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As city celebrates MLK Day, a new project reveals the highs and lows of the Black experience in Santa Cruz P16
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INSIDE Volume 43, No.41 January 10-16, 2018
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Get high quality prints in half an hour from your Instagram or Facebook FIRST ALARM Could an early warning system lessen the impact of California wildfires? P11
MINORITY REPORT New project offers insight into the Black experience in Santa Cruz P16
FEATURES Opinion 4 News 11 Cover Story 16 A&E 22 Events 26
Film 42 Dining 45 Risa’s Stars 50 Classifieds 51
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16 new 10-minute plays for ‘8 Tens @ 8,’ reviewed P22
EDITOR’S NOTE I think we all know Santa Cruz isn’t entirely as liberal as its reputation. Which isn’t to say it’s not generally progressive, but rather that we deal with the same problems as any other city around most issues. And racism is certainly one of them. Too often, our problems around racial issues are obscured by a certain amount of denial,
which the city’s overwhelming whiteness has fostered for decades. Those demographics are shifting somewhat, but even more importantly, people of color in our community are calling out Santa Cruz and making their voices heard. Georgia Johnson’s cover story this week takes a look at what they’re saying about race and racism here, and it’s full of insights that we haven’t gotten in the mainstream media. With a big MLK Day celebration coming up this week, I hope we can all read this week’s story and ask what we can do to further his dream. STEVE PALOPOLI | EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
PHOTO CONTEST RAINBOW BRIGHT Low tide at Pleasure Point on Monday at sunset.
Photograph by Kasia Palermo.
As civil rights marchers crossed the bridge in Selma, Alabama in 1965, they were met by police in riot gear. This Jan. 15, at 11 a.m., Santa Cruz Police and the Santa Cruz chapter of the NAACP will march shoulderto-shoulder as we honor Dr. Martin Luther King—the man who inspired that Selma march and ignited a transformation of American society. Our officers are proud to co-host this year’s march with the NAACP, welcoming all who strive to move us closer to realizing our American ideal of equal rights, opportunity and even-handed justice. We gather not to celebrate the end of injustice, but as a sign of hope that we can unite around common goals of fair treatment and universal human dignity. Those who want more than sentimental affection will lock arm-in-arm and walk to push Dr. King’s dream forward, even if in a small way. I invite you to join the SCPD and the NAACP in a march that demonstrates how a city can push beyond its comfort zone and support Dr. King’s principle of actionable love. I believe our city is ready for this push. Santa Cruz understands that standing for justice on behalf of the most vulnerable uplifts us all. There is not a white or black, poor or wealthy, religious or secular Santa Cruz, but a dynamic community where social justice is embedded in our very DNA. Santa Cruz is a city that stands for those whose voices are minimized, whose posture
is bent by the weight of status quo. Let this march be a place to surpass sentimental affection and make justice the goal in how we police, create law, hold court, provide education, and house the homeless. Let us live our ideals, treating even our most troubled brethren as unique and deserving individuals. While in jail, Dr. King wrote to his fellow Christian pastors. They were concerned that his protest was “untimely.” The protest, they believed, would make some community members feel uncomfortable. Dr. King wrote, “Our destiny is tied up … with the destiny of America.” During this time of national turmoil where discussions rage about race, immigration and religion, I cannot think of a better time for Santa Cruz to show the country how one community can unify in love that satisfies justice without hope of political agenda or personal gain. Come. Join us. CHIEF ANDY MILLS | SCPD
TRANSPARENCY FOR UCSC Kudos to the City and County of Santa Cruz for being recognized for their efforts to improve transparency and accountability in the budgeting process (GT, 1/3). It would be great if UCSC would follow and make its budget documents more accessible in an online budget tool. The community of UCSC comprises about one-third of the population of the City of Santa Cruz. Some benefits >8
Submit to photos@goodtimes.sc. Include information (location, etc.) and your name. Photos may be cropped. Preferably, photos should be 4 inches by 4 inches and minimum 250 dpi.
The county’s Health Services Agency announced last week that flu activity has taken off in recent weeks, according to information from Santa Cruz County health care providers, the state Department of Public Health, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Even though this year’s vaccine hasn’t been effective against all strains, county officials say that everyone six months and older should get vaccinated, especially pregnant women, young children and the elderly.
Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz (MBOSC) has completed two trail reroutes in Santa Cruz’s Pogonip open space. Sections of both the Ohlone Trail and the Lookout Trail had been so badly eroded that city workers and volunteers had to redesign and reroute them to make them more sustainable. Amanda Schaper, marketing and events director for MBOSC, says volunteers worked a total of 69 hours to finish the reroute, which makes for a more enjoyable walk, too.
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LIBRA Sep23–Oct 22
I’m happy to inform you that life is giving you permission to be extra demanding in the coming weeks—as long as you’re not petty, brusque, or unreasonable. Here are a few examples that will pass the test: “I demand that you join me in getting drunk on the truth;” “I demand to receive rewards commensurate with my contributions;” “I demand that we collaborate to outsmart and escape the karmic conundrums we’ve gotten ourselves mixed up in.” On the other hand, Aries, ultimatums like these are not admissible: “I demand treasure and tribute, you fools;” “I demand the right to cheat in order to get my way;” “I demand that the river flow backwards.”
In accordance with the astrological omens, I encourage you to move the furniture around. If you feel inspired, you might even want to move some of that old stuff right out the door and haul it to the dump or the thrift store. Hopefully, this will get you in the mood to launch a sweeping purge of anything else that lowers the morale and élan around the house: dusty mementoes, unflattering mirrors, threadbare rugs, chipped dishes, and numbing symbols. The time is ripe, my dear homies, to free your home of deadweight.
TAURUS Apr20–May20
When he was 16 years old and living in New York, Ralph Lifshitz changed his name to Ralph Lauren. That was probably an important factor in his success. Would he have eventually become a famous fashion designer worth $5.8 billion if he had retained a name with “shitz” in it? The rebranding made it easier for clients and customers to take him seriously. With Ralph’s foresight as your inspiration, Scorpio, consider making a change in yourself that will enhance your ability to get what you want.
Are you familiar with the phrase “Open Sesame”? In the old folk tale, “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves,” it’s a magical command that the hero uses to open a blocked cave where treasure is hidden. I invite you to try it out. It just may work to give you entrance to an off-limits or previously inaccessible place where you want and need to go. At the very least, speaking those words will put you in a playful, experimental frame of mind as you contemplate the strategies you could use to gain entrance. And that alone may provide just the leverage you need.
GEMINI May21–June20 While thumping around the internet, I came across pointed counsel from an anonymous source. “Don’t enter into a long-term connection with someone until you’ve seen them stuck in traffic,” it declared. “Don’t get too deeply involved with them until you’ve witnessed them drunk, waiting for food in a restaurant for entirely too long, or searching for their phone or car keys in a panic. Before you say yes to a deeper bond, make sure you see them angry, stressed, or scared.” I recommend that you take this advice in the coming weeks. It’ll be a good time to deepen your commitment to people who express their challenging emotions in non-abusive, non-psychotic ways.
CANCER Jun21–Jul22
My high school history teacher Marjorie Margolies is now Chelsea Clinton’s mother-in law. She shares two grandchildren with Hillary Clinton. Is that something I should brag about? Does it add to my cachet or my happiness? Will it influence you to love me more? No, nah, and nope. In the big scheme of things, it’s mildly interesting but utterly irrelevant. The coming weeks will be a good time for Cancerians like you and me to renounce any desire we might have to capitalize on fake ego points like this. We Crabs should be honing our identity and self-image so they’re free of superficial measures of worth. What’s authentically valuable about you?
LE0 Jul23–Aug22 If I were your mentor or your guide, I’d declare this the Leo Makeover Season. First I’d hire a masseuse or masseur to knead you firmly and tenderly. I’d send you to the nutritionist, stylist, dream interpreter, trainer, and life coach. I’d brainstorm with the people who know you best to come up with suggestions for how to help free you from your illusions and infuse your daily rhythm with 20 percent more happiness. I’d try to talk you out of continuing your association with anyone or anything that’s no damn good for you. In conclusion, I’d be thorough as I worked to get you unlocked, debugged, and retooled.
VIRGO Aug23–Sep22 “It takes an extraordinary person to carry themselves as if they do not live in hell,” says writer D. Bunyavong. In accordance with the astrological omens, I nominate you Virgos to fit that description in the coming weeks. You are, in my estimation, as far away from hell as you’ve been in a long time. If anyone can seduce, coax, or compel heaven to come all the way down to Earth for a while, it’s you. Here’s a good way to get the party started: Gaze into the mirror until you spy the eternal part of yourself.
SCORPIO Oct23–Nov21
SAGITTARIUS Nov22–Dec21 In 1956, the prolific Spanish poet Juan Ramón Jiménez was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. The award committee praised his “high spirit and artistic purity.” The honor was based on his last 13 books, however, and not on his first two. Waterlilies and Souls of Violet were works he wrote while young and still ripening. As he aged, he grew so embarrassed by their sentimentality that he ultimately tried to track down and eradicate every copy. I bring this to your attention, Sagittarius, because I think it’s a favorable time for you to purge or renounce or atone for anything from your past that you no longer want to be defined by.
CAPRICORN Dec22–Jan19 Three centuries ago, Capricorn genius Isaac Newton formulated principles that have ever since been fundamental to scientists’ understanding of the physical universe. He was also a pioneer in mathematics, optics, and astronomy. And yet he also expended huge amounts of time and energy on the fruitless attempt to employ alchemy to transform base metals into solid gold. Those efforts may have been interesting to him, but they yielded no lasting benefits. You Capricorns face a comparable split. In 2018, you could bless us with extraordinary gifts or else you could get consumed in projects that aren’t the most productive use of your energy. The coming weeks may be crucial in determining which way you’ll go.
AQUARIUS Jan20–Feb18 A rite of passage lies ahead. It could and should usher you into a more soulful way of living. I’m pleased to report that this transition won’t require you to endure torment, confusion, or passive-aggressive manipulation. In fact, I suspect it could turn out to be among the most graceful ordeals you’ve ever experienced—and a prototype for the type of breakthrough that I hope will become standard in the months and years to come. Imagine being able to learn valuable lessons and make crucial transitions without the prod of woe and gloom. Imagine being able to say, as musician P.J. Harvey said about herself, “When I’m contented, I’m more open to receiving inspiration. I’m most creative when I feel safe and happy.”
PISCES Feb19–Mar20 The Kalevala is a 19th-century book of poetry that conveys the important mythology and folklore of the Finnish people. It was a wellspring of inspiration for English writer J. R. R. Tolkien as he composed his epic fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings. To enhance his ability to steal ideas from The Kalevala, Tolkien even studied the Finnish language. He said it was like “entering a complete wine-cellar filled with bottles of an amazing wine of a kind and flavor never tasted before.” According to my reading of the astrological omens, Pisces, in 2018 you will have the potential of discovering a source that’s as rich for you as Finnish and The Kalevala were for Tolkien.
Homework: I’ve gathered all of the long-term, big-picture horoscopes I wrote for you: http://bit.ly/YourGloriousStory2018
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that accrue to an organization from budget transparency are public trust, a more engaged and informed community, improved labor negotiations and lower borrowing costs from lenders for openness to real-time financial information. The recent state audit report of UC’s finances found that it did not disclose $175 million in reserves. UCSC’s chancellor George Blumenthal revised his survey sent to the auditor after the UC Office of the President pressed him to cleanse it of critical comments. This type of behavior
creates distrust and an unengaged community. Some of my past requests for public records from both UCSC and the Metro have been met with resistance and obstruction, but looking forward, the City and County have raised the bar to improved transparency in this new year. With the informed readership of GT holding them accountable to budget transparency, maybe UCSC and the Metro can earn an award as well. KEVIN PARKS | UCSC ALUMNUS ’06
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NEWS PROSE AND CONS A program teaches important lessons and literacy, in and out of local jails BY PATRICK DWIRE
CLEARING SMOKE The Tubbs Fire ripped through Santa Rosa last October and became the most destructive fire in state history,
incinerating homes like this one. PHOTO: TOM GOGOLA
Sounding Alarm
Lessons from recent California fires, as leaders discuss an early warning system BY CHRIS ROONEY
ast fall’s Nuns Fire hit hard at Bennett Ridge, southeast of Santa Rosa, at the edge of Annadel State Park. The National Weather Service estimates the winds were likely between 75 and 90 miles per hour. Given the speed, force and intensity of the fire, even an early-warning notification system—if there had been one—may not have saved many houses. It’s hard to fight a fire that’s raining down from above and moving swiftly from treetop to treetop. But the absence of a regional early warning for Napa and Sonoma has not gone unnoticed in those counties, or around the state, where
fires have continued to burn into the new year. New legislation may address that, and it isn’t hard to understand the cause for concern. It’s no exaggeration to say that I nearly died in the Nuns Fire. At around three in the morning on Oct. 9—and without any official warning from anyone that a deadly catastrophe was unfolding—I left my home, only to be blinded by heavy smoke and swirling ash as I tried to navigate my car down Bennett Ridge. Flames surrounded the car. There was no time for caution, only escape. Smoke blocked out pretty much everything in sight and made
breathing difficult. Neighboring houses were already either fully engulfed or within moments of going up. As the smoke cleared, the news was horrible. More than three quarters of the homes on Bennett Ridge, including mine, were lost, and one of my neighbors had died. For hours leading up to this perilous escape, there hadn’t been a single warning from emergency officials, or from anyone. There were no blaring alarms, no police or fire sirens, no phone calls of warning. Around midnight, a car heading down the hill honked its horn, but that could have been >12
At the Santa Cruz Main Jail, at promptly 8 a.m., five inmates file into a program room for their twice-weekly English as Second Language (ESL) class, led by a volunteer tutor from the Literacy Program. It’s one of many programs under the umbrella of the Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County. “When I get out of here,” inmate Alvaro Perez says with a heavy Mexican accent, “I want to be able to speak English with my daughter, and maybe help her with her homework someday.” A few of his classmates nod in agreement. “It is very important to know some English out there,” says another student, Salvador Serna, “especially to find work, but also if you want to talk with your kids, who are learning English, not Spanish.” The Literacy Program stepped up to the challenge of providing ESL and GED prep courses at the county jail and Rountree Minimum Security facility beginning in 2012, under the leadership of Genie Dee, the former Literacy Program coordinator, as part of statefunded reforms. Dee passed away on Aug. 18 after a short but ravaging bout with ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease. Dee led the Literacy Program with unflagging dedication for six years, and built up several features—including the jail component—making it a vital, volunteer-driven, no-cost Englishlanguage tutoring service for adults throughout the county. The program now has 250 volunteer tutors, many of them retired teachers, for about 300 student learners, not including the approximately 30 students in jail. More than half of the student learners are between 30 and 44 years old, 78 percent of them women, of which the majority have children. The tutoring is done mostly one-on-one, and focuses on learning functional, day-to-day English, as well as financial literacy, life skills and emergency responses that require English. There are also tutors specializing in math and other subjects required to pass the GED. There are currently >14
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NEWS SOUNDING ALARM <11 someone tooting a farewell, after a Sunday night visit. It certainly didn’t have the ring of an urgent message announcing a dire emergency or a need to evacuate. An early-warning system may have at least given people enough time to salvage some personal belongings. I would have liked to save the American flag given to my mother when my father, a Marine Corps war hero, was laid to rest.
But there was no chance to grab family heirlooms—or even a spare pair of shoes. The online journal Wildfire Today reported that the day before the series of fires forever changed Sonoma and Napa counties, “all cell phones in Rincon Valley east of Santa Rosa loudly blared with a message about a child abduction in San Francisco about 48 air miles to the south, but the AMBER Alert system was not used as the
wildfires bore down on the densely packed communities in Sonoma County.” Instead, local officials leaned on the Nixle and SoCo alert systems, which were inadequate to the task and wound up sending messages to fewer than 35,000 cell phone users, Wildfire Today reported, in a county of more than 500,000 people. There may be other lessons to take from the fire, too. Stephen J. Pyne, a fire >14
NEWS BRIEFS HOLD THE ICE Sheriff Jim Hart never asked to be seen as an immigration ally. But in some people’s eyes, that became part of his reputation— especially after his office passed on an opportunity to participate in last February’s now-infamous Department of Homeland Security raids that wound up embarrassing both Santa Cruz and Watsonville’s police departments. In the months that followed, however, civil rights advocates were disappointed when they learned that Hart and his deputies had been cooperating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at the county jails, as GT reported at the time (“Hart Feelings,” 7/11). Hart explained that, under federal law, he felt compelled to do three things with ICE. The first was to let ICE officials into the jail. The second was to provide release dates of inmates to immigration officials upon their request, so they could pick them up from the facility, and the third was to allow ICE investigators to interview an inmate, as long as they got permission from both the inmate and their defense attorney. We should add that no investigator ever did get permission to do such an interrogation, Hart says. And that’s all history, anyway, as Jim Weller, convener of
Sanctuary Santa Cruz, announced last week in a celebratory group email that Hart has revisited his policy and changed it, after a couple more recent meetings with activists. Hart had first met with Weller, ACLU Chair Peter Gelblum and others a couple of times way back in the spring about the immigration policies at Santa Cruz Main Jail and the Rountree Medium Facility. Although civil rights attorneys voiced frustration at what they saw as the sheriff sidestepping an important issue, Weller says he felt that Hart was doing what he could. With the encouragement of immigration advocates, Hart agreed to support SB 54, the so-called “Sanctuary State” bill, becoming the first law enforcement chief to do so. Hart felt that if SB 54 passed, which it ultimately did, that might provide him the opportunity to give his practices another look. And sure enough, Hart set up a couple more meetings to discuss possible changes, shortly before the newly signed law went into effect at the beginning of 2018. With input from Gelblum, Hart realized that the new law specifically defers to local government, and that a 2017 resolution from the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors forbids employees from spending any resources to
assist with federal immigration enforcement. He told them he would stop cooperating with ICE altogether. His decision was met with sighs of relief. “We were very pleased that he was as good as his word,” Weller says of Hart, “saying that he needed SB 54 to go further, and then when it passed, he said, ‘OK, how do we implement this?’” Hart has no problem with serious criminals getting deported for major crimes, but says that locals who get deported are almost always low-level offenders. If someone does commit a violent offense, Hart says, the criminal can still get picked up by the feds after serving time in state prison, where such convicts get sent. When state senators wrote SB 54, part of the idea was about making California safer. The data has shown that sanctuary cities are, in fact, safer than non-sanctuary cities, and that immigrants commit less crimes than other groups. Well, data, shmata ... says the Donald Trump administration. After 2018 began, Thomas Homan, ICE’s acting director, told Fox News that he actually plans to increase the number of deportation officials in the Golden State, in response to the new law. JACOB PIERCE
MAT WILL DO It’s time to get down, dog. Most drop-in yoga classes are around $15, which is pretty much the same as two burritos. Burritos … yoga … burritos … decisions, decisions. Next week, you don’t have to pick—have your yoga and eat burritos, too. All DiviniTree classes are free, every day of the week. Now is your chance to try out different types of yoga— maybe you are a Kundalini person or a sweaty Power Vinyasa junkie. “The idea is to provide yoga to people who wouldn’t normally have yoga,” says Mark Abadi, who became DiviniTree’s manager in October. The Water Street studio is also celebrating its seventh birthday and working its way through the process of becoming a nonprofit. Up until now, owners Carlen Young and Ann Averbach have poured their own money into the effort, without taking any donations, Abadi says. DiviniTree currently offers about three free yoga weeks a year, and, with the help of sponsorships, Abadi hopes to start doing many more. He also wants to share lessons with a wider cross section of Californians— school children, underserved communities, people in jail. In the meantime, this upcoming free week runs Monday, Jan. 15 through Sunday, the 21st. Sign up in advance, as classes can get packed. GEORGIA JOHNSON
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NEWS PARADIGM SHIFT <12 historian and expert from Arizona State University, says the source of the fires looks to be power lines, and that global warming likely contributed to the blazes, but that we can’t lay the entire catastrophe solely at the feet of those two factors. California, he says, never learned all of its zoning and regulatory lessons from the Oakland Hills fire in 1991, although he admits there’s only so much that any new rules could do, given how many existing homes have already been built, as well as the steep cost of construction retrofits. “It's a social problem,” he says, “but at some point, you may just have to crack the whip.” Since fire broke out in the North Bay this past fall, other enormous blazes have spread through California. Ventura County’s Thomas Fire, which may have also been sparked by power lines during high winds, became the largest wildfire in state history last month after less than four weeks of burning. The Tubbs Fire, which had burned through Sonoma County months earlier and taken out more than 5,000 structures, has gone down in history as California’s most destructive.
