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OCTOBER 5, 2018

Hollister’s martial master

Preader earns martial arts instructor of the year


A supplement to the Hollister Free Lance

Mark Preader receives honors



A New SV Media publication

Friday, October 5, 2018

sanbenito.com • Vol. 145, No. 40 • $1

Planners OK first steps for ‘the 400 Block’ UNANIMOUS VOTE ON THE ARCHITECT APPLICATION By Jaqueline McCool Reporter

➝ 400 Block, 11

Robert Eliasont

For nearly 30 years “the 400 block” in Hollister has sat vacant, part of a longterm plan to develop the site in the center of city, the last reminder of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake. Since 2016, plans for a mixed-use commercial/ residential/office structure at the corner of San Benito and Fourth streets have been a point of controversy within the City Council. A Hollister Planning Commission vote Sept. 27 set the stalled revised plans back in motion. The commission unanimously approved the site and architectural application for a “philanthropic building” and mixed-use space at the site. The City Council may finally be voting on these plans for the space as early as January 2019.

PASSIONATE TEACHER Owner Mark Preader helps students of all ages refine their skills, develop their strengths and discover their talents at Enterprise Academy of Martial Arts.

Martial arts are in all sizes

Though Mark Preader has been involved in the Hollister martial arts scene since 2006, he ventured out to create his own institute in 2015—Enterprise Academy of Martial Arts.

Robert Eliasont

Preader’s 2,800-square-foot facility accommodates 125 students, ages 3-58. His academy teaches mixed martial arts such as tae kwon do, kickboxing, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, eskrima, arnis and kali. Students 3-12 years old are given agespecific training, focusing on their physical, emotional, intellectual and social growth. Complete story in San Benito magazine inside.

BOXING BOY Student Cooper Pengelly takes tips on the punching bag from instructor Mark Preader, owner at Enterprise Academy of Martial Arts in Hollister.

Council candidates talk about the issues READERS SEEK CANDIDATES’ POSITIONS ON CITY STREETS, DOWNTOWN, JOB GROWTH By Jaqueline McCool Reporter

The Nov. 6 election is just one month away, when

Hollister voters will be selecting a majority of the City Council. Council seats in Districts 2, 3 and 4 are all open in the upcoming election. In District 2 the candidates are Mickie Solorio-Luna and Rolan Resendiz. In District 3 the candidates are Raul Escareno, Honor Spencer and Elia Salinas. The

District 4 candidates are Marty Richman and Salvador Mora. To help voters understand where candidates stand, the Hollister Free Lance asked residents what they wanted to hear from their city leaders. Using comments taken from Facebook, the Free Lance sent candidates three questions that address some of

the core concerns of Hollister residents. Each candidate was allotted approximately 50 words per question and responded via an emailed statement. Candidates with no statements chose not to respond to the Free Lance offer. Here are their statements.

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Salvador Mora 1. Street repairs

We need to hold elected officials accountable to spending and dedicating much-needed funds toward pavement ➝ Council Issues, 8



OCTOBER 5, 2018

Panetta: Farm Bill fate is tied to GOP AG CHAIRMAN WON’T BUDGE ON FOOD STAMP WORK REQUIREMENT By Barry Holtzclaw Managing Editor

Barry Holtzclaw

The 2018 Farm Bill expired Sept. 30, and Congressman Jimmy Panetta said that unless his House Agriculture Committee chair softens on President Donald Trump’s new work requirements for food stamp recipients, farm programs will begin to suffer in the new year. In an interview this week, Panetta, whose district includes half of Gilroy and all of San Benito County, said legislation like the Farm Bill, which is up for renewal every five years, needs bipartisan agreement to succeed. “I am still hopeful that the House and Senate negotiators are able to come together to work out differences,” Panetta said in an interview this week. “I hope we can get it done in the lame duck session.” He said Texas Republican Michael Conaway, chair of the House Agriculture Committee, of which Panetta is a member, is the lone stumbling block to resolving differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. The bill narrowly passed the house 213-211. The Senate version was approved on a bipartisan vote, 89-11. The House bill includes a new work requirement for food stamp recipients,

NEW CROP Another planting of greens is growing in San Benito County. which had little support in the Senate. “I’m completely open to talking about SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or food stamps) and how we can improve it,” Panetta said. “We had 23 hearings on SNAP, with 89 witnesses, and no one talked about the changes that ended up in the proposed Farm Bill. It’s a perfect example of what’s wrong with Congressional leadership.”

“You’re not going to see any agreement out of the conference committee if the SNAP changes are in it,” Panetta predicted. “Our farmers are facing a tremendous amount of unpredictability and uncertainty,” he said, with new tariffs as well as the Farm Bill hangup. The 2013 farm bill expired Sunday, ending dozens of programs and putting others in a holding pattern until four key lawmakers either

produce a replacement bill or seek some form of extension of the now defunct law. The four principal negotiators working on a 2018 farm bill say they hope to resolve differences between House and Senate versions and have a conference report ready in October for a vote in the lame duck session in November or December. In August, the American Farm Bureau Federation said, “In light of the steep,

ongoing downturn in the farm economy, growing farm debt and lost access in some of farmers’ and ranchers’ biggest international markets, on-time completion of the Farm Bill is a must.” With the expiration of the farm bill, major programs such as crop insurance and SNAP, formerly known as the food stamp program, will continue because they are either permanently authorized in other laws or funded by appropriators.

Other programs such as the Conservation Reserve Program, which provides 10- and 15-year contracts to farmers who take environmentally sensitive land out of production, continue to operate but cannot make new agreements or award new grants. Programs to aid military veteran entering farming, trade promotion and small rural businesses shut down with the Farm Bill’s expiration.

3 OCTOBER 5, 2018




OCTOBER 5, 2018

Measure X campaign gains momentum ALL GAVILAN CAMPUSES STAND TO BENEFIT Scott Forstner Reporter

A $65,000 check from the Associated Students of Gavilan College, key endorsements from local and regional community leaders and a well-attended kickoff party have gotten the “Yes For Gavilan College, Yes on Measure X” campaign off to an energetic and optimistic start. The local community college, which serves south Santa Clara and San Benito counties with a main Gilroy campus and satellite campuses in both Morgan Hill and Hollister, is asking its Gavilan College Joint District voters to approve a $248 million bond in the Nov. 6 election. Measure X, as it is tagged on the ballot, is just the third bond measure developed over the 100year history of Gavilan College, which used an initial bond in 1965 to build the Gilroy campus and a 2004 Measure E bond of $108 million to upgrade the main campus as well as purchase land for future expansion of Hollister site, plus the creation of the Coyote Valley Center on a 55-acre plot on Bailey Avenue in south San Jose. “Our fundraising efforts have been going on about four weeks now, and we are doing great,” said Esmeralda Montenegro, who heads up the development, events and fundraising for the “Yes For Gavilan College, Yes on Measure X” committee.

“We’ve received great support from the Associated Students of Gavilan College. Our goal is to raise a little more than $200,000, and we are on our way.” Along with the $65,000 check from the ASGC, Montenegro said they have already reached 68 percent of that campaign funding goal (more than $100,000) with other donations coming via industry and individual partners “and more coming along every week.” Montenegro, a Gilroy resident and former Gavilan College instructor, is one of 13 committee members who meet every other week and remain in constant contact as new opportunities present themselves to help support Measure X. “I really value education, and Gavilan College is our local college and it needs a lot of TLC,” said

Montenegro, who helped another bond measure get approval at another community college. “I gained some experience that way. I’m happy to be able to assist with Measure X and use all that I learned two years ago from that campaign.” According to the committee, Measure X funds will: • Repair or replace leaky roofs, old rusty plumbing, and faulty electrical systems where needed; • Upgrade and add classrooms, labs and career training facilities for science, math, engineering, and technology; • Upgrade and add classrooms and labs to help local students complete the first two years of college affordably, and transfer to the Cal-State or UC systems; • Expand the Veterans’ Center to provide job training, job placement, counseling and support

MEASURE X Gavilan Joint Community College District School Bond 55 percent required to approve “Gavilan College Affordable Education/Job Training/College Transfer/Veterans Support Measure” To upgrade classrooms, science, healthcare, technology, engineering/career training labs, repair aging facilities, shall Gavilan Joint Community College District’s measure authorizing $248 million in bonds at legal rates, levying 2 cents/$100 assessed value, $14 million annually while bonds are outstanding, constructing, acquiring, repairing classrooms, facilities, sites/ equipment, Veterans Center, adding a campus in San Benito County, improving local access to affordable education, with citizen oversight, all money locally controlled

services to military veterans and their families; • Improve access for students with disabilities; • Improve student safety and campus security systems including security lighting, security cameras, emergency communications systems, smoke detectors, fire alarms and sprinklers; • Add a campus in San Benito County, and labs and classrooms at the Coyote Valley Center, to offer a much larger selection of classes, certificated programs and degrees; • Renovate the aging College library to meet modern standards for technology and research. “The impact will be huge,” said Montenegro of the potential $248 million bond measure. “(Gavilan) needs a lot of facility improvements. … In Hollister, it would mean a brand-new campus that would allow students to stay near their homes and avoid the drive (to Gilroy). It would just make it a lot easier for those students.” Elizabeth Williams, a full-time student at Gavilan and an employee at the welcome center at the Gilroy campus, supports Measure X because it will make the the college “more accessible for everyone.” “Gavilan College has been a huge foundation for me (in) understanding the skills I need to be successful and for me to be able to continue on to a UC,” said the 21-year-old Morgan Hill resident who commutes daily to the Gilroy campus. “We have so many great students at Gavilan College and so many people who need that foundation, and Gavilan provides that foundation.”

MEASURE E (2004) $108 million bond Approved November 2004 56.75 percent voted in favor Completed Measure E-funded Projects: Tennis court repairs; Boiler replacement; Infrastructure replacement; Computer replacement; Enterprise Resource System; Interim housing; Parking lot expansion/resurfacing; Renovations of Mathematics, Physical Science, Life Sciences, Art, Music, Humanities, Security and Facilities, and Multipurpose buildings; Land purchaseCoyote Valley; Land purchase-San Benito County; Cosmetology/Business Renovation; Roof repair for gymnasium and science buildings; Campus and building signage; Social Science building; Gilroy Campus modernization project; San Martin airport instructional facility for aviation; Coyote Valley Phase I; Student Center retrofit; San Martin Aviation facility; Swimming pool and gymnasium renovation; Habitat mitigation, Coyote Valley and San Benito County; Athletics fields

Williams, who works with students to help set their class schedules, said certain students are limited in what classes they can take based on the class location and time. “It’s a huge burden because the traffic coming from Hollister is intense,”added Williams, who plans to go from Gavilan to a four-year school and major in psychology. “They can’t register for certain classes” because traffic prevents them from getting there. A bond measure must pass a 55 percent threshold for approval. In 2004, Measure E won by a slim margin, earning 56.75 percent (11,217 votes) of the vote. During that election, voter approval of the measure hovered below the required 55 percent for much of the evening before receiving

56.1 percent of the vote in Santa Clara County and 55.9 percent in San Benito County, according to our 2004 news reports. Gavilan’s board of trustees decided to move forward with Measure X after hearing encouraging results from two surveys conducted by a polling firm. Then, at a July 10 meeting, the trustees unanimously approved putting the new bond measure on the Nov. 6 ballot. Measure X has already garnered a slew of endorsements, including Santa Clara County District 1 Supervisor Mike Wasserman; San Benito County Chamber of Commerce CEO Candace Ledesma; Gilroy Mayor Roland Velasco; Morgan Hill Mayor Steve Tate; and Morgan HIll Chamber of Commerce President John Horner.


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Ace stores are independently owned and operated. The prices in this advertisement are suggested by Ace Hardware Corporation, Oak Brook, IL. Individual retailer regular and sale prices may vary by store, which may impact actual savings amounts in either direction. Except for Red Hot Buys, which extend through the end of the month, and except as otherwise stated, prices advertised in this circular are valid at participating stores through October 29, 2018, while supplies last. Sale and Instant Savings dates set forth herein are national dates suggested by Ace Hardware Corporation and may vary by local retailer. See local retailer in-store signage for details. Offers, Ace Rewards® benefits, product selection/color, sale items, clearance and Ace everyday lowand prices, return The and prices rain-check and quantities may all by varyAce by Hardware store, as well as from acehardware.com. Ace closeout stores areitems, independently owned operated. in thispolicies, advertisement are suggested Corporation, Oak Brook, IL. Some items may require Ace ismay not vary responsible printing typographical errors. amounts in either direction. Except for Red Hot Buys, Individual retailer regular assembly. and sale prices by store,forwhich mayorimpact actual savings

Ace stores are independently owned and operated. The prices in this advertisement are suggested by Ace Hardware Corporation, Oak Brook, IL. Individual retailer regular and sale prices may vary by store, which may impact actual savings amounts in either direction. Except for Red Hot Buys, which extend through the end of the month, and except as otherwise stated, prices advertised ® in this circular are valid at participating stores through October 29, 2018, while supplies last. Sale and Instant Savings dates set forth herein are national dates suggested by Ace Hardware Corporation and ® may vary by local retailer. See local 18103_October_SALE_AdSlick.indd 16 retailer in-store signage for details. Offers, Ace Rewards benefits, product selection/color, sale items, clearance Some itemsitems, may require assembly. Ace is notreturn responsible for printing or typographical errors. and closeout Ace everyday low prices, and rain-check and quantities may all vary by store, as well as from acehardware.com. operated. The inrequire this advertisement suggested bypolicies, Ace Hardware Corporation, Oak Brook, IL. Someprices items may assembly. Ace is notare responsible for printing or typographical errors.

