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The Healthiest Guy in Town Karsten Mueller eats a paleo diet and plays outside every day. He thinks you should too p13

10 Questions Questions n ffor or A Str Strongman ongm man p6 Is Yoga Yoga Dangerous? Dangerous? p9 Rachel Rachel Fannan’s Fannan n’s Girl Girl Band Band p23

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january 25-31, 2012

L O C A L LY p6 C U R R E N T S p9 C O V E R S T O R Y p13





F I L M p33 P L AT E D




ON THE COVER Karsten Mueller photographed by Chip Scheuer

A locally-owned newspaper 877 Cedar St, Suite 147, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831.457.9000 (phone) 831.457.5828 (fax) Santa Cruz Weekly, incorporating Metro Santa Cruz, is available free of charge, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Santa Cruz Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable at the Santa Cruz Weekly office in advance. Santa Cruz Weekly may be distributed only by Santa Cruz Weekly’s authorized distributors. No person may, without permission of Metro Publishing, Inc., take more than one copy of each Santa Cruz Weekly issue. Subscriptions: $65/six months, $125/one year. Entire contents © 2012 Metro Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form prohibited without publisher’s written permission. Unsolicited material should be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope; Santa Cruz Weekly is not responsible for the return of such submissions. Printed at a LEED-certified facility Our affiliates:







january 25-31, 2012



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DISPLAY ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES ALICE COLBY (alice@santacruz.com) JOCELYN MACNEIL (jocelyn@santacruz.com) ILANA RAUCH-PACKER (ilana@santacruz.com)



DON’T SACRIFICE REASON I GUESS people will latch on to anything to hang their hopes or fears on, especially if it seems strange, ancient or formidable. Remember the Heaven’s Gate folks who committed suicide in order to get a ticket to ride the alien spaceship hidden in the Hale-Bopp comet? Really unique reasoning at work there. Now some people think the world is at (greater than usual) risk because of a calendar? Granted, the Mayan civilization was a stunning development—massively organized, the only written language on the continent, mathematics that included the concept of zero—but why would anyone believe their prophecy, their ability to intuit the ebb and f low of the

Send letters to Santa Cruz Weekly, letters@santacruz.com or to Attn: Letters, 877 Cedar St. Ste 147., Santa Cruz, 95060. Include city and phone number or email address. Submissions may be edited for length, clarity or factual inaccuracies known to us.

universe? I don’t understand attaching spiritual significance to the Mayan calendar. This was a culture in which sacrifice was a central feature. It seems that pretty much every event required some sort of sacrifice, and all kinds of things were offered to their gods—dogs, birds, jaguars, iguanas, but the hardest to fathom is human sacrifice. There is disagreement among experts as to how much human sacrifice was practiced by the Maya. Apparently not as much as among the Aztec, but when something was really important, a human life was the best way to impress the gods and bring balance to the world. Why then is this calendar, which primarily guided the priests in scheduling their sacrifice appointment book, why is it given any credibility?

Can you cherry-pick beliefs from another culture and adopt them as your own? If you believe in the sacred divination of the Mayan calendar, don’t you also have to accept that the universe works in such a way that various gods have different powers and that the way to communicate with them, to appease them, is to kill living things? I do sometimes ponder our existence, and I can’t figure out much about it, but the mystery is deep and beautiful, and I’m pretty damned sure human sacrifice isn’t required. I was more fearful that the end of the world was nigh when, as a kid, I had to duck under my desk at elementary school practicing for nuclear armageddon. As for an astrologer predicting political unrest in 2012—ya think? Craig Cheatham Santa Cruz


A VOTE FOR DOWNTOWN DOGS [RE: “Man Bites Dog,” Letters, Jan. 4]: The SPCA has an adoption center and gift shop at Capitola Mall. The mall gives them the space for free. So yes, there are dogs in Capitola Mall. Capitola Village also welcomes pooches and their people. I have been downtown with my dog, and have seen many, many more dogs downtown. I have some great pictures of well-behaved dogs in downtown accompanying their owners while shopping, eating and hanging out. I don’t support dog owners who don’t pick up or don’t come prepared, but I do support dogs downtown. Angela Heywood

CORRECTION In last week’s news story about the Chopra Foundation award (“Limitless Mind,” Currents), we incorrectly described Nancy Ellen Abrams as a professor at UCSC. She is a lecturer. We regret the error.


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S A N T A C R U Z . C O M january 25-31, 2012 L O C A L LY




all think I’m going to break my neck doing it. Great for a show! E]`ab ab`]\U[O\ Sf^S`WS\QS- In

one show, although the phone book looked fairly small, it was super tough. Usually I can rip through a phone book in about five seconds. But this one didn’t go so easily.

:=5/< 16@7AB=>63@

EV]¸a g]c` VS`]- The Mighty Atom, a strongman from the vaudeville era. Twice he killed an airplane back from taking off with his hair.

people how to get healthy through my websites like LegendaryStrength.com.

<O[S O ^Sb ^SSdS Complaining.

EVOb WT g]c eS`S\¸b R]W\U bVOb- I’d

EVOb RWR g]c VOdS T]` P`SOYTOab bVWa []`\W\U- I usually have a shake that

EVOb R] g]c R] T]` O ZWdW\U- I teach

figure out something else I love to do. EVOb R] g]c R] W\ g]c` T`SS bW[S-

Study any topic that interests me. 4Od]`WbS TSOb ]T ab`S\UbV- The

Weighted Wrestler’s Bridge. I get in a back bridge with only my feet and head touching the ground. Then I add weight to it. It scares people and they

has a bunch of superfoods in it. :Oab P]]Y g]c `SQ][[S\RSR-

Peak Performance by Charles A. Garfield.

BE= 2=5 2/G Indie duo Ace and Thule pose for the cover of their forthcoming album, ‘Manresa.’ Photo by Blake Chiao.

EVOb¸a a][SbVW\U []ab ^S]^ZS R]\¸b Y\]e OP]cb g]c- As a kid I was more

) submit your cruzscapes photo to publiceye@santacruz.com (

interested in D&D than sports. Read full answers at www.santacruz.com.


Supersoaker The inside of a sensory deprivation tank feels exactly the way it sounds: like absolutely nothing. It’s been over an hour and I’m f loating at Be and BE Well in a dark chamber filled with water and 800 pounds of Epsom salt—literally as much salt as the water will hold. There is nothing in here to see, hear, smell, taste or even feel. The water and air are heated to 98 degrees, so it’s hard to even tell the difference between your skin and your surroundings. For Shanti Hudes, co-owner of Be and BE Well in Ben Lomond, f loating is a spiritual experience. She frequently speaks in metaphors and says she has little control over how people will go into the experience. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink,� says Hudes. “You

have to make the water so delicious the horse will want to drink.� In the beginning of my f loat it’s just nice to stretch. It’s amazing what elbows, shoulders and knees can do when they’re not contending with gravity. But my mind is running through to-do lists: work to catch up on, things I need to pick up at the store, what I’m going to do if I ever escape this soggy, vacuous tube. Slowly I begin to relax and focus on more important things, beginning, of course with the San Francisco 49ers’ breakout 2011 season (well, you’ve got to start somewhere). As that fades, I see the visions of faces and friends that matter to me and warm memories. If nothing else, the soak offers a quiet, mind-relaxing meditation on

what’s important in life. When my hour and a half are up, I shower and get dressed. Shanti’s husband Jai Hudes is sitting in the sunlit living room. “So ‌ did you drop into the zone?â€? “I don’t know,â€? I answer. “That’s the no answer,â€? he responds, barely disappointed. “It doesn’t happen every time.â€? Jai, who spent much of the 1970s grappling with hard drugs, says he can now relax to the point where a second in the tank can feel like an hour, or an hour can go by and feel like a quick f lash. “Coming from an addictive background,â€? he says, “now I’m addicted to something very positive.â€? —Jacob Pierce


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Partners in Health >/@B<3@A 7< 63/:B6

The Flying Crane Massage Judy owned and ran supermarket businesses before she found her calling in the massage world. "It's exhilarating to know that my own hands helped reduce or even eliminate the pain for so many people" she says. Judy studied massage in China for 3 years. After moving to the US she worked in various massage clinics in Santa Cruz and Santa Clara counties. She opened her first office inside Gold's Gym on Water St. in 2009 followed by her present location in Scotts Valley in 2010 then another on the westside of Santa Cruz in 2011. Judy takes great care in recruiting her therapists, often giving them additional training to insure that after their massage her clients feel aloft again, like a flying crane!


Scotts Valley 266 Mt. Hermon Rd. Suite L Scotts Valley, CA (Kmart shopping center) (831) 515-8380

Santa Cruz 2381 Mission St. Santa Cruz, CA (between Fair and Swift) (831) 288-5888


Even yoga has its health risks


STEVEN STEWART thought he was doing something good for himself when he took up yoga 15 years ago. He still believes in its benefits. But as he stretched his shoulders during an exercise in 2008, Stewart unknowingly went too far, damaging his rotator cuffs and sending him on a painful path to renewed health. “That was a long recovery,” says Stewart, a 56-year-old chiropractor, adding that he has since resumed his yoga practice. It was a difficult realization to make: that yes, yoga can hurt people. Stewart has since seen patients come into his Portola Drive practice with injuries to


their shoulders, hips and knees from yoga. “Those are what I see most commonly, though we do get a few lower back injuries,” says Stewart. It’s a hot topic right now. A New York Times Magazine article this month titled “How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body” reports that yoga can cause serious injuries like strokes, back problems and unresponsive nerves. The article relies heavily on longtime yoga teacher Glenn Black, who says most people should give up yoga altogether. Not surprisingly, the story has ignited controversy in yoga communities. Skeptics are calling its claims greatly exaggerated, even sensationalistic, and say major


Caveat Yogi

suggests long-term classes like hers might be safer than drop-in classes, in which teacher and student don’t develop the same level of trust. If a teacher and student can talk about what hurts, she says, students are more likely to stay safe. Kimball has a Ratemyprofessor. com page with 18 comments on it, the vast majority of them overwhelmingly positive. In one recent review, however, a commenter complains about rolling an ankle in class. Kimball “doesn’t make sure everyone is doing things correctly,” the anonymous commenter writes. “So did that person come back and tell me?” Kimball asks. (According to the review, the student dropped the class soon after the incident.) “Apparently not. If they had, then the learning practice begins. We as students of life have to not just point fingers, but take responsibility for our questions.” What about the idea that some people aren’t fit for yoga? Kimball and Lev both dispute the claim. Stewart, though, thinks people who have connective tissue diseases should probably stay away. Stewart also notes, counterintuitively, that especially limber people need to be careful. Before a f lexible student develops strength, his or her joints may be capable of doing things that the muscles aren’t ready to handle. He explains that that can actually result in joint problems. “People think they twist themselves up in knots— and maybe they can,” says Stewart, “but it isn’t necessarily good for the joint tissue.” Kimball says for the most part, a little pain is part of life. “Everybody gets hurt,” says Kimball. “I shipped my kid out to India. ‘Go out into the world. Learn from cause and effect.’ That’s what yoga is. It’s a practice through which you can learn about yourself through your body, through your mind. It’s a personal journey.”0

january 25-31, 2012

PRETZEL LOGIC The new yoga mantra, especially for beginners, is “know your limits.”

injuries can easily be avoided. Eva Norlyk Smith from YogaUOnline. com wrote a response that ran on Huffington Post with tips on practicing safe technique. Local yoga teacher Mark Stephens wrote a similar piece for SantaCruzYoga.net called “How Yoga Will Not Wreck Your Body.” Yoga teachers nationwide seem to agree that the most important thing is paying attention what one’s body can and can’t do—or, to invoke 1990s rapper Ice Cube, “Check yo’ self before you wreck yourself.” “I think it’s personal responsibility, personal understanding,” says Julie Kimball, who has been teaching yoga classes at UC–Santa Cruz for 30 years. “It’s how you would approach your finances. That’s how you should approach your body. Be in charge of it.” Maya Lev, owner of Yoga Center Santa Cruz, says yoga has risks just like skiing or any other physical activity. “I’m sure there are students in my classes who have suffered injuries, but nothing close to what was incurred in that [New York Times] article,” says Lev. “That’s why I feel it was sensational.” Sure enough, yoga injuries like strokes may not be an issue in Santa Cruz County. According to Dominican Hospital spokesman Mike Lee, there’s no record of patients coming into the emergency room complaining of yoga pains. Lev and other yoga teachers concede that yoga carries minor risks but hesitate to name poses, types of yoga or teachers that might be unsafe. Lev does have thoughts on what she is doing right. She says her teachers walk around the room during class. They keep an eye on their students, she says, instead showing off, doing the stretches and challenging their students to keep up with their own f lexibility. Kimball, who teaches 10-week courses, has thoughts too. She



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This year’s Nextie awards will recognize the contributions of four influential locals. One directs a technology nonprofit, one directs a nonprofit that supports the homeless, one facilitates mountain biking trips for kids (nonprofit, of course) and one is a CEO. This Saturday Santa Cruz Next, the civic group for young movers and shakers, will dole out honors to ?VXdW BVgi^cZo of Watsonville TechnologiaEducacion-Comunidad Program, Bdc^XV BVgi^cZo of the Homeless Services Center, BVg` 9Vk^Yhdc, founder of Trips for Kids Santa Cruz and NextSpace’s ?ZgZbn CZjcZg. They’re a sweet thing, these Nexties. Says GnVc 8ddcZgin, former mayor and a founder of Santa Cruz Next, “We just recognized that there was a lot of talent in this community, and commitment, and we wanted to figure out a venue where we could highlight it.� It’s such a nice sentiment that you almost want to give Coonerty and his Santa Cruz Next co-founder, 8VaZW 7Vh`^c, an award just for thinking of it. Luckily, with the selection of Neuner, they are effectively doing that themselves. The reader will be forgiven for confusing Santa Cruz Next, the nonpartisan civic group, with NextSpace Santa Cruz, the coworking facility. Coonerty and Baskin founded the nonprofit Santa Cruz Next in 2007, shortly before Coonerty, Baskin and Neuner opened their business, NextSpace Santa Cruz, in 2008. “But they are not affiliated,� says Coonerty. Got it. Besides the name and the founders they share, Santa Cruz Next once counted Neuner as a board member as well. He left the board the year before the organization began giving out the Nextie awards, says EZiZg @d]i, present chair of the Santa Cruz Next board. “If you look at the cumulative impact his business and his work has done in Santa Cruz, as well as their expansion in California in the last year and their general cheerleading for all things Santa Cruz,� says Koht, who by day serves as the city’s Economic Development Coordinator (a position Neuner held until Koht took it over in

2008), “we really didn’t want to ignore that anymore.� None of this is to say that Neuner, an accomplished and likeable guy, doesn’t deserve a pat on the back (the award is strictly ceremonial; no cash is awarded), nor that the cozy relationships he enjoys with several of the Santa Cruz Next board members influenced the organization’s decision to honor him.