GETTING IT RIGHT Inmates participating in the Literacy Program say they are learning valuable skills that will help them succeed in life after jail.
PROSE AND CONS <11 60 people on a waiting list for a tutor. Dhara Damania, the new Literacy Program Coordinator, says she’s felt inspired by Dee’s dedication to the program. Following her hire, Damania only had two days of training with Dee before her predecessor passed away suddenly. The Literacy Program is preparing to kick off a fundraiser through the Human Race, and it’s considering adding other programs to local jails. Originally from India, Damania, 31, says her background as an immigrant and nonnative speaker of English gives her insight into the challenges adult immigrants face as they try to master American English and assimilate into the culture. Damania left a career as a market data analyst for
Merrill Lynch in Singapore when she came to California in 2015. After her professional experience with American corporate culture overseas, Damania, who learned more about her path through a stint with AmeriCorps, says she was delighted to get involved with nonprofit volunteerism and literacy when she came to America. Damania says one of the most pleasant surprises of her own immigrant experience was discovering a “real, down-home culture of giving and volunteerism in America.” The American traditions of “giving and looking out for your neighbor,” she says, “doesn’t really get out there much in what most of us learn about America.”
For more information about the Literacy Program, visit literacysantacruz.org.
SENDING A MESSAGE The Nixle and SoCo emergency notification systems currently in place in the North Bay require people to opt-in or sign up in advance, which many residents didn’t know to do. Most learned of the fires from first responders banging on their doors, or through fleeing neighbors, or because their house was already on fire. Regional elected officials announced plans this month to get the whole state on the same page when it comes to an emergency alert system. Yet-unwritten legislation would require a robust wireless alert system in all 58 counties. The program would utilize the existing wireless-emergency alert system administered by the FCC to provide early warnings from local officials. Warnings were never issued in the North Bay fires through the so-called wireless-
emergency alert (WEA) system set up by the feds. The new rules would presumably standardize and update the WEA technology and protocols to promote wider use. One of the would-be bill’s sponsors is State Assemblymember Marc Levine (D-San Rafael). Levine’s spokeswoman Shannon Flaherty explains that WEAs are short, geographically targeted messages sent to mobile devices during emergencies. Marin County officials have been paying close attention to developments on the early-warning front, given the daunting challenge of evacuating fire-sensitive areas along the coast, where the roads are few and the fire fuel is ample. A North Bay delegation of Levine and others aims to offer legislation requiring that every county in California adopt the most up-to-date WEA system, with trained operators who can implement an evacuation order using the system. It’s the same system already in place for other warnings, like AMBER Alerts. The benefit of the WEA is that residents don’t have to opt-in or opt-out of it to get the geographically tailored warning. All you need is a cell phone or tablet that can receive the text-like message warning of imminent danger. “For example,” Flaherty says, “let’s say an individual is a Los Angeles County resident, but was visiting Sonoma County during the fires. If that individual had a WEAcapable mobile device, they should have received the mobile alert regardless.”
HEATED DISCUSSION University of Colorado professor Gregory Simon remembers the 1991 Oakland Hills fire, and lived to write a book about it. Simon, who visited Santa Rosa last month to talk about his 2016 release Flame and Fortune in the American West, says there are big questions for what’s next in Santa Rosa’s fire-decimated Fountaingrove neighborhood, the upscale neighborhood that lost all but 60 of its homes to an October inferno. As Santa Rosa leaders grapple with how to rebuild, the chain of
Additional reporting by Tom Gogola and Stett Holbrook.
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accountability heads straight to the planning and development officials who approve “putting homes in places where it’s a bad idea,” Simon said. One of the biggest dirty words in town right now is “moratorium,” says Teri Shore, regional director of the Greenbelt Alliance, who notes that Santa Rosa officials recently signed off on a new multi-unit housing project in the Fountaingrove area, two months after the fires. City and county officials are now grappling with the intersecting complexities of property owner rights and the rights of the rest of the community, not wishing to incentivize high-risk luxury developments that have a tendency to burn. Santa Rosa could create a taxassessment scheme so onerous that nobody would want to develop there, said Simon, who ultimately does expect the city to rebuild, just as the Oakland Hills did. But the city and county could also draw on the Australian model, which says that homeowners can build in fire-prone areas, but are responsible for putting out any fires that break out—and don’t come to the government for relief when it burns down. For its part, Santa Rosa officials say new local and state building and fire codes will make new housing better withstand future fires in areas like Fountaingrove. Pyne, the fire historian from Arizona State, says regions need to start creating “fire-adapted communities.” He also says local and state leaders need to create more fire-resilient landscapes and build up the workforce and equipment needed to take on bigger burns. “This is a chance to rethink what fire means in those communities, and to accept that urban conflagrations are now back,” he says. “It’s like measles or polio coming back. We thought we’d fixed that. But they’re back, and we’ve got to start to do the things that took the plague out of these places in the past. We need to harden our cities and redesign them.”
WHAT MATTERS NAACP President Brenda Griffin (left) and project creator Allison Garcia at the Resource Center for Nonviolence, where Gospel Night and Youth Day will be held. PHOTO: KEANA PARKER
BLACK IN SANTA CRUZ As locals prepare for a groundbreaking MLK Day celebration, a new project shows that despite its liberal reputation, Santa Cruz faces plenty of issues around race and representation BY GEORGIA JOHNSON
[Editor’s note: Though the terms ‘Black’ and ‘African American’ are sometimes considered interchangeable as racial identifiers, we are using Black, as it is more inclusive. While some people identify as African American, many don’t identify as American, or do not identify with where their ancestors came from. Black is capitalized to bring it in line with AP style that capitalizes nationalities, peoples, races, tribes, and most racial and ethnic identification terms.]
race has anything to do with it. They don’t have to. There is a name for this: white privilege. “No matter what color you are,” says Santa Cruz resident Laura Turner-Essel, “white supremacy leads you to being afraid when you see a Black man walking, being irritated when you hear a Black woman’s voice, confused when you see a Black family doing well, or nervous when you see a Black child running wild in ways that society tells you only white children are allowed to do.” It’s not the small acts themselves that are heinously unjust, it’s the disconcerting fact that if you are a person of color, racial bias extends into every
aspect of your life. This is what it is like to be Black in Santa Cruz. “I meet people who express that they don’t see racism in Santa Cruz,” says National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Santa Cruz County President Brenda Griffin. “But if you think about it, why would they see it? It’s not directed at them. What they need to do is to consciously think about what they are being told and not look at it as ‘there’s gotta be more to the story’ or ‘it’s an isolated incident.’ Racism exists everywhere, and Santa Cruz is no exception.” It wasn’t until recently that greeting cards with Black figures started showing up in stores,
and hair products for Black hair appeared on the shelves, Griffin says. It’s the little things, likely not considered by most, that accumulate and contribute to a lack of Black visibility in Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz is liberal, but that doesn’t mean it’s diverse—1.4 percent of Santa Cruz County identifies as Black, compared to 59 percent white and 32 percent Latino. Photographs and stories about Black people rarely appear in media and newspapers, so Black visibility is limited. Picture this: you are the single Black person in a 100-person pool. How loudly would you have to shout for your voice to be heard? “As African Americans, we have
renda Griffin was seated at the back of a restaurant in downtown Santa Cruz when there were plenty of open tables near the front. Morgan Pedford often has her bag checked at a local movie theater, despite the fact that she is a regular whom the staff know by name. Laura TurnerEssel notices others looking at her son differently when he joins the other kids running around the playground. For Black people in Santa Cruz, these microaggressions are part of everyday life. Nuances like seating and security can be irritating to anyone, but the difference is that many don’t inherently think their
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<17 to do this just about every day of our lives—educate people. We have to teach people to be conscious, and it’s exhausting,” Griffin says. “We shouldn’t have to do it. But on the other hand, if an opportunity presents itself, then take that opportunity to teach others. But it’s a double-edged sword.”
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“It’s a strange and mind-boggling experience of being culturally isolated and socially marginal in a beautiful place that pretends to welcome everyone and everything. It’s crazy-making. It’s being highly visible, yet never really seen or heard.” - Laura Turner-Essel, Ph.D., UCSC CASFS Director of Residential & Community Life.
llison Garcia says she was particularly moved by the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement, and wanted to bring more Black visibility and voice to Santa Cruz in the wake of many incidents of violence and mistreatment against Black people. Though Garcia identifies as white, she says that after attending several NAACP meetings and becoming a member over a year ago, she decided to create a photo project on Black lives and what matters to Black people in Santa Cruz. An avid local photographer, she drew inspiration for this project from Black photographers like Zun Lee’s project on Black fatherhood and UCSC professor Lewis Watts’ work on African-American cultural landscapes. Garcia’s project, titled “Black Lives in Santa Cruz: What Matters,” spotlights the experiences and perspectives of Black people in Santa Cruz. “I asked some members from the NAACP ‘what do you think of
the project? Can I even do this as a white person? Is that okay?’” she recalls. “The NAACP has been very supportive, though I do feel like I am on the outside looking in, and that’s part of why I am doing this.” Last fall, she began interviewing and photographing Black-identifying Santa Cruz community members. She says that her intent was to be removed from the project, given that she doesn’t share the same experiences and cultural background, and have the participants’ images and stories be the focal point. “I had some curiosity about the fact that she was white when she first approached me, because I wondered what her intention was since she is not a person of African descent,” says project participant Laura TurnerEssel. “It could have been potentially different if it was done by someone who shares the experience of being a Black person in Santa Cruz, but I found Allison to be open and willing to listen to what I had to say, and I trusted that she would do a good job of reflecting what we shared.” Photos in Garcia’s project show families embracing their children, a homeless Liberian Civil War refugee resting on a redwood trunk, a high school football coach running drills, and a chef smiling behind the scenes. These are the faces of the Black Santa Cruz community and what they care about most. The 10 participants in the project vary in age, income, gender and sexual identity. They were asked what it’s like to be Black in Santa Cruz and what the Black Lives Matter movement means to them. But Garcia discovered that a white woman asking ‘what is it like to be Black in Santa Cruz?’ was at times problematic in itself. “Although I’m sure you are trying to do a positive thing ... this is also part of the problem,” one of the participants, Anita Marie, wrote Garcia in an email. “We are Black, yes ... but we are people trying to survive this fucked up world like everyone else. We just have to try harder. One, to succeed and two, to educate those who are too lazy to inform themselves about other cultures.”
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are participants in ‘Black Lives in Santa Cruz: What Matters.’
Marie still participated in the project, though she expressed her frustration with Santa Cruz and its liberal guise. “It is impossible for us to simply assimilate,” she wrote. “Our skin is too dark and our upbringing is too proud, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
-Gary Cocroft, former lifeguard and firefighter, surfboard shaper
he Santa Cruz branch of the NAACP, born from inequality in the housing market (specifically housing rentals), has
been around for nearly 70 years. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which falls on Jan. 15 this year, is one of the largest annual events for the NAACP. This year, the organization partnered with the Santa Cruz Police Department (SCPD) in a co-sponsored Martin Luther King Jr. Day March on Monday, Jan 15. While the NAACP has hosted marches before, this co-sponsorship is a first. “My heart is still heavy from all of these police-involved shootings that have happened. We are all outraged and angry, but those shootings and those types of incidents are exactly why we should be at the table with the SCPD,” NAACP says Griffin. “That’s why we should be trying to develop a community police relationship.” Just two months ago, SCPD hired Officer Henry Muse, the only Black officer in SCPD since 2013. SCPD Chief Andrew Mills says he hopes to have more diverse recruitment in the future. “We need to look at what we are doing that eliminates people of color. Our hiring practices are implicitly biased, and eliminating good, capable candidates,” Mills says. “For example, we have a
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“America has simply not lived up to its promises in regards to the rights of Black and brown people. Dr. Martin Luther King reminded us of that fact in 1963 and here we are 54 years later struggling with the same issues of race, class, education, health care and war.”
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BLACK IN SANTA CRUZ <19 requirement of good credit, and when you are a person who has operated on cash, or grew up in a poor home, that’s not always possible, and may very well be eliminating good candidates.” Along with the march, the NAACP and the Resource Center for Nonviolence will also host an annual youth day on Jan. 13, featuring live music, food and tabling from local youth activist groups. Also on Jan. 13, Gospel Night will celebrate the legacy of Dr. King, his love of gospel music, and its role in the civil rights movement. Gospel night will feature Tammi Brown, Inner Light Gospel Choir, Monterey Peninsula Community Gospel Choir, Progressive Missionary Baptist Church Men’s Choir and more. Both events will be held at the Resource Center for Nonviolence.
“It’s easy to be liberal. They never really have to define a side. They can just play in the middle and take the drugs [but with] stuff that’s going on right now, they need to take a hard stance because it’s getting bad.” -Morgan Pedford, professional chef
“My challenge to you is to educate yourself. Be mindful and interact with more people of color.” -Anita Marie, professional hair stylist and Morgan Pedford’s sister
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he Black community in Santa Cruz is not invisible, says Griffin, but it can sometimes feel that way. Visibility is difficult when there is a lack of representation and inclusion everywhere from the media to data studies, she says. For example, the recent Santa Cruz County Community
Assessment Project’s (CAP) final comprehensive report outlines the Education, Health and Health Care and Economic Stability of Santa Cruz County in 2017. Though the study does list white and Latino representation, there is little to no mention of Black or African-American people in Santa Cruz anywhere, except under demographic breakdowns, incarceration and crime, and violence. “Do we not have health needs, too?” Griffin says. “Why are we not represented anywhere but crime and violence areas?” Susan Brutschy, president and co-founder of Applied Survey Research programs, which conducts the CAP report, says that though the report aims to cover and represent data from various backgrounds, overrepresentation from certain backgrounds leads to a lack of representation of already underrepresented groups. “That should not be the story of African Americans, it shouldn’t be a story of incarceration,” Brutschy says. “We absolutely would consider bumping it up and oversampling certain population groups, and we have done so in the past. For example, we have looked at the South County before and looked at under- and over-representation of the Latino community. We were able to over-sample certain population groups so that we could talk to and represent them.” Griffin says the lack of representation in these types of studies is likely what leads to a lack of resources and conversation around Black people, and it likewise perpetuates stereotypes of Black communities. “As African Americans we cannot be racist, to be racist you have to have power over someone else, and we don’t have that power. What everyone does have is racial biases, and the first step to dismantling those biases is inner reflection,” Griffin says. “Beyond that, there are several ways that people can educate themselves about this very complex issue.”
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MON-SAT, 11AM-5PM closed Sunday ONE STEP EVALUATION PROCESS WALK-INS WELCOME GET APPROVED OR NO CHARGE! Growrs e Lettb a le dto avail e ifi l qua ient s pat AGAINST THE MACHINE Longtime local resident and avid surfer Gary Cocroft discusses war and the Black Lives Matter movement: ‘But what of America’s next war of convenience? How many Black bodies will the next one consume?’ PHOTO: ALLISON GARCIA
Or maybe, it’s because the cost of living is twice as high as the national average. “Racism exists here, whether you believe it or not,” says Griffin. “But now that we have this knowledge, what are we going to do? What are we going to do together to resist these unjust laws and policies coming out of Washington, and how are we going to do this together?”
The NAACP meets on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Progressive Missionary Baptist Church Hall, 517 Center St., Santa Cruz. For more information on the Santa Cruz branch of the NAACP, visit naacpsantacruz.com. ‘Black Lives in Santa Cruz: What Matters’ runs Jan. 13-Feb. 26 with a First Friday reception Feb. 2 from 5-9 p.m. Resource Center for Nonviolence. 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz. allisongarciaphotography.com. Free.
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Showing up for Racial Justice and Santa Cruz County Community Coalition to Overcome Racism are two organizations that aim to create more dialogue around racial justice issues, dismantle racial biases and address white privilege. Maybe the flatline in the Black population in Santa Cruz is due to disinterest in relocating to a place without any ties to Black culture.
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PARTY LINE Joyce Michaelson and Hannah Eckstein in Karen Schamberg and Wilma Chandler’s ‘Phone Sets,’ a guaranteed crowd-pleaser
at this year’s 10-minute play festival.
