ultimately Young Adult is like an SNL skit that wears out its welcome. (RvB)


Since 1984 CA Lic 797120

6000 Soquel Dr. Aptos | 831.476.4849


THE ARTIST (PG-13; 110 min.) The French writerdirector Michel Hazanavicius brought his cinematographer (Guillaume Schiffman) and two French actors to Hollywood to make this blackand-white silent tribute to 1920s American cinema, which has some critics charmed and others blown away.

Coming along for the ride is Alexandra’s pal Sid (Nick Krause), her seemingly silly young partner in partying, who wedges himself into this family tragedy. Meanwhile, Matt must make the painful decision to liquidate a piece of property that he’s holding in trust for the rest of the family. The end result of the deal will be yet another resort with golf course, part of the endless effort to turn Hawaii into Costa Mesa. Clooney is roguish and entertaining; he gives the kind of star’s performance that probably only looks easy and smooth to pull off. And he finishes with some very heavy oldschool acting, which puts Clooney farther out on the limb than he is in the rest of the film. (RvB)

j a n u a r y 1 8 -2 4 , 2 0 1 2

Chipmunks and the Chipettes fall overboard but, alas, survive the ordeal to torture parents everywhere this holiday season with their highpitched, booty-shaking tale of desert island survival.


Movie reviews by Traci Hukill, Tessa Stuart and Richard von Busack





j a n u a r y 1 8 -2 4 , 2 0 1 2

Christina Waters



JONESING JOZE Jozseph Schultz is leading a tour to one of the world’s culinary homelands.

India Joze Goes to Istanbul

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TURKEY TROT This has to be the dream trip to the Middle East for serious cooks, lovers of culinary folklore and adventurous antiquity lovers. Jozseph Schultz knows his way around the fabled recipes and ingredients of this great crossroads of world culture. And armed with the deep experience gained from a similar tour three years ago, Schultz is inviting 10-15 food lovers to come tour, cook, sail and feast with him June 13–July 7, 2012. A stupendous opportunity: three weeks of days at archaeological sites, yachting on the Turquoise Coast, sailing down rivers, visiting small villages, being awestruck in Cappadocia. This beautifully organized tour begins and ends in Istanbul, but along the way tours the Olympos Hills, pilgrimage churches, carpet works, hot springs, covered markets, the shrines of Ephesus and dozens of kitchens. Unbelievable depth as well as range of flavors, textures and sights. “It’s going to be very hands-on,� Schultz explains. So yes, those of you who want to try your hand at the regional specialties and learn to use unique spice and ingredient combinations will find it exhilarating. “Turkey offers more variety than you can imagine,� Schultz continues with a gleam in his eye. “All the cultures come together here, in what was once the center of the world. And to find the best food, you go to the center—just as we do today going to New York or Paris.� Essentially many of the foods we today consider staples of Mediterranean cuisine originated here, and as Schultz says, tempting anyone with working tastebuds, “On this trip we will taste refinements in techniques that are hundreds, even thousands of years old.� The $6,500 price for the 24-day odyssey includes airfare, lodging, gratuities and at least 50 meals throughout the journey. For details and applications, email soon: joz@indiajoze.com. HOT CHEF Congratulations to Shadowbrook Restaurant’s executive chef, Ashley Hosmer, featured in the cover story of the December 2011/January 2012

California Bountiful magazine. Chef Hosmer grew up in Santa Cruz and graduated from the California Culinary Academy and the Cordon Bleu program. Now he oversees the kitchen at the landmark restaurant. HOT DATE Love Apple Farms is offering a slew of classes this spring on such

essential homesteading skills as beer-making, cheese-making, garden designing and cooking. Save Feb. 4 to join Pim Techuanvivit, the blog czarina of Chez Pim, in the kitchen for “Perfect Pie Crusts,� a four-hour class designed to give you the confidence to tackle this greatest of baking challenges without fear. $115. Reservations at http://bit.ly/tvbT2H Send tips about food, wine and dining discoveries to Christina Waters at xtina@cruzio.com. Read her blog at http://christinawaters.com.