The reader will be forgiven for confusing Santa Cruz Next, the nonprofit, with NextSpace Santa Cruz, the co-working facility. Of the 24 individuals who were nominated for a Nextie during an open call in October, the list was winnowed to four by last year’s winners. Their selections were then approved by a vote by Santa Cruz Next’s 10-member board. Both Coonerty and Baskin sit on the board of Santa Cruz Next but, Koht assured us, neither was present for the vote that ratified this year’s winners. That’s a relief. But may we suggest that for its, ahem, next enterprise, whatever it may be, Team CoonertyBaskin break out a thesaurus to add some variety to the mix. The Definitely-Not-Coordinatingwith-NextSpace-Santa-Cruz Awards will be held this Saturday at the Museum of Art and History. —Tessa Stuart BVS BVW`R /\\cOZ <SfbWS /eO`Ra %^[ AObc`ROg 8O\ & Ob bVS ;caSc[ ]T /`b O\R 6Wab]`g % # 1]]^S` Ab AO\bO 1`ch BWQYSba " W\ ORdO\QS # Ob bVS R]]` OdOWZOPZS Ob AO\bO1`ch<Sfb Q][

B R I E F S january 25-31, 2011 S A N T A C R U Z . C O M

Club Next


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One Santa Cruz man makes the case for playing outside and eating the prehistoric way BY TESSA STUART


IT’S 2pm on a Thursday at Santa Cruz’s Main Beach. Cigarette butts, a crushed soda cup and a stack of empty pizza boxes litter the ground around the Beach Street benches facing the volleyball courts, where an audience of vagrants watches what may just be the healthiest man alive preparing to serve. Standing with one foot forward and one arm holding the volleyball out, Karsten Mueller looks like he might have been plucked from the Bodies exhibition—the one that featured athletic human bodies stripped down to mere muscles, bones and blood vessels. Every sinew is visible as he winds up, ¨ "

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3/B G=C@ D35573A 972A Although wellness coach Karsten Mueller maintains a vigorous exercise regimen, he attributes his glowing good health primarily to nutrition.

Paleo Man


13 H E A L T H & F I T N E S S | P A L E O M A N 8]^e HX]ZjZg

S A N T A C R U Z . C O M january 25-31, 2012 H E A L T H & F I T N E S S


>719 / >/19 =¸ >31A Mr. January—er, Mueller—plays soccer or beach volleyball five days a week. one arm arcing back, tossing the ball in the air and sending it with the heel of his palm sailing over the net to land just inside the court. “It’s sort of my siesta, but instead of taking a nap I go out and play for a couple of hours every day,â€? Mueller says of his midday playtime. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays it’s soccer at Depot Park; on Tuesdays and Thursdays it’s Main Beach for a date with a group of volleyball enthusiasts. The other seven men and one woman playing today favor beach volleyball because it’s free and lowimpact. “My knees are still like when I was 20,â€? exclaims John Stevenson, Mueller’s doubles partner. “It’s also the hippest sport there is,â€? chimes in a 62-year-old in an “Old Guys Ruleâ€? hat. Mueller likes volleyball because it’s a full body workout. His physique, though, he attributes 80 percent to nutrition. After the game, he sits cross-legged in the sand and talks in a soft voice about his health philosophy. He traces it back to when he was a 19-year-old partying and waiting tables in Southern California’s Hacienda Heights. “I got what I thought was a cold. That turned into a flu, and

when it didn’t go away I got a little concerned, so I went to see the family doctor,� Mueller says. The doctor didn’t know exactly what it was, but he called it “chronic fatigue syndrome� and told Mueller it could go away in two weeks or take as long as two years. From then on, “I promised myself I would just take care of my body and I wouldn’t take it for granted,� Mueller says. “At that point I started reading books and trying different things. I stopped drinking. I instinctively started eating more vegetables and high-quality proteins.� Now in his early 40s, Mueller has spent the intervening decades earning a Ph.D. in environmental sciences while combing through books and studies and trying out different regimens in a tireless quest to improve his health. These days he plays outside, rides a bike everywhere and practices a variation on the paleo, or primal, diet, eating the foods our distant ancestors might have. Fruits and vegetables, roots and nuts, wild fish, grass-fed and pasture-raised meats are all fair game; grains, beans, most dairy, sugar and processed oils are prohibited. Over time friends and


Fresh Meat As we make our way around the perimeter of New Leaf an hour later, Mueller points out items that he typically stocks up on. “The rule of thumb here is—do your homework—as far as we can tell, what were humans eating for hundreds of thousands of years?� he says. Mueller says two shifts have

fundamentally altered the way humans eat. First was the agricultural revolution, when humans settled down and began cultivating grains and other crops. The second was just in the last few decades. “We started eating vegetable oil and feeding our animals corn and soy—things they didn’t evolve eating. “Those were fundamental changes in our diet, and guess what’s been happening since then?â€? Mueller asks. “People are fatter than ever. Cancer is more common than ever, heart disease.â€? If we want to eat like our ancestors, Mueller says, we ought to be filling our shopping carts with leafy greens, high-quality meats, natural eggs and sources of probiotics like kefir and kombucha. And, he adds, “There are key things we should not be eating—like sugar and grains and vegetable oils.â€? In front of the refrigerated meat case, Mueller points out the meats he typically eats. “I like organic, free-range chicken. I like wild fish, sardines, lamb occasionally, grass-fed beef, free-range turkey. Sometimes I’ll do buffalo; occasionally I’ll do shrimp or raw oysters.â€? The key is the modifiers: “grassfed,â€? “pasture-raised,â€? “organic,â€? “raw,â€? “wild,â€? “consciously-raised.â€? They are buzzwords for a reason—Mueller says they are significant enough to change the way our bodies process a given meat. “Beef from a feedlot is a fundamentally different food than grass-fed, free-range beef,â€? he explains. “Grass-fed beef is much more nutritious, it’s higher in vitamins and minerals; it has the right kinds of fats. Fats that are actually healthy for us—omega-3s.â€? Mueller and other proponents of primal eating contend that grass-fed, free-range beef has a better balance of omega-3 (good fat) to omega-6 (bad fat) content. He also believes there is a certain karmic payback to digesting food from animals that were not treated humanely. “On feedlots we feed them corn and soy,â€? Mueller says, “It’s not that those animals want to eat that stuff or evolved eating that stuff. It makes a less healthy, less happy animal.â€? ¨ %

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acquaintances began coming to Mueller with their health questions. “People kept asking me these questions, so I started by giving free advice,� Mueller says. “I’ve been trying all these things and I know what works and what doesn’t.� Mueller began offering health and wellness coaching. Then he started writing his advice down, collecting and cataloging it for a website, GreenElixer.com, that he says will be up and running by the end of the month. Back in December, Denise Garcia hired Mueller for a grocery store consultation. Together they walked through Staff of Life as he explained which things were good and which things were bad. She speaks of Mueller with an acolyte’s enthusiasm. “Oh, I’m obsessed!� Garcia says of the shakes Mueller taught her to make, involving nuts that have been soaked for several hours. Now, Garcia says, “I have a green shake every morning and it takes me up, pretty much, through the whole day.� Mueller talked with Garcia about purposeful eating. “Eating because it gives you energy, and it gives you strength in the physical activities you like to do. I’m a surfer and I do aerial ribbon dancing,� she says. “Once I was connecting the foods I was eating with the way I was feeling, then it was just natural to start eating pretty much the paleo way.� In the month since they went shopping together, Garcia says she’s lost 8 pounds. Mueller and I decide to meet at New Leaf Market on Pacific Avenue for a grocery tour like the one he gives clients. In the meantime, he is going to wrap up his siesta with a little dojo-tae kwon do-tai kenpo hybrid that he calls his “bastardized martial arts workout.�

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15 H E A L T H & F I T N E S S | P A L E O M A N the last word with the slightest hint of disdain. “It’s more like, ‘Wow, I want to put amazing food in my body because I love feeling great and I love that the meat that I buy, the animals were treated humanely, and the environment benefits [are better] compared to feedlot animals.’�

Sir Mix-a-Lot “These are the superfood goddesses,â€? Mueller says of the housemates we find in the kitchen of the home he designed himself. (Did I mention he teaches classes in green building at UCSC and San Jose State?) The open kitchen occupies one side of an expansive, sparsely furnished room that looks out on a vegetable garden built in concentric circles around a fire pit. One corner of the kitchen is crowded with racks holding cardboard boxes filled with tinctures and nutritional supplements. On the stove, two clear teapots bubble away. In one, berries bob on the surface of a purple translucent liquid that smells like spiced cider. The other is tinged pink with something floating in it. (When I inquire, his housemate says cryptically, “That one is a longer story,â€? and leaves it at that.) “For breakfast, typically, I have four pasture–raised eggs, raw, just cracked in a glass,â€? Mueller says. “I’ll have that with some raw leafy greens. Every day it changes—maybe a lovely organic cucumber, maybe some red leaf lettuce.â€? Tonight, like most nights for the past two years, Mueller will have a quart-size green shake for dinner. He pulls out an old Vitamix blender and snacks on a piece of chicken cooked so rare it almost translucent while he explains the shake to me. Tonight’s shake will consist of 1/2 cup of raw hazelnuts (soaked eight hours, which Mueller says makes them more digestible), 1/2 cup of chia seeds (sometimes he’ll use f lax), organic shredded coconut, avocado from his neighbor’s farm and carrot tops. He pauses to take a big swig of homemade kefir. “Pretty damn good,â€? he mutters, and puts it back in the fridge. At one point, shake-making seems ¨ &

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Omega-3s are essential, Mueller says, but we don’t have to get them from supplements. Quality meats are one good source; eggs are another. Don’t be fooled though, Mueller warns, by eggs advertised as fortified with omega-3 fats. “Omega-3 fatty acids are inherently unstable. They go rancid extremely rapidly and easily. What makes them go rancid? Heat, air and light,� he says. “They are feeding these ‘omega-3’ hens corn and soy and then throwing some rancid f lax seeds in there.� A better choice in Mueller’s opinion would be eggs from pastureraised hens (available at Staff of Life for $8 a dozen and the farmer’s markets for $5–7.50) that choose the bugs and seeds they eat naturally. Mueller is also a proponent of probiotics, the preparation of which he calls “a lost art.� He makes his own kefir, ferments his own kraut and likes the kombucha on tap at New Leaf. “Probiotics are like the second brain of our body—our gut,� he says. “They do so many amazing things for our bodies, from creating vitamins and nutrients that we don’t synthesize on our own to enhancing our immune function to helping us digest our food better. Probiotics are the bomb.� There is one other thing Mueller does to maximize the amount of enzymes from the meat he eats. “I cook it at a low temperature and make it as rare as possible,� he says. “It’s well-documented that when you cook food or pasteurize milk you’re changing the fats, you’re destroying vitamins, you’re destroying nutrients, you’re fundamentally changing the proteins in ways that make them foreign to your body.� There’s another upside to minimalist cooking: “I like that I’m not using as much energy to cook the food, and I’m not destroying enzymes.� This is what Mueller calls a win-win. Less energy consumed: win. Healthier food: win. The same with riding a bike—a win-win-win: good for the body, good for the environment, good for the wallet. It may seem like a lot of rules, but Mueller says eating the paleo way isn’t hard. “I love it. It’s not a hassle. This isn’t some diet.� He says

18 S A N T A C R U Z . C O M january 25-31, 2012 H E A L T H & F I T N E S S

17 H E A L T H & F I T N E S S | PA L E O MAN

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to devolve into a kind of alchemy. “I’m going to put a little of this green stuff in there ‌ did I put maca in already?â€? No. “All right, let’s put a little maca in there for fun,â€? he says. (Days later, I’ll learn maca is a supplement derived from a Peruvian root and prized for its ability to improve virility and sperm production.) Then he adds a little of something else: “It’s like some frou-frou-sprouted-proteinvegan-whatever.â€? That is followed by a little splash of the supplement Vitamineral Green, a splash of vanilla for flavor, a dash of cinnamon for flavor (“and it also has anti-inflammatory properties,â€? he adds), some turmeric for its health benefits and four dates that he says will balance the bitterness of the kale. Mueller says he switches up the nuts and greens, but for the most part the ingredients of the shake remain pretty consistent. He pours some water into the Vitamix and finally adds the greens: some fennel and several thick, wrinkly leaves of dino kale. “You’ve got protein, you’ve got greens, you’ve got omega-3s in there.â€? He presses a button and the Vitamix rumbles to life and grinds and whirls for about a minute and a half. When it’s finished, he pours a little into a cup and hands it to me. It’s not the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted. The texture is a little stringy, the avocado oil coats the inside of my mouth and the chia seeds are a tad chewy. The flavor of the hazelnuts is strong enough, though, that if you closed your eyes you could pretend it was a thick, lukewarm hazelnut latte. Mueller tastes it. It’s not exactly to his satisfaction. “It’ll blend a little better when the chia seeds are soaked,â€? he says, and looks thoughtful for a moment. “Hmm. Yeah, it could use a banana, but it’s not bad.â€? Always room for improvement in his tireless pursuit of health. 0


19 H E A L T H & F I T N E S S | T ’ A I C H I

H E A L T H & F I T N E S S j a n u a r y 2 5 - 3 1 , 2 0 1 2 S A N T A C R U Z . C O M

Chilling With the Chi A longtime practitioner of qi gong and tai chi explains why he’s stuck with it all these years 8]^e HX]ZjZg






