DECEMBER 14, 2018
It’s a Wrap – Visit Gilroy Annual Report to City Council Submitted by Jane Howard, Executive Director
Members of the Gilroy Business Community attended the swearing-in ceremony in Sacramento for Robert Rivas, the new Assemblymember of California’s 30th Assembly District. Pictured from left to right, Grace Torres, Bethany Church; Mark Turner, CEO Gilroy Chamber of Commerce; Gilroy - www.gilroylife.com Evelia andLife Jaime Rosso, owners of Rosso’s Furniture; and Andrea Nicolette, Executive Director of the YMCA.
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n November 19, 2018, I presented the annual report from Visit Gilroy to the Gilroy City Council. This annual report included an overview of the organization’s 2017/18 accomplishments and activities, results of the 2017/18 advertising and marketing campaigns and the action plan goals and strategies adopted by the Visit Gilroy Board of Directors to be implemented in 2018/19. Following are highlights from this report for your information:
Accomplishments & Activities • •
which a Notice of Inspection (NOI) was provided to the employer. •
Notify Employees
Employers must follow specific requirements related to Form I-9 inspections. For example, within 72 hours of receiving a Notice of Inspection, California employers must post a notice to all current employees informing them of any federal immigration agency’s inspections of Forms I-9 or other employment records. Employers also have obligations once the inspection is completed. Within 72 hours of receiving the inspection results, employers must provide each “affected employee” a copy of the results and a written notice of the employer’s and employee’s obligations arising from the inspection. The written notice must contain specific information and must be hand-delivered in the workplace, if possible. An “affected employee” is one identified by the inspection results as potentially lacking work authorization or having document deficiencies. Unions also have the right to receive notices. An employer that fails to follow any of these notice requirements can be fined between $2,000 and $5,000 for a first violation and between $5,000 and $10,000 for each subsequent violation. At the same time, federal penalties for Form I-9 violations can range from a couple hundred dollars to more than $20,000.
Sponsored and staffed exhibitor booths at San Diego and San Francisco Bay Area Consumer Travel Shows Advertising partnerships with Gilroy Gardens, Gilroy Garlic Festival, Gilroy Chamber of Commerce, Gilroy Downtown Business Association, Gilroy Premium Outlets and Wineries of Santa Clara Valley Launched Visit Gilroy Wedding Expo at Gilroy Gardens
Coop advertising campaign with NTA at the China Travel & Tourism Marketing Summit
Launched award-winning Visit Gilroy mobile-first website
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Sponsored and promoted Gilroy Restaurant Week in coordination with Visit California Restaurant Month Coop advertising campaigns with Central Coast Tourism Council (CCTC) – Canadian Traveler Magazine, Yosemite Journal and California Road Trips Magazine Advertising campaigns with VIA Magazine, Sunset Magazine, Bay Area Parent Magazine, Edible Silicon Valley Magazine and Trip Advisor
Preparation Is Essential
Because the timeframes are so short, preparation is key to meeting the notice requirements. Employers should have a process in place to respond to Notices of Inspection. Employers should identify who in their organization would likely receive a Notice of Inspection and confirm that person knows how to respond.
Call Julie Alter at 408-846-1392 to start a business recycling program 1351 Pacheco Hwy, Gilroy CA 95020 • 408-842-3358
Advertising and Marketing Results •
Visit Gilroy unique website visitors – 94,017
Visit Gilroy website pageviews – 246,624
Visit Gilroy brochures and collateral distributed – 58,130
Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) collected by City of Gilroy - $1,722,355
Walk-in visitors to Gilroy Welcome Center – 26,910
2018/19 Action Plan Goals and Strategies
Expand destination branding awareness
Continue focused message on Gilroy as a wedding and special events destination
Launch “Road to Garlic” map and campaign
Increase unique visitors by 5% to Visit Gilroy website
Continue the use of social media channels to promote Gilroy as an overnight destination including Facebook, blogs, Instagram and digital influencers
Increase visitor information, services and merchandise at the Welcome Center
Increase public relations campaigns with Visit California and CCTC
Expand special events partnerships with community organizations and venues
To see the entire Visit Gilroy report you can view the November 19, 2018 video of the Gilroy City Council meeting which can be found at www.cityofgilroy.org under the agendas, minutes & videos of council tab on the website.