Power of Ten
A search for empathy, 10 minutes at a time, in two nights of ‘8 Tens @ 8’
here’s a certain zeitgeist-y quality to Actors’ Theatre’s long-running 10-minute play festival 8 Tens @ 8. What makes the format appealing for both writers and audiences is that it delivers a quick sketch of the human condition rather than a full-length
work’s detailed portrait, and because of that these plays are often like flypaper for the mood of the moment. Indeed, the hopes and fears of 2018 can be found in the subtext of nearly all of this year’s plays; it is no surprise that a vast majority of them involve their characters’ struggle to
find empathy against all odds. How successful they are in finding it can sometimes determine the success of the play—and unfortunately for those who like happy endings, some of the least effective plays are the ones that attempt to hurtle their characters head-on into understanding. Ten
Victor Wooten on why we have to unlearn music P24
‘I, Tonya’ is a dark, smart look at a tragic tale P42
minutes is way too short a time for the characters to come around to a radical attitude shift the way they do in Jeffrey Strausser’s “Homecoming”— about a woman (Kye Solomon) who comes to a stranger’s doorstep seeking shelter in the middle of the night with her baby, and finds a racist
LOVE AT FIRST BITE Where to find deliriously good Thai fried chicken P46
but there’s never a false or overly “big” moment. Sometimes the effectiveness of a piece has a lot to do with how the actors are matched to their characters. The ensemble in “Homecoming” doesn’t quite come together, but all of the actors are fantastic in other plays. Tom Arns, for instance, has an oddball delivery that doesn’t quite work for “angry racist,” but makes him perfect as the hilariously strange distributor of fortune in Mark Nutter’s “The Anonymous Donor.” Steven Capasso, as the homeless recipient of Arns’ largesse, plays off him with exactly the right level of bewilderment. Similarly, Marcus Cato and Lillian Bogovich are the perfect match in Irene Ziegler’s “High Grass,” as Bruce and Marsha, two volunteers picking up trash together on a rural road. The highlight of the first night is Dennis Porter’s “Lost & Found,” in which Kye Solomon and Caber Russell wander into (maybe?) the wrong room in a museum, and have to decide if a mop and bucket might be a piece of art—their exploration confounded by a strange art lover (Sarah Kauffman) and a custodian (Hannah Eckstein). It’s a very funny meditation on the nature of art that doesn’t stop surprising. Eckstein is also in the festival’s absolute surefire crowd-pleaser from night two, Karen Schamberg and Wilma Marcus Chandler’s “Phone Sets.” She and Joyce Michaelson had the audience rollicking with laughter as Sister Mary Ecstasia and Sister Mary Agnostia, two retired nuns who discover a side hustle for which they could not be more poorly prepared. Also can’t-miss from night two is Steve “Spike” Wong’s “Dragon Skin,” a brilliantly staged one-man show which will challenge your conception of what a 10-minute play can be. Overall, artistic director Wilma Marcus Chandler and producer Bonnie Ronzio, with the help of 16 talented directors and a remarkably fast stage crew, have put together another fine collection of 10-minute plays, with the second night the slightly stronger of the two. 8Tens @ 8 runs through Feb. 4 at Center Stage Theater, 1001 Center St., Santa Cruz; scat.org for details and tickets.
The NAACP Santa Cruz County Branch presents
Yes, We March for the Dream Celebrating the Legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Honoring the Past, Impacting the Future. Saturday, January 13
Co-sponsored by the Resource Center for Nonviolence, Project ReGeneration 12-4pm –Youth Day–FREE!
Food, DJ, & booths from youth activist groups RCNV, 612 Ocean St, SC Info: 423-1626 or rcnv.org
7-9pm Gospel Night Celebration
Featuring Tammi Brown, Inner Light Gospel Choir, Monterey Peninsula Community Gospel Choir, Progressive Missionary Baptist Church Men’s Quartet RCNV, 612 Ocean St, SC Tickets: $20/door Info: 429-2266
Mon, Jan 15-10 am
Co-sponsored by the Santa Cruz Police Dept 2018 MLK March for the Dream. March begins at Pacific Ave & Cathcart St “Walk with Us”
cityofsantacruz.com/community/mlk-march-2018 or NAACP SantaCruz Facebook page
You're Invited!
Imagining Our Future Together THE SANTA CRUZ MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY is undertaking an exciting Strategic Planning Process. Join us for a COMMUNITY FORUM to share your ideas about the future of Santa Cruz's oldest public museum.
6-8 p.m. Tuesday, January 16
Civic Auditorium Tony Hill Room 307 Church Street Downtown Santa Cruz Light refreshments
curmudgeon (Tom Arns)—or Steve “Spike” Wong’s “Driving Lesson,” in which a son (Conall MacFhionn Laoich) gets into some heavy family issues while his dad (Kip Allert) teaches him to drive. The same is true for Joe Starzyk’s otherwise intriguing “After the Darkness,” about a serial killer (Donald Grube) who gets a visit from a victim’s mother (Andrea Konrad). The temptation to wrap things up nicely or deliver an emotional stinger is fraught with peril for any writer, but it can fall especially flat in a 10-minute play, when the audience is asked to quickly learn a character’s lifetime of personality and beliefs, and then expected to accept that they can flip in a couple of minutes at the end. We all know that’s not how real life works. Far more effective are the plays that show us the moment a character’s personality and beliefs are challenged in a way they’ve never been before, and then give us only the slightest hint of how this bombshell will affect them in the future. Eileen Valentino Flaxman’s “Esther Williams Explained” is so understated that at times it’s almost still, and yet its story of a little girl (Olivia Gillanders) who shares a brief exchange with an African-American railroad man (JJ Porter) in the 1950s is powerful and loaded with implications that resonate upon later reflection. Paul Donnelly’s “The New Client,” meanwhile, is 10 minutes of furious conflict between partners Margaret (Alie Mac) and Lee-Ann (Jennifer Galvin) over whether its okay for a lesbian lawyer to defend the owners of a homophobic cake business. I won’t give away the powerful ending, but its subtlety shows how hard a 10-minute play can hit. The same is true for Lindsey Esplin’s “Pink Roses and Apple Pie,” which measures—but doesn’t overplay—the fallout between two lovelorn sisters (Tara McMilin and Shannon Marie Kerr), and “M & The Water Man,” the only sci-fi entry among this year’s plays. In the latter, a simple water delivery by the Water Man (Michael LaMere) to M (Joyce Michaelson), whose home in the desert is set to be scorched by spiking temperatures in the future’s climate change, turns into something touching and interesting,
WOOT’S UP Victor Wooten brings his trio to the Rio on Thursday, Jan. 11.
Process Disoriented
Bassist Victor Wooten believes in intuition and improvisation over musical indoctrination BY CAT JOHNSON
ears ago, Grammywinning bass player Victor Wooten performed at the Rio Theatre as a member of Bela Fleck and the Flecktones. During his solo, Wooten was playing little bass runs, including snippets of “Ave Maria.” He then started plucking out “Amazing Grace” using harmonics. It was a lovely version that stilled the audience into a collective hush. Then the transformative happened: with four rhythmic thumb strikes on the same note, Wooten elevated the song to an otherworldly realm. In the span of about three
seconds, Wooten took the song from lovely to soul-stirring. My heart soared at the magnificence of the transition and tears welled up in my eyes. The moment moved me—and I’m not alone. Online videos of Wooten’s “Amazing Grace” have millions of views. In each version, he drops into the groove with those same four notes. The improvised intro changes each time, however, which is testament to Wooten’s proficiency and trust in his abilities. “‘Amazing Grace’ has always been a beautiful song for me,” Wooten says. “I’ve heard it my whole life. I worked out the song’s arrangement,
but every time I play it, it will be a little bit different.” Wooten talks about improvisation as freedom, saying the details are not as important as the overall message. “I won’t say I’m as free improvising as I am talking,” he says, “but that’s my approach. The goal is ‘Amazing Grace,’ but how I express it today might be slightly different than yesterday.” The youngest of five musical boys, Wooten picked up the bass at the age of 2, and was encouraged by his brother Regi to develop his own sound. Though the boys’ parents weren’t musicians, they saw
their sons’ passion for music and supported it. Their primary concern, however, wasn’t raising successful musicians, but raising good people. “They knew if they could raise five boys that were good people, with good heads on our shoulders, who knew who we were, then whatever we chose to do would be fine,” he says. “We just happened to choose music.” Being a good person is still Wooten’s main focus, as is “helping people find themselves” through what he does. He says the worst compliment he gets is when people say that watching him play makes them want to quit. “It makes me happier when you tell me that what I’m doing makes you want to go and do what you want to do, and do it better,” he says. “You never hear someone who’s such a great speaker that it makes you want to quit talking.” This perspective on music and language is a common theme for Wooten, one that’s found in his music as well as his teaching style. “In music, we’re often taught someone else’s voice so long that we have to fight our way back into finding our own voice,” he says. “It’s not that music is difficult, it’s that traditional music curriculum pulls us into someone else’s message and we have to work ourselves back to find our own way.” A masterful musical communicator, Wooten released his 10th album, TRYPNOTYX, in September. As usual, it’s a masterpiece of technical virtuosity which, Wooten acknowledges, does take practice. “With different types of music, like when you’re trying to get that Bach cello suite down, you’re learning someone else’s method … so more practice may have to come in,” he says. “But putting practice above playing, to me, will always be out of balance. That’s just my method. I don’t claim to be right. But when I compare it to talking, the language we’re best at, the musical process doesn’t make sense.” Victor Wooten will perform at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 11 at the Rio Theatre, 1205 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz. $30/gen, $45/gold. 423-8209.
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See hundreds more events at santacruz. com.
Free calendar listings in print and online are available for community events. Listings show up online within 24 hours. Submissions of free events and those $15 or less received by Thursday at noon, six days prior to the Good Times publication date, will be prioritized for print (space available). All listings must specify a day, start time, location and price (or ‘free’ if applicable). Listings can be set to repeat every week or month, and can be edited by the poster as needed. Ongoing events must be updated quarterly. It is the responsibility of the person submitting an event to cancel or modify the listing. Register at our website at santacruz.com in order to SUBMIT EVENTS ONLINE. E-mail calendar@goodtimes.sc or call 458.1100 with any questions.
RAIN CHAINS The rain has begun, and that means it’s time for rain chains. These decorative water features carry rainwater from the gutter downward to a drain or a storage container. They are a great alternative to traditional, closed gutter downspouts, and a serene treat to listen to. But rain chains can be expensive, and making your own is not only more gratifying, but won’t break the bank. Plus, they make fantastic DIY gifts for anyone. The workshop is lead by Dream Maker Creative’s Sara Smith and all materials will be provided to make an eight-foot chain. INFO: 7-9 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 11. Dream Maker Creative. 1001 Center St. Suite 2, Santa Cruz. dreammakercreative. com. $40.
The MAH’s new Tom Killion exhibit features woodblock prints of images across the California coast, including familiar areas like Natural Bridges and Wilder Ranch. UCSC grad and former Santa Cruz local, Killion specializes in landscape prints. He draws inspiration from Japanese printmaking, and incorporates delicate, crisp lines and colors into his work. The show also features poems selected by Gary Snyder, pages of Tom’s nature journals, and information about events that dig deeper into nature—like biking tours and hikes that inspire journaling. Image: Monterey Bay from Santa Cruz Pogonip, Tom Killion, 2002. INFO: Opens Friday, Jan. 12 and runs through Sunday, April 22. Museum of Art and History. 705 Front St., Santa Cruz. 429-1964. santacruzmah.org. $10 General Admission, $8 Students, free on First Fridays.
WEDNESDAY 1/10 ARTS 8 TENS @ 8 SHORT PLAY FESTIVAL The 23rd annual 10-minute play festival is one of the most anticipated and popular events of the theatre season in Santa Cruz. Always a sell-out, so get your tickets early. Sixteen awarded short plays, from Actors’ Theatre’s annual international playwriting contest, are performed and directed by some of the best the Santa Cruz theater community has to offer. 8-10 p.m. Center Stage Theater, 1001 Center St., Santa Cruz. $45/$26.
CLASSES TANGO LESSONS AND PRACTICE Beginners class is the first hour. Demonstration and intermediate lesson practice follows. Tango in the original Argentine style, with music provided to match. Come with or without a partner. 7-9 p.m. Calvary Episcopal Church, 532 Center St., Santa Cruz. 423-8787 or tangomango.org. JUNIPER MEDITATION TRADITION FOR MODERN LIFE A drop-in meditation session that includes meditation, a short talk and discussion on Buddhist training for modern life. Beginners and experienced meditators welcome. 7:30-9 p.m. 1307 Seabright Ave., 1307 Seabright Ave., Santa Cruz. juniperpath.org. $10. BEGINNING BALLET WITH DIANA ROSE Learn ballet terminology and fine tune placement, posture and technique. A great place to start if you have had some ballet lessons, but still consider yourself a beginner or if you are new to ballet and have always wanted to start. 6 p.m. International Academy of Dance, 320 Encinal St., Santa Cruz. 466-0458 or iadance.com. WORLD HARMONY CHORUS The World Harmony Chorus is a community chorus that welcomes participants of all ages and ability levels. There are no auditions nor entrance requirements. 7:15-9:15 p.m. Louden Nelson Community Center, 301 Center St., Santa Cruz. instantharmony. com/chorus.html. Free.
FRIDAY 1/5-TUESDAY 1/30 ‘BEACH INDUSTRY’ How do you incorporate Santa Cruz’s natural beauty into art? Literally, of course. After crushing local sandstone and Monterey Bay sea salt and mixing the two together, Tim Ward blended oil paint, salt and stone, and painted a stunning image of West Cliff beach. His work, along with that of 16 other local surfer/artists, is on display at the R. Blitzer Gallery. The new “Beach Industry” exhibition centers around surfing and the ocean, and is a stunningly unique exhibit featuring Vince Broglio’s resin paintings and r.r. jones photographs, as well as work from Connor O’Neill, grandson of Jack O’Neill. Fittingly, 10 percent of sales during January go to O’Neill Sea Odyssey, and donations are gladly accepted. Photo by Stan Walsh. INFO: Noon-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. R. Blitzer Gallery, 2801 Mission St., Santa Cruz. 458-1217. rblitzergallery.com. Free.
ROBO SUMO Try your hand at the notso-ancient-art of building Sumo wrestling robots using lego mindstorms. Not a drop in program. Pre-registration is required for this 12-week series for youth ages 7 to 18. Class size is limited to 16. 3:30-5:30 p.m. Garfield Park Library, 705 Woodrow Ave., Santa Cruz. 427-7717 or pro@santacruzpl.org. Free. PANEL PRESENTATION ON OPEN SPACE LANDS MANAGEMENT The Rural Bonny Doon Association is sponsoring a panel presentation by the CEOs of six Parks and
Open Space Management organizations regarding their roles, functions and relationships in the management of parks and open space landscapes in Santa Cruz County. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Bonny Doon Elementary, 1492 Pine Flat Road, Santa Cruz. 427-2300. Free.
FOOD & WINE TRIVIA NIGHT Trivia night at 99 bottles. 21 and up. 8 p.m. 110 Walnut Ave., Santa Cruz. >28 459-9999.
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CALENDAR <26 DOWNTOWN SANTA CRUZ FARMERS MARKET In addition to a large variety of farm products, this market offers a great selection of local artisan foodstuffs, delicious baked goods, and lots of options for lunch and dinner. 1:30 p.m. Cedar and Lincoln streets, Santa Cruz. 454-0566. WOODSTOCK’S SC PINT NIGHT When life hands you beer specials … drink up! If you’re searching for the best sudsy social scene in Santa Cruz, look no further than Woodstock’s Pizza. 9 p.m.-Midnight. Woodstock’s Pizza, 710 Front St., Santa Cruz. woodstockscruz.com/events. Free.
GROUPS OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Come join us for a friendly 12-Step support group with the solution. Teens and adults welcome. Includes compulsive overeating, anorexia, and bulimia. Meets in the church Youth Room, two doors down from the corner of Poplar and Melrose. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Trinity Presbyterian Church, 420 Melrose Ave., Santa Cruz. santacruzoa.org. Free. BNI NETWORKING MEETING The mission of BNI is to help members increase their business through a structured, positive and professional referral marketing program that enables them to develop meaningful, long-term relationships with quality business professionals? 8-9:30 a.m. The Abbey Coffee Shop; 350 Mission St., Santa Cruz. BNI.com. 8-9:30 a.m. The Abbey Coffee Shop, 350 Mission St., Santa Cruz. bni.com. $10.
B12 HAPPY HOUR B12 deficiencies are common, as the vitamin is used up by stress, causing fatigue, depression, anxiety, insomnia and more. Not well absorbed in the gut, B12 injections can be effective in helping to support energy, mood, sleep, immunity, metabolism and stress resilience. Come get a discounted shot from 1:30-4:30 p.m. Thrive Natural Medicine, 2840 Park Ave., Soquel. thrivenatmed.com/b12-injections or 515-8699. $15.
OPEN MIC NIGHT Open Mic Night every Wednesday in Capitola Village. Join us at the new Cork and Fork Capitola. All are welcome. Always free, always fun. Awesome wines by the glass or bottle, Discretion beer on tap, handmade pizzas and great small-plate dishes. 7 p.m. Cork and Fork, 312 Capitola Ave., Capitola. corkandforkcapitola.com. Free. WORLD HARMONY CHORUS The World Harmony Chorus is a community chorus that welcomes participants of all ages and ability levels. There are no auditions nor entrance requirements. 7:15-9:15 p.m. Louden Nelson Community Center, 301 Center St., Santa Cruz. instantharmony.com.
OUTDOOR WINTER NATURE DAY CAMP Why let kids waste a week of winter stuck indoors when they can experience a new adventure every day at Winter Nature Day Camp? Timed to coincide with Pajaro Valley Unified School District’s winter break, WOLF School invites all K-sixth graders to join naturalists and friends. 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monte Toyon Camp and Conference Center, 220 Cloister Lane, Aptos. wolfschool.org. $55/$50.
*Cost per week, minimum 6 week purchase. Buy all the time you need at this low price. Cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts. Start up fee may apply.
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ARTS STREETS TO THE STAGE (SAN QUINN) Streets to the Stage is an event series that addresses real life issues affecting us all. The event targets teens and young adults ages 14-25 and uses the arts (particularly hip-hop) as the backdrop of an open forum designed to help attendees get a better understanding of what it takes to succeed in life and reach their arts- and entertainmentrelated goals. 6-9 p.m. Louden Nelson Community Center, 301 Center St., Santa Cruz. alloriginal.media. Free.
Yo u r
A COURSE IN MIRACLES STUDY GROUP Ongoing weekly drop-in discussion group for anyone interested in learning more about ACIM teachings. Join us with your >30
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B12 HAPPY HOUR Come and get your Happy Hour B12 shot. Your body needs B12 to create energy and is not well absorbed from the diet or in capsule form. Everyone can benefit from a B12 shot. After B12 injections many patients feel a natural boost in energy. 3-6 p.m. Santa Cruz Naturopathic Medical Center, 736 Chestnut St., Santa Cruz. 477-1377 or scnmc.com. $29.