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1=;;7BB32 Eugene Ervin started practicing t’ai chi 35 years ago. INSIDE the classroom in the Lou Loude Louden Nelson Center, the Wedne Wednesda Wednesday afternoon traffic is a distant hu hum. It’s not that Center Street h has gone quiet, by any means— means—it means—it’s just been absorbed into a great sstr stream of concentration and a calmnes calmness that fills the room. Time itself appe appears to have slowed. Five women are pushing invisible balls of energy gracefully across the front of their bodies in an exercise called “Dragon weaves around the body.� Their slow and calculated movements follow those of their

instructor, Eugene Ervin, a tall, fit man who volunteers his time to teach this qi gong (pronounced “chee gungâ€?) class for baby boomers once a week. They make scooping and spreading motions, moving the qi (often spelled chi) around. Ervin attempts to explain. “People, they’ve tried to explain what ‘chi’ is. ‘What is chi?’ they say. ‘I don’t see it.’ Well, it has weight and substance,â€? says Ervin. “You go to your physics book and you turn to atmospheric pressure, and you find out that the weight of the atmosphere ¨







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Wanda Coleman Jack Hirschman Genny Lim Lorna Dee Cervantes COCOANUT GROVE The Ellyn Maybe Band Grand Ballroom Stephen Kessler Doors: 3 p.m. Avotcja & Modupue Show: 3:30 p.m. Charles Curtis Blackwell Andy Clausen HOSTS: Jerry Kamstra GINGER MURRAY A.D. Winans MARC KOCKINOS Gerald Nicosia Call to order tickets : Cara Vida 1-888-71-TICKETS Jennifer Barone or Go Online Quiet Lightning (see website below) Peter Marti Art, Book & Sarah Cruse Memorabilia Fair Alan Sitar Brown also included Ruebi Lynn Jimenez



Ray Manzarek Michael C. Ford Ellen Bass 6 $ *ULIÂżQ Gary Young John Allen Cassady Mike The Poet Jane Ormerod Marc Olmsted Rich Ferguson w/Bo Blount Floyd Salas Claire Ortalda Ron Lampi T. Mike Walker Keith Savage Dennis Holt Kevin Patrick Sullivan The Invertebrates Geordie Van DerBosch

Advance tickets available at Bookshop Santa Cruz & Online at:


19 H E A L T H & F I T N E S S | F I T N E S S A P P S

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7< AB@723 With the right fitness app, you’ll never have to guess how many steps you’ve taken again.

C^`Z <EH ($1.99) Fire up this application before your run and it will log your distance, pace, total time and calories burned. It will also plot your route on a map, not only showing you where you went, but pinpointing the exact places where you slowed down or sped up. Log feature allows users to add details about the weather, terrain, music and other in-motion musings. The app connects with the NikePlus website, where runners can get specialized training programs for marathons, half-marathons or 5ks. 6aa">c Nd\V ($.99) If you don’t have time or money to get to yoga class, clear some floor space and mine this app’s 300-plus pose encyclopedia complete with written descriptions, photos and videos. Choose a sequence from the “quick recipe� index covering a range of skill levels, from a 14-minute Sun Salutation to an 89-minute Shakti Yoga Intensive, or fire up the personal instructor function for a specialized class. For the latter, enter your age and weight, then choose a goal (like balance, flexibility or de-stress), a level (beginner, intermediate, advanced or guru) and time (1-100 minutes).

;^icZhh7j^aYZg (Free, with upgrades) Detailed workout plans complete with number of reps per set, number of sets, and number of seconds to wait between sets and a bulging library of exercises with photos, videos and step-bystep instructions make this app an essential addition to any gym bag. There are features to set goals and measure your progress, a music library with tracks hand-picked to turbocharge your workout, a nutrition section complete with a glossary of food terms and measurement tools (like Body Mass Index and Basal Metabolic Rate) and a section that keeps users availed of the latest fitness news and research. ;ddYjXViZ (Free) Break this app out at the grocery store and it will grade the items in your cart, giving you the green light and steering you toward more healthful choices. Scanning the barcode of a No-Bake Oreo Jell-O Pie mix, for example, will summon a big “Dâ€? grade and detailed list of the product’s deficiencies: it is heavily processed and it contains trans fats, the controversial additive BHA and 7.5 teaspoons of sugar per serving. The app will offer an ¨

H E A L T H & F I T N E S S j a n u a r y 2 5 - 3 1 , 2 0 1 2 S A N T A C R U Z . C O M



S A N T A C R U Z . C O M january 25-31, 2012 H E A L T H & F I T N E S S


21 H E A L T H & F I T N E S S | F I T N E S S A P P S alternative too, gently suggesting a low-calorie, sugar-free Black Cherry Jell-O dessert instead. It has helpful brand profiles, “Package alerts!� (for when a box or bottle is small enough to consume in one sitting but the package contains more than one serving) and tips for avoiding BPA packaging.

H^bean 7Z^c\ ($.99) “This is a time to do nothing and simply be,� a voice cooes into your ear at the

start of this app’s guided meditation. “Letting go of everything you’ve been doing, letting go of everything you need to do.� Listeners are instructed not to pay attention to the words, but to just let them wash over you as the instructor leads you through relaxation sessions of five, 10, 15 or 20 minutes in length, accompanied by a choice of music or soothing nature sounds (ocean, stream or rain). —Tessa Stuart

19 H E A L T H & F I T N E S S | T ’ A I C H I on a human being is 14.7 pounds per square inch. But the only reason you are not crushed under the weight of the atmosphere is because your body is pressing out. If I were to put you into a vacuum chamber and pump all of the oxygen out of it, you would explode.� In the ancient Chinese practice of qi gong and its cousin tai chi, “chi� is the eternal power that moves the universe. It is the energy that flows through every living being until it is dispersed at death. Disease and ailments are caused by blockages and stagnation in the flow of chi. To yogis, it is the “prana,� and in Western medicine it could be equated to the electromagnetic force field in the body. To Ervin, it is a way of life. Ervin teaches and practices several forms of qi gong every day, as a rule, often going to the beach to do so, where he says the energy coming off the ocean is immense. “Tai chi saved me. I was a druggie, I did all kinds of stuff,� says Ervin, who began studying tai chi in 1977, shortly after his son was born. “I was 40 years old and I remember looking at him and thinking, ‘When he’s 21 I’ll be 61. I want to be able to hang out with him.’� Ervin is convinced that his practice is the only reason the substances he was using did not overtake him. “I’m so happy that I took the time to stick with it. It took a lot of patience,� says Ervin. Ervin’s studies of tai chi and qi gong includes their written history and the

Taoist philosophy from which they were born and cannot be separated. It’s an imperative part of the study that each student must do on his or her own, he says. Cultivating chi could also be a fountain of youth—the spritely 75-yearold does not look a day over 55. While many men and women his age sit quietly in rest homes, Ervin remains a social presence in the community, still works at the university and can’t walk down Pacific Avenue without running into someone who knows him. “It makes no difference how old you are, it will help you stay in a very youthful and vigorous state of mind and body, and if learned and done consistently, living the life of a tai chi person, you can become as old as you want,� Ervin says. On a physical level, when chi is flowing correctly the joints are lubricated by constant rotations, the body is flush with oxygen and the skeleton and muscles are in alignment, strengthening from within. The mind and body unite in a heightened state of awareness and concentration. On a spiritual level, the practice aligns one with the magnetic force of the universe. Ervin equates this connection to what happens in meditation. “When you meditate you close your eyes and you don’t just see the walls. Everything appears when you open your eyes, but when you close your eyes it’s infinite.� 0

23 A&E

A E!

january 25-31, 2012

With Birds Fled From Me and Sleepy Sun behind her, Rachel Fannan is riding the updraft BY PAUL M. DAVIS


THE iconic persona of the guitarslinging singer-songwriter has shown its age in our time of sequencers and oneman laptop bands. So it was refreshing to watch Rachel Fannan at the Crepe Place circa 2008, assembling ornate live multi-part arrangements with electric guitar, drum machine and loop box that pushed the limits of what a single performer could produce live. As Fannan’s work matured during her Santa Cruz years, it became clear that she wouldn’t be confined to the traditional singer-songwriter model. She began performing with the San Francisco psych rock outfit Sleepy Sun and embraced the band’s visceral physicality. In 2009, Fannan joined the band for two years of touring that pushed her limits as a performer even further. But in time, the resurgent San Francisco psych-rock scene became confining as well. She rarely contributed to Sleepy Sun’s songwriting, and being the only woman in a male-dominated outfit was a trying experience, exacerbated by the band’s grueling tour schedule. “After three years on the road, you enter survival mode, especially for a girl,” she notes. Fannan left Sleepy Sun in 2010

to rediscover her muse, but soon found that she had been radically changed. “Playing with Sleepy Sun was freeing—being able to contribute to the power and flow and magic of the moment,” she says. “My material grew exponentially. It exploded, it got louder.” Fannan moved to Los Angeles to explore the new and strange horizons that had opened to her songwriting and started penning material markedly different from the work she’d performed under the Birds Fled From Me moniker. “I began as a diary writer,” she says, “and everything was quiet and composed on the piano. As the years went by and I cut my teeth on the road, I developed a more ferocious sound. There’s more passion, desperation and volume in what I do now, and the sadness and pain is deeper.” Reflecting on the material from her Santa Cruz years, she adds, “I listen to my old stuff, and I sounded so reserved and meek and afraid. Now I’ve entered a phase in my life where I’m growling and roaring and trying to flesh out the things that I’m feeling.” The once-solo artist has also received a master class in collaboration. “I know how to play with different people now,” she says, “and I’m able to accept contribution to my material.” Since moving to L.A., Fannan has worked with an impressive roster of artists, lending vocals to a track on Bonnie “Prince” Billy’s forthcoming album and collaborating on a project with Jeff Wootton, the English guitarist known for his work with Gorillaz and Liam Gallagher. Perhaps most notably, Fannan is also contributing vocals to Anywhere, a supergroup comprised of Mike Watt of Minutemen fame, the Mars Volta’s Cedric Bixler-Zavala and Christian Eric Beaulieu of Triclops!. And while she’s currently working on a new solo album, she may be most


Bird in Flight

GIRLS RULE Fannan’s latest project, Only You, combines the melodicism and driving energy of ’90s girl bands. inspired by her new all-girl band Only You, with whom Fannan appears at the Crepe Place on Jan. 25. The band weds her increasingly instinctive songwriting approach to a potent brew of ’60s girlgroup pop, psych and garage rock, and disparate scraps of the Beatles, goth rock and Sonic Youth. For Fannan, Only You has proven to be a revelation. “This just clicks and is so fresh and raw,” she says. “I play with a lot of great guys, but there’s always a certain energy that’s missing. When we play these songs, that energy’s there.” And though Fannan is now flanked by three fellow self-assured songwriters and

fierce performers in Only You, she has rediscovered an elusive musical kismet she finds unexpectedly familiar. “I get the same feelings in this band from when I first played with Sleepy Sun,” she says. “It syncs. This feeling is just as strong. I’ve been waiting to feel it again for so long.”

ONLY YOU with Rachel Fannan Wednesday, Jan. 25 at 9pm Crepe Place $8 adv/$10 door


january 25-31, 2012



LIST YOUR LOCAL EVENT IN THE CALENDAR! Email it to calendar@santacruzweekly.com, fax it to 831.457.5828, or drop it by our office. Events need to be received a week prior to publication and placement cannot be guaranteed.

streets, Carmel-by-theSea, 831.622.0100.




The Bee Eaters

Fantastische: A Queer Burlesque

Featuring six-time Grand National fiddle champions Tristan Clarridge and Tashina Clarridge and hammer dulcimer virtuoso Simon Chrisman. Fri, Jan 27, 8pm. 800.838.3006. St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, 125 Canterbury Dr, Aptos, $13 adv/$15 door.

A sexy, sex-positive and body-positive performance. Sat, Jan 28, 7:30-9:30pm. $10. The Church House, 429 Pennsylvania Ave, Santa Cruz.

Certified Organic


A night of organ music featuring Jonathan Dimmock, one of the world’s leading concert organists, and the Santa Cruz County Symphony. Sat, Jan 28, 8pm and Sun, Jan 29, 2pm. $20-$65. Henry J. Mello Center, 250 E. Beach St, Watsonville, 831.420.5260.

Bravo! Spotlight on Performing Arts A benefit to send 20 Pacific Collegiate High School students to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Sat, Jan 28, 7pm. $8-$15. Cabrillo College Theater, 6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, 831.479.6100.

John Craigie

Eight Tens at Eight The 17th annual tenminute play festival features eight original works. Thu-Sat, 8pm and Sat-Sun, 3pm. Thru Jan 29. $16-$20. Center Stage, 1001 Center St, Santa Cruz, 800.838.3006.

Hairspray When Tracy Turnblad wins a spot on the Corny Collins Show she becomes a teen celebrity overnight, but snagging a spot on the local TV dance program was a cakewalk compared to her next challenge— racially integrating the show. Thu-Sun. Thru Feb 19. $7-$20. Golden Bough Theatre, Monte Verde between Eighth and Ninth

Folk concert. Thu, Jan 26, 4pm. Streetlight Records Santa Cruz, 939 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.421.9200.

Side By Side...Again Frank Duncan and Bruce Daniels reinvent their Las Vegas lounge act featuring songs from ‘Company,’ ‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ ‘The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas,’ Follies,’ ‘Annie Get Your Gun’ and more. Fri-Sun, 6:30 and 8:30pm and Sun, 2:30pm. Thru Jan 29. $30. Dance Synergy Studio, 9055 Soquel Dr, Aptos, 831.359.1630.

San Francisco’s City Guide

Tom Tom Club Tina Weymouth and Chris Franz, one half of Talking Heads, soldier rhythmically onward. Jan 25 at Mezzanine.

Art MUSEUMS CONTINUING Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History Futzie Nutzle & the Espresso Police. Featuring works by Nutzle, Judy Foreman and Frank Foreman, musical performances by the artists who played Caffe Pergolesi and artifacts from the old cafe. Thru Mar 17. Museum hours Tue-Sun, 11am-5pm; closed Mon. 705 Front St, Santa Cruz, 831.429.1964.

Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History Coastal Lagoons: A Closer Look through Art, History and Science. A virtual visit to seven local lagoons. Visitors will learn how land-use decisions have changed the outlines of each site, how scientists measure the current health of each lagoon and how artists continue to be inspired by the ever-changing nature of lagoons. Thru Feb 25. $2$4, free for members and youth under 18. Tue-Sun, 10am-5pm. 1305 E. Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz, 831.420.6115.