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Ace stores are independently owned and 2018 Ace may stores are independently owned and operated. The prices thisHot advertisement are suggested by AceOctober Hardware Corporat Individual retailer regular and sale prices may vary by store, which impact actual savings amounts in either direction. Except forinRed Buys, Individual retailer regular and sale prices may whichstores may impact which extend through the end of the month, and except as otherwise stated, prices advertised in this circular arevary validby at store, participating throughactual savings amounts in either direction. Exce which thenational end of dates the month, andby except as otherwise stated,and prices advertised in this circular are valid at partic October 29, 2018, while supplies last. Sale and Instant Savings datesextend set forththrough herein are suggested Ace Hardware Corporation ® may vary by local retailer. See local retailer in-store18103_October_SALE_AdSlick.indd signage forMarch details. Offers, Ace Rewards benefits, product saledates items, clearance while supplies last. Sale andselection/color, Instant Savings set forth herein are national dates suggested by Ace Hard 12018, 8/28/18 4:00 PM Ace stores are26, independently owned and operated. The prices in this advertisement are®suggested by Ace 18103_October_SALE_AdSlick.indd 16 8/28/18 4:03 PMHardware C and closeout items, Ace everyday low prices, return and rain-check policies, and quantities maylocal all vary by store, as well as fromfor acehardware.com. may vary byregular local retailer. See retailer in-store details. Offers, Aceactual Rewards benefiamounts ts, productinselection/color, Individual retailer and sale prices may vary bysignage store, which may impact savings either direct October 2018 Some items may require assembly. Ace is not responsible for printing or typographical errors. and closeout items, Ace everyday low prices, return and rain-check policies, and quantities may all vary by store, as well as fro

which extend through the end of the month, and except as otherwise stated, prices advertised in this circular are valid Some items may require assembly. Ace is not responsible for printing or typographical errors.

OCTOBER 5, 2018



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OCTOBER 5, 2018



Prop. 6 language misses point


alifornia neglected maintenance of its highway and road network for decades. But last year, the Legislature and Gov. Jerry Brown finally enacted a stiff increase in gas taxes and automotive fees to catch up, even though polls indicated that most Californians didn’t want to pay more. Despite its unpopularity, it was the right thing to do. But almost immediately, a campaign was launched by anti-tax conservatives and the state Republican Party to repeal the $5-plus-billion-a-year package, resulting in Proposition 6 on the November ballot. The GOP hoped it would encourage its voters to cast ballots and help the party save a half-dozen Republican congressional seats considered to be vulnerable. Last week, the Public Policy Institute of California released a new poll indicating that despite the previous opposition to the new taxes, the repeal measure is favored by just 39 percent of likely voters, while 52 percent are opposed. So does that mean that Californians have changed their minds? Perhaps not. The repeal proposal received what can only be described as a hostile official ballot title from Attorney General Xavier Becerra’s office. Instead of describing it as a repeal of gas taxes, the official title is “Eliminates certain road repair and transportation funding. Requires certain fuel taxes and vehicle fees to be approved by the electorate.” The Public Policy Institute’s survey

team read that title as it polled nearly 1,000 Californians, deemed to be a cross-section of likely voters by party, ideology, ethnicity, geographic location and other factors. Although Democrats were less likely than Republicans to vote for Proposition 6, the gap wasn’t as wide as one might have expected. The rather slanted title, which didn’t say it was a repeal, probably had something to do with it.

Democrats were less likely than Republicans to vote for Proposition 6, but the gap wasn’t as wide as one might have expected. That theory is bolstered by responses to a more generic question. “When asked a more general question about repealing the recent increases, likely voters are divided (50 percent favor, 46 percent oppose),” the institute said. When Becerra released the title, repeal proponents sued, and a Superior Court judge declared that it was misleading. Judge Timothy Frawley ordered the opening passage rewritten to declare that the measure “repeals recently enacted gas and diesel taxes and vehicle registration fees.”

Barry Holtzclaw

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A NEW SV MEDIA PUBLICATION Location: 615 San Benito St #210 Hollister, 95023 Mailing address: P.O. Box 516, Gilroy, California 95021 Phone: 831-637-5566 sanbenito.com

TO PLACE AN AD Email: advertising@newsvmedia.com Classified: 408-842-6400

However, the state court of appeal overturned Frawley, saying the complete description, which included the taxes to be repealed, was accurate enough, and noting that state law gives the attorney general “considerable latitude” in drafting the official description. It appears, therefore, that had respondents in the poll been given a fuller description of Proposition 6, rather than just the brief title, the results would have been much different. Given that situation, it falls on proponents of Proposition 6 to make their case to voters. Last week, as the institute’s poll surfaced, the backers released their first television ad “to ensure that California voters know a yes vote on Proposition 6 repeals the gas tax.” The ad describes the tax package as another burden on families struggling to pay their bills that politicians passed “to cover their budget deficit, not fix our roads.” It could be an effective message, because the poll indicates that support is strongest among lower-income immigrant voters with children to support. However, the opposition is a powerful coalition of business, labor unions and other interest groups. The coalition is likely to have much more money to drive home its point that Proposition 6 would deprive California motorists of much-needed roadway repairs. That’s a very valid contention, even if it hinges on a very misleading ballot title.



Hollister Free Lance (USPS # 180840) is published every Friday by New SV Media Inc.

We encourage you to share your opinions. Letters are limited to 350 words and are subject to editing.

Periodicals Postage Paid at Hollister, CA 95023. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Hollister Free Lance, P.O. Box 516, Gilroy CA 95021 Entire contents ©2018 New SV Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Single copy is $1.00

Please include a phone number for verification purposes. Email to editor@freelancenews.com or submit your letter online at SanBenito.com and look under reader submissions in our navigation bar.

OCTOBER 5, 2018





OCTOBER 5, 2018


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Vivienda de bajos ingresosTRABAJADORES AGRICOLAS 350 Miller Road Hollister, CA 95024 Contamos con 1,2, y 3 recámaras, Cocina completamente equipada, conexiones para lavadora y secadora, centro de computación, estacionamiento asignado, servicio de lavandería, Gimnasio, Parque infantil, y personal administrativo en la propiedad.

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City of Hollister photo

350 Miller Road Hollister, CA 95024 We offer 1Bd, 2Bd, & 3Bd, fully equipped kitchen, Washer and Dryer hook up, Computer center, Assigned parking, Laundry facility, Pool, Fitness room, Playground, and management on site.

DOWNTOWN Homegrown businesses seen as key.

City Council candidates focus on the economy Council Issues, 1 venues, including camaintenance. The state fes as well as open-marneeds to do its ket grocery part in allocating stores that profunding from the vide basic items millions we send to the area’s resto Sacramento. idents. Think of Developers need an outdoor walkto do their part ing mall atmothrough traffic sphere. Sales tax impact fees and rebates and readditional fund- Salvador Mora duced impact ing to help mitfees are effective igate the impact of new incentives. residential development.

2. Downtown businesses and incentives

Restaurants are great to attract people to downtown Hollister. In the past, the city considered waiving fees for new commercial kitchens. We should continue to focus on streamlining the permit process for any business inside the city’s downtown zone Mixed uses are needed downtown. Retail, restaurant and office are critical to a healthy downtown.

3. Private sector job growth

We should provide private sector companies permit and impact fee credits since they will be taking vehicles off Highway 25. Widening Highway 25 is critical, but keeping residents here, working and living, is just as critical. We need to look into an enterprise zone that would waive taxes on private sector companies, encouraging them to invest in Hollister, creating jobs and keeping our residents working local.

Marty Richman 1. What will you do to upgrade and repair city streets?

3. What can the city do to create more private sector jobs?

Make a strategic plan and a long-term commitment to find potential employers. We have been on-again, off-again with economic development organizations; that does not work. Inventory what we do have, and look for similar or complementary businesses; what works for one will work for another.

3. Private sector job growth

We need to have City staff aggressively work on this issue. We can partner with successful thriving companies and find incentives for them to establish businesses here in Hollister. Growing the private sector with a fair living wage will help to keep people locally employed, cut down on commuter congestion, and encourage them to reinvest locally. We need to slow down the residential growth and focus on job creation.

Mickie Solario-Luna 1.Street repairs

Currently the city has been able to repair city streets with continued annual state funding, which we will continue to prioritize and seek. In addition, our alleyMickie ways where many DISTRICT 2 Solario-Luna family homes are located require Rolan Resendiz alley repaving and pothole repairs and suit1.Street repairs able residential parking The passage of Measure areas. G will help fix our roads. We should start growing 2. Downtown and be much more pro- businesses and active about our growth incentives rather than reactive in I have encouraged the establishment of a the future. If family-type reswe plan to grow taurant on Monwhile maintainterey Street since ing our own, we many churches, wouldn't have to city, county offictax residents to es and courts are fix past mistakes located in this by our elected ofstreet. Also benficials. We need to be forward- Rolan Resendiz eficial would be shared networkthinking while ing office spaces for perwe plan out our growth. sons who can work locally 2. Downtown and not have to commute businesses and out of the area.

Continue to use the pavement management incentives software to make cost- We need to meet with effective repairs. Addi- the business owners and plan a vision for tionally, we need a thriving downa professiontown area. They al evaluation by are all invested a traffic engineer in the success of to reduce condowntown and gestion, then use currently are not impact fee funds being representto put in the reced. We need to ommended Marty Richman support a more improvements. touristy enter2. What types of tainment environment. businesses should be We need live music, great downtown, and what restaurants, wine and incentives should the beer bars that will encity use to attract courage people to want these businesses? to shop, eat and play We need an event cen- downtown. ter and entertainment

3. Private sector job growth

I have often presented the idea of attracting corporate distribution centers for various companies that need to travel from within two major highways 101 and Interstate 5 which connect through Highway 152, Along with these distribution centers come major gas stations and hotels which connect to the distribution center’s economy. None of the District 3 candidates responded with answers.

OCTOBER 5, 2018



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OCTOBER 5, 2018

OCTOBER 5, 2018



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400 BLOCK This is how developer envisions new building in downtown Hollister.

The Community Foundation for San Benito County and the Del Curto Brothers Group were approved for a joint development of the site in 2017. The community foundation intends to build a philanthropic building for a new headquarters and for offices of county non-profit organizations. The Del Curto Brothers Group is set to build a three-story commercial and mixeduse structure next door. Following the Planning Commission vote, the developers say they are set to bring back a tentative map for approval by the commission. After the tentative map is approved, the developers have two years to produce a final map that will be reviewed by the city’s engineering department prior to City Council consideration. With the two-year time limit, this could take place any time from 2019 to 2021. That means the plans would come to a vote in front of a new City Council, which leaves the fate of the development potentially unsettled. Mayor Ignacio Velazquez had previously recused himself from all 400 block votes because of a conflict of interest. Velazquez owns the Vault banquet hall, which is adjacent to the site. The property was



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Your Prime Prime Meat Market! previously owned by the city and through the city’s former Redevelopment Agency. The city had owned the land since 1991, but the 2011 Dissolution Act abolished redevelopment agencies in the state. The city sold the property to the foundation and the Del Curto developers in June 2017. Velazquez had been vocal about his opposition to the sale of the property to the foundation and Del Curto Brothers, not just because of the concept of the development but also because the city sold it for $300,000 below the most recent appraised value of the property. A 2015 appraisal had valued the land at downtown Hollister’s busiest corner at $390,000. In September 2016, an updated appraisal placed the property’s market value at $690,000. The property was sold to the developers and the foundation in June 2017 for $390,000. The sale was blocked last year when the mayor pushed for a ballot initiative that would have brought the issue of the 400 block development to the voters. He collected nearly 25,000 signatures to request a public vote. Four council members, with Velazquez abstaining, stalled referendum plans by asking California Attorney General Xavier Becerra whether the

city’s resolution to sell the 400 block could be subject to a referendum. Becerra ruled this spring that a referendum on the sale could not go forward, because it was technically an urban development project, not a straight sale by the city. The current project is made up of two phases: The first is the philanthropic center, which will serve as office space for various nonprofits in San Benito County, including BenitoLink, a non-profit news website funded in part by the foundation. The second phase includes groundfloor commercial space with second-floor apartments. With the site and architectural application approved by the commission, Hollister Planning Manager Abraham Prado said the commission will not vote on the tentative map for a few months. Although the developers have two years to produce a final map, following a tentative map approval, Prado said, they “can submit the final map after the 15-day appeal period.” If a final map is not produced by the twoyear deadline and no extension is given, then the developer would have to go back to the Planning Commission to get plans re-approved, beginning the process anew.





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Hollister sold the 400 Block site in 2017 for $300,000 below the most recent appraised value.