Chip Scheuer


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Drink Local Local vintages and fresh crab make a Great Wine Weekend


The Santa Cruz Mountains is one of California’s oldest winemaking regions, and it’s making some of the country’s most exciting wines—if you know where to find them. That’s why there’s Passport Day, which literally provides a map to some of the appellation’s greatest treasures. This Saturday, from 11am to 5pm, some 50 local wineries—including many that are normally closed to the public—will open their doors to anyone holding a wine Passport (available for $40 at any participating winery; check the list at www.scmwa.org). It’s a chance to see some of the breathtaking places where the region’s award-winning vintages are grown and chat with the winemakers behind the flavor profiles. “The Santa Cruz Mountains appellation is the premier American mountain appellation,” says Steve Principe, owner of VinoCruz, the Cooper Street shop that carries only local wines. “It was the first winegrowing region to be defined by a mountain range. Some say if there weren’t Prohibition it’d be the premier area over Napa or Sonoma.” Though typically overshadowed by higher-profile Napa and Sonoma, Santa Cruz Mountains wines reward those willing to veer away from the ordinary. “It just feels like the Santa Cruz wines—there’s always a heartfelt story about them,” says Debra Szecsei, co-owner of Vino Locale, a wine shop in Palo Alto that also specializes in Santa Cruz Mountains wines. “The people do it for the passion and the love of winemaking, not necessarily for the money. And that’s part of what makes it really special.” If wine-drinking locavores think Saturday is a dream come true, on Sunday they’ll swear they’ve died and gone to heaven. The annual Wine and Crab Taste-Off pairs Dungeness crab recipes with select local vintages at five area restaurants: Café Cruz, Sanderlings, Ma Maison, Michael’s on Main and Paradise Beach Grille. Dishes from past years have included numbers like crab and scallop tartare with foie gras (reportedly a show-stopper at Ma Maison in 2009) and crab risotto fritters, each matched to a lovely local wine like Heart o’ the Mountain Estate Pinot Noir or a Testarossa Chardonnay. One $49 ticket is good for crab tastings at two restaurants and wine tastings at five; add $16 per restaurant to try more dishes. Event runs 2pm–5pm. For more information visit www.scmwa.org. — Kate Flannery

Additional reporting by Santa Cruz Weekly staff.


PASSPORT, PLEASE A $40 Passport gives wine lovers access to 50 wineries this Saturday.



Diner’s Guide Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. SYMBOLS MADE SIMPLE: $ = Under $10 $$ = $11-$15 $$$ = $16-$20 $$$$ = $21 and up


j a n u a r y 1 8 -2 4 , 2 0 1 2

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages APTOS $$ Aptos


$$ Aptos


$$$ Aptos $$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 SEVERINO’S GRILL

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987 ZAMEEN MEDITERRANEAN

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com. Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

CAPITOLA $ Capitola




GEISHA SUSHI Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 superfresh fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Wed-Mon 11:30am-9pm.




1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511




231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

$$$ Capitola

203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900

104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888


All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.

California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm. Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar, international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily. California cuisine. Nightly specials include prime rib and lobster. Daily 7am-2am.

SANTA CRUZ $$ Santa Cruz


$$$ Santa Cruz


$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz

1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588

328 Ingalls St, 831.425.6771

1141 Soquel Ave, 831. 426.5664

110 Church St, 831.429.2000 THE CREPE PLACE

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994



Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz

910 Cedar St., 831.457.1677

303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770 HOFFMAN’S

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. Features the vibrant and esoteric wines of Bonny Doon Vineyard, a three-course, family-style prix fixe menu that changes nightly, and an inventive small plates menu, highlighting both seasonal and organic ingredients from local farms. California organic meets Southeast Asian street food. Organic noodle & rice bowls, vegan menu, fish & meat options, Vietnamese style sandwiches, eat-in or to-go. Consistent winner “Best Cheap Eats.” Open daily 11am-11pm American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Califormia-Italian. fresh from farmers’ markets organic vegetables, local seafood, grilled steaks, frequent duck and rabbit, famous CHICKEN GABRIELLA, legendary local wine list, romantic mission style setting with patio, quiet side street Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.” Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm.