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CALENDAR <29 questions and insights or just listen in as our experienced facilitator takes the group into deep learning of ACIM and lively investigation of self-awareness. 7 p.m. The Barn Studio, 104 S. Park Way, Santa Cruz. spiritualear.org/acim. SALSA NIGHT Join us for a hot night of salsa dancing at Abbott Square Market! Local salsa dancer Itziar Santos will be hosting the evening. All experience levels are welcome. Bring your friends and family and enjoy dinner and drinks to complete the evening. 6-8 p.m. Abbott Square, 118 Cooper St., Santa Cruz. abbottsquaremarket.com. Free. MOM & BABY CONNECTION Nursing Mothers Counsel and Luma Yoga host a weekly Mom & Baby Connection support group. Every family presents their own unique situations and challenges. This is a time to get together with other moms in a group setting to explore and discuss the tips and tricks of successful breastfeeding, and much more. 1:30-2:30 p.m. Luma Yoga and Family Center, 1010 Center St., Santa Cruz. lumayoga.com. Free. WEEKLY MEDITATION DRUMMING SESSIONS WITH JIM GREINER ON THURSDAYS IN CAPITOLA Percussionist/ Educator Jim Greiner is conducting weekly Meditation Drumming sessions on Thursdays. Join us for tranquil rhythms to calm your inner rules, release stress, ground yourself, and to reinforce positive Life Rhythms—uplifting patterns of attitude and action. 5-6 p.m. Breath+Oneness, 708 Capitola Ave., Capitola. 462-3786 or breathandoneness.com. Sliding Scale.
DR. MONICA SHARMA AT BOOKSHOP Dr. Monica Sharma will present her recent new release Radical Transformational Leadership at Bookshop Santa Cruz. Dr. Sharma helped launch Leadership for Community Transformation Santa Cruz County in 2012 through the United Way of Santa Cruz County. 7 p.m. Bookshop Santa Cruz, 1520 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. bookshopsantacruz. com. Free. DIY RAIN CHAIN WORKSHOP Hurray for
MONEY, ETHICS & ENTREPRENEURSHIP: A CONVERSATION WITH LYNNE TWIST AND SCOTT KRIENS Join financial and philanthropic mastermind Lynne Twist and 1440 cofounder and Silicon Valley veteran Scott Kriens for an evening of candid, current discussion—moderated by venture capitalist and impact investor Marc van den Berg—on the interplay between dollars and sense in the business world. 5:30 p.m. 1440 Multiversity, 800 Bethany Drive, Scotts Valley. 1440.org. $50/$30.
awarded short plays, from Actors’ Theatre’s annual international playwriting contest, are performed and directed by some of the best the Santa Cruz theater community has to offer. 8-10 p.m. Center Stage Theater, 1001 Center St., Santa Cruz. $45/$26. THE WINDS OF BEYOND “The Winds of Beyond” is an original science-fiction epic adventure play written by Sampson Miller. The play follows Lyla Stone, a woman stranded on a space station in an alien solar system and finds herself thrust into an adventure to find an intergalactic artifact known as The Winds of Beyond. 7 p.m. San Lorenzo Valley High School of Performing Arts, 7105 Hwy. 9, Felton. hs.slvusd.org. Free.
GROUPS CLUTTERERS ANONYMOUS SUPPORT GROUP Is clutter getting you down? Feeling discouraged about all your stuff? There is hope. Come to this weekly 12-step group for understanding and support. 5:30 p.m. Sutter Maternity and Surgery Center, 2900 Chanticleer Ave., Santa Cruz. 477-2200. Free. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP A drop-in grief support group for anyone in the community grieving the death of a loved one. Meets every Friday. Noon-1 p.m. Hospice of Santa Cruz County, 940 Disc Drive, Scotts Valley. hospicesantacruz.org. Free.
TRIVIA NIGHT This festive event brings together trivia aficionados, boneheads and the chic geek for a night of boisterous fun. 8:30 p.m. Woodstock’s Pizza, 710 Front St., Santa Cruz. 427-4444.
CHAIR YOGA WITH SUZI Instructor Suzi Mahler, CMT, NE will guide you through a series of gentle seated yoga postures that are performed slowly and with breath awareness. This wonderfully therapeutic practice will help you increase strength and range of motion. 9:30 a.m. California Grey Bears, 2710 Chanticleer Ave., Santa Cruz. 234-6791. $5.
VITAMIN B12 FRIDAY Every Friday is B12 Happy Hour at Thrive Natural Medicine. B12 improves energy, memory, mood, immunity, sleep, metabolism and stress resilience. Come on down for a discounted shot and start your weekend off right! Walk-ins only. 3-6 p.m. Thrive Natural Medicine, 2840 Park Ave., Soquel. thrivenatmed.com/b12injections or 515-8699. $15.
B12 HAPPY HOUR B12 helps support energy, mood, sleep, immunity, metabolism and stress resilience. Since B12 is not absorbed well during digestion, and all B vitamins are depleted by stress, most Americans are deficient. Having B12 in the form of an injection bypasses the malabsorption problem, and people often feel an immediate difference. Every Thursday morning, we offer discounted vitamin B12 by walk-in or appointment. 9 a.m.-Noon. Thrive Natural Medicine, 2840 Park Ave., Soquel. thrivenatmed.com or 515-8699. $15.
WATSONVILLE FARMERS MARKET This market is in the heart of the famously bountiful Pajaro Valley. Peaceful and family-oriented, the Latino heritage of this community gives this market a “mercado” feel. 2-7 p.m. 200 Main St., Watsonville.
MUSIC DJ A.D. Come out every Thursday evening to dance, drink, and play some pool. 21 and up. 9 p.m. The Castaways, 3623 Portola Drive, Santa Cruz. thecastawaysbar.com. Free.
FRIDAY 1/12 ARTS 8 TENS @ 8 SHORT PLAY FESTIVAL The 23rd annual 10-minute play festival is one of the most anticipated and popular events of the theater season in Santa Cruz. Always a sell-out, so get your tickets early. Sixteen
44TH ANNUAL SANTA CRUZ FUNGUS FAIR Learn interesting and fun facts about the hundreds of beautiful and fascinating species of mushrooms found in the Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay Area. Fungi will be beautifully displayed in a re-created woodland habitat. This unique Santa Cruz tradition features three days of informative speakers and demonstrations, with fungal activities for the whole family. 1-5 p.m. Louden Nelson Community Center, 301 Center St., Santa Cruz. 420-6177 or ffsc.us. NIGHT MARKET AT FOOD LOUNGE Held on the second Friday of every month. Come out from under the mountain of wrapping paper and turkey drumsticks and peruse the many different food vendors at market to start the year off on a delicious note. Put the holidays behind you and come enjoy this always exciting evening of local food, craft cocktails and live music. 4-9 p.m. Santa Cruz Food Lounge, 1001 Center St., Santa Cruz. scfoodlounge.com. Free.
ZEN MEDITATION & DISCUSSION Ocean Gate Zen Center. Meditation and talk on Zen Buddhism. Every Saturday. All are welcome. 9 a.m. Ocean Gate Zen Center, 920 41st Ave., Suite B, Santa Cruz. 824-7900 or oceangatezen.org. Free. INTRODUCTORY BELLY DANCE SERIES WITH JANELLE Join Janelle for a six-week introductory series. This series is perfect for those new to belly dance, for dancers new to Salimpour technique and vocabulary, or dancers looking for review of L1 material at a more indepth and slower pace. Each week we will break down a new basic movement as well as introduce dance movement and basic finger cymbal technique and exercises. 10-11:30 a.m. Desert Dream Dance Company, 1025 Water St., Santa Cruz. janelledance. com. $70/$15. #HOMEGROWNFRUIT: BASIC WINTER FRUIT TREE PRUNING Review the goals and techniques of pruning fruit trees in this lecture and demonstration workshop. Get some hands-on pointers on how to prune your fruit trees to maximize health and production. This workshop takes place at the UCSC Farm. 9:30 a.m.-Noon. UCSC >32
BELLY DANCE FOR FITNESS Lunchtime belly dance class for fitness. Learn introductory belly dance moves and work your curves! Jill will break down the movement for comprehension and build your endurance through repetition and dance. Jump start your new year with belly dance. Noon-1 p.m. Desert Dream Dance Company, 1025 Water St., Santa Cruz. 209432-3559 or bellydancebyjill.com.
rain! Rain chains are a beautiful accessory for the exterior of your home and create the pleasing sound of water trickling. Use in spots that lack a downspout (but need one) or in place of a downspout to direct rain into a container. 7-9 p.m. Dream Maker Creative, 1001 Center St. #2, Santa Cruz.
Farm, 1156 High St., Santa Cruz. 459-3240 or casfs.ucsc.edu. $30.
Photo by J Klinger
Saturday, Jan. 13th
Meet on the Riverwalk at the corner of Beach St. and 3rd St. (near train trestle)
For more details please visit saveourshores.org/volunteer Cleanup effort is funded by the City of Santa Cruz Clean River, Beaches and Ocean Fund
APTOS FARMERS MARKET AT CABRILLO COLLEGE Voted Good Times best farmers market in Santa Cruz County. With more than 90 vendors, the Aptos Farmers Market offers an unmatched selection of locally grown produce and specialty foods. 8 a.m.-Noon, Saturdays, Cabrillo College. montereybayfarmers.org or akeller@ montereybayfarmers.org. Free. WESTSIDE FARMERS MARKET The Westside Farmers Market takes place every week at the corner of Highway 1 and Western Drive, situated on the northern edge of Santa Cruz’s greenbelt. This market serves the communities of the west-end of Santa Cruz including Bonny Doon, North Coast, UCSC Campus and is a short trip from downtown. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Mission Street and Western Drive, Santa Cruz. 454-0566. 30-DAY HEALTH CHALLENGE There is a way to take your food and your health back into your own hands. You can learn about a simple-to-comprehend approach to eating that has proven health results. With expert guidance and support, you can get the information, inspiration, and tools you need so you can finally realize your health and eating goals quickly and sustainably. Address given upon registration. 7 p.m. The Love House. 607-1374 ext. 1 or tasteslikelove.com. $860/$297.
GROUPS QIGONG FOR WOMEN LIVING WITH CANCER WomenCARE offers a group to learn specific tools for managing side effects of cancer treatments. Meets every third Saturday. 2-3 p.m. Pacific Cultural Center, 1307 Seabright Ave., Santa Cruz. fsa-cc.org/ womencare. Free. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Do you have a problem with food? Please check out our free, friendly 12-step support groups with the solution. Teens and adults welcome. 11 a.m.-Noon, Watsonville Community Hospital, 75 Nielson St., Watsonville. Santacruzoa. org. Free.
HEALTH B12 HAPPY HOUR Come and get your Happy Hour B12 shot. Your body needs B12 to create energy and is not well absorbed from the diet
or in capsule form. Everyone can benefit from a B12 shot! After B12 injections many patients feel a natural boost in energy. 10 a.m.-Noon. Santa Cruz Naturopathic Medical Center, 736 Chestnut St., Santa Cruz. 477-1377 or scnmc. com. $29.
MUSIC BR JAZZ BAND: SOULFUL SOUNDS BR Jazz Band plays a rhythm-infused mix of jazz, blues, and original music with emphasis on captivating grooves, brilliant and expressive guitar playing, and warm soulful vocals. 6-9 p.m. Davenport Roadhouse, 1 Davenport Ave., Davenport. 426-8801. Free. HOT JAZZ JAM Bring your dancing shoes and swing. Period dress is always encouraged but never required to partake in the fun. Come early as this is an extremely popular event. Seating is on a first come, first served basis. 6-10 p.m. Santa Cruz Food Lounge, 1001 Center St., Santa Cruz. 2125399. Free. ECLECTIC SOUND SESSIONS Prepare yourself for a journey through sacred sound with three gifted musicians. Experience music from the soul, sound healing, storytelling, chanting, meditation and a sacred space. 7-9 p.m. Divine Tree Yoga and Art Studio, 1043-B Water St., Santa Cruz. 247-6829. $15. SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE MUSIC BY GETAWAY DOGS Enjoy live music at Abbott Square Market every Saturday night. Getaway Dogs will be playing this weekend. Bring your friends and family for a great time. Dubbed once by a friend as “cushy bedroom psychedelic bossanova,” Getaway Dogs is the brainchild of Brazilian-American Santa Cruz local Kai Killion. 6:30-9:30 p.m. Abbott Square, 118 Cooper St., Santa Cruz. getawaydogsband.com. Free. OPEN JAM WITH TIMOTHY THE BASS PLAYER Come join the jam at The Blue Lounge, or just dance and listen. Happy hour drink specials. 5 p.m. The Blue Lounge, 529 Seabright Ave., Santa Cruz. 423-7771 or thebluelounge.com. Free.
VOLUNTEER VOLUNTEER TO FEED THE HUNGRY WITH FOOD NOT BOMBS We need help sharing vegan meals with the hungry every Saturday and Sunday in downtown Santa Cruz: Cooking from Noon-3 p.m, 418 Front St., Santa Cruz. 515-8234. Serving from 4-6 p.m. at the Post Office, 840 Front St., Santa Cruz.
SUNDAY 1/14 ART CAROLYN CASSADY ART RECEPTION An exhibit will be held to celebrate the opening of Carolyn Cassady’s exhibit at Oswald featuring Beat Generation-inspired art. 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.. Oswald, 121 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz. 423-7427. Free.
CLASSES TECH TUTORING One of our tech savvy librarians will teach you a variety of technology services during weekly, drop-in 20-minute appointments in January. First come, first served. Topics include: creating an email account, creating word documents, attaching files, using premium subscription library resources, downloading and streaming content like movies, books, and audiobooks, and more. 1:30-3 p.m. Santa Cruz Public Library, 240 Church St., Santa Cruz. Free. COPIOUS KICK-ASS CARBS: WHOLE FOOD PLANT-BASED CULINARY CLASS Has the word “carb,” in fact, become a dirty word in your circle of friends and acquaintances? It’s time to reclaim the value of carbohydrates as an essential component of a healthy diet. In this class you’ll get information on healthy whole food carbohydrates to include freely in your diet. Address given upon registration. 2-6 p.m. The Love House. 607-1374 ext. 1. $45.
FOOD & WINE WINE AND CRAB FEAST Wine and Crab feed featuring the release of our 2016 Chardonnay, 2013 Pinot Noir, and a surprise sunset toast. Fresh local crab, Spanish paella with prawns, Corralitos sausage, and California mussels, farmstead roasted winter vegetables, and a custard-crab bread pudding. 1:30-5 p.m. Burrell School Vineyards, 24168 Summit Road, Los Gatos. burrellschool.com or kyle@ burrellschool.com. $95.
OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Speaker/ Discussion meeting. Have a problem with food? OA is a 12-Step support group to stop compulsive eating behaviors. 9:05-10:15 a.m. Sutter Maternity & Surgery Center, Sutter Room, 2900 Chanticleer Ave., Santa Cruz. santacruzoa.org or 429-7906. Free. NAR-ANON FAMILY GROUPS—SANTA CRUZ AREA OF NORTHERN CA, SUTTER HOSPITAL Nar-Anon Family Groups meet to support the friends and families of addicts. We share experience, strength and hope to reduce the stress related to living with active addiction and after that to live life on life’s terms. We are a 12-Step program. 6:30-8 p.m. Sutter Maternity Center, 2900 Chanticleer Ave., Santa Cruz. 477-2200. Free. SANTA CRUZ PICKWICK CLUB The Pickwick Book Club is a community of local bookworms, students, and teachers who meet monthly to discuss a 19th-century novel, beginning this January with Charles Dickens’s Little Dorrit. Join us each month for conversations about the novel and guest speaker presentations to help us contextualize our readings. 2 p.m. Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, 705 Front St., Santa Cruz. 459-2103 or dickens.ucsc.edu.
MUSIC STEADY SUNDAZE REGGAE All ages reggae in Santa Cruz outside on the patio at the Jerk House with DJ Daddy Spleece and DJ Ay Que Linda plus guest DJs in the mix. 1-5 p.m. The Jerk House, 2525 Soquel Drive, Santa Cruz. 316-7575. Free.
Friday, January 19th, 2018 at 8pm Rio Theatre 1205 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz Tickets: Gen. Adm. $26 adv./$30 day of show Gold Circle $36 Tickets available online at ticketfly.com or at Streetlight Records, 939 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz
David Morton’s
ARTS POETRY OPEN MIC CELEBRATES NEW VENUE What started four years ago as a small group of poets performing at the Tannery Arts Center has quickly evolved into an entire collective of Santa Cruzans and UCSC students that hosts weekly poetry events. 4 p.m. Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, 705 Front St., Santa Cruz. santacruzmah.org. Free. HEMLOCK This is our monthly Craft Night. Held every third Monday. Come and spend a low-key evening hanging with other hands-on folks. Knit, color, sculpt, wire-wrap, anything goes, really. 6:30-9 p.m. Avalon Visions Center for Creative Spirituality, 2815 Porter St., Soquel. Free.
ROMAN ROAD WALKS Footloose in Italy, beyond the guidebooks
7-day trips for 4-6 guests Experienced Santa Cruz Guide
ROSEMARY OPEN HOUSE Take this opportunity to learn more about COBHA, while observing a live rosemary distillation and enjoying essential oil-infused treats. Learn about and sign-up for classes, workshops, and events. 11 a.m.-Noon. The College of Botanical Healing Arts, 4170 Gross Road, Capitola. cobha.org. Free.
CALENDAR and completely free. Divinitree is converting into a nonprofit community center and will continue to do its excellent work bringing yoga and spirituality to those who otherwise wouldn’t have access. 8 a.m. DiviniTree Yoga and Arts Studio, 1043-B Water St., Santa Cruz. sc.divinitree.com. Free.
FRIDAY 1/12 - SUNDAY 1/14 44TH ANNUAL FUNGUS FAIR With all of this rain we have been getting, there are sure to be some fantastic fungi friends sprouting. You know what they say: when it rains, it spores. The annual Santa Cruz Fungus Fair boasts speakers and specialists, cooking workshops and of course hundreds of prime fungus specimens for your viewing pleasure. Don’t go eating any old side-of-the-road mushroom, the fair’s taxonomy panel will help you classify different types of fungi and pick the prime specimens. The festival is perfect for the whole family, and has plenty of kids activities like fungus exploration tables, clay mushroom building, and face painting.
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INFO: 1-5 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Louden Nelson Community Center. 301 Center St, Santa Cruz. ffsc.us/fair. Friday admission $5, Saturday/Sunday admission $10. Students & Seniors $5. Kids 12 and under free.