GALLERIES CONTINUING Eloise Pickard Smith Gallery An Untold Odyssey. The story of Akira Nagamine as related by artists Tosh Tanaka and Jono Shaferkotter. Thru Feb 19. Personal Memory, Public History. Fifteen assemblages by Lucien Kubo predicated on the Japanese American experience. Thru Feb 19. 831.459.2953. Cowell College, UCSC, Santa Cruz.

Felix Kulpa Gallery

Quarter Mile Combo Long-running rockabilly outfit hangs up the bandanas and plays final show. Jan 27 at Cafe du Nord.

Mint Condition Smooth R&B doesn’t get much sweeter than “Breakin’ My Heart” and “Forever in Your Eyes.” Jan 27 at the Warfield.

Doomtree Hip-hop collective rooted in hardcore and fronted by the imaginative P.O.S. Jan 30 at Amoeba SF; Jan 31 at Slim’s.

V-Nasty Notorious Kreayshawn sidekick courts controversy, records with Gucci Mane, plays headlining show. Feb 1 at Slim’s.

More San Francisco events by subscribing to the email letter at www.sfstation.com.

Meeting of Minds. Featuring five of the artists of FU Tattoo Shop showcasing art created outside the tattoo parlour. Thru Jan 31. Free. 107 Elm St, Santa Cruz, 408.373.2854.

Marjorie Evans Gallery Etching in the Footsteps of the Masters. An exhibition of original etchings by artist and Monterey Peninsula resident Justin Ward. Thru Jan 31. 831.620.2077. San Carlos Street at Ninth Avenue, Carmel.

Motiv Big Black and White. Blurring the lines between photography and painting, Stephen Laufer’s work explores space, landscape

and abstract figures, staking out a new organic cosmology. Thru Jan 31. Free. 1209 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.479.5572.

Pajaro Valley Arts Council The Art of the Rydell Fellowship: 2006-2009. Featuring all eight artists awarded the Rydell Fellowship for the Visual Arts from 2006-2009: Skip Epperson (set design), Terri Garland (photography), Hanna Hannah (painting), Rob Larson (mixed media: discarded objects), Will Marino (mixed media: found object), Beverly Rayner (mixed media), Felicia Rice (book arts/ letterpress) and Daniella Woolf (encaustic). Thru Feb 12. Free. 37 Sudden St, Watsonville, 831.722.3062.

Santa Cruz Central Branch Library Gallery Paul Titangos: Personal Photography From Around the World. Traditional black and white silver gelatin prints and colorful digitally re-mastered large canvases. Thru Jan 31. 224 Church St, Santa Cruz, 831.420.5700.

Santa Cruz Mountains Art Center Inspirations. A collection of inspirational artwork by Santa Cruz Mountains Art Center artists. Thru Mar 17. Wed-Sun, noon-6pm. 9341 Mill St, Ben Lomond, 831.336.4273.

Events AROUND TOWN Chris Rene Homecoming ‘X Factor’ contestant Chris Rene will celebrate his third-place finish by singing a few songs to his hometown crowd. Sun, Jan 29, 2-4pm. $5-$8. Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium, 307 Church St, Santa Cruz, 831.420.5260.

English Country Dance Second and fourth Thursdays of each month; beginners welcome. Fourth Thu of every month. $5$7. First Congregational Church of Santa Cruz, 900 High St, Santa Cruz, 831.426.8621.

Santa Cruz Chamber Networking Mixer Hosted by the Santa Cruz Derby Girls, with food and drink from Lillian’s Italian Kitchen. Wed, Jan 25, 5-7pm. $5 Chamber members, $10 nonmembers. SCDG Training Facility, 2200 Delaware Ave, Santa Cruz.

Seal Adventure Saturday Visitors will have extraordinary access to


SYMPHONY: CERTIFIED ORGANIC The Santa Cruz Symphony presents an evening and afternoon of organ music, featuring world-renowned organist Jonathan Dimmock performing Francis Poulenc’s Organ Concerto and Camille Saint-Saëns’ Organ Symphony (the audience might recognize it from the movie Babe) on a two-manual Allen Quantum Protégé Organ. Saturday, Jan. 28, 8pm and Sunday, Jan. 29, 2pm at the Henry J. Mello Center, 250 East Beach St., Watsonville. Tickets $20-$65, 831.420.5260 or SantaCruzTickets.com. view the elephant seals at the peak of the breeding season. Tickets online at www.smcnha.org. Sat, Jan 28, 8am-12pm and 1-4:30pm. $50. Año Nuevo State Reserve, New Years Creek Rd, Pescadero.

LITERARY EVENTS Gerald Nicosia The Beat historian and award winning author of One and Only will discuss his book about Lu Anne Henderson, the woman who started Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady on the journey that became On the Road. Tue, Jan 31, 7pm. Free. Bookshop Santa Cruz, 1520 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.423.0900.

Sarah Jio The author of The Bungalow will read, discuss and sign copies of her novel. Wed, Jan 25, 7:30pm. Free. Capitola Book Cafe, 1475 41st Ave, Capitola, 831.462.4415.

Susyn Reeve The author of The Inspired Life: Unleashing Your Mind’s Capacity for Joy will read, sign and discuss her book. Tue, Jan 31, 7:30pm. Free. Capitola Book Cafe, 1475 41st Ave, Capitola, 831.462.4415.

World Affairs Book Club This month’s selection is The Cleanest Race: Understanding North Korea Through Its Propaganda. Thu, Jan 26, 7pm. Free. Capitola Book Cafe, 1475 41st Ave, Capitola, 831.462.4415.

LECTURES Compassionate Communication The program will provide strategies for connecting with memory-impaired individuals and to help prepare caregivers for possible behavioral changes. Thu, Jan 26, 13pm. Free. Live Oak Senior Center, 1777-A Capitola Rd, Live Oak, 831.464.9982.

cancer; beneficial lowfat, high-fiber foods; dairy and meat alternatives; cancer-fighting compounds; and healthy weight control. Wed, 6pm. Thru Feb 15. New Leaf Market Westside, 1101 Fair Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.325.3811.

Love as Activism Rev. Deborah Johnson and Andrew Harvey offer an in-depth exploration into the power of Love as an organizing tool for global transformation and activism as a path of spiritual transformation. Fri, Jan 27, 7-9:30pm and Sat, Jan 28, 9am-5pm. $20-$70. Inner Light Ministries, 5630 Soquel Dr, Soquel, 831.426.2366.

Embracing Israel and Palestine


A talk by Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun magazine, rabbi at the Beyt Tikkun congregation in Berkeley and San Francisco and founder of the Beyt Midrash le Shalom peace academy in Israel. Thu, Jan 26, 7pm. Suggested donation $10$25. Resource Center for Nonviolence, 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz, 831.216.5670.

Hemlock Discussion Group

Food for Life: The Power of Food for Cancer Prevention and Survival Topics: how foods fight

Discuss end-of-life options for serenity and dignity. Meets in Aptos the last Wed afternoon of every month except Dec; call for more info. 831.251.2240.

Montessori and Babies Classes Two different workshop offerings for parents, grandparents, doulas, nannies and childcare providers covering the basics of infant development in the first year of life. Email

amontessorihome@gmail. com to register. Jan 28-Feb 5. $20-$60. Cafe iVeTA, 2125 Delaware Ave, Santa Cruz.

Overeaters Anonymous Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm at Teach By The Beach in the Rancho Del Mar Shopping Center, Aptos. Thursdays 1-2pm at Louden Nelson Community Center, Room 5, 301 Center St., Santa Cruz. Wed-Thu. 831.429.7906.

Red Cross Mobile Blood Drives Drives occur at several locations countywide each month; for schedule and locations call 800.733.2767.

Santa Cruz Film Festival Call for Entries Films and videos of all lengths and formats completed after January 1, 2011 are invited to enter including narrative, documentary, animation, experimental, student and youth-produced works. SantaCruzFilmFestival. org Thru Feb 10. Santa Cruz Film Festival now accepting submissions for consideration into its 11th season, May 10-19, 2012. Films and videos of all lengths and formats completed after January 1, 2011 are invited to enter. SantaCruzFilmFestival.org Last Tue of every month. Thru Jan 31.

25 B E AT S C A P E

SC Diversity Center

TThe he 228th 8th AAnnual nn al nnu

Japanese ink painting lessons. No art experience necessary. Wed, 1:30-3pm. Thru Jan 25. $40. Market Street Senior Center, 222 Market St, Santa Cruz.

Sponsored S ponsored b by: y: T he U C SC The UCSC Office off tthe O f fice o he C hancellor Chancellor

Support and Recovery Groups Alzheimer’s: Alzheimer’s Assn., 831.464.9982. Cancer: Katz Cancer Resource Center, 831.351.7770; WomenCARE, 831.457.2273. Candida: 831.471.0737. Chronic Pain: American Chronic Pain Association, 831.423.1385. Grief and Loss: Hospice, 831.430.3000. Lupus: Jeanette Miller, 831.566.0962. Men Overcoming Abusive Behavior: 831.464.3855. SMART Recovery: 831.462.5470. Trans Latina women: Mariposas, 831.425.5422. Trichotillomania: 831.457.1004. 12-Step Programs: 831.454.HELP (4357).

Touched By Adoption Group Adoptive families, adult adoptees, families waiting to adopt and birth parents meet monthly to connect in a safe, confidential setting. Last Sat of every month, 10am-12pm. Free. Live Oak Family Resource Center, 1438 Capitola Rd, Santa Cruz, 1.866.219.1155.

Yoga Instruction Pacific Cultural Center: 35+ classes per week, 831.462.8893. SC Yoga: 45 classes per week, 831.227.2156. TriYoga: numerous weekly classes, 831.464.8100. Yoga Within at Aptos Station, 831.687.0818; Om Room School of Yoga, 831.429.9355; Pacific Climbing Gym, 831.454.9254; Aptos Yoga Center, 831.688.1019; Twin Lotus Center, 831.239.3900. Hatha Yoga with Debra Whizin, 831.588.8527.

Zen, Vipassana, Basic: Intro to Meditation Zen: SC Zen Center, Wed, 5:45pm, 831.457.0206. Vipassana: Vipassana SC, Wed 6:30-8pm, 831.425.3431. Basic: Land of the Medicine Buddha, Wed, 5:30-6:30pm, 831.462.8383. Zen: Ocean Gate Zendo, first Tue each month 6:30-7pm. All are free.

an d 4 th A nnual T o ny H ill M emorial A warrds and 4th Annual Tony Hill Memorial Awards

IInner nner Light Light Ministries Ministries

SIX-STRING STORIES Folk singer-songwriter John Craigie plays Kuumbwa this Saturday.

RAMBLIN’ MAN JOHN CRAIGIE has plenty of stories and song material, partly because the modern-day troubadour is always on tour and has been for the past six years. He doesn’t even keep a home where he pays rent or a mortgage. “I am literally on the road 100 percent of the year,” Craigie says. “You gotta keep moving. You don’t want to overstay your welcome anywhere.” This Saturday Craigie, a UCSC alum, is playing his first headlining show in Santa Cruz. Since those early open mic days, Craigie, now 31, has honed a repertoire of serious songs like “So Many Lives” mixed with in with goofier choices like his YouTube classic, “Chuck Norris’ Tears Cure Cancer (Too Bad He Never Cries).” Craigie’s mix of funny and serious stories is reminiscent of Greg Brown, Arlo Guthrie and Bob Dylan. Some audiences may walk out remembering his quirky song introductions and jokes more than his tunes themselves. It’s his unique delivery, after all, that has drawn comparisons to John Prine, Rambling Jack Elliot and even the late comedian Mitch Hedberg. “It’s sort of a way of pulling the audience in and saying, ‘I don’t know if this is funny, but I’m going to hope it works,’” says Craigie, who is promoting his new album, October is the Kindest Month. Craigie talks fast, using trademark cadence and well-timed pauses to give his stories extra punch and keep people coming back for more. “People ask, ‘Are you worried you’re going to run out of stories?’” Craigie explains. “And I say, ‘As long as I’m still living, the stories are going to keep coming.’” (Jacob Pierce)

JOHN CRAIGIE plays Saturday, Jan. 28 at 7pm at Kuumbwa Jazz Center, 320-2 Cedar St., Santa Cruz. Tickets $18 adv/$22 door at www.snazzyproductions.com or 831.479.9421.

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““The The PPrivilege rivilege ooff SServing: erving: AArt rt and and the the Legacy Legacy of M Martin ti Luther L th KKing, ing, Jr.” Jr.” Ms. Giovanni is a world-renowned owned p poet, oet, activist, and and writer, commentator, activist, University Distinguished P Professor rofessor aatt idely read read Virginia Tech. One of the mostt w widely ovanni p rides American poets, Giovanni prides ck A merican, herself on being “a Black American, rofessor a daughter, a mother,, a p professor ni rremains emains aass of English.” Giovanni ed aass e ver tto o determined and committed ever and equality. equality. the fight for civil rights and


Thursday February 2 7 PM

Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium

Free and open to the public Doors open at 6:30 p.m. For questions or accommodation requirements, contact UC Santa Cruz Special Events Office at 831.459.5003 o orr specialevents@ucsc.edu. c.edu.


UCSC UC SC Martin Martin LLuther u her ut King, JJr.r. King, Convocation i Convocation

Sumi-e for Beginners

january 25-31, 2012

The Diversity Center provides services, support and socializing for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and questioning individuals and their allies. Diversity Center, 1117 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz, 831.425.5422.


january 25-31, 2012


26 Celebrating Creativity Since 1975

Wed. January 25 U 7 & 9 pm


Fri. January 27 U 7 pm


Tickets: Pulseproductions.net Sat. January 28 U 7:30 pm


Tickets: Snazzyproductions.com Mon. January 30 U 7 pm

MONTCLAIR WOMEN’S BIG BAND Thurs. February 2 U 8 pm

JAZZ MAFIA ALL-STARS Sat. February 4 U 7 pm


Mon. February 6 U 7 pm



Mon. February 13 U 7 pm


Tues. February 14 U 7 & 9 pm

VALENTINE’S EVENING WITH TUCK & PATTI Special Jazz & Dinner Package available!