Santa Cruz

221 Cathcart St, 831.426.4852



Santa Cruz

418 Front St, 831.325-3633

$$ Santa Cruz


493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


Eclectic Pan Asian dishes. Vegetarian, seafood, lamb and chicken with a wok emphasis since 1972. Cafe, catering, culinary classes, food festivals, beer and wine. Open for lunch and dinner daily except Sunday 11:30-9pm. Special events most Sundays. Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily. Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon. 49-B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393

1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700 RISTORANTE ITALIANO

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

$$ Santa Cruz

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930


Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Fri 11:30am, dinner nightly at 5pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am.

$$ Santa Cruz

SANTA CRUZ MTN. BREWERY California / Brewpub. Enjoy a handcrafted organic ale in the

402 Ingalls Street, Ste 27 831.425.4900

taproom or the outdoor patio while you dine on Bavarian pretzels, a bowl of french fries, Santa Cruz’s best fish tacos and more. Open everday noon until 10pm. Food served until 7pm.

$$ Santa Cruz


Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Dinner Mon-Thu 510pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close.

$$ Santa Cruz


105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

SCOTTS VALLEY $ HEAVENLY CAFE American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. $ JIA TELLA’S Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

SOQUEL $$ Soquel


4724 Soquel Dr, 831.477.1048

Mexican. Open for breakfast. We use no lard in our menu and make your food fresh daily. We are famous for our authentic ingredients such as traditional mole from Oaxaca. Lots of vegetarian options. Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, weekends 8am-9pm.



Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm.


j a n u a r y 1 8 -2 4 , 2 0 1 2

$$$ LA POSTA Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782

’60s Vegas meets ’50s Waikiki. Amazing dining experience in kitchy yet swanky tropical setting. Fresh fish, great steaks, vegetarian. vegetarian.Full-service tiki bar. Happy-hour tiki drinks. Aloha Fri, Sat lunch 11:30am-5pm. Dinner nightly 5pm-close.



S A N T A C R U Z . C O M j a n u a r y 1 8 -2 4 , 2 0 1 2


Free Will

By Rob Brezsny

For the week of January 18 ARIES (March 21–April 19): The Macy’s ad I saw in the

TAURUS (April 20–May 20): The U.S. Constitution has

GEMINI (May 21–June 20): “It is respectable to have no illusions—and safe—and profitable and dull,” said author Joseph Conrad. Taking our cue from his liberating derision, I propose that we protest the dullness of having no illusions. Let’s decry the blah gray sterility that comes from entertaining no fantastic fantasies and unreasonable dreams. How boring it is to have such machinelike mental hygiene! For this one week, Gemini, I urge you to celebrate your crazy ideas. Treasure and adore your wacky beliefs. Study all those irrational and insane urges running around your mind to see what you can learn about your deep, dark unconsciousness. (P.S.: But I’m not saying you should act on any of those phantasms, at least not now. Simply be amused by them.) CANCER (June 21–July 22): If you were a medieval knight going into battle with a full suit of armor, the advantage you had from the metal’s protection was offset by the extra energy it took to haul around so much extra weight. In fact, historians say this is one reason that a modest force of English soldiers defeated a much larger French army at the Battle of Agincourt in 1415. The Frenchmen’s armor was much bulkier, and by the time they slogged through muddy fields to reach their enemy, they were too tired to fight at peak intensity. The moral of the story, as far as you’re concerned: To win a great victory in the coming weeks, shed as many of your defense mechanisms and as much of your emotional baggage as possible.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22): One way or another, you will be more famous in the coming months than you’ve ever been before. That might mean you’ll become better known or more popular ... or it could take a different turn. To tease out the nuances, let’s draw on Naomi Shihab Nye’s poem “Famous.” “The river is famous to the fish./The loud voice is famous to silence,/which knew it would inherit the earth/before anybody said so. /The cat sleeping on the fence is famous to the birds/ watching him from the birdhouse./The tear is famous, briefly, to the cheek./The idea you carry close to your bosom/is famous to your bosom.” (Read the whole poem here: bit.ly/FamousToWhom.)

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): Three famous actresses formed the British Anti-Cosmetic Surgery League last year. Rachel Weisz, Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson say they believe people should be happy with the physical appearance that nature gave them. Is it rude of me to note that unlike most of the rest of us, those three women were born gorgeous? It’s easy for them to promise not to mess with their looks. Do you ever do that, Virgo? Urge other people to do what’s natural for you but a challenge for them? I recommend against that this week. For example: If you want to influence someone to change, be willing to change something about yourself that’s hard to change.