ADVANCED/BEGINNING BALLET WITH DIANA ROSE Ballet for the beginning adult student with little or no ballet training. Learn ballet terminology and fine tune placement, posture and technique. 6 p.m. International Academy of Dance Santa Cruz. info@ iadance.com. $10. CHAIR YOGA Suzi Mahler has been teaching chair yoga to all ages and abilities for more than six years. She has developed a unique style that allows each person to access the benefits of yoga without getting on the floor. Her classes are a gentle yet dynamic blend of strength-building movement, breath awareness, with an emphasis on posture, alignment, flexibility and pain management. 9 a.m. Yoga Center Santa Cruz, 429 Front St., Santa Cruz. 423-6719 or suzimahler.com. CHI KINETICS Chi Kinetics is a system of exercise that I have developed after
studying sports medicine, psychology, health, meditation, dance and different forms of exercise for the past 30 years. It is reminiscent of Pilates, Tai Chi and Yoga. Chi Kinetics is a flowing, meditative exercise form with focus on how proper breathing is used to create the different movement patterns. 8 a.m. Chaminade Resort and Spa, 1 Chaminade Lane, Santa Cruz. 818-9644 or chikinetics.com. INTRO TO SEVEN CHAKRA ASTROLOGY In this workshop, you will find your ruling planet and power chakra. You have incarnated under their influences. Chakra astrology offers insight, guidance and understanding of yourself, your purpose, gifts and challenges. 6:30-8 p.m. Avalon Visions Center for Creative Spirituality, 2815 Porter St., Soquel. avalonvisions.com. $20. FREE YOGA WEEK Free Yoga Week is a way Divinitree gives back to the community. Open to all who register their places in class,
CHAIR YOGA WITH SUZI Instructor Suzi Mahler, CMT, NE will guide you through a series of gentle seated yoga postures that are performed slowly and with breath awareness. This wonderfully therapeutic practice will help you increase strength and range of motion. 9:30 a.m. California Grey Bears, 2710 Chanticleer Ave., Santa Cruz. 234-6791. $5. STEPPING STONES TRIPLE P WORKSHOP: SUPPORTING YOUR PARTNER Stepping Stones Triple P offers parenting support for families with children with special needs, such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome and other developmental delays. Stepping Stones Triple P Workshops are brief classes that provide quick tips for handling everyday parenting issues. 3-4:30 p.m. Soquel Elementary School, 620 Monterey Ave., Capitola. nsccselpa.org. Free. JANUARY JUMPSTART: FOUR WEEKS TO HEALTHIER EATING This free, four-week lecture series is chock-full of ideas and inspiration. Topics include protein-healthy breakfasts, seasonal smart carbohydrates, healthy fats, and nutrient-dense vegetables. With Certified Nutrition Consultant Madia Jamgochian. 1-2 p.m. New Leaf Market, 1101 Fair Ave., Santa Cruz. 426-1306 or newleaf. com. Free.
FOOD & WINE DEATH CAFE Come eat cake, drink tea and discuss death. Join Spoken/Unspoken exhibition collaborators Hospice of Santa Cruz County for a casual conversation about death, dying, and how to make the most out of life. This Death Cafe is a groupdirected discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes. It is not a grief support group or counseling session, just some folks getting together to eat cake and talk about death. 6-8 p.m. Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, 705 Front St., Santa Cruz. santacruzmah.org. Free.
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Local singer-songwriter Courtney Nicole started playing open mics in San Francisco almost a decade ago. Just before moving to Santa Cruz four years ago, she changed her name to Pieces, a nickname friends called her after she wrote a song called “Pieces,” and that’s when her music started to evolve. Since relocating, Pieces went from being a solo project to a five-piece band, and then a trio. At the upcoming Crepe Place show on Jan. 13 she’ll have a new drummer, Andrew Guterman, who she says gives the music a more jazzy, bluesy feel. Her bass player Devon Brockopp-Hammer has played with her for years.
At the end of 2017, she was playing solo shows and preparing new material for her lineup change. There will be old songs in the mix, but also some new stuff.
“I had a chance to craft on my own again and take a step back, just really focus on writing, and actually have something to bring to the next project that’s new,” Nicole says. So far, Nicole has one EP released under the Pieces moniker, and she’s hoping to do a new recording that shows off this current version of the band soon. “The most fun part for me is to continually try to craft and create and make new music and explore different songs so we don’t get tired of doing the same thing,” Nicole says. “At the end of the day, the heart of the songs are still intact. They all stem from my experiences and my songwriting.” AARON CARNES
INFO: 9 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 13. Crepe Place, 1134 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz. $8. 429-6994.
SO STRESSED For years, So Stressed was the kind of super DIY band that would avoid clubs with actual sound systems. Then somewhere along the way, they became a buzz band, getting coverage from Noisey and NPR, among other national outlets. As they’ve blossomed into a touring band that produces records on more than just burrito money, they’ve fine-tuned their highly cathartic post-punk sound. Their latest, Please Let Me Know, is an unflinching document of the breakup of a relationship. The album is aggressive, but always feels aimed inward and full of anxiety. AC INFO: 9 p.m. Crepe Place, 1134 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz. $10. 429-6994.
MURIEL ANDERSON Muriel Anderson is one of the finest guitarists you’ll ever see. A technical master, she was the first
woman to win the National Fingerstyle Guitar Championship and she plays with a flair and feel that leaves you shaking your head in amazement. In addition to playing six-string guitars, Anderson also plays a wild-looking harp-guitar that has an unexpected elegance. If you’re new to Anderson’s music, do a YouTube search for her lovely version of Don McLean’s “Vincent” and keep a handkerchief handy— you may need it. CJ
tunes of its era, perfect for dancing your cares away. But it’s not hard to miss the rebellion immersed in the music. Don’t drink, don’t dance, don’t hang out in filthy nightclubs. Speakeasy 3’s music suggests otherwise. AC
INFO: 7:30 p.m. Michaels on Main, 2591 Main St., Soquel. $17/adv, $20/door. 479-9777.
SPEAKEASY 3 It’s not hard to understand why people these days are obsessed with speakeasies. There’s no fun like the uninhibited type that comes from pure defiance of social norms. Prohibition may be over, but the upbeat jazz that populated these underground clubs lives on. In Santa Cruz, Speakeasy 3 brings the lively, snappy prohibition-era sound, which is, on one hand, the mindless pop
INFO: 9 p.m. Crepe Place, Crepe Place, 1134 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz. $8. 429-6994.
SATURDAY 1/13 BIG BOI Whether you know him as one half of the Atlanta duo Outkast, as Sir Lucious Left Foot, or by his primary stage name, Big Boi’s music has dominated the hip-hop scene for more than two decades. This week the ATLien returns to the Catalyst with his Daddy Fat Saxxx Tour that is guaranteed to be the most talked-about hip-hop tour in town. The “Renaissance Man of Rap” is touring off his wildly anticipated third solo LP, Boomiverse, released last June. MW INFO: 9 p.m. Catalyst, 1011 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. $30/adv, $35/door. 429-4135.
INFO: 9 p.m. Rio Theatre, 1205 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz. $25/adv, $29/door. 479-9421; snazzyproductions.com.
OZOMATLI In 1998, Ozomatli dropped its self-titled debut album. The band broke new musical ground, blending reggae, hip-hop, Latin and rock, and the pop world liked it immedi-
INFO: 9 p.m. Catalyst, 1011 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. $23/adv, $27/door. 423-1338.
LEW TABACKIN TRIO Lew Tabackin, 77, is a jazz master who thrives on contrasts. On tenor saxophone, he’s a freight train, a fierce full-throttle improviser whose thick, muscular sound sometimes calls to mind tenor patriarch Coleman Hawkins. On flute, he’s a sinuous sketch artist who can render a curvaceous melody with a delicate, sinewy line. On either instrument, he’s a riveting
performer who never wastes a note, distilling more than five decades of experience in jazz’s top ranks. ANDREW GILBERT INFO: 7 p.m. Kuumbwa Jazz, 320-2 Cedar St., Santa Cruz. $30/adv, $35/door. 4272227.
SASHA DOBSON Renowned vocalist Norah Jones caught the music world’s attention in 2002 with her stunning debut, Come Away with Me. Jones has since revealed herself to be a multi-faceted artist with a wide musical range and a handful of diverse music projects. One of those projects, an all-female trio called Puss n Boots, is a collaboration with Santa Cruz native Sasha Dobson. The daughter of local jazz legends Smith and Gail Dobson, the Brooklyn-based Sasha returns to town on Tuesday with a collection of new original tunes and an emerging sound that layers electronic pop and her remarkable voice. CJ INFO: 7:30 p.m. Michaels on Main, 2591 Main St., Soquel. $12/adv, $15/door. 479-9777.
INFO: 9 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 23. Catalyst, 1011 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. $18/adv, $20/door. 423-1338. WANT TO GO? Go to santacruz.com/giveaways before 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 16 to find out how you could win a pair of tickets to the show.
Renowned Bay Area drummer. Friday at Kuumbwa MUSTACHE HARBOR
Soft-rock tribute band. Friday at Catalyst BEGGAR KINGS
Tribute to the Rolling Stones and the Allman Brothers. Saturday at Don Quixote’s KEITH GREENINGER & DAYAN KAI
Standout singer-songwriters with Santa Cruz roots. Sunday at Michael’s on Main XAVIER WULF
Underground rapper from Memphis, Tennessee. Tuesday at Catalyst
Johnny Cash called John McCutcheon “the most impressive instrumentalist I’ve ever heard.” And that guy had been everywhere! He’d been to Reno, Chicago, Fargo—oh, never mind, you know the song. The point is, you’ve never really heard the hammer dulcimer until you’ve heard McCutcheon play it. After more than 30 records, several Grammy nods, and a lifetime devoted to America’s folk traditions, this guy is quickly heading for national treasure status. Part of the proceeds will go to benefit the Resource Center for Nonviolence. SP
ately. The band became a festival favorite and a model of what social activism around farm workers’ rights and immigration reform can look like when melded with dance-inducing grooves and a global perspective. That debut remains a classic ‘90s-era album. The band’s latest release, 2017’s Nonstop Mexico to Jamaica, is a reggae-infused collection of cover tunes of celebrated Latin artists, including Selena, Cafe Tacuba and Mana. CJ
The professional name White Buffalo suits singer-songwriter Jake Smith perfectly. A big guy with a big voice and a lumberjack-like appearance, Smith emanates a feeling of Old West authenticity and a working person perspective. Born in Oregon and raised in California, Smith balances underground folk traditions with a punk rock vibe and rock ’n’ roll delivery. On his latest album, 2017’s Darkest Darks, Lightest Lights, he blends alternative rock, blues, country and folk in his most electrified release yet. Also on the bill: the Roadkill Ghost Choir. CAT JOHNSON
Thursday January 11th 8:30pm $15/20 Euphoric Styles Presents
KR3TURE, ANDROYD, SHIIVA Friday January 12th 9pm $8/12 Double Bill Dance Party
HARRY & THE HITMEN + COFFEE ZOMBIE COLLECTIVE Saturday January 13th 9pm $10/15 All Star Funk Favorites
KATDELIC Sunday January 14th 4pm $20/25 Afternoon Blues Series With
LYDIA PENSE & COLD BLOOD Sunday January 14th 9pm $10/15 Live Reggae Double Bill With
APTOS ST. BBQ 8059 Aptos St, Aptos
Al Frisby 6-8p
Jimmy Dewrance 6-8p
Virgil Thrasher & Blind Rick 6-8p
Mojo Mix 6-8p
KEYSOR SO$AY, The Pirate, SaChr0me $5 9p
The Box Goth Night 9p
Metal Monday Free 9p
Saucy Square Dance $5 9p
Karaoke 8p-Close
Karaoke 8p-Close
Vintage Point 9p-12:15a
Karaoke 6p-Close
Karaoke 6p-Close
Karaoke 6p-Close
Karaoke 8p-Close
Kage O’Malley Free 8p
Karaoke Free 8p
Swing Dance $5 8:30p Momentum Free 8p
Bananarchy & more Free 8p
SC Jazz Society Free 3:30p
Pool Free 8p
Comedy w/ Shwa Free 8p
Alex Lucero & friends 8-11p
Karaoke 9-12:30a
Karaoke 9-12:30a
THE BLUE LOUNGE 529 Seabright Ave, Santa Cruz
Karaoke w/ Ed Greene 9p
BOARDWALK BOWL 115 Cliff St, Santa Cruz BOCCI’S CELLAR 140 Encinal St, Santa Cruz BRITANNIA ARMS 110 Monterey Ave, Capitola
Big Boi: Daddy Fat, Ozomatli $23/$27 8p Saxxx Tour $30/$35 8p Mustache Harbor, Yacht Rock Explosion $15/$20 8:30p
So Vicious , Phreshly, Relevant, Cocaine Ally $10/$12 8p
Friday January 19th 9pm $10/15
Americana Meets Junkbox Blues
Saturday January 20th 9pm $25/30
wednesday 1/10
The Voice Behind Reggae’s 1st Grammy
so stresed
Rolling Brown Outs, Enemy of My Enemy & more $5 9p
Mexico’s King Of Cumbia Returns
Minor Thirds Trio 7-10p
Thursday January 18th 8:30pm $25/30
Doors 8:30pm/Show 9pm $10 Door
Lloyd Whitely 1p Little Jonny Lawton Blues Mechanics 6-8p 6-8p
Comedy, 80s Night, Safety Dance Free 8:30p
Funk Night Free 9p
CATALYST ATRIUM 1011 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz
Broken Shades 6-8p Minor Thirds Trio 6:30-9:30p
BLUE LAGOON 923 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz
Getaway Dogs 6:30p
AQUARIUS RESTAURANT Santa Cruz Dream Inn 175 W Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz
CATALYST 1011 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz
Matamoska, Be Like Max, La Candelaria $5 7:30p
THE APPLETON GRILL 410 Rodriguez St, Watsonville
Wednesday January 17th 8:00pm $8/12
Sibling Fronted Blues Rock From New York
ABBOTT SQUARE 118 Cooper St, Santa Cruz
thursday 1/11
pat hull
w / jessie marks & chris lynch Doors 8:30pm/Show 9pm $8 Door
friday 1/12
w / POST STREET RHYTHM PEDDLERS Doors 8:30pm/Show 9pm $8 Door
saturday 1/13
Doors 8:30pm/Show 9pm $8 Door
TUESday 1/16
7 COME 11 Show 9pm $5 Door
wednesday 1/17
1305 FAIR AVE. SANTA CRUZ CA 95060 FOR MORE INFO CALL (831) 419-6070
doors 8:30pm/Show 9pm $8 door MIDTOWN SANTA CRUZ 1134 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz
Xavier Wulf, Seshollowaterboyz $25 8:30p
CAVA CAPITOLA WINE BAR 115 San Jose Ave, Capitola
JP The Band Free 6:30-9:30p
CILANTROS 1934 Main St, Watsonville
Hippo Happy Hour 5:30-7:30p
CORK AND FORK 312 Capitola Ave, Capitola
Open Mic Free 7-10p
CREPE PLACE 1134 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz
So Stressed $10 9p
CROW’S NEST 2218 E. Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz
Stella By Starlight $3 8p
Thursday, January 11 • 7:30 pm SAT
John Michael Free 6:30-9:30p KPIG Happy Hour 5:30-7:30p John Michael Free 7-10p
March C Free 7-10p
Pat Hull, Jessie Marks & Chris Lynch $8 9p
Speakeasy 3, Poet Street Rhythm Peddlers $8 9p
Pieces, Ellisa Sun $8 9p
Blue Ocean Rockers $5 8:30p
Joint Chiefs $6 9p
Stormin’ Norman & the Cyclones $7 9:30p
Funk Night ft. 7 Come 11 $6 9p Live Comedy $7 9p
BR Jazz Band Free 6-9p
DAV. ROADHOUSE 1 Davenport Ave, Davenport
Flingo Free 7:30p
West of Nashville Free 8p
HINDQUARTER BAR & GRILLE 303 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz
Karaoke 10p
KUUMBWA 320-2 Cedar St, Santa Cruz
June Core’s Rhythm & Blues Review $25/$30 7 & 9p
Y Knot Free 9p
Sin Sisters Burlesque $20/$40 7:30p
AT THE RIO THEATRE Friday, January 12 • 7 & 9 pm
JUNE CORE’S RHYTHM AND BLUES REVIEW Tickets: brownpapertickets.com Saturday, January 13 • 8:30 pm
SIN SISTERS BURLESQUE Tickets: eventbrite.com
Ginny Mitchel Free 6-9p
Monday, January 15 • 7 pm
Benton St. Blues Band Free 8p
THE FISH HOUSE 972 Main St, Watsonville
VICTOR WOOTEN TRIO FEAT. DENNIS CHAMBERS & BOB FRANCESCHINI Legendary Grammy-winning bassist joined by powerhouse drum and saxophone collaborators.
Reggae Party Free 8p
The Beggar Kings $20 8:30p
DON QUIXOTE’S 6275 Hwy 9, Felton
HENFLING’S 9450 Hwy 9, Ben Lomond
Celebrating Creativity Since 1975
LEW TABACKIN TRIO WITH BORIS KOZLOV & MARK TAYLOR An electrifying flutist/saxophonist who has created his own sound with classic elements. 1/2 PRICE NIGHT FOR STUDENTS!
Penny Rocket Free 4p
Roadhouse Karaoke Free 8p
Lew Tabackin Trio w/ Boris Kozlov & Mark Taylor $30/$35 7p
Thursday, January 18 • 7 pm
ALMIR CORTES QUARTET A virtuoso mandolinist and master of Brazilian instrumental music. 1/2 PRICE NIGHT FOR STUDENTS! Monday, January 22 • 7 pm
JASON MARSALIS QUARTET The youngest sibling of jazz’s first family showcases his skills as a vibraphonist.
1/2 PRICE NIGHT FOR STUDENTS! Thursday, January 25 • 7 & 9 pm
PONCHO SANCHEZ LATIN JAZZ BAND A masterful ensemble led by one of the great congueros of our time. Monday, January 29 • 7 pm
KATIE THIROUX TRIO WITH JUSTIN KAUFLIN & MATT WITEK An up-and-coming triple-threat talent: bassist, vocalist and bandleader extraordinaire. 1/2 PRICE NIGHT FOR STUDENTS! Wednesday, January 31 • 7:30 pm
AT THE RIO THEATRE Thursday, February 1 • 7 pm
STEVE SMITH AND VITAL INFORMATION NYC EDITION Led by a legendary drummer and featuring a who’s who of collaborators from throughout his storied career. Monday, February 5 • 7 pm
PAULA WEST One of the Bay Area’s favorite jazz vocalists. Thursday, February 8 • 7 pm
PAT BIANCHI ORGAN TRIO FEAT. PAUL BOLLENBACK Hammond organ trio with guitarist Bollenback. Unless noted advance tickets at kuumbwajazz.org Dinner served one hour before Kuumbwa prsented concerts. Premium wines & beer available. All ages welcome.
320-2 Cedar St | Santa Cruz 831.427.2227 kuumbwajazz.org
LADYSMITH BLACK MAMBAZO South Africa’s beloved a cappella vocal group; spellbinding and uplifting.