They Might Be Giants at the Rio

No Jazztix or Comps

Mon. February 20 U 7 & 9 pm

REGINA CARTER QUARTET “REVERSE THREAD” 9 pm: 1/2 Price Night for Students No Jazztix or Comps

Thurs. February 23 7 pm U


TIM BERNE / SNAKEOIL Tues. February 28 U 7:30 pm At the Rio Theatre


Sun. May 6 U 7 pm At the Rio Theatre

ROSANNE CASH No Jazztix or Comps

Unless noted advance tickets at kuumbwajazz.org and Logos Books & Records. Dinner served 1-hr before Kuumbwa presented concerts. Premium wines & beer. All ages welcome.

320-2 Cedar St [ Santa Cruz 831.427.2227



FRIDAY | 1/27

FRIDAY | 1/27




A product of the North Lake Tahoe music scene, Dead Winter Carpenters is a bright new voice in the old-timedriven, indie-inspired roots revival. Capably combining “rollicking Amerigrass” with string-based ballads, stomps, ragtime ditties and country blues, the young but polished band is capturing the attention of audiences around the country. Currently touring California, the neo-traditionalist folksters are making a unique mark on the Americana scene. Don Quixote’s; $7 adv/$10 door; 8pm. (Cat Johnson)

Alternative music mainstays They Might Be Giants have done everything in their long careers. From their early years as the house band at Darinka on Manhattan’s Lower East Side to Grammy Awards (two, for 2002’s “Boss of Me” and 2008’s Here Come the 123s), They Might Be Giants have used their knack for blending catchy melodies with off beat humor to put together one of the most successful careers in the music business (and garnered a huge cult following along the way). They are currently touring in support of their new album, 2011’s Join Us. Rio Theatre; $25 adv/$28 door; 8pm. (Juan Guzman)

Santa Cruz Mountains–based Funkranomicon was just becoming a big name in the Bay Area when the members all went their separate ways. That was a decade ago. In 2009, singer and founding member Joe Neto got together with original drummer Tim Welch and reformed the band with four new members. The new lineup has come together with a funky vengeance and is quickly becoming a local favorite. Trout Farm Inn; free; 9pm. (JG)



I-WAYNE & CHUCK FENDA Two of contemporary roots reggae’s most important talents, I-Wayne and Chuck Fenda, come to Santa Cruz to show off a sound that’s authentically Jamaican. I-Wayne first hit the top of the charts in 2004 with his single “Can’t Satisfy Her” and has been in high demand ever since. Chuck Fenda, “the poor people defenda,” brings fiery intensity and social consciousness to


MONDAY | 1/30

Jan. 28 at Aptos Grange



Jan. 29 at Don Quixote’s

Made up of 17 of the most highly regarded jazzwomen in the Bay Area, the Montclair Women’s Big Band is what All About Jazz calls “one of the most formidable jazz ensembles on the West Coast.” Founded in 1998 by trumpeter and bandleader Ellen Seeling, the band has garnered praise from audiences and critics alike for its dynamic, swinging blend of jazz and blues. Kuumbwa; $20 adv/$23 door; 7pm. (CJ)


MONDAY | 1/30

HARMONICA BLOWOUT In the mid-1900s, alongside such legendary blues artists as Muddy Waters, Big Bill Broonzy and Memphis Minnie, Little Walter Jacobs pushed harmonica technique in new directions with his inimitable

THE AMERIGRASS IS GREENER Dead Winter Carpenters bring their brand of bluegrass to Felton.

JAKE SHIMABUKURO Feb. 11 at Rio Theatre Feb. 14 at Kuumbwa

THE SHINS Apr. 22 at Civic Auditorium

style, technical virtuosity and innovative use of amplification. The 2012 Harmonica Blowout pays tribute to Jacobs, arguably the most influential harmonica player of all time, and features some of today’s finest harmonica musicians including Charlie Musselwhite, Curtis Salgado, Sugar Ray, Billy Boy Arnold and Mark Hummell. Moe’s Alley; $27 adv/$30 door; 8pm. (CJ)


ACCORDION BABES Hailing from San Francisco, the Accordion Babes is a spirited, cabaretstyle duo made up of multi-talented artists Amber Lee Baker and Renee de la Prade. Trading songs and stories, these women cover the gamut of squeezebox styles including gypsy, French, Irish, even pop-punk. From weepy ballads to foot-stomping room-rockers, these self-proclaimed ambassadors of the accordion are dragging the original punchline instrument out of the shadows and into the spotlight. Crepe Place; $6; 9pm. (CJ)


For the past decade, Sacramento’s Jackie Greene has strived to stake out his own turf and transcend the limitations of 50 years of American folk music. His efforts are paying off. In recent years, he’s emerged with a songwriting voice that is very much his own. His most recent release, 2010’s Till The Light Comes, is his most polished work to date, dropping some of the rootsy affectations of past records in favor of a more streamlined folk-rock sound that confidently evokes the likes of Tom Petty and the Grateful Dead. Catalyst; $18 adv/$22 door; 9pm. (Paul M. Davis)

The Shins

january 25-31, 2012


the stage. Backed by the renowned band iKronik (featuring many former members of Gumption), they’re sure to bring a soulful vibe to any performance. Moe’s Alley; $20 adv/$25 door; 9pm. (JG)



S A N T A C R U Z . C O M j a n u a r y 2 5 - 3 1 2 0 1 2


clubgrid SANTA CRUZ

WED 1/25

THU 1/26

FRI 1/27


SAT 1/28 Cape Sound

350 Mission St, Santa Cruz


Smoking Ponys

923 PaciďŹ c Ave, Santa Cruz

The Phantom Pains

Live Comedy


Roberto - Howell


Earth Dance

Cylinder, Blameshift

Time Machine Modulus

Lords of Greenbush

Variant Soul


Vibrant Eyeris


Jackie Greene

Andrew the Dub Pirate

On the Spot Trio

The Golden Cadillacs

140 Encinal St, Santa Cruz

THE CATALYST 1011 PaciďŹ c Ave, Santa Cruz


Jazz Open Mic

110 Church St, Santa Cruz

The Esoteric Collective


Only You

The She’s

Poetry Slam

Planet Booty

1134 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz

Blackstrap Molasses

The Wild Ones

& Open Mic


The Breeze Babes

The Tone Wheels

The Bone Drivers

2218 East Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz


Reggae Night

120 Union St, Santa Cruz


Steve Gray

1 Davenport Ave, Santa Cruz

FINS COFFEE 1104 Ocean St, Santa Cruz


Preston Brahm Trio


1102 PaciďŹ c Ave, Santa Cruz


Isoceles with Gary Montrezza

Stanley Clarke Band

Jill Sobule

Mad Jam


DJ Marc


John Craigie

529 Seabright Ave, Santa Cruz

Bring your instrument

Rainbow Room





Lukas Nelson

Sista Monica


1535 Commercial Way, Santa Cruz

Danny I&The Lions Of Kush

& Promise Of The Real


Zagg’s Dasswassup!

Libation Lab

Big B


with AL-B

DJ Sparkle

320-2 Cedar St, Santa Cruz


1209 PaciďŹ c Ave, Santa Cruz

Chuck Fenda

RED 200 Locust St, Santa Cruz


They Might Be Giants

1205 Soquel, Santa Cruz


The Joint Chiefs

519 Seabright Ave, Santa Cruz



1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 Wednesday, January 25 ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 21+



Thursday, January 26 ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 18+ plus Andrew the Dub Pirate Smasheltooth also #ARLY $ s -EDICINE (AND s %##9


JAN JA N 28th, 28th, 7-10pm 7-10 pm - all all ages ages

2.0156 INCHES WIDE BY 4.8438





!DV $RS s P M P M

-YPKH` 1HU\HY` ‹ AGES 16+


On the Spot Trio s P M P M Friday, January 27 ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 16+



!DV $RS s P M P M

:H[\YKH` 1HU\HY` ‹ AGES 21+


!DV $RS s $RS P M 3HOW P M 3ATURDAY *ANUARY ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 21+ ARNOCORPS plus Memphis Murder Men !DV $RS s $RS P M 3HOW P M

3UNDAY *ANUARY ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 21+ RADIO MOSCOW plus Dusted Angel


The Bad Light $RS ONLY s $RS P M 3HOW P M

Tuesday, January 31 ‹ In the Atrium ‹ AGES 16+ THE TOASTERS plus La Plebe



Feb 1 Feb 2 Feb 3 Feb 3 Feb 4


Doomtree Atrium (Ages 16+) Arsonists Get All The Girls Atrium (Ages 16+) Too Short (Ages 16+) Stellar Corpses Atrium (Ages 16+) Marianne Aya Omac (Ages 21+) with Special Guest Joan Baez

CALL 831.3325.25.1219 FORR MORE MORE INFO! INFO!

Feb 4 Bamalama Soul Club Atrium (Ages 21+) Feb 6 Groundation (Ages 16+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 866-384-3060 & online



SUN 1/29

MON 1/30

TUE 1/31

The Weatherveins


In An Airplane SC Jazz Society

90s Night


No Jet Left, Dixon

with DJ AL9k


Kevin McDowell

Cabin Fever

BOCCI’S CELLAR 831.427.1795

Radio Moscow

The Toasters

Dusted Angels

La Plebe, The Inciters

Jazz Baby

THE CATALYST 831.423.1336



CLOUDS 831.429.2000

Movie Nite

7 Come 11

The Thin Man

CREPE PLACE 831.429.6994

Live Comedy

CROW’S NEST 831.476.4560

Open Acoustic Night

CYPRESS LOUNGE 831.459.9876‎

Local Bounty




FINS COFFEE 831.423.6131

Dana Scruggs Trio

Joe Leonard Trio

Barry Scott


& Associates


Montclair Women’s Neighborhood Night

Harmonica Blowout Tribute To Little Walter

Rasta Cruz


Salsa with Omambo

Primal Productions



DJ Chante The Courteous Rudies



Big Band

Pimps of Joytime




MOE’S ALLEY 831.479.1854


MOTIV 831.479.5572

RED 831.425.1913

RIO THEATRE 831.423.8209


SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 8 PM Santa anta Cruz Civic Au Auditorium ditorium Concert Sponsored by Millie & Jerry FitzGerald and Owen Brown & Mary Akin Additional funding provided by New Year’s Eve High Rollers Party

SUNDAY, JANUARY 29 2 PM Mello Center, Watsonville Wats sonville Tickets $20-65. Call 420-5260 or www.SantaCruzTickets.com Season Sponsors: DOROTHY WISE s 39-0(/.9 ,%!'5% /& 3!.4! #25: #/5.49 s 0,!.42/.)#3

Season Media Sponsors:


j a n u a r y 2 5 - 3 1 , 2 0 1 2 S A N T A C R U Z . C O M

Sa nt a Cr u z C ou nt y

S A N T A C R U Z . C O M j a n u a r y 2 5 - 3 1 2 0 1 2



WED 1/25

THU 1/26

FRI 1/27

SAT 1/28


Trivia Quiz Night

Karaoke NIght


DJ Jo-Jo



Vinny Johnson Band

AC Myles

211 Esplanade, Capitola

with Eve

B-Movie Kings

The Breeze Babes


In Three

Nora Cruz

Velvet Plum

Joe Ferrara


8017 Soquel Dr, Aptos

MARGARITAVILLE 221 Esplanade, Capitola



Extra Lounge

2591 Main St, Soquel


Johnny Fabulous

Yuji Tojo

215 Esplanade, Capitola

SANDERLINGS 1 Seascape Resort Dr, Rio del Mar


Don McCaslin &

7500 Old Dominion Ct, Aptos

The Amazing Jazz Geezers

SHADOWBROOK 1750 Wharf Rd, Capitola

THE WHARF HOUSE 1400 Wharf Rd, Capitola


Black Wood Drifters

4640 Soquel Dr, Soquel


Jake Shandling Trio

Perpetual Drifters

Lou DeLuca


John Cruz

Country Joe McDonald

203 Esplanade, Capitola


Jim Malcolm

6275 Hwy 9, Felton

Windy Hill


Tribute to Woody Guthrie



Mariachi Ensemble

KDON DJ Showbiz

9450 Hwy 9, Ben Lomond


Hippo Happy Hour

1934 Main St, Watsonville


& KDON DJ SolRock

Open Jam

Hwy 1, Moss Landing

Check out the Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana

wamm.org Accepting new members NOW!

WAMM has expanded our services to include every legally eligible patient who wishes to benefit from medical cannabis within a supportive collective. Please contact us and see if membership in WAMM is right for you! The Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana is more than California’s first medical marijuana collective, it’s a supportive community providing compassionate care. Support local, sustainable, affordable medical cannabis! Try WAMM’s unique heirloom strains, all 100% natural, sun-grown and free of chemicals. Edibles, tinctures and concentrates are also available.