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): I predict major breakthroughs in your relationship to intimacy and togetherness in 2012, Libra—if, that is, you keep in mind the following counsel from psychologist Dr. Neil Clark Warren: “Attraction and chemistry are easily mistaken for love,

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): Purslane is a plant that’s also known colloquially as pigweed. It’s hearty, prolific, and spreads fast. In a short time, it can grow outof-control, covering a large area with a thick carpet. On the other hand, it’s a tasty salad green and has a long history of being used as a cooked vegetable. As a medicinal herb, it’s also quite useful, being rich in omega-3 fatty acids as well as a number of vitamins and minerals. Moral of the story: Keep pigweed contained—don’t let it grow out of control—and it will be your friend. Does anything in your life fit that description?

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): As he approaches his 70th birthday, retiree and Michigan resident Michael Nicholson is still hard at work adding to his education. He’s got 27 college degrees so far, including 12 master’s degrees and a doctorate. Although he’s not an “A” student, he loves learning for its own sake. I nominate him to be your role model for the coming weeks, Sagittarius. Your opportunities for absorbing new lessons will be at a peak. I hope you take full advantage of all the teachings that will be available. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): The Bible addresses the subjects of money and possessions in about 2,000 verses, but devotes only 500 verses to prayer and 500 to faith. As you know, my advice in these horoscopes usually tends to have the opposite emphasis: I concentrate more on spiritual matters than materialistic concerns. But this time, in acknowledgment of the specific cosmic influences coming to bear on you, I’m going to be more like the Bible. Please proceed on the assumption that you have a mandate to think extra deeply and super creatively about money and possessions in the coming weeks. Feel free, too, to pray for financial guidance and meditate on increasing your cash flow. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): Here’s one of my favorite quotes from American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson: “I hate quotations. Tell me what you think.” The current astrological omens suggest that this is an excellent message for you to heed. It’s crucial for you to know your own mind and speak your own thoughts. It’s smart to trust your own instincts and draw on your own hard-won epiphanies. For best results, don’t just be skeptical of the conventional wisdom; be cautious about giving too much credence to every source of sagacity and expertise. Try to define your own positions rather than relying on theories you’ve read about and opinions you’ve heard. PISCES (Feb. 19–March 20): Why did Mark Gibbons strap a washing machine to his back and then climb to the top of Mt. Snowdon in Wales? He did it to raise charity money for the Kenyan Orphan Project. If, in the coming weeks, you try anything as crazy as he did, Pisces, make sure it’s for an equally worthy cause. Don’t you dare take on a big challenge simply to make people feel sorry for you or to demonstrate what a first-class martyr you can be. On the other hand, I’m happy to say that you could stir up a lot of good mojo by wandering into previously off-limits zones as you push past the limitations people expect you to honor.

Homework: Imagine that one of your heroes comes to you and says, “Teach me the most important things you know.” What would you say? FreeWillAstrology.com.

Visit REALASTROLOGY.COM for Rob’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes and Daily Text Message Horoscopes. The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at 1.877.873.4888 or 1.900.950.7700


survived 222 years, longer than the constitution of any other nation on the planet. But one of America’s founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, might have had a problem with that. He believed our constitution should be revised every 19 years. Personally, I share Jefferson’s view. And I would apply that same principle of regular reinvention to all of us as individuals—although I think it should be far more frequently than every 19 years. How long has it been since you’ve amended or overhauled your own rules to live by, Taurus? Judging by the astrological omens, I suspect it’s high time.

but they are far from the same thing. Being attracted to someone is immediate and largely subconscious. Staying deeply in love with someone happens gradually and requires conscious decisions, made over and over again.” (Read more by Warren here: tinyurl.com/ WiseChoices.)

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newspaper had a blaring headline: “Find Your Magic 2.0.” The items that were being touted to help us discover our upgraded and more deluxe sense of magic were luxurious diamond rings. The cheapest was $2,150. I’m going to try to steer you in another direction in your quest to get in touch with Magic 2.0, Aries. I do believe you are in an excellent position to do just that, but only if you take a decidedly nonmaterialistic approach. What does your intuition tell you about how to hook up with a higher, wilder version of the primal mojo?