International Music Hall and Restaurant FINE MEXICAN AND AMERICAN FOOD
FLYNN’S CABARET AND STEAKHOUSE will be presenting its Grand Opening soon! Farm-to-table, non-GMO with 40% Vegan, Vegetarian menu. Sat Jan 13
Thu Jan 18
Tues Jan 23
The Beggar Kings
$20 adv./$20 door ages 21+ 8:30pm
MISSION ST. BBQ 1618 Mission St, Santa Cruz
James Murray Free 6p
Live Recreations of Classic Rolling Stones Albums
Fareed Hague & Goran Ivanovic Guitar Duo
MOTIV 1209 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz
A Live Re-creation of a 1960s Doors Concert
NEW BOHEMIA BREWERY 1030 41st Ave, Santa Cruz
Papa’s Bag
99 BOTTLES 110 Walnut Ave, Santa Cruz
Soul Brother #1
$20 adv./$20 door Dance – ages 21+ 8pm
PARADISE BEACH 215 Esplanade, Capitola
featuring Chris Robinson
POET & PATRIOT 320 E. Cedar St, Santa Cruz
Presented by (((folkYEAH!))) $25 adv./$25 door ages 21+ 9pm
THE RED 200 Locust St, Santa Cruz
Dave Brock’s Doors Experience
– James Brown Experience
Green Leaf Rustlers Edge of the West
– Rock n Roll/Americana from Santa Cruz Plus openers Hank and Ella & The Fine Country Band $15 adv./$20 door Dance – ages 21+ 8pm
Thu Feb 8
AC/DC Tribute to The Young Brothers $15 adv./$15 door ages 21+ 7:30pm
Sun Feb 11
Ed Gerhard
Grammy Award-Winning Acoustic Guitarist
$20 adv./$25 door Seated <21 w/parent 7pm Tues Feb 13
Hot Roux
– Louisiana Swamp Rock
$15 adv./$15 door Dance – ages 21+ 7:30pm Thu Feb 15
Front Country
Forging a sound hell bent on merging the musical past with the future
$12 adv./$12 door Dance – ages 21+ 7:30pm Sat Feb 17
Pride & Joy
Legendary Bay Area R&B Band
$20 adv./$20 door Dance – ages 21+ 8pm Thu Feb 22
Tom Russell
– CD Release “Folk Hotel”
$35 adv./$35 door seated <21 w/parent 7:30pm
Fri Feb 23
Langhorne Slim
Presented by ((folkYEAH!))
$15 adv./$18 door Dance – ages 21+ 8pm Sat Feb 24
MOE’S ALLEY 1535 Commercial Way, Santa Cruz
Wild Child –
Cosmic Cali Country music from Marin Fri Jan 26
Muriel Anderson $17/$20 7:30p
$20 adv./$20 door Dance – ages 21+ 8pm Sat Jan 20
WED MICHAEL’S ON MAIN 2591 Main St, Soquel
$20 adv./$20 door seated <21 w/parent 7:30pm
Fri Jan 19
The China Cats
Powerhouse Grateful Dead Tribute
$15 adv./$18 door Dance Ages 21+ 9pm Thur Mar 1
Big Youth
Sat Mar 3
Roots Reggae Sensation, Live and Direct $20 adv./$25 door Dance. Ages 21+ 8pm
Electrifying 14-Piece Tribute to Michael Jackson
$25 adv./$25 door Dance Ages 21+ 8pm COMIN G RIGH T U P
Tue. Mar. 6 Thu. Mar. 8 Fri. Mar. 9 Thur. Mar 15 Fri. Mar. 16 Sat. Mar. 17 Thu. Mar. 22 Sat. Mar. 24 Fri. Mar. 30 Sat. Mar. 31
The Mammals Altan - Traditional Irish Band Zeppelin Live California Kind Locomotive Breath Molly’s Revenge Mary Gauthier Paula Boggs Band The Joint Chiefs Aja Vu
Tickets Now Online at www.donquixotesmusic.com Rockin'Church Service Every Sunday ELEVATION at 10am-11:15am
THE REEF 120 Union St, Santa Cruz RIO THEATRE 1205 Soquel Ave, Santa Cruz
Crunkcertified! 9p
Trivia 8p
THU FRI An Evening of Patrick Maguire & Rye Beatles 7:30p $12/$15 Dayn plus Hilary & SOLD OUT Kate $10/$12 8p
Extra Large $10 8p
SUN Keith Greeninger $25/$30 2p, Grateful Sundays Free 5:30p
Al Frisby Free 6p
Lloyd Whitley Free 6p
Coyote Slim Free 1p Rockin’ Johnny Burgin Free 6p
A.C. Myles Free 6p
Desert Dwellers, Kr3ture & more $15/$20 8p
Harry & the Hitmen $8/$12 8p
Katdelic $10/$15 8p
Lydia Pense & Cold Blood $20/$25 3p Tantanka $10/$15 9p
Libation Lab 9:30p-1:30a
D-ROC 9:30p
Adam Cova 9:30p
Rasta Cruz Reggae Party 9:30p
TBD Free 7p
Rola-J Free 7p
Sasha Dobson $12/$15 7:30p Broken Shades Free 6p
Blues Mechanics Free 6p
Hip-Hop w/ DJ Marc 9:30p Pint & Pottery 8p
Matt Masih & Friends Free 10p-12a Vinny Johnson 2p
Alex Lucero 6p 33rd Annual Jersey Night w/ The Bad Boys 9p
Taylor Rae Band 2p
Open Mic 4 -7p Igam Ogam 9p
Open Mic 8-11p ‘Geeks Who Drink’ Trivia Night 8p
Toby Grey Acoustic Favorites 6:30p
Moshe Vilozny Acoustic/World 6:30p Victor Wooten & more $30/$45 7:30p
Traditional Hawaiian Music 6:30p
Brunch Grooves 12:30p Evening Acoustic 6:30p John McCutcheon $25/$40 7:30p
Brunch Grooves 12:30p Chas Crowder 6:30p
Featured Acoustic 6:30p
James Murray Soulful Acoustic 6:30p
LIVE MUSIC WED ROSIE MCCANN’S 1220 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz
Comedy Night 9p
Open Mic 7:30p Don Karuth Open Jam 8-11p
THE SAND BAR 211 Esplanade, Capitola SANDERLINGS 1 Seascape Resort, Aptos SEABRIGHT BREWERY 519 Seabright, Santa Cruz
Sasha’s Money 8p-12a
Live Again 8p-12a
Golden Shred w/ Eddie Mendenhall & more 7:30-10:30p
Yuji & Steve 7:30-10:30p
Alex Lucero Open Jam 7-11p
Alex Lucero 8-12a
The Do Bros 6:30p
SEVERINO’S BAR & GRILL 7500 Old Dominion Court, Aptos
Don McCaslin & the Amazing Jazz Geezers 6-9:30p
Live Again 7:30-11:30p
Tsunami 8-11:30p
SHADOWBROOK 1750 Wharf Rd, Capitola
Ken Constable 6:30-9:30p
Joe Ferrara 6:30-10p
Claudio Melega 7-10p
SUSHI GARDEN S.V. 5600 Scotts Valley Dr. Scotts Valley
AJ Lee & Jesse Fichman of Blue Summit 5:30p
Jeong Hee Lee 5:30p
Toby Gray 5:30p
UGLY MUG 4640 Soquel Ave, Soquel
Dave Muldawer 5:30p
Freebo & Alice Howe $17/$20
Open Mic w/ Steven David 5:30p Lloyd Whitley Blues Band 6-9p
WHALE CITY 490 Highway 1, Davenport YOUR PLACE 1719 Mission St, Santa Cruz
Ziggy Tarr 6-8p
Willy Bacon 7:30-8:30p
ZELDA’S 203 Esplanade, Capitola
Ziggy Tarr 7-9p
Ziggy Tarr 7-9p
Matt Masih & the Messengers 9:30p
Pacific Roots 9:30p
Ziggy Tarr 11a-1p
1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-429-4135 Friday, January 12 • Ages 16+
Big Boi
Saturday, Jan. 13 Ages 16+ Saturday, January 13 • Ages 16+
Sunday, Jan. 14 Ages 16+ Tuesday, January 16 • Ages 16+
Amazing waterfront deck views.
See live music grid for this week’s bands.
Three live comedians every Sunday night.
Mon–Fri from 3:30pm. Wednesday all night!
Wood-fired pizza, ice cream, unique fine gifts.
Good deals in the dining room, M-Th, lunch and dinner.
NOW SERVING BREAKFAST Open for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Daily
(831) 476-4560
Jan 18 Railroad Earth (Ages 16+) Jan 19 STRFKR/ Reptalians (Ages 16+) Jan 20 Y & T/ Dave Friday Band (Ages 21+) Jan 22 Hippo Campus/ Sure Sure (Ages 16+) Jan 23 The White Buffalo (Ages 16+) Jan 25 & 26 Iration (Ages 16+) Jan 27 Joyner Lucas/ Dizzy Wright (Ages 16+) Jan 31 Fetty Wap (Ages 16+) Feb 1 Of Mice & Men (Ages 16+) Feb 8 The Expendables (Ages 16+) Feb 9 & 10 Tribal Seeds (Ages 16+) Feb 11 J Boog/ Etana (Ages 16+) Feb 12 Mike Gordon (Ages 16+) Feb 17 Dr. Octagon (Ages 16+) Feb 18 Mø & Cashmere Cat (Ages 16+) Feb 20 Datsik/ Space Jesus (Ages 18+) Feb 22 Shooter Jennings (Ages 16+) Feb 23 The Frights (Ages 16+) Feb 24 Hari Kondabolu (Ages 16+) Feb 25 Ty Dolla$ign (Ages 16+) Feb 26 Gogol Bordello (Ages 16+) Mar 4 Molotov (Ages 21+) Mar 9 Andre Nickatina (Ages 16+) Mar 11 The Psychedlic Furs (Ages 16+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 877-987-6487 & online
Jan 27 Thunder From Down Under Presented by Valley Comedy 8pm Feb 16 Dave Davies of The Kinks 8pm Mar 3 Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour 2018 7pm Mar 9 Chris Botti 8pm Mar 10 Whose Live Anyway? 8pm Apr 8 Arlo Guthrie 8pm
Apr 20 Art Garfunkel: In Close-Up 2018 8pm Apr 27 The Wailers 8pm
Victor Wooten John McCutcheon Lez Zeppelin The Comic Strippers Michael Nesmith Lecture: Into Africa Eric Johnson Ladysmith Black Mambazo FEB 04 Leo Kottke FEB 09 Bruce Cockburn FEB 10 A Valentine for Wallace Baine FEB 14 Laura Love Duo FEB 17 Caravan of Glam FEB 20 Beatles vs Stones FEB 22-25 Banff Mountain Film Festival FEB 26 Lisa Fischer & Grand Baton FEB 27 David Rawlings FEB 28 Miles Electric Band MAR 03 Journey Unauthorized MAR 05 Squirrel Nut Zippers MAR 09 Film: Dirtbag MAR 10 Rob Bell APR 12 Jon Foreman APR 14 Modern Jukebox APR 20 House of Floyd JUN 15 The Sammy Awards
Follow the Rio Theatre on Facebook & Twitter! 831.423.8209 www.riotheatre.com
Alison Hunter Therapy Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Specializing in lifestyle changes and transitions related to family life and relationships. Soquel and Capitola locations License # MFC51484
May 11 Rufus Wainwright 8pm May 17
“Weird Al” Yankovic with Special Guest Emo Philips 8pm
For Tickets www.GoldenStateTheatre.com 831-649-1070
They’re having a field day at our farm-fresh salad bar!
Jan 12 Lewis Black: The Joke’s On US Tour 8pm
Upcoming Shows
JAN 11 JAN 13 JAN 19 JAN 20 JAN 26 JAN 27 JAN 30 JAN 31
OLYMPIC ROLE Margot Robbie plays figure skater Tonya Harding in ‘I, Tonya.’
Harding scandal revisited in wry, raucous ‘I, Tonya’
he was famous for all of the wrong reasons. Figure skater Tonya Harding was a child prodigy on the ice who battled her way up the competition circuit to spots on the 1992 and 1994 American Olympic teams. But it all came crashing down after a bizarre knee-bashing attack on her rival teammate, Nancy Kerrigan, in which Harding’s husband and bodyguard were implicated. As Tonya (skillfully played by Margot Robbie) tells us in the faux-documentary, I Tonya, “I was loved. Then I was hated. Then I was a punchline.” Written by Steve Rogers and directed by Craig Gillespie, I, Tonya
is an often raucously entertaining fact-based fiction film that purports to be a documentary detailing the tragi-comic incidents of Harding’s early life and public career, punctuated by interviews with the key players after the fact. This enables the filmmakers to tell the story from a variety of perspectives as the plucky competitor, who was the first American woman ever to stick a triple axel in competition, evolves into the most reviled woman in the world. Along the way, they generate a surprising amount of sympathy for the human being at the center of all that notoriety. The movie’s chief antagonist is Tonya’s mother, LaVona, played
with icy waspishness by an unrecognizable Allison Janney. An embittered, hard-drinking, chainsmoking diner waitress with a violent temper and a vulgar mouth, LaVona bullies skating coach Diane Rawlinson (Julianne Nicholson) into letting Tonya train with her at a Portland, Oregon ice rink. Rawlinson agrees when she sees how naturally little Tonya (Mckenna Grace, who played the pint-sized math genius in Gifted) handles herself on the ice. After the father she adores is driven off by her mom, Tonya becomes the only target for LaVona’s often physical rage against the world. (Mom says she “skates better when she’s afraid.”) Pulled out of school
at 15 to practice full-time, Tonya (now played by Robbie), starts to make an impact on the national circuit—just when she meets Jeff Gillooly (Sebastian Stan), who’s as inexperienced as she is. (Mom goes along on their first date.) Soon, Tonya flees her mom to move in with and finally marry Jeff, only to find herself in another volatile, abusive relationship. Despite scoring some firsts in national and international competitions, the odds are stacked against her. She’s asthmatic, her home life is chaotic, and without deeppocket sponsors to provide glamorous outfits, she has to hand-sew her own. Worse, she rarely earns the scores her skating deserves. When she desperately confronts a judge to ask why, he bluntly tells her she’s “not the image we want to portray.” To level the field, Jeff consults his delusional pal, Shawn Eckardt (Paul Walter Hauser), who still lives in his parents’ basement, yet styles himself an “international counterterrorist operative.” Jeff envisions threatening letters to psych out Tonya’s rival, but Shawn hires a pair of idiot bunglers to “break” Kerrigan’s knees. The result is only a bruise—along with a floodtide of pro-Kerrigan, anti-Tonya public sympathy. Robbie is terrific. Plausibly vulnerable and determinedly gutsy in the early going, her Tonya is full of tart, edgy insights looking back on it all. (The script was partially concocted from real-life taped interviews.) Her danse macabre with the fearsome Janney is spinechilling. And while she often claims that many things she was accused of were not her fault, she never tries to justify herself as a victim. Not even when the perpetrators are given 18-month jail sentences, while Tonya—at age 24—is banned from competitive skating for life. As wacky as the movie’s tone often is, I Tonya delivers a scathing look at gender and class politics, and the hypocritical fantasyland of professional sports. I, TONYA *** (out of four) With Margot Robbie, Sebastian Stan, and Allison Janney. Written by Steve Rogers. Directed by Craig Gillespie. A 30 West/Neon release. Rated R. 120 minutes.
January 10-16
All times are PM unless otherwise noted.
DARKEST HOUR Wed 1/10-Fri 1/12 1:40, 4:25, 7:10, 9:50; Sat 1/13-Mon 1/15 11:00, 1:40, 4:25, 7:10, 9:50;
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Tue 1/16 1:40, 4:25, 7:10, 9:50 THE DISASTER ARTIST Wed 1/10-Tue 1/16 7:20, 10:00 COCO Wed 1/10-Fri 1/12 2:10, 4:40; Sat 1/13-Mon 1/15 11:45, 2:10, 4:40; Tue 1/16 2:10, 4:40 I, TONYA Wed 1/10-Fri 1/12 1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 9:40; Sat 1/13-Mon 1/15 10:50, 1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 9:40; Tue 1/16 1:30,
Must present coupon when ordering. Valid at Portola Dr. location only. Delivery charges may apply. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires 12/21/18
3715 Portola Dr., Santa Cruz 831.477.7760 MountainMikes.com
4:15, 7:00, 9:40
ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD Wed 1/10, Thu 1/11 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:45; Fri 1/12-Tue 1/16 1:30, 9:45 CALL ME BY YOUR NAME Fri 1/12-Tue 1/16 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:50 LADY BIRD Wed 1/10, Thu 1/11 2:20, 4:50, 7:30, 9:50; Fri 1/12 2:45, 5:00, 7:45, 9:55; Sat 1/13-Mon 1/15 12:20,
2:45, 5:00, 7:45, 9:55; Tue 1/16 2:45, 5:00, 7:45, 9:55 THE SHAPE OF WATER Wed 1/10, Thu 1/11 1:40, 4:30, 7:20, 10:00; Fri 1/12 1:50, 4:40, 7:30, 10:05; Sat 1/13-Mon
1/15 11:10, 1:50, 4:40, 7:30, 10:05; Tue 1/16 1:50, 4:40, 7:30, 10:05 THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI Wed 1/10, Thu 1/11 2:00, 4:40, 7:10, 9:40; Fri 1/12 4:25,
7:15; Sat 1/13-Mon 1/15 11:00, 4:25, 7:15; Tue 1/16 4:25, 7:15 PHANTOM THREAD Fri 1/12-Tue 1/16 7:15, 10:00
Call theater for showtimes.
Call theater for showtimes.
CINELUX 41ST AVENUE CINEMA 831.479.3504 Call theater for showtimes.
Call theater for showtimes.
Pancake Breakfast, Basic Burger
Call theater for showtimes.
Basic Breakfast Exp. 1/19/18 Tues-Fri with coupon
Open Tuesâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Sun, 7-2:30p
819 pacific ave., santa cruz 427.0646
FILM NEW THIS WEEK CALL ME BY YOUR NAME This adaptation of the popular novel surprised many by failing to win any Golden Globes, after being nominated for three. Still, stars Timothee Chalamet and Armie Hammer are getting a lot of critical buzz for their work in this story about a 17-year-old (Chalamet) and his budding relationship with his father’s research assistant (Hammer). Luca Guadagnino directs. (R) 132 minutes.
THE COMMUTER Liam Neeson drives too fast on Highway 17, except when it rains and he drives three miles an hour and makes everybody crazy. Well, that’s what he would do if he were a real commuter, but apparently he just plays one in this action movie about a businessman who gets caught up in a criminal conspiracy on his drive home. Don’t forget to check your phone a lot to see how the conspiracy’s going, Liam! Other drivers love that! Jaume Collet-Serra directs. Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson co-star. (PG-13) 104 minutes.
buzz bump from the fact that one of its central performances— Christopher Plummer as the elder Getty—was recast mid-production after original actor Kevin Spacey was accused of sexual assault, requiring Spacey’s scenes to be reshot. Co-starring Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Williams and Timothy Hutton. (R) 132 minutes. COCO Prepare for kids everywhere to go Day-of-the-Dead crazy with the release of this muchanticipated Pixar film about a boy named Coco whose family secrets and dreams of becoming a musician lead him to the Land of the Dead. Lee Unkrich directs. Featuring the voices of Benjamin Bratt, Anthony Gonzalez and Gael Garcia Bernal. (PG-13) 109 minutes.