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OCTOBER 5, 2018

Family business bears fruit THE BONINO FAMILY’S LJB FARMS IS A SOUTH COUNTY STAPLE By Scott Forstner Reporter

“It’s not a job. It’s a way of life,” said Russ, who starts his work days by 6:30-7am in the morning on most days and doesn’t stop until what’s needed to get done gets done from fueling up the equipment to replacing tires to organizing the field crew to getting the product on transport. Long before the two brothers sat at the end of their parents’ driveway to make a few bucks selling pears, the Bonino family— now 101 years in agriculture—emigrated to America from Italy. Russ and Brent’s great grandfather, Luigi Bonino, and grandfather, Tony Bonino, came to San Martin in 1917. Grandpa Tony—who farmed until he was 88 and lived until age 97—met his wife Helen (Sgheiza) from Salinas in 1918 and they raised three children (Don, Louie and Elaine) on their Gilroy ranch. The elder Bonino brothers, Don and Louie (the boys’ dad), were partners

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Scott Forstner

When Bonino brothers, Russ and Brent, were still little tykes running around on their family ranch off Fitzgerald Avenue in San Martin, they put their two heads together and came up with the idea to sell pears from the orchard to make some dough. “We were making a little bit of money and our parents noticed because it was more than just a little,” recalled Brent, now 46, the younger of the two brothers. “Then our parents started selling them out of our garage. People would come by and say, ‘Can you get me tomatoes or can you get me corn?,’ so we planted a row of tomatoes or a row of corn or cucumber or squash.”

The rest is history, as the Bonino family’s LJB Farms stand grew exponentially into the wholesale agriculture stand it is today at 585 Fitzgerald Ave. (It’s open daily from 9am to 6pm) Parents Louie and Judy recognized a good thing when they saw it and quickly outgrew the garage and built a small barn to sell their produce from to the locals. By the early 1980s, the business again outgrew the building and they built an even bigger barn on the same property. “We’ve been here ever since,” explained Brent, who, along with Russ, is a fourth-generation farmer. “We just slowly grew over the years.” Today, LJB Farms is stocked with all kinds of locally and regionally produced fruits and vegetables such as corn, melons, tomatoes, mushrooms, strawberries, peaches, grapes, green beans and potatoes. There are also dried fruits, nuts, pies and jams.

LABOR OF LOVE Brent Bonino, left, and brother Russ, are proud of their

family traditions and of their bumper tomato harvest, at LJB Farms. in farming for a while before uncle Don eventually went into the construction business. Louie, joined later by his wife Judy, stuck with farming

and settled just north of town on Fitzgerald. “Every year is a tough year,” said Russ, “when you are dealing with three unknown variables:

weather, labor force and fuel pricing.” “And you can add in the economy,” Brent followed up. “We are very lucky to have a very loyal customer base.”

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ACROSS 1. Simple rings 6. On the alert 10. Work out with a pug 14. Not exactly 15. Inter __ (among others) 16. Bunch of bunk 17. Bit of armtwisting? 19. Imitates 20. Wilderness Road blazer 21. Comic-strip shriek 22. Word with litmus or acid 23. “Uh-uh” 25. Get in the way of 27. Adroit 30. No spring chicken

69. Snail’s trail

32. Temple of Apollo site

70. Trueheart of the comics

35. “Boola Boola” collegian

71. College book

36. Mob scene

72. Jammed with the band

38. Eagle’s grabber


39. Humorist Sahl

1. “A Christmas Carol” cry

41. Weight allowances 43. Wind down

3. “It Ain’t Gonna Rain __”

46. __-Coburg-Gotha (former royal family name)

4. Early television brand

48. Family cars 50. Long. crosser

Up The Scale


2. Quatrain rhyme scheme

44. “Carmen,” e.g.

47. Hide-hair link


5. Dictation taker 6. __-Mart Stores, Inc.

28. Run to the JP 29. Safety exercises

51. Saffron-flavored dish

51. Sassy

7. Hand cream additive

52. Baptism and confirmation

8. Finely extruded, as potatoes

54. Couch potato’s place

9. Tied up the phone

33. Word before system or society

10. Requirement to wear seat belts, e.g.

34. Chemically nonreactive

57. New York stage award

58. North Pole underling

11. Makeshift missile

37. Where the Rangers play

59. Show off at the gym

60. Takes a powder

13. Take five

63. Fit for the job

18. Show up for duty

40. Ones learning the ropes

61. Tinker with the text

64. Document holder

24. Inventor Howe

42. Detonate

62. Teamster’s truck

67. Provoke

26. Hanoi holiday

45. Aardvark’s tidbit

65. Superlative suffix

68. Midmonth date

27. Floor models

49. Deem appropriate

66. Stimpy’s cartoon pal

56. Bump off

• Do you have a hearing aid that is not working properly? • Hearing aid working, but youare still having difficulty hearing and understanding? • Is your hearing aid working, but you believe it should be working better? • Your hearing aid not working at all?

12. Pub pints

31. __ Open (golf event until 2006)

53. Elude the tag 55. Heed the dentist’s advice 56. Pub missile

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OCTOBER 5, 2018


Bryce Stoepfel

Christopher Ranch leaders are putting their garlic where their mouth is. One year after Christopher Ranch's reputation was assaulted Netflix documentary series “Rotten,” the preeminent American garlic company in America's garlic capital is fully committing itself to offer only American-grown garlic. The documentary wounded Christopher Ranch’s public image outside of Gilroy, asserting that Christopher Ranch imported Chinese garlic peeled by prison labor. In what Christopher Ranch considered a journalistic hit job, the company was portrayed as an agricultural giant that used cheap products to bury small American garlic producers. Christopher Ranch denied the claims and because of the documentary, Christopher Ranch committed itself to openness and renewed its commitment to Americangrown garlic. The company has relaxed protections on what they considered trade secrets with tours of the facilities, and answering emails and phone calls from customers, suppliers and journalists.

Christopher Ranch is going a step farther. Breaking away from many of its agricultural contemporaries, the garlic producer is supporting a 10 percent tariff on imported Chinese garlic. “Christopher Ranch applauds the decision of the U.S. trade representative to raise the tariff to 25 percent on Jan. 1, 2019,” said Ken Christopher, executive vice president of Christopher Ranch in a bold announcement Sept. 18. “For decades, Chinese exporters have flooded the US market with cheap and often illegally dumped garlic, and this tariff will help to level the playing field for American garlic farmers.” Christopher Ranch has been a Gilroy staple since Don Christopher founded it in 1956. From 10 acres, Christopher Ranch grew into Gilroy's largest private employer. Through three generations the company gradually expanded by offering new garlic products for the market, like peeled garlic, roasted garlic, pickled garlic, organic garlic, as well as shallots, ginger, pesto sauce, and other offerings. Now that the water shortage is over they can grow even more. With more rain, there’s more availability of groundwater. This year Christopher Ranch has had one of it’s best garlic harvests, over 100 million pounds. “When the reservoirs are full, the government

HOME-GROWN GARLIC Ken Christopher, executive VP of Christopher Garlic, checks out harvest. backs down,” Ken Christopher said. “The unfortunate side effect of the drought is that we could not grow all the garlic we needed. We imported garlic from Mexico, Spain, and Argentina to keep up with demand. We have absolutely not, never, used Chinese garlic, past, present or future.” Cold-storage technology helps Christopher keep garlic fresh all year, but they do sell their best garlic during holidays. Even though they have enough

garlic to last all year, there are some markets they have yet to penetrate. “The one market we don’t have much in is the South,” Christopher said. “They use Chinese garlic that can beat us in price every time. If some more people in the South tired our garlic, they would go to produce managers to request Christopher garlic.” “I learned to say yes to everything,” Christopher said. “There’s a great story in every tour we

give. We have some of the highest-paid jobs in the industry. We have daycare for our employees. We donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to charities. We have days where our staff volunteers like at St. Joseph’s.” “The community was there when we were being attacked by online trolls,” Ken Christopher said. “They know us like a family. We give back to the community, and we’re doing more now than ever on philanthropy. We want

to be a role model, and give back.” To help combat the online flak, Christopher Ranch made a significant investment in software to detect when Christopher Ranch is mentioned online. The software operates like an online hound dog that sniffs out when Christopher Ranch is mentioned in social media. “We made a five-figure investment, we had to improve,” Ken Christopher said.

Running for Election 2018 My names Keith Snow, this is my fourth time running for Mayor. I am still just as excited as I was the first day I found a love for politics, which was in high school. My goal in running for mayor has always been to bring honesty, loyalty, and a true strong leader who will fight for what is right. I will make sure that Myself and the council board will vote on any items correctly and that it is always in the best interests for the people and the city. Working together is a key importance to me and making sure the peoples voices are heard. I will work closely with finding effective ways to help crime prevention, the gang task, workshops for the city and community. Education is extremely important not only for our students but also for the community, the parents, grandparents, families. Everyone needs to be educated and made aware of what is going on in our city. I also wanted to touch base that I am not for measure G. because I feel after all my research and talking with Cal trans. They are not going to widen hwy 25 anytime soon. I oppose raising taxes upon the tax payer to begin with. We are at the highest percentage in the state of California on our water and sewage bill, and we don’t even own the water. I also oppose measure H. Anything to do with city business licenses, you must go to county to file. We are just not there yet, we need to get things in order and take care of things the right way. Our constitutional rights are being violated all the time. The city and county are losing money in so many contracts and that needs to stop. I will put a stop to wasteful spending, bring order, and finding solutions to solve the problems. The City needs to focus on there own issues at hand before getting deeper into anything else. I will make sure to always have a platformed outline, so things are in black and white. What is said is going to be done, will be done. The Job will get done if I am elected. I appreciate the people and all your feedback. Please continue to reach out and make your voices heard. It only takes one person to make a difference, but if we all work together we can make a mighty change in the city of Hollister. The Mayor was a no show on Sept 5th at San Juan oaks and there will be a debate on oct 11th.

Vote Keith Snow for Mayor 2018 keithsnow@ymail.com

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OCTOBER 5, 2018





Balers hold off Cougars to earn big turnaround PCL victory HOLLISTER BUILDS HUGE LEAD TO BEAT CHRISTOPHER AND EARN FIRST WIN IN THE GABILAN bryce stoepfel Staff Reporter

Different halves

First one a big one

“Getting our first conference win is a big deal for us, as it was time to turn the tide,” Navarro said. “After taking an ‘L’ last week (a 42-20 loss at Aptos), it’s a big turn from us. Next week we got the Prune Bowl (Gilroy High), which hasn’t been (played) since 2012, and we’re going to take that bell hopefully.” Just when it seemed like this game was a rout, the Cougars caught fire in the third quarter, scoring three unanswered touchdowns against a seemingly deflated and exhausted Balers’ defense. Christopher quarterback Ben Sanford went from Drew Carey to Drew Brees in one quarter. After struggling to move the offense in the first half, Sanford’s staked the team to three third-quarter TDs, eventually finishing 24 of 44 for 350 yards four touchdowns and two interceptions.

PLAYMAKER Greg Arispe, seen here in earlier action this season, had another fantastic all-around game in a 44-20 win over Pinewood last week. The Anzar senior rushed for 160 yards on 23 carries, passed for 31 more and added an interception. ANZAR FOOTBALL


It’s been a season of maturing for the Anzar High football team. After a tough start to the season—where injuries played a big factor—the Hawks are soaring. They improved to 3-3 overall and 1-0 in the 8-man Pacific Coast League after an impressive 44-20 win over host Pinewood of Los Altos Hills last Friday. It’s been a while—and for just the first or second time in program history—that Anzar has been at the .500 mark six games into the season, but that is where the San Juan Bautista school finds itself after beating Pinewood for the first time in program history. “It feels good to accomplish this since we had never done it,” said Jose Pineda, a two-way lineman who bullied his Pinewood counterparts all game. “The team has matured in a short period,” Hawks coach Kollin Kosmicki said. “It took a few weeks for us to fully understand the intensity needed to play this game. The intensity, toughness and discipline, all the football things are coming together.” That was evident against Pinewood, which has traditionally been an 8-man power but is struggling this season. Anzar had a decisive size advantage, using it to pound away for huge chunks of yardage at a time. With quarterback Greg Arispe at the helm—the dynamic senior had another terrific game, rushing for 160 yards on 23 carries while throwing for 31 more— mixed in with the power running of Nick Nickerson (81 yards on 12 carries) and Eric Chavarria (38 yards on eight carries), Anzar totaled 300 yards on the ground. Chavarria, who was playing in his second game of the season, had TD runs of 3, 3 and 18 yards, the first of which occurred on the

File photo

“It’s a tale of two halves,” Balers coach Bryan Smith said after the game. “I give a lot of credit to them. There’s no quit in that team. We had to hold on until the very end. It feels good to win, but it should have been by a whole lot more.” The Cougars were dead on offense, pushed around on defense and special teams. Meanwhile, the Balers backfield, led by running back Stevan Navarro (18 rushes for 100 yards and three touchdowns), methodically ran by, over and through Christopher’s defense while dominating the clock in the first half. Navarro’s three TD game was his first three-score game of the year, one less than last season’s high of a four-touchdown game against North Salinas High.