Call 831.425.0580 or write to us at info@wamm.org WAMM Office is located at 815 Almar Ave #2, Santa Cruz, CA


SUN 1/29

MON 1/30

TUE 1/31


Dennis Dove Pro Jam

Game Night

THE FOG BANK 831.462.1881


David O’Connor


Food and Wine Pairing

Lisa Taylor



SANDERLINGS 831.662.7120

Johnny Fabulous Dance Lessons

SEVERINO’S BAR & GRILL 831.688.8987

SHADOWBROOK 831.475.1511

THE WHARF HOUSE 831.476.3534

Open Mic with Jordan

Movie Night


7:45 pm start time


ZELDA’S 831.475.4900


DON QUIXOTE’S 831.603.2294

Dead Men Rocking

Karaoke with Ken

HENFLING’S TAVERN 831.336.9318


KPIG Happy Hour Happy hour


CILANTRO’S 831.761.2161

MOSS LANDING INN 831.633.3038

j a n u a r y 2 5 - 3 1 , 2 0 1 2 S A N T A C R U Z . C O M


S A N T A C R U Z . C O M j a n u a r y 2 5 - 3 1 2 0 1 2




january 25-31, 2012

Extremely Ambitious


‘Incredibly Close’ but no cigar BY RICHARD VON BUSACK


STEPHEN DALDRY’S film Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, like Jonathan Safran Foer’s source novel, concerns a child’s act of denial about Sept. 11. He ultimately reverses time’s arrow through his arts and crafts. Like It’s a Wonderful Life, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is a greetingcard-size fantasy. But the adaptation has been beefed up with movie stars. First: Sandra Bullock as the surviving mom in denial, not wanting to talk about it all. Second: Feel griefed-out by the terrorist attacks, and the tears won’t start? What if it were Tom Hanks in those skyscrapers, on what the film euphemistically calls “The Worst Day”? And not just Tom Hanks, but Tom Hanks as a perfect storybook dad. A Tom Hanks who works in an old gold store that sells watches and trinkets, a Tom Hanks willing at all times to bond with his son, to join him in play. Thomas Horn (seen on the film’s poster in a variation on Macauley Culkin’s Home Alone pose) plays Hanks’ 10-ish son, Oskar. “Oskar” is a significant name, considering the filmmakers’ hopes for an Academy Award. Oskar is a bright child who has something that’s supposed to be similar to Asperger’s syndrome, some condition that’s made him a talkative buzz-ball, full of quotes and word games. When his father disappears in the smoke and the rubble, Oskar believes a message was left for him. Despite Oskar’s numerous phobias, he searches for the true possessor of a key his father wanted him to have. It was in

FATHERS AND SONS Tom Hanks and Thomas Horn in ‘Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close’ an envelope with “black” written on it. Certainly, this key must open the secret of the “Schwartze tog,” the Black Day, as the Yiddish expression goes. Young Oskar checks everyone in the phone book with the name Black. The very first, Abby Black, is indeed African American; she’s played by Viola Davis, brimming with tears. Oskar checks out several hundred other New Yorkers with that commonplace name—a montage of a city. All are but a school of red herrings. Oskar’s assistant on this mission is an old neighbor billed as “The Renter” (Max von Sydow), living as a lodger with his grandmother. He’s a Holocaust survivor who has taken a vow of silence. Writing memos in a little Moleskine notebook, he agrees to accompany Oskar as he combs the city. This gimmick is as full of 10 -pound poetry as it sounds; “The Renter” has “yes” and “no” tattooed on his palms. One starts to daydream about arming him with a Harpo-style klaxon.

The true identity of “The Renter” is one more mystery, one more indication that a child’s specialness has to be tiptoed around and indulged. In fact, true drama and real sadness are found in the way adults have to break the bad news to a child: in those moments when a child feels the thorns of adult wisdom, as in The Fallen Idol or Great Expectations or Forbidden Games. The story is about how Oskar ignores a real last message in favor of a fantastic charming one. And the film counsels us to follow his example. Sept. 11 was meant to reduce us to the state of children, fearing and questioning everything. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close patronizes us, presenting the story of the attacks as if via a children’s pop-up book. It insists there are no words to explain what happened. The cold truth is that we do know why. As comedian Lewis Black put it, Bin Laden “fucking told us why.” Wouldn’t a child as ingenious as Oskar

want to face those hard reasons for the savagery? Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close longs for you to embrace it, but there’s no room to squeeze it. The film is embracing itself for its cleverness, for its cuteness and for the fineness of its images. Praising a movie’s photography is calling it a failure by another name, but Chris Menges’ cityscapes are lambent, taking in everything from the bridges to the tunnels to the poignant swamps around JFK Airport. But Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close takes the specific tragedy of Sept. 11 and makes it a children’s story. Ultimately, this film makes the world a little bit more like the old man in it: dumb. EXTREMELY LOUD AND INCREDIBLY CLOSE PG-13; 129 min. Plays countywide


january 25-31, 2012



Film Capsules FILM CAPS A DANGEROUS METHOD (R; 99 min.) David Cronenberg critiques Carl Jung (Michael Fassbender) and Sigmund Freud (Viggo Mortensen) as self-deluding, self-promoting opportunist doctors wandering in the dark. The two giants of psychiatry are illuminated by a woman neglected by history: Sabina Spielrein (Keira Knightley), a masochistic hysteria patient of Jung. The idea of the two doctors in some

adventure seems workable: they harmonize. But the woman between them keeps them offkey. (Rvb) (Opens Friday)

CLUE (1985) Tim Curry, Madeline Kahn, and Christopher Lloyd star in this classic whodunit about six guests invited up to a dinner party hosted by the mysterious Mr. Boddy. When Boddy turns up dead the night descends into a wild hunt for the perpetrator as one by one the suspects attempt to cover their tracks, leaving a trail of bodies in their


wake. (Fri-Sat midnite at Del Mar)

FERRIS BUELLER’S DAY OFF (1986) Matthew Broderick stars as Ferris, a high schooler who decides to cut class one last time before graduating and have a whole day of fun. Along with his two best friends, Sloane and Cameron, he rides around in a Ferrari, joins a Von Steuben Day parade and avoids the dean of students, who is determined to catch Ferris redhanded. (Thu at Santa Cruz 9)

Movie reviews by Traci Hukill, Tessa Stuart and Richard von Busack

THE GREY (R; 117 min) When their plane crashes in the Alaskan wild, a group of unruly oil-rig roughnecks must brave icy conditions and traumatic injuries in order to make their way back to civilization. The situation gets worse when it becomes clear that they are being hunted by a pack of wolves that see them as intruders. Liam Neeson and Dermot Mulroney star. (Opens Friday) MAN ON A LEDGE (PG-13; 102 min) Elizabeth Banks stars as Lydia Mercer, a hard-living New

York Police psychologist called on to talk down ex-cop (and now-wanted fugitive) Nick Cassidy (Sam Worthington) from a New York City high-rise. As their encounter unfolds, it becomes increasingly clear to her that things are not what they seem and that Cassidy may be hiding an ulterior motive. (Opens Friday)

ONE FOR THE MONEY (PG-13; 106 min) Tough-talking Jersey girl Stephanie Plum (Katharine Heigl) has fallen on hard times. She’s been unemployed for six

Showtimes are for Wednesday, Jan. 25, through Wednesday, Jan. 31, unless otherwise indicated. Programs and showtimes are subject to change without notice.

APTOS CINEMAS 122 Rancho Del Mar Center, Aptos 831.688.6541 www.thenick.com The Descendants — Fri-Wed 2; 4:30; 6:50; 9:10 plus Sat-Sun 11:40am. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo — Wed-Thu 3; 6:15; 9:15. My Week With Marilyn — Daily 2:10; 4:20; 6:30; 8:40 plus Sat-Sun noon.

The Devil Inside — Wed-Thu 9:35pm. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo — Wed-Thu 1; 4:25; 7:55. Haywire — Wed-Thu 2:40; 5:10; 7:40; 10:10; Fri-Wed 1:25; 3:55; 6:30; 9 plus

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close — Daily 12:45; 3:45; 6:45; 9:45. The Iron Lady — Daily 11:45; 2:15; 4:45; 7:15; 9:45. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy — Daily 1; 4; 7; 10.

Sat-Sun 11:05am. Joyful Noise — Wed-Thu 1:55; 4:50; 7:45; 10:30. Mission Impossible-Ghost Protocol — Wed-Thu 6:30pm; Fri-Wed 1:05; 4:05; 7:05; 10:05. (No Fri 7:05; 10:05) Redtails — Wed-Thu 1:50; 4:40; 7:30; 10:20; Fri-Wed 1; 4; 7; 10. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows — Wed-Thu 1:20; 4:20; 7:25; 10:25. Underworld: Awakening 3D — Wed-Thu 3; 5:30; 8; 10:30; Fri-Wed 2:30; 5:20; 8; 10:25 plus Sat-Sun 11:50am. Goat Rodeo Sessions Live — Tue 8pm.



1124 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com

226 Mt. Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley 831.438.3260 www.cineluxtheatres.com

A Dangerous Method — (Opens Fri) 2:40; 4:50; 7:15 9:20 plus Sat-Sun 12:30pm Hugo 3D — Wed-Thu 1:45; 4:20; 6:50; 9:30; Fri-Wed 1:45; 4:20; 7; 9:30 plus

The Grey — (Opens Fri) 11; 1:45; 4; 7:10; 10. One for the Money — (Opens Fri) 11:55; 2:15; 4:45; 7:15; 9:30. Man on a Ledge — (Opens Fri) 11:45; 2:30; 4:55; 7:30; 10. The Adventures of Tintin — Wed-Thu 11:30; 2; 4:30 Fri-Wed 11:20; 1:45. Beauty and The Beast — Wed-Thu 2:15pm; Fri-Wed 11:10; 6:45. Beauty and the Beast 3D — Wed-Thu 11:55; 4:30; 6:45; 9; Fri-Wed 1:20; 4:30. Contraband — Wed-Thu 11:55; 2:30; 5:15; 7:45; 10:20; Fri-Wed 7:20; 10. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close — Daily 12:45; 3:45; 6:45; 9:45. The Iron Lady — Wed-Thu 11:20; 1:45; 4:20; 7; 9:30 Fri-Wed 11:30; 2; 4:30; 7; 9:30. Joyful Noise — Wed-Thu 11; 1:45; 4:30; 7:10; 9:55. Mission Impossible — Wed-Thu 7; 10; 9:55. Red Tails — Wed-Thu 11:10; 2; 4:45; 7:30; 10:15; Fri-Wed 11:10; 2; 4:45; 7:30; 10:10. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows — Wed-Thu 7:20; 10:10. Underworld: Awakening — Fri-Wed 11; 1:10; 5:45. Underworld: Awakening 3D — Fri-Wed 3:30; 8; 10:15. War Horse — Wed-Thu 12:45; 4; Fri-Wed 4:15; 8:45.

CINELUX 41ST AVENUE CINEMA 1475 41st Ave., Capitola 831.479.3504 www.cineluxtheatres.com

Sat-Sun 11:15am. The Iron Lady — Wed-Thu 2:20; 4:30; 6:40; 9 plus Sat-Sun 12:10pm. Shame — Wed-Thu 2:30; 4:40; 7:00; 9:10. Clue — Fri-Sat midnight.

NICKELODEON Lincoln and Cedar streets, Santa Cruz 831.426.7500 www.thenick.com The Artist — Wed-Thu 12:20; 2:30; 4:40; 6:50; 9 Fri-Wed 2:30; 4:40; 6:50; 9

plus Sat-Sun 12:20pm. Carnage — Wed-Thu 11:20; 1:20; 3:20; 5:20; 7:20; 9:10. The Descendants — Wed-Thu 2:20; 4:45; 7:10; 9:35; Fri-Wed 2:20; 4:50;

7:10; 9:40 plus Sat-Sun noon. Shame — Fri-Wed 2:50; 5; 7:20; 9:50 plus Sat-Sun 12:40pm. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy — Daily 1:30; 4:10; 7; 9:30 plus Sat-Sun 11am.

RIVERFRONT STADIUM TWIN 155 S. River St, Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1701 www.regmovies.com One for the Money — (Opens Fri) 4; 7; 9:20 plus Fri-Sun 1pm. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close — Daily 3:45; 6:45; 9:45 plus

Sat-Sun 12:45pm. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows — Wed-Thu 3:45; 6:45; 9:45.

SANTA CRUZ CINEMA 9 1405 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz 800.326.3264 x1700 www.regmovies.com The Grey — (Opens Fri) 1:30; 4:25; 7:20; 10:15. Man on a Ledge — (Opens Fri) 2:20; 5; 7:40; 10:20 plus Sat-Sun 11:30am. The Adventures of Tintin 3D — Wed-Thu 2:50; 5:30; 8:05; 10:45 Fri-Wed

1:35; 4:10; 6:50; 9:35 plus Sat-Sun 11am. Beauty and the Beast 3D — Wed-Thu 1:40; 4:30; 6:45; 9:20; Fri-Wed 2:10; 4:40; 7:30; 9:55 plus Sat-Sun 11:40am. Contraband — Wed-Thu 2; 4:40; 7:35; 10:20; Fri-Wed 2; 4:50; 7:50; 10:35 plus Sat-Sun 11:15am.

GREEN VALLEY CINEMA 8 1125 S. Green Valley Rd, Watsonville 831.761.8200 www.greenvalleycinema.com The Grey — (Opens Fri) 1:15; 3:50; 7; 9:30 plus Sat-Sun 10:50am. One for the Money — (Opens Fri) 1:15; 4; 7:15; 9:40 plus Sat-Sun 10:55am. Man on a Ledge — (Opens Fri) 1:15; 4; 7:15; 9:40 plus Sat-Sun 10:55am. Beauty and the Beast — Wed-Thu 1; 5:05. Beauty and the Beast 3D — Wed-Thu 3; 7:15; 9:30. Contraband — Wed-Thu 1:15; 4; 7; 9:40. The Descendants — Fri-Wed 1:15; 3:50; 7; 9:30 plus Sat-Sun 10:50am. The Devil Inside — Wed-Thu 1; 3; 5:05; 7:15; 9:30 plus Sat-Sun 11am. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close — Daily 1:15; 4; 7; 9:45 plus Sat-

Sun 10:40am. Haywire — Daily 1; 3; 5:05; 7:15; 9:30 plus Sat-Sun 11am. Joyful Noise — Wed-Thu 1:15; 3:50; 7; 9:30 plus Sat-Sun 10:50am. Red Tails — Daily 1:15; 4; 7; 9:45 plus Sat-Sun 10:40am. Underworld: Awakening — Daily 1pm plus Sat-Sun 11am. Underworld: Awakening 3D — Daily 3; 5:05; 7:15; 9:30.