DARKEST HOUR Just a few years ago, Hollywood trade mags were asking “What’s wrong with Gary Oldman?” after he gave a rambling, profanity-laced interview to Playboy magazine in which he defended Mel Gibson’s anti-semitism and whined about Obama’s supposedly terrible presidency. He then went on the expected apology tour, and here he is playing Winston Churchill in an Oscar-bit World War II movie. Take note, crazy-saying Matt Damon! Luckily, perhaps, avowed libertarian Oldman is unrecognizable in makeup as celebrated reformist Churchill, as director Joe Wright traces the critical decisions Churchill made immediately upon becoming prime minister, ending Britain’s strategy of Nazi appeasement and taking a stand against Hitler. Kristin Scott Thomas, Ben Mendelsohn and Lily James co-star. (PG-13) 127 minutes.
ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD Who doesn’t love a Christmas kidnapping movie? That’s exactly what this latest film from director Ridley Scott is, telling the true story of how billionaire John Paul Getty balked at paying ransom money to the men who kidnapped his grandson in the 1970s. Perversely, it’s gotten a
THE DISASTER ARTIST The most delirious scriptwriter could never invent a character like Tommy Wiseau. Devoid of any actual talent, he became a legendary cult figure as writer, producer, director, and star of The Room, universally acclaimed as the worst movie ever made. With that single act of abomination
PADDINGTON 2 People seemed to like the 2014 adaptation of the popular children’s book, so you better believe there’s a sequel! At the center of the story once again is the (mostly) CGI bear, who can talk and live with humans. This time, he gets to solve a mystery— finally, something realistic! I was beginning to feel like bears were being misrepresented by this series. Directed by Paul King. Starring Ben Whishaw, Hugh Grant and Hugh Bonneville. (PG) 103 minutes.
against cinema history, Wiseau has become the international poster boy for pursuing one's artistic vision — however crackpot it may be. This giddy, lightly fictionalized adaptation of a non-fiction book about making The Room is directed by James Franco, who also stars as Wiseau, in a performance of fascinating weirdness. You don't have to know anything about the movie or its makers to enjoy this affectionate look at outsiders amok in the Hollywood dream factory. (R) 103 minutes. (LJ) FERDINAND The classic children’s book The Story of Ferdinand has not gone out of print since its publication in 1936, so my guess is there will be plenty of enthusiasm for this animated adaptation— unless they changed the ending to make the pacifist bull a world heavyweight champ. Directed by Carlos Saldanha. Featuring the voices of Cena, Kate McKinnon, Anthony Anderson and David Tennant. (PG) 106 minutes. (SP) I, TONYA Reviewed this issue. Starring Margot Robbie as Harding, supported by Sebastian Stan, Allison Janney, and Caitlin Carver (as Kerrigan). (R) 119 minutes. INSIDIOUS: THE LAST KEY So far, this horror franchise has given us exactly one half of a good movie (the first half of the first film), but it keeps right on rolling along. In fact, the scariest thing about the Insidious films might be keeping the timeline straight. The third film was a prequel to the first film, and now this fourth one is a sequel to the prequel, but still comes before the first two films. It continues (er, continues to set up?) the mythology of “the Further,” which is basically an astral purgatory that unlucky kids keep getting stuck in and needing demonologist Elise Rainier to pull them out of. Directed by Adam Robitel. Starring Lin Shaye, Angus Sampson and Leigh Whannell. (PG-13) 103 minutes.(SP) JUMANJI: WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE Teenagers land in avatar bodies in a video-game version of the Jumanji jungle-adventure
game in this late-to-the-party sequel to the 1995 Robin Williams original film. The comedy comes from making the Rock act like a nerd who is reveling in his new muscle-bound body, Kevin Hart play a teen stud who’s reduced to a comedy-relief avatar, and—best of all—Jack Black embody the spirit of a cheerleader who can’t even with this place. Jake Kasdan directs. Karen Gillan, Nick Jonas and Bobby Cannavale co-star. (PG13) 119 minutes. LADY BIRD With Lady Bird, writerdirector Greta Gerwig delivers a wry but warm-hearted portrait of family, home, and dreams in modern America. The family in question is not dysfunctional in any clichéd movie comedy way, but Gerwig captures the gulf of potential calamity in the fractious relationship between a high-school senior (Saoirse Ronan) and her loving, but harried mom (Laurie Metcalf). As in most motherdaughter relationships, one false move or the wrong word might set either one of them off as they try to navigate the minefield of what they think or feel, and their ability (or not) to express it. Odeya Rush and Jake McDorman co-star. (R) 93 minutes. PITCH PERFECT 3 Considering they won the a capella world championship in Pitch Perfect 2, what is there left for the Bellas to do? According to this movie, go on a USO tour. Trish Sie directs. Rebel Wilson, Anna Kendrick, Brittany Snow, Anna Camp and JOhn Lithgow co-star. (PG-13) 93 minutes. THE SHAPE OF WATER You could call it Beauty and the Beast meets The Creature From the Black Lagoon, but that doesn't suggest the profound emotional pull and dramatic resonance of this bewitching new movie from Guillermo del Toro. Sally Hawkins is marvelous as a mute, spinsterish woman mopping floors at a secret, Cold War-era government research facility, who bonds with a captive amphibious man (soulful Doug Jones) — a sentient
being capable of intelligence and compassion. In small deft strokes, theirs becomes one of the most compelling, fanciful, and satisfying love stories of the year — in the name of diversity, tolerance, and the right to fall in love with whoever you choose. Del Toro's sheer joy of filmmaking is contagious in this evocative modern fairy-tale. Michael Shannon and Richard Jenkins co-star. (R) 123 minutes. (LJ) STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI If Disney gets all the Star Wars movies they want, what are they going to have left for subtitles? The Jedi and Sith can only return, get revenge, awaken and strike back so many times. Stay tuned for the blackjack-themed Star Wars spinoff The Force Holds on 17. In the meantime, enjoy this continuation of the Star Wars saga in which … er, Luke does … stuff … Rey … stormtroopers? Look, they keep the plots of these things secret, so your guess is as good as mine. Directed by Rian Johnson. Starring Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver. (PG13) 152 minutes. (SP) THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI Frances McDormand is superb as a middleaged mother with a spectacularly vulgar mouth, a fearless takeno-prisoners attitude, and a relentless drive to see justice done after the unsolved murder of her teenage daughter. Another actress might chomp on the scenery with extra relish and hot sauce, but McDormand plays her small and close, with her volatility —and vulnerability—boiling at the surface. Woody Harrelson and Sam Rockwell are also great in this layered and complex morality play from playwright-filmmaker Martin McDonagh (In Bruges) — once again mixing raucously funny dialogue and irreverent observation of human nature with an uncompromising sense of morality. Directed by McDonagh. Co-starring Sam Rockwell, Abbie Cornish and Peter Dinklage. (R) 115 minutes. (LJ)
DREAM CREAM Orange blossom and black poppy seed coconut and nut-milk ice cream at Malabar, with Cointreau and cherry syrup, raw chocolate and chili. PHOTO: KEANA PARKER
Spice Island
he last time I dined at the only-in-Santa Cruz landmark Malabar, it was in the company of university colleagues hosting the world’s leading vegetarian and animal rights activist, Peter Singer. Every dish served and prepared by Malabar founder Raj Weerasekare was a knockout. Singer proclaimed it his best vegan dinner ever. Last week, we arrived early in order to grab a table at the small, minimally decorated dining room— still a landmark of extraordinary
Asian fusion and South Indian dining after decades in several Santa Cruz locations. Bloodless dining is the rule here, where all of the menu is vegetarian, and much of it vegan. No alcohol, no meat. Spice-intensive and customprepared, the food offers tastebuds a Disneyland of sensations, attractively presented and loaded with unexpected detours into spice combos rarely encountered anywhere else. But up front, let me say that diners must be prepared to be patient. This is intricate food. It takes time to
make, and the owner seems reluctant to delegate. Service last weekend was leisurely to indifferent on our recent visit, with a single entree brought to our table twice. The noise level throbbed, but amid the din we enjoyed a duo creating a moodscape of world music in the background. The dim visual environment doesn’t begin to do justice to the cuisine. Partnered with sparkling water—the menu’s creative fruit and coconut drinks are sweet enough to overwhelm savory entrees—we began with a shared
Malabar is still a landmark of extraordinary South Indian dining BY CHRISTINA WATERS
pear salad ($7.50). Arranged on a long platter were bouquets of frisée and baby arugula, tiny cherry tomatoes plus pear sliced paper-thin across the circumference of the fruit. The effect was quite beautiful, pale green “rings” of pear cushioned by boisterous greens. The salad was dotted with toasted sunflower seeds and tossed in a delicious mango powder and citrus vinaigrette. The place was fully packed by the time we finished our salad, and it was obvious on a Saturday night that the kitchen and lone server (other than Raj) were stretched to the max. One entree finally emerged, an exceptional Kofta India ($11.50) and a copper bowl of tasty brown rice. This dish of classic kofta dumplings was the finest I’ve ever tasted. Fat dumplings of green pea and cashew arrived in a rich tomato coconut curry dotted with thin bits of carrot and roasted fennel, topped with a sprig of fresh cilantro and loaded with complex spices. A thrilling dish, it shows off why Malabar has held its place in local hearts all these years. A second entree followed, again ablaze with complex spicing. Vegetable Korma ($13) is a deluxe presentation of just how sensational vegetables can really be. Topped with golden slices of fried potatoes, the dish’s cashews, squash, carrots, green beans, pistachios, and raisins were enfolded in a curry glowing with the spice heat of cloves and cardamom. The word “wow” comes to mind. The house signature dessert ($7), brought to table by Raj himself, is a cocktail goblet of brilliant vegan ice cream (made by the owner’s wife) dotted with candied black cherries and mandarins, topped by a plume of chocolate. Made of coconut and other nut milks, the ice cream was outstanding and the presentation beautiful. If you require, or simply desire, meat-free dining options without wine and beer accompaniment (though a liquor license may be on the horizon), Malabar is your spot. And not just in Santa Cruz. Were it not for the noise level, and oft-casual service, this restaurant could hold its own anywhere in the country. Dinner from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Closed Monday. 514 Front St., Santa Cruz. Reservations for parties of eight or more.
BIRD IS THE WORD Lalita Kaewsawang of Hanloh whipping up her epic fried chicken at Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing. PHOTO: KEANA PARKER
Wing Nuts The joy of Hanloh pop up BY LILY STOICHEFF
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espite menu items listed in both English and curly Thai script, Hanloh chef and creator Lalita Kaewsawang isn’t necessarily trying to make authentic Thai food. While her menu of Thai street food and home cooking pays homage to the flavors she fell in love with while growing up in a small city outside of Bangkok, a closer look reveals other experiences and influences layered like the flavors in a curry— attending high school in Alice Waters-ruled Berkeley, college at an East Coast liberal arts school, and post-grad kitchen stints in culinary meccas New Orleans and Chicago before returning to California to cook at Michelin-starred Manresa. “It was never about being super authentic,” explains Kaewsawang. “It also has to taste good, to taste clean, while using what’s in season and local products as much as possible.” So whether or not it’s Thai, “If it’s good, it’s good.” And wow, is it good. Whether her ever-changing menu offers eggrolls that crackle and shatter under tooth; yolk-colored Vietnamese crepes stuffed with sausage and decorated with shredded carrot, mint and cilantro; fried curried catfish with
crispy basil and cucumber quick pickles; or a comforting bowl of Panang curry, her lineup is nearly always infallible. Kaewsawang’s recipes evolve with the season and location, which means Hanloh’s menu, like most pop-ups, changes all the time. Thankfully, my favorite dish, Thai fried chicken or gai tod, seems to be a mainstay. Using the whole wing from shoulder to tip, Kaewsawang marinates them overnight in “an overwhelming amount of lemongrass. I feel like it needs quite a bit for the flavors to get through the skin,” she says. Plus cilantro, garlic, coriander, soy sauce, and fish sauce. Right before frying, she dredges the wing in a thin glutenfree rice flour batter so that the skin, rather than the batter, touches the oil and gets super crispy. The accompanying sauce made from fish sauce, tamarind and caramelized palm sugar is the perfect balance of tangy, sweet and sour. Some may wonder, is it Thai? To which I would retort, as I grab a second wing, who cares? Hanloh’s next pop up is at the Monthly Night Market at the Food Lounge on Friday, Jan. 12 from 4-9 p.m. Pop up calendar at hanloh.com.
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ounded in the 1880s by the Hall family, Hallcrest Vineyards has been a local fixture for a long time. John Schumacher www.silvermtn.com bought the property in 1987, and now has more than three decades Live with Passion of winemaking under his belt. His Thirst for Quality Enjoy Silver Mountain Wine 2015 Chardonnay ($36) reflects the A leader in organic and experience of a seasoned grapesustainable practices. Fine Winos grower—the wine first reveals a since 1979. Officiel Winers of the Santa Cruz Symphony. bouquet of Bartlett pears, honey, applesauce, and nectar, followed by a palate dominated by white pepper, In Santa Cruz 402 Ingalls Street 3 -7 Fri, 12 -and 5 Sat -Sun minerals figs. Schumacher says The Winery on Silver Mountain dr, off San Jose - Soquel rd & Miller Cut off, open 12-5 versatile wine when it it’sSaturday a very info@silvermtn.com 408-353-2278 comes to food pairing. On a visit to Hallcrest last September with my Wild Wine Women group, we all took our own lunch and enjoyed a tasting of Hallcrest wines. Schumacher showed us warm hospitality— giving a talk on his winemaking methods around huge containers of fermenting grapes. Not wasting a minute, he was punching them down at the same time. Hallcrest is well worth a visit. They have a cozy tasting room nestled in the redwoods, and you are welcome to bring a picnic and take in the lovely surroundings. As well as their
Come taste the BEST PINOT NOIR…
Versatile Chardonnay 2015 is ready to pair BY JOSIE COWDEN many varietals of wine, Hallcrest also produces Santa Cruz Scrumpy hard cider, made from 13 different varieties of organically grown apples. The cider has no added sulfites, sorbates or preservatives, and is also vegan and naturally gluten free. Besides apple, other cider flavors include pomegranate, cherry, prickly pear, and hopped and spiced. Hallcrest Vineyards/Organic Wine Works, 379 Felton Empire Road, Felton, 3354441. hallcrestvineyards.com. Open daily noon to 5 p.m. Tasting fee is $10 which is waived if you spend $50 or more.
All hail the Philosopher’s Stoneground products, which include sprouted almond butter straight from heaven. This is some of the best almond butter I have tasted, and it’s made in Santa Cruz. Try the Ostara Stone Ground Coconut Butter and the Ostara Stone Ground Cocotella (chocolate coconut butter)—you won’t believe these flavors. Tim Richards is the “Chief Philosopher and Nut Alchemist,” so we have him to thank for these delicious creations. Visit thephilosophersstoneground.com.
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As this column is published, five planets (Mercury, Venus, Sun, Saturn and Pluto) are in Capricorn. It is a most potent stellium (gathering of planets). Saturn entered Capricorn at winter solstice and remains in the sign of the unicorn for two and a half years. Saturn in Capricorn, at first, can feel cold, harsh and difficult. Pluto in Capricorn can produce transformations, making us fall to our knees. Venus in Capricorn pushes for more and more concrete scientific and true information. Mercury in Capricorn tells us to be very careful with how we communicate. With so many planets in Capricorn, our knees, bones and joints can hurt. We can feel time has stopped or we feel limited by time itself. We can experience delays, disappointments, obstructions, walls being built (Berlin Wall built in 1961 with Saturn in Capricorn) and things falling down (like the Berlin Wall, 1989, when Saturn was last in Capricorn) or falling away from us.
Saturn and Capricorn present us with challenges, bringing awareness to crystallizations— areas in life where we are no longer growing. Saturn in Capricorn can also break down crystallizations, eliminating them so new life can eventually come forth. The old is shattered and then reformed into what is useful for the coming new era. With Pluto continuing in Capricorn, there is the promise of regeneration for humanity, the new “rule of Law” lifting the darkness up and into the light, allowing any type of enslavement of humanity to be dissolved. Capricorn is called the sign of “arresting” (periodic arresting). This means, that until the old crumbles and passes away, the new order of things, a new cycle cannot come forth. The stars will see to this new order of things. Life changes for everyone under Saturn in Capricorn.
ARIES Mar21–Apr20
LIBRA Sep23–Oct22
Saturn is restructuring and redefining your relationships, redefining commitment (there is no such thing as fear of commitment), love, marriage, affairs, etc. Or perhaps you are going to redefine what relationships mean and then observe your behavior in them. In partnerships, you will come closer or remain apart. It’s a balancing act. The stars provide courage and strength. Then you become that strength.
A new 28-year cycle begins for you as the past 28 years’ experiences are integrated. Your appearance and how others perceive you will change. All of your virtues will shine forth. You may feel the need for retreat and renewal and thus tending, reinvention, updating and improving yourself. There’s someone you love who also needs tending with the kindness, care and prayer.
Esoteric Astrology as news for week of Jan. 10, 2018
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TAURUS Apr21–May21
Sun. Night
Mon. Night
GEMINI May 22–June 20
Tues. Night
Can you define, recognize and identify your creativity? In the coming months, you will note your creativity emerges from many sources: your childhood, children in your life, love affairs, the art of conversation, or simply walking here and there, to and fro in neighborhoods. What would you want your creativity to be? The opportunity for defining and knowing has arrived.
Weds. Night
CANCER Jun21–Jul20
Your everyday tasks, study, research, and work agendas continue to be assessed and reassessed in order to understand what needs to be done, what’s important, what’s of value, what’s priority, and who can help. During the next two months, the art of Right Relations in daily life along with health and healing matters emerge. You find you’re efficient in all ways. Share resources, care for your health, and remember kindness.
Thurs. Night "DATE NIGHT"
A great inward migration is occurring to you. You’ll be faced with all that’s been hiding, all of your past, anything emotional that has upset you in the past 28 years. You’ll discover habits that no longer work, fears you thought were left behind, and a litany of actions being assessed. All these you’ll tend to like a warrior. The purpose is complete restructuring of self so your future has a solid golden foundation.
SAGITTARIUS Nov22–Dec20 I wish much for you; that your hopes, wishes and dreams be fulfilled. In the coming months, certain groups of people with specific new ideas are of interest to you. You discover the need to share and create community that serves humanity. You bring liberty, love, light and happiness to everyone. You realize these aspirations. You will be tested as to your seriousness. New structures will be formed. Success follows.