Chris Mora

It wasn’t quite the comeback of the year for Christopher High, nor was it a monumental collapse for San Benito High. In a wild Pacific Coast League Gabilan Division game last Friday in Gilroy, it was the Haybalers that prevailed 34-28 over the Cougars in a contest that wasn’t decided until the final seconds. At the half, it was bleak for the Cougars (3-2, 1-1). The Haybalers (2-3, 1-1) landed repeated haymakers, building up a seemingly comfortable 27-7 at the break. However, the Cougars stormed back, scoring three unanswered touchdowns before finally succumbing on downs on their own 28-yard line with 16 seconds to go.

GRINDING FOR YARDS Nick Nickerson, seen here in earlier action this season, rushed for 81 yards on 12 carries

in last week’s 44-20 win over Pinewood. Anzar improved to 3-3 overall and 1-0 in league play. team’s opening drive. Chavarria’s athleticism and playmaking ability have added another layer to the Anzar squad. “Eric is a warrior on the field,” Kosmicki said. “We knew he was going to be one of the best linebackers in the league, but his running has been outstanding. When we put him in the backfield, he’s hard to stop.” The outcome was never in doubt, as Anzar built a 16-0 lead and was never seriously threatened. Kosmicki credited the team’s pass rush against a passheavy Pinewood team to being one of the keys of the game. “The guys up front put pressure all game long,” he said. “We knew we had a size advantage and talked all week about bringing toughness from the first snap and dominating up front, and we did that.” Pineda, Rafael Magana, Jose Arriaga, Antonio Aguilar and Noel Aquino played a vital role in bringing the pressure, with Nickerson, Brian Munoz and Bruce Funk also helping to solidify the defensive performance. Aguilar,

Arriaga, Magana, Pineda, Alan Cruz, Jovanni Plascencia and Jorge Samano were some of the offensive linemen who were responsible for opening up huge holes for the run game. At 5-foot-11 and 320 pounds, Pineda outweighed his Pinewood counterparts by well over 100 pounds. “I did feel bad at times of being able to push them like nothing,” Pineda said. “But I had to do it because we needed this win.” Arispe was sensational, eluding the defense with some shifty cuts. However, Arispe also showed he can power through tackles, as he dragged two defenders into the end zone for the Hawks’ second TD. Arispe also showed his passing touch, connecting with Munoz for a 23-yard TD to make it 24-6 with 8 minutes, 53 seconds left until halftime. To top things off, Arispe had one of the team’s three interceptions; Logan Ledon and Munoz had the others. After stopping Pinewood on the second half ’s opening possession, Anzar delivered one of its signature drives

of the season, a 10-play, 65-yard possession that took nearly eight minutes off the clock. Arispe capped the drive with an 18-yard TD run, putting an exclamation point on the victory. Pineda said Kosmicki along with assistant coaches Felipe Davila Sr. and Felipe Davila Jr. have impacted the team in a big way, instilling in the program a no-excuses attitude. “Since we’ve had coach Kollin, he’s impacted us with the way he’s coaching and with the discipline,” Pineda said. “He can be hard on us, but it’s to motivate us. And coach Felipe being our defensive coordinator has brought a lot of intensity. Coach Kollin has brought some better plays and is a good guy overall. He gets on us if we don’t practice with intensity. When he tells us he’s going to take us out (of the game), that is what triggers everyone to bring their intensity up. And when we’re doing drills and the hits aren’t hard or good, he makes us run laps, which is good because it gets us conditioned and motivates us to do better.”



OCTOBER 5, 2018

Balers show improvement on links SAN BENITO HIGH GIRLS ARE GETTING THINGS DONE ON AND OFF THE COURSE emanuel lee Sports Editor

matches at world-class courses like Spyglass Hill and Poppy Hills. When San Benito plays against Stevenson on Oct. 9, the varsity will be competing at Spyglass and the junior varsity at Poppy Hills. Orsetti hopes the girls realize just how fortunate they are—and with good reason. Green fees to play on those courses for the public typically run in the $300 to $500 range, and reservations to play on the courses need to be made at least a month in advance due to high demand. Robert Eliason

Lead by example

Orsetti was effusive in her praise for all of the girls in the program, and pointed to the top three players as setting good examples for the underclassmen to follow. “(Trinity, Bailey and Taryn) are all pretty quiet on the course,” she said. “They all have good power and distance off the tee, and their ball striking is solid. I can’t tell with any of them if they’re having a personal best day or if they’re playing terrible, and that’s a good thing to be even-keeled. Until we get onto the ninth green, I don’t know what their total scores are because they keep it together. They’re also really supportive of each other and to the other team, showing great sportsmanship.” To show just how far the Balers have come, look no further than Mumm, who never kept score on the course until she started high school, or Carmichael, who never played a ninehole round until her freshman year, Orsetti said. “The younger girls look at this and think, ‘This is

STRONG LINEUP Taryn Mills, Bailey Carmichael, Trinity Mumm, Carisa Powell, Kailey

Powell and Emilie Sarringhaus have made a positive impact to the Balers’ golf program.

Robert Eliason

With a team GPA of 3.74, the San Benito High girls golf squad excels in the classroom. The Haybalers are also doing some impressive things on the links. In Trinity Mumm, Bailey Carmichael and Taryn Mills— their top three players—the Balers are in the middle of the pack in the Pacific Coast League’s Gabilan Division. One of the trio’s best matches came in a 252-304 win over Pacific Grove on Sept. 20, in which Mumm shot a 41, with Carmichael and Mills each carding a 45. Mills and Mumm are juniors, while Carmichael is a senior. Through last week, Mumm carried a 45.57 scoring average, Carmichael a 47.57 and Mills a 51.43. Senior twins Carisa and Kailey Powell and junior Emilie Sarringhaus have also improved and made a positive impact. The Powells and Sarringhaus were all competing along with other players for the Nos. 3 to 6 positions in the lineup a year ago, but this season they’ve solidified their spots. “Last year there was a fight to play those positions every week,” Balers coach Molly Orsetti said. “They realized what they needed to do to stay in those varsity positions this year. This year there is more of a divide between the varsity and junior varsity, and they’re playing well.” The highlight of the season came when the team shot a school-record 233 against Stevenson on Sept. 13, breaking the record the 2017 team set just a year ago.

“They’re really noticing strengths in their games and just as important the gaps in their game where they need to improve,” Orsetti said. “They’re working on those gaps, and we’ve been focusing a lot more on the short game and putting this season. They’re seeing the hard work reflect in lower scores.” Orsetti credits assistant coaches Pine Higgins and Joan Sarringhaus for helping the players through their knowledge of the rules of golf and experience playing the game. Carmichael and Mills are the team captains, but the squad also has a designated match captain for every game. “Each girl takes on a role to help the team in different ways,” Orsetti said. “They’re responsible for introducing themselves to the visiting coach, welcome the other teams and at the end of each match announce the results. Our team is unique in the league in that we give out a medal for the medalist. All of this gives them an opportunity for a little public speaking and interaction with other coaches and players. They’re also responsible for going to the pro shop, introducing themselves and saying thank you for hosting us. It’s great because they’re learning some life skills in the process.” Carmichael and Mills decide on the designated match captain, based off of practice and recent results, among other factors. “I think everyone has been a match captain so far,” Orsetti said. The upstart Balers are extremely fortunate they play in the same league with Stevenson of Pebble Beach, which plays its home

STRAIGHT SHOOTER Trinity Mumm hits away at a recent practice at San Juan Oaks. where I can be in a couple of years,’” Orsetti said. “They get excited to improve for the future seasons.” While the boys golf team has had recent players earn scholarships to play in college, it’s been a while since anyone from the girls team has done that. Orsetti hopes that changes in the coming years. When the Balers

played against Carmel on Sept. 19, Menlo College coach Mike Givens was there to scout a Carmel player. But having seen some of the San Benito players there, he asked Orsetti if he could drop by a practice one day to talk with the team. “Now they’re getting excited about the

possibility of playing in college, whereas before when you’re shooting in the 50s or 60s, that is not an option,” Orsetti said. “The Menlo coach will tell the girls what it will take to play in college, the different options after high school and giving other good information. You can’t beat that.”

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LEGAL NOTICES 934 HOL - FBNS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000286 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as WG CONSTRUCTION WILLOW GLEN CONSTRUCTION 326 Digital Drive Morgan Hill, CA 95037 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: DAVID CARL ANDERSON 1128 Lennon Way San Jose, CA 95125 KEVIN SCOTT ESSARY 10825 Foothill Ave Gilroy, CA 95020 This business is conducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on 08/01/2018 and 09/14/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 September 28, and October 5, 12, 19, 2018

942 HOL - Public Notice INVITATION TO BID California Fairs Financing Authority (“CFFA”) will be receiving sealed bids until 3:00 pm on October 23, 2018 at CFFA’s office at 1776 Tribute Road, Suite 220, Sacramento, CA 95815

for the following public works project at the San Benito County Fair, 9000 Airline Highway, Tres Pinos, California 95075. WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM UPGRADE PHASE I: WELL BACKUP GENERATOR INSTALLATION SAN BENITO COUNTY FAIR PROJECT 16-033-600 ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $75,000.00 • Installation of an emergency electrical back-up generator with automatic switch at the Fair’s primary water well. The Bidder is required to have a California Contractors A or C-10 License that is active and

in good standing at the time of the bid opening and throughout the duration of Contract. Bid Package and Contract Documents may be obtained by contacting M. Sellens, msellens@cfsa.org or 916/263-6155

San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 October 5, 12, 19, 26, 2018

Publish: September 28 and October 5, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000293 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as WEBDEV BY THE BAY 1021 Pear Court Hollister, CA 95023 Phone: 831.673.1183 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: RODNEY KEITH CRAIGO 1021 Pear Court Hollister, CA 95023 State: CA This business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A and 09/25/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 October 5, 12, 16, 26, 2018

934 HOL - FBNS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000272 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as KANYON KONSULTING 1615 Pearson Court San Jose, CA 95122 Phone: 415.300.0224 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: KANYON KONSULTING LLC 1615 Pearson Court San Jose, CA 95122 State: CA Al# 201824210205 This business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A and 09/06/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of

934 HOL - FBNS

935 HOL - Abandon FBNS Abandonment FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT filed with the Clerk-Recorder's Office of SAN BENITO COUNTY File Number:2017-0000335 Owners names: DENNIS MADIGAN 101 Ken Court Hollister, CA 95023 by this: INDIVIDUAL Business names and location CALIFORNIA AGGREGATE & MINING MACHINERY 101 Ken Court Hollister, CA 95023 Phone: 831.637.4975 COUNTY OF San Benito The Original file date 11/22/2017 for this business name that was abandoned on 09/25/2018 Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez County Clerk 440 Fifth Street, Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023 Publish: Hollister Free Lance October 5, 12, 19, 26, 2018

934 HOL - FBNS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000283 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as LOCAL NP STAFFING 1821 Sage Drive Hollister, CA 95023 Phone: 512.487.4421 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: ESSENTIAL SOLUTIONS MANAGMENT 1821 Sage Drive Hollister, CA 95023 State: CA Al# 201825410076 This business is conducted by: A CORPORATION The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on 09/10/2018 and 09/12/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 October 5, 12, 19, 26, 2018

OCTOBER 5, 2018




941 HOL - Lien Sale

942 HOL - Public Notice




Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 21700-21716 of the Business & Professional Code, State of California, contents of the following units will sell at public auction by competitive bid on (DATE 10-16-2018) @ (TIME 9:00AM) to satisfy the storage lien. At MINI MAX STORAGE, 2450 SAN JUAN RD. IN THE CITY OF HOLLISTER, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. The contents of the storage spaces are believed to consist of misc. misc. boxes (contents unknown), misc. clothing, furniture, tools auto parts and household items.

The City of Hollister through its Development Services Department, invites responses to a Request for Proposal (RFP) to provide contract grant administration services for a State of California Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. Qualified consultants must have extensive experience working with the federal CDBG Program Grant Manual.