S A N T A C R U Z . C O M j a n u a r y 1 8 -2 4 , 2 0 1 2




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for buying, selling and managing property in Santa Cruz County

Pacific Sun Properties 734 Chestnut Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.471.2424 831.471.0888 Fax www.pacificsunproperties.com

Aptos Ocean View Acreage Private acreage with ocean views above Aptos. Almost 7 acres with good well, access, trees and gardens, sloped with some level areas, permits to build already active. Ready to build your dream home! 7101 Fern Flat Road, Aptos. $468,000. Listed by Terry Cavanagh 831-345-2053

Aptos Ocean View Acreage Private acreage with ocean views above Aptos. Almost 7 acres with good well, access, trees and gardens, sloped with some level areas, permits to build already active. Ready to build your dream home! 7101 Fern Flat Road, Aptos. $468,000. Listed by Terry Cavanagh 831-345-2053

DEER CREEK MELODY Come Play on the easy terrain at DEER CREEK MELODY. 10 Acres, just 2 miles in, on a well maintained private road, off the grid, lots of sun, and plenty of water with approx. 200 ft. of accessible year around creek frontage. Recreational Parcel. Offered at $212,000. Broker will help show. Call Debbie @ Donner Land & Homes, Inc. 408-3955754 www.donnerland.com

END OF ROAD PRIVACY – LOS GATOS Feel the breeze through the trees from these Breathtaking Sanctuary Acres. Flat and spacious with Beautiful Oak trees, Giant Redwoods, Turkeys and Deer. It’s just too pretty to describe. Excellent location, just minutes to town. Already has Well, Phone & Power. Septic Perc. test completed. Offered at $750,000. Call Debbie @ Donner Land & Homes, Inc. 408-395-5754 www.donnerland.com

SKYVIEW CABIN 12 Gorgeous AC, Off the Grid, in the heart of the Santa Cruz Mtns. Beautiful spot for a Large house. Comes with a stage that opens 40’ by 16’ +, (great for storage, the owner was thinking about an amphitheatre). The amazing landscape in a dream-like environment, surrounded by Redwoods, Madrones, Oak Trees, and friendly terrain. You’ll never stop exploring & enjoying this unique piece of land, just 8 MI from town. Water & nice neighbors! Great Investment. Approx. 90 member, private Road Assoc. Broker will help show. Offered at $450,000. Call Debbie @ Donner Land & Homes, Inc. 408-395-5754 www.donnerland.com


Bring your dreams. Travel 3 miles in, on a private road to a bit of the forest to call your own. This 8 AC parcel is pretty much untouched. Approx. 90 member, private Road Assoc. Broker will help show. Offered at $350,000. Broker will help show. Call Debbie @ Donner Land & Homes, Inc. 408-395-5754 www.donnerland.com


Approx. 1/2 acre located in Boulder Creek with Stunning Views and many lovely Redwoods. Design your dream home for this unique property. Already has water, power at property line, Approved septic plan, soils report, and survey. Plans Approved & Building permit ready to issue. Easy drive to town, yet feels private. Shown by appointment only. Offered at 140,000. Call Debbie @ Donner Land & Homes, Inc. 408-395-5754 www.donnerland.com


Come explore 290 acres consisting of 11 meandering parcels varying in size from 18 acres to 40 acres. This sprawling land is rough and rugged, ideal for your quads and dirt bikes or saddle up the horses and have your own Lewis and Clark Expedition. Massive, yet pretty much untouched acreage with Timber possibilities. If you appreciate land that is sprinkled with springs, warmed by lots of sun, and has views as far as the eye can see, consider this beautiful spread. Excellent owner financing is available with just 20% down, the seller will carry at 6%. Inquiries welcome. Offered at $850,000. Call Debbie @ Donner Land & Homes, Inc. 408-395-5754 www.donnerland.com

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Unique Craftsman-Style Mobile Home Listed at $148,500 • Hydronic floor heating, on-demand hot water • Custom designed cherrywood kitchen cabinets • Located in the heart of Santa Cruz • Porcelain tile in shower & bathroom floor • New addition; Built with finest materials • Double paned windows • Hardwood flooring • Stainless steel appliances Judy Ziegler GRI, CRS, SRES ph: 831-429-8080 cell: 831-334-0257 www.cornucopia.com