You may find yourself turning from the outer world and turning inward, turning to your inner sanctum, home, gardens, and what you define as refuge. Some will remember their childhood, how they were nurtured, educated, cared for, fed, and the values shared. Some will go about beautifying and redecorating. Some will attend culinary school. A new beginning sought. New self-redefining follows.
You are the goat that turns into a unicorn on the top of the mountain. Assessing how the world sees you, realize how dedicated you’ve been in helping others succeed. You outline what you now need to feel rewarded and recognized socially and monetarily. Your life direction begins to emerge and soon a foundation is built with new goals. Life changes. There may be some spectacular travel. Summon the Angel of Beauty to travel with you.
LE0 Jul21–Aug22
AQUARIUS Jan21–Feb18
Your communications and community work in the world will be redefined. So often, you are recognized for the creative quality of your work and ability to be leader. Now new community, leadership and communication phases will be needed. You will assess how, what, when, where and with whom to accomplish these tasks. You will define the context. Simultaneously, tend to siblings with compassion and understanding.
You’ll become a bit more philosophical, ponder upon higher education, read more and observe life from an ever-widening lens. Some will become or interact with lawyers, priests, adventurers, philosophers, writers and intellectuals. You may travel. All previous beliefs will be challenged. In your selfevaluation, you’ll understand greater realities. Meaningful events and people enter your life. You embrace them. Love happens.
VIRGO Aug23–Sep22 Open 7 days | 476.4900 215 Esplanade, Capitola Village paradisebeachgrille.com
SCORPIO Oct23–Nov21
In the next months, notice your values shifting, changing, redefining. With the new Saturn in Capricorn energies you will assess, question and ascertain exactly what money and resources mean to you. New values will emerge. You’ll seek ways of solidifying and building what you have. You’ll think many revelatory thoughts for many months. A love of something new emerges. It makes you happy.
PISCES Feb19–Mar20 The next months are important for evaluating your work, social media, how your work is presented to the world, how to proceed, its value, financial structures, and what others expect from you in terms of resources. You have been free and easy with everything, from personal interactions to money. You will adapt to changes as they appear. Define exactly what is needed, ask for assistance, have patience. All that we ask for, eventually is given.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 17- 1958. The following General Partnership is doing business as SALTY CONSTRUCTION GROUP. 3320 SAMUEL PLACE, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95062. County of Santa Cruz. JOSHUA JAMES JACQUARD, & JESSE RAY RAMSEY. 3320 SAMUEL PLACE, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95062. This business is conducted by a General Partnership signed: JESSE RAY RAMSEY. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above is NOT APPLICABLE. This statement was filed with Gail L. Pellerin, County Clerk of Santa Cruz County, on Dec. 4, 2017. Dec. 20, 27, & Jan. 3, 10.
commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 12/1/2017. This statement was filed with Gail L. Pellerin, County Clerk of Santa Cruz County, on Dec. 6, 2017. Dec. 20, 27, & Jan. 3, 10.
Santa Cruz. CONRAD SEALES. 125 WATER ST, STE. C, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060. This business is conducted by an Individual signed: CONRAD SEALES. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 11/1/2017. This statement was filed with Gail L. Pellerin, County Clerk of Santa Cruz County, on Dec. 7, 2017. Dec. 20, 27 & Jan. 3, 10.
NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 17-1923 The following Individual is doing business as 7 CHAKRA ASTROLOGY. 444 WHISPERING PINES DR., SCOTTS VALLEY, CA 95066. County of Santa Cruz. HOWLA JARDALI. 444 WHISPERING PINES DR., SCOTTS VALLEY, CA 95066. This business is conducted by an Individual signed: HOWLA JARDALI. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above is NOT APPLICABLE. This statement was filed with Gail L. Pellerin, County Clerk of Santa Cruz County, on Nov. 27, 2017. Dec. 20, 27 & Jan. 3, 10.
INSTALLATIONS. 529 FREDERICK ST, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95062. County of Santa Cruz. ARAUJO RANIERI NUNES. 529 FREDERICK ST, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95062. This business is conducted by an Individual signed: ARAUJO RANIERI NUNES. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above is NOT APPLICABLE. This statement was filed with Gail L. Pellerin, County Clerk of Santa Cruz County, on Dec. 11, 2017. Dec. 27 & Jan. 3, 10, 17.
hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING January 29, 2018 at 8:30 am, in Department 5 located at Superior Court of California, 701 Ocean Street. Santa Cruz, CA 95060. A copy of this order to show cause must be published in the Good Times, a newspaper of general circulation printed in Santa Cruz County, California, once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. Dated: Dec. 13, 2017. Denine J. Guy, Judge of the Superior Court. Dec. 20, 27, & Jan. 3, 10.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 17-2058 The following Individual is doing business as ZEN MEDICAL THERAPY INSTITUTE. 1003 SMITH GRADE, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060. County of Santa Cruz. JACQUELINE AMAR SAKAI. 1003 SMITH GRADE, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060. This business is conducted by an Individual signed: JACQUELINE AMAR SAKAI. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 3/18/2016. This statement was filed with Gail L. Pellerin, County Clerk of Santa Cruz County, on Dec. 21, 2017. Jan. 3, 10, 17, & 24.
registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above is NOT APPLICABLE. This statement was filed with Gail L. Pellerin, County Clerk of Santa Cruz County, on Dec. 22, 2017. Jan. 3, 10, 17, 24.
real estate
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 17-1980 The following Individual is doing business as SANTA CRUZ PACIFIC ACCOUNTING AND TAX. 125 WATER ST, STE. C, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060. County of
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 17-2011 The following Individual is doing business as CLOSET CREATIONS, COAST LINE CARPENTRY. 113 WENDELL STREET, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060. County of Santa Cruz. AARON YELLAND. 113 WENDELL STREET, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060. This business is conducted by an Individual signed: AARON YELLAND. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above is NOT APPLICABLE. This statement was filed with Gail L. Pellerin, County Clerk of Santa Cruz County, on Dec. 11, 2017. Dec. 20, 27 & Jan. 3, 10. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS
CHANGE OF NAME IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ. PETITION OF KEVIN HENRY TONG CHANGE OF NAME CASE NO.17CV03163. THE COURT FINDS that the petitioner KEVIN HENRY TONG has filed a Petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for an order changing the applicants name from: KEVIN HENRY TONG to: VIN CLOVER. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 17-2042 The following Individual is doing business as BECCA 'Z' DESIGNS. 2121 LAUREL GLEN, SOQUEL, CA 95073. County of Santa Cruz. REBECCA ZWANETT MEYER. 2121 LAUREL GLEN, SOQUEL, CA 95073. This business is conducted by an Individual signed: REBECCA ZWANETT. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 12/18/2017. This statement was filed with Gail L. Pellerin, County Clerk of Santa Cruz County, on Dec. 19, 2017. Dec. 27 & Jan. 3, 10, 17.
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 17-2008 The following Individual is doing business as FRIENDLY
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 17- 2061. The following General Partnership is doing business as EXPENDAFARMS. 3045 ARLINGTON ROAD, APTOS, CA 95003. County of Santa Cruz. RAUL BIANCHI, RYAN DEMARS, ADAM PATTERSON & GEOFFREY WEERS. 3045 ARLINGTON ROAD, APTOS, CA 95003. This business is conducted by a General Partnership signed: RAUL BIANCHI. The
CHANGE OF NAME IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ. PETITION OF ELIAS LOPEZ JR. CHANGE OF NAME CASE NO.17CV03298. THE COURT FINDS that the petitioner ELIAS LOPEZ JR. has filed a Petition for Change of Name with the clerk of this court for an order changing the applicants name from: ELIAS LOPEZ JR. to: NICOLAS SANTIAGO LOPEZ. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 17-1978 The following Individual is doing business as PLEASURE POINT LIQUOR & MINI MART. 4000 PORTOLA DRIVE, STE A/B , SANTA CRUZ, CA 95062. County of Santa Cruz. CHRISTOPHER LOM TAN. 4000 PORTOLA DRIVE, STE A/B , SANTA CRUZ, CA 95062. This business is conducted by an Individual signed: CHRISTOPHER LOM TAN. The registrant
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 17-1979 The following Individual is doing business as EMISSION FREE DELIVERY INSTITUTE. 100 WINFIELD WAY, APTOS, CA 95003. County of Santa Cruz. RICK J. NASON. 100 WINFIELD WAY, APTOS, CA 95003. This business is conducted by an Individual signed: RICK J. NASON. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above is NOT APPLICABLE. This statement was filed with Gail L. Pellerin, County Clerk of Santa Cruz County, on Dec. 6, 2017. Dec. 20, 27 & Jan. 3, 10.
show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING February 13, 2018 at 8:30 am, in Department 10 located at Superior Court of California, 701 Ocean Street. Santa Cruz, CA 95060. A copy of this order to show cause must be published in the Good Times, a newspaper of general circulation printed in Santa Cruz County, California, once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition. Dated: Dec. 28, 2017. Denine J. Guy, Judge of the Superior Court. Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31.
Individual signed: MARK EBRAHIMIAN.DMD. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 9/1/1997. This statement was filed with Gail L. Pellerin, County Clerk of Santa Cruz County, on Jan. 3, 2018. Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31.
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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 18-0019 The following Individual is doing business as HARBOR DENTAL. 2112 SOQUEL AVENUE, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95062. County of Santa Cruz. MARK EBRAHIMIAN.DMD. 2112 SOQUEL AVENUE, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95062. This business is conducted by an
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 17-2072 The following Corporation is doing business as LION CRAFT. 1085 SUMMIT RD., WATSONVILLE, CA 95076. County of Santa Cruz. TEO BROMA GROUP. 1085 SUMMIT RD., WATSONVILLE, CA 95076. Al# 3957319. This business is conducted by a Corporation Signed: RON LION. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name listed above on 5/1/2017. This statement was filed with Gail L. Pellerin, County Clerk of Santa Cruz County, on Dec. 27, 2017. Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31.
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WEEKLY SPECIALS Good th r u 1/16/18
■ PORK CHOPS, Center Cut/ 3.98 Lb
■ HONEY HAM, Sweet Slice/ 8.49 Lb
■ ZOLA, “Crack The Coconut”, 17.5oz/ 2.89 ■ ZICO, “100% Natural”, 33.8oz/ 6.49
■ TIGER PRAWNS, Large Shell on/ 13.98 Lb ■ WHITE PRAWNS, Large, Peeled and Deveined/ 14.98 Lb
“Old Fashioned”, 8oz/ 3.99 ■ TILLAMOOK SHARP CHEDDAR,
“Mexican & Mozzarella”, 6oz/ 5.09 ■ GALBANI STRING CHEESE, “Pepper Jack &
■ BANANAS, Always Ripe/ .89 Lb ■ AVOCADOS, Ripe and Ready to Eat/ 1.89 Ea ■ FUJI APPLES, Premium Quality/ 1.49 Lb ■ WHITE MUSHROOMS, Great as a Side Dish/ 2.99 Lb
Australian Wines
Mozzarella”, 10oz/ 4.09
Cheese - Best Selection in Santa Cruz ■ WISCONSIN SHARP CHEDDAR, “rBST Free” Average Cuts/ 5.29 Lb Loaf Cuts/ 5.09 Lb ■ DOMESTIC SWISS, “A Classic”/ 4.99
Butter & Iceberg/ 1.19 Ea
■ SATSUMA MANDARINS, Sweet and Easy to Peel/ 1.79 Lb
■ BROWN MUSHROOMS, Peak Quality/ 3.39 Lb
■ NAVEL ORANGES, Sweet and Juicy/ 1.19 Lb ■ PINK FLESH Grapefruit/ .79 Ea
■ 2013 TRUVÉE Red, Cental Coast, (Reg 20.99)/ 8.99 ■ 2012 CANTO DE ALCALA, Red Blend, (91WE, 91S, Reg 24.99)/ 9.99 ■ 2012 ESTANCIA, Pinot Noir Reserve, (Reg 29.99)/ 12.99 ■ 2014 ROTHSCHILD, Bordeaux, (Reg 21.99)/ 9.99 ■ 2013 ANGUS THE BULL, Cabernet Sauvignon, (Reg 19.99)/ 9.99
“Without Antibiotics”, 6oz/ 4.49
“Baby Loaf”, 2lb/ 13.09 ■ ORGANIC VALLEY SHREDDED,
■ SWORDFISH STEAKS, Fresh/ 14.98 Lb
■ ORGANIC BANANAS, A Healthy Snack / .99 Lb
2012 METZ ROAD CHARDONNAY 92 Points Wine Enthusiast Reg 29.99 Incredible Value at 9.99
Incredible Reds
■ BAY SHRIMP MEAT, Fully Cooked/ 13.98 Lb
■ LEAF LETTUCE, Red, Green, Romaine,
■ WILD TURKEY, 101 Proof/ 14.99 ■ BUFFALO TRACE/ 24.99 ■ RITTENHOUSE RYE/ 24.99 ■ SAZERAC RYE/ 29.99 ■ EAGLE RARE/ 31.99
■ DANISH HAM/ 8.49 Lb
Remove fish from marinade and place on grill rack. Grill for 5-6 minutes, turning once.
■ AMY & BRIAN, “Be Better”, 17.5oz/ 2.79
Preheat grill to high.
Drizzle with remaining marinade and serve with potatoes, lime wedges and mixed salad.
■ C20, “Live Rejuvenated”, 17.5oz/ 2.69 ■ VITA COCO, “Hydrate Naturally”, 16.9oz/ 2.99
Add swordfish steaks and coat well with the mixture. Leave to marinate for 15 minutes.
Coconut Water
Place ginger and garlic in a small bowl and mix together to form a paste. Add the lemon juice, spring onions, chile and oil, then mix again.
■ SIERRA NEVADA, Assorted 6 Pack, 12oz/ 8.99 + CRV ■ BLUE MOON, “Belgian White”, 6 Pack, 12oz/ 7.99 + CRV ■ PERONI, “Italian Lager”, 6 Pack, 11.2oz/ 8.49 + CRV ■ ALESMITH, “Double Red”, 6 Pack, 12oz/ 12.99 + CRV ■ HERMITAGE BREWING Co., “Citra” IPA, 22oz/ 4.99 + CRV
■ BLUE BUDDHA TEA, 3 Kinds, 14oz, (Reg 1.99)/ .99
– 2 1⁄2 cm gingerroot, peeled and finely chopped – 2 garlic cloves, crushed – 1 lemon, juice of, only – 2 spring onions, chopped – 1 red chile, deseeded and finely chopped – 2 tablespoons olive oil – 4 swordfish steaks
Best Buys, Local, Regional, International
3.99+CRV ■ CLOVER COTTAGE CHEESE, 16oz/ 1.89
Local, Organic, Natural, Specialty, Gourmet ALL NATURAL USDA Choice beef & lamb only corn-fed Midwest pork, Rocky free-range Compare & Save chickens, Mary’s air-chilled chickens, ■ ZEVIA, “Zero Calorie Soda”, 6 Pack, wild-caught seafood, Boar’s Head products. 12oz Cans/ 2.99+CRV PORK ■ SPINDRIFT, Sparkling Water, 4 Pack, 12oz Cans/
■ STELLA PARMESAN, “Domestic”/ 7.99 Lb
Clover Sonoma
■ 2013 3 RINGS, Shiraz, (92WS)/ 17.99 ■ 2013 TAIT, Ball Buster, (91WA)/ 15.99 ■ 2015 ROBERT OATLEY, Chardonnay, (94H)/ 15.99 ■ 2009 FRANKLAND ESTATE, Syrah (94W&S, Reg 43.99)/ 29.99 ■ 2010 GLAETZER WALLACE, Shiraz/Grenache, (91WA)/ 26.99
Connoisseur’s Corner
■ 2011 BOLLA AMARONE, (Reg 59.99)/ 29.99 ■ ORGANIC LOWFAT YOGURT, 6oz/ .89 ■ 2013 ASCHERI BAROLO, (94WE, Reg 44.99)/ 34.99 ■ ORGANIC WHOLE MILK GREEK YOGURT, 5.3oz/ 1.49 ■ 2014 PRODUTTORI BARBARESCO, (94WA)/ 39.99 ■ ORGANIC KEFIR, 32oz/ 3.79 ■ 2011 GAJA CA’MARCANDA PROMIS, Toscana, (93WA)/ 49.99 ■ ORGANIC MILK, 1/2 Gallon/ 3.89 ■ 2000 DAMILANO BAROLO RISERVA (95JS)/ 71.99 ■ ORGANIC MILK, Gallon/ 6.99
LORNA GRAY, 37-Year Customer, Santa Cruz
Occupation: Dental hygienist Hobbies: Riding horses, gardening/cultivating bee habitats, RVing, cooking Astrological Sign: Pisces Is Shopper’s your go-to-market? Yes, I shop here at least four days a week. Shopper’s is not only convenient to where I live but it’s the best grocery store. I love Shopper’s! You walk in the door and you’ve got the wooden floors — how good does that get?! It’s like 1950’s home… I like the size of the store. It’s cozy. I like that I know where everything is, and if I can’t find something, I’ll ask Dennis. He’s been here forever. I stop in at all times, including as early as 6:30 am when commuting to Salinas, to pick up Pacific Cookie Company goodies for my boss, ‘Mr. Health!’ Shopper’s is charming, and I think on-site ownership is an an important aspect.
Important, how so? I was shopping here when Jim’s (Beauregard) dad, Bud and his partner, Vin Williams, ran the store. Now you can talk with Jim, and his son, Andre. Thing runs so smoothly. The checkers are very friendly and efficient: I can get in and out faster than any other store in in the area. I think the produce is perfect and the meats are the best in town, because of the high quality, plus the butchers are fun to shoot the breeze with. The guys are real pros, I’ve see them in the locker room and I appreciate that nothing is precut or packed in styrofoam. You know what else I like? Shopper’s unbelievable wines. I usually get an Alfaro wine; Shopper’s carries it all and at all levels.
What do you like to cook? From Asian to Italian to barbecue to California and more. It seems like Shopper’s has whatever I’m looking for — a terrific pasta selection, fantastic Spanish olive oils, sombal oelec, a spicy Asian hot sauce, and more. Shopper’s is known for carrying great local products such as the produce, of course, as well as the coffees, Avida scones, the best I’ve ever had, and Companion breads — are you kidding me?! I see a ton of my patients here: I’m talking old Santa Cruz, the people that have kept this town going and connected to community. I just had a chance meeting with a new UCSC big wig. I told her, ‘Shopper’s has the best of everything.’
“I think the produce is perfect and the meats are the best in town, because of the high quality, plus the butchers are fun to shoot the breeze with.”
Corner: Soquel & Branciforte Avenues 7 Days: 6am-9pm
| Meat: (831) 423-1696 | Produce: (831) 429-1499 | Grocery: (831) 423-1398 | Wine: (831) 429-1804
Superb Products of Value: Local, Natural, Specialty, Gourmet ■ Neighborly Service for 80 Years