CASE NUMBER: CU-18-00118 FILED: June 28, 2018 NOTICE TO DEFENDANT (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): Laurie N. Maheu, as the personal representative of C. Harold Neubauer, (aka Hal Neubauer), deceased YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): Sunnyslope Christian Center, Inc. NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov.selfhelp), your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver from. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services, from a non profit legal service program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal services Web site (www. lawhelpcalifornia.org), the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov.selfhelp), or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. ¡Aviso! Lo han demandado. Si no responde dentro do 30 dias, la corte puede decidir en su contra sin escuchar su versión. Lea la información a continuación. Tien 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO después de que le entreguen esta citación y papeles legales para presentar una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una carta o una llamada telefónica no lo protegen. Su respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato legal correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. Es posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios de la corte y más información en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California (www.sucorte. ca.gov), en la biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte que le quede más cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentación, pida al secretario de la corte que le dé un formulario do exención de pago de cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podrá quitar su sueldo, dinero y bienes sin más advertencia. Hay otros requisitos legales. Es recomendable que llame a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abogado, es posible que cumpla con los requisitos para obtener servicios legales gratuitos de un programa de servicios legales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio web de California Legal Services, (www. lawhelpcalifornia.org), en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, (www.sucorte.ca.gov) o poniéndose en contacto con la corte o el colegio de abogados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y los costos exentos por imponer un gravamen sobre cualquier recuperación de $10,000 ó más de valor recibida mediante un acuerdo o una concesión de arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte antes de que la corte pueda desechar el caso. The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y direccio´n de la cortes es): San Benito County Superior Court 450 Fourth Street Hollister, CA 95023 The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney, is: (El nombre, la dirección y el número de teléfono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, es): William G. Tiffany, ESQ SBN 72942 535 Monterey Street Hollister, CA 95023 831.637.0071 Order for Publication of Summons DATED: September 26, 2018 Harry J. Tobias Judge of the Superior Court PUBLISH: Hollister Free Lance, October 5, 12, 19, 26, 2018

932 HOL - Petition to admin e NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF Natalie Velazquez, CASE NO. PR-18-00055 FILED: 9-24-2018. To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: Natalie Velazquez . A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Frank Velazquez in the Superior Court of California, County of San Benito. The PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that: Frank Velazquez be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 10-25-2018 Time: 1:30 p.m. Dept: 1, Room 1, Superior Court of California County of San Benito, 450 Fourth Street, Hollister, California, 95023 . IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: Jeffrey S. Lind, Esq. JRG Attorneys at Law, 530 San Benito St, Hollister, CA 95023, 831.630.9444. Publication Dates: Hollister Free Lance, October 5, 12, 19, 2018

TENANT NAME Tom La Corte Sandy Carrillo Loren Turner Lisa Sanchez Amanda Kelly Sarah Daniel

For full details, interested parties may obtain a copy of the RFP via the following link: http://hollister.ca.gov/services/open-bids-andrfps/ or by contacting Renee Perales (831) 636-4340 x17 or by email renee.perales@hollister.ca.gov The City must receive responses to this RFP, in electronic format prescribed in the RFP by October 19, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. via email at renee.perales@hollister.ca.gov.

PURCHASED goods are sold as is and must be removed within one day of purchase. Payment is to be with cash only and made at the time of purchase. The sale is subject to cancellation without notice in the event of settlement between the owner and the obligated party. MINI MAX STORAGE 2450 SAN JUAN RD. HOLLISTER, CA 95023 831.637-0368

All proposals received may become public records under the laws of the State of California and the public may be given access to them after the formal selection process has been completed. Proposals will be maintained as confidential until recommendation is submitted to the City Council at which time all proposals will be public record. The City reserves the right to reject any and all responses to this RFP. Any interested party attempting to influence the selection process by interfering with other interested parties or with any City officer or employee, may be disqualified at any time from further participation in the selection process. RFP Release Date: September 28, 2018 Publish: September 28 and October 5, 2018

AWARD AUCTION JOE WARD #MS237-04-79 JEFF VERCELLI #MS153-13-71 408.891.6108


Publish: Hollister Free Lance, October 5, and 12, 2018

941 HOL - Lien Sale Lien Sale Auction Advertisement Notice is hereby given that a public lien sale of the following described personal property will be held at Saturday October 6th, 2018. The property is stored at Hannigan’s Mini Storage, 180 San Felipe Road, Hollister CA 95023. The items to be sold are described generally as follows: NAME OF TENANT: GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Joyce Korter - 2 Televisions, Boxes, Furniture, Bedding, Fans, Housewares Shaun Heflin - Exercise Equipment, DVD’s, Luggage, Welding Mask, Tool Box Allen Eremy Tyson - Fans, Camping Equipment, Furniture, Back Packs, Beer Spouts, Boxes, Totes Courtney Blackburn - 2 Ladders, Kitchen Items, Shelving, Home Décor, Totes, Coca Cola Box, Toys Lori Dainowski - Electronics, DVD’s, Clothing, 2 Flat Screen TV Michelle M Hansen - Refrigerator, Wicker Furniture, Baskets, Milk Can, Books, Golf Clubs,Lawn Furniture, Bedding This notice is given in accordance with the provisions of Section 21700, et seq., of the Business & Professions Code of the State of California. Self -Storage Auctions.com Published: Hollister Free Lance, September 28 and October 5, 2018

La Ciudad de Hollister, a través del Departamento de Servicios de Desarrollo, los invita a responder a una Solicitud de Propuesta (RFP) para proveer servicios de la administración de subvención de contrato para el Programa de Subvención en Bloque de Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG) del Estado de California. Los consultores calificados deben tener una amplia experiencia trabajando con el Manual de Subvenciones del Programa federal de CDBG. Para más detalles, los interesados pueden obtener una copia del RFP a través del siguiente enlace: http://hollister.ca.gov/services/ open-bids-and-rfps/ o contactando a Renee Perales (831) 6364340 x17 o por correo electrónico renee.perales@hollister.ca.gov. La Ciudad debe recibir respuestas al RFP, en forma electrónica prescrito en el RFP a no más tardar del 19 de octubre del 2018 a las 5:00 p.m. por correo electrónico a renee.perales@hollister. ca.gov. Todas las propuestas recibidas pueden convertirse en registros públicos, bajo las leyes del Estado de California, y el público puede tener acceso a estos en cuanto se haya completado el proceso de selección formal. Las propuestas se mantendrán confidenciales hasta que la recomendación se haya presentado al Concejo Municipal, en este momento todas las propuestas serán públicas. La Ciudad reserva el derecho de rechazar todas y cada una de las respuestas a este RFP. Cualquier parte interesada que intente influir en el proceso de selección a través de intervenir con otras partes interesadas o con cualquier funcionario o empleado de la Ciudad, podría ser descalificado de participar en el proceso de selección a cualquier momento. Fecha de Lanzamiento de la RFP: 28 de septiembre del 2018 Publish: September 28, and October 5, 2018

942 HOL - Public Notice

942 HOL - Public Notice


Ordinance 55

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Hollister is accepting applications for the following: Youth Committee This Committee will provide the City Council with advice about youth in Hollister, study problems, activities and concerns by holding forums and involving youth in the development of various events for the City of Hollister.

An ordinance amending Ordinance 54 concerning backflow devices. BE IT ORDAINED by the board of Directors of the Tres Pinos Water District, as follows: Section 8.146 Cross –Connections of Ordinance 4 designating the need for back flow devices is hereby amended as follows: Customers may hire at their own personal expense a district approved cross connection control specialist to assess the need for a back flow device. Results are to be given to the Tres Pinos Water District. If the type of business or ownership of a connection changes the district will require a new evaluation by a district approved cross connection control specialist to determine if a backflow device is needed.

Applications are available from the City Clerk’s Office, 375 Fifth Street, Hollister, CA. Filing deadline is October 23, 2018, by 4:00 p.m. For more information, please call the City Clerk’s Office at 636-4300 x 17.

This Ordinance shall be posted in three (3) public places within the District.

Owners name (s): ANDREW AMON 1249 Morning Glory Drive Hollister, CA 95023 by this: Individual Business names and location RENT A FENCE.COM 1249 Morning Glory Drive Hollister, CA 95023 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: The Original file date 03/08/2017 for this business name that was abandoned on 08/14/2018 Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonsalez County Clerk 440 Fifth Street, Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023 Publish Hollister Free Lance: September 14, 21, 28, and October 5, 2018

This Ordinance, within 15 days after it’s passage and adoption, shall be published once in the newspaper of general circulation published and printed in the County of San Benito, State of California, and shall be in full force and effect 30 days after passage and adoption. The forgoing ordinance was introduced at a regular board meeting of the Board of Directors of the Tres Pinos Water District held on August 21, 2018 PASSED AND ADOPTED by said board of Directors on September 18, 2018 Ed Schmidt President Attest: Gabby O’Donoghue Office Manager Publish: October 5, 2018

934 HOL - FBNS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000267 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as OT'S MOBILE PERFECT SHINE 3033 Riverview Way Hollister, CA 95023 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: OCTAVIO DELGADO 3033 Riverview Way Hollister, CA 95023 State: CA This business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A and 09/04/2018 is the file date.

Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 Publish Hollister Free Lance: September 14, 21, 28, and October 5, 2018

935 HOL - Abandon FBNS Abandonment FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME - STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT filed with the Clerk-Recorder's Office of San Benito COUNTY File Number:2017-0000089

CITY OF HOLLISTER By Christine Black, MMC City Clerk ### Publish: September 28, & October 5, 2018.

934 HOL - FBNS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000274 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as SURE RESTORATION SURE RESTORATION & CONSTRUCTION 1752 Shore Rd Hollister, CA 95023 Phone: 844.744.3777 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: SURE RESTORATION 11803 Arlee Ave Norwalk, CA 90650 State: CA Al# 3948873 This business is conducted by: A CORPORATION The registrant commenced To transact business under

The fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A and 09/06/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 Publish Hollister Free Lance: September 14, 21, 28, and October 5, 2018

934 HOL - FBNS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000276 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as HOLLISTER BAIT AND TACKLE 139 A 4th St. Hollister, CA 95023 Phone: 831.638.9383 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: BLANCA MARTINEZ 139 A 4th St Hollister, CA 95023 State: CA This business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on 09/07/2018 and 09/07/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 Publish Hollister Free Lance: September 14, 21, 28, and October 5, 2018


18 OCTOBER 5, 2018

OCTOBER 3, 2018






September 22, 1934 - September 30, 2018

October 11, 1950 - August 27, 2018 Principal and Administrator for Adult Education, Morgan Hill Unified School District

March 18, 1945 – September 23, 2018



ary Lou Ruiz passed away in Morgan Hill, California after a lengthy illness on September 30, 2018 at the age of 84 years.

alph, 73, of Gilroy, passed away on Sunday, September 23, 2018 surrounded by his loving family.


ennis Browne passed away on August 27, 2018. Eighteen months prior, he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer.

In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations be made to St. Josephs or Stanford Medicine. For online condolences please go to www. habingfamilyfuneralhome.com

She is survived by six children: Tony Ruiz Jr. (Sue), Gloria Dunn (Pat), David Ruiz, Raymond Ruiz, Helen Dennis (A.J.) and son Robert Ruiz; brother Marty Olea and sister Frances Earl; as well as ten grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by brother Arnold Olea. Visitation will be On Monday, October 8, 2018 at Grunnagle-Ament-Nelson Funeral Home from 1:00pm to 8:00pm with the recitation of the Rosary at 7:00pm. On Tuesday, family and friends will meet at Sacred Heart Church for a Mass of the Resurrection at 11:00am. Inurnment will be private. Visit www.grunnagle.com for condolences

Dennis was born in Maspeth, Queens, New York to the late Joseph Browne of Clara, Offaly, Ireland and Henrietta McCartney of Glasgow Scotland. Dennis is survived by his sister Geraldine Sheridan, his brothers Peter Browne and Joseph Browne and his wife Alice, his nephew Thomas Sheridan and his wife Heidi, his niece Norah Sheridan and husband Joe Ferrara, his nieces Sharmaine Browne and Tamara Browne, and his friend Sherwin de la Cruz. Dennis studied English Literature at Queens College (BA) and UCLA (MA). He completed a Masters in Theological Studies at St. Patrick’s Seminary and a JCL (Licentiate in Canon Law) from the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome. For personal enrichment, he later completed an MA in Modern European History at San Jose State University. From 2000-2016, Dennis worked as the Principal and Administrator of the Adult Education Program of the Morgan Hill Unified School District. From 1997-2000, he was an Adult Education Instructor in the Fremont Union High School District. Earlier, Dennis was the Judicial Vicar for the Diocese of San Jose and had served as pastor at St. Thomas Aquinas Church (Palo Alto), St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception (Los Gatos), and St. Nicholas (Los Altos Hills) and as Associate Director of the Newman Center at Stanford University. Dennis described himself simply as “bookish.” He was fluent in French and Italian and had a firm grasp of Irish and Anglo-Saxon. Passionate about literature, music, art, history, politics and traveling, Dennis would make an annual “pilgrimage” to Europe in pursuit of those interests. Funeral services will be held Thursday, October 11, 2018 at 11:00am at St. Joseph of Cupertino Church, 10110 North De Anza Boulevard, Cupertino. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in Dennis’s name to the ASPCA, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

JAMIE MARK SUNIGA October 29, 1963 - September 19, 2018


uneral Services will be held Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 11:00am at Habing Family Funeral Home. Visitation will begin at 9:00am on Saturday.

To Place an Obituary

Burial will follow at Gavilan Hills Memorial Park, Gilroy. For online condolences please visit www. habingfamilyfuneralhome.com

By Telephone: 408-842-5066 Via the Web: Register and fill out form at sanbenito.com

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OCTOBER 5, 2018

LEGAL NOTICES 942 HOL - Public Notice

932 HOL - Petition to admin e

942 HOL - Public Notice


NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF Dolores Diane Morgan, CASE NO. PR-18-00051 FILED: 09-04-2018. To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: Dolores Diane Morgan . A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Douglas Morgan in the Superior Court of California, County of San Benito. The PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that: Douglas Morgan be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: 1011-2018 Time: 1:30 p.m. Dept: , Room , Superior Court of California County of San Benito, 450 Fourth Street, Hollister, California, 95023. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: Jeffrey T. Killeen (SBN# 84614), 303 Potrero St., Suite 52, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, 831.600.7017. Publication Dates: Hollister Free Lance, September 21, 28 and October 5, 2018.