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FOLKS ALONG THE PATH Of all the components in the business of real estate, surely the most fascinating, interesting, sometimes baffling, and always unpredictable are the people encountered. I still mull over a house I sold many years ago and the couple who owned it: Arthur and Esther, a couple in their late 80s. Being neighbors, I would see Esther set out on foot for her daily shopping expedition pushing a home-made wire basket on wobbly wheels, heading in the direction of the Pacific Garden Mall. She would be gone a few hours and then return surreptitiously, her basket laden with what appeared to be household items. Her garb fascinated me, as she was always dressed in black: shoes, dress, coat, even the veil hanging from her hat—always a hat, black. Spotting me, she would give a barely perceptible nod. I often pondered her black attire; a lost loved one, a tragic event? Arthur had his own style, too. When seen about town he was clad in a three-piece suit, dress shoes, white shirt, tie, and the inevitable hat he always wore outside, which he would doff at each passing woman. A closer look might reveal fraying cuffs, a food-spotted tie, and a suit having, it is hoped, seen better circumstances. Certainly, a “gentle� man he was, however. After some years, Esther passed on and Arthur called to list the house. Never having been inside, I was intrigued to have an opportunity to explore this large, very old downtown Victorian. Realtors always want to present listings in the best light, as uncluttered and clean as possible so it was important to assess the situation and help as much as possible. Upon arrival, I was led into the “parlor� where everything seemed colored in shades of grey. Old, stained, unaired carpeting surrounded by dirty walls and an ancient coal burning fireplace with blackened paneling and overstuffed chairs and couches loomed in the dimly lit room. The rest of the downstairs was in a similar condition. I asked to see the upstairs. Arthur explained that Esther had lived upstairs and he lived in the downstairs “quarters� and that actually, he had not been upstairs for many years and had no idea what might be there. I ascended the creaking, dark stairway to find four, large rooms off the hallway, each crammed from floor to ceiling with boxes of every sort. There were small pathways into some, others were completely packed and blocked. Curious, I opened a box or two. Each box was filled with purchases of new clothing items ranging from nightgowns to dresses to shoes to nylons and more. The sales tags were attached to each item and it appeared no hand had since touched them. There must have been many thousands of dollars spent. Arthur was astounded. The cache was very surprising, as everyone had assumed Arthur and Esther to be on the poor side, existing mostly on small pensions and Social Security. Arthur made it very clear he had no money to spend on any home improvements, changes or cleaning. We later found out that Esther, with her small weekly household allowance given to her by Arthur, had very successfully invested in stocks and bonds. The house sold and Arthur moved to Colorado to live with his son. Arthur left an estate of two million dollars. Nobody had a clue to explain Esther's collection. Today, it might be considered compulsive behavior (hoarding). One day, before Arthur left, I had to pose my burning question: “Arthur,� I begged, “could you please tell me why your wife always dressed in black?� Arthur looked at me with tired, bleary eyes and responded, “I have no idea.�

39 j a n u a r y 1 8 -2 4 , 2 0 1 2 S A N T A C R U Z . C O M

Judy Ziegler, GRI, CRS Cornucopia Real Estate 1001 Center Street - Suite 5 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Phone: 831-429-8080 cell: 831-334-0257 judy@cornucopia.com URL: www.cornucopia.com


Neighbors, partners, friends... s... Come check out the new office suites ites in Cruzio’s Cruzio’s recently recentlyy expanded expanded w ork space space at at our upc om ming Open House H omotte & suppor work upcoming House.. W Wee pr promote supportt small business g rowth, en t epreneurs and ttelecommuters tr elecommuters in n our sta tegrowth, entrepreneurs stateof-the-art downtown facility, of-the -art do wntown facili ty, and yyou’ll ou’ll be able tto o visit and ttalk alk tto o some interesting of the most in teresting new w businesses in ttown. own. entire TThe he night night will be a celebration celebration t ffor o or the en tire Santa Santa Cruz Cruz Community. Community. It’s It’s also a chanc or our o wn staff and ccoworkers oworkers to to display display ne ew ar twork chancee ffor own new artwork as part part of the First First Friday Friday Art Art Tour. Tour o . Come Come meet the folks, folks o , see seee our new spacee and enjoy photo spac enjoy some catered cater e ed delights, delights, free free swag, swag, rraffles, affles, ph hoto booth, more. heree ffor local music and mor e. See See yyou ou her o or FFirst irst FFriday. riday.

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WAMM Opens Membership! Apply for membership to WAMM for Low cost Organic Medicine! Longest running MMJ Org. in Nation. Serving Santa Cruz for 18 years! WAMM.org, 831-425-0580. peace

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