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Police Log


Monday, Feb. 20

• 1:48pm. At Parkpoint Health and Swim Club on Foss Creek Cir., Reporting Party (RP) states that while she was in the gym her vehicle was keyed. Report taken.

• 4:18pm. A party came into the Police Department (PD) lobby stating that she was verbally assaulted by a female inside Lola's Market. RP and the other female “have a past.” Informational purposes only.

• 4:34pm Graffiti was reported on a retaining wall at Parkland Farms Blvd./Rosewood Dr. Report taken.

• 4:42pm. Fraud reported at Healdsburg Gas Mart on Healdsburg Ave. by RP who came to the PD to make the report for insurance purposes. Disposition: Report taken.

Tuesday, Feb. 21

7:14am. RP came to PD lobby to report that some time overnight on Mason St., someone “blew out the locks of his truck and stole over $5000.00 worth of Makita tools.” Disposition: Report taken.

8:06am. Graffiti reported at Harvest Grove apartments on W Grant St. on the back wall of the property as well as the trash enclosures.

9:00am. Battery was reported at Wicked Slush on Healdsburg Ave. by a Spanishspeaking RP, who said a physical fight in the parking lot between two males. Officers determined no prosecution required.

9:44am. Petty theft was reported by RP called to report that tools were stolen out of the toolbox of his truck last night on Center St. The toolbox was unlocked. Tools are valued at approximately $250.

• 10:23am. Graffiti occurred at Healdsburg Community Center on one of the metal containers on the property. Report taken.

2:01pm. Reckless driver reported at Giorgi Park on University St. RP stated a reckless driver swerved into RP's lane and hit a curb. RP confronted the female driver and then she and another passenger switched positions and drove away in an unknown direction.

3:30pm. Officer stopped a vehicle for expired registration at Healdsburg Ave. and Matheson St. The driver, a 26-yearold male, was cited for driving on a suspended license, and the vehicle driven home by his father.

Wednesday, Feb. 22

1:21pm. A 911 call from an employee at Garrett Hardware and Plumbing on Healdsburg Ave. stated that an irate customer yelled at staff and then exited the store and got into a white U-Haul truck in the parking lot. The subjects were contacted and asked to leave the store.

3:03pm. An officer contacted a 43-yearold man at Purity Chemical, North St., who was found to have an active “Do Not Cite” warrant issued by SCSO for outstanding $5,000 bail. Subject was arrested and transported to county jail after being taken to Sutter for medical clearance.

• 4:49pm. Petty theft occurred at Big John’s Market on Healdsburg Ave. An employee requested an officer respond, as they had video of the theft and vehicle information for the suspect, and wished to file a report.

Thursday, Feb. 23

• 11:16am. Mail tampering reported on Riesling Ln. RP called to report that her mail is being stolen from her mailbox. Four packages in the last week were taken and RP verified with the postal service that they were placed in her mailbox. The first occurrence was in Feb. of 2022.

• 1:12pm. Accident with property damage occurred at Rotten Robbies on Healdsburg Ave. Both vehicles and drivers remained on scene, no injuries & no airbags deployed. One vehicle blocking southbound traffic.

1:18pm. Mail tampering at Parkland Farms Bl./Healdsburg Ave. reported by a USPS worker who said he’s received multiple complaints regarding packages taken from customers’ porches/ mailboxes in the Parkland Farms neighborhood. RP is requesting extra patrol of the area; patrol officers contacted.

7:46pm. Violation of Court Order on Olive Cir. RP states he has a temporary restraining order against his neighbor, who unnecessarily called the fire department. RP states there was just a fire that he had lit in his fireplace. The fire dept. determined this as well. The RP considers this harassment and wants the information documented.

Friday, Feb. 24

• 12:44am. Officer initiated activity at Mitchell Ln./ Healdsburg Ave. A 43-year-old male was stopped for running a stop sign, and determined to be under the influence of alcohol. He was arrested on two charges and transported to County Jail.

• 2:07pm. Mail tampering reported on Riesling Ln. RP stated that packages have been taken from mailboxes in the Chablis/Riesling area. RP stated he and other neighbors are aware of the situation and have contacted USPS and asked them to stop delivering or hold the packages at the post office.

• 3:41pm. Occurred at Dry Creek Rd./Canyon Rd. RP stated there is a possible drunk driver behind her that keeps going into on-coming traffic. Silver Acura sedan. 1 person & a dog in the vehicle. Caller transferred to CHP.

Clarification: A report of a Feb. 8 incident in the Feb. 23 Tribune gave the impression that students at St. John’s were harassing another student. The aggrieved student was attending St. John’s; the others were not.

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