THE ARTIST (PG-13; 110 min.) The French writerdirector Michel Hazanavicius brought his cinematographer (Guillaume Schiffman) and two French actors to Hollywood to make this blackand-white silent tribute to 1920s American cinema, which has some critics charmed and others blown away. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST 3D (G; 90 min.) A 3-D version of Disney’s classic 1991 tale about a prince who is bewitched because he could not love and a girl who happens upon his castle while in search of her father. Only her love can save the prince and his courtiers from the evil enchantment. CARNAGE (R; 79 min.) A quartet of nasty bourgeois, played by four top-drawer actors with crack timing, make Roman Polanski’s Carnage a civilized entertainment. In the prologue, in the distance, one bad little boy hits another bad little boy in the head with a tree branch. Aside from that, we never leave the apartment of a couple in the high-rent part of Brooklyn at the after-school mediation session. The man of the house (John C. Reilly) is a gregarious but lumpy executive at a household hardware company. His wife, Penelope (Jodie Foster) is writing a book about Darfur, which makes her particularly ready to forgive and forget playground violence. The father of the offscreen bullying boy is Alan (Christoph Waltz), a snide lawyer. His wife, Annette, (Kate Winslet) has more than a touch of incapacitating nausea. The more Carnage flaunts the idea that man is a wolf to man, the cozier it finally gets. Carnage is made for audiences of married people who know what it’s like to live with someone who can look like a ninny or a hog in social situations. (RvB) CONTRABAND (R; 110 min.) Mark Wahlberg plays a former smuggler who is brought back into the game after his brother-in-law fails to deliver

THE DESCENDANTS (R; 115 min.) Almost everyone will enjoy the George Clooney/ Alexander Payne film The Descendants. Clooney’s Matt King is a lawyer who toils while his family has a good time. Matt’s wife languishes in a coma after a bad boating accident. He goes to retrieve his daughter, Alexandra (Shailene Woodley), currently immured at a strict boarding school because of her partying. Alexandra confesses that she’s been acting out lately because she saw her mom with a stranger’s hands on her. Matt also has to deal with his cutely awkward, profane younger daughter, Scottie (Pacific Grove’s Amara Miller, debuting), as well as with his ornery father-in-law (Robert Forster, excellently embodying the old military side of Hawaii). Coming along for the ride is Alexandra’s pal Sid (Nick Krause), her seemingly silly young partner in partying, who wedges himself into this family tragedy. Meanwhile, Matt must make the painful decision to liquidate a piece of property that he’s holding in trust for the rest of the family. The end result of the deal will be yet another resort with golf course, part of the endless effort to turn Hawaii into Costa Mesa. Clooney is roguish and entertaining; he gives the kind of star’s performance that probably only looks easy and smooth to pull off. And he finishes with some very heavy old-school acting, which puts Clooney farther out on the limb than he is in the rest of the film. (RvB) THE DEVIL INSIDE (R; 87 min.) Filmed in cinéma verité style by director William Brent Bell (2006’s Stay Alive). A woman tries to discover the fate of her mother in Italy and is led into a world of demonic possession and unauthorized underground exorcisms. EXTREMELY LOUD & INCREDIBLY CLOSE (PG-13; 129 min) Jonathan Safran Foer’s elegiac novel is adapted to the big screen by director Stephen Daldry. Oskar Schell’s father died in the World Trade Center attack on 9/11, leaving behind only a key. Oskar, convinced that his father has left him a message somewhere in the city, embarks on a journey

IT’S A JUNG-LE OUT THERE Michael Fassbender is Carl Jung and Keira Knightley his patient in ‘A Dangerous Method,’ opening Friday at the Del Mar. to find the lock that fits the mysterious key and finds out more about the world than he expected.

about the tension between the two stars during the filming of The Prince and the Showgirl.

THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO (R; 164 min.) Director David Fincher (Fight Club, Social Network) takes on the first installment of the Swedish trilogy armed with Daniel Craig, Robin Wright, Christopher Plummer and Rooney Mara.

RED TAILS (PG-13; 120 min) Terrence Howard stars as Colonel A.J. Bullard, tasked with the duty of leading a group of young black pilots into duty during World War II. At the same time they face down Nazis in the sky the pilots struggle with segregation and prejudice at home.

HAYWIRE (R; 93 min) Gina Carano steps out of the ring to play Mallory Kane, a black ops agent who has been double crossed while on a mission in Dublin. Now she must race back to the United States in order to protect her family and get revenge on those who betrayed her. THE IRON LADY (PG-13; 105 min.) This unusually meretricious biopic, about England’s first female Prime Minister, has been called worth seeing for Meryl Streep, but this is hardly an example of a peerless actress playing a really once-in-alifetime part. Banking on historical amnesia, the film transcends its surpassing political naiveté by trying to sleaze its way into Margaret Thatcher’s personal life, presenting Thatcher in her senility as being haunted by the prankish specter of her late husband, Denis (Jim Broadbent). JOYFUL NOISE (PG-13; 123 min.) Two small-town choir directors (Dolly Parton, Queen Latifah) go toe-totoe over how best to win a national competition. With Kris Kristofferson and Keke Palmer. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL (PG-13; 139 min.) Tom Cruise and the rest of the Mission Impossible force must operate outside the spy agency’s command structure and umbrella of protection when a bomb goes off at the Kremlin, pushing the U.S. and Russia to the brink of war. MY WEEK WITH MARILYN (Rated R) Kenneth Branagh stars as Sir Laurence Olivier and Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe in a story

SHAME (NC-17; 101 min) A man’s carefully managed private life, which allows him to engage his sexual addiction, is thrown into chaos when his troubled younger sister arrives unannounced. Starring Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan, directed by Steve McQueen (Hunger). SHERLOCK HOLMES: A GAME OF SHADOWS (PG-13; 135 min.) In Guy Ritchie’s hasty and frequently lowclass sequel to his 2009 franchise-builder, Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey, Jr.) is treated as a clown, with cheap wigs and beards and long-underwear scenes. He’s even painted with mascara and lipstick. The tension between Holmes and Professor Moriarty (Jared Harris), whose schemes the detective has discovered, survives Ritchie’s unconquerable urge to vulgarize. The Professor is a sweet role for any actor, and Harris does it well. There’s a vaguely syphilitic quality to this citizen above suspicion. One nasty scene has him admiring his reflection in a mirror and singing Schubert while putting Holmes through the torture sequence. The women seem retrofitted into the script, while the bromance between Holmes and Watson (Jude Law) peaks in a cramped ballroom with the two dancing. Like all the film’s many double entendres questioning the closeness of the great detective and his assistant, this moment is absent of all sexual charge, unless you’re sexually aroused by stupidity. (RvB)

TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY (R; 127 min.) In London in the early 1970s, the Cold War still has England frozen. It’s as if World War II had never stopped. The secret service is the most paranoid place in this war. And its denizens face unignorable news: a mole at the top level is pipelining secrets to the U.S.S.R. It falls to George Smiley (Gary Oldman), the man once certainly next in line for the position of Control of the British Secret Service, to figure out who it is, but he and his boss (John Hurt) were forced to resign after a particularly bad fiasco in Budapest, so he works from the outside. The mole suspects include one of the most baleful actors alive, Ciarán Hinds as Roy Bland; Colin Firth as Bill Haydon, an icon of condescension; Toby Jones as the pompous mediocrity Percy Alleline; David Dencik as a downy Toby Esterhase, last seen wailing for his life on an airport tarmac; and Benedict Cumberbatch as the too-natty Peter Guillam (this new version gives Guillam a secret of his own). And out in the cold: the ominous Tom Hardy as Polyesterswathed legbreaker Ricki Tarr. Those who love actors know that a silent man can be more urgent than a noisy, flamboyant type. Oldman is startling, even after years of superb supporting work. (RvB) UNDERWORLD: AWAKENING (R; 88 min) Kate Beckinsale reprises her role as the vampiress Selene in the fourth part of the Underworld series. When humans try to eradicate the Vampires and their enemies, the Lycans, Selene must lead the battle against humankind in order to save her own species. WAR HORSE (PG-13; 154 min.) Steven Spielberg’s epic horse movie begins with the heartwarming story of a friendship between a boy and his mount, and then becomes a heart-rending epic war movie.


THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN (PG; 113 min.) Steven Spielberg directs this adaptation of the beloved series by Hergé, starring the curious young reporter Tintin (Justin Bell) and his loyal dog Snowy.

THE DARKEST HOUR (PG13; 89 min.) Director Chris Gorak (1995’s Right at Your Door) brings a bit of an indie sensibility to his first bigbudget flick, a 3-D thriller set in Russia and starring Emile Hirsch, Olivia Thirlby, Max Minghella and Rachael Taylor.

january 25-31, 2012



millions in counterfeit bills. He must decide how far he is willing to go to protect his family from danger.


months and just lost her car to a debt collector. Desperate, she turns to her cousin, a bail bonds agent, to give her a job as a recovery agent. Her first assignment brings her face-to-face with an old high school boyfriend who just happens to be wanted for murder. (Opens Friday)

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january 25-31, 2012

Christina Waters





Heart O’ the Pinot


TO CATCH A TASTE Up at the former summer estate of Alfred Hitchcock,

the Brassfield family makes extremely small amounts of hand-crafted pinot noir wines for its Heart O’The Mountain label, continuing a tradition of winemaking on the lofty Santa Cruz Mountains site that began back in 1881. With Brandon Brassfield at the helm, the family, once investors in Felton Empire Winery, replanted the sun-soaked vineyard with four different pinot noir clones, and with its first vintage in 2005 made a distinctive, terroir-driven impression. These wines are very rare (roughly 500 cases a year are released), and while you can find the Estate Pinot Noir blend (of Dijon clones 777, 667, 828 and 115) in stores such as Shopper’s Corner and New Leaf, the spiceladen pure clones, such as the latest 2009 One Fifteen Clone (a clove and cinnamon beauty), are available to Heart O’The Mountain wine club members only. Food for thought. MORE WINE SPEAK Of course winemaking is women’s work. Just ask Windy Oaks Estate matriarch Judy Schultze, busy cultivating her own sector of the

legendary Corralitos vineyard. Her debut spring release is a 2009 Judy’s Block Pinot Noir. “Judy’s Block was trained and pruned by moi,” the winemaker reports happily. The half-acre block, planted with the single pinot clone 777, usually goes into Windy Oaks’ Reserve bottlings. But one taste and the winemakers knew they had something special. “We’ll only make 24 cases—and we may not do it again,” Schultze admits. FIELD NOTES Last year Outstanding in the Field, the traveling alfresco wine dinner party started by former Gabriella chef Jim Denevan, travelled to eight countries, designed 87 events and served more than 13,000 wellheeled foodies. The 2012 season is already flying along, with events in Florida and Hawaii and, in early March, some highly ambitious collaborations with growers, winemakers and chefs in South America. The outfit has had to pull the plug on its Europe plans for the year, though. “Extraordinarily expensive,” is the explanation from Denevan’s crew. Meanwhile, if you’re looking for the perfect Burning Man vehicle, Outstanding’s vintage 1962 GM bus, with eight bunks, a kitchen and bathroom, is available for $20,000 OBO. Interested? Email events@outstandinginthefield.com. HOT STUFF The incredible Meyer Lemon Tart at Gabriella, a slick of intense lemon custard atop a crisp pastry embedded with sage. . . . and the Avanti opening has been pushed back into March, according to co-owner Paul Geise. Send tips about food, wine and dining discoveries to Christina Waters at xtina@cruzio.com. Read her blog at http://christinawaters.com.


GOT BRASS Brandon Brassfield with a Heart o’ The Mountain Pinot.



Diner’s Guide Our selective list of area restaurants includes those that have been favorably reviewed in print by Santa Cruz Weekly food critics and others that have been sampled but not reviewed in print. All visits by our writers are made anonymously, and all expenses are paid by Metro Santa Cruz. SYMBOLS MADE SIMPLE: $ = Under $10 $$ = $11-$15 $$$ = $16-$20 $$$$ = $21 and up


january 25-31, 2012

Price Ranges based on average cost of dinner entree and salad, excluding alcoholic beverages APTOS $$ Aptos


$$ Aptos


$$$ Aptos $$ Aptos

207 Searidge Rd, 831.685.0610

8017 Soquel Dr, 831.688.1233 SEVERINO’S GRILL

7500 Old Dominion Ct, 831.688.8987 ZAMEEN MEDITERRANEAN

7528 Soquel Dr, 831.688.4465

Indian. Authentic Indian dishes and specialties served in a comfortable dining room. Lunch buffet daily 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner daily 5pm to close. www.ambrosiaib.com American and specialty dishes from the British and Emerald Isles. Full bar. Children welcome. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2-6pm. Open daily 11am to 2am. Continental California cuisine. Breakfast all week 6:30-11am, lunch all week 11am-2pm; dinner Fri-Sat 5-10pm, Sun-Thu 5-9pm. www.seacliffinn.com. Middle Eastern/Mediterranean. Fresh, fast, flavorful. Gourmet meat and vegetarian kebabs, gyros, falafel, healthy salads and Mediterranean flatbread pizzas. Beer and wine. Dine in or take out. Tue-Sun 11am-8pm.

CAPITOLA $ Capitola




104 Stockton Ave, 831.479.8888

All day breakfast. Burgers, gyros, sandwiches and 45 flavors of Marianne’s and Polar Bear ice cream. Open 8am daily.


Japanese. This pretty and welcoming sushi bar serves 200 Monterey Ave, 831.464.3328 superfresh fish in unusual but well-executed sushi combinations. Open 7 days a week, 11:30am-9:30pm.




1750 Wharf Rd, 831.475.1511




231 Esplanade, 831.464.1933

$$$ Capitola

203 Esplanade, 831.475.4900


California Continental. Swordfish and other seafood specials. Dinner Mon-Thu 5:30-9:30pm; Fri 5-10pm; Sat 4-10:30pm; Sun 4-9pm. Mediterranean tapas. Innovative menu, full-service bar, international wine list and outdoor dining with terrific views in the heart of Capitola Village. Open daily. California cuisine. Nightly specials include prime rib and lobster. Daily 7am-2am.

SANTA CRUZ $$ Santa Cruz


$$$ Santa Cruz


$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz

1116 Pacific Ave, 831. 426.7588

328 Ingalls St, 831.425.6771

1141 Soquel Ave, 831. 426.5664

110 Church St, 831.429.2000 THE CREPE PLACE

1134 Soquel Ave, 831.429.6994



Santa Cruz

2218 East Cliff Dr, 831.476.4560

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz

910 Cedar St., 831.457.1677

303 Soquel Ave, 831.426.7770 HOFFMAN’S

1102 Pacific Ave, 837.420.0135

Mexican/Seafood/American. Traditional Mexican favorites. Best fajitas, chicken mole, coconut prawns, blackened prime rib! Fresh seafood. Over 50 premium tequilas, daily happy hour w/ half-price appetizers. Sun-Thu 11am-10pm, Fri-Sat 11am-11pm. Features the vibrant and esoteric wines of Bonny Doon Vineyard, a three-course, family-style prix fixe menu that changes nightly, and an inventive small plates menu, highlighting both seasonal and organic ingredients from local farms. California organic meets Southeast Asian street food. Organic noodle & rice bowls, vegan menu, fish & meat options, Vietnamese style sandwiches, eat-in or to-go. Consistent winner “Best Cheap Eats.” Open daily 11am-11pm American, California-style. With a great bar scene, casually glamorous setting and attentive waitstaff. Full bar. Mon-Sat 11:30am-10pm, Sun 1-10pm. Crepes and more. Featuring the spinach crepe and Tunisian donut. Full bar. Mon-Thu 11am-midnight, Fri 11am-1am, Sat 10am-1am, Sun 10am-midnight. Seafood. Fresh seafood, shellfish, Midwestern aged beef, pasta specialties, abundant salad bar. Kids menu and nightly entertainment. Harbor and Bay views. Lunch and dinner daily. Califormia-Italian. fresh from farmers’ markets organic vegetables, local seafood, grilled steaks, frequent duck and rabbit, famous CHICKEN GABRIELLA, legendary local wine list, romantic mission style setting with patio, quiet side street Americana. Ribs, steaks and burgers are definitely the stars. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Sat 11:30am-2:30pm; dinner Sun-Thu 5:30-9:30pm, Fri-Sat 5:30-10pm. California/full-service bakery. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. “Best Eggs Benedict in Town.” Happy Hour Mon-Fri 5-6pm. Halfprice appetizers; wines by the glass. Daily 8am-9pm.