I, Mary Lou Andrade, San Benito County Tax Collector, State of California, certify that: The real properties listed below were declared to be in tax default at 12:01 a.m. on July 01, 2015, by operation of law pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code section 3436. The declaration of default was due to nonpayment of the total amount due for the taxes, assessments, and other charges levied in fiscal year 2014-2015 that were a lien on the listed real property. Tax-defaulted real property may be redeemed by payment of all unpaid taxes and assessments, together with the additional penalties and fees, as prescribed by law, or it may be redeemed under an installment plan of redemption. The amount to redeem, including all penalties and fees, as of September 2018 is shown opposite the parcel number and next to the name of the assessee. All information concerning redemption of tax defaulted property will be furnished, upon request, by Mary Lou Andrade, Tax Collector, 440 Fifth Street, Room 107, Hollister, California 95023-3894, (831) 636-4034. PROPERTY TAX DEFAULTED ON JULY 05, 2014 FOR THE TAXES, ASSESSMENTS AND OTHER CHARGES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015: 054-560-082-000 ANDERSON JOHN P. & MARIAM E. $863.82,056-367-004-000 ARGETSINGER PATRICIA L. $783.63, 002-350-015-000 BALLESTEROS JOHN LIVING TRUST $2,292.20, 026-270-026-000 BELLINI GROUP INC DEFINED PLAN TRUST $3,692.82, 052-020-005000 CORIA JUAN M. $350.10, 060-022-002-000 FREITAS KATHRYN $7,281.28, 054-080-011-000 FULL CIRCLE PROPERTY CORPORATION A NEV CORP. $7,794.19, 056-380-058-000 GALLO JUAN $2,140.45, 057-670052-000 GAMAYON EDWIN & LEAH $225.44, 011-150113-000 HARRIS ROBERT L $89.20, 015-050-055-000 LOMELI GERARDO $426.34025-420-030-000 LOMPA ROY E-RITA K $6,295.88, 002-440-003-000 RAGONA ROBERT STANLEY & FRANCINE ANN $7,696.62, 058011-014-000 ROCHA VALENTINO B-MARIA F $16,695.09, 057-550-015-000 ROSEMONT EUNICE HEIDI $959.23, 011-240-043-000 SCRIBNER AMBER N $8,171.10, 060200-056-000 SIMUNOVICH JUDITH A $20,196.23, 011-210081-000 SORIA JUAN C $97.49, 057-520-032-000 VILCHIS MORENO MARIA DE LOURDES & LUIS $1,709.65, 011-360009-000 ZAWADZKI ADAM ET AL $92.65. PARCEL NUMBERING SYSTEM EXPLANATION The Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN), when used to describe property in this list, refers to the assessor’s map book, the map page, the block on the map (if applicable), and the individual parcel on the map page or in the block. The assessor’s maps and further explanation of the parcel numbering system are available in the assessor’s office. I certify (or declare), under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct. s/Mary Lou Andrade San Benito County Tax Collector State of California Executed at San Benito County, California, on September 14, 2018 Published in Hollister Free Lance on September 21, 28 and October 5, 2018


942 HOL - Public Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 21700-2175 of the Self Storage Facility Act and the Business and Professional code, State of California, Contents of the following units will sell at Public Auction by competitive bid on October 16, 2018 at 10:45 A.M. at: Flynn Road R.V. & Mini Storage, 741 Flynn Road, Hollister, CA 95023, County of San Benito, State of California to satisfy the storage lien. The contents of the storages are believed to consist of boxes (contents unknown) miscellaneous, clothing, furniture, tools, household items. UNIT TENANT NAME B4 - Ken Wilson D4 - Ken Wilson PURCHASED goods are sold as is and must be removed within one day of purchase. Payment is to be with cash only and made at the time of sale. The sale is subject to cancellation without notice in the event of settlement between the owner and the obligated party.

The California Self Storage FacilitiesAct, Chapter 10, Commencing with Section 21700, Division 8 of the California Business and Professional Code. The contents of the following unit will sell at Public Auction by competitive bid on 10/16/2018 at Hillcrest Mini Storage, LLC to satisfy the storage lien. The contents of the storage spaces are believed to consist of miscellaneous boxes (contents unknown), miscellaneous clothing, furniture, tools, auto parts, and household items.

Locaton: FLYNN ROAD R.V. & MINI STORAGE 741 FLYNN ROAD HOLLISTER, CA 95023 831.636.5212

Unit Tenant Name

Publish: Hollister Free Lance October 5, and 12, 2018

158 - Kevin Fielden 310 - Elijah Flores Purchased goods are sold as is and must be removed within one day of purchase. Payment is to be with cash only and made at the time of purchase. The sale is subject to cancellation without notice in the event of settlement between the owner and the obligated party. LOCATION: Hillcrest Mini Storage LLC 894 Industrial Drive Hollister, CA 95023 831.636.3100 TIME: 10:15 a.m. Auctioneer: A Ward Auction, Joe Ward, Bond #MS237-04-79 Jeff Vercelli, Bond #MS153-13-71 408.891.6108 Publish: October 5, and 12, 2018

934 HOL - FBNS

934 HOL - FBNS

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000273 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as HEART OF HOLLISTER CARE HOME, LLC 630 Riviera Drive Hollister, CA 95023 Phone: 916.215.5920 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: HEART OF HOLLISTER CARE HOME, LLC 630 Riviera Drive Hollister, CA 95023-7073 State: CA Al# 201821910537 This business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A and 09/06/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 Publish Hollister Free Lance: September 14, 21, 28, and October 5, 2018

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000269 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as KELLY POOL & SPA 2184 Teakwood Court Hollister, CA 95023 Phone: 831.245.7025 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: DENISE O'LAUGHLIN 2184 Teakwood Court Hollister, CA 95023 NEILL O'LAUGHLIN 2184 Teakwood Court Hollister, CA 95023 State: CA This business is conducted by: A MARRIED COUPLE The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on 09/01/2018 and 09/05/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 Publish Hollister Free Lance: September 21, 28, and October 5, 12, 2018

AUCTIONEER: Joe Ward, LlC, #MS237-04-79 Phone: 408.891.6108

934 HOL - FBNS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000265 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as CMT WOODCRAFT 375 Spring Grove Road Hollister, CA 95023 Phone: 408.288.5771 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: JOHN DAVID LONGABAUGH 375 Spring Grove Road Hollister, CA 95023 This business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on 09/01/2018 and 09/04/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 Publish Hollister Free Lance: September 21, 28, and October 5, 12, 2018

934 HOL - FBNS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000279 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as CGR FARMHOUSE 5890 San Felipe Road Hollister, CA 95023 Phone: 831.801.2213 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: LAURA REGENTZ 5890 San Felipe Road Hollister, CA 95023 This business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A and 09/11/2018 is

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Hollister will conduct a public hearing at its meeting on October 15th 2018, on or about 6:30 pm in the Council Chambers of Hollister City Hall at 375 Fifth Street, Hollister, California at which time the Council will hear all persons and receive information pertinent to: 2018-12 Vanga, MB Corporation – The applicant is requesting an approval from the City of Hollister City Council of a Cannabis Conditional Use Permit to operate a cannabis manufacturing facility at 1961 Airway Drive. The site is located within the Airport Support (AS) Zoning District further identified as San Benito County Assessor’s Parcel 053-420-005. 2018-13 NBI MB, Corporation – The applicant is requesting an approval from the City of Hollister City Council of a Cannabis Conditional Use Permit to operate a cannabis distribution facility at 1961 Airway Drive. The Site is located within the Airport Support (AS) Zoning District further identified as San Benito County Assessor’s Parcel 053-420-005. 2018-14 Fallon Farms, LLC - The applicant is requesting an approval from the City of Hollister City Council of a Cannabis Conditional Use Permit to operate a cannabis cultivation facility at 90 Fallon Road. The site is located within the Light Industrial (M1) the Zoning District further identified as San Benito County Assessor’s Parcel 051-120-018-000. Si desea información en español por favor llame al 6364360 o visítenos al 339 Fifth St. (Calle Cinco) Hollister, CA. The hearing may also be continued at the discretion of the Council. Information on the above may be obtained from the City Development Services Department, Planning Division located at 339 Fifth Street (Phone 831-636-4360). Please be advised that if you wish to challenge any of the above actions in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised in the public hearing described in this notice, or written correspondence delivered to the City Council, at, or prior to, the public hearing. CITY OF HOLLISTER by Christine Black, City Clerk Published – Friday October 5th, 2018 Si desea información en español favor de llamar al 831-636-4356x12 Mailing Address: PO Box 9 Hollister, CA 95024 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: MICHAEL BRIGANTINO 150 San Felipe Rd Hollister, CA 95023 This business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on 09/13/2018 and 09/13/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 September 21, 28, and October 5, 12, 2018

934 HOL - FBNS

the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 Publish Hollister Free Lance: September 21, 28, and October 5, 12, 2018

934 HOL - FBNS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000277 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as GT CUSTOM BUILDING, INC. 1903 MCCLOSKEY RD Hollister, CA 95023 Phone: 831.207.5081 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: GT CUSTOM BUILDING, INC. 1903 MCCLOSKEY RD Hollister, CA 95023 State: CA Al# 4180105 This business is conducted by: A CORPORATION The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A and 09/10/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 September 21, 28, and October 5, 12, 2018

934 HOL - FBNS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000285 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as MB CATTLE 150 San Felipe Rd Hollister, CA 95023 Phone: 831.207.7646

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000281 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as EMMY R. BENNETT 201-A McCray St. #256 Hollister, CA 95023 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: E Rachael San Miguel 30 Olive Street Hollister, CA 95023 State: CA This business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on 01/31/2018 and 09/12/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 September 21, 28, and October 5, 12, 2018

934 HOL - FBNS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000268 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as N & H CLEANING SERVICES N & H CUSTOM CLEANING SERVICES 320 Benito Rd Hollister, CA 95023 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: NANCY HERRERA 320 Benito Rd Hollister, CA 95023 State: CA NOLBERTO HERNANDEZ 320 Benito Rd Hollister, CA 95023 State: CA This business is conducted by: A MARRIED COUPLE The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A and 09/04/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the

County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 September 21, 28, and October 5, 12, 2018

934 HOL - FBNS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000289 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as BUDGET BLINDS OF MONTEREY BAY 10 Tyler Ct. Hollister, CA 95023 Phone: 831.313.0783 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: PHILLIP WILSON 10 Tyler Ct. Hollister, CA 95023 This business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on 09/05/2018 and 09/14/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 September 21, 28, and October 5, 12, 2018

934 HOL - FBNS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000291 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as EARTHQUAKE SALES LLC 1055 Nash Rd Hollister, CA 95023 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: EARTHQUAKE SALES LLC 1055 Nash Rd Hollister, CA 95023 State: CA Al# 200314110031 This business is conducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on 09/18/2018 and 09/18/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 September 28, and October 5, 12, 19, 2018


OCTOBER 5, 2018

CLASSIFIEDS A section of the Gilroy Dispatch, the Hollister Free Lance and the Morgan Hill Times



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This business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A and 09/25/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 October 5, 12, 19, 26, 2018



FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 646712 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as RK PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 7451 Monterey Rd Gilroy, Ca 95020 COUNTY OF Santa Clara: RKP, INC. 836 Hudson Pl. Gilroy, Ca 95020 This business is conducted by: A CORPORATION The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 05/18/2018 and 09/24/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara Regina Alcomendras County Clerk 70 W. Hedding St. San Jose, CA 95110 Publish Gilroy Dispatch: October 5, 12, 19, 26, 2018

LOST BLACK & TAN TERRIER 9/17 Last seen @ Hanna/


2nd. chipped, 13 lbs needs medication. Call: 831.613.4073 831.613.4073

STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL FROM PARTNERSHIP OPERATING UNDER FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME filed with the Clerk-Recorder’s Office of SANTA CLARA COUNTY File Number:646947 Filed 09/27/2018 Withdrawing as partner: DAN MITCHELL 1405 Welburn Avenue Gilroy, CA 95020 Business names and location HEINZEN MANUFACTURING INTERNATIONAL 405 Mayock Road Gilroy, CA 95020 COUNTY OF Santa Clara: The file date

GARAGE SALES HUGE HOLLISTER GARAGE SALE 931 ARGONNE AVE, SAT 10/6 7AM-3PM. Dolls, post cards, collectibles, toys, leather jackets, play pens, mirrors, window frames, golf clubs, Indian items, cheap prices and many free items. GILROY GARAGE SALE 861 MORNINGSIDE CIRCLE, SUN. 10/7, 8AM-2PM. Designer clothes, shoes, purses, household items and lots more!

