1 minute read
from Los Gatan 1-25-2023
by Weeklys
JAN. 15
• A man was arrested for being in possession of more than an ounce of marijuana on the first block of N. Santa Cruz Avenue at 2:08am.
• A person was reportedly punched and kicked following a road rage incident on Montclair Road and More Avenue at 2:55pm.

• Someone smashed the window of a vehicle parked on N. Santa Cruz Avenue and stole a backpack from inside.
JAN. 16
• A caller reported a car alarm was sounding for 20 minutes on Towne Terrace at 9:09pm.

JAN. 17
• A car was reportedly speeding through a neighborhood on Shannon Road and Los Gatos Boulevard with a “loud muffler” at 2:41pm.
JAN. 18
• A man was arrested for failing to appear in court on a misdemeanor charge on the 700 block of Blossom Hill Road at 4:05am.
• An unknown suspect stole a vehicle’s license plate on Jackson Street.
• A man was reportedly urinating on a bus stop sign and a tree on N. Santa Cruz Avenue at 12:20pm.

• A man was reportedly “kicking the air” on S. Santa Cruz Avenue at 3:20pm.
• A woman was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol on the first block of Bayview Avenue at 10:04pm.

JAN. 19
• A suspect was reportedly going through unlocked vehicles parked on Viewfield Road.
• A woman was arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting an officer on the 100 block of Anne Way at 10:46pm.

JAN. 20

• Someone stole a vehicle’s catalytic converter on Las Miradas Drive.
• Grand theft was reported on N. Santa Cruz Avenue.
JAN. 21
• Three men were arrested for grand theft and being in possession of a controlled substance on Winchester Boulevard and Highway 85 at 4:30am.
• A caller reported a man who reportedly had a rope wrapped around a fence on Miles Avenue.
• A man was arrested on a bench warrant on the 16100 block of Mays Avenue at 5:45pm.
• A man was arrested for inflicting injury on a cohabitant on the 100 block of Terreno de Flores Circle at 8:58pm.
Information is compiled from public records released by the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department.