Santa Cruz

418 Front St, 831.325-3633

$$ Santa Cruz


493 Lake Ave, 831.479.3430

Eclectic Pan Asian dishes. Vegetarian, seafood, lamb and chicken with a wok emphasis since 1972. Cafe, catering, culinary classes, food festivals, beer and wine. Open for lunch and dinner daily except Sunday 11:30-9pm. Special events most Sundays. Seafood/California. Fresh catch made your way! Plus many other wonderful menu items. Great view. Full bar. Happy hour Mon-Fri. Brunch Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. Open daily. Italian. La Posta serves Italian food made in the old style— simple and delicious. Wed-Thu 5-9pm, Fri-Sat 5-9:30pm and Sun 5-8pm.

$ LITTLE SHANGHAI Santa Cruz 1010 Cedar St. 831.458.2460

Chinese. A local favorite. Noodle bowls, vegan menu, glutenfree options, and homestyle stir-frys. Patio seating and dogfriendly. Dine in or take out. Lunch Mon-Fri 11:30am1:30pm, Dinner Mon-Sat 5-9pm.

$$ Santa Cruz


$$ Santa Cruz


Fine Mexican cuisine. Opening daily at noon. 49-B Municipal Wharf, 831.458.9393

1319 Pacific Ave, 831.420.1700 RISTORANTE ITALIANO

Santa Cruz

555 Soquel Ave, 831.458.2321

$$ Santa Cruz

1220 Pacific Ave, 831.426.9930


Italian-American. Mouthwatering, generous portions, friendly service and the best patio in town. Full bar. Lunch Mon-Fri 11:30am, dinner nightly at 5pm. Irish pub and restaurant. Informal pub fare with reliable execution. Lunch and dinner all day, open Mon-Fri 11:30ammidnight, Sat-Sun 11:30am-1:30am.

$$ Santa Cruz

SANTA CRUZ MTN. BREWERY California / Brewpub. Enjoy a handcrafted organic ale in the

402 Ingalls Street, Ste 27 831.425.4900

taproom or the outdoor patio while you dine on Bavarian pretzels, a bowl of french fries, Santa Cruz’s best fish tacos and more. Open everday noon until 10pm. Food served until 7pm.

$$ Santa Cruz


Wine bar with menu. Flawless plates of great character and flavor; sexy menu listings and wines to match. Dinner Mon-Thu 510pm, Fri-Sat 5-11pm, Sun 4-10pm; retail shop Mon 5pm-close, Tue-Sat noon-close, Sun 4pm-close.

$$ Santa Cruz


105 Walnut Ave, 831.423.2020

710 Front St, 831.427.4444

Pizza. Pizza, fresh salads, sandwiches, wings, desserts, beers on tap. Patio dining, sports on HDTV and free WiFi. Large groups and catering. Open and delivering Fri-Sat 11am-2am, Mon-Thu 11am-1am, Sun 11am-midnight.

SCOTTS VALLEY $ HEAVENLY CAFE American. Serving breakfast and lunch daily. Large parties Scotts Valley 1210 Mt. Hermon Rd, 831.335.7311 welcome. Mon-Fri 6:30am-2:15pm, Sat-Sun 7am-2:45pm. $ JIA TELLA’S Scotts Valley 5600 #D Scotts Valley Dr, 831.438.5005

Cambodian. Fresh kebabs, seafood dishes, soups and noodle bowls with a unique Southeast Asian flair. Beer and wine available. Patio dining. Sun-Thu 11am-9pm, Fri-Sat 11am-10pm.

SOQUEL $$ Soquel


4724 Soquel Dr, 831.477.1048

Mexican. Open for breakfast. We use no lard in our menu and make your food fresh daily. We are famous for our authentic ingredients such as traditional mole from Oaxaca. Lots of vegetarian options. Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, weekends 8am-9pm.

COME JOIN US! $2 Beer Thursdays! Tsingtao, Sapporo, Sierra Nevada, Blue Moon & Fat Tire

Buy 1 Boba and get the 2nd one half off! Thai, Black & Jasmine milk tea

NO MSG Vegetarian & Vegan Friendly Outdoor Patio Seating Available



Thai. Individually prepared with the freshest ingredients, plus ambrosia bubble teas, shakes. Mon-Thu 11:30am-9:30pm, Fri 11:30am-10pm, Sat noon-10pm, Sun noon-9:30pm.

january 25-31, 2012

$$$ LA POSTA Santa Cruz 538 Seabright Ave, 831.457.2782



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Free Will



By Rob Brezsny

For the week of January 25 ARIES (March 21–April 19): The coming week is likely to

was named after a storybook land described in a 16thcentury Spanish novel. The mythical paradise was ruled by Queen Calafia. Gold was so plentiful that the people who lived there made weapons out of it and even adorned their animals with it. Did the real California turn out to be anything like that fictional realm? Well, 300 years after it got its name, the California Gold Rush attracted 300,000 visitors who mined a fortune in the precious metal. Your assignment, Taurus: Think of the myths you believed in when you were young and the fantasies that have played at the edges of your imagination for years. Have any of them come true, even a little? I suspect that one may do just that in the coming weeks and months.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20): In Bill Moyers’ DVD The Language of Life, poet Naomi Shihab Nye is shown giving advice to aspiring young poets. She urges them to keep an open mind about where their creative urges might take them. Sometimes when you start a poem, she says, you think you want to go to church, but where you end up is at the dog races. I’ll make that same point to you, Gemini. As you tune in to the looming call to adventure, don’t be too sure you know what destination it has in mind for you. You might be inclined to assume it’ll lead you toward a local bar for drinks when in fact it’s nudging you in the direction of a wild frontier for a divine brouhaha.

CANCER (June 21–July 22): Renowned comic-book writer Grant Morrison claims he performed a magic ritual in which he conjured the spirit of John Lennon, who appeared and bestowed on him the gift of a new song. I’ve heard Morrison sing the tune, and it does sound rather Lennon-esque. The coming week would be a good time for you to go in quest of a comparable boon, Cancerian: a useful and beautiful blessing bequeathed to you by the departed spirit of someone you love or admire. LEO (July 23–Aug. 22): “There are works which wait, and which one does not understand for a long time,” said Oscar Wilde. “The reason is that they bring answers to questions which have not yet been raised; for the question often arrives a terribly long time after the answer.” I predict that sometime soon, Leo, you will prove that wisdom true. You will finally learn the brilliant question whose crucial answer you got years ago. When it arrives, you will comprehend a mystery that has been churning in the semidarkness all this time. VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22): Shedding is healthy—not just for cats and dogs and other animals but also for us humans. Did you know that you shed thousands of particles of dead skin every hour? And just as our bodies need to shed, so do our psyches. I bring this up, Virgo, because you are in an unusually favorable phase to do a whole lot of psychic shedding. What should you shed exactly? How about some of these: old ideas that don’t serve you any more, habits that undermine your ability to pursue your dreams, compulsions that are at odds with your noble intentions, resentment against people who did you wrong a long, long time ago, and anything else you carry with you that keeps you from being fully alive and radiant. To paraphrase Thomas Jefferson, the price of freedom and aliveness is eternal shedding. LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22): According to research published in the journal Psychological Science, many people are virtually allergic to creative ideas. When asked to consider a novel proposal, they’re quite likely to reject it in favor of an approach that’s well-known to them.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21): “A single sunbeam is enough to drive away shadows,” said St. Francis of Assisi. I’m afraid that’s an overly optimistic assessment. In many circumstances, just one ray of light may not be sufficient to dispel encroaching haze and murk. Luckily for you, though, there will be quite an assortment of sunbeams appearing in your sphere during the coming weeks. Here’s the complication: They won’t all be showing up at once, and they’ll be arriving in disparate locations. So your task will be to gather them all up and unite them so they can add to each other’s strength. If you do that successfully, you’ll have more than enough illumination to chase away any darkness that might be creeping around.


TAURUS (April 20–May 20): The state of California

(More info here: tinyurl.com/3oor4nq.) This could be a problem for you in the coming weeks, Libra, since one of your strengths will be your ability to come up with innovations. So it won’t be enough for you to offer your brilliant notions and original departures from the way things have always been done; you will also have to be persuasive and diplomatic. Think you can handle that dual assignment?

january 25-31, 2012

be abnormally free of worries and frustrations. I’m afraid that means you’re not going to have as much right to complain as you usually do. Can you handle that? Or will you feel bereft when faced with the prospect of having so little to grumble about? Just in case, I’ve compiled a list of fake annoyances for you to draw on. 1.) “My iPhone won’t light my cigarette.” 2.) “The next tissue in my tissue box doesn’t magically poke out when I take one.” 3.) “I want some ice cream, but I overstuffed myself at dinner.” 4.) “I ran out of bottled water, and now I have to drink from the tap.” 5.) “My cat’s Facebook profile gets more friend requests than me.” 6.) “When people tell me I should feel grateful for all I have instead of complaining all the time, I feel guilty.”

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22–Dec. 21): Poet Elizabeth Alexander says that in order to create a novel, a writer needs a lot of uninterrupted time alone. Poems, on the other hand, can be snared in the midst of the jumbled rhythms of everyday chaos—between hurried appointments or while riding the subway or at the kitchen table waiting for the coffee to brew. Alexander says that inspiration can sprout like grass poking up out of the sidewalk cracks. Whether or not you’re a writer, Sagittarius, I see your coming weeks as being more akin to snagging poems than cooking up a novel.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): “A true poet does not bother to be poetical,” said the poet Jean Cocteau. “Nor does a nursery gardener perfume his roses.” I think that’s wise counsel for you in the coming weeks, Capricorn. It’s important that you do what you do best without any embellishment, pretentiousness, or self-consciousness. Don’t you dare try too hard or think too much or twist yourself like a contortionist to meet impossible-tosatisfy expectations. Trust the thrust of your simple urges. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18): Collectors prefer wild orchids, says William Langley, writing in the U.K.’s Telegraph. Orchids grown in nurseries, which comprise 99.5 percent of the total, are tarnished with “the stigma of perfection.” Their colors are generic, and their petal patterns are boringly regular. Far more appealing are the exotic varieties untouched by human intervention, with their “downy, smooth petals and moistened lips pouting in the direction of tautly curved shafts and heavily veined pouches.” Whatever your sphere or specialty is, Aquarius, I suggest you model yourself after the wild orchid collectors in the coming days. Shun the stigma of perfection. PISCES (Feb. 19–March 20): While doing a film a few years ago, actress Sandra Bullock stumbled upon a stunning secret: Rubbing hemorrhoid cream on her face helped shrink her wrinkles and improve her complexion. I predict that at least one and possibly more comparable discoveries will soon grace your life. You will find unexpected uses for things that were supposedly not meant to be used in those ways. Here’s a corollary, courtesy of scientist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, that describes a related talent you’ll have at your disposal: “Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.”

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Aptos Ocean View Acreage Private acreage with ocean views above Aptos. Almost 7 acres with good well, access, trees and gardens, sloped with some level areas, permits to build already active. Ready to build your dream home! 7101 Fern Flat Road, Aptos. $468,000. Listed by Terry Cavanagh 831-3452053.

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Feel the breeze through the trees from these Breathtaking Sanctuary Acres. Flat and spacious with Beautiful Oak trees, Giant Redwoods, Turkeys and Deer. It’s just too pretty to describe. Excellent location, just minutes to town. Already has Well, Phone & Power. Septic Perc. test completed. Offered at $750,000. Call Debbie @ Donner Land & Homes, Inc. 408-395-5754 www.donnerland.com

Come explore 290 acres consisting of 11 meandering parcels varying in size from 18 acres to 40 acres. This sprawling land is rough and rugged, ideal for your quads and dirt bikes or saddle up the horses and have your own Lewis and Clark Expedition. Massive, yet pretty much untouched acreage with Timber possibilities. If you appreciate land that is sprinkled with springs, warmed by lots of sun, and has views as far as the eye can see, consider this beautiful spread. Excellent owner financing is available with just 20% down, the seller will carry at 6%. Inquiries welcome. Offered at $850,000. Call Debbie @ Donner Land & Homes, Inc. 408-395-5754 www.donnerland.com

SKYVIEW CABIN 12 Gorgeous AC, Off the Grid, in the heart of the Santa Cruz Mtns. Beautiful spot for a Large house. Comes with a stage that opens 40’ by 16’ +, (great for storage, the owner was thinking about an amphitheatre). The amazing landscape in a dream-like environment, surrounded by Redwoods, Madrones, Oak Trees, and friendly terrain. You’ll never stop exploring & enjoying this unique piece of land, just 8 MI from town. Water & nice neighbors! Great Investment. Approx. 90 member, private Road Assoc. Broker will help show. Offered at $450,000. Call Debbie @ Donner Land & Homes, Inc. 408-395-5754 www.donnerland.com

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PERFECT PERCH Approx. 1/2 acre located in Boulder Creek with Stunning Views and many lovely Redwoods. Design your dream home for this unique property. Already has water, power at property line, Approved septic plan, soils report, and survey. Plans Approved & Building permit ready to issue. Easy drive to town, yet feels private. Shown by appointment only. Offered at 140,000. Call Debbie @ Donner Land & Homes, Inc. 408-395-5754 www.donnerland.com

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