MISC. FOR SALE FIREWOOD FOR SALE Almond Fire Wood for Sale, ready to use & free delivery. Call for price and details 209.676.0179

PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000295 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as RAYS STUMP REMOVAL 990 talbot dr hollister, CA 95023 Phone: 831.637.8686 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: RAY DOWNING 990 talbot dr hollister, CA 95023 State: CA Al# 1

12/13/2016 under file number 624276 Statement filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara Regina Alcomendras County Clerk 70 W. Hedding St. San Jose, CA 95110 Publish Gilroy Dispatch: October 5, 12, 19. 26, 2018

AN INDIVIDUAL The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 09/21/2018 and 09/21/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara Regina Alcomendras County Clerk 70 W. Hedding St. San Jose, CA 95110 Publish Gilroy Dispatch: September 28, and October 5, 12, 19, 2018

PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 646681 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as ELIZAS CLEANING 500 IOOF Ave APT 96 Gilroy, CA 95020 COUNTY OF Santa Clara: XOCHITL MANCILLA 500 IOOF Ave APT 96 Gilroy, CA 95020 This business is conducted by:

PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File Number: 2018-0000294 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ASTUDILLO TRUCKING 141 westside blvd Hollister, CA 95023 Mailing Address: p o box 2344 hollister, CA 95024 COUNTY OF SAN BENITO: ARTURO ASTUDILLO 141 westside blvd. hollister, CA 95023 This business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The registrant commenced To transact business under The fictitious business name or names listed above on 09/24/2018 and 09/24/2018 is the file date. Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Benito Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk 440 5th Street Room 206 Hollister, CA 95023-3843 October 5, 12, 19, 26, 2018

Get Noticed in Classifieds Post your yard sale, home rental, repair service, job opportunity, automotive sales, tutoring services and more.

marketplace.gilroydispatch.com For more info contact: classifieds@newsvmedia.com marketplace.sanbenito.com or call 408.842.6400 408.842.5066 marketplace.morganhilltimes.com


NewSV Media is accepting applications for independent contractors to INDEPENDENT CARRIER deliver the paper in and around the Gilroy, Morgan Hill and Hollister areas. If CONTRACTORS WANTED you are looking for extra money and have a reliable and insured vehicle with NewSV Media is accepting applications for independent contractors to deliver the a valid send resume to cmckee@newsvmedia.com. paper in anddrivers around license, the Gilroy, Morgan Hill and Hollister areas. If you are looking for extra money and have a reliable and insured vehicle with a valid drivers license, send resume to cmckee@newsvmedia.com

Experience helpful but not required.

Experience helpful but not required.

COLDWELL BANKER PLEASE JOIN US SundayUS 1-4 750 La Crosse Drive PLEASE JOIN JOIN PLEASE US New Listing Great Home, Huge

Gilroy | 4/3 | $748,800 Sat/Sun 2-4 1221 Blacksmith Drive New Price Location, Location, Location! This wonderful home is waiting for you. One downstairs bath & bed/office, indoor laundry, master suite. Close to schools & parks.

Gilroy | 3/2.5 | $799,888 7859 Plum Place Better than new!! Highly upgraded home less than a year old. Energy efficient features,upgraded Quartz countertops, stainless appliances + so much more.

Hollister | 3/2 | $517,500 770 A Street New Listing Lovely Single Story Home. Tile entry, living room w/ vaulted ceiling, fireplace, light & bright kitchen. Spacious front & rear yards. Workshop/shed w/ french doors.

Hollister | 4/3 | $1,225,000 Sunday 1-4 271 Magladry Court New Listing Must See Dream Home! Custom home built is 2017. Kitchen has built-in Viking appliances. 5 nearly flat acres, 5 stall barn, tack room, Fenced & cross fenced + much more.

Diana Dufur 408.848.2800 CalRE #02010169

Erica Trinchero 408.848.2800 CalRE #01305729

Debbie Corona 831.637.9233 CalRE #01000640

Brittany Walker 831.637.9233 CalRE #01974651

OPEN HOME GUIDE Saturday October 6, 2018 & Sunday October 7, 2018 | Gilroy

4/3 | $748,800 | Saturday & Sunday 2-4 1221 Blacksmith Drive | Diana Dufur 408.848.2800 CalRE #02010169

| Morgan Hill

3/2.5 | $775,000 | Saturday 1-4 1275 Mesquite Ln | Gabbi Thompson 408.779.5000 CalRE #02001346 2/1.5 | $525,000 | Sunday 1-4 16725 Rita Dr | Cindy Miller 408.779.5000 CalRE #01338104 5/3 | $1,129,900 | Sunday 1-4 750 La Crosse Drive | Denise Hendrick 408.848.2800 CalRE #01711667

| Hollister

4/3 | $1,225,000 | Sunday 1-4 271 Magladry Ct | Jack Markle 408.848.2800 CalRE #00701822 4/3 | $650,000 | Sunday 1-4 2501 Valley View Rd | Van Dahlen Dunne Group 408.779.5000

Morgan Hill | 5/3 | $1,129,900

Lot! Large, inviting floor plan w/ ground floor bed & full bath, large laundry room, updated kitchen, granite slab counters, and so much more.



CalRE #70003028

3/2 | $990,000 | Saturday & Sunday 1-4 4300 Gayle Drive | Lori Biasca 408.779.5000 CalRE #01947543

| San Martin

5/4.5 | $1,899,000 | Sunday 1-4 15130 Sycamore Ave | Cindy Blean 408.779.5000 CalRE #02023799 4/2.5 | $1,399,000 | Saturday & Sunday 1-4 985 Amistad Lane | Aida Pisano & Tony Johns 408.848.2800 CalRE #01990945/02068209




Fortino Winery | 4525 Hecker Pass Highway | Gilroy, CA 95020 Lunch by Old City Hall | Glass of Wine | Raffle | Silent and Live Auctions

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 | 11:30 AM-2 PM WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 | 11:30 AM-2 PM Fortino Winery | 4525 Hecker Pass Highway | Gilroy, CA 95020

3/2 | $1,499,950 | Sunday 1-4 3085 Fresno St | Jenny Huang 408.779.5000 CalRE #01362454


To purchase tickets, visit PartyInTheVineyardCB.EventBrite.com


FUNDRAISER BENEFITS FOR QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 11:30 AM-2 PM $25 BEFORE OCTOBER 3. $30 AT THE DOOR. FUNDRAISER BENEFITS THESE LOCAL CHARITIES WEDNESDAY, 10 |11:30 AM-2 PM | Gilroy, CA Fortino Winery 4525 Hecker Pass Highway 95020 Diane Baty 408.839.7541 | Diane.Baty@cbnorcal.com $25 BEFORE OCTOBER 3. $30 AT THEOCTOBER DOOR. LOCAL CHARITIES by Old City Hall Glass of Wine | Raffle | SilentTHESE and Live Auctions Fortino Winery | 4525 Hecker PassLunch Highway | Gilroy, CA| 95020 To purchase tickets, visit PartyInTheVineyardCB.EventBrite.com Toni Morris 408.848.7999 | Toni.Morris@cbnorcal.com To purchase tickets, visit PartyInTheVineyardCB.EventBrite.com Lunch by Old City Hall | Glass of Wine | Raffle | Silent and Live Auctions FOR QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT: $25 BEFORE OCTOBER 3. $30 AT THE DOOR. FOR QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT: Diane Baty 408.839.7541 | Diane.Baty@cbnorcal.com To purchase tickets, visit DOOR. PartyInTheVineyardCB.EventBrite.com $25 BEFORE OCTOBER 3. $30 AT THE Diane Baty 408.839.7541 | Diane.Baty@cbnorcal.com Toni Morris 408.848.7999 | Toni.Morris@cbnorcal.com Toni Morris 408.848.7999 | Toni.Morris@cbnorcal.com To purchase tickets, visit PartyInTheVineyardCB.EventBrite.com


Checks may to CBRB Com


Diane Baty 408.839.7541 | Diane.Baty@cbnorcal.com

FUNDRAISER BENEFITS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 | 11:30 AM-2 PM FOR QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT: Toni Morris 408.848.7999 | Toni.Morris@cbnorcal.com Fortino Winery | 4525 Hecker Pass Highway | Gilroy, CA 95020


Diane Baty 408.839.7541 | Diane.Baty@cbnorcal.com Toni Morris 408.848.7999 | Toni.Morris@cbnorcal.com

Checks may be made payable Checks be made Foundation. payable to CBRBmay Community to CBRB Community Foundation.

The Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Community Foundation is a chapter of the Realogy Charitable Foundation, Inc., incorporated in Delaware (Tax ID 20-0755090). The mission of the Realogy Charitable Foundation is to direct the Realogy Holdin volunteer activities, working to improve the quality of life in communities where Realogy Holdings Corp. has a presence. 44268

The Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Community Foundation is a chapter of the Realogy Charitable Foundation, Inc., a 501 (C) (3) public charity The Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Community Foundation is a chapter of theFoundation Realogy Charitable a 501Corp.’s (C) (3)philanthropic public charity incorporated in Delaware (Tax ID 20-0755090). The mission of the Realogy Charitable is to directFoundation, the RealogyInc., Holdings and incorporated in Delaware (TaxtoIDimprove 20-0755090). The of mission of the Realogy Charitable Foundation is to direct Realogy Holdings Corp.’s philanthropic and volunteer activities, working the quality life in communities where Realogy Holdings Corp. has athe presence. 442688SF_8/18 CalRE #01908304 To purchase tickets, visit PartyInTheVineyardCB.EventBrite.com volunteer activities, working to improve the quality of life in communities where Realogy Holdings Corp. has a presence. 442688SF_8/18 CalRE #01908304


Checks may be made payable to CBRB Community Foundation.



Checks may be made payable The Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Community Foundation is a chapter of the Realogy Charitable Foundation, Inc., a 501 (C) (3) public charity incorporated in Delaware (Tax ID 20-0755090). The mission of the Realogy to Charitable Foundation is to direct the Realogy Holdings Corp.’s philanthropic and CBRB Community Foundation. volunteer activities, working to improve the quality of life in communities where Realogy Holdings Corp. has a presence. 442688SF_8/18 CalRE #01908304

Diane Baty 408.839.7541 | Diane.Baty@cbnorcal.com The Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Community Foundation is a chapter of the Realogy Charitable Foundation, Inc., a 501 (C) (3) public charity Toni Morris 408.848.7999 | Toni.Morris@cbnorcal.com incorporated in Delaware (Tax ID 20-0755090). The mission of the Realogy Charitable Foundation is to direct the Realogy Holdings Corp.’s philanthropic and volunteer activities, working to improve the quality of life in communities where Realogy Holdings Corp. has a presence.

442688SF_8/18 CalRE #01908304

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 | 11:30 AM-2 PM Checks may be made payable

Gilroy | 4/3 | $999,888 9080 Ridgeway Drive Welcome Home! Don’t Miss This Beauty! Upgraded throughout w/ open floor plan, beautiful kitchen, formal living & dining rooms. Large backyard w/mature fruit trees.

Gilroy | 3/2 | $1,028,000 2229 Pacheco Pass Well Built Ranchett Set on a Peaceful One Acre Lot Located down a long landscaped driveway, away from the main road. This lovely home, has open floor plan w/1985 SF. Don’t miss it!

Ellen Sargenti 408.779.5000 CalRE #02056051

Janette Barsanti 408.779.5000 CalRE #01328474

Gilroy | 3/3 | $1,175,000 1140 Olympic Ct Stunning Home with Fabulous Views! Spectacular Sunrises! Views of the Valley & East Foothills. Gorgeous kitchen and landscaping designed & installed by Michael Bonfonte. Come check it out! Lisa Blagof 408.779.5000 CalRE #01302243

COLDWELLBANKERHOMES.COM Morgan Hill 408.779.5000 | Gilroy 408.848.2800 | 831.637.9233



Fortino Winery | 4525 Hecker Pass Highway | Gilroy, CA 95020 Lunch by Old City Hall | Glass of Wine | Raffle | Silent and Live Auctions Lunch by Old City Hall | Glass of Wine | Raffle | Silent and Live Auctions

Lunch by Old City Hall | Glass of Wine | Raffle | Silent and Live Auctions

| Santa Clara

Aida Pisano 408.848.2800 CalRE #01990945

Denise Hendrick/Erica Trinchero 408.848.2800 CalRE #01711667/01305729


| San Jose

San Martin | 4/2.5 | $1,399,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 985 Amistad Lane New Listing Unbelievable country estate horse property with vineyard, fruit and nut orchards, bocce ball court, and many more amenities on approx. 2.7 acres.

Fortino Winery | 4525 Hecker Pass Highway | Gilroy, CA 95020 to CBRB Community Foundation. Lunch by Old City Hall | Glass of Wine | Raffle | Silent and Live Auctions


The Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Community Foundation is a chapter of the Realogy Charitable Foundation, Inc., a 501 (C) (3) public charity

incorporated in Delaware (Tax ID 20-0755090). The mission of the Realogy Charitable Foundation is to direct the Realogy Holdings Corp.’s philanthropic and Hollister | 4/3 | $650,000 Morgan Hill442688SF_8/18 | 2/1 |CalRE $525,000 #01908304 volunteer activities, working to improve the quality of life in communities where Realogy Holdings Corp. has a presence. Sunday 1-4 2501 Valley View Rd 16725 Rita Drive See This Beautiful Home Today! Gated Senior Community $25 BEFORE OCTOBER 3. $30 AT THE DOOR. Great Neighborhood! Corner lot, At Cottage Green! Must be To purchase tickets, PartyInTheVineyardCB.EventBrite.com features downstairs bedvisit & bath, lg. 55+additional residents must spacious floor plan w/a gourmet be 45. Owner motivated to sell kitchen & family room combo. charming cottage w/high ceilings, QUESTIONS, PLEASE SweetFOR backyard,3car garage CONTACT:private & serene covered patio

Morgan Hill | 5/5.5 | $1,899,888 17320 Lakeview Dr Luxury Trophy Home Rare Stunning Views! Minutes to hwy 101, & surrounded by breathtaking vineyards, expansive parks, lakes,resorts,spas, world-class golf courses, & much more!

Cindy Miller 408.779.5000 Van Dahlen Dunne Group 408.779.5000 Toni Morris 408.848.7999 | Toni.Morris@cbnorcal.com CalRE #70003028 CalRE #01338104

Randy Basso & Yasir Aladdin 408.779.5000 CalRE #02065041/02003197

Diane Baty 408.839.7541 | Diane.Baty@cbnorcal.com

Checks may be made payable to CBRB Community Foundation.

Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Community Foundation is a chapter of the Realogy Charitable Foundation, Inc., a 501 (C) (3) public charity Californiahome.meThe cbcalifornia cb_california cbcalifornia coldwellbanker incorporated in Delaware (Tax ID 20-0755090). The mission of the Realogy Charitable Foundation is to direct the Realogy Holdings Corp.’s philanthropic and volunteer activities, working to improve the quality of life in communities where Realogy Holdings Corp. has a presence.

Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor agents and are not employees of the Company. The property information herein is derived from various sources that may include, but not be limited to, county records and the Multiple Listing Service, and it may include approximations. Although the information is believed to be accurate, it is not warranted and you should not rely upon it without personal verification. ©2018 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Owned by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. CalRE# #01908304

442688SF_8/18 CalRE #01908304



OCTOBER 5, 2018





GILROY 408-842-8244 • WWW.SOUTHCOUNTYCDJR.COM • MARIN 415-886-4929

$13,999 Net Price 2018 JeeP CoMPASS SPorT

$12,888 Net Price 2018 JeeP reNeGADe DUal air, Back Up camera, alloy Wheels, & more! 60 OThER REnEgADES TO ChOOSE FROm!


Wireless phone connectivity, exterior rear parking camera, perimeter/approach lights & more!

msRp.................................................................. $23,390 dealeR discount.............................................. -$4,752 sale pRice..........................................................$18,638 jeep ca bc Retail consumeR cash*.................-$2,500 jeep ca ccap non-pRime Retail bonus**............-$500 jeep ca non-pRime Retail bonus cash**..........-$1,250 chRysleR capital cash*** ..................................-$500 jeep ca 2018 Retail bonus cash* .................... -$1,000

msRp................................................................$22,435 dealeR discount.............................................-$4,686 sale pRice........................................................ $17,749 jeep ca bc Retail consumeR cash*.............. -$2,500 jeep ca non-pRime Retail bonus cash**..........-$750 jeep ca 2018 Retail bonus cash* .....................-$500

Net Price after DiscouNts aND rebates

Net Price after DiscouNts aND rebates


at this Net Price 8 at Gilroy

Wireless phone connectivity, exterior rear parking camera, perimeter/approach lights & more! 90 OThER ChEROKEES TO ChOOSE FROm!

5 at Gilroy

msRp ..............................................................$26,385 dealeR discount .......................................... -$5,636 sale pRice .....................................................$20,749 jeep ca bc Retail consumeR cash* ............ -$3,000 jeep ca non-pRime Retail bonus cash** .......-$1,250 chRysleR capital cash*** .............................. -$500

Net Price after DiscouNts aND rebates


5 at this Net Price

*Residency RestRictions apply. **FoR Fico scoRes below 620, must Finance thRough chRysleR capital, subject to cRedit appRoval. ***must Finance thRough chRysleR capital, subject to cRedit appRoval.

$15,999 Net Price 2019 JeeP Cherokee


*Residency RestRictions apply. **FoR Fico scoRes below 620, must Finance thRough chRysleR capital, subject to cRedit appRoval.

at this Net Price 20 at Gilroy


*Residency RestRictions apply. **FoR Fico scoRes below 620, must Finance thRough chRysleR capital, subject to cRedit appRoval. ***must Finance thRough chRysleR capital, subject to cRedit appRoval.


here IS oNe oF The BeST DeAlS ever! 1. Drive iN COMMUTer lANe 2. GeT HUGe TAx CreDiT fOr GOiNG GreeN $7,500** 3. PG&e MAil-iN rebATe $500



**tax cRedit Ranges FRom $0 to $7,500. actual savings FRom the FedeRal goveRnment depend on youR tax situation. check FedeRal and state websites RegaRding ev incentives as they aRe subject to change with little notice. consult youR tax pRoFessional FoR details.

“uNhearD of!”

at this Net saviNGs 20 at Gilroy 10 at mariN

dealeR discount oFF msRp ...............-$6,000 conquest bonus cash* .................... -$1,000

*Customers who are Currently leasing or own a Competitive brand vehiCle from the engine list below: plug-in hybrid • plug-in eleCtriCity • eleCtriC • fuel Cell eleCtriC • hybrid eleCtriC toward the retail purChase or lease. gas equipped engines do not qualify for this program. residenCy restriCtions do apply. see dealer for details.

2018 ChrySler PACIFICA hyBrID lIMITeD

----OR LEASE FOR----

$349.50 8

rD PER mOnTh 3 roW seatiNG, ParkiNG seNsors, PLuS TAx

Wireless PhoNe coNNectivity & more!

at this lease offer 8 at mariN

36 month lease, $5,995 total due at signing (includes $4,495 customeR cash plus $1,000 conquest bonus cash* includes $0 secuRity deposit, FiRst payment, dmv Fees and inteRest on total down tax not included. 10,000 miles peR yeaR, $.25 peR mile theReaFteR, subject to cRedit appRoval by chRysleR capital. Residency RestRictions apply.

#1 Pacifica*Per hybriD Dealer iN the NatioN* FCA rePort AUG. 2018





$10,000 Net Savings 2018 JeeP Jk WrANGler 4x4 --or-2018 JeeP GrAND Cherokee overlAND 4x4 *DIeSel* 2018 JeeP Jk WrANGler uNlIMITeD 4x4 navigation, leather, BlinD spot sensor, lane DepartUre, Distance pacing crUise control & more! dealeR discount oFF msRp ......................-$5,000 jeep ca bc Retail consumeR cash* .........-$2,000 chRysleR capital cash**.............................-$500 jeep ca 2018 Retail bonus cash* ...............-$500 jeep ca 2018 bonus cash* ....................... -$1,000 jeep ca diesel bonus cash ...................... -$1,000

navigation, leather, Wireless phone connectivity, heateD front seats & more!


Net saviNGs after DiscouNts aND rebates

Dealer DiscouNt off msrP


at this DiscouNt at Gilroy 4 at this DiscouNt uNlimiteDs: #891223, 822459, 847335, 908270 1 at this DiscouNt WraNGlers: #894976


4 at this DiscouNt at mariN 2 at this DiscouNt uNlimiteDs: #878361, 876182 2 at this DiscouNt WraNGlers: #912725, 838058

2018 FIAT 500e BATTery eleCTrIC


at this Net saviNGs 4 at Gilroy #394262, 394260,492547,504452 5 at mariN *Residency RestRictions apply. **must Finance thRough chRysleR capital, subject to cRedit appRoval.

$5,000 Net Savings 2018 FIAT 124 SPIDer

navigation, aUtomatic temperatUre control, premiUm aUDio system, Wireless phone connectivity, parking sensors exterior rear parking camera & more!

$19,888 Net Price 2018 ChrySler PACIFICA

3rD roW SeATS, WIreleSS PhoNe CoNNeCTIvITy, exTerIor reAr PArkING CAMerA, FroNT DuAl zoNe A/C & More!

BlIND SPoT SeNSor, leATher, uPholSTery AuToMATIC TeMPerATure CoNTrol, WIreleSS PhoNe CoNNeCTIvITy, PArkING SeNSorS, & More!

30% net savings oFF msRp!

lease for


$99 at this lease offer 2 at Gilroy #469619, 377367 8 at mariN

/mo. Plus tax

dealeR discount oFF msRp ................ -$4,000 Fiat ca bc Retail bonus cash* ...........-$1,000

36 month lease, $6,995 total due at signing (includes $4995 customeR cash, + $1,000 Fiat lease cash* + $1,000 conquest lessee bonus cash**) includes $0 secuRity deposit, FiRst payment, dmv Fees and inteRest on total down included. tax not included. 10,000 miles peR yeaR, $.25 peR mile theReaFteR, subject to cRedit appRoval by chRysleR capital. *Residency RestRictions apply. **must cuRRently lease a non-Fca vehicle, tuRn-in oR tRade-in not RequiRed, cuRRent RegistRation RequiRed.

2018 rAM ProMASTer 1500 loW rooF

#1 ProMaster dealer in CABC-per FCA-llC sales report Aug. 2018 dealeR discount oFF msRp.......................................................... -$4,750 Ram pRomasteR conquest bonus cash*..................................... -$750 Ram ca bc Retail consumeR cash**........................................... -$3,000 Ram 2018 on-the-job commeRcial equipment/upFit***...........-$1,000 Ram Fall commeRcial van season b&e bonus cash...................-$500



*Residency RestRictions apply.


*oFFeR applies to consumeRs who cuRRently own oR lease a non-Fca llc vehicle. tuRn-in oR tRade-in not RequiRed, copy oF RegistRation RequiRed. ** Residency RestRictions apply. *** a qualiFied commeRcial customeR that is cuRRently in business moRe than 30 days pRioR to the date oF vehicle puRchase is eligible FoR the on the job incentives. see dealeR FoR details.

I bought two! - Bill (Christopher ranch)

This is a Deal! – B. Gomez (Sacramento)

WIreleSS PhoNe CoNNeCTIvITy, exTerIor reAr PArkING CAMerA, reMoTe keyleSS eNTry & More! msRp............................................................................................$25,835 dealeR discount.........................................................................-$4,697 sale pRice................................................................................... $12,138 Ram ca bc Retail consumeR cash*........................................... -$2,500 Ram 2018 on-the-job commeRcial equipment/upFit**.............. -$500 Ram pRomasteR conquest bonus cash***................................. -$750 Ram Fall commeRcial van season b&e bonus cash. .................-$500

at this Net Price 5 at Gilroy


50 at this Net saviNGs! 50 at Gilroy

*Residency RestRictions apply. **a qualiFied commeRcial customeR that is cuRRently in business FoR moRe than 30 days pRioR to the date oF vehicle puRchase is eligible FoR the on the job incentives. see dealeR FoR details. ***must cuRRently own oR lease a non Fca us llc. vehicle. tuRn-in oR tRade-in not RequiRed, cuRRent RegistRation RequiRed.

All Roads Lead to South County 408-842-8244 A Part of the South County Family

at this Net Price 20 at Gilroy


*must Finance thRough chRysleR capital, subject to cRedit appRoval. **Residency RestRictions apply. ***FoR Fico scoRes below 620, must Finance thRough chRysleR capital, subject to cRedit appRoval.

Net saviNGs off msrP!

Came up from l.A., Got one! T. Smith (los Angeles)


dealeR discount oFF msRp .................................................. .-$8,338 Ram ca bc Retail consumeR cash*....................................... -$3,250 Ram ca non-pRime Retail bonus cash** .............................. -$1,250 chRysleR capital cash*** ....................................................... -$500 Ram ca 2018 Retail bonus cash*.......................................... -$1,000 Ram ca 2018 bonus cash*. .................................................... -$2,750 Ram ld diesel bonus cash. ................................................... -$1,000

Net saviNGs off msrP after DiscouNts aND rebates

Net Price after DiscouNts aND rebates



No way ‘til I got there. yes way! – r. Singh (Fresno)


Net Price after DiscouNts aND rebates

Net saviNGs off msrP after DiscouNts aND rebates

leATher, AuToMATIC TeMPerATure CoNTrol, WIreleSS PhoNe CoNNeCTIvITy, PArkING SeNSorS & More! #1 Ram DT Crew Cab dealer in Nor-Cal-per FCA-LLC sales report Aug. 2018

Net saviNGs off msrP after DiscouNts aND rebates

at this Net saviNGs 5 at Gilroy


msRp ....................................................................... $28,785 dealeR discount .................................................... -$5,397 sale pRice ..............................................................$23,388 chRysleR ca bc Retail consumeR cash** .............-$1,750 chRysleR ca non-pRime Retail bonus cash*** ....... -$750 chRysleR capital cash* ............................................-$500 chRysleR ca 2018 Retail bonus cash** ...................-$500

2018 rAM 1500 lArAMIe CreW CAB 4x4 eCo-DIeSel 4-Door NAvIGATIoN

Wireless phone connectivity, exterior rear parking camera, remote keyless entry & more!




@SouthCountyGilroy southcountycdjr_gilroy @SC_GilroyCDJR


*Residency RestRictions apply. **FoR Fico scoRes below 620, must Finance thRough chRysleR capital, subject to cRedit appRoval. ***must Finance thRough chRysleR capital, subject to cRedit appRoval.

All Roads Lead too South County 415-886-4929

A Part of the South County Family

@SouthCountyMarinCJDR southcountycdjr_marin @SC_MarinCDJR

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